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Offre de financement sans assurance avec apport obligatoire, réservée aux particuliers et valable pour tout achat de 100€ à 3000€. Sous réserve d’acceptation par Oney Bank. Vous disposez d’un délai de 14 jours pour renoncer à votre crédit.  Exemple en 3 fois pour un achat de 150€, apport de 52,37€, puis 2 mensualités de 50€. Crédit sur 2 mois au TAEG fixe de 21,18%. Coût du financement 2,37€ dans la limite de 25€ maximum.  Exemple en 4 fois pour un achat de 400€, apport de 109,48€, puis 3 mensualités de 100€. Crédit sur 3 mois au TAEG fixe de 21,31%. Coût du financement 9,48€ dans la limite de 50€ maximum. Conditions au 03/11/2023 susceptibles de révision. Pour plus d’informations rdv sur oney.fr Oney Bank ‐SA au capital de 51 286 585€ ‐34 Avenue de Flandre 59 170 Croix ‐546 380 197 RCS Lille Métropole ‐n°Orias 07 023 261 www.orias.fr 

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Top 15 Fashion Stores in Le Marais


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10 Best Techno Clubs in Paris

1. the central department store: le bhv marais.

Top 10 fashion stores in Le Marais bhv

bhv marais –  Le BHV Marais, 52 Rue de Rivoli

2. trendy concept store: merci.


merci – 111 Boulevard Beaumarchais

3. rock chic & edgy: zadig & voltaire.


Zadig & Voltaire –  Zadig & Voltaire, 42 Rue des Francs Bourgeois

4. born out of a sisterhood: maje.


maje – 22 Rue des Francs Bourgeois

Read next: Top Walks in Paris

5.) The Parisian choice: Sandro


sandro – 47 Rue des Francs Bourgeois

6. the store dedicated to the ladies: wolford boutique paris.

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Image sourced from Google Maps

wolford marais – 36 Rue Vieille du Temple

7. for the more adventurous: antoine & lili.


Antoine & Lili –  51 Rue des Francs Bourgeois

8. preloved designer: closet 2 closet.

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Closet 2 Closet –  6 Rue Debelleyme

9. for watch & jewelry lovers: galeries lafayette – royal quartz paris.

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royal quartz paris – 11 Rue des Archives

10. more than a store, a time travel: kiloshop.


kiloshop – 69 rue de la Verrerie

11. bohemian-chic style: isabel marant.

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SUAXINGPWOO Kaliu , CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Isabel Marant – 60 Av. des Champs-Élysées, 75008 Paris, France

12. romantic and feminine clothing for women: ba&sh.

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Photo by Syed Qaarif Andrabi from Pexels

Ba&sh – 22 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75003 Paris, France

13. for simple and stylish designs: a.p.c..

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section215 , CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

A.P.C. – 36 Rue de la Verrerie, 75004 Paris, France

14. ballet-inspired clothing and footwear: repetto.

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Reinhardhauke , CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Rapetto – 51 Rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75004 Paris, France

15. a fragrance boutique: le labo.

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Clare Johnston , CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Le Labo – 7 Rue Froissart, 75003 Paris, France

Bonus store : streetwear at citadium beaubourg.


© Antonio Virga

citadium – 33 Rue Quinampoix

Bonus : for picking a unique outfit: the kooples.

            Ver esta publicação no Instagram                     This boho-chic styles of the 70’s is a key source of inspiration. Shop it via the link in bio. Uma publicação partilhada por The Kooples Official Paris (@thekooples) a 21 de Nov, 2019 às 11:00 PST


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These are  Amazon’s best-selling  travel products that you may need for coming to Paris.

  • The best travel book : Rick Steves – Paris 2023 –  Learn more here
  • Fodor’s Paris 2024 –  Learn more here

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  • Venture Pal Lightweight Backpack –  Learn more here
  • Samsonite Winfield 2 28″ Luggage –  Learn more here
  • Swig Savvy’s Stainless Steel Insulated Water Bottle –  Learn more here

Check Amazon’s best-seller list for the most popular travel accessories. We sometimes read this list just to find out what new travel products people are buying.

Thomas is a born and raised Parisian from the east side of the city. His specialties are architecture, town planning, finding great picnic locations in Paris and hunting for good restaurants.

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  • (0.03 km) La Tresne
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The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now

By Clara Giampellegrini

How to shop sales

If there’s a place on earth to shop for clothes, it’s Paris . And while the city is known for its designer boutiques and grands magasins , its secondhand scene is second to none. From depôts-vents , where the city’s chicest women offload designer pieces from recent seasons, to thrift-shopping troves with finds from Y2K and earlier, the city is a vintage treasure-hunter’s dream. 

