Appareils de musculation professionnels

  • Conditions d’utilisation
  • Service après vente
  • Équipement de gym et de club de fitness
  • Infos matériel de fitness
  • Tapis de course professionnel
  • Comment choisir un appareil de musculation ?
  • Boutique fitness et boutique musculation
  • Appareils de musculation pour extérieur et stations de musculation extérieur
  • Parcours santé équipement
  • Materiel fitness professionnel
  • Fabricant parcours Ninja
  • Cage Crossfit Professionnelle
  • Amenagement aire de jeux exterieur
  • Nouveau Parcours musculation extérieur !
  • Parcours santé enfants
  • Fabricant parcours de santé
  • Workout – Parc fitness plein air
  • Les racks de Crossfit
  • Machines cardio professionnelles
  • Équipement de Callisthénie
  • Équipements de Street Workout
  • Nutrition Musculation
  • Entrainement de Musculation
  • Régimes Femme
  • Aucun produit dans le panier.

Light In Fitness : Appareils de musculation professionnels et Matériel de fitness

Appareils de musculation haut de gamme Light in fitness

Magasin de fitness spécialisé dans l’ appareil de musculation professionnel,  les machines de sport, les équipements de fitness et de cardio / musculation à usage professionnel.

Notre tâche est d’inventer et de produire des équipements, pour de véritables exercices physiques. Ces équipements de fitness, doivent être beaux, parfaitement fonctionnels, fiables, durables et à des prix compétitifs. Attirez les sportifs débutants, intermédiaires et reconnus dans votre salle de fitness, vous devez passer du temps à choisir des équipements de haute qualité.

Quelle est la meilleure marque de matériel de musculation ?

Nous vous offrons toute une gamme d’ appareils de musculation professionnels et d’ appareils de cardio-training . Ces équipements permettent un renforcement musculaire à la pointe de la technologie  pour obtenir des résultats spectaculaires . Optez pour un travail musculaire de haute performance. Cette collection d’ appareils cardio et de renforcement musculaire offre des mouvements fluides, confortables qui préservent les articulations. Idéal pour travailler les fessiers, les ischio, quadriceps et autres muscles puissants, notre gamme premium s’adapte à tous.

Appareils de musculation professionnels - matériel de musculation professionnel

Nos Stations de musculation professionnelles

Nos  stations de musculation  professionnelles sont étudiées pour une préparation intense. Vous avez un club de fitness haut de gamme, découvrez nos solutions et équipements adaptés à votre structure. Robustes et de qualité, nous vous proposons une large gamme d’appareils de cardio et de renforcement musculaire. Nos familles de produits répondront aux besoins de performance de vos adhérents. Vous avez un club de fitness haut de gamme, découvrez nos solutions et équipements adaptés à votre structure. Robustes et de qualité, nous vous proposons une large gamme d’appareils de cardio et de renforcement musculaire. Nos familles de produits répondront aux besoins de performance de vos adhérents.

Comment choisir un bon appareil de musculation ?

Nos gammes de machines Professionnelles en M usculation , Cardio , C rossfit , Sols Sportifs , M atériel aquatique .

Sculpter l’ensemble de son corps, développer la tonification, la masse musculaire ou la force athlétique. Testez nos appareils de musculations professionnels haut de gamme.

  Achetez des équipements de musculation chez Light in fitness pour un gain maximal de muscles, de force et de vitesse. Choisissez parmi tous les derniers racks de squat, bancs de musculation, plates-formes d’haltérophilie, gymnases et bien plus encore.

Les appareils de musculation complets sont à charges guidées olympiques à disques ou encore les stations de musculation à plaques. Nos appareils sont soigneusement sélectionnés parmi une multitude de marques à l’international.

Les équipements professionnels aident atteindre l’excellence de vos objectifs.

Les prix indiqués sur nos équipements professionnels sont Hors taxes.

Découvrez nos o ffres exceptionnelle s sur nos marques internationales.

vélo xebex airplus performance et confort en une seule machine

Vélo Xebex AirPlus Performance et Confort en une seule machine

Cadre acier.

Poids : 58 kg.

Dimensions : 125(L) x 52(l) x120(H) cm.

Résistance AirPlus : air (10 niveaux) + résistance magnétique (8 niveaux).

Fonction « roue libre » comme sur un vrai vélo.

2 roulettes de transport à l’avant pour faciliter le transport et/ou le rangement.

Poids maximal de l’utilisateur : 160 kg.

Compatible avec les ceintures thoraciques 5 kHz / BLE / ANT+.

Connectivité Smart Connect (Bluetooth et Ant+) : permet à l’utilisateur de se connecter à une variété d’applications.

Affiche la résistance par air ainsi que les niveaux de résistance magnétique, le temps, la distance, les calories dépensées, , la puissance développée, la vitesse, la fréquence cardiaque.

Réglage de la résistance

La résistance à air s’ajuste manuellement en réglant le curseur sur le côté gauche du volant d’inertie alors que la résistance magnétique (8 niveaux) se modifie à l’aide du curseur positionné sur le côté droit du volant d’inertie. Les niveaux de résistance s’affichent sur la console électronique.

En utilisant uniquement de l’air, l’utilisateur peut simuler une inclinaison d’environ 0 à 15 degrés. En ajoutant la résistance magnétique, l’utilisateur peut simuler une inclinaison jusqu’à 35 degrés.

Confort et réglages

Position du guidon réglable vers l’avant et l’arrière.

Selle réglable en hauteur, profondeur et inclinaison (30 degrés).

Pédales avec cale-pied.

Garantie de 5 ans sur le cadre et 2 ans sur les pièces.

tapis de course professionnel d fit multimédia

Tapis de course professionnel D-FIT Multimédia

Hauteur: 1655mm

Longueur: 2300mm

Largeur: 960mm

Poids de la machine: 210kg

Poids Maximal de l’utilisateur: 180kg

tapis de course incurvé sans moteur ellipse max 03 fit

Tapis de course incurvé Sans Moteur Ellipse Max 03 Fit

functional walker ellipse


Hauteur: 1595mm

Longueur: 1505mm

Largeur: 920mm

Poids de la machine: 190kg

Tapis de course professionnel EVOT Bodytone

Tapis de course professionnel EVOT Bodytone

Rameur Bodytone Aviron & Ski Indoor, avec moniteur ZRORv2

Rameur Ski Bodytone ZRORv2

Tapis roulant professionnel Gold Line FIT 1

Tapis roulant professionnel Gold Line FIT

Hauteur: 1600mm

Longueur: 2220mm

Largeur: 910mm

Poids de la machine: 240kg

Elliptique professionnel Gold Line EXE

Elliptique professionnel Gold Line EXE

Hauteur: 2120mm

Longueur: 1680mm

Largeur: 970mm

Poids de la machine: 225kg

Vélo Vertical professionnel Gold Line EXE 1 - vélo fitness

Vélo Vertical professionnel Gold Line EXE

Hauteur: 1450mm

Longueur: 1200mm

Largeur: 500mm

Poids de la machine: 75kg

Tapis roulant professionnel Gold Line EXE 2 - tapis de course professionnel

Tapis roulant professionnel Gold Line EXE

Vélo Semi-Allongé TFT EVOR2 BODYTONE

Vélo Semi-Allongé TFT EVOR2 BODYTONE


Vélo Semi-Allongé TFT EVOR1+ BODYTONE

light in fitness tours

Vélo de spinning magnétique MT2


Vélo de Spinning BT WT1 avec Watts

Stepper Pegasus Bodytone

Stepper Pegasus Bodytone

light in fitness tours

Vélo vertical EVOU4 BODYTONE

Station Musculation Bodytone

Station Musculation Bodytone

Support pour barre olympique pivotante

Support de barre olympique pivotant au sol, pour les exercices d’aviron avec

Support de disques

4 supports latéraux pour le chargement des disques olympiques.

Prise en charge des BARRES

plateforme de presse guidée 2 supports arrière pour barres olympiques.

Plate-forme antidérapante avec double guidage en acier, avec roulements linéaires.

Double crochet de sécurité sur barre et mécanisme de sécurité bas à 11 positions.

Faible absorption des chocs de sécurité.

Barre chromée avec support pour disques olympiques. Zone de

chargement de disque de 280 mm.

Barres de traction

Guidon double avec une poignée en PVC antidérapant.

– Guidon en corde avec une poignée.

Guidon en corde à deux mains

– Poignée pour dorsale

– Poignée droite pour ramer bas. station de chargement de disque arrière

Pour exercices avec poulie basse et dorsale haute. Comprend un rembourrage à

double rouleau en simili cuir, réglable en inclinaison sur 7 positions. Pointe

double pour le chargement du disque olympique de 230 mm. Repose-pieds


Câble en acier

Enduit PVC et diamètre 4 mm.

multi-grip pour les tractions

5 types de préhension : ouverte, fermée, inclinée, droite et moyenne.

Leg Press E59 Bodytone Evolution

Leg Press E59 Bodytone Evolution

Multihip E58 Bodytone Evolution

Multihip E58 Bodytone Evolution

Adductor Abductor E57 Bodytone Evolution

Adductor Abductor E57 Bodytone Evolution

Prone Leg Curl E55 Bodytone Evolution

Prone Leg Curl E55 Bodytone Evolution

light in fitness tours

Leg Extension E52 Bodytone Evolution

Seated Leg Curl E53 Bodytone Evolution

Seated Leg Curl E53 Bodytone Evolution

Glute E51 Bodytone Evolution

Glute E51 Bodytone Evolution

Squat and Calf E50 Bodytone Evolution

Squat and Calf E50 Bodytone Evolution

Back Extension E42 Bodytone Evolution

Back Extension E42 Bodytone Evolution

Torso Rotation E41 Bodytone Evolution

Torso Rotation E41 Bodytone Evolution

light in fitness tours

Abdominal E40 Bodytone Evolution

Chest and Triceps E32 Bodytone Evolution

Chest and Triceps E32 Bodytone Evolution

Biceps E30 Bodytone Evolution

Biceps E30 Bodytone Evolution

Lateral Raise E24 Bodytone Evolution

Lateral Raise E24 Bodytone Evolution

Pec Fly and Rear Delt E23 Bodytone Evolution

Pec Fly and Rear Delt E23 Bodytone Evolution

functional trainer gold line


Hauteur: 2240mm

Longueur: 1018mm

Largeur: 1160mm

Poids de la machine: 480kg

Charge: 2x100kg

Barre olympique professionnelle Noire Chrome 20 kg - 220 cm

Barre olympique professionnelle Noire Chrome 20 kg – 220 cm

Hip thrust Gold Line- hip thrust - hip thrust machine

Machine à Hip thrust Gold Line

Hauteur: 790mm

Longueur: 1670mm

Largeur: 1515mm

Poids de la machine: 90kg

Biceps Convergent Gold Line

Biceps Convergent Gold Line

Hauteur: 1135mm

Longueur: 1985mm

Largeur: 1195mm

Poids de la machine: 142kg


Triceps Convergent Gold Line

Hauteur: 1170mm

Longueur: 1310mm

Largeur: 1170mm

Poids de la machine: 155kg

Abdominal-Crunch-à-Charges-libres-Gold-line - machine à abdos

Abdominal Crunch à Charges libres Gold line

Hauteur: 1688mm

Longueur: 1260mm

Largeur: 1150mm

Poids de la machine: 175kg


Tirage T Bar Gold Line

Hauteur: 1200mm

Longueur: 850mm

Largeur: 800mm

Poids de la machine: 65kg


Tirage Poitrine assis Gold Line

Hauteur: 1195mm

Longueur: 1250mm

Poids de la machine: 145kg

Tirage dorsaux Gold Line

Tirage dorsaux Gold Line

Hauteur: 1880mm

Longueur: 1560mm

Largeur: 1530mm

Poids de la machine: 165kg


Presse à épaules Gold Line

Hauteur: 1935mm

Longueur: 1770mm

Largeur: 1450mm

Poids de la machine: 235kg


Développé Incliné assis Gold Line


Press pectoraux Gold Line

Hauteur: 1815mm

Longueur: 1850mm

Largeur: 1550mm

Poids de la machine: 150kg

Bodytone Solid Rock SR09

Hack Squat Bodytone Solid Rock

Lat Pulldown Bodytone Solid Rock SR02E

Lat Pulldown Bodytone Solid Rock

Shoulders Press Bodytone Solid Rock SR03E

Shoulders Press Bodytone Solid Rock

Chest Press Bodytone Solid Rock SR01E

Incline Chest Press Bodytone Solid Rock

Chest Press Bodytone Solid Rock SR01E

Chest Press Bodytone Solid Rock

Seated Row Bodytone Solid Rock SR07E

Seated Row Bodytone Solid Rock

Plate Loaded Leg extension Bodytone Solid Rock SR05E

Plate Loaded Leg extension Bodytone Solid Rock

Leg Press Bodytone Solid Rock SR06E

Leg Press Bodytone Solid Rock

tirage dos haut et bas forza dual pulldown fd04 bodytone

Tirage dos haut et bas Forza Dual Pulldown FD04 Bodytone

station de musculation professionnelle multiposte fc4s v2 bodytone

Station de musculation Professionnelle multiposte FC4S V2 Bodytone

FC4S Collection Forza Crossover

DIMENSIONS 206 x 342 x 235 cm

Station de musculation Professionnelle multiposte FC4S V2 Bodytone (4 x 95kg + 71kg)

chaise romaine fbc15 bodytone

Chaise Romaine FBC15 Bodytone

Leg Press Forza Bodytone FB59 - Appareil de musculation professionnel

Leg Press Forza Bodytone FB59

Outer Adductor Forza Bodytone FB57 - Appareil de musculation professionnel

Outer/Adductor Forza Bodytone FB57

Inner Abductor Forza Bodytone FB56

Inner/Abductor Forza Bodytone FB56

Prone Leg Curl Forza Bodytone FB55

Prone Leg Curl Forza Bodytone FB55

Seated Leg Curl Forza Bodytone FB53

Seated Leg Curl Forza Bodytone FB53

Leg Extensions Forza Bodytone FB52

Leg Extensions Forza Bodytone FB52

Glute Forza Bodytone FB51

Glute Forza Bodytone FB51

Abdominal Forza Bodytone FB40

Abdominal Forza Bodytone FB40

Chest and Triceps Forza Bodytone FB32

Chest and Triceps Forza Bodytone FB32

structure street workout complète fp2435 entraînez vous comme un pro !

