la tour eiffel age

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Eiffel Tower

By: Editors

Updated: June 7, 2019 | Original: June 13, 2011

PARIS, FRANCE - MARCH 31: The Eiffel Tower is seen before the lights are switched off for Earth Hour 2012, on March 31, 2012 in Paris, France. According to organisers the biggest ever Earth Hour has participants including individuals, companies and landmarks in 147 countries and over 5,000 cities, agreeing to switch off their lights for one hour at 8:30pm. The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Big Ben Clock Tower in London, the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro and the Empire State Building in New York are among the monuments whose operators have agreed to participate in the demonstration. (Photo by Antoine Antoniol/Getty Images)

When Gustave Eiffel’s company built Paris’ most recognizable monument for the 1889 World’s Fair, many regarded the massive iron structure with skepticism. Today, the Eiffel Tower, which continues to serve an important role in television and radio broadcasts, is considered an architectural wonder and attracts more visitors than any other paid tourist attraction in the world.

Designing and Building the Eiffel Tower

In 1889, Paris hosted an Exposition Universelle (World’s Fair) to mark the 100-year anniversary of the French Revolution . More than 100 artists submitted competing plans for a monument to be built on the Champ-de-Mars, located in central Paris, and serve as the exposition’s entrance. The commission was granted to Eiffel et Compagnie, a consulting and construction firm owned by the acclaimed bridge builder, architect and metals expert Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel. While Eiffel himself often receives full credit for the monument that bears his name, it was one of his employees—a structural engineer named Maurice Koechlin—who came up with and fine-tuned the concept. Several years earlier, the pair had collaborated on the Statue of Liberty’s metal armature.

Did you know? The base pillars of the Eiffel Tower are oriented with the four points of the compass.

Eiffel reportedly rejected Koechlin’s original plan for the tower, instructing him to add more ornate flourishes. The final design called for more than 18,000 pieces of puddle iron, a type of wrought iron used in construction, and 2.5 million rivets. Several hundred workers spent two years assembling the framework of the iconic lattice tower, which at its inauguration in March 1889 stood nearly 1,000 feet high and was the tallest structure in the world—a distinction it held until the completion of New York City’s Chrysler Building in 1930. (In 1957, an antenna was added that increased the structure’s height by 65 feet, making it taller than the Chrysler Building but not the Empire State Building, which had surpassed its neighbor in 1931.) Initially, only the Eiffel Tower’s second-floor platform was open to the public; later, all three levels, two of which now feature restaurants, would be reachable by stairway or one of eight elevators.

Millions of visitors during and after the World’s Fair marveled at Paris’ newly erected architectural wonder. Not all of the city’s inhabitants were as enthusiastic, however: Many Parisians either feared it was structurally unsound or considered it an eyesore. The novelist Guy de Maupassant, for example, allegedly hated the tower so much that he often ate lunch in the restaurant at its base, the only vantage point from which he could completely avoid glimpsing its looming silhouette.

The Eiffel Tower Becomes a Permanent Feature of the Paris Skyline

Originally intended as a temporary exhibit, the Eiffel Tower was almost torn down and scrapped in 1909. City officials opted to save it after recognizing its value as a radiotelegraph station. Several years later, during World War I , the Eiffel Tower intercepted enemy radio communications, relayed zeppelin alerts and was used to dispatch emergency troop reinforcements. It escaped destruction a second time during World War II : Hitler initially ordered the demolition of the city’s most cherished symbol, but the command was never carried out. Also during the German occupation of Paris, French resistance fighters famously cut the Eiffel Tower’s elevator cables so that the Nazis had to climb the stairs.

Over the years, the Eiffel Tower has been the site of numerous high-profile stunts, ceremonial events and even scientific experiments. In 1911, for instance, the German physicist Theodor Wulf used an electrometer to detect higher levels of radiation at its top than at its base, observing the effects of what are now called cosmic rays. The Eiffel Tower has also inspired more than 30 replicas and similar structures in various cities around the world.

Now one of the most recognizable structures on the planet, the Eiffel Tower underwent a major facelift in 1986 and is repainted every seven years. It welcomes more visitors than any other paid monument in the world—an estimated 7 million people per year. Some 500 employees are responsible for its daily operations, working in its restaurants, manning its elevators, ensuring its security and directing the eager crowds flocking the tower’s platforms to enjoy panoramic views of the City of Lights.

la tour eiffel age

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12 Interesting Facts and Secrets About the Eiffel Tower

Explore the history, science, and secrets of Paris' most famous landmark.

la tour eiffel age

The Eiffel Tower — or, la Tour Eiffel — has long been one of the world's most recognizable landmarks, symbolizing the romance and ingenuity of the City of Light . 

Designed as the centerpiece of the 1889 World's Fair, the Tower was meant to commemorate the centennial of the French Revolution and to show off France's modern industrial prowess on a world stage. 

And that it did. The tower's construction, finished after two years, two months, and five days, was considered a marvel of precision and speed. Gustave Eiffel's civil engineering firm used 7,300 tons of iron and 2.5 million rivets , and the result stood triumphant over the Champs de Mars, receiving more than two million visitors during the fair. 

