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Itinerario Bali: cosa vedere in 10 giorni

Itinerario a Bali

Visto che ogni anno che passa diventa una destinazione sempre più visitata e dato che abbiamo vissuto diversi mesi sull’isola oggi vogliamo darvi qualche consiglio per il miglior itinerario a Bali per il vostro viaggio.

Bali è una destinazione che può dare molto ad un visitatore: movida, shopping, locali di lusso e ristoranti gourmet, ma anche tanta natura, spiritualità, tradizioni e zone incontaminate. Basta sapere dove cercare. In questo articolo condivideremo con voi un itinerario su Bali abbastanza standard. Se invece volete un itinerario pensato appositamente per voi, che segua i vostri gusti e le vostre necessità, potete sempre contattarci per una consulenza privata .

Indice dell'Articolo

Itinerario di viaggio per Bali di 10 giorni

Se dovete ancora prenotare il vostro biglietto per Bali vi consigliamo di dedicare all’Isola degli Dei almeno 10 giorni, questo vi darà modo di scoprire la sua natura incontaminata, le risaie patrimonio dell’Unesco, meravigliosi templi induisti e le sue incredibili scogliere.

Se oltre a Bali volete scoprire anche le Isole vicine vi consigliamo di fermarvi in Indonesia almeno 15 giorni e di aggiungere a questo itinerario anche 3 giorni a Gili e 2 a Nusa Penida .

In questo itinerario abbiamo pensato di non farvi spostare troppe volte di hotel per non farvi vivere con la valigia in mano e per evitare tempi sprecati tra check in e check out.

  • Giorno 1: Arrivo a Bali

Giorno 2: alla scoperta di Ubud tra scimmie e risaie

Giorno 3: templi vicino a ubud, giorno 4: tempio madre e villaggio tradizionale.

  • Giorno 5: Si va verso nord alla scoperta dei palazzi sull’acqua
  • Giorno 6: Jatiluwith e Lago Ulun Danu Bratan

Giorno 7: Spostamento verso sud con tappa al Tanah Lot

Giorno 8: giornata a nusa penida, giorno 9: spiagge di uluwatu e tempio sulla scogliera.

  • Giorno 10: partenza per l’Italia

Itinerario a Bali dettagliato

Ora vediamo nel dettaglio tutte le giornate di questo Itinerario di viaggio a Bali con le varie attività.

Se state organizzando il vostro viaggio a Bali e avete bisogno di saperne di più su visto, pagamenti e usanze abbiamo scritto un articolo con le “cose da sapere” che vi sarà sicuramente utile.

Giorno 1: arrivo a Bali

Itinerario a Bali Lotus Temple

Una volta atterrati all’aeroporto di Denpasar non vi resta che prendere un transfer per andare al vostro hotel. Per i primi giorni sull’isola vi consigliamo di dormire a Ubud , la scelta per l’hotel è davvero vasta, Ubud è il cuore pulsante dell’isola e si trova in una posizione strategica per raggiungere diversi punti interessanti dell’isola.

Se arriverete presto la mattina approfittatene per andare a vedere Il Lotus Temple, il Palazzo Reale e l’Ubud Market. A Ubud ci sono davvero tante cose da vedere e se avete fame non dimenticate di andare a provare uno dei tipici Warung .

Itinerario a Bali Monkey Forest

Per la vostra prima vera giornata sull’isola iniziamo con due simboli di Ubud: le risaie Tegalalang e la Monkey Forest.

Le Tegalalang sono le famose risaie a terrazza di Bali, vi consigliamo di raggiungerle all’alba per godere dell’atmosfera unica e della meravigliosa luce che fa capolino tra le palme. Poco prima delle risaie c’è uno dei nostri pool club preferiti: il Cretya, con piscine a sfioro e un’ottima cucina. Subito dopo vi consigliamo di dirigervi alla Monkey Forest per passeggiare qualche ora in compagnia delle simpatiche e dispettose scimmiette.

Per spostarvi senza problemi vi consigliamo di prenotare un’ auto con conducente .

Itinerario a Bali Pura Mengening

Per il terzo giorno di questo itinerario a Bali vi consigliamo di prendere di nuovo un’ auto e di farvi portare nei bellissimi templi che si trovano a circa 30 minuti da Ubud.

Iniziate la giornata dal Tirta Empul , famoso tempio dove potrete fare anche il rito di purificazione. Subito dopo andremo vi consigliamo di spostarvi al Gunung Kawi dove ci sono le tombe dei re.

Una volta visitati i templi più famosi ve ne consigliamo due meno conosciuti: il Pura Mengening e lo sconosciuto ai più Kuil Kahyangan Agung .

Una volta rientrati a Ubud se avrete ancora un po’ di forza andate al Palazzo Reale per vedere una danza tipica balinese, ogni sera lo spettacolo è in un posto diverso, ma qui potrete acquistare i biglietti e venire indirizzati nel posto giusto.

Prima di partire non dimenticare l’assicurazione, passando dal nostro LINK avrai il 10% di sconto

Itinerario a Bali Tempio Madre

Per questo quarto giorno a Bali vi consigliamo di visitare uno dei complessi templari più importanti dell’Isola: il Tempio Madre di Besakih.

Questo è il centro di pellegrinaggio principale di Bali, un luogo sacro che si trova sul pendio del Monte Agung ed è composto da ben 22 templi, un luogo davvero spettacolare.

Un’altra tappa di questa giornata che non potete assolutamente perdervi è il villaggio di Penglipuran , il villaggio definito il più “pulito di Bali” e la vicina Bamboo Forest.

Se avrete ancora tempo non perdetevi una tappa alla cascata di Tudak Cepung.

Prenota qui il tuo tour della zona est di Bali

Giorno 5: si va verso nord alla scoperta dei palazzi sull’acqua

Itinerario a Bali Tirta Gangga

Oltre che per i Templi l’Isola degli Dei è famosa per i suoi meravigliosi palazzi sull’acqua , non potevamo quindi non inserirli in questo itinerario di 10 giorni a Bali.

Il nostro preferito è il Taman Ujung , costruito tra diverse vasche, con una maestosa scalinata che vi regalerà una vista incredibile. L’architettura è davvero maestosa, non perdetevi il bellissimo ponte che vi porterà alla struttura in mezzo al lago.

L’altro palazzo sull’acqua imperdibile è il Tirta Gangga, con i suoi meravigliosi giardini, le fontane e gli specchi d’acqua pieni di colorate e giganti carpe. Siamo certi che su Instagram avrete visto questo posto almeno una volta.

Giorno 6: Jatiluwih e Ulun Danu Bratan

Itinerario a Bali Jatiluwih

Per una giornata diversa dal solito vi consigliamo di prenotare un’escursione alla scoperta dell’entroterra dell’isola.

Le Jatiluwih sono delle immense risaie dichiarate patrimonio dell’UNESCO, qui potrete passeggiare tra risaie a perdita d’occhio. Dopo pranzo potrete visitare il tempio di Ulun Danu Bratan, situato sull’omonimo lago.

Una giornata immersi nella natura incontaminata di quest’isola.

Itinerario a Bali Tanah Lot

Il settimo giorno di questo itinerario alla scoperta di Bali vi consigliamo di lasciare il vostro hotel a Ubud e di spostarvi verso la zona di Uluwatu. Sulla strada però fate una deviazione per visitare il tempio di Tanah Lot , il tempio in mezzo al mare.

Il tempio sorge su uno scoglio in mezzo al mare e solo gli induisti possono entrare. È raggiungibile solo con la bassa marea ma è comunque possibile ammirarlo da diverse angolazioni dal parco proprio li davanti.

Una volta visitato il tempio vi consigliamo di spostarvi al vostro hotel e poi di andare a prendere un aperitivo al tramonto in uno dei club sulle scogliere di Uluwatu.

Itinerario a Bali Nusa Penida

Per un giorno vi suggeriamo di lasciare Bali e di godervi una giornata sulla bellissima isola di Nusa Penida .

Per raggiungerla vi consigliamo di andare al porto di Sanur molto presto la mattina e di prendere una delle prime barche veloci che in poco più di mezz’ora vi porteranno sull’isola. Una volta arrivati andate alla scoperta dell’isola con un driver del luogo.

Tra i punti principali sull’isola non potete perdervi Kelingking beach e la meravigliosa Diamond Beach con la vicina la Tree House , una capanna in legno che offre magnifiche viste panoramiche sulla costa. Altre tappe imperdibili sono il  tempio di Goa Giri Putri e Crystal Bay, una delle spiagge perfette per rilassarsi qualche ora.

Se avete la possibilità di fermarvi di più a Nusa Penida non perdetevi lo snorkeling con le mante .

Itinerario a Bali Uluwatu

Questa giornata dedicatela al tour di Uluwatu , noi vi consigliamo di iniziarla con un po’ di relax in spiaggia.

La spiaggia di Padang Padang è tra le nostre preferite soprattutto con la bassa marea. Altre spiagge imperdibili in questa zona sono Nyang Nyang, Dreamland, Melasti e Green Bowl Beach.

Dopo il relax è tempo di spostarsi al tempio di Uluwatu , qui dopo un giro tra le simpatiche e dispettose scimmie vi consigliamo di fermarvi per vedere la danza balinese Kechak al tramonto.

Giorno 10: rientro in Italia

Siete giunti al vostro ultimo giorno a Bali, se avete l’aereo tardi godetevi la giornata in qualche spiaggia o in qualche pool club. Siamo certi che quando l’aereo decollerà una lacrima scenderà a rigarvi il viso, a noi succede sempre così.

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Claudia & Mattia

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tour di bali 10 giorni


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Bali in 10 giorni

#Bali #montebatur #ubud #indonesia

Bali è rinomata per le splendide spiagge, i paesaggi naturali di straordinaria bellezza con laghi e vulcani, colline terrazzate e foreste, la ricca cultura e le antiche tradizioni.

10-12 giorni

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da 2000 a 3000 € volo incluso


da 2000 a 3000 € a persona

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Home Viaggi Bali in 10 giorni

Tour privato di Bali

Questo viaggio è uno splendido tour individuale privato che offre un panorama completo dell’isola di Bali. Il tour si svolge con autista privato a bordo di un veicolo riservato e con una guida locale parlante italiano e inglese. Puoi scegliere anche la tipolog...

La rilassante Candidasa

Candidasa è una località costiera nel sud est di Bali a circa 40 km da Denpasar e conosciuta per essere una destinazione meno affollata e con una vita notturna meno intensa rispetto ad alle zone più famose dell'isola come Ubud, Kuta o Seminyak. A Candidasa le ...

La regione montuosa Kintamani

Kintamani è famosa per i suoi paesaggi mozzafiato che offrono viste spettacolari sul vulcano attivo di Monte Batur e il suo lago craterico. L'area intorno a Kintamani offre molte opportunità per fare trekking e passeggiate nella natura, con sentieri che conduc...

Dettagli viaggio

viaggio a bali

Partenza in aereo per Bali con arrivo il giorno successivo. Previsto almeno uno scalo aereo intermedio. Pasti e pernottamento in volo.

Arrivo all’aeroporto di Denpasar e incontro con l’assistente locale per il trasferimento di circa 40km a Candidasa. Sistemazione in hotel, tempo libero a disposizione e pernottamento.

Giornata dedicata alla visita guidata delle principali attrazioni nei dintorni di Candidasa. Pura Goa Lawah è un famoso tempio sulla spiaggia e costruito intorno a una grotta popolata di pipistrelli. ll Palazzo di Kerta Gosa è un sito storico e culturale nella città di Klungkung. Il suo elemento più distintivo è il soffitto riccamente decorato con pitture affrescate che rappresentano scene tratte dall'epica hindu del Mahabharata. Tenganan è uno dei villaggi più antichi dell'isola di Bali circondato dalle mura e composto da un complesso residenziale, 2 piccoli templi e padiglioni utilizzati per cerimonie o raduni sociali. Visiti infine Tirta Gangga Royal Water Garden costituito da piscine, laghetti e fontane circondate da statue e giardini tropicali. Al termine, rientri a Candidasa per il pernottamento in hotel.

Partenza da Candidasa per Kintamani. Nel corso della giornata è prevista la visita guidata al Tempio Kehen, importante santuario induista situato nell'entroterra dell'isola. Questo è uno dei templi più antichi e significativi di Bali, risalente al XIII secolo. Altra visita interessante è quella di Penglipuran, piccolo villaggio tradizionale noto per essere uno dei più belli e meglio conservati dell'isola oltre ad essere una destinazione popolare per chiunque desideri sperimentare la cultura tradizionale balinese. Arrivo a Kintamani e pernottamento in hotel.

La giornata inizia molto presto con la partenza notturna per l’escursione al vulcano Monte Batur. L’obiettivo dell’escursione è quello di raggiungere la vetta del monte in tempo per assistere al sorgere del sole, che offre una vista mozzafiato. L'escursione comporta un trekking di circa 2-3 ore per raggiungere la cima del Monte Batur. Il percorso può essere un po' impegnativo, ma non richiede particolari abilità tecniche e può essere affrontato da persone con una moderata condizione fisica. Al termine dell’escursione è prevista la visita alle sorgenti termali di Toya Devasya dove è possibile rilassarsi e fare il bagno nelle piscine naturali. A seguire parti per Lovina con una sosta, lungo il percorso, al tempio Meduwe Karang. Lovina è una popolare località balneare situata sulla costa settentrionale dell'isola di Bali ed è nota per la sua atmosfera tranquilla e rilassata, molto diversa dalla frenetica vita notturna e dalle spiagge affollate del sud. Sistemazione e pernottamento in hotel.

Parti da Lovina per raggiungere la località di Ubud. La giornata prevede diverse visite a partire dalla cascata Gitgit, alta 40 mt, che raggiungi con una bella passeggiata attraverso una gola naturale. Le acque rinfrescanti della cascata invitano a fare un tuffo e un bagno rigenerante. A seguire visiti il Tempio Ulun Danu Beratan, uno dei più importanti per i balinesi e composto da 5 complessi differenti e da uno stupa buddista. Un altro Tempio che visiti oggi è quello di Pura Luhur Batukaru nella località di Tabanan. Il paesaggio di questo distretto è caratterizzato da risaie terrazzate, villaggi rurali e aree agricole. Proseguimento per Ubud con sistemazione e pernottamento in hotel.

Ubud è una rinomata località situata nell'entroterra dell'isola di Bali, in Indonesia. È conosciuta per la sua ricca cultura, la bellezza naturale e la scena artistica vibrante. La giornata inizia con uno spettacolo di danza e, a seguire, la visita a Celuk Village - famoso per la lavorazione dell'argento - e Mas Village, famoso per le sculture in legno. Visiti poi il Tempio di Tirta Empul, importante sito sacro situato a Tampaksiring. Questo è uno dei templi più sacri per i fedeli induisti balinesi e ha una forte connessione con le pratiche di purificazione e di culto dell'acqua. Il tempio è dedicato a Vishnu, il Dio induista dell'acqua. Proseguimento per Gunung Kawi, sito archeologico tra i più importanti di Bali e conosciuto per le sue strutture scolpite nella roccia. Rientro a Ubud e pernottamento in hotel.

Partenza da Ubud in direzione della costa sud di Bali. Lungo il percorso visiti il Tempio Tanah Lot, a circa 20 km da Kuta, costruito in cima a una formazione rocciosa a picco sul mare e considerato uno dei siti sacri più spettacolari di Bali. Un’altra visita molto suggestiva e interessante è quella al Tempio di Uluwatu che sorge in posizione panoramica con splendida vista sull’Oceano, in particolar modo al tramonto. Questo Tempio è considerato un punto di controllo spirituale per la protezione delle acque circostanti. Arrivo a Seminyak, rinomata località turistica situata sulla costa sud-occidentale di Bali, e sistemazione in hotel. Seminyak è conosciuta per le sue spiagge, la vibrante vita notturna, i ristoranti di alta qualità e lo shopping di lusso. Pernottamento in hotel.

Trasferimento organizzato in aeroporto in tempo utile per l’imbarco sul volo di rientro in Italia. Previsto almeno uno scalo intermedio. Pasti e pernottamento in volo.

Arrivo in Italia.


Caratteristiche del viaggio

Migliori esperienze, shopping a bali.

Il mercato di Ubud, il Centro Commerciale Beachwalk a Kuta, la strada Jalan Raya a Seminyak, le botteghe di legno a Mas e i negozi di gioielli a Celuk, sono ottimi per lo shopping.


Con una complessa tecnica di intreccio, in cui i fili di trama e di ordito sono tinti prima di essere tessuti, prende vita una delle forme più antiche e artigianali di tessitura.


Il Tempio di Uluwatu è conosciuto anche per gli spettacoli di danza Kecak che si tengono al tramonto. Questa danza tradizionale racconta storie epiche e coinvolge un coro ritmico.


La ricca cultura e la tradizione culinaria dell’isola si riflettono nella gustosa cucina di Bali che è una vera e propria fusione di sapori, spezie e ingredienti locali.

I nostri Consulenti


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2. Lo specialista di questo viaggio ti risponde;

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Arianna Lonero

Tour privato con autista e guida locale parlante italiano/inglese; trasferimenti con veicolo riservato come da programma; pernottamenti in hotel di categoria comfort con trattamento di prima colazione (disponibili con supplemento hotel select e premi...

Tour privato con autista e guida locale parlante italiano/inglese; trasferimenti con veicolo riservato come da programma; pernottamenti in hotel di categoria comfort con trattamento di prima colazione (disponibili con supplemento hotel select e premium); assicurazioni base copertura bagagli e spese mediche; quote iscrizione.

DURATA 10 giorni


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Bali, itinerario 10 giorni: cosa vedere

Tutte le informazioni che servono per visitare bali e per fare un itinerario di 10 giorni..

Argomenti trattati

Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Tempio di ulun danu bratan, laguna blu di padangbai, porta del paradiso, foresta delle scimmie.

Fare un a vacanza a Bali permette di vedere splendidi paesaggi naturali e di visitare luoghi meravigliosi. Un itinerario di 10 giorni è il modo perfetto per godersi a pieno la bellezza dell’isola.

Bali, itinerario 10 giorni

Tra le isole indonesiane, quella di Bali è una delle più belle da visitare, durante una splendida vacanza.

La sua atmosfera tranquilla si concilia perfettamente con l’incredibile meraviglia che suscitano le sue incredibili attrattive. Dedicare 10 giorni alla visita di Bali è un modo ideale per immergersi completamente nell’atmosfera vacanziera e per fare una vacanza all’insegna del divertimento e del relax. Per organizzare un perfetto itinerario di viaggio , è interessante sapere quali sono le attrattive più belle da vedere a Bali.

Nel contesto territoriale della penisola di Bukit si trova il parco culturale di Mandala Garuda Wisnu Kencana.

Si tratta di un’area dedicata al culto della divinità Vishnu e a Garuda. All’interno del parco è possibile ammirare splendidi giardini e suggestivi templi. Le statue collocate nelle piazzette aggiungono fascino agli scorci dai quali si può godere di una meravigliosa visuale sull’oceano.


Il Tempio di Ulun Danu Bratan è uno dei più importanti tra quelli dedicati al dio Shiva a Bali. La sua posizione lo rende decisamente suggestivo, grazie al fatto che si trova all’interno di una meravigliosa caldera di un cratere di un antico vulcano. All’interno del cratere si trova un incantevole lago, accanto al quale sorge il magnifico tempio.

Questa incantevole baia è perfetta per dedicarsi a momenti di puro relax. Si tratta di un’area contornata da una florida vegetazione tropicale, che sfuma verso la spiaggia. La sabbia bianca finissima sfuma verso l ‘oceano , creando una location perfetta in cui vivere una giornata fantastica in riva alle acque azzurre e cristalline.

La Porta del Paradiso è una delle attrazioni turistiche più famose di Bali. Il monumento si trova nel contesto del tempio di Pura Lempuyang, uno dei siti sacri più suggestivi tra quelli che si trovano sull’isola. Per arrivare bisogna percorrere una lunga scalinata, durante la quale si può ammirare il panorama mozzafiato di Bali.


Questa foresta dedicata alle scimmie di Bali è nota sull’isola con il nome di Mandala Suci Wenara Wana. La foresta si trova nei pressi della città di Ubud ed è un luogo da non perdere, per godersi a pieno l’atmosfera incantata dell’isola. Al suo interno si possono ammirare tre templi dedicati alle divinità dell’ Induismo, tra i quali si trova il Tempio della Primavera Sacra.

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The best 10-day Bali itinerary

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written by Ties Lagraauw

updated 14.02.2024


Known as the jewel of the Indonesian archipelago, Bali offers everyone from divers and budget backpackers to high-end honeymooners a huge range of experiences. So, if you’re hoping to maximise your time in this diverse Indonesian province, it’s important to plan your trip carefully. With that in mind — and to save you the effort — here’s our suggestion for the best 10-day Bali itinerary.

Day 1-2: Enjoy the atmosphere in Canggu

  • Day 3-4: Explore the beaches of Nusa Penida

Day 5-6: Visit the cultural heart of Bali in Ubud

Day 7-8: soak in the view in amed, day 9-10: stroll through green rice fields in sidemen, tailor-made travel itineraries for indonesia, created by local experts.

Bali's Beaches and Temples

6 days  / from 830 USD

Bali's Beaches and Temples

Experience Bali's brilliant beaches and temples with this stunning trip. Marvel at ancient temples like Tanah Lot and Pura Besakih, soak in stunning sunsets, stroll bare-footed along the best beaches in Bali and haggle at local markets – experience all of this, and much more, with this unique trip!

Rest and Relaxation in Bali and Lombok

10 days  / from 1600 USD

Rest and Relaxation in Bali and Lombok

This unique trip will take you to some of Bali and Lombok's most traditional places. Look forward to driving through tropical landscapes and spending time in villages nestled in scenic spots of traditional luxury with infinity pools and stunning vistas over the ocean.

Royal Bali - Culture & Beaches

10 days  / from 2100 USD

Royal Bali - Culture & Beaches

Enjoy a luxurious stay in Bali, with hand-picked 5 Star Hotels. This trip includes privately guided tours as well as leisure time, ideal for families with kids. Highlights include sea temple Tanah Lot, Jatiluwih rice terraces and Uluwatu temple with its famous Kecak dance.

Tailor-made trips for   Indonesia

Encompassing a host of Bali’s top attractions and experiences, this 10-day Bali itinerary takes in some of the province’s best beaches, and most beautiful temples. 

Bali’s natural wonders feature too, among them Kelingking Beach's iconic T-Rex rock formation, and Angel's Billabong. 

Add to that immersive cultural experiences, sensational underwater landscapes, and top rice terrace treks, and it’s plain to see why this might just be the best 10-day Bali itinerary.


Kelingking Beach, Nusa penida, Bali © Shutterstock — part of the best 10-day Bali itinerary

After arriving in Ngurah Rai International Airport, transfer to Canggu and check into your hotel, guest house or villa.

With a great mix of wild beaches, stylish boutique hotels, organic cafés and paddy field scenery, Canggu is a draw for Bali’s creative, leisured crowd.

Once a lesser-visited bolt-hole for surfers, Echo Beach and Batu Bolong Beach are now buzzier hubs.  

Come nightfall, Canggu has plenty of places to eat, drink and make merry. Take your pick from hipster-ish spots in town, to lower-key options offered by some of the smaller beach shacks.

Bali coast near Canggu © Shutterstock

Bali coast near Canggu © Shutterstock

Day 3-4: Explore the beaches of Nusa Penida 

Next up, head down to  Sanur to board a speedboat to Nusa Penida , where some truly beautiful beaches await.

Take Kelingking Beach, for example. When it comes to breath-taking views, this place is hard to beat. Here a unique rock formation that resembles a T-Rex delivers an unforgettable view of an impossibly turquoise ocean.

More natural wonders await at Broken Beach and Angel's Billabong in the form of incredible rock formations. 

Meanwhile, snorkellers and divers will want to head to Crystal Bay. Known for its clear waters – visibility can be 40m – this attracts pelagic mola mola (AKA sunfish) from late July to October.

For more mind-blowing views of the Indian Ocean, venture to eastern Penida. For example, picturesque Atuh Beach is spectacular at sunrise when the orange glow peeks beneath a natural arch that juts up from the sea.

Then there the magic of the Thousand Islands (Pulau Seribu) viewpoints. A 10-minute descent down a steep staircase takes you to the first viewpoint. Keep going to reach the second viewpoint before spotting the legendary Rumah Pohon (Tree House) perched high above a truly stunning scene.

Love beaches? Discover the best beaches in Bali .

Broken beach in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia © Shutterstock

Broken beach in Nusa Penida, Bali, Indonesia © Shutterstock

Blessed with a huge bounty of temples, museums and craft studios, Ubud is also one of Asia’s leading yoga centres. As such, it's the perfect place to a experience a variety of cultural activities.

Aside from visiting said museums and temples, you could watch one of the nightly Balinese dance performances, explore the local market, or see batik artists and craftspeople at work.  

In good news for lovers of the great outdoors, Ubud is set among lush rice paddies, with the Tegalalang rice fields famed for their distinct terraces. 

Culture vultures won’t want to miss visiting Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave), an enchanting archaeological site that’s located just outside Ubud. 

Thought to have been a hermitage for eleventh-century Hindu priests, besides the cave itself, there’s a traditional bathing pool here and several ancient stone relics.

Top tips for optional extras : while in Ubed, you could take a cooking class, or visit a yoga retreat. Love yoga? Browse our customisable  Bali Yoga Retreat  trip.

The entrance to the elephant cave "Goa Gajah" on the Indonesian island of Bali © Shutterstock

Entrance to Goa Gajah/Elephant Cave, Bali © Shutterstock

Related articles from the blog

Tanah Lot Temple, Bali © Shutterstock

The 15km coastline from Culik to Aas in the east of Bali is known as Amed, with the quiet, eponymous fishing village of Amed being a beautiful base for relaxing and enjoying excellent dive sites. 

Snorkellers will also love this coastline’s impressive easy-access reefs, such as Pyramid Reef, which is just offshore at Congkang. 

In addition, Amed’s famed Japanese Shipwreck dive site is also an option for non-divers, with parts of it visible from the surface through amazingly clear waters.

If you're fit and fancy adding some adventure to your trip, consider climbing Mount Agung, Bali's highest volcano. It's a challenging hike, though, as detailed in our guide to Mount Agung .

View of Agung volcano from the ocean,  Amed, Karangasem Regency, Bali, Indonesia © Shutterstock

Awe-inspiring Amed, Bali, with Agung volcano in the background © Shutterstock

To round off your 10-day Bali itinerary in refreshing style, transfer to Sidemen. Sitting in a landscape of rice terraces and coconut groves, with the Unda River surging beneath Mount Agung's mighty profile, the village makes a glorious base for a few days. 

With a growing number of scenic places to stay, the main activity around here is relaxation and relishing the sight of the ricefields.  

To explore the villages and temples of Sidemen Valley, guesthouses can supply a basic sketch map. Alternatively, you could engage the services of a local guide to make the most of your trek. 

Then, to cool off in stunning style, swim in the Unda River beneath the iconic yellow suspension bridge, or go white-water rafting just outside the village. 

Back in town, Sidemen is a great place to take a cooking or yoga class, with stacks of excellent craft shops along the southern end of the main road.

Bali rice terraces

Round off the best 10-day Bali itinerary trekking iconic ricefields © Shutterstock

From the breath-taking the beaches of Nusa Penida, to trekking Sidemen’s iconic rice terraces, this 10-day Bali itinerary packs in plenty of picturesque scenery, unforgettable cultural experiences, and opportunities to unwind.

For more inspiration, read our  Bali travel tips , and discover the best things to do in Bali.  

Want more information to help you plan? Read The Rough Guide to Bali and Lombok . 

Not keen on planning? Browse our customisable itineraries, or talk to our local experts .

Header image: Pura Taman Kemuda Saraswati Temple in Ubud, Bali island, Indonesia © Pelikh Alexey/Shutterstock

Ties Lagraauw

Ties is a true world explorer - whether it be for work or leisure! As Content Manager at RoughGuides, and the owner of Dutch travel platform Reis-Expert.nl , Ties is constantly on the move, always looking for new destinations to discover.

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3 itinerari per Bali di 7, 10 e 15 giorni

  • Bali , Indonesia
  • Pubblicato: 22 Settembre 2020
  • Aggiornato: 13 Marzo 2024

tour di bali 10 giorni

Bali è una delle tante isole che compongono l’arcipelago indonesiano e, di sicuro, la più popolare. Se visitate Bali per la prima volta, la cosa migliore da fare è trovare un equilibrio tra località turistiche, relax ed esperienze uniche.

Gli itinerari di viaggio per Bali che proponiamo cercano esattamente di soddisfare questo equilibrio. Per far fronte alle esigenze di diversi tipi di viaggiatori, ho deciso di suggerirvi ben 3 itinerari per Bali :

  • Itinerario di 7 giorni per Bali
  • Itinerario di 10 giorni per Bali
  • Itinerario di due settimane per Bali

Gli itinerari di 7 e 10 giorni sono completamente incentrati su Bali, mentre l’itinerario di due settimane include anche qualche giorno alle Isole Gili. Altra cosa che ritengo importante è quella di evitare continui check-in e check-out dagli hotel . Per questo, ho sempre cercato di considerare un minimo di 3​​ notti in ogni luogo che visiteremo.

Itinerario Bali 7 giorni

  • Uluwatu (3 notti)
  • Ubud (2 notti)
  • Canggu o Seminyak o Kuta (2 notti)

Itinerario Bali 10 giorni

  • Ubud (3 notti)
  • Nusa Lembongan e/o Nusa Penida (1 notte)
  • Canggu o Seminyak o Kuta (3 notti)

Itinerario Bali 2 settimane

  • Isole Nusa (2 notti)
  • Isole Gili (3 notti)

Itinerario per Bali dettagliato

Adesso che abbiamo i nostri itinerari per Bali è il momento di andare nel dettaglio. Quanto tempo dovrei trascorrere in ogni destinazione? Dove alloggiare? Cosa vedere? Ora, potresti non avere tempo, energia o denaro sufficiente per seguire tutto il programma alla lettera, ma volevo essere sicuro di includere quante più informazioni possibili.

Uluwatu (3 giorni)

itinerario Bali Uluwatu

Il tuo viaggio a Bali comincia da Uluwatu. Questa zona è famosa in tutto il mondo per le gare di surf, per la vivace vita notturna e per i suoi tramonti. Per la tua prima cena indonesiana, scegli uno dei ristoranti sulla scogliera di Jimbaran Bay , a circa 15 minuti di auto da Uluwatu.

  • Visita al tempio di Pura Uluwatu: questo è uno dei sei templi ritenuti i pilastri spirituali di Bali. E’ arroccato su una ripida scogliera a circa 70 metri sul livello del mare. Una volta qui potrete decidere di assistere al Kecak Fire Dance , uno spettacolo di danza e fuochi che rievoca vecchie tradizioni e la spiritualità balinese.
  • Assisti ad una gara di surf:  Bali è la patria dei surfisti. Prendi posto in un bar sulla spiaggia, ordina una Bintang (la birra locale) e assisti ad una gara tra surfisti professionisti.
  • Esplora le spiagge di Uluwatu:   il beach hopping è sicuramente una delle attività che rende Uluwatu cosi interessante. Le spiagge più famose di Uluwatu sono: Padang Padang Beach , Dreamland Beach , Bingin Beach , Melasti Beach e Green Bowl Beach .
  • Non perderti il tramonto:  qui potrai assistere a quelli che sono (probabilmente) i migliori tramonti di Bali. Trova una piscina a sfioro, un rooftop bar oppure un beach bar e goditi lo spettacolo.
  • Sunday Nights Party da Single Fin:  il Single Fin  è il locale più alla moda di Uluwatu. Si è evoluto da ritrovo per surfisti ad un bellissimo luogo da cui ammirare il tramonto. La domenica si tiene una delle feste più esclusive di tutta Bali.
  • Saturday Nights Party a Padang Padang Beach:  sulla spiaggia di Padang Padang ogni sabato sera c’è una festa in spiaggia davvero fantastica con musica reggae ed elettronica.
  • Noleggia una moto ed esplora Uluwatu:  Uluwatu è una delle migliori zone dell’isola per avventurarsi in moto. Puoi noleggiarne una a partire da 4€ al giorno.
  • Pranza al Cashew Tree: vicino alla spiaggia di Bingin , il Cashew Tree è uno dei miei ristoranti preferiti sull’isola. Fanno dei frullati eccezionali ed, in generale, servono ottime portate a prezzi convenienti.  


Radisson Blu Bali Uluwatu. Recensito come uno dei migliori resort per rapporto qualità/prezzo, il Radiaaon Blu Bali valori vi farà sentire a casa vostra coccolandovi e viziandovi, senza svuotare il vostro portafoglio.

