bus trip to niagara falls from new york

Cheap bus tickets from New York, NY to Niagara Falls, NY

Comfort on board, health and safety, satisfied customers, the green choice, on this page, bus stations and stops in new york, ny, new york midtown (31st st & 8th ave).

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New York Port Authority

New york city chinatown (bowery & canal st), new york city chinatown (28 allen st), new york (gw bridge), new york city (103 canal st), bus stations and stops in niagara falls, ny, niagara falls (usa), discover all destinations.

Choose from over 80 travel destinations in 11 states and growing!

Frequently asked questions

FlixBus offers a Real-Time Bus Tracker that allows you to track your bus location. Simply select the relevant bus stop and check the time of arrival. This way, you can find out where your bus is and check for delays on the route.

If you want to bring your bike with you on FlixBus between New York and Niagara Falls, you can. Transport options and prices are subject to availability. Check out our prices for bike transport herel .

FlixBus tickets start at just $36.99. You can easily book your ticket on the website or through the app. Book ahead to get the best price.

FlixBus offers a variety of payment methods for buying your bus ticket from New York to Niagara Falls, including card, Paypal, Google Pay, and more.

You can travel from New York to Niagara Falls for as little as $36.99.

The distance between New York and Niagara Falls by bus is 418 miles. FlixBus can make the trip in 8 hours 31 minutes.

You can get from New York to Niagara Falls by bus in 8 hours 31 minutes.

You can take a direct bus from New York to Niagara Falls. The fastest bus on this route has 6 stops(s).

Find the cheapest buses from New York to Niagara Falls

Getting from New York to Niagara Falls is cheap and easy when you travel with FlixBus. The two cities are 418 miles apart and traveling between the two takes as fast as 8 hours 31 minutes. FlixBus tickets are always good value, but you can save even more money by booking online in advance . Book on the website or our FlixBus App in minutes, then simply use your phone as your ticket to board the bus. Bus tickets between New York and Niagara Falls cost $49.99 on average, but you can get tickets for as low as $36.99 if you book in advance and/or outside of busy travel times, like weekends and holidays.

Traveling from New York to Niagara Falls

It's easy to get from New York to Niagara Falls with FlixBus, with 5 direct buses per day. The first bus is at 1:25 am and the last bus leaves at 11:59 pm , giving you options to suit every schedule. You can expect a minimum of 6 stops on your journey. It can take a minimum time of 8 hours 31 minutes . Bus travel is the most environmentally friendly way to travel long distances and we're working to make it even greener with high environmental standards across our fleet of buses, the use of alternative drive and fuel technologies, and the option for all passengers to offset their carbon emissions at the point of buying a ticket. The average cost of bus travel between New York and Niagara Falls is $49.99 , which makes bus travel far cheaper than any other method.

Traveling from New York and not familiar with it? Here's everything you need to know. New York is a transport hub with 6 bus station(s) ; the 178 connections departing from New York every day take travelers both within the state and further afield.

Arriving in Niagara Falls

Traveling to Niagara Falls for the first time? Here's what you need to know: Niagara Falls is very well connected to other destinations on the FlixBus network, with 11 connections arriving in one of the 1 bus station(s) of the city, giving you easy access to all corners of the country.

What to expect onboard the FlixBus bus from New York to Niagara Falls

Discover more popular bus connections.

  • New York, NY - Boston, MA
  • Boston, MA - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Washington, D.C.
  • Washington, D.C. - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Philadelphia, PA
  • Philadelphia, PA - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Atlantic City, NJ
  • Atlantic City, NJ - New York, NY
  • Montreal, QC - New York, NY
  • Toronto, ON - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Montreal, QC
  • New York, NY - Toronto, ON
  • New York, NY - Baltimore, MD
  • New York, NY - Albany, NY
  • Albany, NY - New York, NY
  • Baltimore, MD - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Syracuse, NY
  • Syracuse, NY - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Buffalo, NY
  • New York, NY - Binghamton, NY
  • Toronto, ON - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Toronto, ON
  • New York, NY - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - New York, NY
  • Niagara Falls, ON - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Newark, NJ - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Rochester, NY - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Boston, MA - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Buffalo, NY - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Niagara Falls, ON
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Newark, NJ
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Rochester, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Buffalo, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Boston, MA
  • Montreal, QC - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Philadelphia, PA - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Washington, D.C.
  • Washington, D.C. - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Chicago, IL
  • Albany, NY - Niagara Falls, NY

