Careers in Travel

A comprehensive overview of the dominant career paths in the travel industry..

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Do you find yourself daydreaming of far away places? For people with a sense of adventure and a love of new experiences, a career in travel can be incredibly rewarding. But with the rise of new technology and a constantly changing economy, jobs in this area look almost nothing like they did just a couple of decades ago.

What does a career in travel look like today? Here, we’ll explore some of the most common professions in this area and how they can help you see the world.

A photo of flight attendants serving passengers.

Flight Attendant

Also known as in-flight crew member, cabin crew member, cabin attendant, air host(ess), and airline steward(ess).

Of all the careers in travel, flight attendant is probably one of the most people-focused. These friendly professionals are the face of the airline industry, responsible for ensuring passengers are safe and comfortable for the duration of their flight. You may remember them from the last time you traveled—perhaps more for the drink cart in front of them than for their personality.

But flight attendants do much more than people assume. In addition to providing basic customer service, they also secure the plane during takeoff, landing, and bouts of turbulence, and assist in emergency situations when they occur by leading evacuations, administering first aid, and even doing some firefighting. Maintaining a pleasant disposition is important in this career, but it’s really only the tip of the iceberg.

What are the perks of being a flight attendant?

Many people enter this career because they love to travel. And, for those with wanderlust, that’s probably the best part of the job: flight attendants literally get paid to fly. Airlines provide staff with free accommodation on long haul flights, plus, in most cases, a daily food allowance, so long-haul flights can essentially become mini all-expenses-paid vacations. There may only be a little bit of extra time to explore the destination between landing and takeoff, but it’s still an incredible way to see the world.

Other perks include the downtime. Although the work itself can be intense, it also involves a lot of leisure. On lengthier trips, flight attendants even get to sleep on the job! They also have more control over their schedule than people in more “typical” careers; every few weeks, attendants “bid” on all available flights to decide who flies when and where. Shifts are assigned by seniority, which means that, with enough time and experience, flight attendants can craft their dream schedule.

These perks, plus the fact that it’s possible to get hired right out of high school, makes flight attending an appealing line of work for many.

How much time do flight attendants spend away from home?

A career as a flight attendant isn’t all fun and games. Full-time attendants usually spend between 75 and 100 hours a month in the air, and another 50 hours on the ground, doing paperwork, waiting for planes, and preparing for flights. This can translate to a lot of time away from home, often working long, variable hours.

Perhaps because of the bizarre schedule, about one in four flight attendants work part-time. This option is obviously less lucrative than working full-time, but can make it easier to maintain a relatively normal lifestyle and raise a family.

Flight attendants are paid to see the world…sort of

Not only does flight attending require a lot of time away from home, it also involves a lot of unpaid work. Salaries are completely dependent on the number of hours spent in flight, so flight attendants aren’t compensated for the time they spend boarding, taxiing, or commuting to and from the airport. If a flight gets cancelled or delayed, so does the attendant’s pay.

In the US, the average salary is about $45,000. But depending on the airline, as well as the attendant’s schedule and level of experience, that number can range anywhere between $23,000 and $80,000.

A photo of a travel agent working at her computer.

Travel Agent

You’ve probably seen her before in an old movie: a smiling woman in a headset, stationed at her computer against a backdrop of faded tropical posters. But the day-to-day of today’s travel agents looks very different from what it did even ten years ago.

What do travel agents do?

At the most basic level, travel agents help simplify the trip planning process for their clients. They research fares and schedules; book flights, tours, and hotels; and advise clients on how to make the most of their time away. The specifics of their day-to-day vary a lot depending on where and for whom they work. But no matter what their focus, all travel agents share a common goal: customer satisfaction. This is a people-focused profession, committed to ensuring clients have the most pleasant, safe, and rewarding travel experiences possible.

There are two kinds of travel agents…

....each with very different lifestyles:

  • Leisure travel agents work primarily with individuals, organizing everything from family vacations to honeymoon getaways. Although some of them work independently, most choose to work under a host agency. These businesses “employ” home-based agents through independent-contractor agreements, offering them services like marketing, training, and technology in exchange for a cut of their commissions.
  • Corporate travel agents , on the other hand, primarily work with businesses, booking accommodation and flights for employees attending sales meetings, conferences, and more. Whereas leisure agents often work remotely on their own schedule, those in corporate positions tend to work in offices. It’s a standard 9-to-5 job, or something similar.

How do travel agents make money?

Travel agents earn their income in three ways, through commissions, service fees, and salary. Typically, vendors pay a 10-15% commission whenever an agent books a car rental, hotel, or cruise for a client. They also pay about 20-30% on travel insurance sales, though all of these rates can vary depending on the vendor, the agent, and how the booking was made.

In addition to commissions, some travel agents also charge clients a service fee for the time spent researching and creating their itinerary. These usually range somewhere between $75 and $200, but can be as high as $500 for more complicated trips.

Finally, many agents who work for an employer—either a host agency or a corporate sector company—also earn a salary on top of their commissions, adding a bit of stability to their income.

How much do travel agents make?

Not surprisingly, there’s a lot of variation in how much travel agents make. The average annual wage for US travel agents is just shy of $40,000 , but agents can earn as little as $23,000 or as much as $68,000.

Do travel agents get to travel themselves?

The bulk of a travel agent’s time is usually spent indoors: either at home, if they work remotely, or in an office. Most of their day is spent on the phone or the computer, talking to clients, airlines, hotels, and other vendors or preparing itineraries.

That said, many do spend some time visiting the destinations they promote in order to make better-informed recommendations to their clients. While away, they might visit restaurants, resorts, or hotels, or even try a guided tour.

Plus, many agents are able to use their connections to travel at a discount price. So seeing the world may not always be part of the job—but it definitely can be.

Is travel agent a doomed profession?

Online booking is only getting easier, and travelers are increasingly choosing to organize their own flights and accommodation. Although many travel agents are still running successful businesses, employment opportunities are expected to decrease by 12% in the next 10 years. For the right person, a career in this industry is still possible—but staying afloat will take dedication, adaptability, and a healthy dose of optimism.

A photo of a tour guide leading a group of tourists.

People skills, local knowledge, and a sense of adventure—these are just some of the traits that make for a stellar tour guide. For extraverted explorers, a career in this field can be fun, varied, and rewarding.

Do tour guides get paid to explore the world?

At the most basic level, tour guides help travelers make the most of their trip by providing cultural, historical, or environmental information about their local surroundings. Working on foot, bus, bicycle, or even riverboat, they guide their clients through some of the most stunning destinations on earth, offering safety tips, expert knowledge, and helpful advice along the way. From the calm Tuscan countryside to the busy streets of Tokyo, tour guides really can work anywhere.

However, the life of a tour guide isn’t always full of novelty and excitement. While some tour guides do travel on the job, many work primarily in a single destination, showing visitors around a particular city, cultural site, or museum.

What are the different kinds of tour guides?

Tour guides can look dramatically different depending on where they work and what kind of travel experience they offer. Some of the most common tour guide variations include:

  • Heritage Guides provide historical, archeological, or architectural information about ancient sites such as tombs, temples, and museums.
  • Culture Guides offer knowledge about the lifestyle, religion, or cuisine of the local population. They might focus on one particular city, specialize in certain sites (like vineyards or ancient temples), or cover an entire geographical region.
  • Adventure Guides lead clients on active, experience-based tours of the destination. Guides typically focus on one or more sports, such as trekking, skiing, or scuba diving, and have undergone some form of outdoors and first aid training.
  • Nature/Eco Guides help visitors enjoy the local wildlife and landscapes, offering tours or safaris of deserts, gardens, forests, and more.
  • Special Interest Guides play a similar role as adventure guides, offering targeted experiences such as golf, shopping, or wedding tours.

There are different roles available within each of these areas. Tour guides simply offer commentary about the destinations they visit, whereas tour directors are also responsible for planning the itinerary, coordinating the logistics, and trouble shooting any complications that arise along the way.

Do tour guides actually get paid?

Tour guiding is a fun gig, but not a particularly well-paid one. The average tour guide salary punches in just under $24,000 US , although experienced tour guides earn about $35,000 per year. Of course, this can vary depending on location, specialization, experience, and clientele.

Luckily, it’s also a relatively low-barrier career, usually requiring little more than a drivers license and an eager attitude. You may need to pass a first aid course or some other form of professional training for certain jobs, but you probably won’t be paying off any major student loans.

A photo of two travel bloggers and their dog in a custom camper van.

Travel Blogger

Equally low-barrier and adventurous is the world of travel blogging. Requiring little more than a laptop, a strong internet connection, and an entrepreneurial spirit, this exciting career can open doors all across the globe.

How do travel bloggers make money?

It may not look that way from their websites, but travel bloggers do a lot more than just write and explore. That’s because, like most bloggers , they rarely make money from the posts they produce. Instead, travel bloggers rely on a mix of advertising, sponsored campaigns, freelancing, and affiliate linking to generate income, using their blog primarily as a platform to attract potential partners. Many even sell related products, such as books, travel guides, podcasts, or public speaking services, on the side to make extra cash.

Because of this, the finances of travel blogging can look extremely different from one person to the next. While there are some bloggers who report making as much as $150,000 a year, others are barely able to break even. According to a survey of more than 1000 bloggers, only about 17% are able to sustain their lifestyle on their blog salaries, while more than 80% never make more than $100.

But although it’s a tough industry, it is possible to succeed. By diversifying their income and investing enough time and effort, well-established travel bloggers can make a stable $2,000 to $5,000 a month.

How do I become a travel blogger?

One of the reasons so many travel bloggers fail is because it’s so easy to become one. The real question isn’t “How do I become a travel blogger?” but “How do I become a successful one?”

To get started, aspiring travel bloggers will need a laptop, a working website, a passport, and enough cash to live and travel for at least two years. That’s because building a large enough audience to monetize takes time. Those who don’t have the savings required will likely need to take on additional part-time work while they get started.

Next, most new bloggers dedicate their time to posting lots of high quality, interesting, and useful content. The content itself can be about almost anything—travel tips, photography, hiking recommendations, etc—as long as it’s relatively frequent (one-two times a week) and provides real value to readers. Many bloggers also pitch stories to major media outlets, write guest posts on popular blogs, or invest in digital advertising to gain further attention. But no matter the strategy, the goal for any beginner travel blogger is the same: get readers first, revenue second.

A photo of a yacht crew member aboard the bridge.

Super Yacht Crew

Celebrity clients, a luxurious lifestyle, months and months on the open ocean: could any career sound dreamier? Jobs on a super yacht may not look quite like they do on Below Deck , but there’s no denying this is a fabulous way to see the world.

What is a super yacht?

Super yachts are massive, luxury boats measuring anywhere from 24 to 100 metres long. Expensive to buy and even more expensive to maintain, they are usually owned by the extremely rich and famous and their families. While some super yachts never make it out of the harbor, others will travel to some of the most exclusive destinations on earth, making them one of the most attractive work settings for those with wanderlust.

What does a super yacht crew do?

No matter what its size, almost every super yacht is manned by a group of skilled professionals: the super yacht crew. These personable and hard-working individuals live on board the vessel during long journeys, assisting with everything from cleaning to navigation.

Roles are varied, and can differ from yacht to yacht, but the most common positions include:

  • Captain and First officer
  • Mate and Deckhand
  • Chief and Junior Steward(ess)
  • Chef and Sous Chef
  • First and Second Engineer

Some of these positions, like first engineer, are more technical, requiring extensive mechanical or seafaring knowledge. Others, like junior steward, are primarily service based. But no matter what their role, all members of the super yacht crew share a common goal: ensuring their employers and their guests are comfortable and safe for the duration of the voyage.

What’s the best thing about working on a super yacht?

For most people in this profession, the top attraction is the travel. Although real vacations are rare during the yachting season, most captains will try to give staff an occasional day off whenever possible. It may not offer a lot of time for sight seeing, but it does provide an opportunity to explore some of the world’s most exotic destinations—all expenses paid.

Is the super yacht life as glamorous as it sounds?

Many people are attracted to a super yacht career because of the lifestyle involved, but the daily reality of the super yacht crew is a little less glamorous than you’d expect:

  • Living Conditions: Crew members live, eat, and work together closely for the duration of the voyage, which can be weeks or even months long. Accommodations are usually small and simple—either solo cabins or shared bunk rooms—and although privacy is possible, it’s usually rare. If you need a lot of alone time, this probably isn’t the career for you.
  • Food: Meals aboard are usually prepared by the crew chef, which means they tend to be delicious, extremely high quality, and—best of all—free.
  • Schedule: Super yacht crew live and work in the same space for months on end, which can make it difficult to maintain any real separation between work time and down time. Crews tend to be small and the clientele are often demanding, so working 12- to 14-hour shifts isn’t unusual.

Do super yacht jobs pay well?

Depending on the crew member’s experience and the size of the vessel, super yacht crew salaries can vary significantly. But in general, this is a very well-paid line of work—especially relative to other travel careers. Chief stewards can expect to make anywhere from $3000 to $8000 a month, and it’s not uncommon to see salaries as high as $90,000 on larger vessels.

Corporate Travel Careers

Got the travel bug but looking for a something more stable? Don’t fret—there are a plethora of corporate jobs in the travel sector. Providing all of the benefits of more “traditional” work, these exciting options offer a chance to see the world and plan for the future.

What kinds of travel companies offer corporate careers?

Corporate travel careers exist in a wide array of settings, each of which comes with its unique set of opportunities, perks, and drawbacks.

Because of the diversity of options, it can be hard to know where to look for a corporate travel job. But some of the most common work settings include:

  • Airlines and airports
  • Travel agencies
  • Tour organizations
  • Tourism offices
  • Cruise companies (boat, bus, rail, etc.)
  • Hotels, resorts, and hostels

What corporate jobs can I get in the travel industry?

Finding the right travel career isn’t just about deciding where to work; it also involves choosing the right kind of position. Corporate tourism jobs come in all shapes and sizes—too many to cover here—but here’s a quick list of some of the most popular ones:

  • Marketing and publicity: From buying ads to writing website content, there are lots of ways to get involved in the promotional side of travel. Tasks might include crafting blog posts to boost an airline’s SEO, pitching news stories to travel magazines about an edgy new adventure tour, or designing an email newsletter to encourage signups for an upcoming cruise.
  • Sales: Sales jobs in travel can include everything from cold calling potential customers to encourage tour signups to managing an entire sales department at an airport. Some standard duties in this line of work include creating sales plans, identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), training sales staff, providing customer service, and more.
  • Finance: Even train companies need accountants! There are a variety of financial jobs in the travel industry, which can include everything from managing a hostel’s A/R and A/P processes to working as an in-house auditor at a major resort.
  • IT: As the travel industry becomes more and more digital, a career in IT can be a lucrative option. Whether it’s building online booking software or creating a new tourism app, there are lots of opportunities for technologically savvy wanderers.

What are the benefits of a corporate travel career?

Although corporate jobs may not be as hands-on as others travel careers, they do offer many of the same perks. Many hotel chains offer discounted (or even free) accommodation to their employees, making it easy to travel on a budget. The same is true for many airlines, tour companies, hostels, and travel agencies. In the right career, you can expect to travel at low cost almost anywhere in the world.

At the same time, corporate careers often come with advantages that other travel jobs can’t provide: excellent benefits, a flexible work schedule, an impressive salary, and a high level of job security. This added stability can make the corporate route an appealing option for travellers with children, mortgages, or other responsibilities at home.

A writer, researcher, and occasional spoon carver, she knows that the "right" career sometimes looks nothing like what you expected.

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Understanding Carrier in the Travel Industry

In the dynamic world of the travel industry, the term "carrier" plays a crucial role in facilitating the movement of passengers and goods from one place to another. Understanding the concept of a carrier is essential for both travelers and industry professionals to navigate the complexities of transportation and logistics.

Definition of Carrier

A carrier, in the context of the travel industry, refers to a company or entity that provides transportation services for passengers or cargo. Carriers can operate various modes of transportation, including airlines, railways, shipping lines, and trucking companies. These entities are responsible for transporting passengers or goods from one location to another, ensuring a safe and efficient journey.

Types of Carriers

There are several types of carriers in the travel industry, each specializing in different modes of transportation:

  • Airline Carriers: Airline carriers operate flights to transport passengers and cargo by air. They can be classified into full-service carriers, low-cost carriers, and regional carriers, each offering different levels of service and pricing.
  • Railway Carriers: Railway carriers operate trains to transport passengers and goods over land. They play a vital role in both passenger travel and freight transportation, offering a cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of transportation.
  • Shipping Carriers: Shipping carriers operate vessels to transport goods by sea. These carriers handle the majority of global trade, moving containers and bulk cargo between ports around the world.
  • Trucking Carriers: Trucking carriers operate trucks to transport goods over land. They provide door-to-door delivery services, making them a crucial link in the supply chain for businesses and consumers.

Role of Carriers in the Travel Industry

Carriers play a significant role in the travel industry by providing essential transportation services that connect people and businesses across the globe. Some of the key functions of carriers include:

  • Facilitating Travel: Carriers enable individuals to travel for leisure, business, or other purposes by offering transportation services that are safe, reliable, and convenient.
  • Supporting Trade: Carriers facilitate the movement of goods between producers, suppliers, and consumers, playing a crucial role in global trade and commerce.
  • Driving Economic Growth: Carriers contribute to economic growth by creating jobs, supporting tourism, and enabling businesses to access markets and resources efficiently.
  • Ensuring Safety and Security: Carriers prioritize the safety and security of passengers and cargo, implementing strict regulations and procedures to minimize risks during transportation.

Regulations Governing Carriers

Due to the critical nature of their services, carriers in the travel industry are subject to various regulations and standards to ensure compliance and safety. These regulations may include:

  • Transportation Regulations: Carriers are required to comply with transportation regulations set by government authorities to ensure the safety of passengers, crew, and cargo during travel.
  • Environmental Standards: Carriers are expected to adhere to environmental standards to minimize their impact on the environment, especially in terms of emissions and waste management.
  • Customer Protection Laws: Carriers must comply with customer protection laws that safeguard the rights of passengers, including compensation for delays, cancellations, and lost baggage.
  • Security Measures: Carriers are required to implement security measures to protect passengers and cargo from potential threats, such as terrorism and smuggling.

Challenges Faced by Carriers

While carriers play a crucial role in the travel industry, they also face various challenges that can impact their operations and profitability. Some of the common challenges faced by carriers include:

  • Competition: Carriers operate in a highly competitive market, facing pressure to differentiate their services, reduce costs, and attract customers in a crowded industry.
  • Rising Costs: Carriers must contend with rising fuel prices, labor costs, and maintenance expenses, which can affect their bottom line and pricing strategies.
  • Regulatory Changes: Carriers are subject to evolving regulations and compliance requirements, which can create uncertainty and additional costs for their operations.
  • Technological Disruption: Carriers must adapt to technological advancements, such as online booking platforms, automation, and data analytics, to stay competitive and meet customer expectations.

Carriers are the backbone of the travel industry, providing essential transportation services that connect people, businesses, and goods around the world. Understanding the role of carriers, their types, regulations, and challenges is essential for both travelers and industry professionals to navigate the complexities of transportation and logistics effectively.

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The Rise of Low-Cost Carriers: A New Era for Travel Agents

Embracing the rise of low-cost carriers in travel agent strategies.

The landscape of the travel industry is undergoing a significant transformation , reshaping the way we fly, driven by the evolution of Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs), that have redefined air travel with their cost-effective approach , offering no-frills services at a fraction of the price of traditional airlines. These carriers have not only democratized the skies, making air travel more accessible to a broader audience but also changed the aviation industry’s structure, offering new opportunities and challenges for both consumers and service providers.

For travel agents, this shift represents both a challenge and an opportunity. The rise of LCCs has altered customer expectations and demands , compelling agents to adapt and rethink their strategies. Clients are now more informed and price-sensitive , seeking the best value for their travel experiences. Requiring travel agents to be more agile and knowledgeable , especially in leveraging the offerings of these budget-friendly airlines to meet the diverse needs of their clientele.

In this blog we are going to delve into the world of Low-Cost Carriers, sharing a comprehensive understanding of these airlines and their growing significance in the industry. We aim to explore the nuances of LCCs, their impact on travel trends, and how agents can effectively incorporate them into their service offerings.

Understanding Low-Cost Carriers

Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs) are airlines designed to offer air travel at significantly lower prices compared to traditional full-service carriers. The concept of LCCs originated in the United States in the 1970s, with Southwest Airlines pioneering this model. The fundamental principle behind LCCs is to maintain operational efficiency and reduce costs , thereby passing on the savings to passengers in the form of lower fares .

The business model of LCCs is centered around cost efficiency and simplicity. Key elements of this model include:

  • Single Aircraft Type: Most LCCs operate fleets consisting of just one type of aircraft. This uniformity streamlines maintenance, training, and operational processes.
  • Point-to-Point Routes: Unlike traditional carriers that often operate on a hub-and-spoke model, LCCs typically use a point-to-point system. This means LCCs have flights going directly from one place to another, avoiding the need for a central hub (main airport) with spokes (connecting flights) going out to various destinations. This helps reduce costs associated with connecting flights and complex scheduling.
  • No-frills Service: LCCs usually offer a basic service with additional charges for extras like checked baggage, seat selection, and in-flight meals.
  • High Aircraft Utilization: LCCs maximize the use of their aircraft with quick turnaround times and longer operating hours, leading to more flights and revenue per day.

Low-cost carriers have significantly expanded their reach over the years. Initially focused on short-haul domestic routes, many LCCs now offer medium to long-haul international flights. Their networks often include secondary airports, which are less congested and cheaper to operate from, allowing them to offer lower fares . This expansion has enabled LCCs to serve a wide range of destinations , from major cities to smaller ones, thus broadening the travel options available to consumers.

The growth of LCCs has also led to the development of new routes and the opening up of previously less accessible destinations. This expansion has not only benefited budget-conscious travelers but also stimulated tourism and economic activity in the regions they serve.

The Impact of LCCs on the Travel Industry

The low-cost carrier (LCC) market has shown remarkable growth and resilience in recent years. As of 2023, LCCs accounted for approximately 35% of the global air travel industry. This significant market share reflects the strong performance and appeal of LCCs in the travel sector. Furthermore, the low-cost travel market size is projected to exceed 254 billion U.S. dollars by 2027 , driven by increasing air passenger traffic and efficiency-enhancing measures adopted by budget airlines. This steady market expansion underscores the pivotal role LCCs play in shaping the future of air travel.

The rise of LCCs has also altered consumer expectations and behavior in the travel industry. Passengers have become more price-sensitive and value-oriented, seeking affordable travel options without compromising on basic comforts and conveniences. The availability of low-cost flights has also encouraged more people to travel by air, including those who previously found air travel financially out of reach. This shift has led to a democratization of air travel , where more consumers have access to a wider range of travel destinations.

LCCs have introduced a new competitive dynamic in the airline industry, challenging traditional carriers in several ways. By offering significantly lower fares , LCCs have forced full-service airlines to reevaluate their pricing strategies and service offerings. In response, many traditional airlines have introduced their low-cost subsidiaries or have started offering basic economy fares . This competition has led to a broader range of choices for consumers and has pushed the entire industry towards greater efficiency and innovation .

Benefits and Challenges for Travel Agents

One of the most significant advantages of incorporating LCCs into travel planning is the ability to offer clients more affordable travel options . This cost-effectiveness can be particularly appealing to budget-conscious travelers , opening up a broader client base for travel agents. Additionally, LCCs often serve less traditional destinations, providing agents with the opportunity to offer unique travel experiences. This aspect can be a game-changer for clients seeking new and less explored destinations.

Moreover, the affordability of LCCs can encourage clients to travel more frequently, potentially leading to repeat business for agents . The simplified pricing structures of LCCs, devoid of the complexities of various travel classes and numerous add-ons, can also streamline the booking process, making it more efficient for both agents and clients.

However, travel agents may also face some challenges that require attention. One of the issues is the limited services offered by LCCs, which often leads to additional charges for services like checked baggage, meals, and seat selection, making clear communication with clients crucial to setting the right expectations. Additionally, LCC tickets typically come with stricter rules around changes and cancellations, which means agents need to ensure clients are well-informed about these limitations to avoid any travel hiccups. Understanding and effectively communicating these aspects is vital for travel agents to successfully incorporate LCC options into their service offerings. By educating clients about these challenges, travel agents ensure they make informed decisions that align with their preferences and budgets .

This way, leveraging technology is key. Travel agents should look for systems that include LCC options alongside traditional GDS Carriers , so they can expand the range of offerings to clients, creating value for them by bundling LCC flights with other airlines, to create the most comprehensive and complete travel packages in the market that go accordingly to their preferences and budget. TTS WebAgent is a great example of a system like this.

The Role of Low-Cost Carriers in Shaping Travel Experiences

As the travel industry continues to evolve, so do our tools to support all travel agents. That’s why TTS WebAgent now includes over 400 additional low-cost Carriers , making it easier than ever for travel agents to access and book a wider variety of air travel options for their clients. This integration is part of our commitment to providing comprehensive, user-friendly solutions for the travel industry.

These LCCs have become an integral component of the modern travel industry, signifying a shift towards more economical and flexible travel options. The growing importance of these airlines cannot be overstated, they have fundamentally altered the landscape of air travel, introducing a new paradigm of affordability and accessibility . This shift has broadened the scope of options available to travelers, making air travel a more inclusive and appealing choice for a wider audience. For travel agents, the ability to tap into this expanding market is invaluable. It opens up new avenues for offering cost-effective , diverse travel experiences to clients, catering to the evolving preferences of today’s travelers. The integration of these carriers into TTS WebAgent is a clear response to this trend, ensuring that travel agents have the necessary tools at their disposal to thrive in this dynamic environment.

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  • T-Mobile phone plans
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  • Device compatibility and eSims
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Before your summer travels overseas, you should look into whether you've got one of the best international phone plans for staying connected during your upcoming adventures. In the U.S., all the major wireless carriers offer some kind of travel benefit with their best cell phone plans , but they also have supplementary packages for travelers to augment the data plan you already have in place. The trick is to make sure those options keep you covered around the globe.

1. T-Mobile : Best choice for travelers 2. Verizon : TravelPass options 3. AT&T : Best for travel in Latin and Central America 4. Google Fi : An underrated traveling companion 5. Other options : Other international phone plans to consider

The best international phone plans will let you make calls and browse the web when you're in another country (though there might be a fee on top of your normal monthly rate, depending on which carrier you use). Different plans might cover different countries, and how long you plan on traveling could also impact your choice of plans. Your method of travel — be it by plane or cruise ship — also affects which plan is best for you.

All of these are things for globetrotters to consider when shopping for wireless coverage. You're going to want one of the best unlimited data plans since they tend to offer the most travel-related perks. If you haven't travelled internationally in a while, it's smart to double-check what options are out there since the best phone carriers have overhauled their plans and packages available to travelers.

Here’s a look at the travel policies and perks for the three top U.S carriers along with information on Google Fi, which offers a plan that definitely appeals to frequent travelers.

T-Mobile international phone plans

best international phone plans: T-Mobile

T-Mobile offers an expanded array of plans, though most of its unlimited data plan options have some benefits for overseas travel. Subscribe to Magenta, Magenta Max, Go5G, Go5G Plus or Go5G Next, and you enjoy unlimited data and texting in more than 215 countries around the world. If you want to place or receive calls, you’ll be subject to the local rate depending on where you want to go. You don’t need to notify T-Mobile of your travel for your overseas benefits to kick in.

T-Mobile Go5G Plus Plan | Unlimited Data | $90/month

T-Mobile Go5G Plus Plan | Unlimited Data | $90/month T-Mobile's Go5G Plus plan has the edge over Magenta Max for world travelers, even if the latter plan is $5 cheaper for a single line. That's because Go5G Plus customers get more data when traveling in Mexico and Canada (15GB vs. 10GB for Magenta Max) and 10GB more hotspot data. Otherwise, the two plans are identical: You can use your data in 215-plus countries at no extra cost. The first 5GB of data you use use will be high-speed data (with 5G speeds supported where available). The cheaper Go5G and Magenta plans ($75/month and $70/month, respectively) also feature travel benefits, including high-speed data in 11 European countries. Otherwise, data speeds are capped at 256 kbps.

Travel perks in current plans: As part of T-Mobile's Beyond Connected program, data speeds now reach 256 kbps when you're overseas. If you subscribe to either the standard Magenta or Go5G plans and you're in one of 11 European countries, you can enjoy 5GB of high-speed data every month, thanks to a partnership with T-Mobile parent Deutsche Telecom.

The perk gets better when you upgrade to either Magenta Max or Go5G Plus, both of which cost $15 more a month than their respective base plans. In that case, you can benefit from 5GB of high-speed data in 215 countries.

Go5G Next, T-Mobile's most expensive plan at $100/month for a single line, has the same travel benefits as Go5G Plus, but adds the ability to upgrade your phone every year. If that's not important to you, stick with Go5G Plus and pay $10 less each month on your wireless bill.

T-Mobile customers can take advantage of free Wi-Fi on American, Delta, Alaska Airlines and United flights. Magenta Max and Go5G Plus subscribers get full texting and Wi-Fi with streaming during flights, where wireless is available. If you go with the standard Magenta or Go5G option, you're covered on four flights per year with full streaming, plus unlimited texting; after those four flights, you can stream one hour of video. Delta SkyMiles members also get free Wi-Fi on domestic U.S. flights courtesy of T-Mobile — even if they get their wireless service from another carrier.

