Italian vs German: A Cultural Face-Off

  • November 28, 2023

Picture this: You find yourself standing in the heart of a bustling piazza, surrounded by the melodic sounds of Italian language and the irresistible aroma of freshly brewed espresso. The vibrant colors, expressive gestures, and passionate conversations of the locals captivate your senses, providing a glimpse into the rich and romantic Italian culture. Now, fast forward to another scenario, where precision, punctuality, and a sense of order prevail. You are in a well-structured German town, admiring the engineering marvels and witnessing the efficiency that permeates every aspect of life. These two European powerhouses, Italy and Germany, each boast a distinct cultural identity that has shaped their history, traditions, and modern-day dynamics. Join us as we embark on a cultural face-off between these two captivating nations, exploring their similarities, differences, and what truly sets them apart.

The Italian Joie de Vivre

When we think of Italy, thoughts of mouthwatering pizza, artistic masterpieces, and dolce vita come to mind. Italians are renowned for their zest for life and the ability to truly savor the present moment. They embrace passion, emotion, and pleasure, often personifying the phrase "carpe diem." Whether it's lingering over a leisurely meal, engaging in animated conversations, or celebrating life through festivals and music, Italians prioritize enjoyment and indulgence. This cultural propensity towards a slower pace of life and a more relaxed approach is deeply ingrained in the Italian way of living.

In addition to their love for food and art, family plays an integral role in Italian culture. Family ties are strong, and Italians place great importance on spending quality time with their loved ones. Sunday lunches that extend into the evening, with multiple generations gathering around the table, are a common tradition. Italians also take great pride in their history, tracing their roots back to the ancient Romans and preserving their cultural heritage through architecture, museums, and historical sites.

The German Pursuit of Perfection

In stark contrast, Germany is often associated with precision, efficiency, and thoroughness. The German culture places a high value on order, organization, and discipline. This is exemplified in various aspects of German society, from their strong work ethic to the renowned engineering prowess of German automobiles. The German people have a reputation for being punctual and following rules diligently.

Germans are known for their analytical and rational thinking, often focusing on practicality and problem-solving. This mindset has played a significant role in their contributions to science, technology, and innovation. The meticulous attention to detail can be seen in their world-class manufacturing processes and their commitment to delivering products of the highest quality.

Language and Communication Styles

Language is a crucial aspect of cultural identity, and both Italian and German languages reflect the unique characteristics of their respective cultures. Italian, a Romance language derived from Latin, is known for its musicality, expressive gestures, and melodious cadence. Italians are notorious for their expressive communication style, using gestures and facial expressions to convey meaning.

On the other hand, German, a Germanic language, is characterized by its precision and efficiency. The language follows strict grammatical rules, and Germans tend to be direct and concise in their communication. There is often less dependence on non-verbal cues compared to Italians, as Germans rely heavily on clear and precise language to convey their thoughts.

Culinary Delights

The culinary traditions of Italy and Germany differ significantly, reflecting their cultural values and regional influences. Italian cuisine is celebrated worldwide for its simplicity, fresh ingredients, and bold flavors. From the rich pasta dishes of the south to the hearty risottos of the north, Italian food is a true celebration of regional diversity. Each region boasts its own iconic dishes, such as Naples' famous pizza Margherita or Sicily's indulgent cannoli.

German cuisine, on the other hand, leans towards heartier fare, with a focus on meat, potatoes, and bold flavors. Classic German dishes include bratwurst, sauerkraut, and schnitzel. Additionally, each region of Germany has its own culinary specialties, such as Bavaria's pretzels and beer, or the Black Forest's renowned cake.

Art and Culture

Italy and Germany have left an indelible mark on the world of art and culture. Italy's artistic contributions are legendary, with the Renaissance period producing some of the greatest masterpieces in history. From Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel to da Vinci's Last Supper, Italian art is synonymous with beauty, grace, and timeless elegance. The Italian influence extends beyond visual arts, with Italy being the birthplace of opera and home to world-renowned composers such as Verdi and Puccini.

Germany, too, has made significant contributions to the world of art and culture. German classical music composers, such as Bach, Beethoven, and Wagner, have shaped the musical landscape for centuries. German literature, with notable authors like Goethe and Schiller, has also had a profound impact on the world. Furthermore, Germany's Bauhaus movement revolutionized architecture and design, influencing modernist aesthetics worldwide.

Cultural Festivities

Both Italy and Germany host a plethora of cultural festivities throughout the year, showcasing their unique traditions and cultural heritage. In Italy, the carnival season is a time of vibrant celebrations, with Venice's world-famous mask festival being a highlight. Easter, with its religious processions and grand feasts, is another important event in Italy.

Germany, known for its love of beer and lively festivities, is famous for its Oktoberfest. This annual beer festival in Munich attracts visitors from around the world, who indulge in traditional German beer, music, and food. Christmas markets, with their magical atmosphere and delicious treats, are also an integral part of German culture during the holiday season.

Societal Norms and Values

Italian and German societies operate under different sets of norms and values, which shape the way people interact and navigate everyday life. Italians, with their strong emphasis on personal relationships, prioritize social connections and tend to establish deeper bonds. Friendships and family ties are cherished, and there is a sense of loyalty and support within these relationships.

In contrast, Germans prioritize efficiency and professionalism in their interactions. Time is of the essence, and punctuality is highly valued. Germans tend to be more reserved and formal in their approach, valuing clear communication and adherence to rules and regulations.

Education and Work Culture

Education and work culture reflect the broader societal values of Italy and Germany. Italy's education system places a strong emphasis on the humanities, arts, and creativity. The Italian approach to education encourages independent thinking, analytical skills, and a well-rounded understanding of the world. However, the job market in Italy can be competitive, and many young Italians face challenges in finding stable employment.

Germany, known for its robust vocational education system, places great value on technical skills and practical training. The German education system aligns closely with the country's strong industrial base, providing students with the necessary skills to thrive in the job market. The German work culture also emphasizes punctuality, reliability, and professionalism, with a focus on efficiency and quality.

Travel and Tourism

Both Italy and Germany attract millions of tourists each year, each offering a unique travel experience. Italy's timeless charm, with its romantic cities like Venice, Florence, and Rome, draws visitors seeking history, art, and gastronomic delights. The stunning landscapes of Tuscany and the Amalfi Coast further enhance Italy's allure, providing a scenic backdrop for unforgettable journeys.

Germany, on the other hand, entices travelers with its blend of natural beauty and urban sophistication. From the picturesque landscapes of the Bavarian Alps to the vibrant cities of Berlin and Munich, Germany offers a diverse range of experiences. Its well-preserved medieval towns, such as Rothenburg ob der Tauber, transport visitors back in time, while the modern metropolis of Frankfurt showcases Germany's economic prowess.

A Fascinating Contrast

Italian and German cultures, while distinct, each possess their own unique allure and contribute to the rich tapestry of European heritage. Italy's passionate, indulgent spirit, and love for all things beautiful beautifully complements Germany's precision, order, and technical prowess . These cultural differences add depth and variety to our world, allowing us to appreciate and learn from the values and traditions of others.

Whether you find yourself enchanted by the charm of Italy's renaissance art or captivated by Germany's engineering marvels, it is clear that both nations have left an indelible mark on our global society. So, the next time you are torn between indulging in the dolce vita or embracing the efficiency of the German way, remember that cultural diversity is a gift that enriches our lives and broadens our understanding of the world.

– Italian Culture – German Culture – Italian Cuisine – German Cuisine – Italian Art – German Art – Italian Language – German Language – Italian Festivals – German Festivals – Education in Italy – Education in Germany – Tourism in Italy – Tourism in Germany

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Cultural differences between Germany and Italy

Cultural differences between Germany and Italy

Geographically, Italy lies south of Germany and directly below Austria. Most Germans travel to Italy at least once in their lives for a holiday, and Rome and the islands of Sicily and Capri, are all popular holiday destinations. The cultures of both countries share much in common, but there are also important differences .

Loud joie de vivre versus quietness

Germans enjoy the quiet and to give just one example, it is the courts that decide when and for how long a dog is allowed to bark. In contrast, in Italy people live with noise coming from every direction as a matter of course. As soon as you arrive at your Italian destination, you will notice people greeting each other loudly and passionately, and children enjoy the freedom to play loudly without fear of being reprimanded.

In Italy, similar rules apply to road traffic as they do in Germany , but these rules are not always followed so conscientiously. According to a survey, Italians even describe themselves as road hogs. A forward-looking driving style is therefore quite advantageous in Italy if you want to arrive without a fender bender.

The daily rythm of life is different between the two countries. In Italy, people usually don't meet for lunch until around 2 p.m. and eating dinner before 8 p.m. is rather rare. Children continue to play in the evening until after 11 p.m., whereas in Germany children are expected to be quiet after 10 p.m..

The Italians are more relaxed about punctuality than the Germans and in Italy, a five to ten minutes delay for an appointment or to meet up with someone is not frowned upon. In fact, the further south you go in the country, the more relaxed people are about delays.

Noodles and coffee

It is not only meal times that are different in Italy, but the individual courses that are served as well. Whereas in Germany there is a starter, a main course and a dessert, and people like to have soup as a starter, in Italy they serve pasta as a first course, followed by meat or fish as a second and last course.

In Germany, people enjoy drinking coffee throughout the day however they like it. In Italy, they drink cappuccino in the morning and serve it with a sweet pastry, and after 10 o'clock they generally order an espresso.

Paying the bill at a restaurant

If you go out to eat in Germany, everyone pays for what they have ordered and eaten themselves. In Italy, the total bill for the table is divided by the number of participants. Tipping is unusual in Italy, because a service charge has usually already been added to the bill – with the designation "coperto".

"La Dolce Vita" only applies to business to a limited degree.

As in many southern European countries, business customs in Italy are more relaxed than they are in Germany. Nevertheless, there are a few clear rules. Academic titles are just as important to Italians as they are to Germans and great importance is attached to making a good first impression. Well-groomed, classic clothes, freshly polished shoes and high-quality accessories are welcome. However, in Italy, people deal with punctuality in a business setting in a completely different way to Germany. While Germans prefer to arrive 15 minutes early for a meeting, Italians see it as a bit inflexible to arrive so early. Punctuality is important in business in Italy though and people are rarely more than one or two minutes late.

In Italy people shake hands when they greet each other as they do in Germany, but the Italians will then make time for small talk on topics such as football, the family and food. This small talk can take a while and can be frustrating to the Germans, who want to get on with discussing business.

In Italy, it is usually not the person holding the meeting who will make any decision that has to be made and so the outcome of a meeting will only be known afterwards. If you are invited to dinner, you should never refuse, as this is seen as impolite.

FAQ on cultural differences between Germany and Italy

When do italians say "ciao".

In Germany, the informal greeting "Ciao" is usually only used to say goodbye. In Italy, it is used to say hello and goodbye equally. The word originates from Latin and, like "servus", has its roots in "your servant/slave".

What goods does Germany trade with Italy?

Cars, car parts, machines and chemical products are the most important goods that are traded between Germany and Italy, along with food. Italian wines and, of course, pasta are particularly popular in Germany, while dairy products from Germany are popular in Italy.

How big is Italy compared to Germany?

At 301,340 square kilometres, Italy ranks 7th on the list of the largest countries in Europe and Germany, at 357,022 square kilometres, ranks 4th.

About the author

Frédéric Ibanez

The editorial team, led by the founder of the group Optilingua International, is made up of experts who specialise in language services. Our goal is to regularly provide you with articles related to translation and language services, which will help you with your language services’ needs.

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Where To Travel To Italy Versus Germany

Where To Travel To Italy Versus Germany

Traveling to Italy vs Germany

When it comes to exploring Europe, Italy and Germany are two countries that often top the list of must-visit destinations. Both countries boast rich histories, stunning landscapes, and diverse cultures. However, each offers a unique travel experience. Deciding between Italy and Germany largely depends on your personal preferences and interests.

Italy: A Journey Through History and Beauty

Italy is known for its fascinating history, timeless beauty, and world-renowned cuisine. From ancient ruins like the Colosseum in Rome to iconic landmarks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the canals of Venice, Italy is a treasure trove of historical and architectural wonders.

Where To Travel To Italy Versus Germany

One cannot miss the enchanting cities of Florence, with its art-filled museums and magnificent Duomo, or the romantic canals of Venice, where gondola rides offer a glimpse into an age-old tradition. The Amalfi Coast and Cinque Terre lure travelers with their breathtaking coastal views and charming cliffside villages. Tuscany’s rolling hills, vineyards, and picturesque towns like Siena and San Gimignano will transport you to a timeless countryside.

Furthermore, Italy’s culinary scene is unrivaled. From wood-fired Neapolitan pizza to creamy risotto and gelato, food lovers will rejoice in the country’s gastronomic delights. Pair your meals with a glass of Chianti or prosecco for the perfect Italian dining experience.

Germany: Where History Meets Modernity

Germany offers a blend of old-world charm and modern innovation. This country is famous for its impressive castles, historic landmarks, and vibrant cities. A visit to Berlin brings you face-to-face with remnants of the Cold War, such as the Berlin Wall and Checkpoint Charlie. Munich, the capital of Bavaria, captivates visitors with its traditional beer gardens, stunning architecture, and the grandeur of Nymphenburg Palace. The fairy-tale-like Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria and the medieval beauty of Rothenburg ob der Tauber are other must-see destinations.

Germany also boasts breathtaking natural landscapes. The Black Forest, with its dense woodlands and picturesque villages, offers an escape into nature. The Rhine Valley, dotted with ancient castles and vineyards, is best explored by a relaxing river cruise. Nature lovers will also find solace in the Bavarian Alps, where hiking and skiing opportunities abound.

Where To Travel To Italy Versus Germany

Exploring Germany’s culinary scene is a delight in itself. From the hearty sausages and pretzels of Bavaria to the delicate pastries and cakes of the Black Forest, German cuisine is rich in flavors and traditions. Don’t forget to accompany your meals with a tall glass of locally brewed beer, as brewing is an integral part of German culture.

Insights and Analysis of Italy vs Germany

While Italy offers a wealth of historical and cultural wonders, Germany provides a unique blend of tradition and innovation. Here are some additional insights to consider:

  • Cultural Diversity: Italy’s regions have distinct cultures, cuisines, and dialects, providing diverse experiences throughout the country. In contrast, Germany offers a more unified culture, while still showcasing regional variations.
  • Transportation: Italy’s efficient train network makes it easy to traverse the country, while Germany’s well-connected autobahn and extensive public transportation make it a convenient destination for exploring.
  • Budget: Italy can be more expensive, particularly in popular tourist areas, while Germany generally offers more affordable options.
  • Language: English may be more widely spoken and understood in Germany, making it easier for travelers who don’t speak the local language.
  • Weather: Italy’s climate is generally milder and sunnier, with warm summers and mild winters, while Germany experiences more distinct seasons, with colder winters and cooler summers.

Exploring the Regions of Italy

1. Rome: Explore the ancient ruins, visit the Vatican, and indulge in delicious Roman cuisine.

2. Venice: Take a romantic gondola ride, explore the picturesque canals, and visit St. Mark’s Square.

Where To Travel To Italy Versus Germany

3. Florence: Immerse yourself in Renaissance art at the Uffizi Gallery, see Michelangelo’s David, and enjoy a sunset view of the city from Piazzale Michelangelo.

4. Tuscany: Experience the beauty of the countryside, visit vineyards, and explore charming towns like Siena and San Gimignano.

5. Amalfi Coast: Marvel at the stunning coastal views, visit the picturesque towns of Positano and Ravello, and indulge in delicious seafood.

Discovering the Best of Germany

1. Berlin: Explore the history of the Berlin Wall, visit world-class museums, and enjoy the vibrant nightlife.

Where To Travel To Italy Versus Germany

2. Munich: Experience Bavarian culture at its best by visiting beer gardens, exploring palaces, and attending the famous Oktoberfest.

3. Neuschwanstein Castle: Step into a fairy tale as you visit this iconic castle nestled in the Bavarian Alps.

4. The Black Forest: Get lost in the enchanting woodlands, visit charming villages, and enjoy a slice of the famous Black Forest cake.

5. Rhine Valley: Cruise along the beautiful Rhine River, admire medieval castles, and explore charming wine villages.

Comparing and Choosing: Italy or Germany?

Where To Travel To Italy Versus Germany

Deciding between Italy and Germany ultimately boils down to your personal preferences and travel goals. Italy offers a captivating blend of history, stunning landscapes, and gastronomic delights, while Germany impresses with its unique mix of old-world charm and modernity.

If you are passionate about ancient history, exquisite art, and indulging in world-class cuisine, Italy may be the ideal choice for you. On the other hand, if you are fascinated by rich history, fairy-tale castles, and exploring diverse landscapes, Germany might be a perfect fit.

Ultimately, both countries have their own magic and allure. Whether you choose to wander through the romantic streets of Venice or hike the picturesque trails of the Black Forest, an unforgettable European adventure awaits you.

Donald Nitta

Donald Nitta

Donald D. Nitta is a freelance writer and travel blogger who has been living in Italy since 2009. Born in Hawaii, he has been passionate about Italian culture since childhood. Donald has written numerous articles and essays about Italian culture, travel, history, and cuisine.

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Studying in Italy vs. Germany: The Ultimate Comparison

A student in front of a laptop

It's no secret that studying in a different country can be an enriching experience. If you've chosen to pursue your higher education at a European university, you've made the right decision.

However, Europe is extensive, and students often struggle to choose between studying in Italy and Germany. This article will look at some of the key factors you need to consider before making that final decision.

Why study in Italy or Germany?

There are several reasons you might want to study in Italy or Germany. For starters, both countries have world-renowned universities offering a high education quality. Additionally, studying in either country can allow you to learn a new language. Let’s dive into all the different factors that could influence your decision to study in Germany or Italy.

