La Valise à Fleurs, blog de voyage

Un week end dans les Keys

  • par LaValiseaFleurs
  • Posted on 24 novembre 2019 15 décembre 2019

Hello, Cette semaine on vous emmène passer un week end dans les Keys !

Comme nous vous le disions dans notre article sur notre roadtrip de 2 semaines en Floride , Key West est l’endroit où l’on a le plus ressenti cette ambiance de vacances détente.

Les Keys sont un archipel d’îles paradisiaques qui s’étendent sur un peu moins de 200km. Key West, sa pointe se trouve à seulement 145km de Cuba et 260km de Miami . Il faut compter environ 3h30-4h pour s’y rendre en voiture, mais sur la route il y a beaucoup de choses à voir !

Nous étions dans les Keys pour  3 jours dont un peu plus d’ une journée à Key West où nous logions. Nous avons pris la route tôt la dernière journée pour découvrir les autres îles des Keys dans lesquelles nous avions fait quelques petits arrêts à l’aller. 3 jours c’est assez court alors on vous recommande d’être matinal ou de rester un peu plus longtemps !

Nous vous avons préparé une petite liste des incontournables à visiter mais aussi toutes nos bonnes adresses pour passer un bon week end dans les Keys !


Incontournables à visiter lors d’un week end dans les Keys :

Key west, the conch republic.

Nous avons eu un vrai coup de coeur pour Key West. J’y étais déjà allée il y a 10ans et contrairement à beaucoup d’endroits aux USA je trouve que ça n’a pas beaucoup changé. Key West a toujours son charme tropical , son ambiance festive , ses danseurs de salsa , ses habitants ouverts d’esprit , ses coqs qui chantent dans les rues mais aussi ses couchers de soleil à tomber !

▲   Que faire à Key West ?

Découvrir les maisons traditionnelles.

L’une des premières choses que vous remarquerez en arrivant à Key West ce sont ses jolies maisons . On les appelle les conch houses. Elles sont faites en bois et peintes en blanc ou couleurs claires. Les habitants de Key West prennent un grand soin de leur maison mais aussi de leur jardin. Il est rare de ne pas voir une entrée sans palmier ou bougainvillier.

Certaines d’entre elles sont très connues comme la Cypress house , la Audubon House , la Curry House , La Custom House , la Casa Antigua etc… ou encore la Truman Little White House , où le présidant Truman passait ses vacances.

Conch houses, visite incontournable à Key West

Visiter la maison d’Ernest Hemingway

S’il y a bien une maison que vous ne devez pas louper c’est celle de l’ écrivain Hemingway . La visite de cette maison de style colonial est vraiment intéressante, notamment si vous aimez l’écrivain. Mais même si ce n’est pas le cas nous vous recommandons quand même d’y aller pour découvrir son histoire et rencontrer ses nombreux chats ! (Oui oui il y en a plein et ici ceux sont eux les rois). Son jardin abrite également la première piscine de Key West mais aussi la plus grande. On ne vous en dit pas plus pour ne pas vous spoiler la visite !

Juste en face se trouve le phare de l’île , on peut d’ailleurs le voir depuis la terrasse de la maison. On vous recommande de passer également le voir !

Visiter la maison d'Ernest Hemingway

Se balader à vélo

Si vous ne passez qu’un week end dans les Keys on vous conseille de louer des vélos . Nous étions allés chez We Cycle (10$ les 24h) et c’était parfait. Nous avons emprunté les rues principales telles que Duval Street ou Wall Street , mais aussi des ruelles plus éloignées, les plages et parcs aux environs ainsi que le Southernmost Point of the Continental US . On a fait aussi un petit arrêt au US 1 mile marker , le début de la route qui longe toute la côte ouest de la Floride.

2 jours dans les Keys - Découvrir Key West

Aller à la plage !

Dans les environs nous vous recommandons trois plages. Celle du Fort Zacchary Taylor Park , Higgs Beach et la Smathers Beach . Nous y étions également allés en vélo. Celle dans le parc est payante, nous en avons donc profité pour visiter le parc. On a croisé plusieurs groupes qui organisaient des barbecues sous les arbres et même un mariage !

Higgs Beach et Smathers Beach se trouvent plus loin, mais la piste cyclable pour y aller longe l’océan, c’est plutôt agréable. De nombreuses activités nautiques y sont proposées telle que le paddle.

Fort Zacchary Taylor Park à Key West

Admirer le coucher de soleil

Il faut avouer que les couchers de soleil à Key West sont incroyables mais vous ne serez pas les seuls à le penser alors ne tardez pas trop à trouver votre spot. La plupart se donne rendez-vous au Mallory Square , une place très animée. Elle se trouve à côté du port et on y trouve des petits marchés mais aussi des spectacles etc… C’est sympa d’y aller une fois même s’il y a beaucoup de monde. Si vous souhaitez être un peu plus tranquille on vous recommande de prendre un verre au Sunset Pier . Les tables sont placées tout au long de l’eau et offrent une magnifique vue. Mais n’arrivez pas trop tard ou vous n’en n’aurez pas !

La belle vue depuis la terrasse colorée du Sunset Pier

▲   Où manger à Key West ?

  • On commence par un petit déjeuner au Sarabeth’s , les meilleurs de Keys West !
  • Si vous voulez goûter au lobster roll ou fish and chips , deux spécialités des Keys , l’adresse incontournable DJ’s Clam Shack . Honnêtement ils font parti des meilleurs que nous ayons eu l’occasion de manger !
  • Pour le goûter il faut également que vous dégustiez une autre spécialité des Keys, la key lime pie (tarte au citron). Il y a en a aux cartes de nombreux restaurants et notamment au Blue Heaven , à la Old Town Bakery , à la Key West Lime Pie Company ou encore chez Kermit’s . Et si la tarte au citron ce n’est pas votre tasse de thé vous pouvez toujours aller manger un donut chez Glazed Donuts ou faire un tour au Bahama Village Market .
  • Pour de la cuisine cubaine et plus globalement caribéenne on vous suggère le Blue Heaven , Kim’s Kuban , Bien ou le First Flight Island Restaurant . On ne vous recommande pas un plat en particulier car honnêtement tout est bon, et généralement les terrasses sont vraiment sympa et très ambiancées.
  • Pour du poisson il faut aller chez Hogfish Bar & Grill ou au Salute ! on the beach .

Lobster roll du DJ’s Clam Shack

▲   Où sortir à Key West ?

  • Le Sloppy Joe’s Bar et le Captain Tony’s Saloon, deux bars mythiques . Le premier qui fait référence au bar du même nom à la Havane était le QG d’Ernest Hemingway . Le second était également fréquenté par de nombreuses célébrités telles que Truman ou Kennedy. Ce sont des endroits très sympa où l’on peut venir boire un verre, écouter un concert ou faire des rencontres. Vous ne trouverez jamais ces lieux vides ! Vous remarquerez la décoration intéressante du Captain Tony’s Saloon composée essentiellement de soutiens gorge, billets et plaques d’immatriculations.
  • Le Sunset Pier pour le coucher de soleil ! Nous vous en parlions plus haut, ce bar offre une très belle vue.

Où sortir à Key West ? Captain Tony’s Saloon

▲   Où Loger à Key West ?

On ne recommande pas toujours nos logement mais pour le coup nous avons adoré séjourner à la Heron house hotel ! A l’architecture traditionnelle, ce petit hôtel se trouve dans Key West même. Il possède une piscine et comprend le petit déjeuner. Le personnel est très sympa et saura vous conseiller, c’est toujours plus agréable pour bien profiter !

Heron house hotel, hotel à Key West

Sugarloaf Key et Big Pine Key

Ces îles sont les plus proches de Key West mais sont beaucoup plus sauvages et marécageuses . On y a croisé de nombreux oiseaux mais également des biches ! C’est aussi un bel endroit pour faire du kayak loin des touristes. On a également fait un saut sur la No Name Island dont le nom nous intriguait et nous sommes tombés sur le No Name Bar , loin de tout !

Sugarloaf Key, 2 jours dans les Keys

Bahia Honda Key

Sur cette île se trouve le Bahia Honda State Park dont l’entrée est payante, mais honnêtement ça vaut le coup ! Sa plage est la plus belle que nous ayons vue lors de notre week end dans les Keys. On se croyait dans les caraïbes ! Attention néanmoins car parfois les algues envahissent la plage, renseignez vous avant car son état pourrait être catastrophique.

Bahia Honda Key

7 miles Bridge

Vous ne pourrez pas le louper car vous passerez forcément dessus pour accéder aux différentes iles. Lors de sa construction en 1982, il fait parti des plus grands ponts du monde avec une longueur de 10 887,5m.

7 miles Bridge

Nous ne vous en parlerons que très brièvement car nous nous y sommes seulement arrêtés pour découvrir la Sombrero Beach  et manger un sandwish au Keys Fisheries . Mais nous recommandons les deux !

Marathon dans les Keys

Ici aussi nous avons de bonnes adresses à vous recommander !

Le Morada Bay Beach Café si vous souhaitez manger sur la plage. Le Robbie’s si vous souhaitez rencontrer les pélicans. Le Midway cafe & coffee bar pour manger une petite key lime pie. Et enfin le Hog Heaven Sports Bar and Grill pour passer une chouette soirée, écouter un concert et rencontrer des locaux ! Vous l’aurez compris nous avons adoré ce dernier. Sa nourriture n’est pas très fine mais en Floride il faut bien goûter un petit burger au pulled pork ou un cuban sandwich .

Hog Heaven Sports Bar and Grill, bonne adresse à Islamorada

Key Largo et Tavernier

Tout comme pour Sugarloaf Key et Big Pine Key on a trouvé ces îles plus sauvages . C’est l’endroit parfait pour faire un peu de snorkeling notamment au  John Pennkamp Coral Reef State Park  ou simplement se baigner à la Cannon Beach ou faire un tour au Millers Village .

Tavernier dans les Keys

Vous avez aimé notre article sur notre guide d’un week end dans les Keys ? Partagez-le sur Pinterest !

Visiter Key West et les Keys


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2 commentaires

Le rêve ! Ces photos donnent tant envie d’été et d’évasion surtout en cette période de l’année!

C’était trop chouette ! Vraiment les vacances par excellence. Il fait beau, il fait bon, on mange bien, on se détend, on fait la fête, les paysages sont magnifiques. Enfin c’est top quoi 😀 C’était parfait pour bien commencer ce roadtrip de 3 mois

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blog voyage key west

Que voir et que faire à Key West ?

blog voyage key west

Par Stéphanie

Mis à jour le 22/11/2023. 90 commentaires

blog voyage key west

Key West est l'île la plus au sud des Etats-Unis, à 90 miles de Cuba. Key West, j'en suis sûre, sera une très belle surprise pour vous, voir un véritable coup de coeur comme pour moi 😉 .

Vous allez alors me demander mais pourquoi on aime tant cette petite ville de 30 000 habitants ?

Cette ville si singulière est unique en son genre !  Passez quelques jours à Key West est tellement dépaysant que vous aurez l'impression d'avoir voyager dans un autre monde.

La végétation est luxuriante, vous y croisez des animaux sauvages dans la rue comme des coqs, des iguanes ou des pélicans. Les couleurs, l' esprit  caribéen , la joie, la musique, le cote décalé et kitch à l'américaine font tout le charme de Key West .

Après, ne vous attendez pas à trouver des plages paradisiaques à Key West (ni sur toute la route qui vous y mène) car il vous faudra aller aux Bahamas dans ces cas là 😉 .

Ainsi, vous trouverez ci dessous, les incontournables à voir et à faire dans cette si jolie ville.

Combien de temps faut-il rester à Key West ?

A Key West, il fait bon vivre et l'idée générale est de prendre son temps. Selon moi, et si en plus vous souhaitez profiter de la route des Keys qui regorge de pépites , le mieux est de rester 2 nuits minimum à Key West (voir 3 en fonction de votre planning).

Ainsi, cela vous permettra de vous imprégner de l'atmosphère et de vous plonger dans cette ambiance si relax.

blog voyage key west

Aussi, je vous recommande de partir le matin et de profiter des différentes "Keys " comme Islamorada , Marathon, Big Pine Key et d'arriver à Key West pour le coucher du soleil.

Pour le coup, vous pourrez profiter de toute la journée du lendemain pour découvrir toutes les activités que vous pouvez y faire. Allez jeter un coup d'oeil à notre article Que voir et que faire sur la route des Keys pour vous donner une idée 😉 .

Sinon, une autre suggestion est pourquoi pas coupler le matin une visite de Everglades du coté de Homestead (  sur votre route),  faire un tour d'airboat   puis enfin redescendre tranquillement en direction de Key West.

Cela peut aussi vous faire gagner du temps 😉 .

Louer un deux roues à Key West

Louer un vélo ou un scooter est le meilleur moyen pour visiter la ville !

Cela vous offre, en plus, la liberté que vous voulez sans avoir de souci de stationnement ! Donc laissez votre voiture à l'hôtel et allez vous balader et découvrir les trésors cachés de la ville. Vous verrez c'est super relax !

blog voyage key west

Vous trouverez des loueurs de 2 roues un peu partout. Pour les vélos, allez chez «  We Cycle » , ce sont les moins chers de la ville à $ 10 pour 24h. Vous pouvez même les réserver directement sur leur site. Sinon, la plupart des hôtels en possèdent et vous feront un plaisir de vous les louer.

Attention ! Les vélos à Key West sont tous en rétropédalage ! C'est à dire que vous n'aurez pas de freins au volant et vous freinerez donc en reculant. Une petite technique à prendre mais pas de stress, on s'y habitue très vite !

Un autre moyen sympa de visiter la ville est le trolley ! Nous l'avons expérimenté notamment à Saint Augustine  et c'est top, car le train vous emmène dans les lieux les plus emblématiques. Ensuite, libre à vous de monter et descendre où vous souhaitez 🙂

Visite de Key West en Conch Train

blog voyage key west

La Maison d’Hemingway

Le vieil homme et la mer cela vous parle sûrement ? C'est le plus célèbre roman d' Ernest Hemingway .

Ernest Hemingway a eu un vrai coup de coeur pour la ville  (et je comprends pourquoi ; -) ), et a décidé d'y finir ses jours. ll y a ainsi vécu de 1931 à 1940 avec Pauline, sa seconde femme. Il y possédait une belle maison construite en pierre avec une superbe piscine, qui fût d'ailleurs l'une des premières sur l'île.

Ce qu'il faut savoir c'est que Monsieur Hemingway avait une vraie passion pour les chats ! Mais surtout la particularité de ces chats c'est qu'ils possédaient 6 doigts ! Il faut le voir pour le croire !

  • Retrouvez notre article ici  : Sur les traces d’Ernest Hemingway à Key West

blog voyage key west

Le Lighthouse de Key west

Pour une vue imprenable sur la mer et sur la ville , je vous conseille de monter les marches étroites de ce phare si typique.

Le Key West Lighthouse est situé tout au sud de Key West, dans un jardin attenant au Keeper’s Quarters Museum, au 938 Whitehead Street ( juste en face de la maison d’Hemingway).

blog voyage key west

Du haut de ses 22 mètres, vous bénéficierez de la meilleure vue sur Key West et des îles aux alentours.

Ensuite, visitez l’ancienne demeure des gardiens du phare. Pendant plus d’un siècle (de 1848 à 1969), ce phare était indispensable pour les navires qui naviguaient dans les eaux très peu profondes qui entourent les Keys.

Le phare est ouvert tous les jours sauf à Noël (entrée payante de $15).

Un must pour tous les photographes qui n'ont pas le vertige !

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La petite Maison Blanche (Little White House)

Une visite très intéressante que celle de la petite maison blanche d'Harry S. Truman. En effet, Mr Truman a séjourné ici pendant 175 jours durant son mandat présidentiel.

Les visites guidées de la maison commencent toutes les 20 minutes, et des guides qualifiés vous présenteront Truman et la politique de son époque.

Pour la petite histoire, c’est ici aussi que séjournent les président lors de leurs passages dans la ville. Donc peut-être que vous pourrez croisez Mr le Président 😉 .

N’hésitez pas à vous balader dans ce joli quartier et admirer les sublimes maisons entourées de Banyans. C'est splendide !

Billet Little White House

blog voyage key west

Admirer un coucher de soleil sur Mallory Square

S'il y a bien un endroit où aller voir le coucher de soleil c'est sur Mallory Square ! C’est the place to be pour admirer ce fabuleux spectacle et une des activités préférées des touristes.

Sur la place, vous verrez de petits commerçants dispersés tout autour de la place et des musiciens qui rendent ce moment exceptionnel.

Je vous conseille la limonade fraîche ($5), les accras ($8) et le guacamole fait maison, croyez-moi, vous serez au top pour contempler ce spectacle 😉 .

C'est touristique, certes, mais il y a quelque chose de magique ici,  et vous vous souviendrez longtemps de ce moment ! Alors comme on dit ici "Enjoy" !!!


Faire une croisière au coucher du soleil 

Mais le coucher de soleil s'admire aussi depuis un bateau, et là encore quelle expérience !  Dauphins, tortues, champagne, coucher de soleil magnifique, une expérience que je recommande à 100% !! 

Réservez votre croisière

  • Retrouvez toutes les infos sur la croisière au coucher du soleil ici :  Faire une croisière à bord d’un catamaran à Key West


Je vais vous dire une chose qui va vous décevoir mais je préfère être honnête... On ne vient pas à Key West pour ses plages paradisiaques ! Ici, l’eau n'est pas claire et limpide comme à South Beach. En effet, il y a des algues, elle n'est pas parfaite mais c'est peut être ce qui fait son charme !

Aussi, ce qu'il faut savoir, c'est que la ville de Key West souhaite protéger l’état naturel de ses côtes et de sa « mangrove », qui sert à stabiliser la montée des eaux, surtout lors des ouragans.

J'ai eu l'occasion de faire la croisière snorkeling + observations des dauphins et on a adoré !! On a pu voir des dauphins, c'était magique !!! Le capitaine est au top et on a pu profiter de boissons gratuites à bord en plus, what else ?!! 

Observation des dauphins : Eco Tour

snorkeling key west

  • Fort Zachary Taylor Park Parc d’état de Floride  et ancienne base navale, elle est réputée pour son fort, que vous pouvez d’ailleurs visiter. Le parc possède également une grande plage plutôt jolie, mais avec de nombreux cailloux. Alors, prenez garde à vos petits pieds et n'oubliez pas vos chaussons de mer 😉 .
  • Toutes les infos sur Fort Zachary Taylor Park :  Fort Zachary Taylor State Park : le joyau caché de Key West


  • Smathers Beach C'est la plus belle plage de Key West ! Elle se situe à 20 min environ à vélo de Duval Street, soit 5 min en voiture. Sincèrement, le paysage est digne d’une carte postale !Vous pourrez y faire de nombreuses activités nautiques comme du paddle ou du canoë ou encore du parachute ascensionnel !

Par contre, attention car lorsque vous vous baignez , vous aurez l’impression étrange de marcher dans du sable mouvant, et particulièrement l’été avec la chaleur. Vous aurez aussi beaucoup d'algues.

blog voyage key west

Se balader dans Old Town Key West et Duval Street

Old town se situe au sud de l’île. Vous y verrez d’ailleurs le fameux Southernmost Point qui est le point le plus éloigné des US et le plus proche de Cuba (90 miles). C’est aussi ici que se trouve le Mile 0, soit la fin de la Us1 ou le début tout dépend du sens où l'on est.

Et, évidemment, il faut prendre la pose et faire LA fameuse photo devant le Marker 😉


Par contre, je vous conseille d'y aller tôt le matin sinon, vous risquez de faire la queue... En effet, vous ne serez pas les seul(e)s à avoir cette idée 😅


L’architecture des maisons de Duval Street est incroyable. En effet, l'architecture a conservé toute son authenticité des années 1886 à 1912 à forte influence victorienne.

Toutes très colorées, elles sont ornées de corniches, de balustres et de motifs. Elles sont aussi souvent entourées d’un porche ou d’une véranda avec beaucoup de végétation.

blog voyage key west

On a envie que d'une seule chose c'est de se poser sur un de ces rocking-chair avec un bon livre et une « lemonade » faite maison (ou une bière en fonction 😉 ).

Vous ferez aussi la rencontre des emblématiques coqs de la ville ! Ils se déplacent librement, traversent les rue et font leurs vocalises à l’aube.


Duval Street est le coeur de la ville et sûrement la rue la plus animée de Key West. C'est le rendez-vous incontournable des artistes et fêtards. La musique y bat son plein et l'ambiance y est joyeuse et typiquement américaine ! D'ailleurs, vous y trouverez un bon nombre de boutiques souvenirs en tout genre, des bars, des restaurants mais aussi de nombreuses galeries d’art.

C’est aussi dans cette rue que si situe l’iconique Sloppy Joe, repère de Mr Hemingway. 

blog voyage key west

Alors, laissez-vous porter par cette folle ambiance le temps d’une soirée !

On vous conseille aussi d’aller boire une bière au Captain Tony’s Saloon , tellement typique et décalé et plus calme que le Sloppy. Mais aussi d'aller manger un lobster Roll chez Lobster Shack   et une key lime pie chez Kermit’s Key West Key Lime Shop .

Admirer les papillons du The Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory

Le lieu n'est pas très grand mais on y passe un merveilleux moment 😉

  • Retrouvez mon article ici :  Visiter le Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory


Visiter le Jardin de Nancy Forrester

Si vous voulez faire une bonne action, je vous conseille d'aller rendre visite à Nancy Forrester ! Elle vous fera découvrir un endroit auquel on ne s’attend pas .

Vous arriverez dans un petit jardin luxuriant, abritant de nombreux et superbes perroquets que vous pouvez tenir dans les bras et avec qui vous pouvez essayer de communiquer (ou pas). Nancy est une femme d'une extrême gentillesse, très accueillante, passionnée et donc passionnante…

blog voyage key west

N’hésitez pas à la saluer si vous trouvez le temps long car elle déborde d’anecdotes ! C'est d'ailleurs, une activité plutot chouette avec des enfants 😉 .

Ouvert tous les jours de 10h à 15h. Les frais d'entrée aident à soutenir leur travail. $10 adultes, $5 enfants (5-11).

Goûter la fameuse  Key Lime Pie

Que serait une visite à Key West sans avoir goûter la fameuse Key Lime pie ??? Quezako ? C’est un gâteau entre un cheesecake et une tarte au citron vert.

C’est tout simplement délicieux ! Vous pouvez soit la goûter sous forme de bâtonnet ou alors en tarte, servie avec ou sans chantilly. Les meilleures sont chez Kermit’s Key West Key Lime Shoppe .

Vous trouverez d’ailleurs bon nombre de bonnes choses à l’arôme de key lime dans cette petite boutique située prés de la marina pour ramener en souvenir 😉 .


Visiter Shipwreck Treasure Museum ( le musée des trésors des naufrages)

Il faut savoir savoir que les naufrages des navires au large de Key West en ont fait la ville la plus riche des États-Unis au XIXème siècle.

Au Shipwreck Treasure Museum , on retrouve l’histoire de ces naufrages ainsi que des objets trouvés sur les bateaux. Les enfants adorent, donc profitez-en !

Billet Shipwreck Treasure Museum   Shipwreck Treasure Museum + Aquarium

blog voyage key west

Carte des points d'intérets de Key West

Comme, je vous l'ai dit Key West regorge de secrets donc vous ne risquez pas de vous y ennuyer !  A vous donc de sélectionner ce que vous souhaitez voir ou non en fonction de vos envies et votre temps sur place.