In Mexico and Canada, T-Mobile allows you to use up to 5GB of data whether you've got Magenta or Magenta Max; speeds are slowed to 2G after that. Go5G customers get 10GB of data in those two countries, while Go5G Plus members enjoy 15GB.

T-Mobile includes travel benefits in two of its remaining senior plans, with identical travel perks between the $100 Go5G Plus 55 option and the $120 Go5G Next 55 plan. (Note that those monthly prices cover two lines of data; one line of either Plus or Next cost $70 and $80, respectively.) Travel perks include high-speed data and text when you travel abroad, plus unlimited in-flight connectivity. When you travel to Canada or Mexico, you get 15GB of high-speed data. Both plans also include a year's membership to AAA for road travel in the U.S.

If you opt for T-Mobile's lower cost Essentials unlimited plan, you'll get 2G roaming in Canada and Mexico, but have to pay for data elsewhere.

Trip-specific passes: T-Mobile offers International Pass options for travelers who want high-speed data during lengthier stays overseas. A 5GB International Pass gives you that much high-speed data along with unlimited calling for 10 days. It costs $35. T-Mobile's $50 International Pass increases high-speed data to 15GB and extends the length of the pass to 30 days. The carrier also offers a $5 daily pass that gives you 512MB of high-speed data, and unlimited calling between the 215 or so Simple Global destinations. 

Cruise rates: Pricing on cruises will vary according to which cruise you’re taking. You can check T-Mobile’s site to see what your pricing will be.

Verizon international phone plans

best international phone plan: Verizon

Verizon phones generally work all over the world, especially if you've got a phone built in the last few years. But where you travel significantly influences how much you’ll have to pay. As for which is the best Verizon phone plan for travelers, that all depends on how frequently you go overseas. There's a clear choice for regular globetrotters, but Verizon's less expensive offerings allow you to tack on travel benefits, too.

Verizon Unlimited Ultimate | Unlimited Data | $90/month

Verizon Unlimited Ultimate | Unlimited Data | $90/month Verizon's Unlimited Ultimate plan offers the most benefits for world travelers. Verizon promises "full international connectivity," meaning you'll be able to use talk and text for free when overseas; you also get 10GB of high-speed data every month that you can use in other countries. Unlimited Ultimate is Verizon's most expensive plan, so unless you take frequent trips, you may be better served by Unlimited Plus ($80/month for one line) or Unlimited Welcome ($65/month). Those two plans can add on a $10/month Travel Pass options that provides three days of talk, text and data when you're overseas. You can drop the Travel Pass add-on from your plan in months were you don't need it. Verizon lets family plans mix and match lines so one person can get Unlimited Ultimate, while the others subscribe to the cheaper options.

Travel perks in current plans: Of Verizon's three unlimited plans, the best for frequent travelers is the Unlimited Ultimate option, which lets you use talk and text in other countries just like you would in the U.S. You also get 10GB of high-speed data to use overseas every month.

Unfortunately, Unlimited Ultimate is Verizon's most expensive plan, costing $90 a month for one line. (And that's after a discount for enrolling autopay.) There are cheaper options — Unlimited Welcome and Unlimited Plus — that include travel perks. Both plans let you text internationally to 200-plus countries. You can also use LTE data when traveling in Mexico and Canada. You're limited to 0.5GB of data consumption per day in those two countries before your speeds are slowed to 2G, and you can't use more than half of your talk, text and data in those countries over a 60-day period.

In addition to the base Welcome Unlimited and Unlimited Plus packages, you can opt for $10 monthly add-ons for your Verizon plan — some covering streaming services, another providing hotspot data and so on. The relevant package is Verizon's $10/month 3 TravelPass Days add-on, which saves you $20 a month on travel benefits as you pick up three passes during monthly billing cycles. You can accrue up to 36 passes for using talk, text and data when traveling overseas.

Unlimited Welcome starts at $65/month for one line, while Unlimited Plus is $80. If you have a family plan, you can mix and match so that different lines of data subscribe to different plans — helpful if there's one person in the family who travels a lot and would benefit from the Unlimited Ultimate perks.

Trip-specific passes: Let's talk a little bit more about the TravelPass . It's Verizon's daily option for international coverage, and it’ll cost you $5 per day per device for each day you’re out of the country if you travel to Mexico or Canada and don't have an unlimited plan. In 185 other countries — including China, France and Germany — Verizon charges $10 per device per day. TravelPass gets you 2GB of 5G data, and unlimited data at 3G speeds after that; the passes also come with unlimited talk and text.

If you know you’ll be traveling for a bit more time, consider Verizon’s monthly option, which the carrier recommends for trips lasting at least 10 days. International Monthly Plans at Verizon cost $100/month, but in exchange, you get 250 minutes of talk, unlimited texts and 20GB of high-speed data. (Use that, and you get unlimited data at 3G speeds.)

Verizon also offers pay-as-you-go pricing for international travel. You’ll pay 99 cents per minute in Canada and Mexico, Guam and the Northern Marianas Islands. Rates go up to $1.79 in 130-plus countries and $2.99 in 80 other places. Each text message you send will cost you 50 cents, and each received text will set you back 5 cents. Your data will be charged at a rate of $2.05 per megabyte no matter where you are.

Cruise rates: Pay-as-you go rates on cruise ships cost $1.99 for each minute of talk and 50 cents for every sent text message. You’ll pay 5 cents per message received. Verizon has a data plan for cruise passengers, too, with $30/day giving you 500MB of data plus unlimited texting and 50 minutes of talk time. For in-flight connectivity, you can opt for the same pay-as-you-go rates for cruise trips or you can pay $20 per day for unlimited data.

AT&T international phone plans

best international phone plans: AT&T

AT&T also comes with varied international pricing depending on where you want to go. Canada and Mexico travel is covered in many top AT&T plans, and if you pay up for the Unlimited Premium option, you can use your plan in many Central and South American countries. Traveling elsewhere? Then you had best look into AT&T's travel passes.

AT&T Unlimited Premium| Unlimited Data | $85.99/month

AT&T Unlimited Premium| Unlimited Data | $85.99/month It's AT&T's most expensive unlimited plan, but Unlimited Premium has the best perk for travelers — you can use your talk, text and data at no extra cost in 20 Latin American countries.  As with other AT&T unlimited options, you also enjoy talk, text and data coverage when traveling in Canada and Mexico.

Travel perks in current plans: If you’re heading to Mexico or Canada, AT&T already covers all of your voice, data and text with its four different unlimited plans — Starter, Extra, Premium and the entry-level Value Plus option. AT&T offers a lone tiered data plan with 4GB of data that you can use in Canada and Mexico (though roaming may be at 2G speeds). Both unlimited and tiered data plans feature unlimited texting to 120-plus countries.

The Unlimited Premium plan is the best option for travelers headed to the Americas, as you'll be able to enjoy unlimited text, talk and data at no additional cost in 20 Central and South American countries. 

If you do a lot of international calling from home, AT&T offers unlimited calling to 85-plus countries from the U.S. for $15 per month for each line. Calls to another 140-plus countries get discounted rates under this plan.

Trip-specific passes: For anyone off to Europe, the Caribbean, Latin America or the Asia Pacific region on a short jaunt, AT&T recommends its $10-a-day International Day Pass, which comes with unlimited talk and text and data governed by your plan. (Note that each device you take overseas will need its own Day Pass.) That service is available in 210-plus countries, and you can add extra phones for just $5 a day.

You'll never have to pay for more than 10 days of day passes on any one bill, even if your trip lasts longer. International Day Passes also kick in automatically when you use your phone abroad — you get a text message letting you know you're covered.

Cruise rates: On cruises , AT&T offers a $60/month Cruise Basic plan that covers 100 minutes of talk and unlimited texting while also offering 100MB of data. Need more of everything? Then try the Cruise Plus plan ($100/month), which includes 1GB of data on top of unlimited talk and text. 

Google Fi international phone plans

best international phone plan: Google Fi

If you do a lot of international traveling, don't ignore Google Fi Wireless , the wireless service set up by Google that uses cellular towers of T-Mobile and US Cellular to provide coverage. International travel is built into two of Google Fi's plans — the Unlimited Plus and Flexible options.


Google Unlimited Plus| Unlimited Data | $65/month The Unlimited Plus plan is the way to go with Google Fi, as you can use your data at no extra cost when traveling overseas. Google Fi customers who pay by the gigabyte of data used are also eligible for this perk.

Travel perks in current plans: You've got two options with Google Fi — tiered data through the company's Flexible plan or a pair of unlimited data options. Flexible coverage costs $20 a month for talk and text plus $10 for each GB of data you use. (Data usage is rounded off to the nearest megabyte so you only pay for the data you consume.) Google stops charging you after you use 6GB a month, meaning you'll never pay more than $80. 

If you find unlimited data plans more appealing, Google has you covered there, too — it also offers a $65 Unlimited Plus option that rolls in unlimited talk, text and data. Unlimited Plus subscribers now get a year of YouTube Premium as a perk. 

The real benefit to either Unlimited Plus or Flexible is that those plans cover you when you're traveling in 200-plus countries. When you're overseas, Google Fi charges the same rate for data usage, whether you're on an unlimited data plan or paying by the gigabyte. Voice calls cost 20 cents (though calls placed over Wi-Fi are free) and you get unlimited SMS messaging. 

Alas, Google's $50/month Simply Unlimited plan is not eligible for the free data perk when traveling. That said, all three of Google Fi's plans let you use talk, text and data in Mexico and Canada.

Google Fi is even more appealing now that Google has opened up service to all phones, including iPhones. Note that phones optimized for Google Fi — Google's Pixel phones (currently the Pixel 8 , Pixel 8 Pro , Pixel Fold and Pixel 7a )  along with a selection of Samsung phones and Motorola budget devices — can switch seamlessly between cellular networks and Google's Wi-Fi hotspots, while other phones cannot.

Trip-specific passes: Unlike the other carriers here, Google Fi doesn't offer travel passes for extended trips. Your only option is to get coverage through the Flexible and Unlimited Plus plans.

Cruise rates: Google Fi is not available when you're at sea — only when you're on land in one of the 200-plus countries covered by the carrier.

Other international phone plan options

Discount carriers typically don't provide much in the way of benefits for travelers, but there are some exceptions. The most noteworthy alternative is Visible , which has expanded the travel perks for subscribers to its $45/month Visible Plus plan .

Visible is owned by Verizon and uses its parent company's network for coverage. The Visible Plus plan features unlimited data, including access to Verizon's high-speed 5G network. Travelers will be particularly interested in the unlimited talk, text and 2GB of daily data available through Visible Plus when traveling in Canada and Mexico. Visible Plus customers are also eligible for one free Global Pass day per month, in which they can use talk, text and data at no charge in 140 countries. Globla Passes normally cost $10.

Best international phone plan: Device compatibility and eSims

Traveling overseas used to mean checking to see if your phone would be compatible once you set foot in another country. But those days are drawing to a close now that 3G networks are shutting down, eliminating much of the distinction between phones that work on either GSM and CDMA. If you've got a recent smartphone that connects to LTE, chances are strong it's going to work just fine in other countries. (You still might want to confirm that your phone works on the LTE bands available in the country you're heading to prior to your trip, just to avoid any unpleasant surprises.)

Many phones now support electronic SIM cards or eSIM technology, where you no longer need to swap in a local SIM card to make your smartphone work with an overseas network. (Since the iPhone 14 , Apple devices sold in the U.S. only feature eSIM support — that includes the newer iPhone 15 models.) One of our editors took an international trip using an eSIM for her phone and found it easy to setup and use with a local network — in fact, she plans to use the eSIM approach on all future travel. 

That said, not every country supports eSIM. And depending on your phone carrier in the U.S., you might already have options that cover your phone use in other countries.

International phone plans: What about 5G?

As noted above, many of the plans that offer international travel either have you connect at whatever speed is available locally or at a reduced speed in cases where you're drawing from your own data plan. But what if you've got a 5G phone that can connect to faster networks overseas?

For the most part, we'd expect your phone to operate as before, either at whatever speed the local network offers or a capped speed if that's part of your carrier's travel plans. However, in a few instances, U.S. phone carriers have started making deals with overseas wireless providers that allow their customers to access 5G speeds when roaming. You should check with your carrier for information about the country you're going to travel in.

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Philip Michaels

Philip Michaels is a Managing Editor at Tom's Guide. He's been covering personal technology since 1999 and was in the building when Steve Jobs showed off the iPhone for the first time. He's been evaluating smartphones since that first iPhone debuted in 2007, and he's been following phone carriers and smartphone plans since 2015. He has strong opinions about Apple, the Oakland Athletics, old movies and proper butchery techniques. Follow him at @PhilipMichaels.

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What Are Carrier-Imposed Charges for Airlines and Should I Care?

Dan Miller

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Points and miles are a great way to travel cheaply, but if you’re not careful, your award ticket can come with steep airline fuel surcharges.

Here’s what you need to know to avoid the unpleasant surprise of big carrier-imposed surcharges on your next award flight.

What is a fuel surcharge?

A carrier imposed fee, or an airline fuel surcharge, is exactly what it sounds like — an extra charge on top of the cost of airfare, ostensibly to cover the cost of airline fuel.

When you buy a ticket with cash, fuel surcharges are not a big concern because airlines are required to advertise the full price that the consumer will pay. So the advertised cash price of a ticket includes the base fare, taxes and any fuel or other carrier-imposed surcharges.

Tickets purchased with miles or points, however, are another matter. On these award redemptions, many airlines will apply fuel surcharges on top of the mileage cost of the ticket. So if you want to use your American Airlines AAdvantage miles to fly business class from New York to London on British Airways, you could end up being charged 57,500 miles plus over $700 in cash each way.

carrier in travel

How they started

Decades ago, when the price of oil (and therefore airline fuel) drastically increased, airlines came up with the idea of adding fuel surcharges to help offset costs. But when the price of oil came back down, the fuel surcharges weren’t removed. Today, some airlines don't impose these fuel charges, whereas others vary, only charging them in certain cases.

Savvy travelers should take note of whether their award ticket will come with fuel surcharges and budget accordingly.

» Learn more: The best travel credit cards right now

Why do airlines charge them?

So, why do airlines charge fuel surcharges? Simple. They make the airlines money. It’s similar to how some airlines have unbundled fares and charge extra for things like seat assignments and baggage.

How to avoid fuel surcharges on award travel

Be on the lookout.

To avoid fuel surcharges, the first step is to be aware that they exist — and that not all airlines charge them. Check out this example for using Alaska Airlines MileagePlan miles to fly from New York to London:

carrier in travel

As you can see, flying on British Airways not only costs more miles but also includes hundreds of dollars in fuel surcharges, too. On the flip side, flying American Airlines will cost you fewer miles and less in fees.

Not all websites show this breakdown as clearly as Alaska does. So no matter what airline you’re flying or what miles you’re using, watch out for fuel surcharges when booking an award ticket.

Fiddle with dates and times

To know whether your airline or your specific route charges fuel surcharges, your best bet is to play around with sample bookings on the airline website. If you see a cash cost of hundreds of dollars in addition to the airline miles required, shop around to see whether those fuel surcharges could be avoided if you booked the ticket a different way.

For example, sometimes if you search Alaska Airlines for award flights from New York-JFK to London-Heathrow, your search results may turn up only a handful of options, all on British Airways and all with big fuel surcharges. Play around with dates to see if there are any fuel-surcharge-free partner options.

Use transferable points currencies to shop around

If you have Chase Ultimate Rewards®, American Express Membership Rewards, Citi ThankYou points or Capital One miles, they may be transferable to multiple airlines flying your route — some that impose fuel surcharges, some that don’t. Compare flights on multiple airlines’ websites.

» Learn more: 5 best transferable points currencies and who they partner with

How different airlines handle fuel surcharges

Here’s a look at some guidelines for fuel surcharges for a few major domestic and international airlines.

United Airlines

United Airlines is one of the few airlines that doesn't charge any fuel surcharges, either on its own flights or those of its Star Alliance and other partners. There are also no fuel surcharges on United Airlines flights when booking with partners.

American Airlines

Booking a flight with American Airlines AAdvantage miles? You’ll encounter fuel surcharges on two of its partners: British Airways and Iberia. If you have the choice, book your transcontinental flight on American itself instead of these partners to save your cash.

If, on the other hand, you’re looking to use another airline’s miles to book a flight on American Airlines, there are no fuel surcharges.

» Learn more: The complete guide to American Airlines' AAdvantage program

Delta Air Lines

If you’re paying for your flight with Delta SkyMiles , prepare to pay the Delta Air Line's cargo fuel surcharge, whether your flight is on Delta itself or on one of its partner airlines.

One bright spot is that there are no fuel surcharges when flying within the United States.

» Learn more: Delta Air Lines versus United

Air Canada’s Aeroplan program used to levy fuel surcharges on its own and several of its partners’ flights, but that changed in November 2020. The airline introduced a new Aeroplan program at the time, which no longer charges any carrier surcharges.

China Airlines

China Airlines has fuel surcharges on several routes. However, when using Delta SkyMiles to book a China Airlines flight to its hub in Taipei, there are no fuel surcharges.

carrier in travel

Japan Airlines

The Japan Airlines fuel surcharge appears when booking some of its partners' flights with JAL Mileage Bank miles . If you want to fly on Japan Airlines, you can do so without fuel surcharges by using American Airlines or Alaska Airlines miles.

Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines doesn't charge fuel surcharges on its own flights. That means that you can use Singapore’s own KrisFlyer miles — or any partner miles — to fly Singapore Airlines without fuel surcharges. Singapore also doesn't pass along fuel surcharges from several of its partners, including United Airlines.

» Learn more: Top award sweet spots for KrisFlyer miles

Final thoughts on fuel surcharges

Every savvy traveler needs to know about carrier imposed fees. On a ticket paid for with cash, these fuel surcharges are less important since they're included in the displayed cost of the ticket. On an award ticket, however, they may be levied on top of the miles or points required for the ticket.

In some cases, fuel surcharges can be almost as much as the value of the miles you're redeeming. Be on the lookout for fuel surcharges and always look for flights on airlines and routes that don't charge them.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are our picks for the best travel credit cards of 2024 , including those best for:

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-6.5% Enjoy 6.5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel; 4.5% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and 3% on all other purchases (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year). After your first year or $20,000 spent, enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

$300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

on Capital One's website

2x-5x Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options.

75,000 Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel.

carrier in travel

carrier in travel

An official website of the United States government

Here’s how you know

carrier in travel

Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock ( Lock A locked padlock ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

CBP Seal, U.S. Customs and Border Protection:  U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Links to homepage

For Travel Industry Personnel

Do you work in the Travel industry? There are specific procedures and regulations that must be followed when processing crew and passengers whether arriving or departing from the United States:

  • Advance Passenger Information System (APIS) – APIS enhances border securing by providing officers with pre-arrival and departure manifest data on all passengers and crew members.
  • Carrier Initiative Program (CIP) – CBP provides Carrier Initiative training directed at employees of air, sea and land commercial carriers.
  • Carrier Liaison Program – Provides standardized training and assistance to international air carriers related to admissibility and fraudulent document detection.
  • CBP Vessel Inspection Guide – Procedures, regulations, and documentation for the processing of crew and passengers arriving in the United States.
  • Electronic Systems Travel Authorization (ESTA) – An automated system that determines the eligibility of visitors to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP).
  • Immigration Advisory Program (IAP) – Part of CBP’s layered border strategy designed to prevent terrorists and other high-risk travelers from boarding commercial aircraft bound for the United States.
  • Passenger Name Record (PNR) - U.S. law requires air carriers operating flights to, from, or through the United States to provide the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), with certain passenger reservation information, called Passenger Name Record (PNR) data. This information is transmitted to CBP prior to departure and used primarily for purposes of preventing, detecting, investigating, and prosecuting terrorist offenses and related crimes and certain other crimes that are transnational in nature.
  • Visa Waiver Program (VWP) – Enables eligible citizens or nationals of designated countries to travel to the United States for Tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without first obtaining a visa.

carrier in travel

Best airline-approved pet carriers for travel in 2024

Spring break is nearly here, and summer travel is just on the horizon. About 70% of American households have at least one pet and 78% of pet owners travel with their pets . That means traveling with the right airline-approved pet carrier can be a vacation game changer this summer. 

The experts at CBS Essentials have done the heavy lifting, finding the best pet carriers that suit your furry friend's needs. Keep reading for our picks for the best airline-approved pet carriers of 2024. Now all you have to do is book your flight.

The best airline-approved pet carriers for travel in 2024

Explore our top picks to find the perfect carrier for your furry friend's next travel adventure.

Best for frequent fliers: Away The Pet Carrier

  • Best 2-in-1 carrier and travel bed : Wild One travel carrier
  • Best for easy clean-up : Diggs Passenger pet carrier
  • Best dog crate for travel : Impact collapsible dog crate
  • Best pet backpack for travel : PetAmi pet backpack
  • Best for pets traveling in cargo : Petmate Sky Kennel

Most versatile travel carrier: Lesure 2-in-1 pet backpack and travel carrier

  • Best 5-in-1 pet carrier and stroller : Ibiyaya 5-in-1 combo pet carrier

Learn more about each of our selections below.

The Pet Carrier from Away luggage transports canine or feline friends in sleek style. It features sherpa bedding to feel like an at-home pet bed and is lined with water-resistant material in case of accidents.

Latch this pet carrier via a sleeve to your Away luggage when you're on the move.  

"I bought two of these for my 8-pound dachshund mix and my 14-pound cavalier. Both fit comfortably and have plenty of space," says one reviewer. "I love the clasps on the back that attach to the seatbelt. We also took them on a Southwest flight and had no issues with the carriers fitting under the seat side by side."

Why we like Away The Pet Carrier:

  • It holds pets up to 18 pounds.
  • It's water-resistant for easy clean-up.
  • It meets Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requirements.

Best 2-in-1 carrier and travel bed: Wild One travel carrier

Wild One, a brand focused solely on furry friends, has constructed a streamlined and reasonably priced travel carrier that doubles as an on-the-go pet bed. Mesh walls offer breathability during travel, while the shoulder strap detaches to become a travel leash. The interior cushion also folds down completely, so the carrier can double as a pet bed.

This carrier is airline-compliant and is recommended for use with dogs up to 16 pounds. It's priced at $125.

Why we like the Wild One travel carrier:

  • It comes in two classic colors and two limited edition colors.
  • It fits under the seat in front of you on airlines.
  • The shoulder strap doubles as a leash.

Best for easy clean-up: Diggs Passenger pet carrier

The Diggs Passenger carrier is designed for easy cleaning. You can attach a pee pad to the carrier bed. Then, if your pet gets car sick or has an accident, you can easily swap out the pee pad through the side panel. The carrier meets most airline requirements and has been crash-tested for car travel.

Choose from four colors. One color option is currently on sale.

Why we like the Diggs Passenger carrier:

  • It's easy to clean if your pet has an accident.
  • The carrier has great ventilation to keep your pet comfortable.
  • It was crash-tested and received a 5-star rating from the Center for Pet Safety for car travel.

Best dog crate for travel: Impact collapsible dog crate

Frequent fliers looking for an indestructible crate for travel should consider investing in an Impact collapsible dog crate. Engineered out of military-grade aluminum, these lightweight, stackable crates offer great features, including handles, airline rails and ample ventilation.

It is available in several sizes to accommodate a range of pets. Prices vary by size.

Why we like the Impact collapsible dog crate:

  • It's available in seven colors, from neutrals to a bolder pink shade.
  • The crate comes with a lifetime guarantee.
  • It's made with durable aluminum.

Best pet backpack for travel: PetAmi pet backpack

Those who prefer transporting their pets backpack-style should invest in this highly-rated pet backpack from PetAmi. Designed for small to medium pets, the carrier offers two-sided access, breathable mesh windows, pockets for your personal items and a safety strap to secure your pet during transport. 

"This is so cute and highly functional. I love the support it has for me. It's lightweight and sturdy all at the same time. I also love how roomy it is for my cat." shared one Amazon buyer .

Why we like the PetAmi pet backpack:

  • It's available in 13 colors.
  • The backpack is TSA-approved for airline travel.
  • It fits small dogs and most cats.

Best for pets traveling in cargo: Petmate Sky Kennel

Unfortunately, not all pets can fly in the main cabin of an airplane. Designed for cargo transport, this pet kennel with ventilation on all sides is available in six sizes, ranging from 21 to 48 inches, and protects animals and keeps them safe. 

It meets most airline cargo specifications for easy and safe travel. All sizes include clip-on bowls and ID stickers, while the 21- and 28-inch versions offer a handle for carrying. Make sure to get the right size kennel for your pet: They'll need space to stand, turn around, sit erect or lie down.

Prices vary by size.

Why we like the Petmate Sky Kennel:

  • It has 360-degree ventilation for optimal airflow.
  • The kennel meets most airline cargo specifications.
  • It features a secure four-way vault door.

This TSA-approved pet carrier doubles as a backpack. The carrier features breathable mesh walls, four self-locking zippers and a built-in safety leash so that you can feel confident that your furry friend is secure. 

The two-in-one carrier can attach to your luggage, be worn as a backpack or be carried with standard pet carrier handles. It's suitable for dogs or cats up to 15 pounds.

Why we like the Lesure 2-in-1 pet backpack and travel carrier:

  • It easily converts from a standard pet carrier to a backpack.
  • The carrier is TSA-approved and airline-compliant.
  • It comes in three colors.

Best 5-in-1 pet carrier and stroller: Ibiyaya 5-in-1 combo pet carrier  

This compact in-flight pet carrier and stroller is manufactured to baby stroller standards and quickly converts to fit all your travel needs.

This pet carrier is currently priced at $202, reduced from $225.

Why we like this 5-in-1 pet carrier and strolle r:

  • This carrier can easily be converted into a shoulder carrier, a dog back pack carrier, a pet car seat, a dog stroller, or a pet carrier with wheels.
  • It's compacted and converted within minutes.
  • This carrier is EVA airline-approved.

What to consider when buying a pet carrier

Each airline has its own set of rules regarding pets traveling with you inside the plane, or placed underneath the aircraft in the cargo hold. If your pet is traveling with you inside the plane, its carrier will need to fit underneath the seat in front of you. Generally speaking, that means your in-flight pet carrier shouldn't exceed 45 linear inches (length + width + height), or roughly 21.5 by 15.5 by 9 inches -- according to AAA .

For dog crates traveling as cargo, the crate must be enclosed, but have ventilation openings occupying at least 16% of total wall space on two opposing walls. The crate must open easily, but should also be durable enough to sustain normal cargo transit logistics (loading, unloading and transportation). When shopping for airline-approved pet carriers, it's a good idea to check your carrier's website first for restrictions.

Most soft-sided travel carriers fit comfortably underneath the seat in front of you so your pet stays close to you during the flight. Common features include mesh sides or windows for breathability, removable pads for comfort, straps to attach the carrier to a seat belt or your luggage and pockets to stash essentials.

If your pet can only fly in the cargo space underneath the plane, look for hard-sided pet carriers to offer the most protection during the flight.

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The 6 Best Airline-Approved Pet Carriers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

We tested 13 carriers on roundtrip domestic flights

carrier in travel

The Spruce Pets / Sarah Naftzger

The Winners

How we picked, more we recommend.

We tested 13 airline-approved pet carriers on roundtrip domestic flights with both cats and dogs. After dozens of hours of combined flight time, our testers most appreciated machine washable linings, built-in trolley sleeves, lots of ventilation, and a balance between structure and flexibility that provides the most comfort for their pets. Our favorite has all of these features.

After testing on domestic flights, Away's The Pet Carrier is our favorite airline-ready pet carrier . It's not only attractive but fully featured, with multiple points of entry, a trolley sleeve, lots of ventilation, a waterproof lining, and a machine washable bed. Plus, it's crash test certified. For a more affordable option , check out the Petsfit Expandable Pet Carrier instead. It's got lots of ventilation, and zip-out accordion sections that let you make the carrier a lot bigger—and more comfortable for your cat or dog—when you're not walking around with it.

We also identified four more airline-approved pet carriers that we think are worth your consideration:

  • Best for Small Dogs: Wild One Travel Carrier
  • Best Kennel: Gunner G1 Kennel
  • Best Tote: Love Thy Beast Nylon Pet Travel Carrier
  • Best for Cats: Travel Cat The Transpurrter

The Best Airline-Approved Pet Carrier

Away the pet carrier.

  • Quality 5 /5
  • Comfort 5 /5
  • Portability 5 /5
  • Design 5 /5

What We Like: Crash test certified by the Center for Pet Safety; Water-resistant lining; removable and washable bed; trolley sleeve for seatbelt or rolling suitcase attachment

What We Don't Like: Not suitable for pets over 18 pounds

The Away Pet Carrier is sturdy, sleek, versatile, and easy to clean. Plus, it meets the requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) so it’s suitable for in-cabin use on most major airlines (always check with your flight provider). 

During the testing period, our Chihuahua-mix participant was comfortable and secure for the duration of a six-hour flight. The Away carrier's leather and nylon exterior is structured enough to offer protection and stability, but has enough flexibility to squeeze into tight under-seat spaces. We also found it easy to carry by hand or over a shoulder, with double straps similar to a gym bag. 