That said, the Paris vintage scene is constantly evolving—so we’ve done the legwork and rounded up the 10 best vintage stores in Paris, right now.

Skat Vintage

25 Rue Saint-Paul, 75004 Paris

The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now

Skat, which translates to “treasure” or “darling” in Danish, is a recent addition in the southern part of the Marais. Founded by the couple Agnès Salto, who is Danish, and Mathias de Cevins, who is French, this boutique reflects their shared passion for curated high-end fashion from the pre-’90s era. The Scandinavian influence, the owners, and Skat (the house dog) make this the city’s most serene second-hand shopping destination.

11 Rue Oberkampf, 75011 Paris

The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now

“Takk is the perfect balance between doing good for the planet and doing good for yourself,” says Marion, the founder of this influencer-beloved store. The team emphasizes meticulous care in showcasing the clothes, choosing clean, perfectly conditioned pieces that are less than five years old. They introduce new items every week, so the racks will never feel picked over.

Palace Callas

16 Rue du Pont Louis-Philippe, 75004 Paris

The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now

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After her grandmother introduced her to the universe of Maria Callas at the age of six, owner Florence became obsessed with divas, and delved deep into researching fashion from the ’50s through the ’90s. Over the years, she passed on this passion to her daughter, Alyx, and together, they created a small high-end vintage haven in the heart of the Marais. Today, Palace Callas has shifted its focus to the “new divas”—the “CEO moms” and “city girls,” Florence calls them, and you can sense a strong Sex and The City and Gossip Girl influence, with bold pieces that make a statement even in an iPhone image.

Palettist Vintage

15 Rue Debelleyme, 75003 Paris

The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now

The selection at this Marais shop ranges from the ’70s to the 2000s, designer to unmarked. While it has its fair share of bold pieces including jewelry, it’s also a great source of more classic wardrobe staples.

Open Dressing

63 Rue de Turenne, 75003 Paris

The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now

Open Dressing is a haven for trend-hunters seeking newer pieces from brands such as Coperni, Khaite, and Jacquemus, as well as those with a soft spot for more retro vintage pieces. Alexia, the owner of the boutique and a devoted fan of Saint Laurent with a penchant for both the ’70s and ’90s, offers a range of classics, including ’80s lingerie dresses from Dior and jackets and shirts from Céline originating in the ’70s.

La Frange à l’envers

81 Rue Saint-Maur, 75011 Paris

The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now

The project of two sisters, this is currently the largest second-hand store in Paris. It has a strong French touch with a wide range of designer brands in several price ranges. Everything is in perfect condition, fairly priced, and produced within the past three years. It’s an ideal spot to buy secondhand without the “vintage” vibe.


112 Rue de Turenne, 75003 Paris

The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now

Predilection’s mission is to help you find that one-of-a-kind, standout piece in your wardrobe. The intimate Marais shop boasts gems like a transparent vinyl Comme des Garcons trench and a Jean-Paul Gaultier striped dress with oversized hood, and also creates its own collections and collaborations with local designers, all made from upcycled material.

The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now

First location: 89 Rue Réaumur, 75002 Paris Second location: 168 Rue du Temple, 75003 Paris

Bobby is one of the most popular addresses for second-hand shopping in Paris, and rightfully so. The store recently opened a second location in the 3rd arrondissement of the city, with a large selection of pre-loved fashion items. They have a strict no-fast-fashion rule, and are your best bet if you’re looking for premium or luxury brands from the more recent collections. The feel is more crowd-pleasing than arty, so there’s truly something for everyone here.

The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now

Location 1: 16 rue Victor masse 75009 Paris Location 2: 60 rue de Dunkerque 75009 Paris

While second-hand shops are inherently unique, Iregular’s more streamlined, sober aesthetic stands out in the jumble. The owner’s former career as freelance stylist has allowed him to get his hands on some treasures. From Anne-Marie Beretta to Phoebe Philo’s Celine, the selection combines retro and modern, always with a touch of humor.

The Parisian Vintage

20 rue Saint-Claude 75003

The 10 Best Vintage Stores in Paris Right Now


Everything at The Parisian Vintage is in perfect harmony: the clothes, accessories, and even the furniture. The selection skews toward the timeless and the high-end, with a particularly strong assortment of designer outerwear and leather pieces.

