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Safari Kudu

safari kudu tenerife

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safari kudu tenerife

Descubre la emocionante experiencia del safari Kudu en La Esperanza, Tenerife: una aventura única en la naturaleza

Descubre la belleza natural del safari kudu en tenerife.

Si estás buscando una experiencia única en Tenerife, no puedes perderte el Safari Kudu. Este safari te llevará a explorar la belleza natural de la isla y te permitirá descubrir sus paisajes impresionantes.

En el Safari Kudu podrás disfrutar de un recorrido en vehículo todoterreno, que te llevará a través de parajes naturales, montañas y valles, donde podrás admirar la flora y fauna autóctona de Tenerife. Durante el recorrido, tendrás la oportunidad de avistar aves exóticas, como el canario silvestre y el gorrión chillón.

Además, también podrás ver de cerca animales fascinantes, como el kudu, una especie de antílope africano que ha sido introducido en la isla. El kudu es conocido por sus enormes cuernos en espiral y su elegante figura. Sin duda, capturar una foto de uno de estos magníficos animales será un tesoro para tu álbum de recuerdos.

Durante el Safari Kudu, también podrás disfrutar de las increíbles vistas panorámicas de Tenerife. Descubrirás los impresionantes acantilados de Los Gigantes, con sus imponentes paredes de roca que se elevan sobre el mar. Además, podrás visitar el Parque Nacional del Teide, donde tendrás la oportunidad de admirar el imponente volcán Teide, el pico más alto de España.

Una aventura emocionante en Safari Kudu: avistamiento de animales salvajes

El avistamiento de animales salvajes en Safari Kudu es una experiencia única y emocionante que no te querrás perder. Este destino turístico de renombre mundial te brinda la oportunidad de ver de cerca y personalmente a algunos de los animales más impresionantes de la Tierra en su hábitat natural.

En Safari Kudu, podrás presenciar la majestuosidad de los leones y los elefantes mientras recorres los vastos campos de la reserva. Los guías expertos te llevarán en emocionantes safaris en jeep o en caminatas guiadas, donde aprenderás sobre la flora y fauna local y tendrás la oportunidad de avistar diferentes especies en acción.

Uno de los aspectos más destacados de Safari Kudu es el avistamiento de los famosos rinocerontes negros , una especie en peligro de extinción. Estos imponentes animales te dejarán sin aliento cuando los veas en su entorno natural, y la oportunidad de observar su comportamiento y aprendizaje sobre la importancia de su conservación es algo que no se puede describir con palabras.

Nunca olvidarás la emoción que sentirás al observar cómo los animales salvajes de Safari Kudu interactúan entre sí. El espectáculo de la naturaleza en pleno apogeo es algo que solo se puede experimentar de primera mano . Prepárate para ser testigo de cómo los leones cazan su presa, los elefantes se bañan en los ríos y los rinocerontes marcan su territorio. Sin duda, una aventura que recordarás para siempre.

La importancia de la conservación en Safari Kudu, Tenerife

La conservación es un tema fundamental en el Safari Kudu de Tenerife. Este hermoso parque situado en la costa occidental de la isla alberga una gran variedad de especies, muchas de las cuales se encuentran en peligro de extinción. La conservación de estos animales es esencial para garantizar su supervivencia y preservar la biodiversidad de la región.

Una de las especies emblemáticas de Safari Kudu que requiere especial atención y conservación es el kudu sudafricano. Estos magníficos antílopes se encuentran en peligro debido a la pérdida de su hábitat y la caza furtiva. El parque trabaja en estrecha colaboración con organizaciones de conservación y científicos para proteger y reproducir esta especie en peligro y promover su recuperación.

Además del kudu sudafricano, Safari Kudu también alberga otras especies en situación crítica, como el lémur de cola anillada y el rinoceronte negro. Estos animales se enfrentan a amenazas como la destrucción de su hábitat y la caza ilegal. Mediante programas de conservación, el parque se esfuerza por preservar estas especies y educar al público sobre la importancia de su protección.

La conservación en Safari Kudu no se limita solo a los animales. El parque también está comprometido con la conservación de la flora y la protección de los recursos naturales. Se llevan a cabo proyectos de reforestación y control de especies invasoras para preservar el ecosistema local y mantener un equilibrio ambiental saludable.

La experiencia inigualable de alojarse en Safari Kudu, Tenerife

Si estás buscando una experiencia única y emocionante durante tus vacaciones en Tenerife, no puedes dejar pasar la oportunidad de alojarte en Safari Kudu. Este exclusivo alojamiento te sumergirá en una verdadera aventura africana, donde podrás disfrutar de la comodidad de una instalación de lujo mientras te rodeas de la belleza y la majestuosidad de la naturaleza.

Ubicado en un entorno natural impresionante, Safari Kudu te ofrece la oportunidad de despertar cada mañana con vistas panorámicas a la sabana africana. Imagina abrir las cortinas de tu habitación y contemplar manadas de animales salvajes deambulando libremente a pocos metros de distancia. ¡Es una postal que seguro querrás capturar!

El alojamiento en Safari Kudu no solo es una oportunidad para disfrutar de la vida salvaje en su hábitat natural, sino que también ofrece una amplia gama de actividades para que vivas momentos inolvidables. Podrás realizar safaris guiados, explorar la naturaleza en caminatas y disfrutar de emocionantes paseos en jeep. Además, el personal altamente capacitado de Safari Kudu estará encantado de brindarte información y recomendaciones sobre los mejores lugares para visitar en la isla.

¿Qué hace de Safari Kudu una experiencia inigualable?

  • La ubicación privilegiada en medio de la naturaleza salvaje de Tenerife.
  • La oportunidad de observar de cerca la vida salvaje africana desde la comodidad de tu alojamiento.
  • Las actividades emocionantes disponibles, como safaris y paseos en jeep.
  • La atención y el servicio excepcionales del personal de Safari Kudu.

No pierdas la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia verdaderamente única en Safari Kudu durante tu visita a Tenerife. Prepárate para sumergirte en la serenidad de la naturaleza y maravíllate con la vida salvaje que te rodeará. ¡Reserva tu estancia ahora y haz de tus vacaciones una aventura inolvidable!

Atracciones adicionales cerca de Safari Kudu, Tenerife

Si estás planeando una visita al Safari Kudu en Tenerife, estás de suerte, ya que hay una variedad de atracciones adicionales que no puedes perderte en los alrededores. Aprovecha al máximo tu viaje explorando estas opciones emocionantes y diversificadas.

Parque Nacional del Teide

Ubicado a pocos kilómetros del Safari Kudu, el Parque Nacional del Teide es un lugar imperdible para los amantes de la naturaleza y los aventureros. Este parque es hogar del imponente volcán Teide, el pico más alto de España y uno de los más altos de Europa. Con paisajes volcánicos impresionantes, rutas de senderismo y miradores panorámicos, el Parque Nacional del Teide ofrece una experiencia única en la que podrás explorar la belleza natural de Tenerife.