The Tower’s now-famous silhouette has been  emulated around the world  in places like Las Vegas, Prague, Tianducheng, China, and, of course, Paris, Texas. The design wasn’t without its detractors , however — a "Protest against the Tower of Monsieur Eiffel,” signed by the likes of Guy de Maupassant, Alexandre Dumas fils , and other well-known artists, was published in the newspaper Le Temps before the project’s completion. The letter argued that the tower would be “a gigantic black factory chimney, its barbarous mass overwhelming and humiliating all our monuments and belittling our works of architecture, which will just disappear before this stupefying folly.”

In defiance of such protests, the Eiffel Tower did see the light of day and has stood the test of time. It remains one of the most visited monuments in the world, welcoming almost seven million visitors a year and more than 300 million people since its debut. It has changed over the years, with the addition of lighting, fresh coats of paint, and numerous installations that have come and gone. 

And there’s still more to this landmark than meets the eye. Despite the incredible number of people who have visited since it opened, La Dame de Fer still has a few secrets to share.  

There’s a penthouse apartment at the top.

Gustave Eiffel reserved the uppermost level of the tower for himself, where he hosted famous guests like Thomas Edison in a private apartment that he designed. The space has since been transformed into a recreation of Eiffel's office, complete with wax figures of himself, his daughter, and Edison, and it's open for the public to tour.

Gustave Eiffel didn’t design the tower.

While the tower is named for Eiffel, it was actually Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nouguier — two engineers who worked for his company — who designed the structure. They also commissioned French architect Stephen Sauvestre to work on the appearance of the project in order to quell public concerns about the harsh, utilitarian nature of the original design. They ultimately beat out more than 100 other projects in a contest to choose the main attraction of the World's Fair.  

The Eiffel Tower was supposed to be torn down after 20 years.

The tower was built with the intent of showing off France's industrial prowess during the World's Fair, but the plan was to tear it down after 20 years. However, Eiffel cleverly put a radio antenna and wireless telegraph transmitter in the tower. After proving radio’s usefulness to the government in 1910, Eiffel was granted a 70-year extension to his lease. By 1980, of course, the tower had become an indelible symbol of both Paris and France, and it was in no danger of demolition.

The Eiffel Tower was almost destroyed during World War II.

In August 1944, as the Nazis were losing control of occupied Paris, Adolf Hitler commanded his generals to level the city. Plans were drawn up to mine the Eiffel Tower with explosives. Thankfully, Allied troops swooped in before the order could be carried out. Subsequent air raids over Paris caused significant damage, but the Eiffel Tower survived the war intact.

The Eiffel Tower is a cousin of sorts to the Statue of Liberty.

As sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi was designing “Liberty Enlightening the World”, he called upon his mentor, Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, to design the statue’s internal framework. After Viollet-le-Duc died in 1879, Bartholdi turned to Eiffel and Koechlin. They proved their iron expertise with Lady Liberty before moving on to the Iron Lady.

The Eiffel Tower has been home to both a post office and a theater. 

The tower has been home to several businesses throughout the years, many of which are now gone. These include the newspaper “Le Figaro”, which had an office on the second floor for six months during the 1889 World's Fair, a post office tucked into the first floor, and a wooden theater on the first floor designed by Sauvestre. 

Gim42/Getty Images

The Eiffel Tower doubled as a scientific laboratory.

Eiffel, an avid scientist, housed a meteorology lab on the tower's third floor. He was known to perform studies in physics and aerodynamics there, even building a wind tunnel at the foot of the structure. Eiffel opened the doors of the laboratory for other scientists to use for their experiments as well.

The Eiffel Tower moves.

The massive iron structure is wind resistant and will sway during a storm. Wind isn't the only thing that can make the enormous tower move, though — the heat of the sun causes the iron to expand , making the Tower grow a few centimeters during the summer months. The tower will also lean an average of six inches away from the sun, as the one side facing the direct light heats up faster than the other three sides.

The Eiffel Tower is covered in the names of scientists.

The names of French scientists and engineers working in the 19th century were not forgotten by history — not only are they attached to several Parisian streets, but 72 of them are also engraved on the Eiffel Tower. The tributes were painted over in the early 20th century, but thanks to a restoration effort in the late 1980s, they are once again visible. Eagle-eyed visitors can see names like Foucault, Dumas, and Perrier cut into the iron surrounding the tower's first floor.

It takes a lot of work to keep the Eiffel Tower looking good.

Every seven years, workers apply around 60 tons of paint to the tower. This not only keeps La Dame de Fer looking good, but it also helps keep the iron from rusting.

The Eiffel Tower’s sparkling lights are copyrighted art. 

