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passenaud tours nord

Passenaud Champagné

Centre de traitement RD 323 72470 Champagné

MPSE Champagné

Pompage assainissement RD 323 72470 Champagné


Centre de tri, transit et regroupement Rue de la Poterie 41170 Cormenon

Sosarec La Flèche

Centre de traitement Rue des frères Chappe 72200 La Flèche

Sosarec Sablé-sur-sarthe

Centre de tri, transit et regroupement Déchetterie professionnelle ZA Route de la Flèche 72300 Sablé sur Sarthe

Passenaud Laval

Centre de tri, transit et regroupement ZI des Touches Rue Jean-Baptiste Lafosse 53000 Laval

Passenaud Vitré

Centre de tri, transit et regroupement ZI de Plagué 35500 Vitré

Passenaud Courbépine

Centre de tri, transit et regroupement Les Loges 27300 Courbépine

Passenaud Lisieux

Centre de tri, transit et regroupement Rue de la Mutualité 14100 Hermival les Vaux

Passenaud Denis Notre Dame D'Oé

Centre de tri, transit et regroupement ZA Arche d'Oé Rue Willy Brandt 37390 Notre Dame D'Oé

Le Feuvrier Flers

Centre de tri, transit et regroupement 389 Rue Thimonnier 61100 Flers

Passenaud Henri Chacé

Centre de tri, transit et regroupement Rue du Docteur Weiss 49400 BELLEVIGNE-LES-CHATEAUX (Chacé)

Passenaud Henri Montreuil Bellay

Centre de tri, traitement et regroupement Rue des Nautiles 49260 Montreuil-Bellay

Passenaud Nogent Le Rotrou

Centre de tri, traitement et regroupement 13 rue de La Bruyère 28400 Nogent-Le-Rotrou

SONT ACCEPTÉS : Ferrailles massives, platinage, tôles, fonte, copeaux acier, machine à découper, VHU…

SONT REFUSÉS : Pneumatiques, déchets explosifs, bouteilles de gaz, fûts et bidons non rincés ni égouttés, contenants chimiques, matériels non dépollués, DEEE, magnésium, batteries, piles, déchets dangereux divers…

Coup de projecteur

Les ferrailles recyclées permettent d’alimenter les fours électriques des usines sidérurgiques.

Elles contribuent à la décarbonation de l’industrie car elles permettent de diviser par 4 la production de CO2 : ce qui n’est pas le cas des hauts fourneaux.


Bon à savoir, règlementation.

La prise en charge, la dépollution et le démantèlement des Véhicules Hors d’Usages doivent être réalisés par un Centre VHU agréé. Le Centre VHU et le Broyeur VHU doivent répondre aux exigences d’un cahier des charges spécifique fixant les conditions d’exploitation de l’installation et de traçabilité des VHU. Les Centres VHU et Broyeurs VHU doivent atteindre des taux de recyclage et de valorisation fixés au niveau européen : 85 % de recyclage et 95 % de Valorisation en masse de VHU. Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, les consommateurs doivent être informés de l’existence de pièces de rechange issues de l’économie circulaire lors de la réparation ou de l’entretien de leur véhicule. Ils peuvent opter pour l’utilisation de ces pièces d’occasion à la place de pièces neuves. Références réglementaires : • Loi AGEC du 10 février 2020 • Décret du 30 mai 2016 relatif à l'utilisation de pièces de rechange automobiles issues de l'économie circulaire • Décret du 24 novembre 2022 relatif à la REP VHU

Et après...


Denis Passenaud

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DENIS PASSENAUD SAS (400383352) Société active


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SIREN : 382675551

Occupe ce poste depuis le 07/01/2022


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SIREN : 508688017

Occupe ce poste depuis le 18/05/2017

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24/10/2023 - Comptes annuels et rapports clos le 31 mai 2023

29/06/2023 - Comptes annuels et rapports clos le 31 mai 2021


Modification survenue sur le capital (augmentation) Capital : 138 144,00 €

12/03/2023 - Fusion

Avis au Bodacc relatif au projet commun de fusion nationale. Société absorbante : DENIS PASSENAUD SAS Forme : Société par actions simplifiée Adresse du siège : Z I, 31 rue Baptiste Marcet 37100 Tours Capital : 127600.00 EUR Numéro unique...