Onboard services are subject to availability

bus trip to niagara falls from new york

Bus from New York, NY to Niagara Falls, NY

More travel options, enjoy free onboard entertainment, reserve a seat, need to make a change, on this page, bus stations and stops in new york, ny, new york midtown (31st st & 8th ave).

View this address on Google Maps

To view more info about this station, visit our page New York Midtown (31st St & 8th Ave)

New York Port Authority

To view more info about this station, visit our page New York Port Authority

New York City Chinatown (Bowery & Canal St)

To view more info about this station, visit our page New York City Chinatown (Bowery & Canal St)

New York City Chinatown (28 Allen St)

To view more info about this station, visit our page New York City Chinatown (28 Allen St)

New York (GW Bridge)

To view more info about this station, visit our page New York (GW Bridge)

New York City (103 Canal St)

To view more info about this station, visit our page New York City (103 Canal St)

Bus stations and stops in Niagara Falls, NY

Niagara falls (usa).

To view more info about this station, visit our page Niagara Falls (USA)

Discover all the places you can go

Choose from almost 2,300 destinations with Greyhound, FlixBus and our connecting partners!

Frequently asked questions

Greyhound buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts to assist passengers using wheelchairs or mobility scooters. Each bus has space for two passengers with these devices. It's recommended to book your bus from New York to Niagara Falls in advance to ensure a spot. If you'd like to transfer to a regular seat, our drivers will stow your device for you. Service animals are also welcome on board our buses. For further details on accessibility and service animal policies, please check this link .

You can track the status of your New York to Niagara Falls bus using Greyhound's bus tracker . With this tool, you can see the real-time location of your bus and get updates on its departure and arrival times.

Traveling by bus from New York to Niagara Falls with Greyhound is a convenient and environmentally responsible choice, as bus travel reduces traffic and emissions compared to traveling by car.

Onboard services available on Greyhound buses from New York to Niagara Falls include free Wi-Fi for all passengers, personal power outlets near every seat, reclining leather seats with footrests, extra legroom, overhead storage, and an on-board restroom.

Yes, on this website you can book both Greyhound and FlixBus tickets from New York to Niagara Falls. You can check both the Greyhound and FlixBus ride schedules once you select your departure city, destination city, and desired trip date.

The last Greyhound bus to Niagara Falls from New York leaves at 11:59 pm.

The first Greyhound bus to Niagara Falls from New York leaves at 1:25 am.

The bus trip from New York to Niagara Falls is about 418 miles long. The quickest trip with Greyhound takes 8 hours 31 minutes and you can expect a minimum of 6 stops.

The New York to Niagara Falls bus starts from $36.99. Booking in advance, whether on the app or website, is the best way to get the most affordable bus travel. If you book online, you can choose to pay with a debit card or credit card on the Greyhound app or website. If you prefer, you can also pay in person with cash.

Greyhound runs up to 5 rides per day from New York to Niagara Falls. You can search for your preferred departure date and check the schedule using the search bar above.

When traveling on the bus from New York to Niagara Falls with Greyhound, you can bring one carry-on bag with you (maximum 25 lbs, 16x12x7 inches). You can store one bag under the bus for free, and if you have a Flexible fare, the second bag stored under the bus is also free. You can also carry additional or bulky baggage for a supplementary charge. You can reserve extra baggage while booking your ticket on our website or app. Alternatively, you can add bulky items later through the 'Manage My Booking' section. If your departure is from a location with Greyhound personnel, you can book and pay for your extra luggage there. For more information, please refer to our baggage policy page here .

You can easily find the bus stops in New York and in Niagara Falls on this page: check the address and their location on the map!

Planning Your Greyhound Bus Trip from New York to Niagara Falls?

