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King Charles Postpones Trip to France Amid Unrest

For President Emmanuel Macron, who has been the target of widespread fury and protests after he pushed through an increase in the retirement age, a planned royal visit was particularly ill-timed.

A large crowd with signs and a French flag.

By Aurelien Breeden

Reporting from Paris

King Charles III of Britain has postponed a visit to France that was scheduled for next week because of strikes and protests against President Emmanuel Macron’s pension overhaul, officials in both countries said on Friday, an embarrassing blow to the French leader.

The visit by King Charles and the queen consort, Camilla, who were scheduled to arrive in Paris on Sunday before heading to Germany on Wednesday, was particularly ill-timed for Mr. Macron in light of the widespread fury over his plan to raise the legal retirement age to 64 from 62.

Speaking at a news conference in Brussels, Mr. Macron said that the decision was dictated by “common sense and friendship” and that it would have been a mistake “to do a state visit in the middle of demonstrations.”

A British government representative said that the decision had been taken “with the consent of all parties, after the president of France asked the British government to postpone the visit.”

Mr. Macron said the two countries would work on organizing a new visit in the early summer, and a spokeswoman for the German government said the royal visit to Germany would continue as planned.

That Charles had chosen France as his first overseas destination as king had highlighted Britain’s desire to mend the relationship with its European neighbor after years of fractured ties. The visit had been scheduled to occur only weeks after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of Britain met with Mr. Macron in Paris during a tête-à-tête that sounded like a reconciliation .

But the optics of the royal trip were poor for Mr. Macron, who has long been described by his critics as a monarchical ruler himself , and the decision to postpone underscored the depth of anger in the country and the difficulty he will probably have in moving past it.

“What would have been objectionable, both for the British people and for ourselves, would have been to try and go ahead with it as if nothing were happening,” Mr. Macron said. To do so, he added, could have prompted “incidents.”

A state banquet that the French president was supposed to host for the king at the Château de Versailles, the former residence of kings and queens just outside Paris, felt particularly discordant at a time when thousands of protesters were complaining that their president was out of touch.

The French leader had pushed through the pension overhaul without a full vote in Parliament last week, setting off a no-confidence vote on Monday that Mr. Macron’s government barely survived . More than one million people took to the streets in France on Thursday for a nationwide day of strikes and protests.

A statement from the French presidency cited a new day of strikes and protests expected on Tuesday — right during the king’s visit — as the main reason for the postponement, after an outpouring of anger on Thursday that was marked in some cities by violent and chaotic clashes with the police.

That fueled concerns that French security forces would be stretched too thin to secure the king’s trip while also preventing the vandalism and mayhem that has marred some of the pension protests over the past week.

Mr. Macron’s political opposition had pounced on the visit as proof that he was so aloof that he would rather dine with a foreign monarch than heed their concerns.

Opponents welcomed news of the postponement, and some reacted with glee. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the influential leftist leader, quipped on Twitter that “the meeting of kings at Versailles” had been “dispersed by popular censure.”

The logistics of the visit had also become increasingly precarious. The king and Camilla were scheduled to take a train down to the southwestern city of Bordeaux on Tuesday, right in the middle of what is expected to be a widely followed transportation strike.

There, the king was scheduled to inaugurate a new British Consulate, see the devastation caused by wildfires over the summer and tour an organic vineyard.

But Bordeaux, like other French cities, has been rattled by the angry demonstrations against Mr. Macron’s pension overhaul. Protesters set a door at the town hall on fire on Thursday night, and some activists had already vowed to disrupt the king’s visit.

Mathieu Obry, a representative for the C.G.T., France’s second-largest labor union, in Bordeaux, said in an interview before the visit was canceled that “we have nothing against Charles,” but that protesters intended to block a tramway that the king was supposed to ride.

“We have a democratically elected president who thinks he is a monarch,” Mr. Obry said. “Our own monarch should listen to his people.”

In Paris, the royal visit would have included a ceremony at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, an address to the French Parliament and an opening of a painting exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay.

It was not immediately clear when the French authorities decided that the wisest course of action would be to postpone the king’s visit. Hours before the announcement, Gérald Darmanin, the French interior minister, spoke in assuring tones on the CNews television channel , saying that security for the royal visit would not be an issue, with 4,000 police officers deployed for the king’s trip.

“We will obviously be ready to welcome him in excellent conditions,” Mr. Darmanin had said.

Sandrine Rousseau , a Green lawmaker who had been highly critical of the king’s visit, said the postponement was “respectful of the social movement” gripping France.

“It was outlandish to do this visit right in the midst of a social conflict of historic proportions — to go eat in Versailles and walk down the Champs-Élysées,” Ms. Rousseau told the BFMTV news channel .

Even opponents of Mr. Macron who were in favor of his pension overhaul said postponing the royal visit was humiliating.

“The whole world looks at France today with a feeling of alarm,” the mainstream conservative Republican party said in a statement , adding that the news about the trip was a sign of the “international decline” of France.

“This postponement is a disgrace for our country,” the statement added.

Reporting was contributed by Constant Méheut from Paris, Megan Specia and Mark Landler from London, and Christopher F. Schuetze from Berlin.

Aurelien Breeden has covered France from the Paris bureau since 2014. He has reported on some of the worst terrorist attacks to hit the country, the dismantling of the migrant camp in Calais and France's tumultuous 2017 presidential election. More about Aurelien Breeden

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King Charles III and  Camilla, Queen Consort

King Charles’s visit to France postponed amid protests

Emmanuel Macron says it would not have been ‘serious or good sense’ for next week’s visit to go ahead

Emmanuel Macron has defended the last-minute postponement of King Charles’s state visit to France next week, saying it would not have been “serious or good sense” for it to go ahead as it clashed with another national day of mass strikes and social unrest.

