How to Answer the USC Short Answer Questions (2023-24)

How to Answer the USC Short Answer Questions (2023-24)

Prepare yourselves, dear readers: this is a comprehensive guide on how to answer the USC short answer questions. It’s quite in-depth; so, we hope this will be the only guide you need!

Many of our students ask us how to answer the USC short answer questions. Particularly, they’d ask, “What do they even want us to say?!”

Here’s the short answer (no pun intended): there’s no right way to answer the USC Short Answer Questions. Admissions officers just want to see the unique qualities that prove you’re human.

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So, what does this mean?

It means that there is no “secret formula” that will guarantee acceptance. You need to show the qualities that make you, well, you. Additionally, you should answer this creatively. Creativity demonstrates to USC’s admissions officers your depth of thought and dedication to each short answer question no matter how small.”

In fact, based on the work we’ve done with previous students, interesting USC essays significantly increase acceptance rates.

And, funnily enough, during USC’s freshman orientations, they spend a good amount of time reading through accepted students’ short answer questions and complimenting how unique they are!

So, that drives the point home quite well: be unique!

Try to imagine this: universities typically want students attending their schools to be well-rounded, smart, and, well, human. Who is the student universities will want to accept? One who earns high marks and says whatever the school wants to hear? Or one who earns high marks and has a unique form of expression? The first option will probably do fine in USC, earn their degree, and work for someone to be another cog in the socio-economic machine. The second option will both do fine in the school and earn their degree; however, their unique qualities will make them more suitable for the school’s environment, and more likely their unique traits will resonate through their future career.

This is what USC, as well as many other universities, are fighting for. The short answer questions are a fine-tooth comb that helps them determine who the unique candidates with pioneering potential are.

Comparing the average acceptance rate to that of our clients, it is clear that giving your essays and short answer questions a unique twist is important.

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This means in these questions you can’t be thinking in the mindset of, “What does USC want to see in my short answer question essays?” Rather, you need to think, “How can I demonstrate myself in a unique manner that shows I am a suitable candidate?”

Okay, so it’s important to show that we’re unique, right? Well, how on earth does one show that they’re a strong candidate as well through their favorite snack?

And the answer to that is
 well, it’s hard. You must get creative.

The admissions committee at USC will be analyzing your answers here to some degree. However, they won’t know whether you’ll be a great engineer or business person based on your favorite snack.

Nonetheless, an interesting answer still helps admissions officers differentiate you from the rest. So, answer the question to highlight your unique character.

For instance: let’s say you’re applying as an engineering or computer science major. You choose The Godfather as your favorite movie. Such a movie may show an appreciation for film direction fundamentals in the wake of a hard science field. This adds a level of depth to you that exists beyond your major and future career interests. (effectively adding to the school’s diversity.)

This is how to answer the USC short answer questions. Unique answers demonstrate you can contribute some character or personality trait that is valuable to the school or your discipline.   

Alright, with us so far? Great!

Here’s a summary of how to answer the USC short answer questions

  • Some answers are better than others, so be unique. Don’t just go for the obvious answers.
  • USC gives these short answer questions because they want to differentiate between the robots and unique individuals.
  • Show you’re a great candidate by demonstrating personality traits that USC would find useful for your discipline.

With that said, let’s get more in-depth about each USC prompt.

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Table of Contents

  • Describe yourself in three words.
  • What is your favorite snack?
  • Best movie of all time:
  • If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
  • Dream trip:
  • What TV show will you binge watch next?
  • Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?
  • Favorite book
  • If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?

1. Describe yourself in three words.

First Word: Second Word: Third Word:

Note: Because this is one of the most important parts of the USC short answer questions (including “dream job”) we would highly suggest speaking to us about your answers to this question prior to submission.

Remember: words are not limited to adjectives. Words like samurai may signify that you are someone of strict discipline, respect for tradition, and an appreciation of the arts such as poetry.

Be careful with the connotations of your words, though. Using words like “Batman” is a creative way to stand out amongst the rest of the applicants, but you’d also be wrestling with the dead-parents bat-outfit shenanigans.

You should also consider that the first, second, and third words may be used together to create one whole phrase.

For instance, we had a previous client use the words, “ready, set, go”, and this described their ferociously competitive nature. The only thing we would say about following this format is that you should use this if you feel that it truly resonates with your character.

The good thing is that this is a very creative way of approaching the admissions process at USC and there is no doubt that you will stand out. The disadvantage, however, is that you will lose the opportunity to have 3 separate words that individually show your character. In the end, it’s up to you to decide how you want to portray yourself.

2. What is your favorite snack?

You’re going to be introducing the reader into your life with this question –as you will with the rest of the questions.

Showing them what your favorite snack is will open up your life to the reader and allow the admissions officers to see a little bit more about you as a person. The answer should be useful in providing a window into your own personal life, and how that may fit with their campus culture.

For instance, one may say their favorite snack is

  • Dutch Bros coffee during midnight study sessions.
  • Tears of the patriarchy you collected in Mason Jars.
  • Thai Tea –half sugar, half ice, with boba.

These answers are strong because they give a window into what sort of person you are. Here’s an analysis of each one.

The first answer tells admissions officers that coffee is your favorite snack; and this shows that despite long nights working on schoolwork or projects, you may enjoy it. That means you’ll do fine and thrive in an academically rigorous environment.

The second one is, of course, not real –unless you’re literally collecting tears with jars, but they’ll know you’re joking. What makes this strong is that it allows the admissions officers to know a little bit more about your passions and sociological opinions, which tend to get inexorably tied up with university life. Declaring this would show you would fit in with the sociological environment of certain fields or majors such as “social justice” or “sociology”. The detail about the mason jar would also show that you are the sort who loves updated trends associated with inner-city life, which fits with the Los Angeles culture that you’ll need to acclimate to in USC.

The third one shows that you are connected deeply with your culture. If you are a person who holds their cultural roots deeply, you may want to consider showing that part of you. The details about sugar and ice levels as well as a topping of choice show that you are well-versed in the Asian food culture. It’s a way of proving that you truly are living in your culture and not just using it as a scapegoat for your college admissions essays.

What you don’t want to say is things like

  • Hot Cheetos
  • Wheat Thins

These don’t work because they don’t really tell us much about you. There are plenty of people who like Chips Ahoy and Cheetos, but it would be difficult for an admissions officer to read that and draw from it any valuable information about you as a candidate.

Saying that you love certain things from a unique perspective, however, will help you stand out in the admissions process and even help them know more about you.

3. Best movie of all time:

There’s no wrong way of answering this. The common thing to think is that putting an answer like “The Force Awakens 2015” would make a deeply offended Star Wars fan in the admissions office scoff to themselves and think, “I wouldn’t want a Mary Sue apologist in my school! Rejected!”

Think about this scenario for a second and imagine yourself in the admissions officer’s shoes. Remember: these people are human too. Will you think to yourself that whilst having the admissions decision hang over the student’s head?

Unless you’re psychopathic, the answer to this is no. No one is going to judge you so harshly for your taste in movies that it would warrant a rejection from USC.

The only thing you can miss out on this question –and it’s actually quite important here because every advantage counts—is that you did not use a movie that shows your character.

Your movie should tell a story about you as a person to the USC admissions officers.  

If you said for instance that your favorite movie was “Children of Men 2006”, you’d demonstrate yourself as a person who appreciates artistic film that gets into the nitty-gritty dystopias.

This would add more flavor to the application and your readers will have a more fleshed-out idea of what your personality is like.

Here’s another example:

Computer science major who likes “Akira 1988”, a dystopian movie and classic Japanese animation. This movie would pair nicely with a computer science major as the fictional themes touch upon the effects of a futurist society gone wrong. These ideas would pair with a major in computer science and show you have a unique vision that is unique from the rest of the computer scientists who may not have the creativity to think big and draw from fantasy.

4. Dream job:

This one is one of the most important, so we would suggest that you speak with us at least once to see if your answer is sufficient.

It’s not easy to know how to answer the USC short answer questions, especially with how few words you can use. In fact, we would say that this is the most important one since it is directly tied up with your reason for pursuing a degree at USC, to begin with.

In other words: this section may make or break your application.  

Try to be honest with this one and have it correlate with what your decided major is. However, we would also suggest that you have a vision for WHAT YOU WANT TO DO added in there.

Most people don’t have dream jobs. Take any incredible job such as working for Goldman Sachs or being an engineer at Boeing. Imagine yourself doing that for years until you retire at 65. It’s not a pretty sight.

Instead, most people have a vision for what they want to do. That doesn’t mean sipping cocktails on an island. That means they want to pursue a field and contribute something great to it, whether it is to start their own business or create their own project or initiative.