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The popularity of streetwear clothing is quickly growing, and with it are the number of outlets that offer this type of style. While this is not Oklahoma City’s traditional fashion statement, the rise of streetwear around the world has prompted a similar growth on the Modern Frontier. With more shops popping up, we’ve hand-picked the best places to find streetwear clothing in OKC. 

The Laboratory 

Founded in Oklahoma City in 2016, The Laboratory has developed such a reputation that the sneaker boutique had to move into a bigger space in late 2021. Located in OKC’s Midtown District , The Lab features a wide range of shoes, clothing and accessories and is a frequent stop for NBA players and musicians. From Jordan shoes to Bape shirts, The Laboratory is your best bet for any unique or limited-edition streetwear item.  

Money Ruins Everything 

Functioning as a haven for skateboarding, Money Ruins Everything is a skate shop selling boards, tires, and grips in addition to a huge selection of skater-centric clothing. The store carries popular streetwear brands such as Thrasher, HUF, Santa Cruz and Independent, making it the perfect place to shop for anyone in search of an alternative streetwear style. Located on 23rd Street near the Tower Theatre, Money Ruins Everything has been visited by some of OKC’s biggest stars, including Shai Gilgeous-Alexander of the Oklahoma City Thunder . 


BY.E, or By Everyone , is a contemporary clothing store located in the Plaza District carrying 25 different brands, including the store’s own clothing line. In addition to your typical shirts, jackets and pants, BY.E has fashionable sunglasses, rings and other accessories as well as candles and blankets. If you’re in search of a cool puffer jacket to keep you warm this winter or a new hat to match the holiday gifts you received, BY.E is the place for you.  


Another frequent stop for local celebrities such as the Thunder’s Josh Giddey, Kicklahoma has two locations in the Modern Frontier; one in Penn Square Mall and another in the OKC Outlets. In addition to a large selection of high-end sneakers, Kicklahoma carries popular streetwear clothing brands such as Supreme and October’s Very Own. Check out some of the store’s in-house line as well, producing shoes and shirts with the company’s signature scissortail logo. 

MC Kicks 

After opening a brick and mortar in 2022, MC Kicks is one of the newest streetwear outlets in OKC. Located on MacArthur Blvd., this shoe store has some of the newest Jordan and Yeezy shoes on the market. From Off-White to Ian Connor’s Revenge X Storm line, MC Kicks has all the sneakers you’ve been looking for.  


Flip4Kicks is a streetwear and shoe store in South OKC. If you’re looking for a good selection of vintage and streetwear shirts at an affordable price, Flip4Kicks has a section specifically for lower cost items. In addition to shirts, the store also holds jerseys and hats that will go perfect with any streetwear outfit.  

Harley-Davidson World 

While it may not be the first place you think of to find streetwear, every Harley-Davidson dealership has its own clothing section with designs unique to each location. Even if you aren’t interested in motorcycles, Harley-Davidson World in Oklahoma City has plenty of shirts and jackets that will fit perfectly with the rest of your streetwear wardrobe.  

Randall Sweet

Randall Sweet

Randall Sweet is a recruiting analyst at AllSooners and a staff writer for Inside the Thunder, focusing primarily on OU Football and professional basketball. Working as a journalist, Randall has covered the Oklahoma Sooners, the Oklahoma City Thunder, and high school sports across the state.

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Moscow Metro

The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours’ itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin’s regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as “a people’s palace”. Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings, mosaics, stained glass, bronze statues… Our Moscow metro tour includes the most impressive stations best architects and designers worked at - Ploshchad Revolutsii, Mayakovskaya, Komsomolskaya, Kievskaya, Novoslobodskaya and some others.

What is the kremlin in russia?

The guide will not only help you navigate the metro, but will also provide you with fascinating background tales for the images you see and a history of each station.

And there some stories to be told during the Moscow metro tour! The deepest station - Park Pobedy - is 84 metres under the ground with the world longest escalator of 140 meters. Parts of the so-called Metro-2, a secret strategic system of underground tunnels, was used for its construction.

During the Second World War the metro itself became a strategic asset: it was turned into the city's biggest bomb-shelter and one of the stations even became a library. 217 children were born here in 1941-1942! The metro is the most effective means of transport in the capital.

There are almost 200 stations 196 at the moment and trains run every 90 seconds! The guide of your Moscow metro tour can explain to you how to buy tickets and find your way if you plan to get around by yourself.