The Pet Carrier has both internal and external pockets, including a side pocket with a waterproof lining and drainage holes—ideal for a collapsible water bowl. Mesh panels on three sides make for excellent ventilation, and each can also be unzipped for quick access to your pet, or covered with privacy panels to block external stimulation. The interior has a padded, fuzzy bed that is both removable and machine washable.

The Spruce Pets / Alessandra Amodio

The Spruce / Sarah Naftzger

The carrier has a weight maximum of 18 pounds, which is lower than others on our list, but keep in mind that some airlines have a 20 pound weight maximum for pet and carrier combined. Airlines may weigh pets with their carriers on the luggage scale, and an 18-pound dog combined with the 4-pound Away travel carrier might lead to travel disruptions, so it's a limit you'll want to be conscious of before traveling.

This bag is more expensive than many of our other favorites, but we found the craftsmanship of this pet carrier to be worth the premium. Away provides a warranty for one year after purchase. It also comes with a dust bag for storage between flights. And to top it all off, this carrier received a five-star crash test rating certification from the Center for Pet Safety .

Available in Jet Black or Coast Blue

An Affordable Alternative

Petsfit expandable pet carrier.

People / JT Wilde

  • Size 4.5 /5
  • Quality 4.5 /5

What We Like: Plush liner can be unzipped and removed for cleaning; expandable side gives pets more room to spread out; includes external pocket and a loop for wheeled luggage handles

What We Don't Like: Handles are not padded and can become uncomfortable

The wire-framed structure of the Petsfit Expandable Pet Carrier allows for flexibility when placed under an airline seat. While you wait to board, a zippered mesh encasement can be opened up while keeping your pet fully contained. Pets are usually required to stay in their carriers unless you are in a designated pet area of the airport. With this carrier, a zippered mesh encasement can be opened up while giving your pet extra room to stretch while keeping them fully contained.

Our participating dog could not fully stand in the small-sized carrier, but they did have room to move around and get cozy. The carrier comes with a plush pad that can be unzipped and fully removed for cleaning. 

The Spruce Pets / JT Wilde

The carrier has a padded shoulder strap and two unpadded handles. We found the latter to be slightly uncomfortable when holding for a longer duration (e.g. waiting in line to deplane). To give your hands and shoulder a break, there is a loop on one side to slot through the telescopic handlebar of a suitcase.

Available in three sizes and four colors

Testing: We selected 13 bestselling and highly-rated pet carriers for real-world testing. Tests were conducted with both cats and dogs, with testers using the carrier on domestic flights. Our testers primarily tested the products on long, roundtrip flights , many six hours or more. Carriers were also tested on roadtrips, Amtrak travel, in the subway , and a variety of other travel scenarios, with many testers subjecting their carrier to a wide range of activities over several weeks or months. Testing was completed during the peak holiday season, further stress-testing each of the carriers.

Throughout testing, our volunteer testers followed a methodology created by our testing and research team to ensure we received back consistent notes from tester to tester. Testers provided feedback in the following categories: size, design, portability, ease of cleaning, comfort, quality, and value . Equipped with their first-hand observations and scoring feedback, our editors then ranked and categorized our top picks for the perfect pet carrier to suit your travel needs.

Other Carriers We Tested

In addition to our winners and recommended pet travel carriers, we also tested:

Petmate Aspen Pet Porter Dog Kennel : While not as tough as our favorite cargo hold kennel, this more affordable option scored well with our tester, who used it to travel with a 55-pound dog.

Sherpa Original Deluxe Travel Pet Carrier : Our tester cat was able to pry open the zipper and tear this carrier up with her claws—we have some durability concerns. Also, only the smallest two available sizes are suitable as an under seat carry-on.

Sleepypod Air In-Cabin Pet Carrier : This is a high-quality, premium carrier, but its duffle bag design was a little too claustrophobic for our big cat tester, and so at this price point we preferred carriers with a stiffer leather construction.

Arlo Skye The Pet Carrier : We liked the rectangular construction and abundant ventilation, but felt that some of the other premium carriers are an overall better value.

Diggs Passenger Travel Carrier : Another excellent premium option, this carrier earned the same crash test certification from the Center for Pet Safety as our best overall, but it's a little bigger and bulkier, making it a slightly less attractive option for lugging around the airport.

What To Look For

Size Guidelines

Flights have more stringent requirements than other ways of traveling with your pet . The exterior measurements of the carrier you select must fall within the sizing guidelines provided by the airline provider for your flight. A typical limitation is that pet carriers need to be within 18 inches long, 11 inches wide, and 11 inches tall to fly in the cabin. Some airlines also have a maximum weight for your pet plus their carrier, but this varies between airlines, so we recommend using the guidelines provided by the airline you intend to fly with your pet most frequently. Here are the restrictions for some popular airlines:

  • Alaska Airlines
  • United Airlines
  • Southwest Airlines
  • American Airlines

Beyond requirements, the interior of your carrier should be spacious enough for your pet to stand (even temporarily), turn around, lie down, and adopt multiple positions. Commercial calming aids for dogs and cats can help with restlessness and anxiety. Read The Spruce Pets for more travel tips .

Hard-Sided vs. Soft-Sided

The carriers that made our list tend to fall in between hard and soft, offering structured yet flexible coverage for your pet that is just malleable enough to accommodate under the seat dimensions on an airplane. The softest of our selects, the tote-style Love Thy Beast Nylon Pet Carrier, has firm base which is important for your pet to feel steady while being carried. If you dog is too big to fly in cabin, then you definitely need a hard-sided kennel, like our Best for Cargo choice, the Gunner G1 Kennel . 

Easy Carrying

If your pet carrier will be your personal item on a flight, then it's likely you'll also be juggling a piece of carry-on luggage. If you have a piece of wheeled luggage with a standard handle, then look for what's called a "trolley sleeve" when shopping for a carrier. A trolley sleeve is a tight band that attaches to your luggage handle, allowing your carrier to ride on top of your luggage.

While most carriers feature two handles, you may also want to seek out a carrier with a third, cross-body shoulder strap. This can make it easier to tote a carrier through airports, leaving your hands free for additional luggage. Many of our favorite carriers have a removable shoulder strap, which can be left off if you're trying to save a little weight.

Wild One Travel Carrier

The Spruce Pets / Anna Mejorada

  • Size 3.5 /5
  • Comfort 4 /5
  • Portability 4 /5
  • Design 4 /5

What We Like: Versatile design includes a shoulder strap that can be used as a leash; easy to wipe clean; folds flat when not in use; can be personalized with your dog's name

What We Don't Like: Very snug fit under airplane seat; carrier's measurements exceed limits for some airlines

Best for Small Dogs: This versatile pet carrier has an internal padded mat that can be unfolded to expand giving your dog a cozy space to nap once you arrive at your destination. The bag has a cylindrical shape that does not allow for all small dogs to stand up inside when fully zipped up but does offer more space horizontally for them to spread out. Our tester dog, an eight-pound Pomeranian, had space to lay down, put their head up, and get comfortable, but if you’ve got a short-legged friend, like Dachshund , or a very petite pal, like a Chihuahua , then they’ll fit right in. 

The carrier is well made with durable zippers, allowing for flexibility in use and mesh paneling for airflow and to keep your dog in view. To get your dog acclimated to the bag, you can open up one of the sides to let them come in and out as they please, and when you are on the plane, you can unzip just the top to slide in a treat. The shoulder strap can be removed and used as a leash, and there are two additional padded handles for a comfortable and secure grip.

A slotted panel on the back allows you to place it on the handlebars of your suitcase or secure it in a car by passing a seatbelt through. However, unlike our selection for Best Overall, the Away Pet Carrier, this bag has not been crash test certified by the Center for Pet Safety. The carrier is available in black, green, and tan, and folds up flat for storage.

Available in black, tan, and a limited edition spruce color

Gunner G1 Kennel Intermediate

The Spruce Pets / Lisa Pezzuto

What We Like: Lifetime warranty, back wheels make the heavy carrier easier to transport; small, medium, and intermediate sizes are 5 Star Crash Test certified by the Center For Pet Safety ; reinforced sides absorb impact and regulate temperature

What We Don't Like: Very heavy and typically requires more than one person to move

Best Kennel: If your dog is too big to fly in the main cabin—which for most airlines is around 20 pounds—then they will have to ride in the cargo section of the airplane. The best option we found is the Gunner G1 Kennel. It’s designed to keep your dog as comfortable as possible, with rotomolded double walls to regulate the temperature and absorb the impact for any bumps that may occur during takeoff, in the air, and when landing. You won’t be able to access your dog during your flight, so it’s important to make sure they are secure prior to boarding.

Your dog will need water in their kennel for the flight, and the recessed floor for this carrier will limit any discomfort they may experience in case of a spill. You can also add an orthopedic bed designed for the kennel or your dog’s favorite blanket.

The Spruce / Lisa Pezzuto

The kennels are made in the United States and come with a lifetime warranty. There are four sizes available and all except the largest received a five-star crash test certification from the Center for Pet Safety .

To find the right size for your dog, Gunner offers an online tool that takes into consideration your dog’s weight and measurements with length from nose to base of tail and height from front paws to top of the head. The kennel has rear wheels to help with transport, but we found it necessary to have two adults at a minimum for moving, especially with a dog inside. And in case anyone with hands instead of paws gets stuck inside, the door can be opened from both sides by humans.

Available in four sizes and five colors

Love Thy Beast Nylon Pet Travel Carrier

Love Thy Beast

What We Like: Sturdy base with an easy-to-remove platform; large zipper pocket on one side; smaller zipper pocket also functions as a loop for suitcase handle or seatbelt; lightweight and suitable for daily use

What We Don't Like: Soft sides don't provide much protection.

Best Tote: The Love Thy Beast Nylon Pet Travel Carrier is a soft-sided tote-style bag with two shoulder straps and a sturdy base so your pet can stand confidently. It’s made of nylon and canvas, and the internal panel, which is held in place with hook and loop straps, is easy to take out and wipe clean. It’s also very lightweight and suitable for daily use. 

Our eight-pound canine participant was able to stand up, sit, lay, and turn around inside the bag when fully zipped. The bag is designed to support dogs up to 25 pounds.

The two longer sides of the rectangular-shaped bag are opaque and each features a zippered pocket. One pocket is large enough to stash essentials such as puppy pads , a leash , and a collapsible water bowl . The other pocket is slimmer with dual zippers so it can also be used as a loop for a seatbelt or suitcase handlebars. The top and shorter sides are made from a durable mesh so you and your pet can keep an eye on each other.

We found that the mesh made it difficult for other passengers to see our furry traveler, and the bag has less structured protection than other carriers we tested, so be sure to give your aisle mates notice that your pet is inside so they can watch their step.

Available in multiple colors and material s , including waxed canvas and nylon

Travel Cat The Transpurrter Ultimate Calming Convertible Cat Carrier

The Spruce Pets / Morgan Ashley Parker

What We Like: Scratch-resistant mesh and water-resistant interior; full blackout capability to keep pets calm; various straps allow for customized carry

What We Don't Like: Carrier is long, limiting ability to fit under all airline seats; too unwieldy for wear as a cross-body carrier

Best for Cats: With scratch-resistant mesh, the Transpurrter Ultimate Calming Convertible Cat Carrier from Travel Cat is an excellent choice for air travel with a kitty companion ( here are some of our favorite cat carriers for your other travel scenarios). If you have an anxious cat or one that is new to travel, this carrier is designed to offer a calming space with a black interior and a full blackout side panel to block out external stimulation.

The versatile bag can be carried in multiple ways including as a duffle, a backpack, and on top of a suitcase. We found the bag to be easy to carry in all formations except as a crossbody bag. But the weight distribution might feel different for you with your cat inside. 

Travel + Leisure / Katherine Alex Beaven

The Spruce / Morgan Ashley Parker

TripSavvy / Morgan Ashley Parker

People / Morgan Ashley Parker

A leash tether is located inside so you can open up one of the panels to let your cat poke their head out. This is both adorable and very convenient for layovers, giving your cat the opportunity to see where they are without worrying that they will escape. To further foil any spur-of-the-moment urges to bolt from the bag, the zippers snap closed to prevent your cat from pawing it open. 

The carrier features external pockets for essentials, is easy to spot clean, and has an internal mat that can be removed and machine washed. 

Available in Dark Charcoal, Heather Grey, and Heather Grey & Teal

There is no standard among airlines so you have to check the guidelines with your flight provider for each flight. All of the carriers on our list have been approved by at least one major airline provider based in the United States, including Delta, United Airlines, American Airlines, Southwest, or Jetblue, but each has its own pet policy.

Some airlines have a maximum weight of 20 pounds, which typically includes both your pet and their carrier. But each flight provider has their own pet policy.

It’s important to give your dog or cat as much space as possible but you can offer a few comforts. A small treat or toy to reinforce good behavior, and a small blanket can make the interior a little cozier. Introduce your pet to the carrier at least a few days before your flight to help them get accustomed to the space. 

Introduce your pet to the carrier at least a few days before your flight to help them get accustomed to the space. Place a treat inside so they build a positive association with the carrier. Before you board, make sure your pet has the opportunity to pee–no one likes to be contained with a full bladder. Try to remain calm and upbeat, pets pick up on the emotions of their humans very quickly, so if you are relaxed, they are more likely to be relaxed. If anxiety is a reoccurring issue for your pet, speak with your veterinarian about the appropriate options for your cat or dog.

Why Trust The Spruce Pets?

This story was written by Anna Mejorada , a writer for The Spruce Pets, who shares her home with a happy pomeranian named Gidget. From NYC, Anna and Gidget have flown to various locations including Aruba, Nantucket, and San Francisco. Before researching and writing about pet products for a living, Anna embarked on a self-mandated, ongoing quest to find the optimal items for her dog. She is now delightfully devoted to helping humans discover and select the most favorable products for their pets.

More from The Spruce Pets

  • The Best Cat Carrier For Road Trips Is Crash Test Certified
  • The 11 Best Dog Carriers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed
  • The 8 Best Dog Car Seats and Restraints, Tested With Real Dogs
  • The 11 Best Cat Carriers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed
  • The 8 Best Dog Backpack Carriers Tested With Real Dogs
  • The 6 Best Backpack Cat Carriers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed
  • The 7 Best Dog Bike Baskets for Your Small-Breed Passenger
  • The 6 Best Dog Seat Belts for Your Next Road Trip
  • The 10 Best Dog Crates of 2024, Tested and Reviewed
  • The 10 Best Dog Seat Covers Tested With Real Dogs
  • The 9 Best Dog Poop Bags Tested By Picking Up After Real Dogs
  • 21 of the Best Pet Products We Ever Tested Are On Sale For Amazon Prime Day
  • The 7 Best Dog Strollers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed
  • The 9 Best Dog Treat Pouches for Your Next Walk
  • The 10 Best Dog Houses For Any Environment
  • The 5 Best Dog Crates for Puppies, Tested and Reviewed

Orlando Sentinel

Transportation | Spirit Airlines shows improvements, but still…

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Subscriber only, transportation | spirit airlines shows improvements, but still finishes last in travel industry customer satisfaction study.

carrier in travel

Discount carriers Spirit Airlines and Frontier Airlines, once destined to be merger partners, both upped their games in terms of serving their customers, but remained on the bottom of an annual customer satisfaction survey for 2023-24, a national research firm has announced.

Although it registered more improvement points than any airline, South Florida-based Spirit finished last in the annual American Customer Satisfaction Index Travel Study conducted by CFI Group of Ann Arbor, Mich. The study, released Tuesday, assessed the performance of not only the nation’s bigger airlines, but also of hotels, car rental firms, rideshare operators and online travel services.

Overall, all of the industry segments serving travelers showed improvements in the eyes of customers, many of whom are still eager to hit the road despite rising prices and inflation.

For the survey, travelers graded the airlines on multiple service metrics, including baggage handling, boarding process, call centers, cleanliness of airplane cabins and lavatories, food quality (both paid and complimentary). loyalty programs, mobile apps, overhead storage, seat comfort and staff performances at airport gates and ticket counters.

The percentage of people surveyed who said they complained declined year-over-year, with 26% of the business travel respondents saying they filed a complaint in 2024 versus 48% in 2023. Of the leisure travelers surveyed, only 13% said they complained versus 17% last year.

“Airline customer satisfaction has climbed to new heights, reaching scores not seen even before the pandemic disrupted travel,”  Forrest Morgeson, associate professor of marketing at Michigan State University and director of research emeritus at the ACSI, said in a statement. “Carriers have bounced back strongly, showing that innovations and service improvements implemented during the last two years have resonated with customers.”

The index was founded at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business in partnership with other organizations including CFI, which now conducts the survey. It is no longer affiliated with the university.

Alaska Airlines, which had a door plug blow out of one its planes during a flight over the Pacific Northwest in January, topped the survey for the second straight year, followed by American Airlines.

Discounters register improvements

Among the discount airlines, Allegiant, Frontier and Spirit made the biggest gains in the survey “as they crank up their value propositions,” the organization said in its statement.

Asked for more detail, a CFI spokeswoman said the three airlines “showed improved scores this year on flight experience metrics such as check-in/boarding, in-flight service, travel planning, and staff.”

“Now that the legacy carriers have added so many fees related to seat selection and baggage, customers may perceive a greater value proposition from budget airlines,” she said.

Despite the improvements shown by the discounters, “only Allegiant avoids sitting at the low end of the industry, finishing in third place,” the statement said.

Allegiant, which is based in Las Vegas, was followed in descending order by Southwest Airlines, Delta Air Lines, JetBlue Airways, United Airlines, unidentified carriers in an “All Other” category, then Denver-based Frontier and South Florida-based Spirit.

Spirit, which is moving into a new headquarters complex in Dania Beach, did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment.

The airline is emerging from a protracted turbulent period highlighted by two failed merger deals and a manufacturers’ engine recall that has left 20 of its 200-plus jetliners grounded.

At a formal opening of its headquarters last week, Ted Christie, the CEO and president, told the South Florida Sun Sentinel the company is eager to start communicating what it wants to do for its customers.

‘We’ve been listening to what our guests have been telling us over the years. We’ve been listening to what the markets have been saying,” he said. “And we haven’t had an opportunity yet to tell our story and to energize what’s going to happen next, and we’re going to take that opportunity.”

Christie didn’t elaborate. But before the breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the airline did undertake initiatives to show it wanted better relations with its customers. The airline upgraded its fleet, installed seating with more legroom, and upgraded technology to increase flight schedule reliability.

More recently, the airline has landed in the upper quadrant of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s monthly on-time performance scorecards. For example, the company ranked fourth at 72.5% in January of this year in overall percentage of reported flights arriving on time, according to department data.

More in Transportation

The Biden administration issued final rules Wednesday to require airlines to automatically issue cash refunds for things like delayed flights and to better disclose fees for baggage or canceling a reservation.

Transportation | Airlines will now be required to give automatic cash refunds for canceled and delayed flights

A $12 billion high-speed passenger train line between Las Vegas and the Los Angeles area has started construction. U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg joined Brightline West company officials on Monday to hammer commemorative yellow rail spikes at the site of terminal due to open in 2028 just south of the Las Vegas Strip. The company plans to build track in the median of Interstate 15 to a Rancho Cucamonga, California, commuter rail hub connection to Los Angeles. Trains would whisk past at speeds comparable to Japan's bullet trains. A Brightline sister company operates a train about two-thirds that fast between Miami and Orlando.

Rail spikes hammered, bullet train being built from Sin City to the City of Angels

Demings indicates his proposed transportation tax, abandoned last week, will be back in 2026.

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Mayor Demings failed to find support for a November tax referendum, two years after voters rejected an earlier proposal.

Local News | Orange County abandons proposed transportation sales tax

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The Best International Cell Phone Plans For Travelers [Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, Google Fi]

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James Larounis

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Keri Stooksbury


32 Published Articles 3123 Edited Articles

Countries Visited: 47 U.S. States Visited: 28

The Best International Cell Phone Plans For Travelers [Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, Google Fi]

What Phones Can You Use Internationally?

Alternative choice: google fi, connect to wi-fi, use a hotspot, turn off your cellular data when you aren’t using it, final thoughts.

We may be compensated when you click on product links, such as credit cards, from one or more of our advertising partners. Terms apply to the offers below. See our Advertising Policy for more about our partners, how we make money, and our rating methodology. Opinions and recommendations are ours alone.

Your phone is your map, source of information, and a translator. These modern conveniences have made international travel easier and safer. Whether you’re leaving for a year abroad, going off to become an expat, or are just heading for a long weekend in Mexico, you’ll need to sort out what you want to do for an international cell phone plan.

Similar to figuring out how international plugs work, making sure your passport is ready , and deciding on what to pack , your phone requires some preparation before you leave to travel internationally.

If you decide to stick to your current carrier or switch cell phone providers, the company you work with may charge you extra for your travels. Make sure you understand your plan carefully and know what it will cost to use your data, minutes, and texts — and what happens when you go over.

Which plans work the best, what do they offer, and what do they cost? These are some important questions you’ll need to consider when looking at what options will work best for you.

In this post, we’ll take a look at:

  • What a world phone is, and how to equip yourself for international travel
  • What international plans each of the major cell phone carriers offer
  • What the pros and cons of each service are
  • Who each cell phone plan service is best for

Once a few technical words get thrown around, many people think they won’t be able to understand how any of this works. Don’t worry, using a phone overseas isn’t as difficult as it can sometimes sound.

The first thing to understand is that different companies and countries all use their own technologies and frequencies. You need a phone that is compatible with these technologies.

Verizon uses a technology called CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access). Most other carriers and the world use what’s called GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication). There are phones on Verizon that also support GSM, but those that don’t won’t work as world phones.

iphone user

Rather than explain the technical differences between GSM and CDMA, which often confuses folks, it’s important to understand that carriers use different technologies, and different parts of the world use different systems — what is relevant for you is which plans and carriers you can use abroad.

Hot Tip: If you bought a phone advertised as “unlocked” or “SIM-free,” it should be designed to be ready to use on global GSM networks.

Every carrier offers a list of popular models of “world phones,” including such options as the iPhone XRS Max and Samsung Galaxy S10.

Many of the phones you get for free or discounted in exchange for signing up for a service contract are locked. This means they are locked to the network the contract is with. Your cell phone provider prevents your phone from using another network, and it may not be able to work internationally.

Hot Tip: If your phone is locked, try asking your cell phone company if they will unlock it for you.

The Best International Cell Phone Plans

Unfortunately, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all option for international cell phone plans. Below, you’ll find information on all the major carriers and their plan options, along with the pros and cons of each. Use this to sort out what will work best for you and go with your gut.

Be aware that your needs will be different if you are traveling short-term versus a month or more. Plans like Verizon’s Above Unlimited have restrictions when you use more than 50% of your talk, text, or data while you’re traveling internationally (meaning, you shouldn’t use a U.S.-based plan when abroad full-time). They sometimes severely limit (or even cancel) your cell phone service when this happens. Keep this in mind when you’re reviewing your options.

Cell phone credit card

Your first option on Verizon is its TravelPass plan , which gives you the option to take your regular talk, text, and data with you on your trip (meaning, you use whatever amount of talk, text and data speeds you regularly use within the United States).

You will be charged $5 a day (on every line) for days you use your service in Mexico and Canada. There is a list of 130 additional countries where you can use your phone at a rate of $10 per day. Most popular countries are included in this list, such as Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, the Netherlands, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and more.

Activating your TravelPass through the Verizon Wireless app is all you need to do to have coverage and it’s a simple add-on to your normal monthly bill.

When you arrive at an international location, your phone will automatically recognize where you are and will connect to the local signal. Once it does, your TravelPass kicks in and it won’t renew or use another pass until 24 hours (not a full calendar day) have elapsed. If you land in a foreign country at 2 p.m. on one day and leave at 11 a.m. the next day, you only use 1 TravelPass.

If you use a lot of data uploading photos and using maps while you’re traveling, then you should be aware that the 4G speeds you rely on with Verizon are only available for your first 512 MB on the TravelPass. Once you’ve passed 512 MB, Verizon will throttle your speed down to 2G.

The Verizon Wireless Above Unlimited plan will offer you unlimited data, no contract, for $95 per month. You can receive a $5 a month discount if you set your payments to auto-pay.

This plan isn’t an add-on, but is one that you can use when you’re on brief trips abroad when you feel like it. Essentially, instead of charging you separate per-use days like the TravelPass add-on, the passes are built-in to the plan itself.

Talk, text, and data are included while you’re in Mexico and Canada (no extra charge) and the plan comes with 5 TravelPasses every month. This means you can use a TravelPass for talk, text, and data in 130 countries for 5 days per month with no extra expense. If you exceed the 5 free days a month, then you’ll continue at the normal rate of $10 per additional day.

Again, once you’ve used 512 MB of 4G speeds, you’ll be throttled down to 2G.

For comparison, if you decide to pay as you go on Verizon while abroad, you’ll be charged top rates. It costs $.99 a minute for calling in Canada and Mexico, $1.79+ in most other countries, $.50 for every text you send, $.05 for every text you receive and $2.05 for every MB of data you use. A simple app download or directions on a map can cost you several hundreds of dollars, so keep this in mind if you decide to pay as you go.

For cruise ships, there’s a fairly basic plan that’s included with your basic service. It will cost $2.99 a minute for calling, $.50 to send a text, and $.05 to receive a text; no data capabilities are available while at sea.

cell phone selfie

  • You don’t have to worry about unlocking a phone because you’re still on the Verizon network.
  • It’s easy to add for short trips.
  • The Verizon U.S. LTE coverage has been great for a long time.
  • The unlimited plan includes the 5 TravelPasses, as well as free talk and text in Mexico and Canada.
  • Your personal number stays the same at no extra cost.
  • This option can be pricey. The $5-$10 a day TravelPasses add up quickly, especially with multiple lines and on long trips.
  • While there are many places covered in its 130 locations, there are also many that still aren’t, so you’ll want to check to be sure you’ll have coverage for your specific trip before signing up.

Bottom Line: This Plan Is Great For: People who already use Verizon and don’t want to have to call to add an international add-on. If you take frequent and short trips abroad in areas where it has service, the Above Unlimited is a great choice.

T-Mobile is a great option for international travel because its plans make things simple.

The T-Mobile One plan for unlimited data lets you keep your unlimited data and texting when you travel to 210 locations. However, it caps your data at a shockingly low 128 kbps. This means that even just browsing web pages (exclusive of video) you’ll be throttled down to 2G speeds. It also charges for international phone calls, so if you talk a lot on your phone this can become expensive quickly.

To combat these downsides, T-Mobile offers International Passes for faster data while you’re abroad. Its 5 GB pass keeps you on the 4G network for 10 days with unlimited calling at a cost of $35. It  also has an option for 15 GB for 30 full days at $50.

Another option is a $5 pass with 512 MB of high-speed data and unlimited calling. This is much more limited, but if you’re traveling for a short period and don’t believe you’ll be making many calls on FaceTime or another data-consuming app, this can be a simple add-on with enough to get online at faster speeds.

Cruise rates vary depending on the ship or destination you’re traveling to (you can check here for rates ), but as an example, if you choose to travel on the Royal Caribbean Voyager of the Seas which sails in the South Pacific, your at-home T-Mobile plan includes no data on the cruise ship, $.50 for sent texts, and $5.99 a minute for calls.

cell phone user in taxi

  • The 2G speed data is free with your regular plan.
  • Expansive coverage in 210 locations, which basically means almost everywhere.
  • While it covers a great many countries, when you get beyond major U.S. cities the coverage can be spotty.
  • International phone calls can become very expensive very fast since they are not included.

Bottom Line: This Plan Is Great For:  People who travel frequently and want international service included at no additional expense. This plan is cheapest when you don’t mind super slow 2G speeds when traveling abroad.

On both the Unlimited & More and the Unlimited & More Premium plans on AT&T , you will be able to travel to Mexico and Canada with all of your talk, data, and text already paid for. Its Mobile Share Plus plans allow you to use your talk, text, and data when you are in Mexico.

In 100+ other countries, AT&T offers an International Day Pass for $10 a day, offering the unlimited talk, text, and data already in your regular plan.

This charge can add up quickly when you’re on longer trips, though. The AT&T Passport plan lets you use your normal within-U.S. plan for 30 days while you’re out of the country. AT&T recently redid this plan, since the old AT&T passport option only offered 200 MB of data, which is just not enough for most people.

The Passport plan costs $60 for 30 days and offers 1 GB of data and unlimited texting. You can raise this to 3 GB of data for $120 for the month. At that point, you should never go any further if you value your budget, because it charges you $50 for every GB over the 3 GB. Phone calls are not included and you will be charged $.35 per minute.

If you’re headed onto a cruise , AT&T also has you covered with 2 plans. Its $100-a-month plan includes unlimited talk and text and 200 MB of data, with additional data costing $2 per MB. Its $50-a-month cruise package includes 50 minutes of talk (overages charged at $2 per minute), unlimited texting, and no data.

Data on cruising is expensive no matter which plan you choose, so if you can, subscribe to the onboard Wi-Fi that your cruise ship may offer.

For comparison, if you don’t choose one of these plans, you’re charged at insane rates: $3 per minute for talk, $.50 for each text sent and over $6 for every MB of data you use. Yikes!

