la tour witcher 3

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Soluce Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt

  • Quêtes secondaires
  • La Tour de la Souris
  • Ajouter une precision

la tour witcher 3

Sommaire de la soluce

  • Les messagers du Pays du Vin
  • La bête de Toussaint
  • La piste sanglante
  • La cage au fou
  • Dans l'antre de la bête
  • Le vin est sacré
  • L'homme de Cintra
  • La prise du Château
  • La nuit des longs crocs
  • Il était une fois...
  • L'appel du sang
  • Ce qui est invisible...
  • Tesham Mutna
  • Apparat et circonstances étranges
  • Les rayures lui vont si bien
  • Une humilité infinie...
  • La chaleur du foyer
  • Faune préservée de Beauclair
  • Chevalier à gages
  • La guerre des vins : Belgaard
  • La guerre des vins : Coronata
  • La guerre des vins : Vermentino
  • La guerre des vins : Accord
  • La guerre des vins : Deus In Machina
  • Gazouillis et chevalerie
  • Le laboratoire de l'étrange
  • Courses aux documents
  • Des burnes de granit !
  • Jusqu'à ce que la mort vous sépare...
  • Il ne peut en rester qu'un
  • Le loup enragé
  • Les poings sur les "i" : Toussaint
  • Mon père avait tort
  • Une relève difficile (groupes 1 à 5)
  • Théâtre extrême
  • Les mots des prophètes sur les sarcophages
  • Le Sorceleur prend la pose
  • Chant des ciseaux et du Sorceleur
  • Le jeu de la faim
  • Chair d'oie
  • Les avantages de la prison
  • Contrats du vigneron
  • Le destin de Vivienne et Guillaume
  • Chasse au gros gibier
  • Contrat : Monstre de Tufo
  • Contrat : Gris avec de fortes chances de bovins
  • La corde au cou
  • De l'abus de champignons
  • Maître parmi les Maîtres
  • Equipement de l'école du Loup de Grand Maître
  • Equipement de l'école de l'Ours de Grand Maître
  • Equipement de l'école du Chat de Grand Maître
  • Equipement de l'école du Griffon de Grand Maître
  • Equipement de l'école de la Manticore de Grand Maître
  • Les derniers exploits de la bande de Selina
  • L'expérience de la prison de Toussaint
  • L'argent n'a pas d'odeur
  • Méfiance avec les étrangers
  • De quoi s'agissait-il, déjà ?
  • Le tour du monde en... huit jours
  • Les Von Wittan paient toujours leurs dettes
  • En attendant Goe et Doh
  • La Veuve Noire
  • L'art de l'évasion appliqué
  • L'inconstance du jardinier
  • Autrement, la pièce vous a plu ?
  • Les souffrances du jeune François
  • La malédiction de Carnarvon
  • Le mystère de la cuillère manquante
  • Gwynt : Skellige à la rescousse
  • Gwynt : Le grand tournoi de Beauclair
  • Cartes de Gwynt de Skellige
  • Guide des fins
  • Armures de Sorceleur
  • Schémas d'artisanat
  • Formules alchimiques
  • Tableaux et décorations
  • Easter Eggs
  • Cartographie
  • Les premières caresses du mal
  • Mort en goguette
  • Sésame, ouvre-toi !
  • Sésame, ouvre-toi ! Entrée par effraction
  • Sésame, ouvre-toi ! Une serrure à toute épreuve
  • Sésame, ouvre-toi ! Un Sorceleur en cuisine
  • Scènes de mariage
  • Ce que tu as semé, tu le récolteras
  • Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu'un moment
  • Enchantement : Les capitaux de départ
  • Enchantement : La qualité à un prix
  • Rose sur champ pourpre
  • Sans laisser de traces
  • Le collectionneur
  • Course : Plus rapide que les vents d'Ouest
  • Des rivages lointains d'Ophir
  • La chapelle maudite
  • La redemption de Drakenborg
  • Un sombre héritage
  • Le vie secrète du comte Romilly
  • L'armée de l'air royale
  • Un héritage surprise
  • Jeux d'espion
  • Epée, famine et fourberie
  • Equipement de l'école de la Vipère
  • Armes et armures
  • Schémas et formules
  • Autres objets
  • Cartes de Gwynt
  • La saga du sorceleur
  • Geralt de Riv
  • Yennefer de Vengerberg
  • Triss Merigold
  • Les déplacements
  • Les combats
  • Kaer Morhen
  • Lilas et groseilles à maquereau
  • La bête de Blanchefleur
  • L'audience impériale
  • La piste Nilfgaardienne
  • Chasse à la sorcière
  • Errance dans les ténèbres
  • Le Baron Sanglant
  • La Geste de Ciri : Le Roi des Loups
  • Affaires de familles
  • Une princesse en détresse
  • La Geste de Ciri : La course
  • Les Dames de la forêt
  • La colline dolente
  • La Geste de Ciri : La fuite du marais
  • La Geste de Ciri : A découvert
  • L'incarnation de la laideur
  • Les bûchers de Novigrad
  • Rêves de Novigrad
  • Fleurs brisées
  • Le trésor du comte Reuven
  • En quête du Petit Bâtard
  • La Geste de Ciri : Visite au Petit Bâtard
  • Une faveur pour Radovid
  • La solution théâtrale
  • Un poète sous pression
  • La Geste de Ciri : A bride abattue
  • Cap sur Skellige
  • Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi !
  • Echos du passé
  • Personnes disparues
  • Tombé en disgrâce
  • Le calme avant la tempête
  • Perturbation
  • L'épreuve finale
  • La chasse au Foënard
  • Va Fail, Elaine
  • Frères d'armes
  • L'Ile des brumes
  • La bataille de Kaer Morhen
  • Après la bataille
  • Le Mont Chauve
  • Ultimes préparatifs
  • Règlement de comptes
  • Au nez et à la barbe
  • La grande évasion
  • A travers le temps et l'espace
  • Ménage à trois
  • Préparatifs de bataille
  • La Pierre de Soleil
  • Veni, Vidi, Vigo
  • L'enfant de Sang Ancien
  • Une sépulture pour Skjall
  • Sur le fil du rasoir
  • Tedd Deireah, le Dernier Age
  • Quelque chose s'achève, quelque chose commence I
  • Quelque chose s'achève, quelque chose commence II
  • Quelque chose s'achève, quelque chose commence III
  • Un lien tenace
  • Disparu au combat
  • Climat incendiaire
  • Une poêle au poil
  • Marchandise précieuse
  • Entre la vie et la mort
  • La lampe magique
  • Une invitation de Keira Metz
  • Une faveur amicale
  • Pour le bien de la science
  • La chambre de Ciri
  • La veillée des ancêtres
  • Retour au marais de Torséchine
  • La chute de la maison Reardon
  • Fantômes du passé
  • Bûchers funéraires
  • Cœur sauvage
  • Vous ne passerez pas
  • Faux papiers
  • Morne moisson
  • Mort par le feu
  • Défenseur de la foi
  • Les pièges de l'amour
  • Un Dieu Glouton
  • Dernier hommage
  • Marchandises dangereuses
  • Sorceleur de pacotille
  • La vérité dans les astres
  • L'engagé volontaire
  • Liens du sang
  • Une vie de chien
  • Un armurier peut en cacher un autre
  • L'or des fous (DLC)
  • A bon chat, bon loup (DLC)
  • Prends ce que tu veux (DLC)
  • Course : Perchefreux
  • Les poings sur les "i" : Velen
  • Rencontres de Velen
  • Leçons d'escrime
  • Les gangs de Novigrad
  • L'honneur des voleurs
  • Oeil pour oeil
  • L'ennemie numéro 1 de la Redania
  • Une question de vie ou de mort
  • Maintenant ou jamais
  • La conjuration
  • Raison d'état
  • Péchés charnels
  • Un jeu dangereux
  • De fil en aiguille
  • Maison hantée
  • Message d'une vieille connaissance
  • Dans la cour des grands
  • Fromage et ténèbres
  • La statuette du noble
  • La statuette du soldat
  • Du rififi à l'entrepôt
  • Jeu de nain, jeu de vilain
  • Promenade sur le front de mer
  • Psst, un petit coup d'oeil ?
  • Une perle noire
  • Tout le monde dehors !
  • Bons baisers de Nilfgaard
  • Un festin pour les corbeaux
  • Un tome au tombeau
  • Novigrad, ville close 1
  • Novigrad, ville close 2
  • Epées et ravioles
  • Quartier difficile
  • Chasseur de poules
  • L'hospitalité de Novigrad
  • Petite Rousse
  • Une jument effarouchée
  • Une pleine grange d'ennuis
  • La course du souvenir Erasme Vegelbud
  • Les poings sur les "i" : Novigrad
  • Rencontres de Novigrad
  • Le seigneur d'Undvik
  • Gambit royal
  • Couronnement
  • Loup y est-tu ?
  • Un mystérieux passager
  • Le Dernier Voeu
  • Un étranger en terre étrange
  • La caverne des rêves
  • Une dette en souffrance
  • Jusqu'au bout des ongles
  • Epée de famille
  • Un cor précieux
  • Digne de confiance
  • Au coeur de la forêt
  • Vol à main armée
  • Les trois frères
  • Alchimie avancée
  • Thérapie de choc
  • La scierie abandonnée
  • L'infortune sourit aux audacieux
  • Mauvais endroit, mauvais moment
  • La fiancée du barde
  • Crime et châtiment
  • Nouvelles d'un pays fort, fort lointain
  • Chair à vendre
  • La tour surgit de nulle part
  • La voie du guerrier
  • Le prix de l'honneur
  • La Vierge de Fer
  • Pour la gloire
  • Esprit libre
  • Maître de l'arène
  • Les poings sur les "i" : Skellige
  • Les poings sur les "i" : Champion des champions
  • Les Chevauchées Héroïques
  • Rencontres des Iles Skellige
  • Le vieux bastion
  • Concurrence déloyale
  • Effet de serre
  • L'épée de Berengar
  • La forge des Sorceleurs
  • Souvenirs de Sorceleur
  • Contrat : Le démon près du puits
  • Contrat : Monstre de la forêt
  • Contrat : Hurleur
  • Contrat : La Veuve Joyeuse
  • Contrat : La Dame des Bois
  • Contrat : La créature du marais
  • Contrat : Patrouille disparue
  • Contrat : Traces mystérieuses
  • Contrat : Le fantôme de la route commerciale
  • Contrat : Le mystère des meurtres de méandres
  • Contrat : Frère disparu
  • Contrat : Le Griffon des Hautes Terres
  • Contrat : Plaisirs mortels
  • Contrat : Un voleur insaisissable
  • Contrat : Des portes qui claquent
  • Contrat : Le fantôme des rayons
  • Contrat : La Dame Blanche
  • Contrat : Le Seigneur des Bois
  • Contrat : Le soulard d'Oxenfurt
  • Contrat : La bête du bois d'Oxenfurt
  • Contrat : Le fantôme d'Eldberg
  • Contrat : Muire D'Yaeblen
  • Contrat : Dragon
  • Contrat : Fils disparu
  • Contrat : Une bête étrange
  • Contrat : Voilà le marié
  • Contrat : Mineurs disparus (DLC)
  • Contrat : L'ennemi numéro un de Skellige (DLC)
  • Chasse au trésor : Equipement de l'école du Loup
  • Chasse au trésor : Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école du Loup (partie 1)
  • Chasse au trésor : Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école du Loup (partie 2)
  • Chasse au trésor : Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école du Loup (partie 3)
  • Chasse au trésor : Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école du Loup (partie 4)
  • Chasse au trésor : Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école du Loup (partie 5)
  • Chasse au trésor : Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école du Loup (partie 6)
  • Armures de l'école du Loup
  • Chasse au trésor : Equipement de l'école de la Vipère
  • Chasse au trésor : Equipement de l'école du Griffon
  • Chasse au trésor : Schémas de l'école du Griffon (Partie 1)
  • Chasse au trésor : Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école du Griffon (Partie 2)
  • Chasse au trésor : Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école du Griffon (Partie 3)
  • Chasse au trésor : Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école du Griffon (Partie 4)
  • Armures de l'école du Griffon
  • Chasse au trésor : Equipement de l'école du Chat
  • Chasse au trésor - Schémas d'amélioration d’équipement de l'école du Chat (partie 1)
  • Chasse au trésor - Schémas d'amélioration d’équipement de l'école du Chat (partie 2)
  • Chasse au trésor - Schémas d'amélioration d’équipement de l'école du Chat (partie 3)
  • Chasse au trésor - Schémas d'amélioration d’équipement de l'école du Chat (partie 4)
  • Armures de l'école du Chat
  • Chasse au trésor - Equipement de l'école de l'Ours
  • Chasse au trésor - Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école de l'Ours (partie 1)
  • Chasse au trésor - Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école de l'Ours (partie 2)
  • Chasse au trésor - Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école de l'Ours (partie 3)
  • Chasse au trésor - Schémas d'amélioration d'équipement de l'école de l'Ours (partie 4)
  • Armures de l'école de l'Ours
  • Butin Témérien
  • Argent sale
  • L'or des déserteurs
  • Du sang et de l'or
  • Coup du sort
  • Ce qu'on ne ferait pas pour de l'argent
  • Le trésor de la reine Zuleyka
  • Les morts sont sans défenses
  • On ne joue pas avec les Dieux
  • Trésor englouti
  • Un malheureux incident
  • Une erreur coûteuse
  • Caché aux yeux du monde
  • De mal en pis
  • Chien de trésor
  • Marchandises perdues
  • Coffre englouti
  • Une supplication ignorée
  • La côte des épaves
  • Fortune familiale
  • Freya soit louée
  • Les perles du rivages
  • Caché dans les profondeurs
  • Histoire de tordus
  • Trésor Nilfgaardien
  • Un X marque l'emplacement
  • Ruines, trésor caché et tout le toutim...
  • Le trésor de Flanc-de-Fer
  • Cargaison précieuse
  • Le trésor du malchanceux
  • Gwynt : Les joueurs de Velen
  • Gwynt : Pas sorti de l'auberge
  • Gwynt : Les joueurs de la grande ville
  • Gwynt : Vieux amis
  • Gwynt : Partie contre Talar
  • Gwynt : Façon Skellige
  • Royaumes du Nord
  • Empire de Nilfgaard
  • Scoia' Tael
  • Cartes neutres
  • Cartes spéciales
  • Guide des romances
  • Carreaux d'arbalète
  • Epées en acier
  • Epées en argent
  • Améliorations
  • Potions et décoctions
  • Substances alchimiques
  • Autres armes
  • Armures des DLC
  • Equipement pour Ablette
  • Apparences alternatives
  • Skins des cartes de Gwynt
  • Quêtes et contrats supplémentaires
  • Easter eggs et clins d'oeil
  • Les succès/trophées