The Tower’s first light show coincided with the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts in 1925. Automaker Andre Citröen financed a 200,000-bulb show that featured a shower of stars, alternating Zodiac symbols, comets, and (naturally) his car brand’s name at the finale. Another show, featuring 336 yellow-orange spotlights, came sixty years later , but the now-famous sparkling light show, consisting of 20,000 bulbs, first lit up the night sky New Year’s Eve 1999 to ring in the new millennium. While the Tower itself is in the public domain , its illumination is protected by copyright under French law . However, don’t call your lawyer just yet — this only applies to pictures taken for professional use. You’re free to share any personal pictures of the Eiffel Tower and its lights as you please.  

There’s a Champagne bar at the top.

If you're brave enough to climb the stairs to the top of the tower, reward yourself with a glass of Champagne from the Champagne Bar . There's nothing like a glass of bubbly with a spectacular view.

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Monuments Historiques #4: La Tour Eiffel

A photo of the Eiffel Tower at night, with its lights reflected in the Seine.

Library Assistant

Amy grew up in a small rural town in Washington and left home to study French and English literature at Southern Oregon University. This led her to La Ferté-sous-Jouarre to teach high school students English through the TAPIF program. From there, she travelled back to the states and received her Masters of Library and Information Science and Children’s Literature at Simmons University. In her spare time, she practices latte art and watches Danny Phantom.

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The Eiffel Tower in 1900

Eiffel tower.

In 1900, when the Eiffel Tower celebrated its 11th anniversary, it was no longer really a novelty. But the World's Fair held in Paris that year provided the perfect opportunity to modernise the monument, and make it the City of Light’s main attraction once again.

Opened on 14 April 1900 by French President Emile Loubet, the 1900 World's Fair spread over 216 hectares and welcomed more than 50 million visitors over 212 days.

The Fair bequeathed several buildings to Paris, the most iconic undoubtedly being the Petit Palais and the Grand Palais.

The 1900 World's Fair was an opportunity to revitalise the Eiffel Tower's declining appeal.

Projet de Stephen Sauvestre d'aménagement de la Tour Eiffel pour l'exposition de 1900 - Collection tour Eiffel by Collection tour Eiffel - SETE Eiffel Tower

Several plans for modifying the monument were suggested. One of the more daring was put forward by Stephen Sauvestre, an architect who had taken part in building the Tower.

His idea was to add two lateral towers to the monument, so that extra elevators to the second floor could be installed.

Although none of the plans devised for the World's Fair came to anything, the Eiffel Tower still underwent numerous improvements. The Tower notably capitalised on the period's technological advances to move into the modern era.

On the first floor, the internal passageway was widened by pushing back the building façades, which took on a brighter, more cheerful look. Four restaurants (Russian French, English and Dutch) were set up.  

The second floor platform was enlarged with an external gallery.

Illuminations de la tour Eiffel en 1900 - Copyright SETE by Copyright SETE Eiffel Tower

The 1900 World's Fair also marked the advent of 'the magic of electricity'.

The 10,000 gas lamps providing light up till then were replaced by 5,000 electric light bulbs.

But the greatest modernisation work carried out on the monument involved the complete overhaul of the elevators servicing the Eiffel Tower's first and second floors.

In June 1889, five hydraulic elevators were installed for the use of visitors. 

They were a formidable feat of technical engineering for the period, as never before had engineers tackled such heights, or such loads. From the time they were brought into service, these elevators enabled hundreds of thousands of visitors to safely ascend to a great height and gaze out over the entire city of Paris.

L'ascenseur système Fives-Lille montant les visiteurs du sol au 2e étage by © Collection tour Eiffel Eiffel Tower

But as they were based on a technology still in its infancy, Gustave Eiffel modernised the elevators for the 1900 World's Fair.

The Roux-Combaluzier elevators were replaced by two hydraulic press elevators built by Fives-Lille. Each consisted of two cabins with a 50-person capacity.

The elevators, vital components of the monument, were put under severe strain. Their annual journeys combined equalled two and half trips around the world – more than 103,000 kilometres. 

Today, a testament to the extraordinary technical engineering of the period, two of the elevators are still operating with the hydraulic technology of 1900, in the Eiffel Tower's East and West Pillars.

Créateur—Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel

The birth of the Eiffel tower

The eiffel tower's inauguration and first visitors, the construction of the eiffel tower.

  • The Eiffel Tower

Official Eiffel Tower Ticket Office

  Official Eiffel Tower Ticket Office

la tour eiffel age

The Eiffel Tower will be open during the Olympic Games except on July 26. Exceptionally, tickets for visits from June 17 will go on sale later than usual (instead of 60 days before the day of the visit). No tickets for this summer (including during the Olympic Games) are currently on sale, so do not buy tickets from websites promoting such offers. Keep an eye on our official online ticket office.

  • Contact information

When do you want to visit the Eiffel Tower?

How many tickets do you need.

Young (12-24 years)

Children (4-11 years old)

Small children (younger than 4 years old)

Disabled individuals

RSA (earned income supplement) recipients

An order may include a maximum of 9 tickets

An order may only contain a maximum of 5 children’s tickets (4 years or younger)

An order may only contain a maximum of 2 RSA (earned income supplement) tickets

An order containing only children’s tickets (-4 years old and 4-11 years old) is not permitted.

