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to go from one place to another, as by car, train, plane, or ship; take a trip; journey : to travel for pleasure.

to move or go from one place or point to another.

to proceed or advance in any way.

to go from place to place as a representative of a business firm.

to associate or consort: He travels in a wealthy crowd.

Informal . to move with speed.

to pass, or be transmitted, as light or sound.

Basketball . (of a player in possession of the ball) to take more than two steps without dribbling or passing the ball.

to move in a fixed course, as a piece of mechanism.

to travel, journey, or pass through or over, as a country or road.

to journey or traverse (a specified distance): We traveled a hundred miles.

to cause to journey; ship : to travel logs downriver.

the act of traveling; journeying, especially to distant places: to travel to other planets.

journeys ; wanderings : to set out on one's travels.

journeys as the subject of a written account or literary work: a book of travels.

such an account or work.

the coming and going of persons or conveyances along a way of passage; traffic : an increase in travel on state roads.

Basketball . an instance of traveling with the ball.

Machinery .

the complete movement of a moving part, especially a reciprocating part, in one direction, or the distance traversed; stroke.

length of stroke.

movement or passage in general: to reduce the travel of food from kitchen to table.

used or designed for use while traveling: a travel alarm clock.

Origin of travel

Usage note for travel, other words from travel.

  • trav·el·a·ble, adjective
  • non·trav·el·ing, adjective
  • non·trav·el·ling, adjective
  • outtravel, verb (used with object), out·trav·eled, out·trav·el·ing or ( especially British ) out·trav·elled, out·trav·el·ling.
  • pre·trav·el, noun, verb, pre·trav·eled, pre·trav·el·ing or ( especially British ) pre·trav·elled, pre·trav·el·ling.
  • un·trav·el·ing, adjective
  • un·trav·el·ling, adjective

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use travel in a sentence

Separately, workers of state-owned companies traveling overseas were also allowed to take one of the two Sinopharm vaccines in June.

He stated that most of those people were stopped by US officials at airports, and Nielsen agreed, adding that some are stopped even before they travel .

Instead, Hanage said, the neat curve turned out to reflect extreme lockdowns and stringent travel restrictions — things the United States was not prepared to choose for itself.

You may think that flatwater canoe trips are the car camping of backcountry travel options.

Namely, the desire to travel and leave the confines of our homes after months of quarantine and self-isolation.

Capaldi said the nature of the character—a time-travelling alien—meant his successor could take any form.

Ahmed, released on bail, managed to avoid being in court for the verdict and is now “travelling” constantly to avoid re-arrest.

Leila is not the only one who finds joy in drinking an alcoholic beverage when travelling outside Iran.

Travelling to France, it now seems ludicrous that anyone could have opposed such a convenient route.

The site advises recruits to “improve your physical fitness” before travelling to Kiev.

I hate to be long at my toilette at any time; but to delay much in such a matter while travelling is folly.

To think,” said the younger Englishwoman to her sister, “of this wee mite travelling about in an open motor!

The motherly woman received the babe instinctively and cast aside the travelling-rug in which he was enveloped.

Progress: an old term for the travelling of the sovereign to different parts of his country.

It is a great thing for the musical education of the country to have such an organization travelling every winter.

British Dictionary definitions for travel

/ ( ˈtræv ə l ) /

to go, move, or journey from one place to another : he travels to improve his mind ; she travelled across France

(tr) to go, move, or journey through or across (an area, region, etc) : he travelled the country

to go, move, or cover a specified or unspecified distance

to go from place to place as a salesman : to travel in textiles

(esp of perishable goods) to withstand a journey

(of light, sound, etc) to be transmitted or move : the sound travelled for miles

to progress or advance

basketball to take an excessive number of steps while holding the ball

(of part of a mechanism) to move in a fixed predetermined path

informal to move rapidly : that car certainly travels

( often foll by with) informal to be in the company (of); associate

the act of travelling

( as modifier ) : a travel brochure Related adjective: itinerant

(usually plural) a tour or journey

the distance moved by a mechanical part, such as the stroke of a piston

movement or passage

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Traveling vs. Travelling: Which One Should You Use?

