Friedhöfe Wien

Begegnen wir uns am Wiener Zentralfriedhof

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Hamster im grünen Gras

Tour 1: Die Stadt der Toten auf Hamsterpfoten

wien zentralfriedhof tour

Tour 2: Edel, arm oder reich, der Tod macht alle gleich!

Alltag am Wiener Zentralfriedhof

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Neues Akkreditierungssystem für Führungen

Unsere Friedhöfe erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit bei Besucher*innen aus dem In- und Ausland. Das bestärkt uns darin, unsere Flächen nicht nur als Begräbnis- und Gedächtnisstätten, sondern auch als Naturparadies und Orte der Kulturvermittlung zu sehen und zu erhalten. Doch das hohe Interesse hat auch eine Schattenseite. 

In den vergangenen Jahren ist die Zahl der Fremdenführungen auf den Friedhöfen erheblich gestiegen. Immer mehr Besucher*innengruppen werden von Menschen geführt, die keine Gewerbeberechtigung zur Abhaltung von gewerblichen Führungen haben. Je nach Anbieter werden für diese Friedhofstouren ab 20 Euro pro Person verrechnet. Dennoch sind diese Touren oftmals qualitativ mangelhaft und beinhalten inkorrekte Informationen. Zudem steigen durch große Besucher*innen-Touren oft die Vermüllung der Friedhöfe und Verschmutzung der WC-Anlagen.

Um die Qualität von Friedhofsführungen zu schützen und zu verhindern, dass Führungen von Nichtberechtigten durchgeführt werden, stellen Friedhöfe Wien ein neues Akkreditierungssystem vor, das gemeinsam mit der Wirtschaftskammer erarbeitet wurde.

Die einmalige Akkreditierungsgebühr beträgt 70 Euro, eine Erneuerung ist nicht nötig. Lediglich die Durchführung von zumindest einer Friedhofsführung innerhalb von drei Jahren ist erforderlich.

Das Akkreditierungsverfahren erfolgt zwei Mal pro Jahr (November sowie voraussichtlich März). Termine können über die Buchungsplattform der WK Wien  gebucht werden.  Anmeldungen sind seit September 2023 möglich.

Die Notwendigkeit der Akkreditierung ist bei anderen Sehenswürdigkeiten geübte Praxis und für Fremdenführer*innen nichts Neues. Anders als in Museen oder Schlössern mit Parkanlagen zahlen die Besucher*innen der Friedhöfe selbstständig keinen Eintritt. Das wird auch weiter so bleiben, jedoch wurde mit der Wirtschaftskammer Wien gemeinsam das Modell eines Solidaritätsbeitrages für Teilnehmer*innen einer kostenpflichtig geführten Gruppe entwickelt.

Dieser beträgt pro Teilnehmerin oder Teilnehmer an einer Friedhofsführung drei Euro brutto. Wie auch die Einnahmen durch die Akkreditierung kommen diese Gelder ausschließlich der Pflege und Erhaltung der Friedhöfe zugute.

Service für akkreditierte Guides

Zudem steigt auch die Serviceleistung im Rahmen der Akkreditierung für Fremdenführer*innen. Akkreditierte Fremdenführer*innen versorgen wir laufend mit Informationen über Neuerungen. Wesentliche Veranstaltungen, neue Ehrengräber, neue Naturgrabanlagen und weitere Informationen werden als Service an die Partnerunternehmen übermittelt.

Die akkreditierten Partner*innen werden auf unserer Website gelistet (siehe Download-Box unter diesem Beitrag). So wissen auch unsere Besucher*innen, dass sie ihre Touren bei qualifizierten Guides buchen. Außerdem werden laufend Kontrollen durchgeführt, um jene, die sich an dieses Verfahren nicht halten, daran zu hindern, Führungen abzuhalten. Gemeinsam werden hier viele Anstrengungen unternommen, um auch in Zukunft bei steigenden Tourismuszahlen vorbereitet zu sein – im Sinne der Fremdenführer*innen, aber auch im Sinne der Qualität der Führungen.

wien zentralfriedhof tour

Liste der akkreditierten Fremdenführer*innen

Die in diesem Dokument aufgelisteten Fremdenführer*innen haben unsere Akkreditierungsprüfung erfolgreich absolviert und sind berechtigt, gewerbliche Führungen auf den Friedhöfen der Friedhöfe Wien GmbH durchzuführen.

wien zentralfriedhof tour

Nachtführung am Wiener Zentralfriedhof 

Bei Tag sind die Pforten des Zentralfriedhofs für alle Menschen geöffnet. Doch bei Nacht darf nicht jedermann hinein. Sie werden einen der größten Friedhöfe Europas mit ganz anderen Augen sehen.

Sie werden eine Gänsehaut bekommen. Neben der Entstehungsgeschichte des Zentralfriedhofs werden Sie auch Schauriges über die Bestattungsmodalitäten von vermeintlichen Wiedergängern hören. Oder wie eine verheerende Brandkatastrophe in Wien zur Entstehung der forensischen Medizin beigetragen hat. Auch mit modernen Grabräubern werden wir uns befassen. So manche Geschichte wird Ihnen die Haare zu Berge stehen lassen.

Erleben Sie einen Nervenkitzel bei einem Spaziergang über den Zentralfriedhof bei Nacht und hören Sie unter anderem Geschichten über Körper von berühmten Persönlichkeiten die hier bestattet sind und Schädel, die hier bestattet sein sollten, es jedoch nicht sind.

Weitere Informationen und Tickets

Hearonymus Audioguide

Ob Beethoven oder Schubert, Falco oder Udo Jürgens – wer über den Wiener Zentralfriedhof spaziert, wird so einige berühmte Namen entdecken. Mit seinen rund 145 Jahren hat der Wiener Zentralfriedhof nicht nur geschichtlich viel zu bieten, auch architektonisch und in Bezug auf Flora und Fauna gibt es einiges zu entdecken.

NEU: Smart-Audio-Guide für Wiener Zentralfriedhof

Der außergewöhnliche Friedhof lässt sich jetzt auch mit dem Handy erkunden. Zeit- und ortsunabhängig können berühmte Persönlichkeiten, Gedenkplätze und Begegnungs- und Naturräume besucht werden. Die Hearonymus-App und der Audioguide „Wiener Zentralfriedhof“ übernehmen hierbei die Funktion eines interaktiven Guides. Mit zwei Klicks ist die App auf das eigene Smartphone heruntergeladen, der Audioguide kann nach Belieben auf Deutsch oder Englisch unbegrenzt, ortsunabhängig und auch ohne Internetverbindung abgespielt werden.

Individuelle Weggestaltung durch integrierte Karte

Die Navigation der integrierten Karte ermöglicht eine flexible Nutzung. Während Ihrer Entdeckungsreise über den Wiener Zentralfriedhof beginnt es zu regnen? Kein Problem, einfach Route abkürzen und am nächsten Tag wiederkommen. Nach dem Download kann der Guide offline verwendet werden, erfordert kein Datenvolumen oder WLAN und die Touren können nach Belieben auch von zu Hause aus wiedererlebt werden.

Kostenlose Hearonymus App

Die App kann kostenlos über den App Store oder über Google Play geladen werden, die Audioguides für Wiener Zentralfriedhof und das Bestattungsmuseum kosten je 6,99 Euro. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, den jeweiligen Audioguide auch vor Ort zu erwerben, dann gilt ein ermäßigter Preis von 5,00 Euro. 

