• Story Writing Guides

12 Hero’s Journey Stages Explained (+ Free Templates)

From zero to hero, the hero’s journey is a popular character development arc used in many stories. In today’s post, we will explain the 12 hero’s journey stages, along with the simple example of Cinderella.

The Hero’s Journey was originally formulated by American writer Joseph Campbell to describe the typical character arc of many classic stories, particularly in the context of mythology and folklore. The original hero’s journey contained 17 steps. Although the hero’s journey has been adapted since then for use in modern fiction, the concept is not limited to literature. It can be applied to any story, video game, film or even music that features an archetypal hero who undergoes a transformation. Common examples of the hero’s journey in popular works include Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games and Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

  • What is the hero's journey?

Stage 1: The Ordinary World

Stage 2: call of adventure, stage 3: refusal of the call, stage 4: meeting the mentor, stage 5: crossing the threshold, stage 6: tests, allies, enemies, stage 7: the approach, stage 8: the ordeal, stage 9: reward, stage 10: the road back, stage 11: resurrection, stage 12: return with the elixir, cinderella example, campbell’s 17-step journey, leeming’s 8-step journey, cousineau’s 8-step journey.

  • Free Hero's Journey Templates

What is the hero’s journey?

The hero’s journey, also known as the monomyth, is a character arc used in many stories. The idea behind it is that heroes undergo a journey that leads them to find their true selves. This is often represented in a series of stages. There are typically 12 stages to the hero’s journey. Each stage represents a change in the hero’s mindset or attitude, which is triggered by an external or internal event. These events cause the hero to overcome a challenge, reach a threshold, and then return to a normal life.

The hero’s journey is a powerful tool for understanding your characters. It can help you decide who they are, what they want, where they came from, and how they will change over time. It can be used to

  • Understand the challenges your characters will face
  • Understand how your characters react to those challenges
  • Help develop your characters’ traits and relationships

Hero's Journey Stages

In this post, we will explain each stage of the hero’s journey, using the example of Cinderella.

You might also be interested in our post on the story mountain or this guide on how to outline a book .

12 Hero’s Journey Stages

The archetypal hero’s journey contains 12 stages and was created by Christopher Vogler. These steps take your main character through an epic struggle that leads to their ultimate triumph or demise. While these steps may seem formulaic at first glance, they actually form a very flexible structure. The hero’s journey is about transformation, not perfection.

Your hero starts out in the ordinary world. He or she is just like every other person in their environment, doing things that are normal for them and experiencing the same struggles and challenges as everyone else. In the ordinary world, the hero feels stuck and confused, so he or she goes on a quest to find a way out of this predicament.

Example: Cinderella’s father passes away and she is now stuck doing chores and taking abuse from her stepsisters and stepmother.

The hero gets his or her first taste of adventure when the call comes. This could be in the form of an encounter with a stranger or someone they know who encourages them to take a leap of faith. This encounter is typically an accident, a series of coincidences that put the hero in the right place at the right time.

Example: An invite arrives inviting the family to a royal ball where the Prince will choose a wife.

Some people will refuse to leave their safe surroundings and live by their own rules. The hero has to overcome the negative influences in order to hear the call again. They also have to deal with any personal doubts that arise from thinking too much about the potential dangers involved in the quest. It is common for the hero to deny their own abilities in this stage and to lack confidence in themselves.

Example: Cinderella accepts the call by making her own dress for the ball. However, her stepmother refuses the call for her by not letting her go to the ball. And her step-sisters ruin her dress, so she can not go.

After hearing the call, the hero begins a relationship with a mentor who helps them learn about themselves and the world. In some cases, the mentor may be someone the hero already knows. The mentor is usually someone who is well-versed in the knowledge that the hero needs to acquire, but who does not judge the hero for their lack of experience.

Example: Cinderella meets her fairy godmother who equips her with everything she needs for the ball, including a dress and a carriage.

The hero leaves their old life behind and enters the unfamiliar new world. The crossing of the threshold symbolises leaving their old self behind and becoming a new person. Sometimes this can include learning a new skill or changing their physical appearance. It can also include a time of wandering, which is an essential part of the hero’s journey.

Example: Cinderella hops into the carriage and heads off to the ball. She has transformed from a servant into an elegant young lady. 

As the hero goes on this journey, they will meet both allies (people who help the hero) and enemies (people who try to stop the hero). There will also be tests, where the hero is tempted to quit, turn back, or become discouraged. The hero must be persistent and resilient to overcome challenges.

Example: At the ball, Cinderella meets the prince, and even see’s her stepmother and stepsister. She dances with Prince all night long making her step-sisters extremely jealous.

The hero now reaches the destination of their journey, in some cases, this is a literal location, such as a cave or castle. It could also be metaphorical, such as the hero having an internal conflict or having to make a difficult decision. In either case, the hero has to confront their deepest fears in this stage with bravery. In some ways, this stage can mark the end of the hero’s journey because the hero must now face their darkest fears and bring them under control. If they do not do this, the hero could be defeated in the final battle and will fail the story.

Example: Cinderella is having a great time at the ball and nearly forgets about the midnight rule. As she runs away in a hurry, her glass slipper falls off outside the palace.

The hero has made it to the final challenge of their journey and now must face all odds and defeat their greatest adversary. Consider this the climax of the story. This could be in the form of a physical battle, a moral dilemma or even an emotional challenge. The hero will look to their allies or mentor for further support and guidance in this ordeal. Whatever happens in this stage could change the rest of the story, either for good or bad. 

Example: Prince Charming looks all over the kingdom for the mysterious girl he met at the ball. He finally visits Cinderella’s house and tries the slippers on the step-sisters. The prince is about to leave and then he sees Cinderella in the corner cleaning.

When the hero has defeated the most powerful and dangerous of adversaries, they will receive their reward. This reward could be an object, a new relationship or even a new piece of knowledge. The reward, which typically comes as a result of the hero’s perseverance and hard work, signifies the end of their journey. Given that the hero has accomplished their goal and served their purpose, it is a time of great success and accomplishment.

Example: The prince tries the glass slipper on Cinderella. The glass slipper fits Cinderella perfectly, and they fall in love.

The journey is now complete, and the hero is now heading back home. As the hero considers their journey and reflects on the lessons they learned along the way, the road back is sometimes marked by a sense of nostalgia or even regret. As they must find their way back to the normal world and reintegrate into their former life, the hero may encounter additional difficulties or tests along the way. It is common for the hero to run into previous adversaries or challenges they believed they had overcome.

Example: Cinderella and Prince Charming head back to the Prince’s castle to get married.

The hero has one final battle to face. At this stage, the hero might have to fight to the death against a much more powerful foe. The hero might even be confronted with their own mortality or their greatest fear. This is usually when the hero’s true personality emerges. This stage is normally symbolised by the hero rising from the dark place and fighting back. This dark place could again be a physical location, such as the underground or a dark cave. It might even be a dark, mental state, such as depression. As the hero rises again, they might change physically or even experience an emotional transformation. 

Example: Cinderella is reborn as a princess. She once again feels the love and happiness that she felt when she was a little girl living with her father.

At the end of the story, the hero returns to the ordinary world and shares the knowledge gained in their journey with their fellow man. This can be done by imparting some form of wisdom, an object of great value or by bringing about a social revolution. In all cases, the hero returns changed and often wiser.

Example: Cinderella and Prince Charming live happily ever after. She uses her new role to punish her stepmother and stepsisters and to revitalise the kingdom.

We have used the example of Cinderella in Vogler’s hero’s journey model below:

a hero's journey circle

Below we have briefly explained the other variations of the hero’s journey arc.

The very first hero’s journey arc was created by Joseph Campbell in 1949. It contained the following 17 steps:

  • The Call to Adventure: The hero receives a call or a reason to go on a journey.
  • Refusal of the Call: The hero does not accept the quest. They worry about their own abilities or fear the journey itself.
  • Supernatural Aid: Someone (the mentor) comes to help the hero and they have supernatural powers, which are usually magical.
  • The Crossing of the First Threshold: A symbolic boundary is crossed by the hero, often after a test. 
  • Belly of the Whale: The point where the hero has the most difficulty making it through.
  • The Road of Trials: In this step, the hero will be tempted and tested by the outside world, with a number of negative experiences.
  • The Meeting with the Goddess: The hero meets someone who can give them the knowledge, power or even items for the journey ahead.
  • Woman as the Temptress: The hero is tempted to go back home or return to their old ways.
  • Atonement with the Father: The hero has to make amends for any wrongdoings they may have done in the past. They need to confront whatever holds them back.
  • Apotheosis: The hero gains some powerful knowledge or grows to a higher level. 
  • The Ultimate Boon: The ultimate boon is the reward for completing all the trials of the quest. The hero achieves their ultimate goal and feels powerful.
  • Refusal of the Return: After collecting their reward, the hero refuses to return to normal life. They want to continue living like gods. 
  • The Magic Flight: The hero escapes with the reward in hand.
  • Rescue from Without: The hero has been hurt and needs help from their allies or guides.
  • The Crossing of the Return Threshold: The hero must come back and learn to integrate with the ordinary world once again.
  • Master of the Two Worlds: The hero shares their wisdom or gifts with the ordinary world. Learning to live in both worlds.
  • Freedom to Live: The hero accepts the new version of themselves and lives happily without fear.

David Adams Leeming later adapted the hero’s journey based on his research of legendary heroes found in mythology. He noted the following steps as a pattern that all heroes in stories follow:

  • Miraculous conception and birth: This is the first trauma that the hero has to deal with. The Hero is often an orphan or abandoned child and therefore faces many hardships early on in life. 
  • Initiation of the hero-child: The child faces their first major challenge. At this point, the challenge is normally won with assistance from someone else.
  • Withdrawal from family or community: The hero runs away and is tempted by negative forces.
  • Trial and quest: A quest finds the hero giving them an opportunity to prove themselves.
  • Death: The hero fails and is left near death or actually does die.
  • Descent into the underworld: The hero rises again from death or their near-death experience.
  • Resurrection and rebirth: The hero learns from the errors of their way and is reborn into a better, wiser being.
  • Ascension, apotheosis, and atonement: The hero gains some powerful knowledge or grows to a higher level (sometimes a god-like level). 

In 1990, Phil Cousineau further adapted the hero’s journey by simplifying the steps from Campbell’s model and rearranging them slightly to suit his own findings of heroes in literature. Again Cousineau’s hero’s journey included 8 steps:

  • The call to adventure: The hero must have a reason to go on an adventure.
  • The road of trials: The hero undergoes a number of tests that help them to transform.
  • The vision quest: Through the quest, the hero learns the errors of their ways and has a realisation of something.
  • The meeting with the goddess: To help the hero someone helps them by giving them some knowledge, power or even items for the journey ahead.
  • The boon: This is the reward for completing the journey.
  • The magic flight: The hero must escape, as the reward is attached to something terrible.
  • The return threshold: The hero must learn to live back in the ordinary world.
  • The master of two worlds: The hero shares their knowledge with the ordinary world and learns to live in both worlds.

As you can see, every version of the hero’s journey is about the main character showing great levels of transformation. Their journey may start and end at the same location, but they have personally evolved as a character in your story. Once a weakling, they now possess the knowledge and skill set to protect their world if needed.

Free Hero’s Journey Templates

Use the free Hero’s journey templates below to practice the skills you learned in this guide! You can either draw or write notes in each of the scene boxes. Once the template is complete, you will have a better idea of how your main character or the hero of your story develops over time:

The storyboard template below is a great way to develop your main character and organise your story:

a hero's journey circle

Did you find this guide on the hero’s journey stages useful? Let us know in the comments below.

Hero’s Journey Stages

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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Hero's Journey: A Guide to Becoming The Hero Of Your Story

Hero's Journey: A Guide to Becoming The Hero Of Your Story

What will your story be.

Be the hero of your story . It’s common advice from motivational speakers and life coaches, a call to arms to take centre stage and tackle life’s challenges head-on, to emerge victorious in the face of adversity, to transform through hardship. 

As humans, hardwired to view the world and share experiences through the medium of stories, myths often act as powerful motivators of change. From ancient cave paintings to the Star Wars and its Death Star to Harry Potter and his battle against evil, the hero’s journey structure is a familiar one. It’s also one you need to know if you want to know how to write a book , but I digress. 

This article will outline the stages, and psychological meaning, of the 12 steps of Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey. So, are you ready to become the hero of your story? Then let the adventure begin...

Who is Joseph Campbell? 

Joseph Campbell was an American professor of literature at Sarah Lawrence College, and an expert of mythology that once spent five years in a rented shack, buried in books for nine hours each day. His greatest contribution is the hero’s journey, outlined in his book The Hero with A Thousand Faces . Campbell was able to synthesise huge volumes of heroic stories, distilling a common structure amongst them.

Near the end of his life, Campbell was interviewed by Bill Moyers in a documentary series exploring his work, The Power of Myth .

Throughout their discussion, Campbell highlighted the importance of myth not just in stories, but in our lives, as symbols to inspire us to flourish and grow to our full potential.

How is the hero’s journey connected to self development?

You might be wondering what storytelling has to do with self-development. Before we dive into the hero’s journey (whether that is a male or a female hero’s journey), context will be useful. Joseph Cambell was heavily inspired by the work of Carl Jung, the groundbreaking psychologist who throughout his life worked on theories such as the shadow, collective unconscious, archetypes, and synchronicity.

Jung’s greatest insight was that the unconscious is a vast, vibrant landscape, yet out sight from the ordinary conscious experience. Jung didn’t only theorize about the unconscious; he provided a huge body of work explaining the language of the unconscious, and the way in which it communicates with the conscious mind.

The nature of the unconscious

Due to its vast nature, the unconscious doesn’t operate like the conscious mind, which is based in language, logic, and rationality. The unconscious instead operates in the imaginal realm — using symbols and meaning that take time to be deciphered and understood consciously. Such symbols surface in dreams, visualizations, daydreams, or fantasies.

For Jung, the creative process is one in which contents of the unconscious mind are brought to light. Enter storytelling and character development — a process of myth-making that somehow captures the truth of deep psychological processes. 

Campbell saw the power of myth in igniting the unconscious will to grow and live a meaningful life. With that in mind, his structure offers a tool of transformation and a way to inspire the unconscious to work towards your own hero’s journey.

The 12 steps of the hero’s journey

The hero’s journey ends where it begins, back at the beginning after a quest of epic proportions. The 12 steps are separated into three acts: 

  • departure (1-5)
  • initiation (5-10)
  • return (10-1)

The hero journeys through the 12 steps in a clockwise fashion. As Campbell explains:

“The usual hero adventure begins with someone from whom something has been taken, or who feels there is something lacking in the normal experience available or permitted to the members of society. The person then takes off on a series of adventures beyond the ordinary, either to recover what has been lost or to discover some life-giving elixir. It’s usually a cycle, a coming and a returning.”

Let’s take a closer look at each of the steps below. Plus, under each is a psychological symbol that describes how the hero’s journey unfolds, and how when the hero ventures forth, he undergoes an inner process of awakening and transformation.

1. The ordinary world

The calm before the storm. The hero is living a standard, mundane life, going about their business unaware of the impending call to adventure. At this point, the hero is portrayed as very, very human. There could be glimpses of their potential, but these circumstances restrict the hero from fulfilling them. Although well within the hero’s comfort zone, at this stage, it’s clear something significant is lacking from their life.

Psychological symbol

This is represented as a stage of ignorance, pre-awakening. Living life by the status quo, on other people’s terms, or simply without questioning if this is what you want. At this point life is lived, but not deeply satisfying.

2. Call to adventure

Next is a disruption, a significant event that threatens the ways things were. This is a challenge that the hero knows deep down will lead to transformation and change, and that the days of normality, “the way things are,” are numbered. The hero confronts the question of being asked to step into their deeper potential, to awaken the power within, and to enter a new, special world.

Many of us embark on inner-journeys following hardship in life — the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, physical or mental illness. This stage occurs when it becomes apparent that, to move through suffering, one has to look within, to adventure into the soul.

3. Refusal of the call

No compelling story would be complete without friction. The hero often resists this call to adventure, as fear and self-doubt surface at full force, and the purpose of this new life direction is questioned. Can the reluctant hero journey forth? Do they have the courage?

The only way to grow and live a deeply fulfilling life is to face the discomfort of suffering. Campbell himself once said: “ The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek .” At this stage, fears, and anxieties about delving deep into the psyche arise. The temptation is to remain blissfully ignorant, to avoid discomfort, and to stay in your familiar world.

4. Meeting a mentor

As the hero faces a crisis of confidence, a wise mentor figure appears.

This character offers inspiration, guidance, or understanding that encourages the hero to have the self-belief to start this new adventure. In many stories, a mentor is someone else who has embarked on the hero’s journey, or someone who attempted, and failed. This person reflects the importance of this mission, reminding the hero their calling far exceeds their fear.

When the journey of exploration has to begin, people or situations enter your life at just the right time, guiding you in the right direction. This could be a close friend, a peer, a professional, such as a coach or therapist, or even a fictional character in a film or book. In most cases, these are chance encounters that contain a sense of knowing before the hero leaves on his or her adventure.

5. Crossing the threshold

This is a pivotal moment in the hero’s journey, as the initiation begins. This occurs when the hero fully commits to their quest, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. This is the point of no return, where the reluctant hero embarks on their adventure, and has accepted that the way things were must change. The hero enters a new zone, one in which the call to adventure must be accepted. The hero’s resolve is hardened, and they understand they have a responsibility to confront what is ahead of them.

Whatever your life was before the call to action, this is a crossroads which is accepted, knowing your life may never be the same. This is a point of empowerment, where you realize that journeying within will lead you to greater self-understanding, even if those insights will dramatically change your life direction. 

6. Test, allies, enemies

Now the hero has ventured outside of their comfort zone, the true test begins. This is a stage of acclimatizing to unknown lands. Unknown forces work against them, as they form bonds with allies who join them along the way, or face formidable enemies or encounters that have to be conquered. Throughout this testing time, the hero will be shaped and molded through adversity, finding deeper meaning in their life and mission.

Once the journey of self-discovery is underway, the initial burst of inspiration might be tested by the difficulty of the task. You might meet people who are able to offer advice or guide you, or those who reflect areas of yourself you have to work on. 

Often, these are inner experiences, in the forms of memories, emotions, or outward tests, such as difficult circumstances that challenge your resolve and commitment to your new life direction.

7. Approach to the inmost cave

Having already crossed the threshold into the unknown and the uncertain, having faced obstacles and enemies, and having begun to utilize their qualities along the way, the next stage is another threshold. 

This is the beating heart of the hero’s challenge, where again self-doubt and fear can arise, as another threshold has to be crossed. This is often a period of respite, giving the hero time to pause and reflect. Will the hero make the leap?

The hero’s journey has ups and downs. There may be quick wins in the beginning — your new life direction may go well, or inner-work may lead you to a new place of calm or confidence. But then, out of nowhere, comes an even bigger challenge, surfacing as a question mark to the person you’ve become. Life often has a way of presenting the right challenges at the right time…

This is the life-or-death moment. This can be a meeting with an ultimate enemy or facing the hero’s deepest fear. There is an awareness that if the hero fails, their new world, or their life, could be destroyed. 

Everything the hero has fought for up to this point, all the lessons learned along the journey, all the hidden potentials actualized, will have to be utilized to survive this supreme ordeal, for the hero to be victorious. Either way, the hero will undergo a form of death, and leave the ordeal forever changed.

There are inner challenges that have to be confronted on the journey of self-discovery. This might be in the form of trauma that has to be confronted and healed, people with whom you have to have difficult conversations, or fears you have to face, actions that in the past you never thought you’d be capable of. But, with the skills you’ve learned along the way, this time you’ll be ready. But it won’t be easy.

9. Reward (seizing the sword)

Through great adversity comes triumph. Having confronted their greatest fear, and survived annihilation, the hero learns a valuable lesson, and is now fully transformed and reborn — with a prize as a reward. 

This object is often symbolized as a treasure, a token, secret knowledge, or reconciliation, such as the return of an old friend or lover. This prize can assist in the return to the ordinary world — but there are still a few steps to come.

When confronting deep inner fears or challenges, you are rewarded with deep insights or breakthroughs. That might be in the form of achieving a significant goal or inwardly having a sense of peace or reconciliation with your past, or moments that have previously felt unresolved. As a spiritual process, this may also be the realization that behind suffering and pain lies freedom or inner peace.

10. The road back

Having traveled into distant, foreign lands and slain the dragon, now it’s time for the hero to make their return journey. This stage mirrors the original call to adventure and represents another threshold. 

The hero may be understanding their new responsibility and the consequences of their actions, and require a catalyst to make the journey back to the ordinary world with their prize.

The hard work has been done, the ultimate fear confronted, new knowledge found. Now, what’s the next step? For many, the initial stages of growth come with a period of renunciation or are symbolized by an outward journey away from home, or away from familiarity. 

Then comes the stage of returning to familiarity, or the things left behind — be it family, friends, locations, or even behaviors that were once loved and sacrificed during the journey.

11. Resurrection

When it appears the hero is out of the woods, there comes a final confrontation — an encounter with death itself. Transformed inwardly and with a personal victory complete, the hero faces a battle that transcends their individual quest, with its consequences far-reaching, for entire communities or even humanity itself. 

This purification solidifies the hero’s rebirth, as their new identity fully emerges just in time to return to the ordinary world.

In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-actualization is secondary to self-transcendence. In other words, once inner battles have been faced, and the alchemy of psychological transformation is underway, the next stage is to apply the newfound insights and knowledge to a bigger cause — supporting others, or standing up a mission that will benefit the wider world.

12. Return with the elixir

Following the final battle, the hero finally returns home. By now, personal transformation is complete, they’re returning home a different person. Having faced indescribable hardship, the hero returns with added wisdom and maturity. The elixir is the treasure they’ve returned with, ready to share with the ordinary world. This could be a sense of hope, freedom, or even a new perspective to assist those originally left behind.

The hero has a new level of self-awareness, seeing the ordinary world through fresh eyes. They’ve left internal conflict behind. There’s an understanding that things will never be the same, but that the hero’s journey was part of their destiny. 

Then comes the ultimate prize: a final reconciliation, acceptance from the community, celebration, redemption. Whatever the prize, there are three elements: change , success , and proof of the journey .

Following a transformative psychic process, there’s an understanding of what is within your control. The “ordinary world” may have many elements that remain the same, but this is accompanied by a realization that when you change, so does your reality. Previously modes of thinking may be replaced, as bridges are built with your past, giving opportunity for a renewed approach to life.

What can we learn from the hero's journey?

At the time of writing this article, I’m in the UK visiting my family for the first time in 18 months. As I walked down paths I’d walked throughout my childhood, I was struck by how much I’ve changed over the years. A passage from T.S Eliot’s poem Little Gidding came to mind:

“We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring. Will be to arrive where we started. And know the place for the first time.”

I reflected on the notion of coming full circle — to begin a journey, outwardly or inwardly, before finding yourself back at the beginning, transformed. In spiritual traditions, the circle is a powerful symbol of timelessness, death and rebirth, totality, and wholeness. Aptly, the 12 steps of the hero’s journey are depicted as a circle. It’s not a coincidence.