Six Senses Uluwatu. Il Six Senses è un nuovissimo resort di lusso a Uluwatu che saprà offrirvi un soggiorno indimenticabile. Le tariffe non sono certamente economiche, ma la posizione, la cucina deliziosa e l’attenzione ai bisogni del cliente giustificando ogni singolo euro speso.

Ubud (3 giorni)

itinerario bali terrazze di riso ubud

Ubud dovrebbe essere inserita in ogni itinerario di viaggio per Bali che si rispetti. Situata nel centro dell’isola, Ubud è la zona più tipica e popolare di tutta Bali.  Una sosta qui vi poterà alla scoperta di templi, risaie, danze tradizionali, corsi di yoga e tanto altro. Ubud è anche un fantastico punto di partenza per avventurarsi nel resto dell’isola! 

  • Ammira le terrazze di riso Tegallalang: le terrazze di riso di Tegallalang hanno raggiunto una certa fama dopo essere stata una delle location del film “Mangia, Prega, Ama” con Julia Roberts. E’ possibile trascorrere un po’ di tempo qui a scattare foto e fare trekking.
  • Escursione sul Monte Badur : il Monte Badur è in realtà un vulcano attivo. Tra le attività più suggestive da fare a Bali c’è quella di ammirare l’alba, esplorare il cratere e fare colazione sulla vetta di questo vulcano.
  • Conosci le scimmiette alla Monkey Forest: vuoi conoscere ed avvicinarti alle scimmiette che popolano Bali? Bene, questo sarà il posto migliore per farlo. Ma fai attenzione, perché non sempre questi animali sono amichevoli come sembrano. La Monkey Forest è in posizione centrale in città ed è un modo economico e divertente per passare un’ora.
  • Alla scoperta dei templi nascosti:  noleggia una moto ed esplora tutti i meravigliosi templi della zona di Ubud C’è ne sono a dozzine ed alcuni davvero meravigliosi come: Pura Tirta Empul, Pura Taman Saraswati e Goa Gajah!
  • Frequenta una classe di yoga:  Ci sono alcuni studi di yoga davvero fantastici a Ubud, e anche se non fa per te, ti consiglio di provarlo! La mia prima esperienza con bikram yoga è stata a Ubud, ed è stata un’esperienza sudata che non dimenticherò mai !!  
  • Lezione di cucina balinese in una fattoria biologica: partecipando a questa lezione di cucina scoprirai ricette e trucchi per preparare dell’ottimo cibo indonesiano. Visiterai il mercato per acquistare gli ingredienti che ti servono e poi prenderai posto ai fornelli con il supporto di uno chef locale.
  • Shopping sul mercato centrale di Ubud:  al centro di Ubud c’è un mercato in cui potrete trovare oggetti d’arte tradizionale balinese, souvenirs ed abbigliamento. Trattando con gentilezza, potrai fare degli ottimi affari.


Nandini Jungle Resort & Spa Bali.  Questo incantevole resort a 5 stelle, situato a soli 30 minuti dal centro di Ubud, è immerso nella foresta pluviale. Il Nandini Jungle Resort mette a disposizione un servizio navetta gratuito per la città e alloggi nei tradizionali chalet balinesi.

Visesa Ubud Resort. Il Visesa Ubud Resort è una struttura ispirata alla cultura e al design balinesi con piscina all’aperto, palestra, spa e WiFi gratuito in tutti gli ambienti. Punto di forza sono i 3 ristoranti che propongono piatti della cucina locale ed internazionale.

Isole Nusa (2 giorni)

itinerario bali Nusa Penida

A circa 25 minuti dalla costa di Bali ci sono le 3 isole che compongo l’arcipelago delle isole Nusa:   Nusa Lembongan , Nusa Ceningan e Nusa Penida . Sono tre isole che non fanno parte di Bali, ma sono un gioiello da non perdere per nessuna ragione al mondo. Hanno spiagge incredibili, paesaggi da sogno ed alcuni dei migliori spot per fare snorkeling o immersioni.

Se hai poco tempo a disposizione puoi raggiungere queste isole con un’escursione di un giorno a Nusa Penida ; in caso contrario, la soluzioni ottimale è quella di pernottare 2 notti alle isole Nusa (magari 1 notte a Nusa Lembongan ed 1 a Nusa Penida ).

  • Nusa Lembongan è la più popolata delle 3 isole. Qui troverai alloggi, ristoranti, mercati e centri PADI. Gran parte delle scuole immersioni offrono la possibilità di raggiungere il Manta Point , uno spot da cui è possibile vedere le manta rays (un pesce simile alla razza, per intenderci)-.
  • Nusa Penida è di gran lunga la più bella delle 3 isole di Nusa, ma anche quella meno accessibile. È possibile raggiungere l’isola tramite traghetto ed una volta giunti sulla terraferma esplorarla in scooter. Ecco alcuni degli luoghi da non perdere a Nusa Penida: Kelingking Beach , Atuh Beach , la cascata di Peguyangan e Broken Beach .
  • Nusa Ceningan è così piccola che può essere visitata mentre sei a Nusa Lembongan , in quanto è collegata a questa da un ponte giallo percorribile a piedi oppure in auto.


Shipwreck Point Inn (Nusa Lembongan). A 200 m da Paradise Beach e a 200 m dalla Jungutbatu Beach, lo Shipwreck Point Inn offre sistemazioni con terrazza, il WiFi gratuito in tutte le aree e un parcheggio privato gratuito. E’ una della migliori strutture per rapporto qualità/prezzo a Nusa Lembongan

Ogix Cliff Paradise (Nusa Penida). Staff gentile e caloroso, colazione continentale con vista sull’oceano, prezzi più bassi della media. Avete davvero bisogno di altre motivazioni per prenotare l’Ogix Cliff Paradise?

Canggu (2 giorni)

itinerario 10 giorni Bali Canggu

Canggu è un incantevole villaggio sul mare nella parte sud di Bali, non troppo distante dall’aeroporto Denpasar. Si differenzia da Seminyak e Kuta per essere mena turistica e più tranquilla. In pochi anni, Canggu è cresciuto rapidamente in popolarità , ha superato la più caotica Seminyak ed è diventato un hotspot per nomadi digitali, viaggiatori e surfisti.

  • Segui una lezione di surf: Canggu è un posto eccellente per imparare le basi del surf. E’ un modo diverso per trascorrere due ore e calarsi in pieno della vita di Bali.
  • Rilassati e nuota al Alternative Beach Pool & Hostel: questo ostello aperto recentemente è diventato molto popolare a Canggu. E’ un luogo tutto-in-uno con un bar con piscina, feste memorabili, ostello e camere private, un ristorante, una palestra ed una spa.
  • Trascorri giornata extra-lusso al Finn’s Beach Club:  se non hai un budget limitato, prenota un divano letto al Finn’s Beach Club e regalati una giornata di lusso.
  • Fermati presso la AMO SPA: e concediti uno dei loro famosi trattamenti viso, un massaggio rilassante oppure un idromassaggio in Jacuzzi.
  • Scopri le spiagge più belle di Canggu: le tre spiagge più famose di Canggu sono  Berawa Beach , Batu Bolong Beach ed Echo Beach ,
  • tutte ricoperta da sabbia vulcanica nera.
  • Fai shopping al Love Anchor Market:  noto come il mercato hipster di Bali, il Love Anchor è un mercato aperto tutti i giorni (lunedì-venerdì dalle 10 alle 22 e sabato-domenica dalle 10 alle 17)


Kos One Hostel. Il Kos One Hostel merita il titolo di migliore ostello di Canggu. Ha una fantastica piscina con bar, cibo delizioso, letti comodi e abbondanza di feste ed attività per i suoi ospiti.

Theanna Eco Villa and Spa. Caratterizzate da uno stile moderno e da design ispirati alla tradizione balinese, giapponese e scandinava, le ville del Theanna Eco includono un’area salotto a pianta aperta, una zona pranzo e un angolo cottura, oltre a connessione Wi-Fi ed aria condizionata.

itinerario bali 15 giorni isole Gili

Ora, se hai più di 10 giorni il mio consiglio è quello di navigare verso le Isole Gili. Un viaggio alle Isole Gili è fondamentalmente un viaggio verso il paradiso. Le Gili sono  luogo ideale per una vacanza rilassante , ma allo stesso tempo offrono ogni tipo di comfort e di divertimento.

Non mi dilungherò troppo in questo articolo sulle Gili, ma ti basterà sapere che dal porto di Padang Bai  potrai raggiungere Gili Trawangan in 80 minuti se le condizioni non sono avverse. Le tra isole possono essere cosi sintetizzate:

  • Gili Trawangan : l’isola in cui far festa e divertirsi
  • Gili Meno : è l’isola adatta alle coppie e a chi è in luna di miele
  • Gili Air : una via di mezzo tra Gili Trawangan e Gili Meno e quella più adatta alle famiglie

Cosa posso aggiungere nel mio itinerario per Bali?

Creare un itinerario per Bali può essere molto complicato perché dipende davvero da ciò che una persona sta cercando. Sfortunatamente, non esiste un itinerario perfetto per Bali poiché dipende molto dalle tue esigenze, da cosa vuoi vedere e da quali sono le tue passioni.

In questo articolo ho cercato di coprire tutte le principali attrazioni di Bali , con qualche chicca esclusiva. Nonostante ciò, ci sono ancora tanti posti da poter esplorare a Bali e che potrebbe portare a modificare il vostro itinerario di viaggio per Bali.

Ecco, secondo me, qualcosa che potrebbe essere aggiunta o usata per sostituire una o più destinazioni:

  • Trascorri più tempo alle Isole Nusa: la fantastica biodiversità marina, i paesaggi aspri e le spiagge incontaminate, giustificano a pieno una sosta più lunga alle Isole Nusa. Se ami fare snorkeling e diving valuta l’idea di trascorrere qualche giorno in più tra Nusa Penida e Nusa Lembongan .
  • Prenota una notte al Monte Kintamani: questa è una parte davvero meravigliosa di Bali e dormire in un resort immerso nella giungla è un’esperienza affascinante. Inoltre, renderà il trekking all’alba molto più semplice e veloce.
  • Rilassati a Sanur: questa città costiera anche se non ha le splendide coste di Uluwatu e i caffè alla moda di Canggu, è un posto confortevole con resort di livello, una bellissima spiaggia e un’atmosfera rilassante.  

Come muoversi a Bali

come muoversi a bali

Le opzioni di trasporto a Bali sono diverse ed alcune davvero convenienti. Spostarsi da un posto ad un altro è semplice, anche se spesso il traffico potrebbe rappresentare un problema e rallentare la tua tabella di marcia. Vediamo insieme c ome muoversi e spostarsi a Bali:

  • Utilizza APP di carsharing : Uber, GoJek e Grab sono le 3 applicazioni di carsharing che vanno per la maggiore a Bali.   Scaricale tutte prima di arrivare e sarai sempre in grado di trovare un passaggio.
  • Noleggiare uno scooter:  è un modo estremamente popolare per esplorare l’isola. Soprattutto, nelle aree più affollate (Canggu , Uluwatu e Ubud ) avere uno scooter potrebbe fare la differenza. Noleggialo solo se ti senti a tuo agio sulle due ruote e ricorda sempre di stipulare un’assicurazione in viaggio.
  • Assumi un autista privato : per circa 45€ al giorno puoi noleggiare un auto privato con autista che ti porterà in giro per l’isola. Potrebbe essere una buona idea se siete 3-4 persone e nessuno se la sente di guidare sulle strade balinesi.

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tour di bali 10 giorni

Raffaele Cappiello

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10 Giorni a Bali: Itinerario + Consigli Utili

bali itinerario

B ali è stato il mio sogno nel cassetto per anni, precisamente dal momento in cui ho visto al cinema “ Mangia, Prega, Ama ” con Julia Roberts , potete quindi immaginare la gioia che ho provato quest’estate nel realizzarlo… credetemi, quest’isola è davvero incredibile come la descrivono! Di seguito troverete il mio itinerario di Bali in 10 giorni con alcuni consigli utili e qualche alternativa. 

Potete leggere qui il mio post “ Bali: cose da sapere prima di partire ”, vi sarà utile per organizzare il vostro viaggio! 

Giorno 1 – ★ Cascate e Templi

Alloggio a Canggu – Own Villa

  • Leke Leke Waterfall: Questa bellissima cascata dista un’ora di auto da Canggu, il costo d’ingresso è di circa 50000,00 rupie (3€) e si raggiunge a piedi in 20 minuti. Consiglio di andarci di prima mattina, per trovare una bella luce ed evitare la calca di turisti!

Alternativa : se Leke Leke waterfall è troppo distante e fuori portata, si può esplorare la zona di Canggu , fare shopping presso Love Anchor e rilassarsi in una spa come il Tonic !

  • Pranzo da Coffe Cartel a Seminyak – A lternativa : Cafè Organic a Canggu

Se rimane tempo : provare il gelato vegano di Mad Pops ; ci sono due negozi, uno a Seminyak e uno a Canggu.

  • Tanah lot + Batu Bolong : Due importanti templi, vicini tra loro, affacciati sul mare; un luogo di preghiera davvero suggestivo.
  • Tramonto in spiaggia a La BRISA : si prenota on-line direttamente sul sito ufficiale; questo beach club di tendenza è anche bar e ristorante. Da non perdere il tramonto su questa spiaggia di sabbia nera, i colori sono incredibili!
  • Cena al The Slow

bali itinerario

Giorno 2 – ★ Esplorando le spiagge al sud di Bali

  • Balangan Viewpoint: punto panoramico sulla scogliera ad Uluwatu .
  • Dreamland Beach: questa spiaggia è stata una vera delusione; scoperta per caso leggendo il libro “ C ome una notte a Bali ”, ho pensato di visitarla per vedere di persona lo scenario del racconto. Non è permesso entrare con l’auto perciò sono stata portata in un parcheggio dove ho dovuto pagare un servizio navetta fatiscente per raggiungerla. Una volta arrivata, mi sono resa conto che Dreamland Beach è piccola e vi sono diverse costruzioni ai lati; le onde sono molto alte, rendendola adatta solo ai surfisti, e quasi tutto lo spazio in spiaggia è occupato da lettini e ombrelloni.

Alternativa : A mio parere si può tranquillamente saltare Dreamland Beach e provare invece Padang Padang . L’acqua è molto bella e ci sono alcuni massi sulla sabbia che la rendono “particolare”. Attenzione alle scimmie che vagano libere!

  • Thomas Beach: Questa spiaggia è davvero bellissima! Si raggiunge scendendo una ripida scalinata in circa 15 minuti (il ritorno è decisamente impegnativo) e per poche rupie si possono affittare i lettini fronte mare. L’acqua è di un colore turchese acceso e intorno ci sono rocce e palme. La consiglio!
  • Pranzo al The Loft Uluwatu
  • Gelato al Kynd Community : nella via del ritorno, ho provato questo locale a Seminyak . E’ un posto dai colori pastello, piuttosto famoso e fotografato… Il gelato vegano è buonissimo, specialmente quello alle creme! Il Kynd Community è aperto tutto il giorno quindi si può provare anche per colazione e pranzo. #yummy
  • Tramonto e Cena al The Lawn : Assolutamente da non perdere questo splendido locale affacciato sul mare. Giuro che uno dei tramonti più belli della mia vita l’ho visto qui! La prenotazione non è necessaria ma io la consiglio. Questo posto è uno dei miei preferiti a Bali !

Balangan View Point

Giorno 3 – ★ Pool Club da sogno

Alloggio a Uluwatu – Gravity Bali

Questo giorno mi sono spostata da Canggu a Uluwatu . Se avete tempo : colazione da Balibola a Seminyak.

  • Oneeighty : Pool club esclusivo, parte del resort The Edge . E’ aperto al pubblico solo su prenotazione tramite il sito ufficiale. Ci sono diverse formule d’ingresso e si può scegliere l’orario che si desidera; io ho optato per il biglietto che comprendeva lettini e ombrellone nella zona attorno alla piscina all’ora di pranzo . Inclusi nel prezzo ci sono dei crediti da spendere in cibo e bevande. Il vero motivo per venire al Oneeighty è la piscina sul bordo della scogliera che vi farà letteralmente innamorare! #poolgoals
  • Tramonto al Single Finn : Locale con un ottimo sound, una vista sull’oceano e cocktail buonissimi. Plus, i camerieri indossano simpatiche camicie hawaiane. Davvero un luogo ideale per godersi il tramonto sorseggiando una Bintang (la birra di Bali)!
  • Cena Bukit Cafè

Oneeighty bali

Giorno 4  – ★ Nusa Penida

  • Escursione a Nusa Penida: Si può visitare in autonomia oppure acquistando un tour, come ho fatto io. Dopo varie ricerche, ho deciso di appoggiarmi alla compagnia Four Elements Adventure che si è occupata di tutto: un driver è venuto a prendermi in hotel alle 6 di mattina e mi ha portato al porto di Sanur , dove mi è stato fornito un biglietto per il traghetto che mi ha condotto a Nusa Penida . Arrivata sull’isola, un altro driver della compagnia mi ha accompagnato a vedere i luoghi più famosi:
  • Broken Beach ,
  • Angels Billabong ,
  • Crystal Bay
  • Kelingking beach .

Incluso nel tour c’era il pranzo e lo snorkeling a Manta Point che tuttavia non ho potuto fare a causa del mare troppo mosso. Sicuramente i luoghi che ho visitato sono stati bellissimi ma Nusa Penida in generale non è ancora pronta per accogliere la mole di turisti che arriva ogni giorno: l’isola è poverissima, le strade sono dissestate, i punti di ristoro sono pochi.

Io l’ho visitata con un tour giornaliero di 8 ore ma, se avessi avuto più tempo, avrei preferito dedicargli 2-3 giorni per girarla tutta e soggiornare a Nusa Ceningan , che dicono essere splendida.

Angels Billabong

Giorno 5 – ★   Relax a Uluwatu

  • Sundays Beach Club : potrei sbilanciarmi e dire che questo è il posto più bello di tutta Uluwatu! Fa parte del resort the Ungasan e anche in questo caso nel biglietto d’ingresso sono compresi dei crediti da spendere in cibo e bevande. Consiglio di arrivare presto al mattino per scegliere l’ombrellone nella posizione migliore e restare almeno fino a pranzo . Il Sunday è davvero un luogo magnifico, quando c’è la bassa marea si vede il reef (ci sono dei pesci velenosi tra le rocce quindi è bene non camminarci sopra) mentre le onde si infrangono in lontananza. Quanto darei per essere lì anche in questo momento!
  • Dopo una mattina di relax, a metà pomeriggio sono rientrata in hotel dove mi sono rilassata in piscina al Gravity Bali prima di fare la doccia e prepararmi per la serata.
  • Tramonto al Uluwatu Temple : Il tempio di Uluwatu si trova in cima ad una scogliera ed è uno dei templi più famosi di tutta Bali. All’ingresso, dopo aver pagato il biglietto, vengono forniti i classici Sarong , dei grandi pezzi di stoffa da indossare in vita per coprire le gambe scoperte e non mancare di rispetto al luogo. Andare all’ Uluwatu Temple al tramonto è senz’altro un must , sia per i colori del cielo sia per la possibilità di vedere lo spettacolo della danza balinese, di cui biglietti sono presto sold out. In questo tempio ci sono moltissime scimmie quindi attenti ai vostri effetti personali!
  • Cena da La Baracca

Sundays Beach Club

Giorno 6 – ★ Templi e Risaie intorno Ubud

Alloggio a Ubud – The Udaya

  • Tirta Empul: Bellissimo tempio nella giungla di Ubud, dove è possibile fare il rituale di purificazione .
  • Gunung Kawi Sebatu: Un altro adorabile tempio della zona. Si confonde spesso con il vicino “Pura Gunung Kawi”. Se si ha tempo a disposizione, si possono visitare entrambi.
  • Mason Elephants Park: Questo posto per me rimane un grande “MAH” . Mi spiego… gli elefantini, originari di Sumatra, sono buoni ed è possibile interagire con loro. Tuttavia il prezzo d’ingresso è altissimo considerando di essere a Bali (circa 25€); inoltre, anche se gli animali sembrano stare bene, vengono sfruttati a fini economici: si può infatti acquistare un giro sulla loro schiena, farci il bagno insieme o lavarli. Diciamo che mi è sembrato un parco fin troppo turistico dove non sono pienamente convinta dell’etica con cui vengono trattati gli elefanti. In definitiva… da evitare senza rimpianti.
  • Tegalalang : Sono le risaie più famose di Ubud e probabilmente anche le più fotografate. Peccato siano rese un po’ troppo turistiche dalle numerose bancarelle all’ingresso e dalle altalene poste ovunque all’interno. Nonostante ciò, è un posto pazzesco ricco di palme, fiori e piante lussureggianti! Si, questo è un #must assoluto !
  • Pranzo al  The Bridge, Ubud.
  • Nel pomeriggio, rientrata in resort, ho richiesto una Flower Bath , ovvero un bagno caldo con i fiori… esperienza da non perdere nell’isola degli dei! Anche alcune SPA ad Ubud offrono questo servizio, come la Fivelements.
  • Cena da Restaurant Locavore

Tirta Empul

Giorno 7 – ★ Tour al Nord di Bali

  • Jatiluwih Rice Terraces : qui ci ho lasciato il cuore. Davvero, questo è un luogo mozzafiato… le terrazze di riso, patrimonio dell’UNESCO, sembrano surreali tanto sono perfette! Dopo aver pagato un pedaggio con l’auto, sono scesa a piedi tra le risaie per esplorare questo magico posto e scattare qualche foto. Alcuni contadini al lavoro mi hanno sorriso e io mi sono sentita il cuore esplodere di gioia per la felicità che stavo provando: risaie meravigliose, panorama indimenticabile e persone gentili … mi emoziono ancora a pensarci! #WOW
  • Pura Ulun Danu Bratan : Iconico tempio sull’acqua, probabilmente quando si cerca on-line “Bali”, esce la foto di questo luogo 9 /10. Il motivo è ovvio, si tratta di un posto incantevole! Si può anche affittare una piccola barca a remi e fare un giro sul lago.
  • Handara Gate: anche detta “ porta del paradiso ” questa bellissima entrata è divenuta molto popolare su Instagram, al punto che hanno deciso di sfruttarla per guadagnarci. Proprio così, fino a qualche anno fa era semplicemente una porta d’ingresso su dei campi da golf, oggi invece si paga un biglietto di circa 50000,00 rupie a persona per poter scattare delle foto di fronte ad essa . Non sarebbe nemmeno questa la parte negativa se non fosse che è presa d’assalto dai turisti , di conseguenza si crea una coda lunghissima in cui ogni persona ha a disposizione 5 minuti per fare le foto. Risultato? almeno due ore di attesa per poter scattare. Mmm….No grazie!! La mia idea è stata molto semplice: mi sono fatta fotografare lateralmente all’Handara Gate, escludendo la gente dall’inquadratura, et vuolà ! Una foto d’effetto senza perdere tempo prezioso! A questo spot ho dedicato solamente 5 minuti.
  • Twins Lake View: Questa è una sosta veloce su un bel panorama ovvero due laghi separati da giungla e montagne.
  • Pranzo al The View Restaurant Muntuk: Questo tipico ristorante Balinese è stato una vera sorpresa! Si trova in una posizione perfetta per fare una pausa e gode di una bella vista sulla valle! Il cibo, inoltre, è buonissimo.
  • Banyumala Waterfall: Splendide cascate che si raggiungono a piedi in circa 20 minuti. Sicuramente le più belle che ho avuto modo di ammirare qui a Bali !

Alternativa: in zona ci sono anche le Sekumpul waterfall, più grandi e di maggiore impatto ma decisamente più impegnative da raggiungere; ci vogliono infatti almeno 4 ore di camminata tra andata/ritorno.

Con una giornata intensa come questa, cenare in hotel , per me, è stata la soluzione migliore!

Jatiluwih Rice Terrace

Giorno 8 – ★   Ubud

Alloggio a Ubud – Calma Ubud

La mattina dell’ottavo giorno ho provato la Floating Breakfast (colazione servita su un vassoio galleggiante) nella piscina della nostra camera. Anche questo è un tipo di servizio che moltissimi resort offrono a Bali. Dopo di che, ho cambiato alloggio, restando però sempre in zona.

  • Saraswati Temple e giro a Ubud : Ho dedicato qualche ora al centro, visitando il Tempio di Saraswati e l’Ubud Palace.

Se rimane tempo : si può aggiungere una visita al mercato di Ubud e una passeggiata al Campuhan Ridge Walk.

  • Pranzo da Full Circle by Expat.
  • Monkey Forest : una delle maggiori attrattive a Ubud, la foresta delle scimmie. Ci sono più di 700 esemplari con cui è facile interagire se lo si desidera; se invece avete paura delle scimmie, come me, basta non attirare la loro attenzione (per esempio indossando oggetti appariscenti come possono essere degli orecchini pendenti o uno zaino con dei ciondoli sulle cerniere), in questo modo non si accorgeranno nemmeno della vostra presenza! Consiglio di andarci nelle prime ore del mattino.
  • Zen Hideaway: Chi vuole fare un’esperienza diversa dal solito, può prenotare questa casa di bamboo su airbnb e dormire all’aperto nella giungla. Io ci sono stata e che dire… il posto è pazzesco, la casa è un ottima location per le fotograife e l’ altalena è veramente spaziale! Però gli insetti sono tanti e con tristezza devo ammettere che non ho trovato le stanze del tutto pulite. Quindi… ci vuole spirito di adattamento!

Alternativa : Se si desidera fare una foto su l’altalena senza affittare la casa, a fianco alla Zen Hideaway si trova la Bali Swing.

  • Cena: Spice by Chris Salans

Floating Breakfast

Giorno 9 – ★ Pool Club nella Giungla

  • Jungle Fish : Uno splendido pool club, parte del resort Chapung SeBali . Prima di arrivare alla piscina, che si affaccia sulla giungla, si passa attraverso le verdi risaie che sono uno spettacolo per gli occhi. Nel biglietto d’ingresso sono compresi i crediti per mangiare. Io sono arrivata presto al mattino e mi sono rilassata qui fino dopo pranzo … la mia giornata è cominciata nel migliore dei modi! #coolplace
  • Goa Gajah : Anche detto “grotta dell’elefante”, è un antico tempio di Ubud. Si accede alla caverna attraverso la spaventosa bocca di un demone. Nel complesso non è uno dei templi più belli a Bali, ma l’antica scultura sulla roccia della grotta lo distingue dagli altri.
  • Tibumana Waterfall: cascata davvero carina, raggiungibile a piedi in pochi minuti. Inutile dire che anche questa cascata andrebbe vista presto al mattino per evitare di trovare troppi turisti… per me non è stato possibile!

Se rimane temp o: cascata di Kanto Lampo

  • Cena da Folk Ubud : Il Folk in realtà è un pool club aperto tutto il giorno quindi è anche una buona alternative per passare un pomeriggio di relax. Io l’ho provato per cena e mi è piaciuto molto l’ambiente rilassato e il cibo!

Jungle Fish

Giorno 10 – ★ Tour a Est di Bali

  • Tukad Cepung Waterfall : Questa cascata è una delle più particolari dell’isola, si trova infatti nascosta in un canyon sotteraneo . Si raggiunge scendendo un sentiero per circa 15 minuti, dove il panorama si trasforma e sembra quasi di essere nel videogioco di Tomb Rider ! Per vedere la cascata si deve guadare un ruscello e in alcuni punti l’acqua supera le ginocchia; consiglio di avere uno zaino dove mettere gli effetti personali come telefono, fotocamera e scarpe durante quest ultimo tratto!
  • Besakih Mother Temple: Si tratta del tempio più importante di tutta Bali e, per quanto ho potuto vedere, è anche il più bello e maestoso. Dicono che sia più costoso rispetto ad altri (per via delle mance da aggiungere al biglietto d’ingresso) ma a mio avviso, se non si è interessati a una guida o a un mezzo di trasporto per arrivare in cima dove si trova il tempio, basta dire “ no ” con gentilezza. Comunque questo luogo sacro è imperdibile!
  • Tirta Gangga : Ex palazzo reale che vanta di bellissimi giardini. Una delle vasche con le carpe, adornata di statue della cultura balinese, si attraversa camminando sopra delle piattaforme sospese sull’acqua. Questo posto solitamente è estremamente affollato.
  • Pranzo : Bali Asli
  • Vista sul Monte Agung : a pochi metri di distanza dal ristorante Bali Asli, si trova un punto panoramico mozzafiato su questa montagna. Scattare alcune foto qui e’ d’obbligo!

Se rimane tempo : Lempuyang temple

  • Ritorno in hotel e relax in piscina : Calma Ubud
  • Cena the Sayan House : Questo ristorante è il mio preferito ad Ubud. Prezzi alti per Bali, ma la qualità del cibo è sublime! Inoltre si affaccia sulla giungla… una vista unica! E’ stato il posto perfetto per concludere al meglio la vacanza.

Tukad Cepung Waterfall

Questo è stato il mio itinerario a Bali ! Che ne pensate? Sono sincera con voi, 10 giorni non bastano affatto per vedere quest’isola meravigliosa che ha davvero tanto da offrire. Quindi… questo è un motivo più che valido per ritornarci in futuro ♥

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The Backpacking Family



10 day bali itinerary – full guide 2024.

The backpacking family Ubud Rice terraces

Table of Contents

Looking for a 10 day Bali itinerary for 2024? Look no further. If you’re planning a Bali trip here is an in-depth step-by-step itinerary to help you plan an amazing trip. Don’t miss a thing. From monkey spotting in Ubud to dolphin watching in Lovina, we have included all of the highlights Bali has to offer. In this itinerary we have included breathtaking waterfalls, ancient temples, hidden gems, culture & amazing food.

We absolutely love Bali. We find more amazing things to do every time we visit – and we are very excited to share some of our favorite bits with you in this itinerary. 

In this article we will walk you through all of the best things to do and show you how to do it. Our aim is to pull it all together – everything you need to plan your Bali trip in one place. We have included prices, maps, locations and top tips.

In this 10 day Bali itinerary we do use affiliate links for tours and hotels. Please book through our links as this allows us to earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. We really hope you have a truly amazing Bali trip. 

Looking to splash out? Don’t miss these AMAZING dreamy luxury resorts in Bali

Summary of 10 day Bali itinerary

Day 1 kuta beach, water bom bali & markets.

Day 2 Ubud Palace, Saraswati temple, Monkey Forest & Markets 

Day 3 Tegenungan waterfall, butterfly park & Goa Gajah temple 

Day 4 cooking class, tibumana waterfall & taman sari waterfall, day 5 tegalalang rice terrace, tirta empul, coffee plantations & penglipuran village, day 6 mount batur coffee, hot springs & glamping, day 7 dolphin watching & explore lovina, day 8 banjar hot spring, golden valley waterfall & brahmavihara-arama temple, day 9 ulun danu temple, botanical gardens & strawberry plantations, day 10 seminyak beach & kuta beach walk shopping centre .

If you only have 1 week in Bali you can still see many of Bali’s amazing attractions. Don’t miss our 7 day Bali itinerary .

10 day Bali itinerary map

Why follow this itinerary? 

Golden valley waterfall 3

This 10 day Bali itinerary is designed to help you make the most of your time in Bali. By following this itinerary you can make sure you see ALL of the BEST bits, find some amazing hidden gems in Bali and maximize your time. 

We have designed this itinerary to save you time planning. We have tried to include everything you need to know here – no need to look elsewhere. We have included prices, top tips, transport info, places to stay, recommended trips and more. Following this itinerary saves you big bucks. If you pre-book a Bali holiday this can cost thousands of dollars. In contrast our itinerary can cost as little as £260 or $300 all in. 

Our 10 day Bali itinerary is action packed and high paced. If you’re just looking for a chilled beach holiday you could book a luxury beach hotel and just chill on your resort. Or why not head over to the Gili islands and relax there? However, if you’re looking for plenty of unique experiences and adventure – then keep reading.

Why visit Bali?

The backpacking family Bali Rice terrace giggles

Bali is one of our favourite islands in southeast Asia . It is cheap, beautiful, packed with amazing food and epic things to do. Bali is a tropical paradise that has so much to offer. Whether you love pristine beaches, stunning temples, lush greenery or vibrant culture, Bali has it all. One of the main reasons to visit Bali is its breathtaking natural beauty. From the lush rice paddies of Ubud to the stunning beaches of Seminyak and Nusa Dua, Bali has a range of landscapes to explore. You can hike to the top of a volcano, scuba dive in crystal clear waters, or just chill on a white sandy beach. 

Apart from its natural beauty, Bali is also known for its unique and vibrant culture. The people are genuinely kind, hopsitable and warm. The island is dotted with ancient temples and historic landmarks, offering a glimpse into the island’s rich history and heritage. Bali also offers a range of activities for adventure enthusiasts, such as surfing, hiking, and white water rafting. 

