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Used to apply for financial travel assistance by Northern Ontario residents who must travel long distances to access medical specialist services.

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News Release

Ontario Connecting People in the North to the Care They Need

$45 million investment in the Northern Health Travel Grant to make it easier to access specialized care and services

April 30, 2024

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THUNDER BAY — As part of the Ontario government’s 2024 Ontario Budget , the province is investing $45 million over three years to expand the Northern Health Travel Grant Program to help people in Northern Ontario connect to the specialized care and services they need.

“Our government knows that for too long, patients in Northern Ontario have faced unique challenges when accessing health care and that is why our government is taking action to expand access to care, in every corner of the province,” said Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “Our investment to expand and enhance the Northern Health Travel Grant, will ensure more people in Northern Ontario can connect to the specialized care they need, when they need it.”

The Northern Health Travel Grant provides financial reimbursements that help cover the medical-related costs Northern Ontario residents can incur when travelling to access OHIP-insured health care services that are not available within a 100-kilometre radius of where they live. These include specialist visits and some diagnostic services.

The province will begin implementing expansions and improvements to the Northern Health Travel Grant Program starting in Fall 2024 including:

  • Introducing a more convenient online application form that includes digital receipt submissions and makes reimbursement faster.
  • Eliminating the need for a signature from the referring health care provider, making the application process easier.
  • Adding more eligible health care providers and more facility locations, such as community laboratories, to help more people get reimbursed for their incurred costs.
  • Removing the 100-kilometre deductible so people are reimbursed for every kilometre travelled to help offset higher gas prices.

New changes are also increasing reimbursements for overnight trips for the first time since 2017 to better reflect people’s needs and increased costs, including:

  • Increasing the accommodation allowance from $100 to $175 per night, as well as increasing the total allowance for eight or more nights from $550 to $1,150.
  • Reducing the travel distance requirement to be eligible for overnight accommodation allowance from 200 kilometres to 100 kilometres.
  • Expanding eligibility to include medical travel companions accompanying a patient who is hospitalized.

“The Northern Health Travel Grant plays a vital role in mitigating the financial burden of medical‐related travel for the people of Ontario in Northern communities,” said Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance. “This enhancement in Ontario’s 2024 Budget is part of our plan to support health care in northern and rural communities.”

Through Your Health: A Plan for Connected and Convenient Care , the Ontario government is making it easier and faster for people to connect to the care they need, when they need it, no matter where they live.

  • This investment was announced as part of the 2024 Ontario Budget , to help support health care access for the people of Northern Ontario.
  • In 2022-2023, approximately 170,000 Northern Health Travel Grants were processed to support the travel and accommodation needs of approximately 66,000 Northern Ontario residents.
  • 98 per cent of eligible applications for the Northern Health Travel Grant are paid within four to six weeks. The new, online submission form is expected to further reduce processing time.
  • The Ministry of Health also provides a telephone support service to help clients who need help completing their applications. The number to call for assistance is 1-800-262-6524.
"I am pleased to see the improvements our government is making to update the Northern Health Travel Grant. As an advocate for Northern Ontario, I understand the importance of providing support for our constituents to access vital healthcare services across the province. This increased funding ensures our residents can focus on their health care needs and not the additional burden of travel expenses." - Kevin Holland MPP for Thunder Bay-Atikokan
"Our government is responding to the increased travel costs for health care services and programs in the Northwest. In the Kenora and Rainy River districts, we travel as much if not more for health-related services than anyone in the region. As a Northerner, I’ve experienced the process and increased costs firsthand. This expansion will come as a tremendous relief to my constituents." - Greg Rickford MPP for Kenora-Rainy River
"I am proud to be a part of a government that is sticking up for northerners and ensuring that we receive and have access to the care we need by expanding the Northern Health Travel Grant Program. Our investment of $45 million over the next three years will help the people in our community and those across the north facing unique healthcare challenges get the specialized care they deserve." - George Pirie MPP for Timmins
"For years, my constituents in Nipissing have expressed their concerns over the Northern Health Travel Grants reimbursement rates. We are pleased that our government has heard their concerns. Through the program’s $45 million expansion, patients in Northern Ontario will have additional assistance to the health care services they require." - Vic Fedeli MPP for Nipissing
"The expansion of the Northern Health Travel Grant is excellent news for the residents of East and West Parry Sound. Our government is ensuring that Northern Ontario residents have access to the services and resources they require. We're prioritizing the North by making smart and strategic investments that improve health outcomes while making life less expensive." - Graydon Smith MPP for Parry Sound-Muskoka
"The enhancements made by our government will be a significant benefit to the residents of the Township of South Algonquin in my riding of Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke." - John Yakabuski MPP for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke
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What you need to know about Ontario's changes to the Northern Health Travel Grant

