Riker unter Verdacht

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William T. Riker steht unter Verdacht, den tanuganischen Wissenschaftler Dr. Nel Apgar , der sich mit der Erzeugung von Kriegerwellen beschäftigte, getötet zu haben.


  • 1.1 Kurzfassung
  • 1.2.1 Prolog: In letzter Sekunde
  • 1.2.2 Akt I: Riker unter Mordverdacht
  • 1.2.3 Akt II: Unbekannte Strahlung
  • 1.2.4 Akt III: Weitere Anschuldigungen
  • 1.2.5 Akt IV: Ein Hoffnungsschimmer?
  • 1.2.6 Akt V: Ein neues Motiv
  • 2 Dialogzitate
  • 3.1 Filmfehler
  • 3.2.1 Video-, DVD- & Blu-ray-Veröffentlichung
  • 4.1.1 Darsteller und Synchronsprecher
  • 4.2 Verweise
  • 4.3 Externe Links

Inhaltsangabe [ Bearbeiten ]

Kurzfassung [ bearbeiten ].

Nachdem Riker von der Forschungsstation Tanuga IV zurück auf die Enterprise gebeamt wird, explodiert die Station Sekunden nachdem Riker rematerialisiert wird. Chefermittler Krag verlangt daraufhin die Auslieferung Rikers, doch Captain Picard kann ihn überzeugen, eine Anhörung an Bord der Enterprise durchzuführen. Gleichzeitig wird die Enterprise immer wieder von einer unbekannten Strahlung getroffen, die die Außenhülle zu durchschneiden vermag. Das Intervall stimmt mit dem Energieausstoßintervall des Lambda-Feldgenerators von Dr. Apgar überein. Data, La Forge und Wesley erkennen, dass der Generator als Waffe konstruiert wurde und Dr. Apgar versuchte Riker zu ermorden. Der Kriegerwellenstrahl wurde jedoch vom Transporterstrahl abgelenkt und traf den Generator der Station. Picard präsentiert diese Ergebnisse auf dem Holodeck und die Simulation überzeugt Chefermittler Krag.

Langfassung [ Bearbeiten ]

Prolog: in letzter sekunde [ bearbeiten ].

Jean-Luc Picard und weitere Crewmitglieder nehmen an einem Kunstprojekt teilen und malen den Akt einer Frau. Data betritt den Raum und geht zu Captain Picard. Er informiert ihn, dass sie Tanuga IV erreicht haben und das Außenteam die Überprüfung von Dr. Nel Apgars Forschung abgeschlossen hat. Sie sind bereit auf das Schiff zurückzubeamen. Picard legt seinen Pinsel weg und er ermutigt Data auch die Arbeiten der anderen Studenten zu begutachten. Data geht zu einem Mann und sagt, dass Williams Malweise sehr bestechend ist. Sie sehr stark beeinflusst vom geometrischen Konstruktivismus . Das Bild von Lt. Wright verbinde die Unvereinbarkeiten der Surrealisten und der Irrationalität des Dadaismus . Als er Picards Bild sieht, blickt er für eine Sekunde zum Captain und sagt dann, dass es sehr interessant ist. Picard bedankt sich und fragt Data, in welcher Weise es interessant sei. Data antwortet, dass für gewöhnlich die freie Behandlung der Form dem Kubismus zugeschrieben wird, versucht er hier ganz unangemessen die kubistischen Stile von Picasso und Fernand Léger nebeneinander zu stellen. Zusätzlich zeigt seine Wahl von Farbe eine wahllose Mischung aufeinander prallender Stile. Dazu kommen noch die Einflüsse mehrerer proto-vulkanischer Stile. Picard bedankt sich nun für diese Analyse und verzichtet auf weitere Anmerkungen.

Logbuch : Computerlogbuch der Enterprise , Captain Picard, Sternzeit 43610.4 Nachdem wir eine Ladung Dicosilium zur Forschungsstation Tanuga IV gebracht haben, hat ein Außenteam einen Bericht über den neuesten Stand der Bemühungen Dr. Apgars erhalten, Kriegerwellen zu erzeugen: eine wertvolle neue Energiequelle.

Während Geordi La Forge bereits von der Station zurückgekehrt ist, befindet sich Commander Riker noch dort, um mit Dr. Apgar zu sprechen. Als Picard siche rkundigt, ob es Schweirigkeiten gebe, antwortet La Forge, dass es keine gibt, soweit es den wissenschaftlichen Teil der Mission angeht. Riker ruft nun die Enterprise und sagt, dass er bereit ist, zurück zu beamen. La Forge sagt Picard, dass Riker es ihm sicher selbst erklären wird. Chief O'Brien ruft das Maschinendeck und meldet einen Energieabfall. In diesem Augenblick explodiert die Raumstation . Picard steht von seinem Stuhl auf und sieht die Trümmer aus dem Feuerball auf die Enterprise zufliegen. Er ruft den Transporterraum und fragt, ob Commander Riker an Bord gekommen ist. O'Brien sagt, dass dfies noch nicht der Fall ist und er Probleme hat, die Verbindung zu halten. Dann gelingt es ihm Riker zu rematerialisieren. O'Brien meldet der Brücke, dass er an Bord ist. Riker tritt von der Transporterplattform und fragt O'Brien wieso er so angestrengt aussieht. Dieser antwortet, dass sie nicht sicher waren, ob sie ihn rechtzeitig zurückgebeamt haben. Riker fragt, was er damit meint und O'Brien informiert ihn, dass die Raumstation explodiert ist.Riker geht nachdenklich einige Schritte und versinkt in Gedanken.

Akt I: Riker unter Mordverdacht [ Bearbeiten ]

Logbuch : Computerlogbuch der Enterprise , Zusatzeintrag Ich habe von Commander Riker erfahren, dass der tanuganische Wissenschaftler Dr. Apgar als einziger an Bord der Raumstation war, als sie explodierte. Wir bleiben im Orbit, um den Unfall zu untersuchen.

star trek tng riker unter verdacht

O'Brien informiert Captain Picard, dass er das Transportersystem überprüft hat und keinen Fehler finden kann. Er hat auch nichts gefunden,d ass diesen Unfall erklären könnte. Picard erkundigt sich, wieso es diesen plötzlichen Energieabfall gab. Auch diese Frage kann der Chief nicht beantworten. Picard besteht allerdings auf einer Antwort und merkt an, dass die Tanuganer diese sicher ebenfalls erfahren möchten. Data meldet dem Captain, dass sie aufgrund der Trümmer nun wissen, dass der Reaktorkern der Station überlastet worden ist. Picard fragt La Forge, ob er auf der Station hörte, dass es Probleme mit dem Reaktor gab. Doch der Chefingenieur kann nur mit dem Kopf schütteln. Picard fragt nun Riker. Dieser sagt zunächst nichts. Picard spricht nun an, dass La Forge Andeutungen machte, dass sein Besuch auf der Station nicht nur eine Routineangelegenheit war. Riker sagt, dass es eine komplizierte Geschichte ist. Allerdings ist er sich sicher, dass sie nichts mit dem Unfall zu tun habe. Worf empfängt in diesem Augenblick einen Ruf vom tanuganischen Chefermittler Krag vom tanuganischen Sicherheitsdienst , der bittet an Bord beamen zu dürfen. Picard ist damit einverstanden und lässt Worf Krag auf die Brücke bringen. Picard rät Riker ihm vor seiner Ankunft noch so viel wie möglich zu erzählen.

Im Transporterraum empfängt Worf Krag. Dieser sieht sich im Raum um, während Worf sich vorstellt. Anschließend gehen sie auf die Brücke. Picard begrüßt ihn und stellt Riker vor. Krag tritt Riker gegenüber und sagt, dass er gekommen ist, um ihn zu verhaften, weil er unter Mordverdacht steht. Riker protestiert, doch Picard ergreift das Wort. Er versichert, dass sie bereit zur Kooperation sind. Krag unterbricht ihn und will den Gefangenen auf ihren Planeten nehmen. Picard möchte Krag nun unter vier Augen sprechen und übergibt das Kommando auf der Brücke an Riker. Picard und Krag gehen in Picards Raum, während die Blicke aller Offiziere Riker treffen.

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Im Gespräch mit dem Captain erklärt Krag, dass zwei Zeugen gehört haben wollen, die Riker den Doktor bedroht haben soll. Picard antwortet, dass er nur weiß, dass sie sich privat unterhalten haben. Krag sagt, dass es offensichtlich weit mehr war als eine private Unterhaltung. Allerdings werde Riker Gelegenheit bekommen seine Unschuld zu beweisen. Picard sagt, dass in ihrem Rechtssystem ein Mann solange unschuldig ist, bis seine Schuld bewiesen wurde. Krag sagt, dass das tanuganische Gesetz einen Verdächtigen als schuldig ansieht, bis seine Unschuld bewiesen ist. Soweit er die Vorschriften der Föderation kennt, will er die Auslieferung. Aber Picard weiß um das Recht des Captains, über die Auslieferungen einer seiner Offiziere zu entscheiden und wird dies erst tun, wenn ihm Tatsachen ersichtlich sind, die eine Verhaftung rechtfertigen. Doch Krag hat Bedenken, er wirft Picard Befangenheit vor und spricht ihm die Fähigkeit, objektiv zu entscheiden vollkommen ab. Schließlich findet man einen Kompromiss: auf dem Holodeck werden auf der Grundlage aller verfügbaren Zeugenaussagen und Computerdaten des Labors sowie aller Konstruktionsunterlagen und Entwurfsbeschreibungen die Ereignisse rekonstruiert. Commander Data wird als absolut objektive Person diese Ermittlungen leiten. Abhängig von dem Resultat dieser Ermittlungen wird Picard über Rikers Schicksal entscheiden. Anschließend verlassen Data und Krag den Raum.

Picard kehrt auf die Brücke zurück und weist La Forge und Mr. Crusher an, auf dem Holodeck die ganze Forschungsstation zu rekonstruieren. Er will, dass sie gemeinsam mit Data alles vorbereiten. La Forge und Riker sollen dem Computer genaue Angaben darüber liefern, was sie auf der Station gemacht und gesagt haben. Troi werde ihm bei der anschließenden Vernehmung assistieren. Picard sagt, dass sich seine Entscheidung über die Auslieferung auf die Ereignisse stützen wird, die sie auf dem Holodeck sehen werden. Riker fragt Picard, ob er ihn privat sprechen kann, doch der Captain findet dies in der gegenwärtigen Situation sehr unangebracht.