In this article we will show you how to make the most of 10 days in Bali and not miss any of the BEST things to do. We have also thrown in some hidden gems to give you an amazing experience. 

Cost of this 10 day Bali itinerary

Tegalalang rice terrace drone

Activities: If you follow this itinerary expect to pay around £70 for activities ($100)

Accommodation: Ranges in price from £10 – £200 per night ($12 – $250)

Food and drink: Ranges between £1 – £5 per meal ($1.20 – $6)

Transportation: Expect to pay around £60 – £160 on transportation depending how you travel ($80 – $200)

When you add these expenses this 10 day Bali itinerary is likely to cost £260 – £2,400 (this is roughly $300 – $3,000).

Nasi Champur Bali streetfood

You will notice that the biggest chunk of your budget is accommodation. So if you’re looking for an affordable trip it’s important to find the best budget hotels & guest houses in Bali. The great news is, you don’t need to compromise on location. You can find some beautiful simple budget guest houses in wonderful locations. We recommend eating local street food such as Nasi Jinggo and Nasi Champur. For transportation we recommend using bike rental and cheap shared minibus journeys and taxis for short journeys. 

Tanah Gajah rice paddy hotel ubud

On the expensive end of this budget, you can afford private luxury 5 star villas with private pools . Rent a car to get around. You can eat freely and well including international food for around £15 per day. If you’re a luxury traveler we think you will be impressed how far your money goes in Bali. 

What day trips can you pre-book in Bali? 

Here are some of our TOP PICK day trips in Bali:

What hotels do you need to pre-book for this 10 day Bali itinerary?

Amazing places to stay in kuta.

Abia Villas 1

Don’t miss our full guide: The best hotels in Kuta

Kupu Kupu 39 – Great budget option

Magani Hotel and Spa – Great mid range hotel in Kuta

Bandha Hotel & Suites – Awesome luxury hotel in Kuta

Abia Villas – Amazing luxury villas in Kuta (pictured above)

Epic hotels in Ubud

Viceroy Bali Luxury 5 star hotels in Ubud

Don’t miss our article: Amazing 5 star hotels in Ubud

Poshtel Ubud – Great budget hostel with dorms

Yoga’s house – Affordable guest house with private rooms

Blu Mango – Great mid-range guest house

Tanah Gajah – Stunning 5 star hotel loads of character

Viceroy Ubud – Amazing luxury resort with villas and private pools (pictured above)

Awesome places to stay around Batur

The Backpacking family Glamping Bali 1

The Panorama Batur Camp – amazing budget glamping overlook Batur lake, amazing views

Volcano Guest House – Awesome cheap guest house next to Batur lake with small hotspring

Kubah Bali Glamping – Glamping overlooking Batur lake with inflatable dome tent 

Tira Vilagna – Luxury hotel & spa in Kintamali with great facilities and spacious suites

Great places to stay in Lovina

Munduk infinity pool

Don’t miss our guide: The best hotels in Lovina

Murni’s Guest house – Awesome budget guest house in Lovina

Binaria Museum – beautiful & excellent location – mid range hotel

Munduk Moding – located in the hills near Lovina – stunning resort and coffee plantation (pictured above)

(don’t miss our in depth review of Munduk Moding )

Fantastic places to stay in Bedugul

Tree House Pelangi

Bali Treehouse Pelangi – beautiful & affordable tree house property (pictured above)

The Blooms Villas – beautiful and luxurious teepees 

The first day of this 10 day Bali itinerary starts in Kuta, which serves as an ideal base to start and end your trip due to its proximity to the airport. This is a perfect opportunity to unwind after your travels and spend a leisurely day at the beach. Don’t miss our FULL GUIDE on the best things to do in Kuta .

WaterBom bali

Waterbom Bali

If you are looking for an exciting and active adventure, visit WaterBom Bali . This epic waterpark is located in Kuta. There is a variety of slides and attractions. This is a great activity for families, WaterBom has activities suitable for all ages.

Don’t miss out on The Climax waterslide, which is a thrilling 19-meter slide with a vertical drop section, reaching speeds of 70 kilometers per hour that will give you an adrenaline rush. Another exciting ride to try is Smashdown 2.0, which features a 26-meter vertical drop. You can also enjoy a lazy river, a wave pool, a kids’ area with miniature slides and fountains, and various food outlets and souvenir shops at Water Bom. The park is open daily from 9 am to 6 pm and offers a park credit system to pay for lockers and purchase food and drinks. You can book your tickets on Klook for around £25 – £30 or $30 – $35.

Kuta nightlife

Kuta beach bali

In the evening, take a stroll around Kuta and explore the night markets located near the beach. We also highly recommend trying out Crumb & Coaster cafe, a charming boutique cafe that serves fresh and delicious food throughout the day and into the evening.

Day 2 Ubud Palace, Saraswati temple, Monkey Forest & Markets  

On the second day of this 10 day Bali itinerary you travel to Ubud and explore some of the attractions around town. If possible get an early start and request an early check in at your hotel. 

In the morning travel from Kuta to Ubud. You can take this trip by shared minibus, taxi (use grab for the best prices) or by bike rental or car rental. This is a relaxing day in Ubud. Explore, find your feet and if you need a bike to explore, there are plenty of rental shops around town. 

Check out Saraswati temple, Ubud Palace & the art market

Saraswati temple Ubud Bali

Check out Ubud Palace, Saraswati temple and the Ubud Art Market (they are all very close together – around 5 minutes walk away from each other). Ubud Palace and Saraswati temple are relatively small attractions and they are free to enter. Ubud Palace has some beautiful buildings and gardens to explore. Saraswati temple is a beautiful temple with lotus ponds – this is a great spot for photography. You can also explore the art markets in the area. The art markets sell artwork, statues, sculptures and clothes. 

Explore the Ubud Monkey Forest

Baby monkey forest Ubud

After this check out Ubud Monkey Forest which is one of the most iconic and popular attractions in the area. This forest reserve has temples, statues, and is home to hundreds of playful long-tailed Macaque monkeys. Although they are familiar with humans, be cautious as the monkeys can sometimes snatch visitors’ belongings.

Ubud monkey forest temple

We recommend leaving your bags and other valuables in the lockers provided at the entrance. You can purchase tickets at the office upon arrival, with the price varying depending on the day of the week. On weekdays, adult tickets cost 80,000 IDR (around £4) and children’s tickets cost 60,000 IDR (around £3). On weekends, adult tickets cost 100,000 IDR (around £5) and children’s tickets cost 80,000 IDR (around £4) for children aged 3 to 12 years old. Children under 3 years old enter for free. The opening hours are from 9 am to 5 pm. You can also pre-purchase monkey forest tickets on Klook .

The third day of this 10 day Bali itinerary involves exploring some attractions to the south of Ubud town. There are several ways to get around. You could use Grab taxis to get from place to place. Alternatively you can rent a bike – this is a cheap, fun and convenient way to explore. However, always ride carefully and use a helmet. 

Visit the Tegenungan waterfall

Tegenungan waterfall and the Omma day club

Start your day with a visit to the stunning Tegenungan Waterfall , where a powerful cascade flows into a large river. To reach the waterfall, you’ll need to walk down a steep path and steps. Be cautious near the waterfall as the water can be deep in some areas, and the strong currents make it unsafe to swim. For the best photo opportunity, head to a small island located in the river at the waterfall’s base.

Tegenungan waterfall close

Purchase your entrance ticket for Tegenungan Waterfall at the small ticket booth located at the entrance. There is also a free car park available. The entrance fee costs 20,000 IDR for adults (around £1 or $1.20) and 10,000 IDR for children (around £0.50 or $0.60). The Tegenungan Waterfall is open from 6.30 am to 6.30 pm.

Stop by the Butterfly park


If you’re interested in seeing more beautiful creatures, visit the nearby Kemenuh Butterfly Park. This is right next to the waterfall. This park is home to a wide variety of colorful tropical butterflies and insects. The admission fee is 100,000 IDR for adults and 50,000 IDR for children, and the park is open daily from 9 am to 6 pm.

Explore Goa Gajah Cave Temple

Goa Gajah with kids

After the butterfly park, head to the breathtaking Goa Gajah temple . This small yet beautiful temple boasts impressive carvings and a small cave surrounded by an impressive entrance. Visitors can enter the cave, but it is not very large. We recommend allowing around 30 to 45 minutes to explore the Goa Gajah cave area. Remember to wear a sarong, which is available to borrow for free at the temple entrance. The entrance fee costs 50,000 IDR for adults (around £3 or $3.50) and 25,000 IDR for children (around £1.50 or $1.75), and sarongs are also available for free at the entrance.

The fourth day of this 10 day Bali itinerary is a little more chilled out and relaxed. We recommend doing a cooking course in the morning & then either exploring some more waterfalls or going to a spa for a massage. You could switch this day around and do the cooking class in the afternoon and the waterfalls in the morning. 

Take a cooking class

cooking class bali samples

A great way to connect with the beautiful Balinese culture & cuisine is to take a Bali cooking class . There are many cooking classes in Ubud. They normally include hotel pick up and they may include a visit to local markets. Most cooking schools offer morning and afternoon classes. 

fresh ingredients bali cooking class

We highly recommend Ketut’s cooking class . Conveniently located only 3 km northeast of Ubud, this class offers a range of hands-on activities. You’ll learn how to prepare several dishes and enjoy plenty of delicious food by the end of the class. This class also includes a market tour, pick-up and drop-off services within the Ubud area, and the chance to prepare and savor eight dishes.

Mee goreng cooking bali

Some of the dishes that you might prepare include Ayam Bumbu Bali (Balinese Fried Chicken), Soup Ayam (Chicken Soup), Pepes Ikan (Grilled Fish in Banana Leaf), Sate Ayam Sauce Kacang (Chicken Satay with Peanut Sauce), and Mie Goreng (Fried Noodle). While the menu is subject to change, you can expect to have a unique and fulfilling cooking experience with Ketut. The class usually costs around £20 or $25 (350,000 IDR).  The class takes around 4 hours. You can book Ketut’s cooking class on Klook .

Explore some waterfalls

In the afternoon you could take the chance to visit some more epic waterfalls in the area: Tibumana Waterfall (the entrance fee is 15,000IDR, which is around $1 or £0.80) and Taman Sari Waterfall is a lovely waterfall and a popular spot for swimming. There are toilets and lockers available here too. This waterfall also costs 15,000IDR ($1 or £0.80).

If you’re looking for something more relaxing and therapeutic why not head to one of the beautiful spas in Ubud. You can find spas in luxurious resorts but be aware that these can be quite expensive. For a luxurious spa experience, expect to pay around £50 – £100 (roughly $70 – $120) for a massage. Don’t miss the stunning Kamandalu forest spa. Alternatively, you can find small independent spas scattered around Ubud town. 

This is one of the more intense and busy days of the itinerary exploring some of the epic attractions to the north of Ubud. You can either take taxis, use car or motorbike rental or arrange a tour that includes some of these attractions. 

Visit the Tegalalang Rice Terrace

The backpacking family walking in the Rice terraces Bali

Start your day early by heading to the tranquil Tegalalang Rice Terrace , a beautiful UNESCO World Heritage site that’s at its most peaceful and uncrowded around 6 am. The lush green valley is one of the most stunning and popular attractions in the area, with several laybys for parking and easy access to the rice terraces. While it’s a great place for trekking, be aware that the trails can be steep and muddy.

rice terrace sunrise

You can also relax with a drink at one of the many cafes or take advantage of the photo opportunities with the massive swings located around the terraces, such as the nests and giant swing at Uma Ceking Resto & Swings. Expect to pay around 150,000IDR – 300,000IDR (roughly £8 – £16 or $10 – $20) for the swings, and they may offer packages that include photography or access to other photo points like love heart frames.

Explore Tirta Empul temple

Tirta empul temple Bali

After the rice terraces, head north to Tirta Empul temple . This is one of Bali’s most prestigious temples, with a large ceremonial bathing pool open to the public. If you want to bathe you can rent a bathing sarong. Explore the beautiful artistic Balinese gates, statues, courtyard area, gardens, and fish pond. We recommend allowing around an hour to fully appreciate Tirta Empul. There are changing rooms, toilets, and lockers available, and entrance costs 50,000IDR for adults and 25,000IDR for children aged 5 to 11. The temple is open daily from 8 am to 6 pm, and you can borrow or rent sarongs at the entrance.

Visit the coffee plantations

coffee demonstrations

After Tirta Empul we recommend a visit to the coffee plantations. There are some fantastic coffee plantations in Bali . For example, check out Segara Windhu Coffee plantation located a few kilometers north of Tirta Empul. Explore the plantations, learn about coffee growth and production, and sample local teas and coffee. This is also a great chance to try Kopi Luwak for around 50,000IDR (roughly £2 – £3 or $2.50 – $3.50).

Check out Penglipuran Village

Finally if you have time, head to the picturesque Penglipuran Village. This traditional village derives its name from the Balinese term for “a place to remember ancestors.” The village has a unique layout with narrow streets lined with traditional Balinese bamboo and wood houses, known for their distinct architectural style and intricately carved wooden doors and windows, as well as tiled roofs. The village is also home to a traditional village temple dedicated to the Hindu gods, an important center for local religious ceremonies and festivals. Explore the village, learn about its rich culture and traditions, and interact with friendly locals. Entry costs 25,000IDR for adults and 15,000I DR for children.

On the sixth day of this 10 day Bali itinerary, travel to Mount Batur; you could either do a sunrise trek here, or just enjoy some of the hotels near the lake and take in the scenery. 

Trek up mount Batur

mount batur Bali

If you are looking for a challenging and exhilarating experience we highly recommend a sunrise trek up Mount Batur. This stunning volcano is located in the northeast region of Bali, and the trek typically begins around 3am to ensure reaching the summit in time for sunrise. Batur is an impressive 1,717m tall (over 5,000ft). Some mornings, the mountaintop may be shrouded in clouds, while on other days, low clouds in the valley offer breathtaking panoramic views of the beautiful landscape. While the conditions are hard to predict, we still recommend attempting the trek if you have the chance. 

Batur sunrise trek klook

Bring some water and a light day bag, and your guide may be able to provide water and a head torch (check when you book). It’s recommended to wear good hiking shoes and bring a warm layer for the top. If trekking isn’t your style, there are also jeep taxis and mud bike taxi options available. The trek is moderately challenging, with some steep sections. The total route is approximately 3 km each way and takes around 1-2 hours.

You can book a sunrise trek up Mount Batur on Klook .

A guided sunrise trek up Mount Batur is likely to cost around 500,000 IDR (approximately £30 or $35). However, booking directly with a local guide may offer slightly cheaper options at around 450,000 IDR per person, which typically includes a guide, breakfast, and hotel pick-up. 

Explore some other attractions in the area

Kubah Bali glamping dome

If trekking up a volcano isn’t for you, we highly recommend some other things in the area. For example, if you have ever dreamed of staying in an inflatable dome tent then check out Kubah Bali Glamping . They offer a very competitive price for glamping. There are also a number of hot springs located along the edge of Batur lake. We absolutely loved bathing in geothermal water overlooking a volcanic lake. 

Don’t miss our FULL GUIDE to glamping in Bali

Hotspring by Batur Lake

There are some lovely cafes in this area. Don’t miss Mahen Cafe located high on the ridge overlooking Batur lake – with amazing views of mount Batur. This is a lovely cafe serving hot drinks, cold drinks and a range of food including western and Asian dishes. 

Swimming with wild dolphins is definitely one of the highlights of this 10 day Bali itinerary. Typically, these tours start early in the morning around 6am – 7am, and breakfast may or may not be included, so it’s a good idea to check with your guide beforehand. We recommend having some breakfast prepared beforehand, whether you purchase it from a shop the day before your tour or ask your guest house for an early breakfast.

Take a dolphin tour in Lovina

Lovina dolphins bali the backpacking family

We highly recommend a dolphin tour in Lovina . During the tour, you will spend the first hour or so following pods of dolphins in the bay, but be aware that there will likely be many boats out, so don’t expect to have the experience yourself. If conditions allow, you may get the chance to swim with the dolphins later on in the morning. The way it works is that you hold onto a bar hanging off the side of the boat while the driver follows the dolphins, and it’s an incredible experience seeing these wild creatures swimming underwater.

Dolphins lovina jumping 2

After the dolphin encounter, many tours take you to a beautiful section of coral reef a few kilometers off the coast of Lovina, where you can explore the Lovina Sea sculpture park, a collection of underwater statues in the area. However, be aware that the currents in the area can be strong, so it’s recommended to wear fins and a lifejacket in the water, especially if you’re not a strong swimmer. Most tour boats provide snorkels, masks, fins, and life jackets.

How to arrange your dolphin tour

Family friendly dolphin tours Bali

You can get some of the best prices for dolphin tours by booking on Klook. This may be cheaper than trying to book your tour locally.

Dolphin tours typically cost around 75,000IDR – 300,000IDR per person (approximately $5 – $20 or £3.50 – £16), and private boat trips are available for around 700,000IDR (around £40 or $45) with a maximum capacity of 6 – 8 people on the boat.

Underwater dolphin sculpture bali

It may be more affordable to book your dolphin watching tour online in advance. It’s worth noting that dolphin tours can be canceled at short notice due to bad weather, so be prepared for a last-minute change of plans. 

Dolphin watching tours typically finish by midday. After the tour, we recommend planning a relaxing, low-key afternoon.

We recommend using this day to travel from Lovina to Bedugul. This is a long journey that is likely to take a couple of hours. The roads are steep, narrow and bendy. Along the way there are several attractions to stop at. 

Take a dip at the Banjar hot spring

Banjar hot springs lovina things to do in Bali

Begin your day with a visit to the Banjar Hot Spring , a hidden gem nestled on the north coast of Bali. This secluded jungle hot spring is surrounded by lush greenery and boasts exquisite Balinese carvings. Facilities such as changing rooms, lockers, and toilets are available on-site for your convenience.

tour di bali 10 giorni

Admission to Banjar Hot Spring is just 20,000IDR (approximately £1 or $1.20) with a small additional fee for lockers and toilets. The hot spring is open daily from 8:30am to 5:30pm. If you have time, consider a visit to the nearby Brahmavihara-Arama temple, a unique Buddhist temple with strong Hindu influences.

Visit the Golden Valley waterfall

Golden valley waterfall Bali

After your visit to the hot spring, continue your journey to the Golden Valley waterfall . This adventurous waterfall is located in a remote jungle valley in the hills, approximately 25km south of the Banjar Hot Spring. The waterfall is characterized by a large and impressive cascade. To access the waterfall, park your vehicle on the road and hike down the path for approximately 10 minutes.

Trekking to golden valley waterfall

Please note that the path is steep and can be slippery in places, and is not wheelchair or stroller accessible. The Golden Valley waterfall is free to visit, and there are some good parking spots along the road with a sign indicating the start of the trail.

Travel to Bedugul

Handara gate Bali

It may be worth continuing your journey to Bedugul to stay overnight. On your way to Bedugul don’t miss the impressive Handara Gate; this is an impressive traditional Balinese gate with a backdrop of jungle mountains. 

We recommend spending this day exploring some of the attractions around Bedugul. You could use the afternoon or evening to travel back to the south of Bali to complete this 10 day Bali itinerary where you started. 

Visit the Ulun Danu lake temple

Ulun Danu Beratan temple Bali the backpacking family

The Ulun Danu Lake Temple is one of Bali’s most iconic and breathtaking temples. Located on the shores of Lake Bratan, The Ulun Danu Lake Temple is surrounded by lush flower gardens, green mountains, and a calm, mirror-like lake, creating an unforgettable, postcard-perfect scene. Ulun Danu Lake Temple is located in the Bedugul area of Central Bali, Indonesia. The temple is approximately 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Denpasar, the capital city of Bali, and 22 kilometers (14 miles) southwest of Singaraja. Entrance to Ulun Danu costs 75,000 IDR (around £4 or $5). 

Explore the Bali Botanical Gardens

Close to Ulun Danu you can also visit the Bali Botanical Gardens. As you explore you can see tropical plants, statues, traditional Bali gates, fountains and conservatories. Sadly some areas have fallen into disrepair and need maintenance. The botanical gardens are around 1 mile in length. It is likely to take a couple of hours to explore the whole area. There is a small entrance fee for the botanical gardens. It costs 25,000IDR on weekdays and 35,000IDR on weekends. 

Visit the strawberry plantations


Finally, there are several strawberry plantations located near Beratan lake. You can learn about strawberry production, pick your own strawberries and sample tasty strawberry products such as strawberry wine. Entry costs 10,000IDR (roughly £0.50 or $0.60). 

Surfing in Kuta Bali the backpacking family

The final day of this 10 day Bali itinerary is a chilled day in Seminyak or Kuta. If you still have the energy why not take a surf lesson at 27 Surf school . If you love surfing don’t miss our full guide on surfing in Bali .

Lessons cost around 150,000IDR for 1.5 hours (around £8 or $10) and include equipment, rash guard, instruction and photography. You can rent a surfboard for 50,000IDR for an hour (around £3 or $3.50). Alternatively, why not check out the Beach Walk Shopping Centre in Kuta. 

Where next?

Gili islands the backpacking family

After you have completed your 10 day Bali itinerary you may want to work out what to do next. What about taking a trip to the Gili islands ? You can get to the Gili islands by boat and there are loads of epic things to do in the Gili islands . We loved taking a snorkeling trip on Gili Trawangan – seeing amazing sea sculptures and swimming with sea turtles. You do need at least 3-4 days to make the most of the Gili islands. 

How do you get around in Bali?

Want to get your ducks in a row nice and early? Book private transfers around Bali on Klook

The challenges of getting around in Bali

congestion in Bali

Getting around in Bali can be quite challenging. This 10 day Bali itinerary covers a route that is over 200km in length. Bali is a large island and it can take several hours to travel between towns. If you rent a car or bike in Bali be aware that some areas have awkward one way systems – especially in Kuta, Denpasar and Ubud. Roadside parking is generally fine – but in some areas parking space is limited (e.g. Ubud). Many attractions do have car parks as well. 

What’s more, some areas can get quite congested (especially in the south). Also Bali doesn’t have a good public transport system so you do need to plan your transport options in Bali. 

Here are the BEST ways to get around in Bali: 

1 Rent a motorbike – cheap and fun

Don’t miss our FULL GUIDE on renting a motorbike in Bali

tour di bali 10 giorni

Motorbike rental is a fun, cheap and flexible way to travel around. Bike rentals cost around 100,000IDR – 200,000 IDR (around £5 – £10 or $6 – $12) per day. You can barter for cheaper deals if you rent for longer. You can find motorbike rental shops all around Bali. When you rent a motorbike, always check the contract carefully, take pictures of any damage on the bike and check the petrol level. Make sure you exchange details with your rental dealer and that you understand your responsibilities (e.g. you are normally responsible for flat tyres or damage incurred by use). Always wear a helmet and ride carefully. 

Don’t miss our FULL GUIDE on Bali by bike – 4 epic motorbike itineraries in Bali

2 Take a taxi – convenient 

Taxi bali driver

Taxi is a convenient and comfortable way to get around in Bali. Use the Grab taxi app for fair prices. The Grab taxi app is a free app that you can download on your mobile phone. Make sure you have a SIM card with local data and you can order taxis anywhere any time. Drivers are generally pretty quick to respond in Bali. For a short taxi journey expect to pay around 20,000IDR (roughly £1 or $1.20). For a longer journey expect to pay 200,000IDR – 500,000IDR (roughly £10 – £30 or $12 – $40).

Don’t miss our full guide to Grab in Bali

3 Use shared minibus transfers

Bali shuttle bus

Another way to get around in Bali is to use shared minibus transfers. Minibus transfers around Bali typically cost in the range of 100,000IDR – 250,000IDR per person (roughly £5 – £14 or $6 – $16). There are several companies that offer shared minibus transfers around Bali. For example, check out Perama Tour. Shared buses are pretty cheap – but always check against the cost of a taxi – especially if you’re traveling with others. In some cases a long distance taxi may be cheaper than a shared mini-bus. 

4 Use car rental – fun, flexible & great for families

Intrepid road trip

Another great way to get around Bali is car rental. You can get great car rental deals in Denpasar, Kuta and Ubud. Make a deal with a local company. Always check the contract carefully. Car rental companies may ask you to leave a deposit. A car rental in Bali should cost around 200,000 – 400,000IDR per day for a good deal (around £10 – £20 or $12 – $24). We recommend using an international license and check the insurance policy on your rental.

5 Join a guided tour – fun and stress free

A fun and convenient way to get around in Bali is book trips and tours in advance. Most tours in Bali include hotel pick up and drop off. You can find some awesome tours on Klook . We have been very impressed by the prices and range of tours on Klook. Booking is very easy and convenient and Klook gives you a great picture of what you’re booking.  

What is the best time of year to visit Bali?

Kuta beach sunset

Bali experiences two main seasons throughout the year: the dry season (April to September) and the wet season (October to March). However, the island’s tropical climate means that it’s generally warm and humid throughout the year, with average temperatures ranging between 26°C and 29°C (79°F and 84°F).

Dry Season (April to September)

The dry season is widely considered the best time to visit Bali. In the dry season you can enjoy plenty of sunshine, warm temperatures, and low humidity. This season is perfect for outdoor activities such as sunbathing, swimming, surfing, and exploring the island’s beautiful landscapes. However, there are a few disadvantages of visiting Bali in the dry season. As it’s the peak tourist season, expect larger crowds at popular attractions and higher prices for accommodation. Also it is worth knowing that it can rain any time of the year in Bali. 

TOP TIP: To avoid the busiest months, consider planning your trip during April, May, or September, when the weather is still pleasant, and tourist numbers are lower.

Wet Season (October to March)

The wet season in Bali has frequent rainfall and higher humidity levels. Despite the rain, there are several advantages to visiting Bali during this time of year. The wet season is low season for tourism, which means fewer crowds and more affordable prices for accommodation. 

The island’s lush landscapes are also more vibrant during this period. The waterfalls are also more impressive in the dry season. December is often the most stormy month in Bali. On the other hand, the wet season’s weather can be unpredictable, with sudden downpours and occasional thunderstorms. This may impact outdoor activities, such as beach days, dolphin watching and hiking trips. The rain in Bali typically falls in short bursts. 

Other things to do in Bali if you have longer

Indonesia bali swing

If you have more time to explore Bali, there are plenty of other amazing activities and attractions to check out. Here are some of our top picks:

Take a day trip to Nusa Penida Island: Located off the southeast coast of Bali, Nusa Penida Island is home to stunning beaches and viewpoints, including Kelingking Beach, Broken Beach, Angel’s Billabong, Crystal Bay Beach, and the Thousand Islands Viewpoint.

Explore Pura Luhur Uluwatu: This Hindu temple perched on a cliff overlooking the Indian Ocean in southern Bali is one of the six most important temples on the island and offers stunning sunset views.

Visit Sekumpul Waterfall: Located in the northern part of Bali, Sekumpul Waterfall is one of Bali’s most beautiful waterfalls, surrounded by lush greenery and offering an unforgettable natural experience.

See the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces: Located in the central part of Bali, the Jatiluwih Rice Terraces offer breathtaking views of the rice fields and surrounding mountains. These terraces are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and are well worth a visit.

Try a Bali Swing: For an adrenaline rush, head to one of the many Bali Swing locations, where you can swing high above the rice fields and jungle.

Visit Tanah Lot Temple: One of Bali’s most famous temples, Tanah Lot is located on a rock formation in the middle of the ocean. It’s a great place to watch the sunset and take in the beauty of Bali’s coastline.

Trek up Mount Agung: If you’re up for a challenging hike, consider climbing Bali’s highest mountain, Mount Agung. The trek takes about 6 – 7 hours and offers stunning views of Bali from the top. Keep in mind that this trek is quite challenging, so you need to be fit and determined. A guide is required, and we don’t recommend going solo.

Suggested Packing list – 7 day Bali itinerary 

Bali the backpacking family thumbnail

Here is a super helpful packing list to help you prepare for your trip to Bali: 

  • Lightweight and breathable clothing (shorts, t-shirts, sundresses, etc.)
  • Swimwear and a travel towel
  • Comfortable walking shoes (especially if you’re planning to trek)
  • Sunscreen and a hat or umbrella
  • Mosquito repellent 
  • A lightweight rain jacket 
  • A small backpack or daypack for carrying essentials while out and about
  • Dry sack to keep valuables safe and dry
  • Personal toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.)
  • Travel adapter for charging electronic devices

Keep in mind that Bali is a warm and tropical destination, so you won’t need to pack heavy or bulky items. Light layers and comfortable clothing are key for staying cool and comfortable.

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Life loving, adventure chasing, Mum of 3 who loves travel. Over 10 years of travel writing experience. Emma now loves to give the best tips to help other travel loving parents plan adventures with their kids. Whether you need to find the best accommodation or just need to know how to pack your bag Emma is that travelling mum who love to help you.

The Backpacking Family

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First off – thank you for checking this out! We can’t stress enough about HOW much research we did before taking this trip…like read every blog, Instagram post, etc etc. We truly believe these are the top 3 places to go in Bali and that this route works best if you only have a short amount of time to spend here! This Bali Itinerary has EVERYTHING you need to know from accommodations, restaurants, outings, you name it! If you have any questions about anything check out our more detailed posts on each location for Uluwatu , Seminyak , or Ubud , or ask us anything in the comments below! Bali truly is the trip of a lifetime and something you’ll NEVER EVER FORGET ! ENJOY!

Bali Itinerary: 10 Days in Paradise


  • Make your way to Uluwatu which is about a 40 minute drive from the main airport in Bali: Ngurah Rai International Airport located in Denpasar
  • Check in at your hotel or Airbnb – we stayed at this luxury Airbnb that included breakfast each morning (most do!) in Bingin Beach. It was truly a dream stay! If that’s out of your budget, definitely choose somewhere along that beach or the beach beside it to stay at!
  • Make sure to head to The Cashew Tree for lunch! One of our favourite restaurants ever!
  • Head to Bingin Beach and enjoy a sunny day on the beach, or surfing on the waves (or watching other people surf because you don’t know how like us haha!)
  • We rented a scooter for a few days at a place near our Airbnb. You can find scooter rentals everywhere! They are very, very cheap so it’s definitely worth it!
  • Ride your scooter to Uluwatu Temple and make it for sunset! You pay a fee to watch a traditional Kecak Fire Dance . You HAVE to do this and go here- it’s a must!
  • Grab some dinner at Bukit Cafe or Suka Espresso on your way back – you won’t be disappointed! Maybe grab a Bintang or two while you’re there! (Bali’s beer!)

Uluwatu Temple Bali


  • Head to GWK Cultural Park – about a 20 minute drive from the area. You can spend a few hours here walking to grounds, eating at their cafe, and seeing all of the amazing statues and structures!
  • Head to Nyang-Nyang Beach – arguably one of the nicest beaches in Bali! The sand stretches for miles and the water is SO blue!
  • Watch the sunset at Sunset Point Uluwatu Bar – they have so many beanbag chairs to sit on the beach and watch the sunset! There is also a pool and bar here! Very chill spot!
  • Grab some dinner on the beach at Lucky Fish (they do a seafood dinner on the beach each night!) OR if you’re into the nightlife head to Ulu Cliffhouse which is a beach club that plays amazing music and serves great food & drinks! You’ll have a blast like we did!

For more details on everything you need to know about Uluwatu, check out our post on the Ultimate Guide to Uluwatu

Beach in Uluwatu Bali


  • Wake up and head to Seminyak ! We took a driver to Seminyak which is about a 50 minute drive from Uluwatu (you can book drivers from anywhere – your accommodation, restaurants, etc. everyone in Bali is a driver or knows a driver lol!)
  • Checked in at your hotel! As long as you book a place near Jl. Kayu Aya Street you’ll be walking distance from most places in Seminyak! We stayed at the Amadea Resort and Villas which was like a mini resort for a good price and great location! We enjoyed our stay here and the included breakfast buffet had so many options!
  • Have lunch at Sisterfields Cafe . SO drool worthy & aesthetically pleasing!
  • Go shopping! Explore Seminyak Village & Seminyak Square which is across from the cafe. There are so many unique products that locals are selling! Definitely walk around this area! The Square is also the location of the famous “I LOVE BALI” sign that people take pictures in front of! Get lost in exploring the area, it’s definitely more lively than Uluwatu!
  • Head to dinner at La Favela Restaurant & Bar . We had a late reservation that turned into a bar night for us! We couldn’t believe how many rooms and levels this place had! It was SO much fun! The food was amazing, they played great music, and we loved the whole atmosphere & vibe! It honestly had the most unique interior. A must for us!