Ontario is spending $45m over three years to expand the program.

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Northern Ontario residents who need to travel to access health care will receive more provincial assistance starting this fall.

The Ontario government is spending $45 million over three years to expand the Northern Health Travel Grant. While the expansion was initially included in the 2024 Ontario budget, Ontario Health Minister and Deputy Premier Sylvia Jones held a news conference in Thunder Bay on Tuesday to provide further details.

The changes to the program include:

  • The introduction of an online application process that includes digital receipt submissions for faster reimbursement;
  • Adding more eligible health care providers and facility locations;
  • Increasing the accommodation allowance from $100 to $175 per night;
  • Reducing the travel distance requirement to be eligible for the overnight accommodation allowance from 200 km to 100 km, and
  • Increasing the total allowance for eight or more nights from $550 to $1,150.

A full list of changes can be found on the Ontario website .

"We know that for too long patients in northern Ontario have faced unique challenges when accessing healthcare," Jones said during a visit to the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) on Tuesday morning. "Our investments to expand and enhance the Northern Health Travel Grant will ensure more people in northern Ontario can connect to the specialized care they need when they need it."

Jones added, however, that the grant is "one piece" of the provincial health care system, and said the province is working to increase the system's capacity province-wide.

"Fifty hospitals are, right now, in the process of being built new, renovated or expanded," Jones said. "That is a capital piece that ensures that we will have over 3,000 more hospital beds across Ontario."

"When we do that, of course, we need more health human resources," she said. "So we are expanding and we have expanded access to school in northern Ontario, southern Ontario."

"I'm particularly proud of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. We've had over 100 new seats available for physicians who want to train in northern Ontario, and 60 per cent of those are for primary care family docs. We know that when people train in communities, they tend to stay in those communities."

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How this med school is tackling the rural doctor shortage

Paul Carr, a patient family advisor with TBRHSC, said people in the region can face barriers when it comes to accessing the care they need.

"It would be great if patients could access the same level of care and services throughout the province, but we know this is not the case right now," he said. "Some of our patients have to travel to access care, and this can be a daunting experience for some."

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  • What you need to know about Ontario's 2024 budget

"It may be the first time they've ever traveled to an urban centre, and of course it can be expensive," Carr said. "This can be a deterrent to accessing care, as well as an added burden during a very stressful time for both patients and families."

"Many patients rely on the Northern Health Travel Grant program to help provide financial assistance."

In a media release, the province said about 66,000 northern Ontario residents made use of the grant program in 2022-23.

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Northern Ontario Travel Grant: Everything You Need To Know

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807-227-2339, click here to view our facebook page, travel grants, how the travel grant program works.

For eligible applicants, travel grants are based on the distance to their closest medical specialist or ministry funded health care facility able to provide the required health care services.

An applicant must travel at least 100 kilometres (km) one-way to access the closest medical specialist, or ministry funded health care facility services that are not available locally.

What costs does the NHTG program help pay?

Travel: Whether you drive or travel by commercial means, travel grants are always paid at 41 cents per kilometre (based on return road distance travel), between your area of residence and the location of the nearest medical specialist or ministry funded health care facility that can provide the required OHIP-insured service. There is a deductible of 100 kilometres on your trip.

Refer to the question & answer under the section: “How is the travel grant calculated” for further information.

