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Welcome at DOWINA Incoming Travel Agency and DMC for Bratislava & Slovakia.

Our agency was established in 1991 and licenced to provide a full range of travel services, including trips and tours for clients wishing to explore Slovakia. The whole team confirms their commitment to ethical business and high quality services. Our experiences help us to set up programs that fulfill high demands of your clients and still remain within a reasonable budget. If you need assistance with the leisure or incentive programs for your customers, please send us your request and we will prepare a suitable price proposal for you. 

We offer many great incentive programs including rafting or a boat trip on the Danube river, visiting the factory of a global automotive leader, discovering the city in an unusual way, cooking lessons of traditional Slovak dishes or a cultural experience that takes in Bratislava´s modern art galleries and museums. Suitable accommodation, professional guides in different languages and transportation on the site are an inevitable part of our offer. On the following pages we give you ideas of what can be offered. All our suggestions can be adapted to your own ideas and according to the needs of your clients.

We are open to a cooperation with touroperators worldwide. Our language skills include English, German and French and of course Slovak or Czech.

... inspire your clients ...

Bratislava ako hlavné mesto Slovenska je významným medzinárodným dopravným uzlom cestnej, železničnej, leteckej a lodnej dopravy. Dopravnú sieť dopĺňa ešte cyklistická doprava a mestská hromadná doprava v Bratislave.

  • Mestská hromadná doprava v Bratislave
  • Letecká doprava z Bratislavy a Viedne
  • Vlaková doprava

Autobusová doprava

Cestná doprava.

  • Lodná doprava
  • Cyklistická doprava

Mestská hromadná doprava

Mestská hromadná doprava je najlacnejší spôsob dopravy hneď po chôdzi :)

Na zorientovanie sa v mape Bratislavy vo vzťahu k mestskej doprave je dobrá mapa na stránkach (na pravej strane je ponuka vyznačenia bodov na mape, kde sa na konci nachádza MHD). Pre schému spojov Dopravného podniku Bratislava kliknite sem .

Pre vyhľadanie spoja z konkrétnej zastávky, na zastávku, kliknite sem

Pre komletné cestovné poriadky jednotlivých spojov, kliknite sem

Turistické cestovné lístky

Železničná doprava.

Bratislava je významný železničný uzol pre osobnú i nákladnú dopravu. Významné smery železničnej dopravy kopírujú hlavné diaľničné smery, ktoré vedú do Čiech (Praha), do Maďarska (Budapešť), do Rakúska (Viedeň). Takisto je Bratislava prepojená s ostatným Slovenskom. Napr. rýchlovlaky IC vychádzajú z Bratislavy každé dve hodiny. Zástavky sú väčšie Slovenské mestá: Trnava, Trenčín, Žilina, Liptovský Mikuláš – Nízke Tatry, Poprad - Vysoké Tatry, Košice. Cesta z Bratislavy do metropoly východného Slovenska – Košíc (445 km) trvá okolo 5 hodín. Rakúske železničné dráhy ÖBB v cene cestovného lístka Viedeň – Bratislava zahŕňajú aj jeden celý deň MHD v Bratislave. V Bratislave je niekoľko železničných staníc. Najvýznamnejšie sú hlavná stanica v Starom Meste a Bratislava -Petržalka. Vlaky z Hlavnej stanice aj z Petržalky odchádzajú do Viedne v pracovné dni každú hodinu. Cena spiatočného cestovného lístka je 11 €.

Hlavná autobusová stanica sa nachádza na Mlynských Nivách v Bratislave Starom Meste. Medzinárodná autobusová doprava je zabezpečovaná viacerými spoločnosťami, ktoré spájajú Bratislavu s mnohými mestami Európy. Najvýznamnejšie partnerské mesto v autobusovej doprave je Viedeň. Z hlavnej autobusovej stanice na Mlynských Nivách odchádza autobus spoločnosti Slovak Lines do Viedne na Südtirolerplatz 19x denne. Cesta trvá okolo 85 min. Ďalším významným dopravcom je spoločnosť Blaguss, ktorá má zastávku napr. pod Novým Mostom a podobne 19x denne premáva do Viedne. Cieľová zastávka je na Erdbergstrasse. Cesta trvá okolo 60 min.