By: Author Oliver

Posted on Last updated: September 5, 2023

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Are you confused about whether to spell it as “traveling” or “travelling”? Do you find yourself switching between the two spellings, unsure which one is correct? You’re not alone! The difference in spelling between “traveling” and “travelling” can be confusing, especially for those who are not native English speakers. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between these two spellings and help you understand when to use each one.

Traveling vs. Travelling

Traveling vs. Travelling: Which One Should You Use?

Traveling vs. Travelling: The Differences

Traveling vs. travelling | definition.

Travelling and traveling are two spellings of the same word, which means to move from one place to another. The only difference between them is the way they are spelled. Travelling is the preferred spelling in British English, while traveling is the preferred spelling in American English.

Traveling vs. Travelling | Usage

The choice between traveling and travelling depends on the region where you are writing or speaking. If you are writing for an American audience, use traveling. If you are writing for a British audience, use travelling. However, it is worth noting that both spellings are acceptable in both regions, and there is no right or wrong choice.

Key Differences between Travelling and Traveling in a Comparing Table

It’s important to note that the differences between travelling and traveling are minor and do not affect the meaning of the word. Both spellings refer to the same action of moving from one place to another.

Traveling vs. Travelling Examples

When it comes to the spelling of the present participle of the verb “travel,” there are two different spellings: “travelling” and “traveling.” The spelling you choose depends on which English you are using, British or American.

Correct Usage in Different Contexts

In British English, “travelling” with two “Ls” is the standard spelling, while in American English, “traveling” with one “L” is preferred. It is important to note that both spellings are correct, and the choice between them is a matter of regional preference.

Examples of Travelling in Sentences

Here are some examples of “travelling” in sentences:

  • I will be travelling to Europe next month.
  • She enjoys travelling to new places.
  • The company reimburses employees for their travelling expenses.

Examples of Traveling in Sentences

Here are some examples of “traveling” in sentences:

  • I will be traveling to Europe next month.
  • She enjoys traveling to new places.
  • The company reimburses employees for their traveling expenses.

As you can see, the meaning of the sentences is not affected by the spelling choice. However, it is important to be consistent in your spelling choice throughout your writing.

Common Mistakes and Misconceptions

When it comes to the spelling of “traveling” and “travelling,” there are a few common mistakes and misconceptions that people often have. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Mistake #1: Thinking That One Spelling Is Always Correct

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to “traveling” and “travelling” is assuming that one spelling is always correct. In reality, both spellings are correct, but they are used in different parts of the world. In the United States, “traveling” is the preferred spelling, while in the United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries, “travelling” is more commonly used.

Mistake #2: Using the Wrong Spelling in the Wrong Context

Another common mistake is using the wrong spelling in the wrong context. For example, if you are writing for an American audience, you should use “traveling,” while if you are writing for a British audience, you should use “travelling.” Using the wrong spelling can make your writing look unprofessional and can even make it difficult for readers to understand what you are trying to say.

Misconception #1: One Spelling Is More Correct Than the Other

Some people believe that one spelling is more correct than the other, but this is not true. Both spellings are equally correct, and it is simply a matter of regional preference. If you are unsure which spelling to use, it is always a good idea to check the audience you are writing for and use the appropriate spelling for that region.

Misconception #2: The Spelling Determines the Meaning

Another misconception is that the spelling of “traveling” or “travelling” determines the meaning of the word. In reality, the spelling has no impact on the meaning of the word. “Traveling” and “travelling” both refer to the act of going from one place to another, regardless of how it is spelled.

To summarize, both “traveling” and “travelling” are correct spellings of the same word. However, they are used in different parts of the world and should be used based on your audience. Remember that the spelling does not determine the meaning of the word, so use the appropriate spelling based on your audience and context.

