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Bremen Tourism: Visit the Hanseatic City

The statue of the Bremen Town Musicians.

© WFB / Carina Tank

The Town Musicians of Bremen are not only known world-wide. Their plan of travelling to Bremen is still a really good idea today. Bremen's urban diversity, vibrant culture and laid-back, tolerant atmosphere is what makes the city so fascinating. Bremen is always ready to welcome visitors with open arms, with its almost infinite variety of arts, music, experiences, gastronomic delights and scientific wonders, against the imposing backdrop of a World Heritage site!

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  • Brême en un coup d'œil
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  • Brema a colpo d'occhio

Let's go to Bremen!

Let yourself be carried away by the emerging wanderlust and plan your trip to Bremen to experience the Hanseatic city live and in colour. We have adapted our cancellation conditions for you to facilitate a risk-free booking of your trip and corresponding experiences. Package deals can be cancelled free of charge up to eight days before arrival. Our city tours can be cancelled free of charge up to one day before arrival. Additionally, various hotels even offer free cancellation of bookings up until the day of arrival. Let's go! Start planning your trip to Bremen now!

A smartphone with animated Town Musicians figures is held in front of the statue of the Town Musicians.

Take an exciting tour with Augmented Reality

© WFB / Melanka Helms-Jacobs / Radiusmedia KG

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Bremen for Every Occasion

© WFB / Ingo Wagner

Bremen for...

Tips for planning your visit.

Bremen's always worth a visit, no matter whether you're travelling with your best friend, your partner, the family, a group or on your own. In addition to its multitude of tourist attractions, this vibrant city in the heart of north-west Germany offers cultural and culinary delights, a laid-back Hanseatic atmosphere and an exuberant variety of activities and shopping opportunities. You'll find a wealth of insider tips and useful information to help you get the very best from your trip to Bremen here

The Bremen town musicians

Discounts and special offers

© WFB/ Jonas Ginter

Audio Guide Bremen

Audio Guide

© WFB/Maike Bialek

Donkey, dog, cat and rooster.

Experience Vouchers

Give Bremen as a gift

© Klemm Design/Jonas Ginter

Cyclists on a drop

Getting from A to B Safely

Mobility and traffic

© WFB/Ingo Wagner

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Experience Bremen in a Sustainable Way

Spend eco-friendly and sustainable days in Bremen.

© WFB/Carina Tank

Advice and Useful Information for your Bremen Trip

Would you like personal advice for your trip to or your stay in Bremen? Are you looking for concrete or inspiring tips? Then we from the Bremen Tourism Team are here for you. Whether in conversation or with various publications - here you are always well advised.

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ArtPeeks – ART'N'WALK through the City

Take a walk around and discover Bremen's art in public spaces

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Was ist in der Adventskalender-Karte abgebildet? Regelmäßig werden Informationen zu den Museumsobjekten, die sich hinter den Türchen verbergen, hier veröffentlicht!

Aufgepasst! Es gibt parallel einen analogen Adventskalender vor Ort im Übersee-Museum! Was sich dahinter verbirgt, erfahrt ihr hier:

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Türchen Nr. 24

Buddha im Mönchsgewand, China (19. Jahrhundert); Asien-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 23

Darstellung der Leitbahnen und Einstichpunkte für die Akupunktur in der chinesischen Medizin; Ausstellungsstück vom chinesischen Neujahrsfest

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Türchen Nr. 22

Bärenkostüm vom „Tanz der Teufel“ zu Karnevalsumzügen, Bolivien (2015); Amerika-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 21

Helme und der Hut einer Bäuerin – Sanritsuka, Narita, Japan (um 1980); Spurensuche

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Türchen Nr. 20

Ölgemälde des Firmengründers Anton Friedrich Carl Melchers (1781-1854); Asien-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 19

Gotteslachs, weltweit in gemäßigten und tropischen Meeren verbreitet; Ozeanien-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 18

Lij Iyasu von Walda Mika`el, Äthiopien; Afrika-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 17

malanggan -Schnitzerei aus Neuirland, Papua Neuguinea; Ozeanien-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 16

Australopithecus afarensis (Vormensch) im Kleindiorama; Afrika-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 15

Diorama des australischen Trauerschwans; Spurensuche

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Türchen Nr. 14

Hofstaat eines Herrschers, Reiter mit Pferdeknechten – Tonfiguren aus China (8.-9. Jahrhundert); Asien-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 13

Keramik und Porzellanwaren aus China; Schaumagazin, 3. Obergeschoss: Völkerkunde Asien

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Türchen Nr. 12

Thanams Sweets, Snacks & Gewürze (auf dem Markt von Madurai); Asien-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 11

Peking Oper (Jingju) – Stars und Multitalente (18. Jahrhundert); Asien-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 10

Glänzender Blatthornkäfer; Amerika-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 9

Koiteich neben dem Japanischen Teehaus; 2. Lichthof

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Türchen Nr. 8

Koi-Nobori, japanische Karpfenbanner über „Asien“ im zweiten Lichthof; 2. Lichthof