Autobusový poriadok spoločnosti Blaguss platný od 1.1.2011 Bratislava - Viedeň

Do Bratislavy vedú štyri diaľnice: D1, D2, A6 z Rakúska a M15 z Maďarska Prechádzajú mestom mimo historického centra cez Petržalku a okolo letiska v Bratislave – Vajnoroch. Bratislava sa rozprestiera na oboch stranách rieky Dunaj. Cez Dunaj vedie päť mostov, z toho dva sú diaľničné. Historickým jadrom mesta dôležité tepny nevedú, ale ho obchádzajú, historické centrum je pre automobilovú dopravu uzavreté a má charakter pešej zóny. Centrum mesta je vybavené moderným rádiovým parkovacím systémom, ktorý zabezpečuje navádzanie vodičov na voľné parkoviská v meste.

S Viedňou spája Bratislavu diaľnica A6. Hraničný prechod je Bratislava-Jarovce.

S Prahou spája Bratislavu diaľnica D2. Hraničný prechod je Brodské.

S Budapešťou spája Bratislavu diaľnica M15. Hraničný prechod je Bratislava-Čunovo.

So Slovenskom spája Bratislavu diaľnica D1.

So Slovenskom spája Bratislavu diaľnica D1. Diaľnica D1 je najvýznamnejšia a najdlhšia slovenská diaľnica, ktorá po svojom dokončení spojí Bratislavu s hraničným priechodom Záhor na štátnej hranici s Ukrajinou cez Trnavu, Piešťany, Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Trenčín, Považskú Bystricu, Bytču, Žilinu, Poprad, Prešov, Košice a Michalovce. Je súčasťou vetvy "A" 5. paneurópskeho koridoru s trasou (Terst) - Bratislava - Žilina - Košice - (Užhorod - Ľvov) a európskych ciest E50, E58, E75, E442 a E571. V súčasnosti je hotový úsek medzi Bratislavou a Žilinou. Podľa posledných prognóz diaľnica D1 by mala byť hotová až v roku 2019. Najnáročnejší je kopcovitý úsek medzi Žilinou a Prešovom, kde je naplánovaných jedenásť tunelov s celkovou dĺžkou takmer 27 kilometrov. Zatiaľ sú postavené len tri tunely.

Plavebný poriadok Twin City Liner

Bratislava sa nachádza na významnej dunajskej trase medzi Viedňou a Budapešťou. Najdôležitejšou destináciou pri osobnej lodnej doprave z Bratislavy je Viedeň. Od 1. júna 2006 premáva medzi Bratislavou a Viedňou, najbližšími metropolami v Európe, lodná linka Twin City Liner. Je realizovaná dvomi ľahkými a modernými katamaranmi nórskej výroby, kltoré dosahujú plavebnú rýchlosť do 60 km/h. Sú plne klimatizované a ponúkajú aj reštauračné služby. Cesta do Viedne alebo do Bratislavy trvá okolo 75 minút. Okrem toho existuje množstvo iných lodných liniek, medzi najpopulárnejšie patrí linka z Bratislavy na Devín.

Letecká doprava

Letisko M. R. Štefánika sa nachádza v Bratislave Vajnoroch asi 12 km od historického centra. Je pomenované podľa francúzskeho generála, Slováka Milana Rastislava Štefánika, který sa významnou mierou pričinil o vznik prvej Československej republiky v roku 1918. Letisko je najväčšie na Slovensku o rozlohe 477 ha. Ročne prepraví okolo 1,7 milióna pasažierov. Destinácie, do kterých sa lieta priamo z Bratislavy: Alicante, Barcelona-Gerona, Birmingham, Bristol, Brusel – Charleroi, Dublin, Edinburgh, Gran Canaria, Jerevan, Košice, Liverpool, London -- Luton, London – Stansted, Malaga, Milano – Bergamo, Paríž – Beauvais, Praha, Rím – Ciampino, Stokholm – Skavsta, Tel Aviv, Varšava.

Letisko Viedeň-Schwechat

40 km od historického centra Bratislavy sa nachádza letinko Viedeň Schwechat. Viedenské letisko ročne prepraví vyše 18 miliónov cestujúcich. Z Viedenského letiska lieta vyše sto leteckých společnosti.