The king had been scheduled to arrive in France on Sunday on his first state visit as monarch. He was due to visit Paris and Bordeaux before heading to Germany on Wednesday.

Asked if the cancellation was humiliating for France, the French president replied: “What would have been detestable for the British people, as well as for ourselves would have been to maintain it with (possible) incidents in the process.”

In a statement earlier in the day, the Élysée Palace said the decision to postpone the visit had been taken by the French and British governments following a telephone conversation between Macron and Charles on Friday morning after mass protests against the French government the previous day.

In a statement, Buckingham Palace said: “The king and the queen consort’s state visit to France has been postponed. Their majesties greatly look forward to the opportunity to visit France as soon as dates can be found.”

People angry at the French president were continuing protests on Friday after mass demonstrations on Thursday and had planned a further day of action next Tuesday during the royal visit.

The Élysée statement said it hoped to welcome the king “in conditions that correspond our friendly relations” and that the visit would be rescheduled “as soon as possible”.

“From the moment last night when the unions announced a new day of mobilisation on Tuesday and the king’s visit was scheduled for Monday to Wednesday, I think it would not be serious and would lack a certain common sense to propose to his majesty the king and queen consort to come on a state visit in the midst of demonstrations,” Macron said.

“As we have much friendship, respect and esteem for his majesty the king and queen consort and the British people, I took the initiative and called him to tell him the situation and the announcement of a new day of action and good sense and friendship led us to propose a postponement.”

He added: “When calm returns perhaps at the beginning depending on our diaries we can schedule a new state visit and we can welcome the new king and queen consort in conditions that will allow them to enjoy Paris as well as Bordeaux.”

More than 450 protesters were arrested on Thursday as about 300 demonstrations drew more than a million people nationwide to protest against unpopular pension changes that would raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Unions said more than 3 million people took to the streets to demonstrate against a fiercely contested law that was pushed through parliament without a vote last week.

Bordeaux city hall set on fire amid protests over France pension changes – video

The president and his wife, Brigitte, had been due to host a banquet for Charles and Camilla, the Queen Consort, at the former royal palace at Versailles, which critics viewed as having echoes of Marie Antoinette feasting while Paris revolted.

Fabien Villedieu, of the Sud-Rail union, had called on protesters to demonstrate at Versailles. “We have two kings today; one in England and one in France. Let’s all go to Versailles and give them a proper welcome,” Villedieu told BFM TV.

Olivier Besancenot, of the New Anticapitalist party, had said: “We’ll welcome Charles III with a good old general strike.”

On Thursday, Jean-Luc Mélenchon of the radical left La France Insoumise (LFI) told French television that the king was welcome in France but “it is not the right time”.

After learning that the visit had been postponed, Mélenchon tweeted: “The meeting of kings at Versailles broken up by popular demand.” Raquel Garrido, an LFI MP added: “Two kings were due to meet at Versailles. One down. One to go.”

After their arrival at Orly airport for the three-day visit on Sunday, and a welcome by the French prime minister, Élisabeth Borne, the programme included a ceremony under the Arc de Triomphe and a visit to the Musée d’Orsay. Charles was due to give a speech at the Sénat, the upper house of the French parliament. The royal couple was then due to travel by train to Bordeaux on Tuesday to witness the devastation caused by last summer’s wildfires, before marking the opening of the British consulate in the city and visiting an organic vineyard.

Shortly before the announcement that the visit was to be postponed, the interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, was still insisting the visit would go ahead despite threats of disruption. “We are obviously ready to welcome him [the king] in excellent conditions,” he said.

However, there were threats to disrupt the visit. French strikers had reportedly refused to literally roll out the red carpet , while the powerful CGT union had said in a statement: “We will not be doing the furnishings, the red carpets or other flags and decorations.” Officials at Mobilier National, the government agency responsible for the state’s furniture and fittings, insisted enough people would be found to do so.

About 4,000 police and gendarmes were expected to be mobilised for the state visit, which would have put additional pressure on law and order forces already stretched from policing weeks of protests.

“What does it say about a country that it is unable to welcome with dignity one of its closest allies because of the obstinacy of its president,” Julien Bayou, an MP with Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, said.

Éric Ciotti, the leader of the opposition conservative party Les Républicains, added: “What an image for our country to not be able to ensure the security of a head of state.”

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Protesters angry over French President Emmanuel Macron’s pension changes staged scattered actions Friday, with the ongoing unrest leading officials to postpone a planned state visit by Britain’s King Charles III.

Demonstrators had demanded that the British monarch cancel his trip, which was scheduled to start Sunday. The protests and labor strikes against Macron’s decision to raise France’s retirement age from 62 to 64 already had threatened to affect Charles’ planned visit, with workers refusing to roll out the red carpet for his arrival.

Macron said “common sense and friendship” required delaying the visit, adding that it would probably have become a protest target and created a “detestable situation.”

“We would not be serious … to make a state visit in the middle of protests,” the French leader said, speaking at a news conference after a summit in Brussels.

Macron condemned the violent behavior that has taken place at some of the protests against his pension plan , saying “violence has no place in a democracy.”

Far-left lawmakers react as they hold papers reading: «64 years. It is no», at the National Assembly in Paris at the National Assembly in Paris, Monday, March 20, 2023. France's government is fighting for its survival Monday against no-confidence motions filed by lawmakers who are furious that President Emmanuel Macron used special constitutional powers to force through an unpopular bill raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 without giving them a vote. (AP Photo/Lewis Joly)

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Although no major protests were planned for Friday, train traffic was slowed, rows of trucks blocked access to Marseille’s commercial port and debris still littered the streets of Paris following Thursday’s mass demonstrations.

