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Ellie's Travel Tips

Cruise Planners: Free 42-Page Printable + Comprehensive Guide

Posted on Last updated: March 6, 2024

Ahoy, future cruisers! 🚢✨

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from countless oceanic adventures, it’s this: A spectacular cruise isn’t just about the destination or the ship—it’s also about meticulous planning.

But wait, before you start envisioning tedious spreadsheets and overwhelming to-do lists, let us introduce you to the magic of cruise planners.

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or embarking on your maiden cruise journey, this comprehensive guide (alongside our free 42-page planner ) will ensure you navigate the vast seas of cruise planning with ease and expertise.

free cruise planners

Why Cruise Planning is Essential

Breathtaking sunsets, the gentle rock of the ship, exotic ports with adventures awaiting—cruising is an experience unlike any other.

However, as idyllic as it sounds, hopping aboard without a clear plan can quickly turn those dreamy sunsets into stormy clouds of stress.

Let’s dive into why plotting your course in advance is the real key to unlocking a memorable cruise.

1. Navigating Your Budget Like a Pro

The allure of the open seas can quickly become a daunting affair if costs spiral out of control. While most fun cruises are all-inclusive, there are many additional expenses—excursions, premium dining, spa treatments, and those irresistible souvenirs—that can take you by surprise.

Planning ensures you’re not only prepared for these expenses but can strategically indulge without breaking the bank.

2. Maximize Every Moment

Every cruise ship is a floating city, brimming with activities, shows, workshops, and more. Without a plan, you might find yourself overwhelmed by choices, leading to either a rushed experience or missing out on fantastic opportunities.

Knowing what’s on offer and pre-scheduling can help you strike the perfect balance between relaxation and adventure.

3. Port-of-Call Perfection

Those few precious hours at a port can fly by. Having a clear itinerary ensures you experience the best of each destination without the last-minute scrambles.

Whether it’s exploring a hidden beach, tasting local delicacies, or embarking on a cultural tour, pre-planning helps you anchor your experiences to cherished memories.

4. Bypassing Common Cruise Pitfalls

Ever found yourself in the wrong dress code for a themed dinner night? Or realized too late that your dream excursion was fully booked?

Such hiccups can put a damper on the cruising spirit. A cruise planner helps anticipate and sidestep these common oversights.

5. Tailored to Your Taste

Cruise ships cater to a diverse clientele, from families with kids to honeymooners to solo explorers.

Planning ensures your cruise is tailored to your preferences, ensuring each day feels like it was crafted just for you.

In essence, a well-charted cruise plan is the wind in your sails, driving your ship towards sunny horizons and starry nights. So, as you look out to the vast ocean of possibilities, remember: The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes (and a solid plan!). 🌟🗺️🚢

cruise ship at sea

Unveiling the Concept of ‘Cruise Planners’

Cast away the visions of old-school travel agencies, clunky brochures, and hour-long phone holds.

Enter the digital age of cruise planning, where the term ‘cruise planners’ doesn’t just refer to professionals, but also to modern tools and resources that make planning a breeze. Let’s set sail into this brave new world.

A Blast from the Past:

Remember when planning a trip meant visiting a travel agency, pouring over hefty brochures, and relying on the knowledge of someone who might have visited your desired destination once or twice?

Those were simpler times but not necessarily easier. The evolution of travel planning, especially for cruises, has brought empowerment to travelers.

The Rise of Cruise Planner Professionals:

Today’s cruise planners are a blend of travel agents, consultants, and experience curators. They’re armed with vast databases of information, partnerships with cruise lines, and personal experiences.

They don’t just book your tickets; they craft your journey. From ensuring you get the best cabin to curating on-shore excursions tailored to your interests, they’re your personal cruise concierge.

Digital Tools and Apps:

The internet era has birthed a multitude of platforms, apps, and tools specifically designed for cruise enthusiasts. From virtual ship tours to detailed reviews of every activity onboard, these digital tools provide invaluable insights.

Many come with user-friendly interfaces, allowing travelers to drag and drop activities into their itinerary, creating a visual blueprint of their cruise.

Community and Crowdsourced Knowledge:

The term cruise planners isn’t confined to professionals and tools; it’s also about the community. Online forums, social media groups, and cruise-focused blogs are treasure troves of first-hand experiences and advice.

Fellow travelers share hidden gems, tips to save money, and even recommendations on what to avoid. In many ways, today’s cruise planning is a collaborative effort.

Why It’s Trending:

The increased search and interest around cruise planners reflect a larger trend: travelers desire enriched experiences, not just trips. They seek a blend of relaxation and exploration, craving curated journeys that resonate with their personal tastes and interests.

