travel from riyadh to dammam

اعثر على رحلات طيران رخيصة من الرياض إلى الدمام ابتداءً من 184 ﷼

هذا هو أرخص سعر لرحلة طيران باتجاه واحد عثر عليه أحد مستخدمي kayak خلال آخر 72 ساعة من خلال البحث عن رحلة طيران من الرياضإلى الدمام تُغادر بتاريخ 27/5. الأسعار عُرضة للتغيير وقد لا تكون متوفرة لجميع رحلات الطيران أو تواريخ السفر. انقر فوق السعر لتكرار البحث عن هذه الصفقة., ابحث في مئات مواقع السفر في آن واحد عن صفقات رحلات طيران إلى الدمام.

تتبّع الأسعار لست مستعدًا للحجز بعد؟ قم بإنشاء تنبيه سعر لتتلقى إشعارًا عندما تنخفض الأسعار.

مجاني للاستخدام لا رسوم أو مصاريف خفية.

قم بتصفية صفقاتك اختر فئة المقصورة وخدمة الواي فاي المجانية والمزيد.

صفقات رحلات طيران رخيصة من الرياض إلى الدمام

رحلات الطيران من الرياض إلى الدمام - اتجاهات ورؤى حول السفر, احصل على اتجاهات ورؤى مستندة إلى بيانات حول رحلات الطيران من الرياض إلى الدمام لمساعدتك في العثور على أرخص رحلات الطيران وأفضل وقت للسفر وغيرها الكثير., ما هو أرخص يوم في الأسبوع للسفر من الرياض إلى الدمام؟, من الرياض إلى الدمام يكون الأحد أرخص يوم للسفر في المتوسط والخميس هو الأغلى. بالعودة من الدمام إلى الرياض توجد أفضل الصفقات بشكل عام في الأربعاء حيث يكون الخميس هو الأغلى., ما هو أرخص شهر للسفر من الرياض إلى الدمام؟, أرخص شهر لرحلات الطيران من الرياض إلى الدمام هو أكتوبر، حيث تتكلف التذاكر 427 ﷼ في المتوسط. وعلى صعيد آخر، أغلى شهرين هما يونيو وأبريل؛ حيث يكون متوسط تكلفة التذاكر هو 716 ﷼ و708 ﷼ على التوالي., ما هي المدة التي ينبغي علي فيها حجز رحلة طيران من الرياض إلى الدمام مسبقًا؟, للحصول على سعر أقل من المتوسط لرحلة الطيران من الرياض إلى الدمام، عليك الحجز خلال حوالي 5 أيامقبل موعد المغادرة. للحصول على أرخص سعر على الإطلاق، تشير بياناتنا إلى أنه عليك الحجز خلال 69 أيامقبل موعد المغادرة., ما هي شركات الطيران التي توفر أرخص الرحلات من الرياض إلى الدمام؟, خلال الـ 72 ساعة الاخيرة كانت أرخص تذكرة ذهاب فقط من الرياض إلى الدمام تم العثور عليها لدى kayak مع saudia لـ 184 ﷼.قدم saudia رحلةذهاب واياب متصلة من 296 ﷼ و flyadeal ابتداءً من 409 ﷼., ما هي شركات الطيران التي تسافر بشكل متكرر بين الرياض و الدمام؟, تقوم saudia بوصل الرياض مع الدمام بما يصل إلى 11 رحلة في اليوم، يتبعها flynas (6 رحلات في اليوم)، و flyadeal (2 من الرحلات في اليوم)., أي من شركات الطيران تسافر بدون توقف بين الرياض والدمام؟, تتوفر 4 شركات طيران تسافر بدون توقف من الرياض إلى الدمام. وهي saudia, flyadeal, flynas والخطوط الجوية الملكية الهولندية. عُثر على أرخص سعر من بين جميع شركات الطيران التي تسافر خلال مسار الرحلة هذا مع flyadeal بسعر قدره 197 ﷼ لرحلة طيران لاتجاه واحد. في المتوسط، يمكنك العثور على أفضل الأسعار لمسار الرحلة هذا مع flyadeal., كم عدد رحلات الطيران بين الرياض والدمام في اليوم؟, يتوفر كل يوم ما بين 20 و21 رحلات طيران بدون توقف تقلعمن الرياض وتهبط في الدمام، حيث يكون متوسط وقت رحلة الطيران هو 1 س 09 د. فوقت المغادرة الأكثر شيوعًا هو 17:00 وتقلع معظم رحلات الطيرانبعد الظهر. يتوفر كل أسبوع 145 رحلات طيران. يوم المغادرة الأكثر تكرارًا هو الأحد، حيث تغادر 14% من جميع رحلات الطيران أسبوعيًا. أقل يوم تغادر فيه رحلات الطيران هو السبت., أي من خيارات درجة المقصورة متوفرة لرحلات الطيران بين الرياض والدمام؟, يتوفر 2 خياران بدرجة المقصورة لمسار الرحلة. وهما رجال الأعمال وسياحية. ابحث في kayak عن أحدث الأسعار والتوافر لجميع أسعار درجة المقصورة والتي تختلف من شركة طيران لأخرى., كم تستغرق الرحلة من الرياض إلى الدمام؟, تستغرق الرحلة المباشرة إلى الدمام وسطياً ​​1 س 05 د لقطع مسافة الطيران البالغة 568 كيلومتر من الرياض., ما هو أقرب وقت للمغادرة من الرياض إلى الدمام؟, يمكن لمن يفضل السفر مبكرًا حجز أول رحلة طيران من الرياض الساعة 01:00 وستهبط في الدمام الساعة 02:10., ما هو آخر موعد للمغادرة من الرياض إلى الدمام؟, إذا كنت تفضل السفر ليلاً، تقلع آخر رحلة طيران من الرياض إلى الدمام الساعة 23:59 وتهبط الساعة 01:10., من الجيد أن تعلم, متى تحجز الرحلات من الرياض إلى الدمام, أسئلة وأجوبة لحجز الرحلات الجوية من الرياض إلى الدمام, ما هي شركات الطيران التي تقدم خدمة الواي فاي على متن الطائرات من الرياض إلى الدمام؟.

تقدم فلاي دبي, Emirates, و لوفتهانزا خدمة الواي فاي على متن الطائرة على خط الرحلة من الرياض إلى الدمام .

ما هي نماذج الطائرات التي تطير بانتظام من الرياض إلى الدمام؟

Airbus A320-100/200 هو طراز الطائرة التي تطير بشكل منتظم على خط الرحلة الرياض إلى الدمام .

