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tele 5 star trek discovery staffel 4

Tele 5: „Star Trek: Discovery“ heute mit Free-TV-Premiere

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„Star Trek: Discovery“ Staffel 4 startet heute erstmals im Free-TV bei Tele 5. Die 13 neuen Folgen der Sci-Fi-Serie sind Teil des „Star-Trek-Montags“ bei dem TV-Sender.

Neue Abenteuer für die U.S.S Discovery: Sternenflottenoffizierin Captain Michael Burnham und ihre Crew brechen auf in Staffel 4 von „Star Trek: Discovery“. Als Free-TV-Premiere startet Folge 1 von 13 heute auf dem gewohnten Sendeplatz, um 20.15 Uhr, bei Tele 5. Im Anschluss, ab 21.15 Uhr, läuft am Tele 5-„Star-Trek-Montag“ die Serie „Raumschiff Enterprise“ in Doppelfolgen. Bereits am Spätnachmittag sind „Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager“, „Star Trek: Enterprise“ sowie „Babylon 5“ zu sehen.

„Star Trek: Discovery“: Darum geht es in Staffel 4

Star Trek: Discovery bei Tele 5

In der vierten Staffel von „Star Trek: Discovery“ werden Captain Burnham und ihr Team mit einer nie zuvor gesehenen Bedrohung konfrontiert. Sie versuchen alles, um die Zukunft aller wiederherzustellen – denn nicht nur die Föderation, sondern auch alle anderen Welten bekommen die Auswirkungen der unbekannten Macht zu spüren.

„Star Trek: Discovery“ wird von CBS Studios in Zusammenarbeit mit Secret Hideout und Roddenberry Entertainment produziert und international von Paramount Global Content Distribution vertrieben.  Ursprünglich bei Netflix erschienen , sind die vier Staffeln mittlerweile beim Streamingdienst Paramount+ zu sehen.


  • star-trek-discovery-tele-5: Discovery / © 2017 CBS Interactive. All Rights Reserved.
  • df-star-trek-discovery-key-art-tele-5: Discovery Deutschland

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„Star Trek: Discovery“: Staffel 4 endlich in Deutschland verfügbar – alle Infos

„Star Trek: Discovery“: Staffel 4 endlich in Deutschland verfügbar – alle Infos

„Star Trek: Discovery“ hat endlich auch in Deutschland ein neues Zuhause gefunden. Wir verraten, wann und wo ihr die vierte Staffel im Stream sehen könnt.

Star Trek: Discovery

Poster Star Trek: Discovery Staffel 1

Streaming bei:

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Poster Star Trek: Discovery Staffel 4

FĂĽr „Star Trek“-Fans waren die vergangenen Monate nicht einfach, vor allem „Discovery“ hat einen holprigen Weg hinter sich. Wer die neuen Folgen der vierten Staffel sehen will, schaute bei Netflix in die Röhre und auch die Ausstrahlung auf PlutoTV konnte nicht jede*r verfolgen. So blieb nur Amazon, doch dort stand die Staffel nur zum Kauf zur VerfĂĽgung. Dank Paramount+ ändert sich das nun.

Die vierte Staffel „Star Trek: Discovery“ jetzt im Paramount+ Channel ansehen

„Star Trek: Discovery“ Staffel 4: Start auf Paramount+

Nachdem Staffel 4 nicht auf  Netflix  landete, war der Online-Fernsehsender PlutoTV die erste Chance, um die neuen „Star Trek: Discovery“-Folgen zumindest linear sehen zu können. Wer die Ausstrahlung verpasst hat, musste sich seither allerdings in Geduld ĂĽben. Nun ist Staffel 4 zum Start des Streamingdienstes Paramount+ endlich auch in Deutschland in einer Streaming-Flatrate enthalten. Das heiĂźt im Klartext, seit dem 8. Dezember 2022 könnt ihr alle 13 Episoden streamen – im Paramount+-Channel bei Amazon  (den man als Prime-Kund*in 7 Tage kostenlos testen kann), als Erweiterung von Sky oder direkt bei Paramount+ .

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Wieso ist „Star Trek: Discovery“ nicht mehr auf Netflix?

Die neuen Episoden von „Star Trek: Discovery“ wurden schon 2020/2021 produziert und in den USA ging es auch wie geplant im November 2021 mit der Ausstrahlung los. Wer dachte, auf Netflix entsprechend ebenfalls die neuen Episoden genieĂźen und Michael Burnhams weitere Laufbahn als Captain verfolgen zu können, wurde enttäusch, denn es gab eine unerwartete Planänderung fĂĽr die internationalen „Star Trek“-Fans:

Netflix hat seine Rechte an „Star Trek: Discovery“ abgetreten und die drei Staffeln sind von der Plattform verschwunden. Die anderen „Star Trek“-Serien sind davon (noch) nicht betroffen und nach wie vor mit allen Staffeln beim Anbieter zu sehen.

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"Star Trek: Discovery": Dann zeigt Tele 5 endlich die vierte Staffel

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  • neueste Meldung: "John Sugar": Noir-Hommage mit haarigem Twist und Colin Farrell in Bestform
  • meistgelesen: "Gefragt - Gejagt": Starttermin fĂĽr neue Staffel verkĂĽndet

tele 5 star trek discovery staffel 4

Zuschauer, die auf die lineare Fernsehpremiere der vierten Staffel von   "Star Trek: Discovery" warten, werden demnächst belohnt: Ab dem 30. Oktober werden die 13 neuen Folgen erstmalig bei Tele 5 ausgestrahlt. Bei dem Sender geht es somit nahtlos nach der Wiederholung der dritten Staffel weiter.

Seit März 2022 zeigt Tele 5 "Star Trek: Discovery", immer montags um 20.15 Uhr in einem Umfeld weiterer "Star Trek"-Serien. Dort liefen zunächst die ersten drei Staffeln, gefolgt von einer Wiederholung aller drei Staffeln seit diesem Januar. Wenn man nun am Ende der dritten Staffel ankommt, wird als Senderpremiere erstmalig Staffel vier gezeigt.

  Alle neuen Meldungen täglich per Mail Das ist die erste Staffel, die ihre Deutschlandpremiere nicht bei Netflix ( TV Wunschliste berichtete ), sondern - leicht improvisiert - bei Pluto TV hatte ( TV Wunschliste berichtete ). Mit dem Deutschlandstart von Paramount+ kam die Staffel dann zum Streaming-Dienst, ihrer "wahren" Heimat. Mittlerweile wurde zu "Discovery" bestätigt, dass die Serie ihr Finale mit der fĂĽnften Staffel haben wird, deren zehn Folgen ab "Anfang 2024" zu erwarten sind.

Nach einem gewaltigen Zeitsprung fast 1000 Jahre in die Zukunft war Michael Burnham ( Sonequa Martin-Green ) am Ende der dritten Staffel endlich zum Captain der USS Discovery befördert worden. In dieser Zukunft angekommen, half die Crew dabei, das Rätsel eines Phänomens aufzuklären, das zum Untergang der Föderation in ihrer bisherigen Form geführt hatte - um dem Sternenbund ebenso wie seiner Forschungszwecken verschriebenen Sternenflotte einen neuen Start zu ermöglichen. Von einem Happy End ist man aber noch weit entfernt.

In Staffel vier bedroht eine gewaltige Schwerkraftanomalie den bekannten, bewohnten Weltraum: Die mit überlegener Überlicht-Technik ausgestattete Discovery wird zu einer der wichtigsten Waffen bei der Erforschung und Bekämpfung dieser schwerwiegenden Bedrohung, die auch im Umfeld der Discovery einschlägt und für Verheerungen sorgt.


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knopf3 schrieb am 10.10.2023, 18.15 Uhr:

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BigApple schrieb am 10.10.2023, 14.25 Uhr:

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Star trek: discovery season 4 cast & new character guide.

Star Trek: Discovery's diverse cast gets even larger in season 4 as Captain Michael Burnham's crew returns along with the Federation's new President.

The cast of Star Trek: Discovery season 4 got even bigger as new faces joined the crew of the titular starship. Set in the 32nd century, Star Trek: Discovery explored the farthest point in the Star Trek timeline. The USS Discovery also had a new leader in Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) , who finally assumed the post that she has waited a thousand years for, which was even more challenging than she imagined. Here's everything you need to know about Star Trek: Discovery's season 4's cast changes, including some important Star Trek: Discovery season 5 updates.

After Burnham solved the mystery of the Burn in Star Trek: Discovery season 3, the United Federation of Planets was resurgent and on the verge of uniting the galaxy once again. However, a new threat in the form of a massive gravimetric anomaly capable of destroying entire worlds threatened the Federation's efforts at peace and prosperity. When Captain Burnham and the USS Discovery launched to investigate the anomaly, they encountered a mystery that put the safety of the entire Federation at stake. In addition, Discovery's various crew members continued adjusting to living in the Federation of the 32nd century and many of them were faced with personal obstacles that could change their destinies in the distant future.

