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Breslauer Str. 40

86899 Landsberg am Lech

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Photo of Alfredo V.

This is our first time to use Globus Travel, and the customer service level that we've received was just outstanding. Let me explain. My sister, cousins and myself were scheduled to see the Passion Play of Jesus in Oberammergau, Germany. For some strange reason my sister did not feel well. She had a sore throat, coughing and a temperature. I informed Ms. Marie Claire, our Tour Director and advised us to have my sister checked for covid test. She did and it came back negative. My sister was still weak and had no appetite to eat so she skipped her lunch. A couple of hours passed and now she told me that she was hungry. I went to the reception in our hotel at Landhotel Bold in Oberammergau and was told the restaurant was already closed and would re-open at dinner time around 5 pm. The two ladies from Globus, Ms. Marie Claire and Ms. Brigitte, Tour Directors were both in the lobby and I asked them where could I buy a soup for my sister since the restaurant was closed. Ms. Brigitte immediately offered to help and asked the waiter to prepare a soup. Moments later the waiter handed me over the soup with loaves of bread. My sister finally had her late lunch and felt much better. Small things like this really make a big difference. Kudos to Ms. Marie Claire and Ms. Brigitte for a job well done. It shows they really care about their customers. Thank you ladies for your great customer service. You both rock!

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Globus Travel GmbH, Beuerbacher Str. 5a  86947 Weil


Breslauer Str. 40  86899 Landsberg am Lech

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Geschäftsführerin: Sandra Pfannes-Rode

Telefon: +49 (0) 8195 9987 231  Telefax: +49 (0) 8195 9987 232  E-Mail: [email protected]


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My fantastic experience

Very pleasant and they knows their stuff fast and very friendly service and reasonable prices as well.

Date of experience : April 15, 2024

This is a review of our Globus tour

This is a review of our Globus tour: 16 days to Spain, Portual and Morocco in April 2024. Itiniery was good and attractive hence we joined in. Globus tour director, Benjamine was great , knowlegeble, courteous, helpful and kept us motivated and interested with his sense of humor. All the local guides were also great, knowledgeble and courteous. Coachs were comfortable and clean since we all followed strict insturctions to not eat in the coach. Which are some postives of the tour. Globus tour was a bit disappointing in terms of Hotel accommodations. Some hotels were really below average, which was not at the acceptable level, dirty and not even with some basic amineties. Some hotel crew mentioned that with bulk rate negotiated with Goblus, you only get rooms where you have to walk far till the end, smaller rooms and no views and no consideration of guest's age or health. Water bottles were not provided under their current initiative of saving the planet, which we respect. However we all had to buy our own plastic bottles anyways since there was no provision of water to fill in your own reusable bottles. Hence defeated their own initiative. Which was highly disappointing. I would have preferred to use tap water but we were told not to use it as it may not be a good health choice, plus water was not easily available otherwise. The included excursions were sometimes a joke, repeating the same location twice for no appatrent reasons made us do certain things on our own, and incurred addtional costs. Each excursion time was also not alloted appropriately, that is, not enough time given at certain places. Gibraltor visit was one, as an example. I would really study Globus tour carefully before signing up next time. If you can get past the accommodation requirements, overall tour was good. Hope this helps to improve the itinerary to some extent. Thank you!

Date of experience : March 28, 2024

Very pleased with my recent Globus tour! The tour guide was extremely knowledgeable & very friendly. The tour was well organized and we had the opportunity to see lots of great sights. The hotel accommodations were great. Would definitely recommend Globus to other travellers.