Accommodation Allowance

For patients whose medical specialist services or ministry funded health care facility-based procedures are provided before November 1, 2017, the NHTG Program offers an accommodation allowance of $100.00 per eligible treatment trip to patients who:

meet travel grant eligibility criteria;

travel one-way road distance of at least 200 kilometres to the closest specialist or ministry funded health care facility that is able to provide the required services (e.g. hospital for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)) and;

submit an accommodation receipt in their names or have their name on the receipts as a guest to prove they paid an accommodation expense. For an individual under the age of 18, an accommodation allowance receipt can be in the name of his/her parent/guardian.

For services provided on, or after November 1, 2017, eligible patients may receive an additional accommodation allowance. The medical specialist or ministry funded health care facility they are referred to, will determine if it is necessary for them to spend more than one lodging night out-of-town (in order to access medical specialist services or ministry funded health care facility-based procedures). If this occurs, the necessary number of lodging nights will be specified by the patient in section 1 of the NHTG application and by the medical specialist/or ministry funded health care facility provider in section 3 of the NHTG application form, or they can write a letter to the NHTG Program stating: “in their professional judgement, the accommodation allowance of greater than one lodging night is necessary to access an out-of-town medical specialist health care services, or ministry funded health care facility-based procedure.”

This letter must be submitted along with an application form to qualify for more than one lodging night’s allowance per treatment trip. Refer to the additional accommodation allowance schedule below.

For patients whose medical specialist services or ministry funded health care facility-based procedures are provided on or after November 1, 2017, the additional accommodation allowance per treatment trip is:

$100 per lodging night up to 2 lodging nights

$250 for 3 lodging nights

$500 for 4-7 lodging nights

$550 for 8 or more lodging nights

Will the NHTG Program cover all my travel costs?

No. The grant helps you pay for some medical travel related costs, but does not cover all expenses, such as meals.

How is the travel grant calculated?

Your travel grant is calculated based on the distance to the closest medical specialist or ministry funded health care facility. The one-way road distance is multiplied by 2, a deductible of 100 kilometres is subtracted, then the remaining distance is multiplied by 41 cents per kilometre to determine the grant amount.  For commercial travel (air, bus, rail) you must provide an original ticket, receipt or itinerary showing a fare paid, who is travelling, the date of the travel and destination. Do not submit meal or gas receipts as these are not required initially and will not be returned. Please keep them until after your application is processed, in the event the ministry asks for them to support your travel.

The grant is the two-way distance minus 100km, multiplied by 41 cents per km.

Example One Eligible Grant from Point A to Point B (one-way distance = 160km): The grant is the two-way distance minus 100km multiplied by 41 cents per km - i.e. (160 x 2) - 100) x 0.41 = $90.20.

Example Two Eligible Grant from Point C to Point D (one-way distance = 300km)

Travel Grant Calculation is ((300km x 2) - 100) x 0.41 = $205.00

Accommodation allowance = $100.00

Total payment to the patient for the trip from C to D = (1) + (2) = $205 + $100 = $305.00

Example Three Eligible Grant from Point C to Point D (one-way distance = 300km) and specialist/ministry funded health care facility provider determines in section 3, that three lodging nights are necessary

Accommodation allowance = $250.00

Total payment to the patient for the trip from C to D = (1) + (2) = $205 + $250 = $455.00

You do not qualify for a travel grant if:

the health care service is not an OHIP- insured benefit

the care is related to a Workplace Safety and Insurance Board claim

your employer pays for your medical services and/or travel costs

another government program or organization pays for your travel e.g.: First Nations Band/Federal Government, etc.

the health care services have to do with a private insurance company - for example there is third party liability for medical travel costs, such as medical services related to a motor vehicle accident

you travel round trip by ambulance

the health care service is provided by a non-Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) certified medical specialist, and/or non-RCPSC certified physician in Winnipeg (Manitoba) who is not enrolled on the Manitoba Health Specialist Register; or the health care service is provided by a physician who does not hold a specialist certificate of registration issued by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) in a recognized medical or surgical specialty other than family or general practice, or service is not provided in a ministry funded health care facility

the nearest specialist or ministry funded health care facility is within 100 kilometres of your area of residence

Note: If you travel one way by ambulance and the other way by car or public transportation, you may qualify for a partial grant.

