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10 Signs You Have Been Bitten by the Travel Bug

Daydreaming while watching the sunset in Sri Lanka

Have You Been Bitten By the Travel Bug?

The famous travel quote by Michael Palin says:

“Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote. And I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life”

I have always liked this quote, probably because I have always loved traveling.

That desire to explore the unknown , to visit the places you’ve read about or saw on tv… To learn about new cultures, taste new food… Yes, I have the travel bug! 🙂

10 Signs That Show You Have Caught the Travel Bug

1. you don’t understand why other people save money to spend on material things.

saving for your travel bug

When you save money it’s for traveling.

You probably, like me, believe experiences are much more valuable than possessions. And what better way to experience new things than by traveling somewhere?

Also Read: 10 Reasons to Travel the World and How to Save Money While Traveling

2. You Both Love and Hate Airports

bitten by the travel bug

The airport has become the place where you say goodbye to loved ones but it’s also the place where new adventures begin…

The travel bug may take you away from people to chase after new adventures. But most of the time you will find that well worth it.

3. You Have Long Stopped Counting the Number of Times You Slept at Airports

Once the travel bug bites spealing at airports becomes acceptable

A long layover? A delayed flight?

If you have been bitten by the travel bug you have probably spent A LOT of time at airports!

Also Read: Things to Do During a Layover

4. You Have Taken This Picture Many Times

travel bug meaning

I LOVE window seats and yes, I therefore often take a picture of the view while traveling to my next destination.

There is something magical about flying above the clouds. And about looking at the world from up above. It makes me feel small and it makes my problems seem insignificant.

5. You Love Your Passport Because of All the Cool Stamps It Has

Collecting passport stamps - I have the travel bug

Do you ever go through your passport, and look at all the stamps you have collected to reminisce past trips?

Or go through other people’s passports to hear the stories behind all their stamps? I can listen to those stories for hours!

6. You Have a Box Filled With Currency From Around the World

signs you have caught the travel bug

If you are anything like me you always save some money from the countries you have visited.

By now I have a big box with coins and bills from all over the world. Which, again, is a great way to reminisce past trips on a rainy day.

7. You Are Constantly Daydreaming of Where You Can Go Next

Daydreaming because you are bitten by the travel bug

When you hear someone talking about traveling or see some Instagram pictures of idyllic destinations your travel bug is easily triggered and you are off dreaming about your next travel destination.

Also Read: Where to Travel to Next – Travel Inspiration From Instagram

8. Your Bucket List Never Seems to Get Shorter

map with a travel quote

There is always a new destination to add to your bucket list.

So instead of getting shorter, it seems like your bucket list is only ever getting longer!

Also Read: Incredible Bucket List Destinations For a Once in a Lifetime Trip

9. You Love Being Immersed in Different Cultures

Volunteering at a slum school in India

A large part of the excitement of traveling is in exploring new cultures.

Learning about how other people live, what their culture is like and how that differs from yours is one of the most valuable parts of traveling.

10. WhatsApp Is Your Default Form of Communication

signs you have caught the travel bug - Whatsapp

If you have been bitten by the travel bug you probably have friends all over the world.

And the best way to communicate with friends on the other side of the world is via WhatsApp. So by now, you are probably very familiar with this app!

What Does ‘Travel Bug’ Mean?

Simply put: people bitten by the travel bug have a passion for travel and like to visit new places .

Or, more formally, according to the Macmillan Dictionary :

Travel bug meaning: A strong desire to travel across the world

Did you catch the travel bug yet?

  • How to Find the Cheapest Flights
  • Why Should You Travel?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor and catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

– Mark Twain

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  • Sep 11, 2022

Travel Bug, what it is and when you know you have it

Ever felt anxious not having any flights booked? Some of you might have heard about ‘catching the Travel Bug’ or the ‘feeling of wanderlust’ but what are they exactly?