Modification survenue sur l'administration Capital : 127 600,00 € Administration : Commissaire aux comptes partant : KPMG SA ; nomination du Commissaire aux comptes : COMPTAFRANCE

24/12/2021 - Comptes annuels et rapports clos le 31 mai 2020

08/10/2021 - Comptes annuels et rapports clos le 31 mai 2019

08/10/2021 - Comptes annuels et rapports clos le 31 mai 2018


Modification survenue sur l'administration Capital : 127 600,00 € Administration : Nomination du Commissaire aux comptes : KPMG SA ; Commissaire aux comptes titulaire partant : "ROUXEL-BRIERE-AGEFEX" PAR ABREVIATION "R.B.A." - Société à responsabilité limitée ; Commissaire aux comptes suppléant partant : Davonneau, Eric


Modification survenue sur le capital (augmentation) et l'activité de l'établissement principal Capital : 127 600,00 €

11/07/2018 - Comptes annuels et rapports clos le 30 septembre 2017

30/04/2018 - Fusion



Modification survenue sur l'administration Capital : 88 000,00 € Administration : Président partant : Passenaud, Denis Marcel Henri, nomination du Président : RECYCLING INVEST

11/05/2017 - Comptes annuels et rapports clos le 30 septembre 2016


Siret : 40038335200012 - SIÈGE

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Décision(s) de l'associé unique : Fusion absorption de la société DS ENVIRONNEMENT 440 908 135 RCS TOURS / Décision(s) de l'associé unique : Augmentation du capital social / Décision(s) de l'associé unique : Modification(s) statutaire(s) / Déclaration de conformité / Décision(s) de l'associé unique : Changement relatif à l'objet social / Statuts mis à jour


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Décision(s) de l'associé unique : Changement de président / Décision(s) de l'associé unique : Modification(s) statutaire(s) / Statuts mis à jour

Procès-verbal d'assemblée générale : Modification(s) relative(s) au(x) commissaire(s) aux comptes

Rapport du commissaire aux comptes relatif à la transformation / Statuts mis à jour / Procès-verbal d'assemblée générale : Changement de forme juridique

Procès-verbal d'assemblée générale : Augmentation du capital social / Statuts mis à jour

Ordonnance du président : Nomination de commissaire aux apports

Statuts constitutifs : Formation de société commerciale / Attestation bancaire / Procès-verbal du conseil d'administration : Nomination de président

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Situation géographique


37000 TOURS

La société DENIS PASSENAUD SAS, SAS, société par actions simplifiée, au capital de 138 144,00 €, exerce son activité depuis 29 ans à TOURS (37000), département Indre-et-Loire, région Centre-Val de Loire. La société est rattachée au greffe de Tours et évolue dans le secteur d'activité suivant : Collecte traitement élimination des déchets récupération. Son code NAF ou APE est : Récupération de déchets triés. Son activité principale est : Exploitation directe ou indirecte de tous fonds d'entreprise de collecte, tri, recyclage, ventes de tous matériaux, traitement, transformation de déchets, activité de destruction ou démolition industrielle. Elle dépend de la convention collective : Convention collective nationale des industries et du commerce de la récupération (recyclage, régions Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Picardie) (0637). 1 dirigeant occupe ou a occupé un poste important au sein de la société DENIS PASSENAUD SAS. 15 évènements concernant la vie de la société DENIS PASSENAUD SAS sont disponibles. 12 documents et 27 comptes peuvent être téléchargés gratuitement. Lors de son dernier exercice publié, DENIS PASSENAUD SAS a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 10 415 531 € (croissance de 44%) pour un résultat net de 541 255 € (croissance de 187%). La société DENIS PASSENAUD SAS n’est pas signataire de la charte RUBYPAYEUR. À ce jour, DENIS PASSENAUD SAS n’a pas reçu d'avis concernant ses pratiques de paiement et n’a pas de retard de paiement signalé par les membres RUBYPAYEUR. La notation de la société DENIS PASSENAUD SAS est disponible pour les abonnés RUBYPAYEUR.