Mais une chose est sûre c'est que je suis certaine que vous allez tomber vous aussi sous le charme 😉 .

blog voyage key west

Passionnée par les USA, je suis tombée amoureuse de la Floride dès mon premier séjour en 2011 ! Je suis heureuse de partager ma passion ici avec vous  et reste disponible pour toutes vos questions liées à l'organisation de votre séjour dans le Sunshine State.

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Miami Sightseeing FLEX Pass

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Croisière d’observation des dauphins et plongée avec tuba

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Key West Old Town Trolley

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Key West Shipwreck Treasure Museum

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Key West aquarium

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Florida Keys Itinerary: The Ultimate 5-Day Trip

Florida Keys Itinerary: The Ultimate 5-Day Trip

Oh the Florida Keys…

Full of so much natural beauty, rich history, and no shortage of great activities, there are many great ways to experience this unique destination. Key Largo, Islamorada, Marathon, heck you could easily spend a week in Key West alone! But in our opinion, the best way to experience the magic of the Florida Keys is too see them all by taking a road trip.

Behold, our ultimate 5-day itinerary through the Florida Keys!


When travelling to The Keys, you’ve got several options to get there including flying to Miami International, Key West International, as well as several cruise options from other locations in Florida. We arrived early in the morning in Miami, rented a car, and drove about an hour and a half south to the top of The Keys.

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Our first stop on our Florida Keys itinerary was John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. Located just past Key Largo,  John Pennekamp  is the first undersea park in the US and covers roughly 70 square miles of mangroves, coral reefs, and wildlife. We were truly impressed with how well managed the park is and the passion that the park employees have for protecting and sharing its natural wonder.

They offer various activities such as snorkeling, scuba, glass-bottom boat tours, as well as boat and kayak rentals. We opted for the snorkeling tour, which takes you on a half-hour boat ride out to the reef. During the boat ride, our tour leaders Doug and Dean did a great job of providing us with background on the park, what types of wildlife we might see out there, a safety briefing, several great nautical jokes, and even a snorkeling lesson for those who were first-timers.

At the reef, we saw countless tropical fish, colorful coral, someone even saw a sea turtle! We also got to check out the famous “Famous Christ of the Deep” statue, which was super cool to see. Overall this was a fantastic way to spend an afternoon, we can’t say enough about how great our guides were!

After working up an appetite snorkelling we checked into our room for the night at The Fisher Inn Resort to freshen up for dinner. Very recently renovated, the Fisher Inn is a modern, stylish and comfortable place right on water with various activities and boat access available. We loved what they’ve done with the place! An ideal spot to stay in Islamorada.

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An unassuming spot right off the highway, Robbie’s offers an eclectic mix of outdoor shops, food vendors and, our personal favorite, tarpon feeding. For those who don’t know, tarpon are MASSIVE sport fish that are spectacular to see swimming around and launching out of the water. What’s also cool about them is that they don’t have teeth, so you can buy a bucket of fish and feed the giants hanging out by the dock at Robbie’s.

It’s a bit adrenaline-pumping at first as these huge mouths come out of the water snatching the fish right out of your hands, but it’s unlike anything else. We liked it so much we got another two buckets of fish! Just watch out for the pesky pelicans 😛 Oh, and we saw a manatee come right up to the edge of the dock! It was wild.

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After watching these giant creatures feed for so long, we started to get hungry ourselves, so we went for brunch at Robbie’s Marina restaurant, The Hungry Tarpon . A fantastic spot with amazing breakfast, we opted for the “alligator reef” Mexican scramble and the lobster frittata with hollandaise sauce (OMGGG wow!).

If you’re spending any time in Islamorada, Robbie’s Marina and The Hungry Tarpon are an absolute must.

We departed Robbie’s around noon and made our way down to Key West.

Upon arrival in Key West, we checked in to our home for the next three days,  The Southernmost Beach Resort . An absolutely immaculate resort, we could not have imagined a better place to stay in Key West. Located at the quiet end of Duval Street, The Southernmost Beach Resort features fantastic rooms, beaches, pools, and bars and is the perfect spot for couples or families looking to stay in a more tranquil part of Key West. They also offer bike rentals which we found to be the best way to get around Key West.

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We stayed in the historic and beautiful La Mer House, in a gorgeous King room. Our house hosts made us feel extremely welcome and made sure that we had an exceptional stay. La Mer and Dewey house offer an exclusive breakfast spread every morning, and relaxing, delightful refreshments every afternoon. There was always a delicious selection of cheeses, deli meats, fresh fruit, and sweets, as well as a made-to-order chef’s special at breakfast. This is was a great time to recharge and relax, as well as socialize with our hosts and the other guests.

After our afternoon refreshments, we headed to the docks to hop aboard The Wind & Wine Sunset Sail with Danger Charters . Note: we were able to call and book this tour just a few hours in advance, but for most tours, it is recommended to book most tours 24 hours in advance to guarantee a spot, especially during the busy seasons.

Contrary to what you may assume from the name, Danger Charters offers an exceptionally relaxing sunset sail. What’s unique about them is that they offer a wine tasting while you sail! We sampled 8 different wines and various gourmet appetizers as we sailed and enjoyed the sunset. The crew was exceptional, ensuring that we were always taken care of, sharing interesting tidbits and anecdotes about The Keys, and engaging in great conversation. They also offer craft beers and non-alcoholic drinks for any non-wine drinkers.

The sunsets of Key West are truly spectacular and we would recommend seeing at least one of them from a sunset cruise.

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On day three, we checked off a bucket list item, The Dry Tortugas! Located 70 miles off the coast of Key West, Dry Tortugas National Park is famous for its spectacular waters and its prize historic feature, Fort Jefferson.

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You can explore Fort Jefferson and the Dry Tortugas via a day-trip offered by Yankee Freedom . Trips depart from Key West daily aboard a large 250 passenger ocean-going catamaran that takes about 2 hours to make the crossing. Be warned that if there are strong winds, the seas can get quite rough, so be sure to check current conditions and take any necessary precautions to prevent motion sickness.

Along the way, the wonderful staff provided us with information on the geography and history of the area. Our lead guide, Hollywood, talked about the dynamic nature of the Tortugas and the key roles that they played for sailors in the early years of the US. He also pointed out some real-life treasure hunters who were searching for the remaining $600,000,000 treasure of two Spanish Galleons that went down in the area.

About an hour and half into the crossing, Fort Jefferson appears on the horizon. As you approach this immense structure in the middle of nowhere, one question comes pops into everyone’s mind, “Why on earth is this thing here??” Well, Hollywood explained everything once inside the fort, but you’ll have to visit yourself to find out 😉

Fort Jefferson is chilling. As you walk the moat around it or view the spectacular waters from atop its three story high roof, you really appreciate how much work went into building this spectacle and imagine what life would have been for fort dwellers. I can’t speak highly enough about how incredible exploring the fort and the islands was, and I’d love to go back and camp on the island for a night or two next time. Imagine the stars!

After a few hours exploring the Dry Tortugas, we reboarded the Yankee Freedom III and made our way back to Key West.

We made it back just in time to catch the sunset from  Bistro 245 at Margaritaville Resort . As I mentioned before, Key West sunsets cannot be missed!

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Bistro 245 is right next to sunset square and the upstairs bar is a great place to get a view above the crowds and enjoy the end of the day with a margarita in hand. The crowds tend to leave once the sun goes down, but make sure to stay a little longer as the best part of the sunset usually happens 10-15 minutes  after  the sun goes below the horizon.

For dinner on day three, we hopped in the car and drove up to a local favorite,  Matt’s Stock Island Kitchen & Bar . Their aptly anointed “American coastal comfort food” features gourmet takes on the classics and fresh seafood all in a great location that earned them OpenTable’s 2018 Diners’ Choice Award for best ambiance. We highly recommend the crab beignets (uhh, yes please!!) and the black grouper.

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Latitudes  is an absolute treat. Located on Sunset Key –  just a 6-minute complimentary ferry ride across from Key West – Latitudes and its executive chef Jerry Crocker offer a “work of art” menu that incorporates fresh locally sourced fish and tropical fruits, all in a spectacular setting. (If Sunset Key sounds familiar to you, it could be because Oprah rented out every cottage on the island one time for her friends and family).

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Latitudes offers an exceptional menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you go for breakfast, treat yourself to the lobster benedict, you will not regret it.

After breakfast, we puttered around Sunset Key before hopping back on the ferry to Key West.

We spent most of the day exploring the streets of Key West. We walked the boardwalks, biked up and down Duval Street, checked out the quaint architecture, and then relaxed on the beach at The Southermost Beach Resort.

Following afternoon refreshments at the Resort, we made our way back to the piers to board our second sunset sail, this time with  Sebago . Aboard Sebago’s large catamaran you’ll find friendly staff, lots of deck space, bottomless beer, margaritas and sangria, plus a cash bar. We made a bunch of new friends while out on the water and although we prefer the Danger Charters experience, Sebago definitely provides a good economical option.

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Upon arriving back at the dock we headed down the boardwalk and popped in for dinner at Turtle Kraals, another Key West classic. We sat outside up top with a great view of the marina and enjoyed a couple of key lime margaritas with delicious conch fritters, ribs, and ceviche.


Key West, it’s been great! Time to work our way back.

After a superb breakfast at La Mer House, we said goodbye to our gracious hosts and headed north. We headed up to  Lazy Dog  where we had rebooked our kayak excursion from earlier in the week.

Kayaking through the mangroves is without a doubt the best way to see them. We were able to see all kinds of marine life (PLUS super cool iguanas!) and paddle through channels where mangroves were literally growing above our heads. The pace of the tour was relaxing and our guide, Lindsay, was friendly, knowledgeable, and ecologically responsible.

We came off the water, bid adieu to the fantastic Lazy Dog staff and made our way up the highway to our destination for the night,  The Tranquility Bay Beach House Resort  in Marathon.

We had worked up an appetite kayaking and so it was the perfect time to check out their on-site restaurant,  The Butterfly Cafe . Remember how I mentioned above about the Yellowtail Snapper? Well, this is where we discovered its magic.

Yellowtail Snapper is a Florida Keys speciality, so as per the chef’s recommendation, we both had it at The Butterfly Cafe, and it was game-changingly delicious.

We spent the rest of the day exploring the incredible grounds of the Resort. We hung out on the beach, grabbed a drink at the Tiki Bar, and putted on the putting greens (Lauren won). They also have kayaks and jet skis to take out, but we had already had our day out on the water. Tranquillity Bay is a fantastic place to stay for families and couples alike as their beautiful multi-bedroom units provide full kitchens, balconies, and plenty of amenities.

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For our last dinner in The Keys, we went to  The Lighthouse Grill  at Faro Blanco Resort. They offer a flight of local craft beers and amazing seafood – the scallops with Boursin risotto was absolutely fantastic. Although we went for dinner this would be a great place for happy hour to catch the sunset and enjoy the goings on of the marina.

The next morning, we woke up and made our way back to Miami airport, from where we flew home. On your way back, make sure to take the highway 1 route, as our GPS suggested the backroads, which was a lot of stops and starts on one-way roads.

Overall, our trip to  The Florida Keys  exceeded our expectations. It’s hard to find a place with so much beauty, history, and great things to see and do. You can do as little or as much as you want, and have an incredible time. When we go back – which we surely will! – here are some of the things on our list that we didn’t have time for this time around: hire a fishing charter for the day, visit the Turtle Hospital in Marathon, check out the craft breweries, visit the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum, and so much more! If you’re looking for a full list, check out our other blog of  9 epic things to do in the Florida Keys.

IG: @thefloridakeys

Twitter: @thefloridakeys

Youtube: FloridaKeysTV

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Une plage paradisiaque

ROAD TRIP de 10 jours en FLORIDE : mon guide complet

Pour mon troisième voyage aux États-Unis (après New York en 2015 et les États de l’Ouest en 2018), j’ai décidé d’explorer la célèbre Floride .

Niché dans le sud-est du pays , le « Sunshine State » est plutôt surprenant : entre la très kitsch Miami , les terres sauvages des Everglades , ou encore les incontournables parcs d’attractions d’Orlando … Il y a de quoi faire ! Et pourtant, je n’étais pas si emballée que ça à l’idée d’explorer cette partie du pays auparavant car j’ai lu tout un tas de choses pas très positives concernant Miami et ses alentours… Grâce à un billet d’avion bon marché et une météo bien plus agréable que chez nous, mon compagnon et moi-même avons finalement décidé de nous envoler vers cette nouvelle destination. Et vous vous en doutez… Ce fut génial. Nous avons adoré ce road trip !

Vous trouverez ici  un guide complet  qui, je l’espère, vous aidera dans  l'organisation de   votre futur voyage en Floride . N’hésitez pas à me poser vos questions en commentaire à la fin de l’article. Je vous répondrai avec grand plaisir.

Bonne lecture !

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Quand partir en Floride ?

Une fille dans une cabane en bois sur la plage de Miami

La Floride oscille entre un climat tropical et subtropical toute l’année. C’est une destination plutôt prisée en hiver car il y fait beau et chaud . L’été , en revanche, les températures augmentent et c’est la période des pluies et des ouragans , ce qui peut être beaucoup moins agréable.

Côté tourisme , la haute saison s’étend de décembre à mai environ. Le climat doux et sec attire les touristes, les prix sont en hausse . La basse saison s'étend par conséquent de juin à novembre . Il commence à faire très chaud et les prix baissent .

Il est malgré tout difficile de choisir une bonne période pour partir en Floride , le soleil y étant présent toute l’année et les températures descendant rarement en dessous de 20°C. Partir durant l'hiver semble être le meilleur choix mais vous croiserez beaucoup de monde et vous dépenserez davantage . À l'inverse, partir durant l'été peut être intéressant pour plus de tranquillité et moins de dépenses mais vous risqueriez de tomber sur un ouragan. À vous de faire votre choix en fonction de vos préférences !

  • Haute saison : de décembre à mai environ. Prix élevés, climat doux et sec très agréable.
  • Basse saison : de juin à novembre environ. Prix en baisse, climat chaud et humide avec risque d’ouragan.
  • Notre choix : février fut un mois idéal concernant la météo mais les prix étaient assez élevés. On ne regrette pas cependant car nous avons pu faire tout ce que nous souhaitions.

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Key West et le parc national des Everglades

Quelles sont les formalités ?

Pour les ressortissants français , pas besoin de visa pour séjourner en Floride comme dans le reste des États-Unis (dans la limite de 90 jours ). En revanche, vous devez absolument vous procurer un ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization). C’est un formulaire obligatoire à remplir sur le site officiel du gouvernement coûtant environ 21 $ et valable pendant 2 ans . Il permet aux autorités de vérifier que vous êtes bien en droit de voyager sur le sol américain. Évidemment, le passeport est lui aussi obligatoire et vous sera demandé pour remplir votre ESTA .

Côté assurance , j’ai une carte Visa Premier (semblable à la Mastercard Gold) qui comprend déjà une bonne couverture (jusqu’à 155 000 € pour les frais médicaux à l’étranger). En revanche, la Visa Classique comme la Mastercard Classique ne possèdent pas d’aussi bonnes garanties (jusqu’à 12 000 € pour les frais médicaux). Vous pouvez éventuellement souscrire à  une assurance indépendante  si vous ne possédez pas de Visa Premier ou de Mastercard Gold. À noter que les assurances Visa et Mastercard ne prennent pas en charge les vols de bagages ou d’effets personnels , contrairement aux assurances indépendantes.

  • Passeport et ESTA (obligatoire) : pour l’ESTA, rendez-vous sur le site du gouvernement américain (prenez au moins 15 jours d’avance).
  • Assurance voyage (facultatif) : Chapka Assurance, AVI International, ACS AMI…

Quel itinéraire choisir ?

Voici  les différentes étapes de notre road trip en Floride . Le choix d’un itinéraire est  personnel . Celui que nous avons choisi est adapté à  nos goûts et nos envies .

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Nous découpons ce road trip en  5 grandes étapes  :

  • À ne pas manquer selon moi : Miami, pour ses plages, son architecture et sa vie nocturne ; le parc national des Everglades, pour une virée en pleine nature au milieu des alligators ; Orlando, pour vivre de vrais instants de fun !
  • Durée conseillée pour un road trip : 10 ou 15 jours minimum.

Un alligator qui se balade dans l'eau

Quel budget prévoir ?

Une fois l’itinéraire choisi , il est plus facile d’établir un budget précis pour l’ensemble du voyage.

Voici  un récapitulatif des dépenses  effectuées lors de notre voyage en Floride .  Ce budget reste approximatif  car il peut varier selon plusieurs critères : nombre de voyageurs, type de voyageurs, période de voyage, type de logement souhaité…

Comptez environ 1 300 € à 1 500 € de dépenses par personne pour 10 jours . * budget établi pour un voyage en février 2020

En détail :

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Vous l’aurez compris, la Floride n’est pas l’État le moins cher des États-Unis . Il vous faudra prévoir  un budget conséquent  si vous souhaitez en profiter un maximum.

Voici  quelques conseils pour vous aider à réduire vos dépenses  lors d'un voyage en Floride :

  • Réservez vos vols aller-retour à destination de Miami  : vous payerez moins cher que des vols à destination d'Orlando ou de Key West. Pour réserver mes billets d'avion, j'utilise Skyscanner , mon comparateur favori de vols qui propose les meilleurs prix avec de bons outils d'analyse.
  • Réservez vos hébergements sur Booking , le leader mondial de la réservation d’hébergement en ligne : vous y trouverez les meilleures offres aux meilleurs prix. Et n'hésitez pas à vous inscrire gratuitement au programme de fidélisation Genius qui propose des réductions et des récompenses très intéressantes.
  • Sélectionnez vos activités et excursions à l’avance  : vous pourrez profiter de tarifs avantageux en réservant vos activités sur  Get Your Guide , la plateforme que j'utilise pour programmer mes expériences de voyage.
  • Essayez d’alterner vos choix de restauration : fast-food, restaurant, cuisine maison… Vous dépenserez moins en cuisinant vous-même. Il est bien plus avantageux de faire ses propres courses que d'aller manger à l'extérieur aux États-Unis !

Ayant organisé notre voyage avec seulement un mois d'avance , je pense que nous aurions pu dépenser moins si nous nous y étions pris un tout petit peu plus tôt.

  • Prenez un peu d'avance sur l’organisation de votre voyage.
  • Comptez une moyenne de 1 500 € par personne pour 10 jours de voyage.

Une grande maison avec des palmiers

Comment conduire ?

Nous avons loué notre voiture à Miami Beach dans l'agence internationale Sixt , un véhicule basique qui s’est finalement transformé en gros bolide sportif (une Chrysler 300 S). Et nous avons été surclassés à notre grande surprise !

La conduite est une véritable institution aux États-Unis . Posséder une belle voiture est un symbole de réussite et de richesse. Tout est construit, organisé et optimisé pour la voiture. Faire un road trip sur les terres américaines représente plus qu'une aventure , un véritable rêve !

Quelques petites choses à savoir  avant de louer une voiture aux États-Unis :

  • 21 ans est l’âge minimum requis pour louer une voiture dans presque toutes les agences de location.
  • Si vous avez entre 21 et 25 ans , une taxe jeune conducteur peut vous être demandée.
  • N’oubliez pas les documents nécessaires pour louer une voiture aux États-Unis qui sont les suivants : votre permis de conduire , une carte de crédit aux nom et prénom du conducteur principal.
  • Le permis international n’est pas obligatoire mais recommandé pour faciliter les démarches administratives liées à la location.

Mes conseils concernant la location en elle-même sont les suivants :

  • Choisissez une compagnie de location internationale connue pour éviter toute mauvaise surprise. Nous sommes ravis d'avoir choisi Sixt pour nous accompagner dans ce road trip : ils ont été exemplaires du début à la fin (en plus du surclassement) !
  • La LI (Liability Insurance) ou TPL (Third Party Liability) : responsabilité civile automobile. Cette assurance permet de couvrir les dommages causés à des tiers. Le montant couvert est souvent assez faible.
  • La LIS (Liability Insurance Supplement) ou SLI (Supplemental Liability Insurance) : responsabilité civile complémentaire. C’est une couverture plus large (jusqu’à 1 000 000 $ ou plus).
  • La CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) ou DEW (Deductible Extended Waiver) ou LDW (Loss Damage Waiver) : cette assurance couvre les dommages causés au véhicule (vandalisme, collision ou vol).

Par précaution , nous essayons de souscrire à toutes les assurances proposées par l'agence de location pour nous éviter un quelconque problème (quand notre budget nous le permet). Cette fois-ci, toutes les assurances indispensables étaient déjà comprises dans le contrat de base. Nous n'avons donc pas payé de supplément pour une assurance complémentaire.

La voiture de location, ses assurances et ses extras (rien concernant ces derniers) nous ont coûtés 201 € (prix pour deux).

Autres infos utiles concernant la conduite aux États-Unis :

  • 1 mile = 1,6 km . Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, on s’y fait très vite.
  • Le kilométrage est très souvent illimité et compris dans le contrat de location.
  • Les boîtes de vitesses des voitures sont toutes automatiques .
  • Le prix du carburant est moins cher qu’en France.
  • Les contrôles routiers sont assez fréquents, respectez donc bien les limitations .

En ce qui concerne les péages , sachez qu’il n'existe que très peu de routes payantes en Floride . Nous avons préféré les éviter (pensez à configurer votre GPS sur « éviter les routes à péages ») sachant qu’on ne gagnait que 5 à 10 minutes sur notre trajet. Si vous souhaitez tout de même prendre ces routes , signalez le à votre agence de location . Elle vous proposera un pass (en extra) équivalent au télépéage de chez nous.

Tout comme la location, la conduite aux États-Unis n’est pas difficile . On s’y fait très vite et c’est même plus simple qu’en Europe : les ronds-points n’existent pas, les routes sont longues et larges, la priorité à droite est très rare… Une petite particularité cependant : les feux américains sont de l’autre côté des intersections ! Il faut donc regarder le feu en face, très souvent en hauteur. Il est également autorisé de tourner à droite au feu rouge (sauf si un panneau indique le contraire).

Sur 10 jours , nous avons parcouru 2 000 kilomètres .

  • Choisissez une agence de location internationale : Sixt, Hertz...
  • Souscrivez à toutes les assurances (si c'est possible).
  • Sur la route : boîte de vitesse automatique, distance en miles, carburant moins cher, très peu de péages, conduite simple.

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Non non ça ne frime pas du tout

Et dans sa valise ?

Inutile de prévoir des vestes et des pantalons. En Floride, les températures descendent rarement en dessous de 20°C . Prévoyez plutôt T-shirts , shorts , débardeurs , maillots de bain … Avec un imperméable si vous partez en saison des pluies. Côté chaussures, pensez à vos baskets de randonnée si vous souhaitez vous balader dans les Everglades. Autrement, les sandales et les tongs seront vos meilleures amies.

Ne surchargez pas votre valise , vous pouvez laver votre linge sur place. Les auberges et les Airbnb ont généralement une machine à laver à disposition et les laveries ne manquent pas dans les rues. Nous avons pu faire plusieurs machines sans problème dans les grandes villes.

N’oubliez pas les indispensables :

  • Une copie pour chaque document valide (passeport, ESTA, permis de conduire…). En cas de perte ou de vol, ces copies vous sauveront la vie !
  • Un adaptateur pour la prise électrique (prise de type A/B). Nous utilisons celui de la marque Skross pour nos voyages.
  • Quelques médicaments basiques et produits parapharmaceutiques  (dans la limite des 100 ml par produit si vous prenez l’avion avec un bagage cabine seulement).
  • Une batterie externe portable  pour vos appareils électroniques. Nous utilisons celle de la marque Anker pour nos voyages.
  • Une gourde  pour éviter d’acheter des bouteilles en plastique. L’eau est potable dans tout le pays.
  • Une crème solaire et un chapeau  pour ne pas cramer. L’indice UV en Floride est un peu plus élevé qu'en France.
  • Un anti-moustique , surtout si vous partez pendant la saison des pluies.
  • Quelques dollars mais pas trop. Les cartes bancaires sont acceptées partout.