“Adult”: Normal rate for adults 25 years old and over.

“Youth (12-24 years old)”: Rate for youth between 12 and 24 years old. Proof of age required.

“Children” (4-11 years old)”: Rate for children between 4-11 years old. Proof of age required. Mandatory purchase of an adult or youth ticket.

“Small children (younger than 4 years old)”: Free for children younger than 4 years old. Ticket and proof of age required. There is no left luggage office available, in particular for strollers.

“RSA (earned income supplement) recipients”: Rate applied to French RSA (earned income supplement) recipients only, available at the Tower's ticket offices.

“Disabled individuals”: Rate for disabled individuals only applicable upon presentation of valid certificate. Access to the Summit and stairs is not permitted for individuals with reduced mobility.

Online help

How much does it cost to visit the eiffel tower.

To check the prices for the Eiffel Tower, please visit this page on the official Eiffel Tower site . The Eiffel Tower online ticket office provides the official prices. The adult price applies to adults 25 years and over.  There are discount rates for young people (12-24 years old), children (4-11 years old) and for those with disabilities. Admission is free for children under 4 years old. The price of the ticket varies upon how you go up (elevator and/or stairs) and the destination (2nd floor or the upper floor) you select. 

The desired visit date is not available, what should I do?

Certain days (weekends, days during peak season between July and August) are in high demand and we sell out quickly, especially for e-tickets for the top floor, which are the most popular. If you are flexible, select another date that is shown as available. The dates marked in orange indicate that the last tickets are available. Lined out or grayed out dates are no longer available. If there is no more online availability, note that tickets to visit the Eiffel Tower are also sold on site at the ticket offices at the monument. Regardless, we sell our tickets online up to 60 days in advance (for lift tickets) and 14 days in advance (for stairs tickets to second floor). If you can, plan your visit well in advance, so you will have the choice of date, destination and time.  

How many tickets can I buy?

On the online ticket shop, you can buy up to 9 tickets for the same order. Groups who want to buy tickets, regardless of the number, must use the ticket office site reserved for groups.

The Eiffel Tower’s online box office allows you to purchase your ticket online for the 2nd floor or the Summit at the official rate. You can purchase individual e-tickets for up to 9 people. Tickets can also be purchased several weeks in advance. With the e-ticket system, experience no lines! You will directly receive your ticket by e-mail so you can print it at home or store it on your smartphone. If e-tickets are sold out for the date/time or destination that you search, it is always possible to purchase tickets on the spot on the day of your visit.  At the scheduled hour, go directly to the lifts or stairs without having to wait at the ticket stands. There are mandatory security checks at the Eiffel Tower’s entrance and before entering one of the pillars.

Tourism professionals, schools, associations:  professional ticketing website .

Destination to the top

An engrossing experience

« The Eiffel Tower Summit »

la tour eiffel age

The most marvelous view of Paris

At the top of the Eiffel Tower, enjoy the highest view of Paris and its surroundings. With its 2 floors (one open-air and the other indoor), experience for yourself the majesty of Paris from all angles: witness the most eye-catching architectural beauties, monuments, and the Seine.

la tour eiffel age

The office of Gustave Eiffel

At the top of the Tower, you will also discover a reconstitution of Gustave Eiffel’s office, the Tower’s creator. With its wax models, this scene depicts Gustave Eiffel and his daughter Claire receiving the famous American inventor, Thomas Edison.

Destination to 2nd floor

At the heart of the Tower :

« The Eiffel Tower’s 2nd floor »

la tour eiffel age

The most all-encompassing experience

On the 2nd floor, you’ll be transported with amazement: With several monoculars located on both levels, Paris and its monuments will offer a scintillating pleasure to your delighted eyes. Take advantage of the large selection of activities, boutiques and restaurants!

la tour eiffel age

Be at the forefront of a spectacular lighting show

During evening visits, the 2nd floor is the best spot to be to witness the Tower and its magnificent lit structure. Also don’t forget, Paris is the “City of Lights.” On the 2nd floor, you’ll have a front row seat for an unforgettable moment of scintillation at all hours!

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  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews

Romain Duris and Emma Mackey in Eiffel (2021)

The government is asking Eiffel to design something spectacular for the 1889 Paris World Fair, but Eiffel simply wants to design the subway. Suddenly, everything changes when Eiffel crosses ... Read all The government is asking Eiffel to design something spectacular for the 1889 Paris World Fair, but Eiffel simply wants to design the subway. Suddenly, everything changes when Eiffel crosses paths with a mysterious woman from Arun's past. The government is asking Eiffel to design something spectacular for the 1889 Paris World Fair, but Eiffel simply wants to design the subway. Suddenly, everything changes when Eiffel crosses paths with a mysterious woman from Arun's past.