Structure Street Workout Complète FP2435 – Entraînez-vous comme un pro !

parcours du combattant light in fitness : un entraînement intense pour un corps sculpté

Parcours du combattant Light in Fitness : un entraînement intense pour un corps sculpté

container gym crossfit

Container Gym Crossfit

Hauteur : 377

Longueur : 1337

Largeur : 819

Garantie : 12 mois 

double mega mur ninja extérieur warped wall outdoor

Double Mega Mur Ninja Extérieur – Warped Wall outdoor

-La construction principale (à l’intérieur) sera en métal galvanisé et peint

-La face arrière en contreplaqué stratifié

-la face avant seront en panneau HDPE avec surface antidérapante.

-Garantie 2 ans

structure complète street workout s17

Structure complète Street Workout S17

Hauteur de chute libre

Zone de sécurité

13,59×14,45 m, (superficie 120,50 m²)

Définir les dimensions (longueur/largeur/hauteur)


structure crossfit station street workout s10

Structure Crossfit Station – Street Workout S10

12,95 x 7,17 m (surface 69,5 m2)


Station d’Entraînement BW FIT S01

Station d’Entraînement BW FIT S01

Structure Callisthénie HEX fonctionnelle

Structure callisthénie HEX fonctionnelle


Station Street Workout Double Hexagone

Station Ninja Course extérieure

Station Ninja Course extérieure

Parkour Ninja Warrior Professionnel

Parkour Ninja Warrior

Tapis de course extérieur sans moteur IGREEN

Tapis de course extérieur sans moteur IGREEN

Structure ninja warrior extérieure

Structure Ninja Warrior Extérieure

Dimensions :

Longueur : 15,6 m ; Largeur : 3,04 m ; Hauteur : 3,39 m ;

Matériaux :

Les constructions en acier sont en acier de qualité S235 Recouvertes d’un revêtement en poudre.

Pièces en plastique – élastodur.

Fixations – galvanisées.

EN 1176-1:2017; EN 16630:2015

Matériel street workout SW15

Matériel street workout SW15

Station Fitness Musculation 8 PLUS Extérieur

Station Fitness Musculation 8 PLUS Extérieur

La Station Fitness Musculation 8 PLUS Extérieur 8 Plus Outdoor comprend :

Structure Skeleton Iron Halo System (pour 7 colonnes) Plaques en acier inoxydable (comprend 7 pièces) Hourglass Monkey Bar – Up/Down Monkey Bar – Spider Web Monkey Bar – Hashtag Gymnastic  Hands  Cours Pull-Up Bar 7-Grip™ Torso Landmine (comprend 2 unités ) Barre de traction volante Échelle de corde inclinée Barre de décrochage – Échelle verticale Plate-forme pliométrique Cible de balle murale – Balle de panier Planche d’escalade – Avion de  pierres  (comprend 2 unités) Anneaux de gymnastique – Paire de sangles AB – Paire de piste de tuyau Piste de Stonehenge Balle de panier de médecine-ball

Cage Street Workout SP Max

Cage Street Workout SP Max

Cage Street Workout Z3

Cage Street Workout Z3

Cage Street Workout Z2

Cage Street Workout Z2

Cage street workout Z4

Cage Street Workout Z4

Cage Musculation Extérieure Clock 24

Cage Musculation Exterieure Clock 24

street workout leg extension sg620

Street Workout Leg Extension SG620

street workout machine deep lift sg608

Street Workout Machine Deep Lift SG608

street workout squat machine sg609

Street Workout Squat Machine SG609

street workout développé couché sg612

Street Workout Développé Couché SG612

Street Workout Seated Bench Press SG613

Street Workout Seated Bench Press SG613

street workout chest press sg601

Street Workout Chest Press SG601

street workout butterfly sg602

Street Workout Butterfly SG602

street workout delts sg603

Street Workout Delts SG603

street workout pull over sg604

Street Workout Pull Over SG604

street workout tirage vertical sg605

Street Workout Tirage Vertical SG605

street workout machine à biceps sg606

Street Workout Machine à biceps SG606

street workout triceps machine sg607

Street Workout Triceps machine SG607

cage crossfit et cross training evolutive m13

Cage Crossfit et Cross Training Evolutive M13

  • Longueur :  6 m.
  • Largeur :  2.25 m.
  • Hauteur :  3.60 m.

cage crossfit et cross training evolutive m14

Cage Crossfit et Cross Training Evolutive M14

  • Longueur:  3.12 m.
  • Largeur:  4.30 m.
  • Hauteur:  2.70 m.

cage crossfit et cross training evolutive m15

Cage Crossfit et Cross Training Evolutive M15

  • Longueur:  5 m.
  • Largueur:  3.12 m.
  • Hauteur:  4.50 m.

cage crossfit et cross training evolutive m16

Cage Crossfit et Cross Training Evolutive M16

  • Longueur:  10.40 m.
  • Largeur:  3.80 m.

structure rack xp2 floor mounted 2 x + 3 x squat bays ziva

Structure Rack XP2 FLOOR MOUNTED 2 X + 3 X SQUAT BAYS Ziva

XP2 Floor Mounted 2 x Functional Racks + 3 x Squat Bays includes 6 x J-Cups & Safety Arms. Longueur : 7,5 m

Fabriqué avec des tubes de 3 mm de qualité commerciale, découpés au laser et soudés. Utilisation de plaques d’acier épaisses pour les étagères. Qualité commerciale totale. Comprend une paire de bols en J et des bras de sécurité. Sac de boxe et points de suspension inclus

Finition en poudre noire

cage crossfit xp 14’ freestanding space saver rack


XP 14′ Free Standing Space Saver Rack avec 3 x étagères de stockage, 2 x bras de sécurité & J-Cups, 8 x piquets de stockage d’assiettes.

Fabriqué avec de l’acier de qualité commerciale de 75 mm x 75 mm x 3 mm et des boulons à haute résistance. 2 paires de J-Cups, 2 paires de bras de sécurité, 2 barres de traction volantes, 2 étagères de rangement pour kettlebell/dumbbell, 1 étagère de rangement pour pare-chocs, 8 piquets pour pare-chocs.

Dimensions : 483cm x 142cm x 243cm – 385kg

rack mural 9' high wall mounted modular rig crossfit ziva

Rack Mural 9′ HIGH WALL-MOUNTED MODULAR Rig Crossfit Ziva

Gréement modulaire mural de 9 pieds de haut

Découpé au laser avec finition par poudrage, cadre en acier 75 x 75 mm de 3 mm d’épaisseur, quincaillerie zinguée de 24 mm, section de 4 pieds x section de 6 pieds, comprend une paire de J-Cups pour chaque plate-forme de 4 pieds de large, comprend des barres de traction volantes à double hauteur pour chaque section de plate-forme.

Dimensions : 427cm x 122cm x 274cm- 165kg

rack mural 9' wall mounted modular rig crossfit ziva zxp wmrg 0929 cccc

Rack Mural 9′ Wall-Mounted Modular Rig Crossfit Ziva ZXP-WMRG-0929-CCCC

rack crossfit professionnel xp24 ziva

Rack CrossFit Professionnel XP24 ZIVA

cage crossfit ziva xp14 avec accessoires

Cage Crossfit Ziva XP14 avec accessoires

Dimensions : 483cm x 227cm x 243cm – 655kg

Rack Crossfit Rope Led

Rack Crossfit Rope Led



Hauteur: 2540mm

Longueur: 4810mm

Largeur: 4385mm

Poids de la machine: 1130kg

Plateforme Crossfit Long Led

Plateforme Crossfit Long Led

Equipement Crossfit Mountain Led

Equipement Crossfit Mountain Led

Rack et Cage à Squat God Line - rack squat - cage a squat

Rack et Cage à Squat God Line

Hauteur: 2465mm

Longueur: 1510mm

Largeur: 1675mm

Poids de la machine: 236kg

Multi-functional Smith Trainer

Multi-functional Smith Trainer

Light In Fitness : Appareils de musculation professionnels et Matériel de fitness


Cages Crossfit

Cages Street Workout

Arts Martiaux

Accessoires de fitnesss

Parcours Santé

Revêtement de Sol

Ninja Warrior

Aires de Jeux

Vous cherchez des Equipements Spécifiques ?

  • Appareils de musculation professionnels et matériel de fitness professionnels

Matériel de fitness professionnel

  • Matériel Sportif Professionnel
  • Machines de musculation professionnelles
  • Nos équipements et marques

Découvrez en exclusivité nos appareils de musculation professionnels pour votre structure.

Notre entreprise équipe de nombreuses structures sportives en  appareils de musculation ,  matériels de fitness  et  équipements de fitness .

Nos clients sont des clubs de fitness, l'armée, des kinésithérapeutes, des universités, des centres de remise en forme et plus.

Notre but est de vous fournir du  matériel de fitness professionnel  et design avec une résistance maximale. Nous vous garantissons des séances d'entraînement toujours au top de votre forme. En effet, la musculation est une discipline complète qui permet un travail corporel global sur l'endurance et la musculature.

 Contrairement aux appareils traditionnels de sports, les appareils professionnels sont pensés et sont conçus pour une utilisation intensive.

Ils sont à cet effet plus robustes, plus résistants et surtout ils apportent un maximum de sécurité. Light In Fitness, c’est la boutique des appareils et accessoires fitness de musculation par excellence.

 L’ensemble de nos appareils de musculation vous assure un confort et sécurité dans vos diverses préparations physiques et dans la pratique sportive. En tant que spécialiste et leader dans la commercialisation des équipements professionnels de la musculation Light in Fitness vous conseils. Explorez toute une gamme large et variée, consacrée à l’athlétisme, à la musculation. Que vous cherchiez  une smith machine, un développé couché ou encore un pupitre à biceps, nous avons un large choix de matériel.

 Nos experts analysent vos besoins pour vous conseiller la meilleure station de musculation pour travailler les muscles du corps. Travailler avec nos appareils de musculation professionnels vous permet d'atteindre rapidement les objectifs physiques que vous vous êtes fixés, d'augmenter sainement votre masse musculaire et de devenir puissant et athlétique.

Station de musculation professionnelle

Pour se faire, Light in Fitness se démarque de la concurrence en vous fournissant des appareils de musculation professionnels. Ils sont toujours dotés de la technologie plus récente et avancée, mais surtout dont le design et la finition sont plus que jamais attrayants et innovants.

La construction d’une musculature nécessite du temps et du matériel de qualité. 

Pour se faire, un appareil de musculation professionnelle multiposte est parfaitement adapté pour l’atteinte de ces objectifs.

Le choix ce type d’appareils dans le cas d’espèce n’est pas anodin. L'ensemble de notre collection en matériel de musculation à charge guidée et charge libre est de plus en plus important pour optimiser votre séance de musculation en toute sécurité.

 Nos experts analysent vos besoins pour vous conseiller la meilleure station de musculation pour travailler les muscles du corps . Travailler avec nos appareils de musculation professionnels vous permet d'atteindre rapidement les objectifs physiques que vous vous êtes fixés, d'augmenter sainement votre masse musculaire et de devenir puissant et athlétique.

Nous savons plus que quiconque qu'il n'est pas facile de choisir les bons appareils de musculation professionnels. En fonction de vos besoins et de vos capacités financières nous analysons la série qui vous convienne.

 Nos dizaines d'années de fournitures de matériel de fitness professionnel de qualité ont bâti notre notoriété et notre réputation dans le domaine de la vente de machines de musculation .

 Différentes structures s'approvisionnent régulièrement en appareils de musculation professionnels auprès de nos boutiques Light in Fitness et sont toujours à chaque fois surprise des innovations et de la constance de qualité de nos machines .

Nos équipements de fitness et notre matériel de fitness professionnel sont orientés vers les personnes avec un niveau confirmé ou débutant .

Notre gamme d'appareils de musculation reste un atout pour faire grandir votre centre de remise en forme.

Nous mettons nos compétences et notre savoir-faire pour vous obtenir avec nos appareils de musculation une solidité optimale l'or des entraînements de vos athlètes.

Variés et efficace ils seront vos outils pour garder la forme et avoir une santé de fer. Si votre objectif est de développer de la musculature , vous pouvez suivre un programme de musculation qui fera travailler tous les groupes musculaires de votre corps.

Dotée d’une technologie de dernière génération, notre collection d'appareils de musculation professionnels vous suit dans votre progression.

Grâce aux nombreux accessoires, vous disposerez d'une station de musculation tout-en-un. Mise à part les appareils de musculation multipostes. Nous vous donnons accès aux meilleurs appareils de musculation pour perdre de façon efficace le poids. Ces appareils Cardio sont les tapis de courses, les vélos, les elliptiques et les rameurs.

Matériel d'entraînement musculation

Choisissez le meilleur matériel d'entraînement musculation pour votre club. Il a été prouvé que plus un appareil de musculation est adaptable à son corps, plus il est efficace. Expert dans la fabrication d’appareils de sport, de fitness et de commercialisation des appareils de musculation professionnels. Notre structure light in Fitness a développé une gamme complète de références pour les professionnels. Sur notre plateforme ou dans nos diverses échoppes, retrouvez notre catalogue de produits et découvrez les différentes machines de musculation.

Elles sont disponibles à la vente pour votre club, centre, salle. Tous nos équipements de musculation et de fitness ont été conçus pour les Professionnels . Particulièrement pour les propriétaires de salle de sport et de centre de remise en forme, caserne militaire, association sportive, etc . En faisant la commande de vos machines sur notre plateforme, vous profitez de notre savoir-faire. Nous vous fournissons du matériel le mieux fabriqué au monde.

Dans l’optique de permettre à vos membres de faire des activités sportives variées. Permettez leurs de s’entraîner à leur guise comme des professionnels, nous vous proposons un large choix d’appareils de musculation professionnels. Grâce à nos stations ils peuvent s’entraîner régulièrement et intensément.

Des modules olympiques professionnels

 Depuis plus d'une décennie, notre structure light in Fitness équipe de nombreuses structures sportives. Elle fourni en appareils de musculation professionnels et équipements de fitness. Vous fournir du matériel de musculation professionnel avec une résistance maximale pour vous garantir des séances d’entraînement est notre priorité.