Tips to Remember the Difference Between Travelling and Traveling

Travelling and traveling are two variations of the same word, and they have the same meaning. The only difference is in their spelling, which is entirely dialectal. However, if you want to use the correct spelling, you need to know which one to use and when.

Here are some tips to help you remember the difference between travelling and traveling:

  • Know your audience : If you are writing for an American audience, use “traveling.” If you are writing for a British audience, use “travelling.”
  • Use a spell checker : If you are unsure which spelling to use, you can use a spell checker to help you. Most spell checkers will give you the correct spelling based on the dialect you have selected.
  • Remember the double “L” : The British spelling of “travelling” has a double “L,” while the American spelling of “traveling” has only one “L.” This is an easy way to remember which spelling to use.
  • Use consistent spelling : If you are writing a document or article, make sure you use the same spelling throughout. This will help to avoid confusion and make your writing look more professional.

Here are some examples of the correct usage of travelling and traveling:

  • I am traveling to New York next week. (American spelling)
  • She enjoys travelling to Europe every summer. (British spelling)
  • The airline offers free Wi-Fi when you are traveling internationally. (American spelling)
  • He has been traveling around Asia for the past six months. (American spelling)

Traveling vs. Travelling Exercises

Do you know the difference between “traveling” and “travelling”? These two words have the same meaning, but they are spelled differently depending on where you are in the world. In this section, we will give you some exercises to help you understand the differences between these two words.

Exercise 1: True or False

Decide if the following statements are true or false.

“Traveling” is the correct spelling in British English.

“Travelling” is the correct spelling in American English.

“Traveling” is more commonly used in the United States.

“Travelling” is more commonly used in the United Kingdom.

Exercise 2: Compare and Contrast

Look at the following table and compare the differences between “traveling” and “travelling”.

As you can see, the only difference between these two words is the spelling. “Traveling” is spelled with one “L” and is more commonly used in the United States, while “travelling” is spelled with two “Ls” and is more commonly used in the United Kingdom.

In conclusion, whether you use “traveling” or “travelling” depends on where you are in the world. It’s important to be aware of these spelling differences so that you can communicate effectively with others.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of traveling?

Traveling provides many benefits, including the opportunity to experience new cultures, meet new people, and learn about different ways of life. It can broaden your perspective and help you gain a better understanding of the world. Traveling can also be a great way to relax, escape from your daily routine, and create lasting memories.

How can I write a good travelling essay?

To write a good traveling essay, you should start by choosing a specific topic or destination that you want to write about. Then, you should conduct research to gather information and details about the place or experience. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the sights, sounds, and experiences you encountered. Finally, make sure to edit and revise your essay to ensure that it is clear, concise, and engaging.

What is Travelling Basketball?

Travelling basketball is a term used to describe youth basketball teams that travel to different locations to compete against other teams. These teams often participate in tournaments and leagues that require them to travel to different cities or states to play.

What is the difference between traveler and traveller?

The difference between traveler and traveller is simply a matter of spelling. Traveler is the American English spelling, while traveller is the British English spelling. Both words refer to a person who travels.

How do you correctly use traveling in a sentence?

Traveling is a present participle that can be used as a verb or an adjective. As a verb, it means to move from one place to another. As an adjective, it describes something related to travel. Here are some examples:

  • I am traveling to Europe next week.
  • The traveling circus is coming to town.
  • The traveling salesman visited several cities in one day.

In summary, traveling and travelling are both correct spellings of the present participle of the verb “travel”. The spelling tends to vary based on whether you’re writing in American or British English. Use the spelling that is appropriate for your audience.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I write a good travelling essay?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is Travelling Basketball?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the difference between traveler and traveller?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the AP Style for travelled or traveled?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

According to the AP Stylebook, both traveled and travelled are acceptable spellings. However, the preferred spelling is traveled, without the extra \"l\". This is the spelling used in American English.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you correctly use traveling in a sentence?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

In summary, traveling and travelling are both correct spellings of the present participle of the verb \"travel\". The spelling tends to vary based on whether you're writing in American or British English. Use the spelling that is appropriate for your audience.