  • Martin Bourboulon
  • Caroline Bongrand
  • Thomas Bidegain
  • Natalie Carter
  • Romain Duris
  • Emma Mackey
  • Pierre Deladonchamps
  • 33 User reviews
  • 70 Critic reviews
  • 52 Metascore
  • 1 win & 8 nominations

Official Trailer

  • Gustave Eiffel

Emma Mackey

  • Adrienne Bourgès

Pierre Deladonchamps

  • Antoine de Restac

Armande Boulanger

  • Claire Eiffel

Bruno Raffaelli

  • Jean Compagnon

Andranic Manet

  • Adolphe Salles

Philippe Hérisson

  • Édouard Lockroy

Stéphane Boucher

  • Maurice Koechlin
  • (as Jérémy Lopez de la Comédie Française)

Damien Zanoly

  • Émile Nouguier

Sophie Fougère

  • Mme Bourgès

Joseph Rezwin

  • R. Milligan McLane
  • (as Joe Rezwin)

Jérémie Petrus

  • Un banquier

Benoit de Gauléjac

  • (as Benoît de Gaulejac)

Clémence Boué

  • Madame Lockroy

Dominique Pozzetto

  • L'huissier du ministère
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

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Did you know

  • Trivia Writer Caroline Bongrand came with the idea of mixing the building of the Eiffel Tower with a forbidden love story off the top of her head during a pitch session with a producer in Los Angeles without knowing at this time if it had any basis in reality. It was only after the deal with the producer was signed that she browsed through biographies of Gustave Eiffel and discovered that her inventions were almost all true.
  • Goofs When Gustave and Adrienne kiss on the first floor of the tower being constructed, the sun is shown as setting to the right of the then-palace on top of Trocadero Hill, i.e. to the North-North-West of Paris, when it should rather be to the South-West.
  • Connections Featured in Radio Dolin: Why Shoot a Movie in Space, Read Pelevin and Reshoot The Addams Family? A Lot of Difficult Questions (2021)
  • Soundtracks Nini Peau d'Chien Music by Aristide Bruant

User reviews 33

  • Sep 25, 2023
  • How long is Eiffel? Powered by Alexa
  • October 13, 2021 (France)
  • Blue Fox Entertainment
  • official german website
  • Bordeaux, France
  • VVZ Productions
  • Scope Pictures
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • May 1, 2022
  • $13,649,605

Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 48 minutes
  • Dolby Atmos
  • Dolby Digital
  • Dolby Surround 7.1

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Romain Duris and Emma Mackey in Eiffel (2021)

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Tips on How to Visit La Tour Eiffel with Your Kids (Eiffel Tower)

Tips on How to Visit La Tour Eiffel with Your Kids (Eiffel Tower)

Catching a glimpse of La tour Eiffel was always a source of joy and excitement for me during our family trip to Paris. I loved the way that the iconic tower could be seen from so many points in the city. It was a bit like an Easter egg 🙂 Funny because we happened to be in Paris for Easter! There are a number of ways to experience the Eiffel Tower, and I hope you take the opportunity to revel in each one with your family (or even without!). From feasting on a picnic lunch on the gardens, to marveling at the sweeping views from the top of the landmark, to catching a glimpse of the glittering tower at night, there is really no wrong way to appreciate the tower. See below for our personal tips and tricks for visiting with your kids!

  • Trip Purpose & Details
  • Before You Go & What We Packed

History of the Eiffel Tower

How to visit the eiffel tower, getting there, how to get the best photos of the eiffel tower, wishlist for our next visit.

Angelica, standing next to her partner, holds her daughter. The Eiffel Tower can be seen in the background.

We acknowledge France’s history as a colonizer of many lands. The oldest known inhabitants of Paris were of the Gallic tribe Parisii.

Trip purpose.

See the Eiffel Tower from as may angles as possible, and capture a family photo with the tower in the background!

AGES OF THE KIDS : 20 months & 7 years


TIME OF YEAR : We visited on a Monday afternoon in mid-April.

  • €11-27 for adults
  • €6-14 for disabled people and young adults (ages 12-24)
  • €3-7 for children (ages 4-11)
  • Free for children under 4
  • Metro/public transportation

Add-Ons : Food/drinks & souvenirs

A young girl and her father smile at the camera as they stand at the base of the Eiffel Tower, which stands in the background.

Before You Go

All optional, if you'd rather play it by ear:

  • Purchase your lift tickets for the tower (up to two months in advance, and no less than three hours prior to your desired visit time)
  • Visit the Eiffel Tower website to prepare for your visit

What We Packed

  • Standard diaper bag essentials
  • Ergobaby or soft baby carrier
  • Umbrella stroller
  • Packed meal and snacks

la tour eiffel age

Construction of the Eiffel Tower was completed in 1889 for the Exposition Universelle, which commemorated the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. The tower is named after Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. In the century that has since followed, the tower has become a Parisian and French cultural icon, boasting 7 million visitors a year. According to the Eiffel Tower’s official website , it is the most-visited pay-to-enter monument in the world.

You can get to the Eiffel Tower by multiple means, even by boat along the Seine (maybe on our next trip…)!

We preferred to walk or take the Metro, either to Trocadero, Bir-Hakeim, or Ecole militaire stations.