Bali Itinerary: 10 Days in Paradise


  • Wake up and venture to W Bali Hotel and go to their SPA ! We had a spa day and wow was this spa incredible. We booked it in advance the day before, but they accept walk-in’s if it isn’t too busy! We #treatedourselves and got a couples Balinese massage and it was the best massage we’ve ever had lol! You have to get one before leaving Bali! They also have a pool and other amenities to take advantage of. It felt so tranquil!
  • Have lunch or at least get a coffee at Coffee Cartel! It’s a well known spot in Seminyak and you’ll find out why! Such a cute interior and serves delicious snacks and drinks!
  • Next stop in your day should be the Pura Petitenget Temple which is a beautiful Hindu temple that you pay a small fee to enter and get to explore! People usually think Seminyak lacks culture as it is a more touristy area, but this hidden gem adds a special touch to the area
  • Okay so WOW, Seminyak definitely comes alive at night! On any night of the week. At any time of year!! We ended up going to the famous Potato Head Beach Club for around sunset. It’s on the beach, has an infinity pool with great seating and cabana options, and has delicious food! We stopped here for a few hours to have some drinks and ended up staying much longer than we planned as we met SO many people from around the world! It was so fun and definitely has a social vibe!
  • If you want to leave Potato Head, spend the rest of the night at a fancier Italian dinner spot called La Lucciola . It was such a beautiful place and the meal was surprisingly amazing for Italian food in Bali! It has a beachfront view and watching the water while we ate felt like paradise!

For more details on everything you need to know about Uluwatu, check out our post on our Guide to Visiting Seminyak

Coffee Seminyak Bali


  • Set up a driver with your accommodation to take you to your final and longest stop in Bali: Ubud . Ubud was definitely our favourite spot in Bali and you’ll see why below, but there is SO much to do and see in it! You HAVE to go to Ubud…like have to, it’s a must!
  • During your drive to your accommodations in Ubud, we recommend you getting your driver to stop for about an hour or two at the famous Bali Swing . This is the main spot to take all of those swing photos you see all over Instagram! It’s about an hour into the drive from Seminyak to Ubud. It’s actually considered a theme park, and you can spend as little or as much time here as your want, but there is usually large lines to take photos at the swings so just be aware!
  • Check into your accommodation! We stayed in 2 different spots in Ubud. 2 nights more remote, and then 2 nights around the main streets in Ubud. Both experiences were awesome.
  • This was by far our favourite Airbnb ever. If you can stay here, DO IT, but it books up so far in advance! It’s called Bennu House Ubud and was literally on a rice field, and had to most unique decor and we can’t say enough good things about it! Check out the listing here !
  • Since we ended up getting to Bennu House late, and we had to get up at 2 AM for Day 6 which you’ll see below, we had a very low key night in – which ended up being one of our favourite nights of the whole trip because we booked a Balinese cooking class through the Airbnb host and it was UN-REAL. The sweetest woman and man came to our Airbnb and cooked for us, teaching us all about their culture and lifestyle. We chatted for HOURS. You’ll come to find that Balinese people are the kindest people in the world.

Bali Swing Ubud


  • Head to the Mt. Batur Volcano Sunrise Hike for the day! THIS IS A MUST. REPEAT. A MUST! Wake up at 2 AM, hop in a van for an hour, drive to the base of the volcano, begin the 2 hour hike uphill to the top, make it in time for sunrise and see the beautiful volcano view and 360 views of the entire island! The best experience! The hike was pretty strenuous if you aren’t athletic. (We’re not, and we were okay, but it was a challenge at times) Hike back down (NOT easy) and go back to your accommodations and sleep forever LOL. Realistically this was around a 7 hour experience. It did include food, and we booked it through our Airbnb, but you can book it anywhere. We couldn’t believe how many people were there doing this! Very popular attraction.
  • Head to The Seeds of Life for dinner! This is a vegan restaurant, but wow was it good! You get the cultural experience of sitting on the floor with cushions and it was just so fun and tasty!
  • Watch the sunset and get a good night sleep – it’ll be well deserved after the day you’ll have!

Bali Itinerary: 10 Days in Paradise


  • We switched accommodations in Ubud on this day. We stayed 2 nights in the more remote area, and now spent 2 nights at an Airbnb right along the main streets of Ubud a.k.a. walking distance to everything! We would suggest doing this, or just staying the 4 nights somewhere along the main streets, especially if you aren’t into scootering! (We used Lazy Cats Cafe as our central point in Ubud so near there). This was the Airbnb listing to our 2nd place. It was so beautiful and there was a little cafe right in the centre of all the buildings!
  • Once you’re settled, get a driver to take you around for the day today! Negotiate a good price! We paid about 20 USD for the entire day of him driving us!
  • First Stop: the famous rice fields Tegalalang Rice Terrace . You have to see them in real life! SO cool to learn how rice is grown, and the beautiful landscape of it all. Truly something we’d never seen before!
  • Second Stop: Tegenungan Waterfall . The grounds of this area were so cute! Bring your swimsuit and go for a swim under the large waterfall. It’s a little bit of a hike down, and you pass by cafes and local vendors, so you could definitely spend a couple hours here.
  • Third Stop: Visit a School ! I may be biased because I’m a teacher at home, but this was one of our favourite memories! We were talking to our driver and I asked if we could visit a school. There were a few just outside the city and he brought us to one and we actually got to go teach 3 classes English! It was so cool to see how their education system worked and to see the smiling faces of the children!
  • Grab some dinner at The Elephant or bridges to end the night. Both are delicious!

Waterfall Ubud Bali


  • Head to the Ubud Art Market and walk around the lively streets. This was so fun! There is so much to see and so many streets to wander! Summed up, it’s basically a bunch of locals selling their handcrafted pieces! Everything from bowls to wall art, to little knick knacks! You’ll find everything here! Tip: Be sure to barter with them. They know you’re a tourist and will always ask for much higher than an item is worth!
  • Have lunch at Lazy Cats Cafe . The vibe of this place is so cute! We loved the food and actually went twice! Definitely recommend!!
  • Next is Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary which you can walk from the cafe. This is the best place ever if you love monkeys/animals orrr the worst if you’re afraid of them literally being everywhere lol!! Even though monkeys are pretty much everywhere in Bali, we LOVED this place. We love animals so much, and to see them treated well here made us happy. But don’t be fooled, some can be pretty aggressive and take your things. One stole Shawn’s sunglasses off of him!
  • When you’re done experiencing the monkeys, grad some cocktails and apps at Dumbo . It is very chic and has a cool open rooftop patio!
  • To finish off the night, ask around for a schedule of the Fire Dances . They do mini versions of the Uluwatu during the same nights of the week in front of various temples. Check one out before heading back to your room for the night!

Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary Ubud - Bali Itinerary: 10 Days in Paradise


  • Ahh, your last full day. Sad face. Saved a very culturally amazing experience for last!
  • Head to Tirta Empul Temple Tampaksiring . Try pronouncing that haha. This is a Hindu Balinese water temple, famous for its holy spring waters. This is where people go for ritual purification. People line up to bathe themselves under each water spout. The water in the pools is believed to have magical healing powers and the Balinese go here to purify themselves. You must put your head under each of the 30 spouts. You are given the garments to wear via a donation. To say this was a unique experience is an understatement. We just love learning about other cultures so much. This is a VERY popular spot for locals as well as tourists, so try to get there when it opens!
  • Go to a class at Yoga Barn . Continue your relaxing day with yoga! Can you really go to Bali without doing yoga at least once?! Bali is HUGE on meditation and yoga practices that promote healing and renewal! This place was so tranquil and we’d highly recommend doing a class!
  • Get some food at Watercress Cafe Ubud! Wow was this an awesome place! Cafe by day, bar by night. If you haven’t already, you have to try the famous Kopi Luwak coffee before you leave. It really is a bizarre process, but it’s made from fermented coffee cherries that an animal poops out. LOL sounds nasty, but it’s a whole process and tasted really good! Also, it’s your last night, stay here for the bar and let loose. You deserve it!

Holy Water Temple Ubud Bali - Bali Itinerary: 10 Days in Paradise


  • HOME TIME (a.k.a. tear up a little as you reminisce on the best trip ever).
  • The drive is about 1.5 hours from Ubud to the airport. We used the same driver the entire time! Click here for his contact info, he’s the BEST & speaks English so well!

For more details on everything you need to know about Ubud, check out our post on The Best of Ubud

We hope you enjoyed this Bali Itinerary and found it useful! We wish we had an itinerary like this when we were planning our trip! I’m telling you guys, this was an entire YEAR of planning, and I may be biased, but I think this is the perfect itinerary to experience a little bit of everything! PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE YOU KNOW THAT IS GOING TO BALI! Never hesitate to send us a message!

With love, S & S

Save this on Pinterest to come back to it later!

Bali Itinerary: 10 Days in Paradise

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Thanks for checking out The Ultimate Bali 10 Day Itinerary!

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' src=

This is such a great guide! I love all restaurant recommendations. Also that baby monkey next to you is so cute!

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OMG the monkey was my favourite!!

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Julia Bocchese

Such a helpful guide! I haven’t been to Bali yet so I’ll be saving this for when I go! All of those sights look so beautiful

Thank you so much! So much time and effort went into this itinerary so it means a lot!!

' src=

This is an amazing itinery, but did u stay at uluwatu the first night? Or 2 nights there?

We stayed 2 nights in Uluwatu! We arrived VERY late the first night so stayed near the airport night 1 just to be safe and not have to travel far in the middle of the night.

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I´d love to explore Ubud and check the famous Bali Swing! Your photos make me wanna pack my bags right now lol hope to visit Bali soon!

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wow you guys packed ALOT in, thanks for the tips!

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Ah I miss Bali! I spent a week there a few years ago and would go back in a heart beat. I missed Uluwatu when I was there – and really regret it now! Need to save this for when I go back.

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Loved this guide, very detailed, saving for hopefully visiting Bali in the future! Was nice to read about Uluwatu as I’d heard of the other places but not this one, and the sunrise hike looks breathtaking! Also that pic of you and the monkey is so cute 😍

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I desperately want to go to Bali soon and this is such a great guide that I will definitely be referring back to when I plan my itinerary!

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I’ve always wanted to go to Bali! And your pictures make me want to go even more!

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Thanks a lot for this value post! I love Bali and it my second home! Especially the restaurant recom. are great!

' src=

Currently planning our honeymoon for next summer and this guide was SO helpful!, thank you!

Yay!! You’ll love it so much!!

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The Best 10-Day Bali Itinerary – Visiting the Main Attractions

Home | Travel | Asia | Indonesia | Bali | The Best 10-Day Bali Itinerary – Visiting the Main Attractions

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Visiting Bali in 10 days  is the best plan for discovering the Island of the Gods. If you want to relax on idyllic beaches, visit gorgeous temples, and return home in love with Balinese culture, keep reading.

places you need to visit in bali in 10 days

Bali 10-day Itinerary

In this article, you won’t just find the best 10-day Bali trip itinerary. I’ll also give you a lot of tips to travel to Bali , and I’ll tell you some anecdotes about renting a scooter in Bali.

If you aren’t renting a motorcycle, don’t worry. Ascen, on her 7-day Bali itinerary, was able to visit the main Bali attractions without a motorcycle. Of course, if that’s the case for you, I’ll suggest some tours in Bali that will take you to the places you can’t miss.

Tirta gangga water palace best thing to do in bali in 10 days

Things to do in Bali in 10 days

Although ten days in Bali may seem like a short time, I assure you that, with proper planning, you can do more things than you imagine. It’s also essential to know where to stay in Bali  so you don’t waste time on the road and can make the most of your vacation.

I made some mistakes when planning my route through Bali . Furthermore, upon our arrival in Indonesia, the Rinjani volcano, in Lombok, erupted, causing some earthquakes that prevented us from continuing with the itinerary we had. Therefore, the route you’ll find in this article is not exactly the route I took, although it’s undoubtedly  the perfect Bali itinerary for 10 days.

Before we begin, remember that although earthquakes are unusual, Bali is in a seismic area, so there may be some during your trip. Therefore, I recommend you hire travel insurance for Indonesia that covers evacuation in case of a natural disaster.

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This is the best itinerary to visit Bali in 10 days:

best 10 day bali itinerary things to do

The best Bali 10-day itinerary

Day 1: Ubud. Beginning of your trip to Bali in 10 days.

  • Day 2:   Mt. Batur sunrise tour. Essential if you visit Bali for 10 days.

Day 3: Besakih, Tirta Gangga, Lempuyang and Amed.

  • Day 4: Tegalalang and surroundings of Ubud.

Day 5: Pura Ulun Danu Bratan and Bedugul waterfalls. Top of the Bali 10-day itinerary.

  • Day 6: Jatiluwih, Pasut beach, Tanah Lot and Seminyak.
  • Day 7: Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. Visit the Nusa Islands if you travel to Bali for 10 days.
  • Day 8: Nusa Penida.
  • Day 9: Uluwatu. A place you can’t miss on your Bali itinerary for 10 days.
  • Day 10: Jimbaran Bay.

Next, we tell you everything you need to know to have a perfect 10-day trip to Bali. Also, I recommend having this map of Bali on hand, so you know where each of the attractions we mention is .

Even if you plan to rent a scooter in Bali , I recommend you book transfer to Ubud from the airport, to get used to the peculiar way the Balinese drive.

The first essential visit to do in Ubud is the Traditional Art Market, which is at Jl. Raya Ubud Street. Here, you can find crafts and pieces of traditional art, as well as a multitude of souvenirs and local food.

best places to visit in bali in 10 day art market

Day 1: Trip to Bali – Ubud: Traditional Art Market

Just opposite, you’ll find the  Puri Saren Agung , better known as Ubud Palace. The royal family still lives in this palace, so only part of it can be visited, specifically, a central courtyard with beautiful Balinese decoration where traditional dances are held at night.

Puri Saren Agung, ubud palace best things to do in bali in 10 days

Puri Saren Agung

Going down the street, you’ll find a temple in honor of the goddess of knowledge and wisdom, the  Pure Taman Saraswati.  There is no entrance fee so you should visit it! It stands out for its two ponds full of lotus flowers.

Another of the temples that we found on the same street is the  Pura Dalem Ubud , where I attended a Kecak Fire and Trance show on the first night of my trip.

At the corner of the Art Market is Jl. Monkey Forest Street, which leads to the Monkey Forest . This is, without a doubt, a place you won’t want to miss during your 10-day Bali itinerary.

things to do in bali in 10 days monkey forest

Sacred Monkey Forest

In this forest are many macaques that make all kinds of mischief to get you to feed them. Be careful! Although I had no problem with them, they often steal what they can from tourists to return it in exchange for food.

Ascen had bad luck, since two monkeys bit her, so she had to use her travel insurance to Bali.

Recommended tours

Even if you plan to rent a motorcycle, don’t use it for your first trip to Ubud. You should book the transfer to Ubud from the airport (45min approx) and give yourself some time to get familiarized with the quieter traffic of this village.

Recommended accommodations

There are lots of great hotels in Ubud, including some of the best villas in Bali. Here is a selection of the best hotels in Ubud:


Ulun ubud resort.

Ulun Ubud Resort , located in Sanggingan, 3 miles from the Ubud temple, is the perfect hotel for even the most demanding guests. The rooms have a modern Balinese style and your  pool in the middle of the Bali jungle  will make you never want to return from your vacation.

private pool in bali jungle

Ulun Ubud Resort


Adiwana Monkey Forest is located 1 mile from the Ubud market. This hotel has 21 suites, which mix the charm of the Monkey Forest with the indigenous culture of the area.  Wondering where to stay in Bali ? If you want greater immersion in Balinese culture, this is one of the best hotels thanks to its healthy and traditional gastronomic offerings.

beautiful hotel in bali with bath tub at the bedroom

Adiwana Monkey Forest


B saya villas.

B Saya Villas is a complex that has simple, traditional-style villas with wooden furniture. Since it’s located among rice fields, you’ll have fantastic sunset views from your terrace. In addition, every morning, they organize yoga sessions. For me, it’s one of the  best accommodations in Bali , with prices starting at $40 per night.

best cheaps accommodation to travel in a group to bali

B Saya Villas


Teja home stay.

Teja Home Stay is located near the Ubud art market. This family business is one of the  most popular hotels in Bali . It stands out for its garden surrounded by fountains, where you can see exotic birds. It offers rooms from $20 per night with continental breakfast included.

Teja Home one of the best places to stay in Bali

Teja Home Stay

Day 2: Mt. Batur sunrise tour. Essential if you visit Bali for 10 days.

The second day,I recommend you get up early to live out one of the best experiences you can have on your 10-day trip to Bali: watching the  sunrise over Mt. Batur.

The views from the top of the volcano are wonderful, and the best thing is that your guide will cook you some eggs and banana pancakes for breakfast with the volcano steam.

Mt. Batur is sacred to the Balinese, so it’s essential to book a tour with a local guide. Also, if you want to arrive at dawn, you’ll have to leave Ubud at 2:30 in the morning, so I don’t recommend riding a scooter.

bali 10 day itinerary mt batur

Day 2: Trip to Bali – Batur Volcano Sunrise

Depending on the tour you choose, after the hike, you can go bathe in some hot springs, visit a waterfall, or even go rafting.

When we headed back to Ubud, we stopped to visit  Penglipuran , a small traditional village with a beautiful bamboo forest. We also visited the  Pura Kehen  temple and cooled off under the  Tukad Cepung  waterfall.

If you arrive in Ubud with enough energy, you can walk to  Campuhan Ridge Walk.  Here, you’ll find beautiful rice fields and gigantic palm trees, making it one of the best things to do in Bali at sunset.

campuhan ridge walk what to do in bali in 10 days itinerary

Campuhan Ridge Walk

It’s essential to book a guide to climb the Batur Volcano. We did this tour and paid an extra tip to our guide to stop in Penglipuran on the way to Ubud.

Other tours you can take are:

  • Batur + Hot Springs
  • Batur + Waterfall
  • Batur + Rafting

On your second night, you can stay in the same hotel as the night before or treat yourself to one of the hotels in the middle of the jungle that you will find in Bali. My favorite one is the Hanging Garden of Bali , although if it’s out of your budget, I recommend you take a look at Pertiwi Bisma 1 , located next to the Monkey Forest .

Our true motorcycle adventure began at this part of the 10-day Bali itinerary. We left all our luggage in our hotel and took only backpacks.

First, I recommend you visit the temple of  Pura Besakih , which is 40 km from Ubud. This temple is known as the Mother Temple, since it’s composed of 22 independent temples. It would take you all day to visit it, so I recommend you go directly to Gunung Agung, where there is a 7-level temple that represents the Hindu universe.

Pura Besakih: mother temple essential place to visit in bali in 10 days

Day 3: Trip to Bali – Pura Besakih Temple

Then, I recommend visiting  Tirta Gangga , a royal palace that stands out for its tropical gardens, its fountains, and ponds. Specifically, there is a pond full of carp in which, thanks to small platforms, you can walk on water.

Continue to the  Pura Lempuyang  temple, where you can visit one of the most popular postcard-worthy photos of recent days, the  Gates of Heaven.  If you travel in the high season of Bali, it’s very likely that you’ll have to queue for hours to take the typical photo where you can see Mt. Agung, the highest volcano on the island, in the middle of the door. In my opinion, I don’t think it’s worth waiting for hours for that photo.

pura lempuyang. 10 day bali itinerary

Pura Lempuyang

To end the day, I recommend visiting  Amed beach  and watching the sunset with Mt. Agung in the background.

If you haven’t rented a motorcycle, I recommend this tour and that you return to Ubud that same night.

However, if you did that, you wouldn’t visit Amed beach and some other things that we recommend visiting the next day in the morning. If you don’t want to miss them, you can hire a car with driver (10 hours) to make this personalized route.

The best hotels in Northwest Bali are found in Tulamben . These are the four that I recommend, depending on your budget:


This accommodation has small villas with sea views. The location of Relax Bali Dive & SPA Residence is perfect for activities such as hiking, canoeing, snorkeling, and diving.

Luxury accommodation in Bali best areas

Relax Bali Dive & SPA Residence


Located in the small fishing village of Kubu, this 15-bungalow boutique resort has a huge garden with views of Mount Agung and the ocean. Kubu Indah Dive & Spa Resort is run by Marco and Gaby, who are also PADI dive instructors with many years of experience.

Pool in the middle of the jungle in Bali accommodations

Kubu Indah Dive & Spa Resort


Located in the town of Rubaya, this hotel is on the beachfront. Its facilities have views of the ocean, its tropical garden, and the Agung and Batur mountains. Villa Alba Bali Dive Resort has two swimming pools, a spa, a wellness area, Chinese, Indonesian and American restaurants, a bar, and a gym. Additionally, it offers diving tours to the Liberty sunken ship or to Nusa Penida, where you can dive with stingrays.

Villa Alba Bali Dive Resort where to stay in cheap Bali

Villa Alba Bali Dive Resort


This hotel has a design inspired by the traditions of East Bali, and its privileged location will allow you to enjoy being on the beachfront and having a view of Mount Agung at the same time. At Bali Umah Tinjung , they organize visits to the Besakih temple and to Munduk, and adventure activities such as diving, fishing, snorkeling, and hiking, among others.

It is one of the best luxury resorts for honeymoon in Bali

Bali Umah Tinjung

Day 4: Tegalalang and surroundings of Ubud. Visits to do in Bali in 10 days.

I recommend you get up early to head back to Ubud and stop at one of the most beautiful places to visit in Bali , the Bukit Cinta . From here, you’ll have amazing views of Mt. Agung over extensive rice fields.

You can also make a stop at the  Pura Goa Lawah  temple, where you’ll see thousand of bats sleeping on the ceiling.

On the way back to Ubud, you can stop in an area where there are several waterfalls. The most popular are  Wisata Air Terjun Kanto Lampo  and  Tibumana . Although they are not something essential to visit in Bali in 10 days, I really recommend them.

best waterfall to visit in bali

Day 4: Trip to Bali – Waterfalls

Then, continue north to visit two temples of Bali that you cannot miss: Tirta Empul , popular among the Balinese for its sacred waters, and Pura Gunung Kaw i, where the souls of the kings are buried symbolically.

Nearby, you can find the rice fields of Tegalalang, the most popular rice paddies in Bali.

best rice paddies you can visit in bali in 10 days

Finally, and only 10 minutes from the center of Ubud, the Elephant Cave, Goa Gajah , is another essential point to visit on your 10-day route through Bali.

If you leave from Ubud, you can book this private tour,  and tell the driver to skip the Monkey Forest visit and add the Pura Gunung Kawi temple.

On that private tour, you’ll visit a large part of the aforementioned attractions, but it doesn’t include the area where you can visit the waterfalls. Therefore, if you also want to visit them, you’ll need to book a customized tour.

This is the last night I recommend you spend in Ubud, so, if you can, stay in one of the amazing villas you’ll find here. Additionally, there are many that are located northwest of Ubud, where you’ll head the next morning. My favorites are:

  • Senetan Villas & Spa Resort
  • Hanging Gardens Of Bali
  • Samsara Ubud
  • Ayuterra Resort
  • Four Seasons Resort Bali At Sayan

Bedugul  is an area that you have to visit in Bali in 10 days. I am convinced that it will surprise you. In this mountainous area, which stands out for its volcanoes and craters that have turned into lakes, there’s a totally different culture. You just breathe peace and nature in its purest form.

On the way, you can’t miss the  Nungnung  waterfalls, although I warn you that they won’t be the most beautiful you’ll see on this day. The  Sekumpul , the  Gitgit,  and, especially, the  Banyumala Twin are my favorite ones.

Then, be amazed by the three main lakes in this area ( Tamblingan, Buyan,  and  Bratan ). I suggest you start with Buyan, where you can visit the  Hidden Hills Wanagiri , a place straight out of a fairy tale.

Then, if you’re traveling during the monsoon in Bali , it’s recommended that you go see Lake Tamblingan and, particularly, the  Tamblingan temple . During the rainy season, the lake’s water level rises and the only way to get there is by boat.

tamblingan temple bali 10 day trip itinerary idea

Day 5: Trip to Bali – Tamblingan Temple

To end the day, you can’t miss the jewel of Bedugul, the  Pura Ulun Danu Bratan  temple, on Lake Bratan. On the way, you can also see the  Handara Gate , the door of a golf course that has become very popular. It’s beautiful, but if you don’t have too much time, don’t worry. It’s not a must.

Pura Ulun Danu on Batran lake in bali

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

If you don’t want to risk taking a motorcycle through this mountainous area, I advise you to book a customized tour . Most tours simply visit Ulun Danu Bratan, but they don’t go to the northern part of Bedugul.

Regarding areas to stay, if you go without a scooter, it’s best to return to Ubud, although if you have the opportunity to stay in  Bedugul,  do it! There is no place like this on the whole island. These are the best accommodations we found in this area:


Only a 15-minute walk from the Munduk waterfall, this boutique hotel offers luxury villas and suites from which you can observe a unique setting. In this resort in the middle of the jungle in Bali, you can even have breakfast in the infinity pool. In addition, Munduk Moding Plantation Nature Resort offers coffee made from beans grown in the fields around the hotel. Rooms start at $140 per night.

hotel on the midle of the jungle in bali

Munduk Moding Plantation Nature Resort


This four-star resort offers spacious villas that overlook and blend into the rice fields. In the surroundings of the resort, you can do activities such as golf or hiking. In addition, Saranam has a fitness center, spa, jacuzzi, an incredible pool, and massage service.

Recommendations on where to sleep in Bali aerial view


This hotel is at the top of a mountain and has splendid views of the lakes and the jungle, especially from its rooftop. The Garuda Villa has a restaurant where local, Asian, and American dishes are offered.

Accommodations in Bali offers The Garuda Villa

The Garuda Villa


This small ecological boutique hotel located among the rice fields is the best option if you want to stay in a rural environment. Village Above The Clouds offers free yoga classes every morning. In addition, it offers motorcycle rental service for a very low price.

Hotels in Bali that are worth paying Village Above The Clouds quieter areas to stay in Bali

Village Above The Clouds

Day 6: Jatiluwih, Pasut beach, Tanah Lot, and Seminyak.

The rice fields of  Jatiluwih  are another essential  place to visit in Bali in 10 days , as they are considered a World Heritage site by UNESCO . Its terraces are really unique.

After visiting, on your way south, stop at the  Taman Ayun Temple , which can only be enjoyed through a wall that surrounds it. Moreover, the temple is surrounded by a moat and lush vegetation, which is why it is known as the Temple of the Beautiful Garden.

best temples to visit in bali in 10 days trip itinerary Pura Taman Ayun

Day 6: Trip to Bali – Taman Ayun Temple

In the afternoon, you can visit  Pasut Beach,  a black sand beach surrounded by palm trees. Here, you can find an inclined palm tree of which you’ll have seen thousands of photographs.

This beach is one of the best to watch the sunset, although if you’re only spending 10 days in Bali, I recommend going to  Tanah Lot,  the most popular place to watch the sunset on the whole island. In this temple, located on an islet only accessible by low tide, I saw one of the best sunsets of my life.

Tanah Lot bali 10-day itinerary ideas

To end the day, I recommend you enjoy the nightlife of  Canggu  or  Seminyak . In Canggu, the atmosphere is more surfer and hipster, while in Seminyak, you can find nice bars with good music. In addition, it’s the best place to stay if you want to catch the ferry, which I recommend you take the next day.

If you don’t have a scooter, I recommend combining part of the previous day and this day with this tour , where you’ll visit the main attractions (Ulun Danu Bratan, Jatiluwih and Tanah Lot).

If you want to dedicate a full day to Bedugul and another full day to the coast area, then the best option is to booka customized tour.

Depending on where you decide to end the day, you can stay in  Canggu  or  Seminyak . In Seminyak, you’ll also be in one of the best places to be picked up the next day, since I recommend you visit the Nusa Islands to continue with your 10-day Bali trip.

If you’ve decided to sleep in  Canggu , these would be the best accommodations according to your budget.

Theanna Eco Villa and Spa, Canggu

Designed with a mix of Balinese, Japanese, and Scandinavian styles, Theanna Eco Villa is located near the beach. Here, you can not only enjoy the advantages of a villa with butler service and private pool, but you can also benefit from the resort’s services, such as a spa and infinity pool.

Best bali accommodation with private pool

Theanna Eco Villa


Kelapa is a small boutique hotel offering spacious villas with open spaces in a traditional Javanese rustic style. It’s ideal for nature lovers who want to escape the hustle and bustle but be close to the beach since it’s only 9 minutes away. In addition to having a Balinese massage area, it offers free daily yoga sessions.

Infinity pool in Bali accommodations

Kelapa Villa


Aston Canggu Beach Resort is a four-star hotel located on the beachfront, with spectacular panoramic views of the sea. The rooms have balconies from which you can listen to the singing of birds in the morning, and from the rooftop pool, you can enjoy incredible sunsets. You can sleep in one of  Bali’s finest accommodations  from $70 a night.

5 star beach resort in Bali

Aston Canggu Beach Resort


Eastin Ashta Resort is located a six-minute walk from Echo Beach. This three-star resort stands out for its colorful personality. The reception and colorful stairs will grab your attention immediately. In addition, it serves an excellent breakfast and its rooms are surprisingly spacious.

best places to sleep in bali for couples

Eastin Ashta Resort

In case you decide to stay in Seminyak , I recommend these hotels:


IZE Seminyak is a modern design hotel that creates a cool urban refuge. This hotel stands out for the roof terrace with pool and bar, and its spa and wellness services. Just 15 minutes from the beach, it has restaurants with Oriental and European fusion food.

It is one of the most romantic hotels in Bali

IZE Seminyak


Lloyd’s Inn is one of  my favorite places to stay in Bali.  This modern hotel has something of interest for everyone. Its contemporary style combines monochromatic decoration with pieces of wood. The showers are an open concept design, so you can enjoy the outdoors from the privacy of your room. In addition, it is less than a 10-minute walk from the beach and close to the best restaurants and shops in the area.

outdoor bathtub in Bali hotel

Lloyd’s Inn


Dash Hotel Seminyak is, without a doubt, one of the hotels with the most personality and the most Seminyak atmosphere. In this hotel, the custom-made iron furniture is fused with paintings and accented by colorful sculptures and retro, industrial-style lighting. It has a spa, gym, and an amazing roof terrace. If you’re looking for  accommodation in Bali that ’ s  different from everything else, you should check this place out.

It is one of the best hotels for honeymoons in Bali

Dash Hotel Seminyak


Summerhome Seminyak is an eleven-room boutique hotel in a colonial beach style and decorated with white and light colors to create a sense of tranquility. If you want to rest during your trip, this is a very  good accommodation option in Bali.

All inclusive hotels in Bali in which area to stay

Summerhome Seminyak

Day 7: Nusa Lembongan. Diving among stingrays

Visiting one of the nearby islands is an essential thing to do in Bali in 10 days. The  Nusa Islands  are very close, and there, you can find heavenly beaches and dreamy seabeds.

best travel itinerary ideas for bali in 10 days nusa lembongan

Day 7: Trip to Bali – Nusa Lembongan

This archipelago consists of three islands ( Nusa Lembongan , Nusa Ceningan, and Nusa Penida ). If you want to go on your own, it’s best to take this ferry to Lembongan. In my case, I took this tour to the Nusa Islands because it included all the activities I wanted to do in the shortest possible time.

First, we went by boat to dive to different areas of Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Penida, where we were lucky enough to see  manta rays and sea turtles.  In the afternoon, we toured the  Mangroves  north of Lembongan and visited  Panorama Point,  the Devil’s Tear cliff and the Dream Beach.

You can book the ferry to Lembongan to go on your own, or book this tour with all activities included.

If you’re doing a 10-day itinerary to Bali and you’re not spending more than one night in the Nusa Islands, booking the tour is the best option. The only downside of the tour is that lunch was quite simple. However, I think the price of the tour is quite good for all the activities it includes.

If you want to stay in the Nusa Islands, I recommend one of these accommodations:

  • The Akah Cottage (we stayed here and it was great)
  • Royal Retreat Villa’s Lembongan
  • Harta Lembongan Villas
  • Song Lambung Beach Huts

Day 8: Nusa Penida. The most beautiful beaches in Bali

The next day, they took us by ferry to  Nusa Penida . There, we visited the jewel of the island,  Kelingking Beach,  possibly one of the best beaches to visit in Bali in 10 days. In addition, we saw other beaches, such as  Pasih Uug  and the natural pool of  Angel’s Billabong.

Nusa Penida - best places in bali in 10 day trip

Day 8: Trip to Bali – Nusa Penida

In my case, this day seemed somewhat short, since I left without seeing the Thousand Islands Viewpoint and Atuh Beach area, of which I had seen amazing photographs. However, I know that on a 10-day trip through Bali, I didn’t have time for much more.

We were more or less back on the main island of Bali at 7 p.m. That night we stayed in Sanur.

If you simply want to visit Nusa Penida from Bali on your own, you can take this ferry.

However,  the tour to the Nusa Islands that I booked during my trip was well worth it.