Depuis 2019 , les USA et beaucoup d'autres pays ont décidé d’interdire le transport en soute de tout appareil disposant d’une batterie lithium-ion (ordinateur, tablette, smartphone, batterie portable…). Ces appareils doivent être impérativement transportés avec vous dans votre bagage à main ou cabine et chargés à bloc lors de votre embarquement à l’aéroport. En cas d’inspection au contrôle de sécurité, si votre appareil est déchargé ou défectueux , vous pourriez être amenés à vous faire refuser l'embarquement .

  • Tenues légères avec un imper pour se protéger des pluies si vous partez en saison humide.
  • Appareils électroniques chargés à bloc lors de votre embarquement à l'aéroport (les contrôles pour les vols vers les USA sont fréquents).

La skyline de Miami

Les « pour » et « contre » d’un voyage en Floride

Voici pour vous mes « pour » et « contre » d’un voyage en Floride. Ils vous aideront peut-être à y voir un peu plus clair sur cette destination en plein essor aujourd'hui.

Les « pour »

  • Des paysages à couper le souffle . La Floride est réputée pour ses paysages de rêve, notamment du côté des Keys, en mer des Caraïbes. Ce n’est pas pour rien que beaucoup d’Américains passent leur lune de miel ou leur retraite dans cet État du pays.
  • Une ambiance de folie . Si vous aimez vous amuser et faire la fête, la Floride saura vous combler. Entre la vie nocturne de Miami et les parcs d’Orlando, impossible de s’ennuyer !
  • Une facilité d’organisation . Il est très simple d’organiser un voyage en Floride, les États-Unis étant un pays développé et similaire à la France. Vous n’aurez pas de mal à trouver les bonnes informations, à faire vos réservations et à combler vos folles envies.

Les « contre »

  • Une destination de plus en plus touristique . Malheureusement, la Floride attire chaque année de plus en plus de voyageurs du monde entier. Ses bonnes températures et sa facilité d’accès font d’elle l’une des destinations préférées des Américains également.
  • Des prix parfois très élevés . Depuis la fin du Covid et l’inflation mondiale, voyager aux États-Unis revient de plus en plus cher. Il faudra prévoir un budget conséquent si vous souhaitez profiter pleinement de votre séjour.
  • Une absence de dépaysement . Bien que la Floride soit un État exotique, la vie n’y est pas tellement différente de chez nous. On n’a pas toujours l’impression d’être loin de l’Europe malgré les nombreuses heures d’avion.

Ces ressentis reflètent notre expérience et nous appartiennent . Nous avons vraiment adoré notre road trip en Floride et nous y reviendrons très certainement un jour.

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Sanibel et Kennedy Space Center

Mes derniers conseils

Dernières petites infos en vrac  pour une préparation optimale :

Comme dans tout road trip,  prenez votre temps   et   vivez l'instant présent . La Floride est un État à explorer avec une certaine zénitude : tout le monde y est relax . Admirez, profitez, voyagez !

Le château de Disney à Orlando en Floride

Ce voyage en Floride fut l'un de nos meilleurs ! Nous sommes très contents d'avoir découvert cet État des États-Unis, qui à la base, ne nous attirait pas plus que ça.

N’hésitez pas à me poser vos questions si besoin. Je serais ravie de vous aider dans votre planification.

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Article mis à jour le 31 mars 2024

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A perfect weekend in key west itinerary.

Key West is a place that has been on my bucket list for YEARS! My older sister moved to Clearwater Beach, Florida many years ago and I’ve constantly talked about making the trip down to explore the Keys while I visited her. 

Well, that finally happened! 🙂

I actually did a full Miami to Key West Road Trip , but I have to admit.. the highlight of that week long trip was definitely Key West! The adorable island feel, bustling nightlife, adventurous excursions, gorgeous sunsets, and beautiful beaches…. Key west had it all!

Even though the weather was not great during my few days there, I still think it’s such a wonderful place to travel to. And the bad weather just gives me another excuse to travel back to Key West to experience it all over again! 😉

In this Weekend in Key West itinerary, I go over a perfect 3 day itinerary, things you should know before finalizing your trip, common questions about the keys, must-pack items for this specific trip, my tips on where to stay, and a bonus section incase you want to extend your time in the Keys!

There’s a chance this free guide contains affiliate links. This means that I may make a small commission (at no extra cost to you), that goes towards little Rosie’s dog treats! This trip was also hosted by Capitana Key West & Florida Keys Tourism, but all thoughts and opinions are always my own.

Key West Itinerary Overview

Day 1: Key West Sight Famous Sites & Sunset Catamaran Cruise

Day 2: Day Trip to Dry Tortugas National Park

Day 3: Boat Tour to Sand Bar + Sunset Celebration in Mallory Square

Where is Key West?

Key West is the further point of the continental USA and the last key you can drive to on a Florida Keys Road Trip. Something I didn’t realize when doing my Miami to Key West Road Trip was how narrow the highway is. There are many keys to explore along this 3 hour drive, but they are not necessarily “towns” that you can get off the freeway and walk around.

Everything is right off the highway, so if you want to go from your hotel to dinner, you need to go on the freeway and drive. For some reason I thought each key had a little town to walk around and explore?! 

Well, Key West was by far the most commercialized key that had a walkable downtown area. There are tons of things to do like boat tours, bar hopping on Duval Street (the famous main street), shopping in the historic Mallory Square, and so much more. Key West is the main Key in the Florida Keys and should definitely be the main focus of your trip!

Plus, it’s the closest key to the popular Dry Tortugas National Park ! 

Where to Stay in Key West

I was very surprised how easy it was to get around either by bikes or Uber / Lyft! If you called and Uber / Lyft, they came within seconds, which I thought in such a touristy and remote spot, there would not be any available but that was not the case!

Key West is pretty small, so you really can’t go wrong with the area that you choose to stay in. For me, I preferred to stay a little bit away from the hustle & bustle (not right in the downtown area), that way I could get a hotel that was right on the water & had it’s own private beach for relaxing!

I chose to stay at the brand new hotel, Capitana Key West !! It’s an opal property, which if you’ve never stayed at an Opal Property before.. you can thank me later 😉 They provide bottomless complimentary water bottles (which is always such a pain at hotels needing to buy a case of water), wrist band key cards so you don’t forget or lose them, & all the rooms are suite-size (ya know.. with a couch, kitchenette area, and ocean-view balcony).

Click here to check out the Capitana Key West Hotel!

If you would rather stay right in the downtown area, click here to check out hotels near Duval Street !

Capitana Key west

Weekend in Key West Itinerary

Like I said before, Key West is a very small place! I don’t think you need more than 3 days to see everything and have plenty of time to relax. In this perfect itinerary, you will be getting the perfect mix of touristy sites, adventure, relaxing, and best food recommendations!

And as always, I’ve listed a “Bonus Ideas” section at the bottom of this guide incase you want to extend your trip or swap something out! I have a ton of fun ideas for large groups too! 🙂

Okay, let’s dive in!!

Day 1: Touristy Site Seeing + Sunset Catamaran Cruise

On your first day in Key West, you are knocking out all the touristy sites! Key West is a very walkable island, with most of the sites walking distance from each other. 

If you would prefer to bike ride, bike riding is extremely common in the Keys! There are a few bike rental shops around, but my recommendation is Eaton Bikes ! They are located only a 5 minute bike ride from your starting point, affordable & have great reviews.

TIP: Or if you want to truly embrace your vacation mood, you can rent golf carts to get around the downtown area 😉

All of these stops are in walking order, so you can start from Stop #1 and work your way up! If you do all of the stops listed here, you should still have plenty of free time to explore shops, stop at a few bars along Duval Street, and relax a bit before the Sunset Catamaran Cruise 🙂

Stop #1: Southernmost Point Sign

Your first stop is the Southernmost Point Sign, which get’s BUSY. I would highly recommend showing up here first thing in the morning if you don’t want to wait 20+ minutes in line to get your photo taken..

I made the mistake of stopping here late in the afternoon and the line was down the block!! I ended up just snapping a quick photo from the side and calling it a day. Even the photographer side of me didn’t want to wait in a line that long!!

Southernmost Point in the Continental USA in Key West

Stop #2: Southernmost EVERYTHING

Next up, explore the entire “Southernmost Point” area, which I found hilarious!! There’s a Southernmost Point Bar, Southernmost Point Café, Southernmost Point Hotel, Southernmost Point Beach… you get the point, don’t ya? 😉

All of these sights are right next to the Southernmost Point Sign, impossible to miss!

Southernmost Point in kEy West

Be sure to follow along on Instagram: @MyPerfectItinerary

Stop #3: Hemingway’s House & Museum

Next up, head to one of the most famous spots in Key West, Hemmingway’s House & Museum , to see some 6 toed cats. 😉

Ernest Hemmingway was a famous author who settled in Key West in 1928 and built one of the largest houses of that time. He built the only pool in Key West that cost $20,000 back then (AKA a fortune!!), which is still there today.

He received his first cat, Snow White, from a ship’s captain that had a rare gene that caused the cat to have six toes. Till this day, there are snow white’s decedents roaming the property that all carry the rare gene of having six toes! Even if you choose not to tour the museum, you can still walk by the property to try to spot one of these cute cats! 🙂

Hemingway House Key West Six Toed Cats

Stop #4: Key West Lighthouse

Right next to the Hemingway House & Museum you can climb to the top of the Key West Lighthouse! It only takes 88 steps to get to the viewpoint at the top and on a clear day, you can see over 15 miles out.

Admission is super affordable (only $14 as of 2022), click here to buy your discounted tickets online!

If you are going for a special occasion (oh I don’t know, a proposal?!) , you can rent the entire lighthouse during sunset! This cute package include access to the museum, grounds & Lighthouse during the prime time of the day and you also get a wine & food basket to enjoy! 🙂 Click here to check it out!

Key West Lighthouse

Stop #5: Blue Heaven for the Best Key Lime Pie in Town

Blue Heaven is a historic restaurant in Key West, especially known for having the best Key Lime Pie in town! It was unfortunately under construction on my trip, but my friend who used to live in Key West said this place is a MUST for breakfast or lunch!

You can have your toes in the sand, listen to live music, and yummiest Key Lime Pie in town!

Blue Heaven Restaurant Key West

Stop #6: Mile Marker Zero

Next up, head to Mile Marker Zero which marks the beginning and end of US Highway 1! This is a pretty touristy stop that I wouldn’t go way out of your way to see, but lucky for you… this walking tour takes you right past it.

This exact spot is off the corner of Fleming Street & Whitehead Street , where you can find the Mile Marker Zero sign. There are also a few “End of the Road” gift shops to grab a souvenir 🙂

Mile Marker Zero in Key West Florida

Instagram @MyPerfectItinerary

If you start your day around 9am and complete these 6 stops, you should finish them all around 1pm! That leaves you plenty of time to wander the downtown area, hop in a few bars / shops, and head back to your hotel to freshen up for your Sunset Catamaran Cruise!

The main thing to do in Key West is anything on a boat. You will see a million tours offering to take you out to sand bars, snorkeling cruises, and of course.. sunset catamaran cruises!

I have done many sunset catamaran cruises in my lifetime, but this one was unique because they had a live band on board. Which I now learned.. is a MUST! 🙂 We luckily got paired on board with, what Joseph and I think, were professional dancers. They were putting on a show during the cruise and putting everyone else to shame, ha!

The exact tour I chose was Fury’s Sunset Catamaran Cruise which had bottomless wine, beer, and margaritas. They also had food & a live band on board. 

Click here for the tour I did!

sunset catamaran cruise in Key West

Day 2: Day trip to Dry Tortugas National Park

One of the most famous things to do in the Florida Keys is take a day trip to Dry Tortugas National Park . Located 70 miles off the coast of Key West, you can snorkel in protected and clear waters, learn about the history of Fort Jefferson, relax on the white sand beaches, and so much more!

You can only access this National Park by sea plane, personal boat, or Ferry. The ferry (which is definitely the most cost-effective way) operates a little differently than a standard ferry..

There is only one ferry time per day, so unless you have your own boat or are taking a sea plane, the only people going for the day are the people on the ferry with you. The ferry ride is 2 hours long and comes with:

  • Breakfast and Lunch
  • Snorkeling Equipment
  • Restrooms on board
  • Cash Bar (only on the way back to Key West)
  • 45 Minute Tour of Fort Jefferson

Click here to book your Ferry Ticket!

blog voyage key west

The ferry is two hours each way, so you would get about 4 hours to explore the island. Even though the ferry feeds you Breakfast & lunch, you want to make sure you pack anything else you need since there are no shops or restaurants when you get there. 

If you would rather have a luxury experience and also get to see Dry Tortugas National Park from above, you can travel by Sea Plane! You can opt in for half day or full day tours, giving you 2.5 or 6.5 hours to explore the park. 

Click here to book a sea plane tour!

Dry Tortugas Sea Plane Charter

After you’ve completed your adventure-filled day, here are some ideas for when you get back to Key West (which is around 5:15pm if you are doing the ferry) :

  • Have dinner at the best fresh sea food spot in Key West, Half Shell Raw Bar !
  • Watch the sunset celebration in Mallory Square (you will be doing this tomorrow for sunset, but it doesn’t hurt to see a beautiful sunset twice!)
  • Go bar hopping along Duval Street .
  • Relax at The Capitana’s Hotel Hot Tub!

Half Shell Raw Bar in Key West

Day 3: Private Boat Charter to Sand Bar

On the last day of your Key West itinerary, it’s time to end with a BANG! This is something that I plan on coming back to Key West to do because we ended up having a REALLY rainy day on our last day. All the local’s said it hasn’t rained like that day in over a year … so, just bad luck I guess? 🙂

Anyways, many local’s told us about their favorite activity in Key West which is taking a boat out to the sand bars! You can rent boats or go with a tour company, but their are many different sand bars a short boat ride away. 

I would recommend packing some drinks and sandwiches and spending the day on your own little slice of paradise! Here is a fun private tour that takes you out to sand bars!

TIP: If you are sick of being on a boat (which hey, maybe Key West isn’t the place for you?!), I would recommend relaxing at Key West’s largest and best beach: Smathers Beach! You can rent paddle boards, kayaks, and relax under the palm tree lined sand!

Smothers Beach in Key West Florida

Like how this photo was edited?! It was edited in ONE CLICK using my Preset Packs !

After relaxing in the sunshine all day, you will not want to miss Mallory Square’s nightly sunset celebration ! Every single night (unless it’s raining) street performers and crowds gather to celebrate the amazing Key West Sunsets. 

I would plan to get there about 30 minutes before sunset and stay at least 30 minutes after the sun sets when the colors really come alive!

Mallory Square Key West

For dinner, it’s time to head to Joseph & I’s favorite restaurant on Key West, LL’s Test Kitchen ! It’s so easy to get sick of “beach bar food” after a week of eating it for Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner. LL’s test kitchen has amazing, high quality food! 

We opted in for the Pasta Carbonara and it was seriously to die for! And on top of that, the view from their wrap around deck is 10/10!!

LL’s Test Kitchen in Key West

Bonus Ideas for Key West

  • Visit all the shops and museums in Mallory Square
  • Tiki Boat Cruise – Think your own tiki bar, but on a boat! 🙂
  • Get Cuban Coffee at Cuban Coffee Queen
  • Spend the day at the most beautiful beach, Smathers Beach !
  • Parasailing in Paradise – here is a great tour !
  • Rent Jet Skiis – This tour takes you to a sand bar and past the entire Southermost point area!
  • Kayak through mangroves – I did this in a different part of Florida and it was SO cool!

Kayaking at sweet water river florida

Kayaking through Mangroves

What to Pack for Key West

I never like to bore you with a long packing list, but I do always like to provide a few must-have recommendations for this specific trip! For traveling to Key West, here are some packing items I think you NEED!

1. Reef Safe Sunblock

If you are going in the water at any time, you need to wear Reef Safe Sunblock. There are living coral reefs just off the coast of the Florida Keys and they need everyone’s help to stay living! You can snag reef safe sunblock at almost any store, or you can grab my favorite one (SunBum) off Amazon! Click here for it.

2. A cute sun hat

This is my favorite sun hat that I recommend for all beachy destinations! It is super durable (perfect for travel) and not too big! And the perfect cherry on top… it’s super affordable!! Click here to check it out!

3.  One Click Photo Filters

DUH, of course you need a good set of presets so you can quickly edit on the go! Lucky for you, I have a wide selection of presets that you can choose from starting at only $3.49 per pack!! Click here to check them out 🙂

Common Q&A’s

How many days do you need in Key West?

I would say 3 days is the perfect amount of time to explore Key West. You could probably see most of the sites in 2 days, but I would leave yourself an extra day to relax and live the island life! This 3 day Key West Itinerary is perfect for seeing all the sites, day tripping to the famous national park nearby, and having tons of relaxation time 🙂

What is the best month to visit Key West?

Winter is busiest because the weather is the best (70 – 80 degrees with no humidity)! If you want to have nice weather but less crowds, I would travel during the shoulder season between March – May. I would not travel in the summer or fall if you want sunshine!

How long is the drive from Miami to Key West?

If you drive straight through from Miami to Key West, it would take you about 3.5 hours to complete. However, there are so many stops on a Miami to Key West Road Trip , so you should not drive straight through! Plus, there is often traffic that builds up on the main highway, since so many people are turning on & off it throughout the day.

Do you need a car in Key West?

I truly don’t think you need a car in Key West. The island is very small and easy to get around by bike riding, walking, or relying on Uber / Lyft. I stayed at the Capitana Key West , which was not in the downtown area, and had no problem getting around to the touristy sites!

Are Beaches Free in Key West?

Any beaches that are part of a state park or national park will be paid beaches. The biggest and best beach in Key West, Smathers Beach, is completely free and open to the public! Smathers Beach is located on the southeast side of the island, just in front of the airport. 🙂

Are there Alligators in Key West?

It is extremely rare to see an alligator in Key West. They typically do not travel that far down and would have a difficult time traveling on that narrow of a highway. If you want to see some alligators in the wild, I would recommend stopping at Everglades National Park !

Everglades National Park

Okay, that’s a wrap! I hope you found this Weekend in Key West Itinerary super useful and you have the best trip ever!!

Like I said before, I unfortunately went when the weather was not the best (which is SUPER rare for Key West). I already am itching to go back to explore all the things I didn’t get a chance to see!

Traveling to Florida? Here are some guides I think you would love:

  • Miami Itinerary
  • Miami to Key West Road Trip Guide
  • Best Day Trips from Clearwater Beach, Florida
  • 7 Day Itinerary to Clearwater Beach

Like this guide?! Pin it here!

Key West Itinerary


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  • Where to Stay

The Perfect 4 Day Key West Itinerary

We spent an amazing 4 days in Key West. Well, any time in Key West is amazing, right? The Kimpton Key West hosted us for a fun time. We explored all of their properties and tried a few new places for dinner. Along the way, I learned a few things I thought I would share about our Key West itinerary.

First off, let’s talk about planning an itinerary… do it, but don’t overdo it. Leave space in the day for random stuff. You are on vacation, after all, not every second of every day needs to be planned. Plan for an island time experience.

Below are affiliate links, which means we will earn a small commission at no extra charge to you. As always, thanks for your support.

Getting to Key West

key west airport arrival terminal

How do you get to Key West? There are really three ways… by car, by plane and by ferry.

A lot of airlines now offer direct flights into Key West. Or, you can fly into Miami International Airport and experience the Key West Road trip. If you have never done this, I would plan it at least once. Plan to make stops along the way. Check out the Everglades National Park, Key Largo, and other cool spots along the overseas highway. Did you know there are 11 National Parks in Florida? Two can be found in the Keys (the Everglades and the Dry Tortugas)

The Ultimate Road Trip from Miami to Key West

Along the Overseas Highway, you will notice everything is marked by mileage, with Mile Marker Zero being in Key West.

Rather take a ferry? Check out the Key West Express.

So… with the ground rules set… let’s see how to explore Key West, enjoy some downtime, AND have an amazing time in just 4 days.

The Beginning

Ok.. we planned this on purpose, we arrived very early in Key West. This meant we traveled with very little sleep, but that’s ok.

Side note, I booked our plane tickets directly with the airline. So, they set the schedule, departure/arrivals, and time for the layover. BUT, their itinerary only allowed for 25 minutes from touchdown to take off on our layover down. Might work, if you aren’t 10 minutes late leaving …. but, we managed to make the connecting flight, so all good. But, next time, I will ensure we have plenty of time between connections.

kevin and michele on an airplane

We always travel with carry-on only. It just makes the trip that much easier. Plus, for 4 days… you really don’t need that much stuff. Once we land it’s straight to the hotel. For this visit, we headed to Winslow’s Bungalows. This Kimpton property is just amazing.

Winslow’s Bungalows

Located at 725 Truman Ave, you are fairly close to everything. If you get tired of walking you can always take an Uber or the free Duval Loop bus. If you are taking a cab from the airport to the hotel, you may want to let them know it’s the Kimpton on Truman instead of Winslow’s Bungalows. The reason is these properties used to be part of the Historic Key West Inns, but now are part of the Kimpton family.

This property used to be the Chelsea House and Key Lime Inn. Kimpton has combined them into one property now known as Winslow’s Bungalows.

king bedroom at the kimpton inn key west

Here’s a bit of quick history about the property…..

  • It’s named after the famous painter and summer Key West resident Winslow Homer
  • Has 3 pools, an outdoor bar, and vibrant gardens
  • 85 guestrooms including 2 deluxe suites and is Kimpton’s largest Key West hotel
  • The room designs pay homage to the property’s past owners including an Army officer, an Irish steamboat Captain, and a circus performer
  • On the property is Maloney House, where the first mayor of Key West lived. He planted an amazing fruit grove that is still used by the hotel today.
  • The property has 3 stand-alone bungalows to accommodate guests wanting a bit more privacy
  • The property is very pet friendly. They offer Henry’s dog treats to their dog guests
  • If you want to try the famous Key West bagel made by Goldman’s, they are offered at breakfast (they are very very yummy)
  • Music is played at the pool bar
  • The old Blue Parrot Inn is across the street and is now part of this property. They have 11 rooms and their pool is called the serenity pool because they don’t play music and it offers a zen tranquil feeling

blog voyage key west

They didn’t have our room ready yet, remember we arrived early (before checkout). But, that was ok. They held our luggage so we could head off to have breakfast and a much needed cocktail to start the vacation off. Our breakfast of choice? Blue Heaven of course.

After breakfast, it was time to head back to the hotel and enjoy a bit of pool time. Best way to cool off and refresh after a day of traveling.

As you can see, our room was, perfect. Winslow’s Bungalows offers great spaces to relax and enjoy Key West. Not too far from the heart of Duval Street, this place offers three pools and an amazing pool bar.

Fully refreshed, we head out to explore. First stop… the Mile Zero sign. No vacation in Key West is complete without a picture in front of the Mile Zero sign.

Needing a place to cool off, we then headed over to the Custom House. This place offers rotating exhibits all about Key West and those who influenced Key West. Always a great stop. Some the coolest and best things can be found in their gift shop.

Now, it’s time for dinner. A favorite stop of ours is Sloppy Joe’s. I know, I know, it can be a bit touristy, but I still love this place. The food is always good, the drinks are poured strong and they offer live music. Who could ask for more?