What can we learn from the hero’s journey? In a way, it is similar to the writer’s journey. Above all else, it’s a reminder that we each within us have a purpose, a quest and a mission in this life that can and will invoke our truest potential. The path isn’t easy — there are many, many challenges along the way. But at the right time, people and situations will come to our aid.

If you’re able to confront the mission head-on and take bold steps along the way — just like all the heroes of fiction before you, from Shakespeare’s characters to Luke Skywalker and Rey from the universe brought to us by George Lucas —  then you will be transformed, and then you can return to where you started, reborn, ready to share your gifts and your lessons with the world.

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Due to the immediate nature of the matter, Karbowski made it her number one priority to save this elderly woman from homelessness. Fortunately, the settlement of the property was still one week away so her elderly client still had time to cancel the sale of her house. But she wasn't finished with her just yet.

Hand-in-hand Karbowski walked her client over to the Liverpool Police Station. She encouraged her to report the crime, ensuring that the necessary steps were taken to protect her client from further harm.

As Marlena Karbowski spoke to the elderly woman, a single question made the whole puzzle come into focus. With a gentle, unassuming voice, Karbowski asked, “When was the last time he took you out for coffee?” The silence that followed was more revealing than any words could be. The elderly woman’s eyes flickered with the painful realization that she had never actually met her "boyfriend" in person. In that moment, it all became clear to both of them.

"We cried together. We care and when we see those red flags, we act.” - Marlena Karbowski

Karbowski knew this was the turning point. It wasn’t just about money or property; it was about unraveling the emotional manipulation and lies that had ensnared her client. The air in the room grew heavier as they sat together, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. Karbowski offered a comforting presence as the elderly woman processed the truth, tears welling in her eyes.

This simple question was the key to unlocking a story of betrayal that had been expertly woven by the scammer. Karbowski's instincts had paid off, and she was ready to guide her client through the difficult steps that would follow.

Do You Think a Loved One Is Involved in a Romance Scam? Here Are a Few Simple Tips:

  • Trust Your Instincts : Sometimes, our gut feelings speak louder than words. If something feels off, don't ignore it.
  • Ask Probing Questions: Delve deeper into their story with gentle inquiries that encourage honesty and reflection.
  • Verify Information: Empower them to verify the identity of their online partner through simple checks and searches.
  • Seek Support: Let them know they're not alone. Connect them with resources and support networks that offer guidance and assistance.
  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect foul play, don't hesitate to reach out to the authorities or financial institutions for help. Together, we can protect our loved ones from the pitfalls of online deception.

Why Setting Relationship Goals Is Important - And How to Do It

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a hero's journey circle

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a hero's journey circle


The hero's journey: a story structure as old as time, the hero's journey offers a powerful framework for creating quest-based stories emphasizing self-transformation..

Nicholas Cage as Benjamin Gates in Disney's National Treasure, next to a portrait of mythologist, Joseph Campbell.

Table of Contents

a hero's journey circle

Holding out for a hero to take your story to the next level? 

The Hero’s Journey might be just what you’ve been looking for. Created by Joseph Campbell, this narrative framework packs mythic storytelling into a series of steps across three acts, each representing a crucial phase in a character's transformative journey.

Challenge . Growth . Triumph .

Whether you're penning a novel, screenplay, or video game, The Hero’s Journey is a tried-and-tested blueprint for crafting epic stories that transcend time and culture. Let’s explore the steps together and kickstart your next masterpiece.

What is the Hero’s Journey?

The Hero’s Journey is a famous template for storytelling, mapping a hero's adventurous quest through trials and tribulations to ultimate transformation. 

a hero's journey circle

What are the Origins of the Hero’s Journey?

The Hero’s Journey was invented by Campbell in his seminal 1949 work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces , where he introduces the concept of the "monomyth."

A comparative mythologist by trade, Campbell studied myths from cultures around the world and identified a common pattern in their narratives. He proposed that all mythic narratives are variations of a single, universal story, structured around a hero's adventure, trials, and eventual triumph.

His work unveiled the archetypal hero’s path as a mirror to humanity’s commonly shared experiences and aspirations. It was subsequently named one of the All-Time 100 Nonfiction Books by TIME in 2011.

How are the Hero’s and Heroine’s Journeys Different? 

While both the Hero's and Heroine's Journeys share the theme of transformation, they diverge in their focus and execution.

The Hero’s Journey, as outlined by Campbell, emphasizes external challenges and a quest for physical or metaphorical treasures. In contrast, Murdock's Heroine’s Journey, explores internal landscapes, focusing on personal reconciliation, emotional growth, and the path to self-actualization.

In short, heroes seek to conquer the world, while heroines seek to transform their own lives; but…

Twelve Steps of the Hero’s Journey

So influential was Campbell’s monomyth theory that it's been used as the basis for some of the largest franchises of our generation: The Lord of the Rings , Harry Potter ...and George Lucas even cited it as a direct influence on Star Wars .

There are, in fact, several variations of the Hero's Journey, which we discuss further below. But for this breakdown, we'll use the twelve-step version outlined by Christopher Vogler in his book, The Writer's Journey (seemingly now out of print, unfortunately).

a hero's journey circle

You probably already know the above stories pretty well so we’ll unpack the twelve steps of the Hero's Journey using Ben Gates’ journey in National Treasure as a case study—because what is more heroic than saving the Declaration of Independence from a bunch of goons?

Ye be warned: Spoilers ahead!

Act One: Departure

Step 1. the ordinary world.

The journey begins with the status quo—business as usual. We meet the hero and are introduced to the Known World they live in. In other words, this is your exposition, the starting stuff that establishes the story to come.

a hero's journey circle

National Treasure begins in media res (preceded only by a short prologue), where we are given key information that introduces us to Ben Gates' world, who he is (a historian from a notorious family), what he does (treasure hunts), and why he's doing it (restoring his family's name).

With the help of his main ally, Riley, and a crew of other treasure hunters backed by a wealthy patron, he finds an 18th-century American ship in the Canadian Arctic, the Charlotte . Here, they find a ship-shaped pipe that presents a new riddle and later doubles as a key—for now, it's just another clue in the search for the lost treasure of the Templars, one that leads them to the Declaration of Independence.

Step 2. The Call to Adventure

The inciting incident takes place and the hero is called to act upon it. While they're still firmly in the Known World, the story kicks off and leaves the hero feeling out of balance. In other words, they are placed at a crossroads.

Ian (the wealthy patron of the Charlotte operation) steals the pipe from Ben and Riley and leaves them stranded. This is a key moment: Ian becomes the villain, Ben has now sufficiently lost his funding for this expedition, and if he decides to pursue the chase, he'll be up against extreme odds.

Step 3. Refusal of the Call

The hero hesitates and instead refuses their call to action. Following the call would mean making a conscious decision to break away from the status quo. Ahead lies danger, risk, and the unknown; but here and now, the hero is still in the safety and comfort of what they know.

Ben debates continuing the hunt for the Templar treasure. Before taking any action, he decides to try and warn the authorities: the FBI, Homeland Security, and the staff of the National Archives, where the Declaration of Independence is housed and monitored. Nobody will listen to him, and his family's notoriety doesn't help matters.

Step 4. Meeting the Mentor

The protagonist receives knowledge or motivation from a powerful or influential figure. This is a tactical move on the hero's part—remember that it was only the previous step in which they debated whether or not to jump headfirst into the unknown. By Meeting the Mentor, they can gain new information or insight, and better equip themselves for the journey they might to embark on.

a hero's journey circle

Abigail, an archivist at the National Archives, brushes Ben and Riley off as being crazy, but Ben uses the interaction to his advantage in other ways—to seek out information about how the Declaration of Independence is stored and cared for, as well as what (and more importantly, who) else he might be up against in his own attempt to steal it.

In a key scene, we see him contemplate the entire operation while standing over the glass-encased Declaration of Independence. Finally, he firmly decides to pursue the treasure and stop Ian, uttering the famous line, "I'm gonna steal the Declaration of Independence."

Act Two: Initiation

Step 5. crossing the threshold.

The hero leaves the Known World to face the Unknown World. They are fully committed to the journey, with no way to turn back now. There may be a confrontation of some sort, and the stakes will be raised.

a hero's journey circle

Ben and Riley infiltrate the National Archives during a gala and successfully steal the Declaration of Independence. But wait—it's not so easy. While stealing the Declaration of Independence, Abigail suspects something is up and Ben faces off against Ian.

Then, when trying to escape the building, Ben exits through the gift shop, where an attendant spots the document peeking out of his jacket. He is forced to pay for it, feigning that it's a replica—and because he doesn't have enough cash, he has to use his credit card, so there goes keeping his identity anonymous.

The game is afoot.

Step 6. Tests, Allies, Enemies

The hero explores the Unknown World. Now that they have firmly crossed the threshold from the Known World, the hero will face new challenges and possibly meet new enemies. They'll have to call upon their allies, new and old, in order to keep moving forward.

Abigail reluctantly joins the team under the agreement that she'll help handle the Declaration of Independence, given her background in document archiving and restoration. Ben and co. seek the aid of Ben's father, Patrick Gates, whom Ben has a strained relationship with thanks to years of failed treasure hunting that has created a rift between grandfather, father, and son. Finally, they travel around Philadelphia deciphering clues while avoiding both Ian and the FBI.

Step 7. Approach the Innermost Cave

The hero nears the goal of their quest, the reason they crossed the threshold in the first place. Here, they could be making plans, having new revelations, or gaining new skills. To put it in other familiar terms, this step would mark the moment just before the story's climax.

Ben uncovers a pivotal clue—or rather, he finds an essential item—a pair of bifocals with interchangeable lenses made by Benjamin Franklin. It is revealed that by switching through the various lenses, different messages will be revealed on the back of the Declaration of Independence. He's forced to split from Abigail and Riley, but Ben has never been closer to the treasure.

Step 8. The Ordeal

The hero faces a dire situation that changes how they view the world. All threads of the story come together at this pinnacle, the central crisis from which the hero will emerge unscathed or otherwise. The stakes will be at their absolute highest here.

Vogler details that in this stage, the hero will experience a "death," though it need not be literal. In your story, this could signify the end of something and the beginning of another, which could itself be figurative or literal. For example, a certain relationship could come to an end, or it could mean someone "stuck in their ways" opens up to a new perspective.

In National Treasure , The FBI captures Ben and Ian makes off with the Declaration of Independence—all hope feels lost. To add to it, Ian reveals that he's kidnapped Ben's father and threatens to take further action if Ben doesn't help solve the final clues and lead Ian to the treasure.

Ben escapes the FBI with Ian's help, reunites with Abigail and Riley, and leads everyone to an underground structure built below Trinity Church in New York City. Here, they manage to split from Ian once more, sending him on a goose chase to Boston with a false clue, and proceed further into the underground structure.

Though they haven't found the treasure just yet, being this far into the hunt proves to Ben's father, Patrick, that it's real enough. The two men share an emotional moment that validates what their family has been trying to do for generations.

Step 9. Reward

This is it, the moment the hero has been waiting for. They've survived "death," weathered the crisis of The Ordeal, and earned the Reward for which they went on this journey.

a hero's journey circle

Now, free of Ian's clutches and with some light clue-solving, Ben, Abigail, Riley, and Patrick keep progressing through the underground structure and eventually find the Templar's treasure—it's real and more massive than they could have imagined. Everyone revels in their discovery while simultaneously looking for a way back out.

Act Three: Return

Step 10. the road back.

It's time for the journey to head towards its conclusion. The hero begins their return to the Known World and may face unexpected challenges. Whatever happens, the "why" remains paramount here (i.e. why the hero ultimately chose to embark on their journey).

This step marks a final turning point where they'll have to take action or make a decision to keep moving forward and be "reborn" back into the Known World.

Act Three of National Treasure is admittedly quite short. After finding the treasure, Ben and co. emerge from underground to face the FBI once more. Not much of a road to travel back here so much as a tunnel to scale in a crypt.

Step 11. Resurrection

The hero faces their ultimate challenge and emerges victorious, but forever changed. This step often requires a sacrifice of some sort, and having stepped into the role of The Hero™, they must answer to this.

a hero's journey circle

Ben is given an ultimatum— somebody has to go to jail (on account of the whole stealing-the-Declaration-of-Independence thing). But, Ben also found a treasure worth millions of dollars and that has great value to several nations around the world, so that counts for something.

Ultimately, Ben sells Ian out, makes a deal to exonerate his friends and family, and willingly hands the treasure over to the authorities. Remember: he wanted to find the treasure, but his "why" was to restore the Gates family name, so he won regardless.

Step 12. Return With the Elixir

Finally, the hero returns home as a new version of themself, the elixir is shared amongst the people, and the journey is completed full circle.

The elixir, like many other elements of the hero's journey, can be literal or figurative. It can be a tangible thing, such as an actual elixir meant for some specific purpose, or it could be represented by an abstract concept such as hope, wisdom, or love.

Vogler notes that if the Hero's Journey results in a tragedy, the elixir can instead have an effect external to the story—meaning that it could be something meant to affect the audience and/or increase their awareness of the world.

In the final scene of National Treasure , we see Ben and Abigail walking the grounds of a massive estate. Riley pulls up in a fancy sports car and comments on how they could have gotten more money. They all chat about attending a museum exhibit in Cairo (Egypt).

In one scene, we're given a lot of closure: Ben and co. received a hefty payout for finding the treasure, Ben and Abigail are a couple now, and the treasure was rightfully spread to those it benefitted most—in this case, countries who were able to reunite with significant pieces of their history. Everyone's happy, none of them went to jail despite the serious crimes committed, and they're all a whole lot wealthier. Oh, Hollywood.

Variations of the Hero's Journey

Plot structure is important, but you don't need to follow it exactly; and, in fact, your story probably won't. Your version of the Hero's Journey might require more or fewer steps, or you might simply go off the beaten path for a few steps—and that's okay!

a hero's journey circle

What follows are three additional versions of the Hero's Journey, which you may be more familiar with than Vogler's version presented above.

Dan Harmon's Story Circle (or, The Eight-Step Hero's Journey)

Screenwriter Dan Harmon has riffed on the Hero's Journey by creating a more compact version, the Story Circle —and it works especially well for shorter-format stories such as television episodes, which happens to be what Harmon writes.

The Story Circle comprises eight simple steps with a heavy emphasis on the hero's character arc:

  • The hero is in a zone of comfort...
  • But they want something.
  • They enter an unfamiliar situation...
  • And adapt to it by facing trials.
  • They get what they want...
  • But they pay a heavy price for it.
  • They return to their familiar situation...
  • Having changed.

You may have noticed, but there is a sort of rhythm here. The eight steps work well in four pairs, simplifying the core of the Hero's Journey even further:

  • The hero is in a zone of comfort, but they want something.
  • They enter an unfamiliar situation and have to adapt via new trials.
  • They get what they want, but they pay a price for it.
  • They return to their zone of comfort, forever changed.

If you're writing shorter fiction, such as a short story or novella, definitely check out the Story Circle. It's the Hero's Journey minus all the extraneous bells & whistles.

Ten-Step Hero's Journey

The ten-step Hero's Journey is similar to the twelve-step version we presented above. It includes most of the same steps except for Refusal of the Call and Meeting the Mentor, arguing that these steps aren't as essential to include; and, it moves Crossing the Threshold to the end of Act One and Reward to the end of Act Two.

  • The Ordinary World
  • The Call to Adventure
  • Crossing the Threshold
  • Tests, Allies, Enemies
  • Approach the Innermost Cave
  • The Road Back
  • Resurrection
  • Return with Elixir

We've previously written about the ten-step hero's journey in a series of essays separated by act: Act One (with a prologue), Act Two , and Act Three .

Twelve-Step Hero's Journey: Version Two

Again, the second version of the twelve-step hero's journey is very similar to the one above, save for a few changes, including in which story act certain steps appear.

This version skips The Ordinary World exposition and starts right at The Call to Adventure; then, the story ends with two new steps in place of Return With Elixir: The Return and The Freedom to Live.

  • The Refusal of the Call
  • Meeting the Mentor
  • Test, Allies, Enemies
  • Approaching the Innermost Cave
  • The Resurrection
  • The Return*
  • The Freedom to Live*

In the final act of this version, there is more of a focus on an internal transformation for the hero. They experience a metamorphosis on their journey back to the Known World, return home changed, and go on to live a new life, uninhibited.

Seventeen-Step Hero's Journey

Finally, the granddaddy of heroic journeys: the seventeen-step Hero's Journey. This version includes a slew of extra steps your hero might face out in the expanse.

  • Refusal of the Call
  • Supernatural Aid (aka Meeting the Mentor)
  • Belly of the Whale*: This added stage marks the hero's immediate descent into danger once they've crossed the threshold.
  • Road of Trials (...with Allies, Tests, and Enemies)
  • Meeting with the Goddess/God*: In this stage, the hero meets with a new advisor or powerful figure, who equips them with the knowledge or insight needed to keep progressing forward.
  • Woman as Temptress (or simply, Temptation)*: Here, the hero is tempted, against their better judgment, to question themselves and their reason for being on the journey. They may feel insecure about something specific or have an exposed weakness that momentarily holds them back.
  • Atonement with the Father (or, Catharthis)*: The hero faces their Temptation and moves beyond it, shedding free from all that holds them back.
  • Apotheosis (aka The Ordeal)
  • The Ultimate Boon (aka the Reward)
  • Refusal of the Return*: The hero wonders if they even want to go back to their old life now that they've been forever changed.
  • The Magic Flight*: Having decided to return to the Known World, the hero needs to actually find a way back.
  • Rescue From Without*: Allies may come to the hero's rescue, helping them escape this bold, new world and return home.
  • Crossing of the Return Threshold (aka The Return)
  • Master of Two Worlds*: Very closely resembling The Resurrection stage in other variations, this stage signifies that the hero is quite literally a master of two worlds—The Known World and the Unknown World—having conquered each.
  • Freedom to Live

Again, we skip the Ordinary World opening here. Additionally, Acts Two and Three look pretty different from what we've seen so far, although, the bones of the Hero's Journey structure remain.

The Eight Hero’s Journey Archetypes

The Hero is, understandably, the cornerstone of the Hero’s Journey, but they’re just one of eight key archetypes that make up this narrative framework.

a hero's journey circle

In The Writer's Journey , Vogler outlined seven of these archetypes, only excluding the Ally, which we've included below. Here’s a breakdown of all eight with examples: 

1. The Hero

As outlined, the Hero is the protagonist who embarks on a transformative quest or journey. The challenges they overcome represent universal human struggles and triumphs. 

Vogler assigned a "primary function" to each archetype—helpful for establishing their role in a story. The Hero's primary function is "to service and sacrifice."

Example: Neo from The Matrix , who evolves from a regular individual into the prophesied savior of humanity.

2. The Mentor

A wise guide offering knowledge, tools, and advice, Mentors help the Hero navigate the journey and discover their potential. Their primary function is "to guide."

Example: Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid imparts not only martial arts skills but invaluable life lessons to Daniel.

3. The Ally

Companions who support the Hero, Allies provide assistance, friendship, and moral support throughout the journey. They may also become a friends-to-lovers romantic partner. 

Not included in Vogler's list is the Ally, though we'd argue they are essential nonetheless. Let's say their primary function is "to aid and support."

Example: Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings , a loyal friend and steadfast supporter of Frodo.

4. The Herald

The Herald acts as a catalyst to initiate the Hero's Journey, often presenting a challenge or calling the hero to adventure. Their primary function is "to warn or challenge."

Example: Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games , whose selection at the Reaping sets Katniss’s journey into motion.

5. The Trickster

A character who brings humor and unpredictability, challenges conventions, and offers alternative perspectives or solutions. Their primary function is "to disrupt."

Example: Loki from Norse mythology exemplifies the trickster, with his cunning and chaotic influence.

6. The Shapeshifter

Ambiguous figures whose allegiance and intentions are uncertain. They may be a friend one moment and a foe the next. Their primary function is "to question and deceive."

Example: Catwoman from the Batman universe often blurs the line between ally and adversary, slinking between both roles with glee.

7. The Guardian

Protectors of important thresholds, Guardians challenge or test the Hero, serving as obstacles to overcome or lessons to be learned. Their primary function is "to test."

Example: The Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail literally bellows “None shall pass!”—a quintessential ( but not very effective ) Guardian.

8. The Shadow

Represents the Hero's inner conflict or an antagonist, often embodying the darker aspects of the hero or their opposition. Their primary function is "to destroy."

Example: Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender; initially an adversary, his journey parallels the Hero’s path of transformation.

While your story does not have to use all of the archetypes, they can help you develop your characters and visualize how they interact with one another—especially the Hero.

For example, take your hero and place them in the center of a blank worksheet, then write down your other major characters in a circle around them and determine who best fits into which archetype. Who challenges your hero? Who tricks them? Who guides them? And so on...

Stories that Use the Hero’s Journey

Not a fan of saving the Declaration of Independence? Check out these alternative examples of the Hero’s Journey to get inspired: 

  • Epic of Gilgamesh : An ancient Mesopotamian epic poem thought to be one of the earliest examples of the Hero’s Journey (and one of the oldest recorded stories).
  • The Lion King (1994): Simba's exile and return depict a tale of growth, responsibility, and reclaiming his rightful place as king.
  • The Alchemist by Paolo Coehlo: Santiago's quest for treasure transforms into a journey of self-discovery and personal enlightenment.
  • Coraline by Neil Gaiman: A young girl's adventure in a parallel world teaches her about courage, family, and appreciating her own reality.
  • Kung Fu Panda (2008): Po's transformation from a clumsy panda to a skilled warrior perfectly exemplifies the Hero's Journey. Skadoosh!

The Hero's Journey is so generalized that it's ubiquitous. You can plop the plot of just about any quest-style narrative into its framework and say that the story follows the Hero's Journey. Try it out for yourself as an exercise in getting familiar with the method.

Will the Hero's Journey Work For You?

As renowned as it is, the Hero's Journey works best for the kinds of tales that inspired it: mythic stories.

Writers of speculative fiction may gravitate towards this method over others, especially those writing epic fantasy and science fiction (big, bold fantasy quests and grand space operas come to mind).

The stories we tell today are vast and varied, and they stretch far beyond the dealings of deities, saving kingdoms, or acquiring some fabled "elixir." While that may have worked for Gilgamesh a few thousand years ago, it's not always representative of our lived experiences here and now.

If you decide to give the Hero's Journey a go, we encourage you to make it your own! The pieces of your plot don't have to neatly fit into the structure, but you can certainly make a strong start on mapping out your story.

Hero's Journey Campfire Template

The Timeline Module in Campfire offers a versatile canvas to plot out each basic component of your story while featuring nested "notebooks."

a hero's journey circle

Simply double-click on each event card in your timeline to open up a canvas specific to that card. This allows you to look at your plot at the highest level, while also adding as much detail for each plot element as needed!

If you're just hearing about Campfire for the first time, it's free to sign up—forever! Let's plot the most epic of hero's journeys 👇

Lessons From the Hero’s Journey

The Hero's Journey offers a powerful framework for creating stories centered around growth, adventure, and transformation.

If you want to develop compelling characters, spin out engaging plots, and write books that express themes of valor and courage, consider The Hero’s Journey your blueprint. So stop holding out for a hero, and start writing!