Akt II: Unbekannte Strahlung [ Bearbeiten ]

Logbuch : Computerlogbuch, Eintragung des zweiten Offiziers, Sternzeit 43611.6 Die Programmierung des Holodecks hat 18 Stunden und elf Minuten gedauert. Alle Teilnehmer werden jetzt ihre Plätze einnehmen. Technische Unterlagen und vollständige Protokolle des Laborcomputers ebenso wie die persönlichen Aufzeichnungen Dr. Apgars sind dabei verwendet worden. Die Rekonstruktion zeigt eine mögliche Irrtumsrate von 8,7%.

star trek tng riker unter verdacht

Picard, Riker, Troi und Krak betreten das Holodeck, auf dem das Labor nachgebildet wurde. Sie nehmen an einem Tisch Platz, dessen Platte ein Viertel eines Kreises beschreibt. Picard fragt Riker, ob er noch etwas sagen wolle. Riker erklärt noch einmal, dass er kein Mörder ist. Er ging als offizieller Vertreter der Sternenflotte in das Labor und hat als solcher gehandelt. Er hatte den Auftrag festzustellen, welche Fortschritte Dr. Apgar bei der Entwicklung des Kriegerwellenkonverters gemacht hat. An mehr war er nicht interessiert. Dann lässt er den Computer das Programm Riker 1 aktivieren. Sie sehen wie Riker und La Forge runterbeamen. Apgar stellte seine Assistentin vor. Mrs. Apgar kam hinzu und bat ihren Mann nichts zu übereilen. Sie bot den Gästen eine Erfrischung an. Dr. Apgar stellt nun seine Frau vor. Riker sagt, dass Apgar ihn über seine Fortschritte informieren soll, während La Forge und Apgars Assistentin die Daten durchgehen. Apgar ist einverstanden, auch wenn er anmerkt, dass ihn ihr vorzeitiges Eintreffen irritiert. Er versichert, dass die Sternenflotte ihren Konverter bekommen wird. Allerdings hatte er einige Rückschläge. Riker meint, dass sie ihn in keiner Weise drängen will. Sie wollten sich lediglich informieren. Apgar weist nun seine Assistentin an La Forge zu informieren und ihm Einblick in alle ihre Unterlagen zu gewähren. Tayna ging mit La Forge los und zeigte ihm ihren Lambdafeldgenerator . Dieser steht auf dem Planeten, da er mindestens eine Entfernung von 5000 Kilometern benötigt. Demnach zeigt sich Manua Apgar , die Frau des Wissenschaftlers dem Commander sehr zugetan und macht ihm ihre Aufwartung. Sie will mit ihm etwas trinken und ihn dann mit ihrem Mann allein lassen. Sie stoßen in einem Nebenraum an. Dr. Apgar wirkt abweisend und Riker gegenüber voreingenommen. Apgar fragt, wieso sie hier seien, wo er die Ergebnisse seiner Forschungen erst in drei Monaten vorlegen soll. Riker antwortet, dass sie eine andere Mission in diesem Sektor haben und die Gelegenheit nutzen, weil er Dikosiulium anforderte. Mrs. Apgar fragt, welche andere Mission sie in diesem Sektor haben und Riker antwortet, dass es um die Beobachtung einer Protosternenwolke geht. Die Enterprise kehrt morgen zurück. Riker versichert, dass sie ihnen keine Unnehmlichkeiten machen und auf dem Planeten übernachten werden. Mrs. Apgar besteht jedoch darauf, dass sie auf der Station bleiben und ist sicher, dass ihr Mann bei seiner achso wichtigen Arbeit nicht gestört werden wird. Dr. Apgar scheint nicht begeistert, doch Mrs. Apgar freut sich über Gesellschaft. Ihr Mann geht nun. Sie entschuldigt sich dann für das Benehmen ihres Mannes. Er ist zwar einer der größten Denker der Galaxis, doch auf anderen Gebieten ist er zurückgeblieben. Krag lässt nun das Programm unterbrechen und fragt Riker, ob es Mrs. Apgars Idee war, dass sie die Nacht auf der Raumstation verbringen. Riker bekräftigt, dass dies die Wahrheit ist. Dann sehen sie, wie Mrs. Apgar Riker in das Gästequartier führte. Dieser bedankt sich. Mrs. Apgar schloss die Tür und dimmte das Licht. Riker wollte etwas sagen, doch Mrs. Apgar begann davon zu erzählen, dass Intimsphäre auf so einer kleinen Raumstation sehr wichtig sei. Hier sei sie sehr oft allein, manchmal sogar stundenlang. Als Dr. Apgar die beiden im Gästequartier findet, reagiert er wütend und droht Riker. Er meint, dass er nicht der Narr sei, für den ihn ihre Frau hielt. Dann schlägt er seine Frau und versucht auch Riker zu treffen, der jedoch erfolgreich ausweicht. Am nächsten Tag äußerte der Apgar Bedenken, dass Rikers Bericht an die Sternenflotte in Folge der gestrigen Ereignisse negativ ausfällt und lässt sich auch nicht beruhigen. Apgar sagt, dass seine Frau und seine Assistentin runtergebeamt werden. Apgar sagt, dass er eine Erklärung für das angeforderte Material liefern kann. Riker will jedoch keine Erklärung und will Picard seine Beschwerde ankündigen. Riker kehrt zum Schiff zurück. Der Chefermittler fragt, ob Riker seinen Phaser nicht benutzte. Rikerr versichert, dass er seinen Phaser auf der Station nicht berührt hat. Der Chefermittler spricht den bislang ungeklärten Energieabfall auf der Station an und schildert seine Erkenntnisse. Er behauptet, dass der Stationscomputer einen Energiestoß registrierte, kurz bevor Riker beamte. Eine Berechnung des Schusswinkels soll belegen, das Riker den Doktor mit einem Phaser töten wollte. Nach seiner Hypothese traf er den Reaktorkern, woraufhin die Station zerstört wurde.

Akt III: Weitere Anschuldigungen [ Bearbeiten ]

star trek tng riker unter verdacht

Geordi kann diese Behauptung mit seinen Analysen am Terminal auf der Brücke nicht widerlegen. Data sagt, dass die Energiesignatur auf einen Phaser hindeutet. Wesley ist sich jedoch sicher, dass es nicht der Phaser des Commanders war. Es üsse eine andere Erklärung geben. Data fragt, ob etwas in dem Labor war, dass eine solche Entladung ausgelöst haben könnte. La Forge weiß aber von nichts derartigem. Er meint, dass er bei ihm bleiben hätte sollen und geht dann mit Wesley.

Data bekommt von Worf die Meldung, dass auf Deck 39, neben Frachtraum 12 ein Strahlenausbruch festgestellt wurde. Es handelt sich um eine unbekannte Art von Strahlung, die Emission ist auch nur von kurzer Dauer. Sie lässt bald schon wieder nach. Wesley und La Forge untersuchen die Wand. Sie hat ein Loch in eine Wand aus Duranium gebrannt. Dies wäre nicht mal mit dem Hauptdeflektor möglich. Wesley fragt, woher die Strahlen kommen, doch La Forge weiß darauf keine Antwort.

star trek tng riker unter verdacht

Auf dem Holodeck nimmt nun auch Ms. Apgar an der Anhörung teil, sie hat ebenfalls ihre Aussage eingebracht. Troi versichert ihr, dass ihnen bewusst ist, wie schwer es für sie sein muss und sagt, dass sie jederzeit eine Erholungspause bekommen kann. Picard fragt, ob sie eine Erklärung abgeben will. Sie verzichtet darauf und sagt dann, dass sie wisse, dass Riker ihren Mann getötet hat. Und so soll es sich nach ihren Schilderungen zugetragen haben: sie und ihr Ehemann verstehen sich sehr gut, sie erwähnt aber Probleme bei seinen Forschungen und spricht ihm Mut zu. Er solle sie nicht mit so einem langen Gesicht begrüßen, da sie dann gleich wissen würden, dass mit ihm etwas nicht stimmt. Dr. Apgar sagt, dass er noch etwas Zeit braucht und sie ist sich sicher, dass sie ihm diese geben werden. Er solle nur charmanter sein. Ned sagte, dass sie in solchen Dingen viel besser sei. Er meint, dass er eines Tages in der Lage sein werde, sie für alles zu belohnen, auf das sie verzichtet habe. Riker und La Forge trafen ein und sie bot ihnen eine Erfrischung an. Riker sagte, dass sie sich bemühen werden, es ihm so einfach wie möglich zu machen. Riker fragte Manua, ob sie ihrem Mann bei seinen Forschungen hilft. Als sie dies verneint, antwortet Riker, dass es ihm ebenso geht. Sie sagt, dass sie dieses Gebiet sehr faszinierend findet. Riker schickte La Forge mit Dr. Apgar ins Labor. Riker sagte, dass sein Bericht, die Forderungen nach weiteren Geldern unterstreichen werden. Dr. Apgar schickte seine Assistentin mit La Forge mit. Mrs. Apgar wollte mit ihnen etwas trinken und sie gingen in den Nebenraum. Mrs. Apgar gab ihnen jeweils ein Glas. Riker bittet darum auf dem Planeten bleiben zu dürfen. Dr. Apgar berichtet, dass er kurz davor stehe, ein großes Kriegerfeld zu generieren. Riker ging mit Mrs. Apgar in das Quartier. Dort habe er die Tür geschlossen und Mrs. Apgar heftige Avancen gemacht. Riker habe gesagt, dass ihr Mann sich mehr für Kriegerwellen als seine entzückende Frau interessieren würde. Sie meint, dass ihr Mann nach ihr suchen wird und Riker hält sie fest. Commander Riker protestiert nun, weil das niemals passiert sei. Picard lässt das Programm anhalten. Riker sagt zu Picard, dass er wisse, dass er so etwas nie tun würde. Dann steht er auf und geht vor. Er erklärt, dass er nicht derjenige war, der die Tür geschlossen hat und so etwas nie zu ihr gesagt habe. Auch hat er nicht versucht sie zu verführen und fragt Mrs. Apgar wieso sie so etwas behauptet. Diese antwortet, dass es so passiert sei. Troi sagt Riker, dass er sich setzen soll. Er nimmt wieder Platz und Krag lässt das Programm fortsetzen. Nun tritt Dr. Apgar ein und sagt, dass er genau das vorausgesehen habe und er nicht der Narr sei für den Riker ihn halten würde. Dann habe Riker Dr. Apgar angegriffen und mit zwei Schlägen in den Bauch zu Boden geschickt. Dr. Apgar habe gesagt, dass Rikers Karriere beendet sei. Riker habe geantwortet, dass Dr. Apgar mit einer Meldung einen großen Fehler begehen würde. Krag hält nun das Programm an. Mrs. Apgar sagt zu Riker, dass seine Karriere nicht gefährdet war. Ihr Mann war Wissenschaftler und schon am nächsten Tag hätte ihn ein Detail seines Experiments vollkommen abgelenkt und er hätte Riker und seine Beschwerde an die Sternenflotte vergessen. Dann verlässt Mrs. Apgar den Raum. Picard unterbricht nun die Anhörung. Riker und Troi bleiben im Raum zurück. Riker fragt, wieso sie so schrecklich lügt. Troi sagt, dass sie die Absicht einer Täuschung nicht bei ihr gespürt hat. Allerdings hat auch Riker die Wahrheit gesagt. Es sei die Wahrheit wie sie sich in ihrer Erinnerung jeweils darstellt. Riker sagt, dass ihre Version ihm aber die Schlinge um den Hals legt.

Doktor Beverly Crusher behandelt auf der Krankenstation eine Frau und sagt ihr, dass die Wunde gut verheilt ist. Sie sollte bald mit einem Konditionstraining beginnen. Da ruft der Sicherheitsdienst Dr. Crusher und fordert sie auf, die Krankenstation sofort zu verlassen. Wieder wird ein starker Strahlungsausstoß registriert. Die Strahlung brennt sich durch die Außenhülle.

Akt IV: Ein Hoffnungsschimmer? [ Bearbeiten ]

star trek tng riker unter verdacht

Data und Wesley untersuchen die Stelle. Es ist das gleiche Phänomen, wie es schon auf Deck 39 auftrat: eine harte gebündelte Strahlung. Die Herkunft ist unbekannt. La Forge sagt, dass die Antimateriekammer so einen Einfluss nicht sehr gut verkraften würde. Picard fragt, ob sie irgendwelche Vermutungen haben. Wesley sagt, dass Data etwas bemerkt hat, was zu ungewöhnlich ist, um ein Zufall zu sein. Bemerkenswert ist allerdings der zeitliche Abstand von 5 Stunden 20 Minuten 3 Sekunden zwischen beiden Vorfällen, denn die Explosion der Station ist viermal so lange her, mit einer Zeitdifferenz von 0,0142. Nun ist die nächste Strahlungsanomalie vorherberechenbar. Wie aber das Unglück und die Strahlen zusammenhängen ist noch unklar. Picard befiehlt, dass die lebenswichtigen Bereiche geschützt werden müssen. Wenn sie in fünf Stunden die Ursache noch nicht gefunden haben, werden sie den Orbit verlassen.

