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The Top 25 Qualities of an Effective Tour Guide-Guiding the Way

Are you passionate about travel and enjoy sharing your knowledge with others? Becoming a tour guide might be the perfect career path for you. Being a practical tour guide requires a unique set of skills and qualities that go beyond simply knowing the facts about a destination. In this article, we will explore the 25 qualities of a practical tour guide and how they contribute to creating memorable and enriching travel experiences.

Being an effective tour guide is not just about knowing the destination but also about possessing a range of qualities that enhance the overall experience for travelers. From excellent communication skills to a deep passion for the subject matter, a practical tour guide can make all the difference in creating memorable and meaningful experiences for their guests. 

In this article, we will explore 25 essential qualities for any tour guide looking to excel in their profession. Whether you are already a tour guide or aspiring to become one, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights and tips to enhance your skills and become an exceptional tour guide.

Table of Contents

What Qualities Do I Need To Be A Tour Guide?

To be a successful tour guide, there are several essential qualities that you should possess.

  • Firstly, strong communication skills are vital. As a tour guide, you will need to convey information to your clients clearly and engagingly effectively. Excellent verbal and written communication skills will help you effectively communicate historical facts, local customs, and interesting anecdotes.
  • Secondly, a deep knowledge and passion for the subject matter is crucial. Whether you are guiding tourists through a historical city, leading a nature hike, or conducting a food tour, you should have a thorough understanding of the area’s history, culture, and attractions. This knowledge will not only enhance your credibility as a guide but also enable you to answer questions and provide interesting insights to your clients.
  • Lastly, being personable and friendly are essential qualities for a tour guide. You will interact with people from various backgrounds and cultures, so being approachable and adaptable is critical. Your enthusiasm and positive attitude will not only make the tour more enjoyable for your clients but also help create a welcoming and inclusive environment.

In conclusion, to be a successful tour guide, you should possess strong communication skills, a deep knowledge and passion for the subject, and be personable and friendly. These qualities will help you effectively engage and connect with your clients, making their experience memorable and enjoyable.

What Skills Make A Tour Guide With 5-Star Quality?

Regarding being a tour guide with 5-star quality, several critical skills are essential. Firstly, excellent communication skills are crucial. A tour guide must effectively convey information, engage with their audience, and answer questions. Clear and concise communication is essential to ensure tourists have a memorable and enjoyable experience.

In addition to communication skills, a tour guide should also have extensive knowledge and expertise in the area they are guiding. This includes historical facts, cultural insights, and local tips and recommendations. A 5-star tour guide is well-prepared and can provide accurate and exciting information, enhancing the tour experience.

Furthermore, a tour guide with 5-star quality must possess exceptional customer service skills. They should be friendly, approachable, and able to create a positive and welcoming atmosphere. A great tour guide understands the importance of personalizing the experience for each tourist and goes above and beyond to ensure their satisfaction. From anticipating needs to providing an exceptional level of service, these skills are vital in creating a memorable tour experience.

What Is The Most Important Quality Of Becoming An Effective Tour Guide?

When it comes to becoming a practical tour guide, several qualities are important to possess. However, one of the most crucial qualities is knowledge. A tour guide must have extensive knowledge about the destination they are guiding tourists through. This includes knowing about the history, culture, landmarks, and other important aspects of the place. Being well-informed allows the tour guide to provide accurate and interesting information to the tourists, enhancing their overall experience.

In addition to knowledge, communication skills are also essential for an effective tour guide. Communicating clearly and concisely is important in delivering information to the tourists. A tour guide must be able to articulate their thoughts and ideas in a way that is easily understandable to a diverse group of people. Good communication skills also involve listening to the tourists’ questions and feedback and being able to respond appropriately.

Lastly, enthusiasm and passion for the job set apart a great tour guide from an average one. A tour guide who is genuinely excited about the destination and their role in showcasing it will be able to create a positive and engaging atmosphere for the tourists. Their enthusiasm will be contagious, making the tour more enjoyable and memorable for everyone involved.

What Are The 5 Roles Of A Tour Guide?

A tour guide plays multiple roles in ensuring a successful and enjoyable travel experience for their guests. Here are the five primary roles of a tour guide:

1. Informer:  The primary role of a tour guide is to provide accurate and relevant information about the destination. They should be knowledgeable about the history, culture, landmarks, and other significant aspects of the place. Tour guides should be able to answer questions, share interesting facts, and engage their guests in informative discussions.

2. Interpreter:  Tour guides bridge the gap between different cultures and languages. They act as interpreters, translating information and conversations for their guests. They ensure effective communication between locals and visitors, enhancing the understanding and appreciation of the destination.

3. Organizer:  Tour guides are responsible for planning and organizing the itinerary. They arrange transportation, accommodation, and activities, ensuring a smooth and efficient travel experience. They handle logistics, such as coordinating schedules, managing reservations, and running any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the trip.

25 Qualities Of An Effective Tour Guide Pdf

To view a PDF document that provides more detailed information on these 25 qualities of a practical tour guide, please click the link below: 25 Qualities of an Effective Tour Guide PDF.

25 Qualities Of An Effective Tour Guide Ppt

Skills Of A Tour Guide

  • Communication Skills:
  • Clear and confident speaking voice
  • Appropriate language for the audience
  • Ability to engage and connect with travelers
  • Responsive to questions and concerns
  • In-Depth Knowledge:
  • Strong understanding of the destination’s history, culture, and attractions
  • Staying updated on current events and changes in the area
  • Organization and Time Management:
  • Creating well-planned itineraries
  • Efficient coordination of transportation and accommodations
  • Handling unexpected situations effectively
  • Interpersonal Skills:
  • Building rapport with clients
  • Friendliness and approachability
  • Patience and attentiveness
  • Sense of Humor:
  • Creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere

These skills and qualities collectively contribute to a tour guide’s ability to offer travelers an exceptional experience during their journey.

Characteristics of an Exceptional Tour Guide

  • Knowledgeable:  Possesses in-depth knowledge of the destination’s history, culture, and attractions.
  • Excellent Communication Skills:  Communicates information clearly and effectively to travelers.
  • Enthusiastic:  Inspires excitement and engagement among tour participants with their passion for the subject matter.
  • Flexible:  Adapts easily to unforeseen situations and changes in the itinerary.
  • Organized:  Ensures a smooth and efficient tour experience through careful planning and preparation.
  • Problem-Solving Abilities:  Capable of finding solutions quickly and efficiently, especially in challenging situations.
  • Multilingual:  Speaks multiple languages to cater to a diverse group of travelers.

How to Become an Effective Tour Guide

  • Gain Extensive Knowledge:  Conduct thorough research to acquire a deep understanding of the destination you’ll be guiding.
  • Develop Communication Skills:  Practice and consider attending public speaking courses to improve your ability to convey information effectively.
  • Cultivate Enthusiasm:  Stay curious and continuously learn about new attractions and experiences to maintain a high passion for your subject.
  • Enhance Adaptability:  Seek opportunities to work in different environments and practice handling unexpected situations to become more flexible.
  • Improve Organizational Skills:  Create detailed itineraries and proactively plan logistics for a well-organized tour.
  • Sharpen Problem-Solving Abilities:  Participate in scenario-based training programs or seek advice from experienced tour guides to become a more effective problem solver.
  • Learn Additional Languages:  Consider taking language courses or participating in immersion programs to become multilingual.

10 Characteristics Of A Tour Guide

  • Knowledgeable
  • Communication skills
  • Flexibility
  • Organizational skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Problem-solving
  • Professionalism
  • Sense of humor

As A Tour Guide, How Will You Manage Tourist With High Expectations?

Strategies for Managing Tourists with High Expectations

1. Listen Actively:  Listen to tourists’ expectations, interests, and preferences.

2. Manage Expectations:  Be transparent about what the tour can realistically offer and set clear expectations.

3. Provide Detailed Information:  Ensure tourists have comprehensive information about the tour itinerary, attractions, and activities.

4. Be Knowledgeable and Professional:  Demonstrate expertise in destinations, history, culture, and local customs.

5. Offer Personalized Experiences:  Tailor the tour to cater to individual preferences, arranging special interests-based activities.

6. Maintain Effective Communication:  Keep tourists informed about changes and provide alternative options.

7. Handle Complaints Professionally:  Address dissatisfaction empathetically, offering solutions to resolve concerns.

8. Seek Feedback:  Encourage tourists to provide feedback after the tour to improve future experiences.

What makes a great tour guide and host? | Rick Steves | TEDxSeattleSalon

In conclusion, a practical tour guide is vital in crafting unforgettable travel experiences. With extensive knowledge, excellent communication, and adaptability, they enrich journeys and create lasting memories. Beyond information, they foster a sense of camaraderie and storytelling, making them essential for exceptional adventures.

In conclusion, an effective tour guide plays a vital role in crafting unforgettable travel experiences. With qualities such as extensive knowledge, excellent communication, and adaptability, they enrich journeys and create lasting memories. Beyond information, they foster a sense of camaraderie and storytelling, making them essential for exceptional adventures.

How to look for the qualities of an effective tour guide operator when hiring

ai in travel industry

By Kevin Tjoe — 24 Jun 2018

amadeus   tips   tour guide   tour operator

Updated June 2022 – Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like giving up on hiring your next tour guide. When you on-board new hires, you’re hit with the realization that they’re just not a good fit, killing any sense of confidence you had about finding the best person for the job. It’s daunting enough finding a new hire – never mind going through the on-boarding process all over again when it doesn’t work out.

Well, there’s good news: selecting your next tour guide role doesn’t have to be that hard. With the right set of criteria of tour guide skills at your disposal, you could easily find the best tour guide for your business, all without the hassle that comes with having it not work out.

Wondering what personality traits do tour guides have that will reveal their future success or failure? To help you answer this, we’ve outlined 10 important qualities of a good tour guide. 

With these tour guide characteristics tips, you’ll know exactly what makes a good tour guide and have the proper tools in place to hire someone who will exceed customer expectations and customer satisfaction. 

1.  Enthusiasm

One of the most fundamental tour guide characteristics is enthusiasm.

Customers can tell if a tour guide doesn’t want to be there. Considering that nobody wants to feel like their presence is a nuisance, it is impossible to provide customers with a fun and engaging tour if it’s obvious that their guide would prefer to be at home.

On the other hand, enthusiasm is contagious. If a customer notices that their tour guide is as excited to be there as they are, they’ll feel a lot more satisfied with their overall experience. Enthusiasm fosters an authentic connection between the tour guide and customers. It’s also the backdrop of all of the other essential characteristics of a good tour guide. An enthusiastic tour guide will be not only willing but excited to grow their skills and engage with the customers.

2.  Organization and punctuality

Besides dressing themselves well, this involves setting expectations prior to the tour – informing customers of location, time, and length of tour, what they need to bring, and any rules or special considerations (if your online booking system doesn’t automate this for you). Your tour guide needs to have organisational skills to be able to run through the structure for each tour in advance.

Ultimately, one of the key characteristics of a good tour guide is effective time management skills and punctuality. They shouldn’t make customers wait for them, and they should end the tour on time.

How punctual are they when it comes to their appointments with you during the interview process? This is a good indicator of how they will be when running your tours.

The speed with which they speak and move the tour along should also be just right – it can’t be too fast or too slow. You don’t want your customers to get bored or feel rushed through certain parts of the tour.

3.  Prepared for anything

What makes a good tour guide

A good tour guide is adept at improvising, no matter whether it’s responding to hiccups in the tour’s timing, unexpected customer questions, or responding to crises. It’s key that your tour guides are capable of efficiently detecting and responding to any crisis, no matter how big or small. They should also have a comprehensive understanding of your company’s tour guide insurance policies and how this may relate to their work.

Unexpected situations can crop up where medical assistance is needed. Every guide should know First Aid and carry the appropriate equipment. Can your candidate attend to the injured using this equipment? If not, are they willing to attend First Aid training prior to starting?

4.  Can read the room

A good tour guide will take the initiative to learn about customers on the tour, then include universally relevant information to tailor the examples they use to make it more personal. They need to be aware of who they’re speaking to, the audience needs to see that your tour guide engages with all the attendees.

5.  An engaging storyteller

Obviously, you don’t want people to become disinterested whilst on your tour. Your guide’s personality is a huge part of that. Can they make the tour more interactive? They should be able to invite questions and use demonstrations to help tourists to learn by themselves. 

One of the most essential qualities of a good tour guide is a great customer service experience and the ability to hold good conversations. It’s also important that they have a passion for travel as this will keep the audience interested and engaged .

Make sure that they themselves are interested in the subject matter, because they need to be enthusiastic about what they’re saying.

6 .  Knows their stuff

Tour guide characteristics

Another one of the most important characteristics of a tour guide is their ability to retain information.

Your guide must be able to recite facts from memory and be clear in delivering them. Facts have to be accurate – otherwise, they should be able to say they aren’t sure and get back to the customer asking.

Of course, you can’t expect your tour guide to know everything from day one. But hiring a tour guide who demonstrates an enthusiasm for learning and has clearly researched your tour company prior to their job interview, is key to ensuring that your staff are committed to learning and understanding the tours they provide.

7. Multilingual

While it may not be a necessity, speaking multiple languages is an excellent and particularly useful quality of a good tour guide. A multilingual tour guide will dramatically broaden your target audience and help welcome people from varying backgrounds to your tour.

A tour guide doesn’t need to be fluent in dozens of languages for their lingual skills to be handy. All tour guides should at least have a conversational grasp of commonly encountered languages. This knowledge becomes extremely useful if someone has an emergency.

8.  Leadership and initiative

Since they’re managing a group of people, the ability to have a certain level of authority is crucial. Tour guides must be able to lead a group of people without being condescending, snobby, or aggressive. If something unexpected happens on the tour, a good tour guide will be able to take charge in an assertive manner to ensure that all customers receive the right directions.

9.  A good sense of humor

Characteristics of a tour guide

Whilst they don’t have to be total comedians, tour guides need to be quick witted so they can throw in friendly jokes or light banter with the customers. Again, it’s not a stand-up routine, so they should also know when to be quiet. You can gauge this aspect of their personality when they interview for the job.

10. Willingness to learn

 A key part of your tour should be collecting feedback and using it to make it better. Your tour guides should be open to change based on customer criticism – without taking it too personally.

Of course, the ideal tour guide will look differently for each tour operator company as some traits are necessary for certain activities but not others. However, there are certain qualities of a good tour guide that transcend time and place: enthusiasm, a willingness to learn, leadership skills, and punctuality.

Now that you’ve found what makes a good tour guide, it’s time to ensure that your newly hired tour guides are given the right tools they need to succeed.