ما هي شركات الطيران التي توفر رحلات جوية من الرياض إلى الدمام؟

سكاي تيم SkyTeam, و Star Alliance هي شركات الطيران التي تدير رحلات جوية بين الرياض و الدمام ، مع اعتبار سكاي تيم SkyTeam اكثرها استخداماً لهذا المسار.

في أي أيام يمكنني السفر مباشرة من الرياض إلى الدمام؟

هناك رحلات طيران مباشرة بدون توقف من الرياض إلى الدمام بشكل يومي.

ما هي أفضل شركة طيران للرحلات من الرياض إلى الدمام، SAUDIA أو flyadeal؟

شركتا الطيران الأكثر شهرة بين مستخدمي KAYAK للرحلات الجوية من الرياض إلى الدمام هما SAUDIA و flyadeal. بمتوسط سعر يبلغ 501 ﷼ وتقييم عام قدره 7.5، SAUDIA هي الخيار الأكثر شيوعًا. flyadeal خيار رائع أيضًا لهذا المسار، بمتوسط سعر يبلغ 421 ﷼ وتقييم عام قدره 6.2.

كيف يجد KAYAK مثل هذه الأسعار المنخفضة للرحلات من الرياض إلى الدمام؟

KAYAK هو محرك بحث للسفر. وهذا يعني أننا نبحث عبر شبكة الإنترنت للعثور على أفضل الأسعار التي يمكن أن نجدها لمستخدمينا. مع أكثر من 2 مليار استفسار عن الرحلات يتم معالجتها سنويًا، يمكننا عرض مجموعة متنوعة من الأسعار والخيارات على رحلات الطيران من الرياض إلى الدمام.

كيف تساعدني أداة توقعات أسعار الرحلات من KAYAK في اختيار الوقت المناسب لشراء تذكرة الطيران الخاصة بي من الرياض إلى الدمام؟

تستخدم أداة توقعات أسعار الرحلات من KAYAK البيانات التاريخية لتحديد ما إذا كان من المرجح لسعر الرحلة إلى الدمام من الرياض أن يتغير في غضون 7 أيام ، لذلك يعرف المسافرون ما إذا كانوا سينتظرون أو يحجزون الآن.

ما هو خيار السعر متنوع المصدر على الرحلات الجوية من الرياض إلى الدمام؟

تسمح لك أداة السعر متنوع المصدر بدمج التذاكر في اتجاه واحد لتوفير المال على تذكرة الذهاب والإياب التقليدية. يمكنك بعد ذلك الطيران إلى الدمام مع شركة طيران والعودة إلى الرياض مع شركة طيران أخرى.

ما هي ميزة "المواعيد المرنة" في KAYAK ولماذا يجب أن أهتم عند البحث عن رحلة طيران من الرياض إلى الدمام؟

في بعض الأحيان لا يتم تحديد مواعيد السفر. إذا كانت تواريخ السفر المفضلة لديك تحتوي على مساحة كبيرة للمناورة ، فستظهر لك التواريخ المرنة جميع الخيارات عند السفر برحلة طيران إلى الدمام من الرياض لغاية 3 أيام قبل / بعد التواريخ المفضلة لديك. يمكنك بعد ذلك اختيار الرحلات التي تناسبك.

أهم النصائح للعثور على رحلة طيران رخيصة من الرياض

  • هل تبحث عن رحلة رخيصة؟ وجد 25٪ من مستخدمينا رحلات طيران على هذا الطريق بـ 206 ﷼ أو أقل لاتجاه واحد و 525 ﷼ أو أقل لذهاب وعودة.

أتفضل السفر بدون توقف من مطار الملك خالد الدولي إلى مطار الملك فهد الدولي؟

اعثر على شركات الطيران التي لديها رحلات تسافر مباشرةً من مطار الملك خالد الدولي إلى مطار الملك فهد الدولي، والأيام التي تسافر فيها، واحجز رحلات الطيران المباشرة.

رحلات مغادرة مباشرة بدون توقف

مطار الملك خالد الدولي to مطار الملك فهد الدولي

Ethiopian Air،ITA Airways،SAUDIA، +5 غيرها

Ethiopian Air،ITA Airways، +6 غيرها

Ethiopian Air،Himalaya Airlines،ITA Airways، +5 غيرها

Ethiopian Air،Himalaya Airlines، +6 غيرها

Ethiopian Air،Himalaya Airlines،ITA Airways، +6 غيرها

Ethiopian Air،Himalaya Airlines، +7 غيرها

رحلات عودة مباشرة بدون توقف

مطار الملك فهد الدولي to مطار الملك خالد الدولي

Ethiopian Air،Himalaya Airlines،ITA Airways، +4 غيرها

Ethiopian Air،Himalaya Airlines، +5 غيرها

Ethiopian Air،ITA Airways،SAUDIA، +3 غيرها

Ethiopian Air،ITA Airways، +4 غيرها

أفضل شركة طيران تسيّر رحلات طيران من الرياض إلى الدمام

تم طباعة البوردينق وفي صالة المغادرة اعلنو على الرحله وعندما وصلت للبوابه اخبرني الموظف ان رحلتي باقي عليها وتكرر الوضح حتى اقلعت الطائرة

احجز رحلات طيران رخيصة من الرياض إلى الدمام

صفقات حديثة لرحلات باتجاه واحد, البحث حسب التوقفات, البحث حسب شركة الطيران, البحث حسب السعر, رحلات طيران في اللحظة الأخيرة من الرياض إلى الدمام, صفقات اللحظة الأخيرة لرحلات الطيران والقطارات والحافلات, رحلات طيران الرياض - الدمام.

الرياض (RUH) المملكة العربية السعودية

الدمام (DMM) المملكة العربية السعودية

صفقات رحلات طيران العودة:

الدمام - الرياض

فئات المقصورة:

تصفح نقاط الانطلاق:.

  • رحلات الطيران  » 
  • المملكة العربية السعودية  » 

تصفح الوجهات:

  • حول العالم  » 
  • الشرق الأوسط  » 

travel from riyadh to dammam

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travel from riyadh to dammam

Find cheap flights from Dammam to Riyadh from 187 ﷼

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight from dammam to riyadh departing on 5/10. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to riyadh.