As we steer through this section, one thing becomes clear: cruise planning has evolved from a task to an art form. Whether you’re leaning towards professional assistance or reveling in DIY, understanding the vast realm of cruise planners equips you for an unforgettable voyage. 🌐🛳️📲

free cruise planner

DIY vs. Professional Cruise Planners: Pros & Cons

In the vast ocean of cruise planning, two predominant approaches emerge: the independent, DIY route, and the guided path of professional cruise planners.

Both have their merits, and each carries a unique allure. But which one is your siren song? Let’s delve deep and weigh the anchors of each side.

DIY Cruise Planning:

  • Personalization & Flexibility: The cruise world is your oyster! Design each detail according to your desires, making on-the-fly changes whenever inspiration strikes.
  • Potential Cost Savings: No middleman means you might snag a few deals, especially if you’re a savvy researcher and bargain hunter.
  • Deep Dive Research: There’s a unique joy in scouring forums, reading reviews, and diving into blogs. You’ll feel a sense of achievement and anticipation building as you craft your dream cruise.
  • Time-Intensive: With great freedom comes great responsibility—and a ton of research. It can become overwhelming, especially for complex routes or long-duration cruises.
  • Possible Oversights: Without expert guidance, you might miss out on exclusive deals, hidden gems, or important logistical aspects.
  • Potential for Stress: Facing uncertainties or second-guessing choices without professional validation can lead to pre-cruise jitters.

professional cruise planners

Professional Cruise Planners:

  • Expertise & Experience: These professionals know the cruise world like the back of their hands. They can guide you to choices you might never have considered, enhancing your experience.
  • Time-Saving: Just share your preferences, sit back, and let the magic unfold. Your planner will handle the nitty-gritty, from bookings to special requests.
  • Exclusive Access: Many cruise planners have tie-ups with cruise lines, granting you exclusive deals, early-bird offers, or special amenities.
  • Potential for Higher Costs: Their expertise comes at a price. While you might get exclusive deals, the overall cost may be higher than a DIY approach.
  • Less Personal Touch: While professionals curate based on your preferences, you might miss out on the detailed personal touches that come from hours of personal research.
  • Dependency: Any changes or issues? You’ll need to go through your planner, which could cause delays or miscommunications.

Both paths, DIY and professional assistance, offer unique experiences in the world of cruise planning. It boils down to your personal style. If you’re a meticulous planner who loves diving into details and has the time for it, DIY might be up your alley. However, if you seek a hassle-free, expert-curated experience and are okay with a slightly higher budget, professional cruise planners are your best bet.

Whichever path you choose, remember: the journey of planning can be just as exciting as the cruise itself. So, hoist your sails, and may the winds of adventure guide you forward! 🌍🚢📖

post-cruise adjustment sailing

Sail Ahead with Our Exclusive Free Printable Cruise Planner!

Charting your next cruise adventure has never been this exhilarating—or easy! We’re elated to introduce our meticulously crafted, user-friendly, and absolutely FREE Printable Cruise Planner . Created with love and a passion for the seas, this planner is designed to be your trusty co-captain on your cruise planning journey. Let’s dive in and explore how this nautical gem can enhance your voyage from start to finish.

1. Crafted with Experience: Every page of our planner is imbued with insights from seasoned cruisers and travel aficionados. This isn’t just a planner; it’s a distillation of years of cruising knowledge, refined into a sleek, actionable tool.

2. User-Centric Design: Tired of scribbles, scattered notes, and losing track of your plans? Our planner’s intuitive layout ensures a smooth sailing experience. Segmented sections cater to all cruise planning facets, ensuring you never miss a detail.

3. All-in-One Organizer: From pre-cruise checklists, daily activity trackers, and excursion planners to budget worksheets and meal reservation logs, we’ve got you covered. It’s your one-stop companion for a stress-free cruise journey.

4. Personal & Flexible: While our planner comes with a recommended flow, its design embraces flexibility. Add, remove, or rearrange pages as you see fit. Plus, there’s ample space for personal notes, doodles, and those spontaneous ideas that pop up.

5. Sustainable & Eco-friendly: Designed to be printed at home or at your local print shop, our planner champions sustainability. We recommend printing on recycled paper, and its compact design ensures minimal waste.

6. A Continual Companion: Whether you’re cruising for a month through the Mediterranean or venturing into the Alaskan wilds , this planner is adaptable to any cruise type, duration, or destination. It’s a timeless tool you’ll find yourself reaching for, cruise after cruise.

How to Get Your Free Printable Cruise Planner: Excited to set sail with our planner by your side? Simply print it, bind it, and begin the delightful journey of crafting your dream cruise.

month-long cruise itineraries

A Comprehensive Guide to Using Our Cruise Planner

Embarking on a cruise journey entails much more than just boarding a ship. From the minute details of your cabin choice to the broader scope of your travel itinerary, every decision impacts the kind of memories you’ll craft.