la tour witcher 3

Dans cette section du  guide  de The Witcher 3  vous découvrirez le déroulement de la quête " La Tour de la Souris ". Keira vous demande de l'aide pour lever la malédiction de l'ile de Fyke.

Activation : Keira Metz

Condition : Terminer la quête « Une invitation de Keira Metz »

Récompense : Voir ci-dessous

A la fin de la quête précédente, rejoignez le bateau de Keira qui se trouve sur la berge au Sud puis voguez vers l’ile de Fyke (image1) . Là-bas, mettez pied à terre et débarrassez-vous des Nécrophages qui rodent dans les environs avant de partir vers votre objectif (image2) .

image 1

Avant d’entrer dans l’enceinte de la tour, explorez la zone Sud du cercle pour trouver un premier lieu hanté (image3) . Utilisez la lampe magique pour faire apparaitre les fantômes et ainsi obtenir 50 points d’expérience (image4) .

image 3

Dirigez-vous maintenant vers l’entrée de l’enceinte pour trouver un nouveau lieu hanté nécessitant l’utilisation de la lampe magique (image5) . Une fois les points d’expérience récupérés, passez la muraille puis dirigez-vous vers l’arrière de la Tour pour trouver un troisième lieu hanté (image6) .

image 5

Ceci fait, entrez dans la tour et regardez sur votre gauche pour trouver d’autres fantômes (image7) . Aux termes de l’apparition, vous pouvez descendre au sous-sol pour apercevoir d’autres spectres (image8) .

image 7

Faites demi-tour et montez au premier étage, utilisez alors lampe près de la table à manger pour en apprendre plus sur le sort des habitants de la tour (image9) . Continuez votre progression vers le deuxième étage et entrez dans la pièce de droite, là vous trouverez un nouveau lieu hanté qui vous permettra d’obtenir 100 points d’expérience (image10) .

image 9

A partir de là, montez au troisième niveau puis allez tirer le levier qui se trouve sur la gauche pour déverrouiller un passage secret (image11) . En haut, vous pourrez utiliser la lampe magique pour entrer en contact avec le spectre d’Annabelle, la fille de Vsrad (image12) . Au cours de ce dialogue, deux choix s’offrent à vous, chacun déterminant le déroulement de la suite de la quête. Suivez donc les indications du guide de The Witcher 3 pour prendre la bonne décision.

image 11

Accepter la demande d’Annabelle : 300Xp

Questionnez le fantôme puis acceptez de l’aider à quitter la Tour des Souris pour obtenir son cadavre (image13) . Dès lors, vous pouvez quitter les lieux et reprendre votre bateau pour rejoindre la petite bourgade d’Oreton. Là-bas, frappez à la porte de Graham, le bien-aimé d’Annabelle (image14) .