Zoológico Loro Parque

A solo unos minutos en coche del Safari Kudu, se encuentra el famoso zoológico Loro Parque. Este parque es reconocido a nivel internacional por su gran variedad de especies de animales, incluyendo loros exóticos, pingüinos, orcas y delfines. Además de su increíble exhibición de animales, Loro Parque también cuenta con espectáculos en vivo, jardines botánicos y una instalación dedicada a la conservación y protección de especies en peligro de extinción. Una visita al zoológico Loro Parque es una experiencia educativa y entretenida para toda la familia.

Playa Jardín

Si deseas disfrutar de un día de relax y sol después de tu visita al Safari Kudu, la playa Jardín es la elección perfecta. Ubicada en Puerto de la Cruz, a solo unos minutos en coche, esta playa cuenta con hermosos jardines tropicales y arena negra volcánica. Aquí podrás relajarte bajo el cálido sol, nadar en las aguas cristalinas del océano Atlántico y disfrutar de las impresionantes vistas del paisaje circundante. Además, la playa Jardín ofrece una variedad de servicios y comodidades, como restaurantes, bares y alquiler de tumbonas y sombrillas.

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safari kudu tenerife

Doe-eyed grace and elegance

Africa Geographic Stories & Galleries

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

safari kudu tenerife

If cliches are to be believed, then beauty is in the eye of the beholder – a subjective standard upon which there can be no universal agreement. Yet of Africa’s over 70 antelope species, there can be no question that some are more bewitching than others. There are the stately eland and the glamorous sable, the burnished nyala and the beguiling impala. And then there is the kudu, the doe-eyed epitome of grace and elegance, all slender legs and eyes and a magnificent set of horns.

There are no beauty competitions in the wilderness (thank goodness), but if there were, the kudu would unequivocally be a shoo-in for one of the top spots.


All about the kudus (kudos?)

There are two species of kudu – the greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros ) and the lesser kudu ( Tragelaphus imberbis ). Though humans could probably have done a better job with the common names (“lesser” is a bit pejorative, is it not?), the monikers accurately capture the size difference between the two. The greater kudu – an icon of the African safari – is substantially taller and heavier than its comparatively petite cousin. Lesser kudu also have a smaller distribution and are found only in East Africa, with a preference for semi-arid habitats. Greater kudu occur more widely across much of the continent, including most of southern and East Africa and just south of the Sahel in Central Africa.

Size aside, the morphological differences between the two species are subtle. The males are similarly equipped with an impressive pair of spiralling horns (more on these below), and sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Both species are decorated with a strip of white on the back, which bleeds into a delicate pattern of stripes running down the flank like dripping paint. White chevrons run from the inside of the eyes, contrasting against the rufous coat. Male greater kudu have a well-developed ridge of hair that runs down the length of the neck like an upside-down mohawk. This feature is absent in the lesser kudu, which instead has a striking set of black and white bands.

Both species are cryptic antelope with a preference for dense vegetation. They are not fast and rely instead on their agility and spectacular jumping prowess to escape potential predators, jinking and jiving through the trees when pursued. Kudu are relatively strict browsers (though greater kudu have been observed grazing) and can survive for long periods without drinking, supplementing their water intake with succulents and fruits.


Quick facts about the kudu

To a greater or lesser extent.

It is no secret that our understanding of antelope phylogeny is not dissimilar to a tangled ball of wool at present – based on physical similarities and occasionally inaccurate assumptions. Scientists are using genetic tools to disentangle the mess and have made considerable strides towards understanding evolutionary relationships. However, a great deal of work is still to be done. Kudu belong to the Tragelaphini – the spiral-horned antelope tribe, which includes nine different species in two genera (for now). Thus, they are related to eland, nyala, bushbuck, sitatunga and the bongo . The closest relatives to this tribe are bovines, such as buffalos, bison, and wild cattle.

The natural assumption would be that the greater and lesser kudu would be more closely related to each other than any other member of the Tragelaphini tribe, but, fascinatingly, this does not seem to be the case. A comprehensive analysis conducted in 2005 of mitochondrial DNA suggested that the lesser kudu is the basal member of the tribe. Even more confusingly, later research on nuclear DNA indicated that lesser kudu and nyala separated from the rest of the Tragelaphini at least 13 million years ago. Either way that means that, bizarrely, the lesser kudu is more closely related to the nyala, and the greater kudu is more closely related to the mountain nyala. The distance between the lesser kudu and the rest of the Tragelaphini tribe has even prompted some scientists to argue that it represents an entirely different genus – the Ammelaphus .

As if the hairs could not be split any finer, next comes the subspecies question. There are currently three commonly accepted subspecies of greater kudu:

  • s. strepsiceros – occurs over much of southern Africa
  • s. chora – found in northeastern Africa, in northern Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea and eastern Sudan
  • s. cottoni –  found in scattered populations in Chad and western Sudan

None of these subspecies has yet been recognised on the IUCN Red List . Some biologists have even proposed splitting the greater kudu into four different species (!) based on genetic evidence and morphological differences. But we may have to cross that bridge when it becomes more widely accepted…


Spiralling out

At this juncture, moving swiftly along from the minutiae of kudu taxonomy to some of their more apparent features seems appropriate. Naturally, the impressive spiral horns of the bulls tend to leave a lasting impression on first-time visitors to Africa, making them a delightful spot on any safari. (Check out these safaris where you can spot kudu and more ). In greater kudu, these bony protuberances can achieve two and a half or even three full twists and, if straightened, would reach over a metre in length. Record-breaking specimens have been measured at over 180cm.


The bulls use these horns primarily as an intimidation tactic. Kudu are gregarious and not territorial, but competition may arise over a female in oestrus (receptive to mating). However, actual physical confrontations are rare, and the larger, more dominant bull usually frightens away potential competitors by displaying his full size. Evenly matched contenders may clash horns, sometimes with fatal consequences. Though such reports are sporadic, kudu bulls have been known to tangle their twisting horns so severely that they find themselves locked together and may eventually die of dehydration, a broken neck or predation.

Like the stag of Aesop’s Fables, these magnificent horns have disadvantages, especially for an animal that usually runs through dense vegetation to escape predators. When fleeing, the bulls occasionally stretch their heads forward and tilt the horns flat along their necks, making navigation challenging. (There is a common old guide’s tale that they can roll their eyes back and look back at the pursuing predator through the hollow horn – it should not need to be clarified that this is physically impossible. The horn is solid bone.) It does not, however, seem to hinder them unduly!


