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trip air avis

Tripair   Avis

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J’ai eu une expérience désagréable voir couteux à deux reprises avec cette compagnie, la 1ere en mois de mai un problème de montant affiché et le montant débité, après des dizaines d’email et de prouve envoyer, ils sont acceptés un problème d’échange, à ce jour je n’ai toujours pas vu le remboursement de cette prétendue différence. Puis un voyage en famille de 5 personnes, je me suis trompé sur le nom de famille d’un des voyageurs. Je me suis rendu compte de mon erreur tout de suite mais impossible de modifier le nom de voyageur dans le system. Deux semaines de combats entre KLM, KLM France, tripair et moi pour modifier le nom de famille. Ils se renvoies la responsabilité mutuellement. Le voyageur en question n’a que 15 ans donc impossible de le faire voyager seul ou le laisser. Sans garantie d’avoir le même vol ou le même prix, Tripair me propose d’annuler la réservation des 5 personnes et de reprendre des nouveaux billets sachant parfaitement qu’il s’agit d’un billet changeable mais pas remboursable. Sans voix ni alternative acceptable pour notre budget de 3 jours de repos, on ne sait même pas si on va partir. Entre leur prix de départ qu’est en général très bas et le montant qu’ils débite à la fin qu’est entre 30 et 50 euros plus chère, leur règle roder pour gratter le plus possible, leur service client incompétent et la méthode douteux de communication. Il faut qu’on averti le monde pour qu’ils arrêter de nous prendre pour des pigeons.

Date de l'expérience : 07 juillet 2023

Jamais rembourser => arnaque !!!

Impossible de récupérer le remboursement de 2 billets AR pour Porto. Total du dommage plus de 600€. Plusieurs mails, toujours la même réponse ; grosso modo, ca suit son cours mais cela prends du temps... Si vous essayez de les appeler (numéro en angleterre) c'est impossible ça sonne puis plus rien.

Date de l'expérience : 19 octobre 2022

Remboursement non-reçu (annulation COVID)

Billets d'avion annulés en septembre 2020 par la compagnie aérienne. Ma soeur, ayant réservé les même vols via une autre agence en ligne, a reçu le remboursement en décembre 2020. Fin avril 2021, je n'ai toujours rien reçu de Tripair, malgré de nombreuses relances. Plainte déposée ce jour (21.04.2021) sur le site de la commission européenne. Affaire à suivre.

Date de l'expérience : 21 avril 2021

nul à ierch

nul à ierch. Envoie de plusieurs email pour modifier un vol ( que j'ai payé en option ), après plusieurs emails, la modification a été faite a moitié et impossible de voir la nouvelle destination dans ' gérer ma reservation ' j'appelle la compagnie qui opère le vol pour vérifier qu'ils me voient bien sur la réservation, je suis inconnu au bataillon. De vrai escrocs, incompétents . Plus jamais d'achat de billet sur cette me*de de site

Date de l'expérience : 28 décembre 2021

Des menteurs

Des menteurs: Mon vol avait été annule l’année dernière (période du Covid) et la compagnie aérienne s'est engagée a rembourser ou a offrir une place sur un autre vol. Au moment de choisir mon autre vol j'ai découvert que Tripair avait obtenu le remboursement de mon ticket par la compagnie sans me prévenir. Je leur ai demande de réserver un autre vol, et ils ont prétendu que ce vol était aussi annulé. La compagnie aérienne m'a aussi confirmé que ce n’était pas le cas. La j'attends toujours le remboursement de mon billet.

Date de l'expérience : 14 mars 2022

La pire compagnie au monde

La pire compagnie au monde. Bien entendu, comme tout le monde cette page je n'ai pas été remboursé pour un billet annulé en mars 2020. Je vous écris ces lignes, nous sommes en novembre 2021. Mais le pire c'est les mensonges, à savoir qu'on m'indique récemment qu'une modification a été réalisé du côté de la compagnie et par conséquent ils ne peuvent plus rien faire. J'ai appelé la compagnie dans la seconde qui confirme n'avoir effectué aucun changement, j'ai même reçu la confirmation par mail que c'est Tripair qui gère nos remboursements et qu'ils ne peuvent rien faire. Aussi le numéro sur leur page officielle n'est pas attribué. Faux numéro, fausse information, je n'arrive pas à comprendre comment ils peuvent encore exister. Des idées sur les recours ?

Date de l'expérience : 10 novembre 2021

Arnaque Tripair

Bonjour, Comme beaucoup d’entre vous, je suis victime de l’arnaque de Tripair suite à des annulations des vols dues au Covid. Je crois effectivement qu’ils n’ont pas l’intention de nous rembourser. Le problème est qu’il s’agit d’une compagnie grecque et je crois qu’il faudrait faire appel à la justice de leur pays, chose qui est très difficile. Par contre, il faudrait dénoncer cette arnaque auprès de la Fédération des consommateurs et aviser par tous les moyens que vous avez à disposition: réseau sociaux, etc de ne surtout pas acheter des billets à travers la plateforme Tripair. De cette façon, on pourrait au moins les boycotter en Suisse. Si vous avez d’autres idées, faites-nous savoir. Merci, Maria

Date de l'expérience : 14 décembre 2020

Ne tombez pas dans le panneau

Présente des prix attractifs et au moment de payer, plus rien ne marche et le trajet disparait des recherches. Pratique trompeuse pour appâter les utilisateurs, site malhonnête

Date de l'expérience : 08 novembre 2022

Ne remboursent pas, VOLEURS

Ces voleurs ne remboursent pas de l’argent. La compagnie aérienne a remboursé le 21 octobre 2020. Il est déjà fin juin 2021. Aucun argent n’a pas été remboursé pour le ticket annulé à cause de coronavirus.

Date de l'expérience : 15 juillet 2020

Best support ever

Test positif au Covid la veille du départ, et j’ai pu obtenir un remboursement complet de mes vols ! Dans ce genre de moment où le voyage est annulé ça fait plaisir. Service en ligne très rapide et efficace. Je les remercie beaucoup

Date de l'expérience : 09 février 2022

ARNAQUE : Ne réservez pas sur ce site

Ne réservez pas sur ce site c'est une arnaque ! Même si les tarifs peuvent parfois être attractifs, ne commandez jamais sur ce site. J'ai acheté un vol "aller" uniquement, et j'ai été facturé pour un aller ET un retour , alors que je n'ai même pas choisi de date pour ce fameux retour. La réponse du service client ? Les billets ne peuvent pas être remboursés.