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Situated between the Pompidou Centre, Hôtel de Sully, Place des Vosges and the church, Eglise Saint-Paul, Le Marais is, above all, a place that is steeped in history. Built on what was once marshland, the district welcomed thousands of Jews from Eastern Europe as early as the 13th century, the first generation of Chinese immigrants after the First World War, and the gay community in the early 1980s.

Today, people enjoy ambling along its small cobbled streets, lined with private townhouses , food shops and fashion stores. Follow our guide!

Église Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis%252C le Marais

A shoppers’ paradise

A stone’s throw from Carreau du Temple, The Broken Arm is emblematic of the revival of the Haut-Marais district, with its photo and contemporary art galleries , trendy terraces and designer boutiques. This multi-brand boutique has the most eclectic and cutting-edge women’s and men’s fashion, from Jacquemus to Comme des Garçons , Lemaire, Isaac Reina and Stone Island. A real immersion into the world of fashion!

The Broken Arm Paris

Slowly walk up rue de Bretagne, with its many food and fashion shops; take a gourmet break at one of the food stalls at Enfants Rouges market ; then take avenue des Filles du Calvaire, a landmark for fashionistas from all over the world, with its famous Merci concept store , in particular.

Amies se prenant en photo devant une fresque au Marché des Enfants Rouges

Just next door, rue Froissart is home to Roseanna , a boutique which is one of the nuggets of the French touch. The two designers behind the brand, Roxane Thiery and Anne-Fleur Broudehoux, have successfully created a line that is both rock and ultra-desirable romantic. Boyfriend jeans with elegant pumps, light dresses and Perfecto leather jackets , this is the look for you!

Rayon de vêtements du magasin Roseanna Paris

Back to the town hall and the unmissable BHV Marais , the Parisian department store and temple for DIYers who are in the know.

Parallel to rue de Rivoli, rue des Archives is home to several vintage spots well known to those on the lookout for second-hand items.

Kilo shop stands out from the entrance to the shop: here everything or almost everything is sold by the kilo. Jeans, camouflage trousers, shirts, furs, scarves, bags, Japanese kimonos… you walk around this 500m2 shop, choose your items, weigh and pay! It is also the place to find the iconic 501 Levis that you will wear all year round!

Façade du BVH Marais depuis la rue, Paris

What's on

Visiteur à vélo devant une boutique du Village Saint-Paul, Paris 2017.

Opposite its flagship, BHV Marais L’Homme is an eldorado for elegant bobos. Behind the magnificent green wall, this menswear store is spread over four floors and 4,000 m². You will find more than 150 brands, from socks to suits, from streetwear to designer collections, and accessories to shoes. Afterwards, cross the street for a pilgrimage to the basement of the parent store and tour its mythical DIY department .

BHV Homme Le Marais Paris

Our favorites

Children first.

Created in 2001 in the wake of the Bonpoint brand by Thomas Cohen, Bonton is one of the first concept stores for children. Combining a hint of wisdom with an unconventional touch, this childrenswear store embraces fancy prints, shimmering colours and a resolutely chic bobo style . You will also find accessories, household linen, decorative items, toys, books… and even a sweets bar!


Accessories & Co.

Offering bohemian necklaces and charm bracelets, Gachon Pothier is the embodiment of bohemian chic . An aesthetic claimed by the two creators of the brand, Alexandrine and Florence, who are passionate about vintage and mixed textiles from all over the world. All the jewellery and items are made by hand and with love in the boutique’s workshop on rue de Saintonge. In addition to rings and necklaces, they specialise in wrap bracelets oozing with colours and trinkets. Join the club!

Gachon Pothier

One last drink

A coffee shop , a bar and restaurant, a meeting place, a refuge, a hidden terrace… Griffon is the latest place where people love to get together in Le Marais. Nestled within the Crédit Municipal building, it is the new living and mixing space designed by Renaud Barillet and Fabrice Martinez, to whom we owe La Bellevilloise and Dock_B . It is ideal for a drink, curled up in cosy armchairs in winter or on the terrace away from the noise of the street on sunny days.


The shopping quartiers in Paris Region

Shopping in Montmartre

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Puces de Vanves, poupée ancienne, Paris 2017.