The sense and sensibility of the kudu

The enormous satellite-dish ears of the kudu are another notable feature contributing to their other-worldly, innocent beauty. Fairly obviously, these exaggerated auricles are essential in catching and amplifying sound waves, conferring an exceptional sense of hearing. The kudu’s excellent aural faculties and equally acute eyesight make them one of the more reliable sentinels in the bushveld. When a kudu spots a potential predator, it lets loose an astonishingly loud alarm bark that can travel several kilometres on a cold morning. Many a desperate guide following this booming sound has found themselves well rewarded with a leopard or lion sighting courtesy of a vigilant kudu.


Even without the bonus of a big cat, any aesthete should appreciate the opportunity to feast their eyes upon the picture of natural perfection that is the kudu. They are shy animals and not always confiding around vehicles full of loud, gawking onlookers, but most will allow for a brief sighting if approached carefully. Kudu-seekers will generally find greater kudus without difficulty on most popular safari tracks. Lesser kudus can be a bit more tricky, but the arid areas of southern Kenya and northern Tanzania are an excellent place to start.

Want to see greater and lesser kudu in the wild? Get in touch with our travel team to discuss your kudu-seeking safari – details below this story.

safari kudu tenerife


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Greater Kudu Subspecies: Things You Need To Know

safari kudu tenerife

Table of Contents

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The antelope family is vast. One species of the antelope family is called the Greater Kudu, which spends their time, nearly entirely, in thick bush.

This species has three different subspecies, which can be categorized and understood by their unique characteristics.

The Greater Kudu as antelope species itself is one of the tallest species. They range in color, depending on the subspecies, and can fall under the grey/brown to reddish/brown spectrum. They have 6-10 white body stripes, white cheeks and white nose markings with long legs and a narrow body.

This just scratches the surface. As you’ll see in this article, there’s a lot to know and understand about this African wild animal species.

Facts on the Greater Kudu Species

Before we get into the subspecies, let’s look at the Greater Kudu species as a whole.

By understanding more about the species, you’ll be able to gain a closer understanding of the African Safari as well.

The Greater Kudu are attentive creatures.

greater kudu

When disturbed, they will stop and listen closely to assess the situation, then react accordingly depending on what they find out. If they can, they’ll move away silently, however, if the situation causes panic, they’ll let out a sharp, loud alarm-like bark and dash away.

This bark is considered the loudest of all the antelope species. While sprinting away, they’ll keep their heads level to the ground as their horns lay backward, avoiding any potential entanglement in passing branches.

The Kudu’s fatal habit is looking back behind them only after running for a short distance. The sight and hearing of the Kudu are extremely well developed, and they are able to jump a long distance.

In fact, most Kudu species can clear a 6-foot height just from starting in a standing position. Under stress, they can clear a 9-foot barrier. In terms of socializing, calves, cows, and sub-adults will make small herds, typically up to 12 members. Adult bull Kudus will either live in bachelor clans of 2-6 members or by themselves. They will only join the female clans during the mating season.

For both bachelor and family herbs, social grooming is a common event and during the mating season, bulls will compete for female access and acceptance by clashing horns or certain displays:

Dominance is typically peaceful and quickly determined by a display where both males stand in front of each other, sideways, trying to make themselves look as large as possible.

If one kudu is impressed, the winning kudu achieved dominance.

Males who are roughly the same age and size will take on sparring contests where they’ll approach each other calmly and methodically, lock horns and begin pushing back and forth until one gives up.

Two Greater Kudu fighting

While fights are rare, and combatants hardly become injured, there have been remains found of kudus who have locked horns in a way that becomes impossible to detach.

Once the female kudus become pregnant, they will separate from the group when the time is right and give birth in dense cover or tall grass, where the calf will stay concealed for about two months.

Like most species, male Greater Kudu is a   lot larger   than the female Kudu and sports along hair fringe along their throat. Male Greater Kudus also have large horns with 2.5 twists, which range between 1.2 meters and begin to grow only once the male is between 6 to 12 months old.

When the males are two-years-old, their horns develop one twist and they will only achieve the 2.5 twists once they’re 6-years-old. Males also tend to be a lot louder and more vocal than the female Kudus as they frequently use gasps, low grunts, humming and clicking noises in order to communicate.

Greater Kudu Habitat

Greater Kudu

This species is found in plains, covered by brush, rocky hillsides, and woodlands in southern and eastern Africa.

Female Kudus and their young will live in herds including 5 or 6 other members. At times, two separate groups of females will come together to create a larger herd, however, this is only a temporary setup.

Male Kudus, on the other hand, travel in bachelor herds consisting of 2 to 10 members. These groups don’t overlap, but the range of a bachelor herd can overlap a couple female herds.

Greater Kudu Diet

As herbivores, the Greater Kudu eat flowers, grasses, herbs, tubers, and fruit for sustenance.

Breeding of Kudu

Two Greater Kudu

The Greater Kudu breed at the end of each rainy season, but this may vary depending on the location. After roughly 240 days or a gestation period, one calf, or sometimes two, are born.

During the calf’s initial two weeks, it tends to spend the majority of its time hidden away from predators with its mother in tall grasses or in a covered, dense area. However, throughout the next 4 to 5 weeks, it enjoys gallivanting with the herd during the day.

At 6 months of age, they are weaned. Male calves will stay with their mother and the herd until they are either one or two years of age, however, female calves will remain in the herd forever.

Females reach their sexual maturity at 3 years old while males will reach their peak at 5.

Kudu Predators

Greater Kudu have many different predators.

These include  leopards , lions, cheetahs, African wild dogs and of course, humans.

Greater Kudu Subspecies

Now that we’ve covered the basics of this interesting African creature, it’s time to look at its three  subspecies .

While there are only a few differences between each subspecies, each one is unique in its own way.

Let’s check out these subtle yet unique differences.

Southern Greater Kudu

Southern Greater Kudu

The Southern Greater Kudu is located around Botswana, Angola, Namibia, Zaire, South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, and Zimbabwe.

This subspecies is tall and quite majestic, carrying the most incredible set of horns, which is why it’s also one of Africa’s most popular and desired  “trophies” .

This Greater Kudu is one of the most handsome species in Africa.

Aptly nicknames the “gray ghost” by Ernest Hemingway, Kudu subspecies has a grey to greyish brown short coat. The bulls become greyer as they age while their necks grow darker throughout the breeding season.

Both male and female sport straight, short, standing manes that go from the top of their shoulders to their head, then transforms into a crest and carries itself down the spine.

These species have a white marking which extends from their eyes across to their nose. They also have extremely large, pink ears.

Lastly, this type of Kudu has white patches on the side of the face and the top of the chin and upper lip. There’s also a flash of white under their black-tipped tail.

East African Greater Kudu

East African Greater Kudu

This subspecies is found in Tanzania, southern and northern Kenya, northeastern Uganda and southeastern Sudan. This Kudu species has a bright color than their southern relatives and have more conspicuous, transverse stripes.