  • It’s easy to use and add to your account.
  • You are staying on the AT&T network so you don’t need to find an unlocked phone.
  • There isn’t any data speed throttling, which is common on other networks.
  • You can take phone calls on your regular number without paying any extra fees.
  • If you’re on a share plan, you’ll need to monitor the data usage.
  • While there are many places that are covered (over 100), there are many that still aren’t.
  • The $10 fee every day for every line will add up very quickly. If you go on a family trip with 4 lines and are traveling for 5 days you could see an additional $200 on your monthly bill.

Looking for more information? See our detailed piece dedicated to AT&T International Phone Plans including countries, coverage rates, and more.

Bottom Line: This Plan Is Great For:  People who love data and texting, but aren’t big on making phone calls. It’s not the best if you are on a shared plan and going to be buying an International Day Pass for everyone in your group, but the 30-day plans with unlimited data are excellent for users who mostly need its phones for data or texting while on an extended trip.

Woman using phone in front of Eiffel Tower

Google Fi doesn’t come up as an option as a major carrier (yet). While it may not yet be a mainstream option, it is one that is becoming increasingly popular with frequent travelers.

Google Fi treats international data and domestic data the same. It uses the cell towers of T-Mobile and US Cellular and covers over 200 locations.

Internationally, your calls will cost $.20 , unless you are on Wi-Fi, which will be free. You still have unlimited text messages while traveling internationally.

Its plans cost $20 for a month of unlimited talk and text and every 1 GB of data is $10 a month. The data is rounded off to the nearest MB meaning you only pay for the data you actually use. If you are a heavy data user, it stops charging you at 6 GB. This means your bill will never be over $80 a month.

Google Fi offers a few phones, but it is also open to using most phones you’ve purchased elsewhere, including the iPhone. Buying one of its  phones (like the Google Pixel or some of the Moto and LG phones) makes it so that you can switch between cell networks and hotspots easier.

If you’re using Google Fi aboard a cruise ship, make sure to connect to the onboard Wi-Fi for free calls.

  • International data and domestic data are treated the same.
  • Google Fi covers 170+ destinations.
  • There is no contract; you pay monthly.
  • To sign up for Google-Fi, it sometimes offer great incentives such as high-dollar gift cards or freebies.
  • Even with the combination of T-Mobile and US Cellular cell phone towers, your coverage at home may vary.
  • Some users have found Google-Fi difficult to sign up for.

Bottom Line: This Plan Is Great For:  Frequent travelers and those who have an approved phone or who are interested in buying a Google Pixel (or other phone sold by Google). It’s important that the T-Mobile/US Cellular cell towers work well for you in your local area when you’re back at home.

Saving on International Rates

There’s no doubt that using your phone outside of the U.S. can be a bit pricey — most major plans cost more than you pay for your domestic service. To save on these costs while outside of the country, there are a few things you can do:

This may sound obvious, but it’s one of the biggest ways you can save money. Most phone plans can make calls over Wi-Fi for no extra cost , and you are able to download movies, music, or check emails without using cellular data.

Most branded hotels offer some type of complimentary Wi-Fi for a daily nominal rate. When you’re in your hotel, enable your phone to automatically connect to the hotel’s signal so that you won’t have to think about whether or not your phone is using international roaming rates. Outside of the hotel, many museums , restaurants, and even public spaces offer complimentary Wi-Fi.

There are several major hotspots designed for traveling. One of the largest brands is Skyroam . For as little as $9 a day, you can enjoy unlimited data. The hotspots offer a flat daily rate so you don’t have to worry about different charges for different areas or overages.

Since a hotspot usually provides unlimited data, it is more than likely cheaper than your traditional cell phone plan international service. You can connect your phone to this hotspot signal to make calls over Wi-Fi, download any necessary emails, and use your phone as a GPS, all without worrying about eating up precious data.

The only downside to using a hotspot is that it is an extra device you will have to carry with you when you are out. Some travelers clip the hotspot onto their belt, or stuff it in a backpack .

Many cell phone plans charge for every day you use talk, text, and data abroad — and the more days you use it, the higher your charges. There may be some days, however, where you don’t need data as much — for example, you might be inside all day where you can connect to Wi-Fi, or you may be flying between countries where you will be away from a cell signal.

Whatever the case, if you shut off your cellular signal (or turn your phone in Airplane Mode, as many people do), your phone won’t connect to a network and you won’t be charged for that day’s worth of usage.

computer in cafe

The best international cell phone plan will be an individual decision.

While Google Fi isn’t one of the major mainstream U.S. carriers, it shouldn’t be overlooked as it is one of the strongest options for international plans, especially those who rely heavily on data.

T-Mobile’s plans are a strong option for those who need great coverage at home and internationally for frequent trips. AT&T’s plan for travel is great for trips to Canada and Mexico since both are included in the most basic version.

Consider what your travel plans are — where you are going and how often, what your needs are at home, and whether voice, data, or texting is most important to you. When you know what your needs are, it’s easier to make a decision on which are the best plans to get you the most coverage for the best price.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i use my cell phone in a different country.

Most modern cell phones are equipped to work internationally, however, to be able to actually talk, text or use data, you need to contact your wireless carrier to ensure that your phone can connect to a network abroad. Usually, this requires you to subscribe to your wireless carrier’s international cellular plan, which may cost a few dollars a day.

Does AT&T have an international plan?

AT&T offers 2 international plans – a day pass type plan that charges by the day, and a Passport plan that allows the user to use their phone abroad for a month for a set price.

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About James Larounis

James (Jamie) started The Forward Cabin blog to educate readers about points, miles, and loyalty programs. He’s spoken at Princeton University and The New York Times Travel Show and has been quoted in dozens of travel publications.


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27 things you should always pack in your carry-on bag.

Create your packing list of essentials and new in-flight finds.

What to Pack in a Carry-on Bag

carrier in travel

Packing your carry-on bag for a flight is exciting – but it can also be overwhelming. With a little planning and a concise list of airport and in-flight essentials, you can maximize space and be prepared for your journey.

To help you decide what to pack in your carry-on bag, our team compiled this list of must-have items. Download the packing list here to use while you prep for your next trip, then read on to learn more about what to pack.

Carry-on packing list

Travel wallet, passport holder, toiletry bag, tsa-approved liquids bag and compliant containers, prescription medications, glasses case, travel pillow, packing cubes, tech organizer, luggage tracker, zippered pouches and reusable silicone bags, mini clip bag, hand sanitizer, bluetooth wireless adapter, wired earbuds or headphones, e-reader or a great book, travel adapter/converter, travel first-aid kit, reusable water bottle, activities or games, light jacket, change of clothing.

Protect your credit cards and cash with an RFID wallet like the Travelon RFID Blocking Single Zip Wallet , which prevents scammers from wirelessly stealing your personal information. This travel wallet is especially useful since it can also hold most smartphones.

If you're traveling internationally, an option like the TIGARI Passport Holder can protect your travel document and make it easy to locate in your carry-on bag. You'll need access to your passport at airport security, when you board the plane and when you're filling out entry forms, so keep the passport holder as well as a pen within reach. Once you arrive at your destination, put the passport wallet somewhere safe at your lodging or – if you feel inclined to keep it with you – stow it in your travel purse, belt bag or backpack to ensure it's safe while you explore.

Young woman showing cosmetics permitted in carry-on baggage. Close up of hands.

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Pack your toiletry bag in your carry-on so you can easily freshen up and so that you'll have essentials like toothpaste and deodorant in the event your checked luggage is lost in transit. Also consider packing toiletries that are useful for travel (particularly the dry air on planes), even if they're not part of your daily routine at home.

U.S. News senior travel editor Marisa Méndez recommends including a facial moisturizer and a body lotion in your toiletry bag. "My skin always dries out on flights and it's nice to have something to soothe my skin," she says.

"I always love having facial spray to freshen up after the flight," says Elizabeth Von Tersch , also a senior travel editor at U.S. News. She always keeps one in her purse. " Mario Badescu and Evian are great." These facial sprays help to moisturize your skin after the drying environment on a plane or give you a little midday pick-me-up.

When packing your carry-on bag for a flight, you'll want to have a clear quart-sized bag that meets Transportation Security Administration guidelines for liquids and gels. Some Dopp kits or toiletry bags include a removable bag for travel-size liquids, or you can buy this reusable TSA-approved clear bag on Amazon . Put any liquids or gels you're traveling with in this bag, including shampoo, lotion, liquid makeup items and hand sanitizer.

Keep in mind that all liquids and gels must be in travel-size bottles or containers measuring 3.4 ounces or less. Remember: You'll need to remove this clear quart-sized bag from your carry-on bag at security, so consider packing it in an external pocket or an easy-to-find spot in your carry-on suitcase. To learn more about TSA regulations, consult our article about what is allowed in a carry-on .

Never stow prescription medications in checked baggage : If luggage is lost or delayed, replacing these medications while traveling can be extremely challenging or even impossible. If you take multiple medications, consider a travel pill sorter like the EZY Dose Pill Organizer , available for about $5 on Amazon.

Whether you wear glasses for vision correction or you're packing your favorite pair of sunglasses, keeping them protected while stowed in your carry-on is essential. If you're bringing multiple pairs, a case like the foldable Dagne Dover Remi Glasses Case can hold up to three pairs, or the Lug Eyeglass Holder & Mini Pill Case works well for eyeglasses and contacts.

Woman using red Cabeau Evolution S3 Travel Pillow in window seat of plane.

Courtesy of Cabeau

Resting throughout your journey can help you feel refreshed when you reach your destination and make the time pass a little quicker. But nothing can (literally) cramp your style like a stiff neck from sleeping wrong. Choose a comfortable neck pillow for travel like the top-rated Cabeau Evolution S3 or the MLVOC Travel Pillow (less than $30 on Amazon). For a travel pillow that doubles as a packing cube, consider the Tube pillow , which holds up to three days' worth of clothing.

Packing cubes aren't just for organizing clothing and shoes. Maximize space in your carry-on bag with these handy travel compartments . While Eagle Creek's PACK-IT line features the top-rated compression packing cubes on the market, many travelers also swear by the Veken Packing Cubes , which are usually available for $20 or less on Amazon. To maximize space even more, consider Lug's compression packing cubes .

If you're planning to travel with jewelry, watches or items that would be difficult to replace, be sure to put these in your carry-on bag, as checked items run the risk of being misplaced. For jewelry, a compact case that is easy to spot like the Lug Mini Swizzle is ideal for rings, cufflinks or earrings.

It's easy to let your charging cords get lost at the bottom of your bag or get your headphones tangled somewhere in your tote. A handy tech organizer such as the CALPAK Tech Organizer or the BAGSMART Tech Organizer , with zippered compartments and sections for specific cords, can help reduce tangled messes (and the need for you to search for your essentials in a tight airplane cabin).

Even though you'll have your carry-on bag with you, it's still a good idea to have a luggage tracker like an Apple AirTag or a Tile Pro securely attached to your bag. In the event you and your bag get separated, you'll be able to track down where you parted ways (because when you're jet-lagged it's easy to be a bit absent-minded).

Smaller than packing cubes, zippered pouches and silicone bags like the Stasher Silicone Reusable Storage Bags are perfect for storing everything from snacks to scrunchies. If traveling with family, consider different colored pouches for each traveler's items so you can easily tell them apart without removing everything from the bag.

Get a handy little bag with a carabiner clip, such as the CALPAK Luka Key Pouch , to securely attach to the outside of your bag for quick-grab items like gum, hand sanitizer or individual travel wipes . Once you're at your destination, you can clip it on a belt loop or use the elastic band to slide it on your wrist for your room key, lip gloss and other small essentials.

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Woman using hand sanitizer on plane.

Let's face it – traveling can introduce your body to a host of unwanted germs. Carrying a bottle of travel hand sanitizer will keep your hands clean on the go, even if there's not a bathroom nearby. To disinfect surfaces like airplane tray tables, arm rests or tables, consider having a pack of disinfecting wipes at your disposal as well.

During a flight, the low humidity and high altitude can have a drying effect on your skin and lips. To combat the dry air, consider packing a hydrating lip balm like this new stick option by Aquaphor . What's more, if you choose a balm over a liquid moisturizer, you won't need to store this product in your clear TSA-approved liquids bag.

In-flight entertainment can help your travel day go faster, but being tethered to the seatback with wired headphones can feel a bit constricting. Plus, you may have to unplug to let your seat mates in or out. Avoid those troubles and connect your wireless headphones to the in-flight system with Twelve South's AirFly ($35 or less on Amazon), which wirelessly transmits audio via Bluetooth.

If you'd prefer to connect directly to the in-flight entertainment to watch a movie (or maybe just tune out your seatmates), buy some inexpensive wired earbuds like this well-rated set by Jogteg . You can keep them in your carry-on so you're always ready, even on flights where they don't pass out complimentary headsets.

Having a book or magazine in your carry-on bag is always a good idea. Whether you encounter a delayed flight, a long layover or a plane with less than stellar in-flight entertainment, a good book will help pass the time.

On everything from red-eye flights to international jaunts, a good eye mask can block out light from overhead, the seatback screens and plane windows. The Nodpod Sleep Mask is especially relaxing since it's weighted.

"Even if you plan to grab a bite at the airport or on the plane (if that's an option), pack some snacks," says Amanda Norcross , content and SEO strategist for travel at U.S. News. "Flying is unpredictable and stressful for many travelers, and 'hanger' only makes things worse." Trail mix, granola bars, crackers, pretzels, dried fruit and popcorn are some good snack options you may want to throw in your carry-on. Also put chewing gum in your carry-on to freshen breath and help with ear popping.

It's not always easy to find a charging station at the airport, and there are restrictions when it comes to packing batteries in your carry-on baggage for any flight. One option that meets Federal Aviation Administration guidelines is the Anker 537 Power Bank (PowerCore 26K for Laptop) . This device can charge a laptop, smartphone or tablet quickly, to keep your devices running even on a long flight.

A hand holding a travel adapter.

For international travel – since different countries use different plug shapes – packing a universal adapter or converter will enable you to charge your devices and other electronics. Before purchasing, consider what your needs will be, especially regarding the shape of the wall outlet plugs and the voltage of the countries you'll be visiting.

A travel adapter such as the EPICKA Universal Travel Adapter on Amazon makes plugs from the U.S. fit into electrical outlets around the world, whereas a travel converter like the ALLWEI International Travel Adapter converts the electricity voltage. If you're traveling overseas from the U.S., you'll need both of these devices to use electronics like laptops, curling irons and hair straighteners (unless your device is dual voltage, like the BaBylissPRO Nano Mini Straightening Iron ).

For minor injuries like blisters from new shoes or unexpected cuts and scrapes, pack a first-aid kit with Band-Aids and triple antibiotic ointment like Neosporin in your bag.

Woman opening a reusable water bottle on a plane.

Staying hydrated while traveling is a must. Pack a reusable water bottle like the Corkcicle Canteen Triple Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle to fill up at the airport before your flight and refill throughout your travels. Even better – an insulated bottle will stay cold for hours.

Whether it's a long flight or layover (or maybe you just need a good distraction), having some activities like a miniature coloring book and mini colored pencils or small packable games can be really useful.

"I took a small coloring book and a small set of pencils on a flight once and it was life-changing," Méndez says. U.S. News senior digital producer for travel Leilani Osmundson says she and her husband love to bring a deck of cards and portable two-player games to pass the time.

"I typically wear a lightweight jacket on the plane to free up space in my carry-on," says Norcross. "If the plane is too warm, I can easily stuff it under the seat in front of me with my backpack." If you're in need of a simple yet effective packable jacket , check out the Amazon Essentials Puffer Jacket .

Whether your coffee spills off your tray table or you lose your checked baggage, an extra outfit is handy to have. Pack a versatile outfit (including socks and underwear) into your carry-on bag so you have a backup option, or perhaps have your swimwear and flip-flops ready to head directly to the beach the moment you arrive. For tired or swollen feet, having a pair of compression socks and a change of walking shoes can make your travel day much more comfortable.

What not to pack in a carry-on bag

When packing a carry-on bag or suitcase, it's important to note that some items are prohibited on all flights, due to Federal Aviation Administration regulations. The prohibited list includes aerosol products (such as anti-static spray or pepper spray), lithium or lithium-ion batteries, firearms and ammunition, flammables, and explosives. For more details on what you can and can't pack in your carry-on, visit the TSA's What Can I Bring? and the FAA's Pack Safe websites.

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Rachael Hood loves to see how much she can fit in her carry-on bag. She always brings a few snacks, a good read and little luxuries to make the journey comfortable. Hood used her personal travel experience, along with her retail background and research expertise, to curate this list.

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The 8 Best Airline-approved Pet Carriers of 2024, Tested and Reviewed

These high-quality pet carriers allow your furry friend to travel in comfort, safety, and style.

Katherine Alex Beaven is a Los Angeles-based travel, food and drink, and culture writer.

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We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. If you click on links we provide, we may receive compensation. Learn more .

Travel + Leisure / Katherine Alex Beaven

If you’re heading out on a trip with your dog or cat, there’s hardly anything more important for your animal’s comfort than picking the right pet carrier. The best airline-approved carrier is one that will check several boxes for you, your pet, and the airline. 

An airline-approved pet carrier is one that is designed to accommodate an animal comfortably, eradicate hassles associated with traveling with your pet, and satisfy the material and sizing requirements for most major airlines. To find the best carriers on the market, we personally tested and scored 13 popular airline-approved pet carriers based on size, quality, comfort, portability, design, ease of cleaning, and overall value.

We also spoke to two experts — Dr. Chyrle Bonk, a veterinarian working with, and Dr. Paola Cuevas, a veterinarian, MVZ, and behaviorist with — for tips and insight on how you can safely fly with your pet in the cabin or as cargo.

Best Overall

Away the pet carrier.

  • Quality 5 /5
  • Comfort 5 /5
  • Portability 5 /5
  • Design 5 /5

This comfortable, well-designed carrier checks all the boxes on our list and looks great, too. 

It taps out at carrying any more than 18 pounds of pet.

Away’s The Pet Carrier delivers the same sophisticated look, streamlined design, functionality, and quality you’ll find with their luggage products. We particularly liked how the bag’s size makes it easy to carry and slide under the seat in front of us without sacrificing a pet’s comfort. We also appreciated its interior and exterior pockets where we could stash must-grab items for both us and our pet — and the waterproofed side pocket with drainage holes meant for storing collapsible water bowls was a standout touch. 

Other notable features include overall water-resistancy for easy cleanup, a trolley sleeve for easy terminal-side portability, seat belt latches, and breathable mesh side plus a retractable calming screen to give anxious pets a bit of privacy without cutting off airflow. It also comes with a removable sherpa pet bed to keep your pet comfy during travel, and leaves enough room to add their favorite blanket or toy, too. 

Made from durable nylon and stylish black leather, this is the little black dress equivalent of a pet carrier — as long as your furry friend doesn’t weigh more than 18 pounds. If we could change one thing about this bag, it would be that it was available in more than one size. 

The Details: 18.7 x 10.8 x 10.75 inches | 4.3 pounds | Up to 18 pound pet size | Nylon and leather

Travel + Leisure / Alessandra Amodio

Travel + Leisure / Anna Popp

Best for the Cargo Hold

Gunner g1 kennel intermediate.

It’s the gold standard of hard-sided kennels.

This gold standard doesn’t come cheap.

The Gunner G1 Kennel is a superlative hard-sided kennel with a five-star crash safety rating from the Center for Pet Safety. There have been multiple reported instances where owners have been in severe crashes and said using a Gunner kennel has saved their dog’s life. And we can see why. Worried about the plane hitting rough air? This kennel has double-wall rotomolding for extra impact protection. It’s also got a wider base for stability against tipping, comes with built-in tie-down rods, and features all-weather windows that shield your pet from nasty weather it may face while being loaded and unloaded at the airport.

Pets stay comfortable inside by adding a soft bed, while raised non-slip feet lower temperature transfer from hot or frigid surfaces. The only downside is that the larger sizes may be tough for one person to manage with a dog inside. We tested the large size, which is 72 pounds empty, though this kennel also comes in small, medium, intermediate sizes, too. 

The Details: 24.5 x 18.6 x 19 inches (small), 29.5 x 20.5 x 23.5 inches (medium), 34 x 23 x 28.5 (intermediate), 40.25 x 28 x 33.25 (large) | 27 pounds (small), 38 pounds (medium), 48 pounds (intermediate), 72 pounds (large) | Up to 110 pounds for large pet size | Rotomolded plastic and stainless steel

Travel + Leisure / Lisa Pezzuto

Best Softside

Love thy beast nylon pet travel carrier.

Love Thy Beast

The 12-inch height makes it ideal for layovers. 

The narrow width may not be comfortable for girthy pets.

We found the Love Thy Beast Nylon Pet Travel Carrier to be lightweight yet sturdy, and flexible enough to squeeze under the seat in front of us, even though the carrier pushes the limits when it comes to height. Some airlines may eyeball it at check-in, but this tote-style carrier can also be used during layovers to give your pet more head room. It also comes with a leash tether so you can confidently carry your dog with the zippers down, and it’s possible to slip the bag onto the handle of a suitcase or a seat belt as the back pocket converts to a luggage sleeve when unzipped. 

This bag has a sturdy, removable platform on the bottom that makes for easy spot cleaning, and an extra-large zippered pocket on the front (in addition to that smaller, convertible luggage sleeve pocket on the reverse). The tight-knit mesh sides allow for one-way pet privacy to aid anxious pets as well. We tested this carrier out with an 8-pound dog who fit comfortably inside (as did a slim 12-pound pup), though it’s quite likely a wider-framed pet would find this 8-inch wide carrier too narrow. 

The Details: 17 x 12 x 8 inches | 2 pounds | Up to 25 pound pet size | Nylon

Travel + Leisure / Anna Mejorada

Best for Cats

Travel cat the transpurrter.

The Spruce Pets / Morgan Ashley Parker

  • Size 4.5 /5
  • Portability 4 /5

It’s loaded with thoughtful features throughout and can be carried five ways. 

The soft-lined interior quickly becomes covered in cat hair.

The Travel Cat The “Transpurrter” Ultimate Calming Convertible Cat Carrier is a sturdy and durable cat carrier with five options for carrying — over-the-shoulder, by side handles, via the trolley sleeve, as a crossbody, or as a backpack. One of our favorite features is the number of access points you have to reach your pet. It opens at both ends and the top, plus one full side panel opens up completely to give your cat more space while waiting at the gate. (We clipped them onto the bungee tether and opened it up so our cat felt less confined.) It also has calming privacy flaps, two stretchy slip pockets, one pocket loaded with several organizational pockets, a slide-out lined basket, and anti-scratch mesh on three sides. We’ve flown several times with this carrier and it still looks brand new, except for the inside, which immediately became covered in cat hair. 

The Details: 19 x 10.5 x 11 inches | 3.4 pounds | Up to 30 pound pet size

Travel + Leisure / Katherine Alex Beaven

Best Budget Hardside

Petmate aspen pet porter dog kennel.

  • Quality 4 /5
  • Design 3 /5

It’s a basic but solid crate-style kennel that meets FAA standards.

There aren't any extra pockets or storage features, it’s just the kennel.

This hard-sided kennel is a great value bang-for-your-buck. There are no extra fancy bells and whistles, just your basic heavy-duty plastic kennel that is approved for domestic air travel in the U.S. You get three-sided ventilation, a stainless steel door with squeeze latches to prevent accidental opening during flight, and a spacious interior that will easily fit your animal, food and water bowls, and your pet’s favorite blanket and toy (if allowed). The darker bottom helps activate a dog or cat’s natural burrowing reflex, helping them to relax. The kennel can also be taken down and put together quite easily for storage or transportation. We do wish there were at least some kind of storage area, though, to hold important papers or treats, but overall we can’t complain because this carrier ticked all the necessary boxes to make our pet comfortable and our travel day swift and easy. 

The Details: 28 x 20.5 x 21.5 inches (small), 32 x 22.5 x 24 inches (medium), 36 x 25 x 27 inches (large), 40 x 27 x 30 (extra-large) | 9 pounds (small), 14 pounds (medium), 19 pounds (large), 24 pounds (extra-large) | Up to 30 pounds (small), up to 50 pounds (medium), up to 70 pounds (large), up to 90 pounds (extra-large) pet size | Heavy-duty plastic and metal

Best Expandable

Petsfit expandable pet carrier.

The Spruce Pets / JT Wilde

  • Quality 4.5 /5

Fiber rods in the frame can be removed for extra flexibility to fit under the seat in front of you. 

The carry handles would benefit from a bit of padding.

The Petsfit Expandable Pet Carrier’s dual expandable, scratch-resistant mesh sides are great for giving your pet extra room while waiting at the gate or during layovers without officially letting them out of the bag. We also hacked this feature while testing, unzipping the sides while our pet was under the seat in front of us, to give our furry passenger a tad more space on both sides. Plus, the carrier is collapsible, and the fiber rods in the top frame can be removed for extra “give” to squeeze under the seat. The bottom of the carrier is lined with a soft material for pet comfort. This bag is lightweight and portable, but our hands hurt after carrying it via the handles after just a short time (we didn’t have the detachable crossbody/shoulder strap with us); padded handles would be a welcomed addition but it’s hard to knock the bonus space with this style.

The Details: 16 x 10 x 9 (small), 17 x 11 x 11 inches (medium), 19 x 12 x 12 inches (large) | 2.1 pounds (small), 2.5 pounds (medium), 3 pounds (large) | Up to 9 pounds (small), up to 13 pounds (medium), up to 18 pounds (large) pet size | Polypropylene

Travel + Leisure / JT Wilde

Best Organization

Jetpaws official pet carrier.

  • Comfort 4.5 /5

It takes the guesswork out of wondering if the carrier will fit under the seat. 

This carrier will only comfortably fit small dogs and medium-sized cats.

The JetPaws Official Carrier of JetBlue Airlines carrier is specifically designed to adhere to JetBlue’s strict size rules and fit under all of the airline’s seats. This makes it a shoe-in for complying with almost all other airlines’ size requirements, taking the guesswork and anxiety out of wondering if your carrier will fit. The colors may be a bit of an eyesore, but the bag’s many features are a good balm. This featherlight carrier comes with five pockets for storing necessities (some of the most we’ve seen), and a detachable padded shoulder strap for carrying (though no trolley sleeve). The carrier itself is made from a durable, undisclosed material that is easy to wipe clean. Our pet seemed right at home in this carrier and didn’t even seem to mind that his usual plush padded bed had been replaced with a simple soft lining. As one might expect with a little carrier, it can only accommodate small pets. 

The Details: 16 x 8.5 x 10 inches | 2 pounds

Travel + Leisure / Morgan Ashley Parker

Caraa Pet Carrier


The smooth material is sleek and stylish on the outside while keeping your pet cozy on the inside.

It can become bulky if you utilize all of the pockets.

This stylish carrier fits pets up to 18 pounds and features huge external pockets for all of their accessories. The large pockets are great for also storing your own items like wallet, phone, water bottle, and even a book, which is perfect for those times in which your pet is your personal item. We love that all of the zippers run smoothly and keep items (and pets) secure. While we wish the shoulder strap had a bit more padding, we do love that you can carry the bag in many ways thanks to the adjustable cross-body strap and smaller handle. There's even a luggage sleeve to make your commute to and from airplanes even easier.

The Details: 16.5 x 8 x 10.5 inches | 3.5 pounds | Vegan leather and nylon

Other Airline-approved Pet Carriers We Liked

A few pet carriers we tested didn’t quite make the list for the best airline-approved pet carrier but grabbed enough of our attention and admiration for an honorable recommendation as pet carriers that may work well in other travel situations. 

Diggs Passenger Travel Carrier : At 4.5 pounds this is the heaviest (and largest) soft-sided carrier we tested. Since it felt heavy before we even put our dog in, and because its large size seems likely to get flagged at check-in, it didn’t make the list. However, its five-star crash test rating, custom seat belt and buckle clips, pee-pad-friendly design, and a zip-down fourth wall side plus interior tethering clip make it an excellent choice as a pet carrier for the car. 

Arlo Skye The Pet Carrier : We found that this bag (which comes in heights of either 8.5 inches or 10 inches) felt a bit too snug for our dog, and the smaller size would be best suited for teacup-sized breeds. However, if your pet is on the tiny side, standout features include four-sided mesh ventilation, an included memory foam travel pad, and a sturdy trolly slip for easy portability atop your carry-on.

Wild One Travel Carrier : This lightweight and smaller-sized bag is loaded with thoughtful travel features, from its dual-sided zippers and calming fold-down side panels to the lie-flat breakdown design that makes it a cinch to spot clean and built-in option to use a strap as a leash. Since we couldn’t zip the 10-inch high bag closed unless our 8-pound dog was laying down, it felt like too much of a squeeze when placed under an airplane seat.

The T+L team tested 14 airline-approved pet carriers in real world traveling situations with our own cats and dogs. After measuring, weighing, and assessing the overall quality of each bag — and making sure our furry travel friends were comfortable with the carriers — we took to the skies to test how well the carrier stacked up when it came to carry comfort, pet comfort, durability, cleaning, overall design, size, and relevant features. 

To see how they functioned, we traveled with our pets on roundtrip domestic and international flights on U.S. major airlines, including JetBlue which has some of the smallest general size restrictions for in-cabin pet carriers. We took notes along the way on how easy it was to get through security, wait at the gate, slide under the seat, and transport through the airport, checking on our pet’s comfort before, during, and after the flight. We also considered how easy it was to access our pet during the flight and the traveling process. Scoring was largely based on pet comfort, portability, features, price, and performance of purpose in order to select the best airline-approved carriers for this roundup.