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Definition of travelling noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • The job requires a lot of travelling.
  • a travelling companion
  • He asked if all the travelling was really necessary.
  • Let us know about your travelling arrangements.
  • Please submit your travelling expenses by the end of the month.
  • She enjoys skiing, travelling and music.
  • She was joined in London by her travelling companions.
  • There would be another day of travelling tomorrow.

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Writing by Lisa Shumaker; Editing by Steve Gorman, Daniel Wallis and Bill Berkrot

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Lisa's journalism career spans two decades, and she currently serves as the Americas Day Editor for the Global News Desk. She played a pivotal role in tracking the COVID pandemic and leading initiatives in speed, headline writing and multimedia. She has worked closely with the finance and company news teams on major stories, such as the departures of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and significant developments at Apple, Alphabet, Facebook and Tesla. Her dedication and hard work have been recognized with the 2010 Desk Editor of the Year award and a Journalist of the Year nomination in 2020. Lisa is passionate about visual and long-form storytelling. She holds a degree in both psychology and journalism from Penn State University.

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Synonyms of traveling

  • as in roaming
  • as in touring
  • as in traversing
  • as in flying
  • as in running
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Thesaurus Definition of traveling

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • peripatetic
  • galavanting
  • gallivanting
  • fiddle - footed

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • nonmigratory
  • established

Thesaurus Definition of traveling  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • pilgrimaging
  • peregrinating
  • knocking (about)
  • perambulating
  • road - tripping
  • barnstorming
  • cutting (across)
  • passing (over)
  • proceeding (along)
  • crisscrossing
  • cannonballing
  • accelerating
  • cracking (on)
  • highballing
  • stepping on it
  • getting a move on
  • making tracks
  • shaking a leg
  • hotfooting (it)
  • stepping out
  • outstripping
  • catching up
  • fast - forwarding
  • hanging (around or out)
  • decelerating
  • slowing (down or up)
  • dillydallying
  • associating
  • collaborating
  • fraternizing
  • rubbing elbows (with)
  • keeping company (with)
  • messing around
  • rubbing shoulders (with)
  • befriending
  • taking up with
  • falling in with
  • socializing
  • consociating
  • being friends with
  • cooperating
  • palling (around)
  • getting along
  • affiliating
  • interrelating
  • confederating
  • splitting (up)
  • breaking up
  • cold - shouldering
  • dissociating

Phrases Containing traveling

traveling bag

Articles Related to traveling

woman looking at departures board

Is it ‘traveling’ or...

Is it ‘traveling’ or ‘travelling’?

A tale of two variants

Thesaurus Entries Near traveling

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“Traveling.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/traveling. Accessed 4 Apr. 2024.

More from Merriam-Webster on traveling

Nglish: Translation of traveling for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of traveling for Arabic Speakers

Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about traveling

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Meaning of traveling in English

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  • around Robin Hood's barn idiom
  • communication
  • public transport
  • super-commuting
  • transoceanic
  • well travelled

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  • Solar Eclipse 2024

See the 2024 Solar Eclipse’s Path of Totality

A total solar eclipse is expected to pass through the United States on April 8, 2024, giving stargazers across the country the opportunity to view the celestial phenomenon in which the sun is completely covered by the moon.

The eclipse will enter the U.S. in Texas and exit in Maine. It is the last time a total solar eclipse will be visible in the contiguous United States until 2044.

Here's what to know about the path of the eclipse and where you can see it.

Read More : How Animals and Nature React to an Eclipse

Where can you see the total solar eclipse?

The eclipse will cross through North America, passing over parts of Mexico, the United States, and Canada. 

The eclipse will enter the United States in Texas, and travel through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Small parts of Tennessee and Michigan will also experience the total solar eclipse.

Much of the eclipse's visibility depends on the weather. A cloudy day could prevent visitors from seeing the spectacle altogether.

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When does the solar eclipse start and end?