So, a real dream job can be something like founding one’s own initiative to help provide clean energy to poor countries. Or, founding A studio to create your own films.

Dreams tend to be more far-sighted than near-sighted. Near-sighted goals will include working for other people until you reach retirement age. Typically, a dream job will be more profound than that and demand that you have a vision for what you want to do.

Think of this as the “ultimate goal career” you want to achieve. Any regular job will hardly help you stand out amongst the rest of the admissions pool.

5. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

For obvious reasons, avoid any songs that are commonly played on the radio and appear far too often. Sadly, that means you can’t use Drake or BTS.

Popular songs are popular for a reason. But, we still want to stand out from the rest of the admissions pool. Common songs loved by all make it harder for admissions officers to interpret your character, not easier.

However, this section is quite easy because anything that you typically listen to would work fine.

Some people don’t have a good song that fits their personal life or their character. In fact, some people listen to sad music despite never being sad. Others listen to battle music despite being shy and introverted!

And that’s okay!

Use the song you love most (as long as it’s not generic.) If it truly speaks to your personal life and character, it will resonate throughout your application and work very well. If it doesn’t that’s fine too, as a personal song will still give your readers a window into your personality.

6. Dream trip:

This goes hand in hand with the previous short answer questions. As we said before, make sure your answer shows something about you as a person and isn’t something arbitrary.

A trip to your favorite hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant at 2:00 AM shows that you are someone who appreciates the inconspicuous and loves time alone to think deeply. Most people don’t get obscure food in the middle of the night without a night walk filled with deep thinking and appreciation for the silence.

Remember: trips are not just the place you go to. It is also what you do there.

It would not be enough to say that you would like to go to Japan. However, saying that your favorite dream trip is “getting lost in Neo Japan’s downtown lights” would show you have an appreciation for wonder and awe at the beauty.

On that note, don’t say common things like “long walks on the beach”. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s been overused on dating site descriptions so often that it is essentially impossible to know what sort of person you are from it.  

Also, we would suggest that you don’t connect your dream trip with your career. If you are an engineer, you wouldn’t want to say that you want to take a trip to an oil rig and appreciate the engineering work. Remember: university admissions officers want to see that you are human, so show a dream trip that shows you are human and beyond your career.

7. What TV show will you binge watch next?

It’s important that you choose a shoe that isn’t something that comes with a bad connotation. That doesn’t mean shows that cover dark topics. Hannibal is a great one, for example. What you probably don’t want to use are shows like Jersey Shore or My 600lb Life. These shows carry with them a bad reputation and they may give a negative impression to USC’s admissions office.

As always, choose a show that demonstrates your character.

Shows like Mad Men would show that you know the dangers of unhinged capitalism and materialism. Shows like The Sopranos would show you can understand the dangers of tyrannical powers.

Many of our students happen to love anime, and they may feel insecure about talking about it in an academic setting. So, can we talk about anime in this section?

The answer to that is, yes. You can talk about anime. However, some choices can be bad. Overall, it can really be a hit-or-miss situation.  

USC as well as any other university is open to anime. However, some choices are a bit distasteful. For obvious reasons, you’d want to avoid shows with unnecessary perverted images and shows that appeal to the sort of “low-brow” audience like Jersey Shore.

Because anime can be a hit or miss, we would suggest speaking with us about it prior to submission.

8. Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?

There’s no real disadvantage to choosing a well-known person or a fictional character, so you can choose whichever you like.

The only rule to this is that you should think of this as the TV show question. Think of a person or character who will have a positive connotation to your life. You don’t want someone who will show the admissions officers that you have a bad taste in people.

This question is also a way for admissions officers to know whether you will get along well with people you dorm with at the beginning of your quarter. If you are the type of person who would not get along well with living with other people, that may show through the answer that you give in this question.

Try to go for people who will make your positive traits shine and not reveal any negative traits.

For instance, Elon Musk would be a great roommate for those who always want to collaborate with other people and get their hands working on new projects. This choice will show admissions officers that you are a person who loves to collaborate with like-minded individuals.

9. Favorite book

Please don’t say that you don’t read. We know that this seems obvious, but we really don’t want to go that route when applying to academia.

On that note, there are actually very few people who do read often, and that’s understandable! In the age of technological innovation, there’s very little time to read books. Most people do their reading through social media and online articles.

So, what should you say about this one?

The rule still stands that you should choose something that demonstrates your character and is not too mainstream. However, there is another rule here that I think would be worth noting.

Do not use young adult dystopian novels in your answer. The reason for this is that the sudden boom in YA dystopias tends to be overused. There are great ones out there, but writing about it would make it difficult for you to stand out since you’ll be competing with the rest of the application pool with the same theme.

You don’t even need to have read the whole book to answer this question. You simply need to have read a bit of it to call it a day.

If you have not read many books that you feel comfortable using or you want suggestions for a good book, we would stick with ones that have archetypal themes that play a significant role in your everyday life. These books typically have patterns of symbols that work as great signifiers of your personality and can give the readers a great idea of who you are. Even better, it could even match with your major and field.

Talk with us if you want a good list of books that may serve as a good fit for you and your major!

10. If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?

Whatever you do, resist the urge to answer this prompt with your major. Instead, use the USC short answer questions as a way to creatively stand out.

Teaching a class about art as an art student or biochemical engineering as a biochemical engineering student is boring. These answers are no-brainers, and there’s NO REASON to think any school would ask a question pointlessly. So, think of this prompt as, “If you could give a Ted Talk on any subject, what would it be?”

Perhaps you’d like to discuss the problem of growing up as a man with society’s expectations of manhood. Maybe you’d like to teach a class on how to be more assertive as a woman since you’ve seen female friends never ask for raises or refuse to raise their hands in fear of being disagreeable.

These sample topics demonstrate a willingness to defy societal expectations and thus complement USC applicants looking to get leadership positions.

Whichever subject you choose, it will show admissions officers your priorities, experiences, and expertise. You may not be experienced in your intended major –because who is at this age anyway? However, everyone has unique experiences that give them the wisdom they can teach others. Make sure what subject you want to teach says something positive about your personality.

It’s not easy to know how to answer the USC short answer questions. There are a lot of nuances in each question. Additionally, you only have one chance to do it right. That’s why we suggest speaking with admissions experts who can help hold your hand throughout the process. Our team has helped students get into schools such as UCLA, UC Berkeley, and, of course, USC.

97 thoughts on “How to Answer the USC Short Answer Questions (2023-24)”

Ive been slowy filling out USC’s short answer questions and I need some help to figure out if my answers are effective. I would appreciate any help, thanks!!

Thanks for the reply! We can certainly help you out with them. We just sent you an email. Thanks!

Hello, would you be able to look at my answers/USC application?

Hi Sarah! I apologize for the late reply, but I’d be happy to help with your application! I sent you an email!

Hello! I am also wondering if my USC short answers will be effective. Could you provide any help? Thank you!!

No problem. We can take a look at those USC short answer questions with you and see what you’ve written. We sent you an email!

Hi, thanks for all the information. I came up with quite a few ideas and I would rly appreciate if you could have a quick look.

Hi! I came up with quite a few ideas and I would rly appreciate if you could have a quick look.

Hi Miranda Miao! Thanks for the request for help with your USC essays! I can certainly help out; I just sent you an email!

Hi. Thank you for the guide 🙂 It helped me a lot in writing a draft of USC’s short answers. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to take a quick look at them?

Hi Isabelle!

Thank you! We try our best to help our clients as much as possible through these guides! I can help you with your USC short answers. I’ve just sent you an email!

Hi, i have my answers but im not sure of them. could you help me review them.

Hi Vivian! Sure. I just sent you an email. Thanks!

Hi, thanks for the guide. I just brainstormed some answers, could you help me review them

Got it! We can help! I just sent you an email.

Hi! I was wondering if you would be able to help me brainstorm and review my answers? Thank you!

Thank you for your reply. I can certainly help you with that. I just sent you an email.

Hey! Could you help me brainstorm for my short answer essay prompts?

Hi Tejas, yup! I just sent you an email.

Hi! I was wondering if you could look over and review my responses so far! Thanks!

Hi Shawn. Sure, I just sent you an email!

Hello, can you help me review my responses. Thank you

Hi Elle! I got this just now and yes, I can. I sent you an email.

Hi! I submitted my applications today but ended up not picking the right second major choice (the one I talked about in one of my supplemental essays) how do I fix this? Does this ruin my chances at USC?

An asymmetry between what you stated in your essay and your major selection in the application can be a red flag; though, we can help you fix that! Your chances aren’t completely ruined, but I wouldn’t gamble on your chances and do nothing! There are a few steps you have to take and I can hold your hand through each step! I just sent you an email and we can continue from there!