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Jackie PASSENAUD Ostéopathe

zoom mains.jpg

vous souhaite la bienvenue

Ostéopathe d.o. diplômée de l'institut dauphine d'ostéopathie (ido - paris v), école agréée par le ministère de la santé..

 Grâce à une formation complète et structurée en 5 ans, je pratique l’ostéopathie avec plusieurs approches : structurelle (dont le « thrust »), viscérale, crânio-sacrée et fasciale.

Formée au sein de la maternité des Bluets (Hôpital Trousseau, Paris 12), je prends en charge les femmes enceintes ainsi que les nouveaux nés.

La réalisation de mon mémoire de fin d’études sur la création d’un protocole ostéopathique pour améliorer la récupération après un AVC m’a offert l’opportunité de travailler dans le service de Médecine Physique et Réadaptation de la Pitié Salpêtrière (Paris 13), et également de me former à la prise en charge neurologique en Urgences Neuro-Vasculaires à la Fondation Rothschild (Paris 19). Dans le cadre de mes recherches j'ai validé un Master en anatomie neurologique par correspondance avec Hong-Kong-University.

Après de nombreux stages sportifs et un Diplôme-Universitaire "Sport et Santé" à Paris Descartes, c’est avec la plus grande attention que je prends également en charge les sportifs.

Lun-Sam : 8h30 - 20h30

passenaud tours nord

  • Countries/Regions
  • Passenaud, Tours

How to get to Passenaud in Tours by Bus or Light Rail?

See passenaud, tours, on the map.

Passenaud map

Directions to Passenaud (Tours) with public transportation

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Passenaud

How to get to Passenaud by Bus?

Click on the Bus route to see step by step directions with maps, line arrival times and updated time schedules.

From Maryse Bastié, Tours

From escem, tours, from tchip coiffure, joué-lès-tours, from site fromont, tours, from sainte marguerite, chambray-lès-tours, from rue victor hugo, tours, from gadawi park, joué-lès-tours, from lycée saint marguerite, chambray-lès-tours, from gifi, chambray-lès-tours, from l'heure tranquille, tours, bus stations near passenaud in tours.

  • Za D'Oé, 12 min walk, VIEW
  • Petite Arche, 13 min walk, VIEW

Light Rail stations near Passenaud in Tours

  • Vaucanson, 46 min walk, VIEW

Bus lines to Passenaud in Tours

  • 56, Vaucanson, VIEW
  • 12, Petite Arche - Porte de Loire, VIEW
  • 18, Tranchée - Petite Arche, VIEW

What are the closest stations to Passenaud?

The closest stations to Passenaud are:

  • Za D'Oé is 895 meters away, 12 min walk.
  • Petite Arche is 987 meters away, 13 min walk.
  • Vaucanson is 3616 meters away, 46 min walk.

Which Bus lines stop near Passenaud?

These Bus lines stop near Passenaud:  17 , 2

What’s the nearest bus stop to Passenaud in Tours?

The nearest bus stop to Passenaud in Tours is Za D'Oé. It’s a 12 min walk away.

What time is the first Light Rail to Passenaud in Tours?

The A is the first Light Rail that goes to Passenaud in Tours. It stops nearby at 4:36 AM.

What time is the last Light Rail to Passenaud in Tours?

The A is the last Light Rail that goes to Passenaud in Tours. It stops nearby at 1:16 AM.

What time is the first Bus to Passenaud in Tours?

The 2 is the first Bus that goes to Passenaud in Tours. It stops nearby at 5:00 AM.

What time is the last Bus to Passenaud in Tours?

The 2 is the last Bus that goes to Passenaud in Tours. It stops nearby at 12:29 AM.

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Public Transit to Passenaud in Tours

Wondering how to get to Passenaud in Tours, France? Moovit helps you find the best way to get to Passenaud with step-by-step directions from the nearest public transit station.