Dans notre gamme d'appareils de musculation professionnels, vous trouverez efficacité, rapport qualité prix et esthétique incomparable.

 Fiabilité, technologie, solidité et robustesse sont les maîtres mots de notre société Light in Fitness. Une grande ergonomie pour l'ensemble de nos machines de musculation, de nos parcours santé et sur l'ensemble de nos gammes. Trouvez tous types d'appareils de musculation professionnels dans les locaux de nos diverses boutiques Light in Fitness.

Nos appareils de musculation professionnels de qualité vous permettent de bâtir en toute sérénité votre corps. Gagnez rapidement en tonus et en développement musculaire. Nous vendons exclusivement des équipements de fitness professionnels neufs.

Matériel sportif professionnel

Grâce à notre site, vous pourrez découvrir l’ensemble de nos produits sportifs et tous nos accessoires dont vous avez besoin. Vous souhaitez réaliser en quelques minutes une idée de vos futurs équipements de fitness ?

Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue sur le site Light In Fitness ,  la marque reconnue des équipements de fitness et de multisports professionnels indoor et outdoor . Notre objectif est de proposer tous types d'équipements et d'appareils de musculation pour le renforcement musculaire ,  la tonification et la rééducation .  Nous sommes référant en équipements sportifs sur tous types de sports indoor et outdoor de compétition de haut niveau .

Equipements de fitness professionnels

 Nous sommes une référence dans le domaine de matériel de fitness et d'équipements de musculation professionnels .  Grâce à notre entreprise ,  vous pourrez découvrir l’ensemble de vos futurs produits et réaliser en quelques minutes un devis en ligne gratuit pour connaître le prix et profitez de nombreuses offres en matière d' équipements sportifs . Des équipements de fitness toujours plus évolué technologiquement pour une solidité incomparable ,  un design exceptionnel ,  une haute technologie pour une fluidité de mouvements et une connexion au multimédia .

Pour nous le travail de la conception et la réalisation d'équipements avec des aciers et des cuirs d'une très grande qualité ,  est avant tout primordial pour faire de votre série d'appareils de fitness une valeur ajoutée .

Machines de musculation professionnelles et équipements de fitness professionnels

Avec notre matériel fitness, vous pourrez travailler votre tonification et renforcement musculaire. Travaillez à travers des séances individuelles, de cours de fitness, de cross training ou de coaching à travers des exercices de musculation variés. Entrainez le cardio et les membres inférieurs de la manière la plus douce avec nos appareils de musculation professionnelle. Travaillez l’isométrie sur l’ensemble de nos machines de musculation.

Vous trouverez dans nos magasins Light In Fitness, des équipements complets d’haltérophilie , racks de squat, bancs de musculation simples ou avec support de barres, des appareils guidés pour pectoraux.   Vous n’êtes pas sans savoir l’énorme bénéfice que procure l’usage des appareils de musculation professionnels.

 Ces appareils de musculation, sont disponibles dans différentes couleurs. Nos produits sont respectueux des normes environnementales et dénuées de tout élément nocif.

 Le nombre des appareils de musculation se compte par milliers en fonction des marques de par le monde .  Achetez le matériel de musculation professionnel dont vous avez besoin.

Achetez des appareils de musculation professionnels guidés et des stations à plaques de musculation pour développer simultanément différents muscles.

Nous possédons aujourd’hui, des appareils de rééducation sportive qui vous permettront de travailler en 3D.

Vous recherchez un appareil musculation professionnelle pour votre nouvelle salle de fitness ? Nous avons une large gamme de tapis de course ,  d'elliptiques ,  de vélos ,  d'appareils olympiques ,  de machines de musculation ,  d'accessoires et de matériel outdoor pour les cages de stries workout et les parcours santés .

Les appareils de musculation professionnels de chez light in fitness.

Light In Fitness, entreprise leader dans le secteur du fitness et des appareils de musculation. Nous vous proposons les appareils de musculation professionnelle et de fitness variés. Les tapis de course, les vélos assis ou couché professionnels, les rameurs, group cycling, modules stretching et yoga, accessoires fitness, bancs de musculation, haltères et poids musculation, etc.

La pratique quotidienne des exercices sportifs et de musculation permet de se maintenir en forme et de développer ses muscles. Afin d’obtenir un résultat satisfaisant, et ce de façon rapide, l’utilisation des appareils de musculation professionnels est la seule garantie pour l’atteinte de ces résultats.

 Les appareils de musculation professionnels de light In Fitness, vous accompagne à cet effet.

 Ces appareils de musculation de qualité professionnelle sont des machines construites avec un design élégant et luxueux . Ce qui vous permet de répondre aux besoins spécifiques de vos centres, salles qui nécessitent des machines durables à des prix abordables.

 Nos appareils de musculation professionnels de qualité et perfectionnés vous permettent de bâtir en toute sérénité votre corps, de gagner rapidement en tonus et de développer vos muscles .

Light In Fitness se spécialise dans l’équipement de musculation professionnel fourni à partir de stock à des prix réduits pour les gymnases commerciaux, entraîneurs personnels, exigeant utilisateur à domicile, expert et les professionnels.

 Pratiquement, tous nos produits sont stockés par nous-mêmes directement à partir du fabricant nous permettant d’offrir des prix de réduction exceptionnels à nos clients. découvrez nos marques light in fitness, Xebex, Bodytone, L exco, Cube, Reebok, Alpha, Ziva , marques personnalisables ...

Les salles de musculation sont des espaces dédiés au renforcement musculaire et à l'entraînement physique. Elles offrent une variété d'appareils de musculation conçus pour cibler différents groupes musculaires.

Dans ces salles, vous trouverez des machines de musculation telles que les chaises romaines, les charges guidées et les stations de musculation. Ces appareils de musculation sont spécialement conçus pour permettre un entraînement professionnel et efficace.

Les chaises romaines sont idéales pour travailler les muscles du haut du corps, en particulier les bras, les épaules et le dos. Elles offrent une grande stabilité et permettent de réaliser une grande variété d'exercices.

Les charges guidées sont des appareils de musculation qui utilisent un système de poulies et de câbles pour guider le mouvement. Ils offrent une résistance constante et permettent de cibler spécifiquement certains groupes musculaires.

Les salles de musculation proposent également des bancs de musculation, des appareils à charge libre et des pupitres à biceps. Les bancs de musculation sont polyvalents et permettent de réaliser une grande variété d'exercices, tandis que les appareils à charge libre offrent une plus grande liberté de mouvement.

Le renforcement musculaire dans ces salles se fait à l'aide d'appareils de musculation spécifiques, qui permettent de travailler chaque groupe musculaire de manière ciblée. Que vous souhaitiez développer vos bras, vos jambes, votre dos ou votre poitrine, vous trouverez le matériel de musculation adapté à vos besoins.

En résumé, les salles de musculation sont des espaces équipés d'appareils de musculation professionnels, conçus pour le renforcement musculaire. Que vous préfériez les machines de musculation, les charges guidées ou les appareils à charge libre, vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour atteindre vos objectifs de remise en forme.

appareil de musculation avec machine à charge libre

Appareil de musculation avec Machine à charge libre

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Dalle amortissante caoutchouc 1 mètre x 1 mètre avec une épaisseur de 25mm dotée d’un grain fin de couleur noire

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Machine de musculation à disque olympique avec Light In Fitness

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Light in fitness numéro 1 sur les appareils de musculation professionnels..

Nous sommes la solution idéale pour vous équipez sur des appareils de musculation professionnels premium dans le monde entier.

Disponibles pour faire de vos appareils de musculation professionnels, des accessoires de votre développement musculaire, de votre santé en général et de votre épanouissement personnel à un prix défiant toute concurrence. Les appareils de musculations professionnels présentes d’innombrables avantages et sont toujours très utiles et pourraient même vous surprendre agréablement.

Avec notre offre de personnalisation, vous pouvez donc personnaliser vos appareils de musculation professionnels préférés qui vous serons livrez sur-mesure en tailles et des formes distinctes. Nous n'avons pas uniquement pensé muscles, tonus, force, énergie au détriment de votre santé. Pour vos projets d’acquisition d’appareils de musculation et autres, n’hésitez donc pas à faire appel à nos services.

Vente d'appareils de musculation professionnels, cardio, crossfit, indoor/outdoor en France et en Europe.

Light in fitness

6-8 rue Victor Laloux

37000 Tours

(World Way Factory RCS 793 296 401)

Une demande sur nos appareils de musculation, nos machines de cardio training, nos cages de crossfit indoor et outdoor, nos accessoires ou encore nos sols sportifs ?

Vous pouvez nous contacter par téléphone : +33620726696

Par email : [email protected]

ou faire votre demande sur notre formulaire de contact

Fabricant matériel de fitness

Notre entreprise : Conçoit des appareils de musculation, équipements sportifs et donne un large chois d'équipements de fitness toutes marques. Une équipe de techniciens est à votre disposition à tout moment pour vous aider à cibler, à définir et concrétiser vos projets. Fabrique tout les équipements sportifs. Son unité de production permet de fabriquer en série ou à l’unité. Installe les équipements sportifs.   Grâce à nos ingénieurs experts en biomécanique, nous offrons à nos clients une nouvelle technologie et une amélioration de la facilité d'utilisation.

Light In fitness vous aide à concevoir et à réaliser votre projet multisports en vous trouvant des solutions appropriés pour trouver votre matériel de fitness professionnel et vos appareils de musculation professionnels. Nous réunissons  tous les éléments de performances fonctionnels nécessaires à une gamme de Cages professionnelles. Aujourd'hui l'appareil de musculation, de cardio training doit être le plus solide possible. Light In Fitness est aujourd’hui une des rares entreprises à offrir à ses clients des garanties plus longues : Gage de savoir faire, de qualité, de sécurité et de respect des normes professionnels.

Un large choix d'équipements de fitness

Notre large équipe cumule expertise, expérience et service client, elle travaille à l’atteinte de vos objectifs. Le succès d’un projet passe essentiellement par l’implication des personnes professionnelles qui le réalisent. Notre équipe vous livrera des résultats mesurables et vous orientera sur les stations de musculation appropriées. Avec notre entreprise et notre site, vous allez pouvoir naviguer en toute sécurité sur toutes les catégories de produits : Cardio , Musculation , Petit matériel "accessoires fitness", Cross-training , Street workout , Wellness , Gym , Sol sportif et trouver des produits sportifs professionnels.

Une Livraison Internationale

Grâce à nos partenaires, nous pouvons vous livrer vos appareils de musculation dans le monde entier. Nous sommes disponibles sur toute la France pour vous accompagner au mieux sur votre projet et vous proposer des nouveaux concepts. Nos équipements de fitness sont soigneusements emballés tout au long de l'acheminement. Nous vous assurons un travail irréprochable avec nos produits haut de gamme pour assurer au client une qualité d’équipements haut de gamme et une durabilité maximum. Nos délais de livraisons peuvent varier en fonction du matériel de sport.


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6-8 rue Victor Laloux

37000 Tours

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Light in fitness

6-8 rue victor laloux, Tours , Loir-et-Cher, 37000, France

+33 620726696

Working Hours

  • Sun: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Mon: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Tue: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Wed: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Thu: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Fri: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

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Lighting Fixtures

Easily accent your space with projections, colorful wash lighting, pre-programmed light settings and more. Make your workouts glow! Add vibrant colored lighting to cycling sessions and other themed fitness classes for a dynamic effect.

Enhance your yoga and fitness classes with energetic or peaceful lighting. The visual ambience of a workout space can have an illuminating effect for activities like Jazzercise, yoga, cycling, Zumba, Pilates, Group-Ex classes and more. 

Contact us   for ideas on how to light up your rooms or   get a custom quote   for your lighting?

Watch this video on how lighting can illuminate your space. Video:   Add Lighting to Your Group Ex, Cycling Studio, Dance and Fitness Rooms

Chauvet DJ Low-profile, high-output quad-color (RGBA) LED wash light

SlimPAR Q12 USB is a low-profile, high-output quad-color (RGBA) LED wash light with D-Fi USB for instant wireless connectivity. It is controllable ...

Chauvet DJ SlimPAR Pro H USB Low-Profile Wash Light

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Chauvet Professional NEXUS4X4 LED Wash Panel - 4 Pack

Chauvet Professional's Nexus 4×4 is an award-winning LED wash panel that combines the sizzle of pixel mapping and robust lighting. Whether in use f...

Chauvet DJ Two-Point Lighting Kit for On-Camera Instructor

Chauvet Two-point Lighting Kit for On-Camera InstructorLight up your Virtual Fitness Classes with a professional touch! Point and shoot the light i...

Chauvet DJ EVE E-50Z 50W Warm White LED Ellipsoidal, Black (Spot Light)

Illuminate your gym logo with the Chauvet EVE-E50Z. Also available in white. Please note the Gobo is sold separately. Operate the EVE E-50Z in stan...

Chauvet DJ EVE E-50Z 50W Warm White LED Ellipsoidal, White (Spot Light)

Illuminate your gym logo with the Chauvet EVE-E50Z in white. Also available in black. Please note the Gobo is sold separately. Operate the EVE E-50...

Chauvet DJ EVE-P-140VW Variable White Wash Light - Cool White, Warm White and Amber LEDs

EVE P-140 VW is a variable white wash light featuring cool white, warm white and amber LEDs. EVE P-140 VW is a D-fi USB compatible fixture providin...

Chauvet DJ Derby X 6-Light LED Effect Light

Chauvet's DJ Derby X is a LED controllable effect light with 6 LED light clusters. The Derby X is a DMX-512 LED derby effect light, featuring indiv...

Chauvet DJ SWARMWASHFXILS Swarm Wash FX 4-in-1 LED Effect Fixture

Experience the thrill of dynamic lighting with the Swarm Wash FX ILS - a 4-in-1 LED effect fixture that offers unparalleled versatility. With an RG...

Chauvet DJ Freedom Par Hex-1 LED Battery-Operated Light Set - 4 pieces

Elevate your fitness classes with the Chauvet DJ Freedom Par Hex-1 LED battery-operated light set. Its four portable lights are lightweight, batter...