Hi I was wondering if you should explain each of your choices? Example if I said I like chips, should I say I like chips because ______. Or just leave it that way?

Hi Mana! The USC short answer questions are a window to your personality. So, it would be a great help to show what your favorite snacks say about you. Here’s an example: “Chips. Even the dust at the bottom. Zero Waste.” This taps into that all-too-relatable feeling of getting all the chip crumbs at the bottom of the chip bag. It also shows we don’t like to waste food. Explanations may work depending on whether they could fit the character count. Would you be able to share with me some of your answers and essays? I sent you an email. Thanks!

Hi! I would love to have a review of my answers, is that possible?

Hi Lynette! Thank you for your comment! I can certainly review your answers. I sent you an email!

Hi! I’m an international student applying to USC and I’m having trouble answering. I would love some help

Hi Alejandro Merikansky! Thank you for your request! I am available and have sent you an email!

Hi, could you please help me to figure out the short answer question? Ty!!!!

Hi Jessie! Of course! I just sent you an email and we can move on from there!

Hi, I was wondering if you were able to take a look at my answers! If not, I understand.

Hi! Yes, I can! However, the deadline is close so we’ll have to be swift! Please email me directly at [email protected] . I also sent you an email and we can start from there.

Hi could you please review my answers? Thank you so much!

I’d love to help you with your answers and, if you need it, your USC essay questions too. I’ve sent an invite to your email. Thanks!

Hi, I would love some help with my USC short answers! Thanks

Hi Kaitlyn! I’d be happy to help with your USC short answer questions. I just sent you an email.

Hi! I have just finished my first draft USC short answer, and could you please help me to edit it? Thanks.

Hi! Do the short answer questions have to be explained in depth or can they just be one word/simple phrase answers? Thanks!

Hi Emily! Sometimes it’s fine to write one-word/simple phrases for your answers. The main objective should be showing that you have something unique to share in your short answer questions; that may mean making some of them a little longer. If you have any questions or would like more help with them, feel free to let me know!

Hello I am filling out the USC short answer questions about myself and I was wondering what I would write. THe main reason is to stand out and I have many ways I could I just need help forming it into a great writing piece.

Hi Maya! No problem; I can certainly help with that. I’ve sent you an email!

Hello! I am filling out my USC short answer questions and was wondering if you could help me edit them. Thank you so much!

No problem, I just sent you an email!

Hi.. I’m working on my short answers and wanted to see if you could look them over. I also have a rough draft essay that I was hoping you could give me your opinion on.

Hi Jordan! Thank you; I certainly can. I just sent you an email.

Hi! I need some help with my essays and short answers for USC, I was wondering if I was able to get your opinion on them please? Thank you!!

Hi Raquel! No problem; I just sent you an email!

Hi Luisa! Of course! I sent you an email.

Hi! Would it be possible for you to review my short answers?

Hi there! Sure! I just sent you an email!

I’ve formed a rough draft of my USC short answer questions and I need some help to figure out if my answers are effective. I would appreciate any help, thanks!

Hello! I’d be happy to. I sent more information to your email, thanks!

I have a rough draft of my answers and I don’t know if they’re good

Hi Pedro! Sure, I just sent you an email!

could you review my answers

Hi Pedro! Yup! I sent you an email.

Hello, can you review my short answer responses before the USC early action deadlines? Thank you so much!

Hi Francis! The deadline is reaching very close but I can certainly help. I sent you an email!

Hello. Would you be able to help me review my SAQs before the deadline? Thank you!

November 1st**

Hi Gina! I apologize for the late message. I am available to help with your essays. I just sent you an email.

Hi, I would like to review my short answer questions for the incoming transfer season, if you guys are available! 🙂

Hi Cassandra! Thanks for the comment, and no problem! I sent you an email!

Hello, I would like to review my short answer questions if it is possible. Thank you!

Hi Jonathan, yup! Thanks for the comment! I can certainly help and just sent you an email.

Hi, would you like to review my short answer questions for USC if it is possible? Thank you so much!

Hi Jeremy! Unfortunately during the time you submitted this comment we’ve been overwhelmed with requests for college essay help. So, we couldn’t get to your request sooner. However, we’d be happy to help now! I sent you an email!

To whom this may concern,

Hello, I would appreciate it if you could review my short-answer questions. Thank you!

Hi Calisa! No problem! I just sent you an email!

Could you review my essay and the short essay questions, I want to ensure I have the essay prompts right. I do have two essays with a 250-word count and I want to know which one sounds better.

Hi Quinsalyn! Thanks for your request, and no problem! I just sent you a link to your email to discuss how I may help!

Could you review my essay and short answers please? I would really appreciate it!! Thank you for your time.

Hi Quinsalyn! No worries! I just sent you an email discussing how I may help! Please check your email for it, thanks!

Hey, I was wondering if you could check over my USC short-response answers? Thank you so much!

Hi Vani! Of course! I just sent you an email!

Hy please I want you to review my usc short answers please 🙏

Hi Maroua! Thanks for the request! I’d be happy to help and just sent you an email where you can reserve a free consultation . Thanks!

Hi. Thank you for the guide. It helped me a lot in writing a draft of USC’s short answers. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to take a quick look at them?

Hi Kayla! I’m glad my guide helped out! I would also be happy to take a look at them plus your general USC essays and any other essays you may need help with! I just sent you an email where you can reserve a free consultation . Thanks!

Hi. Thank you for this information. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to give some suggestions on my responses?

Hi Kayla! Thanks, and no problem! I just sent you an email! (:

Hi! Thank you for the suggestions. I was wondering if it would be possible to still receive feedback on my short answers and the “ted talk” essay?

Hi Nicolas! Thanks! And no worries. You can still receive help and feedback on your USC essays and responses; I just sent you an email!

Hello, thank you for the suggestions! Do you mind reviewing my short answer responses? All help would be great 🙂

Hi Ky! Thanks, and sure! I just sent you an email where you can reserve a date and time with me to help with your essays and responses!

Hi! Thank you for the amazing advice. Would you be able to look over my responses?

Hi Aili! Thanks and no problem! I can certainly take a look at them and advise on your short responses + essays in general. I just sent you an email!

Hi, thank you for this advice! Would you be able to review my short answers?

HI AJ! Just replied to your other comment and am happy to help! Sent you an email! (:

Hi, thanks for this advice! Would you be able to review my short answers?

Hi AJ! Thanks for the request; I can certainly help and would be happy to do so. I just sent you an email!

Hi! This really helped me answer the SAQs. I’d love an extra opinion reading over my answers and essays! Would you be able to review them?

Hi Emma! No problem! I can certainly help and I just sent you an email. Thanks!

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USC Supplemental Essays 2023-24 Prompts and Tips

September 1, 2023

usc supplemental essays prompts

When applying to a school like the University of Southern California, it is important to grasp that their acceptance rate in 2023 is lower than Harvard’s back in the late 1990s. Last cycle, USC received roughly 80,000 applications and admitted just 9% from that pool (their first time in the single digits). We don’t bring up these numbers or the Friends -era Harvard comparison to cause future applicants unnecessary fear. Rather, we want aspiring Trojans to realize that in addition to strong high school grades and standardized test scores, they need to excel in other critical areas of their application as well. This brings us to the topic of the USC supplemental essays.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into the University of Southern California? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into USC: Admissions Data and Strategies   for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

The supplemental essay section offered by USC is a fairly epic one and presents just such an opportunity for students to differentiate themselves from swarms of other qualified applicants. In addition to several short essays, you are also required to answer 10 short answer questions. Below are the USC’s supplemental prompts for the 2023-24 admissions cycle along with tips about how to address each one.

2023-24 USC Supplemental Essays – Required Prompt #1

Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections. (Approximately 250 words)

This is part “Why Us?” and part “Explain Your Major” and your aim is to seamlessly touch on both topics in a tightly woven 250-word composition. For a deeper dive, let’s examine a list of characteristics of a winning USC “Why Us?” essay:

  • How did your interest in your major of choice begin and how has it matured over the years?
  • While pursuing your majors(s)/interest(s) of choice, how will you take advantage of the university’s immense resources both inside and outside of the classroom? Be sure to cite specific  academic programs ,  professors ,  research opportunities ,  internship/externship programs , and  study abroad programs . Discuss why they pique your interest.
  • Feel free to touch on  student-run organizations  related to your field of study that you would like to join.
  • Lastly, don’t ignore your second-choice major in this essay.