In terms of other characteristics, the east African Greater Kudu shares many similar characteristics with the South African. Only slight appearance differences and preferred habitat are what differentiates the two relatives.

Southern-based Greater Kudu enjoys living in acacia and bush on lowlands as well as scrub woodland, hills, and mountains. They enjoy a broken country where they have access to water and sufficient cover of woodland.

Western Greater Kudu

safari kudu tenerife

This subspecies is the palest and smallest out of the group and carries the smallest horns as well. Typically, this type of Kudu is found in the northeastern Central African Republic and parts of far western Sudan as well as southeastern Chad.

This Kudu subspecies is known for their 4-5 vertical, white stripes on each side of their bodies.

Final Facts on the Greater Kudu

This is the second largest species of antelope in the entire world, the largest being the eland.

Despite their large, bulky size, these magnificent beasts are surprisingly agile and well-equipped at jumping, being able to clear tall barriers.

They’re well represented in national parks such as the Kruger National Park and Baviansklood Protected Area, which are parts of the World Heritage Site.

This magnificent creature is truly a treasure to observe in real life and should be protected and appreciated as any other living creature in Africa.

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safari kudu tenerife

Oficial: el Reggaeton Beach Festival anuncia la ubicación exacta de su fiesta en Tenerife

La organización del evento solo había informado que iba a celebrarse en el municipio de la laguna y ahora ya se sabe el sitio exacto de los dos días del festival.

Bela Cabrera

Bela Cabrera

28 de febrero de 2023 (18:30 CET)

Un escenario del Reggaeton Beach Festival. / Archivo

El Reggaeton Beach Festival, el evento de música urbana más importante de Europa y el festival musical que actualmente vende más entradas en España, ha confirmado por fin la ubicación exacta de la celebración del RBF Tenerife 2023, que hasta la fecha solo se sabía que iba a ser en La Laguna , como adelantó Atlántico Hoy , los días 1 y 2 de julio.

Así, tras el intento fallido de la organización por tener presencia en el municipio de San Miguel de Abona en 2022, Atlántico Hoy avanza en primicia que el RBF tendrá lugar en el gran espacio que ocupaba el antiguo zoo de La Laguna, conocido por Safari Kudu  (frente al karting de La Esperanza) .  Una gran explanada de más de 200.000 metros cuadrados que acogerá a los mejores artistas de la música urbana del momento, donde hasta la fecha se han confirmado tres artistas internacionales.

Manuel Turizo, primer confirmado para el RBF Tenerife 2023. / RBF

Artistas confirmados

En este sentido, el primer confirmado fue Manuel Turizo , el segundo Eladio Carrión y recientemente se confirmó la participación de Mora .

Según la organización, la celebración de este evento será un gran foco de ocio y cultura para el turismo de la isla, ya que se espera la llegada de miles de fans de RBF de toda España que dejarán cientos de miles de euros en los comercios y negocios de la que fuera la primera capital de isla, declarada en 1999 Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco.

Archivado en:


Safari in national parks: Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti

This is a rich program that takes 6 days and includes a visit of all the most popular national parks in northern Tanzania. The itinerary starts at Tarangire rocky valley where giant baobabs grow, follows out to Lake Manyara, covered with thousands of pink flamingos. Continuing the route goes down to the volcanic crater of Ngorongoro, aged more than two million years, and completed by a three-day game drive through the vast expanses of the Serengeti. You will have an opportunity to collect by parts the full picture of the wild world of Tanzania.Your trip will lie through the tropical forests and semi deserts, filled with volcanic soil. Surely, these memories will stay with you forever.

We personally inspect every lodge and park before they land on your travel itinerary

Annually approved for tour operating activities by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism

Our team of qualified safari experts knows how to tailor your adventure to your individual travel style

We use only new Land Cruisers produced in 2016-2023 and fitted with a fridge, Wi-Fi and sockets

Safari Tour "Kudu" Price


"Kudu" Safari Itinerary

The group arrives at Kilimanjaro Airport (JRO). Participants are met by a representative of Altezza Travel and transferred to a hotel in Arusha.

Note: The hotel cost only includes breakfast. Check-in starts at 2:00 PM.

Ngare Sero Mountain Lodge

In the morning after breakfast (around 7:30 AM) your safari guide will arrive at the hotel and inform the receptionist that he is waiting for you. After meeting up with your driver you will travel to Tarangire National Park, and by 10:00 AM you will already be on your first safari!

In this park you have the chance to see lots of wild Tanzanian animals (lions, buffalos, giraffes, zebras, etc.), but above all else it is famous for its astonishing number of elephants, who typically tend to stay close to their drinking source, the Tarangire River.

You should be aware that this is wild nature, so the guide cannot make any guarantees on the presence of specific wild animals, but you can be sure he will do his best to find everything you're looking for! The Altezza team has its own radio channel that the drivers use to communicate to other guides and collaborate on searches for rare species.

At lunch time you will be provided a meal, after which the safari will continue. In the evening you will be transferred to the hotel.

Additional notes:

This is your first day on safari, so we ask that you please pay special attention to the national parks visitor rules and our company recommendations.

  • During the safari it is strictly prohibited to exit the vehicle, except for in specially designated areas. Violations of this rule may be accompanied by large fines for the company, including the revocation of its license.
  • Off road driving is also prohibited, as such behavior may cause irreparable damage to the fragile balance of the natural ecosystem.
  • During the safari you are allowed to smoke, but be extremely careful about how you extinguish and dispose of cigarette butts, as they are a frequent cause of fires in the savanna.
  • In addition, we sincerely request that you not put your feet on the safari car's seats, nor sit on the back of them, because this type of behavior quickly makes the cars unusable.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Karatu Simba Lodge

Early wake up time, breakfast and travel to Lake Manyara. The entire territory of this park is cut through with ground water streams that provide a favorable environment for plants and, in addition, for a multitude of birds (including pink flamingos) and African forest animals.

Around lunchtime you will visit the Maji Moto hot springs and the driver will provide you with personal lunchboxes. After this stop the safari will continue, and by evening you will be transferred to a hotel.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area

On this day it is best to leave the hotel as early as possible so you can see the variety of animals that are only active during the morning hours; breakfast will be packed in lunchboxes specifically for this purpose. At 6:30 AM you will set off for Ngorongoro Conservation Area, and after about an hour you will already be inside the crater.

Ngorongoro is one of the most famous and interesting of Tanzania's national parks because here you can find the greatest number of different animal species per square kilometer. You will have the chance to see buffalo, elephants, lions, wildebeests, zebras, hippopotamus and feline species such as caracals and servals. The luckiest travelers might even see a rhinoceros, an animal whose numbers are rapidly declining.