Rezdy’s all-in-one online booking software simplifies the management of your tour company so you can ensure that your customers receive a satisfying experience. Curious to see how Rezdy can help your tour guides succeeds? Start a  FREE 21-day trial  or  book a demo so you can  experience first-hand the benefits of automated activity booking websites.

If you enjoyed this article then make sure to follow the  Rezdy blog . There are a lot of marketing tools and tour operator tips designed with businesses like yours in mind.

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What Skills Make a Tour Guide With 5 Star Quality?

By Aurelio Maglione

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tour guides quality

Not just anyone can be a good tour guide. As both the front line and backbone of the operation, tour guides carry a huge responsibility to make the guest experience memorable, entertaining, informative, and seamless. The job is much more than reading facts off a sheet.

So whether you are looking to hire a tour guide or thinking about pursuing this career, there are a few must-have qualities of an effective tour guide you need to know about. Of course, every tour (and guide) is different, but the best of the best tour employees have a particular set of skills that are few and far between. 

Let’s quickly go over the top ten characteristics of a great — nay, unicorn — tour guide who has 5 star quality . (Stick around for bonus skills of a tour guide at the bottom of this post). 

Top 10 characteristics of a great tour guide

A female tour guide walking in front of two guests on hiking trail

1. Powerful communicator

“Can you hear me at the back?!” Megaphones might be a tour guide’s best friend, but a good tour guide can project and leave that clunky amplification device behind. 

Communication is one of the most important skills of a tour guide. Guests rely on tour guides to provide direction, share facts and information, and keep them entertained throughout the tour. As such, a tour guide must speak fluently and coherently. Not to mention, be able to command attention despite the inevitable distraction of surrounding sights and sounds. 

2. Memory like an elephant

Many aspiring actors and comedians take on the role of a tour guide, and it’s not hard to see why. Like the road to stardom, tour guides become masters at memorizing scripts and delivering performances that come across as natural, rather than rehearsed. 

However, unlike their actor counterparts, tour guides should also be good at remembering names and faces. Although tour guides interact with different guests daily, they can quickly transform a tour from average to extraordinary by addressing every guest by name so that they feel valued and not just another tip. 

Tour guide hack: Learning names on the fly is no doubt a tricky task. With the Daily Manifest , tour guides can memorize names beforehand, making it easier to put names to faces during the round of introductions. 

3. Storytelling chops

Delivery is everything when it comes to tour guiding. Anyone can regurgitate a script word for word, but an exceptional tour guide can add a little bit of zest, make it their own, and take guests on a journey through storytelling. 

In fact, tour commentary helps bring life to the subject matter, captivate an audience, and give guests something to remember/pass on to their friends for years to come. If a tour guide can tell a story with animation, expression, and a plot twist — they’re a keeper. 

4. A good sense of humour

No one wants to stand or sit through a dry, boring, humourless history lesson — they zone out, get bored, and, worse, turn to their phone for amusement. Get off your screen, Becky! Be in the moment. On the other hand, making guests laugh out loud is a surefire way to show them a good time and land a super positive review.

That said, slapstick comedy doesn’t bode well in a professional tourism environment, and repeating dad-joke after dad-joke might get more eye rolls than laughs (unless it’s a Father’s Day tour). Instead, a funny tour guide is someone who can banter with guests, poke fun at themselves, and share humorous and relatable stories. 

A charismatic tour guide taking a selfie in a tour boat while it rains.

5. Charismatic and genuine

It’s one thing to make guests laugh, and another to laugh with them. A tour guide who is likeable and personable can light up a destination and make every guest feel like the most important person in the group. 

Out of all the good tour guide qualities, this one is probably the hardest to come by. Many extroverts end up talking too much, and although public speaking is an essential part of the job, real charisma comes out in conversation, when a tour guide has the chance to build rapport with guests — like asking where they’re from and what they do for a living.

And a tour guide who shows genuine interest, listens intently, and recalls details later on, can make a far greater impact on the tour experience than the attraction itself. 

6. Quick-witted and flexible

A tour guide isn’t up on stage, delivering lines to a passive audience. Guaranteed, guests will have random questions and comments at one point or another, and a tour guide must know their stuff while being able to respond with authority and enthusiasm.

Also, anything can happen in an hour-long tour (or more). Next to communication skills, adaptability is essential because people are unpredictable. Guest might stray from the group (or uninvited guests might lurk), roll an ankle, have a bathroom emergency, or simply ask for an ice cream break. A tour guide must be ready to handle things as they come.

7. Sensitive to guest diversity

Tour guides encounter guests from all walks of life, who undoubtedly come with their own cultural expectations, social norms, and special needs. Although we’d like to think the tourism industry accepts everyone and embraces diversity, we still have a long way to go. 

Since tour guides spend the most time with guests, they have a moral responsibility to:

  • respect cultural differences, all abilities, and language barriers
  • tailor their deliveries accordingly
  • demonstrate a hospitable attitude on behalf of the destination
  • inspire tourists to leave a positive social impact  
  • and reinforce a tour company’s core values

For reference, here’s a list of do’s and don’ts in tour guiding .

8. In-depth knowledge 

Even if a tour guide isn’t born and raised somewhere, they should know the place inside and out. As I mentioned earlier, guests will have tour and destination-related questions — like where are the best places to eat, what do locals do for fun, or how much water flows over Niagara Falls? (The answer is 2,832 tonnes of water per second).

While it’s tempting to tell guests to g oogle it , a tour guide is far more impressive when they can answer anything thrown their way. After all, guests expect guides to be destination experts, so knowing relevant facts, figures, and tips better than Google is part of the job.  

9. A whole lot of passion

Most tour guides have a passion for travel. It’s only fitting. They want to live the dream and scratch off as many countries as possible on a world map. And working as a tour guide allows them to do that. But if travel is the only reason they go into guiding, they won’t last long. 

Being a tour guide is tough. Sure, they get to show off the places they love and meet travelers from all over the world (outside of covid times, of course), but they also have to work long hours, often on their feet all day, in the peak season heat, while dealing with demanding guests. It’s not for the faint of heart. 

Why be a tour guide then? Because of all the other boxes the job checks off. The best tour guides have a heart for serving others, making new connections, and getting involved in the community. They also desire to advance in the tourism industry and prove that by researching more than expected and learning how to be a successful tour guide . 

10. Organized and punctual

Being orderly, efficient, and dependable might be common lies listed on a resume, but are essential qualities of an effective tour guide. Guests shouldn’t have to wait around for a tour guide to get their act together. Everything should run smoothly from check-in to check-out. 

Otherwise, the entire schedule can fall behind, and a tour guide plays a huge part in making sure bookings stay on time. Think of it this way; if guests are asked to arrive ten minutes early, why would it be okay for a tour guide to show up late with an iced coffee and an excuse?

4 bonus skills of a tour guide

Female tour guide leading two guests on city walking tour

1. A res-tech whiz

As more and more tour operators start to take bookings online, tour guides everywhere are having to learn how to use booking software in their day-to-day. On top of leading tour groups, guides are often tasked with front desk responsibilities — like checking-in guests, editing bookings, issuing refunds, and collecting forms and signatures. 

This kind of tour guide work experience means they’ll be eager to download the mobile booking app and optimize the dashboard to perform multiple actions in just a few clicks will make a tour owner’s life so much easier. Luckily, Checkfront is simple, straightforward, and takes as little as five minutes for tour guides to master . 

2. A creative eye

Tour guides often double as photographers. Although people are getting way better at taking selfies, setting up tripods and self-timers, or attaching GoPros to gear, it’s still not uncommon for guests to hand over their phone to the tour guide for a photo opp. 

Since that might be the only thing to commemorate their once-in-a-lifetime experience, the last thing they want is for the photo to come back with a smudged finger in view, cut-off foreheads, or a mid-blinking face. Pictures like that rarely get shared and tagged on Instagram — which is a missed opportunity for the tour company. 

If a tour guide knows how to take better photos on tour , guests will be forever grateful for the share-worthy souvenir. At the same time, if a tour guide has an eye for photography, they will instinctively notice magical moments to capture, giving the tour company plenty of content to fuel an aesthetically-pleasing Instagram feed. 

Bigger bonus: a tour guide who understands social media marketing can make extra cash on the side by amping up a tour operator’s online presence. 

3. Gutsy at sales

I get it. Persuading guests to spend more money can feel icky. But a good tour guide sees upselling and cross-selling as less of a dreadful job requirement and more of an opportunity to add value to the guest’s experience. 

“I can’t believe we got to see a tapir and three toucans today! Good luck must be in the air because last night’s tour group spotted an orange-kneed tarantula. I bet the tarantula is still in the same spot. You’re still here for one more night, right? You should totally join us on tonight’s night trek; we still have space left.”

It can even be intimidating to ask guests for a review at the end of the tour. But if tour guides don’t ask, guests might not think to do it. Getting over that fear by coming up with a friendly blurb is one of the most underrated tour guide qualities. 

4. Multilingual

Hands down, when a tour guide delivers a tour in a guest’s first language, it makes a world of difference. Although English has become a universal language and many tourists prefer confident, English-speaking guides, a tour guide who can switch it up depending on the tour group will be much more appreciated than a handheld audio guide.  

Plus, this versatility is beneficial to the tour operator for plenty of reasons, such as:

  • it allows them to appeal to a broader audience
  • it gives guests more choice and personalization
  • it represents diversity and inclusion

tour guides quality

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Top Qualities of a Good Tour Guide for Amazing Experiences

The difference between an ordinary tour and an unforgettable experience relies on the qualities of a good tour guide. For that reason, finding an amazing tour guide is not easy, and being one also requires effort.

This blog post is as much for those who aspire to become the best tour guides, as is for tour operators. If you run a tour business, you should know what skills to look for in a good tour guide . If you are a tour guide, you should know how to deliver the best experience for your guests.

The qualities of a good tour guide

A good tour guide is made of a combination of qualities related to personality traits and professional skills .

Of course, if you are a tour guide, you don’t need to have them all to shine in your profession, let alone be born with all of those characteristics. Most of it you can learn and improve with experience.

Now let’s take a look at those traits.

Most desirable tour guide personality traits

Camel tour in desert dubai representing the qualities good tour guide

Many of the qualities of a good tour guide are related with their personality.

When attending a tour, the guest wants to be involved by the story they are being told. Hence, the person who is telling it needs the ability to transmit all the knowledge and emotion of it.

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To delight the guest, a good tour guide needs to be:

1. Enthusiastic

It’s pretty much safe to say that enthusiasm is the most important part of this job. The tourists will sense if you don’t feel passionate when you’re talking to them.

Also, when tour guides are enthusiastic about their subject, they are inclined to acquire more knowledge about it. It doesn’t hurt to mention it helps the guides to withstand mentally and physically exhausting experiences.

2. Engaging

Great tour guides will share their knowledge in an engaging, interactive and entertaining way. Effective tour guides also invite questions and interaction from tour members, rather than treating the tour as a one-person show or a school lesson.

The tourists themselves should be interested in the subject matter because they need to be enthusiastic about what the tour guide is saying.

Let’s not forget that the success of a tour often relies on the members of the group getting on well and enjoying the shared experience. The guide can do a huge amount to make that happen by making sure everyone gets to know each other.

3. Communicative

Having strong communication skills is one of the most important qualities of a good tour guide and a must for tour guide personality traits . You could say they need to have extremely good people skills. As much as tour guides need to be able to speak loud and clear, they need to know how to listen.

Good listening skills mean they can understand what the group is interested in. The conversation between the tour guide and guest has to be an interactive relationship, not just one way. Tour guides have to talk to new people daily, and it has to be in an easy-to-understand way.

4. Outgoing

Well, the trait mentioned above leads us directly to this one. It takes communication skills to a whole new level.

There can be a bit of social awkwardness when a new group of strangers shows up, and a guide should be able to break that immediately. That helps people feel comfortable talking to each other and their guide. This ensures, later on, they feel open to add comments or add questions along the way.

The ability to entertain people with stories and anecdotes would be hard for someone with an introverted personality.

A sense of humor is one of the most welcome qualities of a good tour guide. Intrepid Travel’s Dheeraj “Monty” Bhatt, who won the Wanderlust award for outstanding achievement cited “a good sense of humor” as one of the strongest weapons in a guide’s armory.

It especially helps if you can crack a joke in a crisis. Just like being outgoing and enthusiastic, humor can be the perfect tool to cut any tensions. And as always, add an extra layer of entertainment for guests.

6. Decisive

Leadership and decisiveness are important skills of a tour guide. Although they have to be friendly and funny, at the same time they should maintain a certain level of authority.

There will probably be many unpredictable occasions where they’ll need to make a decision. And make it fast. That has been put nicely in the book Conducting Tours: A Practical Guide .

“Tour leaders translate experience and common sense into firm, quick actions.”

Professional tour guide skills

Visiting a monument with friends qualities of a good tour guide

Every tour company will want that their tour guides leave a professional appearance. It instills trust and confidence in travelers. That way, it makes them feel safe and like they made a great tour company choice!

It will certainly help with your goal if your staff has those qualities of a good tour guide:

1. Organized

It comes almost without saying. Tour guides, responsible for organizing and leading a whole group of people, have to be well organized.

Among other things, this involves setting expectations before the tour – informing customers of the location, time, and length of the tour, what should they bring, and/or any rules or special considerations (if your online booking system doesn’t automate this for you).

For tourists, the tour should seem effortless and seamless.

2. Punctual

Punctuality comes hand in hand with organizational skills. Nobody would be happy about having displeased customers if a tour guide didn’t show up on time to meet them.

3. Able to handle the crisis

Improvisational skills are always needed, not just in crisis situations and tour guide traits. Whether it’s just a minor hiccup in the plan or something bigger happened.

A quality of a good tour guide is to always find a way to calm down people, explain everything in the right way and make them feel better. The same goes for preparedness in case of medical emergencies. Some kind of tours can be much more dangerous than others.

Patience is the kind of virtue that any tour guide without it, usually, won’t be very successful. Jonny Bealby, founder of Wild Frontiers came into guiding following a career as a travel writer. He cited “patience, and lots of it” as the premier quality of a tour guide.

Tour guides will sometimes have to be taking time to explain a complicated historical event. Answer questions they’ve already answered multiple times in their speeches. Walk as slowly as is humanly possible, while waiting for a part of the group to catch up with them. A tour guide needs to be comfortable taking things slowly and to do so with a smile.

5. Sensitive

A great tour guide should be sensitive towards the needs of the group. Tour guides must be aware that what is obvious to them may be completely new for their tourists.