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Türchen Nr. 7

Qibla (Gebetsnische) ausgerichtet nach Mekka; Asien-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 6

Aus Papiermaché oder Ton: Skelett-Figuren und Lebensbaumleuchter aus dem mexikanischen Totenkult; Amerika-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 5

Pfau im Tigerdiorama. Der Pfau flüchtet vor dem Tiger, was ihm trotz seines ausladenden Gefieders gelingt; Asien-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 4

Karolinasittich mit ursprünglicher Heimat in Nordamerika; Amerika-Ausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 3

Tabak (Zigaretten, Zigarren) aus Deutschland, Europa; Schaumagazin, 4. Obergeschoss: Handelskunde

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Türchen Nr. 2

Der grüne Papageifisch zerkleinert das Korallenmaterial; Korallenausstellung

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Türchen Nr. 1

Hartmann-Bergzebra; Afrika-Ausstellung

  • Leider ist dein Warenkorb leer.

Bremer Box

Adventskalender aus Bremen

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Home » Destinations » Europe » Germany » 25 Fascinating Things To Do in Bremen, Germany

25 Fascinating Things To Do in Bremen, Germany

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Things to do in Bremen

Let’s Explore Some Awesome Things to Do in Bremen, Germany!

Is Bremen, Germany worth visiting? We think the answer is yes! From the gorgeous old town to the riverside walk, there are plenty of reasons to check out this German city.

You might have even heard of a few of the top attractions in Bremen – like the Bremen Roland statue or even the Bremen Christmas markets?

We got to explore the city over the course of a day trip and actually full-on considered moving there. Dead serious.

It’s just so livable and beautiful that we couldn’t help but wonder what life would be like there.

Bremen’s location just a few hours from Hamburg means that you should make it down once you are done with all the great things to do in Hamburg .

In any case, there are plenty of free, paid, and unusual things to do in Bremen – from exploring museums to rubbing donkey statues for luck (seriously). So, here are some great ideas for things to do and see in Bremen!

If you want to see what Bremen looks like, you can watch a short video on our YouTube Channel here !

Table of Contents

Top Things to Do and See in Bremen, Germany

Okay, so here we are with the things to do and see in Bremen! Now, keep in mind that this list is pretty extensive but not complete.

That said, it definitely includes the top sights in the historic centre (which we loved) with a few of the lesser-known museums, attractions, and areas that we got to check out.

We had an amazing time exploring Bremen and we want to get back soon to see the rest of the city!

Bremen Marktplatz

old town market square with houses and city hall bremen things to do

If you are heading to Bremen, there is no better place to begin your adventure than at the main Marktplatz.

This open square is home to many of the top attractions, important architectural buildings, and an amazing city atmosphere that you should experience – from the Town Hall to Bremen Roland, the Cathedral, and more.

There is a TON to learn about in the Marktplatz alone, so consider a Bremen Old Town walking tour to learn all about the little details that you might miss on your own.

coffee and cake slices on table bremen

We ended up having a coffee and cake at Beck’s Bistro – a restaurant/cafe with loads of seating right on the square.

That said, there are cafes all over the place so just have a look at the menus and choose a spot you like. We wanted to sit in the sunshine so this one made the most sense for the time of day we visited.

white and gold building on old market square bremen germany

As we sat, we just got to enjoy the world around us. From the historic houses behind us (now cafes) to the  Haus Schütting to out left, it’s almost overwhelming how pretty the square is.

Fun Fact: the Haus Schütting  (in the photo above) served as a guild house for merchants and tradesmen. It was built and rebuilt (burned down in 1944) over the centuries.

water in fountain with horses and trees behind bremen

The whole square is also home to some impressive fountains, sculptures, and other little points of interest. You can find them scattered around the place.

We really liked the Neptunbrunnen which you can see above. The Marcus-Brunnen (near the entrance to the main shopping street) was neat to see, too.

Address: Am Markt 2, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Explore Bremen Like a Pro!  Get a Bremen Erlebniscard  – for transit pass and discounts on attractions!

Bremen Town Hall

historic town hall with cathedral tower behind bremen germany

Also known as the Bremen Rathaus, the historic town hall in Bremen is definitely one of the reasons people stop in for a visit. Originally built over 600 years ago, this Town Hall is quite the sight.

Known for its famed Upper Town Hall and Golden Chamber – it’s no wonder it draws so many visitors. The Town Hall is extra important to a city like Bremen – given the city’s mandate to remain largely autonomous for centuries.

The current version of the Town Hall was actually redone in the 1600s in a Renaissance style – that’s what you can see today.

In fact, there are little dates above the right and left top windows which put a time stamp on the exterior design.

Because of the rich history and beautiful architecture, the Town Hall was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004 (along with the Roland Statue and the Marktplatz, in general).