Does your story mirror the Hero's Journey? Let us know in the comments below.

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The story circle in 8 steps with tons of examples.

May 9, 2023

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Dan Harmon’s Story Circle Is a Modern Take on the Hero’s Journey

Article by Colette Nichol, Story Strategist, SEO Expert, and Solo Filmmaker

8 steps of Dan Harmon's Story Circle

What Is Dan Harmon’s Story Circle with Examples?

The story circle is a story structure guide created by Dan Harmon based on Joseph Campbell’s analysis of the Hero’s Journey.

The story circle consists of the eight main plot points that create a story’s foundational structure, which Dan Harmon has labelled: you, need, go, search, find, take, return, changed.

  • You – A character with a problem.
  • Need – Has a need.
  • Go – And crosses the threshold in the world of adventure.
  • Search – To find the answer to their problem.
  • Find – They find that things are not what they seem.
  • Take – They get what they want but it was not as they expected.
  • Return – They return to the ordinary world.
  • Changed – And they are transformed by their journey.

For a ton of extensive examples with videos, read through this entire post where I cover each important turning point in a story in details with examples. But first, some background!

Who Is Dan Harmon?

Dan Harmon is a TV writer known for writing and creating Community.

He also co-created Rick and Morty and is credited with writing 61 episodes.

To get the juices flowing in the writer’s room and guide the writing of new episodes, he simplified the hero’s journey into eight key concepts that make it easy to assess or build a story idea quickly.

It’s brilliant. It’s simple. And dammit, it’s delicious!

I got obsessed with Dan Harmon’s story circle a few years ago, hunting down every time Harmon wrote about or spoke about his method of breaking down stories. If he talked about it on the internet, I found it and ate it up.

It’s not that Harmon is saying anything new.

But the way he’s broken down the Hero’s Journey is so practical and, frankly, beautiful that it’s worth knowing and using. If you’re a writer, storyteller, director, producer, or even business owner, you need to know how to pull apart and put together a story.

So let’s discuss and dissect this beautiful tool. Onward!

Parts of the Story Circle: you, need, go, search, find, take, return, changed

Table of Contents

  • How Dan Harmon’s Story Circle Works
  • Part 1: The 8 Stages of Dan Harmon’s Story Circle

YOU, NEED: A Protagonist Needs Something

Go: the hero crosses the threshold into the world of adventure, search: the hero is on the road of trials, find: reckonings, meeting the goddess, vulnerability, bliss, take: the face off, meet your maker, facing the father, return: the flight home, change: the hero is transformed and shares their wisdom, the universal structure of storytelling, top and bottom half of the story circle, part 2: the world of adventure vs. the regular world, crossing the threshold, part 3: starting value or idea and ending value or idea, watch: the dan harmon story circle explained by dan harmon.

  • Common Story Circle Questions

How Dan Harmon’s Story Circle Works

First, let me be clear that I’m explaining the story circle in the way that I use it.

I’m not Dan Harmon, and I’m not trying to explain this concept verbatim. So take what you want from this analysis, and don’t hold it against me if I don’t explain this exactly the way Dan Harmon does.

That said, I’m probably the only person on the internet who has hunted down every single thing Mr. Harmon has written about the story circle, put it in a Google doc, printed it, highlighted it, and then practiced it…over and over again!

Anyway, at the end of the day, what matters is HOW you use this information, not whether it was delivered to you in some perfect authoritative package. Now, let’s get to it!

There are three main parts to the story circle:

  • The 8 Stages
  • The World of Adventure vs. The Regular World
  • The Starting Value/Idea vs. The Ending Value/Idea

Story Structure 101 - quote from Dan Harmon

Part 1: The 8 Stages of Dan Harmon’s Story Circle

There are eight basic stages in the structure of Dan Harmon’s story circle.

It’s no different from the eight stages in the Hero’s Journey. But the way he describes these stages, with a punchy one-word descriptor, makes this tool easy to use.

  • Stage 1: YOU
  • Stage 2: NEED
  • Stage 3: GO
  • Stage 4: SEARCH
  • Stage 5: FIND
  • Stage 6: TAKE
  • Stage 7: RETURN
  • Stage 8: CHANGE

Before I describe how to interpret and use these stages, look at that list yourself. What do you think each stage means?

Think of a story in your life, and run it through those stages.

first 3 stages of the story circle

You: The Main Character Is in the Comfort Zone

Before anything crazy happens, it’s just you and your regular everyday life.

Things aren’t great. You’re dissatisfied. But you’re not willing to make massive changes. You’re just living life in a quasi-apathetic state, aka normal.

Every story needs a hero—ideally, one, not ten. Even multi-character dramas or action movies like Oceans 11 have one main character who drives the story forward.

Need: The Character Wants Something, Desire Blooms

You want something. You’re not satisfied with just the status quo. Either this desire comes internally and is there before the inciting incident. Or something or someone comes along and awakens the desire within you.

Story Circle Examples

Wizard of oz story structure example:.

Dorothy is in the black-and-white world, moaning and groaning (in song) about how she’d like to be somewhere over the rainbow rather than hanging in Kansas. She needs something to happen so she can escape from her humdrum lands.

Beauty and the Beast Story Structure Example:

Belle reads her fantasy adventure book and longs to be in the middle of a great adventure.


Go: The Hero Takes Action, Crosses the Threshold and Enters an Unfamiliar World

Your bags are packed, and you’re not just ready to go; you’re going !

This is the part of the story where you exit the ordinary world and enter the world of adventure.

If you’re writing a fish-out-of-water tale about an entitled starlet whose private plane crashes in the Ecuadorian paramo and has to find her way home against all odds, then THIS is the moment her plane crashes, and she’s in the paramo.

Before, she was in her cozy privileged life of plush seats, white leather, and multi-million-dollar movie deals. And now, she’s in an alien landscape where nobody speaks English, and nobody knows who she is.

Dorothy’s little house gets dumped in a colourful town square. She’s no longer in the black-and-white world. She’s now entered a land of technicolour.

Watch the video below and pay attention to how the sound design indicates that she’s entered a world of adventure.


Search: The Hero Begins the Journey and Must Adapt to the Unfamiliar World

You land in a new country without any language skills or understanding of the culture, and now it’s time to fake it ‘til you make it.

Will you survive?

Or will you fall apart?

According to Dan Harmon, “the point of this part of the circle is, our protagonist has been thrown into the water, and now it’s sink or swim.”

Joseph Campbell, the original story circle creator, i.e. the man behind the hero’s journey analysis, calls this phase in a story the Road of Trials. (+)

This is the phase in a story where your main character tries to get the lay of the land. They may meet new friends and mentors. They may be given a helpful aid critical to their future. They may learn new skills.

But most of all, they get beaten up emotionally—and sometimes physically too.

Yellow bricks are everywhere, and adorable human beings with odd singing voices greet her! Hurrah, she’s in the Land of Oz! But wait, now she has to figure out how to get back home. She needs to follow the yellow brick road. Just her and Toto on a road towards the great unknown. Dorothy begins her adventure.


Find: The Hero Gets What They Wanted, But It’s Not How They Expected

Mother, womb, emergence, transcendence, bliss, reckonings, vulnerability, bliss.

For months, maybe years, you’ve wanted something, and finally, you have a taste.

Let’s say you’ve always wanted to be rich. You’ve been scraping by for years. You graduate from university, and boom! Suddenly, you get a job that pays you 10x what you’ve been earning.

You’re working on Wall Street, making so much money you don’t know what to do with it.

But it doesn’t feel the way you thought it would. Instead of floating through life in blissful happiness, you’re grinding your teeth while you sleep and waking up with headaches. This is not what you bargained for, and you’re not sure what to do about it.

In this part of the story, the hero finds part of what they were looking for, but it’s not how they expected it to be.

This part of the story, as per the hero’s journey, is also the transcendent or “meeting the mother” stage. There is feminine energy at the bottom of the story circle.

In a romantic comedy, this is where the two lovers finally really fall in love or realize what love is all about.

In an action-packed drama, the hero would likely have a moment of rest and romance with a woman who represents his deepest desires.

According to Mr. Harmon, this part of the story circle is where our character is the most vulnerable. The following six concepts are all potentially part of the mix when you reach the bottom of the story circle.


This part of the story is a major turning point.

It’s another threshold that the character must cross— as they do, the story takes an entirely new turn. The hero is now on the road HOME. They have come this far, and now they have to “screw their courage to the sticking place” and do everything within their power to fight their way home.

Fun fact: this stage in the story circle often involves water.

Pay attention to the next few movies you watch and see if there’s water involved in Stage 5! In the example below, it’s frozen water that’s used to create the moment of bliss.

Dorothy and her friends are near the end of their journey. The Emerald City is finally in sight. But the Wicked Witch of the West has placed a field of magical sleep-inducing poppies on the outskirts of the city, and Dorothy and Toto fall into a deep slumber. This heroine reference hints at the darkness that creeps within us all, particularly as we’re about to make our dreams come true.

This scene is a beautiful example of the fifth stage of the story circle.

As Glenda enchants the field with snow and the white flurries fall upon the field, Dorothy and Toto are revived.


Take: Meet Your Maker, Facing the Father, the Vader Face Off

The hero battles to the next stage, paying a price for what they have won.

It’s time to meet your metaphorical (or real) maker.

This is the moment in the story where you face off with the villain and come close to real or metaphorical death. This climax is the culmination of everything the hero has been fighting for throughout the story.

If they make it through this face-off, they’ll be transformed.

Story Structure Examples:

  • Luke Skywalker faces Darth Vader.
  • Peter faces Hook as he frees Wendy and the boys.
  • The Titanic is sinking— Jack and Rose face a wall of water that could eat them alive.
  • Dorothy faces the Wicked Witch of the West.


Return: The Flight Home

You’ve gotten what you needed, defeated the villain, learned something about yourself, and now you’re ready to return home with your new knowledge. But not so fast!

This is the part in a romantic comedy where the hero chases after the one he (or she) loves. He races to the airport to make sure his soul mate doesn’t get on that flight.

In an action movie, the hero has just defeated the villain and must head home, sometimes chased by more attacking gremlins.

Dorothy discovers the wizard is a fake. But luckily, it turns out there’s still a way to get home. It turns out that the pathway to getting home had been on Dorothy’s feet the entire time. She clicks her heels three times and repeats, “There’s no place like home.”

Titanic Story Structure Example:

Rose lies on the wooden board, the night is cold, and she’s nearly frozen. Then flashlights pierce the darkness. A boat has arrived. She and Jack can go home. She turns to Jack to wake him up, but he’s cold to the touch. Jack has died. But Rose can still go home. Broken-hearted, she nearly gives up. But at the last minute, as the boat is gliding away, Rose calls out. She leaves her raft and swims towards the boat and the possibility of going home.


Change: The Hero Has Transformed and Brings New Gifts to their World

You’re home now after your 300-day trip around the world.

You’re no longer the same. You’ve learned things about yourself and the world you can never unlearn. You’ve tested your strength and courage. You have wisdom to share and are happy to be back in the ordinary world. This transformation you’ve undergone in your journey into the unknown and back is irreversible.

Dorothy finally realizes that her home and family are the most valuable treasures on earth. She’s no longer the dreamy girl who wishes to be far away. She’s grateful for what she has and sees treasure in the simple things. She is transformed.


There is a basic universal structure to a good story.

The hero starts out in their regular world. Things are normal. Perhaps they are unfulfilled.

Early in the story, the hero develops a burning need.

They want something, but there are obstacles in the way. To get into the meat of the story, the hero has to answer the call and race across the threshold into the World of Adventure.

There are two slices to the story circle.

You can cut your story circle in half vertically and horizontally. On the top is the regular world, and on the bottom is the world of adventure.

Meanwhile, when you cut your story circle in half vertically, the left side is the starting idea or value, and the right side is the ending idea or value i.e. the transformation.

Can you see how if you use the story circle, you can quickly test your story and see if it works?

The horizontal slice represents the moment the hero crosses the threshold into a new world, out of her comfort zone, and into the mud.

And near the end of the story, it represents her return to the familiar world again. The top half of the story circle is the Regular World. The bottom half of the story circle represents the World of Adventure.

the ordinary world

It wouldn’t be a story if you didn’t end up in The World of Adventure.

The reason we love stories so much is that they transport us. They take us out of the everyday grind. They show us who we can become if we take a leap of faith and follow our dreams, passions, and inner guidance.

When you split your story circle in half horizontally, you see how the hero must cross the threshold, passing from the regular world into the world of adventure.

For the story to get going, the hero must enter a quagmire of challenges.

The character enters an unfamiliar situation.

They are now in the World of Adventure. They are no longer stuck or stagnant. They are NOT in their comfort zone any longer. They’ve stepped out onto the rickety bridge and are moving forward, one foot in front of the next, creeping over the abyss.

They adapt to the situation.

This is the part in the story where the hero meets friends and foes and gains tools and tricks that they can use to defeat their enemy in the future.

You could think of this as the training stage.

In your own life, when you embark on a new adventure, there’s a stage where you’ve landed in the new world, and you have to learn the ropes.

You start a new job, and you have no idea what the hell you’re doing.

You meet new co-workers, figure out who the crazy people are, and learn how to use the weird 1980s coffee maker they inexplicably have in the break room.

Joseph Campbell called this stage of the Hero’s Journey the Road of Trials.

the two sides of the story circle - left and right

The final part of the story circle is the vertical cut.

On the left, you have the idea or value that drives the character and the story from the beginning. On the right, you have the idea or value that takes over after the character lives through the moment of reckoning or meeting with the goddess.

If you begin the love story guarded, unwilling to trust your heart with anyone, after you experience a true-love kiss, you change.

You begin to act out of love instead of fear.

You’re no longer guarded; you’re driven by a desire to love and be loved.

If you begin a coming of age story as a selfish, bratty, spineless child, you will cross the threshold at the bottom of the story circle and move into adulthood. You are no longer in it for yourself alone; you fight for others and give of yourself selflessly.

If your story can’t be split into two opposing values, it will lack tension.

Common Story Circle Questions:

When you’re writing a story or coming up with the plot points for a screenplay or video, it’s common to get lost or stuck.

Although storytelling is a natural part of how we share the moments in our lives with friends and family, when doing it formally, things can go sideways fast.

So, let’s answer some of your pressing story circle questions!

When should you use Dan Harmon’s story circle?

You should use Dan Harmon’s story circle and the Hero’s Journey structure whenever you’re crafting a story.

Before you start writing a story or script, create an outline of the structure and use Dan Harmon’s story circle to test your idea. Make sure that you have all the basic structural elements before you start writing.

What is a story circle?

A story circle is a way of breaking down your story’s structure to identify if your story works.

The story circle is based on Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. It is Dan Harmon’s simplified version of the hero’s journey and is a simple structural analysis tool for storytellers.

What is the concept of the story circle?

The basic concept of the story circle is that every story follows a universal pattern.

Every story starts with a main character that has a need, goes on a journey into a world of adventure and is changed through facing challenges.

How many steps are in a story circle? And what are the steps?

There are eight steps in the story circle.

  • You – A main character in the ordinary world
  • Need – Has a need and a desire to take action
  • Go – They leave their ordinary world and take decisive action
  • Search – The hero searches for what they need, facing obstacles
  • Find – They find what they were looking for, but it’s not what they expected
  • Take – They pay the price and face their mortality as they take what they need
  • Return – Finally, the hero can return home
  • Change – Transformed and ready to share their wisdom

universal story structure

Where did the story circle come from?

The story circle came from Dan Harmon’s obsession with storytelling and his need for a simple story structure tool that could help him while writing hundreds of television episodes.

Did Dan Harmon create the story circle?

Dan Harmon created the story circle based on Joseph Campbell’s analysis of the hero’s journey.

Become a Confident Storyteller

Hi, I’m Colette Nichol! I’m a video producer, story strategist, and solo filmmaker based out of Vancouver, Canada.

If you’re interested in becoming a confident storyteller, check out my online storytelling course Story Guru .

Or read more of the storytelling articles on the blog:

📖 Top 10 Elements of a Story

📖 How to Tell a Captivating Story

📖 What Story Should I Write?

📖 How to Write a Logline for a Movie

a hero's journey circle

About the Author

Hi! I’m Colette Nichol . I’m a solo filmmaker and story strategist based out of rainy Vancouver, Canada. I’ve been making videos and micro films for small businesses and global brands since 2014.

Plus, I LOVE to help aspiring filmmakers pursue their dreams and start making films. This blog is designed to help you gain the knowledge you need to become a filmmaker.

If you want more, get on the waitlist for the Story Envelope Academy Solo Filmmaking Mentorship Program. It opens up one time per year and is the best way to become a filmmaking or video pro fast!

CLICK HERE to get on the solo filmmaking mentorship waitlist.

I'm Colette Nichol!

Welcome! I’m a story strategist, SEO consultant , filmmaker , and digital media consultant based out of rainy Vancouver, Canada. My mission is to give you the tools and tactics you need to achieve your dreams! If you're here for filmmaking training, please join the inbox party: take my free mini-course and start building a filmmaking and video creation skill set.

ahoy there!

a hero's journey circle

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Storytelling 101: The Dan Harmon Story Circle

Jakob Straub

The Story Circle by Dan Harmon is a basic narrative structure that writers can use to structure and test their story ideas. Telling stories is an inherently human thing, but how we structure the narrative separates a good story from a truly great one.

Because of Dan Harmon’s background in screenwriting, the Story Circle is popular among filmmakers and writers on TV shows and TV series, but any storyteller can benefit from using it. Let’s look at this narrative structure more closely, examine the eight steps, and discuss its use in story and character development!

What is the Dan Harmon Story Circle?


The Dan Harmon Story Circle describes the structure of a story in three acts and with eight plot points, which are called steps. When you have a protagonist who will progress through these, you have a basic character arc and the bare minimum of a story—the story embryo or plot embryo, if you will.

The Story Circle as a narrative structure is descriptive, not prescriptive, meaning it doesn’t tell you what to write, but how to tell the story. The steps outline when the plot points occur and the order in which your hero completes their character development. These eight steps are:

1. You A character in their zone of comfort

2. Need wants something

3. Go! so they enter an unfamiliar situation

4. Struggle to which they have to adapt

5. Find in order to get what they want

6. Suffer yet they have to make a sacrifice

7. Return before they return to their familiar situation

8. Change having changed fundamentally

The hero completes these steps in a circle in a clockwise direction, going from noon to midnight. The top half of the circle and its two-quarters of the whole make up act one and act three, while the bottom half comprises the longer second act. In their consecutive order, the Story Circle describes the three acts:

Working with the Story Circle enables you to think about your main character and to plot from their emotional state. The steps will automatically make your hero proactive as you focus on their motivation, their actions and the respective consequences.

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The Story Circle in story structure theory

Why is this narrative structure a circle? A classic graph of the three-act structure charts the rising and falling action with its plot points as a line with peaks, so why can't your hero complete the eight steps in a linear fashion from the beginning to the end?

The Hero’s Journey

Dan Harmon hardly invented the circular narrative structure or traced the cyclical nature of stories in the three-act structure. He merely simplified the Hero’s Journey and adapted it to his own screenwriting needs. The hero’s journey is a template of stories that describes the stages of a hero embarking on a quest or adventure, who has to go through crisis before victory to emerge transformed. Though the hero often brings back an “elixir”, the solution to their initial “problem”, it’s their inner change that enables them to prevail in the “new order” at home.

The monomyth

The return as expressed in the circle is essential to the monomyth , which is a concept of mythology described by the American writer Joseph Campbell in The Hero with a Thousand Faces . The monomyth sees common narrative structures in all great myths. Campbell names the three acts Departure , Initiation , and Return , and charts the Hero's Journey over 17 stages. Hollywood executive and Disney screenwriter, Christopher Vogler, reduced the number to 12 steps in The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure For Writers .

Simplification of steps in the circle

Interestingly, American philologist David Adams Leeming in 1981 and American screenwriter and filmmaker Phil Cousineau in 1990 both used only eight steps for their adaptation of the Hero’s Journey. Dan Harmon developed his Story Circle in the late 1990s when he was stuck on a project. He cites Christopher Vogler and the screenwriting author Syd Field as influences.

The Hero’s Journey in screenwriting

The Hero's Journey, the monomyth and Joseph Campbell are popular in Hollywood filmmaking. George Lucas used the template for Star Wars , you can read The Matrix trilogy by the Wachowskis as an extensive study in mythological storytelling, and Pixar movies such as Finding Nemo exhibit monomyth story structure.

Save the Cat

Screenwriter and author Blake Snyder omitted the circular structure in his work, but his book Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need also takes the Hero’s Journey and breaks it down into 15 essential story beats or plot points.

What else is Dan Harmon known for?

Daniel James Harmon (born 1973) is an American writer, producer , and actor known for the sitcom Community and the animated series, Rick and Morty . In episode S4E6 “Never Ricking Morty” the two characters find themselves aboard the circular Story Train and the episode pokes meta-fictional fun at the narrative structure. Dan Harmon also created and hosted the comedy podcast Harmontown . In 2013, Harmon published the book, You'll Be Perfect When You're Dead .

The 8 steps of the story circle

You. Need. Go. Struggle. Find. Take. Return. Change. The way the story circle works is that your main character, much like Campbell’s hero, moves from a zone of comfort towards a want, and with that, into the chaos of the second act, from where they’ll return changed. The top half of the circle represents order and the bottom half chaos. The right side of the circle represents the hero resisting their transformation, the left side represents the hero moving towards their transformation.

In this cyclical nature of storytelling, you can see the main character gain and lose: they gain their want, but lose stability; they lose in the struggle, but ultimately find what they want; they pay a heavy price for it, but can bring it back home; the old order cannot be again, but they have changed to exist in the new order.

1. A zone of comfort

The first step establishes the hero of your story in their familiar surroundings. Think of it as a 'before' picture. Note that "zone of comfort" doesn't mean things are perfect. Your main character exists in a status quo in which they have arranged for themselves to fit into their current conditions.

The 'before' picture is important for the character arc so that viewers can recognize the significance of the change later. Interesting main characters are not perfect, either, but exhibit human flaws the audience can understand and sympathize with.

For the second step, you dangle something in front of your main character: desire is something they want as a thing to obtain or a problem they want to go away.

The desire becomes the main goal of the protagonist, but their next actions are decided in a "push" or "pull" fashion: if the desire is pulling them out of the status quo, then they might prepare for the journey (think: Harry Potter getting his supplies). If they're being pulled out of their comfort zone and would rather stay where it's nice and warm, then they debate how they can avoid having to go.

"Desire" can take the form of a problem or an adversary in the sense that the hero would very much like for the antagonist to disappear so they could return to the status quo right away.

3. Entering an unfamiliar situation

In step three, you kick off the action: green means go! Your hero is proactive: even when they've been debating and their desire is of a "pull" nature, they still make a conscious decision and take the first step themselves. This step also signifies the crossing of the threshold from order into chaos, from the first into the second act.

Their new surroundings are unknown and they find themselves in an unfamiliar situation, which can be hostile, or simply something they’ve never experienced before: it’s the figurative (or, with Stranger Things , literal) upside-down of their initial surroundings.

4. Adaptation

Your hero may or may not like the chaos in their new world, but the only way out is through. As a storyteller you throw increasingly bigger obstacles in their way and put them through many trials and tribulations, forcing them to adapt as they struggle to overcome the hurdles.