image 13

Durant le dialogue, questionnez-le sur sa relation avec la jeune femme puis annoncez-lui vos intentions (image15) . Celui-ci acceptera d’enterrer sa chère et rendre et vous pourrez partir, sortez donc de la maison et éloignez-vous un peu. A cet instant, vous entendrez un cri en provenance de la cabane, précipitez-vous donc à l’intérieur pour assister avec horreur à la fuite de la Pesta, un spectre mortel dont le seul but est de propager la mort et la maladie dans son sillage (image16) . Vous avez réussi à lever la malédiction de l’ile de Fyke, mais à quel prix…

image 15

Refuser la demande d’Annabelle : 500Xp

Lors du dialogue avec Annabelle, mettez en cause la véracité de ses dires puis refusez de l’aider à quitter la tour (image17) . Dans un accès de rage, celle-ci revêtira sa véritable forme, celle d’une Vierge de la Peste, et vous attaquera (image18) . Affrontez-la donc jusqu’à sa fuite puis éliminez les rats pour pouvoir quitter cet étage.

image 17

Sortez maintenant de la tour et affrontez la Pesta en utilisant le signe Yrden pour la faire apparaitre (image19) . Aux termes de ce combat, vous entrerez en communication avec Keira et vos objectifs seront mis à jour (image20) .

image 19

A partir de là, il s’agira de rejoindre la bourgade d’Oreton afin de convaincre Graham de vous suivre jusqu’à la Tour des Souris (image21) . Aux termes de ce dialogue, retournez sur l’ile de Fyke et entrez dans la tour avec le jeune homme, il vous faudra alors éliminer plusieurs spectres qui vous attaqueront au rez-de-chaussée (image22) .

image 21

Après le combat, montez jusqu’au laboratoire de la tour pour rassembler les deux amoureux (image23) . Dans une scène touchante, Annabelle reprendra sa forme humaine pendant quelques instants… avant de tuer son bien-aimé, sans doute pour l’emporter avec elle dans l’au-delà (image24) . La malédiction est levée et la Pesta ne fera plus de mal, mais Graham est mort. Le choix du moindre mal à parfois un drôle de gout…

image 23

Quoi que vous ayez décidé au cours de cette quête, vous pouvez retourner auprès de Keira afin de lui faire votre rapport (image25) . Satisfaite, celle-ci vous permettra de garder la lampe magique et vous proposera une nouvelle quête secondaire.

image 25

Sur le même sujet

Acte III

Ecole du Loup (DLC)

Contrats de Sorceleur

Contrats de Sorceleur

la tour witcher 3

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  • l'année
  • depuis toujours

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The Witcher 3 Quest Guide: The Beast of Toussaint

Geralt is introduced to the Beast of Beauclair in this guide to the opening mission of The Witcher 3's Blood & Wine expansion.

Quick Links

How to start 'the beast of toussaint', meeting guillaume and golyat, investigating the cockatrice inn, the cellar at corvo bianco, the tourney grounds and the shaelmaar, meeting with anna henrietta and damien de la tour, working with anna henrietta to find milton.

The Blood & Wine expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt introduces a brand-new story for Geralt of Rivia to make his way through. Just as in the base game, the narrative quality is exceptionally high. In fact, taken as a whole, many players consider the final DLC for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to be one of the greatest expansions in gaming history .

The expansion's main story opens with "The Beast of Toussaint," which begins as soon as Geralt enters the duchy of Toussaint with Palmerin de Launfal and Milton de Peyrac-Peyran. This quest serves as a basic introduction to the land of Toussaint, taking Geralt from the Gorgon Foothills to the gardens of Beauclair Palace.

Related: The Witcher 3: What's The Max Level (With And Without DLC)?

To initiate this mission, Geralt must simply accept the contract when it is offered to him at the end of "Envoys, Wineboys." That quest is found in Holloway, a small village in Velen. Both Milton and Palmerin can be found near the Stonecutter's Settlement fast-travel marker, which sits directly east of Hanged Man's Tree. Once Geralt accepts the contract, the three men set out for Toussaint, initiating "The Beast of Toussaint" and starting Blood & Wine in earnest .

After a brief conversation and the expansion's title card, the three traveling companions will come across a knight fighting a giant. Geralt, being the monster-slaying Chad that he is, hops into action before anyone can say 'Guillaume and Golyat' three times fast.

How to Defeat Golyat

Golyat is a pretty tough enemy, but it has one considerable weakness: a single well-placed crossbow shot to the eye-slit in his 'helmet.' Making this shot will kill it instantly, awarding the player the 'David and Golyat' achievement. The lightning reflexes and trick shot skills can help with this feat , giving Geralt more time in slow motion while aiming and an extra shot before reloading.

Players who wish to take Golyat down using more traditional methods should do the following:

  • Use ogroid oil to increase damage against the giant.
  • Use Q uen to protect against Golyat's high-damage attacks. Given the giant's large, lumbering stature, some of his swings have odd timing. While dodging them is possible, using Quen as a safeguard is recommended.
  • The Fleet Footed skill decreases damage taken while dodging by 100%. This will come in handy if Geralt has a misstep while dodging.
  • Use Thunderbolt to increase all attack power.
  • Try mixing Gourmet with Swallow. The next-gen update nerfed the healing power of food, using these two together offers the best food-based healing. Gourmet is still worth using on its own, but the speed of recovery is much slower than it used to be.

Once the battle with Golyat concludes, Geralt is introduced to Guillaume de Launfal, the knight who was attempting to defeat the giant with Geralt arrived. He informs the trio that the Beast Geralt has been hired to track has struck again, pointing them to The Cockatrice Inn.

The Murder Scene

While Palmerin leaves to update the Duchess, Milton takes Geralt to the scene of the latest crime. Before heading into the tavern, they first examine the location of the murder.

As Geralt observes that the guardsmen who retrieved the body clearly trampled the scene, a group of Scurvers arrive to give them trouble. These necrophages are a stronger variant of rotfiends, and like them, they explode upon death. Once they are dealt with, Geralt should continue examining the area.

Once Geralt realizes the body had been tangled in the fishing nets, he jumps in the river to investigate further. While there are several items he can examine, the one that pushes the story forward is a small handkerchief monogrammed 'd.l.C.' (very clever, CDPR). The key takeaways from the investigation of the site are:

  • The murder did not occur at this location, the body drifted down with the current.
  • The guards took the body away by boat.
  • The man was a noble, De La Croix. A former close friend of Milton's, he had several foes. Milton does not seem eager to discuss.
  • Geralt notices a hooded individual watching from the bridge
  • The tavern's patrons likely saw where the boat went.

Inside The Cockatrice Inn:

The tavern itself is located just above the site of the murder, sitting on the bridge that spans the river. Once inside, Milton will begin conversing with three of the inn's patrons. The dialogue that follows is important, but there are no significant options that alter what Geralt can learn, though much of the back and forth between Milton and one particular patron is very amusing and worth exploring. The key takeaways from the Cockatrice are:

  • The body was taken to a cellar at the Corvo Bianco vineyard to keep cool. The estate was auctioned off while Milton was in Velen looking for Geralt.
  • The hooded figure from the bridge was in the tavern, clearly eavesdropping on the conversation.
  • Some people see the Beast as being sent by the Gods for 'straying from the old paths.'
  • The beast kills on days honoring patron saints.

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At this point, Milton tells Geralt that he must report to the Duchess, as he is to play the hare in the special festivities taking place at the Palace . Geralt heads to Corvo Bianco to examine the victim's body.

As Geralt approaches the estate, which lies just north of The Cockatrice Inn, screaming and fighting can clearly be heard. As he gets closer, dead bodies can be seen littering the walkways, horses bolt past him, and dying men crawl from the cellar's entrance.

Entering the Cellar at Corvo Bianco

As soon as Geralt enters the small cave that acts as the estate's wine cellar, Geralt notices small footsteps on the floor that he can follow. Once Geralt arrives in the cellar's main chamber, he finds the same hooded figure from the tavern, now fully naked and covered in blood.

She appears to be stealing a severed hand when Geralt interrupts her. Based on several factors, including her immense strength, Geralt surmises the woman is a vampire .

How to Defeat the Bruxa

Despite Geralt's insistence that they need not fight each other, the bruxa disagrees, locking the gate before attacking him. Use the following tactics to defeat the vampire:

  • Vampire Oil
  • Aside from the blade oil, the most effective tool against a vampire is the Black Blood potion . Every attack the vampire lands on Geralt will end up harming them while the potion is active.
  • Both Axii and Aard will stun the bruxa, leaving them temporarily vulnerable.
  • The enemy has a powerful scream attack that will stagger Geralt and blur his vision if a direct hit is taken. There is a brief warning before the attack giving Geralt time to dodge or use a sign to interrupt the attack.
  • Use Yrden to force the Bruxa to exit her invisible state.

Investigating De La Croix's Corpse

After defeating the bruxa , Geralt must return to his original purpose for visiting the cellar: examining the corpse. It can be found lying on a table in the general vicinity of where the fight ends.

What Geralt learns from the examination:

  • The body was quartered, cleanly cut into sections. The bones are sliced through, likely by extremely sharp claws. Was not the bruxa.
  • A coin pouch is stuffed into its throat. The coins are from several different regions of Nilfgaard. Geralt notes that the Beast must be sentient .
  • The hand the bruxa was trying to abscond with was not the victim's. It is still warm to the touch, its blood still flowing.
  • Geralt believes he still has far more questions than answers, deciding to ask Palmerin for an audience with the Duchess.