By lunch time you will arrive at the lake side, where you will be offered lunchboxes, after which the safari will continue, ending in a few hours with a transfer to Serengeti National Park.

On your travels you will also visit a memorial dedicated to two West German researchers, Bernhard and Michael Grzimek. It is them we have to thank for Northern Tanzania National Parks having survived till our times in its current natural state. You can read their full story in the book "Serengeti Shall Not Die" which can be found on Amazon.com for USD 10–25.

In the evening you will be transferred to a hotel in the center of the Serengeti valley.

Sound of Silence

After breakfast in the morning you will safari in the eastern and southern parts of the park. The greater part of these areas is a savanna with wide open spaces, which provides a likely opportunity to see cheetah hunting antelopes.

In the evening you will be transferred to a hotel, where you will have dinner and be able to rest.

Serengeti National Park

After breakfast you will start the safari by being transferred to the central part of the Serengeti (also called Seronera). Here your driver will try to find the animals you're the most interested in. Closer to lunch time you will visit the Serengeti Visitor Centre, where you will be offered a lunchbox and provided with lots of interesting information not only about the animals’ populations, but also about the history of the National Park. Also, in this area you will be able to see hyraxes, which are the elephant's closest relatives.

It is difficult to describe in detail all the animals of the Serengeti valley, for they number in the thousands: elephants, buffalo, ostriches, giraffes, jackals, hyenas, lions, antelopes, leopards and cheetahs—just keep your eyes peeled and enjoy the nature around you.

By the evening you will be transferred to the northern part of the Serengeti and then to your hotel.

Serengeti National Park

Wake up, breakfast and the start of your game drive through the northern part of the Serengeti, which is in a league of its own when it comes to its landscape and diversity of fauna. On this day you can see the animals that only live in the most remote areas of the park.

By early afternoon you will finish the safari and return to the hotel in Arusha.

Rest in the hotel and transfer to the airport.

Note: Hotel check-out is at 11:00 AM. In case you need a late check-out because of an evening flight, you have the option to extend your hotel stay till 6:00 PM for an extra fee.

Safari Cost Includes

  • Pick-up at Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO);
  • Transfer to a hotel in Arusha and back to the airport;
  • Accommodation before and after safari (double rooms, breakfast included);
  • New SUV (2016-2023) Land Cruiser 4x4 with pop-up roof;
  • Experienced English-speaking safari guide;
  • 24/7 phone support;
  • All park fees;
  • All accommodation under your program;
  • Three meals per day on safari;
  • Air Ambulance Service by AMREF Flying Doctors;
  • Bottled water and soft drinks throughout the tour;
  • Thermos with hot tea/coffee;
  • Medical kit;
  • Binocular (1 per SUV);

Safari Cost Excludes

  • Air tickets;
  • Lunch and dinner in hotel (only before and after safari);
  • Tips to your safari guide ($30-50 per day per car).

Other Safari Tours



a wildlife guide to the kudu

The kudu is one of the most spectacular must-see animals for African wildlife lovers. It has been described as one of the most handsome of the antelope family, due to the male’s unique large, corkscrew horns.

The name found its way into the English language courtesy of the Afrikaans of South Africa . The Afrikaans term ‘koedoe’ is a combination of both of zebra and deer. 

There are two species of kudu from the family bovidae; the lesser kudu ( Tragelaphus imberbis ) and the greater kudu ( Tragelaphus strepsiceros ). Unlike the lesser kudu the greater kudu has three subspecies; T.s.strepsiceros , T.s.chora , and T.s.cottoni , which w e explore in more detail below.

kudu male head

Kudu characteristics

Kudus are a species of African antelopes majestic in their looks, with their twisted horns making them quite distinct from other antelopes. Horns are the main trademark of the kudu. While female kudus have short horns, male kudus have horns of up to 1.8 meters, the longest of any antelope, which take an average of six years to reach their full length.

Of the two kudu species, the greater kudu has a larger body size. With a height range of between 1.3 and 1.5 meters, the greater kudu males stand as the tallest antelope after the eland . On weight, males tips the scales at a minimum of 257 kgs and 315 kgs. T he females are smaller and shorter, with an average height and weight of 1.2 meters and 170 kgs respectively.

Skin coloration ranges from reddish-brown to blue-gray, interspersed with white markings. Other markings include the distinct 6-10 vertical white stripes on the rib side, nose chevrons, and white forelegs for the greater kudus. 

Lesser kudus are lighter in weight and have a shorter stature, at 92-108kgs and 100cms respectively. While the females will spot a bright rufous coat the males have a darker slate gray skin. Unlike greater kudu, they have shorter horns more white stripes (11-15) on its rib side and black and white leg colorations.

Range & habitat

Greater kudus are found in Eastern and Southern Africa. They are widely distributed in Southern Africa, especially in the bushveld lowlands. Other regions include East African regions of Kenya such as in the Tsavo National Park, Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park , and the horn Africa region of Ethiopia and Somalia.

Outside of Africa’s national parks , kudus have receded to mountainous woodlands due to human activities in their preferred lowlands. However, it is not rare to find them in close proximity to human settlement areas, due to their stealth and nocturnal adaptations.

They live in herds of approximately 25 antelopes but it is also possible to find herds of two to three females with their calves. While their natural habitat has faced threat from human activities the world conservation body the IUCN highlights the greater kudu as “least concern” with their population considered stable. The lesser kudu is highlighted as “near threatened” with their populations in decline. ( See more on Africa’s endangered animals .)

Kudus are primarily browsers, preferring leaves and shoots from trees and shrubs, and flowers and fallen fruits. Although their stomach structure is made for browsing, during the wet season they occasionally supplement this diet by grazing the lush grasses.

Greater kudus are well adapted to surviving during the dry season by feeding on wild watermelons for water. Unlike the greater kudu, the lesser kudu does not depend so much on the water for their survival and get can get most of their water requirements from the parts of succulent wild fruits, only taking water if available.

kudu female head

Behaviour & lifestyle

Kudus don’t roam over long distances but rather live in home ranges of up to 6 km sq. They are active primarily from dusk until dawn, tending to rest during the daylight hours in woodlands where their camouflage helps them to avoid predators. 

Sexual segregation is prevalent with males and females only meeting during the mating season, which usually coincides with rainy season. Some form of courting behavior precedes mating, after which the pregnant female undergoes a seclusion period before they give birth. 

Newborn kudus are hidden to avoid predation for their first five weeks, during which the mother frequently returns to nurse the calf. After this period the calf will follow the mother, and from six months is old enough to fend for itself. 

By the age of 1,5 years, most male calves start showing signs of gender. At his point, they leave their mother and form small bachelor groups of up to ten males. 