In any “Why Us?” composition, you need to show that you’ve done your homework on a given school, but you don’t want it to read like a robotic list of items that you Googled ten minutes before writing the essay (even if the timing of the Google search is roughly accurate). In addition to the pure research element, a lot of the time and skill required in creating a stellar USC essay will involve connecting the classes, professors, opportunities, etc. of interest that you have uncovered to your distinct values, talents, aims, proficiencies, and future goals.

USC Supplemental Essays – Short Answers

(#1 provides 25 characters for each word, and #2-10 provide 100 characters each)

  • Describe yourself in three words.
  • What is your favorite snack?
  • Best movie of all time
  • If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
  • What TV show will you binge watch next?
  • Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?
  • Favorite book
  • If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?

USC Supplemental Essays (Continued)

It would be a bit silly to try to advise you on what your favorite snack is. Obviously, the USC admissions committee wants to hear “Pepperoni Pizza Combos” but will also accept “Ranch-flavored Bugles.” As such, we’ll keep our advice on these a bit broader:

  • This is a chance to make a personal connection with an admissions officer. Don’t overthink these or pick movies, books, songs, or trips that you think an admissions officer will find impressive. Just be genuine.
  • For #1, try to avoid words like “interesting” that are
well, not very  interesting , or words that could describe most of USC’s applicant pool, like “hard-working” or “dedicated.”
  • For #10, don’t pick a general topic in a traditional discipline. Instead, pick something about which you are passionate. This could be a blend of pop culture and academics or a highly esoteric topic that you happen to be obsessed with (e.g., the Beatles 1965-67 mid-career era, the history of jai-alai, or how to groom a ferret).
  • You have 100 characters to utilize, so do include some short explanations that infuse your answers with extra personality. For example, you could jazz up Ranch-flavored Bugles as follows: “Ranch-flavored Bugles, me and my mom’s go-to Jeopardy snack.”
  • Final tip: if you feel stuck, try brainstorming a few options for each one before choosing your favorite.

USC Supplemental Essays – School-Specific Prompts

In addition to the required essays noted above, you’ll also need to answer at least one additional essay question that is dependent on the school or college you are applying to at USC. Below, we’ve broken down the most popular options:

Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Many of us have at least one issue or passion that we care deeply about – a topic on which we would love to share our opinions and insights in hopes of sparking intense interest and continued conversation. If you had ten minutes and the attention of a million people, what would your talk be about? (250 words)

What makes you tick? What keeps you up at night? Which subjects could (and do) you talk about for hours if given the opportunity? If you could address one problem in the world, large or small, what would it be? Here’s your chance to tell us all about it. You’ll then want to explain “why”—why will (or should) your passion/topic of choice be made relevant to a wider audience? Why is it so important that others hear your message? Your answer will give admissions readers greater insight into what type of issues are most important to you.

Viterbi School of Engineering

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and their 14 Grand Challenges go hand-in-hand with our vision to engineer a better world for all humanity. Engineers and computer scientists are challenged to solve these problems in order to improve life on the planet. Learn more about the NAE Grand Challenges at  and tell us which challenge is most important to you, and why. (250 words)

The NAE Grand Challenges list is expansive and includes a number of pressing issues, like clean water access, solar energy, and nuclear terrorism. Basically, you are 100% guaranteed to find at least one item on this list that resonates with you. After reviewing the options, which one are you most passionate about, and why? Is there something from your personal background or experiences that inspired your interest in this area? Alternatively, have you engaged with this topic either inside or outside of school, and if so, how? What would you still like to learn about it? If you choose an issue that you are genuinely interested in and clearly convey your reasoning for doing so, you’ll be well on your way to a compelling response.

The student body at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering is a diverse group of unique engineers and computer scientists who work together to engineer a better world for all humanity. Describe how your contributions to the USC Viterbi student body may be distinct from others. Please feel free to touch on any part of your background, traits, skills, experiences, challenges, and/or personality in helping us better understand you. (250 words)

Take note of the wide-open nature of this prompt. You are essentially invited to talk about any of the following topics:

  • A perspective you hold
  • An experience/challenge you had
  • A community you belong to
  • Your cultural background
  • Your family background
  • A personality trait
  • A skill you hold

Although this prompt’s open floor plan may feel daunting, a good tactic is to first consider what has already been communicated within your Common App personal statement, activities list, and other USC essays. What important aspects of yourself have not been shared (or sufficiently discussed)? The admissions officer reading your essay is hoping to connect with you through your written words, so—within your essay’s reflection—be open, humble, thoughtful, inquisitive, emotionally honest, mature, and/or insightful about what you learned and how you grew. No matter what type of story you tell, the goal is to have the reader come away saying, “I can definitely see this applicant as a contributing member of our talented and engaged Viterbi community.”

How important are the USC supplemental essays?

There are five factors that USC considers to be “very important” to their candidate evaluation process and the essay section is one of them. Along with GPA, standardized test scores, rigor of high school coursework, and recommendations, the Common App and supplement essays play a huge role in the USC admissions staff’s decision-making.

Want personalized assistance?

Lastly, if you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your USC supplemental essays, we encourage you to  get a quote  today.

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Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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College Essays


So you have your heart set on going to the University of Southern California . That's great—it's one of the best schools in the country ! Unfortunately, that makes it tough to get into: only 10% of applicants are admitted each year .

But don't worry. This guide will teach you everything you need to know to write an outstanding USC Writing Supplement .

We'll answer all of your questions, including the following:

  • What is the USC supplement?
  • What are the questions, and how do I answer them?
  • Are there tips and tricks for knocking your USC essays out of the park?
  • What steps do I take to finish my USC application?

Let's get started!

Feature Image: Sitao Xiang / Wikimedia

What Is the USC Supplement?

The USC Writing Supplement is an additional part of the USC application that you fill out on the Common App website.

The supplement itself consists of two writing prompts (250 words each) and 12 short-answer questions (100 characters each) . The word limits mean you'll have to cram a lot of information into a small amount of space.

Great USC essays are going to be concise, honest, creative, and engaging . Remember, USC designed the supplement to help admissions counselors get a better sense of your personality. Don't be afraid to embrace your individuality here! It's your chance to share aspects of yourself, your life, and your goals that aren't captured by the Common App.

In other words: this is your time to shine.


( Bobak Ha'Eri / Wikimedia)

Where Can I Find the USC Supplement?

The writing supplement is part of the USC Common Application. Once you've selected USC as one of your colleges, it should pop up in the application portal. If you're not exactly sure how to find it, don't worry ... here's a step-by-step guide!

  • Log into the Common App website using your username and password.
  • Click on the "College Search" tab and look for "University of Southern California."
  • Select the search result and then click "add" to add it to your profile.
  • Return to your dashboard and look for "University of Southern California." Click the label below the school that reads "Show more details."
  • From there, click on the link titled "Writing Questions."
  • You can also access the supplement by clicking on "University of Southern California" and scrolling down the school's home page on the Common App to find a link labeled "Writing Questions."

How Do I Answer the USC Essay Prompts?

The writing supplement contains two short writing prompts designed to showcase both your writing skills and your personality. But because you're limited to 250 words, you need to make every word count .

Here are some general strategies to keep in mind.

#1: Use a Standard Format

It's important that you aren't wasting precious space. A good strategy is to limit your intro/thesis statement and your conclusion to one sentence each . That lets you use the rest of the space to answer the prompt.

#2: Show, Don't Tell

Instead of giving run-of-the-mill answers, use stories and anecdotes to illustrate your point. Paint a picture for your audience when you can!

For example, say you're talking about your love of photography. Instead of writing, "I love to photograph people," see if you can capture the feeling of taking someone's picture.

A better sentence might read, "I love trying to capture people's personalities through my camera lens." The first answer tells us that you enjoy photography, but the second response shows us why you love it .

#3: Edit, Edit, Edit

Don't be disappointed if your first attempt at answering these prompts goes over the word limit. That's OK! Keep cutting and revising until you end up with something great.

Here are a few examples of how you can edit a sentence to make every word work:

  • OK: "It was the very best experience of my whole life."
  • Better: "It was the best experience of my life."
  • Best: "The trip was transformational."
  • Passive: "Geology would be my preferred major."
  • Active: "I plan to major in geology."
  • With "is": "Researching cancer treatments is my ultimate career goal."
  • Without "is": "I plan to pursue a career in cancer research."

#4: Don't Wait Until the Last Minute

The USC supplement is short, so it's tempting to tackle it at the end of the application process. Don't! Writing short responses is harder than it looks, so give yourself plenty of time .


The USC Essay

USC is making things more streamlined this year: everyone answers the same question! Here's the prompt:

Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections.

What Is This Question Asking You to Do?

No option here: you're stuck with this prompt and limited to 250 words in your response. But that's OK because this is the "Why USC?" question. (It's a version of what we call the "why this college" around here.)