Travel + Leisure / Kate Rousu

Tips for Buying Airline-approved Pet Carriers  

Choose the best size for your pet.

The best size carrier will depend on your pet’s mobility, weight, and body frame. Remember, in-cabin pets must be able to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably in a carrier. Do not try to squeeze your pet into a smaller carrier just to meet an airline’s sizing rules. 

Check the rules for your mode of transportation 

Always check the rules and requirements for pets and pet carriers of your specific airline and general FAA requirements before purchasing a new carrier. Many train companies, such as Amtrak , will also have their own pet carrier policies as well. If riding in the car with your animal, consider crash safety when shopping for a pet carrier. 

Decide if you need soft-sided or hard-sided 

Soft-sided carriers, such as dog backpacks , are a bit more flexible when it comes to fitting into several under-seat spaces, and many airlines allow for larger soft-sided pet carrier dimensions because of this. Pets transported as cargo will have to be inside of a hard-sided carrier for their safety in the hold of the aircraft. Owners traveling with heavier and/or larger in-cabin pets may also want to consider a hard-sided carrier as it provides better support for the animal. 

Look for features that add comfort and ease to a journey 

Remember that your pet’s comfort is paramount, so give extra points to carriers that have comfort features such as breathable mesh, supportive and strong bottoms, several opening/access points, multiple pockets to hold treats, water, and clean-up supplies, or calming blackout panels. Most airlines will also require your carrier to have a waterproofed bottom in case of accidents.

Opening the pet carrier, placing it in your home, and allowing your pet to become comfortable with it or even sleep in it is a good first line way to get them acclimated. Next, try taking your pet on short rides in the car while inside the carrier, going a little bit longer each time (and not just to the vet), and then reward with a treat. You can also line the carrier with their favorite blanket or toy to make it feel more welcoming and familiar. 

Dr. Bonk explains that it's safe for most pets to stay in an in-cabin travel carrier for six to eight hours, as long as the carrier is appropriately sized for your pet. She says dogs traveling in cargo may be able to stay a little longer as long as they are comfortable and/or have access to pee pads, food, and water. Dr. Cuevas suggests it’s best if your pet can have a bathroom break every six hours, something that is only possible if you’re booked on a shorter flight or hire a private pet transport service. 

While there is nothing you are required to pack for in-cabin pets, both vets suggest having food and water (or treats) for the journey, any medication your pet may need, and any necessary paperwork such as vaccination records that may be required for boarding or landing. Lining the carrier with an absorbent pad, tossing in a scent-soaked item (e.g., something familiar that smells like them or you), and adding their favorite toy can help make the journey easier.  

There are several rules that come with bringing your pet on a plane — including specific carrier size and weight rules, pet fees, how many pets can travel on any plane, weather restrictions, and what documentation is needed. It’s always best to check with your specific airline about your specific flight and both departure and arrival destinations.

A few guaranteed rules to remember include that in-cabin pets will count as your carry-on or personal item depending on the airline, that pets are not allowed to be taken out of their carrier at any point during the flight, that carriers must remain under the seat in front of you for the duration of the flight (on most airlines), and that pets traveling as cargo cannot be sedated. 

  • American Airlines Pet Policy
  • United Airlines Pet Policy
  • Delta Air Lines Pet Policy
  • Southwest Airlines Pet Policy
  • JetBlue Airways Pet Policy

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

For this story, Katherine Alex Beaven spoke with two vets to get tips on how to safely and comfortably travel with your pet, in cargo or in the cabin. She also crunched testing insights from our T+L testers and pets, which included Alex and her 15-pound nervous travel cat @hellomisterbo . In researching airline-approved pet carriers, we spoke with Dr. Chyrle Bonk , a veterinarian with, and Dr. Paola Cuevas , a veterinarian, MVZ, and behaviorist with 

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carrier in travel


Why using your cellphone carrier overseas will cost you more

Sandra Jones | [email protected]

April 22, 2024, 3:25 PM

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When traveling abroad, the last thing you need to worry about is whether your cellphone will work.

So, experts say you should plan ahead.

The reason? Your cellphone will automatically switch to the mobile carrier that you have, and it will mean an added cost to your trip.

“Verizon and Xfinity for example, they charge you $10 per day, per line for their day passes for international roaming. So, that’s $20 a day for a couple using two phones,” Kevin Brasler, executive director at Washington Consumer’s Checkbook , told WTOP.

But Brasler said you can cut your bill in half.

“One is to use your phone but to swap in a foreign SIM card or download an eSIM. You can buy these at countries you’re visiting and often even at the airport. This basically shifts you to a foreign service,” Brasler said.

Brasler said there are more ways to save.

“Another option is to put your phone in airplane mode for the trip and rely on Wi-Fi. In most foreign cities, free Wi-Fi is widespread, and you can still use it to send free messages, like WhatsApp, FaceTime or Teams,” Brasler said.

Some other tips for using SIMs and eSIMs:

  • If your phone uses a physical SIM card, make sure to bring along a SIM needle. It resembles the end of a paper clip and is used to pop open your phone’s card tray. We’ve heard from subscribers who broke their phones using wooden toothpicks and other apparatuses trying to pry this open.
  • If you swap out physical SIM cards, make sure to stash the original in a safe place after you remove it.
  • Consider keeping in touch using WhatsApp so your contacts back home don’t rack up a bill texting with a foreign phone number.
  • If you’re going away for a month or longer, consider freezing your account with your U.S. carrier to avoid paying double for coverage. AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon allow this for up to 90 days.

Get breaking news and daily headlines delivered to your email inbox by signing up here .

© 2024 WTOP. All Rights Reserved. This website is not intended for users located within the European Economic Area.

Sandra Jones is an Anchor/Reporter for WTOP. She’s been in the news industry for more than two decades.

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The 10 Best Dog Crates & Carriers For Car Travel: Keeping Spot Safe!

Dog Crates & Carriers


April 23, 2024


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best dog crates for car travel

Dogs love the open road as much as we do!

But while most humans remember to buckle up before leaving the driveway, your fur baby doesn’t really have a say in the matter.

Many owners let their dog roam free in the car, which can be a deadly mistake.

Even owners who opt for using a dog carrier or crate designed for car travel will likely be shocked to discover that the vast majority of mainstream car carriers aren’t designed to keep your pooch safe in the event of an accident .

But don’t worry — we’re here to help!

Below, we’ll explain everything you need to know about dog carriers and car travel . We’ll outline the reasons why securing your dog is important, and share some of the best crates and carriers that are made from durable materials and designed to keep your pooch safe and secure in the car.

Diggs Passenger Carrier

In some cases, harnesses can be the better option for car-riding canines. We break down some of the situations in which this is the case and list some of our favorites in our guide to crash-tested dog car harnesses.

Safest Dog Crates & Carriers for the Car

dogs riding in car

Below, we’ll share some of the crates and carriers that passed the CPS 2015 Crates and Carrier Crash Worthiness Study , complimented with additional CPS tests performed in 2016. We’ll be continuing to update this article each year when new crash test reports are released.

We’ve updated our recommendations below to include new products to the market and reflect new tests conducted by CPS.

Unfortunately, CPS hasn’t yet published an overview of their recent testing (which is understandable — they are a non-profit organization), but we’ve linked to the individual product test results and videos when available.

Also, we’ve included a few products below that have passed the safety testing conducted by other organizations, such as the Technical Research Institute of Sweden .

1. Diggs Passenger Carrier

Diggs Passenger Carrier

A high-quality, tote-style carrier with a 5-star safety rating and an innovative canine-hygiene setup. 

About : The Diggs Passenger Carrier is a must-have for travelers with small canines thanks to its cushy interior pad, three accessory pockets, and top-notch safety marks. Also featuring a detachable crossbody strap, sturdy base, custom seat belt clips, and a buckle strap, it helps you safely (and comfortably) tote your pooch from point A to B in cars, planes, and more.

  • Fabric crate made from fuss-free durable nylon and mesh air vents
  • Smart setup for easy pee pad changing 
  • Available in Charcoal, Grey, Blush, and Navy color options
  • Meets most airlines’ specifications for cabin travel

Size & Dimensions :

  • Available in one size for dogs up to 18 pounds
  • Measures 20” x 10.8” x 11.5”
  • 5-Star Rating from the Center for Pet Safety for pets up to 18 pounds
  • High safety rating from the Center for Pet Safety
  • Innovative pee pad setup makes traveling with accident-prone pups a breeze
  • Chic styling that’s eons beyond most canine carriers
  • More size options would be ideal
  • Accessory pockets mean there’s little extra space inside

2. Gunner G1

Gunner G1

A tough-as-nails carrier featuring multiple locks, a stainless steel door, and dual-wall construction for impact protection.

About : The American-made Gunner G1 takes safety and quality seriously with its aluminum-framed lockable door (featuring multiple latches), durable plastic shell, and stainless steel hardware. Built-in tiedown pins allow for a snug fit in the car, while a recessed bottom with a drainage system ensures easy cleaning.

  • Double-wall construction provides maximum impact protection
  • Non-slip rubberized base prevents dangerous sliding
  • Water-repelling windows allow air circulation while keeping rain out
  • Available in 3 colors: Tan, Gunmetal, and Mossy Oak Greenleaf

Size & Dimensions : The G1 comes in four sizes, and the manufacturer recommends using their Kennel Fit Finder on their product page to determine the best one for your pooch.

  • Small (Measures 24.5” x 18.6” x 20.5”)
  • Medium (Measures 29.5” x 20.5” x 25”) 
  • Intermediate  (Measures 34” x 23” x 30”) 
  • Large (Measures 40.25” x 28” x 34.5”)


  • Gunner Kennel G1 Small : 5-Star Rating from the Center for Pet Safety for dogs up to 30 pounds when used with G1 tiedown straps
  • Gunner Kennel G1 Medium : 5-Star Rating from the Center for Pet Safety for dogs up to 45 pounds when used with G1 tiedown straps
  • Gunner Kennel G1 Intermediate : 5-Star Rating from the Center for Pet Safety for dogs up to 75 pounds when used with G1 tiedown straps
  • Gunner Kennel G1 Large : Currently unrated
  • Quality and durable plastic construction earned high marks from pet parents
  • Comes with an impressive lifetime manufacturer’s warranty
  • Excellent choice for traveling with a Houndini escape artist
  • Not as portable as other options (it’s quite heavy)
  • Quality comes at a cost, and these crates are expensive

3. Sleepypod Atom

Sleepypod Atom

A wallet-friendly bag that transforms from a crash-rated canine car seat to a stylish messenger tote with ease.

About : The Sleepypod Atom safely cradles your small dog for travel, whether you’re riding in the car, flying high, or buzzing through the subway on official pupper business. Built-in seatbelt straps hold your canine snug in her seat, while the sturdy base and plush interior keeps her cozy (you can even remove it for easy cleanup).

  • A well-built fabric crate with luggage-grade nylon exterior 
  • 3 mesh panels provide excellent ventilation
  • Padded shoulder strap and 3 pockets for toting your pup and her accessories comfortably
  • Available in 9 colors, including Robin Egg Blue, Jet Black, and Olive
  • Single size option measures 10.5” x 8.5” x 17” 
  • Suits dogs up to 12 pounds
  • 5-Star Rating from the Center for Pet Safety for dogs up to 12 pounds
  • Quality and lightweight design earn high marks from owners
  • Dual zipper entries allow for top or side access
  • Removable privacy panel can help reduce travel anxieties 
  • Lack of size options is a bummer
  • Only suitable for tiny toy breeds

4. Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed

Sleepypod Mobile

A canine carrier that mimics your four-footer’s bed with its soft, fuzzy interior and rounded shape.

About : The Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed doesn’t sacrifice your pet’s comfort in the name of portability, allowing for less stressful travel in its bed-like, lightweight design. Best suited for dogs who sleep in a curled-up position , the round carrier features shearling bedding that can be removed for washing as needed.

  • Luggage-grade durable nylon shell stands up to the rigors of travel
  • Removable dome-style mesh topper contains pets while allowing airflow
  • Adjustable, padded shoulder strap for your comfort
  • Available in 5 colors: Arctic White, Dark Chocolate, Olive Green, Robin Egg Blue, and Strawberry Red
  • Single size option measures 17” x 17” x 6.5”
  • Recommended for pets under 15 pounds
  • 5-Star Rating from the Center for Pet Safety for dogs up to 15 pounds
  • Comfort gets a paw’s up from most doggy travelers
  • Pet parents loved the carrier’s quality
  • Bed-like design can ease travel anxiety
  • Pricey compared to other carriers
  • A tad bulky to carry

5. Sleepypod Air

Sleepypod Air

A favorite for woofs with wanderlust featuring a 4-star crash rating and an airline-friendly shape.

About : The Sleepypod Air is a fabric crate that’s made for safe, comfortable canine travel with two zippered entries, a sturdy base, and a low-profile design. The soft, machine-washable bedding inside keeps your canine cozy, while the breathable mesh dome and durable nylon shell exterior protect her from harm.

  • Luggage-grade super-durable nylon outer shell
  • Removable padded strap and dual storage pockets
  • Water-repelling interior liner
  • Offered in 8 eye-pleasing colors, including Orange Dream, Charcoal, and Glacier Silver
  • Single size option suitable for pets up to 18 pounds
  • Measures 17” x 17” x 13”
  • 4-Star Rating by the Center for Pet Safety for dogs up to 18 pounds
  • Works great for traveling in cars and planes
  • Pet parents raved about the quality
  • Owners report doggos love this carrier and even sleep in it at home
  • Storage pockets can bulge into canine space 
  • Not as fashion-forward as other carriers

6. Sleepypod Mini

Sleepypod Mini

A luggage-grade, dome-style travel crate that earned a 5-star crash rating for dogs under 7 pounds.

About : The Sleepypod Mini protects your most petite precious cargo from harm, securing to your car’s seat belt with the PPRS Handilock. Made to mimic your best buddy’s bed, this fabric crate features a rounded shape and a removable plush interior for cozier travel and a water-resistant foam liner in case of accidents.

  • Made with a supremely durable nylon shell with mesh windows for ventilation
  • Built-in safety tether prevents bolting when opening
  • Available in 8 colors, including Blossom Pink, Dark Chocolate, and Jet Black
  • Two zippered entries for versatile use
  • Single size option best for dogs 7 pounds and under
  • Measures 13” x 13” x 5”
  • 5-Star Rating from the Center for Pet Safety for dogs up to 7 pounds
  • It earned top-notch safety accolades for toy breed dogs
  • Rounded design mimics your pup’s bed
  • It’s quite durable despite featuring a lightweight design
  • Only fits the tiniest of dogs (it’s not even ideal for leggier toy breeds)
  • Can feel a bit clunky to carry

7. Away Pet Carrier

Away Pet Carrier

Forget the frump with this fashionable nylon bag featuring slip pockets and dual tote-style handles.

About :  Away’s Pet Carrier doesn’t look like your run-of-the-mill dog bag with its tailored design. It performs as great as it looks, boasting a 5-star crash rating and a collar clip for added safety.

  • Constructed of nylon with a water-resistant liner
  • Interior sherpa bedding is removable and washable
  • Custom embroidery option for an additional fee
  • Available in 2 colors: Black and Coast (a medium blue hue)
  • Single size option measures 18.7”x 10.8” x 10.7” 
  • Suitable for dogs up to 18 pounds
  • 5-star Rating for dogs up to 18 pounds by the Center for Pet Safety
  • Design gets a thumb’s up from fashionista fur parents
  • Sturdy construction holds its shape
  • Comes with a 100-day satisfaction guarantee
  • One of the pricier carriers available
  • Only available in one size

8. Lucky Duck Kennel

Lucky Duck Kennel

A locking, hard-sided crate that’s earned a 5-star rating and is available in sizes suitable for dogs up to 110 pounds.

About : The Lucky Duck Kennel allows for safe car travels with big dogs as it is one of the few large-breed carriers crash-rated by the Center for Pet Safety. The rubberized bottom prevents slippage, as do the built-in tiedown points, which are designed for use with Lucky’s ratchet strap kit for maximum protection.

  • One-piece rotomolded durable plastic shell design in Gunmetal (Gray)
  • Ventilation slots for airflow
  • Pitched floor features a recessed channel to capture liquids away from canines and drain holes for easy cleanup
  • Reversible door with locking pins for added security
  • Lucky Duck Kennel Intermediate (Measures 32.5” x 22.5” x 24.5”) 
  • Lucky Duck Kennel Large (Measures 38” x 24” x 29”)
  • Lucky Duck Kennel Intermediate : 5-Star Rating from the Center for Pet Safety for dogs up to 75 pounds when used with Lucky strength-rated anchor straps
  • Lucky Duck Kennel Large : 5-Star Rating from the Center for Pet Safety for dogs up to 110 pounds when used with Lucky strength-rated anchor straps
  • Largest travel kennel that’s earned 5 stars from the Center for Pet Safety
  • Secure enough to handle anxious travelers and escape artists
  • Comes with a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty against defects
  • Height can be an issue for taller canines
  • On the pricier side

9. MIM Variocage Single

MIM Variocage Single

A stainless steel kennel crash-rated for various accident scenarios, including front, rear, and rollover collisions.

About : The MIM Variocage Single offers supreme safety, as it’s manufactured by a company specializing in automotive safety products. Featuring a built-in crumple zone for shock absorption and a rear emergency escape hatch, this super durable option is made to protect your pooch in multiple situations.

  • Made with a powder-coated steel frame in a charcoal finish
  • Locking door with key for additional security
  • Barred design allows for maximum airflow and visibility
  • Mounting tabs for tiedown straps

Size & Dimensions : The manufacturer strongly advises consulting their measuring guide and speaking with customer support to ensure a proper fit. Each kennel size features an adjustable length for a customized fit for your dog and vehicle. 

  • Extra Small (Measures 28.7” to 38.9” x 21.8” x 23.2”)
  • Large (Measures 29.9” to 40.5” x 21.8” x 25.5”)
  • Large + (Measures 31.8” to 40.5” x 27.5” x 27.1”)
  • Extra Large (Measures 31.8” to 40.5” x 27.5” x 28.1”)
  • XXL+ (Measures 32.2” to 41.7” x 27.5” x 30.7”)
  • Max (Measures 36.2” to 45.6” x 27.5” x 33.2”)

Safety Reports:

  • All models pass Sweden’s Safe Pet Crate Test that covers front, rear, and rollover accidents
  • While the crate meets Sweden’s standards, the cargo connection points failed a 2015 Center for Pet Safety’s test in the U.S.
  • Crash-certified for multiple accident scenarios 
  • MIM offers a free kennel replacement in the event of an accident
  • Adjustable length is highly convenient
  • The rear escape hatch is an uncommon feature
  • Design allows curious paws (and possibly teeth) to slip out during travel
  • No U.S. crash certifications
  • One of the priciest canine carriers 

10. Ruff Land Kennel

Ruff Land Kennel

A rugged canine carrier whose angled back was designed with SUV and crossover cargo areas in mind.

About : The Ruff Land Kennel allows for a snug vehicle fit with its special line of SUV-friendly designs featuring an angled back to accommodate your vehicle’s cargo area. Its rust-proof composite door opens both ways, while built-in handles make for easy hauling.

  • A durable option made from rotomolded polyethylene plastic 
  • Lightweight, stackable design allows for versatile use beyond the car
  • Includes top and bottom ventilation holes
  • Available in 3 colors: Whitestone, Rockstone, and Millstone

Size & Dimensions : Consult the manufacturer’s sizing guide to select the best fit for your dog.

  • Intermediate SUV (Measures 20″ x 31″ x 23″)
  • Large SUV ( Measures 21″ x 33.5″ x 27″)
  • Previously tested under the Ruff Tuff brand label with the Center for Pet Safety
  • First test using a 75-pound dummy failed due to tie-down bracket failures
  • Second test using a 75-pound dummy with new tiedown straps yielded no such failure, though the test dummy did impact the door 
  • Made specifically with SUVs in mind, ensuring a good fit
  • More affordable than most large-breed travel crates
  • Comes with a 1-year comprehensive warranty
  • No current test star ratings
  • Ventilation holes are on the smaller side

Why Dogs Need to Be Secured in the Car

why dogs need to be in car carrier

Whether you opt to use a dog car crate, or some other kind of canine car restraint, your dog  needs to be secure while you’re driving.

Many owners opt to let their dog have free reign in the car, but this can be very dangerous for both owners and pets. For one, in the event of an accident, your dog will become an instant projectile, flying through the windshield and injuring you, other passengers, and himself.

Unrestrained dogs are also a common cause of distracted driving.  Author Stephen King famously got into a horrific, nearly-fatal car accident when the other driver took his eyes off the road to correct his misbehaving dog.

Having an unrestrained dog in your car often results in distracted driving — using a restraint will keep both you and your dog safer.

This infographic from shows how dogs often cause distracted driving!

distracted driving with dogs

Even though it’s fun to have your pup by your side as a copilot, the distraction of your dog can be deadly for you both. It’s just not worth the risk!

The Search For A Safe Dog Car Crate

There are a number of things you’ll want to look for (as well as things you’ll want to avoid) when picking a safe dog car crate.

Starting with the things you DO want in a car crate, be sure to look for a crate that is:

Of Sufficient and Suitable Size. Pay attention to the size of your dog, compared to the size of the crate or carrier. A dog car crate should never be 6 inches longer than your dog. This is because the snugness is actually part of what is keeping your dog safe — providing too much excess space means increased momentum and force on impact, resulting in a more dangerous crash for your dog.

Built with High-Quality Connection Points. If your crate’s connectors aren’t strong and up to snuff, the crate will go flying in an accident. And that kind of defeats the whole points of having a sturdy dog car crate! In many dog crash tests, connector safety straps were a key point of failure.

On the flip side, you’ll want to avoid car carriers and crates featuring the following characteristics:

Wire Construction. Wire dog crates can be quite useful in many scenarios, but the car is not one of them. Wire crates just won’t do a ton to protect your fur baby in a car accident. While they are suitable for stopping your dog from distracting you while driving, a wire crate may collapse upon impact.

Soft-Sided Crates. Soft-sided carriers and soft crates  are fine enclosures for general use (especially if they’re made from something like durable nylon), and they work great as airline approved in-cabin carriers . However, a fabric crate will do little-to-nothing when it comes to protecting your pooch in a car accident. Since the carriers are soft, most will immediately collapse on impact.

Plastic. The majority of plastic crates have been reported to fracture and break upon impact, leaving your dog unsecure. Most traditional plastic crates simply aren’t sturdy enough to be crash-proof. Nevertheless, a few crash-tested crates are made from very durable plastic, so just be sure to dig in and do your homework before making a choice.

So what does that leave? Well…not much. The dog crates and carriers that have been deemed crash safe are few and far between. However, there are a few that are will work, and we’ll share them below.

The terms “dog crate” and “dog carrier” are often used interchangeably. In fact, we do so all the time.

However, some manufacturers and safety organizations — including the Center for Pet Safety (CPS) — make a pretty clear distinction between the two.

In these cases, the term “crates” is reserved for relatively large containment devices, which are typically meant to be placed in the cargo area of a truck, van, or SUV. By contrast, “carriers” are usually for smaller pets, and they’re designed to ride in the back seat.

CPS Study Reveals That the Majority of Dog Crates Aren’t Safe

cps logo

The CPS (Center for Pet Safety) is a non-profit research and advocacy organization that conducts crash tests for various dog safety products. The organization was established in 2011 after realizing the disturbing fact that there are no performance standards or test protocols for testing pet safety devices.

Key Lesson: Don’t Believe The Marketing

The truth is that  manufacturers of canine car crates and carriers aren’t even required to test their products . Many crates and carriers that market themselves as “crash tested” and safe fail to provide substantial protection in the event of an accident.

Most crates or harnesses that claim to be “crash tested” were only evaluated, at the manufacturer’s discretion, for one size . This means that a crate might pass for a very small dog, but lacks the stability and security for a medium or large sized dog.

It is quite shocking that dog car crates and carriers aren’t held to the same rigorous government safety standards that child car seats and other vehicle safety devices are — especially considering that a compromised crate can injure both pets and humans.  Car crates with connector safety straps that fail under stress means that your dog crate could go flying, hurting any passengers in the way (as well as your canine).

CPS Crash Worthiness Study & Testing Plan

After realizing the horrifying gaps in dog car crate and carrier testing, the CPS organization began conducting rigorous testing through the use of specially designed fake crash test dogs.

The CPS teamed up with Subaru to do an  objective study in an independent, third-party testing facility in Virginia . A startling number of car crates and dog car carriers failed, but thankfully, a few performed well and are now being recognized as the life-saving devices that they are!

This video explains a bit about the testing and highlights the three winners. We go into more detail about the winning crates below, but this video offers a nice quick overview:

How The CPS Testing Works

In the CPS (Center for Pet Safety) Crash Worthiness Study , two tests were performed.

One was completed with a crate placed in the back cargo area of a vehicle, with the back seats folded downwards , and the crate being secured through connector straps. The vast majority of crates failed in this scenario.

crash proof dog crates

In the second test, dog car crates were again placed in the cargo area,  this time with one side of the crate resting against the back side section of the back seats (which were kept in the upright position, rather than folded down flat). This allowed the crates to have additional support through the seatback, and many more crates were able to pass this test.

However, the problem is that if the crate relies on the car’s seatback for support, there is an increased risk of a seatback failure in the event of a front impact if the dog and crate have a combined weight that exceeds 40 pounds.

This wouldn’t just put your dog at risk, but your passengers too . So, in many cases, using the seatback support for your dog’s crate is not safe or recommended.

Let’s take a look at the top winners for the most secure and safe dog car carriers and crates!

Give Careful Consideration to Where the Crate Goes

crash crumple zones

Many owners place their dog’s car crate or pet kennel in the back of the car — the traditional cargo area. But unfortunately, this isn’t always a safe area for your pooch to be .

In many cars, the front and back sections are designed to be “crumple zones” when involved in accidents. The idea is that, by allowing certain sections of the car to crumple on impact, passengers in the interior of the car may remain safe.

This can be life-saving technology — so long as your loved ones aren’t stuck in one of those crumple zones.

Crumple zones can vary, especially when it comes to larger cars and SUVs that use more of the back car space for seating (making those areas unsafe to be designed as crumple zones, therefore making them safe areas to keep your dog).

Back crumple zones may not be a threat with all cars, but we recommend consulting with your car dealership to determine what the crumple zones of your car are . And then, make sure to place your dog’s pet kennel away from that dangerous crumple zone.

Placing your dog in the front seat isn’t a viable option either, as that exposes your dog to front passenger airbags, which are designed to save a human’s life — not your dog’s. Similar to how you shouldn’t place a child in the passenger seat, due to their size in relation to the airbag trajectory, dogs also can’t safely be placed in the passenger seat.

Usually, the back seat is the best place to install your dog’s car travel crate.

This is also the position where your dog will likely be the most comfortable. One study revealed that dogs exhibit less stress in the car when they are positioned closer to their humans, and can visually see them from where they are positioned. This can be key in helping reduce a dog’s anxiety in the car .

For Larger Dogs, Security Is Even More Important

While dog car safety is important for all canines, special care needs to be given to big dogs. Simply put, big dogs need a super durable crate.

Large dogs are even more of a dangerous projectile than small dogs, as a 70-pound canine body hurtling through your car at 70 miles per hour is going to be a whole lot more dangerous than a 10-pound dog .

However, even a small dog can exert a tremendous amount of force at high speeds.

unrestrained dog collision

On top of that, larger dogs will experience more force on impact. Unfortunately, this collision force is so strong that very few dog crates can hold up — the list of car-safe dog crates for big dogs is a very short one.

Additional Things to Seek in a Car Carrier for Dogs

Aside from the characteristics we’ve already discussed, you should also look for a few other things in any car carrier — whether it is crash-tested car crate or not.

  • Soft material on the inside : In addition to keeping your fur baby safe, you’ll want to look for a carrier that’s also comfy!
  • Keep the crate’s weight in mind : Generally speaking, you’ll want to look for the lightest crate you can find that still provides the safety and security your doggo deserves.
  • A water-resistant base : Even the best-trained pooches can have the occasional accident, so always try to stick to carriers with a water-resistant base.
  • Portability : Because of the very nature of car crates, you’ll want to ensure you select one that is as easy as possible to move around. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to pick a collapsible dog crate, but it should be one you can move around easily.

How Do I Measure My Dog For a Car Carrier?

how to measure car space

Whether you use a soft- or hard-sided crate, you must keep your canine’s comfort in mind and make sure your fur baby gets the right size crate. Essentially, this means that you need a car carrier that is large enough that your doggo can stand up in it and lie down comfortably.

Measure from your dog’s neck (aka where the collar sits) to the base of the tail. Then, add a few inches. That’s the length you want to shoot for.

For height, measure from the top of your dog’s shoulders to the ground. If you’re buying a soft-sided crate or soft-sided carrier (or any kind of soft crate in general), you should add 2 to 3 inches to the height measurement. For hard carriers, add 3 to 5 inches.

Also, make sure to keep weight recommendations in mind when trying to pick the perfect size crate for your fur baby — pet owners with dogs falling between two sizes should probably opt for the larger size!

Distraction Prevention Vs Crash-Proof Power

dog carriers for car

It’s worth noting that while the majority of budget-friendly and popular consumer crates and carriers failed the safety test, most of these failed crash products do help substantially at least when it comes to distraction prevention.

