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Don't Go Off Wandering

  • Limp Bizkit


Lyrics submitted by piesupreme

Don't Go Off Wandering Lyrics as written by Leor Dimant John Everett Otto

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

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don't go wandering limp bizkit

This song is about wanting to be with someone, but not being able to, and then when you ARE able to be with them, they have no intrest in you anymore.

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i wouldn't call this a "typical" limpbizkit song lyrically, it's sorta different from the rest. for me, it's about trying to gain attention from someone you love or w/e and that person ignores or just doesn't notice you because they don't want to. and you...are angry, disappointed, pissed off etc.....

it's a very good song tho. kinda melodic. they did a version with serj?? never knew that. cool!

I love it! That's all!

Yeah, this and Nobody like you are the only good ones on the CD.

this is one of my fave Limp Bizkit songs.

where can i get the version with serj tankian????????????!!!!!!

great song, i can really relate to the lyrics

they did this with serj from system? omg i did not know that i must find it, this is my favorete limp song ever

No, you are all wrong, you guys don't have a taste of life. The song means, when you give a fuck, they don't give a fuck. Everybody on this freaking planet only want what he does not have, savvy? If you want something you can't act you want something, you must act you don't. But the emotions of Fred Durst, is because he loves, he cares, but that doesn't work! So he says that girl don't have no feelings at all! Savvy?

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Liking a girl but she doesnt like you back?

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  1. Limp Bizkit

    Look at me now, everything is gone. I can't seem to do anything right but I. figured out why you don't let me inside because. You don't feel nothing at all. You don't feel nothing at all. You (you) need (need) nothing from me now. So you (you) think (think) I'm useless to you now. But I (I) need (need) one thing from you now.

  2. The Meaning Behind The Song: Don’t Go Off Wandering by Limp

    In conclusion, “Don’t Go Off Wandering” by Limp Bizkit is a song that delves into the complexities of relationships, unrequited love, and the pain of emotional detachment. The lyrics and powerful vocals capture the raw emotions associated with these experiences, allowing listeners to find solace and understanding in their own struggles.