Related: Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Ending Explained

Star Trek: Discovery already boasts one of the largest and the most diverse cast of any Star Trek series. In Star Trek: Discovery season 4, the entire crew of the USS Discovery returned with the exception of Michelle Yeoh's Emperor Phillipa Georgiou, who left the series in season 3. Moreover, Star Trek: Discovery also welcomed a major new character, Federation President Laira Rillak (Chelah Horsdal), a powerful personality who butted heads with Captain Burnham. Here are all of the returning characters and everyone else joined the cast of Star Trek: Discovery season 4.

Sonequa Martin-Green As Captain Michael Burnham

After Michael Burnham assumed the role of being Captain of Star Trek 's USS Discovery , her leadership skills were truly put to the test. Michael had to juggle the demands of commanding her starship and once again trying to save the galaxy with the pressures placed on her by the new Federation President. Michael's relationship with Book (David Ajala) was another factor that made Burnham's captaincy a challenge. Sonequa Martin-Green also starred in The Wa l king Dead and Space Jam: A New Legacy .

Doug Jones As Captain Saru

Captain Saru left the USS Discovery to Michael Burnham in order to return to his homeworld of Kaminar with Su'Kal (Bill Irwin). In Star Trek: Discovery season 4, Saru was torn between his responsibility to Kaminar and his desire to return to Starfleet and the upgraded USS Discovery . Doug Jones is best known for his roles in The Shape of Water and What We Do In The Shadows.

Anthony Rapp As Commander Paul Stamets

Lt. Paul Stamets pus himself in charge of investigating the gravimetric anomaly threatening the galaxy, but the mystery threatened to consume him. While Stamets had the support of his partner, Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz), and their new 'family, Adira Tal (Blu del Barrio) and Gray (Ian Alexander), Paul also had to form a bond with Book, who shares the navigation of Discovery's spore drive. Anthony Rapp is best known for playing Mark Cohen in Rent.

Related: Discovery Season 4 New Uniforms Bring Back Star Trek Tradition

Mary Wiseman As Lt. Sylvia Tilly

Ensign Sylvia Tilly stepped up to become the new First Officer of the USS Discovery, which earned her a promotion to Lieutenant. In Star Trek: Discovery season 4, Tilly, who is Michael's best friend , faced a new personal challenge that made her question her role in Starfleet and her duties aboard the Discovery. Mary Wiseman also appeared in Longmire and Baskets.

Wilson Cruz As Dr. Hugh Culber

Dr. Hugh Culber is the USS Discovery's Chief Medical Officer and also took on a dual role as the ship's Counselor, which placed him in charge of the troubled crew's emotional well-being in Star Trek: Discovery season 4. Notably, Culber also successfully found a way to give Gray's (Ian Alexander) consciousness a synthetic body. Wilson Cruz is best known for his roles in My So-Called Life and Rent.

David Ajala As Cleveland "Book" Booker

Although he isn't part of Starfleet, former courier Cleveland Booker (and his cat, Grudge) joined the crew of the USS Discovery. Along with being Michael Burnham's love interest, Book also shared control of the spore drive with Paul Stamets. In Star Trek: Discovery season 4 , Book suffered an unimaginable loss that changes him forever. David Ajala is best known for his roles in Supergirl and Nightflyers.

Blu Del Barrio As Ensign Adira Tal

Adira joined the crew of Star Trek: Discovery in season 3 and they became the host of the Trill Tal symbiont, making them Adira Tal. In Star Trek: Discovery season 4, Adira stepped into the role of an Ensign and faced the pressures of living up to Starfleet's ideals while also hoping their love interest, Gray, was able to get a physical body. Del Barrio plays Star Trek's first non-binary character and Star Trek: Discovery is their first television role.

Related: How Star Trek Succeeds At Diversity Where Other Sci-Fi Fails

Ian Alexander As Gray Tal

A Trill, Gray is Adira's partner who was bonded to them through the Tal symbiont. Having existed only in Adira's mind, Gray was fortunate that the USS Discovery's Dr. Culber made good on his promise to manifest a physical body for Gray. Ian Alexander plays Star Trek's first transgender character and he also starred in The OA.

Oded Fehr As Admiral Charles Vance

The Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet, Admiral Charles Vance became a believer in Michael Burnham after she and the USS Discovery unlocked the mystery of the Burn and saved the Federation from Osyraa (Janet Kidder) and the Emerald Chain. Oded Fehr is best known for starring in The Mummy and Resident Evil movie franchises.

Chelah Horsdal as Federation President Laira Rillak

President Rillak has taken a special interest in Captain Burnham, but she also has very different ideas about what makes an effective leader. As the new President of the United Federation of Planets , Laira Rillak had an ambitious plan to continue to expand and restore the luster of the Federation. Chelah Horsdal is best known for her roles in The Man in the High Castle and Hell on Wheels .

David Cronenberg As Dr. Kovich

The mysterious Dr. Kovich is a resource of knowledge about the Federation. In Star Trek: Discovery season 4, Kovich took on a new role helping to oversee Starfleet Academy. David Cronenberg is the award-winning director of The Fly , A History of Violence , and Eastern Promises .

Related: Why Director David Cronenberg Acts In Star Trek: Discovery

Tig Notaro As Commander Jett Reno

Lt. Jett Reno continued to apply her genius to the USS Discovery's Engineering section. The acerbic Reno also resumed her crucial task of wittily poking fun at her by-the-book Starfleet crewmates . Tig Notaro is a comedian and actor who has appeared in Army of the Dead and Lucy in the Sky.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 4's Returning Cast

Emily Coutts as Lt. Commander Keyla Detmer: Detmer is the USS Discovery's hotshot pilot. Emily Coutts also appeared in Glowbies and Clarice .

Oyin Oladejo as Lt. Commander Joann Owoswkun: Owosekun is the USS Discovery's Operations officer. Oyin Oladejo has also starred in Endings and Six Guns for Hire .

Patrick Kwok-Choon as Lt. Commander Gen Rhys: Rhys is the USS Discovery's Tactical officer. Patrick Kwok-Choon is best known for his roles in Wynonna Earp and Diggstown .

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Ronnie Rowe as Lt. Commander Ronald A. Bryce: Bryce is the USS Discovery's Communications officer. Ronnie Rowe has also appeared in Diggstown and Pretty Hard Cases .

Sara Mitich as Lt. Commander Eva Nilsson: Nilsson is the USS Discovery's spore drive operations officer. Sara Mitich's other roles include Private Eyes and The Expanse .

Tara Rosling as President T'Rina: The President of Ni'Var (formerly Vulcan) , T'Rina hopes to negotiate her homeworld rejoining the Federation. Tara Rosling has appeared in The Handmaid's Tale and The Expanse .

Sonja Sohn as Gabrielle Burnham: Gabrielle is Michael Burnham's mother who joined the Qowat Milat sect of Romulan warrior nuns introduced in Star Trek: Picard . Sonja Sohn is best known for starring in The Wire and Marvel's Luke Cage .

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Annabelle Wallis as the voice of Zora: The USS Discovery's advanced computer is a sentient AI named Zora. Actor Annabelle Wallis has onscreen roles in The Tudors, Peaky Blinders , and The Mummy .

Star Trek: Discovery Season 4's New Cast And Characters

Shawn Doyle as Ruon Tarka: The mad scientist Ruon Tarka joins the USS Discovery's crew and helps to determine the origins of the DMA. Shawn Doyle was also in Frequency, Ashgrove , and The Comedy Rule .

Osric Chau as Oros: When Tarka was imprisoned, he befriended another scientist named Oros. Osric Chau also had roles in The Flash, Nancy Drew , and the Shudder horror movie Superhost .

Rothaford Gray as Tareckx: Cleveland "Book" Booker's father is named Tareckx. Rothaford Gray has also appeared in Max Payne , Exit Wounds , and Death to Smoochy .

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Ache Hernandez as Kyheem: Book's brother is named Kyheem. Ache Hernandez was also in Private Eyes , Jet t , and Bad Blood.

Luca Doulgeris as Leto: In Star Trek: Discovery season 4, Book returned to his home planet to witness and participate in his nephew Leto's coming-of-age ceremony. Prior to making his Star Trek debut, Luca Doulgeris also appeared in 8-Bit Christmas .