Quicklink zum Guide:

Einfach den QR Code scannen und die Hearonymus App kostenlos installieren. Bei nochmaligem Scan gelangen Sie zum Wiener Zentralfriedhof Guide. Preis: 6,99€  

TIPP: Guide erst vor Ort herunter laden und Rabattcode nutzen! Rabattcode beim Portier erhältlich (vergünstigter Preis 5,00 € gültig nur bei Barzahlung) 

Weitere Informationen zu Hearonymus finden Sie hier . 

Audioguide Bild mit QR Code

Jeder Friedhof gleicht einer Schatzkammer an Erinnerungen und Geschichten, einer Fundgrube an architektonischen und historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten. Erleben Sie sechs von Europas bedeutensten Friedhöfen einmal ganz anders – mit der kostenlosen ARtour App (erhältlich bei Google Play sowie im Apple App Store).

Lassen Sie sich durch folgende Friedhöfe führen:

  • Glasnevin Friedhof (Irland/Dublin)
  • Wiener Zentralfriedhof 
  • Friedhof Oletta (Frankreich)
  • La Carriona Friedhof (Spanien – Avileś)
  • Friedhof Plečnik's Žale (Slowenien/ Ljubljana)
  • Friedhof Pobrežje (Slowenien/Maribor)

Entdecken Sie, was diese besonderen Orte zu bieten haben und erfahren Sie mehr über die Menschen und ihre Geschichten. Öffnen Sie die App, wählen Sie eine Route oder einen interessanten Punkt  aus und schon erhalten Sie die Richtung, ausführliche Erklärungen und weitere nützliche Informationen. Sie wollen die Hände frei habe? Aktivieren Sie die ARTOUR App und stecken Sie das Handy weg - sobald Sie sich in der Nähe einer Sehenswürdigkeit befinden, macht Sie die App durch Vibration darauf aufmerksam. Mit dem Augmented Reality Modus können interessante Punkte außerdem direkt live auf Ihrem Handy betrachtet werden. 

Weitere Informationen zu den AR Tours finden Sie hier .

Die Umsetzung der kostenlosen ARtours wurde durch ein EUCEMET Projekt ermöglicht und mit Mitteln des Kulturprogrammes der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. 

Musikalischer Spaziergang auf den Friedhöfen Dornbach, Hernals und Ottakring

Musikalische friedhofsgeschichten.

Ein besinnlich-musikalischer Rundgang durch die Friedhöfe Dornbach, Hernals und Ottakring. Erleben Sie kurzweilige Geschichten über bedeutsame Persönlichkeiten: Wilhelm Wiesberg, Franz Paul Fiebrich, Anton Strohmayer, Hansi Lang, Johann und Josef Schrammel, Christine Nöstlinger, Johann Gschwandner und Josef Bratfisch, oder die Sängerinnen Mizzi Starecek, Betty Fischer, das “Lercherl von Hernals”, u.a.

Lauschen Sie dabei lebendiger Schrammelmusik, die ihre Ursprünge in Hernals und Dornbach findet und die Beziehung der Brüder Schrammel zu diesen Stadtteilen vertont.

Ausführende Personen:

  • Peter Havlicek, Kontragitarre, Sing- und Erzählstimme
  • ein singender, spielender oder erzählender Gast
  • Margit Ulm dudelt bei Mizzi Stareceks Grab und empfängt Sie in ihrer Greißlerei „Zur goldenen Ameise“

Termine und Tickets

wien zentralfriedhof tour

E-Bikes am Wiener Zentralfriedhof

Am Wiener Zentralfriedhof gibt es einiges zu entdecken! Bei einer Fläche von 2,4 km² kann man zu Fuß schon mal ins Schwitzen kommen... 

Unsere E-Bikes schaffen Abhilfe! Sechs Stück der Marke "CUBE" stehen unseren Besucher*innen zur Verfügung und laden dazu ein, den Friedhof zu erkunden. Die Räder können bei Tor 2 neben dem Café Oberlaa ausgeliehen werden. Die Ausleihgebühr für die erste Stunde beträgt 2€, für jede weitere Stunde wird 1€ verrechnet. Beim Ausleihen unserer E-Bikes muss ein Ausweis hinterlegt werden. Frohes Radeln!


The vienna central cemetery – wiener zentralfriedhof in vienna famous graves.

Last Updated on February 3, 2024 by gregor

“The Final Resting Place of Legends: Uncovering the Treasures of Vienna Central Cemetery”

Vienna is a city steeped in history, with so many cultural and historical sites to see. One of the most interesting and lesser-known places to visit is the Vienna Central Cemetery, or Wiener Zentralfriedhof as it is known locally. This sprawling cemetery is the final resting place for many famous Viennese figures and is a fascinating place to explore.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at the Central Cemetery Vienna including the Vienna Central Cemetary Famous Graves and what makes it such a unique and important part of Vienna.

I highly recommend one of the Guided Tours visiting the Vienna Central Cemetery. (Check Availability and prices here )

History of the Vienna Central Cemetery – Wiener Zentralfriedhof

The Vienna Central Cemetery was established in 1874 and covers over 2.5 square kilometers of land, making it one of the largest cemeteries in Europe. The cemetery was designed by famous Viennese architect, Karl von Hasenauer, and includes a variety of different burial sections, including Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, and Muslim sections. Since its opening, the cemetery has been the final resting place for over three million people.

How do I get to the Vienna Central Cemetery (Zentralfriedhof Vienna)

By Train: The S7 city train service stops at the Zentralfriedhof station. Train Station Wien Mitte – Take the “S7 Train” which Takes 9 minutes

By Tram: take line 71 or 11 to Zentralfriedhof 2.Tor. The 71 leaves from several central stops, such as Schottentor, Ring/Volkstheater, Oper/Karlsplatz, or Schwarzenbergplatz. 

Address: Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, 1110 Vienna I Website

Highly Recommend buying the Vienna City Card which provides you with free transportation discounts to popular attractions (Check Prices and Book here)

*) Explore Vienna with free, unlimited use of the city’s metro, tram, train, and bus lines. Get around the city quickly and easily. Enjoy countless discounts on popular attractions, museums, shops, and more.

Famous People Buried at the Vienna Central Cemetery – Ehrengräber (Honorary Graves)

One of the most interesting aspects of the Vienna Central Cemetery is the number of famous and influential people buried there.

Who is buried in Vienna Central Cemetery?

Some of the most notable people buried at the Wiener Zentralfriedhof include:

  • Ludwig van Beethoven: The famous composer is buried in an ornate grave in the cemetery’s composer’s section. Beethoven’s grave is a popular destination for tourists and classical music enthusiasts.
  • Franz Schubert: Another famous composer, Schubert’s grave is located in the same section as Beethoven’s. Visitors can see the simple gravestone that marks Schubert’s resting place.
  • J ohann Strauss II: Known as the “Waltz King,” Strauss is buried in the musician’s section of the cemetery. His grave is decorated with a statue of a lyre and music notes.
  • Falco: The Austrian musician behind the hit song “Rock Me Amadeus” is buried in a more modern grave in the cemetery’s musician’s section. His grave is decorated with a large sculpture of an eagle.
  • Carl von Rokitansky: A famous physician and pathologist, Rokitansky’s grave is located in the cemetery’s doctor’s section. His grave is marked with an impressive statue of a robed figure.
  • Bruno Kreisky: Austria’s longest-serving chancellor is buried in the politician’s section of the cemetery. Visitors can see the simple, understated grave that marks his final resting place.

