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5 Best Corporate Travel Agencies In Kuwait

Home » Corporate Travel » 5 Best Corporate Travel Agencies In Kuwait

Imagine a world where every corporate travel is aligned perfectly and professionals focus solely on the objective of trips. Corporate trips involve a plethora of variables that can be controlled with diligent and seasoned experts without whom the process is nothing more than the house of cards. Any draft of wind can easily destroy the heights and crumble down the activity into rubles. Therefore, it becomes of utmost importance to find most suitable assistance from experts with decades of experience in corporate travel management. We have assorted a list of coherent and well-ordered corporate travel agencies in Kuwait.

Top 5 corporate travel agencies in Kuwait

1. badur travel.

Finding its roots back in 1962 with the formation of Al Badur Trading Co., Badur Travel has become a household name for excellence in the corporate travel space. They boast a competent staff and credit them for the expanding operations and success stories of countless businesses. Due to their sincere efforts of simplifying corporate trips, they have earned numerous recognitions and awards including Prestigious Performance Awards from Airlines including British Airways, Kuwait Airways, Emirates, KLM, Gulf Air, Alitalia, TAROM, and the list goes on. Badur is equipped to offer cost affordable solutions, comprehensive reporting system, optimization of future travel, 24×7 support and many more. While searching for the best , they have partnered with best-in-class hotels and cruise operators.

2. Flyworld

Echoing professionalism from the conduct to the services, Flyworld offers experiential booking process. With 20+ years of consistent work, the agency has developed quick and easy onboarding, booking, and management processes. They offer regular discounts and easy cancellations on timely bookings. The team is known for creating customized travel plans, providing travel guidance over 100+ countries via a network of 500+ agency partners. The agency provides 24×7 support while ensuring completely secure payments. Flyworld is a global name utilizing state of the art booking and management platforms.

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3. Barakat Travel

Specializing in both corporate and personal business trips, Barakat Travel banks its confidence in all kinds of corporate trips. The company has numerous international accreditations such as IATA – International Air Transport Association and ASTA – American Society of Travel Agents. These accreditations help the organization understand the demand of global travelers including the bustling community of Kuwait. The company has partnered with flydubai providing exclusive access to trips on the route of Kuwait – Dubai. It has formed meaningful ties with various renowned global suppliers of hotels, spa & health resorts, cruise lines, private jet companies, and airliners. The team enables travelers with guidance right from the first step of travel arrangements. Owing to the decades of experience, corporates can leverage excellent services including flight bookings, hotel bookings, cruise reservations, train tickets, car hire, medical travel, VIP services and more.

Business Travel Agencies in Kuwait

4. FCM Travel

FCM travel is the place where personalized and professional services merge together to convolve into corporate travel management excellence. With ISO 9001:2008 certification, FCM envisions offering clients a custom and tech-savvy experience. Their growth strategy includes expanding offices, obtaining GSAs, and forming network partner affiliations. Recognized globally, FCM has earned prestigious awards, a testament to their commitment to customer satisfaction. As an emerging enterprise, they extend a hand to welcome international partners for mutual growth, marking their position in the evolving world of travel and tourism.

5. Al Waseet Travel & Tourism Company W.L.L.

In the realm of corporate services, Al Waseet Travel & Tourism Company W.L.L. is among the top corporate travel agencies in Kuwait. Offering a comprehensive array of services from air travel coordination to VIP flights and secure travel arrangements, they’ve become a go-to for corporate needs. Their 24×7 access to dedicated travel consultants, key account management, and a culturally diverse professional team highlights their commitment to excellence. Al Waseet is not just a service provider; they’re a partner in every corporate journey, ensuring safety, convenience, and memorable experiences.

Corporate travel management can be a tiring and mundane job without the much required assistance. Therefore, it is highly recommended by experts around the world to hire top corporate travel agencies in Kuwait for efficient management of corporate trips. These agencies are equipped with required experience and technological prowess needed to provide seamless experience. Most of these agencies utilize corporate travel management platforms such as Paxes to further enhance the travel booking and management process.

Role of corporate travel agencies in Kuwait

  • They provide customized travel packages to the corporates
  • Agencies helps in negotiating better rates with the suppliers
  • They assist in maintaining high level of policy compliance
  • With proper technology integration, these companies provide effective expense management
  • These agencies offer expertise and employee training whenever needed

Suggested Read: Artificial Intelligence: Corporate Travel Booking Software In Kuwait

Corporate Travel Agencies In Kuwait FAQs

Which are the top corporate travel agencies in kuwait.