Having your dog secured in the back seat, away from the driver, means a safer driving experience and, as a result, puts the entire car at lower risk for an accident.

So while the vast majority of crates will not protect your dog in an accident, even a poorly cash-tested device will likely be better than none at all. This holds true for many dog booster car seats and dog seat belts as well — most provide virtually no protection in an accident, but they will keep your pup from pestering you while you drive.

Still, we want to prevent distractions  and keep our dogs safe, so we’d certainly suggest opting for a dog car crate or carrier that is capable of doing both!

What to Do If You and Your Dog Are in a Car Accident

what if you and dog are in accident

Unfortunately, no matter how safe we try to be, accidents happen. 

If you and your pup are in a car accident, your utmost priority is safety, so now more than ever, keep a level head and assess the situation.

Follow basic safety steps to ensure you and your four-footer’s well-being:

  • Pull into a safe area, if you can. If you’re involved in a minor fender-bender on a busy roadway, it’s best for all parties to move to the shoulder, if possible, to avoid another collision (some states even have “If you can steer it; clear it” laws in place). It’s all too common for a two-vehicle crash to worsen.
  • Assess the vehicle’s safety. Are there any fluids or smoke being released into or out of the vehicle? Can you smell gas or chemicals? Are there downed live wires outside? The answers to these questions greatly affect your next actions. Downed wires outside of the car mean staying inside, while smoke, gas, or chemical leaks require you to grab your pooch and get out of the car pronto .
  • Check yourself. Glance over yourself for signs of injury. We know your first instinct is to check on your pooch, but if you hurt yourself further, you won’t be able to help your fur baby. Adrenaline can make it hard to pinpoint any pain, but a quick once-over can usually spot any bleeding or serious injury that you need to address.
  • Check your pet. In most cases, pet carriers protect your dog from serious harm but you’ll still need to check her for injuries when it’s safe to do so. Keep the car door closed behind you if possible, as a frightened pup is prone to bolting after an accident. Look for signs of obvious pain like a stiff posture, whimpering, or limping. You also want to check for blood or a misaligned limb. Dogs who aren’t properly secured in a carrier or with a harness are more susceptible to severe injury.
  • Use caution. A dog in pain may act aggressively, so don’t feel offended if your best friend is snappy or fearful of you. Your feelings need to take a backseat, but your safety shouldn’t so use caution when handling an injured dog.
  • Render emergency aid . If your dog is bleeding, apply pressure with a clean towel or clothing item. If she isn’t responsive and appears not to be breathing, proceed with dog CPR .
  • Secure your pet. Make sure your dog is properly leashed before exiting the vehicle. This is critical, as even dogs with the best recall may run away after an accident. 
  • Call the police. Report the accident to proper authorities as soon as you’re sure you and your dog are OK and secured. If you or your dog are injured, relay this information as well. This ensures the proper help arrives informed of the situation.
  • Seek veterinary care. Bleeding, fractures, or signs of pain require emergency treatment by a vet. If you need care and can’t go with your dog, emergency professionals will likely be able to transport your canine to receive treatment. We’d also recommend getting your doggy copilot checked over by your vet from head to tail even after a minor accident.
  • Contact your insurance company. Pet injuries suffered during a car accident are covered by some insurance companies. It’s worth giving your insurer a call to check on your status. This is a good feature for all pet owners to look for while insurance shopping.

Automobile accidents are traumatic for both humans and dogs. What once was a safe space suddenly isn’t, so you both may have residual anxieties about riding in the car. A good way to overcome this is by having driveway hangouts, where you reintroduce sitting in the car in a fun, stress-free way. Bring treats and offer praise as you relax in the backseat. Over time, you can work up to turning on the car and driving around the block, making the car fun again.

If you haven’t already, it’s also a good time to introduce a travel dog crate to ensure your pupper’s safety for future car adventures.

Do you use a crate or carrier in the car with your fur baby? Are you surprised to hear about the CPS’s study and the lackluster safety of most car crates? Have you found a supremely durable option with a sturdy base that’s made from high-quality materials yet not listed above? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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Tanya Avatar

Very comprehensive, thank you! I’m considering the Ruffland kennel but there are 2 versions of tie down attachments available.

One is a D ring style and the other one is a bracket. Is one of these the one that passed the test? I looked at the videos at CPS but it was not clear. Thank you!

Ben Team Avatar

Hey, Tanya. I *think* it is the bracket, but I’m not 100% sure. I’ve dropped them a line and will follow up here, but you should probably just give them a call before ordering to make sure. 🙂

I have contacted Ruff Land and although they market SUV specific kennels, including the ‘Backseat Rider’, there is actually no way to safely secure the backseat rider in the backseat. I contacted them about that and they couldn’t answer it, instead pointing me to their flat bed truck tie down video, but that method doesn’t work in backseats. On the question of brackets, they are bought separately and are attached by the customer through what seems like a flimsy hole in the plastic crate using a socket wrench. This seems like a significant weak point. The D rings in particular seem very flimsy. But regardless, all of the CPS crash test videos show failure, and until the failure points are addressed and they are certified, there are much safer options out there. Both Lucky Duck and Gunner can be secured in the back seat. They both have metal rods integrated into the kennel under which you pass the ratchet straps and wrap around the bottom of the kennel.

Marie Avatar

I have a 15 month Female Doberman and doing obedience training so on the road weekly. I have an SUV so looking for a safe kennel made in USA can you recommend one that has a hard exterior?

Hey there, Marie. The Gunner Kennel has a hard exterior and may be large enough for your Dobie. But you may want to check out our article about crates for truck beds — there are some larger kennels with hard exteriors there. Best of luck!

Kathryn Avatar

I’m a little confused, in the article you say: things to avoid “Soft-sided carriers and crates are fine enclosures for general use, and they work great as airline approved in-cabin carriers. However, they will do little-to-nothing when it comes to protecting your pooch in a car accident. Since the carriers are soft, most will immediately collapse on impact.” …then you go on to recommend 2 soft sided carriers?

Hey, Kathryn. This is one of those cases in which the language is just tricky. We discuss it in the product sections, but essentially, some of these carriers are pretty “soft,” yet they incorporate materials and design features that allow them to pass crash tests. We’re really trying to discourage owners from using a run-of-the-mill, general use soft-sided carrier — not the listed products, which are “soft,” but pretty darn safe for car travel. Thanks for checking out the article!

Nick Avatar

FYI, the G7 Commuter carrier lost its rating from the CPS on 31 Dec 2019.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Nick! I’ll update the article to reflect the change.

Kathy Avatar

Posting this warning for other dog owners looking to purchase a crate for their car. TransK9 crates have an unsafe flaw in the design. We bought this TransK9 crate for the back of our car because we believed it was safe, would protect our dogs from accidents, and we would all feel more secure. However, we experienced an incident where our dog got her snout stuck in the grate of the door so severely that she chipped two of her teeth and damaged the top of her nose (bloody and severely bruised). We had to use small bolt cutters to cut her out of the door. Luckily she didn’t break her nose, but we’re still watching her teeth closely, and she will need dental work.

We contacted the company, TransK9, for support, however what we received was lectures about anxious dogs and the importance of reading terms and conditions. They did offer to replace the doors with ones that have smaller openings, however a few days later they rescinded this offer and instead leaned on their terms and conditions as an excuse. They did offer to send us replacement doors identical to the ones Cooper got her snout stuck in.

No one wants to see their dog in pain.

Hey, Kathy. First of all, we’re so sorry to hear about Cooper’s ordeal! We hope she recovers fully and would like you to give her some scritches from us! We also appreciate you sharing your experience with the ThansK9 Crate. We’ll keep our eyes and ears open to see if this is a common problem, or just a one-off thing.

TJ Avatar

What criteria are you using to determine that all other crates for large dogs failed in the CPS testing? I watched it, and the Vario performed as it was suppose to, as per manufacturer recommendations. Looking to outfit our new van and curious.

Jen Avatar

None of the prices actually reflect the actual price. I know this article is older but it links to the amazon page. Anyway, any price for the pooches.

Hey, Jen. It is an older article, but we try to go in an update our titles periodically. They should all reflect accurate prices now, except for the Sleepypod Carriers. For some reason, that one is being difficult. Rest assured, we’re on the case, trying to get it fixed.

Thanks for pointing out the error!

Lesa Avatar

Thank you for the great article! I have two 20-25 pound dogs, is it recommended to get them each their own safe padded crate or a large one to put them both in? Or would separate harness seat belts be better? Or separate booster seats? I was in a pretty bad wreck a month ago and I just keep thinking how awful it would’ve been if my pups had been with me 🙁 hopefully I can find the best and safest solution for them!

Melissa Avatar

I’m so glad I found this before going on my three-week road trip with my dog.

Olivia Avatar

What about Impact Crates? I am not sure ion CPS has testes these crates, but a lot of people claim they saved their dogs in auto accidents.

Meg Marrs Avatar

I’ve heard good things about Impact, they are definitely very secure crates, but they either haven’t been tested by CPS or haven’t passed the CPS crash test so we aren’t including them as a suggested option for car travel.

Bettina Avatar

How do I determine the size of the carrier for my dog? Should my dog be able to stand up in the carrier? Should my dog be able to turn around in the carrier? My dog is 15 lbs, height is 13” (from the base of neck above the shoulders to ground), and 15” long (measured from butt to shoulder).

Great question! We just added a new bit of info to the article based on your question. Yes, your dog should be able to stand and turn around. Sounds like you have the right measurements you need. Just add a few extra inches for length and a few more for height (2-3 inches for soft carriers, 3-5 for hard carriers).

Thank you for the helpful information. Unfortunately, all the soft sides are too short, and the Gunner small kennel is 4.5 inches too long. I think Gunner would be my best bet, but I wish the other companies would make taller models.

Dagmar Avatar

There are a few other companies (Variocage, TransK9, Lintran) – I will do more research on those but so far I would go with TransK9. An important safety feature not mentioned here is a rear escape hatch door. What would happen if after an accident, the cargo door won’t open due to the damage, or the kennel door won’t open and I need to get the dog out? Worse, what if the car is on fire and I *really* need to get the dog out very quickly? TransK9 has an escape hatch in the back facing the front of the car, that folds down. Unfortunately, it seems that TransK9 was only tested independently. And It’s just as pricy as Variocage.

Good point – I can see why multiple doors might be important in the event of a crash.

KS Avatar

The Variocage has an escape hatch at the opposite end from the normal entry and exit doors (in the back facing the front of the car), to be used in case of emergency – just like the transk9 does.

Marie Z Avatar

FYI, Gunner makes a medium dog crate for dogs up to 45 lbs. the price is $429.99, which is WAY too much for me. But, for those who can afford it, it’s out there. They have 4 sizes to accommodate all size dogs. They are ALL, very expensive, though. I wish I COULD afford it. My dog, like all dogs, deserves the best!

Marie Ziniti Avatar

You recommend a carrier for SMALL dogs, several, in fact. And you recommend a carrier for LARGE dogs. But, there are NO recommendations for MEDIUM dogs! My dog is 35 lbs. He’s too big for the small and too small for the large! So what about all the MEDIUM dogs out here. We love our MEDIUM dogs, and want to,protect them, too!

Hey Marie – we only recommend these crates because they are the only crash proof crates on the market at this time.

Nina Avatar

Thank you so very much for this article! I have 2 XL dogs (125 lbs each) Kangal/Great Pyrenees and am buying a new car that can accommodate 2 crates. I hope the Gunner Kennel will be able to safely transport them!! For a car I am looking at the GMC Yukon (or Yukon XL) hoping it will accommodate not one but two crates. I thank you so much for this article!!!

You’re welcome Nina! I wish there were more crash-test-approved dog crates, but unfortunately, these are the only options for now, especially for big pooches! Let us know how you do with the Gunner kennel.

James Avatar

Great! just ordered a Gen7commuter. Thanks for the suggestions!

Henry Collins Avatar

Didn’t know about these crates. Thanks for sharing this information.

Kim Avatar

Been reading a lot about Variocage as being tested and safe system …. Any further information? Not cheap, but certainly cheaper than vet bills would be.

Rick Riemer Avatar

The Variocage test results are included in the 2015 Crate Study posted on the Center for Pet Safety website.

Hi Kim – Variocage did not pass the 2015 CPS crash test. You can find out more details about how the Variocage failed the crash test here” (they have videos too).

I checked out the videos on the CPS site, and it seemed that the Variocage’s only downside was that the straps broke. The crate was pushed in to half its size because, as is mentioned on the CPS site, it is designed to do that (a built-in crumple zone). Tight quarters for the dog after that but the crate itself looked intact to me.

I noticed that too Dagmar – there’s definitely a chance that means the Variocage could be a suitable option, but I’m hesitant to suggest it if it wasn’t passed by the CPS, especially when there are other options that do pass. Maybe next time we refresh this article I’ll spend time looking more into Variocage.

Sharon Phillips Avatar

Hi, I have a question. I have 2 chihuahuas . 1 is 8.5 pounds and the other is 7 pounds. They always travel together in a plastic crate. However I want to purchase a sleepy pod for safer travels. Can they be in the same crate? Is that safe ? Thanks!

Debbie Avatar

I have a service dog (lab 75 lbs) that I wanted to keep in a crate in the cargo area of an SUV like a CRV or RAV4 because I thought it was safer. After your article, I am having second thoughts. Since she is a working dog, safety is a big concern because even a small injury could put her out of work. Have you done research on safest SUVs for dogs or best way to secure a dog in the passenger area? Debbie

You may want to look at Volvos. I am not sure about the newer models, but I used to have the 240 wagon, and those had a safety cage that extended to include the cargo area, because a pop-up seat in the trunk of the cargo area was an option and therefore, there was a chance of passengers riding in the cargo area, and it could not be a crumple zone. I miss my 240 wagon for that very reason.

katy Avatar

please get to the large dog car harnesses! most of us cant buy a $600 cage. thank you

Don’t worry Katy – our article about car safe dog harnesses will be published in the next week or the following- promise!

Tammy Avatar

We have a golden puppy and want to transport her safely. I’m bummed there is nothing but the pod for small dogs and then the $600.00 gunner kennel for large dogs.

I know Tammy – it really sinks! Luckily there are some really high-quality harnesses that work well for serious car protection. We’ll be reviewing those soon.

Rose Avatar

Shocking. As a dog owner it makes me angry that there is not more 3rd party testing.

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7 Airlines that Allow Flying with a Large Dog in Cabin [2023 Pet Policies]

flying with a large dog in cabin

Traveling with pets can be a rewarding and memorable experience, but it requires careful planning and consideration. When it comes to flying with a large dog, many pet owners wonder about the feasibility and logistics involved. Unfortunately, many public airlines will only allow very small and light dogs to fly in the cabin. However, fortunately, there are some semi-private airlines that will allow flying with a large dog in cabin. This of course will cost you a little more, however it may be worth it for stress-free travel.

In this article, we will list the airlines that allow flying with a large dog in cabin and provide some travel tips. 

Which airlines allow flying with a large dog in cabin?

The following luxury, semi-private airlines will allow flying with a large dog in the cabin. However, as expected, they will cost you a lot more than commercial airlines, which sadly often only permit very small and light dogs in cabin.

1. Aero Pet Policy.

Aero is a US based semi-private airline that currently books flights from L.A. to Aspen, Las Vegas, Jackson Hole and Sun Valley. 

Well-behaved dogs are welcome to fly on all Aero jets flying in the US. Medium or large dogs are considered those weighing over 20Ib. When flying with a large dog in cabin, you must purchase an extra full-priced seat next to you. Bookings can be made via their Concierge team. 

Following are the Aero’s pet policies for flying with a medium-to-large dog in the cabin:

  • There is no maximum weight limit for large pets however you must ensure they can remain in their seat for the duration of the flight.
  • Dogs must be at least 4 months old.
  • Dogs must be capable of not relieving themselves for the entire duration of the flight.
  • Each guest may only bring one pet on board (maximum two per household), and they only permit two pets per flight.
  • Pets will be booked on a first-come, first-serve basis until the limit is reached on board. Should the pet capacity be reached, this will be communicated on the website or by Concierge during booking.
  • One passenger may not bring both a pet and an infant onboard without the assistance of a travel companion.

For more information check their website here.

2. BLADE Pet Policy.

BLADE is a semi private technology-powered, global urban air mobility platform that flies helicopters, seaplanes and jets.

They have services that fly between Manhattan and JFK or Newark airports, between Vancouver and Victoria in Canada and between Nice and Monaco in Europe. Alternatively, you can charter or crowdsource a flight anywhere in the world. 

a) Pets on BLADE Helicopters, Seaplanes and Turboprops.

On by-the-seat BLADE Airport flights, dogs under 25 pounds can sit in a carrier on their owner’s lap for a pet fee of $50. On all other by-the-seat rotorcraft flights, dogs under 25 pounds can sit in a carrier on their owner’s lap for a pet fee of $95.

When flying with a large dog, heavier than 25 pounds, in cabin the owner must purchase the dog an additional seat.

There is a maximum of two pets per passenger. For a single passenger with more than one pet, an additional seat must be purchased for the second pet, regardless of the pet’s weight.

If there are two unrelated larger dogs boarding a flight, the pilot may request that the two dogs stand leashed on the tarmac prior to boarding to familiarize themselves with each other, as to not cause any in-flight issues.

On chartered flights, pets can fly at no additional cost.

b) Pets on BLADE Jets.

On Jet flights like BLADEone , each passenger is entitled to bring one dog under 35 pounds for an additional $300 fee. For a single passenger with more than one dog under 35 pounds, an additional seat must be purchased (maximum of two dogs under 35 pounds per additional seat purchased).

An additional seat must be purchased for each dog over 35 pounds. Dogs do not require a carrier, but must be on a leash. 

On chartered land plane flights, pets can fly at no additional cost.

For more information check the BLADE website here.

3. JSX Pet Policy.

JSX is an independent air carrier in the US. They have domestic flights concentrated in the southern region of the country, but also have flights from the east to west coasts. Currently, there are flights to/from Arizona, California, Florida, Montana, Nevada, New York, Texas, Utah, and Washington.

JSX allows flying with medium to large dogs in-cabin with their owners. Customers are responsible for complying with any applicable laws and/or governmental regulations for both the departure and arrival destinations, including furnishing valid health and rabies vaccination certificates when required.

For dogs that are too large to occupy an approved under-seat pet carrier, customers are required to purchase an adjoining seat at the advertised rate, and the dog will be permitted to lay on the floor directly in front of the seat. To purchase your seat and your medium-to-large dog’s space, you can call their customer support line on (800) 435-9579 . You must inform the Airport Services Concierge upon check-in if you are traveling with a dog that requires an adjoining seat.

Customers with big dogs must fill out the  attached form.  A printed copy is required at check in.

Following are the JSX’s pet policies for flying with a medium-to-large dog in the cabin:

  • One additional seat must be purchased by the customer, and one dog is permitted to occupy the floor space in front of an adjoining seat. Seat pricing varies by market and must be purchased at the current available rate for both Hop on and All in fares.
  • Dogs must be leashed at all times.
  • Dogs must weigh 79 pounds or less.
  • Dogs must be well-behaved; and the JSX Pet Acceptance Liability Form must be presented before boarding. ASCs are to keep one copy with the flight paperwork. Customer must provide one completed form for booked segment of travel.
  • Barking excessively and not responsive to an owner’s commands
  • Aggressive behaviors towards other guests or animals (e.g. biting, growling, snapping, lunging, etc.)
  • Freely wandering or running around without a leash
  • Relieving themselves in the aircraft cabin or places other than designated pet relief areas
  • Jumping on guests or JSX crew members
  • Occupying an aircraft seat or seatback tray table
  • Eating off seatback tray tables
  • Leashed dogs may only occupy the space in front of the window seat (C), and the owner must sit in the adjoining aisle seat (B) of any row except for the bulkhead or emergency exit rows. Seats together must be available at time of booking.
  • Dog carriers and pets are not allowed on aircraft seats. 
  • A maximum of five pets total may travel in cabin on any one flight. JSX reserves the right to deny boarding to any additional pets, or to any pets that do not meet the requirements stated here.

For more information check the JSX website here. 

4. Surfair Pet Policy.

Surf Air is a jet membership service that flies all across the US. They include both scheduled semi-private flights and on-demand jet service. Memberships range from $199 per month to access their inventory of scheduled flights to $3,000 per month to unlock unlimited flight plans. Surf Air is LA-based, with many hubs in California and Texas, as well as a few in other states. They have plans to expand to Europe in the near future.

Flying with a large dog is permitted on Surfair as long as they are harnessed and well behaved. You will need to purchase an additional seat for your dog. 

Following are the Surfair’s pet policies for flying with a medium-to-large dog in the cabin:

  • All dogs must be at least four months old, weigh not more than 100 pounds, and be clean, well-behaved, and have current vaccinations, e.g., for rabies and distemper.
  • If Surf and/or the Operator in their sole discretion permit a second animal on a flight arranged by Surf, the combined weight of both animals must not exceed 100 pounds.
  • Approval for travel with a dog will not occur until the animal arrives at the airport and Surf personnel and the Operator’s representative(s) inspect the dog.
  • You must ensure that your dog does not engage in any disruptive, threatening, damaging, destructive, or other inappropriate behavior.
  • You must ensure that your dog are properly secured at all times.
  • Dogs that are not secured within a kennel must be secured with a quick-release leash.
  • On board the aircraft, animals may not protrude into or block aisles or exit routes.
  • If a Single-Use Flight Pass has been purchased for a large dog, and if requested by the Passenger in writing at the time the Passenger books the flight for the animal, the animal may occupy a seat so long as it is harnessed.
  • Unless kennelled in the baggage area of the cabin, a small animal must rest on the lap of its Passenger while on board the aircraft.

For more information check the Surfair website here.

5. Tradewind Aviation Pet Policy.

Tradewind Aviation is a Connecticut-based air service that operates both on-demand and scheduled flights throughout the US and Caribbean. Within the US, they fly to a number of places such as Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, Newport, Rhode Island and Stowe, Vermont. They also fly to more exotic locations in the Caribbean such as San Juan, St Barthes, Anguilla, Antigua and St Thomas.

Following are the Tradewind Aviation’s pet policies for flying with a medium-to-large dog in the cabin:

  • They allow flying with pets of all sizes, including a large-breed dog.
  • They limit one party with pets per flight.
  • If flying with a large dog over 100 pounds, you must purchase an additional seat.

For more information check the Tradewind website here.

Do any commercial airlines allow flying with a large dog in cabin?

Unfortunately, the majority of commercial airlines only allow flying with small dogs in cabin. However there the following airlines allow more than the average 8kg/20lb threshold.

Spirit Airlines Pet Policy.

Spirit Airlines specifies that the combined weight of the pet and carrier may not exceed 40 pounds (18.14 kg).

Spirit Airlines’s pet policies for flying with a dog in the cabin are as follows:

  • Spirit Airlines does not require a health certificate for dogs traveling with guests in the aircraft cabin, except for passengers traveling to USVI.
  • Spirit Airlines does require a rabies vaccination certificate for dogs traveling with guests in the aircraft cabin to Puerto Rico.
  • A maximum of 2 pets per container is permitted, but only one container per guest is allowed. 
  • Dogs must be able to stand upright and move about comfortably in the container. 
  • Dogs must remain in the carrier for the duration of the flight.
  • Your dog should be at least eight weeks old and fully weaned. 
  • Your dog must be harmless, inoffensive, odorless, and require no attention during the flight. If your dog becomes offensive or causes a disturbance prior to leaving the gate; it will be removed.
  • Your dog cannot be ill, violent, or in physical distress. 
  • The combined weight of your dog and its carrier may not exceed 40 pounds (18.14 kg).

Spirit Airlines will deny boarding to any passenger accompanied by a pet that does not comply with all the above rules.

La Compagnie Pet Policy.

This French boutique airline, allows small dogs and cats (under 15 kg, or 33 lbs) who can travel with you in the cabin at a fee equal to 10% of your ticket fare. 

La Compagnie’s pet policies for flying with a dog in the cabin are as follows:

  • Your dog must be microchipped (this must be done before the rabies vaccination). All vaccination shall be up to date and effective. The anti-rabies vaccination is mandatory. In the case of a first anti-rabies vaccination, the vaccine is effective from 21 days after inoculation (vaccination counts as day 0 and not day 1) until 1 year.
  • Your pet passport , including the certificate of good health, must not be issued more than 5 days prior to the outbound journey and more than 15 days prior to the return journey. The certificate of good health is included in the passport and shall be filled before departure.
  • Dogs must follow a tapeworm treatment no less than 24 hours and no more than 120 hours (5 days) before entry.
  • Your dog must travel in an aerated pet carrier (21 ⅔ /13 ¾/ 9 ⅚ in) that will be stowed in front of your seat and remain inside of it during the whole flight.
  • A maximum of 3 pets are allowed on any given flight. 

La Compagnie will deny boarding to any passenger accompanied by a pet that does not comply with all the above rules.

Related post:  15 Airlines That Allow Flying With Dogs In Cabin [Pet Policies]

What commercial airlines do not have a weight limit for dogs?

There are a few commercial airlines that do not state a specific weigh limit. Instead, they specify that the dog must be able to fit in the kennel comfortably. This means that they must be able to sit, stand, and turn around comfortably. However, while the weight of the dog and carrier doesn’t matter, the size and dimensions do.

The following commercial airlines don’t have a weight limit for dogs and their carrier:

American Airlines Pet Policy.

  • Pets must be able to stand up and turn around, fitting comfortably inside the closed / zipped carrier.
  • Non-collapsible kennels can’t exceed the under-seat dimensions of any aircraft included in your journey. Please contact reservations to verify maximum dimensions.
  • Soft-sided collapsible kennels are recommended and can be slightly larger but still need to fit under the seat without having to excessively collapse the kennel. They must be secure, padded, made of water-repellant material and have nylon mesh ventilation on 3 or more sides.

Hard-sided kennel restrictions:

  • Mainline flights on American: 19 x 13 x 9 inches / 48 x 33 x 22 cm 
  • Regional flights on American Eagle: 16 x 12 x 8 inches / 40 x 30 x 20 cm 

Soft-sided kennel restrictions:

18 x 11 x 11 inches / 46 x 28 x 28 cm 

Contact reservations to verify maximum dimensions.

Delta Airlines Pet Policy.

  • Your pet carrier must be able to fit under the seat in front of you.
  • Be small enough to fit comfortably in a kennel without touching or protruding from the sides of the kennel and have the ability to move around.
  • The soft- or hard-sided kennels must be leak-proof and have ventilation openings on three sides (four sides for international travel).

Kennel restrictions: 18” x 11” x 11” will fit most flights however maximum carry-on kennel dimensions vary on different flights as the space under seats will difer.

Please check your flight’s aircraft dimensions   to ensure your kennel will fit.

Southwest Airlines Pet Policy.

  • The cat or dog must be completely inside the pet carrier and be able to stand up and move around the carrier with ease.
  • Acceptable pet carriers must be s pecifically designed as pet carriers (can be soft or hard). They must be l eak-proof and well ventilated.

Pet carrier restrictions are as follows:

  • Southwest Airlines® Pet Carrier – dimensions: 17” x 10” x 9.5”
  • Other pet carriers with maximum dimensions of 18.5” x 13.5” x 9.5” 

United Airlines Pet Policy.

  • Dogs must travel in either a hard-sided or soft-sided carrier.
  • This carrier must fit under the seat in front of you or you cannot fly with your pet.
  • There can only be one pet per carrier.
  • They must be able to stand up and turn around while inside. 

17.5 x 12 x 7.5 inches / 44 x 30 x 19 cm

18 x 11 x 11 inches / 46 x 28 x 28 cm

For a extended list check  15 Airlines That Allow Flying With Dogs In-Cabin [Prices & Policies] .

How do I prepare for flying with a large dog in cabin?

There are many things you can do to help prepare for flying with a large dog cabin. Remember, these airlines, whether commercial or not, will only allow well-behaved dogs on flights. You don’t want to risk being banned from flying with your dog, or having him shipped in the cargo area. Here are a few tips:

1. Get your dog used to it’s travel carrier.

If your dog will need to stay in its travel carrier during the flight, it’s important that you spend some time to get him used to it.

When first introducing your dog to its carrier, take it slow. Lure your dog into their carrier with plenty of treats, and let him/her play and sleep in there as much as possible. You want to avoid forcing your dog into the carrier as this may stress him or her out and may cause a negative association to the carrier. 

2. Train your dog to stay calm.

Your dog will need to stay calm on the flight otherwise they risk being sent into the cargo area of the plane. Being obedient to orders is a requirement when flying with dogs.

3. Exhaust your dog before the flight.

Try to exhaust your dog a little by increasing the level of activity before your trip. A sleepy animal will be less prone to getting stressed out on the flight, and will likely be better behaved on the flight. 

4. Limit access to food and water before the flight.

Limit your dog’s access to food. Therefore, it’ll be less likely that they will need to ‘defecate or urinate’ on the flight.

Additionally, some animals may experience motion sickness if they eat just before a flight. If you are flying in the morning, then feed them the night before.

Air Canada suggest feeding your dog four to six hours prior to departure, as a full stomach may cause discomfort during travel. 

5. Familiarise yourself with the airport that you are departing from and arriving to.

Most airports will have a dedicated area for pets and service animals to rest. It is actually a legal requirement that all U.S. airports have pet-relief areas available for working animals and pets to rest. Take some photos of the airport maps, so you don’t have to wander around on the day trying to find a resting place.