What is the Travel Bug

What is the Travel Bug

Every single trip we take in life has an enormous power of changing us. If you are a travel lover like me, you will likely get back to your home town, with your usual routine, with the same people around you and the ‘fake freedom’ you initially think you have in your life, and realise how much happier, free and especially alive you felt while being on the other side of the world.

Picture this: You have just come back from a long trip, you saw new places, met new people, cultures, you were able to experience things you could have never imagined and every single day was a challenging adventure. You are now back home, tired but happy with your mind full of amazing memories that will forever have a special place in your heart. You remember the sense of freedom and excitement you felt while away, so you close your eyes and start daydreaming but suddenly a sense of anxiety starts to grow inside of you and you feel the need to book a new trip straight away and escape once again from your everyday life. Does it sound familiar to you? Result: Well… you caught the Travel Bug!

meaning of travel bug

The term Wanderlust and why you catch the Travel Bug

The official definition of the German term ‘Wanderlust’ translates as:

‘ a strong desire to travel’, or ‘a man/woman consumed by wanderlust ’.

Although, it is much more complex than that. All of those who feel fulfilled with travelling and are on a constant search for new challenges and adventures, will sooner or later catch the Travel Bug, there is no way to escape it and it’s also highly contagious! Of course everyone enjoys a good holiday and some time away from work but for those who caught the Travel Bug, travelling literally becomes part of their everyday life. It’s their drive and inspiration for everything they do. When you are a traveller (not a tourist, there is a huge difference) you are always a traveller, every single minute of your life.

However, this sense of Wanderlust and therefore the love and insatiable need for travel and adventure might also emerge or more specifically be triggered, not only due to the love for travel, yet also from other aspects of our life. A good amount of full time travellers for example, decided to leave everything behind and travel the world after a big event in their life.

The sense of frustration that some have of everyday life, a relationship that doesn’t make you happy as it should, but also due to the ‘boredom’ of western societies, the life ideologies and milestones that we are kind of ‘forced’ to achieve since birth such as finishing school, getting a degree, finding a good job, getting a partner, getting married, having kids are simply not for all of us (and by the way you can do all of those things while travelling as well if you really want it!). Just because one wants to do things differently than the rest of society, it doesn’t mean that that person is wrong and others are right or vice versa, it simply means that what makes that person happy might not be a happy place for someone else. Happiness comes in different forms and colours and for those who caught the Travel Bug, happiness is exploring the amazing world we live in, every single corner and shape of it.

How long does it last

There is just one straight forward answer to that. Once you get it that’s the end. There is no turning back and no way to get rid of it. It’s simply FOREVER! You get it, you're screwed!

How I caught mine

For me, it was another usual day in cold and rainy London back in 2015 when me and two friends decided that we wanted to visit Thailand. Before that trip I had already been to a few countries around Europe, yet that would have been my very first long trip and international flight. A huge Airbus was waiting for us at Heathrow Airport ready to take us all the way to Bangkok. Well, that trip had the power to change me. The level of excitement when arriving in Bangkok was out of this world and since the very first day everything I saw, learned and experienced in that country changed me and my approach to travel forever. That trip was my transition from a tourist to a real traveller! We spent over two and a half amazing weeks exploring the crazy streets of Bangkok, the beautiful island of Phuket, and the paradisiac nature and beaches of Phi Phi and The Similans. Maybe it was the kindness of Thai people, the amazing nature, the thought of knowing that being so far away from home in a country where most things we are used to in western societies are so different, but I was certain that I have never felt more alive! I was free, curious, fearless, amazed, excited and felt a sense of happiness that I had never experienced before. Once back to London I could not resist. My heart was telling me to start looking for my next adventure right away! Being caught again in everyday life made me realise that routine was not for me. I needed to be on the move, explore new countries, cultures, talk to people I never met, challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone to see what I was really capable of. Well, since that moment I knew it. I had caught it, the Travel Bug and feeling of wanderlust would have never abandoned me again!