Once back in Bali, the tour guide can leave you at different places on the south part of the island. We asked them to leave us at Sudamala Suites & Villas , our hotel in Sanur. Depending on your budget, I recommend the following accommodation:


This small hotel is a family business that stands out for its exteriors. Its gardens contain antiques. At  Tandjung Sari Hotel , events are held where local groups perform traditional dances. In addition, its restaurant offers dishes with a rustic and traditional Indonesian style.

Cheap hotels in Bali Tandjung Sari

Tandjung Sari Hotel


Maya Sanur Resort & Spa is a five-star ecological boutique resort with something for everyone. Its modern design is mixed with elements of Balinese tradition, and vegetation forms a key element of the hotel. It offers yoga lessons every morning, wellness services, and an infinity pool.

Resort in the middle of the jungle in Bali pool with sea views

Maya Sanur Resort & Spa


The art, craftsmanship, and traditional values ​​of Bali are the central elements in the design of this hotel. Sudamala Suites & Villas seeks to foster an authentic link between the traveler and the traditions of Bali through cultural connections, culinary explorations, and tranquil rest in a unique enclave.

hotels on a budget in Bali best options

Sudamala Suites & Villas


Santhi & Tresna Boutique Eco-House is a spacious villa with a six-person capacity and a minimalist design that is located only 500 feet from the beach of Mertasari and less than 3 miles from the island of the turtles.

Best cities or towns to stay in Bali Ubud

Santhi & Tresna Boutique Eco-House

Day 9: Uluwatu. A place you cannot miss on your Bali itinerary for 10 days.

Visiting Uluwatu is an essential thing to do in Bali in 10 days. This area is located on the Bukit Badung peninsula, the piece that protrudes from Bali in the south.

There, you’ll fine incredible cliffs overlooking the Indian Ocean that have space for small hidden coves. My favorites are the beaches of  Green Bowl  and  Melasti.

Within the peninsula, you can visit the curiously abandoned plane,  Boeing 737-200 PK RII  that not even the locals know how it appeared there. In addition, not far away is the  Garuda Wisnu Kencana , a park designed in honor of the Hindu god Vishnu that has impressive statues that are up to 120 meters tall.

Late in the day, you can visit the  Karang Boma Cliff  and very close to it, the  Uluwatu Temple,  one of the best places to watch the sunset on the island. Morevoer, at the Uluwatu Temple, Kecak Fire and Trance dance exhibitions are held at night, an experience that I recommend doing at least once.

uluwatu trip to bali in 10 days

Day 9: Trip to Bali – Pura Uluwatu Temple

The best way to do this route is by having your own scooter or at least booking a customized tour.

Another option is to enjoy some beaches in the morning and in the afternoon book this tour to visit the Uluwatu temple and go to the Kecak dance exhibition. They will also take you to Jimbaran for dinner.

For this night, I recommend staying in the Jimbaran area. The next day, you can visit some of the most spectacular beaches in this bay, ending the 10-day trip through Bali. These are the best accommodations:


RIMBA Jimbaran BALI by AYANA is a spectacular five-star hotel that has a huge garden, twelve swimming pools, two spas, three restaurants, and private beach access. Furthermore, at its facilities, you can find all kinds of activities for the whole family, from Balinese painting, yoga, or cooking classes to bicycle tours or beach picnics.

Bali luxury hotel offer RIMBA Jimbaran Bali by Anaya most popular area to stay in Bali



Just 1,200 feet from the beach, Jimbaran Bay Villas offers villas with a simple style and a pool with a waterfall. Jimbaran Bay Villas is located in the best area of ​​Jimbaran, close to many restaurants where you can eat grilled fish or seafood.

best areas to stay in bali jimbaran

Jimbaran Bay Villas


Keraton Jimbaran Resort is located on the seafront and next to Jimbaran’s famous seafood market. This traditional Balinese hotel is surrounded by tropical gardens. It has a spa, two restaurants, two bars, and direct access to the beach.

keraton jimbaran most romantic hotels in Bali

Keraton Jimbaran Resort


Just five minutes from the beach, FOX HARRIS is defined by elements of art, culture, and contemporary style. In addition, it offers exclusive spa and wellness treatments.

Good, nice and cheap hotels to stay in Bali

Day 10: Jimbaran Bay. End of the 10-day trip through Bali.

Last day in Bali before heading back. I recommend you take the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful beaches you’ll find in  Jimbaran Bay.

You can start with  Jimbaran Beach,  although for me, it’s not the most spectacular in the area. If you go south, you’ll pass by  Pantai Tegal Wangi,  which has a hidden cave.

Continue driving along the coastline, and you’ll arrive at  Tebing Pantai Balangan , where there aresome amazing blue water beaches under a cliff.

things to do in Bali in 10 days jimbaran itinerary

Day 10: Trip to Bali – Jimbaran beaches

Padang Padang Beach is another essential beach in the area, as it was popularized by the movie “Eat Pray Love”.

And finally, you can visit Suluban Beach, a small hidden beach with deep blue waters.

To end the day, go have fresh seafood at any of the warungs found in Jimbaran. Can you think of a better way to end your trip to Bali in 10 days?

As on the previous day, the best way to do this route is to have your own scooter or at least a private driver.

On your last night in Bali, I recommend staying in Kuta or Legian to be near the airport. These are the accommodations that we recommend:


This boutique hotel mixes tradition with luxury and nature. From the tropical garden of The Sandi Phala you can enjoy incredible sunsets overlooking the white sand beach located at the foot of the hotel. Since it’s only 15 minutes by car from the airport, this hotel is ideal for those who want to say goodbye to Bali in style.

Cheap hostels in Bali for backpackers The Sandi Phala

The Sandi Phala


This resort has a spectacular pool from which you can admire its vertical garden. The Stones has a spa specializing in therapies from Southeast Asia and an Indonesian restaurant. It’s undoubtedly one of the best luxury hotels in Bali, with prices from $100 per night.

accommodation options the stones in bali from above


Located just a few feet from the beach, Sun Island Hotel & Spa Legian is  an oasis of tranquility on one of the most vibrant streets of Legian. It has two restaurants, which serve Oriental dishes in a contemporary style. In addition to having several swimming pools, they offer spa services and a weekly calendar with several activities, such as craft classes, towel doubling, cooking, or music sessions.

Hotel deals in Bali infinity pool

Sun Island Hotel & Spa Legian


This simple but colorful hostel where you won’t stop taking photos is 700 feet from the central square of Kuta. Cara Cara Inn , offers beds in both shared rooms and private rooms, so it’s one of the  best accommodation options in Bali  for solo travelers or groups of friends.

The cheapest bali hotels for backpackers and solo travelers. Kuta areas with ambiance to stay in Bali

Cara Cara Inn

Another 10-day trip to Bali idea

Hey traveler, what do you think of my 10-day trip to Bali? Pretty thorough, right?

If you want to visit the Gili Islands, don’t worry. Here’s a  10-day itinerary to Bali + Gili Islands.

Instead of taking the ferry to Lembongan or Penida, simply take a ferry to Gili Trawangan or Gili Air.

Trip to Bali + Gili Islands in 10 days

Trip to Bali + Gili Islands in 10 days

In our Gili Islands guide, I tell you which is the best island according to what you’re looking for.

If you want to book a tour to visit the Gili Islands instead of going on your own, I recommend this tour. In it, you’ll visit both Gili Trawangan and Gili Air, staying one night on each island. It also includes diving sessions to explore its seabed full of turtles.

best places to visit in bali 10 day itinerary gili trawangan sunset

Gili Trawangan

Keep in mind that the tour I recommend is two nights and three days, so you would have to cut your day in Uluwatu down a bit. However, you’ll be back before noon, so you can take advantage of the afternoon to visit the Uluwatu temple and its cliffs without a problem.

Before you go, here are the essentials for your trip to Bali:

Essentials to save on your trip to Bali

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Find the BEST DEALS for the top accommodation options in Bali .

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Check the best tours in Bali to make the most of your time HERE and HERE .

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tour di bali 10 giorni

Ascen Aynat

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14 replies on “ The Best 10-Day Bali Itinerary – Visiting the Main Attractions ”

' src=

Thank you for sharing your itinerary. I have one question, though, to go through this itinerary do we need to keep changing hotels/accommodations? or can we just book a place in say Ubud and do the visits around Bali? it’s my first time to Bali and I am a bit overwhelmed with planning the trip. Thanks for your time.

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Hi Sara, Ubud is a great place to stay in Bali . You’ll be close to lots of main attractions and conveniences, and many day trips in Bali depart from Ubud, so you can venture to other places. 🙂

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Hi. Is there a travel agent or agency that would help us coordinate a 8-9 day trip to Bali? There are 4 of us and the dates are around October 17-26. Would like to stay in 3 different places including one in rice fields like Camaya Butterfly Lodge. We are in our 60’s but active.

Hi Sheela, I suggest looking for a travel agent in your area. You can also check out our article on where to stay in Bali for some ideas on where to stay during your trip!

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I must say, your travelogue is truly wonderful. I am currently in the process of planning a 10-day trip to Bali, and I will be accompanied by my toddler. I was wondering if there are any specific aspects of your itinerary that I should steer clear of. Additionally, I am interested in allocating an extra day for Nusa Penida. Could you kindly suggest a day from your itinerary that I should avoid in order to make room for this extension?

Thank you in advance.

Hi Vinod, Thanks so much for reading! If you want to spend more time in Nusa Penida, consider shortening your day at Bedugul or Tegalalang (there terrain here is a bit unstable and there aren’t any handrails.) Also, Canggu and Seminyak are most popular for partying, so if you don’t mind, you can skip these nightlife venues.

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Hello I cant thank you enough. This is such a well written travelogue. I just want to know.. Is it ok to follow this trip with a child.. 4 years. What can or should i avoid. Thanks a ton

Hi Avijit, Thanks so much! You can do this Bali itinerary with a child. It’s up to you if you want to omit any attractions, or add different ones.

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Just loved the way you detailed the itinerary. We are travelling with family – 8+1 kid. Want to cover historic places, beaches and shopping in a 8N9D trip. Please recommend a good itinerary and if you know someone through whom we can book. Thanks in advance

Hi Sunil, Many thanks! This itinerary is for 10 days, so you can use it as a guide and remove any attractions that don’t interest you.

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This is AMAZING as it highlights all the places I want to check out, and some I didn’t even know about. I have a question for you, you mentioned on the third day that you left your luggage at the hotel in Ubud and just took backpacks. Did you intermittently go back to swap out clothes or anything? Or at what point did you go back to get your belongings before flying home? Did you have to keep a room in Ubud or did the hotel let you store your luggage while you were away? We’re interested in doing the motorcycle journey! Do you think one piece of luggage plus a backpack could work on a scooter? Thanks I’m advance!!

I also stayed in Ubud on day 4, so I carried with me only one clothing change. I didn’t keep a room in Ubud on day 3, I just asked the hotel to store the rest of my luggage. I think one backpack for the scooter is ok, but not sure about the piece of luggage. I recommend reading our guide on Bali by scooter.

I recommend you arrange a transfer to Ubud and rent there the scooter.

Let me know if you have any other questions, Ascen

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My name is Jennifer and I am wanderlust. I Just want you to know how much I appreciate you laying out your itinerary like this. I was trying to plan my own trip to Bali but it never quite worked out because I was trying to go everywhere with no real plan to make sure to hit up multiple places in one area (if that makes sense). Your 10 day map made this possible for me. I made an entire PowerPoint on it (minus just making a change on day 10 to visit the Omnia Dayclub because we’re already so south). I wish I could go now but with what’s going on right now… it’s not going to happen. Keep up the amazing photography skills. After Bali (or maybe before) I plan to go to Iceland to see the Northern Lights.

Thank you so much again!

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Thanks so much for your nice words Jennifer!

Hope this situation is over and you can take your trip to Bali!

Iceland is a magical place to see the Northern Lights, I highly recommend to do it as well!

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tour di bali 10 giorni

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5 Top Bali Itineraries for 10 Days 2024

With 10 days in Bali, you can leisurely explore the best of it whether you're looking for quality family time or a romantic escape.

Your Bali trip is incomplete without delving into the cultural heart of Ubud, relaxing on pristine beaches, and taking an island-hopping tour.

We've crafted five enticing itineraries for you, each tailored to specific interests. These itineraries are fully customizable to suit your preferences and the duration of your stay.

  • Itinerary #1: 10-Day Memorable Bali Tour for Couples
  • Itinerary #2: 10-Day Family Fun Trip to Bali
  • Itinerary #3: 10-Day Highlights of Bali and Java
  • Itinerary #4: 10-Day Exploration of Singapore and Bali
  • Itinerary #5: 10-Day Island Relaxation of Bali and Gili Islands

Costs for a 10-Day Trip to Bali

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Itinerary 1: 10-Day Memorable Bali Tour for Couples

This 10-day couple tour perfectly creates romantic moments from incredible beaches to exotic cultural interactions. You will have private intimate hours in stylish, adult-only hotels as well.

Brief itinerary:

  • 5 nights in Ubud (temples, rice terraces, and cultural experiences)
  • 4 nights in Seminyak for bustling nightlife or Uluwatu for a more serene vibe (beaches, water sports, and a day island hopping)

You can check more details below.

  • Day 1 Landing Bali and Check in Ubud

Upon arrival in Bali, you will head to Ubud, the cultural hub in Bali. Your private guide and driver will escort you to your jungle hotel with the infinity pool.

Day 2 Swing Heaven and Monkey Forest

This morning, experience thrilling adventures at Bali Swing , a theme park featuring rope swings and nests over the jungle. Navigate maze-like paths, soar through the sky on swings, and capture Instagram-perfect photos.

Next, encounter wild monkeys at the Monkey Forest Sanctuary and enjoy a scenic walk to Tegenungan Waterfall . For an extra refreshing touch, take a dip in the waterfall's invigorating waters.

Day 3 Kintamani Trekking and Barong Dance

If you're an outdoor enthusiast, you'll love today's hiking activities.

In the morning, drive to Kintamani Highland, hike to the top for an overlook of the volcanic Mt. Batur, and then take a break with a Balinese Barong Dance performance .

Then continue your journey to the centuries-old wonders of Elephant Cave . Cap off your day with the stunning Tegalalang Rice Terraces . Walk hand-in-hand amidst the emerald rice terraces and snap photos of the postcard-like scenery.

Day 4 White River Rafting and Royal Spa

Get ready for a wet and adventurous morning with Bali's most extensive white-water rafting escapade.

Then soak in a riverside flower footbath and unwind on a private full-body massage with your partner in the afternoon. You'll be treated with delectable sweets and teas.

Day 5 Visit Manggis Organic Farm and Cooking Class

Today, you will gain an insight into local life through a culinary tour. Drive to the Manggis Organic Farm, which is operated by the Manggis women's farmer group.

Pick up vegetables and herbs, cook your Balinese dishes, and taste your dishes together with your loved one.

Day 6 Transfer from Ubud to Seminyak

Enjoy a free morning in Ubud. You can create your handmade souvenirs together in the Ubud Market, admire masterpieces in celebrated art galleries, or cycle through the rice paddies.

In the late afternoon, transfer to Seminyak for the nightlife or fine dining at the beach clubs.

Day 7 Nusa Penida Adventure Cruise

In the morning, hop on a 45-minute cruise to the less-crowded Nusa Penida. You will explore the must-sees, including Kelingking Beach, Broken Beach, and Angel's Billabong .

Before returning to Bali, relax on the sandy beach with snacks and cold drinks, or snorkel to see the coral reef and fish.

Day 8 Private Sunset Cruise from Jimbaran to Uluwatu

Take it easy in the morning at your hotel and on the beach—it's your time to unwind. In the afternoon, get ready for a special treat: a 2-hour private sunset cruise from Jimbaran Bay to Uluwatu Temple.

Engage in a traditional Balinese blessing ceremony of releasing a floating Canang Sari (a colorfully laden bamboo-leaf offering).

Day 9 Seminyak Free Day

Go shopping for souvenirs, relax on the beach or poolside, or indulge in a spa treatment.

  • Day 10 Farewell to Bali

Head to Denpasar Airport for your journey back home or to embark on your next exciting adventure.

If you prefer a secluded beach vacation, Uluwatu is highly suggested for its breathtaking cliffside sea views and perfect surfing conditions. Contact us to personalize your itinerary with additional surprises and exclusive activities for your partner.

Itinerary 2: 10-Day Family Fun Trip to Bali

This itinerary is tailor-made for families to spend some quality parent-child bonding time in Bali.

Similar to Itinerary 1, your family will spend 5 nights exploring the best of Ubud and then enjoy 4 nights chilling on the beaches. But we've added more cool family-oriented activities. Read further for details:

  • Day 2 Ubud temple tour with Ubud Monkey Forest, Taman Ayun Temple and Tanah Lot Sunset
  • Day 3 Exploration of local life in Ubud: two-hour cycling adventure, organic farm visit, crafting plates, and a feast with a Balinese family
  • Day 4 Ubud adventure tour with Swing Heaven and canyon tubing
  • Day 5 Free days in Ubud
  • Day 6 Ubud to Nusa Dua: chocolate-making class in Ubud, Uluwatu Temple and sunset over Jimbaran Bay.
  • Day 7 An island hopping tour to Nusa Lembongan with water sports activities
  • Day 8 Nusa Dua: a water park tour to Waterbom Bali
  • Day 9 Nusa Dua Free Day

To enhance your family interactions in Ubud, take a family photo with a stunning sunset over the scenic offshore temple, Tanah Lot Temple . To get lost in the rural scenery, take a two-hour cycling tour through rice paddies, pick up vegetables from an organic farm and chat with local family alongside a Balinese feast . A chocolate-making class and plate-crafting experience would keep your kids more excited. For a thrilling feel, go for a canyon tubing .

When it's beach time in Nusa Dua, you're in for a treat with its family-friendly resorts . Hop on a cruise to Nusa Lembongan with rich water sports and release your kids' energy at a water theme park .

Itinerary 3: 10-Day Highlights of Bali and Java

If you would like to add a more cultural touch to your Bali tour, extend your trip to the nearby island, Java. It is renowned for offering some of the finest cultural experiences in Indonesia.

You can check the following brief itinerary: 3 nights in Yogyakarta, 3 nights in Ubud and 3 nights in Uluwatu.

  • Day 1 Arrival in Yogyakarta with a private airport transfer
  • Day 2 Yogyakarta City Tour with a visit to the Sultan's Palace and the Water Castle
  • Day 3 Borobudur Sunrise & Candirejo Village
  • Day 4 Fly from Yogyakarta to Bali, and transfer to Ubud.
  • Day 5 A half-day city art tour to the Museum of Modern Balinese Arts and Ubud Market, and a private spa with loyal high tea in the afternoon
  • Day 6 Ubud exploration with an adventurous ATV ride
  • Day 7 Morning Yoga experience in a jungle retreat, and then transfer from Ubud to Uluwatu.
  • Day 8 An island hopping tour to Nusa Lembongan with water sports activities
  • Day 9 Free time in Uluwatu
  • Day 10: Depart from Bali for your next destination

To explore Java, don't miss Yogyakarta , a city known for its traditional arts and cultural heritage. Beyond the Palaces and Castle, you will chase the sunrise at Borobudur , the world's largest Buddhist temple. Cycling around the village of Candirejo can get you close up to local life.

In Ubud , you'll immerse yourself in the art museums and galleries, relish yourself in a private spa & morning yoga , and traverse through the countryside on a quad bike adventure .

Wrap up your journey with tranquility in Uluwatu . Embark on a cruise to Nusa Lembongan , take a leisurely stroll through the Uluwatu Temple , and luxuriate in the infinity pool perched by the cliffside , offering unparalleled ocean views during the sunset.

Itinerary 4: 10-Day Exploration of Singapore and Bali

If you prefer exploring the vibrant cultures of Asia before your beach escape—add Singapore to your itinerary. It's a gateway to diverse experiences with excellent international flight options.

Check more details in the following itinerary: 2 nights in Singapore, 3 nights in Ubud, 1 night in Nusa Penida and 3 nights in Sanur.

  • Day 1 Arrival in Singapore
  • Day 2 A heritage tour to Chinatown, Kampong Glam and Little India, and a hawker food tour with wine.
  • Day 3 Fly to Bali, transfer to Ubud and refresh yourself in a private spa.
  • Day 4 Countryside exploration: two-hour cycling adventure, organic farm visit, crafting plates, and a feast with a Balinese family.
  • Day 5 Trip to Kintamani Highlands with Barong Dance performance, Elephant Cave and Tegalalang Rice Terraces.
  • Day 6: Free morning to explore the market or relaxation in your hotel, transfer to the iconic Tanah Lot for sunset views and check in Sanur.
  • Day 7 Take a 45-minute shared cruise to Nusa Penida, discover Mertasari Beach and Kelingking Beach, and stay overnight in Nusa Penida.
  • Day 8 Nusa Penida tour to Broken Beach and Crystal Bay, return to Sanur in the afternoon.
  • Day 9 Free day for self-exploration
  • Day 10: Departure from Bali

Begin your trip from Singapore , appreciate the futuristic skylines and soak in colorful cultures, particularly the hawker culture during a foodie adventure.

Next, embark on your Bali journey. You will have a classic tour in Ubud with temples, outdoor adventures to rice terraces & volcanic mountains, and interactions with locals in the countryside. Uncover hidden gems in Nusa Penida with an overnight stay for a truly immersive experience.

Insider tips: Plan to stay overnight near the port as ferry boats to Nusa Penida depart before 9 am, ensuring a more comfortable and relaxed start.

Itinerary 5: 10-Day Island Relaxation of Bali and Gili Islands

If you're seeking some off-the-beaten experience, look no further than this tour. Beyond the iconic experiences in Bali, it introduces you to the isolated island life of Gili Air , inviting you to indulge in water activities amidst the turquoise waters.

Here is an outlined itinerary for your inspiration: 4 nights in Ubud, 3 nights in Gili Air and 2 nights in Uluwatu.

  • Day 1 Arrival in Bali, transfer to Ubud
  • Day 2 Ubud Volkswagen safari tour to Gunung Kawi Sebatu, Tegalalang Rice Terrace and the village of Tohpati
  • Day 3 White water rafting tour and Swing Heaven
  • Day 4 Free day in Ubud (yoga, cooking class or market visit)
  • Day 5 Transfer to Sanur and take a ferry to the Gili Air
  • Day 6: Snorkeling trip around the Gili Islands
  • Day 7 Free Day on Gili Air
  • Day 8 Ferry to Bali, and explore Uluwatu
  • Day 9 Surfing class, Uluwatu Temple and a sunset cruise with dinner on Jimbaran Bay
  • Day 10: Leave from Bali and fly to your next destination.

Kick off your journey in Ubud with top highlights including a special Volkswagen safari tour to temples, rice terraces and the local village.

Following that, take an hour ferry boat to the car-free Gili Air. Take a snorkeling tour around the Gili Islands. You can see the bright coral reefs in Gili Air and snorkel with turtles in Gili Trawangan. During your leisure day, bike along the coastline for uninterrupted views and unwind with a cold drink at a beach bar.

The final part of your trip would be Ulwatu . You will go for an exciting surfing class, discover Uluwatu Temple and chase the best sunset on a cruise trip in Jimbaran.

Bali caters to various budgets, ranging from economical to luxury. If you're looking for worry-free travel with your partner or family, you can expect to pay a daily cost from 250 per person on a private basis, offering 30–50% off for kids under 10.

Travel with us , and you'll enjoy our customized activities just for you , stay at quality hotels at the best agent rate and explore Bali with our highly-rated guides and drivers .

Here are our two best-selling tours for your reference.

  • 10-Day Memorable Bali Honeymoon Tour : from US$2,999 per person
  • 10-Day Family Fun Trip to Bali : from US$3,299 per person

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  • 7-Day Private Bali Natural & Cultural Immersion
  • 10-Day Family Fun Trip to Bali
  • 12-Day Thailand, Singapore, and Bali Tour
  • 20-Day Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and Bali Tour
  • How to Plan a Trip to Bali
  • How to Plan a 1–2-Week Itinerary to Bali
  • How to Plan a Trip to Singapore and Bali 2024/2025
  • How to Plan a Trip to Thailand, Singapore and Bali 2024
  • Bali Weather in January: Temperature and Best Places to Go
  • Bali Weather February: Best Places to Visit
  • Bali Weather in March: Best Places to Visit and Travel Tips
  • Bali Weather in April 2024: Best Places to Go & Travel Tips
  • Bali Weather in May 2024
  • Bali Weather in June 2024: Best Places to Go & Travel Tips
  • Bali Weather in July 2024: Best Places to Go & Travel Tips
  • Bali Weather in August 2024: Best Places to Go & Travel Tips
  • Bali Weather in September 2024: Temperature and Best Places to Go
  • Bali Weather in October 2024
  • Bali Weather in November 2024: Temperature and Best Places to Go
  • Bali Weather in December 2024: Best Places to Go & Travel Tips

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Bali Experience - 10 Day Trip

Explore 3 regions incredible regions in 10 days.

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The best way to explore Bali!

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Is this trip going to blow your socks off? You better Bali-eve it. We’d start by asking you whether you’re ready for a mindblowing 10-day tour where we'll explore three awesome destinations across Bali and the Gili Islands, but that’d be a stupid question. Of course, you are. This is the perfect intro to a gap year, or if you are looking to find your feet in Indonesia this is the tour for you! Imagine landing in Canggu for 10 incredible days of stunning temples, flowing waterfalls, and insane beaches too! Your guide will show you the highlights of Canggu, Ubud and Gili T and of course being locals they'll introduce you to the hidden gems too!

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Here at Tru our 'People and Planet Promise' is crucial to designing and running every tour. We also want to be transparent about what we are doing to give back to the local communities and the planet too! Check out the measurements of sustainability below to find out more about how we are giving back.

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What's Included

  • Airport Pickup
  • Travel Ninja
  • Accommodation
  • tru Exclusives

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Girl on Bali swing surrounded with jungles and rices terraces

Bali Experience 10 Days

Canggu - gili trawangan.

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Bucket List

Girl on Bali swing surrounded with jungles and rices terraces

airport pick up

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The time has come for your trip of a lifetime to begin! Pack your bags, get a pint (what do you mean it’s only 8 am?), hop on a plane and we’ll meet you at Denpasar airport, before taking you to meet the rest of your TruFam at our hotel in Canggu. Your welcome talk with our Travel Ninjas will become a highlight in itself as you’ll be meeting your coolest friends for life and hearing all about the insane stuff to come over the next 10 days. Then spend the rest of the day relaxing by the pool, popping to the beach or exploring Canggu, before a rooftop dinner and drinks to get acquainted with your new TruFam as your Balian adventure begins. We'll start off with a traditional Indonesian to wet your appetite for all things Nasi Goreng and Sambal! Then we'll kick off with a great night out - for those of us that aren't suffering from jet lag of course...The bars in Canggu are located right next to the beach so get ready for a dreamy night by the sea, soaking in all the vibes - start as we mean to go on right?

temple visits

A group at the temple Taman Ayun in Bali Indonesia

So, what better introduction to Bali's rich culture than heading to two of it’s most famous temples. First we'll make our way to the Royal Temple of Taman Ayun, which translates as ‘beautiful garden’. D’you know why? Well, yeah, obviously it’s a beautiful garden; a garden filled with fantastic architecture, fish-filled ponds, and lush greenery. We'll then head over to Tanah Lot, set on a rock formation in the sea, which, let us tell you now, is a (Tanah) Lot of fun to explore! Exploring the temples is a perfect way to spend our first day in Canggu, the culture in Bali is such an amazing part of Indonesia and we can't wait to explore with you. In the evening we'll take in the spectacular sunset on one of the area’s most picturesque beaches, before a big night out in Canggu, a place where, if you’re looking to party, you’ll thank us. Bring on the joss shots!

Large group  wearing blue wet suits with blue surf boards on sandy beach with sea in the background

Surf’s up, dudes. Grab your board, hit the beach and let’s catch some bitchin’ waves (surf slang for amazing). That’s right, it’s time for your very own surf lesson on Kuta Beach, one of the best places to surf in Asia. Our excellent local Kuta instructors will teach you the basics and show you how to make some cool moves in the waves. When we say cool we mean we’ll be well impressed if you can stand up for longer than 5 seconds, but you never know. Maybe you’ll be a natural. For those of you that are more experienced you're free to jump into the waves and practise some more, just promise not to show off! After a day on the water, we’ll head back to chill out at the rooftop pool or have a stroll on the beach, your guide will have so many ideas for your afternoon! Then we'll watch the sunset, cocktail in hand, recounting the day’s surfing stories, like when you did that 360 when no one was looking. Course you did.

ubud waterfalls

A group shot by Tegenungan waterfall in Indonesia

Right, pack your bags. We’re off to the bohemian jungle town of Ubud. Ubud doesn’t need much of an introduction; it's full of famed terraced rice paddies, temples, shrines and, of course, monkeys. Before we get there though, we’ll stop to cool off in the most famous waterfall you’ve never (if you have, 5 points to Gryffindor) heard of, the beautiful Tegenungan waterfall. Optional activities, including taking one of those ridiculous pics of you emerging from the water, flicking your hair back for Insta. Once we’ve checked into the hotel, you'll have a bit of time to look around the town, take in the sites, chat to the lovely locals and have a nibble on some Ubud delicacies. After we've freshened up, we'll head out to one of Bali’s coolest live music destinations, play some pool and get your guide to show you the coconut ice cream parlour in Ubud - it's not one to miss!

cooking class & monkey forest

tour di bali 10 giorni

Gordon Ramsay? Jamie Oliver? Heston Blumen-whatshisface? Yeah, they ain’t got sh*t on you after today, a traditional Indonesian cooking lesson is on the horizon. We’ll start the day by having a bit of brekkie, before heading down to the markets to have a peek at the freshest ingredients Bali has to offer. Then we’ll join the amazing Wayan and his fam (part of our TruFam) to learn how to rustle up some of Bali’s most famous cuisine, as well as Canang Sari, the flower offerings made for the God. And the best part? You’ll get to tuck into the delicious dishes you’ve just made. Then, with our bellies popping with scrummy Balinesian grub, we’ll head and meet some of Ubud’s cheekiest locals at the sacred monkey forest, where it is believed the hundreds of monkeys that live there protect the ancient temples inside. That protection also means they’ll nick whatever you have to hand so that Micheal Kors bag? Yeah, we’d advise not bringing that. The Balinese long-tailed monkeys are big fans of designer brands, smartphones, Raybans and AirPods. After a day with these literal cheeky monkeys, it’s time to head back for dinner with your TruFam where you can eat, drink, monkey around and count up all the unforgettable memories you’ve made so far. Might be a late one.

rice terraces & volcano viewpoint

A girl sat admiring the luscious green rice terraces in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

Did you know half the world’s population’s daily diet is 20% rice? No? Well, now, you do. Get ready for one of the most exciting (and famous) things to do in Bali - wandering through the impossibly beautiful and scenic rice terraces of Tegalalang. Trek through Ubud valleys, snap an Insta-worthy pic on one of the many swings (please keep your arms inside the vehicle), and take a swig from a fresh coconut, all the while learning the importance of those little grains in the Balinese, and world economy. This afternoon we'll visit Kintamani for a spot of lunch overlooking the active volcano Mt. Batur. It is mesmerising and the perfect photo opportunity - this day has to make it on the feed! We’ll then head back to either top up your tan by the pool, pick up some souvenirs at the colourful and vibrant local market, or have a pilau fight with your Tru buds (see what we did there).

head to the gili islands

tour di bali 10 giorni

Right. We’ve done the temples. Done the rice paddies. It’s about time we hit up Bali’s famous beaches, don’t you think? Grab your snacks because today we’re jumping on a bus, before riding a ferry over to the stunning Gili Trawangan, an island that might be small in size, but that’s big in ‘Holy sh*t, this is amazing'. First, we’ll check in to our tropical accommodation in the heart of the island, where we’ll spend our final few days, before spending the afternoon having a beer, chilling by the pool, or exploring the many idyllic beaches that are only a stroll away. It is one of the most stunning places in Indonesia and the perfect place to end our trips. Kick back, put your feet up, and paddle in the crystal waters of the Gili Islands before gorging on the mouth-watering food on offer for dinner. Then get your glad rags on (shorts and a semi-clean tee’ll do) as we head out to drink responsibly in the incredible bars this tiny (but mighty) island has to offer. Did we say responsibly? Yeah, course. If you want to. This can be as loose or as civilised as you guys want, this is your Tru party after all.

island hopping adventure

A girl swimming with a turtle in the clear blue sea while snorkelling in Gili Trawangan, Bali, Indonesia

They call it ‘island hopping’. We call it getting in a boat, racing along the sapphire waters, feeling the sea breeze in your hair, clearing the hangover in a matter of minutes, and visiting the most stunning places Bali has to offer. We’ll hop around two islands - Gili Trawangan & Gili Meno home to some of the best snorkel spots this incredible place has to offer. You’ll see stunning coral, beautiful fish, turtles and maybe even a shark or two. Once you’ve had a gander at Bali’s incredible sea life, you can enjoy a beachfront lunch on Gili Meno, before we head out this evening to enjoy the stunning sunset and an ice-cold cocktail at some of the best beach bars on the island.

bike ride around gili t

A group of five on bicycles by the beach, ready for a bike ride around the island of Gili Trawangan, Bali, Indonesia

Did you know one of the best ways to explore the Gili islands is by bicycle? Well now you do! Today we’ll explore the island on one of Gili’s only modes of transportation, pushbike. We’ll all cycle around the island, exploring all the nooks and crannies of this unreal place, before taking a small trek up the hill to see the best viewpoint Gili has to offer. (Which is bloody incredible, if we do say so ourselves. Which we do, by the way.) Then you’ll get a chance to enjoy one last sunset with your TruFam as you reminisce about your epic time on the trip over a farewell dinner, before finishing off in Tru style with a little party to celebrate what we guarantee have been the best 10 days of your life. There might be some group awards, emotional speeches and we can guarantee that at least one person will cry...you've explore some of the most beautiful places in the world together and built bonds to last a lifetime, of course it'll be totes emosh!

chilled check out

tour di bali 10 giorni

Ah, mate. Last day. Today you say bye to your Tru Fam, the unbelievable place that is Bali, and to this amazing experience that, let’s be honest, changed your life. Thing is, the fun doesn’t necessarily have to end. Your Travel Ninja is on hand to fly kicking you into your next adventure; whether that be more adventures throughout Indonesia, a trip to another destination, or to bid you farewell on your journey home. It’s been a wild one. Whatever you do, keep in touch, TruFam.