A child and her father look out to the Eiffel Tower from Trocadero.

Visiting the Base/Esplanade of the Eiffel Tower

You can visit the base of the tower without purchasing a ticket. To get there (and ultimately to the lift entrances), you have to go through at least two security gates. Entrance 2, or the East Entrance, is often the less-crowded entrance.

Under the base of the tower you’ll get a sense of just how large and tall the structure is. Before we joined the queue to ascend the tower, our 20-month-old had a great time running through the grounds and gaping at the height of the tower. There are also some gardens and greenery (including the 200-year-old sycamore tree ), as well as food kiosks.

Ascending the Eiffel Tower

The top of the Tour d’Eiffel boasts some of the best and most expansive views of the city, and is definitely worth at least one visit. Ideally you will have purchased your admission/lift tickets ahead of time, or no less than three hours before your visit time. You can ascend and visit the tower itself between 9 a.m. and 11:45 p.m.

We found that it was a bit of an art to find the right timing, especially since we hadn’t bought our tickets ahead of time. The crowd ebbs and flows during the day, and unfortunately when we got to the head of the line to ascend (following a 30-minute wait in the queue), we were told we would not be allowed entry to the top level of the tower because it was at-capacity. By the time we returned to the bottom of the tower, we saw that people were again being admitted to the top level!

My advice would be to hold your place at the front of the line while letting folks behind you pass until capacity opens up again. We went during the afternoon, but I’d love to try to ascend 1-2 hours before sunset to catch golden hour and get a taste of both daylight and evening views.

la tour eiffel age

*Note: if you worry about being in close proximity to crowds, you might feel safe knowing that most of the attractions and views from the Eiffel Tower are open air. However, the lifts are enclosed and hold multiple parties at a time, so you may want to opt for the open-air stairs, at least up to the second floor.

la tour eiffel age

First Floor

The wide, airy, open-air first floor features transparent walls and floors that give you a glimpse of the crowds and gardens below. 

We stopped at one of the first-floor cafeterias to enjoy a drink before our final descent back to the base of the tower.

la tour eiffel age

Second Floor

There is another lift or staircase that will take you to the second floor, which stands at a height of 377 feet. Short of getting to the top floor, this is where to take in expansive views of the city from a gated 360-degree balcony with two levels. Tower viewers stationed throughout the perimeter can, for the cost of a Euro or two per view, provide a closer look at the surrounding scenes.

la tour eiffel age

Third (Top) Floor

We sadly didn’t make it to the top of the Eiffel Tower during our visit, but did someone say champagne bar ?! I’m there.

The top floor features both an indoor and outdoor area, as well as a historical display that replicates Gustave Eiffel’s office, complete with wax models!

la tour eiffel age

Descending the Eiffel Tower

You can opt for the lifts or the stairs, depending on the crowds and how you feel.

Our kid enjoyed crawling up the metal staircase even as we made our descent, though you should keep an eye on them in the stairwell. Crowds of people move in both directions.

Descending the staircase was a great option to keep out of the stuffy lifts and to experience the tower in a different way!

la tour eiffel age

Have a daytime picnic at the Jardin de la Tour Eiffel

I highly recommend packing a picnic lunch or pre-dinner snack to enjoy on the lawns at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. It feels very Parisienne. We brought and devoured popsicles from a nearby Franprix supermarket. I liked to sit at the far ends of the Jardin de la Tour Eiffel to people-watch while admiring the view, all without having to crane our necks (or camera!)!

la tour eiffel age

Enjoy the Evening Light Shows

As if it were even possible for the tower to be even more magical, the evening light shows do just that. The lights on the Tour shine intermittently, making it a glowing, glittery, magical beacon in the sky that can be enjoyed from many points throughout the city!

The top of the tower isn’t necessarily the best place to get photos of the tower itself–you’ll need to be further removed to get it in perspective of most camera lenses. Here are some great options for catching the Eiffel Tower in your family portraits!

la tour eiffel age

Palais de Chaillot/Trocadero

Cross the Seine from the Eiffel Tower (or take the Metro directly to Trocadero station) and you’ll arrive at the Palais de Chaillot and the Place du Trocadero. This is an awesome spot to catch the Eiffel Tower in the background of your portraits, and provides a paved and expansive open space. The only thing is it can get crowded, so do your best to visit during an off-peak hour. Take time to explore this area, as you can get some great shots of the tower from the Esplanade and the staircase, among other spots!

Trocadero is also where our child decided to lay on the floor, so my partner decided it was a great opportunity to put her in a breakdancing pose.

Quai Branly

I couldn’t resist this shot while we were walking from the Eiffel Tower to the Pont de Bir-Hakeim. Just goes to show that you should explore your subject from the streets that surround it to find your favorite angle.

The Eiffel Tower looms behind a neutral colored building.

Passerelle Debilly

This footbridge along the River Seine is not far from the Eiffel Tower and has a magnificent view of both the tower and the river. Passerby have also left love locks along the bridge walls, which add to its charm.

