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Somto Seeks

Somto Seeks

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A Self-Guided Walking Tour of Granada with Map

October 5, 2023 By Somto Ugwueze Leave a Comment

Panoramic aerial view of Granada in a beautiful summer day, Spain

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Why Granada is the Best Place to Visit in Spain - Me in Front of La Alhambra

Hi! I'm Somto. Two years ago, I stopped making excuses, ditched my indecisive friends, and started booking flights. Today, I'm a full-time solo traveler on a mission to inspire young women to seek new adventures.

self guided walking tour granada spain


self guided walking tour granada spain

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Who Is Somto Seeks?

Hi there, I’m Somtochukwu. Can you try pronouncing that? I've always gone by Somto (Sohm-toe). I'm a child of Nigerian immigrants who decided to pursue her dream of living an extraordinary life. In 2015, I chose faith over fear, packing my bags and moving to Spain with $1,000 in my pocket. This was after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that caused me to develop a giant bald patch in the middle of my scalp. Living in Spain and traveling around Europe for a year changed my life forever, allowing me to discover the freedom of solo travel and the freedom of working from anywhere. Today, I’m a full-time travel writer whose mission is to help you navigate this big, beautiful world with confidence and have those omg-pinch-me-moments you’ll remember for a lifetime.

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Self-Guided Walking Tour of Granada (Discover the Secrets of This Historic City!)

Discover the secrets of Granada on this self-guided walking tour that takes you through the city's highlights

Granada Cathedral

Granada Cathedral

Embark on a Self-Guided Walking Tour of Granada

Most accounts of Granada concentrate on the Alhambra and Generalife but, magnificent as they are, we don't want to do that. We want to show you the real city and the best way to do that is on foot. There are plenty of good hotels in or near the city centre, and the bus service is excellent, charging a standard price for each journey no matter how far you travel. Before embarking on the tour make sure you have two maps, one showing the street plan of the city and the other showing the bus routes. Both are available at the hotels and any Tourist Information office.

Discover This Vibrant City on Foot

Granada is a vibrant city. It bursts with life both during the day and in the evening. Its citizens are cheerful and friendly and include a healthy dose of students for Granada is a university town. The students here are the same as elsewhere, hard up and always interested in finding good value cafés, bars and restaurants. In Granada, there is no shortage of places to eat.

Eating and Drinking in Granada

For those wanting to sample the authentic culinary delights of the area, then the streets leading off the south-east corner of the Plaza del Carmen are filled with bars where, when you purchase a drink, a tapas is automatically put in front of you.

These are not the tapas with which you are familiar. The competition is so fierce that the bar owners seem to be engaged in a tapas war, each one trying to outdo the other, which benefits the customer. You can expect a tapas of sweet morcilla, four huge gambas a la plancha, a large chunk of melon served with succulent Jamon or meatballs in a saffron and almond sauce, all for the price of a couple of beers.

Not surprisingly these bars are packed daily from noon to 4 pm when everybody in Granada takes a siesta before starting again about 8 pm. For those who prefer a more tourist atmosphere then there is the main city square, Plaza de Bib-Rambla, near the cathedral where we will be finishing our tour.

Begin Your Self-Guided Walking Tour of Granada at Puerto Real

Puerto Real Granada

Puerto Real Granada

Our self-guided walking tour of Granada starts at the Puerto Real, right at the heart of this city. In 1624, a gate was built here to commemorate the visit to the city by Philip IV. From here, we walk up one of the main shopping thoroughfares, Reyes Católicos, to the Plaza del Carmen and the imposing façade of the town hall, previously the Convent of Carmelitas Calzados.

Self-Guided Walking Tour of Granada (Discover the Secrets of This Historic City!)

Video By: Julie Evans

Corral del Carbon

Leave the Plaza via Calle Mariana which runs parallel to Calle de Los Reyes Católicos, after a hundred metres, you will see one of Granada's hidden surprises, the Corral del Carbon.

This 14th-century building, incredibly still intact, was an inn and warehouse for merchants visiting the city. Entering through the ornately decorated main gate, you find yourself in a square. This was where the merchants gathered to haggle and barter. Surrounding the square is a covered patio with stables and storerooms behind. On the upper floors were the inns and sleeping accommodation.

The building is still used for a variety of commercial concerns.

Plaza de Isabel la Católica

Return to the Calle de Los Reyes Católicos and turn right. You soon enter the Plaza de Isabel la Católica where you will see a monument. This sculpture, in stone and bronze, is the work of Mariano Benlliure and was erected in 1872. It depicts Columbus showing the queen his maps and charts.

Plaza Nueva

Further along, you will come to Plaza Nueva.

Here you will see one of the most outstanding palaces in Granada. It dates from 1530 and is now the seat of Andalucia's High Court. Adjoining the square is the Church of Santa Ana. Designed in 1537 it sits on the site of an older mosque and has a slender brick tower decorated with glazed tiles. It is said to be one of the loveliest churches in Granada.

El Banuelo

Passing the church, you enter the Carrera del Darro. In Moorish times, there was a wall parallel to the river with bridges connecting the Alhambra, that rears up on your right, with the Albaicin district of the city, then the most important and wealthiest area. In the 16th century, the wall was demolished to make way for a new street with churches and aristocratic houses.

One of the original Moorish buildings to survive is El Banuelo, or public baths, built in the 11th century. A vestibule leads to some rooms that had cold, warm or hot water. The cold water room is the largest whilst the hot water room is the smallest.

Beneath this room, with its extra thick walls to retain the heat, is the oven that heated the water. The capitals that support the portico in the main room are a mixture of Roman, Visigothic and Caliphal, clearly showing this building's origins and continued use through the ages.

A Moorish innovation was the star-shaped holes in the arched ceiling. They were initially covered with coloured alabaster to allow a rainbow of light to illuminate the interior. The whole atmosphere was enhanced by aromatic smoke from the perfume holders on the walls.

Puente del Cadi

Opposite the baths, you will see the remains of the Puente del Cadi - a bridge built by King Badis that was the main communication route between the Albaicin behind you and the Alhambra ahead.

With its bars, cafés and artisan shops the Carrera del Darro is a good place from which to explore the small alleys across the tiny pedestrian-only bridges. These narrow streets, nestled at the foot of the Alhambra, contain some of the nicest, and oldest, stores in the city. At the end of Carrera de Darro, just before it becomes Paseo del Padro Manjon, on the left is the Granada Archaeological Museum.

Paseo de los Tristes

Continue on Carrera del Darro that soon changes its name to Paseo del Majon, popularly known as Paseo de los Tristes (Passage of the Mourners) since this was the route taken by funeral corteges.

You will enter an open space with the river on your right; there are fine views of the Alhambra above and a few cafes. From here, you can admire the small houses clinging to the side of the Alhambra hill, nestled under the walls for protection, each with its vegetable plot, still inhabited as they have been for the last six hundred years, before we go to an area of the city less frequently visited by tourists.

Monument to a Gypsy

At the end of the Paseo de Padre Majon, a bridge over the river leads to two paths, one of which is a steep winding climb to the Alhambra.

Take the Cuesta del Chapiz to your left, a steep street leading into the northern part of the Albaicin. A couple of hundred metres up this street, on your right, you will see the Granada School of Arabic Studies that comprises two Morisco dwellings with later Christian style additions, a typical example of the architectural style employed immediately after the reconquest.

You will then enter the Plaza del Paso de la Harina with, on your right the Camino del Sacromonte. At the entrance to this road is a statue, a Monument to a Gypsy, for this narrow, winding street leads to the barrio famed for its gipsy cave houses. You soon find yourself in an area of dilapidated dwellings that merge with the rock behind.

self guided walking tour granada spain

Chimneys protrude from the solid rock above and narrow, twisting alleys lead to flamenco taverns. The Sacromonte gipsies are credited with the creation of the Zambra or flamenco fiesta and the house of the flamenco dancer Maria la Canastera is open to the public to celebrate the event.

One of the cave dwellings has also been opened as a museum and shows a sanitised, romanticised, version of how these people lived. It is hard to imagine the poverty, filth and disease that must have been endemic in this area so close to the opulent Albaicin.

Many of the cave dwellings are still inhabited, and you are given a unique opportunity to glimpse life as it must have been in Mediaeval times. You are given the impression, probably totally erroneously, that this is not an area in which to linger and it will only be the most adventurous who venture back here at night to sample the Zambra.

Retrace your steps to the Monument to a Gypsy.

El Albaicin

Turn right onto Cuesta del Chapiz. This road leads up into El Albaicin, the former Alcazaba district that was clustered around a fortress built by the Ziri monarchs.

The hill on which this district sits is the site of the original Iberian and Roman settlements although nothing now remains of that period, or the fortress. El Albaicin is, however, packed with wonderful examples of Moorish and Christian architecture. Time does seem to have stood still in these narrow, winding streets.

A notable feature of El Albaicin is the aljibes or cisterns. These were used to collect rainwater and protect it from evaporation giving the residents a source of fresh water. Many are still in use. El Albaicin is a warren of narrow, winding streets constructed over the ages with no thought for town planning.

Plaza del Salvador

The first plaza encountered, after a few minutes walking, is Plaza del Salvador.

At one side of this square is the Casa de Yabquas, a Morisco house with Nasrite, Gothic and Renaissance decoration. Opposite is the Aljibe de Polo and on the third side, dominating the square, the church of El Salvador. The church was built in the 16th century on the site of the main mosque. At the time of the reconquest, the Albaicin had a total of twenty-six mosques.

Aljibe Bib-al-Bunud

Leave Plaza del Salvador by heading down the left-hand side of the church into Plaza del Abad where you will see a very elaborate aljibe known as Bib-al-Bunud. Keep left down the Calleja de las Tomasas and then right as you go around the Convento de las Tomasas and into Cuesta de las Cabras.

Mirador San Nicolas

Go straight ahead until you reach the Mirador San Nicolas and be amazed by possibly the most exceptional views of the Alhambra, the city and in the distance the Sierra Nevadas. Behind you, as you look out over the city, is the Church of San Nicolas.

Puerta Nueva

Walk up the left-hand side of the church into Callejon de San Cecilio. You will see the Chapel of San Cecilio that was built on the gate to the former Alcazaba Cadima; the Ziri built fortress of the 11th century. The Puerta Nueva, with the typical turret and defensive zig zag design of Moorish gates, replaced the original gate.

The Puerta Nueva leads into Plaza Large. It is usually full of colourful market stalls and surrounded by cafes and bars, still performing its function as the busiest thoroughfare in the district.

Walls, Gates and Churches

Leave Plaza Large via Calle de Agua until you reach Calle de Pagés. You may now walk up Calle de San Gregorio Alto until you reach the outer city walls and the Puerta de Fajalauza.

This gate has an impressive minaret and barrel vault and was the start of the road to Guadix. You should then retrace your steps to the top of Calle de Agua and down Calle de Pagés until you enter Plaza de San Bartolome that contains, inevitably, another church that was built on the site of an older mosque. The Church of San Bartolome boasts a beautiful Mudejar tower.

Take Callejon del Matadero into Brujones and so to the Mirador and Church of San Cristobal. You are now at the highest point in the Albaicin with the city and its walls spread out at your feet.

Elvira Gate

At the foot of the Mirador, you will see the beginning of steeply descending streets on which, if you count them, you go down over 120 steps into the Cuesta de Alhabaca where you turn right and continue descending until you arrive at the Elvira Gate. This gate was at one time the principle gate into the city.