More than 450 protesters were arrested Thursday in Paris and beyond as some 300 demonstrations around the country drew more than 1 million people. Polls show that most French people oppose Macron’s pension changes, which he says are necessary to keep the system afloat.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said Friday that some 441 police and gendarmes were injured as violence marred some marches . He added that 1,000 trashcans were set on fire in the French capital during the previous day’s action. Amid a weeks-long garbage collectors strike, trashcans have become a symbol of the protest.

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Charles and Camilla, the queen consort, planned to visit both France and Germany during the king’s first trip abroad as monarch. He still plans to go to Germany, but British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s office said another date would be found for the French leg.

“The king and queen consort’s state visit to France has been postponed,” Sunak’s office said. “This decision was taken with the consent of all parties, after the president of France asked the British government to postpone the visit.”

Charles had been scheduled to visit Bordeaux on the second day of his trip. The heavy wooden door of the elegant Bordeaux City Hall was destroyed by fire Thursday night by people taking part in an unauthorized demonstration.

The mayor, Pierre Hurmic, said Friday that he had “difficulty understanding the interest of such acts of vandalism.”

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Before the king’s visit was postponed, Hurmic said he hoped it wouldn’t get canceled. “I hope that we do not give this gift to the thugs,” he said.

Fires in Paris that were intentionally lit in narrow or inaccessible alleys Thursday night alarmed both city officials and residents. Firefighters and residents worked together to tame flames that rose to the second story of an apartment building in the chic Palais Royal area.

Oil refineries have been another protest target. On Friday, emboldened protesters headed to the Fos-sur-mer oil depot near Marseille to stop trucks from entering or leaving. However, fuel supplies to Paris from the large Gonfreville-L’Orcher refinery in Normandy resumed Friday after police intervened, French Energy Transition Minister Agnes Pannier-Runacher said.

Fearing disruptions in coming days, France’s Civil Aviation Authority has requested that one-third of flights be canceled Sunday at Paris’ second airport, Orly, with 20% to be canceled Monday.

Unions have called for new protests and strikes Tuesday.

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King Charles’s visit to France postponed as anti-Macron rioters scrawl ‘Death to the King’

‘charles iii do you know the guillotine’ daubed by paris protesters, article bookmarked.

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Security threats including graffiti reading “Death to the King” convinced Emmanuel Macron to postpone King Charles’s state visit to France, it has emerged, amid nationwide strikes and violent protests.

The macabre message was left by protesters rioting against the French president’s decision to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Nightly riots were expected to intensify if the King went ahead with his trip to Paris on Sunday as planned.

The three-day visit with Camilla, the Queen Consort, was to be Charles’s first trip abroad since becoming King.

The decision came as:

  • Protesters scrawled “Charles III do you know the guillotine?” in Paris
  • Mr Macron said delaying the visit was “common sense”
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Violence peaked after coordinated rallies and strikes across France, which crippled travel and public services and saw rioters set fire to piles of uncollected rubbish. In Bordeaux, protesters set the historic city hall alight. There were more protests on Friday, with the port of Marseille blockaded for several hours and debris littering the streets of Paris.

“I think it would not be responsible and would lack some common sense if we invited His Majesty the King and the Queen Consort for a state visit in the midst of the demonstrations,” Mr Macron said.

“So, out of friendship, respect and esteem for His Majesty the King and Queen Consort, and for the British people, I took the initiative this morning to call and tell him what the situation was.”

Senior politicians including Mr Macron had received threats evoking the historical use of the guillotine to execute Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette – the last rightful king and queen of France.

The words “Death to the King” appeared in graffiti in several locations, including at the Place de la Concorde – the central Paris square where the royal pair were killed in 1793. Another message near the French parliament read: “Charles III do you know the guillotine?”

Elite officers from the SDLP (France’s Protection Service) feared that Charles’s habit of impromptu handshakes and mingling with crowds would present too big a risk, according to a security source.

“There are huge social tensions in France, and there is no doubt that such good manners could have been very dangerous indeed,” said the source.

The King and Queen Consort “greatly look forward to the opportunity to visit France as soon as dates can be found”, Buckingham Palace said.

Mr Macron suggested that a new date for the couple’s visit to France would be arranged in “early summer”.

The delay is a major humiliation for Mr Macron, especially as the royal couple’s visit to Germany next week will go ahead as planned.

Eric Ciotti, leader of the conservative Republicans party in France, said the chaotic security situation was a national embarrassment. “What an image for our country, which is not even able to ensure the security of a head of state,” he said.

Left-wing firebrand MP and former presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon portrayed Mr Macron as a monarch, saying he was “delighted to see the meeting of kings at Versailles broken up by popular censorship”.

Raquel Garrido, another left-wing MP, said she hoped Mr Macron would now resign, saying: “Two kings were set to meet at Versailles – one down, one to go.”

Green Party MP Sandrine Rousseau, who had called for the cancellation of the state visit, said: “It’s good that it’s been postponed; it was madness to make this visit in the middle of a social conflict of historic proportions.

“To go and eat at Versailles, to drive down the Champs-Elysees – nothing was going to go well. The protesters were not going to roll out the red carpet for the King.”

French interior minister Gerald Darmanin said 123 police personnel and gendarmes had been injured during widespread violence and rioting on Thursday night alone. He said 12,000 members of the security forces had been deployed nationwide, with 5,000 of these stationed in Paris.

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King and Queen travel to France for royal state visit rescheduled after violent protests

The three-day programme to welcome King Charles and Queen Camilla is similar to that planned for March - which was abandoned after riots triggered by the death of a French teenager shot dead by police. The state visit aims to renew cross-channel relations after Brexit.

royal visit postponed

Royal correspondent @laurabundock

Wednesday 20 September 2023 14:29, UK

The King and Queen are starting their rescheduled state visit to France, six months after the original trip was postponed after protests spiralled into civil unrest.