Cyklistická doprava.

Bratislava sa nachádza na medzinárodnej dunajskej cyklotrase, ktorá vedie z Nemecka, cez Rakúsko a Slovensko do Maďarska. Na území Bratislavy vedie od hraničného priechodu Berg (Rakúsko) po pravobrežnej hrádzi Dunaja celým územím Petržalky. Potom cyklotrasa pokračuje územím Slovenska až po priehradné dielo v Gabčíkove. Druhá vetva trasy začína na Prístavnom moste, cez ktorý je prevedená na ľavú stranu Dunaja a pokračuje po hrádzi súbežne s tokom Dunaja až po Štúrovo. Dĺžka bratislavskej dunajskej cyklistickej cesty na pravom brehu Dunaja je 24,1 km a na ľavom brehu je 12 km.

Ďalšia významná cyklistická cesta je Moravská cyklistická cesta. Začína na ľavobrežnej strane Dunaja pod Novým mostom a pokračuje nábrežím (proti toku rieky) popri Karloveskej zátoke a Devínskej ceste do Devína, odkiaľ pokračuje pozdĺž rieky Moravy do Devínskej Novej Vsi a ďalej smerom na Záhorie do Malaciek, Holíča a končí v Senici.

Dôležité linky na cyklotrasy:

Česká republika:



Lacné ubytovanie v centre

  • Apartmán Studio
  • Apartmán Maximilián

Ezsterháziho palác

  • Hotel Arcadia * * * * *
  • Hotel Albrecht * * * * *
  • Tulip House Hotel * * * * *
  • Hotel Michalská Brána * * * *
  • Hotel Antares * * * *
  • Hotel Devín Bratislava * * * *
  • Falkensteiner Hotel Bratislava * * * *
  • Art Hotel Wiliam * * * *
  • Radisson SAS Carlton Hotel Bratislava * * * *
  • Crowne Plaza Hotel Bratislava * * * *
  • Hotel Marrol's Bratislava * * * *
  • Park Inn Danube, Bratislava * * *
  • Hotel Ibis Bratislava * * *
  • Botel Marina * * *
  • Hotel Matyšák * * *
  • Apartmán Anna
  • Každodenná prehliadka
  • Kombinovaná prehliadka
  • Malokarpatský región
  • Prehliadka pre skupiny
  • Ochutnávka vín
  • Bary a kluby
  • Rafting Bratislava
  • Relax, fitness
  • Kolektívne športy
  • ZOO-logická záhrada
  • Okolie Bratislavy - príroda
  • Hrad Červený kameň
  • Hromadná doprava v Bratislave
  • Bratislava- základné informácie
  • Doprava v Bratislave
  • História Bratislavy
  • Slovensko - základné info
  • Geografia a príroda
  • Mapa centrum

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travel service bratislava

Bratislava Tourist Service s. r. o.

Kompletný servis pre Bratislavu. Ubytovanie, apartmány, hotely. Sprevádzanie, korunovácie.

Bratislava – jedno z najstarších keltských miest, hranica starovekého Rímskeho impéria, významné centrum staroslovanskej Veľkej Moravy, západná bašta Uhorského kráľovstva, najvyššie položený dunajský morský prístav v stredoveku, mesto obchodníkov a remeselníkov s bohatou vinárskou tradíciou, korunovačné mesto uhorských kráľov , sídlo najvyšších kráľovských orgánov, miesto harmonického spolužitia Nemcov, Maďarov, Slovákov, centrum judaizmu a slovenského národného obrodenia v 19. storočí, hlavné mesto Slovenskej republiky, bašta odporu voči komunizmu, oáza zelene a parkov, bohatého kultúrneho života a príjemnej malebnej atmosféry, mesto hudobníkov, slávnych osobností, spisovateľov a vynálezcov. V súčasnosti jedna z najmladších európskych metropol prežíva nebývalý rozvoj kultúrneho i hospodárskeho života. Vďaka odvahe k reformám je jedným z dvoch miest strednej Európy, ktoré presahujú priemer HDP Európskej Únie. Neustále sa modernizujúce mesto je centrum kultúrneho i spoločenského života v Slovenskej republike a stáva sa čoraz viac objavenou destinácia pre turistov. História ovenčila toto mesto prívlastkom Krásavica na Dunaji a nie nadarmo. Veď príďte a presvedčte sa…