How to book your bus ticket to niagara falls from new york, discover more popular bus connections.

  • New York, NY - Boston, MA
  • Boston, MA - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Washington, D.C.
  • Washington, D.C. - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Philadelphia, PA
  • Philadelphia, PA - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Atlantic City, NJ
  • Atlantic City, NJ - New York, NY
  • Montreal, QC - New York, NY
  • Toronto, ON - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Montreal, QC
  • New York, NY - Toronto, ON
  • New York, NY - Baltimore, MD
  • New York, NY - Albany, NY
  • Albany, NY - New York, NY
  • Baltimore, MD - New York, NY
  • Syracuse, NY - New York, NY
  • New York, NY - Syracuse, NY
  • New York, NY - Buffalo, NY
  • New York, NY - Binghamton, NY
  • Toronto, ON - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Toronto, ON
  • New York, NY - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - New York, NY
  • Niagara Falls, ON - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Newark, NJ - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Boston, MA - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Rochester, NY - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Buffalo, NY - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Niagara Falls, ON
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Newark, NJ
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Rochester, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Boston, MA
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Buffalo, NY
  • Montreal, QC - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Philadelphia, PA - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Washington, D.C.
  • Washington, D.C. - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Albany, NY - Niagara Falls, NY
  • Niagara Falls, NY - Montreal, QC

Onboard services are subject to availability

Find cheap bus tickets from New York to Niagara Falls

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One passenger / one way


Bus New York to Niagara Falls: Trip Overview

Compare bus companies.


Greyhound Lines offers the most comprehensive intercity bus services in the United States. They operate a modern, environmentally friendly fleet that serves more than 2400 destinations and carries nearly 16 million passengers annually. When traveling with them, you can expect free WiFi, onboard entertainment, bathrooms, power outlets and decent legroom. One of the great perks of Greyhound is that they connect big cities and smaller towns in the US, where you usually can't get to by train or plane. If you're looking for safe and affordable transportation, Greyhound is a great choice.

Greyhound New York Niagara Falls recent customer reviews

The trip was pleasant except for being long but with some of the coushions being worn out, but all in all OK

Flix bus don't wait for greyhound connection bus


Flixbus is a European bus operator that offers intercity and bus travel in over 38 countries. Known for their easy-to-spot lime green buses and for offering affordable transportation between cities in Europe and the Americas, Flixbus is a good option for those looking for an affordable, reliable bus company. In their buses, you'll find free WiFi, bathrooms, and power outlets. You can also pay extra to choose your seat and get extra legroom, or even buy a snack or drink onboard directly from the driver. You can reschedule your ticket for a small fee, which varies from $1 to $5, depending on how close you are to the departure date.

FlixBus New York Niagara Falls recent customer reviews

No working power outlet. Bus was very unclean. Wifi was not working

It was scheduled to arrive 5:45 PM, however ended up being almost two hours late. Lunch break was only 15 minute on halfway, but there was half an hour break in the last hour for no reason because the driver wanted to smoke. The first driver barely communicated what was going on. Passengers were not aware what’s going etc.

the bus driver slammed on the brakes on purpose to make a woman fall. Because he slammed the brakes I also fell forward and hit my knee. super unprofessional and unacceptable driving


With about 2 daily trips between New York and Niagara Falls, Ourbus offers competitive fares, clean and comfortable intercity bus travel. Their buses have free WiFi, clean bathrooms, complimentary bottled water, extra legroom and power outlets. They are known for providing excellent customer service, reflecting one of the industry's highest review rates. OurBus does not charge fees to reschedule tickets, which can be changed up to 30 minutes before travel time.

OurBus New York Niagara Falls recent customer reviews

Not even a single stop for 9 hour long trip . Bus got delayed by 1.3 hours in starting , theb mid way bus was changed again

Positives: The ride itself went smoothly and the driver was very nice. Negatives: the Wifi didn't work and there wasn't enough water for everybody.

The bus was already there when I arrived but they did leave a little late due to new passengers showing up but overall the bus ride was good.