Girl sitting on a rock with James Bond island in the background in Phuket, Thailand

How to deal with it

It sounds crazy but for some the desire to travel might be so strong that a constant sense of anxiety and depressive feelings might arise. The reason why I’m saying it it’s because I experienced it on my own skin. The pandemic was a jail I could not escape from. When I heard the news on TV that Airports were being shut down due to the virus and I could not travel or go and see the rest of my family back home for God knows how long, it was unbearable! The sense of Wanderlust kept growing more and more every day…

I believe that there is no straight forward answer on how to deal with your sense of Wanderlust, and if there is it might be a different one for all of us. Many start to look at ways that will allow them to work remotely to be able to travel the world full time, some try to manage their holiday at work as best as they can, while others decide to momentarily, please their sense of wanderlust by taking a sabbatical year in South-east Asia… Personally, as I’m currently still working full time. I feel lucky to have a job that allows me to take short breaks every month, as well as longer trips (usually not more than two weeks) at least two to three times a year. Therefore, I manage to satisfy my desire to travel looking forward to my next trip. If you are in full time employment but caught the travel bug, spend your time planning your next trip, watch travel vlog, read about the places you want to visit and get ready for your new adventure. Trust me it helps! And most importantly, don’t be one of those people who think that travelling full time is impossible. It is, and thousands are doing it right now, especially with the popularity that smart working has gained after the pandemic. Look for a way that will allow you to leave everything behind, be free and travel the world the way you want to.

Time is the most precious thing we have in life and it should not be wasted living a life you don’t feel as yours!

However, with such ideas in mind, I perfectly understand that many people might think that you are a weirdo, that you should stop dreaming and get back to planet earth. So if you are one of those lucky people, who like me, caught the Travel Bug, you might feel lonely in your own world sometimes but promise yourself not to ever give up on your dream, no matter how crazy they sound!

If you need a bit of a push, have a look at one of my related blog post here or at the bottom of this page .

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meaning of travel bug

Idioms Meaning

Idioms Meaning

meaning of travel bug

Travel Bug is an informal expression used to describe someone who is constantly traveling or craving to be on the move. It is used to refer to someone with a strong desire to visit new places and explore the world.

My sister has a serious travel bug and is always planning her next trip.

I don’t think I’ll ever get over my travel bug, I just love to explore new places.

I got the travel bug after my first big trip overseas.

He’s been bitten by the travel bug and is always looking for his next destination.

My friend is always talking about her travel bug, she just loves to explore.

The first use of the phrase ‘travel bug’ is believed to have originated in the late 19th century, however its exact origin is still unknown.

Q: What does it mean to have a travel bug? A: It means to have a strong interest in travelling and exploring the world. Q: Is the phrase ‘travel bug’ commonly used? A: Yes, it is a commonly used phrase and is used to refer to someone with a strong desire to travel.

Words and phrases

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travel bug noun

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What does the noun travel bug mean?

There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun travel bug . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.

How common is the noun travel bug ?

Where does the noun travel bug come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun travel bug is in the 1900s.

OED's earliest evidence for travel bug is from 1907, in the Philadelphia Inquirer .

travel bug is formed within English, by compounding.

Etymons: travel n. , bug n. 2 II.4b

Nearby entries

  • travaux préparatoires, n. 1880–
  • trave, n. c1405–
  • trave harness, n. 1839
  • travel, n. a1400–
  • travel, v. c1300–
  • travel agency, n. 1898–
  • travel agent, n. 1885–
  • travel allowance, n. 1835–
  • travelator, n. 1955–
  • travel brochure, n. 1908–
  • travel bug, n. 1907–
  • travel bureau, n. 1884–
  • travel card, n. 1916–
  • travel centre | travel center, n. 1883–
  • travel document, n. 1892–
  • travel expenses, n. 1839–
  • travel folder, n. 1911–
  • travel guide, n. 1881–
  • travel industry, n. 1920–
  • travel insurance, n. 1912–
  • travellable | travelable, adj. 1521–

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Meaning & use

Entry history for travel bug, n..