Bottom Line.

Unfortunately flying with large dogs in cabin is rather tricky, as most commercial airlines will only allow small and light dogs in cabin. However, there are some semi-private airlines that will allow flying with a large dog in cabin. This of course will cost you a little more, but it may be worth it for stress-free travel.

Related posts: Flying Dogs in Cargo: Will my dog be safe? 15 Airlines That Allow Flying With Dogs In-Cabin Flying with an Anxious Dog? [15 Top Tips!] 21 Dog Breeds That Can Fly in Cabin Dog Sedatives for Flying: Should I use them?

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12 Best Pet Carriers to Keep Dogs and Cats Comfortable and Safe in Transit

By Madison Roberts and Madison Flager

12 Best Pet Carriers 2023 for Traveling With Furry Friends

Traveling with a pet requires sorting out a whole lot of logistics—beyond making sure your own packing list has been properly ticked off, you’ll need to factor in the food, toys, and gear your pet will need on the road and wherever you’re headed. But even before that’s been mapped out, you’ll want to find a trustworthy pet carrier. Reliable, comfortable, and sturdy pet carriers to throw over your shoulder or on your back when your hands are full make navigating the airport a more streamlined experience, and keep your pet comfortable while in transit.

Whether you’re traveling with your furry friend on a month-long vacation to another state, heading to a rental house for a week or two, or just setting out on a quick weekend getaway, these airline-approved carriers will keep your pet safe on the go. Scroll down for a dozen great pet carriers for dogs and cats, including a space-age pod that's perfect for naps and an  Arlo Skye carrier that attaches to your favorite carry-on—but first, a few tips to keep in mind while you shop and plan.

What size pet carrier will fit under an airline seat? 

Size requirements vary by airline, so always double check with the one you’re flying for the latest pet guidelines before departure. Here are size and weight specifications for  JetBlue (17" x 12.5" x 8.5"),  American Airlines (18” x 11” x 11” for soft-sided bags, 19” x 13” x 9” for hard-sided kennels), and Delta and  United (both 18” x 11” x 11”). Make sure your pet has room to stand up and turn around while inside.

Does a dog carrier count as a carry-on?

Pet carriers must fit under the seat in front of you. However, they can effect your luggage allotment. On JetBlue, for fares above Blue Basic, a carry-on suitcase, backpack, or duffel is allowed so long as it fits in the overhead compartment. However, on other airlines, like American and Delta, your pet carrier replaces your carry-on bag, and your second item is limited to a personal item.

What type of carrier should I get? 

It depends on what size pet you have and how you travel. A soft side carrier or backpack carrier is easiest to fit under an airplane seat, and may be more comfortable and breathable for your pet. 

Think through your typical (non-pet) travel routine and how you’ll need to adjust it when your personal item is dedicated to your pet. If you often travel with another person, that person can store things you’ll want accessible during the flight in their personal item, but if you’re traveling solo, you’ll probably want to pick a carrier with additional storage for your boarding pass, earphones, and other small essentials. Backpack carriers are best for smaller dogs or cats, though all come with weight guidelines to help you determine whether it'll fit your pet.

This gallery has been updated with new information since its original publish date.

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

carrier in travel

Paravel Cabana Pet Carrier

  • Dimensions: 11"L x 20.5"W x 11"H
  • Weight maximum: 20 pounds

One of the chicest new additions to the pet carrier world is Paravel's latest ideation, which is largely inspired by their wildly popular Cabana Tote (yes, the one that’s sold out seven times). The design team has resized it to fit a pet up to 20 pounds and added comfortable elements like a washable liner and mesh panels for airflow, all while maintaining the sustainability that the brand is known for by constructing it out of 38 upcycled plastic water bottles. It folds down to be completely flat for easy storage, even if you live in a tiny Upper West Side apartment like me. But the best part? The ability to embroider your pet's name or initials on the side of the carrier. Traveling with your pet has never been more fashionable—or sustainable. — Scott Bay, associate editor

carrier in travel

Wild One Travel Carrier

  • Dimensions: 17.5"L x 11"W x 10"H
  • Weight maximum: 16 pounds

Tested by  Traveler  contributor Lauren Dana Ellman, Wild One’s design-friendly pet carrier comes in tan, spruce green, and black, and fits dogs that are 16 pounds and under. “It’s clear this carrier was designed with versatility, durability, and functionality in mind,” Ellman wrote. "There are mesh walls for added breathability, a built-in collar clip, a detachable shoulder strap that pulls double duty as a leash, and a cushion that can be rolled out to use as a plush dog bed or travel mat when you get to your destination.” That interior mat is machine washable, too.

Read a full review   here .

Image may contain Bag and Backpack

Sherpa Original Deluxe pet carrier

  • Dimensions (for medium size bag): 17"L x 11"W x 10.5"H

A tried and true favorite, this carrier is just about perfect. The Sherpa Original comes equipped with non-slip shoulder straps for easy carrying, locking zippers, and a store pocket for those very important treats. While the design comes airline-approved, its special spring wire frame allows for the carrier to keep its shape, while still being flexible enough to conform to multiple under-seat dimensions.

carrier in travel

Away pet carrier

  • Dimensions: 18.7"L x 10.8"W x 10.75"H
  • Weight maximum: 18 pounds

It should be no surprise that Away’s pet carrier is just as streamlined and chic as their hit luggage. The bag, which fits pets up to 18 pounds and comes in standard black or an au courant gray-blue, is incredibly thoughtfully designed. Standout features include plush, removable sherpa bedding, plenty of pockets for you to store travel documents, and a side pocket with drainage holes (so you can store your included collapsible water bowl inside). Plus, wide openings on both the side and top for easy access, mesh panels on three sides for maximum ventilation, and a roll-up screen so your pet can see what's going on outside. As for safety: Innovative exterior latches can fasten the carrier to a car seat belt, and an interior safety-collar clip prevents adventurous pets from scampering out as soon as you unzip the carrier, And, of course, it’s designed to strap onto any type of Away luggage, making toting this carrier a breeze, even through a crowded terminal. — Juliet Izon

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carrier in travel

Texsens innovative traveler bubble backpack

  • Dimensions: 12.6"L x 11.4"W x 16.5"H

If you’re looking for a bag for road trips or other non-plane travel (it can lay sideways under some airplane seats, but is a little large), this budget-friendly backpack carrier from Amazon is a solid option. Cat mom Becca Guthrie says her pet, Joe, likes to be able to see out from nearly every direction, and she likes that the sides unzip, making it easier to get him inside. It fits dogs up to 15 pounds or cats up to 18 pounds, and comes in a half dozen colors and patterns, with two side pockets to store treats, a leash, or personal items.

Image may contain Luggage Animal Dog Canine Mammal and Pet

Arlo Skye Pet Carrier

  • Dimensions (for medium size bag): 17.5"L x 11"W x 10"H
  • Weight maximum: 25 pounds

Obsessed with your silver Arlo Skye suitcase? Well, now you can pair it with the brand's very own pet carrier, which manages to be totally practical while still looking chic (not an easy feat). With 360-degree ventilation, your travel buddy will be safe and secure nestled on top of the aluminum or polycarbonate Carry-On or Check-In suitcase, and the carrier includes a memory foam mattress so they'll feel like they're flying first class (even when you're not). When it's not in use, the foldable design makes it easy to pack.

Image may contain Bag Accessories Handbag and Accessory

Mark & Graham Buddy pet carrier

  • Dimensions: 18"L x 11.5"W x 11"H
  • Weight maximum: 50 pounds

If you're the type of shopper who puts a monogram on everything your pet owns, this is the carrier for you. The nylon bag comes in two neutral colors (ivory or navy) that'll match most any travel gear, and can be customized with your pet’s name embroidered on top for an additional $12. Inside, the carrier features a removable fleece lining for comfort, a built-in leash for security, and netted sides that can be rolled down if your pooch gets hot.

Image may contain Clothing Apparel Footwear Shoe Animal Cat Mammal Pet and Sneaker

Sleepypod mobile pet bed

  • Dimensions: 17"L x 17"W x 13"H
  • Weight maximum: 15 pounds

Multi-use functionality is key, and this pet carrier triples as a carrier, car seat, and mobile sleep solution. The design is perfect to help your pet cope with long road trips, plus it works as a super-cozy bed once you reach your destination. Ready to hit the road again? Zip the bed up its sides to transform it into a portable carrier.

carrier in travel

Petsfit double sided expandable carrier

  • Dimensions (for large size bag): 19"L x 12"W X 12"H (not expanded)

This carrier is basically the animal world equivalent of a lie-flat seat on an overseas flight. The Petsfit Double Sided Carrier comes in standard, airline-approved sizing with machine-washable fleece bedding, padded shoulder straps, and a side strap for securing to the top of your suitcase handle. In the event that no one takes up the middle seat next to you, it also has two expandable compartments so your pet can stretch its legs out.

Image may contain Bag

Natuvalle 6-in-1 pet carrier backpack

  • Dimensions (for XXS bag): 14"L x 8.3"W x 8.3"H
  • Weight maximum: 8 pounds

This multi-use 6-in-1 pet carrier is for travelers who love having a ton of options: It can be worn as a backpack, front pack, shoulder bag, hand bag, two-position carrier, or used as a car seat crate. Plus, the flexible frame helps keep its shape no matter which way you're carrying it, leaving your pet with plenty of room to lounge in. It comes in three sizes based on weight, with the largest made for pets up to 19 pounds.

Image may contain Accessories Handbag Accessory Bag and Purse

Mr. Peanut Gold-Series Dog & Cat carrier

  • Dimensions: 18"L x 10.5"W x 11"H

When traveling with a pet, safety is key, and this carry-on pet bag is built with that in mind. It’s designed with self-locking zippers that don’t slide up or down, so you won’t have any worries about chasing your pet down the jetbridge. The bag also includes an ID tag holder, an interior leash attachment, and a safety seat belt in case your flight encounters unexpected rough air. Just as stylish as it is practical, the carrier features a fabric rollaway cover, faux fleece bedding, mesh windows on the top and sides, and an extra pocket. (If you often fly first or business and have slightly more room at your feet, spring for the expandable option .)

Image may contain Backpack and Bag

Snoozer Pet Products Roll Around 4-in-1 pet carrier

  • Dimensions (for medium size bag): 14"L x 11"W x 20"H 

Thankfully, there are plenty of pet carriers out there with wheels, too. This one will let you roll through the airport with ease and comes equipped with side storage pockets, as well as a seat-belt loop to keep your pet safe—and the 4-in-1 design means it can also be carried as a backpack. A carry-on that only holds a puppy? Now that's our idea of "packing light."


  • Cat Behavior
  • Health & Care

How to Travel With a Cat: 14 Vet Approved Tips & Tricks

A bengal cat inside a carrier beside some suitcases

Image Credit: Svetlana Rey, Shutterstock

Last Updated on April 19, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

A bengal cat inside a carrier beside some suitcases


Dr. Amanda Charles Photo


Dr. Amanda Charles

BVSc GPCert (Derm) MRCVS (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

Traveling with a cat can be rewarding, but it requires thorough planning. Whether you’re getting ready to drive a short distance and hang out with family or fly somewhere for a relaxing vacation, there are a few factors to consider when traveling with your cat.

Make sure to start the planning process early, particularly if you’re traveling internationally or are going to stay in a hotel during any part of your journey. Below, you’ll find 14 tips and tricks to make your journey with your cat successful.

cat paw divider

  • The 14 Tips to Travel with a Cat
  • 1. Invest in a Good Carrier

Cats should always be restrained when riding in cars, and airports require them to stay in their carriers at all times (except during the security screening process). Airlines have several rules and regulations regarding traveling with pets, including guidelines regarding the size of carriers.

Make sure the carrier you use meets the airline’s regulations and requirements. If you’re driving, the sky’s the limit when it comes to the size of your cat’s mobile palace. Carriers should be sturdy, well-ventilated, secure, and easy to clean. Plastic carriers are usually the best options.


  • 2. Give Your Cat Time to Get Used to Their Carrier

Because cats spend so much time in their carriers when traveling, they must feel comfortable in them. Consider leaving your cat’s carrier out so they can get used to it before your trip.

Letting your cat have dinner in their carrier a few times may encourage them to develop positive associations with their traveling home.

  • 3. Invest in a Good Harness and Leash

If you visit a rest stop during a road trip, your cat should be harnessed and leashed when they’re away from their carrier to ensure they can’t run off and get lost if they become scared.

Make sure the harness you choose fits properly, and give your cat time to get used to wearing it so they’re ready to do so when you hit the road.

Are you looking for the perfect cat harness? We suggest Hepper's Cat Harness & Leash Set , which includes a nicely designed, machine-washable harness made from soft, sturdy velvet and mesh.

Hepper Cat Harness and Leash Escape Proof Set -...

  • Escape Proof - Cat leashes and harnesses for walking aren't all equally secure. Our double aluminium...
  • Superior Comfort - Our cat harnesses are lightweight, made with premium velvet fabric, breathable...
  • Free Extra Strength Leash - You don't need to worry about your cat escaping this harness. This cat...

This harness is easy to put on and take off and features reinforced stitching, reflective stripes, and quick-release buckles. This set also includes a great leash made from durable nylon climbing rope.

At Catster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!

  • 4. Practice Everything

No matter how you’re traveling, your cat must be comfortable entering and exiting the carrier. If you’re flying, you’ll need to take them out of their carrier during the security screening process in the airport.

You can practice taking your cat out of the carrier when you’re around other people to make them more comfortable during the security check. If you plan on driving, consider taking your cat for a few practice rides to get them used to spending time in the car. Make sure to reward them for their cooperation!

  • 5. Ask Your Veterinarian for Advice

Some easily stressed cats may benefit from medication to help them stay mellow while traveling. However, sedation isn’t suitable for all cats, and most airlines won’t transport pets who have been tranquilized or sedated.

woman brought her maine coon cat to the vet

  • 6. Have Cleaning Supplies on Hand

Pack a bag with cleaning supplies and plan to have it close at hand while you’re underway in case your cat has an accident and you need to do a bit of on-the-fly cleaning. It’s best to pack paper towels or cleaning wipes, gloves, and baggies for disposal.

Hepper Pet Wash Wipes - Soft Pet Cleaning Wipes...

  • Gentle Care For All Pets - Infused with moisturizing hypoallergenic ingredients & enriched with...
  • Deep Cleans From Head to Tail - Tackle the toughest dirt & messes with our extra strong pet wipes...
  • Freshness On The Go - Each dog grooming wipes pack contains 30 counts of premium dog wipes that...

It's hard to beat the convenience of pet-safe wipes after a big adventure, between baths, or when cleaning sensitive areas. Our favorite option is Hepper's Wash Wipes, premium wipes designed to safely and gently remove grime from cats and dogs of all ages and sizes. These hypoallergenic wipes are made in the USA and feature moisturizing ingredients to soothe your pet's skin.

  • 7. Pack Toys and Blankets

Take a few of your cat’s favorite toys and a well-loved blanket that smells like home to keep them comfortable while away from their territory. Putting a favorite blanket in your cat’s carrier may make being on the road less stressful.

A stuffed toy might look a little different than a traditional cat toy but many felines find them quite enticing. The Hepper Plush Whale serves a dual purpose, featuring a faux fur exterior that mimics prey and a soft interior for cuddling during long cat naps when playtime is over. The best part about it is it's an affordable option for ages, sizes, and conditions. Learn more about why your cat needs a plush here!

Hepper Whale Plush Toy

  • Tailored size even for kittens - the compact size of the whale plush cat toy at 15cm long ensures...
  • Catnip Free Cat Toys - Made with top quality plush exterior & cotton interior, it's perfect for cats...
  • Peaceful Playtime - No more squeaky cat toys for indoor cats. This stuffed cat toy is perfect for...

At Catster, we've admired Hepper for many years, and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!

  • 8. Consider Portable Litter Boxes

If you’re traveling by car , pack a litter box with some of your cat’s regular litter. Plastic poop bags and a scoop are also essential. If you’re staying at a hotel, check their pet policies thoroughly.

Most hotels that accept cats don’t provide litter boxes and litter. Collapsible litter boxes are ideal for shorter trips and can be folded down and packed.

  • 9. Pack Food, Water, Treats, and Medication

If you’re traveling by car, bring enough of your cat’s regular food to keep them happy while you’re away from home. It’s also helpful (and usually mandatory) to pack food and water for your cat while flying, but some cats may be too nervous to eat until you land.

If your cat takes medication, pack enough to last them for your entire trip, and consider putting it in your carry-on luggage to ensure you have access to it even if your checked luggage takes a detour.

cat sitting in suitcase travel

  • 10. Consider Pheromones

Commercial synthetic feline pheromone products may help some cats stay calm while underway by reducing stress and creating a sense of safety and well-being. They’re available in sprays and wipes, so your cat can enjoy the benefits of calming pheromones while you’re on the road.

  • 11. Check Your Cat’s Microchip Registration

Ensure that the registry where your cat’s microchip is registered has the right contact information. Losing your cat when you’re out of town is a nightmare, but an up-to-date microchip can significantly improve the chances of their return.

carrier in travel

  • 12. Collect Your Cat’s Medical Information

It’s vital to collect your cat’s medical information before you plan to leave and make sure you have a way to access it while you’re on the road in case they require veterinary care while you’re away from home.

Ensure you have all the documentation and certificates your cat needs to travel, including their vaccination status. Remember that the requirements vary based on where you’re headed and how you plan to travel.

  • 13. Double Check Your Reservations

If you plan on staying in a hotel at your destination, contact the property ahead of time to ensure pets are permitted and get information about the rules and requirements that may apply. Don’t forget to inquire about the availability of litter boxes and food and water bowls.

cat lying on desk behind the laptop

  • 14. Invest in Physical ID Tags

It’s best to attach an ID tag with your name and contact information to your cat’s collar. It will make it easy for people to reach out to you if your cat gets loose and makes a run for it.

Microchips are helpful , but lost cats need to be taken to shelters or veterinarians with scanners for their chips to be read. ID tags make the reunification process far more efficient; if your cat runs off, anyone who finds them can simply give you a call.


Traveling with cats can be stress-free with a bit of planning and preparation. Make sure to get started before you hit the road with your cat , particularly if you’re thinking about flying or staying in a hotel. Also, don’t forget to invest in an appropriate carrier and give your cat lots of time to get used to it.

  • Hiking With a Cat: Is It Possible?
  • Traveling With Kittens: Essential Tips

Featured Image Credit: Angels Relax CZ, Shutterstock

About the Author

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Lorre Luther

Lorre Luther is a writer who is firmly convinced that cats are smarter than humans. She left her law career in the United States and moved to the Netherlands to follow her dream of becoming a writer. Lorre currently lives in Rotterdam, she enjoys traveling and greatly appreciates the beauty of nature. Lorre has a spot for animals and admires the intelligence of cats.

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  • Electronics
  • Smartphones

The Best Cell Phone Plans

A phone with a scenic lock screen next to a cup of coffee.

By Rob Pegoraro

If you haven’t looked at what your cell phone bill might be under a new plan or on a new service, you should check now. In recent years prices have come down and data allocations have gone up, especially among the dozens of smaller carriers reselling services from the big three. But as always, most deals come with a catch.

There isn’t one carrier or plan that we can recommend for everyone, but T-Mobile’s Magenta plan is best for unlimited data, and AT&T’s Unlimited Extra plan offers the most comprehensive coverage. We also have picks for people with more specific needs.

The research

Why you should trust us, how we picked, what’s the deal with 5g, best for the most data: t-mobile magenta/go5g, coverage first: at&t, multiple-line plans: consumer cellular or google fi, the cheapest plan: mint mobile, how to determine which network has the best coverage for you, how much data do you need, should you buy postpaid, prepaid, or resold service, what to look forward to, the competition.

I’ve covered the wireless industry since the late 1990s . I’ve tested smartphones and cell phone plans from all the major carriers—the historic foursome of AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon, plus Nextel before then—for the Washington Post, USA Today, CNN Money, Discovery News, VentureBeat, and others, and I now cover tech and telecom issues for Fast Company, PCMag, and other sites, including trade publications like Light Reading and FierceTelecom. And in July 2021, I put in more than a thousand miles of drive testing from Baltimore to Atlanta for PCMag’s Fastest Mobile Networks project, following that with almost 1,700 more miles of drive testing in the 2022 edition of that project.

We limited this guide to the most widely used national options—starting with the three biggest nationwide carriers and their prepaid services and subsidiaries, and then adding services that have ranked high in surveys conducted by sites and organizations such as PCMag , the American Customer Satisfaction Index , and J.D. Power .

We excluded contenders available only in parts of the US, including the regional carrier U.S. Cellular and the resold services of cable firms such as Comcast and Spectrum, which require subscriptions to their residential broadband to get their advertised pricing or to sign up at all. Last, we cut prepaid services that required separate purchases of data, texts, or voice minutes to meet any of our monthly usage quotas.

That process left us with the following services to assess:

  • AT&T Wireless , its prepaid program , and its prepaid brand Cricket Wireless
  • T-Mobile , its prepaid option , its Metro by T-Mobile brand, and Mint Mobile , a T-Mobile reseller that T-Mobile is now buying
  • Verizon Wireless , its self-branded prepaid offering, its prepaid brand Visible , TracFone (a reseller that Verizon bought in November 2021 ), and TracFone’s Straight Talk brand
  • Boost Mobile , formerly a Sprint prepaid brand and now Dish Network’s T-Mobile reseller
  • Consumer Cellular , an AT&T reseller
  • Google Fi , a Google service based on resold coverage from T-Mobile

We calculated the cost of three typical bundles of smartphone service for every provider: moderate use at 3 GB of data; a for-most-people scenario requiring unlimited data for the phone but with no more than 3 GB of mobile hotspot use; and a heavy-use case with unlimited on-phone data plus 10 GB of mobile hotspot use. These totals are higher than in previous editions of this guide because typical data usage has gone up substantially: Circana analyst Brad Akyuz told us that the firm’s research showed US median smartphone cellular data usage in the second quarter of 2023 had hit 10.8 GB per month, with average use (skewed by extreme cases) at 17.9 GB.

The wireless industry has found so many ways to interpret “unlimited” that we’ve had to think about what “unlimited” means. Some unlimited plans offer no “priority data,” so your connection can slow down because of network congestion even if you haven’t used much data yourself. Other plans advise that service may get slower above a preset threshold of used data—often without defining those slower speeds. Some of these asterisked unlimited plans represent good values for all but the most intensive users. But we do require at least 25 GB of full-speed data per line in the for-most-people scenario (“full-speed” meaning no restrictions on what parts of a carrier’s 5G network you can use) and 50 GB per line in the heavy-use scenario.

We also require unlimited messages and voice minutes, but almost all services now offer that.

Network reliability and speed

A wireless network’s coverage and performance usually vary considerably by location, and they also change over time. To get the most balanced picture possible of the big three carriers (and the services that resell their networks), we consulted independently conducted surveys of wireless-network coverage and performance from Opensignal , PCMag , and RootMetrics . In our view, consistently good performance in the places where most people live, work, and visit was a higher priority than exceptionally fast download speeds if the coverage to access those speeds was spotty.

Hotspot policy

Our cost estimates assumed that anybody who wanted to use their phone’s mobile-hotspot feature to share their LTE or 5G bandwidth for any sustained period wanted to do so at its full speed. We assumed that most people wouldn’t use up more than 3 GB of data per month with this feature, but we also included an intensive scenario that assumed up to 10 GB a month in mobile-hotspot use.

Discount possibilities

In addition, we crunched those same numbers for shared-use plans for two and four lines, because many Wirecutter readers have asked to see comparisons of family pricing.

If a plan offered a lower rate for enabling autopay or paying for a year in advance, or if it included loyalty discounts that cut your bill over time (as Verizon Prepaid has offered since 2020), we factored in those options. We did not, however, count deals that required trading in a phone or porting over a number.

Cell providers have spent the past few years transitioning from 4G (or LTE, for Long Term Evolution) service toward the 5G standard—and talking endlessly about how great 5G is. The reality is that 5G can be immensely faster, but its performance depends on which frequency band it runs on, whether your carrier has deployed 5G on one of the faster bands, and whether you’re in a spot where your carrier’s 5G network reaches you on one of the faster bands.

Think of a layer cake: The bottom layer is low-band 5G, which resides on the same frequencies as LTE and isn’t much faster but offers about the same coverage. Mid-band 5G, on higher frequencies that yield faster speeds with somewhat reduced coverage, is the middle layer. Millimeter-wave 5G, on frequencies that nobody tried to use for wireless service until 5G’s advent, delivers extremely fast speeds over extremely short ranges, making it the tiny top layer of the cake that almost nobody gets to eat at a wedding.

In fewer words: You may find that the most widely available form of 5G at your carrier doesn’t offer speeds much faster than 4G.

You can read more about the transition to 5G and how it all works in our explainer .

carrier in travel

T-Mobile Magenta

More data for streaming and downloading.

If more data is more important to you than coverage in non-metropolitan areas, the Magenta plan offers a great price for unlimited data on a strong network. Plus, T-Mobile has the best 5G service and international plans.

Buying Options

If data is your priority—meaning, you want a fast network connection that you can use to download and upload in volume—consider the T-Mobile Magenta plan. T-Mobile’s primary unlimited-data offering represents a better value proposition for most people’s needs than AT&T’s or Verizon’s comparable plan, and the carrier’s rollout of 5G has made an already good network considerably better in a steadily expanding share of the country.

Magenta is the best unlimited-data plan based on price alone. Magenta costs $70 a month for unlimited on-phone data. Translation: T-Mobile says you have to exceed 100 GB of data before it might slow your connection to ease network congestion. That’s double the allotment on AT&T’s comparable plan, which costs $5 more, but less than the unlimited priority-data allocation on Verizon’s closest equivalent, which costs $10 more. At both competitors, those rates don’t include the taxes and fees that T-Mobile folds into its advertised rate. (Two lines of Magenta cost $60 each, and four run $35 each.) You can use only 5 GB of that data for mobile-hotspot sharing, which is less than what the competition offers on slightly more expensive plans, but it’s also more than enough for occasional use.

If you’re 55 or older, T-Mobile has discounts  that make this carrier an even better choice, slashing the cost of Magenta to $50 for one line and $35 each for two, three, or four lines.

T-Mobile has the best 5G coverage. All the data allotment in the world is unhelpful if the connection is too slow to use, but T-Mobile’s network has jumped ahead of the pack, in part because of its 5G frequencies. T-Mobile’s mid-band spectrum offering provides impressively fast 5G with better coverage than the almost-as-speedy C-band and much faster but far shorter-range millimeter-wave of AT&T and Verizon. This mid-band 5G, which T-Mobile markets as Ultra Capacity 5G, is much speedier than the low-band 5G that fills out its network and constitutes the most widely available form of 5G among its competitors.

Map of T-Mobile LTE data with portions of the map painted pink.

The difference has become increasingly obvious in third-party tests, as well as in our own evaluations of Wi-Fi hotspots from the big three carriers .

Opensignal’s crowdsourced 5G-specific tests from July 2023 showed a significant advantage for T-Mobile (outlined in the table below), more than double Verizon’s and AT&T’s download averages; in addition, T-Mobile’s 5G was available more than half the time, compared with just over 20% for AT&T and under 10% for Verizon. Ookla’s Speedtest showed comparable leads in Q3 2023 for T-Mobile in median download speeds (163.59 megabits per second versus 75.68 Mbps on Verizon and 72.64 Mbps on AT&T) and 5G-only median download speeds (221.57 Mbps, with Verizon at 153.79 Mbps and AT&T at 101.55 Mbps).

PCMag gave T-Mobile its first-ever fastest mobile network ranking in 2021 . The carrier maintained its position as the best mobile network in 2022 . And RootMetrics’s latest drive-testing-based State of the Mobile Union report , for the first half of 2023, found T-Mobile to have the fastest median download speeds: 213.2 Mbps, almost triple Verizon’s 77.9 Mbps and AT&T’s 77.3 Mbps. But RootMetrics gave top overall honors to AT&T for offering more consistent service outside urban areas.

AT&T and Verizon each launched faster 5G service on C-band frequencies in January 2022 and have since taken this midband coverage nationwide past relatively small launch areas (just eight for AT&T [PDF] and 46 mostly urban markets for Verizon ), T-Mobile’s advantage has persisted.

A map generated by RootMetrics showing cellular coverage by T-Mobile in the New York City area.

Magenta offers the best bonuses for frequent travelers. Magenta includes international roaming, and although it’s limited to speeds around 256 Kbps, I’ve found it to be more than adequate for email and basic browsing. You also get free texting, 25¢-per-minute calling, and the ability to use your phone in Canada or Mexico with no roaming charges for up to 5 GB a month, even on 5G. And it includes an hour of free in-flight Wi-Fi—and full-flight connectivity four times a year—on your phone on Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, and United Airlines.