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Cheap flight deals from Dammam to Riyadh

Flights from dammam to riyadh - travel insights & trends, get data-powered insights and trends into flights from dammam to riyadh to help you find the cheapest flights, the best time to fly and much more., what’s the cheapest day of the week to fly from dammam to riyadh, your flight ticket price will generally be cheaper if you fly to riyadh on a wednesday and more expensive on a thursday. on your return trip to dammam, you should consider flying back on a sunday, and avoid thursdays for better deals., what is the cheapest month to fly from dammam to riyadh, the cheapest month for flights from dammam to riyadh is october, where tickets cost 394 ﷼ on average. on the other hand, the most expensive months are april and may, where the average cost of tickets is 727 ﷼ and 723 ﷼ respectively., how far in advance should i book a flight from dammam to riyadh, to get a below average price on the flight from dammam to riyadh, you should book around 2 days before departure. for the absolute cheapest price, our data suggests you should book 58 days before departure., which airlines provide the cheapest flights from dammam to riyadh, in the past 3 days, the cheapest one-way tickets to riyadh from dammam were found on flyadeal (187 ﷼) and saudia (195 ﷼), and the lowest round-trip tickets were found on saudia (371 ﷼) and flyadeal (457 ﷼)., which airlines fly most frequently between dammam and riyadh, saudia (11 flights per day), flynas (5 flights per day), and flyadeal (2 flights per day) are the most frequent flyers of this route., which airlines fly non-stop between dammam and riyadh, there are 3 airlines that fly nonstop from dammam to riyadh. they are: saudia, flyadeal and flynas. the cheapest price of all airlines flying this route was found with flyadeal at 173 ﷼ for a one-way flight. on average, the best prices for this route can be found at flyadeal., how many flights are there between dammam and riyadh per day, each day, there are between 18 and 19 nonstop flights that take off from dammam and land in riyadh, with an average flight time of 1h 10m. the most common departure time is 7:00 pm and most flights take off in the morning. each week, there are 132 flights. the most frequent day of departure is sunday, when 14% of all weekly flights depart. the fewest flights depart on a saturday., which cabin class options are there for flights between dammam and riyadh, there are 2 cabin class options for the route. these are business and economy. perform a search on kayak to find the latest prices and availability for all cabin fares, which differ across airlines., how long does a flight from dammam to riyadh take, the average nonstop flight takes 1h 00m, covering a distance of 568 km., what’s the earliest departure time from dammam to riyadh, early birds can take the earliest flight from dammam at 1:00 am and will be landing in riyadh at 2:15 am., what’s the latest departure time from dammam to riyadh, if you prefer to fly at night, the latest flight from dammam to riyadh jets off at 11:25 pm and lands at 12:30 am., good to know, when to book flights from dammam to riyadh, faqs for booking flights from dammam to riyadh, what is the cheapest flight from dammam to riyadh.

In the last 3 days, the lowest price for a flight from Dammam to Riyadh was 50 ﷼ for a one-way ticket and 99 ﷼ for a round-trip.

Which airports will I be using when flying from Dammam to Riyadh?

When flying out of Dammam you will be using Dammam King Fahad Intl. You will be landing at Riyadh, also known as Riyadh King Khaled Intl.

Which airlines offer Wi-Fi service onboard planes from Dammam to Riyadh?

flydubai, and Emirates offer inflight Wi-Fi service on the Dammam to Riyadh flight route.

Which aircraft models fly most regularly from Dammam to Riyadh?

The Airbus A320-100/200 is the aircraft model that flies most regularly on the Dammam to Riyadh flight route.

Which airline alliances offer flights from Dammam to Riyadh?

SkyTeam, and Star Alliance are the airline alliances operating flights between Dammam and Riyadh, with SkyTeam being the most commonly used for this route.

On which days can I fly direct from Dammam to Riyadh?

There are nonstop flights from Dammam to Riyadh on a daily basis.

Which is the best airline for flights from Dammam to Riyadh, SAUDIA or flyadeal?

The two airlines most popular with KAYAK users for flights from Dammam to Riyadh are SAUDIA and flyadeal. With an average price for the route of 501 ﷼ and an overall rating of 7.5, SAUDIA is the most popular choice. flyadeal is also a great choice for the route, with an average price of 425 ﷼ and an overall rating of 6.2.

How does KAYAK find such low prices on flights from Dammam to Riyadh?

KAYAK is a travel search engine. That means we look across the web to find the best prices we can find for our users. With over 2 billion flight queries processed yearly, we are able to display a variety of prices and options on flights from Dammam to Riyadh.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy my flight ticket from Dammam to Riyadh?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a flight to Riyadh from Dammam is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is the Hacker Fare option on flights from Dammam to Riyadh?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets in order to save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket. You could then fly to Riyadh with an airline and back to Dammam with another airline.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care when looking for a flight from Dammam to Riyadh?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you all the options when flying to Riyadh from Dammam up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. You can then pick the flights that suit you best.

Top tips for finding a cheap flight from Dammam to Riyadh

  • Looking for a cheap flight? 25% of our users found flights on this route for 219 ﷼ or less one-way and 832 ﷼ or less round-trip.

Prefer to fly direct from Dammam King Fahad Intl to Riyadh King Khaled Intl?

Find which airlines fly direct from King Fahad Intl to King Khaled Intl, which days they fly and book direct flights.

Nonstop departures

Dammam King Fahad Intl to Riyadh King Khaled Intl

Air France, Ethiopian Air, Himalaya Airlines, +4 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, +5 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, ITA Airways, +3 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, +4 more

Nonstop returns

Riyadh King Khaled Intl to Dammam King Fahad Intl

Air France, Ethiopian Air, ITA Airways, +5 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, +6 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, Himalaya Airlines, +5 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, Himalaya Airlines, +6 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, +7 more

Top 3 airlines serving from Dammam to Riyadh

Very friendly and efficient staff. Would definitely fly Saudia again.

Entertainment on all 4 business class seats were terrible audio and could barley hear. The 11 hour layover in Riyadh was a nightmare and no one told us that nightmare matter what we do or what we were willing to pay there were no places to rest or sleep and nine of the lounges allow you to enter them no matter what unless you are 4 hours or less from flight time. With a 78 yearold mother with me this is ridiculous. The employees of the airline in Riyadh and of the lounge treated us like servants or lower class people. Never again

I wonder why checking carry on bags while the checking process was done by Moroccan security. Is it question of trust or Morocco security system is not qualified enough?

