How to reset all of your Safari browser's settings on a Mac, including clearing your cache and removing plugins

  • Knowing how to reset your Safari browser on a Mac can help speed up the browser and fix issues. 
  • However, resetting Safari will also cause you to lose browser-saved data, including login credentials and browser extensions.
  • Here's what you need to know to reset the Safari browser on your Mac computer.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Resetting your Safari browser on a Mac computer can help speed it up and get rid of any issues you may have encountered. 

But before you start, be aware that it will delete your installed extensions, as well as any auto-fill data, including saved usernames and passwords. 

So you may want to take note of those before getting started, so that you can get your browser back to the way that you're accustomed to using it.

Once that's done, here's how to reset the Safari browser on your Mac .

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Macbook pro (from $1,299 at apple), how to reset safari on a mac.

Resetting your Safari browser consists of several steps (like clearing your cache and history), rather than a simple button. So it will take a while to accomplish. Here's what you need to do:

Clear your Safari history

Keep in mind that the process is different for Safari on an iPhone or iPad , in case you want to do a reset across all of your devices.

1. Launch Safari

2. In the top toolbar, select "Safari" and then "Clear History."

3. Select "All History" in the dropdown and then click "Clear History."

Clear your Safari cache

1. With Safari open, go up to the top toolbar.

2. Select "Safari" and then "Preferences."

3. Toggle over to the "Advanced" tab and tick the box next to "Show Develop menu in menu bar" — you should see "Develop" appear in the top toolbar.

4. Click "Develop" and then select "Empty Caches."

Get rid of your Safari extensions

1. Go back into your Safari Preferences (located in that top toolbar)

2. Toggle over to the "Extensions" tab

3. Go through all of your extensions and select "Uninstall"

Turn off plugins within Safari

1. With the Safari Preferences window still open, toggle over to the "Websites" tab

2. Untick the box next to each plugin (listed at the bottom of the left sidebar)

Delete those plugins

These are stored in two separate areas, so your work will feel a bit redundant, but it's necessary to get the job done.

1. Tap your Finder to open it (it's the half-toned face icon in your bottom toolbar).

2. Under the "Go" menu of the top toolbar, select "Go to folder."

3. In the pop-up search menu, type "~/Library" and hit "Go."

4. Locate and go through the "Internet Plug-ins" folder and delete your plug-ins (you may want to keep your Safari Preferences open to "websites" so you can view your installed plugins) by dragging them over to the Trash.

5. Go up to the "Go" tab in your top toolbar and select "Go to folder".

6. Enter "/Library" in the search bar and hit "Go."

7. Locate and open the "Internet Plug-ins" folder again.

8. Select and delete or drag your undesired plugins into the Trash.

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resettare safari su mac

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Come resettare e ripristinare Safari su Mac

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Scritto da Chloe Turner

Ultimo aggiornamento: 28 novembre 2022

Un esperto di scrittura tecnica, ha creato tutti i tipi di articoli, dalle recensioni Mac a come scrivere articoli.

Ci saranno casi in cui potresti riscontrare alcuni problemi con Safari come l'arresto anomalo del browser o il ritardo durante il caricamento delle pagine. Se questo accade in modo coerente anche con una connessione Internet stabile, potrebbe essere necessario ripristinare Safari.

L'opzione di ripristino con un clic è stata rimossa. Allora, come si fa un reset e ripristino di browser Safari rapidamente ?

Leggi questo post per sapere come resettare Safari su Mac.

Contents: Parte 1. Come faccio a resettare Safari sul mio Mac? Parte 2. Come ripristinare Safari su Mac senza aprirlo? Parte 3. Conclusione

Le persone leggono anche: Safari va così lento? Ecco come velocizzare Safari! Safari non funziona su Mac? Risolvere Safari che non si apre

Parte 1. Come faccio a resettare Safari sul mio Mac?

Come ripristinare Safari su Mac quando il pulsante Ripristina Safari è ora scomparso? Ci sono diversi passaggi di seguito per ottenere lo stesso risultato.

  • Cancella la cronologia di Safari e i dati web.
  • Rimuovi la cache di Safari.
  • Pulisci la cartella della libreria.
  • Disattiva l' estensioni e plug-in .
  • Disinstalla e reinstalla Safari sul tuo Mac

Ripristina Safari su Mac

1. Cancella la cronologia di Safari e i dati web

Quando vai a navigare in Safari, memorizzerà dati temporanei, questo è dovuto al fatto che ha strumenti integrati che fanno esattamente questo. Ciò consuma memoria virtuale e potrebbe rallentare il browser.

Puoi rimuovere completamente tutta la cronologia . Se il problema si verifica solo su alcuni siti Web visitati, puoi anche scegliere di eliminare i dati per sito.

Ecco come resettare Safari su Mac cancellando la cronologia di Safari:

  • Sotto le preferenze, vedrai la sezione Privacy, quindi fai clic su di essa per portarti alla pagina successiva.
  • Ora vedrai l'opzione "Rimuovi tutti i dati del sito web". Fai clic sul pulsante Dettagli.
  • Questo ora ti mostrerà un elenco di siti Web che hai esplorato. Cerca quello che sta causando il problema, seleziona per rimuoverlo.

Cancella la cronologia di Safari e i dati web

2. Svuota la cache di Safari

Proprio come con qualsiasi altro browser, se Safari funziona lento, una delle prime cose da fare è svuotare la cache. Con Safari lo stesso può essere fatto attraverso i seguenti passaggi per ripristinare Safari su Mac:

  • Di nuovo in Preferenze cerca la sezione Avanzate.
  • Nella pagina successiva spunta la casella che dice "Mostra menu Sviluppo nella barra dei menu".
  • Questo ora ti permetterà di vedere che il menu "Sviluppo" è stato aggiunto e devi solo selezionare "Svuota cache". (Suggerimento: Alt + Command + E sarebbe il modo più semplice per farlo)

Cancella Safari Cache

3. Pulisci la cartella della libreria

Con gli aggiornamenti apportati al sistema operativo Mac, ora ha anche la possibilità di memorizzare temporaneamente i dati nella cartella della libreria.

Devi solo andare nella cartella "Libreria" e poi "Caches". Qui puoi eliminare i file che non sono più utili e rimuovere le cache indesiderate. Fai attenzione però perché ci sono anche file importanti che sono parte integrante della funzionalità del tuo hardware.

Se non sai esattamente cosa stai cercando e non sei sicuro di essere in grado di determinare i file che devono essere cancellati, dovresti pensarci due volte prima di seguire questa strada.

Pulisci la cartella della libreria

4. Disattiva le estensioni e plug-in

Questi potrebbero aggiungere alcune funzionalità alle tue capacità di navigazione utilizzando Safari, ma potrebbero anche causare problemi tecnici, quindi rimuoverli potrebbe aiutare ad alleviare il problema e consentire al tuo browser di funzionare come una volta.

Segui questi passaggi per disabilitare estensioni e plug-in in modo da ripristinare Safari su Mac:

  • Una volta che sei su Safari, apri Preferenze, e poi cerca l'opzione Estensioni.
  • Spunta ogni casella accanto a ogni estensione mostrata nella pagina per disabilitarla.
  • Chiudi Safari, e poi eseguilo di nuovo se ancora non funziona potrebbe anche rimuovere completamente le estensioni aggiunte al tuo browser. Per farlo basta spuntare le caselle una per una e poi cliccare su Disinstalla. Riavvia il browser e verifica se ci sono miglioramenti.

Disattivazione di estensioni e plug-in

5. Disinstalla e reinstalla Safari sul tuo Mac

Questa può essere una mossa drastica per alcuni, ma non c'è nulla di male nel provare. Proprio come alcune app là fuori che hanno determinati bug che vengono corretti con la rimozione e l'installazione di un'app posteriore, puoi farlo anche con Safari sul tuo Mac.

C'è un "ma" in questo però. La disinstallazione funziona solo per le versioni precedenti del sistema operativo, ma se ne stai eseguendo una più recente, ad esempio OS X El Capitan (10.11) o macOS Sierra, l'unica cosa che può essere eseguita è ripristinare le impostazioni predefinite.

Quando hai una versione precedente e desideri disinstallarla, tieni presente che non è così facile come trascinarla nel cestino. Insieme ad esso vengono forniti altri file che dovresti anche rimuovere completamente. Anche se sarà un po 'complicato poiché dovresti stare molto attento ai file che stai eliminando.

Quelli sbagliati potrebbero influire sulla funzionalità del tuo Mac. Per riassumere questa particolare soluzione non è consigliabile, ma per i coraggiosi di cuore e per chi ama il rischio l'abbiamo inclusa come un modo alternativo per cercare di risolvere il problema.

Parte 2. Come ripristinare Safari su Mac senza aprirlo?

Nessuna delle cose di base sopra menzionate ha funzionato per te? Prima di concludere che è qualcos'altro che il tuo browser che agisce, potresti anche dare una possibilità allo strumento di pulizia del browser - iMyMac PowerMyMac .

PowerMyMac non solo pulisce tutto in una volta come i cookie e la cronologia di navigazione Safari, ti anche consente di conservarne se hai siti web che visiti frequentemente.

È conveniente con la sua scansione veloce e le funzionalità facili da usare. Come un software sicuro , PowerMyMac non ti darà annunci dannosi o bundle di altri software. Inoltre, ti offre una prova gratuita per ripristinare tuo Safari.

Continua a leggere per saperne di più sui passaggi su come ripulire Safari utilizzando il potente programma PowerMyMac:

  • Scarica e install PowerMyMac.
  • Apri il modulo Privacy.
  • Seleziona i dati di Safari scansionati.
  • Rimuovi i dati di Safari per ripristinare Safari.

Vai all'opzione sulla Privacy

Passaggio 1. Scarica e installa PowerMyMac

Il download è facile (puoi utilizzare la versione di prova gratuita . Una volta completato il processo di installazione, avvia il programma.

Passaggio 2. Scegli il modulo Privacy

PowerMyMac ha funzionalità diverse ma per concentrarti sul problema con il tuo Safari e provare a ripulirlo da parte della spazzatura che potrebbe causare il problema, vai all'opzione "Privacy" nella dashboard principale, e poi fai clic su "SCANSIONA" per iniziare a controllare il dati del browser.

Passaggio 3. Rivedi e seleziona i dati di Safari

Una volta completata la scansione, ti verrà mostrato un elenco dettagliato di tutti i dati scansionati da Safari (se hai altri browser che usi sul tuo Mac verranno scansionati anche questi e verranno visualizzate anche le informazioni). Ora hai un'anteprima in cui puoi ricontrollare quali dati vorresti rimuovere.

Passaggio 4. Rimuovi tutti i dati e restta il browser Safari

Scegli quali informazioni salvate sul tuo browser da cancellare: le cronologie di navigazione, la cache, i cookie, i file download, i file di archiviazione locale, ecc. Fai clic sul pulsante "PULISCI" nella parte inferiore della pagina per resettare Safari semplicemente .

Rimuovi i dati di Safari

Parte 3. Conclusione

Se hai problemi con reset e ripristino di browser Safari, potresti provare le soluzioni indicate in questo post per ripristinare Safari su Mac. Se mai nessuno di loro ha funzionato per te, puoi scaricare PowerMyMac per farlo. È sicuro e quindi non dovrai preoccuparti dei tuoi dati privati.

Provalo gratis adesso! Speriamo che questa guida ti aiuti a resettare Safari.

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (basato su 66 rating)


Pulisci e velocizza il tuo Mac

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  • Sistemi operativi

Come ripristinare Safari

Safari ha cominciato a fare le “bizze” sul tuo Mac? La navigazione viene spesso interrotta da strani “freeze” o addirittura da dei crash improvvisi dell’applicazione? In casi come questi, la cosa più saggia da fare è resettare il browser e riportarlo alle sue impostazioni di fabbrica. Ciò significa cancellare tutta la cronologia, i cookie, i dati dei siti Web e liberarsi di tutte le estensioni che potrebbero aver compromesso la stabilità del software.

Fino a qualche tempo fa era possibile ripristinare Safari semplicemente accedendo al menu principale del browser e cliccando su un’apposita voce. A partire dal rilascio di Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), però, tale funzione è stata rimossa e ora si è costretti ad agire “manualmente” su tutte le impostazioni del programma. È una discreta noia, te lo confesso, ma in fin dei conti non è difficile come sembra.