T-Mobile also offers four higher-end unlimited plans, but Magenta is best for most people. Go5G costs $75 for a single line, $65 each for two lines, or $45 each for four lines, and it triples the hotspot allocation to 15 GB. It also doubles the high-speed roaming cap in Canada and Mexico to 10 GB. Magenta Max ($85 for one line, $70 each for two lines, $43 each for four lines) provides only 5 GB of high-speed international roaming, but that’s in all of the 215-plus countries where T-Mobile offers its free-but-slow roaming; Magenta Max also offers unlimited priority data, 4K UHD streaming video, and a full 40 GB of mobile-hotspot use. The Go5G Plus plan offers 50 GB of mobile hotspot and bundles Netflix and Apple TV+ for $90 on one line, $75 each on two lines, or $55 each on four lines. People who were already set on watching those streaming services might find that Go5G Plus offers some net savings in their combined wireless and entertainment budget, but otherwise it looks like T-Mobile’s least relevant plan besides the new, $100 Go5G Next, which offers a new phone every year for compulsive upgraders.

T-Mobile’s discount for those 55 and older drops the cost of all those plans dramatically: On a single line, Magenta runs just $50, Go5G costs $55, Magenta Max is $65, and Go5G Plus costs $70, with multiple-line scenarios offering comparable savings.

Flaws but not dealbreakers

T-Mobile’s rural coverage lags behind that of AT&T and Verizon. Coverage from those carriers remains more comprehensive than T-Mobile’s—as I saw on rural roads in the Southeast and Northwest while doing drive testing for PCMag—but thanks to the past few years of improvement in T-Mobile’s network, you’d have to get into fairly remote areas to notice that difference. Before choosing a plan, determine whether your likely travel patterns are more apt to make T-Mobile’s rural limitations an ongoing problem.

International roaming is complicated if you haven’t paid off your phone. Although T-Mobile’s international roaming costs much less than AT&T’s and Verizon’s international options, you may have to pay those charges if you buy your phone from T-Mobile on an installment-payment plan, as this carrier keeps such handsets locked until you pay off your balance—or conclude the term on a free-upgrade deal.

T-Mobile has a history of data breaches, with its largest in August 2022. That breach affected some 40 million customers —I was among them. I thought about dropping T-Mobile, but the telecom industry’s general indifference to the concept of data minimization left me with little reason to think I’d fare much better in the long run elsewhere. That history makes T-Mobile’s recent move to limit its autopay discount to payments made from a bank account or debit card look even more distasteful, although its enforcement of this policy seems to be uneven so far.

T-Mobile management does not seem immune to wireless-industry jerk behavior. Since 2013, T-Mobile has led with an “Un-Carrier” brand based on dumping dumb wireless-industry habits. But T-Mobile has scored enough own goals–for example, a plan to move people on some older plans to more expensive options that the carrier has since abandoned –to remind subscribers that they need to watch their monthly statements and other customer notices as much as they would with any other carrier.

carrier in travel

AT&T Unlimited Data Plan

For more coverage in more places.

AT&T offers slightly more reliable coverage in rural areas and now provides subscribers access to its full (and notably improving) 5G network at a slightly lower cost than Verizon.

We’ve traditionally recommended Verizon for the reach of its network, but the latest round of testing data shows that AT&T ’s network is more likely to keep you online. Meanwhile, a round of rate increases at Verizon—including the elimination of a cheaper limited-data plan that we had recommended before—have erased that carrier’s cost advantage over AT&T. Though AT&T isn’t the best choice for people who frequently travel outside of the US or who want unlimited data , it is a better choice for people prioritizing maximum coverage over speed. And the 50 GB of priority data and 15 GB of mobile-hotspot data on its Unlimited Extra plan, which costs $75 on a single line, $65 for each of two lines, or $40 for each of four lines, should cover most people’s needs, making the additional $5 cost of Verizon’s Unlimited Plus plan an unnecessary indulgence.

AT&T has the largest network, with the most reliable coverage. Drive testing done by RootMetrics found that AT&T had a more reliable network than Verizon in the first half of 2023. Opensignal’s crowdsourced app testing gave AT&T a tiny lead in network availability in July 2023. And PCMag’s Best Mobile Networks 2022 drive testing found that AT&T had the lowest percentage of dropped data connections—with a more pronounced advantage on that metric and in dropped calls compared with Verizon in rural areas.

A map generated by RootMetrics showing cellular coverage by Verizon in the New York City area.

AT&T’s 5G network is improving. AT&T’s 5G network, meanwhile, has advanced considerably from its state two years ago. It has also improved from its January 2022 launch of faster C-band service in only eight markets (PDF) , which as of August covers 175 million people. In a further upgrade, the carrier has lit up a separate band of 3.45 GHz mid-band 5G spectrum, but you probably need a new phone to use those frequencies.

It’s cheaper than Verizon (but not T-Mobile). Among its plans for unlimited on-phone data, AT&T’s $75 Unlimited Extra offers the best value, providing 50 GB of priority data, 15 GB of hotspot use, and SD video for $5 less than Verizon’s Unlimited Plus plan. That cost is $5 more than the price for T-Mobile’s unlimited with-hotspot plan—before the taxes and fees that T-Mobile folds into its rate—and the AT&T plan does not give you service that’s as fast overall as what T-Mobile generally delivers.

If you can deal with a lack of priority data and don’t intend to lean on your phone’s mobile-hotspot feature, AT&T’s Unlimited Starter option now includes 3 GB of hotspot allowance at the same $65-per-month price as before. Finally, AT&T’s Unlimited Premium, $85 for a single line, adds unlimited priority data and 50 GB of mobile hotspot. That plan costs $5 more than Verizon’s Unlimited Plus, but it includes 20 GB more hotspot use and throws in free high-speed roaming in 19 Latin American countries , a bonus that has no parallel in Verizon’s lineup.

AT&T, unlike Verizon, still offers limited-data postpaid plans. Both the Value Plus plan and the 4 GB plan run $50, but only the former includes 5G access—which to us outweighs its lack of priority data. And you can cut these plans’ costs by taking advantage of AT&T’s business and academic discounts or its unique 15% discount for union members –deals its unlimited plans exclude.

AT&T still charges junk fees and misrepresents some 4G speeds as 5G. AT&T continues to levy a $2 “administrative fee” that is such an obvious example of a junk fee that it has drawn a class-action lawsuit . (Verizon is pulling its own version of that stunt .) Equally bogus is AT&T’s insistence on labeling its fastest flavor of 4G LTE as “5G E” on phone screens, a marketing ploy that only confuses customers into thinking they have actual 5G.

It keeps cell-site location data much longer than the other carriers do. Privacy-conscious shoppers should know that AT&T keeps cell-site location data for at most five years, according to an AT&T spokesperson (who called Vice’s reports of FBI claims that AT&T holds this data for seven years old and incorrect and said some cell-site history gets flushed after 13 months). In contrast, Verizon holds it for one year, and T-Mobile does so for two.

International coverage is expensive if you haven’t paid off your phone. International travelers should note that buying your phone on AT&T’s installment plan brings an extra risk: Until you’ve paid off the phone, the device remains locked and stuck with international-roaming charges of $10 a day in most countries—and unavailable to use with a different service if you want to leave AT&T early.

AT&T’s prepaid service isn’t a great deal. If you don’t need much data, it’s decent, but in any unlimited-data context it’s scarcely cheaper than the carrier’s postpaid plans—and across four lines in our typical data-usage scenario, it’s much more expensive. Note that outside of Canada and Mexico , these prepaid plans offer no international roaming data options.

Budget pick

carrier in travel

Consumer Cellular

Affordable two- and four-line plans.

This reseller of AT&T offers great service and the cheapest two- and four-line service bundles for most people.

carrier in travel

Affordable four-line plans

Google’s wireless service beats everybody else’s prices for four lines, but intensive-data users and iPhone owners need to consider it carefully.

Family-plan pricing changes frequently due to constantly shifting promotions and terms, so we’ve split our recommendation for multiple-line service between two options. For two lines in our typical-usage scenario—unlimited on-phone data with 3 GB of mobile-hotspot use— Consumer Cellular is an easy call.

Consumer Cellular has excellent customer-satisfaction ratings. This AT&T reseller (which formerly sold T-Mobile, too, but no longer does) consistently lands at or near the top of customer surveys such as PCMag’s annual survey , the American Customer Satisfaction Index , and J.D. Power’s purchase-experience studies . And at $65 for two lines on its unlimited plan, Consumer Cellular also undercuts every provider. However, mobile-hotspot use is blocked by default, so you need to call support or use the customer service chat before you can take advantage of your 50 GB of priority data for tethering.

The service is marketed to older adults with a 5% AARP discount , but the factors that make it good for older adults make it good for most people, as well. Most important, it offers US-based phone support and step-by-step manuals and video tutorials for the non-tech-savvy, maintains an in-store presence in major retailers such as Target, and offers installment-plan phone purchase options with roughly the same terms as the big carriers provide.

Price for two lines with unlimited on-phone data plus 3 GB hotspot each

“Unlimited” still has limits. Like other carriers, Consumer Cellular actually puts some limits on its “unlimited” plan, but it doesn’t define them as well as its competitors do: After you use 50 GB combined between the lines, the service warns that “your access to high speed data will be reduced, and you will experience slower speeds,” but it doesn’t document how slow. Publicist Sarah Burns clarified that this slowdown happens automatically and drops connections to 1.5 Mbps.

Google Fi is the best budget option for a family of four. For four lines, Google Fi offers the cheapest deal in our typical-usage scenario at just $80 for four lines of its Simply Unlimited plan with 35 GB of full-speed data listed as based on T-Mobile’s strong 5G service. And like Consumer Cellular, Fi seems to have satisfied subscribers, as it ranked highest in PCMag’s 2023 Readers’ Choice awards .

Google Fi’s data limits are more strict. Although Fi’s data plan includes a generous mobile-hotspot allocation of 15 GB, the 35 GB limit is harder than at other services—exceeding it prompts the service to throttle your connection all the way back to 256 Kbps.

Google Fi is optimized for Android phones. Once compatible only with Google’s Nexus and then Pixel phones, Google Fi now offers full support for not just Google’s Pixel models but also unlocked versions of most recent Samsung phones . But while its iPhone support has greatly advanced–including the overdue addition of full-speed 5G access–it still requires you to fiddle around in settings to get texts from Android users.

Consumer Cellular isn’t a great pick if you plan to travel internationally. It quotes overseas-roaming rates that start at 10¢ per minute for calls and 10¢ per megabyte for data. But Google Fi’s cheaper plan is also bad for international travelers because it omits the free full-speed global roaming of Fi’s Unlimited Plus.

Price for four lines with unlimited on-phone data plus 3 GB hotspot each

carrier in travel

Mint Mobile

A cheap, prepaid plan.

Mint Mobile gives you access to T-Mobile’s network for much less money, but you have to pay for three, six, or 12 months in advance.

New customers only

If the lowest possible bill on a good-enough network is your top priority, we recommend Mint Mobile , a reseller of T-Mobile’s LTE and 5G networks. It beats everybody else’s costs with a simple pricing tactic: It offers cheaper prices for longer terms, with the minimum being three months. When you sign up, you can choose 5 GB, 15 GB, 20 GB, or unlimited data per month and then pay up front for either three, six, or 12 months—the longer the package, the better the price per month.

Mint Mobile charges less for longer prepaid commitments. The unlimited plan is just $30 per month for the first three months, after which you can balance commitment and price, choosing $40 per month on a three-month term, $35 per month on a six-month policy, or $30 per month for a year. The same math works for minimal usage: 5 GB per month costs $25 per month over a three-month term or $15 per month on a full-year deal.

The unlimited plan has restrictions. Mint’s unlimited plan includes usage limits similar to those of other “unlimited” plans: It imposes a priority-data cap of 40 GB, after which it warns that you “will experience lower speeds” (defined only as “3G speeds”), it places a 10 GB cap on mobile-hotspot usage, and it limits streaming video to 480p. You can buy another 5 GB of hotspot data for $15 —or you could save $5 by trading down to the 20 GB plan, which lets you use all of that data for mobile hotspot and places no constraints on streaming-video resolution.

Mint requires some other compromises, too. Mint doesn’t focus on phone sales, so you’ll probably want to bring your own unlocked device, and support is online or over the phone only. In addition, after you hit your data cap, your speed slows to 128 Kbps unless you upgrade your plan or switch to the unlimited plan (on which you can still find your connection throttled, just not as severely, once you exceed the 40 GB priority-data allocation). International roaming costs 20¢ per megabyte in most countries. And you face the risk of seeing your bandwidth deprioritized behind that of T-Mobile subscribers , especially when the network is busy.

Mint Mobile’s customers like it. In 2023 Mint Mobile earned the third-highest ranking in PCMag’s Readers’ Choice survey and had the second-highest score in the American Customer Satisfaction Index survey , in line with earlier positive word of mouth and the experiences of some Wirecutter staffers.

T-Mobile has announced plans to acquire Mint Mobile and its parent company, Ka’ena Corporation, in a deal valued at approximately $1.3 billion and expected to close at the end of 2023. Based on our observations of T-Mobile when it took over MetroPCS (now Metro by T-Mobile) and kept that prepaid service competitive with others, we’re not panicking over this impending acquisition.

Opensignal , PCMag , and RootMetrics all publish independently sourced network-performance metrics that can free you from relying on carrier coverage maps, but those studies each take different approaches and are thus good for different purposes.

RootMetrics uses cars set up with “leading Android-based smartphones for each network” to gather figures on data, talk, and text performance throughout the country. You can also find reports tailored to specific metropolitan areas. PCMag has taken a similar approach but focuses more on network data speed and reliability in metropolitan centers and their suburbs and conducts its tests with the same model of high-end phone—in 2022, the Samsung Galaxy S22+, which may support more high-speed frequencies than your own. Opensignal’s network tests, meanwhile, rely on crowdsourcing: Anyone can download the Opensignal app and run tests. But the majority of people don’t, and as such, Opensignal’s data skews heavily toward urban areas.

PCMag's comparison between AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon.

In August 2021, the Federal Communications Commission rolled out its own reality check: a map of estimated LTE coverage , based on signal-propagation models applied to its own data of cell sites. Although that map shows only the presence of at least basic LTE service—5 Mbps downloads and just 1 Mbps uploads—in my own spot-checking , I’ve found that it’s been more accurate than the carriers’ own coverage maps at warning of dead zones.

Once you’ve decided on a network, the next step is to figure out how much data you use. We’ve seen both average and median data use roughly triple from the first quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2022, going by figures from Circana. An Opensignal report from 2021 suggests that increases in data consumption are driven by 5G users—in the US, LTE users running that firm’s testing software averaged 9 GB a month, while those on 5G hit 14.9 GB a month.

Both Android and iOS provide estimates of your current data usage, but your carrier’s website can give you the number that counts for billing purposes. You need to make an educated guess as to how far that number could rise in a year and see which plans can cover that with a reasonable margin.

As limited-data plans become less common, you’re increasingly likely to find that an unlimited plan works for you.

But you need to figure out just what sort of unlimited data you’re buying. All three carriers and their sub-brands and resellers have carved out restrictions on features such as priority data, hotspot use, and streaming video while adding premium tiers or paid add-ons that lift some of those limits. It’s a lot like buying a plane ticket: You can’t jump on the cheapest price you see, lest you wind up in Basic Economy.

Among the Basic Economy, entry-level versions of unlimited data plans, AT&T’s $65 Unlimited Starter and Verizon’s $65 Unlimited Welcome provide no priority or premium data, so you’re at risk of “temporarily slow data speeds if the network is busy,” as AT&T puts it—even if it’s the start of a billing period and you haven’t burned through any data yourself. Verizon’s entry-level plan also prohibits hotspot use and limits your 5G service to the carrier’s slow, low-band network. T-Mobile’s entry-level Essentials Savings, at $50, is more generous in allotting 50 GB of priority data, but its “unlimited” hotspot use is capped at 600 Kbps, a speed that T-Mobile misleadingly markets as “3G speeds.” All three carriers’ starter plans cap the resolution of streaming video on their respective networks at a DVD-grade 480p.

If your usage only slightly exceeds the cap on a service’s limited-data plan—say you use 3.25 GB in a month and your carrier offers a 3 GB plan—you should confirm whether that plan lets you roll over unused data from months when you don’t hit your maximum. Also, see if that service offers unmetered but 2G-slow service once you exhaust your high-speed data so that your phone will still have basic (read: slower) internet access and you won’t get charged extra for going over your cap. These features may help you choose a less expensive plan.

The big three, and many of the smaller services, offer at least two step-up tiers with more priority data and more full-speed mobile-hotspot use; higher-definition streaming may also be part of these upgrades.

If your usage remains sufficiently low, you should consider plans with a manageable data-usage cap and fewer fine-print rules governing that data. AT&T’s 4 GB plan, which costs $50 after autopay discounts, has no separate limit on hotspot use but still restricts streaming to 480p and omits 5G support. If you’re on a budget and don’t mind complications such as expensive international roaming and a lack of in-person support, Mint’s 5 GB, 15 GB, and 20 GB plans offer even more substantial savings.

As for talk and text amounts, all of the postpaid plans from the major carriers provide unlimited calling and messaging. A shrinking number of prepaid and resold services offer cheaper rates if you’re willing to stay within certain limits. As with data usage, the best way to check your current texting and calling habits is to view your bill.

A screenshot of WhistleOut's cell plan comparison tool.

If your usage doesn’t fall into our specific categories and you sometimes think in spreadsheets , you can do your own calculations using WhistleOut’s carrier-comparison tool . It even lets you filter by network—you can ask it for, say, only prepaid options that resell AT&T service—and location. But like Google searches, it can show sponsored results before organic ones. It also includes far more services than we cover here and shows not just plans with the required amount of data, minutes, and texts, but also those that exceed your needs, producing a cluttered presentation overall. WhistleOut also doesn’t allow you to specify a set amount of hotspot data.

If you want unlimited calls and texts, more attentive customer service, and phone financing through your carrier, stick with a traditional postpaid plan, in which you get a bill for service after you use it. Postpaid costs a bit more and requires you to have decent credit to qualify, but it offers you every phone the carrier sells, usually with no-interest financing, and the service you get should match what you see in the carrier’s ads.

However, switching to prepaid, in which you pay for service before you use it, can be an easy way to save at least $10 to $20 a month. Many prepaid services are provided by smaller companies that simply resell service from one of the big carriers, so they offer coverage similar to that of the major carriers at a lower price. But some make trade-offs to undersell the major carriers while using the same networks; similarly, the major carriers’ own prepaid plans tend to involve restrictions that their postpaid plans lack. We don’t recommend switching to prepaid unless you meet most of these criteria:

  • You don’t mind buying your own phone separately, since prepaid carriers’ phone selections are often poor or nonexistent.
  • You’re okay handling your own tech support. Retail support may not be an option, and phone or online support may be limited.
  • You’re comfortable relying on prepaid SIM cards or eSIMs while traveling abroad .
  • You’re willing to read the fine print. As analyst Jeffrey Moore advised us, data roaming, and sometimes even voice roaming, may not be included in some prepaid plans. These plans may also omit Wi-Fi calling, one common way to get around holes in coverage.

Some carriers throttle prepaid service to a lower speed by default, as AT&T did until October 2021 with some Cricket plans. Others prioritize their own customers over third-party prepaid traffic. A T-Mobile spokesperson said that although the services for postpaid plans and for prepaid plans have the same priority, Metro by T-Mobile and other resellers “may notice slower speeds in times of network congestion.” Aron North, chief marketing officer at Mint’s then-parent firm Ultra Mobile, confirmed in an email in 2019 that “at times where there is network congestion” Mint may be “reprioritized.”

If you are looking to save money on smartphone service by getting resold service from your cable operator but are also considering dropping your cable operator’s broadband, keep in mind that these wireless plans are best understood as a customer-retention tool. These services, based on resold network capacity from one of the big three carriers, represent their own special case. They offer some serious bargains for people with relatively restrained data appetites, but they also require you to use that cable firm’s broadband.

For example, Comcast’s Xfinity Mobile starts at 1 GB for $15 per month and 10 GB for $60 per month. But if you want unlimited data, Comcast’s offering throttles download speeds to 1.5 Mbps after you hit your plan’s cap of 20 GB ($45 a month), 30 GB ($55), or 50 GB ($65), subject to a major (possibly temporary) bit of leniency noted on a support page : “Right now, mid-band (C-Band) and high-band (Ultra Wideband) 5G data use won’t count toward your per-line monthly threshold for data usage.” The last two plans allow hotspot use at normal speeds, up to 5 GB on the 30 GB deal and 15 GB on the 50 GB plan. You also need Comcast’s Xfinity internet to sign up at all .

Spectrum Mobile is a little better, since its $30 unlimited plan includes 5 GB of full-speed hotspot data—but it cuts your speeds even more sharply after 20 GB, limiting downloads to 1 Mbps and uploads to just 512 Kbps. Its Unlimited Plus plan, priced at $40, gives you 30 GB of usable data but still just 5 GB of mobile-hotspot data. As with Xfinity Mobile, you need to subscribe to this cable operator’s broadband to sign up for its mobile service .

Years of massive, expensive 5G buildouts at all three carriers mean future advances in coverage and speed are more likely to be incremental. AT&T and Verizon subscribers, however, stand to see more upgrades mainly because of the late start of those two carriers with C-band frequencies. AT&T and Verizon are also catching up with T-Mobile in deploying “standalone” 5G , a network upgrade in which cell sites can connect directly to compatible phones without needing a 4G connection to set up that 5G link.

The good news for people weary of forced upgrades at all three carriers: We shouldn’t have to worry about dealing with carriers turning on massive new swaths of spectrum, because none are left vacant . Nor should you need to even think about the potential of a “6G” upgrade cycle; while that upcoming standard is a thing, it won’t be a commercial reality until 2030 at the earliest, and in the meantime even carriers want 6G advocates to give the hype a rest .

Most of Verizon’s cheaper plans have become much less attractive because they have access only to the provider’s slower, low-band 5G service. It has now rolled out C-band 5G nationwide, which it is combining with its vastly scarcer millimeter-wave 5G and marketing as Ultra Wideband 5G; together, those services amount to a much stronger network than Verizon’s old mix of low-band 5G brightened by pockets of mmWave. But evidently Verizon now thinks you should pay more for it.

For example, Verizon’s $65 Unlimited Welcome plan limits you to low-band 5G speeds—specifically, though it lets you use C-band and mmWave, it caps your speeds at 25 Mbps on those parts of Verizon’s network. That’s a much bigger problem than its lack of priority data and zero mobile-hotspot use. Verizon also reserves its faster flavors of 5G for its most expensive prepaid option.

Verizon’s $80  Unlimited Plus plan opens up C-band and mmWave 5G, with unlimited priority data, 30 GB of mobile hotspot, and a streaming-video limit of 720p. That is a fairly generous bundle—but it drops such previous bonuses as one free international-roaming TravelPass day per month, and the old plan already had more priority and mobile-hotspot data than many people would need. The carrier’s $90 Unlimited Ultimate, meanwhile, throws in 60 GB of mobile hotspot.

If you’d like to save some money with a prepaid or resold plan , Verizon Prepaid now offers the interesting wrinkle of rates that drop over time . So the starting price (with autopay) of $35 per month for its 15 GB plan drops to $30 after three months and $25 after nine; the $45 monthly rate for 15 GB becomes $40 and then $35 in the same way. As with Verizon’s postpaid plans, you still get unlimited 2G data after you hit your plan’s data cap. But only the Unlimited Plus plan, at $60 per month, includes access to Verizon’s C-band 5G—the sole flavor of 5G from this carrier that’s worth talking about.

The CDMA foundation of Verizon’s network—and Verizon’s decision to launch its 5G service on mmWave frequencies that go unused in many other markets—can limit the compatibility of some unlocked phones. For example, the OnePlus Nord N20 5G, our previous pick for the best budget Android phone , doesn’t work on Verizon. And although C-band makes Verizon’s 5G more relevant, Verizon’s practice so far of limiting C-band access to phones it has approved instead of allowing all those with compatible radios—a restrictive approach that still leaves out the C-band–compatible Pixel 7—only increases that incompatibility problem.

If you travel internationally, Verizon’s services can add up. Its TravelPass costs a reasonable $5 per day in Canada and Mexico for you to use voice, text, and data drawn from your domestic allowance and a less reasonable $10 per day in much of the rest of the world . Since Verizon sells phones that are locked for only 60 days after activation to thwart fraud, you can and should save money by using a local prepaid SIM when traveling internationally .

We would like to see Verizon make its plans easier to understand. We would also like to see Verizon abandon price-gouging moves like last year’s steep increase in an “Administrative and Telco Recovery Charge” that customers understandably regarded as a junk-fee hike.

Cricket Wireless

Cricket Wireless , AT&T’s prepaid brand, outranks its corporate mothership in customer satisfaction surveys, now includes taxes in its advertised rates, and offers much cheaper choices if you don’t need a lot of data and extras such as international-roaming options. They’re even cheaper if you’re comfortable paying for a year in advance, a recent addition to Cricket’s single-line pricing that picks up on a discount Mint already offered. But unlike Mint, Cricket includes mobile-hotspot use only on its most expensive offering (though the allocation there is a fairly generous 15 GB). Cricket’s selection of phones for sale is not too impressive, but in this category you’re better off buying an unlocked budget Android phone separately.

Boost Mobile

The former Sprint subsidiary is now a Dish Network subsidiary —one part of the complicated regulatory approval process that allowed T-Mobile to buy its competitor. Boost launched its Boost Infinite service in beta form in December, with the carrier’s nascent 5G network backed up by resold AT&T and T-Mobile coverage . Boost had planned on reselling T-Mobile until it could launch its own network but is now readying a switch to AT&T , which means customers of Boost (and the other resellers that Dish has bought, such as Ting and Republic Wireless) are in for some potentially drastic changes. To us, that doesn’t justify the relatively modest savings that some of its plans offer.

Metro by T-Mobile

T-Mobile’s prepaid subsidiary can seem like an afterthought, with some plans costing notably more than T-Mobile Prepaid’s rates for similar usage scenarios and others offering only minimal service. With its most generous plan offering only 35 GB of priority data–after which, per a small-print note on its site, “you may notice slower speeds when our network is busy”--Metro also flunks our heavy-usage scenario.

Straight Talk

The Straight Talk prepaid brand of TracFone, which is itself a subsidiary of Verizon, is one of the most widely used prepaid services—thanks in part to its distribution through Walmart stores—and also does well in many customer surveys. But its rates no longer beat those at competing postpaid services. And although it has historically resold service from all three carriers, Verizon’s ownership means that Straight Talk will move to put new customers on Verizon alone.

The biggest prepaid brand in America and the corporate parent of Straight Talk, and now a Verizon property, TracFone has historically required smartphone customers to patch together a service bundle by buying separate buckets of data, voice, and text. Now it offers a few standard 30-day plans. For 3 GB, its $25 rate is fairly competitive, but its pricing doesn’t hold up in intensive-usage scenarios. And TracFone doesn’t help its cause by prohibiting mobile-hotspot use on all plans except a $40 option with just 8 GB of data . As with Straight Talk, its practice of reselling coverage of all three networks will end as it becomes a Verizon-only service.

This Verizon brand offers just two plans, the $25 Visible and the $35 Visible+. The former limits you to Verizon’s low-band 5G (one way you can tell this is a Verizon outpost), while the latter gets you Verizon’s full spectrum and 50 GB of priority data. Both come with a mobile-hotspot limit unlike that of any other carrier: Instead of capping how much data can go to that application, Visible limits your hotspot speed to 5 Mbps and allows only one device at a time. We like the creativity on display here, but we’re not sure how many people need an unlimited-on-phone plan but see almost no need to share that bandwidth with other devices via mobile hotspot.

This article was edited by Arthur Gies and Caitlin McGarry.

Meet your guide

carrier in travel

Rob Pegoraro

Further reading

A person using their smartphone to scan a document using a mobile scanning app.

The Best Mobile Scanning Apps

by Ben Keough

The simple design, high-quality results, free cloud storage, and $0 price make Adobe Scan an excellent choice.

Illustration of toggle buttons on various mobile apps.

How Mobile Phones Became a Privacy Battleground—and How to Protect Yourself

by Thorin Klosowski

Smartphone privacy has changed over time, and owners have more controls than ever. Here’s where the controls came from, and how to keep your phone private.

carrier in travel

How to Switch Cell Phone Carriers

by Rob Pegoraro

Moving your number from one wireless service to another is (usually) the easiest step. Bringing your old phone to a new network can be trickier.

A smartphone displaying an Adobe Lightroom app editing screen and situated between a couple printed photos and a black camera.

The Best Photo Editing Apps for Android and iOS

by Erin Roberts and Ben Keough

If you wish your phone’s photos looked better, or if you just prefer editing images on your phone or tablet, Adobe Lightroom or Snapseed is the best choice.


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  28. How to Travel With a Cat: 14 Vet Approved Tips & Tricks

    The 14 Tips to Travel with a Cat. 1. Invest in a Good Carrier. Cats should always be restrained when riding in cars, and airports require them to stay in their carriers at all times (except during ...

  29. T-Mobile Expands Coverage Above and Beyond Its Own Maps

    Travel! Today, T-Mobile (NASDAQ: TMUS) is taking coverage above and beyond, pushing the boundaries of their own coverage map to 30,000 feet and abroad. Introducing T-Mobile's latest Un-carrier move, Coverage Beyond, with free high-speed data in 210+ countries and destinations AND free in-flight connectivity and streaming all flight long on ...

  30. The 5 Best Cell Phone Plans of 2024

    The carrier maintained its position as the best mobile network in 2022. And RootMetrics's latest drive-testing-based State of the Mobile Union report, for the first half of 2023, found T-Mobile ...