Date of experience : March 11, 2024

Read this before booking a Globus Tour in Italy

I don’t normally complain, but I’ve been mislead by Globus Tours marketing. We are currently on the Northern Italy & Cinque Terra tour. The guides and driver are good and the bus stops at local farms/factories and old town walking tours are nice (even if they make you have your bags ready at 7:30am and rush you through breakfast to get on the bus at 8:15am). The hotels are acceptable nice quality but the location of the hotels is not good. To enjoy old town Italy in each location you have to take a taxi because the hotels they put you in are in not great feeling areas and not easily walkable locations. I believe this is because they want to force you to feel like you have to purchase their dinner excursions. Italy is fabulous and when signing up for this tour I was under the impression the hotels would be in lovely walkable areas in the towns/cities. Boy was I wrong! Please let readers know that what is advertised is not what is delivered. When booking, they ask your preference of hotel (budget or luxury and only share hotels booked weeks before your departure. Turns out their luxury hotels average cost is $125USD a night for double occupancy and are not in great areas.) Our “Cinque Terra” tour does drive us to Cinque Terra one day with the day scheduled and planned by Globus, but the hotel they have us staying in that night is an hour and a half from any of the towns of Cinque Terra (so no free time to have dinner or walk Cinque Terra). That stinks, since it is advertised as the main focus of the tour. I’m so disappointed because I’m traveling with my elderly mother who is fit but who can’t walk 30 minutes each way to dinner. So disappointing her only trip to Italy in her lifetime is with Globus who chose their bottom line margin over booking hotels near the center of the ancient cities for their guests to enjoy the Italian ambiance I was hoping would be easily accessible. Globus has planned the tour to create frustration. (Getting their chosen hotels to organize a taxi is painful and expensive and they don’t have shuttle service and there isn’t enough time to figure out the public transportation.) I had higher hopes.

Date of experience : April 19, 2024

Vietnam Globus Tour

First and foremost, our tour guide Dinh was outstanding. He knows his stuff, excellent customer service and he made our tour great! He even met us at the airport in Hanoi at 1:00 a.m. to get us to our hotel when we first arrived!! Second, our accommodations (including food and beverage services) were all excellent. Third, our daily excursions/activities were all very good and as promised, and more, in the information we received ahead of time. Fourth, the communications by Globus with us was excellent. Confirmations, Travel Documents, Travel Packet and the app were all really good and very useful for us.

Date of experience : March 03, 2024

go with the flow

the awesome tour guide made it most wonderful. she was very knowledgeable and had a sense of humor. Things had to change due to circumstances out of anybodys control, everyone was polite and just went with the flow

Date of experience : February 16, 2024

It was a great trip

It was a great trip. The airport transfers were great. We are very glad we arrived a day ahead of time, which allowed us to adjust to the time difference. We also greatly enjoyed our 2 day extension in Prague. Our tour guide was very nice, and provided historical information during our bus trips. Our bus driver was a gem,and really knew how to navigate the city traffic. We loved that our tour allowed for enough free time to explore on our own. We took advantage of optional tours in each city visited, and enjoyed those. The local guides provided a great orientation to the cities, and provided great historical insights.

Our tour director

Our tour director, Christine was absolutely fabulous. She was extremely knowledgeable, enthusiastic, kind, friendly, and went above and beyond to accommodate everyone. Christine really tried to get to know everyone on the tour, their likes and needs. She frequently shared her own personal experiences. It is obvious that she really enjoys her job and also enjoys working with people. The tour took us to fabulous places and the hotels were located in central areas, allowing us to walk to many points of interest.

Fantastic Journey to Cuba!

It was a very well-planned tour with impeccable precision, experiences, and details. Globus and Cuban guides/directors were superb. Loved the experiences. I did contact Globus after we returned with one problem. At our MKE airport they mandated we give them our immigration papers...said we couldn't fly without the QR code...lady at counter finally gave us the website...Globus needs to prepare people for that.

Date of experience : January 10, 2024

Highlights of the South Pacific: New Zealand and Australia

We selected this tour based on the itinerary- it hit all the key spots we were interested in seeing . The online Globus portal allowed us to submit all required docs for international travel and gave details on the hotels and event on our tour. Our tour director Leonie was FABULOUS! She was very knowledgeable, funny, and kept us on schedule. She created a WhatsApp group so we could easily communicate with everyone in the group and share photos. Highly recommend Globus tours!

Date of experience : February 01, 2024

Our travel guide Ronan was awesome

Our travel guide Ronan was awesome! Unfortunately we got stuck in New Zealand because of a visa problem and the global emergency line never would get back with us to help. We had to figure out and book our own flights to get caught up with our tour. The tour was five stars long as you didn’t have any problems if you are on your tour and you have an emergency problem, you are definitely on your own never heard back from them.