La procedura per effettuare il ripristino di Safari si può attuare — allo stesso modo — anche su iPhone e iPad , dove, entrando nei menu di iOS/iPadOS, si possono trovare delle comode opzioni che permettono di cancellare tutti i dati di navigazione, la cronologia e resettare le impostazioni di rete dell’intero sistema operativo. Se vuoi saperne di più, continua a leggere, trovi spiegato tutto in dettaglio proprio qui sotto.

Come ripristinare icona Safari

Come ripristinare pagine safari, come ripristinare safari: mac.


Come accennato in apertura del post, purtroppo Apple ha rimosso la possibilità di ripristinare Safari su Mac con un semplice clic nel menu del browser, questo significa che per effettuare tale operazione devi “armarti” di santa pazienza e procedere alla reimpostazione “manuale” di tutti i parametri.

Prima, però, ritagliati qualche minuto di tempo libero ed effettua un backup del Mac con Time Machine , in questo modo, nel malaugurato caso in cui qualcosa andasse storto, potrai ripristinare lo stato del sistema (e quindi di Safari) in maniera semplicissima. Se ti serve una mano con i backup, consulta il mio tutorial su come effettuare un backup con Time Machine .

Successivamente, ti consiglio di eseguire una scansione antimalware , questo perché se i tuoi problemi con Safari derivano dal fatto che il browser mostra dei banner pubblicitari indesiderati, va lento o reimposta in maniera automatica la sua pagina iniziale, potresti essere stato infettato da un malware (sì, esistono anche per Mac). Per sbarazzartene, prova a fare una scansione del sistema con il software Malwarebytes Anti-Malware , che è un famoso anti-malware gratuito eventualmente disponibile pure in una versione a pagamento (che presenta costi a partire da 3,33 euro/mese con fatturazione annuale) che include il modulo di protezione in tempo reale e altre funzionalità aggiuntive, di cui ti ho parlato in maniera approfondita nella mia guida specifica su questo programma .

Dopo aver effettuato un backup con Time Machine e dopo aver controllato il tuo Mac con Malwarebytes, se i problemi del browser persistono, prova a ripristinare Safari seguendo le indicazioni che trovi qui sotto.

  • Cancella la cronologia — il primo passo che ti consiglio di compiere è quello di cancellare la cronologia di navigazione. Recati quindi nel menu Cronologia di Safari, scorrilo fino in fondo e seleziona la voce Cancella cronologia da quest’ultimo. Nella finestra che si apre, seleziona la voce tutta la cronologia dal menu a tendina che trovi in corrispondenza della dicitura Cancella e fai clic sul pulsante Cancella cronologia per applicare i cambiamenti.
  • Cancella i dati dei siti Web — per cancellare i cookie e altri dati dei siti Web, recati nel menu Safari collocato in alto a sinistra, fai clic sulla voce Preferenze e seleziona la scheda Privacy dalla finestra che si apre. Successivamente, clicca sul pulsante Gestisci dati siti web , fai clic sul pulsante Rimuovi tutto e conferma l’operazione premendo sul pulsante Rimuovi adesso .
  • Svuota la cache — un’altra operazione consigliata è la rimozione della cache, ossia di tutti quei file temporanei che vengono salvati sul computer per caricare più velocemente le pagine Web. Per cancellare la cache basta aprire il menu Sviluppo di Safari e selezionare la voce Svuota la cache da quest’ultimo. Se non vedi il menu Sviluppo , clicca sulla voce Safari collocata in alto a sinistra, quindi su quella Preferenze , seleziona la scheda Avanzate e metti il segno di spunta accanto alla dicitura Mostra menu Sviluppo nella barra dei menu .
  • Disattiva le estensioni — le estensioni sono utilissime, ma alcune, se mal progettate, possono influire in maniera negativa sulla stabilità del browser (portandolo al crash o a “freeze” improvvisi). Recati, dunque, nel menu Safari , fai clic sulla voce Preferenze , seleziona la scheda Estensioni dalla finestra che si apre e disattiva, una a una, tutte le estensioni (basta selezionare le loro icone e togliere la spunta dalla casella che trovi in corrispondenza delle stesse). Quando trovi l’add-on colpevole dei problemi di Safari, rimuovilo dal browser selezionando il suo nome e cliccando sul pulsante Disinstalla .

A questo punto, potresti già aver risolto i problemi di navigazione in Safari. Qualora così non fosse, mi spiace, ma devi andare ancora più a fondo e cancellare “manualmente” tutti i file di configurazione del browser. Per riuscirci, chiudi preventivamente Safari sul tuo Mac, dopodiché recati, fai clic sulla voce Vai in alto a sinistra, tieni premuto il tasto option (quello con il simbolo ⌥ ) sulla tastiera, seleziona la voce Libreria dal menu che compare e intervieni sulla finestra del Finder visualizzata come indicato qui sotto.

  • Per cancellare le impostazioni di Safari , individua la cartella Safari e spostala nel cestino.
  • Per cancellare la cache di Safari , seleziona la cartella Caches , individua la cartella in essa presente e spostala nel cestino.
  • Per cancellare le preferenze di Safari , apri la cartella Preferences ed elimina tutti i file in essa presenti il cui nome inizia con .
  • Per cancellare lo stato di Safari , apri la cartella Saved Application State e cancella la cartella in essa presente.
  • Per cancellare le impostazioni dei cookie , apri la cartella Cookies ed elimina i file e Cookies.binarycookies che ci trovi all’interno.
  • Per cancellare i plugin superflui , apri la cartella Internet Plug-Ins , individua i plugin che non ti servono in essa presenti e spostali nel cestino.

Ora prova a riavviare Safari e dovresti ritrovare il tuo browser “vuoto”, ma più scattante e stabile che mai. Qualora dovessi continuare ad avere dei problemi, puoi valutare di rivolgerti all’uso di CleanMyMac X , uno dei più conosciuti e apprezzati programmi dedicati alla pulizia, alla sicurezza e all’ottimizzazione del Mac. Consente di eliminare le tracce residue dei programmi installati, di reimpostare i permessi sui file, di rimuovere malware e altre minacce e di effettuare tantissime altre operazioni di manutenzione e correzione dei problemi. Si può scaricare e usare gratis, ma consente di liberare massimo 500 MB di spazio. Per aggirare questa limitazione è sbloccare altre funzioni va acquistata la versione a pagamento (con prezzi a partire da 29,95 euro/anno). Per maggiori dettagli, leggi la mia guida specifica . Puoi usufruire del programma pure abbonandoti a Setapp , una piattaforma che per 9,99$/mese (con prova gratuita di 7 giorni) consente di accedere a un’ampia gamma di applicazioni a pagamento per macOS senza doverle acquistare singolarmente, come ti ho spiegato in dettaglio nel mio articolo specifico sull’argomento .

Attenzione: le modifiche applicate al Mac verranno sincronizzate su tutti i dispositivi collegati al tuo account iCloud . Questo significa che cancellando la cronologia e i dati dei siti Web su macOS, anche iPhone, iPad ecc. “dimenticheranno” tutto.

Icona Safari macOS

Hai apportato modifiche all’icona di Safari sul tuo Mac, impostandone una personalizzata, ma ora ci hai ripensato e vorresti visualizzare nuovamente quella originale, solo che non sai come riuscirci? Nessun problema, ti spiego io come ripristinare icona Safari . È facilissimo.

Tutto quello che devi fare è recarti di macOS, fare clic sul menu Vai in alto a sinistra, quindi sulla voce Applicazioni presente nel menu che si apre, dopodiché individua Safari nell’elenco delle applicazioni di macOS, fai clic destro sulla sua icona e scegli la voce Ottieni informazioni dal menu che compare.

Successivamente, clicca sulla miniatura dell’icona attualmente in uso che si trova in alto a sinistra nella nuova finestra che si è aperta e schiaccia il tasto canc (quello con il simbolo ⌫) presente sulla tastiera oppure utilizza la combinazione di tasti cmd+x . Fatto ciò l’icona precedentemente in uso per il file o la cartella selezionata verrà immediatamente sostituita da quella “di default”.

Pannelli Safari macOS

Se sei capitato su questa mia guida dedicata a come ripristinare Safari perché desideroso di scoprire come recuperare le pagine del browser chiuse per errore, le indicazioni che devi seguire sono quelle che trovi di seguito.

Per cui, se vuoi ripristinare pagine Safari , avvia il browser e se la barra laterale non risulta visibile rimedia facendo clic sull’icona Mostra barra laterale (quella con la finestra e la barra laterale) che trovi in alto a sinistra. Adesso, fai clic sull’icona con i quattro quadrati che trovi accanto alla dicitura N pannelli oppure vicino al nome del gruppo pannelli di tuo interesse e seleziona la scheda di tuo interesse dall’elenco visibile a destra.

Puoi recuperare anche delle schede che sono state aperte su altri dispositivi collegati al medesimo ID Apple , aprendo una nuova scheda con la pagina di apertura , selezionando il dispositivo di tuo interesse dal menu in basso (es. iPad di Salvatore ) e poi la scheda di tuo interesse dall’elenco proposto, eventualmente espandibile facendo clic sulla voce Mostra tutto che compare a destra.

Se, invece, hai bisogno di recuperare delle pagine non visibili tra i pannelli aperti in precedenza, puoi rivolgerti alla cronologia, accessibile facendo clic sulla voce Cronologia situata in alto a sinistra e selezionando la pagina di tuo interesse dall’elenco proposto o facendo prima clic su una delle opzioni annesse al menu che si è aperto per filtrare i risultati disponibili.

Come ripristinare Safari: iPhone e iPad


Se vuoi ripristinare Safari su iPhone e iPad , tanto per cominciare recati nella home screen e/o nella Libreria app di iOS/iPadOS, dopodiché fai tap sull’icona delle Impostazioni (quella con l’ ingranaggio ) e seleziona la voce Safari dal menu che si apre.

A questo punto, premi sul pulsante Cancella dati siti web e cronologia che si trova in fondo allo schermo e conferma la cancellazione di tutti i dati di navigazione (cronologia e cookie) premendo nuovamente su Cancella dati e cronologia .

Se vuoi rimuovere solo i cookie e i dati dei siti Web senza cancellare la cronologia, recati sempre nella sezione Impostazioni > Safari di iOS/iPadOS, seleziona la voce Avanzate , fai tap sulla dicitura Dati dei siti Web e premi prima sul pulsante Rimuovi tutti i dati dei siti Web e poi su Rimuovi adesso . In alternativa, fai tap sulla voce Modifica collocata in alto a destra e rimuovi i dati di singoli siti Internet selezionando il loro indirizzo dal menu sottostante.

Nel caso in cui, dopo aver seguito la procedura di cui sopra, Safari non risultasse “resettato”, prova a forzare la chiusura del browser, procedendo in questo modo a seconda del dispositivo in uso: su iPhone e iPad con Face ID , effettua uno swipe dal basso verso l’alto dello schermo e poi sposta il dito verso destra o vero sinistra, in modo da far comparire lo switcher con tutte le applicazioni in esecuzione, individua Safari e trascina la relativa finestra verso l’alto; su iPhone e iPad con Touch ID , premi per due volte consecutive sul tasto Home e trascina verso l’alto la finestra dell’applicazione.

Se riscontri dei problemi di connessione relativi alla rete dati 3G/LTE oppure alle reti wireless, non resettare le impostazioni di Safari. Prova piuttosto a ripristinare le impostazioni di rete recandoti nelle Impostazioni di iOS/iPadOS, facendo tap sulla voce Generali e su quella Trasferisci o inizializza iPhone/iPad , dopodiché seleziona l’opzione Ripristina , quindi quella Ripristina impostazioni rete . Tale procedura porterà alla reimpostazione di tutte le connessioni e auspicabilmente alla risoluzione dei problemi relative a queste ultime, ma farà anche “dimenticare” al tuo iPhone/iPad le password delle reti Wi-Fi.

Attenzione: Anche nel caso di Safari su iOS/iPadOS, le modifiche verranno applicate a tutti i dispositivi connessi al tuo account iCloud. Questo significa che perderai cronologia e cookie anche su iPad, Mac e tutti gli altri device collegati al tuo ID Apple.