Their clients come from different backgrounds and they are presumably in unfamiliar situations. A perfect guide will be attentive and respectful to everyone in the group, making sure that everyone can see and hear well.

They should make sure everyone is as safe and comfortable as possible. It’s important for the tourists’ satisfaction with your tour.

Other qualities of a tour guide: Be well-informed and interested in the location

There’s no need to state the obvious—tour guides have to know what they’re talking about. Ideally, they would be experts in that area. It helps a lot if they are personally interested in what they are presenting.

Travelers will sense it in the enthusiastic tone of their voice. Tour guide presentation style and tone give a unique touch to the tour experience and an irreplaceable sense of authenticity!

These are a few things they should aspire to be:

1. Multilingual

Speaking multiple languages is, if not a necessity, then just an excellent quality in all the tour guide traits. Ideally, your tour guide should speak a range of languages, including your own, as well as the local lingo.

At the very least, tour guides must have a conversational grasp of commonly encountered languages. This knowledge becomes extremely useful if someone has an emergency.

2. Knowledgeable

Knowing a local is truly an asset when it comes to tour guide traits. They must be able to recite facts from memory and be clear on delivering them.

Facts, of course, have to be accurate—otherwise, they should be able to say they aren’t sure and get back to the customer asking.

Guides provide information about the area, including facts that may be of interest to the group. Which means, they should get to know the group.

Storytelling is a key part of the job. A great storyteller will make any story sound like it’s their own.

3. Willing to learn and improve

Learning the qualities of a good tour guide

The great tour guides should continuously work on fine-tuning the tour to make it an exceptional one.

They pay attention to what guests enjoy the most and the least about the tour. They ask the guests some questions and answer theirs. And they encourage guest feedback at the end of a tour.

This trait can help realize what further steps need to be taken to enhance the tour.

These were some of the most important qualities of excellent tour guides. Sure, for even better success, one could always add a few more. For example, a good sense of direction, good pacing (not too slow, not too fast), good health, etc.

Well, if you find a tour guide who’s got all this or if you are this guide—you don’t have to worry about the success of your tour.

Which quality would you add to this article? Feel free to share your thoughts in our LinkedIn group .

ORIOLY on April 26, 2022

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by Lidija Šomodi

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Why good tour guides are important.

Picture of Anne de Jong

  • July 28, 2023

Why good tour guides are important

The importance of good tour guides for a successful travel experience

When customers book a travel experience with your business, they come with expectations. They rely on your expertise, your local knowledge, and your ability to provide them with an amazing experience.

In case they booked a travel experience that involves a tour guide, they want to travel worry-free. With someone else having the responsibility. The quality of the guide is therefore essential for satisfied customers. A good guide is able to boost the travel experience and add additional value. While a lesser guide does the opposite: leaving customers disappointed and dissatisfied.

A good tour guide does not only boost the travel experience for customers. But they are also responsible for making sure the trip creates positive impact on the destination and minimises negative impact.

“Local tour guides and drivers are the principal interface between tourists, the travel experience, the local community and the environment, and therefore have a huge responsibility.”

In this article

  • The importance of good tour guides

The qualities of a good tour guide

Tour guides and sustainability, sustainable tour guide training, reminder guidelines.

  • The significance of personal connection

Value your good tour guides

Tour guides have a huge responsibility during the travel experience. Not everyone is or can become a good tour guide. We’ve listed six most important qualities for a good tour guide to take into account.

1. Outgoing and engaging

To make travellers feel comfortable during a travel experience, the tour guide needs to be enthusiastic, outgoing, and engaging. Their task is to involve all people in the group and to create a happy and safe environment. They should be easily approachable for questions or concerns and also invite travellers to be curious and ask more questions.

2. Good communication skills

Besides being outgoing and engaging it’s important the tour guide has good and clear communication skills. This is necessary to make sure everyone is aware of the (day) planning and what’s expected of them. Good communication skills also come in handy when explaining specific do’s and don’ts in a sensitive destination.

3. Knowledgeable and passionate

The true added value of a good tour guide is their local knowledge. When visiting a destination, travellers are interested in for example local habits, foreign fruits, and history facts. They will always look at the guide first for further explanation and background information. Preferably, the tour guide is an expert and passionate about the destination.

City tour guide

4. Organised and punctual

Travellers having to wait on their tour guide because they’re late, are often stressed. And might be dissatisfied about the start of the travel experience. So, it’s important for the guide to always be on time, to have a clear structure and to follow the set itinerary . In case the customer requires a change, this could be possible but only when feasible and well-planned.

5. Patient and able to manage a crisis

Not all travellers are easy-going and flexible. A good tour guide knows how to take care of slower or difficult people. They have to remain patient at all times. They also know what to do in case of an emergency: handling the crisis while maintaining a calm atmosphere where possible.

6. Trained and qualified

It’s not a fundamental quality of a good tour guide, but it does add value to have trained and qualified guides. Guides with an official guide training and/or license are professionally trained to be a tour guide. They are able to organise and run a travel experience following official guidelines.

“We know that it’s not possible to provide an unforgettable travel experience without an excellent tour guide” – Anna Grodzki, manager of Matoke Tours Uganda.

When you are invested in good tourism , you want your travel experiences to be operated in a responsible way. Your tour guides are at the front of the operations and responsible for what actually happens during the travel experience. Therefore, it’s important they are aware and trained on your sustainability policy and practices.

In terms of sustainability, there are five main tasks of a tour guide during a travel experience. By adhering to these guidelines, they’re ensuring a responsible and good travel experience.

1. Treating local communities respectfully

Especially during community-based travel experiences, but also when simply visiting a local market, treating locals with respect is key. Tourism should benefit the local communities and provide positive impact. The tour guide sets the right example by treating locals with respect and ensuring the travellers do as well. A good guide also encourages authentic interaction.

2. Protecting the natural resources

Same as treating locals with respect, natural resources should be protected and well taken care of. This entails not touching and taking any protected flora and fauna from the environment, staying on the tracks, and always taking (plastic) waste out of nature . The guide is responsible for making sure travellers adhere the same guidelines.

Masai guide

3. Ensuring animal welfare

Travel experiences with wildlife are always sensitive and for the sake of the animals, tour guides have to make sure they’re treated well. Not only do they again set the right example, they’re also responsible for reporting mistreatment of animals. Their role is to explain to travellers why certain (captive) animal travel experiences are a no-go and highlight the animal-friendly alternatives.

4. Driving safe and responsible

When driving, the tour guide needs to follow responsible and safe driving guidelines. Keeping to the speed limits, staying on the designated roads, and turning off the engine when standing still are basic aspects. Also, the use of mobile phones is not responsible driving behaviour. In case of safaris , the guide is expected to keep a clear distance from wildlife and to always give them right of way.

5. Raising awareness and educate travellers

During the travel experience, it’s the tour guide’s responsibility all travellers behave responsibly. Even though they should already be informed before their trip, the guide’s task is to remind them and to explain certain rules and regulations. It’s about raising awareness and encouraging travellers to contribute to good tourism during their travel experience.

Nature tour guide

The most efficient way to make sure your tour guides are following your good tourism practices is training. Provide them with your sustainability policy and explain its practical implementation. Include tasks and guidelines they can relate to and also easily put into practice.

Tour guides are more likely to comply to (new) guidelines and rules if they’re part of the development process. And if they feel they’re contributing to a good cause. Organise a brainstorm session or workshop, ask for their opinion and give them a say. They have more local knowledge and can come up with interesting practices that are useful for everyone.

Best practice example

Matoke Tours’ specialised travel guide training program helps local guides excel in cultural tourism and outdoor adventure tours in Uganda.

To remind them about their training, develop a short one-page document with the practical sustainability guidelines. These guidelines can either be a reminder or a supplement of the actual training. It’s also very valuable to provide to new or freelance tour guides you’ve never worked with before.

By providing tour guides with physical guidelines, they’ll know exactly what’s expected of them on the job. Include the guidelines in their contract but also place them in the vehicles. Not only are they be reminded of it all times, but travellers also notice your effort and their commitment.

If you don’t work with local tour guides directly, make sure your local partner informs and trains them on your basic (good tourism) principles.

“90% of travellers want to experience a destination ‘like a local’ – GetYourGuide”

The significance of authenticity and personal connection

Tourism today is all about authenticity and personal connections, making incredible travel experiences possible. Beyond having knowledgeable and responsible guides, it’s the genuine stories they share that truly captivate travellers. People no longer just want to sightsee; they yearn to experience a destination “like a local.”

A recent survey by GetYourGuide revealed that 90% of travellers express a strong desire to explore a destination from a local’s perspective. Notably, over 60% of millennials emphasize the importance of authenticity in their experiences. This highlights the growing significance of genuine encounters that resonate deeply with travellers. And who could be better suited to foster these connections than knowledgeable guides who possess unique insights into the destination?

Establishing a personal connection with travellers is essential. When travellers bond with their guide, they feel at ease, allowing them to immerse themselves in local culture with curiosity and enthusiasm. The guide becomes a cherished companion, sharing personal stories, historical backgrounds, and adjusting narratives spontaneously based on the travellers’ interests.

To cultivate this essential connection, we present four key tips:

1. Showcasing guides on your website

Provide potential travellers with a glimpse into the personalities and expertise of your guides by featuring them on your website . Introduce each guide, highlight their unique backgrounds and experiences. When travellers can familiarise themselves with the guide beforehand, it boosts excitement and comfort right from the beginning of the journey.

2. Inquiring about travellers’ interests

Prioritise understanding your travellers by asking about their interests after booking. A brief, optional survey with multiple-choice questions about their favorite foods, animals, and other relevant preferences can offer valuable insights. Armed with this knowledge, your guides can create personalised experiences tailored to each individual’s interests.

3. Embrace flexibility in itineraries

To foster authentic and personalised connections, avoid strict scripts and itineraries. Allow your guides to integrate the travellers’ interests gathered from the survey and tailor the experience accordingly. While ensuring essential experiences are covered, the flexibility to accommodate spontaneous detours, such as visiting a local food market or discovering a hidden gem, will enhance overall satisfaction.

4. Encourage engaging conversations

Motivate your guides to engage in meaningful conversations with travellers throughout the experience. By actively listening to their needs, preferences, and curiosities, guides can better understand the group dynamics and adjust their storytelling accordingly. This creates an environment where open dialogue is valued, fostering cultural exchange and authentic connections.

Good and responsible tour guides are hard to find but worth so much if you have found them. Invest time or money in working with reliable partners or train guides yourself. Taking good care of your guides benefits your business and make you more successful long-term.

Committed and happy guides do their best to provide your travellers with the trip of their lifetime by taking that extra step. When done well, this results in satisfied and hopefully repeating customers.

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You have been working all days and you have been good to me and helping me with your good institution learning and guide me through good profession

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Great to see you’re benefitting from our content. Looking forward to support you in completing the online course Samuel!

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Good article on tour guide. I personally liked this article and will train our local tour guides as mentioned in this article. Once again thanks for sharing this article.

For ur kind information I’m a tour operator based here in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Very good to hear you liked the article and that you’re going to put it into practice. Good luck!

' src=

Very practical and informative guidelines. Ii has added alot to my knowledge as tour guide.

Very good to hear Adam!

Picture of Anne de Jong

Anne de Jong

tour guides quality

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Elena, Beatriz & Sophie with guide Simon in Uganda boat ride on Nile River near Jinja

12 reasons why good tour guides are so important

Ah, the tour guide. That special person who welcomes you to their country and looks after you, ensuring you have a fabulous trip! But how and why exactly are they a great addition to a trip? We enumerate ...

1. Tour guides navigate for you

Wondering if you've missed your bus connection is frustrating. So too is getting off at the wrong stop. And fuming at a loss of signal at the very moment you need your app to tell you which exit to take ... nobody needs that.

So yes, primary among the benefits of a tour guide is having someone to do all the navigating for you.

Navigating can include:

  • Getting your from the airport to your hotel without hiccough.
  • Leading you through the warren of streets in an old town.
  • Taking the lead on a trek so you don't go in a circle.
  • Even just ensuring you find your way out of that enormous botanic garden.

Two trekkers and their Nepali guide on the Everest Base Camp trek route

Some of our trekkers with their selfie-taking guide Angelu on the EBC trek

Navigating can include driving you

A tour guide also often drives you around. Or in some cases, they'll acquire a vehicle and driver for you.

This is a big help, saving your from the hassle of a car hire. You also won't have any heart-stopping moments when you pull out and realise you're facing oncoming traffic. And you won't ever come back to your vehicle to discover you didn't feed a hidden parking meter.

Adventure safari drive in Africa

On safari, your tour guide is also your driver

2. Tour guides do your admin for you

This is a biggie. Tour guides take care of all of your admin for you, like:

  • Preordering permits and pre-booking accommodation.
  • Paying admittance fees beforehand, saving you the need to queue.
  • Coordinating travel times for buses, trains, flights, etc.
  • Overseeing the transfer of luggage.
  • Ordering and collecting packed lunches, drinking water and the like.

Kilimanjaro crew readying food and supplies

Some of our trips, like Kilimanjaro climbs, involve a LOT of admin!

3. Tour guides keep you safe

If safety was the only benefit of a tour guide, we think it would be enough for us to be super pro tour guides! A tour guide looks after you from arrival to departure.

It's worth pointing out that at Follow Alice we believe tour guides should be locals. One of the reasons for this (although there are certainly others as well) is that only locals can truly know the do's and don'ts of their society and environments in order to keep you safe.

Man smiling in Cusco street scene, Peru

Mario is our Cusco and Inca Trail lead guide

Local tour guides are there with you to ensure:

  • You don't go into any dangerous areas.
  • You're not accosted by overly zealous vendors.
  • Your belongings are kept safe.
  • You don't get bamboozled by shysters.
  • You don't pick a poisonous plant, or pet a treacherous animal.

The list could go on.

Tour guides also ensure you don't get 'little things' wrong, like wearing sandals on a day when they know you need closed, sturdy shoes.

Adventure tour guides are especially important

The adventure tour guide offers a whole other level of safety and security. Whether it's guiding you safely through islands on a kayaking adventure, or leading you through thick forest on a trekking trip, they're there to ensure you:

  • Set out with the right clobber to protect you from the elements.
  • Stay on path and don't get lost.
  • Don't push yourself too hard (sometimes by monitoring your vitals).
  • Receive timely and appropriate treatment (medical or otherwise) should you need it.

Chris doing first aid

Chris, our Tanzania local leader, doing his refresher mountain first aid course

It's impossible to overstate the value of a tour guide in keeping you safe, especially on an adventure trip.