Exploring the Central Cemetery Vienna

Wiener zentralfriedhof plan – ehrengräber.

wien zentralfriedhof tour

Visiting the Vienna Central Cemetery can be a bit overwhelming, given its size and the number of burial sections. However, with a bit of planning, it’s possible to see some of the most interesting parts of the cemetery in a few hours. Some of the must-see areas include:

The composer’s section

This section of the cemetery is where many of Vienna’s most famous composers are buried. Be sure to stop by Beethoven’s and Schubert’s graves, as well as those of Brahms, Strauss, and many others.

The musician’s section

In addition to the composer’s section, the Vienna Central Cemetery also has a section dedicated to musicians. This is where you can find the graves of Falco, Hans Moser, and other famous Austrian musicians.

Vienna Central Cemetery Famous Graves

The honorary graves (wiener zentralfriedhof ehrengräber).

The cemetery also has a section dedicated to “honorary graves,” where famous figures who were not buried in the cemetery are commemorated. This section includes graves for Mozart, Beethoven, and other notable figures.

  • Ludwig van Beethoven : A pivotal figure in Western classical music, renowned for his symphonies and piano sonatas.
  • Franz Schubert : An Austrian composer known for his lieder, symphonies, and chamber music.
  • Johannes Brahms : A German composer and pianist, celebrated for his symphonies and chamber works.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart : A prolific and influential composer of the Classical era, known for his operas, symphonies, and concertos.
  • Arnold Schoenberg : An Austrian-American composer, associated with the expressionist movement in German poetry and art, and leader of the Second Viennese School.
  • Antonio Salieri : An Italian classical composer, conductor, and teacher who was a pivotal figure in the development of late 18th-century opera.
  • Various Austrian presidents : Statesmen who have shaped the history and politics of Austria.

The old Jewish section

The Vienna Central Cemetery has a separate section for Jewish burials, and the old Jewish section is particularly interesting. Here, you can see ornate grave markers and learn about the history of the Jewish community in Vienna.

The monumental tombs

Finally, be sure to explore the cemetery’s many monumental tombs. These impressive structures are often built to honor important families or individuals and can be quite elaborate. Some of the most impressive tombs include the Art Nouveau tomb of the Salten family, the grandiose tomb of the Rothschild family, and the tomb of the famed Austrian architect, Otto Wagner.

While the Vienna Central Cemetery may not be the first place that comes to mind when you think of things to do in Vienna, it is a unique and interesting destination that is well worth a visit. Not only is it the final resting place for many famous and influential figures, but it also provides a glimpse into Vienna’s rich history and culture.


Practical Information visiting the Central Cemetery in Vienna

The Vienna Central Cemetery is open every day from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Admission is free, and you can easily reach the cemetery via public transportation.

When visiting the cemetery, it’s important to be respectful of the graves and the people who are buried there. Avoid loud noises and take care not to disturb any flowers or other offerings that have been left on the graves. Additionally, it’s a good idea to bring a map or guidebook with you, as the cemetery can be quite confusing to navigate.

Guided Tours of the Vienna Central Cemetery

If you have the time, consider taking a guided tour of the Vienna Central Cemetery. Several tour operators offer guided tours of the cemetery, which can provide a more in-depth look at the cemetery’s history and notable figures. Additionally, some of the tours may take you to parts of the cemetery that are off-limits to the public.

Final Thoughts, visiting the Zentralfriedhof in Wien (Vienna)

The Vienna Central Cemetery is a unique and fascinating destination that provides a glimpse into Vienna’s rich history and culture. Whether you’re a classical music enthusiast, a history buff, or just looking for an interesting and off-the-beaten-path destination, the cemetery is well worth a visit. With its impressive tombs, famous graves, and beautiful grounds, the Vienna Central Cemetery is truly a one-of-a-kind destination that should not be missed.

All Saints’ Day Celebration (November 1st)

Another interesting feature of the Vienna Central Cemetery is its annual All Saints’ Day celebration. Each year on November 1st, the cemetery comes alive with candles, flowers, and other offerings left on the graves of loved ones. This tradition is a meaningful way for Viennese people to honor their deceased family members and friends.

In conclusion, the Vienna Central Cemetery is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Viennese history and culture. With its famous graves, impressive tombs, and beautiful grounds, the cemetery provides a unique and fascinating look at the city’s past. Whether you visit on your own or as part of a guided tour, be sure to take the time to explore this important and meaningful part of Vienna.

If you have a chance to visit the Vienna Central Cemetery, be sure to also explore the surrounding area. The cemetery is located in the Simmering district of Vienna, which has a variety of other interesting sites to see, including the Gasometer towers, which were once used to store gas for the city.

Finally, the Vienna Central Cemetery is an important reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of remembering those who have gone before us. By visiting the cemetery and taking the time to appreciate the people who are buried there, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and complexity of human history.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Vienna Central Cemetery (Wiener Zentralfriedhof)

Q: what is the vienna central cemetery.

A: The Vienna Central Cemetery, also known as Zentralfriedhof, is one of the largest cemeteries in the world, located in Vienna, Austria. It is famous for being the final resting place for many notable figures, making it a popular tourist destination.

Q: Who are some famous personalities buried in the Vienna Central Cemetery?

A: The cemetery is home to the graves of honor of famous personalities:

Q: How large is the Vienna Central Cemetery?

A: The Vienna Central Cemetery is one of the largest cemeteries in the world, spanning over a vast area. It serves as the final resting place for a large number of individuals and features numerous graves and crypts.

Q: What is the significance of the Vienna Central Cemetery’s main entrance?

A: The main entrance of the Vienna Central Cemetery, also known as Tor 2, is an iconic landmark and serves as the gateway to the vast grounds housing the graves of honor and other notable graves. It is a starting point for visitors to explore the cemetery.

Q: Is the Vienna Central Cemetery near the city center of Vienna?

A: Yes, the Vienna Central Cemetery is located relatively close to the city center of Vienna, making it easily accessible to visitors who wish to pay their respects to the famous personalities buried there.

How to get to Zentralfriedhof Vienna?

Q: can visitors find a variety of graves and crypts at the vienna central cemetery.

A: Yes, the Vienna Central Cemetery is home to a wide variety of graves and crypts, including the graves of honor of renowned composers and musicians, making it an important cultural and historical site.

Q: Is there any specific association or organization associated with the Vienna Central Cemetery?

A: Yes, the Vienna Central Cemetery is associated with the Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe, highlighting its importance as a significant historical and cultural landmark.

Q: Are there any unique features or special sections within the Vienna Central Cemetery?

A: Yes, the Vienna Central Cemetery houses Europe’s first Buddhist cemetery, adding to its diverse and inclusive nature. This section was established according to the plans of the editorial team.

Q: What is the historical significance of the Vienna Central Cemetery?

A: The Vienna Central Cemetery holds great historical significance as the final resting place of prominent figures, preserving their legacies and contributions to music, art, and society. It is also a reflection of Vienna’s rich cultural heritage.

Q: How can visitors access the Vienna Central Cemetery?

A: Visitors can access the Vienna Central Cemetery easily through various modes of transportation, and upon entering, they can explore the vast grounds and pay their respects to the iconic figures laid to rest there.

Vienna Skip The Lines: 6 Best Ways To Skip The Lines In Vienna And Not Waste Time

Vienna belvedere palaces and belvedere museums, ultimate visitor guide.