Reset impostazioni iOS

Il tuo problema è che non riesci più a trovare il browser nella schermata home dell’iPhone o dell’iPad e, dunque, ti piacerebbe capire come ripristinare icona Safari ? In tal caso, puoi risolvere facilmente andando a effettuare il reset del layout della home screen .

Per riuscirci, seleziona l’icona delle Impostazioni che trovi nella schermata home e/o nella Libreria app di iOS/iPadOS, fai tap sulla voce Generali , poi su quella Trasferisci o inizializza iPhone/iPad , dopodiché scegli l’opzione Ripristina e sfiora la dicitura Ripristina layout schermata Home .

Dopo aver compiuto i passaggi di cui sopra, l’icona dell’app di Safari verrà nuovamente collocata nella sua posizione d’origine, ma tieni altresì presente che tutte le cartelle che avevi creato saranno rimosse e le app che hai scaricato verranno ordinate alfabeticamente dopo quelle in dotazione con iPhone e iPad.

Pannelli Safari iOS

Se, invece, sei finito su questo mio tutorial perché desideroso di scoprire come ripristinare pagine Safari , ovvero come riaprire le schede chiuse erroneamente nel navigatore del tuo iPhone o iPad, le indicazioni alle quali devi attenerti sono quelle che trovi in questo passo.

Per prima cosa, avvia Safari su iOS/iPadOS, sfiorando la relativa icona (quella con la bussola ) che trovi nella home screen e/o nella Libreria app, dopodiché fai tap sull’icona con le due schede che trovi in basso a destra, seleziona il pannello precedentemente aperto tra quelli presenti in elenco oppure apri un gruppo di pannelli differente e seleziona la scheda che ti interessa da lì, facendo prima tap sul nome del gruppo attualmente in uso in basso e poi su quello che ti interessa dal menu che si apre.

Puoi pure riaprire le schede aperte su altri dispositivi Apple collegati al medesimo account iCloud. Per riuscirci, apri un nuovo pannello premendo prima sull’icona con le due schede posta in basso a destra e sul pulsante (+) in fondo a sinistra, dopodiché scegli da quale dispositivo recuperare i pannelli aperti tramite il menu a tendina apposito che trovi nella schermata della pagina di apertura (es. Da iPad di Salvatore ) e seleziona la scheda di tuo interesse oppure premi sulla voce Mostra tutto per prendere visione dell’elenco completo e scegliere da lì.

Se procedendo come ti ho appena indicato non riesci a ripristinare le pagine di Safari di tuo interesse, puoi dare un’occhiata nella cronologia del browser, accessibile facendo tap sull’icona con il libro aperto che trovi nella parte in basso della schermata di Safari, quindi sull’icona con l’ orologio nel menu che si apre e selezionando la pagina di tuo interesse dall’elenco. Se necessario, puoi aiutarti nell’individuazione con il campo di ricerca .

Salvatore Aranzulla

Salvatore Aranzulla è il blogger e divulgatore informatico più letto in Italia. Noto per aver scoperto delle vulnerabilità nei siti di Google e Microsoft. Collabora con riviste di informatica e cura la rubrica tecnologica del quotidiano Il Messaggero. È il fondatore di, uno dei trenta siti più visitati d'Italia, nel quale risponde con semplicità a migliaia di dubbi di tipo informatico. Ha pubblicato per Mondadori e Mondadori Informatica.

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resettare safari su mac

How to Reset Safari to Default Settings on Your Mac

If Safari runs slow or fails to open a page on your Mac, we will show you how to reset the browser to its default state to fix those issues.

Safari helps you feel at home while browsing the web on a Mac. The latest iterations of Safari always bring improvements, but no browser is perfect. Over time, Safari tends to slow down, become sluggish, and feel unresponsive.

While Chrome and Firefox pack a reset button, this feature is missing from Safari. We will show you how you can reset Safari to default settings on your Mac.

First, Back Up Your Bookmarks

After you've used Safari for a while, you probably have a lot of sites saved in your Bookmarks and Favorites. It's a good idea to make a copy of your Bookmarks before you proceed. Since you'll remove every bit data related to Safari, you probably don't want to erase all your bookmarks.

To do this, launch Safari, select the File tab in the top menu bar, and click Export Bookmarks . You can either set a new name or let it use the default one if you don't mind it. Click Save to save a copy of those bookmarks.

You may also want to edit, organize, and manage those bookmarks that you've collected over years.

After you've reset Safari by following the methods below, you can import the HTML copy of your Bookmarks by going to File > Import From and selecting Bookmarks HTML File . Make sure to save the file somewhere safe in the meantime.

Clear the Browsing History in Safari

To start, you should run Safari's built-in history cleaner. This will remove cookies and other browsing data from everywhere you've visited. Thankfully, the process to remove your browsing history manually from Safari is quite straightforward.

Related: How to Clear Your Safari Browsing History and Data

After opening Safari, click on the Safari item in the top menu bar and select Clear History . A window will pop up; select All History from the dropdown list. Then click on the Clear History button to erase all that data from Safari.

Remove the Temporary Files and Cache

To improve your browsing efficiency, Safari stores the data for sites that you visit regularly as cache on your Mac and uses that to load elements faster than downloading them again. That cache takes up disk space and often contributes to Safari's performance woes.

It's thus a good idea to get rid of that old data when you're resetting Safari to its defaults. Here's how to clear Safari's temporary files and cache:

  • While you have Safari running, open Safari > Preferences from the menu bar.
  • A window will pop open. Head to the Advanced tab and select the check box for Show Develop menu in menu bar .
  • The Develop menu will appear next to Bookmarks on the menu bar. Select Develop > Empty Caches or use Option + Cmd + E to quickly clear the web cache.

Delete All Cookies

Like other browsers, Safari stores site cookies whenever you visit websites. These cookies contain details about your interactions with the site, such as registration and form data, your cart contents, and similar. It's a good idea to remove those cookies when starting fresh.

Here's how you can clear all cookies from Safari:

  • Launch Safari and in the menu bar at the top of the screen, go to Safari > Preferences .
  • In the window that pops up, go to the Privacy tab and click the Manage Website Data button. That'll pop open a window showing the list of cookies in Safari.
  • You can hold down Cmd to select cookies to remove individually, or click Remove All to delete the entire list.

Turn Off Website Access/Delete Safari Plugins

While Apple builds Safari for efficiency, some outside plugins and website access rules can cause Safari to slow down. It's best to ensure that those plugins ask you before Safari runs them. You can also confirm which sites can access your Mac's camera, microphone, and other settings.

With Safari open, go to Safari > Preferences in the menu bar on the top of the screen. Go to the Websites tab and check each item in the sidebar for website access. We recommend disabling Auto-Play , Camera , Microphone , Location , and Pop-Ups , unless you have some reason not to do so.

If you're using an older version of Safari that doesn't have these options, you can head to Safari > Preferences and click on Security > Plug-In Settings . Then set all the plugins to Ask before Safari runs them, and disable the ones you don't need.

Disable or Uninstall Safari Extensions

Unlike Chrome and Firefox, Apple allows only a handful of extensions to work with Safari. Even with this filtering, some of them might impact your browsing performance and slow everything down. Whether you use extensions for saving articles to Pocket or applying dark mode on every website, they could affect Safari.

You can disable these extensions by going to Safari > Preferences and clicking the Extensions tab. Uncheck each extension listed to disable it. To remove all of them, you'll need to select each extension and click on the Uninstall button in the adjacent pane.

You can always find and install new Safari extensions later after resetting the browser. Try to only install high-quality ones you absolutely need.

Reset Safari Using Terminal

Even after removing cookies, cache, browsing history, and extensions, Safari still has some underlying metadata. To wipe everything in a true sense, you can use the Terminal app.

Using the Terminal to reset Safari to its default state means you'll have to use a series of commands. Refer to our beginner's guide to the Mac Terminal for using it effectively.

To reset Safari using Terminal:

  • Open the Terminal app (you can find it easily using Spotlight with Cmd + Space ).
  • Next, open the Apple menu at the top-left corner of your screen. Click Force Quit and select Safari to completely close it.
  • Enter the below commands commands, one line at a time. After you run each command, the Terminal will prompt for confirmation to delete said files. Type y to confirm, then hit Enter .

Reset Safari for a Fresh and Fast Browser Experience

Now you know how to effectively reset Safari to factory settings. It should feel faster after this—though all the sites you visit at first will take a couple of seconds to load completely, since they'll create new cookies and cache.

To get even more out of Safari, make sure you're applying the best Safari tweaks for a better experience.

How To Reset Safari In Mac

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Resetting Safari on your Mac can be a helpful solution when you encounter issues such as slow performance, unexpected crashes, or unresponsive web pages. By resetting Safari, you can clear out accumulated data, remove problematic extensions, and restore the browser to its default settings. This process can effectively resolve various browsing issues and enhance the overall performance of Safari.

Whether you're experiencing frequent crashes, encountering persistent pop-up ads, or noticing unusual behavior while browsing, resetting Safari can often provide a fresh start and resolve these issues. It's important to note that resetting Safari will clear your browsing history, cookies, and other website data, so it's essential to back up any important information before proceeding with the reset.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of resetting Safari on your Mac. By following these instructions, you can effectively troubleshoot common browsing issues and ensure that Safari functions smoothly and efficiently. Let's dive into the details and learn how to reset Safari to optimize your browsing experience.

Step 1: Open Safari Preferences

To initiate the process of resetting Safari on your Mac, the first step is to access the Safari Preferences . This can be done by launching the Safari browser and locating the "Safari" option in the top menu bar. Upon clicking on "Safari," a drop-down menu will appear, and you should select "Preferences" from the list. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Command + ," to directly open the Preferences window.

Upon accessing the Preferences window, you will be presented with a range of customizable settings and options for Safari. This is where you can modify various aspects of the browser, including privacy settings, security preferences, and extensions. The Preferences window is a central hub for managing Safari's behavior and appearance, making it a crucial starting point for the process of resetting the browser.

Once you have opened the Preferences window, you are ready to proceed to the next step in the process of resetting Safari. This initial step sets the stage for the subsequent actions that will ultimately lead to a refreshed and optimized browsing experience. By accessing the Preferences window, you gain access to the underlying settings and configurations that govern Safari's functionality, allowing you to make informed adjustments to enhance the browser's performance.

In the following steps, we will delve deeper into the process of resetting Safari, leveraging the options and tools available within the Preferences window to ensure a comprehensive and effective reset. By navigating through the Preferences window and making the necessary adjustments, you can pave the way for a smoother and more efficient browsing experience with Safari on your Mac.

With the first step completed, you are now prepared to move on to the subsequent stages of the reset process, each of which plays a pivotal role in restoring Safari to its default state. As we progress through the remaining steps, you will gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved in resetting Safari and optimizing its performance for seamless browsing.

Next, we will explore the second step in the process, which involves navigating to the Advanced tab within the Safari Preferences window. This step is essential for enabling additional options that are instrumental in the comprehensive reset of Safari on your Mac. Let's continue our journey toward resetting Safari and revitalizing your browsing experience.

Step 2: Choose the Advanced Tab

After accessing the Safari Preferences window, the next crucial step in the process of resetting Safari on your Mac is to navigate to the Advanced tab. This tab houses a range of advanced settings and options that are integral to the comprehensive reset of the browser.

Upon entering the Advanced tab within the Safari Preferences window, you gain access to a plethora of advanced configurations that govern the behavior and functionality of the browser. These settings delve into the intricacies of Safari's operations, allowing for fine-tuned adjustments that can significantly impact the browsing experience.

One of the key features within the Advanced tab is the option to enable the Develop menu. This menu provides access to a variety of developer-oriented tools and functionalities that are typically hidden from the standard Safari interface. By enabling the Develop menu, you unlock a suite of powerful tools that can aid in troubleshooting and optimizing the browser's performance.

Enabling the Develop menu is essential for the subsequent steps in the reset process, as it grants access to critical options that facilitate the comprehensive restoration of Safari to its default state. These options include the ability to clear caches, disable extensions, and reset various aspects of the browser that may be contributing to performance issues.

In addition to enabling the Develop menu, the Advanced tab also offers the option to manage website data. This feature allows you to view and remove specific data stored by websites, including cookies, cached files, and other site-specific information. By managing website data, you can effectively clear out accumulated browsing data that may be impacting Safari's performance.