And while spontaneity has its charm, a well-structured plan often guarantees a smoother, richer experience. That’s where our cruise planner shines. In this in-depth guide, we’ll navigate through its various sections, ensuring you harness its full potential. So, let’s set sail!

Budgeting for Your Voyage: Making Every Penny Count

Every memorable cruise starts with a realistic and well-thought-out budget. It’s the foundation upon which your voyage stands. With our cruise planner’s dedicated budgeting sections, you’re not just jotting down numbers—you’re crafting a financial blueprint for a stress-free journey.

Start with the Basics: Begin by filling out the primary expenses: cruise fare, flights (if applicable), pre and post-cruise accommodations, and travel insurance. These are the pillars of your trip’s financial structure.

The All-Inclusive Trap: Many cruises market themselves as all-inclusive, but there are always additional expenses. Use the planner to list potential on-board expenses: specialty dining, spa treatments, premium beverages, and onboard activities that might come with a fee.

Excursions & Exploration: While the ship offers a universe of experiences, the real adventures often lie ashore. Research potential excursions or guided tours. Also, account for impromptu local experiences, shopping, or meals at port cities. Allocate funds accordingly.

Buffer Budget: The seas are full of surprises! Always keep a buffer budget for unforeseen expenses. Whether it’s a sudden urge to try an upscale restaurant onboard or a local craft that catches your eye at a port, this safety net ensures peace of mind.

Track as You Go: A budget is not a set-in-stone document. As your cruise progresses, keep updating your planner with actual expenses. This helps keep a check, ensuring you stay within limits and can make adjustments if necessary.

Saving Opportunities: Dedicate a section for potential discounts, deals, or loyalty rewards. Cruises often have loyalty programs, early-bird specials, or last-minute deals. Tracking these can significantly reduce costs.

Budgeting with our cruise planner ensures you’re not just spending, but investing in experiences that truly matter. It’s about optimizing your resources for maximum joy. Remember, a well-planned budget is the wind behind the sails of your dream cruise, propelling you towards memorable horizons without financial hiccups.

west coast cruise ports

Itinerary Planning: Charting Your Course with Precision and Passion

Crafting the perfect cruise itinerary is an art, blending structure with spontaneity, must-dos with delightful detours. Your cruise will glide through beautiful regions, docking at exotic ports, each offering its unique array of experiences. Our cruise planner’s itinerary-focused sections are the canvas upon which you’ll paint your dream journey. Here’s your step-by-step guide to using it to its fullest.

Familiarize with the Ship’s Itinerary: Start by filling in the fixed elements of your trip: dates, destinations, docking times, and durations. This gives you a clear scaffold upon which to layer your personal plans.

Research Each Destination: For every port of call, delve into research. Look up the top attractions, experiences, local cuisines, cultural events, and hidden gems. Jot down what piques your interest.

Prioritize: With so much to see and do, prioritization is key. What are your non-negotiables? Maybe it’s the ancient ruins in one city or the famous beach in another. Highlight these in your planner.

Schedule Excursions: If you’re booking guided tours or ship-sponsored excursions, slot them in. Ensure you have a buffer time before and after, accounting for any unforeseen delays.

DIY Adventures: Perhaps you’re keen on exploring a destination at your own pace. Use the planner to sketch a rough route, noting down places of interest, local eateries, and spots to relax.

Onboard Activities: Your ship is a floating paradise, bursting with activities, shows, workshops, and events. Interweave these with your port days. Maybe you’d like a spa day after an intensive excursion or a special dinner on a night when the ship stays docked longer.

Stay Flexible: While it’s great to have a plan, remember the magic often lies in unexpected adventures. Leave gaps in your itinerary for serendipitous discoveries.

Gather Local Insights: Interact with locals or fellow travelers to get recommendations. Perhaps there’s a local festival, a lesser-known museum, or a just-opened eatery worth checking out. Update your planner accordingly.

With our cruise planner, every day of your cruise transforms from a mere date on the calendar to a tapestry of vivid experiences, memories in the making. Itinerary planning isn’t just about filling slots; it’s about curating moments, both monumental and minuscule, that together create the symphony of your cruise adventure.

fun cruises on deck

Onboard Experience: Savoring Every Moment Aboard Your Floating Paradise

The sea’s gentle sway, the horizon stretching infinitely, the allure of a new dawn each day – life aboard your cruise ship promises experiences as vast as the ocean itself. Your vessel isn’t merely a means to get from one port to another; it’s a universe of entertainment, relaxation, and enchantment. Our cruise planner ensures you don’t miss a beat. Let’s set sail on this immersive journey!