Tuition fees

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a country to study in are tuition fees. In Italy,   university tuition fees vary depending on the chosen university   and degree program. The average tuition fee for undergraduate programs (Bachelor’s) at public universities in Italy is between €900 and €4,000. In Germany, tuition fees are entirely free for everyone at most public universities, even for international students.

However, students would still have to pay a semester fee between €200 and €500. This fee covers a few costs such as administrative fees, student union membership, and local public transportation.

Living costs

Another critical factor to consider is living costs. In Italy, the cost of living varies depending on the city you choose to live in. You can expect to spend a monthly average of between €600 and €900 on rent, food, transportation, and other expenses. In Germany, the cost of living is slightly higher, with the average student spending between €800 and €1,000 per month.


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University admission rate

Regarding university admission rates, Italy and Germany are quite different. In Italy, the average admission rate for universities is between 34% and 45%. These percentages mean that even if you have a less than stellar grade, you have a good chance of getting into an Italian university. Germany is highly competitive due to free tuition. Your chances of getting into a German university are pretty solid if you have above-average grades. But if you're not qualified to get admitted into a German university, there are other ways to increase your chances, such as completing a   preparatory course   for one year.

Option to work while studying

In Italy, international students can work for up to 20 hours per week without any limitations. International students who want to work more than the allowed time must convert their   study permit into a work permit . In Germany, the rule is a little more straightforward. All international students can work part-time (20 hours/week) for 240 days per year or work full-time (40 hours/week) for 120 days per year without requiring any additional work permit.

In both Germany and Italy, the amount of taxes you'll have to pay will depend on your income. In Germany, your wage is tax-free if under €9,744 per year. Once you start making above that amount, your income tax will be between   14% and 45% . Once you start earning some money in Italy, you will be taxed between 23% to 43%. However, keep in mind that these are just the general rates, and your specific tax situation may be different.

Visa requirements

Regarding visa requirements, Italy and Germany are not that different. To study in both countries, you would need standard documents such as a letter of acceptance from a university, language proficiency in English or the local language (depending on the study program), adequate medical insurance coverage, and proof of sufficient financial funds.

The proof of sufficient funds is where Germany and Italy differ. Italy requires international students to prove that they have at least €5,824.91 per year in an Italian bank account, while Germany needs almost twice that, at €11,208 per year in the form of a   Blocked Account .

students at school

Option to live and work after graduating

The outlook for international students wanting to gain employment after graduating from German universities is very positive. Students can stay for 18 months after graduating, so there’s enough time to find a full-time position and get a work-related residency permit.

The situation is not encouraging for international students in Italy, especially if you're only getting your Bachelor's degree. Unfortunately, Italy only allows those with a   Master's degree or Ph.D.   to stay in the country and work for up to 12 months. So, if you're only getting your Bachelor's degree in Italy, you would need to continue earning your Master's degree before pursuing full-time employment, should you want to remain in the country.

Number of international students

Germany is one of the most popular destinations for international students in Europe, with over 350,000 international students enrolled in German universities. This figure is more than 90% of the number of international students in Italy, currently at around 32,000. If you're looking for a more diverse environment, Germany is definitely the best option for you.

Germany is a large country located in Central Europe with a population of over 83 million people. Meanwhile, Italy is located in Southern Europe and has over 60 million people. As both countries are located in Europe, you have a good chance of traveling to different cities and countries for short weekend getaways.

Italy and Germany offer a safe and friendly environment for students. Of course, there's a higher crime rate in larger cities like Berlin or Rome. In terms of natural disasters, Italy is more prone to the dangers of mother nature, such as its live volcano and earthquakes. However, Italy has decent emergency services to handle any potential disasters.

Health system

The health care systems in Germany and Italy are quite different. Everyone must have mandatory   health insurance   coverage from public or private insurers in Germany. You would be able to see any doctor or specialist at no extra cost in the country. In Italy, the health care system is funded by the country's national health service. This system is also available to students at a subsidized price of €149 per year.

Employability after graduating

In Germany, international students are highly sought-after by employers due to the country's excellent economy. A study by Eurostat found over   80% of employed persons are graduates from German universities .

To gain employment after graduating as an international living in Italy, you would need to have at least a Master's degree or Ph.D. Those with only an undergraduate degree would have to continue to get a postgraduate degree, which takes more time and money.

Language barrier

If you're looking to study in a country where English is not the primary language, Germany is a better option than Italy. Many university courses in Germany are taught in English, especially at the undergraduate level. In Italy, most university programs only offer courses in Italian, even though there’s a current trend of being more available to internationals with a growing number of English-taught study programs in the country. However, it could mean you need to be proficient in Italian before enrolling in a university there.

The weather in Germany and Italy can vary greatly depending on the region. However, both countries generally have cool winters and warm summers. Germany gets more rain than Italy does on average in terms of rainfall. And summers in Italy tend to be warmer than in Germany.

Germany and Italy are two very culturally rich countries. You can experience the traditional beer gardens, Christmas markets, and Oktoberfest in Germany. Meanwhile, you can enjoy the beautiful architecture, fantastic food, and vibrant lifestyle in Italy.

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So, which country is better for international students?

It depends on what you're looking for as an international student. If you want to study in a country with a lower cost of living and rich culture, Italy is better. However, if you're looking for tuition-free education in a diverse environment and better employability prospects after graduation, you should choose to study in Germany.

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The World Was Here First

Italy or Spain: Which Country Should You Visit?

Last Updated on January 2, 2024

by Maggie Turansky

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italy vs germany tourism

If you’re planning a trip to Southern Europe but don’t have the time to devote to spending time in numerous different countries, it can be hard to figure out if Italy or Spain is the right destination for you and your travel style.

Both of these vast countries have incredibly diverse cultures, regions, and landscapes throughout and one could easily spend months to years in one without seeing everything. That being said, they are also very different nations with unique things to offer, so this article will help you choose which country to visit on your next European adventure.

In general, visiting Spain over Italy is a good choice if you’re on a tighter budget, want to indulge in tapas culture or are after a beach holiday. Alternatively, visiting Italy over Spain is a great option if you want to enjoy great pizza and pasta, are interested in classic Roman ruins and Renaissance art or are looking for a huge array of climate diversity.

However, there is a lot more to both these countries so read on to understand the key considerations when choosing between Spain and Italy.

Table of Contents

Italy continues to be one of the most popular destinations to visit in Europe, with travellers flocking to see such sites like the Colosseum of Rome , the canals of Venice , the cathedrals in Milan or Florence , the shore of Cinque Terre , Lake Como and the Amalfi Coast or even trying to “hold up” the Leaning Tower of Pisa .

However, even beyond these tourist hot spot cities, there is so much to see in Italy that is off the well-trodden trail. Boasting a long and important history, there is no doubt why Italy has charmed visitors for millennia.

Italian food is also fantastic and has countless flavourful regional cuisines, some of the best wines in the world and a vast, diverse landscape that just begs to be explored.

Salo on Lake Garda


Italy is a massive country, far larger than you might realise, and it is home to many big cities and metropolitan areas that can all be used as transport hubs, meaning that Italy is one of the easiest countries to access from pretty much everywhere in the world.

While Rome is the biggest transport hub in the nation and is probably the easiest to fly into if you’re visiting Italy from outside of Europe, there are international airports in most major Italian cities.

For instance, if you’re looking to plan a short trip to Italy and you live in Europe, you can fly into historic city centres like Bologna or Milan, or even smaller, lesser-visited cities like Perugia . There are even easy flights to cities on Italy’s bigger islands, like Sardinia or Sicily, making most areas of the country very easy to visit by air.

However, if you’re more fond of overland journeys, you will be happy to know that Italy is also incredibly well-serviced by an extensive bus and train network. These buses and trains can get you virtually anywhere you might need to go in the country and there are usually multiple different options on more popular routes.

Italy’s high-speed rail network is incredibly fast and efficient (though booking in advance is recommended to save money!) and easily connects far-away major cities within a couple-hour journey.

The slower, but more affordable, regional commuter trains are also efficient and connect most slower cities easily to one another. Buses are probably the most affordable option for inter-city travel in Italy and, although they can be slow, the network is extensive.

When visiting Italy, it is also popular for more intrepid tourists to rent a car and explore Italy while taking to the open road. While it isn’t entirely necessary to hire a car in Italy as many cities and towns are easily accessible by bus and train, having your own vehicle will certainly allow you more flexibility in your itinerary and allow you to get to more off-beat destinations.

Road quality in Italy is generally pretty good, however, there are some nuances to driving in Italy that you might want to research if you plan to rent a car here. Car hire prices can be affordable in Italy if you know where to search for deals. We recommend using to find great deals available and opting to buy affordable excess insurance from iCarHireInsurance .

All in all, Italy is an incredibly accessible country both from abroad and within its own borders and it is a definite pro when trying to choose between visiting Spain or Italy for vacation.

Cathedral and Ghirlandina Tower in Modena, Italy


Now that we’ve discussed the accessibility of Italy, now it’s time to move on to how the prices in Italy will affect your travel budget. The affordability of a country is a definitive point when trying to choose between Italy and Spain to visit.

Not surprisingly, the cost of travelling to Italy can depend dramatically on both your style of travel and the destination that you happen to be visiting. Obviously, if you are the type of person who likes to stay in luxury accommodation, eat at high-end restaurants and generally live the high life while travelling in Italy, it can be a very expensive country to visit.

Alternatively, it is just as possible to visit the country and the smallest of backpacker’s budgets, staying in hostels, cooking most meals for yourself, and taking advantage of free or discounted activities and attractions.

Generally speaking, Italy has a reputation for being an expensive country to visit, however, this doesn’t always have to be the case. Certainly, you can expect incredibly high prices in major cities and tourist centres, especially in Venice or Rome, however, if you venture even a little bit away from areas that are flooded with tourists, you will find that prices are much less inflated.

Accommodation prices can also be affordable, especially when compared to similar options in North America.

A room in a budget hotel will start at around €60 per night and there are many other accommodation options available out there that are more affordable, like Airbnb rooms and hostels. Expect to pay more in Rome , with prices also being higher in Milan and Florence. Prices in Sicily can be much lower, however.

The affordability of meals also generally depends on your eating habits, however, you will generally find that portion sizes in Italy are generous and the value for money at most restaurants will be good. Especially when compared to eating out in cities in Northern Europe or North America, restaurants can be affordable in Italy.

Visiting historical monuments, museums and attractions can also be affordable in Italy, with museum entry costing about €10-15 depending on where you are.

It can also be affordable to visit various gastronomic destinations, like dairies or vineyards, especially if you organise it yourself rather than going on a guided tour.

For instance, it is possible to taste traditional balsamic vinegar in Modena at the producer absolutely free. You can also get full wine tastings for affordable prices as well, usually around €10-15 per person, so long as you visit smaller, local vineyards.

All in all, Italy can be an affordable country to visit. However, if price is your determining factor in choosing between Italy over Spain, you might find the latter to be slightly more affordable.

Umbria hill town

Things to Do

Both Italy and Spain are absolutely massive and have innumerable cities, towns, and regions that are packed to the brim with history and interesting things to do. They also both have an incredible Mediterranean climate to enjoy which makes visiting both countries year-round a great option.

However, now we’re going to talk about the things to do in Italy. Italy is a massive country with numerous diverse regions where you will find significant changes in the culture and cuisine as you travel between them.

For instance, the history and hill towns of Tuscany are astronomically different to what you will find in the mountains of South Tyrol and the coastline and cuisine of the Puglia region are different to what you will find in Emilia-Romagna.

Because of these vast regional differences, Italy is a country that cannot be fully appreciated or known in only a short trip to Venice, Florence and Rome and it is why people are continually drawn back to this incredible country.

Each city and region has something unique to offer its visitors and you could easily spend years on end exploring Italy and never exhaust the sheer amount of things to do.

It’s also difficult to pick out the exact best time to visit Italy just because of how much the climate differs between Northern and Southern Italy . You could head to Southern Italy or to Sicily to enjoy a bit of winter sun in February, or you could go to the mountains in Northern Italy for some of the world’s best skiing in the same month.

Italy is a huge country and if you have a lot of time to devote to exploring it, you will find that there is always something new to discover. The amount of amazing things to do in this Southern European nation is a definite pro when trying to choose between travelling to Italy and Spain.

Pretoria Fountain in Palermo

Now that we’ve covered more boring aspects when it comes to choosing whether to travel to Spain or Italy like accessibility and affordability, it’s time to discuss one of the main reasons you’re probably grappling with the choice between these two countries: the food.

Italian food is one of the most popular cuisines the world over and there is no shame in visiting Italy solely to eat. Much like the rest of the country, Italian cuisine is incredibly regional and it can pay off to do some research about the particular specialities of the region you happen to be visiting before you get there.

For instance, it can be helpful to know that you should sample the best prosciutto di parma when you visit the Emilia-Romagna region, that you should taste arancini in Sicily, or gorge yourself on an infinite amount of authentic pizza in Naples .

It is worth noting that in Italy, much like in other Southern Europe countries, meals are taken very late. Restaurants for dinner will likely not open until at least 8 or 8:30 PM and most locals won’t go to eat dinner until far later. Unlike in Spain, however, dinners in Italy do also tend to be fairly heavy so that is something to keep in mind.

Pasta in Italy

Spain is fast becoming the most popular destination to visit in all of Europe, welcoming tens of millions of tourists each year. Visitors flock to the country’s perennially sunny Costa del Sol , enjoy the Gaudi architecture and vibrant culture of Barcelona and gaze in awe as they wander through Granada’s Alhambra. However, Spain has much more to offer than paella and flamenco.

Spain has a unique and interesting history that is evident throughout every city or town you might visit and its distinct regional charm makes travelling through Spain an absolute treat. While the countries bear some similarities, there are a lot of reasons that travellers might also choose to visit Spain over Italy and it all depends on your particular preferences.

Before we talk about all the fun and interesting things Spain has to see, do, and eat, we need to discuss the general accessibility of the country. Well, if you’re struggling to choose between travelling to Spain or Italy and getting there is a determining factor, this might not help you make a decision.

Because Spain is an incredibly popular destination to visit for foreign visitors and because of the country’s size and diversity, numerous international airports are making the country just as easily accessible as Italy from virtually anywhere in the world.

If you’re visiting Spain from outside of Europe, it is likely that you would fly into either Madrid or Barcelona , as these are Spain’s two largest cities and the main transport hubs of the country.

However, if you are keen to travel to Spain from elsewhere in Europe, most major Spanish cities do have international airports that serve many destinations across the continent.

For instance, if you’re keen to explore Andalucía, you can fly into cities like Seville or Granada or Málaga and explore the region from any of those hubs. There are also international airports in many other Spanish cities that service budget airlines that can help you visit Spain on the cheap as well.

Once you’re in the country, it is also worth knowing how easy it is to get around. Well, much like Italy, Spain is also incredibly well-serviced by an extensive rail and bus network that makes it incredibly easy to visit almost every major city while travelling overland.

Transport hubs in big cities like Barcelona, Seville or Madrid have excellent connections to many other cities, making it especially easy to use these cities as bases for day trips.

It can also be worthwhile to rent a car in Spain if you want to venture further off the beaten path or get into nature, however, it isn’t entirely necessary because of how well-connected the country is when it comes to public transport.

All in all, if accessibility is a determining factor, both countries land about equal when it comes to getting around.

The Nasrid Palaces of the Alhambra in Granada

While there is little difference in accessibility and transport between Spain and Italy, you might find a way to decide between the two countries when it comes to affordability. Generally speaking, Spain can be a bit more affordable than Italy, especially in the major cities.

If you plan a typical Spain itinerary that takes you through major cities like Barcelona, Madrid, and Seville, you will undoubtedly find that your average Spain travel costs will be lower compared to an itinerary through major Italian cities like Venice , Florence, and Rome.

Why is this? Well, there are a couple of factors, but the most notable one would be that it is a bit cheaper to eat out in Spain, especially at lunchtime.

Spain has a great tradition of set lunch menus during the work week where you can get a massive, three-course meal complete with a drink (wine, beer, or a soft drink) normally for less than €12 and often around €8-9. This is something that isn’t as readily available in Italy.

Another great thing about Spain is its fantastic tapas culture. While in most cities, you can get an affordable small plate of food for a couple of euros, cities like Granada take it a step further and will give you a sizeable tapa free with the order of a drink.

While this isn’t common in every Spanish city, you can also get deals like this in some restaurants in less touristy cities like Cartagena as well – you can even get free tapas in more local bars in Madrid .

Besides the food costs, you can expect prices in Spain to be about similar to those in Italy, factoring in such things as accommodation and transportation. It is worth noting, though, that there are certain areas of Italy that can get incredibly pricey (notably Venice or the Amalfi Coast), and you won’t really find that anywhere in Spain.

It is worth noting that Northern Spain (such as Catalonia and the Basque Country) can also be a bit more expensive than Southern Spain.

Therefore, if cost is a determining factor, Spain might win by a slight margin when it comes to affordability – especially depending on where you go.

Retiro Park in Madrid

Much like Italy, Spain is a massive and diverse country with a lot to offer tourists, so much that it is impossible to get bored while visiting.

On a typical trip to Spain, you could find yourself exploring the multicultural barrios of Madrid , sipping sherry at a bodega in Jerez , visiting monasteries in Montserrat and enjoying the Spanish cuisine, surf and pintxos in San Sebastian .

All of Spain has so much to offer visitors that there is really something to suit every personality. If you’re a history buff, cities like Córdoba or Granada are fantastic places to visit to see incredible Moorish architecture and sites.

If you like beaches and sunshine, then the Costa del Sol and Costa Brava on the mainland are popular options. For those after a beach holiday with tons of options for wide, sandy stretches, Spain might be the better choice for this than Italy.