Furthermore, the Advanced tab provides access to a range of other advanced settings, such as those related to security, privacy, and website permissions. These settings offer granular control over how Safari interacts with websites and handles various types of content, empowering you to tailor the browser's behavior to align with your preferences and security requirements.

By choosing the Advanced tab within the Safari Preferences window, you position yourself to leverage the advanced configurations and options that are pivotal to the comprehensive reset of Safari on your Mac. This step sets the stage for the subsequent actions that will ultimately lead to a refreshed and optimized browsing experience, ensuring that Safari functions smoothly and efficiently.

With the Advanced tab explored and its significance in the reset process elucidated, you are now prepared to proceed to the next step, where you will enable the Develop menu and unlock a suite of powerful tools that will aid in the comprehensive restoration of Safari. Let's continue our journey toward resetting Safari and revitalizing your browsing experience.

Step 3: Enable the Develop Menu

Enabling the Develop menu within Safari is a pivotal step in the process of resetting the browser on your Mac. The Develop menu unlocks a suite of powerful tools and functionalities that are instrumental in troubleshooting, optimizing, and customizing the browsing experience. By enabling this menu, you gain access to a range of developer-oriented features that are typically hidden from the standard Safari interface, empowering you to delve into the inner workings of the browser and make informed adjustments to enhance its performance.

To enable the Develop menu, you will navigate to the Advanced tab within the Safari Preferences window, as outlined in the previous step. Once in the Advanced tab, you will find the option to "Show Develop menu in menu bar." By checking this option, you effectively enable the Develop menu, causing it to appear in the Safari menu bar alongside other standard options.

The Develop menu offers a wealth of tools and functionalities that cater to developers, power users, and individuals seeking to optimize their browsing experience. One of the key features within the Develop menu is the ability to access the Web Inspector, a powerful tool that allows you to inspect, debug, and modify the structure and behavior of web pages. The Web Inspector provides invaluable insights into the underlying code and elements of web pages, enabling you to diagnose issues, optimize performance, and customize the display of content.

In addition to the Web Inspector, the Develop menu grants access to options for disabling caches, disabling extensions, and resetting various aspects of the browser. These options are instrumental in the comprehensive reset of Safari, as they allow you to clear out accumulated data, remove problematic extensions, and restore the browser to its default settings. By leveraging the functionalities within the Develop menu, you can effectively troubleshoot common browsing issues and ensure that Safari functions smoothly and efficiently.

Enabling the Develop menu within Safari empowers you to harness the full potential of the browser, providing access to advanced tools and functionalities that are essential for the comprehensive reset and optimization of Safari on your Mac. By enabling this menu, you position yourself to leverage a suite of powerful features that can aid in troubleshooting, customizing, and enhancing the browsing experience, ultimately leading to a refreshed and optimized Safari browser .

With the Develop menu enabled, you are now prepared to proceed to the next step in the reset process, where you will utilize the functionalities within the Develop menu to initiate the comprehensive reset of Safari on your Mac. Let's continue our journey toward resetting Safari and revitalizing your browsing experience.

Step 4: Reset Safari

Resetting Safari on your Mac involves a series of critical actions that collectively restore the browser to its default state, effectively clearing out accumulated data, removing problematic extensions, and optimizing its performance. This process is instrumental in troubleshooting common browsing issues and ensuring that Safari functions smoothly and efficiently. By following the steps outlined below, you can initiate the comprehensive reset of Safari and revitalize your browsing experience.

Clear Browsing History and Data

The first step in resetting Safari involves clearing the browsing history and data. This action effectively removes the record of websites visited, searches conducted, and other browsing activities. To accomplish this, you will navigate to the "History" menu in the Safari menu bar and select "Clear History." Upon doing so, a window will appear, allowing you to choose the time range for which you wish to clear the history. Selecting "Clear History" will remove the specified browsing history, contributing to the comprehensive reset of Safari.

Remove Website Data and Cookies

In addition to clearing the browsing history, it is essential to remove website data and cookies to further optimize Safari. This action involves accessing the "Privacy" tab within the Safari Preferences window and clicking on "Manage Website Data." Here, you can view and remove specific data stored by websites, including cookies and cached files. By removing this data, you effectively clear out accumulated browsing data that may be impacting Safari's performance, contributing to the comprehensive reset of the browser.

Disable Extensions and Plug-Ins

Another critical step in resetting Safari is to disable extensions and plug-ins that may be contributing to browsing issues. This action involves accessing the "Extensions" tab within the Safari Preferences window and unchecking the boxes next to each installed extension. Additionally, you can navigate to the "Security" tab to manage website plug-ins and disable any that may be causing issues. By disabling extensions and plug-ins, you eliminate potential sources of browsing problems, paving the way for a refreshed and optimized browsing experience.

Reset Safari Settings

The final step in the reset process involves resetting Safari's settings to their default configurations. This action is carried out by navigating to the "General" tab within the Safari Preferences window and clicking on "Reset Safari." A window will appear, allowing you to choose which settings to reset, including clearing the cache, removing cookies, and resetting the top sites. By selecting the desired options and proceeding with the reset, you effectively restore Safari to its default state, resolving common browsing issues and optimizing its performance.

By following these steps to reset Safari on your Mac, you can effectively troubleshoot common browsing issues and ensure that the browser functions smoothly and efficiently. This comprehensive reset clears out accumulated data, removes problematic extensions, and restores Safari to its default settings, ultimately revitalizing your browsing experience and enhancing the overall performance of the browser.

In conclusion, resetting Safari on your Mac is a valuable troubleshooting technique that can effectively address a range of browsing issues and optimize the performance of the browser. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can initiate a comprehensive reset that clears out accumulated data, removes problematic extensions, and restores Safari to its default settings, ultimately revitalizing your browsing experience.

Through the process of resetting Safari, you gain the ability to clear browsing history and data, remove website data and cookies, disable extensions and plug-ins, and reset Safari's settings to their default configurations. These actions collectively contribute to the restoration of Safari to a pristine state, free from the clutter and issues that may have been impacting its performance.

Upon completing the reset process, you can expect to experience a smoother and more efficient browsing experience with Safari. The removal of accumulated data and cookies, coupled with the disabling of problematic extensions and the restoration of default settings, can lead to improved stability, faster page loading times, and a more responsive browsing interface.

Furthermore, the ability to access the Develop menu and leverage advanced tools within Safari empowers you to take control of the browser's behavior and optimize its performance according to your preferences. This level of customization and fine-tuning ensures that Safari aligns with your specific browsing needs, providing a tailored and optimized experience.

It's important to note that resetting Safari will clear your browsing history, cookies, and other website data, so it's essential to back up any important information before proceeding with the reset. Additionally, after completing the reset, you may need to reconfigure certain preferences and re-enable desired extensions to tailor Safari to your specific requirements.

By incorporating the insights and techniques presented in this guide, you are equipped to effectively troubleshoot common browsing issues and ensure that Safari functions smoothly and efficiently. The comprehensive reset process enables you to revitalize your browsing experience, setting the stage for seamless and enjoyable interactions with the Safari browser on your Mac.

In essence, resetting Safari serves as a valuable maintenance practice, allowing you to refresh the browser and optimize its performance, ultimately enhancing your overall browsing experience and productivity. Embracing the process of resetting Safari empowers you to take proactive steps in maintaining a smooth and efficient browsing environment, ensuring that Safari remains a reliable and effective tool for accessing the web on your Mac.

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How to Reset Safari to Default Settings

Restoring default settings is a multistep process

resettare safari su mac

What to Know

  • First, remove the browser history: Select Safari in the menu bar > Clear History , then select All History > Clear History . 
  • Remove cookies: Safari > Preferences . Select the Privacy tab > Manage Website Data > Remove All .
  • Clear cache: Safari > Preferences . Advanced > Select Show Develop menu in menu bar . Exit. Develop > Empty Caches .

This article explains how to reset Safari to default settings by removing Safari's history and cookies, clearing the cache, and disabling extensions. Instructions apply to Safari versions 11 through 14 and iOS.

Remove Browser History

The first step when resetting Safari is to remove your browser history. When you clear your browsing history, Safari removes data such as recent searches, the frequently visited site list, web page icons, the history of web pages you've visited, and more.

From Safari's menu bar, select Safari > Clear History

In the drop-down menu, select All History .

Select Clear History to complete the process.

To clear a particular website instead, navigate to History > Show History , select the website you want to clear, and press Delete .

Remove Cookies

When you remove all cookies from Safari, you'll lose personal registration data such as your name and address, shopping cart contents, preferred web page layouts, and more.

From Safari's menu bar, select Safari > Preferences .

Select the Privacy tab.

Select Manage Website Data .

Select Remove All .

Select Remove Now .

Select Done .

Clear Safari's Cache

When you clear Safari's cache, you're removing stored website data.

Select the Advanced tab.

Place a check next to Show Develop menu in menu bar , and then exit out of Preferences.

From Safari's menu bar, select Develop > Empty Caches .

Disable or Uninstall Extensions

Safari extensions are like mini-apps that add functionality to the browser. If you're trying to reset Safari, you'll want to disable or uninstall any extensions.

Select the Extensions tab.

Select an extension, and then deselect the checkbox next to the extension to disable it.

Many extensions have several sub-extensions, so you'll need to uncheck all of them.

After you've disabled an extension, you can uninstall it. Select Uninstall .

You'll see a message that the extension is part of an application, and that you'll need to remove the application. Select Show in Finder .

Finder will open with the app selected. Right-click on the application and select Move to Trash .

Enter your password and select OK . You've deleted the extension.

Clear Website Data on Safari for iOS

To clear Safari's settings on an iPhone or iPad:

Open the iOS device's Settings app.

Scroll down and select Safari .

Under Privacy & Security , select Clear History and Website Data .

Select Clear History and Data to confirm.

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How to Reset Safari to Default Settings on Mac and iPhone

Scratching your head to reset Safari to default settings? Don't know where to begin? Well don't worry, we have got your back!

Parth Sawhney

Safari is an exceptional browser and there are no two ways about it. With Apple leading the charge against ad trackers on the internet with its anti-tracking policy, Safari has been a safe haven for users who want to protect their privacy.

That being said, while Safari might win the race when it comes to protecting its users but more often than not is not able to match up to its competitors in the game of extensible features.

However, many of us are extensively using safari on a daily basis. Some want to hold on to that last ounce of privacy on the net, and others do not want to install a 3rd party browser on their Macs or iPhones.

Whatever may be your case for using Safari. One thing is for sure, with years of use, Safari accumulates tons and tons of website data which might slow down your browser or in worst cases, your devices as well.

Reset Safari to Default Settings on Mac

To everybody’s shock, there’s no ‘Reset Safari’ button on any of the apple devices. As a result, we are bound to perform a list of steps not every user might be comfortable with. Anyways, resetting Safari consists of resetting 3 components :

  • Website Data

We are going to reset the components on a first-come-first-serve basis. So let’s get started.

Reset History

First, Launch Safari from the Launchpad or from dock of your Mac.

click to launch safari

Next, click on the ‘History’ tab from the menu bar. Next, click on the ‘Clear History…’ option from the list.

click to clear history to reset safari to default settings

After that, choose ‘all history’ option from the drop-down. Then, click on ‘Clear History’ button.

click to clear all history on safari

Reset Website Data

First, Launch Safari from the Launchpad or from the dock of you Mac.

click to launch safari

Next, click on the ‘Safari’ tab present on the menu bar. Now, click on the ‘Preferences’ option from the list.

click to open safari preferences to reset safari to default settings

After that, go to the ‘Privacy’ pane and click on ‘Manage Website Data’ button.

clear website data to reset safari to default settings

Now, click on ‘Remove All’ button from the bottom left corner of the pane.

click remove all to reset safari to default settings on mac

Next, click on ‘Remove Now’ button to confirm.

resettare safari su mac

Reset Cache

resettare safari su mac

Next, click on the ‘Safari’ tab from the menu bar. Then, click on the ‘Preferences’ option from the list.

resettare safari su mac

After that, go to the ‘Advanced’ pane. Now, check the ‘Show Develop menu in the menu bar’ option.

resettare safari su mac

As a result, the ‘Develop’ tab would now be visible in the menu bar. Click on it, and then choose the ‘Empty Caches’ option from the list.

resettare safari su mac

Reset Safari to Default Settings on iPhone

Resetting safari is pretty straight forward on iPhone and requires just couple of steps.