What's important: the way back is barred, because the old home is so much worse (up to where return signifies death), or because there is another insurmountable concrete or abstract obstacle.

5. Attaining the object of desire

At the halfway point, you let your hero have what they desire. Reading the Story Circle like a clock, it's now 6 PM and high time to return home. Step five, as the crucial finding step, raises the stakes of the story.

Your main character has completed the search, found what they wanted, and is holding the (metaphorical) key in their hands — but the lock which it turns is half a world away! Can they make it back, and in time? To increase tension, many stories introduce time constraints here, such as a countdown of any sort, a sick or wounded companion, or the environment turning on the main character.

6. A heavy price to pay

Your hero takes what they want, but something is taken from them. Before they can go on, they must leave something behind. This loss can take many forms: a temporary, albeit despairing setback which leaves the hero stranded; the death or sacrifice of a companion character; losing "innocence"; having to give up any integral part of themselves, from limb to memories.

This step marks the absolute low point in the journey of your hero. The heavy price is so hefty that they seriously doubt if carrying on is even worth it. There are many names to describe this moment, from figurative death (of the old hero) to the “dark night of the soul” or the darkest hour.

7. Return to the familiar situation

Your hero finds it within themselves to complete the journey and return home to their familiar situation. However, within themselves is key here! Note that with step seven, your main character crosses back into the upper half of the circle, leaving the chaos of the second act behind. Yet this threshold doesn’t come without a trial of its own.

In ancient myths, when the protagonist returns, they often face a gatekeeper, a riddle to solve, or proof that they are who they say they are. Although they surely have changed externally, it’s their internal transformation that allows them to pass this test. Even when the magic “key” is a concrete object, such as an “elixir”, only they can wield or apply it.

The familiar situation is often only seemingly familiar and externally changed as well, because the hero has been presumed dead, their old surroundings have been transformed or old friends have moved on with their lives.

8. Fundamental change

The application of the “solution” by your hero to establish the “new order” brings with it the realization that they are not the same person anymore: they have changed from the beginning. This is where you do a second snapshot and show the ‘after’ picture.

Change can be for the good and your main character is now wiser, better, more mature, no longer alone, or richer in some sense; but the ending can also be tragic, and though they have brought better circumstances for someone else, they are now morally corrupt, filled with despair, utterly alone, or at the end of their life.

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How to use Dan Harmon’s Story Circle

In conclusion, let’s note again that Dan Harmon’s Story Circle, like all story structures, is best understood as primarily descriptive; approaching screenwriting with such a ‘template’ seems formulaic, but the structure doesn’t prescribe to you as a writer the story to tell, only how. You can take Snyder’s beats or the Dan Harmon Story Circle and overlay the structure over any existing film (with a story in the traditional sense): from Harry Potter to anime movies to early cinema, you’ll be able to match the steps to the action or the script.

As a screenwriter working on a feature film, TV series or TV show, you can begin plotting the character arc of your hero with the eight steps we’ve outlined above. Gather your ideas and see what sticks, or test an existing story idea with the eight steps: are your stages ‘strong’ enough? Pay attention to the three quarters, or noon, 3 pm, 6 pm, and 9 pm, when you read the Story Circle like a clock. They’re essential to moving your story forward in a believable way.

If your story doesn’t seem to pick up any momentum and you struggle to progress your main character through the steps, you might need to work on your hero more. Are they proactive enough? Is their desire big enough? Are the upper and lower half of the circle opposites, and are the left and right half contrasting enough?

For more theoretical background, you can read up on the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell, and for a fun, practical exercise, watch a favorite movie and plot the steps of Dan Harmon’s Story Circle for it!

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The Hero’s Journey: The 12 (or 17) Steps for Writers

  • by Sam Howard

In this article, you will learn all about the hero’s journey – the common template seen in many myths, legends, and stories across cultures that involves a hero going on an adventure, overcoming challenges, and returning home transformed. Specifically, we will cover:

  • What the hero’s journey is and why it’s so prevalent in storytelling
  • The origins of the hero’s journey concept by Joseph Campbell
  • The 12 main stages of the journey outlined by Christopher Vogler
  • Examples of the hero’s journey in famous myths, films, novels, and stories
  • Tips for using the hero’s journey structure in your own writing

When I first learned about the hero’s journey, I was fascinated by how this template seems to capture the essence of storytelling and the universal human experience. In this article, I’ll share my own excitement and perspectives on this captivating concept as we explore what makes the hero’s journey such a timeless and powerful narrative structure. Let’s begin our own adventure into the world of the monomyth!

What Is the Hero’s Journey And Why Do People Talk About it All The Time?

The hero’s journey, also referred to as the monomyth, is essentially the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, faces various challenges, comes through a crisis or major ordeal, and returns home transformed in some fundamental way.

This basic narrative arc can be traced back centuries and is found in myths, legends, folklore, and religious tales across vastly different cultures. For example, the epic of Gilgamesh from ancient Mesopotamia, the Odyssey by Homer, the legend of the Buddha’s enlightenment, the Bible stories of Moses and Jesus, and medieval Arthurian legends, all follow this fundamental template.

The hero’s journey was popularized in the 20th century by American mythologist Joseph Campbell. In his seminal 1949 book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Campbell analyzed myths across cultures and found this common throughline structure he called the monomyth. He summarized the journey in this way:

“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.”

Ever since Campbell published his work, the hero’s journey concept has been applied extensively in understanding myths, legends, films, novels, plays, video games, and all types of stories. Writers, directors, storytellers, and artists have latched onto this idea because it seems to resonate with universal themes about human experience.

We all face trials and challenges in life. We go on both physical and emotional journeys to overcome obstacles and grow. In stories, we get to live vicariously through the heroic protagonist. The hero’s journey allows us to relate to them and be inspired by their perseverance. At its core, this monomythic cycle ties into concepts like love, sacrifice, courage, transformation, and fulfilling one’s destiny. These timeless themes and character arcs continue to captivate audiences and new generations.

The 12 Stages of the Hero’s Journey (as outlined by Christopher Vogler)

While Joseph Campbell originally outlined 17 stages of the monomyth in his book, screenwriter Christopher Vogler simplified it into 12 stages in a popular guidebook for writers. Known as the hero’s journey model, these 12 steps are:

  • Ordinary World
  • Call to Adventure
  • Refusal of the Call
  • Meeting the Mentor
  • Crossing the Threshold
  • Tests, Allies, Enemies
  • Approach to the Inmost Cave
  • The Road Back
  • Resurrection
  • Return with the Elixir

Let’s look at each of these 12 stages in more detail:

1. Ordinary World

The hero exists in the ordinary world, their normal environment, when we first meet them. This allows us to see what their daily life is like before the adventure begins. In The Matrix, we see Neo living an ordinary life as a computer programmer before he is called to his destiny. In Harry Potter, we witness Harry’s difficult life with the Dursleys until he’s summoned to Hogwarts.

The ordinary world establishes the status quo that will eventually be disrupted as the journey unfolds. It lets us relate to the hero as an everyday person like us before they embark on something extraordinary.

2. Call to Adventure

The hero receives a call to go on an adventure that disrupts their ordinary world. It may come in the form of a threat to the hero or their community. This call could come from a herald like Gandalf summoning Frodo in Lord of the Rings. Or it may be adventure itself that calls to the hero, spurring them to seize new opportunities.

However it arrives, the call ignites the hero’s journey as they are drawn into a new world of possibilities. But hearing the call is just the beginning of their transformation.

3. Refusal of the Call

When presented with the call to adventure, the hero may initially refuse or express reluctance to embark on the journey. Refusing the call hints at their fears or shortcomings that must be overcome.

At this stage, heroes might believe they are unfit for the journey ahead. Bilbo Baggins tries refusing Gandalf’s request for him to join the dwarves in reclaiming their home. Other times, refusal comes from a sense of duty preventing the hero from leaving home.

4. Meeting the Mentor

The hero needs guidance to answer the call, which comes in the form of a mentor figure. The mentor prepares the hero for the journey ahead by training, advising, and empowering them.

The mentor can appear as a wise old wizard like Merlin or Dumbledore. Or they may impart wisdom in less obvious ways. In The Karate Kid, the unassuming maintenance man Mr. Miyagi mentors Daniel through karate lessons and life advice that transform him. Whatever form they take, the mentor molds the hero toward being ready to face their destiny.

5. Crossing the Threshold

The hero commits wholeheartedly to the adventure by crossing the threshold into the special world beyond their ordinary one. There is often an actual threshold representing the boundary between worlds.

Dorothy leaves Kansas behind by squinting through the door of her tornado-blown house into the colorful Land of Oz. By committing to the journey, the hero enters Act Two, facing tests in the special world. The threshold marks the point of no return.

6. Tests, Allies, Enemies

In the special world of Act Two, the hero faces a series of tests that allow them to gather allies and enemies. The tests are part of the training the hero must undergo to prepare for the bigger ordeals yet to come.

The hero discovers new abilities, but also weaknesses that they seek to overcome. Allies join the hero on the journey and work with them to pass tests. Enemies create obstacles and complications for the hero. Through these trials and relationships, we see the hero change and grow.

7. Approach to the Inmost Cave

The inmost cave may be an actual location in the special world, but really represents the innermost darkness of the hero’s psyche, their deepest fear they must face. As they approach this critical juncture, they prepare themselves for facing this ultimate ordeal.

On the approach, the hero may appear to be reaching their goal or think the journey is coming to an end, only to find this is yet another prelude to a more difficult confrontation with death ahead.

8. The Ordeal

Here, the hero undergoes the supreme ordeal of facing their greatest fear in the hope of being rewarded or resurrected anew. This is the climactic central confrontation often representing facing death and rebirth both metaphorically and literally.

The ordeal allows the hero to conquer their enemies or shadowy aspects of themselves once and for all. By dying to their old self, they can be reborn as their true heroic self.

After surviving death in the ordeal, the hero gains the reward they’ve sought like the holy grail or some elixir to save their people. It may come in the form of new knowledge or insight. This rest period lets us see the hero enjoy the fruits of their labor and sacrifice.

10. The Road Back

Carrying the reward, the hero begins their return journey home to the ordinary world. But the adventure isn’t over yet. New dangerous obstacles arise that imperil the hero’s journey home.

The stakes are raised once more as the hero must stay resilient on the road back, holding onto the reward and wisdom gained from their difficult trials. The journey is about mastery of two worlds.

11. Resurrection

As the hero nears the threshold home, they must endure one last test where everything learned so far is put to the ultimate test. Facing mortal danger, they may need rescue from without. This final trial leads to the hero’s resurrection and ascension as a superior being.

12. Return with the Elixir

This brings the hero full circle as they return to the ordinary world, but able to bestow gifts on that world as a powerful guide ready to lead others. Their elixir is the wisdom gained from the ordeal. The hero comes back from death transformed and enlightened.

By mastering and balancing both worlds, the hero is a carrier of boons to help renew their community. They return wiser and more enlightened than when they started.

The Original 17 Stages of the Hero’s Journey (as outlined by Joseph Campbell)

Joseph Campbell’s original 1949 outline of the monomyth actually had more stages – 17 steps versus the simplified version’s 12 steps. Campbell’s 17 stages, grouped into a three act structure, are:

Act I – Departure

  • The Call to Adventure
  • Supernatural Aid
  • Crossing the First Threshold
  • Belly of the Whale

Act II – Initiation

  • The Road of Trials
  • Meeting with the Goddess
  • Woman as Temptress
  • Atonement with the Father
  • The Ultimate Boon

Act III – Return

  • Refusal of the Return
  • Magic Flight
  • Rescue from Without
  • Crossing the Return Threshold
  • Master of Two Worlds
  • Freedom to Live

While containing more steps, Campbell’s outline aligns with Vogler’s simplified version covering departure, initiation, and return. The expanded 17 stages provide more details about certain phases of the journey. Both models offer a guide to crafting an archetypal heroic story.

My Favorite Examples of the Hero’s Journey

The hero’s journey monomyth structure has been analyzed in many myths, legends, films and stories. Here are some of my personal favorites:

  • The Odyssey – This classic epic by Homer shaped much of the hero’s journey template through Odysseus’s long difficult voyage home after the Trojan War.
  • Star Wars – Luke Skywalker’s journey follows the hero template faithfully, one reason the film resonates so powerfully.
  • The Matrix – Neo’s journey from hacker to hero/savior closely aligns with the monomyth. Facing Agent Smith is akin to an ordeal and resurrection.
  • Harry Potter – Harry progresses through each stage, mentored by Dumbledore, gaining allies like Hermione and Ron, facing enemies like Voldemort, dying and returning to defeat evil.
  • The Lion King – Simba’s epic quest contains numerous stages like crossing a threshold into the elephant graveyard, undergoing an ordeal facing his evil uncle, and returning to restore the kingdom.

Each example above takes the universal monomyth template and makes it singular and unforgettable by creating iconic heroes, mentors, allies and villains. The hero’s journey is infinitely malleable.

How to Use the Hero’s Journey in a Novel

If you want to employ the hero’s journey structure in your own novel or screenplay, here are some tips:

  • Have a clear vision of your hero and their ordinary world before disrupting it with the call to adventure.
  • Make your mentor, allies and enemies dimensional, memorable characters that impact the hero.
  • Structure key events like the ordeal, the climax, and the hero’s resurrection around the middle and end to shape the emotional arc.
  • Customize the template to fit your unique story needs. Not all 17 stages must be included.
  • Outline the stages before writing, but also allow some to emerge organically from story and characters.
  • Include symbolic thresholds like crossroads, gates, bridges, or actual magical portals marking transitions into new worlds.
  • Use tests in the special world to allow your hero to grow incrementally through small wins and losses.
  • Consider how bringing back the “elixir” transforms not just the hero but also their community.

In essence, incorporating a monomyth structure provides a time-tested narrative arc while leaving plenty of room for your own imaginative embellishment. Allow the template to guide, not limit, your creativity.

That concludes my personal guide to the hero’s journey draws from myths, films and literature! I hope relaying my own perspectives and enthusiasm brought this monomyth template to life. Now that you’ve completed your own vicarious adventure through the world of the hero’s journey, you have all the tools to craft an epic tale full of memorable characters, riveting ordeals and triumphant returns. Wishing you the best as you set forth on your own writing journey ahead!

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The Hero’s Journey

Hero's Journey Stages

What is the Hero's Journey in Literature?

Crafting a heroic character is a crucial aspect of storytelling, and it involves much more than simply sketching out a brave and virtuous figure. The hero's journey definition is not the typical linear narrative but rather a cyclical pattern that encompasses the hero's transformation, trials, and ultimate return, reflecting the profound and timeless aspects of human experience. The writer's journey in this endeavor goes beyond the external actions of the hero and delves into the character's inner world. The hero arc is the heart of the narrative, depicting the character's evolution from an ordinary person to a true hero.

Narratology and Writing Instructions for Heroic Characters

Related to both plot diagram and types of literary conflict , the ”Hero’s Journey” structure is a recurring pattern of stages many heroes undergo over the course of their stories. Joseph Campbell, an American mythologist, writer, and lecturer, articulated this cycle after researching and reviewing numerous myths and stories from a variety of time periods and regions of the world. He found that different writers take us on different journeys, however, they all share fundamental principles. Through the hero's trials, growth, and ultimate triumph, the narrative comes full circle, embodying the timeless pattern of the hero cycle. Literature abounds with examples of the hero cycle, illustrating how this narrative structure transcends cultural boundaries and remains a fundamental element of storytelling. This hero cycle in literature is also known as the Monomyth, archetype . The most basic version of Joseph Campbell's Monomyth has 12 steps, while more detailed versions can have up to 17 steps. His type of hero's journey diagram provides a visual roadmap for understanding the various stages and archetypal elements that protagonists typically encounter in their transformative quests. The wheel to the right is an excellent visual to share with students of how these steps occur. Hero's journey diagram examples provide a visual roadmap for understanding the various stages and archetypal elements that protagonists typically encounter in their transformative quests. Exploring the monomyth steps outlined by Joseph Campbell, we can see how these universal narrative elements have shaped countless stories across cultures and time periods.

Which Story Structure is Right for You?

The choice of story structure depends on various factors, including the type of story you want to tell, your intended audience, and your personal creative style. Here are some popular story structures and when they might be suitable:

  • The Hero's Journey: Use this structure when you want to tell a story of personal growth, transformation, and adventure. It works well for epic tales, fantasy, and science fiction, but it can be adapted to other genres as well.
  • Three-Act Structure: This is a versatile structure suitable for a wide range of genres, from drama to comedy to action. It's ideal for stories that have a clear beginning, middle, and end, with well-defined turning points.
  • Episodic or Serial Structure: If you're creating a long-running series or a story with multiple interconnected arcs, this structure is a good choice. It allows for flexibility in storytelling and can keep audiences engaged over the long term.
  • Nonlinear Structure: Experiment with this structure if you want to challenge traditional narrative conventions. It's suitable for stories where timelines are fragmented, revealing information gradually to build intrigue and suspense.
  • Circular or Cyclical Structure: This structure is great for stories with recurring themes or for tales that come full circle. It can be particularly effective in literary fiction and philosophical narratives.

Ultimately, the right story structure for you depends on your creative vision, the genre you're working in, and the narrative you want to convey. You may also choose to blend or adapt different structures to suit your story's unique needs. The key is to select a structure that serves your storytelling goals and engages your target audience effectively.

What is a Common Theme in the Hero's Journey?

A common theme in the hero's journey is the concept of personal transformation and growth. Throughout the hero's journey, the protagonist typically undergoes significant change, evolving from an ordinary or flawed individual into a more heroic, self-realized, or enlightened character. This theme of transformation is often accompanied by challenges, trials, and self-discovery, making it a central and universal element of hero's journey narratives.

Structure of the Monomyth: The Hero's Journey Summary

This summary of the different elements of the archetypal hero's journey outlines the main four parts along with the different stages within each part. This can be shared with students and used as a reference along with the hero's journey wheel to analyze literature.

Part One - Call to Adventure

During the exposition, the hero is in the ordinary world , usually the hero’s home or natural habitat. Conflict arises in their everyday life, which calls the hero to adventure , where they are beckoned to leave their familiar world in search of something. They may refuse the call at first, but eventually leave, knowing that something important hangs in the balance and refusal of the call is simply not an option.

Monomyth - Part One - Call to Adventure

Part Two - Supreme Ordeal or Initiation

Once the hero makes the decision to leave the normal world, venture into the unfamiliar world, and has officially begun their mysterious adventure, they will meet a mentor figure (a sidekick in some genres) and together these two will cross the first threshold . This is the point where turning back is not an option, and where the hero must encounter tests, allies and enemies . Obstacles like tests and enemies must be overcome to continue. Helpers aid the hero in their journey.

Monomyth - Part Two - Supreme Ordeal or Initiation

Part Three - Unification or Transformation

Having overcome initial obstacles, in this part of the heroic cycle, the hero and their allies reach the approach . Here they will prepare for the major challenge in this new or special world. During the approach, the hero undergoes an ordeal , testing them to point near death. Their greatest fear is sometimes exposed, and from the ordeal comes a new life or revival for the hero. This transformation is the final separation from their old life to their new life. For their efforts in overcoming the ordeal, the hero reaches the reward . The hero receives the reward for facing death. There may be a celebration, but there is also danger of losing the reward.

Monomyth - Part Three - Unification or Transformation

Part Four - Road Back or Hero's Return

Once the hero achieves their goal and the reward is won, the hero and companions start on the road back . The hero wants to complete the adventure and return to their ordinary world with their treasure. This stage is often referred to as either the resurrections or atonement . Hero's journey examples that showcase the atonement stage often highlight the protagonist's inner turmoil and the difficult decisions they must make to reconcile with their past and fully embrace their heroic destiny. The hero becomes "at one" with themselves. As the hero crosses the threshold (returning from the unknown to their ordinary world), the reader arrives at the climax of the story. Here, the hero is severely tested one last time. This test is an attempt to undo their previous achievements. At this point, the hero has come full circle, and the major conflict at the beginning of the journey is finally resolved. In the return home, the hero has now resumed life in his/her original world, and things are restored to ordinary.

Monomyth - Part Four - Road Back or Hero's Return

Popular Hero's Journey Examples

Monomyth example: homer's odyssey.

Monomyth examples typically involve a hero who embarks on an adventure, faces trials and challenges, undergoes personal transformation, and returns home or to society with newfound wisdom or a significant achievement, making this storytelling structure a powerful and timeless tool for crafting compelling narratives.

The hero's journey chart below for Homer’s Odyssey uses the abridged ninth grade version of the epic. The Heroic Journey in the original story of the Odyssey is not linear, beginning in media res , Latin for “in the middle of things”.)

The Odyssey Heroic Journey - Examples of hero's journey

To Kill a Mockingbird Heroic Journey

To Kill a Mockingbird Hero's Journey

Did you know that many popular movies have heroes that follow this type of journey? It is true! In the "Star Wars" movies, Hollywood film producer George Lucas creates a journey for Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. In "The Lion King", Simba goes on quite the adventure that ends in a final battle with his uncle Scar, a major turning point in the film before the hero returns to save his land. In "The Wizard of Oz", Dorothy takes on the role of the epic hero as she teeters between the two worlds of Kansas and Oz. These are just a few of the many examples of Campbell's theory in the cinematic realm.

Classroom Applications and Uses

Example exercises.

Create your own hero's journey examples using the Storyboard That Creator! Customize the level of detail and number of cells required for projects based on available class time and resources.

  • Students identify the stages of the heroic journey in a piece of literature by creating one cell depicting each of the twelve steps.
  • Students create storyboards that show and explain each stage found in the work of literature, using specific quotes from the text which highlight each part of the journey.
  • Students create an outline of their own original story that follows the monomyth stages.

Common Core

  • ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.3 : Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme
  • ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.7 : Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment (e.g., Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts” and Breughel’s Landscape with the Fall of Icarus)
  • ELA-Literacy.W.9-10.6 : Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically
  • ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.2 : Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source
  • ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.3 : Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed)
  • ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.7 : Analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem (e.g., recorded or live production of a play or recorded novel or poetry), evaluating how each version interprets the source text. (Include at least one play by Shakespeare and one play by an American dramatist.)
  • ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.6 : Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information
  • ELA-Literacy.SL.11-12.2 : Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source and noting any discrepancies among the data

Related Resources

  • Plot Diagram and Narrative Arc
  • Types of Conflict In Literature
  • What is an Archetype?
  • The Odyssey Teacher Guide
  • Types of Heroes in Literature

How Teachers Can Use The Concept of The Heroic Journey To Help Students Better Understand Character Development In Literature

Introduce the concept of the heroic journey.

Teachers can introduce the concept of the heroic journey to students and explain the different stages involved in the journey. This will provide a framework for students to better understand how characters develop throughout the story.

Analyze Characters Using the Heroic Journey

Teachers can guide students through the stages of the heroic journey and ask them to identify where the character is in the journey. This will help students to understand the character's development and how their actions and decisions are influenced by the different stages of the journey.

Compare and Contrast Character Journeys

Teachers can ask students to compare and contrast the journeys of different characters within a story or across multiple stories. This will help students to gain a deeper understanding of how the heroic journey is used to develop characters in literature and how it can be applied across different genres and cultures.

Discuss the Role of Character Motivation

Teachers can encourage students to think critically about the motivations of characters at each stage of the journey. This will help students to understand why characters make certain decisions and how their motivations contribute to their development.

Apply the Concept to Real-Life Situations

Teachers can encourage students to apply the concept of the heroic journey to real-life situations. This will help students to see how the journey applies not only to literature, but also to their own lives and experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Hero's Journey

What is a "monomyth" or the "hero's journey" in literature.

In comparative mythology, the monomyth, or the hero's journey, is the series of stages that can be applied to a variety of stories from all genres. It involves a hero who is called to pursue an adventure, undergoes an ordeal, achieves their goal and returns home transformed.

What are the 12 Stages of the Hero's Journey in literature?

  • Ordinary World
  • Call to Adventure
  • Meeting the Mentor / Helper
  • Crossing the Threshold
  • Test / Allies / Enemies

What is a common theme in the hero's journey?

The Hero's Journey usually follows the path of the main character from childhood or young adulthood through maturity. It is about the common human experiences of growth, challenges and change that are relatable to us all.

Why should students learn about the hero's journey?

The hero's journey is relevant for students in that it demonstrates the possibility of overcoming adversity and the potential for growth and change that is within us all. It is a common theme of literature and movies that once students understand, they will be able to identify over and over again. It is helpful for students to make the text-to-self connection and apply this thinking to their own life as a "growth mindset" . They can see that they are on their own hero's journey and that everyone has the ability to overcome obstacles to achieve their goals and affect positive change in their lives and the lives of others.

What are some of the best examples of the hero's journey?

The hero's journey stages appear in more books than students may realize! Here are just a few examples of popular books that contain the monomyth structure:

  • The Graveyard Book
  • The Hunger Games
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Odyssey
  • The Lions of Little Rock
  • Wednesday Wars
  • One Crazy Summer
  • Out of My Mind
  • Brown Girl Dreaming
  • The Lightning Thief
  • The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
  • The Stars Beneath Our Feet
  • Fish in a Tree

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Hero’s Journey: A Guide to the Ultimate Storytelling Framework

a hero's journey circle

Every captivating story, from ancient myths to modern blockbusters, shares a common narrative structure that resonates with audiences across generations and cultures. This powerful storytelling framework is known as the hero’s journey, a concept rooted in the groundbreaking work of renowned mythologist and author, Joseph Campbell. In this blog post, we’ll delve deep into the fascinating world of the hero’s journey, exploring its key components, providing examples from iconic literature, and sharing insights on how you can harness this timeless narrative structure to elevate your own writing. So, buckle up and join us on this epic adventure as we unravel the secrets of the hero’s journey and uncover the universal threads that bind us all together through the power of storytelling.

What is the Hero’s Journey?

At its core, the hero’s journey is a narrative framework that outlines the transformative arc of a protagonist as they embark on an adventure, face and overcome challenges, and ultimately return home, forever changed by their experiences. The concept was popularized by Joseph Campbell in his seminal work, “The Hero with a Thousand Faces,” where he identified a common pattern in the myths and stories from different cultures and historical periods. Campbell believed that the hero’s journey resonated deeply with readers and audiences because it mirrored universal psychological and spiritual experiences, making it a powerful tool for creating engaging and meaningful stories.

The hero’s journey serves as both a structural blueprint and a symbolic template for stories, enabling writers to craft compelling narratives that reflect the trials, triumphs, and transformations we all encounter in our own lives. By understanding and incorporating the elements of the hero’s journey into your writing, you can create stories that not only entertain but also inspire and enlighten, transcending the boundaries of time and culture to connect with the very essence of human experience.

The Three Acts of a Hero’s Journey

Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey can be broken down into three distinct acts, each comprising a series of stages that capture the essential elements of the protagonist’s transformative arc. These three acts provide a roadmap for writers, helping them navigate the complex landscape of their stories and ensuring that their heroes undergo meaningful and memorable journeys.

  • Departure (The Call to Adventure)
  • Initiation (Trials and Transformation)
  • Return (Master of Two Worlds)

As we explore each act in greater detail, you’ll begin to recognize the familiar narrative beats that have captivated audiences for centuries, and discover how you can use these archetypal elements to bring your own stories to life.

It’s important to note that while the hero’s journey offers a structured framework for storytelling, it is by no means a rigid formula. Writers should feel free to adapt, modify, and expand upon the hero’s journey to suit the unique needs of their stories and characters, always bearing in mind that the ultimate goal is to create engaging, emotionally resonant narratives that connect with readers on a deeper level.

Act 1 – Departure

The first act of the hero’s journey, Departure, sets the stage for the protagonist’s transformative adventure. It introduces the hero in their familiar, ordinary world and presents them with a call to action that will propel them into the unknown. Here are the key stages of the Departure act:

  • The Ordinary World: This stage establishes the hero’s everyday life, providing a relatable starting point for the reader. It highlights the hero’s wants, needs, and any underlying issues that will be addressed throughout the story.
  • Call to Adventure: The hero is presented with a challenge, quest, or opportunity that disrupts their ordinary world and demands a response. This call to action sets the story in motion and paves the way for the protagonist’s transformative journey.
  • Refusal of the Call: Often, the hero initially resists or doubts the call to adventure, revealing their fears and insecurities. This refusal adds tension and deepens the character’s complexity, making their eventual acceptance of the call more satisfying and impactful.
  • Meeting the Mentor: The hero encounters a guide, teacher, or wise figure who provides advice, support, and sometimes magical aid. This mentor figure helps prepare the hero for the trials they will face, and often plays a crucial role in the protagonist’s development.
  • Crossing the Threshold: The hero finally commits to the adventure, leaving their ordinary world behind and stepping into the unknown. This stage marks the point of no return, as the hero embarks on a journey that will forever change them.

The Departure act sets the foundation for the hero’s journey, establishing the protagonist’s relatable struggles and desires while setting them on a path toward growth and transformation. As a writer, it’s essential to carefully craft this act to create a compelling and believable starting point for your hero’s adventure.

Famous Example: The Departure of Harry Potter

To help illustrate the Departure act in action, let’s examine the early stages of the beloved hero’s journey in J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.”

  • The Ordinary World: Harry Potter’s life is far from ideal. He lives with his cruel and uncaring aunt, uncle, and cousin, the Dursleys, in the small, ordinary town of Little Whinging. Despite his miserable circumstances, Harry longs for a sense of belonging and yearns to learn more about his deceased parents.
  • Call to Adventure: Harry receives a mysterious letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, inviting him to attend the prestigious institution. This invitation promises to pull him out of his mundane life and into a world of magic, wonder, and hidden potential.
  • Refusal of the Call: Initially, the Dursleys do everything in their power to prevent Harry from attending Hogwarts, hiding the letters and even fleeing to a remote island. Harry’s desire to learn about his parents and his true heritage is challenged by the Dursleys’ determination to keep him from discovering the truth.
  • Meeting the Mentor: Harry meets Rubeus Hagrid, the half-giant groundskeeper of Hogwarts, who not only delivers Harry’s acceptance letter but also serves as his guide and protector in the magical world. Hagrid reveals the truth about Harry’s parents, his connection to the wizarding world, and the significance of the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.
  • Crossing the Threshold: Harry leaves his life with the Dursleys behind and steps into the magical realm by traveling through the hidden platform 9 ¾ at King’s Cross Station. As he boards the Hogwarts Express, he embarks on an adventure that will transform him from a downtrodden orphan into a powerful and celebrated wizard.

By skillfully weaving together the stages of the Departure act, J.K. Rowling creates an unforgettable introduction to Harry Potter’s hero’s journey, setting the stage for a thrilling and transformative adventure that has captivated readers for generations.

Act 2 – Initiation

As the hero steps into the unknown, the second act, Initiation, unfolds. This act is where the hero’s character and resolve are tested through a series of trials and tribulations. Through these challenges, the protagonist forms new relationships, acquires new skills, and grows as an individual. Here are the key stages of the Initiation act:

  • Trials, Allies, and Enemies: The hero encounters a series of tests and obstacles that push them to their limits. They forge new alliances and face adversaries, which help them gain the skills and knowledge needed to confront their ultimate challenge. This stage is crucial for character development, as the protagonist’s reactions and choices reveal their true nature.
  • Approach to the Innermost Cave: As the hero nears the climax of their journey, they must confront their deepest fears and darkest shadows. The “Innermost Cave” can be a physical location or a metaphorical space, representing the hero’s confrontation with their greatest personal or external challenge.
  • The Ordeal: The protagonist faces their most significant trial, a life-or-death struggle that tests their strength, courage, and resourcefulness. This ordeal often leads to a symbolic or literal death and rebirth, signifying a profound transformation in the hero’s character or perception of themselves.
  • Reward (Seizing the Sword): After overcoming the ordeal, the hero is granted a reward, which may take the form of a physical object, a new ability, or a revelation. This reward symbolizes the hero’s growth and newfound mastery, equipping them to face the final challenges of their journey.

The Initiation act is a crucible for the hero, as they confront adversity and evolve in response to the challenges they face. As a writer, it’s essential to craft compelling trials and conflicts that not only entertain but also illuminate the protagonist’s inner journey, revealing their strengths, weaknesses, and capacity for growth.

Famous Example: The Initiation of Luke Skywalker

To better understand the Initiation act, let’s delve into the captivating trials and tribulations of Luke Skywalker from George Lucas’s “ Star Wars : Episode IV – A New Hope.”

  • Trials, Allies, and Enemies: Luke encounters numerous challenges on his journey, from evading Imperial forces to navigating the treacherous Death Star. Along the way, he forms alliances with characters such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Chewbacca, each of whom plays a vital role in his development. He also confronts adversaries like Darth Vader and the ruthless Galactic Empire, which test his courage and convictions.
  • Approach to the Innermost Cave: As the Rebel Alliance prepares for their daring assault on the Death Star, Luke faces his greatest fear: the possibility of failure and the loss of his newfound friends. This moment of self-doubt forces Luke to confront his insecurities and embrace the lessons he has learned from his mentor, Obi-Wan.
  • The Ordeal: Luke’s ordeal comes during the climactic Battle of Yavin, where he pilots his X-wing fighter in a desperate attempt to destroy the Death Star before it can annihilate the Rebel base. As he faces seemingly insurmountable odds, Luke is guided by the spirit of Obi-Wan, who encourages him to trust in the Force.
  • Reward (Seizing the Sword): After successfully destroying the Death Star, Luke is celebrated as a hero and awarded a medal by Princess Leia. More importantly, he gains newfound confidence in his abilities and his connection to the Force, setting the stage for his continued growth and transformation throughout the remainder of the saga.

By incorporating the stages of the Initiation act, George Lucas masterfully charts Luke Skywalker’s transformative journey from a naïve farm boy to a resourceful and courageous hero. This compelling narrative arc not only entertains but also reflects timeless themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the power of friendship, making “Star Wars” an enduring classic that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

Act 3 – Return

The final act of the hero’s journey, Return, brings the protagonist’s transformative arc to a satisfying conclusion. Having overcome their trials and emerged victorious, the hero must now return to their ordinary world, where they will apply their newfound wisdom, skills, or power for the benefit of others. Here are the key stages of the Return act:

  • The Road Back: The hero begins their journey back to the ordinary world, often facing challenges or temptations that test their resolve and commitment to their newfound purpose. This stage serves as an opportunity for the hero to demonstrate their growth and mastery, as they confront familiar obstacles with renewed strength and insight.
  • Resurrection: The hero faces a final, climactic ordeal that represents their ultimate test of character, courage, and transformation. Often mirroring the earlier ordeal in the Initiation act, this confrontation requires the hero to draw upon all the lessons and experiences they have gained on their journey, leading to a powerful moment of catharsis and renewal.
  • Return with the Elixir: Having triumphed over their final challenge, the hero returns to their ordinary world, bearing a tangible or intangible “elixir” that represents their transformation and the wisdom they have acquired. This elixir often serves as a solution to a problem or conflict within their community, fulfilling the hero’s ultimate purpose and bringing their journey full circle.

The Return act is a crucial component of the hero’s journey, as it not only completes the protagonist’s transformation but also reinforces the universal themes of growth, self-discovery, and the power of individual agency. As a writer, it’s essential to craft a compelling and emotionally resonant conclusion that both celebrates the hero’s achievements and emphasizes the lasting impact of their journey.

Famous Example: The Return of Frodo Baggins

To illustrate the power of the Return act, let’s explore the culmination of Frodo Baggins’s epic journey in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings.”

  • The Road Back: After the destruction of the One Ring and the defeat of Sauron, Frodo and his companions begin their journey back to the Shire, their home in the ordinary world. Despite their hard-won victory, the hobbits are not immune to the lingering effects of their experiences, as they continue to grapple with the emotional and physical scars of their adventure.
  • Resurrection: Upon their return to the Shire, Frodo and his friends discover that their home has been ravaged by the villainous Saruman and his henchmen. This final confrontation serves as a test of the hobbits’ newfound strength and resourcefulness, as they apply the skills and lessons they have gained on their journey to rally their community and reclaim their homeland.
  • Return with the Elixir: With the Shire restored and Saruman defeated, Frodo and his companions are hailed as heroes, and their once-ordinary lives are forever transformed by their extraordinary journey. Frodo, in particular, bears the intangible elixir of wisdom and courage, which he shares through his writing and storytelling, ensuring that the legacy of their adventure endures for future generations.

Through the stages of the Return act, J.R.R. Tolkien skillfully brings Frodo Baggins’s transformative journey to a close, emphasizing the lasting impact of his experiences and the power of individual agency in shaping not only his own destiny but the fate of his entire world. This emotionally resonant and satisfying conclusion is a testament to the enduring power of the hero’s journey as a framework for creating timeless and universally resonant narratives.

How to Use the Hero’s Journey in Your Writing

Now that we’ve delved into the three acts of the hero’s journey and explored some famous examples, you may be wondering how you can apply this timeless narrative structure to your own writing. While the hero’s journey offers a valuable framework for crafting compelling stories, it’s essential to approach it as a flexible blueprint rather than a rigid formula. Here are some tips for incorporating the hero’s journey into your writing:

Identify your hero’s core desires and fears

Understanding your protagonist’s motivations and inner struggles is crucial for crafting a meaningful and emotionally resonant hero’s journey. Consider what drives your hero, what they hope to achieve, and what obstacles they must overcome to realize their goals.

Adapt the structure to your unique story

While the hero’s journey is a proven narrative structure, not every stage will be relevant or necessary for your specific story. Don’t be afraid to modify, expand, or omit certain elements to suit the needs of your characters and plot. The key is to maintain a clear sense of the protagonist’s transformative arc and ensure that their journey remains engaging and emotionally satisfying.

Create compelling challenges and conflicts

The trials and ordeals your hero faces should not only test their physical and mental abilities but also push them to confront their deepest fears and insecurities. Design conflicts that force your protagonist to grow, change, and ultimately emerge as a stronger, more capable individual.

Balance the familiar with the unexpected

While the hero’s journey is based on universal archetypes and narrative beats, it’s crucial to infuse your story with originality and surprise. Experiment with unconventional approaches to the hero’s journey, such as subverting expectations, exploring unconventional hero archetypes, or employing an unconventional narrative structure.

Emphasize your hero’s transformation

The heart of the hero’s journey lies in the protagonist’s personal growth and transformation. Ensure that your hero’s arc is clear, believable, and emotionally resonant by highlighting the lessons they learn, the relationships they form, and the inner obstacles they overcome on their journey.

By integrating the hero’s journey into your writing and adapting it to suit your unique story, you can create compelling, emotionally resonant narratives that resonate with readers and stand the test of time. In essence, you become a better writer .

The Hero’s Journey Across Cultures and Time

The hero’s journey is not only a powerful narrative framework, but it also holds immense cultural and historical significance. Present in countless myths, legends, and stories from around the world, the hero’s journey transcends time and geography, offering a universal blueprint for storytelling that resonates with diverse audiences.

Mythology and folklore

The hero’s journey can be traced back to the earliest myths and legends, from the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh to the Greek hero’s journey of Odysseus in Homer’s “The Odyssey.” These ancient narratives reflect the hero’s journey’s timeless appeal and the universal themes of transformation, self-discovery, and redemption.

Religious narratives

The hero’s journey is also deeply ingrained in religious texts and stories, such as the journeys of Moses in the Hebrew Bible or the life of the Buddha in Buddhist traditions. These narratives not only convey spiritual and moral lessons but also embody the transformative power of the hero’s journey, emphasizing the potential for personal growth and enlightenment.

Literature and popular culture

From classic novels like “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain to modern film franchises like “The Matrix” and “ The Hunger Games ,” the hero’s journey continues to captivate and inspire storytellers and audiences alike. Its enduring appeal is a testament to its ability to tap into universal human experiences and desires, transcending the boundaries of culture, language, and time.

Cross-cultural connections

The hero’s journey reveals a fascinating tapestry of interconnected narratives and themes, which can foster a greater appreciation and understanding of the diverse cultural traditions and perspectives that have shaped human history. By exploring the hero’s journey in various contexts, we can deepen our empathy and broaden our worldview, recognizing the shared human experiences that unite us all.

The hero’s journey’s remarkable longevity and cross-cultural resonance underscore its profound significance as a tool for storytelling and resource for writers . By embracing and celebrating the hero’s journey in its many forms, we can not only create compelling stories but also foster a deeper sense of connection and empathy with others, transcending the barriers of time and culture.

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dds are that if you’ve had any interest in writing a script within the past fifty years you’ve heard of the Hero’s Journey. A writer you got drinks with swore by it, a film professor suggested you read about it.  Or you overheard the barista at your local coffee shop talking about how Die Hard is a picture-perfect template for it. But… what is it? I’ll explain all of the Hero’s Journey’s 17 steps and provide examples in the modern canon. Then you can kick writer’s block and get a strong script into the hands of agents and producers.

Watch: The Hero's Journey Explained

Subscribe for more filmmaking videos like this.

  • Call to Action
  • Refusal of Call
  • Supernatural Aid
  • Crossing The Threshold
  • Belly of the Whale
  • The Road of Trials
  • Meeting the Goddess
  • Atonement With the Father
  • The Ultimate Boon
  • Refusal of Return
  • Magic Flight
  • Rescue from Without
  • Crossing the Return Threshold
  • Master of Two Worlds
  • Freedom to Live

Hero’s Journey Examples

The Hero’s Journey - 17 Steps to Craft the Perfect Screenplay - Graphic

The monomyth featuring three of your favorite franchises!

The hero's journey begins, 1. call to action.

The Hero’s Journey - 17 Steps to Craft the Perfect Screenplay - Cell Phone

Adventure is calling. Will your hero pick up?

The initial step in the first act of the Hero’s Journey - known as the departure - is the “call to action." The Hero is beckoned to go on a journey. Think Frodo Baggins meeting Gandalf. Or the Owl inviting Harry Potter to Hogwarts. 

If having a tall wizard extend a hand may be a little too on the nose for you, don't worry. This comes in all forms. In   Citizen Kane , the mystery surrounding Charles Foster Kane’s final words is the call to action for the reporter, Jerry Thompson, to get to work.

The Hero Hesitates

2. refusal of call.

Next is the Hero’s “refusal of call.” The Hero initially balks at the idea of leaving their lives. The Shire is beautiful, after all, who wants to embark on a dangerous journey across the world? 

This refusal is typically because of a duty or obligation they have at home. Be it family, or work, it’s something our Hero cares deeply about. But, as pressure mounts, they eventually succumb and decide to leave with the help of “supernatural aid.”

The Hero Receives Assistance

3. supernatural aid.

Once the Hero has committed themselves to embarking on whatever that quest may be (keep in mind, a Hero’s Journey can apply to a modern, emotional story, as well), they receive “supernatural aid.”

Individuals give the Hero information or tools at the start of their journey to help their chances of completing the task. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it definitely wasn’t built alone. Every hero has a set of allies helping them get the job done. From Luke, Han, and Chewie to Harry, Ron, and Hermoine, these teams are iconic and nearly inseparable.

The tools provided come in handy as the Hero begins…

The Hero Commits

4. crossing the threshold.

Now the hero ventures into a new, unfamiliar world where the rules and dangers are unknown. They’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto, and that becomes evidently clear when monkeys start flying. 

This stage often requires a few examples to crystalize the change in environment from familiar to dangerous. The contrast is key to play up how ill-prepared they initially are.

The Hero is Challenged

5. belly of the whale.

Next thing you know, we're in “the belly of the whale.” The first point of real danger in the Hero’s Journey. Taken from the Biblical story of Jonah entering a literal whale’s belly, it’s here that the dangers we’ve been warned about are manifested into tangible characters. Like hungry Orcs with swords.

The Hero’s Journey - 17 Steps to Craft the Perfect Screenplay - Anicient

This is Jonah moments before actually being in the belly of the whale.

Now our Hero must make a decision to continue and, in turn, undergo a personal metamorphosis in the process. 

They will not be the same individual at the end of this tale as they were in the beginning.  This must be made clear while in the belly of the whale, as we enter Initiation, or act two. Which is the longest slice of the Hero’s Journey pie.

This part is filled with the most failure and risk, and ends with the climax. But first, it starts with... 

The Hero is Tested

6. the road of trials.

“Road of trials” is a set of three tests that the Hero must take. Usually they will fail at least one of these tests. This could be a montage. It could also be a series of obstacles leading to a smaller goal in the journey. 

Here is where the Hero learns to use his or her tools and allies while on their way to a...

The Great Advisor

7. meeting the goddess.

At this point in the monomyth, our Hero needs a break to adjust perspective and digest the ways they've changed. It’s here that they meet with an advisor, or a trusted individual, who will help them gain a better insight into the next steps of the journey. Frodo met with Galadriel, an elf who enlightened him with visions of potential futures.

The Hero’s Journey - 17 Steps to Craft the Perfect Screenplay - Harry Potter 3

This is Frodo meeting with the goddess

Luke met Leia, and the two formed of a bond of kinship, motivating them to commit more to their cause. This individual doesn’t have to be a woman, but whoever it is our hero will gain something from the wisdom they impart.

But no good deed goes unpunished, and as we reward our Heroes in storytelling, we must also tempt them to failure.

The Hero is Torn

8. temptation.

Much like “road of trials,” “temptation” is a test in the Hero’s Journey. It presents a set of, well… temptations... that our Hero must either overcome or avoid. These temptations pick and pull at the insecurities of the Hero. A microcosm can be found in our own everyday lives with the simple act of getting out of bed.

The temptation to stay in the cozy confines of our comforters (and comfort zones) can be strong and sometimes overwhelming. This must be manifested in our story with some type of a cheap way out. Or an opportunity to throw in the towel. Our Hero must decline and press forward, nobly facing danger.

A Moment of Catharsis

9. atonement with the father.

Once they’ve thrown away their temptations, the Hero enters the “atonement with the father.” This is always an emotional part of the Hero’s Journey. It's a point in the monomyth where our protagonist must confront an aspect of their character from act one that has been slowing them down.

Something that could be fatal to their journey in the coming climactic stages. While this is actuated as a confrontation with a male entity, it doesn’t have to be.

The point here is that the Hero finds within themselves a change from who they were into someone more capable. Harry has to reconcile with the loss of his father figure, Dumbledore. Now take on Voldemort alone, using the lessons he’s learned on the way. Just like Luke...and every other hero ever. This is the emotional climax of the story.

The Hero’s Journey - 17 Steps to Craft the Perfect Screenplay - Darth Vader

"Tell your sister... you were riiiiiiiiiight..."

Death of the hero, 10. apotheosis.

With a new sense of confidence and clarity we must then make our Hero deal with “apotheosis.” This is the stage of the Hero’s Journey where a greater perspective is achieved. Often embodied by a death of the Hero’s former self; where the old Frodo has died and the new one is born.  

But this is sometimes interpreted as a more “a-ha!” moment — a breakthrough that leads to the narrative’s climax. This, too, can be tied to the death of Dumbledore and Harry’s reconciliation with the loss. This step is usually the final motivator for the Hero, driving the story into...

THe Hero Victorious

11. the ultimate boon.

This monomyth step is the physical climax of the story. This is often considered the MacGuffin of a film — the physical object that drives our Hero’s motivation. But it's a MacGuffin, to use Hitchcock's famous term, because ultimately... it doesn't matter.

In  Pulp Fiction , we never find out what’s in the briefcase, but it’s the briefcase that led them on the wild journey. When we find out what “Rosebud” actually means, it simply forms a lynchpin to help us understand who Charles Foster Kane was. The mission is accomplished and the world can rest easy knowing that it is safe from evil.

The Hero's Journey Home

12. refusal of return.

Upon a successful completion of the Hero’s Journey, and a transformation into a different person, the Hero has a “refusal to return.” The Shire seems so boring now and the last thing Harry wants is to go back to that drawer under the stairs. 

And, oftentimes, the return can be just as dangerous. This is the beginning of the third act of Campbell’s Hero’s Journey (known as the Return) and, while shorter, should still contain conflict. Our next step is an opportunity for that...

The Hero Transported

13. magic flight.

This is the point in the Hero’s Journey where they must get out alive, often requiring the help of individuals they met along the way. Dorothy still has to get back to Kansas, the solution to which may seem like a leap of faith.  

The Hero’s Journey - 17 Steps to Craft the Perfect Screenplay - Birds

The eagles rescue from without with a magic flight to Frodo and friends

The hero's rescue, 14. rescue from without.

Bringing us to the “rescuers from without” point in the monomyth. Just because Frodo destroyed the one ring to rule them all doesn’t mean he gets a free ride back to the Shire. Remember those giant eagles we met a while back in act two? Well their back just in time!

Homeward Bound

15. crossing the return threshold.

Once the Hero is back home, it’s time to acknowledge their change in character. “Crossing the return threshold” is the stage in the monomyth where the hero has left the chaos of the outer world and return home.

But it's hard to adjust to the old world. Remember that scene where Frodo tried to enjoy a beer back at the shire? Hard to go back to normal when you essentially live with Dark Lord PTSD.

A Triumphant Return

16. master of two worlds.

The hero survived an adventure in the chaos realm, and now survives in the normal order realm. This makes him or her the master of two worlds. Not many people come back and live to tell the tale.  

The Hero’s Journey - 17 Steps to Craft the Perfect Screenplay - Darth Vader

Frodo and Gandalf wandering off into the sunset post accomplishing their mission

Plus which, throughout the story, they’ve become someone much more capable and resilient than they were in act one. They've learned lessons, and brought what they learned home with them. 

Whatever issues they may have had before embarking on this chaotic tale (often the ones preventing from taking the call to action) now pale in comparison with what they’ve been through.

It’s easier to deal with your annoying cousin, Dudley, after you’ve defeated Voldemort. This, in turn, leads to...

The New Status Quo

17. freedom to live.

In many ways the Hero's Journey is about death and rebirth. The story may manifest as the death of an aspect of character, and the birth of some new way of life. But the metaphor behind any story is one about mortality.

Change is constant. Hero's living through the Hero's Journey are models for us. Models that we can travers the constant change of existence, face our mortality, and continue. In a religious sense, and religions are all part of the monomyth, this is about the eternal spirit. 

Look no farther than the prayer of St. Francis to understand this final step in the Hero's quest. "It is in dying that we are born to eternal life." 

The Hero’s Journey - 17 Steps to Craft the Perfect Screenplay - Star Wars Yoda

The Hero’s Journey Concludes

Cinematic heroes.

The monomyth is practically ubiquitous in Hollywood. As you’ve read earlier, Harry Potter , Star Wars ,   Lord of the Rings ,  and   Citizen Kane all follow the Hero’s Journey. But, because this concept was built upon the foundations of major mythologies, it's truly a "tale as old as time." 

Because Campbell discovered the Hero's Journey. He didn't make it up. Neither did those older myths. He realized as an anthropologist, that every culture all around the globe had the same story beats in all their myths. 

Sure, some myths, and some movies, use 10 of the 17, or even just 5. But throughout human history, around the world, these story beats keep showing up. In cultures that had nothing to do with one another. 

The Hero's Journey is a concept innate to being human. 

And if remembering these 17 steps may seem a little daunting, fear not. Make sure to check out Dan Harmon's abridged 8-step variation of the Hero's Journey monomyth.  Same structure, just made more digestible.

Dan Harmon’s Story Circle 

Practically speaking, the Hero’s Journey is an excellent tool for structuring an outline in a clear and familiar way. It has the power to make your script much more powerful and emotionally resonant. 

It’s circular, allowing for repeat adventures (which works well if you're learning how to write a TV pilot ) and each aspect drives the hero to the next. From the Goddess, the Hero finds temptation. From reconciling with the father, the Hero is now prepared for the final boon.

Story Circle  •  8 Proven Steps to Better Stories

Using a Hero’s Journey worksheet can help you write a treatment or create a well-structured outline , which is a valuable tool for creating a strong first draft.

By putting in the 17 steps of the Hero’s Journey before building the outline, you can ensure that the writing process will flow smoothly and efficiently. Let us know in the comments how the monomyth has helped you craft a story that escalates with every beat to an exciting climax.  

Up Next: Dan Harmon's Story Circle →

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Home / Book Writing / The Dan Harmon Story Circle: The Ultimate Guide in 8 Steps

The Dan Harmon Story Circle: The Ultimate Guide in 8 Steps

One of the most recently appreciated and widely-used story structures is the Dan Harmon Story Circle.

While the model draws heavily on the hero's journey and other similar models, it also tends to simplify things in a way that makes crafting a story easy.

But what exactly is Dan Harmon's Story Circle? Well, that is what I am here to unpack.

  • What the Story Circle is
  • A detailed breakdown of all eight steps in the Story Circle
  • Examples of the Story Circle in use
  • How you can use the Story Circle in your writing

Table of contents

  • What Is the Dan Harmon Story Circle?
  • Who Is Dan Harmon?
  • How Does the Dan Harmon Story Circle Work?
  • 1. You: the character is in a comfort zone
  • 2. Need: The Character Must Want Something
  • 3. Go: The Protagonist Enters an Unfamiliar Setting
  • 4. Search: The Character Must Adapt To the Unfamiliar World
  • 5. Find: The Character Finds What They Wanted
  • 6. Take: The Character Must Pay the Price of What They Found
  • 7. Return: The Hero Returns to Where They Started
  • 8. Change: The Character Is Able to Shift the World around Them
  • Harry Potter
  • While You Were Sleeping
  • How to Use the Dan Harmon Story Circle

Side note: I recommend Plottr as a storytelling software to help you outline your book. With it, you can follow the Story Circle, or a wide variety of other story structures , as you are plotting your books. If you use the links in this article, I do get a small affiliate commission, but it costs you nothing extra and goes straight to the coffee fund. More on Plottr later.

The Story Circle is a narrative structure, first coined by screenwriter and creator Dan Harmon, which is modeled off of the hero's journey , first popularized by Joseph Campbell.

Like the hero's journey, the Story Circle can be found, in one form or another, in almost every story ever told. You will find it in myths from all over the world, you will find in modern storytelling, you may even find it when you hear your neighbor telling you what happened to them last week.

That said, it is not exactly like the hero's journey. The Story Circle has eight stages:

  • You – Where the character is in a zone of comfort
  • Need – And they want something
  • Go – So they enter an unfamiliar situation
  • Search – Adapt to it
  • Find – They find what they wanted
  • Take – Pay the price of taking it
  • Return –  They go back to where they started
  • Change – And is now changed

I’ll discuss each of these in more depth further down, but notice how this compares to the 12 steps of the hero's journey, as outlined by Christopher Vogler:

  • Ordinary world
  • Call to adventure
  • Refusal of the call
  • Meeting the mentor
  • Crossing the threshold
  • Tests, allies, enemies
  • Approach to the innermost cave
  • The road back
  • Resurrection

What Dan Harmon has done in his Story Circle is to boil these 12 steps down to eight, focusing specifically on the character arc, motivations, actions, as well as consequences.

And by making the Story Circle even more simple, Dan Harmon has also managed to make it more universal.

In fact, because the Dan Harmon Story Circle focuses so much on character, it can be used in far more situations than the hero's journey.

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Dan Harmon is a celebrated screenwriter, best known for Community and the animated show Rick and Morty, though he has been screenwriting since the mid-1990s.

Earlier in his career, Dan Harmon thoroughly researched the hero's journey, as presented by Joseph Campbell, as well as Christopher Vogler who popularized the hero's journey in the world of screenwriting.

Harmon took this concept and simplified it in such a way that screenwriters could easily use in their day-to-day writing. What he came up with is now known as the Story Circle.

The top part of the circle, i.e. the first three steps and the last step, represents order. During these four steps, everything is in a state of equilibrium, and all is right with the world.

The bottom half, i.e. steps four through seven, represent chaos. It is during these times that the world brings unknown temptations and trials, and our character has to deal with situations that are uncomfortable.

It is through these trials that the characters are able to gain strength, overcome weaknesses, and ultimately return to the place of order, this time a changed character.

So as the character progresses through these eight stages, they manage to go from order, to chaos, and back to order again.

The 8 Stages of Dan Harmon's Story Circle

Now it's time to dive straight into all eight stages of Dan Harmon's Story Circle. I'll give you the basic information about each, as well as breakdown approximately how this should fit your story overall.

Step 1 takes place at the very beginning of your story, when you are introduced to your main character , understand the world that your character lives in, and demonstrate that they are in a familiar situation of some kind (whether that is emotional, physical, etc.).

Quick tips to make step one shine:

  • Find a way to help the reader care about your protagonist (i.e. save the cat), as readers will not care what happens to your protagonist if the don't have a reason to.
  • Allow the protagonist sometime to interact with the world around them so that we understand that they are in the comfort zone, and why that comfort zone is important to them.
  • Keep the exposition to a minimum. Add just enough that the reader understands the location that the protagonist is in, and anything that is immediately important to know for that character. Remember that a lot can be picked up by context alone.

Chronology note: this step takes place during Act I, and should take up approximately 12% of your story.

Right from the beginning, you should make it clear that all is not right in the protagonist's world. While they are operating from a place of comfort, they have some internal or external need.

Often, it is this need, or something related to it, that creates the inciting incident of the plot. So it is important that you get this part right.

Quick tips to make step two shine:

  • For plot-driven stories, use external needs, where the protagonists wants to change or achieve something. This can be anything from a physical object to the love of someone, to respect of their peers.
  • For character-driven stories, go with an internal need, which can be something like humility if they are prideful characters, courage if they are a timid character, etc.
  • Many stories have external and internal motivations.
  • During this section, you should introduce the inciting incident, ideally related to their need.
  • Ideally, this needs should be so great that it propels the character outside of their comfort zone.

Chronology note: this step should be introduced early on within Act I of the three act structure , ideally on or before the 15% mark of your book.

It is at this point that the characters are thrust into worlds unknown, completely outside of their comfort zone, whether that be literally or emotionally.

This section introduces the core conflict of a good story, conflict that will be with the protagonist until near the end of the story. This is where the character starts working towards their goals, but encounters resistance along the way.

Quick tips to make step three shine:

  • Make the conflict of the story readily apparent, as this can increase the tension and get readers excited to read more.
  • The character should have their first encounter with a real challenge at this point.
  • While the character is firmly outside of their comfort zone, they should still be willing to take action to get what they need.

Chronology note: step three ventures into Act II of a three act structure, roughly around the 25% mark. At this point we have left Act I behind and should be firmly entrenched in the main narrative.

It is at this point that the character realizes that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. Suddenly, the journey to get what they need has become much more complicated.

So in order to get what they need, they must search for solutions to their challenges, which can lead to more challenges, and more crises, all leading to the ultimate climax of the story.

Quick tips to make step four shine:

  • Start adding additional conflict to make yours a better story. Show the protagonist continuing to try and overcome the conflict, only to fail and try again.
  • If you have not already, introduce allies that are there to help your protagonist along the way.
  • You can increase the stakes by ensuring that something or someone is lost along the way.

Chronology note: by now, we are firmly in Act II of a three act structure, and the stakes are beginning to rise. Nevertheless, don't spend too much time in this section, and let it take you to approximately the 30% mark of your story.

Now we come to a pivotal turning point, roughly at the midpoint of your book, where the protagonist finds what they need, and they are awarded a brief moment of victory.

What we don't know, however, is that finding the solution brings new problems with it. The character may discover that what they wanted was not what they actually needed, or looks considerably different from what they thought.

Quick tips to make step five shine:

  • Start by showing a victory, a.k.a. the protagonist finds something that appears to be the correct solution.
  • Take a moment to celebrate, allow the reader to think there is hope, then use this as an opportunity for a plot twist and raise the stakes once again.
  • For external motivations, this can be a physical item or achievement. For internal motivations, the thing that the hero finds is often a revelatory piece of information about themselves.

Chronology note: this step takes place roughly at the middle of the story, around the 50% mark.

At this point in the story, the character must face a hefty price for the thing that they thought they wanted, and that they achieved in the last step.

This huge price tag should bring the character to a new low, building up to the final climax of the story. This new low will create a new need, one that is a little more fitting of the character. 

It is what the character truly needed, despite the fact that it probably conflicts with what the character wanted.

Quick tips to make step six shine:

  • Make it clear that the character’s actions have huge consequences, sometimes catastrophic.
  • Have the character face new challenges as a result of finding what they think they wanted.
  • You should have the character face a significant loss, the nature of which will depend on the genre and the type of story you want to tell.

Chronology note: This takes place towards the end of Act II, right around the 65-75% mark.

This is a figurative or literal return to where the hero started, complete with new knowledge, skills, items, etc. that they found along the journey. It is these things that the character finds that prepares them to confront the final conflict of the story.

While this is not the same type of return talked about in Joseph Campbell's hero's journey, as the climax has not happened yet, it is a return to more familiar grounds. You will often see stories returning to where they started, often literally, but also thematically.

Quick tips to make step seven shine:

  • This is a moment to pause and show how the character is returning to their normal world.
  • This is also an opportunity to show how the character has changed.
  • Remember we are still in the stage of chaos. Not all is set right with the world yet, but by returning to the comfort zone armed with new power, the character is building towards that climax.

Chronology note: this is the start of Act III, roughly 75% of the way through the story.

At last we get the final climax of the story. This is where we see the character use all that they have gained/learned in order to achieve their goal or defeat the antagonist.

This is where the main conflict and the hero come head-to-head, and we see what the characters' discoveries are truly worth. And they change a lot.

Not only has the character changed, but they are able to change the world around them.

Quick tips to make step eight shine:

  • Don't hold back. Make this the biggest showdown of your story, whether that be a physical battle, an emotional punch, a huge triumph over inner demons, etc.
  • Remember this is a circle. We want to show that the protagonist is returning to their place of comfort, but this time a changed person. The more you can thematically tie the ending to your beginning, the better it will read.

Chronology note: this climax takes place roughly between the 85 to 87% mark of your story. Bear in mind that there is still room for falling action once this section is done. You will still need to tie up any loose ends.

Examples of Dan Harmon's Story Circle

Let's take a look at some better-known stories, and see how they implement Dan Harmon's Story Circle. While none of these were specifically intended to use this circle, you will start to see it pop up in almost every story you ever hear.

  • You: Harry starts out in the familiar (albeit distressing) situation as an orphan living with his aunt and uncle who wants nothing to do with him.
  • Need: Harry learns that he is a wizard and that he has untold possibilities ahead in his future.
  • Go: Harry goes to Hogwarts, completely immersed in an unfamiliar world.
  • Search: Harry learns various spells, gains friends and mentors, and learns to fly.
  • Find: Harry finds what he thinks he wants when he learns that he has natural talent at Quidditch.
  • Take: slightly overconfident, Harry believes that there is a conspiracy going on involving Professor Snape. He is thrown closer to an encounter with Lord Voldemort.
  • Return: Harry defeats Voldemort and eventually returns to his home.
  • Change: he is no longer the shy boy living under the stairs. He has changed, and his aunt and uncle know it.
  • You: Lucy lives alone, working a tedious, boring job at a ticket booth.
  • Need: she wants to have a family, and specifically wants to marry a man that she sees every day at her job.
  • Go: Lucy saves the man she is infatuated with from an oncoming train.
  • Search: she lies to Peter's family and tells them that she is his fiancée.
  • Find: Lucy gains the family she always wanted, but finds that she is falling for Peter's brother Jack.
  • Take: it is revealed that she was not Peter's girlfriend, and it seems like her relationship with the family is over.
  • Return: instead, Lucy marries Jack before returning to her work at the train station.
  • Change: even though she is back in her familiar world, she is changed. She enjoys her life more now that she has Jack.
  • You: Bryan, Liam Neeson's character, lives a comfortable life as a retired government operative.
  • Need: Bryan wants to be a little more involved in the life of his daughter.
  • Go: his daughter is kidnapped in Paris, and Bryan must go after her to save her.
  • Search: Bryan searches for his daughter, using his past skill and expertise to lay waste to the opposition.
  • Find: Bryan finds his daughter, but is not able to rescue her yet.
  • Take: Bryan is forced to kill the head of the human-trafficking organization in order to save his daughter from them.
  • Return : Bryan brings his daughter back from Paris, gaining more respect from her and her mother.
  • Change: Bryan is able to go back to his familiar life, but this time with a new connection to his daughter.

The Story Circle is a great framework to make your story better. It is likely that you are already doing some of these things instinctively, as they have been ingrained in us through pop culture.

In fact, you will find that the Story Circle is applicable to almost anything. Even while telling a personal story to a friend, there is a good chance that you have unconsciously used this story structure.

For example, imagine telling someone about that time you got food poisoning:

  • You: You were at home
  • Need: You were hungry
  • Go: You went out to eat
  • Search: Spent a while looking at the menu
  • Find: Ate your food
  • Take: Got horribly sick
  • Return: You went home
  • Change: And never went back to that restaurant again

That is, essentially, the Story Circle. It is easy to incorporate into your storytelling process as well.

That said, I highly recommend Plottr as the perfect software to help you track and outline your story according to the Story Circle or any other number of story structures. It easily walks you through your outline, with pre-built templates to help you along.

I love it because it works very similar to using notecards on a wall, and it is very easy to switch things around and mix things up. 

But by far the most useful feature is the ability to follow a template. And yes, they have Dan Harmon's Story Circle as one of them.

Jason Hamilton

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

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9 Stages of the Hero’s Journey and How to Use Them

The 9 Stages of the Hero’s Journey and How to Use Them

by Lewis / July 14, 2018 / Story Structure

What is the true purpose of storytelling?

You might say it’s to uplift us, or to comfort us in times of trouble. Others will argue storytelling serves to teach us morality, the meaning of good versus evil, or the value of inner strength. Yet, Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey goes deeper than all of those things.

The Hero’s Journey is about exploring human nature and charting our common path from childhood to adulthood, regardless of who we are or what we struggle with. Not only that, but it embodies universal themes of growth and change, making it the perfect foundation to build your own unique story from!

What Is the Hero’s Journey?

  • 1 What Is the Hero’s Journey?
  • 2 Using the Hero’s Journey in Your Own Novel
  • 3.1 The Ordinary World:
  • 3.2 The Call to Adventure and Refusing the Call:
  • 3.3 Overcoming Resistance and Meeting the Mentor:
  • 3.4 Crossing the First Threshold:
  • 3.5 Tests and Trials:
  • 3.6 The Major Ordeal:
  • 3.7 The Road Back:
  • 3.8 Mastering the Journey:
  • 3.9 Returning with the Elixir:
  • 4 Understanding the Monomyth

9 Stages of the Hero’s Journey and How to Use Them

Popularized by Joseph Campbell, the Hero’s Journey was part of his idea of the “Monomyth,” a term describing the universal progression of all human storytelling. He developed this while studying mythology from cultures across the world and throughout history, writing about them in The Hero With a Thousand Faces.

As a follow up, Christopher Vogler wrote The Writer’s Journey , further distilling the ideas of Campbell into a usable storytelling guide.

The result is one of the best storytelling tools around.

At its core, the Hero’s Journey is a form of story structure just like the Three Act Structure. However, in comparison the Hero’s Journey is much more broad, and is something you can see at play in almost every story—regardless of how anti-traditional it may be.

This is because the Monomyth builds on ever-present patterns of growth and change, something humans have been obsessed with forever.

  • What is my purpose in life?
  • What does it mean to grow up?
  • Is there something greater out there?
  • What will happen when I die?

These questions have always echoed in the human mind, and been reflected in our storytelling as a result. Thus, the Hero’s Journey is so powerful and omnipresent because it resonates with a core part of our human experience.

“A blunder—apparently the merest chance—reveals an unsuspected world, and the individual is drawn into a relationship with forces that are not rightly understood… They are the result of suppressed desires and conflicts. They are ripples on the surface of life, produced by unsuspected springs. And these may be very deep—as deep as the soul itself.” – Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces

Using the Hero’s Journey in Your Own Novel

Of course, this is all well and good, but how can you use this Monomyth in your own writing?

Well, one of the best qualities of this structure is that it ties together both your characters and plot. Rather than just being a story structure, the Hero’s Journey can also act as something of a character arc. That’s the most helpful thing about these principles—they apply not only to your plot, but your protagonist’s arc as well, helping you build a more cohesive story.

When combined, you have a powerful recipe for engaging your readers!

Overall, the Hero’s Journey is split into two halves: The Ordinary World, and the Unknown World. The Ordinary World is exactly what it sounds like—your protagonist’s everyday life, complete with all of their flaws and insecurities.

Hero's Inner Journey

However, a problem is brewing beneath the surface, and this is what will force them to leave home and enter the Unknown World. This Unknown World is where they’ll be tested and forced to grow as a person. Along the way they’ll gain new allies and skills, until they finally return to their Ordinary World to heal it’s suffering and take their place among the heroes.

Throughout this structure, your protagonist’s inner development will mirror the conflict of the story, giving your novel a cohesive and resonant feel. With that said, let’s look at the nine stages of the Hero’s Journey and how to incorporate them in your own storytelling!

The 9 Stages of Campbell’s Monomyth

The ordinary world:.

The start of the Hero’s Journey finds us in the Ordinary World, where readers are introduced to your setting, meet the starting cast, and get to know your protagonist. Essentially, the Ordinary World provides a baseline that will make the Unknown World your protagonist later encounters stand out.

Because of this, you don’t want to neglect this important setup.

Without seeing where your hero is starting from, a world full of magical purple unicorn dragons could be entirely normal to them. Instead, you need to you start your story by showing their normal everyday life in suburban Wisconsin. It’s the contrast between these two worlds that makes them feel impactful.

Alongside this, the Ordinary World also sets up the inner struggle your protagonist will need to overcome during their character arc. It shows how they’ve been living before their journey begins and foreshadows the cracks under the surface. Without this critical knowledge of the Ordinary World, the reader has no metric by which to measure your character’s growth or the growth of their world.

The Call to Adventure and Refusing the Call:

If you’re already a fan of the Three Act Structure, then the Call to Adventure will likely feel at least somewhat familiar.

This is because the Call to the Adventure mimics the Inciting Event and Key Event from the Three Act Structure. Here, your protagonist will learn of the coming conflict and get their first taste of the journey to come—though sometimes they are whisked away with little choice. Most often they’ll also refuse this call, helping your reader better understand the stakes of your story.

If your protagonist has reason to be afraid, then your audience does as well.

This stage allows you to build suspense, foreshadow the power of your antagonist and the dangers ahead, and show off your protagonist’s flaws in action. Are they too timid, headstrong, selfish, or careless? Incorporate this into their Refusal of the Call and show how it will hinder them on the journey ahead.

Overcoming Resistance and Meeting the Mentor:

Now that a Call has been issued, your protagonist will be feeling afraid, hesitant, or even outright resistant to beginning their journey.

Overcoming this resistance requires a period of counsel, where they’ll get advice and encouragement from mentors and allies. Here you’ll prepare your protagonist and audience for what’s coming, while also fitting in some last minute worldbuilding and plot development before your story picks up steam.

Your protagonist will begin collecting the tools and wisdom needed for the road ahead, though they won’t be completely prepared for a while yet. Their inner struggles will continue pushing against them here, and they may neglect important information they’ll regret later on. Still, they’ll also show promise, usually in the form of some redeeming quality that lets your readers know there is hope for them to grow.

Crossing the First Threshold:

This is the true beginning of your story.

Here your protagonist will Cross the First Threshold into the new, Unknown World, officially committing themselves to the journey ahead. There is no turning back from this point, and no returning to the Ordinary World until they’ve completed their quest and grown past their flaws.

Your protagonist will have to prove themselves to make it this far of course, even though they haven’t overcome their inner struggle just yet.

Just as they showed a redeeming quality while Overcoming Resistance and Meeting the Mentor, they’ll need to prove this redeeming quality again to cross into the Unknown World. As an example, Bilbo Baggins temporarily overcomes his fearfulness and leaves the Shire, while Mulan overcomes her self-doubt and joins the Chinese army. However, some characters will be forced into this Unknown World, like when Simba is driven from the Pride Lands by Scar.

Tests and Trials:

Your story has officially entered the Unknown World, and this is when a period of Tests and Trials begin for your protagonist.

Here they’ll gain new allies, new enemies, and new skills. They’ll be beaten down repeatedly, only to get back up again that much stronger and wiser. Essentially, this period is all about preparing them for the bigger battles that lie ahead.

This means that the Tests and Trials period is important for a variety of reasons.

It provides a stark contrast from the more stable Ordinary World and thrusts your protagonist into their new life. However, it also gives them the opportunity—through their new experiences—to prove their strengths, befriend others in your cast, and begin to threaten your antagonist. Overall, these tests will form nearly a quarter of your story’s overall runtime as you approach the Major Ordeal.

The Major Ordeal:

Perhaps confusingly named, the Major Ordeal is not the Climax.

Instead it corresponds with the Midpoint of the Three Act Structure, and shifts your protagonist from a period of reaction to action. After this point, they’ll finally be able to actively drive your plot forward, rather than just being pushed along against their will. They’ll also be rewarded for their success, either through a new tool, new allies, or new knowledge.

The Major Ordeal itself will feature a moment of growth that cements your protagonist’s progress. They’ll have to face their biggest conflict yet, giving them a chance to show how far they’ve come from their Ordinary World. However, don’t let them get ahead of themselves.

They haven’t overcome their inner struggle yet, though they may think they have.

To pick on Mulan again, her Major Ordeal occurs when she retrieves the arrow from the top of the pole in the middle of camp, proving her cleverness and intelligence. She has gained the acceptance of her comrades, but she is still living in disguise. This will come back to punish her later, just as your protagonist’s flaw will come back to punish them.

The Road Back:

With the Major Ordeal behind them, the Road Back prepares your protagonist to face the finale of your story.

They’re now driving the plot, seeking out your antagonist or otherwise planning their defeat, and likely beginning the trek to wherever their final showdown will take place. Here your pacing will speed up as well. You’re preparing for a climactic showdown, and both your cast and your readers are ready to see this journey come to its conclusion.

This creates the perfect opportunity to remind your protagonist of the stakes.

In the afterglow of the Major Ordeal, you need to show them why their journey isn’t over yet. Reveal the cracks still left by their flaw, and remind them that no matter how much they try to cover them up, they must deal with them soon. The conflict is far from over, and there’s still danger ahead.

Mastering the Journey:

With your story coming to its close, its time for your protagonist to prove they’ve mastered their journey—and as you can probably guess, this overlaps with the Climax and the Climactic moment from the Three Act Structure. Here they’ll do battle against your antagonist and face their final test, hopefully overcoming their inner struggle in the process.

As a result, everything in your story needs to come together here.

All of your themes, subplots, characters, symbols, motifs—it’s called the Climax for a reason! Of course, this is also the culmination of your protagonist’s arc. Here they’ll face the most difficult test of their flaws, and will have to use all of the knowledge, skills, and alliances they’ve gained to survive.

Ultimately, without the journey they just went on, they would never be able to succeed.

Returning with the Elixir:

With your story’s conflict resolved, it’s now time for your protagonist to recover. To Return with the Elixir references the end of many myths where the hero brings the rewards of their journey back to their home village, healing the lives of everyone around them—not just their own. In terms of the traditional Three Act Structure, this mirrors your Resolution.

Essentially, your goal in these final scenes is to complete the circle of your story.

At the end of many adventures the protagonist returns home to their Ordinary World, experiencing echoes from the start of their journey. Yet everything feels different, and they quickly realize how their quest has changed them. Others don’t make a physical return, but instead see similar situations to those they struggled with or felt uncomfortable in at the start, this time unfazed by what seemed so intimidating before.

Either way, these final moments will be bittersweet, joyful, and maybe even a bit sad.

Most importantly, they’ll provide an important sense of catharsis for your readers, a release of the emotional tension your story created. So—to use this ending to its full effect—make sure you give your readers a moment to relax with your cast before they close the back cover.

Understanding the Monomyth

At the end of the day, the Hero’s Journey embodies patterns seen in almost all human storytelling, and it’s also a great tool for writers wanting to more deeply understand their own stories. While it’s not without it’s flaws, it can still serve as a great starting point for telling your own epic adventures!

Of course, the Hero’s Journey isn’t the only form of story structure out there. If you’re interested in exploring everything else story structure has to offer, I hope you’ll take a moment to check out The Complete Story Structure Series , a collection of articles on The Novel Smithy dedicated to everything structure.

How does the Hero’s Journey impact your stories? Let me know in the comments!

Thoughts on the 9 stages of the hero’s journey and how to use them.

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Hi, I have four books out and a new one almost ready. This may be the best explanation of the Journey I’ve read. And, I’ve read a lot, including Hero with a Thousand Faces and the Writer’s Journey. I especially like your take on Crossing the Threshold and the Major Ordeal. Those two entries helped clear a lot of fog on the subject for me.

Thanks. Charles Hampton

' src=

Glad to hear it Charles! 🙂

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Unraveling The Concept of The Hero’s Journey in Filmmaking

This podcast featuring christopher vogler opens up a lot of storytelling ideas..

Unraveling The Concept of The Hero’s Journey in Filmmaking

Many great stories, whether told through the written word or on the silver screen, share a common thread—a hero's journey. The Hero's Journey is a narrative structure that has been a fundamental part of storytelling for centuries, and it continues to be a powerful tool in filmmaking.

One of my favorite screenwriting books is ' The Writer’s Journey ', which details Joseph Campbell's journey through storytelling and takes the writer's POV.

This was the first book I read on screenwriting and one of the best.

Christopher Vogler wrote the book, and he was recently on the Film Crux podcast talking about these concepts. So check out the podcast and we'll talk after.

What is the Hero's Journey?

'Star Wars'

I figured that after the podcast you may need a refresher on Joseph Campbell and his concept of The Hero's Journey. This not a new concept; it dates back to ancient mythology and has been used by countless cultures throughout history.

Campbell was a scholar of comparative mythology and wrote a book called "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." He identified a common pattern in myths and stories from around the world, a pattern he called the monomyth or the Hero's Journey .

The Hero's Journey is a template that outlines the stages a hero typically goes through in a story. While there may be variations and adaptations, the core structure remains consistent.

It begins with the hero's ordinary world, followed by a call to adventure, a journey into the unknown, encounters with allies and enemies, a transformation or revelation, and finally, a return to the ordinary world with newfound wisdom or gifts.

A Diagram of The Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey Diagram

Wikipedia Commons

The Hero's Journey is often depicted as a circular diagram, with each stage connected to the next in a cycle. there are many different names for the story beats in the circle.

The image above is from Wikipedia.

Here's a linear representation of Campbell's idea with beats I use when writing.

  • Ordinary World : The hero's normal life before the adventure begins.
  • Call to Adventure : The hero receives a call to leave their ordinary world and embark on a journey.
  • Refusal of the Call : The hero hesitates or resists the call initially.
  • Meeting the Mentor: The hero encounters a mentor or guide who provides advice or assistance.
  • Crossing the Threshold : The hero commits to leaving the ordinary world and entering the unknown.
  • Tests, Allies, and Enemies : The hero faces challenges, makes allies, and encounters adversaries.
  • Approaching the Cave : The hero gets closer to the central challenge or conflict.
  • Ordeal : The hero faces a major test, often their most significant challenge.
  • Reward : The hero overcomes the ordeal and gains a reward or insight.
  • The Road Back: The hero begins the journey back to the ordinary world.
  • Resurrection : The hero faces one final, climactic challenge.
  • Return with the Elixir: The hero returns to the ordinary world, transformed, and brings something valuable back.

Examples of The Hero's Journey in Film

'The Matrix'

Warner Bros.

Many iconic films have embraced the Hero's Journey structure to great effect. Here are a few examples:

  • Star Wars : George Lucas drew heavily from Joseph Campbell's work when creating the Star Wars saga. Luke Skywalker's journey from a farm boy on Tatooine to a Jedi Knight follows the Hero's Journey pattern closely.
  • The Lord of the Rings : J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy trilogy, adapted into films by Peter Jackson, showcases the Hero's Journey through Frodo's quest to destroy the One Ring.
  • The Matrix: The Wachowskis used the Hero's Journey to guide Neo's transformation from a computer hacker to "The One" who can save humanity.
  • The Wizard of Oz: Dorothy's adventure in the Land of Oz is a classic Hero's Journey, complete with a call to adventure, allies, adversaries, and a return home with newfound wisdom.

How Filmmakers Utilize the Hero's Journey

  • Creating Relatable Characters: One of the most significant advantages of the Hero's Journey in filmmaking is its ability to create relatable characters. Audiences connect with heroes who face challenges, make sacrifices, and experience personal growth. By following this narrative structure, filmmakers can craft characters that resonate with viewers on a deep emotional level.
  • Building Tension and Conflict: The Hero's Journey provides a built-in framework for tension and conflict. As the hero progresses through the various stages, they encounter obstacles, adversaries, and setbacks, keeping the audience engaged and invested in the story's outcome.
  • Engaging Audiences on an Emotional Level: The Hero's Journey is not just about physical challenges; it's also about the hero's internal journey. Filmmakers can use this structure to explore the hero's emotions, fears, and desires, allowing the audience to connect with the character on an emotional level.
  • Crafting Memorable Endings: The return of the hero to the ordinary world at the end of their journey often leaves a lasting impact on the audience. Filmmakers can use this moment to deliver powerful messages, resolutions, or open-ended conclusions that leave viewers thinking long after the credits roll.

More Reading on The Hero's Journey

The Lion King (2019)

This is No Film School, of course we've written about this concept many times before. so here are some articles for you to peruse as well...

  • What Are the Fundamentals of the Hero's Journey?
  • What Is the 'Call to Adventure' in Storytelling?
  • Joseph Campbell's Monomyth: A Brief History and Introduction
  • Puppets Reenact Your Favorite Movie Moments to Explain Joseph Campbell’s ‘Hero’s Journey’
  • The Other Hero's Journey: The Emotional Struggle of Screenwriting
  • Over 48 Hours of Joseph Campbell Lectures Released for Free on Spotify
  • This Supercut Takes You Through the Hero's Journey of over 50 Iconic Films

The Hero's Journey is a storytelling archetype deeply embedded in our collective consciousness. It provides filmmakers with a powerful tool to engage and captivate audiences.

By understanding and utilizing this narrative structure, filmmakers can create compelling stories with relatable characters, tension, and emotional depth.

Whether you're crafting a space opera or an intimate drama, the Hero's Journey remains a timeless blueprint for successful storytelling in filmmaking.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

  • The Other Hero's Journey: The Emotional Struggle of Screenwriting ›
  • This Supercut Takes You Through the Hero's Journey of over 50 Iconic Films ›
  • What Are the Fundamentals of the Hero's Journey? ›
  • Writing 101: What Is the Hero's Journey? 2 Hero's Journey ... ›
  • The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell on His Life and Work (The ... ›
  • Hero's journey - Wikipedia ›

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Supermicro at NAB Show 2024

a hero's journey circle

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a hero's journey circle

Dan Harmon, The Hero’s Journey, and the Circle Theory of Story

Scott Myers

Scott Myers

Go Into The Story

“To this day, Harmon still studies each film and TV show he watches, searching for his algorithm underneath, checking to see if the theory is airtight.”

I suspect we have many fans of the TV series “Community” and “Rick and Morty,” so my guess is there will be a lot of interest in this Wired article featuring the show’s creator Dan Harmon. It’s a long piece so let me zero in on Harmon’s approach to the story-crafting process:

The circles are everywhere , if you know to look for them. They’re on the whiteboards around Dan Harmon’s office, on sheets tacked to his walls, on a notepad on the floor of his car. Each one is hand-drawn and divided into quadrants with scribbled notes and numbers sprouting along the edges. They look like little targets. Harmon, 38, is the creator of Community, a sitcom about a group of community-college study buddies and the most giddily experimental show on network TV. He began doodling the circles in the late ’90s, while stuck on a screenplay. He wanted to codify the storytelling process — to find the hidden structure powering the movies and TV shows, even songs, he’d been absorbing since he was a kid. “I was thinking, there must be some symmetry to this,” he says of how stories are told. “Some simplicity.” So he watched a lot of Die Hard , boiled down a lot of Joseph Campbell, and came up with the circle, an algorithm that distills a narrative into eight steps:
1. A character is in a zone of comfort 2. But they want something 3. They enter an unfamiliar situation 4. Adapt to it 5. Get what they wanted 6. Pay a heavy price for it 7. Then return to their familiar situation 8. Having changed Harmon calls his circles ‘embryos’ — they contain all the elements needed for a satisfying story — and he uses them to map out nearly every turn on Community, from throwaway gags to entire seasons. If a plot doesn’t follow these steps, the embryo is invalid, and he starts over. To this day, Harmon still studies each film and TV show he watches, searching for his algorithm underneath, checking to see if the theory is airtight. “I can’t not see that circle,” he says. “It’s tattooed on my brain.”

“Star Wars,” then sit-coms? That guy Joseph Campbell missed his calling! Should’ve been a Hollywood writer. Here are a few versions of Campbell’s ‘circles’. First, the 17 stages of The Hero’s Journey as laid out in Campbell’s book “The Hero With a Thousand Faces”:

Here is another circle representation with a simplified 12-stage version:

And here is an even more basic version of The Hero’s Journey:

There’s value in each version and there are endless iterations, such as what Harmon has done with the show “Community.” From a screenwriting perspective, the goal is not to use The Hero’s Journey as a formula. That just results in formulaic scripts. Rather it is to use these ideas as tools to dig into your story and find its soul, then its structure. The plot should arise from the characters. Which sounds just like how Dan Harmon approaches his story-crafting process.

Here is a video which goes into detail explaining Harmon’s circle theory:

For more of the article, go here .

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Introduction to the Hero’s Journey Outline

a hero's journey circle

Have you ever noticed that all the good stories follow a similar pattern? That there are just certain narrative elements that resonate with many people and have an emotional impact?

While there are a variety of templates used by storytellers, one of the most well-known and influential structures is the Hero’s Journey outline. This story model is profoundly character-centered, as it demonstrates both the internal and external voyage of the hero. 

The Hero’s Journey structure is used in films, novels, video games, and all the other types of enterprises where storytelling is required. Understanding its principles will allow you to comprehend the fundamentals of crafting a powerful story. 

Our introduction to the Hero’s Journey outline will give you a rudimentary knowledge of this structure, and how with its help you can become a better storyteller.

Who Created the Hero’s Journey?

The term Hero’s Journey was coined by Joseph Campbell in 1987. 

a hero's journey circle

Joseph Campbell was an American professor of literature and comparative mythology. He has traveled the world and collected folk tales, myths, legends, and stories from different countries and cultures. Throughout his travels, Campbell observed that all those stories follow a similar pattern. 

The pattern involved a hero with a specific goal, traveling into the realm of the unknown, fulfilling the wish through sacrifice, and returning to the world of the ordinary by restoring the balance. 

Even though the art of telling a story has existed long before Campbell, he was the one who tailored the term Hero’s Journey and popularized it. According to Campbell, the Hero’s Journey outline is “as old as time” and acts as a guideline to “fundamental human experience”. 

Essentially, the Hero’s Journey outline is a story of change and sacrifice; these motifs are present in all the stories. Campbell said that on an elemental level we are all retelling the universal story, over and over again; he dubbed it the monomyth . 

The Monomyth: Separation, Initiation, Return 

The Monomyth follows a basic yet cardinal structure. It involves a hero, with a particular goal in mind, who needs to venture into the unknown, leaving the ordinary world behind, and return balance for the sake of the greater good through sacrifice. 

Another important aspect that needs to be understood, is that Hero’s Journey incorporates a set of archetypal characters. Archetypal character constitutes a patterned quality of a certain character, again present in all stories. Some of the archetypal characters are hero, tyrant, damsel in distress, wise old man, fool, etc. 

The monomyth is usually depicted through a circle diagram, separated into three segments. In a clockwise direction, a hero needs to pass through the whole circle, and return to the back where he has started from. Only now the hero has manifested his destiny, self-actualized his potential, and completed a sacrifice that is going to bring out the best. 

a hero's journey circle

Traditionally, the Hero’s Journey template was divided into three segments and 17 stages. The three segments are separation, initiation, return.  We are going to break down these three segments, analyze each stage, and see why each one of them is important for a storytelling purpose. 

The Hero’s Journey Outline

The separation segment represents a departure from the known and the ordinary realm. This is the world that needs some change, needs saving. The hero leaves the comfort of everyday life behind and sails out for the adventure into the unknown territory. 

1. The Ordinary World

The Ordinary World is where the hero exists before the story starts, unknowing of what is to come. This is the status quo of our story, an ordinary world that needs to be left behind for the better.

2. Call to an Adventure

This is when the hero is invited to start the journey. This call, also known as an inciting incident, acts as a story catalyst. It disrupts the comfort of the everyday life of our hero and sets him out on an adventure. 

3. Refusal of the Call

The moment of doubt before setting out for an adventure. Hero refuses the call, because of insecurities and fears. On a storytelling level, this stage suggests that stakes for the upcoming journey are indeed too high. This is the last moment our hero can quit, but as the risks increase, the hero ends up accepting the call. 

4. Meeting the Mentor

Here is where the archetype of Wise Old Man comes in. The mentor figure provides important insight and guidance for the adventure. Usually, the hero is also given an amulet or a tool that will assist them later on in the story. Think about this character for a second. Obi-Wan Kenobi assisting Luke Skywalker with words of wisdom on Tatooine, or Alfred the Butler advising Bruce Wayne. This is also a great part of your story for the exposition. As a writer, you can introduce important information about your world and the story in this section. 

5. Crossing the First Threshold

By crossing the first threshold, the hero leaves all that is known and needed behind. This is the moment that marks the commitment of the hero to the journey. It is the point of no turning back, stakes are now higher than ever, and the only way is forward.

The initiation segment of the hero journey signifies the world of unknown, chaos, and mystery. Your hero needs to pass these series of tasks, that result in a sacrifice to restore the order from chaos. 

6. Belly of the Whale

This is when a hero is faced with his first obstacle. The hero has just entered the world of the unknown as if metaphorically devoured by a whale.

7. Road of Trials

This is where all the fun begins. For the hero to come back to the new reality transformed, initiation must be fulfilled. This is where your hero meets all the obstacles, challenges, and adversaries. During every trial, the hero learns a new skill or gets an insight into how to proceed with the journey. 

8. Meeting with the Goddess

This usually signifies the positive union, and where the hero gets united with the allies. This would be a great moment in your story to introduce a love interest or other sidekick characters. 

9. Temptation

One of the hardest tasks that a hero must pass through is temptation. This is the moment when the hero is usually offered to join the dark side, to abandon the path. 

10. Dark Night of the Soul

That’s where all seemed to be lost. Bad guys are winning. There is no more hope left in the outside world. This is the darkest time of the hero’s journey when the hero loses everything.

11. Atonement

Traditionally Campbell referred to this moment in a story as an Atonement with the Father. Usually, it’s where the hero needs to confront a father figure, god, or some higher perception of Self, to atone all the mistakes. This usually results in the realization that there is still might be hope left. One last chance to make things right. 

12. Apotheosis

This is the moment of transformation, realization, and achievement. Apart from in every story when through a sense of revelation the hero achieves the mission of the journey and attains internal bliss. Now the hero is transformed through a metaphorical death, fulfills the goal, and is ready to fight the final battle to return to the world of the ordinary.

The quest is fulfilled, fear is conquered, and the hero feels complete. But what now? In the final segment of Hero’s Journey, the protagonist restores the balance, finds a way to return home, and utilizes all that has been gained during the quest. 

13. Magic Flight

Now a self-actualized hero is ready to flee the world of the unknown and bring the elixir of life back to the normal world. This is the escape, the chase before the final battle.  

14. Rescue from Without

The same way a mentor figure has helped our hero to cross the threshold into the unknown, the hero needs to receive assistance to return to the ordinary. Whether it is aid from the hero’s new allies, forces of destiny, or a mentor, Hero will require some assistance to return. 

15. Crossing the Final Threshold

Hero is ready to encounter the final adversary, confront the biggest fear, and face that final boss. With all the knowledge and experience that the hero has acquired throughout the journey, he is now ready to battle the dragon. This is the ultimate hero moment, a moment where the stakes are at their highest. Whether it is fighting the main villain, accepting a harsh truth, or making the final sacrifice, this is the moment when the hero needs to return to the world of the known. 