Führung Zentralfriedhof Wien

  • Wien und der Tod
  • Termine für Führungen
  • Alter jüdischer Friedhof
  • Neuer jüdicher Friedhof
  • Letzte Ruhestätte für Berühmtheiten
  • Buddhistischer Friedhof
  • Kirche Jesu Christi d. Hl. d. l. Tage
  • Christlich-orthodoxe Abteilungen
  • Evangelischer Friedhof
  • Islamische Abteilungen
  • Mahnmale und Soldatenhaine
  • Letzter Ruheort für kleine Babies
  • Gräber der Armen, Anatomiehain
  • Waldfriedhof
  • Park der Ruhe und Kraft
  • Orientierungsplan
  • Öffnungszeiten
  • Führungen
  • Konditionen
  • Datenschutz

Aktuelle Regeln für die Teilnahme an Führungen:

Eine Anmeldung ist, wenn nicht anders im Programm angegeben, möglich, aber nicht verpflichtend.

Teilweise arbeiten wir mit modernen Sprachverstärkern oder Headsets.

Weitere wichtige Details finden Sie in den Konditionen zu unseren Führungen .

Führungen auf dem Wiener Zentralfriedhof - ein Angebot von Wiensehen

Bei unseren Wiener Spaziergängen entdecken Sie den interkonfessionellen Zentralfriedhof im Rahmen von drei verschiedenen Führungen als einzigartiges Kulturdenkmal!

Der großzügig angelegte Zentralfriedhof bietet Platz für alle: für die unsterblichen Musiker und berühmten Persönlichkeiten ; er beherbergt Armengräber, einen anatomischen Hain, Mahnmale, Soldatengräber und einen meditativen Park. Er ist auch die letzte Ruhestätte für verschiedene Konfessionen.

Unsere vielseitigen Führungsangebote

Führung Zentralfriedhof Wien

Dieses große Areal von 2,5 km 2 ist auch ein außergewöhnlicher Ort des nachdenklichen Verweilens, der Meditation und des erbauenden Spazierengehens.

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  • Sights from A to Z

Vienna Central Cemetery

The cemetery is one of the most magical places in Vienna. Waiting to be discovered here are graves of honor from Beethoven to Falco, fantastic Art Nouveau architecture as well as abundant lush greenery that makes the cemetery a popular local recreation area.

The Central Cemetery, which opened in 1874, is much more than just a last resting place. Around two square kilometers in area, it is the second largest cemetery in Europe. Accordingly, you can find a parallel world here that could scarcely offer more in the way of variety. The graves – among them many graves of honor of world-famous musicians such as Johannes Brahms, Franz Schubert, Ludwig van Beethoven, as well as Falco and Udo Jürgens – are not the only impressive features here. The cemetery church of St. Karl Borromäus is one of the most beautiful Art Nouveau churches in Vienna. Arcade tombs, mausoleums, and bizarre-looking monuments create a unique atmosphere that also ensures a certain amount of creepiness. – Welcome to a very special Viennese place!

Photo shooting: the stars of the Central Cemetery

Paradise of the animals.

Above all else, of course, the Viennese love the Central Cemetery for its qualities as a local recreation area. The cemetery is a natural paradise and the perfect place for going on long walks. The Central Cemetery is also just as popular with joggers . Cycling is also permitted. – And with a little luck, you might also come across some very special residents here. Because when things rustle in the bushes, nobody need fear the undead: the Central Cemetery is a habitat of deer, field hamsters, squirrels, badgers, martens, kestrels, and many other kinds of animal that value this huge area as much as the Viennese.

Exploring the cemetery gate by gate

Coming from the city center, visitors pass Gate 1. This is the access point to the old Israelite section, a lush green burial ground with lots of architecturally interesting monuments and graves of prominent Jewish personalities. Amongst those buried in Group 5b are Arthur Schnitzler and Friedrich Torberg. Walking along the cemetery wall, visitors arrive at the main gate (Gate 2), built by Max Hegele in the Art Nouveau style in 1905.

Through this main gate, you walk on the main path toward the "Friedhofskirche zum heiligen Karl Borromäus" (Church of St. Borromeo), which is crowned by a large dome. The church, built by Hegele between 1908 and 1910, serves as the cemetery church and mausoleum of Lueger, the mayor of the city from 1897 to 1910. Both to the left (Groups 32a and 14a) and to the right (Groups 32c and 14c) of this main roadway is the Grave of Honor, probably the largest such arrangement of special honorary tombs in the world. Among many others, Gluck, Beethoven, Schubert, Hugo Wolf, Johann Strauss Father and Son, Lanner and Brahms are buried in Group 32a, Arnold Schönberg and Robert Stolz in Group 32c.

From politics to jazz

Directly in front of the Memorial Church is the mausoleum in which the Austrian presidents who have died since 1945 (Renner, Körner, Schärf, Jonas) are interred. Mozart was given an honorary monument in Group 32a, but his actual grave is in an unknown location at the Cemetery of St. Marx. In 2015, the urn of singer, pianist and composer Udo Jürgens found its final resting place within a white marmoreal piano, close to jazz pianist Joe Zawinul and actor Fritz Muliar (Group 33g).

Across Simmeringer Hauptstrasse from the main gate is the Crematorium, built by Clemens Holzmeister in 1922 in the style of an oriental fortress. Further along the wall of the cemetery, you reach Gate 3, a secondary entrance and entrance to the Protestant section; and Gate 4, the access to the new Jewish section which has been in use since 1928.

The Funeral Museum has also been located at the Central Cemetery since October 2014.

Info & horse-drawn carriage tours

An exact plan of the Central Cemetery and its honorary graves along with an audio guide are available at Gate 2. Audio guide rental fee: €6 (a valid picture ID must be deposited)

Near Gate 2, visitors can also find an info point with plans and the possibility to search for graves at the new location of the café Kurkonditorei Oberlaa. The café is open during cemetery hours.

Secret tip: Carriage rides are also possible at the Central Cemetery. The carriage rank at gate 2 is occupied daily from 10.00 am to about 7.00 pm. The tour includes numerous memorial graves of prominent Viennese personalities (Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, Hans Moser, Falco, Adolf Loos and many others), and also brings visitors closer to the cemetery's natural attractions. The short tour (30 min.) costs €65.00, the long one (60 min.) €110.00 per carriage (for 4 people). Tours are operated from the beginning of April to the end of September. Reservations can be made from Monday to Wednesday by calling +43-(0)699-181 540 22. Information:

Central Cemetery (Zentralfriedhof)

  • +43 1 534 69

Opening times

  • daily, 08:00 - 17:00
  • daily, 07:00 - 18:00
  • daily, 07:00 - 19:00


  • Seeing eye dogs allowed
  • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.

Honorary tombs: Main Entrance (2nd Gate, access by car possible on the blue paths), free with ID. One can apply for the access card at the Infopoint (2nd Gate). Wheelchair-accessible restroom accessible with "Euro-Key" near Hall 3, in the cemetery church and at the cemetery office (ramp), gravel paths.

Memorial Church: March - Oct: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Nov-Feb: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Vienna's cemeteries

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wien zentralfriedhof tour

Discover Vienna

Special guided tour of vienna zentralfriedhof.

  • 1-10 Personen

Tour details

“He took the 71” Atmospheric walk in Vienna’s Central Cemetery.

During the two-hour guided tour, we will walk through Europe’s second largest cemetery and visit the gravesites of (world) famous, illustrious and still revered personalities such as Beethoven and Falco, as well as memorials and memorials and explore their special history. “A schöne Leich” is a tradition in Vienna, and to this day a six-horse funeral carriage can be hired for funeral services. During the walk together you will learn more about the Viennese burial culture as well as the burial grounds of different religions at the Central Cemetery. We also visit the cemetery church “Zum Hl. St. Charles Borromeo.”