Originally published as part of the entry for travel, n.

travel, n. was revised in March 2020.

oed.com is a living text, updated every three months. Modifications may include:

  • further revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
  • new senses, phrases, and quotations.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1914)

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OED Second Edition (1989)

  • View travel, n. in OED Second Edition

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Factsheet for travel bug, n., browse entry.

meaning of travel bug

The Travel Bug

Have you ever had the desire to wander the world and see what was out there? While some people prefer to stay in the comfort of their own home, others have been bitten by the travel bug and can’t wait to explore the world. Exotic places call to them. “Come visit me and I will show you my mysteries,” they say.

Every year millions of people pack their suitcases or put on backpacks and flock to visit the seven continents of the world. They wander through the castles and museums of Europe, and the cities and natural wonders of North and South America. Some visit the vast exotic cultures of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The great outback of Australia is a wonderland for those who go there. And a few lucky people even make to the most mysterious continent on the earth- Antarctica.

Why do people want to explore the world? It gives them a better perspective about the earth and the people living on it. It opens their minds, it gives them a feeling of accomplishment, and it makes them feel alive. So save some money, get your passport ready, and see the world. It will change your life forever.

Questions and Answers Choose True or False. Check your answers at the bottom of the page by clicking on the arrow.

1. To be  bitten by the travel bug  means you like to stay home.

 True  False

2. People bitten by the travel bug like to visit new places.

3. The great outback is in Europe.

4. Antarctica is in Africa.

5. Asia is vast.

6. Traveling opens your mind.

7. Traveling makes you feel alive.

8. Traveling helps you see things in a new way.

          Answers         1. F, 2. T, 3. F, 4. F, 5. T, 6. T, 7. T, 8. T         

Geocacher's Compass

A family friendly place where geocachers can learn, teach, and tell stories.

Geocacher's Compass

I found a Travel Bug®. What now?

Trackables  (Travel Bug® and Geocoin) add a great twist to the Geocaching adventure but there can be some confusion as to what to do with them.  Read below to get your questions answered.

Travel Bug®

You get 2 tags. 1 that travels and 1 to keep.

Jump Ahead To

What is a Travel Bug ® or Geocoin?

A Travel Bug® is a dog tag that is attached to another item (small stuffed animal, keychain, action figure, etc.) and has a special number assigned to it.  The number is used to prove that a cacher discovered or picked up the tag.  By entering the number here , you will be whisked away to the trackable’s web page where you will be given the following information:

  • Name – What the owner has named the tag
  • Release Date – When the Travel Bug®was set out on its journey
  • Origin – Where the release was made
  • Recently Spotted – Which cache the tag is currently in or the name of the Geocacher who has it in their possession.
  • Current Goal – This is the mission that the owner has dreamed up for the item.  Some goals are to just travel from cache to the cache, where others are to visit caches with specific criteria (near Major League Baseball parks, the Eiffel Tower, etc.)
  • About This Item – Anything the cache owner wants you to know about the traveler.
  • Gallery Images – Pictures of the tag’s adventures
  • Tracking History – This is where you can see every hop the Travel Bug® has taken.  The really cool feature here is the map that will show you every stop.

A Geocoin is like a Travel Bug®

Click to go to this coin’s tracking page.

Geocoins are exactly like Travel Bugs® except they are a minted coin (like the military challenge coins).  Sometimes you have to look on the edge to find the tracking number.

OK, so now you know what they are.  It’s time to find out what to do with them.  There are several scenarios that are likely.  We’ll cover 4 of them.