Where does the trip start & Finish?

The trip begins in Canggu but we will pick you up from Denpasar airport and your tour will end in Gili Trawangan.

Which airport do I need to fly into?

You will need to fly into Denpasar international airport (DPS). Please note when booking a return flight on Day 10 that we recommend the earliest you can fly is around 7pm from Denpasar to allow for your journey back from Gili Trawangan.

What is the closest airport to the end destination?

You will need to travel back to Denpasar international airport (DPS). Please note when booking a return flight on Day 10 that we recommend the earliest you can fly is around 7pm from Denpasar to allow for your journey back from Gili Trawangan. change to this: You will need to travel back to Denpasar International Airport (DPS). Please note when booking a return flight on Day 10 that we recommend the earliest you can fly is around 7pm from Denpasar to allow for your journey back from Gili Trawangan due to traffic. The Ferry from Gili Trawangan starts at 9am and takes around 3 hours depending on conditions to Padang Bai, where you can then grab a taxi from the port to the airport.

How do I get back to the start destination and is this included in the price? If not, how much is it?

No it is not included but we can assist you with booking it all. You can get a boat and then a bus back to Kuta or Denpasar airport which is 5-6 hours and around 500,000 IDR. Please allow enough time to get back to Denpasar! We recommend if you are planning to fly home that day, that you book a flight for after 7pm to allow time to get back without rushing.

What kind of accommodation is included on this trip?

The accommodation for this trip is all twin share private rooms.

How much is a night’s accommodation at our start hotel?

If you would like to book a pre-night please contact our sales team on info@trutravels.com

What is the currency?

The currency in Indonesia is Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)

Is my money protected?

Yep! You’re protected. TruTravels is both ABTA and ATOL registered meaning your money is safe. We also offer 1 free date change before 60 days of your departure date.

tour di bali 10 giorni

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woods bali cafe

10 Days Bali Itinerary for a Journey Like No Other

bali itinerary 10 days

Table of Contents

Welcome to the Island of the Gods, where everyday life is a vacation and you can’t help but fall in love with the scenic landscapes, rich culture and the perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. If you’ve got a whole 10 days to explore Bali, and we promise you’ll be torn between chasing waves, wandering through ancient temples and just lounging on those pristine beaches. To make your travel easier, we already compiled our best itinerary for your 10 days stay in the ever-so-famous Bali. Get ready for the Bali adventure of a lifetime – and don’t forget your sunscreen!

10 Days Itinerary For Your Unforgettable Journey in Bali

Day 1: touchdown in tropical paradise.

tour di bali 10 giorni

Okay, you’ve just landed in Denpasar, and your Bali adventure is about to begin. But first things first, check into your accommodation and grab a refreshing welcome drink because, trust me, the Balinese hospitality is on another level. For a stylish yet affordable stay, you can consider Seminyak or Canggu.

After settling in, it’s time to head to a beach club like Potato Head Beach Club in Seminyak to witness one of those jaw-dropping Bali sunsets. The vibe here is fantastic – think live music, great cocktails and a chill atmosphere that perfectly sets the tone for your adventure.

Day 2: Surf’s Up on the Beach

Surfing in Canggu

If you’re itching to catch some waves, today is the day! Head to Canggu for a morning experience like no other. Afterward, rent a surfboard and take a lesson from one of the local pros at Batu Bolong Beach. Remember, it’s okay to wipe out; that’s just part of the Bali experience!

For lunch, treat yourself to some delicious nasi goreng (fried rice) at one of the local warungs, and then explore the vibrant street art scene in Canggu. Make your way to Echo Beach for another sunset session, where you can sip on fresh coconut water and watch surfers ride the waves.

If you’re enjoying our journey through Bali’s best family holiday spots, you’ll love what Canggu has to offer. For a list of must-visit places and activities in this vibrant area, don’t miss our focused guide on Things to Do in Canggu . It’s full of great suggestions that families will surely enjoy

Transport Tip: Renting a scooter is a great way to explore Bali, but remember to carry an international driving license.

Day 3: Ubud – The Cultural Heart of Bali

tegallalang rice terrace

Time to head inland to Ubud, the cultural capital of Bali. Start your day with a trip to the Tegallalang Rice Terraces, which are not just stunning but also offer fantastic photo ops for your Instagram. Then, make your way to the Monkey Forest, but watch out for your belongings – the monkeys here are quite the pickpockets!

Lunch at the charming local warungs is a must, where you can savor the iconic Balinese dish, Babi Guling (suckling pig). Explore the Ubud Palace and Saraswati Temple before ending your day with a traditional Balinese dance performance. It’s like taking a step back in time to experience the island’s rich heritage.

Day 4: Waterfalls and Coffee Heaven

Waterfalls Bali

Time to explore the lush natural beauty of Bali. Start your day with a visit to the stunning Tegenungan Waterfall – a sight to behold, and you can even take a dip to cool off. Afterward, continue your journey to the Tegalalang area to enjoy the swing and sip some Luwak coffee, one of the world’s most expensive brews.

For lunch, find a local warung where you can try some Ayam Betutu (spiced chicken), and then head to the Goa Gajah Elephant Cave Temple for some spiritual vibes. As the day winds down, make your way back to Ubud and experience the serene ambiance of the Campuhan Ridge Walk, perfect for a romantic sunset stroll.

Day 5: Temple Run – Exploring North Bali

Ulun Danu Temple

Get an early start to explore the temples and beauty of North Bali. Begin your day at Ulun Danu Beratan Temple, a stunning water temple set on a picturesque lake. The serenity here is mind-blowing, and the temple itself is like something out of a fairytale.

Afterward, visit Gitgit Waterfall and take a refreshing dip in its clear waters. Then, make your way to the Brahma Vihara Arama Buddhist Monastery for a change of scenery and some peaceful meditation. Return to your hotel and relax, or take a walk around the Ubud market for some shopping and delightful street food.

Day 6: Pererenan – The Hidden Gem

Woods Pererenan Hidden Gem

Today, we’re heading off the beaten path to discover Pererenan, a hidden gem on Bali’s southwest coast. What makes Pererenan special is its untouched, laid-back vibe. You could also explore the Pererenan Beach and take a surf lesson if you’re up for it. Start your day with a leisurely breakfast at one of the local cafes, such as our beloved Woods Bali , Picture this: You’re nestled in the heart of nature, enjoying your cocktail of choice in a semi-indoor space, and live jazz vibes are filling the air. It’s like Mother Nature and music decided to have a jam session, and you’re invited!

But it’s not just about the ambiance; it’s also about the exquisite cocktails that are worth every sip. Plus, there’s an eco-friendly twist to this place – the entire restaurant is crafted from reclaimed wood, giving it an elegant yet rustic charm that’s as Instagram-worthy as it gets.

Oh, and did we mention the vinyl nights ? Our talented DJs will spin some classics while sipping on your favorite concoctions. Woods Bali is a slice of paradise for those who appreciate good drinks, good music and good vibes. Don’t just take our word for it; come and experience it yourself!

After enjoying the scenic beauty of Bali, you might wonder what else Pererenan has to offer. For a list of activities and local attractions, check out our guide on Things to Do in Pererenan for more ideas on how to make your trip even more memorable.

Day 7: East Bali – Amed and Beyond

Diving in Bali

Pack your bags and head to Amed, an area on Bali’s eastern coast. The journey there offers stunning coastal views and is worth the trip alone. Once you arrive, enjoy a snorkeling adventure in the crystal-clear waters of the Jemeluk Bay.

Lunch can be a simple yet delicious affair at a local warung, where you can savor some fresh seafood. In the afternoon, explore the Tirta Gangga Water Palace, a magical place with beautiful fountains and lush gardens. As the day winds down, take in the mesmerizing sunset at Jemeluk Beach before finding a cozy spot for dinner in Amed.

Day 8: Nusa Penida – Island Paradise

Nusa Penida

Catch a fast boat to Nusa Penida for a day of island exploration. Start your adventure by visiting the iconic Kelingking Beach, often referred to as the T-Rex Beach due to its unique rock formation. The hike down is a bit steep, but the view is worth it.

Next, make your way to the famous Angel’s Billabong and Broken Beach, both offering magnificent natural wonders. If you have some spare time, you can also visit Crystal Bay for some snorkeling or simply bask in the sun. Return to Bali’s main island in the evening and relax for the night.

Day 9: Uluwatu – Sunset and Serenity

Tari Kecak Uluwatu

Head south to the Uluwatu area, known for its stunning cliff top temples and world-class surf breaks. Start your day by visiting Uluwatu Temple, perched on a dramatic cliff, and be sure to catch the Kecak Dance performance during sunset – it’s a mesmerizing experience.

After the performance, enjoy a seafood dinner on the beach at Jimbaran Bay, where you can choose your catch of the day and have it grilled to perfection. This is a perfect way to wind down your Bali adventure with the sound of the waves in the background.

Transport Tip: For longer distances or if traveling with family, consider hiring a private car for convenience. For hassle-free adventures and local insights, check out our article on Hiring a Driver in Bali . Learn how a skilled driver can enhance your Bali experience.

Day 10: Last-minute Shopping and Farewells

Shopping nuance in Bali

Your 10-day Bali adventure is coming to an end, but there’s still time for some last-minute shopping. Explore the markets in Seminyak or Kuta for souvenirs, clothing and artwork. Don’t forget to bargain – it’s all part of the fun!

Practical Information:

  • Always wear sunscreen and stay hydrated.
  • Be respectful at temples and dress appropriately.
  • Keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded areas.

For your final activities in Bali, head to one of the beaches near your accommodations and savor the majestic ambiance of Bali one last time. Reflect on your incredible journey, the beautiful landscapes, the warm-hearted locals and the countless memories you’ve made along the way. Bali is a place that stays with you, and you’ll likely be planning your return before you’ve even left.

So, there you have it – a jam-packed 10-day Bali itinerary filled with adventure, culture, and relaxation. Whether you’re a surfer, a culture enthusiast, or just a lover of the good life, Bali offers something for everyone. Curious about how much you might spend on such a trip? Check out our guide on how much spending money in bali for 10 days . It’s time to pack your bags, embark on this paradise island adventure, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Enjoy your journey and don’t forget to soak in the Bali vibes!It’s time to pack your bags, embark on this paradise island adventure, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Enjoy your journey and don’t forget to soak in the Bali vibes!

rifka arianti

rifka arianti

Journeying through life with a camera in hand, Rifka Setia Arianti is a passionate explorer of the world's diverse landscapes. Currently settled in Bali as a web designer, her lens captures the essence of her travels, weaving together a tapestry of stories that encapsulate her love for both photography and adventure.

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10 Day Bali Tours & Trips

Find all the best 10 day Bali tours , stopping at places like Ubud and Sanur. There are 31 adventures that go to Bali, with the most popular time to go being October, which has the most number of tours. Pick here your Bali tour  or your 10 day Bali itinerary .

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63 bali 10 day tour packages with 8,228 reviews.

Essential Bali & Gili Islands Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Christmas & New Year

Essential Bali & Gili Islands

Bali Experience Tour

Bali Experience

Andre was great! He was a bundle of positive energy and really got the group hyped up for activities. He went out of his way to make sure that we were safe coming back home from nights out and always have us information about the local area. He was also really chill which helped when times were slightly stressful. Thanks Andre

Amazing Bali 10 Days - Ubud/ Yogyakarta/ Seminyak Tour

Amazing Bali 10 Days - Ubud/ Yogyakarta/ Seminyak

My experience with this tour operator was unforgettable. The itinerary was nice. Bali was beautiful. Everything went well and Lily was always there to answer questions.

Bali Bucket List Boutique 10 Day Tour Tour

  • Sightseeing

Bali Bucket List Boutique 10 Day Tour

Andy was the absolute best! He was so patient with our group and accommodating. If we needed a change in plans, he was on it. The experiences were wonderful! This was the trip of a lifetime!
  • €55 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Bali Intro 9 Days Tour

Bali Intro 9 Days

The only thing I would change about this tour is that it was longer! I had the most incredible 12 days with intro travel and loved every experience during my Bali trip, they really have curated such a great trip in such beautiful locations. What made the trip even better though was our incredible tour guide Anna who honestly is one of the most inspiring, beautiful, kind, intelligent and funny person I’ve ever met. She went above and beyond during our tour to make it super fun, interesting and special for us all and then went even further at the end of the trip to make sure we were all happy with our onward travel arrangements. For myself and 3 of my friends she arranged a further 4 day plan/package for us in Nusa Penida and Seminyak which was also so brilliant. I can’t thank Anna enough for making me feel so welcome and happy in Bali. The trip will be one I remember and look back on so fondly forever. I really recommend it to anyone interested in travelling around Bali, it really gives you such a variety of opportunities and experiences - the very best of Bali.

Amazing Trip Bali 10 Days and Nusa Penida Tour

Amazing Trip Bali 10 Days and Nusa Penida

Bali Bucket List Original 10 Day Tour Tour

Bali Bucket List Original 10 Day Tour

Bali was amazing , good food good mates

Bali Bliss Tour

Spicy was amazing, he was always there for us. He is very helpful and was a great support to all of us in every situation. Thanks to him the whole trip was a lot of fun, adventurous, but also very safe. Thank you Spicy!

Best of Bali & Komodo Escape Tour

Best of Bali & Komodo Escape

Incredible adventure!! I personalised this tour to skip Bali and went to Ubud and Komodo. The hotels used were fantastic and very well located, with the views in Komodo out of this world. The driver guides for the day trips in Ubud friendly and knowledgeable and we saw so many cool places, they even took us to extra sights we wanted to see. The boat trip to Komodo was the highlight with the most stunning beaches I've ever seen, and of course the huge Komodo dragons. Communication from Vio Travel was excellent from start to finish, as well as there local contact via WhatsApp when in Indonesia, there was always someone to ask any questions or assist. I highly recommend this trip and Vio Travel, thank you!!

10 Days The Best of Bali, Gilis and Nusa Penida Island Experience Tour

10 Days The Best of Bali, Gilis and Nusa Penida Island Experience

Yustas is a credit to your company. He looked after me like I was his own mother. The tour was reduced from 6 to 2 people at the last minute which meant we had a guide and a driver for just the two of us which made it all the more special. I would only change a couple of things like the dinner the first night would have been better if we could have chosen our meal up to a certain value. Also staying at Ubud would have been preferably even if we had to pay extra because of the long travelling time each morning and night. Apart from that I wouldn't have changed a thing. Peppin was also excellent to deal with and an excellent driver. Gilli was fantastic and also Nusa Penida. Overall an excellent holiday. I will definitely be recommending this tour to friends.

Bali 9 Day/ 8 Night Group Tour  | ULTIMATE Tour

Bali 9 Day/ 8 Night Group Tour | ULTIMATE

The trip was amazing! And our guide Shandy was excellent, very knowledgeable and helpful on recommendations of places to go and see on our down time. Really enjoyed the trek up Mt. Batur and the rice fields. The hotels were great and we really got to see a little bit of everything and the best of Bali! Highly recommend
  • €35 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

INDONESIA – 10 Days Best of Bali Gilis Nusa Penida Island Tour

INDONESIA – 10 Days Best of Bali Gilis Nusa Penida Island

Amazing Bali Experience : Private Tour Tour

Amazing Bali Experience : Private Tour

Our trip to Bali was amazing. It was very well organized. A big thanks to our guide Prapti and a driver. They were very accommodating. Amazing Bali private tour by Ayla Tour and Transportation was truly Amazing. The tour was very well organized and customized to our interests. The tropical island is famous for the perfect beaches, rice fields, volcanoes, Hindu temples, waterfalls, wildlife, markets and swings. Big Thank You to the tour guide Made and the driver. They were very patient and flexible with extra time and they went above and beyond.

Discover the Beauty of Bali in 10 Days Tour

Discover the Beauty of Bali in 10 Days

Highlights of Bali and Java (10 Days) Tour

Highlights of Bali and Java (10 Days)

What people love about 10 day bali tours.

The tour guide were all very helpful, good and go out of their way to make our journey fun n amazing. I will book all my trips n recommend to all my friends your companies excellent service. Iam very please to the iteniraries n the hotel we stayed in. Thank u very much to make my holiday more enjoyable ?
I had an amazing time in Bali ! That was made possible by the great list of activities planned for us but especially our fabulous guide, Andy ! There’s a variety of activities to please any adventurer. Be ready to enjoy the welcoming and warm people of Bali on this tour and become more relaxed as the days pass. The whole tour is very well organised and carefully planned. Wholeheartedly recommend :)

Other Durations in Bali

  • 7 day Tours (58)
  • 2 week Tours (44)
  • 3 week Tours (25)
  • 3 day Tours (9)
  • 4 week Tours (5)

Other Regions in Indonesia

  • Nussa Tengara (13)
  • Flores (13)
  • Sumatra (10)
  • Bali Tour Itinerary: from 3 to 7 Days (with Airfares)
  • Best 10 Day Bali Itineraries 2024/2025 (With Reviews)

Explore With Lora

The Ultimate 10 Days in Bali Itinerary for Adventure Seekers

By: Author Lora Pope

Posted on Published: March 13, 2023  - Last updated: July 7, 2023

This post may contain affiliate links. By clicking and making a purchase through the links, I earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. See my disclaimer for more information. This and display ads allow me to keep the site up to date and give back .

Wondering what to see on a 10 days in Bali itinerary? After living in this tropical paradise, I’ve curated the perfect Bali itinerary packed full of adventure, culture, and nightlife.

From the lush greenery of Ubud to the stunning beaches of Jimbaran Bay, this 10 day trip to Bali will take you on a journey through the heart and soul of the island.

From experiencing the beauty of sunrise at Mt. Batur to exploring the vibrant cultural heritage at Besakih, Tirta Gangga, Lempuyang, and Amed, you’ll be able to witness the true essence of Bali.

Get lost in the stunning scenery at Tegalalang and the surrounding areas of Ubud, Visit the Nusa Islands and explore the vibrant underwater world of Nusa Penida. End your journey with a visit to the iconic Uluwatu temple and finish on a relaxing note at Jimbaran Bay.

Get ready to experience the best the island has to offer on this 10 days in Bali itinerary.

aerial view of beach in nusa penida

Arriving in Bali

Upon landing at Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali, you have a few choices for transportation to your hotel.

If you want to save some money, you can take a taxi which are readily available at the airport. They are usually metered, but it is a good idea to clarify the fare before you get in to avoid any misunderstandings.

However, if you would like a more hassle-free arrival experience, you can opt for a private transfer . This way a driver will be waiting for you as soon as you step out of the airport terminal and you don’t have to worry about haggling with taxi drivers after a long flight1

Getting around Bali

For your 10-day itinerary in Bali, transportation is a crucial aspect of your trip. Renting a car is a great option if you prefer a more leisurely pace and aren’t confident riding a scooter.

The car rental prices can vary, but you can expect to pay around 200,000 IDR ($14) to 500,000 IDR ($35) per day for a basic car, with an additional fee for insurance.

To find the best option, search on Discover Cars. They do a search of all the major car rental agencies in Bali, so you can compare prices and get the best deal.

tour di bali 10 giorni


To find the best deals on car rentals in Bali, I recommend using Discover Cars. They search international and local Indonesian companies so you can get the best price.

On the other hand, renting a scooter is a more budget-friendly option, costing around 50,000 IDR ($3.50) to 150,000 IDR ($10) per day.

Scooters are a popular mode of transportation in Bali and one of the best ways to explore the island. Just be sure to wear a helmet, drive cautiously, and familiarize yourself with the local traffic laws.

It’s also worth noting that a valid international driving license or an Indonesian one is required to rent a car or scooter in Bali.

10 Days in Bali Itinerary

Day 1: immerse in the heart of bali – ubud.

rice fields in ubud

On the first day of your Bali adventure, you will arrive in Ubud, the heart and soul of Bali’s rich cultural heritage. 

This small town is nestled amidst lush rice paddies and is surrounded by lush tropical forests and breathtaking natural beauty. It is known for its peaceful and relaxed atmosphere, making it the perfect place to start your trip and get acclimatized to the local culture and way of life.

lora next to rice fields in ubud

There are several popular activities to enjoy in Ubud, including visiting the Ubud Monkey Forest , which is home to a large colony of long-tailed macaques.

Here, you can observe these fascinating primates up close while walking through a beautiful jungle setting. You can see these monkeys all over Bali, but the park is still worth visiting.

One of the most popular things to do in Bali is to go swinging over the rice terraces, which do charge you for. But the photos turn out pretty awesome, and the swing is a lot of fun!

lora swinging over rice terraces in Ubud

Another must-visit attraction in Ubud is the Ubud Market, where you can browse through a wide selection of locally made crafts and souvenirs. The market is a great place to experience the local culture and buy unique souvenirs.

If you’re interested in learning about the history and culture of Ubud, a visit to the Ubud Palace is a must. This traditional Balinese palace is a beautiful example of local architecture and is home to the royal family.

If you’re just visiting Ubud for the day, the easiest thing to do is book one of these full-day Ubud tours, which will take you to all the main attractions. Although it’s well worth staying overnight at one of these beautiful resorts in Ubud.

tour di bali 10 giorni


Kappa Senses Ubud is a luxury hotel in the rice fields of Ubud. This 5-star resort is the perfect place to relax in paradise.

Day 2: Discover the Beauty of Mount Batur on a Sunrise Trekking Adventure

lora looking over sunset on mount batur trek

Get ready for a breathtaking adventure on Day 2 of your Bali itinerary visiting the iconic Mount Batur, one of the most stunning volcanoes in Bali. This was one of the first things I did while living in Bali , and even after a month of adventure through Indonesia, it remains one of my favorites.

Standing tall at 5,633 ft above sea level, the summit of Mount Batur provides a perfect vantage point to witness the sunrise and take in the panoramic views of the crater lake and the surrounding landscape.

For a unique and immersive experience in Bali, check out this Mount Batur sunrise trek . You cannot hike Mount Batur without a guide, and going with a highly-rated tour will give you the best experience.

view of volcanoes in bali from mount batur

From Ubud, your journey starts early at 3:40 AM with a transfer from your hotel to the starting point. After a short briefing and gear check, you’ll embark on a 1.5-2 hour trek to the summit, covering a distance of approximately 11 km.

This trek takes you through the unique volcanic landscape filled with native flora and fauna, offering you a chance to experience the peaceful atmosphere of the Batur region.

As you hike under the starry sky, you’ll witness the sunrise and be rewarded with stunning views of the sun rising over the sea of clouds.

Once you reach the summit, you’ll be served a hot beverage and a sandwich and egg to refuel your energy. Then, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the crater lake and summit ridge, including recent lava flows and younger craters. It’s so cool to see the stream coming out of the ridges!

On the way back, be sure to keep an eye out for the tall grass with purple bloom and watch out for the mischievous Balinese long-tailed macaques that may cross your path.

Afterward, stop in the nearby hot springs for a dip to soothe your muscles.


You could stay at the same accommodation as the previous day. Otherwise, Pertiwi Bisma 1 is a great location and is also very close (a 5-minute stroll) to Monkey Forest.

Day 3: Explore the Rich Culture and Beauty of Besakih, Tirta Gangga, Lempuyang, and Amed

temple in bali

On day three of your trip, you will have the opportunity to explore the eastern part of Bali, visiting some of the most picturesque and historic sites on the island.

The day will start by visiting Besakih, the largest and holiest temple in Bali, which is also known as the “Mother Temple” of Bali. This complex of temples is perched on the slopes of Mount Agung and is dedicated to the Hindu god, Shiva.

Next, you will visit Tirta Gangga, a stunning water temple located in the east of Bali. This temple is famous for its beautiful pools, fountains, and gardens, as well as its intricate carvings and sculptures. Visitors to Tirta Gangga can take a dip in the sacred pools and soak up the peaceful atmosphere of this tranquil spot.

temple in bali

Next, you will stop at Lempuyang Temple, one of Bali’s most iconic and revered temples. This temple is known for its beautiful views of Mount Agung, and visitors can climb the steep steps to reach the main gate and take in the breathtaking panoramic views.

I recommended this Besakih Temple & Lempuyang Temple Gates of Heaven Tour , which will cover it all in one day.

Finally, you will head to Amed, a charming fishing village located on the east coast of Bali. Amed is a peaceful and serene location, perfect for those who want to escape the crowds and enjoy some peace and quiet.

Here, you can stroll along the black sand beaches, go snorkeling and diving, or simply relax and enjoy the local food.

chairs overlooking palm trees and ocean


Kubu Indah Dive & Spa Resort is the perfect place to stay if you want to try diving in the beautiful waters of Indonesia. They offer gorgeous villas and bungalows in a serene jungle setting.

Day 4: Slide Down Waterfalls in North Bali

girls sliding down natural waterslide in north bali

On the fourth day, you’ll visit north Bali, which is one of the most underrated parts of the country.

My favorite part of north Bali is Lemukih Waterslide, located in the village of Lemukih. This natural waterslide is made of smooth rocks and is much fun to go sliding down!

It’s such a fun way to cool off and enjoy the surrounding jungle scenery. We spent a couple of hours sliding down the rocks and swimming in the natural pools which was one of my favorite days in Bali.

Pro tip: go as a group down the slides for higher speeds!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Lora 🇨🇦 Solo Female Digital Nomad (@explorewithlora)

There’s a restaurant there you can enjoy after sliding down the waterfall.

Afterward, depart from the Lemukih Waterslide and head to Banyumala Waterfalls, located about 30 minutes away by car. Banyumala Waterfalls is a stunning double waterfall set in the midst of the lush green forest. It’s a short hike down to the main viewpoint, which is stunning.

lora overlooking waterfall in bali

It’s important to keep in mind that the drive to North Bali can take several hours each way, depending on traffic and road conditions. Plan accordingly and consider hiring a driver or joining a tour to make the most of your time. Additionally, be sure to bring appropriate footwear and swimwear for the water activities.

Recommended Hotel

North Bali doesn’t have nearly as many accommodation options as the south. I recommend staying overnight in Monduk to avoid a long day of travel, which is a small town. Atres Sari Resort is a great option , with a beautiful pool overlooking the mountains.

Day 5: Admire the Majestic Pura Ulun Danu Bratan and Bedugul Waterfalls

lora on boat in bali

On day five of your Bali adventure, you’ll visit two of the island’s most stunning natural wonders – the Pura Ulun Danu Bratan temple and the Bedugul waterfalls.

In the Bedugul area, you’ll immerse yourself in a completely different culture, surrounded by peace and pure nature.

Before reaching the temple, take a detour to admire the Nungnung waterfalls, though they might not be the most stunning you’ll see on this day. For truly breathtaking falls, check out the Sekumpul, Gitgit, and especially the Banyumala Twin waterfalls.

temple on lake in bali

Discover the three main lakes in the region (Tamblingan, Buyan, and Bratan), starting with Buyan. Here, you can visit the enchanting Hidden Hills Wanagiri, straight out of a fairy tale. If you’re traveling during the monsoon season, be sure to visit Tamblingan and its temple, which can only be reached by boat when the lake’s water level rises.

Finally, end your day at the Pura Ulun Danu Bratan temple, located on Lake Bratan. This temple is a true gem in the Bedugul area. On the way, you may also come across the Handara Gate, a beautiful entrance to a golf course that has become a popular tourist spot.

The easiest way to visit these attractions is on this tour , which visits Banyumala Waterfall, Bedugul and Lake Beratan.

Day 6: Enjoy the Best of Bali’s Beaches, Temples, and Nightlife

aerial shot of rice terraces in Bali

Day 6 is a day of exploration and adventure on the west coast of Bali. You’ll start your day by visiting Jatiluwih Rice Terrace , a breathtaking landmark known for its scenic beauty and traditional rice farming methods.

Here, you can take in the sweeping views of the lush, terraced landscape and learn about the local farming practices that have been passed down for generations.

Next, it’s time to unwind at Pasut Beach, where you can soak up the sun, swim in the crystal-clear water, or participate in various beach activities. Whether you prefer lounging on the sand or exploring the shoreline, this idyllic spot is the perfect place to relax and recharge.

In the afternoon, visit the famous Tanah Lot Temple on this guided tour , one of Bali’s most iconic landmarks. This beautiful temple is situated on a massive rock formation in the middle of the ocean and is a must-see for any traveler to Bali.

Take in the stunning views of the temple against the backdrop of the ocean and snap some unforgettable photos.

After a day of exploring, end your day in the heart of Seminyak, one of Bali’s trendiest and most vibrant areas. Here, you can indulge in some shopping, try delicious local cuisine, or experience the nightlife scene. If you need to catch up on e-mails, Seminyak is also home to some of Bali’s best coworking spaces.

Almost every night of the week one of the clubs has a special offer on for discounter food and drinks – highly recommend ladies night at ShiShi Bali!

Recommended accommodation: A beachfront property facing the Indian Ocean, The Legian Seminyak offers luxurious accommodations set in landscaped tropical gardens along Seminyak Beach with a three-tiered outdoor pool. Now that’s a place to relax!

Day 7: Uncover the Secrets of Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan

beach in Nusa Lembongan

On day seven, embark on a thrilling journey to the Nusa Islands, a group of three beautiful islands located just off the southeast coast of Bali. Your first destination will be the idyllic island of Nusa Lembongan, renowned for its gorgeous beaches and world-class surf spots.

Nusa Lembongan is a paradise for surfers, offering waves suitable for all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned surfer or a beginner, you’ll have the chance to catch some of the best waves in the area. If surfing isn’t your thing, no worries, the beaches here are breathtaking.

With crystal-clear waters and pristine white sand, they’re the perfect place to soak up the sun, relax, and soak in the stunning scenery.

turquoise water in Nusa Ceningan

Next, head to Nusa Ceningan, a small island known for its stunning natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere. Explore the lush green landscapes, serene beaches, and tranquil lagoons that make this island a special gem. 

Take a relaxing walk along the island’s quiet streets, or hike to the top of the cliffs for breathtaking views of the surroundings. Whether you’re seeking adventure or relaxation, Nusa Ceningan has something for everyone.

Take a guided snorkeling tour to explore the vibrant coral reefs and spot colorful marine life, or visit the iconic Yellow Bridge, which connects Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. 

For a unique experience, visit the Mangrove Forest and book a guided mangrove canoe tour to learn about the important role these ecosystems play in supporting the local environment and wildlife.

nusa penida ocean

The Tamarind Resort is a 5-star resort with luxurious amenities nestled in the natural landscapes of the island.

Day 8: Discover the Stunning Beauty of Nusa Penida

lora overlooking cliffs nusa penida

Get ready for an unforgettable day on Nusa Penida, the largest and most breathtaking of the Nusa Islands. This island is a true gem, with its rugged landscapes, hidden beaches, and crystal-clear waters. It’s become one of Bali’s most popular day trips for a reason!

One of the highlights of Nusa Penida is the stunning Kelingking Beach. With its turquoise waters, white sand, and towering cliffs, it’s a must-visit destination. Take a guided tour to this hidden paradise and relax on the beach or go for a swim.

For adventure-seekers, the Broken Beach and Angel’s Billabong are two natural wonders that are not to be missed. On the way, you’ll pass by the iconic Broken Beach, with its natural arch and vibrant blue waters. And don’t forget to visit Angel’s Billabong, a natural infinity pool with crystal-clear waters.

ocean in nusa penida

Although Nusa Penisa is a small island, it does take time to get between beaches due to the winding roads. I recommend hiring a private driver for the day so you can make the most of your time!