Know Your Ship: Begin by exploring your cruise ship’s layout, offerings, and daily events. Familiarize yourself with entertainment zones, dining venues, recreational areas, and relaxation spots.

Day-to-Day Events: Most ships offer a daily bulletin or newsletter detailing the day’s activities. Extract the ones that intrigue you and slot them into your planner. Whether it’s a dance class, a wine tasting session, or a themed night, ensure you’re prepped and punctual.

Dine in Style: With a plethora of dining options, from casual buffets to elegant specialty restaurants, plan your culinary journey. Make reservations for must-visit venues, and allocate days for spontaneous choices.

Recreation & Wellness: Cruise ships are wellness havens. Schedule spa appointments, fitness classes, or simply pencil in pool days. Remember, relaxation is as vital as exploration.

Nightlife & Shows: From Broadway-esque productions to jazz nights, your evenings onboard promise a whirlwind of entertainment. Mark out shows you can’t miss, and perhaps days you’d just like to stargaze from the deck.

Engage & Socialize: Many ships offer workshops, lectures, or group activities. Engage in ones that pique your interest. It’s also a fantastic way to meet fellow travelers and make lasting connections.

Capture Memories: Dedicate some time to journal your onboard experiences. Whether it’s the thrill of a casino win, the serenity of a sunrise, or the novelty of a cooking class, your planner will become a trove of treasured memories.

The ship is more than just steel and sophistication; it’s the heart of your cruise experience. With our cruise planner’s dedicated section, each day onboard metamorphoses into a vibrant mosaic of moments, memories, and sheer magic. As you traverse the waters, let the ship not just be a vessel, but a vivacious companion on your epic odyssey.

cruise packing tips

Packing and Prep: Ensuring Smooth Sailing with Every Suitcase

The thrill of an impending cruise can often be juxtaposed with the dread of packing. But what if we told you packing could be as enjoyable as the voyage itself? With our cruise planner’s preparation and cruise packing segments, you’re not just stuffing suitcases but curating collections for every chapter of your adventure. Dive in!

Climate & Itinerary Checks: Examine the regions you’ll be traversing and their expected climates. Also, sync with your itinerary: a gala night, a beach excursion, or a hiking adventure will each demand different attire.

Essentials First: Start with the basics – passports, cruise documentation, medications, and other vital items. Use our dedicated cruise essentials checklist to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Day-Wise Wardrobe: Instead of random outfits, consider packing day-wise or event-wise ensembles. It saves the daily decision-making hassle and ensures you’re always aptly dressed.

Tech & Entertainment: Remember chargers, converters, headphones, and any other tech essentials. If you’re planning relaxed days, perhaps some reading material or downloaded shows could be handy.

Toiletries & Personal Care: While most ships offer basic amenities, if you’re particular about brands or have specific requirements, pack cruise accessories accordingly. Consider the environment and opt for biodegradable products.

Snacks & Munchies: While food is abundant on a cruise, if you have specific dietary needs or just want some familiar comfort snacks, leave some space in your luggage.

Review & Reduce: It’s easy to overpack. Once done, review and ask yourself if you genuinely need every item. Shedding even a few unnecessary things can lighten your luggage and your stress.

Equipped with our cruise planner, packing is no longer a tedious task but a tantalizing teaser for the adventures ahead. It’s the prelude to your symphony, setting the rhythm for a voyage that’s as seamless as it is splendid.

cruise documents

Documentation and Legalities: Navigating the Nitty-Gritty with Ease

Cruises, with their promise of unhindered serenity and adventure, do come with an underbelly of necessary documentation and legalities . It might sound tedious, but with the right preparation and our cruise planner by your side, it’s just another step toward ensuring a smooth voyage. Let’s set your sails straight with this crucial aspect of cruise planning!

Passport and Visas:

  • Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your return date.
  • Check visa requirements for every port of call. Some countries might offer visa-on-arrival, while others demand prior arrangements.

Cruise Tickets and Boarding Passes:

  • Always have a printed and digital copy.
  • Familiarize yourself with the boarding procedure, time windows, and the location of your embarkation point.

Medical Documentation:

  • If you have specific medical conditions, carry relevant documents or prescriptions.
  • Research on onboard medical facilities and what kind of health insurances they accept.

Special Requests & Accommodations:

  • If you’ve made special requests like dietary accommodations or accessibility provisions, have these documented and easily accessible.

Local Laws & Etiquette:

  • Brief research on local customs, laws, and etiquettes for each port can save potential hassles. It’s not just about compliance but also about showing respect to the cultures you’ll be immersing in.

Emergency Contacts:

  • A list of emergency contacts, including those of the cruise line, local embassies or consulates, and close family or friends, is crucial.