New York to Niagara Falls Buses

Busbud helps you find a bus from New York to Niagara Falls. Get the best fare and schedule, book a round trip ticket or find buses with WiFi and electrical outlets.

We make sure you can find a bus service from New York to Niagara Falls from the most reliable bus companies operating this trip.

From cheap bus tickets to more luxurious buses traveling from New York to Niagara Falls, we offer a wide range of bus services to best suit your needs depending on how much your budget is.

Information on this bus route

Buses travel from New York to Niagara Falls about 16 times a day, with the fastest trip taking 596. You can expect to pay about $57 for a bus ticket on this route, though cheaper tickets can be found at $29.

Frequently asked questions for your trip New York - Niagara Falls

How can i travel from new york to niagara falls without flying.

You have the option of traveling from one city to the other by either bus or train. The two options are convenient and eco-friendly ways to reach Niagara Falls. Another option you should consider is using carpooling services, which allow you to share a car ride with other travelers.

How long does it take to get to Niagara Falls from New York by bus?

The travel time from New York to Niagara Falls is about 9h 30m, but you can get there in as little as 8h with the quickest bus. This is the time it takes to travel the 307 miles (496 km) that separate the two cities.

What is the travel distance from New York to Niagara Falls?

About 307 miles (496 km) separate New York and Niagara Falls.

What is the number of daily buses traveling from New York to Niagara Falls?

You can choose from 16 travel times and travel with Greyhound, FlixBus and OurBus. Depending on the day of the week, the number of buses available from New York to Niagara Falls may vary. Simplify your trip from New York to Niagara Falls by checking the schedules and selecting the bus that fits your travel needs and budget on Busbud.

What are the departure times for the first and last bus traveling from New York to Niagara Falls?

The bus service has you covered with departures starting at 1:25 AM and ending at 11:59 PM.

What is the most cost-effective way to travel from New York to Niagara Falls?

The cheapest way to travel this route is by bus. The lowest tickets for this trip cost as little as $29.

How much are the bus tickets from New York to Niagara Falls?

The average price of a one-way ticket from New York to Niagara Falls is $57. In the past 30 days, prices have fluctuated between $29 and $341, so it's best to compare them to make sure you get the best deal.

Find cheapest prices for buses

Price is for a one-way ticket for one passenger and based on past searches.

To save money and be sure you have the best seat, it's a good idea to buy your bus tickets from New York to Niagara Falls, as early as possible.

You can expect to pay from $34 to $112 for a bus ticket from New York to Niagara Falls based on the last 2 days. You can expect to find the cheapest price for the trip at $34 which is on 2024-04-08.

Usually FlixBus, Greyhound will charge you higher prices for tickets closer to the departure date. To find the best prices, you should be flexible on your date of travel.

About Bus Travel

Bus travel tips.

Make friends with the driver. They usually know a lot about your destination and may even recommend which side of the bus to sit on to get the best views on the road between New York and Niagara Falls!

Start sightseeing the minute your bus leaves the station. If you're on the night bus from New York to Niagara Falls, get comfy and count the stars.

Taking the bus creates the smallest carbon footprint compared to other modes of transport. Not to mention that buses will allow you to discover scenic gems from New York to Niagara Falls that are otherwise impossible to come by with a plane.

Create your own real life musical score by curating a personalized bus travel playlist - the perfect accompaniment to your bus ride from New York to Niagara Falls.

Did you know?

Did you know that 80% of the buses in North America are equipped with WiFi and power outlets ? And 60% of bus travelers have used their electronic device on board during 2014.

Did you know there are on average 4,400 intercity bus departures every day in the US only? This number has been growing for 9 years in a row, yay!

The Superbus, created by a Dutch engineer is the world's fastest bus with 250 km/h. Too bad it's only a prototype for now.

What's the cheapest way to go from New York to Niagara Falls?

Will you be returning to new york by bus, you can also go to niagara falls by train, top traveled bus routes.

New York

Why choose Busbud?

The best way to book bus and train tickets.

