How to Begin Your Self-Discovery Journey: 16 Best Questions


As part of this process, we must not only search to determine what constitutes our true selves, but let go of objects of identification we’ve long mistaken for ourselves, requiring a balance of introspection and new experiences.

So let’s set sail.

In this article, we’ll give you a range of powerful questions to help you along your journey of self-discovery and point you toward further reading and resources.

Before you continue, you might like to download our three Meaning and Valued Living Exercises for free . These creative, science-based exercises will help you learn more about your values, motivations, and goals and will give you the tools to inspire a sense of meaning in the lives of your clients, students, or employees.

This Article Contains:

What is self-discovery according to psychology, fostering self-discovery skills: 10 examples & tips, why is the process important, a look at self-discovery coaching, 3 exercises, games, and activities for adults, best worksheets and journal prompts, 16 questions to ask yourself or your clients, helpful books & apps for your journey, tools from, a take-home message.

Drawing often from the field of philosophy , psychologists point to the illumination of our daimon (or ‘true self’) as the ultimate goal of self-discovery.

Formally defined, this true self is

“the central inner force common to all human beings and yet unique to each, which is the deep source of growth… [that is] free, healthy development in accordance with the potentials of one’s generic and individual nature.”

Horney, 1950, p. 17

As part of the process of searching for our true selves, we are ultimately working to identify three things (Waterman, 2011):

  • Personal potentials
  • Our purposes for living
  • Opportunities to act upon those potentials and purposes in living

The search for our true selves, therefore:

“refers to those processes, both intuitive and reasoned, by which those [personal, purpose-related] potentials are discovered and come to attain the status of personally concordant goals that are to be actualized.”

Waterman, 2011, p. 360

According to this view, a person’s true self essentially lies beneath the surface, and our task is to find, recognize, or understand that which already exists. Once you have, you can then make choices about your life and identity that are more consistent with this self-knowledge (Waterman, 2011).

Self-discovery support

Seek a supportive atmosphere

The more time we spend in the presence of supportive family, friends, lovers, and communities , the sooner we will be likely to discover our true nature. This is because warm and encouraging atmospheres facilitate feelings of inner security while providing the freedom to have our own feelings and thoughts (Horney, 1950).

To this end, here are some ideas to consider:

  • Seek quiet spaces and time out to facilitate reflection or journaling .
  • Join a social group whose interests and passions align with your own, such as a painting, writing, or poetry group.
  • Find a coach or therapist for a safe space to pursue self-discovery.
  • Set boundaries with people who discourage your individuality, negatively affect your emotions, or put you down.
  • Seek the company of people who inspire you, make you feel positive, and challenge your perception of yourself.

Identify your drifts

Pay close attention to the things you naturally love doing, or drifts, particularly those that are personally expressive . By paying attention to the subconscious pull of these activities, you can allow them to guide you toward your true self, stemming from your genetic makeup, upbringing, and experiences (Pagedar, 2021).

  • Our drifts tend to emerge when the mind is still, so try selecting a quiet day to do some meditation or practice some relaxation techniques.
  • Try to notice activities that cause you to slip into the state of flow , as these often point us toward our drifts.
  • Consider which activities you possess a natural aptitude or talent for, perhaps using a strengths-finding exercise .
  • Think about which activities you find intrinsically motivating . These are the activities you would undertake in the absence of external rewards, such as money or the approval of others.
  • Notice times when you feel a strong sense of personal responsibility to do something or have a unique vision about how something should be carried out.

3 meaning valued living exercises

Download 3 Meaning & Valued Living Exercises (PDF)

These detailed, science-based exercises will equip you or your clients with tools to find meaning in life help and pursue directions that are in alignment with values.

Download 3 Free Meaning Tools Pack (PDF)

By filling out your name and email address below.

To understand why self-discovery is so important, we must consider the consequences of failing to identify our true selves.

According to Horney (1950), when a person experiences a large discrepancy between their lived and real selves, they are likely to experience a sense of alienation from themselves. This remains true even if the person is successful in their activities and receives external rewards.

Such a person may often notice themselves wondering, “ Why am I doing this when it’s not who I really am? ” The consequence is a feeling of guilt or dissatisfaction if we fail to live up to an idealized version of ourselves that we cannot be.

Besides this negative emotional toll, the problem with pursuing such an ideal is that it will be rooted in externally derived standards of worth.

To illustrate, here are some examples:

  • A student feels pressure from their parents to pursue a prestigious career in law, even though this line of work does not inspire them.
  • A famous musician has mistaken their true self with their like of the status, prestige, and social validation they receive while performing.
  • A woman’s family talks her into finding a husband and settling down when she’d rather travel the world with her friends.
  • A son feels obligated to take over the family business when he’d prefer to start his own venture.

When we cannot live in alignment with our true selves, we must spend energy attempting to deny and distort our experiences to make sense of a pervasive lack of happiness and personal fulfillment. This ongoing effort can go so far as to produce psychological states and conditions such as depression (Waterman et al., 2010).

This is why self-discovery is so important.

Our goal in life should not be to pursue imagined or externally derived ideals, but rather to develop a more realistic understanding of our strengths and limitations. By doing so, we can avoid negative psychological states and self-actualize , feel contentment, and make better contributions to the world.

Self-discovery coaching

A growing trend in coaching, self-discovery coaching is about looking beyond specific goal pursuits (e.g., “I want to improve my self-esteem ”) to discover how we can live authentically and be truly happy .

Self-discovery coaching has many components, including (Elevate Life Project, n.d.):

  • Exploring your values to live in congruence with what’s most important to you
  • Discovering grounded confidence, centeredness, and strength
  • Identifying your abilities for making easier decisions

The role of a self-discovery coach in this process is to act as co-pilot on a client’s journey toward authentic fulfillment by challenging them, imbuing them with courage, and showing compassion.

If you or your clients are looking to set off on a self-discovery journey, consider the following fun and insightful activities to get you started.

This exercise is a useful starting point for viewing yourself clearly in terms of values, beliefs, and more. The exercise guides users through a two-step process of considering themselves from the perspective of others, followed by a consideration of their self-perceptions at different times in their life.

Spontaneous collage

Collage is a fun and cathartic method of self-discovery that helps people bypass the socially protective aspects of the mind and reveal aspects of their authentic self. Best of all, no previous art experience is required.

For a great resource, check out Shelley Klammer’s 12-week online course and check out the #collageforselfdiscovery hashtag on Instagram to get inspired by others’ collages.

Kokology: The Game of Self-Discovery

Created by famous Japanese psychologists Tadahiko Nagao and Isamu Saito, kokology , the study of kokoro (“mind” or “spirit” in Japanese), is a fun and sometimes hilarious game for learning about yourself.

The game invites players to answer questions about seemingly innocent topics, such as the color of an imaginary bird that has flown in their window, to reveal profound insights in their answers.

Self-discovery journaling

Journaling and worksheets can both be hugely helpful for this purpose.

To help, look at some of the following free resources from our site:

  • Self-Awareness Worksheet for Adults This worksheet poses a series of 15 questions to help you discover more about your true self. Specifically, the questions tap into topics such as your talents/strengths, values, and barriers to living more authentically.
  • What Are My Qualities and Traits? This worksheet invites you to identify your top five and weakest two qualities from a list of 100 strengths. It then invites you to consider how you might shape, develop, and use your toolkit of identified strengths to better your life.
  • Reflecting on Three Things This worksheet invites you to explore what defines who you are. These reflections can include statements, objects, roles in life, people you admire, and ambitions.

If you’re more into journaling, see if any of the following prompts might inspire some of your upcoming entries (Hollis, 2019):

  • What things have you been doing lately that may be positively or negatively affecting your mental health ?
  • What ways can you touch or move your body that makes you feel good?
  • If you could spend the day doing anything, what would you do?
  • How do you show love to other people?
  • What are some things about you that you wish other people knew?

How to discover your authentic self – at any age – Bevy Smith

For more ways to get started on your journey of self-inquiry, consider the following questions, drawn from leading books designed to guide you toward self-discovery (see Helpful Books & Apps for Your Journey ):

Mindful self-discovery questions

  • What’s going on inside your body at the moment (e.g., sensations, flows of energy)?
  • Is there joy, ease, and lightness in what you are doing at the present moment?
  • Do you really have any problems right now in this present moment ?
  • Is there anything you can do to change, improve, or remove yourself from a present dissatisfactory situation? If not, how can you move toward accepting your present circumstances?

Exploring values

  • What are your top five personal and professional values?
  • How are you living outside your values?
  • In what areas do you feel a personal sense of responsibility to better the world?
  • How are you living outside of your integrity?

Questions about fear and courage

  • What do you fear the most?
  • What fears have actually come true in your life?
  • What would happen if you treated the actions you fear as an experiment?
  • For which pending decision could you use 10% more courage?

Considering worthwhile experiences

  • What has made your childhood worthwhile?
  • What lessons did you learn last week?
  • What makes life worthwhile for you?
  • What trip have you always wanted to take, and how could you make this trip happen?

More questions for self-discovery

For even more powerful coaching questions, be sure to check out some of the dedicated articles throughout our blog:

  • 73 Powerful Coaching Questions to Ask Your Clients
  • 100 Most Powerful Life Coaching Questions [+PDF]
  • Self-Coaching Model Explained: 56 Questions & Techniques for Self-Mastery

Here are some of our favorite books and apps to support greater self-insight and discovery.

1. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment – Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now

A critical first step toward greater self-insight involves ceasing to confuse your true self with the endless stream of thoughts flowing through your mind.

The bestselling book The Power of Now  takes readers on a journey to find their deepest self through the lens of mindfulness and spirituality.

The book guides the reader through steps to help recognize and free themselves from ego in the form of defense mechanisms, automatic negative habits, and over-identification with thought. From here, readers can then discover their true nature and lasting contentment, rooted in the present moment.

Find the book on Amazon .

2. Self-Discovery Questions: 155 Breakthrough Questions to Accelerate Massive Action – Barrie Davenport

Self-Discovery Questions

Not all of us have the resources to employ a self-discovery coach, making it all the more important to know what questions to ask on your self-discovery journey.

Barrie Davenport’s book of 155 powerful questions is a perfect companion for self-reflection and journaling, helping readers become less reactive and take charge of their lives and destiny.

Once you become acquainted with your answers, you can strengthen self-awareness , break out of automatic patterns, and feel empowered to make positive new life changes.

3. The 365 Self-Discovery Journal: One Year of Reflection & Development – Created by 21 Exercises

The 365 Self-Discovery Journal

Journaling remains one of the best ways to pursue self-discovery and greater self-insight (Charles, 2010).

This book provides journal lovers with a year’s worth of challenging and original questions to guide self-discovery.

By combining each prompt with thought-provoking poems and quotes, this book is an excellent tool to help steadily expand the reader’s comfort zone and curiosity across domains ranging from career and finances to love and relationships.

4. The Quenza app

Quenza Telepsychology Example

Quenza was designed by our very own team as a one-stop resource for coaches and psychologists wishing to remotely support their clients’ self-inquiry between scheduled sessions.

The app links with an online dashboard and growing library of science-backed activities you can customize and send directly to your clients’ smart devices, including audio meditations, guided visualizations, and many thought-provoking reflections.

Try the app, platform, and entire library of pre-built activities for 30 days for just $1.

5. The Waking Up app

Waking Up

While Western takes on meditation tend to emphasize health and stress reduction, there is much more we can discover about ourselves through this powerful practice.

Waking Up , developed by philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris, features a rich array of audio-based meditations, exercises, and conversations with leading experts and teachers to help you make profound discoveries about the nature of your own mind.

This app is a top-rated resource for those seeking to dismantle illusions of the self and rediscover their true nature and purpose.

6. The Reflectly app


With the growing recognition of journaling as a tool for self-insight, new technologies are emerging to support this powerful practice.

Reflectly is a modern journaling app for self-care and greater happiness. Drawing on evidence-based approaches from positive psychology, mindfulness, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, this app serves as an AI companion to help you manage negative thoughts and find greater happiness.

Among its personalized functions, the app includes daily quotes, a mood tracker , and personalized insights via its reporting features.

Throughout this post, we’ve discussed the importance of clarifying values to better understand what brings meaning throughout one’s journey of self-discovery. To this end, we invite you to check out our free Meaning & Valued Living Exercises Pack .

This pack features three of our top tools from the Positive Psychology Toolkit©, all of which center on the theme of values-based living:

  • The Top 5 Values This exercise draws on key principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to help clients begin brainstorming their values. Following this, clients will then prioritize these values in a list to identify those most central to who they are.
  • Self-Eulogy This exercise invites clients to consider how they’d like to be remembered at their funeral as a means to identify and clarify values. Based on this, they can then consider how well they are living in alignment with these values.
  • The Scoreboard Metaphor This exercise helps clients recognize how to enact their values through goal-setting. In particular, it draws on the metaphor of a basketball game to illustrate how living into one’s values is an ongoing process and that the paths by which we pursue our goals are opportunities to enact our values in daily life.

You can access all three exercises for free by downloading our Meaning & Valued Living Exercises Pack .

If you’re looking for more science-based ways to help others discover meaning, this collection contains 17 validated meaning tools for practitioners. Use them to help others choose directions for their lives in alignment with what is truly important to them.

on a self discovery journey

17 Tools To Encourage Meaningful, Value-Aligned Living

This 17 Meaning & Valued Living Exercises [PDF] pack contains our best exercises for helping others discover their purpose and live more fulfilling, value-aligned lives.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

Self-discovery is an ongoing process of stripping away that which is unimportant, reviewing our core values, and seeking to live in greater alignment with these inner truths.

Importantly, anyone can take steps toward greater self-knowledge . All that’s required is an attitude of curiosity and regular time out for meditation, reflection, or self-questioning.

We hope this article has left you feeling equipped for your journey of self-discovery, and if you decide to try out any of the tools or exercises we’ve explored, be sure to let us know in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Meaning and Valued Living Exercises for free .

  • 21 Exercises. (2018).  The 365 self-discovery journal: One year of reflection & development.  Author.
  • Charles, J. P. (2010). Journaling: Creating space for “I”. Creative Nursing , 16 (4), 180–184.
  • Davenport, B. (2015).  Self-discovery questions: 155 Breakthrough questions to accelerate massive action.  Bold Living Press.
  • Elevate Life Project. (n.d.). Self discovery coaching . Retrieved October 11, 2021 from
  • Hollis, B. (2019, July 16). Who am I? Journaling prompts for self-discovery and self-reflection. Learning to Be Free . Retrieved October 11, 2021 from
  • Horney, K. (1950). Neurosis and human growth: The struggle toward self-realization . Norton.
  • Pagedar, A. (2021). Finding awareness: The journey of self-discovery . Author.
  • Tolle, E. (2004).  The power of now: A guide to spiritual enlightenment.  New World Library.
  • Waterman, A. S. (2011). Eudaimonic identity theory: Identity as self-discovery. In S. Schwartz, K. Luyckx, & V. Vignoles (Eds.), Handbook of identity theory and research (pp. 357–379). Springer.
  • Waterman, A. S., Schwartz, S. J., Zamboanga, B. L., Ravert, R. D., Williams, M. K., Bede Agocha, V., … Brent Donnellan, M. (2010). The Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-Being: Psychometric properties, demographic comparisons, and evidence of validity. The Journal of Positive Psychology , 5 (1), 41–61.

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What our readers think.


This is a great article for self-discovery, I recommend it to all, it’s a must read for the young minds.


Thanks to a great counselor. I appreciate your encouragement and efforts that have served as an eyes opener to self discovery and other resources that is helpful.

Morning Upgrade

You have some great resources listed here in this article. Thanks for the great read! -Ryan

Koot van Nieuwholtz

Appreciated, Nicole, for insight well done to start kicking where need be. Keep up te good work!

Linda Berlach

Thanks Nicole. I will explore some of the resources which sounds great. I work with medical students, some of whom are at the very beginning of learning reflective approaches to enhance their self knowledge. The challenge is always to find a variety of ways to promote engagement. You have given me some helpful ideas.

James Fox

Thank You Dr, Nicole.

I have left you a message on LinkedIn.

Radha Ganesh

Thank you so much for this wonderful article. Very useful and helps in the journey of self awareness and so helpful to the therapist and counselors who are using these resources to support clients. Heartfelt thanks and gratitude for all the resources that benefit the clients and counselors who otherwise would not be able to access such great quality articles and resources. Thank you. As a counselor who is doing a lot of free counseling these resources and articles are so helpful, cause I cannot afford them otherwise. Thanks for supporting the counselors and therapist and clients who ultimately benefit.

Oliver Tian

Thanks, Nicole … you shared a very interesting set of perspective.

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insideout mastery create a life you love

Insideout Mastery

Create a Life You Love

Self-Discovery Journey: 17 Best Ways to Get Started

October 3, 2023 by Mick

Do you feel disconnected between how you show up in the world and your inner experiences? And do you struggle to find out who you are and what you’re meant to do in this world?

You’re not alone.

For the longest time, I felt the same way.

And I was looking externally for answers. I thought that getting rich, having a girlfriend, and accumulating more friends would make me happier.

But I was wrong.

Instead, I had to search within first. 

Embarking on a self-discovery journey provides answers.

Self-insight leads to clarity and inner harmony.

Your life’s quality increases when you align your actions with your personality, core values, needs, and strengths. Every aspect of your life becomes more meaningful when you pursue what matters most to you.

The self-discovery process is key to success and fulfillment.

So, let’s take a step back from the hustle and bustle of life. It’s time to explore your essence to unravel your most authentic self .

Let’s dive in!

What is self-discovery?

Why is it important to discover yourself.

  • The 2-step self-discovery process

How to start your self-discovery journey?

This post contains affiliate links, so if you buy something through my link, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Note that I only endorse products that I’ve personally bought and enjoyed

Self-discovery is a lifelong process of learning who you are, what you want, and why it all matters to you.

What is self-discovery

This includes many aspects like your values, beliefs, desires, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, passions, purpose, and more.

But why care about self-discovery?

The self-discovery journey leads to self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and a clearer understanding of your life’s path. And aligning your actions and behavior with your true self leads to more meaning, fulfillment, and joy.

Here’s why you should embark on self-exploration:

  • Authenticity : Discovering yourself reduces the need for external validation and leads to congruent decisions, actions, and behavior.
  • Self-awareness : Recognizing triggers and behavioral patterns allows you to respond to life’s challenges more effectively.
  • Personal growth : Self-discovery allows you to better navigate your strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to reach your full potential.
  • Fulfillment : Pursuing activities, relationships, and career paths that align with your passions and values increases life satisfaction.
  • Self-confidence : Unraveling your strengths, values, and passions fosters self-belief in your ability to navigate life’s challenges.
  • Purpose and meaning : Doing what matters most allows you to find deeper meaning in your actions and contributions.
  • Healthy relationships: Understanding your communication style, needs, and boundaries sets the basis for effective communication and better relationships.

Self-discovery enables you to reinvent yourself and live a more intentional life. Let’s find out how you can make it happen.

2-Step self-discovery process

There are 2 general steps to the self-discovery process:

  • Take action : Try something new and explore interests and ideas.
  • Self-reflection : Reflect on your actions, behavior, feelings, and emotions to learn about your needs, preferences, and styles. Here’s an extensive list of questions to ask yourself .

Repeating those two steps leads to deeper self-understanding.

And if you do something related to each step every week, just imagine how much you’ll learn about yourself over the course of a year.

2-Step self-discovery process

Now, let’s uncover…

Most people do one of three things:

  • They take consistent action but rarely reflect.
  • They reflect often but rarely try something new.
  • Or they neither reflect nor take consistent action.

What most fail to realize is that self-discovery requires consistent action and continuous reflection. These two steps are essential if you want to discover yourself fast.  

The next section provides ideas. Develop good habits or a daily routine around a few of those items to promote consistency.

Now let’s get started:

#1: Map your archetype

Trying to be like someone else is a recipe for disaster. And exploring your inner world is the only way to live a truly fulfilling life. 

It took some time for me to understand that.

My extroverted friends got all the girls at school, whereas I struggled with introversion.

But being an introvert wasn’t my problem.

Instead, I was trying to be like my extroverted friends. I felt fake and inauthentic. And the girls smelled it from miles away.

I kept struggling with myself until I discovered my strengths as an introvert. Rather than trying to be the life of the party, I had to learn to be myself. And to have fun in my own way.

That’s sexy.

And not just in relationships – but in all areas of life.

You must understand who you are and what makes you tick to design your best life.

So what helped me to get unstuck after years of frustration? 

I learned about myself through the best personality tests . These insights changed everything. And that’s why they’re my most recommended tool for people who’re just starting their self-discovery journey.

Here are my favorite options from Truity :

  • 16 Personalities Test
  • Enneagram Test
  • Big 5 Personality Test

Once you’ve mapped your personality traits, it’s time to…

#2: Discover your superpowers

You excel in life when you work from personal strengths .

Of course, you should upgrade any weaknesses that interfere with your work and personal life. But for the most part, you’ll experience more joy and achieve better results when you lead with your superpowers.

Here are some questions to find out what you’re good at :

  • What do you happily spend money on?
  • What did you achieve, and how?
  • What provides you joy?
  • What gives you energy?
  • And what compliments do you get often?