  • See the Eiffel Tower by boat
  • Make it to the top floor (and to that champagne bar!)
  • See how many photos we can get of the Eiffel Tower without actually being in the vicinity of the Eiffel Tower

la tour eiffel age

It’s hard to imagine a visit to Paris without the Eiffel Tower, but you don’t need to ascend it in order to enjoy it fully!

Thanks to my familia (Lenny, Andro, Shelby, and Leila) for sharing their photos!

Check us out on Pinterest!

la tour eiffel age

Angelica (she/her) is of Cebuano(Pilipinx)-descent and was born and raised in Huchiun Ohlone territory (the East Bay Area--pay your Shuumi Land Tax!), where she also now resides with her partner and their toddler. She loves to spend her time sipping on boba and dirty chai lattes (sometimes together), and eating pescetarian goodies at BIPOC-owned cafes and restaurants.

  • Angelica How to See the Northern Lights with Kids in Fairbanks, Alaska
  • Angelica Traveling Tokyo with Kids: 12 Family-Friendly Activities for a 3-Day Itinerary
  • Angelica BBA's Top Blogs of 2023
  • Angelica A Family-Friendly Guide to Mexico City: Top 10 Activities with Sample Itineraries

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The Eiffel Tower looms behind a neutral colored building.

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Parent and two children walking through the gate to the Moorish Castle in Sintra Portugal

The Eiffel Tower is a great family day out. The experience will fill the whole family’s eyes with wonder!

Ticket prices

1) Upon presentation of supporting documents. Reduced rate for disabled is at the same price as the Child rate and is applied upon presentation of a nominative proof of eligibility.

Kids aged 4 and under go free at the Eiffel Tower, but they must be in possession of a free ticket, available when buying tickets online or at the Tower. Their accompanying persons have to pay the adult or youth 12/24 rate.

Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. The top of the tower and the stairways are not suitable for people with reduced mobility, especially during emergency evacuations.

Customer service

Open Monday to Saturday from 9:30am to 6:00pm (from 9am in summer). Calls cost €0.35 per minute from landlines

The visitor's itinerary

Don’t miss, on the 1st floor of the Eiffel Tower, all the animations dedicated to families, including the fun and educational tour for kids, the museographic path as well as the catering services and our large boutique in the Pavillon Ferrié.

Parcours muséographique

The museographic path and the glass floor

During your visit, the 1st floor is a must-stop to have fun and to get to know the Eiffel Tower better.

Experience the sensation of being perched in the void, 190 feet high (58 meters). Challenge your vertigo, venture onto the glass floor and look down, it's awesome!

Along the outer passageway on the North and East side, you will discover a museographic path for everyone which retraces the history of the Iron Lady. Through touchscreen panels, display windows and digital albums, discover the events that marked the Eiffel Tower’s life since its construction.

Eating and shopping

Throughout your visit to the Eiffel Tower, catering options are available for the whole family and for all budgets.


Throughout the year, the 1st floor follows the seasons and reinvents itself in summer and winter to offer you a unique moment of relaxation. A special experience awaits you 190 feets (58 meters) above Paris, to be enjoyed with a seasonal dish or a simple hot or cold drink.

Bar à champagne au sommet

Celebrate your visit to the top of Paris with a glass of Champagne! Go to the Champagne Bar at the top floor with an offer suitable for all. To complete this unique moment, the bar you can choose a glass of white or rosé Champagne, an artisanal lemonade or mineral water.

La vente à emporter

Do not miss a moment of your experience at the Eiffel Tower and let yourself be tempted by a large choice of salty or sweet meals to take-away and cold drinks. Meet on the esplanade to enjoy a gourmet break before or after your ascent.  

Buffets de la tour Eiffel

On the 1st and on the 2nd floor, buffets will offer you a quick snack with an incredible view of Paris. A comfortable space for the whole family, perfect to fully enjoy a moment of sharing at any time during your visit.

08 25 56 66 62 For customers in France

+33 1 45 55 20 04 For customers outside of France

  • Prices & Times
  • Haut de page


  1. Photos : 1887-1889, la construction de la Tour Eiffel

    la tour eiffel age

  2. The Eiffel Tower under construction for the 1889 Exposition Universelle

    la tour eiffel age

  3. The Eiffel Tower debuted 126 years ago. It nearly tore Paris apart.

    la tour eiffel age

  4. La tour Eiffel a eu 130 ans cette année : découvrez ces clichés inédits

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  5. Eiffel Tower

    la tour eiffel age

  6. The Eiffel Tower: facts, history, construction, secrets

    la tour eiffel age


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  2. Eiffel Tower

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  3. Tour Eiffel

    La tour Eiffel [tuʁɛfɛl] Écouter est une tour de fer puddlé de 330 m [3] de hauteur (avec antennes) située à Paris, à l'extrémité nord-ouest du parc du Champ-de-Mars en bordure de la Seine dans le 7 e arrondissement.Son adresse officielle est 5, avenue Anatole-France. Construite en deux ans par Gustave Eiffel et ses collaborateurs pour l'Exposition universelle de Paris de 1889 ...

