Safari User Guide

  • Change your homepage
  • Import bookmarks, history, and passwords
  • Make Safari your default web browser
  • Go to websites
  • Find what you’re looking for
  • Bookmark webpages that you want to revisit
  • See your favorite websites
  • Use tabs for webpages
  • Pin frequently visited websites
  • Play web videos
  • Mute audio in tabs
  • Pay with Apple Pay
  • Autofill credit card info
  • Autofill contact info
  • Keep a Reading List
  • Hide ads when reading articles
  • Translate a webpage
  • Download items from the web
  • Share or post webpages
  • Add passes to Wallet
  • Save part or all of a webpage
  • Print or create a PDF of a webpage
  • Customize a start page
  • Customize the Safari window
  • Customize settings per website
  • Zoom in on webpages
  • Get extensions
  • Manage cookies and website data
  • Block pop-ups
  • Clear your browsing history
  • Browse privately
  • Autofill user name and password info
  • Prevent cross-site tracking
  • View a Privacy Report
  • Change Safari preferences
  • Keyboard and other shortcuts
  • Troubleshooting

shortcuts open safari

Keyboard shortcuts and gestures in Safari on Mac

Here are shortcuts you can use, in addition to those that appear in Safari menus. To turn off or change keyboard shortcuts, see Create keyboard shortcuts for apps .

Open Safari for me

Current webpage

Preferences, reading list, bookmarks sidebar and bookmarks view.

The Safari Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Mac

Mac users, make your browsing sessions a lot less work with these keyboard and link-based shortcuts for Safari.

Safari is one of the best browsers for Mac users and beats Chrome on many counts .

Have you decided to stick with this native macOS app for browsing? Then it's time to take your Safari experience a notch or two higher by adding a few choice shortcuts to your workflow. Take your pick from the shortcuts we've compiled in the cheat sheet below. (Using them all is even better!)

The cheat sheet contains several keyboard shortcuts as well as link-based shortcuts for handling tabs, bookmarks, webpage content, and more. These shortcuts can save you loads of time as you surf the web.

FREE DOWNLOAD: This cheat sheet is available as a downloadable PDF from our distribution partner, TradePub. You will have to complete a short form to access it for the first time only. Download The Safari Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Mac .

Personalize Safari for a Better Workflow

Despite being less versatile than popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, Safari remains the top choice for Mac users thanks to its seamless integration with macOS.

To make the best of Safari, personalize it with our Safari customization guide , keep it in top shape with our tips for boosting browser speed and performance and of course, use the shortcuts we've listed above.

21 shortcuts for Safari you need to know

Become a Safari Svengali by employing some of these keyboard shortcuts.

shortcuts open safari

If you use Apple's own browser on your Mac, then I've got some shortcuts to share with you. With just a handful of these keyboard shortcuts, you can become a superior Safari surfer.

Tab and window management

1. open link in new tab.

Some links are coded to open in the current tab while others open in a new tab. To take control of this behavior, press Command when you click a link to stay on your current page while opening the link in a new tab in the background. Likewise, use Command-Shift-click to open link in new tab and switch to it.

2. Jump to next or previous tab

Use Command-Shift-right arrow to jump one tab to the right and use Command-Shift-left arrow to jump one tab to the left. Alternatively, you can use Control-Tab to move to the right and Control-Shift-Tab to move to the left

3. Jump to specific tab

To jump to a specific tab of the many you have open, press Command and any number key between 1 and 9 . Command-1 jumps you to your first (left-most) tab. Command-5 , for example, jumps you to the fifth tab from the left.

4. Bring back closed tab

You probably use Command-T to open a new tab, but did you know that Command-Z opens your previously closed tab. Undo that last tab closure! Unlike Chrome and Firefox that remember your last 10 closed tabs, Safari brings back only your last closed tab with this shortcut. For other closed tabs, you'll need to find them in Safari's History.

5. Drag tabs

Safari is quite flexible when it comes to moving your tabs around. You can click and drag a tab to move it to another spot among your row open tabs in the current window. You can also drag a tab out of the current window and start a new window or drag it from one window to another window.

6. M for minimize

Hit Command-M to minimize your current window.

7. Close current tab or window

This shortcut saves you from needing to click the little X to close a tab. Instead, use Command-W to close your current tab. To close your current Safari window, use Command-Shift-W .

8. Close all tabs but current tab

After an explosion of tabs, you can close all tabs but the current tab (and any pinned tabs) by hitting Command-Option-W .

9. Enter Reading Mode

Hit Command-Shift-R to enable Safari's reading mode to get a clean, clutter-free version of the page you are viewing.

10. Add to Reading List

Hit Command-Shift-D to add the current page to your Reading List so you can return to it later.

11. Open the Sidebar

Hit Command-Shift-L to open Safari's Sidebar to see your Bookmarks, Reading List, Shared links. Hit the keyboard shortcut again to close the Sidebar.

12. Go fullscreen

Hit Command-Control-F to move in and out of fullscreen mode.

13. Private, keep out

Hit Command-Shift-N to open a Private Browsing window.

14. Mute noisy tab

Like Chrome, Safari displays a speaker icon on any tab that is playing audio. Unlike with Chrome, with Safari you can click on the speaker icon to mute the tab. You can also click the blue speaker icon in the URL bar to mute all tabs.

Page navigation

15. forward and back.

You can go back a page on your current tab by hitting Command-left arrow . To move forward a page, use Command-right arrow .

16. Page up and down

When you are viewing a page (and not filling out a form, using Google Docs or otherwise engaging your cursor in Safari), hit the spacebar to page down on a page and Shift-spacebar to page up.

17. Top or bottom

Hit Command-up arrow to return to the top of the web page you are viewing and Command-down arrow to go to the very bottom of the page.

18. Stop a page from loading

If a page is taking too long to load, hit the Escape key to stop it from loading. To reload the page, hit Command-R .

19. Zoom controls

If you have trouble reading a small font on a page, hit Command-Shift-[equals sign] to zoom in. To zoom out, use Command-Shift-[minus sign] to zoom out. To return to the default zoom level, hit Command-Shift-0 (zero).

20. URL bar

Hit Command-L to take control of URL bar.

21. Find bar

Use Command-F to open the Find bar to search for text on the current page. When searching for text with the Find bar, hit Return to go to the next instance of your search term on the page and use Shift-Return to go to the previous instance.

Many of the shortcuts are the same, but I've got Chrome shortcuts and Firefox shortcuts if either is your preferred browser.

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80 Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

You probably know tens of Safari shortcuts, but in reality, tons of Safari shortcuts can improve your experience while browsing the web. Sticking to this native Safari browser, it’s time that you level up a bit higher in the browser by learning Safari shortcuts.

Download Safari Shortcuts PDF

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Most used Safari Shortcuts
  • 1.2 Menu Shortcuts
  • 1.3 Navigation Shortcuts

Below is a list of the best and most useful Safari shortcuts that you can remember and make yourself more productive. Download the Safari Shortcuts PDF.