Use these questions to brainstorm. In addition, you can conduct a personal SWOT analysis . And then supplement your findings with a strengths test to gain a different perspective, such as the HIGH5 Test .

#3: Unravel your personal core values

Your personal values serve as the governing rules of your life. 

You feel congruent when you make decisions and take actions that align with your core values.  

And you’ll feel disconnected when there’s a mismatch.

Mapping your values can explain your emotions, feelings, and behaviors in certain situations. It helps you navigate challenges. And it guides your decision-making processes.

Below are some questions to unravel your values:

  • What do you value most in life?
  • When do you feel happy and most fulfilled?
  • What areas of your life do you value the most and why?
  • Who inspires you, and which of their traits inspire you the most?
  • Finally, select what resonates from this list of core values .

Brainstorm a list of all the values that come to mind. 

Then, delete the least important values until a top 10 remains. Finally, prioritize these 10 from high to low.

Consult your top three to five values often to live congruently.

#4: Make a list of interests

Unraveling your personality traits, strengths, and values is a great first step on your journey of self-discovery.

And I hope you did the exercises.

The next step is to list your interests. 

What would you like to explore?

Write down everything that comes to mind. 

This is your mini-bucket list, something to try at least once.

Create your bucket list

Here are some questions to inspire your list:

  • What piques your interest already?
  • What are potential passions you want to explore?
  • What topics would you want to read a book about?
  • What new skills do you want to learn ?
  • What outdoor activities do you want to try out?
  • What sports have you never done before?
  • What new hobbies would you like to explore?
  • What instruments would you like to play?
  • What places would you love to visit?

Trying new stuff makes life more fun. It also teaches you a ton about yourself. And you might just stumble upon a new passion or career path like me.

Once you’ve got an extensive list, it’s time to…

#5: Create personal quests

Personal quests are your life goals .

And perhaps you already set personal goals . But if not, pick the most appealing items from your list of interests.

What would you like to explore first?

For example, say you want to travel through South America for a few months. And you want to learn Spanish in the next 2 months.

And perhaps you want to find meaningful work after your travels. So you decide that you’ll spend 6 months learning a high-income skill when you get back.

Now, you’ve already got a year’s worth of personal quests.

Even if you’re unsure about your long-term plans, you should set short-term goals and get moving. 

That’s much better than dabbling or waiting around.

For starters, setting and achieving goals is a cure for boredom. But remember that taking action is what provides self-knowledge and insights, enabling you to set better and more meaningful goals.

Some questions to clarify your options:

  • What skills would you like to master?
  • What do you want to become an expert in?
  • If money was no issue, what would you do?
  • What would you like to achieve in life?
  • How would you like to make a difference in the world ?
  • What experiences would you like to accumulate?
  • What places would you like to travel to?
  • And what does your ideal self look like?

Write down everything that comes to mind.

And don’t forget to…

#6: Embark on a solo adventure

Backpacking by myself through Australia was one of the greatest catalysts for self-exploration. 

Create your personal quests

Solo adventures accelerate personal growth, independence, and self-awareness. Besides learning about yourself, you’ll learn a lot about others and the world around you too.

Backpacking was the best decision I ever made.

But you don’t have to travel for months. 

Consider these solo adventures:

  • Go on a hike by yourself
  • Do a floatation tank session
  • Go to a wellness center for the day
  • Enjoy a holiday abroad by yourself
  • Visit a silence retreat for a few days
  • Make a little road trip by yourself
  • Or travel alone for extended periods

Traveling alone can feel awkward and scary. But discomfort is okay. In fact, pursuing discomfort is the catalyst for personal growth. 

And there’s nothing wrong with a solo adventure. 

Quite the contrary.

You’ll unlock your greatness when you…

#7: Embrace solitude

There’s great power in silence.

But in a world that glorifies extroverted traits and constant connectivity, solitude may seem intimidating. 

Yet, moments of aloneness are essential to turn inward. Tune out of external distractions to deepen the connection with yourself. 

Solitude is the secret sauce to connect with your inner self.

Many successful people embrace periods of solitude for deep thinking and self-reflection. Think about Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, J.K. Rowling, Mahatma Gandhi, and many more.

And there are many ways to embrace solitude.

Going on a solo adventure is an excellent option. But also consider the following practices and habits:

  • Deep breathing
  • Walking in nature
  • Riding your bike
  • Creative thinking
  • Observing sunrise or sunset
  • Engaging in creative acts
  • Reflecting on your goals
  • Disconnecting from technology

Schedule time for solitude. Although it may feel uncomfortable initially, exploring your inner world can lead to long-term success and happiness.

Appreciate and enjoy periods of solitude

But you can also take a different approach and…

#8: Volunteer somewhere

Volunteering can lead to self-awareness while positively impacting others and the community. It exposes you to different perspectives and viewpoints you might never consider on your own. 

It also provides a sense of purpose. And you’ll undoubtedly meet some amazing people in the process.

Here are some volunteering ideas:

  • Environmental conservation such as community clean-up projects. 
  • Mentor or tutor (unprivileged) others and share your knowledge.
  • Care for animals in need of love and attention in animal shelters.
  • Help organize charity events, fundraisers, or community gatherings.
  • Provide support and resources at homeless shelters.
  • Organize or assist in creative workshops.
  • Spend time with seniors at nursing homes.
  • Volunteer at hospitals or healthcare centers.
  • Get involved with organizations supporting social causes. 
  • Join disaster relief teams or organizations to assist communities affected by natural disasters.

There are many more volunteering opportunities. Perhaps your work has connections to volunteering organizations too.

Try it out and reflect on your experience.

#9: Start a writing practice

Something happens in the brain when we write. 

The art of writing stuff down provides greater clarity – especially when you write with pen and paper. Having a writing practice is a transformative way to promote self-discovery for many people. 

And yet again, there are many different options:

  • Keep a journal to explore your thoughts, fears, and reflections. 
  • Daily goal-setting to create clarity and maintain focus.
  • Keep a gratitude journal to appreciate the little things in life.
  • Try creative writing , such as poetry, short stories, or fiction.
  • Write letters to yourself, others, or your future self.
  • Use mind-mapping techniques to organize thoughts and ideas.
  • Compose a personal manifesto that outlines your core principles.
  • Reflect on significant events or milestones in your life.
  • Rewrite your story by crafting the perfect next chapter of your life.
  • Write Morning Pages , a concept from The Artist’s Way . Write three pages of free-flowing thoughts every morning.

Putting thoughts into words clarifies your emotions, feelings, beliefs, needs, goals, and aspirations.

If you need some help, you can…

#10: Use self-reflection cards

Do you lack the inspiration to sit down and journal? If so, you might enjoy daily journaling prompts to get you started. Use these reflection cards to tap into the benefits of journaling .

Self-reflection cards for introspection

Grab a new card each day and answer the question.

You can answer it out loud. 

But again, there’s magic in writing stuff down. Writing slows your thought process, forcing you to sit with each thought a little longer.

These unique questions help you to think about different aspects of your life. And they also encourage you to ask the hard questions.

So definitely try this tool on your journey of self-discovery.

And for the dreamers…

#11: Visualize your perfect life

Visualization is a great technique to manifest success and abundance .

But it’s also very effective to explore opportunities.

Lay down and close your eyes for the next 5-15 minutes. Imagine yourself achieving and having everything your heart desires. 

  • What do you see? 
  • How do you feel?
  • And who are you with?

Then imagine that you did everything there was to do, bought everything you wanted to buy, and visited all the places you wanted to see. 

What would you do next?

Exploring your ideal life is fun, fosters a positive mental attitude , and ignites a greater sense of purpose beyond the superficial stuff.

Another idea is to go back in time and…

#12: Dig into your childhood

Your past is a goldmine for self-discovery.

It holds valuable clues to the building blocks of your identity. 

Childhood memories, experiences, and influences shape who we become as adults. And delving into your past can reveal patterns, beliefs, and values that still influence you today. 

Here’s how to revisit your earlier life:

  • Gather memory triggers such as items, photographs, old diaries, or any objects that remind you of your childhood.
  • Begin with your earliest memories and gradually work your way through various stages of childhood. Remember moments of joy, challenges, fears, and significant events.
  • Reflect on your emotions as you recall past experiences. They’re powerful indicators of what mattered to you during those times.
  • Identify influential people throughout your life and consider how they shaped your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.
  • Identify patterns in your thoughts and beliefs. And evaluate whether they still influence your actions and decisions today.
  • Journal your discoveries to record insights and realizations.

Remember that personal growth and self-discovery is the goal of exploring your childhood memories. So, make sure you celebrate positive memories and learn from any challenges.

This practice may uncover the roots of many beliefs and behaviors.

Alternatively, try…

#13: Walking meditation

Walking through nature is one of my favorite ways to become self-aware.

And I occasionally plan a long hike to connect with myself.

I’ll grab a bag, pen, and my favorite self-help journal . And I’ll pack some of my favorite snacks and drinks. Then, I’ll go far out to explore a new place on foot. 

I usually split my long walk into sessions:

  • Listening to podcasts
  • Listening to music
  • Immersing myself in nature
  • Brainstorming new ideas
  • And exploring my thoughts

Regardless of what I’m doing, thoughts and ideas always arise. And when they do, I’ll explore them or write them down to explore later. 

Feel free to give your spin to it.

But be mindful of what you do during your walk. If you listen to podcasts 100% of the time, you still distract yourself from your inner voice.

Long nature walks to gain clarity

#14: Learn new skills

Skill development is a fantastic way to make yourself more valuable and attractive to the marketplace. And the process also unlocks self-insights and new possibilities.

For example, I started my blog to crystalize my thoughts and deepen my personal growth journey. But blogging also taught me more about writing, marketing, web development, and search engine optimization (SEO).

Although I didn’t know about SEO before, I found it fascinating. 

So I quit my finance career to pursue an internship with my new long-term goal to become an SEO consultant.

And today, I’m a freelance SEO specialist. I love what I do and I’ve the freedom I always desired to work from anywhere.

All because I decided to start blogging.

Where can you start?

Here is some inspiration:

  • Brainstorm skills you already want to learn more about.
  • Browse the catalog of Udemy to explore interesting skills.
  • Explore high-income skills you can learn from home .
  • Read my list of new skills to learn at home .
  • Learn a new language with Rocket Languages .
  • Start a personal project, like a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel.
  • View the book categories on Amazon and dive into subcategories to discover new topics.

Schedule time in your week to learn a new skill or upgrade existing ones if you want to unlock your wildest dreams and aspirations.

#15: Try something new – and do so often

When was the last time you did something new?

We often are too busy or scared to try new things. And we fail to see the immense value of engaging in novel experiences.

But there are many benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone and seeking new experiences.  

Trying new things to gain self-awareness

It’ll improve your confidence, creativity, and resilience. 

And it’ll make your life much more exciting and interesting.

Finally, it boosts self-awareness.

So challenge yourself to engage in novel activities regularly.

In your downtime, you can use the following…

#16: Self-discovery questions to raise self-awareness

Our greatest gift is to wonder.

And self-questioning is an effective tool to become curious about your thoughts, feelings, needs, values, goals, and aspirations.

Here’s a list of questions to ask yourself:

  • How am I living in alignment with my core values?
  • What currently brings me the most joy and fulfillment?
  • What are the activities or environments that drain my energy?
  • How do I define success and happiness?
  • What are my biggest fears, and how do they hold me back?
  • What are the greatest obstacles that keep me from my goals?
  • Is there anything I should change about my current situation?
  • What do I like best about myself and my situation?
  • How did I cope with recent stress and challenges?
  • What activities or hobbies make me lose track of time?
  • What are some self-limiting beliefs I hold about myself?
  • How did I handle criticism and feedback from others?
  • What are patterns or recurring themes in my daily life?
  • What are my most recent accomplishments?
  • How do I want others to see me?
  • Which relationships do I want to invest more time in?
  • What are the things I need to let go of to move forward?
  • What are some past experiences that shaped who I am?
  • How do I define my identity and sense of self?
  • What do I want to learn or explore more in life?
  • What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind?
  • How do I ensure consistent personal growth?
  • What are my favorite ways to express creativity?
  • What lessons did I learn last week?
  • How did I recently take care of my physical, emotional, and mental well-being?

Frequently asking yourself these self-discovery questions fosters self-awareness , continuous self-improvement , and self-esteem .

#17: Accept yourself fully

Accepting yourself is crucial for well-being, success, and happiness.

And here’s how you can cultivate self-acceptance:

  • Treat yourself like a good friend in distress.
  • Identify and challenge negative self-limiting beliefs . Replace them with positive affirmations and constructive statements.
  • Acknowledge and celebrate your successes, no matter how small.
  • Strive for progress, not perfection.
  • Set realistic goals to gain momentum.
  • Express yourself authentically through activities you enjoy.
  • Forgive yourself for past mistakes and learn from them instead.
  • Spend more time around people who support and uplift you, rather than those who bring you down.
  • Seek support if you struggle to accept yourself. A therapist can guide you through the process and provide a fresh perspective.

Recognize that accepting yourself is an ongoing process. 

And it’s normal to have ups and downs along the way. 

So stay patient and self-compassionate. 

What’s next?

The process of self-discovery is transformative and unlocks authenticity, inner harmony, and personal fulfillment. 

Gaining deeper insights into your values, desires, and beliefs empowers you to make better decisions. And it’ll open doors to better opportunities, meaningful relationships, and a more purposeful life.

Key takeaways:

  • Self-discovery involves exploring your personality traits, strengths, values, desires, interests, purpose, feelings, emotions, and more.
  • Take consistent action and try novel things often to expand your comfort zone and uncover what you like and dislike.
  • Self-reflect often and embrace periods of solitude.

Challenge: I encourage people who are just starting to take a personality test . And if you already did then challenge yourself to do something new this week.

Also, check out the following resources to dive deeper into self-discovery and personal development:

  • The best guided journals
  • The best personality tests
  • The best books on self-awareness
  • The best books on finding your life’s purpose

Finally, are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock your true potential? Sign up for weekly insights for personal growth and living an authentic and meaningful life!

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Mick is a personal growth enthusiast and was able to use it to transform his life. He now helps others pursue their dreams, create positive change, and build better lives through self-improvement.

Scott Jeffrey

14 Powerful Self-Discovery Activities for Your Personal Journey

OVERVIEW : This comprehensive guide outlines the three stages of self-discovery as a developmental model, highlighting the common pitfalls along one’s journey and offering tools and methods for each stage.


Know thyself— the famous aphorism from Ancient Greece.

No better phrase can capture the essence of self-discovery.

Let’s dive deeper into what this aphorism means …

What is Self-Discovery?  

Self-discovery is the process of learning about and finding oneself.

There are many different facets of this discovery process. In the earlier stages, you learn about   your personality type, what you value, your strengths, weaknesses, talents, dreams, shortcomings, aspirations, and interests.

In a later stage, self-discovery is about getting to know the parts of yourself that were “disowned” in childhood, commonly called the shadow.

The process of self-discovery is a continual movement from less conscious to more conscious, from less aware to greater awareness of oneself.

Similar to the hero’s journey motif, the self-discovery journey is the path toward mature adulthood.

Self-Discovery versus Self-Development

These two concepts are intrinsically linked together.  

On its own, self-discovery is simply about revealing what’s always there: who you are on a conscious level.

Self-development is about molding and growing in various areas, including physically, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually.

Can you engage in self-discovery without self-development? Only on a very cursory level. Why?

In the act of getting to know yourself, you’re placing your attention on various aspects of your being. In doing so, development will likely take place.

Although there’s a large self-improvement industry that promotes ways of “bettering oneself,” the reality is that development is a natural process .

Early childhood trauma and conditioning hinder that process, but once it’s initiated in adulthood, it tends to take on a life of its own.  

As such, self-development is an integral part of one’s self-discovery process.

on a self discovery journey

What are the 3 Stages of Self-Discovery?

The common stages of self-discovery outlined here largely mirror the stages of human development from transpersonal psychology but in a very simplified format.

Stage 1: Discovering Your Conscious Self (Personality)

Stage 2: Exploring Your Personal Unconscious (Shadow)

Stage 3: Returning Home (The Self)

First, we’ll examine each of these stages in more detail. Then, we’ll explore the self-discovery activities commonly used at each stage.

Before we dive into these three stages, let’s examine where we start: the persona.

Stage 0: Wearing Our Social Masks

In early development, we are mostly focused on adjusting to our environments and “fitting in” at home, school, and anywhere else we find ourselves.

Our identities at this stage are largely defined by “others” in a social context. That is, our identity is mostly a series of personas (social masks) designed to help us “fit in.”

When we’re in the persona stage we’re not technically in the self-discovery process yet.

We create our personae unconsciously and subconsciously. It’s the starting point from which self-discovery can be initiated.

on a self discovery journey

Self-Discovery Stage 1: Discovering Our Conscious Personality

Stage 1 can be a fun stage for many individuals. It’s the part of self-discovery that many people associate with the term “self-discovery journey.”  

Stage 1 is marked by discovering one’s conscious personality including strengths, weaknesses, habitual patterns, drives, desires, and aspirations.

Self-discovery comes through our engagement with life. Like any good hero’s journey , life is filled with trials and tribulations. Setbacks and victories. Each experience provides a window into ourselves.

If we pay attention, we learn through our reactions and interactions with others and the world.

In this initial stage, we develop a strong curiosity about ourselves. It’s common at this stage to take a wide range of assessments.

Learning about your “personality type” is highly instructive: it highlights many of your greatest strengths and mortal weaknesses. It illuminates common behavior patterns that you may not have noticed.

You’ll discover a myriad of patterns that you spontaneously engage in without knowing why.   At this stage, you’re also likely to inquire about your core values to clarify what you stand for and what’s most important to you.

You might take up journalling, and begin capturing your big life goals, dreams, and even a vision for yourself.

This stage usually goes on for many years. In fact, many individuals never move beyond this initial stage of self-discovery.

Self-Discovery Stage 2:   Exploring Our Personal Unconscious  

The second stage of self-discovery brings you toward your inner world where the meaning of “self-discovery” vastly changes.

Stage 2 often begins either at midlife or after a major life event that rattles you to the core. This event could be a divorce, the death of someone close to you, physical illness, or some other crisis.

Psychiatrist Carl Jung often said this inward turn should happen at midlife: after you’ve built a healthy ego in the world (career, home, family, etc.). That is, the first half of life is meant to be more externally oriented while the second half is internal.  

In tribal cultures, at midlife, members of the tribe would go on extensive walkabouts or vision quests. They returned as different people, now taking up a more shamanic-type role as ritual elders of their tribe.

For us, this inward turn is more about engaging in inner work , addressing our childhood trauma, exploring our dream world, and getting to know our shadows . Here, internal observation, self-awareness , reflection, self-analysis, understanding, sensitivity, and inner honesty are required.

In stage 2 of self-discovery, we address our deep-seated internal tensions and splits within our psyche.

The self-identity that we created for ourselves in stage 1 becomes less codified and more fluid. As we move toward psychological integration, that self-identity moves further into the background.

This stage will also last many years depending on your life circumstances. For example, if you’re in midlife and still very active in the world, there may be less time available for self-reflection and inner discovery.  

self discovery quote joseph campbell

Self-Discovery Stage 3: Returning Home of the Self

In the third stage of self-discovery, an individual returns home to their Self (capital “S”).

The meaning of “self” changes greatly at this stage. The self in “self-discovery” when we set out on our path was our conscious personality. It starts to become a distant memory at this later stage.

This stage is marked by transcending an exclusive identification with the self (small “s”) and realizing one’s true Self (self-realization).

The ego we developed in the prior stages now must take a back seat so that the original Self can return.

In The Ego and the Dynamic Ground , professor of philosophy Michael Washburn called it “regression in the service of transcendence.” 

This stage requires us to strip away everything we are not so that our Original Nature can take its rightful place in the Center.  

In Taoist philosophy, they make a distinction between the conscious spirit and the Original Spirit.

The conscious spirit (ego or “acquired mind”) is what we develop in stage 1. This self-identity is a set of conditioning from the external world.

In contrast, the Original Spirit is our primordial Self that is unconditioned by the insanity of this world.

At this stage, the focus is on self-inquiry, self-observation, neutrality, stabilizing the mind, and moving toward inner stillness.  

In transpersonal psychology, they often call this stage integration . Maslow called it self-transcendence . Jung referred to it as wholeness —the final stage of individuation .  


Now, let’s review a series of self-discovery activities and exercises you might use at each stage of your personal discovery journey.

Self-Discovery Activities for Stage 1

Here are seven self-discovery activities and exercises you can use for Stage 1 of your journey:

myers-briggs assessment self-discovery activities

Myers-Brigg Personal Assessment (Common Self-Discovery Activity)

Personality Assessments

Personality assessments are one of the most common self-discovery activities most people use.

Any quality personality assessment will reveal different aspects of your personality. They can be very insightful—especially when you’re in the beginning stages of self-discovery. Three popular ones include:

  • The Enneagram
  • Human Design Engineering
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(Just do a quick search. There are many paid and free versions online.)

Values Assessment

Getting to know your core values is an essential self-discovery activity. Self-aware individuals tend to know what’s most important to them. Knowing your core values helps you make better decisions.

If you don’t know your values yet, you can go through my popular 7-Step Values Assessment .

Strengths Assessment

Getting clarity on your strengths and weaknesses is another excellent self-discovery activity..