Date de l'expérience : 27 août 2022


c'est bien dommage que j'ai consulté les avis qu'aprés l'achat de mon billet... Je suis victime aujourd'hui moi aussi de l'esqurecerie de cette agence. j'ai pris un billet aller - retour hier et j'ai réglé le paiement, je m'aperçois que j'ai commis une erreur au niveau de mon adresse mail (juste une faute frappe), j'ai essayé de trouver un moyen pour contacter l'agence, je suis tombée sur une plateforme sur laquelle on peut rédiger un message je leurs ai demandé de modifier l'adresse mail pour que je puisse recevoir mon billet. Ce matin j'ai reçu un mail confirmant la prise en compte de la modification, puis après 1h je reçois un autre mail pour me dire que je dois payer 15euros car ils ont augmenté les tarifs des billets sachant que moi j'ai déjà réglé, je leurs demande pourquoi je dois payer les 15euros alors que j'ai déjà payé et j'ai bien reçu mon billet!! ils me répondent : "Nous tenons à vous informer que les prix sont fournis par le système de billetterie de la compagnie aérienne et sont susceptibles d'être modifiés." et ils m'imposent de payer ces 15euros au bout de 30min, sinon ils vont annuler la réservation, soit je leurs demande moi de l'annuler et de me faire rembourser : ce qui est dans tout les cas pas gagnant pour moi ( j'ai vu pleins d'avis de personnes qui n'ont jamais eu le remboursement)....

Date de l'expérience : 16 juin 2021


Je n'ai jamais été remboursé pour un vol datant de mai 2020 !!! c'est scandaleux !!!

Date de l'expérience : 16 septembre 2020


A FUIR ABSOLUMENT Annulation suite Covid 19 acceptée en Septembre 2020. Toujours pas de remboursement en mars 2021, des réponses automatiques sur les temps d’attente rallongés pour les remboursements, bref la politique de l’autruche en espérant que le client s’épuise avant eux. Bref 1ère et dernière expérience chez Tripair

Date de l'expérience : 03 mars 2021

Agence lamentable

Agence lamentable. Depuis maintenant 11mois j'attends le remboursement de mes billets d'avions pour la Grèce (550€) annulés par la compagnie aérienne pour cause de COVID. Le remboursement a été confirmé en septembre mais depuis aucun paiement n'a été réalisé sur mon compte. Une procédure est en cours via la commission européenne des litiges. Je déconseille totalement cette agence. FUYEZ

Date de l'expérience : 25 février 2021

Fuyez! des voleurs!

Suite à des vols annulés par les compagnies aériennes; Tripair vous rançonne et refuse de vous rembourser la totalité du montant versé sous prétexte qu'ils ont des frais de traitement. Ne réservez pas de vols surtout en ce moment où la conjoncture est instable et où bon nombre de vols sont annulés.

Date de l'expérience : 23 novembre 2020


Catastrophe! Ils sont injoignable, aucun numero, un mail ou personne répond, je suis sur qu'ils ne rembourseront jamais! Voyage annulé à cause du covid sans qu'on soit prévenu, et un foutu mail automatique pour rassurer sur les annulations changement sur d'autres dates mais c'est que du bluff!!! Ne jamais aller chez eux!! C'est des sales voleurs! Aucune etoiles !!

Date de l'expérience : 28 juillet 2020

Malhonnêtes ne prenez pas chez eux!!!

Malhonnête comme bcp j ai eu un vol annulé et je n arrive pas a les joindre pour me faire rembourser. Je n ai eu aucune communication de leur par. J ai dû reprendre un vol. En espérant que les gens verront mon commentaire avant de réserver. Vous faites pas avoir par meur prix attractifs car si c est pour reprendre un billet derrière ça sert a rien!

Date de l'expérience : 14 juillet 2020

Horrible, fuyez

Horrible! A fuir! J’avais un billet pour le guatemala le 21 octobre 2020 Les frontières ont été fermées quelques jours avant le départ. Je n’ai donc pu voyager. Cela fait maintenant 13 mois que j’attends un remboursement, la compagnie ne répond pas au téléphone , à chaque nouveau formulaire que je remplis on me répond de manière à me faire patienter en me disant que je recevrais bientôt le remboursement! Compagnie de voleurs, aucun moyen de les contacter!

Date de l'expérience : 21 mars 2021

A fuir, ils sont injoignables

Nous avions une réservation en avril annulée à cause du covid. Pour le remboursement, tripair nous dit de nous rapprocher de la compagnie aérienne, or, la compagnie aérienne nous dit de nous rapprocher de tripair. Au regard de la législation c’est bien à tripair de régler le souci. Ils sont injoignables par téléphone et ne répondent pas à nos e-mails depuis 3 mois.

Date de l'expérience : 06 juillet 2020

trip air avis

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trip air avis

Tripair   Reviews

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Had my flight canceled on March 2020…

Had my flight canceled on March 2020 due to covid... They promised a refund but did'nt recieve yet. Their response is that they have many cases so it takes time. they already got the money back from the airlines, it's stuck on Tripair side bad service

Date of experience : April 28, 2021

Airlines cancelled my flight and I…

Airlines cancelled my flight and I did’t accepted new houres. Tripair helped me reebok my flight for new dates. The while process took several days.

Date of experience : December 29, 2021

Not even a star

Not even a star! A stupid joke this TRIPAIR!!! I am really pissed of now for a ticket they cancelled due to COVID for which I haven't had yet my money back. And a LOT, a LOT of emails they didn't answer. This is not possible, really! And they are keep trying to tell me they can help me with booking another flight and for this I must pay a fee. A fee which is almost as my lost ticket. A joke!

Date of experience : August 03, 2021

I didn’t received my refund yet

I didn’t received my refund yet! I try to contact them with email and phone call I never received an answer. The system told me only to wait 5-30 days, are pas like 4 months! I don’t have a word for this bad behaviour, very bad… really! Never book again wit them! Never again. I still want my refund right now!

Date of experience : July 24, 2022

Robbers, thieves... haven’t refunded me in 7 months and the airline refunded them several months back. DON’T BUY ON THEIR WEBSITE

Date of experience : May 22, 2021

Good experience

I was afraid because of all those bad commentaries, but I must say that I didn't have any surprise, and I get a flight more cheap than buying it directly with the flight company.

Date of experience : June 17, 2022

Total scam artists

Total scam artists. Emailed to tell me I was getting a refund, then blatantly deny this and contradict themselves. Their philosophy is "it will cost you more in legal fees than the cost of the trip, so we know you will go away".

Date of experience : November 09, 2021

I have received my refund after lots of…

I have received my refund after lots of chasing. It seems they are doing refund but very very slow processing. Not a very good experience for me

Date of experience : August 26, 2021

Service fee for nothing

I rarely do this, but enough is enough. I was asked to pay for the service by them for not accepting offer to have a 15 minutes (fifteen) transfer time. I cannot board with that time and they know it. Money draining scheme, for ever removed from my list of options.