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travel service bratislava

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WAGON SERVICE Logo_original.png

Vlastníme v súčasnosti flotilu ležadlových vozňov typu Bcmh, ktoré prešli rozsiahlou modernizáciou a redizajnom. WAGON SERVICE s.r.o. je pokračovateľom a nasledovníkom spoločnosti, ktorá pôsobila 20 rokov na slovenskom ako aj na európskom trhu v oblasti špecializovanej železničnej dopravy, organizovania mimoriadnych vlakov, propagácie nočného cestovania po železnici. Spolupracujeme v rámci Európy aj s inými železničnými spoločnosťami. Vozne jazdili pôvodne v širšom počte i v nočných lakoch v pravidelnej preprave na Slovensku, v Česku, Maďarsku, Nemecku, Rakúsku, Polsku i Švajčiarsku.  Disponujeme vlastným dielenskými a skladovými priestormi, o vozne sa stará skúsený technický personál. 

WAGON SERVICE Bcmh_789.jpg

Naše služby

Prenájom ležadlových vozňov.


Prenájom 6 ležadlových vozňov typu Bcmh na pravidelné a mimoriadne prepravy v rámci Slovenska a Európy.

Zabezpečenie servisu

WAGON SERVICE Bcmh_805.jpg

Sprostredkovanie servisu a opráv pre iných vlastníkov vozňov v naších vlastných dielenských priestoroch ako aj v priestoroch ŽOS Vrútky, ŽOS Trnava a tretích opravcov.

Konzultačná činnosť v oblasti železničnej dopravy

Railway Tracks

Úzka spolupráca s Train Service Consulting v oblasti redizajnu vozňov, poradenstva a koordinácie európskych súkromých spoločností zameraných na nočnú železničnú dopravu.

Ležadlové vozne typu Bcmh

Vozne Bcmh sme zakúpili v rámci našej predošlej spoločnosti od DB AG. Prešli rozsiahlou modernizáciou, aby sme našim klientom zabezpečili bezpečné a pohodlné cestovanie. Ich prevádzka na Slovensku bola zahájená na jeseň 2004

Prevázdzková rýchlosť týchto vozňov je 160 km/h. Majú 10 oddielov pre cestujúcich a 1 oddiel je určený pre sprievodcu. V sprievodcovskom oddiele sa nachádza sklopné lehátko, úložné skrinky, chladnička, možnosť pripojenia kuchynských spotrebičov. Tri oddiele majú skoro o tretinu väčšiu plochu oproti ostatatným oddielom. Všetkých 10 oddielov je určených pre 6 osôb. Interiér vozňa je vybavený 2 umyvárkami, 2 samostatnými vákuovými toaletami s umývadlom. Vozeň má dve vyhrievané 500 l nádrže pre zásobovanie vodou. Vozne spĺňajú medzinárodné technické a bezpečnostné predpisy RIC. 

WAGON SERVICE Bcmh_814.jpg

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Viac informácii o našich vozňoch, možnosti mimoriadnych prepráv. Neváhajte využiť formulár napravo alebo nám zavolajte.

Fakturačné údaje:


Čajakova 18, 811 05, Bratislava​  ​ IČO: 53 458 044

DIČ: 2121376884

IČ DPH: SK2121376884

Spoločnosť je zapísaná v Obchodnom registri Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel Sro, vložka číslo 149227/B

Bankové spojenie:

UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s. 

IBAN: SK91 1111 0000 0000 0565 9007


[email protected]

+420 608 828 666

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Getting around Bratislava

Planning to travel in Bratislava? Whether you’re a visitor or a resident, let this guide help you make the most of your Bratislava experience. Travel from the airport to a hotel using Uber and discover popular routes and destinations. Depending on your city, you can even use the app to get around with public transport, bikes or scooters, and more.

Plus, check out Uber rates for riders and drivers and learn how to use Uber to get paid to drive or deliver in Bratislava.

Reserve car service in Bratislava with Uber

Arrange your car service needs in advance with Uber in Bratislava. Request a ride up to 30 days ahead, whether you need transportation to the airport, you have plans to visit a restaurant, or you’re going somewhere else.