J’ai mon carte de fidélité Sky team gold À Dubaï je me sui présenté avec mon carte je sui rentré dans le louange Maintenant arrivé à Riyadh on m’a refusé que je rentre que parce que c’est la carte de Air France Et pourtant il y’a le partenariat bon brefs Tout ça c’est du racisme parce que je suis un africain

Thw pla e was freezing by dar the cildest flight i’ve been on. The seats are comfortable the leg room is spacious and the seat is in leather very confy. Unfortunately old plane so no plugs the entertainment is limited the inflight internet is very expensive 20$ per hour for 50mb on a 17h you will take 2 times to contact your family and work. At this cost it goes very quick very high. The food is very mediocre A breakfast tastless A snack A meal super spicy A lot of improvement are to be made

The seats’ reclined like premium economy seats, ie, not much.. but leg space was a lot l, so it did not feel cramped. Crew was very friendly and helpful.

Route from DC was ok nothing special or bad From Jeddah to cairo horrible First flight got delayed by 3 hours no explanation so what ever Arrived in cairo to find lock on my bag Saudia crew in cairo didn’t know who did could not open had to break my bag zipper to open my luggage

Flight was delayed, but there was no explanation why. Seats were comfortable and service was good. Food was good and there were more snacks than I expected.

my screen did not work properly. I couldn't watch any movies nor the flight information. I can see the flight info on the remote only. the toilet is very small and tight actually it is the smallest toilet I've ever seen in a business class. ( I'm not a big body person) in Jeda airport the first bus broke down so we transferred to a second bus and it took a long time to move. the seat spacing was good in 2 by 2 configuration. the food and the service was OK for a short flight.

My baggage was not with the same flight I travelled

Mother had a wheel chair (WC), left at the gate, at boarding I told the person we need a WC. Didn’t care much, opened boarding, not priority for elder or traveling with kids. The person boarding told me it is “my fault”, “I didn’t tell them” (which I did, plus it is on their system). In short, rude boarding personnel at gate, racists, and careless. I am not sure they are airline personnel or Jeddah airport personnel, to be honest. Regardless that messed up our experience.

There cancel my flight less than 24 hours.i lost my train money to airport because their late cancellation. Poor and awful Disgrace

This is not the first time this has happened to me, and the flight date has changed, and I was informed only 24 hours before it. It was a very bad experience, and I will not book with this company again, as it affects my plans.

تم الغاء الرحلة بدون سبب ومع معرفتهم بعدم وجود رحلات أخرى قبل يوم الرحلة ونفس اليوم ويومين بعدها مع الخطوط الاخرى

ألغيت الرحلة دون أن يعلمنا أحد، حتى موظف الطيران المدني في المبنى ما كان يدري حتى سأل. The flight has been canceled and they didn't inform us before, also the civil aviation employee in the terminal wasn't known until he asked.

The flight is delayed more than 3 and half hours, we were on the gate but no body told us about the delay and there wasn't a screen right there to shows us the delay, the staff came late also for boarding. We were lost 😕

Flyadeal was nice surprise. It was excellent airline affordable 👍 big thumb up . I wish you more success

Boarding staff is changing passenger locations regardless of the money you pay during reservation. They do not respect women and specially when pregnant. Very bad airlines and bad staff. It will be on my blacklist onwards!!

They took our bags at the door of the plane stating that the cabin was full. Then we waited over 39 min for getting the bags from baggage claim. Flight was late This is usual for flyadeal . Very bad experience again

It was hot inside as the air conditioner was not working and the crew members were not courteous

the seat you book will always be taken by someone else..…

Nothing The flight delayed for more than 3 hours as usual

In the future, it is preferable to provide free snacks

I like the price of the ticket. I do not like the waiting, waiting, waiting to drop off luggage. I do not like the waiting, waiting, waiting to board. I liked that the flight was on time.

Very poor Customer service…the girl at the check in desk was horrible. her service was not even close to world standard but I think Flynass can improve and learn to treat their customers better

The flight delayed. No screen, no charge for mobile devices. The portion of food is very small. The food is not delicious and no sweet just 3 pieces of fruit mostly apple. If you want coffee or tea you have to buy even you buy ticket at higher price than airlines that offer drinks, snacks and meals for free.

Book cheap flights from Dammam to Riyadh

Recent one-way flight deals, search by stops, search by airline, search by price, last minute flights from dammam to riyadh, last minute flight, train and bus deals, dammam - riyadh flights.

Dammam (DMM) Saudi Arabia


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Train advice from the Man in Seat 61...

The Man in Seat 61

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There are three rail routes in Saudi Arabia, originally run by two different state-owned organisations, Saudi Railways Organisation (SRO) and Saudi Arabia Railways (SA).  These merged in February 2022 under the name Saudi Arabia Railways, .

small bullet point

Useful country information

Riyadh to dammam.

Originally run by Saudi Railways Organisation (SRO), but now all part of Saudi Arabia Railways, (click En top left for English).  Riyadh to Dammam is 449 km, the line opened in 1981.  Dammam is close to Bahrain.

Riyadh SRO station is close to the city centre, station code RYD.  Check the latest times at .

How much does it cost?

Fares vary by date & demand.

How to buy tickets

Option 1, buy tickets at .

This is the easiest option for overseas visitors, Bookaway are a reliable agency.

Option 2, buy tickets at (click English top left).

This is the train operator's own website, if it won't accept your phone number, enter any Saudi phone number, for example that of your hotel.

Booking opens 30 days before departure.  Trains often leave full, so I recommend booking a few days ahead.  Feedback would be appreciated .

What is the train like ?

The Riyadh-Dammam trains are 5-car air-conditioned sets with a power car at one end and driving cab at the other.  Built by Spanish manufacturer CAF, these trains date from 2011-12.  The trains have Premium (1st) class and Standard (2nd) class, a cafe counter and even a prayer area.

Riyadh East station

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Riyadh to Qassim, Hail, Jauf

Tip:   If it won't accept your phone number, enter any Saudi phone number, for example that of your hotel.

Traveller Philip Hilton reports:   "At Riyadh North station, the feeling is very much like an airport arrivals and departure area. From the taxi drop off you are straight into a spacious arrivals and departure atrium style area, there are coffee and restaurant facilities available and comfortable waiting areas. Something new to us as rail travellers was to check in our big cases, airport style in the departures area then head through security to the Business class lounge. Two adult Business Class returns cost us SAR 598.00 or 117.56 GBP, not bad for around ten hours of comfortable, return rail travel. Inside the lounge there are complementary sandwiches, tea and coffee (American and Arabic), water and comfortable seating with free wifi. The welcoming staff let you know when it's time to board and open a glass door directly next to the train so it's a short walk with your carry-on luggage. Complimentary sandwiches, water and orange juice were served at your seat along with Arabic coffee and dates. Trains are modern with leather seating which reclines back and supports your legs. There is a mix of seats with tables and airline seat styles. All the stations are identical pretty much in design with usually two platforms which makes finding your way around quite easy. |All in all a great and very enjoyable experience."