Chauvet Three-Point Lighting Kit for On-Camera Instructor

Chauvet Three-point Lighting Kit for On-Camera InstructorLight up your Virtual Fitness Classes with a professional touch! Point and shoot the light...

Chauvet Professional EPIX Strip IP -Linear Strip Light LED Pixel-Mapping

ÉPIX Strip IP is a dynamic IP65 outdoor-rated, pixel-mapping 1-meter LED strip fixture featuring 100 LEDs in a row. Ideal for festivals, concert to...

Chauvet DJ SLIMPARPROWUSB Low-Profile LED Wash light

Chauvet's SlimPAR Pro W USB is a low-profile, variable white LED washlight featuring cool white, warm white, and amber LEDs. The Chauvet's SlimPAR ...

Professional Lighting Package for Virtual Instruction

Light up your Virtual Fitness Classes with a professional touch! Point and shoot the light in the preferred direction to achieve the desired covera...

Professional Premium Lighting Package for Virtual Instruction

Light up your Virtual Fitness Classes with a professional touch! This (4) light fixture package provides you with a 2-point lighting system to elim...

Chauvet Professional ÉPIX Drive 2000 IP - Processor and Power Supply for Epix IP and Tour System

Chauvet Professional ÉPIX Drive 2000 IP is IP65 outdoor-rated and hosts the processing and power supply for the ÉPIX IP and Tour system. With a max...

Chauvet DJ EVE E-100Z 100W Warm White LED Light

Illuminate your gym logo with the Chauvet EVE-E100Z 100-watt LED. Gobo is sold separately. The E-100Z is a powerful spot fixture featuring sharp pa...

Small GX Room Wash Lighting System

Great for small sized group exercise rooms. This lighting system is controlled by battery powered Infrared remote control. Lights can work independ...

Chauvet DJ EZWedge Tri-Color LED Wash Light

Ultra-compact, battery-operated LED uplight and washlight. EZWedge Tri is a battery-operated, tri-color LED wash light that fits perfectly inside T...

Chauvet DJ COLORBANDPIXUSB - Pixel Mappable Wash Light

This full-size LED strip light with individual zone control for pixel mapping effects is the COLORband PiX USB from Chauvet DJ. It features D-Fi US...

Chauvet DJ COLORBANDPIXILS Lighting Kit with Cable Bundle and Remote Control

Kit IncludesOption of (4), (8), or (12) Chauvet DJ COLORBANDPIXILS fixtures plus a cable and controller package for easy setup and installation. Ou...

Chauvet DJ 6SPOT RGBW 6 x 3W RGBW Spot System

It’s an LED powered, color-changer system complete with its own travel bag. Six individually controllable and positionable heads each contain a hig...

Chauvet DJ Abyss 2 LED 60W 5-color Water Effect Light Fixture

Make a splash at any event or production with this stunning LED effect light that simulates a multicolored water effect. Abyss 2 shines through any...

Chauvet DJ EVE-F-50Z LED Fresnel Fixture

The Chauvet DJ EVE-F-50Z LED Fresnel Fixture is an LED Fresnel fixture that shines a soft-edged, warm white spot and features D-Fi™ USB compatibili...

Chauvet DJ EVE P-100WW Warm White LED Par

Warm, bright, and even wash is at hand with Chauvet DJ EVE P-100WW Warm White LED Par, a high output warm white (3500 K) wash light designed for mo...

Chauvet DJ EVE P-160RGBW LED Wash Light

When warm, bright, even wash light is needed for mobile and installation applications, Chauvet DJ EVE P-160RGBW LED Wash Light delivers. This robus...

Chauvet DJ Intimidator Beam Q60 60W RGBW Moving Head Light

Breath-taking beam effects from a whip-fast moving head are at hand with Intimidator Beam Q60 with a full 360-degree pan and tilt. That continuous,...

Chauvet DJ Intimidator Hybrid 140SR Beam, Spot, and Wash Moving Head LED Light

The Chauvet DJ Intimidator Hybrid 140SR is a powerful all-in-one moving head fixture that morphs from SPOT to BEAM to WASH effortlessly. Fitted wit...

Chauvet DJ intimidator Scan 360 - LED Scanner Effect

Take your fitness lightshow to the next level with the Chauvet DJ Intimidator Scan 360! This LED scanner effect delivers high-energy beams and eye-...

Chauvet DJ Intimidator Spot 110 - 10W LED Moving Head Spot

The Chauvet DJ Intimidator Spot 110 is a powerful 10W LED Moving Head Spot with advanced optics and intense output that puts out a bright beam perf...

Chauvet DJ INTIMSPOT160 ILS - 32W LED Moving Head Spot

Chauvet DJ's Intimidator Spot 160 ILS is the epitome of compact moving head power. This feature-packed moving head is designed for mobile performan...

Chauvet DJ Festoon 2 RGB Color-Mixing LED Bulb String Light (49')

Festoon 2 RGB is a décor string lighting system that replicates the feel of vintage event lighting. Both the string and individual bulbs are IP54 r...

Chauvet DJ Festoon 2 RGB EXT

The Chauvet DJ Festoon 2 RGB EXT increases the length of Festoon 2 RGB to achieve longer runs. Set up and connection to an existing Festoon 2 RGB i...

Chauvet DJ Obsession HP- 100W Compact LED Effect Light

Create eye-popping, animated gobo light shows with Obsession HP, a compact LED effect light fitted with a 100W LED that projects multi-colored, rot...

Chauvet DJ Scorpion Dual RGB Effect Laser

Imagine the visual drama of a Dual RGB FAT BEAM™ aerial effect laser that lets you create perfect color combinations by mixing red, green, and blue...

Chauvet DJ SlimPAR Pro Pix - RGBAW +UV Pixel-Mappable LED Wash Light

Wash and effect lighting reaches new heights of dynamic power and high-end, rugged features with SlimPAR Pro Pix. This powerful par is a hex-color ...

Chauvet Professional ÉPIX Bar Tour is a pixel-mapping 1-meter LED bar

ÉPIX Bar Tour is a pixel-mapping 1-meter LED bar, featuring 150 LEDs in three rows and a 125° viewing angle. Use the ÉPIX Drive 900 to power and co...

Chauvet Professional Epix Strip Tour - Pixel-mapping 1-meter LED strip light

Chauvet Professional Epix Strip Tour - Pixel-mapping 1-meter LED strip light features 50 LEDs in a row and a 125º viewing angle. Power and control ...

Chauvet Professional Epix Drive 900 - Power Supply and Processor For Epix Tour Series

The Chauvet Professional Epix Drive 900 hosts the processing and power supply for the ÉPIX Tour system. It supports either (18) ÉPIX Strip Tours o...

CHAUVET DJ Xpress-Rack 1024 USB to DMX Interface

The CHAUVET DJ Xpress-Rack 1024 USB to DMX Interface is a rackmount DMX interface for ShowXpress™ software. The unit controls 2 DMX universes and u...

Overstock - Chauvet Xpress 512 PLUS Show Express (IRC compatible)

Chauvet Xpress 512 PLUS Show Express brings you the same capabilities of the Xpress 512, plus an external triggering that is available via a mini-D...

Chauvet Professional - IPFLEXEXT5FT Epix Flex 20 Extension Cables

This 5' IP Flex Power & Data extension cable from Chauvet Professional is designed for use with compatible Chauvet products and allows you to p...

Chauvet Professional IPFLEXEXT15FT Epix Flex 20 Extension Cables

This 15' IP Flex Power & Data extension cable from Chauvet Professional is designed for use with compatible Chauvet products and allows you to ...

Chauvet Professional - IPFLEXEXT25FT Epix Flex 20 Extension Cables

This 25' IP Flex Power & Data extension cable from Chauvet Professional is designed for use with compatible Chauvet products and allows you to ...

Chauvet Professional - OVATIONB2805FC RGBA-L Batten Style Wash Light

Ovation B-2805FC is the first batten-style fixture to take advantage of the extended color capabilities of the RGBA-Lime color mixing system. Contr...

Chauvet Professional - RGBAL Cyclorama Wash / Footlight

Ovation CYC 1 FC is incredibly sleek, discreet, and lightweight, delivering a wide, smooth field of light with significant reach. Completely convec...

Chauvet Professional - OVATIONCYC3FC Oversized RGBAL Cyclorama Wash / Footlight

Ovation CYC 3 FC goes to new lengths to deliver a homogeneous light field with significant reach. Its sleek low profile blends discreetly into stag...

Chauvet Professional - OVATIONE2FC RGBA-L Compact LED Ellipsoidal Spotlight

Ovation E-2 FC is a compact LED ellipsoidal spotlight that delivers high-quality light and convenient features in a quiet, durable design optimized...

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Easy Buy 5000 Group Exercise Sound System

The Easy Buy 5000 sound system is designed for group exercise fitness classes in larger rooms. We recommend this system for rooms anywhere from 2,0...

Let customers speak for us

These windscreens are great. Our spin studio is fairly dark, the colors remind me to take my windscreen with me when I finish teaching.

E-Mic Fitness Headset Microphone

Love & the material is great!!

This transmitter works great and easy to change the channels for the device that you are using.

This case i ls excellent for storing and transporting my headset while keeping it safe!

TV10, Fit-1010, or XP310W Protective Speaker Cover. Best purchase ever. Exactly what I needed to protect my investment!

I have been using this product for 3 weeks. It works great. I had to establish a good spot to place it opposite of where I teach my classes so that I wouldn’t get feedback. I’ve used the headset in the pool and on the side of the pool and my participants can hear me clearly. I have also used it for a studio class. It’s been great! I love the portability and the cover for system and the microphone case so that it doesn’t get damaged. I haven’t tried the hand held microphone yet. I recommend this product for all types of class settings. I will purchase the speaker stand to get better performance.

I am a group fitness instructor and have used many mics over the years. This one is by far the best. The newer 88 is way too big and falls off of most of our heads. This one is perfect and fits most everyone. The quality and clarity of the sound can’t be beat!

The system was easy to set up, and I've been very pleased with the quality and volume of the speakers. We keep the speakers at about 25% strength, which is plenty for our weight room, but it could go much louder.

I just started teaching cycle again. The classes are outdoors and we use a portable stereo. The existing mic system (Samson CR88V and mic B88) just didn't put out enough volume and it would cut out. The portable stereo only has one master volume. I contact AVNow and worked with Brad who was extremely helpful. He showed me this EVO-E mic and I decided to get it. I love that the receiver has a MIC out and LINE out outputs. The headset is so comfortable and I love not having a body pack transmitter. This is my personal mic for teaching but I carry it with me when I take classes and several instructors have tried it as well. It's very easy to connect to a wired stereo as well through the mixer front panel input and then you can have two instructors on mic. Thank you Brad and AVNow.

I purchased this set after the mic I have been using for 15 years has been discontinued. I am a super heavy sweater and I teach several group fitness classes a day. Teaching at different facilities presents a problem with connectors when facilities use different systems. For instance one club I teach uses Audio Texhnica and the other uses Shure. The system is wireless and doesn’t need a specific connector so that allows me to use it at different facilities. And you do need an audio “in” connection that takes the 1/4” plug which all have. The headset itself is very light weight and has a band to tighten or loosen. I have a small noggin and it stays put even when I am on my back for my core and yoga classes. The sound is very nice. Just enough treble to be heard clearly and enough bass to not sound “tinny “. There are two small issues I have run into. The left ear does get a little sore from the hard plastic but I put an eye glass nose cushion on it and it feels better. The other issue is that the on off and channel buttons don’t work great. I had to lift the rubber piece to turn the channel. It’s not lined up perfectly with the pad. I have to take the headset off to turn it to pause. It’s minor. I do charge it after every class or max after 2 (2 hours) but I have anxiety when charges drop. My phone is usually above 80%. Time will tell as to how well it will hold up to my salty sweat. I usually need a new headset every year max. I have been happy so far and this will most likely be my new go to.

Samson AirLine 99 with Two Microphones, Heavy-Use System

I love this headset mic! I teach dance and pilates and it works great for me. It’s light and doesn’t fall off even when I’m whipping my head around.

Finally a system that works so well, it puts me in the Zone.

Got it for our preacher and it was so much better , sound was so clear, the headset was perfect!!

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Planet fitness member arrested after going into ladies’ locker room ‘completely naked’ and claiming he identified as a woman.

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A Planet Fitness member in North Carolina allegedly entered a ladies’ locker room at the gym and stripped down “completely naked,” claiming that he identified as a woman, according to police and 911 callers.

Christopher Miller, 38, was arrested on a charge of indecent exposure and booked into the Gaston County jail last Thursday, with his online inmate entry identifying him as a male.

His mugshot showed the suspect sporting a light-colored beard and mustache.

Christopher Miller, 38

Miller’s arrest on a felony charge came after an alarmed woman at the Gastonia Planet Fitness called 911 to report there was a naked man in the ladies’ locker room, reported WSOC-TV.

“It’s a man but he says he identifies as a woman, and he won’t leave the restroom,” the 911 caller told an emergency dispatcher. “But he is just walking around showing us his — and he won’t leave.”

“OK, so he is completely naked?” the dispatcher asked.

“He is completely naked,” the caller said.

Sources told the outlet that Miller allegedly asked a female gym member in the locker room to lotion him up and take a shower together.

Planet Fitness allows members to use the restroom and locker room consistent with their self-reported gender identity, but there was no indication that Miller had identified himself as a transgender woman before venturing inside the ladies’ locker room.

Miller's arrest on a felony charge came after an alarmed woman at the Gastonia Planet Fitness called 911 to report there was a naked man in the ladies' locker room.

“I think a woman should be able to go into a women’s bathroom without a man coming in saying he’s transgender,” gymgoer Betty Brice said.

Planet Fitness sent a statement to The Post Thursday addressing Miller’s arrest.

“At Planet Fitness, the safety of our employees and members is our top priority, and we have zero tolerance for harassment of any kind in our clubs,” said McCall Gosselin, chief corporate affairs officer at Planet Fitness. “We took immediate action to ensure the safety of club members, including notifying and working with law enforcement.”

“I think a woman should be able to go into a woman’s bathroom without a man coming in saying he’s transgender,” gymgoer Betty Brice said.

Miller was ordered held on $25,000 bond.