Globus provided the most amazing service

Globus were absolutely brilliant! Even when things didn’t go to plan (went from two of us travelling to just one) they were really helpful at every step of the way. Whilst on holiday I was given contact details for a local travel company who could help with anything I needed, which was vital in helping me feel safe travelling alone. Their app is amazing, with a day by day guide, as long as other really useful features like temperature, currency exchange, helpful phrases etc. I highly recommend this company and I plan to use them again in the future!

Reply from Globus

Thank you so much for taking the time to post this review, we are delighted that your holiday exceeded expectations. Your very kind comments will be shared with all involved.

This was my second Globus tour

This was my second Globus tour. Michael the tour guide was very knowledgeable, personable and helpful as well as Barry the coach driver, they were both great! Definitely enjoyed this trip. The price was excellent I checked out several tour companies and Globus had the best deals. Booked another trip in November to Ireland. I would definitely recommend Globus Tours.

We had the most wonderful tour…

We had the most wonderful tour guide/tour director, Robert Marks. He knew so many things and treated us with great respect. We would recommend Globus just based on Robert. In addition we had great accommodations and a small (6 people) group of congenial people.

Marvelous Egypt

In February, my husband and I visited Egypt 🇪🇬 for two weeks, staying at five-star hotels. I cried due to seeing great temples of history such as Karnak, Luxor, pyramids of Giza, catacombs at Alexandria, sarcophagus of famous pharaohs, Egyptian museum (relics, art, chariots, masks, tombs, etc. from 3,000 years ago), Aswan, additional pyramids, Lake Nasser, a Nubian village, the Valley of the Dead, Tutankhamen’s mummy and treasures, hieroglyphs, place where Moses was supposedly plucked out of the Nile river, and so much more. This trip exceeded my wildest expectations. It’s one of the best ever and I have recommended it to my friends. The Egyptian people are friendly, helpful and we felt safe. Our tour director was so knowledgeable and helpful too. Wish I could go again.

Date of experience : March 10, 2024

Beautiful Spain

I really enjoyed all the beautiful places we went and the amazing hotels. Our guide, Jose, was spectacular, and always shared with the group, historical facts about the places we were visiting. The food was very delicious, though I was hoping for some Paella and succulent pig.

Date of experience : March 01, 2024

Ireland is Great

Recently, toured with Globus on the Irish Escape. My sister and I had a ball. The tour was very organized as always. The Republic of Ireland was welcoming. The people were nice and helpful. We used the public Tran in Dublin and found the people to be hospitable and kind. I would definitely go back. Our guide, Julian, was the perfect host and guide. He was able to to enhance our tour with his vast knowledge.

Date of experience : February 25, 2024

The Spanish escape was excellent

The Spanish escape was excellent. Loved all the places we visited and our tour director, Benjamin, made it so much fun while also being informative. We lucked up with excellent weather which made all the sightseeing easier. Will definitely use Globus again.

Globus has been disappointed from the…

Globus has been disappointed from the beginning to the end. I will never use this travel company in future. First, they were so unorganized. Yes, unforseen situation happens but I would expect more from a professional travel company. The Paris globus representative, Molly who doesn't greet people with a smile, but with a snobby and arrogant attitude. I asked about the ticket valid date because it said Oct 2023. She said "honey, we wouldn't give you an invalid ticket." 1. My name isn't honey. 2. What the heck with her tone? Of course, I can't read French and that's why I asked. You are there to explain things. But apparently, she doesn't seem to like her job to help people. When we transferred from Paris to London, I could write a whole page of what went wrong. We got there early but they put us aside and made us wait for 30 mins. And of course they were double booked the seats. It was a huge mess to figure out where to seat because my seat was occupied by someone else already. When we arrived in London, our representative didn't bring a roster. She kept saying there were supposed to be 22 people but she only counted 19. We literally waited an hour until she figured out what to do with us. That was a waste of time. Also, when we checked into London hotel, some of us were in a different floor. I was only single person who was on 2nd floor. Everyone else was on the premium floor - 6th floor. I paid the same amount for the less service. I'm just so annoyed how everything went using globus as our travel agent. I'll never ever use them again.