Today, you can go inside (book a spot below), and there’s even a restaurant (Ratskeller) in the vintage wine cellar below the Town Hall.

The entrance is just to the left of the front. You can  book a guided tour through the English version of the tourism website for Bremen here .

Address: Am Markt 21, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Bremen Roland Statue

stone statue in german town square with blue sky things to do in bremen

“Roland” statues mean a lot to medieval cities in Germany. Built back in 1404, Bremen’s stone Roland statue has a very significant meaning to the city to this day!

Think of the statue as Bremen’s version of the “Statue of Liberty”. As the legend goes, Roland – depicted as a knight (a noble figure of the Medieval Ages) was erected in cities to reinforce their belief for preserving/upholding a city’s freedoms and market rights.

Bremen’s Roland was built to face the Cathedral – a direct “stand-off” with the seat of the archbishops of the time (who imposed rule on the city).

Things have cooled off these days and in 2004 Bremen’s Roland was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Today, the statue can be seen with a crowd gathered – taking photographs and learning about its history. The location directly in front of the Town Hall helps with the popularity, though.

Address: Am Markt, 28195 Bremen, Germany

The “Town Musicians of Bremen”

statue of animals on top of one another in old town bremen germany

If you visit Bremen, you might see artwork in shops or tourist takeaways that feature a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster.

Confused yet? You shouldn’t be! Bremen is the setting for a fairy tale by the famous German writers – the Brothers Grimm.

One of their childhood tales is about those animals as they become musicians and head for the city of Bremen. The tale was from centuries before but the Brothers’ Grimm published it in 1819.

Today, you can’t visit Bremen without checking in with the four animals at the famous sculpture located to the left of the Town Hall if you are facing it.

Completed in 1953, apparently it’s good luck to touch the donkey’s nose or touch his legs which Lisa had to try.

There’s also a circle plaque and coin slot in the main square (literally in the cobblestone ground) where you can drop money to hear the animals make their sounds!

If you want to learn more about the folklore of the animals, the connection to Bremen, and the history of the old town itself, you can join a “Musicians of Bremen” historic walking tour !

Address: Schoppensteel 1, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Bremen Cathedral

two towers of cathedral on bremen germany with blue sky behind

Also called the St. Petri Dom Bremen, the Bremen Cathedral is definitely one of the top sights in the city.

Named after St. Peter, the cathedral has a very long history – one that would be way too complicated to get into in this post.

Just know that an original timber building was built back in 789. Since then, it’s been changed, rebuilt in the current form in the 13th century, been damaged by fire, age, WWII bombing, and more.

Parts have been added, removed, changed, and renovated into the structure you see today!

green statue of man on horse beside bremen dom things to do

Of course, we can’t do a visit to the Cathedral justice – so it’s best to go and see the inside for yourself.

The Cathedral offers many different areas like its 5 organs, and tombs and crypts that have famous German figured buried there.

There’s an interior Bible Garden and you can even check out one of the towers (for a small fee) in the summer months!

sun rays shine on brick walls and old windows of cathedral bremen germany

Tucked away behind the cathedral, you can find the Cathedral Museum.

Opened in 1987, you can learn about the history of the Cathedral through medieval paintings, sculptures, and other important artefacts.

There’s more than one room to check out so it’s worth the time if you’re interested in Bremen history. You can learn more about visiting the Museum here !

Address: Sandstraße 10-12, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Church of Our Lady

old church with tiny wooden framed house beside bremen germany things to do

Also known as the “Kirche Unser Lieben Frauen”, this smaller church tucked away behind the Town Hall on the market square is still pretty important!

The original building was built back in the 11th century. Since the crypt still exists in the church today, the “Church of Our Lady” is actually the oldest surviving church in the city!

The outside structure you see today was created in the 13th century – much like the Bremen Cathedral.

You can visit the church and check out its stunning features – including statues on the exterior, beautiful old murals on the inside dating from the 14th century, and even a crypt.

Address: Unser Lieben Frauen Kirchhof 27, 28195 Bremen, Germany


old timbre houses down alleyway in bremen germany

If you want to wander around an area of Bremen and feel like you have been transported back in time to the Middle Ages (15th century), then head to Schnoorviertel!

Also known as the Schnoor Quarter, this historic area is home to classic winding alleyways and wood-timbered houses that date back to as early as the Medieval Ages.

The area was associated with shipping – producing ropes, cables, and anchor chains.

timbered small houses down small alleyway in bremen germany

However, most houses you see today were built in the 17th and 18th centuries. Luckily, much of the area was undamaged by bombing in World War II which is why it’s so well preserved.

Today, the whole quarter is lined with shops, galleries, cafes, restaurants, and even a tiny, tiny guesthouse which you can stay in !

signs hanging from old shops down small alleyway in bremen things to do

Overall, the area is definitely something you should check out. We loved our wander through. You might even stop for a bite to eat, a coffee, or even a beer – like Beck’s!

If you want to check out the Schnoorviertel and learn all about it from a knowledgeable guide, consider a Schnoor guided walking tour !