The incident in North Carolina comes after a Planet Fitness in Fairbanks, Alaska, came to the defense of a transgender member who was photographed shaving in the women’s locker room.

Patricia Silva, 67, who took the photo because she said she was alarmed seeing someone “with a penis” grooming themselves next to a young girl, was later banned from the gym, with Planet Fitness claiming Silva violated the company’s policy.

In the wake of the scandal sparked by Silva’s suspension, 28 Planet Fitness gyms in 11 states have been targeted with bogus bomb threats, leading to a string of evacuations.

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Christopher Miller, 38


light in fitness tours

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We partner with experienced and reputable instructors to support them in the delivery of their Fitness tours and retreats, whether they are looking for a bootcamp style trip or a wellness retreat we have locations around the world to suit. We provide the marketing resources and support for each instructor, as well as take care of all of the administration connected to the booking. This then allows the instructor to focus delivering the best possible sessions to the group. Instructors can choose whether to host a private group of clients or open to all.

Destinations include UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Turkey, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Barbados, Antigua, St Lucia, Tobago, Grenada, South Africa, Dubai & many more.

Our fitness tours and retreats are all about the location coupled together with the best quality instructors.

A Retreat is the best way to immerse yourself in the experience alongside fresh and healthy foods and relaxing or invigorating activities in between your sessions, depending on what you want. Whereas our fitness tours focus more on improving your specific fitness goals whether that be through Bootcamps, detox or tailored fitness programs.

We can tailor the fitness retreats to include other activities such as Golf, Tennis, Mountain Biking, Road Biking, Spa treatments, Stand Up Paddling Boarding, Kayaking, Sailing and many more.

Having delivered fitness tours for a number of years, we understand what makes the best fitness experience for both instructors and their clients.


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THE 10 BEST Moscow Health/Fitness Clubs & Gyms

Health/fitness clubs & gyms in moscow.

  • Health/Fitness Clubs & Gyms
  • Yoga & Pilates
  • Hammams & Turkish Baths
  • Roman Baths
  • Thermal Spas
  • Hair & Nail Salons
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • District Central (TsAO)
  • 3rd Transport Ring (TTK)
  • Garden Ring
  • District Northern (SAO)
  • Good for a Rainy Day
  • Good for Kids
  • Budget-friendly
  • Good for Adrenaline Seekers
  • Good for Couples
  • Good for Big Groups
  • Adventurous
  • Hidden Gems
  • Honeymoon spot
  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

light in fitness tours

1. ThaiBeautySpa


2. Limestone


3. Lay Back Massage Club

light in fitness tours

4. Royal Thai Pokrovka

light in fitness tours

5. Swimming Pool Chaika


6. Wai Thai Michurino


7. Cosmos Spa


8. Fitness Club Miltronic


9. Pride Club Fitness

light in fitness tours

10. Usadba Bannaya

light in fitness tours

11. Spa Algotherm


12. Grand Fitness

light in fitness tours

13. Galotsentr Solyanaya Peshhera

light in fitness tours

14. VITASPORT Wellness Club

light in fitness tours

15. Usadba Bannaya

light in fitness tours

16. I N T U ' T I O N 2/05

17. city fitness.

light in fitness tours

18. Novorizhskiye Baths

light in fitness tours

19. Vital Practice University

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20. Fresh Stretching

light in fitness tours

21. Rock The Cycle


22. Massage and Health Center Il de Provane

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23. Encore City

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24. Fitness Center Mark Avreliy

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25. LifeCity Venecia

26. salt cave salegrotte.

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27. Boxing Academy

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29. Art of Pilates

light in fitness tours

Top 20 Global Concert Tours from Pollstar

The Associated Press

April 12, 2024, 1:27 PM

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The Top 20 Global Concert Tours ranks artists by average box office gross per city and includes the average ticket price for shows Worldwide. The list is based on data provided to the trade publication Pollstar by concert promoters and venue managers. Week of April 15, 2024:

For free upcoming tour information, go to

Copyright © 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.

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Our guide was written by Tom Rogers and Rebekah Smith .

Health & Beauty in Moscow

Moscow health & beauty guide, fitness centers.

There are literally hundreds of gyms and fitness centers available to take care of health & beauty of expats in Moscow. The majority are extremely well-equipped, most including a swimming pool, extensive class schedule, open courts for many sports, and also saunas, beauty salons, and tanning facilities. Expect to pay about 28,000 – 62,000 RUR for an annual subscription (in cash, upfront).

These Moscow fitness centers provide information in English and may have some English-speaking staff:

  • Gold’s Gym The international chain – if you have a membership from your home country, you may have guest privileges here. There are two locations:Dinamo (a favorite with expatriates) Offers a fully equipped gym and cardio area, extensive schedule of aerobics classes, designated courts for football, basketball, volleyball, tennis and squash area, swimming pool, beauty salon, massage, and tanning services. Body revolution programs twice annually. Leningradsky Prosp. 31/30 Closest metro: Dinamo +7 (495) 931 96 16 Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 – 23:00; Sat-Sun 9:00 – 22:00Lefort Has all imaginable cardio equipment, free weights, more than 25 regularly scheduled group classes (including yoga and pilates), spinning equipment, designated courts for football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, a table tennis area, sauna, and massage room. Elektrozavodskaya Ul. 27/3 Closest metro: Eletrozavodskaya or Preobrazhenskaya Ploshad +7 (495) 662-46 53 Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 – 23:00; Sat-Sun 9:00 – 22:00
  • Planet Fitness A more affordable option among Moscow’s fitness centers. Annual memberships start at 29,000 RUR. There are 15 locations in Moscow, most of which offer free weights, cardio equipment, a swimming pool, aerobics and dance classes, and boxing. Many also have massage and tanning. Typical opening hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 – 24:00; Sat-Sun 9:00 – 22:00 (may vary by location)
  • World Class With 16 locations in Moscow, you’re sure to find one nearby. The biggest and best offer a full range of fitness and cardiovascular equipment, group classes in everything from aerobics to martial arts, personal training, swimming pool, kid zones, and spa and solarium. Typical opening hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 – 24:00; Sat-Sun 9:00 – 24:00 (may vary by location)

Golf Courses

There are three golf course in Moscow and the Moscow area:

  • Moscow City Golf Club This 9-hole course is conveniently located in the city. Also offers a practice area, pro shop, tennis courts, spa and restaurant Ulitsa Dovzhenko 1 Closest metro: Kievskaya (then by bus) +7 (499) 147-8330
  • Le Meridien Moscow Country Club This 18-hole golf course is home to the Russian Open (PGA European Tour) every summer. It is part of an exclusive private membership resort in the Moscow suburb of Nakhabino, about 40 minutes out of the city. Also has a comprehensive sports complex and excellent restaurant. +7 (495) 626-5910 e-mail:  [email protected]
  • Moscow Golf Club Moscow’s newest 18-hole course opened in May 2009. Also offers tennis and a fitness center. Ostrovnaya ul., 2 Closest metro: Krilatskoe +7 (495) 234-7451

Tennis Courts

Many fitness centers in Moscow offer facilities for playing tennis, as do the golf courses. But you can also try a specialized tennis club, or the facilities are the stadiums:

  • Zhukovka Tennis Centre Located 10 km beyond the MKAD in the village Zhukova, this center offers 10 indoor tennis courts; tennis school, massage room and bicycle rental. 1 Illinskoye Shosse, Zhukovo + 7 (495) 418-3701 Opening hours: Mon-Sun 8:00 – 22:00
  • Luzhniki Sports Complex This popular stadium has two full-size tennis courts in addition to a great range of other facilities. Luzhnetskaya Nab. 24 Closest metro: Sportivnaya +7 (495) 637-0262 Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7:00 – 22:00

Swimming Pools

The great majority of fitness centers in Moscow also have swimming pools. But you can also easily find great pools and even waterparks without a gym membership.

  • Olympic Sports Complex This stadium has the best swimming pool in all of Moscow. Note that you must bring a medical certificate showing you are free of skin, and other, conditions that can be transmitted through the water (can be issued at any public clinic). Olympisky Prospekt 16/18 Closest metro: Prospekt Mira +7 (495) 288-5453
  • Chaika Another nice pool, located on the circle metro line. You will also need to present a medical certificate, but you can get one on the spot (valid for a month) from the swimming pool medical department (open 8:30 – 22:00) Turchaninov Per. 1/3 Closest metro: Park Kultury +7 (499) 246-1344
  • Kimberlyland A great waterpark with 5 pools, slides, water games, and a special kids club. Also has a large gym, mini-golf course, beauty salon, and restaurant on site. Azovskaya Ul. 24 Closest metro: Sevastopolskaya +7 (495) 310-0401

Yoga Centers

There are numerous yoga centers in Moscow, and of course many fitness centers also offer yoga classes. The following yoga center has English-speaking instructors available:

  • Ashtanga Yoga Center Hatha Yoga at various levels. Instructors speak both Russian and English. One class costs 350 -500 RUR; a monthly membership is 2200 – 2700 RUR. They have four locations in Moscow:Stary Tolmachevsky Per 7 (inside “Orbita” center) Closest metro: Novokuznetskaya +7 (495) 953-6957Zoologicheskaya Ul 30 Closest metro: Mayakovskaya, Barrikadnaya +7 (495) 550-9646Ostozhenka Ul 8 (inside “Sambo” club) Closest metro: Kropotkinskaya +7 (495) 201-7209Bolshoy Vlasyevsky Per 10 Closest metro: Arbatskaya or Kropotkinskaya +7 (495) 300-4587

Football (Soccer) Fields

Many fitness centers provide facilities for football, as do most stadiums (see Entertainment > Sports Events). You may also enjoy getting involved with the following expatriate football groups:

  • Expat Over 30s Football League A league of 8 teams that plays weekly at Dynamo Stadium. Games are 11-a-side with professional referees. New players age 28 and over with playing experience are recruited at the beginning of the season.
  • Women’s Football Club Open to all, and emphasizes fun over professional play. Meets Sundays from 17:00 to 19:00 near metro Aeroport. Contact: Natalie [email protected]

Ice Skating Rinks

Ice skating is very popular in Moscow. In the winter, there are open-air rinks all around the city and at Gorky Park. There are also numerous indoor rinks:

  • Umka Levoberezhnaya Ul 12/1 Closest metro: Rechnoy Vokzal +7 (495) 458-1084 Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 – 21:00; Sat 19:45 – 20:45; Sun 18:30 – 19:30
  • Raduzhny Chobotovskaya Ul 6 Closest metro: Prospekt Vernadskogo +7 (495) 733-0369 Opening hours: Mon-Fri 8:00 – 21:00; Sat 17:00 – 20:00; Sun 17:00 – 18:00
  • Ice Palace Yuzhny Bulatnikovskaya 2 Closest metro: Prazhskaya +7 (495) 383-8738 Opening hours: Mon-Fri 7:00 – 22:00; Sat-Sun 21:00 – 22:00
  • Ice Palace Rus Voronezhskaya Ul 13/3 Closest metro: Domodedovskaya +7 (495) 399-1327 Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7:00 – 24:00
  • Ledovy Dvorets (Offers skating classes) Volgogradsky Prospect 46/15 Closest metro: Tekstilshchiki +7 (495) 179-3964 Opening hours: Mon-Sun 7:00 – 24:00

Each MEGA Mall (see Shopping) also has an ice skating rink.

Skiing and Snowboarding Slopes

  • Krylatskoe Downhill skiing and snowboarding on a 400-meter slope. Krylastskaya Ul 2 Closest metro: Krylastskoye or Molodezhnaya (then take bus number 229 or 829)
  • Volen Ski Park A ski resort with hotel, restaurants, and an excellent ski school and ski rentals. North of the city. To get there, head out on Dimitrovskoe Schosse; turn left 46 km beyond the MKAD, and follow the signs. +7 (495) 993-95-40; 993-95-02 [email protected] Moscow office: Olimpiyskiy prospect, 7 ste 411/ + 7 (495) 961 00 50

Besides these two slopes, Moscow offers a wealth of possibilities for cross-country skiing, especially in parks in the outskirts of the city including Sokolniki, Bitsevskiy Park, Kuzminki, Vorobievy Gory, and Yakhroma.

Horse Riding Facilities

There are many locations for horse riding in and around Moscow. The following two have English-speaking instructors available:

  • Pradar Individual horse-riding lessons with qualified English-speaking instructors. Single admission to the Club is 1750 RUR, or purchase a monthly horse-riding card for 18,000-24,000. Begovaya Ul 17 Closest metro: Begovaya +7 (495) 945 05 87 E-mail:  [email protected]
  • Hippodrome Complex Individual horse-riding lessons with qualified English- and German-speaking instructors available. Begovaya Ul 22/1 Closest metro: Begovaya +7 (495) 945 50 59

Rock Climbing

The following rock climbing school offers English-language instruction:

  • AlexClimb Indoor Rockclimbing Operates from September to May and organizes training across indoor and outdoor locations in Moscow; also organizes tours around Russia and internationally. You can purchase 8 two-hour sessions with an English-speaking instructor in a group of 4-8 people for 5,400 RUR (plus entrance to the rock climbing gym). Individual trainings also available.

The following expat club is a fun way to meet people and play rugby at the same time:

  • Moscow Dragons Rugby Club Play rugby and get involved in many social and charitable events.

Paintball Fields

Paintball is increasingly popular with teenagers even in Moscow. The following two locations are available:

  • Action Paintball Games Panfilova Ul 20-2 Closest metro: Sokol +7 (499) 796 46 46
  • Paintball Sports Club A large outdoor complex,10 kilometers outside the MKAD. Horse riding is also available. +7 (495) 772 88 80, 918 45 80

Field Hockey

The following expat club is a fun way to meet people and play hockey at the same time:

  • Expat Field Hockey Club A club that welcomes beginners, and both men and women. Meets Saturday from 15:00 to 16:30 at Sokolniki Football Training Center (closest metro: Sokolniki) Equipment is provided, and the sessions cost 250 RUR per person each. Contact: Vineet Arora [email protected]

Useful links

  • A popular online Russian radio station.
  • Site where you can master Russian grammar, learn new vocabulary and practice speaking and reading Russian.
  • A transliteration site – type in Roman letters and they are automatically converted to Cyrillic.

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Hello Walkers! Welcome to City Walks.