If you’re after parties until dawn, head to Ibiza for world-renowned nightlife. Spain truly has it all and it is impossible to be able to see and do everything even within a lifetime.

Like Italy, Spain is another country where people return to time and time again, either to revisit their favourite haunts or to explore yet another of its many distinct regions. The country is dotted with wine country and olive groves, mountains and coastline, lively cities and sleepy pueblos and it can keep you occupied for years on end.

Spain is also a highly regional country and you can have a very different trip if you stick to Andalucía in Southern Spain vs wandering around places like the Basque Country and Asturias in the north of the country.

Therefore, if you’re trying to choose between Italy vs Spain, it is worth knowing that both countries offer a number of great things to do for visitors.

La Concha Beach in San Sebastian

Much like Italy, many people will travel to Spain solely because of its fantastic food and wine. And also similar to Italy, each city and region has its own specialities that can vary drastically from place to place.

There is far more to Spanish cuisine than paella and jugs of sangria and it is well worth spending time getting to know the culture around eating in Spain.

Spain does have one tradition that Italy does not, however, and that is tapas. Tapas culture is especially pervasive in the capital of Madrid and in the southern Andalucía region, however, they are also found in virtually every other major city and town in Spain as well, these days.

The tapas culture makes it easier, in my opinion, for foreign visitors used to eating a bit earlier to enjoy a late meal in typical Spanish style, as the plates are small and are included as part of a night out, it doesn’t feel as difficult to eat so late at night.

Spain also boasts some of the best seafood in the world, from anchovies from the Cantabrian sea to some of the best tuna off the coast of Cádiz.

In Spain, contrary to Italy, the main meal of the day is also eaten at lunch, which is very typically large and hot. Lunch is an important aspect of every day in Spain, with school children even typically coming home for lunch in the country. This, again, makes it easier to enjoy a typical Spanish meal without having to completely adjust your eating schedule.

All in all, while the cuisine and typical food in Spain and Italy are different, they share certain similarities due to their climate and geographical location.

Free tapas in Madrid

Italy vs Spain: The Verdict

After going through all of the pros and cons of visiting Spain vs Italy for a trip to Southern Europe, it still can be difficult to make a decision between the two countries.

All in all, if you’re travelling on a tight budget and want to get the most out of the destination you are visiting, then Spain might be the better option for you. Even in the major tourist destinations, it is a bit easier to stick to a tight budget in Spain than it is in major Italian tourist hot spots.

Spain is also a great choice for those who are after a beach holiday. While Italy isn’t lacking in beautiful coastline, Spain is known for its incredible stretches of sand ranging from the Basque Country in the north all the way to the Canary Islands and everywhere in between.

However, if you’re more interested in Roman history and Renaissance art, then Italy might be a better choice for you. While Spain does have some Roman remnants, nothing compares to what can be found in Italy. It is also better to visit if you have a gelato habit!

Italy can also be the better choice if you’re looking for more diversity in climate. Though Spain’s regions certainly have their differences, Italy – being such a geographically long country – has countless different climate zones that can have you skiing in one part and enjoying Mediterranean sunshine in another during the same month.

Real Alcázar in Seville

While you certainly can’t go wrong with choosing either Italy or Spain to visit, there are some merits and disadvantages to each country worth considering.

Are you trying to choose between Spain and Italy? Have any questions about either country? Let us know in the comments!

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About Maggie Turansky

Maggie is a co-founder and writer for The World Was Here First. Originally from the US, she has lived in five different countries and has travelled to dozens more, both solo and with her partner, Michael. She particularly loves exploring Spain and spending time in the Caucasus and the Baltics. Read more about Maggie

Why chose when they are both countries that should not be missed? Italy has the most World Heritage sites but Spain is not far behind and it has greater diversity of monuments due to the different cultures that conquered the country. You can find Greek, Roman, Celtic, Phoenician, Arab and Medieval monuments all over the country. Spain is definitely much more than just beaches and sun.

Completely agree, Maria! Thanks for your comment 🙂

You mention that Spain has a tradition that Italy does not have and I think you are wrong. If you go in Italy…you can have as many Antipastos as possible and they can easily cover the tapas depth of Spain…on top of that….Spain doesnt have the Pasta…Pizza…Gelato…Coffee tradition that Italy has! Italy has also all that Spain has in terms of main courses…cold cuts…and it has also the Aperitivo Tradition…bigger Wine Production and depth of varietals/styles…besides all the liquors etc!

Tapas and antipasti have nothing to do with each other. Actually, we have a verb “tapear” or “ir de tapas”, which pretty much explains the philosophy and the concept. On the other hand, we also have the aperitivo (it is called aperitivo too). As a Spaniard myself, I prefer Tapas over antipasto, because for me the tapas have a meaning and a concept which goes beyond simple food. It’s just something completely different.

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What it's like to think about and want sex all the time — and the consequences

A woman lies in bed with striped blue covers pulled up to her eyes. She looks to the side with a playful expression.

Veronica thinks about sex all the time.

She says while being constantly horny can be "lovely", it's often exhausting — and distracting.

While the stereotype of men always wanting sex and women doing what they can to avoid it might ring true for some, there are women like Veronica (who asked we don't use her real name) who feel ruled by sexual desire.

That can be tricky to navigate at times, according to sex educator Emily Nagoski, especially because there is a long history of telling women that pursuing sexual pleasure is reserved only for men.

So what happens when women are horny — really horny — all the time? ABC podcast Ladies We Need to Talk spoke to Ms Nagoski and a few sexually charged women to find out.

Understanding high sexual desire

There's not much research into why some women have higher sexual appetites than others, but Ms Nagoski says sexual response is the product of a balance between excitatory and inhibitory processes .

"The first part is the sexual excitation system — or the gas pedal.

"It noticed all the sex-related information and in the environment. That's everything you see, hear, smell, touch or taste.

"It notices all your internal bodily sensations and it notices everything you think, believe or imagine — anything it codes as being sex-related, and it sends that turn-on signal that many of us are familiar with."

She says fortunately, we also have the "brakes", which notice "all the good reasons" not to be turned on right now.

We all have different things that turn us on and off, and some people have more sensitive accelerators or brakes than others.

"Women with low sensitivity brakes tend to be the ones who engage in higher risk behaviours … that they know intellectually, have a higher risk of unwanted consequences," Ms Nagoski says.

How high sexual desire can impact relationships

Veronica's constant thoughts around sex have caused her feelings of shame.

She says her impulses mean she hasn't always practised safe sex, and some of her choices have ruined relationships.

"And I have ended up making some terrible mistakes with other people and hurting people; hurting my friends because of things I've done."

Veronica's high sexual desire also leads to awkward moments with strangers.

"I have ended up coming out with … a dirty joke or something … when obviously that's a very inappropriate thing to be saying to someone who I'm hiring to put gyprock on my walls."

In the early days of new relationships with men, Veronica says they're happy to "keep up". But it doesn't last.

It's something Sarah can relate to, who says she'd like to be having sex with her boyfriend once or twice a day. Instead, it's once or twice a week.

"It's really shitty on my self-esteem," says Sarah, who we've given a pseudonym.

"That is mainly due to … the stereotype that all men want it all the time.

"And so then I look at my boyfriend and think, why doesn't he want it all the time? Is there something wrong with him, or is there something wrong with me?"

Communicating about desire with your sexual partner

Talking about sex is typically more difficult than having it, says Ms Nagoski.

Communicating with our sexual partners about our desires is key to meeting one another's needs, she says.

"If your partner just isn't under any circumstances interested in having as much sex as you would like to have — you have a lot of options.

"Are there non-sex ways to get some of those needs met for high desire women?"

She for some people, sex is a powerful and efficient way to experience connection, but there are "a lot" of other ways to experience that.

Looking to Sarah as an example, Ms Nagoski says her partner may feel pressured to perform or obligated to have sex all the time — which is more often a brake as opposed to an accelerator.

Taking away the expectation or pressure around sex can for some people create room for desire to build, she says.

Although the mismatched sex drive with her partner sometimes makes Sarah feel rejected, she also calls it her superpower.

"I realise that I really love my capacity for pleasure … and I actually wouldn't trade that for the world."

Finding a sexual match

Two women in bed lying down and holding each other together and kissing.

Jade, who also asked we keep her name confidential, didn't discover her high sexual desire until later in life.

She was in a heterosexual relationship with a sex life she described as "OK".

Jade began questioning her sexuality and eventually left the marriage. Sex with a woman for the first time was her sexual awakening.

"It was all-consuming to begin with … I couldn't really think of anything else."

When Jade met her now wife, they were having sex about seven times a day.

Four years later it happens about once most days. Jade says she's pleased their desires are evenly matched.

"I would be really disappointed if I was with someone who didn't have a sex drive like mine."

While we might feel sexually compatible with someone, Ms Nagoski says our interest in sex can fluctuate throughout life.

"It's really about how you feel about this moment in your life and the changes that are happening in your body, and what's going on with all of your relationships and your overall situation in life."

While high sexual desire "took over most of her life" for a long time, Veronica says she's more comfortable with it today and makes better decisions.

"It would have been nice if I could control it more, but I don't think I would change it."

ABC Everyday

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How Spain dumped Germany out of Euro 2024 with last-gasp Mikel Merino goal

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Spain eliminate Germany from Euro 2024

Mikel Merino scored deep into extra-time as Spain snatched a dramatic 2-1 victory in Stuttgart to dump host nation Germany out of their own European Championship .

After a scoreless opening half, substitute Dani Olmo broke the deadlock with a fine finish from just inside the area. But Germany dug deep and forced extra-time through an 89th-minute strike from Florian Wirtz .

Germany looked the more likely to score a winner but, with just seconds remaining, Merino headed home Olmo’s exquisite cross to break the host nation’s hearts.

Spain will next play either Portugal or France — but they will have to do so without the suspended Dani Carvajal and Robin Le Normand , while there are injury concerns over both Pedri and Fabian Ruiz .

Spain 2 Germany 1: Mikel Merino’s late, late winner dumps out Euro 2024 hosts

Spain 2 Germany 1: Mikel Merino’s late, late winner dumps out Euro 2024 hosts

Mark Carey

How will Kroos look back on his final appearance?

How will Kroos look back on his final appearance?

Getty Images

The time had to come at some point.

Kroos was keen to ensure that Germany’s summer tournament was solely about the team and not his farewell tour, but the way that he has played in the past 12 months — for club Real Madrid and country — made fans and team-mates question why he would even consider retiring.

The 34-year-old's final game in professional football was mixed.

No German player made more than his 83 passes as he continued to be the fulcrum from which his national team operate. He drifted across the pitch to dictate the build-up, dropping into his usual left half-space but also evaded pressure by dropping between his two centre-backs and starting another attacking wave for Germany.

It is a shock to think that, unless he changes his mind, we will never see Kroos kick a ball professionally again. Ultimately, this was a cruel end for Kroos and his country on home soil but there is nothing left for us all to do but show gratitude to a player who has had such a glittering career.

Danke fur alles, Toni.

Read more below

Ed Mackey

Should Germany have had a late penalty?

Should Germany have had a late penalty?

Midway through the second half of extra time, it looked to almost everyone watching that the decisive moment had come.

Germany centre-forward Niclas Fullkrug knocked the ball back to Wirtz, who fired in a shot from 25 yards. When the ball hit Spain left-back Marc Cucurella, the Germans closest to him immediately appealed, with some appearing to stop playing, so sure were they that it was handball and a potential match-winning penalty.

When play stopped, it did look like a spot kick was coming, but the officials quickly waved play on. Germany were mystified, while TV cameras caught Cucurella breaking into a relieved-looking grin as he turned away and got back into the game.

Most replays made it look like a clear penalty — in La Liga, in the Premier League, and all around the world. As it had not been given, there was an immediate debate about the laws of the game. But another replay appeared to clear up the confusion.

Earlier in the move, Fullkrug was standing in an offside position, before he controlled a hoisted ball and laid it back to Wirtz. It was very close, just inches the wrong side of the Spain defence, but it kept the score at 1-1.

Where did Wirtz's equaliser start?

Where did Wirtz's equaliser start?

Desperation can do strange things to footballers.

Sometimes it can be a cynical foul, sometimes it can be an acrobatic overhead kick in the dying seconds. The decision-making doesn’t often conform to the patterns we see for 99 per cent of the game.

Rarely would you see a goalkeeper take a throw-in midway in their own half, but, in the 88th minute today, Neuer hurled the ball forward — it was arguably a foul throw, if we’re being pernickety — to get his side back up the field as a 1-0 defeat loomed.

It was odd to see, but proved an inspired decision. It was that attacking sequence that led to Germany’s equaliser as Mittelstadt’s eventual cross was nodded down by Kimmich for Wirtz to finish excellently inside a packed penalty area.

Wirtz will get the plaudits for the goal, but it was a sequence of play that began with a throw by their goalkeeper — and from the touchline, not his own penalty area.

James McNicholas

How unfair is the yellow card rule?

How unfair is the yellow card rule?

The Spain duo of Le Normand and Dani Carvajal should be celebrating qualification for a European Championship semi-final. They should be preparing to play the biggest national-team game of their life.

Instead, they will both miss Tuesday’s semi-final through suspension. Under UEFA rules, a second booking across five games at this tournament is deemed sufficient to warrant a ban. Carvajal ensured his absence in any case with a second yellow right at the end of the match for a late foul on Musiala.

The same fate would have awaited the German trio of Rudiger, Maximilian Mittelstadt and Robert Andrich had Germany qualified for the semi-final.

Any yellow cards picked up in the earlier rounds are expunged once the quarter-finals are over. It’s a system designed in part to prevent players missing the ultimate showpiece occasion: the final. But given how easily a booking can be acquired in modern football, a suspension for two cautions seems somewhat draconian.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to wipe bookings after the group stage. In any case, the punishment for the Spain players seems unduly harsh — although perhaps not for Carvajal. Alvaro Morata was initially reported by UEFA to have been shown a yellow card during the celebrations of Merino’s goal — which would have ruled him out of the semi-final as well — but this was later removed.

Sebastian Stafford-Bloor

What does the hosts going out of the tournament mean?

What does the hosts going out of the tournament mean?

Germany will be stung, but not too disheartened by this result. As soon as a path was plotted through this draw, it was clear that all roads led to a meeting with Spain; to what many considered a superior and better-developed side.

It was still cruel. One last moment of euphoria via Wirtz’s equaliser, then the gut-punch of that Spanish winner.

And their defeat belongs in proper context. This was a graceful exit for Germany, not one — as in the tournaments of 2018, 2021 and 2022 — which demands introspection and root-and-branch reviews. Give it a few days and the positives will have been extracted, with thoughts turning to the 2026 World Cup.

Are Spain now favourites?

Having beaten the hosts in dramatic fashion, some will now consider Spain the favourites to win Euro 2024.

They’d already played the most coherent attacking football in the tournament, putting three goals past Croatia and scoring four against Georgia. Today in Stuttgart, they showed a different side to their game, withstanding the home side’s physical approach and waves of German pressure after their equaliser, and then claiming a late, late winner.

Their football was not quite as fluid as in previous matches, with Germany hitting on a way to reduce Rodri’s influence in midfield. Nevertheless, Spain found a way to win, crafting a beautiful opening goal for Olmo and then finding that chance for Merino in extra time.

Spain had never previously beaten a host nation in a knockout tie at either a World Cup or European Championship. For this youthful team to do so, at their country’s 10th attempt, feels like a vital step in their development.

Morata is not suspended for the semi-final!

Morata is not suspended for the semi-final!

Big news regarding Spain captain Alvaro Morata that broke a little earlier this evening.

Despite claims at the time that he had been shown a yellow card during the celebrations for the winning goal, UEFA have confirmed that he was not cautioned. And, as a result, he will be available for the semi-final against either France or Portugal.

A huge boost for Spain who will already be without Robin Le Normand and Dani Carvajal, as well as possibly Pedri and Fabian Ruiz.

Spain captain Alvaro Morata not suspended for Euro 2024 semi-final

Spain captain Alvaro Morata not suspended for Euro 2024 semi-final

Goalless at half-time between France and Portugal

Goalless at half-time between France and Portugal

Spain fans and players alike will be keeping a keen eye on this second quarter-final between France and Portugal. But, at half-time, there isn't much to report as the two teams are locked at 0-0.

If you're not already, make sure to go follow our live coverage of the second half here .

The winner of that tie will face Spain in Tuesday's semi-final in Munich.

Olmo goes level with Fabregas

Olmo goes level with Fabregas

Olmo has been a key player for Spain off the bench on a number of occasions.

He has now been involved in five goals as a substitute at the European Championship: two goals and three assists.

That tally has drawn him level with compatriot Cesc Fabregas — also two goals and three goals — who, before today, was the single record holder in that regard.

Another record broken by Yamal

Another record broken by Yamal

It is rare that a game goes by where 16-year-old Lamine Yamal doesn't break a record of some kind.

Today, he brought his tally of Euro 2024 assists to three and, in the process, became the first teenager to provide three assists at a single edition of the European Championship.

A bittersweet Wirtz performance

A bittersweet Wirtz performance

The introduction of Wirtz in place of Sane at half-time was a gamechanger for Germany as the Bayer Leverkusen youngster caused plenty of problems for Spain before popping up with the equalising goal in the 89th minute.

The goal made him Germany's youngest ever goalscorer in a European Championship knockout match at the age of 21 years and 63 days.

And he came so close to another goal in extra time...

Spain are becoming extra-time specialists

Spain are becoming extra-time specialists

Today marked the ninth time Spain had gone to extra time at the European Championship and Merino's winning goal meant they have progressed seven out of nine times.

Only Italy (10) have been to extra time more in European Championship history.