Geralt finds Palmerin at the Tourney Grounds, located north of Corvo Bianco , just outside the city. He is found talking with a small group of children near the arena. The two have a brief discussion, with several different dialogue choices that have no effect on the quest, yet still provide important context. Geralt can choose from several different points of view regarding the forcing of monsters to fight in the arena. Then, when a shaelmaar goes berserk, Geralt and Palmerin are forced to step in and fight the beast.

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How to Defeat the Shaelmaar

Use the following tactics to defeat the shaelmaar :

  • Throw bombs at the walls of the arena. This will be the main strategy for victory. The shaelmaar cannot hear, so it follows loud noises. It will ram into the wall and flip over, revealing its vulnerable underbelly.
  • Using Aard near a wall will cause the monster to attack, and if Geralt dodges at the right moment, the beast will crash into the wall.
  • Use Relict oil to increase Geralt's attack power.

Once Geralt defeats the creature, the Duchess gives him the choice of sparing or killing it. This leads to a longer discussion with Anna Henrietta about the entire contract.

Geralt meets with the Duchess and Damien de la Tour, the Captain of her personal guard. This section essentially serves to supply exposition for the rest of the main adventure. The main points to remember are:

  • Damien spoke against Geralt's services being requested. He believes that they are capable of solving the mystery on their own. He is also aware that trouble seems to follow Geralt wherever he goes...
  • Geralt will receive the deed to Corvo Bianco as partial payment for his services, with a sum of gold to be given upon completion.
  • All the victims of the beast were older knights with ties to the duchy.
  • They all seem to represent one of the five chivalric virtues the knights of Toussaint swear to live by.
  • Milton is likely the next victim.
  • All the victims were former members of a 'team' of knights.

With Milton taking part in the Hare Hunt, the Duchess and Geralt have to participate in the events to find his location. Given that they are who they are, they don't exactly play fair.

Completing the Three Events

To get the Unicorn's Horn , Geralt need only use Axii on the costumed horse. He will then be free to approach it and search the horn for clues. Once this is done, the other contestants will approach, unhappy that Geralt cheated. Using Axii/Delusion on them is the quickest way to move to the next event.

To find the Golden Fish, dive in the water near the quest marker and begin checking each fish. Eventually Geralt will find the right one, initiating a cutscene that ends with Geralt taking the Golden Fish.

With both clues in hand, Geralt should make his way back to the Duchess. She will have the egg. The two will read the clues, which together form a riddle. The answer is:

  • The Greenhouse!

Completing the riddle and learning Milton's location brings "The Beast of Toussaint" to a close and immediately begins "Blood Run."

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

More: Hidden Surprises Discovered In The Next-Gen Update So Far

The Witcher 3 has a secret romance story that has remained hidden for eight years

An unrequited love story is hidden in plain sight

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood & Wine DLC

CD Projekt Red has revealed that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt featured a secret love story no one knew about.

During the first episode of the studio's  AnsweRED  podcast (via IGN ), story director Tomasz Marchewka explained that in the game's Blood & Wine DLC, Damien de la Tour, captain of Toussaint's ducal guard, is secretly in love with the person he's charged to protect - Duchess Anna Henrietta.

"I don't think it's said anywhere in the game, but we assume that he is secretly in love with her," Marchewka said. "And because he's not an aristocrat, it's impossible for him to even imagine that that could have happened.

"I think there's one moment when she states she's gonna be in grave danger and so on, and he just looks at her. And if you know what to look for, in that look, you see the depth of the relationship. It's super subtle, I don't know how transparent it is, but we always remembered about him being basically willing to give his life for her if needed."

If you've played the Blood & Wine DLC, you may know that one possible outcome during the end of the campaign will find Anna's sister, Mary, killing her off, and Damien will be heartbroken. 

However, the game implies that he's simply upset for having failed his Duchess and friend, but with the new information from CDPR, it's understandable why he is so grieved, especially if you read his journal after the fact.

"When Anna Henrietta was treacherously murdered by her own sister, Damien blamed himself most of all and wanted to fall on his sword, as he felt befits a man of honour," his journal entry reads. "The only thing stopping him was the thought that Her Grace would never have forgiven him for that.

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"Damien spent many years deep in mourning, often thinking about how the tragic events had come to pass and who was responsible. This meant not only the Duchess had died, but all chances for a friendship between him and Geralt of Rivia as well."

Thankfully, there's an ending that doesn't involve Anna dying, so this unrequited love story doesn't end tragically if you make the right choice, but it's technically not a  happy ending for Damien either, as he continues to pine after the Duchess secretly.

Elsewhere, CD Projekt Red recently announced that an  official mod editor is currently in the works for the PC version of  The Witcher 3 .

It's officially Black Friday! If you're looking for the best gaming discounts, check out our  Black Friday gaming deals  guide, along with our picks for the best  Black Friday video game deals .

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The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine walkthrough: The Beast of Toussaint

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The knights will take you to Toussaint where you'll be greeted by a knight being attacked by a giant. As is tradition, Geralt jumps into battle. The giant Golyat is powerful, but slow. It doesn't attack in rapid succession, but instead attacks with one powerful move at a time. Those attacks are fairly telegraphed and can be dodged with Geralt's roll . Using the Quen sign acts as a good buffer in case you mistime a roll.

la tour witcher 3

After Golyat is defeated, Geralt gets the head as a trophy. The Golyat trophy grants a 5 percent experience bonus from monsters. Nice! The knight who was originally trying to kill the Golyat will tell you that the main beast has struck again. From there, you'll follow Minton to inspect the crime scene.

When you reach the point, everyone will be gone. Geralt has to rely on his witcher sense to look for clues. Tracks can be found to the left of the dock where you arrive. Once found, follow them along the shoreline . You'll run into some scurvers . Just be sure to step away once they're almost dead since the explode to cause damage.

la tour witcher 3

Make your way into the water to inspect some nets using your witcher sense . Geralt will want to inspect more nets that are in deeper water. Dive to the bottom and inspect them. You'll find a monogrammed handkerchief that reads "D.L.C." It doesn't stand for downloadable content. Report back to Miton with your findings.

Milton will want to question the locals at the nearby pub . Follow him to the pub. A fisherman found the body under a blood red sky that morning. The body was caught in his nets. He'll go on about how the beast is a messenger from the gods to punish the nobles of the land, but he'll also tell you the whereabouts of the body. It's in Corvo Bianco , which is your next destination.

Corvo Bianco is a nearby vineyard. You'll arrive just in time to see that a bunch of men have been slaughtered. Make your way down the cellar to find The Bruxa of Corvo Bianco .

Bruxa is a vampire battle that will require patience. She's vulnerable against Yrden Signs , Black Blood Potions , Vampire Oil and Moon Dust . Bruxa will often be invisible. When in this state, she can't be attacked, but can attack you. Mash the dodge button to avoid her attacks. When she takes human form, that's your window to attack. Be patient until you find an opening. The cellar is dark, so using a cat potion will help you keep track of her location.

So the Bruxa is defeated. Case closed. OK, not really. The Bruxa isn't the beast you're looking for. Inspect the body on the table to learn more about the beast in Geralt's contract.

Follow the path above Corvo Bianco to the tourney grounds. You'll speak to Baron Palermin . Geralt needs to meet with the Duchess to learn more about the attacks.

Palermin is just outside the tourney grounds. Geralt notices a Shaelmaar beast in a cage that is ready to go into the arena for battle. That battle gets out of hand, and Geralt has to intervene. The Shaelmaar is covered in rocks and is vulnerable to attacks when its belly is exposed. It's vulnerable against Aard Signs , Relict Oil and Samum bombs . Watch out for the beast's ground pound and roll attack. Wait until it rolls into the wall, which stuns it. That's the best time to strike with heavy attacks.

la tour witcher 3

Once you've defeated the Shaelmaar , you'll have the option to kill it or spare it. Then the duchess will enter the arena to speak with you. You'll have a lengthy conversation with her and Damien De La Tour , the captain of the Ducal Guard. There you will learn more about the attacks and the beast for the contract. Milton is the next target, but he's in disguise for the town event.

In order to find him, you and the duchess have to split up to find three objects. Geralt is tasked with finding the golden fish and a unicorn . Head down to the water and use witcher sense to find the golden fish . It will be nabbed before you can grab it, which will trigger a cutscene. Eventually, Geralt smashed the fish and gets the Key from the Golden Fish . Next, head to the northeast to catch the unicorn .

Geralt will spook the unicorn (horse with a horn tied to its head), and will need to find something to lure it. Use witcher sense to find the ripe apple . Equip the apple and approach the unicorn once more. Once you grab the message on the horn, meet up with the duchess . The two clues Geralt found along with the duchess' clue tell you Milton's location. The answer to the riddle is "a greenhouse , " but even if you choose incorrectly, the duchess will put you on the right track.

You'll arrive at the greenhouse too late for Milton , but just in time to find the famed beast that is responsible for the killings. A chase scene will put you in battle with the beast. It's a difficult battle. Actually, it's an impossible one. Geralt's death will trigger a new cutscene explaining who the new beast is, along with an introduction of an old friend.