Speaking of live music, plan a stop at the Smokin’ Tuna, one of the best places in Key West for music. They have an outdoor courtyard that offers shade and cold adult beverages.

Most of the time I suggest sunset celebration at Mallory Square, but this night, we opted for a different perspective. Sunset from the top of Schooner Wharf. This is the perfect place to see the harbor, enjoy a cold beverage and listen to live music.

drinks at blue heaven key west

Today, hubby heads off to enjoy a morning out on the water fishing. Me… well, I do what I love to do while in Key West, I head out for a morning walk. Who doesn’t love a morning walk around Key West? I love to look at the historic homes that are scattered all over this small island. It’s one of the great things about the Island, they have kept the charm and preserved its history.

Historic Walking Tour

When I get back, it’s time for breakfast. I head down this wandering path at Winslow’s and partake in their complimentary breakfast. It’s a basic continental breakfast. It’s served in the bar area. Enjoying my second (and maybe third) cup of coffee, I did a bit of work. Caught up on a few emails, and, worked on this blog post. At the bar, is a great spot to work. I don’t spend too much time working… after all, there is a lot more to see and do before Kevin returns from his fishing trip.

Kevin returned after a successful fishing trip, and we then set out for the next adventure. Kimpton Hotels hosted us for a tour of their Lighthouse property. This place is very cool Across the street from the Hemingway House, it offers a great view of the lighthouse and they have a very nice bar.

Not staying at the Lighthouse? No worries, the bar is open to the public, Plan to stop in and enjoy this place. The bartender is engaging and can mix many amazing cocktails. We had the best time trying the house specialties. We actually couldn’t decide which ones we liked best. It’s ok to like them all, right?

While in Key West, it seems to always be cocktail time. With that in mind, we had time before our dinner reservations and headed over to General Horseplay. This place is known for their cocktails and fun Happy Hour. It’s a great place to start off an evening.

For dinner… we were hosted by Poke in the Rear. Don’t overlook this place. It was, one of the best dinners we had while on Island.

sidewalk in key west with cat paw prints

Today we have a quick bite of breakfast and then head out to explore the streets of Key West. Being married to a photographer, I spend a lot of time wandering around. But, I wouldn’t have it any other way. We saw roosters, flowers, palm trees, and stickers. All my favorites.

Grabbed a cold brew from Cuban Coffee Queen and walked around the Historic Seaport.

Heard the band starting to play at Sunset Pier… which means we are stopping to listen and enjoy a cold beverage. Here’s where I would insert the idea of having free time built into your Key West itinerary. If you “had” to be somewhere … you might miss out on an awesome view, cold beverages, and amazing live music.

A few more stops for pictures and then we are heading back to Winslow’s Bungalows. Not only do they have a great pool bar and pool area, but they offered a free tasting of Mutiny rum. It was yummy and the story was just as interesting.

We didn’t have any dinner plans to speak of so we “thought” we would head over to Mallory Square and enjoy sunset and then play it by ear. I think that’s a great way to spend any evening in Key West, at least one night. No particular plans and let the evening unfold.

Well, as we walked by Little Pearl and saw they had two chairs open at the bar… and we hopped on the chance to eat at Little Pearl. This place offers a tasting style menu and is worth every penny if you can get a reservation.

rooster in key west

We have a later flight, also planned on purpose, which gives us almost a full day to play in Key West. What is always fun to see is the “guest” ships that dock at Mallory Square. On this day we were able to see the USCGC Eagle. This 295-foot, three-masted barque is used as a training vessel for future officers of the United States Coast Guard. This is also known as “America’s Tall Ship” and is the largest tall ship flying the Stars and Stripes and the only active square-rigger in US service. Very, very cool to see in Key West.

Then it was off to lunch at First Flight. This is the Southernmost microbrewery and they offer a great courtyard seating area and a wonderful menu.

Afterward, we head off to the airport to head home. As per usual, we grab a last vacation cocktail and share a frozen Key Lime pie on a stick (dipped in chocolate).

We tried new places for food and drinks and had plenty of down time to relax. That’s what makes the perfect vacation… a perfect balance.


I get it, we didn’t do much on this trip. But, we had a really good time. If this seems a bit too slow for you, then check out these ideas:

  • Take a guided tour – a food tour, a walking tour, a ghost tour ( see our recommendations here )
  • Take the ferry (or seaplane ) out to the Dry Tortugas National Park – be sure to book this one in advance as it sells out quickly.
  • Head out on the water to snorkel the coral reefs
  • Go up the Keys for a day trip and see Bahia Honda State Park, sea turtles, or the Key Deer on Big Pine Key.
  • 3 Reasons Smathers Beach is the best
  • Visit one of the 18 museums on the island… like the Truman Little White House

uscgc eagle

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The Ultimate Key West Travel Guide: Where to Eat, Drink, Stay and Play in Key West, Florida

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Earlier this Spring, I went down to the Florida Keys with eight of Kenny and my good friends and we had an absolute blast! I had been to the Florida Keys before with my family and knew I loved it down there in Key West , but this was my first time with Kenny and with friends. Key West is funky, colorful, eclectic, beachy, chill, rowdy and wild all at once. 

Key West has so much to offer for every kind of traveler, from families to couples to girls trips and groups of friends! 

Here is the ultimate Key West Travel Guide: Where to eat, drink, stay and play in Key West

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Where to stay in Key West

Ocean key resort & marina.

Beautiful waterfront hotel with romantic views and chic, island decor and a delicious restaurant called Hot Tin Roof. 

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Casa Marina Key West, A Waldorf Astoria Resort

One of the only hotels in Key West with direct beach access, this is one of the luxest places to stay in Key West. 

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On a Sailboat

We stayed a few nights on this BOAT – which I highly recommend. We stayed on board took the catamaran sailboat out for the day (they provide you with a captain) but otherwise it was docked in the chic marina.

Even when it’s docked, it’s SO fun to be on a boat, and you have access to the nice hotel right in the marina, too for an easy pool, and a really good bar and restaurant to hang out in. There’s something about a happy hour in the marina that just hits different, ya know??

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Our catamaran in Key West – which we LOVED! and slept 9 people

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Other boats you can rent:

6 person catamaran in Key West

8 person yacht – sleeps 6 in key west, duval house .

Located right on Duval Street – this cute hotel is PERFECT for a group trip to Key West and to be centrally located.

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Hanging with my girls in the courtyard at Duval House (wearing our Kenny Flowers bikinis and matching sarongs !)

The Perry Hotel Key West 

This is the hotel connected to the Marina in Key West – so you have access to it if you’re staying on a boat. It was SUPER nice and we ate here a couple nights. The bar makes delicious cocktails, and the pool is a great spot to spend the day. The only downside is it’s 20 minutes from Duval Street and downtown, but it’s kind of nice to be tucked away, too. 

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Ocean’s Edge Resort & Marina

15 minutes outside of Key West, which is great to be a little tucked away from the Duval St. craziness. Popular with families, couples. 

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Where to eat in Key West

Blue heaven.

You must, must, MUST eat brunch at Blue Heaven – this place is easily one of my favorite restaurants in the WORLD, and it’s absolutely worth the hype. I get the lobster BLT eggs benedict – with avocado instead of tomato – and it is  heaven . They home-make all their breads too so make sure you try the banana bread – and a bloody mary – so yummy!

Louie’s Backyard

For the best views and waterfront dining – and the most delicious Caribbean-American cuisine dinner in Key West, Louie’s is the spot! A must stop on any trip to Key West. 

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Santiago’s Bodega

Upscale tapas and delicious sangria.

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Eaton Street Seafood

Casual seafood market – Go for the lobster roll. 

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Misohappy Key West

The best freshest sushi in Key West! 

First Flight Brewery

I loved this little garden restaurant for casual, all-American food. Great spot for dining with a group in Key West. 

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What to do in Key West

Rent bikes.

Biking around Key West is a really fun way to see the island. They have bike rentals all over KW- but we rented from Blue Sky Rentals on Duval Street.

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Watch the sunset in Mallory Square

Watching the sunset in Mallory Square is essentially a religion in Key West. Every night, street performers, artists, and the like gather in Mallory Square for a sunset celebration. It’s fun to walk around and see! 

Go to the beach!

Check out Fort Zachary Taylor – a Florida state park with great snorkeling. 

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The best bars to go out in Key West

When it comes to Key West nightlife, there’s no shortage of fun and funky bars to check out. I loved the live music at Sloppy Joe’s Bar, and my favorite going out spot was the upstairs of Rick’s Key West – which has a huge outdoor space and was super fun. From there, you can walk up and down Duval Street and there’s a ton of fun bars. 

What to know before your trip to Key West

It’s a popular spot! Make your dinner reservations ahead of time – especially if you have a group. I was shocked that we couldn’t get in some of the best restaurants in Key West – even on a weekday! So definitely make those reservations, and you’ll be all set. 

The weather in Key West is amazing year round – but you do have to watch out for hurricane season from June through early November.

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WRITTEN BY: Christina

Christina is a leading luxury lifestyle and travel blogger with over 2 million readers. Follow her on instagram @jetsetchristina.


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Quick Whit Travel

The 10 Best Things to Do in Key West

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Key West was the sunshiney, happy, fun island vacation we needed, right when we needed it! We had great food, iconic experiences, and even had a few “firsts” while we were there. Here’s our top 10 list of the things we did, and the things we think need to make their way on to your list!

10. Tour the Oldest House

Start here! This was a great little tour with loads of background information that will help you enjoy Key West even more. Not only that, they have an absolutely gorgeous garden space out back! It’s easy to find on Duvall Street, and I know you won’t want to miss it.

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Keep reading: 7 Travel Rules You Don’t Know Until Someone Tells You

9. have a frozen cafe con leche at keys coffee co..

This was the best coffee I had in all of Key West, and I only got a sip! I got the coconut breve because it sounded the most “island-y” and it was the “thing” to get at this coffee shop. Steve got the frozen cafe con leche, and it was definitely the more fun choice! It was like a coffee milkshake–but better. Don’t miss out!

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More here: 20 Trips to Take in Your 20s

8. take in the view from the key west lighthouse.

This was an unexpected treat! We made friends with a local with ties to the museums in Key West, and he kindly gave us a pass for a complimentary visit to the lighthouse. We actually love to find a high point and get a lay of the land, so this was perfect. I definitely recommend a visit to the lighthouse and its museum–both of which are included in your ticket!

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Read on: Epic Landscapes of the World

7. take your picture at the southernmost point.

You have to do it! If you go to Key West and don’t take a picture at the Southernmost Point, there’s not actual evidence that you were ever in Key West at all. (Wink, wink!) But really, it’s not hard to avoid the line if you go early (before 10:00am), and the sun is in a better position in the morning anyway. Fun fact, though: this is not the southernmost point in the United States, only the continental United States! The southernmost point in all of the USA is actually on the Big Island of Hawaii !

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More here: Travel Mistakes You May Be Making

6. explore the mel fisher maritime museum.

This was well worth a visit! Mel Fisher was a “wrecker” (shipwreck hunter) or “salver” (someone who salvages from shipwrecks) who salvaged actual treasure from a ship off the shores of Key West in the 1980s! Much of that treasure is on display here. Parts of the Spanish ship Atocha and its treasure are still at the bottom of the sea, but this museum will hit the highlights for you!

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Related: Should You Take a Seaplane or Ferry to Dry Tortugas National Park?

5. get coffee at the cuban coffee queen.

And get a picture with the mural! This is such a fun spot for coffee, breakfast, lunch, or supper, but the best part is the coffee ice cubes in their iced coffees. You won’t have to worry about it getting watered down as they melt! I can also recommend the Cuban Mix sandwich!

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More here: The Best Food in Key West

4. visit president truman’s little white house museum.

Did you know there’s a president’s house you can tour in Florida? You can, and it’s in Key West! This was a great tour, especially for history lovers, but FYI, you’re not allowed to take photos inside. Why? It’s still an active presidential retreat, so the no photo rule is for security purposes. It’s still worth a visit, though!

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Get all the details: Visiting Truman’s Little White House Key West

3. visit the hemingway house museum.

Like the Southernmost Point, a trip to Key West is not complete without a trip to Hemingway’s House! It was fun to learn about the man behind the legend, all four of his wives, how he spent his “last cent,” and of course, meet all the sweet, 6-toed cats!

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Get the whole experience: Visiting the Hemingway House Museum

2. take a seaplane to dry tortugas national park.

This was one completely epic experience! Neither Steve nor I had ever been in a seaplane before, but it was a ton of fun. Landing and taking off from the water was so exciting, as was the scenic flight and getting to see the Dry Tortugas and Fort Jefferson from the air. It was well worth taking the seaplane over the ferry!

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More here: What it’s Like Taking the Seaplane to Dry Tortugas

1. try all the key lime pie.

This was the best part! We tried to eat all the key lime pie, but of course, three days was not enough! It sure was fun, trying, though. My personal favorite was the meringue-topped variety we found at both Blue Heaven and Moondog Cafe, but chocolate-covered wasn’t too bad either!

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Don’t miss this! The Best Key Lime Pie in Key West

Want more? All my Florida and Key West posts are up on my United States Page !

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Virgin Voyages Live Blog (Day 2): Key West, Key Lime, and Treasure

From being adults only to including things like gratuities and wi-fi into your fare to even getting rid of the buffet and main dining room, Virgin breaks the mold in cruising.

But what’s it really like? I recently booked a four-day cruise aboard Virgin Voyages’ Scarlet Lady to see just exactly what’s so different about the line and if the new style of sailing is worth it. You can follow along as I experience what the trip is like sailing for the first time on the line.

You can read other days of the cruise here:

  • Day 1: First Impressions of a Completely Different Cruise Line
  • Day 3: No Kids Allowed in Paradise
  • Day 4: A Must-Have Meal & What’s the Final Verdict on Virgin?

Key West: Sunken Treasure, Six-Toed Cats, and Lobster Pizza

After finally getting settled into a new cabin around 2 a.m. following the first day of the cruise ( details on what happened here ), needless to say I slept in a bit longer than usual on the second day of the cruise.

And when I finally did wake up and make my way out the door, I was reminded of why interior cabins like mine can play tricks on you a little bit. The previous day in Miami had spotty rain but today we were docked in Key West. While I’ve never visited, in my mind’s eye it’s always sunny in Key West.

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Well, getting up this morning I obviously didn’t have a way to see outside. It wasn’t until I went up to the pool deck to cross the ship and get a look at the island that I saw it was absolutely pouring rain. In fact, without a covered way across the top decks of the ship, I actually had to head back inside, go down a floor and walk through cabins before coming back up near The Galley for some breakfast.

Turns out, however, that sleeping late actually worked to my advantage. Instead of getting off the ship right when it docked and getting caught in the weather, I was able to take my time, wait it out, and watched as it cleared up later in the morning.

Despite dozens of cruises, one spot I have never visited was Key West. Needless to say, I was excited. Being a first-time tourist here, I wanted to see all the highlights and try to fit them into a single day.

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The first stop was the Mel Fisher Maritime Museum. If you aren’t familiar, Mel Fisher was a treasure hunter who discovered the wreck of the Atocha, a Spanish ship that sank in the early 1600s. The wreck is said to be the most valuable ever found, and many artifacts including silver and gold bars, are on display at the museum. Also on display are cannon, weapons pulled from the wreck, and a number of personal items that help to put a human face on the treasure. It’s also right near the cruise port, making it an easy visit. If you are captivated by things like shipwrecks and treasure hunting, it’s a must see.

From there, it was down Whitehead Street to arguably the most famous house in Key West (yes, even more famous than Harry Truman’s Winter White House) — the home of Ernest Hemingway.

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During the walk along the way, you start to get a feel for the island and why it captures the imagination of so many people. Sure, there is the busy party area near the port. But walk down a little from there, and it’s quiet, narrow streets shaded by large trees and lush foliage. The houses are all brightly painted. There are wild chickens running around everywhere. It gives of a feeling like no other city in the United States I’ve visited. Compared to most places in America, it almost feels foreign.

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Hemingway’s two-story house is a major attraction and there certainly were plenty of people there to visit. The time it takes to tour is fairly short. I walked the main house in about 10-15 minutes. What I wasn’t expecting, however, was how much the cats steal the show. Hemingway’s home is well-known for having six-toed cats. What I didn’t know is that they are everywhere. Instead of an author’s house that happens to have cats, it seemed like a cat’s house that used to home to an author.

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To be honest, visitors also seemed much more interested in saying hi to the cats, and I don’t blame them. There are big cats. There are small cats. There are orange cats, black cats, and brown cats. And they all seem used to having plenty of people visiting their home.

Keep walking down the street from Hemingway’s home and you soon have crossed the island, ending up at the famous southernmost point marker. What most people don’t see is that just outside of the photos you see on Facebook and Instagram, there’s a long line of people waiting to get their picture. Rather than dealing with that wait, I just snapped a quick picture of the marker itself in between others posing and kept on exploring.

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One thing I liked about Key West is that you can see so much without needing a tour guide. The entire area is walkable and seemingly every block has something that’s interesting to see. Just down the street from the southernmost point, I saw a sign advertising “World Famous Lobster Pizza.” Curiosity piqued, I sat beachside at the Seaside Café and ordered the house specialty for lunch.

Watching the ocean as chickens darted back and forth, the waiter brings out the pizza. Basil, oil, cheese, and plenty of lobster… it was one of the best things I’ve ever eaten. It’s pricey (about $30), but if you are in Key West, I highly recommend it.

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Following a lunch that consisted of way too much pizza, for some reason walking didn’t sound near as enjoyable as it did in the morning. Instead, I took advantage of the free bus that runs a circle around the western side of the island. It advertises itself as “Free and Frequent” but they also don’t mention that it has amazing air conditioning that hit the spot after walking all morning in the heat and humidity that comes after a hard rain.

I took advantage of the afternoon to explore some of the more touristy spots closer to the ship. It’s a lot of kitschy shops selling all sort of tacky souvenirs, mixed in with a number of museums, an aquarium, and more. During my exploration I stumbled upon The Original Key Lime Pie Bakery, which even after too much lunch I made room for. The sign on the door says key lime pie was made here in 1856… and who am I to argue with a sign?

Following a little bit more window shopping and exploring, it was back to the ship.

Back Aboard: One Show I’ve NEVER Seen on a Cruise

If there is one negative of this trip so far, it has to be that restaurant and event reservations have been hard to come by. To eat, there is The Galley, which is a collection of several spots where you can drop in as you want and get something to eat. It’s not a buffet as there are no troughs of food that sit out while passengers serve themselves, but it’s all ready made and a plate is made for you as you want.

Then there are the sit-down restaurants. On most ships these would be specialty dining (steakhouse, Italian, Mexican, and more), but here they are included. The only issue is that spots are all filled up days in advance. They say there are some walk-in spots available, but due to scheduling of other events I haven’t had a chance to try.

It’s a similar issue with events around the ship. Some require a reservation and they seem to go quickly. If you aren’t on the ball, then you’re going to miss some things you want to see. The good news is that several shows play multiple times.

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Luckily, I was able to snag a seat for Duel Reality. In this show, two groups of performers (red versus blue) have a “fight” whereby they do different stunts and acrobatics. There are performers climbing 25-foot poles, juggling, being suspended in air, and other things that simply make you hold your breath due to the risk. The highlight was two performers springing up and down on a seesaw, taking turns launching the other in the air, where they would flip and twist. The story itself was a bit cheesy with fake fighting, but the stunts were top notch.

That was followed up with something I’ve certainly never seen on a cruise — a drag show. One difference with Virgin Voyages is that with the adult crowd they can take some risks and do things you don’t see elsewhere. In this case, the “Diva” — complete with a bright orange beehive hairdo — cracked jokes, pulled gags, danced, sang, and offered up plenty of sexual innuendo (and most of it not very subtle!).

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I can’t imagine seeing this on any other line, but there’s no doubting it was a funny show and something memorable. Just know that if you’re uncomfortable hearing sex jokes, you might want to skip this one! 

But the big event of the night was that this was “Scarlet Night.” Most cruise lines have things like a neon party or and ’80s party in one spot during the cruise. Virgin, of course, is a little different.

They offer up Scarlet Night and it’s a shipwide event. Like formal night, everyone across the ship is encouraged to dress up. This time, however, it’s a theme of wearing red. Then the ship is transformed into a full theme party, complete with red mood lighting everywhere, decorations, music, and performers randomly coming and going around the ship to keep things interesting.

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I’ve got to say that it’s a fun twist that combines the full-ship experience of formal night with something that’s less traditional. Judging by the crowd, all the red everywhere also seemed to put people in a romantic mood.

Day 3 sees the ship visit Virgin’s Beach Club in Bimini.

Interesting Observations

  • This is one cruise where you can always find some space for you and your partner to have some quiet time. While certain areas will definitely get busy, look around and you’ll find private loungers, daybeds, and chairs easily. I’ve noticed that many people seem to have their own private hot tubs at night. If you’re someone that thinks cruise ships have too many people, Virgin may be ideal.
  • I mentioned the rainstorms that we’ve had so far on this cruise. One benefit was tonight I stepped out onto the pool deck to check it out and on the horizon was a lightning storm in the distance. Mother Nature can put on one hell of a show.

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  • Virgin Voyages Embarkation & Ports Review: Key West, Beach Club at Bimini

Posted by Takeoff To Travel | Feb 11, 2024 | Cruises , Reviews and Reports | 2

Virgin Voyages Embarkation & Ports Review: Key West, Beach Club at Bimini

In this post:

I recently came back from a Virgin Voyages cruise out of Miami, and I felt like it was a breath of fresh air for cruising. Virgin Voyages Embarkation and disembarkation were a breeze, and we visited two ports on our four-night journey dubbed “Fire and Sunset Soirees”. This post highlights the Virgin Voyages embarkation and disembarkation process, as well as the ports visited on this trip.

Virgin Voyages Cruise Report

Check out my other reviews onboard Virgin Voyages below

  • Virgin Voyages Scarlet Lady: Sea Terrace Cabin Review
  • Virgin Voyages Dining Review Onboard Scarlet Lady
  • Virgin Voyages Scarlet Lady: Ship & Entertainment Review

Itinerary- Fire & Sunset Soirées

First Day: Miami, Florida- 6 PM Departure (All Aboard 2 Hours Before)

Second Day: Key West, Florida- 8 AM to 5 PM

Third Day: At Sea

Fourth Day: Beach Club at Bimini, Bahamas- 8 AM to 7 PM

Fifth Day: Miami, Florida- 6:30 AM Arrival


Online check-in.

Since Virgin Voyages, provides late checkout, boarding does start a bit later than other cruise lines and generally begins at 2 pm. I booked my cruise relatively last minute less than a month out, and so when I went to check-in online, the time slots for me to choose for embarkation were 3 to 3:45 pm and I chose a 3:15 pm slot.