And that Merino goal was Spain's third in the second half of extra time at a major tournament — the other two:

  • Andres Iniesta vs Netherlands (2010 World Cup final) – 116th minute
  • Amancio vs Hungary (Euro 1964) – 115th minute

A fitting end for Toni Kroos

A fitting end for Toni Kroos

It wasn't the fairytale ending to Kroos' career that he — and the German public — would've wanted.

But it did end very true to form.

He completed more passes (76) and touched the ball more (102 touches) than any other player on the pitch today.

I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

The third-latest winner in Euros history

The third-latest winner in Euros history

It doesn't get much later than that. And the history books tell us that only twice have players scored later winning European Championship goals than Merino today – timed at 118:52.

Artem Dovbyk scored the latest ever for Ukraine against Sweden at Euro 2020 — timed at 120:36).

And sandwiched between that goal and today's is Michel Platini's winner against Portugal at Euro 1984 — timed at 118:53. One second later than Merino's!

Problems aplenty for De la Fuente

Problems aplenty for De la Fuente

Victory in that fashion must be celebrated, but tournament football doesn't allow much of that.

De la Fuente will already be thinking about the semi-final, especially as he has major decisions to make.

He knows he will be without Robin Le Normand and Dani Carvajal as they are suspended. Alvaro Morata was also said to have been booked during the celebrations of the winning goal — which would mean he too is suspended — but that is a claim he is currently refuting!

And, in terms of injuries, both Pedri and Fabian Ruiz left the pitch in significant discomfort. With just four days until the semi-final, there is every likelihood Spain could be without two of their star midfielders as well.

Spare a thought for Anthony Taylor

Spare a thought for Anthony Taylor

A quick word for Anthony Taylor who had to make a number of big decisions in that game and, for my money, didn't get much wrong.

He should've probably shown first-half yellow cards to Rodri and Kroos but, other than that, it was a strong showing from the English referee who will hope his tournament doesn't end at the quarter-final stage.

Here are all of the 16 (!) yellow cards he showed during the 120 minutes — and beyond:

  • Germany : Rudiger, Raum, Andrich, Kroos, Mittelstadt, Schlotterbeck (not on pitch), Wirtz, Undav (not on pitch)
  • Spain : Le Normand, Torres, Simon, Carvajal x2, Rodri, Morata (not on pitch), Fabian Ruiz (not on pitch)

A busy night for the man in the middle!

Thom Harris

Merino's headed winner should come as no surprise

Merino's headed winner should come as no surprise

Those who haven't been following Mikel Merino's career since he left Newcastle United in the summer of 2018 might have been surprised to see the midfielder pop up in the penalty area like that, but that's exactly the kind of late run he's developed a reputation for at Real Sociedad in La Liga. He brings a solid defensive output and smooth link-up play to the midfield, but he's also been increasingly efficient in the final third, scoring eight times in all competitions last campaign.

He's also proven himself very capable in the air – only Cadiz centre-forward Chris Ramos won more aerial duels than him in 2023-24 – while he scored a similarly emphatic header in the dying moments against Mallorca back in February.

On now: France vs Portugal

On now: France vs Portugal

Spain will face the winner of Portugal vs France in the semi-final on Tuesday, and that game has literally just kicked off.

You can follow our live coverage of that one here .

Dermot Corrigan

Olmo hopes 'important' Pedri is not seriously injured

It was because of a very early injury to Pedri that Olmo got the chance to enter the fray so early and the Player of the Match was asked about his team-mate after the match.

"We are all a team, the team is the most important thing," he told La 1. "We all hope it’s just a bang for Pedri, as he’s an important player.

"This story is for him, for everyone, and now for the semis."

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A Travel Price Comparison for Families, Couples, and Backpackers Austria vs. Italy for Museums & Attractions, Food, Nightlife, and Hiking


  • Pros & Cons
  • Museums & Attractions
  • Culture & History
  • Small Towns
  • Christmas Markets
  • National Parks
  • Adventure & Outdoor Activities
  • Outdoor Activities
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  • More time in Austria or Italy?
  • Which is Cheaper, Austria or Italy?
  • When to Visit Austria or Italy?
  • Weather: Austria vs. Italy

Should you visit Austria or Italy?

Which is cheaper to visit which is more expensive for vacation.

Should I visit Austria or Italy? This is a common question asked by many travelers. By figuring out which country has activities that align with your interests along with knowing which is more affordable, you'll understand where you can get more bang for your buck. So, let's dive into the details and the data, which all comes from actual travelers.

We'll start with a quick overview, and below we will go into all of the details.

Salzburg Old Town

Austria is a mountainous, beautiful, and scenic country. It's considered by many to be an absolutely beautiful destination, too. It's also popular because of the shopping, museums, theater, and adventure travel.

This central European country offers a variety of reasons to visit from the beautiful Alps in the west to the historic cities of Vienna, Salzburg, and Innsbruck. This combination of history and natural beauty extends to every part of Austria, as visitors will find quaint villages, castles, ski resorts, wildlife parks, hot springs, hiking trails, outdoor activities, and royal palaces. Any time of the year is a good time to visit, because the winters provide beautiful snow-covered landscapes and winter sports, while the summers are a good time to experience the culture, festivals, and historical attractions.

Naples, Italy

Italy is a captivating, scenic, and historical country. Many visitors also come because of it's amazing beauty. Visitors also love the mountains, shopping, museums, and adventure travel.

Italy is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. This is no surprise considering it offers world-famous sights and attractions, delicious food, beautiful scenery, abundant history, and gorgeous architecture.

Austria and Italy: Pros and Cons

  • Popular museums and historical sights
  • Great culture, history, and arts
  • Popular for skiing
  • Good for hiking
  • Beautiful national parks
  • Beautiful mountains
  • Numerous outdoor activities
  • Great road trips
  • Family-friendly
  • Good for couples and romance
  • Good for backpackers and budget travelers
  • Impressive beauty
  • Not as many big cities
  • Less popular for food
  • Less popular for nightlife
  • Less popular for shopping
  • Crowded with tourists
  • Popular for food and cuisine
  • Good nightlife
  • Good for shopping
  • Not too many tourists
  • Less hiking options
  • Not so many mountains
  • Less outdoor activities

Lucca, Italy

How is Austria different from Italy?

Which is better for a holiday.

Below we will examine the differences and similarities between Austria and Italy. With this information, you can decide for yourself which place is better for your next trip.

Are the Museums and Historical Sights Better in Austria or Italy?

Both Austria and Italy offer a variety of museums and places of interest, but Italy generally has more to choose from.

The museums and tourist attractions in Italy are world-renowned. The major cities offer a unique combination of art, history, and cultural museums that are unmatched anywhere else in the world. From the famous art museums in Florence and Venice to the historical center of Rome, it's hard to find another country that offers as many museums as Italy.

Rome : The historical sights around the city are among the most impressive in the world. Almost anywhere you look you'll find a notable landmark but some of the most famous include the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, the Vatican, and the Roman Forum.

Florence : Because of it's important role in the Renaissance, the city has many world-renowned museums that you can visit. Famous sights and landmarks include the Uffizi Gallery, the Duomo, and the Academy Gallery.

Venice : The many historic and famous landmarks in town include St. Mark's Basilica, St. Mark's Square, Doge's Palace, and the Rialto Bridge.

Pompeii : Pompeii is a city frozen in time and it is truly a one-of-a-kind destination. The streets remain as they once stood, lined with shops and homes. Highlights of a visit include the Forum, the Antiquarium, the Temple of Isis, and the Teatro Grande.

See also Florence Activity Guide , The Ultimate Rome Travel Guide , and Cheap Tours and Activities in Rome, Italy .

Many visitors head to Austria specifically to visit some of its top-rated museums and other sights. Visitors can find a variety of museums across the country that showcase art, culture, history, and more. In Vienna, don't miss the Hofburg, the natural history museum, the Albertina, the Kunsthistorisches Museum, and the Imperial Treasury with all of its crown jewels. There are plenty more, such as the Military Museum, the Haus der Musik, and the National Library, too. In Salzburg, the fortress on the hill known as Hohensalzburg is a combination of a castle and museum with plenty of sights and epic views. Mozart's birthplace museum and childhood home are also interesting places to visit, along with the Museum of Natural History, and the terrific Salzburg Museum which showcases the history of the city. Innsbruck offers the Tyrolean Folk Art Museum and the Swarovski Crystal Museum, both of which are much better than expected. The Audioversum and the Museum of Anatomy are also very interesting, even for kids. Other smaller towns and cities have even more museums, many of which are focused on regional history and culture.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Culture, Arts, and History?

Generally, Italy offers a larger array of history, arts, and cutlure for travelers than Austria.

With a long list of famous historical and cultural attractions, Italy brings in many visitors. It's hard to find another country as proud of its heritage, culture, and history. In Italy, all of these are mixed together as the historical architecture and cuisine are constant reminders of the rich history and artistic contributions throughout the centuries. From the ancient Roman civilization up to the Renaissance to modern times, it's all on display here in the cities and the countryside.

See also How to Buy Tickets to the Colosseum , Rome Activity Guide , and The Ultimate Florence Travel Guide .

Austria has many famous historic and cultural sights and attractions worth visiting, and is one of the main reasons why poeple come here. Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck, and other towns in this European nation offer historic architecture, art, and culture around every turn. In Vienna, visitors can tour the famous Schonnbrunn imperial palace, the town hall, the cathedrals, and peruse the old town center. Theater productions and local craft shops provide more intimate details of old Vienna, too. Salzburg also showcases its deep history starting with the large fortress on the hill and the winding streets below filled with churches, shops, hidden alleyways under arches, and gardens. Innsbruck also has plenty of history within its city center, which is easily explored on foot after a day of hiking or visiting museums. The old towns in the mountains also offer their own historical sights with historic churches, old markets, and more.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Big City Activities?

Italy is considered to have more larger cities than Austria.

With plenty of activities and things to do in the big cities, Italy draws plenty of visitors. With numerous world-famous cities, this country offers a special city vibe many times over. From the bustling streets of Rome and Milan to the historic centers of Florence, Venice, and Naples, visitors will find no shortage of sights, attractions, nightlife, restaurants, and museums to explore in the big cities of Italy.

See also Milan: The Ultimate Travel Planning Guide , Naples: The Ultimate Travel Planning Guide , and The Ultimate Venice Travel Guide .

Because of the large cities in Austria, visitors will find many sights and attractions. While Vienna is the largest city, you can also find historic urban centers in Salzburg, Innsbruck, Graz, and Linz. However, as Austria is not very large, none of these cities are particularly known for their huge populations or tall skyscrapers. Instead, you'll find historic buildings, beautiful winding alleyways, castles and palaces, old cathedrals, theater productions, public gardens, world-class museums, and zoos and parks. The larger cities of Austria pack a great amount of attractions and activities into their city centers for everyone to enjoy.

See also The Ultimate 3-Day Guide for Vienna, Austria .

Is Austria or Italy Better for Small Towns and Villages?

Austria and Italy are somewhat similar when it comes to visiting the great smaller towns and villages.

Because Austria offers so many small towns with a variety of charming activities, it attracts plenty of visitors for a good reason. Through the Alps and the lowlands, the quaint small towns are some of the highlights of a visit to Austria. Some of the best and most scenic are those found in the mountains alongside lakes, or tucked into a beautiful valley surrounded by peaks, farms, and hiking trails. Hallstatt is perhaps the most famous. Located not far from Salzburg, here you'll find a charming church and old village on the banks of a scenic lake surrounded by epic mountain views. Durnstein, near Vienna, is an old walled town on the river with a castle and abbey, and is surrounded by wineries. Zell am See is a ski resort in the winter but also popular in the summer with hikers, bikers, and sightseers, as it sits on a lake with gorgeous views. Lienz, near the Italian border, offers a Midieval town center, nearby mountain coasters and hiking in the Dolomites, and is within close proximity to the Hohe Tauern National Park. St. Gilgen and Mondsee are two towns not far from Salzburg that offer scenes from The Sound of Music in addition to plenty of fun activities and historical sites. There's plenty more beautiful small towns to explore around Austria, so make sure you spend part of your time here visiting at least several of them.

Since Italy offers plenty of small towns and villages with a variety of activities, it attracts plenty of visitors, too. If quintessential small towns are what you seek, then you will find them here. Along the coastline as well as inland, Italy is home to numerous charming small towns with colorful buildings and gorgeous landscapes. Many of these towns offer great views of the surrounding countryside or coastlines, a maze-like selection of narrow alleyways, and quaint cafes to while away the afternoons.

See also Amalfi Coast's Seaside Towns , The Best Day Trips from Venice , and Things to Do in Cinque Terre .

Is the Food Better in Austria or Italy? Which Country Has the Best Restaurants?

Foodies will appreciated the dining options available in Italy a bit more than Austria.

For foodies, Italy is an obvious choice, as it is one of the food capitals of the world. The food here is world-famous, as you probably already know. In fact, the food is one of the main attractions. Pasta, pizza, seafood, and gelato are only just the beginning. Many regions of Italy have their own culinary specialties, too. So, be prepared to eat your way through this gourmet country.

Rome : Homemade pasta, fresh sauces, and fine wine all make the food scene among the best. Also make sure you try the gelato.

Milan : The city has a mix of traditional dishes combined with modernized, trendy restaurants. You can try a new dish by a groundbreaking chef, or sample a long running favorite like risotto alla Milanese.

Naples : As the birthplace of pizza, the city has a well known food reputation. Many local dishes, including an authentic Napoli pizza, use simple flavors such as olive oil, garlic, and tomatoes. The dishes are lighter than their northern counterparts and tomatoes are a very popular ingredient. In addition to the pizza, you should try Lasagna Al Forno Napoletana and Spaghetti Alla Vognole. Also check out a pizza making class.

Florence : Once you've worked up an appetite exploring museums and churches, you'll find many amazing local restaurants around town. Local dishes incorporate a lot of hearty vegetables and meats. Famous dishes include a Florentine steak dish, rabbit, and a bean bed and cabbage soup.

Bologna : Foodies will appreciate the city's well earned culinary reputation. Some people even consider Bologna to be a food capital in Italy. There are cooking classes and food tours around town, as well as many great restaurants that serve up local dishes. Visitors should try Tagliatelle with Ragu (now famously known around the world as Bolognaise), Tortellini in broth, and Mortadella (salami).

See also Make Your Own Pizza in Naples, Italy .

There are many up and coming restaurants in the Austria area. The major cities offer a mix of traditional cuisine, European restaurants, and global fare. Visitors and locals enjoy a range of terrific food from casual cafes to fine dining establishments. Make sure you try the traditional dishes, especially the desserts which Austria is known for. Generally, the cuisine is similar to German and Swiss recipes as you'll find plenty of sausage, heavy meats, and stews with vegetables and potatoes. Traditional dishes include the famous apple strudel, which you can learn to make yourself in a cooking class which is a great activity for the whole family. Also try the Salzburger Nockerl, which is a fluffy and sweet meringue-like dessert. For your main meal, the classic pork Wiener Schnitzel hails from Vienna and tastes better here than anywhere else. Knödel dumplings and Käsespätzle are also terrific. One of my favorites is the Tiroler Gröstl, a mix of meat, potatoes, eggs, and herbs that will fill you up in the most delicious way possible. There are plenty of other examples of wonderful traditional meals that shouldn't be missed, so head to Austria to try all of them.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Nightlife?

For nightlife, head to Italy instead of Austria.

Italy is a party destination, and you'll find plenty of activity all night long. The major cities of Rome, Milan, Florence, and Naples offer plenty of nightlife for every type of person. From bars and clubs to restaurants and theatre, the larger and even the smaller cities have plenty of options.

Rome : You'll find a huge concentration of bars and clubs in the Testaccio area. There are late night clubs with salsa dancing, merengue, and live DJ's spinning every type of music.

Milan : The city has a huge number of students and young professionals, which make it a fun place with an active nightlife. There are cocktail bars, trendy clubs, and relaxed pubs that you can chose from.

See also Party Hostels in Florence , and Party Hostels in Rome .

There's a variety of activities in the evening in Austria. Plenty of bars, pubs, and nightclubs can be found around Vienna, Salzburg, Graz, and Innsbruck, and other cities. The city centers are the more popular places for nightlife. Theater shows, fine dining, and cultural shows are also popular, especially with tourists. Also, the ski resort areas in the winter draw large numbers of visitors, and in the evening the bars in these towns are full of partygoers. In Vienna, check out Flex, Celeste, Donau, and Fluc, among others.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Resorts?

Austria and Italy offer a relatively similar set of great luxury resort options.

With a selection of resorts, Austria makes a nice vacation spot. Ski resorts in the mountains are very popular in the winter, as the skiing here is terrific and world-class. The best ski resorts have plenty of nice amenities, luxury rooms, great food, and more. A few of the best include St. Anton, Kitzbühel, and Solden, but there are plenty of others.

Italy has a few great resort options. The coastal and beach areas host some nice resorts, especially in the south where the water is clear and blue. Otherwise, almost all of Italy is home to luxurious hotels featuring nice amenities.

Positano : The town has a number of luxury resorts including Le Sirenuse, Il San Pietro di Positano, and Hotel Le Agavi.

Portofino : Known for it's exclusive luxury, there are a number of high end resorts in the area. Popular options include Splendido, Sublimis Boutique Hotel, and Grand Hotel Miramare.

Is the Shopping Better in Austria or Italy?

Italy often provides a better shopping experience than Austria.

Known for shopping, Italy draws large crowds to its stores. From Milan to Florence to Rome, this country offers some terrific fashion and shopping experiences. The big cities and the smaller towns can provide unique opportunities to find new clothes, fun souvenirs, and interesting crafts.

Rome : For the biggest brand names, head to Via del Corso, which is near the Spanish Steps. Popular items to buy include Italian ceramics, shoes, leather goods, and jewelry.