What if my application for an NHTG grant is denied?

You can request an internal review, or reconsideration within 12 months from the date provided on the denial letter mailed to you. Please follow the information and instructions in the denial letter.

If there are exceptional medical circumstances surrounding your treatment trip that may allow an exception to the program eligibility criteria, you may appeal your denial decision to the external and independent NHTG Medical Appeals Committee in writing to:

Medical Appeals Committee Care of: Northern Health Programs 159 Cedar Street, Suite 402 Sudbury, ON P3E 6A5 705-564-7280  1-866-727-9959

Do not apply for a travel grant when:

you travel to an out-of-town medical specialist when a local physician (less than 100 km from your area of residence) can perform the same service

your trip is for something other than health care

another agency or government program pays for your travel

you are travelling to visit a sick relative in hospital

your travel is not within Ontario or Manitoba

Who is eligible for a travel grant?

You are eligible if all of the conditions below are met:

you are an OHIP-insured Ontario resident on the date of treatment, and your primary place of residence is in the districts of Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Manitoulin, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Rainy River, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, or Timiskaming

a northern physician, dentist, optometrist, chiropractor, midwife or nurse practitioner has referred you before the travel takes place

you are referred to a medical specialist who is certified by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC), or recognized by one of the Physician Governing bodies below:

a Winnipeg (Manitoba) physician enrolled on the Manitoba Health Specialist Register and permitted to bill as a specialist;

a physician who holds a specialist certificate of registration issued by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) in a recognized medical or surgical specialty other than family or general practice

you are referred for a ministry funded health care facility-based procedure under the Health Insurance Act performed by a provider in the facility (e.g. a midwife for hospital childbirth; technician for PET scan, or chemotherapy); or you are referred for a ministry-funded health care facility-based service/procedure

the nearest medical specialist or ministry funded health care facility able to provide the type of care or procedure you require in Ontario or Manitoba is at least 100 kilometres from your area of residence

If you do not have a northern referring provider, you may still qualify for a travel grant.  Please contact the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Claims Services Branch, at (705) 675-4010, or 1 800-461-4006 for more information.

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Your Health Travel Companion Program Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG)

Your Health Travel Companion Program Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG)

Greetings, travelers!

We know that accessing medical specialist services in Northern Ontario can be quite a journey. That's why Kasper Transportations is here to share some exciting news about the Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) Program. Get ready to embark on a smoother, more affordable, and stress-free healthcare adventure!

What is the Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) Program?

The NHTG Program is designed to help Northern Ontario residents who must travel long distances (at least 100 kilometers one-way) to reach medical specialist services or ministry funded health care facilities. If you qualify for the program, the Ministry of Health provides funding to cover a portion of your travel expenses.

Read on Official Ministry of Health resource

How does the travel grant program work.

Great question! The NHTG Program offers financial assistance to cover travel costs based on the distance between your home and the nearest medical specialist or ministry funded health care facility. Whether you drive or use commercial transportation, you'll be reimbursed at 41 cents per kilometer (round-trip), after subtracting a deductible of 100 kilometers.

For example, if your one-way distance is 160 kilometers, the grant calculation would be ((160 x 2) - 100) x 0.41 = $90.20.

Accommodation Allowance: Rest Easy on Your Trip

When you need to travel at least 200 kilometers one-way to access a medical specialist or ministry funded health care facility, you might be eligible for an accommodation allowance. This helps cover your lodging expenses during the trip. The amount of the allowance varies based on the number of necessary lodging nights required by your healthcare provider.

For instance, the accommodation allowance can range from $100 for up to 2 lodging nights to $550 for 8 or more lodging nights. Remember, you must provide an accommodation receipt in your name to qualify for this allowance.

Who Qualifies for the Travel Grant?

To be eligible for the NHTG Program, you should meet the following criteria:

  • You are an OHIP-insured Ontario resident residing in specific Northern Ontario districts.
  • A healthcare provider from Northern Ontario has referred you to a certified medical specialist or ministry funded health care facility that is at least 100 kilometers away from your residence.