Arrival at Terminal V

Virgin Voyages has their own new terminal in Miami called Terminal V. Once you arrive, you can drop off your bags if you’d like, or proceed to check-in. We just had a carry-on bag and a backpack, so we didn’t need help with our bags. Then, we took the escalators to the check-in, and there was no line. We were quickly helped by a friendly associate who gave us our bands which are a bracelet and would serve as our room key and card for onboard purchases.

a glass doors with red letters on it for Virgin Voyages Embarkation

Terminal V Entrance

a line of people in a building for Virgin Voyages Embarkation

Terminal V Check-In

Shortly after, we went through security and then passed the empty waiting area. I assume if you arrive earlier you may have to wait here, but since our boarding time was later, we walked right on the ship! The whole process took about 15 minutes and was very seamless.

a large room with red couches and tables for Virgin Voyages Embarkation

Terminal V Waiting Area

I’ve been to Key West before back in 2019, and I wasn’t that impressed with it. I had similar sentiments this time. It gives off old-school vibes and is mainly filled with old Dive Bars. Despite its tropical charm, the city is not my cup of tea, but some people may like it.

a sign on a building

Key West Saloon

One cool landmark in Key West is the fact that Pam Am was founded here, The airline was founded in 1927 as a mail and passenger service, operating between Key West, Florida, and Havana, Cuba. It was the principal and largest international air carrier and unofficial flag carrier for the United States from 1927 until its demise in 1991.

a sign on a building

Pan Am’s Original Home

The ticket office for Pan Am has since been converted into a restaurant & bar called First Flight which is cool. So, I did visit for a beer and checked out the gift shop on the way out. I got a cup as I love anything airline-related.

a sign on a post

Beach Club at Bimini

The Virgin Voyages Bimini Beach Club is part of the expansive Resorts World complex, which also includes a Hilton hotel. When Virgin Voyages is at port, the Beach Club is exclusive only to ship guests which is nice.

They also had short excursions some of which included visiting a shipwreck and shark snorkeling & scuba diving.

a cruise ship docked at a dock

Docked at Bimini

The beach club is over a mile away from the ship, but thankfully trams run quite regularly, and we never waited more than 5 minutes for one. The ride from the port to the beach club is about 15 minutes long. On the way there, it also made an intermediate stop at Fisherman’s Village if you wanted to stroll around some shops or rent a golf cart to explore the island. On the ride back, the tram stopped in front of the Hilton Resorts World, in case you wanted to check out the casino. We did a quick visit to the Hilton and played a bit of slots before catching the tram back to the ship.

a white bus with a canopy

Bimini Beach Club Entrance

Arriving at Bimini Beach Club

Upon entry, you’ll pass a covered area with an info desk to the left and a bar to the right.

a map of a resort

Map of Bimini Beach Club

Going further, there are two large Lagoon pools one on the left and one on the right.

a man in a pool with umbrellas and palm trees

Additionally, there are bars spread out across the club. The right side has a DJ booth, and the pool party starts at 1 pm where they bring pool floaties and start playing more party jams.

a wooden bar on a beach

One of the small bars

a group of people sitting in a pool

When we arrived around 10, a lot of the pool chairs were taken, but I was actually able to find a lounger within the water which was kind of cool. Servers did come around to take drink orders, but it was a bit slow, so we ended up grabbing drinks at the bar ourselves. Your wearable band extends to the Beach Club, and you can use your Bar Tab here as well. Additionally, the free WiFi from the ship extends here too.

a pool with chairs and people in the background

Poolside Loungers

Other areas include Belvedere Beach, which had loungers with umbrellas and sand, despite not being along the water. And, hammocks were available in the hideaway.

a group of blue lounge chairs and umbrellas on a beach

Belvedere Beach Loungers

The beach was nice, with plenty of chairs to lounge. They had some cute daybeds and larger clamshell seats, but most of those were occupied by the time we arrived. The water in January was a tad cold, but it was still warm enough for me to swim for a bit. Additionally, cabanas were available to rent for a fee.

a beach with a large metal ball and palm trees

Beach Seating

a beach with people swimming in the water

Nice Beach!

RockStar Perks

If you are booked in the ships’ RockStar suites, there is a special VIP area on the left side of the Beach Club just for you called the Rockstar Retreat. They have a private section of the beach with nicer lounge chairs, and the food selection is brought to you by dedicated servers.

Both sides have “Beach Eats” where you can grab lunch that is Caribbean-inspired. You order at a counter, and you’ll be provided your selections on a tray, so no having to self-serve like a buffet. Here, soft drinks including fountain soda and water are included and are self-serve.

The Beach Club at Bimini Menu

  • Bahamian Mango & Macadamia Nut Salad
  • Watermelon & Jicama Salad
  • Lechon Asado
  • Caribbean Rice and Black Beans
  • Red Snapper & mango Ceviche
  • West Indian Pumpkin Curry
  • Grilled Honey Jerk Chicken Thigh
  • Grilled Corn on the Cob
  • Crispy Cassava
  • Tropical Fruit Salad

a tray of food on a table

Beach Eats Lunch

a tray with food on it

Soft Drinks

The selections I tried were decent, but not as good as the food on the ship. It would be nice if they had the same caliber of food here as on the ship. Perhaps that is something they can improve on in the future.


You can select your disembarkation time towards the end of the sailing, and the app will send you a push notification. In the app under “On Shore Things”, you’ll be able to select a time. We chose the latest possible slot which was 10:15 am because we had a mid-afternoon flight and wanted to get the most sleep. For reference, the earliest slot was 7:30 am.

I really appreciate Virgin Voyages allowing later check-out times so you can have a solid night’s sleep, and not feel obligated to go to bed early the last night. 10:15 am is a lot better than the 8 am checkout I had on Royal Caribbean.

We left our room at 10:15 and went to the Roundabout to walk off at our leisure. You could put your bags out the night before for the staff to have the bags waiting for you at the cruise terminal, but we chose to walk off as we just had carry-ons. Customs took no time at all, and we just walked out of the terminal.

a purple sign with a picture of a man Virgin Voyages Embarkation

Elevator Signage for Disembarkation

The rideshare area was a bit crowded, so definitely be patient when calling an Uber/Lyft. It took us about 20 minutes to get someone, but then we were on our way to Fort Lauderdale Airport to catch our flight home.

The Verdict

Overall, I found the Virgin Voyages embarkation and disembarkation process to be quite seamless. It has been definitely the quickest compared to my other cruises (Princess, Holland America, Royal Caribbean). I do appreciate how Virgin allows you to check out of your stateroom later than the other cruise lines so that you can get a full night’s sleep. As for the ports on this voyage, they were fine for quick stops, but I may stay on the ship next time if I end up in Key West again.

Have you sailed with Virgin Voyages before? What did you think of the Virgin Voyages Embarkation process? Share below!

As a Gold tier First Mate travel agent with Virgin Voyages, I’m happy to help make your cruise booking as seamless as possible. From helping you secure a restaurant reservation to gaining you priority boarding, I’m here to assist. Simply use my booking link  to discover your next Virgin Voyage and I’ll assist you on your journey! Have any questions? Comment below or email me at [email protected]. You can also view all my other posts here! Thanks for stopping by!

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Takeoff To Travel

Hi everyone! The travel bug hit me at the age of eight on my first flight and ever since then I’ve loved planning vacations for my friends and family. My goal is to try out new hotel chains and sample the many airline cabins out there. Having been both a city boy and living in the suburbs, I love traveling to all destinations both big and small.

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If only the ship wasn’t quite so ugly.

Takeoff To Travel

Haha that’s exactly how my travel companion felt, but said it looked better in person! Thanks for reading!

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Dotted Globe

Ultimate 3 Days in Key West Itinerary for Beach Lovers

Key West, Florida is one of the most popular destinations in the USA.

With its beautiful beaches, charming old town area, and amazing tropical weather year round, many visitors have this southern Florida vacation on their bucket list! 

Key West is rich in history and culture, with a diverse population that makes it an exciting place to visit.

Key West has plenty of attractions such as Ernest Hemingway’s Home & Museum, Duval Street with its eclectic stores, clubs, and restaurants, Historic Key West Seaport, southernmost point, the Key West lighthouse, and its beaches. 

Our Key West itinerary takes you around the many amazing attractions the city has to offer. 

Tourists can also enjoy many water attractions such as snorkeling, scuba diving, whale watching, dolphin watching, deep sea fishing, kayaking and guided tours by boat or airboat!

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Weekend in Key West Itinerary

Explore Key West in a weekend or 3 days by following our perfect Key West itinerary.

Enjoy the attractions and activities including pretty beaches, historic sites, and amazing restaurants.

If you find yourself in Key West for a weekend trip, here is what you should do to make the most of your visit:

Day 1: Old Town Key West

Start your day by exploring Old Town Key West and its historic buildings.

Next stop, Southernmost Point in Key West and eat some famous key lime pie.

End your day at Duval Street and Mallory Square.

Old Town Key West

There are lots of things to do and see in Old Town, making it a popular first stop on the Key West Weekend itinerary.

You can walk to see the historic buildings on a self guided tour and see attractions such as Railroad Depot and East Martello Fort.

You can also take the hop on hop off Old Town trolley tours which stop at all popular attractions.

See the hens walking down the streets, browse shops such as the Conch Shop, and stop at Sloppy Joe’s for some drinks.

Key West Southernmost Point Buoy

Key West’s Southernmost Point Buoy is a popular spot to visit in Key West.

This is the southernmost point in the continental United States.

The buoy is an iconic symbol for visitors to see while they are exploring Key West Southernmost Park and Pier.

Try some Key Lime Pie

One of the most popular things to do in Key West is to enjoy some delicious key lime pie!  

This sweet & tart dessert tastes especially refreshing when you’re spending your day soaking up the sun while exploring this island paradise. 

Key Lime Pie has been a staple in Key West for over 100 years and there are several restaurants famous for the delicacy.

Some of the best restaurants to try key lime pie include Ricky T’s, Florida Keys Café, Key Lime Pie Company, and Conch Republic Grille.

Definitely add this to your bucket list, while spending 2 days in Key West.

Sunset Celebration at Mallory Square

One of the most well-known events in Key West is the daily Sunset Celebration at Mallory Square.

Mallory Square is the heart of Key West. It is located right on the water and has an unobstructed view of the ocean! 

Locals and tourists alike come here to enjoy stunning sunsets, live music, street performers, food stands, and souvenir shopping. 

Watching the day end with a brilliant display of colors in the sky over the Gulf of Mexico at Mallory Square is an unforgettable experience.

The Mallory Square sunset celebration draws large crowds daily. We recommend arriving early for the best views.

Duval Street Shopping & NightLife

Buy amazing souvenirs for yourself and loved ones on Duval Street in Key West.

If you’re more interested in going out at night than buying key west souvenirs, then Duval Street also has an excellent nightlife scene with karaoke, DJs and live bands!

You can go bar hopping and paint the town red on your Key West trip.

Sleep and wake up early to finish your Key West itinerary 2 days.

Day 2: Museums and beaches

See your favorite museums before leaving Key West.

We recommend the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum or Harry Truman White house.

If you have small kids, consider visiting the Key West aquarium.

Relax on the beaches near Fort Zachary Taylor and have a picnic on the sand – a must activity on the Key West itinerary 3 days.

End the day at the Historic Seaport admiring the docked boats and enjoying fresh seafood.

Harry S Truman Little White House

The Truman Little White House is a historic house museum in Key West, Florida. It was the winter White House for President Harry S. Truman. 

The property includes a beautiful Victorian cottage) and grounds that offer spectacular views of Old Town Key West. 

On guided historic tours of the property, visitors can see several artifacts including paintings by Norman Rockwell; period furniture such as writing desk used by Franklin Roosevelt and sofas given to Truman by Queen Elizabeth; books about Truman, as well as his personal items.

The Truman Little White House is a must for history lovers!

Ernest Hemingway Home Museum

Key West’s top attraction for literary lovers!

The Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum is a house museum in Key West, Florida.

The house has been carefully restored with original furnishings and offers historic tours to visitors.

Visitors can see his writing desk, first editions of Ernest Hemingway books on the walls as well as other personal items he used during his time there. 

The house is a U.S. National Historic Landmark and popular for its architecture, gardens, six toed cats, and proximity to Duval Street.

Key West Aquarium

The Key West aquarium has a collection of more than 40,000 aquatic plants and animals for visitors to explore.

It’s a great resource for Key West visitors who want to learn about the incredible creatures that live in the waters of southern Florida.

Fort Zachary Taylor State Park

Fort Zachary Taylor State Park is one of the most popular tourist destinations for those visiting Key West. 

Located on the coast, it offers a spectacular view of both the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. 

This historic fort was built to defend Key West from pirates and foreign invaders. Today, it is home to a museum with exhibits on the history of Key West. 

Visitors can also enjoy biking or hiking along the trails around the park. The park also has picnic tables with sweeping views of the ocean. 

Key West Lighthouse

There are many reasons why the Key West Lighthouse is a tourist destination. 

It’s situated on Fort Zachary Taylor and has been restored to its original condition.

On a tour, visitors can also explore the lighthouse and its grounds to see attractions such as an old cistern with a conch shell motif, cannons that date back to the 19th century, and beautiful views of Old Town Key West and the Atlantic Ocean. 

The best time to visit this historical landmark is at sunset.

For many, the light is the highpoint of the weekend in Key West, Florida.

Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservancy

This beautiful conservancy is a must-see attraction in Key West – definitely visit it if you have the time on your Key West 2 day itinerary.

The Key West Butterfly and Nature conservatory features live exhibits with nearly two hundred species of native insects including many endangered or threatened species or butterflies.

The nature conservatory has lush tropical gardens that are beautiful to take a stroll and offers amazing views of the coastline.

Key West Historic Seaport

The Historic Seaport is a place that exhibits the unique history and architecture of Key West’s past.

You will find museums, historic buildings, ships in docks, buskers dressed as pirates, and people strolling on the boardwalk.

The historic Seaport also has many bars and restaurants and is the perfect place to eat fresh seafood including raw oysters and conch fritters or to gulp down an oyster shooter!

After enjoying two days in Key West, head back with awesome tropical memories in your head!

Day 3 in Key West

For those visiting Key West and looking for ways to extend your trip or explore this part of Florida, here are some day trips that can be done from this southern Florida city.

Dry Tortugas National Park

The Dry Tortugas National Park is a remote, uninhabited group of islands and reefs well-known for its rich natural beauty. 

It consists of seven small islands (only six are open to visitors) and the surrounding marine area near Key West. 

The national park is located at the end of the Florida Keys, 90 miles west of Key West.

Dry Tortugas National Park is accessible only via ferry boat – the Yankee Freedom III – or by sea plane tour – both which depart from Key West.

The park is often visited on a day trip by tourists who want to experience the unspoiled nature in an untouched environment. 

The park’s main attraction is Fort Jefferson which was never completed but remains one of America’s most massive brick structures. 

Visitors can explore the island on foot or by boat, camp out under the stars, see the massive Fort Jefferson, or take advantage of one of many water activities available such as fishing, snorkeling and kayaking. 

Dry Tortugas has no lodging or campground facilities so visitors must bring their own food and water with them. 

Read More: Visit Dry Tortugas National Park day trip via Yankee Freedom ferry from Key West

Bahia Honda State Park

There are several state parks in the Florida Keys, but the most popular one is Bahia Honda.

It’s about an hour north of Key West and includes a nature trail that will lead to one of the most beautiful beaches in Florida.

The road here goes over the Seven Mile Bridge and offers panoramic views of the islands.

Florida Keys Road Trip

Key West makes the perfect base for exploring the small islands of the Florida Keys, including Key Largo.

The Florida Keys have a unique culture and way of life. They are an island chain that is known for their laid-back attitude, beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and warm weather. 

The Florida Keys also have some of the best fishing in the world! 

The water here is home to many unique species such as manatees, iguanas, and sea turtles, making snorkeling and scuba diving popular activities. 

You can extend your road trip on the popular Overseas Highway or US-1 all the way to Miami.

Apart from the Overseas Highway road trip, you can also enjoy other attractions such as Dolphin Research Center and state of the art Turtle Hospital on Marathon Key, John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, Florida’s first undersea park, which is home to a living coral reef, and the Islamorada artist community.

Read: Road trip Miami Florida Keys Itinerary

There are many other attractions near Key West such as the exclusive Sunset Key, Key Largo, and the Everglades!

Spend a day on the water

One of the most popular tours in Key West is kayaking to see marine life like manatees, Roseate Spoonbills, and dolphins.

Water Sports is also popular in Key West.

You can rent watercrafts like jet skis, fishing charters, and sailboats. Or enjoy parasailing to see the island city from above!

Romantic champagne sunset sail charter is popular with couples.

Dolphin cruises are preferred by families as are scuba diving and snorkeling excursions.

There are many dive shops around Key West that will take you on trips to see Key West shipwreck, treasures, and coral reefs.

You can create your own Key West sailing itinerary to explore the surrounding waters and reefs.

Key West 1 Day Itinerary

If you have less time, then use our one day itinerary for Key West.

Start your trip at the Southernmost Point Buoy and Mile Marker 0.

Then explore Old Town Key West and see historic buildings such as the Truman White House and Ernest Hemingway home.

Eat fresh seafood and key lime pie for lunch.

Spend a relaxing afternoon on the beach at Fort Zachary Taylor State Park.

End the day with watching the sunset in Mallory Square, followed by dinner on the Seaport.

If you love partying, enjoy the nightlife on Duval Street to wrap up your one day in Key West itinerary on a high note. 

5 Days in Key West

If you have more time, you can also plan a Key West itinerary for 5 days. 

Spend 2 days in Key West exploring the Old Town, museums, and beaches.

Then take a day trip to Dry Tortugas National Park and admire Historic Fort Jefferson.

Then rent a car and road trip the Florida Keys for 2 days.

Stop at attractions like Bahia Honda State Park, Islamorada, Marathon key, and Key Largo.

For Key West itinerary 4 days, skip the Dry Tortugas or spend just one day exploring the rest of the Keys.

Or if you like slow travel, spend all 4 days in Key West: 2 for the major attractions, 1 day on the water, and 1 day shopping and relaxing on the beach!

This relaxing alternative also works perfectly as a Key West honeymoon itinerary – you can enjoy quality time with your loved one in the charming city.

Or plan a Miami and Key West 4 day itinerary: spend 2 days each in both the cities!

You can also plan a Key West itinerary 7 days by driving all the way to Miami and spending time on South Beach, Ocean Drive, Wynwood Walls, and Little Havana.

Where to eat in Key West

There are many great restaurants, cafes, and seafood shacks serving delicious food in Key West.

Some of our favorites include Hogfish Bar & Grill, the Conch Republic Seafood Company, Blue Heaven, and Southernmost Beach Cafe.

Located in the heart of Key West, Blue Heaven Cafe serves amazing Caribbean food. This is  a local favorite and Key West institution.

Blue Heaven Cafe is great for breakfast to dinner and has live music too!

Must eats in Key West include fresh seafood such as conch fritters, fried oysters, Cuban sandwich, fish tacos, fresh fruit juices, and the iconic key lime pie!

Best Time to Visit Key West

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30 each year. If you plan a trip during this time, be prepared for storms, rainy days, and unexpected delays.

One of the most well-known events in Key West Florida is the annual Fantasy Fest that takes place every October.

This is one of the busiest times in the city, especially Duval Street, and you will need advance reservations.

Winter is also the busy season: high crowds and expensive hotels!

Spring is a great time to Key West for warm weather and low crowds.

Summer in Key West can be hot and humid but you can spend all the time relaxing on the beach, making the most of your Key West vacation.

Essential travel tips to explore Key West

It is easy to get around Key West. You can get an inexpensive taxi or even rent a scooter or an electric bike to truly experience the beauty of this vibrant city!

The bikes are our favorites: the Key West vacation itinerary will have you covering a lot of ground, and it’s not worth getting stuck in traffic!

You can also sightsee Key West on the Conch Tour Train –  a train ride that takes you around major attractions!

If planning to get a rental car, then be prepared for busy streets and almost no free parking, especially in downtown Key West.

Remember: there’s no cell phone reception whatsoever on the Dry Tortugas!

Don’t forget to bring your camera to capture the beauty of Key West.

We hope you liked our Weekend in Key West Itinerary.

More Southern Florida Travel Guides

Here are additional resources to help you plan your 3 Days in Key West weekend trip:

20 Best Tours in Key West, Florida

Best things to do in Key West with kids

Best Museums in Key West, Florida

Dry Tortugas National Park Visitor Guide

Miami to Key West Drive: 25 Best Itinerary Stops

3 Days in Miami Itinerary

22 Most Romantic Things to do in Miami for Couples

Ultimate Florida Road Trip Itinerary

Florida Travel Blog  

Travel destinations, beaches and attractions and things to do in Florida. Documented by RESIDENTS of Florida.

10 Things You Must Do in Key West

10 things you must do in key west & things you may not want to do.

Let’s assume this is your first visit to the southernmost island off mainland America. You have heard about Key West and the many things to do in Key West – most of which you need to forget about right now.

Things You May NOT Want To Do in Key West

Let’s start with the things you really won’t miss, despite the fact most tourists have these items on their top 10 things to do in Key West! Here’s a list of things to forget about in your list of things to do in Key West –

  • Captain Tony’s – this is a run-down tourist attraction with a tree in the middle. Read the history of how they moved Sloppy Joe’s from this site to its current location. However, the history is more interesting than the bar.
  • The Lighthouse – if you want to climb the 88 steps to the top of the lighthouse, go ahead. But once you reach the top with a dozen other fools, what have you got? You have a tired tourist with the same view you would have if you got in an elevator in the La Concha Hotel and went up to the rooftop bar for a rumrunner! Most top 10 things to do in Key West list the Lighthouse.
  • The Beaches – hey, we know a good beach! Beaches in Key West are fun for the sun, but dark brown sand usually with seaweed washed up is not my type of beach. Go to Clearwater Beach or Sanibel for a real pure white sand beach.
  • Margaritaville Restaurant – Jimmy Buffet will not be there. Something is fundamentally wrong with a bar that has a bigger gift shop than the bar! The burger is good, but there are plenty of good burgers in Key West. Love Jimmy and his music, but the restaurant is not on our list of things to do in Key West.

Here Are The Things You MUST Do in Key West Today

So, we have some time wasters out of the way, what are the 10 things you MUST do in Key West?

  • Mallory Square at Sunset – I know this is popular, but where else can you watch the sunset and 20 acts and performers at the same time – FREE?
  • Take a Walk – In fact, take two walks! First, walk the length of Duval Street just before dark. Then walk back the opposite way after dark. Yes, we know it’s a mile long, but there are probably 75 bars you can stop at along the way. Plus, the sights you will see and the sounds you hear are the heart of Key West. The people, the shops, the sidewalk peddlers, the bar bands all mix together in a delightful motion picture.
  • Conch Train – Ok, we know this is kind of corny. But the Conch Train takes you all around this 2-mile by 4-mile island. Saves you a lot of walking time and you get some history (some of it is even true).
  • Museum of Art and History – We are a sucker for a really good museum. Key West has a history unequaled by most communities. The Island dwellers went through native Americans, Spanish explorers, pirates, modern-day thieves, hurricanes and wars. The Museum of History is a great place to spend an air-conditioned afternoon on a sunny day.
  • Fort Jefferson – about 70 miles west of Key West are the Dry Tortugas. Another set of islands that have but one structure – Fort Jefferson. This fort was built in the mid-1800s. It will amaze you from a construction standpoint. It was used to house prisoners during the civil war. The most famous of which is Dr. Mudd. If time allows, take a boat to Fort Jefferson or, better yet, take a pontoon airplane that is just a 45-minute ride. Beautiful scenery and superb snorkeling are available around the island. If you have the time, this is the number one attraction on our list of things to do in Key West.
  • Key West Cemetery – Read the history before you go. Then read the tombstones that date back almost 200 years. If it seems creepy to walk among some 100,000 souls buried there, get over it. The history on the headstones will put you at ease. Read some of the captions on the stones like, “I told you I was sick!”.
  • The Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory – We like this place on the south end of Duval. Butterflies in all their stages of development highlight this attraction. The birds, flora, and colorful setting make this a perfect family exhibit. Kind of touristy, but nature’s beauty is confined in this auditorium of natural habitat.
  • Sloppy Joe’s – We don’t like to include this place, but finding it is a must. It is on almost everyone’s list of things to do in Key West! Sloppy Joe’s has become to Key West the same as Mallory Square, the southernmost buoy, and the Hemingway House – it is a first-time tourist tradition! No, the food won’t be anything but ok. The place will be crowded. The place will be noisy and the band will be loud – it’s Key West!
  • The Hemingway House  – Perhaps if Ernest Hemingway had never spent a few years in Key West , the town may not have been as fantasized as it is. Hemingway’s former home, built for his wife, is a glimpse of another era and worth the visit.
  • Louie’s Backyard – Ok, sometime during your Key West visit, put on your best pair of flip-flops, the one last clean t-shirt and maybe wash your face. You are going to Louie’s Backyard at the southern end of the island for a nice lunch or dinner. Order the Key West Pink Shrimp. The story of the “Key West Pinks” is as interesting as the view of the Atlantic Ocean from Louie’s Backyard.