Ride Sharing in Bratislava

Getting around Bratislava without a car is easy with Uber. Find places to visit in the area, then request a ride on any day and at any time of the week. You can request a ride in real-time or request a ride in advance so your ride is ready when you are. Whether you’re traveling in a group or alone, you can use the app to find a ride option for your needs.

Open the Uber app and enter your destination to begin exploring Bratislava.

Choose the best ways to get around Bratislava

Taxi in bratislava.

Consider Uber as an alternative to taxis when getting around Bratislava. With Uber, you can trade flagging down cabs for requesting rides on demand, no matter the time of day. Request a ride from an airport to a hotel, head to a restaurant, or visit another place. The choice is yours. Open the app and enter a destination to get started.

Public transport in Bratislava

Getting around with public transport is an affordable way to travel. Depending on the area, you can view nearby bus or subway routes with Uber Transit to help plan your travels. Open the app to see if Uber Transit is available in your neighborhood or visit popular places in Bratislava by ridesharing with Uber.

Bike rentals in Bratislava

Biking is an eco-friendly way to get around the heart of a city. In select cities, you can find and ride electric bikes with Uber. Open the app to see if bikes are available in Bratislava. If bikes are available in Bratislava, remember to wear a helmet and follow traffic laws while riding.

Uber does not tolerate the use of alcohol or drugs by drivers using the Uber app. If you believe your driver may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, please have the driver end the trip immediately.

Commercial vehicles may be subject to additional state government taxes, which would be over and above the toll.

It's easier in the apps

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Sign up to drive & deliver

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Disney is changing its DAS program: What guests with disabilities should know

travel service bratislava

Walt Disney World and Disneyland are changing their policies for guests with disabilities .

The Florida and California resorts will keep their popular Disability Access Service (DAS), but adjust qualifications, registration procedures, and length of validity to help ensure guests receive the accommodations they need.

“Disney is dedicated to providing a great experience for all guests, including those with disabilities, which is why we are so committed to delivering a wide range of innovative support services aimed at helping our guests with disabilities have a wonderful time when visiting our theme parks,” a Disney spokesperson said in a statement.

Here’s what travelers with disabilities should know.

What is DAS? 

Disney World and Disneyland previously described their Disability Access Service as a program “to assist guests who have difficulty tolerating extended waits in a conventional queue environment due to a disability.”

Guests who qualify for and enroll in DAS wait just as long as guests in the standby line, sometimes a little longer, but they don’t have to physically stay in the queue. Instead, they can join the line virtually, wait out the designated time elsewhere in the park, then return to the attraction for a shorter wait in person.

Who qualifies for DAS at Disney?

Not all disabilities impact the ability to tolerate long waits in traditional queues. For example, guests in wheelchairs or electric conveyance vehicles may still be able to wait in many lines in their mobility devices. 

New updates to the resorts’ accessibility webpages further clarify DAS’ intended audience: “Guests, who due to a developmental disability like autism or similar, are unable to wait in a conventional queue for an extended period of time.”

How do you qualify for a Disney disability pass?

Registering for DAS involves meeting with a specially trained cast member, who can determine if DAS is the right fit.

In the past, that could be done in advance online or in person at both resorts. The conversation itself lasts just minutes, though online waits have historically taken longer.

Need accomodations? Travelers with disabilities will need this card at some theme parks

How is DAS changing?

Starting May 20 for Disney World, guests may only enroll in DAS with a virtual video meeting, not in person at the parks. It’s highly recommended to do so in the planning stages of the trip, but virtual chats will also be available on the day of visits. Again, they will no longer be available in person at Disney World.

Disneyland guests may continue to register for DAS with a virtual video call ahead of their trip, which is strongly encouraged, or in-person on the day of visits, but starting June 18, the location for registration will move from Guests Services inside the parks to the outside esplanade area between Disneyland and Disney California Adventure.

Virtual video calls will be similar to what existing and past DAS enrollees are used to having with cast members, but Disney is also partnering with Inspire Health Alliance , whose experts may be brought in.

DAS may be used by the enrollee and up to four companions (or more if there are more than four immediate family members who all want to experience an attraction together).

How long is DAS at Disney good for?