For a more relaxed experience, visit the charming village of Toyapakeh. This small fishing village is known for its traditional way of life, and is a great place to explore local culture and try fresh seafood.

Nusa Penida is also a popular destination for snorkelling and diving, as it’s one of the best places in Indonesia to see manta rays, as well as colorful coral reefs and diverse marine life.

I went diving with the mantas here and was glad that I had my advanced certification and some experience as the currents really push you around! But, the mantas are incredible to see up close. If you aren’t certified to dive, there are plenty of manta snorkeling tours.

tour di bali 10 giorni

Staying overnight in Nusa Penida will allow you to see the most popular sights without the crowds as most people take day trips from Bali. For an unforgettable stay, check out MAUA Nusa Penida. The reviews say it all!

Day 9: Marvel at the Cliff-side Temple of Uluwatu

lora overlooking cliffs in uluwatu

Day nine of your Bali adventure brings you to the southwestern tip of the island, where the iconic Uluwatu Temple awaits. Perched atop a cliff overlooking the ocean, this temple offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape and is a must-visit for any traveller to Bali.

But the beauty of Uluwatu extends beyond the temple itself. This area, located on the Bukit Badung peninsula, is home to incredible cliffs that provide breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean and offer space for hidden coves, like the beautiful beaches of Green Bowl and Melasti.

If you’re looking for a unique experience, be sure to visit the abandoned Boeing 737-200 PK RII plane within the peninsula. It’s become the newest Instagram hot spot in Bali1

Lora by plane in uluwatu Bali

And for those interested in the cultural side of Bali, the Garuda Wisnu Kencana park is a must-see. This park is dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu and features towering statues that reach up to 120 meters in height.

No visit to Uluwatu would be complete without stopping by the Uluwatu Temple for a traditional Kecak Fire and Trance dance performance , held nightly. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a must-do for anyone visiting the area.

If you’re a fan of beach clubs, do not miss the chance to go to Savaya Beach Club.

This iconic beach club is not only one of Bali’s best but all of Southeast Asia’s – it features multiple infinity pools perched along the cliff, the world’s top DJ’s, and incredible cocktails and food. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this place.

Savaya Beach Club

Bali is all about living that Villa life and Uluwatu is the perfect place to try it. Villa Papaya & Zen is the perfect place to unwind by the pool after exploring Uluwatu.

Day 10: End Your Trip on a High Note at Jimbaran Bay

Finish off your 10 days in Bali itinerary in Jimbaran Bay, a stunning stretch of coastline that is famous for its breathtaking beaches and mouth-watering seafood. 

Start your day by soaking up the sun on the soft, golden sands of the beach, letting the warm Indonesian sun and gentle sea breeze soothe away any remaining stress. 

If you’re feeling more active, take a dip in the crystal clear waters of the bay and enjoy the refreshing sea.

As the day draws to a close, head to one of the many local restaurants that line the beach. Here, you can sample some of the freshest and tastiest seafood that Bali has to offer, with an array of options to suit all tastes and budgets. 

Whether you prefer grilled fish, succulent prawns, or a delicious seafood platter, you’re sure to find something to suit your palate. As you dine, watch the sun slowly set over the bay, casting a warm glow over the water and providing the perfect backdrop for a romantic evening.

This is the perfect way to say farewell to this beautiful island. Relax, recharge, and savor the memories of your incredible trip to Bali.

For your last night, treat yourself to a luxurious night at the Villas at Ayana Resort!

Discover more of the best things to do on your 10 days in Bali itinerary

Don’t forget health insurance – I use and love SafetyWing global health coverage to protect myself everywhere I go!

FAQ: Planning a 10 Days Bali Itinerary

When is the best time to visit bali.

Bali has a tropical climate with two distinct seasons: the dry season (April to September) and the wet season (October to March). The dry season is the most popular time to go, but it’s also when you can expect larger crowds and higher prices.

If you don’t mind occasional rain and want fewer crowds, then the rainy season can be a good time to visit Bali. During this time, the island is lush and green, and the rain is usually in short bursts rather than constant downpours. I visited Bali in October and still had a great time.

How much do you need for 10 days in Bali?

The amount of money you’ll need for a 10-day trip to Bali depends on your travel style, accommodation choices, and activities you plan to do. Bali can be a budget-friendly destination or a luxurious one, depending on your preferences. A budget traveler could expect to spend around $500-$800 for 10 days in Bali, while a mid-range traveler might spend around $1,500-$2,500. For luxury travelers, the cost could range from $3,000-$10,000 or more.

How many days are sufficient for Bali?

Bali is a diverse destination with plenty of attractions, so it’s possible to spend anywhere from a few days to a few weeks exploring the island. If you’re short on time and just want to see the highlights, then a minimum of 4-5 days is recommended. However, if you have more time and want to explore the island at a more leisurely pace, then 7-10 days or more would be ideal. This 10 days in Bali itinerary will give you more time to explore the island’s hidden gems, relax on the beaches, and immerse yourself in the local culture.

10 day bali itinerary

Lora is a full-time digital nomad on a quest to visit every country in the world and pet as many dogs as she can along the way. Over the last 15 years, she has traveled to 70+ countries and six continents solo. She currently calls Puerto Vallarta, Mexico home and enjoys ending each day with sunset and tacos on the beach.

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10 Day Bali Itinerary – Complete Travel Guide For 2024

The famed Island of Gods has endless amounts of things to see and do that you can experience during your 10 days in Bali.

Discover countless waterfalls, sandy beaches, tropical islands, iconic rice terraces, volcanic landscapes, yoga classes, spa retreats, buzzing nightlife, healthy cafes, and much more!

Having spent a lot of time in Bali over the years, I know the island like the back of my hand, which is why I am certain that this 10 Day Bali Itinerary is the only guide you’ll need.

dreamland beach, dreamland beach bali, pantai dreamland, bali dreamland beach, dreamland bali beach

Table of Contents


Here is an overview of an ideal Bali Itinerary 10 Days with my recommendations of places to visit in this order:

  • Canggu (2 days)
  • Ubud (2 days)
  • Nusa Islands (4 days)
  • Uluwatu (2 days)

mahana point cliff jump, mahana beach, mahana point, mahana point nusa ceningan, mahana point ceningan, mahana point nusa lembongan, mahana point cliff, nusa ceningan


Day 1 & 2: canggu.

Canggu, is the most popular tourist spot in Bali attracting digital nomads, surfers, skaters, yogis, foodies, and travelers alike.

Canggu is not to be missed on your 10 day Bali itinerary.

The most convenient way to get from Denpasar Airport to Canggu upon arrival is to book a shared minivan or a private transfer online in advance.

I always use Viator to book all of my transport, tours, and activities in Bali as they are the most reputable and reliable tour companies going around.

Book Now → Airport transfer to Hotel

Canggu has almost everything you can think of including healthy cafes, yoga studios, gymnasiums, co-working spaces, trendy bars, nightclubs, skateparks, tattoo studios, world-class surf beaches, music venues, local markets, hostels, beach resorts, and the list goes on!

Canggu is definitely where you’ll want to spend the first few days.

Best Bars In Canggu

  • Finn’s Beach Club
  • Black Sand Brewery

Best Cafe’s In Canggu

  • Hungry Bird
  • Copenhagen Canggu

Best Beaches In Canggu

  • Old Man’s Beach
  • Pig Stone Beach

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With thousands of amazing travel experiences around the world, you’ll find the best deals on Klook!


Canggu has hundreds of accommodation options to choose from, so I have narrowed it down to a few of the best places to stay in Canggu to suit the needs of luxury travelers, budget backpackers, and everyone in between.

See the list of accommodations below that I personally recommend.


This 5-star One-Bedroom Villa is located in the heart of Canggu and just a stone’s throw from Berawa Beach.

Blossom Eco Luxe Villa offers a bohemian design with a swimming pool, garden, day bed, kitchen area, and a large bedroom with a private ensuite.

Guests can also enjoy an included breakfast with lots of healthy options to choose from.

It’s the perfect, luxurious place to stay in Canggu for couples.



The Surf Motel Canggu is an awesome 3-star accommodation for less than $50. 

Features include a rooftop pool and bar with ocean views, a shared lounge with a working space, and close to clubs, cafes, restaurants, and the beach. 

There are double rooms available with air conditioning, spacious living, private ensuites, and free wifi. Scooter rental is also available. 

Great place to stay for couples and friends.



Located just minutes from Prerenan Beach, Tribal is the best hostel in Canggu!

With sleek, custom-designed private and dorm rooms to ensure a good night’s sleep, Tribal is Bali’s newest and most modern hostel that comes with a twist.

Features include a coworking space with high-speed Wi-Fi, a billiards table, an outdoor swimming pool, a cocktail bar, and a restaurant serving up coffee and tasty food.

Recommended place to stay for solo travelers, couples, and friends.

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RELATED GUIDE: Where to Stay in Bali – The Best Areas

Day 3 & 4: ubud.

Ubud is the central hub of Bali that is most famous for its rainforest yoga retreats , traditional arts and crafts, other-worldly rice terraces, raging waterfalls, monkey forests, and ancient holy sites!

Ubud is on the radar of most tourists which is why I have included it in this 10 Days Bali Itinerary.

Ubud is the perfect place to immerse yourself in nature for a few days away from the rat race.

Whether you want to unwind and relax or adventure and explore, Ubud has the best of both worlds!

Search All → Tours in Ubud with Klook

Best things to do in ubud.

  • Tegallalang Rice Terraces
  • Tibumana Waterfall
  • Ubud Elephant Sanctuary
  • 10 Best Restaurants In Ubud
  • Yellow Waterfall
  • Pura Lempuyang Temple
  • Mount Agung Sunrise Viewpoint
  • Hideout Bali Jungle Villa

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Ubud has hundreds of accommodation options, from private pool villas to budget guesthouses, and everywhere in between.

I have narrowed down a few of the best places to stay in Ubud during your Bali itinerary 2 weeks.


The Four Seasons Resort is the definition of luxury and is set amidst a lush, tropical valley in the center of Ubud.

There is a range of different villas and suites to choose from, each featuring spacious rooms with a private bathroom, a dining and sitting area with sofas, flat-screen TV, and an outdoor terrace.

It’s a great place to stay in Ubud for couples, friends, and families.



This beautiful 3-star accommodation is located in the heart of Ubud and is within walking distance to the monkey forest and other tourist attractions.

The rooms are spacious and feature a swimming pool, a flat-screen TV, a seating area, an outdoor balcony, a private bathroom, and free Wi-Fi.

A great place to stay on a mid-range budget for couples, families, and friends.

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Puri Garden is one of the best hostels in Ubud, close to all the main sights, shops, restaurants, and the Yoga Barn.

The rooms have a Balinese feel with a modern touch in a beautiful spacious location, including a gorgeous garden, swimming pool, lounge, cinema room, and restaurant area.

Recommended for couples and friends traveling on a budget.


For All Other Places To Stay In Ubud, Search on Booking.com

Day 5, 6, 7 & 8: the nusa islands.

The Nusa Islands in Bali are three of the most beautiful and most adventurous islands I have explored to date and it’s a must-see destination during your trip!

View Full Blog Post → The Nusa Islands

A short thirty-minute boat from mainland Bali and you will arrive at the foreshores of the Nusa Islands.

Whether you are an adrenaline junkie who loves the thrill of heights and cliff jumping or a laid-back beachgoer who loves those sun-kissed hammock days and snorkeling the reefs, the Nusa Islands has something for everyone to enjoy on their Bali 10 day itinerary!

I recommend beginning your Nusa Island adventure on Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan for the first 2 days and then transferring from here over to Nusa Penida for 2 days.

Search All → Nusa Island Tours with Klook

How to get to the nusa islands.

Ferries operate daily to Nusa Islands from Sanur Harbor in South East Bali. You can book the ferry online  in advance to guarantee the lowest price.

The ferry ticket to the Nusa Islands also includes a hotel pick-up from your accommodation in Bali and a drop-off directly to the pier at Sanur Harbor.

The boat trip takes approximately 45 minutes to reach the Nusa Islands.

Get your ticket → Ferry from Bali to Nusa Islands

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Uluwatu is located on the Bukit Peninsula in Bali’s south and it’s a must-see region on the famed Island Of Gods.

Uluwatu is most famous for its magnificent beaches but on top of that, you can find rugged limestone cliff faces, world-class surf breaks, insane sunset viewpoints, clifftop bars, health cafes, skate parks, traditional temples, and much more!

I think it is safe to say the Bukit Peninsula is one of my favorite places to hang out in Bali and I highly recommend spending the last couple of days of your 10 day Bali itinerary in Uluwatu.

Best Cafe’s In Uluwatu

  • Drifter Cafe
  • Cashew Tree
  • Suka Espresso

Best Bars In Uluwatu

  • Uluwatu Cliffhouse

Best Viewpoints In Uluwatu

  • Karang Boma Cliff
  • Jaran Hill 
  • Uluwatu Temple

Best Beaches In Uluwatu

  • Bingin Beach
  • Padang Padang Beach
  • Suluban Beach

View Full Blog Post → Best Beaches In Uluwatu

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Uluwatu has hundreds of accommodations to choose from so I have narrowed it down to a few of the best places to stay during your visit.

Below you’ll find properties suitable for luxury travelers, budget backpackers, and everyone in between.


Anantara Resort is at the height of luxury, located on the edge of the cliffs in Uluwatu overlooking the ocean.

Features include an infinity pool, fitness center, spa, multiple restaurants, bars, and on-site cultural workshops.

There are many different rooms, suites, and villas on offer to suit everyone’s needs.



Sal Secret Spot is the best place to stay in Uluwatu for travelers on a mid-range budget.

Features include a swimming pool, beautiful gardens, and a restaurant, and it’s located just a few minutes walk to Bingin Beach.

The rooms are spacious and have a terrace, a private bathroom, a minibar, air conditioning, and free Wi-Fi.



Located on the hillside overlooking the ocean, One Degree Sunset Hill is the best hostel in Uluwatu.

This property offers dorm rooms and private rooms, and other features include an infinity pool, a tour desk, and breakfast is included for all guests.


For More Options, See My Complete Guide On Where To Stay In Uluwatu

Things to know before you go.

Below you’ll find some handy tips to know before you go so you can plan the perfect 2 weeks in Bali.


When paying for things in cash, the only currency accepted in Bali is the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) and the exchange rate is approximately $1 USD = 15,000 IDR.

Credit cards can also be used as a method of payment in most hotels, restaurants, and shops, as well as Visa and Mastercard which are widely accepted.

You should be aware of the foreign transaction fees when making a payment outside your country or in another currency which could increase your overall expenses.

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Purchasing a sim card in Bali is very cheap and simple and you can do this at the airport when you arrive.

For approximately $7 USD, you can get a local sim card that comes with 10GB of data with calls and texts included.

Alternatively, I recommend purchasing an eSIM before you arrive and get instant access to the internet as soon as you touch down.

Forget plastic SIM Cards… Get an eSIM!

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Say hello to eSIM – a virtual SIM card pre-loaded with mobile data so you can get online and stay connected around the world.

OneSimCard is the best eSIM for travel, with low-cost data packages available in 150+ countries.

Simply buy online, install it on your smartphone, and you’re good to go!


The best time to visit Bali for perfect weather and fewer tourists is between the months of April and October.

The rainy season in Bali is typically from December through to February and this is also the peak season for tourists arriving during the Christmas and New Year holiday season.


When entering Bali, there is a Visa On Arrival policy that allows tourists to stay for a maximum of 30 days in Indonesia and the cost is $35 USD.

If you wish to stay in Bali for more than 30 days, you can extend to a 60-day visa at an additional cost.

It requires a visit to the immigration office to hand in your passport, and scan your fingerprints, and then once processed, you can pick up your passport a week later.

I recommend getting in touch with Bali Legals Visa Agent to help you with the visa extension process.


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Packing cubes are a traveler’s best friend, perfect for organizing your shirts, pants, underwear, and more!

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There are several transportation methods for getting around the island which I have outlined below.

The most common way for tourists to get around during their two weeks in Bali is by renting a scooter .

You can book a scooter rental online in advance and this includes a drop-off to your accommodation with a full tank of gas.

Be aware that the roads in Bali are chaotic and if you don’t have experience riding a scooter in such conditions, perhaps is better to use other methods of transport.


camiguin scooter 2


If you are not comfortable riding a scooter on the roads of Bali, the other alternative is to use Go-Jek and Grab Taxi services.

Download the apps for free from the App Store and you’ll need a local number to register before you can start using the service.

If you are traveling solo, you can select the motorbike taxi option within the Go-Jek and Grab app which is by far the cheapest mode of transport to get you from A to B.


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Another great option for getting around Bali is to hire a private car and a driver for the day and experience all that the island has to offer.

  • Experienced driver & guide
  • Hotel pick-up & drop-off
  • Drinking water


Ubud 12


Map of bali.

Click here or on the image below for an interactive map of Bali.

bali map


When visiting Bali, here is a list of items I highly recommend bringing with you.

Must-Have Travel Essentials

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Keep your phone, laptop, and accessories charged while you’re on the go with the Anker PowerBank!

More Bali Travel Guides

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Click the button below to view all articles related to Bali!


I hope you found this article useful and if you have any questions, please leave me a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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Tropical Spirit – Blog

Cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni: l’isola più dolce d’Oriente

Ultimo aggiornamento il 26 Febbraio 2024 da tropicalspirit

Io sono affascinata dall’Oriente e molti miei viaggi mi hanno portato in questa parte del mondo. Prima di descrivere cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni , vi racconto perché quest’isola è così speciale da potersi definire l’isola più dolce d’Oriente. Se la chiamano “l’isola degli Dei” un motivo deve pur esserci! Bali è un luogo veramente paradisiaco: il clima è piacevole, la gente sorridente e disponibile, la natura strepitosa, i paesaggi vari e ricchi di attrazioni. Bali è poi caratterizzata da una spiritualità intensa, la si percepisce immediatamente girando l’isola. La religione penetra nell’esistenza delle persone ma lo fa in modo aggraziato, composto, senza obblighi rigidi. Basta guardare la composizione dei fiori offerti nei templi: un’armonia straordinaria, un tripudio di colori.

Bali, nonostante l’afflusso turistico notevole, non ha perso il fascino antico di paradiso in terra. Per tutte queste caratteristiche Bali è stata, ed è ancora, il Nirvana (il paradiso buddhista), un luogo dove è possibile raggiungere la libertà dai vincoli terreni che condizionano l’uomo. Un centro ispiratore di energia e da cui trarre ispirazione e creatività. Ecco il motivo per cui tanti stranieri hanno deciso di vivere sull’isola, e quello per cui tanti turisti la visitano e spesso vi ritornano, affascinati da questo Eden. Ovviamente anche io ne sono rimasta affascinata e con questo post ve ne voglio rendere partecipi. Siete pronti a scoprire questa splendida isola?

cosa vedere a bali in 10 giorni -oriente-tropicalspirit

Cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni

Come arrivare a bali.

L’aeroporto internazionale Ngurah Rai di Bali si trova a Denpasar nel sud dell’isola. Numerose compagnie raggiungono Bali, spesso è necessario uno scalo in una città orientale prima di arrivare sull’isola.  Potrebbe essere una piacevole idea fare appunto uno stop di due giorni in una città e poi raggiungere Bali. Io ad esempio mi sono fermata a Hong Kong , altre tappe potrebbero essere Singapore o Bangkok. Dall’aeroporto si può raggiungere la località prescelta prendendo un taxi o un trasferimento privato.  Se avete bisogno di un transfer vi l ascio il link


cerimonie Bali

Come muoversi a Bali

L’isola è piuttosto grande e merita veramente di essere girata pertanto occorre attrezzarsi con un mezzo di locomozione. E’ possibile affittare un auto o un motorino. Il traffico è veramente intenso pertanto se i percorsi si concentrano in una zona dell’isola come ad esempio il sud : Seminyak e dintorn i, può senz’altro convenire un motorino, tenendo presente però che la guida è a destra e che bisogna essere un pò pratici visto il numero di motorini che sfrecciano da tutte le parti.  Se si vogliono compiere giri più ampi che toccano varie parti dell’isola e richiedono quindi più tempo, è consigliabile utilizzare un driver, autisti a disposizione che vi prendono e portano dove volete a un costo piuttosto abbordabile. Ho alcuni numeri di driver se vi interessa.  Ecco il traffico è uno dei problemi principali di Bali, ne ho già parlato in un altro post sul mio ritorno a Bali dopo molto tempo, pensate che quando vi ero stata anni fa alloggiavo vicino a Kuta e da lì affittando la macchina giravo giornalmente l’isola. Ora è pressoché impossibile per cui è senz’altro consigliabile dividere il viaggio in pernottamenti in varie parti dell’isola.

Riguardo al noleggio di un’eventuale auto vi ricordo che per guidare a Bali occorre essere in possesso della patente internazionale.

Comunque se siete in procinto di un viaggio a Bali non potete partire senza stipulare una polizza assicurativa medica che vi compra per eventuali inconvenienti all’estero, ti lascio un link per usufruire del 10% di sconto .

Quando andare a Bali

Contrariamente ad altri paesi orientali il periodo migliore per visitare Bali corrisponde alla nostra estate . Il periodo più secco è infatti da maggio a settembre. I mesi di luglio e agosto sono ovviamente più affollati e di conseguenza più cari.

Quanto tempo stare a Bali

Bali è la classica isola in cui si può stare da una sola settimana a un tempo più lungo corrispondente anche a tre settimane. Ci sono veramente tante cose da vedere tra templi, spiagge, località movimentate, ognuno può trovare la propria Bali programmando una vacanza in movimento o in puro relax su una spiaggia. Il tempo minimo è però almeno una settimana, sia per ammortizzare la distanza per raggiungerla dall’Italia, ma soprattutto per riuscire a vedere almeno una parte della bellezza dell’isola. Il consiglio fondamentale è suddividere i giorni di permanenza in varie località. Io ho amato la zona di Ubud, trovo che sia strategica per muoversi nell’isola e offre veramente tante cose da vedere. Per vedere però l’altra faccia di Bali, sicuramente più turistica, bisogna soggiornare anche al sud tra le spiagge di Semyniak, Canggu o di Nusa Dua .


In giro per Bali

Qui di seguito vi riepilogo le località fondamentali da visitare in base alla mia personale esperienza. Questo è un articolo generico, in altri post vi darò  informazioni più specifiche sulle varie località.

Centro nevralgico dell’isola, diventato famoso con il libro Mangia Prega e Ama è la località più suggestiva di Bali. Io l’avevo visto diversi anni fa ed era veramente un verde paradiso, dove si concentravano artisti e si trovavano piccoli villaggi nel nulla. Ormai non è più così mistica e autentica come nel passato ma resta una località affascinante. Ha mantenuto i suoi placidi ritmi di vita, la vegetazione è strepitosa, i caffè si affacciano su lagune piene di fiori di loto. Basta allontanarsi un pochino dalla cittadina e si può ritrovare la vera essenza di Bali: fatta di donne che lavano gli abiti nei fiumi, di bambini gioiosi che sorridono alla vista dei turisti, di templi che improvvisamente appaiono nella jungla, di composizione di fiori offerti agli dei, di verdi risaie e di fresche cascate. A Ubud poi tutto è incentrato sul benessere, dai ristoranti che propongono healty food, ai centri di massaggio, dalle lezioni di meditazione, alle splendide spa, tenetene conto per godervi anche questo aspetto della località.

Cosa vedere a Ubud

Monkey forest.

Proprio al centro di Ubud è collocato un pezzo di jungla lussureggiante con alberi secolari, all’interno si trovano oltre 700 esemplari di scimmie, simpatiche e dispettose.


Monkey Forest Bali

Pura Tawan Saraswati

Sulla via principale della città si trova questo tempio affacciato su un giardino con fiori di loto, il Lotus Café si affaccia proprio sul tempio .

bali-ubud- Lotus-caffè-tropicalspirit

Bali Ubud Lotus Caffè

Campuhan Ridge Walk

P iacevole questa passeggiata che parte dal centro di Ubud e vi porta completamente immersi nella natura, fra risaie e luoghi sperduti, la passeggiata termina al café Karsa dove si può sorseggiare un succo di frutta fresca con vista sulle risaie circostanti.


Ubud Campuhan Ridge Walk

Risaie di Tegalang

Verdissime risaie non lontane dal centro di Ubud, molto turistiche ma ricche di bellissimi panorami e immagini iconiche di Bali.


Risaie di Tegalang Bali

Pura Tirtle Empul

Un tempio sacro per gli induisti dove si immergono per purificare corpo e spirito portando offerte di fiori e frutta

bali-ubud-pura-tirta-empuò-tropicalspiritblog- cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni

Pura Tirta Empul

Gunung Kawi

Un altro luogo molto suggestivo tra risaie e foreste è possibile ammirare delle grandi grotte scolpite nella roccia tutte decorate realizzate circa 1100 anni fa.


Gunung Kawi Bali

La grotta dell’elefante, è molto bello il contesto naturale più che la grotta stessa.


Goya Gajah Bali

Cascate Tegenungan

Un corto percorso in discesa vi conduce alle cascate, vari punti panoramici lungo il percorso.

Cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni: l’est dell’isola

Tenendo base a Ubud si possono raggiungere altri luoghi interessanti spingendosi verso est utilizzando un auto con un driver.

Pura Kehen a Bangli

Un tempio raccolto molto carino, viene descritto come una miniatura del vicino tempio madre di Be sakih.


Pura Kehen Bangli Bali

Pura Besakih

Uno dei templi più importanti per i balinesi. Definito il tempio madr e, è teatro delle cerimonie religiose più importanti di Bali, è composto da vari templi e altari, vi si trovano tanti fedeli radunati in preghiera. Delle guide si proporranno all’interno del tempio per guidarvi nella visita.

Cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni: Kintamani

Per vedere il vulcano Batur occorre proseguire lungo una strada di montagna, il paesaggio cambia radicalmente, il vulcano si staglia imponente sulla valle, raggiunge i 1717 metri e si affaccia sul lago Batur.  Il vulcano è ancora attivo, un luogo da vedere se si vuole una prospettiva diversa dell’isola. Abbiamo mangiato in un luogo panoramico con vista sul vulcano.


Vulcano Batur Bali

Cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni: il sud dell’isola

Bali non è sicuramente famosa per il suo mare però un salto al sud a mio avviso è d’obbligo. Questa è la parte più vivace dell’isola, ricca di locali di ogni tipo e di spiagge appunto non bellissime ma con locali molto fashion. Il problema principale delle località del sud dell’isola è il traffico, un imperversare continuo di motorini che sfrecciano ovunque e file di macchine continue, come ho già scritto in un altro post questo è ovviamente l’aspetto che mi è piaciuto meno, fa perdere un pò il fascino dell’isola a fronte di un turismo smisurato. Comunque armandovi di pazienza se guidate un auto o con la dovuta attenzione se girate in motorino, ecco i luoghi da vedere:

Cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni: Seminyak

Un ex villaggio di pescatori diventato ora una località chic di villeggiatura, vi si trovano Beach club esclusivi come il Potato Head diventato famoso in tutto il mondo, eleganti ville nascoste dove soggiornare, bar cool che non sfigurerebbero a New York o Sydney. Seminyak è vita da spiaggia e nightlife, nonostante la grande confusione a me non è dispiaciuta perlomeno per vedere anche questo lato molto glamour di Bali.


Potato Head Seminyak Bali

Un’altra località che sta diventando sempre più cool. In questi anni tanto turismo si sta infatti spostando da Seminyak a Canggu , questa località ha ancora la sembianza di un villaggio marino. Da non perdere è il locale La Laguna un locale bellissimo affacciato sulla laguna, dal gusto hippie freak. Gli interni sono molto particolari una raccolta di oggetti provenienti da tutto il mondo, tra batik, tappeti, fotografie siederete in tavoli affacciati su una veranda sul mare.

Cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni: Tempio di Pura Tana Loth

Questo è uno dei templi meglio localizzati a Bali, è arroccato su uno scoglio che con l’alta marea viene circondato dal mare. Il tempio è coperto da tetti in paglia di riso ed è uno degli scorci più suggestivi di Bali soprattutto al tramonto .

cosa vedere a bali in 10 giorni -tana-lot-tropicalspirit-cosa-vedere-a-bali

cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni : Tanah Lot Bali

Cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni: Tempio di Pura Luhur Uluwatu

Un altro tempio molto scenografico collocato su uno sperone roccioso secondo una leggenda questo grande scoglio era una nave tramutata in pietra della divinità che un tempo navigava il mare ed è infatti ora protettrice delle acque balinesi. In questo tratto di mare è possibile vedere molti surfisti che cavalcano le onde. Nel tempio si trovano anche i macachi balinesi piuttosto aggressivi. Potete anche fare un’escursione in questa zona se siete in un’altra parte di Bali vi lascio link per l’esperienza

bali-uluwatu-tropicalspirit-cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni

Uluwatu Temple Bali

In questa  località ho trovato il mare migliore di Bali. Ci sono vari resort molto belli immersi in vegetazione lussureggiante  che si affacciano su spiagge estese. Se volete dedicare qualche giorno di relax in ambienti esclusivi sicuramente vale la pena una tappa in questa zona.

Per approfondire acora meglio ti rimando ad altro post sulle spiagge più belle di Bali


Cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni: Il centro nord dell’isola

La parte più bella di un viaggio a Bali è girare l’interno dell’isola dove la vegetazione è rigogliosissima, la popolazione sorridente e gentile, il contesto naturale stupendo. In varie parti dell’isola ci sono templi o località da scoprire. Un giorno partendo dal sud con un driver abbiamo ispezionato la zona centrale e ci siamo spinti a nord. Ecco le tappe toccate:

Pura Tamal Ayun

Un tempio che ci è piaciuto molto, si suddivide in vari cortili su più livelli con altari e alte pagode chiamate Meru. Dei fossati delimitano il complesso e l’accesso al cortile più alto è consentito solo ai balinesi.

cosa vedere a bali in 10 giorni -pura-tamal-ayun-tropicalspirit

Cosa vedere a Bali: Pura Tamal Ayun

Cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni: le risaie di Jatiluih

Queste sono le risaie più estese di Bali e sono veramente molto belle. Ci sono all’interno vari percorsi di diversa lunghezza, noi abbiamo fatto il percorso blu di circa due ore. Il percorso è molto semplice e le vedute sulle risaie sono spettacolari. Un paesaggio verdeggiante incantevole che non si può davvero perdere.


cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni : Risaie di Jatiluih Bali

Pura Ulun Danu

Avete presente la classica cartolina di Bali con il tempio sul lago? Eccolo, l’icona classica di Bali. Come tutti i classici non si smentisce, complice una giornata strepitosa e le foto sono realmente delle cartoline. Dall’acqua si erge la parte più appariscente del tempio, un mero a 11 piani, nell’isoletta accanto un mero più piccolo di tre piani. La fusione con il paesaggio circostante è perfetta.

cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni -pura-ulun-danu-tropicalspirit-cosa-vedere-a-Bali

cosa vedere a Bali in 10 giorni : Pura Ulun Danu

Il segreto per scoprire Bali è girovagare in lungo e largo sull’isola, passando per villaggi artigiani, salire tra le foreste e le bellissime terrazze di riso, visitare  le spiagge e gli splendidi templi sul mare, non lasciarsi contaminare dallo spirito così turistico dell’isola per coglierne la vera essenza e assaporare la dolcezza dei paesaggi e degli abitanti.

Se non vi ho ancora convinto a visitare Bali vi rimando a un post apposito su perché andare a Bali

Post aggiornato 22 maggio 2023

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Sono stata a Bali un paio di anni fa e me ne sono innamorata. Ho in programma di tornare in Indonesia a visitare altre zone che ancora non conosco, ma un paio di giorni a Bali non me li farò mancare, è troppo bella!

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Sì Bali ha sempre un fascino tutto suo, te la consiglio

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A Bali ci sarei dovuta andare quest’anno, per il mio viaggio di nozze. Spero di poterlo riprogrammare per l’anno prossimo. Vorrei visitare tutti i luoghi che hai elencato. Mi incuriosiscono molto! E poi, ho davvero bisogno un paio di giorni tra yoga e atmosfere detox

Spero proprio per voi, una meta romantica e molto ricca di cose da fare e vedere. Ne sarete entusiasti io ci sono tornata dopo molti anni!

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Bali è stata uno dei miei primi viaggi in solitaria dove tutto è andato contro ogni aspettativa, quindi per me è un luogo speciale!

Che bello un viaggio alla “Mangia Prega e Ama”!

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Sara Slovely.eu

Bali era nella mia wish list dei viaggi pianificati per lo scorso anno… Chissà se e quando ci potrò andare! Intanto mi salvo la tua pagina, ricchissima di spunti!

Grazie mille, speriamo si possa riprendere presto.