Most used Safari Shortcuts

Similar Programs: Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu Shortcuts

Similar Programs: Internet Explorer Shortcut keys

Navigation Shortcuts

These are the most useful Safari shortcuts that speed up the workflow. However, even though Safari protects users’ privacy and safety, many people still prefer the competitive browsers Chrome and Firefox.

  • Slack Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Spotify Shortcuts
  • Sublime text Shortcuts
  • Visual Studio Shortcuts

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How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts on Safari

It's free and super easy to set up

As the default browser on Apple devices, Safari offers users a range of features designed to make browsing easier and more efficient. One such feature is keyboard shortcuts. Using keyboard shortcuts saves time and effort, as they can help you perform various tasks and navigate through Safari without having to use your mouse or touchpad. In this article, we'll explore how to use keyboard shortcuts on Safari and take a closer look at some of the most commonly used shortcuts.

Understanding Keyboard Shortcuts in Safari

Safari is a popular web browser that comes equipped with a range of helpful keyboard shortcuts. These shortcuts allow you to perform various tasks and navigate through the browser with ease. Understanding how these shortcuts work can significantly improve your browsing experience and increase your productivity.

Keyboard shortcuts can be especially handy if you have limited mobility or prefer to use a keyboard over a mouse or touchpad. By using these shortcuts, you can reduce the amount of time you spend clicking on buttons or using the mouse. This can be a welcome relief if you suffer from repetitive strain injury (RSI) or other conditions that affect your hand movement.

The Benefits of Using Keyboard Shortcuts

There are numerous benefits to using keyboard shortcuts when browsing Safari. For instance, using keyboard shortcuts can be faster and more efficient than using your mouse. With a bit of practice, you can quickly get used to using shortcuts and navigate Safari with greater ease.

Another benefit of using keyboard shortcuts is that they can help to reduce the strain on your hands and wrists. If you spend a lot of time browsing the web, you may find that using a mouse or touchpad can cause discomfort or pain in your hands. By using keyboard shortcuts, you can reduce the amount of time you spend using your mouse or touchpad and alleviate some of this discomfort.

Commonly Used Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

Here are some of the most common shortcuts used in Safari:

Command + T: Opens a new tab on Safari

Command + W: Closes the current tab in Safari

Command + R: Refreshes the current webpage

Command + L: Highlights the address bar

Command + Option + F: Activates the “Find” bar, which lets you search for specific terms on a page

These shortcuts can be incredibly useful if you want to quickly navigate through Safari or perform specific tasks without using your mouse. For example, if you want to open a new tab, you can simply press Command + T instead of clicking on the “New Tab” button with your mouse.

If you’re new to using keyboard shortcuts, it may take some time to get used to them. However, with a bit of practice, you’ll soon find that they can significantly improve your browsing experience and make it easier to navigate through Safari.

Navigating Safari with Keyboard Shortcuts

One of the most significant advantages of using keyboard shortcuts on Safari is that they allow you to navigate through the browser easily. Here, we'll explore some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for navigating Safari.

Opening and Closing Tabs

To open a new tab in Safari, press Command + T . To close the current tab, press Command + W . If you have multiple tabs open, and you want to close a specific one, use the shortcut Command + Shift + W .

Switching Between Tabs

You can switch between tabs in Safari using keyboard shortcuts. To switch to the previous tab, press Command + Shift + { . To switch to the next tab, press Command + Shift + } .

Navigating Webpages

Safari's keyboard shortcuts make it easy to navigate webpages. To move down a page, press the spacebar. To move up a page, press Shift + spacebar .

Using the Address Bar and Search

To highlight the address bar in Safari, press Command + L . If you want to search the web, press Command + Option + F , which will activate the Find bar. From there, you can enter a search term, and Safari will search the page for it.

Managing Bookmarks and Favorites with Keyboard Shortcuts

Safari's keyboard shortcuts also allow you to manage your bookmarks and favorites with ease. Here's what you need to know.

Adding and Editing Bookmarks

To add a bookmark, press Command + D . This will add the current webpage to your bookmarks. If you want to edit or delete a bookmark, highlight it in the bookmark bar by using the arrow keys, and then press Command + Delete .

Organizing Bookmarks

Safari's keyboard shortcuts also make it easy to organize your bookmarks. To open the bookmarks sidebar, press Command + Option + B . From there, you can use the arrow keys to navigate through your bookmarks and folders. To move a bookmark from one folder to another, highlight it and press Command + X to cut it, then navigate to the target folder and press Command + V to paste it.

Accessing Favorites

You can also access your favorites using keyboard shortcuts in Safari. To open your favorites bar, press Command + Shift + B . From there, you can navigate through your favorites using the arrow keys.

Enhancing Your Browsing Experience with Additional Shortcuts

Zooming in and out.

If you want to zoom in on a webpage, press Command + Plus (+) . To zoom out, press Command +Minus (-) .

Viewing Your Browsing History

To view your browsing history, press Command + Y . This will bring up a list of recently visited sites that you can navigate using the arrow keys.

Using Safari's Reader Mode

If you're reading a long article and want to remove any distractions, use Safari's Reader Mode. To activate it, press Command + Shift + R . This will strip the page of any extraneous content, such as ads and pop-ups, leaving only the text of the article.

Using keyboard shortcuts on Safari can significantly improve your browsing experience and save you time and effort. With practice, you can quickly get used to these shortcuts and navigate Safari with greater efficiency. Whether you're looking to manage your bookmarks, navigate webpages, or access your browsing history, Safari's keyboard shortcuts make it easy to do so.

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Troubleshooting, 31 useful safari keyboard shortcuts for mac.

Safari icon

Safari is the fast and lean default web browser bundled with every Mac and Mac OS X. You probably already know a keyboard shortcut or two, but there are tons of shortcuts in Safari worth remembering that can really improve your experience browsing the web.

We’ll cover 31 different keystrokes for Safari on Mac, they are grouped into different sections based on use case, and we’ve also included a few multi-touch gestures for those of us with multitouch capable Macs. You’ll get a grand total of 31 keyboard shortcuts for Safari on Mac, and 4 Safari gestures too!

8 Safari Shortcuts for Navigating Tabs & Web Pages

  • Switch to Next Tab – Control+Tab
  • Switch to Previous Tab – Control+Shift+Tab
  • Scroll Down by Full Screen – Spacebar
  • Scroll Up by Full Screen – Shift+Spacebar
  • Go to Address Bar – Command+L
  • Open New Tab – Command+T
  • Open Link in New Tab – Command+Click a link
  • Add Linked Page to Reading List – Shift+Click link

7 Safari Shortcuts for Reading & Viewing Pages

  • Strip Styling and View in Reader – Command+Shift+R
  • Increase Text Size – Command+Plus
  • Decrease Text Size – Command+Minus
  • Default Text Size – Command+0
  • Enter or Exit Full Screen – Command+Escape
  • Open Home Page – Command+Shift+H
  • Mail Link to Current Page – Command+Shift+I

5 Safari Shortcuts for Caches, Loading Pages, Source, and Pop Ups

  • Empty Browser Cache – Command+Option+E
  • Reload Page – Command+R
  • Stop Loading Page – Command+.
  • View Page Source – Command+Option+U
  • Disable Pop Up Windows – Command+Shift+K