Address: Schnoor, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Beck’s Brewery

Speaking of Beck’s, you might not have known that Bremen is actually the home of Beck’s beer!

Founded back in 1873, Beck’s is a beer that is recognizable in many places around the world – and the brewery where it all began is in town!

In fact, it’s just across the river from the Old Town. If you want to learn more about the famous beer, the history of brewing it in Bremen and give it a sip or two, check out a guided tour of Beck’s Brewery .

Address: Am Deich 20, 28199 Bremen, Germany


golden statue with red brick alleyway behind bottcherstrasse breman germany

Another street that catches plenty of attention in Bremen (besides Schnoorviertel) is Böttcherstraße.

Located just off the main market square to the south, this short and narrow street is quite a sight to see.

The street is only about 100 metres long but served as a link between the river and the main square in medieval Bremen.

After it became less important (the main harbour moved), the area was bought and developed in the early 1900s by Ludwig Roselius. There is a mix of architectural styles and materials used along the street.

In fact, the varying architecture used during the inter-war period of the 1930s was a point of contention for Hitler himself.

Today, there are plenty of attractions to check out along the street – as well as just wandering down the street itself.

fountain with candy shop behind in bremen germany

We will dive into a few of the specific top attractions on Böttcherstraße just below.

However, just so you know, there are lots of shops (like the Bremer Bonbon Manufaktur Candy Shop), museums (some more notable than others), bars, and even cafes you can sit at to enjoy the atmosphere.

We loved our wander down the street – everywhere you look there’s something unique to check out!

If you want to learn more about the history and the little details of the street (there are loads!) then check out a guided walking tour of Böttcherstraße .

Address: Böttcherstraße, Bremen

Glockenspiel House

old clock on red brick building in bremen germany

One of those top attractions down Böttcherstraße is the Glockenspiel House.

While the building existed beforehand, the 30 porcelain bells that make up the carillon were added between the building gables in 1934.

Along with the 10 rotating wooden panels that depict famous seafaring explorers and aviators, the bells ring multiple times a day and last for about 8 and a half minutes!

We were there right when it started at 5:00 pm (in April) and there was a small crowd standing in the square below the bells just enjoying the show and music. It was really cool to see… and hear!

Address: Böttcherstraße 4-6, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum

red brick tower in old town alleyway museum bremen

One of the other more notable museums along Böttcherstraße is the Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum.

Opened back in 1927, the museum was done in Brick Expressionist architecture – a very important example of that style to this day.

Even cooler, the museum was the first museum in the world devoted to a female artist!

Known for her role in early Expressionist painting, Hitler called it “degenerate art” and could have had it destroyed – but didn’t.

These days, there are more works by other artists which you can also check out. You can learn more about visiting the museum here .

Address: Böttcherstraße 6-10, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Weserburg Museum of Modern Art

Housed in the middle of the river on the Teerhof peninsula, the Weserburg Museum of Modern Art is a modern and contemporary art museum.

It was originally opened in 1991 and has housed the works of the most influential contemporary artists.

The unique point about the Weserburg is the fact that it’s known as a “collector’s museum” meaning that there is no permanent art collection onsite.

Instead, the works in display/in the exhibits are constantly changing since they come mainly from private collections!

The fact that it’s housed in an old factory building adds to the experience, too. You can learn more about visiting the Weserburg Museum here .

Address: Teerhof 20, 28199 Bremen, Germany

Kunsthalle Bremen

large museum entrance with blue sign in front things to do in bremen

If art is still your main interest, then visiting the top museum in the city should be high on your list!

The Kunsthalle Bremen, built in 1849, has grown and changed a bunch of times to house more and more works of European art.

The museum is located on the “Culture Mile” which also has a whole bunch of other museums, galleries, and theatres on it!

In all, the building has paintings from as early as the 14th century to today and sculptures from a little more recent.

The museum has works from famous painters like Monet, Cézanne, and Paula Modersohn-Becker (who we’ve talked about already!). There’s also a large collection of prints.

Interestingly (and sadly) enough, the building was firebombed in 1942 and some works were lost. The remaining works were spread across Germany in castles and bunkers to protect them.

However, when the Soviets took a castle at the end of the war, they also took works of art with them. To this day, over 1,500 pieces remain missing somewhere across Europe and the globe.

pathway over small pond with green trees around bremen germany

If you wander behind the museum, you can actually find a very tranquil green space with a long pathway over a pond.

If you cross the bridge (in the photo) you end up behind the Kunsthalle where there is a small cafe area.

There were plenty of people hanging out back there enjoying a coffee and other beverages on the hot day we had.

In any case, you can learn more about visiting the Kunsthalle at their official website (in German).

Address: Am Wall 207, 28195 Bremen, Germany

The Schlachte (Weser River Promenade)

pedestrian walkway beside river with blue sky things to do in bremen

If you want to enjoy the sea breeze while in Bremen, the best thing to do is to head down to the river for a walk of the Schlachte – this massively long promenade on the east bank of the Weser River.