While we learn our natural strengths and weaknesses by observing our life experiences, the VIA Character Institute offers a free survey to help you determine your strengths right away.

See my guide on authentic happiness for a primer on this topic from positive psychology.

Personal Vision Casting

A personal vision can help guide you through your self-discovery journey. It helps clarify what’s most important to you.

A compelling vision can also help you remove distractions and stay focused on your long-term self-development goals.

Get step-by-step instructions on how to craft your vision statement .

Wheel of Life Assessment

As you begin to flush out who you are and what you stand for, you’ll likely determine specific goals you have for self-development. It’s important to understand that we all have multiple lines of intelligence and areas of focus.

The Wheel of Life assessment is a good coaching tool to clarify your self-development goals for different areas of your life.

Active Journaling

Journalling can be a powerful aid in this stage and the next. A journal can be used to capture your dreams, ambitions, life lessons, and insights on the written page.

Self-Development Plan

Some individuals prefer to have more structure to help them proceed with their discovery process and self-development.

Creating even just a basic self-development plan with the data you gather above can help you reduce distractions and stay focused on your long-term objectives.

journey of self discovery jung quote

Self-Discovery Activities for Stage 2

What’s strange about Stage 2 is that it can seem like we’re going backward.

While we’re building our personalities and moving toward a vision in stage 1, in this stage, we need to take a step back and explore our past.

Getting to know our past is absolutely essential for deeper levels of self-discovery.

As such, the energetic striving we experienced in Stage 1 now gets replaced by a more self-reflective mind. We now have enough life experience behind us to observe major patterns that we couldn’t see before.

The self-discovery activities in Stage 2 different greatly from Stage 1. Overall, Stage 2 is less about tools and assessments and more about methods and exercises that support one’s inward discovery journey.

Observational Meditation

Many individuals will likely discover meditation in the first stage of their journey. However, the quality and function of meditation take on a different meaning in Stage 2.

Your journey through Stage 2 benefits from a reflective mind and a strong Inner Observer . To gain insight into one’s psyche, it helps to be able to carefully monitor one’s deepest thoughts, feelings, reactions, attitudes, moods, and impulses.

For some, developing this Inner Observer happens naturally. For others, it takes meditative training .

Shadow Work

One of the most remarkable aspects of Stage 2 is that you eventually realize that everything you built up in Stage 1 isn’t entirely accurate.

All prior personality growth and self-development were based on a sense of self (ego construct) that was never closely examined.

To function in the world in early life, we necessarily cut off and dissociate many parts of ourselves that get relegated to our personal unconscious. This creates a split in our psyche that leads to internal tension. This internal tension is the source of our moodiness, emotional instability, neurotic behaviors, and dis-ease .

Think of it like renovating an old house with lead paint. Sure you can paint over the lead with a new “eco-friendly” paint and add new furnishings, but you still have a house with lead paint.

When you reach the Inward Turn, you begin examining what’s been cut off and hidden inside of you.

Every aspect of yourself that was deemed “unacceptable” during childhood was relegated to your personal unconscious. Now, it’s time to bring the unconscious to consciousness. Shadow work becomes an indispensable self-discovery activity at this stage.

See my guide on shadow work here .

Inner Work (Active Imagination & Dream Analysis)

Getting to know your shadow is an integral part of inner work. Inner work is more of a general term for turning inward and examining aspects of one’s unconscious.

Jung used two primary methods for helping his patients harmonize the split within their psyche: dream analysis and active imagination.

Jung saw dreams as a primary means for the unconscious to speak to us—to our conscious minds. So by paying attention to our dreams, we bring to consciousness aspects of ourselves currently hidden from us.

Active imagination is another excellent self-discovery activity. It’s the process of inner dialogue with “parts” within our psyche.

The psyche is filled with a collection of semi-autonomous archetypes that constantly influence our behavior.

In the second stage of our self-discovery process, it becomes necessary to dialogue with or at least become conscious of these various subpersonalities operating within our psyche.

Trauma Release Exercises

In the course of exploring our past, we encounter numerous psychic wounds that need our attention.

Trauma plays a large role in our early development. Addressing this trauma is a necessary aspect of becoming whole.

While mental processes are useful, we also need to address the body directly where this past trauma is stored. (See Dr. Bessel van der Kolk’s The Body Keeps the Score .)

I cover the topic of trauma more deeply in this guide on repressed emotions .

There are a range of methods available to use from David Berceli’s Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) to Alexander Lowen’s Bioenergetic Analysis. All of these self-discovery activities can be highly therapeutic at this stage.

Regardless of the modalities you use for your journey, the key thing is that you release this stored trauma and build a stronger connection to your physical body. This is called body-mind integration. In No Boundary (2001), integral theorist Ken Wilber labeled it the Centaur Level .

Cultivating deeper levels of body awareness is an important, often overlooked, part of one’s journey to self-discovery and healing.

Self-Discovery Activities for Stage 3

In Stage 2, we put our house in order. The more we harmonize the opposites within us, the more internal tension we resolve. We move, slowly and patiently, from fragmentation to greater wholeness.

As this unfolds, we can hold to the Center with greater ease.

From the Center,  there’s no need to strive to become anything. Even the growth need of self-actualization begins to take a back seat.

The ego we’ve developed through the first two stages doesn’t go anywhere. But a different quality emerges from the Center. One’s true Self comes forth and gently guides us.

This stage takes us beyond Western psychology and into the realm of mysticism and sagehood .

This third stage is less about self-discovery activities and more about stabilizing one’s mind. Self-inquiry and the closer examination of one’s consciousness become more than just a daily sitting practice, but a continuous way of being.

Becoming versus Being

In the first stage of self-discovery, we’re in the process of becoming . The self-discovery activities above aid us in this developmental process.

Self-development and personal growth are integral to this stage as we do our best to cultivate healthy egos that can thrive in this crazy, chaotic world.

In developing our personalities, we are, as psychologist Abraham Maslow put it, actualizing our potential .

Some of us do this through our careers and vocations. Others do it through cultivating skills and various intelligences out of personal interest.

Eventually, however, there’s a shift in quality in one’s process of self-discovery.

The drive to “become” moves into the background while a quality of beingness wants to emerge. This represents the shift inward that marks stage 2 and reaches fruition in stage 3.

Self-Discovery Through the Three Gunas

In Yogic philosophy, they have what’s called the three gunas or qualities of consciousness:

  • Tamas : inertia, inactivity, darkness, and ignorance
  • Rajas : activity, passion, desire, energy
  • Sattva : purity, knowledge, beingness, truth

Those stuck in tamas (inertia) are unlikely to engage in their self-discovery journey. They sadly remain stuck in their personas. Self-discovery activities are likely uninteresting to them.

Stage 1 occurs when the active quality of rajas is present. Rajic energy is necessary for developing our personalities and fully engaging in life (the process of becoming).

The shift toward sattvic consciousness starts when we embrace our inner world in Stage 2. However, a sattvic state isn’t realized until we arrive home within the Self in Stage 3.

self discovery activities roadmap

Self-Discovery Activities Roadmap

7 Factors that Hijack Self-Discovery

Keep in mind that self-discovery is a natural process. Sages often refer to it as the “play of consciousness.”

However, many common factors can potentially stall our development. Maslow called this aborted self-actualization . When this occurs, the self-discovery activities we highlighted above either don’t come into play or they hold no meaning.

Let’s take a look at some internal and external factors:

Internal Factors That Can Hinder Self-Discovery

Numerous potential internal hurdles can stall self-discovery. When this occurs, one does not fully engage in self-discovery activities

Here are four potential hurdles:

Early Childhood Trauma

This is probably the most common culprit. A series of psychic scars in early childhood cause various shadow archetypes to take the helm in our conscious mind.

Childhood trauma leads to neurosis like anxiety and depression. Under these conditions, the discovery and awakening process may be thwarted. Instead, life becomes an endless struggle to meet their basic human needs and/or the pursuit of fleeting pleasures.

Trauma often triggers the puer aeternus archetype (eternal child), leading to the Peter Pan syndrome.

However, once brought to consciousness, trauma can be a catalyst for engaging in self-discovery activities.

A Fixed Mindset

Psychologist Carol Dweck’s decades of research presented in her bestseller Mindset (2007) reveals that a fixed mindset, conditioned into us in childhood, can have lasting consequences if not addressed in adulthood.

With a fixed mindset, individuals fear growth and have fundamental blocks to learning in adolescence and adulthood. In contrast, with a growth mindset , one naturally engages in self-discovery activities.

Misaligned Values of Society

The unspoken values of society include image, attractiveness, wealth, material possessions, competition, and “success.” When these are one’s ideal standards, it leads to neurotic behaviors and excessiveness (a feeling of never having enough).

In fact, many people engage in self-discovery activities when they realize how empty these societal values truly are.

As J. Krishnamurti said in Commentaries on Living :

Is society healthy, that an individual should return to it? Has not society itself helped to make the individual unhealthy? Of course, the unhealthy must be made healthy, that goes without saying; but why should the individual adjust himself to an unhealthy society? If he is healthy, he will not be a part of it. Without first questioning the health of society, what is the good of helping misfits to conform to society?

This is why it’s vital to discover your personal values . Your values will naturally help guide you toward self-discovery instead of “following the pack.”

A Strong Drive for Comfort

We all like being comfortable, but for various reasons (two of which are listed above), many individuals avoid risk while clinging to comfort. They have an unhealthy drive for safety and aversion toward growth—the exact opposite of self-actualizing individuals .

An excessive drive for comfort often degrades into addictive tendencies that result in a downward spiral. Endless distractions replace the natural drive for self-discovery activities.

External Factors That Can Hinder Self-Discovery

Here are three common external factors that cause us to withdraw from self-discovery activities:

Financial Restraints

We all have basic human needs and when we have difficulty meeting these needs, it creates a great deal of tension.

For example, how are you supposed to invest energy and attention into learning about your personality, when you’re worried about paying rent next month?

You don’t need to be affluent to pursue self-discovery, but it does help to have your “house” in order first. You just need an internal space for psychological safety where you are calm enough to pursue self-discovery activities.

An Unsafe Environment

Humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers points out in On Becoming a Person (1995) that psychological safety in our environment is an important condition for creativity and the development of positive mental health.

This lack of psychological safety can be due to an abusive relationship, socio-economic conditions, or some other factor. These days, just turn on the news: external psychological safety seems to be in short supply.

A Disempowering Peer Group

Being surrounded by destructive individuals or people with mental illness (including narcissism) can make it challenging to pursue self-development. Your peer group can act like “crabs in a bucket,” pulling you down if you try to get out.

This external factor is more of a concern at the early stages of discovery when you’re first building momentum.

When individuals first engage in self-discovery activities, for example, they often search for other like-minded individuals. Others, at least for some time, go it alone.

Self-Discovery: A Pathless Path

Ultimately, the path you take to self-discovery will be unique to you.

The above stages and self-discovery activities are mere guidelines, designed to capture the essence of the journey home.

Remember, too, that it’s normal to slide off your path at times and to experience major setbacks along the way. Tests, trials, and tribulations are a part of the journey.

As Jung often pointed out, the way is not without its dangers. As soon as you leave the conventional, ordinary world and enter the “special world,” you’re on your own. While this can be terrifying, it can also be liberating.

It’s only when you step back and view this self-discovery process from a 10,000-foot view that you can fully appreciate the play of consciousness expressing itself through a myriad of forms representing all of us. What a peculiar thing.

Travel safely. Or don’t.

Either way, stay alert.

Peak Experiences: A Complete Guide

The Four Stages of Learning Any Skill

A Practical Guide to Joseph Campbell and the Hero’s Journey

About the Author

Scott Jeffrey is the founder of CEOsage, a self-leadership resource publishing in-depth guides read by millions of self-actualizing individuals. He writes about self-development, practical psychology, Eastern philosophy, and integrated practices. For 25 years, Scott was a business coach to high-performing entrepreneurs, CEOs, and best-selling authors. He's the author of four books including Creativity Revealed .

Learn more >

Great Information! Thank YOU! BARB!

You’re most welcome, Barb.

Return to hOMe. Be Blessed.

Guía extensa, pero iluminadora. En mi caso, es un excelente enrutador, ya que me aclara situaciones que me agobian y me hacen detenerme sin rumbo definido. Esta guía me hace reflexionar y decidir qué camino debo seguir. Gracias Scott por tu valioso apoyo.

Sure thing, William.

Returning to Home and Self! The path is not without danger and suffering but it will be liberating. And I know I can do it.

Travel safety or not. Either way stay alert.

Thanks Scott a lot! Your writings and wisdom is making a lots of difference in the world, at least in my world.

Thank you for the feedback, Niimka.

Great to hear that the material is making a difference for you.

I have a a clarification regarding the content of this article , however, I might reference other articles on which my thought process is based. Please bear with me, as I try to make clearer sense of the “Sage Stage”.

In my view and based on experience/inner work it seems relevant to me to see three types of consciousness. Namely, Superconscious, Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious.

In this article does the Sage stage refer to the “Consciousness arising from a leaning towards a Superconscious influence on an individual or is it coming from an archetypal “Sage” arising from the Subconscious/Unconscious?

I perceive inner work more aligning with Superconscious/Inner Guidance rather than Archetypal/SubConscious/Unconscious.

To seems to me, Spirit can interact with Soul-Ego(Human) only from a place of SuperConscious.

Please let me know how you perceive our internal construction that navigates self-discovery in relation to evolving consciousness? Thank you!

Personally, I don’t use terminology like “superconscious.” But I also don’t perceive that third stage in terms of a “Sage Stage.” I referenced “sagehood” as it links to the Sage archetype guide that’s relevant here. From a purely Jungian perspective, that’s accurate.

However, I’m not Jungian. To me, the Spirit isn’t an archetypal image as it is to Jungians.

“Returning home” doesn’t involve images. Navigating through images is the defining characteristic of Stage 2.

“Please let me know how you perceive our internal construction that navigates self-discovery in relation to evolving consciousness?”

So this is probably what may be different in our understanding. The transpersonal literature speaks about “evolving consciousness,” but wholeheartedly don’t agree with this. Sure, there’s the development of the ego. That’s why there are stages. But the “Return Home” is not evolutionary or developmental; it’s a function of stripping away what the Taoists call “mundane conditioning” to return what was there all along (hence, the “Original Spirit” or “Original Nature”).

Bringing order to the psyche (Stage 2) helps reduce mental illness. With less mental illness, there’s less neurosis. With less neurosis, the mind is more still. When the mind is still, one can be. If one can “just be” long enough, one’s energy stabilizes. As one’s energy stabilizes, the Spirit returns.

In this way, Stage 3 is more “alchemical” — not evolutionary or developmental.

Yes, I can now see the difference in views.

I had a very unique and personal experience in getting to come to know about the work of Sri Aurobindo. Although I am Indian, I did not know anything about him at all and his work on human evolution. It was through a personal sequence of synchronistic events in the last few years that were totally unexplainable that I came to know of him. In exploring his work I found a deep connection with my own personal “evolution of consciousness” making sense. The way he describes the process of moving from ego-centric mind to a higher mind has been very resonant with me at a personal level.

It fits accurately even within what you refer to as “sagehood”.

Because my personal experience is very valuable to me, I might like to perceive it as my consciousness is continuously evolving. Offers me the necessary motivation to stay on track even though inner work is hard.

Thank you for the clarifications.

It seems that the process on inner work being so non-linear in nature adequately covers the areas of de-conditioning and addressing neurosis as long as I stay dedicated to the discipline needed for inner work. It seems like the end is similar but being addressed in different ways.

To clarify, I did not suggest that “inner work” is non-linear. Sure, the psyche can be messy, and establishing order doesn’t necessarily follow a step-by-step process. Stage 2 of the self-discovery process is where inner work takes place. Stage 3 is more about contemplative practices that enable stabilization.

“The way he describes the process of moving from ego-centric mind to a higher mind has been very resonant with me at a personal level.”

Sure. But what I’m saying is that it’s incorrect to call this “evolution.” It’s the wrong word.

In the way I view inner work, I am considering messy and non-linear to be similar. In my mind it is similar to “not a step-by-step process”. I used the word non-linear to imply not in a straight line, sometimes straight, other times with repeats and new situations to navigate and explore…I see this as the “messy psyche” I am trying to “order” at some level.

The Indian word “Sadhana” that seems to align with Spiritual Contemplative practice to me is really what is most useful to me (as I have mentioned before I have a strong inclination towards spiritual contemplation). It could be different from other contemplative practices so sure. What is achievable through Sadhana is difficult for me to put into a few words. It is a state of being to which stabilization is definitely arriving. Also I’m over-simplifying everything here just to be concise.

The use of the word evolution is present in his literature aligning with a progressive movement. I think “awakening” applies here too. Is there a better word to describe the process?

“The Indian word “Sadhana” that seems to align with Spiritual Contemplative practice to me is really what is most useful to me”

Yes, Sadhana is the pathway of Stage 3.

“What is achievable through Sadhana is difficult for me to put into a few words. It is a state of being to which stabilization is definitely arriving.”

In the Indian tradition, especially the nondual schools, the focus is primarily on a transformation of consciousness — transcending the identification with the body-mind organism and moving beyond the “I am” (primary Maya). In the Taoist tradition, especially the Southern Reality School, the emphasis is on the stabilization of the energy within the body first. Then, they move to a transformation of consciousness.

“The use of the word evolution is present in his literature aligning with a progressive movement. I think “awakening” applies here too. Is there a better word to describe the process?”

Transformation and development both work.

Thank you for your time to clarify my questions and comments. It is very much appreciated.

Is the practice that is proposed by Jung for working with the unconscious mind “Active Imagination” suitable for all individuals?

The reason I ask is that some people have a predisposition towards “fantasy thinking” that utilizes imagination actively (not is terms of Jungian Active Imagination).

What I mean by fantasy thinking could be divided into two kinds, what I refer to as “Magical thinking, that goes like : I wish things would magically happen” or “Wishful thinking which is a active conscious thought process involving romanticizing reality, looking at life through rose-colored glasses or in some cases even dark fantasy that involves getting back at someone for wrong doing (even if it be in the realm of thought). The first two is something I seem to indulge in more easily. But I know people around me who indulge in (dark fantasy/more violent type) the later frequently. What I have described in this paragraph is a conscious active mental process.

I would say that based on knowing and studying myself as well as studying and observing others, some types (Enneagram in particular) have a greater predisposition towards fantasy thinking.

In fact I could even say that some “guided visualizations” that take people on mental journeys fall into a form of fantasy thinking process, that are more unproductive than useful. I find such guided visualizations very ungrounding and airy experiences. Please correct me if I wrong.

Makes me wonder if this is why hypnosis that takes a creative-imagination driven format with its practical applications works well only for some people.

Since active imagination is a way to tap into the unconscious would a person prone to fantasy thinking feel more ungrounded by engaging in it, without a clear sense of whether they have shifted into pointless imaginations or real useful work with their unconscious “parts”?

Is there a grounding practice that accompanies active imagination would support an individual to stay on track with “active imagination” vs. getting lost in imaginary conversations with parts (that they might be accustomed to given their fantasy-driven tendencies) that might produce useful, meaningful and desired results that tap into their psyche?

I hope my questions and background I have provided is clear enough.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

“In fact I could even say that some “guided visualizations” that take people on mental journeys fall into a form of fantasy thinking process, that are more unproductive than useful. I find such guided visualizations very ungrounding and airy experiences. Please correct me if I’m wrong.”

Yes, I generally discourage guided visualizations, despite how popular they are. Guided instructions can be useful as a learning aid, but guided visualizations serve little value in my experience.

“Since active imagination is a way to tap into the unconscious would a person prone to fantasy thinking feel more ungrounded by engaging in it, without a clear sense of whether they have shifted into pointless imaginations or real useful work with their unconscious “parts”?”

Not necessarily. Someone prone to fantasy may find active imagination very instructive as it can add a useful structure to their fantasies.

“Is there a grounding practice that accompanies active imagination would support an individual to stay on track with “active imagination” vs. getting lost in imaginary conversations with parts (that they might be accustomed to given their fantasy-driven tendencies) that might produce useful, meaningful and desired results that tap into their psyche?”

Yes. See these two guides:

Hi Scott, I’ve been considering the statement you mention “Not necessarily. Someone prone to fantasy may find active imagination very instructive as it can add a useful structure to their fantasies.” As someone who has not benefited in anyway in indulging in fantasy, I have not been able to use many of the practices that have been outlined by Jung. I don’t mean to dismiss or disqualify the validity and use of the practices…it might be extremely useful for certain individuals. I think I am very driven to focus on reality as it occurs and then try to connect it to fields of study. There is a neat distinction made by John Vervaeke (he may not be the originator), between “imagination” and “imaginal”. A website definition of this distinction goes as follows … Here it is important to differentiate between the imaginary (fantasy) and the imaginal, with the latter being seen as a crucial bridge between subjective and objective experience, as well as between perceptual and conceptual domains.” … It seems to me that Inner Work aligns well with “Imaginal” rather than “Imagination”. Personally, inner work continues to breakdown the hold of fantasy in my life…which continues to make inner work very useful. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to think through this via this discussion.

To clarify, inner work and active imagination are not about engaging in fantasy as such. What you’re doing is actively engaging in dialogue with semi-autonomous subpersonalities within the psyche. There’s no need to get hung up on definitions of “imagination.” You don’t have to “imagine” these inner voices. They are already there. It’s just a matter of whether or not you tune into them.

Also to clarify, inner work is not the same thing as sadhana. With inner work, you engage with the images in the psyche. With sadhana, you don’t. That is, Eastern practices are focused on going beyond the images (because, as you observed, focusing on the images can lead to fantasy — i.e. delusion).

The integral movement (including transpersonal psychology) places inner work practices at a lower stage as it relates more specifically to the personality and contemplative practices (sadhana) at a higher stage of development. Overall, I would agree with this structure.

Thank you for the clarifications Scott.

It definitely sounds more honest to tune into inner voices. I can relate to that. I don’t think I make a clear distinction for myself about the stages of development. I tend to use a broad term as “Inner Work” that is simply ongoing, placing awareness onto various aspects of my life.

I don’t even have any specific affiliation with people who call themselves “integral” or “transpersonal psychologists”. When something resonates and seems to match something in my reality it offers a little more clarity. Thank you for sharing your time and guidance with me.

Sure thing, Roopa. I also don’t have any affiliations with these various groups. I mentioned integral here in this context because before this “fifth wave of psychology” there wasn’t really a language or understanding to differentiate these different schools of thought — both East and West — and the levels of development they represent. And without this differentiation, there tends to be a lot of internal confusion. This type of differentiation itself is a function of developing cognitive consciousness.

Scott, your portrait shows you becoming more distinguished, retaining the handsomeness.

Forgive me if I seem to be repeating what you have said. I think writing it down helps me understand.

“Stage 1: Discovering Your Conscious Self (Personality)”.

Is this how people see you? Is this the unconscious that acts in your conscious? Is this the personality enneagram types and are they archetypes?

So far, I’ve asked about the persona as an unconscious part. Is it possible for our persona to be consciously developed? As a boy I emulated my father, then later years became an image (perhaps the persona mask). Can I say that I made my image and is this my archetype making me believe it’s me? What archetype I don’t know, you might have an idea which it is? Thank-you.

How people see you is a function of numerous factors that don’t necessarily align with Stage 1.

Yes, the Enneagram types are ultimately expressions of archetypes as I explain here:

“Can I say that I made my image and is this my archetype making me believe it’s me?”

Not really. No. The psyche is a collection of archetypes — not just one. And there are a host of factors involved here.

Also, you don’t really consciously develop your persona. It’s more of a reaction to your environment.

That said, we all do learn by observing the behavior of those around us — especially those we project onto like parents and other authority figures.

My understanding of the persona; is an Image we relate to others. Do you think we would rather be our true personality to others?

I think the persona is not far off compared with our personality. As you can see from this quote”The list shows how likely it is that you are each enneagram type.

Most people will be the type at the top of the list, however, your actual personality type might be somewhat lower in it (usually it’s in the top 3).

This is from an enneagram test, which tells my we are not willing to show our true personality. Don’t you think we would be more contented with ourselves if we were able to incorporate the persona with personality? Thank-you.

The social mask is something that’s subconsciously created as a response to one’s environment. It’s a reaction.

One’s true personality is not known until the individual builds consciousness via processes like shadow work. Until then, they are divorced from many qualities about themselves (positive and negative) and engaged in self-deception. The goal of individuation is to bring the individual to a sense of wholeness.

The persona falls away during this process.

Thank-you Scott for your patient reply. However, from the quote on the enneagram test “Most people will be the type at the top of the list, however, your actual personality type might be somewhat lower in it (usually it’s in the top 3)” and your comment quote “One’s true personality is not known until the individual builds consciousness via processes like shadow work”.

There seems to be a conflict, are you suggesting the enneagram test people are wrong?

Perhaps there is not a conflict, I may be seeing the comments in a black and white perspective. I would like you to detail both quotes for me. Thank-you.

There’s no conflict here. The Enneagram is a typing system. Like any personality typing system, it can only highlight general predispositions of particular “types.” If you read any good book on the Enneagram, for example, you’ll resonate with many of the type descriptions. That’s why many individuals have difficulty zeroing in on their type. Their singular type represents a “center of gravity” — it’s not codifying who they are. Plus, there are nine levels of development for each type — from least healthy (9) to healthiest (1). Most people are in the mid to lower range (unhealthy to average mental health). Finally, as you develop your personality through inner work, you actually move toward a different type in the Enneagram (“path of integration”). Ultimately, the more one moves toward individuation the less any of these types become relevant. That’s part of the reason Jung didn’t approve of Myers-Briggs (MBTI). In his view, it missed the point of what psychological types represent.

Ilike the expression you used “center of gravity”. You have answered where the enneagram fits in to the individuation process. It does seem useful to consciously stay in your enneagram type. Thank-you. Perhaps you might elaborate on the phrase “center of gravity” …

“Center of gravity” is a term used in the developmental literature. There are all kinds of developmental stage models, including the Enneagram’s 9 levels, Loevinger’s ego development, Erikson’s psychosocial development, spiral dynamics integral, Maslow’s needs, etc. It’s a mistake to pigeonhole someone at a certain stage of any model. It’s more accurate to say that a person’s “center of gravity” is at a particular stage as it reflects the reality that we are complex beings with many parts. For example, with spiral dynamics, a person’s center of gravity value structure may be “green” (sensitive self) but that doesn’t mean they don’t they don’t also express orange (achievement) and blue (right-wrong morality) under different conditions.

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LaToya Rachelle

Where Women Thrive

Finding Yourself: The Definitive Guide for Your Journey of Self Discovery

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Do you sometimes feel like something is missing in your life and that you are searching for the answer? That despite your best efforts, you just can’t seem to find yourself or the path that’s right for you?

Have you ever felt that there’s more to you than meets the eye? That there’s more lying within the depths of your being, waiting to be discovered?

Well, gorgeous, if you’re nodding your head in agreement to any of these questions that means it’s time to embark on a journey of self discovery.

And while a journey to self discovery can be a little intimidating to start (we’re going to dive deep ), I don’t wan’t you to worry; I’m here to guide you through it.

Consider this post as your trusty compass, your handy guidebook packed with clear, actionable steps, and your personal cheering squad all wrapped into one.

This journey is sooo worth it.

Let’s get started!

self discovery questions

See What's Inside

Why Go on a Journey of Self Discovery?

Unraveling your true self & embracing your uniqueness, navigating the journey, ready to uncover your authentic self grab our self-discovery journal & workbook for free, #2 – practice mindfulness and meditation, #3 – try new experiences, #4 – practice self-compassion, #5 – make self-care a priority, staying open to change & growth, building your self-discovery support network, 7 ways to cultivate authenticity while on your journey, celebrate your progress, final thoughts, understanding self discovery.

So, what’s this journey all about?

It’s about embarking on a treasure hunt within your own heart and mind.

It’s recognizing that you’re not just a passenger in your life; you’re the driver .

You get to choose the route, set the pace, and decide which turns to take.

It’s a path of uncovering your hidden strengths, passions, and dreams.

It’s understanding your quirks, facing your fears, and growing into the best version of yourself possible .

You may have heard the old saying “Know thyself” – this is exactly what embarking on a journey of self-discovery is all about.

journey of self discovery

The truth is, if you don’t invest in getting to know yourself, no one else will — and you’ll forever be living a life that isn’t in alignment with your truest self.

You deserve to know exactly what makes your heart sing.

And you deserve to live a life that’s uniquely yours.

A journey of self-discovery will bring clarity and empower you to make better decisions in both your personal and professional life.

It will help you to form deeper connections, build stronger relationships , and find a sense of belonging in this world.

Ultimately, it will unearth parts of yourself that have been hidden away for far too long — allowing you to become the version of yourself that you were always meant to be.

Plus, I can guarantee that self discovery will grant you a level of inner peace and understanding that’s unlike anything else.

You know what’s amazing?

You’re not just another puzzle piece in this world; you’re a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

And there’s no better time than right now to start uncovering your magnificence.

When you embrace introspection and explore your authentic self , you start to uncover what makes you a masterpiece and understand yourself better.

You learn more about what makes you tick, what strategies work best for you in different situations, and who you want to be.

This process of unraveling — it’s empowering and humbling all at the same time.

I want you to think of yourself as an onion (minus the tears, of course).

Each layer you peel back reveals a new facet of your being.

Start with a little self-reflection ➡️ What are your passions? What are the moments that have defined you? What are the dreams you’ve been nurturing deep within?

As you unravel these layers, you’ll likely discover a bunch of strengths you probably didn’t even know existed.

For example, maybe you’re a great listener, a creative thinker, or a problem solver.

Embrace these strengths – they’re your superpowers on this journey. 💪

And don’t forget, acknowledging your weaknesses is just as crucial; they are opportunities for growth.

Don’t be afraid to unravel what those weaknesses are. Facing your fears is an essential part of this journey.

To uncover those, you might ask yourself ➡️ Are there aspects of myself I’ve been avoiding? Are there challenges I’ve been hesitant to take on?

Acknowledge them.

When you confront your fears, you’re not just conquering them, you’re empowering yourself.

Setting your intentions is an important first step in this process.

Ask yourself…

  • What do I want to discover about myself? (Is it a hidden talent, a sense of inner peace, or a deeper connection with your passions?)
  • What changes do I want to make?
  • Where do I want this journey to take me?

Write your responses down.

The answers to these questions and others you come up with will give you direction and purpose.

During this process, make sure you remain curious and have an open mind.

Curiosity will lead you to ask more questions, to dig deeper, and to explore the unexplored corners of your thoughts and feelings.

And an open mind will allow you to consider new perspectives, even if they challenge your current beliefs

Now, it’s important right about now to acknowledge that this journey won’t always be a smooth one.

There might be moments of doubt, fear, and uncertainty.

Sometimes negative self talk might try creep in and attempt to throw you off track. Just know that that type of self-sabotaging behavior is a temporary distortion of your thinking. Don’t let it stop you!

When you encounter a limiting belief, pause, question it, and challenge it. Replace it with a positive affirmation or a truth that reflects your capabilities.

These tough moments are a part of the process.

Look at these feelings as an opportunity to pause, to reflect on what you’ve been through so far, and to move forward with greater clarity.

5 Tools & Tips for Self-Discovery

Now that you’re navigating your journey with clear intentions and an open mind, I’m going to equip you with some powerful tools and techniques to make this expedition even more transformative.

#1 – Self Discovery Journaling

Journaling is an incredibly effective way to explore and understand your inner world, unlock your creativity, reflect, discover, and achieve clarity. It’s a great way to show up for yourself every day .

And guess what? I have a special treat for you! A free Self Discovery Journal , designed to help you to get the most out of your journey.

the journey of self discovery

It’s packed with prompts, activities, and thought-provoking self-discovery questions that will spark insights and bring clarity into what matters most in your life.

on a self discovery journey

Receive your free printable and other resources sent directly to your inbox!

Check your inbox. 💌

You won’t be able to get in touch with your inner self if you’re constantly pushing through life without pausing for a moment of reflection.

Mindful living is about using all of our senses to become aware of our thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment or attachment to them. It’s living in the present moment and tuning into our inner wisdom.

Similarly, meditation is another incredibly powerful tool for self-discovery – helping to reduce stress and anxiety while promoting empathy and emotional intelligence.

The key takeaway here is that it’s important to prioritize some moments of sitting quietly with your thoughts each day and having regular moments of stillness and reflection during your self-discovery journey.

Ever wanted to learn an instrument, paint, dance, or cook a new recipe ?

Trying new experiences isn’t just about expanding your skill set; it’s about discovering facets of yourself you never knew existed.

Each new endeavor is an opportunity to explore your interests and passions.

Embrace new experiences to open your eyes to the world around you. This could be anything from trying a new activity or cuisine, learning a foreign language, or joining a club.

These are all great ways to challenge yourself and explore different parts of your identity.

Self-discovery is a lifelong journey and that can be tough, especially when you encounter setbacks. That’s why having self-compassion is so important.

Be patient with yourself and have the courage to accept your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses. Remember that no one has it all figured out – everyone makes mistakes!

Treat yourself with the kindness you deserve.

By learning to practice self-compassion, you’ll be able to keep going on your journey of self-discovery even when the road gets tough.

Remember, the journey of self discovery is about growth , not perfection. So don’t be too hard on yourself and don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s.

The last tip is to make self-care a priority in your life. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out while on your journey of self-discovery, so it’s important to take care of yourself before anything else.

Take time for yourself – go for walks, give yourself some “me” time to relax or do something that brings you joy.

An added bonus to this is you’re likely to find new insights about yourself while doing something that you enjoy.

Related: 32 of the Best Self-Care Gifts for Women

self discovery journal prompts

As you start exploring and getting to know yourself better, it’s important to recognize that change and growth are not only inevitable, they are also going to be key parts of your self-discovery journey.

Instead of being fearful, I want you to embrace the idea of change and growth.

Accept that you are going to learn and become a different person as you go through this process.

Embracing these moments can be some of the most liberating experiences on your journey to discovering yourself.

Change invites you to step out of your comfort zone, where the magic of self-discovery often happens.

And growth provides the opportunity to learn and build upon new ideas, concepts, and skills.

Welcome the twists and turns of your journey, and know that even setbacks contribute to your growth.

Every experience, positive or negative, is a valuable lesson just waiting to be learned.

Now just a heads up, as you learn more about yourself it’s likely that you’ll find that some things no longer align with who you are and what you want. And you know what? That’s absolutely okay!

Don’t hesitate to let go of the things that no longer serve your growth. Instead, be open to the new ideas that will help you move forward in life.

The self-discovery journey can often be a lonely one. But it doesn’t have to be!

Find people who will support and encourage you on your journey.

Building a strong support network can help you stay motivated and encouraged during your journey.

Ask close family members or friends to check in with you as you make progress. Or consider joining a support group where you can connect with others who are embarking on their own journey of self discovery.

Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who understand what you’re going through. Having an encouraging circle of individuals can make all the difference on your self-discovery path.

Some Self-Discovery Support Network Examples:

*You are your most reliable support system

Building a support system isn’t just about receiving; it’s also about giving too.

Your unique experiences and insights can inspire others on their own journeys.

So engage in reciprocal support – share your discoveries, ask for the ok to offer advice, and be a source of positivity for those around you.

As you progress on your journey of self-discovery, it becomes crucial to wholeheartedly embrace your true and authentic self.

You might be wondering, “Well, what does that mean?”

Authenticity means being honest and true to yourself. It’s about being real, even when it feels uncomfortable.

It’s about honoring your thoughts and feelings without apologizing for them or feeling ashamed of them. And being aware of what drives you, how you react and respond to different situations and feelings.

Being authentic also includes integrating the new changes you experience into a sense of self that still remains true to you.

Here are 7 ways you can foster authenticity as you continue on your self discovery journey:

Authenticity thrives when you release the need to meet others’ expectations. Embrace the freedom to be yourself, even if it doesn’t conform to societal norms or others’ opinions.

Perfection is an illusion, and authenticity is born from embracing your imperfections. Instead of striving for flawlessness, embrace your quirks and vulnerabilities – they’re what make you beautifully unique.

Authenticity demands that you speak your truth, even when it feels uncomfortable. It’s important to remember that expressing your truth doesn’t mean being unkind or hurtful though. Share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of judgment. Your vulnerability can inspire others to do the same and foster an atmosphere of open communication and growth.

Setting and maintaining boundaries that protect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is an act of self-respect. By clearly defining what’s acceptable to you and communicating it to others, you’re safeguarding your authentic self and fostering healthy relationships. This practice empowers you to create relationships that align with your true self.

Authenticity blooms when your actions align with your values. Reflect on your choices – are they in harmony with who you are? Seek activities, relationships, and pursuits that resonate with your authentic self.

Your journey, with all its triumphs and challenges, is part of your unique story. Embrace it with open arms. Owning your story, without shame or apology, is an act of authenticity.

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of authenticity. To be authentic, you must understand who you are. That’s why I’ve put so much emphasis on the importance of taking time for self-reflection throughout this post. Refine your understanding of yourself through questions such as: How do I want to show up in the world? What values drive my decisions? What parts of me need healing? Pay attention to how other’s words and actions make you feel too – it can help provide insight into what matters most to you.

Cultivating authenticity is an ongoing process, and it looks different for everyone. It’s about being true to who you are in each moment, without the need to hide or conform. As you continue on this journey, remember that your authentic self is your most valuable treasure.

It takes courage to embark on a journey of self-discovery. And while you’re on it, be sure to take time for moments of celebration and appreciation – you deserve it!

Give yourself credit for all that you have achieved along the way, no matter how small.

Remember those times when you faced your fears head-on? That’s something to celebrate.

Or that moment when you embraced your unique quirks instead of trying to hide them? That’s definitely a victory worth acknowledging.

Each step you take, every insight you gain, and all the hurdles you overcome are stepping stones to your growth.

So, how can you celebrate yourself?

Treat yourself to a day of indulgence – whether it’s a favorite meal, a relaxing bubble bath, or that book you’ve been wanting to read.

You could write yourself a heartfelt letter, acknowledging your progress and the qualities you admire in yourself. Or gather with friends who uplift you, and share your wins with them.

And don’t forget to take a moment in quiet solitude to honor your journey, appreciating the remarkable person you are becoming.

These celebrations aren’t just about rewards; they’re affirmations of your commitment and an expression of self-love.

discovering yourself

It’s never too late to start anew – you are the author of your own story.

Your journey of self discovery is about learning to understand, accept, and love yourself. So trust in the process.

You have all the tools and capabilities you need to create a fulfilling life story.

The journey is ongoing, with new experiences and revelations each day. And it’s not just any journey; it’s YOUR journey.

So stay curious, be brave, embrace change – and remember that wherever life takes you, authenticity will always be your superpower.

I sincerely hope that this guide proves to be invaluable to you as you embark on your journey of self-discovery.

May it provide you with the guidance and insight you need to take those initial steps towards uncovering your true potential.

But this isn’t the end; no, it’s just the beginning!

I invite you to download my FREE Self Discovery Journal .

This printable workbook will help you gain clarity about your life goals and values, uncover your passions, and find meaningful ways to express yourself.

You can download it here .

You are capable of anything you put your mind to – so believe in yourself as much as I believe in you. 😘

Until next time,

on a self discovery journey

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About LaToya Rachelle

LaToya Rachelle, author and creator of, is dedicated to empowering women on their journey to self-discovery and personal growth. Through her writings, she shares insights on self-care, happiness, manifestation, success habits, and more, and provides invaluable tools to help you unleash your fullest potential. Join LaToya as she inspires and guides you to become the best version of yourself.

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Love, LaToya Rachelle is a lifestyle channel that provides quick, easily digestible videos full of tips and tricks to empower you to become the best version of yourself possible.

Love, LaToya Rachelle

on a self discovery journey

  • Aug 21, 2023

10 Ways To Start Your Self-Discovery Journey

Written by: vivien roggero , executive contributor, executive contributors at brainz magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise..

Executive Contributor Vivien Roggero

Self-discovery is an intrinsic part of personal growth . It allows us to delve beyond the surface of our identities and explore the depths of our being. Our personalities, behaviors, and beliefs are not set in stone; they are continuously shaped and reshaped by our experiences and perceptions. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and uncover the richness that lies within us.

woman traveling at nature with backpack

Exploring the concept of self-discovery

Self-discovery is an enriching voyage that sheds light on our authentic selves. This journey uncovers our hidden depths, revealing who we truly are beyond our conditioned identities. The path to self-discovery invites us to question, explore, and ultimately transcend the labels and expectations imposed on us by society.

Understanding the benefits of self-discovery

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery opens the door to personal growth, emotional healing, and self-transformation. As we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, we develop a clearer perception of our passions, aspirations, and purpose in life. Moreover, self-discovery nurtures self-acceptance, fostering a sense of peace and fulfillment within us.

I present to you 10 insightful steps to initiate your self-discovery journey. Each technique is rooted in introspection, self-examination, and heartfelt exploration. By integrating these steps into your routine, you can progressively peel back the layers of your identity and connect with your true essence.

Reflecting on your past

Understanding the role of past experiences in shaping your identity.

Our past experiences play a crucial role in shaping our identities. They influence our beliefs, behaviors, and emotional responses. Reflecting on these experiences can unearth deep-seated scripts that operate unconsciously, shaping our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us.

Journaling prompts to explore childhood memories

Journaling provides a safe space for introspection and self-expression. It enables us to delve into our childhood memories, explore pivotal moments, and dissect significant challenges. Journaling prompts can guide our exploration, helping us unearth our unconscious patterns and behaviors. Here are a few prompts to start with: what is your earliest memory? What events from your past do you often revisit in your mind?

Acknowledging patterns and behaviors that stem from past experiences

As we reflect on our past, we often discover patterns and behaviors that stem from our experiences. Recognizing these patterns is a significant step in our self-discovery journey. It allows us to understand why we behave in certain ways and provides insights into areas of our life that need healing and transformation.

Practicing mindfulness and self-awareness

Exploring mindfulness techniques for staying present.

Various mindfulness techniques can assist us in staying present and enhancing self-awareness. Practices such as deep breathing, body scans, and mindful observation focus our attention on the here and now, anchoring us in the present moment. These techniques not only ground us but also train our minds to become more focused, aware, and accepting.

Cultivating self-awareness through meditation and self-reflection

Meditation is a potent tool for cultivating self-awareness. It encourages us to introspect and observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment. Complementing meditation with regular self-reflection can greatly enhance our self-understanding, bringing us closer to our authentic selves. As we become more self-aware, we gain deeper insights into our actions, behaviors, and motivations, furthering our self-discovery journey.

Noticing your thoughts, emotions, and reactions without judgment

Self-discovery involves observing our thoughts, emotions, and reactions with openness and curiosity, free of judgment or criticism. As we become more mindful of our inner dialogue, we begin to identify recurring patterns and themes in our thought processes. This non-judgmental observation is a cornerstone of self-discovery, arousing self-compassion and leading to transformative personal insights.

Setting intentions and goals

Defining what you want to achieve through self-discovery.

The journey of self-discovery is fueled by our desire to understand ourselves better. It's essential to define what we hope to achieve through this process. Whether we aim to heal past wounds, understand our values, or discover our passions, having a clear objective guides our exploration and keeps us motivated on our journey.

Setting both short-term and long-term intentions

Setting intentions for personal growth is a dynamic process that involves short-term and long-term goals. Short-term intentions focus on immediate growth areas, providing momentum and instant gratification. Long-term intentions shape our overall journey, guiding our long-term growth and development.

Aligning your goals with your values and aspirations

Aligning your intentions and goals with your values and aspirations ensures that your self-discovery journey is authentic and fulfilling. These goals provide a roadmap for your exploration, highlighting areas of focus and growth. In alignment with your authentic self, these goals become potent motivators, fueling your journey with purpose and passion.

Exploring your passions and interests

Identifying hobbies, activities, and subjects that ignite your curiosity.

Your hobbies and interests reveal what genuinely excites and motivates you. Whether it's painting, hiking, reading, or dancing, these activities offer a window into your values, desires, and passions. Identifying and nurturing these interests can provide profound insights into your authentic self, guiding your self-discovery journey.

Trying new experiences and stepping out of your comfort zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new experiences can play a pivotal role in self-discovery. Each new experience, though potentially daunting, offers an opportunity to learn more about yourself, your strengths, and your limitations. Embrace novelty, for it is in the unknown that we often discover the most about ourselves.

Recognizing how your passions can provide insights into your authentic self

Your passions are not merely activities you enjoy; they are reflections of your inner self. They can provide valuable insights into who you are and what makes you truly happy. Recognizing this connection can transform your perspective on self-discovery, turning it from a daunting journey into an exciting exploration of your passions and interests.

Seeking different perspectives

Engaging in meaningful conversations with diverse individuals.

Engaging in conversations with people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences can offer rich insights. These interactions can illuminate different ways of thinking, challenge our existing beliefs, and inspire us to see the world from varied perspectives. Each conversation is an opportunity to learn and grow, making our self-discovery journey more comprehensive and insightful.

Reading books, articles, and listening to podcasts on personal development

Dive into books, articles, and podcasts that delve into personal development topics. These resources can provide you with wisdom and insights from experts, thought leaders, and individuals who have embarked on their self-discovery journeys. The lessons encapsulated in these resources can enhance your understanding and guide you on your self-discovery path.

Challenging your beliefs and expanding your worldview

Self-discovery is an invitation to challenge your beliefs and expand your worldview. It involves questioning and reevaluating your long-held assumptions, making way for new insights and perspectives. As you open your mind and challenge your beliefs, you pave the way for a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Embracing self-care and well-being

Prioritizing self-care routines that nourish your body and mind.

Develop self-care routines that nourish your body and mind. This could involve anything from regular exercise and healthy eating habits to mindfulness practices and engaging in activities you love. As you take care of your physical health, you also nurture your mental and emotional well-being, creating a strong foundation for your self-discovery journey.

Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and well-being

Find activities that help you relax and rejuvenate. This could be spending time in nature, practicing yoga, or indulging in a creative hobby. These activities foster relaxation and well-being, creating a balance in your life and promoting mental clarity crucial for self-discovery.

Recognizing the connection between self-care and self-discovery

Self-care and self-discovery are intrinsically connected. By taking care of yourself, you show respect and love for yourself, reinforcing your self-worth and boosting your self-esteem. This mutualistic relationship ensures that as you discover more about yourself, you continue to nurture and care for your ever-evolving identity.

Keeping a self-discovery journal

Starting a dedicated journal to document your self-discovery journey.

Kickstart your self-discovery journey by starting a dedicated journal. This journal serves as your personal space for exploration and reflection, allowing you to document your thoughts, feelings, and insights. As you journey through self-discovery, your journal becomes a testament to your growth, marking milestones and chronicling your transformation.

Writing about your thoughts, feelings, insights, and progress

Use your self-discovery journal to express your thoughts, feelings, insights, and progress. The act of writing down these experiences encourages introspection and enhances understanding. It allows you to delve deeper into your psyche and uncover patterns and perspectives that you may otherwise overlook.

Using journal prompts to delve deeper into various aspects of your identity

Journal prompts can be instrumental in unearthing different aspects of your identity. They provide a starting point for your introspection, guiding your thoughts and encouraging deeper exploration. Use prompts such as "What values are most important to me?", "What is my happiest memory?", or "What fears hold me back?" to stimulate reflection and discovery.

Seeking guidance and support

Exploring self-help books, workshops, and online resources.

Numerous self-help books, workshops, and online resources focus on self-discovery. These invaluable tools offer guidance, evidence-based techniques, and motivational anecdotes to enrich your self-discovery journey. Leverage these resources to deepen your understanding and navigate your journey more effectively.

Connecting with mentors, therapists, or coaches who specialize in self-discovery

Connecting with a mentor, therapist, or life coach who specializes in self-discovery can be immensely beneficial. These professionals bring their expertise and experience to guide you, provide feedback, and offer techniques to handle personal challenges. Their outside perspective can shed new light on your experiences, accelerating your self-discovery journey.

Building a supportive network of friends and like-minded individuals

Surround yourself with supportive friends and like-minded individuals who understand and respect your journey. This supportive network can provide encouragement, share their experiences, and offer fresh perspectives. As you navigate the waters of self-discovery, this support system becomes your anchor, providing stability and reassurance.

Embracing change and growth

Emphasizing the importance of embracing change and being open to growth.

Change is an undeniable part of self-discovery. As you learn more about yourself, your perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors may evolve. Embrace these changes as necessary stages in your journey. They denote growth and the shedding of outdated or unhelpful patterns, signifying progress in your journey.

Celebrating your progress, no matter how small, along the self-discovery journey

Celebrating your progress, regardless of its size, is a crucial component of self-discovery. Every insight gained, every negative pattern acknowledged, every positive habit developed is a victory. These victories, big or small, indicate your growth and deserve recognition and celebration.

Understanding that self-discovery is an ongoing process with no final destination

Remember, self-discovery is an ongoing process with no definitive endpoint. As you evolve, so does your understanding of yourself. Continue to explore, question, and learn with an open heart and mind. Welcome this continuous journey of self-discovery as a growth-centered approach to living, a path that leads to self-awareness, acceptance, and personal transformation.

Recap of the 10 Transformative Steps to Start Your Self-Discovery Journey.

We've journeyed together through ten transformative steps towards self-discovery: reflecting on your past, practicing mindfulness, setting clear goals, exploring your passions, seeking different perspectives, embracing self-care, maintaining a self-discovery journal, seeking guidance, and embracing change. Each step offers a unique path towards understanding and expressing your authentic self.

Encouragement to Embark on This Path of Personal Growth and Exploration.

Embarking on the journey of self-discovery is like opening the door to a new world – a world that existed within you all along, waiting to be explored. It can present challenges, but the rewards of this journey are incalculable: genuine freedom, a deeper connection with yourself, and a richer, more fulfilling life. As you traverse the path of self-discovery, remember that every step, every revelation, and even every challenge adds to the richness of your journey.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram , LinkedIn , and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Vivien!

Vivien Roggero Brainz Magazine

Vivien Roggero, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Vivien Roggero is a certified Executive & Empowerment Coach and Entrepreneur. After 15 years of professional journey, expanding from Sales to IT Executive in some world-class startups’, losing his father to COVID, and going through a high-conflict divorce, he decided to dedicate his life to empowering people so they can live a fulfilling life. Those experiences also inspired him to create the One Freedom™ Framework, freedom and purpose-centric approach to life that helps his clients to accelerate their life design process and sculpt growth. His focus is to help clients who feel stuck in their professional or personal journeys or find struggles to re-navigate life after major life-changing events.

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12 Techniques to Help You Start Your Journey to Self-Discovery

...because you’re so worth knowing.

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If so, take comfort in knowing that, just as self-love looks, feels, and unfolds in wildly different ways from one person to the next, so does the practice of learning about yourself. And while your journey might involve traveling across oceans or leaning into a spiritual practice like meditation , the quest for self-discovery isn’t as simple as collecting stamps on your passport or stretching across a yoga mat .

So if you’ve been thinking about pulling the lid off of your unmet dreams, desires, passions, strengths, and values, stay with us. We rounded up the experts and asked them to share their self-discovery rituals, techniques, and tools, along with some empowering ideas to keep in mind as you explore deeper realms of who you are and who you wish to become.

Start a morning journaling practice.

Julia Cameron, bestselling author of The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity , coined the now-famous ritual she calls “morning pages,” which is essentially three pages of stream-of-consciousness writing to be completed upon waking. “Morning pages are like sending a telegram to the universe that says, ‘This is what I like. This is what I don’t like. This is what I want more of. This is what I want less of,’” Cameron tells Oprah Daily.

Don’t put pressure on yourself to perform for the pages, though. Cameron emphasizes that they’re designed to access your curiosities. “This disciplined daily practice is private, sacred, and full of surprises. Many people begin to find themselves fascinating. This is because morning pages train you to see your own worthiness,” she says.

Make Living Well a Daily Practice with Oprah's The Life You Want™ Planner

Make Living Well a Daily Practice with Oprah's The Life You Want™ Planner

Take an audit of your relationships.

Terri Cole, licensed psychotherapist and author of Boundary Bos s , suggests kicking off your self-discovery journey with a brave and honest inventory of your relationships—particularly the ones that might be draining or toxic .

“Ask yourself, Where do I feel resentful, unseen, or taken advantage of? Before you can more deeply know yourself, you absolutely must determine your boundaries with others . You need to become more discerning about who gets access to you. Because not everyone should,” she tells Oprah Daily.

Make a list of things that delight you.

“Make an ‘okay’ and a ‘not okay’ list. It might contain things that either enhance or hinder your sense of ease. These small shifts are important because they offer ways of showing yourself that you’re worthy of your own attention and consideration,” says Cole.

For example, you might decide that your home will feel more cozy and inviting if you fill it with softer light and scented candles . Or it could simply be a matter of deciding that you need to craft a thoughtful email to your boss about your lack of work-life balance.

“The idea is to stop doing anything that goes against your constitution. Making small adjustments will allow you to experience more comfort and peace in all areas of your life,” says Cole.

Lean into a daily spiritual practice like meditation or yoga.

Ryan Haddon , spiritual life coach and meditation teacher, says that engaging in a quiet spiritual practice helps you recognize that any negative thoughts you have, no matter how loud or persistent, don’t have to run the show.

“We have upwards of 30,000 unconscious thoughts a day, most of which are negative. By curating a spiritual practice like meditation or yoga, you’re able to choose uplifting thoughts, rather than be at the mercy of the negative ones that lead you into a downward spiral. That’s true empowerment because you realize you have influence over your own mental and spiritual states,” she says.

Have a thoughtful, loving conversation with your inner child.

No matter how long you live, there will always be a child inside you, tugging at your attention, hoping to be acknowledged and comforted. Cole says that revisiting your vault of childhood wishes and wounds is a key part of any self-discovery journey, though it’s the part that makes most people roll their eyes.

“It can be difficult, but I’ve observed that you have to go back to the scene of the crime in order to understand why you are the way you are and why you’re sensitive to certain things. The child inside of you needs to be heard so that you can give your adult self permission to stop hiding or doing whatever it is that may have kept you from fully knowing yourself,” says Cole.

Pay attention to what lights you up.

What have you fantasized about doing for so long that you never got around to doing? It could be skydiving, studying a foreign language , or launching a side-hustle designing business. Or following your inspirations might simply look like carving out time each day to indulge in the books, documentaries, and podcasts that captivate you, says Rachel Rodgers, CEO of Hello Seven and author of We Should All Be Millionaires ,

Whether it’s combing through your old bucket lists, banging around on a piano, or curling up with a cup of coffee and a rapturous novel, focus on what makes you feel the most alive, even if it's just for a few minutes a day.

Consider leaving your comfort zone.

One of the easiest decisions in the world is to stay where you are. Rodgers stresses that self-discovery happens only when you’re willing to step into the future that you can’t stop dreaming about.

“Sometimes we feel trapped by the space that exists in between who we’ve been and who we want to be. There might be something you want to explore or try, but you’re afraid to let go of what’s familiar. If something is calling you, whether it's an adventure, a life change, or a new business idea, listen,” says Rodgers.

Know that when you get excited about your own growth and self-discovery, everyone wins.

If you aren’t acting from a place of authentic joy and fulfillment (when that's possible, at least), no one in your life will ever link arms with the best of you. So, attempt to prioritize yourself—we know, it's easier said than done—because if you want to serve the world, you’ve got to start by standing tall in your truth.

“I recommend that everyone sit down and brainstorm about 25 ways that they, their loved ones, and their community will benefit when they start prioritizing their needs and desires. Then read, reread, and add to the list often."

Of course, there are stages with every self-discovery journey, and some are more pleasant than others.

Over the years, Cameron has observed some interesting stages as readers move through her Artist’s Way program. In the beginning, there’s often a feeling of elation, quickly followed by a stretch of anger upon realizing the ways they may have settled in their life. Next comes a period of bargaining, which is then followed by the peaceful acceptance of one’s newfound evolution. And, finally, if one persists through the disorienting stages, there comes expansion, which Cameron says is the beautiful realization that it’s safe to take risks and reach for higher realms of fulfillment.

“Years ago, I taught these workshops where the rooms had these low-hanging styrofoam ceilings. You’d enter the space and think, Oh, wow, the ceiling is quite low. But then you realized you could tap it and move it to the side and see that there was actually 10 more feet of space above it. This is sort of how I see self-discovery. We often go through life thinking we’re a certain height—creatively, intellectually, spiritually. But as you start to tap the ceiling, you’re revealed to be so much more than you ever imagined,” says Cameron.

Remember that this journey is about you, and that you’re the one in control.

Deep exploration often invites big revelations. You might suddenly feel a flicker of desire to live a life that’s more adventurous and colorful, or to feel more seen and understood in your relationships. Or, perhaps, you might realize that you feel like you’re a hostage to a career or a lifestyle. The process can be intense and overwhelming, and you might feel pressured to act upon those epiphanies with haste. If so, Cole says it’s critical to remember that you don't have to burn the village down, so to speak. In fact, much of self-discovery and personal transformation can happen with a whisper.

“Don’t fear the personal inventories and discoveries, because you don’t have to change or blow up anything right away. The process can be gentle, and can simply look like getting honest with yourself about the things that feel right and the things that don’t. You can even stay in a situation, if you choose, but you’ll be doing it mindfully. And that’s the root of all self-discovery,” she says.

Embrace the ongoing process of your personal evolution.

While it’s tempting to view self-discovery as some shining destination on high, that’s not reality. Self-discovery is more of an ongoing pilgrimage that we make throughout our lives—sometimes one that’s jagged and lopsided, with unexpected stops, disorienting detours, and restarts.

Rodgers says we should give ourselves grace and freedom to revise our needs as the seasons change and the years pass. “Never stop discovering new levels of who you are and what you want. Constantly reevaluate your schedule, your priorities, and your life,” she says.

Coles believes that, in essence, self-discovery is the audacious act of choosing to no longer be driven by the wounds of the past, and deciding to become increasingly self-aware and self-determined. It’s about seeking the progressive realization of your own happiness, and discovering that the only life you can ever truly save is your own.

“Knowledge is power, but self-knowledge is the most powerful. This whole journey is one long, beautiful inquiry—an inquiry about knowing you,” says Cole. “And, I promise you, whatever that entails, you are so worth knowing.”

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Lacey Johnson is a writer and editor whose has contributed to Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Woman’s Day, POPSUGAR and others, and is the founder of The Wonder Report. She feels most at home in airports, and is a radical seeker of engrossing conversation. Also a coffee connoisseur.

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Self-Discovery Journey: A Step by Step Guide to Finding Self

Author Image

By   Claire

December 20, 2019

It’s becoming increasingly common to hear modern life described as distracted, disconnected, and frustrated. When you look at your own family, community, and profession – not to mention culture, politics, and the economy in the grand scheme of things – it can be hard to argue with those assessments. Yet, some people seem to move through it calmly and contentedly as if it doesn’t affect them at all.

how to embark on a journey of self-discovery?  Before embarking, you must remember that everyone’s journey is different but there are techniques that can guide your journey and fundamental elements that will help you measure your progress.   A journey of self-discovery will help you understand your dreams, set goals that will enrich your life, pursue them with joy and passion, and, ultimately, become your best self.

If your life doesn’t give you the option of disconnecting and escaping to an exotic land to study at the feet of a guru or a sage, does that mean that you can’t embark on a journey of self-discovery? Not at all!

In fact, all of the important work that will help you make progress on your journey can be done wherever you are.

In most cases, the practices that will give you the most value won’t cost anything more than time and effort.

Why Is Self-Discovery Important?

Self-discovery  helps us identify and embrace our authentic self—the essential self is a combination of values, talents, and desires.

Only when our activities produce results that align with our essential self will they deliver true joy, peace, and understanding.

Only when we know true joy, peace, and understanding will we be able to exist within the world at the same time that we escape its pressures, distractions, and distortions.

embrace yourself

Self-discovery can improve our relationships, our careers, and our physical and emotional health.

“If you don’t participate in self-discovery, your goals, core beliefs, and values will be dictated” to you rather than coming from and returning to your essential self.

If self-discovery was an easy journey, then every person we encounter would radiate the joy, peace, and understanding of their essential self.

The truth is that it takes concentrated effort, patience, and persistence to accomplish self-knowledge. The biggest challenge in pursuing self-discovery is being completely honest with ourselves—including the wounds of our past, our personal shortcomings, and our fears about the future.

So then, the journey will be hard, and it will take time, but, in the end, you will find that all of your efforts pay off in value that cannot be measured in dollars and cents.

To help you maintain your focus and commitment to the process, this article will offer you some techniques to use and some steps that will break the task up into manageable challenges.

step by step

Step #1. Know Your Dreams

It’s hard to imagine a life that is joyful, peaceful, and positive at the same time that it is lived in the pursuit of dreams that don’t resonate with that the essential self.

If financial riches are a dream that someone else had for you, and you pursue that dream, even with great success, you’re unlikely to find the kind of joy that you would experience from modest progress toward a goal that connects with your true self.  

For that reason, it’s important to know and understand your dreams before progressing any further on your journey of self-discovery.

Step #2. Set Goals That Will Enrich Your Life

Only when you have invested the time to understand what it is that you truly desire for yourself, those close to you, and the broader world around you will you be able to identify goals that will actually serve those desires.

Asking yourself the kind of questions that help to identify what is holding you back and what has the potential to energize your pursuits is the key to aligning your desires with your practices and your visions.

Goals can serve us powerfully both as ends in themselves and as a means to the greater ends of a life well-lived in service to the self, to loved ones, and to the planet.

goal setting plan

Step #3. Pursue Dreams with Joy & Passion

If knowing your dreams supplies the “why” and setting goals provides a “what,” you will still need to address the question of “how.”

It is important to pursue your dreams with the kind of relentless drive that cannot be knocked off course by distractions or completely undone by frustration or confusion.

Cultivating a set of daily habits that will establish a baseline for each day is important to the consistency that pursuing your dreams will require.

Daily habits that enrich the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the self are crucial to sustaining yourself through the long-journey toward self-knowledge.

Step #4. Become Your Best Self

Once you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, what you are pursuing, and how you are working to get there, you can begin to answer the questions of “who” and “where.”

Being able to answer the question of “who” you are is only possible in relation to the dreams, goals, joys, and passions that align with your truest self.

As you will come to understand through progress on your journey of self-discovery, the question of “who” is closely related to the question of “where.”

There is a mantra in Sanskrit that helps bring this relationship into focus: “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am the universe).

find yourself

Next, let’s go dive into more details into each of the steps. I will break down each of the 4 steps and share with you in-depth techniques regarding how to achieve them.

Step #1: Know Your Dreams

What truly makes you happy? What activities bring out the best in you and invigorate your life? What results bring you true joy and provide a sense of accomplishment that resonates with your essential self?

These are difficult questions to answer if you cannot see yourself clearly because your vision is obscured by the influence of others, if you lack a clear understanding of your core values and beliefs, or if you’re uncomfortable acknowledging your desires and pursuing them with passion.

The four steps that we outline below will help you strip away the distractions and distortions that obscure your dreams from you, define your dreams in relation to your most cherished beliefs, and align your desires with your actions.

Tech #1: Differentiate Yourself from Your Past

The influence of authority figures when we are young is an important part of the socialization process. At the same time, when adults try to raise us to be good people, they are doing so from a perspective that is biased by their own understanding of what makes a person a “good person.”

If their understanding of what makes a good person differs from the elements at the core of your essential self, all of the advice they have given you is standing in the way of your reaching a more powerful connecting with your own motivations.

be you

Tech #2: Define Yourself by Your Values

Once you have cleared away the goals, visions, and values that you’ve inherited from others or had imposed upon you by external sources, you are free to embrace the values that define who you truly are.

This cannot be an abstract process. Almost everyone would say that they value loyalty.

Abstract values are at-best placeholders for your actual values in practice in response to a specific context and a particular challenge. This is one of the reasons that self-discovery is a difficult and ongoing journey.

Each time you have to choose to be true to your values, you also have to decide how to enact that value. That is what truly defines that value in its most particular and true meaning for you.

Tech #3: Let Your Desires Shape Your Future

Some of us grow up in environments where we’re taught, either implicitly or explicitly, that it is wrong or selfish to pursue the things that we want.

All we can see in response to that principle is that we recognize the existence of differences in both motives and actions.

your future

Based on that, we have no problem saying that the pursuit of a selfish desire is probably a selfish act, while the pursuit of a pure desire in likely to be a pure act.

When you recognize that it isn’t desire itself that is wrong but that many of us desire things that we should not, you free yourself from the ethical dilemmas of wanting and pursuing the things that resonate with your essential self.

Tech #4: Meditate: Letting Go, Healing, Empowerment

For each step of the journey of self-discovery, there are certain key concepts that we should allow to guide our meditations. The first step is to know your dreams.

This step features work that requires us to engage reflectively and introspectively with who we have been and why we’ve been that way.

As you move through this step in the process, it will be helpful to meditate on topics related to letting go, healing, and empowerment.

Like all of the activities that we discuss in this article, meditation is easy to fake. There is no value to “doing” any of the things that we discuss in this article if you don’t do them with your full attention.

Nobody else will reward you for progress toward self-knowledge, so there’s no point in faking your way through it.

Only by being fully present and doing the work until you’ve accomplished the goal will you receive any of the benefits that the activity has to offer.

meditate yoga mindful

Step #2: Set Goals That Will Enrich Your Life

Will material possessions, social influence, and status really enrich your life?

These are the things that our society teaches us to value. As such, we come to expect that they are the things that the people around us value. This becomes a double-edged sword.

We come to understand that money and power are the things we should desire for ourselves, and we also learn that they are the things we must have if we want the respect and love of the people around us.

But we must ask ourselves whether any of these things are more important to us than true happiness.

Tech #1: Accept Your Limitations

The  Bhagavad Gita  teaches us that we must understand the limitations of our own control. While we have control over our own words and deeds, we do not have control over the consequences of those words and deeds.

Similarly, we do not have control over others. The first step in becoming empower is to accept the limitations of your power to influence the outcomes of your actions.

know your limits

Once we understand our own limitations, it becomes easier to align our actions with the forces that are at work in the universe and recognize the abundance that flows from those forces and how that abundance can benefit us.

Tech #2: Understand What Abundance Means to You

If you are working hard but still feel like you’re getting nowhere, it could be that you are pursuing the wrong dreams and that even huge successes in your activities will leave you unfulfilled.

It could also be the case that you are failing to recognize the abundance that the universe is sending you as abundance that is meant for you. 

Setting personal goals  can help you see the bigger picture and understand how the flow of the universe is supporting your personal pursuits.

Tech #3: Invite Abundance into Your Life

When you have a plan and commit to the execution of that plan, you’re sending out signals to the universe.

If your planning and execution are aligned with your dreams then everything the universe sends to you will also be aligned with those dreams.

If you fail to set goals or set goals that aren’t aligned with your dreams, the universe will be sending you an abundance of resources that are misaligned with your essential self.

Take the time to understand  how to set goals  and the time that it takes to set good ones for yourself.

Tech #4: Meditate: Envisioning, Easing Urgencies, Abundance

The second step in your journey toward self-discovery is setting goals. This step requires you to identify goals that align with your dreams and make plans that you can follow to accomplish those goals.

meditation peaceful

As you move through the process of setting goals and making plans it will be helpful to meditate on concepts related to envisioning to help you see more clearly.

Another important concept to meditate on is the easing of urgency. This will help you open up to the realities of the balance between control and lack of control and how that balance relates to the execution of your plans.

A final concept to meditate on during this step is abundance. Abundance will be central to the work that you do in both the second and third steps of the journey that we are outlining here.

Step #3: Pursue Your Dreams with Joy & Passion

Why would anyone bother pursuing a dream if neither the dream itself or the activities they engaged in to pursue the dream brought them any joy?

We all know someone who has or who plans to work their entire life to save up for retirement.

Their plan is always something like this. Make money while I’m young and save it up for when I’m old. I’ll skip vacation days and experiences now so that I can have them when I retire.

We wonder if they’ve ever stopped to consider who they’ll be after 40 years of being miserable and exhausted every day.

Does the person that your plan turned you into seem the kind of person that you want to work your whole life for?

Tech #1: Daily Habits

There is a quote from the author Neil Gaiman that we’ve found particularly inspiring in our efforts to cultivate healthy habits that make more and more of our everyday existence conform to the goals and plans that we have to realize our dreams.

“The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.”

– Neil Gaiman

on a self discovery journey

The reason we bring that quote up here is to remind you that what has worked for us may not work for you and that ultimately, the best measure of whether a habit is good is your own estimation of its worth.

  • Yoga:  You don’t have to be very good at yoga for yoga to be very good for you. It is a low-impact exercise that improves flexibility. It also helps to center your emotional and spiritual aspects. Give yourself enough of a chance that you are able to get better over time. There are many types of yoga, and you can try more than one before you settle on a practice that works for you. You might find that you like practicing in solitude or that you prefer to go to a yoga studio to be a part of a community.
  • Meditation:  We’ve already discussed the importance of meditation to the project of self-discovery at some length in this article. We recommend making it a part of your daily routine and incorporating it into your habits in whatever way will provide the most value to you. There are apps that you can download to your phone that will ease your transition into the practice of guided meditation. Once you become more accustomed to the practice, you will be able to decide how to sustain your practice in a way that’s right for you.
  • Gratitude:  Simply taking the time to acknowledge all of the things in your life that you are grateful for can be a powerful source of resolution and persistence as you make your way through the long process of achieving self-knowledge. We recommend keeping a gratitude journal. Not only will this force you to devote time to gratitude each day, but studies suggest that the simple act of writing something down helps commit it to memory. In addition to those benefits, you’ll also be able to use the journal to look back on the progress that you’ve made.

healthy meal asparagus tomato egg

  • Diet:  What you put in your body can make a big difference in how you feel. It can be equally helpful to spend more time thinking about how you feel about the things you put in your body. It’s great to eat healthily, but are you eating food that is good for your community and the planet in the process? Are you using food, alcohol, or drugs to fill holes in your life?
  • Exercise:  Marathon runners talk about the point in their run where the endorphins take over, and they find themselves in the zone. You don’t have to commit to a huge undertaking like a marathon to enjoy the benefits that daily exercise can have for your life. Elevating your heart rate for as little as a half-hour each day can have an amazing impact on both your physical and emotional well-being. ​ ​

Tech #2: Education & Enrichment

In addition to the daily habits that you cultivate on your journey to self-understanding, it is also important to take on larger projects from time to time.

While you fill your daily routine with beneficial habits, you can expand your reach and enrich your understanding by studying subject that are interesting to you or practicing skills that will improve your abilities in areas that will help you achieve the goals that you’ve set in relation to the dreams that you have for your essential self.

Tech #3: Family & Friends

So much of what we’ve discussed in this article focuses on your pursuit of self-understanding as an individual project made up of solitary practices and habits. But there is something inherently social about the pursuit of self-understanding.

It is a project that will help you become your best self, and being your best self is not only a gift that you give yourself but also a valuable gift that you offer your community and the wider world.

Rely on your family and friends for support if you can, but don’t let their lack of support become an excuse to give up the pursuit of your goals. Remember that what you are doing is a benefit to them as well.

Don’t let their failure to appreciate this frustrate you or distract you from pursuing your goals.

social support

Tech #4: Meditate: Gratitude, Abundance, Commitments

The third step in your journey toward self-discovery is pursuing your goals with joy and passion. This step requires you to identify build good daily habits and identify beneficial projects that are bigger than your daily routines but smaller than the search for self-understanding.

As you move through these processes, it will be helpful to meditate on concepts related to gratitude, abundance, and commitments.

Step #4: Become Your Best Self

Ultimately, the only reason to invest the time and effort that it takes to achieve self-knowledge is to prepare yourself to be a better person. As a better person, you’ll be a better member of your community and a better citizen of the world.

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

– Nelson Mandela

At a certain point, you will realize that becoming a better person can only go so far without requiring you to do work that benefits others in order to continue your personal progress.

Sure, you’re making the world a better place simply by being a better person than you were before.

But there’s so much more than you can and should do, and doing those things will only reveal more about your self to you.

Tech #1: Practice Care of the Self

As you progress on your journey toward self-discovery, it is essential that you maintain or expand on the practices and habits that brought you to the point that you are at.

You’re never beyond the need for the benefits that these habits and practices introduce to your daily existence. You’re never too far along to backslide and lose ground.

Tech #2: Share Your Abundance

Humans are social animals. So, from a certain perspective, it’s impossible to know yourself except that you know yourself in relation to others.

If you want to make sure that you’re going to like the self that you’re getting to know, make that self the kind of self that helps others.

friends share talk

Tech #3: Reflect and Renew Your Commitments

It’s a long journey – the path that leads to self-discovery. Just because you’ve made progress doesn’t mean that you can’t backtrack and re-do work that you’ve already done. There’s no game clock, and there aren’t any referees.

No one is going the throw a penalty flag or call a foul. Use each new understanding that you achieve to illuminate your understanding of the work that you’ve done previously and the results that you got out of that work.

Tech #4: Meditate: Chakras, Flow, Gratitude

As you move through the fourth and final step of the journey that we’ve outlined for self-discovery, you will want to meditate on concepts like Chakra cleansing, flow, and gratitude.

Stay engaged in the process. Stay mindful of how much more there is for you to accomplish and how much you’re capable of if you remain committed to the process.

Whenever the universe presents you with an opportunity to benefit yourself by helping others, thank the universe and take advantage of the opportunity.

stay mindful

The journey of self-discovery is an intensely private and personal undertaking that you’ll have to work on with commitment and dedication even as you balance that process with all of the other demands that your life places on you and your time and your energy.

Hopefully, you’ve found our plan for taking the steps on this journey to be both informative and inspiring. Even if you still feel a little uncertain about whether you can do it, or what exactly you should do—you’ve got to start somewhere.

Remember, self-discovery means that nobody else can do it for you and that you won’t know what you need to know until you’ve figured it out for yourself.

Follow the steps that we’ve given you here, but remember that this journey is more about the results you experience than the steps that you take.

About the author

I created this site to share my knowledge of natural remedies and ingredients because I am a big believer in an organic lifestyle. Our body is strong enough to rid toxins and maintain a balanced ecosystem by itself as long as we treat it smartly. Note that I’m not just talking about food and exercises, I also aim to help you gain a healthy mindset – a mindset that will lead you to a positive and resilient life.

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on a self discovery journey

3 Simple Steps to Launch Your Self-Discovery Journey

on a self discovery journey

How often do you stop and think about what you want to do with your life? If you're like me, then you do it often. Understanding what you want to do with your life is less challenging when you focus on self-discovery—discovering who you are. While the journey of self-discovery is an ongoing process, meaning there is no final destination, there are some tactics you can use to start.

In this article, you'll learn of the three pillars of self-discovery from my forthcoming book, You Deserve This Sh!t: Flood Your Life With Consciousness, Step Into Your Power, and Become the Best Version of Yourself (get on the waitlist below with everyone else!). These are the pillars I developed and used to discover who I am and what I want in life. They can do the same for you, too.

What Is Self-discovery?

Self-discovery is a process of understanding your own character and becoming aware of your potential and motives.  It's not a journey to discover someone new, it’s a journey to break down the barriers within yourself to discover who your soul always knew you were.

If you discover yourself,  you’re able to tap into your passions, figure out your life’s purpose—the reason you get up in the morning—and learn what motivates you. Ultimately, discovering who you are and what you want to do allows you to unlock the best version of yourself.

Why Your Journey of Self-discovery Is Important

Without discovering yourself—understanding your purpose, passions, potential, and motives—you’ll never achieve something better than what you have now. You’ll choose to live a life inundated by unconsciousness and the pain that comes along with it. So, the ball is in your court, what are you going to choose?

Three Pillars of Self-discovery

One purpose of this article is to teach you the three pillars of self-discovery—awareness, comfort zones, and intentional living—you’ll need these tools for your journey. Learning about these pillars will help you discover who you are and aid you in the process of becoming the best version of yourself. When you discover who you are, you’ll be set free of taking the wrong paths in life.

1. Awareness

Do you take notice of all that’s happening around you, from significant to seemingly insignificant things? Or, do you let life pass in front of your eyes missing potential opportunities to capitalize on your growth?

Discovering and re-inventing yourself is a whole lot easier when you practice awareness and self-awareness. Awareness is the ability to recognize what’s happening around you. It lets you understand your character, feelings, and what inspires you.

Your awareness will help you begin to realize what moves you physically, emotionally, and mentally. It will most importantly allow you to see what you want to chase and follow. If we want to create change, if we want to design the trajectory of our life, we need to embrace our awareness. That starts now.

Tips to Master Your Awareness

  •   Start to journal: Journaling is my bread and butter. If you're familiar with my work, you know this is one tool I hope to instill in other people. Journaling lets you uncover areas of your life you didn't know existed, help you become aware of your thoughts, and allows you to self-reflect, which is key to becoming the best version of yourself.
  •   Look for the small things in life: Practicing mindfulness—the practice of being aware of something—is crucial when mastering your awareness. As you begin to take note of all the small things in life, you’ll begin to open a new door to your awareness and find ways to improve certain areas of your life. Sometimes those seemingly insignificant things can teach you a great deal about yourself and others around you.
  •   Ask yourself honest (and hard) questions:  The right questions are ones that hurt to ask and also hurt to answer. Begin to ask yourself questions about your life, happiness, stress, grief, and actions. This can be a way to learn more about yourself, as it allows you to examine your own actions and motives in life.
  •   Adapt to your surroundings:  As your awareness increases, you’ll start to realize that life may be urging you to move in a specific direction. Take notice of this and evolve with that urge. Don’t resist going where life is asking you to go. Most of the time we hit a growth ceiling because we are too weary of where life wants to take us and choose to remain the same. However, when we let go and adapt to our surroundings we can go to unimaginable places.
  •   Practice meditation: Similar to journaling, meditation is another way to look inward and learn more about yourself. When we silence our minds, we're able to have profound realizations. We live in an age where you can find endless amounts of guided meditations on YouTube that range in length. That is where I started my mediation journey, and it's the perfect place for you too if you're looking to take this step in your life.

2. Comfort Zones

Your comfort zone is the place you feel most comfortable. It’s a stress-free zone where you know there will be no unexpected surprises or events. Although it’s in our nature to retreat to this zone, it shouldn’t be in our best interest. Exponential personal and professional growth typically happens by putting ourselves in unique situations that will challenge us to become better.

These situations likely never exist in our comfort zone. It may be difficult to understand at first, but it’s crucial to chase something unfamiliar that keeps you on your toes. Constant newness in your life will allow you to adapt to your surroundings and learn how to overcome difficult situations, ones that push you further along in your journey.

Whether you believe it or not, achieving any goal—even the goal of living comfortably—will require you to put yourself in some sort of uncomfortable situation or position. Everything in life begins to flourish outside our comfort zones. That’s where the magic happens

Tips to Become Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

  • Build trust with yourself: You are your own biggest critic, which sometimes makes it challenging to live outside your comfort zone. You must build trust within yourself first. To do so, you need to fill your mind with positive self-talk. It’s as simple as that. Tell yourself “I can and I will.” Feed your brain the mental nutrition it needs to realize that you’re not only in control of your destiny, but you trust yourself to stand for uniqueness.
  • Reject the normal:  Grasp the understanding that you need to live the life that you want and not how others think you should live. I’ve come to realize sometimes that in order to do that, you must reject what people perceive as “normal.” Don’t search for acceptance. Surround yourself with genuine people who support your journey, they will accept you for who you are.
  • Give yourself permission to be the beginner: Don’t get me wrong, being a beginner is never an easy situation. But, you must realize that being a beginner is part of learning anything new. It’s integral to gaining the skills you need to take a craft, hobby, or passion to where you envision it to go. Give yourself permission to be a beginner and begin to understand that it’s in those moments you’ll learn skills that will help shape your path.
  • Embrace your curiosity:  Curiosity is innate within all of us. However, it’s been trained out of us since a young age. As kids, we’re at a curious high—we explore everything and experiment with our environment. But as we get older, it’s looked down upon to try something new or different because you may fail. Forget about what society has made you believe. Embrace your inner child—your original or true self—and use your curiosity to your advantage. It changed my life, and it can change yours, too.
  • Learn how to use failure to your advantage:  Up until now, you’ve probably seen failure as a negative. However, with a simple mindset shift, you can leverage failure and use it to help you grow. See it as an opportunity to learn a lesson that will help you get to your next stepping stone. Failure is your teammate if you’re willing to lean into it.

3. Intentional Living

Do you want to make impactful decisions in your life that revolve around your beliefs and values? If you answered yes, then choose to lead a life of intentional living.

Intentional living consists of making choices that keep you connected with your life values. Choosing to live intentionally is a decision, it’s a commitment, it’s a promise you need to make with yourself. The decisions you make on a daily basis define you now and will define your future. With that in mind, this means you’re able to choose a life that matters—one that you want to lead.

Living intentionally doesn’t need to be complicated. It will only become complicated if you make it so. Instead, let go of doing it perfectly, stop overthinking, and trust your gut. Make decisions that feel right, the ones that represent the person you want to be or become. You can do it, trust me.

Tips to Live an Intentional Life

  • Form a routine: The easiest way to be in the driver seat of your day is to create a morning practice that gives you the keys. Morning routines can help improve your attitude, performance, and overall energy. So, why would you not have one? Be sure to create a morning routine that works for your goals and schedule.
  • Embody positive thinking:  Your thoughts are energy. They cause change both internally and externally—your mind and your actions. Your mindset truly matters, and it can be a powerful aspect to unlocking the maximum version of your character.
  • Consciously choose your life style:  Your choices and decisions can dictate your life’s path. If you want to chase a specific life or create change, you must take charge and create that world for yourself through a lifestyle developed by intentional choices. To do so, prepare to choose your lifestyle, remember the “why” behind your choice, evaluate the outcome, benefits, and repercussions, and always follow through with your choice.
  • Aim to create good, intentional habits:  We all have our personal goals, whether they relate to your journey of self-discovery, or something else. However, to achieve these goals we must form habits—a system—that help us get to where we want to be. You can form new, intentional habits by asking the right questions about what habits are missing and what (negative) habits need to go, incorporating the new habit into your life, evaluating its future potential for your life, and letting the habit become second nature.
  • Dream big, really big:  Anytime you create a vision for yourself, remember that your life will be as big as your aspirations—your dreams. Don’t be afraid to dream your wildest dreams, it’s these intentions that will take you to your highest potential. Don’t sell yourself short, aim high, and chase exactly what you want, regardless of how “impossible” it feels at first.

The Truth About Self-discovery

Now, I'm going to be honest because that's what any good friend would do. The journey of self-discovery does not have an ending, meaning discovering who you are is an ongoing process. I'm not saying you'll never discover your true self; however, there will always be more to learn and areas where you can dig deeper.

You will encounter different phases of your journey, and with each phase, you'll start to understand yourself more. Your journey of self-discovery will become the healthiest addiction in your life. Embrace the process because life becomes a whole lot more exciting when you're uncovering new parts of your soul.

Bottom Line

Self-discovery, or discovering who you were always meant to be, is an on-going process that begins by making a commitment to living the life you want to live. By using the three pillars of self-discovery—awareness, comfort zones, and intentional living—you can flood your life with consciousness, step into your power, and become the best version of yourself.

How are you going to start your journey of self-discovery? Let me know in the comments below.

All Self-discovery-related Articles

About the author.

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Expand Your Mind & Choose Change

on a self discovery journey

John Kim LMFT

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Your 20s: Embrace the Journey of Self-Discovery

A personal perspective: valuable lessons to learn during a pivotal decade..

Posted June 26, 2023 | Reviewed by Devon Frye

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Your 20s can be an exciting and transformative phase of your life. It’s a time when you’re expected to figure out your path, forge relationships, and make significant life decisions. However, amid all the pressure and uncertainty, it’s crucial to remember a few essential things.

So, let’s take a closer look at some valuable lessons to carry with you during this pivotal decade.

Firstly, don’t fret about where or who you’ll be in five years. Similar to how you reflect on high school with a desire for different choices, understand that you might feel the same way about your 20s in the future. Acknowledge this and use it as motivation to make different decisions today. Focus on the present moment and work on building a healthy relationship with yourself above all else.

In a world that often glorifies busyness and constant achievement, remember to slow down and appreciate today. It’s perfectly alright to not have all the answers or a concrete plan for the future. Instead of trying to prove something to others, seek personal growth and validation from within. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, shattering the veneer of perfection and embracing your true self.

Speak up and be heard. Your voice matters, and expressing your thoughts and feelings is essential for personal growth. Establishing clear boundaries is crucial for your mental and emotional well-being. Draw a line between what is acceptable and what is not, and don’t be afraid to enforce those boundaries.

Tap into your inner strength as much as possible. Cultivate your solid self —the part of you that remains constant, regardless of external circumstances. It will be your anchor during challenging times. Engage in activities that make you sweat, physically and mentally. Exercise, move your body, and embrace the power of endorphins. Additionally, consider seeking therapy or counseling as a means of processing your emotions and experiences.

Travel, if possible. Exploring new places and cultures can broaden your perspective, challenge your assumptions, and help you discover more about yourself. Embrace the discomfort that comes with the unknown and learn to adapt to different environments.

Avoid compartmentalizing people. Embrace diversity and inclusivity in your relationships. Connect with individuals from various backgrounds and perspectives, and learn from their experiences. Love fearlessly, even if you’ve been hurt before. Open your heart to new possibilities and allow yourself to experience deep connections.

Practice gratitude daily. Appreciating the small things in life can shift your focus from what’s lacking to what you already have. Adopting a clean and healthy eating lifestyle can have a positive impact on your physical and mental well-being. Remember that your worth is not determined by a number on a scale.

Take charge of your life and avoid playing the victim. Instead, cultivate forgiveness and compassion. Holding grudges and harboring resentment will only weigh you down. Forgiveness liberates you and allows you to move forward with a lighter heart.

Don’t let the opinions of others dictate your actions. Live life on your terms and step out of the line if it doesn’t align with your values and desires. Embrace your unique story, with all its ups and downs. Avoid chasing money for the sake of it; instead, seek truth, meaning, and fulfillment.

Lastly, be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your journey will unfold at its own pace. Trust the process and believe in your ability to navigate the challenges that come your way.

As you venture through your 20s, remember that it’s a time for self-discovery, growth, and exploration. Embrace the lessons, take risks, and learn from your experiences. This decade will shape you into the person you’re meant to be.

John Kim LMFT

John Kim, LMFT , pioneered an online coaching movement called Lumia Coaching years ago when he started working in unconventional ways. He continues to ride his motorcycle to sessions all over LA, meeting clients in coffee shops, gyms, on hikes. He's a published best selling author and speaker.

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3 Ways to Start Your Self-Discovery Journey

woman thinking

Before you build healthy relationships with other people, you should first come to terms with yourself. For some people, this means learning how to validate their personal needs and love themselves, while for others, this means identifying their life goals and aspirations. Whatever your case, this process isn’t possible without in-depth self-discovery.

However, while this journey will inevitably benefit your self-esteem and overall attitude towards life, it also entails spending more time alone with yourself, which might not feel comfortable at first if you’re not used to it. It might also seem intimidating, especially if you don’t know where to start.

Fortunately, there are several exciting and fun ways to help you start your self-discovery journey without overwhelming yourself. Apart from beginning your morning with a journaling practice and reevaluating your current relationships, you can also go on a vacation alone, create a daily spiritual ritual, such as yoga or meditation, and learn to heal your inner child. Continue reading to learn how to embark on the journey of self-discovery.

Take a solo holiday

Some people might think that taking a solo holiday is weird or sad since you’ll be by yourself the entire time, but there are many benefits to doing so. For example, this kind of vacation enables you to focus on yourself and your needs without worrying about other people or feeling guilty about not spending enough time together with your companions.

Plus, it gives you time to reflect on your life and open up to new opportunities and experiences without worrying about making someone else happy. If you’re ready to take a solo holiday, here are some great places that are perfect for exploring yourself and finding new interests.

Go hiking in the mountains

Hiking might seem like an activity that requires some physical strength, and this is true to some extent. But even if you’re not athletic, there are many hiking trails that are perfect for beginners. Indeed, more picturesque routes like Aconcagua may seem intimidating at first, but they’re easy to conquer if you learn the basics and have an experienced guide show you the ropes.

The reason why it is so beneficial to go hiking in the mountains is that it provides you with a feeling of freedom and empowerment, which are great for self-discovery. Your accomplishments will boost your confidence and help you overcome obstacles in life, and the gorgeous scenery will also help you feel at peace with yourself.

Go camping in the woods

Another great way to spend time alone with yourself is camping in the woods. While this activity may seem a bit bizarre for some because it is usually associated with activities done with other people, it’s actually a great way to reconnect with yourself while surrounded by nature. All you need is a tent or a camper van, some food and drinks, essential camping equipment , warm clothes, and a sense of adventure.

Camping in the woods can also be a lot of fun, as you can explore new places, enjoy the fresh air, and admire the stars at night. If you want to make your camping experience even more comfortable and luxurious, you can  win a luxurious live-in van  by entering a competition. This van will challenge you to learn new skills, such as making a fire, cooking outdoors, or identifying plants and animals.

To make your solo camping trip even better, try bringing some books with inspirational or self-development quotes or play some meditation music on your phone or portable speaker. That way, you can immerse yourself in relaxation and peace without having to worry about anything else but enjoying the tranquil nature around you.

Go kayaking on a river

If you’re not really into hiking or camping, you can still enjoy the pleasures of spending time by yourself in the wilderness. For example, you can go find fish when kayaking on a river and just enjoy the serenity of nature. You’ll also get a chance to be one with yourself and think about your life and future, which will help you gain a deeper understanding of your needs and desires.

Kayaking allows you to find your centre and focus on the present moment. It’s also a great way to get some exercise and spend some time in nature without feeling overwhelmed by the “troubles” of modern life. All you need is a good kayak and some water-friendly clothing.

Create a daily spiritual practice

Following a spiritual practice is one of the more effective ways to connect with your inner wisdom and discover your best self. By creating a daily spiritual practice, you can increase your self-awareness, overcome negative emotions and destructive thought patterns, and set powerful intentions for the day ahead. Plus, it helps you connect with inner peace, which is something that we all need to feel happy and fulfilled.

Spiritual practices can be as simple as saying a prayer every morning or as complex as following a specific spiritual path and living according to its principles. Regardless of how you define your spiritual practice, there are some things that you should keep in mind.

Turn it into a part of your daily routine

As you devote more time to your spiritual practice, you’ll notice that it becomes a part of you. If you incorporate it into your daily routine, you’ll be more likely to stick with it and reap all of its benefits. For example, you can set the alarm so that you remember to start your meditation each morning or keep a daily journal to document your thoughts and feelings.

So, if you want to pursue your spiritual path, you need to find routines that will help you do so. It might seem a bit daunting at first, but it is well worth the effort. Turn off all distractions, such as the TV or your cell phone, and focus on yourself. If you feel like you’re not ready for it yet, don’t worry. You can start with some simple activities that don’t require much time and effort; as long as they help you develop a positive mindset, they are enough.

Choose what feels good for you

It’s important to remember that your spiritual practice should come from the heart and feel good for you. It doesn’t have to be religious or resonate with anyone else but you. It can be as simple as reading motivational books or inspirational quotes every day or meditating. Whatever you choose, make sure that it makes you happy and gives you a sense of peace.

Learn to heal your inner child

If you don’t feel happy or fulfilled in your life, it might be because something is missing. It could be a relationship with yourself or a certain aspect of your personality, but whatever it is, there’s one thing that you can always do about it. You can take a step back from the world and learn to heal your inner child. This means going on a soul-searching journey that will help you overcome your fears, limitations, and negative thought patterns and become more accepting of yourself.

To start this process, you first need to identify the source of your problems. It might be an unresolved trauma from the past or a negative thinking pattern that has been active since you were a child. Once you figure out what it is, you can start the healing process by writing in a journal or talking to a therapist. This can help you overcome your fears and negative emotions and move on with your life.

Final thoughts

While the process of self-discovery can be challenging at first, you can make it easier by starting your day with a journaling practice, creating a daily spiritual ritual, such as meditation or yoga, and taking a solo vacation. All of these activities will help you uncover more about yourself while keeping you away from distractions.

The most important thing is to remember that self-discovery can’t be an end goal. It’s a lifelong journey that will transform you and your life in the best possible way. So, whichever way you choose to embark on this journey, make sure that you enjoy the process and don’t rush too much.

Dennis Relojo-Howell is the managing director of Psychreg.


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Solo Traveler

Solo travel tips, destinations, stories... the source for those who travel alone.

on a self discovery journey

A Journey of Self-Discovery: Be Good at Being You

Janice Waugh

November 17, 2022 by Janice Waugh

woman at sunrise

Solo travel serves us in so many ways. As all travelers, we learn about the world. As solo travelers we also learn more about ourselves. A solo trip is a journey of self-discovery.

Let's face it, your longest relationship in life won't be with your parents, a sister or brother, partner or friend. It will be with yourself.

From birth to death, you are with you. You will keep your many confidences, your dreams of the night, and your dreams of daylight. Perhaps your missteps (you alone can really complete any forgiveness needed) and your victories (the ones that are huge to you but too small to share) will be held as well.

Your relationship with yourself is crucial to your happiness. It is fundamental to successful relationships with others. You need you as your best friend. You need to be good at being you.

This is what takes me to solo travel as a journey of self-discovery.

self-discovery internal landscape

What Is Self-Discovery?

10 Best this, Top 100 that: we live in a world driven by comparisons.

We tend to do the same in our personal lives. Caroline McHugh, in her 2013 TED Talk,  The Art of Being You , refers to the tendency to draw personal comparisons in real life and on social media as an addiction to approval. This addiction is distracting and uses energy that could be applied in more satisfying ways.

The journey of self-discovery is the process of understanding yourself without drawing comparisons to others. It's about knowing your values, interests, needs, wants, skills, and dreams. It's about knowing your personal characteristics, including your strengths and weaknesses.

Armed with heightened awareness through self-discovery, we are more conscious of our authentic selves and better able to make choices for more meaningful, happy lives.

This is where solo travel comes in. Extracting yourself from a world of comparisons by traveling solo, that internal dialogue that draws such conclusions falls silent. In the silence, the process of self-discovery has space to take place.

journey of self-discovery involves reaching into new interest areas

Solo Travel: A Journey to Self-Discovery

Traveling solo, one has time to gain perspective.

As you travel solo, you can see how you operate when no one is looking. You have more time to look at the intentions behind your thoughts, words, and actions. Because you are outside of your normal life, you can see these intentions, assess them, and tweak them to create the life that you want. It helps you be better at being you.

5 Steps to Self-Discovery As You Travel Solo

  • Choose a destination that feels physically and emotionally safe . If you want to focus on self-discovery, it's important to go to a place where you feel safe and secure. You can learn things when you are in challenging destinations but it won't be the type of discoveries we're talking about here.
  • Go to places of solitude . Parks, libraries, art galleries, and other places that invite you to be quiet and keep to yourself will give you time and space for contemplation on your journey of self-discovery. Seeing where your mind wanders when not engaged in anything in particular is fascinating to observe and revealing in itself. Your mind will naturally drift to topics of interest about which you may be unaware. You may even reconnect with the dreams of your younger self. Consider whether they continue to inspire you or may already have been realized.
  • Leave lots of unscheduled time on your itinerary . As you explore your destination, you will naturally find or learn about things that you want to explore that you hadn't previously known about. Leaving unscheduled time on your itinerary gives you the freedom to respond to opportunities as they arise.
  • Look for inspiration in new places . Are you a musician? Explore the local sports scene. Are you an artist? Go to a science center. As you travel solo, explore areas of interest that are not natural to you. Drawing inspiration from new places can take your thoughts and ideas into new directions.
  • Spend time reflecting. Whether you're a note-taker, doodler, or audio person, spend some time reflecting on and documenting your thoughts, strengths, interests, and discoveries.

There are a number of paths to self-discovery. This post on Self-Coaching will provide some insight for you on methods and questions to ask in your self-discovery process.

I encourage you to use solo travel as part of your self-discovery journey. Take the time to learn who you are now because you are not the person you were in your teens, a decade ago, or even last year. Solo travel also offers an opportunity to explore and practice who you want to be.

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on a self discovery journey

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Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery

70 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth? Then you’ve come to the right place. I’m excited to get on this journey with you – a journey of journaling. You might be wondering, why journaling? Well, journaling, specifically with self-discovery journal prompts, is an extraordinary tool for personal growth. It’s a path that leads you straight to the person you’ve been with all along but might not fully understand – yourself.

By using the best journal prompts for self discovery, you can peel back the layers of your experiences, emotions, and thoughts, revealing who you truly are. In this post, we’re going to delve into self-discovery journaling, so buckle up and get ready!

Journaling: A Peek into Science

You might be asking, “What’s so special about journaling, and why is it linked with self-discovery?” Science provides us with some insightful answers.

Journaling is much more than just putting pen to paper. It’s a process of reflection, introspection, and exploration that helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself. It’s akin to having a conversation with yourself, where you’re both the talker and the listener. This ongoing dialogue encourages self-discovery, helping you identify your desires, fears, joys, and challenges.

Studies have shown that journaling has a plethora of psychological benefits. It’s a stress reliever, a mood booster, and even a tool for enhancing memory. When you articulate your thoughts and emotions in writing, you’re essentially clearing out the mental clutter, which allows you to see yourself and your circumstances more clearly.

So, by consistently using journal prompts for self-discovery, you’ll be embarking on a scientifically-backed journey to your inner self.

The Adventure of Self-Discovery

Self-discovery is an introspective process that entails uncovering your true self, beyond the roles, labels, and expectations that society places on you. It’s about understanding your beliefs, values, passions, and dreams. The beauty of self-discovery is that it’s an ongoing journey, not a destination. And just like any adventure, it can be thrilling, challenging, and profoundly rewarding.

The significance of self-discovery extends beyond mere self-awareness. It’s closely tied to our overall well-being. When you understand yourself better, you make more aligned decisions, nurture healthier relationships, and lead a life that truly reflects who you are.

In essence, using journal prompts for self-discovery isn’t just about knowing yourself. It’s about forging a path to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

self discovery journal prompts

70 Journaling Prompts for Self-Discovery

Goals and aspirations.

  • What is a long-term goal you have for yourself, and why is it important to you?
  • What are three steps you can take towards achieving this goal ?
  • What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
  • How do you measure success for yourself?
  • What is something new you want to learn this year, and why?
  • Describe a moment when you felt proud of an accomplishment.
  • What motivates you to wake up every morning?
  • How do you handle setbacks and disappointments?
  • In what areas of life would you like to be more confident ?
  • What skills or talents do you wish you had or want to improve?


Values and Beliefs

  • What are the three core values that guide your life and decisions?
  • In what ways do you express these values in your daily life?
  • How do your actions align with your values?
  • What belief about yourself holds you back the most?
  • What is one belief you have that positively affects your life?
  • Is there a belief or attitude you once held but changed over time?
  • What is a cause that you feel passionate about, and why?
  • How do you deal with situations that challenge your values or beliefs?
  • What do you believe is your purpose in life?
  • How have your values and beliefs shaped your relationships with others?

Emotions and Feelings

  • Describe a situation that made you feel incredibly happy. Why did it have that effect?
  • What triggers feelings of frustration or anger in you? How do you handle these feelings?
  • Write about a time you felt scared and how you dealt with it.
  • What is a recent situation that made you feel disappointed, and why?
  • Describe an experience that made you feel proud.
  • How do you handle feelings of stress and overwhelm?
  • What makes you feel peaceful and calm?
  • What are your emotional strengths?
  • How do you express your love and care towards others?
  • What is a situation that made you feel excited recently?

Strengths and Weaknesses

  • List five of your strengths and five areas you’d like to improve.
  • How have your strengths helped you in your personal or professional life?
  • How do you usually handle criticism or feedback?
  • Describe a time when you overcame a personal weakness.
  • How do you think others perceive your strengths?
  • How can you utilize your strengths to achieve your goals?
  • What is one weakness that you have turned into a strength?
  • What steps can you take to improve in the areas you consider as weaknesses?
  • How do your strengths and weaknesses affect your relationships?
  • What is a weakness you are not ready to change, and why?

Past Reflections and Lessons

  • Reflect on a childhood memory that still impacts you today.
  • Write about a person from your past who significantly influenced your life.
  • What is a mistake you made that led to valuable learning?
  • Describe a moment from your past that you would like to relive.
  • What have been the three most defining moments of your life so far?
  • How have your past experiences shaped who you are today?
  • What is a significant challenge you’ve overcome in your life?
  • If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?
  • Write a letter to your past self. What advice would you give?
  • What are three major life lessons you’ve learned so far?

Future Perspectives

  • Where do you see yourself five years from now?
  • What changes do you want to see in your life one year from now?
  • What steps can you take today to make your future better?
  • Write about a dream you have for your future self .
  • How do you envision your retirement?
  • What is a fear you have about the future, and how can you face it?
  • Describe your ideal lifestyle ten years from now.
  • What personal milestones do you want to reach in the future?
  • What habits do you want to develop for your future self?
  • Write a letter to your future self with hopes and expectations.

Relationships and Connections

  • Write about the most influential relationships in your life.
  • What qualities do you value most in friendships?
  • How have your relationships shaped your identity?
  • What role does your family play in your life?
  • Describe a time when a relationship challenged you.
  • How do you handle conflicts in your relationships?
  • What are some ways you show love and affection to others?
  • How can you improve the relationships in your life?
  • What does a healthy relationship look like to you?
  • How do you define boundaries in your relationships?

Pin these self-discovery journal prompts!

self-discovery journaling

Tips for Self-Discovery Journaling

You’re now equipped with a long list of journal prompts for self-discovery. But knowing the prompts is just the first step; using them effectively is where the magic happens. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your journaling journey:

Create a Soothing Environment

Journaling is an intimate process. Make it even more inviting by crafting a peaceful environment. Find a cozy spot , light some scented candles, play soft music, or brew a cup of your favorite tea. Your surroundings can greatly enhance your journaling experience.

Choose Your Timing

When you journal is entirely up to you. Some people find their thoughts flow better in the tranquility of the morning , while others prefer the reflective calm of the night . Experiment with different times to see when you’re most in tune with your thoughts and feelings.

Frequency is Key

The more regularly you journal, the more insightful your self-discovery journey will be. Whether you choose to do it daily or a few times a week, consistency is vital. Make journaling a part of your routine.

Honesty is the Best Policy

Remember, your journal is a safe space for your thoughts and feelings. It’s just you and the paper, no judgment or expectations. Be as honest and raw as you can. The more truthful you are, the deeper you’ll delve into your self-discovery journey.

Reflect and Revisit

After writing, take some time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. It’s also beneficial to revisit your past entries periodically. This can provide valuable insights into your personal growth and evolution over time.

The Journey Ahead

You’re all set to embark on an enriching journey of self-discovery. Equipped with self-discovery journal prompts and guided by your personal curiosity and honesty, you’re about to uncover layers of your being you never knew existed.

This is a journey, not a destination, so embrace each step with patience, kindness, and understanding. Remember, every stroke of your pen brings you closer to the truth of who you are. So, venture forward and explore the depths of your being.





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50 self-discovery questions for getting to know the real you

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The benefits of introspective questions

Starting a self-discovery journey

50 self-discovery questions for 5 areas of your life, other ways to learn more about yourself, meet the most important person in your life: yourself.

When was the last time you checked in with yourself? 

Sometimes life becomes hectic, and you don’t have time to look inward. Without self-reflection , you might feel overcome by stress , start to self-pity , and lose track of the things you really care about. This is normal and can happen to anyone, regardless of occupation or level of happiness .

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way forever. Whether you’re experiencing burnout or imposter syndrome , taking the time to ask self-discovery questions and learn more about yourself can help you take steps to feel better . 

Practicing positive self-talk and self-care are some of the best ways to stay on top of your mental health. In fact, 75% of Americans believe self-care can alleviate stress , and integrating it into your life gives you more control over how you feel and react.

You might find that your feelings and emotions are hard to identify. When you make a mistake at work , are you angry at the situation, or disappointed in yourself? When you fail to communicate with your partner, are you sad, annoyed, or furious (or a combination of all three)?

Asking get-to-know-yourself questions, whether about a specific situation or your general feelings, can help you better identify your emotions and learn about the nature of your personal values , needs, and wants in all parts of your life. From there, you’ll discover how best to deal with inevitable bumps in the road.

Other benefits of pondering deep personal questions include:

  • Increasing self-awareness
  • Improving mental fitness  
  • Discovering and nurturing your uniqueness 
  • Learning how to identify and communicate your feelings
  • Developing healthy relationships 
  • Strengthening emotional intelligence
  • Improving decision-making skills

Learning more about your feelings takes more than just asking questions. The first step in a self-discovery journey is believing you’re worthy of the time and effort it takes to take care of yourself.

Overcoming automatic negative thoughts actually takes mental training . It’s impossible to completely eradicate judgmental self-talk, but practice is the best way to question those statements and remember your positive qualities. This is your chance to put your thoughts on trial and test them for authenticity : where are these thoughts coming from, and are they actually true? 

Stopping to think honestly about who you really are and what you really feel will help you take better care of yourself. You’ll recognize your strengths and weaknesses and find what a good self-care practice might look like for you.

Once you start, don’t stop. To unlock your true potential and live your most authentic life , you have to work for it. Self-discovery might seem like an overwhelming process, but this personal work can be fulfilling and joyful, despite the effort it takes. By committing to your well-being, you can find, define, and start walking down your path.


You might not find easy answers to these self-care questions. Some are big and theoretical, and some are more concrete — and each one will get you thinking about yourself, your life, and your choices. 

Try not to shy away from questions that make you uncomfortable. Sometimes, it’s in the most uncomfortable moments that you learn the most. 

Here are 50 different questions to ask yourself:


If you aren’t sure where to start your introspection, these basic self-care questions are a good jumping-off point. They dig into the fundamentals of who you are.

  • What kind of person do I think I am, and does that match what other people think?
  • What are my core values ?
  • What’s my personality type ?
  • When do I feel most like my authentic self?
  • What would it look like if I stepped outside my comfort zone ?
  • Which three words describe me best?
  • How do I find peace?
  • Where does my self-worth come from?
  • What’s a favorite memory that makes me the happiest?
  • What do I truly like to do?

Life obstacles

Everyone has bad days , but sometimes those days become larger obstacles. If this is what you’re facing, try posing questions about those roadblocks and how you want to get around them — whether that’s a difficult coworker , financial stress , or failure. 

  • What obstacles get in the way of my happiness?
  • When was the last time I was angry, and how did I handle it?
  • Where do my negative thoughts stem from?
  • What’s my level of financial wellness , and is it what I want it to be?
  • What is the most important part of my life?
  • If I could change one thing about myself, what would it be?
  • At what point in my life was I most self-confident ?
  • Do I have a healthy inner monologue when things go wrong?
  • What’s my definition of a successful life?
  • Do I learn from my mistakes?


Education is a lifelong process. Whether you’re in school or not, you’re always absorbing new concepts and learning new things . That’s why these questions are evergreen.

  • Are there any gaps in my learning?
  • Am I finished with formal education?
  • What did I truly enjoy about school?
  • Do I want to continue with more education at grad school , or can I find that learning elsewhere?
  • Do I feel stagnant?
  • What could I teach others?
  • What’s a soft skill I could brush up on?
  • Why do I like or dislike learning, and how can I practice that in day-to-day life?
  • Do I compare myself to others and their level of education?
  • What motivates me about learning?

Professional life 

Maybe you’re managing two jobs at once , or maybe you’re disappointed about not getting a promotion . Your professional self is a big part of you, and it also deserves self-reflection, especially if you’re ready to grow in your career .

  • Is my work enjoyable, and why or why not?
  • What do I expect my future self to be doing to earn a living?
  • What’s my 5 year plan ?
  • How do I manage my work-life balance?
  • Who inspires me at work, and why?
  • Is there any job out there that I would do for free?
  • What are my job’s greatest challenges?
  • When was the last time I made a mistake, and how did it make me feel?
  • Am I working to live or living to work?
  • Do I find purpose in my daily work?



Interpersonal relationships and social interaction take up a large part of not only your time but your emotional energy too. Nurturing your relationships with the people around you, whether they’re colleagues or romantic partners, can build up your support system and inform your own thinking.

  • What do I contribute to my relationships?
  • Who are my go-to friends or family members when I’m upset?
  • Do I have unfinished business with anyone, and would I benefit from talking to them?
  • What kinds of love have I shared or experienced?
  • How will my friends and family remember me when I’m gone?
  • Who is my greatest influence, and why?
  • Is there an unhealthy relationship I should let go of?
  • Is there a relationship I should strengthen, and how can I go about it?
  • Do my friends and family inform my decisions?
  • What kinds of interactions make me the happiest?

Self-reflection is an ongoing process, and it doesn’t have a finish line. Once you start your journey, find practices that make you feel comfortable and help you grow — which will be different for everyone. 

If you’ve maxed out your self-discovery questions or are ready to explore new methods of reflection, try these other activities: 

  • Journaling: Writing your thoughts down in a journal can help you work through and reflect on your emotions. Whether you’re writing a stream of consciousness or one careful word at a time, being open and honest with yourself on paper (or digitally) is a great way to explore.


  • Exercising: Getting the blood pumping releases chemicals called endorphins that regulate your mood and improve self-esteem . Though it may be difficult to get off the couch at first, exercise boosts your mental health and can clear your mind.
  • Eating a healthy diet: The food we eat has much to do with how we feel about ourselves. A healthy diet supports your body’s systems and gives you the energy you need to look inward. Try incorporating healthy foods for concentration into your diet.
  • Prioritizing sleep: Not getting enough sleep makes you feel irritable and unfocused , and when that develops into poor sleep hygiene , you might have difficulty concentrating and feeling energized throughout the day. Consider establishing a self-care bedtime routine to make sure you get enough sleep.
  • Meditating: Meditation reduces stress , aids emotional regulation, and gives you a quiet space for self-reflection. This can look like a formal meditation practice, or simply being mindful throughout the day. Whether you’re a beginner in meditation or do it every day, taking the time to be quiet and calm will reduce stress and help you relax .
  • Creating art: Art therapy can improve your self-esteem and self-awareness . Creating art, whether visual or otherwise, is about identifying and expressing your feelings. If you’re having trouble vocalizing your emotions, art could be a good alternative. 

Asking self-discovery questions has the potential to change your life, but it requires regular practice. Take time out of your day to check in with yourself, and find different ways to embrace self-exploration.

Once you look inward and take the time to look after your brain, you’ll continue the trip of a lifetime: the journey of self-discovery .

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

100 self-reflection questions to explore yourself

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The MOST calming + heart-centered approach to Self Improvement, Self-Discovery + Life Experience on the planet! Brief Overview: The Book of Mastery will travel worldwide to connect with individuals we believe have achieved MASTERY in specific areas of their lives. Why is this important? Well because if they can do it, then so can we. From small villages to farmers, business owners, healers, monks, and everyday people... we can all learn from each other and better our lives by gaining new perspectives and outlooks on life. Come with me on a journey, and let's achieve self-mastery together.  Hosted by: McKenzie McBride. McKenzie is a Documentary Filmmaker, Public Speaker + Storyteller. If there are three things, McKenzie cannot live without... it's Tea, Community + Filmmaking. If you don't know how much he loves tea, you're about to find out.  Episodes will be structured in three different ways: Interviews with inspiring + loving individualsFollow-Ups: In these episodes, we discuss connecting with the interviewees and what we've learned from them.I'm coming at you with the wisdom, knowledge bombs and all the vibes through the art of storytelling and unscripted thoughts.NEW EPISODES: New episodes at least twice a week!Podcast Length: Solo podcasts usually do not surpass 35minsInterviews are generally 45mins - 1:20minsKey Insights | Who Is This Podcast For: If you enjoy self-improvementIf you enjoy new perspectives on life and expanding your consciousnessIf you enjoy learning about culturesIf you enjoy esoteric talksREADY TO DIVE DEEP? SUBSCRIBE NOW and join us for the journey! WATCH THE LATEST JOURNEY ON YOUTUBE HERE LET'S CONNECT: For collaborations, bookings, sponsorships: [email protected] On Instagram: @mckenziebmcbride

The Book of Mastery McKenzie McBride

  • Society & Culture
  • 5.0 • 17 Ratings
  • APR 24, 2024

Dyslexia Is NOT A Disability | Defying All Odds with Dylan Smith

Dyslexia Is NOT A Disability | Defying All Odds with Dylan Smith Season 1: Episode 1 In this episode, Dylan Smith paints a staggering picture of what it was like living in an orphanage in Russia and being misdiagnosed with ADHD and put on medication. He touched upon how he fell behind in school and was bullied by his classmates for being Dyslexic (they called him "the stupid kid.") And if that wasn't enough, all of this is occurring while Dylan has to deal with a violent alcoholic father at home.  Today, Dylan stands as the definition of defying all odds. With all the cards stacked against him and every reason in the world to fall into victimhood, Dylan rose like a phoenix. Today, Dylan works on Wall Street and is on a mission to help reshape the way the world views Dyslexia. He is a true embodiment of what it's like to be in alignment with mind, body and soul. Key Insights: What life is actually like having Dyslexia VS how the world views itThe story of how he saved someone's life who almost committed suici***Misdiagnosed and put on medicationLiving in an orphanage in Russia Podcast Host: McKenzie McBride Special Guest: Dylan Smith Length: 1hr 2mins Get ready to embark on an emotional roller coaster, open your heart and receive truth. SUBSCRIBE NOW to awakening your spirit, feel all the feels and broaden your perspective. WATCH FULL VIDEO ON YOUTUBE FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM: @mckenziebmcbride Connect with Dylan: Instagram | @disfordyslexia19 Website |

  • © Copyright McKenzie McBride

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Inner Journey A Seekers Path: A Visionary Journey of Self Discovery

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Inner Journey A Seekers Path: A Visionary Journey of Self Discovery Paperback – Large Print, April 8, 2024

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"Inner Journey: A Seeker's Path" is a transformative guidebook that takes readers on a symbolic, fictional journey of self-discovery through beautifully illustrated inner landscapes. The book follows a captivating narrative arc, guiding readers through a series of profound, transformative experiences and revelatory insights. Each chapter is a new stage in the journey, a unique and evocative inner realm brought to life through stunning, full-color artwork that complements the soul-stirring text. From the shadowy depths of the psyche to the luminous heights of spiritual awakening, readers will traverse a rich and varied terrain of the soul, encountering challenges, revelations, and opportunities for growth at every turn. This immersive, visionary approach creates a compelling and engaging reading experience, allowing readers to not only absorb the profound wisdom and insights but also to feel a deep, personal connection to the journey itself. As they navigate these symbolic landscapes, readers will find themselves not just observers but active participants in their own transformative odyssey. As readers turn the pages, they'll venture beyond the confines of their everyday reality and into the limitless expanse of their inner landscape. Each chapter is a wonderful blend of wisdom and creativity, offering soul-stirring meditations and breathtaking visuals that will guide them to confront shadows, cultivate self-love, align with the universe, and awaken to their divine nature. "Inner Journey" is a transformative companion that will guide readers through the uncharted territories of their soul, helping them navigate the peaks and valleys of personal transformation . The captivating artwork that accompanies each stage of the journey serves as a powerful catalyst for introspection and self-reflection, allowing readers to dive deeper into the insights and exercises. Through this immersive, visual experience, readers will discover how to:

  • Confront and transform the shadows of their past, transmuting pain into purpose and fear into faith
  • Cultivate unshakable self-love and acceptance, embracing their authentic selves with compassion and grace
  • Navigate the uncharted territories of their soul, uncovering the hidden treasures of their intuition and inner wisdom
  • Align with the flow of the universe, harnessing the power of synchronicity and manifestation to create a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.
  • Awaken to the truth of their divine nature, recognizing their inherent wholeness, perfection, and interconnectedness with all of creation

Whether readers are seasoned seekers or just beginning their journey of personal growth, this book offers a powerful and accessible pathway to the depths of their being . The harmonious blend of profound wisdom and soul-stirring artwork creates a truly transformative experience, guiding readers to unlock the door to a life of unimaginable beauty, meaning, and purpose. As readers embark on this visionary journey of self-discovery, they'll find that the path to their greatest self is not only accessible but also breathtakingly beautiful. Each page is an invitation to dive deeper into the essence of who they are, to embrace the full spectrum of their being, and to emerge as the radiant, authentic expression of their highest potential. "Inner Journey: A Seeker's Path" is more than just a book; it's a sacred companion, a work of art, and a catalyst for transformation. If readers are ready to discover a life that resonates with the frequency of their soul, they can step into the pages of this visionary guidebook and embark on the journey of a lifetime, making "Inner Journey" a truly unique and powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. Unlock the door to a life of unimaginable beauty, meaning, and purpose with "Inner Journey: A Seeker's Path.

  • Print length 86 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date April 8, 2024
  • Reading age 16 - 18 years
  • Dimensions 7 x 0.2 x 10 inches
  • ISBN-13 979-8321800645
  • See all details

Amazon First Reads | Editors' picks at exclusive prices

Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D178323Y
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Independently published (April 8, 2024)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 86 pages
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8321800645
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 16 - 18 years
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 7.8 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7 x 0.2 x 10 inches

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'Illinoise' performance on Broadway (Image: Liz Lauren)

‘Illinoise’ Comes To Broadway With A Captivating Dance Journey Through Sufjan Stevens’s Beloved Album

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The anticipation surrounding  Illinoise , the stage musical and dance performance inspired by  Sufjan Stevens’s  revered album of the same name, has been building for quite some time. Following successful runs at Chicago’s Shakespeare Theater and the New York City’s Park Avenue Armory,  Illinoise  has now arrived on Broadway, opening at the St. James Theatre, just in time for eligibility at the 2024 Tony Awards. 

Since its debut at Bard College in New York last spring, the production has garnered wide acclaim from critics. 

Upon its release in 2005, Stevens’s concept album, comprised of 26 songs dedicated to the state of Illinois, quickly resonated with a generation of listeners. Through the album, Stevens weaved together historical figures, local references, and personal narratives, alternating between marching band arrangements and intimate banjo strums. Despite its specific geographic focus, the album’s themes of loss, rediscovery and the universal human experience connected with audiences worldwide.

Marking the seventh collaboration between choreographer  Justin Peck  and Stevens,  Illinoise  is the culmination of a five-year journey to bring the album to the stage. While Stevens initially hesitated, he eventually gave his blessing to the project. However, as no new music was required, he was not directly involved in the production. Instead, the songs from the original album are performed live with an orchestra, accompanied by a trio of vocalists:  Elijah Lyons, Tasha Viets-VanLear  and  Shara Nova,  who featured on the original recording.

In conversation with  Vogue,  Peck reflected on the experience of the play. “It does really exist in the moment, which is such a theater thing,” he said. “But this show is especially special because of the delivery of this music and the ephemeral nature of dance performance. When you’re in the room watching it, it feels like you’re witnessing something very special.”

In  Illinoise , the storyline unfolds through dance choreography rather than spoken words. The talented  Ricky Ubeda  takes on the role of the protagonist and leads the audience on a journey of self-discovery, first loves, and losses. The choreography by Peck is organic and, at times, seemingly spontaneous, as it captures the essence of a performer’s joyful impromptu dance. Through movement and narrative,  Illinoise  explores themes of coming of age, self-acceptance and even the memory of John Wayne Gacy Jr., the notorious serial killer who operated in 1970s Chicago.

When asked what he thought fans’ reaction to Stevens’ music had been, Peck said, “The album has meant a lot to the queer community for a long time. So there’s been a lot of people who come from that community, who love the music and are seeing it brought to life in this way. They’ve shared some pretty amazing responses.”

He continued, “I get a lot of messages from people on Instagram, and I try to screenshot them because I don’t want to forget them. It’s started to build into an extensive collection of messages, almost like a scrapbook. I think we felt there was a big responsibility. It’s not something we took lightly.”

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on a self discovery journey

7 Black Fantasy Books That Will Unlock Self-discovery

B lack women authors have been crafting narratives that transcend the boundaries of imagination, while providing a mirror for readers to explore their own identities. Fantasy books, are windows into different worlds, offering readers an escape and a means to navigate the complexities of self-discovery . .

Readers can find echoes of their own struggles, triumphs and identity journeys through these novels’ characters, worlds and challenges. As mirrors reflect a spectrum of experiences, books offer a unique lens through which readers can better understand and embrace themselves. Here are seven Black fantasy books to help you find yourself.

“Children of Blood and Bone” by Tomi Adeyemi

“Children of Blood and Bone” by Tomi Adeyemi’s debut novel is a high-fantasy epic that weaves a tapestry of magic, politics and identity. Through its protagonist, Zélie Adebola, readers confront themes of power, heritage, and the strength of embracing one’s true self.

“Binti” by Nnedi Okorafor

In this Afrofuturistic novella, Nnedi Okorafor introduces readers to Binti, a young woman from the Himba tribe who defies tradition to attend the prestigious Oomza University. The story explores cultural identity, resilience and the courage it takes to forge your own path.

A Song of Wraiths and Ruin” by Roseanne A. Brown

Roseanne A. Brown’s novel is a captivating blend of fantasy and West African folklore. The protagonist, Malik, grapples with grief and self-discovery, while Karina, a powerful princess, confronts the expectations placed upon her. Together, they navigate a world filled with magic, politics and personal transformation.

“The Fifth Season” by N.K. Jemisin

N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth trilogy begins with “The Fifth Season,” a groundbreaking work that challenges traditional fantasy norms. Through the character of Essun, readers delve into themes of oppression, identity and the indomitable spirit required to rise above systemic challenges.

“Raybearer” by Jordan Ifueko

Jordan Ifueko’s debut novel introduces readers to Tarisai, a girl with a destiny chosen for her by her mother. While she navigates a world of political intrigue and magical bonds, Tarisai’s journey becomes a powerful metaphor for breaking free from societal expectations and defining one’s own identity.

“Akata Witch” by Nnedi Okorafor

“Akata Witch” by Nnedi Okorafor is a coming-of-age fantasy set in Nigeria. The novel follows Sunny, a girl with albinism, as she discovers her magical abilities. Sunny’s journey is one of self-acceptance and embracing the unique gifts that set her apart.

“A Blade So Black” by L.L. McKinney

L.L. McKinney reimagines Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland with a Black female protagonist named Alice. This modern urban fantasy explores courage, identity and the strength of confronting one’s fears. Alice’s journey becomes a metaphor for navigating the complexities of the real world.

The post 7 Black Fantasy Books That Will Unlock Self-discovery appeared first on 21Ninety .

7 Black Fantasy Books That Will Unlock Self-discovery


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    Caroline McHugh, in her 2013 TED Talk, The Art of Being You, refers to the tendency to draw personal comparisons in real life and on social media as an addiction to approval. This addiction is distracting and uses energy that could be applied in more satisfying ways. The journey of self-discovery is the process of understanding yourself without ...

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    The Adventure of Self-Discovery. Self-discovery is an introspective process that entails uncovering your true self, beyond the roles, labels, and expectations that society places on you. It's about understanding your beliefs, values, passions, and dreams. The beauty of self-discovery is that it's an ongoing journey, not a destination. And ...

  20. How a journey to self-discovery will set you free

    During this talk Puck Kroonsberg takes you on a personal journey: remembering who you truly are. In a world that often influences who you think you 'should' ...

  21. 20 Thought Provoking Questions for Self-Discovery

    20 Thought Provoking Questions for Self-Discovery. Anyone on a journey of self-discovery needs to ask themselves questions to stir up thoughts and emotions that lead to reflection. Growth comes ...

  22. 50 Self-Discovery Questions for Personal Growth

    Starting a self-discovery journey. Learning more about your feelings takes more than just asking questions. The first step in a self-discovery journey is believing you're worthy of the time and effort it takes to take care of yourself. Overcoming automatic negative thoughts actually takes mental training. It's impossible to completely ...

  23. Your Self-Discovery Journal: A Guided... by Katherine, Sara

    1507217293. ISBN-13. 978-1507217290. See all details. This item: Your Self-Discovery Journal: A Guided Journey to Identify and Actualize Your Passions, Purpose, and Whole Self. $1349. +. Self-Love Workbook for Women: Release Self-Doubt, Build Self-Compassion, and Embrace Who You Are (Self-Love Workbook and Journal) $959.

  24. We Haven't Talked About it Yet zoepower

    Overall, "We Haven't Talked About It Yet" is a thought-provoking and empathetic exploration of mental health and self-discovery, aiming to inspire listeners to prioritize their well-being and embrace the journey of finding themselves amidst life's uncertainties.

  25. ‎The Book of Mastery on Apple Podcasts

    Come with me on a journey, and let's achieve self-mastery together. ... The MOST calming + heart-centered approach to Self Improvement, Self-Discovery + Life Experience on the planet! Brief Overview: The Book of Mastery will travel worldwide to connect with individuals we believe have achieved MASTERY in specific areas of their lives. Why is ...

  26. Inner Journey A Seekers Path: A Visionary Journey of Self Discovery

    "Inner Journey: A Seeker's Path" is a transformative guidebook that takes readers on a symbolic, fictional journey of self-discovery through beautifully illustrated inner landscapes. The book follows a captivating narrative arc, guiding readers through a series of profound, transformative experiences and revelatory insights.

  27. 'Illinoise' Comes To Broadway With A Captivating Dance Journey Through

    The talented Ricky Ubeda takes on the role of the protagonist and leads the audience on a journey of self-discovery, first loves, and losses. The choreography by Peck is organic and, at times ...

  28. Lost Soulz (2023)

    Lost Soulz: Directed by Katherine Propper. With Sauve Sidle, Alexander Brackney, Malachi Mabson, Micro TDH. A young rapper leaves everything behind and embarks on an odyssey of self-discovery, music, and friendship in the heart of Texas.

  29. Simi: From church choir to self-engineered songstress

    23:02. CNN's Larry Madowo dives into the inspiring journey of Nigerian singer Simi, from her humble beginnings in a church choir to becoming a celebrated singer and songwriter who takes control ...

  30. 7 Black Fantasy Books That Will Unlock Self-discovery

    Sunny's journey is one of self-acceptance and embracing the unique gifts that set her apart. "A Blade So Black" by L.L. McKinney. L.L. McKinney reimagines Lewis Carroll's Wonderland with a ...