4. Tour guides are interpreters

A tour guide speaks the language of the locals, and as such is your ever-present translator. Without a tour guide, you wouldn't be able to communicate with some locals. You'd also miss out on many interesting insights and some beautiful moments of connection.

Brad and Rebecca homestay in Rwanda Azizi Life

Brad and Rebecca opted to do a homestay in Rwanda through Azizi Life

Remember to always ask before taking photos of locals; your tour guide can assist in this to ensure nothing is lost in translation.

5. Good tour guides explain things to you

It's easy to find out the name of the bridge you're walking over. But do you want to know why it's called that? And yes, you can take a pic of a gorgeous tree and use an app to tell you it's name. But do you want someone there to explain why, for instance, the bark is stripped away near the base?

Tour guides are there to answer your questions, and also supply answers to questions you hadn't even thought to ask!

Annapurna village with trek guide discussing map, Annapurna Circuit packing list

An Annapurna Circuit trek guide explaining tomorrow's route

Tour guides have intimate knowledge of the area and can drop all sorts of fabulous knowledge bombs.

Tour guides also give you insights into how locals feel about what's going on in their country and around the world. So from them you get to learn about some truly local perspectives. And we all know that logic isn't universal – what seems logical to one culture can be very different in another, and it helps to have a guide with you to illuminate such things.

Bridge Bhutan - Bhutan cost

A Follow Alice group with their Bhutanese tour guide

Finally, tour guides are there to ensure you don't blunder unnecessarily in terms of local customs and sensitivities. They can also advise you ahead of time if you need to dress smartly or cover up in order to enter certain places.

6. Good tour guides get you good deals

When you travel with a tour guide, they (and the tour company they work for) are able to get you the best deals. They know which days have cheaper admittance fees, for instance. They can also sometimes get tour guide discounts that aren't available to tourists.

Finally, when you join a tour guide who's leading a large group, they're often able to get some sweet group discounts.

7. Good tour guides are photographers

Sometimes it's great to hand the camera to someone else to take a photo with you in it. 📸

Male and female hiker with hiking staffs standing in front of Sipi Falls in Uganda, August 2022

They can take a snap for you ...

Hikers on Sipi Falls hike in Uganda

... or a selfie with all of you in it!

8. Good tour guides encourage you

On tough adventures like high-altitude trekking, most of us end up in need of some encouragement when the legs tire and the mind starts to tell you sneaky lies like you can't keep going. Your guide is invaluable is encouraging you in such moments. They can also provide little tips for the mind and body to help you to keep going.

Ours. EBC trek trekkers

One of our groups tackling the tough Kala Patthar near Everest Base Camp

A good tour guide believes in you and knows how to help you to believe in yourself.

We can't tell you how many folks have told us that they would literally not have made it to the summit of Kilimanjaro if it hadn't been for the support of their guides.

Two trekkers in the snow near the summit of Kilimanjaro with glacier behind them

Our client George K. took this fab pic of two of his Kilimanjaro crew members

9. Good tour guides ensure you miss nothing

A tour guide knows the area intimately and knows of people, quiet spots and experiences that aren't discussed on any website. They're there to ensure you get the most out of your time, and have the most authentic experience possible.

Two happy men standing on a rock near Lake Natron in Tanzania

Dean with his safari guide Heri on a walk near Lake Natron

This includes seeing animals!

Safari guides are trained to spot hard-to-see animals that city-dwelling mortals would surely miss. It's amazing the number of camouflaged animals and birds that safari guides are able to point out to clients.

Danielle Elliot. Ngorongoro Crater group pic by safari vehicle, Tanzania

Dannielle took this pic with her group's safari guide in Tanzania

They give you recommendations

A tour guide can also be invaluable in terms of recommendations for markets and shops to pop into, museums, galleries and palaces to visit, gardens and parks to explore, and so on.

And the reverse is true too. They know what places to avoid because they're actually letdowns, overcrowded or overpriced.

tour guides quality

Amber on a chimp trek in Uganda

Tour guides also know where the locals like to eat – and those are often the places with the tastiest and best-prices meals. And when you have a local with you, there's no possibility of feeling awkward, like not knowing if you should seat yourself or wait to be seated. (Your tour guide is also a good person to ask about tipping customs.)

10. Good tour guides pivot when necessary

If you arrive somewhere and it's closed for renovations, or unexpectedly overcrowded, then your tour guide is able to pivot and suggest the next best option, or an alternative, to ensure you still maximise your time in the destination.

They really do take the headache out of travelling!

Inca Trail trek group at Machu Picchu in Peru

An experienced guide can pivot when necessary in a way that still gives you a memorable trip

11. Great tour guides celebrate your wins with you

A really great tour guide is invested in your trip. They want you to get the most out of the experience. And if it's an adventure trip with a set goal in mind, they want you to succeed in that!

Then, when you reach your mark, or push yourself beyond what you thought possible, a great tour guide is there to celebrate with you! They add to the victory moment by high-fiving you and generally making a fuss. 😄

Also, if you're a solo traveller, then it's especially wonderful to have another person there to make a noise about your win with you.

Kilimanjaro summit Uhuru FA flag group photo George K.

Tour guides are there to celebrate your achievements with you!

12. Great tour guides can even become friends

Sometimes, your tour guide adds so much to your trip, and you spend so much time together, that you end up becoming friends!

We cannot begin to tell you how many times this has happened on our trips. In their post-trip feedback, our clients often express not just gratitude for the encouragement and support of their guides, but also a genuine affection for these special people with whom they bonded and shared an incredible adventure.

One picture that perhaps best sums this up is this one below of Jack with one of his Kilimanjaro crew members at the end of the climb ...

Kilimanjaro trekker with his guide and completion certificate putting on funny expressions

Jack and David celebrating with Jack's summit certificate

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tour guides quality

Top 7 Qualities of an Ideal Tour Guide

  • December 26, 2023

Seven Characteristics of a Good Tour Guide

Finding a tour guide with the right qualities for your trip can make or break a holiday. That’s why you need to know what to look for in a tour guide. A key factor for having a high quality vacation is to look for the top 7 qualities of a tour guide.

Some important qualities of a good tour guide are providing accurate information about the attractions, making sure their group sees as much as possible, and do what they can so their group can have a good time in the process. A tour guide should care about the education of their group, especially if their group cares about learning. And generally should do whatever it takes to ensure a quality tour.

How do you steer clear of a bad tour guide? Ask around and people will let you know. A bad tour guide doesn’t provide information and the group leaves their trip with no new understanding of where they visited. Bad tour guides lack enthusiasm and humor. At the end of a tour with a bad guide, the group ends up needing a rest from the trip itself, all from the poor qualities of their tour guide.

If you are planning your tour, here is a list of good characteristics of a tour guide to watch for when you’re scouring the internet searching for the perfect fit. With the right tour guide, you’ll be surprised by how exciting a place can become. Even if you’ve traveled somewhere before, a good tour guide can change your perspective on that place so you’ll be thinking positively about your trip for years to come.

Best qualities of a tour guide

What Are The Qualities Of A Good Tour Guide?

A good tour guide should have good communication skills.

One of the most important qualities of a tour guide is that they communicate effectively and tourists understand the information and ideas they share. An ideal guide engages tourists by asking them questions and looking for their feedback. The tourists’ point of view matters to a good tour guide. Being a good listener helps understand tourists better, their opinions, and interests. To engage tourists and keep them interested, an ideal tour guide keeps the storytelling short and simple. It should be clear, correct, concrete, concise, and complete in order to have tourists memorize the information.

A tour guide must have lots of passion

The hard skills of a tour guide are important to look out for, but maybe even more important are the qualities that people don’t pick up in a tour guide course. To do a job well, one must love doing it and be passionate about it. Being a tour guide is not easy. The amount of passion affects the performance. A tour guide who is passionate about their job will not only list information about a visited place, they will share ideas and knowledge in a way that is interactive and engages their audience. Lack of passion is one of the top reasons a tour guide may be the wrong fit for your trip, turning a once in a lifetime trip into a chore.

Have an outgoing personality

One of the top reasons people become tour guides is because they love people. Sure, they love the place they’re showing off, but they also enjoy getting to know the people from all over the world that have come to share in their passion. Being a tour guide requires a lot of energy and enthusiasm for getting to know people. Find a tour guide that engages with their group, asks questions, and is happy to answer questions in between the moments when they’re speaking in front of the group. That personal connection is often the difference between a normal tour guide and a great tour guide.

Have a good sense of humor

One of the most important traits of a tour guide is a good sense of humor. Sure, the facts about a place are interesting to the tour guide, but to make them extra interesting to their group, it helps to have a sense of humor. This can also put groups at ease and make them more likely to speak to each other or more comfortable talking to the tour guide and asking questions. It’s one of the best qualities of a tour guide. Often, one of the most memorable parts of a trip are the jokes of a funny tour guide–and a good joke can actually help people remember the fact connected to that joke.

A tour guide needs a lot of Knowledge

An ideal tourist guide provides accurate and interesting information about the visited place. Each city or attraction is unique in its own way, and there is always something unusual and interesting for travelers to learn. If you’re on an archaeological tour, for example, it helps to have someone that can answer your history questions. This is a must do tour with a guide . Whether you’re on an archeological tour or a street art tour, sharing accurate information will enrich tourists’ knowledge and experience.

Tour guides should be empathic

Tourists come from various parts of the world. They have different backgrounds, social norms, cultures, and customs. They also come in all ages and levels of ability. Their expectations and needs might be different than the ones a tourist guide is used to. Being empathic is important to make them feel comfortable and enjoy their trip. Respecting the differences and adjusting tours to their needs and wishes is crucial for a successful tour.

Good organization skills

A good tour guide makes sure that their tourists don’t have to think of much. People come on a tour to escape the day to day of scheduled events, timekeeping, and mental load. Even though it has nothing to do with the information a tour guide is providing, keeping track of time and organizing is an essential skill so that tourists truly feel like they are on vacation. Groups place their trust in a tour guide so they can have a smooth trip and focus on the important things–like getting to know a new place or enjoying the food, views, and places of a new destination. A great tour guide plans everything in advance, sticks to the schedule, and pays attention to every detail so their group doesn’t have to. They should also be flexible and able to make changes if necessary or when tourists desire it. A great tour guide makes this all look easy.

Tour guide organizes the group

GIL Travel knows that travel starts with people, and we find all of these qualities in our tour guides. Check out our guided tours here . There are so many different ways to engage with a good tour guide, somewhere you can tailor a personal trip for yourself and others where you hop on with a group and don’t need to make any decisions. Both are great ways to encounter great tour guides, and you can learn which of these two guided tours suits you here.

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Team Evaluations: The Most Efficient Way to Evaluate Your Tour Guides

Surprisingly few companies do regular team evaluations (hopping on a tour, watching their guides, then going over the results with the them afterward)..

Prefer to listen & watch?  This article has a video version.

And I get why. It takes time and resources to properly run team evaluations.

However, when you inevitably need to create some sort of hierarchy (who gets booked for tours first, for example) the criteria tend to be based on things that have less to do with the actual customer experience and more to do with operations.

The one I see most often is prioritizing guides who have the most flexible availability.

I am not a fan of this system for a few reasons.

First, a guide’s flexibility has nothing to do with their quality.

If your most flexible guide is your least amazing guide, why would you want to reward them with more tours?

Second, a subjective preference system can create frustration amongst guides.

Doing regular team evaluations is the easiest way to do a true quality check of your experiences.

To do it properly, you need to be clear on what makes your brand unique, and how that should be executed by your guides. ​ In this article, I’ll share the criteria I use most often when running team evaluations and give some tips on how to evaluate without stressing your guides out.

A South American guide team is dressed in traditional folk costumes

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Criteria i use most often on guide evaluations..

I like to have a check-off list separated into three sections;

  • before the tour
  • during the tour
  • after the tour.

Each item on the list should be communicated ahead of time to guides so they know what’s expected of them & what they’re being evaluated on.

When I run the evaluation (I recommend doing it yearly), guides will get one point for each item checked off the list.

That way, if you need to list guides hierarchically in the future, you have a ‘score’.

Any items not checked off can then be discussed with the guide directly (ideally in a one-on-one meeting with their manager). ​ Keep in mind that this is for guides you’ve already hired so it’s less about, ‘are they a good guide’ (hopefully you haven’t hired a bad one…) and more about, ‘are they executing a tour that represents our brand & is consistent with tours our other guides are doing.’

1. Brand points.

These are things taken from the brand & company values, distilled into practical things. Typically I offer 1 point per item checked off so that, should guides need to be listed hierarchically for something, you have a score all ready.

For example; (for the tours that are all about connecting you with ‘local culture’)

  • Taught guests how to say ‘hello’ in the local language
  • Gave at least one personal recommendation of a local shop or restaurant to visit

(for small-group tours that offer more access to your tour guide)

  • Chatted one-on-one with each guest at least once during the tour

(for the tours that make you feel completely taken care of)

  • Offered guests individual directions at the end of the tour
  • Checked-in with guests halfway through the tour to see if expectations were being met

(for tours that pride themselves on highly-qualified guides)

  • Gave their credentials in their introductions (e.g. their education, or their passion for a particular topic)

2. Company expectations .

These are the things guides are simply expected to do as employees (and should be made very clear during onboarding).

For example;

  • Is wearing at least two pieces of branded gear
  • Arrived at the meeting point at least 15min before the tour start
  • Sent a post-tour email
  • Talks about the company in their tour introduction
  • Has a 50% review-ratio*

*Normally I steer away from things a guide doesn’t have 100% control over, however, if you give your guides proper training on  how to achieve a 5-star review , I think it’s a non-subjective number you can include in their evaluation.

3. Objective guide skills.

These are the results of good guiding skills. Each guide is different and might have a different style or approach, but the effect should be the same. The description is a bit general, but it should be clear to guides what each means & you should offer training/resources on how to achieve each of these.

  • The tour has a clear, and interesting  theme
  • The tour has a clear and  impactful ending
  • The tour is interactive
  • The tour has at least one surprise ‘wow’ moment

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Evaluate your guides without stressing them out..

Very few of us perform well when our manager is looking over our shoulder… Here are some ways you can put them at ease so that they can be their best.

1. Make it about the brand.

Assure your guides that you hired them for a reason and that you’re happy with their work (this is where reviews come in handy, even if  I’m not a huge fan of using reviews alone  for evaluation). Instead, make this about brand consistency across tours.

Explain to your team the importance of brand consistency, especially when you have a diverse guide team (more especially when you have multiple destinations). The check-list should not be personal, it should be about the ‘brand points’ being hit on every single tour.