I make 4k Free Virtual Walking Tours for your treadmill workouts from around the world. We are a traveling family. And as we've traveled, or stayed at home during certain unpleasant historical events, I've gone out to film some walks for you. I hope they'll help you pass the time during your workout or just help you explore new places virtually.

Our Free Virtual walking tours and city walks live in our searchable website. Find them by keyword, location, or walk-time using the sidebar drop down menus. Or, just browse the latest videos for treadmill below. Keep on Steppin' -H

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Snowy Virtual Walk on Peets Hill, Bozeman

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Historic Downtown Livingston, Montana in winter snow on our virtual walking tour where city walks live

Livingston, MT Virtual Walk

We are back in Montana and finally starting to get some snow. The Virtual Walk for Treadmill: Livingston Montana Winter Walking Tour – 4k City Walks Video for Treadmill This fun little walk starts out on the “Veterans Bridge”, aka 89 Bridge, aka KPRK Bridge. As mentioned above, we’ve gotten some snow the last few days but it’s been unusually warm. The snow was wet, melted a bit and refroze. This has made the walking a bit icy in places. However, Today we have some blue sky for our walk. From the bridge, I’ll take you into town past some […]

Hiker at Delicate Arch in Arches National Park with snow on the red rocks

Delicate Arch Virtual Nature Walk For Treadmill

Welcome back to Arches National Park. It’s been a couple years but I found a new trail to share with you. See links to earlier walks below. The Virtual Walking Video for Treadmill: Delicate Arch Walking Tour in Arches National Park – City Walks Virtual Treadmill Walk This week we take a walk in Arches National Park. I’m a big fan of public lands and believe we need to protect them. Luckily we have the national park system. Arches has a fascinating geological history and even more beautiful landscape. Let’s take a virtual walking tour across the red rocks from […]

Boy standing on edge of Grand Canyon with titles for video

Grand Canyon Rim Trail Virtual Walk

We are at the Grand Canyon. It’s cold and windy as we walk along the Rim Trail. The Treadmill Walking Video Grand Canyon Rim Trail Virtual Walking Trail in Winter The Grand Canyon is the most popular national park in the United States. It get’s talked up as one of the most amazing scenes in the world but I have to say, it’s not overhyped. My first look took my breath away, especially since it was right at sunset. Sorry, the walk is the next day in the cloudy windy weather. As we make our way north we make a […]

Buildings on ASU Campus in Tempe AZ

Tempe Virtual Walking Tour and ASU Campus

We take a day to visit the Grand Canyon National Park. It’s my first time and no video or photo can truly capture it. The Virtual Treadmill Walking Video: Tempe Arizona Virtual Walk and ASU Campus Tour – Virtual Treadmill Tours and City Walks We made a short stop in Tempe to buy a bike and I decided to film a walk around town. A good portion of this walk is actually on the Arizona State University Campus. I really don’t have much information about the city but this part was certainly clean and enjoyable. I hope you like the […]

Hiker amongst stone formations of Chiricahua National Monument in Arizona

Chiricahua National Monument Virtual Walk in Nature

After our trip to Elkhorn Ranch, we took a little side quest over to Chiricahua National Monument because I’d seen it in the news recently. It was amazing. The Treadmill Walking Video: Chiricahua Stone Formation Walk – Arizona Virtual Treadmill Walking Tour I saw Chiricahua mentioned in several news articles recently about it possibly becoming a new national park. I figured we’d better go check it out before the crowds arrived. As I mention in this and other walks, we are fascinated with Arizona now and want to go back and really explore more. This little trip was a nice […]

Arizona Ranch road virtual walking tour thumbnail

Arizona Ranch Walk – Virtual Nature

We take a late afternoon walk in the Arizona desert and enjoy the austere, relaxing nature in this week’s treadmill walk. The Treadmill Virtual Walking Tour: Arizona Nature Walks – Guest Ranch Virtual Treadmill Walk Elkhorn ranch is a family run guest ranch in southern Arizona, about an hour or so from Tucson. The focus is horseback riding on various trails around the ranch but they have massages, pickle ball, a pool, guided hikes, and more.They’ve been around for nearly 80 years and the whole family takes part in the business. We have spent a week at Elkhorn the last […]

Mural in downtown Tucson, Arizona

Tucson Walking Tour – Virtual City Walk in AZ

We’ve been wanting to spend some time in Tucson for years now and finally got the chance. The downtown area is smaller than I expected but still intriguing. The Treadmill Virtual Walking Tour Video: Tucson Arizona Walking Tour – Virtual Walking Tours for treadmill Tucson Arizona sits down near the border with Mexico and despite having the second largest population in Arizona, it has the feel of a much smaller place. Admittedly, I filmed this virtual walking tour after about 12 hours in town so my knowledge is limited but we drove around quite a bit and explored. We start […]


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light in fitness tours

Holiday Lights Run

Jan 13, 2024 7:30 AM to 9:15 AM

Pulitzer Fountain

5k  fittoursnyc

5k fittoursnyc

See central park and nyc's most iconic locations on this holiday run.

Go on a festive journey along the winding paths of Central Park and through the dazzling streets of New York City during this enchanting time of year. See where many famous movies were shot in Central Park, plus take in the 5th Avenue window displays, the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree, Radio City Music Hall, and more!

Let the twinkling lights, iconic film locations and merry atmosphere create memories that will warm your heart for years to come! And if you still need some warming up after the run, join us for a cup of our favorite hot chocolate in the city.

Prefer to walk? Choose this walking tour  instead!

Schedule : These tours happen Mon-Thurs at 7:30 AM, and Fri - Sun at 8:00 AM.

  • Duration : 1 hour 15 mins (approximately)
  • Distance : About 4 miles
  • Terrain : Streets / paths
  • Price:  $55 (includes hot chocolate)

Reservations are required : Book below!

Location: MAP | Meet at 59th Street and 5th Ave, by the General Sherman Monument.

About : The ultimate NYC fitness experience! These tours combine exercise with sightseeing in Central Park.

Pulitzer Fountain

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Corolla Light Sports Center

The newly renovated sports center is now open; the pool and spa are scheduled to reopen april 22..

Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you need to give up your workout! Corolla Light's 36,000 square foot sports center is the second largest fitness center on the Outer Banks. Maintain your aerobic routine in our cardio room: treadmills, ellipticals, steppers, recumbent and upright bikes, and even a Startrac total body trainer await. Want to pump some iron? No problem! Visit our dedicated free weight room, or our Cybex circuit weight room and lift away.

Tennis players will want to be sure to check out our two indoor clay courts. We haven't forgotten racquetball or wallyball players either, just call to reserve our dual purpose court. If you prefer Pilates or other group workouts, Check out the weekly activities schedule  for listings of special classes that are offered in season. The center also has a ping-pong room and two full sized locker rooms, complete with showers and sauna.

Children aged 8-15 may use the cardio and circuit weight room with a signed waiver and when accompanied by an adult. Children aged 13-15 may use the free weights room with the same conditions. Sports Center questions? Just give us a call at 252-453-4565.

Regular hours for the Sport Center are 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily.


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Mon-fri 8am - 4 pm , (252) 453 - 2455, sports center: , mon-sun 8am - 6pm, (252) 453 - 4565, oceanfront pools:, may 25th - sept 20th, (252) 453-4465, security: (252) 202- 6313.


Copyright © 2024 Corolla Light. All Rights Reserved. Website Design by InterCoastal Net Designs

2018 Primetime Emmy & James Beard Award Winner

In Transit: Notes from the Underground

Jun 06 2018.

Spend some time in one of Moscow’s finest museums.

Subterranean commuting might not be anyone’s idea of a good time, but even in a city packing the war-games treasures and priceless bejeweled eggs of the Kremlin Armoury and the colossal Soviet pavilions of the VDNKh , the Metro holds up as one of Moscow’s finest museums. Just avoid rush hour.

The Metro is stunning and provides an unrivaled insight into the city’s psyche, past and present, but it also happens to be the best way to get around. Moscow has Uber, and the Russian version called Yandex Taxi , but also some nasty traffic. Metro trains come around every 90 seconds or so, at a more than 99 percent on-time rate. It’s also reasonably priced, with a single ride at 55 cents (and cheaper in bulk). From history to tickets to rules — official and not — here’s what you need to know to get started.

A Brief Introduction Buying Tickets Know Before You Go (Down) Rules An Easy Tour

A Brief Introduction

Moscow’s Metro was a long time coming. Plans for rapid transit to relieve the city’s beleaguered tram system date back to the Imperial era, but a couple of wars and a revolution held up its development. Stalin revived it as part of his grand plan to modernize the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 30s. The first lines and tunnels were constructed with help from engineers from the London Underground, although Stalin’s secret police decided that they had learned too much about Moscow’s layout and had them arrested on espionage charges and deported.

The beauty of its stations (if not its trains) is well-documented, and certainly no accident. In its illustrious first phases and particularly after the Second World War, the greatest architects of Soviet era were recruited to create gleaming temples celebrating the Revolution, the USSR, and the war triumph. No two stations are exactly alike, and each of the classic showpieces has a theme. There are world-famous shrines to Futurist architecture, a celebration of electricity, tributes to individuals and regions of the former Soviet Union. Each marble slab, mosaic tile, or light fixture was placed with intent, all in service to a station’s aesthetic; each element, f rom the smallest brass ear of corn to a large blood-spattered sword on a World War II mural, is an essential part of the whole.

light in fitness tours

The Metro is a monument to the Soviet propaganda project it was intended to be when it opened in 1935 with the slogan “Building a Palace for the People”. It brought the grand interiors of Imperial Russia to ordinary Muscovites, celebrated the Soviet Union’s past achievements while promising its citizens a bright Soviet future, and of course, it was a show-piece for the world to witness the might and sophistication of life in the Soviet Union.

It may be a museum, but it’s no relic. U p to nine million people use it daily, more than the London Underground and New York Subway combined. (Along with, at one time, about 20 stray dogs that learned to commute on the Metro.)

In its 80+ year history, the Metro has expanded in phases and fits and starts, in step with the fortunes of Moscow and Russia. Now, partly in preparation for the World Cup 2018, it’s also modernizing. New trains allow passengers to walk the entire length of the train without having to change carriages. The system is becoming more visitor-friendly. (There are helpful stickers on the floor marking out the best selfie spots .) But there’s a price to modernity: it’s phasing out one of its beloved institutions, the escalator attendants. Often they are middle-aged or elderly women—“ escalator grandmas ” in news accounts—who have held the post for decades, sitting in their tiny kiosks, scolding commuters for bad escalator etiquette or even bad posture, or telling jokes . They are slated to be replaced, when at all, by members of the escalator maintenance staff.

For all its achievements, the Metro lags behind Moscow’s above-ground growth, as Russia’s capital sprawls ever outwards, generating some of the world’s worst traffic jams . But since 2011, the Metro has been in the middle of an ambitious and long-overdue enlargement; 60 new stations are opening by 2020. If all goes to plan, the 2011-2020 period will have brought 125 miles of new tracks and over 100 new stations — a 40 percent increase — the fastest and largest expansion phase in any period in the Metro’s history.

Facts: 14 lines Opening hours: 5 a.m-1 a.m. Rush hour(s): 8-10 a.m, 4-8 p.m. Single ride: 55₽ (about 85 cents) Wi-Fi network-wide

light in fitness tours

Buying Tickets

  • Ticket machines have a button to switch to English.
  • You can buy specific numbers of rides: 1, 2, 5, 11, 20, or 60. Hold up fingers to show how many rides you want to buy.
  • There is also a 90-minute ticket , which gets you 1 trip on the metro plus an unlimited number of transfers on other transport (bus, tram, etc) within 90 minutes.
  • Or, you can buy day tickets with unlimited rides: one day (218₽/ US$4), three days (415₽/US$7) or seven days (830₽/US$15). Check the rates here to stay up-to-date.
  • If you’re going to be using the Metro regularly over a few days, it’s worth getting a Troika card , a contactless, refillable card you can use on all public transport. Using the Metro is cheaper with one of these: a single ride is 36₽, not 55₽. Buy them and refill them in the Metro stations, and they’re valid for 5 years, so you can keep it for next time. Or, if you have a lot of cash left on it when you leave, you can get it refunded at the Metro Service Centers at Ulitsa 1905 Goda, 25 or at Staraya Basmannaya 20, Building 1.
  • You can also buy silicone bracelets and keychains with built-in transport chips that you can use as a Troika card. (A Moscow Metro Fitbit!) So far, you can only get these at the Pushkinskaya metro station Live Helpdesk and souvenir shops in the Mayakovskaya and Trubnaya metro stations. The fare is the same as for the Troika card.
  • You can also use Apple Pay and Samsung Pay.

Rules, spoken and unspoken

No smoking, no drinking, no filming, no littering. Photography is allowed, although it used to be banned.

Stand to the right on the escalator. Break this rule and you risk the wrath of the legendary escalator attendants. (No shenanigans on the escalators in general.)

Get out of the way. Find an empty corner to hide in when you get off a train and need to stare at your phone. Watch out getting out of the train in general; when your train doors open, people tend to appear from nowhere or from behind ornate marble columns, walking full-speed.

Always offer your seat to elderly ladies (what are you, a monster?).

An Easy Tour

This is no Metro Marathon ( 199 stations in 20 hours ). It’s an easy tour, taking in most—though not all—of the notable stations, the bulk of it going clockwise along the Circle line, with a couple of short detours. These stations are within minutes of one another, and the whole tour should take about 1-2 hours.

Start at Mayakovskaya Metro station , at the corner of Tverskaya and Garden Ring,  Triumfalnaya Square, Moskva, Russia, 125047.

1. Mayakovskaya.  Named for Russian Futurist Movement poet Vladimir Mayakovsky and an attempt to bring to life the future he imagined in his poems. (The Futurist Movement, natch, was all about a rejecting the past and celebrating all things speed, industry, modern machines, youth, modernity.) The result: an Art Deco masterpiece that won the National Grand Prix for architecture at the New York World’s Fair in 1939. It’s all smooth, rounded shine and light, and gentle arches supported by columns of dark pink marble and stainless aircraft steel. Each of its 34 ceiling niches has a mosaic. During World War II, the station was used as an air-raid shelter and, at one point, a bunker for Stalin. He gave a subdued but rousing speech here in Nov. 6, 1941 as the Nazis bombed the city above.