Moovit provides free maps and live directions to help you navigate through your city. View schedules, routes, timetables, and find out how long does it take to get to Passenaud in real time.

Looking for the nearest stop or station to Passenaud? Check out this list of stops closest to your destination: Za D'Oé; Petite Arche; Vaucanson.

Want to see if there’s another route that gets you there at an earlier time? Moovit helps you find alternative routes or times. Get directions from and directions to Passenaud easily from the Moovit App or Website.

We make riding to Passenaud easy, which is why over 1.5 million users, including users in Tours, trust Moovit as the best app for public transit. You don’t need to download an individual bus app or train app, Moovit is your all-in-one transit app that helps you find the best bus time or train time available.

For information on prices of Bus and Light Rail, costs and ride fares to Passenaud, please check the Moovit app.

Use the app to navigate to popular places including to the airport, hospital, stadium, grocery store, mall, coffee shop, school, college, and university.

Passenaud Address: 31 Rue Baptiste Marcet 37100 Tours street in Tours

Attractions near Passenaud

  • Delpy Chromelec
  • Sarl Thomas
  • Thomas Dépannage
  • G M 3 Bourges
  • A.P.F Entreprises Tours
  • Atelier Protege J. Belle
  • Solary Immobilier
  • Corentin Tardif
  • 31 Rue Baptiste Marcet
  • Estrade Caroline

How to get to popular attractions in Tours with public transit

  • Jardinerie Truffaut Tours , Chambray-Lès-Tours
  • Les 2 Lions , Tours
  • Greta , Tours
  • BU Médecine , Tours
  • arret IUT , Tours
  • Bus Saint Avertin Centre , Saint-Avertin
  • Site Fromont , Tours
  • Maryse Bastié , Tours
  • Residence Europa , Tours
  • Centre Commercial Les Atlantes , Tours
  • La Nef , Tours
  • Rue Vedrines , Tours
  • IAE de Tours , Tours
  • Rue du Cluzel , Tours
  • Gymnase Grandmont , Tours
  • Université De Tours - Site Des Tanneurs , Tours
  • Notre Dame D'oe , Notre-Dame-D'Oé
  • amphi rabelais , Tours
  • Ikea , Tours
  • Antée Formation , Joué-Lès-Tours

Public transit lines with stations closest to Passenaud in Tours

Bus lines with stations closest to passenaud in tours, za d'oé, petite arche.

Transit icon

  • Preplanned tours
  • Daytrips out of Moscow
  • Themed tours
  • Customized tours
  • St. Petersburg

Theatres in Moscow

Cultural life of Moscow city is various and rich! Operas, ballets, symphonic concerts... Russian composers have created some of the most beautiful classical music. Russian classical music is very popular in Moscow. It is performed in many beautiful historical venues. Do not forget to include a visit to a concert hall in your itinerary when you are planning your stay in Moscow! And do it in advance.

There are almost no restrictions on dress code in Russian theatres. Visitors may wear jeans and sports shoes, they may have a backpack with them. Only shorts are not allowed.

A typical feature of Russian theatre – visitors are bringing a lot of flowers which they present to their favorite performers after the show.

Here are some practical advices where to go and how to buy tickets.

The Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre is the oldest, the most famous and popular opera and ballet theatre in Russia. The word “Bolshoi” means “big” in Russian. You can buy a ticket online in advance, 2-3 months before the date of performance on the official website . Prices for famous ballets are high: 6-8 thousand rubles for a seat in stalls. Tickets to operas are cheaper: you can get a good seat for 4-5 thousand rubles. Tickets are cheaper for daytime performances and performances on the New Stage. The New Stage is situated in the light-green building to the left of the Bolshoi's main building. The quality of operas and ballets shown on the New Stage is excellent too. However, you should pay attention that many seats of the Bolshoi’s Old and New Stages have limited visibility . If you want to see the Bolshoi’s Old Stage but all tickets are sold out, you can order a tour of the theatre. You can book such a tour on the official website.

If you want, following Russian tradition, to give flowers to the performers at the end of the show, in the Bolshoi flowers should be presented via special staff who collects these flowers in advance.