The above Top 10 Key West Must Do’s are our favorites from 40 years of watching Key West evolve. Over that period of time, most of the above attractions were there. Are there others we recommend? Here is the shortlist.

More of Our Favorite Things To Do in Key West

  • seeing Michael McCloud at the Schooner Wharf,
  • people watching along Duval Street from The Bull,
  • traveling the Seven Mile Bridge on the way to Key West ,
  • visiting the Hogfish Grill on Stock Island for their famous hogfish sandwich,
  • listening to the entertainment at the Smoking Tuna,
  • eating whole belly clams at DJ’s Clam Shack
  • breakfast at the Blue Heaven
  • fishing the flats of the Marquesas’ is a great way to spend the day

Finally, walking through “Old Town” in Key West is a way to see several types of architecture, period homes, and the new construction being mixed with the old homes.

We consider Key West one of the great cities of the world. Based on the number of foreign visitors, we must be right. Visit soon.

For more things to do in Key West –

Just One Day in Key West – Things to do

The Florida Keys and Key West  

Mallory Square Key West

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Baltimore Key bridge collapse live updates: Two bodies recovered, authorities say

Investigation of Baltimore bridge collapse picks up speed as divers recover 2 bodies from water

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We’ve paused today’s live coverage, but there’s still lots to catch up on. See what you missed below and follow the AP’s latest coverage on the Baltimore Key Bridge collapse .

Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed after a container ship lost power and rammed into the bridge early Tuesday, sending vehicles plunging into the water. A recovery effort resumed Wednesday, with divers searching for six construction workers who are still unaccounted for.

Here’s what to know:

  • Victims: At least eight people went into the water. Two were rescued but the other six, part of a construction crew that had been filling potholes on the bridge, are missing and presumed dead.
  • Investigation: The cargo ship, called Dali, lost power and issued a mayday call shortly before it rammed the bridge. The U.S. Coast Guard boarded the vessel Wednesday to collect evidence about the exact circumstances of the crash.
  • Impact: The collapse is diverting shipping and trucking around one of the busiest ports on America’s East Coast, creating delays and raising costs in the latest disruption to global supply chains. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says it’s too soon to say how long it will take to reopen the port or replace the bridge.

The cargo ship that caused the Baltimore bridge collapse was carrying hazardous materials, the National Transportation Safety Board said.

NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy says there are 56 containers aboard containing hazardous materials, including corrosives, flammables and lithium ion batteries. She said some containers were breached and a sheen there was a sheen in the water that will be dealt with by authorities. She said the voyage data recorder has been recovered. Homendy said the investigation could take 12 to 24 months but that the NTSB will not hesitate to issue urgent safety recommendations during that time. She said a preliminary report should be released in two to four weeks.

“It’s a massive undertaking for an investigation,” Homendy said. “It’s a very tragic event.”

Authorities have released the identities of the two people recovered from the water Wednesday morning at the site of the Baltimore bridge collapse.

Maryland State Police Superintendent Col. Roland L. Butler says 35-year-old Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes and 26-year-old Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera were recovered from a red pickup truck submerged in about 25 feet (7.62 meters) of water near the bridge’s middle span.

Jesus Campos, who has worked on the bridge for Brawner Builders and knows members of the construction crew who died, said he was told they were on a break and some were sitting in their trucks to warm up when the bridge collapsed.

Butler says it is no longer safe for divers to continue operations in the area.

“We have exhausted all search efforts in the areas around this wreckage, and based on sonar scans, we firmly believe that the vehicles are encased in the superstructure and concrete,” Butler said.

The ship that crashed into a bridge in Baltimore was undergoing “routine engine maintenance” in the port beforehand, the Coast Guard said.

U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said at a news conference on Wednesday that authorities had been informed that the ship was going to undergo routine engine maintenance before it lost power. But he said authorities were not informed of any problems.

The bodies of two people have been recovered from the site of the Baltimore bridge that collapsed into a river early Tuesday when a ship crashed into it, said Col. Roland L. Butler Jr., superintendent for Maryland State Police.

Butler said Wednesday that a 35-year-old and a 26-year-old were recovered from a red pickup truck in the Patapsco River near the mid-span of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge.

The six construction workers who were missing and presumed dead were from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, Butler said.

Gov. Wes Moore told the families of the victims in Spanish, “Estamos contigo, ahora y siempre” which means, “we are with you, now and always.”

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore is getting a closer look at the aftermath of the bridge collapse in Baltimore.

The governor’s office says Moore boarded a Coast Guard ship with federal and local officials Wednesday to better understand the ship’s path and how the crash happened. His office said his goal was to support the Coast Guard and other federal partners, thank first responders and learn more about what happened.

“We will come together around Baltimore, and we will rebuild together.” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says the Biden administration is focused on four areas related to transportation as the investigation continues in Baltimore.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said at a news conference earlier today that he didn’t know of a bridge “that has been constructed to withstand a direct impact from a vessel of this size.” Just how big is the ship?

The Dali, which was headed from Baltimore to Colombo, Sri Lanka and flying under a Singapore flag, is about 985 feet (300 meters) long and about 157 feet (48 meters) wide, according to according to data from Marine Traffic. Here’s a look at how that compares to some familiar landmarks:

Ship traffic entering and leaving the Port of Baltimore has been suspended indefinitely after a cargo ship lost power and crashed into Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge causing it to collapse on Tuesday. Authorities say it is too soon to know how long it will take to reopen the port or replace the bridge.

One of the construction workers presumed dead in Baltimore was a 38-year-old father of two who dreamed of someday returning to his native Honduras, his brother says.

Carlos Suazo says his brother, Maynor Suazo, had been in the United States for 18 years but “always dreamed of, in his old age, retiring peacefully in Honduras.” He describes him as the beloved youngest sibling among four girls and four boys.

“He was someone who was always happy, was always thinking about the future. He was a visionary,” Carlos Suazo says.

He last spoke to his brother Sunday, when they had lunch to discuss planning a family birthday party.

He says the family hasn’t lost hope his brother will be found alive.

An engineering expert says there would be no economically feasible way to protect a bridge from a large ship strike like what happened with Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore and he’s not even sure it would perform successfully in a similar incident. (27 March 2024)

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says it’s too soon to say if regulations would be waived to rebuild the bridge and reopen the port. But he says President Joe Biden has said the federal government should “tear down any barriers, bureaucratic as well as financial” that could affect the timeline of any rebuild.

Buttigieg also had a message for Republicans in Congress who might oppose having the federal government pay for the effort. Infrastructure should be a bipartisan issue, he said at a White House news briefing.

“Today this is happening in Baltimore, tomorrow it could be their districts,” he said. “We really need to stand together, red blue and purple, to get these things done.”

The collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge is diverting driving and shipping around one of the busiest ports on America’s East Coast. Baltimore Harbor Tunnel expected to absorb traffic.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says it’s too soon to say how long it will take to reopen the Port of Baltimore or replace the destroyed bridge.

Speaking at a White House news conference, Buttigieg noted that the bridge took five years to construct.

“That does not necessarily mean it will take five years to replace,” he said.

Shown is the wreckage of Francis Scott Key Bridge as seen from Dundalk, Md., on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, Recovery efforts resumed Wednesday for the construction workers who are presumed dead after the cargo ship hit a pillar of the bridge, causing the structure to collapse. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Shown is the wreckage of Francis Scott Key Bridge as seen from Dundalk, Md., on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, Recovery efforts resumed Wednesday for the construction workers who are presumed dead after the cargo ship hit a pillar of the bridge, causing the structure to collapse. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Coast Guard Deputy Commandant for Operations Vice Admiral Peter Gautier speaks about the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse during a press briefing at the White House, Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Coast Guard Deputy Commandant for Operations Vice Admiral Peter Gautier speaks about the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse during a press briefing at the White House, Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Coast Guard Vice Adm. Peter Gautier says hazardous materials aboard the damaged ship pose no threat to public safety.

Gautier said at a White House news briefing Wednesday that the ship is holding over 1.5 million gallons of fuel, and that more than 50 of the cargo containers on board contain hazardous material. But he says that the ship is stable and that authorities have determined there is no safety risk.

“There is no threat to the public,” he says.

Coast Guard Deputy Commandant for Operations Vice Admiral Peter Gautier listens as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg speaks about the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse during a press briefing at the White House, Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Coast Guard Deputy Commandant for Operations Vice Admiral Peter Gautier listens as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg speaks about the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse during a press briefing at the White House, Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says the Biden administration is focused on four areas related to transportation as the investigation continues in Baltimore.

Speaking at a White House news conference, Buttigieg said officials are focused on reopening the port, dealing with supply chain issues, rebuilding the bridge and addressing surface transportation.

“We are already taking steps toward each goal,” he said. Buttigieg said he will meet with shipping and supply chain officials Thursday.

“We are going to help to get it open as soon as possible,” he said.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre says President Joe Biden has instructed his team “to move heaven and earth” to aid in the recovery and rebuilding in effort in Baltimore.

The president’s message to the city is: “We will be with the people of Baltimore every step of the way,” she said at a news conference Wednesday afternoon.

Coast Guard Deputy Commandant for Operations Vice Admiral Peter Gautier, left, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, right, listen as White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre speaks about the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse during a press briefing at the White House, Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Coast Guard Deputy Commandant for Operations Vice Admiral Peter Gautier, left, and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, right, listen as White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre speaks about the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse during a press briefing at the White House, Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

From 1960 to 2015, there were 35 major bridge collapses worldwide due to ship or barge collision, with a total of 342 people killed, according to the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure.

You’re driving along, and without warning, the roadway drops from beneath you.

There are a few seconds of falling, with thoughts possibly racing about family or loved ones, followed by a jarring impact, and most likely injury.

Tuesday’s collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore following a ship strike brought back jarring memories of their own ordeals to people who survived previous bridge collapses.

FILE - In this Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2007 picture, vehicles are scattered along the broken remains of the Interstate 35W bridge, which stretches between Minneapolis and St. Paul, after it collapsed into the Mississippi River during evening rush hour. (Stacy Bengs/The Minnesota Daily via AP)

FILE - In this Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2007 picture, vehicles are scattered along the broken remains of the Interstate 35W bridge, which stretches between Minneapolis and St. Paul, after it collapsed into the Mississippi River during evening rush hour. (Stacy Bengs/The Minnesota Daily via AP)

Linda Paul, 72, survived a bridge collapse in Minneapolis on Aug. 1, 2007. The Interstate 35W bridge collapsed without warning into the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis during the evening rush hour.

Paul was 55 then, working as a shop-at-home designer for a local company and driving home in a minivan that doubled as a “store on wheels,” loaded with fabrics and sample books. Traffic was at a total standstill, leaving her stuck on the bridge around 6 p.m.

“I remember looking around and thinking that there was definitely something wrong,” Paul said.

“I looked ahead and realized that the center section of the bridge was going down, and knew at that point that there was a good chance I would go down with it. And that is exactly what happened.”

Police later told her that she plunged down a 50-foot (15-meter) slope as the concrete deck of the bridge collapsed. She was still inside the minivan as it fell onto wreckage on the riverbank, at the water’s edge.

▶ Read the full story: What it’s like to survive a bridge collapse

Officials in Singapore say they will conduct their own investigation into the bridge collapse, in addition to supporting U.S. authorities.

The ship that struck the bridge, the Dali, was traveling under a Singaporean flag. The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore said Wednesday it was working with the ship’s management company, Synergy Marine Group, to get information to the U.S. Coast Guard for its investigation.

The agency also said Singapore’s Transport Safety Investigation Bureau will independently investigate, not to determine liability, but to identify lessons for the future.

Today’s White House press briefing looks likely to feature an update on the situation in Baltimore: “Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will be joined by Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and Vice Admiral Peter Gautier, Deputy Commandant for Operations for the United States Coast Guard,” the White House said in a note to media.

The briefing is scheduled to begin at 1 p.m. EDT.

A 2023 inspection of the ship in a Chilean port turned up a problem with the fuel heater’s pressure gauges, but it was corrected before the ship left the port, the Maritime Authority of the Chilean Navy says.

Previous reports had indicated the June inspection of the Dali in Chile identified a problem with the ship’s “propulsion and auxiliary machinery,” according to the shipping information website Equasis, but the records didn’t elaborate.

A container ship rests against wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, as seen from Venice on the Bay, Md. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

A container ship rests against wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, as seen from Venice on the Bay, Md. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

The Chilean Navy said in a statement Wednesday that the ship had been inspected in the port of San Antonio on June 27, 2023, and that the pressure gauges of the fuel heaters “were detected to be illegible.”

The problem was corrected the same day, and the ship was able to depart, the Chilean Navy says.

The Dali was most recently inspected by the U.S. Coast Guard in New York in September 2023, and no deficiencies were detected, according to Equasis.

The president of Mexico says three Mexicans were among the workers on the bridge when it collapsed.

Two of the Mexican workers are missing. The third was injured and rescued.

“He is safe now,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Wednesday.

López Obrador also highlighted the contributions migrant workers make to the U.S. economy.

“This demonstrates that migrants go out and do risky jobs at midnight, and for this reason they do not deserve to be treated as they are by certain insensitive, irresponsible politicians in the United States,” he said.

One truck has been recovered from the water, but at least one vehicle remains hanging from the metal, according to a Homeland Security memo that was described to The Associated Press by a law enforcement official.

The official was not authorized to discuss details of the document or the investigation and spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity.

Gov. Wes Moore on Wednesday praised divers who have spent hours in frigid water.

“They are down there in darkness where they can literally see about a foot in front of them,” he said. “They are trying to navigate mangled metal and they’re also in a place it is now presumed that people have lost their lives, so the work of these first responders, the work of these divers, I cannot stress enough how remarkable these individuals are.”

Maryland lawmakers are drafting emergency legislation to help workers affected by the bridge collapse.

State Sen. Bill Ferguson said he and a fellow Democratic lawmaker, Del. Luke Clippinger, are proposing income replacement for the thousands of workers who rely on daily operations at the Port of Baltimore. He said he spent hours Tuesday talking to dock workers, business owners and others.

“The human cost of lives lost yesterday is overwhelming and tragic,” Ferguson posted Wednesday on X. “The economic and stability loss to the thousands impacted in the days ahead cannot be understated.”

Maryland Governor Wes Moore is highlighting the importance of the collapsed of the Francis Scott Key Bridge to the U.S. economy and says it is “imperative” to get the port of Baltimore up and running as quickly as possible

People pray for officials including Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, center, during a vigil near the scene where a container ship collided with a support on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Dundalk, Md., Tuesday, March 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

People pray for officials including Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott, center, during a vigil near the scene where a container ship collided with a support on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Dundalk, Md., Tuesday, March 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Among the six missing and presumed dead after the bridge collapse are people from Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico, according to diplomats from those countries.

Guatemala’s consulate in Maryland confirmed that two of the missing were Guatemalan citizens working on the bridge. Mexico’s Washington consulate also confirmed in a statement posted on X that Mexican citizens were among the missing but did not say how many.

The Honduran man was identified as Maynor Yassir Suazo Sandoval by the deputy foreign affairs minister of Honduras.

Father Ako Walker, a Catholic priest at Sacred Heart of Jesus, said outside a vigil that he spent time with the families of the workers as they waited for news of their loved ones.

“You can see the pain etched on their faces,” Walker said.

Rear Adm. Shannon Gilreath, commander of the Fifth Coast Guard District, speaks in Dundalk, Md., on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.  (AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey)

Rear Adm. Shannon Gilreath, commander of the Fifth Coast Guard District, speaks in Dundalk, Md., on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. (AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey)

A retired Coast Guard officer says he expects the focus in Baltimore to shift soon to two main objectives: investigating what happened and reopening the channel as quickly and safely as possible.

Aaron Davenport, a senior researcher with the RAND Corporation, isn’t involved in the aftermath of the bridge collapse, but he described what he expects to happen based on his Coast Guard experience.

Divers and remote equipment likely will be used to survey debris on the channel floor both as part of the investigation and in preparation for clearing the channel, he says. Heavy-duty barges and cranes will be needed for the salvage operations. Officials also will need to assess damage to the ship.

“We have this big, giant ship. You don’t want the ship to sink. You don’t want it to leak fuel oil all over the port,” he says.

Eventually the ship would likely be towed back to port and the cargo offloaded. Davenport says the ship’s owners are responsible for getting the ship out and the damage to the bridge.

However, they have to submit plans to stakeholders, and the federal government can take over if they don’t take prompt and effective action.

A container ship rests against wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge near sunrise on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Baltimore, Md. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

A container ship rests against wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge near sunrise on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, in Baltimore, Md. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy says investigators expect to have more information Wednesday on the timeline of events after information from a ship data recorder was sent to an agency lab.

Homendy says in an interview with WBAL-TV that the U.S. Coast Guard boarded the vessel Tuesday and downloaded the voyage data recorder. It has been sent to the NTSB’s lab, and she says they expect to have information Wednesday on the timeline.

If the weather allows, Homendy says, investigators will board the ship to look for electronics and documentation. Their focus will be on collecting evidence.

It was the middle of the night when a dispatcher’s warning crackled over the radio: A massive cargo ship had lost its steering capabilities and was heading toward the Francis Scott Key Bridge .

Within about 90 seconds, police officers responded that they had managed to stop vehicle traffic over the Baltimore bridge in both directions. One said he was about to drive onto the bridge to alert a construction crew.

But it was too late. Powerless and laden with huge containers, the vessel smashed into a support pillar .

“The whole bridge just fell down,” a frantic officer said. “Start, start whoever, everybody ... the whole bridge just collapsed.”

Bridge Collapse-First Responders.mp3

▶ Read more: What we know about the moments before the bridge’s collapse.

A container ship lost power and rammed into a major bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday, causing it to snap and plunge into the river below. Several vehicles fell into the chilly waters, and rescuers are searching for survivors.

Recovery efforts have resumed at the collapse site.

Divers returned to the site early Wednesday after challenging overnight conditions improved. Maryland State Police spokesperson Elena Russo said in a text message that “recovery efforts are underway.”

The six people unaccounted for and presumed dead were part of a construction crew repairing potholes on the bridge.

Recovery efforts are planned to resume Wednesday morning at the collapse site.

The search-and-rescue mission is transitioning to one of search and recovery, officials announced Tuesday night.

Divers are expected to return to the site early Wednesday when challenging overnight conditions improve.

Authorities say all six workers missing after a Baltimore bridge collapsed Tuesday are presumed dead and the search for them has been suspended until Wednesday morning.

Col. Roland L. Butler Jr., superintendent for Maryland State Police, said Tuesday evening that the search and rescue mission was transitioning to one of search and recovery. He says divers would return to the site at 6 a.m. Wednesday when challenging overnight conditions were expected to improve.

Sunrise shows damage to Baltimore bridge after being rammed by container ship

The head of a trade association for maritime pilots says the pilot of the ship that caused the Baltimore bridge collapse tried to slow it down before the crash.

Clay Diamond, executive director of the American Pilots’ Association, said he has been in close contact with officials from the Association of Maryland Pilots who described to him what happened as the ship approached the bridge. He said when the ship was a few minutes out, it lost all power, including to its engines.

The pilot immediately ordered the rudder hard to port to keep the ship from turning right and ordered the port anchor be dropped, which it was, Diamond said. The pilot also contacted a dispatch office to get the bridge shut down.

Diamond said widely circulated images show the ship’s lights turning off and then back on, sparking questions about whether the vessel had regained power. But, he said, the emergency generators that kicked in turned the lights back on but not the ship’s propulsion.

Every foreign-flagged ship coming into U.S. waters must have a state-licensed pilot on board. Pilots board the ships before they enter the local waterways and take “navigational control” of the ship, he said, meaning they give orders for the ship’s speed and direction. “These are among the most highly trained mariners in the world,” Diamond said.

The stunning collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge is diverting shipping and trucking around one of the busiest ports on America’s East Coast, creating delays and raising costs in the latest disruption to global supply chains.

After the container ship Dali hit the bridge and brought it down early Tuesday , ship traffic entering and leaving the Port of Baltimore was suspended indefinitely. That will require rerouting vessels or their cargo to other ports, potentially causing congestion and delays for importers, said Judah Levine, head of research for the global freight booking platform Freightos.

“Aside from the obvious tragedy, this incident will have significant and long-lasting impacts on the region,” American Trucking Associations spokesperson Jessica Gail said, calling Key Bridge and Baltimore’s port “critical components’’ of the nation’s infrastructure.

Gail noted that 1.3 million trucks cross the bridge every year — 3,600 a day. Trucks that carry hazardous materials will now have to make 30 miles of detours around Baltimore because they are prohibited from using the city’s tunnels, she said, adding to delays and increasing fuel costs.

▶ Read the full story

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says the path to rebuilding the collapsed Baltimore bridge won’t be easy or quick.

“This is no ordinary bridge. This is one of the cathedrals of American infrastructure,” he said at a news conference in Baltimore on Tuesday afternoon. “It has been part of the skyline for this region for longer than many of us have been alive.”

Buttigieg thanked first responders, including those still in the water as he spoke, and offered comfort to those “who woke up today to the news that no one wants to receive.”

“This is an excruciating day for several families,” he said.

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said he’s spent time with the families of victims. “The strength of these families is absolutely remarkable,” he said.

One person involved in the Baltimore bridge collapse has been discharged from the hospital, an official with the medical center said.

Dr. David Efron, the chief of trauma at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center at the University of Maryland Medical Center, did not comment on the nature or severity of the patient’s injuries. The hospital has not released the patient’s name.

Correction: This post has been updated to correct that just one patient was treated at R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in connection with the bridge collapse, not two.

A fellow construction company employee says he was told his missing co-workers were on a break and some were sitting in their trucks when a Baltimore bridge collapsed early Tuesday after being struck by a container ship.

Brawner Builders employee Jesus Campos says he learned about the disaster from a co-worker and immediately worried about colleagues he knew were working on the bridge.

“When he told me that, they came to mind and I was praying to God that nothing had happened to them,” Campos said, speaking in Spanish.

“It is so hard for me to describe. I know that a month ago I was there, and I know what it feels like when the trailers pass. Imagine knowing that it is falling. It is so hard, one would not know what to do,” Campos said.

This satellite image provided by Maxar Technologies shows a view of the Francis Scott Key Bridge that was struck by a container ship in Baltimore, Md., on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. (Maxaar Technologies via AP)

This satellite image provided by Maxar Technologies shows a view of the Francis Scott Key Bridge that was struck by a container ship in Baltimore, Md., on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. (Maxaar Technologies via AP)

A senior executive the company that employed the construction workers said six of the company’s workers are presumed to be dead and one worker was hospitalized.

Jeffrey Pritzker, executive vice president of Brawner Builders, said the crew was working in the middle of the bridge’s span when the crash happened and crumbled the bridge.

The bodies of the workers have not yet been recovered, but they are presumed to have died given the water’s depth and the amount of time that has passed since the crash, he said.

“This was so completely unforeseen,” he said. “We don’t know what else to say.”