2. Make it about the tour.

There are multiple benefits of regularly hopping on your own tours, so you can make this about evaluating the tour as opposed to the guide.

Bring the guide in on it ahead of time, letting them know that you’re there to make sure the tour content still feels fresh and that the route is the most efficient.

You can even schedule time with them afterward (buy them a tea or a beer- it goes a long way!) to get their feedback on the tour that they know so well.

Would they cut anything? Have they started to include any material that should be included in the tour training?

3. Make it about the guests.

Going on your tours is  an amazingly free way to do market research . Maybe you’re ALSO evaluating the guides but you can let them know that your main purpose here is to talk to guests.

Again, bring the guides in on it. Ask them if they have any thoughts on guests’ reaction to the tours, to the content, if they’d change anything.

4. Use a mystery shopper.

If you just really don’t have the time, it’s very easy to outsource your team evaluations.

There are many companies that offer professional Mystery Shopping (and I’m always available for helping you create your own branded guide evaluations in addition to doing the mystery shopping), however, it doesn’t have to be an expensive solution.

If your evaluation check-list is easy enough to understand for a layperson, you can offer to friends and family to join the tour if they fill out an evaluation.

If you have multiple destinations, you can offer free tours for employees, including tour guides (something that’s been really successful for me when trying to create brand consistency across tours) with the requirement that they fill out an evaluation form (other guides are often guides’ toughest critics).

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What Does a Tour Guide Do?

How do you make your travels more memorable? Let's talk about tour guides, the unsung heroes of every great trip.

A tour guide makes up 85% of what travelers think about a tour. So, if you're running a travel business and want to improve customer satisfaction, start by hiring and/or training great tour guides.

In this guide, we'll explore what makes a great tour guide. We'll look at the skills they should have, like sharing knowledge, ensuring safety, respecting local cultures, and caring for the environment.

How important are tour guides?

Travel guides are the heartbeat of the industry. They turn simple trips into unforgettable experiences by blending stories, culture, and adventure.

These guides do more than just show the way. Whether it's leading a tour through ancient ruins, leading a wildlife safari, or guiding you through a city, they connect people with the world.

So what do they do? We've got 10 key things tourist guides should practice and be trained in.  

What does a tour guide do?

1. provides information.

what a tour guide do, storytelling skill

A tour guide's superpower is sharing fascinating information. They don't just show places; they bring them to life with stories about history, culture, and more.

Imagine exploring an ancient site while your guide unveils its secrets, from architectural marvels to dramatic historical tales.

  • Why It Matters: This storytelling turns a regular trip into an unforgettable journey. It's the difference between just looking at old stones and feeling the pulse of history beneath your feet. Tourists carry these stories home, making their experience richer and more meaningful.
  • The Risk of Falling Short: A guide who can't weave these tales leaves travelers with just snapshots, not stories. It turns an adventure into just another walk, leading to disappointment and forgettable trips. For a travel business, this means unhappy customers and a reputation that takes a nosedive.

2. Guarantees guest safety

safety gears, hiking tours

At the core of a tour guide's responsibilities is ensuring the safety and well-being of guests. This includes sticking to safety protocols, guiding guests during activities, and handling emergencies effectively.

Take a wilderness hike, for example. A skilled guide not only checks that everyone has the right gear but also clearly explains safety rules. If a hiker twists an ankle on a tricky trail, a guide's quick response is crucial.

  • Why Safety is Key: Safety is the foundation of a successful tour. A guide's ability to manage risks and respond to emergencies not only protects the guests but also builds trust. This trust is essential for an enjoyable and worry-free experience.
  • The Consequences of Neglect: Ignoring safety can lead to serious consequences. A lapse in safety measures might result in accidents or emergencies, tarnishing the tour experience and the reputation of the travel business. In the world of travel, a safe journey is as important as an enjoyable one.

3. Manages itinerary

itinerary management, calendar

A tour guide's ability to organize and execute a tour itinerary is vital. This involves scheduling activities, coordinating transport, and managing time effectively to guarantee a seamless experience.

Consider a multi-day city tour. Here, the guide carefully plans each day, arranging museum visits, landmark tours, and dining experiences, all while balancing the group's time to maximize their enjoyment.

  • Why it matters: Efficient itinerary management is the backbone of a smooth tour. It ensures that every experience is woven seamlessly into the journey, giving guests a well-rounded and hassle-free experience.
  • The impact of poor management: If a guide mismanages the itinerary, the tour can turn chaotic, leading to missed opportunities and dissatisfaction. Timely and organized execution is key to keeping the tour on track and ensuring that every moment counts for the guests.

4. Knows how to engage guests

good customer engagement skills

A tour guide's skill at engaging with guests, answering their questions, and offering enlightening insights plays a big role in enhancing the tour experience.

Imagine a wildlife safari where the guide doesn't just point out animals but passionately describes their habits and habitats. They encourage questions, sparking a deeper connection between the tourists and the wildlife around them.

  • Why engagement matters: Effective engagement transforms a standard tour into an interactive journey. It's not just about seeing; it's about understanding and connecting. When a guide is interactive, it elevates the tourists' enjoyment and enriches their learning.
  • The downside of disengagement: A guide who lacks this ability may leave guests feeling disconnected and uninvolved. Engagement is key to keeping the experience lively, educational, and memorable. Without it, even the most exotic tour can feel flat and unimpressive.

5. Speaks local

local language, foreign guests

A tour guide's proficiency in the local language, coupled with their ability to translate or interpret for non-native speakers, is crucial for a smooth tour experience.

For instance, in a foreign country, a skilled guide not only fluently translates the tour explanations but also bridges the gap in conversations between tourists and locals. This ensures clear and effective communication throughout the journey.

  • Why language skills are vital: Being fluent in the local language is more than just about communication; it's about connection. It helps in accurately conveying the essence of culture and history, and in facilitating meaningful interactions with locals.
  • The impact of language barriers: Without strong language skills, misunderstandings can occur, potentially leading to a less fulfilling experience for the tourists. A guide's ability to speak the local language fluently is key to a seamless and enriching travel experience.

6. Excels at tour planning and logistics

logistics and tour planning skills

A tour guide's role in overseeing and executing the logistical aspects of a tour is crucial. This includes arranging accommodations, meals, permits, and tickets, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Take a cruise excursion as an example. Here, the guide handles all the details, from coordinating transport from the ship to securing attraction tickets. He also organizes a picnic lunch for the group.

  • Why it matters: Efficient planning ensures that every aspect of the tour is hassle-free for guests. It's about providing a seamless experience where tourists can focus on enjoying their adventure, not worrying about the details.
  • The consequences of poor planning: Poor planning can lead to logistical mishaps, inconvenience, and frustration. A tour guide's skill in managing these details is essential for a successful and enjoyable tour, enhancing the overall travel experience.

7. Respects cultural aspects & beliefs

tour guides quality

Tour guides' ability to promote cultural respect and sensitivity among tourists is pivotal. It involves ensuring tourists appreciate and follow local customs and traditions.

For example, on a cultural heritage tour, the guide might encourage visitors to remove their shoes before entering a sacred temple. This reinforces the importance of respecting local practices.

  • Why it matters: Respecting cultural norms is the key to an immersive and respectful travel experience. It helps tourists connect more deeply with the places they visit and fosters mutual understanding between different cultures.
  • The impact of cultural insensitivity: Lack of cultural respect can lead to uncomfortable situations and offend local communities. A guide's role in educating and guiding tourists about these aspects is critical for maintaining harmony and enhancing the overall quality of the tour.

8. Promotes sustainability

sustainability in tours

A tour guide's commitment to promoting responsible and sustainable tourism practices is crucial. This includes educating tourists on proper waste disposal and minimizing their impact on the natural environment.  

Consider a nature hike: a knowledgeable guide leads the way and teaches the group about preserving the ecosystem. They emphasize the importance of leaving no trace, like avoiding littering, to protect the environment.

  • Why sustainability matters: Encouraging sustainability is vital for protecting the places we love to visit. It ensures that these destinations remain pristine and enjoyable for future generations. Responsible practices reflect a commitment to the environment and local communities.
  • The risks of ignoring sustainability: Neglecting sustainable practices can lead to environmental degradation, disrupting natural balance and diminishing tourist destinations. A guide's role in promoting sustainability is key to maintaining our natural and cultural treasures.

9. Handles the unexpected with ease

good tour guide in emergency situations, weather changes

Tour guides' ability to handle unexpected challenges, like weather disruptions or participant concerns, is critical.

Imagine a sudden rainstorm hitting during an outdoor activity. An adept guide doesn't just find shelter; they swiftly rearrange the schedule to adapt to the new conditions, ensuring the tour continues smoothly.

  • Why it matters: The unexpected is part of travel, and a guide's readiness to tackle these surprises head-on can make or break the tour experience. Their quick thinking and problem-solving skills keep the adventure on track, providing peace of mind for tourists.
  • The impact of unpreparedness: If a guide cannot manage unforeseen events effectively, it can lead to disarray and disappointment. Being equipped to handle the unexpected is essential for maintaining the flow and enjoyment of the tour, no matter what comes your way.

10. Good record-keeper

record keeping

Tour guides' skill in maintaining accurate records of tour-related information, including attendance, expenses, and incidents, is vital. Utilizing an online booking system enhances this process significantly, offering ease and precision in record-keeping.

Consider a guided photography tour. With an online system, the guide can efficiently log participant details, track locations visited, and note special photographic moments. This streamlines organization and provides participants with a detailed account of their experience.

  • Why it matters: A tour booking platform brings efficiency and accuracy to record-keeping. It can simplify data management, making it easier to track and update tour details, leading to better planning and execution. For guests, these records can become cherished summaries of their journey.
  • The downside of manual record-keeping: Relying solely on manual methods can lead to errors and oversights, potentially affecting the tour’s smooth operation and perceived professionalism.

An online system mitigates these risks, ensuring records are up-to-date and easily accessible. This digital approach is a significant advantage for both tour guides and operators in delivering a high-quality travel experience.

To sum up, tour guides are much more than just travel facilitators; they are the architects of unforgettable experiences. Their expertise in delivering engaging information, prioritizing safety, seamlessly managing itineraries, and promoting cultural sensitivity transforms a mere trip into an enriching journey.

In recognizing the invaluable role of tour guides, we see them as essential guides to the world's marvels. They bring depth, safety, and insight to every adventure. They are the bridge connecting curious travelers to the wonders around them, making each journey not just a visit, but a story worth telling.

As we applaud these unsung heroes of travel, we understand that their skills and passion truly open the doors to the world's treasures for us all.

FAQ Section

What are the duties of a tourist guide.

Tourist guides provide guidance and extensive knowledge of local history, attractions, and archaeological sites while entertaining their visitors. They ensure compliance with establishment or tour regulations, manage the itinerary, and provide assistance in emergencies. Tour guides educate and interact with clients, making each destination more interesting and engaging.  

What do tour guides do daily in their tour guide jobs?

Tour guides conduct walking tours and guided tours, often in art galleries, historical sites, or remote locations. They research and plan each tour, ensuring they have extensive knowledge to share.  

Tour guides work confidently with clients, answer questions, and provide engaging and educational experiences. They also coordinate with tour companies and ensure safety practices are upheld.

Is tour guiding a hard career?

Tour guiding as a career can be demanding but also rewarding. It requires confidence in public speaking, proficiency in the English language, and the ability to teach and entertain in an interesting manner.

Tour guides must be adaptable to handle various sites and situations, from busy city tours to remote locations. It's a job that involves constant learning and interaction, making it a good fit for those who enjoy teaching and exploring.

How much does a tour guide make per tour in tour guide jobs?

Tour guide jobs earn vary. Tour guides work for tour companies or as freelancers and are often paid per tour, with rates depending on the tour's length, destination, and the guide's experience.  

Guides may also receive tips from clients for providing excellent service. Additionally, online resources and tour operator platforms can offer avenues for tour guides to find more clients and establish a stable income. Research and understanding of the local market are key to estimating potential earnings in this career.

What qualifications or training are typically required to become a tour guide?

Qualifications and training requirements can vary by location and the type of tours offered. Tour guides may benefit from formal education in tourism or related fields, as well as relevant certifications or licenses.

Training often includes developing communication skills, knowledge of the tour's subject matter, and practical guidance on leading tours.

How do tour guides handle unexpected challenges or emergencies during a tour?

Tour guides are trained to handle a variety of situations, including emergencies. They may have contingency plans in place, such as knowing the nearest medical facilities or alternate routes in case of road closures.

Communication with tour participants and swift, calm decision-making are essential skills for addressing unexpected challenges.

What's the role of a tour guide in promoting sustainable and responsible tourism?

Tour guides play a crucial role in promoting responsible tourism by educating tourists about respecting local cultures, wildlife, and natural environments. They encourage responsible behavior, such as minimizing waste and supporting local communities.

Guides also ensure that tour groups follow designated paths and adhere to any specific rules or regulations at destinations of environmental or cultural significance.

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Here's how skilled tour guides elevate travel, offering unique insights and smooth, enjoyable journeys for a truly enhanced experience.

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How Tour Guides' Professional Competencies Influence on Service Quality of Tour Guiding and Tourist Satisfaction: An Exploratory Research

Profile image of Zafer Oter

Drawing upon the theoretical perspectives from activity competency model and prior tourism literature, this study proposes a conceptual framework to explain the impacts of professional competencies on service quality and tourist satisfaction. Empirical data were gathered from a large-scale online survey with 345 experienced group package tour (GPT) tourists to test the proposed hypotheses and research model. The proposed conceptual framework was validated using the partial least squares (PLS) technique. The empirical results indicate that tour guides' professional competencies significantly impact on service quality and tourist satisfaction. The results also show that tour guides' service quality positively influences tourist satisfaction. The findings provide insight into practical implications for the competence development of tour guides and proffer instrumental contributions to help travel 2 agencies strengthen tour guides' professional competences for effectively enhancing service quality of tour guiding and improving tourist satisfaction.


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The 10 Types Of Tour Guides: Which One Will You Be?

hospitality training courses in London

Posted on Dec 11, 2022 at 09:12 PM

You’re about to embark on a new career. You’ve been doing research and found that many tour guide positions are available in cities worldwide. You love people and want to share your passion for your city, so it seems like a perfect fit!

So what do tour guides do? What kind of skills and training is needed? Let’s explore these questions and more. 

What is a tour guide? 

A tour guide is someone who leads a group on tour.

The term "tour guide" is also sometimes used to describe the person who leads a sightseeing tour of a historic building, site, city, or neighbourhood. A tour guide may be employed by a museum, historical society, or other organisation interested in preserving local history and culture.