The solar eclipse will begin in Mexico’s Pacific coast at around 11:07 a.m. PDT. It will exit continental North America on the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada, at 5:16 p.m. NDT.

The longest duration of totality—which is when the moon completely covers the sun — will be 4 minutes, 28 seconds, near Torreón, Mexico. Most places along the path of totality will see a totality duration between 3.5 and 4 minutes.

Read More : The Eclipse Could Bring $1.5 Billion Into States on the Path of Totality

Where’s the best place to see the total solar eclipse?

The best place to witness the event is along the path of totality. Thirteen states will be along the path of totality, and many towns across the country are preparing for the deluge of visitors— planning eclipse watch parties and events in the days leading up to totality.

In Rochester, NY, the Rochester Museum and Science Center is hosting a multi-day festival that includes a range of events and activities. Russellville, Arkansas will host an event with activities including live music, science presentations, tethered hot-air balloon rides, and telescope viewings.

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Write to Simmone Shah at [email protected]

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    travelling meaning, definition, what is travelling: the act or activity of going from one pl...: Learn more.

  12. Travel

    Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. [1] Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements, as in the case of tourism .

  13. Travelling

    Define travelling. travelling synonyms, travelling pronunciation, travelling translation, English dictionary definition of travelling. v. trav·eled , trav·el·ing , trav·els or trav·elled or trav·el·ling v. intr. 1. a. To go from one place to another, as on a trip; journey. b.


    travelling meaning: 1. the activity of making journeys; travel: 2. moving from one place to another, especially to…. Learn more.

  15. Traveling vs Travelling: Which is it?

    A tale of two variants. What to Know. When it comes to spelling the forms of the verb travel, traveled and traveling are more common in the U.S., and travelled and travelling are dominant everywhere else. Spelling is typically clear-cut in modern English: forty unfailingly betrays four; the sweet treat after dinner is spelled dessert, not desert.

  16. Travel

    To travel is the act of going from one place to another, usually a considerable distance. Your daily commute in the morning doesn't generally count as travel. Your trip to Timbuktu? That counts.

  17. Traveling vs. Travelling: Which One Should You Use?

    Traveling vs. Travelling | Definition. Travelling and traveling are two spellings of the same word, which means to move from one place to another. The only difference between them is the way they are spelled. Travelling is the preferred spelling in British English, while traveling is the preferred spelling in American English.


    TRAVELING meaning: 1. US spelling of travelling 2. the activity of making trips; travel: 3. moving from one place to…. Learn more.

  19. travelling noun

    Definition of travelling noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. ... Please submit your travelling expenses by the end of the month. She enjoys skiing, travelling and music.

  20. Traveling

    traveling: 1 n the act of going from one place to another Synonyms: travel , travelling Types: show 56 types... hide 56 types... walk the act of walking somewhere circumnavigation traveling around something (by ship or plane) peregrination traveling or wandering around traversal , traverse travel across roving , vagabondage , wandering ...

  21. Travelling or Traveling

    Travelling and traveling are both correct spellings of the present participle and gerund of the verb "travel," which means "go from one place to another." The spelling depends on whether you use British English or American English. In British English, "travelling" with a double "l" is the most common.; In American English, "traveling" with one "l" is standard.

  22. Baltimore bridge collapse: What happened and what is the death toll

    Work is underway to begin clearing the wreckage of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge a week after a cargo ship crashed into it, sending the span crashing into the harbor and killing six ...

  23. TRAVELING Synonyms: 253 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for TRAVELING: roaming, nomadic, wandering, itinerant, ranging, roving, peripatetic, wayfaring; Antonyms of TRAVELING: resident, stationary, fixed ...


    TRAVELING definition: 1. US spelling of travelling 2. the activity of making trips; travel: 3. moving from one place to…. Learn more.

  25. Solar Eclipse 2024: Path of Totality Map

    April 1, 2024 7:00 AM EDT. A total solar eclipse is expected to pass through the United States on April 8, 2024, giving stargazers across the country the opportunity to view the celestial ...