  • Copyright image: Helene Tonnelier CRT_IDF

Expired session


The Best Streetwear Boutiques in NYC The Best Streetwear Boutiques in NYC

New York City is the fashion capital of the world, so shopping in the city can be a fruitful experience. But you have to know what you’re looking for, especially when it comes to streetwear. Here’s where to go for new gear, vintage, and more.

magasin streetwear tours

Founded by former Supreme creative director Brendon Babenzien and Estelle Bailey-Babenzien, Noah stands out because of its transparency around things like manufacturing practices and pay for factory workers. At the cozy store, you’ll find staples like beanies, logo tees, and sweatshirts, all designed with a touch of ease and timelessness.

magasin streetwear tours

What began as an independent skate shop has grown into a streetwear phenomenon. The hype around Supreme owes to its limited releases and brand exclusivity—you can only purchase its product at retail at Supreme stores, on its site and app, and at Dover Street Market. While best known for its box logo, Supreme connects art, pop culture, film, and fashion through its clothes. It’s also known for smart collaborations that have included Jordan Brand, The North Face, and Timberland.

magasin streetwear tours

Kith is one of the most ubiquitous names in streetwear. Founded by Queens native Ronnie Fieg, it has its own clothing range, but Kith is renowned for its collaborations with brands like Nike, New Balance, Asics, Versace, Calvin Klein, Bape, Coca-Cola, Tommy Hilfiger, Levi’s, and many more.

magasin streetwear tours

Founded in 2019, Tenant is dedicated to supporting New York City skaters. The tactfully curated space features the store’s in-house label, along with a sharp selection of local and larger brands, available to shop in-store or online. Located in Brooklyn, at the border of Bushwick and Bed-Stuy, the shop is a hub for the skate scene.

magasin streetwear tours

Extra Butter (which also has a location in Long Island City, Queens) is more than a sneaker shop—it’s an experience. The retail space mimics a movie theatre, complete with velvet curtains, theater seats, and a marquee. The ambience, paired with the exceptional customer service, provides a comfortable atmosphere for shopping the latest sneaker drops, alongside an array of apparel.

magasin streetwear tours

Heralded as “NYC’s most influential vintage shop,” Procell was established by Brian Procell and his partner Jessica Gonsalves in 2012. Walking into Procell, you’ll see product from decades past that the founder from whom it takes its name travels the world to source. These are rare relics like Jean Paul Gaultier from the ’90s, Destiny’s Child friends-and-family tour merch, and Chanel sunglasses.

Nepenthes is a Japanese luxury boutique that produces Engineered Garments, Needles, South2 West8, and Workaday clothing. The store, located on a side street in NYC’s Garment District, is far off from the busy shopping neighborhoods, and that seems intentional. Creative director Daiki Suzuki seems to want to offer shoppers a slowed-down experience so they can take their time with the meticulously made clothes, which reference workwear and classic men’s silhouettes.

Daily Paper was founded in 2010 by Hussein Suleiman, Jefferson Osei, and Abderrahmane Trabsin. The brand fuses the founders’ African heritage with a modern, instantly recognizable streetwear aesthetic. You can shop an extensive range of graphic tees, sportswear, tailored jackets, trousers, and suits.

magasin streetwear tours

If you’re on the hunt for a highly coveted sneaker, there’s no doubt you’ll hit Stadium Goods. A force to be reckoned with in the sneaker resale market, the consignment shop features an immense floor-to-ceiling wall of kicks, including many styles coveted by sneakerheads around the world, and a glass case of super-rare models. Visiting Stadium Goods is an opportunity to shop, but it’s also a destination—many of Complex’s ‘Sneaker Shopping’ episodes were filmed here.

The Good Company is a go-to when shopping for streetwear in the Lower East Side, be it the brand’s latest products or a graphic T-shirt or hoodie from one of the many labels it stocks, including Carrots and Central Bookings International. If you're lucky, you might catch a performance from a New York rapper like MIKE or Wiki, too. Don’t forget to pick something up from Empanada Mama while you're there.

magasin streetwear tours

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  • Athens with a local

Photo: Thomas Gravanis

  • See & Do

9 Places to Shop Street Style in Athens

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On the hunt for street fashion in Athens? These shops and arcades have some of the hottest labels in town—and are a delightful doorway into the Athenian groove.

By Amanda Dardanis

For a long time, Athenians played it safe when it came to fashion. Now, you can see a new spirit of sartorial expression and experimentation emerging on the streets of Athens. Leading the charge are local designers creating unconventional and one-off pieces, and on-the-pulse label curators who are confidently blurring genders and mining different decades.

These arbiters of Athens street style are more than just shops. They’re places where conversation and commerce meet. You can drop in for a speedy browse and find yourself staying for a coffee and a chat, or listening to underground dance tracks until well after midnight. Far from being “too cool for school"—like you might encounter in other big cities—Athens’ urban style vendors are usually only too happy to riff about their wares or share their city secrets. (You might even get invited to a spontaneous social gathering). Here are some great places to start shopping.