Fun facts about kudus

  • While the kudus are not aggressive sparring between males is not uncommon. Occasionally, this may lead to their twisted horns locking, and if they are unable to disentangle the result in death for both animals.
  • Either kudu or impala dung is used in the traditional game of dung spitting in South Africa (the contestant spitting dung farthest is the winner!).
  • The horns of the kudu twist once every two years, usually twisting just twice before they stop growing. Occasionally, the horns undergo three twists, which would reach around 1.8 meters if stretched out. 
  • Kudu horns have been used as musical instruments for years by traditional communities, including as the Shofar – a Jewish ritual horn.

Meet the kudu

Did you enjoy learning more about the kudu? Have you ever met this unique creature face-to-face? Tell us about your kudu experience in the comment section below. Because those who care share!

Kudu 1

I loved this website!! I hope if anybody wants facts on Kudus, they come straight to SAFARIS AFRICANA to get their awesome Kudu facts!!





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Africa’s best game reserves

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  • Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
  • Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana
  • Okavango Delta, Botswana
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Safari Park Kudu | by Curiorífica

Safari Park Kudu

A forgotten place in la esperanza, tenerife..



Where wild meets luxury.

The extraordinary experiences of Kudu Safari Camp, in contact with the unspoiled nature of the Kenyan Savannah, will make you discover the wonders of Africa. Adventure, comfort, relaxation, luxury. Everything is part of the unique experiences that you can enjoy at the Camp, in a truly unique location, on the Galana River.

Every detail and every experience is tailor-made for you. From bush lunch to romantic sunset view dinner, from bird watching to galana river expedition, we provide different activities and timeless experiences to make you live an unforgettable journey in Kenya at Tsavo East National Park.

safari kudu tenerife

Romantic Experience

Enjoy a romantic sunset dinner in the middle of the Kenyan savannah, tasting delicious food and wine, watching the sunset over the Galana River to the rhythm of the sounds of the Savannah. Facing the wonderful spot of Galana River, we will arrange a merveilleuse special dinner to celebrate a special occasion, wedding anniversary, birthdays or simply enjoing the surrounding atmosphere of the Savannah. This 2 days special package includes 1 night stay at Kudu Safari Camp, transfer, breakfast, sunset aperitif and candlelight dinner.

Kudu Safari Camp Experiences

Sunset over the Kudu Safari Camp at Galana River is a sight to behold and the sundowner experience is a must for all our guests at Kudu Safari Camp. At the end of a leisurely late-afternoon game drive, your driver/guide will take you to our special sundowner spot. The fire is lit, delicious bitings are served and the chilled sparkling wine or the famous ‘dawa’ cocktails are poured. Sit back and relax, watch the sun slip on Galana River by the pool and listen to the sounds of the wild. It’s an experience you will treasure forever.

Kudu Safari Camp Experiences

When it comes to wining and dining, you would never believe you are in the African bush. Kudu Safari Camp's chef will prepare a tasty range of delicious dishes all prepared with the freshest ingredients. After your early morning game drive, enjoy your lunch in the middle of the Savvanah. Dinner will be served at the Barbecue Restaurant, usually followed by nightcaps around the campfire. For guests with special dietary requirements, please let us know when booking. EXPERIENCE NOT AVAILABLE, COMING SOON

Kudu Safari Camp Experiences

Photographic Safari

Our tented camp is the ideal location for animal sightings and photo shoots. Get up at dawn, when the savannah awakens to spot the animals that begin to crowd the river. Don't miss the incredible sunset light and breathtaking landscapes, which you can capture with your camera directly from the field. Go on a photographic safari with one of our jeeps, our guides will accompany you to spot the big 5 and many other animals that populate the Tsavo East.

Shamba Experience Tsavo East Kenya

Shamba Experience

Discover the Shamba, our local bio farm. Many of the products served at Kudu Safari Camp come from this farm. From Shamba to the table. Come and discover fresh products and cultivation methods, a truly unique local experience. EXPERIENCE NOT AVAILABLE, COMING SOON

Tsavo East Tsavo West Safari Kenya

Reconnect to Wilderness

Enjoy one of the best Kudu Safari Camp Experiences, recharging your batteries in the middle of the wild nature of the Savvanah. Rejuvenate your mind and body through the right balance of relax, healthy food of the Shamba and fun adventure activities in nature. Listen to the wild, come back to the earth.

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safari kudu tenerife

Greater Kudu Fly-In Safari

Greater Kudu Fly-In Safari: Day-by-day

More detailed information of what each day entails, and the various places you’ll stay on the Greater Kudu Fly-In Safari. Everything we do is completely tailor-made so while this is an idea which works well, we’ll always design an itinerary just for you.

Starts: JKI Airport Nairobi

On arrival at the airport, you’ll be greeted by a driver after you’ve collected your bags.

Shared transfer: Flight, Vehicle

It's a drive of some 60 minutes to Wilson Airport for your flight over the Central Highlands, landing within an hour or so at either Nanyuki or Loisaba airstrip. A guide from Laikipia Wilderness will meet you for the 2-hour drive to camp, watching for wildlife among the livestock dotted across the landscape.

Laikipia Wilderness

Laikipia Wilderness

Built and owned by a highly experienced Zimbabwean safari camp couple, Laikipia Wilderness has been a big hit with visitors. Steve Carey and his wife came to Kenya from Zimbabwe in the early 2000s to manage Sosian Lodge.

Laikipia Wilderness

Built and owned by a highly experienced Zimbabwean safari camp couple, Laikipia Wilderness has been a big hit with visitors. Steve Carey and his wife came to Kenya from Zimbabwe in the early 2000s to manage Sosian Lodge. Steve went on to build his own safari camp – Laikipia Wilderness – on the neighbouring ranch, offering authentic, traditionally-run safaris. Laikipia Wilderness has a very strong focus on enjoying the wildlife and participating in adventure activities in this rewarding and beautiful part of Kenya.

"Staff were exceptional" Mr & Mrs P from Norfolk Arrived 18 Jan 2024, 6 nights

Wild dog packs and black leopards are the outstanding draws in recent years, and photographers visit from all over the world to capture images of them. See our full report on Laikipia Wilderness


Guided walking safari

Night drive

Laikipia to the Maasai Mara by road & air

This morning, enjoy a relaxed journey back to the airstrip before flying on to the Maasai Mara, usually via Wilson Airport; depending on waiting time, flights can take 1–4 hours. You'll be met at Musiara Airstrip by a guide from Tangulia ready for the leisurely 1–2hr game drive to camp.

Tangulia Mara

Tangulia Mara

Tangulia Mara opened in 2016 in a small section of privately owned land, sandwiched between the Mara North Conservancy and the Maasai Mara National Reserve. There was previously a camp here called Salt Springs Camp, dating from 2010. The emphasis here is on quality guiding and game viewing, rather than overly luxurious accommodation. Tangulia means ‘come before’ in Swahili, implying 'the leaders' or 'the avant garde'. This is an appropriate name since it is the first camp in the Mara to be owned, managed and run by the local Maasai community – in this instance by the charismatic guide and TV presenter Jackson Looseyia, of BBC series Big Cat Diary fame.