Nun bringt man noch die Darstellung von Apgars Assistentin Tayna vor. Sie beruht nur auf Gesprächen zwischen Apgar und Tayna, die diese nach dem Streit geführt haben. Picard bemängelt, dass es sich bei diesen Aussage um Informationen aus zweiter Hand handele. Doch das tanuganische Gesetz lässt auch dies als Beweis zu. Man sieht sich die Simulation also kritisch an: Demnach erwischt Apgar seine Frau und Riker im Gästequartier bei einem Kuss. Riker beginnt ein Handgemenge, doch Apgar streckt den Commander zu Boden, worauf dieser ihm droht: Sie sind ein toter Mann, Apgar! . Daraufhin verlassen Manua und Tayna das Labor und am nächsten Tag wird der Doktor von Riker getötet. Nun wurden alle Indizien und Beweise vorgebracht – Picard muss sich entscheiden.

Picard spricht mit Troi in seinem Bereitschaftsraum. Der Captain sieht sich gezwungen, seinen ersten Offizier auszuliefern, auch wenn er von dessen Unschuld überzeugt ist. Troi ist sich dessen auch sicher, doch der Captain kann als Offizier nicht persönlichen Gefühlen nachgeben. Die Fakten erfordern eine Verhandlung . Daher müsse er Will ausliefern. Troi fragt, ob sie nicht genug Fakten hätten, um seine Unschuld zu beweisen. Doch das muss Picard verneinen. Data ruft nun den Captain auf die Brücke. Picard und Troi begeben sich dorthin. Inzwischen glauben Data, Geordi und Wesley den Ursprung der Strahlung ausmachen zu können. Der Lambdafeldgenerator auf der Planetenoberfläche , den Apgar für seine Forschungen verwendete, stößt alle 5 Stunden 20 Minuten 3 Sekunden die Strahlung aus. Danach lädt er sich wieder auf. Picard fragt, wieso die Strahlung des Generators die Enterprise beschädigen sollte. Data kann sich das nicht erklären, da es ein harmloser Lambdafeldgenerator ist. La Forge sagt, dass sie natürlich nach einer Erklärung gesucht haben. So können sie auch den Grund für die Schäden auf dem Schiff und die Zerstörung der Station finden. Auch wissen sie laut Wesley nun, wer Dr. Apgar umgebracht hat.

Akt V: Ein neues Motiv [ Bearbeiten ]

star trek tng riker unter verdacht

Mit diesen Erkenntnissen soll eine neue Simulation nun Rikers Unschuld beweisen. Picard sagt Krag, dass sie alle Ereignisse geprüft haben und sich die Simulationen immer wieder angesehen haben. Er ist beeindruckt und erschreckt, wie viele Fakten gegen Commander Riker sprechen. Trotz der vielen Zeugen und ihren Aussagen, trotz der unterschiedlichen Blickwinkel konnten sie doch nicht sehen was wirklich geschehen ist. Picard lässt Manua Programm 1 laden und ruft Zeitindex 1441 auf. Apgar begrüßt Riker und Picard hält das Programm an. Picard sagt, dass Dr. Apgar sein Ziel bereits erreicht hatte und sie belogen hat. La Forge sagt, dass während der letzten Stunden auf der Enterprise eigenartige Strahlenphänomene aufgetreten sind. Sie haben sie als Kriegerwellen identifiziert. Tayna findet dies völlig unmöglich und fragt, wo sie entstanden. La Forge sagt, dass sie hier auf dem Holodeck entstanden. La Forge sagt, dass der Kriegerwellenkonverter reproduziert wurde und funktioniert. Der Feldgenerator auf dem Planeten hat harmlose Energieladungen abgestrahlt, die von dem Konverter auf dem Holodeck transformiert wurde. Riker wendet ein, dass das Holodeck nichts gefährliches kreieren kann. La Forge sagt, dass es das auch nicht tat. Genau genommen ist dieser Konverter nichts anderes als eine Anordnung von Spiegeln und ablenkenden Spulen. Die Energie des Feldgenerators wird aufefangen und dann in gefährliche Kriegerwellen verwandelt. Durch die Umkreisung des Planeten hat sich ihr Winkel zum Feldgenerator ständig verändert. Daher wurden verschiedene Teile des Schiffes getroffen. Krag fragt, wieso Dr. Apgar seinen Erfolg geheimhielt. Picard lässt nun das Manuaprogramm abspielen. Dann lässt er Programm Riker 2 abspielen. Sie sehen, wie Riker mit den Apgars auf den Erfolg anstößt. Picard und Troi sagen, dass Apgar ihr große Geschenke machen wollte. Das Abkommen mit der Sternenflotte hätte ihm allerdings keinen großen Profit gebracht, da sie nur an einer neuen Energiequelle interessiert wäre. La Forge meint, dass wenn er es in eine Waffe verwandelt hätte, die Romulaner oder Ferengi bereit gewesen wären, viel dafür zu bezahlen. La Forge sagt, dass er daher auch in den letzten Wochen immer mehr Dicosilium angefordert und sich für seine Verzögerung gerechtfertigt hat. Er wollte damit größere Ablenkungsspulen bauen. Als auch der Versuch fehlschlug, Riker mit seiner Frau abzulenken, entschloss er sich, den Offizier zu töten. Dazu aktivierte er den Generator auf dem Planeten, wie Tayna bestätigt. Picard lässt Riker Programm abspielen. Apgar rechtfertigte sich vor Riker und dieser verzichtete auf eine Erklärung. Picard sagt, dass diese Antwort für Apgar eine Bestätigung seiner Befürchtungen war. Krak weist darauf hin, dass der Energiestoß von Rikers Position abgegeben wurde und nicht von Apgars. La Forge erklärt, dass der Energiestoß aus dem Konverter Riker treffen sollte, wenn er das nächste Mal ins Labor käme. Doch als es zur Entladung kam, wurde Riker gerade gebeamt. Vom Transporterstrahl abgelenkt traf die tödliche Emission dann den Reaktorkern, so dass die Station explodierte. Dies war auch die einzige Emission, die verspätet auftrat. Der Grund lag darin, dass der Strahl 1,4 Sekunden brauchte um vom Transporterstrahl auf den Reaktor abgelenkt zu werden. Geordi beweist diese Vermutung, indem er das Szenario mit dem Energieausstoß des echten Generators und dem künstlichen Konverter nachstellt. Die im Holodeck erschaffene Station wird zerstört. Krag ist nun überzeugt und zieht seine Bitte um Auslieferung von Riker zurück. Bei Riker entschuldigt er sich. Troi legt ihre Hand auf Rikers Arm und lächelt.

Auf der Brücke fragt Picard Riker, ob sie im Tanuga-System noch weitere Aufgaben erwarten. Riker verneint dies und Picard lässt ihn einen neuen Kurs setzen. Man nimmt Kurs auf Emila II und Wesley fliegt die Enterprise weg.

Dialogzitate [ Bearbeiten ]

Picard und Data betrachten die Bilder einiger Kunststudenten Data Mhh… Lieutenant Williams Malweise ist bestechend. Sehr stark beeinflusst vom geometrischen Konstruktivismus. Data schreitet zum nächsten Bild Data Lieutenant Wright hat eine Brücke geschlagen zwischen den Unvereinbarkeiten der Surrealisten und der Irrationalität des Dadaismus. Data betrachtet Picards Bild und schweigt Data …Sehr interessant Picard Oh,… danke sehr. In welcher Weise? Data Während gewöhnlich die freie Behandlung der Form dem Fauvismus zugeschrieben wird, versuchen Sie… hier ganz unangemessen die kubistischen Stile von Picasso und Légère nebeneinander zu stellen. Zusätzlich zeigt Ihr Gebrauch von Farbe eine wahllose Mischung aufeinander prallender Stile. Dazu kommen noch die Einflüsse mehrerer protovulkanischer Stile und… Picard unterbricht ihn sichtlich verärgert Picard Danke sehr, Mr. Data! Data Nichts zu danken, Sir. Wenn Sie noch mehr hören möchten, dann… Picard Nein! Danke sehr.

Hintergrundinformationen [ Bearbeiten ]

Filmfehler [ bearbeiten ].

Obwohl das Holodeck mehrmals in der Folge angehalten wird, blinken die Computer dennoch im Hintergrund.

Merchandising [ Bearbeiten ]

Video-, dvd- & blu-ray-veröffentlichung [ bearbeiten ].

  • VHS Noch einmal Q – Riker unter Verdacht
  • TNG DVD-Box Staffel 3 - Disc 4
  • TNG DVD-Box Staffel 3.2 - Disc 1
  • Blu-ray TNG HD Restoration Staffel 3 - Disc 3

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  • … als Lieutenant Wright
  • … als Weiblicher Fähnrich (Abteilung Technik/Sicherheit)

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  • A Matter of Perspective in der englischsprachigen Wikipedia
  • Riker unter Verdacht in der Internet Movie Database
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A Matter of Honor

  • Episode aired Feb 4, 1989

Jonathan Frakes, Wil Wheaton, and John Putch in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

Under an Officers Exchange Program, Riker serves aboard a Klingon ship, whose aging captain seeks an unwarranted bloody retaliation for suspected Enterprise treachery. Under an Officers Exchange Program, Riker serves aboard a Klingon ship, whose aging captain seeks an unwarranted bloody retaliation for suspected Enterprise treachery. Under an Officers Exchange Program, Riker serves aboard a Klingon ship, whose aging captain seeks an unwarranted bloody retaliation for suspected Enterprise treachery.

  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Burton Armus
  • Wanda M. Haight
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Jonathan Frakes
  • LeVar Burton
  • 18 User reviews
  • 10 Critic reviews

Jonathan Frakes in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Jonathan Frakes

  • Commander William Thomas 'Will' Riker

LeVar Burton

  • Lieutenant Geordi La Forge
  • (credit only)

Michael Dorn

  • Lieutenant Worf

Marina Sirtis

  • Counselor Deanna Troi

Brent Spiner

  • Lieutenant Commander Data

Wil Wheaton

  • Wesley Crusher

Diana Muldaur

  • Doctor Katherine Pulaski

John Putch

  • Ensign Mendon
  • Capt. Kargan

Brian Thompson

  • Second Officer Klag

Colm Meaney

  • Chief Miles O'Brien

Peter Parros

  • Tactics Officer
  • (uncredited)
  • Security Officer
  • Command Division Officer

Randy James

  • Ten Forward Waiter
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Did you know

  • Trivia Brian Thompson was hired for his role, and then let go without notice before it was filmed. When he sought out a reason why, he was told that he was too large to fit into the costume Christopher Lloyd had worn for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) . He quickly volunteered to make any necessary alterations himself.
  • Goofs In Coming of Age (1988) , in which several young students fight for a place in Starfleet Academy, the Benzite Mordock gains the honor of becoming the first of his race to enter Starfleet. In this episode, less than a year later, Mendon, another Benzite, appears, not as an already graduated Starfleet ensign but as an officer from the Benzite fleet (in the same sort of exchange program as with Riker and the Klingon ship). Mendon is unfamiliar with Starfleet procedures. He instead continues to quote how it is done in his own fleet and, early on, how much better their way is, which would likely not have happened if he had attended the Academy.