Date of experience : April 17, 2024

Everything was great as always with…

Everything was great as always with Globus. The only thing I would say is that it should offer a vegan or vegetarian selection, and of course a diabetic selection. The tour guide was great and accommodated everyone with these issues, but as she did not get notice ahead of time it just adds stress. To the people with the issues. And it’s something that should be told to the tour guide before she has to deal with it last minute or he.


Experience a world beyond your expectations. Choose from our award-winning vacations on virtually every continent with local favorites and off-the-beaten-path experiences only Globus can share.

We know why you travel. You’d rather have an extra day exploring than a fancy chocolate on your pillow at night. Enjoy hand-selected inclusions and world-class experiences for value-minded travel lovers like you.

Raise your sights and set your sails for the rivers of Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa on an Avalon Waterways cruise. Elevate your cruise experience with fewer passengers, more choices, and endless possibilities.

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  4. Öffnungszeiten Globus Travel GmbH Willy-Brandt-Platz 4

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  5. Öffnungszeiten Globus Travel GmbH Willy-Brandt-Platz 4

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  6. Globus Reisebüro GmbH: Informationen und Neuigkeiten

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  1. Globus Travel GmbH

    Globus Travel GmbH - Fernreisen, Individuelle Reisen. Telefon: +49 8191 - 97 09 888.

  2. Kontakt

    Breslauer Straße 40, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, Germany Telefon: +49 (0) 8191 97 09 888 Telefax: +49 (0) 8191 97 09 887 E-Mail: [email protected] Unsere Öffnungszeiten:

  3. Globus Travel Reisen

    Globus Travel Reisen, Landsberg am Lech. 1,053 likes · 64 were here. Globus Travel - Reisen Sie mit uns um die Welt! Das Reisebüro für Ihre weltweiten individuellen R

  4. Globus Travel

    1 review of Globus Travel "This is our first time to use Globus Travel, and the customer service level that we've received was just outstanding. Let me explain. My sister, cousins and myself were scheduled to see the Passion Play of Jesus in Oberammergau, Germany. For some strange reason my sister did not feel well. She had a sore throat, coughing and a temperature.

  5. Reisen

    die welt von globus travel "Die grösste Sehenswürdigkeit, die es gibt, ist die Welt - sieh sie Dir an" sagte schon Kurt Tucholsky und diesem Vorbild entsprechend, möchten wir unseren Kunden das größtmögliche Portfolio bieten, mit einer Mischung aus unseren eigenen Erfahrungen und unserer exklusiven Expertise.

  6. Globus Travel Reisen

    Globus Travel Reisen - Landsberg Am Lech 3.21. Breslauer Str. 40 Landsberg am Lech, 86899 Germany. Download vCard Share Send ...

  7. Globus Travel Reisebüro

    Hallo liebe Besucher, wir möchten Euch gerne mit unserem Youtube Kanal an unseren Reiseerlebnissen zu den schönsten Orten der Welt teilhaben lassen und könne...

  8. Reisebüro Globus Travel Landsberg

    2,7 Mio. mit E-Mail-Adressen und Website. 1,8 Mio. Firmen mit aggregierten Bewertungen von echten Menschen. Reisebüro Globus Travel in Landsberg wurde aktualisiert am 03.02.2024. Reisebüro | ⌚ Öffnungszeiten | Adresse | ☎ Telefonnummer | ★ 3 Bewertungen | Breslauer Str. 40 - 86899 Landsberg.

  9. Globus Travel Reisen

    Globus Travel Reisen, Landsberg am Lech. 1,057 sukaan · 63 pernah berada di sini. Globus Travel - Reisen Sie mit uns um die Welt! Das Reisebüro für Ihre weltweiten individuellen R

  10. Globus Travel Reisen

    Globus Travel Reisen, Landsberg am Lech. 1 059 Páči sa mi to · 63 tu boli. Globus Travel - Reisen Sie mit uns um die Welt! Das Reisebüro für Ihre weltweiten individuellen R

  11. Globus Travel Reisen

    Globus Travel Reisen, Landsberg am Lech. Patiktukų: 1 060 · 63 buvo čia. Globus Travel - Reisen Sie mit uns um die Welt! Das Reisebüro für Ihre weltweiten individuellen R

  12. Globus Travel GmbH (@globustravelreisen)

    787 Followers, 15 Following, 93 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Globus Travel GmbH (@globustravelreisen) 787 Followers, 15 Following, 93 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Globus Travel GmbH (@globustravelreisen) ... Landsberg, Bayern, Germany 86899. Wellness. Doha. Namibia II. Namibia. AIDA Cosma ...