Milan : Famous as the fashion capital of Italy, shopping is the thing to do here. There are many streets that are lined with the biggest designers in fashion. Make sure you check out Via Monte Napoleone, Via Della Spiga, and Corso Buenos Aires.

Venice : There are many unique items that people purchase in town. Some of the most popular include Murano glass, Burano lace, Venetian masks, and local fabrics.

Como : The shopping is comparable to major cities, with everything from high end boutiques to outlets and local markets. There are clothing shops, jewelry stores, and places to pick up local souvenirs. Shopping is a favorite activity for many visitors to Lake Como.

Many visitors go to Austria to go shopping. Vienna is perhaps the best city for shopping in Austria, although you'll find plenty of other options around Innsbruck, Salzburg, and Graz, too. In Vienna, you can find a variety of fashion boutiques, arts and crafts, and souvenir shops around Graben and the surrounding streets and in nearby Kohlmarkt. Plenty of shopping malls are around the city, too, such as Westfield Shopping City. The Naschmarkt is a terrific food market with a variety of local stalls, and it's worth a visit, too. In Salzburg, the streets of the old town area have a variety of shops. The areas around Getreidegasse have a variety of clothing boutiques, food shops, restaurants, cafes, and souvenir shops. In Innsbruck, you'll find more touristy shops in the old town streets around the Golden Roof, but more clothing boutiques along Maria-Theresien-Strasse. There's also a large mall just off of this street with plenty of clothing stores and more.

Vienna : The city is filled with pedestrian streets that are lined with designer shops, jewelry stores, and art galleries.

Salzburg : The city's historic heart is filled with boutique shops, chocolate markets, and charming local vendors. It's fun to peruse the many shops that line the streets while you shop for local souvenirs.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Christmas?

With various activities, both Austria and Italy are great places to visit during Christmas.

People travel from all around to experience the Christmas season in Austria . Almost every city and town displays decorations, raises Christmas trees, and hosts some form of festivities during the holiday season. Vienna is where the holidays are showcased the most, as the entire city hosts various activities. Starting with the huge Christmas market in front of the old town hall, visitors can then enjoy various shows and theater productions, go ice skating, and more. Don't miss the fun puppet shows, too. Innsbruck hosts its own holiday markets, too. And you can't miss the huge Swarovski Crystal decorated Christmas tree in the square near the Golden Roof, along with all of the other lights around the old town shops and restaurants. Linz has a market that is focused primarily on food. Try the Linzer Tortes along with local crafts and fairytale characters. Yet another large market can be found in Salzburg during the holiday season, along with ice skating, horse-drawn carriages, a Christmas Museum, and holiday concerts. Graz showcases a large nativity scene made of ice, plus its own market and decorations and an ice rink designed for curling. Various small towns also host holiday events. St. Anton, the ski resort town, hosts a market for visitors along with plenty of activities such as arts and crafts for kids. And Zell am See decorates the entire town with lights, and has a unique Christmas tree reveal from the waters of the lake on Christmas Day. No matter where you go in Austria, you'll find festive holiday activities to enjoy.

Italy is a world class destination during the Christmas season. Rome is a very popular destination at Christmas, especially since it is home to the Vatican. The city is fantastically decorated for the season. But it's not the only one, as other larger cities and smaller towns also put on large holiday displays with huge Christmas trees, ice skating rinks, and theatre shows. Many of the towns in the northern regions of Italy also put on markets and decorate large areas of their public squares.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Christmas Markets?

While Italy and Austria both have Christmas markets, overall Austria has more to offer.

People travel to Austria specifically to enjoy its famous Christmas markets. Almost every major destination puts on some type of Christmas market. Most begin in late November and run through New Years. The market in Vienna is one of the most popular. Located in front of the famous Vienna Town Hall, the scenery is breathtaking. In Salzburg, a huge portion of the historic old town area becomes one large market, as stalls selling food and crafts are found everywhere. The view from the fortress above is terrific! Innsbruck puts up a large tree in the center of old town, and the surrounding streets are filled with market shops selling everything from crafts to yummy treats. Even smaller towns such as Zell am See, St. Anton, Hallstatt, Seefeld, and others put on quaint markets in their old town areas over the holidays which are full of charm, lights, and festivities.

Italy offers plenty of Christmas markets. Many of the smaller towns in northern Italy host Christmas markets in their central areas. A few of the best include Bolzano, Trento, Merano, Bressanone, and Arezzo. Florence also puts on a large market during the holidays. And in Milan, families and kids will love the Village of Wonders which offers plenty of activities, as well as a market in the heart of the city.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Skiing?

For skiing and winter sports, both Austria and Italy provide great options.

Visitors travel far to experience snow skiing in Austria . Honestly, it's hard to find better skiing and snowboarding opportunities than those found in the Alps of Austria. Some of the neighboring countries such as Switzerland, France, and Germany might have comparable options since they share the same mountain ranges, but the epic beauty combined with the resort amenities of Austrian destinations is top notch. Some of the most popular ski areas include Kitzbühel, St. Anton am Arlberg, Soll, Mayrhofen, Saalbach, and Zell am See. This last one has gorgeous views overlooking the nearby lake surrounded by mountains, along with a lively town on its shore. A ski trip in Austria should be on any ski enthusiasts bucket list.

Kitzbuhel : There are four ski resorts near the village and 145 miles of slopes. Hahnenkamm Streif racecourse is world famous, but there are also 57 lifts that offer access to skiing for everyone from beginners to professionals. This is a world class ski area that is considered to be one of the best in the world. It attracts international skiers who come for the well maintained slopes and world class skiing.

Italy is a well-known ski destination which attracts visitors from far and wide. In the northern mountainous areas of Italy visitors will find the Alps and the Dolomites. Here, a number of world-class ski resorts draw visitors from all over Europe and the rest of the world.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Hiking?

While Italy and Austria both offer hiking, overall Austria is considered to have more to offer.

Around Austria visitors will find world-class hiking trails. Hiking trails in the Alps and Dolomites offer a variety of difficulties, but always stunning views. Some hiking trails can be quite easy and relaxed, and others offer serious climbs that take dedication and commitment. Either way, the combination of the beautiful natural landscapes, quaint mountain villages, and cultural history means that any hiking trip to the area will be terrific. The famous Salzburger Almenweg is a "hut-to-hut" hike which takes around a month to do the entire route. But it's possible to just do a small section of it just for a day or two if you don't have the time. The Wachau valley area of the Danube is another popular region for hiking, as it's not far from Vienna and provides easy to moderate hikes, many of which are through vineyards. If you're looking for something close to Salzburg, many trails can be found in the area, especially around Mondsee or over the German border around Konigsee. If you're in Innsbruck, it's easy to hike from the city up the trails to the north towards Nordkette Klettersteig. No matter where you visit, hiking opportunities are everywhere.

Kitzbuhel : During the summer months the area is filled with miles of stunning hikes. There's the famous Kitzbüheler Horn, as well as more relaxing mountain strolls. You'll enjoy breathtaking views and serene mountain pastures.

Many people include a hike when visiting Italy. The northern regions around the Dolomites and the Alps offer plenty of hiking trails, as do some of the central inland areas where the terrain is higher and rugged. Plenty of coastal trails can be found with stunning views of the Mediterranean, too. Check out the trails around the Amalfi Coast and Cinque Terre, for example. Also, one of the most famous hikes is the historic walk along the Appian Way.

Cinque Terre : The five towns are part of Cinque Terre National Park and there are 120 kilometers of hiking trails in the park. Most people hike along the trails that follow the coastline and connect the towns. There are fees for the most popular stretch of trails which connect Monterosso to Vernazza and then go from Vernazza to Corniglia. All other hiking is free in the area.

See also A Hiking Guide to Cinque Terre , and Tours and Hiking Trips to Mt. Vesuvius and Pompeii .

Is Austria or Italy Better for its National Parks?

If you're interested in visiting great national parks, Austria and Italy both offer plenty of spots.

Visiting the national parks is a popular activity when in Austria . The 6 national parks here offer visitors a chance to enjoy the mountain and lowland scenery with outdoor activities on lands that are protected, surrounded by wildlife and native flora. Hohe Tauern National Park is the oldest, and here you can see wildlife such as marmots and the huge golden eagles. Also in this area are beautiful waterfalls and huge glaciers. Much of the park is accessible on hiking trails, too. Both Donau-Auen and Neusielder See-Seewinkel national parks offer lowland scenery with lakes, forests, and birdwatching opportunities. For more gorgeous mountain scenery, visit Gesause or Kalkalpen national parks, both of which offer hiking, mountain rivers and streams, and mountain lakes. Thayatal National Park is home to the European wildcat as well as beautiful forests and grassland. In any case, they all offer plenty of amazing experiences.

Many visitors go to Italy to see the national parks. While not necessarily famous for its national parks, here you'll still find plenty of absolutely gorgeous regions to explore. From the Dolomites in the north to the beautiful stretches of coastline, Italy has plenty of park areas to explore. Don't miss Cinque Terre with its colorful villages and vineyards, or Gargano in the south with its clear waters and white cliffs.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Adventure Travel?

Austria generally offers more adventure travel options for travelers than Italy.

Austria is a very popular place for adventure travel because of its abundant wildlife. The Alps offer plenty of adventurous activities such as hiking, snow skiing, mountain climbing, rock climbing, paragliding, rafting, canyoning, and horseback riding. Whitewater rafting on the Salzach river is a popular trip, as it's not far from Salzburg and can be done in a day or less. Some of the best places for paragliding are Zell am See, around Salzburg, in Tyrol near Innsbruck, and many other mountain destinations. Horseback riding, mountain biking, and hiking can be experienced just about anywhere in the mountains, and local outfitters can provide you with equipment and guides if needed. In fact, many travel companies in the larger cities and towns offer tours into the nearby countryside for a day trip or longer to take part in adventure sports any time of the year.

Italy is a pretty good destination for adventure travel with a good array of experiences. If thrills are what you're after, you can find a number of adventure sports here. From skiing in the north to scuba diving in the south, you can find it here. Visitors can also find plenty of hiking and paragliding in the mountains, as well as canyoning in many of the central regions of Italy.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Visiting the Mountains?

Overall, Austria is considered to offer more mountain activities and attractions to visitors.

The mountains are calling, and Austria is where you'll find them. The western and southern regions of the country are home to some of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world. Here you'll find the Alps and Dolomites, intertwined with quaint mountain villages, beautiful clear blue lakes, ski resorts, hiking trails, and more. Near Salzburg, you can visit the salt mines and ride the mining trains. Or, see the ice caves in Dachstein. Go visit the gorgeous mountain towns such as Hallstatt or Zell am See, both surrounded by mountains and perched on the shore of an alpine lake. Or, find some adventurous activities such as rafting, kayaking, rock climbing, paragliding, or horseback riding. No matter which area you visit, you'll find plenty of activities for every type of visitor in the mountains of Austria.

Italy is a great destination for visiting the mountains. While not known for mountains as much as some of its neighbors, this country has its fair share in the northern regions where you'll find the Alps and Dolomites. Plenty of mountain villages can be found here, along with winter skiing, summer hiking, scenic lakes, and more.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Outdoor Activities?

Overall, Austria is considered to offer more outdoor activities and attractions to visitors.

The huge number of outdoor activities in Austria is one of the main reasons people come to visit. Most of Austria lies in the Alps and Dolomites where outdoor activities and adventures are plentiful. With hiking, camping, kayaking, horseback riding, rock climbing, and more, every type of visitor will love to get out into nature here, whether you seek relaxing with an epic view or experiencing an adrenaline-filled activity. Some of the most popular activities are wine tasting through the vineyards in the Wachau valley, hiking and mountain biking around Innsbruck, boat rides on the beautiful mountain lakes and rivers, and exploring small towns such as Hallstatt, and snow skiing in the Alps.

Italy is a great destination for participating in outdoor activities. Hiking, snow skiing, boating, kayaking, rafting, snorkeling, and more are all popular activities here. One of the main reasons is that the natural beauty is everywhere, and that most of the country's outdoor areas are so accessible to the larger cities.

Is Austria or Italy Better for a Road Trip?

Austria is usually considered to be a better destination to explore on a road trip than Italy.

Taking a road trip through Austria is very good way to see the countryside and smaller destinations. A road trip is ideal here because much of the natural scenery and small towns are difficult to reach on public transit, and rental cars can be hired easily, too. Many people like to drive in from Germany, although it's easy to start in one of Austria's major cities and make a big loop through the mountains in the west, then head through the southern towns, east to Vienna, and then around to Salzburg in the north. The roads are in great condition, and you likely won't need a 4WD unless you purposely intend to drive off road. Many of the small towns, hiking trails, and national parks are also much more accessible when driving, too. Some of the most popular routes include driving from Vienna to Innsbruck via Salzburg with stops along the way at Hallstatt, Berchtesgaden in Germany, and Zell am Zee, among other scenic spots. Or, head from Vienna to St. Gilgen, or from Vienna down to Carinthia in the south. Both drives are not too long and offer epic views of the mountains with small towns, lakes, and more. From Innsbruck, it's not far to get to many of the smaller towns around the Alps in the western regions of the country, too.

With many possiblities for a road trip, Italy is a great place to take on the open road. If you're looking to drive through the countryside from city to city, or even just through the small towns, you'll find some great roads in Italy. Take a drive down the coast from Rome to see a diverse set of coastlines, towns, and historical sights. Or, drive through the mountains in the north interspersed with gorgeous lakes. And don't forget about Tuscany where you can explore the small towns among the vineyards and wineries.

Is Austria or Italy Better for Families?

Kids will enjoy a visit to either Austria or Italy .

As it has a large number of activities for kids, Austria is a very family-friendly destination. You'll find a true mix of family-friendly activities here because this country combines outdoor activities, historical attractions, and cultural activities very well. Kids love the hiking trails in the Alps where everyone can explore the mountains dotted with cute towns and alpine lakes. You can explore the ice caves in Dachstein, too. Everyone will also enjoy the salt mine tours near Salzburg where you can ride a mine train and zoom down the miners' slides underground. Or, visit Familypark Neusiedlersee, Austria's largest amusement park in Burgenland. You'll also find mountain coasters and toboggan runs around the Alps, such as the one at Hirschalm. Or see the dinosaurs at Styrassic Park. The famous Sound of Music Tour is also extremely popular in Salzburg because they take you to many of the filming locations of the movie. And don't forget about exploring Salzburg's huge fortress on the hill. Vienna has plenty of kid-friendly activities, too, such as the zoo, Wurstelprater amusement park, and the natural history museum. In the famous Schönbrunn Palace you'll also find a children's museum which lets kids dress up in period costumes and learn about imperial history. And in Innsbruck, take the gondola up to the Nordkette Klettersteig for the great views, and on the way down stop at the Alpenzoo to see local wildlife in a unique setting. Nearby is the Swarovski crystal museum, which contains various interactive experiences and also offers plenty of outdoor activities for kids including a 4-level play building. No matter which region or city you visit, there's so much to do for families and kids in Austria.

See also Hostels and Hotels in Villach, Austria for Backpackers, Families, and Bikers .

Italy is one of the most popular family destinations. With plenty of diverse activities for children and adults, here you'll find large cities with famous attractions, beautiful beaches on stunning coastlines, small towns with great food. Plenty of amusement parks, outdoor activities, and water sports are also available.

Lake Garda : The nearby amusement parks, including Gardaland, make this a popular destination for families. The area also has many places to swim, trails to explore, and castles to experience. Kids and adults alike will love this amazing kid-friendly area.

See also Cinque Terre: The Ultimate Travel Planning Guide , and Hostels in Palermo, Sicily for Couples, Women, Families & Solo Travellers .

Is Austria or Italy Better for Couples?

Couples will find a longer list of romantic activities in Italy than Austria.

Italy makes for a terrific place to visit as a couple. Known for its romantic destinations, couples will have a hard time simply deciding which destination to choose first. From world-famous cities full of charm, romance, and cuisine to gorgeous beaches to small colorful towns, Italy has everything a couple would want for a honeymoon or a romantic getaway.

Florence : Art and history lovers will enjoy a visit to this truly beautiful city. Couples who enjoy museums, historic buildings, and world-renowned art, will find plenty to do in this city.

Venice : With its many truly unique romantic experiences, this city makes for a truly memorable honeymoon or romantic getaway. Ride a gondola, get lost in the city, and enjoy pasta and music around town to make the experience unlike any other.

Como : Its beautiful walks, charming towns, and surrounding natural setting make this a great honeymoon and couple's getaway destination. Dine on Italian cuisine as you sip wine and look out on the pristine waters of Lake Como.

Siena : With its impressive beauty and long running history, this is a truly romantic city. The atmosphere is relaxed and there are plazas and neighborhoods that are great for exploring. There are also many great restaurants, superb wine, and world class sights that are not to be missed.

Sorrento : This beautiful romantic destination is one of the world's top honeymoon areas. It's a small city that offers access to the many nearby destinations, so it makes a good base or gateway city for visiting places like Capri and the Blue Grotto as well as the Amalfi Coast. You can enjoy romantic hikes full of stunning views, explore by kayak, dine at romantic restaurants, or experience a one-of-a-kind farm tour. If you base yourself in Sorrento, you'll likely be doing a lot of day trips.

See also Hostels in Palermo, Sicily for Couples, Women, Families & Solo Travellers , and Hostels in Bologna for Solo Travellers, Female Travellers, and Couples .