Perfectly pitched for the streets of Athens.

Signature look: Witty, modified vintage and affordable threads with underground attitude—for people whose passion is music and fashion. What’s the story: A new word of mouth hit on the Athens streetwear scene, this fresh little space in Psirri , a few doors down from edgy hangout Handlebar, has big energy. Label scout Panayiotis Vaxevanakis has rounded up a cool crew of small Greek and European designers and champions them on two black racks in a narrow shop that’s half showroom, half urban hangout. Most of the pieces are pocket-friendly and personality rich. Score clubby garments by Berlin brand No Shade and We Buy Gold (from the UK) and PVC raincoats by Foresight (a steal at €40). We found a great vintage men’s shirt updated with an ironic old-school Nokia phone graphic and saucy nude mesh bodysuits with kitsch prints, a collaboration with Greek designer Liana Mavronanou. Panayiotis moonlights as a music producer and has an underground electronic label, Asty Tekk. No surprise then that impromptu pavement parties often erupt on this buzzy, graffiti-strewn strip, with Panayiotis spinning vinyl in-store until 1am. “My concept is to connect the rave subculture of Athens to the street subculture of Athens,” he says. Price tag: €10-100

  • 10 Melanthiou, Psirri, 105 54
  • +30 694 609 2594

Signature look: Deconstructed designs and sculptural statements for women who walk their own path (and have a penchant for black). What’s the story: Since debuting in 2017, the monochrome designs of Athens-based duo Stella Panagopoulou and Valisia Gotsi have become something of a fetish among the city’s fashion and art pack. Edgy and intellectual, 2WO+1NE=2’s unconventional collections draw inspiration from world literature, architecture, cinema and travel. Each range anoints a different city as muse. Whether they’re diving into 1940s Hollywood film noir or Czech cubism, the garments manage to be both androgynous and sultry. Defined by sharp, geometric tailoring and made with naturally-dyed linens, cottons, wool and banana silks, you’d think their stuff would cost a bomb, but it’s surprisingly reasonable. They’ll even custom-fit garments (from any collection) to you personally in their welcoming Athens atelier on Akadimias Street and have it ready in a few days. Should you tire of your purchase—or wear it out—give it back to them and Stella will refashion something new out of it just for you. “We are definitely seeing a shift in Athens towards sustainability,” she says. Price tag: €100-300

  • 26 Akadimias, Historic Centre, 106 71
  • +30 212 106 4925

Everything adds up when you shop at 2WO+1NE=.

Photo: Orestis Seferoglou

If it fits, I sits.

Signature look: Organic, custom made and one-of-a-kind, versatile designs with no a-gender. What’s the story: This compact clothes store on Proklou Street switched up the local landscape when it landed amid the car repair shops and accounting offices in the summer of 2019. Kitted out with a mezzanine atelier, Kleopatra Kioulpekian and Dimitris Paraskevopoulos’ shared vision is to side-step mass production as much as possible and provide customised fits on-site. “There aren’t two pieces alike in our collections,” says Kleopatra. “Every item is designed and tailored according to our customer’s needs or our themed lines.” Paradi’s fashion focus shifts with each season; recently they’ve leaned into everything from vibrant Brazil and African patterns, to playful geometrical motifs and a gorgeous line inspired by Japanese imagery (drop in on their Instagram to see what you’re missing).

If you plan to be in town for a few days, you can contact Paradi beforehand and arrange a couple of fitting visits before walking away with your new, custom made apparel as the ultimate Athenian style souvenir. That favourite sweater of yours that’s well past its best but you can’t bear to part with? You can get it remade here, even with a fabric of your own choice. As long as it’s not polyester, since ethical and sustainable fashion is key here. Price tag: €90-420

Review by Paul Pervanas

  • 6 Proklou, Pangrati, 116 35
  • +30 210 751 5652

Signature look: Limited edition, exclusive and collectible sneakers at Greece’s first re-sell store. What’s the story: Aftermath opened in Athens in late December 2021, but was conceived much earlier. Owner Nikos Lambrianos spent 48 hours outside Off-White’s store in Mykonos back in 2016 to get his hands on one of his first exclusive sneaker coups: the light blue Nike X Off-White Air Jordan 1, designed by the late Virgil Abloh. They now sit proudly in a case inside his minimally decorated store in downtown Athens. “I’ve sacrificed a lot of things to make this happen,” says the 19-year-old (yep) entrepreneur as he recounts missed late-teen mischiefs. The gamble, however, has paid off. Aftermath is now the go-to boutique for local and international basketball players, tv stars, models and actors who preach the sneaker culture dogma.