In August the Bolshoi is closed.

The Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Music Theatre

This theatre is noteworthy. On one hand, it offers brilliant classical opera and ballet performances. On the other hand, it is an experimental venue for modern artists. You can check the program and buy tickets online here . If you are opera lover, get a ticket to see superstar Hibla Gerzmava . The theatre has a very beautiful historic building and a stage with a good view from every seat. Tickets are twice cheaper than in the Bolshoi.

The Novaya Opera

“Novaya” means “New” in Russian. This opera house was founded in 1991 by a famous conductor Eugene Kolobov. Its repertoire has several directions: Russian and Western classics, original shows and divertissements, and operas of the 20th and 21st centuries. It is very popular with Muscovites for excellent quality of performances, a comfortable hall, a beautiful Art Nouveau building and a historic park Hermitage, which is situated right next to it. You can buy tickets online here .

Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center

The Opera Center has become one of the best theatrical venues in Moscow. It was founded in 2002 by great diva Galina Vishnevskaya. Nowadays its artistic director is Olga Rostropovich, daughter of Galina Vishnevskaya and her husband Mstislav Rostropovich, great cellist and conductor. Not only best young opera singers perform here, but also world music stars do; chamber and symphonic concerts, theatrical productions and musical festivals take place here. You can see what is on the program here . Unfortunately “booking tickets online” is available in Russian only. If you need help, you can contact us at and we can book a ticket for you. 

Tchaikovsky Concert Hall and The Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory

These are two major concert halls for symphonic music in Moscow. Both feature excellent acoustics, impressive interior, various repertoire and best performers. You can check the program here . You need just to switch to English. Booking tickets online is available only for owners of Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian phone numbers. If you need help, you can contact us and we can book a ticket for you. 

Moscow International Performing Arts Center (MIPAC)

This modern and elegant concert hall houses performances of national and foreign symphony orchestras, chamber ensembles, solo instrumentalists, opera singers, ballet dancers, theatre companies, jazz bands, variety and traditional ensembles. Actually, it has three concert halls placed on three different levels and having separate entrances. The President of MIPAC is People’s Artist of the USSR Vladimir Spivakov, conductor of “Virtuosy Moskvy” orchestra. You can see pictures of the concert halls here . The program is impressive in its variety but is not translated into English. You can contact us at and we can find a performance for you.

Denis Passenaud (SA) Tours nord

37100 tours nord, déchets fers et métaux (récupération, recyclage, valorisation).

* 2,99 €/appel. Ce numéro valable 10 minutes n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d'un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Ce service édité par Pourquoi ce numero ?

Horaires d'ouverture Denis Passenaud (SA)

Informations sur déchets fers et métaux (récupération, recyclage, valorisation) denis passenaud (sa).

Soviet Tour in Moscow

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  • Explore a massive Soviet Park VDNKh (or VVC);
  • Experience this special feeling of the good old Soviet times & dark and gloomy Cold War era;
  • Get to the highest spot in Moscow city and one of the deepest metro in the world;
  • Find out the rough truth about the insane 900-day siege of Leningrad (present St Petersburg);
  • Take in the Triumphal Arch;
  • Capture an extraordinary sculpture-memorial to the Holocaust;
  • Join a guided Bunker-42, Cold War Museum tour (optional, not included in the price).
  • See a harmony trio: an orthodox church, a synagogue and a mosque all in one park.

Tour Itinerary

With the 1000-year history, Russia has had a rich portfolio of conflicts, battles, wars. On this Soviet tour, we'll talk about various wars that happened in Russia, focusing on WWII.

Mother Russia has undergone a lot in its long life. Since ancient times, Russian rulers have taken nearly all political power into their own hands. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian oppositional movement was deadly set for the total destruction of the ever-lasting tsarist regime. All of Russia got involved in the bloody revolution of 1917 in an effort to abolish the current state of the government and gain freedom for the ordinary people.

You will learn about the every-day life of the Soviet people during the bloody Second World War with the Nazis, including the legendary Battle for Moscow, the 900-day siege of Leningrad, the hardships that local citizens went through, the consequences of the war and the scars it left on the Soviet people, as well as why the Cold War happened and what was the fundamental reason.