How to Apply?

Applying for the travel grant is a breeze! Just follow these steps:

  • Obtain the NHTG application form from your northern health care provider or online.
  • Fill out all required information in section 1 of the application form.
  • If you need a referral, get it from your northern health care provider. You typically need a new referral for each different specialist or health care facility.
  • Ensure your medical specialist or ministry funded health care provider completes section 3 of the application form, including the necessary number of lodging nights for your trip.
  • Submit your application form along with travel and accommodation receipts, if applicable, to the Ministry of Health, Claims Services Branch office in Sudbury.

Lastly: Your Journey, Our Mission

At Kasper Transportations, we're thrilled to share this incredible opportunity to make your healthcare travel experience easier. The Northern Health Travel Grant Program is your health travel companion, ensuring that you can access the medical services you need without overwhelming expenses.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the application process, reach out to the Ministry of Health . We're here to support you on your journey to better health and wellbeing!

Please note that the information provided in this blog post is based on the Northern Health Travel Grant Program as of the knowledge cutoff date in 2 August 2023. For the most up-to-date information, refer to the official Ministry of Health resources .

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MPP ‘relieved’ changes coming to Northern Health Travel Grants

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Timiskaming-Cochrane NDP MPP John Vanthof says his party is “relieved” changes are coming to the Northern Health Travel Grant program.

MPP ‘relieved’ changes coming to Northern Health Travel Grants Back to video

Health Minister Sylvia Jones announced on April 30 that starting in the fall there will be several changes to the program, which include: • Introducing a more convenient online application form that includes digital receipt submissions and makes reimbursement faster. • Eliminating the need for a signature from the referring health care provider, making the application process easier. • Adding more eligible health care providers and more facility locations, such as community laboratories, to help more people get reimbursed for their incurred costs. • Removing the 100-kilometre deductible so people are reimbursed for every kilometre travelled to help offset higher gas prices.

The changes will also include increasing reimbursements for overnight trips for the first time since 2017 to better reflect people’s needs and increased costs, including: • Increasing the accommodation allowance from $100 to $175 per night, as well as increasing the total allowance for eight or more nights from $550 to $1,150. • Reducing the travel distance requirement to be eligible for overnight accommodation allowance from 200 kilometres to 100 kilometres. • Expanding eligibility to include medical travel companions accompanying a patient who is hospitalized.

“Our government knows that for too long, patients in Northern Ontario have faced unique challenges when accessing health care and that is why our government is taking action to expand access to care, in every corner of the province,” Jones said, in a press release.

“Our investment to expand and enhance the Northern Health Travel Grant, will ensure more people in Northern Ontario can connect to the specialized care they need, when they need it.”

In response to the announcement, Vanthof said, “The NDP has been pushing for improvements to the Northern Health Travel Grant for a long time.

“We have introduced legislation and put pressure on the minister of health at Question Period.

“Due to the sharp rise in the cost of living, there are people choosing not to get specialist treatment because they can’t afford the travel and lodging costs.

“The changes to the system will help alleviate this problem. We are relieved that the government has listened to the people living in the North, their Northern MPPs, and health care advocates.”

On March 4, Vanthof called out the minister during question period, asking her if she or any of her colleagues could give him a list of hotels in the greater Toronto area where he could rent a room for $100 per night.

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Province expanding Northern Ontario Health Travel Grant program

Leith Dunick

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THUNDER BAY – The province is expanding the Northern Ontario Health Travel Grant program to cover more costs incurred by patients needing eligible out-of-town care.

Health Minister Sylvia Jones on Tuesday revealed details of the revamped plan at a stop at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, announcing they have increased the overnight accommodation allowance from $100 a night to $175, and from $550 to $1,050 for stays of eight nights or longer.

The government also reduced the travel distance requirements from 200 kilometres round trip to 100 kilometres and have expanded the eligibility to cover costs of medical travel companions accompanying a patient requiring hospitalization.

The province plans to provide $45 million over three years to fund the program.