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Federica Assirelli

Che viaggio nei ricordi leggendo questo articolo… Sai che Bali è l’unico posto al mondo (lontano) dove sono stata per due estati di fila? E per una curiosa come me ho detto tutto! La seconda volta non era in programma, ma dopo aver visitato Sumbawa, Flores e le sue isole minori, non avevo altro desiderio che tornare a riposarmi e rilassarmi a Bali! Sono tornata volentieri in luoghi che già conoscevo, ma poi ne ho approfittato per esplorare l’interno ed il nord che non avevo visto in precedenza e non me ne sono affatto pentita!

Pensa che io invece a Bali ci sono tornata dopo tanto tempo, a dirti il vero sono rimasta un pò scioccata, è cambiata proprio tanto ma è sempre Bali, magnifica soprattutto nell’interno.

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Non ho mai considerato Bali come destinazione di viaggio perchè la immagino estremamente turistica e affollata. Poi mi ritrovo a leggere articoli come questo, correlato da quelle fotografie pazzesche, e mi dico che sono una pazza a tenere Bali fuori da un possibile itinerario asiatico. Non lo so, sono combattuta… Forse dovrei scegliere un periodo poco gettonato…se mai ce ne siano 😉

Bali è proprio estremamente turistica e affollata soprattutto nella parte sud dell’isola, nel contempo l’interno è sempre bellissimo. Diciamo che ognuno deve cercarsi la propria Bali, ho scritto un altro post su Bali dopo averla vista molti anni dopo, ero scioccata.se hai voglia vai a leggere.

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Non sono mai stata a Bali ma è sicuramente nella mia lista. Dicono di visitarla il prima possibile perchè purtroppo sta cambiando tantissimo e molto velocemente. Speriamo che riesca a mantenere la sua autenticità perchè da quello che leggo deve essere davvero favolosa!

Purtroppo Bali è già cambiata tanto ma comunque ha ancora angoli segreti e nascosti basta solo cercarli!

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Vivendo in Australia so che Bali è una meta facilmente raggiungibile, eppure non ci sono ancora mai stata. Non vedo l’ora di andarci però, soprattutto le risaie e i templi mi attirano tantissimo. Come la vedi come destinazione con un bimbo di 2-3 anni?

Guarda è talmente tanto turistica che non crea problemi se non il traffico realmente infernale. Per il bambino non vedo problemi, cucina di tutti i tipi, sistemazioni varie dalle ville molto comode con bambini, a bb e ottimi hotel, clima piacevole.

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ora ti faccio ridere… Bali è stupenda ma io l’ho sempre voluta visitare solo per una cosa: il caffè defecato dallo zibetto. Devo capire cosa diavolo ci sia dietro a tutto sto can can internazionale sulla sua bontà. Tu l’hai assaggiato?

No cara ma non faccio molto testo, bevo pochissimo caffè!

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Non sono mai stata a Bali e devo ammettere che la sogno da un po’: mi piacerebbe visitarla in periodi meno turistici per scoprire la sua autenticità e i suoi angoli nascosti senza la ressa solo che con il lavoro è dura, anzi…Durissima! Speriamo di poter scoprire il Sud-est asiatico il prima possibile: so già a chi affidarmi per queste avventure 😉

Che cara Eliana! Sì di tanti posti del sud est asiatico in effetti Bali è la più turistica, ti vedrei bene in Vietnam ricchezza naturale e varietà di situazioni.

Non sono mai stata a Bali, ma è da sempre tra i miei viaggi nel cassetto! E le tue foto spettacolari e il tuo racconto confermano come Bali sia davvero una meraviglia. Per me che amo l’Asia sarebbe sicuramente il top! Speriamo di tornare presto a programmare viaggi come questo!

Speriamo mi sta mancando l’Oriente.

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Sono stata a Bali due volte. La prima volta ero giovanissima, alle prese con il mio primo viaggio zaino in spalla: si parla del 1987! Allora Kuta era un dedalo di strade non asfaltate, con un viavai di surfisti e giovani turisti a caccia di allegria ed emozioni. Ho girato l’isola con mezzi di fortuna, dormendo dove capitava. La seconda volta è stata una grande sorpresa: l’isola paradisiaca, selvaggia e selvatica si era trasformata di una rinomata località turistica. Ubud mi ha stupito e sconvolto! Spa di lusso nella foresta! In ogni caso Bali è uno spettacolo, meravigliosa e la sua gente accogliente e cordiale. Ci tornerei di nuovo…

Cara Paola ti comprendo benissimo, ho vissuto le stesse sensazioni e infatti in un altro post del blog ne parlo. Io c’ero stata nel 1989 quindi poco dopo di te, allora era veramente un’isola paradisiaca, oggi è molto bello il suo interno ma anche io sono rimasta sconvolta da quanto sia sfruttata turisticamente.

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Sarebbe stato uno dei ciaggi in programma pernil 2020 ed invece chissà quando potremmo fare 10 gg a Bali in serenità

Chissà in effetti la situazione si sta prolungando troppo.

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Che bello! Vorrei andarci subito! Le tue foto sono davvero spettacolari. L’unico dubbio è che come dicevi anche tu Bali è sempre più turistica, e mi è stato detto che proprio per il caos che c’è l’esperienza è un po’ deludente… Sarebbe davvero un peccato

Sì su quello non c’è dubbio è molto più turistica di altre località orientali, mantiene comunque un suo fascino uscendo dai luoghi più trafficati, io la consiglio comunque.

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Sono un’aspirante nomade digitale e Bali sarebbe la mia prima scelta per andare a vivere! Sto solo aspettando che questo periodo finisca per prenotare un biglietto solo andata. È inutile dire che il tuo articolo, e soprattutto le foto, mi hanno fatto capire ancora di più quanto io desideri partire verso l’Oriente.

Sono felice per te a Bali ci sono tanti nomadi digitali per cui ti troverai sicuramente bene, speriamo solo che tutto questo finisca presto.

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Mai stata a Bali, ma lo sogno da un po’. Tra l’altro ho letto che il periodo migliore per andarci corrisponde alla nostra estate e questo è davvero una bella notizia visto che è il periodo in cui riesco ad avere maggiori giorni a disposizione. Complimenti per l’articolo, davvero utile e piano di informazioni!

Grazie a te per il riscontro, sì la stagione migliore è la nostra estate.

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Ho poco da aggiungere a un articolo come questo, io questo luogo l’ho scelto come casa avendo a disposizione tutto il mondo e più la conosco e più la amo, ecco il segreto di Bali è forse questo … saperla guardare e conoscerla davvero

Certo viverla da local è proprio un’altra cosa, chissà che panorami e situazioni ti godi!

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Bali è la nostra meta dei sogni da qualche anno e se tutto va bene (incrociamo le dita) potremmo riuscire ad andarci prossimamente. Terremo bene a mente i tuoi consigli!!! Se hai qualche dritta familyfriendly…siamo tutti orecchie!

L’isola è così turistica che è molto family friendly vedrai che ti piacerà sicuramente, io ci sono andata con figlia adolescente

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I 25 migliori tour di Bali da non perdere!

Best Bali tours

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Bali è un’isola con molte destinazioni, che rendono i tour in questo angolo di paradiso un requisito essenziale per i visitatori.

Scoprite insieme a noi 25 fantastici tour di Bali che completeranno il vostro viaggio e che vi permetteranno di immergervi nella ricca cultura, nei meravigliosi panorami e nella simpatica gente del posto di questa fantastica isola indonesiana.

Questi tour di Bali renderanno sicuramente più vivace la vostra vacanza con una grande varietà di avventure.

1 – Tour Instagram di Bali: I luoghi più panoramici

Bali Instagram Tour The Most Scenic Spots

Paesaggi marini, panorami e bellezze sono all’ordine del giorno sull’isola indonesiana di Bali. Ecco perché una visita non sarebbe completa senza il Bali Instagram tour.

Ammirate la natura locale e visitate alcuni dei luoghi più iconici dell’isola. Scattate foto Instagram di altissimo livello di luoghi come il vulcano Mount Agung e imparate tutto sull’isola e sulla sua cultura balinese.

  • tour Instagram di Bali

2 – Tour privato di Uluwatu, Tanah Lot e Jimbaran

Uluwatu, Tanah Lot and Jimbaran Private Tour

Godetevi un tour privato della costa meridionale di Bali che include due dei templi più iconici dell’isola, l’Impero di Mengwi e il Tempio di Tanah Lot.

Il tour include anche autentiche esibizioni di danza “kecak” da parte degli abitanti del luogo e panorami che si affacciano sull’Oceano Indiano. Concludete la giornata con una cena a base di pesce al tramonto a Jimbaran Bay.

  • tour privato di Uluwatu, Tanah Lot e Jimbaran

3 – Visita di un villaggio tradizionale di Bali di un’intera giornata con pranzo

Bali Full-Day Traditional Village Sightseeing Trip with Lunch

Immergetevi nella cultura balinese con un giro turistico tradizionale di un’intera giornata con pranzo. Visiterete i villaggi artigianali intorno alla città di Ubud, dove potrete ammirare i prodotti dell’artigianato locale come i gioielli in oro e argento.

Il tour include anche la visita al Tempio di Batuan e al Tempio della Fonte Sacra di Sebatu. È previsto un pranzo a buffet, che potrete gustare con vista sul vulcano Kintamani.

  • visita al villaggio tradizionale

4 – Tour in bicicletta in discesa di Bali nascosto

Downhill Bali Hidden Cycling Tour

Cambiate la vostra esperienza di tour a Bali e provate un tour in bicicletta che vi vede percorrere una discesa in bicicletta mentre esplorate parti della Bali nascosta. Pedalate lungo il vulcano Kintamani, fino alle terrazze di riso dell’UNESCO e ai villaggi artigianali di Ubud.

Il tour include il prelievo dall’hotel, il noleggio della bicicletta e il pranzo o la cena, a seconda che si parta la mattina o il pomeriggio. Godetevi le magnifiche viste mentre pedalate attraverso il paradiso di Bali.

  • Tour in bicicletta a Bali

5 – Il meglio di Ubud: Cascata, terrazzamenti di riso e foresta di scimmie

Best of Ubud Waterfall, Rice Terraces & Monkey Forest

Immergetevi nella tradizione di Bali con un tour privato di Ubud, la città indonesiana nota come centro dell’artigianato e della danza tradizionale. Iniziate il viaggio con una visita alla cascata di Tegenungan, dove potrete ammirare le acque naturali.

Lungo il percorso, visitate la Foresta delle Scimmie di Ubud e il Tempio di Batuan. Sosta per il pranzo, che si affaccia su paesaggi verdi e panoramici vicino alle terrazze di riso di Tegalalang. Il tour include anche il Palazzo del Re di Ubud, il Villaggio Mas e altro ancora.

  • gite a Ubud da Bali

6 – Bali: Escursione all’alba sul Monte Batur e sorgente calda naturale

Bali Mount Batur Sunrise Hike and Natural Hot Spring

Non c’è niente di meglio che guardare l’alba in paradiso. Con l’escursione all’alba sul Monte Batur, è proprio questo che potrete fare, con tanto di sorgente termale. Salite sulla montagna più simbolica di Bali e ammirate il panorama mozzafiato.

Ammirate i vulcani attivi nelle vicinanze del villaggio di Kintamani e imparate tutto ciò che c’è da sapere sulla regione da una guida privata. La colazione è inclusa, il prelievo è previsto alle ore 1.30 e la riconsegna alle ore 13.00.

  • escursione all’alba sul Monte Batur

7 – Tour di Uluwatu e della baia di Jimbaran

Uluwatu and Jimbaran Bay Tour

I tour di Bali non sono migliori di una visita alla cima della scogliera del tempio di Uluwatu, uno dei punti di riferimento dell’isola. Il tour di Uluwatu e della baia di Jimbaran include anche un pasto, da gustare nell’ambiente rilassato della spiaggia di Jimbaran.

Il tour inizia con una visita alla spiaggia panoramica dell’isola, Padang Padang. Successivamente, scoprirete il tempio sacro di Luhur Uluwatu. Altri punti salienti sono la danza Kecak balinese e una guida turistica privata.

  • tour di Uluwatu e della baia di Jimbaran

8 – Tempio Madre di Bali e tour delle Porte del Cielo di Lempuyang

Mother Temple of Bali and Lempuyang's Gates of Heaven Tour

Entrate nelle porte del paradiso a Lempuyang e scoprite le delizie del Tempio Madre. Questa esperienza è da annoverare tra i migliori tour di Bali e inizia con la visita al Tempio di Lempuyang, passando per lunghe distese di risaie incontaminate lungo il percorso.

Godetevi il panorama offerto dal tempio mentre la vostra guida turistica cattura le foto più belle e vi spiega la storia dell’antico tempio. Successivamente, visitate il Tirta Gangga, caratterizzato da fontane, giardini e sculture in pietra. Dopo aver mangiato un boccone veloce, concludete la giornata visitando il tempio più grande di Bali.

  • tour delle Porte del Cielo di Lempuyang

9 – Bali: Il meglio di Nusa Penida Tour di un giorno intero in barca veloce

Bali Best of Nusa Penida Full-Day Tour by Fast Boat

Scoprite da vicino l’isola di Nusa Penida con un tour privato di un’intera giornata. Rilassatevi sulle spiagge di sabbia bianca lontano dalla folla dei turisti e crogiolatevi nel vostro piccolo angolo di paradiso.

Iniziate la giornata attraversando il mare fino alla piccola isola di Nusa Penida, dove vi accoglierà la vostra guida privata. Approfittate dell’occasione per fotografare gli splendidi dintorni prima di fare un po’ di snorkeling.

  • tour di Nusa Penida da Bali

10 – Escursione di un giorno per lo snorkeling a Nusa Lembongan

From Bali Snorkeling Day Trip to Nusa Lembongan

Portate la vostra esperienza di tour a Bali in mare con un’escursione di un giorno di snorkeling a Nusa Lembongan. Scoprite tre diverse isole nuotando tra pesci tropicali e flora e fauna corallina.

I punti salienti dell’escursione includono una guida di snorkeling che fornirà tutta l’attrezzatura necessaria. Poi si scende in acqua alla ricerca di pesci angelo imperatore, pesci pappagallo, murene, tartarughe e persino mante.

  • escursione a Nusa Lembongan da Bali

11 – Tour dell’alba a Bali Nord con delfini, cascate e templi

North Bali Sunrise Tour with Dolphins, Waterfalls & Temples

Cosa c’è di meglio che vivere l’alba a Bali? Farlo in compagnia dei delfini, ecco cosa c’è di meglio. Ma non è tutto, perché questo tour dell’alba a nord di Bali include anche visite a cascate e templi.

L’escursione privata di mezza giornata vi introduce alle bellezze che il nord di Bali ha da offrire. Iniziate la giornata osservando i delfini che giocano nel loro habitat naturale mentre ammirate l’alba di Bali. Concluderete il tour con una visita alla cascata di Gitgit e al tempio di Ulundanu Bratan.

  • tour dell’alba a Bali Nord

12 – Ubud: Tour in bicicletta elettrica alle terrazze di riso di Tegallalang

Ubud Electric Bike Tour to Tegallalang Rice Terraces

Salite su una bicicletta elettrica e partite da Ubud verso le Terrazze di Riso di Tegallalang, dove ammirerete paesaggi mozzafiato, visiterete templi storici e assaggerete la birra locale in una piantagione di caffè.

Questo tour di tre ore vi permetterà di visitare i villaggi locali e di sperimentare lo stile di vita locale a Bali. Imparate a conoscere la cultura locale e ammirate la spettacolare vista della terrazza di riso di Tegallalang, il tutto ascoltando una guida locale.

  • tour in bicicletta a Ubud

13 – Siti UNESCO: Bedugul, Jatiluwih e Tanah Lot Tour di un giorno intero

UNESCO Sites Bedugul, Jatiluwih and Tanah Lot Full-Day Tour

Visitate i siti UNESCO di Bali con un tour privato che vi permetterà di vedere i templi più iconici dell’isola. Scoprite la storia e la cultura del popolo balinese e delle sue divinità.

I siti UNESCO di Bali includono il tempio di Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, il giardino e il tempio di Taman Ayun e Bali Subak. Ognuno di essi offre panorami pittoreschi.

  • Tour di Tanah Lot

14 – Gita privata di un giorno a Bali Mangia, prega, ama

Bali Eat Pray Love Private Day Trip

Bali è famosa per molte cose: spiagge idilliache, siti UNESCO, templi e acque cristalline. È anche il luogo in cui è stato girato il famoso film Mangia, prega, ama (con Julia Roberts) e questo tour lo riproduce.

Seguite il viaggio di Julia Roberts in Mangia, prega, ama e scoprite la guarigione spirituale. Godetevi i bagni sacri al Tempio dell’Acqua di Mengening, curate i vostri disturbi con un guaritore balinese e ammirate la bellezza naturale delle Terrazze di Riso di Tegalalang.

  • tour di Mangia prega ama

15 – Canyoning a Bali: un’indimenticabile avventura tra le cascate

Canyoning in Bali—An Unforgettable Waterfall Adventure

Allontanatevi per qualche istante dai panorami mozzafiato degli altri tour di Bali e abbracciate l’aria aperta con un’indimenticabile avventura tra le cascate.

Provate gli scivoli naturali, la discesa in corda doppia dalle cascate e il salto libero nelle piscine rocciose. Concludete la gita con una nuotata nelle acque sorgive naturali e poi rivedete la vostra giornata con le immagini catturate da una videocamera GoPro.

  • canyoning a Bali

16 – Bali All Inclusive: Terrazze di riso, templi e vulcano di Ubud

Bali All Inclusive Ubud Rice Terraces, Temples & Volcano

Le terrazze di riso di Ubud offrono colori verdi vibranti che devono essere visti per essere creduti. I templi e i vulcani di Bali non fanno che aumentare lo stupore di questo tour all inclusive.

Ammirate alcuni dei paesaggi più suggestivi di Bali. Visitate gli scenografici vulcani nel centro dell’isola, assistete all’artigianato della scultura del legno di Bali e ammirate le terrazze di riso di Tegalalang.

  • tour di Ubud tutto compreso

17 – Bali: Templi sacri e tour privato al tramonto

Bali Sacred Temples and Sunset Private Tour

Partecipate a un tour privato e scoprite i templi sacri di Bali guardando il tramonto in grande stile. Il tour include la visita di villaggi locali, montagne maestose e la possibilità di immergersi nella cultura di Bali.

Iniziate il vostro tour con una visita al Tempio di Goa Gajah, noto anche come Tempio della Grotta dell’Elefante, e ammirate la sua struttura in pietra unica. Concludete la giornata a Tanah Lot, un tempio dove potrete ammirare il tramonto.

  • Tanah Lot visite guidate

18 – Ubud: Tour privato dell’altalena nella giungla

Ubud Jungle Swing Private Tour

Fate un giro nella giungla tropicale di Ubud e scoprite la bellezza nascosta di Bali. Questo tour privato vi permetterà di incontrare gli abitanti del villaggio indigeno di Pengelipuran e di scoprire splendide cascate.

Raggiungete il villaggio di Pengelipuran, noto come uno dei villaggi più puliti del mondo, prima di sorvolare la giungla su un’altalena e ammirare l’area circostante.

  • tour privato dell’altalena nella giungla

19 – Villaggio di Carang Sari in bicicletta

Carang Sari Village Cycling

Scoprite il lato rurale di Bali con un tour in bicicletta del villaggio. Visitate le famose terrazze di riso e pedalate attraverso villaggi caratteristici dove potrete immergervi nella vita locale.

Tra gli altri punti salienti del tour vi sono la visita alla foresta delle scimmie di Sangeh, il pranzo con viste panoramiche spettacolari e l’osservazione degli incredibili paesaggi di Bali.

  • villaggio di Carang Sari in bicicletta

20 – Monte Batur: safari privato in jeep Volkswagen sul vulcano

Mount Batur Private Volkswagen Jeep Volcano Safari

Scoprite la zona montuosa centrale di Bali con un safari sul vulcano a bordo di una jeep Volkswagen. Dirigetevi verso il Monte Batur, visitate risaie, templi e persino sorgenti termali.

Godetevi un tour privato guidato dal vostro autista mentre scoprite le meraviglie del vulcano Mount Batur di Bali, circondato dal lago caldera Batur di 13 chilometri quadrati.

  • safari sul vulcano con la jeep Volkswagen

21 – Gita privata di un giorno alla cascata Tukad Cepung e all’altalena nella giungla di Bali

Bali Tukad Cepung Waterfall & Jungle Swing Private Day Trip

Tornate alla natura con i vostri tour di Bali e visitate la cascata di Tukad Cepung, seguita da un’altalena nella giungla su un terreno naturale. Questa è sicuramente un’avventura per gli amanti della natura.

Scoprite due gemme nascoste di Bali: Tibumana e la cascata di Tukad Cepung. Poi dirigetevi verso la giungla di Ubud e dondolatevi attraverso uno scenario mozzafiato.

  • escursione privata con altalena nella giungla

22 – Tour del lago e del vulcano Kintamani

Kintamani Lake & Volcano Tour

Scoprite la storia e la cultura di Bali attraversando la regione montuosa di Kintamani. Una guida turistica privata è a disposizione per raccontarvi tutto ciò che c’è da sapere sulle meraviglie di Bali.

Una parte del tour vi permetterà di assistere alla mitica danza balinese del Barong, prima di recarvi a Ubud per scoprire il centro artistico e creativo di Bali.

  • tour del lago e del vulcano Kintamani

23 – Gita di un’intera giornata ai villaggi tradizionali di Bali con pranzo

Bali Full-Day Traditional Village Sightseeing Trip with Lunch

Godetevi la cultura locale nei villaggi artigianali di Bali con questa gita turistica. Osservate la gente del posto a Ubud, che è il centro artistico di Bali. Visitate poi i templi vicini e godetevi le viste panoramiche offerte.

Esplorate i batik, i lavori in argento e le sculture in legno di Batubulan, Celuk e Mas. Concludete il vostro viaggio con una visita a Ubud, dove potrete ammirare la Foresta delle Scimmie di Ubud, il Mercato dell’Arte di Ubud e il Palazzo di Ubud.

  • Visita ai villaggi tradizionali

24 – Tour Bali Food Safari

Bali Food Safari Tour

Assaporate le delizie culinarie locali con un tour Bali food safari. Assaggerete una selezione di piatti balinesi che vi faranno venire l’acquolina in bocca.

Scoprite un’avventura culinaria misteriosa nella località balneare di Seminyak, assaggiate 12 piatti deliziosi in quattro ristoranti e vivete un’esperienza culinaria epica.

  • tour gastronomici a Bali

25 – Bali: Tour di un giorno intero di purificazione spirituale e guarigione sciamanica

Bali Full-Day Spiritual Cleansing and Shamanic Healing Tour

La vostra esperienza di tour a Bali non sarà completa senza incontrare Cokorda Rai, uno dei più famosi guaritori di Bali. Questo tour di guarigione vi permetterà di incontrarla e di ricevere una purificazione spirituale.

Recatevi al Tempio della Fonte Sacra di Bali a Tirta Empul, a Tampak Siring, e sperimentate le tecniche di guarigione Yanga, Yatra e Mantra.

  • tour di pulizia spirituale e guarigione sciamanica

Speriamo che la nostra selezione di tour a Bali vi sia piaciuta. Cliccate sul seguente link per il nostro elenco completo di tour a Bali . Buon divertimento sull’isola degli dei!

My Trolley Blog

Viaggio a Bali, l’isola che ti convince che il paradiso esiste davvero

Viaggio A Bali, L’isola Che Ti Convince Che Il Paradiso Esiste Davvero

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Un viaggio a Bali e ti ricordi, all’improvviso, il senso delle cose. Le rimetti in fila e, mentre la tua anima prende ossigeno, tu ti ricordi finalmente chi sei davvero.

Bali i love you.

Bali, erano anni che dicevo a me stessa che un giorno ci sarei andata e, un bel giorno, così ho fatto. Anche se ci vogliono 16 ore di volo (via Dubai, volo operato da Emirates) e se non avevo tanto tempo (solo dieci miseri giorni), ne è valsa la pena ed ecco cosa ho messo nel mio trolley al ritorno del mio viaggio a Bali. A lungo,  dentro di me, ho fantasticato su questo progetto che non ho mai tradito, e mi immaginavo un gran bel posto esotico. Vero, è così, ma è anche molto di più. Bali è un insieme di sensazioni impalpabili, eppure intense e profonde, che non è affatto facile condividerle a parole, ma io ci voglio provare.

Bali, pura magia

Vorrei parlarvi dei tramonti magici di Lovina , delle scimmie dispettose che ho incontrato a Ubud , dei delfini curiosi che mi hanno salutata in mare e potrei parlarvi ancora di mille altre cose, ma lo lascio fare a chi conosce Bali molto meglio di me che ci sono stata poco più di una settimana. Se siete in partenza o state programmando un viaggio verso quest’isola ( il periodo migliore per andare a Bali è da maggio a ottobre) , vi consiglio di dare un’occhiata al blog Bali Bagus perchè ci troverete un sacco di ottimi consigli per un viaggio a Bali .  Per il mio racconto io scelgo una prospettiva diversa: qui non troverete spunti sulle migliori esperienze da fare a Bali  o buoni indirizzi da non perdere, ma capirete (spero) perchè vale la pena andarci.

Bali, un posto magico

Bali è un paradiso, eppure non è un sogno ed è un lusso che vale più di qualsiasi suite, anche se qui c’è l’ albergo più bello del mondo , La prima mattina mi aspettava sorridente Jilsgawa, il mio local driver, mi ha proposto di iniziare la giornata sorseggiando un ginger tea da amici del posto. Grande esperienza, ho pensato, e ho accettato con entusiasmo. Proprio la loro casa è stata la prima cosa a sorprendermi in questo posto nel mondo dove niente è uguale ad altrove. Qui le costruzioni tipiche per lo più sono aperte, sì, senza pareti, riparate solo da immensi tetti spioventi realizzati con foglie di banano e di bambù. Le case, semplici e modeste, hanno una grande dignità ed ognuna ha il suo piccolo tempio per il raccoglimento e la meditazione.

Cosi esotica, così libera

Le poche strade che ci sono sono libere: niente mezzi pubblici, né semafori, né stop agli incroci, solamente una marea di motorini che le percorrono carichi di persone e di merci d’ogni genere. Sopra ci portano di tutto, trasportando per lo più i frutti di una terra tanto rigogliosa quanto modesta. Gli orizzonti, vicini o lontani che siano, sono di un verde che più verde non si può. Le palme svettano ai lati delle strade, tra liane e piante d’ogni tipo che non pensavi nemmeno esistessero e, cariche di fiori, ne disegnano con grazia i confini.

E poi le risaie , quelle dolci infinite distese, le montagne aspre e i vulcani per il trekking, i laghi e i fiumi da cavalcare sui gommoni. Mentre insieme a Jilsgawa la giravo in lungo e in largo (è piccola più o meno quanto la Liguria) pensavo spesso dentro di me: alla prossima curva tutto questo sarà finito, e invece era come un mare bellissimo di cui non si vede mai la fine. I miei occhi continuavano a riempirsi in questo Eden che più che a un luogo reale assomiglia al Paradiso, o per  lo meno a quello che a me piace immaginare.

Perché la chiamano l’isola degli Dei

Se farete un viaggio a Bali  preparatevi a dimenticarvi delle barriere architettoniche: niente palazzi né cartelli pubblicitari né insegne.  I  templi , invece, quelli sono ovunque: sull’oceano, sulle scogliere, nelle foreste, sui laghi, lungo la strada. La preghiera è il senso della vita terrena e ogni giorno il pezzo più importante della vita quotidiana, un rito pieno di rispetto, una pratica così sincera che mi ha fatto riflettere. In ogni dove, poi, troverete le offerte votive: sono per terra, fuori dalle case e dentro le botteghe, nei templi come sui cruscotti degli autocarri carichi di gente che si spostano da un villaggio all’altro. Sono piccole composizioni colorate fatte di petali, monete e cibo che i locali compongono con grande semplicità, ma che ogni giorno offrono con totale devozione.

La cerimonia del silenzio: il Nyepi Day

I balinesi, per l’85%  induisti, sono un popolo affascinante e dolcissimo che caccia le divinità maligne limandosi i denti e per tenerle lontane ripara i templi con tanti ombrellini colorati. Per parlare con gli dei fanno volare gli aquiloni alti nel cielo e partecipano in massa a riti propiziatori e cerimonie. Sì, i balinesi vivono così. La ricorrenza religiosa più suggestiva dev’essere il Nyepi Day,  di cui mi ha raccontato un amico che ha vissuto tre mesi su quest’isola . E’ il giorno del silenzio, la data non è fissa ma coincide sempre con il Capodanno Balinese .

Se farete un viaggio a Bali e vi troverete sull’isola in occasione del Nyepi Day sappiate che per 24 ore non troverete nessuno per le strade, perché l’isola si ferma. In pratica è come se all’improvviso Bali diventasse deserta, perchè è proprio questo l’inganno. Solo così  le divinità maligne, secondo quelli del luogo, trovandola all’improvviso deserta e abbandonata, se ne andranno altrove. Persino l’aeroporto è chiuso1 Dalle 6 del mattino alle 6 del giorno successivo i locali si dedicano alla riflessione. Non si possono nemmeno accendere fuochi né si può utilizzare l’illuminazione. Ah, se alloggerete in hotel le finestre delle vostre stanze verranno oscurate.

I templi di Bali

Per tenere lontano il male, tre giorni prima del Nyepi Day iniziano le celebrazioni di purificazione, i pellegrinaggi per donare le offerte, i sacrifici degli animali. Durante la mia permanenza anche a me è capitato di assistere ad una cerimonia sacra. Quella mattina ero andata a visitare il tempio Besakih . Pioveva (anche se a Bali ci andate in estate portatevelo comunque un k-way), ma la pioggia non scoraggiava le migliaia di balinesi di tutte le età che, in file ordinate e silenziose, salivano le ripide scalinate che portano al più grande tempio dell’isola (in tutto sono circa 20 mila, anche sul mare) per portare doni e offerte gli Dei. .

I Balinesi, come vivono

La gente del posto vive di niente, mangia con le mani qualche pugno di riso e beve acqua di cocco. Svolge mestieri modesti,  lavora sodo seduta per terra o con la schiena riversa per ore sui campi di riso. Eppure sorride sempre e con un dignità disarmante ti spoglia in un secondo di tutte quelle false certezze del mondo occidentale. La gente è socievole e divertente: se farete un viaggio a  Bali  aspettatevela piena di turisti e viaggiatori, sempre bene accolti. Oltre alla natura incontaminata sono proprio i balinesi ad essermi piaciuti. I posti dove incontrarli più da vicino sono i mercati ed è molto facile scambiarci due chiacchiere.

Di mercati ne ho visitati tre, in alcuni ci sono le classiche bancarelle mentre in altri le merci sono appoggiate direttamente a terra. Tra profumi e colori, c’è di tutto: pesce vivo e affumicato, spezie vivaci e tabacco da fumare, carne cruda e cotta, verdure d’ogni colore e frutti succosi. Assaggiate qualcosa perché ne vale la pena, cominciate con una noce di cocco e sentite quanto è dolce il suo succo.

Cosa comprare a Bali

Durante il vostro viaggio a Bali , dimenticatevi di quello che ci hanno convinti sia necessario per una vita serena e riappropriatevi del senso vero delle cose. Questo non è il posto dei brand e grandi marchi ( fatta eccezione che a Kuta e Seminyak, dove vi sconsiglio di andare). In ogni caso contrattate sempre prima di comprare: di solito ai turisti alzano un pò i prezzi e c’è sempre margine per la trattativa.

A Bali  è non ci sono nemmeno i classici souvenir. Niente calamite insomma, se volete comprare qualcosa da portare a casa ci sono invece affascinanti maschere in legno intagliato e sete meravigliose. A tesserle sono le donne:  imparano quando hanno dieci anni e poi continuano a lavorare al telaio tutta la vita per 5 ore al giorno perchè secondo la cultura locale altrimenti nessuno le sposerà. Anche i monili d’argento sono lavorati a mano e assemblati con le colle naturali estratte dalle piante.

Se vi siete convinti che vale la pena programmare un viaggio a Bali   sul mio blog trovate  dieci esperienze da fare su quest’isola dove si vive come in una favola mitologica, tra riti e divinità. Sono cose semplici, ma hanno dentro tutta l’incredibile magica essenza di Bali

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  22. A Bali in 10 giorni

    Pioveva (anche se a Bali ci andate in estate portatevelo comunque un k-way), ma la pioggia non scoraggiava le migliaia di balinesi di tutte le età che, in file ordinate e silenziose, salivano le ripide scalinate che portano al più grande tempio dell'isola (in tutto sono circa 20 mila, anche sul mare) per portare doni e offerte gli Dei. .