Why do you need to go to USC to fulfill your dreams? Or, put another way: why is USC the only school for you?

This means choosing and discussing your major (and your second-choice major if your program is very competitive). Remember that you're not committed to the major you pick . You can change majors after you've enrolled.

How Do You Answer This Question?

Research, research, research. Visit the USC website and get to know your college, your department, and the classes offered. Also, take a close look at your major's course of study. If you're going to take classes from other departments, figure out which ones and why. For example, if you're majoring in international relations and want to work in China, you'll probably take foreign language/culture courses (like Advanced Modern Chinese) and political science courses (like Chinese Foreign Policy). Research the professors in the department and mention them by name.

  • Seize the day. There's more to college than going to class. Making the most of USC means getting involved and taking advantage of opportunities such as internships and study abroad programs. There are over 100 international fellowships and programs available through different colleges, so be sure to look into them . Mentioning programs like the Global Fellows Internship (available to all students) or the Maymester , which is a major-specific opportunity, shows that you're serious about making the most of your education at USC.
  • Focus on USC. Your job is to show why USC and nowhere else can help you achieve your dreams.


Optional Essay: Explaining Your Education Gap

Who is this question for.

First thing's first: not everyone needs to answer this question. Only respond to this prompt if you took a semester or more off between high school and enrolling in college, or if you took time off while enrolled in high school.

So if you took a gap year (or two, or three), you should answer this question.

This isn't a trick question. Admissions counselors genuinely want to know why you took time off between high school and starting college. And don't worry if your reason isn't "sexy," like you were rescuing sea turtles off the coast of Argentina or teaching English to underprivileged students in Iowa. For most people, the answers will fall along the lines of getting a job, financial difficulties, or helping out their family.

In short: this question is asking you to honestly explain your education gap so that admissions counselors have a better idea of you and your story.

How Do You Answer the Question?

  • Keep it short and sweet. It's tempting to give admissions counselors every detail of your situation. But the truth is, they only need to know the most pertinent information while still being honest. Remember: you only have 250 words!
  • Explain why you're choosing now to return to school. Counselors are also going to be interested in why you want to go to college now. Be honest about this, too! It's okay to say that you wanted to take some time off to really figure out what you wanted to do with your life, and now you're prepared and excited to throw yourself into your studies. Whatever the case may be, make it clear that you're ready to be an engaged and dedicated student regardless of your education gap.
  • Don't make excuses. This isn't a "woe is me" section. While taking time off between high school and college may have been out of your control, this isn't the time to air your grievances. The best answers to this question will keep things as honest and positive as possible.


Your answers in the next section might be small, but they're mighty.

Freddie Alequin /Flickr

The USC Short-Answer Questions

On the surface, the short-answer questions seem simple, but many students find this section the hardest part of the supplement . That's because these responses are limited to 100 characters or less—shorter than a tweet!

Here are some general tips to make tackling the USC short-answer questions a breeze:

#1: Maximize the space you have. There's room to elaborate on your answers a bit, and you should.

#2: There are no right answers. Admissions counselors don't have specific responses in mind. This is their way of trying to get to know the person behind the application.

#3: You're more than a major. It's tempting to make every answer tie into your major or future career in some way; instead, your answers should capture who you are as a person and hark back to your academic goals only if it makes sense for them to.

#4: Don't be afraid of a little humor. Embrace being funny but not at someone else's expense. 

#5: Avoid clichés.

#6: Keep it tasteful. If you wouldn't say it to your parents, don't say it to an admissions counselor!

Now that you have some solid strategies, let's look at each question individually.

Questions 1-3: Describe Yourself in Three Words

A good way to tackle this question is to ask your friends and family to text you their responses, and look for patterns . For example, if five people say you are nice and caring, combine those into one idea, such as "empathetic."

Adjectives are the most common words to use, but you can pick nouns, too! Just stick to ones with personality (like "bookworm" if you love to read, or "shutterbug" if you're a photographer). Choose words that are highly descriptive (e.g., "enthusiastic" instead of "fun") and avoid clichés as much as you can.

Oh, and the supplement breaks this response into three separate fields , so make sure you don't type all three words on one line ! Also, note that there's a 25-character limit per word, so think "antidisestablishmentarian" or shorter.

Here are some sample responses:

  • Whimsical, artistic, collaborative
  • Competitive, thoughtful, engaging
  • Loquacious, jovial, encouraging
  • Reserved, compassionate, giving

Question 4: What Is Your Favorite Snack?

Here's a chance to showcase your personality by being specific . Let's say that you love peanut M&Ms. A specific answer might say, "Eating peanut M&Ms while watching a scary movie."

You can also touch on your personal history , especially if you come from a diverse background. You could say something like "My abuela's enchiladas" or "Almond Crush Pocky" as a nod to your heritage.

Finally, lean into your weird . We all have strange snacks that somehow hit the spot (we're looking at you, hot dog buns dunked in hot chocolate). If there's a bonkers food you enjoy—such as dipping tater tots in soft-serve ice cream—this is your time to shine. An added bonus? It will definitely make an impression.

  • Perfectly toasted marshmallows while sitting around a campfire.
  • A hot dog and soda from Fenway Park.
  • Homemade apple pie with melted cheddar cheese on top!
  • A package of Digestive Biscuits (they're cookies!) and a glass of milk.

Question 5: Best Movie of All Time

This question can make applicants anxious because people are passionate about the movies they love ... and the movies they love to hate! That's why we recommend that you either give a serious answer or embrace your silliness.

This goes without saying, but make sure your movie choice is appropriate . If you wouldn't watch it with your family, don't list it here. Also, steer clear of any super-controversial picks—don't pick a film that's clearly discriminatory, such as Birth of a Nation.

  • Serious: Blade Runner because of its influence on sci-fi film.
  • Serious: Saving Private Ryan . It reminds us that war is hard, dangerous, and tragic.
  • Silly: The Lion King . We should all "hakuna matata" a little more!
  • Both: Legally Blonde —I love stories about women chasing their dreams.


What is your ideal job? Maybe it's making mini beach dioramas in vintage suitcases.

Question 6: Dream Job

Obviously, this answer should roughly align with your major . (Don't say your dream job is to play Aaron Burr in Hamilton if you're majoring in computer science.)

You should also think big and think ahead. For instance, if you're a computer science major, maybe you want to start a company that develops assistive AI for people with disabilities. Embrace big goals!

The more specific you are, the better. Don't just say you want to be a veterinarian. What kind of animals do you want to work with? Will you specialize in something? Do you want to own your own practice? Adding detail will make your answer stand out.

  • A large-animal veterinarian that helps rural farmers care for their livestock.
  • The owner of a non-profit that helps women of color succeed in corporate America.
  • A judge appointed to the US Courts of Appeals.

Question 7: If Your Life Had a Theme Song, What Would It Be?

Everyone needs a little walk-in music. As you think about yours, choose a song with a title that makes a point . It's tempting to pick a song with a specific lyric that speaks to you, but your admissions counselor might not be able to make the connection. Think more along the lines of "I Won't Back Down" by Tom Petty or "Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves" by Aretha Franklin and the Eurythmics.

Be careful that your song title can't be misconstrued. "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred might seem like a funny choice to you, but it could also come across as cocky or overconfident.

Additionally, keep your choice appropriate . Look through the song lyrics to make sure they aren't offensive.

And whatever you do, don't say the Trojan Fight Song . That's probably the most popular—and most clichĂ©d—answer you could possibly give!

  • "Beautiful Day" by U2
  • "My Shot" from the Hamilton soundtrack
  • "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey


Maybe your dream trip is a mix of adventure and van life.

Question 8: Dream Trip

There's no special trick to answering this question. Just be honest and specific! And feel free to focus on experiences as well as destinations. Maybe you want to snorkel with stingrays in the Caribbean or visit the Lord of the Rings set locations in New Zealand. Share that here!

  • Letting a lantern go during the Floating Lantern Festival in Thailand.
  • Hiking to the top of Machu Picchu.
  • Driving from California to Illinois on Route 66 with my best friends.
  • Eating paella from a street vendor in Barcelona.
  • Visiting Zimbabwe and bungee jumping off the Victoria Falls Bridge.

Question 9: What TV Show Will You Binge Watch Next?

This is another question designed to reveal something about you, your likes, and your dislikes. We suggest that you pick a show you like, as long as it isn't completely without substance. If you're having a hard time choosing, try narrowing it down to your favorite genre first.

  • I'll binge Making a Murderer because I'm interested in how the justice system works (and doesn't work).
  • The Good Place because it combines comedy and philosophy!
  • Friends because it helps you understand interpersonal relationships.

I'm bingeing RuPaul's Drag Race and learning a lot about drag culture and inclusivity.

Question 10: Which Well-Known Person or Fictional Character Would Be Your Ideal Roommate?

This question essentially wants to know who you could see yourself living with on a daily basis , whether it's a fictional character from a TV show or book you love, or a real-life celebrity, such as a movie star, singer, scientist, activist, writer, or historical figure.

The prompt doesn't limit you to living celebrities, so feel free to write about somebody who passed away recently (think Stephen Hawking) or even centuries ago (such as Jane Austen).

Make sure that you're choosing a person who will reveal something positive and/or unique about yourself. It's also OK to throw in a little humor! For example, if you're a huge Renaissance-period buff, you could talk about how you'd love to live with King Henry VIII because he'd entertain you every night with stories of his marriages.

Regardless of who you choose to write about, remember that the admissions committee wants to learn something about you through the person you pick to be your roommate , so be sure that you can clearly tie them back to yourself and your own interests somehow.

  • Marie Curie because we could conduct experiments together after class every day.
  • Hermione Granger! She'd be a great study buddy and could teach me magic on the side.
  • David Sedaris. We could write stories together and he'd never fail to make me laugh!


Question 11: Favorite Book

This is a pretty straightforward question that's similar to the "favorite movie" one above. Be honest— don't try to pass off a book as one of your favorites just because it sounds impressive or is highly intellectual . The admissions committee will likely be able to tell if you're trying to show off!

At the same time, don't write about a book that's overly childish or inappropriate , or that fails to reveal anything interesting or impressive about you. For instance, even if you really love Twilight , unless you can say something a little more intellectual about it, such as how you enjoy analyzing its portrayal of codependency in teenage relationships, this book likely won't leave much of a positive impression on the USC admissions committee.

  • Wild because this book inspired me to be courageous and go on a three-day hike by myself.
  • Lolita is my favorite book because it's downright disturbing yet hauntingly beautiful.
  • Definitely The Hobbit . It was the first book I read that showed me the power of taking risks.

Question 12: If You Could Teach a Class on any Topic, What Would It Be?

This final question from USC is truly a thought-provoking one. Basically, the admissions committee wants to know what kind of class you'd teach if you could choose any topic of interest to you .

While the topic you write about doesn't need to directly relate to your major, it should definitely be something you're deeply passionate (and, ideally, fairly knowledgeable) about . Are you really into horror movies and enjoy dissecting their depictions of female characters? Then perhaps you'd like to teach a class on women in horror.

Be as specific as you can be. Don't just say you want to teach a class on the environment because you're committed to combating climate change. What specific topic concerning the environment or climate change would you like others to learn more about, and why?

  • A creative writing class that would focus on writing stories from the perspective of children.
  • Women of color in astronomy. Too few know about the accomplishments of Beth Brown and Mae Jemison!
  • The Navajo language. Not enough schools teach it and we Native Americans must strive to preserve it.


Finishing your supplement is like climbing a really tall flight of stairs. Just put one foot in front of the other! 

Next Steps for Your USC Supplement

Even once you've finished and submitted your Common App and USC essays, you're not quite done. Most of USC's colleges require you to submit additional materials, such as portfolios or writing samples, before your application is considered complete.

Visit the links below to view each college's supplemental application requirements and submission deadlines:

  • USC School of Architecture
  • Roski School of Art and Design
  • Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation
  • Marshall School of Business (World Bachelor in Business)
  • USC School of Cinematic Arts
  • Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
  • Kaufman School of Dance
  • Ostrow School of Dentistry (Junior Transfers Only)
  • USC School of Dramatic Arts
  • Viterbi School of Engineering
  • Thornton School of Music


Need Some Extra Help?

The USC application process can be overwhelming, but PrepScholar is here to help you succeed ! Check out our resources below for more information about how our experts can help you achieve your dreams.

Haven't started your Common Application yet? No problem! We've got you covered with tips and tricks to make your application stand out from the crowd .

Start learning more about USC! Check out their admission requirements , mission statement, admission website, and this great blog post about getting to know USC without leaving your couch.

Still stressed about your supplement? Get in touch with PrepScholar's college admissions team !

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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How to Write the USC Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

The University of Southern California has a few supplemental essays and creative short answers that students must complete. Your essays are one of the only opportunities you’ll have to show an admissions officer who you are beyond the numbers, and with USC’s many different prompts, it’s clear this school wants you to seize that opportunity.

Here are our tips for responding to the USC essays in a way that will help your application stand out!

Read these USC essay examples written by real students to inspire your own writing. 

USC Supplemental Essay Prompts

All applicants.

Prompt 1: Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections (250 words).

Prompt 2 (optional): Starting with the beginning of high school/secondary school, if you have had a gap where you were not enrolled in school during a fall or spring term, please address this gap in your educational history. You do not need to address a summer break (250 words).

Short Answer Prompts: Respond to all the prompts below (100 characters unless otherwise specified)

  • Describe yourself in three words (25 characters each)
  • What is your favorite snack?
  • Best movie of all time
  • If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
  • What TV show will you binge watch next?
  • Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?
  • Favorite Book
  • If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?

Viterbi School of Engineering Applicants

Prompt: The student body at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering is a diverse group of unique engineers and computer scientists who work together to engineer a better world for all humanity. Describe how your contributions to the USC Viterbi student body may be distinct from others. Please feel free to touch on any part of your background, traits, skills, experiences, challenges, and/or personality in helping us better understand you. (250 words)

Engineering and Computer Science Applicants

Prompt: The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and their 14 Grand Challenges go hand-in-hand with our vision to engineer a better world for all humanity. Engineers and computer scientists are challenged to solve these problems in order to improve life on the planet. Learn more about the NAE Grand Challenges at and tell us which challenge is most important to you, and why. (250 words)

Dornsife Applicants

Prompt: Many of us have at least one issue or passion that we care deeply about — a topic on which we would love to share our opinions and insights in hopes of sparking intense interest and continued conversation. If you had ten minutes and the attention of a million people, what would your talk be about? (250 words)

All Applicants, Prompt 1

Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at usc specifically. please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections (250 words)..

The tricky bit about this prompt is that it essentially combines the “ Why This Major ” and “ Why This College ” essay archetypes into one essay with a strict cap of 250 words. That’s a lot of information in not a whole lot of space, which might feel overwhelming. The first thing you should do is figure out the content of your essay.

Step One: Think about your academic interests (i.e. your majors). 

  • How did your interests develop? 
  • Why are you passionate about your interests? 
  • What are your goals within your interests?
  • How will pursuing your major help you achieve your goals in life? 

Step Two: Think about the answers to those questions in relation to USC. 

  • How will USC help you to further develop your interests? 
  • What resources does the university have that will help you achieve your goals? 

While your essay should explore resources that will aid in your academic pursuits, you should also keep it as specific to USC as possible—this essay should not be able to be copied and pasted for any other university! Here’s an example of how to achieve the specificity you need:

Bad: USC is a great school, located in the beautiful city of Los Angeles, with unparalleled academics and renowned instructors.

Why is this bad? This sentence could just as easily apply to UCLA. Without the bit about Los Angeles, the reasoning could even apply to any decent school in existence.

Good: At USC, I plan to participate in the Joint Educational Project (JEP) to find a community of students who, like me, are passionate about the intersections of teaching and social justice. Through JEP, I will be able to actively use the teaching principles I learn in my classes about the Dynamics of Early Childhood.

Why is this good? It references a unique resource at USC and relates to the student’s academic interests.

The Final Step: Write a cohesive essay that tells admissions officers why you are pursuing your field and why USC is the right place for you to pursue it. Some examples could include:

  • An Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering student who was obsessed with the launching of the Antares rocket, movies like Gattaca and The Martian , and their physics summer camp as a middle schooler. They could describe their goal of working for NASA, then discussing their interest in the USC Rocket Propulsion Laboratory (RPL).
  • An English student who ultimately wants to write romance novels discussing the Creative Writing Hour series that is hosted by English faculty. They might want to reference some of the big-name professors at USC—like Maggie Nelson, Aimee Bender, Dana Johnson, and T.C. Boyle—who have inspired their love of writing.
  • A Fine Arts applicant mentioning the Fisher Museum of Art that is on USC’s campus. It was after a school field trip to the Dallas Museum of Art (DMA) that they first tried working with graphite and learned of their life goals. They know the power of art museums for inspiration and are excited to have a constant source of inspiration just minutes away.

If you are worried about the word count, one way to maximize the little space you have is to find a way to relate your first- and second-choice majors. This way, your explanations of each wouldn’t read like separate essays; rather, they would be telling different parts of the same story. A student with a first-choice major in Physics and a second-choice major in English might want to write about their ultimate goal of writing Science Fiction novels. A student with a first-choice major in History and a second-choice major in East Asian Languages and Culture might write about their goal of curating Asian American history museums.