Aftermath sells strictly unused, sought-after sneakers, snapped up from around the world, both physically or online, at competitive prices. They’ve also dropped their very first limited collection Aftermath hoodie, with more to follow. “Don’t expect us to match online prices by major players, that’s not fair game for us. But we do keep our prices close to those of every brick and mortar re-sell store in Europe,” says Nikos. But first. Some rules of engagement if you plan on hitting Aftermath: set your sights on a couple of pairs only and try them on gently . Product condition is everything here - much like vinyl records. Have a specific model in mind? Ask away, they might be able to track it down. Price tag: starting at €160

  • 3 Karytsi, Historic Centre, 105 62
  • +30 210 323 7738

The devil is in the (blue) detail.

Expressionist t-shirts at Koukoutsi.

Signature look: My t-shirt is way cooler than yours. What’s the story: When graphic designer and Athenian architecture buff Nikos Mainaris dreamt up a disruptive t-shirt line back in 2005, the result was Koukoutsi. Tired of the stale offerings after the Athens 2004 Olympics, Nikos and business partner Tasos Tzalazidis decided it was time to shake things up. The result: a collection of souvenir t-shirts that people are actually happy to receive. Made from organic cotton or feather-soft bamboo silk, their witty tees capture the essence of contemporary Athens. Particularly popular are urban snapshots, like an Athenian rooftop with a washing line and TV aerial, and arty renderings of Greek myths like Sisyphus with his boulder. Koukoutsi enjoyed a moment on the local street scene during the financial crisis thanks to their Ich bin Ein Athener t-shirts and Athens needs love totes. Their main game is still tees (check out their striking new Divine Bodies range); but they also do jewellery inspired by Greek myths and motifs (we love the Greek coffee earrings) and minimalist prints of architectural landmarks , such as the Rex Theatre and Athens Conservatory . You can also pick up one of Nikos’ one-off collages of his favourite Athens street art, which he mounts on aluminium, ready to hang. “Greece has been a very conservative country,” he says, “but when everything collapsed, we had to express ourselves in different ways.” Price tag: €29-59

  • 81 Skoufa, Kolonaki, 106 80
  • +30 210 361 4060

Signature look: Black is king. Whether it’s ironic “tourist” tees, shiny smocks, or monkish unisex robes (preferably all worn simultaneously). What’s the story: “I haven’t worn colour for about ten years,” says graphic designer Michalis Baboussis, the creative force behind He-m-n-oid, an “anthropological fashion label” that seeks to experiment with gender expression through clothes.

Michalis’ tiny, monochrome boutique is little more than a walk-in wardrobe, with a long drop of silver lamé to change behind. But it anchors the progressive mood of Psirri stoa, a quirky arcade with colourful ribbons and paper lanterns hanging above old-school coffee shops, hip cocktail bars and vintage boutiques. This kindred community of independent retailers, just off touristy Iroon Square, is helping to shape the new fashion narrative of Athens.

“We are like a family; we all have the same spirit,” says Michalis. “If you have a vision, you can do many things from a very small space.”

Michalis mixes up casual street looks—like his culty “tourist” t-shirt—with more formal fabrics like organza (he sourced last season’s remains from neighbourhood fabric suppliers) to make his androgynous, one-of-a-kind ensembles. Fans of He-m-noid include art students, photographers and DJs from Athens’ electronic music scene. “And free-minded tourists who want to feel like locals,” he adds. Price tag: €25 (tees); collection €50-100.

  • 24-26 Pallados, Psirri, 105 54

Tourist or Local? Keep 'em guessing.

Funky feet rule at Ode to Socks.

Ode to Socks

Signature look: Life’s too short to wear boring white socks. What’s the story:  Xenia Vanikioti clearly lives by the Danish hygge credo that happiness can be found in small, pretty things. Her camp and cute fashion socks, emblazoned with emblematic Greek figures like priests and sailors, will add a smile to any outfit. Made from quality Greek cotton and sold in recycled glass jars at her snug Athens showroom in Exarhia , you’ll spot Xenia’s designs on some pretty hip local feet. They’ve also hit the spot with in-the-know tourists, sourcing quirky keepsakes from independent Greek designers. “Fast fashion is out of fashion,” says Xenia, who named her business after a Pablo Neruda poem. Especially in-demand is her Greek merman design (you can also take him home on one of her cuddly tees knitted from sock material). Price tag: €15 (socks) - €70 (knitted tees)