  13. Globus Travel Reisen

    ‏‎Globus Travel Reisen‎‏, ‏لاندسبرغ آم لش‏. ‏‏١٬٠٥٨‏ تسجيل إعجاب · كان ‏٦٣‏ هنا‏. ‏‎Globus Travel - Reisen Sie mit uns um die Welt! Das Reisebüro für Ihre weltweiten individuellen R‎‏

  14. Globus Travel GmbH Company Profile

    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Globus Travel GmbH of Landsberg am Lech, Bayern. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

  15. Reisebüro Globus Travel Haftungsbeschränkt Weil, Kreis Landsberg am

    Hier finden Sie die Öffnungszeiten von Reisebüro Globus Travel UG Haftungsbeschränkt in Weil, Kreis Landsberg am Lech. Montag: 09:30-19:00: Dienstag: 09:30-16:00: Mittwoch: 09:30-19:00: Donnerstag: 09:30-19:00: Freitag: 09:30-19:00: ... Kreis Landsberg am Lech ab. Mit Ihrer Hilfe können andere von Erfahrungsberichten aus erster Hand ...

  16. Globus Guided Tours

    Globus delivers 'wow' in the world one scene, one sight and one story at a time. From the classic tours that made us famous to new, passion-packed "choice" vacations, independent and small group tours to off-season and off-the-beaten-path journeys, your coach awaits! Enjoy front row parking, backstage access and rock star status.

  17. Globus Travel

    Enjoy hand-selected inclusions and world-class experiences for value-minded travel lovers like you. Raise your sights and set your sails for the rivers of Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa on an Avalon Waterways cruise. Elevate your cruise experience with fewer passengers, more choices, and endless possibilities.

  18. Impressum

    Globus Travel GmbH, Beuerbacher Str. 5a 86947 Weil. Postadresse: Breslauer Str. 40 86899 Landsberg am Lech. Vertreten durch: Geschäftsführerin: Sandra Pfannes-Rode. Kontakt: Telefon: +49 (0) 8195 9987 231 Telefax: +49 (0) 8195 9987 232 E-Mail: [email protected]. Registereintrag:

  19. Travel FAQs

    Once you have found a vacation that interests you, you can use the "Book It" button located on the tour page. You can also contact a travel advisor or call us at 1.866.755.8581 with any questions and to book your exciting Globus experience.

  20. Globus Reviews

    This is a review of our Globus tour: 16 days to Spain, Portual and Morocco in April 2024. Itiniery was good and attractive hence we joined in. Globus tour director, Benjamine was great , knowlegeble, courteous, helpful and kept us motivated and interested with his sense of humor. All the local guides were also great, knowledgeble and courteous.

  21. Guided Vacations & Travel Packages

    Choose from our award-winning vacations on virtually every continent with local favorites and off-the-beaten-path experiences only Globus can share. We know why you travel. You'd rather have an extra day exploring than a fancy chocolate on your pillow at night. Enjoy hand-selected inclusions and world-class experiences for value-minded travel ...

  22. Travel Protection

    Reimburses your cost for lost trip days when a flight is canceled or delayed. Replaces or repairs lost or damaged luggage with up to $2,500 reimbursement coverage. Provides medical care if you become ill or injured during your trip. Refunds up to 150% of the original cost of your trip for unused land or water travel arrangements when you need ...

  23. Escorted Travel & Guided Vacations

    Contact a Globus Vacation Planner at (866) 755-8581 or book online. An escorted vacation to Italy, England, Spain, Asia & more is only a call away! ... Enjoy hand-selected inclusions and world-class experiences for value-minded travel lovers like you. Raise your sights and set your sails for the rivers of Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa ...