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20 Best School Trip Ideas for Transformative Learning Experiences

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Embarking on a school trip is a pivotal aspect of the school experience, providing a distinctive chance to liberate students from the confines of the classroom. As these excursions are limited to only a few each year, their significance becomes even more pronounced. Recognizing the importance of making each trip impactful, we present a comprehensive guide to the best school trip ideas. Tailored for every age group, subject, and interest, our curated selection goes beyond conventional learning environments. Join us as we usher in a journey beyond textbooks, where learning truly hits the road! In this comprehensive guide, we will unveil captivating and educational destinations, guaranteeing that every school trip evolves into a memorable and enriching experience for both educators and students alike.

Best Science and Technology (STEM) School Trips

Best culture and history school trips, best nature and ecology school trips, best industry and career exploration trips.

  • Science Museums

Taking a trip to a science museum ranks among the most exceptional school trip ideas, for students of any age. These museums provide an immersive environment where students not only encounter captivating scientific phenomena but also develop a heightened curiosity and appetite for scientific knowledge. Regardless of their educational abilities, all students benefit from specialized activities that plunge them into the world of science, fostering an engaging and enriching experience. Science museums are meticulously designed to enhance scientific learning, ensuring that students return to the classroom with a renewed fascination for scientific processes, creating an immersive and dynamic atmosphere for effective learning.

Beyond knowledge acquisition, the significance of these museum trips lies in unlocking students’ creative potential. The experience encourages them to invent new products and employ imaginative solutions to overcome various scientific challenges. What makes visiting a science museum stand out as one of the best school trip ideas is its unique ability to seamlessly blend education with enjoyment. Students gain a fresh perspective on science in a different setting, surrounded by specialists with unparalleled scientific knowledge, resulting in an entertaining and enlightening experience that contributes significantly to their educational journey.

  • Planetariums

Visiting a planetarium is a unique and unforgettable experience. While daily media reports highlight human achievements in space exploration, our knowledge about celestial bodies like the sun, moon, and Earth remains limited. The planetarium serves not only as an educational tool for acquiring astronomical knowledge but also as a powerful medium for cultivating awareness and love for our planet. By showcasing the infinite wonders of the cosmos, the planetarium sparks curiosity and inspires exploration in various fields of study.

Additionally, it provides a serene escape from daily stress, offering a tranquil space under the starry sky that promotes relaxation and restores creativity. As a regional information center, the planetarium also connects communities with the latest developments in scientific happenings, making it a valuable resource. Above all, the planetarium plays a crucial role in nurturing the imagination and creativity of children, making it a rewarding experience for both education and personal development.

Best school trip ideas planetarium

  • Physics Day at Amusement Parks

Physics Day is a day to celebrate physics and bring more attention to how important it is to our lives, and what better way to experience it than at an amusement park. This innovative approach uses amusement parks as laboratories to teach fundamental physics concepts, offering students an engaging experience that sparks interest in science. Amusement parks serve as rich environments, providing countless practical examples for experiments and measurements related to key physics principles, such as rotational mechanics, centrifugal force, and conservation of energy.

The activities during Physics Day not only offer an exciting incentive for students to explore science but also serve as excellent motivators for classroom discussions and lessons. By applying physics concepts to real-world situations like roller coasters, the trip enhances understanding and retention of theoretical knowledge. This hands-on learning experience goes beyond traditional lessons, providing a memorable and impactful way for students to grasp complex physics principles, making Physics Day at an amusement park an ideal and effective school trip.

Makerspaces are collaborative workspaces equipped with a range of tools, from high-tech to no-tech, fostering an environment for making, learning, exploring, and sharing. Whether stocked with 3D printers, laser cutters, or simple supplies like cardboard and Legos, these spaces instill a maker mindset, encouraging the creation of something out of nothing and exploration of individual interests. Makerspaces play a crucial role in preparing students with 21st-century skills in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), providing hands-on learning experiences that enhance critical thinking skills and boost self-confidence.

These spaces cover a spectrum of skills, including electronics, 3D printing, coding, robotics, and woodworking, contributing to a holistic educational experience. Moreover, makerspaces serve as incubators and accelerators for business startups, fostering entrepreneurship and inspiring success stories. Visiting a makerspace provides students with a dynamic and immersive experience that goes beyond traditional lessons, making it an ideal and enriching school trip.

Best school trip ideas makerspace

  • Hydroponic and Aquaponic Farms

As traditional agriculture faces environmental challenges, hydroponics and aquaponics offer alternative methods that utilize less space and minimize adverse effects. Hydroponics, a soilless system using nutrient-charged water to feed plants, proves beneficial with advantages such as resource efficiency, high-quality harvests, and suitability for indoor and urban gardening. Aquaponics, a combination of hydroponics and aquaculture, introduces a symbiotic relationship between fish and plants, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem that efficiently utilizes fish waste as a natural nutrient source.

Both systems present a unique opportunity for students to explore STEM concepts, including biology, chemistry, and environmental science, while showcasing the advancements and sustainability of modern agricultural practices. The visit allows students to witness first-hand the differences between hydroponics and aquaponics, promoting critical thinking about ecosystem dynamics, sustainability, and the application of technology in agriculture.

  • The Theater

Whether it is to a children’s theater or to see Mary Poppins on Broadway, a visit to the theater will be impactful to students of any age. Beyond enhancing literary knowledge, attending live plays contributes to increased tolerance and empathy, fostering emotional intelligence crucial for understanding diverse perspectives. While the accessibility of movie versions may seem cost-effective, research indicates that live performances have unique educational advantages, creating more profound emotional connections. In today’s world, where creative thinking skills are essential, arts education, including theater visits, plays a vital role in developing independent and resourceful learners, influencing academic improvements across subjects. Despite the decline in demand for arts education, the majority of research advocates for its integration, emphasizing that theater trips provide students with opportunities to broaden their horizons and evolve both as individuals and learners.

Best school trip ideas theatre

  • The Library 

Libraries hold a very important role in our civil society. These excursions introduce students to the valuable services libraries provide, such as lending materials, supporting research, and disseminating information. While trips should complement well-supported school library programs, research indicates that a library staffed by a certified librarian enhances students’ test scores, reading ability, and information literacy. Visits to public libraries provide insights into catalog searches, borrowing processes, and the role of libraries in civic engagement. Academic library trips benefit students, emphasizing the importance of libraries in research and postsecondary learning. Digital libraries and online resources expand access to library services, while engaging with visiting librarians enhances students’ understanding of electronic databases and available resources. Advocacy for robust school library programs remains crucial, with trips serving as valuable supplements to in-school learning.

  • Historical sites

Understanding the people, places, ideas, and events that shaped society into what it is today is tremendously important to our sense of identity and community. What better way to transport oneself to a different time than by physically being where such events took place. Landmarks such as castles, palaces, and abbeys increasingly accommodate school visits, offering diverse experiences suitable for students at all education levels. These excursions serve as catalysts for sparking children’s imaginations, placing historical teachings into a vivid context, and providing interactive, hands-on experiences tailored to different key stages. Historical site visits prove to be cost-effective and relevant to the curriculum, engaging students in tasks and captivating their interest. Teachers find these experiences transformative, enhancing both enjoyment and comprehension of the subject, and inspiring students to explore other educational historical sites, galleries, and museums.

  • Art Museums

Did you know that consuming art in a museum can combat loneliness, reduce stress, and make life feel more meaningful? That’s what’s behind this study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology. There is much more to it than just psychological benefits, teaching children how to appreciate art and feel comfortable in an artistic setting can have profound impacts on their critical thinking skills, tolerance, and cultural engagement. 

Artworks in museums serve as tangible links to history, unfolding stories and perspectives from various eras. This immersive encounter with the past not only deepens historical understanding but also cultivates an appreciation for diverse artistic expressions. Beyond history, the visit fosters the growth of budding artists, potentially sparking passions that students may not have discovered otherwise. The cognitive benefits are extensive, with studies indicating that engagement with the arts enhances performance across various academic disciplines, offering students a holistic and enriching experience.

The affordability of many art galleries ensures inclusivity, allowing students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds to partake in this cultural exploration without financial constraints. Additionally, a school trip to an art museum imparts essential values such as respect and contemplation. Students learn to navigate the gallery environment with decorum, developing an understanding of the importance of thoughtful observation and inquiry. In essence, the combination of historical enrichment, artistic inspiration, cognitive development, affordability, and character-building makes an art museum visit a uniquely comprehensive and impactful school trip choice.

  • National Park

The power of wilderness and the beauty of nature are some of the most awe-inspiring forces that remind us of the profound and intricate wonders woven into the fabric of our existence. National parks serve as living classrooms, offering ranger-led programs, interactive exhibits, and hands-on activities that immerse children in subjects like science, history, and conservation. The physical activities available, such as hiking trails and bike paths, contribute to promoting overall well-being, instilling a sense of environmental consciousness, and creating enduring bonds through shared adventures in the great outdoors. A school trip to a national park with proper guidance on how to appreciate the surroundings can become an unforgettable experience.

Best school trip ideas national park

  • Zoo and Aquarium

Zoos and aquariums are noteworthy selections for school outings, driven by a host of compelling factors. These trips encourage hands-on learning as children witness and interact with animals in their natural habitats, fostering a deeper understanding of the natural world. These experiences instill environmental awareness by showcasing conservation efforts and educating children on the importance of protecting diverse ecosystems.

The trips also play a pivotal role in developing empathy and compassion, as kids get up close to animals, learn about their behaviors, and gain insight into their needs. These excursions stimulate critical thinking skills as children ask questions and seek answers about the animals they encounter, promoting an inquiry-based approach to learning.

A visit to an aquarium complements these benefits by offering an educational experience about marine life, ecosystems, and the interconnectedness of the underwater world. Aquariums further contribute to environmental awareness by highlighting the impact of pollution and climate change on the ocean’s delicate balance. They inspire creativity through the vibrant colors and patterns of aquatic life, encouraging children to express their imagination through artwork or writing. Aquarium field trips also foster curiosity, prompting children to inquire about the fascinating aspects of underwater life and inspiring a thirst for knowledge. 

Best school trip ideas zoo and aquarium

  • Camping Trip

Organizing school camping trips stands out as one of the most effective educational strategies, offering students a dynamic environment to collaborate with adults, cultivate meaningful relationships, and appreciate experiential learning. The active involvement of teachers in this informal setting, detached from the routine curriculum, is instrumental in fostering camaraderie among students and educators alike. These camping excursions provide a platform for students to hone various social skills, including relationship-building, teamwork, and tackling personal challenges. Beyond social development, such trips contribute to the cultivation of independence and confidence, instilling a sense of responsibility through activities such as cabin maintenance and meal preparation. The exposure to novel experiences during camping fosters decision-making and leadership skills, empowering students to take on roles of guidance and support for their peers, thereby lessening the academic burden on teachers. 

  • Recycling facility

We’re often taught that we must recycle, and depending on where you are, how to do it properly. But judging by the sheer amount of misplaced trash , we are still a long way from understanding the intricacies of recycling and the real impact that our daily consumption has on our environment. 

Visiting a recycling facility proves to be an enlightening and impactful school trip, offering students valuable insights into the complexities of recycling processes and environmental sustainability. The firsthand experience students obtain at a recycling facility unravel the intricate operations involved in sorting and processing recyclables, shedding light on the challenges faced by recycling centers, such as market limitations and financial constraints. Students learn about the significant role they play as consumers, understanding the repercussions of their choices on recycling viability. It emphasizes the importance of responsible consumption, advocating for sustainable practices, and encourages students to prioritize reducing, reusing, and making informed decisions to support effective recycling initiatives in their communities.

  • Botanical Garden

Botanical gardens are peaceful havens frequently found in the midst of vibrant urban areas or spanning peaceful natural settings. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, botanical gardens serve as living museums, curated collections with scientific, educational, and cultural significance. These gardens provide an immersive experience that transcends the visual, allowing students to connect with nature, destress, and recharge. Botanical gardens also offer insights into local history, environments, and cultures, making them valuable educational resources. Exploring these meticulously designed landscapes becomes a journey into the intricate relationships between native plants and the cultural diversity of the region, fostering a holistic understanding of the natural world.

  • Government Building

It has taken centuries to shape our modern society into the organized civilization that it is today. We have created numerous branches of governments and systems of checks and balances in order to ensure the equitable distribution of power, safeguard individual rights, and establish a stable framework for the functioning of our intricate societal structure. This is, understandably, very confusing to a lot of people but particularly to a child just entering civil society. 

A school trip to a government building provides first-hand experience into the democratic process and the civic institutions that make up our society. It helps demystify the political system, making it more accessible and relatable. Here, students can observe how laws are debated, policies are formulated, and public issues are addressed. 

Best school trip ideas government building

Farm visits are an exciting opportunity to immerse oneself and have a firsthand encounter with the agricultural process, allowing students to witness the intricate journey of how food is grown and animals are reared. Beyond the basics of farming, these visits also shed light on sustainable land management practices employed by farmers, emphasizing the crucial role agriculture plays in fostering biodiversity and environmental conservation.

The experience goes beyond the cultivation aspect, offering a valuable educational opportunity for children to establish a direct connection between the origins of their food and the farming process. By engaging with the agricultural landscape, students gain a holistic understanding of the significance of farming in our daily lives, fostering appreciation for the hard work of farmers and the importance of sustainable practices for a healthier planet.

Best school trip ideas farm

  • Healthcare Facilities

Students, especially younger ones, commonly experience heightened anxiety when it comes to hospitals and healthcare facilities. But a hospital should be perceived as a haven of healing and care, where compassionate professionals work tirelessly to alleviate concerns, prioritize well-being, and create a comforting environment conducive to recovery. A hospital visit makes a great school trip because it provides students with a unique opportunity to demystify the healthcare environment, fostering a deeper understanding of medical practices and nurturing empathy.

The  visit also contributes to career awareness, allowing students to explore diverse jobs within the healthcare sector and emphasizing the significance of teamwork and cooperation in providing societal benefits. By experiencing the various roles within a hospital, students gain firsthand insight into the diverse array of professions involved in healthcare. 

  • Media and Broadcasting Studios

The media has had a lasting impact on our lives, and a visit to their studios provides a unique opportunity to witness firsthand the operations of vital communication hubs that keep communities connected and informed. Exploring the inner workings of media studios allows students to grasp the economic impact these entities have on local communities and understand the significance of their public service role, which extends to providing crucial information during emergencies.

A visit to TV, radio, or newspaper stations serves as an immersive educational experience, offering insights into the dynamic world of communication. Students can learn about the diverse careers within the industry, from journalism and production to technical roles, fostering an appreciation for the collaborative efforts that go into creating content across different media platforms. This hands-on encounter not only sparks interest in potential career paths within media but also aligns with educational initiatives that aim to provide students with a broader understanding of the professional landscape.

  • Startup Incubators

Our world is changing at an accelerated pace and those that innovate will navigate and thrive in the dynamic landscape, shaping the future and staying resilient amidst the evolving challenges and opportunities. Startup incubators serve as dynamic hubs for early-stage businesses, fostering innovation at its core. Students gain firsthand insights into the intricate workings of these incubators, witnessing how they act as catalysts for startup growth by providing essential resources such as office spaces, mentorship opportunities, business education classes, and vibrant networking events.

One remarkable aspect of the incubator experience lies in its emphasis on innovation. The incubators showcase how they cultivate groundbreaking ideas. By immersing students in this environment, the trip facilitates an understanding of how innovation is nurtured, encouraging creative thinking and problem-solving skills. A school trip to a startup incubator becomes a transformative educational experience, instilling an appreciation for the collaborative spirit, innovative thinking, and diverse skills required to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of business and startups.

As we conclude this exploration into the 20 best school trips, it’s evident that the potential for transformative learning experiences lies beyond the walls of the classroom. Each destination, meticulously selected for its educational value and impact, offers students a journey into realms that extend far beyond textbooks, fostering curiosity, creativity, and personal growth.

Whether delving into the wonders of science, immersing oneself in the rich tapestry of culture and history, connecting with nature and ecology, or exploring potential future careers, these school trips serve as catalysts for a holistic education.

In the spirit of expanding educational horizons, we invite you to explore World Camps, where our dedication is unwavering in providing you with the information needed to make the best educational choices for your child. Regardless of your location or where your travels may take you next, World Camps stands as a global resource, committed to enhancing your child’s educational journey. Let the adventure continue beyond the classroom, and may each school trip be a stepping stone towards a brighter and more enriching future.

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history school trip ideas


History School Trip Ideas

History is one of the most valuable areas of the curriculum, in which students can explore the past and discover what has created the world we live in today. One of the great things about history is its diversity, allowing pupils to pursue specific areas that particularly interest them.

Here at UK School Trips, we have a School Trip for whatever period of history your class is studying, whether it be the Second World War or the Vikings. We also ensure that we only provide the best venues that are available, guaranteeing that your class will have an enjoyable and highly educational School Trip experience.

By visiting a Historic School Trip destination, students will be able to develop their understanding in a way that is impossible in the classroom. Seeing sites and objects firsthand allows students to truly think about the past and understand the reality of the situation.

From historic museums to immersive workshops, we have something to suit every school. Students will even be given the chance to handle valuable artefacts, transporting them back into the past and allowing them to further their understanding on the subject.

We are honored to have some of the best historic destinations that the country has to offer. Whether it be the Imperial War Museum Group, Warwick Castle, National Slate Museum Wales, Golden Hinde, Jorvik Viking Museums and The Edinburgh Dungeon these venues will fail to disappoint, providing both students and teachers with memories that will last a lifetime.

See some videos also of fantastic venues listed with UK School Trips:

Natural History Museum London

English Heritage Dover Castle Wartime Tunnels

So come and have a look at our numerous History School Trips and pick the perfect venue for you!

history school trip ideas

Blackwell Adventure Residential Glamping Bromsgrove Worcestershire

Blackwell Adventure is an outdoor activity centre, providing day trip activities and residential experiences to students of all school ages. The school trips to Blackwell

history school trip ideas

Curriculum-linked school workshops at National Museums Liverpool

A fantastic selection of curriculum-linked school workshops are offered across five museums and galleries at National Museums Liverpool. From Ancient Egypt to fine arts, from

history school trip ideas

African Insight Academy South Africa

African Insight Academy South Africa provides life-changing wildlife conservation experiences for young people. It offers more than 25 years of experience in providing the most

history school trip ideas

Eden Camp Modern History Museum Yorkshire

Eden Camp Modern History Museum Yorkshire brings history to life for KS2 school groups. Just step back in time and experience World War 2 with

history school trip ideas

Marvellous History Workshops for Primary Schools – Stone Age to WW2

Marvellous History Workshops provide highly-engaging, hands-on learning to your students, with the aim of trying to enrich the history curriculum. Fun, entertaining, and engaging history

history school trip ideas

Bath Open Top Bus Tours

Bath Open Top Bus Tour Company in Bath provides an excellent enrichment learning Interactive tour, providing students with an informative way to explore the city

history school trip ideas

Murton Park Historical Immersive Experiences York

Murton Park Historical Immersive Experience York is not only a remarkable open-air themed museum attraction but an exciting historical heritage site school groups can visit

history school trip ideas

Port Lympne Safari Park Kent

Port Lympne Safari Park Kent is the biggest animal wildlife reserve and breeding sanctuary. Your students will experience enrichment learning covering topics and issues relating

history school trip ideas

Howletts Wild Animal Park Kent

Howletts Wild Animal Park, Kent’s wildlife and animal park, houses some of the world’s most endangered animals. A school trip here in Kent with your

history school trip ideas

Churchill War Rooms London

In the Churchill War Rooms London students can discover what life would have been like during the tense days and nights of the Second World

HMS Belfast London

Step on board this iconic London landmark. The most significant surviving Second World War Royal Navy warship, HMS Belfast’s unique history is ready and waiting

history school trip ideas

The Wizard Walk of York Magical Walking Tours

The only educational walking tours in York specifically aimed at school groups KS1 & 2, and winner of many awards including Best Tour 2023 and

history school trip ideas

878 AD Immersive Learning Anglo Saxon Hampshire

Let your students step back in time to 878 AD, Our KS2-tailored programme offers a unique immersive experience of Anglo Saxon Hampshire making it a

history school trip ideas

Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur World Outreach Workshops

All our educational outreach visits can be tailored to your topics and requests. We have worked tirelessly putting together a program that hits all the

history school trip ideas

Open Top London Bus Tour

Open Top London Bus Tour offers Hop On Hop Off Tours, which are informative way to explore London, covering all of its most famous landmarks,

history school trip ideas

Cardiff Residential Centre Gwersyll yr Urdd Caerdydd

Cardiff Residential Centre provides students a taste of capital city life. The hostel is in Cardiff Bay, situated in one of Europe’s most exciting arts

history school trip ideas

Hastings Castle Educational Day Trip Hastings East Sussex a step back in time and discover the history of Britain’s first Norman castle. Hastings Castle in East Sussex is a fun and fascinating

history school trip ideas

Smugglers Adventure Day Trip Museum Hastings East Sussex

Smugglers Adventure in Hastings provides an opportunity for your students to take a journey back in time to uncover the deep and dark secrets of

history school trip ideas

Mill on the Brue Outdoor Adventure Activity Centre Somerset

Mill on the Brue Outdoor Adventure Activity Centre in Somerset is an award winning Centre based in 25 acres of beautiful woods, fields & river

history school trip ideas

Dino Falls Adventure Golf Manchester

Dino Falls Adventure Golf at Trafford Golf Centre, Manchester is 36 holes of action-packed educational adventure for students. It is also one of the UK’s

history school trip ideas

PrimeVR Virtual Reality School Workshops Nationwide

PrimeVR is the UK’s leading VR workshop provider and it’s no wonder why! PrimeVR uses state-of-the-art technology to bring the outside world into the classroom,

history school trip ideas

TOUROPE UK International Tourism and Education Tour Operator London

TOUROPE UK provides educational tours, in which students can fully immerse themselves into English culture and experience everything, whether it be using public transportation or

history school trip ideas

Zip World Penrhyn Quarry North Wales

Zip World escape your classroom, packed with thrilling adventures for all ages & abilities with a wide range of fun activities where pupils can zip,

history school trip ideas

Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre Workshops

Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre provides educational groups with historically focused school workshops that can be concentrated on either the Tudor or Roman period.

history school trip ideas

Canterbury Guided Tours – City walking tours for schools

Canterbury Guided Tours provide entertaining 90-minute interactive educational city walking tours for groups; an ideal opportunity to experience outdoor learning whilst enjoying the rich history

history school trip ideas

Yorks Chocolate Story

York’s Chocolate Story delivers wonderful educational tours, where your students will be given the chance to explore the origins of chocolate, learn how to taste

history school trip ideas

Crealy Theme Park & Resort Devon

Crealy Theme Park & Resort Devon welcome schools and educational groups with over 60 rides and attractions, with outdoor rides, play parks, indoor rides &

history school trip ideas

Holocaust Centre North – Huddersfield

The Holocaust Exhibition & Learning Centre is a museum which preserve the memories, records and legacies of Holocaust survivors living in Yorkshire. Here, students can

history school trip ideas

National Holocaust Centre and Museum Outreach Workshops

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum provide an outreach service Nationwide bringing expertise and creativity to provide access to museum collections and testimony of Holocaust

history school trip ideas

Portals To The Past School History Workshops

All our workshops are run by enthusiastic, outgoing specialists, who know how to connect with students at the appropriate level.

history school trip ideas

Dance Days Educational Dance Workshops

Dance Days delivers educational Workshops where pupils have the chance to learn through over 30 different dance styles, many of which link directly to school

history school trip ideas

Viking Experience Days – Primary School Workshops in the Midlands

Viking Experience Days deliver Viking Workshops directly to your school! Your educational group will be provided with a top quality school trip experience without having

history school trip ideas

Tower Bridge Workshops London

Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your literacy topic, an opportunity for young historians to test their enquiry skills, or for a school trip experience

history school trip ideas

Shepton Mallet Prison Education Behind Bars

Shepton Mallet Prison in Somerset provides a world class interactive learning experience (Education Behind Bars) that inspires students to engage and immerse through exercises and

history school trip ideas

Historical Interpretations Hands on History Workshops North of England

Historical Interpretations History Workshops provide “Hands on History” for KS2 classes up to University students. Areas covered are York, Oxford and the North of England.

history school trip ideas

ReachOut Educate History Workshops and More for Schools

ReachOut Educate Workshops provide outreach services to schools focusing on the following topics: Tudors & Elizabethans, Vikings, Romans, Kings, Queens & Castles, Story Telling, Anti

history school trip ideas

Shrewsbury Prison Education Behind Bars

Shrewsbury Prison in Shropshire provides a world class interactive learning experience (Education Behind Bars) that inspires students to engage and immerse through exercises and activities

history school trip ideas

English Heritage Yorkshire

We aim to promote a greater understanding & enjoyment of the historic environment. We offer learning groups FREE ENTRY to 400 + venues, along with

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s Land Theme Park Resort Buckinghamshire

Gulliver’s Land Theme Park Resort offers unique school trip experiences. As well as being able to explore the whole theme park, students will also have

history school trip ideas

Cote Ghyll Mill YHA, Osmotherley

Cote Ghyll Mill is a group accommodation in a converted linen Mill, in the countryside of the North York Moors National Park. For the perfect

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s Valley Resort South Yorkshire

This brand-new theme park resort offers fantastic group sleepover packages where students can enjoy various educational workshops and activities, such as the incredible Dinosaur Twilight

history school trip ideas

Conway Centres – Tattenhall

The Tattenhall Conway Centre provides educational groups with Residential School Trip experiences that are not only focussed on the Arts but also on Outdoor Adventure.

history school trip ideas

Conway Centres – Delamere

Conway Centres – Delamere is located in the heart of Delamere Forest. The Forest environment allows for activities such as orienteering, den building, survival skills,

history school trip ideas

Conway Centres – Burwardsley

At The Burwardsley Conway Centre, there is a replica Iron Age Roundhouse. Here, pupils can learn about the culture, art, and farming from this fascinating

history school trip ideas

Conway Centres – Anglesey

The Conway Centre Anglesey is ideally located within 169 acres of National Trust Parkland, providing educational groups with immersive School Residential experiences in the wild

history school trip ideas

Ufton Court Educational Trust Residential School Trips

On an Ufton Court Residential School Trip, educational groups can enjoy historically themed evening banquets, where students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in

history school trip ideas

Mount Cook Outdoor Residential Adventure Centre Peak District

Mount Cook is an exhilarating education centre in Derbyshire, offering a wide-range of attractions in the outdoors, whether that be thrilling, adrenaline-filled activities, or activities

history school trip ideas

Cliffe House Residential Shepley Huddersfield

Cliffe House provides Outdoor Residential School Trips, where your students will have the chance to explore the natural environment while also taking part in numerous

history school trip ideas

Flatford Mill Outdoor Residential Centre Colchester Field Studies Council

Flatford Mill Field Studies Centre Colchester is the first and original field study centre set up in the UK during the 1940’s, educational students can

history school trip ideas

Adam Henson’s Cotswold Farm Park Cheltenham

Cotswold Farms Park offers students hands on fun educational outdoor learning experiences from pre-school, to university. Activities can be tailored to cover topics such as

history school trip ideas

Lakeside Miniature Railway Merseyside

Lakeside Miniature Historical Railway is the world’s oldest continuously running 15-inch gauge track system this is truly a slice of history. Pupils will enjoy an

history school trip ideas

Path Hill Outdoors Environmental Outdoor Activities

We offer outdoor challenges, combining personal and social development with an understanding and respect for the natural environment.

history school trip ideas

Science & Dinosaur Digital Mobile Dome Nationwide

Science Dome offers a variety of shows for all age groups, including the Moon landings, a trip through the Solar System, Rocks and Soils, and

history school trip ideas

The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre in Buckinghamshire

Immerse your students in the magic of the Roald Dahl Museum’s award-winning schools’ programme; based in the village of Great Missenden, where Dahl was born,

history school trip ideas

The National Justice Museum North

At The National Justice Museum North our inspirational educational visits use authentic courtrooms, museum spaces, objects and archives to help pupils gain a practical understanding

history school trip ideas

Learning at Epping Forest

Here at Epping Forest, students will have the opportunity to learn, explore and have fun in an exciting environment outside of the classroom. We create

history school trip ideas

Science and Industry Museum Manchester

At the Science and Industry Museum Manchester discover ideas that change the world. From the factories of the Industrial Revolution, to computing and the creative

history school trip ideas

Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre

At The Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre, school groups can explore the historic site of the Battle of Bosworth – an event beyond living memory which

history school trip ideas

Nenthead Mines & Heritage Centre

An interactive museum dedicated to the story of the mineral mining past of the North Pennines. Launch on a voyage of learning about the people,

history school trip ideas

Historic Environment Scotland

School visits to Historic Environment Scotland sites are a great way to deliver the curriculum, by encouraging discovery and exploration outside the classroom.

history school trip ideas

National Justice Museum Education Royal Courts of Justice London

At The National Justice Museum Royal Courts of Justice, London our inspirational educational visits use authentic courtrooms, museum spaces, objects and archives to help pupils

history school trip ideas

Cadbury World Birmingham

Cadbury World in the West Midlands offers a unique experience that gives a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of the nation’s favourite chocolate. Your

history school trip ideas

Celtic Harmony Camp, Outdoor Prehistory Centre

Celtic Harmony Camp, the UK’s largest Iron Age settlement, provides a program of Prehistory Residential and Day trips covering Stone, Bronze and Iron Age Britain.

history school trip ideas

Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre Dorset

Tours can be tailored to the curriculum about a range of topics surrounding primate welfare & conservation. Enjoy enrichment days where groups can help make

history school trip ideas

Science Museum London

A trip to the Science Museum will enhance your classroom teaching and bring to life the science, technology, engineering, and maths that has shaped our

history school trip ideas

Liverpool Football Club Museum and Stadium Tour

Liverpool Football Club provides students with Museum and Stadium Tours, educational groups can visit the state-of-the-art Home Team dressing room, take a spine-tingling walk down

history school trip ideas

Coventry Cathedral School Trips Education Tours and Events

Coventry Cathedral is an international tourism hotspot, with striking twentieth century architecture, it attracts many schools every, educating them with its Cathedral school’s team, utilising

history school trip ideas

Fireground Museum Greater Manchester

Fireground Museum explores, preserves and brings the history of fire, fire engineering and the fire and rescue services, through collections and resources, to further the

history school trip ideas

Wildheart Animal Sanctuary

Here at Wildheart Animal Sanctuary, your class will experience unique learning sessions where students can study all areas of the curriculum, whether its biological sciences

history school trip ideas

Knowsley Safari Park Prescot Merseyside

Knowsley Safari Park offers interactive school trip tours, where students can experience animals from all over the world and learn about their environment and conservation

history school trip ideas

The Matthew of Bristol

All trips are designed to fit in with the national history KS1 and 2 curriculum. It highlights Bristol’s local history, John Cabot and the discovery

history school trip ideas

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum Nottinghamshire

National Holocaust Centre and Museums learning programmes in build knowledge and encourage critical thinking when teaching about the Holocaust, we ensure students experience interactive activities

history school trip ideas

Llancaiach Fawr Manor Wales

Proud holders of the Sandford Award for Excellence in Heritage we offer a range of formal education and learning opportunities at all Key Stages as

history school trip ideas

Keats House – London

We offer workshops on everything from exploring poetry to experiencing domestic life above and below stairs to investigating insects, flowers and trees in the garden.

history school trip ideas

Roman Baths Somerset

The Roman Baths located in the city of Bath in Somerset, comprise of the remains of one of the greatest religious spas of the ancient

history school trip ideas

English Heritage North West

English Heritage should be applauded for their development of the Discovery Visit, which interprets the story of a site, giving a sense of time and

history school trip ideas

English Heritage South West

history school trip ideas

Leighton Hall

Leighton Hall is where history, science, geography & a variety of other subjects come to life. It’s perfect for schools & educational groups wanting to

history school trip ideas

Birmingham Botanical Gardens and Glasshouses West Midlands

Why is white chocolate white, but milk chocolate brown? How are your shoes linked to the rainforest? What is a tenrec? Find the answers to

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s World Resort Cheshire

Gulliver’s World Resort provides students with unique school trip experiences, where they can engage in a wide variety of different topics, whether it be discovering

history school trip ideas

Maes y Lade Outdoors

A beautifully-converted Welsh hill farm at the foot of the Black Mountains, in the Brecon Beacons National Park. Part of Essex Outdoors, it has been

history school trip ideas

Beaulieu National Motor Museum Hampshire

From the 13th-century Beaulieu Abbey to revolutionary motoring breakthroughs at the National Motor Museum, the attraction offers a wide range of opportunities for educational groups.

history school trip ideas

Ingleborough Cave & Ingleborough Estate Nature Trail Yorkshire Dales

From its first discovery in 1837 to its transformation into an informative and engaging School Trip destination, Ingleborough Cave has never failed to impress, inspire

history school trip ideas

Coldharbour Mill Working Wool Museum Devon

Coldharbour Mill Working Wool Museum Devon provides a mixture of workshops on the textile industry, with working machinery in action to give a flavour of

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s Land Resort Buckinghamshire

Gulliver’s Land Resort provides an enjoyable learning environment for students, where they can discover various attractions and animals such as, dinosaurs, reptiles and farm animals.

history school trip ideas

Selly Manor Museum Birmingham

Every year, more than 6000 school children visit Selly Manor. Most of them visit to study the Tudors, but some visit to look at the

history school trip ideas

The School Journey Association School Trips Nationwide

Inspiring and exciting educational trips designed to bring subjects to life, extend students’ learning and develop their appreciation of local and international cultures outside the classroom. There is simply

history school trip ideas

Ufton Court Educational Trust Activity Centre

Ufton Court provides educational groups with engaging History School Trips and Outdoor Learning Courses. Whether you want to explore the Grade 1 Tudor Manor House,

history school trip ideas

Carymoor Environmental Education Centre Somerset

Carymoor Environmental Trust provides inspirational outdoor learning. Our nature reserve has a wide variety of habitats to explore and our unique location next to a

history school trip ideas

Hampstead Heath Schools Programme London

Hampstead Heath Schools Programme offers exciting school trips, where students have the chance to discover a natural environment and various different organisms, while still remaining

history school trip ideas

English Heritage West Midlands

history school trip ideas

The World Outside Bodenham Arboretum

Offering curriculum linked activities on a working farm with in the beautiful surroundings of Bodenham Arboretum. All key stages catered for with experiential learning, developing inquisitive &

history school trip ideas

English Heritage East Midlands

history school trip ideas

Southchurch Hall Museum Essex

Southchurch Hall museum is housed in the half-timbered medieval manor house, which dates to the early 14th century.

history school trip ideas

Locomotion County Durham

Welcome to Locomotion in Shildon, County Durham, where schools can learn about the birthplace of the railways and the world’s first railway town.We offer a

history school trip ideas

Butser Ancient Farm Hampshire

Butser Ancient Farm is a world leading museum for experimental archaeology education, bringing the past to life through hands on reconstructions of prehistoric, Romano-British, Anglo-Saxon

history school trip ideas

Kenilworth Castle & Elizabethan Garden Warwickshire

Kenilworth Castle & Elizabethan Gardens provides school trips & educational visits with great tours, exhibitions & interactive workshops, explore the Tudor gardens, medieval kitchens, great

history school trip ideas

Clink Prison Museum London

Built on the original site of the Clink Prison – one of England’s oldest Prisons. You can experience hands-on original artefacts, including torture devices, &

history school trip ideas

English Heritage East of England

history school trip ideas

Pinkery Outdoor Residential Learning Centre Exmoor

Pinkery is Exmoor National Park’s centre for Outdoor Learning. Built as an upland farmhouse, the original building has been expanded to create a unique moorland

history school trip ideas

UK Parliament Education Centre

Visiting UK Parliament is a great opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of democracy, governance and the political system. Visits include a guided tour

history school trip ideas

Zip World Windermere

Zip World Windermere introduces a brand new educational programme inviting teachers to escape the classroom and bring lessons to the great outdoors. On the banks

history school trip ideas

Cogges Manor Farm

Cogges Manor Farm in Witney, Oxfordshire provides 1000 years of History perfect for educational historical learning. The site appears in the Domesday Book of 1086

history school trip ideas

Woodrow High House Amersham Buckinghamshire Day

Woodrow High House is London Youth’s outdoor education centre in Buckinghamshire, providing bespoke activity programmes dependent on the objectives of your visit. Visitors include primary, secondary,

history school trip ideas

Prison & Police Museum Ripon North Yorkshire

At the Prison & Police Museum Ripon discover the history of crime & punishment in the Victorian prison, learn the history of policing in Yorkshire

history school trip ideas

Courthouse Museum Ripon North Yorkshire

The Courthouse is part of a fully interactive historical experience run by Ripon Museums Trust, your school group will learn many interesting facts about this

history school trip ideas

National Railway Museum

Bring learning to life with a visit to the National Railway Museum and discover inspiring objects and stories from the world’s largest railway collection. Experience

history school trip ideas

English Heritage Greater London

Iron Age Settlements, Roman Forts, Medieval Abbeys, Tudor Castles, Victorian Mansions and Gardens, and even World War Fortresses – you name it, our exceptional, out-of-the-classroom

history school trip ideas

Tudor World in Shakespeare’s Stratford upon Avon

Tudor World is an award winning museum situated right in the heart of the historic town, Stratford upon Avon. Within a Grade 2* listed historic

history school trip ideas

National Science and Media Museum Bradford

At the National Science and Media Museum, your group will have the chance to explore the science of light and sound in Wonderlab, the history

history school trip ideas

Science Zone Bournemouth

The Science Zone offers interactive educational experiences, where students can explore life-sized dinosaurs and the Solar System. The variety of activities that are available ensures

history school trip ideas

English Heritage South East

history school trip ideas

School Trips at Bristol Museums

Bristol Museums offer a wide range of school trips, where subjects such as history, literature, science and art are brought to life! Students will have

history school trip ideas

The National Videogame Museum Sheffield

The National Videogame Museum is the UK’s only museum dedicated solely to videogames with a mission to collect, preserve, exhibit and interpret videogames for everyone.

history school trip ideas

The Jorvik Group JORVIK Viking Centre York

Discover the Return of the Vikings to York at the newly re-imagined JORVIK Viking Centre.

history school trip ideas

Shakespeare’s Family Homes Tours and Workshops Stratford-upon-Avon

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust is an independent, educational charity dedicated to deepening the understanding of Shakespeare’s works & times. We offer a range of informative

history school trip ideas

The Sustainability Activity Centre Hampshire

The Centre offers a wide variety of exciting educational eco-activities that promote sustainable living and green issues in an inspiring yet tranquil setting, located in

history school trip ideas

Zip World Tower South Wales

history school trip ideas

The National Justice Museum Nottingham

At the The National Justice Museum Nottingham our inspirational educational visits use authentic courtrooms, museum spaces, objects and archives to help pupils gain a practical

history school trip ideas

Silverstone Museum Northamptonshire

At Silverstone Museum, students can explore the home of British Motor Racing! School groups will have the chance to learn about the history, engineering, and

history school trip ideas

Lulworth Outdoor Education Centre Dorset

With its stunning scenery and iconic coastal features, Lulworth is one of the best places to visit on a geography and/or geology based school trip.

history school trip ideas

Immersive Experiences Mobile Planetarium School Workshops Nationwide

Immersive Experiences is the UK’s multi-award-winning immersive learning/entertainment outreach provider, reaching a record breaking 200,000 people a year.

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s Valley Theme Park South Yorkshire

Gulliver’s Valley Theme Park provides School Trip experiences like no other! Here, students can explore over 50 thrilling rides and attractions and also discover the

history school trip ideas

Yorkshire Air Museum

Join us for a day of fun, discovery and excitement at the Yorkshire Air Museum where our guides will bring to life over 150 years

history school trip ideas

Tower Bridge London

Tower Bridge is a world-famous landmark that provides educational groups with unforgettable school trip experiences. From exploring the high-level walkways to uncovering the history of

history school trip ideas

Imperial War Museum London

The (IWM) Imperial War Museum London provides students with an historical experience that cannot be found anywhere else. From exploring the causes of a world

history school trip ideas

Victoria Art Gallery Bath

Victoria Art Gallery offer fantastic enrichment learning interactive opportunities in arts and crafts for children to experience, explore and have fun with varoius resources and

history school trip ideas

Imperial War Museum North

If you’re searching for an immersive School Trip experience, look no further. (IWM) Imperial War Museum North has a variety of historically engaging exhibitions, which

history school trip ideas

Stratford Butterfly Farm Warwickshire

Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm offers an excellent opportunity for children of all ages to learn about tropical rainforest environments and the plants and animals that live

history school trip ideas

Blackpool Pleasure Beach Theme Park

Enjoy a thrilling educational or end of term treat day out at one of the UK’s favourite theme parks, Blackpool Pleasure Beach has its own

history school trip ideas

Hull New Theatre Humberside

Hull New Theatre stages several shows each year which are aimed at school children and relevant to the National Curriculum.

history school trip ideas

DIG An Archaeological Adventure York

Jorvik DIG with four special in-door excavation pits, all based on real-life digs in the city and filled with replica Roman, Viking, Medieval, and Victorian

history school trip ideas

Carlisle Castle Cumbria

An impressive frontier fortress with 900 years of history – excellent for Medieval, Tudor and Civil War topics. Carlisle Castle provides students with a sense

history school trip ideas

National Galleries of Scotland

The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art boasts an array of indoor and outdoor modern and contemporary art, set in two sculpture parks. See our

history school trip ideas

Godstone Farm Surrey

At Godstone Farm, students have the chance to interact with over 500 animals and enjoy the extensive outdoor play areas. This is the perfect school

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s Kingdom Resort Derbyshire

Gulliver’s Kingdom Resort offers fun and engaging school trips, where students can take part in educational workshops and also enjoy themselves within the theme park.

history school trip ideas

The Golden Hinde School Tours and workshops London

At The Golden Hinde, the use of costumed educators and reenactments makes history come to life. This historical school trip allows students to experience what

history school trip ideas

The Jorvik Group Barley Hall York

Barley Hall (Jorvik Viking Group) is a medieval townhouse – once home to the Lord Mayor of York. Located on the doorstep of York Minster,

history school trip ideas

World Famous Blue John Cavern Derbyshire

Blue John Cavern in Castleton, Derbyshire provides great school trip experiences such as Show Caves which have in-depth specific geological interests. The caverns within the

history school trip ideas

The Workhouse Museum Ripon North Yorkshire

At The Workhouse Museum, educational groups can experience an authentic Victorian Schoolroom, Kitchen, and Garden, as well as the historical Inmates’ Quarters of the Workhouse.

history school trip ideas

Lullingstone Roman Villa

One of the most important and complete Roman villas in Britain. It is home to some outstanding mosaics and an extensive range of collections and

history school trip ideas

Pooles Cavern and Country Park

Discover the largest stalactite and stalagmite in the Peak District and learn how water has eroded this vast series of chambers over millions of years,

history school trip ideas

South Downs Planetarium and Science Centre Chichester

The South Downs Planetarium and Science Centre was established to provide a facility where people of all ages could learn about science in a very

history school trip ideas

Shakespeare’s Schoolroom & Guildhall Warwickshire

A visit to Shakespeare’s Schoolroom & Guildhall provides school groups with fun, informal and authentic experiences that bring history to life.

history school trip ideas

Monkton Wyld Court – A 19th Century Neo-Gothic Mansion in Dorset

Set within walking distance of Lyme Regis and Dorset’s Jurassic Coast, Monkton Wyld Court is a large 19th Century Neo-Gothic mansion that provides educational groups

history school trip ideas

Leicester Outdoor Pursuit Centre

Leicester Outdoor Pursuit Centre is one of the Midlands most popular Outdoor Activity & Education Centres, specialising in day trips for groups of 2-200 students

history school trip ideas

Peak District Mining Museum & Temple Mine East Midlands

Here at The Peak District Mining Museum & Temple Mine, your students will not only get to take part in a unique underground mining experience,

history school trip ideas

Henley Fort Outdoor Education Centre Surrey

Henley Fort is a Victorian Fort built during the late 1Henley Fort is a Victorian Fort built during the late 19th Century to protect London

history school trip ideas

The Design Museum London

The Design Museum London is the world’s leading venue devoted to contemporary design. Students will experience the design industry with Its learning tours and workshop

history school trip ideas

Liverpool British Music Experience

British Music Experience in Liverpool, students can immerse themselves into a museum of musical history and knowledge. On this musical school trip, students can discover

history school trip ideas

English Heritage North East

history school trip ideas

Imperial War Museum Duxford

Here at the IWM (Imperial War Museum) Duxford, students can climb aboard historic aircrafts as well as visit the very rooms where Duxford’s Battle of

history school trip ideas

The Lincolnsfields Childrens Centre

The Children at War Experience offers a unique hands-on insight into life in wartime Britain. We encourage each group to get into role and if

history school trip ideas

Manchester United Museum and Tour Centre

At the Manchester United Museum & Tour Centre, educational groups can enjoy interactive workshops, a tour of Old Trafford, as well as time for individual

history school trip ideas

Canal and River Tours Stratford Upon Avon

A surprising trip for young minds with river wildlife, not too much Shakespeare and a 200 hundred year old working lock.


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The Moonwalkers The School Trip Main 1000x710 dec 23

Lightroom, London

Student tickets just £10

history school trip ideas

Les Miserables

Sondheim Theatre, London

Student tickets just £29.50

Maritime Museum Mar 22 1

Maritime Museum

Maritime Museum, Liverpool

Various/free self-led visits

The School Trip Hamilton Main 1000x710 223

Victoria Palace Theatre, London

Student tickets from £25

Thames River Sightseeing

Various, London

Back To The Future The School Trip NEW ©Johan Persson Main 4 1000x710 1023

Back To The Future The Musical

Adelphi Theatre, London

World Museum Ancient Egypt Image Nov 22 1000x710 1

World Museum

World Museum, Liverpool

SIX the Musical The School Trip NEW 1000x710 May 24

Vaudeville Theatre, London

Student tickets just £23.50

Museum of Liverpool Mar 22 1

Museum of Liverpool

Museum of Liverpool, Liverpool

Various/Free self-led visits

history school trip ideas

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Read the latest news

WWT Generation Wild Jun 22 4

WWT’s Generation Wild Goes from Strength to Strength

Max 3 min read

Up at The 02 Main Image May 22 9

“Up At The O2 was fantastic” See how much our teachers enjoyed their climb

“an incredible show and production” discover why hamilton is loved by teachers and makes the perfect school trip.

London Theatre School Trip to Matilda The Musical

Ultimate guide to make your London Theatre School Trips easier

Max 10 min read

Wicked NEW CAST The School Trip ©Matt Crockett Main 1000x710 923

Wicked Becomes 10th Longest-Running West End Show in British History

Stranger Things The School Trip Main 5 1000x710 Apr 24

Book a School Trip to an Olivier Award Winning Show

Max 5 min read

Twisted Tales Box House Theatre The School Trip Main 1000x710 Apr 24

Box House Theatre’s Twisted Tales at Brighton Fringe and Education Workshops

Max 7 min read

An Inspector Calls The School Trip Main 6 1000x710 Mar 24

See An Inspector Calls on Tour at a Theatre Near You!

Woman in Black Tour The School Trip Main 1000x710 Feb 24

Catch The Woman in Black on Tour at a Theatre Near You!

Theatre Audience Podcast Logo 1000x710 Mar 24

Theatre Audience Podcast – A Podcast made for Theatre Lovers

Max 8 min read

Find a teaching resource

Back to the Future Updated Main 3 1000x710 1122

Back to the Futures’ Failure Before Success Teacher resource

Download this free teaching resource from Back to the Future to learn more about the key theme of Failure Before Success.

KS2, KS3, KS4

Oxford University Museum of Natural Historys Sensing Evolution Investigate Alice Roberts Introduction Video Resource Profile Image

Oxford University Museum of Natural History’s Sensing Evolution: Investigate – Alice Roberts Introduction Video

Discover some of the most important ideas in the theory of evolution with Alice Roberts around Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5

Lullingstone Roman Villa Teaching Resource Pack

Lullingstone Roman Villa Teaching Resource Pack

Use this free teaching resource from English Heritage to support learning at Lullingstone Roman Villa.

The Roman Baths’ Make a Posy Basket Resource

The Roman Baths’ Make a Posy Basket

Use this free teaching resource from The Roman Baths to create your own paper basket.

Museum of London Hunter-Gatherer Quiz Teaching Resource Profile Image

Museum of London’s Stone Age Hunter-Gatherer Quiz

Take this fun interactive quiz from the Museum of London about how Stone Age people lived.

National Videogame Museums Getting Started with Scratch Worksheet Resource Image

National Videogame Museum’s Getting Started with Scratch Worksheet

Download this free worksheet from the National Videogame Museum to learn about Scratch.

British Airways i360 Activity Pack Teaching Resource Image

British Airways i360 Activity Book

Download this free activity book from British Airways i360 for KS1 & KS2.

Back to the Future Updated Main 1 1000x710 1122

Back to the Futures’ Live Performance Review Teacher resource

Download this free teaching resource from Back to the Future where your students can discuss what they thought of the show in depth.

Museum of Bath Architecture’s LEGO Achitecture Challenge 3 Symmetry Resource

Museum of Bath Architecture’s LEGO Architecture Challenge 3: Symmetry

Learn more about design and architecture with this free LEGO teaching resource from the Museum of Bath Architecture.

Fashion Museum Bath Wordsearch Resource

Fashion Museum Bath Word Search

A fun word search teaching resource from the Fashion Museum Bath to explore fashion designers.

Explore workshops

St Marys Guildhall The School Trip Main 1 1000x710 923

St Mary’s Guildhall’s A Tales of Two Queens Workshop

Enjoy this hands-on workshop from St Mary's Guildhall where your students will investigate the life of Mary, Queen of Scots and Elizabethan everyday life.

WWT Arundel Wetland Centre Mar 22 3

WWT Arundel Climate Change Champions KS3 Workshop

Learn more about climate change as part of your school trip to WWT Arundel.

The School Trip The Wallace Collection workshop image 8 1000x710 323

The Wallace Collection’s Sketch Workshop

In this hands-on workshop from The Wallace Collection where students will hone their observational skills and experiment with various drawing techniques and materials.

KS3, KS4, KS5

Titanic storytelling Maritime Museum Main Image 1

Maritime Museum’s Titanic Storytelling Workshop

The Maritime Museum's creative and engaging approach to introducing students to the RMS Titanic.

WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre Mar 22 2

WWT Martin Mere’s Climate Change Champions KS2 Workshop

Learn more about climate change as part of your school trip to WWT Martin Mere.

WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre Mar 22 3

WWT Llanelli Bird Researchers Workshop

Learn more about monitoring birds as part of your school trip to WWT Llanelli.

The Auckland Project main 3 1000x710 1022

The Auckland Projects’ Castle Explorers workshop

Enjoy this fun and interactive workshop from The Auckland Project where students can explore the castle and grounds and create a 3D model.

WWT Washington Wetland Centre Mar 22 2

WWT London Bird ID Challenge Workshop

Learn more about bird spotting as part of your school trip to WWT London.

St Albans Cathedral Nursery and Early Years Workshop Main Image

St Albans Cathedral Nursery and Early Years Maths & Science Activities

Maths & Science Activities for Nursery and Early Years to accompany your school trip to St Albans Cathedral.

Disneys The Lion King 2 Landscape

Disney’s The Lion King’s Spotlight on Singing In-School Workshop

Disney’s The Lion King's official Spotlight on Singing Schools Workshop.

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9 Cultural History Museums to Visit on Your Next School Field Trip

History & Education , Where to Go

Scattered nationwide, cultural history museums offer a unique learning environment, making them an ideal choice for your next school field trip.

Plimoth Plantation (Massachusetts) 

history school trip ideas

Become immersed in the story of Native Americans and Pilgrims at Plimoth Plantation . This living history museum offers countless programs for pre-K to 12th graders. Stroll through a 17th century English Village, visit the Wampanoag Homesite and interact with historic breeds of animals at the Nye Barn. Suggested classroom activities for students to complete prior to their visit are available.

Ever wonder what it would be like to sleep over at a museum? Make the most of the school outing by staying overnight at Plimoth Plantation. Or, allow the students to take the reigns and chose their topic on a focused field trip that emphasizes a specific part of museum.

Visit all of the museum sites, including the Henry Hornblower II Visitor Center , which offers an exhibit focused on Thanksgiving history, a cafe and museum shops. Stop by the Craft Center and learn about techniques used in the 1600s.

Curious about dining options? The museum offers boxed, catered lunches and cafe service. Your group also may bring bagged lunches, as picnic tables are available.

Tip for Teachers: booking a school trip provides a complimentary teacher admission pass.

Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History (Detroit)

history school trip ideas

Recipient of the TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence for the past three years, the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History celebrates African American culture and history. Located in Midtown Detroit’s Cultural Center, the museum is neighbors with the Michigan Science Center and Detroit Institute of Arts, offering the ideal location for a school field trip. Interested in dining? Bring bagged lunches or try out the museum’s catering options.

Historical reenactments, workshops and special educational and cultural programs are some available options at the museum. Guided tours offer an interactive experience for all grades and provide a closer look at the history and culture of African Americans. Exhibitions include A is for Africa , I See Me: Reflections in Black Dolls and Inspiring Minds: African Americans in Science and Technology . With opportunities to engage younger students, the Children’s Discovery Room offers live-action storytelling that demonstrates an overview of the exhibit And Still We Rise .

The Museum of Chinese in America (New York City)

history school trip ideas

Guided school programs for various grade levels range from Chinese customs and traditions to stereotypes and the relationship between the United States and China in World War II. For sixth grade and up, the museum offers a walking tour that takes students to 10 stops in New York City. Tours include “Chinatown: A Walk Through History, From Coffeehouses to Banquet Halls” and “Beyond the Frozen Zone: Portraits of Post 9/11 Chinatown.” A MOCA educator is available to visit the classroom and provide an overview prior to the field trip. Pre-visit classroom materials are also offered.

Current exhibitions at MOCA feature chefs in Sour, Sweet, Bitter and Spicy and experiences of Chinese-Americans in With a Single Step: Stories in the Making of America. Continue the day with a stop at the nearby Lower East Side Tenement Museum.

Colonial Williamsburg (Virginia)

history school trip ideas

Colonial Williamsburg provides students the opportunity to experience the 1700s. With customized tours available for kindergarten to 12th grade, Colonial Williamsburg is a perfect option for any school outing. Choose from tours such as “Discovering Williamsburg” and “Adopting a New Nation.” With these set tours tailored for different grades, students will be able to learn about Williamsburg through hands-on activities. In the Historic Area, groups can make a stop at the apothecary, learn how food was cooked or watch a performance on the Charlton Stage. Homeschool tours are available along with pre-and post-visit activities for all school outings.

Dine at one of Colonial Williamsburg’s taverns, where costumed staff serve present-day interpretations of 18th century meals. Other choices include eating at the pizzeria Huzzah! or snacking at the Raleigh Tavern Bakery.

As part of the Historic Triangle, Colonial Williamsburg is close to Jamestown and Yorktown. Interested in adding adventure to this school trip? Busch Gardens theme park, Water Country USA water park and the Richmond International Raceway are in close proximity.

The Museum of Natural and Cultural History (Eugene, Oregon)

history school trip ideas

Awarded the Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvsior, the Museum of Natural and Cultural History offers interactive programs geared toward school groups. The museum provides knowledge of various cultures while inspiring the stewardship of the environment. Located on the University of Oregon campus, the museum is located near other attractions, including the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art and Hayward Field.

Program options include taking a closer look at animal tracks and fossils, learning the story behind the history of beads and examining artifacts. Materials are available for teachers for before and after the visit. Exhibits range from Oregon’s unique story in The New Oregon – Where Past is Present to the history of the nine tribal nations scattered throughout Oregon. With impressive paleontology, anthropology and zoology collections, students will be able to learn about a variety of topics.

The Burke Museum (Seattle)

history school trip ideas

Recognized as the oldest public museum in Washington , the Burke Museum works to promote learning about cultural heritage and biodiversity. Found on the University of Washington campus, it welcomes more than 35,000 students each year, offering tours for different grades. From learning about dinosaurs to a museum scavenger hunt where groups can interact with museum artifacts, there are countless options for an educational and enjoyable field trip. Feel free to bring bagged lunches for your group, as picnic tables are available, or check out the cafeteria.

Current exhibits include Wild Nearby, Washington’s First Dinosaur and Kanu Kaho’olawe: Replanting, Rebirth. Look into the “Fish Collections Tour: School Outreach Program,” where students from grades 3-12 can spend the day touring the facilities and examining over 11 million fish specimens.

The area is filled with additional stops for your outing. Take your students on a stroll through the Washington Park Arboretum or stay on campus and explore the University of Washington. Plenty of restaurant choices are nearby, ranging from Italian to sushi.

Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum

history school trip ideas

Located in a restored 1903 courthouse, the Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum shares the cultural history of the Pikes Peak region. Recipient of the Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor and with over 60,000 objects in its collection, the museum is fitting for any school trip.

School programs for grades K-12 are free and available from September to May. The Hands on History Program is for grades 2-5, while the Self-Guided School visits are perfect for any age range. Explore exhibits such as Cultural Crossroads: Highlights from the Collection, Journey to Pikes Peak and The Story of Us: The Pikes Peaks Region from A-Z. The Starsmore Center for Local History can be found in the museum, which includes artifacts such as manuscripts and historical images of Colorado Springs.

Treat your students to a picnic lunch at Alamo Square Park, located next to the museum. The area is ideal for taking the group on a walk to examine the outdoor sculptures and flowers. Add in more fun and learning by stopping at America the Beautiful Park or the ANA Money Museum.

International Museum of Muslim Cultures (Jackson, Mississippi)

history school trip ideas

Celebrating its 15th year, the International Museum of Muslim Cultures is dedicated to informing the public about the culture and history of Islam. Exhibits explore topics such as the spirit of Ramadan and legacy of Timbuktu.

With personalized guided tours available and a variety of programs and workshops for students of various grade levels, there is something for everyone. IMMC also offers resources for teachers to bring back to the classroom before and after the school excursion.

IMMC can be found in Jackson’s downtown Arts District. In addition to the museum, stop by the Old Capitol Museum, the Mississippi Museum of Art or the Smith Robertson Museum & Cultural Center.

Frontier Culture Museum (Staunton, Virginia)

history school trip ideas

The Frontier Culture Museum shares the journey of the people who migrated to colonial America. As an outdoor living-history museum, it offers an interesting field trip experience. Five different program categories are available for school outings that range from daily life programs that explore the lives of farmers to learning about westward expansion.

The 10 outdoor exhibits range from the 1600s English Farm and 1700s West African Farm to the Early American Schoolhouse . Pick between guided, self-guided or custom programs, which allow groups to determine which area of interest they wish to focus on. Bring bagged lunches for your group as tables and benches are available.

Take your group on a walk through the Betsy Bell Wilderness Park or make a visit to the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library and Museum, as there are plenty of attractions to see in the area.

Tip for Teachers: It is suggested to visit the museum before the group visit. Teachers will receive free admission and can make an appointment with the Education Team to plan out the upcoming school field trip.

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Palm Springs Air Museum

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Using Field Trips to Enliven Local History Classes

These ideas for high school field trips teach students about the history of their community in ways that connect to the curriculum.

Students touring a factory

The internet and social media allow classrooms to follow newsworthy events around the world, often in real time. Sometimes, however, educators get so wrapped up in teaching about events thousands of miles away, we forget about our own backyards.

We need to remember it’s critically important for young people to be aware of, and make meaningful connections in, their own towns and cities. Here are some field trips that I’ve found connect students to their neighbors, community, and hometown.  

Bus tours in the local area

If you don’t have a whole lot of time, plan for a bus tour around the vicinity of your school during one or two class periods. A colleague developed a historical bus tour of our township and area immediately around our school. We reserved buses and took our local history classes to several key places in our area to discuss the history behind the sites.

These were short trips, but they were packed with information. The teacher-guide pointed out facts about our area, including the story behind street names and important structures we unthinkingly pass every day.

Such a bus trip requires research and preparation, but it can be an engaging way of showing students the abundant history right outside the doors of the school. In truth, your school itself can be a key part of the tour (when it was built, by whom, the changes it has undergone). 

It’s easy to think about the big, important historical sites in your region, like battlefields, for instance. However, try to go beyond the most obvious destinations. One place that might hold promise is a cemetery.

Indeed, one of the most successful field trips my colleagues and I organized was a trip to the oldest cemetery in our city. We reached out to the Cemetery Association, and a representative arranged for a tour with a knowledgeable guide, who took us on a walk around the grounds. She relayed the history of the cemetery and shared colorful stories about the major figures buried there. She deftly tied the history of the cemetery in with contemporaneous events in the nation’s history. This allowed us to open up conversations with students about the “bigger picture,” national and global occurrences that impacted our local community. The guide showed our class a hundred-year-old headstone for an unknown child who died sweeping the chimney of a local business. The business, though still in existence, remains anonymous. What made the story all the more moving was what the guide told us next: The business inconspicuously maintains the headstone in honor of the child. It was these poignant moments that affected our students. History, humanized by such personal stories, touched them in a deeply meaningful way. 

Colleges and Universities 

Local institutions of higher education represent fonts of important local history. Students can learn about the university’s founder(s), building, and general story.

We took students on a tour of a local university, focusing mainly on history. Furthermore, universities and colleges you may visit likely have a professor who can discuss a local matter. In our case, a retired FBI agent turned professor gave a riveting talk to the students about a prominent local crime case.

Local businesses

The economic well-being of the local community is important for students to understand, and there are plenty of small and large businesses happy to host students. 

We took students to a large, well-known local meat provisions business and a smaller, family-run maple syrup farm. In both cases, the owners described the history of the companies and the impact they have on the community. Ask owners to share with students how they built their business and how they work with the local government regarding permits and laws. 

Touring local businesses is particularly fruitful if you’re examining the economic history of your area or focusing your class on entrepreneurship.

Our students also took an operational tour of an area water park and, on another occasion, an amusement park. These are places that kids in our region frequently visit, but few understood or appreciated the work that goes into running them. Learning about these facilities is also a unique history lesson. For example, our amusement park features “dark rides” built by one of the most famous dark ride designers in the United States .

Nonprofits and civic organizations

There are plenty of enterprising and dedicated people of all ages doing great work in your community. Exposing students to nonprofits and civic or service organizations shows them that the responsibility of improving our communities falls on all of us.

One of the best field trips was taking my kids to our Erie Downtown Development Corporation (EDDC), a nonprofit group dedicated to revitalizing areas of our city’s downtown.

The CEO took us on a walking tour of local businesses the group has purchased to revamp and rebuild. He also visited another one of my classes to talk about the changes his organization is making in the community and to discuss community revitalization and community development in general.

Cognitive bookends  

Field trips can be fun and absorbing events for students. That said, we should remember that the purpose of a field trip is education. Students should ideally do something with the information they’re learning on these excursions. I like to employ what I call “cognitive bookends” when planning a field trip. 

Prepare a lesson about the destination beforehand and ensure some kind of assessment during or after the field trip. For example, before visiting a museum exhibit on immigration to our region, I taught a lesson on the subject. A colleague and I created a scavenger hunt and questionnaire pertaining to the exhibit for students to complete while there. In the following class, students wrapped up the lesson with a final short assignment. Students, therefore, were always working with the material, and I managed to assess them in a variety of ways, particularly before and after the field trip.

Keep in mind that some destinations could be difficult for students, depending on their backgrounds. For example, cemetery visits and other historical sites could hold painful histories for some students. I try to maintain a classroom in which students feel free to talk and express any reservations. 

At the end of the day, place-based learning is about getting kids into the community to meet their neighbors. By doing so, we are helping our students become informed, conscientious, and empathetic residents of their hometowns. 

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  • History School Trips Difficult Subjects

History school trips – How to address difficult subjects

Pupils on history school trip

Addressing difficult subject matters outside the classroom can be daunting, but with the right support it can be an impactful and rewarding experience…

Kirsty McKenna

When planning history school trips, our initial thoughts are often about logistics – concerns over costs, coaches and cover are all too familiar – but what about the content of the visit itself?

How much initial thought is put into preparing for what students might encounter, questions they may ask, how they may feel and what reflection time might be needed after the visit?

At Imperial War Museums , our collections often address difficult historical issues as part of our mission to explore the causes, course, and consequences of conflict.

Staff and volunteers are expertly equipped to have challenging conversations with school groups and families in a way that not only complements a variety of curriculum outcomes, but delivers them in a safe and supportive way, placing emphasis on context and robust safeguarding.

Elsewhere, a wide variety of cultural and historical sites address a range of challenging topics across the curriculum, and many of the same strategies and considerations will apply when planning and undertaking a successful educational visit.

These school visits are so important to students’ learning, both in terms of the academic benefits of seeing topics in context outside of a classroom, but also the social benefits of tackling these subjects and empowering students to understand their role as global citizens.

Understanding challenging topics

History teachers are familiar with addressing many challenging subjects in the classroom. Curriculums cover war, genocide, terrorism, slavery and empire, which raise a wide range of issues such as independence, race, religion, exploitation, class and nationalism, as well as different political systems and doctrines.

But difficult issues can be found in many curriculum areas, from addressing the context of characters in historical literature, to understanding today’s global challenges such as climate change, religious conflicts or wealth distribution.

Some educational school trips may overtly seek to address complex topics, and other times you may find yourself faced with a situation which stimulates emotions and questions from students that you had not anticipated.

Direct experience

Taking school children outside the classroom to address issues in context can be a valuable way of approaching topics from a different angle and bringing history to life, whether that be exploring different attitudes to artworks in a gallery, experiencing a historical site or place of worship, or visiting organisations that enable students to meet and learn from people who have direct experience of these challenging issues themselves.

Where to start 

It’s important that you feel prepared for the topic and setting before addressing this with students.

If you are taking other staff with you, they should be briefed in advance so they feel comfortable supporting students during the visit. This might include background information on the topic itself, context around what students have studied so far and key information about the site you are visiting, such as objects or people students may encounter.

Remember that all your students (and staff) will bring different expectations and personal experiences to the visit, and they may find some aspects triggering which you do not.

Plan your day carefully, considering the order in which topics might be addressed, what to do at more challenging times of day, and grouping your students and staff effectively.

Learning sessions on history school trips

Many organisations will offer guided learning sessions or provide resources to help you get the most out of your educational trip. These interactive experiences can be a great starting point from the experts to get you thinking.

Avoid the assumption that booking a formal learning session means the day is planned for you – there will doubtless be free time, and you are responsible for ensuring this also has some structure, purpose and support in place.

A helpful way of achieving this can be to use prompts and open-ended questions to focus students’ thinking. You might choose an image or item which enables them to engage with the topic directly, particularly if the scale of the issue is overwhelming.

For example, instead of attempting to approach The Holocaust through statistics, which can be incomprehensible, try starting with a focus on the stories of one or two ordinary people and considering how what you have seen in the museum affected their lives.

Select these carefully to encourage students to think about different experiences and viewpoints.

Challenge students to analyse where information has come from and why the museum has chosen to display it in this way – curatorial decisions are rarely a matter of accident.

Museums are not just filled with objects, but also people. Encourage students to respect that their peers or members of the public may also be making sense of the same challenging objects and stories in their own way.

There may be an opportunity to meet staff or volunteers who share personal stories and eyewitness testimony, such as Imperial War Museums’ We Were There veterans, who have all experienced conflict first-hand, and it is important to consider their emotions and personal boundaries.

Plan questions and set clear expectations in advance of these interactions, as these can be hugely valuable and memorable encounters for students when approached with care.

Back in the classroom

For some difficult questions there are no right answers, or you may not have all the information you need to answer effectively on the spot – this is okay and demonstrating this to students is an important part of the visit.

Discuss together how you might find out more: other organisations you could approach or appropriate ways that your students could respond to the issue if they feel strongly about taking action after what they have seen.

Encourage students to note down feelings or questions during the day, then allow sufficient time to address their responses back at school in a familiar environment.

Just because a topic is difficult or confronting, we should not avoid it; as educators we should seek to model to young people how important it is to address these issues respectfully so they can build the confidence to do the same.

Planning your school history trip


When researching school trip ideas , read background information on the subject/location and where possible do a planning visit to familiarise yourself and address the issues below.

Discuss the topic in a familiar environment before your visit to ensure students know what to expect.


Find out whether breakout spaces are available for discussion/reflection. Be aware of particularly confronting issues/items and where they may be displayed.

Plan timings carefully – avoid tackling the most confronting issues directly before or after lunch when students may be distracted.


Set expectations around appropriate behaviour in certain public spaces, for example near memorials.

Discuss some ground rules for conversations around the topic – students should feel safe and confident to ask their questions and share opinions.

Consider when in the learning unit you will make your visit – giving students context for what they will experience will avoid harmful misconceptions and ensure they gain a deeper insight from their visit.

Whilst you can never fully anticipate the direction students’ reactions and discussions may take, set out what you hope the visit will achieve in terms of knowledge, critical thinking and giving students a deeper understanding of your topic.

Write these as broad or reflective questions, which you can use to frame discussions.

Kirsty McKenna is a producer in the public engagement and learning team at Imperial War Museums and works across their Schools & Families programmes .

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History School Trips

Want to bring history to life for your students and gain inspiration for your history lessons? Why not arrange a school history trip abroad?

Ofsted have advised that ‘The most effective departments in secondary schools used enrichment activities regularly to support students’ learning’ . And trips to Berlin and the WW1 battlefields were named as key features.

Your history school trip will be tailor made to meet your specific requirements and learning objectives.

Read more Read about History School Trips

History school trips in the uk.

There’s plenty of history to discover right here in the UK ! Head to Edinburgh , to learn about the development of anaesthesia and antiseptic in surgery, or head to York and Ripon to learn about crime and punishment in the Victorian era.

In Stratford-Upon-Avon , your students will discover the world of Shakespeare and learn more about life in Elizabethan England .

Want your students to learn more about life in wartime Britain ? London offers some excellent opportunities to discover what life was like during WW1 and WW2 , with key visits including the Imperial War Museum, the Churchill War Rooms and the Cenotaph.

In Manchester and Liverpool your students can learn more about the Manchester Blitz and the important role that the North played during WW2.

And in Kent , your students can learn more about the Battle of Britain, with visits to the Battle of Britain Memorial, and the Spitfire and Hurricane Museum.

History school trips abroad

We can arrange history school trips in destinations all over the world!

On a history school trip to the WW1 battlefields, your group will experience the living conditions in the trenches, as well as the destructive power, waste and futility of war, by following the events of the 1916 Battle of the Somme and the Third Battle of Ypres.

In Berlin, Munich and Krakow , your students will have the chance to reflect on visits to Nazi concentration camps and learn more about the rise of National Socialism and the eventual fall of Hitler. And in Berlin, your students will discover how the ideological warfare of the Cold War affected the local population.

We also offer trips to France , where your students can find out more about the revolution that not only transformed France, but also had a huge effect on global politics.

Or head to Vietnam , where your students will learn more about the cause and effects of the Vietnam War – a Cold War era proxy war that lasted 20 years. They’ll find out what life was like for the soldiers and the local population, and they’ll learn more about the politics behind the conflict.

Why arrange a history school trip?

Bring history to life.

Sometimes, when students learn about history in the classroom, it can seem like a very abstract thing. They learn about the atrocities committed by the Nazis, or the huge loss of life in WW1, but it feels very distant and, perhaps, not very relevant to their lives.

By taking your students to the places where those historical events happened, you’re helping them to comprehend the reality of history. Your students will hear the personal stories of some of those involved, humanising their experiences.

By bringing history to life for your students, you’re providing them with the knowledge they need to help prevent the worst of our history repeating itself. And there’s no better way to bring history to life than with a school trip!

Deepen their understanding

We’ll tailor your history school trip to suit your curriculum and learning objectives.

So, for example, if you’re visiting the WW1 battlefields, you can choose to focus on helping students to understand the conditions in the trenches, or they can spend time learning more about medical advancements during WW1.

Perhaps your students are learning about the Nazis and the Holocaust? In Berlin, they can find out more about the rise of the Nazis and how Hitler, once seen as a fanatic, eventually rose to become dictator. And you could even extend your trip with a visit to Krakow, so that your students gain a deeper understanding of the scale and horror of the Holocaust with a visit to Auschwitz .

Our Travel Advisers know our destinations well and will be able to advise you on which visits would best suit your learning objectives.

Enjoy the trip as much as your students

Originally founded by former teachers, and with many former teachers still among us, we understand the value of history school trips and how to make them successful.

Your trip will be completely tailor made, to ensure that it meets your specific requirements and learning objectives. And we’ll be on hand throughout the process to answer any questions you have.

In fact, we’ll be with you every step of the way, from now until you return home at the end of your trip. While abroad, you’ll be able to reach us with just one phone call, at any time of the day or night. And, with this comprehensive level of support while you’re away, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy experiencing history brought to life as much as your students.

Cold War School Trip to Berlin

A history school trip to Berlin with a focus on the Cold War will give your students to better understand how and why the city was divided!

  • Key Stage 3

The Nazis & the Holocaust School Trip to Krakow

Your school trip to Krakow can include visits to Auschwitz and Schindler's Factory, as well as a meeting with a Holocaust survivor.

School WW1 Battlefield Tour to Ypres and the Somme

Give your students the opportunity to explore life in the trenches on your WW1 battlefield tour to Ypres and the Somme!

  • Multi-centre trip

School WW2 Battlefield Tour to Normandy

Your students will discover the incredible story behind D-Day and Operation Overlord on your history school trip to Normandy!

History of Warfare School Trip to Normandy & The Somme

A school trip to Normandy and the Somme will help students understand the development of warfare between the World Wars!

History of Warfare School Trip to Ypres, Waterloo & Dunkirk

Explore the changing nature of warfare with your students on a history school trip to Waterloo, Ypres and Dunkirk!

Medicine Through Time In London

Visit a 19th century operating theatre and learn more about Florence Nightingale on your history school trip to London!

The Nazis & the Holocaust School Trip to Berlin

Your history school trip to Berlin will help your students better understand how and why the Nazis rose to power.

The Nazis & the Holocaust School Trip to Berlin & Krakow

A history school trip to Berlin & Krakow includes a visit to Auschwitz and is unmissable for groups studying the Nazis & the Holocaust.

The Nazis & the Holocaust School Trip to Amsterdam & Arnhem

Your history school trip to Amsterdam and Arnhem will see your students discover first-hand accounts of the Holocaust.

The Nazis & the Holocaust School Trip to Munich & Nuremberg

Visit Dachau and discover whether Nazis were brought to justice on your history school trip to Munich & Nuremberg.

Vietnam War School Trip to Ho Chi Minh

Your history school trip to Vietnam will give your students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the Vietnam War!

WW1 Medical Aid School Trip to Ypres

Give your students the opportunity to find out how soldiers were treated in the field during WW1 on your history school trip to Ypres!

School History Trip to Dunkirk

Are your students studying WW2? Help them to discover the story of the Battle of Dunkirk on your history school trip to Dunkirk!

School History Trip to Ypres

Your students will explore the WW1 battlefields and visit a number of memorials during your history school trip to Ypres!

School History Trip to The Somme

Your students will discover the huge scale of destruction caused by WW1 on your history school trip to the Somme.

School History Trip to Paris

Explore the social, political and economic context in which the French Revolution took place on your history school trip to Paris!

Medicine Through Time In Edinburgh

Your school trip to Edinburgh will allow your students to explore a number of key developments in the history of medicine!

History Trip to Manchester and Liverpool

Explore the incredible strategic role the North of England played during WW2 on your history school trip to Manchester and Liverpool!

WW2 History Trip to London

A history school trip to London offers your students the opportunity to explore what life was like on the Home Front during WW2!

WW1 History Trip to London

Your students will explore the importance of remembrance and commemorating WW1 on your history school trip to London!

History Trip to Kenilworth Castle and Stratford-Upon-Avon

Teaching the Tudors? Bring history to life with a history school trip to Kenilworth Castle and Stratford-Upon-Avon!

Crime & Punishment Trip To York & Ripon

Bring the history of crime and punishment to life with your history school trip to York and Ripon!

History Trip to Dover Castle and Kent

Discover what life was like on the Home Front during WW2 with a history school trip to Dover Castle and Kent!

From £85 pp

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Top 12 Educational School Trip Ideas for Student Success

Table of Contents:

Learning is a never-ending process. It’s not only an educational institution that teaches you! And when it comes to students, what better way than a fun and engaging field trip!?

After all, who doesn’t enjoy a great field trip? It allowed students to leave life’s routine and experience something completely different. And, when it serves the purpose of an educational trip, students can’t wait!

But planning a school trip is more than just fun and excitement! It must add value to the students learning! If you have ideas for student educational trips, this article is for you!

Here, we list the 12 best school trip ideas to help students enhance their learning journey.  

We are your companions, like the best essay writing websites that help you prepare the paper by offering abundant ideas, knowledge, and understanding of your requirements.  

We’ve listed the fun learning opportunities for students of all ages at different price points that teachers can have a look at. Let’s get started!  

Idea 1: Local Museums

What better way than spending a day at the local museums that hold the history of the places?  

It doesn’t have to be a history museum; it could be art, science, or a combination!  

Museums and school trips are both fun and educational. Students get to learn about different cultures, periods, and history and gain appreciation for the work of artists and scientists.  

It is also a great approach to give a sense of belonging to them about their place’s history.  

Museums are also a great way to help students write a paper about it. Instead of having to reach out to a research paper writer who already holds the ideas and expertise to write the best essay, students can do the job on their own with a bit of help from them.  

Idea 2: Outdoor Adventures

Often surrounded by four walls and classes, why wouldn’t students love a fun outdoor activity? Nothing gets students outdoors like an educational trip. A trip with the teacher ensures that they are aware of what to do and what not to do, but in all, they will have great fun.  

An idea of the campground or state park sounds excellent. Students will get to explore nature while learning about the environment. Further, other activities include rock climbing, zip-lining, and hiking. With, outdoor adventure trips seek additional care from teachers!  

history school trip ideas

Idea 3: Cultural Destinations

When planning a school trip, consider embarking on an educational adventure at a cultural destination that speaks history and culture. It could be a historic site, a cultural center, or an archaeological site.  

In such trips, students explore customs, beliefs, and cultures. Museums are also a great idea, but the cultural destination holds its value! Students can gain insight into the people’s lifestyles in other countries and the periods they lived through, and even participate in workshops to learn more about them.  

Idea 4: Farm Visits

Educational trips for students , especially younger children, demand simplicity and fun learning. They barely understand the history of exploring around the museums. Here, a fun farm visit is both exciting and educational!  

Farms are perfect for exploring nature closely. Such a trip with the teacher will help students learn about the importance of sustainable farm practices, healthy food choices, and animal husbandry. Plus, they’ll enjoy watching and feeding animals.

Idea 5: Aquariums and Zoos  

Next on our list of school trip ideas are Aquariums and zoos. They offer many educational opportunities for students, especially the younger ones! Here, they will be able to learn about animals and their habitat.  

In fact, it is a way for them to see the animals they’ve always seen on screen and paper.  

In aquariums, they can uncover the ocean’s mysteries and lifestyles. Plus, it is always great to see some wildlife close!

Idea 6: Art Galleries

Art has its own way of expressing itself. It speaks differently to everyone. With art gallery trips, students can immerse themselves in art and history.  

They can explore the work of famous artists, view unique art, and get a deeper understanding of cultures and traditions worldwide.  

Idea 7: Theater and Dance Performance

A bit of entertainment included in the learning process does no harm. A field trip for students to theater and dance performances encourages appreciation of performing arts.  

To ensure that these cultures stay extinct, the student must know what theater and dance performance is! They will be exposed to different forms of art. Further, it can be an essential lesson to them on collaboration, communication, and expression.  

Idea 8: Theme Parks

The theme park is also a great field trip suggestion, depending on the subject. You can give students a thrilling educational experience at amusement or theme parks.  

They can learn more about physics and engineering while riding and playing! Further, from a business perspective, they get the idea behind what it takes to run a successful business . Amusement parks are also a place to practice mathematics by calculating the cost of food and rides.  

Idea 9: Industrial Sites

If your students are more into business, visiting factories and industrial sites can significantly help them.  

Here, they can learn how things are made from scratch. They can learn the manufacturing process, discover the importance of safety measures, gain insight into the product, and more.  

Factories can be eye-opening experiences for students to help them understand the value of hard work and effort.  

Idea 10: Charity Events and Fundraisers

A learning journey towards sympathy and affection teaches a lot. When you let your students attend charity events and fundraisers, you teach them the importance of helping others.  

Charity events provide great insight into how a small contribution can make a big difference. Further, charities and fundraisers can be something other than a school trip. Students can volunteer in these activities.  

Idea 11: Business Tours

Business tours are a great initiative to explore the world and entrepreneurship firsthand. On such a trip, students learn about different industries and how they operate, and they even meet entrepreneurs who can share inspiring stories.  

Going on a business tour and exploring a part of the world they want to become familiar with can be an invaluable experience for students.  

Idea 12: International Trips

While it might be a bit costly, compared to other ideas mentioned on the list, an international trip gives the students the taste of another culture.  

Here, they can explore different customs and businesses, learn about foreign languages and foreign cultures, and accept the beauty of the places. International trips are an unforgettable experience for everyone!  

Wrapping Up

This summarizes our list of the top 12 best school trip ideas for students.  

We have listed some of the most popular ideas, from museums and art galleries to amusement parks and international tours. Depending upon the subject, curriculum demand, and students’ wants, you can go with the trip that best suits the student.  

Further, consider the age and learning perspective of the students. A school trip is a significant responsibility for teachers and must be carried out carefully to be a success. With these ideas, you can come up with the best suit!

Have you ever planned any of the school trips? What ideas did you move forward with? Do let us know!

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history school trip ideas

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History school trips

Our history school trips have been designed to help students develop an understanding and appreciation for the events that have shaped history and the modern world. From ancient civilisations to pivotal events throughout the 20 th century our history tours can be tailor-made to support classroom-based learning. Bringing the facts and figures to life, through first-hand experience increases motivation and engagement which is often translated back to the classroom on their return.

Voyager's History School Trips

History is one of our biggest subject offerings and we have a great network of excursions and visits in France , Belgium and Poland to support the curriculum on European history. We can also cover WWI, WWII and American Politics.

A trip to any city in Europe is guaranteed to be filled with an abundance of history. With the many landmarks standing in memory and portrayal of the wars that have occurred in the past, and the additional array of museums, the majority of locations in Europe make ideal educational trips for history students.

There are plenty of other great places to consider that are slightly less thought of but are equally as momentous. Depending on your requirements and the key stage of your group, our expert team will be able to create you a bespoke trip that will certainly be remembered by all. Get in touch with Voyager School Travel today!

D-Day Landing Beaches

Getting your students to examine the historic battlefields and beaches first-hand, will give them greater insight into the monumental events that took place on D-Day in 1944. Normandy also has a great selection of museums and as Normandy specialists, we have a great network of school accommodation for your next history field trip. Your trip will be a memorable opportunity to see first-hand some of the most momentous areas of World War II.

View our D-Day Landings School Trip

Our History School Trips to The Opal Coast

In terms of battles of the First World War, or even of all time, the Somme and Ypres are regarded as amongst two of the most important and also most bloody. In the 21st century it is almost impossible to imagine the scale of the slaughter, with millions of lives lost in these two 2 battles alone.

Our own accommodation centre in the Opal Coast, hotel Moulin aux Draps makes The Somme, Vimy Ridge, Thiepval, Arras, Delville and even Ypres in Belgium are all easily accessible and are guaranteed to bring your history curriculum to life. The Opal Coast is also only a short drive (less than 1 hour) from Calais, making it a very accessible school trip from the UK.

View our History School Trips to the Opal Coast

Our History School Trips to Krakow and Auschwitz

A trip to Krakow is the perfect way to enhance your students’ knowledge and understanding of what occurred during WWII. A visit to Auschwitz will be an educational and eye opening experience for all, giving your students an unforgettable firsthand idea of what atrocities that took place there. Another concentration camp worth visiting is Plaszow. To gain even more detailed knowledge of the unforgivable story of the Holocaust and the history of Polish Jews, visit The Galicia Museum. To lighten the mood for the rest of the trip, have a wander around the old square to admire Krakow’s array of beautiful architecture. Krakow is home to one of Europe's most magnificent and magical buildings, which are also filled with a lot of history.

View our Krakow & Auschwitz School Trips

Get a Quote for your History School Trip Today!

Get in touch with Voyager School Travel to discuss any of these options and work out which one may be best for you and your students. Our expert team will be able to give any required guidance and will be more than happy to create a bespoke itinerary and quote for you.

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Discover our range of history school trips designed to support your history studies

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French language school trip to Château de la Baudonnière, Lower Normandy

On this residential students enjoy a programme of on-site activities led entirely in French with native speaking animateurs at our Normandy château

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  • Voyager-owned residential centre

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French language immersion weekends at Château de la Baudonnière

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French language school trip to La Grand'Ferme, Lower Normandy

Experience a fun mix of cultural visits & on-site activities led in French by native speaking animateurs at our farmhouse gîte near Mont St Michel

Le Moulin aux Draps immersive French residential school trip

French language school trip to Le Moulin aux Draps, Northern France

Cultural visits, all led in French by our native speaking animateurs, a short hop from the UK at our 3* hotel in Hauts-de-France

Chateau de Chantereine immersive French language residential school trip

French language school trip to Château de Chantereine, Upper Normandy

Explore Normandy on cultural visits led in French by our native speaking animateurs at this Château in the seaside town Criel-sur-Mer

  • Language & cultural immersion with our animateurs
  • Voyager-premier residential centre

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French language school trip to Dearne Valley, UK

Experience an immersive French residential activity trip right here in the UK

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  • Trusted school accommodation

Immersive French school trip to Paris led by a French guide

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Your group will be in expert hands on this immersive, escorted tour of Paris—led entirely in French by our native speaking animateur. C'est parti !

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Lille Christmas market school trip at le Moulin

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Thiepval memorial wreaths

WWI history trip to the Somme Battlefields, Northern France

Bespoke WW1 history tours of the battlefields of the Western Front, staying at our 3* Moulin aux Draps residential centre in Northern France

  • History curriculum
  • Voyager-owned centre

D day hero

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Cross-curricular school trip to France's Opal Coast, staying at Le Moulin aux Draps

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  • Language, history & cultural itineraries

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Ypre cloth hall lit

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Sleeping Beauty Castle 4

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Website holder image Disneyland Business Studies Convention 0424

Business Studies student convention at Disneyland® Paris

Attend our exclusive business studies student convention live from Disneyland® Paris & experience Disneyland Park & Walt Disney Studios® Park

  • Admission to live convention & both Disney® Parks
  • Curriculum-linked student assignments

Website holder image Disneyland Travel Tourism convention PNG

Travel & Tourism student convention at Disneyland® Paris

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Strasbourg houses

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Student visits Barcelona Park Guell on a school trip

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El Retiro Park Madrid

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Whether art, history or Spanish we'll make sure your trip is a success

Valencia hero

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Take your students to Spain's third city and emerging school trip destination

Colosseum Rome

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Krakow main square from above

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Uncover the societal and cultural effects of WWII and the Holocaust

Greece classics hero image

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Discover the fascinating relics of Ancient Greece on classics trip with us

Rijksmuseum iamsterdam

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Explore world-class art and history attractions in this trendy floating city

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Science school trip to Amsterdam

Great for science trips, find out what Amsterdam has in store for your students

Prague trip hero image

Cross-curricular school trip to Prague

Discover Prague a city of contrasts, classical music and fascinating history.

CERN Switzerland hero

Science school trip to CERN

Inspire your class of budding scientists on the ultimate science trip

Euro Space Center school trip photo

Science school trips to Belgium's Euro Space Center

Your students will live like an astronaut on this unique & engaging science trip

Houses of Parliament London

Cross-curricular school trip to London

We'll suggest the best attractions for your group and build your itinerary

York Minster Gary Campbell Hall

Cross-curricular school trip to York

Marvel at Medieval York with your history, geography or religious studies students

Warwick Castle

Cross-curricular school trip to Stratford-upon-Avon

Ye Olde England awaits! Uncover England's Tudor history in Shakespeare's birthplace

Liverpool Royal Albert Dock Neil Howard Flickr

Cross-curricular school trip to Liverpool & Manchester

Visit two of the UK's most exciting cities to explore the industrial revolution and Britain's Colonial past

Eden Project Cornwall

Cornwall cross-curricular school trip

Dramatic landscapes, surfing, King Arthur, Poldark, Eden Project & The Tate!

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cheddar gorge

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Southern England School Day Trips

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Titanic Belfast

Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland school trips

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Moscow and St Petersburg hero image

Moscow & St Petersburg school trip

Discover Russia's history from medieval times to the Soviet-era, WWII and beyond

New York empire state building observation deck

Cross-curricular school trip to New York

We have so many exciting experiences waiting for your students in the Big Apple

Washington DC hero image

History & politics school trip to Washington, D.C.

Uncover the politics and history at the heart of the buzzing US capital

India hero trip image

Guided school tour of India's Golden Triangle

Once in a lifetime authentic cultural and religious experiences for students

Christmas markets school trips staying at le Hotel du Moulin aux Draps

Christmas markets & French trip to le Moulin aux Draps

Enjoy a cosy stay at our 3-star hotel with a choice of Christmas markets & escorted by your own French-native animateur

  • Language immersion with our animateurs

Paris Christmas market in front of the Eiffel Tower

Christmas market school trip to Paris, France

The City of Light sparkles even brighter during the festive season. See all of the top sights in Paris on this winter trip.

Strasbourg timbered buildings at Christmas

Christmas market school trip to Strasbourg, France

Combine French and German cohorts on a spectacular winter trip to sparkling Strasbourg and lap up the unique French-German cultural mix.

Aachen christmas market stalls

Christmas market school trip to Aachen, Germany

The German Christmas market the shortest distance from the UK offers your students all the culture & Christmas cheer you're after.

Gendarmenmarkt Christmas market

Christmas market school trips to Berlin, Germany

Looking to give your history, art or German trip a little extra dazzle? Travel in the festive season for a spectacular Christmas market trip.


The world is your history classroom

If you were to throw a dart at a map of Europe and decide to take a school tour to that country, the one thing you could study and guarantee finding value in would be its history. Our most popular European school trips for history students include the D-Day landing beaches of Normandy and the WW1 battlefields of the Somme in France and Ypres in Belgium. Further east, Berlin and Auschwitz offer an important insight into WW2 and the Holocaust.

We've seen a growing trend of schools taking history trips further afield and our most popular long-haul history destinations are Vietnam, Washington and New York.

What ever era or topic your class is studying, we can help bring it to life with a bespoke history trip. Talk to one of our country experts to organise a tailored itinerary to match your teaching objectives.

Need help booking and organising your school trip?

We have created a number of useful guides that can help you plan and book your next school trip with Voyager School Travel.

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  • Fill places on your school trip
  • The essential school trip kit list

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Groups staying at our own residential centres in France will benefit from high quality learning, safety & service. Read more →

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Peace of mind knowing our French m anagers, instructors, coach drivers & support team will look after your every need. Read more →

For teachers who are serious about the educational outcomes of their school trip.

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Walmer Castle, Kent

8 school trip ideas to inspire pupils with British history


Nothing inspires pupils more than stepping away from the classroom to experience times gone by at some of the most historically significant places around Great Britain. Whether it’s wartime visits or Tudor-linked sites, children can get to grips with the past by visiting the rooms that textbooks can only describe. 

1. Walmer Castle, Kent

Children may be unaware of the role of Walmer Castle during the Tudor era, built originally as an artillery fortress, before being transformed into a stately home for the Lords Warden of the Cinque Ports, including the Iron Duke of Wellington. Topics which can be covered on a visit include the development of the church, state and society in Britain, along with general history studies which can be adapted depending on the key stage. 

2. Tower of London

The imposing World Heritage Site on the banks of the River Thames showcases the dark and torturous tales linked to infamous prisoners over the years as well as its role as a royal palace, an armoury and a fortress. Not only can students stand where famous heads once rolled, but they can see the Crown Jewels, where kings and queens of England have stored their ceremonial regalia for over 600 years. Workshops and self-guided visits can be arranged. 

Tower of London

Source: Historic Royal Palaces 

Students can take part in a workshop at the Tower of London to further learn about its history.

3. Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire

To truly understand the work of World War Two’s codebreakers, a visit to Bletchley Park is incredibly poignant and reminds children of the hard work that went into deciphering German enigma codes, saving thousands of lives in the process. School visits include an interactive workshop of the school’s choice, a guided tour and self-guided time so groups can explore the sites at their own pace. 

4. Canterbury Cathedral

Originating from a Benedictine foundation, Canterbury Cathedral has been a seat of learning since the Middle Ages. The site has a tradition of welcoming visitors that reaches back to the days of medieval pilgrimage, a tradition which is still kept today. Students can step foot on the very spot where Thomas Becket was murdered in 1170 and benefit from a wide range of learning activities and curriculum linked sessions which aim to inspire children of all ages.

Cantebury Cathedral

Source: Pizko Studio & Visit Canterbury

Uncover history with your pupils at the iconic Canterbury Cathedral.

5. Portsmouth Historic Dockyard

The Mary Rose museum, HMS Victory and HMS Warrior are all waiting to be explored at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, allowing students to step aboard and relive history. HMS Victory is possibly the Royal Navy’s most famous warship and best known for her role in the Battle of Trafalgar, HMS Warrior’s fame worldwide made her the jewel in the crown and the Mary Rose was commissioned by Henry VIII and although only the remains can be seen today, it’s quite a spectacle. 

6. Hampton Court Palace

It goes without saying how notorious Hampton Court Palace is. The former home of Henry VIII sits proudly on the banks of the river thames and showcases Tudor life in an interactive way to engage students. Pupils can explore the rooms where Henry VIII’s marriages changed the course of history and tansport themselves back to the heyday of Tudor feasting and entertainment in the king’s kitchens. 

Henry VIII's Kitchen at Hampton Court Palace

Source: Historic Royal Palaces

Students can learn about life in a Tudor kitchen at Hampton Court Palace.

7. Ironbridge Gorge Museum

Under the umbrella of Ironbridge Gorge Museum sits a wealth of attractions such as Blists Hill Victorian Town, Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron, Jackfield Tile Museum and Coalport China Museum, all of which providing an insight into the heritage of Shropshire. School children can dress in period clothes at Blists Hill or find out how iron, and particularly Coalbrookdale iron, changed the course of the world at its dedicated museum. School rates apply at all attractions. 

8. Hadrian’s Wall

Stretching 73 miles from coast to coast, Hadrian’s Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was built to guard the wild north-west frontier of the Roman Empire. Schools can take their pick of where to explore the wall, with certain places along the route such as Birdoswald Roman Fort, offering a further insight into the lives of the once great leaders. Pupils can discover remains of the forts, towers, turrets and towns that once kept watch over the wall and come face to face with rare artefacts.

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  • Religious Buildings

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The Teaching Couple

Top 20 School Trip Ideas

history school trip ideas

Written by Dan

Last updated February 13, 2024

Teaching can be a gratifying job, and it’s even more fun when you get the chance to take your students on a school trip. Trips are a great way to connect with your students while they learn something new outside the classroom—something that will stay with them for years to come.

But as any teacher knows, planning a successful school trip can be challenging in terms of organizing transport and activities and finding one that fits your budget.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of top 20 school trip ideas, which are full of fun learning opportunities for all ages at different price points so teachers everywhere can take their classes on an unforgettable educational journey!

Related : For more, check out our article on  Top 20 Assembly Ideas  here.

Table of Contents

School Trip Idea 1: Local Museums.

A day spent exploring a local history museum, art museum, science centre, or planetarium can be both educational and fun. Students can learn about different cultures and periods, as well as gain an appreciation for the work of artists and scientists past and present.

School Trip Idea 2: Outdoor Adventures.

Nothing gets students outdoors like a school trip to a campground or state park. Kids can explore nature while learning about the environment, and they’ll get to try new activities like canoeing, rock climbing, zip-lining and more!

School Trip Idea 3: Cultural Destinations.

Embark on an educational adventure at a cultural destination such as a historic site, a cultural centre, or an archaeological site. Students can explore the customs and beliefs of different cultures, gain insights into people’s lifestyles in other countries and periods, or even participate in interactive workshops to learn about various topics.

School Trip Idea 4: Farm Visits.

One for younger kids! Farms offer the perfect opportunity to explore nature up close and personal. On a farm trip, students will learn about the importance of sustainable farming practices, animal husbandry, and healthy food choices. Plus, they can have plenty of fun collecting eggs or feeding animals!

School Trip Idea 5: Aquariums & Zoos.

Aquariums and zoos offer a wealth of educational opportunities for students. Kids can learn about animals in their natural habitats and uncover the ocean’s mysteries and inhabitants. Plus, it’s always a treat to see some incredible wildlife up close!

School Trip Idea 6: Art Galleries & Historic Sites.

Immerse yourself in art and history by visiting an art gallery or historic site. Here, students can explore the works of famous artists, view unique artefacts from centuries past, and gain a greater understanding of different cultures and traditions worldwide.

School Trip Idea 7: Theater & Dance Performances.

Encourage appreciation of the performing arts by taking your students to a theatre or dance performance. Not only will they be exposed to different forms of art, but they’ll also pick up on important lessons about collaboration, communication, and expression.

School Trip Idea 8: Amusement & Theme Parks.

Give your students a thrilling educational experience at an amusement or theme park. Here they can learn about physics and engineering while riding rollercoasters, find out what it takes to run a successful business by exploring different attractions and practice mathematics by figuring out the cost of rides and food.

School Trip Idea 9: Sports & Recreation Facilities.

Take your students to the sports facility for a day of physical activities. Not only can they get some exercise, but they’ll also learn about teamwork, competition and fair play. Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity for kids to develop skills like problem-solving and coordination.

School Trip Idea 10: Factories & Industrial Sites.

Bring your students to a factory or industrial site and watch how things are made. Here they’ll learn about the manufacturing process, discover the importance of safety measures, and gain insights into the production of everyday items.

It’s an eye-opening experience that can help them understand the value of hard work and effort.

School Trip Idea 11: STEM Centers.

A trip to a STEM centre is an excellent opportunity for students to explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics in a hands-on environment. Kids can participate in interactive workshops, build robots or learn about coding—all while having fun!

School Trip Idea 12: National Parks.

Give your students a chance to experience nature in all its glory at a national park. Here, they can observe the wildlife, explore different ecosystems and gain insights into conservation efforts. Plus, there are usually plenty of activities for them to try, like camping, hiking and canoeing.

School Trip Idea 13: Local Rivers and Streams.

To help kids understand the importance of conservation, take them on a trip to a nearby river or stream. Once there, they can collect data about water quality and identify different species of fish and plants. Plus, it’s always fun fishing or playing water games!

School Trip Idea 14: Transport Museums.

Give your students a fascinating glimpse into transportation by taking them to a transport museum. Here they can learn about the history of different modes of transport, explore how vehicles are made and operated, and gain insights into the science behind motion and energy.

School Trip Idea 15: Planetariums & Observatories.

Take your students to a planetarium and observatory for an unforgettable experience. Here they can learn about the stars, planets and galaxies, as well as fascinating facts about solar systems and astrology. Plus, they’ll have a chance to use telescopes and gaze up at the night sky!

School Trip Idea 16: World War Historical Sites.

To help your students understand the impact of World War II, take them to a nearby historical site. Here they can learn about important battles and key figures from that era, better understand different political ideologies and gain insights into how wars are fought and won.

School Trip Idea 17: International Trips.

Take your students on an international trip and give them a taste of another culture. Here they can explore different customs, sample exotic cuisines, learn about foreign languages and appreciate the beauty of other countries. It’s sure to be an unforgettable experience for everyone!

School Trip Idea 18: Profesional Sports Games.

Bring your students to a professional sports game and give them a chance to cheer for their favourite teams. Not only can they learn about the game’s rules, but they’ll also experience the energy and excitement of watching live sporting events. It’s sure to be an unforgettable experience!

School Trip Idea 19: Charity Events & Fundraisers.

Let your students give back by taking them to a charity event or fundraiser. Here they’ll learn the importance of helping others and gain insights into how even small contributions can make a big difference.

Plus, it’s an excellent opportunity for kids to develop teamwork, competition and public speaking skills.

School Trip Idea 20: Business Tours.

Take your students on a business tour and let them explore the world of entrepreneurship first-hand. Here they can learn about different industries, gain insights into how businesses are run and even meet entrepreneurs who can share their inspiring stories. It’sIt’se to be an invaluable experience for all!

School trips are an excellent way to help students develop essential skills and gain fresh perspectives. From national parks and observatories to charity events and business tours, plenty of exciting options can create an educational and unforgettable experience.

With careful planning and consideration, you can make a successful school trip that will benefit your students in many ways.

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your next school trip today!

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About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.

history school trip ideas

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History School Trips

Bring history to life with NST; we offer a range of school history trips to inspire a deeper interest in history for primary and secondary school students. We can tailor your trip to the historical period your students are learning about.

What to expect from a school history trip?

Discover history like never before with NST's captivating school history trips. Our carefully crafted itineraries cover a wide spectrum of historical periods, from the poignant battlefields of World War I to the awe-inspiring wonders of ancient civilizations.  Step into the intricate web of modern history, witnessing the rise and fall of empires that shaped the world we know today. At NST Group, we believe in making history come alive for students by immersing them in the very places where it unfolded. Our dedicated team works closely with you to create personalized trips that seamlessly blend educational goals with must-see historical sites. With NST, students embark on an unforgettable journey through time, gaining profound insights and a deeper appreciation of human history.

Our history school trips highlights include...

We offer a fantastic array of school history trips across the UK overseas. Here are some of the history trip highlights teachers and students love:

  • The Tower of London 
  • Edinburgh Castle 
  • An exclusive guided walking tour of the former Jewish District in Amsterdam 
  • Berlin Wall
  • A visit to Tiananmen Square, Mao's Memorial Hall & the Forbidden City in Beijing 
  • Kenilworth Castle
  • The Colosseum

There are also many more exciting historical sites you and your pupils can explore in the UK and further afield. Check out our full range of history school trip destinations below - we have so many exciting destinations to choose from. 

Why book school history trips with NST?

Our team will put together an immersive history itinerary to provide school trips History students will love, injecting excitement into the curriculum. Your students can broaden their knowledge of WWI, WWII, the Tudors and many other historical periods.

For example, if you're teaching Medicine and Surgery on the Western Front, your history pupils can take a tour following the evacuation journey a casualty would have taken. They'll consider the effect of both the scientific and organisational developments of the war.

Our history school trips provide the perfect backdrop for students to learn about the impact on the battlefield and on the wider course of medical history. We can even recommend destinations that perfectly encapsulate historical periods. For example, if you book a history school trip to Berlin , your pupils can learn the history of the Cold War, the Holocaust, and the Nazi dictatorship. Discover our range of educational trips today.

Our most popular school history trips

With the curriculum changes placing greater emphasis on the history of Britain and its place in global history, London provides an ideal location for a history school trip.

Learn more about our history trips to London here

Day Trips to London

Day trips for history students toLondon are a great option for groups on a budget. There are a huge number of museums, galleries and national collections that have tailor-made programmes designed to suit your syllabus requirements. 

Learn more about our history day trips to London here

Bristol provides a budget-friendly and immersive experience for your history students.  For groups studying the case study ‘Bristol in the mid-twentieth century: the experiences of migrants and their impact on society’ from the Migrants in Britain option for Pearson-Edexcel GCSE History, we can arrange a trip to this great destination and create an itinerary to focus on your history studies.

Learn more about our history trips to Bristol here


For groups studying The Elizabethans as part of their History GCSE, Edinburgh is a great destination to learn more about Mary Queen of Scots and her relationship with Queen Elizabeth.

Learn more about our history trips to Edinburgh here


Explore the historic world that shaped Shakespeare’s life and discover more about the Tudor Era with a range of educational visits, including visits to Shakespeare’s Birthplace and an RSC Production, on an NST History school tour.

Learn more about our history trips to Stratford here

A history school trip to York will improve your students’ knowledge of, and interest in, England’s heritage. Visit York Minister, the largest Gothic Cathedral in Northern Europe, stroll down the Shambles, York’s oldest street and finish the day with a ghost walk in Europe’s most haunted city! 

Learn more about our history trips to York here.

WW1 - Suffolk 

Ww1 suffolk.

For school groups studying the First World War, we have joined up with Great War Huts in Suffolk to offer a UK experience to enable students to learn more about this period of history and enrich their knowledge.  This experience provides an excellent alternative to the school tours to the First World War battlefields of Belgium and France.

Learn more about our First World War UK history trips here

A school trip to Amsterdam, allows history groups to explore all aspects of Jewish life and culture prior to WWII through a series of well-preserved sites and excellent museums.

Learn more about our history trips to Amsterdam here

Berlin - Impact of the Cold War

The recent history of Germany’s capital is still clearly evident today, to the extent that it is impossible to walk through the city without being continually made aware of its recent past. During a history school trip to Berlin, your group will see for themselves the breathtaking pace and breadth of change since 1989.

Learn more about our Cold War history trips to Berlin here

Berlin - Germany 1918 to 1945

During a history school trip to Berlin, our experienced guides can provide an introductory talk on the history and diversity of what was the largest Jewish community in Germany and to the background and tragic events of the Final Solution.

Learn more about our Germany 1918 to 1945 trips to Berlin here

On an NST school trip to China, there is an opportunity to gain an insight into a culture and society radically different from our own through a range of unforgettable educational visits.

Learn more about our history trips to China here

A school trip to Dublin can vividly bring history to life with visits to many of the locations associated with the growth of Irish nationalism from the late 18th century onwards, to the creation of the Irish Free State.

Learn more about our history trips to Dublin here

For groups studying the OCR GCSE depth study ‘Poland 1956-1990: The People and the State’, Gdansk provides an ideal destination.

Learn more about our history trips to Gdansk here

A history school trip to Krakow will provide an in-depth study of the Jewish community in the city, one of the most important centres of Jewish life in pre-war Europe.

Learn more about our history trips to Krakow here

Munich & Nuremberg

Your pupils will gain an in-depth understanding of the Rise of Nazism through visits within Munich and Nuremberg. 

Learn more about our history trips to Munich & Nuremburg here

Northern France & Belgium

Covering the period from the outbreak of war until liberation, your tour will concentrate on the events of 1940 and 1944, giving your pupils a fascinating insight into the impact of the war. 

Learn more about our history trips to Northern France & Belgium here

New York is a great place for your pupils to learn firsthand about Civil Rights to explore the origins of this movement and its effects throughout American history.

Learn more about our history trips to New York here

New York & Washington DC

Travel to the East Coast of America and explore the origins of the Civil Rights movement and learn more about American political history.

Learn more about our history trips to New York & Washington DC here

This popular history tip and tour of Normandy seeks to bring to life the events of June and July 1944.

Learn more about our history trips to Normandy here

Paris, birthplace of the Revolution and the Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen, is an ideal place to discover the origins of the modern nation state.

Learn more about our history trips to Paris here

A visit to Rome allows students studying Italian Fascism to get a sense of how Mussolini aimed to make Fascism appear modern and powerful whilst simultaneously linking his regime to the ancient glories of the Roman Empire.

Learn more about our history trips to Rome here

WWI Battlefields Trips

Our established WWI battlefields tours programme covers the events of WWI in the Ypres Salient and Somme regions, enabling your pupils to learn from a wealth of important historical sites and excursions.

Learn more about our WWI battlefields tours programme here

St Petersburg

The grandeur of St Petersburg gives a vivid insight into Russian society on the eve of revolution and its canals, squares and buildings were the backdrop against which the events of the revolutions of 1905 and 1917 were played out.

A school history trip to Vienna allows students to experience the capital of a huge Empire to a small troubled nation state, from its Nazi past to its role in the Cold War, Vienna bears witness to many major 20th century history themes.

Learn more about our history trips to Vienna here

Washington DC

The US capital city is home to many excellent museums, educational visits and sites to give your pupils an invaluable insight into American history and how the country has evolved. 

Learn more about our history trips to Washington DC here

WWI Battlefields Day Trips

Our First World War battlefields history day trip is a great option for groups on a budget. Covering Ypres Salient and the Somme, our established First World War battlefields tour programme enables pupils to learn from a wealth of historical sites.

Learn more about our WWI battlefields day trips here

WWI Medicine & Surgery on the Western Front

Our 3-day, fully-guided tour to the First World War Battlefields really can enhance the teaching and learning process for Pearson Edexcel’s GCSE History - Option 11: The British sector of the Western Front, 1914–18: injuries, treatment and the trenches – and that’s not just our view, our itinerary has been formally endorsed by the exam board itself.

Learn more about our Medicine & Surgery on the Western Front tours here

Our most popular school history trip topics

WWI Battlefields

Take one of our history trips to The Ypres Salient and Somme regions which provide a brilliant but tragic reminder of the impact of war.

Students will have the opportunity to learn more about different aspects of the war, including medicine and life on the front line.

Browse our WWI Battlefields trips .

Our 3-day school history trips with a History Subject Expert to the First World War Battlefields really can enhance the teaching and learning process. Specifically, Pearson Edexcel’s GCSE History - Option 11: The British sector of the Western Front and 1914–18: injuries, treatment and the trenches. Our itinerary has been formally endorsed by the Edexcel exam board itself, which makes it a perfect school history trip.

Browse our WWI medicine and surgery on the Western Front trips .

Berlin: Impact of the Cold War

At the centre of landmark historical events in the 20th Century, Berlin is a popular trip for teachers looking to provide students with a learning experience that complements their studies on the World Wars, Nazi Germany, and the Cold War.

Browse our history school trips to Berlin .

Germany 1918 to 1945

Berlin is a historic reminder of its recent past. Our Berlin history school trips will give students an insight into the largest Jewish community in Germany and the tragic events of the Final Solution.

Browse our Germany 1918 to 1945 history trips .

Take a look at one of our student adventures...

School history trip experts for every tour.

Take one of our History Subject Experts with you on your next history school trip. We have a range of history Subject Experts available in many of our destinations across different historical periods. Our team covers a wide range of subjects, including:

  • World War I & II
  • The Holocaust
  • The Cold War
  • 20th Century
  • Ancient History 
  • Modern History 
  • The Industrial Revolution.

Our Subject Experts are former teachers with detailed knowledge of the current history curriculum. They are selected to meet your exact tour requirements, helping your group to get even more from their time outside the classroom. Making them the perfect companion for any of our school history trips.

Planning your first school trip?

If you're planning your first history school trip, our essential guide will take you through each step of the process...

  • Choosing your destination
  • Gaining approval from your Local Authority and/or your Head
  • Promoting your tour in school
  • Confirming your booking
  • Tailor-make your tour
  • Completing your risk assessments (including a sample risk assessment)
  • Quick reference timeline
  • Pre-tour checklist

Additional support, resources & information

Tour planning service

With NST, you’ll get your own dedicated, knowledgeable Tour Co-ordinator who’ll work with you from start to finish. You’ll benefit from their unrivalled destination knowledge, and their experience gained from working with many other groups too. They’ll tailor-make your itinerary from scratch and take care of everything for you:

  • Pulling together an itinerary that runs smoothly
  • Planning the right balance of visits every day with realistic timings
  • Pre-arranging and pre-booking your visits, entrance tickets, passes and meals

You’ll receive your final itinerary a full 4-weeks before you travel too.

FREE school trip promotion pack

We’ll support you and provide everything you need to advertise your school trip around school and to parents. Our free school trip promotion pack consists of:

  • Parents’ letter & permission slip template for you to complete
  • A3 posters to promote your trip around school
  • PowerPoint presentation templates which you can tailor to your own needs
  • Parents’ leaflets covering how NST manage safety, financial protection and details of our travel insurance
  • Online parents’ video which showcases the benefits of taking a school trip

For selected destinations, we’ll provide a trip launch web page using video footage and imagery. This web page is provided by a weblink and can be shared with pupils and parents in many ways.

Risk assessment support including preview visits

Risk assessment plays a vitally important part in the planning and organisation on any school tour. Our risk assessment guide aims to help you understand more about your obligations and how you can more effectively manage group safety on your next educational visit and provide you with risk assessments for your trip.

Planning first school trip

Organising your first school trip can appear to be a daunting process.  If you're planning your first school trip, our guide will help to take you through each step of the planning process, answering frequently asked questions and providing tips and support along the way.  Our helpful guide covers the following: 

  • Choosing your destination 
  • Gaining approval from your Local Authority and/or your Head 
  • Promoting your tour in school 
  • Completing your risk assessments (including a sample risk assessment) 
  • Quick reference timeline 
  • Pre-tour checklist 

View our essential guide to a successful school trip here

Get live updates on your group's tour location

Locate My Trip uses GPS technology and is the easy, convenient way for your school to follow your location whilst on tour. Specifically designed to provide reassurance to both parents and teachers, NST will know where your group are 24/7. If your schedule needs to change, we’ll put plans in place to keep your tour on track. 

With Locate My Trip your group can also share photos and videos with the school and parents, via a secure link, to keep them updated on your experience whilst you’re away.

Watch our short Locate My Trip video here .

Your online school trip organiser - My Tour Manager

Save time and stay on track with your school trip admin with our online orgnaniser - designed to help busy teachers like you.  With My Tour Manager, you'll be able to download FREE resources and access trip paperwork online and in one place. Your personalised checklist details what you need to do and by when, plus you'll receive fortnightly reminders too.  What's more, you can take all your trip documents on the go whilst on your tour with our app, My Tour Manager-On-the-Go.  Find out more and watch out short My Tour Manager video here

Free classroom resources

We've created a range of free resources and educational posters to brighten up your classroom!  Take a look at our downloadable posters here

Speak to one of our school travel experts

Our team of school travel experts have unrivalled destination knowledge and experience so they can help to bring your tour ideas to life and might even suggest options you hadn’t already thought of too! So get in touch today and we'll help to create a bespoke, budget-friendly tour itinerary to meet your specific learning requirements.

Why choose NST...

Here's why thousands of teachers choose NST each year...

  • Unrivalled knowledge

Your dedicated history tour co-ordinator will use their unrivalled local knowledge and expertise to create a tailor-made, curriculum-linked itinerary to meet your group’s exact needs.

  • Making it easier for you

With our online school trip organiser , travel app , free classroom posters and trip launch resources to support your in-school promotion.

  • Free group leader inspection visits

We offer a free inspection visit to your chosen destination to support your risk assessment planning. 

  • Value for money

We’re committed to bringing you the best possible value trips to help make every penny count.

  • Aligned to current study themes

All of our History trips are aligned with the current GCSE and A-level curriculums. 

  • More than 50 years’ experience

With over 50 years’ experience , with NST you can rest assured that your group is in safe hands .

  • Risk assessment guidance

Our risk assessment guidance will help you to manage group safety on your next educational trip.

  • Peace of mind

Your group’s location can be followed with our trip tracking device - Locate My Trip - plus you’ll have 24/7 support from us whilst you’re away .

  • Support from our History Subject Experts

Our history subject experts have a strong background in teaching . They are highly experienced and passionate former teachers who aim to deliver detailed background information on all key sites and study topics.

  • Offsetting carbon emissions

For every trip taken, we'll plant a Maya nut tree in Peru to support reforestation, local communities & biodiversity. Plus, we'll offset an additional tonne of CO2 to guarantee carbon emission reductions. 

Looking for protection on your next school trip? 

Booking with a school travel company is the best way for you to protect parents’ money and give yourself peace of mind.  

Don’t forget – if your school arranges transport, accommodation and other services directly, you’ll be liable under the Package Travel Regulations – meaning you’ll have all the responsibilities of a travel company, both legal and financial. 

Financial protection from the moment you book

NST are fully bonded:

Managing safety on school trips

For your protection, NST's independently audited Safety Management System covers:

  • 24-hour emergency cover
  • Audited accommodation & transport
  • Excursions & school visit assessment
  • Group leader preview visits to assist with risk assessment planning

We're LOtC Council’s Quality Badge assured

The Department for Education advises schools to always look for the LOtC Quality Badge when choosing a school travel provider.

Students are safe on school history trips

There is no need to worry when you book a history school trip with NST. With our safety management system you have 24-hour emergency cover on all of your trips in case anything goes wrong giving you peace of mind.

history school trip ideas

Educational Destinations

New York City history trips will create lifelong memories for your students. Educational Destinations offers a variety of New York City history trip opportunities. If your students are ready to learn what is Broadway’s longest running show, how much the Dutch paid for the land that NYC resides, or how New York City was the first capital of the United States, Educational Destinations will make your New York City history trip rewarding and memorable.

Educational destinations is the 1st choice for new york city history trips and new york city education travel..

history school trip ideas

Find out why Educational Destinations is the 1st choice in educational New York City group tours

View our 2 minute intro video to see what Educational Destinations can do for your group.

history school trip ideas

Beginning in the 18th century, many immigrants came from Europe, significantly changing the structure of New York City as the migrants served as workers to industries. New York City blossomed during the economic and building boom following the Great Depression and World War II. Throughout New York City's history, it has served as a central port of entrance for many immigrants while its sociological and economic influence has made it one of the most important metropolitan areas in the United States and the world. From a pizza slice, to Times Square, the bright lights of Broadway to a slice of Cheesecake from Junior’s, the Big Apple will be an unforgettable Educational Destinations adventure.

 Below are some popular options for your educational history trip. You can also click on the PDF icon for a download of these features.

Educational History Opportunities

  • Participate in Educational History Labs with Hands-on Experiences
  • Learn Where George Washington Took the Oath of Office as the First President
  • Find Out How Many New Americans Began on Ellis Island
  • Explore the Reasons the Great Depression Hit New York City the Hardest
  • See a Space Submarine, Shuttle, Spy Plane, and a Hands-on Flight Simulator in a Stop
  • Explore Museum Collections of World War II Artifacts
  • Witness the Towering Buildings and Brilliant Lights at the Crossroads of the World
  • See the Life of a KGB Espionage Agent Through Interacting with the Artifacts
  • Visit the Landmark Monument to Freedom that Presents Immagrants to New York Harbor
  • Test Your Spy Skills Like 007 with Puzzles and Challenges
  • Learn How the Five Points was an Immigrant Neighborhood Full of Poverty, Violence, and Gangs
  • Explore How Lower Manhattan was reinvented after World War II
  • Play Interactive Games that Challenges you to Navigate the Great Depression and WWII
  • Learn the Complexities of the Revolutionary War with Interactive Activities
  • Learn How to Effectively Conduct Online Historical Research in These Confusing Days
  • Visit NYC's Only preserved Nineteenth-Century Family Home
  • View Native American Art & Artifacts over 12,000 Years
  • Explore the Birthplace and Childhood Home of 26th President of the United States
  • Study the Facts of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Presidency
  • See How New York’s Natural Harbor Was Rise to the Metropolis we Know Today
  • Workshop Opportunities

History Attractions

  • KGB Espionage Museum
  • SPYSCAPE Spy Museum
  • National Museum of the American Indian
  • New-York Historical Society Museum & Library
  • Museum of the City of New York
  • Wall Street and the Financial District
  • Fraunces Tavern Museum
  • Roosevelt Historic Site
  • Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  • Merchant's House Museum
  • Lower East Side Tenement Museum
  • Ellis Island & Museum
  • South Street Seaport Museum
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum
  • Federal Hall National Memorial
  • 9/11 Memorial Plaza
  • Apollo Theater
  • Bryant Park
  • Central Park
  • Ellis Island
  • Empire State Building
  • Greenwich Village
  • Holley Plaza in Washington Square Park
  • Lincoln Center
  • Little Italy
  • NBC Studios
  • Radio City Music Hall
  • Rockefeller Center
  • South Street Seaport
  • Statue of Liberty
  • Times Square
  • Top of the Rock
  • United Nations

Other Attractions

  • Manhattan TV & Movie Tour
  • Museum of Modern Art
  • Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • New York Aquarium
  • Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum
  • The Jim Henson Exhibitions
  • Escape Rooms
  • Harbor Line Cruises
  • Great Broadway Shows
  • Amusement Park Rides at Luna Park
  • Sports Events
  • Trapeze Classes

The Trip Account app is offered to our groups as they travel.

Included in your trip, group leaders, staff, chaperones and travelers will use the information packed, versatile Trip Account App during their travels.

Powerful Director Tools

Interactive Checklists, Pop Up Communications, Emergency Notifications.


Tools for all travelers

Live Itineraries, Group Messaging, Photo Gallery and much more.

Everything you need for your next trip .

The Trip Account app is available for iPhone and Android.

See our difference

It’s no surprise that Educational Destinations sets and exceeds student travel standards. We aim to provide the best service, communication, experience and safety for all of our groups. When researching for your travel provider, please download this PDF checklist HERE to ensure that your group is taking advantage of all of the essential building blocks of a successful, safe, and FUN trip! If you have questions or are ready to get started on your next trip, please call 800.616.1112 or request your customized quote .

Custom Designed Trips

ED will create a custom designed trip for your group that is shaped by your priorities, goals and wishes, and powered by your passions. ED is committed to listening and working one-on-one with you to build the perfect trip for your students. There are no stock trips here - just your trip.

Group Travel Specialists

Educational Destinations is a Disney Recognized Youth Travel Planner.

Led by award-winning teachers, ED exceeds the needs and expectations of students, teaching staff, parents and administrators. ED anticipates group needs and delivers group wishes, without surprises or hidden costs. Our experience and expertise enable us to bring the best quality trips, events, experiences and opportunities to your group.

All-Inclusive Price

Educational Destinations' trip costs are always all-inclusive and there are never any hidden costs

ED’s custom trips are cost-effective and inclusive, without hidden costs – a great value for your travelers. Charter coaches, flights, hotels, meals, sightseeing, events, taxes and gratuities are covered for each traveler. A 24/7 Emergency Contact System is included for each traveling group.

Cutting Edge Technology

Through ED's parent company, ED is the only student travel company providing Trip Account , an internet-based program that provides you a complete trip resource center 24 hours a day. Also included in your trip is the Trip Account App: Music Directors, group leaders, staff, chaperones and travelers will use the information packed, versatile Trip Account App during their travels.

Personal Tour Director

A signature feature of every trip is the ED Tour Director , always right by the teacher’s side, managing all travel aspects of your trip: transportation, events, meals, lodging, tickets and more. Our TD’s training and management skills let the teacher focus on the students and education.

Safety is Priority #1

Educational Destinations values traveler safety.

ED is pro-active on safety, sending the Tour Director World Aware® alerts, sharing best practices in travel safety, emergency procedures and travel hints with chaperones and staff, ensuring traveler accountability, monitoring vendor service/performance and tellng travelers of changes or emergencies with the Trip Account App .

Trusted Leader in Travel

Educational Destinations is honored to be recognized and a part of these prestigious and respected travel associations.

ED is an active member of these respected travel suppliers and organizations: Walt Disney World & Disneyland, Universal Orlando, American Bus Association, National Band Association, National Tour Association, Student Youth Travel Association and more. View all ED’s partners and awards here .

Doing the right thing

Educational Destinations is honored to be recognized and a part of these prestigious and respected travel associations.

ED is deeply committed to high quality educational group travel. We love what we do, and we work hard to do it better than everyone. Creating memorable performance trips that leave positive, life-changing impressions on your students and community is a privilege that we don’t take lightly. Please talk to us about your next trip.

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See why teachers are excited about Educational Destinations...

Hear from our valued clients throughout the world.

Since 1987, Educational Destinations, led by passionate, award-winning teachers, has become the first choice for educational student group travel. By listening to teachers, providing cutting edge technology and unmatched service, and having dedicated ED Tour Directors conduct trips, Educational Destinations has built an unmatched reputation. Focused on designing custom trips that provide educational, memorable, and rewarding student travel experiences, Educational Destinations successfully partners with customers to do just that, in destinations within the United States and worldwide. Decades of combined travel expertise, earned in dozens of countries, enables Educational Destinations to anticipate performance needs and deliver group wishes, without surprises or hidden costs.

I wanted to write and tell you what a terrific job you did with our trip. I’ve been traveling since 1980 and this was the easiest trip ever for me. I simply had to do nothing but teach! It’s hard to believe it’s taken me this long to get it right, slow learner! The students and parents have had nothing to say but wonderful things…

Nan Moore Male High School

You have been so wonderful with our parents and students throughout the entire course of this tour. I am so glad we signed on with Music Travel Consultants/Educational Destinations as you gave our group the red carpet treatment every step of the way.

Janis Stackhouse Bloomington High School North

Music Travel Consultants/Educational Destinations is top-notch. The professionalism of the staff and their attention to detail is a director’s dream come true. My students and I have traveled with them four times over the past several years and I can say that “I won’t leave home without them!

Jena Adrianson Lawrence Central High School

I can’t say enough good things about Educational Destinations. They had everything covered and it was a relaxing and fun trip. My students and parents commented that it was the best trip we have ever taken. I’m ready to plan another trip with this company.

Brenda Bergman Jay County School Corporation

I recently had the pleasure of going on a Disney Trip with our band from Eastern High School in Greentown, IN. I was skeptical about going but am so glad I did. My Grandson and I came in rather late and had no problems whatsoever in getting onto your site, paying for our trip, and having confirmation that we were good to go.

Dianna Workinger Greentown, IN

Being able to trust implicitly the people who are planning what we will see, the timing of the itinerary, and the traveling arrangements is comforting not only to our staff but also to our parents. For our parents to know that this is a company that we use year after year with great results gives them the peace of mind that their children will experience the safest trip possible.

Mrs. Kathy Schubel Principal, St. Bartholomew Catholic School

I wanted to thank you so much for such a great trip! Our kids had a wonderful time and I could not imagine how we would have seen all that we were able to see without having you organize this trip for us.

Angie Remington Madison-Grant Elementary Students

I have worked with Educational Destinations on a yearly basis since 2001 and ED is the best educational travel group our school has ever worked with. It is refreshing to know that during the course of a trip that if any questions or problems arise, we have the consultant, whom we have worked with all year, right there with us to answer all questions and take care of the tickets and timing. It makes the trip very relaxing and enjoyable and a trip our kids never forget.

Darrin Russell 8th Grade U.S. History, Mitchell High School

I have been coordinating educational field trips for my school for the past 10 years and could not be happier with Educational Destinations. From the very first brainstorming session to the moment we return home from our trip, Educational Destinations works tirelessly to make sure our trips are memorable and successful. They are always quick to answer my questions, which I truly appreciate. Michael, Robin, and Ryan have been fantastic to work with over the years and I highly recommend them!

Kris Samick Spencer-Owen Community School Corporation

Educational Destinations has taken the stress out of planning and traveling with a large group. As a teacher, I am now able to actually enjoy the time I have with my students instead of worrying about all of the necessary details. From the very first contact made to the last moment of the trip and beyond, each and every person we have interacted with from Educational Destinations has been professional, concerned about fulfilling our needs, and exceptionally conscientious.

Linda Crady History Teacher, Sycamore School


History School Trip Ideas

History is one of the most valuable areas of the curriculum, in which students can explore the past and discover what has created the world we live in today. One of the great things about history is its diversity, allowing pupils to pursue specific areas that particularly interest them.

Here at UK School Trips, we have a School Trip for whatever period of history your class is studying, whether it be the Second World War or the Vikings. We also ensure that we only provide the best venues that are available, guaranteeing that your class will have an enjoyable and highly educational School Trip experience.

By visiting a Historic School Trip destination, students will be able to develop their understanding in a way that is impossible in the classroom. Seeing sites and objects firsthand allows students to truly think about the past and understand the reality of the situation.

From historic museums to immersive workshops, we have something to suit every school. Students will even be given the chance to handle valuable artefacts, transporting them back into the past and allowing them to further their understanding on the subject.

We are honored to have some of the best historic destinations that the country has to offer. Whether it be the Imperial War Museum Group, Warwick Castle, National Slate Museum Wales, Golden Hinde, Jorvik Viking Museums and The Edinburgh Dungeon these venues will fail to disappoint, providing both students and teachers with memories that will last a lifetime.

See some videos also of fantastic venues listed with UK School Trips:

Natural History Museum London

English Heritage Dover Castle Wartime Tunnels

So come and have a look at our numerous History School Trips and pick the perfect venue for you!

history school trip ideas

Blackwell Adventure Residential Glamping Bromsgrove Worcestershire

Blackwell Adventure is an outdoor activity centre, providing day trip activities and residential experiences to students of all school ages. The school trips to Blackwell

history school trip ideas

Curriculum-linked school workshops at National Museums Liverpool

A fantastic selection of curriculum-linked school workshops are offered across five museums and galleries at National Museums Liverpool. From Ancient Egypt to fine arts, from

history school trip ideas

African Insight Academy South Africa

African Insight Academy South Africa provides life-changing wildlife conservation experiences for young people. It offers more than 25 years of experience in providing the most

history school trip ideas

Eden Camp Modern History Museum Yorkshire

Eden Camp Modern History Museum Yorkshire brings history to life for KS2 school groups. Just step back in time and experience World War 2 with

history school trip ideas

Marvellous History Workshops for Primary Schools – Stone Age to WW2

Marvellous History Workshops provide highly-engaging, hands-on learning to your students, with the aim of trying to enrich the history curriculum. Fun, entertaining, and engaging history

history school trip ideas

Bath Open Top Bus Tours

Bath Open Top Bus Tour Company in Bath provides an excellent enrichment learning Interactive tour, providing students with an informative way to explore the city

history school trip ideas

Murton Park Historical Immersive Experiences York

Murton Park Historical Immersive Experience York is not only a remarkable open-air themed museum attraction but an exciting historical heritage site school groups can visit

history school trip ideas

Port Lympne Safari Park Kent

Port Lympne Safari Park Kent is the biggest animal wildlife reserve and breeding sanctuary. Your students will experience enrichment learning covering topics and issues relating

history school trip ideas

Howletts Wild Animal Park Kent

Howletts Wild Animal Park, Kent’s wildlife and animal park, houses some of the world’s most endangered animals. A school trip here in Kent with your

history school trip ideas

Churchill War Rooms London

In the Churchill War Rooms London students can discover what life would have been like during the tense days and nights of the Second World

HMS Belfast London

Step on board this iconic London landmark. The most significant surviving Second World War Royal Navy warship, HMS Belfast’s unique history is ready and waiting

history school trip ideas

The Wizard Walk of York Magical Walking Tours

The only educational walking tours in York specifically aimed at school groups KS1 & 2, and winner of many awards including Best Tour 2023 and

history school trip ideas

878 AD Immersive Learning Anglo Saxon Hampshire

Let your students step back in time to 878 AD, Our KS2-tailored programme offers a unique immersive experience of Anglo Saxon Hampshire making it a

history school trip ideas

Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur World Outreach Workshops

All our educational outreach visits can be tailored to your topics and requests. We have worked tirelessly putting together a program that hits all the

history school trip ideas

Open Top London Bus Tour

Open Top London Bus Tour offers Hop On Hop Off Tours, which are informative way to explore London, covering all of its most famous landmarks,

history school trip ideas

Cardiff Residential Centre Gwersyll yr Urdd Caerdydd

Cardiff Residential Centre provides students a taste of capital city life. The hostel is in Cardiff Bay, situated in one of Europe’s most exciting arts

history school trip ideas

Hastings Castle Educational Day Trip Hastings East Sussex a step back in time and discover the history of Britain’s first Norman castle. Hastings Castle in East Sussex is a fun and fascinating

history school trip ideas

Smugglers Adventure Day Trip Museum Hastings East Sussex

Smugglers Adventure in Hastings provides an opportunity for your students to take a journey back in time to uncover the deep and dark secrets of

history school trip ideas

Mill on the Brue Outdoor Adventure Activity Centre Somerset

Mill on the Brue Outdoor Adventure Activity Centre in Somerset is an award winning Centre based in 25 acres of beautiful woods, fields & river

history school trip ideas

Dino Falls Adventure Golf Manchester

Dino Falls Adventure Golf at Trafford Golf Centre, Manchester is 36 holes of action-packed educational adventure for students. It is also one of the UK’s

history school trip ideas

PrimeVR Virtual Reality School Workshops Nationwide

PrimeVR is the UK’s leading VR workshop provider and it’s no wonder why! PrimeVR uses state-of-the-art technology to bring the outside world into the classroom,

history school trip ideas

TOUROPE UK International Tourism and Education Tour Operator London

TOUROPE UK provides educational tours, in which students can fully immerse themselves into English culture and experience everything, whether it be using public transportation or

history school trip ideas

Zip World Penrhyn Quarry North Wales

Zip World escape your classroom, packed with thrilling adventures for all ages & abilities with a wide range of fun activities where pupils can zip,

history school trip ideas

Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre Workshops

Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre provides educational groups with historically focused school workshops that can be concentrated on either the Tudor or Roman period.

history school trip ideas

Canterbury Guided Tours – City walking tours for schools

Canterbury Guided Tours provide entertaining 90-minute interactive educational city walking tours for groups; an ideal opportunity to experience outdoor learning whilst enjoying the rich history

history school trip ideas

Yorks Chocolate Story

York’s Chocolate Story delivers wonderful educational tours, where your students will be given the chance to explore the origins of chocolate, learn how to taste

history school trip ideas

Crealy Theme Park & Resort Devon

Crealy Theme Park & Resort Devon welcome schools and educational groups with over 60 rides and attractions, with outdoor rides, play parks, indoor rides &

history school trip ideas

Holocaust Centre North – Huddersfield

The Holocaust Exhibition & Learning Centre is a museum which preserve the memories, records and legacies of Holocaust survivors living in Yorkshire. Here, students can

history school trip ideas

National Holocaust Centre and Museum Outreach Workshops

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum provide an outreach service Nationwide bringing expertise and creativity to provide access to museum collections and testimony of Holocaust

history school trip ideas

Portals To The Past School History Workshops

All our workshops are run by enthusiastic, outgoing specialists, who know how to connect with students at the appropriate level.

history school trip ideas

Dance Days Educational Dance Workshops

Dance Days delivers educational Workshops where pupils have the chance to learn through over 30 different dance styles, many of which link directly to school

history school trip ideas

Viking Experience Days – Primary School Workshops in the Midlands

Viking Experience Days deliver Viking Workshops directly to your school! Your educational group will be provided with a top quality school trip experience without having

history school trip ideas

Tower Bridge Workshops London

Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your literacy topic, an opportunity for young historians to test their enquiry skills, or for a school trip experience

history school trip ideas

Shepton Mallet Prison Education Behind Bars

Shepton Mallet Prison in Somerset provides a world class interactive learning experience (Education Behind Bars) that inspires students to engage and immerse through exercises and

history school trip ideas

Historical Interpretations Hands on History Workshops North of England

Historical Interpretations History Workshops provide “Hands on History” for KS2 classes up to University students. Areas covered are York, Oxford and the North of England.

history school trip ideas

ReachOut Educate History Workshops and More for Schools

ReachOut Educate Workshops provide outreach services to schools focusing on the following topics: Tudors & Elizabethans, Vikings, Romans, Kings, Queens & Castles, Story Telling, Anti

history school trip ideas

Shrewsbury Prison Education Behind Bars

Shrewsbury Prison in Shropshire provides a world class interactive learning experience (Education Behind Bars) that inspires students to engage and immerse through exercises and activities

history school trip ideas

English Heritage Yorkshire

We aim to promote a greater understanding & enjoyment of the historic environment. We offer learning groups FREE ENTRY to 400 + venues, along with

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s Land Theme Park Resort Buckinghamshire

Gulliver’s Land Theme Park Resort offers unique school trip experiences. As well as being able to explore the whole theme park, students will also have

history school trip ideas

Cote Ghyll Mill YHA, Osmotherley

Cote Ghyll Mill is a group accommodation in a converted linen Mill, in the countryside of the North York Moors National Park. For the perfect

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s Valley Resort South Yorkshire

This brand-new theme park resort offers fantastic group sleepover packages where students can enjoy various educational workshops and activities, such as the incredible Dinosaur Twilight

history school trip ideas

Conway Centres – Tattenhall

The Tattenhall Conway Centre provides educational groups with Residential School Trip experiences that are not only focussed on the Arts but also on Outdoor Adventure.

history school trip ideas

Conway Centres – Delamere

Conway Centres – Delamere is located in the heart of Delamere Forest. The Forest environment allows for activities such as orienteering, den building, survival skills,

history school trip ideas

Conway Centres – Burwardsley

At The Burwardsley Conway Centre, there is a replica Iron Age Roundhouse. Here, pupils can learn about the culture, art, and farming from this fascinating

history school trip ideas

Conway Centres – Anglesey

The Conway Centre Anglesey is ideally located within 169 acres of National Trust Parkland, providing educational groups with immersive School Residential experiences in the wild

history school trip ideas

Ufton Court Educational Trust Residential School Trips

On an Ufton Court Residential School Trip, educational groups can enjoy historically themed evening banquets, where students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in

history school trip ideas

Mount Cook Outdoor Residential Adventure Centre Peak District

Mount Cook is an exhilarating education centre in Derbyshire, offering a wide-range of attractions in the outdoors, whether that be thrilling, adrenaline-filled activities, or activities

history school trip ideas

Cliffe House Residential Shepley Huddersfield

Cliffe House provides Outdoor Residential School Trips, where your students will have the chance to explore the natural environment while also taking part in numerous

history school trip ideas

Flatford Mill Outdoor Residential Centre Colchester Field Studies Council

Flatford Mill Field Studies Centre Colchester is the first and original field study centre set up in the UK during the 1940’s, educational students can

history school trip ideas

Adam Henson’s Cotswold Farm Park Cheltenham

Cotswold Farms Park offers students hands on fun educational outdoor learning experiences from pre-school, to university. Activities can be tailored to cover topics such as

history school trip ideas

Lakeside Miniature Railway Merseyside

Lakeside Miniature Historical Railway is the world’s oldest continuously running 15-inch gauge track system this is truly a slice of history. Pupils will enjoy an

history school trip ideas

Path Hill Outdoors Environmental Outdoor Activities

We offer outdoor challenges, combining personal and social development with an understanding and respect for the natural environment.

history school trip ideas

Science & Dinosaur Digital Mobile Dome Nationwide

Science Dome offers a variety of shows for all age groups, including the Moon landings, a trip through the Solar System, Rocks and Soils, and

history school trip ideas

The Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre in Buckinghamshire

Immerse your students in the magic of the Roald Dahl Museum’s award-winning schools’ programme; based in the village of Great Missenden, where Dahl was born,

history school trip ideas

The National Justice Museum North

At The National Justice Museum North our inspirational educational visits use authentic courtrooms, museum spaces, objects and archives to help pupils gain a practical understanding

history school trip ideas

Learning at Epping Forest

Here at Epping Forest, students will have the opportunity to learn, explore and have fun in an exciting environment outside of the classroom. We create

history school trip ideas

Science and Industry Museum Manchester

At the Science and Industry Museum Manchester discover ideas that change the world. From the factories of the Industrial Revolution, to computing and the creative

history school trip ideas

Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre

At The Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre, school groups can explore the historic site of the Battle of Bosworth – an event beyond living memory which

history school trip ideas

Nenthead Mines & Heritage Centre

An interactive museum dedicated to the story of the mineral mining past of the North Pennines. Launch on a voyage of learning about the people,

history school trip ideas

Historic Environment Scotland

School visits to Historic Environment Scotland sites are a great way to deliver the curriculum, by encouraging discovery and exploration outside the classroom.

history school trip ideas

National Justice Museum Education Royal Courts of Justice London

At The National Justice Museum Royal Courts of Justice, London our inspirational educational visits use authentic courtrooms, museum spaces, objects and archives to help pupils

history school trip ideas

Cadbury World Birmingham

Cadbury World in the West Midlands offers a unique experience that gives a fascinating insight into the rich heritage of the nation’s favourite chocolate. Your

history school trip ideas

Celtic Harmony Camp, Outdoor Prehistory Centre

Celtic Harmony Camp, the UK’s largest Iron Age settlement, provides a program of Prehistory Residential and Day trips covering Stone, Bronze and Iron Age Britain.

history school trip ideas

Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre Dorset

Tours can be tailored to the curriculum about a range of topics surrounding primate welfare & conservation. Enjoy enrichment days where groups can help make

history school trip ideas

Science Museum London

A trip to the Science Museum will enhance your classroom teaching and bring to life the science, technology, engineering, and maths that has shaped our

history school trip ideas

Liverpool Football Club Museum and Stadium Tour

Liverpool Football Club provides students with Museum and Stadium Tours, educational groups can visit the state-of-the-art Home Team dressing room, take a spine-tingling walk down

history school trip ideas

Coventry Cathedral School Trips Education Tours and Events

Coventry Cathedral is an international tourism hotspot, with striking twentieth century architecture, it attracts many schools every, educating them with its Cathedral school’s team, utilising

history school trip ideas

Fireground Museum Greater Manchester

Fireground Museum explores, preserves and brings the history of fire, fire engineering and the fire and rescue services, through collections and resources, to further the

history school trip ideas

Wildheart Animal Sanctuary

Here at Wildheart Animal Sanctuary, your class will experience unique learning sessions where students can study all areas of the curriculum, whether its biological sciences

history school trip ideas

Knowsley Safari Park Prescot Merseyside

Knowsley Safari Park offers interactive school trip tours, where students can experience animals from all over the world and learn about their environment and conservation

history school trip ideas

The Matthew of Bristol

All trips are designed to fit in with the national history KS1 and 2 curriculum. It highlights Bristol’s local history, John Cabot and the discovery

history school trip ideas

The National Holocaust Centre and Museum Nottinghamshire

National Holocaust Centre and Museums learning programmes in build knowledge and encourage critical thinking when teaching about the Holocaust, we ensure students experience interactive activities

history school trip ideas

Llancaiach Fawr Manor Wales

Proud holders of the Sandford Award for Excellence in Heritage we offer a range of formal education and learning opportunities at all Key Stages as

history school trip ideas

Keats House – London

We offer workshops on everything from exploring poetry to experiencing domestic life above and below stairs to investigating insects, flowers and trees in the garden.

history school trip ideas

Roman Baths Somerset

The Roman Baths located in the city of Bath in Somerset, comprise of the remains of one of the greatest religious spas of the ancient

history school trip ideas

English Heritage North West

English Heritage should be applauded for their development of the Discovery Visit, which interprets the story of a site, giving a sense of time and

history school trip ideas

English Heritage South West

history school trip ideas

Leighton Hall

Leighton Hall is where history, science, geography & a variety of other subjects come to life. It’s perfect for schools & educational groups wanting to

history school trip ideas

Birmingham Botanical Gardens and Glasshouses West Midlands

Why is white chocolate white, but milk chocolate brown? How are your shoes linked to the rainforest? What is a tenrec? Find the answers to

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s World Resort Cheshire

Gulliver’s World Resort provides students with unique school trip experiences, where they can engage in a wide variety of different topics, whether it be discovering

history school trip ideas

Maes y Lade Outdoors

A beautifully-converted Welsh hill farm at the foot of the Black Mountains, in the Brecon Beacons National Park. Part of Essex Outdoors, it has been

history school trip ideas

Beaulieu National Motor Museum Hampshire

From the 13th-century Beaulieu Abbey to revolutionary motoring breakthroughs at the National Motor Museum, the attraction offers a wide range of opportunities for educational groups.

history school trip ideas

Ingleborough Cave & Ingleborough Estate Nature Trail Yorkshire Dales

From its first discovery in 1837 to its transformation into an informative and engaging School Trip destination, Ingleborough Cave has never failed to impress, inspire

history school trip ideas

Coldharbour Mill Working Wool Museum Devon

Coldharbour Mill Working Wool Museum Devon provides a mixture of workshops on the textile industry, with working machinery in action to give a flavour of

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s Land Resort Buckinghamshire

Gulliver’s Land Resort provides an enjoyable learning environment for students, where they can discover various attractions and animals such as, dinosaurs, reptiles and farm animals.

history school trip ideas

Selly Manor Museum Birmingham

Every year, more than 6000 school children visit Selly Manor. Most of them visit to study the Tudors, but some visit to look at the

history school trip ideas

The School Journey Association School Trips Nationwide

Inspiring and exciting educational trips designed to bring subjects to life, extend students’ learning and develop their appreciation of local and international cultures outside the classroom. There is simply

history school trip ideas

Ufton Court Educational Trust Activity Centre

Ufton Court provides educational groups with engaging History School Trips and Outdoor Learning Courses. Whether you want to explore the Grade 1 Tudor Manor House,

history school trip ideas

Carymoor Environmental Education Centre Somerset

Carymoor Environmental Trust provides inspirational outdoor learning. Our nature reserve has a wide variety of habitats to explore and our unique location next to a

history school trip ideas

Hampstead Heath Schools Programme London

Hampstead Heath Schools Programme offers exciting school trips, where students have the chance to discover a natural environment and various different organisms, while still remaining

history school trip ideas

English Heritage West Midlands

history school trip ideas

The World Outside Bodenham Arboretum

Offering curriculum linked activities on a working farm with in the beautiful surroundings of Bodenham Arboretum. All key stages catered for with experiential learning, developing inquisitive &

history school trip ideas

English Heritage East Midlands

history school trip ideas

Southchurch Hall Museum Essex

Southchurch Hall museum is housed in the half-timbered medieval manor house, which dates to the early 14th century.

history school trip ideas

Locomotion County Durham

Welcome to Locomotion in Shildon, County Durham, where schools can learn about the birthplace of the railways and the world’s first railway town.We offer a

history school trip ideas

Butser Ancient Farm Hampshire

Butser Ancient Farm is a world leading museum for experimental archaeology education, bringing the past to life through hands on reconstructions of prehistoric, Romano-British, Anglo-Saxon

history school trip ideas

Kenilworth Castle & Elizabethan Garden Warwickshire

Kenilworth Castle & Elizabethan Gardens provides school trips & educational visits with great tours, exhibitions & interactive workshops, explore the Tudor gardens, medieval kitchens, great

history school trip ideas

Clink Prison Museum London

Built on the original site of the Clink Prison – one of England’s oldest Prisons. You can experience hands-on original artefacts, including torture devices, &

history school trip ideas

English Heritage East of England

history school trip ideas

Pinkery Outdoor Residential Learning Centre Exmoor

Pinkery is Exmoor National Park’s centre for Outdoor Learning. Built as an upland farmhouse, the original building has been expanded to create a unique moorland

history school trip ideas

UK Parliament Education Centre

Visiting UK Parliament is a great opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of democracy, governance and the political system. Visits include a guided tour

history school trip ideas

Zip World Windermere

Zip World Windermere introduces a brand new educational programme inviting teachers to escape the classroom and bring lessons to the great outdoors. On the banks

history school trip ideas

Cogges Manor Farm

Cogges Manor Farm in Witney, Oxfordshire provides 1000 years of History perfect for educational historical learning. The site appears in the Domesday Book of 1086

history school trip ideas

Woodrow High House Amersham Buckinghamshire Day

Woodrow High House is London Youth’s outdoor education centre in Buckinghamshire, providing bespoke activity programmes dependent on the objectives of your visit. Visitors include primary, secondary,

history school trip ideas

Prison & Police Museum Ripon North Yorkshire

At the Prison & Police Museum Ripon discover the history of crime & punishment in the Victorian prison, learn the history of policing in Yorkshire

history school trip ideas

Courthouse Museum Ripon North Yorkshire

The Courthouse is part of a fully interactive historical experience run by Ripon Museums Trust, your school group will learn many interesting facts about this

history school trip ideas

National Railway Museum

Bring learning to life with a visit to the National Railway Museum and discover inspiring objects and stories from the world’s largest railway collection. Experience

history school trip ideas

English Heritage Greater London

Iron Age Settlements, Roman Forts, Medieval Abbeys, Tudor Castles, Victorian Mansions and Gardens, and even World War Fortresses – you name it, our exceptional, out-of-the-classroom

history school trip ideas

Tudor World in Shakespeare’s Stratford upon Avon

Tudor World is an award winning museum situated right in the heart of the historic town, Stratford upon Avon. Within a Grade 2* listed historic

history school trip ideas

National Science and Media Museum Bradford

At the National Science and Media Museum, your group will have the chance to explore the science of light and sound in Wonderlab, the history

history school trip ideas

Science Zone Bournemouth

The Science Zone offers interactive educational experiences, where students can explore life-sized dinosaurs and the Solar System. The variety of activities that are available ensures

history school trip ideas

English Heritage South East

history school trip ideas

School Trips at Bristol Museums

Bristol Museums offer a wide range of school trips, where subjects such as history, literature, science and art are brought to life! Students will have

history school trip ideas

The National Videogame Museum Sheffield

The National Videogame Museum is the UK’s only museum dedicated solely to videogames with a mission to collect, preserve, exhibit and interpret videogames for everyone.

history school trip ideas

The Jorvik Group JORVIK Viking Centre York

Discover the Return of the Vikings to York at the newly re-imagined JORVIK Viking Centre.

history school trip ideas

Shakespeare’s Family Homes Tours and Workshops Stratford-upon-Avon

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust is an independent, educational charity dedicated to deepening the understanding of Shakespeare’s works & times. We offer a range of informative

history school trip ideas

The Sustainability Activity Centre Hampshire

The Centre offers a wide variety of exciting educational eco-activities that promote sustainable living and green issues in an inspiring yet tranquil setting, located in

history school trip ideas

Zip World Tower South Wales

history school trip ideas

The National Justice Museum Nottingham

At the The National Justice Museum Nottingham our inspirational educational visits use authentic courtrooms, museum spaces, objects and archives to help pupils gain a practical

history school trip ideas

Silverstone Museum Northamptonshire

At Silverstone Museum, students can explore the home of British Motor Racing! School groups will have the chance to learn about the history, engineering, and

history school trip ideas

Lulworth Outdoor Education Centre Dorset

With its stunning scenery and iconic coastal features, Lulworth is one of the best places to visit on a geography and/or geology based school trip.

history school trip ideas

Immersive Experiences Mobile Planetarium School Workshops Nationwide

Immersive Experiences is the UK’s multi-award-winning immersive learning/entertainment outreach provider, reaching a record breaking 200,000 people a year.

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s Valley Theme Park South Yorkshire

Gulliver’s Valley Theme Park provides School Trip experiences like no other! Here, students can explore over 50 thrilling rides and attractions and also discover the

history school trip ideas

Yorkshire Air Museum

Join us for a day of fun, discovery and excitement at the Yorkshire Air Museum where our guides will bring to life over 150 years

history school trip ideas

Tower Bridge London

Tower Bridge is a world-famous landmark that provides educational groups with unforgettable school trip experiences. From exploring the high-level walkways to uncovering the history of

history school trip ideas

Imperial War Museum London

The (IWM) Imperial War Museum London provides students with an historical experience that cannot be found anywhere else. From exploring the causes of a world

history school trip ideas

Victoria Art Gallery Bath

Victoria Art Gallery offer fantastic enrichment learning interactive opportunities in arts and crafts for children to experience, explore and have fun with varoius resources and

history school trip ideas

Imperial War Museum North

If you’re searching for an immersive School Trip experience, look no further. (IWM) Imperial War Museum North has a variety of historically engaging exhibitions, which

history school trip ideas

Stratford Butterfly Farm Warwickshire

Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm offers an excellent opportunity for children of all ages to learn about tropical rainforest environments and the plants and animals that live

history school trip ideas

Blackpool Pleasure Beach Theme Park

Enjoy a thrilling educational or end of term treat day out at one of the UK’s favourite theme parks, Blackpool Pleasure Beach has its own

history school trip ideas

Hull New Theatre Humberside

Hull New Theatre stages several shows each year which are aimed at school children and relevant to the National Curriculum.

history school trip ideas

DIG An Archaeological Adventure York

Jorvik DIG with four special in-door excavation pits, all based on real-life digs in the city and filled with replica Roman, Viking, Medieval, and Victorian

history school trip ideas

Carlisle Castle Cumbria

An impressive frontier fortress with 900 years of history – excellent for Medieval, Tudor and Civil War topics. Carlisle Castle provides students with a sense

history school trip ideas

National Galleries of Scotland

The Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art boasts an array of indoor and outdoor modern and contemporary art, set in two sculpture parks. See our

history school trip ideas

Godstone Farm Surrey

At Godstone Farm, students have the chance to interact with over 500 animals and enjoy the extensive outdoor play areas. This is the perfect school

history school trip ideas

Gulliver’s Kingdom Resort Derbyshire

Gulliver’s Kingdom Resort offers fun and engaging school trips, where students can take part in educational workshops and also enjoy themselves within the theme park.

history school trip ideas

The Golden Hinde School Tours and workshops London

At The Golden Hinde, the use of costumed educators and reenactments makes history come to life. This historical school trip allows students to experience what

history school trip ideas

The Jorvik Group Barley Hall York

Barley Hall (Jorvik Viking Group) is a medieval townhouse – once home to the Lord Mayor of York. Located on the doorstep of York Minster,

history school trip ideas

World Famous Blue John Cavern Derbyshire

Blue John Cavern in Castleton, Derbyshire provides great school trip experiences such as Show Caves which have in-depth specific geological interests. The caverns within the

history school trip ideas

The Workhouse Museum Ripon North Yorkshire

At The Workhouse Museum, educational groups can experience an authentic Victorian Schoolroom, Kitchen, and Garden, as well as the historical Inmates’ Quarters of the Workhouse.

history school trip ideas

Lullingstone Roman Villa

One of the most important and complete Roman villas in Britain. It is home to some outstanding mosaics and an extensive range of collections and

history school trip ideas

Pooles Cavern and Country Park

Discover the largest stalactite and stalagmite in the Peak District and learn how water has eroded this vast series of chambers over millions of years,

history school trip ideas

South Downs Planetarium and Science Centre Chichester

The South Downs Planetarium and Science Centre was established to provide a facility where people of all ages could learn about science in a very

history school trip ideas

Shakespeare’s Schoolroom & Guildhall Warwickshire

A visit to Shakespeare’s Schoolroom & Guildhall provides school groups with fun, informal and authentic experiences that bring history to life.

history school trip ideas

Monkton Wyld Court – A 19th Century Neo-Gothic Mansion in Dorset

Set within walking distance of Lyme Regis and Dorset’s Jurassic Coast, Monkton Wyld Court is a large 19th Century Neo-Gothic mansion that provides educational groups

history school trip ideas

Leicester Outdoor Pursuit Centre

Leicester Outdoor Pursuit Centre is one of the Midlands most popular Outdoor Activity & Education Centres, specialising in day trips for groups of 2-200 students

history school trip ideas

Peak District Mining Museum & Temple Mine East Midlands

Here at The Peak District Mining Museum & Temple Mine, your students will not only get to take part in a unique underground mining experience,

history school trip ideas

Henley Fort Outdoor Education Centre Surrey

Henley Fort is a Victorian Fort built during the late 1Henley Fort is a Victorian Fort built during the late 19th Century to protect London

history school trip ideas

The Design Museum London

The Design Museum London is the world’s leading venue devoted to contemporary design. Students will experience the design industry with Its learning tours and workshop

history school trip ideas

Liverpool British Music Experience

British Music Experience in Liverpool, students can immerse themselves into a museum of musical history and knowledge. On this musical school trip, students can discover

history school trip ideas

English Heritage North East

history school trip ideas

Imperial War Museum Duxford

Here at the IWM (Imperial War Museum) Duxford, students can climb aboard historic aircrafts as well as visit the very rooms where Duxford’s Battle of

history school trip ideas

The Lincolnsfields Childrens Centre

The Children at War Experience offers a unique hands-on insight into life in wartime Britain. We encourage each group to get into role and if

history school trip ideas

Manchester United Museum and Tour Centre

At the Manchester United Museum & Tour Centre, educational groups can enjoy interactive workshops, a tour of Old Trafford, as well as time for individual

history school trip ideas

Canal and River Tours Stratford Upon Avon

A surprising trip for young minds with river wildlife, not too much Shakespeare and a 200 hundred year old working lock.


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Victorian School Trips

Life in the Victorian era

A time of prosperity and growth

The Victorian period lasted from 1837 until 1901; the date upon which Queen Victoria I ascended the throne until the time of her death. This period was relatively peaceful and saw the country continue to prosper economically from the Industrial Revolution . The absence of famines or epidemics, improvements in health care and living standards, and a fall in the mortality rate meant that the population doubled.

A relatively recent period of our history, the Victorian legacy offers a wonderful range of study opportunities for your school group. On a Victorian school trip, you may decided to visit a museum where the children can look at and read about machinery or household objects of the time, or a more immersive visit at one of the venues where the staff are living in period costume.

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Let us find the perfect Victorians experience for your school trip.

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Florence Nightingale

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Alone in the night, the Lady with the Lamp walks the halls of the hospital checking on the sick and wounded. In this One Day drama workshop, discover Florence Nightingale's many accomplishments and how her efforts saved the lives of so many.

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Victorian school trips and workshops.

Please use the search filters above to view our full range of Victorian school trips relevant to you.

Victorian Wales Workshop - Cymru Oes Fictoria

Victorian Wales Workshop - Cymru Oes Fictoria

We bring Victorian history to life in your school, through interesting discussions on inventions, medicine, school, toys and much more, whilst looking at and holding artefacts from the era, doing 2 fun activities which are playing games invented by Victorians, and writing on slates like they did in Victorian...

Toys through Time Workshop - Teganau trwy Amser

Toys through Time Workshop - Teganau trwy Amser

Our Toys through Time workshops will include toys from the Victorian era! We talk about the games and toys such as Skittles, hoop and stick, hoop toss, skipping ropes and the many toys they would use during this era, such as china dolls and toy soldiers!


Our workshops are designed to give a good overall view of the Victorian age, inspiring children with practical activities and hands-on exploration. We can give you a great starting point, a boost in the middle of the topic or a fantastic end and round up of the period. Topics covered could include: Electricity!...

Shepton Mallet Prison - Education Behind Bars

Shepton Mallet Prison - Education Behind Bars

Parts of Shepton Mallet Prison were built during the Victorian period and very much reflects the ethos of the time. It was about punishment rather than rehabilitation as it is today

Shrewsbury Prison - Education Behind Bars

Shrewsbury Prison - Education Behind Bars

Shrewsbury prison was built during the Victorian period and very much reflects the ethos of the time. This period was about punishment and breaking the will of the prisoner as a deterrent rather than rehabilitation, as imprisonment has developed today. Prisoners would have been assigned hard labour...

Victorian Workshop

Victorian Workshop

​Throughout the day, the children will take part in the following activities: - Introduction: The Schoolmaster will give an overview of Victorian Britain and of the British Empire to the children in the form of a presentation/assembly. - The Victorian Classroom: The Schoolmaster will take a class...

Leighton Hall

Leighton Hall

Victorian: Children are always full of excitement about exploring this lived in house. Leighton Hall was altered architecturally in the 19th century to reflect the Victorian gothic style, and offers a fascinating insight into life at that time. Children can get up close, and interact with Victorian...

Victorian Workshop

Our professional costumed actor will take on the role of 'Syrie Barnardo', the wife of Thomas Barnardo, who established Britains first children's home in 1867. Through improvisation and role play, we travel back in time to experience the harsh life of the poor in a typical 'Workhouse' and meet the formidable...

A Victorian Christmas

A Victorian Christmas

During this workshop, we explore the Victorian era, particularly the wide social gap between rich and poor.

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Coventry Transport Museum

Our Victorian Cycles workshop explores real cycles, by combining History with STEM subjects. Students will learn how cycles came to be made in Coventry, and then find out how they changed into cycles that we would recognise today. Through a carousel of 4 practical activities, supported by school and...

Bridging the Tamar School Workshops

Bridging the Tamar School Workshops

The Royal Albert Bridge was built in Victorian times in 1859. Our workshops include a visit to the Bridging the Tamar Visitor and Learning Centre which has hands on learning with interactive bridge models and displays. The workshops explore the life and times of Brunel and the communities the bridges...

The Food Museum

The Food Museum

Enrich your pupils’ understanding of the Victorian era with this Farm Labourer Learning Session. This session will explore the roles that children had in rural life. The session starts with a fun question and answer session about Victorian era objects from our handling-collection. Then, a member of...

Cosford Exhibition-Cold War

Cosford Exhibition-Cold War

Explore the rich history of the Victorian era with Battlefield & History Tours, where we offer meticulously planned and educational trips for school groups. As a division of Rondo Travel, an organization with a prestigious affiliation to the School Travel Forum, we are committed to providing seamless...

Children of the Mines Workshop - Plant y Pyllau Glo

Children of the Mines Workshop - Plant y Pyllau Glo

Learn what life was like for Victorian children who worked down in the dark Coal mines during the industrial revolution! Our 1 hour long workshop includes fun activities that will give children the experience of what it was like to be mining underground, artefacts from the era to see and hold, a short...

London & Ipswich-Secret War to Cold War

London & Ipswich-Secret War to Cold War

Embrace the opulence and intrigue of the Victorian era with Battlefield and History Tours. Delve into a pivotal period of British history, where innovation, empire, and cultural shifts shaped the world. Our Victorian tours offer students an immersive educational journey, meticulously planned to uncover...

Crime and Punishment @ NESM

Crime and Punishment @ NESM

How has crime and punishment changed throughout history? Step back in time and find out. Experience what it was like to be a prisoner in 1900 by having your fingerprints and mugshot taken. Investigate handling objects to discover more about the equipment police officers used. Even spend some time in...

London for Primary & Middle Schools-Curriculum Travel

London for Primary & Middle Schools-Curriculum Travel

London, historically serving as the epicenter of the world's largest empire, was not only renowned for its imperial grandeur but also infamous for the atmospheric challenges it faced. The cityscape of yesteryears was characterized by a thick blanket of smog, creating an environment that was not only...

Seaside Day

Seaside Day

Join the Victorians on a train to the seaside! LOn our Seaside Day your children will explore the Victorian origins of seaside holidays, including how railways made the journey possible.

Florence Nightingale Day

Florence Nightingale Day

Explore Victorian health care with Florence Nightingale. Our Florence Nightingale workshop places children in Scutari Hospital during the Crimean War. They can explore Victorian artefacts while using drama and role play to help Florence change nursing.

Victorians 1897 Day

Victorians 1897 Day

Experience a Victorian classroom first-hand. Our school room experience offers authentic lessons in spelling, handwriting and more. They will also learn about Queen Victoria, the British Empire, and Victorian society.

Herbert Art Gallery & Museum

Herbert Art Gallery & Museum

This interactive workshop uses role play, costumes and handling objects to compare past and present. Pupils will experience a day in the life of Queen Victoria’s servants and discover how everyday chores were carried out. Pupils will also be able to see Victorian toys and learn about the games that...

Isle of Wight for Primary & Middle Schools-Curriculum Travel

Isle of Wight for Primary & Middle Schools-Curriculum Travel

Embark on a captivating journey back to the Victorian era with our Isle of Wight educational tours, designed specifically for Primary and Middle Schools. Our curriculum-focused travel package offers a unique opportunity to immerse your students in the rich Victorian history of the Isle of Wight, highlighted...

Primary School Trip to London with Equity

Primary School Trip to London with Equity

Our primary school trips to London will offer your students the best opportunity to learn about the Victorians. Whether it's visiting famous locations across the city centre, discovering artefacts and depictions in museum collections, or recounting famous stories from that period, this trip will be sure...

Maritime Museum

Maritime Museum

Victorian Emigration KS2 - Students will learn about how people’s lives have shaped this nation, and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world. Also relates to a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066. Victorian...

Living History Workshops Ks1 & Ks2

Living History Workshops Ks1 & Ks2

Do you think you would have liked to have been a child during Victorian Times.? Have a visit from our amazing Workshop team to find out. Would you have liked to have gone to school during those times, how would have you reacted when meeting a Victorian Teacher. What would your job have been. Working...

York City Overnight History Trip with Equity

York City Overnight History Trip with Equity

There are many attractions in York where students can learn about the Victorians. At York Castle Museum and Prison students will learn about Victorians and their attitudes to crime and punishment. The National Railway Museum and the National Coal Mining Museum also give invaluable insights into this...

Day Visits

The WaterWorks Discovery Day brings local Victorian history to life. Children will learn about the water cycle in Victorian London and how Essex Filter Beds played a part in the filtration process. These beds are now a wildlife nature reserve which is great place to see nature in London.

Suffragettes Workshop

Suffragettes Workshop

We will explore elements of what it was like to live during the Victorian Era, especially as a Suffragist from the 1890s and debate the changes brought about by The Industrial Revolution and what Queen Victoria thought about Women's Rights!


Children will learn about: – Key dates during the period. – Queen Victoria – her coronation and reign. – Children at work in the mills, with a focus on the dangers faced by these children. – Children at work in the mines, the different jobs that children did and what these entailed. –...

Inventors Workshop with Ada Lovelace

Inventors Workshop with Ada Lovelace

We explore what it meant for Ada Lovelace to be a pioneering woman of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics during the Victorian Times, a time when typically women were expected to marry and take part in their husband's interests and business, as well as bring up the children and take care...

Thames Rockets

Thames Rockets

Did you know many of London's landmarks along the river date back to Victorian times? Get ready and settle in for a speedboat sightseeing tour like no other! Your guide will talk about all of the famous Victorian London landmarks along the river Thames including The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and...

Lotherton School Trips

Lotherton School Trips

Lotherton has family connections to Florence Nightingale and our specialist workshop on the lady with the lamp introduces pupils to her as a girl and young woman, her decision to become a nurse, and opportunities to be interactive with museum objects.

Cumulus Outdoors Tented Village - Corfe Castle

Cumulus Outdoors Tented Village - Corfe Castle

Explore your victorians topic with a day trip to the victorian seaside town of Swanage (dressing up is encouraged). Visits can include visiting; Swanage Heritage Centre, Swanage Steam Railway, Swanage Pier and Durlston Castle. Swanage is an ideal location to study local history.

Victorian Crystal Palace Workshop

Victorian Crystal Palace Workshop

The History of the Crystal Palace, being the forerunner of all modern skyscraper building. Why Prince Albert had the idea and how it was realised by Joesph Paxton are all discussed within the realms of making the constituent parts, akin to the factories in various parts of the country and brought to...

History Workshops

History Workshops

During our Victorian Drama Hut workshop, discover what it was like to live and work in the ever changing Victorian Britain. Experience 'Mudlarking' in the Thames, visit a workhouse and become part of The Great Exhibition, meeting Queen Victoria herself.

Toys from the Past

Toys from the Past

Topic information covered: - Toys of now and then (Modern toys & Victorian toys) - Toys across the classes (poor/rich children's toys) - How toys make us feel and why we have them - Different toys, their purpose and how they are played with

Victorian Workshop & Wow Day

Victorian Workshop & Wow Day

Dan Tastic Education uses a wide array of props, historical items, videos, group discussion and teacher in role style student participation to cover the following topics during a Victorian Wow Day: Queen Victoria Life in the 1800s The British Empire Florence Nightingale The Industrial Revolution The...

Dan Tastic History

Dan Tastic History

Victorian Workshop, Wow Day & School Visit Bring the Victorians to life in the classroom! An exciting display of historical artefacts, Victorian clothing, Victorian coins, Victorian toys, inventions of the age and weapons along with lots of other interesting artefacts to touch and interact with. Using...

free trip

Kenwood House

Explore life in the Georgian and Victorian periods with a visit to Kenwood. To enhance learning, book an expert-led Discovery Visit workshop: • KENWOOD CONNECTIONS: LORD MANSFIED AND THE ABOLITION OF THE TRANSATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE (KS3): explore the emergence of the abolition movement of the 18th-century;...

Immersive Experiences

Immersive Experiences

The Victorians changed the world and life was tough for some but easy for others. We look at what the daily routine was for people of all classes, as well as occupations and their hazards! Find out with our immersive and live-action workshops.

Leeds Castle

Leeds Castle

Leeds Castle offers a variety of themed workshops suitable for studying Victorians, including 'A Victorian Day (KS2)' and 'A Victorian Christmas (KS2)'. Costumes are provided for the children to truly experience a Victorian classroom.


Find out more about the lives of Queen Victoria and her family, by exploring the house, Swiss Cottage and grounds. Enhance your learning with a Discovery Visit workshop, and discover the life of a Victorian servant with housekeeper Mrs Pilkington in WAITING ON HAND AND FOOT! (KS2), or enter the exciting...

Museum of Liverpool

Museum of Liverpool

Victorian Childhood: Rags and Riches KS2 - Students will continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British and local history, and note connections, contrasts and trends over time, developing the appropriate use of historical terms. They will address historically valid...

Edinburgh City Tour with Equity

Edinburgh City Tour with Equity

Edinburgh is a great place to learn more about the British Empire, including the Industrial Revolution. Students can also take a trip to Edinburgh Castle to learn more about the Royal family during the Victorian era and the reign of Queen Victoria.

Audley End

Enjoy a free self-led visit and experience parts of the beautiful 17th century mansion, service wing, kitchen garden and grounds. Say hello to our resident horses in the stable block and visit the Coal Gallery, once a hive of activity, as we recreate the hustle and bustle of servants' daily routines....

Cumulus Outdoors Residential Centre - Swanage

Cumulus Outdoors Residential Centre - Swanage


The day is divided into 3 sessions. 1. A talk about the Victorians, how they came to be, Queen Victoria herself, the Industrial revolution, money, farming, cities etc. The children design their own penny to be used later. 2. A Victorian classroom experience 3. Games lesson - Victorian style, also...


Our Victorian Crime and Punishment workshop is extremely popular and looks at the Victorian Police Force, trials, prisons and punishment through a mixture of roleplay and object handling. Are you fit for service in the Victorian police? How would you fare in the clink?

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Audley End House

  • Posted 6 years ago

School trip to Audley End House

Explore this decadent Jacobean mansion house and meet the staff in the Victorian Service Wing.  Enjoy stunning views across the unspoilt Essex countryside and wander the tranquil gardens created by ‘Capability’ Brown, gold winner of Anglia in Bloom Awards 2017. Then gallop across to see the horses in the Victorian stable yard, and run, jump and climb in the children’s play area.


A noble 17th century mansion complete with Victorian Service Wing and stables set in magnificently kept gardens. Schools can now venture to the top of the house and see the newly opened Nursery Suite and Coal Gallery.


This imposing 17th century castle provides fabulous education opportunities for pupils, particularly art, history and geography. Key curriculum links include:

  • KS1-2: A local history study   The ‘Victorian Values’ Discovery Visit is on offer. This makes use of the Service Wing, Nursery and Coal Gallery in the House, showing pupils what life was like during Victorian times.
  • KS2 History A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066
  • KS3 History The development of Church, state and society in Britain 1509 – 1745
  • KS1-2 Science  Identify and decribe the functions of different parts of plants
  • KS1-4 Art & Design  Produce creative work, exploring ideas and recording experiences


Experience parts of the beautiful 17th century mansion, service wing, kitchen garden and grounds. Say hello to our resident horses in the stable block. Visit the Coal Gallery, once a hive of activity, as we recreate the hustle and bustle of servants’ daily routines.

Download their free learning resources to help bring history to life before, during and after a visit.

Meet their costumed characters from April to October with our expert-led Discovery Visit.


  • VICTORIAN VALUES (KS2)  Explore the life of a Victorian servant. Meet Mrs Warwick, formidable housekeeper to the Braybrooke family. Students are divided into two groups. While one group finds out about life as a servant and tries activities with the housemaids in the education room, the second group is left in the capable hands of Mrs Warwick. The groups then exchange places. Students are encouraged to come dressed in Victorian costume, and aprons are provided.   Duration : 1 1/2 hours
  • HOUSE TOUR   Add a house tour to your Discovery Visit at no extra cost and led by their experts. Key rooms that are included on the tour are the Great Hall, Saloon, Lord Braybrooke’s Sitting Room, the Library, Coal Gallery, Dining Room, Lady Braybrooke’s Sitting Room and the Neville Bedroom.


  • PARKING : Free coach and car parking available
  • FOOD AND DRINK : Picnic area
  • TOILETS : Male and female toilets by the Tearoom and the Cart Yard Café.
  • GARDENS : Fine formal Victorian gardens and walled organic kitchen garden stocked to match the 1800’s plants.
  • EDUCATION ROOM : Please ask their bookings team to check availability and add this to your itinerary.

Audley End Road, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4JF 0370 333 0606 Visit Audley End House website for schools

School visit information displayed was correct at the time of publishing. Please check with the venue on their latest educational itinerary for your class visit.

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  • Arts & Entertainment

Fear you’ll never hear your favorite band live? These Maine tribute shows might do the trick

See homages to David Bowie, Prince, The Cure and The Rolling Stones in Portland this week, and other shows coming this summer.

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If you’ve never seen a tribute act perform the songs of artists that are either too big to play in Maine or who have passed away, there’s a way to do a whole bunch of that this week in Portland.

There are also tribute shows happening in venues around the state all summer long.

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A Strange Day is the Portland-based tribute to The Cure. Photo by Seth D. Warner

Let’s start with Portland-based A Strange Day, a tribute to British alternative act The Cure, fronted by singer and guitarist Seth Warner.

The band will perform The Cure’s second album, “Seventeen Seconds,” in its entirety, along with some hits and other cuts at Portland House of Music on Thursday.

The album was released on April 18, 1980. Lead singer and guitarist Robert Smith turned 21 three days later. The single  “A Forest” marked the band’s debut on the U.K. Singles Chart, where it reached the No. 31 spot. The song remains a setlist staple at The Cure’s live performances.

Warner said he put himself in the shoes of Cure fans when deciding what album to cover. “What I would like to hear from a Cure band is a dive into the specific eras that surrounded each record, and ‘Seventeen Seconds’ set the tone for the more introspective and gloomy textures and themes.” Advertisement

As for Warner’s favorite “Seventeen Seconds” tracks, he said, “I really like ‘At Night’ for its dynamic potential, and the edgy and angsty ‘M.'”

The band took its name from the track “A Strange Day” from The Cure’s 1982 album “Pornography.”

Along with Warner, the band is Pete Dugas (keys), Andrew Hodgkins (drums), Matt Kennedy (synth/sax), Kevin O’Reilly (bass), Casey Urich (trumpet) and Corey Urich.

Angel Butts, a copy editor living in Westbrook, has seen The Cure more than 100 times on three continents and at least 10 countries, including Latvia and Colombia. “They’re like breathing to me. They have this massive catalog and it spans every possible mood, I don’t know of another band with a palette like that. “Seventeen Seconds” is among her favorite of the band’s 13 studio albums.

Butts has seen The Cure play the “Seventeen Seconds” album all the way through three times. “One of those shows stands as the best show I’ve ever seen in my life. The Cure: Reflections, Nov. 27, 2011 at the  Beacon Theatre in New York City.”

Butts said she and her 13-year-old daughter will be attending the A Strange Day show. “I think she’s more excited than I am.” Advertisement

A Strange Day  8:30 p.m. Thursday. Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland, $12 in advance, $15 day of show, 21-plus.

Another British act that will likely never perform in Maine is The Rolling Stones. With more than 30 albums, the band achieved legendary status decades ago. Singer Mick Jagger and guitarist Keith Richards are both 80, and the band is currently on tour and will be at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts, on Thursday.

There are still tickets left for that show, but you can save yourself hours of traffic jams and a lot of more by instead heading to Aura on Saturday to see Satisfaction: The International Rolling Stones tribute show. Or maybe you’ll see the real deal and then keep the party going here in Maine.

Satisfaction has been slinging Stones hits for over two decades and has played more than 4,000 shows. Chris LeGrand’s take on Mick Jagger is pretty convincing, and he and the band will surely be pleased to meet you.

Satisfaction: The International Rolling Stones Tribute Show 9 p.m. Saturday. Aura, 121 Center St., Portland, $15, $25.50, 18-plus.

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The Prince/Bowie tribute act performing live. Photo by Tammie Birdwell

David Bowie and Prince died within five months of each other in 2016, at the ages of 69 and 57, respectively, and their losses were felt by millions of fans around the world. Advertisement

With contributions that are impossible to quantify, both artists left behind a legacy of music that lives on through radio play, home listening and tribute shows.

Boston-based musician Eric Gould loves both artists and is the bandleader of a Prince/Bowie tribute coming to Portland on Saturday. The band is a revolving lineup of players from all over the country.

Gould plays bass and designs the setlists. For this show, the musicians are Cal Kehoe (guitar, vocals), Adrian Tramontano (drums), Sammi Garrett (percussion, vocals), Josh Schwartz (baritone sax, vocals), Rob Somerville (tenor saxophone), Rob Volo (trombone) and Kiran Edwards (keys).

Gould said that, to him, Prince embodies soul, creative arrangement and precision. “His music has the best energy and makes you feel on top of the universe.”

He described Bowie as having a voice and character that is completely unique.

“It is powerful and epic and decadent,” said Gould, who has made a career out of finding unique connections through the songbooks of artists. “It is such a treat to present music people know and love in a way that is fresh to the ears. This combination brings so much joy to everyone on and off stage.” Advertisement

Prince/Bowie 8 p.m. Saturday. Portland House of Music, 25 Temple St., Portland, $25, 21-plus.

Other upcoming tribute shows

The Peacheaters: An Allman Brothers Band Experience, Friday. Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $31 to $72.50.

Sweet Baby James: James Taylor Tribute, Saturday. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $30 to $45.

Studio Two: The Early Beatles Tribute, June 9. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $30, $35.

Magic Bus: A Tribute to The Who, June 14. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $30. Advertisement

The The Band Band, June 21. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $45, $55.

Bruce In The USA, June 21. Aura, Portland, $20 to $39.50.

Elvis Tribute Show, June 22, July 20. Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $29 to $70.

Higher Ground: A Tribute to Stevie Wonder, July 20. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $40.

Studio Two: The Early Beatles Tribute, July 6. Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $41.50 to $82.50.

Johnny Cash Tribute Show, July 7, Aug. 10.  Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $29 to $70. Advertisement

Rose Alley: A Tribute to Jerry Garcia, June 28. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $23.

Runnin’ Down A Dream: The Tom Petty Tribute Band, July 13, Nov. 14. Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $35 to $76.

The Elton John Experience, July 21. Jonathan’s, Ogunquit, $29 to $79.

Zach Nugent’s Dead Set, Aug. 1. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $25.

The Stray Horses, Aug. 8. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $25.

Wake Up Mama: The Allman Brothers Tribute Band, Aug. 24. Vinegar Hill Music Theatre, Arundel, $25.

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  1. Seven World History Field Trip Ideas • iHomeschool Network

    history school trip ideas

  2. History Field Trip Ideas

    history school trip ideas

  3. History school trip ideas

    history school trip ideas

  4. 22 AWESOME Homeschool History Field Trips

    history school trip ideas

  5. Top 5 School Trip Ideas for Primary

    history school trip ideas

  6. History School Trip Ideas for Primary and Secondary Schools

    history school trip ideas


  1. Our 1st and Last college Trip ✨Part 2✨

  2. Jamwest School Trip Time

  3. ESSAY ON A School Excursion

  4. whale watching school trip #shorts New Jersey

  5. Book of Mormon Come Follow Me (Mosiah 18-24) THE UNCOMMON PATH (May 20-26)

  6. School Trips: Treetop Nets adventure in the high trees


  1. 24 American History Field Trip Sites

    Here is a list of 24 American History Field Trip Sites that you and your students will love visiting. Note: Due to the fallout from Covid, most of these sites are functioning differently which can entail complications. If it is easier for your family to stay home, most websites offer virtual tours, lectures, and exhibits.

  2. 20 Best School Trip Ideas for Transformative Learning Experiences

    Science Museums. Taking a trip to a science museum ranks among the most exceptional school trip ideas, for students of any age. These museums provide an immersive environment where students not only encounter captivating scientific phenomena but also develop a heightened curiosity and appetite for scientific knowledge.

  3. History school trips

    History school trips can be tailor-made according to your group's needs and you can spend as much or as little time as you need on the site. Narrow your focus. When browsing school trip ideas , consider the topic you want to cover and how a visit to the site will benefit your students and their understanding of it.

  4. School trips

    History school trips Historic Royal Palaces. ... Browse hundreds of school trip ideas Check out our directory where you can browse venues and filter them via trip type, subject, location and more. Council for Learning Outside the Classroom CLOtC's website is a trove of information, inspiration, resources and training, including details on how ...

  5. History School Trip Ideas

    History School Trip Ideas History is one of the most valuable areas of the curriculum, in which students can explore the past and discover what has created the world we live in today. One of the great things about history is its diversity, allowing pupils to pursue specific areas that particularly interest them.

  6. History School Trips

    Everything you need to plan your next History School Trip, Educational Visit or Field Trip. Includes Topics, Resources, Workshops, Activities and more! Plan a School Trip. Find a Workshop. ... Looking for all our school trip ideas? Click the button below to see all our school trips in all locations, key stages, topics & subjects. See all trips.

  7. 9 Cultural History Museums to Visit on Your Next School Field Trip

    Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum. Located in a restored 1903 courthouse, the Colorado Springs Pioneer Museum shares the cultural history of the Pikes Peak region. Recipient of the Certificate of Excellence from TripAdvisor and with over 60,000 objects in its collection, the museum is fitting for any school trip.

  8. Using Field Trips to Teach Local History

    Using Field Trips to Enliven Local History Classes. These ideas for high school field trips teach students about the history of their community in ways that connect to the curriculum. By Benjamin Barbour. November 21, 2023. Marc Dufresne / iStock. The internet and social media allow classrooms to follow newsworthy events around the world, often ...

  9. History school trip ideas

    An educational school trip which focuses on history can support their understanding of past events, including when and why they happened, as well as piquing pupils' curiosity and sparking their interest in the subject. School trips for primary make history come alive - rather than facts and figures or dates and names on pages, it becomes ...

  10. History school trips

    Planning your school history trip. Preparation. When researching school trip ideas, read background information on the subject/location and where possible do a planning visit to familiarise yourself and address the issues below. Discuss the topic in a familiar environment before your visit to ensure students know what to expect. Environment

  11. History School Trips

    You'll earn loyalty points from your very first school trip with Halsbury. These can be used towards a discount on your school trip or a free gift for your school. Explore our loyalty scheme. Request a quote. Halsbury Travel's tailor-made history school trips include WW1 battlefield tours, visits to Auschwitz and Berlin, and even Vietnam!

  12. Top 12 Educational School Trip Ideas for Student Success

    Idea 4: Farm Visits. Educational trips for students, especially younger children, demand simplicity and fun learning. They barely understand the history of exploring around the museums. Here, a fun farm visit is both exciting and educational! Farms are perfect for exploring nature closely.

  13. History School Trips

    History school trips. Our history school trips have been designed to help students develop an understanding and appreciation for the events that have shaped history and the modern world. From ancient civilisations to pivotal events throughout the 20 th century our history tours can be tailor-made to support classroom-based learning.

  14. 8 school trip ideas to inspire pupils with British history

    Source: Pizko Studio & Visit Canterbury. Uncover history with your pupils at the iconic Canterbury Cathedral. 5. Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. The Mary Rose museum, HMS Victory and HMS Warrior are all waiting to be explored at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, allowing students to step aboard and relive history.

  15. Top 20 School Trip Ideas

    School Trip Idea 1: Local Museums. A day spent exploring a local history museum, art museum, science centre, or planetarium can be both educational and fun. Students can learn about different cultures and periods, as well as gain an appreciation for the work of artists and scientists past and present.

  16. History School Educational Trips & Tours

    At the centre of landmark historical events in the 20th Century, Berlin is a popular trip for teachers looking to provide students with a learning experience that complements their studies on the World Wars, Nazi Germany, and the Cold War. Browse our history school trips to Berlin. Germany 1918 to 1945.

  17. History School Trips

    Whether you are bringing your class for a reward trip, focussed learning day or a mixture of the both, Paultons Park is the ideal venue. Romsey. Save. Load More. 10. 6. 12. History school trip ideas for teachers planning primary school trips and educational visits.

  18. New York City History Trips

    New York City history trips will create lifelong memories for your students. Educational Destinations offers a variety of New York City history trip opportunities. If your students are ready to learn what is Broadway's longest running show, how much the Dutch paid for the land that NYC resides, or how New York City was the first capital of ...

  19. History School Trip Ideas for Primary and Secondary Schools

    History School Trip Ideas History is one of the most valuable areas of the curriculum, in which students can explore the past and discover what has created the world we live in today. One of the great things about history is its diversity, allowing pupils to pursue specific areas that particularly interest them.

  20. History School Trips

    Aylmerton Outdoor Education Centre. School Trip East of England. Subjects: Geography, Physical Geography, Environmental Geography, Fieldstudies, History, Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Victorian, Twentieth Century, Physical Education, SEN. We are an independent centre in beautiful North Norfolk, run by qualified teachers and experienced instructors.

  21. History school trip ideas

    Blists Hill Victorian Town. Legges Way, Madeley, Telford, Shropshire TF7 5UD. 01952 433 424. Visit Blists Hill Victorian Town website for schools. School visit information displayed was correct at the time of publishing. Please check with the venue on their latest educational itinerary for your class visit.

  22. School History Trips to study The Victorians

    A time of prosperity and growth. The Victorian period lasted from 1837 until 1901; the date upon which Queen Victoria I ascended the throne until the time of her death. This period was relatively peaceful and saw the country continue to prosper economically from the Industrial Revolution. The absence of famines or epidemics, improvements in ...

  23. History school trip ideas

    Audley End House. Audley End Road, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4JF. 0370 333 0606. Visit Audley End House website for schools. School visit information displayed was correct at the time of publishing. Please check with the venue on their latest educational itinerary for your class visit.

  24. National Forecast Maps

    National Weather Maps. Surface Analysis. Highs, lows, fronts, troughs, outflow boundaries, squall lines, drylines for much of North America, the Western Atlantic and Eastern Pacific oceans, and the Gulf of Mexico.

  25. Fear you'll never hear your favorite band live? These Maine tribute

    As for Warner's favorite "Seventeen Seconds" tracks, he said, "I really like 'At Night' for its dynamic potential, and the edgy and angsty 'M.'"