Make sure you focus on your academic interests/goals and tell admissions officers the ways that USC will help your academic dreams come true, and you will be set!

All Applicants, Prompt 2 (optional)

Starting with the beginning of high school/secondary school, if you have had a gap where you were not enrolled in school during a fall or spring term, please address this gap in your educational history. you do not need to address a summer break (250 words). .

USC’s second prompt is optional and won’t apply to most students. However, if you do have a gap in your educational history, then be sure to use this space to address it. Give a brief explanation of the reasoning for the gap—be it illness, a move, etc.—as well as an overview of how you spent this time outside of school. 

For example, let’s say your family moved across the country and you took a term off during the transfer. You can describe your role in the move (perhaps you were in charge of organizing a yard sale), why the circumstances warranted an educational gap (maybe the new school doesn’t allow mid-term transfers), and any other projects or commitments to which you dedicated your time. 

Ideally, you want to demonstrate how you made the most of this time off and why the time off was necessary.

All Applicants, Short Answer Prompts

Respond to all the prompts below (100 characters unless otherwise specified), 1. describe yourself in three words (25 characters each), 2. what is your favorite snack, 3. best movie of all time, 4. dream job, 5. if your life had a theme song, what would it be, 6. dream trip, 7. what tv show will you binge watch next, 8. which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate, 9. favorite book, 10. if you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be.

In this section, USC lets you have a little fun. The questions ask for short, rapid-fire responses that give you the opportunity to let your individuality shine.

The most important thing to keep in mind with the short answer supplements is that USC is asking you to provide new information that sheds light on different aspects of your personality. 

Don’t repeat tidbits you’ve already mentioned, although you can and should develop new angles of themes you’ve already established. Most importantly, have fun in this section! If you’re having fun writing it, chances are your admissions officer will have fun reading it.

You can leave descriptions or notes in your responses, though remember that you have 100 characters max. If your choices are more offbeat, we recommend giving a brief description, as your admissions officer certainly won’t have the time to look things up. If your choices are pretty well-known, you can still leave a note about why you chose them (as in the sample response to #8). It’s another opportunity to share your personality, which is valuable!

  • Describe yourself in three words (25 characters max each).

Example: Cinephile. Cynophile. Logophile. 

Tip: Be creative!

Example: My Gram’s Lebuchken, tiny gingerbread-esque German cakes that my family devours each holiday season.

Tip: This is an opportunity to show your roots or quirky favorites. Make your response more interactive by including descriptive words that appeal to the senses, especially taste and smell. Also, if you’re using another language or describing a less common food, feel free to provide a short description or explanation so that someone who’s never heard of it before can still imagine it. 

Example: October Sky; Homer’s rockets remind me of my own homemade science creations, like my DIY lava lamp.

Tip: A lot of applicants will write Harry Potter . Be genuine in your response, but take this opportunity to stand out rather than providing a generic answer. 

Example: A math professor; sharing my love of topology to positively shape students’ view of the subject. 

Example: Crossword Puzzle Writer; my mornings aren’t complete without a cup of OJ and my daily brain teaser.

Tip: If you go with a serious answer, make a clear connection to your major to show that you’re focused on your academic path. Don’t give a generic answer like “doctor” or “lawyer;” talk about what specialty or subfield interests you most. That said, you could also go for a more lighthearted answer, like a crossword puzzle writer, to use the space to show personality.

Example: The [TV show] Intro; I’d like to think of myself as a [character], but I have to admit I’m more of an [character]. 

Example: Happy Birthday by AJR – a catchy tune with funny/sarcastic lyrics about the reality of modern life.

Tip: Just as with the best movie prompt, you may want to avoid mainstream selections and instead put forward a title that says something about you. What song would you want the admissions officer to play while reading your application? Make sure the song you choose is appropriate. 

Example: Road trip around Iceland’s perimeter; stops include Thingvellir National Park and the Geysir Springs.

Tip: Be more specific than simply “Hawaii” or “Europe.” Also, just as with all the prompts, you want to convey something about yourself in your response, so avoid mainstream or overly luxurious answers.

Example: Aggretsuko (anime about a red panda who relieves job stress by singing death metal at karaoke bars)

Tip: Follow similar guidelines to the theme song prompt—mainstream selections are fine and are potentially relatable to the reader, but that quirkier show you have your eye on might make for a more fun response. If your selection is lesser-known, consider adding a brief description.

Example: Rory Gilmore – there definitely won’t be a shortage of coffee or good conversation.

Tip: It’s okay to go with a more well-known character here, since that will allow the reader to relate. It’s just important to use that extra space to elaborate on why you’d want to live with this person.

  • Favorite book

Example: Shoe Dog by Phil Knight – I read the entire book in my favorite pair of Air Max 97s.

Tip: Follow the same advice for best movie of all time.

Example: SETI: Using the Drake Equation to Find E.T., complete with a field trip to outer space!

Tip: You can have some fun with this prompt; try thinking outside the box of the generic “Intro to Calculus.” You can also have the class relate back to your intended major, though that’s not absolutely necessary.

The student body at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering is a diverse group of unique engineers and computer scientists who work together to engineer a better world for all humanity. Describe how your contributions to the USC Viterbi student body may be distinct from others. Please feel free to touch on any part of your background, traits, skills, experiences, challenges, and/or personality in helping us better understand you. (250 words)

USC’s engineering school is extremely competitive to get into, forcing admissions officers to choose between many qualified applicants who look relatively similar on paper. This essay wants to get down to the heart of why they should pick you over others. 

The most important word in this prompt that should job out to you is “contributions”. In this essay, you need to convey what you will bring to the engineering community that is unique. You might be saying to yourself “what can I contribute to an established university?”, but there’s actually a lot to work with here. The prompt gives suggestions of sources that could contribute to your uniqueness so let’s look at some examples of traits and how they relate to contribution to USC.

Trait: You’re from a coastal town in Florida that is experiencing flooding.

Contribution: You plan to join the Structures and Material Lab in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering to discover which materials are erosion-resistant.

Trait: You’re the only daughter among four brothers.

Contribution: Since you’re no stranger to asserting your voice as a woman in a male-dominated setting, you want to become a mentor through the Women in Science and Engineering’s Young Researchers Program and encourage female high schoolers to pursue STEM.

Trait: You have OCD.

Contribution: Rather than being a hindrance, you channel your obsessive tendencies into meticulously completing complex calculations which you are excited to do as an Aerospace Engineering major.

Trait: You started an iPhone repair business out of your garage in high school.

Contribution: Your experience working with technology has given you insight into specific aspects of hardware design that could be improved that you plan to experiment with under the supervision of X professor.

As you can see from these examples, there are many ways to approach what you can contribute to the Viterbi community. When it comes to actually writing this in your essay, you should start by highlighting the unique aspect of yourself that you are choosing to focus on with a short anecdote. For example, the student writing about being from a coastal town might open with a vivid description of the damage caused by erosion from the most recent flood.

Once you’ve caught the reader’s attention and communicated what your unique background is, explain how that has positioned you to bring something special to the USC community. It’s important to be as detailed as possible by including specific programs or institutes, professors, classes, or research projects you are interested in. You can also mention more than one way that you will contribute—just ensure that each one is fully fleshed out.

Finally, end your essay with a concise conclusion. This might look like returning back to your anecdote from the beginning, talking about your future plans and how USC will get you there, or something else entirely. 

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and their 14 Grand Challenges go hand-in-hand with our vision to engineer a better world for all humanity. Engineers and computer scientists are challenged to solve these problems in order to improve life on the planet. Learn more about the NAE Grand Challenges at and tell us which challenge is most important to you, and why. (250 words)

Before you can start answering this prompt, you need to do a little research! Once you go to the website linked above, click on the Challenges button at the top of the page and it will take you to the 14 Grand Challenges that engineers across the globe are committed to addressing. These challenges are broken up into four categorical themes (Sustainability, Health, Security, and Joy of Living) and they range from providing access to clean water to improving urban infrastructure to engineering better medicines to preventing nuclear terror attacks.

Your job is to pick one of these challenges that speaks the most to you. Keep in mind, we didn’t say pick the challenge you think is the “trendiest” or the admissions officers would be most impressed by; in order to write a successful and engaging essay your genuine passion and fascination with the issue has to come through. 

Once you have a challenge in mind, now you have to connect it to you. This is where you will bring in your previous experiences, your academic interests, and personal anecdotes to demonstrate why that particular issue resonates with you. For example, maybe you picked Manage the Nitrogen Cycle because your favorite memories from when you were little were gardening with your grandma which started your fascination with how plants sustain themselves and interact with the environment.