Medina - Jeddah - Mecca

Service has gradually ramped up, there are now a dozen or more trains a day, 7 days a week.

If anyone has any more information. photos or travel reports that would be useful for this page, please e-mail me !

Hotels in Saudi Arabia

Backpacker hostels. :  If you're on a tight budget, don't forget about backpacker hostels.  Hostelworld offers online booking of cheap private rooms or dorm beds in backpacker hostels in most cities at rock-bottom prices.

Flights to Saudi Arabia

1)  check flight prices at opodo, ..., 2)  use skyscanner to compare flight prices & routes worldwide across 600 airlines.

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3)  Lounge passes

Make the airport experience a little more bearable with a VIP lounge pass, it's not as expensive as you think!  See

Travel insurance & VPN

Always take out travel insurance.

Never travel overseas without travel insurance from a reliable insurer, with at least £1m or preferably £5m medical cover.  It should also cover cancellation and loss of cash and belongings, up to a sensible limit.  An annual multi-trip policy is usually cheaper than several single-trip policies even for just 2 or 3 trips a year, I have an annual policy with myself.  Here are some suggested insurers.  Seat61 gets a small commission if you buy through these links.

UK flag

Get an eSIM with mobile data package

Don't rely on WiFi, download an eSIM with a mobile data package for the country you're visiting and stay connected.  Most newer mobile phones can download a virtual SIM card so you don't need to buy a physical SIM, including iPhone 11 & later, see device compatibility list . is a reliable eSIM data retailer with a 4.5 out of 5 Trustpilot rating and a range of packages including unlimited data .

Get a Curve card for foreign travel

Most banks give you a poor exchange rate, then add a foreign transaction fee on top.  A Curve MasterCard means no foreign transaction fees and gives you the mid-market exchange rate, at least up to a certain limit, £500 per month at time of writing.  The money you spend on your Curve card goes straight onto one of your existing debit or credit cards.

How it works:   1. Download the Curve app for iPhone or Android .  2. Enter your details & they'll send you a Curve MasterCard - they send to the UK and most European addresses.  3. Link your existing credit & debit cards to the app, you can link up to two cards with the free version of Curve, I link my normal debit card and my normal credit card.  4. Now use the Curve MasterCard to buy things online or in person or take cash from ATMs, exactly like a normal MasterCard. Curve does the currency conversion and puts the balance in your own currency onto whichever debit or credit card is currently selected in the Curve app.  You can even change your mind about which card it goes onto, within 14 days of the transaction.

I have a Curve Blue card myself, it means I can buy a coffee on a foreign station on a card without being stung by fees and lousy exchange rates, just by tapping the Curve card on their card reader.  The money goes through Curve to my normal debit card and is taken directly from my account (in fact I have the Curve card set up as payment card on Apple Pay on my iPhone, so can double-click my phone, let it do Face ID then tap the reader with the phone - even easier than digging a card out).  I get a little commission if you sign up to Curve, but I recommend it here because I think it's great.  See details, download the app and get a Curve card , they'll give you £5 cashback through that link.

Get a VPN for safe browsing.  W hy you need a VPN

When you're travelling you often use free WiFi in public places which may not be secure.  A VPN encrypts your connection so it's always secure, even on unsecured WiFi.  It also means you can select the geographic location of the IP address you browse with, to get around geoblocking which a surprising number of websites apply.  See VPNs & why you need one explained .  ExpressVPN is a best buy with a 4.7 out of 5 Trustpilot ranking which I use myself - I've signed up as an ExpressVPN affiliate, and if you go with using the links on this page, you should see a special deal, 3 months free with an annual subscription.  I get a small commission to help support this site.

Carry an Anker powerbank

Tickets, reservations, vaccination records and Interrail or Eurail passes are often held digitally on your mobile phone, so it's vital to keep it charged.  I always carry an Anker powerbank which can recharge my phone several times over if I can't get to a power outlet.  Buy from or from Buy from .

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travel from riyadh to dammam

Find cheap flights from Dammam to Riyadh from $50

This is the cheapest one-way flight price found by a kayak user in the last 72 hours by searching for a flight from dammam to riyadh departing on 5/18. fares are subject to change and may not be available on all flights or dates of travel. click the price to replicate the search for this deal., search hundreds of travel sites at once for deals on flights to riyadh.

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Cheap flight deals from Dammam to Riyadh (DMM-RUH)

Flights from dammam to riyadh - travel insights & trends, get data-powered insights and trends into flights from dammam to riyadh to help you find the cheapest flights, the best time to fly and much more., what’s the cheapest day of the week to fly from dammam to riyadh, if you are looking for a flight deal from dammam to riyadh, look for departures on sundays and avoid leaving on a monday, as it's usually the priciest day. when flying back from riyadh, tuesday is the cheapest day to fly and thursday is the most expensive., what is the cheapest month to fly from dammam to riyadh, the cheapest month for flights from dammam to riyadh is october, where tickets cost $105 on average. on the other hand, the most expensive months are april and may, where the average cost of tickets is $194 and $193 respectively., how far in advance should i book a flight from dammam to riyadh, to get a below average price on the flight from dammam to riyadh, you should book around 2 days before departure. for the absolute cheapest price, our data suggests you should book 58 days before departure., which airlines provide the cheapest flights from dammam to riyadh, the best deals for a one-way ticket found by kayak users over the last 3 days were on saudia ($50) and flynas ($110). the cheapest round-trip tickets were found on saudia ($105) and flynas ($234)., which airlines fly most frequently between dammam and riyadh, saudia (11 flights per day), flynas (5 flights per day), and flyadeal (2 flights per day) are the most frequent flyers of this route., which airlines fly non-stop between dammam and riyadh, there are 3 airlines that fly nonstop from dammam to riyadh. they are: saudia, flyadeal and flynas. the cheapest price of all airlines flying this route was found with flyadeal at $62 for a one-way flight. on average, the best prices for this route can be found at flyadeal., how many flights are there between dammam and riyadh per day, each day, there are between 18 and 19 nonstop flights that take off from dammam and land in riyadh, with an average flight time of 1h 10m. the most common departure time is 7:00 pm and most flights take off in the morning. each week, there are 132 flights. the most frequent day of departure is sunday, when 14% of all weekly flights depart. the fewest flights depart on a saturday., which cabin class options are there for flights between dammam and riyadh, there are 2 cabin class options for the route. these are business and economy. perform a search on kayak to find the latest prices and availability for all cabin fares, which differ across airlines., how long does a flight from dammam to riyadh take, direct flights take on average 1h 15m to travel the 219 miles between dammam and riyadh., what’s the earliest departure time from dammam to riyadh, early birds can take the earliest flight from dammam at 1:00 am and will be landing in riyadh at 2:15 am., what’s the latest departure time from dammam to riyadh, if you prefer to fly at night, the latest flight from dammam to riyadh jets off at 11:25 pm and lands at 12:30 am., good to know, when to book flights from dammam to riyadh, faqs for booking flights from dammam to riyadh, what is the cheapest flight from dammam to riyadh.