Star Trek: Discovery Season 4’s Cast Changes: Why Sylvia Tilly Left The Ship

As a new Starfleet Lieutenant and First Officer of the USS Discovery, Sylvia Tilly faced new challenges that allowed her to discover her true strengths, but also ultimately led to her leaving the ship in Star Trek: Discovery season 4, episode 4 "All Is Possible." Although it's true that Sylvia Tilly's exit from Star Trek: Discovery greatly alters the show's dynamic, it also allowed Tilly to find her true calling. In the said episode, Tilly saves several uncooperative cadets from dying during a shuttle crash, which led Kovich to offer Tilly a role in Starfleet Academy as an instructor for new recruits. As Tilly came to terms with the fact that this was the change of direction that she was looking for, she said her goodbyes to Burnham before warping away.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Updates: Here’s Everything We Know

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 has been officially greenlit, which means that Sonequa Martin-Green, Anthony Rapp, Wilson Cruz, David Ajala, Doug Jones, and Blu del Barrio will all be reprising their roles on the Starfleet ship and elsewhere in the series. As for the plot of Star Trek: Discovery season 5, the details are still vague. That said, Burnham's promise to "get to work" at exploring the frontier in the ending of Star Trek: Discovery season 4 indicates that the series could return to the beloved sci-fi franchise's roots: actually exploring the 32nd-century galaxy. Although the studio hasn't released many Star Trek: Discovery season 5 updates yet, it would be safe to also assume the return of characters like Ian Alexander's Gray Tal, Tara Rosling's President T'Rina, and Oded Fehr's Admiral Charles Vance, as well as Chelah Horsdal's President Rillak. The next season could even overrun Star Trek: Discovery 's season 4 changes with the possible return of Mary Wiseman's Lieutenant and Starfleet Academy instructor Sylvia Tilly.

Next: Why Discovery’s Season 4 Bridge Crew Was Missing In Episode 5

Star Trek: Discovery is streaming now on Paramount+.

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tele 5 star trek discovery staffel 4

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tele 5 star trek discovery staffel 4

"Star Trek: Discovery" wird um eine fĂĽnften Staffel erweitert. Hier finden Sie Infos rund um Start, Handlung, Folgen und Besetzung, und einen Trailer.

Mit der fünften Staffel steht das Finale für "Star Trek: Discovery" an. Der zweite Teil der vierten Staffel erschien im Februar 2022. In der vierten Staffel hatte die Crew schwer mit einer Schwereanomalie zu kämpfen. Die neue Staffel soll genau da ansetzen, wo Staffel 4 endet. Paramount+ kündigt nun einen offiziellen Sendestart der Staffel an.

Doch wann ist der genaue Start der neuen Staffel? Wie sieht die Handlung aus? Was ist zu den Folgen bekannt? Und welche Namen sind in der Besetzung mit dabei? Das alles erfahren Sie hier. AuĂźerdem haben wir fĂĽr Sie einen Trailer zur neuen Staffel verlinkt.

Start: Wann geht "Star Trek: Discovery" mit Staffel 5 weiter?

Erst im November 2023 teilten Castmember und Showrunnerin von "Star Trek: Discovery" mit, dass die Dreharbeiten zur 5. Staffel zu Ende sein. Mittlerweile wurde ein offizieller Start bekanntgegeben. Paramount+ setzt den Start der neuen Staffel für den 4. April 2024 an. Ab dann werden Sie jeden Donnerstag eine neue Folge der Serie sehen können.

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Ăśbertragung: Wie ist Staffel 5 von "Star Trek: Discovery" in Deutschland zu sehen?

Ursprünglich war die Serie "Star Trek: Discovery" ein Netflix -Original und lief dementsprechend auf Netflix . Kurz vor dem Start der vierten Staffel ist die Sci-Fi-Serie aber aus dem Programm des Streaming-Diensts gestrichen worden und erschien etwas verspätet beim kostenlosen Streaming-Dienst Pluto TV . Die fünfte Staffel soll nun weder bei Netflix , noch bei Pluto TV verfügbar sein, aber keine Sorge: Da der US-Streamingdienst Paramount+ seit Sommer 2022 auch in Deutschland zur Verfügung steht, können alle Folgen der neuen Staffel mit einem Abonnement bei Paramount+ abgerufen werden. Paramount+ verlangt monatlich 7,99 Euro für ein Abo. Sie haben die Chance, den Dienst für sieben Tage kostenlos auszuprobieren. Sky -Abonnenten mit dem Cinema-Paket in Deutschland und Österreich haben ohne zusätzliche Kosten, Zugang zu Paramount+ .

Folgen von "Star Trek: Discovery": Episodentitel von Staffel 5 bekannt

Auch die Titel der zehn Episoden von Staffel 5 von "Star Trek: Discovery" wurden bereits enthĂĽllt. Hier sind die Titel der neuen und finalen Episoden:

  • Episode 1 am 4. April 2024: "Red Directive"
  • Episode 2 am 11. April 2024: "Under the Twin Moons"
  • Episode 3 am 18. April 2024: "Jinaal"
  • Episode 4 am 25. April 2024: "Face the Strange"
  • Episode 5 am 2. Mai 2024: "Mirrors"
  • Episode 6 am 9. Mai 2024: "Whistlespeak"
  • Episode 7 am 16. Mai 2024: "Erigah"
  • Episode 8 am 23. Mai 2024: "Labyrinths"
  • Episode 9 am 30. Mai 2024: "Lagrange Point"
  • Episode 10 am 6. Juni 2024: "Life, Itself"

Besetzung der 5. Staffel "Star Trek: Discovery": Die Schauspieler im Cast

Von offizieller Seite sind die Schauspielerinnen und Schauspielern, die in Staffel 5 dabei sind, bereits vor Staffelstart bestätigt worden.

Star Trek: Discovery, Staffel 4: Start, Handlung, Schauspieler - welche Infos sind bereits bekannt? Unser Bild: Sonequa Martin-Green als Commander  Michael Burnham

So sieht die folgende Besetzung in Staffel 5 von "Star Trek: Discovery" aus:

Neben dem festen Cast sind auch ein paar bestätigte Gastauftritte dabei:

Diese Rollen und Darsteller werden darüber hinaus in der kommenden Staffel vermutet. Ob Sie wirklich dabei sind, ist aber noch nicht sicher. Es gibt soweit keine offizielle Bestätigung seitens der Produktion, ob diese Rollen auch in der fünften Staffel vertreten werden:

"Star Trek: Discovery", Staffel 5: Das ist die Handlung der neuen Staffel

In der finalen Staffel entdecken Captain Burnham und die Crew der U.S.S. Discovery ein lange gehütetes Geheimnis, das sie zu einem epischen Abenteuer durch die Galaxie führt. Sie suchen nach einer alten Macht, die absichtlich über Jahrhunderte verborgen wurde. Doch sie sind nicht allein auf der Suche, denn gefährliche Feinde sind ebenfalls hinter dieser Macht her und scheuen keine Mittel, um sie zu erobern.

Es wird auch erwartet, dass die persönlichen Geschichten der Charaktere weiter vertieft werden. Beispielsweise stehen Michael und Book vor der Herausforderung, eine Fernbeziehung zu führen. Zudem könnte die Liebesgeschichte zwischen Saru und T'Rina weiterentwickelt werden, wobei ihre bedeutenden Positionen möglicherweise politische Einflüsse mit sich bringen. Die kürzlich veröffentlichten Episodentitel geben nur begrenzten Einblick in den Handlungsverlauf. Allerdings weckt der Titel der fünften Episode, "Mirrors", die Vermutung, dass die Crew der USS Discovery zurück ins Spiegeluniversum reisen wird. Bereits in der ersten Staffel von "Star Trek: Discovery" verbrachte die Crew einen Großteil ihrer Abenteuer im Spiegeluniversum. Das Spiegeluniversum ist eine Parallelwelt, in der Varianten der bekannten "Star Trek"-Charaktere existieren, diese jedoch in den meisten Fällen böse sind.

"Star Trek: Discovery", Staffel 5: Trailer

Auf YouTube hat der Account von Paramount+ Deutschland einen Trailer zur fünften Staffel von "Star Trek: Discovery" geteilt. Hier können Sie den Trailer zur Serie sehen:

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‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 5 Trailer Reveals Final Adventure for Captain Burnham and Crew (TV News Roundup)

Star Trek Discovery

Paramount+ has released the trailer for the final season of “ Star Trek: Discovery ,” debuting April 4 with the first two episodes.

The series’ description reads, “The fifth and final season will find Captain Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery uncovering a mystery that will send them on an epic adventure across the galaxy to find an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries. But there are others on the hunt as well…dangerous foes who are desperate to claim the prize for themselves and will stop at nothing to get it.”

CBS Studios produces in association with Secret Hideout and Roddenberry Entertainment. Executive producers include Alex Kurtzman, Michelle Paradise, Heather Kadin, Aaron Baiers, Olatunde Osunsanmi, Sonequa Martin-Green, Frank Siracusa, John Weber, Rod Roddenberry and Trevor Roth. Alex Kurtzman and Michelle Paradise are co-showrunners.

Watch the trailer below.

Peacock and Sky have released the teaser trailer for the upcoming limited drama series “ The Tattooist of Auschwitz ,” premiering May 2 with the release of all six episodes.

The series stars Melanie Lynskey, Harvey Keitel, Jonah Hauer-King, Anna Próchniak and Jonas Nay. 