Date of experience : February 03, 2022

Scam agency to collect personal details?

Tricked me into entering all passenger details before increasing the quote by more than double! I'm now concerned this is a scam site to illegally obtain personal details.

Date of experience : March 07, 2022

It’s been more than a year now for my cancelled flight and they never refund my tickets, already contacted the MEA they officially replied me that full refund had been made for 850€ To Tripair

Date of experience : June 03, 2021

2 years has past and i didnt got my…

2 years has past and i didnt got my money!! I feel like thay still it and ill never going to see it. I try so much time to send them mail and they always respons thank for the patient u will get the money soon

Date of experience : April 29, 2022

Date of experience : April 08, 2022

dont never ever try booking with tripair...they will make you wait wait and wait.. no proper response from the customer care..i chased for my refund nearly 9 months. Finally i got it 95% of the amount... here is the tip: Send a strong mail ..tell them that you are gonna file a case with police & consumer court. This worked for me...

Date of experience : July 01, 2021

Worst ever service since one year and half and didn’t refund my account with false promises. I don’t advice anyone to use this web.

Date of experience : May 06, 2021

In november I had a flight from…

In november I had a flight from Amsterdam to Gothenburg via Brussels and I have to take a train there and I do check in I can't find a boarding pass for the train I had to pay for the ticket from me and they won't care

Date of experience : March 13, 2022

My flight was canceled and very kind lady from Tripair found me an alternitive one on the same day :)

Date of experience : January 25, 2022

very bad and not responding to the customers , it seems to be fraud

very bad agent and i am reporting as fraud and this should be rmoved from WEGO , am going to cancel with them

Date of experience : June 23, 2022

There's no option to get in touch with…

There's no option to get in touch with the company if you want to make changes to your booking. The only option is to send request for a contact. Which i did ,they got back to me few days after the flight. Outrageous!!!

Date of experience : May 02, 2022

I never received a refund in 14 months!!

It has been 14 months and I never received a refund for my cancelled tickets, such a horrible company and such a desperate attitude to make people give up on their money

Date of experience : May 25, 2021

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trip air avis

Tripair   Reviews

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Please refund the second payment immediately!!! I need that money for the rest of the month for my groceries. Why would you charge me twice ? what sort of thing is this?/????? I need the second payment released back to my card immediately, I am so pissed right now, like seriously I wish I could speak to someone right now about this NONESENSE !!!! REfUND THAT MONEY NOW!!!! CARD details: 535456****9631 Reservation code: 42769599 Refund the second charge on my card immediately !!!! I don't understand this madness!!!

Date of experience : 06 April 2024

Absolute scam- they confirmed my…

Absolute scam- they confirmed my flight, took the money for my flights on Friday then made up some excuse about my luggage on a Sunday night. They then said my ticket had not been confirmed and because it’s non refundable they were unable to offer me a refund and offered dates to fly 3 months after the date I needed to fly on. They were so unapologetic and unhelpful. Absolute nightmare of an experience, so unempathetic and unwilling to listen.

Date of experience : 03 December 2023

flight cancelled/ no money back

The flight was cancelled. They were not at all helpful with getting back the money. I had to do all the communication with the airline and when the airline finally transferred the money to TripAir, so they could transfer it to me, TripAir lied and claimed they had never gotten any money. Only when I contacted flightright and they took the case, I finally got my money after more than a year of back and forth communicating.

Date of experience : 22 November 2022

Tripair booking reference: 36871980

Hi. Singapore airlines already confirmed that they refunded my ticket to Tripair last January 5th. It's been a year already and refund is still not coming to my account. Kleio T also confirmed to me last Jan 29, 2021 that they will process refund within 60 days but until now no refund and did not respond to my email. Sorry but I'm dissatisfied with Tripair. Tripair booking reference: 36871980 Ticket number: 6183829388946

Date of experience : 27 April 2021

Fraud - stay away

They are fraud, we are waiting for the refund from March 2019 for Lima-Toronto, Toronto-Amsterdam, raised a lot of tickets with them, no response, no nothing. The flights were canceled because of Covid so they just keep the money for themselves as AirCanada haven't received anything after discussing with them. We will contact a lawyer and raise the problem with the Greek court, as it seems there's no other way with these persons. Just never book with them!

Date of experience : 03 August 2021

They lure you in with low prices, raising with > 50%

They offer a nice price to Skyscanner.nl, and also when you getto their own website tripair.nl. After you have selected the flight and filled in all necessary information on travelers, in the next step they consistently say “oh, the prices now are higher, do you still want to continue?” In our case on three different attempts the amount was raised from like 6500 euro (5 pax) to 9500 euro, or even from 5500 to 9900 euro. What a cheaters!

Date of experience : 27 April 2022

They're quick and efficient

I don't really get all those negative reviews. I was actually pleasantly surprised by this tour operator. The first time I've booked a flight for some of my family members the booking couldn't be confirmed and therefore was canceled the next day. Sure I was disappointed, however I must note that I've received the refund on my credit card the very same day! The second time I've booked the same flights as before, everything worked properly. The return flight got canceled however Tripair has swiftly offered us another flight. I'm very satisfied.

Date of experience : 25 July 2021

Give them a second chance

I was making a booking and screen was showing 4000 aed; however when i checked my credit card, i found that i was charged 4300 aed. I tried calling but the number wasn't working. I complained through email and they responded within an hour and said they will investigate. Next day they found the error was due to currecy fluctuation as they do transactions in euro. They took responsibility and said they will reverse the difference to my credit card. I think most bad reviews are from pandemic time, which everyone was facing problems. I hope they fix the phone problems though.

Date of experience : 04 March 2022

Was directed to this website by Skyscanner and, stupidly enough, went and purchased cheap flights. A few hours later, after the confirmation was sent to my email, I got a message saying the booking was cancelled due to a technical error and that I will get a refund within 1-3 business days. Days later, no refund, no working phone number to speak to someone, and lies of their employees that the refund was made. It wasn't. And I doubt it ever will. Don't trust them. Read the reviews before you book, don't make my mistake.

Date of experience : 03 June 2022

Tripair money back service is a scam

The money back service is a scam, i'm waiting my reimbursement of a flight since 2 months but nothing. They're only proposing a coupon value of 20% of my flight cost, limited 6 months and in their company, thus no money back at all, TRIPAIR CLEARLY IS OUT OF LAW

Date of experience : 09 April 2023

AVOID. Do not trust Tripair!

Absolutely terrible. Just contacted Emirates to be told that Tripair have requested a refund for my flight (delayed due to Covid) without my request or consent. No contact with me to ask if we wanted refund and now there is no way of contacting them as their phone number is invalid. From reading other reviews below this is a tactic they have used for many customers. Disgraceful service.