The three-day programme is similar to that planned for March, and aims to renew cross-channel relations after years of Brexit turbulence.

There will be plenty of pomp and ceremony with the red carpet rolled out for engagements at the Arc de Triomphe, the Elysée Palace and the Palace of Versailles.

The trip will also see the King become the first British monarch to speak from the floor of the Senate. His address, to members of both houses of the French parliament, is expected to be delivered in French and English.

The royal couple will also visit Bordeaux, home to the largest British ex-pat population in France .

Germany hosted the inaugural state visit after the French cancelled just days before the King and Queen were due to arrive.

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Firefighters extinguish burning vehicles during clashes between protesters and police, after the death of Nahel, a 17-year-old teenager killed by a French police officer during a traffic stop, in Nanterre, Paris suburb, France, June 28, 2023. REUTERS/Stephanie Lecocq TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

The Germany trip was hailed a success by British diplomats, who say it has already brought "very real benefits".

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Foreign Office officials say they hope the visit will bolster the "absolutely massive relationship" between Britain and France.

It is also a chance to reboot and rekindle the entente cordiale after the tensions of Brexit negotiations, and disputes over cross-channel migration.

The late Queen was much loved in France, and visited many times, including five state visits.

The King is said to enjoy a "warm" relationship with President Macron , with both men sharing a passion for the environment.

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When the much-hyped March visit was called off, it was an embarrassment and disappointment for President Macron . He will want to pull out all the stops this time.

The soft power of the monarchy has been described as the secret weapon of British diplomacy, and behind the pomp there is always a wider political purpose.

This belated trip is a chance for both sides to rebuild bonhomie, and for Britain to prove that France remains a diplomatic priority.

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Protests in Paris have turned violent

King Charles and the Queen Consort’s visit to Germany next week will continue as planned, according to The Daily Telegraph . 

Hundreds of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets after President Macron announced plans to raise the pension age. Thursday night saw some of the worst chaos since demonstrations began in January. In Paris, fires were lit, police clashed with demonstrators and tear gas was fired. In Bordeaux, where King Charles and the Queen Consort were also due to spend time, the entrance to the town hall was set alight.

There were also fears the presence of the British king at Versailles could ‘scratch the revolutionary itch’, according to The Daily Telegraph . The newspaper reports that graffiti left in Paris on Thursday read: ‘Charles III do you know the guillotine?’ It is unclear when the visit will now take place. 

From 26 March to 31 March, Charles and Camilla had been due to make a number of stops across France and Germany, including in Paris, Bordeaux and Berlin. It came following weeks of rumours His Majesty would select France for the honour in a show of solidarity in the post-Brexit era. 

royal visit postponed

By Stephanie Bridger-Linning

A statement announcing the visit read: ‘The visit will celebrate Britain’s relationship with France and Germany, marking our shared histories, culture and values. It will also provide an opportunity to look forwards and demonstrate the many ways the UK is working in partnership with France and Germany, whether that be to tackle climate change; respond to the conflict in Ukraine; seize trade and investment opportunities or share the best of our arts and culture.’

Image may contain Charles Prince of Wales Human Person Emmanuel Macron Military Uniform Military Crowd and People

Britain's King Charles III (then Prince of Wales) and French President Emmanuel Macron at Clarence House in 2020 

The visit was also designed to present ‘opportunities to reflect on the sacrifices and challenges of our shared past, out of which has come an enduring legacy of cooperation and reconciliation’.

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The tour, when it takes place, will mark the King’s 35th official visit to France, and 29th official visit to Germany. Her Majesty has undertaken eight official visits to France, and three to Germany. Their Majesties last visited France in 2019, attending a service in Bayeux Cathedral to mark the 75th anniversary of the Normandy Landings and Germany (Berlin) in 2020, when His Majesty (then Prince of Wales) also spoke in the Bundestag, to mark the country’s National Day of Mourning for victims of war.

Image may contain Christian Estrosi Clothing Apparel Charles Prince of Wales Tie Accessories Accessory and Human

King Charles III (then Prince Of Wales) and the Queen Consort (then Duchess Of Cornwall) visit France in 2018

The Daily Telegraph revealed as early as last September that the King planned to visit France, describing their relationship as a ‘long friendship’ between the two men. ‘I had the opportunity to invite King Charles to come to France when it is appropriate for him’, Macron said at the time.

Speaking exclusively to Tatler, royal biographer and author of the best-selling The Queen, Matthew Dennison said at the time, ‘For the President, the King isn’t coloured by toxic political issues that have threatened to divide Britain and France, especially Brexit and its fallout: theirs can be a relationship that potentially transcends their governments’ politics. The King will have taken pleasure in the President’s responses to the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Afterwards, her death had a warmly personal dimension. Macron’s description of Elizabeth II as The Queen, his decision to give a televised tribute in English rather than French, and the dimming of the lights on the Eiffel Tower are richly symbolic gestures.’

royal visit postponed

Macron and his wife Brigitte travelled to London for the late Queen’s funeral last year, with King Charles greeting the pair at a Buckingham Palace reception for world leaders. Ahead of the funeral, the couple gifted the King a book of pictures celebrating his mother’s visits to France during her 70-year reign. There is certainly evidence that the two leaders have a genuine rapport and warmth. 

King Charles III receives Baerbel Bas President of the German Bundestag February 2023

King Charles III receives Baerbel Bas, President of the German Bundestag, February 2023

Bonding over their love for trees, it is the subject of the environment which appears to be the more personal uniting factor between the King and Macron. Both have backed plans to draw attention to a major tree-planting scheme in Africa, designed to combat climate change. This aims to plant a 30-mile wide belt of trees across the entire African continent, with the goal of halting the spread of the Sahara desert and replacing forests lost elsewhere. The then Prince Charles shared a platform with Mr Macron at the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow to encourage investment in what he described as a ‘precious opportunity’ to help save the planet.