Austria is a very popular place to visit for couples. From quaint mountain towns to the grand castles and palaces of the cities, couples will love exploring all corners of Austria. You can spend your days exploring the history in the famous cities such as Salzburg and Vienna with their grand cathedrals, palaces, and winding streets. Then, in the evenings, enjoy theater shows, fine dining, cultural shows, and more. Spend even more days exploring the mountains hiking or just relaxing on the lakes surrounded by small towns with romantic bed and breakfasts. Innsbruck has that perfect combination of history and the outdoors, as you can dine and shop through the old streets and hike in the mountains on the same day. In Salzburg, the historic cathedrals both in the city and in the surrounding towns such as Hallstatt and Mondsee are backdrops for honeymooners hiking through the mountains and dining at intimate cafes. In Vienna, the famous palaces and world-class museums are accompanied by glamourous balls, wine tasting tours, and Lipizzaner horse shows. A honeymoon trip would need at least a week to see everything, but a quick romantic getaway to one of these amazing destinations could probably be done in a weekend. Either way, Austria is full of romantic activities.

Vienna : With it's Baroque architecture and classical concerts, this city is filled with romance. Explore the palaces, take a carriage ride, or enjoy a meal at a nice restaurant.

Salzburg : The town offers a romantic setting with elaborate breakfasts, beautiful architecture, live shows, and plenty that couples can enjoy. You can simply wander around old town or explore the many gardens around town. Couples will also enjoy the concerts and music that the city is so famous for.

See also Hostels for Solo Travellers, Couples, & Groups in Salzburg , and Hostels in Kitzbuhel and Ellmau for Snowboarders, Skiers, Backpackers, and Couples .

Is Austria or Italy Better for Backpackers and Budget Travelers?

Travelers usually think of Italy as a better destination for backpackers than Austria.

With so many budget-friendly offerings, Italy is extremely popular for backpackers. Plenty of affordable and budget-friendly options are available here which allow backpackers to spend less on a trip. From hostels to street food to free attractions, it's possible to explore the cities and countryside of Italy without breaking the bank.

Rome : Backpackers will find no shortage of hostels where they can stay, particularly near the main train station where accommodation is particularly cheap (but not always the best quality).

Florence : The city is part of a popular route through Italy, and you'll find many backpackers and students in town. There are also many hostels, so you should have no trouble meeting other young travelers.

Sorrento : Because its a small city with accessible transportation, you'll find a decent number of hostels that make it an affordable base for exploring the area. You can hit many nearby sights as day trips or use this as a first stop off point as you make your way along the coast.

See also Best Hostels in Rome , Florence's Best Hostels , and Party Hostels in Florence .

Austria is a very popular country for backpackers and budget travelers. With relatively affordable prices, this country provides a great opportunity to see the Alps in combination with world-class historical cities on a reasonable budget. Backpackers and budget travelers can stay in hostels and budget guesthouses that are found everywhere in the country. It's also fairly easy to find affordable food, and the public transportation system can take you just about everywhere cheaply and efficiently. Compared to the prices of nearby countries such as Switzerland, Italy, and Germany, the overall cost of accommodations and food in Austria makes traveling here more accessible. You'll also find plenty of free activities. In Vienna, you can take free walking tours of the city and the Rathaus, browse the markets, and enjoy some of the free museums such as the Bezirksmuseen and MUSA. In Salzburg, stroll through Mirabell Gardens for free, and enjoy many museums for just a few Euros each. The old town area also has plenty of cheap places to eat or grab a snack, such as from the many food vendors in the larger squares and plazas. Linz, Innsbruck, Graz, and other cities are also fairly affordable and offer even more free and cheap activities, too.

See also Hostels for Solo Travellers in Vienna, Austria , Salzburg Hostels & Hotels Near the Main Train Station , and Vienna Hostels & Hotels Near the Opera House .

Is Austria or Italy Better for Students?

Most students consider Italy to be the better destination than Austria.

Italy is a very popular country for students and younger travelers. As the home of many study-abroad programs and major universities, students will feel right at home here. Plenty of academic and budget-travel options are available in the major cities as well as some of the smaller towns.

Rome : The city is a popular study abroad destination and you'll find plenty of international students here.

Milan : It is one of the more popular city's for international students in Italy. It is very livable with a lot of culture and a fun nightlife, so you're sure to have the experience of a lifetime.

Florence : Many students visit this city as part of a short term study abroad program, or for the entire length of their studies. The city is beautiful, and whether your focus is art, history, or culture, this city will not disappoint.

Bologna : It's a top study abroad destination in Italy and is home to a few great universities including the well ranked University of Bologna. There are many great activities for students and a variety of fun places to explore.

Venice : Because of its well-established reputation, this city attracts many international students for both semester and full length programs. There are many programs to choose between, and many students focus on the region's art, architecture, history, and language.

See also Hostels in Genoa for Solo Travellers, Backpackers, and Students , Affordable, Safe, and Quiet Hostels in Naples, Italy for Students and Backpackers , and Affordable and Safe Hostels in Milan for Backpackers and Students .

Austria is a good country to visit for students. The major cities such as Vienna, Innsbruck, Graz, Linz, and Salzburg all have large universities where student activities and nightlife are popular. But keep in mind that Austria is not a very large country with a population just under 9 million, so even the larger cities are not as busy as you might expect. But with plenty of affordable food, accommodations, and attractions, students usually have a great time living or visiting this dynamic country.

Vienna : The city is a popular destination for international students who are interested in art, architecture, and music.

Salzburg : International students appreciate the high quality of life, excellent educational opportunities and unique European setting that makes this city special. There are also a number of beautiful places just outside of town that you can explore, as well as many travel connections to other popular cities in Europe.

See also Hostels in Austria for Students and Backpackers .

Is Austria or Italy Easier for Transportation? Which is Easier to Get Around Without a Car?

Austria and Italy both offer transportation to get you around.

Austria has some very good public transit options. The train and public bus system here is terrific, and can take you just about anywhere you want to visit. The OBB trains, although not as quick and smooth as in some neighboring European countries, are affordable, efficient, and clean. At times they can be crowded, so book in advance with a seat reservation if possible. The buses can take you to most towns where the railroad doesn't go, but there are a few places where it's best to have your own car, such as in some of the small towns in the mountains and the national parks. The roads are terrific for driving, too. Vienna, Salzburg, Innsbruck, and other large cities have international airports with connections around Europe.

  • Traveling by train is very common and fairly easy.
  • It's fairly easy to travel by bus.
  • It's quite common to get around if you join an organized tour.
  • It's quite common to travel by car.
  • Traveling by airplane is possible but challenging.

The transportation system in Italy can get you almost everywhere very easily. Nationally, the major cities and smaller towns in Italy are connected with a terrific rail system, and high-speed trains connect major destinations. Furthermore, the cities have terrific public transit systems that include subways, trams, and buses. Getting around Italy is quite easy.

See also Transportation in Venice , and Transportation in Rome .

  • Traveling by train is extremely popular.
  • It's possible to travel by bus.
  • It's quite common to travel on cruise ships and excursions.
  • It's fairly easy to travel by car.
  • Travel by airplane is possible.

Is Austria or Italy more Comfortable for a Trip?

Both Austria and Italy can feel quite modern and comfortable as they both have an established tourist infrastructure.

People often come to Austria because it is such a comfortable and luxurious destination. Because this is a modern, developed nation in Europe that enjoys a high standard of living, visitors will find comfortable accommodations and amenities at every turn. The transportation network, roads, tours, and restaurants are all of high standards and good quality. Even the smaller towns in the countryside have modern amenities and comforts for visitors and locals.

Italy is extremely comfortable for travelers as it is a modern destination with plenty of amenities. This is a country with a huge infrastructure for tourists and travelers. With a wide range of nice hotels and luxurious resorts, a great public transit network of high-speed trains, fine-dining and casual restaurants, nightlife, and modern conveniences, Italy can be extremely comfortable for travelers.

Is Austria or Italy more Touristy?

Italy generally has a more touristy vibe than Austria.

Many of tourists come to Italy every year, as it's an extremely popular destination. This is one of the most visited countries in the world for tourists. Its major cities such as Rome, Venice, Florence, and Milan host millions of visitors every year because of their world-famous attractions, cuisine, and history. Even some of the smaller towns and rural areas see plenty of tourists. Whether you're visiting the coastline or an inland region, it can be hard to escape other travelers.

Austria is fairly touristy, with a decent number of visitors coming each year. While it has plenty of famous cities, sights, and attractions, many of the most visited places in Austria are spread around the country, so no particular place is too overwhelmed with tourists. The summer months are the busiest with visitors, but even then, the crowds tend to be less than in other European cities. The most frequently visited attractions are the major sites in Vienna, Salzburg, and Innsbruck, such as the palaces, castles, and museums. You might need to queue for a few minutes to purchase a ticket to the popular locations and museums, but it's often not too bad. Visiting during the off season or in the winter also means that you'll deal with less tourists. Some of the ski resort areas can be crowded in the winter, such as in St. Anton or Soll. And of course, the Alps are a popular draw any time of the year, but since they cover so much area, it's easy to avoid other tourists and have that private mountaintop view to yourself.

For some great organized tour ideas, see The Best Hiking & Trekking Tours in Austria , The Best Adventure Tours to Austria , The Best Romantic Tours for Couples in Austria , The Best Family-Friendly Tours to Austria , The Best One-Week (7-Day) Tours from Vienna , The Best One-Week (7-Day) Tours from Salzburg , The Best One Week (7-Day) Tours in Austria , The Best Tours for Seniors to Austria , Tours for Outdoor and Nature Lovers in Austria , The Best Food and Culinary Tours in Austria , The Best Christmas Market Tours in Austria , The Best Bicycle Tours in Austria , The Best Music Tours in Austria , The Best Budget Tours to Austria , The Best Luxury Tours to Austria , The Best Family-Friendly Tours to Italy , The Best Hiking & Trekking Tours in Italy , The Best Historical Tours in Italy , The Best 10-Day Tours in Italy , The Best One Week (7-Day) Tours in Italy , The Best 2-Week Tours in Italy , The Best Bicycle Tours in Italy , Tours for Outdoor and Nature Lovers in Italy , The Best Coach Bus Tours in Italy , The Best Adventure Tours to Italy , The Best Sightseeing Tours in Italy , The Best Vineyard & Wine Tours in Italy , The Best Food and Culinary Tours in Italy , The Best Romantic Tours for Couples in Italy , The Best Walking Tours in Italy , The Best Luxury Tours to Italy , The Best Budget Tours to Italy , The Best Tours for Seniors to Italy , The Best Contiki Tours to Italy , The Best G Adventures Tours to Italy , The Best One-Week (7-Day) Tours from Rome , The Best 10-Day Tours from Rome , and The Best 2-Week Tours from Rome .

Bologna, Italy

Should I spend more time in Italy or Austria?

How long in austria or italy.

Austria and Italy both offer a nice selection of activities for visitors. In our opinion, Italy has more to see and do, so we recommend spending more time in Italy than Austria . In general, 5-14 days is a good amount of time for Austria, and 7-14 days is enough time in Italy.

Families should spend more time in Italy than Austria. Because of the many family-friendly attractions and fun things to do for kids in Italy, it's a great place to visit with the whole family.

Couples should spend more time in Italy than Austria. You'll find plenty of romantic sights and fun activities in Italy that are perfect for a weekend getaway or a longer couple's trip.

Backpackers and budget travelers should spend more time in Italy than Austria if your budget allows for it. With a larger number of budget-friendly sights, good nightlife, and active things to do, anyone traveling on a budget would have a good time in Italy.

  • How many days should I spend in Austria or Italy? Ideal Length of Stay --> Austria 5-14   Italy   7-14

A weekend in Austria or Italy?

It's hard to know how much time to spend in Austria. Adventure travel is very popular here, too. A weekend is usually not enough time for a trip here as there is plenty to do. The length of your ideal trip is an individual decision.

In Italy, you'll find museums, adventure travel, and national parks. The length of your trip often depends on your style of travel. Most people come for the beaches. Since there is so much to do in the area, a weekend is probably not enough for all of it.

Five days in Austria or Italy?

Austria is a fun place to experience. In Austria, many people enjoy the adventure travel, national parks, and history and culture that this destination offers. Hiking can easily take up a good amount of your time here, too. This would be the perfect place to spend five days, as it has just the right amount of activities.

Italy is a great place to explore. Many visitors spend time at the beach while visiting the area. Since there is so much to do in the area, five days is probably not enough for all of it. Anyone can find something fun to do here.

A week in Austria or Italy?

In Austria, many people enjoy the national parks, history and culture, and skiing that this scenic destination offers. Plenty of people spend one week in the area when traveling. Hikers are also drawn to this area. Take your pick from the many activities offered here. One week is often enough time to do most activities.

It's hard to know how much time to spend in Italy. In Italy, you'll find national parks, history and culture, and skiing. People usually spend lots of time at the beach. With all of its activities, you can easily fill one week here.

Two weeks in Austria or Italy?

In Austria, many people enjoy the national parks, history and culture, and skiing that this beautiful destination offers. Plenty of people spend two weeks in the area when traveling. Adventure travel is very popular here, too. Take your pick from the many activities offered here. This would be the perfect place to spend two weeks, as it has just the right amount of activities.

It's hard to know how much time to spend in Italy. In Italy, you'll find national parks, history and culture, and skiing. People usually spend lots of time at the beach. Two weeks is a great amount of time to relax and see the many things that Italy has to offer.

Vernazza in Cinque Terre

Which country is cheaper, Italy or Austria?

These are the overall average travel costs for the two destinations.

  • Austria Prices Italy Prices
  • Average Daily Cost Per person, per day Austria € 151 Italy € 167

The average daily cost (per person) in Austria is €151, while the average daily cost in Italy is €167. These costs include accommodation (assuming double occupancy, so the traveler is sharing the room), food, transportation, and entertainment. While every person is different, these costs are an average of past travelers in each country. What follows is a categorical breakdown of travel costs for Austria and Italy in more detail.


  • Accommodation Hotel or hostel for one person Austria € 81 Italy € 85
  • Accommodation Typical double-occupancy room Austria € 162 Italy € 170

Compare Hotels in Austria and Italy

Looking for a hotel in Austria or Italy? Prices vary by location, date, season, and the level of luxury. See below for options and compare which is best for your budget and travel style.


Hotels in Austria

Hotels in Italy

Kayak helps you find the best prices for hotels, flights, and rental cars for destinations around the world. Compare prices for multiple destinations when planning your next trip.

Local Transportation

  • Local Transportation Taxis, local buses, subway, etc. Austria € 25 Italy € 26

Typical Local Transportation prices in Austria

Below are a few samples from actual travelers for transportation costs in Austria:

  • Bus to Airport € 30

Hired Cars and Shuttles in Austria

Also for Austria, here are a few examples of actual transportation services:

  • Wels Private Transfer from Wels city centre to Linz Airport: $105
  • Vienna: Zoo with Private Flexible Transfers and Tickets: $126
  • Vienna-Budapest One-Way Sightseeing Transfer: $297
  • Vienna to Budapest - Private Transfer with 2h of Sightseeing: $231
  • Vienna to Budapest - Private Transfer with 2h of Sightseeing: $236
  • Vienna Private Transfer from Vienna Airport to City centre: $77
  • Vienna International Airport Business Transfer to Vienna City: $142
  • Vienna International Airport (VIE) to Vienna Downtown - Arrival Private Transfer: $45
  • Vienna Departure Private Transfers from Vienna City to Vienna Airport VIE: $79
  • Vienna City to Vienna Airport Private Transfer Schwechat One Way: $74
  • Vienna Arrival Private Transfers from Vienna Airport VIE to Vienna City: $107
  • Vienna Arrival Private Transfers from Vienna Airport VIE to Vienna City: $79

Typical Local Transportation prices in Italy

Here are some examples of typical transportation prices from actual travelers in Italy:

  • Metro Ride (for Two) € 2.00
  • Venice 12 Hour Transport Pass € 16
  • Train to the Airport € 15
  • Taxi Ride Within City € 8.00
  • Train to Airport € 7.00
  • Vaporetto Ride € 6.50
  • 1 Day Travel Card € 18
  • Taxi from Airport € 25
  • In City Parking (Full Day) € 30
  • Bus Pass (Full Day) € 5.00
  • 7 Day Transport Card (for Two) € 101
  • Malpensa Airport Train (for Two) € 22

Hired Cars and Shuttles in Italy

Also for Italy, here are a few examples of actual transportation services:

  • Basel : Private Transfer to/from Milan Malpensa Airport: $1,030
  • Nyon: Private Transfer to/from Malpensa Airport: $1,030
  • Northern Sardinia: transfer and tours: $976
  • Interlaken : Private transfer to/from Malpensa Airport: $976
  • Zurich : Private Transfer to/from Malpensa Airport: $867
  • Grindelwald: Private Transfer to/from Malpensa Airport: $813
  • Montreux : Private Transfer to/from Malpensa Airport: $813
  • Lousanne : Private transfer to/from Malpensa Airport: $791
  • From Catania: 1-Way Private Airport Transfer to Palermo: $786

Is it cheaper to fly into Austria or Austria?

Prices for flights to both Italy and Austria change regularly based on dates and travel demand. We suggest you find the best prices for your next trip on Kayak, because you can compare the cost of flights across multiple airlines for your prefered dates.