Date of experience : 17 September 2021

Tripair.com is a real cheater

Tripair.com is a real cheater. I strongly recommend not using it, as you will get disappointed afterwards. My 6 tickets to Bali have not been refund after the pandemic situations. More frustrations because you don't hear anything from Tripair, after sending numerous emails, phonecalls. And now, we cannot let them to steal our money.

Date of experience : 13 March 2022


I opened a refund case with Tripair like 6 months ago, they did not do anything during loooong time, but 3 days before the departure date, the airline refunded the ticket to Tripair - I got that confirmation by Swiss Airlines on the 18th June. Since then I am chasing Tripair to have my money refunded, but they do not pick up the phone, they do not reply to emails... what else !!! PLEASE RESPOND AND GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK !!

Date of experience : 29 June 2021

bad office refuse to give me my money…

bad office refuse to give me my money while the airline company accept ticket refund and deposited the money to tripair account more than 5 months ago , up till now they refuse to give me May money i didn't recommend anyone to book with this agency i did not know where i can post my complaint against this agency

Date of experience : 07 June 2021

Worst agency, No support after booking.

I do not recommend anyone to trust this agency. I had booked my flight to USA through Tripair.com but due to pandemic condition, we are not able to travel. I paid for my tickets through this company. While I contact airline company for refund they said, that I have to refund it through Tripair.com. I had already raise ticket in Tripair.com website for cancellation since 20/03/2020, however I didn´t received any response till date, when you try contact them by phone, the contact phone number +44 2033183942 doesn´t exist.

Date of experience : 16 February 2022

21 months and still waiting for a refund

21 months and still waiting for a refund for flights cancelled by the airline. Numerous emails to Tripair requesting funds reimbursement are responded to with excuses saying they have a high volume levels to attend to. Not happy.....the wait time is excessive. Won’t be using them again.

Date of experience : 08 December 2021

Worst company ever, Please don't try it

I bought 2 tickets via Tripair, amended for 24 months due to covid-19. The airline company "Emirates" says Tripair already received the money back "the refund" without my knowledge! However, they didn’t pay me back. The mails are not working, their phone Number is not functioning. Worst company ever.

Date of experience : 22 May 2021

the worst agence ever

the worst agence ever never again reservation with them , i lost 407€ because sameone of them tell mee cancel ur fly then we gonna make another one for you without paying , since i did that i get no reaction !!!

Date of experience : 05 April 2022

Never book via Tripair

Never book via Tripair! You will regret. Flights were cancelled in June 2020, airline has fully refunded (~500eur). Now it's more than a year and Tripair is not returning my money. Wrote dozen of mails, always the same answers like 'we are working on it'. Mails don't work anymore, will need finding other ways.

Date of experience : 09 July 2021

My flights were cancelled due to the…

My flights were cancelled due to the Covid pandemic and inspite of several chase ups since March 2020 I have not received the refund. I will never touch them with a barge pole! The airlines keep asking for the travel agents to contact so the refund can be processed and I have wasted hours chasing them on this - to no avail. I would not recommend ever using TRIPAIR.

Date of experience : 26 April 2021

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How to find cheap flights, what is the best day to buy a plane ticket.

This just in! Airfares offered on Thursdays tend to be the cheapest, according to flight demand on Travelocity in 2021. Tuesday and Wednesday prices are also good, but you may want to prepare your budget if booking during the weekend, as data shows that is when prices are generally at their highest.

What are the cheapest days to fly?

Frequent travelers may already know this, but earlier in the week can be the cheapest time to fly. In 2021, flights departing on a Monday were generally the cheapest of the week, whereas you may pay a premium for weekend flights when demand is usually high. On average, tickets were most expensive for Saturday departures, so if you need to fly out on a weekend, you might look for deals ahead of time.

How far in advance can you book a flight?

Trying to figure out how early you should book your flight? It’s possible to start comparing international airfares on Travelocity up to 12 months in advance. However, it does depend on the carrier as not all airlines release their prices that far out. According to our 2021 flight demand trends, last minute planners can still bag a bargain with some of the cheapest fares appearing 0-2 weeks prior to their travel dates.

*According to flight demand on Travelocity.com from January to December 2021. Savings are subject to change based on departure location, date and destination.

Destination ideas to plan your next trip

Popular domestic flights.

  • Flights to Las Vegas
  • Flights to Orlando
  • Flights to Honolulu
  • Flights to Miami
  • Flights to Maui
  • Flights to Washington
  • Flights to Chicago
  • Flights to Minneapolis
  • Flights to Newark
  • Flights to New York
  • Flights to Phoenix
  • Flights to Los Angeles
  • Flights to Portland
  • Domestic Routes

Popular international flights

  • Flights to London
  • Flights to Hong Kong
  • Flights to New Delhi
  • Flights to Dubai
  • Flights to Frankfurt
  • Flights to Tel Aviv
  • Flights to Prague
  • Flights by country

Promos and deals

  • Flight deals
  • Travel deals
  • Last minute travel deals
  • Economy Class Flights
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Trending Routes

  • Chicago (ORD) to Los Angeles (LAX)
  • Philadelphia (PHL) to Los Angeles (LAX)
  • Philadelphia (PHL) to Orlando (MCO)
  • Los Angeles (LAX) to New York (JFK)
  • Dallas (DFW) to Los Angeles (LAX)
  • Chicago (ORD) to Orlando (MCO)
  • Detroit (DTW) to Los Angeles (LAX)
  • New York (JFK) to Orlando (MCO)

Popular Airlines

  • Delta Airlines
  • American Airlines
  • JetBlue Airways
  • United Airline
  • Contact Air
  • Alaska Airlines
  • Philippine Airlines
  • Caribbean Airlines
  • KAYAK for Business NEW

Compare flights from 100s of sites.

Save money on airfare by searching for cheap flight tickets on KAYAK. KAYAK searches for flight deals on hundreds of airline tickets sites to help you find the cheapest flights. Whether you are looking for a last minute flight or a cheap plane ticket for a later date, you can find the best deals faster at KAYAK.

New York Flights

  • Flight Chicago - New York (ORD - LGA) $49+
  • Flight Miami - Newark (MIA - EWR) $50+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Newark (FLL - EWR) $60+
  • Flight Dallas - New York (DFW - LGA) $67+
  • Flight Atlanta - Newark (ATL - EWR) $74+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - New York (FLL - LGA) $76+
  • Flight Orlando - New York (MCO - LGA) $79+
  • Flight Miami - New York (MIA - LGA) $84+
  • Flight Orlando - Newark (MCO - EWR) $84+
  • Flight Chicago - Newark (ORD - EWR) $91+
  • Flight Dallas - Newark (DFW - EWR) $94+
  • Flight Los Angeles - New York (LAX - LGA) $110+
  • Flight Chicago - New York (ORD - JFK) $127+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Newark (LAX - EWR) $153+
  • Flight San Francisco - New York (SFO - LGA) $160+
  • Flight Miami - New York (MIA - JFK) $171+
  • Flight Dallas - New York (DFW - JFK) $179+
  • Flight San Francisco - Newark (SFO - EWR) $179+
  • Flight Burbank - Newark (BUR - EWR) $197+
  • Flight Seattle - New York (SEA - JFK) $229+
  • Flight Seattle - Newark (SEA - EWR) $242+
  • Flight Los Angeles - New York (LAX - JFK) $267+
  • Flight Ontario - New York (ONT - JFK) $276+
  • Flight San Francisco - New York (SFO - JFK) $307+

Orlando Flights

  • Flight Philadelphia - Orlando (PHL - MCO) $36+
  • Flight Atlanta - Orlando (ATL - MCO) $48+
  • Flight Baltimore - Orlando (BWI - MCO) $51+
  • Flight Cleveland - Orlando (CLE - MCO) $61+
  • Flight Chicago - Orlando (ORD - MCO) $62+
  • Flight Houston - Orlando (HOU - MCO) $63+
  • Flight Houston - Orlando (IAH - MCO) $63+

London Flights

  • Flight New York - London (JFK - LGW) $370+
  • Flight New Windsor - London (SWF - STN) $398+
  • Flight Boston - London (BOS - LHR) $401+
  • Flight New York - London (JFK - LHR) $428+
  • Flight Boston - London (BOS - LGW) $429+
  • Flight Miami - London (MIA - LHR) $474+
  • Flight Newark - London (EWR - LGW) $481+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - London (IAD - LHR) $486+
  • Flight Los Angeles - London (LAX - LGW) $493+

Fort Lauderdale Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Fort Lauderdale (ATL - FLL) $37+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Fort Lauderdale (PHL - FLL) $46+
  • Flight Chicago - Fort Lauderdale (ORD - FLL) $50+
  • Flight Newark - Fort Lauderdale (EWR - FLL) $55+
  • Flight Cleveland - Fort Lauderdale (CLE - FLL) $56+
  • Flight Baltimore - Fort Lauderdale (BWI - FLL) $60+
  • Flight Detroit - Fort Lauderdale (DTW - FLL) $60+

Boston Flights

  • Flight Baltimore - Boston (BWI - BOS) $52+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Boston (PHL - BOS) $57+
  • Flight Miami - Boston (MIA - BOS) $68+
  • Flight Charlotte - Boston (CLT - BOS) $76+
  • Flight Orlando - Boston (MCO - BOS) $78+
  • Flight Atlanta - Boston (ATL - BOS) $85+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Boston (FLL - BOS) $88+

India Flights

  • Flight New York - Mumbai (JFK - BOM) $534+
  • Flight New York - New Delhi (JFK - DEL) $581+
  • Flight San Francisco - New Delhi (SFO - DEL) $597+
  • Flight New York - Ahmedabad (JFK - AMD) $605+
  • Flight New York - Bengaluru (JFK - BLR) $631+
  • Flight New York - Chennai (JFK - MAA) $652+
  • Flight New York - Hyderabad (JFK - HYD) $671+

Japan Flights

  • Flight Los Angeles - Tokyo (LAX - NRT) $410+
  • Flight San Francisco - Tokyo (SFO - NRT) $521+
  • Flight Dallas - Tokyo (DFW - NRT) $583+
  • Flight Ontario - Tokyo (ONT - NRT) $606+
  • Flight Chicago - Tokyo (ORD - NRT) $614+
  • Flight Seattle - Tokyo (SEA - NRT) $617+
  • Flight Boston - Tokyo (BOS - NRT) $634+

Phoenix Flights

  • Flight Ontario - Phoenix (ONT - PHX) $38+
  • Flight Dallas - Phoenix (DFW - PHX) $50+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Phoenix (LAX - PHX) $58+
  • Flight San Francisco - Phoenix (SFO - PHX) $59+
  • Flight Portland - Phoenix (PDX - PHX) $66+
  • Flight Chicago - Phoenix (ORD - PHX) $67+
  • Flight San Diego - Phoenix (SAN - PHX) $67+

Honolulu Flights

  • Flight Los Angeles - Honolulu (LAX - HNL) $217+
  • Flight San Francisco - Honolulu (SFO - HNL) $248+
  • Flight Ontario - Honolulu (ONT - HNL) $249+
  • Flight San Jose - Honolulu (SJC - HNL) $262+
  • Flight Las Vegas - Honolulu (LAS - HNL) $278+
  • Flight Portland - Honolulu (PDX - HNL) $290+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - Honolulu (SLC - HNL) $299+

Los Angeles Flights

  • Flight Salt Lake City - Los Angeles (SLC - LAX) $49+
  • Flight Denver - Los Angeles (DEN - LAX) $61+
  • Flight San Francisco - Los Angeles (SFO - LAX) $64+
  • Flight Dallas - Los Angeles (DFW - LAX) $67+
  • Flight San Jose - Los Angeles (SJC - LAX) $67+
  • Flight Oakland - Los Angeles (OAK - LAX) $69+
  • Flight Houston - Los Angeles (HOU - LAX) $75+
  • Flight Houston - Los Angeles (IAH - LAX) $75+
  • Flight Chicago - Los Angeles (ORD - LAX) $77+

Chicago Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Chicago (ATL - ORD) $36+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Chicago (FLL - ORD) $50+
  • Flight New York - Chicago (LGA - ORD) $50+
  • Flight Dallas - Chicago (DFW - ORD) $51+
  • Flight Orlando - Chicago (MCO - ORD) $67+
  • Flight Houston - Chicago (HOU - ORD) $74+
  • Flight Houston - Chicago (IAH - ORD) $74+

Denver Flights

  • Flight Minneapolis - Denver (MSP - DEN) $48+
  • Flight Ontario - Denver (ONT - DEN) $58+
  • Flight Dallas - Denver (DFW - DEN) $62+
  • Flight Chicago - Denver (ORD - DEN) $68+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Denver (LAX - DEN) $72+
  • Flight Baltimore - Denver (BWI - DEN) $77+
  • Flight Cincinnati - Denver (CVG - DEN) $78+

Washington, D.C. Flights

  • Flight Boston - Baltimore (BOS - BWI) $44+
  • Flight Atlanta - Baltimore (ATL - BWI) $47+
  • Flight Dallas - Baltimore (DFW - BWI) $67+
  • Flight Denver - Baltimore (DEN - BWI) $68+
  • Flight Houston - Baltimore (HOU - BWI) $79+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Baltimore (LAX - BWI) $84+
  • Flight Chicago - Baltimore (ORD - BWI) $85+
  • Flight Dallas - Washington, D.C. (DFW - DCA) $93+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Washington, D.C. (MSP - DCA) $95+
  • Flight San Francisco - Washington, D.C. (SFO - DCA) $99+
  • Flight Chicago - Washington, D.C. (ORD - DCA) $107+
  • Flight San Francisco - Baltimore (SFO - BWI) $109+
  • Flight Boston - Washington, D.C. (BOS - DCA) $123+
  • Flight Boston - Washington, D.C. (BOS - IAD) $129+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Washington, D.C. (LAX - DCA) $147+
  • Flight Atlanta - Washington, D.C. (ATL - DCA) $155+
  • Flight Seattle - Washington, D.C. (SEA - DCA) $159+
  • Flight Chicago - Washington, D.C. (ORD - IAD) $167+
  • Flight Atlanta - Washington, D.C. (ATL - IAD) $184+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Washington, D.C. (LAX - IAD) $187+
  • Flight Seattle - Baltimore (SEA - BWI) $193+
  • Flight Dallas - Washington, D.C. (DFW - IAD) $219+
  • Flight Seattle - Washington, D.C. (SEA - IAD) $238+
  • Flight San Francisco - Washington, D.C. (SFO - IAD) $279+

Atlanta Flights

  • Flight Detroit - Atlanta (DTW - ATL) $36+
  • Flight Houston - Atlanta (HOU - ATL) $36+
  • Flight Houston - Atlanta (IAH - ATL) $36+
  • Flight Chicago - Atlanta (MDW - ATL) $37+
  • Flight Chicago - Atlanta (ORD - ATL) $41+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Atlanta (FLL - ATL) $44+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Atlanta (PHL - ATL) $44+

United States Flights

  • Flight Newark - Miami (EWR - MIA) $55+
  • Flight Dallas - Las Vegas (DFW - LAS) $61+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Dallas (LAX - DFW) $68+
  • Flight Seattle - Las Vegas (SEA - LAS) $74+
  • Flight Newark - Orlando (EWR - MCO) $75+
  • Flight New York - Fort Lauderdale (LGA - FLL) $78+

Hawaii Flights

  • Flight Los Angeles - Hawaii (LAX - USHI) $188+
  • Flight San Francisco - Hawaii (SFO - USHI) $199+
  • Flight Ontario - Hawaii (ONT - USHI) $249+
  • Flight San Jose - Hawaii (SJC - USHI) $249+
  • Flight Las Vegas - Hawaii (LAS - USHI) $278+
  • Flight Phoenix - Hawaii (PHX - USHI) $299+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - Hawaii (SLC - USHI) $299+

Tampa Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Tampa (ATL - TPA) $45+
  • Flight Cincinnati - Tampa (CVG - TPA) $48+
  • Flight Raleigh - Tampa (RDU - TPA) $53+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Tampa (PHL - TPA) $58+
  • Flight Chicago - Tampa (MDW - TPA) $67+
  • Flight Detroit - Tampa (DTW - TPA) $68+
  • Flight Dallas - Tampa (DFW - TPA) $71+

Houston Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Houston (ATL - IAH) $38+
  • Flight Dallas - Houston (DFW - IAH) $65+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Houston (PHL - IAH) $68+
  • Flight Chicago - Houston (ORD - IAH) $69+
  • Flight Orlando - Houston (MCO - IAH) $72+
  • Flight Detroit - Houston (DTW - IAH) $74+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Houston (FLL - IAH) $74+

Las Vegas Flights

  • Flight Los Angeles - Las Vegas (LAX - LAS) $35+
  • Flight Burbank - Las Vegas (BUR - LAS) $38+
  • Flight Oakland - Las Vegas (OAK - LAS) $46+
  • Flight Denver - Las Vegas (DEN - LAS) $63+
  • Flight San Francisco - Las Vegas (SFO - LAS) $66+
  • Flight Portland - Las Vegas (PDX - LAS) $69+
  • Flight Houston - Las Vegas (HOU - LAS) $74+
  • Flight Houston - Las Vegas (IAH - LAS) $74+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Las Vegas (MSP - LAS) $76+
  • Flight Atlanta - Las Vegas (ATL - LAS) $79+
  • Flight Chicago - Las Vegas (ORD - LAS) $82+
  • Flight Chicago - Las Vegas (MDW - LAS) $90+

Miami Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Miami (ATL - MIA) $45+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Miami (PHL - MIA) $46+
  • Flight Chicago - Miami (ORD - MIA) $50+
  • Flight Detroit - Miami (DTW - MIA) $60+
  • Flight Baltimore - Miami (BWI - MIA) $63+
  • Flight Raleigh - Miami (RDU - MIA) $63+
  • Flight Dallas - Miami (DFW - MIA) $67+
  • Flight Boston - Miami (BOS - MIA) $68+
  • Flight Charlotte - Miami (CLT - MIA) $73+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (HOU - MIA) $74+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (IAH - MIA) $74+
  • Flight New York - Miami (LGA - MIA) $84+
  • Flight Cleveland - Miami (CLE - MIA) $89+
  • Flight Denver - Miami (DEN - MIA) $97+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Miami (MSP - MIA) $121+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Miami (LAX - MIA) $128+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - Miami (SLC - MIA) $137+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Miami (DCA - MIA) $139+
  • Flight Ontario - Miami (ONT - MIA) $149+
  • Flight San Francisco - Miami (SFO - MIA) $150+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Miami (IAD - MIA) $158+

San Francisco Flights

  • Flight Ontario - San Francisco (ONT - SFO) $38+
  • Flight Denver - San Francisco (DEN - SFO) $58+
  • Flight Los Angeles - San Francisco (LAX - SFO) $60+
  • Flight San Diego - San Francisco (SAN - SFO) $62+
  • Flight Phoenix - San Francisco (PHX - SFO) $74+
  • Flight Dallas - San Francisco (DFW - SFO) $89+
  • Flight Chicago - San Francisco (MDW - SFO) $98+
  • Flight Baltimore - San Francisco (BWI - SFO) $99+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - San Francisco (DCA - SFO) $99+
  • Flight Minneapolis - San Francisco (MSP - SFO) $108+
  • Flight Santa Ana - San Francisco (SNA - SFO) $110+
  • Flight Seattle - San Francisco (SEA - SFO) $116+
  • Flight Atlanta - San Francisco (ATL - SFO) $117+
  • Flight Chicago - San Francisco (ORD - SFO) $122+

Seattle Flights

  • Flight Phoenix - Seattle (PHX - SEA) $82+
  • Flight Ontario - Seattle (ONT - SEA) $87+
  • Flight Denver - Seattle (DEN - SEA) $88+
  • Flight San Diego - Seattle (SAN - SEA) $107+
  • Flight Dallas - Seattle (DFW - SEA) $115+
  • Flight San Francisco - Seattle (SFO - SEA) $116+
  • Flight Chicago - Seattle (ORD - SEA) $117+

Paris Flights

  • Flight New Windsor - Paris (SWF - CDG) $307+
  • Flight Baltimore - Paris (BWI - CDG) $324+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Paris (IAD - CDG) $331+
  • Flight Boston - Paris (BOS - CDG) $333+
  • Flight Newark - Paris (EWR - ORY) $350+
  • Flight Newark - Paris (EWR - CDG) $356+
  • Flight New York - Paris (JFK - CDG) $392+

Europe Flights

  • Flight New York - Barcelona (JFK - BCN) $377+
  • Flight Newark - Paris (EWR - CDG) $387+
  • Flight New York - Madrid (JFK - MAD) $392+
  • Flight New York - London (JFK - LGW) $399+
  • Flight Boston - London (BOS - LHR) $408+
  • Flight New York - Athens (JFK - ATH) $419+

Florida Flights

  • Flight Philadelphia - Florida (PHL - USFL) $46+
  • Flight Chicago - Florida (ORD - USFL) $50+
  • Flight Newark - Florida (EWR - USFL) $55+
  • Flight Baltimore - Florida (BWI - USFL) $63+
  • Flight Boston - Florida (BOS - USFL) $68+
  • Flight Dallas - Florida (DFW - USFL) $78+
  • Flight New York - Florida (LGA - USFL) $78+

Dallas Flights

  • Flight Denver - Dallas (DEN - DFW) $38+
  • Flight Chicago - Dallas (ORD - DFW) $50+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Dallas (MSP - DFW) $57+
  • Flight Ontario - Dallas (ONT - DFW) $58+
  • Flight Atlanta - Dallas (ATL - DFW) $61+
  • Flight New York - Dallas (LGA - DFW) $63+
  • Flight Baltimore - Dallas (BWI - DFW) $67+

San Diego Flights

  • Flight San Jose - San Diego (SJC - SAN) $56+
  • Flight Phoenix - San Diego (PHX - SAN) $62+
  • Flight Sacramento - San Diego (SMF - SAN) $65+
  • Flight San Francisco - San Diego (SFO - SAN) $65+
  • Flight Oakland - San Diego (OAK - SAN) $66+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - San Diego (SLC - SAN) $67+
  • Flight Denver - San Diego (DEN - SAN) $71+

Frequently asked questions

What do i need to know before booking a flight.

There are various factors to consider when booking a flight including cost, fare classes, baggage policies, the complications of flying long haul, and complying with airport regulations. To make your booking journey smoother KAYAK has developed a comprehensive flight guide including insights on finding affordable flights, packing efficiently, and utilizing the best travel tools.

Which month of the year are flight prices lowest?

It’s well established that flights in the low season are generally cheaper than ticket prices during the high season. That means that knowing which month to find the lowest priced plane tickets will depend heavily on seasonality and your destination. While avoiding peak travel times can help you keep costs down, our data shows that the month with the lowest priced plane tickets for domestic flights based on all searches made on KAYAK in the last 12 months was January, while the most expensive was March. If you’re booking an international flight, then January is the cheapest month to fly and June the most expensive.

Can flying international flights with a layover save money on airfare?

For many long-haul international flights, flying non-stop is not possible and you will have to fly with a layover. Some routes will offer both and you could consider flying with a layover for a number of reasons. Firstly, breaking up what would otherwise be a long-haul flight, taking a rest and then completing the journey might make the flight more manageable. Secondly, prices can also be lower than non-stop flights, so while it might take longer for you to reach your destination, you could save money. We’ve looked at prices over the last 12 months for the 100 most popular international destinations for KAYAK users and on average, prices for non-stop flights were cheaper than flights with a layover.

How do I find the best flight deals on KAYAK?

A simple flight search at https://www.kayak.com/flights scans for prices on hundreds of travel sites in seconds. We gather flight deals from across the web and put them in one place. Then on the search results page you can use various filters to compare options for the same flight and easily choose the best flight deal from all of the deals coming straight from the travel sites to your screen, with no extra fee from KAYAK.

Does KAYAK query more flight providers than competitors?

Yes, KAYAK has access to more data and information than online travel agencies and consistently outperforms the competition in accuracy, globally.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you flights up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. That way, you can see if leaving a day or two earlier will find you a better deal. You can also select the flexible "weekend" or "month" search options to widen your search range and find the cheapest price that works for you.

What is the cheapest day of the week to book a flight?

The best day to book your flight depends on a number of factors, but there are general trends that you can follow to increase your chances of cheaper plane tickets. Based on an analysis of KAYAK data for all flights departing from inside United States over the last 12 months, the cheapest day to fly for domestic flights is Tuesday. For international flights, Thursday had the cheapest tickets on average.

When is the best time to buy plane tickets - Last minute or in advance?

Last minute flight deals are definitely up for grabs but when exactly to purchase your plane tickets will depend on where you’re traveling to and from. Based on all data for flight searches made on KAYAK over the last 12 months, prices for domestic flights remained below the average price up to 1 weeks before departure. For international flights, deals could still be had up to 1 weeks prior to the departure date, with prices remaining below average. If you’re flexible, KAYAK brings you both advance and last minute one-way and round-trip flight deals.

How does KAYAK find such low flight prices?

KAYAK processes over 2 billion flight queries annually and displays results from hundreds of airlines and third party sites, allowing it to find a variety of flight prices and options. It also displays results from 2M+ properties along with rental cars, vacation packages, activities and millions of verified reviews so users can see as many available travel options as possible.

How can Hacker Fares save me money?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets on different airlines when it can save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy?

KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a given destination and date is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

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Tips on booking cheap flights.

Looking for the best time to buy airline tickets to get a cheap flight to everywhere? We’ve got you covered anytime, anywhere. Here’s how to find the best deal for flight booking no matter where you want to go in the world.

Which day of the week is the best day to buy cheap airline tickets?

For both U.S. domestic and international travel, Sundays can be cheaper for airline ticket purchases. Fridays tend to be the most expensive day to book a flight. Booking on the right day of the week could save you up to 6% on your airfare, according to historical data*.

When is the best time to buy airline tickets?

Based on 2020 And 2021 global flight data for Economy tickets, prices usually start to increase 56 days before departure for domestic flights. When traveling internationally, prices usually start to increase 21 days before departure*. Keep in mind that this isn’t a hard-and-fast rule; keeping an eye on prices is a good idea when trying to find the best airfare deals. Compare fares across different airlines, and set up a price alert for your preferred route.

Which are the cheapest days to fly?

Analysis of domestic and international airfare prices shows that flying out on Fridays can be cheaper. Many travelers start their trips on Sundays, so your chances of a lower price are better when departing early in the week instead. Starting your trip on a Friday could be almost 11% cheaper than air travel on Sundays, so book flights online wisely*!

Which is the cheapest month to fly?

The cheapest month to fly can vary depending on where you’re going, so finding the best rates largely comes down to avoiding peak travel times for your destination. If you’re looking for cheap international flights , the most expensive month tends to be February, while the cheapest is November with cheap flights in November offering potential savings of up to 34.6% relative to February. Cheap domestic flights work a bit differently, with March being the most expensive and August being the least expensive with cheap flights in August offering savings of up to 35%*.

How can I find the cheapest flights on Expedia?

Compare cheap airline ticket prices at a glance from a large inventory of carriers on Expedia. You can get cheap flights by staying flexible with travel dates, carriers, and nonstop/layover flights to get the best price. Insider tip: Become a member (it’s free!) to earn rewards back on every booking. We make your travel stress-free and source incredible airfare deals so you can sit back, relax, and start your vacation or business trip.

How can I save money on flights?

Mixing and matching airline tickets and fare types could help save money on airfare to your destination. Easily compare prices for carriers, arrival and departure dates, airplane cabin class, and more when you book with Expedia. Booking your plane ticket on a Sunday, and departing on Friday, could possibly save you money* based on historical data. You can also filter for flights based on your budget, such as looking for cheap flights under $200 specifically.

How can I get cheap last-minute flight deals?

The historical data analysis of flight pricing patterns shows that you can still find amazing airfare deals 3 weeks prior to departure* when traveling domestically. International last-minute flights offer great deals 2 weeks prior to departure if you’re flying premium, but economy travelers may want to strive for no less than 4 weeks out*. Try to stay flexible with travel dates, airports, and nonstop/layover flights to find the cheapest flights on Expedia. Whether you’re planning a quick business trip or a spontaneous holiday with friends, you’ll have your choice of last-minute flights, roundtrip, or multicity flights on Expedia. You’ll find everything you need for your travels all in one place — and all at the right price.

How do I book with Expedia?

Booking your flight with Expedia is easy, as all you have to do is implement your travel dates, departure destination, like flights from Atlanta or flights from Hartsfield-Jackson , and arrival destination into the search. Then, all the available flights for those dates and destinations will appear. You can use search filters to narrow down the results as well based on a variety of factors like the airline, number of stops, departure time, and policies like seat choice and refundable bookings. Additionally, travelers may alter their search for round-trip flights, one-way flights, and multicity flights.

What should I look out for when booking flights?

Several factors go into any flight booking, and you’ll need to keep an eye out for them all to ensure that you get the travel time, luggage policy, airline, and class you want. Consider which airport is closest to your ultimate destination (travelers to Los Angeles may prefer flights to LAX over flights to PSP , and make sure that the flight will accommodate all the luggage you plan on bringing. Additionally, consider the different flight classes including economy flights for functionality and premium flights if you want to enjoy a more relaxing experience.

Where’s the cheapest place to travel?

The cheapest place to travel can be in the same country, like Chicago. Flights to Chicago are fairly affordable no matter where you’re coming from in the continental United States. Flights to Las Vegas tend to be pretty affordable as well. While the Vegas airport isn’t a hub for any major airline, it does have plenty of competition to keep prices relatively low.

Where can I fly for cheap?

Staying within a strict budget still allows you to find plenty of cheap flights, even to destinations like Puerto Rico. In fact, flights to Puerto Rico don’t even require U.S. citizens to have a passport. Flights to Alberta and other destinations in Canada can be fairly affordable as well.

Is it cheaper to buy flights last minute?

Flight tickets can be cheaper at the last minute depending on how late you’re actually booking, where you’re going, and the kind of flight you opt for. For domestic flights with Economy tickets, prices usually start to increase 3 weeks before departure, and 4 weeks for international flights, according to historical data*.

Are fully refundable flights available?

Yes, several fully refundable flights are available and will be labeled as such right on your search results page in green text. You may also filter for fully refundable flights specifically to eliminate all flights from your results that don’t qualify. Just make sure to check the specific policy for each flight before booking.

Why should I book my flight with Expedia?

Booking with Expedia makes finding a flight easy, but that’s just the beginning of everything you can take advantage of. We also offer hotels, car rentals, and even activities that you can purchase with package deals available for travelers planning more than one aspect of their trip at a time. Plus, Expedia offers stunning cheap flight deals that can help you save with ease. As a One Key member, you will earn OneKeyCashTM for every eligible booking that you can use to save on future bookings. Plus, OneKeyCash can be earned on top of airline miles.

*Data specialists from both ARC and Expedia Group analyzed ARC’s global flight data to distil actionable information to help people save money on travel. While it’s impossible to guarantee when to find the lowest prices, after examining the variables, we were able to observe trends. Best day of the week to book and best day of the week to depart is based on average round-trip ticket prices for January through August for 2021, sourced from ARC’s global airline sales database. Best month to depart recommendation is based on average round-trip ticket prices for January through December for 2020, sourced from ARC's global airline sales database. Best time to book recommendation is based on average round-trip ticket prices for January through August for 2021 & average round-trip ticket prices for January through December for 2020, sourced from ARC's global airline sales database. OneKeyCash is not redeemable for cash and can only be used on Expedia, Hotels.com and Vrbo.

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  • Explore a world of travel with Expedia

Domestic flights

  • Flights to Las Vegas
  • Flights to Hawaii Island
  • Flights to New York
  • Flights to Miami
  • Flights to Orlando
  • Flights to Los Angeles
  • Flights to Maui
  • Flights to Chicago
  • Flights to Houston
  • Flights to Denver

International flights

  • Flights to Mexico City
  • Flights to Puerto Rico Island
  • Flights to London
  • Flights to Bora Bora
  • Flights to Manila
  • Flights to Cancun
  • Flights to Tokyo
  • Flights to Cabo San Lucas
  • Flights to Bali
  • Flights to Paris

Flight routes

  • Flights from Philadelphia to Orlando
  • Flights from San Francisco to Delhi
  • Flights from Philadelphia to Las Vegas
  • Flights from Manila to El Nido
  • Flights from Chicago to Dublin
  • Flights from New York to Cancun
  • Flights from Los Angeles to Madrid
  • Flights from Honolulu to Los Angeles
  • Flights from Minneapolis to Seattle
  • Flights from Dallas to Washington
  • American Airlines
  • Spirit Airlines
  • Allegiant Air
  • Sky Airlines
  • Philippine Airlines
  • LATAM Airlines Group

More destinations

  • Domestic routes
  • International routes
  • Destinations by city
  • Destinations by country
  • Business Class Flight
  • First Class Flight

*Available for a fee on select flights. Terms apply.


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