Launch the ‘Settings’ app on your iPhone from the home screen.

resettare safari su mac

Next, scroll down and locate ‘Safari’ from the list and tap on it.

resettare safari su mac

After that, scroll down till you find the ‘Clear History and Website Data’ option on the screen and then tap on it, once located.

resettare safari su mac

Now, tap ‘Clear History and Data’ from the pop-up alert menu to confirm.

click to reset safari to default settings on iphone

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How to Reset Safari Settings on Mac

By: Waseem Patwegar

Unlike Google Chrome , the Apple Safari browser on Mac does not provide the option to Reset Settings. However, it is still possible to Reset Safari browser on Mac to default Settings using steps as provided below.

Reset Safari Settings on Mac

Reset Safari Settings on Mac

Sometimes, you may find the default Safari browser on your MacBook running slow, getting stuck, quitting unexpectedly or repeatedly crashing.

These problems in Safari browser can be caused due to a variety of reasons, ranging from browser extensions becoming incompatible to the browser cache getting filled up with expired/corrupted data to other reasons.

Hence, the quickest way to fix browser related issues on a computer is to Reset browser to its default or original settings.

Since, the Safari browser on Mac does not have a Reset button, the only way to Reset Safari is to manually Clear History and website data, remove browser extensions and clear Safari Cache.

1. Clear Safari History and Website Data

1. Open Safari Browser > click on Safari tab in the top-menu bar and select Clear History… option in the drop-down menu.

Clear History Option in Safari Browser on Mac

2. On the pop-up, click on the Arrow button and select All history option.

Select Browsing History to Clear Option in Safari Browser on Mac

3. Once All History option is selected, click on Clear History button.

Clear All Safari Browsing History Option on Mac

This will permanently delete your entire browsing history from MacBook and totally prevent the possibility of anyone taking a look at your browsing habits.

2. Clear Safari Cache

Follow the steps below to first enable the “Develop” menu on Mac and use Develop Menu to clear Safari Browser Cache on Mac.

1. Open Safari browser > click on the Safari tab in the top menu-bar and select Preferences… in the drop-down menu.

Open Safari Preferences on Mac

2. On the next screen, switch to Advanced tab and select Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar option.

Show Develop Menu in Menu Bar on Mac

This will enable the Develop option in the top menu-bar on your MacBook.

3. Next, click on the Develop tab in top menu-bar and select Empty Caches option in the drop-down menu.

Empty Caches Option in Safari Browser on Mac

This will clear Safari Browser Cache on your Mac.

3. Remove Safari Extensions

1. Open Safari Browser > select Safari tab in the top-menu bar and click on Preferences… in the drop-down menu.

2. On next screen, switch to Extensions tab > select the Safari Extension that you want to remove and click on the Uninstall button.

Uninstall Safari Extension on Mac

3. On the confirmation pop-up, click on the Uninstall button to confirm.

Confirm to Uninstall Safari Extension on Mac

Similarly, you can repeat the above steps to remove other Safari Browser Extensions installed on your Mac.

After completing these steps, you should find the Safari browser on your MacBook running faster and opening webpages without slowing down, getting stuck or crashing.

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How To Fully Reset Safari On Mac

resettare safari su mac

This article explains how you can fully reset Safari on your Mac. You might need to do this if Safari on your Mac runs very slowly, crashes often, acts bizarre, or functions incorrectly.

See also: Your System Is Infected With (3) Viruses

Safari is included with the macOS operating system.

How to reset Safari

1-Remove site history

There are two ways to do this. If you want to remove particular web sites (e.g., a web site is giving you problems whenever you visit) then try the second option. Please also note that if you are using other Apple devices (iOS devices or other Macs), if you turn on Safari in iCloud preferences with the same Apple ID, your site browsing history will be removed from all of them.

See also: How To Change Default Search Engine in Safari

When you do this, you will be removing history of web sites you visited, recent searchers, list of download items, frequently visited sites list, web sites that asked to use your located and to send you notifications.

  • Open Safari
  • Click Safari located in the menu bar in the top left hand corner of your screen
  • Click Clear History

Safari clear history

  • Click the Clear History button
  • Click Preferences
  • Click the Privacy tab
  • Click the manage Website Data button
  • Here you can remove everything, or you can remove specific web sites. You can also search to find a specific web site.

2-Clear web caches 

Here is how you can clear Safari’s caches. Caches are images and videos, or the layouts for entire web pages you browsed.

  • In the Safari app, click Safari
  • Click the Advanced tab

Safari Develop menu

  • Close the Preferences window
  • Now you will see a new menu bar item called ‘Develop’
  • Click Develop

Safari clear cache

Disable Safari extensions

Extensions are small programs that extends your Safari’s functionalities. They add new features to let you enhance and customize your browsing experience. But some may have bugs and thus cause problems. And you may want to turn them off. Here is how:

  • Choose Safari from the Safari menu bar
  • Click the Extensions tab
  • For each extension, you can use the checkbox to enable or disable that particular extension.
  • You can also uninstall extensions.

Disable Safari plugins 

Please note that Safari is no longer supporting most plugins. You can however view and manage the plugins you have installed. Here is how:

  • Click Safari
  • Click the Websites tab

Safari plugins

  • When you are done, close the window

See also: How To See The Full Web Site Address In Safari URL Bar

resettare safari su mac

Dr. Serhat Kurt worked as a Senior Technology Director specializing in Apple solutions for small and medium-sized educational institutions. He holds a doctoral degree (or doctorate) from the University of Illinois at Urbana / Champaign and a master’s degree from Purdue University. He is a former faculty member. Here is his LinkedIn profile and Google Scholar profile . Email Serhat Kurt .

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How to reset all of your Safari browser's settings on a Mac, including clearing your cache and removing plugins

How to reset all of your Safari browser's settings on a Mac, including clearing your cache and removing plugins


You can reset Safari on your Mac with a few different steps.

  • Knowing how to reset your Safari browser on a Mac can help speed up the browser and fix issues.
  • However, resetting Safari will also cause you to lose browser-saved data, including login credentials and browser extensions.
  • Here's what you need to know to reset the Safari browser on your Mac computer.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Resetting your Safari browser on a Mac computer can help speed it up and get rid of any issues you may have encountered.

But before you start, be aware that it will delete your installed extensions, as well as any auto-fill data, including saved usernames and passwords.

So you may want to take note of those before getting started, so that you can get your browser back to the way that you're accustomed to using it.

Once that's done, here's how to reset the Safari browser on your Mac .

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Macbook pro (from $1,299 at apple), how to reset safari on a mac.

Resetting your Safari browser consists of several steps (like clearing your cache and history), rather than a simple button. So it will take a while to accomplish. Here's what you need to do:

Clear your Safari history

Keep in mind that the process is different for Safari on an iPhone or iPad , in case you want to do a reset across all of your devices.

1. Launch Safari

2. In the top toolbar, select "Safari" and then "Clear History."


Devon Delfino/Business Insider

You can clear your history right from the top toolbar.

3. Select "All History" in the dropdown and then click "Clear History."

Clear your Safari cache

1. With Safari open, go up to the top toolbar.

2. Select "Safari" and then "Preferences."

3. Toggle over to the "Advanced" tab and tick the box next to "Show Develop menu in menu bar" - you should see "Develop" appear in the top toolbar.


Enable the Development toolbar.

4. Click "Develop" and then select "Empty Caches."

Get rid of your Safari extensions

1. Go back into your Safari Preferences (located in that top toolbar)

2. Toggle over to the "Extensions" tab

3. Go through all of your extensions and select "Uninstall"

Turn off plugins within Safari

1. With the Safari Preferences window still open, toggle over to the "Websites" tab

2. Untick the box next to each plugin (listed at the bottom of the left sidebar)


Disable any plug-ins that you'd like to get rid of.

Delete those plugins

These are stored in two separate areas, so your work will feel a bit redundant, but it's necessary to get the job done.

1. Tap your Finder to open it (it's the half-toned face icon in your bottom toolbar).

2. Under the "Go" menu of the top toolbar, select "Go to folder."

3. In the pop-up search menu, type "~/Library" and hit "Go."


Navigate to the Libraries folder to find the Internet Plug-Ins folder.

4. Locate and go through the "Internet Plug-ins" folder and delete your plug-ins (you may want to keep your Safari Preferences open to "websites" so you can view your installed plugins) by dragging them over to the Trash.

5. Go up to the "Go" tab in your top toolbar and select "Go to folder".

6. Enter "/Library" in the search bar and hit "Go."

7. Locate and open the "Internet Plug-ins" folder again.

8. Select and delete or drag your undesired plugins into the Trash.

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How to reset all of your Safari browser's settings on a Mac, including clearing your cache and removing plugins

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2022 Guide: How to Reset Safari on Mac (Catalina Supported)

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Safari is the default browser of macOS, which is vital access for Mac users to search the Web. However, once Safari went something wrong, it would be a great headache. Does your Safari often crash down, or cost a long time loading and run much slower than before? If you're encountering one or all of them, this post could help you a lot to solve these problems. Actually, it's a normal phenomenon after the bowser has worked for a long period of time, and these problems can be easily settled by resetting Safari. If you want to know how to reset Safari, just follow the guide below.

reset safari on mac

What Happens If I Reset Safari?

So what will happen if resetting Safari? Does resetting Safari clear everything? Does it delete passwords or remove bookmarks? Will it clear Safari histories thoroughly? Before resetting Safari on Mac, it's necessary to know what will be deleted. We must be clear about the things will be removed by resetting Safari to factory defaults, so we can make sure that when we clean up Safari we won't erase the data we still need. Once Safari is reset, a varity of data will be removed, including:

  • All advanced settings will revert to their default configuration.
  • The auto-filled user names and passwords will be cleared.
  • All cached files will be deleted.
  • All the bookmarks will be removexd from Safari.
  • Homepage button will be hidden and the URL that you previously set will be erased.
  • Default startup tabs will be cleared.
  • New Tab page settings will be reset.
  • Content settings will be cleaned up and reset to their installation defaults.
  • Cookies and site data will be deleted.
  • Extensions, themes and plugins will be disabled.

How to Reset Safari on Mac

In the past, macOS supported the one-click function to "Reset Safari". But for the latest Safari Versions 9 - 13, the one-click button has been removed. So if you want to reset Safari, there are several steps you need to follow to complete the resetting. It's worth mentioning that if you find it time-consuming to delete the data one by one or you are afraid that there is a possibility of deleting wrong files to cause system corruption, you can just turn to 5. Fullly Reset Safari on Mac Without Opening It easily and safely.

1. Clear Safari History on Mac

  • 2. Clear Safari cache

3. Remove Safari Extensions

4. switch off or delete plug-ins.


From the "History" option, go to "Clear History and Website Data", click on "Clear History" from the drop-down menu and then select all the items and press "Delete".

clear safari history on mac

2. Clear Safari Cache

Go to "Safari", click on "Preferences". From the "Advanced" option, click on the box in front of "Show Develop menu in menu bar" to enable it.

From the drop-down menu of the "Develop" option, click on "Empty Caches".

clear safari cache

From "Safari", go to "Preferences" and then select each extension and click on "Uninstall" to remove or disable it.

remove safari extensions

From "Safari", go to "Preferences", click on "Websites" and deselect all the listed plug-ins from the bottom part of the window. If you want to delete the plug-ins, press and hold Cmd-A to select all the listed plug-ins and then press and hold Delete to delete all of them at once.

switch off or delete plug-ins

5. Fullly Reset Safari on Mac Without Opening It

Instead of manually deleting the above data one by one on the Safari browser, you can use a better solution for the same, which can help you easily reset Safari without opening it. All these data can be reset through iMyFone Umate Mac Cleaner .

It is an all-in-one Mac management tool which is specifically designed to remove unwanted files and data from your system and improve its performance drastically.

Advantages of using iMyFone Umate Mac Cleaner

  • One-click to mass remove the extensions, browsing data, caches and other things which are needed to reset Safari browser on Mac.
  • Not only can the auto-filled accounts and passwords be cleared from Mac Safari , but also all the private data on Mac can be removed with Umate Mac Cleaner.
  • The scanning and deleting speed is super fast .
  • A 100% reliable and effective solution - It will not cause any harm to the system's running.