Backup & Digital Security:

  • Ensure all vital documents have a digital backup, perhaps in a secure cloud storage.
  • Protect your devices with strong passwords, and be cautious about using public Wi-Fi networks.

girl being mindful on beach

Post-Cruise Reflection: Reliving and Reveling in the Resonance of Your Journey

The end of your cruise isn’t the final chapter but the beginning of a beautiful reminiscence, a great way to end your mindful travel adventure . It’s a time to reflect, to capture the essence of your journey, to dream about future voyages, and to be grateful for the just-concluded odyssey.


  • Pen down standout moments, unexpected delights, and even fleeting observations. Over time, these become priceless recollections.

Feedback & Reviews:

  • Your experiences can guide future travelers. Take a moment to leave reviews or feedback, both for the cruise line and for specific excursions or services you availed.

Photos & Souvenirs:

  • Organize and backup your photographs. Maybe create a digital or physical album dedicated to this cruise.
  • Place your souvenirs in spots where they can serve as daily reminders of your voyage.

Connections & Friendships:

  • Did you meet like-minded travelers or forge new friendships? Note down their contacts and make an effort to stay connected.

Learnings & Takeaways:

  • Every journey teaches us something. Reflect on what this cruise added to your life’s tapestry – be it a new perspective, a rejuvenated spirit, or just a broader smile.

Future Cruise Wishlist:

  • Inspired for another trip? Start creating a wishlist for your next cruise, be it destinations, activities, or even a different cruise line.

Using our free cruise planner, the end of your voyage transforms into a heartwarming epilogue, a promise of many more tales on the tides, and a testament to the timelessness of travel memories.

cruise ports east coast

Tips and Tricks from Veteran Cruisers

Every cruise ship is a world in itself, with its own rhythm, rules, and revelations. And who better to guide you through these intricate cruise travel tips than the seasoned travelers who’ve charted these waters before?

The wisdom of veteran cruisers is akin to a treasure map, leading you to hidden gems and helping you steer clear of potential pitfalls. Dive into this treasure trove of advice with our curated collection of tips and tricks.

1. Embarkation and Disembarkation Mastery:

  • Arrive Early, But Not Too Early: Arriving a tad earlier than the suggested time can help you beat the crowds, but too early might leave you waiting.
  • Luggage Tags: Always secure and double-check your luggage tags. It ensures your bags find their way to your cabin efficiently.

2. Make Reservations Ahead: Whether it’s specialty dining, exclusive shows, or spa treatments, booking in advance ensures you get the best slots and don’t miss out.

3. Navigating Onboard Sales: Veterans often advise to be wary of the first-day sales pitches for spas, photo packages, and more. Wait for mid-cruise offers, which can often be more lucrative.

4. Stay Connected, Economically: Internet packages onboard can be expensive. Seasoned cruisers suggest investing in a package only if necessary and logging off when not in use to conserve minutes. Alternatively, many ports offer cafes with free Wi-Fi.

5. Room Location Matters: Picking a cabin mid-ship and away from high-traffic areas can reduce noise and motion, ensuring a more peaceful stay. Make sure to review the top cabins to avoid before you book your stateroom.

6. Pack a Day Bag: Since checked luggage might take a while to get to your room, always have a day bag with essentials – medication, swimwear, sunscreen, and any immediate necessities.

7. Go Off the Beaten Path: While popular excursions have their charm, often the best memories are crafted when you venture off on your own or pick less crowded activities.

8. Mind the Dress Codes: Cruise lines often have specific dress codes, especially for dinner or special nights. A quick check ensures you’re always dressed to impress.

9. Interact with the Crew: The ship’s crew are invaluable sources of information and stories. Engaging with them not only enhances your onboard experience but also offers insights you wouldn’t find in any brochure.

10. Stay Informed: Make it a habit to check the daily newsletter or bulletin. It’s your guide to the ship’s happenings, offers, and important announcements.

11. BYOB, with Caution: Some cruise lines allow you to bring a bottle of wine or champagne. However, always check the cruise line’s alcohol policy to avoid any unexpected corkage fees or confiscations.

12. Embrace Flexibility: While planning is pivotal, sometimes the best experiences come from spontaneous decisions. Whether it’s a sudden deck party or an unplanned shore excursion, embrace the unpredictability of the journey.

Drawing from the vast ocean of experiences of veteran cruisers, these tips and tricks are your compass, ensuring smooth sailing and memorable moments at every turn. Remember, every cruiser starts as a novice, but with the right guidance, each journey can be navigated like a pro.

NCL things onboard

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

As we anchor down on this comprehensive cruise-planning journey, it’s important to remember that each voyage is as much about the destinations as it is about the journey itself. Cruises offer a unique blend of relaxation, adventure, and cultural immersion, all set against the majestic backdrop of the vast ocean.