We headed down for a walk of just the portion near the Bremen Mitte (city centre/old town) and it was honestly lovely.

The path is plenty wide for walkers, joggers, and even bikes. Then on the hillside there were loads of people enjoying picnics, beverages, and some sunshine! You can even find various boats tied up to the side of the river.

Many of them have been turned into museums, accommodations, theatres (Theaterschiff Bremen), and even clubs (MS Treue)!

Address: Schlachte, Bremen

Overseas Museum

Highlighting various aspects of Natural History, the Bremen Overseas Museum is something to be visited.

Located close to the central train station in a 19th-century building, the museum has a variety of permanent and rotating exhibits from around the globe.

The main purpose of the museum is to highlight three main aspects: Nature, Culture and Trading.

The museum itself is divided up basically into continents/regions of the world which you can explore. It’s basically a way to travel around the world to learn about people, culture, plants, and animals from the comfort of Europe/Bremen!

It’s nice to know that while most exhibits offer information in English, they also offer audio guides in English – and even have guided tours which you can schedule in advance in a number of languages (including English).

You can learn more and plan your visit with the official Overseas Museum website .

Address: Bahnhofsplatz 13, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Theatre am Goetheplatz

white pillars in front of opera house with trees around bremen germany

If you were super into performances and wanted to catch something while you were in Bremen, you might consider checking out the Theatre am Goetheplatz.

Built back in 1913, this Neo-classical style theatre is the main theatre in Bremen and home to the official State Theatre group.

It’s located on the Culture Mile with the other galleries and museums (understandably).

The theatre was actually rebuilt a bunch of times – notably after World War II and then again in the early 2000s to modernize the technical requirements of modern performances.

Performances are in German,  but you can still go and check it out! If you wanted to visit, you can check the website for performances and dates (in German only).

Address: Goetheplatz 1-3, 28203 Bremen, Germany

Gerhard Marcks House

small museum with white pillars at front entrance bremen things to do

If you were inspired by the sculpture of “Town Musicians of Bremen” in the main Marktplatz, then you might want to visit the Gerhard Marcks House/Museum.

This is because he’s the guy who created the famous display of stacked animals!

Opened in 1971, the Gerhard Marcks House holds over 400 sculptures, 1,200 prints, and 12,000 drawings.

As more of a contemporary artist, the museum does a great job of highlighting work across his career. If this kind of art interests you, check out the official website here .

Fun fact: the two buildings (this one and the one below – the Wilhelm Wagenfeld House) were built in 1825 as a prison and a pair of gatehouses.

Up until 1848, they were used to “close” the city at night at the east entrance!

Address: Am Wall 208, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Wilhelm Wagenfeld House

small art gallery with white pillars at roadside bremen germany

Once you are done across the street at the Gerhard Marcks House, you can pop over to the Wilhelm Wagenfeld House.

This smaller museum and exhibition centre is dedicated to showcasing the works of Wilhelm Wagenfeld.

This Bremen-born industrial designer is actually responsible for the way that many household items from the 20th century look! If you want to learn more, you can check out the official website .

Address: Am Wall 209, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Located within the grounds of Rhododendron-Park Bremen (another attraction that can be on this list) Botanika is a nature museum dedicated to learning all about plants from around the world.

These indoor gardens have information on display (in English, too) and even live guides/staff who can tell you about things as you explore through different rooms/climate zones.

Besides plants, onsite at Botanika there are special rotating exhibits, live animals (like rabbits and a butterfly section), a pond filled with koi, and even a cafe/restaurant which you can eat tea/cake at!

If you want to visit Botanika, you can plan a visit with their website !

Address: Deliusweg 40, 28359 Bremen, Germany

Universum Bremen

If interactive museums are more for you (or you are travelling to Bremen with kids), then checking out the Universum Bremen is a must!

With over 300 exhibits to check out (and interact with), there are loads of things to keep you busy. The museum was opened in 2000 and focussed on three main areas of science: Technology, Humans, and Nature!

One of the biggest reasons people visit the museum when they are in Bremen is for the design. The massive metallic-looking building is a mix of a whale or a clamshell.

Whatever you think it looks like, it certainly is eye-catching. The museum is located to the northeast of the city centre but still very much within distance of public transport.

There’s also an outdoor area that has been developed for interaction through even more hands-on exhibits and lovely green space. You can learn more about visiting the Universum Bremen .

Address: Wiener Straße 1A, 28359 Bremen, Germany

Wallanlagen Park

green lawn with tree and statue in front park bremen

If you want to enjoy a bit of green space, then you should check out Wallanlagen.

This park was built back in the 18th century and zigzags across the north end of the Old Town featuring a moat. Why the odd shape?

The green space was built on the site of Bremen’s old city walls – the ones that once protected the inner city from danger!

These days, there are no enemies threatening the city, so you can stroll the park checking out sculptures, fountains, and animals running about.