Tour guides are often called "docents" or "those who show." In addition, they are sometimes called "tour directors" or "tourist escorts," but these terms also have other meanings.

Tour guides work primarily with tourists and visitors but may also work with locals interested in learning more about their city or town.

Tour guides can be found at museums, historical sites, and other locations that showcase unique elements of local culture. Some tour guides specialise in private individuals or specific groups, while others work with larger groups of tourists worldwide.

There are many steps to becoming a tourism guide; check out the 6 best steps to becoming a professional tour guide .

tour guides quality

10 tour guide types, which one are you?

There are many kinds of tour guides around the world; some of the most popular categories of guides include:

1. The professional tour guide

The professional tour guide is the most common type of tour guide, and it's the primary type most people think of when thinking about a tour guide. It's usually a full-time job, but it can also be part-time or a side gig. They typically work with international tourists and are licensed international tourist guides.

2. The private tour guide

A private tour guide accompanies paying clients on tours for a fee but doesn't work full-time in the industry. Instead, they use their time off from work or school to make extra money by giving guided tours to tourists in their city or country. They can offer services based on their timetable as their managers.

3. The academic tour guide

This tour guide works at an educational institution such as a university or an art museum, giving tours to students, teachers, and other community members. Academic tour guides earn additional income by educating visitors and sales commissions on books, maps, and other merchandise sold during tours. They usually have an educational background, study galleries and cultural buildings, and are often fluent in many languages.

4. The freelance tour guide

A freelance traveller gives guided tours to tourists abroad on vacation or business trips. They're adventure lovers who love private cruises to nature and other places.

The most convenient thing about freelance operators is that they're their manager and director, have flexible hours, and can choose which client to take on. 

5. The local tour guide 

A local tour guide or escort works at a tourist attraction , such as an amusement park or zoo. They may also be employed by a travel agency that offers guided tours to visitors. Some local guides work independently and receive payment directly from their customers instead of through an employer.

6- The Traditional Guide: 

The definitive guide is knowledgeable about the destination's history, culture, and sights and delivers a structured, fact-filled tour. They may use a microphone and headset to provide information to the group and incorporate interactive activities or demonstrations to engage the group.

7- The Cultural Guide: 

The cultural guide focuses on the destination's traditions, customs, and way of life and provides an immersive experience for travellers. They may take the group to local markets, homes, or community events to give them a glimpse into the daily life of the people in the area.

8- The Adventure Guide: 

The adventure guide leads active and physically challenging tours, such as hiking, biking, or kayaking. They are knowledgeable about the local terrain and wildlife and may provide instruction and equipment for the activities.

9- The Food and Drink Guide: 

The food and drink guide focuses on the destination's local cuisine and beverage culture. They may take the group to local markets, restaurants, or farms to try the local specialities and learn about the ingredients and techniques used in the area.

10- The Local Guide: 

The local guide is a native of the destination and provides travellers with a personalized and authentic experience. They may share their own stories, experiences, and the area's hidden gems and local secrets.

What kind of skills should a tour guide have?

Tour guides should have a lot of skills. They must have strong communication and social skills to communicate with the tourists and answer their questions about the city or country they visit. 

Tour guides also need to be able to explain things clearly and precisely, so tourists understand what they are seeing. In addition, they should be friendly, helpful and easygoing because they will deal with many different people from different parts of the world.

 They need to be organised, have good management skills and have an eye for detail to plan exciting and fun trips for everyone involved.

They should have good leadership skills because they will often entertain groups of people in busy cities or countries where a lot is happening at once. 

Tour guides must be able to keep everyone together and make sure no one gets lost or separated from the group. To do this effectively, tour guides must be able to think quickly on their feet and come up with solutions if something goes wrong during the trip (like legal trouble or a mix-up with security systems)

If you’re interested in being a tour guide but don’t know where to start, here are some hospitality training courses in London .

Tourist guides play a particular part in every tourism experience ; they add their signature to the social aspect of getting to know a new region. 

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The 10 Best Guided Tour Operators, As Voted By Our Readers

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tour guides quality

Leaving home and exploring a new city or region can be a bit daunting at times. Budgetary, work, and family obligations also mean that most people have a limited amount of time to travel. So how can we explore the best of the best without wasting time lost in tourist traps and empty streets?

One simple answer is by using a high-quality guided tour company. The companies on the list below were all chosen by TravelAwaits readers because they do exactly what good tours ought to do: help visitors truly experience their chosen destination.

1. ToursByLocals (Winner)

The winner for the category of guided tour companies is ToursByLocals , a Vancouver-based organization with 4,831 guides in 187 countries. The sheer scale of the expansive network of carefully curated guides means that curious travelers can find experts just about anywhere in the world.

While lots of the tours available in popular cities are general sightseeing outings, there are plenty of tours that are based around specific interests; for example, music fans visiting London can try out the London Rocks Music Tour and literary travelers can explore Paris on the Paris & the Lost Generation in the 1920s . Regardless of the tour, visitors can trust ToursByLocals’ hand-picked tour guides to show the absolute best of their cities.

Myrtle Street in Beacon Hill, Boston

2. Free Tours By Foot

As you may have guessed, Free Tours By Foot is a company that offers free walking tours. The organization is built around the pay-what-you-like concept, meaning that while the tours are free, you are able to pay the guide based on your experience. The tours are perfect for education and entertainment-oriented audiences.

Some examples of walking tours include the Beacon Hill Crime Tour in Boston, Glasgow’s Dark and Mysterious Past tour, or one of the countless free tours in Rome . The organization offers more options in pedestrian-friendly cities, but there is still a solid variety of choices in North America, Europe, and the Middle East with a few options in Oceania, India, and Asia.

3. Withlocals

One of the best ways to get to know the authentic side of a city is by visiting a friend or family member who lives there. The next best thing is Withlocals , a service that connects adventurous travelers with local residents who are passionate about their hometowns.

The broader strokes of tours are based on your interests, but you can customize your tour by communicating with your host in advance. The tours are completely private, which helps facilitate a connection between you and your local guide. Finally, with exciting destinations like Istanbul , Ho Chi Minh City , and Berlin , you can’t go wrong.

Inside the Vatican Museum in Rome

4. The Roman Guy Tours

While The Roman Guy Tours ’ name may imply that the company only operates in Rome, that is just the beginning. The company’s founder started out offering tours in Italy, but his touring philosophy was so popular with travelers that the business spread across Europe.

The Roman Guy’s “travel mantra” is based on traveling with people you care about, picking wonderful destinations, and joining interesting activities. The company also seeks to offer unique experiences that can’t be had elsewhere (e.g. night visits, accessing restricted areas, etc).

5. Secret Food Tours

The outings organized by Secret Food Tours combine local expertise with a passion for good food. Given the ever-changing nature of the restaurant world, it’s a perfect match. Looks can be deceiving, so tasting a new city with a local can ensure a positive culinary experience.

Secret Food Tours provides services across the globe, though travelers will find they have the best luck with the company when visiting capital cities. The people who manage Secret Food Tours also run Secret Tours , a branch of the business that focuses on the historical and cultural sides of cities.

French cheese on sale at a market in Nantes

6. Eating Europe

Eating Europe narrows the focus of its tours to one continent, but that still leaves hungry travelers with plenty of options. With carefully selected guides in Paris, Rome, Lisbon, Prague, and other cities, the company promises that its guests will create lasting memories by sampling the best food in town.

One of the main benefits of touring with Eating Europe is being guided into the less touristy, more authentic neighborhoods of your chosen city. This company also places an emphasis on learning about the food in context rather than simply leading guests on a quick walk between destinations.

7. Heritage Inspirations, LLC

For an in-depth exploration of New Mexico, TravelAwaits readers turn to Heritage Inspirations . This smaller, boutique guide service is focused on an artistic, cultural, human, and nature-focused approach to travel.

Whether you prefer sunrise yoga overlooking the Rio Grande Gorge, participating in a hands-on baking experience at a local Puebloan home , or delving into the topography and history of the Chaco Canyon , you’ll find an elevated travel experience with Heritage Inspirations.

Musée d'Orsay interior

8. Best Of France Tours

As one of the most popular destinations in the world, France is brimming with tour options, and according to TravelAwaits readers, Best of France Tours delivers on its eponymous promise. These luxurious tours within and near Paris are expertly led by professional guides who offer their own unique perspective on art, history, culture, and food.

Guests can get an insider look at the Louvre or Musée d’Orsay from an art historian, taste Champagne in the countryside with locals, or stop by the Palace of Versailles. Adjustments and accommodations can be made to itineraries based on the preferences of the travel group.

9. Fat Tire Tours

Fat Tire Tours assures potential guests that they take care of the details so that travelers can focus on having fun, memorable experiences. While the company began with bicycle tours, they have since expanded to walking and Segway tours.

Fat Tire’s mission is to provide tourists with fun experiences, but they also try to help preserve their host environments through a focus on sustainable travel practices. Popular examples of tours include a beer-tasting pub crawl in London’s West End and a VIP cathedral and rooftop tour in Florence.

Taipei City, Taiwan

10. Intrepid Urban Adventures

It can be hard to get a sense of a city in a short amount of time, but Intrepid Urban Adventures has set the ambitious goal of providing travelers with a deep dive into the hidden gems of a city in just a day. To narrow down the options, this company offers themes like active adventures, social impact, and off-the-beaten-path.

From Boston to Bali and Toronto to Taipai, Intrepid Urban Adventures helps the curious escape from the same old landmarks to find exciting, out-of-the-ordinary experiences. By taking care of all of the logistics, the company also ensures that guests can focus on the fun of the destination rather than how to read the bus schedule.

Be sure to take a look at all of our 2023 Best Of Travel Awards .

Image of Dan Happe

Dan Happe is an editor from Des Moines, Iowa. He loves that his work allows him to see the world from his desk, but he particularly enjoys articles that involve cycling, accessibility, and sustainability. When Dan isn’t reading or writing, he is repairing and riding bikes, cooking, and searching for the perfect cup of tea.

15 Best Tour Companies of 2024

Tour companies like Intrepid Travel and G Adventures can help you create the experience of a lifetime. Choosing the right company depends on your destination and travel preferences.

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Guided tours can be a great way to experience a new destination, but you want to make sure you get the best experience possible. How can you find the best tour companies to guide your adventure?

Whether you’re looking for group trips, self-guided tours, river cruises, tours for solo travelers, or overseas adventure travel, you want to find a tour operator that can deliver a seamless, enjoyable, and authentic experience, all without zeroing out your bank account.

Here are the top 15 tour companies out there today. I’ll walk you through what each excels at and how to pick the best one for you.

  • Our Top Picks
  • Best Tour Company Overall: Intrepid Travel
  • Best Small Group Tour Company: G Adventures
  • Best for Day Tours: Get Your Guide
  • Best Tour Company for Solo Travelers: Go Ahead Tours
  • Best Tour Company for Families: Adventures by Disney
  • Best Tour Company for Seniors: Trafalgar
  • Best Tour Company for Europe: Tauck
  • Best Tour Company for Italy: Insight Vacations
  • Best Tour Company for Ireland and Scotland: CIE Tours
  • Best Iceland Tour Company: Nicetravel Iceland
  • Best Tour Company for Spain and Portugal: Cosmos
  • Best Egypt Tour Company: Exodus
  • Best Asia Tour Company: Klook
  • Best Tour Company for Israel: Click Tours
  • Best Tour Company for Greece: Epos Travel Tours

Intrepid Travel : Best Tour Company Overall

Interpid Travel

When you imagine travel tours, you may picture massive group tours and a bus packed with 50 noisy, gawking tourists.

That’s not what you get with Intrepid Travel . This company specializes in adventurous and immersive small group tours with an average of 10 people.

Operating on all seven continents, Intrepid offers a huge range of trip types to fit any traveler. You can choose biking tours across New Zealand, river cruises in Europe, trekking in the Himalayas, or wildlife safaris in the Serengeti. There are options for all-female adventures, family expeditions, active trips for adventure travelers, or trips catering specifically to 18-29 year olds.

If you don’t want to spend the trip of a lifetime sitting on your butt looking out a bus window, Intrepid Travel is for you. Their group trips are designed to fully immerse you in the culture and beauty of a new place. Here are two examples of what you’ll get from Intrepid Travel:

With the Alaska: Hike, Bike, & Kayak tour, you are led by an expert guide on a range of active adventures through some of Alaska’s best scenery and national parks. You’ll go sea kayaking, cycle along the rugged Alaskan coast, and hike through Denali National Park.

If you’re looking for more of a cultural experience, the Premium Sri Lanka tour is an incredible journey through the culture, history, food, and wildlife of this island. You’ll explore ancient temples, eat incredible food with locals, and search for leopards in the country’s wildlife preserves.

One last perk: Intrepid Travel is a Certified B-Corp, meaning they are dedicated to doing good in the world. They donate to worldwide relief causes and offset the carbon footprint of every trip they operate.

G Adventures : Best Small Group Tour Company

G Adventures Logo

If you’re looking for small group tours, G Adventures is one of the best in the category. Just like with Intrepid, their tour groups average 10 people, so, with G Adventures, you won’t have to deal with being part of a massive hoard of tourists.

So what sets G Adventures apart? Unlike many tour operators, they focus on helping you get exactly the experience you’re looking for instead of packing every day with a rigid schedule. Every trip offers a wide range of optional activities that you can pick and choose from to personalize your experience. Plus, you can opt for more free time to explore or hang out on your own.

I also love that G Adventures hires all local guides. They put a lot of emphasis on their guides, even calling them CEOs (chief experience officers). That means you get local, insider expertise on your trip. Your tour director will speak the local language, know the best spots to eat, and fully understand the culture.

If you’re looking for big luxurious hotels and resorts, G Adventures probably isn’t for you. Instead of going to the big chain hotels, G Adventures uses locally owned and operated lodgings.

This has two benefits. First, you get a much more authentic local experience. Big hotel chains don’t have the same charm and character as a true local hotel. Second, your money will go toward benefiting the local economy rather than some giant corporation. That’s a big win for G Adventures in my book.

Get Your Guide : Best for Day Tours

Get Your Guide

You may not need or want a fully guided multi-day group tour, But sometimes it’s nice to have the guidance of a local expert for a truly unique experience that you couldn’t get otherwise. Choosing day tours is a great way to get the benefits of guided group tours without being stuck with a tour group for your entire trip.

Get Your Guide is my favorite resource for finding amazing day tours, entry tickets, and other travel experiences. It’s perfect for more independent travelers who can manage the details of their own trip, but are looking for shorter guided tours.