Tangulia Mara

Tangulia Mara opened in 2016 in a small section of privately owned land, sandwiched between the Mara North Conservancy and the Maasai Mara National Reserve. There was previously a camp here called Salt Springs Camp, dating from 2010. The emphasis here is on quality guiding and game viewing, rather than overly luxurious accommodation. Tangulia means ‘come before’ in Swahili, implying 'the leaders' or 'the avant garde'. This is an appropriate name since it is the first camp in the Mara to be owned, managed and run by the local Maasai community – in this instance by the charismatic guide and TV presenter Jackson Looseyia, of BBC series Big Cat Diary fame.

"An unforgettable experience. Our guide, Lucy, was absolutely amazing." D & C from Kent Arrived 13 Aug 2023, 4 nights

Tangulia Mara is perfect for wildlife enthusiasts and those interested in Kenyan culture. Being within striking distance of one of the best big game safari areas in Africa means that Jackson and his team of superb guides can take some exhilarating game drives. While it might not be luxurious enough if you really relish your creature comforts and value first-class standards of hospitality, we are delighted to offer Tangulia Mara. We hope it's the first of many Maasai-owned and managed camps. See our full report on Tangulia Mara

Cultural excursion

Hot air ballooning

Maasai Mara to Nairobi by 4WD & light aircraft

It's normally a game drive of around two hours to the airstrip for today's flight, which crosses the Mara (watch out for elephants and giraffes) before landing in Nairobi after 45–60 minutes. A private driver will transfer you to the international airport – perhaps helping you explore the city before checking in.

Ends: JKI Airport Nairobi

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Experiences you can add to this trip.

Optional extra day-trips and excursions possible whilst staying at lodges on this trip. These are usually best arranged in advance so talk to us.

Balloon flight over the Mara

Balloon flight over the Mara

3 hours in total - morning only

With the sun rising over the Loita Hills, you scramble into the balloon basket for the start of a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You’re about to go drifting with the breeze above the trees and plains of one of the world’s greatest wildlife regions.

Scenic Biplane Flight on Lewa Conservancy

Scenic Biplane Flight on Lewa Conservancy

30 or 60 minute flights

Soar high and fly low over the rolling hills and plains of Laikipia’s famed Lewa Conservancy, on a scenic biplane flight. Offering you the chance to spot wildlife from the air, this flight takes place in an open-cockpit WACO biplane – a truly unique excursion in Kenya.

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  • Kudu Camp Tsavo Est
  • Jumbo Safari
  • The great rift valley
  • Masai Mara one
  • Masai Mara two
  • Masai Mara and lake Nakuru
  • Tsavo East/Ovest
  • Grand tour of Tanzania
  • Tour of Tanzania
  • Gorillas of Uganda
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The park of Kenya

Away from everyone, experiencing unforgettable moments, these are the parks of Kenya More

Tsavo Est Kudu Camp

Nature, continues to be the mistress of the territory, and the man does not remain nothing but admire. More

Lago Nakuru

Live an epic experience, with our custom safari across Kenya. More

Kobe Suite Resort

Fall in love with our suite, everything is' designed in an African style and modern mix More

Guarda in Italiano

Guarda in Italiano

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Kudu Travels ltd Sabaki Center, Lamu road Opposite Casino Malindi Kenya Mailto: [email protected] Mailto: [email protected] Mailto: [email protected] P.O Box 5299-80200 Mobile: +254-0115992057

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“Only those who have already ‘lived can’ tell the extraordinary experience of a safari in Africa. Imagine a river that flows slowly drawing a bend at the foot of a hill from which you can ‘see the sun rising in the morning and lies down to the endless savannah evening, imagine the free and wild animals, the unspoilt nature, the colors sunset, imagine the AFRICA … ” The success of Kudu Travel and ‘began in 2004 when a group of naturalists fans of different nationalities’, picking up the suggestion of some of the more’ famous African guides, has designed and built the Kudu Camp in Tsavo East National Park, for convey their love for this land and its people. Thousands of images drop from your eyes to the bottom of my heart for the rest of your life, a bit ‘at a time, they will return to him with warmth and nostalgia. ‘Cause the Kudu Camp’ in itself a symbol of the mal d’Africa. The success of the Kudu Camp, now considered the flagship of Tsavo East, has spurred the founders to select the best places in Kenya and offer a wide range of choice in all the parks both of Kenya, both neighboring countries. The Masai Mara, Amboseli, the Serengeti and Ngorongoro in Tanzania, to name a few, will open your eyes in disbelief as an extraordinary vision that only this continent has to offer. Breathtaking views, herds of animals on the loose ‘the great migration, the Big Five, the five animals symbol of the safari: the lion, leopard, rhino, buffalo and elephant. Our job ‘then arrange safaris across Kenya, a commitment that has opened the way for a direct communication with this wonderful country, growing day by day, gaining a knowledge of the unique product and expanding the range of services more and more’ diversified and specific. Our e’quella mission to transfer to the travel enthusiasts and nature the same love that originated our company to a level of professionalism and notoriety ‘go well beyond the more’ optimistic expectations, and we believe to be the reward for the effort of each member of the team made up of over one hundred professionals. Our services range from: -Safari IN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PARKS OF KENYA – lodge / tented camps – SAFARI TANZANIA AND UGANDA – SAFARI TO MEASURE – WIDE CHOICE OF HOTEL ALONG THE COAST OF KENYA – EXCURSIONS ON THE COAST – PRIVATE TRANSFERS / COLLECTIVE AND STAYS THE SEA – AIR TICKET (IATA AGENT WITH ACCREDITED – INCENTIVE GROUPS – BUSINESS TRAVEL / MEETING ROOM AND A WATAMU MALINDI – VISAS SERVICE – RENT A CAR – WE HAVE A PRIVATE FLEET CONSISTS OF 10 LAND CRUISER 4X4 JEEP, BUS 33/45 PLACES, MINIBUS SERVICE VIP – SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR CITIZENS Kenyans, RESIDENTS AND TOURISTS Some of those with whom we work are among the best known currently on the market would like to have the opportunity ‘to meet you and have a way to explain in detail our services.

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Kudu Safaris

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safari kudu tenerife

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Sarah Littler

Kudu Safaris - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)


  1. Safari Kudu

    safari kudu tenerife

  2. Le safari KUDU

    safari kudu tenerife

  3. De un safari para niños al multiverso del perreo

    safari kudu tenerife

  4. De un safari para niños al multiverso del perreo

    safari kudu tenerife

  5. About Kudu Safari Camp

    safari kudu tenerife

  6. Accommodation

    safari kudu tenerife


  1. Kudu Safari (La Esperanza-Tenerife) Geocaching

    Antiguo safari Kudu en La Esperanza, Tenerife.Posteriormente discotecas como Adiss Abeba, Safari, etc...