Image may contain Charles Prince of Wales Military Military Uniform Human Officer Person Captain Hat and Clothing

King Charles III (then Prince of Wales) in Ranville, France

Matthew Dennison continued, ‘The warm relationship between the King and the President – evident in the President’s body language at the Buckingham Palace reception – pre-dates the King's accession. It is founded on the President’s easy response to the King and his demonstrable affection for the late Queen, as well as shared issues, including things ecological. This bodes well for Anglo-French amity in the new reign, and reminds us of the value of the Crown’s considerable diplomatic power.’ Indeed, the ‘soft power’ the monarchy wields must not be underestimated.

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By Eilidh Hargreaves

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The Queen’s final state visit to France was in 2014, accompanied by the late Duke of Edinburgh. In a speech delivered partly in French at a state banquet, in the same ballroom at the Élysée which is set to host the King, she noted the many similarities and links between the two nations, which she said gave her ‘immense confidence in the future of relations between us.’ She added: ‘I recall my own happiness, discovering this beautiful country for myself and for the first time, and developing my own great affection for the French people. Wherever two or more of our countrymen gather, there one finds the unique mixture of friendship, good-humoured rivalry and admiration that is the essence of Anglo-French relations.’

royal visit postponed

By Dora Davies-Evitt

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By Natasha Leake

clock This article was published more than  1 year ago

King Charles III postpones first overseas visit as pension protests rock France

LONDON — A state visit to France by Britain’s King Charles III, meant to be the first official trip of his reign, was postponed Friday, in what critics described as a blow to French President Emmanuel Macron’s image as he contends with unrest over his effort to raise the retirement age.

Hobnobbing at the Versailles palace would hardly have been a good look for either figure, as union workers flood the streets to fight a policy Macron has portrayed as unpopular but necessary.

The postponement came the morning after protesters marched across France, and clashed with police, to decry the government having pushed through the pension bill . Police violence in response to the demonstrations has drawn international scrutiny, after videos circulated on social media this week showing riot police beating protesters.

Labor unions called for another nationwide mobilization on Tuesday, and the French civil aviation authority predicted further disruptions to flights to and from major airports next week.

France strikes intensify as anger mounts over retirement age hike

In a statement Friday, Éric Ciotti, the president of the right-wing Republicans party — which holds the majority in the French Senate but which is split over the pension reform bill — described the postponement of Charles’s visit as “a shame for our country” and a sign of “our international diminution.”

“The whole world is watching France with alarm,” Ciotti, who supports raising the retirement age, said on Twitter.

Opponents of the pension bill, on the left and right, described the last-minute disruption of the royal visit as a blow to a president who faces pressure to heed the sentiment of the street and resolve the crisis.

Macron told reporters in Brussels that “common sense and friendship” led to the delay, and that France has proposed rescheduling for the start of summer.

Macron’s office said the French and British governments made the decision jointly, after Macron and the British monarch spoke on the phone. Buckingham Palace confirmed the postponement.

The French leader staunchly condemned violence during Thursday’s demonstrations and said the government is awaiting a review on the pension measure from the Constitutional Council. The court is reviewing the legislation after the government used executive powers to pass it last week without a vote in Parliament’s lower house.

Macron has said the measure should be in effect by the end of the year, and while he acknowledged its unpopularity, he has defended it as the only viable way to protect the future of the country’s pension system as the population ages.

The move to raise the minimum retirement age from 62 to 64 has fueled anger for weeks in France, where retirement is a cherished phase of life and the pension system is considered by many to be a key part of the social contract.

Strikes have brought trains to a halt, as walkouts by trash collectors left garbage piling up on the streets of Paris. More than a million people, including rail workers and teachers, marched against the legislation Thursday, largely peacefully.

Yet, demonstrations spiraled into clashes in cities including Paris, Rennes and Nantes, with riot police using water cannons and tear gas. Protesters smashed storefronts and set trash on fire, while others burned the door to city hall in Bordeaux — where Charles was scheduled to make a stop during his visit.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said early Friday that more than 450 people were detained across the country the day before and that 441 police officers were injured. He said authorities had registered hundreds of acts of arson. Darmanin has blamed the violence on fringe groups of far-left activists.

With a constitution that enshrines the individual right to strike, France has a rich tradition of labor action and mass protest. While many demonstrators march peacefully, previous protests have seen activists set fires, vandalize property or clash with police, who deploy tear gas, fire rubber bullets and make baton charges against crowds.

Viral videos of police beating protesters in recent weeks has drawn renewed attention to policing tactics. A coalition of leftist French deputies in the European Parliament submitted a motion Friday calling on the E.U. body to condemn the “disproportionate use of violence” against protesters and journalists in France — including arrests and the use of “dangerous arms” that fire projectiles.

In a statement, the lawmakers alleged that the police tactics were “part of a deliberate strategy of intimidation to discourage the mobilization of opponents of the reform.”

Dunja Mijatovic, human rights commissioner for the Council of Europe, raised concerns about the conduct of police and called on French authorities to protect peaceful protesters and journalists.

“The sporadic acts of violence of certain protesters or other reprehensible acts committed by other people during a protest cannot justify the excessive use of force,” she said in a statement Friday.

The Interior Ministry did not respond to a request for comment on the motion and the conduct of police officers. Paris police chief Laurent Nuñez told television channel France 5 Friday “the police response was proportionate.”

"Les policiers ont tout fait pour protéger les manifestants", Aurore Bergé, 23 mars 2023. pic.twitter.com/FKjk0OSxEA — Mickaël Correia (@MickaCorreia) March 23, 2023

The French presidency had been preparing to host Charles and his wife, Camilla, Queen Consort, from Sunday to Wednesday next week, before the royal pair continued on to Germany. The visit to Germany is expected to proceed as planned.