How to use iMyFone Umate Mac Cleaner to Reset Safari

You can follow the steps below to know how to reset Safari by using this tool.

1. First, you should download and install the App properly.

Mac version

2. After installing the program, go to "Erase Private Data", then click on "Scan" and select the "Online Traces" tab from the results. Here displayed all data from "Safari" and you can click on "Erase" after you make selections. All the data kept in Safari will be deleted.

erase safari data

3. As for the Safari extensions management, you can go to "Manage App & Extensions" and click on "View Items" which is below "Remove Extensions", then click on "Safari Extensions" and remove the selected data by clicking on "Remove".

remove extensions

With the help of this tool, it would be much easier to reset Safari. All can be done with just a few clicks instead of reseting data one by one and deleting them manually.

You may have to reset your Safari due to some improper performance issues in your Mac system. The above methods can greatly help you reset Safari settings easily.

Instead of resetting the data on Safari one by one, you can use iMyFone Umate Mac Cleaner to reset Safari at once. This is an excellent tool contained with all the functionalities that are designed to improve your Mac's performance.

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Home > Clean up Mac > 2022 Guide: How to Reset Safari on Mac (Catalina Supported)



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How to Reset Safari on Mac Quickly and Easily?

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Written By Chloe Turner

Last updated: January 26, 2024

Technical Writing Specialist who creates different types of articles, from reviews to how-to types of articles for Mac.

If you are an avid Apple user or not, it is a known fact that the built-in browser is used in Safari. There will be instances that you may encounter crashing problems when pages are loading slowly (this happens even if there is just one tab open). If it happens on a consistent basis even with a stable internet connection then you might want to reset Safari on Mac .

How do you reset Safari on a Mac? You are in a bit of a frustrating situation already but there are easy ways to reset Safari on Mac so you can continue using it just like before, there's no need to worry about not being able to get back the set-up you already had.

Contents: Part 1. How Do I Reset Safari on My Mac? Part 2. How to Reset Safari on Mac without Opening It? Part 3. Conclusion

People Also Read : How to Speed up When Safari Slows to Load? How to Fix "Safari not Working on Mac"?

Part 1. How Do I Reset Safari on My Mac?

The one-click reset option for Safari has been removed for reasons such as it deletes your saved log-in credentials and browsing history which for some users are a bit of a hassle since it would prompt them to revisit previous websites that have been bookmarked and log back into websites they have saved their passwords for.

Although if you used the iCloud keychain you can easily retrieve your log-in credentials. Then if you have auto-fill data that have been stored you can also have it recovered using iCloud contacts. How do I get my Safari back to normal?

How to reset Safari on Mac when the Reset Safari button has now disappeared? There are several steps below for you to get the same result.

  • Clear Safari History and Web Data.
  • Clear Safari Cache.
  • Clean up Library Folder.
  • Disabling Extensions and Plug-ins.
  • Un-install and Re-install Safari on Your Mac

Reset Safari on Mac

1. Clear Safari History and Web Data

When you go and browse Safari it will store temporary data, this is due to the fact that it has built-in tools that do exactly that. This consumes virtual memory and may cause your browser to slow down.

You can opt to completely remove all that is your browsing history or choose to pick a particular time frame to erase. If the problem arises only on some websites you visit you can also choose to delete data per site.

Here's how to reset Safari on Mac via clearing Safari history :

  • Under preferences, you will see the Privacy section then click on this to bring you to the next page.
  • You would now see the " Remove All Website Data " option. Click the Details button.
  • This will now show you a list of websites that you have browsed. Look for the one that is causing the problem then select to have it removed.

Remove Safari History and Reset It

2. Clear Safari Cache

Just like with any other browser if you are experiencing latency one of the first things to do is clear cache. How do I get my Safari back to normal? With Safari the same can be done through the following steps to reset Safari on Mac:

  • Again under Preferences look for the Advanced section.
  • On the next page tick the box that says "Show Develop menu in menu bar".
  • This will now allow you to see that the " Develop " menu has been added and you just now need to select " Empty Caches ". (Tip: Alt+Command+E would be the easy way to go about it)

Delete Safari Cache to Help Reset Safari

3. Clean up Library Folder

With the updates that have been made to the Mac OS it now also has the ability to store data in the library folder temporarily. You just need to go to the " Library " folder then " Caches ". Here you can delete files that are no longer useful and remove unwanted caches to reset Safari on Mac.

So if you don't know what exactly it is you are looking for and not sure if you would be able to determine the files that are needed to be erased then you would need to think twice before going this route.

Clear Caches and Reset Safari on Mac

4. Disabling Extensions and Plug-ins

These may add some features to your browsing capabilities using Safari but it might also cause glitches so removing these might help alleviate the problem and allow your browser to function as it used to.

Just follow these steps to disable Extensions and Plug-ins so as to reset Safari on Mac:

  • Once you are on Safari go to Preferences then look for the Extensions option.
  • Tick each box next to every extension that shows on the page to disable them.
  • Close Safari then runs it again if it still doesn't work might as well completely remove the extensions added to your browser. To do so just tick the boxes one by one then click on Uninstall . Relaunch the browser and see if there is any improvement.

Disable Extensions and Plugins

5. Un-install and Re-install Safari on Your Mac

This may be a drastic move for some but there is no harm in trying if you do reset Safari on Mac and it does't work. Just like some apps out there that have certain bugs that are fixed with removing and installing the app back you can also do this with Safari on your Mac.

There is a "But" to this though. Uninstalling would only work for earlier OS versions but if you are running a newer one i.e. OS X El Capitan (10.11) or macOS Sierra the only thing that can be done is a reset to default settings.

When you do have an older version and you would want to uninstall it keep in mind that it is not as easy as dragging it to the trash bin. Along with it comes other files that you would also need to completely remove. Although it will be a little bit complicated since you would need to be extra careful about which files you are deleting.

So how do I uninstall and reinstall Safari on Mac? We recommend you uninstall Safari on your Mac with PowerMyMac 's App Uninstaller feature in a few clicks.

Part 2. How to Reset Safari on Mac without Opening It?

None of the basic stuff mentioned above worked for you? Before concluding that it is something else other than your browser acting up might as well give the iMyMac PowerMyMac 's Browser cleanup tool " Privacy " a shot. This is going to be worth your time as it has been tagged as one of the best in terms of fixing issues with Safari among other things.

It just doesn't clean everything at one go like cookies and browsing history, it allows you to be able to keep some of them by giving you the freedom to choose especially if you have websites that you frequently visit.

It is convenient with PowerMyMac's fast scanning and easy to use features that even a novice at technical stuff can maneuver through the software without worrying about doing something wrong in the process.

Read on to know more about the steps on how to reset Safari on Mac, that is clean up Safari use the Safari cleaner (PowerMyMac):

  • Download and install the PowerMyMac.
  • Go to the Privacy option.
  • Review and Select scanned Safari data.
  • Remove Safari data.

Clear Safari Data with Privacy Module

Step 1. Download and Install the PowerMyMac

In order to reset Safari on Mac, you can download PowerMyMac firstly. Downloading is easy (you can use the trial version, free Download ). Once you have completed the installation process, launch the program.

Step 2. Go to the Privacy Option

PowerMyMac has different features but to focus on the issue with your Safari go to the " Privacy " option on the main dashboard, then click on " SCAN " to begin checking the browser data.

Step 3. Review and Select Safari Data

Once the scan has completed you will be shown a detailed list of all scanned data from Safari (if you have other browsers that you use on your Mac these will be scanned too and info will also be displayed). Select the data you want to delete so as to reset Safari on Mac.

Reset Safari on Mac by Removing Safari Data

Step 4. Remove Safari Data

Make sure of your choice on which information is saved on your browser to erase and click on the " CLEAN " button at the bottom part of the page. Wait for the cleaner to complete erasing the data then you can try to re-launch safari to see whether you have finished the process to reset Safari on Mac or not.

Delete Safari Data

Part 3. Conclusion

Browsers help make finding information easier for us. But no browser is safe from issues. But there is no need to panic or worry too much. The above-mentioned basic steps to take in trying to fix or reset Safari on Mac proved to be useful to users who have gone through the same ordeal.

If ever none of them worked for you, you can put your mind at ease that iMyMac PowerMyMac will be able to save the day for you. It is a top-rated third-party tool that dozens have tried and tested to provide results. Free download it now and be one of the many satisfied users out there.

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (based on 67 ratings)


Clean up and speed up your Mac with ease

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BaurisSuzette 2020-03-11 15:01:40

Excusez-moi de vous donner un exemple vous me dites que SAFARI. Ne pas accéder dans mon IPAD marche au ralenti Dites moi ce que doit faire je ne supporte plus d'éteindre constamment pourmettre mon code Ilya quelque chose qui me bloque merci

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Home » Tech Tips » Browsers » How to Reset Safari Browser in Mac?

How to Reset Safari Browser in Mac?

Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge offers simple way to reset your browser from the settings page. In addition, you can also repair Edge app in Windows to fix problems. However, Apple does not offer any default options to repair or reset Safari browser in Mac. If you are stuck with slow Safari browser or the browser behaving weirdly, here is how you can reset using different options.

Why Resetting Safari Browser in Mac?

Below are some of the situations you can think of resetting the browser:

  • Safari is very slow and affects your Mac’s speed as well.
  • Browser automatically opens pages or redirect to different pages.
  • You want to delete all stored data in Safari to bring to its original settings.

Reset Safari Browser in Mac

Earlier days, Apple was offering a simple “Reset Safari” menu within the browser.

Reset Safari Menu in Version 8

Selecting the menu will show a list of items that you can delete and reset your browser.

Resetting Items in Safari 8

However, this has been removed in the subsequent Safari versions and now there is no direct option available for resetting the browser to factory default settings. You have to carry out different steps to clean up the browser and set it back to original factory settings. Unlike Chrome and Edge, these options will not change your browser settings in Safari. You have to go to Safari preferences and reset the settings manually.

1. Clear History

The first option is to clear the browsing history of Safari browser. Over period, you might have browsed thousands of websites and Safari will retain the history data for all those websites. Deleting them will help to fix corrupted cache and allow you to access the sites afresh.

  • Open Safari browser and click on “Safari > Clear History…” menu.

Clear History from Safari Menu

  • Alternatively, you can go to “History > Clear History…” menu.

Clear History from History Menu

  • This will open a pop-up like below. Select “all history” from the dropdown and click on “Clear History” button.

Delete Browsing Data in Mac Safari

It will delete all browsing history data from Safari browser and reset the history. Remember, this will also delete the browsing history on all devices like iPhone and iPad that you have logged with same iCloud account .

2. Empty Safari Browser’s Cache

The second option to reset Safari browser in Mac is to delete the cache stored in the browser. However, this option available under the hidden “Develop” menu that you first need to enable.

  • Click on the “Safari” menu and go to “Preferences…” option. Alternatively, you can press “Command + ,” shortcut keys to open the preferences section.
  • Go to “Advanced” tab and enable “Show Develop menu in menu bar” option.

Show Develop Menu in Safari

  • After that close the preferences pop-up and you will see a new “Develop” menu added in your browser.
  • Click on the “ Develop ” menu and then select “Empty Caches” option.

Empty Safari Cache in Mac

This will delete all stored cached data and you can check if your problem in the browser is resolved.

3. Delete Cookies

Safari browser stores all the cookie details of websites you visit. Sometimes, corrupted cookies can create problems and prevent accessing websites or redirect sites. You can delete all stored cookie data to clean up the browser and check if that helps to resolve your problem.

  • When you are in Safari preferences, go to “Privacy” tab.
  • Click on the “Manage Website Data…” button showing against “Cookies and website data” section.

Manage Cookies in Safari Mac

  • You will see cookies stored in the browser by all previously visited websites. Click “Remove All” to completely delete all cookies or select any particular website and then click “Remove” button. You can also use the search box to find the relevant site and delete its cookie.

Delete Cookie in Safari Mac

  • After deleting, click on the “Done” button to close the window.

Note: Make sure to save all your work and logout of the sites before you delete cookies. Otherwise, you will be logged out forcibly and lose any unsaved data.

4. Delete Extensions

You can get third-party extensions for Safari from Mac App Store. If you have installed any Safari extensions, disable or delete them when troubleshooting your browser.

  • Go to “Safari > Preferences…” menu and navigate to “Extensions” tab.
  • Here, you can view all installed extensions in your browser.
  • Select the extension and click on “Uninstall” button to delete.
  • You can uninstall all the extensions and restart you browser to check the browser works fine now.

Manage Extensions in Safari Mac

5. Delete AutoFill Data in Safari

The last option is to delete all your stored AutoFill data which includes passwords, cards and contact details. Go to “AutoFill” section in the Safari preferences and click on the “Edit” button against the corresponding options. This will open the related section where you can find and delete the details.

Delete AutoFill Data

Final Words

Apple applications always have different way of working compared to other applications. Though this helps to differentiate from others, it will be painful when troubleshooting applications like Safari browser in Mac. We hope one of the above explained options helped you to reset Safari browser in Mac fix your problem. Otherwise, you can try to alternate options like Google Chrome, Firefox or Edge for Mac.

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Proven Tips: How to Reset Safari Browser on Mac

Quick Navigation

  • Method 1: How to reset Safari on Mac without opening it [Fast & Safe]

Method 2: How to manually restore Safari to default settings

This post will show you how to reset Safari to default on Mac. The process can sometimes fix some errors (you may fail to launch the app, for example) when trying to use the Safari browser on your Mac. Please continue to read on this guide to learn how to reset Safari on Mac without opening it.

When Safari keeps crashing, won't open or doesn't work on your Mac, how do you fix Safari on Mac? You may reset Safari to default to fix the problems. However, as Apple has removed Reset Safari button from the browser since OS X Mountain Lion 10.8, one click to reset Safari is no longer available on OS X 10.9 Mavericks, 10.10 Yosemite and latest systems. To reset Safari browser on Mac, there are two methods you can use.

Method 1: How to reset Safari on Mac without opening it [Fast & Safe]

Generally, you have to open Safari browser to reset it back to default settings. However, when Safari keeps crashing or won't open, you may need to figure out a way to reset Safari on Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra without opening the browser.

Instead of resetting Safari on the browser, you can reset Safari to factory settings with Macube Cleaner , a Mac cleaner to clear unwanted files on Mac, including Safari browsing data (caches, cookies, browsing history, autofill, preferences, etc.). Now, you can follow these steps to reset Safari on macOS Sierra:

Step 1: Download Macube Cleaner on your Mac. After installation, open the top Mac cleaner.

Free Download Free Download

Step 2: Choose System Junk and click Scan. When the scanning is done, choose App Cache > find Safari caches > click Clean to clear cache on Safari.

Clear Safari Caches | reset safari to default settings on mac - Dr.Buho

Step 3: Choose Privacy > Scan. From the scanning result, tick and choose Safari . Click Clean button to clean and remove all browser history all (browsing history, download history, download files, cookies and HTML5 Local Storage).

Reset Safari | rreset all of safari settings on mac

You have restored Safari to its default settings. Now you can open the browser and see if it is working right now. Also, you can use Macube Cleaner to clean up your Mac and free up space: remove duplicate files/image, clear system caches/logs, uninstall apps completely and more.


  • You can also reset Safari on iMac, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro by using Terminal command. But you should not use Terminal unless you know what you are doing. Otherwise, you may mess up the macOS.

Although the Reset Safari button is gone, you can still reset Safari on Mac in the following steps.

A Manually reset Safari step-by-step [Security & Complexity]

Step 1: Clear history

Open Safari. Click History > Clear history > all history > Clear History.

Safari Clear History | reset your safari web browser

Step 2: Clear cache on Safari browser

On Safari browser, navigate to the top left corner and click Safari > Preference > Advanced.

Tick Show Develop menu in menu bar. Click Develop > Empty Caches.

Clean Safari Caches | reset safari mac

Step 3: Remove stored cookies and other website data

Click Safari > Preference > Privacy > Remove All Website Data.

Safari Delete Cookies | reset safari on a mac

Step 4: Delete Extension & plug-ins

A Safari plug-in or extension is a small software program that enhances the functionality of the Safari web browser. It allows users to customize their browsing experience by adding new features or modifying existing ones. Let’s take a look at how to delete it.

1. Choose Safari > Preferences > Extensions.

2. In the pop-up window, you will see a list of installed extensions. To completely reset Safari, select each extension and click Uninstall.

Delete Extension | reset safari on mac

Then, you need to manually delete Safari plug-ins from the Library folder. Don't worry, the following method is not a complete removal of the plugin, and you can still easily restore it when you still want to download it.

  • If you can't see it, try holding down the Option key as you click; or in the Go menu, select Go to Folder and enter ~/Library

Delete Extension | reset safari on mac

2. Click the Internet Plug-ins folder and drag the plug-ins you want to delete to the Trash.

Delete Extension | reset safari on mac

3. Open Finder > Go > Computer again.

4. Click the name of your Mac and select the Library folder or click the Go > Go to Folder, and then type /Library.

5. Click the Internet Plug-ins folder and drag the plug-ins you want to delete to the Trash.

Step 5: Delete Preferences on Safari

Click Go tab and hold down Option, click Library. Find the Preference folder and delete files named with

Delete Safari Preference File | reset safari mac

Step 6: Clear Safari window state

In the Library, locate Saved Application State folder and delete files in folder.

  • Safari on your iMac, MacBook should start working after the reset. If not, you may reinstall Safari by updating macOS to the latest version.

B Reset Safari on Mac using Terminal [Fast & Risky]

If you use Terminal frequently and are a professional computer user, you can run several Terminal commands to reset Safari. Please be careful, as incorrect terminal commands may cause the system to crash.

Go to Applications > Utilities > Terminal > Paste the following commands. Execute the following commands sequentially in the Terminal, typing each line separately. Once you run a command, the Terminal will request confirmation to delete the specified files. Press “y” to confirm and then press Enter. mv ~/Library/Safari ~/Desktop/Safari-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S` rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/Apple\ -\ Safari\ -\ Safari\ Extensions\ Gallery rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/ rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/ rm -Rf ~/Library/Cookies/Cookies.binarycookies rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/Apple\ -\ Safari\ -\ Safari\ Extensions\ Gallery rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/ rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/ rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/ rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/ rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/ rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/ rm -Rf ~/Library/PubSub/Database rm -Rf ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/

Using the terminal to reset Safari is fast, but it may cause risks. Therefore, this article recommends using the zero-risk and efficient Macube Cleaner to reset Safari to meet your needs.

Part 3:FAQs

Q1: can i restore my bookmarks after resetting safari.

Certainly! You can recover your bookmarks after resetting Safari on your Mac by following these steps:

  • Open Safari on your Mac.
  • Click on the “File” menu located in the top-left corner of the screen.
  • Select “Import From” and then choose “Bookmarks HTML File”.
  • Navigate to the location where you previously saved your bookmarks before resetting Safari.
  • Select the HTML file containing your bookmarks.
  • Click on the “Import” button, and your bookmarks should be restored.

Alternatively, if you have enabled iCloud syncing for your Safari bookmarks, you can also restore them by enabling the “Safari” option in iCloud settings on your Mac. This will sync your bookmarks from iCloud to your Safari browser.

Q2: How do I fix Safari problems on iPhone and iPad?

  • Refresh the page.
  • Install software updates and restart your device.
  • Review Safari extensions.
  • Try opening a private browsing window.
  • Verify Safari settings.
  • Verify iCloud Private Relay settings.
  • Confirm if any VPN or security software is affecting the connection.
  • Verify network settings.

I hope you have learned something about resetting Safari in this note. In order to prevent you from encountering problems that affect the use of Safari again, please remember to clean your computer regularly. Macube Cleaner can help you quickly clean software and Mac storage space. If you have more questions about Safari, you are welcome to browse other articles on our website. I believe we can answer your confusion.

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How to reset Safari settings on Mac

In this article, we will tell you how to clear caches, history, extensions, and plugins for resetting the Safari browser on a Mac.

  • How to clear browser cache
  • How to clear Safari history on a Mac
  • How to remove Safari extensions

How to remove Safari plugins

How to change homepage on safari, what is safari.

Safari is the most popular web browser for Macs. Over time, however, the app may start running slower. Usually, that happens because of too many temporary and junk files that the browser has created. This problem can be resolved by resetting the browser, which makes it run faster.To reset Safari on a Mac, you will need to take a few steps to remove all its temporary components and installed plugins. So, keep in mind that the auto-fill data of your Safari browser, such as saved usernames or passwords, will also be deleted.

Please note that if you enabled Safari in iCloud settings with the same Apple ID, any changes will be reflected on other Apple devices using that login. When you delete browsing history from one Apple device, it will be automatically deleted from your other Apple devices.

How to Clear Safari Browser Cache

Every time you open a web page, Safari saves its media files as caches and stores them in a temporary folder in the Library folder. This helps Safari to retrieve websites from the cache faster than it receives from the Internet. On the other hand, over time these files occupy significant disk space. That’s why we recommend periodically clearing cache in Safari. Web cache clearing can save gigabytes of space on your Mac.

 Clear Safari cache via its Preferences

  • Launch the Safari browser.

Open Safari Preferences commang from Menu Bar

  • You will get access to the Develop menu command.
  • Use the Develop → Empty Caches menu command to clear the cache.

Safari Empty Caches menu commang

That’s all. In a few seconds, the Safari clean-up process will be completed. Once you enable the developer menu, you can easily access this option whenever you need.

The easiest way to clear Safari cache

IThe easiest way to clear browser caches is to use a special utility tool. You can use MacCleaner Pro to clear the cache and reset Safari.

  • Launch MacCleaner Pro.
  • Select the browser’s cache.
  • Click to remove cache files.

MacCleaner Pro enabled to clear Safari cache files

MacCleaner Pro also allows you to remove other junk files, such as logs, downloads, files in the Trash folder,language resources and more. MacCleaner Pro provides a trial version so that you can try it absolutely free.

Clear Safari History

All web browsers, including Safari, keep a history of the pages you have visited. If you want to maintain privacy and clear the list of websites you’ve recently viewed, follow this guide to clear Safari history.

How to delete Safari history

  • Launch the Safari browser

Clear Safari History menu command

  • Choose the time increment to clear

Choosing All History option in Safari clearing history window

That’s all! Safari history has been cleared from your Mac.

How to remove Safari browser history automatically

If you want the history to be deleted automatically, follow the next steps.

  • Open Safari Preferences
  • Switch to the General Safari settings tab
  • Set up Remove history items
  • Choose the frequency for automatic history removal.

After this, Safari will delete your browser history automatically.

General panel in Safari settings window

Remove Safari Extensions

Extensions and plugins are small software components that also affect your web browser’s performance. If you want to entirely reset Safari, delete these as well.

How to remove Safari Extensions

  • Open Safari Preferences .
  • Select the Safari Extensions section.
  • Choose the extension you want to remove and click Uninstall .
  • Repeat the Uninstall step with all unneeded extensions.

Safari Extensions preferences window

How to Reset Safari on Mac to Default (Completely – Sonoma)

Safari is arguably the best web browser for MacBook and Mac computers. This may be attributed to the numerous improvements it has received over the years—especially in security and privacy. However, your Safari browser may start running slowly with time. 

This is often caused by the accumulation of junk and temporary files created by the browser over time. Resetting the browser clears such files, allowing it to run much faster. As you may be aware, the Safari browser on Mac no longer has a Reset button for this purpose. 


However, you can still reset the browser to its defaults by individually clearing the history, caches, plug-ins, and extensions on the browser. Get to know how you can reset the Safari browser on your Mac in just a few steps.

How Do I Reset Safari Browser?

Since the unveiling of the OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 , Apple no longer adds a Reset button to the Safari browser. As such, you cannot just reset the Safari browser in a single click as you would other popular browsers.

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Instead, you need to clear the following aspects individually:

  • The Browsing History
  • Website Data
  • Browser Cache 
  • Extensions 
  • Plug-ins 

Note : Clearing such temporary files on the Safari browser will cause you to lose important auto-fill data, including usernames and passwords. 

Here are the five things you need to do to reset the Safari browser on your Mac: 

Reset the Safari Cache 

Whenever you visit a web page, the browser saves the media files on that page as caches in a temporary folder—within the Library folder. Leveraging this saved information, Safari can reopen such web pages much faster.