3 Safari Shortcuts for Finding and Navigating Found Items

  • Find Text on Page – Command+F
  • Navigate Found Items Forward – Return
  • Navigate Found Items Backwards – Shift+Return

8 Safari Shortcuts for Toolbars, History, and Reading List

  • Hide or Show Toolbar – Command+i
  • Hide or Show Bookmarks Bar – Command+Shift+B
  • Hide or Show Status Bar – Command+/
  • Hide or Show Tab Bar – Command+Shift+T
  • Show Top Sites – Command+Option+1
  • Show History – Command+Option+2
  • Show Reading List – Command+Shift+L
  • Show Downloads – Command+Option+L

Bonus: 4 Safari Multi-Touch Gestures

  • Go Back – Two Finger Swipe Left
  • Go Forward – Two Finger Swipe Right
  • Zoom Out / Decrease Font Size – Pinch
  • Zoom In / Increase Font Size – Spread / Reverse Pinch

There are even more keyboard commands, but the above lists recommend the most useful. If you’re looking through the menus and wondering what some of those symbols are, our recent post on Mac keyboard symbols should help decipher some of the peculiar looking glyphs.

Want to learn more keystrokes for other apps? Browse through our other keyboard shortcut lists , you’ll notice there are often similarities between the shortcuts and apps, particularly those created by Apple.

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Related articles:

  • How to Automatically Change iPhone Wallpaper with Shortcuts
  • How to Find Mac Keyboard Shortcuts
  • How to Install Third-Party Shortcuts on iPhone & iPad
  • 14 Keyboard Shortcuts for Files App on iPad


» Comments RSS Feed

Thanks for sharing

Try command + [ for back command + ] for forward

Thank you very much.

Look inside the folder. There’s a file called: Shortcuts.html


Great to make a Bookmark of, and to keep all the shortcuts close. :)

A four finger swipe gives you the last program opened consecutively.

If you use several web browsers, it may be helpful to standardize your keyboard commands across all applications using System Preferences. I set “Switch to Next/Previous Tab” to command+option+left/right arrow. Also, I used the System Preferences pane “BetterTouchTool” to perform those actions with three-finger left/right swipes.

It’s one finger swipe for go forward/back. Two finger swipe makes you go to dashboard or change despktop/full screen app.

This depends on input method and also on your settings. It can be a one finger swipe, two finger swipe or even a three finger swipe.

Hide or Show Toolbar – Command+i

Hide or Show Toolbar – Command+| (vertical divider)

Mail Current Page – Command+i (mails contents)

Hide or Show Toolbar does not work.

Every page I go to has this shortcut listed and it doesn’t. work.

The two finger dragging direction is counter-intuitive. Just as dragging up a page in Lion pulls the page up, I’d prefer to drag the page from left to right to pull in the previous page.

Navigate Found Items Forward – Return

Also, Command + G

Look up in dictionary ctrl + command + d when hovering a word with the cursor.

the three-finger tap can be used for this as well.

That’s great. Thanks!

Great list but Safari has some features I can’t stand right now, mainly the automatic refresh thing and other iOS inspired elements that make it difficult to use. I’m using Chrome for the time being since Firefox crapped the bed and never recovered from it’s mishap. Hopefully Apple fixes Safari, I like it a lot.

Yes the fact that Safari refreshes the page every time you hit the back button is very annoying. I don’t see any benefit in it either and it means you download the page contents again unnecessarily.

I Like Chrome .

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12 Safari keyboard shortcuts you should know

If you use Safari as your full-time browser on Mac, then you should learn some of the more important keyboard shortcuts to supercharge your workflow. In this post, we tell you about a dozen must-have Safari shortcuts to power up your browsing experience.

Safari running on MacBook

But first, a quick video walkthrough of the best keyboard shortcuts in Safari for Mac.

Without further ado, here are the best keyboard shortcuts for macOS Safari.

1. Quickly switch between open tabs

To quickly switch between Safari tabs using your keyboard, use Control + Tab  or Control + Shift + Tab to navigate your open tabs forward and backward. You can also press  Command + 1 to  Command + 8  to quickly switch to a specific tab. If your open tabs don’t fit Safari’s tab bar , simply swipe left or right on any tab using your trackpad to reveal the ones outside window boundaries.

2. Instantly jump to the rightmost tab

To instantly jump to the rightmost open tab , press Command + 9 . This handy shortcut only works on Mac computers running macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 or newer. On older macOS editions, this shortcut takes you to the ninth Safari tab.

3. Close a tab

You can quickly close a Safari tab by pressing Command + W . To close all tabs except the currently active one , right-click or  Control-click  the one you’d like to keep and choose  Close Other Tabs from a popup menu.

Alternatively, press the Option key and click the tab’s close symbol ( x ). This will keep this tab open and close all other open tabs!

4. Reopen recently closed tabs or windows

Have you ever closed a tab and instantly regretted doing so? No big deal! There are several shortcuts for bringing recently closed tabs . If your last action in Safari was closing a tab,  use the standard undo shortcut  Command + Z .

Otherwise, press  Shift + Command + T  or choose  Reopen Last Closed Tab from Safari’s History menu.

You can use this shortcut (or the Undo action) repeatedly to reopen multiple closed tabs. To reopen a particular closed tab, select it from Safari’s History → Recently Closed sub-menu

Tip: To reopen any accidentally closed windows or tabs from your last browsing session, click Safari’s History menu and choose the option Reopen All Windows From Last Session .

5. Switch between windows

We know how to switch between tabs, but how do you quickly switch between windows in Safari? Just press Command + ` or Command + Shift + ` to switch windows in reverse.

6. Go back or forward

Let the trackpad and mouse rest. Use the Command + ] shortcut to advance to the next webpage and Command + [ to go back to the previous webpage in Safari on Mac.

7. Scroll a full-page

To scroll a full page at a time in Mac’s Safari, hold the Option  key and press the Up  or Down arrow key. You can also press the  Space bar or the Shift + Space bar  combination to scroll down or up a full page.

8. Jump to the top or bottom of the webpage

To instantly reach the very top or bottom of a webpage in Safari, hold the Command  key on the keyboard while pressing the Up or Down arrow key.

9. Show or hide the favorites bar

Every little bit of real estate counts. To show or hide your Favorites bar in Mac’s Safari, press Command + Shift + B .

10. Open a private-browsing window

To quickly open a new private-browsing session in Safari on Mac, press Command + Shift + N .

Related: 4 quick ways to open Safari Private Tab on iPhone

11. Show or hide the sidebar

Want fast access to Safari’s Bookmarks, Reading List, and Shared links? Try pressing Command + Shift + L .

12. Jump straight to the URL bar

If you want to quickly access the Safari address bar to type in a URL or enter a search query, use Command + L .

Your favorite Safari shortcuts?

Of course, there are many more productivity-boosting keyboard shortcuts for Safari that you should familiarize yourself with, but these twelve basic ones should be incorporated into everyone’s repertoire from the get-go. Plus, with Safari open, when you click the menus in the menu bar, you’ll get to know about more keyboard shortcuts.