Tactics Officer : [about the two female Klingons on board the Pagh] They are inquisitive. They would like to know how you would endure.

Commander William T. Riker : Endure what?

Lt. Klag : Them.

Commander William T. Riker : [looks at the women] One or both?

  • Connections Featured in Star Trek: The Next Generation: Shades of Gray (1989)
  • Soundtracks Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title Composed by Jerry Goldsmith and Alexander Courage

User reviews 18

  • anarchistica
  • Mar 24, 2020
  • February 4, 1989 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official site
  • Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (Studio)
  • Paramount Television
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Technical specs

  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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star trek tng riker unter verdacht

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First Contact (episode)

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An injury to Commander Riker during a reconnaissance mission threatens the prospects for first contact with a culture on the verge of warp travel.

  • 1.2 Act One
  • 1.3 Act Two
  • 1.4 Act Three
  • 1.5 Act Four
  • 1.6 Act Five
  • 2 Memorable quotes
  • 3.1 Production history
  • 3.2 Story and script
  • 3.3 Production
  • 3.4 Cast and characters
  • 3.5 Continuity
  • 3.6 Reception
  • 3.7 Video and DVD releases
  • 4.1 Starring
  • 4.2 Also starring
  • 4.3 Guest stars
  • 4.4 Uncredited co-stars
  • 4.5 Stunt doubles
  • 4.6 Stand-ins
  • 4.7.1 Script references
  • 4.8 External links

Summary [ ]

Riker is injured, and being treated at a hospital on an alien planet . The doctors, while trying to assess Riker's injuries, notice various peculiarities in his physiology – the cardial organ in the wrong place, missing costal struts , and digits on his terminus . His face had been surgically altered to help him blend in, but not his entire body.

Act One [ ]

Riker is posing as Rivas Jakara , a tourist from the Marta community on the southern continent . When he awakens, he explains to Dr. Berel that his abnormalities are genetic , and that his own physician, Dr. Crusher is familiar with them – but she's currently on sabbatical. The doctors and hospital officials of the Sikla Medical Facility are not convinced. Dr. Berel wonders why, of all the medical facilities on the planet, did the alien have to show up here. He decides to keep it quiet until they thoroughly check out his claims, but with a guard posted at his door "29 hours a day".

Picard and Troi make first contact

Picard and Troi make first contact with Mirasta Yale

The Malcorians are on the verge of possessing warp capabilities. Mirasta Yale , an eager scientist , presents her plans for a warp drive to Chancellor Avel Durken to get approval for funding, amid objections from the minister of security , Krola , who states that the people are frightened and confused by new technology. Ultimately, the chancellor agrees to fund the warp drive program, stating that his people should be looking to the future, not the past.

Later, Picard and Troi beam into Mirasta's lab as she is working, startling her. After introducing themselves, they inform her that they have been monitoring her progress with warp drive and now feel it is appropriate to initiate first contact with the Malcorians. In response to her natural skepticism, Picard offers to provide her with proof. Mirasta accepts, and they beam her back to the USS Enterprise -D with them.

Act Two [ ]

Mirasta Yale walks into Ten Forward with Picard and Troi. After seeing her homeworld from space through the lounge's large viewports , she begins to reminisce about her times in the planetarium when she was a nine-year-old. She had always wanted to know about other worlds and cultures. Captain Picard and Deanna Troi explain to Yale that they had been monitoring her planet for years, analyzing their popular culture, broadcast signals, and entertainment. Picard explains how the Federation also sends down observation teams to blend in with the culture. He reveals to Yale that the undercover observation teams have been gathering information on her species for years. Picard then tells Yale that Riker was sent down undercover to coordinate with the observation teams in final preparations for first contact. He is now missing on the planet somewhere near the capital city . Yale agrees to do whatever she can to find him.

Rike being questioned by berel

"Jakara" is questioned by Doctor Berel

Yale states that the Malcorians' culture holds the belief of being superior in the galaxy and that it may be difficult to change that belief. Yale asks Picard not to discuss the missing Riker in front of Chancellor Durken and Krola, for fear that Krola will use him as a scapegoat in calling the warp project as a great threat to their culture and race.

Back in the hospital, there is quite a stir. Doctor Berel is annoyed over the attention, but the nurse Tava says that it will ultimately be very difficult to hold back the interest. Riker (Jakara) is being questioned in his room. Doctor Berel tells him that there is no Doctor Crusher on the planet. He accuses Riker of being a member of an alien species . Riker continues to deny the accusations; however, the doctor advises that he believes Riker is hiding something and that he cannot stay in hiding forever.

Meanwhile, a busy Chancellor Durken reluctantly receives Yale to his office with Picard following behind. Durken is shocked over what he sees, and Yale suggests that Durken clear his afternoon schedule.

Act Three [ ]

Durken and Picard drink wine

Picard and Durken share a glass of wine

Chancellor Durken is given a tour of the Enterprise and is brought to the bridge by Picard with Yale. Chancellor Durken and Yale both meet Commander Data as well, in awe of the android , a "constructed being" as Yale puts it. Data replies that "artificial lifeform" would be the more accurate term. After the captain and the chancellor leave them to speak privately to one another, Data informs Yale that there is still no word from Commander Riker. They have continued to scan the capital city for him without success.

In Captain Picard's ready room , Picard offers Durken wine from his brother 's vineyard . Picard proposes a toast to the new friendship between the Federation and the Malcorians. Durken does not completely trust Picard's overtures of friendship, and he perceives it as a prelude to attack from an interstellar conqueror. Durken asks what Picard will do if the chancellor asks them never to return to his planet. Picard says that they will respect his wishes and stay away.

Picard explains the Prime Directive after Durken asks why the Federation would not offer their superior technology to his people. Picard says that such an act would be irresponsible and destructive. Durken agrees and goes back to his family on the planet, deciding to tell his children that he had a good day.

Riker and Lanel

" There are differences in the way that my people make love. " " I can't wait to learn. "

Back in the hospital, Riker is attempting to escape by smashing out a window with a metal bench where he encounters a nurse named Lanel , who tells him he cannot escape due to the guards outside. Lanel asks if Riker is an alien. When he says no, she does not believe him. Lanel offers to let Riker escape to his spaceship in space, but only if he would make love to her. Riker says no, but Lanel insists, eager to learn how Humans make love. " I can't wait to learn ", she eagerly says.

Lanel fulfills her part of the bargain, distracting a guard by saying she thinks Riker is dead. Lanel asks if she will ever see Riker again. Riker says " I'll call you the next time I pass through your star system. " He runs into several people who stop his escape and begin to beat him. The beating exacerbates the injury to his kidney and he begins bleeding internally . Doctor Berel, growing tired of the escalation in violence, instructs his staff to contact central security and to escort Riker back to his room for surgery.

Act Four [ ]

Durkens staff meet to discuss first contact

Durken and his staff meet to discuss first contact with the Federation

Krola, Yale, Chancellor Durken, and a member of their staff are having a meeting regarding what to do in regard to first contact with the Federation. Krola believes that Yale and Chancellor Durken are being naive and that the reforms Yale and Durken are making are destroying the Malcorian culture. After they state that Krola is overreacting and that Captain Picard has no intention of conquering the planet, Krola says that they do not have to since Durken and Yale are willing to give over their planet with open arms. In order to further drive home his point, Krola says that he has captured a spy – Commander Riker. Yale then explains how the captured man is Captain Picard's first officer, and that she instructed Picard not to discuss Riker with Durken. Durken then angrily demands all the information that Yale was keeping from him.

Krola arrives at the Sikla Medical Facility to interrogate Commander Riker. Yale pleads to contact the Enterprise to help Riker. Krola asks Doctor Berel to revive Commander Riker using drugs that would increase his heart rate and vascular pressure, but Berel refuses, citing an analog to the Hippocratic Oath that he will "do no harm". Krola then promptly says that he will find someone else to replace Berel.

At their next meeting, a deeply concerned Chancellor Durken confronts Captain Picard with Commander Riker's discovery on the planet when Picard arrives in Durken's office. Picard explains that when Starfleet met with the Klingons , contact was "disastrous" and decades of war resulted. After that, the Federation decided that surveillance of this nature was necessary. He assures Durken that in time, full disclosure of the surveillance would have been made. Picard had hoped that his crew would have found Commander Riker before the Malcorians did, because the Malcorians most likely would have reacted negatively to the Federation's arrival. Durken is pleased with Picard's forthrightness, and comforted by the fact that he makes mistakes. Durken informs Picard that he will make a decision later regarding Riker.

Back in the medical facility, Krola relieves Berel as medical director and locates Dr. Nilrem , who agrees to revive Riker.

Act Five [ ]

Once Riker is revived, Krola asks to be left alone with him. Krola agrees to bring Riker's people to the hospital, but only after he answers his questions.

Worf and crusher see to riker

Doctor Crusher and Lieutenant Worf see to Commander Riker

Chancellor Durken is furious with Yale, stating that he would have asked for her resignation if it weren't for her vast expertise in space travel. Durken says that he is prepared to release Riker to Picard once he has been questioned, but Yale states that Riker condition is extremely grave, and he might not survive interrogation.

Krola demands to know why a race of peaceful people would have a need for such lethal weapons, while holding Riker's phaser . Riker explains that the weapon is only used for defense, but Krola does not believe him. Krola says that he must force Durken to keep him from forging an accord with the Federation. Krola then places the phaser in Riker's hands and fires it into his own chest, hoping to die as a martyr. Riker passes out again as Nilrem and Tava enter the room; they believe that Riker has shot Krola and that the security minister is going to die.

Doctor Crusher, Worf , and Martinez materialize in the hospital room at this point to rescue Riker. She reports Krola's condition and that she will need to beam him up as well. Picard, who is in Durken's office, receives word of this and says that he will meet them on the Enterprise . Durken accompanies him. Crusher reports that Riker was stabilized and that they saved him just in time. Krola is fine as well, because the phaser was only set on stun, but Dr. Crusher is able to ascertain that his injury was self-inflicted, answers the Chancellor's speculation that the two struggled for the weapon by explaining that Commander Riker was in no position to offer any struggle. Upon regaining consciousness, he weakly begs Durken once more not to trust the aliens nor pursue relations with them.

In Captain Picard's ready room, Chancellor Durken regretfully declines Picard's offer for first contact. He intends to delay the development of warp technology to allow the Malcorians more time to prepare themselves in regards to their society and culture. Picard agrees, though he regrets that he will not be able to learn more about Malcorian society. He asks Durken how they will keep the alien contact a secret. Durken says that even though stories of a government conspiracy will circulate for many years, they will pass in time as people deem them untrue conspiracy theories.

As a final request, Yale requests that Picard take her with him. Picard warns that the Federation may not return to Malcor III for many years, but Yale insists that space travel has been her dream since childhood. Picard summons Worf to escort Chancellor Durken to the transporter room and to assign quarters to Yale. Picard bids Durken farewell, hoping that they will meet again someday to continue their friendship.