Jones said the goal is to provide Northern Ontarians with a better health-care experience, acknowledging residents often don’t have access to a full suite of medical services in their home communities, especially in sparsely populated regions in the Northwest.

That shouldn’t mean accessing health care needs to be a financial burden, the minister said, calling it another step toward connecting people in the region to the specialized health care they need.

“These programs provide financial reimbursement that helps cover the medical related costs Northern Ontario residents have incurred while travelling to access OHIP-insured health-care services that are not available within a 100-kilometre radius of where they live,” Jones said.

“The province will begin implementing expansions and needed improvements to the Northern Health Travel Grant program starting this fall.”

The changes will also include a more convenient, online application form, that includes digital receipt submission capabilities, allowing for faster reimbursements and eliminates the need for a signature from a referring physician or health-care provider.

The expansion also adds more health-care partners to the program, as well as community labs, to help more people get reimbursed for their costs.

“(We’ve also) removed the 100-kilometre deductible so people can get reimbursed for every kilometre travelled, to offset higher gas prices. These changes are also increasing reimbursements for overnight trips, to better reflect people’s needs and increased costs,” Jones said.

Paul Carr, a patient advocate at Thunder Bay Regional, said he welcomes the new changes, noting the care needed, including cardiac surgery, isn't always available close to home.

“Sometimes (patients) face many barriers in terms of accessing care. When you have to travel long distances to attend appointments or receive specialized care or surgeries, it would be great if patients could access the same level of care and services throughout the province, but we know that’s not the case right now,” Carr said.

“Some of our patients have to travel for excess care and this can be a daunting experience. For some it might be the first time they’ve ever travelled to an urban centre.”

Every little bit helps, Carr said.

NDP MPP Lise Vaugeois applauded the changes, calling the move good news for Northern Ontarians, in particular the removal of the 100-kilometre deductible for the gas repayment. However, Vaugeois said the province could have gone further and increased the mileage rate from the current 41 cents a kilometre.

“I think we get roughly 61 cents a kilometre as MPPs,” Vaugeois said. “It’s miles from where it needs to be to cover the cost.”

She added the hotel accommodation rate falls a bit short of the actual cost of rooms, especially in centres like Toronto.

The spending was previously announced in the 2024 Ontario budget.

About the Author: Leith Dunick

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Big Changes To Northern Travel Grant Announced

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As part of the Ontario government’s 2024 Ontario Budget , the province is investing $45 million over three years to expand the Northern Health Travel Grant Program to help people in Northern Ontario connect to the specialized care and services they need.

“Our government knows that for too long, patients in Northern Ontario have faced unique challenges when accessing health care and that is why our government is taking action to expand access to care, in every corner of the province,” said Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “Our investment to expand and enhance the Northern Health Travel Grant, will ensure more people in Northern Ontario can connect to the specialized care they need, when they need it.”

The Northern Health Travel Grant provides financial reimbursements that help cover the medical-related costs Northern Ontario residents can incur when travelling to access OHIP-insured health care services that are not available within a 100-kilometre radius of where they live. These include specialist visits and some diagnostic services.

The province will begin implementing expansions and improvements to the Northern Health Travel Grant Program starting in Fall 2024 including:

  • Introducing a more convenient online application form that includes digital receipt submissions and makes reimbursement faster.
  • Eliminating the need for a signature from the referring health care provider, making the application process easier.
  • Adding more eligible health care providers and more facility locations, such as community laboratories, to help more people get reimbursed for their incurred costs.
  • Removing the 100-kilometre deductible so people are reimbursed for every kilometre travelled to help offset higher gas prices.

New changes are also increasing reimbursements for overnight trips for the first time since 2017 to better reflect people’s needs and increased costs, including:

  • Increasing the accommodation allowance from $100 to $175 per night, as well as increasing the total allowance for eight or more nights from $550 to $1,150.
  • Reducing the travel distance requirement to be eligible for overnight accommodation allowance from 200 kilometres to 100 kilometres.
  • Expanding eligibility to include medical travel companions accompanying a patient who is hospitalized.