Thus begins your hunt for Dettlaff Van Der Eretein .

la tour witcher 3

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Witcher Wiki

Capture the Castle

  • VisualEditor
  • View history

Capture the Castle is a main quest in the Blood and Wine expansion.

Journal entry [ | ]

Walkthrough [ | ].

  • Meet Damien at Count de la Croix's mill after midnight.

XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level

  • I'll help you. (×)
  • Not my problem.
  • Defeat the guards and reach Dun Tynne's keep.
  • You lied to Dettlaff, used him.
  • Just confess, why don't you. (×)
  • Kidnapping was a farce.
  • Syanna and Rhena - they're one and the same person. (×)
  • Conscience gets to you now? (×)
  • Didn't expect this.
  • Roderick had no knowledge of the blackmail.
  • Oughta answer for being a dunce. (×)
  • I don't get upset. Mutations, remember?
  • Coulda happened to anyone. (×)
  • Don't know.
  • Working on it. (×)
  • We'll find him, sooner or later. (×)
  • Maybe you should summon your beagles, then.
  • Vampires and foxes, game in general, exhibit certain essential differences.
  • Story continues in The Night of Long Fangs .

Gallery [ | ]

Damien's map

Damien's map

  • 2 Triss Merigold

The Witcher 3: The Voice Actor Behind Every Main DLC Character

There are a lot of awesome characters found in the DLC of The Witcher 3. Here's a look at some of the voice actors behind every main encounter.

The Witcher 3 is a game like any other that requires the use of voice actors to give life to the animated characters. Those who voice the main characters have the hardest job as their talent is put to the test as they work to adjust their voice for a specific story. The two DLCs introduced fans of this game to plenty of new characters, as well as some voice actors who made them worth the buy.

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It can be interesting for players to see the voice behind the video game character as many look nothing like their counterpart. Keep reading to learn about the voice actors who bring the main DLC characters to life in The Witcher 3 !

10 Alex Norton (Gaunter O'Dimm)

Gaunter O'Dimm was a character in the Hearts of Stone DLC and he is voiced by Alex Norton. This man is originally from Scotland and he has had parts in several excellent movies such as Braveheart and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest . He manages to bring this villain to life as he adds a lure of mystery to his voice and leaves fans questioning who or what he is.

9 Mark Noble (Emiel Regis)

Emiel Regis is an old and powerful vampire who is already friends with Geralt of Rivia when they meet again in the Blood and Wine DLC. He is voiced by Mark Noble, an actor from the UK who has less than 30 credits to his name. The way in which he portrays this character in the game gives him a friendly and knowledgeable demeanor that fits with this character's personality.

8 Tom Goodman-Hill (Captain Damien de la Tour)

Captain Damien de la Tour resides in Toussaint where he is in charge of the Ducal Guard for Anna Henrietta in the Blood and Wine DLC. He was devoted to his position which his voice actor, Tom Goodman-Hill, managed to portray with his voice. This actor has also been in films such as Everest and The Imitation Game which allowed him to practice his skills in order to truly nail this role.

7 Paul Thornley (Olgierd Von Everec)

Olgierd von Everec was Iris' husband who cursed the prince her parents had wanted her to marry. This is a character in the Heart of Stone DLC and he is voiced by Paul Thornley in the game.

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His accent combined with the roughened image that this character gives combines perfectly to fit his demeanor. Thornley is well-known for his part in  Les Misérables but now can add voice acting to his list of major accomplishments after the release of this DLC.

6 Andrew Greenough (Dettlaff Van Der Eretein)

Detlaff van der Eretein is a powerful vampire in the Wine and Blood DLC who did everything in his power to retrieve his lover named Rhena. Andrew Greenough voiced this character and his acting ability gave fans the sense that this character is filled with ancient wisdom and power. This actor has also been in films such as Sherlock Holmes and even worked as a producer on The Gentlemen due to his innate talents.

5 Antonia Bernath (Sylvia Anna)

The DLC called Wine and Blood brought Sylvia Anna into this fantastical world where she is also known as Syanna . She is the sister of Anna Henrietta and has a cunning and smooth voice in the game that makes her alluring and dangerous. Antonia Bernath is the voice actor behind the animation and fans might remember her from her roles in Downton Abbey and The Astronaut Wives Club .

4 MyAnna Buring (Anna Henrietta)

Anna Henrietta chats with Geralt about her past with Dandelion in the DLC called Wine and Blood . She serves as a duchess and MyAnna Buring's voice has a regal air to it that fits the vibe they were hoping she would give to gamers.

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Her thick Swedish accent only adds to the effect as she is a ruler of a foreign land. This is the only video game where she has been cast as a voice actor, but she knocked it out of the park as she transformed her voice into one this character would be proud to have.

3 Lee Boardman (Vlodimir Von Everec)

Vlodimir von Everec is from the Heart of Stone DLC where he was a ghost who inhabited Geralt's body for a night of fun. Lee Boardman voiced this character and players might recognize him from movies such as Jack the Giant Slayer , Rome , and London Boulevard . He was perfect for this role as his voice flowed perfectly with the ghastly effects that had to be added, which made Vlodimir even eerier.

2 Susannah Fielding (Shani)

Shani is from the DLC called Heart of Stone and she is voiced by Susannah Fielding, a UK actress and voice actor. She has this way of adding emotion to her voice, especially in the scene where she shares her final goodbye with Geralt. Fans of this character might also recognize her voice from other games such as Dragon Quest Heroes , Forza Horizon 2 , and Forza Horizon 4 .

1 Doug Cockle (Geralt Of Rivia)

Geralt of Rivia is the main character of the entire game and both DLCs which makes his voice actor an integral part of its success. He is voiced by Doug Cockle and the rasp in his voice gives this character the vibe that fans had been expecting from such a grisly man. Cockle himself might not look anything like Geralt, but that doesn't change the fact that he was made for this role.

NEXT:  The Witcher 3: All Of The Optional Side Quests You Should Follow Up On

Witcher Wiki

The Night of Long Fangs

  • View history
  • 1.1 Go see Orianna
  • 1.2 Go find Syanna
  • 2 Journal entry
  • 3 Objectives

Walkthrough [ ]

XP earned based on the Story and Swords! difficulty level

Note: Since the quest takes place during the night, using Superior Tawny Owl at the start is very convenient.

If you chose to head down on your own to the city, as you make your way from the palace to the city's bridge, you might encounter a katakan trying to devour the knight Delwyn of Creigiau , who you can choose to save or not. You can do this if Regis is with you as well, but you would have to backtrack a bit and then don't go any further away to avoid losing him.

Head into the city where, as soon as you cross the bridge, a garkain drops down and attacks nearby guards. Further along, if you're following the objective's path, just east of The Ducal Camerlengo is another bruxa. If you instead try to take the southern path at the Camerlengo, a fleder will attack at the end of that alley. Note: If Regis is with you, he will try to lead you through the bruxa path and will stay in place if you deviate before that, but you can still go through the fleder and once you're down the stairs he will continue and catch up.

Still following the path indicated will take you to the first section to find Damien , even if you're trying to find Orianna. Explosions go off in the building as you see a fleder near the center of the square. Kill it, then, if trying to find Damien or just want some extra XP, use your Witcher Senses to examine one of the bodies and the blood trail going between the Infirmary and the other buildings, which is the same path one must take to Orianna. A man on fire will cross your path but there's nothing you can do for him. Continuing to follow the path leads to a wagon barricade you can examine before entering the main market area of Beauclair , now occupied by both an alp and bruxa. Deal with the ladies, and now it's time for the paths to split. Note: you can still seek out Damien here (who gives you a lead to Syanna) and then go find Orianna after speaking with him, before running off to get Syanna.

Go see Orianna [ ]

Continue following the indicated path southeast, where around the turn, near Dupont & Sons , you'll run into another garkain. Then head straight to Lady Orianna's estate to find her. Just outside her door are some guards talking and their conversation changes a bit depending if you already found Damien or not. You can listen to them or hurry inside.

Important: Both paths are unique and worth going through, but committing to Orianna's path locks you to a single ending of the story. Read up on the next quests if you don't want to make a blind decision here.

Go find Syanna [ ]

Path merge: If you changed your mind at the end of Blood Simple and decide to go find Syanna and didn't seek out Damien yet, Regis explains he already talked with Damien and learned Syanna was last seen headed towards the old playroom and will cut to the two being just outside the room.

You can examine a body just outside the door, but don't learn much from it. Interact with the door and Regis will use his abilities to unlock it shortly for you. Inside, you can examine the globe right in front of the entrance but it's not important. Head upstairs to find numerous objects, to which Regis will make some amusing anecdotes about. However, the only thing you really need to examine is the journal , which will cut to Geralt reading aloud the various entries. Imporant: While only one of them (about the Land of a Thousand Fables ...) is needed to exit out of the book, be sure to read all of them to unlock decisive options later.

Once done, interact with the painting near the stairs to find a hidden golden key , then go to the locked wardrobe and open it to find the book named "The Land of a Thousand Fables" and interact with it. Important: Once you interact with the book, your choice in paths is set. If you suddenly change your mind or want to learn more about Orianna first, this is the time to do it.