It was sunny the day we visited so the whole length of the park was covered in people laying on the grass or getting some exercise along the various paths.

If you follow the park long enough, you’ll end up crossing paths with the Windmill – which we’ll get to right below!

The Am Wall Windmill

windmill with colourful flowers and grass in front things to do bremen

Known as the “Mühle Am Wall” in German, this historic windmill is quite a sight to see.

At first, we drove past and saw the amazing flowers and then noticed the windmill behind them. Naturally, we had to visit later in the day – and we are glad we did!

Originally built back in 1699, various versions of this “Dutch-style” windmill have been damaged or burnt down over the years.

The current building you see today is from 1898. Today, you can visit the inside and grab a bite to eat because there’s a restaurant inside it. You can visit the website for it here .

On that note, if you walk about the garden paths and photograph the flowers and scenery, please don’t trample on or pick the flowers.

We were honestly disgusted with how many people were just walking into the flower beds to get the perfect photos.

We even saw more than one person (children and adults!) with a full-on bouquet of freshly picked flowers to take with them.

If everyone does that, there would be no flowers left – so just enjoy the place with your hands-off.

Address: Am Wall 212, 28195 Bremen, Germany

The Ehrenmal Memorial on the Altmannshöhe + Views

red brick memorial with iron gate in bremen park

Close by to the back of the Kunsthalle, you will find a small hill. If you climb it, you will see this giant red circle.

We sure did – and we got curious – so we went. Turns out, these bricks are part of an open-air memorial.

Opened in 1935, you can find the names of 10,000 German soldiers from Bremen alone who died in World War 1. There’s nothing to do there – it’s just fascinating to see.

views of river and trees from above lookout bremen germany

The real gem is if you turn around from the memorial. Since you climbed a hill close to the river, you are greeted by a bunch of nice benches and a great view of the street, river walk, and river below!

We sat up there for some time – others came and went while we sat, just admiring the views. Overall, a pretty good little side hike!

Speicher XI Dockland Museum

Located in an old cotton warehouse over in the port area known as Überseestadt, the Dockland Museum is one way to blast through 120 years of seafaring history!

The development of Bremen has a vital connection to the river, so the museum itself is fascinating by presenting the port’s history through various exhibits.

You can learn about the building of the port, the jobs that the locals have worked over the years, and even see what life was like living on a ship back in the day.

So, if history is your thing, you can plan a visit and learn more at the official website . You should also check out the Überseestadt area while you are over there since there’s loads to see and it’s further from the historic centre!

Address: Am Speicher XI 1, 28217 Bremen, Germany

Valentin Submarine Pens

If World War II history is what you want to keep exploring, then head to the Valentin Submarine factory (or what’s left of it).

Towards the end of the war, the bombing had basically halted the production of U-boats so this massive concrete structure was erected.

This shelter was built (through slave labour) between 1943 and 1945 – and it was designed to build and protect German U-boats (submarines) from bombing.

Though it was just months from completion, it was the biggest U-boat factory (that was fortified) in Germany.

These days, visitors can head far up the Weser River to the northwest of the Bremen Old Town and walk the path through the grounds and into the actual bunker.

You can go on a self-guided tour which takes you by the memorial for those who faced “Extermination through Work”, and then by 25 other information stations.

The Information Centre gives you even more information about the history of the area. Admission to the grounds is free and you can pick up an audio guide (in English and German) for a deposit.

You can even book a tour in advance of your visit for a small fee. You can learn all about visiting the Submarine Pens at this website .

Address: Rekumer Siel, 28777 Bremen, Germany

Things to Consider When Visiting Bremen

If you plan on checking out Bremen for a few days or just a day trip, here are a few things you should know – from getting there to getting around the city.

In case you love the city so much that you want to stick around, we’ve even got you covered for where to stay in Bremen!

How to Get to Bremen

Fun Fact: Bremen (along with Bremerhaven to the north) is actually its own state in Germany called the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen.

It’s the smallest of the German states but still counts! Bremen is located in the northwest of Germany about one hour 15 minutes southwest of Hamburg and about 2 hours north of Bielefeld.

If you are renting a car , the drive to Bremen is relatively simple – and there is plenty of parking downtown (as we experienced).

Another great way to get to Bremen is by train. It’s no secret that Germany has a great rail system and the central station in Bremen is just northeast of the old town/city centre.

You can check the train schedules at the DB Website – we use it (and the DB app) for trip planning literally every week.

Another form of transport you can take to Bremen is the bus. Again, taking a coach bus across Germany is really easy with lots of great connections to even the smallest of cities. You can check the bus connections on the Flixbus website .

Getting Around in Bremen

Once you are in Bremen, there are many options for getting around the city. The easiest is to just walk since the city centre is fairly flat and pretty accessible/compact.

The only difficulties for someone with mobility impairment are the cobblestones and/or green spaces you’ll find scattered around the city.