Memorable quotes [ ]

" I can't find his cardial organ. (searching in new area) There it is. Up here. " " In his digestive tract? "

" What are you? "

" Mirasta Yale? " " Yes? " " Please, don't be alarmed at our appearance. " " My name is Jean-Luc Picard. This is my associate, Deanna Troi. "

" It's everything I ever dreamed of. "

" … will you help me [get out of here]? " " If you make love to me. " " … What? " " I've always wanted to make love with an alien. " " … It's not that easy, there are differences in the way that my people make love. " " I can't wait to learn. "

" Chancellor, I think… you might want to clear your afternoon schedule for this. "

" Will I ever see you again? " " I'll call you the next time I pass through your star system. "

" It's far more likely that I'm a weather balloon than an alien. "

" … he is a living, intelligent being. I don't care if the chancellor himself calls down here. I have sworn an oath to do no harm, and I will not! "

Background information [ ]

Production history [ ].

  • Final draft script: 28 November 1990 [1]
  • Filmed: 30 November 1990 – 11 December 1990
  • Insert shot filmed: 30 January 1991
  • Premiere airdate: 18 February 1991
  • First UK airdate: 28 September 1994

Story and script [ ]

  • "First Contact" derived from a story that Marc Scott Zicree had pitched in the third season . Zicree recalled, " It's very hard to sell to Star Trek . They've gone months without buying any stories. I had done up something like 50 or 60 stories in pitching to the show. Usually I sell on the first or second story. I must have run fifteen stories by them before we hit 'First Contact.' Piller liked the stuff so he kept saying keep going. At one point Ira Behr was joking and said this guy is an idea machine, we should just lock him in a room and have him slip paper out from under the door. It was the day before Thanksgiving in 1989, and the meeting was at 5:00 in the morning. Everyone was sick of being there and wanted to go home, and it was a hard pitch for a while. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 216)
  • Piller found the concept irresistible – to show for the first time how first contacts are dealt with in the Federation. The idea went through various permutations, including versions by " Tin Man " writers Dennis Russell Bailey and David Bischoff , as well as one by Ronald D. Moore and Joe Menosky which took the point of view of the Enterprise crew. At one point the story was considered for the season cliffhanger, and in another called "Graduation" it was to have been Wesley's final episode, in which he was to remain on the planet following the cultural contact mission. According to Zicree, one version had the planet discovering the Federation by taking in a crippled Enterprise shuttlecraft, while in another the members of the away team became celebrities. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion  (2nd ed., p. 156))
  • For Piller, what held the episode back was not the idea itself. He recalled, " Our rules told us we never have open shows, and we wrote the first two drafts from our point of view and I realized it wasn't working. The thing that was holding us back was a rule, and I'm very much a supporter of the rules of Gene 's universe, but I also love to break them if they're in the interest of the show. I went to Rick and said that even though I know he doesn't like to break format, this could be a special show if he would let me write it from the alien point of view. He did, as long as I let everyone know that we weren't going to ever break this rule again. No other show in the history of Star Trek has taken the alien perspective of our characters, and I think that makes it very special and very unique. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 216) This format ended up being revisited for Star Trek: Voyager 's " Distant Origin ".
  • The basic plot was seen as a homage to the classic science fiction film, The Day the Earth Stood Still (directed by Robert Wise ). Piller remarked, " I said it was a '50s space movie except we're the aliens and that's really the way I tried to write it. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 216)

Production [ ]

  • David Livingston noted, " It's the first episode where we really broke the mold. From a visual standpoint, we tried to create sets, wardrobe and medical instruments that looked evocative of our culture today, but were different, and add enough that they didn't say we just rented a gurney from Central Props. We took a lot of pains in terms of talking about the props and the set dressing, so that it looked a little bit odd. I think this we were pretty successful. It was very hard, but I think the audience identified with these people. It was how I would feel at first contact. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 216)
  • "First Contact" was filmed between Friday 30 November 1990 and Tuesday 11 December 1990 on Paramount Stage 8 , 9 , and 16 . On the first day, 30 November, the previous episode " Clues " was completed and only a short scene between Patrick Stewart and George Coe in the ready room was filmed. An additional scene in Riker's hospital room was filmed as an insert shot on Wednesday 30 January 1991 on Paramount Stage 8 during the production of the episode " The Nth Degree ".
  • Several scenes which were planned were either dropped or cut from the episode. These are scene 17 and 18 in an extended version including several background actors like Joycelyn Robinson and Gerard David and scenes 8, 15, and 16 set in the transporter room when Mirasta Yale and Chancellor Durkin were beamed aboard, went through a corridor and visited engineering. According to the call sheet of Tuesday 4 December 1990 there were also many more background performers scheduled to appear in Ten Forward.

Cast and characters [ ]

  • This episode marks the first instance of an actor ( Bebe Neuwirth ) from the acclaimed sitcoms Cheers and Frasier , also distributed by Paramount, guest-starring on TNG. Neuwirth's scene was written in late with her in mind for the role. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion  (2nd ed., p. 156)) The next was in the fifth season episode " Cause And Effect ", with Kelsey Grammer appearing as the captain of the time-trapped USS Bozeman . The two had starred together on both Frasier and Cheers as husband and wife, and later ex-husband and wife. The entire principal cast of Frasier , except for Kelsey Grammer, later did a skit with Kate Mulgrew spoofing Star Trek: Voyager for the Star Trek 30th anniversary special.
  • Carolyn Seymour previously appeared as a Romulan , Sub-commander Taris , in the second season episode " Contagion " and later played a different Romulan, Commander Toreth , in the sixth season episode " Face Of The Enemy ". She went on to play Mrs. Templeton in VOY : " Cathexis " and " Persistence of Vision ".
  • LeVar Burton ( Geordi La Forge ) does not appear in this episode.

Continuity [ ]

  • Marc Scott Zicree later wrote the story for the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode " Far Beyond the Stars ".
  • "First Contact" was later used for the title of the second Next Generation film , and the eighth film overall.
  • When offering a glass of wine to Chancellor Durken, Picard says that the wine was given to him by his brother Robert. He is referring to the events of the episode " Family ". In that episode, Robert asks him not to drink it alone, and Picard grants his brother's wish here.
  • This marks the third of four times the Captain shows a native female her home planet from orbit. This also happens with Rivan in " Justice ", Nuria in " Who Watches The Watchers " and Lily in Star Trek: First Contact . This approach clearly has meaning to the Captain as he tells Anij in Star Trek: Insurrection , seeing his home planet from space for the first time was a moment where time stood still.
  • This is one of only five TNG episodes that don't have a stardate. The others are " Symbiosis ", " Tapestry ", " Liaisons ", and " Sub Rosa ".

Reception [ ]

  • Entertainment Weekly ranked this episode number eight on their list of "The Top Ten Episodes" to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation . [2]
  • Jonathan Frakes remarked, " I'm not sure that the writing in that episode was as good as it could have been. I really liked the story idea, [but] it had loopholes. It was loaded with great actors; George Coe and George Hearn and Bebe, who was a delight. What a funny woman. I loved that scene. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 216)
  • Marina Sirtis commented, " I thought it was one of the most interesting episodes of the season. It was something so obvious that we hadn't addressed and an issue that hadn't been brought up in 150 episodes of Star Trek . Of course there are going to be people who are going to get warp power and are going out into space. How do we deal with this? I thought it was a really good episode and Patrick agreed that we were exactly the right two people to go down to the planet and say hi. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 216)
  • Director Cliff Bole comments, " Originally, when I read it, my challenge was how to handle all the talking, because it was a very talky show. Real talky, and sometimes between just two people. I think we came out all right with it. I don't know how it stands in the [fan] rating. I would like to do a first contact story that results in a nice big conflict. I think that can be an issue show. Look at what's happening in Europe. I think they should make contact and really step into it. Picard actually made references to that in dialogue. He said something about that happening with the Klingons, that the first contact with them became a 100-year war. " ("Cliff Bole – Of Redemption & Unification", The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine  issue 17 , p. 34)
  • A mission report for this episode, by John Sayers, was published in The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine  issue 16 , pp. 26-29.

Video and DVD releases [ ]

  • Original UK VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video ): Volume 45, 6 April 1992
  • UK re-release (three-episode tapes, Paramount Home Entertainment ): Volume 4.5, 16 July 2001
  • As part of the TNG Season 4 DVD collection

Links and references [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Patrick Stewart as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
  • Jonathan Frakes as Cmdr. William Riker

Also starring [ ]

  • Michael Dorn as Lieutenant Worf
  • Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher
  • Marina Sirtis as Counselor Deanna Troi
  • Brent Spiner as Lt. Commander Data

Guest stars [ ]

  • George Coe as Avel Durken
  • Carolyn Seymour as Mirasta Yale
  • George Hearn as Berel
  • Michael Ensign as Krola
  • Steven Anderson as Nilrem
  • Sachi Parker as Tava
  • Bebe Neuwirth as Lanel

Uncredited co-stars [ ]

  • Anthony as Ten Forward waiter
  • Thomas J. Booth as operations division officer
  • Michael Braveheart as Martinez
  • Carter as Malcorian nurse
  • Gilbert Combs as Malcorian med tech
  • Davis as Malcorian doctor
  • Chris Doyle as Malcorian guard
  • Elliot Durant III as operations division ensign
  • Keppler as Malcorian nurse
  • Bruce Koski as Malcorian med tech
  • Manicone as Malcorian med tech
  • McConnell as Malcorian minister
  • Tim McCormack as Bennett
  • Michael Moorehead as civilian
  • Pastor as Malcorian doctor
  • Perez as Malcorian minister
  • Randy Pflug as Jones
  • James Washington as Malcorian doctor
  • Bolian ensign
  • Female Malcorian hospital com voice
  • Female operations division ensign
  • Malcorian assistant (voice)
  • Male Malcorian hospital com voice
  • Two civilian women

Stunt doubles [ ]

  • Dan Koko as stunt double for Jonathan Frakes
  • Frank Orsatti as stunt double for Steven Anderson

Stand-ins [ ]

  • Michael Braveheart – utility stand-in
  • Bill Craig – stand-in for George Hearn
  • Jeremy Doyle – utility stand-in
  • Margaret Flores – stand-in for Marina Sirtis
  • Nora Leonhardt – stand-in for Marina Sirtis , Sachi Parker , Bebe Neuwirth , and Carolyn Seymour
  • Tim McCormack – stand-in for Brent Spiner , Steven Anderson , George Coe , and Michael Ensign
  • Lorine Mendell – stand-in for Gates McFadden and Carolyn Seymour
  • Randy Pflug – stand-in for George Hearn
  • Keith Rayve – utility stand-in
  • John Rice – utility stand-in
  • Richard Sarstedt – stand-in for Jonathan Frakes , Michael Ensign , and George Coe
  • Dennis Tracy – stand-in for Patrick Stewart
  • James Washington – stand-in for Michael Dorn

References [ ]

" a lot "; accord ; acting ; address ; adrulmine ; alien ; " all right "; android ; angle ; arrival ; artificial lifeform ; " as well "; associate ; assumption ; " at home "; " at least "; attention ; Betazed ; birth defect ; Bolian ; brain activity ; broadcast signal ; capital city ; capture ; cardial organ ; cardial rate ; case ; " catch their breath "; Central Security (Malcor III) ; century ; chance ; chancellor ; Chateau La Barre ; chest ; chorus ; circulation ; circulation pattern ; Code Blue ; code 3 drill ; community ; confrontation ; confusion ; conqueror ; consciousness ; conspiracy ; cosmetic surgery ; costal strut ; cranial damage ; cranial lobe ; crisis room ; daily broadcast ; danger ; dark ages ; day ; death ; decade ; deep space ; del-scan series ; device ; diagnostic bed ; digestive tract ; digit ; diplomacy ; disappearance ; dissent ; distraction ; door ; drug ; Durken's family ; Earth ; eating establishment ; economics ; education ; Engineering station ; entertainment ; Environmental station ; era ; error : evening meal ; evidence ; experience ; expertise ; family ; fear ; federation (government); fiction ; first contact ; " for instance "; friend ; friendship ; fruit ; Garth system ; genetic mutation ; genetic trait ; goal ; grapes ; guard ; " had no business "; hallway ; hand ; high frequency E-M charge unit ; history ; home ; hour ; humor ; hundred ; idea ; idealist ; ideology ; imagination ; implant ; " in a manner of speaking "; information ; inherited genetic trait ; injury ; innocence ; instinct ; instructor ; internal bleeding ; Internal Security ; interrogation ( questioning ); Jakara, Rivas ; Jakara's father ; Jakara's neighbors ; jewelry ; joke ; journalism ; Klingon Empire ; lab ; language ; " last thing "; launch ; leader ; life ; lifeform ; light ; light barrier ; light year ; logic ; location ; " lost your mind "; Lupo ; lying ; machine ; " make love "; Malcor III ; Malcor III capital city ; Malcor III primary ; Malcor III system ; Malcorians ; Malcorian civilians ; Malcorian language ; Malcorian warp ship ; Marta community restaurant cook ; Marta community ; martyr ; medical aid ; medical facility ( hospital ); medical journal ; medical library ; medical technology ; metal ; Minister ; Minister of Security ; minute ; mission ; Mission operations station ; mistake ; mob ; month ; music ; name ; Nessor ; night ; oath ; observation team ; octare ; " of course "; office ; " on file "; " open your eyes "; opponent ; opportunity ; " out of control "; outer space ( space ); panic ; path ; patient ; peace ; permission ; philosophy ; physician ; pin ; Picard, Robert ; planet ; planetarium ; police ; policy ; political agenda ; popular music ; present ; Prime Directive ; prisoner ; privilege ; problem ; production unit ; progress ; prototype ; quadroline ; question ; reality ; recovery ; relationship ; renal organ ; resignation ; resource ; riot ; room ; rumor ; sabbatical ; schedule ; science station ; scientific community ; scientist ; search ; second officer ; secret ; security ; service exit ; Sikla Medical Facility ; sitting ; sky ; social development ; social reform ; society ; southern continent of Malcor III ; Space Administrator ; Space Bureau ; space traveler ; spaceflight ( space travel ); spaceship ; specialist ; species ; spy ; station 12 ; story ( tale ); surface ; surface reconnaissance ; surgery ; surgical cube ; surrender ; surveillance ; surveillance team ; telencephalon ; term ; terminus ; thing ; threat ; time ; " to be honest "; toast ; tourist ; toy ; tradition ; transport coordinates ; transporter room ; trauma ; trust ; truth ; understanding ; universe ; vascular pressure ; vice-chancellor ; vital buffer ; voice ; warp drive capability ; warp engine ; warp field generator ; warp program ; warp travel ; way of life ; weather balloon ; wine ; wing ; witness ; word ; Yale's parents ; year

Script references [ ]

armament ; aspiration drill ; calmative ; Central Province ; children ; conference ; cranial bone ; delegate ; demonstration ; diagnostic center ; disguise ; dreamer ; Federation ; first contact transport ; four planets ; ichor ; invasion ; journalist ; judgment ; knee ; medical officer ; realist ; resource allocation ; room ; security chief ; speed of light ; theory ; thousand ; training ; violence ; wall ; warp drive ; warship

External links [ ]

  • " First Contact " at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • " First Contact " at Wikipedia
  • "First Contact" at StarTrek.com
  • " "First Contact" " at MissionLogPodcast.com , a Roddenberry Star Trek podcast
  • "First Contact" script  at Star Trek Minutiae
  • 1 Star Trek: Discovery

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Published May 24, 2023

What Happens When Your 'Second Chances' Aren't Yours?

For the 30th anniversary of its first airing, we revisit when Riker gets to see his life take a very different path in this The Next Generation episode.

Illustrated banner featuring Will Riker and Thomas Riker

StarTrek.com / Rob DeHart

What if you had lived your life differently? What if you could encounter a different version of yourself, one who developed differently from you? What if this you was able to choose paths you had given up?

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “ Second Chances ,” Commander William T. Riker experiences just that. Eight years after a transporter accident clones Lieutenant Riker without his knowledge, the Enterprise and Commander Riker encounter the lieutenant — who had been living in solitude on Nervala IV ’s surface since the malfunction.

Star Trek: The Next Generation — Two Rikers Come Face to Face

After scanning both Rikers, Dr. Beverly Crusher observes, “Brain organization patterns are as unique as fingerprints. Except for minor, minor differences, theirs are identical. [Brain patterns] are determined by experience, mostly from early childhood.”

Later, Picard comments of the situation, “You and Lieutenant Riker have lived very different lives for the past eight years, you are now very different people. I suppose it's a little like meeting someone's twin.”

This sounds like pure sci-fi, but “Second Chances” is reminiscent of cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker’s investigations into the case of identical twins Yufe and Oskar Stohr, one raised by Nazis and the other by a Jewish family. The twins, when they finally met at age 21, were disturbed by one another — they both had the same receding red hair, thin mustaches, and identical outfits in identical colors. Too similar without being the same — eerie . But there was something more than that.

Thomas Riker and Will Riker face to face as Will grabs Thomas' arm in 'Second Chances'


When once asked if he loved his twin brother, whom he only met once, Yufe Stohr replied, “Love each other? We don’t even know if we liked each other.”

Similarly, neither version of William Riker likes the other. After a particularly tense argument between the two Rikers while trying to decide how best to retrieve the database from the station on the planet Nervala IV’s surface, Data and Chief Security Officer Worf are left alone to discuss the Rikers.

Intrigued by the Rikers’ dislike for one another, Data says to Worf, “I have found that humans value their uniqueness, that sense that they are different from everyone else. The existence of a double would preclude that feeling. Could that be the source of the friction?”

Thomas Riker and Will Riker square off against one another with Worf and Data in their wings in 'Second Chances'

After a pause, Worf replies slowly, “Or perhaps it is more a matter of seeing something in your double. Something you do not like in yourself.”

Each Riker represents the different road the other could have taken — the life direction Commander Riker willingly gave up makes Lieutenant Riker livid.

“Take it,” the lieutenant says to Commander Riker, folding his hand during a poker game, effectively giving the money away without seeing the other Riker’s cards. “You always had the better hand in everything.”

A glum Will Riker looks over and raises his hand to his face to rest on in 'Second Chances'

Based on his findings, Steven Pinker asserts in his book The Blank Slate and his 2003 TED Talk , the biggest influences on the outcome of a child’s development of a personality are their DNA, peer group, and chance — random life events, such as being stuck in isolation on a strange planet’s surface. Even though the Rikers have the same DNA, the trajectory of their respective lives created two different individuals. This is summed up in the episode’s final scene.

By the time the final scene arrives, the two Rikers have forged a tentative truce but do not wish to further build a relationship. Lieutenant Riker is leaving to take a posting on the Gandhi and decides to go by his middle name, Thomas.

Thomas Riker with his bag over his shoulder looks over at Will in 'Second Chances'

“I guess we really are different,” Commander Riker muses. “I never cared for that name.”

This final solidification that the two Rikers are, in fact, individuals rather than exact copies illuminates an earlier conversation between Counselor Troi and Lieutenant Riker.

When Deanna Troi asks, “But if you hadn't been [stuck on the planet], what would have happened between us?” She’s asking the wrong question; she already knows the answer. This is why Commander Riker warns her of the new Riker’s motivations and how he might proceed with his life — and her.

Deanna Troi and Thomas Riker side-by-side, smiling as they look ahead in 'Second Chances'

The Rikers were the same person with the same experiences then. If the transporter malfunction had never happened, Riker would have made the same decisions. But the newly dubbed Thomas RIker doesn’t have the same motivations as Will Riker. When their paths deviated, so did their selves — the foundation may be the same, but they have unique scaffolding headed in different directions. They’re two separate trees with the same root system.

In truth, the only person getting a true second chance is Deanna Troi — a second chance at having a romance with Riker, even if it’s not precisely the same version of him she knew before. But, of course, she has grown over the course of eight years as well. Change is a core part of second chances, even when they’re not ours.

This article was originally published on February 26, 2020.

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Brooke Knisley (she/her) teaches writing at Emerson College and has written for Playboy, VICE, McSweeney's, The Boston Globe Magazine, and others. She has balance issues. Find her on Twitter @BrookeKnisley.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation's Riker Wasn't Always Called Will

In Star Trek: TNG, Riker was nicknamed "Number One," "Imzadi" and just "Will," but in early episodes, Troi called him something else entirely.

  • Riker's original nickname in Star Trek: TNG was "Bill," but it was quickly phased out.
  • The early seasons of Star Trek: TNG had tumultuous production, leading to inconsistencies in storytelling and character details.
  • Despite the name changes and production challenges, Jonathan Frakes's performance as Riker defined the character more than any nickname.

William Thomas Riker of Star Trek: The Next Generation is the Enterprise's first officer and resident bearded heartthrob. Growing up in Alaska, he was quite the outdoorsman, but he chose to leave the majestic wilderness from his youth to "boldly go where no one has gone before." Riker was known as "Number One," informally with Picard. Depending on when in the timeline or on which Federation starship he was aboard, he's sometimes just "Captain." To his friends, he goes by "Will," his preferred name, as stated in the Season 6 episode "Chain of Command, Part 1." However, Riker wasn't always called "Will" in the series. In fact, part of the original plan for the "most charming man in Starfleet" was to address him as "Bill."

Will Riker is one of the most beloved Star Trek: TNG characters, as evidenced by his recent turn in Star Trek: Picard Season 3. He is a loyal friend and a great Starfleet officer. This was the goal when Gene Roddenberry created the cast of The Next Generation ahead of its debut in 1987. Like with The Original Series , the Great Bird of the Galaxy, as he was known, evolved the characters as he went along. The familiar form of Commander Riker's name was one of those things, and "Bill" became "Will." The latter stuck throughout the character's development, which went well beyond The Next Generation to encompass multiple series in the franchise as well as the four TNG theatrical films. Actor Jonathan Frakes evolved to become one of the franchise's most dynamic creative forces: moving behind the camera as a director, and helming 28 episodes spread across six different series and counting. In addition, he directed two of the saga's big-screen movies — Star Trek: First Contact and Star Trek: Insurrection — the former of which consistently ranks as one of the high points of the entire saga. The amusing details of his character's early moniker of "Bill" have come along for that wild ride.

Updated on December 30, 2023 by Robert Vaux and Joshua M. Patton: The article has been expanded to discuss more of Frakes' role behind the camera, as well as some of the creative churning in the first season of The Next Generation that led to the "Bill/Will" switch. It has also been updated to match CBR's new formatting.

Riker's Name Underwent Multiple Changes Early In TNG

The star wars franchise is in its 'star trek: the next generation' era.

According to the reference book Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , Riker's pre-production biography stated he was "privately called William by Picard and Bill by 'female friends.'" In particular, his fellow Starfleet officer (and future wife), Deanna Troi , addressed him as such in two memorable Season 1 episodes. For instance, in "The Naked Now," a virus-stricken Troi fondly referred to Riker as "Bill" when she entered Engineering. Additionally, during "Haven," she called him that twice, the first time in the Ready Room, then again on the Holodeck while they discussed their feelings for each other.

Interestingly, The Next Generation Companion also mentions that, in the script for the pilot episode, "Encounter at Farpoint," Captain Jean-Luc Picard opts to use the nickname "Bill" rather than refer to Riker as "William" or "Will." Nevertheless, that wasn't the only detail about Riker from the early stages of production that changed before the series aired. In the original casting call for the character, his last name was spelled "Ryker" with a "Y," rather than with an "I." Surprisingly, the preferred spelling of his nickname, "Will," is not completely clear throughout scripts or in closed captioning. In its written form, his name actually switches between "Will," with two L's, and "Wil" with one, respectively.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Cast and Character Guide

It seems as if Riker being called "Bill" has piqued the interest of avid Trekkies ever since the byname was uttered a handful of times in Star Trek: TNG Season 1 . Although the events of the Pocket Books novel Star Trek The Next Generation: Double Helix are not canon, it's worth revisiting a conversation between Data and Riker in which the android asks, "Why does Counselor Troi call you 'Bill' when the rest of your fellow officers call you 'Will'?" Riker then explains "I used to go by Bill at the Academy — but then I dated a woman named Bili Beller, so we mutually decided I’d use Will." Unfortunately, "Bill" didn't manage to have the same staying power as "Will" in both the Star Trek: The Next Generation TV series and novels, so this rarely used moniker was quickly phased out after appearing only three times in Season 1.

Will Riker's Name Wasn't The Number One Problem

Star trek: the next generation made a mistake with the ship's doctor.

Production on the first seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation was tumultuous, and led to the departure of cast members Denise Crosby and Gates McFadden (though McFadden would return for Season 3 and remain with the series for the remainder of its run). Everything from the Season 1 DVD Special Features to documentaries like The Center Seaton: 55 Years of Trek detail the problems, particularly with the writing staff. Series creator Gene Roddenberry was technically the showrunner, but he relied on writers like David Gerrold or Dorothy "D.C." Fontana he'd worked with during Star Trek: The Original Series . There were also other writers he didn't know so well, like Maurice Hurley, the inventor of the Borg . The show relied on freelance screenwriters and those who made it to staff didn't stay long. This strife led to inconsistent storytelling in those early seasons. Swapping out "Will" for "Bill" isn't the only continuity or universe mistake made in TNG Season 1. But Star Trek is a universe that endures.

In a documentary directed by Star Trek 's other "Bill," William Shatner, called Chaos on the Bridge , Hurley spoke about how strict he was with Roddenberry's rules for storytelling despite calling his vision of humanity's future "wacky doodle." However, Riker remains a steadfast example of the kind of hero Roddenberry wanted to create, whether his name is Bill, Will, or just Number One. He was passionate not only about his ideals and his many paramours, but his duty to Starfleet always took precedence. With so much turnover and turmoil among executive producers, the Star Trek: TNG characters were left in the custody of their actors. It's why Star Trek: Picard showrunner Terry Matalas spoke to every returning TNG actor before writing that series' big reunion. Despite the early struggles, the strength of Frakes's performance as Riker defined him more than any name the other characters called him.

Every television series takes its time to find its voice and for writers and actors to get comfortable with the characters. However, as both a reboot of a beloved TV classic and the only first-run scripted series in syndication, the growing pains were even more intense than usual. The Next Generation went through two ship doctors in its first two seasons, in part because producers couldn't decide what kind of character they wanted. Even Frakes had to audition seven times to get his coveted role. If nothing else, it ensures that the character avoids confusion with Shatner, whose James T. Kirk he initially emulated before rapidly growing into his own unique protagonist. Picard's Number One is Riker's coolest name, but Will certainly works better for everyone else than Bill.

Star Trek: The Next Generation is currently streaming on Paramount+.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Set almost 100 years after Captain Kirk's 5-year mission, a new generation of Starfleet officers sets off in the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on its own mission to go where no one has gone before.

star trek tng riker unter verdacht

William Riker's Best Quotes In Star Trek

  • Riker's charm makes him a fan favorite in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Riker's ability to overcome challenges, even those posed by the mischievous Q or deadly threats like the Borg, sets him apart as one of Starfleet's best officers.
  • Riker's admiration for Captain Picard is evident, as he turns down promotions to continue benefiting from Picard's experience and guidance.

William T. Riker is a character so central to the success of Star Trek: The Next Generation that the show's quality is regarded as being tied directly to actor Jonathan Frakes' facial hair—many fans claim that the show only became worth watching after Riker grew his beard. The character was envisioned by creator Gene Roddenberry as a strong and sexy second-in-command who would take up Captain Kirk's mantle as the show's action hero.

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Much of Riker's success can be attributed to Frakes' performance. Frakes' natural charm and interesting way of sitting on chairs have made Riker a fan-favorite, so it's hardly surprising that many of the character's lines have stuck in the popular consciousness.

"I thought I had."

"up the long ladder" (season 2, episode 18).

  • "BRENNA: And what are you staring at? Have you never seen a woman before?
  • RIKER: I thought I had."

Riker has a well-deserved reputation as a womanizer and, although he eventually settles down with Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), there are plenty of diversions along the way. One such romantic tangent occurs in the much-derided "Up the Long Ladder," an episode that has been understandably condemned for its offensive stereotypes of the Irish. Riker can't believe his eyes when he first encounters the beautiful Brenna (Rosalyn Landor), leading her to ask if she's the first woman he's ever seen.

Riker's suave response is an example of the character's flirtatious attitude, and represents a key development in The Next Generation compared to The Original Series : it is not the starship's captain who is the ladies' man, but rather the first officer.

"The more difficult the task, the sweeter the victory."

"captain's holiday" (season 3, episode 19).

As can be intuited from the episode's title, Riker is not the focus of "Captain's Holiday." Nonetheless, the episode contains one of the character's classic quotes. The episode opens with an exhausted Picard having returned from trade negotiations with two alien states. Troi reflects that it's a miracle that Picard managed to make the aliens see eye to eye, leading Riker to comment on how the greatest challenges yield the best rewards.

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This throwaway line illuminates Riker's character as a whole: he is a man who is frequently faced with almost insurmountable difficulties, whether posed by the mischievous Q or deadly threats like the Borg. It is Riker's ability to overcome these threats that makes him not only one of Starfleet's best officers but also a fan-favorite character.

"Maybe if we felt any loss as keenly as we felt the death of one close to us, human history would be a lot less bloody."

"the bonding" (season 3, episode 5).

"The Bonding" is an interesting episode that examines the ramifications of a minor crew member's death. This is notable, as typical episodes of Star Trek (even those that feature the franchise's heroes temporarily dying ) tend to shy away from the emotional impact of their demises. When Lieutenant Aster is killed on an away mission, it falls to Worf to take care of her son. Yet despite the episode's foregrounding of the Klingon warrior, one of its best scenes features Riker and Data.

Data asks Riker why it matters how well the rest of the crew knew the deceased lieutenant—surely, he argues, her death is a tragedy either way. Riker's response is an example of Star Trek tackling one aspect of what makes the human race tick both in fiction and in the real world and demonstrates the character's more sensitive side.

"Deanna, facing death is the ultimate test of character."

Shades of gray (season 2, episode 22).

  • "Deanna, facing death is the ultimate test of character. I don't want to die, but if I have to, I'd like to do it with a little pride."

"Shades of Gray" is, understandably, one of The Next Generation 's most hated episodes. The glorified clip show was the result of a writer's strike that endangered TNG 's second season, which makes it supremely ironic that the episode features one of Riker's most iconic lines. After contracting a deadly alien parasite, Riker adopts an almost Klingon attitude , telling Troi that he plans to die with dignity if a cure cannot be found.

Best Picard Quotes In Star Trek: The Next Generation

Luckily for Riker (and unluckily for the viewer), it turns out that subjecting the first officer to clips of his adventures is the solution. "Shades of Gray" may be no fan's favorite episode, but it demonstrates that great character moments can exist even within the weakest scripts.

"What would Picard do?"

"pen pals" (season 2, episode 15).

  • "In your position, it's important to ask yourself one question: 'What would Picard do?'"

Riker's respect for Captain Picard is evident. Indeed, Riker turns down multiple promotions throughout The Next Generation to continue benefiting from Picard's experience and guidance. Admittedly, this character trait was a product of behind-the-scenes realities ( The Next Generation 's static format dissuaded any major departures throughout the show's run), but Riker's admiration for his captain is made clear in other ways, too.

When asked by Wesley Crusher for guidance, Riker offers the cadet a simple piece of advice: act as Picard would do. This exchange is enlightening, as it not only demonstrates Riker's admiration for his mentor but also his willingness to help others flourish in Starfleet.

"Mr. Worf... fire."

"the best of both worlds, part i" (season 3, episode 26).

"The Best of Both Worlds" is regarded by many fans as the high point of Star Trek: The Next Generation . The two-part epic manages to balance an alien invasion story with a deeply personal narrative for Riker, who must take on the captain's role that he has been avoiding throughout the preceding seasons. His decision to fire on the Borg cube even while Picard remains a captive of the Collective marks the character's development into a true leader (and makes for one of the franchise's best cliffhangers).

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While Picard would continue to command the Enterprise for the remaining seasons of TNG , Riker's order to open fire is the first step on the road that would take the character to a starship of his own, the USS Titan . It's another example of how "The Best of Both Worlds" is not only a pivotal moment in Star Trek canon but also a key turning point in Riker's career and development.

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William Riker's Best Quotes In Star Trek

Screen Rant

Every riker love interest in star trek: tng (including troi).

Captain Kirk may have been Star Trek's original ladies' man, but Commander Riker might be even more deserving of that title in Star Trek: TNG.

  • Commander Riker had numerous romantic relationships throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation, but his true love was always his Imzadi, Counselor Deanna Troi.
  • Riker experienced various romantic encounters, including a planet leader, a holographic character, and a colonist's daughter, among others.
  • Despite several flings and crushes, Riker and Troi eventually rekindled their romance, got married, and had two children, solidifying their beautiful love story.

Over the course of Star Trek: The Next Generation , Commander William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes) justifiably earned the reputation of being a ladies' man. Taking over the moniker from Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) of Star Trek: The Original Series , Riker had several episode-long romances throughout his time on the Enterprise. As First Officer of the USS Enterprise-D under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), Riker had plenty of opportunities to encounter potential romantic partners both on and off the ship. Whether he romanced one of the locals on an away mission or charmed a visitor to the Enterprise, Riker proved to be popular with women from many cultures and planets.

While Will Riker's true love was always destined to be his Imzadi, or beloved, Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis), he would go through several relationships before Will and Deanna finally married in Star Trek: Nemesis . A few other young women had crushes on Riker that he did not reciprocate, including the Starfleet cadet eventually revealed to be a Q, Amanda Rogers (Olivia d'Abo), and Data's created daughter, Lal (Hallie Todd). Deanna Troi's mother, Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett), even made an advance on Riker when she went through her "Betazoid phase." Here are 10 more substantial relationships Will Riker had throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation .

Related: Star Trek: The Next Generation Cast & Character Guide

10 Beata in TNG's "Angel One"

TNG season 1, episode 14, "Angel One," is generally considered to be one of TNG's worst episodes, and it includes Riker's first romantic liaison on TNG . When the Enterprise visits a planet governed entirely by women, the planet's leader, Beata (Karen Montgomery), becomes intrigued by Riker's strength, a quality the men of her planet apparently lack. Beata and the other women of the planet discriminate against the men, and several fugitive men who spoke out against the discrimination are due to be executed. Riker is able to stop the execution and goes back to the Enterprise, leaving Beata to care for her people.