  • Food Meals for one day Austria € 38 Italy € 45

Typical Food prices in Austria

Here are some examples of typical meal expenses from previous travelers to Austria:

  • Lunch Salad € 9.00
  • Leberkäse (Sausage Loaf) € 4.20
  • Lunch € 8.50
  • Ice Cream € 2.40
  • Lunch from Market (for 2) € 6.62
  • Kebabs for Dinner (for 2) € 8.00
  • Chocolate € 1.70
  • Strudel and Drinks € 19
  • Ice Cream € 2.60
  • Pizza Supper (for 2) € 16
  • Soup for Lunch € 3.75
  • Pasta Lunch € 8.20

Food Tours and Cooking Classes in Austria

For Austria, here are some samples of tours and activities related to meals and dining experiences:

  • Hard Rock Cafe Vienna with Set Menu for Lunch or Dinner: $30
  • 1 Hour Tradtional Kaiserschmarrn Cooking Class & Tasting in Wien: $42
  • Austrian Apple Strudel Cooking Class including Lunch in Salzburg: $61
  • Naschmarkt Food Tour: $65
  • Best of Mozart Concert and Dinner or VIP Dinner at Fortress Hohensalzburg: $84
  • Mozart and Advent/Christmas Concert with Dinner at Fortress Hohensalzburg: $84
  • Mozart Dinner Concert in Salzburg: $86
  • Skip the Line: Austrian Dinner Show Ticket in Vienna: $87
  • Dinner Cooking Class - Prezels, Dumplings, Apple Strudel & Music: $87
  • Kursalon: Strauss and Mozart Concert Including 3-Course Dinner : $103
  • Mozart Concert and Dinner or VIP Dinner at Fortress Salzburg with River Cruise: $113
  • Austrian Delights: 3-course Austrian Dinner and Concert at Musikverein Vienna: $131

Typical Food prices in Italy

For Italy, here are some examples of average food and meal prices for travelers:

  • Casual Lunch (for Two) € 14
  • Panini Sandwich € 4.00
  • Gelato € 6.00
  • 4 Ice Cream Sandwiches € 2.99
  • Artichoke & Mushroom Pizza € 7.90
  • Dinner € 75
  • Cheese € 3.10
  • Pizza € 14
  • Dinner for Two at a Pub € 60
  • Gelato € 2.20
  • Dinner at Pizzeria (for 2) € 24
  • Gelato and Coffee € 7.00

Food Tours and Cooking Classes in Italy

For Italy, here are some samples of tours and activities related to meals and dining experiences:

  • Old Town Naples: The Story of Real Pizza City Explroration Game: $7.68
  • Creative Cooking for Young Chefs in Tuscany: $27
  • Pizza course: $28
  • Hard Rock Cafe Rome with Set Lunch or Dinner: $30
  • Private visit to the home of Grand Duke Leopold of Tuscany, dinner and wine: $30
  • Hard Rock Cafe Florence with Set Lunch or Dinner: $30
  • Florence Street Food Tour, Market and City Center: $31
  • Rome City Center Largest Farmers Market and Street Food Tour : $32
  • Vatican and Trionfale Farmers Market Food tour and Wine tasting : $32
  • Vatican Street Food Tour around the Biggest Fresh Market in Rome: $32
  • Wine Tasting and Dinner/Lunch or Aperitivo in Franciacorta Winery: $32
  • Tuscany: Cake and Biscuit Cooking Class for Kids: $33


  • Entertainment Entrance tickets, shows, etc. Austria € 22 Italy € 26

Typical Entertainment prices in Austria

For Austria, here are some examples of average entertainment and activity prices from previous travelers:

  • Schloss Ambras Entrance € 8.00
  • Botanical Garden Entrance Fee € 2.00

Tours and Activities in Austria

Also, here are some specific examples of entertainment, tickets, and activities for Austria.

  • Concert show and museum ticket in House of Strauss: $71
  • ( Night Tour ) With Private Guide + wine or prosecco: $218
  • 2 Hour Private Alpine Hiking, Gosing Mountain Vienna Tour: $169
  • 2-Hour Private Hiking Tour on Kalenderberg Mountain to Meet History from Vienna: $169
  • 2-Hour Private Hiking Tour to Experience Nature and Culture at Goettweig Abbey: $169
  • 2-hour Private Alpine Hiking Tour on Seekopf Mountain, Wachau Valley from Vienna: $169
  • 3-Hour Private Hiking Tour to historic places around Spitz in Wachau Valley: $254
  • 3-Night Salzburg Winter Package with City Highlights Tour: $243
  • 4-Hour Private Alpine Hiking Tour 'Enzian': $211
  • 4-Hour Private Alpine Hiking Tour 'In the footsteps of king Lionheart': $254
  • 5 hour e-bike tour in Seefeld: $98
  • A Self-Guided Tour of Vienna the Home of Classical Music: $20

Typical Entertainment prices in Italy

Below are a few sample prices from actual travelers for Italy's activities, tours, and tickets:

  • Venice Boat Ride € 15
  • Bell tower of St. Mark Entrance Fee € 8.00
  • Gondola Ride (for Group) € 80
  • Admission to Uffizi € 11
  • Phone Booking Fee for Uffizi € 4.00
  • Firenze Card (for Two) € 100
  • Rome Museum Vaticano (for 2) € 69
  • Coliseum Tickets (for Two) € 33
  • Audioguides at Uffizi (for Two) € 20
  • Roma Pass € 30
  • Hop on Hop Off Bus (All Day) € 20
  • Segway Tour € 75

Tours and Activities in Italy

For Italy, here are a few prices for actual activities, tours, and tickets provided by various companies:

  • "David" Accademia Gallery Fast Track Entrance Ticket : $43
  • 2 Hour Guided Walking Tour to Monopoli : $91
  • 2 Hour Private Walking Tour of Brindisi: $232
  • 3-Hours of Activities with Safari Grand Tour and Tasting in Vineyards: $72
  • 5 hour Costa del Mito Tour: $155
  • 7-hour city tour of Enna and Piazza Armerina Villa Romana : $170
  • A Self-Guided Walking Tour of Como and its Breathtaking Lakeside: $20
  • Accademia Gallery Skip the line Tickets : $34
  • Alberobello: The secret origins of the trulli, private tour 2 hours: $39
  • All inclusive Herculaneum Skip the Line Tour From Sorrento: $116
  • Amarone wine experience in Verona countryside: $38
  • Archaeological Tour with Tuk Tuk: $132
  • Alcohol Drinks for one day Austria € 17 Italy € 17

Typical Alcohol prices in Austria

Here are a few samples of the prices for alcohol and nightlife in Austria from other travelers:

  • Beer € 3.70
  • Beers at Hutte (for 2) € 6.00

Sample the Local Flavors in Austria

Also in Austria, these are the prices for nightlife and alcohol related activities from various tour providers:

  • Ottakringer Brewery tour: $22
  • Guided Wine Tasting in a Hidden Wine Bar: $38
  • Austrian Wine Tasting: $109
  • Wine Tasting Tour: $131
  • Countryside Half Day Wine Tour near Vienna: $137
  • Austrian Private Wine Tasting Evening: $148
  • Wachau Valley Wine Tasting Bike Tour from Vienna: $148
  • Wachau Valley Small-Group Tour and Wine Tasting from Vienna: $219

Typical Alcohol prices in Italy

Below are a few samples from actual travelers for alcohol and nightlife costs in Italy:

  • Two Beers € 5.00
  • Bottle of Wine € 15
  • 1/2 Litre of wine € 9.00
  • 2 Glasses of Wine € 7.00
  • Beer with Dinner (for 2) € 4.00
  • 2 Glasses of Wine € 8.60
  • 1/2 Liter Wine € 5.20
  • Glass of Chianti € 4.20
  • Bottle of Wine € 7.50
  • Bottle of Wine € 6.50
  • Pint of Beer € 6.34
  • Beer € 4.90

Sample the Local Flavors in Italy

Here are a few nightlife and alcohol tours and activities from local tour providers in Italy:

  • Organic wine tasting: $13
  • Palermo: Guided Bar Crawl with Shots and Discounts on Drinks: $16
  • Wine Tasting in Maremma with Priority Access: $16
  • Pub Crawl Palermo: $16
  • Wine Tasting by CarusVini in San Casciano in val di Pesa: $16
  • Visit among vineyards and wine cellar with wine tasting in Nizza Monferrato: $17
  • Food and Wine Tour: visit to the oil mill with tasting: $17
  • Mastio Brewery Private Tour With Beer Tasting: $18
  • San Gimignano Wine Tasting and Class in Winery for Beginners: $20
  • Private Wine Tasting in Mezzane di Sotto: $21
  • Wine tasting in Catania Historic center: $22
  • Florence Pub Crawl in the Old Town: $22

When comparing the travel costs between Austria and Italy, we can see that Italy is more expensive. However, the two cities are actually relatively comparable in price, as the difference is somewhat minimal. Generally, this means that you could travel with generally the same travel style and level of luxury in each place. Since both cities are in Europe, it's no surprise that their costs are relatively close, as many destinations here have somewhat similar travel prices overall.

Varenna village, Lake Como, Italy

When is the best time to visit Austria or Italy?

Both destinations experience a temperate climate with four distinct seasons. And since both cities are in the northern hemisphere, summer is in July and winter is in January.

Warm summers and cold snowy winters are what visitors should expect when visiting Austria. The Alps see plenty of snow, and the flatter lands to the east see a fair amount as well. Summer is a popular time to visit because of the warmth and the relatively low rainfall, too. Spring and autumn are both beautiful with pleasant temperatures and less crowds overall.

Italy is a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea, and thus has a much warmer climate than most of its European neighbors. The southern regions can be especially warm year-round, and very hot in the summer. The northern regions are home to a more mountainous landscape, so they can have cold and snowy winters. But in general, any time of the year is a great time to visit.

Should I visit Austria or Italy in the Summer?

The summer attracts plenty of travelers to both Austria and Italy. Many travelers come to Austria for the hiking and the family-friendly experiences. Also, many visitors come to Italy in the summer for the beaches, snorkeling, the hiking, and the family-friendly experiences.

In July, Vienna is generally around the same temperature as Rome. Daily temperatures in Vienna average around 23°C (73°F), and Rome fluctuates around 25°C (77°F).

People are often attracted to the plentiful sunshine in Rome this time of the year. In Vienna, it's very sunny this time of the year. Vienna usually receives less sunshine than Rome during summer. Vienna gets 255 hours of sunny skies, while Rome receives 338 hours of full sun in the summer.

In July, Vienna usually receives more rain than Rome. Vienna gets 63 mm (2.5 in) of rain, while Rome receives 19 mm (0.7 in) of rain each month for the summer.

  • Summer Average Temperatures July Vienna 23°C (73°F)   Vienna   25°C (77°F)

Should I visit Austria or Italy in the Autumn?

The autumn brings many poeple to Austria as well as Italy. Many visitors come to Austria in the autumn for the hiking trails, the shopping scene, and the natural beauty of the area. Also, most visitors come to Italy for the hiking trails, the shopping scene, and the natural beauty of the area during these months.

Vienna is cooler than Rome in the autumn. The daily temperature in Vienna averages around 12°C (54°F) in October, and Rome fluctuates around 17°C (63°F).

In the autumn, Vienna often gets less sunshine than Rome. Vienna gets 140 hours of sunny skies this time of year, while Rome receives 198 hours of full sun.

Vienna usually gets less rain in October than Rome. Vienna gets 41 mm (1.6 in) of rain, while Rome receives 94 mm (3.7 in) of rain this time of the year.

  • Autumn Average Temperatures October Vienna 12°C (54°F)   Vienna   17°C (63°F)

Should I visit Austria or Italy in the Winter?

Both Italy and Austria are popular destinations to visit in the winter with plenty of activities. Most visitors come to Austria for the skiing, the museums, the Christmas ambience, the shopping scene, the theater shows, and the cuisine during these months. Also, the winter months attract visitors to Italy because of the skiing, the museums, the Christmas ambience, the shopping scene, and the cuisine.

Vienna can be very cold during winter. In the winter, Vienna is much colder than Rome. Typically, the winter temperatures in Vienna in January average around 2°C (36°F), and Rome averages at about 8°C (47°F).

Vienna usually receives less sunshine than Rome during winter. Vienna gets 65 hours of sunny skies, while Rome receives 127 hours of full sun in the winter.

In January, Vienna usually receives less rain than Rome. Vienna gets 38 mm (1.5 in) of rain, while Rome receives 81 mm (3.2 in) of rain each month for the winter.

  • Winter Average Temperatures January Vienna 2°C (36°F)   Vienna   8°C (47°F)

Should I visit Austria or Italy in the Spring?

Both Italy and Austria during the spring are popular places to visit. The spring months attract visitors to Austria because of the natural beauty. Furthermore, the beaches and the natural beauty are the main draw to Italy this time of year.

In April, Vienna is generally around the same temperature as Rome. Daily temperatures in Vienna average around 13°C (55°F), and Rome fluctuates around 14°C (57°F).

In Rome, it's very sunny this time of the year. It's quite sunny in Vienna. In the spring, Vienna often gets around the same amount of sunshine as Rome. Vienna gets 202 hours of sunny skies this time of year, while Rome receives 204 hours of full sun.

Vienna usually gets around the same amount of rain in April as Rome. Vienna gets 51 mm (2 in) of rain, while Rome receives 50 mm (2 in) of rain this time of the year.

  • Spring Average Temperatures April Vienna 13°C (55°F)   Vienna   14°C (57°F)

Typical Weather for Rome and Vienna

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Austria vs. Italy Travel Comparison

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Italy Or Spain: The Honest Comparison [2023] You Need!

T he question for many when trying to decide between Italy or Spain, is what separates these incredible European holiday destinations from each other?

It’s an important question too, as while both nations have similar climates and are great coastal destinations, each has its own distinct histories, cultures, sights to visit, and cuisines that set them apart and make them very different holiday destinations.

For example if beaches are your priority then Spain is probably the better choice – it has more Blue Flag beaches than any other country in Europe, after all!

Yet we think Italy is probably better for city breaks, and the dramatic scenery throughout the country also makes it arguably more beautiful than Spain too.

Of course, that’s barely scratching the surface when it comes to how different and similar these countries can be.

That’s why after visiting each country many times, we decided to pit Spain vs Italy below.

We compare both before looking at the sights to explore, the food you can try, what natural attractions you can see in each, as well some amazing towns and cities you should visit. All so you can make the right holiday decision.

We guarantee that by the time you’ve finished reading this, your mind will be well and truly made up!

A Quick Overview Of Italy vs Spain

  • How Do The Beaches & Landscape Compare
  • How Does The Culture & Cities Compare
  • How Does The Cuisine Compare
  • Which Should You Choose

An infographic showing some key differences between Spain and Italy

Both Italy and Spain are known for their superb coastlines and iconic cities, so you’re guaranteed a great holiday whichever country you choose.

However, in our experience the beaches are a little better in Spain than in Italy. In fact Spain has more Blue Flag beaches than any other country in Europe, and that’s despite having less coastline than Italy.

So if you’re looking for a beach getaway more than anything else, Spain will likely be the best choice for you.

Away from the coastline and Spain appears to have it all too. Every city and region of the country is packed with things to see and do. A trip to Seville or Barcelona, for example, can easily last a few days and you still won’t be bored.

Aerial view of Cala dHort, Ibiza islands, Spain

However Italy is one of those countries that does give Spain a run for its money when it comes to holiday destinations.

Italy has a rich history, and architectural gems from the Roman Empire are everywhere. Furthermore, cosmopolitan cities like Milan, Rome, Florence, and Venice are famous throughout the world for their galleries, museums, and beauty.

With cities like that, if you’re looking for an iconic culture-filled city holiday, Italy is hard to beat.

The dramatic scenery in Italy, from the Dolomites mountain range to the islands of Sardinia and Scilly, and the beautiful lake district in the north, means Italy is arguably more beautiful than Spain. At least in our eyes.

The food scene is also phenomenal in Italy, so if cuisine is top of your holiday list then Italy may be the better choice. Although Spain – the home of tapas – is a culinary giant in its own right.

However in terms of expenses, we’ve found Spain to be slightly cheaper than Italy when it comes to accommodation and eating out in cities, but Italy tends to be cheaper in rural areas. Although saying that, they’re both quite similar destinations cost wise.

Below we look at the natural sights to explore in both countries, the cities you can visit, and the culture and food scene in each. As you’ll see, there’s plenty more things that separate these two nations.

View of Colosseum in Rome and morning sun, Italy, Europe.

How Do The Beaches & Landscape Compare?

Italy: the beaches & landscape.

While Spain may be a bigger beach destination, Italy also has some fantastic beaches and picture perfect coastal towns. They’re often less over-run with tourists than their Spanish counterparts too, which is a big plus point.

The capital of seaside tourism in north Italy is Rimini on the Adriatic coast – famous for its fine sandy beaches and promenade of bars, restaurants, hotels, and nightclubs.

Northern Italy also happens to have some of Europe’s most iconic and beautiful lakes. The stunning Como , Garda , Iseo and the highly underrated Orta lakes are all within easy traveling distance from Milan.

Further north are the hiking and winter sport paradises of the Italian Alps and the Dolomites – possibly Europe’s most easily recognisable mountain range.

Dolomites image

The island of Sicily in the south has an attractive climate, historic cities such as Palermo and Catania, miles of fine sandy beaches, vineyards, Greek temples, Roman sites, and gorgeous baroque towns.

Back on the mainland of Southern Italy is Cinque Terre (photo below)- the postcard-perfect collection of ancient villages on the Liguria coastline. This group of towns is a great example of where Italy excels when it comes to Instagrammable coastal towns, and why many regard it as more beautiful than Spain.

It’s also a National Park and UNESCO World Heritage Site which receives 2.4 million visitors a year. Why? It’s gorgeous! From north to south the villages are Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore, each with unique character and superb sea views. This is mostly a place for beaches, outdoor activities, and water sports.

The rocky mountainside of Aspromonte National Park in Calabria has the abandoned ghost town of Pentedattilo and a wild untouched landscape that is well worth visiting too.

Beautiful colorful cityscape on Cinque Terre

Spain: The Beaches & Landscape

Spain is a great holiday destination because you can easily enjoy a day at the beach and then spend that evening in one of the country’s iconic cities.

Some parts of Spain have gorgeous coastlines. The protected coastline at Cabo de Gata (Andalusia) is wild, isolated and rarely frequented by tourists. Expect hidden coves, white sandy beaches, and dramatic cliffs in this national natural park.