For the most part, there are good sidewalks and paths throughout these spaces. The river even has a nice wide walkway (mentioned below!).

If you want to reach things to do in Bremen that are farther from the centre or along the river, you can easily take public transit.

The system is made up of buses and trams. In fact, the tram runs RIGHT through the historic centre in front of the Town Hall so be careful where you stand to take photos! You can find ticket prices and trip planners for Bremen Transit (BSAG) here .

If you want to use transit and plan on seeing many sights, you might consider getting a Bremen Erlebniscard .

This Bremen pass works as your transit pass for 1 to 3 days and offers discounts at various attractions and places in Bremen. Might be worth looking into if you are exploring for a few days!

Where to Stay in Bremen

hotel entrance with red carpet and bushes things to do in bremen

Given that Bremen is such a popular city to visit and explore, there are plenty of great accommodation options to suit all different travel styles and budgets.

There are quite a few great hotels right in the city centre – so you are just a quick walk from all the top sights and the river! You can check here for Bremen accommodations .

We actually parked at the Radisson Blu (shown above) and walked through the lobby/restaurant – it looked gorgeous.

The hotel is located right in the old town so check out the Radisson Blu for a very central hotel choice.

red brick hotel through trees with blue sky swisshotel bremen

Another place that we stumbled upon is the Swissôtel Bremen.

This hotel is located right by the beautiful Windmill and is just outside the old city walls – making it a quick walk to the historic centre and the Bremen main train station. Check out the Swissôtel Bremen here .

That said, if you are interested in a hostel or a cheap hotel, there is a small handful of places to choose from – so check for hostels in Bremen here .

And there you have it – our rundown of the best things to do in Bremen, Germany! In the end, this is a good list but there are plenty more things to do and see.

They’ve got a pretty good football (soccer) team, you know! As we said, we loved the time we had in the city – and will definitely be back to explore more. Let us know how you liked it!

As always, Happy Bremen Waddlin’, -L&E

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Das Bremer Rathaus und der Bremer Dom bilden das beeindruckende Ensemble unseres Adventskalenders. Das Bremer Rathaus ist das bedeutendste Bauwerk der Gotik in Europa. Hier werden seit über 600 Jahren die politischen Geschicke der ältesten europäischen Stadtrepublik Freie Hansestadt Bremen gestaltet. Das Bremer Rathaus wurde zusammen mit der Bremer Rolandstatue 2004 in die Liste des UNESCO Welterbes aufgenommen. Bremen lernen wir alle in frühester Kindheit kennen, denn die „Bremer Stadtmusikanten“ ist eins der schönsten Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm. Auf unserem Adventskalender haben sich die Bremer Stadtmusianten sowohl auf dem Titelbild als auch hinter den Fensterchen versteckt. Mit viel Liebe zum Detail wurde der Bremer Adventskalender von der Künstlerin gemalt. Die Fensterchen passen sich in die Form der Architektur ein und beinhalten Dinge, die tatsächlich sich an dieser Stelle befinden könnten. Bleiben Sie also schön neugierig.


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  • Town Musicians of Bremen (Bremer Stadtmusikanten)
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    Inspiration für euren Städtetrip. Bremen ist zu jeder Jahreszeit eine Reise wert: Das pulsierende Herz Nordwestdeutschlands erwartet euch mit zahlreichen Sehenswürdigkeiten, kulinarischen und kulturellen Genüssen, hanseatischer Lebensart sowie zahlreichen Gelegenheiten zum Shoppen und vielerlei abwechslungsreichen Aktivitäten.

  8. Adventskalender · Übersee-Museum Bremen

    Was ist in der Adventskalender-Karte abgebildet? Regelmäßig werden Informationen zu den Museumsobjekten, die sich hinter den Türchen verbergen, hier veröffentlicht! Aufgepasst! Es gibt parallel einen analogen Adventskalender vor Ort im Übersee-Museum! Was sich dahinter verbirgt, erfahrt ihr hier: Zur Adventskalenderaktion

  9. 10 Magical Things to do in Bremen, Germany in Winter

    Visiting Old Town Bremen tops our list of things to do in Bremen. Here are 2 famous sights not to be missed: Rathaus: Bremen's gorgeous town hall is a UNESCO World Heritage site and sits surrounded by other absolutely beautiful architectural masterpieces. The main market plaza is a 365-degree visual treat.

  10. Der Bremer Adventskalender für Gourmets!

    Ein Bremer Adventskalender einmal anders. Entdecke die Vielfalt Bremens mit unserer BREMER BOX! Wir präsentieren sorgfältig ausgewählte Spezialitäten von lokalen Manufakturen in einer einzigartigen Zusammenstellung. Von exotischem Bananen-Currysenf bis zu handgemachten Obstbränden - unsere Produkte spiegeln die kulinarische Kreativität ...