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Take the 3/Green line one station to:

2. Belorusskaya. Opened in 1952, named after the connected Belarussky Rail Terminal, which runs trains between Moscow and Belarus. This is a light marble affair with a white, cake-like ceiling, lined with Belorussian patterns and 12 Florentine ceiling mosaics depicting life in Belarussia when it was built.

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Transfer onto the 1/Brown line. Then, one stop (clockwise) t o:

3. Novoslobodskaya.  This station was designed around the stained-glass panels, which were made in Latvia, because Alexey Dushkin, the Soviet starchitect who dreamed it up (and also designed Mayakovskaya station) couldn’t find the glass and craft locally. The stained glass is the same used for Riga’s Cathedral, and the panels feature plants, flowers, members of the Soviet intelligentsia (musician, artist, architect) and geometric shapes.

light in fitness tours

Go two stops east on the 1/Circle line to:

4. Komsomolskaya. Named after the Komsomol, or the Young Communist League, this might just be peak Stalin Metro style. Underneath the hub for three regional railways, it was intended to be a grand gateway to Moscow and is today its busiest station. It has chandeliers; a yellow ceiling with Baroque embellishments; and in the main hall, a colossal red star overlaid on golden, shimmering tiles. Designer Alexey Shchusev designed it as an homage to the speech Stalin gave at Red Square on Nov. 7, 1941, in which he invoked Russia’s illustrious military leaders as a pep talk to Soviet soldiers through the first catastrophic year of the war.   The station’s eight large mosaics are of the leaders referenced in the speech, such as Alexander Nevsky, a 13th-century prince and military commander who bested German and Swedish invading armies.

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One more stop clockwise to Kurskaya station,  and change onto the 3/Blue  line, and go one stop to:

5. Baumanskaya.   Opened in 1944. Named for the Bolshevik Revolutionary Nikolai Bauman , whose monument and namesake district are aboveground here. Though he seemed like a nasty piece of work (he apparently once publicly mocked a woman he had impregnated, who later hung herself), he became a Revolutionary martyr when he was killed in 1905 in a skirmish with a monarchist, who hit him on the head with part of a steel pipe. The station is in Art Deco style with atmospherically dim lighting, and a series of bronze sculptures of soldiers and homefront heroes during the War. At one end, there is a large mosaic portrait of Lenin.

light in fitness tours

Stay on that train direction one more east to:

6. Elektrozavodskaya. As you may have guessed from the name, this station is the Metro’s tribute to all thing electrical, built in 1944 and named after a nearby lightbulb factory. It has marble bas-relief sculptures of important figures in electrical engineering, and others illustrating the Soviet Union’s war-time struggles at home. The ceiling’s recurring rows of circular lamps give the station’s main tunnel a comforting glow, and a pleasing visual effect.

light in fitness tours

Double back two stops to Kurskaya station , and change back to the 1/Circle line. Sit tight for six stations to:

7. Kiyevskaya. This was the last station on the Circle line to be built, in 1954, completed under Nikita Khrushchev’ s guidance, as a tribute to his homeland, Ukraine. Its three large station halls feature images celebrating Ukraine’s contributions to the Soviet Union and Russo-Ukrainian unity, depicting musicians, textile-working, soldiers, farmers. (One hall has frescoes, one mosaics, and the third murals.) Shortly after it was completed, Khrushchev condemned the architectural excesses and unnecessary luxury of the Stalin era, which ushered in an epoch of more austere Metro stations. According to the legend at least, he timed the policy in part to ensure no Metro station built after could outshine Kiyevskaya.

light in fitness tours

Change to the 3/Blue line and go one stop west.

8. Park Pobedy. This is the deepest station on the Metro, with one of the world’s longest escalators, at 413 feet. If you stand still, the escalator ride to the surface takes about three minutes .) Opened in 2003 at Victory Park, the station celebrates two of Russia’s great military victories. Each end has a mural by Georgian artist Zurab Tsereteli, who also designed the “ Good Defeats Evil ” statue at the UN headquarters in New York. One mural depicts the Russian generals’ victory over the French in 1812 and the other, the German surrender of 1945. The latter is particularly striking; equal parts dramatic, triumphant, and gruesome. To the side, Red Army soldiers trample Nazi flags, and if you look closely there’s some blood spatter among the detail. Still, the biggest impressions here are the marble shine of the chessboard floor pattern and the pleasingly geometric effect if you view from one end to the other.

light in fitness tours

Keep going one more stop west to:

9. Slavyansky Bulvar.  One of the Metro’s youngest stations, it opened in 2008. With far higher ceilings than many other stations—which tend to have covered central tunnels on the platforms—it has an “open-air” feel (or as close to it as you can get, one hundred feet under). It’s an homage to French architect Hector Guimard, he of the Art Nouveau entrances for the Paris M é tro, and that’s precisely what this looks like: A Moscow homage to the Paris M é tro, with an additional forest theme. A Cyrillic twist on Guimard’s Metro-style lettering over the benches, furnished with t rees and branch motifs, including creeping vines as towering lamp-posts.

light in fitness tours

Stay on the 3/Blue line and double back four stations to:

10. Arbatskaya. Its first iteration, Arbatskaya-Smolenskaya station, was damaged by German bombs in 1941. It was rebuilt in 1953, and designed to double as a bomb shelter in the event of nuclear war, although unusually for stations built in the post-war phase, this one doesn’t have a war theme. It may also be one of the system’s most elegant: Baroque, but toned down a little, with red marble floors and white ceilings with gilded bronze c handeliers.

light in fitness tours

Jump back on the 3/Blue line  in the same direction and take it one more stop:

11. Ploshchad Revolyutsii (Revolution Square). Opened in 1938, and serving Red Square and the Kremlin . Its renowned central hall has marble columns flanked by 76 bronze statues of Soviet heroes: soldiers, students, farmers, athletes, writers, parents. Some of these statues’ appendages have a yellow sheen from decades of Moscow’s commuters rubbing them for good luck. Among the most popular for a superstitious walk-by rub: the snout of a frontier guard’s dog, a soldier’s gun (where the touch of millions of human hands have tapered the gun barrel into a fine, pointy blade), a baby’s foot, and a woman’s knee. (A brass rooster also sports the telltale gold sheen, though I am told that rubbing the rooster is thought to bring bad luck. )

Now take the escalator up, and get some fresh air.

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Creating Tours for the Fitness Enthusiast


Fitness enthusiasts likely already know the most popular ways to exercise, so creating a tour dedicated to this group is not about putting together a fitness regimen (though certainly feel free...don't let us stop you!), but rather about adding an extra dose of adventure and activity to what might otherwise by just another ordinary tour.

You might blend a walking tour with a beach run, for example, or suggest rollerblading instead of walking when possible.

You can use Built Story’s media tools to show your tour takers the best places to rent items they may need and to give them more information about the different activities available.

Beach Tours

So many of the best destinations have beaches nearby. From the West Coast to the East Coast, to the lakes in between, gorgeous beaches can be the starting point of your tour.

At Santa Monica Beach, for example, you could easily set up a cycling tour that takes visitors from one end of the beach to the other. They can make stops at small restaurants near Muscle Beach and even take time to work out there or join in on a game of (socially distant) volleyball.

Fitness enthusiasts, one might assume, love a challenge. So, point tour takers toward something new and out of their comfort zone. Show them areas such as Bay Street where they can rent surfboards and learn how to surf.

light in fitness tours

On the East Coast, Miami Beach makes for a great place to rollerblade or cycle. It all depends on how you want to introduce your Tour Takers to the area. You can point out places to stop along the way while recommending spots to visit later in the day or in the evening.

The more options, the better. Starting them out at the southern most point of South Beach then guiding them along Ocean Drive will offer many opportunities to introduce your Tour Takers to activities such as parasailing, snorkeling, or jet skiing.

Family Fun Tours

Families with littles enjoy fresh air as well! One great way to keep them moving is through cycling or walking tours. 

It all really depends on the locale and the ages of the children in the family.  

Hiking trails can be appropriate for many ages -- just be sure to clearly describe length of trail and skill level needed in your tour description. You might give families different choices by sharing easier hiking trails with them. 

light in fitness tours

For a wholly unique experience, Tour Takers can create fun, “field day” experiences with walking or cycling tours that include jump ropes, beach runs, surfing, hiking, or something as simple as swimming. 

Yoga in the Park (and Everywhere Else)

A true fitness enthusiast knows the importance of the connection between mind and body. Yoga trains the mind to care for the body, and the body for the mind.

Your tour can incorporate yoga by adding it to various stops or beginning the tour with a yoga session in the park. You can choose to include a video of yourself leading a yoga session. Or, you might suggest a light morning yoga session at a nearby park, then a harder one at the end of the tour.

Still yet, you can link Tour Takers to  free yoga lessons online  while guiding them to local spaces where they can practice in peace.

light in fitness tours

Amp Up Your Walking Tours

If your tour locale just isn’t the right spot for yoga or beach sports, you can still add interest to the tour with some simple challenges.

Tour Creators can add intensity by including a few fitness routines--maybe some suggested pushups, burpees or situps in a green space nearby.

Just remember that keeping it fun, blending different activities, and giving Tour Takers options will help you craft a tour that all types of fitness enthusiasts will love.

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I, an adult Guest or parent (agreeing on behalf of a minor child or ward who is a Guest) expressly accept and assume all risk of injury, illness, damages or death, known and unknown, inherent or not, for my use of and participation in any and all services, amenities, facilities, machinery, equipment, locker rooms, parking lot, lobby, and any other area located in and around the Club facility, regardless of whether such injury or damage arises out of or during physical activity, including, without limitation, any loss or theft of any personal property. I am fully aware that operation of gym facilities and participation in physical activity may be dangerous and involves risk of injury to my person. I agree that I have a duty to examine each piece of equipment or facility prior to use, and refrain from use and report the same to the Club if there is any indication that such equipment or facility has been subjected to abuse, is damaged, or is in an unsafe or potentially dangerous condition. If I am the parent of a minor Guest, I have discussed the activities, responsibilities and risks with the minor child who understands and accepts them, and I, to the fullest extent permitted by law, accept them on behalf of such minor child.

I agree, on behalf of myself (or minor child or ward), my spouse, children, heirs and personal representatives, to forever waive, release and discharge the Club and its owners, employees, affiliates, successors, and assigns from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of any and all injury or damage caused by the ordinary negligence of the Club or its employees, owners or affiliates, including without limitation, any claim, damage or injury which may occur as a result of any malfunction or breakage of equipment, the Club’s improper maintenance of any machinery, equipment or facilities, the Club’s negligent instruction or supervision, and any injury from slipping or falling while in the Club facility or any portion of the premises for any reason. I expressly agree to indemnify and hold the Club harmless from any loss, liability, damage, or cost the Club may incur due to my presence at the Club facility.


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This diagram shows what happens during a total solar eclipse

  • A total solar eclipse will be visible from Texas to Maine on Monday.
  • This cosmic event occurs when the Earth, sun, and moon align perfectly.
  • One diagram shows how a total solar eclipse works, and why it darkens the sky in the middle of the day.

A total solar eclipse will turn afternoon skies dark from Texas to Maine on Monday.

During the eclipse, the moon will cross between the Earth and the sun, completely blocking out the sun's light. If you're in the moon's shadow, the sky will go dark for about three to four minutes, depending on your location.

It's the climax of a cosmic dance between our planet , the moon, and the sun.

What causes a total solar eclipse

During a total solar eclipse, three key conditions happen at the same time: The moon is in the "new moon" phase; the moon crosses the plane of the Earth's orbit ; and the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit.

When those conditions are just right, the Earth, sun, and moon line up. This diagram shows how that looks:

Then, if you're in the path of totality — which is basically the center of the moon's shadow, called the umbra — the moon appears to obscure the sun.

If you're in the penumbra — the outer region of the moon's shadow — you'll see a partial solar eclipse , where the moon appears to partially overlap the sun.

A total solar eclipse happens somewhere on Earth about every 18 months on average. It's rare for one to occur in any single place, though, because of the complex movements of the Earth and moon.

The moon orbits Earth every 29.5 days, while Earth has its own orbit around the sun. The moon's orbit is tilted about five degrees, which is large enough to keep its shadow off the Earth and the Earth's shadow off the moon most of the time.

There are two points — called nodes — where the moon's orbit crosses the Earth's plane. In the diagram above, the moon is lined up on a node.

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The moon aligns with the nodes and the sun about twice per year, which is how we get eclipses. A solar eclipse happens when the moon is between the Earth and sun. A lunar eclipse happens when the moon is on the other side of the Earth, farthest from the sun.

What the total solar eclipse will look like

In the path of totality on Monday, where the moon's umbra falls over Earth, the total solar eclipse will have 10 distinct phases , each with different amounts of the sun visible from the ground.

The phenomenon kicks off with what's called first contact, when the moon starts to pass across the sun. After about an hour, the moon will almost completely mask the sun, and you'll start to see a bright light radiate out of the sliver of remaining sun, known as the "diamond ring."

Then the moon will fully eclipse the sun, turning the sky dark in the middle of the day.

During totality only the sun's outermost atmosphere, called the corona, will be visible glowing around the dark disc of the moon.

After that, the moon will continue to travel across the sky to form another crescent. The eclipse ends when the moon ceases to cover the sun.

Types of solar eclipses

There are three types of solar eclipses .

Total solar eclipses, like this one, occur when the moon appears to completely cover the sun. If the moon only somewhat covers the sun, that's a partial eclipse . Many people who are near the path of totality, but not in it, on Monday will see a partial eclipse.

The third type, an annular eclipse , occurs when the moon is too far from Earth to fully block out the sun from our perspective. The outer edge of the sun remains visible as a bright ring around the moon.

A total solar eclipse is considered the most spectacular. Globally, only about a third of all solar eclipses are total.

The next total solar eclipse in the contiguous US will be in 2044.

How to watch the eclipse

If you plan to watch the eclipse, make sure you are wearing ISO-certified eclipse glasses . These are 1,000 times darker than regular sunglasses. Without them, staring at the sun could damage your eyes.

The only safe time to look at the eclipse without glasses is during totality.

Leanna Garfield and Anaele Pelisson contributed to an earlier version of this post .