On the trip, which officials in both countries would have been planning for months, the royals were expected to join Macron and his wife for events that included a banquet at the Palace of Versailles.

The choice of venue inspired protest slogans portraying the palace as a symbol of the elite’s excesses, as Macron’s critics pounced on the timing and optics of the royal visit with taunts about a meeting “of two kings.”

Macron defends move to raise retirement age as protests roil France

Striking workers had refused to roll out a red carpet for the king’s visit — in opposition to the pension bill and in solidarity with workers on strike in Britain over wages and other grievances.

The French union CGT said this week that its members at the government agency that provides red carpets, flags and furniture would not take part, prompting officials to say that others would handle the customary arrangements for the monarch’s arrival, according to French media .

“The king won’t have tea at Versailles,” French European Parliament deputy Manon Aubry tweeted. “The French people know how to scare all the monarchs!”

The left-wing lawmaker Sandrine Rousseau, a staunch opponent of Macron’s and of the reform, said on Twitter that the postponement was “the one and only clue, to date, that Emmanuel Macron has grasped that a social movement (of historic proportions) was taking place in our country.”

The choice of France and Germany for the British monarch’s first official trip abroad was seen in Britain as part of efforts to help mend relations with other European nations; ties have been strained in the post-Brexit years. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak met Macron in Paris this month at the first Anglo-French summit in half a decade.

“There will be no impact on the friendship between our two countries,” Anne-Claire Legendre, a spokeswoman for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told a news conference Friday.

Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris, called the postponement a “wise decision,” adding that she told the British ambassador the king and queen consort “will always be welcome in Paris.”

Rick Noack and Karla Adam contributed to this report.

royal visit postponed


Charles postpones his visit to France due to violent protests

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Unrest in France has led to the royal visit being postponed (Picture: ABACA/PA Images)

King Charles has postponed his state visit to France in the face of dramatic protests.

The news comes after unions announced plans to continue disruption during the monarch’s visit.

President Emmanuel Macron was due to host the King and Camilla the Queen Consort from March 26 to March 29.

But unrest throughout France, which has seen buildings set on fire, has led to the royal visit being postponed.

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Protesters run amid the tear gas during a demonstration in Lyon, central France, Thursday, March 23, 2023. French unions are holding their first mass demonstrations Thursday since President Emmanuel Macron enflamed public anger by forcing a higher retirement age through parliament without a vote. (AP Photo/Laurent Cipriani)

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said: ‘The King and The Queen Consort’s State Visit to France has been postponed.

‘Their Majesties greatly look forward to the opportunity to visit France as soon as dates can be found.’

Protests in France are in response to President Macron’s controversial plan to push through a bill to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 without a vote in the French Parliament.

Backlash has led teachers, oil refinery, railway and airport workers at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport to walk out.

A protester kicks a tear gas canister in front of the Opera at the end of a rally in Paris, Thursday, march 23, 2023. French unions are holding their first mass demonstrations Thursday since President Emmanuel Macron enflamed public anger by forcing a higher retirement age through parliament without a vote. (AP Photo/Aurelien Morissard)

More than 450 protesters were arrested in Paris and beyond on Thursday, as some 300 demonstrations drew more than a million people nationwide.

Last night, Bordeaux Town Hall  was set alight amid the disruption.

The mayor of the town, Pierre Hurmic, said on Friday he had ‘difficulty understanding the interest of such acts of vandalism’.

Meanwhile in Paris, there have been occasional clashes between police and masked rioters who smashed shop windows, demolished street furniture and attacked a McDonald’s restaurant, according to  Reuters .

Attractions like the Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Versailles were closed on Thursday.

There were further clashes in other French cities in the west of the country including in Nantes, Rennes and Lorient.

Polls say most French oppose Mr Macron’s Bill to increase the retirement age from 62 to 64, which he says is necessary to keep the system afloat.

In Greece, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the French embassy in Athens on Thursday to show solidarity.

Protesters chanted slogans and held placards that read ‘Macron, your democracy hangs on nine votes’ and ‘From Greece: victory for the workers of France’.

This is a developing news story, more to follow soon… Check back shortly for further updates.

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King Charles and Queen Camilla to Host Japan State Visit in June

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako's planned state visit to the UK in spring 2020 was postponed due to the pandemic.

imperial parade for enthronement of naruhito in tokyo

"Their Majesties The Emperor and Empress of Japan have accepted an invitation from His Majesty The King to pay a State Visit to the United Kingdom in late June 2024," Buckingham Palace today, sharing that King Charles and Queen Camilla will host the visit.

britain royals queen death funeral

Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako attended the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth in September 2022 , their first overseas trip since Naruhito's enthronement ceremony in 2019. They did not attend Charles and Camilla's coronation; instead, Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko attended on their behalf .

King Charles has a long history with the Japanese Imperial Family ; he's visited the country five times—the most recent trip occuring in October 2019, for the enthronement ceremony . This will be the third state visit he's hosted during his reign; the first, in honor of South Africa's President Ramaphosa , took place in November 2022, and the second, in honor of South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol , was in November 2023.

britain skorea diplomacy politics

State visits typically include a state dinner on the first night, attended by senior members of the royal family. Per the royal family's website, the state banquet "is a very grand formal occasion held in the Buckingham Palace Ballroom. Around 150 guests are usually invited on the basis of their cultural, diplomatic or economic links to the country being hosted." (For example, South Korean girl band Blackpink attended the last state banquet. ) Typically, the royal women wear tiaras—at the last state banquet, Kate Middleton debuted the Strathmore Rose tiara and Queen Camilla wore the Burmese Ruby Tiara .

No specific date for the Japan state visit has been set yet, but we'll update this as soon as we learn more.

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Emily Burack (she/her) is the Senior News Editor for Town & Country, where she covers entertainment, culture, the royals, and a range of other subjects. Before joining T&C, she was the deputy managing editor at Hey Alma , a Jewish culture site. Follow her @emburack on Twitter and Instagram .

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Why Meghan Markle Won’t Be Joining Prince Harry for His Return to the U.K.

Prince harry will not be accompanied by meghan markle for his upcoming visit to the united kingdom for the invictus games foundation’s anniversary..

Meghan Markle is supporting Prince Harry   from afar. 

After it was announced that Harry will be returning to the United Kingdom in May—just three months after his visit with dad  Prince Charles III —E! News has learned that Meghan will not be by his side for his trip across the pond. 

Instead, the Duchess of Sussex—who shares children Archie , 4, and Lilibet , 2, with Harry—will remain at the couple's home in California before reuniting with her husband for their visit to Nigeria later that month. 

Harry's upcoming visit will be in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games Foundation, which he founded in 2014 to honor wounded active and veteran members of the armed forces. 

The Duke of Sussex will attend the "Special Service of Thanksgiving" on May 8 at St. Paul's Cathedral, according to a post shared by the organization on social media April 28. Actor Damian Lewis , as well as other members of the organization, will also be in attendance.

While Meghan will not be by Harry's side for the event, she's shown her support for the organization in the past. In fact, they made their debut as a couple during the 2017 Games in Toronto . And seven years later Meghan and Harry spent Valentine's Day together at an Invictus Games tournament in British Columbia, Canada. 

Harry's upcoming visit to the U.K. may surprise dedicated royal family fans. After stepping back from royal duties in 2020, the younger brother of Prince William has only returned to the United Kingdom a handful of times. The 39-year-old's February visit came amid the news that his dad had been diagnosed with cancer.

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"I jumped on a plane and went to go see him as soon as I could," Harry told Good Morning America Feb. 16, just a few days after being photographed in the U.K. "I love my family. The fact that I was able to get on a plane and go and see him and spend any time with him, I'm grateful for that."

And while Harry and Meghan have otherwise tended to stay out of royal news this year, there is plenty to catch up on. Read on for everything to know about the royals all over the world.

Returning to Public Duties

On April 26, nearly three months after sharing his cancer diagnosis, Buckingham Palace announced that Charles will return to public-facing duties . 

Queen Camilla Attends Royal Maundy Service

The queen consort attended the Royal Maundy Service on March 28 in place of  King Charles III , making her the first spouse of the Monarch to continue the ancient tradition .

Kate Middleton Shares Cancer Diagnosis

In a March 22 video message, the Princess of Wales shared that she'd been diagnosed with cancer after undergoing abdominal surgery in January.

"It was thought that my condition was non-cancerous. The surgery was successful," she said before noting that tests after the operation found cancer had been present. "My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment."

Kate Middleton Apologizes for Edited Family Photo Controversy

After photo agencies pulled the picture Kensington Palace shared of Kate since having her abdominal surgery on March 10, the Princess of Wales addressed claims the photo was doctored. 

"Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing," she tweeted on March 11. "I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother's Day. C."

Lady Kitty Spencer Privately Welcomes Baby

Princess Diana 's niece  celebrated Mother's Day in the U.K. by sharing she and her husband Michael Lewis privately welcomed their first baby.

“It’s the joy of my life to be your mummy, little one. I love you unconditionally," she captioned her March 10 Instagram post . "Happy Mother’s Day to those who celebrate today."

Queen Camilla Takes a Break

After keeping up her full slate of engagements in the wake of her husband's cancer diagnosis, the palace cleared Camilla's schedule.

The Times pointed out March 2 that the 76-year-old didn't have any engagements on her calendar until March 11, when she'd be due at Westminster Abbey to observe Commonwealth Day.

Thomas Kensington Dies at 45

The husband of Lady Gabriella Windsor and ex-boyfriend of Pippa Middleton , was found dead Feb. 25. Days later, a coroner's inquest found that he died by suicide.

King Charles Diagnosed With Cancer

While King Charles III was in the hospital for his benign prostate enlargement procedure, the royal family member was diagnosed with cancer .

"His Majesty has today commenced a schedule of regular treatments, during which time he has been advised by doctors to postpone public-facing duties," Buckingham Palace said Feb. 5. "Throughout this period, His Majesty will continue to undertake State business and official paperwork as usual.The King is grateful to his medical team for their swift intervention, which was made possible thanks to his recent hospital procedure. He remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible."

Sarah Ferguson Is Diagnosed With a Second Type of Cancer

The Duchess of York's rep said in a statement on Jan. 21 that Sarah was recently diagnosed with malignant melanoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer. Several months prior, she underwent a single mastectomy to treat breast cancer.

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark Abdicates the Throne

On Jan. 14, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark made history as she officially abdicated the throne, handing the crown over to her son, now known as King Frederik the 10th . 

Kate Middleton Is Hospitalized

Kensington Palace announced on Jan. 17 that Kate Middleton underwent planned abdominal surgery and was set to remain in the hospital for 10 to 14 days.

"Based on the current medical advice," the Palace said, "she is unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter."

Prince William Adjusting His Schedule

Amid Kate's recovery, Prince William postponed a number of engagements as he supported his family, including the couple's three children, Prince George , Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis .

King Charles III Undergoing Treatment

Shortly after Kate's hospitalization was made public, Buckingham Palace shared that Charles "has sought treatment for an enlarged prostate."

"His Majesty's condition is benign and he will attend hospital next week for a corrective procedure," the statement added. "The King’s public engagements will be postponed for a short period of recuperation."