  4. Eiffel Tower history, architecture, design & construction

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  6. The OFFICIAL Eiffel Tower website: tickets, news, info

    The Eiffel Tower on social media. See more photos. Discover or visit the tower: buy a ticket (10.5 to 26.10 € maximum for adults and 2.6 to 13.10 € for children and young people), news and practical information.

  7. Eiffel Tower

    Built for the 1889 World's Fair in Paris, the Eiffel Tower is a 1,000-foot tall wrought iron tower, considered an architectural wonder and one of the world's most recognizable structures.

  8. 12 Eiffel Tower Facts: History, Science, and Secrets

    12 Interesting Facts and Secrets About the Eiffel Tower. Explore the history, science, and secrets of Paris' most famous landmark. The Eiffel Tower — or, la Tour Eiffel — has long been one of ...

  9. Eiffel Tower

    The Eiffel Tower ( / ˈaɪfəl / EYE-fəl; French: Tour Eiffel [ tuʁ ɛfɛl] ⓘ) is a wrought-iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. It is named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower from 1887 to 1889. Quick Facts Record height, General information ... I. ^ "Eiffel Tower".

  10. Histoire de la tour Eiffel

    Le projet d'une tour de trois cents mètres. La tour Eiffel a été construite le 28 janvier 1887 pour l' exposition universelle de Paris de 1889 pour démontrer la puissance industrielle de la France. Elle ne devait rester que 20 ans. Finalement, elle est restée et est devenue le symbole permanent de Paris et de la France .

  11. The birth of the Eiffel tower

    The birth of the Eiffel tower. You are at the top of the Eiffel Tower, overlooking Paris at a height of almost 300 m / 1000 feet. At the opening of the Tower in 1889, this very place was different from what you are seeing. It was used, in particular, as a laboratory to carry out scientific experiments and measurements.

  12. Inauguration et premiers visiteurs de la tour Eiffel

    L'inauguration officielle de la tour Eiffel a lieu le 15 mai 1889, jour d'ouverture de l'Exposition Universelle. La tour Eiffel est à cette époque la tour plus haute du monde et le restera jusqu'à la construction à New York du Chrysler Building en 1930. Le 15 mai 1889, la tour Eiffel accueille donc ses premiers visiteurs.

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    377 feet, 4,692 square feet. Third floor. 906 feet, 820 square feet. Lifts. 5 lifts from the esplanade to second floor, 2 x 2 duolifts from second floor to the top. Weight of the metal frame. 7,300 tons. Total weight. 10,100 tons.

  16. The Eiffel Tower in 1900

    Projet de Stephen Sauvestre d'aménagement de la Tour Eiffel pour l'exposition de 1900 - Collection tour Eiffel by Collection tour Eiffel - SETEEiffel Tower. Several plans for modifying the monument were suggested. One of the more daring was put forward by Stephen Sauvestre, an architect who had taken part in building the Tower. ...

  17. Eiffel Tower : purchase a ticket

    To check the prices for the Eiffel Tower, please visit this page on the official Eiffel Tower site. The Eiffel Tower online ticket office provides the official prices. The adult price applies to adults 25 years and over. There are discount rates for young people (12-24 years old), children (4-11 years old) and for those with disabilities.

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  19. The Eiffel tower 130 years

    The Eiffel Tower as seen by its employees. To celebrate the Eiffel Tower's 130th anniversary, SETE, Société d'Exploitation de la tour Eiffel, organized an internal photo competition. Discover the competition's beautiful winning photos. 130 years.

  20. Tips on How to Visit La Tour Eiffel with Your Kids (Eiffel Tower)

    By Age Group. Pre-Walking; Ages 0-2; Ages 2-5; Elementary-Age; Middle School-Age; High School; By Season. Spring; Summer; Fall; Winter; Travel Tips; Lifestyle. Parenting. Birth Stories; ... Catching a glimpse of La tour Eiffel was always a source of joy and excitement for me during our family trip to Paris. I loved the way that the iconic tower ...

  21. PDF la Tour Eiffel

    de la Tour Eiffel Un siècle après la Révolution française, la France est en plein essor dans les différents domaines scientifique, culturel ou artistique! C'est l'âge d'or de Freud, Zola, Jules Verne ou Rodin. 1886 • • Le général Boulanger est nommé ministre de la Guerre.

  22. Ticket prices and opening times

    So that your visit goes without a hitch, download and read the Eiffel Tower visitor instructions. Download here. See our terms and conditions of sale. Download here. Home. Prices & Times. Opening times, ticket prices for individual and group visitors. Prices: 10.5 to 26.10 € maximum for adults, 2,6 to 13,10 € for children and young people.

  23. The Eiffel Tower for families

    The buffets. On the 1st and on the 2nd floor, buffets will offer you a quick snack with an incredible view of Paris. A comfortable space for the whole family, perfect to fully enjoy a moment of sharing at any time during your visit. Informations about restaurants and services. 08 25 56 66 62.