In the last 3 days, the lowest price for a flight from Dammam to Riyadh was $50 for a one-way ticket and $105 for a round-trip.

Do I need a passport to fly between Dammam and Riyadh?

No, a passport isn't needed to fly from Dammam to Riyadh. However, local authorities might ask for an official ID.

Which airports will I be using when flying from Dammam to Riyadh?

On your way to Riyadh, you’ll fly out from Dammam King Fahad Intl. You’ll be landing at Riyadh King Khaled Intl.

Which airlines offer Wi-Fi service onboard planes from Dammam to Riyadh?

flydubai, and Emirates offer inflight Wi-Fi service on the Dammam to Riyadh flight route.

Which aircraft models fly most regularly from Dammam to Riyadh?

The Airbus A320-100/200 is the aircraft model that flies most regularly on the Dammam to Riyadh flight route.

Which airline alliances offer flights from Dammam to Riyadh?

SkyTeam, and Star Alliance are the airline alliances operating flights between Dammam and Riyadh, with SkyTeam being the most commonly used for this route.

On which days can I fly direct from Dammam to Riyadh?

There are nonstop flights from Dammam to Riyadh on a daily basis.

Which is the best airline for flights from Dammam to Riyadh, SAUDIA or flynas?

The two airlines most popular with KAYAK users for flights from Dammam to Riyadh are SAUDIA and flynas. With an average price for the route of $152 and an overall rating of 7.5, SAUDIA is the most popular choice. flynas is also a great choice for the route, with an average price of $151 and an overall rating of 6.2.

How does KAYAK find such low prices on flights from Dammam to Riyadh?

KAYAK is a travel search engine. That means we look across the web to find the best prices we can find for our users. With over 2 billion flight queries processed yearly, we are able to display a variety of prices and options on flights from Dammam to Riyadh.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy my flight ticket from Dammam to Riyadh?

KAYAK’s flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a flight to Riyadh from Dammam is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is the Hacker Fare option on flights from Dammam to Riyadh?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets in order to save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket. You could then fly to Riyadh with an airline and back to Dammam with another airline. Booking your flights between Dammam and RUH can sometimes prove cheaper using this method.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care when looking for a flight from Dammam to Riyadh?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you all the options when flying to Riyadh from Dammam up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. You can then pick the flights that suit you best.

Top tips for finding a cheap flight from DMM to Riyadh

  • Looking for a cheap flight? 25% of our users found flights on this route for $57 or less one-way and $115 or less round-trip.

Prefer to fly non-stop from Dammam to Riyadh?

Find which airlines fly direct from King Fahad Intl to King Khaled Intl, which days they fly and book direct flights.

Nonstop departures

Dammam King Fahad Intl to Riyadh King Khaled Intl

Air France, Ethiopian Air, Himalaya Airlines, +4 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, +5 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, ITA Airways, +3 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, +4 more

Nonstop returns

Riyadh King Khaled Intl to Dammam King Fahad Intl

Air France, Ethiopian Air, ITA Airways, +5 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, +6 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, Himalaya Airlines, +5 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, Himalaya Airlines, +6 more

Air France, Ethiopian Air, +7 more

Top 3 airlines serving from Dammam to Riyadh

Very friendly and efficient staff. Would definitely fly Saudia again.

Entertainment on all 4 business class seats were terrible audio and could barley hear. The 11 hour layover in Riyadh was a nightmare and no one told us that nightmare matter what we do or what we were willing to pay there were no places to rest or sleep and nine of the lounges allow you to enter them no matter what unless you are 4 hours or less from flight time. With a 78 yearold mother with me this is ridiculous. The employees of the airline in Riyadh and of the lounge treated us like servants or lower class people. Never again

I wonder why checking carry on bags while the checking process was done by Moroccan security. Is it question of trust or Morocco security system is not qualified enough?

J’ai mon carte de fidélité Sky team gold À Dubaï je me sui présenté avec mon carte je sui rentré dans le louange Maintenant arrivé à Riyadh on m’a refusé que je rentre que parce que c’est la carte de Air France Et pourtant il y’a le partenariat bon brefs Tout ça c’est du racisme parce que je suis un africain

Thw pla e was freezing by dar the cildest flight i’ve been on. The seats are comfortable the leg room is spacious and the seat is in leather very confy. Unfortunately old plane so no plugs the entertainment is limited the inflight internet is very expensive 20$ per hour for 50mb on a 17h you will take 2 times to contact your family and work. At this cost it goes very quick very high. The food is very mediocre A breakfast tastless A snack A meal super spicy A lot of improvement are to be made

The seats’ reclined like premium economy seats, ie, not much.. but leg space was a lot l, so it did not feel cramped. Crew was very friendly and helpful.

Route from DC was ok nothing special or bad From Jeddah to cairo horrible First flight got delayed by 3 hours no explanation so what ever Arrived in cairo to find lock on my bag Saudia crew in cairo didn’t know who did could not open had to break my bag zipper to open my luggage

Flight was delayed, but there was no explanation why. Seats were comfortable and service was good. Food was good and there were more snacks than I expected.

my screen did not work properly. I couldn't watch any movies nor the flight information. I can see the flight info on the remote only. the toilet is very small and tight actually it is the smallest toilet I've ever seen in a business class. ( I'm not a big body person) in Jeda airport the first bus broke down so we transferred to a second bus and it took a long time to move. the seat spacing was good in 2 by 2 configuration. the food and the service was OK for a short flight.