Adapted from the book of the same name by Heather Morris, “‘The Tattooist of Auschwitz’ is an event series inspired by the real-life story of Jewish Holocaust survivors Lali and Gita Sokolov. Lali (Jonah Hauer-King) arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1942, and shortly after arrival, he was made one of the tätowierer (tattooists), charged to ink identification numbers onto fellow prisoners’ arms. One day, he meets Gita (Anna Próchniak) when tattooing her prisoner number on her arm. They experience love at first sight, and so begins a courageous, unforgettable, and human story. Under constant guard from a volatile Nazi SS officer Baretzki (Jonas Nay), Lali and Gita became determined to keep each other alive.”

The show’s score is composed by Hans Zimmer and Kara Talve. Executive producers include Claire Mundell, Adrian Burns and Mark Young of Synchronicity Films, and Serena Thompson of Sky Studios. Tali Shalom-Ezer is director and co-executive producer. Jacquelin Perske is an executive producer and writer while Evan Placey is an associate producer and writer.

Freeform has released the teaser trailer for the sixth and final season of “ Grown-ish ,” which returns on March 27 at 10 p.m. and streams the next day on Hulu. New episodes air Wednesdays.

The final season follows Andre Johnson Jr., or Junior, as graduation approaches, with him preparing for adulthood.

Malcolm Jamal Warner will guest star as Darnell, Doug’s dad, with Rich Paul guest starring as himself and Druski reprising the role of Brock. Original cast members Francia Raisa, Emily Arlook, Jordan Buhat and Luka Sabbat will also return to guest star. Additionally, previously announced guest stars Kelly Rowland, Lil Yachty, Anderson .Paak and The Free Nationals and Latto will return for the second half of Season 6.

The series will celebrate its 100th episode this season with Season 6 Episode 13 “California Love,” which airs on Freeform on April 17th and the next day on Hulu.

“Grown-ish” stars Marcus Scribner, Trevor Jackson, Diggy Simmons, Daniella Taylor, Justine Skye, Tara Raani and Yara Shahidi. ABC Signature produces, with Kenya Barris, Craig Doyle, Shahidi, Anthony Anderson, Laurence Fishburne, Helen Sugland, E. Brian Dobbins and Michael Petok serving as executive producers. Doyle also serves as showrunner.

See the full teaser below.

Max has released the trailer for the drama series “ The Girls on the Bus ,” debuting March 14 with the release of two episodes. One episode will be released every subsequent week through May 9.

The official logline for the series reads: “‘The Girls on the Bus’ invites viewers to hit the campaign trail alongside four female journalists, each of them different in their reporting styles and personalities. The story centers on Sadie McCarthy (Melissa Benoist), a journalist who romanticizes a bygone era of campaign reporting and scraps her whole life for a shot at covering a presidential candidate for a paper of record. Sadie joins the bus and eventually bonds with three female competitors, Grace (Carla Gugino), Lola (Natasha Behnam), and Kimberlyn (Christina Elmore). Despite their differences, the women become a found family with a front-row seat to the greatest soap opera in town – the battle for the White House.”

The rest of the cast includes Brandon Scott, Griffin Dunne, Mark Consuelos and Scott Foley.

Bret Baier, Fox News Channel’s chief political anchor and executive editor of “Special Report,” will interview Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday, Feb. 22 at 6 p.m. ET from Ukraine.

The conversation will air on “Special Report” in Zelenskyy’s first interview from the frontlines of combat since the war began on Feb. 24, 2022.

Baier will also spotlight the Fox News correspondents who have been covering the war since the days leading up to the invasion. Benjamin Hall, Pierre Zakrzewski and Oleksandra Kuvshynova, who were hit by a Russian projectile while covering the beginning of the war, will all be honored. Zakrzewski and Kuvshynova were killed in the attack and Hall was wounded.

On Feb. 23, “Special Report” will air a segment which showcases the impact of the war by interviewing Ukrainians on the ground. The segment will also present what life is like in a war-torn country, centering on the capital city Kyiv. Hall and Jerusalem-based correspondent Trey Yingst will join Baier to speak about the difficulties of reporting on the war in Ukraine and the significance of on the ground reporting in conflict zones.

WABC-TV New York announced that entertainment reporter Joelle Garguilo is joining the WABC-TV Channel 7 Eyewitness News in New York team. She will replace veteran reporter Sandy Kenyon, who is moving to a new position as consultant for ABC Owned Television stations. Garguilo and Kenyon will both cover the 96 th Oscars, which take place on March 10 at the Dolby Theater.

“Joelle Garguilo approaches every story with enthusiasm, heart and a true passion for all things entertainment and lifestyle,” said Marilu Galvez, president and general manager of ABC7/WABC-TV New York. “Those attributes make her one of the most appealing interviewers in entertainment reporting and someone I know our viewers are going to love.”

Garguilo started out in broadcast television 15 years ago working at NBC. Throughout her career, she has served as an on-air entertainment and features reporter for “New York Live,” a correspondent for “E!” News and contributed to the “Today Show with Hoda and Jenna.” She has interviewed hundreds of stars ranging from Oprah Winfrey to Timothée Chalamet, and has covered major events of the past year including the Met Gala and the MTV VMAs.

Garguilo has won two Emmy Awards in her career for the magazine program “New York Live Home for the Holidays” and for outstanding entertainment: program features/segment for “New York Live” features/segments.


“We couldn’t be more thrilled to lead BBC Studios LA scripted programming into its next chapter,” Bendavid and Stephenson said in a statement. “BBC Studios has some of the most beloved and successful global brands to inspire us, a passion for creative excellence, great story telling, and outstanding talent on both sides of the Atlantic. We are truly excited about what lies ahead.”

Over the past three years, the production arm has launched 12 new series with ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, National Geographic, Netflix and Peacock. Working in the Los Angeles office, Bendavid and Stephenson will work in close collaboration with BBC Studios Productions’ president of scripted Mark Linsey.

Bendavid was most recently head of scripted programming for the co-production partnership between Lionsgate and BBC Studios Los Angeles Productions, which launched the hit series “Ghosts.” Stephenson has been promoted from her previous role as BBC Studios’ senior vice president of scripted development.

True crime network Investigation Discovery has named Kathryn Vaughan to the post of senior vice president, head of production. Vaughan will be based in New York and report to Jason Sarlanis, president of Turner Networks, Investigation Discovery and HLN, linear and streaming.

“I am thrilled to welcome Kathryn to our team,” said Sarlanis in a statement. “She comes to us with extensive true crime expertise, savvy creative instincts and enviable storytelling skills that we witnessed firsthand after working with her on the recent breakout success of ID’s docuseries ‘The Price of Glee,’ ‘Death by Fame’ and ‘Murder in the Heartland.’  Kathryn’s deep commitment to true crime storytelling will enrich our best in class team and further maximize Investigation Discovery’s offering as the leading destination for true crime.”

Vaughan has more than 20 years of experience working in unscripted genres including true crime, lifestyle and sports. In her most recent position, she served as head of development and current programming at Ample Entertainment, where she was in charge of a slate of documentaries. Prior to Ample, Vaughan served as president of Good Caper Content.

Netflix, Google, NBC and Meta are among the winners of the 75th Annual Tech and Engineering Emmy Awards.

The Technology & Engineering Emmy Awards are awarded to a “living individual, a company, or a scientific or technical organization for developments and/or standardization involved in engineering technologies that either represent so extensive an improvement on existing methods or are so innovative in nature that they materially have affected television,” according to the statement.

A Committee of “highly qualified engineers” working in television considers technical developments in the industry and determines which, if any, merit an award.

The ceremony will take place in partnership with the NAB New York media & technology convention as part of their convention in New York this October at the Javits Center.

See the full winners list below.

Pioneering Development of Inexpensive Video Technology for Animation Winners: Lyon Lamb (Bruce Lyon and John Lamb)

Large Scale Deployment of Smart TV Operating Systems Winners: Samsung, LG, Sony, Vizio, Panasonic

Creation and Implementation of HDR Static LUT, Single-Stream Live Production Winners: BBC and NBC

Pioneering Technologies Enabling High Performance Communications Over Cable TV Systems Winners: Broadcom, General Instrument (CommScope) Winners: LANcity (CommScope) Winners: 3COM (HP)

Pioneering Development of Manifest-based Playout for FAST (Free Ad-supported Streaming Television) Winners: Amagi Winners: Pluto TV Winners: Turner

Targeted Ad Messages Delivered Across Paused Media Winners: DirecTV

Pioneering Development of IP Address Geolocation Technologies to Protect Content Rights Winners: MLB Winners: Quova

Development of Stream Switching Technology between Satellite Broadcast and Internet to Improve Signal Reliability Winners: DirecTV

Design and Deployment of Efficient Hardware Video Accelerators for Cloud Winners: Netint Winners: AMD Winners: Google Winners: Meta

Spectrum Auction Design Winners: FCC and Auctionomics

TV Pioneers – Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) Karl Ferdinand Braun Boris Lvovich Rosing Alan Archibald Campbell Swinton

TV Pioneers – Development of lighting, ventilation, and lens-coating technologies Hertha Ayrton Katharine Burr Blodgett

The Producers Guild of America announced that the producing team for “Succession: Controlling the Narrative” has won this year’s PGA award for Outstanding Short Form Program, while the producing team for “Body of Mine” was honored with the PGA Innovation Award, which celebrates “outstanding entertainment endeavors across VR, AR, experiential and other emerging media.” The rest of the PGA Awards will be handed out during a ceremony on Feb. 25. 

Sir Patrick Stewart, the four-time Oscar-nominated and multi-award-winning actor, will be honored with the Publicists of the International Cinematographers Guild’s 2024 Television Showperson of the Year Award.

Stewart is being feted for his work in the final season of “Star Trek: Picard,” which saw the actor reprising his role as Jean-Luc Picard, which he originated in the 1987 “Star Trek: The Next Generation” television series.

“Heralded as one of the greatest actors of our time, Stewart embodies the spirit of the Television Showperson of the Year, which honors an individual whose accomplishments in television best represent that special spirit traditionally defined as showmanship,” read the statement.

Stewart’s career spans over six decades. A classically trained theater artist who got his start at the Royal Shakespeare Company, Stewart’s performances have garnered three Olivier Awards plus Emmy, Golden Globe, SAG, Critics Choice and Tony Award nominations, among other honors. His screen work includes portrayals of “X-Men” character Professor Charles Xavier. In 2023, he released his memoir, “Making It So.”

Previous recipients of the Television Showperson of the Year Award include Norman Lear, Ava DuVernay, Greg Berlanti, Quinta Brunson, Ryan Murphy, John Landgraf, Shonda Rhimes, Chuck Lorre, Steven Bochco, Aaron Spelling and Bob Hope.

Stewart will receive the award at the 61st Annual ICG Publicist Awards luncheon at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel on March 8.

Henry Winkler will be honored with USC Comedy’s 2024 Oakie Award for Exceptional Achievements in Film and Television Comedy. The announcement comes from David Isaacs, co-chair of USC Comedy and chair of the John Wells division of writing for screen & television and Barnet Kellman, co-chair of USC Comedy.

The award presentation will take place on March 5 at 7 p.m. and include an in-depth conversation with Winkler moderated by Bill Hader. Previous recipients include Hader, Catherine O’Hara, Steve Carell and Mel Brooks.

“Henry Winkler’s indelible mark on the world of comedy stands as a testament to his dedication to his craft, complemented by his infinite generosity and infectious spirit. He has solidified his place as a true comedic icon and we are honored to present him with USC Comedy’s 2024 Oakie Award,” Isaacs said in a statement. “From his iconic portrayal as Arthur ‘the Fonz’ Fonzarelli in the beloved sitcom ‘Happy Days’ to his recent acclaimed performance in the hit series ‘Barry,’ Winkler’s career has been defined by his extraordinary comedic talent. We eagerly anticipate welcoming him to campus, knowing our students will glean invaluable insights from his career and extensive experience in the industry.”

MoonBall Media, an MLB player-owned media and production company founded by Anthony Seratelli and Eric Hosmer, has launched.

MoonBall Media will include original unscripted programming, a weekly podcast, social media content and forthcoming FAST channels. The first episode of the weekly podcast “Diggin’ Deep,” which explores pertinent topics in sports and media, has already debuted. Joining Hosmer as co-hosts are MLB veteran Peter Moylan and process and development coach Justin Su’a. Guests will include other athletes, coaches, musicians, and pop culture figures as they delve into “an intimate and unfiltered look into the challenges and triumphs that have shaped their lives.”

“We’re thrilled to officially announce the launch of MoonBall Media,” said founder and CEO Seratelli. “The opportunity to fully merge my passion and experience in both sports and storytelling is something I’ve been working towards for a long time. We have an amazingly talented team of producers and creators and we look forward to entertaining audiences through our unique documentaries, weekly podcasts, live sports and much more content to come.”

Seratelli has experience producing with his company Jersey Filmmaker; Hosmer is co-founding MoonBall right after leaving the MLB, having announced his official retirement on “Diggin’ Deep.”

The new production staffing website ShoBizzy has officially launched, with advisors from congloms including Netflix, Disney, Warner Bros Discovery, and NBCUniversal. Founded by Doug Weitzbuch (“World of Dance,” “Duck Dynasty”) and serial software entrepreneur Kevin Eberly (“PayYourRent”), the site utilizes algorithms to help staff productions including film, television, commercials, digital and live events.

“ShoBizzy can save productions significant time and money by automatically suggesting the best suited and available candidates for every single position in their production,” the company said in a statement. “This will reduce time spent staffing, eliminate bad hires, and increase exposure to more locals… This is a dramatic improvement from the current process of scouring IMDb, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc to try to find a mutual connection that has worked with the candidate.”

The idea for ShoBizzy was born after Weitzbuch, who has spent 20 years as a freelance producer, wrapped on the Netflix series “Buy My House” and reached out to Eberly, who was a close friend, about coming up with a new way to staff projects.

NewsNation has struck a multi-year agreement with Ashleigh Banfield, in which she will continue to host her primetime program “Banfield” at 10 p.m. ET on weeknights.

“Banfield” covers the country’s biggest stories, including top crime cases. Banfield has over 35 years of experience as a broadcast journalist and has worked for a variety of networks including CNN, HLN, MSNBC, NBC, CourtTV and ABC News. At NewsNation, some of the breaking news stories she has covered include the mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, the Gabby Petito-Brian Laundrie murder case, the Bryan Kohberger trial, the Murdaugh trial and the Gilgo Beach murders.

“Ashleigh is an incredible talent and a seasoned broadcast journalist,” said Michael Corn, president of news at NewsNation. “She covers crime and the justice system better than anyone and we are thrilled that she has re-signed with the network.”

Global media company Studio71 signed an exclusive distribution, ad sales and marketing agreement with Tony Hinchcliffe for his podcast “Kill Tony.” Studio 71 will sell podcast advertising and integrated brand partnerships across audio and video, as well as help Hinchcliffe build out a podcast network called “Golden Pony Podcasts” under its umbrella.

“My entire team is pumped to be working on such a high level and with such huge venues and now an unstoppable advertising force. When Brian Redban and I started working together, we could not have imagined such a juggernaut and we have never been happier now that we are in arenas and our home base of the great state of Texas,” Hinchcliffe said in a statement.

The deal was helmed by Seth Jacobs and Alex Murray at Brillstein Entertainment Partners, where Hinchcliffe is a client. Hinchcliffe is a client of UTA as well, and Dinesh Melwani at Mintzserved as legal counsel. Shana Davies, Brian Lieberman and Vadim Dyment negotiated the deal on behalf of Studio71.

“We are very excited that Tony and his team would entrust his wildly successful podcast with us to continue its growth trajectory,” Craig Jordan, senior vice president of podcast brand partnerships, said in a statement. “We look forward to providing him with our bespoke customized services to grow his audience and his opportunities to new heights, earning them greater revenue through increased distribution, marketing, and best-in-class ad sales.”

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Nicht mehr bei Netflix: So könnt ihr das Finale von "Star Trek: Discovery" ab heute stattdessen streamen

Markus Trutt

Bis zur dritten Staffel lief „Star Trek: Discovery“ in Deutschland exklusiv bei Netflix. In Staffel 4 wanderte sie dann auch bei uns zum neuen Streamingdienst Paramount+- Und dort wird nun auch die 5. und letzte Season der Sci-Fi-Serie eingeläutet.

Zwölf Jahre hat es nach dem unrühmlichen Ende der fünften „Star Trek“-Live-Action-Serie „ Star Trek: Enterprise “ gedauert, bis man sich auf dem heimischen Bildschirm wieder an das legendäre Sci-Fi-Franchise gewagt hat. Beflügelt durch den Erfolg der „Star Trek“-Reboot-Filme, hat sich deren Co-Autor Alex Kurtzman mit „Hannibal“- und „American Gods“-Schöpfer Bryan Fuller zusammengetan, um eine Serie zu kreieren, die den Geist der alten „Star Trek“-TV-Tage mit dem Spektakel von J.J. Abrams’ Kino-Abenteuern verband.

Fuller kehrte dem Vorhaben wegen kreativer Differenzen letztlich zwar den Rücken, dennoch konnte „ Star Trek: Discovery “ 2017 an den Start gehen – und den Grundstein für einen neuen „Star Trek“-Serien-Boom legen, bei dem Alex Kurtzman bald als Chef alle Fäden in der Hand hielt (und noch immer hält). Seitdem sind mit dem „Next Generation“-Revival „ Star Trek: Picard “ und dem gefeierten „Discovery“-Spin-off „ Star Trek: Strange New Worlds “ sowie „ Star Trek: Lower Decks “ und „ Star Trek: Prodigy “ zwei weitere Live-Action- und zwei Animationsserien aus den unendlichen Weiten des Weltraums gestartet. Und mit „ Star Trek: Starfleet Academy “ befindet sich die nächste schon in der Entwicklung.

Die Serie, mit der all das begonnen hat, geht nun allerdings zu Ende: „Star Trek: Discovery“ startet am heutigen 4. April 2024 in die fünfte und letzte Staffel. Während Netflix bis Staffel 3 noch die Premiere der neuen Folgen außerhalb der USA übernahm, findet diese inzwischen auch hierzulande bei der eigentlichen Heimat Paramount+ statt. Dort können zum Auftakt direkt zwei Folgen abgerufen werden. Die restlichen Episoden folgen dann im Wochenabstand immer donnerstags. Das Staffel- und Serienfinale erscheint somit am 30. Mai.

Amazon-Prime-Kund*innen können Paramount+ übrigens auch einfach als Channel bei Prime Video hinzubuchen. Am Preis ändert das jedoch nichts. Ob nun auf der eigenen Plattform oder als Prime-Channel: In jedem Fall kann das Abo des Dienstes für sieben Tage gratis getestet werden.

Als Trostpflaster für den „Discovery“-Abschied können sich Fans übrigens über gleich zwei Ableger freuen, die einst der Serie entsprungen sind. Zum einen bekommt das erwähnte „Strange New Worlds“ eine dritte Staffel (wohl aber erst 2025), in der Captain Pike und die Crew der Enterprise (einige Jahre vor den Ereignissen der „ Star Trek “-Original-Serie) neue Abenteuer erleben. Und zum anderen wird es voraussichtlich noch 2024 im Streaming-Film „ Star Trek: Section 31 “ ein Wiedersehen mit (Ex-)Imperatorin Philippa Georgiou (Oscarpreisträgerin Michelle Yeoh ) und dem titelgebenden Sternenflotten-Geheimdienst geben.

Ein letztes Abenteuer im 32. Jahrhundert

„Star Trek: Discovery“ selbst hat sich derweil mit einem gewaltigen Zeitsprung zwischen Staffel 2 und 3 vom vertrauten „Star Trek“-Umfeld emanzipiert und durch die neu gewonnenen Freiheiten bei der Erzählung zudem einen Qualitätssprung hingelegt.

Staffel 5 ist nach wie vor im entfernten 32. Jahrhundert angesiedelt, in dem Captain Michael Burnham ( Sonequa Martin-Green ) und die Crew der USS Discovery weiterhin darum bemüht sind, der einst fast zerschlagenen Föderation zu alter Stärke zu verhelfen. Vor allem aber bekommen sie es in der finalen Season mit einem uralten Geheimnis zu tun, das sie auf die Spur einer rätselhaften Macht bringt, die verheerende Folgen für das gesamte Universum haben könnte. Und so begeben sich Michael und Co. auf eine Odyssee quer durchs All, um der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen und zu verhindern, dass die Entdeckung in die falschen Hände gerät...

*Bei diesem Link handelt es sich um einen sogenannten Affiliate-Link. Bei einem Kauf ĂĽber diesen Link oder beim Abschluss eines Abos erhalten wir eine Provision. Auf den Preis hat das keinerlei Auswirkung.

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Promotional art for Star Trek: Discovery season 5, featuring a cast lineup surrounded by alien runes. LtR: Blu Del Barrio as Adira, Mary Wiseman as Tilly, Wilson Cruz as Culber, Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham, David Ajala as Book, Doug Jones as Saru and Anthony Rapp as Stamets.

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  • 2024 Spring Entertainment Preview

Star Trek: Discovery is finally free to do whatever it wants

Imagining the future of the future

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It’s a truth universally acknowledged that even among the greatest television shows in Star Trek history, most of them take two seasons to stop being kind of bad. Never has that been more true or more excruciating than in the case of Star Trek: Discovery .

tele 5 star trek discovery staffel 4

Polygon is looking ahead to the movies, shows, and books coming soon in our Spring 2024 entertainment preview package, a weeklong special issue.

Often it felt like what Discovery was really doing in its early seasons was discovering what didn’t work. Strong performances from a great cast? That works. A Klingon design that absolutely nobody liked ? Definitely not. But despite the stumbles, Discovery season 1 had still averaged C’s and B’s with reviewers, and had built an audience and a subscriber base for Paramount Plus. On the strength of Disco ’s first season, Paramount greenlit Star Treks Picard , Lower Decks , and Prodigy , three new shows covering a huge range of ages and nostalgic tastes. And spinning out of Disco ’s second season, which introduced familiar , nostalgic characters and a brighter, more Star Trek-y tone, Paramount produced Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , inarguably the best new addition to the franchise since 1996.

Star Trek: Discovery crawled so that the rest of modern Trek could run... and then it started to walk. The show’s third season saw the USS Discovery and crew in the place that should have been their starting blocks: the bleeding future edge of Star Trek’s timeline. Thanks to season 3’s groundwork, season 4 became the first time that Discovery had a status quo worth returning to. In its fifth and final season, Star Trek: Discovery is finally free — free in a way that a Star Trek TV series hasn’t been in 23 years.

Sonequa Martin-Green as Captain Michael Burnham in Star Trek: Discovery, season 5. Wearing a glowing uniformed spacesuit, she clings to the back of a spaceship speeding through hyperspace, colorful lights streaking the background.

Star Trek: The Next Generation is such an elder statesman of the television elite that it’s easy to forget that it was daring. The show’s triumph wasn’t just that it featured a new cast of characters, but also its audaciousness in imagining the future of the future — and making that future unmistakably different . The Original Series showed a racial and national cooperation that seemed fantastical in its time, with an alien crewmember to denote the next frontier of embracing the other . Next Generation saw that bet and raised it, installing a member of the Klingon species, the Federation’s once-feared imperialist rival state, as a respected officer on the bridge of Starfleet’s flagship.

Next Generation ’s time period — one century after Kirk’s Enterprise — wasn’t a nominal choice, but a commitment to moving the story of Star Trek forward. From the show’s foundations, Gene Roddenberry and his collaborators, new and old, set a precedent that the Federation would evolve. Therefore, in accordance with the utopian themes of the franchise, old enemies would in time become friends. Next Generation embraced The Original Series ’ nemeses and the rest of ’90s Trek saw that bet and raised it again, pulling many of Next Gen ’s villains into the heroic fold. Voyager welcomed a Borg crewmember and disincorporated the Borg empire; Deep Space Nine gave the franchise the first Ferengi Starfleet cadet, and brokered a Federation-Klingon-Romulan alliance in the face of an existential threat.

But Discovery — at least until it made its Olympic long-jump leap 900 years into the future — couldn’t move Star Trek forward. So long as it was set “immediately before Kirk’s Enterprise,” hemmed in by the constraints of a previously established era of Star Trek history, it could graft on new elements (like Spock’s secret human foster sister) but it couldn’t create from whole cloth (like a galaxy-wide shortage of starship fuel that nearly destroyed the Federation). Like its predecessor, the ill-fated Star Trek: Enterprise of the ’00s, it was doomed to hang like a remora on the side of the events of The Original Series , or, if you’ll pardon another fish metaphor, doomed like a goldfish that can only grow as large as its half-gallon fishbowl will allow.

Discovery ’s later, free seasons in the 32nd century have shown the Federation at its most vulnerable, a subtler echo of Picard ’s own season 1 swing at fallen institutions . (Fans of Voyager and Deep Space Nine know that this is an extremely rich vein of Trek storytelling.) In its third season, Discovery solved a galaxy-wide fuel crisis that had shattered the community of the Federation. In its fourth it fought for a fragile new Federation alliance and its millennia-old ideals.

And those seasons have also boldly committed to the idea of imagining the future’s future — 900 years of it. The centuries-old rift between Vulcans and Romulans is long healed, Ferengi serve as captains in Starfleet, the work of Doctor Noonien Soong has brought new medical technologies to the fore.

Even still, Discovery hasn’t been truly free in its third and fourth seasons. Star Trek: Picard was out there, forming new past elements of a post- Next Gen / Voy / DS9 era that Discovery had to abide by. And, after all, the show still had to make sure there was something for its own next season to come back to.

Blu del Barrio as Adira in Star Trek: Discovery. She kneels confused before a strange figure dressed in white with white hair, with red robed figures in the background.

But now — with Prodigy and Picard finished, and Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks locked into their settings of Star Trek’s established past, and Starfleet Academy and Section 31 not yet in production at the time that its final season would have been written — Discovery has reached the final final frontier for a Star Trek show. If you’re a Star Trek fan, that should excite you.

Not since Deep Space Nine in 1999 and Voyager in 2001 has a Star Trek series had the freedom to wrap up its run with the Federation in any state it wants to. With franchise flagship Next Generation at an end, and Voyager restricted to the Delta Quadrant only, Deep Space Nine used its last seasons to throw the Federation into all-out war, making sweeping changes to the established ficto-political norms of ’90s Trek. Voyager used its finale to do what Captain Picard never could: defang the Borg (mostly).

We don’t know exactly what Discovery will do with that freedom. Season 4 directors have talked about reaching “ into the past to get further into the future ,” and likened it to Indiana Jones. Official news releases have said the crew will “uncover a mystery that sends them on an epic adventure across the galaxy to find an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries.” But speculating on what that means would be beside the point.

Discovery , the show about an intergalactically teleporting starship, can finally, actually, go anywhere. It’s been almost a quarter of a century since a beloved Star Trek series was so free to boldly go. Let’s hope they’re very bold indeed.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 premieres with two episodes on April 4 on Paramount Plus.

Spring 2024 entertainment preview

A shot of Kaiju No. 8 gearing up to punch with shocks around him

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'Star Trek: Discovery' opens its 5th and final season in unremarkable fashion (Red Directive recap)

Hello smartmatter, my old friend, I've come to watch you once again. Because no item is impossible, it makes the story unbelievable... ♬

Both Book and Tilly return to join the regular crewmember cast of the USS Discovery, plus a new face or two

Warning: Spoilers ahead for "Star Trek: Discovery" season 5, episode 1

Well, here we are. Again. It's the fifth and final time around for "Star Trek: Discovery" and the single biggest question every sci-fan will be asking themselves is, will this season actually be any good. The tragic thing is, no one can really remember what happened in season 4 and that speaks directly to the fact that "Discovery" is not exactly a high-scoring show when it comes to rewatchability.

It's been two years and two weeks, give or take a day, since we last saw the crew of the USS Discovery risk everything to save all life in the universe, again. During that time, we've seen a lot of sci-fi, both awesome and awful, including two seasons of " Picard " and " Strange New Worlds ," the third and final season of " The Orville ," season 1 of " Andor ," "The Book of Boba Fett," "Ahsoka" and the less said about "Obi-Wan Kenobi," the better. If you're wondering where to see all that Trek, check out our Star Trek streaming guide for Paramount Plus and more.

Not to mention, the vastly underrated second season of "Invasion" and "Halo" seasons 1 and 2, plus, the first mind-blowing season of "Silo" the second and sadly last season of " Avenue 5 " and two seasons of " For All Mankind ." The point is that the standard has, for the most part, been refreshingly high. And frankly before we even get into season 5 of "Discovery," it's worth remembering that what executive producers and showrunners Alex Kurtzman  and Michelle Paradise have given us up until now, has not exactly been a consistently high quality of sci-fi writing. In fact, it's been rather disappointing.

Related: 5 things Star Trek: Discovery season 5 needs to fix

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Watch Star Trek on Paramount Plus: <a href="https://paramountplus.qflm.net/c/221109/175360/3065?subId1=hawk-custom-tracking&sharedId=hawk&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paramountplus.com%2F" data-link-merchant="paramountplus.com"" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Get a one month free trial 

Get all the Star Trek content you can possibly handle with this free trial of Paramount Plus. Watch new shows like Star Trek: Discovery and all the classic Trek movies and TV shows too. Plans start from $4.99/month after the trial ends.

Are we in-store for another cookie-cutter season of what's-in-the-box plot threads that deliver misdirected build ups with unsatisfying pay offs...you know like we have for the past two seasons plus all three seasons of "Picard"..? Even "Andor," despite its peak and trough-style of repetitive set-piece storytelling, was impressive and that was down to how well those set pieces had been fleshed out along with well written character development and dialogue. Less can very easily be so much more. 

Moreover, now we're in the 32nd century and we've seen that transporter technology can be used to replace stairs and even change outfits, so to be perfectly honest, there really isn't a single story idea that cannot be solved by a simple combination of transporter and replicator technology. Not to mention smartmatter. Ah, hello smartmatter, my old friend. Because this is what happens when you throw three seasons of a "Star Trek" series 1,164 years into the future.

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Regardless, it would seem that within the story, between four and six months have passed since the events of last season , where you may remember, the United Federation of Planets was desperately trying to save all life as we know from being accidentally exterminated by species 10-C, all while Ruon Tarka (Shawn Doyle) was still hell bent on using the illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator to destroy the dark matter anomaly. Book (David Ajala) gets killed when his ship explodes then bought back to life before he faces repercussions for siding with Tarka. General Ndoye (Phumzile Sitole) seems to get away scot-free despite sabotaging the Discovery's warp drive and everyone lives happily ever after. 

Malinne 'Moll' Ravel (Eve Harlow) and L'ak (Elias Toufexis) currently represent the alien antagonists.

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Coming in at nearly 60 minutes long, the premiere episode is titled "Red Directive" and drops at the same time as the second episode, entitled "Under The Twin Moons." Michelle Paradise wrote the former, which could explain why it's so dull, and Olatunde Osunsanmi directed. The latter was written by Alan B. McElroy and directed by Douglas Aarniokoski, so fingers the second installment might be a bit better. Aarniokoski directed the season 3 premiere episode of "Picard" and while the rest of that was a disappointing, drawn out, nostalgia-fueled, 10-episode long epilogue to another series that ended three decades ago, the premiere installment was actually okay. 

The gang seems mostly all here, including Lt. Tilly (Mary Wiseman) and Adira (Blu del Barrio) and there are some characters who don't seem to have made it back, some of whom will be very much missed, like Grudge, while others won't be. No sign of Zora yet either. It's also entirely likely that the amazing talents of Callum Keith Rennie, who plays a Starfleet Captain named Rayner, will be spectacularly underused, much like Todd Stashwick was in season 3 of "Picard."

Credit to the production team though, as they're are really making the most of their Volume-esque video wall soundstage. There are a couple of interesting choices in terms of editing, much like there were in the second season premiere where Alex Kurtzman showed us what he'd learned in the Vince Gilligan School of Cinematography. It's doubtful we'll ever see them again, just like we didn't before. 

Maybe having two starships essentially sticking their heads in the sand was a metaphor for

To conclude then, the opening episode of the final season "Star Trek: Discovery" is a far, far cry from strong openings that this show has demonstrated it's capable of in the past. And that's a sentence we've had to write far too many times. The TNG throwback right at the end is...well, disappointing, mostly because of the extent that nostalgic fan service has been dialed up since the first episode of Nu-Trek aired in September 2017. However, it could still provide an interesting story thread — we will just have to wait and see.

The fifth and final season of "Star Trek: Discovery" and every episode of every "Star Trek" show — with the exception of "Star Trek: Prodigy" — currently streams exclusively on Paramount Plus in the US while "Prodigy" has found a new home o n Netflix.  

Internationally, the shows are available on Paramount Plus in Australia, Latin America, the UK and South Korea, as well as on Pluto TV in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland on the Pluto TV Sci-Fi channel. They also stream on Paramount Plus in Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In Canada, they air on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and stream on Crave.

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

Scott Snowden

When Scott's application to the NASA astronaut training program was turned down, he was naturally upset...as any 6-year-old boy would be. He chose instead to write as much as he possibly could about science, technology and space exploration. He graduated from The University of Coventry and received his training on Fleet Street in London. He still hopes to be the first journalist in space.

'Star Trek: Discovery' season 5 episode 2 sows the seeds of seasonal plot threads (Under the Twin Moons recap)

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tele 5 star trek discovery staffel 4

When does the final season of 'Star Trek: Discovery' come out? Release date, cast, where to watch

tele 5 star trek discovery staffel 4

It's time for U.S.S. Discovery's final mission.

Paramount+'s hit TV series "Star Trek: Discovery" is returning for its fifth and final season this week and there is a lot to look forward to.

"The fifth and final season will find Captain Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery uncovering a mystery that will send them on an epic adventure across the galaxy to find an ancient power whose very existence has been deliberately hidden for centuries," says Paramount+ about the upcoming season. "But there are others on the hunt as well…dangerous foes who are desperate to claim the prize for themselves and will stop at nothing to get it."

"Star Trek: Discovery" debuted in 2017 and is the seventh in the Star Trek series. Here's everything you need to know about the final season of the series.

When does 'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 premiere?

The finale season of "Star Trek: Discovery" is scheduled to premiere on Paramount+ on Thursday, April 4.

The first two episodes will be available to stream on the premiere date, with new episodes dropping weekly on Thursdays. Paramount+ did not specify what time the episodes will be available on their platform.

'Star Trek: Discovery' on Paramount+: Subscribe

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'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 episodes

Season 5 of "Star Trek: Discovery" has 10 episodes in total. The first two will be available to stream on April 4, with the remaining dropping weekly on Thursday on Paramount+.

'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 cast

Season 5 of "Star Trek: Discovery" brings back new and old faces along with recurring guest stars. Cast members include:

  • Sonequa Martin-Green as Captain Michael Burnham
  • Doug Jones as Saru
  • Anthony Rapp as Paul Stamets
  • Mary Wiseman as Sylvia Tilly
  • Wilson Cruz as Dr. Hugh Culber
  • David Ajala as Cleveland “Book” Booker
  • Blu del Barrio as Adira
  • Callum Keith Rennie as Rayner.
  • Elias Toufexis as L’ak
  • Eve Harlow as Moll

'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 trailer

Paramount+ dropped the official trailer for Season 5 on Feb. 23.