Our mission on the Soviet Russia tour is to find out

  • - How much this 1917 revolution cost the people;
  • - Whether they actually got the freedom they wanted and was it worth it;
  • - What happened over the next 74 years;
  • - Who were the main political communist leaders of the Soviet Union;
  • - Were Russians happy and satisfied with the Soviet Union?

Our tour itinerary will lie in most Soviet areas of Moscow, which are quite spread throughout the city, as very few of them are left. You can choose how much you are ready to live this Soviet life on a 5, 7 or 10-hour tour. Depending on the duration of the tour, you will see part or all of the places below:

If you want to extend the tour, you are welcome to do so by paying $20/extra hour in cash on the tour.

Time stands still in Red Square. The Red Square is the heart of Moscow (and whole Russia). Saint Basil's Cathedral will make your mouth drop. If it is from May-October, have a cocktail on the outside terrace and simply people watch! The massive square offers so much to enjoy.

Lenin's Mausoleum

The burial place of one of the most influential communist leaders in the world.

Revolution Square Metro Station

Rub the Soviet dog's nose for good luck and admire the 76 bronze sculptures, devoted to the passionate, strong-willed and patriotic Soviet people.

Poklonnaya Hill

The highest point in Moscow, where Napoleon waited for keys of the city.

All-Russian Exhibition Center (VVC)

With its giant arch, amazing fountain, and huge pavilions of different Soviet Republics.

Victory Park Metro Station

The deepest undeground station in Moscow and one of the deepest in the world.

Victory Park

For an open-air museum as big as 135 ha (1 350 000 square meters), Victory park sure doens't lack diversity. The park is dedicated to the Russian victory in WWII, and was laid out in 1995 in commemoration of 50-year anniversary of victory.

Stalin had planned for its construction already in 1941, being sure of victory from the very start of the war.

Greeting Hill

The highest points in Moscow (172 meters), where Napoleon waited for keys of Moscow in vain.

Triumphal Arch

Stunning monument consisting of 12 cast-iron columns, each 12 meters high, and weighing 16 tons. Built to mark Russia's victory over Napoleon in 1812.

Museum of the Great Patriotic War

In the city that is as much about wars as it is about victories, there is one essential stopover - the Museum of the Great Patriotic War (that's what WWII is called in Russia). Must-do for those wishing to understand Russia's past and look at the whole war from the different perspective - Russian.

The museum is not for the faint-hearted. Here you can see films about the partisan experience, the scenes that will haunt you forever (no subtitles, but they are not necessary).

Museum of Contemporary History (from outside only)

We'll have a glance at Russian life of the XX century in the  Museum of Contemporary History , which houses bits of everything from Russian history of XXth century: from English club to a storage of Stalin's presents.

Memorial to the Holocaust,

devastating and breath-taking!

Unleash your inner spy. Highly recommended  Bunker-42 ,  Cold War Museum , explore the place where Khrushchev lived during the Cuban Crisis. Go down 18 floors to a gigantic bunker under Moscow that was designed to withstand a nuclear attack. Watch a short film about the severity of the Cold War. If you lived through the Cold War, you will hardly believe it is possible that you are in Bunker 42!

Wander through  Sparrow Hills  and climb up to the highest observation deck of Moscow with stunning views of all seven Stalin’s skyscrapers, including  Moscow State University . After that, experience the excitement of taking a  river cruise  on the Moscow river and catch the views of the Kremlin and Soviet times.​

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow.
  • + Private & customized Moscow tour.
  • + An exciting tour, not just boring history lessons.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Flexibility during the tour: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences.
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels.
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow.

*This WW2 and Cold War tour can be modified to meet your preferences.

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Cass'Auto Louis Hornn

Cette fiche présente "Cass'Auto Louis Hornn", casse située route de savonnières , 37200 Tours.