Journal entry [ ]

Objectives [ ].

  • Follow Regis.
  • Kill the vampire.
  • Use your Witcher Senses to track down Damien.
  • Follow Damien's unit using your Witcher Senses.
  • Talk to the birds to inform Regis where he should meet you.
  • Meet Regis at the palace.
  • Go to the playroom.
  • Get inside the playroom.
  • Search the playroom to find out what happened to Syanna.
  • Find the book "The Land of a Thousand Fables."
  • If you attempt to leave Beauclair during the vampire attack, the furthest you can reach is The Cockatrice Inn before the game notes you need to deal with the current quest.
  • If one goes to explore the city in search of more vampires to kill, a few looters can also be encountered, on the small square north from The Clever Clogs Tavern .
  • Grindstone and armorer's table bonuses are lost at the start of the quest, even with Preservation . However, it's possible to regain them at Corvo Bianco or the Tourney Grounds , where the armorer and blacksmith will also be available.
  • One can go touch Reginald's statue during this quest the area is accessible by the wooden door but it will not give any bonus.
  • While Geralt is seen picking up and interacting with "The Land of a Thousand Fables" book in the wardrobe, it's not an actual item that can be seen in the inventory.
  • Immediately after killing the first Bruxa, all potions and decoctions in effect will be cancelled as if they have expired, even if you consumed them mere seconds ago. You can't actually mediate, but simply interacting with the clock will trigger a replenish.
  • The name of this quest is a reference to Night of the Long Knives , a purge of political opponents in Nazi Germany from 30 June to 2 July 1934. It may also allude to the Night of Knives and Torches , an event in the Witcher saga .
  • The Witcher
  • 2 Geralt of Rivia
  • 3 Yennefer of Vengerberg

The Witcher 3 Hides a Tragic Love Story No One Knew About

The princess and the pauper..

Ryan Dinsdale

The Witcher 3 is chock full of romance that often ends in disaster but CD Projekt Red has revealed one tragic love story from the Blood and Wine expansion that no one knew about.

Speaking during the developer's AnsweRED podcast, story director Tomasz Marchewka said CD Projekt Red designed one character to be secretly in love with another, but circumstance kept those feelings locked away.

That character is Damien de la Tour, captain of Toussaint's ducal guard under Duchess Anna Henrietta. And who was he in love with? The woman he was sworn to protect, Henrietta herself.

He is secretly in love with her. And because he's not an aristocrat, it's impossible for him to even imagine that.

"I don't think it's said anywhere in the game but we assume that he is secretly in love with her," said Marchewka. "And because he's not an aristocrat, it's impossible for him to even imagine that that could have happened.

"I think there's one moment when she states she's gonna be in grave danger and so on, and he just looks at her. And if you know what to look for, in that look you see the depth of the relationship. It's super subtle, I don't know how transparent it is, but we always remembered about him being basically willing to give his life for her if needed."

Also in The Witcher fashion, the ending of Blood and Wine has different outcomes that see the pair's relationship put to the test. Spoilers for The Witcher 3's Blood and Wine expansion follow, reader beware.

One ending has Henrietta killed off altogether, and Damien obviously doesn't take it well. While his visceral reaction was once considered a result of his failure to protect Henrietta, as well as losing a friend, knowing he was secretly in love with her certainly adds a lot more understanding.

"When Anna Henrietta was treacherously murdered by her own sister, Damien blamed himself most of all and wanted to fall on his sword, as he felt befits a man of honour," reads his in-game journal entry. "The only thing stopping him was the thought that Her Grace would never have forgiven him for that.

"Damien spent many years deep in mourning, often thinking about how the tragic events had come to pass and who was responsible. This meant not only the duchess had died, but all chances for a friendship between him and Geralt of Rivia as well."

Blood and Wine is the critically acclaimed expansion for The Witcher 3 that took protagonist Geralt of Riva beyond the swamps of Velen and stormy isles of Skellige to the sun-soaked idealistic Duchy of Toussaint .

In our 9/10 review , IGN said: "Geralt gets a fitting send-off in The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine, courtesy of a strong cast and new items."

Ryan Dinsdale is an IGN freelance reporter. He'll talk about The Witcher all day.

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la tour witcher 3

La tour des souris The Witcher 3 : Quête, faut-il aider Annabelle ?

Après avoir navigué dans les ténèbres en compagnie de Keira Metz, puis avoir retrouvé la lampe magique, les aventures de Geralt de Riv le sorceleur le mènent sur une île maudite avec une tour pleine de danger. Voici un guide afin de trouver la bonne solution à la malédiction.

La région de Velen est pleine de très longues quêtes dans The Witcher 3 , et il y a souvent plusieurs fins possibles. Dans ce domaine, La Tour des souris n'est pas spécialement difficile, mais la zone à explorer et à fouiller est vaste, et relativement peu d'éléments sont pertinents au final.

Pour lancer cette quête, il faut avoir terminé les nombreuses quêtes précédentes de Keira Metz, dont "La lampe magique " et "Une invitation de Keira Metz".

The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt


  • Allez jusqu'au bateau préparé par Keira Metz, puis naviguez jusqu'à l'île de Fyke, au centre du lac.
  • L'île est pleine de Nécrophages en tous genres, pensez à utiliser la bonne huile sur votre arme, et à reculer pour éviter de mourir lorsque vous affrontez les versions explosives.
  • Ce n'est pas obligatoire, mais faire la tour de la zone pour tout piller et surtout visiter les lieux hantés est une bonne idée. En utilisant la lampe magique, une scène fantomatique va apparaître, ce qui va à chaque fois vous conférer de l'expérience. Il y a 3 lieux hantés dans le grand cercle jaune de recherche : un complètement au Sud, un autre un peu au Sud-Est du point de voyage rapide, et un au Nord du cercle, un peu après la tour.
  • Le moment est venu d'entrer dans la tour, il faut observer les fantômes à chaque fois avec la lampe pour en apprendre davantage sur la tragédie qui s'y est déroulée. Vous pouvez en trouver à gauche en entrant, puis au sous-sol. Allez ensuite au premier étage et au deuxième étage.

The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt

  • Au troisième étage, tirez le levier afin d'ouvrir un passage secret.
  • Finalement, une fois arrivé au sommet, utilisez la lampe pour communiquer avec Annabelle, la fille de Vsrad, le seigneur local. Vous avez deux choix lors de cette discussion, ce qui va dicter la direction à venir de la quête. Nous allons les détailler ci-dessous. Pesez bien le pour et le contre.

The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt

Aider Annabelle

  • Si vous acceptez d'aider Annabelle, vous allez obtenir ses ossements. Quittez l'île en bateau, et rendez-vous dans le hameau d'Oreton, situé au bord au lac.
  • Frappez à la porte de Graham, l'ex d'Annabelle. Posez-lui vos questions, puis faites-lui part de vos intentions. Il va alors accepter d'enterrer les ossements.
  • Malheureusement, en vous éloignant de la maison, vous allez entendre un hurlement. En retournant à l'intérieur, vous allez apercevoir Annabelle, un spectre hideux qui vient de tuer Graham.
  • Annabelle est à présent libre de parcourir le monde en propageant la maladie et la mort, mais au moins, la malédiction de l'île est levée, c'est le principal ! Les conséquences ne sont pas vos problèmes.
  • Vous touchez aussi 300 XP pour vos bonnes (?) actions. Il ne reste plus qu'à retourner voir Keira Metz.

The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt

Refuser d'aider Annabelle

  • Lors du dialogue, doutez des intentions d'Annabelle et de la véracité de ses propos. Refusez ensuite de l'aider.
  • Elle va alors révéler son véritable visage, celui d'une Pesta. Pensez à utiliser le signe d' Yrden et l' huile anti-spectres sur votre arme d'argent.
  • La tour est ensuite pleine de rats agressifs que vous pouvez éliminer avec Igni. Annabelle va aussi vous attaquer plusieurs fois en chemin, y compris une fois à l'extérieur de la tour. Utilisez à nouveau le signe d'Yrden, et évitez les nuages de peste.
  • Passez un coup de fil magique à Keira afin de mettre vos objectifs à jour, puis allez à Oreton afin de trouver Graham et le convaincre de vous accompagner jusqu'à l'île.
  • Retournez sur l'île, puis entrez dans la tour. La zone est pleine de spectres, donc ne négligez pas vos préparatifs.
  • Une fois au sommet de la tour, les amants se retrouvent. Le port du masque est important, surtout face à une Pesta, mais c'est incompatible avec un baiser. Graham meurt donc une fois encore, et la malédiction est levée.
  • La bonne nouvelle pour le reste du monde est qu'Annabelle va dans l'au-delà au lieu d'aller répandre des épidémies. La bonne nouvelle pour vous est que la récompense est de 500 XP cette fois.