16. Master of Two Worlds

After completing the journey, now the hero has become the king of the two worlds; the world of known and the world of the unknown. The hero has become what he aspired to be, and the balance is about to be brought. 

17. Freedom to Live

Balance has been restored to the ordinary world. Your hero is now wiser and more complete. This is your happy ending when the goal has been fulfilled, and justice has reigned. 

The Hero’s Journey Examples in Film

But how can you incorporate monomyth into filmmaking? Have others tried doing that?

Yes! All films follow Hero’s Journey to a certain extent. Remember filmmaking is just another form of storytelling, and thus it’s the monomyth being retold through a cinematic format.

Start Wars: A New Hope

Let’s take Star Wars, and try to roughly interpret it through Hero’s Journey specter. 

In A New Hope , young Luke Skywalker sails out on his journey to save princess Lea. As he crosses the known world of his planet, he encounters many adversaries and dangers. Luke makes new allies, follows his mentor, and learns the ways of the Force.  

As Luke saves the princess, he realizes that his mission is much bigger than what he thought at first. He now needs to fight Darth Vader, lead the rebellion, and destroy Death Star to restore balance in the universe. 

Luke succeeds, risking his own life, and with the help of his allies returns to the ordinary world, now possessing Jedi skills, and knowledge to fight the evil. 

Doesn’t the story fit the monomyth structure perfectly? You can see how the creator, George Lucas, was influenced by Hero’s Journey. Lucas has paid tributes to Joseph Cambell and his work in the creation of Star Wars. 

Finding Nemo

Let’s see whether this structure works with a different genre. How about a universally loved Pixar animation Finding Nemo ? 

In an ordinary world of an overprotective clownfish, Marlin is shaken, after his only son Nemo is captured by a pair of Scuba Divers. Marlin’s call to an adventure has left him no choice and has sent him immediately to the world of the unknown, with one universal goal: to locate his missing son.

As Marlin crosses the threshold into the abyss of chaos, he is faced with a serious road of trials: predatory sharks, a pack of jellyfish, evil seagulls. At some point, Marlin enters a stage  Belly of the Whale , while swallowed by a giant whale. On his journey, Marlin meets loyal allies: a blue tang Dory, turtles, and Pelican Nigel. With their help, Marlin reaches the final destination, the Dentist’s Office, and finds his son. To retrieve him, Marlin risks his own life, and in the end, finds Nemo. 

The story ends with a happy ending, where Marlin and Nemo return home. After being initiated into the world of danger and chaos, Marlin improves his life by recognizing his overprotectiveness and leaves happily ever after with his growing-up-son. Marvin’s journey explores a universal theme of a father-son relationship and utilizes elements of coming-of-age drama; something that many people can emphasize with. 

And how about more philosophical films like The Matrix ? Did the Wachowskis follow a monomyth structure? Spoiler alert: yes they did.

Neo, a young hacker, leaves his world of the “known” by choosing a red pill; a pill that reveals the truth about the Matrix, and brings him out to the real world. In the real world, where humans are enslaved by Artificial Intelligence, Neo is prophesied to be the One, a man to free humans from the oppression of the machines. 

Neo is mentored by his Wise Old Man, Morpheus, and is supported by powerful allies like Trinity. To survive and liberate humanity, Neo fights his enemies, and finally sacrifices his own life. 

In the end, Neo indeed becomes the Master of the Two Worlds. e gets resurrected, and masters the laws of the physical Matrix, virtually becoming a superhuman. 

Now think about other films. What about Harry Potter, Cinderella, Jaws, Saving Private Ryan, Devil’s Advocate, The Avengers. Isn’t it the same story told in different ways?

As you can see, all great storytellers think alike. These filmmakers used a traditional Monomyth structure, where the hero has completed a conventional journey, yet everyone ended up with such a different movie! 

Do not see Hero’s Journey as a creative limitation. Quite the contrary, own in by knowing it, and make it your own!

How to Use Hero’s Journey in Your Story?

So how can you incorporate the Hero’s Journey into your screenplays?

One thing guaranteed: knowing the Hero’s Journey outline can make your storytelling more powerful. Filmmakers ranging from Christopher Nolan to Steven Spielberg have revealed that they use Hero’s Journey constantly in their work.

Remember, a hero’s journey is a combination of not only external but an internal sojourn that your protagonist undertakes. Knowing the Hero’s Journey outline will help you to understand your story on a deeper level. 

There are a couple of useful techniques that you can practice to understand this narrative structure better. For example, you can re-watch your favorite film, with the Hero’s Journey outline in front of you. While you watch it, see how well the film fits the pattern. It might skip a couple of stages or re-arrange, but the overall structure will remain the same.

Whenever you are working on the story, try using the beats of your plot to match the beats of the Hero’s Journey. This will give your story shape, structure, and tempo. 

And by the way: rules are meant to be broken. Use the general structure of the monomyth to craft the story, but feel free to interchange some things. You should always find creative ways to alter and re-contextualize the hero’s journey wheel somehow. This is what is going to make your work stand out in the end. 

In Conclusion

Congratulations! Now you know how all the good stories are made. It is a lot to process, but if you start applying this knowledge when you watch or read something it gets easier. 

Knowing the monomyth structure, won’t only make you a better storyteller, but it will make you a better person. If you think about life and its periods, we all pass through our own Hero’s Journey. 

Think about growing up. As you mature, you leave the family house and descend into the voyage of the unknown, to transform yourself and manifest a beautiful future. Perhaps the reason why this storytelling structure works so well is that it mirrors our own life. 

Further Reading List: 

  • The Hero With a Thousand Faces (1949) – Joseph Campbell
  • The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers (1992) – Christopher Vogel
  • Poetics – Aristotle 
  • Screenplay (1979) – Syd Field


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Last updated on Sep 07, 2022

Dan Harmon Story Circle: The 8-Step Storytelling Shortcut

The Dan Harmon Story Circle, also known as “The Embryo”, is an approach to plotting developed by TV writer Dan Harmon. It follows a protagonist through eight stages, beginning with the character being in their comfort zone, then venturing out into the unknown to seek something they want. The character achieves their desire, but at a great cost, and ultimately returns transformed by what they’ve experienced.

This narrative framework is applicable to a wide range of genres and forms, and is a great way to structure any story that focuses on character development. This post contains a breakdown of the individual steps, gives examples of the Story Circle in action, and explains why it’s such an invaluable template for writers.

What is the Dan Harmon Story Circle?

This particular story structure is adapted from The Hero’s Journey — which itself derives from the work of academic Joseph Campbell. The Story Circle lays out a kind of narrative arc that's commonly used by myths from all over the world and emphasises how almost all forms of storytelling have a cyclical nature. In broad strokes, they always involve:

  • Characters venturing out to get what they need, and
  • Returning, having changed.

The Story Circle functions similarly — so, you may ask, why not just use the original? In short, Campbell’s system is more complex (11-steps), and alludes to a particular type of story, namely high fantasy (think knights, wizards, potions, and swords in stones). What Harmon did was streamline this process to just eight steps, and broaden them out to be less genre specific. The benefit of Harmon’s version over Vogler’s is that it focuses more specifically on character and is much easier to apply to a wider range of stories.​​

A diagram of the Dan Harmon Story Circle

 You might be asking why Harmon doesn’t just lay this structure out in a flat line. When asked about this, he points to the rhythms of biology, psychology, and culture as his inspiration: how we all move cyclically through phases of life and death, conscious and unconscious, order and chaos.

The fascinating thing he points out is that cycles like these are, in part, what have allowed humans to evolve .

“Behind (and beneath) your culture creating forebrain, there is an older, simpler monkey brain with a lot less to say and a much louder voice. One of the few things it's telling you, over and over again, is that you need to go search, find, take and return with change. Why? Because that is how the human animal has kept from going extinct, it's how human societies keep from collapsing and how you keep from walking into McDonald's with a machine gun.”

“We need [to] search — We need [to] get fire, we need [to find a] good woman, we need [to] land [on the] moon — but most importantly, we need RETURN and we need CHANGE, because we are a community, and if our heroes just climbed beanstalks and never came down, we wouldn't have survived our first ice age.”

What Harmon's getting at is that stories are a basic, universal part of human culture because of their millennia-long history as both a teaching and a learning tool. This idea of questing, changing, and returning is not a hack concept concocted by lazy writers, but an ingrained part of our collective psyche. That’s why stories from one culture are able to resonate with people across the world.

In Harmon’s philosophy, when a book, film, show, or song doesn’t meet the criteria above, it’s not necessarily bad writing: it’s simply not a story.

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The 8 steps of Dan Harmon’s Story Circle

Now that we’ve got the background, it’s time to get into the meat: what are the steps of the Story Circle, and what do they entail.

Here are the Story Circle’s 8 steps:

  • A character is in a zone of comfort. Everyday life is mundane and unchallenging.
  • But they want something. The protagonist’s desire compels them to take action.
  • They enter an unfamiliar situation. The character crosses the threshold to pursue what they want.
  • Adapt to it. They acquire skills and learn how to survive in this new world.
  • Get what they wanted. The character achieves their goal, but at a cost.
  • Pay a heavy price for it. New and unexpected losses follow the victory.
  • Then return to their familiar situation. The character goes back to where they started.
  • Having changed. The story’s resolution; the lessons they’ve learned stay with them, and the character has grown.

A Rick and Morty themed diagram of the Dan Harmon Story Circle

In the video below, Harmon applies the story circle to an episode of Rick and Morty entitled “Mortynight Run.” For enough context to understand the clip, here’s some background info:

Rick is a mad, drunk, egomaniacal scientist who has invented a portal gun that allows him to have debauched adventures across time and space. He almost always drags his sensitive, anxious grandson Morty along for the ride. In this episode, they also bring along Morty’s father, Jerry, for whom Rick only has disdain.

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Let's take another look at how the episode’s “A” story — which centers on Morty's journey — fits into the story circle.

1. A character is in a zone of comfort

The first beat of the story sees Rick and Morty on what seems like just another one of their adventures, flying through space with Jerry in tow. Things take a turn when Rick takes a call to organize a shady deal, and unceremoniously dumps Jeff from their spaceship. 

It becomes apparent that Rick is carrying out an arms deal, selling weapons to an assassin to pay for an afternoon at the arcade — much to Morty’s dismay.

2. But they want something

As Harmon points out, “This is an ethical quandary for Morty.” The boy is put in a situation of guilt that compels him to “go across a threshold and search for a way to undo the ethical damage that he perceives Rick as doing.” Putting things right is Morty’s “want”, which takes us to the next stage.

3. They enter an unfamiliar situation

Even though he rarely defies his grandfather’s instructions, Morty takes Rick’s car keys and chases after the assassin, accidentally killing him in the process. He’s now trapped in an Intergalactic Federation outpost.

4. Adapt to it

Morty discovers an alien gas entity named ‘Fart’ — who was the assassin’s target. Going against Rick’s instructions once more (and making what he believes to be the ethical choice), Morty liberates Fart from space jail and they make their escape.

Still from the Rick and Morty episode

5. Get what they wanted

Morty has achieved his goal: he’s saved a life, and stopped a prolific assassin — and can now rest assured that he’s done the right thing.

6. Pay a heavy price for it

“In the second half of the story, we start finding out that the act of saving that life is going to cost a lot of other people their lives,” Harmon explains. Bounty hunters and law enforcement are seeking the group, and Fart slaughters many space cops and innocent bystanders while Rick and Morty make their escape.

7. Then return to their familiar situation

After the escape, the gang returns to a place resembling ‘normal life’, a phase Harmon refers to as “crossing the threshold” (here metaphorical, rather than a literal return home). At this point, Morty realizes that Fart is a truly malevolent creature and means to return with his people to destroy all carbon-based life.

Note: On the Circle diagram, Step 7 (the return) is directly opposite to Step 3, where Morty first crossed the threshold into the unfamiliar situation. Balance and harmony are a big part of Harmon's approach to storytelling. 

8. Having changed

“So Morty makes the decision to change into someone who kills.” Realizing that his belief that all lives must be saved is not an absolute truth — some are simply malevolent — he terminates Fart, thereby saving the universe and becoming someone different from the person he started as. As Harmon points out, this is not a show for kids: not all protagonists need to learn universally positive messages for a story to ring true.

Harmon has laid out his process for using the story circle in a fascinating set of posts (warning: contains swears) where he also talks about the nature of storytelling, answering questions like…

Why use the Story Circle?

Image of a BBC adaptation of Charles Dickens' Great Expectations

According to Harmon, the beauty of the Story Circle is that it can be applied to any type of story — and, conversely, be used to build any type of story, too.

“Start thinking of as many of your favorite movies as you can, and see if they apply to this pattern. Now think of your favorite party anecdotes, your most vivid dreams, fairy tales, and listen to a popular song (the music, not necessarily the lyrics).”

So let’s put that theory to the test. Let’s pick an example that’s far removed from Harmon’s own work see if it applies: Dickens’s Great Expectations .

  • Zone of Comfort : Pip, a young orphan, lives a modest life on the moors.
  • But they want something : He becomes obsessed with Estella, a wealthy girl of his age.
  • They enter an unfamiliar situation : A mysterious benefactor plucks Pip from obscurity and throws him — a fish out of water — into London society.
  • Adapt to it : He learns to live the high life and spends his money frivolously
  • Get what they wanted : Pip is finally a gentleman, which he believes will entitle him/make him worthy of Estella.
  • Pay a heavy price for it : Pip discovers that his money came from a convict, he drowns in debt, he regrets alienating his Uncle, he realizes that his pursuit of Estella is futile.
  • Then return to their familiar situation : Pip makes peace with his Uncle Joe (who nurses him back to health). Pip disappears to Egypt for years, and once again returns home…
  • Changed : Back once again where the story started, a now-humbled Pip reunites with Estella who, due to some plot, is ready to open her heart to him.

Although Great Expectation was a serial, written week-by-week, Dickens must have consciously or unconsciously been aware of this cycle, or something like it. He sent his characters on a journey towards something they wanted —  only for them to pay the price and return home, changed.

As with any sensible advice about structure, the takeaway here is not that you must slavishly adhere to a set formula or risk ruining your story. This story circle, along with other popular story structures like the three-act structure , are simply tools based on observations of stories that have managed to resonate with readers over the centuries. They can also be a great tool to know what should come next, and to pace yourself within your story — if you’re halfway through and still in the comfort zone, you know you need to make some changes.

There are, of course, plenty of other options for story structure, which you can learn about by reading the rest of this guide — or trying the quiz below!

Which story structure is right for you?

Take this quiz and we'll match your story to a structure in minutes!

Just know this: if you find yourself at an impasse with any story you’re writing — you could do a lot worse than crack out the story wheel, identify where you are, and see what comes next in the cycle.

3 responses

2deuces says:

25/07/2018 – 19:48

This is great. One difficulty about using the Hero's Journey and other Plot Structures is that the main character needs to end up in a different place than at the beginning. That is fine for a movie or a stand-alone book, book but what about episodic series such as Perry Mason, Poirot, or just about any TV series. The Story Circle solves this problem by bringing the MC (actually the entire cast) back to the beginning waiting for the next case, next mission, next customer to enter the bar etc. Even if the series has a long arc (Breaking Bad) over time we see Walter slowly evolving due to the impact of each episode.

↪️ Martin Pitt replied:

26/07/2018 – 20:33

The location does not need to differ, the change here explained was to the character themselves. After all with the given example, Morty usually always ends up back home. Whether they realised some truth, became more humble, or worse; On that note: If the character is worse off that could be fixed in a future story or you could have a really great villain on your hands to play with! Regardless, change could be anything I think or to someone else.

↪️ 2deuces replied:

27/07/2018 – 17:14

Sorry I didn't mean a different location but a different psychological place. Scrooge woke up in his bedroom but he was a different person on his return.

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  2. Thearetical Concepts

    a hero's journey circle

  3. Hero's Journey Circle

    a hero's journey circle

  4. The Hero's Journey

    a hero's journey circle

  5. The Hero's Journey and Why it Matters: The Mapping of the Human Soul

    a hero's journey circle

  6. The Hero S Journey Stages Steps And Examples

    a hero's journey circle


  1. Hero's Journey Part 5-The Inner Most Cave (instrumental)

  2. the hero's journey

  3. A Hero's Journey

  4. What Every Hero NEEDS! #writing #story #storytelling

  5. Preview: Arctic Journey In a Changing World

  6. The Hero's Journey 04:52


  1. 12 Hero's Journey Stages Explained (+ Free Templates)

    The Hero's Journey was originally formulated by American writer Joseph Campbell to describe the typical character arc of many classic stories, particularly in the context of mythology and folklore. The original hero's journey contained 17 steps. Although the hero's journey has been adapted since then for use in modern fiction, the concept ...

  2. Hero's Journey: Get a Strong Story Structure in 12 Steps

    The Hero's Journey is just one way to outline a novel and dissect a plot. For more longstanding theories on the topic, you can go this way to read about the ever-popular Three-Act Structure or here to discover Dan Harmon's Story Circle and three more prevalent structures .

  3. Hero's Journey: A Complete Guide to the Hero's Journey Steps

    I reflected on the notion of coming full circle — to begin a journey, outwardly or inwardly, before finding yourself back at the beginning, transformed. In spiritual traditions, the circle is a powerful symbol of timelessness, death and rebirth, totality, and wholeness. Aptly, the 12 steps of the hero's journey are depicted as a circle.

  4. The Hero's Journey: A Plot Structure Inspired by Mythology

    The Hero's Journey was invented by Campbell in his seminal 1949 work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, where he introduces the concept of the "monomyth." A comparative mythologist by trade, Campbell studied myths from cultures around the world and identified a common pattern in their narratives.

  5. Story Circle with Examples ⭕ Harmon, Campbell, & Hero's Journey

    The story circle is a story structure guide created by Dan Harmon based on Joseph Campbell's analysis of the Hero's Journey. The story circle consists of the eight main plot points that create a story's foundational structure, which Dan Harmon has labelled: you, need, go, search, find, take, return, changed. You - A character with a ...

  6. Storytelling 101: The Dan Harmon Story Circle

    The Hero's Journey. Dan Harmon hardly invented the circular narrative structure or traced the cyclical nature of stories in the three-act structure. He merely simplified the Hero's Journey and adapted it to his own screenwriting needs. The hero's journey is a template of stories that describes the stages of a hero embarking on a quest or ...

  7. The Hero's Journey: The 12 (or 17) Steps for Writers

    The hero's journey was popularized in the 20th century by American mythologist Joseph Campbell. In his seminal 1949 book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Campbell analyzed myths across cultures and found this common throughline structure he called the monomyth. ... This brings the hero full circle as they return to the ordinary world, but able ...

  8. The Hero's Journey Examples

    The Hero's Journey: Use this structure when you want to tell a story of personal growth, transformation, and adventure. It works well for epic tales, fantasy, and science fiction, but it can be adapted to other genres as well. Three-Act Structure: This is a versatile structure suitable for a wide range of genres, from drama to comedy to action.

  9. Hero's Journey: A Guide to the Ultimate Storytelling Framework

    This elixir often serves as a solution to a problem or conflict within their community, fulfilling the hero's ultimate purpose and bringing their journey full circle. The Return act is a crucial component of the hero's journey, as it not only completes the protagonist's transformation but also reinforces the universal themes of growth ...

  10. Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey: A Better Screenplay in 17 Steps

    The Hero's Journey Home 12. Refusal of Return. Upon a successful completion of the Hero's Journey, and a transformation into a different person, the Hero has a "refusal to return." The Shire seems so boring now and the last thing Harry wants is to go back to that drawer under the stairs. And, oftentimes, the return can be just as dangerous.

  11. The Hero's Journey: The 12 Steps of Mythic Structure

    Popularized by mythologist Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces, the Hero's Journey is a story structure that has been used to tell exciting and captivating stories for centuries.Campbell, a literature professor, found that this was a common mythic structure. It's widely known by the moniker the Hero's Journey, but this name didn't come around until well after ...

  12. The Hero's Journey Explained: A Breakdown of its Different Stages

    The Hero's Journey is a narrative pattern identified by Joseph Campbell, most notably outlined in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces . This pattern of adventure and transformation is a universal one that runs through all kinds of mythic traditions across the world. Christopher Vogler has si

  13. The Dan Harmon Story Circle: The Ultimate Guide in 8 Steps

    The Story Circle is a narrative structure, first coined by screenwriter and creator Dan Harmon, which is modeled off of the hero's journey, first popularized by Joseph Campbell. Like the hero's journey, the Story Circle can be found, in one form or another, in almost every story ever told.

  14. Hero's journey

    Illustration of the hero's journey. In narratology and comparative mythology, the hero's journey, also known as the monomyth, is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed.. Earlier figures had proposed similar concepts, including psychoanalyst Otto Rank and amateur anthropologist Lord ...

  15. Using the Dan Harmon Story Circle to Structure Your Narrative

    But in essence, it still follows the hero's journey to an actual "place," from which he eventually comes back home. Perhaps the main difference between The Story Circle and The Hero's Journey is that instead of showing it as a linear set of events, Dan Harmon shows how the journey actually comes full circle.

  16. The 9 Stages of the Hero's Journey and How to Use Them

    1 What Is the Hero's Journey? 2 Using the Hero's Journey in Your Own Novel; 3 The 9 Stages of Campbell's Monomyth. 3.1 The Ordinary World: 3.2 The Call to Adventure and Refusing the Call: 3.3 Overcoming Resistance and Meeting the Mentor: 3.4 Crossing the First Threshold: 3.5 Tests and Trials: 3.6 The Major Ordeal: 3.7 The Road Back: 3.8 ...

  17. Unraveling The Concept of The Hero's Journey in Filmmaking

    A Diagram of The Hero's Journey The Hero's Journey Diagram. Wikipedia Commons. The Hero's Journey is often depicted as a circular diagram, with each stage connected to the next in a cycle. there are many different names for the story beats in the circle.. The image above is from Wikipedia.

  18. Dan Harmon, The Hero's Journey, and the Circle Theory of Story

    First, the 17 stages of The Hero's Journey as laid out in Campbell's book "The Hero With a Thousand Faces": Here is another circle representation with a simplified 12-stage version: There's value in each version and there are endless iterations, such as what Harmon has done with the show "Community.".

  19. Introduction to the Hero's Journey Outline

    The monomyth is usually depicted through a circle diagram, separated into three segments. In a clockwise direction, a hero needs to pass through the whole circle, and return to the back where he has started from. ... Traditionally, the Hero's Journey template was divided into three segments and 17 stages. The three segments are separation ...

  20. Joseph Campbell and the Hero's Journey

    Joseph Campbell. & the Hero's Journey. A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow men. The Hero With A Thousand Faces 23.

  21. The Most Popular Story Structures

    So back in college I took a mythology class and learned about Joseph Campbell's the hero's journey (17 stages of monomyth) and it completely revolutionized m...

  22. Dan Harmon Story Circle: The 8-Step Storytelling Shortcut

    What is the Dan Harmon Story Circle? This particular story structure is adapted from The Hero's Journey — which itself derives from the work of academic Joseph Campbell. The Story Circle lays out a kind of narrative arc that's commonly used by myths from all over the world and emphasises how almost all forms of storytelling have a cyclical nature. . In broad strokes, they always invol