Busbud makes bus travel easy. We help travelers find a bus, plot routes, and book intercity bus tickets all over the world. With several language and currency options available, Busbud seeks to cater to international bus travelers no matter where they are in the world. With Busbud, you can buy tickets with confidence. We ensure that you make the most out of your bus trip by partnering up with reliable bus companies from all around the world such as Greyhound, Eurolines, ALSA, OUIBUS (BlaBlaBus), National Express and many others.

Popular Buses Connecting New York

Buses leaving from new york.

  • Bus from New York to Toronto
  • Bus New York - Baltimore
  • New York - Montreal
  • Bus from New York to Ithaca
  • Bus New York - Atlanta
  • New York - Binghamton
  • Bus from New York to Allentown
  • Bus New York - Syracuse
  • New York - Orlando
  • Bus from New York to Virginia Beach
  • Bus New York - Los Angeles
  • New York - Hartford
  • Bus from New York to Miami
  • Bus New York - Providence

Buses Going to New York

  • Bus from Montreal to New York
  • Bus Ithaca - New York
  • Atlantic City - New York
  • Bus from Binghamton to New York
  • Bus Providence - New York
  • Atlanta - New York
  • Bus from Allentown to New York
  • Bus Manassas - New York
  • Wilmington - New York
  • Bus from Syracuse to New York
  • Bus Tysons - New York
  • Worcester - New York
  • Bus from Newark to New York
  • Bus Orlando - New York
  • Chicago - New York

Popular Buses Connecting Niagara Falls

Buses leaving from niagara falls.

  • Bus from Niagara Falls to New York
  • Bus Niagara Falls - Boston
  • Niagara Falls - Rochester
  • Bus from Niagara Falls to Chicago
  • Bus Niagara Falls - Ontario
  • Niagara Falls - Syracuse
  • Bus from Niagara Falls to Ithaca
  • Bus Niagara Falls - Albany
  • Niagara Falls - Baltimore
  • Bus from Niagara Falls to Washington
  • Bus Niagara Falls - Utica
  • Niagara Falls - Corning
  • Bus from Niagara Falls to Poughkeepsie
  • Bus Niagara Falls - Geneva
  • Niagara Falls - Newark

Buses Going to Niagara Falls

  • Bus from Buffalo to Niagara Falls
  • Bus Boston - Niagara Falls
  • Washington - Niagara Falls
  • Bus from Chicago to Niagara Falls
  • Bus Newark - Niagara Falls
  • Rochester - Niagara Falls
  • Bus from Worcester to Niagara Falls
  • Bus State College - Niagara Falls
  • Ithaca - Niagara Falls
  • Bus from Richmond to Niagara Falls
  • Bus Concord - Niagara Falls
  • Dayton - Niagara Falls
  • Bus from Madison to Niagara Falls
  • Bus Albany - Niagara Falls

Popular routes in this country

  • Bus from Albany to New York
  • Bus Newark - Washington
  • New York - Atlantic City
  • Bus from Fort Lauderdale to Orlando
  • Bus Orlando - Fort Lauderdale
  • New York - Buffalo
  • Bus from New York to Niagara Falls
  • Bus Las Vegas - Los Angeles
  • Los Angeles - San Francisco
  • Bus from Buffalo to New York
  • Bus Washington - Newark
  • Boston - Newark
  • Bus from Austin to Dallas
  • Bus Hartford - New York
  • Dallas - Austin

Popular airport transfers

  • New York to Newark Liberty International Airport
  • New York to Baltimore Airport
  • New York to Albany Airport

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  1. Bus from New York, NY to Niagara Falls, NY

    The journey from New York to Niagara Falls can take as little as 8 hours 31 minutes and starts from as little as $35.99. The earliest bus leaves at 1:25 am and the last bus leaves at 11:59 pm . Greyhound schedules 5 buses per day from New York to Niagara Falls. Travel with Greyhound and enjoy complimentary Wifi, access to power sockets, and a ...

  2. New York → Niagara Falls Bus: from $34

    Information on this bus route. Buses travel from New York to Niagara Falls about 15 times a day, with the fastest trip taking 593. You can expect to pay about $57 for a bus ticket on this route, though cheaper tickets can be found at $31. Daily Departures.