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Zentralfriedhof Wien bei Nacht - ein Spaziergang mit Nervenkitzel

Alten Arkaden Bäume.jpg

Sobald sich die Sonne über der Stadt senkt und der Tag sein Ende nimmt, schließt der weltberühmte Zentralfriedhof Wien seine Pforten. Aber nicht für uns! Bei dieser speziellen Führung im Zentralfriedhof wirst du einen der größten Friedhöfe Europas mit ganz anderen Augen sehen und kennenlernen – entdecke einen der geheimen Orte Wiens.

  • Erwachsene ( ab 18 Jahren ): 42 €
  • Kinder ( 14-17 Jahre ): 32 €

Geheime Orte in Wien – eine Führung im Zentralfriedhof bei Nacht

Bei dieser Führung am Zentralfriedhof Wien ist dir Gänsehaut garantiert. Dich erwartet Schauriges über die Bestattungsmodalitäten aus vergangenen Zeiten, Geschichten über moderne Grabräuber sowie auf geheimnisvolle Weise verschwundene Gräber. Erfahre mehr über die Entstehungsgeschichte des Zentralfriedhofs Wiens und die verheerende Brandkatastrophe , die zur Entstehung der forensischen Medizin beigetragen hat. So manche Geschichten werden dir die Haare zu Berge stehen lassen – Nervenkitzel pur !

Zentralfriedhof Wien – Gruseln garantiert

Erlebe bei einer Führung im Zentralfriedhof bei Nacht Wien mal anders und entdecke geheime Orte in Wien sowie Geheimnisse der Stadt. Wir erzählen dir Geschichten über die Überreste von berühmten Persönlichkeiten, die hier bestattet sind, über Schädel, die hier begraben sein sollten, jedoch auf wundersame Weise verschwunden sind, und vieles mehr.

Erlebe Wien mal anders mit garantiertem Grusel-Faktor!

Führung Zentralfriedhof mal anders – Gänsehaut pur

Zu Fuß bist du unterwegs auf den Spuren längst vergangener Zeiten und fast vergessener Geschichten. Wir zeigen dir den ikonischen Zentralfriedhof Wiens bei Nacht – in einer ganz besonderen Stimmung. Erlebe Wien bei Nacht mit Gänsehaut und Nervenkitzel, denn mystische Legenden und gruselige Anekdoten ranken sich um den Zentralfriedhof Wiens.

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Johann Strauss' and Brahms' tombs

Central Cemetery Vienna – Visiting Zentralfriedhof

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Central Cemetery Vienna. It sounds weird but nowhere else does Viennese history become so alive than at Wiener Zentralfriedhof. During a guided tour through the cemetery we traced celebrity musicians’ graves like those of Beethoven, Strauss, Schubert, Falco, and of other famous Viennese. 

Vienna residents have a reputedly tender relation with death. ‘ Death has to be a Viennese …’ goes a local 1960’s song. Hence I took the 71 tramway (a local synonym for dying) out to Simmering at the Eastern fringe of Vienna. I passed car mechanics, betting shops, hair extension and erotic shops until tombstone masons took over and I arrived at the cemetery’s main entrance.

What To Expect At Zentralfriedhof

Central Cemetery Vienna: arcade tombs

Essentially, Zentralfriedhof excels at classical masonry, weird modern grave sculptures, and Austrian theatre and politics celebrities.

Historically, Zentralfriedhof was established during Vienna’s rapid urban growth in the second half of the 19th century. With almost three million buried, the 2.5 square kilometre (one square mile) big Zentralfriedhof is the second largest in Europe.

In fact, you can even tour the compound by bus and horse carriage. If you have seen Carol Reed’s The Third Man (with Orson Welles) you will remember that endless road lined by graves that Harry Lime’s girlfriend walks along. It was filmed at Zentralfriedhof.

Close to the cemetery’s entrance, the romantic arcades houses the most finely sculpted tombs (see photo) – the sort you’d expect in a top museum. Later on we discovered that the tombs in the wider interior were no different, just more varied.

To provide some focus, we decided on international celebrities. Not to say that we could have focused on other topics with equally rich results.

Musician’s Graves At The Central Cemetery

Central Cemetery Vienna: Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert's graves

“Many of these celebrity graves were arranged by date, and sometimes by personal acquaintance”, explained Gertrude. “Johann Strauss and Johannes Brahms knew each other well, for example, and are now located next to each other.” As we passed from one to the other the burial sites became intricate hooks in a social history of Vienna.

Other Vienna Celebrities’ Graves

Central Cemetery Vienna: Falco's grave

Other than classical musicians the cemetery unites  scientists, pioneers and explorers from across Europe . There at Zentralfriedhof, Vienna’s former status as a world centre of arts, science and medicine again turned obvious. Art Nouveau genius Josef Hoffmann shares the space with the likes of Alois Negrelli, who engineered the Suez Canal, Alfred Adler, founder of the school of individual psychology, satirist Karl Kraus, Antonio Salieri and pop musician Falco .

The likes of Ludwig Bösendorfer (the piano maker) and the Thonet family (the Vienna coffeehouse chair makers) may not rank among your favourites. However, at Zentralfriedhof they recreate that social and cultural fabric that made Vienna so famous.

Art Nouveau Splendour At Zentralfriedhof

Central Cemetery Vienna: Art Nouveau church

Although not a strict must, visiting the church is an experience on its own. Without exaggerating, its simple elegance and light colours are breathtakingly beautiful. During a guided tour, you will hear stories of the building and explore bizarre details (spot Vienna’s mayor in the altar fresco?) that will make you enjoy it even more.

The Old Jewish Cemetery

Central Cemetery Vienna: Jewish Cemetery

Central Cemetery Vienna Tour

Find out more about regular small group tours to Zentralfriedhof. 

How To Buy A Grave At Zentralfriedhof

Central Cemetery Vienna: Heinrich Schweiger's grave

1 common grave (10 years): EUR 300 to EUR 1,500 1 burial vault for 12 people at the cemetery’s church basement (30 years): EUR 30,000 1 columbarium for 1 person (30 years): EUR 7,000

Many Viennese retain a curious habit of caring for their departed loved ones. Hence, it is not uncommon to find objects on the grave that relate to the dead’s former passions or what they were known for. For example, popular Austrian actor Heinrich Schweiger, for example, loved wine, as you can see on the photo above.

How To Get To Vienna Central Cemetery

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Geheimnisvoller Zentralfriedhof

Beschreibung der tour:.

Buchen Sie unsere „Geheimnisvoller Zentralfriedhof“ Tour für Eine Reise in das morbide Wien.

Wir besuchen natürlich auch berühmte und beeindruckende Grabstätten, aber die Persönlichkeiten abseits der “Trampelpfade” sind die Spannendsten. Oder kennen Sie vielleicht Eva Rosina Lidlin? Sie hören schaurig-schöne Geschichten über aufgeklärte Mordfälle, dass der erste Schönheitschirurg vor allem Geschlechtskranke behandelt hat und ob ein Italiener nun Mozart vergiftet hat oder nicht.

Nach einem Besuch in der großartigen Kirche des Dr. Karl Lueger endet die Tour.

Highlights der Tour:

  • Ehrengräber
  • Geheimnisvolle Geschichten
  • „Dr. Karl Lueger“-Kirche

Und vieles mehr!

Warum unsere Geheimnisvoller Zentralfriedhof Tour?