Guests who are previously enrolled in DAS may use it for 60 days from their date of registration, with no changes required.

New enrollees registering between now and May 19 at Disney World or June 17 at Disneyland will have up to 30 days to use the service, starting from their date of registration.

Beginning May 20 at Disney World and June 18 at Disneyland, new DAS enrollments will be valid for 120 days, double the previous 60.

Why is Disney making these changes?

DAS has become the most requested service at Disneyland and Disney World in recent years, with the volume of users eclipsing the program’s intended audience and numbers only expected to grow. That in turn impacts waits and experiences for those who need the accommodations. 

The changes are designed to help ensure DAS reaches its intended audience. Meanwhile, Disney is also increasing the number of specially trained cast members to help guests with other access needs find the right accommodations for them. 

Those may include American Sign Language interpretation, Disney Handheld Devices that provide captions and visual descriptions for guests with hearing impairment, braille guidebooks and maps, sensory guides for attractions, and at Disneyland, Location Return Times for guests with mobility devices or other physical needs that can’t be accommodated by older, non-wheelchair accessible attraction queues.

What does Disney consider a disability? 

Disney recognizes all kinds of disabilities and access needs, many of which are invisible.

While guests won’t find an exhaustive list of disabilities on Disney’s websites, their newly updated accessibility pages serve as a first stop in navigating accommodations.

Cast members are also available to answer questions in staffed virtual chats. 

Does Disney request proof of disability?

Disney does not require documentation proving disability or access needs, nor will they be required with these upcoming changes.

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Janet Yellen warns China of ‘significant consequences’ if its companies support Russia’s war

Janet Yellen and He Lifeng shake hands in front of the US and Chinese flags

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  • Janet Yellen warns China of ‘significant consequences’ if its companies support Russia’s war on whatsapp (opens in a new window)

Henry Foy in Brussels, Felicia Schwartz and Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington, and Claire Jones in Guangzhou

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The US has warned of “significant consequences” if Chinese companies provide support for Moscow’s war against Ukraine in one of the sharpest messages it has yet delivered to Beijing.

Following discussions in Guangzhou on Friday and Saturday, the US Treasury said: “Secretary Yellen emphasised that companies, including those in the PRC, must not provide material support for Russia’s war against Ukraine . . . and the significant consequences if they do so.” 

Janet Yellen’s warning comes after secretary of state Antony Blinken told EU and Nato foreign ministers that Beijing was assisting Moscow “at a concerning scale”, and providing “tools, inputs and technical expertise”, according to three people familiar with the discussions.

They quoted Blinken as saying the assistance was particularly focused on Russia’s production of optical equipment and propellants and its space sector, which he said “not only contributes to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine but threatens other countries”.

Blinken raised the concerns about China in every session of a meeting of Nato foreign ministers on Wednesday and Thursday, one of the people said.

“The warnings were explicit,” the person said. “There has been a shift and it was felt in the room . . . this was a new development. It was very striking.”

Western countries have imposed dozens of rounds of sanctions and trade embargoes against Russia in a bid to cripple its economy, starve it of military supplies and halt its two-year war against Ukraine.

But Moscow has been able to keep its economy running and scale up its defence industry owing in large part to expanded trade with China , imports from third countries of so-called dual-use goods that can be used to make weapons, and direct military supplies from North Korea and Iran.

Russia’s ability to raise significantly production of arms, particularly artillery shells, missiles and kamikaze drones, has spooked western capitals as they rush to increase their own defence output to give Kyiv a chance to withstand Moscow’s onslaught.

“We’ve been clear with China that we see Russia as gaining support from goods that Chinese firms are supplying to Russia,” Yellen said on Saturday. “On their side, China emphasised that it is their policy not to provide Russia with military support — neither of us want this to be an issue with our bilateral relationship.”

Yellen added that Treasury officials believed they had made some progress when it came to specific financial institutions that were of concern. “We think there’s more to do, but I do see it as an area where we’ve agreed to co-operate and we’ve already seen some meaningful progress,” she said.

“They understand how serious an issue that is to us.”

Blinken, who this week held talks in Paris before attending the Nato ministerial discussions, called on allies to do three things, the people said.