“We take such great pride in safety, and we have cones and signs and lights and barriers and flaggers,” he added. “But we never foresaw that the bridge would collapse.”

Two men observe the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge wreckage from Ft. McHenry, Md., on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. (Ulysses Muñoz/The Baltimore Banner via AP)

Two men observe the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge wreckage from Ft. McHenry, Md., on Tuesday, March 26, 2024. (Ulysses Muñoz/The Baltimore Banner via AP)

Radio traffic obtained from the archive indicates officers were just about to alert a construction crew when a major bridge in Baltimore collapsed after being hit by a container ship that had lost power.

The Maryland Transportation Authority first responder radio traffic includes a dispatcher putting out a call saying a ship had lost its steering ability and asking officers to stop all traffic. It took officers less than two minutes to stop traffic on the bridge.

One officer who had stopped traffic radioed that he was going to drive onto the bridge to notify the construction crew once a second officer arrived. But seconds later, a frantic officer radioed that the bridge had collapsed.

The six people still unaccounted for were part of the construction crew, which was filling potholes on the bridge.

Paul J. Wiedefeld, center, Maryland's transportation secretary, walks near the scene where a container ship collided with a support on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Steve Ruark)

Paul J. Wiedefeld, center, Maryland’s transportation secretary, walks near the scene where a container ship collided with a support on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Steve Ruark)

The head of a supply chain management company says Americans should expect shortages of goods as the Baltimore bridge collapse affects ocean container shipping and East Coast trucking logistics.

“It’s not just the port of Baltimore that’s going to be impacted,” said Ryan Petersen, CEO of Flexport.

Petersen says attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea connecting Asia with Europe and the United States have forced traffic away from the Suez Canal and around the tip of Africa. At the same time, there’s been increased congestion in the Panama Canal. Petersen says U.S. importers are increasingly shifting to West Coast ports which in turn may have their own back-ups.

“You get this vicious feedback loop,” he said.

Petersen was working with his team Tuesday to reroute about 800 shipping containers currently making their way to Baltimore’s port.

“It’s a scramble because each of those containers has now a new journey to clear customs, you’ve got to get a different truck to pick it up at a different port, it creates a whole lot of downstream work,” he said.

Inspectors in June found a problem with the machinery of the same ship that caused the Baltimore bridge collapse early Tuesday.

But according to the shipping information system Equasis, a more recent examination of the ship, called the Dali, didn’t identify any deficiencies.

A container ship rests against wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, as seen from Dundalk, Md. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

A container ship rests against wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, as seen from Dundalk, Md. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

The Dali, owned by Grace Ocean PTE, has been inspected at least 27 times at ports around the world since it was built in 2015. An inspection at a port in Chile in June identified a problem with the ship’s “propulsion and auxiliary machinery,” according to Equasis, but the website’s online records didn’t elaborate.

The most recent inspection listed for the Dali was conducted by the U.S. Coast Guard in New York on Sept. 13, 2023. According to the Equasis data, the “standard examination” didn’t identify any deficiencies.

A July 2016 inspection in Belgium determined hull damage had impaired the Dali’s seaworthiness after it struck berth used for mooring vessels at the Port of Antwerp.

President Joe Biden said Tuesday he plans to travel to Baltimore “as quickly as I can” and that he plans for the federal government to pick up the entire cost of reconstruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which collapsed earlier in the day after a container ship lost power and struck it.

“We’re going to rebuild that port together,” Biden said in brief remarks from the White House, shortly before departing for North Carolina.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Tuesday, March 26, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse at the White House. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The president said he expects lawmakers on Capitol Hill to support his bid to ensure the U.S. government pays for rebuilding the bridge.

“This is going to take some time,” Biden said. “The people of Baltimore can count on us, though, to stick with them at every step of the way until the port is reopened and the bridge is rebuilt.”

Biden’s expected challenger in the presidential race this year, Republican Donald Trump, as of midday Tuesday has not commented publicly on the bridge collapse.

Boats move near a container ship as it rests against wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, as seen from Dundalk, Md. The ship rammed into the major bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday, causing it to collapse in a matter of seconds and creating a terrifying scene as several vehicles plunged into the chilly river below. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Boats move near a container ship as it rests against wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Authorities are piecing together what led to the bridge collapse in Baltimore. But so far, we know that Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said a large cargo ship lost power and issued a mayday call moments before it struck the bridge early Tuesday, though it was still moving toward the span at a rapid speed.

The Francis Scott Key Bridge broke apart and tumbled into the Patapsco River. Two people were rescued. But officials say they haven’t been able to account for six others.

The Baltimore Orioles have canceled a workout and rally for fans that had been planned for Tuesday night.

The event at Oriole Park at Camden Yards was part of the leadup to Thursday’s Opening Day, when the team will host the Los Angeles Angels. Instead, the team said, the event was canceled in light of the bridge collapse.

“Baltimore, we’re a tight-knit and resilient community,” the team posted on X. “Together we will get through this.”

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with one of the bridge’s support Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. The major bridge in Baltimore snapped and collapsed after a container ship rammed into it early Tuesday, and several vehicles fell into the river below. Rescuers were searching for multiple people in the water. (WJLA via AP)

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with one of the bridge’s support Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. (WJLA via AP)

A major bridge that collapsed in Baltimore after getting hit by a ship is named for Francis Scott Key, who turned a wartime experience in the early 19th century into the poem that became the national anthem of the United States.

During the War of 1812 between the United States and the British, Key was on a ship to negotiate an American prisoner’s release and witnessed a 25-hour British bombardment of Fort McHenry. He saw that the American flag stayed up through the hours of darkness and was still at the top of the fort when the morning came. He turned it into a poem.

▶ Read more about Key and the national anthem

The bridge did not appear to have pier protection to withstand the cargo ship crash, according to a professor of civil and environmental engineering.

Professor Roberto Leon, of Virginia Tech, said he reviewed the video of the crash Tuesday.

“If a bridge pier without adequate protection is hit by a ship of this size, there is very little that the bridge could do,” Leon said.

Maryland recently retrofitted another bridge with pier protection devices for about $100 million, he said.

It’s expensive, but the price would pale in comparison with expected losses from the damaged bridge, including additional miles driven, fuel and business costs, he said.

Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed after a container ship lost power and rammed into the bridge early Tuesday, sending vehicles plunging into the water.

Donald Heinbuch, a retired fire chief for Baltimore, said he was startled awake by a deep rumbling that shook his house for several seconds.

“It felt like an earthquake,” he said. “Or like rolling thunder.”

Heinbuch turned on his police scanner and discovered the noise had come from the nearby bridge, a favored fishing spot that he’d driven over countless times. He said he rushed to the scene in shock.

“The ship was there, and the bridge was in the water, like it was blown up,” he said.

Heinbuch said he watched divers slip into their gear and coordinate a rescue plan as pontoon boats made their way to shore. Several departments also offered help, he said.

“All these little things that we practiced all the time had to be put in place,” Heinbuch said. “Everyone acted fast ... even as the significance of what had happened was still sinking in.”

The most recent federal data shows the bridge was rated as being in fair condition overall before the crash.

The Federal Highway Administration rates bridges on the condition of their individual components. In a national bridge inventory released in June, inspectors rated the Key Bridge’s deck, substructure and superstructure — or the component that absorbs the live traffic load — as satisfactory.

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with one of the bridge’s support Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. The major bridge in Baltimore snapped and collapsed after a container ship rammed into it early Tuesday, and several vehicles fell into the river below. Rescuers were searching for multiple people in the water. (WJLA via AP)

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with one of the bridge’s supports Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. (WJLA via AP)

The bridge carried an estimated 30,800 vehicles a day on average in 2019. According to the Maryland Transportation Authority, that translates to about 11.3 million vehicles a year across the bridge, which was built in the 1970s and was 1.6 miles (2.6 kilometers) long.

The president is expected to speak at 12 p.m. EDT. Follow his remarks live:

A bystander looks at the wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, as seen from Pasadena, Md. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

A bystander looks at the wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, as seen from Pasadena, Md. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

Synergy Marine, which operated the ship that hit the bridge , and the ship’s owner, Grace Ocean Private Ltd, have been sued at least four times in U.S. federal court on allegations of negligence and other claims tied to worker injuries on other ships owned and operated by the Singapore-based companies.

One lawsuit, in 2019, involved a man from Oregon who broke several bones when a rope ladder he was using to board a refrigerated cargo vessel snapped, sending him 25 feet to the ground.

Also that year, a Texas worker was injured when a hatch on the same ship, the M/V Star Leader, was prematurely opened without warning by a ship’s crew member.

In 2021, a longshoreman in Savannah, Georgia, sued Synergy when he tumbled 5 feet on a gangway whose handrail collapsed, injuring his back and shoulder.

All three lawsuits were settled out of court.

A fourth case, involving a worker at the port of Houston who was pinned underneath a stack of metal pipes he was trying to remove, was dismissed.

The top federal prosecutor in Maryland says there is no evidence linking the bridge collapse to terrorism.

U.S. Attorney Erek Barron said his office will continue to coordinate with federal, state and local officials to provide support.

The White House says Biden met with senior officials about the bridge collapse Tuesday morning and will continue to receive updates. Members of his administration are staying in close contact with state and local officials.

A container ship as it rests against wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, as seen from Dundalk, Md. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

A container ship as it rests against wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, as seen from Dundalk, Md. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Six people remain unaccounted for after the bridge collapse, and all are believed to have been working on it at the time, officials said.

The construction workers were repairing potholes, Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul Wiedefeld said at a news conference Tuesday.

Gov. Wes Moore said he was thankful that after the cargo ship’s distress call, authorities were able to stop cars from going over the bridge.

“These people are heroes,” Moore said. “They saved lives last night.”

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore, left, speaks during a news conference as Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) looks on near the scene where a container ship collided with a support on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Steve Ruark)

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore, left, speaks during a news conference as Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) looks on near the scene where a container ship collided with a support on the Francis Scott Key Bridge, Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Steve Ruark)

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore says the cargo ship reported losing power just before it crashed and caused the bridge to collapse.

Moore said Tuesday that a mayday call from the ship allowed officials to limit traffic on the bridge before the crash.

A preliminary investigation suggests that the crash was an accident, and that there’s no credible evidence of a terrorist attack, Moore, a Democrat, said at a news conference near the collapsed bridge.

“This morning, our state is in shock,” he said.

“We are Maryland tough and we are Baltimore strong,” Moore said. “So in the face of heartbreak, we come together.”

The Singapore-flagged Dali was built in 2015 and has been managed almost from its launch by Synergy Marine, which is also based in Singapore and manages a fleet of a more than 600 container ships, cargo vessels, oil tankers and other vessels.

The shipping industry is plagued by safety concerns and often shoddy oversight. But the Dali was last inspected in September 2023 in New York, and no deficiencies were reported at the time.

The mayor of Baltimore has declared a state of emergency in response to the bridge collapse.

Mayor Brandon Scott, a Democrat, issued an executive order Tuesday morning to deploy and expand emergency resources. The state of emergency will remain in place for 30 days and is subject to renewal or cancellation as conditions warrant.

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with one of the bridge’s supports, Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. The major bridge in Baltimore snapped and collapsed after a container ship rammed into it early Tuesday, and several vehicles fell into the river below. Rescuers were searching for multiple people in the water. (Kaitlin Newman/The Baltimore Banner via AP)

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with one of the bridge’s supports, Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. (Kaitlin Newman/The Baltimore Banner via AP)

The National Transportation Safety Board said it is launching a team to investigate the bridge collapse and will hold a media briefing later Tuesday.

Maryland state Sen. Johnny Ray Salling, who is from the area, says the bridge plays a vital role in not only transportation, but also commerce.

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with a support Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. The major bridge in Baltimore snapped and collapsed after a container ship rammed into it early Tuesday, and several vehicles fell into the river below. Rescuers were searching for multiple people in the water. (AP Photo/Steve Ruark)

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with a support Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Steve Ruark)

“Losing this bridge will devastate the entire area, as well as the entire East Coast,” said Salling, a Republican.

Highway signs as far south as Virginia are warning drivers of delays associated with the closure of the bridge.

Synergy Marine Group — which owns and manages the ship, called the Dali — confirmed the vessel hit a pillar of the bridge at about 1:30 a.m. while in control of one or more pilots, who are local specialists who help navigate vessels safely into ports.

It said all crew members, including the two pilots on board, were accounted for and there were no reports of any injuries.

As the sun rose Tuesday, jagged remnants of the bridge were illuminated jutting up from the waters surface. The on-ramp ended abruptly where the span once began.

Danish shipping giant Maersk said it had chartered the vessel, which was carrying its customers’ cargo. No Maersk crew and personnel were on board.

The collapse caused Maersk share at the Nasdaq Copenhagen to plummet 2% in early Tuesday trading.

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with a support Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. (WJLA via AP)

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with a support Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. (WJLA via AP)

From 1960 to 2015, there have been 35 major bridge collapses worldwide due to ship or barge collision, with a total of 342 people killed, according to a 2018 report from the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure.

Eighteen of those collapses happened in the United States. Here’s a few notable ones:


Sept. 22, 1993: Barges being pushed by a towboat in dense fog hit and displaced the Big Bayou Canot railroad bridge near Mobile, Alabama. Minutes later, an Amtrak train with 220 people aboard reached the displaced bridge and derailed, killing 47 people and injuring 103 people.


May 9, 1980: The 609-foot freighter Summit Venture was navigating through the narrow, winding shipping channel of Florida’s Tampa Bay when a sudden, blinding squall knocked out the ship’s radar. The ship sheared off a support of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, dropping a 1,400-foot section of concrete roadway during the morning rush hour. Seven vehicles, including a bus with 26 aboard, fell 150 feet into the water. Thirty-five people died.

Traffic streams over the rebuilt Sunshine Skyway Bridge on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, in St. Petersburg, Fla.. (Douglas R. Clifford/Tampa Bay Times via AP)

Traffic streams over the rebuilt Sunshine Skyway Bridge on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, in St. Petersburg, Fla.. (Douglas R. Clifford/Tampa Bay Times via AP)


April 14, 1998: The Anne Holly tow traveling through the St. Louis Harbor rammed into the center span of the Eads Bridge. Eight barges broke away. Three of them hit a permanently moored gambling vessel below the bridge. Fifty people suffered minor injuries.

▶ Read more: A list of major bridge collapses caused by ship or barge collisions

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said she reached out to Moore and offered any assistance New York can provide. Hochul said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that New York’s harbor “stands ready to assist, any way we can continue the flow of commerce so it’s not disrupted.”

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul speaks at a press conference regarding the proliferation of illegal cannabis stores, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024, in New York. 
(AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul speaks at a press conference regarding the proliferation of illegal cannabis stores, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024, in New York. 
(AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

President Joe Biden walks to his motorcade after departing Air Force One, Wednesday March 20, 2024, on arrival at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, in Dallas. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

President Joe Biden walks to his motorcade after departing Air Force One, Wednesday March 20, 2024, on arrival at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, in Dallas. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

The President has been briefed on the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore and the ongoing search and rescue efforts. He will continue to receive updates from his team throughout the day.

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore is also on site at the bridge, per the governor’s spokesman.

Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul Wiedefeld said the FBI was on scene, but terrorism is not suspected. “It’s an open investigation but there’s nothing that points to that in any direction,” he said.

Wiedefeld said there was a crew working on the bridge doing “concrete deck repair” at the time of the collapse. He said officials are investigating how many workers were there.

In the meantime, vessel traffic into and out of the Port of Baltimore is suspended until further notice, but the port is still open for trucks, he said.

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with a support Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. The major bridge in Baltimore snapped and collapsed after a container ship rammed into it early Tuesday, and several vehicles fell into the river below. Rescuers were searching for multiple people in the water. (WJLA via AP)

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with a support Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. The major bridge in Baltimore snapped and collapsed after a container ship rammed into it early Tuesday, and several vehicles fell into the river below. Rescuers were searching for multiple people in the water. (WJLA via AP)

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with a support Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Baltimore. The major bridge in Baltimore snapped and collapsed after a container ship rammed into it early Tuesday, and several vehicles fell into the river below. Rescuers were searching for multiple people in the water. (AP Photo/Steve Ruark)

Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse is shown early morning, Tuesday, March 26, 2024 from Riviera Beach, Md. A container ship rammed into a major bridge in Baltimore early Tuesday, causing it to snap in a few places and plunge into the river below. Several vehicles fell into the chilly waters, and rescuers were initially searching for at least seven people. (AP Photo/Nathan Ellgren)

In 2001, a freight train carrying hazardous materials derailed in a tunnel in downtown Baltimore and caught fire, spewing black smoke into surrounding neighborhoods and forcing officials to temporarily close all major roads into the city.

Synergy Marine Group — which manages the ship called the Dali — confirmed the vessel hit a pillar of the bridge at about 1:30 a.m. while in control of one or more pilots, who are local specialists who help navigate vessels safely into ports. The ship is owned by Grace Ocean Private Ltd.

It said all crew members, including the pilots, were accounted for and there are no reports of any injuries.

The Dali was headed from Baltimore to Colombo, Sri Lanka, and flying under a Singapore flag, according to data from Marine Traffic. The container ship is about 985 feet (300 meters) long and about 157 feet (48 meters) wide, according to the website.

Correction: This post has been corrected to show that Grace Ocean Private owns the ship, not Synergy Marine Group.

The temperature was about 47 degrees Fahrenheit (8 degrees Celsius) in the early hours of Tuesday, according to a buoy that collects data for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Earlier, Kevin Cartwright, director of communications for the Baltimore Fire Department, told The Associated Press that several vehicles were on the bridge at the time, including one the size of a tractor-trailer truck.

He called the collapse a “developing mass casualty event,” though he didn’t know at the time how many people were affected.

Baltimore Fire Chief James Wallace says two people were pulled from the water after the bridge collapse.

He said one was in serious condition and the other was not seriously injured.

Wallace said authorities “may be looking for upwards of seven people” but he said that number could change.

Mayor Brandon M. Scott and Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. posted that emergency personnel were responding and rescue efforts were underway.

“All lanes closed both directions for incident on I-695 Key Bridge. Traffic is being detoured,” the Maryland Transportation Authority posted on X.

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with a support Tuesday, March 26, 2024, in Baltimore. The major bridge in Baltimore snapped and collapsed after a container ship rammed into it early Tuesday, and several vehicles fell into the river below. Rescuers were searching for multiple people in the water. (AP Photo/Steve Ruark)

Parts of the Francis Scott Key Bridge remain after a container ship collided with a support Tuesday, March 26, 2024, in Baltimore. (AP Photo/Steve Ruark)

But Cartwright also said it’s too early to know how many people were affected. He called the collapse a “developing mass casualty event.”

He added that some cargo appeared to be dangling from the bridge, which spans the Patapsco River, a vital artery that along with the Port of Baltimore is a hub for shipping on the East Coast.

A vessel by that name was headed from Baltimore to Colombo , Sri Lanka, as its final destination, according to Marine Traffic and Vessel Finder.

The ship was flying under a Singapore flag, WTOP radio station reported, citing Petty Officer Matthew West from the Coast Guard in Baltimore.

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blog voyage key west

Baltimore Key Bridge collapse latest: First piece of wreckage removed as mayor responds to racist critics

LIVE – Updated at 09:41

Workers have removed a 200-tonne segment of the collapsed Francis Key Scott bridge from the Patapsco River, an important step towards allowing access for barges and tugboats to reach the disaster site.

The workers are currently focusing on lifting a section of the bridge w hile leaving the crumpled part resting on the bow of the Dali , the container ship responsible for the bridge collapse, officials said.

Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg said there was no timeline yet for reopening of the Port of Baltimore due to the ongoing complex operation. But the captain of the Port of Baltimore has said authorities are preparing to open an alternate channel in the vicinity of the bridge.

Meanwhile, Baltimore mayor Brandon Scott responded to racist remarks made by conservatives who falsely attributed the incident to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programmes.

“I know that. I’ve been Black my whole life. I know how racism goes in this country,” Mr Scott told CBS News.

“I’m worried about the loss of life,” he said, adding that he was “ignoring the noise of people who simply want to be divisive”.

  • A 200-tonne bridge segment removed from Patapsco River

Baltimore mayor responds to racist remarks

  • Two bodies found in search for missing workers after Baltimore Key Bridge collapse
  • Massive crane arrives at crash site for clean up
  • Investigators reveal precise timeline of bridge disaster

Baltimore mayor says disaster is a ‘national economic catastrophe’

Baltimore Mayor Wes Moore has warned that the Key Bridge disaster is a “national economic catastrophe” that will have a wide-ranging and long-lasting impact on the American economy.

“People have to remember this is not a Baltimore catastrophe, not a Maryland catastrophe,” he told CNN’s “State of the Union on Sunday.

“This is a national economic catastrophe as well.”

He explained: “This port is one of the busiest, most active ports inside of the country. And so this is not just going to have an impact on Maryland. This is going to impact the farmer in Kentucky. This is going to impact the auto dealer in Ohio. This is going to impact the restaurant owner in Tennessee.”

Over in Oklahoma... Barge hits bridge just days after Baltimore tragedy

A highway in Oklahoma was temporarily shut on Saturday after a barge struck a bridge over the Arkansas River, just days after the tragic collision in Maryland.

State patrol troopers closed US Highway 59 about 1:25 pm after receiving word of the incident and diverted traffic from the area, spokesperson Sarah Stewart said.

The bridge, which crosses the Arkansas River where it enters the Robert S Kerr Reservoir, was later inspected and the highway reopened to traffic around 4 pm.

Barge hits bridge in Oklahoma just days after Baltimore tragedy

Watch: Moment bridge in Baltimore collapses after ship collision

Last driver on baltimore bridge was saved by a minute.

One of the last drivers to cross the Key Bridge in Baltimore before its collapse said he skipped death by a whisker.

Larry Desantis crossed the bridge on Tuesday morning while traveling from Pasadena to Dundalk for his second job.

“If I was one minute later, I probably wouldn’t be here now,” Mr Desantis told 13ABC.

Mr Desantis said he was driving at around 45 miles per hour because of the construction. The six migrant construction workers have been presumed dead, with authorities combing the river for the remains of four of them.

“There was a police car when I went by, right before the toll bridge. From what I understand, they knew something was going to happen, so he was waiting to get the word to stop the traffic. So, I guess I was like the last one that went through,” Mr Desantis added.

Pete Buttigieg says no timeline for reopening of Baltimore port

Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg said there is no timeline yet on when the Port of Baltimore will reopen as authorities rush to clear the debris of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge.

The navy and the army corps of engineers were deploying a 1,000-tonne crane and a 600-tonne crane to clear the debris, Mr Buttigieg told ABC on Sunday.

“They have not wanted to speculate yet on a timeline because the operation is so complex,” he said.

“It’s not that you just have to remove the wreckage, it’s that you have to do it in a way that doesn’t cause portions of the bridge that are there across the water to shift.

“They’ve been under a lot of compression, tension. They could behave almost like a spring if they are not expertly managed.”

Baltimore’s mayor calls for bipartisan Key Bridge repair

The mayor of the city of Baltimore is calling on Congress to act as a united body in response to the devastation caused by the crash of a massive container ship into his city’s iconic Francis Scott Key Bridge, which destroyed the crossing and has shut down one of the biggest ports on the East Coast.

Mayor Brandon Scott appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation and told guest host Ed O’Keefe that the disaster was more than just an issue for his state, citing the specific sectors likely to be impacted by the expected months-long closure of the port. The Port of Baltimore is the largest import site for foreign automobiles in the US, and also services other sectors including agriculture.

“This should not be something that has anything or any conversation around party,” he told CBS. “It matters to the global economy.”

John Bowden reports.