My baggage was not with the same flight I travelled

Mother had a wheel chair (WC), left at the gate, at boarding I told the person we need a WC. Didn’t care much, opened boarding, not priority for elder or traveling with kids. The person boarding told me it is “my fault”, “I didn’t tell them” (which I did, plus it is on their system). In short, rude boarding personnel at gate, racists, and careless. I am not sure they are airline personnel or Jeddah airport personnel, to be honest. Regardless that messed up our experience.

There cancel my flight less than 24 hours.i lost my train money to airport because their late cancellation. Poor and awful Disgrace

This is not the first time this has happened to me, and the flight date has changed, and I was informed only 24 hours before it. It was a very bad experience, and I will not book with this company again, as it affects my plans.

تم الغاء الرحلة بدون سبب ومع معرفتهم بعدم وجود رحلات أخرى قبل يوم الرحلة ونفس اليوم ويومين بعدها مع الخطوط الاخرى

ألغيت الرحلة دون أن يعلمنا أحد، حتى موظف الطيران المدني في المبنى ما كان يدري حتى سأل. The flight has been canceled and they didn't inform us before, also the civil aviation employee in the terminal wasn't known until he asked.

The flight is delayed more than 3 and half hours, we were on the gate but no body told us about the delay and there wasn't a screen right there to shows us the delay, the staff came late also for boarding. We were lost 😕

Flyadeal was nice surprise. It was excellent airline affordable 👍 big thumb up . I wish you more success

Boarding staff is changing passenger locations regardless of the money you pay during reservation. They do not respect women and specially when pregnant. Very bad airlines and bad staff. It will be on my blacklist onwards!!

They took our bags at the door of the plane stating that the cabin was full. Then we waited over 39 min for getting the bags from baggage claim. Flight was late This is usual for flyadeal . Very bad experience again

It was hot inside as the air conditioner was not working and the crew members were not courteous

the seat you book will always be taken by someone else..…

Nothing The flight delayed for more than 3 hours as usual

In the future, it is preferable to provide free snacks

I like the price of the ticket. I do not like the waiting, waiting, waiting to drop off luggage. I do not like the waiting, waiting, waiting to board. I liked that the flight was on time.

Very poor Customer service…the girl at the check in desk was horrible. her service was not even close to world standard but I think Flynass can improve and learn to treat their customers better

The flight delayed. No screen, no charge for mobile devices. The portion of food is very small. The food is not delicious and no sweet just 3 pieces of fruit mostly apple. If you want coffee or tea you have to buy even you buy ticket at higher price than airlines that offer drinks, snacks and meals for free.

Book cheap flights from Dammam to Riyadh

Recent one-way flight deals, search by stops, search by airline, search by price, last minute flights from dammam to riyadh, last minute flight, train and bus deals, dammam - riyadh flights.

Dammam (DMM) Saudi Arabia


Riyadh (RUH) Saudi Arabia

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Cheap flights from Dammam to Riyadh

Good to know, when is the cheapest time to fly, popular airports near dammam.

  • King Fahd International Airport (DMM) Dammam 26 min 29 km
  • Bahrain International Airport (BAH) Bahrain 1 hr 18 min 56 km
  • Al-Ahsa Airport (HOF) Al Hofuf 1 hr 47 min 139 km

Popular airports near Riyadh

  • King Khalid International Airport (RUH) Riyadh 28 min 27 km
  • Al-Ahsa Airport (HOF) Al Hofuf 3 hr 18 min 290 km

Frequently asked questions about flying from Dammam to Riyadh

Search more flights, popular trips from dammam.

These suggestions are based on the cheapest fares to popular destinations in the next six months.

Prices include required taxes + fees for 1 adult. Optional charges and bag fees may apply.

  • Mumbai May 2 — May 5
  • London RUB 29,021 May 10 — May 13 1 stop 12 hr 25 min Pegasus
  • Amsterdam RUB 42,836 May 2 — May 5 1 stop 13 hr 20 min Pegasus
  • Singapore RUB 44,579 May 2 — May 5 1 stop 10 hr 45 min Qatar Airways

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Automechanika Riyadh 2024 | Al Faisaliah Hotel

Automechanika Riyadh 2024 | Al Faisaliah Hotel

Automechanika Riyadh 2024 is poised to enhance opportunities for international participants seeking entry into Saudi Arabia's automotive aftermarkets. With a remarkable presence in the Kingdom's spare parts market, Riyadh commands a substantial 45% share. Equally significant is the Eastern region, encompassing Dammam, Dhahran, and Al Khobar, which constitutes 35% of the auto aftermarket. These statistics, sourced by the event's organizers, demonstrate the immense potential for global players to establish a foothold in Saudi Arabia's thriving automotive industry. Scheduled to take place from April 30 to May 2, 2024, Automechanika Riyadh 2024 is set to be held at the prestigious Al Faisaliah Hotel in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This international event will serve as a platform for industry professionals, experts, and stakeholders to gather and explore cutting-edge advancements, collaborations, and business opportunities in the automotive sector. By participating in Automechanika Riyadh 2024, attendees can gain unparalleled access to the Kingdom's lucrative automotive aftermarkets, leveraging the insights, contacts, and knowledge shared during the event. Exhibitors and visitors alike will have the chance to connect with key industry players, forge strategic partnerships, and showcase their products and services to a discerning audience. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to be a part of Automechanika Riyadh 2024, where innovation, collaboration, and business growth converge in the heart of Saudi Arabia's automotive landscape. Mark your calendar and join us at this esteemed event to unlock the potential of the Kingdom's automotive aftermarkets.

Provided by antione | Published Apr 12, 2024

Are you interested in Automechanika Riyadh 2024?

Recommended products for automechanika riyadh 2024 | al faisaliah hotel, marriott riyadh diplomatic quarter, four seasons hotel riyadh, kingdom centre, masmak fortress, moscow  riyadh, mandarin oriental al faisaliah, riyadh, mansard riyadh, a radisson collection hotel, the ritz-carlton, riyadh, al faisaliyah center, national museum of saudi arabia, more contents about riyadh.

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  1. Riyadh to Dammam

    Rome2Rio makes travelling from Riyadh to Dammam easy. Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Riyadh to Dammam right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make ...

  2. Train Riyadh to Dammam from 30﷼

    Riyadh. Dammam. The average train between Riyadh and Dammam takes 4h 3m and the fastest train takes 4h 2m. The train service runs several times per day from Riyadh to Dammam. The journey time may be longer on weekends and holidays; use the search form on this page to search for a specific travel date.