About halfway down Cuesta de Alhabaca, look out for Carril de la Lona off to your left. A diversion down here takes you to the Puerta Monaita, once another entrance to the Alcazaba Cadima. Stay on the twisting Carril de la Lona and in a few minutes, you will arrive at the Convent of Santa Isabel la Real, with an ornate and elaborately carved Isabelline entrance and just beyond that the Palace of Dar Al Horra.

Palace of Dar Al Horra

In the 15th century, this palace was built on the site of the Ziri Alcazaba and housed the Sultana Aixa, mother of Boabdil after she was disowned by her husband who then married a beautiful Christian woman, Isabel de Salis.

What's in a Name?

Return to the Cuesta de Alhabaca and turn left on your original route.

You will now have time to consider some of the explicitly descriptive street names used in the Albaicin to describe the activities found there. Calle Ladron del Agua (Water Thief Street), Calle Arremangadas (Rolled Up Street), Calle del Horno de Vidriol (Glass Oven Street), Placeta del Mentidero (Gossip Square), Peso de la Harina (Weight of Flour), and Calle Oidores (Judges Street), all very useful for the first-time visitor to Granada in the 15th century.

The arch that survives dates back to the 9th century. From there, take Calle de Elvira back to the centre of the city. This street, although dilapidated now, was once the main road separating the Albaicin area from the administrative and commercial centre during the Moorish period.

For those who prefer a modern street with shops and restaurants, the Gran via de Colon runs parallel about 50 metres to the right.

Calle del Zacatin

Either way, you will find the Cathedral, the Royal Chapel of Granada and the most colourful street in the entire city, Calle del Zacatin.

During the Nasrite era, the area around the cathedral was the primary administrative and commercial centre of the city as well as being the site of the main mosque. Today we can only experience a small part of what must have been the most colourful and vibrant area on Calle del Zacatan, just east of the cathedral.

Calle del Zacatan was Granada's main thoroughfare until the 19th century. The name El Zacatan is Arabic for 'old clothes dealer' and halfway up the narrow, bustling street, you will come across the Alcaiceria or Moorish silk market.

Originally the Alcaiceria was much more extensive and functioned as an independent 'village'. Access to it was closed at night and the district had its own baths, exchange, House of Justice, mosque and customs house as well as a souk where exotic goods from all over the Moorish world were bought and sold. Even today, mixed in with all the tourist glitz, you will come across real silk garments, products from North Africa and genuine jewellery from the Near East.

Plaza de Bib-Rambla

Even narrower streets lead from Calle del Zacatan into Plaza de Bib-Rambla, the last stop on this self-guided walking your of Granada. This square is the hub of social life in Granada and the site of the fish and meat market. In the centre of the square is the enormous 17th-century statue, Fountain of Los Gigantones, dedicated to Neptune and made in Elvira stone.

The Plaza de Bib-Rambla is the hub of the fiestas and celebrations that are part of this city's life. Restaurants of every sort and nationality bound the square. They tend to be tourist traps so check to make sure the tapas put before you is gratis and that IVA is included in the prices. The competition is fierce, so the food is good. Keep your eyes open for the heladerias in one corner of the plaza. Each tub of ice cream displayed is a work of art and the perfect way to cool down after all that walking.

What UNESCO Says about Granada

Rising above the modern lower town, the Alhambra and the Albaycín [sic], situated on two adjacent hills, form the medieval part of Granada. To the east of the Alhambra fortress and residence are the magnificent gardens of the Generalife, the former rural residence of the emirs who ruled this part of Spain in the 13th and 14th centuries. The residential district of the Albaycín is a rich repository of Moorish vernacular architecture, into which the traditional Andalusian architecture blends harmoniously.

The Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín were inscribed in 1984 and extended in 1994.

When to Visit Granada

Granada is one of the five hottest cities in Spain during July and August. The other four are Seville and Córdoba, both in Andalucia, Badajoz in Extremadura and Murcia. The best times to visit Granada are from October through until June.

More on Granada

  • Historical Guide to Granada City
  • Visitors Guide to Granada
  • Visiting the Alhambra
  • Generalife and Alhambra Gardens
  • The Royal Chapel
  • Granada Archaeological Museum
  • Alhambra Museum
  • Palacio Dar al-Horra
  • Granada Science Park

Recommended Spain Travel Resources

Travelling to/around Spain and need some help? Here are our favourite travel resources.

We usually use Booking.com to look for hotels or apartment rentals. Lots of choice & you can unlock more discounts with their Genius loyalty programme!

To research transportation options around Spain, we like using Omio . It’s an easy way to compare different modes of transport and prices in one place.

For last-minute holiday deals, check out Expedia UK .

Looking for things to do? Viator has a huge catalog of activities and tours across many cities in Spain. We also love Get Your Guide !

Guruwalk is our favourite platform to find the best free walking tours in a city.

For money transfers or spending overseas in foreign currency, Wise is our favorite borderless banking service.

Travel insurance is a must to protect against emergencies and unexpected incidents. Get a quote from SafetyWing here.

More about Granada

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Places to go in Granada

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Museums and Galleries in Granada

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BLOG , Granada , Travel Spain · January 5, 2023

The best self-guided walking tour in Granada + map to download!

self guided walking tour granada title photo

A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend and I went on a free walking tour in Granada, and we absolutely loved it! I had been to Granada before but was so mindblown about how beautiful the city was in December. But regardless of when you decide to visit Granada, I am sure you will have a great experience. But now let’s talk about the self-guided walking tour for Granada you can find in this blog post: I absolutely love doing walking tours whenever I visit a new city. They really help to understand a new city better and to know where all the important monuments are.

During my stay in Granada, I did both a free walking tour of the city and a food walking tour. Apart from them, I also found some gems in Granada during my time there that I made sure to include as well. And the outcome is the following blog post: A self-guided walking tour of Granada with the city’s most important monuments , viewpoints, tapas bars, and more.

So, if you are interested, keep reading. 

Here is an itinerary for a self-guided walking tour in Granada

Affiliate links may be sprinkled throughout the free content of this blog post. If you purchase from one of the links I may receive a small commission while the price for you stays the same. This helps me cover the costs of The Lithuanian Abroad. Gracias!

Other blog posts about Granada you should check out: 

Visit Granada in winter, the best activities & more: This blog post has amazing recommendations for visiting Granada during the winter months. And yes, it is absolutely worth it! You can find more information here.

Tipping in Spain, everything you need to know: This guide includes everything you need to know about Spain’s tipping culture. How much do you tip and when is tipping necessary? 

35 funny sayings in Spanish you should know: Here are 35 hilarious Spanish phrases you should know. And we talk about Spain’s obsession with milk as well. Check it out!

Self guided walking tour of Granada in winter Alhambra with Sierra Nevada

FAQs about Granada and this free self-guided walking tour for Granada:

Is granada worth visiting.

Granada is one of the many cities in Spain you have to visit! Not only is it home to the Alhambra palace , which is a famous UNESCO World Heritage site . It also is full of incredible history and amazing food. Granada is also close to the Sierra Nevada mountains which makes it a perfect destination for nature lovers as well. 

What if I want to book a free walking tour in Granada? 

Of course, you can also book a free walking tour in Granada. Free walking tours are amazing if you want to see Granada’s most important monuments and areas in one afternoon. I did a free walking tour in Granada myself and really enjoyed it. The best part of free walking tours are the local guides who do an amazing job showing you the city through the eyes of a person that lives there. You can also ask them for recommendations for activities after you finished your tour. 

How do free walking tours work? Free walking tours do not come with a specific price, which is why they are free. You will spend a couple of hours with your local guide walking around the city and learning a lot about Granada’s history. After the tour, you have the chance to leave your local guide a tip. And it’s totally up to you how much you would like to tip them! It usually depends on your budget and on how much you actually liked the tour.

You can find all free walking tours in Granada here .

But if you have a tight schedule and want to explore Granada on your own, keep reading this blog post 🙂

Granada in winter blog post photo self guided walking tour Granada

What should I keep in mind before I do a walking tour in Granada? 

Make sure to wear proper footwear ! Granada is an incredibly walkable city. So, you should wear should you can walk in for a couple of hours without a problem. Then, you should take a water bottle with you to refreshen yourself during your walk. 

How long does this self-guided walking tour of Granada take? 

In theory, the tour is 3km long and if you just walk to all destinations without a break, you should be done in 45 min. But in practice, I am sure this walking tour will take you much longer. We will walk around the historical city center of Granada , and check out incredible viewpoints and other monuments of the city. If you want to enjoy your time without rushing, this tour will take you around 2-3 hours.

By the way, I made sure to include tea and tapas places that I loved. That way you can make small stops in case you get hungry 🙂

self guided walking tour Granada in winter Generalife

What places are we going to see on this Granada walking tour? 

Our self-guided Granada walking tour starts at Plaza de Bib Rambla, which is a very central square close to the Cathedral of Granada . From there, you will walk to the Cathedral of Granada and see the Royal Chapel. Then, we will walk to the lower areas of the Albaicín neighborhood and see two important viewpoints: Mirador Placeta de Carvalejas and Mirador San Nicolas. After spending some time at the viewpoints you will walk down to the famous Paseo de los tristes with amazing views of the Alhambra in Granada . The walking tour ends in an area full of bars and restaurants. Perfect if you want to keep exploring Granada’s surroundings.

Interactive map with our Granada walking tour itinerary

This is an interactive map with the itinerary for our self-guided walking tour in Granada. You can send the whole itinerary to yourself and display it on your google maps. That way you won’t get lost! By the way, I also included great tapas and tea places on our way.

Let’s start: Itinerary for a self-guided walking tour in Granada

1. start of our walking tour in granada: plaza de bib-rambla.

Many walking tours in Granada start at exactly this place: Plaza de Bib-Rambla . This place is a small square not too far from the Cathedral. On this square, you can find several restaurants where you can have tapas or churros. 

I got recommended the place “Los Manueles” a lot for their tapas. If you want to have a snack before your walking tour, you could go there! Or what about having churros at Cafetería Alhambra ? Churros are very common in Granada. You really should make sure to try them during your stay. 

When I visited this Granada in December, this plaza had a small Christmas market full of souvenirs and gifts. But apart from that, let’s not stay in this square for too long. There are many incredible destinations in our walking tour to come.

self guided walking tour granada spain

2. Walk to the famous bazaar Alcaicería in Granada

Walking time: 3 min

The Alcaicería is a hidden street full of souvenir shops in the center of Granada. The Arabic-style shops sell all kinds of souvenirs, from jewelry, purses, and t-shirts to other small things related to Granada. If you want to bring back a souvenir from Granada for your loved ones, this is one place you could take a look at!

Walk around the small street and peek inside the shops. This Arabic style is very common in the South of Spain. Make sure to pay attention to the beautiful decorations on the walls. 

Make sure to walk to a small square called “Placeta de la Seda” to admire the beautiful tiles on the walls. Such a beautiful and hidden place in Granada!

self guided walking tour Granada alcaiceria entrance

3. Admire Granada’s gorgeous cathedral at Plaza de las Pasiegas

Walking time: 2 min 

The Cathedral in Granada is one of the must-see places on this tour. For being such a small city, Granada actually has the 4th largest Cathedral in the world! The construction of this Cathedral started in the 16th century, after Granada’s conquest and more than 600 years of Muslim dominance . Like many other Cathedrals in Andalusia, the Cathedral in Granada was built on top of the city’s main mosque. 

The exterior structure of the Cathedral is of gothic architecture. The main facade was designed by the famous Spanish architect Alonso Cano . The inside of the Cathedral is also worth seeing! The inside has been constructed in a Renaissance design with colourful tiles and five main naves. The whole building looks absolutely beautiful. 

If you have time and are interested in seeing the Cathedral inside, you should absolutely do it! The entrance costs 5€.

Cathedral winter in Granada self guided walking tour Granada

4. Walk to the Royal Chapel, right behind the Cathedral of Granada

The Royal Chapel of Granada is a very unique building: This building is the burial place of the Spanish Monarchs Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand I . Apart from that, the building has some very impressive architecture and shows art related to Queen Isabella. Other tombs include the bodies of Juana de Castilla, Felipe I de Castilla and their grandson Miguel who died as a child.

I have to be honest, my boyfriend and I went to check out the Royal Chapel thinking it will be one more religious building to look at. But we were very impressed by the statues, the artwork and how well-preserved everything is! The marble statues look absolutely insane and were crafted with so much detail. Keep in mind that the Royal Chapel of Granada was constructed at the beginning of the 16th century. 

If you have time and are debating whether you should visit it, give it a try. In my opinion, this is a very underrated place and worth visiting (Taking photos is not allowed! Which is why I cannot show you any!)

Winter in Granada the Royal Chapel self guided walking tour of Granada

5. Check out the Palacio de la Madraza, 

Walking time: 2 min

The good news is that the old town of Granada is very small and all monuments are very close to each other. By now, we did not even have to walk that far. Right next to the Royal Chapel is the Madraza , a historical Islamic educational institution. 

Nowadays, the Madraza belongs to the university of Granada. It was built in the 14th century by Nasrid Monarch Yusuf I. The Madraza was close to the city’s main mosque, which today is the Cathedral of Granada. Close are also the Albaicería bazaar where silk and gold were traded. 

You can enter the front part of the Madraza to admire the beautiful Arabic decoration of the wall, very unique!

self guided walking tour of Granada Madraza

6. Let’s go to our first viewpoint: Placeta de Carvajales

Walking time: 10 Minutes

From the Madraza , walk towards Gran Vía de Colón , cross the street and keep walking towards the lower part of the Albaicín neighborhood.

There, our next destination is Mirador Placeta de Carvajales . Once you arrive, you will immediately understand why many travelers recommend this viewpoint: From here, you have a spectacular view of the Alhambra on the hill. Make sure to not skip this viewpoint on your Granada walking tour! 

Apart from that, there is a small square right at the viewpoint with beautiful water plays where you can do a small break. 

Close to this viewpoint is also a place called “La Taberna del Beso”, where you can sit down for a tea and a small snack. 

granada view point albaycin quarter self guided walking tour of Granada

6. Walk to Granada’s most popular viewpoint: Mirador San Nicolas 

Walking time: 10min 

Now, we are going to continue walking uphill in Granada’s Albaicín neighborhood . Believe me, it is absolutely worth it. Only 10 walking minutes away you can find Granada’s most popular viewpoint Mirador San Nicolas. A must-see place during your Granada trip!

This viewpoint has incredible views of Alhambra , and you can even see the Sierra Nevada behind it. This image of the Alhambra with the snow-covered mountains behind it is insane! 

To be honest, this place is not a hidden gem anymore and you will find many people there, especially on sunset. Usually, there is also live music , which really gives this place a special atmosphere. 

What can you do there? You can sit down on the walls of the viewpoint and just admire the incredible view and listen to live music. You can also buy a souvenir from one of the sellers of this viewpoint. I recommend doing a small break and having a tea at “Tetería Marrakesh”.

winter in granada viewpoint san Nicolas self guided walking tour of Granada

Not tired yet? Then check out the Mosque “Mezquita Mayor”

This Main Mosque in Granada is located right next to the viewpoint and is accessible for free. I really liked visiting it because the views are very similar to the San Nicholas viewpoint, but there are much fewer people there. Apart from that, the mosque is absolutely gorgeous and is also home to a beautiful garden. If you have time, check it out 🙂

Granada in winter mezquita mayor view

7. Let’s continue walking to Paseo de los Tristes!

Walking time: 8 min 

We finally get to walk downhill on this self-guided walking tour of Granada! Our next destination is a street that is officially called “Andres Manjon” , but locals call it “Paseo de los tristes” . Translated it means “The street of the sad people” . This street is right next to the Darro River and you can easily reach it just by walking downhill from the San Nicholas viewpoint. 

The interesting name of the street derives from the funeral processions that would take place on this street on the way to the San José cemetery in Granada. As you can imagine, it was probably not the happiest place in Granada. 

But nowadays, this street is full of bars and local shops you can visit. But not only that. from there you also have amazing views of the Alhambra , which is lit up beautifully during the evening.

self guided walking tour Granada paseo de los tristes

I have to recommend a tea place here which is super cozy with great views of the Alhambra as well: Tetería El Bañuelo. 

self guided walking tour granada in winter tetería buñuelo

8. Keep walking to Plaza de Santa Ana, the end of our Granada walking tour

Walking time: 8 minutes

Our last stop on this walking tour is Plaza Santa Ana , a central square from which you can continue and go on other activities in the city of Granada. 

On this square, we can find the court of Granada, the tourism office, and a beautiful water fountain. Around this square are many historical buildings, like the Santa Ana church. If you want to extend your Granada walking tour for a bit, you can check it out. 

Apart from that, scroll down if you are looking for more activities you can do after your Granada walking tour

self guided walking tour Granada Plaza Santa Ana

That was not enough? Other activities you can do after this Granada walking tour: 

Visit the hammam andalus for a relaxing experience.

This is the perfect plan if you want to have a relaxing afternoon: The Hammam Andalus are traditional Arabic baths you can visit for the ultimate SPA experience. These baths include hot and cold pools and other SPA services. Fancy a massage? Then, you should go here.

You can book your tickets for the Arabic baths in Granada here.

granada in winter Arab baths self guided walking tour granada

Check out a world-class Flamenco Show in Granada

The South of Spain is known for its amazing Flamenco performances . And Granada has several places where you can go! Close to Plaza Santa Ana is Flamenco Place La Alborea . If you have never been to a Flamenco Show, you will be mindblown!

You can buy tickets and find out more about La Alborea here.

Christmas in Madrid things to do in Madrid at night romantic places in barcelona solo travel barcelona things to do at night in barcelona bucket list 4 days in madrid Spend 2 days in Madrid visiting Madrid alone Flamenco Show

Make sure you bought your ticket for the Alhambra gardens!

Just a word of caution! Make sure you already have your tickets for visiting the Alhambra before you come to Granada. If you still don’t have them, make sure to check here if there are still tickets available during your stay in Granada.

Make sure you buy the tickets that include visiting the Nasrid Palaces as well. You can book your tickets here!

self guided walking tour granada in winter Alhambra granada in december

Explore Granada’s best tapas restaurants!

Close to our last stop on the Granada walking tour there are a lot of great restaurants you should try! Granada is famous for its tapas culture, where you usually get a free appetizer (tapa) whenever you order a drink. 

Famous tapas places I can recommend are Bodegas Castañeda, La Buena Vida and Los Manueles

self guided walking tour granada in winter tapas bars

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It's Gabriele! Feel free to reach out on any of the following social media platforms. I would love to get in touch! Thanks so much for stopping by!



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Granada and the Alpujarras

Walk through whitewashed villages in the Alpujarras | Erin Williams

  • self guided walk
  • 7 nights in 2-3 star hotels and charming guesthouses
  • 7 Breakfasts

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Trip highlights

  • Exploring Moorish villages with steep, narrow lanes which cling to the mountainside
  • Walking in beautiful surroundings at high elevations with sweeping views
  • Discovering the fascinating remains of times gone by, including ancient acequias and Moorish threshing circles
  • Being surrounded by diverse Mediterranean vegetation with the snowy peaks of Sierra Nevada as a backdrop

From the intriguing city of Granada to the lofty heights of the Alpujarras, the focus is firmly on culture and mountain landscapes. Small and surprisingly cosmopolitan, Granada offers a bizarre mixture of ancient history and modern living. There will be time to visit the Alhambra, the spectacular Moorish monument which is a must-see. After two nights in the city, you will move up into the mountains, to the Alpujarras. This beautiful area still reflects its Moorish origins, recalling times when groups of Moors inhabited these hills resisting the Christian Reconquest. In this fascinating historical context, the Alpujarras' high elevation makes for an ideal alpine experience with the snowy peaks of Sierra Nevada, as a backdrop. All sorts of crops thrive in the Mediterranean climate: olive orchards, orange and lemon groves, almonds, figs and grapes. Amidst this abundance you will enjoy dramatic views from the enchanting white-washed villages as you walk among terraced fields and along the irrigation channels which survive from the Moorish era.

Trip Grading

self guided walking tour granada spain

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Day 1 Arrive Granada

Meals:   Nil

Day 2 In Granada, free time to explore the Alhambra

Day 3 local bus to capileira then circular walk through the río poqueira valley (3 or 5.5hrs), day 4 walk through taha de pitres villages and forests to mencina-fondales (3hrs), day 5 ascend to the highest village in the alpujarras, trevélez (7hrs).

Meals:   B,D

Day 6 Choice of walks from Trevélez including a short walk along the Camino de Granada (3.5-8hrs)

Day 7 ascend el portichuelo and continue to bérchules (5.5hrs), day 8 optional walk through the río grande valley (3hrs), return to granada by local bus.

The map and elevation chart are for illustrative purposes only and meant to provide general guidelines. On self guided trips, actual route information provided before departure will be more detailed.

What's included

  • 7 breakfasts, 3 dinners
  • 7 nights accommodation in 2-3 star hotels and charming guesthouses on a twin share basis with ensuite facilities
  • Digital information pack including smartphone app with maps and routebook, GPS Tracks
  • Luggage transfers on days 4, 5 and 7, 1 piece maximum 20kg, supplement applies for excess (you will need to take your luggage with you on the bus from Granada to Capileira on day 3, and from Berchules to Granada on day 8)
  • Emergency hotline

What's not included

  • Travel to and from Granada
  • Meals not listed as included, drinks
  • Travel insurance - mandatory
  • Guide – this is a self-guided walking holiday
  • A supplement will apply if you are travelling solo or book a single room
  • Entrance fees not listed as included
  • Local transport including from Granada to Capileira and from Berchules to Granada
  • Transfers by taxi or public transport if you need to skip a stage
  • Excess Luggage
  • Hotel taxes if applicable – payable directly to the hotel
  • Items of a personal nature

self guided walking tour granada spain

Comfortable Hotels

During the trip you will stay in comfortable hotels that have been carefully selected for their location, atmosphere and/or unique services. When in the Alpujarras you will stay in small, family-run hotels, set in the beautiful whitewashed villages. All rooms have ensuites.


MODERATE – GRADE 3 This is a self guided walk with average daily stages of 2.5 to 7 hours. The trip is graded moderate as it is mainly on wide unsurfaced tracks, footpaths or animal trails, with the occasional section on surfaced tracks or tarmac roads. Although sometimes the ascents are several kilometres long, they are gradual and technically easy. The use of walking sticks is recommended. A reasonable level of fitness is required. As with all of our trips it is important that you are well prepared. We suggest that you undertake regular exercise – swimming, cycling, and jogging, two to three times a week for three months prior to your departure.

Per Person, Twin Share

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self guided walking tour granada spain

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We offer different levels of accommodation and comfort so that even the most budget conscious can treat themselves to active holidays on Europe's most celebrated tracks and trails. Our trips are great value for money because you only pay for what you want.  

self guided walking tour granada spain

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Our wide range of self-guided itineraries embody the UTracks philosophy of exploring Europe your way. We handle the logistics so all that's left for you to do is enjoy exploring Europe at your own pace. Most depart daily with a minimum of two people, meaning maximum flexibility.

self guided walking tour granada spain

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Wild Rover Travel

The Alpujarras and Granada

Year-round walking in Andalucía's Sierra Nevada

The Alpujarras and Granada

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  • Hiking in Andalucia
  • Hiking in Spain
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  The impressive Moorish legacy of the Alpujarras and the stunning Alhambra of Granada

 Beautiful mountain trails at the perfect elevation for year-round hiking

  Charming white-washed villages with narrow winding streets

  Dramatic views of the snow-capped Sierra Nevada

  Delicious local food, including mountain-cured hams and meat stews with exotic spices

Hiking in the Alpujarras & Granada

Self-guided walking holiday with luggage transportatioon.

Starting and ending in Granada , against the dramatic backdrop of the snow-capped Sierra Nevada mountain range, this self-guided walking tour takes you through picturesque white-washed villages on hillsides that have been carefully terraced and irrigated since Moorish times. The Alpujarras are at the perfect elevation for year-round hiking and with well-trodden footpaths connecting each village, it’s an area that’s just begging to be explored on foot.

The lower reaches are home to a wide variety of traditional Mediterranean crops, from olive orchards, orange and lemon groves to almonds, figs and grapes. All of these ingredients make their way into the delicious local food dishes, along with lamb, rabbit and the famous cured ham of Trevélez . The cuisine retains its Moorish influences and dishes are often colourful and flavoured with Arabic spices.

As you move higher into the mountains, you will find an ancient web of hiking paths that lead you between rural hamlets; their Berber-style flat roofed houses offering panoramic views of the mountainous landscape and their winding lanes inviting further exploration.

Back in Granada, you can finish your Andalucían adventure in style with a visit to the eternal and stunning Alhambra , which is truly one of the wonders of the world!

Day 1: Arrive in Granada

From afar, the snow-capped peaks of the Sierra Nevada provide a spectacular backdrop to one of Europe’s most striking cityscapes. Once you get up close, Granada is an intriguing mix of the ancient and modern. Its Moorish architectural heritage is clear to see; the undoubted jewel in its crown being the stunning hilltop Alhambra palace, with its dazzling Islamic decor and landscaped gardens.

Away from the Alhambra, Granada also has an abundance of Moorish bathhouses, authentic flamenco clubs and tapas bars which still serve a free tapas-plate with each drink!

Your accommodation is at the Hotel Reina Cristina, a lovely city-centre hotel next to the cathedral.

Day 2: Bus to Capileira and walk through the Río Poqueira Valley

Option A –  Distance: 10 km | Ascent: 560 m | Descent: 560 m | 5½ hrs approx.

Option B –  Distance: 7.4 km | Ascent: 350 m | Descent: 350 m | 3½ hrs approx.

After breakfast, you will take a local bus (with your luggage) to Capileira, the largest and highest of the Alpujarras’ villages, at 1436m. This pretty town has a very good selection of restaurants, as well as a long tradition for producing top quality leather goods. Capileira’s Moorish heritage is still clearly evident in its white-washed houses clinging to the hillside, its tiny squares with fountains, and a mysterious network of steep, narrow lanes.

Having checked in and deposited your luggage at your hotel, you have a choice of circular walks in the Río Poqueira Valley, from Capileira via Bubion to Pampaneira, passing ancient threshing circles as you make your way through the agricultural land of the high mountain slopes.

Overnight: Capileira

Day 3: From Capileira to Mecina Fondales

Distance: 7.5 km | Ascent: 315 m | Descent: 635 m | 3 hrs approx.

Following old paths that connected the Poqueira valley with the small villages of the lower Alpujarras. Walking from one white-washed village to the next enjoying the varied scenery. Landscape changes gradually from an ancient Mediterranean holm oak forest, then pine tree plantations and finally irrigated fields approaching the “Taha” de Pitres; an ancient water council centre which dates back to Moorish times.

Overnight: Mecina Fondales.

Day 4: Trevélez Valley walk

Distance: 19.6 km | Ascent: 1050 m | Descent: 530 m | 7 hrs approx.

A long but not too difficult route through the Trevélez River Valley with fantastic viewing points along the way. Today’s walk takes you to the highest village in the Alpujarras and (they claim) in all of Spain.

Trevélez is rightly famous among food-lovers as the home of some of Spain’s finest ham. This cured jamón serrano matures perfectly in the rarified mountain air of the Sierra and is best enjoyed with a glass of local wine while gazing out at the spectacular mountain scenery.

Today’s walk can easily be shortened by driving part of the way with your luggage and getting off in Pórtugos or Busquístar.

Overnight: Trevélez, dinner included.

Day 5: Choice of walks from Trevélez

Option 1 – Distance: 18 km | Ascent/Descent: 1400 m | 8 hrs approx. Option 2 – Distance: 14 km | Ascent/Descent: 500 m | 5½ hrs approx. Option 3 – Distance: 12 km | Ascent/Descent: 285 m | 3 hrs approx.

You have a choice of three fantastic walks to choose from today, including a spectacular longer walk high into the Sierra Nevada, a circular route in the beautiful surroundings of Trevélez or a shorter walk along the historic Camino de Granada.

Day 6: Bérchules via El Portichuelo

Distance: 16 km | Ascent: 620 m | Descent: 880 m | 5½ hrs approx.

A pleasant route along narrow footpaths through shaded woodlands. The last section offers sweeping views over the Sierra Nevada. In clear weather, the African continent is visible from the highest point, El Portichuelo.

Overnight: Bérchules, dinner included.

Day 7: Acequia walk in Río Grande Valley, bus to Granada

Distance: 10 km | Ascent: 170 m | Descent: 170 m | 3 hrs approx.

On your final day you have the option of taking a morning bus and having the full day to explore Granada or taking one final walk in the Alpujarras before catching the bus to Granada in the afternoon.

The optional walk, in the valley north of Bérchules, follows an ancient irrigation channel to the ruins of a 13 th century Moorish silk-washing house.

Once back in Granada, a visit to the magnificent Alhambra is not to be missed. Early evening is a great time to visit this magical place. Tickets are not included in the tour arrangements but can be pre-booked here .

Day 8: Departure

Our services end after breakfast, unless you have booked any additional services with us. We would be happy to book additional nights for you in Granada. Just let us know at the time of booking if you would like to extend your stay.

Getting to Granada

From granada to capileira.

The Alhambra in Granada and Sierra Nevada Mountains

Tour Reviews

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I really loved this walking vacation! It has everything: culture with Al Hambra, beautiful villages and nice walks in nature. The hotels are all very nice and clean and the baggage always arrived there before I reached the hotel. The trails are not always very easy to follow so make sure to have both a gps and the route notes (I used my garmin phoenix 5s watch and it worked perfectly). It is also nice that you can chose how long you would like to walk on some days. I never really got lost and I am not a great navigator! I did get a few scratches here and there from some bushes but nothing too serious. I was travelling as a woman alone and never felt unsafe. Even though I did not meet a lot of other hikers on the trail, mostly there is phone network and the one place where there was no network (siete lagunas), there were plenty of other hikers. Also all of the hotels were aware of my imminent arrival so if I would not have come I am sure they would have inquired after my progress on the trail. Niall always replied to me very quickly to my inquiries and the local travel company in Spain was really helpful when I informed them that my luggage had gone missing by the airline.The hotels are aware that I am vegetarian and most of the meals were really amazing (and really a lot) All in all definetely worth booking this trip!

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Alhambra - Self Guided Tour Itinerary

Self guided alhambra tour itinerary – arrival by car..

by Chris Chaplow

Having parked your car in the main car park , walk to the ticket office complex where the entrance is located. There are two lines, one for individual ticket holders and another for groups. Your allocated entry time for the Nasrid palaces will be on your ticket - it will comfortably take about half an hour from here to the palaces’ entrance.

If you have time, there is a visitor centre containing a book and souvenir shop, and beneath the ticket hall are toilets, vending machines and left luggage lockers.

At the entrance to the Alhambra complex, your ticket is scanned and your name checked against your ID. Walk through gardens that gently slope downhill and, after 5 minutes, you will reach a turning to the ‘new bridge’ on the right-hand side.

Most people visit the Alhambra palaces first and the Generalife afterwards, but if you still have more than 90 minutes to go before your time slot to enter the Nasrid palaces, you may choose to go through the Generalife gardens first. If so, continue walking straight on. If going to the Alhambra first, turn left over the new bridge.

Alhambra alta

You are now at Alhambra Alta . Walking down the footpath from the bridge, you will see on your left a gate in the wall called Puerta de los Siete Suelos (Gate of the Seven Floors, or Levels). It is so called because it was originally protected by a larger external gate, similar to the Puerta de la Justicia, which had seven "steps".

You will also walk by the ‘city of the Alhambra’ - medina al-Hamrat – which was excavated in the nineteenth century, revealing the foundations of luxury homes, some of which had their own baths.

Monastery of San Francisco

Passing a control point, leave the gardens to enter a free public access area. On the right is the Monastery of San Francisco , now a Parador Hotel . If you have time, go in for a look at the public areas.

Walking down the path, on the right are the Moorish Baths followed by the  Church of St Mary .

On the left are some souvenir shops with refreshment opportunities, and an information office. Also on the left is the Puerto de la Justicia (Justice Gate) , where visitors arriving directly from the city will enter the site.

Palace Entrance area

Now you have arrived at the palace entrance area, where there is a toilet block and vending machines in a out-building. This will be your last chance for refreshment or to use the toilets for about another hour. If you are close to your ticket time slot, proceed directly to the entrance queue for the Nasrid palaces . There are usually two control points; at the first, your ticket is checked to ensure you are arriving at the correct time, and at the second, the ticket is scanned and your ID checked to admit you.

If you still have some time, you can also pass through the  Puerto de Vino (Wine Gate) into the Alcazaba courtyard and see the Torre de la Vela and the Bell Tower .

You can also visit the Palace of Carlos V (the imposing square-shaped Renaissance building on the right-hand side. There is also an Alhambra Museum


The Nasrid palaces consist of three parts; Mexuar , Serallo (including Palacio de Comares) and Harem (including Palacio de los Liones). In the tour, this is followed by the Emperor’s rooms, built after the reconquest for King Charles V.

The first room you visit is the Sala de Mexuar , a reception room complete with a small oratory (prayer room). From here, you pass the small Golden Room and its patio.


From this point, only ministers or special dignitaries would enter deeper into the Palacio Árabe (Arab palace), or Casa Real , by a small door and corridor leading into the Patio de los Arrayanes (Court of the Myrtles). This is also called the Patio de la Alberca (Court of the Blessing or Court of the Pond), from the Arabic birka, meaning "pool".

You will notice that the pool divides the courtyard into two sides and is fed by a fountain at each end. The pool is full of goldfish and has myrtles growing along its sides, the fruit, leaves and branches of which are used to make medicine. Around the outside of the patio are chambers; the most important are on the north side and form the Comares Palace , the official residence of the King.

The inside of the Comares Palace provides a great angle to take photos of the pool outside. You can then exit the Palace by the same door and walk along the far side of the patio to take photos looking back down the 34m pool to the court; this is one of the most distinct and popular views of the Alhambra.


Leaving by a side chamber, you will enter perhaps the most beautiful part of the famous Alhambra; the construction of these Royal Palaces dates back to the fourteenth century and is the work of two great kings: Yusuf I and Muhammed V. We first pass through the Patio of the Lions .

The centrepiece of the court is the Fountain of the Lions , which offers another classic photo opportunity. It comprises an alabaster basin supported by the figures of twelve lions in white marble. At the edge of the great fountain is a poem written by Ibn Zamrak which praises the beauty of the fountain and the power of the lions, but also provides an account of the ingenious hydraulic systems by which the fountain functioned.

There is a series of important rooms around the patio. The Sala de los Mocárabes is on the west side from which you entered; the Sala de Abencerrajes is to the south; the Sala de los Abencerrajes (Hall of the Abencerrages) derives its name from a legend according to which the father of Boabdil, the last sultan of Granada, having invited the chiefs to a banquet, massacred them here. This room is a perfect square, with a lofty dome and trellised windows at its base. The roof is decorated in blue, brown, red and gold, and the columns supporting it branch out beautifully into the ceiling’s arches.

The Sala de los Reyes is next visited on the eastern side of the court, before you return back past the lions and leave through the Sala de las Dos Hermanas on the north side.

The Sala de las Dos Hermanas (Hall of the Two Sisters) is named after the two white marble slabs laid as part of the pavement, which each measure 500 by 220 cm. There is a fountain in the middle of this hall and a magnificent ceiling - a dome honeycombed with tiny cells, all different, said to number 5000.

The Salón de los Embajadores (Hall of the Ambassadors) is the largest room in the Alhambra and occupies all the Torre de Comares Comares Tower . It is a square room with a 23m high domed ceiling. This was the grand reception room, and the throne of the Sultan was placed opposite the entrance.

Rooms of Carlos Quinto

After visiting the Palace of the Lions, you will pass through a Christian addition to the Alhambra, known as the Rooms of Carlos Quinto <, built between 1528 and 1537.

Passing along a wooden balcony with open views to Albaicín opposite, you can then descend the staircase into the Patio de la Reja , with its cooling fountain. Next door, in the cloisters of the gardens of the Patio of Lindaraja , there are a number of welcomed benches. This patio is the last room of the the Nasrid Palaces, where a drinking water fountain waits for you outside.

Jardines del Partal

Back outside, relax a little and enjoy the flowers in the Jardines del Partal ( Partal Gardens ). El Partal comes from an Arabic word meaning "the portico". Torre de las Damas is the picturesque arcade and tower with a pond just in front of it.

From Jardines del Partal, you can return along Paseo de las Torres , which follows the castle wall to exit by the new bridge. Here, you can turn left to visit the Generalife or turn right to return to the ticket office and car park.

Leaving Jardines del Partal, you can also bear right and return to exit near Palacio Carlo V if you are interested in seeing that and the Alcazaba (which you may not have had time to see before entering the Nasrid palaces).

Generalife Palace

Visiting the Generalife will take about an hour. It was formerly the ‘country retreat’ for the Arab rulers and is a small white palace nestled in the trees on El Cerro del Sol , a south facing hill near the Alhambra Palace. It was not a summer palace, but rather a refuge where rulers could hide from the clamouring demands of their subjects. The visit first passes through twentieth-century gardens.

You will notice the open air auditorium (where the Granada music festival is held every summer); stroll through the rose gardens and enter the Generalife in the same courtyard where visitors arrived. There is another ticket and ID control point. Climb the stairs up to the legendary Patio de la Acequia for another golden photo opportunity.

After leaving the Generalife Palace and passing the iron turnstile, turn right for the direct route through the gardens to leave the complex. Alternatively, if you have 15 minutes and enough stamina, turn left and climb the Escalera del Agua (water staircase), where the two stone banisters have been hollowed out to become refreshing water canals.

Both routes then lead back to the ticket office and the car park via a gentle stroll through the woods.

Hill of the Martres

The Hill of the Martyrs located to the south of the car park, was given its name by the Catholic monarchs because many Christian captives suffered and perished in the Moorish dungeons on this site. A Carmelite monastery was later founded here and, in the nineteenth century, the monastery was demolished to make room for a villa and gardens in the Romantic style. It is a quiet place to complete the tour you have just undertaken.

Fever - Candlelight: Vivaldi 4 Seasons

Candlelight concerts that bring the magic of a live music experience to amazing venues. Buy your tickets now to discover Candlelight: Vivaldi's Four Seasons at the Basilica San Juan de Dios in Seville city on evening of Friday 21st June 2024.

Hotels near the Alhambra

Stay at a hotel located within in the Alhambra gardens or just in walking distance of this magnificent monument.

Alhambra Tickets and Tours

self guided walking tour granada spain

Read our detailed page on how to purchase you Alhambra tickets. We also present a hand picked selection of Alhambra tours with and without hotel pick up. Tickets and tours are fully booked most of the year. If fully booked, purchase a Granada Card which usually has availability.

the Sierra Nevada from the north

The Sierra Nevada (with or without) Guide

Guide, routes, maps and inspiration for self guided walking and hiking in spains sierra nevada.

This site provides the self guided hiker and trekker with some inspiration to come out to the Alpujarras, Sierra Nevada and surrounding areas to enjoy the wonderful mountain experiences to be found here. All these routes are done regularly by ourselves.

It is not meant to be a full-on Guidebook replacement. Fully detailed route maps are supplied, but only brief notes are given in assistance. Use our Walk and Trek Finder below to navigate your way through our site and to find the hike or trek to your liking.

Of course, if you prefer to have a guide along, we can arrange with one of our local qualified, english speaking guides to come with you.

If you are looking for a guidebook to carry with you on your mountain adventures we recommend reading or downloading the Cicerone Guide "Walk and Trekking in the Sierra Nevada" by Richard Hartley. It is available from all good online book stores such as Amazon, Waterstones etc.

N.B Walk/Trek Finder - make your choices below to find relevant walks. Click on any walk photo to enter the walk

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2 day trek from ski area to Capileira via Cerro de Los Machos

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Information & resources

KNOWLEDGE BASE Mountain database, refuges, altitude sickness, avalanche dangers, equipment lists, gear rental, FAQs etc

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self guided walking tour granada spain

  • Santiago de Chile
  • Santiago de Compostela

Alhambra from the Albaicin Granada Free Tour Sandemans


Walk In Granada - SANDEMANs Partner Network

Essential Free Tour of Granada

Discover Granada's main attractions on this free tour with Walk In Granada local guides

Granada Albaicin and Sacromonte with SANDEMANs

Albaicin and Sacromonte Free Tour

Discover Granada's most iconic neighbourhoods on this free tour with Walk In Granada local guides

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Discover this unique city with the best local guides

Tours in Granada are offered by our partners, Walk in Granada.

Home to the world-famous Alhambra, one of the most visited sights in Spain, and one of the most important examples of Islamic architecture in the world, Granada captures the very essence of Andalucía and is an unmissable city for lovers of all things Spanish. Set at the foothills of the snowy Sierra Nevada, and yet just a stone’s throw away from the sunny shores of the Mediterranean, Granada’s contradictions and mixture of old and new, serenity and bustle, make it one of the most fascinating melting-pots in Europe.

Granada’s historical significance as the last stronghold of Islamic rule in Spain is displayed in the magnificence of the most famous sight in the city, the Alhambra. This sprawling city-palace, with its intricately carved arches and serene courtyards is what draws visitors to Granada. Beyond the Alhambra though, there is so much more to discover! Granada’s neighbourhoods each have their own charm and character, from the buzzing squares and tapas bars of the old Jewish quarter, the Realejo, to the narrow streets of the Albaicín and its tucked-away squares overlooking the Alhambra, to the hillside district of Sacromonte with its houses and flamenco bars set in caves in the hills. Linking these diverse districts together is the city center, dominated by the Cathedral and Royal Chapel, the centre of Granada’s Catholic history.

Discover Granada’s top attractions in the Essential Granada Free Tour , run by our partners Walk in Granada, including the Cathedral, the Royal Chapel, the Alcaiceria and the lower part of the Albaicin. Join your local, expert guide to take a trip back in time and discover the history and legacy of the Zirí and Nasrid dynasties and the transformation of the city’s narrow streets and mosques into churches, convents and palatial houses after the 15th Century victory of the Catholic monarchs. Explore further with the Albaicin and Sacromonte Free Tour , discovering the winding streets of the Moorish quarter and hearing about life in Nasrid Granada before immersing yourself in the flamenco culture and fascinating hillside caves of Sacromonte.

Discover the top sites in Granada with tours offered by our partners, Walk in Granada. While you may not see the famous SANDEMANs red umbrellas (look instead for the red Walk in Granada umbrellas), we only work with partners we know, trust, and who have been vetted by us to ensure they meet the same standards you are used to enjoying in SANDEMANs’ own cities. We are proud to partner with Walk in Granada and are sure you’ll love their tours as much as we do!

What is the SANDEMANs Partner Network?

Tours in Granada are offered by a partner, not SANDEMANs NEW Europe.

We only work with partners we know, trust, and who have been vetted by us to ensure they meet the same standards you are used to enjoying in SANDEMANs’ own cities.

We are proud to partner with Walk In Granada and are sure you’ll love their tours as much as we do.

Book a tour with one of our partners

  • SANDEMANs only works with partners that meet the same quality standards as we do
  • Tours are chosen by our specialists from an array of offers based on their quality and value
  • We connect the best local guides with travelers from all around the world


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Plaza de España in Seville where the SANDEMANs Free Tour ends

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self guided walking tour granada spain

Logotipo Walking

  • Free tour Essential Granada
  • Free tour Albaicín & Sacromonte
  • Alhambra & Generalife Private Tour
  • Small group with tickets included
  • Premium group with tickets included
  • Historic City Centre and Albaicín
  • Albaicín & Sacromonte
  • Royal Chapel & Cathedral Private Tour
  • Royal Chapel & Cathedral Group Tour
  • Federico García Lorca city centre tour
  • Federico García Lorca villages tour
  • A day with Lorca in La Vega tour
  • Historic City Centre and Albaicín accesible tour
  • Alhambra accessible tour
  • Customized tours
  • Antequera & Torcal
  • Caminito del rey
  • Guadix and Gorafe
  • Nerja & Frijiliana
  • Sierra Nevada
  • Úbeda and Baeza

Hammam Al-ándalus

Gourmet menus, olfactory route.

  • Gastronomic group routes
  • Private gastronomic route
  • Spanish cooking class
  • Bus tickets
  • Private luxury transfers
  • Transfers para grupos
  • Balloon Flight

Free tour Granada

Discover and enjoy granada.

Looking for a plan?

Discover the activities we have for you

Isotipo walking red

Granada walking tours, guided visits to the Alhambra, and unforgettable experiences in the city. Discover Granada with us.

We are a local tour operator in Granada specialising in historical and cultural tours. We believe that Responsible Tourism is possible. We offer tours as well as private and personalised visits in the Historic Centre, Albaicín, Sacromonte, Alhambra and much more.

Free Tours

Free tours in Granada. Choose one of our two available itineraries.


Discover the Alhambra, its gardens and palaces. Guided tour, private or in group.

Guided tours

Guided tours

Guided tours tailor-made for you and your group. Discover the secrets of Granada.



Different routes, excursions and unique experiences to discover Granada.

+ than 140000 travelers since 2015

+ than 30 guided tours per week

+ than 10 official guides

For a Responsible Tourism

Our most popular services

Free Tour Essential Granada

Free Tour Essential Granada

Guided tour in Granada. Immerse yourself in the history of the city of the Alhambra.

Alhambra y Generalífe

Guided tour with Alhambra & Generalife ticket

Enter the palatine city of the Alhambra and its impressive gardens.

Free Tour Albaicín and Sacromonte

Free Tour Albaicín and Sacromonte

Of narrow streets and breathtaking viewpoints. Discover these two neighborhoods.

Depending on the season

Private Tour of the Alhambra

Private Tour of the Alhambra

If you want to visit the Alhambra with a guide dedicated only to you and your family and/or friends.

Foto de free tour

Free tours every day

We believe that everyone has the right to know the history and culture of a city, and for this to be possible it must be affordable to everyone.

For this reason we offer a range of different Free Tours. Each person decides how much they’d like and are able to give the guide at the end of the tour, according to their means and level of satisfaction. It’s our way of supporting a conscious form of tourism while valuing the collective importance of culture.

The Alhambra is without a doubt a must-see if you come to Granada. Millions of travelers visit the Andalusian palatine city every year to admire not only the magnificent interiors of its Nasrid Palaces, but also the beautiful gardens in the Generalife, its fortress and its breathtaking views out onto the neighborhoods of Albaicín and Sacromonte.

On our 3 hour tour you will discover not only its historical and artistic value but also its hidden corners, legends and secrets. You will visit its many rooms, gardens, fountains and walls in the company of a professional guide who will make your visit interesting and fun!

Join a group or private tour with an expert guide from € 49!

Palacio de la Alhambra

If you’re looking for a more personalised tour, you can hire us for private tours. To ensure the quality of our work, we limit the size of groups to 30 people per guide. Amongst our services we offer: tours to the neighborhoods of Sacromonte, Albaicín and the historical center of Granada, Alhambra guided tours and more!

More services

With Walk In Granada you also have unlimited options to continue discovering the city: witness a Flamenco show in one of the most iconic places in Granada, relax after a long day in the famous Arabic baths of the Hammam Al-Ándalus, or gain a deep understanding and fascinating insight into the history of Andalusian society with “The Andalusian Way to happiness”. Gastronomic tours, day trips, transfers and hiking routes that are a stone’s throw from the city are other experiences and services that we can organize to make your stay in Granada unique and unforgettable.

Servicio Rutas Gastronómicas

Gastronomic routes

Servicios Hamman

Discover Granada with the 5 senses

Recommended by

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Our reviews of


Great experience Tripadvisor

Essential Granada, Albaicín and Sacromonte, 2 tours in which we have coincided with Alain. The route is wonderful and Alain is one of those guides who makes you think, one of those who tells the story in a very pleasant way... a marvellous guide. We also booked a tour of the Alhambra, in this case we were guided by Edu, who is very knowledgeable about the history and landscaping. The 3 tours we have done with Walk in Granada 100% recommendable.

Grupo 1

A wonderful walk through Granada's history. Tripadvisor

La Fonda and the Alcaicería (Zacatín). An entertaining and didactic class on the history of the four cultures of Granada. It was very short.

Grupo 2

Granada is unique Tripadvisor

Granada is a unique city and if you are lucky enough to have a person like Eduardo explain it to you, the city becomes even more attractive. Very, very entertaining and historically accurate visit.

Resumen de privacidad


Blessed with beautiful mountains, stunning coasts and islands, great food and wines, Spain has some of the world's best self-guided hiking tours. Long-distance pilgrim walking trails (i.e. Camino de Santiago or Way of St. James), going as far as the UK, The Netherlands and even Poland, also exist.

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Camino de Santiago (Portuguese): classic €1195


Camino de Santiago (Portuguese): coastal €1220

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Camino de Santiago to Pamplona (French Way) €540

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Camino de Santiago to Santiago (French Way) €695

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Catalan coast & mountains €925

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Catalan Pyrenees explorer €990

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Costa Brava: coves, villages and beaches €935

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Mallorca, the Trans-Tramuntana trek €860

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The Picos de Europa trek (Asturias) €865

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Vermillion Coast Trek (Collioure – Cadaquès) €925

Deals of the Week   Unforgettable Asia   Up to 50% OFF

Self-Guided Tours & Trips in Spain

  • Camino de Santiago Self-Guided
  • Spain Self-Guided

172 Self-Guided tour packages in Spain with 63 reviews

Down South, Self-drive Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Christmas & New Year

Down South, Self-drive

This was such an amazing tour! Great value! Hotels were amazing! I would highly recommend!

Basque Country to Asturias Self-Guided Cycling Tour Tour

Basque Country to Asturias Self-Guided Cycling Tour

A beautiful route with breathtaking viewpoints. Highly recommended!

Tenerife North & South, Self-drive Tour

Tenerife North & South, Self-drive

The apartments in the North and South were both clean and well kept. The breakfasts were good.

Mallorca: Cycling Paradise Tour

Mallorca: Cycling Paradise

The over all experience was fine, excellent hotels, first class bikes and the navigation system fairly good.

\"Camino de Santiago\" (Way of St James): French Way from Sarria -100 km Tour

"Camino de Santiago" (Way of St James): French Way from Sarria -100 km

Excellent accommodations and food for the price. All of the food was delicious, although some places were above and beyond.
  • €70 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Valencia Mediterranean in 3 stages Tour

Valencia Mediterranean in 3 stages

Everything was organized: the hotels, they took our luggage from one hotel to the other, the electric bikes were a marvel.

Mietwagenrundreise Andalusien Tour

Mietwagenrundreise Andalusien

Very good service with all-round support during the whole trip. Absolutely recommendable!

Ojos Negros Spain’s longest greenway in 4 stages Tour

Ojos Negros Spain’s longest greenway in 4 stages

We really enjoy the electric bikes, they are a lot of fun and give you a lot of help when you need it.

Self-Guided Cycling in Andalucia: Seville to Cadiz Tour

  • Self-Guided Cycling

Self-Guided Cycling in Andalucia: Seville to Cadiz

The route notes were extremely detailed and helpful as the route was quite complicated some days.

Classic Catalan Cycling Tour

  • Wine tasting

Classic Catalan Cycling

Majorca: Sierras and Monasteries Tour

  • Mountain Hikes
  • Self Guided Walking Holidays

Majorca: Sierras and Monasteries

Camino de Santiago Walking Experience 7D/6N (from Sarria) Tour

  • Hiking & Trekking

Camino de Santiago Walking Experience 7D/6N (from Sarria)

They did everything they said they would do and baggage and rooms were handled very well.
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Independent Barcelona & Madrid City Stay Tour

  • Train & Rail

Independent Barcelona & Madrid City Stay

Spain in a week - Covering Barcelona and Madrid Tour

Spain in a week - Covering Barcelona and Madrid



What people love about self-guided tours in spain.

Loved our self drive tour in Andalusia.
it was a wonderful journey. A beautiful route with breathtaking viewpoints. Excellent hotels and good guidance and support from Iberia Tours. Highly recommended!
The apartments in the North and South were both clean and well kept. The breakfasts were good. Our room location in the North was a major problem. Our room was 415 which sounds good, but we had to take the elevator to the 4th floor and walk 49 stairs one way to our room. As we are in our 70's and we were vacationing in Europe for 6 weeks we had a large suitcase and carryons also. With no help on the stairs with our suitcases it was difficult to get to and from the room. We discussed this with the receptionist and we could not change as the hotel was full. I feel that we should never have been given this room to start with. The staff was excellent in both apartments both North and South.

Top operators

Julia Travel

"The itinerary is OK, but a lot of free times. Separate hotels waste driving and waiting time. No information for contact of Tour Leader. On first day at the hotel, do not know what to do and what's next. Hotel knows nothing. Some indication at hotel's notice board will help a great deal. Also no leader in afternoon of second last and last day. For local tours, no wireless microphone/radio headsets and therefore hard to hear when environment is noisy. Leaders speak 20 sentences in Spanish and 5 in English. Seems the English group is a bit neglected.

Julia Travel is an expert in:

  • Coach / Bus

G Adventures

"G Adventures 👍 was excellent. Great guide & perfect location of hotels 🤩

G Adventures is an expert in:


"over all tour was very good. tour director felipe's english is not very good,but we got used to his style of english and every body knew what he was saying.his adminitration qualities are excellent and he arranged all the tours as stated in brochure.

Eskapas is an expert in:

Regions in Spain

  • Northern Spain (45)
  • Galicia (31)
  • Costa Brava (25)
  • Andalucia (22)
  • Catalonia (22)
  • Balearic Islands (21)
  • Southern Spain (19)
  • Mallorca (19)
  • Canary Islands (13)
  • Valencia Region (11)
  • Cantabria & Asturias (6)
  • Tenerife (6)

Travel Styles

  • Self-Guided
  • Self-Guided Tours: 6 Things You Need To Know
  • Spain Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • 10 Days in Spain: Best Itineraries 2024/2025

Discover TourRadar

  • African Safari
  • Indonesia Tours
  • Europe Explorer Grand Tour “Mediterranean Route”
  • Da Nang: Full Marathon 2-night Package
  • Romantic Britain & Ireland (Small Groups, 18 Days)
  • Highlights Of Puglia Small Group Tour - 9 Days

self guided walking tour granada spain

20 Best Cities to Visit in Europe on the Cheap

E urope can cost a lot of money as a travel destination. Cities like Stockholm, Paris and London are so expensive, even Europeans complain about them. 

But that doesn’t mean cheap travel isn’t possible on the continent. There are plenty of places that offer beauty, history and good food without breaking the bank.

These are the best cities in Europe for surprisingly cheap travel.

Note: We may earn money from affiliate partners if you buy through links on our site.

20. Ljubljana, Slovenia

Best budget stay:  ibis Styles Ljubljana Centre

Best cheap attraction: The Dragon Bridge is a free attraction that provides some of the coolest photo ops in the city.

Note: This list comes from U.S. News and World Report's 2023-24 report .

Visiting Ljubljana on a Budget

The Slovenian capital remains an underrated and overlooked gem. With terracotta rooftops, stone bridges that cross the Ljubljanica River and a castle on a hill, this is storybook Europe at its finest. 

Ljubljana’s relative lack of fame works for budget travelers, as prices are much cheaper here than in other places that compare in beauty. A great way to see everything without spending a lot of money is to buy the Ljubljana Card , which provides entrances to several attractions, public transport, bike rental and even a river cruise.

19. Galway, Ireland

Best budget stay: Salthill Hotel  

Best cheap attraction: If you can find transportation to it, there is no entrance to the wild and beautiful Connemara National Park.

How to Visit Galway on a Budget

Ireland’s second city may be relatively small, but it packs a punch and doesn’t ask you to pay much for it. The Galway City Museum, the Galway Cathedral and St. Nicholas’s Collegiate Church are free to enter. This means you’ll have more money to spend at the pub at night.

If you have a car or know someone who does, don’t skip taking a drive along the Wild Atlantic Way, which will give you unprecedented views of the Emerald Isle’s coastline.

18. Split, Croatia

Best budget stay:  Central Square Heritage Hotel  

Best cheap attraction: The Fortress of Starigard can be reached by hiking uphill for about an hour. At the top, there are incredible panoramic views, and the experience will only set you back about $4.

Visiting Split on a Budget

Split is one of Croatia’s most popular cities, yet it remains fairly affordable. The best thing to do is visit the Old Town, where cobblestone streets meet the ruins of Diocletian’s Palace. What makes the center so unique is that what’s left of the Roman palace has become a central part of city life, rather than being cordoned off. It’s also free for you to explore and enjoy as much as you want.

Other free and amazing activities include hiking the Marjan Hill and watching the sunset over the Adriatic Sea.

17. Zagreb, Croatia

Best budget stay: Canopy by Hilton Zagreb City Centre

Best cheap attraction: Go on the hunt for amazing street art, which is so noteworthy that the city has started a Street Art Museum project.

How to Visit Zagreb on a Budget

Even though Dubrovnik gets more attention, Zagreb is the perfect place for those looking to beat the crowds. Free attractions include the Dolac Market, a local favorite and a great place to find souvenirs, and the Zagreb Botanical Garden. At the garden, you’ll find numerous native and non-native species as well as a stunning arboretum. 

Luckily, accommodations in the center are far from costly. This also means you won’t have to spend much money on transportation to get to sites like the Stone Gate and the Zagreb Cathedral.

16. Berlin, Germany

Best budget stay: Capri by Fraser Berlin

Best cheap attraction: Every Wednesday at 1 p.m. between September and June, the world-famous Berlin Philharmonic performs free shows that are open to the public.

Visiting Berlin on a Budget

If you needed another reason to think that Berlin is the coolest place in Europe, here it is. The capital city isn’t content to have world-class museums, countless historical attractions, more parks than you could visit, interesting architecture and possibly the continent’s best nightlife. It also has to offer all of this at a great price. 

Several main attractions are free. This includes the iconic Brandenburg Gate and the somber Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. The Topography of Terror, a museum housed in former Nazi headquarters, is also free. Another popular place to enjoy without having to pay is the East Side Gallery, where street artists have found a perfect canvas on what’s left of the inner Berlin Wall.

15. Vienna, Austria

Best budget stay: Hotel Schani Wien

Best cheap attraction: For about $6, you can go up the South Tower of St. Stephen’s Cathedral and get amazing views of Vienna.

Visiting Vienna on a Budget

Another European capital to make it to the list, Vienna is like Berlin’s less loud, more refined older sister. You won’t get to go to the city’s famed Opera House for cheap, but there are plenty of other activities that travelers with limited budgets can enjoy.

St. Stephen’s Cathedral is the most popular free attraction. Cultural institutions like the House of Music and the Museum of Applied Arts also have discounted prices for specific dates and times. For food, look for restaurants with a set menu, or mittagsmenu, which typically costs about $12. Those with a sweet tooth will be happy to know that enjoying a famous sachertorte and coffee is an inexpensive local pastime.

14. Reykjavik, Iceland

Best budget stay:  Eyja Guldsmeden Hotel

Best cheap attraction: Take a free walking tour to get the lay of the land with a local guide.

Visiting Reykjavik on a Budget

We're not going to lie to you — Iceland isn't the cheapest destination on this list by a long shot, but there are ways to visit Reykjavik without completely blowing your travel budget. First and foremost, visit during the offseason months of September, October, February and March for cheaper accommodations while still being able to see the northern lights.

We also recommend a hike up Mount Esja for some of the best views in the area or a walk or bike ride along the city's coastline.

13. Granada, Spain

Best budget stay: Hotel Anacapri  

Best cheap attraction: The 19th-century Carmen de los Martires offers free admission. It has six large gardens, all done in different styles, including one imitating Alhambra’s famous Nasrid Gardens.  

Visiting Granada on a Budget

The main reason people visit beautiful Granada is to see the Alhambra. Sadly, the palace is not what we’d call cheap. But at around $36, it’s also not impossible, especially since this is simply the most beautiful Islamic palace in Spain. 

For budget travelers, the good news is that pretty much everything else in the city is cheap. Enjoy drinks and tapas for under $5, walk around the pretty Andalusian city, and visit parks and gardens to see other examples of Moorish architecture.

Best budget stay: Solana Hotel & Spa

Best cheap attraction:  If you're visiting in the summer, hit the beaches and go swimming.

Visiting Malta on a Budget

Like most European destinations, a visit to the island's ornate churches is always worth your time because they're free.

But most museums are also quite inexpensive, and if you plan on visiting a bunch in one trip, you can get the Malta Pass , which offers heavily discounted rates.

11. Corfu, Greece

Best budget stay: Cavalieri Hotel  

Best cheap attraction: Indulge in olives and olive oil. Corfu has around 2 million olive trees, which means that this healthy and nutritious food is abundant and cheap throughout the island.

Visiting Corfu on a Budget

Corfu is located on the Ionian Sea. As such, it is closer to Italy and Albania than it is to the Aegean Greek Isles. With two Venetian fortresses, a grand palace, imposing mountains and a long shoreline, there are plenty of (cheap and free) things to do on the island. 

Most of your time will be spent walking around and sunbathing, so you’ll save money while enjoying the island. There are also several churches and monasteries to visit, most of which are free of charge. Food in all of Greece is deliciously affordable, so you’ll get to relish in the Mediterranean diet while having money left over for all the souvenirs you could want.

10. Tallinn, Estonia

Best budget stay: Palace Hotel Tallinn

Best cheap attraction: The famed Dome Church is free and open to the public whenever services aren't taking place; however, a donation is highly recommended.

Visiting Tallinn on a Budget

Most people would never believe it possible to find a Baltic capital on a ranking of cheap European destinations. But Tallinn likes to surprise. It’s kind of its thing. 

Woefully underrated and under-visited, those in the know can take advantage of the city’s relatively inexpensive prices. Enjoy the Medieval Old Town, visit the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and spend time at the Kadriorg Park, which dates back about 300 years. 

9. Seville, Spain

Best budget stay: Hotel Baco  

Best cheap attraction: Plaza de España is Seville’s most important attraction. You can tour the semi-circular building and the square for no cost at all.

How to Visit Seville on a Budget

There is no town in Andalusia that isn’t breathtaking. So when people say Seville is the crown jewel of the Spanish region, you know it’s something special. 

The best part about the city is it's accessible to all kinds of travelers, including those who have to mind their budgets. Most of the best things in the city are free, including the Plaza de España, which virtually defines the city. Other free attractions include the Inquisition Museum and the Palacio de los Marqueses de Algaba. At the latter, you’ll see fine examples of Mudejar architecture, the Christian-Islamic mix that defines the region. 

8. Lisbon, Portugal

Best budget stay: Hotel Real Palacio  

Best cheap attraction: Lisbon has more than 30 miradours , or viewpoints that offer beautiful vistas over the city. Most of them are completely free to visit and are a popular spot for locals.

How to Visit Lisbon on a Budget

Hills and coastline define the topography of Lisbon, the cheapest Western European capital. This is a city that really checks all the right boxes. It has amazing food, friendly people, beautiful architecture, unique music, great weather and many parks. And it offers them all at bargain prices. 

The cheapest way to see the city is by foot, but you can get a Lisbon Card if you’re planning on using public transportation a lot. Many of the things to do in the city are free, since attractions mainly involve walking up and down the hills, taking in views and appreciating the Portuguese azulejos that transform the facade of buildings into works of art.

7. Dubrovnik, Croatia

Best budget stay: City Hotel Dubrovnik

Best cheap attraction:  Walk through the Pile Gate to explore Dubrovnik's famous, walled Old Town.

How to Visit Dubrovnik on a Budget

While the architecture within Old Town can't be missed, it's important to get outside and walk along the coastline or to the top of Mount Srd for breathtaking views of the water from above.

Of course, "Game of Thrones" fans will be tempted to spend the typical $50 on a GoT Tour, but there are several self-guided tours available online that won't cost you a thing.

6. Istanbul, Turkey

Best budget stay: Turk Art Hotel  

Best cheap attraction: The Archaeology Museums is a cluster of museums that contains one of the largest collections of classical sculptures and art. The group is made up of the Archaeological Museum, the Museum of the Ancient Orient and the Museum of Islamic Art. The entrance fee to each museum is about $3.50.

Visiting Istanbul on a Budget

A city famously straddling between Europe and Asia, Istanbul is a living museum. Walking around the city will allow you to see incredible landmarks like the Roman Hippodrome and the Egyptian obelisks for completely free. Even better, the emblematic Hagia Sophia Mosque and the Blue Mosque are also free. 

Food is very cheap and very good, so most of your money will probably go towards buying beautiful decorations, clothes and items at the city’s many markets.

5. Athens, Greece

Best budget stay: St George Lycabettus Hotel  

Best cheap attraction: Aristotle’s Lyceum, where the Greek philosopher once held his Peripatetic School, is free and open to the public.

How to Visit Athens on a Budget

Once a center for an empire that continues to define Western culture, Athens is surprisingly inexpensive. The city invites all to rejoice in its numerous ruins, with many metro stations displaying archaeological findings for commuters and travelers. 

Food and accommodations are also affordable, so you don’t have to feel guilty about splurging on Greek food. This also gives you more leeway to visit the Acropolis, whose entrance costs about $25. 

Take advantage of the city’s many hills to wander through neighborhoods, get a glimpse at how locals live and get a bird’s eye view of the city. We recommend Strefi Hill, where you’ll also find one of the best outdoor basketball courts in the world.

4. Budapest, Hungary

Best budget stay: Roombach Hotel Budapest Center  

Best cheap attraction: Walk up the whimsical Fisherman’s Bastions for free and get a panoramic view of the city center, including the astonishing Parliament building.

How to Visit Budapest on a Budget

Budapest’s beauty is free for anyone to gawk at. This is particularly true along the Danube River, where anyone can simply walk about and take in the sight of the Buda Castle and the Parliament Building. It is also a perfect place to catch a sunset. Another cheap but worthy attraction is the Memento Statue Park, where for about $6 you can see all the communist statues that have been taken down and gathered in one place for those interested in seeing them.

The Hungarian capital also has reasonably priced food and drink, so you can try Hungarian wine and goulash without even thinking about the cost. 

3. Valencia, Spain

Best budget stay: Hotel Valencia Center  

Best cheap attraction: Any of the city’s beautiful sandy beaches are worth a visit.

Visiting Valencia on a Budget

Valencia is a thrilling mix of modern and Medieval architecture. While it is certainly a famous destination, it’s not as famous as we think it should be. Not only will you get all the best of Spain, including the delicious jamones, cheap wines and Moorish architecture, but you will also find extensive public beaches.

If you’re on a tight budget, you can spend time at the Central Market, or visit Valencia Cathedral and the Plaza del Ayuntamiento.

2. Prague, Czech Republic

Best budget stay: Mosaic House Design Hotel

Best cheap attraction: At the turn of every hour every day, the Astronomical Clock at the Old Town Hall provides a free animated show to anyone in the Old Town Square.

Visiting Prague on a Budget

With storybook beauty, Prague is a city you visit simply to see it with your own eyes. The top things to do include walking on Charles Bridge, going up Petrin Hill and spending time at the Old Town Square. And none of these attractions charge anything. 

Accommodations, drinks and food are also very cheap, so budget travelers can experience the picturesque city just as much as more affluent travelers. We recommend spending most of your time just walking about town, drinking Pilsner Urquell and understanding for yourself why Prague is considered one of the best places to visit in Europe .

1. Porto, Portugal

Best budget stay: HF Ipanema Porto

Best cheap attraction: Porto residents and travelers head to the public Crystal Palace Gardens to get magnificent views of the Douro River and Porto.

Visiting Porto on a Budget

If Porto beats every other city in Europe — even Lisbon — as the best budget destination, it’s because it's beautiful almost to the point of absurdity. Like the rest of Portugal, it’s also very cheap. 

Most of the tourist area centers around the Douro River, where you can stroll about, catching street performers or capoeira groups doing their thing as large crowds gather around to watch. Thank Europe for its open container laws, buy a $3 bottle of wine — we promise it’ll be one of the best you’ve ever tasted — and sit by the edge of the river to take it all in. 

You can also walk about looking for photo ops with azulejos, the country’s famed blue tiles. Or take advantage of the free entrance to the city’s main attractions, like the Porto Cathedral and the Dom Luis I Bridge.

Honorable Mention: Glasgow, Scotland

Best budget stay: Ambassador Hotel

Best cheap attraction: The Gallery of Modern Art is one of Scotland's most popular museums and is free of charge.

Visiting Glasgow on a Budget

While this Scottish city didn't make the list of top 20 cheap travel destinations, we had to include it because it's one of the most affordable in the entire United Kingdom.

Glasgow also provides free admission to some of its most important places of interest, including the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum and the Gallery of Modern Art.

Honorable Mention: Bucharest, Romania

Best budget stay: Hilton Garden Inn Bucharest Old Town

Best cheap attraction: Herastrau Park, Bucharest’s largest park, is a popular spot with locals for picnicking, reading, people-watching, or simply lying on the grass and enjoying the sun.

Visiting Bucharest on a Budget

Another European city that we had to include, Bucharest is beautiful, cheap and free of crowds. You won’t have to pay much to see the confluence of history and modernity that make the city pulse with an exciting energy.

For around $2, you can visit the Curtea Veche Palace, whose former resident, Vlad the Impaler gave rise to the myth of Dracula. The Soviet-era Palace of Parliament, the second-largest administrative building in the world, will only set you back $10. Food, beer and accommodations are also extremely cheap.

Honorable Mention: Belgrade, Serbia

Best budget stay: Hotel City Savoy  

Best cheap attraction: The Belgrade Fortress is the city’s most iconic landmark. The entrance fee is less than $5.

Visiting Belgrade on a Budget

The Serbian capital was once the heart of Yugoslavia and an important city for the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and Austrian empires. Like many former Soviet nations, Serbia is relatively cheap compared to Western European countries, yet packs a heavy load of history. 

You’ll find that accommodations, food and transportation are very affordable. U.S. News and World Report points out the Church of Saint Sava as a perfect budget travel attraction. You can see one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world for free.

20 Best Cities to Visit in Europe on the Cheap


  1. Albayzín Walking Tour (Self Guided), Granada, Spain

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  2. Guided Walking Tour in Granada with Alhambra Gardens

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  3. Granada: Alhambra Gardens, Generalife & Alcazaba Guided Tour

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  4. 7 Best Things to Do in Granada

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  5. Granada: Alhambra, Generalife & Nasrid Palaces Guided Tour

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  6. Granada: Self-Guided City Walking Tour & Scavenger Hunt

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  1. A Self-Guided Walking Tour of Granada with Map

    Well, you're in luck because we've got just the thing for you: a self-guided walking tour of Granada that will take you on a captivating adventure through this historic Spanish gem. Granada, nestled in the heart of Andalusia, is a city brimming with rich history, mesmerizing architecture, and a vibrant cultural scene.

  2. Self-Guided Walking Tour of Granada

    Our self-guided walking tour of Granada starts at the Puerto Real, right at the heart of this city. In 1624, a gate was built here to commemorate the visit to the city by Philip IV. From here, we walk up one of the main shopping thoroughfares, Reyes Católicos, to the Plaza del Carmen and the imposing façade of the town hall, previously the ...

  3. 4 Self-Guided Walking Tours in Granada, Spain + Maps

    Download The GPSmyCity App. Custom Walk: Create Your Own Walking Tour. Sightseeing Walk: Granada Introduction Walking Tour. Sightseeing Walk: Albayzín Walking Tour. Sightseeing Walk: Granada's Architectural Jewels. Sightseeing Walk: Alhambra Walking Tour. Article (B): Tapas in Granada, Spain. Article (B): Weekend Getaway to Granada.

  4. The best self-guided walking tour of Granada + map to download!

    Let's start: Itinerary for a self-guided walking tour in Granada 1. Start of our walking tour in Granada: Plaza de Bib-Rambla. Many walking tours in Granada start at exactly this place: Plaza de Bib-Rambla. This place is a small square not too far from the Cathedral.

  5. Granada & The Alpujarras Hiking Tour

    Being surrounded by diverse Mediterranean vegetation with the snowy peaks of Sierra Nevada as a backdrop. From the intriguing city of Granada to the lofty heights of the Alpujarras, the focus is firmly on culture and mountain landscapes. Small and surprisingly cosmopolitan, Granada offers a bizarre mixture of ancient history and modern living.

  6. Discover Moorish Granada in One Day on This Self-Guided Walk

    There are seven Moorish monuments in Granada: Alhambra complex, El Bañuelo, Corral del Carbon and four palaces: Casa de Zafra, Casa Horno de Oro, Casa del Chapiz, and Palacio Dar al-Horra. With a bit of planning and a bit of walking, you can explore all the Moorish monuments in Granada in one day. Granada is also one of the best cities for ...

  7. Hiking the Alpujarras and Granada : self-guided walking holiday

    Starting and ending in Granada, against the dramatic backdrop of the snow-capped Sierra Nevada mountain range, this self-guided walking tour takes you through picturesque white-washed villages on hillsides that have been carefully terraced and irrigated since Moorish times. The Alpujarras are at the perfect elevation for year-round hiking and ...

  8. Granada Introduction Walking Tour (Self Guided), Granada, Spain

    Granada Introduction Walking Tour (Self Guided), Granada. The story of the city of Granada does not properly begin until the Umayyad conquest of 711 AD. The Iberian peninsula fell under Moorish rule that would last 700 years and the Jewish settlement of Garnata al-Jahud grew to become Granada of Al-Andalus. The long Reconquest of Spain finally ...

  9. Granada Self-Guided Tours

    With Granada Self-Guided Tours, create your own itinerary and delve into the heart and soul of this magical city. Experience the allure of Granada on your terms and create memories that will last a lifetime. ... Snaking its way around a rugged canyon above the Río Guadalhorce near Ardales, in the province of Málaga, Spain, El Caminito del Rey ...

  10. Granada: Self-Guided Highlights Scavenger Hunt & Tour

    Granada: Self-Guided Highlights Scavenger Hunt & Tour. Activity provider:World ... 15 Granada Walking tours. 16 Granada Sightseeing walking tours. 17 Granada Outdoor activities. 18 Granada Private tours. 19 Granada Spring activities. 20 Granada Small group activities. Cities in Spain. 1 Barcelona. 2 Madrid. 3 Seville. 4 Valencia. 5 Málaga. 6 ...

  11. Alhambra

    The magnificent Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain: Self Guided Alhambra Tour itinerary - arrival by Car. by Chris Chaplow. ... Walking down the footpath from the bridge, you will see on your left a gate in the wall called Puerta de los Siete Suelos (Gate of the Seven Floors, or Levels). It is so called because it was originally protected by a ...

  12. BEST of Granada in 1 day: 24h Self guided Itinerary

    The Alhambra is an authentic wonder: it is the oldest Arab fortress in the world. Inside you will enjoy a journey through the history of the palace. It is full of incredible spaces: the Muhammed V Palace, the Sala de Los Mozárabes, the Viewpoint of Daraxa or the Generalife Gardens. 3. Tapas lunch break in Granada!

  13. Alhambra Walking Tour (Self Guided), Granada, Spain

    Alhambra Walking Tour (Self Guided), Granada. One of the first places a tourist wants to visit in Granada is Alhambra, the region's most iconic sight. By far not a typically Spanish attraction, this enormous fortress encompasses palaces, gardens, courtyards, and is the greatest surviving relic of Andalusia's 800 years of Moorish rule.

  14. Granada walks and walking routes

    What to do in Granada: WALKING ROUTES. Walk: Albaicin 1. easy - 2.72km - linear - downhill. This easy linear walk is 2.72km long and starts at the top of the Albaicin. It is a downhill walk, dropping from 768m to 689m. To get to the start point, catch a C1 (weekends and holidays) or C2 bus from Gran Via or Plaza Nueva and get off at the San ...

  15. Granada Scavenger Hunt and Sights Self-Guided Tour

    Discover Granada from a different perspective on a self-guided walking tour and scavenger hunt of the city. Solve riddles and clues that lead to the next location, showing all the city highlights. Solve interesting puzzles, have fun and learn new things about Belém Explore the city and find hidden gems at your own pace Try a new type of experience with your smartphone, the perfect mix between ...

  16. The Sierra Nevada (with or without) Guide

    Guide, Routes, Maps and Inspiration for Self Guided Walking and Hiking in Spains Sierra Nevada. Home Contact Us KnowledgeBase ... The Cerro Huenes mountains, Cumbres Verdes, Granada 12km 580m 4hr 30min. Traverse of the Sierra Nevada 3000m peaks - Los Tres Miles Integral ... Spanish Highs Tours Ltd Company Number 09960909 Registered in England ...

  17. SANDEMANs Granada

    Discover this unique city with the best local guides. Tours in Granada are offered by our partners, Walk in Granada. Home to the world-famous Alhambra, one of the most visited sights in Spain, and one of the most important examples of Islamic architecture in the world, Granada captures the very essence of Andalucía and is an unmissable city for lovers of all things Spanish. Set at the ...

  18. Granada's Architectural Jewels (Self Guided), Granada, Spain

    Guide Name: Granada's Architectural Jewels Guide Location: Spain » Granada (See other walking tours in Granada) Guide Type: Self-guided Walking Tour (Sightseeing) # of Attractions: 10 Tour Duration: 2 Hour(s) Travel Distance: 3.5 Km or 2.2 Miles Author: anna Sight(s) Featured in This Guide:

  19. Free Tour in Granada

    The 3 tours we have done with Walk in Granada 100% recommendable. Free tour Granada. Discover Granada for free. FreeTours through the historic center, Sacromonte, Albaicín. Guided tours to the Alhambra with entrance. Live the experience in Granada.

  20. Spain Self-guided Hiking And Independent Walking Tours

    Spain. Blessed with beautiful mountains, stunning coasts and islands, great food and wines, Spain has some of the world's best self-guided hiking tours. Long-distance pilgrim walking trails (i.e. Camino de Santiago or Way of St. James), going as far as the UK, The Netherlands and even Poland, also exist. We've got more!

  21. Granada: A Private Experience Walking Tour

    Image Credit: Viator.com. Granada offers a private walking tour with various duration options and group size options for a personalized experience. The tour starts at Pl. Nueva, 3, Albaicín and concludes back at the meeting point. The tour enhances the experience of Granada's culture and history, with a focus on its streets and landmarks.

  22. Albayzín Walking Tour (Self Guided), Granada, Spain

    Guide Name: Albayzín Walking Tour Guide Location: Spain » Granada (See other walking tours in Granada) Guide Type: Self-guided Walking Tour (Sightseeing) # of Attractions: 15 Tour Duration: 2 Hour(s) Travel Distance: 2.5 Km or 1.6 Miles Author: anna Sight(s) Featured in This Guide:

  23. 10 Best Self-Guided Tours in Spain 2024/2025

    Find the right Spain Self-Guided tour for you with TourRadar. Choose from 172 trips with 63 customer reviews. ... Seville, Jerez, Ronda, Granada, Cordoba +2 more Age Range 1 to 99 year olds Country Region Southern Spain, Andalucia +1 more ... Self Guided Walking Holidays ; Explorer +2 Mallorca Mallorca. 5.0 (1 review ...

  24. 20 Best Cities to Visit in Europe on the Cheap

    Enjoy drinks and tapas for under $5, walk around the pretty Andalusian city, and visit parks and gardens to see other examples of Moorish architecture. 12. Malta. Azure window in sunset, Malta ...