How to Log Trackables:

  • You found it in a cache and you picked it up – When you get home to log the caches you found for the day, visit here .  Type in the tracking number.  Read all about it.  Click on Add a Log Entry.  Click the drop down for Type of Log and selected Retrieved from cache name.   Check the date.  The Tracking Number should be filled in for you.  Add a comment and tell the owner about how you found their tag.  Click on Submit Log Entry.  The traveler will show up on your inventory list in the right column of your profile page.  Now, find a cache that matches the bug’s Current Goal and place it there. When you log that cache select the Dropped option for that tag in your inventory.
  • You saw a Travel Bug® in a cache but you left it there – You do the same thing as in option 1 above but you select Discovered It as the Type of Log.
  • You got the tag from another Geocacher – Follow the steps in 1 above but select Grab It From Current Holder:  cacher name.   If the person you got it from has not logged it yet, use the Retrieve entry type.  Don’t forget to use the Dropped option on the cache page when you place it in a cache.
  • You take the trackable to a cache but you don’t place it in the cache.  When you log the cache as found select the Visited option for that trackable in your inventory section of the Found It log.

Some things you should know about Travel Bugs® and Geocoins :

  • Sometimes Travel Bugs® and Geocoins are NOT in caches as advertised.  This could be for many reasons, the most common is that the cacher who took it out of the container hasn’t logged it yet.
  • It is generally considered fair game play to move the tag or coin in a reasonable amount of time which is about 2 weeks .  Send a message to the owner if you will have to keep it longer (we all have life events that may affect when we can cache again)
  • Please respect the owner’s wishes and try to take it to somewhere that will get it closer to its Current Goal.
  • Don’t keep the tag or coin.  The whole purpose of these game pieces is to travel.  People pay their hard-earned money to watch it trek across the globe not become part of another cacher’s collection.
  • Generally tracking codes should not be published online in forums, Facebook, etc.  If you take a picture of a tag or coin hide or blur the tracking code.

The Geocaching.com website will automatically keep track of all your trackable activities and this will add a new dimension to your caching.  Watch as your stats quickly increase as you move trackables on their way.  It is quite amazing how quickly something can travel across the country or across the world when Geocachers are involved!

Travel Bug® is a registered trademark of Groundspeak, Inc.

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15 Signs You've Caught the Travel Bug

When the road calls, you listen

Once your soul contracts the bug, your trip will never end. Travel writer Pico Iyer once said, “travel is like love, in the end, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, undimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, never really end.” If you find yourself thinking, doing, or feeling any combination of the following 15 symptoms, you may have a full blown case of the travel bug.

You’re always dreaming up your next adventure.

On your way home from your adventure, you are already starting to conjure up your next escape .

Where to next?

You’re saving up for experiences

Spin, point, save

Your most prized possession is your passport

Your passport is your ticket to the world and you guard it with your life. You are always aware of where it is and always have it securely stored when it is not on your body. You also frequently flip through it to look at your collection of stamps and have mini flashbacks with a big smile on your face from your grand journeys of the past.

people cheering on a mountain

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The world is your oyster

Your second most prized possession is your travel journal

You write down things you don’t want to forget and have a running journal of notes, observations, thoughts, and memories from your trips. You have lists of favorite places, restaurants, accommodations, contact information of people you’ve shared time with along the way, and valuable information that only a person who has been a certain place would know. When you’re home, you look through this journal and feel instantly transported back to times where you were freely roaming the earth.

There are the moments you hold onto forever

You have a collection of treasures

You’ve collected things like cocktail napkins, matchbooks, postcards, and hotel pens. You’ve picked and pressed flowers between the pages of the book you were reading at the time or saved a piece of sea glass or a shell that you found on a beach somewhere. Maybe you even have a collection of different currencies in your wallet left over from past trips. You have kept little things along the way that only have a special meaning to you.

One women’s trash is another’s treasure

You have a bucket list of places and experiences

You have made a list of all the places you want to go and things you want to do in your lifetime and are determined to complete the list. You also possess a certain confidence in your ability to complete your bucket list , a confidence that non-travelers would inadvertently replace with doubt.

Bucket list bungalows

You’ve left a piece of your heart all over the world

It’s a good thing that you have a huge heart because you tend to leave a tiny piece of yours somewhere along the way on each one of your adventures. As you’ve traveled, you have found that you have these special connections to places you’ve never been before and to people whom you’ve never met prior. As we travel the globe and leave pieces of our hearts all over the place, we are only further connecting to one another and the world as a whole.