He asked them to raise their concerns directly with China in their own bilateral meetings, speak publicly about the deepening co-operation and take appropriate action on entities and companies bolstering Russia’s industrial base.

“We see how China is propping up the Russian war economy, delivering dual-capable equipment which is also used in the Russian military industry. In return, Moscow is mortgaging its future to Beijing,” Jens Stoltenberg, Nato secretary-general, said on Thursday after the talks with Blinken.

President Joe Biden raised the issue directly with President Xi Jinping in a phone call on Tuesday . The White House said Biden voiced concern about China’s “support for Russia’s defence industrial base and its impact on European and transatlantic security”.

Speaking before the call, a senior US official said Washington had seen China “start to help to rebuild Russia’s defence industrial base, essentially backfilling the trade from European partners”. One person familiar with the situation said the Biden administration was particularly concerned about the provision of propellant for missiles.

US officials have said strong warnings they issued to China just after Russia’s invasion in 2022 prompted Beijing to reverse course on a plan to provide military equipment to Russia.

The US in February last year expressed concerns to allies about Chinese assistance to the Russian defence sector, but was met with more scepticism, with some countries saying they had not been given strong evidence.

China’s trade with Russia has more than doubled since 2020 from $108bn to $240bn last year, with business people flocking across the border to explore opportunities following western sanctions.

Beijing maintains it does not provide lethal support to Russia and that it is the west that is “adding fuel to the fire” of the conflict.

But the US and its allies accuse China of providing tacit support, with Xi and Chinese ministers meeting Russian counterparts scores of times since the full-scale invasion.

Chinese academics, meanwhile, are carefully studying Moscow’s response to sanctions for hints on how to cope in case Beijing and the west come into conflict over Taiwan.

Additional reporting by Joe Leahy in Beijing

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I fly twice a month for work. Here are 5 mistakes all travelers should avoid making.

  • I'm an adventure-travel writer and typically find myself at the airport at least twice a month.
  • Over the years, I've made many mistakes, both in the airport and on the plane .
  • Now, before heading to the airport , I always screenshot my boarding pass and pack lots of snacks.

Insider Today

As an adventure-travel writer, I typically find myself at the airport at least twice a month for work.

I've certainly made some mistakes along the way, but have developed some go-to travel hacks to ensure a smooth air-travel experience.

Here are five mistakes you should avoid making during your next trip.

Forgetting to screenshot your boarding pass

It's frustratingly common to step into the airport only to realize cell phone connectivity has disappeared, airport WiFi is nonexistent, and the airline app you've become dependent upon is unresponsive.

Once that crucial connectivity is lost, accessing a boarding pass becomes nearly impossible. That's why I now screenshot my boarding pass before heading to the airport. I've found this works well for me when all other options have disappeared.

Counting on in-flight food and beverage service

Catching a flight can be chaotic, and slowing down to grab a quick bite to eat in the airport can sometimes get deprioritized. However, in-flight snack and beverage service can't always be depended upon.

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I've often found myself counting down the minutes until the flight attendants come by with the service cart, just to find out there won't be any food or drink served on my flight. This can be due to anything from a short flight time to turbulence.

To avoid encountering this travel nightmare , I always bring a reusable water bottle and a stash of snacks with me to hold me over until my flight lands.

Not using the bathroom before boarding the plane

It's easy to get caught up in the boarding process and skip the last opportunity to stop at the bathroom before getting on the plane. However, the boarding process can be long and passengers often have to wait a while to safely use the restroom after the flight takes off.

As tempting as it is to get on board and claim a spot for my carry-on, I always take a few extra minutes to hit the terminal bathroom first.

Not hydrating while in flight

Many times, I've found myself not drinking water on a flight to avoid having to disturb those around me to use the bathroom. However, this often means I arrive at my destination dehydrated.

No one wants to be a nuisance, but most people understand that, no matter how long the flight, someone nearby will likely have to access the bathroom. At the end of the day, getting up to let someone out of the row is a minor inconvenience and an accepted part of air travel.

Leaving hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes at home

Ideally, airplane bathrooms should be thoroughly stocked with hand soap and sanitizer. However, this isn't always the case.

Rather than depending on the airline to help me stay germ-free, I always come prepared with my own hand sanitizer or wipes.

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