Baltimore’s mayor calls for bipartisan Key Bridge repair as he faces GOP opposition

Baker commuting over Baltimore bridge did not hear crash because of loud radio

A Baltimore baker who drove over the Francis Scott Key Bridge seconds before its collapse, says he had been blissfully unaware of the catastrophe until receiving a call from a panicked co-worker.

Read the full story here:

Baltimore mayor Brandon Scott has responded to racist remarks that he had to endure since the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge last week.

Following the collapse, conservatives on social media began falsely attributing the incident to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programmes, calling Mr Scott a “DEI mayor”.

“I am a young Black man, a young Black mayor in this country. We know that there are a lot of racism folks who think I shouldn’t be in this job,” Mr Scott, 39, told CBS News on Sunday.

“I know that. I’ve been Black my whole life. I know how racism goes in this country. But my focus is always going to be on those people. I didn’t want to be out there that night answering questions about DEI. I’m worried about the loss of life.

“And ignoring the noise of folks who simply want to be divisive and are afraid that their way of life, where people that don’t look like them and think like them can be in control, can be in power and actually be better at the job,” he added.

Preparation underway to open ‘alternate channel’, says Port of Baltimore captain

The captain of the Port of Baltimore has said authorities are preparing to open an alternate channel in the vicinity of the Key Bridge.

“This will mark an important first step along the road to reopening the port of Baltimore,” Capt David O’Connell said on Sunday.

Captain O’Connell is the Maryland commander for the Coast Guard and on-scene coordinator for the wreckage clear-up operation.

“By opening this alternate route, we will support the flow of marine traffic into Baltimore,” he said.

In pics: Debris being cleared from the collapsed Key Bridge

Moore: ‘we are maryland tough and baltimore strong', workers remove first piece of bridge wreckage.

Workers began removing the rubble of the collapsed Francis Key Scott bridge from the Patapsco River on Sunday.

A 200-tonne segment of the bridge was lifted and transferred using a crane to offload and process those parts at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point, governor Wes Moore said.

The bridge collapsed early on Tuesday morning, killing six migrant road workers, when a container ship nearly lost power and crashed into a support pylon.

The wreckage and hazardous weather conditions have made it impossible for divers to continue searching for the four remaining bodies of the deceased construction workers in recent days, governor Moore said.

Maryland governor urges Congress to pass funding for Key Bridge

Maryland governor Wes Moore has urged Republicans to work with Democrats to approve federal funding for rebuilding the Key bridge to get the port economy back on its feet.

The Joe Biden administration released $60m in initial emergency aid on Thursday to assist in cleaning up the bridge debris and reopening the port, which is the largest in the US for “roll-on, roll-off” vehicle imports and exports of farm and construction equipment.

Mr Moore said Republicans should be willing to approve the funding for the sake of not just the city of Baltimore, but for the national economy.

“The reason that we need people to move in a bipartisan basis ... is not because we need you to do Maryland a favour,” Mr Moore told CNN on Sunday.

“We need to make sure that we’re actually moving quickly to get the American economy going again, because the Port of Baltimore is instrumental in our larger economic growth.”

Baltimore Key Bridge collapse. Everything we know

The cause of the 26 March collision, which resulted in the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore, is still unknown. As the investigation is still underway, the mission has shifted from one of recovery to one of clearing the waters.

Following an update by authorities on Saturday, here’s everything we know:

What we know about Baltimore Key Bridge collapse as six people still missing

Easter message from Maryland Governor

Watch: baltimore’s key bridge featured in the wire, first stage of removing debris by crane ‘remarkably important moment'.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore said that the first debris lift, which took place on Saturday, was a “remarkably important moment”.

Mr Moore told reporters at a press conference ahead of the operations that the piece of bridge scheduled to be removed by crane was not one on top of the Dali container ship.

“We still do not yet have a timeline as to when we can actually begin lifting pieces off of the Dali , but we know that today is a remarkably important moment, but one that still is going to take further evaluation as to what type of impact that’s going to have on the remainder of the mission,” he said.

Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath added: “The piece of the northern part of the bridge is going to be lifted today, I believe has been cut... I can’t tell you where they are in the stage of the actual lifting but is scheduled to be lifted today.”

Mr Gilreath said he was unsure of the exact dimensions of the piece, but that it was part of the “top section” of the bridge.

“It’s gonna take the day to do it. I mean, they had to do the engineering process to plan how we could make those cuts,” he said. “They’re making those cuts, then they’re going to have to put straps to rig it, and then they will rig it and they will set it on a barge so it can be brought back here.”

How much will the bridge cost and who will pay?

President Joe Biden promised to visit Baltimore soon and said he wanted the federal government to pay to rebuild the bridge.

The Transportation Department on Thursday awarded $60 million in "quick release" emergency relief funds to aid in clearing debris and begin the process of rebuilding.

To replace the bridge, Congress would need to approve funding. After the bridge collapse in 2007 in Minnesota, Congress allocated $250 million.

Initial estimates put the cost of rebuilding the bridge at $600 million, according to economic analysis company IMPLAN.

Federal officials have told Maryland lawmakers the final cost of rebuilding the bridge could soar to at least $2 billion, Roll Call reported, citing a source familiar with the discussions.

Insurers could face billions of dollars in claims, analysts said, with one putting the cost at as much as $4 billion, which would make the tragedy a record shipping insurance loss.

Biden told teams to ‘move heaven and earth’ to aid bridge collapse emergency response

President Joe Biden intructed federal authorities to “move heaven and earth” to help with emergency responses to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge on Tuesday.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the president had directed a “whole-of-government response” and wanted work to begin on rebuilding the bridge “as soon as humanly possible”.

“After he was briefed on the collapse, President Biden immediately instructed his team to move heaven and earth to aid in the emergency response and help build — rebuild the bridge as soon as humanly possible,” Ms Jean-Pierre told reporters at a press conference.

“Within hours of the bridge’s collapse, President Biden spoke to Governor Moore, Senator Cardin, Senator Van Hollen, Congressman Mfume, as well as Baltimore’s mayor and county executive. The President’s message to them was clear: We will be with the people of Baltimore every step of the way.”

She added that Mr Biden remains in close contact with US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. The president is due to visit Baltimore this coming week, though details are still unconfirmed.

Maryland Governor: Bridge emergency response is a ‘round the clock operation'

At a press conference on Saturday, Maryland Governor Wes Moore told reporters that ongoing work in the aftermath of the Francis Scott Key bridge was a “round the clock operation”.

“Our work has only accelerated and we have a series of 24/7 operations currently underway,” he said.

“Unified Command are conducting planning and engineering assessments 24 hours a day. We have assets on the water, enforcing safety zones 24 hours a day. We have assessments on the Dali being conducted 24 hours a day.

“This is an around the clock operation. And we’re going to ramp up our 24/7 posture in the coming days.”

Watch: Buttigieg calls all of the conspiracy theories around the bridge's collapse 'upsetting'

Recap: four bodies remain unaccounted for.

Four bodies are still missing after the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed on Tuesday morning.

Divers found the two victims trapped in a red pickup truck a little before 10 am on Wednesday in about 25 feet of water around the bridge’s middle span.

They were identified as construction workers Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes, 35, of Baltimore and Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera, 26, of Dundalk, Maryland.

Meanwhile, four other missing construction workers remain unaccounted for.

On Tuesday, officials said two people had been rescued alive from the water. One was uninjured while the other was in a serious condition.

Though search efforts were previously paused, Maryland authorities say that rescue divers are currently “on standby” and will return to the waters when conditions improve.

Watch: Maryland governor says recovery efforts are 'round the clock' after Baltimore bridge collapse

How long will it take to rebuild the baltimore bridge.

Rebuilding Baltimore's collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge could be a lengthy process and will depend on whether any of the remaining structures can be salvaged.

Experts say it could take anywhere from 18 months to several years.

It took five years to construct the original bridge from 1972-1977.

Read more here:

Oklahoma highway temporarily shut after barge hits bridge

A highway in Oklahoma was temporarily shut on Saturday after a barge struck a bridge over the Arkansas River.

State patrol troopers closed US Highway 59 about 1:25 pm after receiving word of the incident and diverted traffic from the area,l spokesperson Sarah Stewart said.

“Engineers inspected the structure and found it safe to reopen,” the Oklahoma Department of Transportation said in an email.

There were no reports of injuries on the highway or the barge, and the cause of the collision remains unknown.

In photos: the scene of the collapse

Rescue divers to resume searches as soon as conditions improve.

Authorities say that rescue divers will return to the waters surrounding the collapsed Francis Scott Key bridge as soon as conditions improve. Recovery and salvage missions were previously called off due to water temperatures and other hazards.

At a press conference on Saturday, Maryland Governor Wes Moore told reporters: “Right now, the conditions make it unsafe for rescue divers. But as soon as those conditions change, Colonel [Roland] Butler has assured me that those rescue divers will be going right back in the water.”

Colonel Butler, Maryland State Police Chief, later added: “The Maryland State Police continue to be an active part of the Unified Command. As governor Moore mentioned, the brave members of our underwater rescue teams remain on standby.

“They will resume their recovery efforts once a unified command has informed them it is safe to resume diving operations.”

Crews begin work to lift a piece of collapsed bridge

Crews started lifting the first section of Baltimore's collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge from the water on Saturday, a move aimed at allowing access for barges and tugboats to reach the disaster site.

Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said that a collaborative effort involving teams from the Coast Guard, the US Navy's salvage arm, and the US Army Corps of Engineers is underway.

The workers are currently focusing on lifting a section of the bridge while leaving the crumpled part resting on the bow of the Dali, the container ship responsible for the bridge collapse, officials said.

The operation on Saturday involved cutting a piece just north of the channel and lifting it with a 160-ton marine crane onto a barge. A larger, 1,000-ton crane is also deployed at the bridge site.

Once lifted, the piece will be transported to Tradepoint Atlantic, the former Bethlehem Steel Mill site, which is being transformed into a distribution centre.

Governor Wes Moore declined to provide a timeline for this portion of the clearance work.

"It's not going to take hours," he said. "It's not going to take days, but once we complete this phase of the work, we can move more tugs and more barges and more boats into the area to accelerate our recovery."

Pete Buttigieg bashes misinformation surrounding cause of collapse

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg called it “upsetting” that in the face of tragedy – the collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key bridge – conspiracy theories have circulated to explain what caused the disaster that left six people to be presumed dead.

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins pointed out there have been “wild conspiracy theories” about what caused the disaster, ranging from a cyberattack, the captain having side effects from a Covid-19 vaccine, and blaming the Obamas.

She asked Mr Buttigieg whether he thought he would have to combat these conspiracy theories in the midst of a crisis?

“We’re in the business of dealing with roads and bridges and sometimes ships and trains,” he said. “So we are not in the habit as a Department of Transportation, of being in the business of dealing with conspiracies, or conspiracy theories or that kind of wild thinking. But unfortunately, it is a fact of life in America today.

“What’s really upsetting is when misinformation or disinformation circulates, that is not without victims.

“This is a human tragedy,” Mr Buttigieg said, adding that six men lost their lives.

Read the full story...

Pete Buttigieg slams conspiracy theories about Baltimore bridge collapse

Watch: Baltimore to receive $60 million in federal funds to rebuild

Coast guard chief details debris removal process.

On Saturday Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said that crane-lift operations to remove parts of the Francis Scott Key bridge were underway.

Mr Gilreath said the first piece of the bridge to be removed was a “top section” but he was unable to specify demensions. Engineers must first cut up the bridge before it can be moved.

“They're gonna get it into a size that they can manage with the crane that they have to lift it. The crane I believe is 160 tonne lift crane and... it's gonna take the day to do it,” he said.

“I mean, they had to do the engineering process to plan how we could make those cuts. They're making those cuts, then they're going to have to put straps to rig it and then they will rig it and they will set it on a barge so it can be brought back here.”

Fundraisers garner $200k for families of victims

One GoFundMe page raised over $98,000 in just nine hours.

The fundraiser, organised by the volunteer group Latino Racial Justice Circle, explained that the cash would be “distributed directly” to the “families of the victims” of the bridge collapse.

Eight construction workers, employed by Brawners Builders, were filling potholes in the early hours of 26 March, when the Dali container ship lost power and rammed into the bridge, causing them to fall into the Patapsco River.

While early search efforts led to the safe rescue of two men, six others were killed in the accident.

All of the missing men from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, Col Roland Butler Jr of Maryland State Police said at a press conference.

The organisers of the fundraiser wrote, “We know that the 6 victims were all Latino immigrants,” some of whom “were supporting partners and children in the Southeast Baltimore and Dundalk communities.”

“As they move forward with their shock and grief, the families will need support with basic needs, such as rent, groceries, and utilities,” they wrote.

GoFundMe tops $98k for families of Baltimore bridge collapse victims

Watch: Massive crane arrives to haul wreckage

The largest crane on the US eastern seaboard has been called in to help clear the wreckage of Baltimore ’s collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge.

Shipments in and out of one of America’s busiest ports are suspended while the wreckage hangs over the cargo ship that crashed into it.

Crews were still surveying the damage as of midday on Friday 29 March and a search for the bodies of four workers remains on hold because of the dangers of diving amongst the wreckage.

The crane, which can lift up to 1,000 tons, arrived late Thursday night and is expected to start hauling debris out of the water on Saturday morning.

A cargo ship crashed into the Key Bridge early on Tuesday, sending the structure tumbling into the Patapsco River.

Watch here:

Largest crane on eastern seaboard in place to clear wreckage of Baltimore bridge

Watch: Recovery efforts are ‘round the clock’ after Baltimore bridge collapse, Maryland governor says

Recovery efforts are ‘round the clock’ after Baltimore bridge collapse, governor says

Construction worker ‘miraculously’ survives Baltimore bridge collapse without knowing how to swim

A construction worker who was part of the team on the Francis Scott Key Bridge when it collapsed early on Tuesday morning in Baltimore, miraculously survived the incident despite not knowing how to swim.

Julio Cervantes’ and seven other workers from Mexico and Central America were taking a break inside their cars just moments before the bridge collapsed around 1:30am.

Mr Cervantes and another man were rescued the same day. The remains of Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes, 35, and Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera, 26, were recovered by searchers.

He was taken to the hospital with a chest wound and was released the same day

“My husband doesn’t know how to swim. It is a miracle he survived,” the wife of Cervantes, who did not wish to reveal her name, told NBC.

Discussion with Baltimore port workers ongoing

Baltimore mayor: ‘right pace’ is needed to reach our goals.

Baltimore mayor Brandon Scott also used a running metaphor to describe recovery efforts at the Francis Scott Key bridge, saying that the “right pace” was needed.

“I’m a runner, and I will say it like this. The winner of the marathon or the 5k is never the person who starts out the fastest,” he said.

“In fact, in my experience, those people end up last or not finishing the race at all. The winner always has the right pace and finishes with a strong kick. That will be all of us when we celebrate the reopening of the channel and the reopening of the brace in the future.

“We will all be exhausted, but it will be worth it because we will have achieved our goals the right way and together. Doing it that way, is going to make the process smoother and faster in the long run, and that’s our ultimate goal.”

First crane lift of debris to take place on Saturday

Authorities say they intend to conduct their first cran-lifts of debris from the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse on Saturday.

One of the cranes brought to the crash site, the Chesapeake 1000, is capable of lifting 1,000 tonnes — but the bridge is estimated to weigh around three or four times that, so it will need to be cut into sections, Maryland governor Wes Moore said.

At a press conference on Saturday, Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said: “I’m really proud to announce that the governor said we’re going to conduct our first lift today on a piece of a portion of the bridge just north of that deep draft shipping channel.

“And we’re we will continue planning efforts for once we get that clear to open that up for tug and barge traffic to come into the Port of Baltimore, but that’s going to take some more time.

“And this is a step in that process, much like when you run a marathon, you’ve got to take the first few steps. We’re taking those few first few steps, and will continue to get the resources in that will propel us to the finish line, but we’re working to get there as fast as we can.

“We’re going to open it as soon as possible and we’re gonna continue to do it safely.”

Did ‘dirty fuel’ contribute to the Baltimore bridge collapse?

Investigators are examining the possible role of “dirty fuel” in the cargo ship collision which destroyed Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge.

The Dali collided with the four-lane road bridge at 1.28am on Tuesday as it sailed out of the Maryland harbour.

Minutes before the collision, the propulsion system on board the vessel went down, alarms sounded, and the vessel began veering towards a support for the bridge.

At 1.26am, the captain called for crew to try to restart the engine and steer hard to the left. A minute later, he ordered them to drop anchor, and issued an emergency radio call to transport authorities on the bridge.

However the Dali , 1,000 ft long and 95,000 tons when empty, would have been virtually impossible to stop. It hit the 1.6mile bridge at 1.28am, causing its immediate collapse into the Patapsco River.

Louise Boyle has the full story...

Did ‘dirty fuel’ play a role in Baltimore bridge collapse?

Watch live: Maryland governor holds press conference following Baltimore bridge collapse

Maryland governor holds press conference following Baltimore bridge collapse

Trump criticised for staying silent on Baltimore bridge collapse

Former president Donald Trump, who has continued to post attacks against Joe Biden on social media, including a problematic picture of him hogtied at the back of a Maga truck , has remained largely silent on the Baltimore bridge collapse.

Since Tuesday night when a cargo ship slammed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, killing six people, all immigrants, Mr Trump has only posted one clip of Sean Hannity criticising President Joe Biden for making only a brief remark and "making it all about himself by mentioning his personal connection".

Mr Trump, who is usually known for his consistent and repeated posts on social media on any topic in the national news, is being criticised for remaining largely silent.

Republican strategist Scott Reed said this silence from Mr Trump is "a little weird," journalist Mike Sington shared on Twitter.

"It was a national tragedy, it’s going to cost $2 billion, it’s going to screw up a lot of people’s lives and impact goods travelling around the world," Mr Reed said, according to Mr Sington's post on X.

"At a minimum, express sympathy toward the poor six men that died that were doing their jobs on the midnight shift, keeping commerce flowing.”

Watch: Maryland Governor sets out four directives following Baltimore bridge crash

Maryland state Governor Wes Moore has set out four directives since the crash of the Francis Scott Key bridge on Tuesday.- Continue to prioritize recovery for the families- Clear channel and open vessel traffic to the port - Take care of everyone affected by this crisis - Rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge

Dundalk baker one of the last to drive over Francis Scott Key bridge

Larry Desantis, a baker from Dundalk, may have been one of the last people to ever drive across the Francis Scott Key bridge before its collapse.

Mr Desantis, who was on his normal commute across the bridge early on Tuesday morning, said he had not even realised the bridge had collapsed until after having driven over it. He told the Baltimore Banner that he didn’t hear the boom of the bridge crashing down because he had the radio playing.

“I didn’t even know anything was going on, but it was just really eerie when I got off of the bridge and there was nothing [behind me],” Mr Desantis told the Banner . “Because with Amazon there, I’ll see 20 Amazon trucks every morning. I don’t care what day of the week it is. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing.”

He added: “I think about it, I might not be here now if I had been just a little bit later...Just a minute would’ve changed everything. It’s scary, you know.”

Mr Desantis said that later he had gotten a call from a detective to make sure he was safe, though he was not sure how his car registration was obtained.

“They just wanted to know how many people they had to look for. That’s what he told me,” he said.

Despite his brush with death, Mr Desantis has gone into work each day since the bridge collapse, at Herman’s Bakery in Dundalk. Now, his commute on an alternative route takes close to an hour, whereas before it was 20 minutes, he told the Banner.

WATCH: NTSB releases new video on board Dali ship after Baltimore bridge collapse

Republican slams president biden’s pledge to use federal funds to rebuild bridge.

Earlier this week, Mr Biden said that he would “move heaven and earth” to reopen the bridge “as soon as humanly possible,” adding that he intended to use federal resources to fund the “entire cost” of the project.

“It was kind of outrageous immediately for Biden to express in this tragedy the idea that he’s going to use federal funds to pay for the entirety [of the bridge],” GOP Rep Dan Meuser told Fox News. “First reaction, frankly the only reaction, tends to be to spend.”

The Pennsylvania Republican proposed using funds from the government of Singapore, since the Dali was managed by Synergy Marine Group, a company based in the country. “We just can’t take the easy route all the time and just try to spend the taxpayers’ money,” he said. “There’s no thought. Just spend.”

Baltimore Key Bridge worker reveals last-minute shift change saved his life

A construction worker from Baltimore has revealed how he narrowly escaped the deadly Baltimore bridge collapse thanks to a last-minute change in his work shift.

Moises Diaz, a 45-year-old worker at Brawny Builders, told the New York Post that he should have been working on the Francis Scott Key Bridge on Tuesday morning but asked to switch his shift.

“If I didn’t ask to switch, I would have been in the water right now,” Mr Diaz said through a translator.

“It’s tragic,” Mr Diaz continued. “I’m really appreciative that I wasn’t on the bridge. I give thanks to God.”

Mr Diaz’s colleagues weren’t so lucky.

Amelia Neath has the full story...

FILE PHOTO: Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore


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    Check out our suggested 5-day itinerary from Bahia Honda to Key West, including must-see sights. Feel free to cruise and explore these islands at your own pace. ... Blog (888) 788-0662. Press enter to search. Close X (888) 788-0662 My ... The voyage from the anchorage to the reef takes about 90 minutes. As one of the most vibrant and colorful ...

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    The Museum of History is a great place to spend an air-conditioned afternoon on a sunny day. Fort Jefferson - about 70 miles west of Key West are the Dry Tortugas. Another set of islands that have but one structure - Fort Jefferson. This fort was built in the mid-1800s. It will amaze you from a construction standpoint.

  20. Cruises to Key West

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    Florida Keys Island Beauty & Wildlife Safari. EYWAUT00003. Encounter wild beauty touring the Florida Keys. Key West. Key West. Key Lime Beach Cruiser Bike Tour. EYWBKE00002. A biking tour with a slice of Key lime pie. Key West.


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  23. Baltimore Key Bridge collapse latest news and what we know

    Following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, 10 vessels are stuck in the Port of Baltimore, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, including 3 bulk carriers, 1 vehicle ...

  24. Baltimore key bridge collapse live updates: 2 bodies recovered

    Here's what to know: Victims: At least eight people went into the water.Two were rescued but the other six, part of a construction crew that had been filling potholes on the bridge, are missing and presumed dead.; Investigation: The cargo ship, called Dali, lost power and issued a mayday call shortly before it rammed the bridge. The U.S. Coast Guard boarded the vessel Wednesday to collect ...

  25. Elevate Voyage

    Elevate Voyage. 4-NIGHT ROUND-TRIP SAILING FROM MIAMI. Painted skies in the Florida Keys. Cruise from vibrant Miami to Key West on a journey towards self-discovery. From career speakers and forums to fitness and holistic well-being sessions, Elevate Voyages are a transformative and empowering experience, wrapped in classic Virgin style.

  26. Baltimore Key Bridge collapse latest: 'Herculean effort' as workers

    Before the Francis Scott Key Bridge catastrophically plummeted into the Patapsco River, the structure had stood for 47 years in its completion as the final link in the I-695 (the Baltimore Beltway).

  27. Alarms and Order to Drop Anchor Recorded Before Ship Hit Bridge

    The massive cargo ship that lost control and slammed into a major Baltimore bridge on Tuesday was not the first to do so. The same bridge was also hit by a wayward cargo vessel in 1980. On Aug. 29 ...

  28. Coast Guard says finding survivors unlikely after Francis Scott Key

    A livestream of the Key Bridge collapse early this morning sheds some light on what was happening with the Dali as the ship neared the bridge. Around 1:24 a.m. ET, the ship's lights turn off but ...