Peace, love, and joy to the world

You’ve realized that less is more

The more you travel the more you’ve realized that traveling light is the way to go. You’ve found that you don’t really need more than what you can comfortably carry. You’ve really started to master the art of packing. With each consecutive trip, you’ve become more skilled at putting together the perfect articles of clothing and the proper gear. You also get abundant joy when you realize how perfectly you packed while you are on your trip.

Light is liberating

You have a well-stocked travel kit

Through trial and error and well-earned experience, you always travel with a kit that only a true traveler or an innately amazing planner would think to pack. Your kit will vary depending on where in the world you are traveling, but you will typically have things like Benadryl, an anti-acid, a traveler’s tummy remedy, anti-nausea pills, an anti-inflammatory, a simple first-aid kit, sunscreen, mosquito-repellent, anti-bacterial gel, water purifying tablets, blue or black pens, a copy of your passport, credit card information, driver’s license, and your travel insurance or health insurance; and a reusable water bottle.

Packed and prepared

You get excited about gear

There’s nothing like having the right gear. You get excited about a new wetsuit for your upcoming surf trip to Morocco in the winter, a wide angle lens for your camera to capture those beautiful scenes in South Africa , or a pair of boots that are waterproof and so comfortable that you feel like you could trek to the end of Patagonia in.

You’ve embraced “the art of doing nothing”

While you love sightseeing, you’ve also learned to love to just take time on your trip to do nothing. Maybe this is just sitting at a cafe and people watching all afternoon, laying on a secluded white sand beach and listening to the waves kiss the shoreline until the sun sets, or resting in a hammock while you slowly read pages from Walden. You’ve realized the value and pleasure of just being and just taking in your surroundings instead of actively participating in them.

The art of being is blissful

You’ve become more of a “yes” person

Sometimes the greatest experiences , the most valuable life lessons, and the most incredible relationships are just waiting for you to say yes. You tend to put more thought into saying “no” than you do into saying “yes.”

Just jump

You’ve realized travel is the greatest teacher…

…and the world is the greatest classroom.

The tree of knowledge

Distance isn’t a deterrent to you

There is no destination that is too far away. You’ve accepted that the time and distance it takes you to get to your destination is all part of the journey. You feel quite comfortable navigating an airport, train station, or metro. You’ve learned to use maps, guides, travel applications, and when all else fails, ask for directions using a combination of pantomime, pointing, and a butchered new language.

The journey is part of the journey

You’re not afraid of traveling alone

You’ve definitely caught the travel bug when you will travel on your own. Sometimes solo travel is totally planned that way, while other times it just ends up being the case because you can’t find anyone to travel with when you want to go. When the world calls to you, you go, even if it’s alone .

Solo doesn’t mean solitude


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Culture Trips are deeply immersive 5 to 16 days itineraries, that combine authentic local experiences, exciting activities and 4-5* accommodation to look forward to at the end of each day. Our Rail Trips are our most planet-friendly itineraries that invite you to take the scenic route, relax whilst getting under the skin of a destination. Our Private Trips are fully tailored itineraries, curated by our Travel Experts specifically for you, your friends or your family.

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meaning of travel bug

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What it means to be “Bitten by the Travel Bug”


  What it means to be Bitten by the Travel Bug

Bitten by the Infamous Travel Bug… Has it bitten you yet? If it has, you know it’s life changing. After caving in after so many years of holding back, I’d finally given in and packed it up to go travel the world. What was this insatiable desire to travel? Am I crazy? And why is it that the more places I go, the more new places I add to the list?!? Will it ever end?