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2024 Masters Tiger updates: Recap Thursday, Woods through No. 13 when Round 1 suspended

14 Min Read

AUGUSTA, GEORGIA - APRIL 11: Tiger Woods of the United States follows his shot from the fifth tee during the first round of the 2024 Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club on April 11, 2024 in Augusta, Georgia.  (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)

AUGUSTA, GEORGIA - APRIL 11: Tiger Woods of the United States follows his shot from the fifth tee during the first round of the 2024 Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club on April 11, 2024 in Augusta, Georgia. (Photo by Maddie Meyer/Getty Images)

Woods stood 1-under through 13 holes, two inside projected cut line

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You can't win the Masters on Thursday, but you can lose it, as the adage goes. Tiger Woods didn't lose it.

After heavy storms overnight delayed the Masters' start by two-and-a-half hours Thursday morning, Woods teed off at 3:54 p.m. ET and stood 1 under through 13 holes as play was suspended due to darkness, an encouraging start as he seeks his sixth green jacket – and a record 24th consecutive Masters made cut.

But Friday will be a different animal for Woods. The first round resumed at 7:50 a.m. ET, just over 12 hours from when play was suspended Thursday night. Woods will finish the final five holes of his first round, take a short break and then head out for his second round tee time at 10:18 ET. How will his body hold up with the short recovery time and 23 holes on Friday? That's the central question.

"The body is okay," Woods said Thursday night. "We've got some work to do yet tonight."

After undergoing ankle surgery following a WD during the third round of last year’s Masters, Woods returned to PGA TOUR competition at The Genesis Invitational in February, where he opened in 1-over 72 but withdrew during the second round due to flu-like symptoms. The Masters is Woods’ first start since withdrawing at The Genesis, and he said Tuesday that he still believes he can contend and win. That’s why he’s here, after all.

“If everything comes together, I think I can get one more,” said the five-time Masters winner on Tuesday.

His play so far validates that belief.

Woods started fast on Thursday with a birdie at the par-4 opening hole, his first Masters-opening birdie since 1999, and he remained steady as the conditions dried out in the afternoon. Woods, 48, made bogey at the par-3 fourth but responded with a two-putt birdie at the par-5 eighth, turning in 1-under 35. He made three straight crafty up-and-down pars on Nos. 10-12, then escaped the trees en route to par at the par-5 13th, his final hole of the day.

"The wind was all over the place," Woods said Thursday evening. "It was one of the most tricky days that I've ever been a part of. It was hard to get a beat not only on what direction it was going, but the intensity, and it kept switching all over the place, and then you had to – the timing was affecting putts on the greens. It was a very difficult day."

Woods entered the week on a streak of 23 consecutive made cuts at the Masters, sharing the all-time record with Fred Couples and Gary Player. He'll have a chance Friday to hold that record alone, but expected windy conditions (up to 34 mph) should offer a challenge for Woods and the field at large. Woods was tied for 17th, six back of leader Bryson DeChambeau, as play was halted for the evening. DeChambeau posted 7-under 65 earlier in the day, one clear of world No. 1 Scottie Scheffler's 6-under 66.

Read below for a hole-by-hole look at Woods' opening round at Augusta National.

Hole 18 (par 4, 465 yards): Tiger has great rhythm with the driver, with another perfectly placed tee shot in the 18th fairway. It's a mighty encouraging sign as the first round finishes up and Woods readies for 18 more holes. It's a 287-yard drive. He has 171 yards into the closing par 4.

After Max Homa's approach got swallowed up by the wind and found the right greenside bunker, Woods plays a nearly identical shot. The wind impacted those shots much more than either player anticipated. Woods will need an up-and-down to finish even-par for the first round.

Nearly more short game magic for Woods! His bunker shot comes just inches from hitting the flagstick. Instead, it races by and Woods has more than he bargained for -- 16 feet for par. He gets the putt to the hole but doesn't play enough break. He closes with a bogey.

Woods finishes with an opening-round 73. That's a solid result given his lack of competitive reps, though Woods is surely disappointed after he was 1 under through 13 holes when play suspended Thursday night. He won't have much time to dwell on the finish. His second round tee time is scheduled for 10:18 a.m. ET. He has around 45 minutes to grab some food, keep the body loose and get ready for 18 more holes.

Woods shoots 1-over 73

Hole 17 (par 4, 440 yards): It's another low, fading bullet with the driver that finds the fairway. Woods is 3-for-3 in fairways hit this morning. That's a great sign. He's hit 77% of the fairways in this first round, slightly better than the field average.

With 158 yards into the green, Woods pulls 9-iron and plays the smart shot, leaving himself below the hole. He will have 23 feet for birdie. After a few shaky iron swings to start the morning, Woods has hit two solid ones with his tee shot on 16 and now this approach.

Woods leaves his birdie putt short. That's three putts left short in his opening four holes of the day. But it is another stress-free par. Those are always welcome at Augusta National, particularly on the 17th.

Woods even-par thru 17

Hole 16 (par 3, 170 yards): Woods pulls 7-iron after watching Jason Day put one in the water with the same club. The 82-time PGA TOUR winner doesn't make the same mistake. Woods safely lands it 20 feet past the pin and uses the slope to get it on the same plateau as the hole. He will have 20 feet for birdie.

It's a quick putt, meandering slightly left to right. Woods handles it with care but doesn't give it quite enough pace. That will be another par for Woods. He's 1-over since play resumed today but has made two relatively easy pars after that opening bogey.

Woods even-par thru 16

Hole 15 (par 5, 550 yards): Woods’ drive finds the fairway but it will be a lay-up with 273 yards remaining into the green. He does just that, leaving himself 70 yards. It's a tricky wedge shot on a severe downslope and Woods can't control the spin as the ball rolls off the back of the green. Woods' ball-striking has been iffy to start, but his touch is fully activated as he nearly holes the chip for birdie. He makes the comebacker for par.

It's a hole you'd like to make birdie, but Woods will take the par. He is clearly laboring this morning; the short turnaround time was likely going to be problematic. As the weather warms and Woods gets a few more swings, let's see how his body progresses.

Woods even-par thru 15

Hole 14 (par 4, 440 yards): Play resumed as scheduled at 7:50 a.m. ET. Woods plays his patented cut off the tee and finds the fairway. The 315-yard drive leaves him just 119 yards into the green, but Woods lays the sod over a wedge and comes up short of the green. That leaves Woods with a delicate chip, with the pin sitting on the top of a slope on the back of the green. Woods opts to hit a low spinner, but the ball releases out and Woods has 22 feet for par. The curling right-to-left putt come up just short. Woods makes bogey and drops a shot.

Woods even-par thru 14

Hole 13 (par 5, 545 yards): Woods plays a fade off the tee but overcooks it, as the ball sails into the collection of pine straw amidst a dense tree line right of the fairway. It means he can't go for the green, and he escapes the trees with a low punch shot that reaches the first cut just short of the fairway, leaving a 191-yard approach for his third shot.

Faced with a hanging lie and Rae's Creek closely guarding the green, Woods strikes a crisp iron shot that lands hole-high and stops on a dime, leaving a reasonable look from roughly 20 feet. The horn blows for darkness, allowing players to finish their current hole if they choose, as Woods walks to the green.

Woods opts to complete the hole; his right-to-left breaking birdie try pulls up a couple feet short. He makes his par to remain in red figures overnight. All in all, a promising start for the five-time Masters winner. It will be a marathon Friday as he eyes a record 24th consecutive made cut at Augusta National.

Woods 1-under thru 13

Hole 12 (par 3, 150 yards): As the twilight begins and the wind continues to gust, Woods pulls 7-iron and flies it over the green, a trend that has emerged with his mid-irons on this Thursday. The ball settles in the pine straw roughly 30 feet past the hole, but once again he displays a sublime short game with a softly played bump-and-run that trundles to 6 feet.

Woods drains the par putt, his third straight crafty par save as darkness approaches at Augusta National. He'll head to the par-5 13th tee.

Woods 1-under thru 12

Hole 11 (par 4, 520 yards): Woods has played this hole a cumulative 17 over across his career, but he has no such trouble on the tee shot Thursday, striping it down the fairway's left side as he begins Augusta National's famed Amen Corner. Faced with a lengthy second shot from 209 yards, he strikes it well with a long iron but the ball perhaps catches a gust of wind; it lands in the front fairway and settles some 80 feet short of the hole.

Woods' magnificent short game is on display once again, as he executes a high flop shot that lands softly and releases to tap-in range. He saves par, his second straight impressive up-and-down to begin the back nine. Darkness will approach soon; it appears he might only complete one more hole Thursday. Onward to the famed par-3 12th across Rae's Creek.

Woods 1-under thru 11

Hole 10 (par 4, 495 yards): Woods positions a fairway metal safely in the fairway's right side on the majestic downhill par 4, but he misses the green right with his second shot from 216 yards, leaving a slippery greenside bunker shot.

Ever a short-game magician, Woods has no troubles with his third shot from the bunker, playing a nifty splash shot that lands in the fairway cut and releases to leave a 4-foot uphill par putt. The patrons roar with deserving approval. He drains the par putt, dead center, to stay in red figures.

Woods 1-under thru 10

Hole 9 (par 4, 460 yards): Woods is finding a comfort zone off the tee, striping this drive 312 yards, perfectly positioned in the fairway's right side, leaving a good angle from 169 yards. He selects an 8-iron that tracks toward the hole, but the ball can't reach the back tier on which the hole is positioned; the ball lands on the ridge beween tiers and rolls back onto the green's middle tier, leaving a 33-foot birdie putt.

Woods' uphill birdie putt has solid pace but grinds to a halt 2 feet short. He cleans up his par to turn in 1-under 35, a promising start to the Masters. He stands T15 at the turn, six back of leader Bryson DeChambeau. He's two inside the current projected cut line of 1 over.

Woods' playing partner Max Homa turns in 3-under 32. Safe to say the group's vibes are high.

Woods 1-under thru 9

Hole 8 (par 5, 570 yards): Woods blisters driver down the right-center of the fairway, utilizing a high cut that puts him in position to reach the green in two. He does just that with a bold strike from 242 yards, the ball landing softly on the green's right collar to leave a 40-foot eagle putt.

Woods leaves his eagle try 5 feet short, but the birdie putt slides into the cup's right side. With his second birdie of the day, he's in red figures once again.

Woods 1-under thru 8

Hole 7 (par 4, 450 yards): Woods tugs a fairway metal just left of the fairway, the ball settling in the first cut but requiring a low punch to elude a dense grove of trees. He plays his 171-yard second shot accordingly, a low bullet that tracks toward the hole but can't clear a front greenside bunker.

Woods' bunker shot is a short-game master class, the ball landing some 10 feet short of the hole and releasing beautifully, leaving a 2-footer to save par. He has no trouble doing so.

Woods even-par thru 7

Hole 6 (par 3, 192 yards): Woods takes an aggressive line with a mid-iron; the ball tracks toward the hole's left side and lands roughly 15 feet short-right of the hole, but it catches the slope and feeds back onto the green's front portion, leaving a cross-country birdie try up a tier from 42 feet.

In what could be either a misread or a mis-hit, Woods' birdie putt misses short and right of the hole, leaving a knee-knocker for par. He has no trouble, though, draining the 5-footer for an adventurous two-putt par.

Woods even-par thru 6

Hole 5 (par 4, 495 yards): Woods pulls driver on the demanding par 4 and plays a feathery cut that splits the fairway's right-center portion. The five-time Masters winner hoists a mid-iron from 200 yards that lands softly on the green's proper level, offering a mid-range birdie try.

Woods' 16-foot birdie try has a good line but isn't struck hard enough, settling a couple feet short. He cleans up his par to remain level on the round.

Woods even-par thru 5

Hole 4 (par 3, 177 yards): Woods flushes an iron on Augusta National's first par 3; similar to his third shot on the par-5 second, the ball flies too far, settling in the second cut just beyond the green. He faces a slippery downhill chip, the green sloping away, and bumps the ball into the fringe on a line some 20 feet left of the hole; the ball releases onto the green and rolls well past, leaving a 25-foot par attempt from the front portion of the green's back section.

Woods' par putt is well judged, but the right-to-left bender just misses on the hole's right edge. He taps in for his first bogey of the week.

Woods even-par thru 4

Hole 3 (par 4, 350 yards): Woods settles in with the driver, playing a tight cut that eludes the short par 4's myriad fairway bunkers, the ball traveling 334 yards down the middle. From roughly 70 feet, he plays a bump-and-run second shot into the hill that releases just past the hole, leaving a 12-foot birdie try.

Woods can't convert the birdie, as he plays too much break on the left-to-right slider; the ball stays out on the left side. He taps in for a comfortable par, remaining in the Thursday red.

Woods 1-under thru 3

Hole 2 (par 5, 585 yards): Woods pulls driver but is unhappy with the swing immediately; he points to the left as the ball misses the fairway on the left side. The ball travels 319 yards, but it settles just inches from a tree's thick base, with 237 yards remaining to the hole. After some analysis and deliberation, he turns an iron upside-down and makes a left-handed swing, advancing the ball roughly 40 yards back into the fairway, enough to offer a clear angle for his third shot to the green.

Woods selects a 6-iron for his third shot from 190 yards; he stripes it but the ball flies too far, settling in the fairway cut beyond the green's back side. He plays a pitch-and-run with a mid-iron for his fourth, the ball not getting more than a few inches above surface level; it releases through the fringe and rolls to 5 feet. "Absolutely brilliant," said analyst Dottie Pepper. The slippery downhiller has some right-to-left movement, but he drips the par putt into the hole's left center with sublime pace. Crisis averted.

Woods 1-under thru 2

Hole 1 (par 4, 445 yards): Sporting a salmon shirt in his new Sun Day Red branding, Woods stripes a fairway metal with plenty of left-to-right movement, the ball starting down the left side but cutting back perfectly to the center of the fairway. He doesn't miss a beat on his second shot from 169 yards, striping a short iron to 8 feet. The patrons roar in approval.

Woods takes advantage of the early opportunity, as the right-to-left breaker curves into the center of the cup with perfect pace. Birdie to start. It's the first time since 1999 that he has carded birdie on his first hole of the Masters.

Woods 1-under thru 1


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