Il ne reste plus qu'à retourner voir Keira pour lui signaler votre succès. La récompense la plus notable est la possibilité de garder la lampe magique. Elle peut être utilisée dans d'autres lieux hantés du jeu, afin de grappiller un peu d'expérience. Une nouvelle quête secondaire, cette fois très coquine, va aussi vous être proposé.

la tour witcher 3

Fan de nombreux types de jeux, j'accroche surtout quand il faut faire souffrir ses méninges et peaufiner son gameplay. Des raids WoW, je suis passé aux CRPG, puis des tacticals aux 4X, mais aussi les jeux FromSoftware.


16:00 En attendant The Witcher 4, vous pouvez jouer à son prédécesseur pour moins de 15 euros sur PS5

19:00 Jugé démodé par le studio, cet élément très érotique de The Witcher sera tout simplement supprimé du remake

17:00 Cette star de la série The Witcher sur Netflix sera au casting de ce prochain film Marvel en tant que super-villain

13:00 Henry Cavill ne compte pas lâcher sa vie de sorceleur puisqu'il se lance un nouveau défi, et c'est sur The Witcher 3 que ça se passe !

21:12 "Nous serons plus grands et plus forts", les créateurs de The Witcher et Cyberpunk 2077 rappellent à tout le monde qu'ils ne sont pas à vendre

12:00 "Ça a l'air génial", The Witcher 3 fait une énorme surprise à ses fans, le jeu va prendre une toute nouvelle dimension

16:30 "Je n'aurais jamais cru que je voudrais autant un bug", il partage un combat sur The Witcher 3 qui impressionne les autres joueurs

19:30 Cette référence à The Witcher 3 dans le DLC de Cyberpunk 2077 va vous briser le cœur, elle concerne la célèbre magicienne Yennefer

19:00 The Witcher 3 : Le dernier secret du jeu vient d'être découvert après 1 an de recherche, et il est fatal pour un des personnages...

13:00 Le jeu qui suivra l'extension de Cyberpunk 2077 sera colossal pour CD Projekt, 260 personnes vont être déployées pour le projet The Witcher 4 !


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à découvrir

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All Interactive Maps and Locations

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White Orchard Map

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Velen & Novigrad Map

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Skellige Isles Map

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Kaer Morhen Map

la tour witcher 3

Toussaint Map

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Fablesphere Map

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Isle of Mists Map

La cage au fou.

This page contains IGN's Walkthrough for La Cage au Fou , the fourth main quest of The Witcher 3 's first DLC expansion , Blood and Wine .

Into the Cemetery

After the events of the Blood Run quest, hop onto Roach and start heading towards the Mere-Lachaiselongue Cemetery. Head for the marker on your map to find a locked mausoleum. Use your Witcher Senses to find a large tomb with a hole inside on your left.

la tour witcher 3

Drop inside to find some Kikimore Workers waiting for you inside. After you've dealt with them, you'll be stopped by a fork in the road. Go down the path on the left to find treasures behind an illusive wall, while the path on the right leads to Regis. Use Aard to blow down the rocks blocking the path.

Hunting a Wight

After a lengthy cutscene with Regis, it's time to head for the creepy manor at the top of the hill. Hop on Roach and head towards the marker on your map . Once you reach the estate, head for the door. Looks like the Wight is obsessed with spoons!

la tour witcher 3

Explore the area by using your Witcher Senses. All the objects marked with red will reveal more of the wight's obsessions, as well as the curse that left her in this state. Go into the room on the right and head for the corner to find a key in the form of a spoon. Turn the corner in the room on the right to find a stairwell. Go down and take a right to find the Wight's Lair.

Before you do anything, examine the table in the room! Inspect the cauldron, then go hide in the wardrobe. As you spy on the wight, wait for it to notice you. If you examined the table, you'll have the option of trying to lift the curse. Otherwise, you can attack and chase it down the stairs. As you try to lift the curse, you'll have the options of eating the dinner with spoons, by trading spoons, or eating without spoons. Choosing to eat without spoons will lift the curse and start the No Place Like Home side quest . All other options will result in the wight running down the stairs.

la tour witcher 3

You can either go back to Regis or go down and fight the wight at this point. Fighting the wight is optional, but defeating her will get you a Monster liver and heart, as well as a Greater Triglav runstone and a Green mutagen. And not to mention the wight hair, wight ear, the wight saliva gland, wight trophy, fork, and a disgusting wight key. The wight is pretty standard enemy, but you do want to watch out when she dives into the pool of spoons. Keep dodging and rolling during this time, otherwise she will grab and stun you for a short while.

Return to Regis and let him explain the situation. The game will take you right to Tesham Mutna where the vampire ritual will go down. Walk down, collecting treasures as you go. Once you reach the center room, walk over to each of the four entrances and place bait to attract the enemies .

As you kill each enemy, Regis' bloodlust will grow. Enemies you'll find here include Rotfiends and Scurvers, two enemies that will explode and hurt those around them when they are near death, along with Ghouls and Fleders.

la tour witcher 3

Once you fight off all the enemies, another series of cutscenes will play. After that, the mission will end and When Children Toil, Toys Waster Away will begin!

Up Next: Where Children Toil, Toys Waste Away

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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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Anitta Announces Dates For 2024 ‘Funk Generation' World Tour

Brazilian superstar Anitta announced her Funk Generation Tour on Monday morning (April 8), a global swing that includes her first-ever North American trek.

The tour, which includes mostly theaters, will have Anitta will play over 20 dates in total, beginning on May 18 in Mexico and including stops in Los Angeles (Wiltern Theater), New York (Brooklyn Paramount) and Miami (The Fillmore), for a total of seven North American dates. Tickets for U.S. dates will be available starting on Tuesday (April 9) via presales with Citi and Verizon. General onsale for the U.S., Europe and the UK will begin April 12 at 10 a.m. local time at .  Mexico and South American dates go on sale April 11 at 10 a.m.

The tour, produced by Live Nation, will also include stops in South America and wrap up with a swing through Europe. See the full list of cities and dates below.

The fact that this will be Anitta's first bona fide tour outside Brazil may surprise fans, as the singer seems to be everywhere all at once. In 2022, she became the first female Brazilian act to perform at Coachella, and at the end of 2023 she headlined TikTok's in the Mix, playing for 17,000 fans at Sloan Park in Mesa, AZ. She also closed out the year with her hit "Bellakeo" alongside Peso Pluma, which has spent 14 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at No. 53.

The tour will follow the release of Anitta's new album,  Funk Generation , due out on April 26 via Republic Records/Universal Music Latin Entertainment.

Funk Generation  follows Anitta's three-track bundle,  Funk Generation: A Favela Love Story,  which was released in 2023 as a precursor to the new album.

Funk Generation Tour

May 18 - Mexico City, MX @Salon LA

May 21 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Wiltern

May 23 - Miami Beach, FL @ Fillmore

May 26 - Orlando, FL @ Hard Rock Live

May 28 - Boston, MA @ MGM Music Hall at Fenway

May 29 - Toronto, ON @ HISTORY

June 1 - Chicago, IL @ Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom

June 2 - New York, NY @ Brooklyn Paramount

June 7 - Bogota, Colombia @ Lourdes Music Hall

June 9 - Lima, Peru @ CCB

June 14 - Santiago, Chile @ Basel

June 16 - Buenos Aires, Argentina @ Vorterix

June 25 - Berlin, Germany @ Metropol

June 26 - Amsterdam, Netherlands @ Melkweg

June 28 - London, UK @ O2 Kentish Town Forum

June 29 - Paris, France @ Elysee Montmartre

July 1 - Ibiza, Spain @ Pacha

July 3 - Madrid, Spain @ Sala La Riviera

July 4 - Barcelona, Spain @ Razzmatazz

July 7 - Milan, Italy @ Fabrique

July 8 - Ibiza, Spain @ Pacha

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Anitta Announces Dates For 2024 ‘Funk Generation' World Tour

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�Rar�simo! Aberg golpea la bola con el driver y sale volando la cabeza del palo

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Ludvig Aberg debutar� en un 'major' la pr�xima semana en Augusta, pero el sueco ya tiene estatus de estrella y una semana m�s lo est� demostrando en el PGA Tour. Su irrupci�n el verano pasado fue tan fulgurante que cuesta creer que haya disputado antes una Ryder Cup que un grande. En estos momentos el escandinavo ocupa la sexta plaza (210 golpes en el acumulado) en el Valero Texas Open despu�s de una tercera ronda de 67 golpes que estuvo marcada por un momento curioso hacia el final de la misma.

Aberg, que empez� la jornada por el hoyo 10, encar� la salida del 17 (275 metros) en el TPC San Antonio con su driver en las manos y peg� un tirazo que hizo rodar su bola hasta el green. Esta se detuvo a apenas tres escasos metros del hoyo. Sin embargo, al golpear hab�a saltado la cabeza del driver . Por suerte aquel impacto sali� limpiamente y al instante el golfista se dio cuenta de lo que hab�a pasado y solicit� que alguien fuera al vestuario para traerle su driver de reemplazo. Despu�s jug� los 10 hoyos restantes en -2.