My friends, if the travel bug hasn’t bitten you yet, be prepared as it may just bite you in the very near future. Should you get infected and join the rest of us, don’t worry, it’s not all that bad. In fact, once you are bitten, you quickly realize that life has more purpose and rewards you with a passion and desire like no other. You find yourself no longer settling for just two or three weeks of vacation here or there. Oh no… Travel very seriously becomes a part of your life, something that is planned and well accounted for in advance. You decide to shape your life around it. Your work, your career, your travel goals… they all need to be aligned together and in balance. Essentially travel becomes your passion and is what keeps you going. The never ending desire to travel into the unknown, to discover and to explore. To meet new people, experience new cultures, stand in front of majestic landscapes and experience new foods around the world.

In all honesty, it can consume you! But in a good way of course (it all depends on who you ask:) For me, it happened early. With a short 2 month stint backpacking Europe nearly 15 years ago, I was hooked. In the years that followed, I continued on a small trips here and there and but then became more infected and took the only remedy I could come up with by taking a trip around the world and I have forever been changed. Whether good or bad, I desire to travel more and more now and revolve my life and work around travel and surprisingly I live without regret for this unwavering travel bug that lives inside.

Luckily, it’s not a lonely path. Turns out, there many others like me! Those adventurous souls that yearn to discover and experience the world we live in. The ones that keep an ever changing list of places they want to travel to every year and those that want to get the most of the short life we have here on earth. They become your comrades, the people you meet and travel with when on the road and those that you associate best with. Life back home just is never the same again. For a great place to feed your travel bug, check out BucketList.org for new travel ideas and to view others travel dreams…

Have you been bitten by the travel bug? Are you one of us? Care to join us? Share your story….

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Definition of bug

 (Entry 1 of 4)

called also true bug

Definition of bug  (Entry 2 of 4)

transitive verb

intransitive verb

Definition of bug  (Entry 3 of 4)

Definition of bug  (Entry 4 of 4)

  • afficionado
  • habitue
  • junky
  • mavin
  • nark [ British ]

Examples of bug in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'bug.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

origin unknown

probably from bug entry 1

Middle English bugge hobgoblin; probably akin to Low German bögge goblin

1594, in the meaning defined at sense 1b

1935, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 2

1865, in the meaning defined at transitive sense

15th century, in the meaning defined above

Phrases Containing bug

  • tarnished plant bug
  • assassin bug
  • bug - out bag
  • bitten by the (activity) bug
  • lightning bug
  • palmetto bug
  • milkweed bug
  • giant water bug
  • kissing bug

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'Snug' is nautical; 'bug' refers to a hobgoblin; 'rug,' a blanket.

Dictionary Entries Near bug

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“Bug.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bug. Accessed 1 Apr. 2024.

Kids Definition

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 (Entry 1 of 2)

Kids Definition of bug  (Entry 2 of 2)

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Nglish: Translation of bug for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of bug for Arabic Speakers

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    10 shares. The travel bug idiom refers to a person with a strong desire to travel and explore new places. It's a metaphorical term to describe the feeling of wanderlust, or the urge to travel and learn about different cultures, enjoy the picturesque scenery and engage in outdoor activities. People termed as a 'travel bug' often feel a ...

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  5. Travel Bug

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  6. 43 Bug Idioms: Popular English Phrases To Speak Naturally

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  7. travel bug

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  8. Travel Bug

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  11. The Travel Bug

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    travel bug What does travel bug‎ mean? travel bug (English)Origin & history From the trademark Travel Bug. Noun travel bug (pl. travel bugs). A tag stamped with a number, placed in a geocache (often attached to another item, called a hitchhiker) so that subsequent finders can take it to other caches and track its movement around the world.; Geocaching for Schools and Communities (page 182 ...

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    Type in the tracking number. Read all about it. Click on Add a Log Entry. Click the drop down for Type of Log and selected Retrieved from cache name. Check the date. The Tracking Number should be filled in for you. Add a comment and tell the owner about how you found their tag. Click on Submit Log Entry.

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  18. What it means to be "Bitten by the Travel Bug"

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    Synonyms for travel bug include wanderlust, restlessness, unsettledness, itchy feet, desire to travel, longing to travel and urge to travel. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!

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  21. What does 'travel bug' mean?

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