Spain’s Costa de la Luz  in the south has vast expanses of sand perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and a cocktail under blue skies.

If you want something livelier, then head to the party island of Ibiza , where drinks, dancing and celebrity spotting is the aim of the game on the island’s most popular beaches.

In fact if you’re looking for lively nightlife on the beach, Spain is one of the best places in Europe for partying, and you’ll certainly find more party islands and towns in Spain than Italy.

If you’re feeling adventurous then get the ferry from Ibizia to Formentera – the smallest of Spain’s  Balearic islands. The beaches here are beautiful and the water is crystal clear and Caribbean-esque. As it’s quite remote, there are very few tourists in comparison to other parts of Spain too.

When it comes to the coast, Spain has variety in abundance.

Overview of Santa Cristina beach in Lloret de Mar in Costa Brava, Catalonia, Spain

If you pry yourself away from the sand you’ll find Spain has a huge amount to offer inland too. Take a visit to El Tajo de Ronda – a spectacular gorge not far from the Costa del Sol, which has a town perched on the clifftop above. It almost looks like a movie set.

At the opposite end of the country is the majestic Pyrenees mountain range in the north. Made up of over 200 mountains that are over 3000 meters tall, this region is comprised of quaint villages in the foothills connected by some of Europe’s best hiking trails. It’s a great place to go camping too – as we’ve written about before .

Another set of Spanish mountains – the Cantabrians – make up part of the Somiedo Natural Park .

This lush park, which was voted one of Spain’s seven natural wonders, is home to spectacular lakes, thick forest, and is a stronghold of the endangered Cantabrian brown bear.

A young man enjoys the view of the mighty mountains of Valle de Pineta in the Spanish Pyrenees

How Does The Culture & Cities Compare?

Italy: culture & cities.

City breaks to Italy are popular throughout Europe due to the cosmopolitan feel, and perfect mix between old and modern.

Indeed when it comes to city tourism, Italy is arguably the best destination in Europe with the likes of Milan, Venice and Rome on millions of bucket lists around the world. And for good reason too.

Of course there’s other cities that shine too. Bologna is a gorgeous medieval city in North Italy that has thrived with a steady flow of students that has kept this city a vibrant place to visit.

Food lovers can delight in Bologna’s food festivals like Eataly and a slew of food markets where you can learn more about its cuisine. This is also an excellent choice for art, music and Italian film enthusiasts who are all catered for inside Bologna’s galleries and museums.

And why not face the tourists and head to Venice , but take your time strolling its hidden side streets, canals, piazzas and local shops and cafes. This is arguably the world’s most beautiful city.

Discover a treasure trove of history in its museums, visit St Mark’s Cathedral and Venice’s ornate churches, the exquisite old theatre Teatro La Fenice and the sprawling art museum Gallerie dell ’Accademia . Or take a boat to see the colorful island of Burano .

Rialto Bridge and gondolas in Venice.

In the heel of Italy’s geographical boot is the region of Puglia which is home to the charming city of Lecce .

The streets of Leece are perfect for wandering as you can discover its hidden piazzas, beautifully detailed buildings and churches – including the baroque Santa Croce .

The city’s main square is Piazza Sant’Oronzo , the site of a Roman amphitheater and in the evening you must join in with the local tradition of strolling down the evening passeggiata before dinner. Day trips include the lovely seaside towns of Otranto and Gallipoli for moreish local flavors.

The cosmopolitan city of Milan is not known for being incredibly ‘Italian’ – it lacks the cobbled streets and ochre buildings that Italy is best known for – but it has a wealth of culture to discover and is one of the best shopping cities in the world.

The main sights in Milan include the majestic Sforza Castle , the incredibly detailed Duomo where you can climb up onto the roof and the ornate Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II – a shopping center with beautiful mosaics and designer stores.

Outside of this, the canal area offers chic eateries, all-you-can-eat sushi, street art galore and vintage shops plus bars to enjoy the city’s lively aperitif culture. 

Famous vintage tram in the centre of the Old Town of Milan in the sunny day, Lombardia, Italy. Arch of Peace, or Arco della Pace on the background.

Spain: Culture & Cities

Spain is packed with beautiful towns that appear little-changed in centuries. However like Italy, it’s the cities that really pull in the crowds.

City breaks to the likes of Barcelona are popular throughout Europe due to the cosmopolitan feel and historic backdrop.

The stunning Basilica of the Sagrada Familia should be one of your first visits in the city, followed by a walk around Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter .

Barcelona is also famous for its shopping, with Passeig de Gracia and the streets around it providing some of the best places to spend your money.

View of barcelona skyline at night

The capital of Andalusia, Seville , is popular and no wonder. Myth has it that this city was built by Hercules, and while that may not be true, the culture here is certainly Herculean.

Seville is the home of Flamenco dancing and experiencing a show at the Tablao Flamenco Los Gallos will take your breath away. As the capital of Muslim Spain during the Al-Andalus period, Seville’s spectacular buildings from that time will transport you back in time too.

Nearby Córdoba was an important city during that period as well, and is famous for the immense La Mezquita mosque.

However this city is also one of our favourites to visit due to its historic Old Town which is full of flowers, fountains, immaculate winding cobbled streets and lovely little eateries.

As you can see, if you can pull yourself away from the beaches, you’re in for a real treat in Spain’s urban centers. The mix of new and modern, from cultural icons like Flamenco to streets where you can shop the biggest and best brands, Spain’s cities can be a holiday in their own right.

Man and woman in flamenco costume performing a dance on the shadow of the Spain Square in Seville

How Does The Cuisine Compare?

The traditional food of Italy and Spain is a Mediterranean cocktail of the various civilizations that have inhabited these nations. 

Italy: The Food

The eight provinces of Northern Italy all offer unique culinary traditions, influenced by neighboring countries such as France, Austria, and Slovenia – making the north a real foodie’s paradise.

In the Aosta Valley try Fontina cheese , with its milky and sweet flavors. In Emilia-Romagna you’ll come across piadini sandwiches , a flatbread stuffed with cheeses, hams, or salad.

Of course, the north is most famous for prosciutto di Parma (from Parma); balsamic vinegar (from Modena and Reggio); and Parmigiano Reggiano .

In Venice, sample, Risotto al Neri di Seppi , risotto flavored with cuttlefish and colored with its black ink.

South Italy is the birthplace of pizza! Go to Naples for an authentic classic Margherita pizza and fried pizza calzone style.

The Amalfi coast offers fresh seafood while you sip your Limoncello lemon liqueur – which also tastes good in cake form!

On Sicily, sample Nero d’Avola red wine, a native grape to the island and don’t leave without trying the wonderful couscous of Trapani or the pastries of Noto.

When it comes to cuisine and food culture, not only do we think Italy beats Spain, it probably beats almost all other countries in the world too!

A summer dinner .Pasta , pizza and homemade food arrangement in a restaurant Rome .Tasty and authentic Italian food.

Spain: The Food

Expect fresh vegetables, a lot of herbs, and a good amount of olive oil when eating out in Spain.

However, Spain’s most famous cuisine is surely tapas . This is a selection of appetizers that are served in both restaurants and bars, and will almost always include jamon iberico – an air-dried Spanish ham.

For hot days you should try gazpacho – a thick soup made from vegetables that is typically served cold.

There’s some good wine made in Spain, but a favourite holiday drink of many is Sangria .

This punch is made up of red wine and chopped fruits, and sometimes other spirits depending on the house style of the bar or restaurant you’re in. It’s delicious, colorful and pairs well with tapas.

Spanish tapas

Italy Or Spain: Which Should You Choose?

Both Italy and Spain will provide an unforgettable holiday.

However if beaches are your priority then Spain is probably the better choice. Spain is also slightly cheaper than Italy, although that does vary depending on the region you’re staying in.

Both countries also have some iconic city destinations. We think Italy probably has the better cities (but it’s close), however the dramatic scenery throughout the country also makes it arguably more beautiful than Spain too.

Italy can also lay claim to having one of the best culinary traditions in the world too.

Recommended For Your Trip To Italy Or Spain

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Is Italy vs Germany on TV tonight? Kick-off time, channel and how to watch Nations League fixture

The nations league is under way and continues with a mouth-watering clash, article bookmarked.

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Manuel Neuer, the Germany goalkeeper

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Italy are taking on Germany in the Nations League today.

The two nations with nine World Cup victories between them meet in Bologna’s Stadio Renato Dall’Ara as their Nations League gets under way.

Italy are trying to recover their form, having tailed off since winning Euro 2020 and failed to qualify for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

These two teams are in a tough Group A3 with England and Hungary.

Here is everything you need to know.

When is Italy vs Germany?

The match kicks off tonight, Saturday 4 June, at 7.45pm BST.

How to watch

Italy vs Germany will be shown live on Premier Sports. Subscribers will be able to stream the action online via the Premier Player.

Roberto Mancini has called up a large Italy squad for the five-match run but is still without Federico Cheese, Marco Verratti, Domenico Berardi, Moise Kean and Nicolo Zaniolo through injury.

Italy are in need of a win and might find it here on home soil, despite the strength of their opposition. Italy 2-1 Germany.

Italy 19/10

Germany 7/5

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UEFA Euro 2024 Quarterfinal, Spain vs Germany Highlights:  Spain defeated hosts Germany 2-1 after extra time in a dramatic Euro 2024 quarter-final on Friday to set up a last-four clash against either France or Portugal. Substitute Florian Wirtz fired in an 89th-minute equaliser to rescue Germany after Dani Olmo's second-half strike, but Spain substitute Mikel Merino headed into the top corner in the 119th minute to break the home nation's hearts. ( MATCH CENTER )

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  • July 06 2024 00:16 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Match summary Spain defeated hosts Germany 2-1 after extra time in a dramatic Euro 2024 quarter-final on Friday to set up a last-four clash against either France or Portugal. Substitute Florian Wirtz fired in an 89th-minute equaliser to rescue Germany after Dani Olmo's second-half strike, but Spain substitute Mikel Merino headed into the top corner in the 119th minute to break the home nation's hearts.  facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 06 2024 00:14 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Spain are through! Spain continue their unbeaten run while Germany are out of the Euro 2024. Fullkrug had a final chance to score but it was Mikel Merino who emerged as the hero. What a game and what a goal to seal the fate of the hosts. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 06 2024 00:02 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Merino scores Spain have taken the lead and Mikel Moreno has done it! 1 minute to go in the extra time but it looks like Spain have clinched the win. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:58 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: 5 minutes to penalties 5 minutes left in extra time and it looks like this game is headed to the penalties. Unai Simon vs Manuel Neuer - the battle for the ages! facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:52 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Yet another yellow card 12th yellow card of the match and this time, it is Rodri. 10 minutes to go and this match is truly going down to the wire. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:49 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Penalty shout This match has absolutely everything! A shot from Musiala caught Cucurella on the team inside the box but the penalty shouts went in vain as the referee decided that the hand was quite close to his body. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:42 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Golden opportunity Mikel Oyarzabal! What a chance for him to make history! His shot curved but not enough as the ball went wide of the goal. This match keep producing terrific moments! facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:40 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Germany not far behind Musiala and Andrich combined to create a very good attack and looks like both sides want to finish the match in the extra time. Not looking to take this game to penalty shootout as both teams are hungry for the next goal. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:36 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Spain on top Spain have been more aggressive in the extra time till now with even the defenders venturing forward. However, Germany have been resilient in defense and it looks like they are looking to hit Spain on the counter attack. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:29 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Extra time The matches goes to extra time and nothing to separate the tow teams at the moment. Spain looked all set to book their spot in the semifinals but Germany have fought back valiantly and they have the momentum at the moment. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:21 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Writz equalises! Florian Writz has produced a moment of pure magic and Germany are back in this game! Kimmich headed it down and Writz placed it perfectly into the goal. 1-1 and game on once again! facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:16 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Another Havertz chance Kai Havertz should really have scored for Germany considering the number of chances he received. Another header straight to Unai Simon and this is almost the end of the line for the hosts. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:12 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Havertz misses it! Unai Simon was caught in no man's land but Kai Havertz misses out. A chip over the goalkeeper's head but it was agonisingly wide. No luck for Germany and they are so close to elimination now. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:09 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Germany opt for a legend Thomas Mueller is here and this is the last throw of the dice for Germany. The Space Investigator has won many matches for his team in the past and his side will be looking for one more magical play. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:08 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: So close for Germany! Fullkrug has hit the post and Germany come so close to equalising. A cut back found the big striker but he was off balance and his shot crashed into the post and bounced away. So close yet so far! facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 23:05 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Young power of Spain Spain have relied heavily on their young superstars and they have delivered! Yamal has been an absolute revelation till now while Olmo found the magic to hand them the lead. 15 minutes to go and Spain are in control. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:59 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: What a save! What a save by Unai Simon! Andrich had a lot of space to unleash a powerful shot but Simon was aware of it and pulled off a perfect dive to complete a solid save. This is brilliant football from Spain and time is running out for Germany. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:53 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Germany trying hard The introduction of Fullkrug has completely changed how Germany attack and now, they are relying more on aerial balls. While they did get a couple of headers on target, nothing dangerous as of now and they continue to look for that goal. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:47 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Couple of changes for Germany once again Germany are not down and out as they attack with all their might against Spain after conceding the goal. Couple of changes by Nagelsmann with Fulkrug being the big one as they now have a big centre forward who can be the focal point of the attacks. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:43 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Olmo scores! Dani Olmo scores and Spain have taken the lead. Swift attack from Spain and once again, Yamal played a big role. Perfect pass from the youngster and Olmo made no mistake. Neuer had no chance and Spain have taken the advantage. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:40 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Fouls are not stopping The fouls are just not stopping as the second half has seen more than 5 fouls in the past 2-3 minutes. Carlos Puyol and Gerard Pique in attendance and they will be interested in seeing how the defenders are handling the situation. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:34 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Germany's new tactic Writz on for Sane and Andrich on for Emre Can - Couple of changes for Germany as well as the second half begins. Game on! facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:33 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Another substitutiton for Spain Spain are going for a substitute ahead of the second half - Nacho replaces Le Normand and this is a precautionary measure as the defender was on a yellow card. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:23 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: End of first half That is the end of first half and the scoreline reads Spain 0-0 Germany. Surprising considering the fact that both teams have a lot of attacks. However, second half still left and if needed, extra time and the dreaded penalty shootout. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:14 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: A half of missed opportunities The first half of this game was truly a story of missed opportunities. Both Germany and Spain had brilliant chances to take the lead. However, the finishing was just not there and both of them will have to look within to find a way to outwit the opposition. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:08 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Massive chances go begging Kai Havertz once again had the chance to score as he chested down a brilliant pass but his shot was saved by Unai Simon. On the other end, it was Neuer who saved the shot from Nico Williams to keep this match 0-0. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 22:03 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Yellow card for Spain Robin Le Normand becomes the first Spanish player to pick up a booking in this game. It has been quite a rough game till now with both sides not shying away from going for tackles. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:59 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Another yellow card Another yellow card for Germany as David Raum is booked. Two defenders from Germany now have yellow cards and this is not going to be an easy game. With Spain depending on their pace a lot, the defenders are going to find it difficult to keep the attackers like Nico Williams and Dani Olmo in check. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:54 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: End to end football It has been end to end stuff in this game till now. Both teams have looked like they can score at any time but that magic has been missing. Kai Havertz received the latest chance as he jumped the highest among the players for a cross but his header was saved easily by Unai Simon. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:50 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Bad news for Germany Antonio Rudiger picks up a yellow card for a tackle on Dani Olmo and this is bad news for Germany. First, their centre back will now have to be careful and if they qualify for the semi-finals, he will not be available for the encounter. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:46 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Chances after chances Chances on both sides as Germany first had an opportunity to take a shot but it was saved easily by the goalkeeper. Couple of minutes later, Yamal had a chance to score from a free-kick but his attempt was just inches wide of the target. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:41 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Pedri injured Massive blow to Spain early in the match as Pedri has picked up an injury. The foul from Kroos resulted in a bad injury for the youngster as he limps off the field. Dani Olmo is a very early substitution for Spain. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:35 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Early collision A slight injury to Cucurella followed by a foul on Pedri from Tonu Kroos. Powerful tackle but Pedri looks in a bit of bother. This is not going to be an easy game at all. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:32 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: We are underway The match has began and Spain are on the front foot. A powerful shot from Alvaro Morata but straight to Neuer. However, a show of intent from Spain and they will be happy with this positive start. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:26 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Time for the national anthems The two teams are out in the middle and it is time for the national anthems. We are just minutes away from a huge encounter in the Euro 2024. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:21 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: History Both Germany and Spain have won three Euros titles, - the most by any side in the history of the competition. A massive game awaits as two heavyweights fight it out for a spot in the semifinals. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:14 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: ESP playing XI Unai Simon; Dani Carvajal, Robin Le Normand, Aymeric Laporte, Marc Cucurella; Rodri, Fabian Ruiz; Lamine Yamal, Pedri, Nico Williams; Alvaro Morata (capt) facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:09 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: GER playing XI Manuel Neuer; Joshua Kimmich, Antonio Ruediger, Jonathan Tah, David Raum; Emre Can, Toni Kroos; Jamal Musiala, Ilkay Gundogan (capt), Leroy Sane; Kai Havertz facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 21:03 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Olmo-st a different route Spanish media had reported that RB Leipzig forward Dani Olmo may come in ahead of Barcelona's Pedri for the tie, but Luis De la Fuente decided to stick with his tried and tested formula. facebook twitter Share Link
  • July 05 2024 20:59 (IST) Spain vs Germany LIVE: Is consistency the key? Spain coach Luis de la Fuente opted to stick with his starting XI from the 4-1 defeat of Georgia in their last 16 tie and the 1-0 win over Italy in the group stages. facebook twitter Share Link




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