  3. Find Cheap Flights from Riyadh to Dammam

    Flights from Riyadh to Dammam. Use Google Flights to plan your next trip and find cheap one way or round trip flights from Riyadh to Dammam. Find the best flights fast, track prices, and book with ...

  4. Cheap Flights from Riyadh to Dammam from $49

    The two airlines most popular with KAYAK users for flights from Riyadh to Dammam are SAUDIA and flynas. With an average price for the route of $253 and an overall rating of 7.6, SAUDIA is the most popular choice. flynas is also a great choice for the route, with an average price of $155 and an overall rating of 6.2.

  5. Cheap Flights from Riyadh to Dammam

    Dammam. £86 per passenger.Departing Mon, 15 Apr, returning Mon, 27 May.Return flight with flyadeal and Saudia.Outbound direct flight with flyadeal departs from Riyadh on Mon, 15 Apr, arriving in Dammam.Inbound direct flight with Saudia departs from Dammam on Mon, 27 May, arriving in Riyadh.Price includes taxes and charges.From £86, select.

  6. Cheap Flights from Riyadh to Dammam from 191 ﷼

    The two airlines most popular with KAYAK users for flights from Riyadh to Dammam are SAUDIA and flyadeal. With an average price for the route of 519 ﷼ and an overall rating of 7.5, SAUDIA is the most popular choice. flyadeal is also a great choice for the route, with an average price of 424 ﷼ and an overall rating of 6.2.

  7. SAR| Train Schedule

    Train. Schedule. Plan your journey ahead and save up to 40%. Select Departure Station. Select Arrival Station. Select Travel Date. Get Schedule. Please select departure and arrival stations. Railways transport, passenegers and freight.

  8. Cheap Flights from Riyadh to Dammam

    Compare flight deals to Dammam from Riyadh from over 1,000 providers. Then choose the cheapest or fastest plane tickets. Flex your dates to find the best Riyadh-Dammam ticket prices. If you are flexible when it comes to your travel dates, use Skyscanner's 'Whole month' tool to find the cheapest month, and even day to fly to Dammam from Riyadh.

  9. Cheap Flights from Dammam to Riyadh from 195 ﷼

    Each day, there are between 18 and 19 nonstop flights that take off from Dammam and land in Riyadh, with an average flight time of 1h 11m. The most common departure time is 7:00 pm and most flights take off in the morning. Each week, there are 132 flights. The most frequent day of departure is Wednesday, when 14% of all weekly flights depart.

  10. Train travel in Saudi Arabia

    The Riyadh-Dammam trains are 5-car air-conditioned sets with a power car at one end and driving cab at the other. Built by Spanish manufacturer CAF, these trains date from 2011-12. ... Never travel overseas without travel insurance from a reliable insurer, with at least £1m or preferably £5m medical cover. It should also cover cancellation ...

  11. Cheap flights from Riyadh to Dammam from AED 231

    Direct. from AED 240. Dammam.AED 250 per passenger.Departing Mon, Mar 25, returning Sun, Mar 31.Round-trip flight with flyadeal.Outbound direct flight with flyadeal departing from Riyadh on Mon, Mar 25, arriving in Dammam.Inbound direct flight with flyadeal departing from Dammam on Sun, Mar 31, arriving in Riyadh.Price includes taxes and ...

  12. Riyadh to Dammam flights from SAR128 (RUH ︎ DMM)

    To check the flight time for Riyadh to Dammam flights, follow these steps: Visit the Almosafer website. Enter "Riyadh" as your departure city and "Dammam" as your arrival city. Choose your travel dates. Click on "Search flights". Browse the available flights to view departure and arrival times for your selected dates.

  13. Cheap Flights from Dammam to Riyadh from $52

    There are 3 airlines that fly nonstop from Dammam to Riyadh. They are: SAUDIA, flyadeal and flynas. The cheapest price of all airlines flying this route was found with flyadeal at $62 for a one-way flight. On average, the best prices for this route can be found at flyadeal.

  14. Cheap Flights from Dammam (DMM) to Riyadh (RUH)

    from $103. Riyadh.$111 per passenger.Departing Thu, Sep 26, returning Fri, Sep 27.Round-trip flight with Flynas.Outbound direct flight with Flynas departing from Dammam on Thu, Sep 26, arriving in Riyadh.Inbound direct flight with Flynas departing from Riyadh on Fri, Sep 27, arriving in Dammam.Price includes taxes and charges.From $111, select ...

  15. Riyadh to Dammam flights from SAR128 (RUH ︎ DMM)

    To find the cheapest flights from Riyadh to Dammam on Almosafer, enter your travel dates and click the "Price" filter. Almosafer will then show you a list of all the available flights, sorted by price. ... The best Riyadh to Dammam flight ticket price depends on a number of factors, including the time of year you travel, the day of the week ...

  16. Find Cheap Flights from Dammam to Riyadh

    Flights from Dammam to Riyadh. Use Google Flights to plan your next trip and find cheap one way or round trip flights from Dammam to Riyadh. Find the best flights fast, track prices, and book with ...

  17. Cheap Flights from Dammam to Riyadh

    Sun, 9 Jun RUH - DMM with Flynas. Direct. from £88. Riyadh. £88 per passenger.Departing Sat, 1 Jun, returning Thu, 1 Aug.Return flight with Flynas.Outbound direct flight with Flynas departs from Dammam on Sat, 1 Jun, arriving in Riyadh.Inbound direct flight with Flynas departs from Riyadh on Thu, 1 Aug, arriving in Dammam.Price includes taxes ...

  18. Automechanika Riyadh 2024

    These statistics, sourced by the event's organizers, demonstrate the immense potential for global players to establish a foothold in Saudi Arabia's thriving automotive industry. Scheduled to take place from April 30 to May 2, 2024, Automechanika Riyadh 2024 is set to be held at the prestigious Al Faisaliah Hotel in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

  19. Cheap Flights from Dammam to Riyadh

    Compare flight deals to Riyadh from Dammam from over 1,000 providers. Then choose the cheapest or fastest plane tickets. Flex your dates to find the best Dammam-Riyadh ticket prices. If you are flexible when it comes to your travel dates, use Skyscanner's 'Whole month' tool to find the cheapest month, and even day to fly to Riyadh from Dammam.

  20. Book Dammam to Riyadh Flights

    Book Your Flight & Discover Almosafer's Best Flight Deals: Travel with Almosafer at the cheapest prices. Saudi Airlines offers flight prices from Dammam to Riyadh about SAR 316. Another option is to fly with flynas or flyadeal for a ticket price starting from SAR 165. Riyadh….