Luxembourg Welcomes a New Baby

Princess Claire and Prince Felix of Luxembourg welcomed son Balthazar Felix Karl on Jan. 7, the first royal baby of the New Year!

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State visit to Vietnam postponed (1)

News item | 14-03-2024 | 13:53

The Vietnamese authorities have requested that the state visit of His Majesty the King and Her Majesty Queen Máxima to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam be postponed due to internal circumstances. The state visit planned for 19 to 22 March will not go ahead.

Government Information Service, no. 74

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Prince William Shares Update on Kate Middleton and Their Children During Impromptu Walkabout

The Prince of Wales was asked about his wife amid her cancer treatment

Janine Henni is a Royals Staff Writer for PEOPLE Digital, covering modern monarchies and the world's most famous families. Like Queen Elizabeth, she loves horses and a great tiara moment.

royal visit postponed

Prince William gave an upbeat update about Kate Middleton and their children following his latest royal engagement.

The Prince of Wales, 41, chatted with well-wishers who came out to see him following his stop at James’ Place Newcastle  in northeast England on April 30. William gave a brief update on his wife, who postponed public-facing royal duties while receiving cancer treatment , and their children, Prince George , Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis , while speaking to two women who draped Union Jack flags around their shoulders.

"Do you mind if I ask how your wife and children are?" one woman asked as seen in a video shared to Instagram by the fan account WalesVideos.

"We're all doing well, thank you," the royal replied.

"And obviously Catherine?" the well-wisher continued.

"We're all doing well," Prince William said.

Ian Forsyth/Getty Images

Prince William's visit to northeast England, which included visits to 2022 Earthshot Prize finalist Low Carbon Materials and mental health organization James' Place , marked his third day of forward-facing royal engagements since his wife announced her cancer diagnosis on March 22.

Princess Kate, 42, shared in a self-written video message that she was undergoing chemotherapy after post-operative tests related to her abdominal surgery in January "found cancer had been present." She may have strategically waited to share the health update until Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 8, and Prince Louis, 6, were out of school on Easter break, creating space for the family to spend time together privately.

William took time off in the weeks following Kate's health news, resuming public duties the day after their kids returned to school.

During his first official engagement on April 18, the Prince of Wales gratefully accepted well-wishes for Princess Kate and King Charles amid their cancer treatments.

Prince William seemed moved when a volunteer at food distribution charity Surplus to Supper surprised him with cards for his wife and father, who is also being treated for cancer . (The King, 75, resumed public-facing duties for the first time since Buckingham Palace announced his diagnosis in February with a visit to cancer treatment center on April 30.)

"Oh, some cards, you’re very kind. Thank you very much," William told volunteer Rachel Candappa in a video shared to X by Lizzie Robinson of ITV.

When Candappa, 71, told the royal to look after his wife, he placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "I will," The Telegraph reported.

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During a mental health-focused visit to St. Michael’s Church of England High School on April 25, Prince William was sent home with thoughtful gifts for his wife . Kerry Whitehouse, the school’s senior mental health lead, told PEOPLE the goodies included Lego sunflowers because "building things is therapeutic and sunflowers represent happiness positivity and strength" and sunflower seeds "to sow seeds of positivity."

"We didn’t want to give flowers but something significant to represent the theme of the day," Whitehouse added.

Chris Jackson - WPA Pool/Getty Images

Prince William's children were also top of mind during his royal engagements on April 25, where he shared Princess Charlotte’s " favorite joke at the moment " and joked about how he wound up cleaning up after his kids' pet guinea pig because they "forget."

The family also celebrated several special occasions in late April, including Prince Louis' 6th birthday on April 23 and Prince William and Princess Kate's 13th wedding anniversary on April 29. Both milestones were marked with new portraits.

Chris Jackson/Getty

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Royal Caribbean Postpones Radiance of the Seas Departure

  • April 27, 2024

Radiance of the Seas

The current cruise of Royal Caribbean International’s Radiance of the Seas will depart from Vancouver later than scheduled.

Currently kicking off its summer program in Alaska, the 2001-built vessel suffered a technical issue earlier this month .

As a result, the sailing originally scheduled to leave from the Canadian homeport on April 26, 2024, had to be postponed, Royal Caribbean said in statement sent to guests onboard.

According to the letter, the Radiance of the Seas is currently scheduled to sail from Vancouver on April 28, 2024.

“While repairs for the technical issue that we encountered on our previous sailing are still underway, we discovered that we’re going to need some extra time to get the ship in tip-top shape for you,” said Royal Caribbean International.

Although boarding took place as planned on April 26, 2024, the Radiance of the Seas will remain docked in Vancouver through Sunday afternoon.

Due to U.S. Customs and Border Protection restrictions, passengers will not be allowed to leave the ship, the company added.

“We’re terribly sorry for this last-minute change. We understand this news is disappointing, but we hope you’ll enjoy the alternate itinerary planned,” Royal Caribbean said.

Offering a seven-night cruise to Alaska, the Radiance of the Seas is now set to visit Icy Strait Point and Ketchikan.

A previously scheduled visit to Juneau had to be cancelled due to the delayed departure from Vancouver.

To make up for the changes, Royal Caribbean International is providing a refund of two days of the paid cruise fare in the form of onboard credit.

The company is also providing a Future Cruise Credit (FCC) in the value of two days of the paid cruise fare, in addition to complimentary drinks for all guests on April 26 and April 27, 2024.

Passengers with pre-paid shore excursions in Juneau will be refunded, while guests who purchased drink packages will also receive a pro-rated refund.

A similar situation took place earlier this month with a different Royal Caribbean ship in Australia. Also facing technical issues , the Brilliance of the Seas saw one of its cruises depart three days later due to onboard repairs.

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