Das morbide Wien in bester Ausprägung – zweit größter Friedhof Europas – bekannte Namen auf Ehrengräber – informativ – unterhaltsam erzählt – mit vielen Hintergrundgeschichten

Wichtig zu wissen:

Besichtigungszeit: Bitte überprüfen Sie den Zeitplan um die Verfügbarkeit der Tour zu sehen. Dauer der Tour: Die Tour dauert ca. 2 Stunden. Führung: Unsere staatlich geprüften Guides freuen sich auf Sie. Sehen Sie HIER unser Team! Kinder: Diese Tour ist auch für Kinder geeignet, die an Geschichten und Geheimnissen interessiert sind. Zugänglichkeit: Die Tour ist Rollstuhlgerecht. Nicht vergessen: Bequeme Schuhe – und beachten Sie die Wettervorhersage .

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Mindestteilnehmerzahl: 8 Personen. Sollten nicht genügend Teilnehmer gemeldet sein, wird die Tour abgesagt und etwaige bereits bezahlte Beträge rückerstattet.

Stornobedingungen: Sie können Ihre Buchung bis 48 Stunden vor dem Start kostenlos stornieren. Bei Stornierung von weniger als 48 Stunden vor der Tour erfolgt keine Rückerstattung.

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Tour the Vienna cemetery where some of the world's most famous composers are buried

wien zentralfriedhof tour

Raina Douris

Kim Junod.

Kimberly Junod

Vienna Central Cemetery Walk on World Cafe

wien zentralfriedhof tour

Vienna Central Cemetery Kimberly Junod/WXPN hide caption

Vienna Central Cemetery

With around 2 million people, Vienna is the most populous city in Austria. But the Vienna Central Cemetery is home to even MORE people. Opened a century and a half ago, the cemetery on the outskirts of the city takes up three and half times as much space as Disneyland and has more than 3 million people buried there. It's really, really big! Which is why, if you're going, you're probably smart to go with someone knows their way around.

Enter Dieter Unrath, who took me on a walk through those hundreds of thousands of graves to see the resting places of some of the most famous composers of all time, most of who are grouped together in one section. But to begin, we go for a walk to different area of the cemetery to see the grave of another one of Austria's most celebrated musicians. Ooh, Rock Me Amadeus — it's Falco.

So lace up those walking shoes, and join us in this historical tour around the Vienna Central Cemetery.

Vienna Central Cemetery

Thanks to the Austrian Music Export (especially Arianna Fleur Alfreds) for connecting us with artists and various other cool corners of Vienna's music scene, and Dieter Unrath for taking us around Zentralfriedhof.


Ihr(e) wien-kenner für ihren wien-aufenthalt. wir sind staatlich geprüfte fremdenführer und bieten führungen (stadtspaziergänge, innenbesichtigungen, busrundfahrten) in und rund um wien – schloss schönbrunn, wiener hofburg, schatzkammer, kunsthistorisches museum, stephansdom, klosterneuburg, wachau,….


Wiener Zentralfriedhof

Der Wiener Zentralfriedhof

Der Wiener Zentralfriedhof wurde 1874 eingeweiht, seither mehrmals erweitert und zählt heute mit einer Fläche von fast 2,5 km² zu den größten Friedhofsanlagen Europas. Mittelpunkt ist die Friedhofskirche zum Heiligen Karl Borromäus (aufgrund des Sarkophags von Karl Lueger im Gruftraum volkstümlich auch Luegerkirche genannt), ein nach Plänen von Max Hegele 1908-1911 erbauter Zentralbau in secessionistischem Stil.

Direkt an der vom Hauptportal (2. Tor) ausgehenden Mittelallee befinden sich die bereits 1880 errichteten alten Arkaden im Neo-Renaissancestil mit 36 Grüften. Anschließend befindet sich ein Teil jener Ehrengräber gruppen, in denen heute rund 1.000 verdiente Persönlichkeiten – aus Bereichen wie Musik, Architektur, Malerei, Dichtung, Schauspielkunst, Wissenschaft, Erfindungen, Politik und Sport – bestattet sind.

Neben den Ehrengräbern und der Friedhofskirche beherbergt die Anlage unter anderem noch die folgenden Bereiche:

Bundespräsidentengruft alter jüdischer Friedhof buddhistischer Friedhof Opfergräber, Mahnmale, Kriegsgräber Waldfriedhof Park der Ruhe und Kraft

Seit 1.1.2024 muss zusätzlich zum Führungsentgelt ein Solidaritätsbeitrag pro TeilnehmerIn (aktuell in der Höhe von 3 Euro) eingehoben werden, welcher 1:1 an die Friedhöfe Wien GmbH abzuführen ist. Diese Gelder kommen ausschließlich der Pflege und Erhaltung der Friedhöfe zugute.

wien zentralfriedhof tour

  • Der Zentralfriedhof bei Nacht 1
  • Private Touren

Eine Führung zum Fürchten

wien zentralfriedhof tour


Exklusive Nachtführung am Wiener Zentralfriedhof der Friedhöfe Wien in Kooperation mit GabiTours

  • Es gelten stets die aktuellen Corona Maßnahmen in Wien.
  • Dauer: 2 Stunden
  • Führungssprache: deutsch
  • Preis: EUR 42,- Ermäßigt: 32,- pro Person
  • Ermäßigung gilt für Teilnehmer, die am Tag der Führung unter 19 Jahre oder über 65 Jahre alt sind oder einen Behindertenpass haben
  • Tour kommt zustande ab: 15 Personen
  • Mindestalter für die Teilnahme: 14 Jahre
  • Termine: zwischen Mitte Oktober bis Ende März
  • Details zur Buchung entnehmen Sie bitte den Buchungsinfos weiter unten. 
  • Es werden keine Tickets per Post oder eMail verschickt. Nach erfolgter Buchung fungiert Ihre Rechnung als Ihr Ticket. 
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Tickets für diese Tour können ab sofort direkt über diese Seite gebucht werden. Es ist ganz einfach. Wählen Sie ihren Wunsch-Termin aus und nach erfolgten Zahlungsvorgang erhalten Sie eine Bestätigung der Buchung per Mail. Sie können bis zu 20 Tickets auf einmal buchen. Werden weniger Tickets angezeigt, ist das die Anzahl an noch verfügbaren Tickets.

Der Ticketverkauf ist ausschließlich über den online Shop möglich. Sie können per Online Banking oder Kreditkarte (oder Debit Karte), Apple Pay oder Google Pay bezahlen. Bitte um Verständnis, dass wir aus technischen Gründen keine andere Zahlungsmöglichkeiten anbieten können. Ebenfalls nehmen wir keine Reservierung der Tickets vor.

Sollten Sie persönlich keine dieser Möglichkeiten haben, bitten Sie eventuell einen Freund die Buchung für Sie vorzunehmen. Die Plätze sind dann sofort für Sie gebucht.

  • Entdecken Sie den Zentralfriedhof wie ihn kaum ein Lebender kennt
  • Erfahren Sie schaurige Geschichten in der Finsternis
  • Erleben Sie einen einzigartigen Nervenkitzel bei einem nächtlichen Spaziergang auf dem Zentralfriedhof


Bei Tag sind die Pforten des Zentralfriedhofs für alle Menschen geöffnet. Doch bei Nacht darf nicht jedermann hinein. Sie werden einen der größten Friedhöfe Europas mit ganz anderen Augen sehen.

Sie werden eine Gänsehaut bekommen. Neben der Entstehungsgeschichte des Zentralfriedhofs werden Sie auch Schauriges über die Bestattungsmodalitäten von vermeintlichen Wiedergängern hören. Oder wie eine verheerende Brandkatastrophe in Wien zur Entstehung der forensischen Medizin beigetragen hat. Auch mit modernen Grabräubern werden wir uns befassen. So manche Geschichte wird Ihnen die Haare zu Berge stehen lassen.