What’s your favorite Safari shortcut from our list?

You’ll also like:

  • The ultimate list of Mac keyboard shortcuts
  • 19 useful Mac startup keyboard shortcuts you should know
  • How to view available keyboard shortcuts in every Mac app


25 Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know

Check out 25 Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.

Comments: 6 Responses to “25 Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know”

I'm curious if you know a reason why SEARCH RESULTS SNAPBACK is never available to me. I tried reversing the option in Safari/Prefs/er uh Settings/General: I use Tab Layout: Separate, I always show website titles in tabs and I open pages in tabs instead of windows automatically. Changing that made no difference but I can't think of what else I could have messed up, er uh, changed to make this command unavailable. Not a critical issue--just curious.

brad: Make sure you use the address field to search, not a web page (like Google's home page). Don't skip the search results page as you must end up at a search results page for this to work. If you choose one of the results from the drop-down then you go right to the result.

Thanks! I’m using the "Address and Search" field of the toolbar. I open a new blank window, search a term there, open a resulting link, then a link within that page and a link within that page and SEARCH RESULTS SNAPBACK always remains grayed out. I find my ways...

brad: Don't open the "resulting link." Type your search term and then press Return to go to the search page. Unless you see Google's search page with the results first, and then select a result on that page, it won't work. There's nothing to "snap back" to if you don't visit the search results page.

on a blank page, in the "Address and Search" field, I enter the term. The result is Google’s page with all the results. I choose one of those links and then burrow down into deeper and deeper links but never does SEARCH RESULTS SNAPBACK become available. UNTIL: I started to record my keystrokes & mac’s reactions so I could show you and after the first subsequent link, the SEARCH RESULTS SNAPBACK became available just like it’s supposed to!

It’s as if starting the record/capture process changed something because after shutting down the recording, it still works like a charm. I’m guessing nothing happened like I said and this was all a hallucination. I hope you didn’t get too consternated! After all this, I’m going to make damn sure I find a reason to use it! LOL!

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50+ Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

Elevate your Safari browsing on macOS and iOS with 50+ keyboard shortcuts. From webpage navigation to bookmark management, find it all here

As Apple’s flagship browser, Safari is known for its speed, privacy features , and user-friendly interface. It is the go-to browser for many iOS and macOS users, ranging from professionals to students and casual surfers.

In this post, we’ll show you a list of more than 50 keyboard shortcuts for desktop Safari. Whether you’re a multitasking pro or someone who just wants to make their online activities a bit smoother, these keyboard shortcuts are sure to come in handy.

Related: Keyboard shortcuts for macOS Venture , iMessage , Apple Pages , and Terminal .

Current Webpage

Tabs and navigation, reading list, other shortcuts.

14 shortcuts for Safari Views, Tab Groups, and Focus Filters to use with iOS 16

Safari is getting easier to work with inside Shortcuts — these shortcuts will help you get started.

Photo of a subset of the linked shortcuts shown in light blue on an iPad screen.

New actions

Safari views, focus filters.

In the iOS 16 public beta, Apple has added six new actions to the Shortcuts app that work with Safari on iPhone and iPad.

Currently only available for developers and public testers (but coming to everyone this fall), these actions are aimed at interacting with different "views" in Safari, plus creating tabs and doing basic Tab Group management.

To help you take full advantage of these, here are 14 shortcuts built out with each potential option across the actions so that you don't have to build them yourself — if you're brave enough to install the betas, that is (if not, just bookmark this story):

  • Open Safari Bookmarks
  • Open Safari History
  • Open Reading List
  • Open Shared With You
  • Open Safari start page
  • Open Safari sidebar
  • Open Tab Overview
  • Open new tab
  • Open new private tab
  • Open Default tabs
  • Open Private tabs
  • Create Tab Group
  • Open Safari Tab Group
  • Set Safari Focus Filter

Screenshot of the Shortcuts app showing the listed actions.

Released alongside 40 other actions , Safari has gained six actions of its own so far in the betas (descriptions from Apple):

1. Open View: Opens the view in Safari.

2. Open New Tab: Opens a new tab.

3. Open New Private Tab: Opens a new Private Tab.

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4. Create Tab Group: Creates an empty Tab Group.

5. Open Tab Group: Opens the selected Tab Group.

6. Set Safari Focus Filter: Sets the behavior of the safari when the given Focus in enabled.

In addition, Safari Reader actions are also now available on macOS , matching the functionality from iOS and iPadOS that's been missing the last year since Shortcuts for Mac launched — we'll cover how to take advantage of those in a future story.

The Open View action in Safari packs a lot of functionality into a single action, providing access to every screen you can find in the Safari app.

We've built shortcuts for each option, letting you speak the names to Siri and immediately access the specific portion of the app when needed. Plus, this set works great as a Shortcuts widget to quickly pick between every option and get to the right spot.

Three screenshots of the Open Safari Bookmarks, Open Safari History, and Open Reading List shortcuts open on iPhones.

- Open Safari Bookmarks: Opens the Bookmarks tab of the Safari app to your bookmarked websites.

- Open Safari History: Opens the Safari app and shows the History tab of previously-visited sites. Use this shortcut to find a website that you visited earlier in the day/week/month and access it again — it works well if you remember looking something up recently but don't want to search the web for the same information again, like recipes for example.

- Open Reading List: Opens the Safari app to the Reading List window so you can find pages you've saved for later. Use this shortcut to actually get to your read-later list in Safari.

Screenshot of the Open Shared With You shortcut side-by-side with Safari open to the same view.

- Open Shared With You: Opens Safari to the Shared With You tab where links shared in Messages are surfaced for quick access. Use this shortcut to quickly open all the links that have been, well, shared with you in apps like Messages – this works great if you regularly share links, articles, and websites with things like recipes with friends and family from your favorite iPad .

Screenshot of the Open Safari Start Page shortcut side-by-side with Safari open to the same view.

- Open Safari start page: Shows the Start Page section of Safari with Favorites, iCloud Tabs, and other custom sections. Use this shortcut to access your iCloud Tabs from another device or jump into one of your Favorite bookmarks.

Screenshot of the Open Safari sidebar shortcut side-by-side with Safari open to the sidebar as well.

- Open Safari sidebar: Activates the Sidebar area of Safari, showing the extra features and moving the main window to a 2/3 view. Use this shortcut alongside other Safari functions to set the app up exactly how you want it — it works well for a web browsing experience where you may be switching between tab groups, for example.

Screenshot of the Open Tab Overview shortcut side-by-side with Safari open to the same view.

- Open Tab Overview: Shows all the current tabs in your tab group in a bird's eye view. Use this shortcut to quickly see the contents of all your active tabs and pick between them — it works well for searching for a specific tab, looking at the site previews, and closing tabs you're not using.

To work with tabs and tab groups, Safari has options to create new tabs, plus create a new tab group and reopen it as needed. We've included the Open View actions for Open Default Tab View and Open Private Tab View here as well since they align well with the New Tab and New Private Tab actions.

Screenshot of the Open New Tab, Open Private Tab, Open Default Tabs, and Open Private Tabs shortcuts open on iPhone.