How does it work? Get Your Guide is essentially an online marketplace where you can search for and reserve tours, museum passes, adventure activities, and more.

For example, let’s say you’re planning a trip to Sweden. On Get Your Guide, you could book a dog sled adventure to see the northern lights, a day cruise on an icebreaker ship, a “ghost-walk” historical tour of Old Stockholm, and a guided ice climbing excursion.

I’m already getting excited about that trip.

Go Ahead Tours : Best Tour Company for Solo Travelers

Go Ahead Tours

Solo travel can be a bit intimidating, especially if you don’t have a lot of travel experience. I’ve found that group tours can be a great way to ease some of the stress and make it easier to enjoy your trip as a solo traveler.

Go Ahead Tours is one of the best tour companies that specializes in trips for solo travelers. With their solo trips, you always get a private room at no extra cost, and the other travelers in your tour group will also be solo—so you don’t end up as the awkward 17th wheel in someone else’s family vacation. As a solo traveler with Go Ahead Tours, you get all the benefits and security of a group trip, and you’ll meet other amazing people traveling the world on their own.

Go Ahead Tours focuses on small group itineraries in tour destinations around the globe, from popular destinations to locations off the beaten path. Want a food-centric trip across Italy? Check. Want to visit South America and hike to Machu Picchu? Check. How about a wildlife safari in Kenya? Yep, they’ve got that. Go Ahead Tours offers the best group tours for solo travelers, and you may even make some new friends on the way.

Adventures by Disney : Best Tour Company for Families

Adventures By Disney

Family travel can seem complicated, especially if you have younger kids. Group tours can help simplify planning the dream trip, but tour operators often plan trips focused on adults, so younger travelers may get bored quickly.

Adventures by Disney is one of the few group travel companies that specialize in family-oriented trips and tours, from South America to Scandinavia. Disney Vacations designs their group trips to have something for everyone: wine tastings for the adults, adventure scavenger hunts for the kids, and sights and experiences that will engage your entire family.

Disney Adventures trips are a bit pricier than many other group travel companies, so not all families will be able to afford them. However, if you can make it work with your budget, your family will get an amazing experience that you just won’t find from more mainstream travel.

Trafalgar : Best Tour Company for Seniors

Trafalgar is one of the biggest (and best) group travel companies in the world. They offer hundreds of international trips to popular destinations around the globe.

Trafalgar’s guided tours are great for travelers of all age groups, but they cater particularly to senior travelers. The majority of Trafalgar guests are over 50. It’s also great for family tours to get grandparents and grandkids spending quality time together.

If you’re looking for highly active itineraries with adventure activities packed in, Trafalgar may not be the best for you. They focus more on cultural immersion, history, architecture, and local cuisine. Trafalgar is a great choice if you want to take a deep dive into the essence of your destination.

You can count on having a tour leader who is an expert in the local culture and history, and you will come home with tons of new knowledge.

Trafalgar focuses primarily on land-based tours, but they also offer a range of cruise vacations if you want to travel by sea.

Hotel stays, meals, transportation to/from the airport, and all the logistics are all arranged for you. You can even add on flights, extra hotel nights, and travel insurance so you don’t have to worry about any additional complications for your trip.

Tauck : Best Tour Company for Europe


Tauck is another big name in group tours that operates on all seven continents. While they have guided tours all around the globe, Tauck is an especially good choice if you’re looking for a group tour in Europe.

It’s easy to go to European cities, see the major tourist sites, and head home without really diving deep into the culture and spirit of the place. My favorite thing about Tauck is that their European tours are designed to give you more than just the standard tourist experience. Their Yellow Roads of Europe tours take you off the beaten path for a truly unique European experience.

Every Tauck tour pairs you with handpicked expert local guides who will help fully immerse you in the experience.

Tauck offers both river cruises and land-based group tours. If you want a unique European experience, imagine cruising through Western Europe along the Seine.

Insight Vacations : Best Tour Company for Italy

Insight Vacations

Almost every traveler dreams of a bucket list trip to Italy. What’s not to love? Amazing food, amazing sights, amazing culture, Italy has it all.

If you’re looking for the best guided tours in Italy, I highly recommend Insight Vacations . Insight offers tours all over the world, but their Italy tours are especially good. Whether you want to see the major sights, learn to live like a local, or sample the best food from around the country (or all of the above!) they’ve got tours for you.

As an example, you could choose their Best of Italy Tour for your next trip. This 11-day tour includes stays in Rome, Florence, Venice, and more. You’ll learn from local artisans, eat farm-to-table meals on the foothills of Mount Vesuvius, and get a VIP tour of the Vatican (including areas normally off-limits to visitors).

Insight’s tours are all led by local tour guides who speak the language and have in-depth knowledge of the culture and history of each site you visit.

If you’re traveling with a group of 10 or more people, Insight Vacations can also put together custom itineraries specifically for your group.

CIE Tours : Best Tour Company for Ireland and Scotland

CIE Tours

If you’re into history, stunning scenery, charming towns, or good times at the pub, you would probably love touring Ireland and Scotland. CIE Tours is technically based in the US, but it’s partially owned and operated by the Irish government. It specializes in travel to Ireland, Scotland, and a few other European countries.

This dialed-in focus means that there are no better guided tours for Ireland and Scotland. I highly recommend their Taste of Scotland and Ireland Tour . In 11 days, you’ll experience sightseeing in Glasgow and Dublin, a day cruise on Loch Ness, carriage rides through the Irish countryside, and a feast in a historic castle.

Their tours have a great balance of exciting sightseeing and activities with enough downtime to relax or do plenty of exploring on your own. It’s a great way to get all the benefits of group travel without feeling like you have no control over your schedule.

If you want more freedom, CIE also offers independent adventures. They will build an itinerary for you and book your lodgings, admission tickets to attractions, and rental car (or you can opt for a private driver). You can choose from their pre-packaged itineraries, or build your own custom trip.

I also appreciate that CIE Tours has fairly affordable rates that include all admission tickets and most of your meals. Plus, they often offer discounts on airfare!

Nicetravel Iceland : Best Iceland Tour Company


Maybe you’ve always been intrigued by Iceland’s wild, untamed beauty (I know I have). If you want to experience this first hand, Nicetravel Iceland is one of the best group travel companies in this amazing country.

Nicetravel Iceland by three local Icelandic families, so they have a lot of local expertise. They offer trips ranging from 8 hours to over a week and have itineraries to suit any type of traveler, whether you want to relax in natural hot spring pools or hike along the glaciers and coastlines.

They focus on small group tours, and you’ll never have more than 19 people in your group. Most of their tours start from the capital, Reykjavik, and will drive you to various destinations in Mercedes Sprinter Vans. Way better than the huge tour buses many other companies use.

In addition to standard tours for sightseeing, they also have a range of tour options for more adventurous travelers. You’re in the right place if you want to explore caves, hike on glaciers, or raft down raging rivers.

Cosmos : Best Tour Company for Spain and Portugal


For a tour operator on the Iberian Peninsula, Cosmos is one of the best choices, especially if you don’t want to spend an arm and a leg. Cosmos has been guiding group travel for nearly a century, and they employ expert local guides to help you get the most from your trip.

The Cosmos Best of Spain and Portugal Tour is an incredible 13-day group travel itinerary. You will stay in 7 amazing cities across the two countries and visit a wide range of historical sites.

Cosmos is also a good choice for responsible travel, as they have several initiatives to support local communities and planet-focused nonprofits like the African Wildlife Foundation, The Ocean Cleanup, and Trees4Travel. I appreciate companies that are taking steps toward sustainable travel.

Exodus : Best Egypt Tour Company

Exodus Adventure Travels

It’s hard to visit any travel website without seeing a picture of the Great Pyramids. Egypt has captivated the minds of explorers and travelers for centuries, and it is worth having on your bucket list.

If you want a guided tour of Egypt, I highly recommend Exodus Travels . With destinations on all seven continents, Exodus Travels is one of the most popular group travel companies for adventurous travelers, and their Egyptian tours are particularly good.

With 9 different guided tours in Egypt, you can find the perfect itinerary for your trip. Exodus Travels is a true expert in the industry and hires incredible guides for their group travel excursions.

Plus, Exodus Travels also offers trips that are perfect for family travel.

Klook : Best Asia Tour Company

Klook Logo

Whether you want to experience the hustle and bustle of downtown Tokyo or an adventurous trek to Everest Base Camp, Klook is one of the best group travel companies for Asia.

Klook is more than just a tour operator. It is a marketplace for everything travel, from airline tickets to hotels to tickets to museums, theme parks, and more. Klook offers trips for small groups or individual travelers all around the globe, but they are based in Asia, and that’s where they focus.

Klooks South Korea Tour will take you to Nami Island, through beautiful gardens, and into a centuries-old palace in Seoul.

Click Tours : Best Tour Company for Israel

Click Tours

Click Tours specializes in group travel in Europe and the Middle East, and Israel is by far their most popular tour destination. In Israel, Click Tours will offer trips ranging from 3-day highlight tours to 18-day deep-dive cultural experiences.

They focus on small group travel, and your tour group will have 15-24 guests. That means you get more personal attention and a more authentic experience of the country.

A tour of Israel with Click Tours will focus on historical and archeological sites. You’ll visit temples and ruins that are thousands of years old as well as dive into the amazing food and rich culture of Israel.

Epos Travel Tours : Best Tour Company for Greece

Epos Travel

If you’re looking for a group travel trip to Greece, Epos Travel Tours is a local company based in Tripolis that offers tours across the country.

Since Epos Travel Tours specializes only in Greece, you can expect catered trips and insider knowledge. They are truly the experts in travel to Greece, and their trip itineraries are designed to help you get the most from your trip, whether you want to visit historical sites or delve into amazing food and culture.

If you’re into history and architecture, their tour of Ancient Corinth is hard to beat!

Best Tour Companies FAQ

Which is the best tour company in the world.

In my experience, Intrepid Travel is the best tour operator. They have amazing small-group tours.

What are the top travel companies?

The top travel companies for tours include Intrepid Travel , G Adventures , and Trafalgar .

Is Globus or Trafalgar better?

Trafalgar is usually the better choice. They offer amazing all-inclusive tours around the world.

Are tour companies worth it?

Group travel can be worth it if you want the stress and planning taken out of your trip.

Who is the biggest tour company?

Disney is the biggest tour company by revenue.

How do you know if a tour company is legit?

It is a good idea to look for reviews of a tour company on TripAdvisor.

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Jakob Thygerson

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  • World's Best

Travel + Leisure Readers' 15 Favorite Tour Operators of 2023

The right tour operators can make or break a trip. These specialists came out on top in our annual "World’s Best Awards" survey for 2023 thanks to insider knowledge and personalized service.

tour guides quality

How Voting Works

What readers loved, the full list.

Courtesy of Butterfield & Robinson

While we travel to see the sights, what we really take home with us are the experiences. And finding the right tour operator — one that’s able to meld insider knowledge about a destination with the best ways to take it in — can make or break a trip. But when the right combination does come along, it can be pure magic, so it’s no wonder that the last year has seen group travel on the rise .

Every year for our World's Best Awards survey, T+L asks readers to weigh in on travel experiences around the globe — to share their opinions on the top hotels, resorts, cities, islands, cruise ships, spas, airlines, and more. Nearly 165,000 T+L readers completed the 2023 survey, an increase of nearly 25 percent over pre-pandemic voting levels. A total of more than 685,000 votes were cast across over 8,500 unique properties (hotels, cities, cruise lines, etc.).

Tour operators and safari outfitters were specifically rated on the criteria below:

  • Staff/guides
  • Itineraries/destinations
  • Accommodations

For each characteristic, respondents could choose a rating of excellent, above average, average, below average, or poor. The final scores are averages of these responses.

With nine of the companies returning from last year’s list , one major trend that stands out is the focus on a region, like with this year’s No. 1 pick, ATJ, which focuses on luxury travel, ranging from bespoke private to small group itineraries, in Austrasia. Also destination experts are InsideJapan Tours (No. 10), who offer themed trips, from honeymoons to diving, around the island nation, and Vagabond Tours of Ireland (No. 12), which makes its debut on the list, standing out for its B Corporation status, as it guides travelers around the Emerald Isle in their choice of style, either relaxed and culture-focused or active and adventurous. 

Also notable are the operators who go a step beyond, like two returning favorites: Artisans of Leisure (returning as No. 3) has been called “top notch”; one reader said that “no other tour operator comes close in terms of knowing the destinations [and] understanding what we want and executing our trip flawlessly.” Black Tomato (dropping from last year’s No. 4 to a still respectable No. 6) manages to both fulfill curiosity and allay FOMO on its adventures globally.

But more than anything, it’s loyalty that shows what a strong tour operator is made of, and readers often raved about return visits with a particular company. One, for instance, shared that after 25 journeys, DuVine Cycling + Adventure Co. (No. 2) stands out among them all. “The best cycling trips I’ve been on,” they said. “Great staff, accommodations, and first class all the way.” And that’s the winning combo for a tour company — leaving travelers with that passion for exploring the world through their eyes. See the complete list of top 15 tour operators, according to T+L readers, below.

Courtesy of ATJ

Formerly known as Asia Transpacific Journeys, ATJ made the list in 2011, 2017, and 2018, and it now leapfrogs back in triumphantly, notching the No. 1 spot. Offering tours in countries like Australia, Bhutan, Japan, Laos, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Vietnam, and Taiwan, the company specializes in custom itineraries and private group trips. But what travelers rave about is its band of extremely helpful customer service reps who are “responsive and personable.” They added, “I can call and speak with a live person immediately.” Customers tend to be loyal, but so are the agents: “I have used the same agent and she always remembers what we like and any special needs we have.”

I have used the same agent and she always remembers what we like and any special needs we have.

Reader Score: 99.07

2 . DuVine Cycling + Adventure Co.  

Reader Score: 99.05

3 . Artisans of Leisure  

Reader Score: 98.89

4. TCS World Travel

ReaderScore: 98.84

5. Trek Travel 

Reader Score: 98.62

6. Black Tomato  

Reader Score: 98.29

7. Classic Journeys  

WBA Hall of Fame honoree.

Reader Score: 98.27

8. Adventure Unbound

Reader Score: 98.15

9. Scott Dunn  

10. InsideJapan Tours  

Reader Score: 98.13

11. Butterfield & Robinson  

Reader Score: 98.00

12. Vagabond Tours of Ireland

Reader Score: 97.78

13. Quasar Expeditions

Reader Score: 97.53

Reader Score: 97.33

15. Jacada Travel

Reader Score: 96.20

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The 11 best small group tours of italy (+ day trips).