Every Cruiser’s Evolution: It’s a given – your first cruise will be markedly different from your tenth. With every voyage, you’ll learn more about your preferences, the quirks of different ships, and the nuances of navigating the high seas. Embrace this evolution, knowing that every experience, whether smooth or turbulent, contributes to your cruiser’s repertoire.

Trust in Preparation: While the allure of spontaneity is undeniable, there’s a unique comfort in knowing you’re well-prepared. Our cruise planner, coupled with the wisdom of countless cruisers before you, ensures that you’re equipped for every eventuality, allowing you to relish every moment to the fullest.

The World Awaits: Beyond the confines of your ship lies a world rich in culture, history, and natural splendor. Whether you’re wandering through bustling markets, lounging on sun-kissed beaches, or exploring ancient ruins, cherish these moments of discovery and connection.

Your Cruise Community: From fellow passengers to the dedicated crew, the connections you forge onboard often endure well beyond the journey. These shared experiences, stories, and laughter become the hidden gems of your cruising adventures.

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FAQs on Free Cruise Planners

What exactly is a Cruise Planner? A cruise planner is a comprehensive tool designed to help travelers plan and organize every aspect of their cruise vacation. It covers everything from budgeting to itinerary planning, ensuring you have a seamless and enjoyable journey.

Why should I use a Cruise Planner? Using a cruise planner allows you to consolidate all the crucial information in one place. This ensures you’re well-prepared, reduces stress, and allows you to make the most of your cruise experience. Plus, with everything organized, you’re less likely to overlook important details.

Can I use a Cruise Planner for any cruise line or ship? Absolutely! Our cruise planner is designed to be versatile, accommodating the specifics of any cruise line or ship. Simply adjust and fill in the relevant details according to your chosen cruise.

I’ve cruised before without a planner. What’s the added advantage? While many seasoned cruisers have their own systems in place, a cruise planner provides structure, consolidates information, and ensures you don’t miss out on new experiences or opportunities. It’s also a great tool for reflection and keepsakes.

How do I incorporate budgeting into the Cruise Planner? Our cruise planner has a dedicated section for budgeting, which covers everything from cruise fares to excursions and onboard expenses. By noting down and tracking your expenses, you can ensure you stay within your budget and make informed financial choices.

Is the Cruise Planner digital, printable, or both? Our cruise planner is primarily designed as a printable tool for hands-on planning. However, with evolving digital tools, you can easily use apps or software to fill it in digitally if that’s your preference.

How can I make the most of the onboard experience using the Cruise Planner? The cruise planner provides sections for you to note down daily activities, events, and shows you’re interested in. By planning ahead, you can optimize your time onboard, ensuring you participate in all the activities that pique your interest.

What if my plans change mid-cruise? Flexibility is the essence of any vacation! The cruise planner is designed to accommodate changes. It’s a tool for guidance, not rigidity. Always feel free to adapt and evolve your plans as your journey unfolds.

How does the post-cruise reflection section help? Reflecting on your journey allows you to savor and process your experiences. The post-cruise section is a space to note down memories, learnings, and even things you’d like to do differently next time. It becomes a cherished keepsake of your voyage.

Can I share the Cruise Planner with fellow travelers? A: Absolutely! Sharing the cruise planner is encouraged. Whether they’re first-time cruisers or seasoned voyagers, everyone can benefit from a bit of structured planning.

free cruise planner

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5 things to do around Destin for mom on Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and have you decided what you will do for that special person in your life? 

If not, here are five ideas that can be done locally? 

“Flowers are always appropriate,” says Becky Pavlic Edge of Pavlic’s Florist , 116A Benning Drive in Destin behind Sexton’s Seafood. 

Edge said she got that piece of advice from a customer when she was first starting out in the flower business more than 50 years ago and never forgot it. 

More: Pavlic's Florist opened before Destin was a city. 50 years later, it's still going strong

And if you’re looking to order flowers for mother and have them delivered for her special day – now is the time to get those orders in. 

“Mother’s Day is the biggest holiday for flowers,” Edge said, noting orders have been coming in already. 

“If you think ordering two or three days before is early ... it’s not,” she said. By then, she’ll already have 150 orders in front of you. 

So, now is the time to get those orders in. 

“The sooner the better,” she said. 

Most order a mixed spring arrangement. But if you know what color momma likes, they can add that in. 

Edge said the traditional flower for mom is carnations. Red carnations signify that her mother is still alive, while the white signifies her mother has died. 

Whatever the order, “the sooner the better,” Edge said. 

For more information or to place an order, visit or call 850-837-6941.  

Dining out is always a good treat for mom and especially on Mother’s Day. 