Badur Travel, Flyworld, Barakat Travel, FCM Travel, Al Waseet Travel & Tourism Company W.L.L. are some of the top agencies.

Why do you need corporate travel agencies for your business trips?

Corporate travel agencies plan, organize, manage, and analyze corporate trips for better and optimized solutions.

What are the tools provided used by corporate travel agencies?

Corporate travel agencies use booking and management platforms such as Paxes to efficiently automate and management business trips.

How can I ensure a smooth partnership with a corporate travel agency in Kuwait?

Communicate expectations clearly, establish open communication channels, define responsibilities, and provide feedback on the services.

Can a corporate travel agency in Kuwait assist with travel policy compliance and cost management?

Yes, they can help in policy integration, monitoring and reporting expense, negotiating supplier contracts, and providing training to the travelers.

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Pratyush is a traveling enthusiast who always looks for innovations in business travel management. He has 5 years of experience writing content on corporate travel management and working closely with expert business travel facilitators.

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سافر للاستكشاف

لا يقتصر السفر على الذهاب إلى أماكن جديدة فحسب ، بل يتعلق باكتشاف حضارات جديدة واحتضان ثقافات مختلفة وتسجيل ذكريات لا تُنسى وتدوم مدى الحياة, نظم سفرتك مع المختصين برحلاتك, نحن نعلم اين تريد ان تذهب.

خلال مسير عملنا ، حصلت شركة الوسيط للسياحة والسفر على جوائز مرموقة وشهادات تقدير من شركات الطيران في جميع أنحاء العالم وكذلك وكلاء الفنادق وعملاء سفرنا 

رساله من المدير العام والشريك

” تعمل شركه الوسيط للسياحه والسفر في مجال السفر منذ عام 2003 ، وتطورت على مر السنين الماضيه لتصبح شركتنا واحدة من الشركات الرائدة في إدارة السياحه والسفر في دوله الكويت ، وتمتلك الشركة اليوم مكتبًا رئيسيًا ومكتبًا للسياحه والسفريعمل بشكل متميز في دوله الكويت سليم مراد المدير العام للشركه

:الشخصية والمهنية رؤية شركة الوسيط للسياحة والسفر لتجربة العملاء

خلال رحلاتنا ، حصلت  شركة الوسيط على جوائز وتقدير مرموق من شركات الطيران في جميع أنحاء العالم والموردين وعملائنا. بصفتي مؤسسة ناشئة ، أود أن أمد يدي للترحيب بالشركاء الدوليين  الجدد لإيجاد أرضية مشتركة للنمو المتبادل وزيادة الحصة السوقية. نظرًا لأن العالم يتطور بسرعة فإننا نعزز مكانتنا لاكتساب حصة أكبر من سوق السفر والسياحة ، وخلق مستقبل أفضل لشركتنا

تتمثل رؤيتنا في تقديم تجربة شخصية ومهنية لعملائنا في شركة الوسيط ، من خلال استخدام أفضل التقنيات المتاحة لضمان توفير التكاليف بشكل ثابت ورضا العملاء التام ، شركة الوسيط حاصلة على شهادة الأيزو ISO 9001: 2008 لأنظمة إدارة الجودة وتهدف باستمرار إلى تحسين جودة خدمة العملاء . شركة الوسيط ترى استراتيجية النمو المخطط لها مع مكاتب جديدة متعددة في السنوات القادمة والحصول على المزيد من وكالات الخدمات العامة داخل المنطقة فضلا عن الانتماءات الشريكة في الشبكة.

اذا كان هناك مكان جميل لن يأتي اليك فعليك انت ان تذهب اليه

لماذا شركة الوسيط للسياحة والسفر؟.

الاهتمام الدائم بالعميل قبل الحجز وبعد الحجز

التسوق الآمن مع الأمان ثلاثي الأبعاد في المعاملات عبر الإنترنت

خيارات متعدده لعمليه الدفع وبأقل فائده لقطاع الشركات

 تسهيل في عمليه البحث على تذاكر السفر والفنادق عبر موقع الانترنت

عروض مميزه لجميع الرحلات للأفراد والمجموعات

وكيل مبيعات عالمي للشركات التاليه

تعليقات عملائينا.

“ لا أعرف كيف تفعلون ذلك ، لكنه مجهود جبار. الخدمة متاحة على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع - سونيل كومار ، المديرالاقليمي للموارد البشرية - المملكة العربية السعودية ، دبي ، الكويت ، البحرين (سايبم) ” إيف كروفورد
“ شكرا لتسريح 6000 موظف من العراق في فترة قصيرة من الزمن. لا نعتقد أن أي شخص كان سينجح في القيام بذلك إلا أنتم يا رفاق. - أنيل فارغيز ، مدير العراق (مجلس التعاون الخليجي ، شركة أجيليتي التابعة) ” أورا بروكس
“ عندما نحتاج للوصول إلى مكان ما ، كان الوسيط دائمًا هناك. فريق ممتاز! - مجموعة إدارة التهديدات (TMG) ، التابعة أجيليتي. ” زاك ريد
“ تود AUL إخبارك بأننا راضون جدًا عن الخدمات التي تقدمها AI-Waseet. تطلق الإدارة على مدير الحساب الرئيسي اسم "MIRACLE MAN" لأنه كان دائمًا يلبي طلباتنا العاجلة والمفاجئة والتي نقدرها كثيرًا. ” جاك جراهام
“ راضٍ جدًا عن التزامات وكيل الوسيط للسفر "- عمليات السفر بالقوات الجوية الأمريكية ” جاك جراهام
“ استنادًا إلى التجربة الكلية مع AI-Waseet Travel Services ، من المرجح جدًا أن نوصي صديقًا أو قريبًا بخدمات السفر AI-Wa- seet "- بيكر هيوز ” جاك جراهام
“ وقت الاستجابة الذي تستغرقه AI-Waseet Travel Services لتلبية طلبنا هو في غضون ساعة واحدة - فندق ومنتجع كوبثورن الجهراء ” جاك جراهام
“ بالمقارنة مع خدمات السفر الأخرى ، فإن جودة خدمات السفر AI-Waseet أعلى بكثير ”- مقهى هارد روك ” جاك جراهام
“ وكلاء السفر في AI-Waseet Travel Services مهنيون ومهنيون على الهاتف. - المجموعة 4 الزاحم ذ - اتحاد مكاتب السياحة والسفر بالشرق الأوسط أوتساد في اسطنبول ” تفهيم إسلام

عملائينا الكرام انتم اصحاب الفضل لما نحن فيه الأن وكلنا ثقه ورغبه في ان يصبح نجاحنا قصه نتشارك فيها جميعا ونفخر بها على المدى الطويل

الفخامه لن تجدها الا مع الوسيط للسياحه والسفر من راحه واسترخاء ورفاهيه, استكشاف أفضل ما في العالم مع الوسيط للسياحة والسفر, التعايش في كل رحله كأنك واحد من افراد البلده: عيش التجربه مع الوسيط للسياحة والسفر.

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إدارة مكتب مبيعات الشركات

  مبنى الكويت ، الطابق 26 ، شارع فهد السالم ، مدينة الكويت ، الكويت ص. ب: 5657 الصفاة 13057 الكويت T :  +965-2221 7470 F :  +965 2221 7471

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Aircraft Diverted and Airspace Restricted as Iran Launches Attack on Israel

Meghna Maharishi and Gordon Smith, Skift

April 13th, 2024 at 9:06 PM EDT

Airlines have halted service to Tel Aviv as tensions in the Middle East escalate due to Iran’s drone attack on Israel.

Airlines changed routes and canceled flights in response to an escalation in tensions between Israel and Iran on Saturday.

Iran launched dozens of drones and missiles at Israel Saturday night. The widely anticipated attack was seen as retaliation after an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Syria last week.

In addition to diversions and cancellations into Tel Aviv, airspace over Israel, Iran, Iraq and Jordan was either closed or heavily controlled from Saturday evening until Sunday morning. Some restrictions remain in place.

Daniel Hagari, the spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces, said Saturday night that most of the missiles had been intercepted, and that the strikes caused minor damage, according to a post on X , formerly known as Twitter.

While Iran’s retaliation against Israel was quick and caused minimal damage, it’s unclear what the next phase of the conflict will be.

Airlines Cancel Flights

American Airlines canceled its flights between Philadelphia and Doha, Qatar on Saturday due to the attacks.

Israeli national carrier El Al said on Saturday it was canceling more than a dozen flights from Tel Aviv due to the situation.

United Airlines was among the major carriers to cancel its service to Tel Aviv on Saturday. The U.S. carrier later said it was also canceling its Saturday flight to Amman, Jordan. It is currently not planning to cancel its Sunday service to Tel Aviv.

“We have canceled Saturday’s planned flight from Newark to Tel Aviv and its associated return flight due to restrictions on Israeli airspace,” a United spokesperson said. “We are closely monitoring the situation and will make decisions on upcoming flights with a focus on the safety of our customers and crews.”

EasyJet has also cancelled Tel Aviv services, with flights currently suspended until Tuesday. “Due to the evolving situation in Israel, easyJet has taken the decision to pause operations to and from Tel Aviv on the 14th and 15th April. The safety and security of our passengers and crew is always easyJet’s highest priority,” it said in a statement.

Etihad reported changes to its routes: “Following notification of the closure of airspace over Israel, Jordan and Iraq, Etihad is re-routing a number of its European and North American flights on Sunday 14 April to overfly the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Egypt. This is likely to cause some disruption and delay to a number of flights over the course of the day.”

As of Saturday night, Etihad said it decided to cancel flights to Tel Aviv and Amman on Sunday. Etihad said it would resume service to Tel Aviv and Amman on Monday as airspace over Israel and Jordan reopened.

Swiss said it would suspend its “flight operations to and from Tel Aviv until further notice….as many airspaces are closed due to the current situation, we are currently assessing to what extent flights that have already taken off need to be diverted.” Swiss added: “Following Iran’s attack against Israeli territory, all SWISS aircraft are avoiding the airspaces of Iran, Iraq and Israel.”

Due to the attacks, Swiss said it would suspend flights to Beirut up to and including April 18. The carrier said it would continue avoiding Iranian airspace, adding an additional 90 minutes for flights between Zurich and Hong Kong, Bangkok, Singapore, Delhi and Mumbai.

Flydubai also reported disruptions. “Some of our flights have been impacted by the temporary closure of a number of airspaces in the region,” said a Flydubai spokesperson. “We continue to closely monitor the situation and will make any amendments to our schedule accordingly.”

Delta Air Lines recently resumed service to Israel in March, but it’s unclear if the carrier has stopped flights to Tel Aviv due to the attack. Delta did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Qantas Airways said Friday that it would not fly over Middle East airspace. Kuwait Airways said Saturday that it would divert all its flights from “the areas of tension.”

Aviation tracking service Flightradar24 reported on Saturday evening that airspace in neighboring countries, including Iraq, was closed or heavily restricted, a notable development as the air corridors are usually used by hundreds of flights a day flying between Europe and Asia.

Situation according to official NOTAMs at 21:35 UTC time. * Iran airspace closed to VFR flights only. * Jordan airspace closed. * Iraq airspace closed. * Lebanon airspace closed. * Israel airspace closed. — Flightradar24 (@flightradar24) April 13, 2024

As of Sunday morning, Flightradar24 was reporting that most closures had been lifted:

Update as of 07:00 UTC time based on official NOTAMs. * Iran airspace – OPEN for IFR flights 🟢 * Jordan airspace – OPEN 🟢 * Iraq airspace – OPEN 🟢 * Lebanon airspace – OPEN 🟢 * Israel airspace – OPEN 🟢 — Flightradar24 (@flightradar24) April 14, 2024

Airlines Take Precautions

U.S. intelligence agencies reported earlier in the week that an attack from Iran on Israel was imminent. In response, Lufthansa suspended flights to Tehran after the intelligence reports became public. Qantas said Friday it would not fly over Middle East airspace.

It is unclear if the U.S. would impose any similar restrictions over Middle East airspace if tensions continue to escalate. The FAA said to Skift that it was not changing any restrictions at the moment. 

Most international carriers halted all flights to Tel Aviv after the start of  the Israel-Gaza war in early October 2023 . Many airlines including Delta Air Lines, easyJet and British Airways had recently resumed services to the country.

This story is developing and will be updated. 

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Tags: delta air lines , iran , israel , israel-hamas war , united airlines

Photo credit: Vincezo Pace Vincezo Pace


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  19. Iran Launches Israel Attack: Planes Diverted and Airspace Closed

    Israeli national carrier El Al said on Saturday it was canceling more than a dozen flights from Tel Aviv due to the situation. United Airlines was among the major carriers to cancel its service to ...