Erleben Sie einen Nervenkitzel bei einem Spaziergang über den Zentralfriedhof bei Nacht und hören Sie unter anderem Geschichten über Körper von berühmten Persönlichkeiten die hier bestattet sind und Schädel, die hier bestattet sein sollten, es jedoch nicht sind.

Besuchen Sie auch den online Shop der Friedhöfe Wien


Um Führungen durchführen zu dürfen und zu Ihrem Schutz setzen wir die gesetzlichen Vorschriften mit unseren Covid-Maßnahmen bei Führungen um.

Eingangsportal 2. Tor

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Visiting Vienna

Zentralfriedhof: famous graves

Stone harp on a grave

Austria and Vienna are not short of a few famous local (and adopted) sons and daughters, and a good selection of them found their last resting place in the Zentralfriedhof: Vienna’s main cemetery.

  • Home to Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert, Strauss, Schoenberg, Salieri, and others
  • Beautifully-kept graves and memorials in an expansive park-like cemetery
  • Book a themed guided tour * of Vienna
  • Zentralfriedhof overview
  • Composer location guides

Anton Salieri's grave

(The last resting place of Mozart’s contemporary)

Inside the Zentralfriedhof , no neon signs point to the most interesting graves and crypts, which is fair enough: this is a working cemetery and not primarily a tourist attraction. Though it does have a shop and a branch of the lovely Oberlaa Café-Konditorei chain .

The cemetery publishes its own guides, but I’ve pulled together some of the more recognisable names for you with directions added at the end. So if you wish to pay your respects to Beethoven, for example, read on.

Most (but not all) of the famous graves reside in special clusters of so-called Ehrengräber (honorary graves). The award of an Ehrengrab in the Zentralfriedhof is a particular honour bestowed by the city, and the cemetery has dozens.

What famous people are buried here?

Brahms grave

(The grave of Johannes Brahms with a gravestone designed by Ilsa Conrat)

All the post-WWII Austrian presidents have their last resting place in the Zentralfriedhof. As do numerous composers, artists, industrialists, and others who made significant contributions to Austria and/or Vienna.

Many names might not mean much outside the country or city. But plenty have indeed left an indelible impression on world history. For example…

Composers and musicians

Some of the greatest names in classical music form a self-contained collection of well-kept graves, with most located in Group 32A.

One or two passed away well before the city opened the Zentralfriedhof in 1874; the authorities moved the bodies there to create the Ehrengräber.

They hoped the “star attractions” might encourage people to visit and use the cemetery, which struggled for acceptance early on given its distance from the city center.

Ludwig Van Beethoven

Beethoven's grave

(The gravestone is actually a copy of the original)

The great composer and perhaps the most famous of all the cemetery residents died in 1827. His burial in the Zentralfriedhof was actually his third. For an explanation, see this dedicated article on Beethoven’s last resting place . (Group 32A, Grave 29)

Johannes Brahms

Another composer born abroad who found fame in Vienna. Brahms died in 1897 and his grave lies next to Johann Strauss the son. (Group 32A, Grave 26)

The Strauss family and Lanner

Grave of Johann Strauss II

(One of several members of the Strauss family in the Zentralfriedhof)

The most influential of the Strauss family died in 1899: Johann Strauss the son is buried along with his last wife, Adele. (Group 32A, Grave 27)

The same group of graves has other members of the musical family, including Strauss’s brothers, Eduard (Grave 42) and Josef (Grave 44).

Strauss’s father is also buried here (Grave 15), next to his friend and musical rival, Joseph Lanner (Grave 16), but he suffers the slight ignominy of the inscription Johann Strauss Vater (father), while his son’s grave is simply marked as Johann Strauss.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The Mozart Memorial at the Zentralfriedhof

(Not actually Mozart’s grave, even if it looks like it)

I include Mozart for completeness, but the memorial close to Beethoven in the Zentralfriedhof is exactly that: just a memorial. The real grave is in St. Marx cemetery. (Group 32A Grave 55)

Antonio Salieri

Mozart’s rival in the film Amadeus (though the movie’s not historically accurate) died in 1825 and resides in Group 0 at grave 54. This is some way from most of the prominent composer graves: walk along the outer cemetery wall going north from the Tor 3 entrance to find him.

Franz Schubert

Schubert's grave

(Beethoven’s permanent neighbour)

One of the composers who was truly Viennese, given his birth, life and death (in 1828) in the city. Schubert’s grave is next to Beethoven’s. (Group 32A Grave 28)

Christoph Willibald Gluck

Grave of Christoph Willibald Gluck

(Another famous resident of group 32A)

The highly influential and pioneering composer of numerous operas died in 1787 and rests behind Beethoven and Schubert. (Group 32A Grave 49)

Arnold Schönberg

Schoenberg's grave

(The grave also lies close to Austria’s presidents)

The modern composer died in 1951 and is found not far from his older colleagues. (Group 32C Grave 21a)

Alexander von Zemlinsky

Just around the corner from Schoenberg is Alexander von Zemlinsky, who passed away in the USA in 1942. (Group 33G Grave 71)

Falco (Hans Hölzel)

The pop star of Rock me, Amadeus fame died in a road accident in 1998. Find him at grave 64 in Group 40.

Artists and writers

Johann nestroy.

Grave of Johann Nestroy

(A literary member of the cluster of famous graves)

The Austrian playwright died in 1862. (Group 32A Grave 6)

Hans Makart

Superstar artist of the late 19th century and a major influence on Klimt and others. (Group 14A Grave 32)

Caspar von Zumbusch

Gravestone of Caspar vom Zumbusch

(Von Zumbusch produced well-known equestrian statues of Field Marshall Radetzky on Stubenring and Archduke Albrecht in front of the Albertina museum)

The sculptor responsible for Vienna’s main monuments to Beethoven, Empress Maria Theresa and other luminaries lies in Group 32A Grave 39.

Maria Lassnig

One of Austria’s most influential and international modern painters, who sadly passed away in 2014. (Group 33G Grave 81)

Friedrich von Amerling

Gravestone of Friedrich von Amerling

(The artist gets his own piece of shaded glade)

Biedermeier painter known for his extraordinary portraits, which put his contemporaries in the shade. (Group 14A Grave 30)

Jakob and Franz Alt

Alt family grave

(The grave lies a little away from most of the famous ones)

Father and son landscape painters. Buried in a family grave. (Group 18 Row 2 Grave 66)

Rudolf von Alt

Jakob’s son and Franz’s brother. Also a renowned painter, particularly of city scenes using watercolours. His talents and reputation surpassed those of his relatives. (Group 14A Grave 52)

Designers and architects

Grave of Alois Negrelli

(Negrelli’s grave)

  • Josef Hoffmann: a giant of Vienna Modernism . (Group 14C Grave 20)
  • Alois Negrelli: one of the main driving forces behind the building of the Suez Canal. (Group 32A Grave 23)
  • Adolf Loos: the very end of the 0 line of graves with Salieri brings you to the architect and another key player in the Vienna Modernism movement, who died in 1933.

Grave of Theophilus Hansen

(Hansen’s grave)

  • Michael Thonet: industrialist, developer of the bentwood production process, and designer of the famous No.14 chair . (Group 14B Grave 1)
  • Theophil Hansen: architect of the Ringstrassen era responsible, for example, the Musikverein and Austria’s parliament building. (Group 14A Grave 20)
  • Carl von Hasenauer: another architect behind many of Vienna’s most prestigious buildings around the Ringstrassen. (Group 32A Grave 33)
  • Otto Prutscher: another renowned designer and architect from the era of Vienna Modernism. (Group 12C Row 16 Grave 1)

Other notable graves

Hedy lamarr.