Brotula’s Seafood House and Steamer on Destin harbor at 210D Harbor Blvd. will serve brunch from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

Sunday starters on the menu for brunch include crispy fried calamari, hot crab dip, house smoked tuna dip with pita chips, celery and carrot sticks or crispy fried crab claws flash fried and made with Remoulade sauce to name a few. 

Also included on the brunch menu are salads such as a black-and-blue chicken salad as well as a side salad made with assorted greens, tomatoes, red onions and Ranch dressing. 

The lunch/brunch menu includes such delights as burgers, sandwiches, shrimp and grits, a Southern Chicken Benny, Southwestern omelet, French toast to name a few. 

Seafood platters and waterfront buckets are always available for brunch as well. 

Reservations are not required. If you can’t make it there for Mother’s Day, a gift card for another time would be great. 

For more information about Brotula’s, visit or call 850-460-8900. 

Dolphin cruise

Has mom ever seen a dolphin up close? Or has she been for a cruise around the harbor, bay and even out into the Gulf of Mexico? 

Well, a trip aboard the Southern Star Dolphin Cruise boat would check all those boxes. 

The Southern Star, “Destin’s original dolphin cruise,” as touted on its website, has been featured on CNN and National Geographic. The Southern Star docks at HarborWalk Marina behind Margaritaville. 

More: Miss Destin contestants set sail for annual cruise aboard Southern Star

Aboard the 80-foot, double-decked boat, mom will get the chance to see seabirds, other marine life and of course dolphins. The boat holds 140 people, has an air-conditioned cabin and bathrooms. 

On Mother’s Day, the Southern Star has two cruises scheduled. The first sets sail at 4 p.m. and the other at 6 p.m. for the sunset dolphin cruise. 

Both cruises, which are narrated, last an hour-and-a-half. Although no coolers are allowed aboard the vessel, they do offer hotdogs, snacks, soda, beer and wine. 

Reservations are suggested. Also, if you cannot make it out on Mother’s Day for the dolphin cruise, gift cards are always available for mom to use another day. 

For more information about the Southern Star visit their website at or call 850-837-7441. 

Float Brothers Float Spa is not your usual spa. 

Located at 4463 Commons Drive W. in Unit 10B, Float Brothers is open every day but Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

Float Spa is just that — you float to relieve pressure and stress. 

More: Weightless Pregnancy

“With the elements of 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulfate) at a depth of 10 inches of water heated to 94-degree homeostasis these pods help to heal not only the body but also the mind,” according to the Float Spa’s website. 

And for Mother’s Day, Float Spa is offering a special just for mom. 

From 2016: Relax and float awhile: New float therapy spa coming to Destin

“We are doing a two-float special for $89 which is two 60-minute floats,” said Michael Hineline, manager of Float Brothers. 

Moms will also get a gift to go with the float. 

“Customers can choose between a soap, a couple of bath bombs or a towel,” Hineline said. 

Appointments can be scheduled for that day or people can buy a gift card and then mom can come float whenever, he said. 

What makes Float Spa different? 

"It’s the Epsom salt ... getting the noise and cutting the chaos, checking in with your breath and being in an anti-gravity environment,” Hineline said. 

“It takes a lot of pressure, both mentally and physically, off your body and the stress of what motherhood is all about,” Hineline said. 

Float Spa has started a nonprofit and will be giving free floats to pregnant moms on Wednesday, May 8. 

For more information, visit or call 850-460-8720. 

SunQuest Cruises aboard the Solaris Yacht will be celebrating mom with two cruises on Mother’s Day, brunch and sunset. 

The Solaris, docked at Baytowne Marina in Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort, is a 125-foot yacht with three decks of indoor and outdoor spaces that cruises around Choctawhatchee Bay, according to the Sunquest Cruises website. 

The Mother’s Day Brunch Cruise is two and half hours, while the Sunset Dinner Cruise is 3 hours. 

“Make reservations as early as possible,” said Samantha Moeller, business development manager with Sunquest, noting there are 149 spots for each cruise. 

What to expect on the brunch cruise? 

A two-course brunch with a waterfront view. There will be a full-service bar open to purchase mimosas, Bloody Marys and more, according to its website. 

What to expect for sunset dinner cruise? 

A three-course meal with live entertainment as the sun sets on Choctawhatchee Bay. Music can be heard on all three decks. And your ticket for the cruise includes iced tea, coffee and water. The bar will be open to purchase drinks. 

This article originally appeared on The Destin Log: 5 things to do around Destin for mom on Mother's Day

Becky Pavlic Edge has been creating beautiful flower arrangements for more than 50 years in Destin. Also pictured is Tammy Valentin and Victoria Worley.