- Open new tab : Creates a new blank tab in the Safari app. Use this shortcut to open an empty tab and leave it waiting in Safari — it works well in the Shortcuts widget, or as a prompt to begin a web browsing session. Oddly, this doesn't let you specify a Tab Group to create it in (yet?).

- Open new private tab: Creates a new tab in the Private tab group of Safari.

- Open Default tabs: Opens Safari to the main tab section outside of Tab Groups. Use this shortcut to switch out of "Tab Group mode" and back to your normal set of tabs. Works well when you don't care about saving tabs for later and want to end a specific browsing session.

- Open Private tabs: Switches to the Private tab group where browse data isn't tracked. Use this shortcut to switch from public to private tabs and see the set you have available behind your default set. I use this to see the non-logged-in version of my website when testing the public vs. members-only experience.

Screenshot of the Create Tab Group shortcut open with the Ask Each Time prompt showing to visualize the interactivity.

- Create Tab Group: Generates a new tab group in Safari, prompting for a new name. Use this shortcut when you want to set up a new Tab Group and keep track of specific tabs synced across devices over time.

Screenshot of the Open Safari Tab Group shortcut open with the Ask Each Time prompt showing to visualize the interactivity.

- Open Safari Tab Group: Prompts you to choose which of your Tab Groups to open. Use this shortcut to pick from your full list of tab groups and open the corresponding option — this works well as a Shortcuts widget to jump into the various groups you have without tapping around the Safari app multiple times.  

Try duplicating this shortcut and create new shortcuts for each of your tab groups so you can access each of them with Siri too.

Finally, Safari is one of the apps that Apple added Focus Filters actions for (so far?) — this feature lets you automatically switch to a specific tab group when you activate a Focus mode, and this action lets you control that functionality entirely from within Shortcuts.

Screenshot of the Set Safari Focus Filter shortcut.

- Set Safari Focus Filter: Activate/deactivate the Focus Filter features for Safari tab groups by asking for a Focus, then which Tab Group to set. Use this shortcut to automate whether or not the feature activates alongside Focus modes — works well as an override for the Focus options defined in Settings.

These handy new Shortcuts make Safari a breeze

With that set of shortcuts, you now have a complete basis for interacting with Safari in iOS 16 — you can access everything, work with tabs, and get even deeper with Tab Groups and Focus Filters.

Currently, these actions do not work in the macOS Ventura betas — while I assume this is only temporary in the earlier betas, it's possible these may not come to the Mac. This story will be updated in future betas if more information is discovered.

This overall release is also missing a set of actions for "getting" the current tabs from Safari and your various tab groups. On the Mac, there is an action called Get Current Tab from Safari that has existed since last year that was brought over from Automator.

However, that action hasn't been brought to iOS, updated for Tab Groups, and doesn't let you get anything except the front-most tab. I hope Apple fixes this in the next few betas, as I'd like to see a Get Tabs From Safari action added in this iOS 16 release so Shortcuts users can truly take advantage of all their tabs and Tab Group setups to the fullest.

We'll be covering how to use the Safari Reader actions on the Mac in the future, plus sharing more advanced use cases for these actions near to the iOS 16 launch — until then, enjoy playing with these shortcuts on the betas.

Matthew Cassinelli

Matthew Cassinelli is a writer, podcaster, video producer, and Shortcuts creator. After working on the Workflow app before it was acquired by Apple and turned into Shortcuts, Matthew now shares about how to use Shortcuts and how to get things done with Apple technology.

On his personal website, Matthew has shared hundreds & hundreds of shortcuts that anyone can download, plus runs a membership program for more advanced Shortcuts users. He also publishes a weekly newsletter called “What’s New in Shortcuts.”

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shortcuts open safari

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The default browser on MacOS

Scroll right in larger increments

Scroll to the bottom-left corner of the webpage

Scroll to the top-left corner of the webpage

Scroll down

Scroll left in larger increments

Scroll down a screen

Scroll up a screen

Current webpage :

Search the current webpage

Copy the selected item

Paste the most recently copied item

Highlight the next field or pop-up menu on a webpage

Highlight the next field, pop-up menu, or clickable item (such as a link) on a webpage

While typing in the Smart Search field, restore the current webpage address

Select the Smart Search field

Print the current webpage

Close all tabs except for one

Show tab overview

Go to the next tab

Go to the previous tab

Open a webpage in a new tab

Open a webpage in a new tab, and make that tab the active tab

Select third tab

Close the active tab

Reopen the last tab you closed

Go to your homepage

Change Safari settings

Go back to the previous webpage

Go forward to the next webpage

Exit full-screen view

Downloads :

Download a linked file

Open a downloaded file

Reopen the last window you closed

Switch to another Safari window

Reading List :

Show or Hide the Reading List sidebar

Add the current webpage

Add a linked webpage

Open Reader

Close Reader

Bookmarks :

Open all bookmarks from a folder in the Favorites bar

Bookmarks sidebar :

Show or Hide the Bookmarks sidebar

Select bookmarks and folders in the sidebar

Select the next bookmark or folder

Open the selected bookmark

Open the selected folder

Close the selected folder

Change the name or address of a bookmark

Cancel editing a bookmark name in the sidebar

Finish editing a bookmark name

Create a folder containing the selected bookmarks 

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How To Change Safari Shortcuts

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Safari, Apple's widely used web browser, is known for its sleek interface, robust performance, and seamless integration with the Apple ecosystem. One of its standout features is the ability to customize keyboard shortcuts, allowing users to navigate the web with efficiency and ease. Whether you're a casual user or a power surfer, understanding how to change Safari shortcuts can significantly enhance your browsing experience.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of Safari shortcuts, providing you with a step-by-step approach to modifying these shortcuts to align with your preferences. By the end of this article, you will have the knowledge and confidence to tailor Safari's shortcuts to suit your unique browsing habits.

Let's embark on this journey to unlock the full potential of Safari's shortcuts, empowering you to navigate the web with unparalleled speed and convenience. Whether you're aiming to streamline your workflow, boost productivity, or simply personalize your browsing experience, the ability to change Safari shortcuts is a valuable skill that can elevate your digital interactions.

Now, let's dive into the world of Safari shortcuts and discover how you can tailor them to match your browsing style and preferences.

Understanding Safari Shortcuts

Safari shortcuts are predefined key combinations that allow users to perform various actions within the Safari web browser quickly. These shortcuts are designed to streamline navigation, enhance productivity, and provide a seamless browsing experience. By familiarizing yourself with Safari shortcuts, you can efficiently execute commands, access specific features, and maneuver through web pages with precision.

Built-in Shortcuts

Safari comes equipped with a range of built-in shortcuts that cater to different aspects of web browsing. These shortcuts encompass a diverse set of functions, including navigating between tabs, managing bookmarks, accessing the address bar, and controlling page elements. For instance, pressing Command + T opens a new tab, while Command + D bookmarks the current page. These built-in shortcuts serve as foundational tools for optimizing your browsing workflow.

Customization Options

In addition to the default shortcuts, Safari offers users the flexibility to customize and create their own keyboard shortcuts. This feature empowers individuals to tailor their browsing experience according to their specific needs and preferences. Whether it's assigning a unique shortcut for a frequently visited website or creating a personalized command for a specific browser function, the ability to customize shortcuts adds a layer of personalization to the browsing process.

Accessibility and Efficiency

Understanding Safari shortcuts is not only about convenience but also accessibility. For users with mobility impairments or those seeking to navigate the web more efficiently, keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve accessibility. By minimizing the reliance on mouse or trackpad interactions, shortcuts offer a more streamlined and efficient means of interacting with web content, ultimately enhancing the overall browsing experience.

Integration with Apple Ecosystem

Safari shortcuts seamlessly integrate with the broader Apple ecosystem, providing a consistent user experience across Apple devices. Whether you're using Safari on a Mac, iPad, or iPhone, the familiarity and uniformity of shortcuts create a cohesive browsing environment. This integration fosters a sense of continuity and ease of use, allowing users to transition seamlessly between different Apple devices while retaining the familiarity of Safari's shortcuts.

By comprehensively understanding the significance of Safari shortcuts, you can harness their potential to navigate the web with precision, efficiency, and personalization. Now that we've explored the foundational aspects of Safari shortcuts, let's delve into the process of changing these shortcuts to align with your browsing preferences and habits.

Changing Safari Shortcuts

Customizing Safari shortcuts offers a tailored browsing experience, aligning the browser's functionality with your unique preferences and habits. The process of changing Safari shortcuts involves a few simple steps, allowing you to redefine key combinations to suit your individual needs.

Accessing Preferences : To initiate the customization of Safari shortcuts, begin by opening the Safari browser on your Mac. Next, navigate to the "Safari" menu located in the top-left corner of the screen and select "Preferences" from the dropdown menu. This action will open the Preferences window, providing access to a range of customization options, including shortcuts.

Navigating to Shortcuts : Within the Preferences window, click on the "Tabs" icon, denoted by a tab-shaped symbol. This will reveal the "Tab" settings, where you can view and modify the existing keyboard shortcuts associated with tab management. Additionally, you can explore other categories such as "Bookmarks" and "Extensions" to customize shortcuts related to these functionalities.

Modifying Shortcuts : Once you have accessed the relevant shortcut settings, you can proceed to modify the existing shortcuts or create new ones. To change a shortcut, simply click on the current key combination next to the desired action and input the new key sequence that you wish to assign. This intuitive interface allows for seamless customization, enabling you to tailor shortcuts according to your browsing habits.

Saving Changes : After adjusting the shortcuts to your satisfaction, ensure to save the changes by clicking the "Save" or "OK" button within the Preferences window. This finalizes the customization process, implementing your personalized shortcuts within Safari.

By following these straightforward steps, you can effortlessly change Safari shortcuts, optimizing the browser's functionality to align with your specific browsing habits and workflow. This level of customization empowers you to navigate the web with enhanced efficiency and convenience, reflecting your individual preferences and optimizing your digital interactions.

With the ability to modify Safari shortcuts at your fingertips, you can seamlessly integrate the browser's functionality with your unique browsing style, ultimately enhancing your overall web browsing experience.

Testing the New Shortcuts

Once you have customized the shortcuts in Safari to align with your browsing preferences, it's essential to test the new key combinations to ensure they function as intended. Testing the new shortcuts not only validates the changes you've made but also allows you to familiarize yourself with the updated commands, ultimately enhancing your browsing efficiency.

To begin testing the new shortcuts, open Safari and navigate through various tasks using the modified key combinations. Start by utilizing the shortcuts for common actions such as opening new tabs, bookmarking pages, and navigating between tabs. By doing so, you can immediately gauge the impact of the customized shortcuts on your browsing workflow.

As you test the new shortcuts, pay close attention to their responsiveness and consistency. Verify that each key combination triggers the intended action without any conflicts or unexpected behavior. This meticulous testing process ensures that the customized shortcuts seamlessly integrate into your browsing experience, enhancing your overall efficiency and productivity.

Furthermore, consider testing the new shortcuts across different contexts and web pages. Whether you're browsing news articles, conducting research, or engaging in online transactions, assess how the modified shortcuts perform across diverse web content. This comprehensive testing approach allows you to adapt the shortcuts to various browsing scenarios, ensuring their reliability and effectiveness across different tasks and activities.

Additionally, take note of any adjustments or refinements that may be necessary during the testing phase. If certain shortcuts require fine-tuning or if you identify the need for additional customized commands, make the necessary modifications within Safari's preferences. This iterative testing and refinement process enable you to tailor the shortcuts to perfection, creating a browsing experience that seamlessly aligns with your unique habits and preferences.

By thoroughly testing the new shortcuts in Safari, you can confidently integrate these personalized key combinations into your daily browsing routine. The process of testing and refining the shortcuts ensures that they not only meet your immediate browsing needs but also contribute to a more streamlined and personalized web browsing experience.

As you navigate through the web using the newly customized shortcuts, you'll experience a heightened sense of control and efficiency, reflecting the tailored nature of your browsing interactions. Ultimately, the testing phase serves as the final validation of your customized shortcuts, solidifying their role in optimizing your Safari browsing experience.

In conclusion, the ability to change Safari shortcuts presents a valuable opportunity to personalize and optimize your browsing experience. By understanding the significance of shortcuts, exploring the customization options, and testing the modified key combinations, you can elevate your efficiency and control while navigating the web.

Customizing Safari shortcuts transcends mere convenience; it reflects a deeper level of engagement with your digital interactions. The process empowers you to tailor the browser's functionality to align with your unique browsing habits, ultimately enhancing your productivity and overall satisfaction with the browsing experience.

As you navigate through the digital landscape, the customized shortcuts serve as a reflection of your individual preferences and workflow. Whether you're streamlining tab management, accessing bookmarks with ease, or executing specific browser functions, the personalized shortcuts seamlessly integrate into your browsing routine, enhancing your control and efficiency.

Furthermore, the iterative nature of testing and refining the shortcuts underscores the dynamic nature of the browsing experience. It allows for continuous adaptation and optimization, ensuring that the shortcuts evolve alongside your evolving browsing habits and digital needs.

Ultimately, the process of changing Safari shortcuts is a testament to the user-centric approach that defines the Apple ecosystem. It exemplifies the commitment to empowering users with the tools and flexibility to tailor their digital experiences, fostering a sense of ownership and personalization.

As you embark on your journey to customize Safari shortcuts, remember that the process is not merely about modifying key combinations; it's about sculpting a browsing environment that resonates with your unique preferences and habits. Embrace the opportunity to infuse your digital interactions with a touch of personalization, and let the customized shortcuts become an extension of your browsing identity.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the ability to adapt and personalize your browsing experience is a powerful asset. By harnessing the potential of customized shortcuts, you can navigate the web with precision, efficiency, and a sense of ownership, ultimately transforming your digital interactions into a seamless and tailored experience.

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How to Add Safari Shortcuts to an iPhone Home Screen

Open website links quickly on any iOS device

shortcuts open safari

What to Know

  • Open the Safari app on your iPhone and go to a website you visit frequently.
  • Tap the Bookmark icon and then tap Add to Home Screen .
  • Accept the suggested name or enter a different name. Tap Add to save the shortcut to the iPhone Home screen.

This article explains how to make a Safari shortcut and add it to the iPhone home screen. It includes information on how to make a folder for your shortcuts on the Home screen. The instructions in this article apply to all iOS devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

How to Add Safari Shortcuts to Your iOS Home Screen

If you use the Safari browser on an iOS device, it's easy to create shortcuts on the Home screen that open directly to your favorite websites. Here's how to create Home screen website shortcuts on your iOS device.

Launch Safari and navigate to a website you frequently visit.

Tap the Bookmark icon at the bottom of the screen (it resembles a box with an upward-pointing arrow).

Tap Add to Home Screen .

Accept the suggested name for the shortcut, or enter one you like better, then tap  Add  to save the new shortcut icon to the home screen.

The new icon appears next to your other app icons. If you have a lot of apps, you may need to scroll through several screens to find it. To use the icon, tap it to go directly to the saved website in Safari.

Make a Bookmarks Folder for Website Icons

If you want easy access to multiple web bookmarks, repeat the website icon creation process with other websites, and then save all the website icons in one folder .

Press and hold one of the icons until all the icons start to wiggle. Then touch and drag one website icon on top of another to create a folder. Add other website icons to the same folder by dragging and dropping the icons.

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How-To Geek

How to quickly launch apps on windows 11 using keyboard shortcuts.

Load your Windows programs from the comfort of your keyboard.

Quick Links

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If you access particular Windows apps regularly, it can take time to launch them by rummaging through the Start menu. Handily, Windows 11 lets you create custom keyboard shortcuts to quickly open your favorite programs.

One of the awesome features of the Windows 11 taskbar is the ability to pin your frequently used applications to it. Once pinned, you can use the Windows+AppNumber shortcut to launch it. Here, "AppNumber" is the order in which the app appears on the taskbar.

To pin an app to the taskbar, search for the program in the Start menu, right-click it, and select "Pin to Taskbar". Alternatively, find the program in File Explorer, then hold the Shift key and right-click it, and select "Pin to Taskbar."

Once pinned to the taskbar, click and drag the icons to move them to a different position.

Your taskbar may have items like the search bar, task view, and widgets—these are not launchable through this specific keyboard shortcut. So, the app that you pin after these takes slot one, which you can open by pressing Windows+1 on your keyboard.

You may already have File Explorer pinned to your taskbar , as Windows 11 does this by default. If so, this does support the Windows+AppNumber shortcut.

In the screenshot below, File Explorer is first and Steam (highlighted) is fourth. This is because we don't count the Windows button, the search bar, or the task view icon. Since Steam is fourth, I can launch it by pressing Windows+4.

While this method is fairly simple, its biggest drawback is that you can only use the taskbar shortcuts for a maximum of ten applications, with Win+0 being the key combination to launch the tenth.

If you want to go beyond the ten apps restriction of the previous method, you can set a keyboard shortcut within the app's properties.

To do so, you need to create a shortcut file for the application. First, locate the program's EXE file through File Explorer. Then, press and hold the Shift key while right-clicking on the executable, and select "Create Shortcut."

Right-click on the newly created shortcut and select "Properties" to open another window.

Within the "Shortcut Key" field, press a key. This creates a shortcut using the Ctrl and Alt keys. For example, in the screenshot below, I pressed "A" which created a shortcut of Ctrl + Alt + A. Once done, click "OK".

To remove a shortcut, press the Delete key within the "Shortcut Key" field.

You can change "Ctrl + Alt" to "Shift + Alt" if you hold those keys while pressing your other desired key. Overall, though, this method is a bit limiting because you don't have complete control over the keys used.

PowerToys adds lots of useful features to Windows . It's an official Microsoft utility, which you can download through the Microsoft Store . One component of PowerToys is the Keyboard Manager, which lets you remap keys and create your own shortcuts. It offers more freedom compared to the previous methods.

To begin, open PowerToys and navigate to the Keyboard Manager. Turn the "Enable Keyboard Manager" toggle on if it's not already, then select "Remap a shortcut."

To create your shortcut, first click "Add Shortcut Remapping." Click the pencil next to "Shortcut" and press the keys for your shortcut, then "OK" when done.

Next, use the "Action" dropdown and click "Run Program", then click "Select Program" and find the program you want your shortcut to open.

Optionally, change the other settings. An important one is "If Running", which chooses what to do if you already have the program open. Finally, click "OK" in the top-right.

If you ever want to delete a shortcut, return to this screen and click the trash can.

AutoHotkey is a third-party tool that allows you to create macros which you can map to any function, including creating custom keyboard shortcuts to launch an app. AutoHotkey is significantly more powerful than the other options we've mentioned so far, though its reliance on scripting means it has a higher learning curve.

Go to the AutoHotkey website , then download and install it. Once done, launch AutoHotkey and select "New Script."

Next, give your script a name and select the "Edit" button.

Choose Notepad (or a development environment of your choosing, if you're an advanced user) as the code editor and press "OK."

You’ll be greeted with an empty script. You can use the following syntax for creating a macro:

Here, "Key1" and "Key2" are two separate keys.

"Application" is full path to the executable you wish to launch using the shortcut. To get this, find the program's EXE in File Explorer. Then, hold Shift and right-click it, and select "Copy as Path." This copies the path to your clipboard.

In my case, I've used the following code:

This code allows me to press Tab + A to launch Steam.

Once you've written the script, save it, then launch the file to activate the keyboard shortcut.

Each of these methods has a different level of complexity, so choose whichever works best for you. They'll all save you time!

shortcuts open safari


  1. 10+ Safari Keyboard Shortcuts You’ll Use

    shortcuts open safari

  2. 28 Safari Keyboard Shortcuts for iPad

    shortcuts open safari

  3. 21 shortcuts for Safari you need to know

    shortcuts open safari

  4. Best Safari Keyboard Shortcuts for MacOS

    shortcuts open safari

  5. 12 Safari keyboard shortcuts you should know

    shortcuts open safari

  6. How to Add Safari Shortcuts to an iPhone Home Screen

    shortcuts open safari


  1. Safari Shortcuts in Mac

  2. Open safari 😀 #music #safari_park i

  3. safari cannot open the page because too many redirects occurred

  4. Как открыть ссылку в новой вкладке iPhone Safari

  5. Safari for Windows opening animation 4K


  1. Keyboard shortcuts and gestures in Safari on Mac

    Command-click a bookmark. Command-Return after typing in the Smart Search field. Open a page in a new tab, and make that tab the active tab. Shift-Command-click a link. Shift-Command-click a bookmark. Shift-Command-Return after typing in the Smart Search field. Go to the next tab. Control-Tab or Shift-Command-]

  2. Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari on OS X and macOS

    Jurgita Vaicikeviciene / EyeEm / Getty Images Safari Shortcuts for Moving Around on a Page . Option+arrow: Scroll page by a screenful, minus a small overlap.; Command+up arrow or home: Scroll to top left corner of a web page.; Command+down arrow or end: Scroll to the bottom left corner of a web page.; Page up or shift+space bar: Scroll the page up by a screenful, minus a small overlap.

  3. The Safari Shortcuts Cheat Sheet for Mac

    Email link to current page. ¹Use Cmd + L and Cmd + Return in that order to duplicate current tab quickly. ²Shortcut works with bookmarks in Favorites bar also. ³Shortcut works in other macOS apps also. ⁴The Undo shortcut Cmd + Z also works as long as the Close Tab action was the most recent one.

  4. 21 shortcuts for Safari you need to know

    Hit Command-Shift-R to enable Safari's reading mode to get a clean, clutter-free version of the page you are viewing. 10. Add to Reading List. Hit Command-Shift-D to add the current page to your ...

  5. 80 Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

    Command + Home. Page Back. Command + Left Arrow key. Page Forward. Command + Right Arrow key. These are the most useful Safari Shortcuts that speed up the workflow. However, even though Safari protects users' privacy and safety, people still prefer the competitive browsers Chrome and Firefox. Check out Chrome Shortcuts.

  6. How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts on Safari

    Commonly Used Safari Keyboard Shortcuts. Here are some of the most common shortcuts used in Safari: Command + T: Opens a new tab on Safari. Command + W: Closes the current tab in Safari. Command + R: Refreshes the current webpage. Command + L: Highlights the address bar. Command + Option + F: Activates the "Find" bar, which lets you search ...

  7. The Best Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari on OS X

    Other Miscellaneous Safari Shortcuts There are also a number of shortcuts that affect the Safari window, and a few other miscellaneous functions: To open a new Safari window, use Command+N. To open a new Safari Private window, use Command+Shift+N. You'll often hear us refer to the Sidebar throughout this article.

  8. 31 Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac

    8 Safari Shortcuts for Navigating Tabs & Web Pages. Switch to Next Tab - Control+Tab. Switch to Previous Tab - Control+Shift+Tab. Scroll Down by Full Screen - Spacebar. Scroll Up by Full Screen - Shift+Spacebar. Go to Address Bar - Command+L. Open New Tab - Command+T. Open Link in New Tab - Command+Click a link.

  9. Control Safari Windows With Keyboard Shortcuts

    Command + T: Open a new tab with a blank page. Command + N: Open a new window. Command + Shift + N: Open a new window in Safari's private browsing mode (Mac only). Control + Tab: Move to the next tab on the right and make it active. Performing this shortcut on the right-most tab will move you back around to the left-most one.

  10. 12 Safari keyboard shortcuts you should know

    6. Go back or forward. Let the trackpad and mouse rest. Use the Command + ] shortcut to advance to the next webpage and Command + [ to go back to the previous webpage in Safari on Mac. 7. Scroll a full-page. To scroll a full page at a time in Mac's Safari, hold the Option key and press the Up or Down arrow key.

  11. 25 Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know Learn some keyboard shortcuts to speed up your Safari browsing experience.FOLLOW MACMOST FOR NEW TUTORIALS EVERY DAY ︎ YouTube — h...

  12. 25 Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know

    Now you can also scroll to the end of a page using the End Key on your keyboard or the Home Key on your keyboard. Of course if you don't have those keys then there is a substitution. You can use the fn key and then the right key for End and the left key for Home. Now Safari also allows you to use the Command Key and then the Down Arrow or Up ...

  13. 50+ Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

    50+ Useful Safari Keyboard Shortcuts. Elevate your Safari browsing on macOS and iOS with 50+ keyboard shortcuts. From webpage navigation to bookmark management, find it all here ... Open Downloaded File: Double-click File in Downloads List: You might also like. Cricut Design Space Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac and Windows.

  14. 14 shortcuts for Safari Views, Tab Groups, and Focus Filters to ...

    4. Create Tab Group: Creates an empty Tab Group. 5. Open Tab Group: Opens the selected Tab Group. 6. Set Safari Focus Filter: Sets the behavior of the safari when the given Focus in enabled. In addition, Safari Reader actions are also now available on macOS, matching the functionality from iOS and iPadOS that's been missing the last year since Shortcuts for Mac launched — we'll cover how to ...

  15. Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari

    Learn Keyboard Shortcuts for Safari and improve your Productivity. Safari. The default browser on MacOS. Start Training. Scroll: Train. Scroll up.

  16. How To Change Safari Shortcuts

    Accessing Preferences: To initiate the customization of Safari shortcuts, begin by opening the Safari browser on your Mac. Next, navigate to the "Safari" menu located in the top-left corner of the screen and select "Preferences" from the dropdown menu. This action will open the Preferences window, providing access to a range of customization ...

  17. How to Add Safari Shortcuts to an iPhone Home Screen

    What to Know. Open the Safari app on your iPhone and go to a website you visit frequently. Tap the Bookmark icon and then tap Add to Home Screen. Accept the suggested name or enter a different name. Tap Add to save the shortcut to the iPhone Home screen. This article explains how to make a Safari shortcut and add it to the iPhone home screen.

  18. Safari 17 : switch between profiles with keyboard shortcuts

    Is there any shortcut just to switch between profiles (just switch, not open new one in new window) 2. outcoldman. • 7 mo. ago. You can quickly open windows with new profiles. Cmd+Alt+Shift+0 - New Personal Profile Window. Cmd+Alt+Shift+1 - New Profile1 Window. Also, if you like Safari Profiles, and missed my previous post - take a look at ...

  19. Hotel Safari Hostel in Moscow

    Services; Shuttle Service (surcharge) Private Check-in/-out; Fax/Photocopying; Laundry; Airport Shuttle; Internet Services; Free Wi-Fi Internet Access Included

  20. How to Quickly Launch Apps on Windows 11 Using Keyboard Shortcuts

    To begin, open PowerToys and navigate to the Keyboard Manager. Turn the "Enable Keyboard Manager" toggle on if it's not already, then select "Remap a shortcut." To create your shortcut, first click "Add Shortcut Remapping." Click the pencil next to "Shortcut" and press the keys for your shortcut, then "OK" when done.

  21. Safari Expo 2013(Moscow)

    Safari Expo is rated as one of the most popular and successful projects initiated and organized by Crocus Expo IEC. It is highly appreciated by specialists. Safari Expo 2013 is held in Moscow, Russia, from 9/19/2013 to 9/19/2013 in Crocus Expo IEC.

  22. Horowitz rehearses in Moscow

    Vladimir Horowitz rehearses in Moscow - open rehearsal for students - live audience recording. April 18, 1986: Tchaikovsky Hall, Moscow Conservatory, Moscow,...

  23. 2024 Easter Jeep Safari Concepts: Low-Boy V-8 Wrangler ...

    Justin Banner Writer Manufacturer Photographer Mar 23, 2024. See All 70 Photos. It's time for the 58th annual Easter Jeep Safari, and that also means Stellantis' off-road Jeep brand has some ...

  24. Amazing Journey around Moscow, Kremlin Wall; Russia

    #Sancharam #Siberia #SafariTV #Santhosh_George_Kulangara #Lal_JoseStay Tuned : Enjoy & Stay Connected With Us !!---...