View of the Lamarr memorial

(Part gravestone, part recognition of Lamarr’s scientific achievements)

Vienna-born Lamarr became a Hollywood star and inventor. Her memorial recognises her contributions to technology with its unique form. (Group 33G Grave 80)

Matthias Sindelar

Perhaps Austria’s greatest footballer and the leading player in the Wunderteam of the early 1930s. A stone football marks his headstone. (Group 12B Row 3 Grave 11)

Ludwig Boltzmann

Grave of Ludwig Boltzmann

(Spot the equation up top)

One of the fathers of modern physics. Vienna-born Boltzmann’s famous equation on entropy is engraved on his memorial stone. (Group 14C Grave 1)

How to find the honorary graves

First off, familiarize yourself with the cemetery’s broad layout using this map .

You should enter through the main entrance (called “Tor 2” – bottom center of the map, where the red 2 is). Tor 2 is a stop on tram 71 that leaves from the city centre.

There are four main sections dedicated to Ehrengräber, labelled group 32A, group 32C, group 33G and group 40.

To find them, go through Tor 2 and carry on straight ahead on the avenue towards the large Jugendstil church you can see in the distance and between the large stone arcades:

The Friedhofskirche

(The St. Charles Borromeo Cemetery Church)

The second section on the left after the arcades is Group 32A. The Präsidentengruft is directly ahead of you, just before the church. To its left are groups 32C and 33G. To find group 40, go west from the Präsidentengruft and keep on going until you find it.

All the groups are labeled with small signs and the more “important” ones have a map on display on a nearby noticeboard with their full layout and the names of each occupant.

How to get to the cemetery

For travel directions, see the main cemetery article.

Address: Zentralfriedhof, Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, 1110 Vienna

wien zentralfriedhof tour

Vienna’s Zentralfriedhof: Resting Place of the Musical Greats

Cathedral Zentralfriedhof, Vienna

There’s a perhaps unlikely stopping place on any real musical lover’s tour of Vienna.  It’s the city’s giant municipal cemetery, called the Zentralfriedhof in German. The name is deceptive, because it is “central” only in the sense that it was designed in the 1860s to be a huge center for burying people. It was in fact located 6 miles from St. Stephen’s Cathedral , the central point of Vienna, way outside the city limits of the time. You therefore have to really want to visit, as it’s not on any usual city tour, because it’s so far out. Yet people do come. It’s up there in the top 25 attractions of Vienna on Tripadvisor , scoring a very solid 4.5 out of 5.

What then is the attraction? First we need a little bit of background. People used to be buried in church cemeteries within cities, with great lavish funerals. The really wealthy were buried inside the actual churches. In English this gave rise to the expression “stinking rich” – ordinary people would have to walk past and over the gravestones during mass and the smell was apparently non too pleasant, particularly in summer. Emperor Josef II, the great reformer and enlightenment monarch, decided to put an end to all this in Austria in the late 1700s. He proclaimed that the burial system was a public health risk and a complete waste of money. Reusable coffins were introduced (the bottoms literally opened) and new cemeteries outside the area people lived in were created.

Zentralfriedhof, Vienna

The Zentralfriedhof was and is a massive burial place. It’s the largest cemetery in Europe by the numbers of bodies interred here. Some 3.3 million people have been buried in the 590 acre beautifully landscaped area. Currently there are 330,000 actual graves. The discrepancy in numbers comes from the fact that in Austria and Germany you do not buy a permanent grave: you lease a plot of land for a term (e.g. 25 years) and if the lease is not renewed by the family, the space is used again. Unlike other countries, you therefore don’t have acres filled with old gravestones that nobody visits, but which cannot be touched. It’s all terribly efficient and sensible in a way. The Zentralfriedhof is a “working” cemetery: around 30 people are still buried there a week.

Because of its distant location, however, there was concern that family members were not coming out to graves to attend to their lost ones’ final resting places. It had become a “dead place” (excuse the pun). So the idea of the “Honorary Graves” came about. If the great and the good were buried here too, the hope was that the presence of famous deceased people that everyone knew of, would encourage ordinary people to come out to the cemetery and do their duty for their own loved ones. It was literally planned as a kind of tourist attraction. There’s no time limit on this category of grave of course: they will be here forever. There are all sorts of famous people who have been given honorary graves: writers, scientists, and politicians (including a special vault for the presidents of Austria).

This being the capital of world music, however, the most famous of all are the musicians. Accordingly, within an area measuring 50 feet square lie the bodies of some of the greatest composers the world has known. Ludwig van Beethoven , Franz Schubert , Johannes Brahms , Johann Strauss Junior, Arnold Schoenberg and Antonio Salieri all have their resting places next to one another. It’s a strange and quite wonderful feeling to visit this place and to acknowledge the mortal remains of the collective musical genius you find here. I’ve seen choirs burst into song as a sign of honour and respect.

Inside Zentralfriedhof, Vienna

The famous composers did not by any means all come from Vienna: they moved here during their lifetimes because it was the center of world music.  People now think as them as Viennese as a result. The Austrians in fact joke that “Germany gave them Beethoven, and they gave Germany Hitler.” It’s not actually wrong: many people don’t realize their respective birth countries and nationalities. Nor were all of these men even buried here initially: both Beethoven and Schubert’s bodies were dug up and moved here decades after their deaths to add to the prestige of the musical section. There are three big names obviously missing: Handel lies in Westminster Abbey in London; Haydn is buried in Eisenstadt (after his head was finally reunited with his body in 1954 – read more about that here ) and Mozart rests in an unmarked grave somewhere in St. Marx cemetery nearby. If they knew where he was, he would certainly have been brought here. As it is, there’s a monument to him with the other composers, but no actual grave.

Haydn’s Tomb in Bergkirche, Eisenstadt

The Zentralfriedhof is an extraordinary place. It’s not just who lies there (though for any musician, that is of course remarkable). The landscape architects were awarded for transferring a massive area “from dire to sublime”. It’s incredibly beautiful and perfectly kept, with areas of trees, grass, flowers and ornamental bushes. It’s also unusual because it’s state land, but has a religious and interdenominational character. There are defined Catholic, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox and Jewish burial areas. The Roman Catholic hierarchy objected to this strongly when the cemetery opened, but their resistance was ignored. Muslims have been buried here since 1876, and Europe’s first Buddhist burial ground has been located here since 2005.

Finally, we need to mention the inevitable humor attached to any place so associated with death and sorrow. The tram that comes out here, the number 71, is known as the “watering can express” because of all the little old ladies who come out here from the city, with watering cans in hand to tend graves. In days gone by, coffins were transported on that same tram route during the night. Accordingly a euphemism for someone having died in Vienna is to say that they’ve “taken the 71”. That method of bringing the bodies out was finally stopped by the Allies after the Second World War. The best accolade for the fascinating and enormous Zentralfriedhof has to be the expression you’ll inevitably hear any Viennese person say when you mention it. “Did you know it’s half the size of Zurich, and twice as much fun?” they will ask you. Lovely bit of Alpine country rivalry there, in a wonderful sideswipe at the neighboring Swiss.

If you’re in Vienna, you’re interested in music, and you get the chance… give it a visit. You’ll be very pleasantly surprised, perhaps moved, and even entertained.

wien zentralfriedhof tour

The post Vienna’s Zentralfriedhof: Resting Place of the Musical Greats appeared first on Backstage at Encore Tours .

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