  • 43 Ζoodochou Pigis, Exarchia, 106 81
  • +30 693 898 4371

Signature look: One-of-a-kind trucker caps for an instant dash of street-cred or a novel souvenir from Athens. What’s the story: There’s nothing old hat about the exclusive creations of artist George Tromaras. From his wafer thin shop-cum-studio he paints bold urban artworks by hand on cotton or suede caps. George, who resembles a cross between biker and celebrity chef, is inspired by everything. Conversations with friends, a movie he’s just seen, or an Athenian street tableau. His customised and washable creations are a hit with a high-profile crowd (local sports stars are among his regular customers and he just made a Joaquin Phoenix Joker hat for a famous Greek actor). Choose anything from skulls to sunflowers or Greek icons like Maria Callas. Or customise your own design from your favourite Athens holiday snap or much-loved motto. In summer, there’s a waiting list of about three weeks; otherwise, it’s around 10 days. You can order from George on Facebook or Instagram and he’ll have your hat ready when you come to Athens. Or visit the shop during your stay and he’ll ship your hat back to you. “One of my greatest thrills is seeing a design I’ve made walking down the street towards me,” says George. “Athens often feels like a small village.” Price tag: €25-60

  • 34 Konstantinou Paleologou, Palio Faliro, 175 64
  • +30 210 325 4435

What would your perfect hat have on it?

"Sink into a flea market-find leather armchair, framed by pot plants and vintage Alekos Fassianos prints, and enjoy a Greek coffee brewed by their barista."

Dangerous minds.

Signature look: Loose and sassy kit for the forever young and rebellious that pays homage to the brand-aware skate scene. Think oversized graphic tees, revved up Vans sneakers and roomy hoodies. What’s the story: Go to check out the hot international mix of street-rooted wear at Dangerous Minds’ airy store on Mitropoleos Square and you could be hanging out at a cool friend’s pad. Perhaps John Coltrane will be spinning on the record player while you rifle the range of rare-to-score-in-Greece labels like Nicce, Chinatown Market and Pleasures. Sink into a flea market-find leather armchair, framed by pot plants and vintage Alekos Fassianos prints, and enjoy a Greek coffee brewed by their barista. “We wanted to create the essence of an old Athenian apartment and the aesthetic of 1950s-’60s Plaka,” says Dangerous Minds’ Manos Tziaponis.

This two-storey concept store joins the much smaller, original Dangerous Minds outlet on Kolokotroni Street. Opened in 2016, it has a grittier vibe but also stocks extra premium brands like clubbers’ fave Misbhv, Greek street fashion star Me Then and Vivienne Westwood. At both branches, you can pick up iconic street names like Stussy, Vans Rhude and Fila, along with Dangerous Minds’ own limited-run t-shirts and hoodies. Look out for the edgy swimwear (perfect for sunbathing selfies on Athenian rooftops). The Mitropoleos store also carries hip lifestyle props like Korean face masks, sneaker repair kits, and art-house magazines from London. Price tag: €39 (one of their own tees) to €500 (a pair of Misbhv trousers)

  • 34 Kolokotroni, Historic Centre, 105 62
  • +30 210 331 5362


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    Kith. Clothing Store. Open. 11 AM - 9 PM. Kith is one of the most ubiquitous names in streetwear. Founded by Queens native Ronnie Fieg, it has its own clothing range, but Kith is renowned for its collaborations with brands like Nike, New Balance, Asics, Versace, Calvin Klein, Bape, Coca-Cola, Tommy Hilfiger, Levi's, and many more.


    STREET WEAR STORE, Abidjan. 8,716 likes · 14 talking about this. RETROUVEZ TOUTES LES DERNIÈRES TENDANCES ET NOUVEAUTÉS QUI VOUS FONT CRAQUER 100% ORIGINAL CONTACTS:08587158/49490240 Koumassi sicogi 1

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    No surprise then that impromptu pavement parties often erupt on this buzzy, graffiti-strewn strip, with Panayiotis spinning vinyl in-store until 1am. "My concept is to connect the rave subculture of Athens to the street subculture of Athens," he says. Price tag: €10-100. 10 Melanthiou, Psirri, 105 54. +30 694 609 2594.

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    Explicite Streetwear, Geneva, Switzerland. 344 likes · 11 were here. Boutique Hip-Hop: Wicked one, Ecko, Charo, Wrung, Mitchell & Ness, Ünkut, New era...