El sueco admiti� que nunca le hab�a pasado algo as� y se culp� de lo sucedido , pues consider� que debi� revisar �l mismo los tornillos de la cabeza del palo, y en este caso alguno se hab�a aflojado.

la tour witcher 3

El torneo en estos momentos lo tiene bien encarrilado el estadounidense de 22 a�os Akshay Bhatia, que estreno su palmar�s del PGA Tour el a�o pasado en el Barracuda y es uno de los jugadores j�venes m�s destacados de la actualidad.

Otro de los golpes curiosos fue uno de Jordan Spieth, quien tuvo suerte de que su bola despu�s de golpear en el tejado de la casa club rebotara y bajara.

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Bruce Springsteen’s 3-Hour-20-Minute Show at L.A.’s Forum Resets the Bar for Epic Bossiness: Concert Review

By Chris Willman

Chris Willman

Senior Music Writer and Chief Music Critic

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Bruce Springsteen and Steven Van Zandt at the Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band concert held at the Kia Forum on April 4, 2024 in Los Angeles, California.

But “Wrecking Ball” remains a key moment in his set, not for how sentimental it makes us feel about basketball barns, but for how it makes us feel about us, its true intended subject. Like a lot of the standby songs and commentaries on his 2023 tour and now (following a sick-day pause) the ‘24 outing, this particular standout has to do with his most recurring theme of recent years, live and on record: the thin veil between life and death. In Springsteen’s advanced view of mortality, we’re all dumps-that-jump, in a manner of thinking. And he’s come back from enforced hiatus to throw us the best party, or wake, we could possibly have.

Springsteen hasn’t spoken so much publicly about the condition that took him off the road for six months, and which caused these particular L.A. dates to be postponed for four. But something about his first Forum show Thursday caused him to get a little bit chattier about the malady.

“We’re sorry we missed you last time,” he said during a spoken interlude in the middle of an epic version of “Tenth Avenue Freezeout,” being performed as the show’s penultimate number  after the setlist had already passed the three-hour point. “I hope we didn’t put you out too much. But, man,” he elaborated, “I had the worst motherfucking bellyache you could ever imagine.”

“When I sang, my belly ached,” he said.

“When I did anything, my belly ached,” he continued.

Bruce Springsteen has fire in the belly. Lucky for him and everyone else, it’s back to being a fire that does not consume.

At a length of three hours and 20 minutes, Springsteen’s opening Forum show pretty much set the bar for not gentle into that good Thursday night. Its 200-minute running time was 40 minutes longer than most other sets of his lately, all of which already test and transcend what a guy in his early 70s who recently recovered from illness ought to be pulling off. It’s reductive, though, to focus too much on the running time, which makes it feel like an endurance test or marathon. Yes, every minute added onto a show beyond the tour mean confers some kind of badge of pride on attendees, and it’s great fun to start doing the numbers as a show begins to expand… but the miracle is not just that he endures.

The miracle is that he bobs and weaves with a dynamic setlist that needs that much expansiveness to sufficiently cover multiple moments of sorrow or grief and “Twist and Shout” (should you be so lucky to get that bonus track as a celebration of life, as Thursday’s crowd did).

As fans have already noted during these first few weeks of the 2024 touring resumption, the setlists tend to be only about 75% set in stone. That’s to say, they’re much looser than when the E Street Band hit the road again in 2023, closer to how they used to be in legendary days of yore. For anyone who likes to go to more than one show on a tour, or just for anybody who enjoys knowing they’re in the presence of some free-spiritedness, this flexibility is a godsend.

Given that the surprises each night are added onto the surety of some of the most powerful song sequences he’s ever constructed for a tour, a 2024 Bruce Springsteen show is really something that gives “overstuffed” a good name.

Most of his shows on this show have opened with “Lonesome Day,” which is nearly an overture for the conflicted lyrical feelings that will come up in the emotionally dynamic hours to come. But occasionally he’ll start off with a ringer in advance even of that opener. Thursday, it was a cover of John Lee Hooker’s “Boom Boom,” which ain’t nothing but primal — the blues as filtered through a “Nuggets” sensibility. He hadn’t done this oldie since 2016, which augured well for tour premieres and oddities.

Would an oldie this obscure count among the highlights of a three-hour-plus set that includes an inordinate amount of the best rock songs ever written? On the face of it, no. Or yes, for that segment of fans that lives for the idea of audibles being called.

The biggest surprise of the night: the return of Patti Scialfa, who performed on a few 2023 shows and then disappeared from public view. (“Where’s Patti?” isn’t quite up there with “Where’s Shelly?,” but it still remained a question.) Now we knew, without the FBI being called in: His bride is just living her post-E-Street life, happy to show up for a cameo instead of being tied to a recurring gig. “My baby’s back!,” Springsteen exclaimed, kicking off the first of two numbers the couple performed as a team. The recently rare “Tougher Than the Rest” featured Scialfa leaning in close on their single mic for harmony, followed by “Fire.” That number, Springsteen said, hadn’t been played “in a long time. We did do it on Broadway,” he clarified, but “Patti’s never done it.” By which he possibly meant never performed it as a full-on duet; his wife unexpectedly got the first verse of this ‘70s perennial all to herself. (Patti as a Pointer Sister, to name the group that really made the song famous? Live long enough, and all sorts of things can happen.)

The bones of the set were otherwise mostly intact. “Prove It All Night” follows “Lonesome Day” at the beginning, as a promise. But sometimes it seems like rock ‘n’ roll’s power as an elixir won’t be enough, if you’re reallly following how an underlying narrative develops.

“Ghosts” and “Letter to You,” both from the album of the latter name, overtly introduce the theme of loss, so often returned to. Then the mournful hits keep coming, as pointed segues. “My City of Ruins,” whose “Rise up” chorus barely disguises just how sad it is, goes in for more than 10 minutes, with cheerful chatter, as Bruce introduces the band, followed by bittersweet moments dedicated to the group’s fallen members. That in memoriam segued into a cover of the Commodores’ ‘80s hit “Nightshift,” which pays homage to soul music’s lost ‘60s and ‘70s greats, including Marvin Gaye and Jackie Wilson.

The soul memorial led into “Last Man Standing,” his song about realizing he was the last surviving member of his original band — a song so solemn it’s performed just by Springsteen and a solitary trumpeter, who might as well be playing “Taps.” From there, much of the crowd is relieved to hear Springsteen singing something as light as “Backstreets”… or is it? “Until the end… until the end…,” he sang, drawing one line out into a chant. It’s a “Born to Run”-based suite that has finally, after 49 year, turned into the requiem it was apparently always meant to be.

And then, as this emotionally fraught show drew closer to a close, we got the Three Stooges. That is, during the go-for-broke joy of “Rosalita,” there was a moment when the otherwise stone-faced Little Steven Van Zandt drew close to Springsteen and they indulged in some Larry, Curly and Moe-style face-poking, prodding, mugging and noise-making.

Springsteen has put on a tour that is the most bittersweet show on earth, until it finally settles for being the happiest, and occasionally even goofiest… and then turns heartbreaking again for the final encore. The most abrupt segue might be the final one, when, having climaxed with “Tenth Avenue” and (on this particular night) “Twist and Shout,” he sent the rest of the band off to their sleep while he serenaded the crowd with a completely solo number, “I’ll See You in My Dreams,” boldly sending the audience out thinking again about loved ones they’ve lost, if with a ballad that feels like a comforting lullaby. By the end of the show, he’s kept all these things in balance enough that any of these notes feel like they could be an honest place to land, whether it’s with an Isley Brothers tent revival or a heart-rending ode to creating memories as a means of cheating death.

Given his stage mastery, was it possible Springsteen was moving even himself with this show? It’s probably risky i to parse exactly what emotions a showman this great might be spontaneously feeling. The most deeply emotional moments are deeply baked into the tour. As always, he gave the much-quoted speech about his old friend and bandmate George Theiss’ passing, about the clarity that death brings the living. This should be rote for Springsteen by now, given how little variation he introduces into the homily, as he retells it. Yet his closed eyes looked moist enough as he eulogized his teenaged soulmate once again Thursday night. Honestly, it could also just have been perspiration (even though his face didn’t look that sweaty in the closeups seen on the two big screens for the rest of the show).

Either way, sweat or tears, it was working, like it’s always worked for a few generations now. “You’ll need a good companion for this part of the ride,” Springsteen sang toward the end of the show in “Land of Hope of Dreams,” part of the tumult of climactic numbers. Maybe he didn’t mean that line as an actual rock ‘n’ roll direct-sales pitch at the time he wrote it, but he sure keeps living up to it.

(For Variety ’s review of Springsteen’s San Diego concert March 25, click here .)

Boom Boom Lonesome Day Prove It All Night Trapped Two Hearts Ghosts Letter to You The Promised Land Tougher Than the Rest (with Patti Scialfa) Fire (with Patti Scialfa) Hungry Heart Jole Blon Spirit in the Night No Surrender My City of Ruins Nightshift Last Man Standing Backstreets Because the Night She’s the One Wrecking Ball The Rising Badlands Thunder Road Land of Hope and Dreams Born to Run Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) Bobby Jean Dancing in the Dark Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out Twist and Shout I’ll See You in My Dreams

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