Related: Star Trek: Will Riker's Entire Character Timeline Explained

9 Minuet in TNG's "11001001" & "Future Imperfect"

After the cybernetically enhanced Bynars update the holodeck in TNG season 1, episode 15, "11001001," they create the holographic Minuet (Carolyn McCormick) to distract Riker from their plot to take control of the Enterprise . Minuet proves to be incredibly captivating for Riker as she is more realistic than any other holodeck character he has ever encountered. He even begins to develop real feelings for her, so much so that an alien later believes Minuet to be real after seeing her in Riker's mind in TNG season 4, episode 8, "Future Imperfect."

8 Brenna Odell in TNG's "Up The Long Ladder"

In TNG season 2, episode 18, "Up the Long Ladder," the Enterprise rescues the Bringloidi, a group of colonists descended from the crew members of the Earth ship SS Mariposa that had been launched several hundred years before. Riker and the Bringloidi leader's daughter, Brenna Odell (Rosalyn Landor), immediately take a liking to one another. The two spend time together while Brenna and her people are on board the Enterprise, but she leaves when her colony later merges with the Mariposa colony. With her fiery personality and passion for her people, Brenna was destined to become the true leader of the Bringloidi and she could not abandon her people.

7 Yuta in TNG's "The Vengeance Factor

When the Enterprise hosts the leader of the planet Acamar III, Commander Riker tries to get to know the leader's assistant, Yuta (Lisa Wilcox). Yuta struggles to open up to Riker, speaking cryptically about her past and her plans for the future. As Captain Picard attempts to facilitate negotiations between the Acamarians and the raiders known as the Gatherers, one of the Gatherers winds up murdered. The ensuing investigation eventually reveals that Yuta is the last surviving member of a clan that was massacred decades ago, and she has been tasked with wiping out the members of the clan that killed her people. When Yuta attempts to kill the Gatherers' leader, Riker is forced to fire his phaser at her, eventually killing her.

6 Lanel in TNG's "First Contact"

After Commander Riker is injured while on an undercover mission, the people of the planet Malcor III see through his disguise and notice that his biology is different from theirs. In the meantime, Picard and Deanna Troi work to initiate official first contact with the Malcorian leaders and inquire about the missing Number One. While Riker is being held in a Malcorian hospital, one of the nurses, Lanel (Bebe Neuwirth), develops a particular fascination for him. Lanel tells Riker that she will help him escape if he sleeps with her, claiming that she has "always wanted to make love with an alien." In the next scene, Lanel does help him attempt to escape, but he is caught again soon after.

5 Carmen Davila in TNG's "Silicon Avatar"

Carmen Devila (Susan Diol) only appears briefly at the beginning of TNG season 5, episode 4, "Silicon Avatar," before she and her colony are attacked by the same Crystalline Entity that destroyed the colony where Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) was found. As Riker and the away team speak with the colonists on the planet Melona IV, Riker makes plans for a dinner date with Carmen. Tragically, the Crystalline Entity attacks soon after, and Carmen is killed while trying to help the other colonists escape. In the end, the Crystalline Entity is destroyed by a xenobiologist who wants to avenge her son, just after the entity showed signs of intelligence.

4 Etana Jol in TNG's "The Game"

While on Shore Leave on the planet Risa, Riker meets a Ktarian woman named Etana Jol (Katherine Moffat). Etana introduces Riker to a game with a device that fits over his head and projects images in front of his eyes. Riker brings the game back to the Enterprise and eventually, the entire crew becomes addicted to playing it. After Captain Picard and most of the crew succumb to the game, Etana contacts the Enterprise, revealing the game had been part of the Ktarian's plan to take over the Enterprise and eventually the Federation. Thanks to the visiting Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) , Data is able to free the rest of the crew from the mind-control of the game.

3 Ro Laren in TNG's "Conundrum"

In TNG season 5, episode 14, "Conundrum," the crew of the USS Enterprise discover that their memories and much of the information from the ship's computer has been erased. The crew eventually restore the computer memory and learn their names and positions on the ship. Despite this, they still do not have any memory of their lives or their relationships with one another. In this state, Riker and Ensign Ro Lauren (Michelle Forbes) realize they share a mutual attraction and begin a relationship. Soon, it's revealed that an alien species had erased the crew's memories so that they could hijack the Enterprise for use in their war. Thankfully, the crew's memories are restored before too much damage has been done, although Riker does have an awkward interaction with Ro.

2 Soren in TNG's "The Outcast"

In one of Commander Riker's best episodes , TNG season 5, episode 17, "The Outcast," the Enterprise encounters an androgynous alien species called the J'naii. As Riker works closely with one of the J'naii named Soren (Melinda Culea), he begins to develop feelings for her. Soren, who identifies as female in spite of her people's beliefs, reciprocates his feelings and the two begin a relationship. However, their romance ends in tragedy when the J'naii discover Soren's "sickness." Despite Riker's attempts to rescue her, Soren is forced to undergo psychotectic treatment to "cure" her, after which she no longer has feelings for Riker.

1 Deanna Troi

Commander Riker and Counselor Troi began their romantic relationship while Riker was stationed on Troi's home planet of Betazed . For much of his life, Will prioritized his career over any serious romantic attachments, which led to the dissolution of his relationship with Deanna. Riker and Troi worked together for many years on the Enterprise and occasionally flirted with one another, but they did not officially rekindle their romance until Star Trek: Insurrection .

Riker and Troi married at the beginning of Star Trek: Nemesis , and Troi served alongside Riker when he took over command of the USS Titan. Riker and Troi remained together by the time of Star Trek: Picard and had two children together. Tragically, their son, Thaddeus, passed away from a rare silicon-based virus. When Admiral Picard visited them in Picard season 1, Will and Deanna were living on the planet Nepenthe with their daughter, Kestra Troi-Riker (Lulu Wilson).

Although Riker and Troi had some difficulties in their marriage after Thad's death, they are happy again by the end of Picard season 3, as they plan a vacation together. Will and Deanna refer to each other as Imzadi throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Picard , making it clear that they are meant for each other and firmly establishing their romance as one of Star Trek's most beautiful love stories.


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  2. 3.14 TNG Blu-ray Review: Riker unter Verdacht (A Matter Of Perspective

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  3. 3.14 TNG Blu-ray Review: Riker unter Verdacht (A Matter Of Perspective

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  4. Star Trek: The Next Generation "Riker unter Verdacht" (A Matter Of

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  5. Commander William T. Riker

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  6. Riker

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  1. Star Trek TNG Riker refuses to help Worf

  2. Star Trek: The Backrooms

  3. Die Crew der Enterprise erfährt das Ergebnis der Bundestagswahl

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  5. Jonathan Frakes' Hope for Star Trek Legacy: "The Next TNG"

  6. Star Trek Next Generation


  1. Riker unter Verdacht

    Commander Riker steht unter Mordverdacht. Er soll den tanuganischen Wissenschaftler Dr. Nel Apgar getötet haben. Computerlogbuch der Enterprise,Captain Picard,Sternzeit 43610.4Nachdem wir eine Ladung Dicosilium zur Forschungsstation Tanuga IV gebracht haben, hat ein Außenteam einen Bericht über den neuesten Stand der Bemühungen Dr. Apgars erhalten, Kriegerwellen zu erzeugen: eine wertvolle ...

  2. A Matter of Honor

    The teleplay is written by Burton Armus, based on a story by Armus, Wanda M. Haight and Gregory W. Amos, and directed by Rob Bowman. [1] Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the Starfleet crew of the Federation starship Enterprise-D. In this episode, Commander Riker is assigned to temporarily be first officer aboard a ...

  3. Riker unter Verdacht

    Februar 1990. Riker unter Verdacht. Erstausstrahlung in Deutschland. Deutsch. 23. Oktober 1992. Bilder zur Episode. Logbucheinträge aus der Episode. William T. Riker steht unter Verdacht, den tanuganischen Wissenschaftler Dr. Nel Apgar, der sich mit der Erzeugung von Kriegerwellen beschäftigte, getötet zu haben.

  4. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" A Matter of Honor (TV Episode 1989)

    A Matter of Honor: Directed by Rob Bowman. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn. Under an Officers Exchange Program, Riker serves aboard a Klingon ship, whose aging captain seeks an unwarranted bloody retaliation for suspected Enterprise treachery.

  5. Trek am Dienstag #167: A Matter of Perspective (TNG 3.14)/Riker unter

    Der deutsche Star-Trek-Podcast / The German Star Trek PodcastDownload, Infos, alle Folgen: https://www.trekamdienstag.deRSS-Feed: https://14kltzj.podcaster.d...

  6. William T. Riker

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  7. William Riker

    William Thomas "Will" Riker is a fictional character in the Star Trek universe appearing primarily as a main character in Star Trek: The Next Generation, portrayed by Jonathan Frakes.Throughout the series and its accompanying films, he is the Enterprise ' s first officer, and briefly captain, until he accepts command of the USS Titan at the end of Star Trek: Nemesis.

  8. A Matter of Perspective

    14th episode of the third season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. mp; Matter of Perspective; Statements. instance of. Star Trek episode. 0 references. title. A Matter of Perspective (English) ... Riker unter Verdacht. section, verse, paragraph, or clause. Regie. cast member. Patrick Stewart. character role. Jean-Luc Picard. 0 references ...

  9. First Contact (episode)

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  12. Revisiting Star Trek TNG: A Matter Of Perspective

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  16. Which Star Trek Shows & Movies Does Riker Appear In?

    As one of the original characters on Star Trek: The Next Generation, William T. Riker is best known for his time as First Officer on the USS Enterprise-D under Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), but that is far from the only Star Trek property in which he appears. Johnathan Frakes plays a version of Riker across six different television shows and four movies, making him one of the most ...

  17. Star Trek: TNG Writer Believes Jonathan Frakes Is the Force ...

    In Star Trek: Picard season 1, as well as in Star Trek: Lower Decks, audiences got acquainted with Captain Will Riker of the USS Titan, showing a side of Riker stepping out from under Captain ...

  18. 7 Versions Of Riker In Star Trek

    Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek Generations, Star Trek: First Contact, & Star Trek: Nemesis. Sometime between TNG seasons 1 and 2, Riker grew a beard, and this was the look he would keep for the rest of the show and the movies. This version of Riker, with his beard and mustache, became the most recognizable version of the character.

  19. Star Trek: TNG's Riker Wasn't Always Called Will

    However, Riker wasn't always called "Will" in the series. In fact, part of the original plan for the "most charming man in Starfleet" was to address him as "Bill." Will Riker is one of the most beloved Star Trek: TNG characters, as evidenced by his recent turn in Star Trek: Picard Season 3. He is a loyal friend and a great Starfleet officer.

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    Riker's charm makes him a fan favorite in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Riker's ability to overcome challenges, even those posed by the mischievous Q or deadly threats like the Borg, sets him ...

  21. How Old Is Riker In TNG & Star Trek: Picard?

    Now 66 years of age, Riker reunites with his old Star Trek: The Next Generation crew members on the rebuilt USS Enterprise-D and helps stop the Borg/Changeling plot to destroy the Federation. Star Trek: The Next Generation & Star Trek: Picard are available to stream on Paramount+. The TNG films are available on Max. Cast.

  22. Every Riker Love Interest In Star Trek: TNG (Including Troi)

    Commander Riker had numerous romantic relationships throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation, but his true love was always his Imzadi, Counselor Deanna Troi. Riker experienced various romantic encounters, including a planet leader, a holographic character, and a colonist's daughter, among others. Despite several flings and crushes, Riker and ...