See Italy's top tourist attractions and stunning cities on these guided excursions.

The Best Small Group Tours of Italy

tour guides quality

Getty Images

There's so much to see and do in Italy that it can feel a bit overwhelming to plan a trip that makes the most of the country's fabled history, art, architecture and cuisine – not to mention its 55-plus UNESCO World Heritage sites.

Guided tours are an efficient, hassle-free way to explore the country's top destinations and attractions . These Italy tours – considered the best by travelers and experts alike – vary by region, focus and method of transportation, but they all have one thing in common: informed guides ready to help you better appreciate your time in this beautiful European country.   While there are plenty of tours across Italy's most popular cities that last a few hours or an entire day, some travelers may be interested in multiday tours that visit several destinations or points of interest. Below are some of the top multiday tours in Italy.

Gray Line I Love Rome – 3 Day Excursion to Naples, Pompeii, Sorrento & Capri

Price: From 645 euros (about $700) Duration: 3 days

If you're interested in exploring some of the best day trips from Rome , but don't want to deal with the hassle of figuring out your own transportation or accommodations, this three-day tour may be for you.

After departing from Rome, your first stop is Naples , where you'll spend an afternoon exploring the UNESCO archaeological site of Pompeii with a guide. From there, it's on to Sorrento for the night. The next morning, you'll either have free time to explore Sorrento (if you've booked the tour between November and March – the low season) or enjoy a boat ride to Capri 's famous Blue Grotto (during peak season). On the third day, you'll head back to Rome. Hotel accommodations are included in the cost of the tour, as are ferry tickets to Capri and skip-the-line tickets to Pompeii, but most food and beverages are not.

A few tourgoers describe the pace of the tour as rushed, but most enjoy the historical commentary provided by the guide throughout the journey and are particularly impressed with the hotel accommodations in Sorrento.

Check prices & availability on:

Italy on a Budget Tours – Amalfi Coast Experience 4-Day Tour

Price: From 490 euros (about $532) Duration: 4 days

Designed for college students, backpackers and solo travelers, this budget-friendly tour spends three nights in Sorrento and visits some of southern Italy's most iconic destinations, including Pompeii, Capri, Amalfi, Positano and Naples . Over the course of four days, you'll enjoy plenty of free time to explore, as well as a guided tour of Pompeii, a sunset walking tour of Sorrento, a guided drive around Naples and a guided walking tour of Amalfi. Plus, you'll hear plenty of history and tips from your local guide along the way. Tourgoers rave about the guides, who they describe as friendly, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Reviewers say the tour offers a perfect mix of planned activities and free time, and packs in a lot of sights in a short amount of time.

Prices vary based on the accommodation type that you select. You can choose a shared three-bedroom cabin, a private cabin, a traditional hotel room or you can book your own accommodations and pay a reduced fee for the tour. Note that food and drinks are not included in the cost of the tour. The tour begins and ends in Naples; all transportation is included.

Best Italy Tours

Gray Line - I Love Rome – UNESCO Jewels: Best of Italy - Rome, Florence, Venice in 5 days

Price: From $977 Duration: 5 days

Visit some of the most popular destinations in Italy on this five-day coach bus tour. After departing from Rome, you'll stop in the medieval town of Assisi, the city of Siena – a UNESCO World Heritage Site – Florence , Bologna and Venice . The tour includes hotel accommodations for all four nights, skip-the-line entrance tickets to select attractions featured on the tour, a handful of guided experiences and some meals.

Travelers applaud the tour guides and drivers for their professionalism and organization and call out the visit to Montepulciano (in Tuscany's wine region ) as a highlight. For many reviewers, the optional activities, such as the tour to Pisa, are worth the additional cost.

Sicily Activities – Tour of Sicily: Highlights

Price: From 1995 euros (about $2,168) Duration: 8 days

Groups are limited to just eight travelers on this eight-day tour of Sicily 's top cities and sights. You'll travel by Mercedes minivan and spend three nights in Taormina, two nights in Syracuse and two nights in Palermo (at four-star hotels chosen by the company). Highlights include a food and wine tour in Taormina, a guided hike up Mount Etna, and walking tours in Taormina, Noto, Syracuse and Palermo, among other activities. Some meals are included in the cost of the tour.

Tourgoers praise the guides and drivers for their professionalism and friendliness. Reviewers also say the hotels chosen by the company are comfortable and convenient and that this tour is a great choice if you're hoping to explore Sicily with ease.

G Adventures – Local Living Italy—Amalfi Coast

Price: From $2,199 Duration: 8 days

You'll spend the majority of your time on this tour exploring the small towns nestled within the stunning Amalfi Coast . Highlights include a guided tour of Pompeii, two cooking demonstrations, several hikes – including the famous "Path of the Gods" – and a scenic ferry ride along the Amalfi Coast.

Along with the incredible views, tourgoers will also get a chance to participate in the company's commitment to responsible travel through its "G for Good Moment." G Adventures partners with Planeterra to connect travelers with a local migrant who leads a walking tour of Naples that not only highlights some of the city's historic sights and landmarks, but also explains how migrants' culture and religions have influenced modern-day Naples.

You'll spend one night in a hotel in Naples; for the rest of the trip, your home base will be a renovated 16th-century former monastery that's tucked into the hills of the small village of Furore. The accommodations are a particular highlight for some recent travelers, who appreciated not having to pack up their suitcases every few days to move to a new hotel, and say it delivered on the tour's "living like a local" premise. What's more, seven breakfasts and six "farmhouse" dinners prepared by the family who run the agriturismo (guesthouse) are included in the cost of the tour. Other reviewers were most impressed with the guide, who they describe as knowledgeable and organized. Groups are restricted to 16 participants – another highlight for recent tourgoers.

Best Italy Tours

Abercrombie & Kent – Italian Treasures: Rome, Florence & Venice

Price: From $10,995 Duration: 8 days

Travel to three of Italy's most popular cities in luxury with this eight-day tour. The tour starts in Rome, where you'll enjoy early access to the Vatican Museums before exploring the Palatine Hill, the Colosseum and the Montemartini Museum. On your drive to Florence, you'll stop at a winery for a guided tasting. Once in Florence, a local guide who specializes in art will take you to top sites, including the Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze and the Cappella di San Luca of the Basilica della Santissima Annunziata, where you'll meet with a restorer working on Renaissance art, a project supported by Abercrombie & Kent Philanthropy. Then, it's time for a Tuscan cooking class. Upon reaching Venice, the final stop on the tour, you'll enjoy a private gondola ride before selecting which of the three curated experiences you'd like to participate in: a visit to a gondola-building workshop, a walking tour of Venice's Jewish ghetto or a tour of Venice's famous filming locations.

In addition to stays at luxury hotels, the tour price also includes daily breakfast, select lunches and dinners, all entrance fees, activities, luggage handling and transportation. Reviewers applaud Abercrombie & Kent for its attention to detail and are particularly impressed with the quality of the hotels the company selects. Travelers also appreciate the friendly, knowledgeable local guides and the small group size (this tour is capped at 18 participants).

Collette – Spotlight on Tuscany

Price: From $1,899 Duration: 9 days

If you've dreamt of exploring the Tuscan countryside savoring the region's famous wine and cuisine, this nine-day tour may be for you. Your home base for the tour will be the spa resort town of Montecatini Terme, which sits among Tuscany's undulating hills. Though you'll explore different destinations around the region each day, you'll come back to the same four-star hotel at night (meaning you won't have to pack your bag multiple times over the course of the trip – a particular highlight for past travelers). Highlights include a guided tour of the city of Lucca, a day exploring the top sights in Florence, a cooking class, a visit to a nearby cheese farm and San Gimignano, and optional side trips to Cinque Terre or Siena.

Travelers praise the tour guides for their organization and enthusiasm. Many reviewers call out the cooking class as particularly memorable. Along with accommodations, 11 meals are included in the cost of the tour. 

Kensington Tours – Italy Family Highlights

Price: From $5,396 Duration: 9 days

If you're hoping to make the most of a family vacation to Italy, consider this private tour. The fully customizable tour starts in Rome and ends in Venice. Throughout the nine-day adventure, the itinerary features family-friendly activities that offer a balanced mix of fun, history and cultural immersion.

In Rome, you can enjoy several private experiences, such as a walking tour of the Colosseum, a half-day electric bike tour of the Appian Way and an electric buggy ride through the streets of Rome. In Florence, the second destination visited on the tour, you'll take a cooking class, enjoy a horse-drawn carriage ride through Florence and a side trip to Pisa to marvel at its UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The final stop of the tour, Venice, features a gondola ride, a private tour of Doge's Palace and a scavenger hunt around the city.

Reviewers rave about Kensington Tours for its attentive customer service, excellent hotel selections and personable tour guides. Hotel accommodations, transportation, some meals and local private guides are all included in the cost of the tour.

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Best Italy Tours

Firebird Tours – Dolce Italia with Amalfi

Price: From $4,944 Duration: 11 days

Over the course of 11 days, you'll explore four cities, spending up to three days in each destination. Your adventure starts in Venice with a tour of some of the city's top sights, including the Doge's Palace, St. Mark's Basilica and St. Mark's Square . Next up is Florence, where, along with a guided walking tour of the city, you'll also enjoy a wine tasting. After Florence, you'll board the train for Rome. In Rome, you'll hit all the top landmarks, including the Colosseum, the Roman Forum , the Pantheon , the Trevi Fountain and the Vatican. Before traveling to your final stop – Sorrento – you'll tour Pompeii. While in Sorrento, you'll enjoy a scenic drive along the Amalfi Coast with stops in Positano and Amalfi.

Hotel accommodations, daily breakfast, transportation and attraction entrance tickets are included, with options to upgrade your experience in each city (such as a gondola ride in Venice or a guided tour of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence). Tourgoers applaud guides for their passion and knowledge, and say all the transfers are seamless. Reviewers also give kudos to the adept drivers.

Trafalgar – Best of Italy

Price: From $3,850 Duration: 13 days

If you've never visited Italy, this may be the tour for you as it covers a lot of ground in just 13 days. You'll spend time in some of the country's most well-known destinations, such as Rome, Vatican City, Pompeii, Capri, Sorrento, Venice, Milan , Lake Como and Florence. In total, you'll visit 15 cities. Highlights include a private guided tour of Pompeii; the Vatican Museums, St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel in Rome; the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi; a glassblowing factory in Venice; a private cruise to a secluded island on Lake Maggiore; and the Florence American Cemetery and Memorial.

The tour cost includes 12 breakfasts and six dinners, hotel accommodations – including a night at a fully renovated Franciscan monastery in Assisi – and all transportation. Reviewers describe the guides and drivers as top-notch, and say the tour offers a nice balance of big cities and small villages. For many travelers, the convenience of seeing so much of Italy in a short amount of time was worth the cost.

G Adventures – Ultimate Italy

Price: From $3,449 Duration: 14 days   This two-week trip packs in all the highlights of Italy, starting in Rome and finishing in Venice. As you make your way north from Rome to Venice, you and up to 15 other travelers will visit the Tuscan countryside, enjoy guided walks in Florence, hike in Cinque Terre, cruise on Lake Como, and wander the cobblestone streets and romantic bridges in Venice. Accommodations in small, family-run hotels and pensions (guesthouses) are included, as are 13 breakfasts and transportation between and within destinations; all other meals are at your own expense.

Throughout the tour, you'll have free time in each destination and options to tack on additional experiences not included in the overall tour price, such as a food tour in Florence and a Vespa tour around Rome. What's more, as with all G Adventures tours, you'll enjoy a "G for Good Moment," which invites vacationers to participate in the company's commitment to responsible travel. The "G for Good Moment" on this tour takes place in Rome, where participants are treated to a migrant-led walk of Rome. In addition to learning about ancient sites, travelers will see the city from the perspective of an immigrant.

Travelers loved the convenience this tour provides and say it's very organized, even with all the logistics necessary for getting to and around the various cities. Reviewers call the guides exceptional, and say the tour offers a nice balance of planned activities and free time to explore independently. Others appreciate the small group size.

More Popular Italy Tours

If you don't have the time or budget to commit to a multiday tour of Italy, there are a variety of well-reviewed half- and full-day tours offered in Italy's most popular vacation destinations, including Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan. The tours featured below, which highlight everything from Italy's delicious cuisine to its world-renowned cultural sites, earn high praise from travelers and experts alike.

  • The Roman Food Tour : Prati by Sunset – Rome Food Tour. Book on Viator.
  • City Wonders : Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel Skip-the-Line Tour. Book on Viator .
  • LivItaly Tours : Colosseum Underground Tour with Arena, Palatine Hill & Roman Forum. Book on Viator .
  • Walkabout Florence Tours : The Best of Tuscany in One Day Trip from Florence. Book on Viator .
  • Walks of Italy : Legendary Venice: St. Mark's Basilica with Terraces & Doge's Palace. Book on Viator .
  • Blue Star Boat Tours : Amalfi Coast Group Tour. Book on Viator .
  • World Tours Italy : Pompeii and Amalfi Coast (with Lunch). Book on Viator .
  • Italian Days Food & Wine Tours : Bologna Food and Wine Tour #1. Book on Viator.
  • City Wonders : Best of Milan Duomo Cathedral & Da Vinci's 'Last Supper' Tour. Book on Viator .
  • Walkabout Florence Tours : Cinque Terre Day Trip from Florence with optional Hiking Tour. Book on Viator .

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  • The Most Beautiful Beaches in Italy
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Tags: Tours , Travel , Vacations , Italy

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  • 19,100+ verified reviews from TourRadar travelers
  • 24/7 customer support

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  1. The Top 25 Qualities of an Effective Tour Guide-Guiding the Way

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  2. What are the Qualities of a Good Tour Guide

    Tour guides must be able to lead a group of people without being condescending, snobby, or aggressive. If something unexpected happens on the tour, a good tour guide will be able to take charge in an assertive manner to ensure that all customers receive the right directions. 9. A good sense of humor.

  3. What Skills Make a Tour Guide With 5 Star Quality?

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  21. The Best Small Group Tours of Italy (+ Day Trips)

    Price: From 490 euros (about $532) Duration: 4 days. Designed for college students, backpackers and solo travelers, this budget-friendly tour spends three nights in Sorrento and visits some of ...

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    Websites to Find Local Tour Guides - Worldwide Viator Viator is the industry leader in tours, activities, attraction tickets and local tour guides with more than 1,300 destinations worldwide. ... Tour HQ connect travellers with local guides and tour operators from all over the globe providing you the highest quality. Show Around.