Saman Shafiq is a trending news reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her at [email protected] and follow her on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter @saman_shafiq7.

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What's To Come In Star Trek: Discovery Season Four

The cast and producers share their thoughts

Spoilers for season four of Star Trek: Discovery to follow!

Sonequa Martin-Green and the cast and creatives of Star Trek: Discovery share their hopes for season four.

Star Trek: Discovery currently streams exclusively on Paramount+ in U.S. Internationally, the series is available on Paramount+ in Australia, Latin America and the Nordics, and on Pluto TV in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom on the Pluto TV Sci-Fi channel. In Canada, it airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. Star Trek: Discovery is distributed by ViacomCBS Global Distribution Group.

Star Trek: Discovery - Hintergrund

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Star Trek Discovery: Staffel 5 startet bei Paramount+ - das erwartet euch in den neuen Folgen

Morgen startet "Star Trek: Discovery" Staffel 5 bei Paramount. Diese 13 Details aus dem Trailer schĂĽren bereits die Vorfreude auf die neuen Folgen der Sci-Fi-Serie!

  • "Star Trek: Discovery" Staffel 5 feiert am morgigen 4. April Premiere in Doppelfolge.
  • Ab dann geht es wöchentlich, immer donnerstags um 9 Uhr, mit je einer neuen Folge bei Paramount+ weiter.
  • Mit diesen Details aus dem Trailer könnt ihr bereits einen Vorgeschmack auf das erhalten, was euch erwartet.

" Star Trek: Discovery " startet in wenigen Tagen bei Paramount+ . Ab dem 4. April 2024 gibt es die neuen Folgen im Stream und die neue Staffel markiert auch das Finale der Serie. Der finale Trailer, bevor die Discovery in insgesamt 10 Folgen über die Flimmerkästen fliegt, ist entsprechend emotional geladen, da es sich um die letzten Abenteuer der USS Discovery handelt.

An dieser Stelle findet ihr ein Video von Youtube , das den Artikel ergänzt. Mit einem Klick könnt ihr euch dieses anzeigen lassen.

Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir externe Inhalte angezeigt werden. Damit können personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr dazu in unseren Datenschutzbestimmungen .

Beim genauen Betrachten des Trailers haben wir einige kleine Details entdeckt, die mehr ĂĽber die Handlung der kommenden Folgen verraten. Bisher wissen wir, dass es um um eine Schatzsuche gehen wird, an der Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) und die Crew der Discovery teilnehmen werden. Aber der Teufel steckt im Detail ...

Captain Michael Burnham und die Crew der USS Discovery sind einem Mysterium auf der Spur, das sie auf ein episches Abenteuer quer durch die Galaxis schickt, um eine antike Macht zu finden, dessen schiere Existenz seit Jahrhunderten absichtlich verschwiegen wurde. Es gibt auch andere Parteien, die auf der Suche sind ... gefährliche Feinde, die den Preis verzweifelt für sich selbst beanspruchen wollen und vor nichts Halt machen.

Wolkenstadt oder Sternenbasis?

Star Trek Discovery Staffel 5: Im Trailer sehen wir eine Sternenbasis oder Wolkenstadt

Im ersten Shot des neuen Trailers sehen wir eine Wolkenstadt oder eine Sternenbasis in einem Nebel. Die Blautöne gepaart mit türkisen Lichtern machen ordentlich etwas her. Ob es sich um eine neue Basis handelt oder eine Wolkenstadt, die die Discovery nur in einer Folge besucht, ist unklar.

Bereits in " Star Trek: Strange New Worlds " wurde die Wolkenstadt aus "Raumschiff Enterprise" zurückgeholt. Allerdings handelte es sich dort um einen Planeten, auf dem die Gebäude auf Wolken schwebten. Im "Discovery"-Trailer sieht es eher nach einer schwebenden Basis im Raum aus.

Unterstrichen wird dies von der USS Discovery, die oben im Bild ist und auf die Basis zufliegt. Es wird sich somit auch eher um einen Weltraumnebel handeln und weniger um Wolken. Raumschiffe der Sternenflotte wie die Discovery sind nämlich eigentlich nicht dazu gebaut, in Planeten-Atmosphären einzudringen.

Star Trek: Discovery

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    Unser Bild: Sonequa Martin-Green als Commander Michael Burnham. "Star Trek: Discovery" wird um eine fĂĽnften Staffel erweitert. Hier finden Sie Infos rund um Start, Handlung, Folgen und Besetzung ...

  14. Star Trek: Discovery

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  15. 'Star Trek: Discovery' Debuts Season 4 Trailer and Premiere Date

    Watch the trailer, which debuted at New York Comic-Con on Saturday, below: Season 4 of "Star Trek: Discovery," starring Sonequa Martin-Green as Capt. Michael Burnham, will premiere on Nov. 18 on ...

  16. Star Trek: Discovery Reveals First Look at Season Four!

    Paramount+ today revealed a teaser trailer for season four of its hit original series Star Trek: Discovery.The teaser trailer was introduced by series star Sonequa Martin-Green following the "Women In Motion" panel during today's virtual global First Contact Day celebration, which also revealed that season four will premiere in 2021.

  17. Watch The Official Trailer For Star Trek: Discovery Season 4

    Captain Burnham and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery jump feet first into that uncertainty in the official trailer for Star Trek: Discovery Season 4. The new season premieres on Thursday, Nov. 18, exclusively in the U.S. on Paramount+. Season 4 of Star Trek: Discovery finds Captain Burnham and her crew facing a threat unlike any they've ever ...

  18. 'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5 Trailer Reveals Final Adventure

    Paramount+ has released the trailer for the final season of " Star Trek: Discovery ," debuting April 4 with the first two episodes. The series' description reads, "The fifth and final ...

  19. Nicht mehr bei Netflix: So könnt ihr das Finale von "Star Trek

    Bis zur dritten Staffel lief „Star Trek: Discovery" in Deutschland exklusiv bei Netflix. In Staffel 4 wanderte sie dann auch bei uns zum neuen Streamingdienst Paramount+- Und dort wird nun ...

  20. 'Star Trek: Discovery' season 4, episode 5 pulls a handbrake turn at

    Space Movies & Shows. 'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 4, Episode 5 pulls a handbrake turn at maximum warp (recap) News. By Scott Snowden. published 18 December 2021. With echoes of events from last ...

  21. Star Trek: Discovery Season Four Trailer Wows Audiences at NYCC

    Paramount+, the streaming service from ViacomCBS, today revealed the official trailer for season four of its hit original series Star Trek: Discovery. The trailer was introduced by series star Sonequa Martin-Green during the series' New York Comic Con panel at the Javits Center. The upcoming season's official key art, featuring Martin-Green ...

  22. Star Trek: Discovery's final season is finally free of Trek baggage

    Thanks to season 3's groundwork, season 4 became the first time that Discovery had a status quo worth returning to. In its fifth and final season, Star Trek: Discovery is finally free — free ...

  23. 'Star Trek: Discovery' opens its 5th and final season in unremarkable

    Not to mention, the vastly underrated second season of "Invasion" and "Halo" seasons 1 and 2, plus, the first mind-blowing season of "Silo" the second and sadly last season of "Avenue 5" and two ...

  24. Star Trek Discovery

    Check out the latest trailer for Star Trek Discovery Season 4 available to stream now on Paramount+.#IGN #StarTrekDiscovery

  25. 'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5: Release date, cast, where to watch

    Season 5 of "Star Trek: Discovery" brings back new and old faces along with recurring guest stars. Cast members include: Sonequa Martin-Green as Captain Michael Burnham. Doug Jones as Saru ...

  26. Shows and Series: 'Star Trek: Discovery' season 4

    Shows and Series: 'Star Trek: Discovery' season 4. 01:49. Famed ballerina reveals she was asked to lighten skin. 01:44. Oprah on why she turned to weight-loss drugs. 02:40. Baby's underwhelming ...

  27. Star Trek: Discovery season 5

    The fifth and final season of the American television series Star Trek: Discovery follows the crew of the starship Discovery in the 32nd century, more than 900 years after Star Trek: The Original Series, on a galactic adventure to find a mysterious power that has been hidden for centuries and which other dangerous groups are also searching for.The season was produced by CBS Studios in ...

  28. What's To Come In Star Trek: Discovery Season Four

    Star Trek: Discovery currently streams exclusively on Paramount+ in U.S. Internationally, the series is available on Paramount+ in Australia, Latin America and the Nordics, and on Pluto TV in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom on the Pluto TV Sci-Fi channel. In Canada, it airs on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave.

  29. Star Trek Discovery: Staffel 5 startet bei Paramount+

    Morgen startet "Star Trek: Discovery" Staffel 5 bei Paramount. Diese 13 Details aus dem Trailer schĂĽren bereits die Vorfreude auf die neuen Folgen der Sci-Fi-Serie!

  30. Star Trek: Discovery

    The fifth and final season will find Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery uncovering a mystery that will send ...