“The Northern Health Travel Grant plays a vital role in mitigating the financial burden of medical‐related travel for the people of Ontario in Northern communities,” said Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance. “This enhancement in Ontario’s 2024 Budget is part of our plan to support health care in northern and rural communities.”

Through Your Health: A Plan for Connected and Convenient Care , the Ontario government is making it easier and faster for people to connect to the care they need, when they need it, no matter where they live.

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Province announces enhancements to the Health Travel Grant

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The provincial government is making several changes to the Northern Ontario Travel Grant.

It provides reimbursement when travelling to access healthcare.

Health Minister Sylvia Jones was in Thunder Bay on Tuesday and says changes this fall will include higher amount for accommodations.

“This includes increasing the accommodation allowance from the current $100 to $175 per night,” Jones told a news conference at the Thunder Regional Health Science Center.

Jones adds that other costs will be increased as well, including mileage.

“We’re removing the 100 kilometer deductible so people can get re-imbursed for every kilometer traveled to offset higher gas prices.”

Jones says they will also introduce an online application form and eliminate the need for a doctor’s signature before a claim can be submitted.

In all, the province is increasing the amount spent each year on the Northern Health Travel Grant by $45 million.

(With files from Randy Thoms)

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  1. Northern Health Travel Grant Program

    Travel grant calculation is 300 km (the one-way distance) x 2 (the two-way distance) - 100 ( km) x 0.41 (cents per km travelled) = $205.00. Accommodation allowance is $100.00 (for 1 night) Total payment to the patient for the trip is $205 (for the calculated travel grant) + $100 (for the accommodation allowance of 1 night) = $305.00.

  2. PDF Application for Northern Health Travel Grant

    The patient meets the travel grant eligibility criteria set out above: number 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6. 0327-88E (2023/02) Page 2 of 5

  3. PDF Application for Northern Health Travel Grant

    Offi ce hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday except holidays. For more information, call 705 675-4010 or 1 800 461-4006. The ministry cannot process your application unless you (and your companion, if applicable) provide the personal information required in sections 1 and 5 of the application.

  4. Application for Northern Health Travel Grant

    Additional Information. Form Number. 0327-88. Title. Application for Northern Health Travel Grant. Description. Used to apply for financial travel assistance by Northern Ontario residents who must travel long distances to access medical specialist services.

  5. Ontario. Ministry of Health and Long Term Care

    Provides assistance with some of the travel and accommodation related costs for Northern Ontario residents who must travel at least 100 kilometres one-way to access medical specialist or designated health care facility services that are not locally. ... Northern Health Travel Grant Program Phone Numbers: 705-675-4010:

  6. Direct Deposit for Northern Health Travel Grant Program

    Bulletin 201109 — Direct Deposit for Northern Health Travel Grant Program; Bulletin 201110 — Temporary Payment Criteria for After Hours Procedure Premiums; Bulletin 201202 — System solution for E405A effective December 1, 2020; Bulletin 201203 — Medical Claims Adjustment for S207A, G496A and K181A

  7. Forms

    0327-88 - Application for Northern Health Travel Grant. 1667-88 - Application for Physician Locum Programs. 2352-88 - Application for Rehabilitation Incentive Grant. 1413-88E - Physician Outreach Program Billing Form - Monthly. 2983-88 - Confirmation of Payment Instruction. 1617-88E - Statement of Expenses.

  8. Application for Northern Health Travel Grant

    Used to apply for financial travel assistance by Northern Ontario residents who must travel long distances to access medical specialist services. ... Application for Northern Health Travel Grant. Form files. English - 0327-88e -... French - 0327-88f -... Additional Information. Last updated: February 8, 2023: Created: December 11, 2021: Format ...

  9. Northern Health Travel Grant

    Travel grants are funded by the Ministry of Health to help defray the transportation costs for eligible residents of Northern Ontario who must travel long distances within Ontario or to Manitoba to receive medically needed insured specialty services that are not available locally. Application forms are available from your physician or local ...