Investigation Update on the Radiance of the Seas

Cruise Line : Royal Caribbean International

Cruise Ship : Radiance of the Seas

Voyage Dates : April 8–April 22, 2024

Voyage number: 20095

Number of passengers who reported being ill during the voyage out of total number of passengers onboard : 67 of 1,993 (3.36%)

Number of crew who reported being ill during the voyage out of total number of crew onboard : 2 of 924 (0.22%)

Predominant symptom : diarrhea and vomiting

Causative agent : norovirus

Actions : In response to the outbreak, Royal Caribbean Cruises and the crew aboard the ship reported the following actions:

  • Collected stool specimens from gastrointestinal illness cases for testing.
  • Isolated ill passengers and crew.
  • Increased cleaning and disinfection procedures according to the ship’s outbreak prevention and response plan.

VSP conducted an environmental assessment and outbreak investigation to assist the ship in controlling the outbreak.

Note : The gastrointestinal illness cases reported are totals for the entire voyage and do not represent the number of active (symptomatic) gastrointestinal cases at any given port of call or at disembarkation.

Learn how passengers can protect themselves with these  tips for healthy cruising .

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  • About Inspections
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I worked on cruises for 3 years. Here are 6 things I'd never do on board.

  • I used to work on cruises. After many days at sea, there are things I'd never do on a cruise .
  • I never wear my room key around my neck and try to avoid misnaming the ship.
  • I never buy the drink package or pay for meal upgrades in the main dining room.

Insider Today

I've sailed around the world as a cruise-ship employee , and now I enjoy cruising as a passenger.

I love the salty sea air, waking up in a new country, and lazy days by the pool, but a week at sea could get more complicated this year with cruises predicted to be in high demand .

While fighting a little harder to secure a prime seat on the pool deck, you may as well also avoid some rookie mistakes.

Here are six things I'd never do on a cruise after working on them for three years.

Pay for upgrades in the main dining room

Typically, main dining room meals are included in the cost of a cruise. But in recent years, it's become common for cruise lines to charge guests extra if they want to upgrade to "supplementary" items like lobster or certain steaks.

I know $12 may not seem like much for a steak or lobster tail at dinner, but the cost of the cruise is supposed to include your food.

So, even though I enjoy lobster, I stick with the items without the upcharges.

Buy the drink package

I enjoy a piña colada by the pool or a Manhattan while listening to a jazz set after dinner. Even so, it doesn't make sense for me to pay in advance for 12 to 15 cocktails a day.

I've done the math on typical unlimited drink packages , and the cost simply isn't worth it for me.

This is especially true with a port-heavy itinerary. If I've gone ashore to explore all day, that means I'm not sidled up to the bar slurping down alcoholic slushies.

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I prefer to buy as I go and take advantage of happy hour and other drink specials that are available on certain cruise lines. I also check the beverage policy in advance and bring on my own wine, if allowed.

Touch shared contact surfaces with my fingers

Fellow guests will never see me touching the elevator buttons with my fingertips. Knuckles and elbows do the trick.

Some cruise lines are better than others at wiping down commonly touched surfaces, but I don't take any chances. I avoid touching things others frequently touch, and I wash my hands frequently.

This strategy has worked for me, as I have never contracted norovirus, even when it was running rampant on a ship I was on. It's quite contagious and can linger on your fingertips even after using hand sanitizer . I'd definitely rather be safe than sorry.

Wear my room key around my neck

I never walk around the ship with my room key around my neck, and I especially never do this when on land.

There are two reasons for this. First, I see many passengers using the room keys dangling from their necks to flaunt their cruise loyalty status . It just looks pretentious.

The sophisticated cruisers with the highest status, with the most days at sea, never show off their fancy room keys.

That's because they know the more important reason — safety. In port, that room key bouncing off your chest looks like an invitation to be robbed. It screams, "I have money! Come and take it from me."

Misname the ship

English is a funny language that has its quirks. Naming conventions make that even more complicated.

Ships have proper names, and so do not require a definite article. For example, "Tomorrow I am embarking on Discovery Princess," or "I enjoyed scenic cruising on MS Westerdam."

If you want to look like a savvy sailor, learn to drop the "the!"

Plan my port-day itinerary so tight that I may not make it back to the ship on time

Oh, the recurring nightmares I've had about not making it back to the ship on time during a port day.

I've never missed a sail away, but I have cut it too close at times and have had to run down a pier or two. Just recently, as a passenger, my taxi driver got lost returning our group to the port at night.

When I realized how late we were going to be, I forked over $8 per minute to be connected with the ship. I pleaded with them to wait for us. It was a sprint through the port to get back on and we received quite a scolding from the first officer.

That time, we got lucky. In the future, I'll be giving myself more time than I think I need to make it back.

Watch: Why it costs $1 million a day to run one of the world's biggest cruise ships

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  21. 5 things to do around Destin for mom on Mother's Day

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