18 Route de Savonnières 37200 Tours

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  • Numéro d'agrément PR 37 00026 D
  • Valide du 12/04/2017 au 01/01/2050

Note : 3,5 étoiles sur 5 - 92 avis du web Une personne recommande cette casse. Je recommande

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Plan de Cass'Auto Louis Hornn, 18 Route de Savonnières, 37200 Tours

Cass'Auto Louis Hornn 18 Route de Savonnières 37200 Tours

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Casses à proximité

  • Menut Recyclage Saint-Pierre-des-Corps 7 km Fermée, ouvre demain à 08h
  • Autos Négoce Voitures Accidentées ANVA pièces auto TOURS Saint-Avertin 5 km Fermée, ouvre lundi à 08h00
  • Zigler Guersan Saint-Pierre-des-Corps 6 km Fermée, ouvre demain à 11h
  • Denis Passenaud Rue Baptiste Marcet 7 km Fermée, ouvre lundi à 08h00

Retrouvez cette page "Cass'Auto Louis Hornn Route de Savonnières" en partant des liens : casse Centre-Val de Loire , casse 37 , casse Tours .


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  6. DENIS PASSENAUD SAS Company Profile

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  7. Société DENIS PASSENAUD SAS à TOURS (Chiffre d'affaires, bilans

    DENIS PASSENAUD SAS, Société par action simplifiées au capital de 88 000€, a débuté son activité en octobre 1994. RECYCLING INVEST est président de la société DENIS PASSENAUD SAS. Le siège social de cette entreprise est actuellement situé 31 rue Baptiste Marcet - 37100 Tours DENIS PASSENAUD SAS évolue sur le secteur d'activité : Collecte, traitement et élimination des déchets ...

  8. Contactez Denis Passenaud (SA) à Tours nord 57005

    Contactez Denis Passenaud (SA) à Tours nord par email, téléphone ou fax. Pour tous renseignements sur notre activité Déchets fers et métaux (récupération, recyclage, valorisation) (37100) 57005. Créer Mon Site - Connexion. Denis Passenaud (SA) 31 r Baptiste Marcet ZI 37100 Tours nord. Afficher le téléphone * Accueil. Horaires.

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  12. DENIS PASSENAUD SAS (400383352)

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  13. Ostéopathe

    Cabinet d'ostéopathie Jackie PASSENAUD, ostéopathe Tours. top of page. [email protected]. 06 37 09 61 57. Jackie PASSENAUD Ostéopathe. Accueil. Spécialités. Contact. Honoraires. Plus. Prendre RDV. Jackie PASSENAUD Ostéopathe vous souhaite la bienvenue. Contactez-moi ...

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  15. Theatres in Moscow

    Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center. The Opera Center has become one of the best theatrical venues in Moscow. It was founded in 2002 by great diva Galina Vishnevskaya. Nowadays its artistic director is Olga Rostropovich, daughter of Galina Vishnevskaya and her husband Mstislav Rostropovich, great cellist and conductor.

  16. Site de Denis Passenaud (SA) à Tours nord 37100 57005

    Les informations sur l'entreprise Denis Passenaud (SA) sont extraits d'une recherche sur Google. Localisée dans la charmante ville de Tours nord, à l'adresse 31 r Baptiste Marcet ZI, code postal 37100.Spécialisée dans le domaine de Déchets fers et métaux (récupération, recyclage, valorisation), elle constitue une référence incontournable dans son secteur d'activité.

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    Find out the rough truth about the insane 900-day siege of Leningrad (present St Petersburg); Take in the Triumphal Arch; Capture an extraordinary sculpture-memorial to the Holocaust; Join a guided Bunker-42, Cold War Museum tour (optional, not included in the price). See a harmony trio: an orthodox church, a synagogue and a mosque all in one park.

  18. Cass'Auto Louis Hornn

    Cette fiche présente "Cass'Auto Louis Hornn", casse située route de savonnières, 37200 Tours. 18 Route de Savonnières. 37200 Tours. 📞 Appeler cette casse. Casse - Fermée, ouvre demain à 09h. Services : centre VHU, collecte de pneus. Centre VHU agréé (démolisseur) : Numéro d'agrément PR 37 00026 D. Valide du 12/04/2017 au 01/01/2050.

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