  10. Ontario. Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long Term Care

    Provides a companion grant if individual is under 16 yrs of age, or if the referring physician has indicated that the patient is unable to travel without a companion; Eligibility. Must be a Northern Ontario resident Must have a valid Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card

  11. PDF Application for Northern Health Travel Grant

    0327-88E (2005/02) Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2005 7530-4419 ... Sudbury ON P3E 5R1 or by phone at 705 675-4010 or 1 800 461-4006. 447 McKeown St., Suite 101 North Bay ON P1B 9S9 ... Travel Grant Application.) Health Number M Northern Health Travel Grant Application Patient's last name

  12. Ontario Connecting People in the North to the Care They Need

    In 2022-2023, approximately 170,000 Northern Health Travel Grants were processed to support the travel and accommodation needs of approximately 66,000 Northern Ontario residents. 98 per cent of eligible applications for the Northern Health Travel Grant are paid within four to six weeks.

  13. What you need to know about Ontario's changes to the Northern Health

    The Ontario government is spending $45 million over three years to expand the Northern Health Travel Grant. While the expansion was initially included in the 2024 Ontario budget, Ontario Health ...

  14. Northern Ontario Travel Grant: Everything You Need To Know

    NHTG, Sudbury office. 199 Larch St., Suite 801. Sudbury, ON P3E 5R1. Call 1 800 262-6524 if you can't make arrangements in person or by mail for more information. Many people can avoid travel by making an appointment for a telemedicine visit with the Ontario Telemedicine Network for consultation via computer.

  15. Travel Grants

    Travel Grant Calculation is ( (300km x 2) - 100) x 0.41 = $205.00. Accommodation allowance = $100.00. Total payment to the patient for the trip from C to D = (1) + (2) = $205 + $100 = $305.00. Example Three. Eligible Grant from Point C to Point D (one-way distance = 300km) and specialist/ministry funded health care facility provider determines ...

  16. Northern Health Travel Grant · 199 Larch St, Sudbury, ON ...

    Northern Health Travel Grant 199 Larch St, Sudbury, ON P3E 5R1, Canada · +1 705-675-4010

  17. Northern Health Travel Grant (NHTG) Program

    The NHTG Program offers financial assistance to cover travel costs based on the distance between your home and the nearest medical specialist or ministry funded health care facility. Whether you drive or use commercial transportation, you'll be reimbursed at 41 cents per kilometer (round-trip), after subtracting a deductible of 100 kilometers.

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    And the travel distance requirement to be eligible for overnight accommodation allowance is being cut from 200 kilometres to 100 kilometres. In 2022-2023, approximately 170,000 travel grants were processed for 66,000 northern Ontario residents. A total of 98 per cent of eligible applications for the grant are paid within four to six weeks.

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    The changes will also include increasing reimbursements for overnight trips for the first time since 2017 to better reflect people's needs and increased costs, including: • Increasing the accommodation allowance from $100 to $175 per night, as well as increasing the total allowance for eight or more nights from $550 to $1,150.

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    THUNDER BAY - The province is expanding the Northern Ontario Health Travel Grant program to cover more costs incurred by patients needing eligible out-of-town care. Health Minister Sylvia Jones on Tuesday revealed details of the revamped plan at a stop at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, announcing they have increased the ...

  21. Changes coming to travel grant program

    In 2022-23, approximately 170,000 Northern Health Travel Grants were processed to support approximately 66,000 northern Ontario residents. The Ministry says 98% of eligible applications were paid within four to six weeks.

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    As part of the Ontario government's 2024 Ontario Budget, the province is investing $45 million over three years to expand the Northern Health Travel Grant Program to help people in Northern Ontario connect to the specialized care and services they need. "Our government knows that for too long, patients in Northern Ontario have faced unique challenges when accessing health care and that is ...

  23. Province announces enhancements to the Health Travel Grant

    Province announces enhancements to the Health Travel Grant. The provincial government is making several changes to the Northern Ontario Travel Grant. It provides reimbursement when travelling to access healthcare. Health Minister Sylvia Jones was in Thunder Bay on Tuesday and says changes this fall will include higher amount for accommodations ...