While this is a beneficial functionality, these files accumulate over time and may occupy a significant amount of disk space. If not checked, this may slow or even cause the browser to crash. As such, it is advisable to clear your Safari browser cache as follows: 

Method 1: Clearing the Safari Cache from Its Preferences  

To clear the cache files from Safari preferences, proceed as follows: 

Step 1 : Launch the Safari browser from the Launchpad on your Mac. Step 2 : Click on Safari —located towards the top-left corner of the browser homepage. Step 3 : Select Settings/Preferences from the drop-down menu that comes up.

Open Safari Settings on Mac

Step 4 : Now navigate to the Advanced tab, then click on the checkbox adjacent to the Show Develop menu on the menu bar to enable it. This should display a Develop tab on the menu bar.

Turn on Web Developer Options on Mac

Step 5 : Click on this Develop menu command and choose the Empty Caches for all Profiles option (macOS Sonoma added the Feature of Create Profile in Safari & Save Cache for Different Profile). 

Empty Caches for All Profiles on Safari

Alternatively, you could also press the Command + E + Option key shortcut to clear the cache after enabling the Develop tab in Step 4 above. Once the Develop menu command is activated on your Safari browser, you can access it anytime you need to clear the cache. 

Method 2: Manually Clear Safari Cache  

If you are running macOS 10.14 or earlier macOS version on your Mac, you could also clear Safari Cache. These operating systems save all temporary files within the Library folder. To manually clear Safari Caches: 

Step 1 : Open Finder Using Spotlight Search on Mac.

Open Finder on Mac

Step 2 : From the top menu Go > Go to Folder .

Go to Folder in Finder Mac

Step 3: Navigate to  ~/Library/Caches hit the return and open the Caches folder.

Open Library Caches folders on Mac

Step 4 : Delete Only Safari Cache folders, use the search box in the finder window > Select Caches folder > Select Folders and Move to the bin .

Note : Be careful while deleting files from the Library folder, as removing essential files may end up damaging the system. 

Delete Safari Caches from Mac Finder

Or, select and then remove all the unnecessary files.

Clear All Safari Caches folder from Mac

Clear Safari Browsing History 

Just as is the case with other browsers, Safari keeps a history of the web pages you have visited in the recent past. To reset Safari on Mac, you need to clear this History as well. To clear the Safari browsing history on Mac: 

Method 1: Manually Clear the Browsing History on Safari  

The first option is to just wipe the history out manually, as illustrated below: 

Step 1 : From the Launchpad , open the Safari browser. Step 2 : From the Menu bar , select the History tab.

Clear History Options in Safari Mac

Step 3 : Choose the Clear History option from the drop-down menu that appears. Step 4 : Now select the time frame to clear, it is advisable to clear all history . 

Clear All History on Mac

In Addition, we can clear the safari cache for specific profiles, Options showing ‘ From ‘. Select Profile and Clear Cache for Specific Profile.

Clear Safari History for Selected profile on Mac

Step 5 : Finally, click on the Clear History button to initiate the process. 

Note : If you happen to have enabled Safari in iCloud settings under the same Apple ID, a change in your browser history will be reflected across your other Apple devices using the same ID. Deleting Safari’s browsing history on one device will automatically clear the browsing history on the other Apple devices logged in under the same Apple ID. 

Method 2: Configure Safari to Clear Browsing History Automatically 

You could also set up the Safari browser in such a way that it automatically deletes your browsing history after a specified period. To do this: 

Step 1: Open the Safari app on your Mac and then open Safari Settings/Preferences.

Open Safari Settings on Mac

Step 2: Navigate to the General Settings tab on your Safari browser. Step 3: Select the Set up Remove history items option.

Remove Safari History Automatically on Mac

Step 4: Select your preferred clearing frequency for the automatic history removal. Step 5: Once set up, Safari will automatically be clearing your browsing history after the period you selected. 

Select Duration to Clear History Automatically from Safari Mac

Reset Your Safari Website Data

Having cleared the cache and browsing history, now you should reset the website data to reset the Safari browser on Mac. To clear your Safari website data, you should: 

Step 1: Launch the Safari browser on your Mac. Step 2: Click on Safari—towards the top-left corner of the Safari homepage. Step 3: Select the Settings/Preferences option and then navigate to the Privacy tab. Next, click on Manage Website Data 

Manage Website Data on Safari Mac

Step 4: before clicking Remove All —at the bottom-left corner.

Remove All Website Browsing Data from Safari Mac

Step 5: Finally, click on the Remove Now button to confirm this operation.

Remove All Stored Data from Safari Mac

Reset, Uninstall, or Disable Safari Extensions and Plug-ins 

Both extensions and plug-ins add to the functionality of the Safari browser. However, some may malfunction and affect the functioning of the browser. When that happens, you need to troubleshoot and uninstall or disable problematic extensions or plug-ins. 

To fully reset Safari, you need to get rid of the extensions and plug-ins that have been added to the browser as well. 

To Remove Extensions on Safari:  

Launch the Safari browser then click on Safari —positioned on the top-left corner. Next, select the Settings/Preferences option then open the Extensions tab. This should display a list of extensions that are currently installed on Safari. Click on any one of them then click the Extensions button. 

Remove Safari Extension from Mac

Follow on-screen prompts to uninstall the extension. Repeat this for each extension until you have uninstalled all the extensions on this list. 

To Remove Safari Plug-Ins:

Launch the Safari browser, then click on Safari —on the top-left corner of the homepage. Select Preferences and then navigate to the Security tab. Click on the Allow Plug-ins option to untick it. 

How Do You Reset Safari on Mac Terminal?

If you fancy running some commands in Terminal, you can use this method to reset the Safari browser to default settings on Mac. If you’d rather use Terminal to reset Safari on Mac, here is how you should go about it: 

Step 1: Launch a new Terminal window on your Mac as follows: Applications > Utilities > Terminal  Step 2: To avoid losing data, you could save your bookmarks before resting Safari. In this regard, you need to run the following command on the new Terminal window: 

Step 3: You can now begin resetting Safari by force quitting the browser. To do this, run the following command on the Terminal: 

Step 4: With this method, you also need to clear Safari cookies, Cache, and folders to reset the browser. You can do that by running the following commands, one after the other, on your Mac Terminal: 

Press the Return key to run the command. 

Hit the Return key to run it.

Press Return to run this command. 

Step 5: Now that you’ve cleared your Safari cookies, cache, preferences, you can proceed to clear the more stubborn files. To accomplish this, run the following commands on your Mac Terminal, one after the other. 

Note : Remember to press the Return key after entering each of the commands into Terminal and them wait for it to execute before running the next command. 

These are the commands you should run to reset the Safari browser using Terminal: 

Copy and paste each of the lines onto Terminal separately and run it before entering the next line. 

Step 6: At this point, the browser should have been successfully reset to factory settings. Now you can restore the bookmarks you saved in step #2 above. However, this step is optional. If you’d like to restore your saved bookmarks, run the filling commands: 

Press Return to execute this command. Once your Mac is done running this command, copy and paste the following onto your Mac Terminal: 

You have successfully reset Safari on Mac Terminal. Launch the Safari app and start afresh as though it was newly installed onto your Mac. 

Final Verdict  

With time, the temporary files created by Safari may accumulate on your Mac or become corrupted. This may cause the browser to malfunction. For instance, it may cause the browser to become slow and sluggish, or even crash. 

To fix such issues, you need to reset the browser to its default settings. Since Safari no longer has a built-in Reset button, you just have to do it manually. In this regard, you need to clear Safari preferences, extensions, plug-ins, cookies, and cache files separately. 

This may sound painstakingly slow, but this guide includes the commands you can use to reset Safari on Mac Terminal.

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Carl Camp

How to reset Safari

How do you reset Safari 11.0 like you used to be able to do in older versions? Or can I just completely dump Safari and re download a fresh version?

[Re-Titled by Host]

iMac, macOS Sierra (10.12.6), Safari 11.0

Posted on Oct 30, 2017 5:24 AM

Eric Root

Posted on Oct 30, 2017 7:33 AM

Safari/Preferences/Advanced - enable the Develop menu, then go there and Empty Caches. Quit/reopen Safari and test. Then try Safari/History/Show History and delete all history items. Quit/reopen Safari and test. You can also try try Safari/Clear History…. The down side is it clears all cookies. Doing this may cause some sites to no longer recognize your computer as one that has visited the web site. Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. With that Finder window as the front window, either select Finder/View/Show View options or go command - J. When the View options opens, check ’Show Library Folder’. That should make your user library folder visible in your user/home folder. Select Library/Caches/ and move it to the trash.

Go to Safari Preferences/Extensions and turn all extensions off. Test. If okay, turn the extensions on one by one until you figure out what extension is causing the problem.

Safari Corruption See post by Linc Davis

Safari Reset

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Oct 30, 2017 7:33 AM in response to Carl Camp


Oct 30, 2017 7:56 AM in response to Carl Camp

Safari - History menu - Clear History will remove history, cache, cookies etc as reset did : unless used with etc Option key, in which case it clears History but keeps website data.

>>...can I just completely dump Safari and re download a fresh version?

No. Although there are some standalone installers, for certain OS versions : they don't affect existing cache/cookies/settings

If you forgot your Apple ID password

Here's how to reset your Apple ID password and regain access to your account.

The fastest and easiest way to reset your password is with your iPhone or other trusted Apple device — one that you're already signed in to with your Apple ID, so that we know that it's yours.

You need a passcode (or password on Mac) set up on your device.

Reset your Apple ID password on your iPhone or other trusted Apple device

Go to Settings.

Tap your name > Sign-In & Security > Change Password.


Follow the onscreen instructions to reset your password.

You can also follow this process on a trusted iPad, iPod touch, or Apple Watch.

To reset your password on your trusted Mac, choose Apple menu  > System Settings (or System Preferences) > Sign in with your Apple ID (or Apple ID). Then click Password & Security, Change Password, and follow the onscreen instructions.

If you have a new Apple device

If you have a new Apple device or an Apple device that you aren't signed in to with your Apple ID, you can select "Forgot password or don't have an Apple ID?" wherever the option appears.

During device setup, you can find the "Forgot password or don't have an Apple ID?" option on the Apple ID sign-in screen.

After setup, you can find the "Forgot password or don't have an Apple ID?" option in Settings:

iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Go to the Settings app and tap Sign in to your iPhone. Then tap "Forgot password or don't have an Apple ID?" and follow the onscreen instructions.

Mac: Choose Apple menu  > System Settings (or System Preferences). Click Sign in with your Apple ID (or Apple ID), then click "Forgot Apple ID or password?" and enter your Apple ID.

Reset your Apple ID password with the Apple Support app on a borrowed device

If you don't have an Apple device but have access to your trusted phone number, you can borrow an Apple device from a friend or family member, or use one at an Apple Store.

Open the Apple Support app on the borrowed Apple device. If necessary, you can download the Apple Support app from the App Store .

Scroll down to Support Tools, then tap Reset Password.

Tap "A different Apple ID".

Enter your Apple ID. If you don’t remember your Apple ID, you may be able to use your email address or phone number.

Tap Next, and follow the onscreen instructions to reset your password.

Any information that you enter will not be stored on the device.

Reset your Apple ID password on the web

Reset your password at

When possible, the web browser will redirect you to a trusted device.

If you don’t have a trusted device, you can still reset your password on the web – but the process may take a little longer. If you'll have access to one of your trusted devices soon, it may be faster and easier to reset your password then.

resettare safari su mac

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  5. Come resettare e ripristinare Safari su Mac

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  6. Come resettare e ripristinare Safari su Mac

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  5. How to Reset Safari to Default Settings on Your Mac

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    Safari/Preferences/Advanced - enable the Develop menu, then go there and Empty Caches. Quit/reopen Safari and test. Then try Safari/History/Show History and delete all history items. Quit/reopen Safari and test. You can also try try Safari/Clear History…. The down side is it clears all cookies.

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  23. If you forgot your Apple ID password

    To reset your password on your trusted Mac, choose Apple menu > System Settings (or System Preferences) > Sign in with your Apple ID (or Apple ID). Then click Password & Security, Change Password, and follow the onscreen instructions. If you have a new Apple device.