  11. Adventskalender aus Bremen: Die Bremer Box!

    Adventskalender aus Bremen. Bremer Delikatessen zu Weihnachten in einer coolen Box! Bremen, eine faszinierende Stadt mit einer reichen kulinarischen Vielfalt und herausragenden Produkten, ist stolz auf ihre zahlreichen Manufakturen, die exzellente Spezialitäten herstellen.

  12. 25 Fascinating Things To Do in Bremen, Germany

    The outside structure you see today was created in the 13th century - much like the Bremen Cathedral. You can visit the church and check out its stunning features - including statues on the exterior, beautiful old murals on the inside dating from the 14th century, and even a crypt. Address: Unser Lieben Frauen Kirchhof 27, 28195 Bremen, Germany

  13. Startseite

    Startseite. Zauber des Advent. Auch dieses Jahr haben wir wieder einen bunten Adventskalender mit unterschiedlichsten Beiträgen aus unserer. Ev. St.-Markus-Gemeinde in Bremen zusammengestellt. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude beim Öffnen der Türchen!

  14. Unsere Adventskalender für Bremen

    Adventskalender Flaschen mit Likör in Bremen. Falls Sie nach einem außergewöhnlichen Adventskalender suchen, haben wir für Sie Adventskalender-Flaschen im Angebot. Diese wunderschön gestalteten Flaschen sind mit köstlichem Wajos Christmas Gin oder Gewürzpflaumen-Likör gefüllt und eignen sich perfekt für einen genussvollen Advent.

  15. Adventskalender

    Historische Adventskalender - Das Original von Brück & Sohn, erstmalig Anfang der 50er Jahre, Adventskalender ohne Schokolade, ... Hier werden seit über 600 Jahren die politischen Geschicke der ältesten europäischen Stadtrepublik Freie Hansestadt Bremen gestaltet. Das Bremer Rathaus wurde zusammen mit der Bremer Rolandstatue 2004 in die ...

  16. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Bremen

    2023. 8. Universum Bremen. 518. Speciality Museums. In Universum® Bremen you go on an extraordinary journey of discovery into the world of science. More than 250 exhibits let you experience and understand scientific phenomena up close and with all your senses. The three subject areas Technology, Humans and Nature are waiting to be explored.

  17. Adventskalender-Shopping

    Womit befülle ich den Adventskalender für Weihnachten? Wir haben euch 24 kleine Geschenkideen für eure Türchen zusammengestellt!

  18. Adventskalender mit Bremer Spezialitäten

    Vorfreude auf Weihnachten Adventskalender mit Bremer Spezialitäten. Adventskalender mit Bremer Spezialitäten. Die gebürtige Stuhrerin Sarah Szymanski gestaltet Adventskalender mit Bremer ...

  19. Geschenke für den Adventskalender

    Der Adventskalender - die Königsaufgabe unter den Geschenkideen. Wir haben für Sie viele Produkte zusammengestellt, die wunderbar in den regionalen, nachhaltigen Kalender mit Herz passen. <3 ... Die leckere Pfefferminzstange gehört zu Bremen wie der Roland und das Rathaus. Seit 1886 werden die Babbeler traditionsgemäß in Handarbeit ...

  20. Naturwissenschaftlicher Adventskalender 2021

    Wir präsentieren in den folgenden Tagen bis Weihnachten zum zweiten Mal unseren naturwissenschaftlichen Adventskalender mit 24 neuen Videos aus den Bereichen...

  21. Upcoming Events For adventskalender in Bremen

    Explore all upcoming adventskalender events in Bremen, find information & tickets for upcoming adventskalender events happening in Bremen.

  22. Adventskalender 2023

    Adventskalender 2023 - Bremen-Gräfin Emma. Breadcrumb. Distrikt 111 - Niedersachsen-Bremen; Adventskalender 2023; Adventskalender 2022. In diesem Bereich finden Sie alles Wissenswerte zu unserem Bremer Adventskalender 2023: klicken Sie bitte auf das Menü oben. Links zu den relevanten Seiten hier. Lions Cookie Disclaimer.

  23. Adventskalender

    Unser Adventskalender für Sie! Freuen Sie sich jeden Tag auf eine schöne Überraschung: Gewinnspiele, Tipps und weihnachtlicher Spaß! ... Institut für Qualitätsentwicklung im Land Bremen (IQHB) Landesinstitut für Schule (LIS) Sofern nicht anders angegeben, stehen die Inhalte dieser Seite unter der Lizenz. Startseite;

  24. Bremen-Adventskalender, Klappkarte mit Umschlag, 24 Türchen mit Bremer

    Bremen-Adventskalender, Klappkarte mit Umschlag, 24 Türchen mit Bremer Lieblingsmotiven. inkl. MwSt zzgl. 5,90 € Versand pro Bestellung. Zusammen mit vorweihnachtlichen Grüßen und dem Porto für Kompaktbrief kann die Karte auch schon direkt verschickt werden. - Klappkarte, 4-seitig, DIN lang, (21 x 10 cm) gedruckt auf Bilderdruck 300 g/qm.