  2. Safari Kudu

    Safari Kudu fue un zoológico que abrió en los años 70 en La Laguna, pero que cerró por problemas de clima y adaptación de los animales. Ahora es una propiedad privada que atrae a visitantes que quieren hacer picnic, fotos o vandalizar el lugar.


    A finales de los 70 abría sus puertas al público el Safari Kudu, el idílico sueño de Peeter, un alemán afincado en la isla de Tenerife. En el lugar se podían...

  4. El Safari Kudu, un zoológico abandonado...

    June 25, 2018 ·. El Safari Kudu, un zoológico abandonado en la Zona de La Esperanza (Tenerife), fue uno de los mayores zoológicos de Canarias en los años 70, aunque sólo estuvo abierto entre los años 1977 y 1978. En su interior contaba con elefantes, leopardos, antílopes, rinocerontes y camellos entre otros animales.

  5. Lanzarote & Tenerife

    Submarine Safaris - ONLINE DISCOUNT - Lanzarote & Tenerife - Official Site. How to find us. Covid 19 Safety Protocol. Book now ONLINE DISCOUNT. Lanzarote Tenerife. Lanzarote, Puerto Calero. Telephone +34 928 512898. Email [email protected]. Tenerife, Amarilla Marina.

  6. De un safari para niños al multiverso del perreo

    Los próximos días 1 y 2 de julio se celebra en La Laguna el Reggaeton Beach Festival Tenerife.Concretamente, como avanzó en primicia Atlántico Hoy, en el antiguo Safari Kudu. Para quien no lo ubique -como gran parte de la sociedad tinerfeña consultada- se situaba justo enfrente del karting de La Esperanza (pero en ámbito municipal lagunero) y, más tarde, se convirtió en una de las ...

  7. Investigacion Misteriosa Del Safari Kudu De Urbex Tenerife

    Conviértete en miembro para ver los videos antes que nadie:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWckoVFnci45ug4ouCS8KFw/join--- SPONSOR ---QUIERES UNA CAMARA INS...

  8. Descubre la emocionante experiencia del safari Kudu en La Esperanza

    Si estás buscando una experiencia única en Tenerife, no puedes perderte el Safari Kudu. Este safari te llevará a explorar la belleza natural de la isla y te permitirá descubrir sus paisajes impresionantes. En el Safari Kudu podrás disfrutar de un recorrido en vehículo todoterreno, que te llevará a través de parajes naturales, montañas ...

  9. Kudu

    The greater kudu - an icon of the African safari - is substantially taller and heavier than its comparatively petite cousin. Lesser kudu also have a smaller distribution and are found only in East Africa, with a preference for semi-arid habitats. Greater kudu occur more widely across much of the continent, including most of southern and ...

  10. Greater Kudu Subspecies: Things You Need To Know

    The Greater Kudu as antelope species itself is one of the tallest species. They range in color, depending on the subspecies, and can fall under the grey/brown to reddish/brown spectrum. They have 6-10 white body stripes, white cheeks and white nose markings with long legs and a narrow body. This just scratches the surface.

  11. Oficial: el Reggaeton Beach Festival anuncia la ubicación exacta de su

    El festival de música urbana más importante de Europa se celebrará en el antiguo zoo de La Laguna, conocido como Safari Kudu, los días 1 y 2 de julio. Manuel Turizo, Eladio Carrión y Mora son algunos de los artistas confirmados para el evento.

  12. 6 day safari Kudu: schedule, cost and what to expect

    Safari Cost Excludes. Air tickets; Visa fee; Lunch and dinner in hotel (only before and after safari); Insurance; Tips to your safari guide ($30-50 per day per car). View All Tours. This is a rich program that takes 6 days and includes a visit of all the most popular national parks in northern Tanzania.

  13. Kudu: A Complete Wildlife Guide To The African Kudu

    Of the two kudu species, the greater kudu has a larger body size. With a height range of between 1.3 and 1.5 meters, the greater kudu males stand as the tallest antelope after the eland. On weight, males tips the scales at a minimum of 257 kgs and 315 kgs.

  14. Greater Kudu Safari: 7-night trip to Kenya

    Read more about the Purple Grenadier Fly-In Safari. View all holidays to Kenya. Tracking wild dogs from Laikipia Wilderness is just one highlight of this amazing 7-night safari. Prices 6 Jan-1 Dec 2024 from US$7,168-8,412 per person.

  15. About Kudu Safari Camp

    The success of Kudu Travel began in 2004 when a group of passionate naturalists of different nationalities, taking up the suggestions of some of the most famous African guides, designed and built the Kudu Safari Camp, in the Tsavo East National Park, for transmit their love for this land and its people.Thousands of images will descend from your eyes to the depths of your heart and for the rest ...

  16. Safari Park Kudu

    A forgotten place in La Esperanza, Tenerife.

  17. Experiences

    Sunset over the Kudu Safari Camp at Galana River is a sight to behold and the sundowner experience is a must for all our guests at Kudu Safari Camp. At the end of a leisurely late-afternoon game drive, your driver/guide will take you to our special sundowner spot. The fire is lit, delicious bitings are served and the chilled sparkling wine or ...

  18. Greater Kudu Fly-In Safari

    Scenic Biplane Flight on Lewa Conservancy. 30 or 60 minute flights. Soar high and fly low over the rolling hills and plains of Laikipia's famed Lewa Conservancy, on a scenic biplane flight. Offering you the chance to spot wildlife from the air, this flight takes place in an open-cockpit WACO biplane - a truly unique excursion in Kenya.

  19. About

    The success of Kudu Travel and 'began in 2004 when a group of naturalists fans of different nationalities', picking up the suggestion of some of the more' famous African guides, has designed and built the Kudu Camp in Tsavo East National Park, for convey their love for this land and its people.

  20. Kudu Safaris

    Kudu Safaris. 4.5. 9 reviews. #186 of 669 Transportation in Arusha. Multi-day Tours4WD, ATV & Off-Road ToursTaxis & Shuttles Nature & Wildlife ToursDay Trips.

  21. Accommodations

    Our 5 Star Accommodations and Daily facilities are all located on our Kudu Valley Photo Safari and Hunting Concession. We have 7 bespoke private suites and a luxurious 2 Bedroom apartment available at Kudu Valley Safari Lodge, all complete with fine furnishings, closets, air conditioning in all rooms, fireplaces in most rooms, and steps away from our bar, swimming pool and dining area.

  22. safari kudu tenerife & Barcelona

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