It’s important to connect to the challenge with both past experiences and future goals. So, continuing the nitrogen cycle example, maybe your dream one day is to own your own farm that is pesticide-free, so you are passionate about engineering nitrogen-free fertilizers. They don’t all have to be this personal—it’s just as valid to say you are committed to providing clean water because you dream of a world where no one is denied basic human rights like water—but you should have some explanation of the impact overcoming one of these challenges would have on you and the broader community. This helps demonstrate to the admissions officers that you appreciate the weight of these issues.

One thing to remember that trips up some students: you aren’t asked to solve the challenge in this essay. Although you can definitely contribute ideas you have, especially if you have previous experiences that relate to addressing the issue, it’s not required. The major point of this essay is to learn more about global issues you care about and why you are choosing to address them through an engineering perspective.

Many of us have at least one issue or passion that we care deeply about — a topic on which we would love to share our opinions and insights in hopes of sparking intense interest and continued conversation. If you had ten minutes and the attention of a million people, what would your talk be about? (250 words)

This prompt requires less deep thought than the former. The “education” prompt asks students to think deeply about a question they have probably never thought about before, while this prompt asks you “what are you thinking about all the time?”  

If an idea comes to mind when you first read this prompt, that’s probably where you should start. USC is not looking for wild answers where students turn the holes in swiss cheese into a complex metaphor—they really just want to hear what you care about. That being said, what you care about can totally be weird or nuanced, as long as your interest in the subject tells admissions officers something about you.

Some examples of how you could work this prompt:

  • Writing about a social justice issue. Introducing a specific anecdote (that you would introduce during your hypothetical talk). Providing insightful and unique commentary on the issue—whether that be how we got here or where we should go from here.
  • Writing about a school of thought in science or philosophy. Explaining the importance of certain types of questions. Giving specific examples (historical, fictional, and anecdotal) that show that you have thought through the importance of rationalism, taoism, sensationalism, or any other school.
  • Writing about a lecture on a specific book. Discussing how White Teeth, Giovanni’s Room, or Moby Dick tells multiple important life lessons in one pretty package. Drawing connections between the fictional world and the real world.
  • Writing about the valuable lessons that can be learned from another culture. Introducing stories from your past that show the value of Japanese respect, Persian hospitality, or Indian selflessness. Recognizing negative aspects of cultures, but recognizing the lessons that can be learned when you take the time to learn them.

While these are just some examples, this prompt leaves the door open for you to explore whatever you care about. Because this essay is the simpler option, make sure that your writing is impeccable if you choose this second prompt. Engage with anecdotes and a unique personal voice to keep your essay engaging. Don’t give the reader the option to stop reading!

Where to Get Your USC Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your USC essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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Prompt's How-to Guide for "Why USC?" and the Other USC Writing Supplement Essays

Our best advice for impressing university of southern california admissions officers with your supplemental essays..

The University of Southern California has charm, quirk, and one of the most bedeviling sets of supplemental essay questions that we’ve seen.

Good news - you can pull this off. We’ll show you how to ace these questions with our complete guide — all based on our long experience at Prompt helping applicants get in. And if you’d like personalized guidance from people who’ve done this thousands of times, get started here .

USC supplemental essays and short answer questions for 2020-2021

Required Short Answers:

  • Describe yourself in three words.
  • First Word: (25 characters)
  • Second Word: (25 characters)
  • Third Word: (25 characters)
  • What is your favorite snack? (100 characters)
  • Best movie of all time: (100 characters)
  • Dream job: (100 characters)
  • If your life had a theme song, what would it be? (100 characters)
  • Dream trip: (100 characters)
  • What TV show will you binge watch next? (100 characters)
  • Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate? (100 characters)
  • Favorite book. (100 characters)
  • If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be? (100 characters)

Required - Choose 1 of 3:

  • USC believes that one learns best when interacting with people of different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Tell us about a time you were exposed to a new idea or when your beliefs were challenged by another point of view. Please discuss the significance of the experience and its effect on you.
  • USC faculty place an emphasis on interdisciplinary academic opportunities. Describe something outside of your intended academic focus about which you are interested in learning.
  • What is something about yourself that is essential to understanding you?

Required: Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections. (Approximately 250 words)

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USC Undergraduate Admission Blog

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Answering the USC Writing Questions in the Common Application

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Within the Common Application there are some additional questions that are specific to USC. These questions help us learn a bit more about you and why USC would be a good home for your college years. This blog will provide some advice about the different components of the USC Writing Questions and help applicants put their best foot forward when completing this part of the application.  

These writing samples differ from the main portion of the Common Application in that your responses to these questions are only sent to USC. It enables applicants to speak specifically about their reasons for applying to USC and begin to make the case for why their academic, extracurricular, and professional aspirations would be a good fit for what the school has to offer. This section also allows students to show off a bit more of their personality and explore their passions or inspirations that may be missing from other parts of the application. We’ll break down each piece of the USC Writing Questions below. 

Short Answer: The Why USC Essay

Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections. (Max 250 words).  

We do not track demonstrated interest at USC, meaning when we are reviewing your application we are not tallying up how many times you’ve emailed us or all the events you have attended, but we do want to admit students who are excited about being on our campus. This question helps us see that! Remember, your application is a way for us to get to know you, so whatever your reason for applying to USC may be, make sure you are connecting it back to yourself at the end of the day. Simply listing off a bunch of facts you may have found on our website isn’t really what we are looking for. We want to know why you specifically are excited about a particular professor, class, research center, club, element of campus life, or whatever it is that is drawing you to USC. Did you participate in something similar in high school? Do you see an academic opportunity at USC that matches your personal and/or professional goals? What kind of community are you looking for on a college campus? This application should always be all about YOU—even the question that seems like it should be all about USC.  

And don’t forget to make sure you address your major selection(s)! We are looking to admit students directly to a major so let us know why you picked the majors listed in your application. Feel free to tie this into some of the features of USC that you may have cited above. There are many amazing academic programs at schools across the world – here at USC, we want to know why studying at our university will help you accomplish your higher education goals.  

Quick Takes: One—or close to one—word answers

Describe yourself in 3 words.  | What is your favorite snack?   | Best movie of all time? | Dream job?  | If your life had a theme song, what would it be?  | Dream trip? | What TV show will you binge watch next?  | Favorite book?   | Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate? | If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?

Hopefully this section lives up to its name and you can answer these quickly! But we also know that every year we hear that Quick Takes proves to be a bit trickier than intended. I promise you this is not a trap! In truth, we hope this section provides applicants with a fun and creative way to show off more of their personality and give us a sense of the things that they feel characterize them as an individual. As admission counselors, we love to see the different books, movies, music, locales, occupations and people that inspire our students and the ways in which they think about themselves on a personal level. There are no right or wrong answers to these queries and you do not need to explain yourself. One-word responses are all we need.  

Major Specific Questions

There are some majors at USC that have additional requirements and different deadlines . Some will require portfolios or auditions, some will have extra written responses or an interview required. If you are applying to the Dornsife College, the Viterbi School of Engineering, or the World Bachelor in Business program, you’ll see extra short answer questions populate in the Writing Questions section of the application only after you select your intended major(s).  

We hope this post was helpful! For more application advice you can watch our TM’s Top Tips reels on Instagram. We’d also recommend checking out the AXS Companion for help with filling out all components of the Common Application. It’s a free tool for all to use! You’ll also see USC Dean of Admission, Timothy Brunold, in an AXS video talking about the very question we addressed in this blog post.  

Written by: Hayley Camin, former Associate Director – USC Office of Admission  

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September 12, 2023

2023-2024 USC Supplemental Essay Prompts

The Doheny Memorial Library at USC

The University of Southern California has released its supplemental essay prompts for applicants to the Class of 2028. In addition to the Personal Statement on The Common Application , USC applicants will be required to answer one 250-word essay and several 100-character short answers. If an applicant took a gap year or their education was interrupted, they’ll need to answer another essay prompt in about 250 words as well. So, what are this year’s USC supplemental essay prompts, and how should they be approached? Let’s dive in!

2023-2024 University of Southern California Essay Questions and Short Answers

Essay questions.

Applicants should respond to the first prompt in approximately 250 words. Applicants who have a gap in their high school education should respond to the second prompt in approximately 250 words as well (this essay should not be completed if there is no gap in a student’s secondary education).

1. Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections.

This is a hybrid essay prompt: Why Major and Why College . To address the first aspect of the essay question, it would be beneficial for applicants to express to USC’s admissions committee why they wish to study one or two particular disciplines at USC by sharing the origin story of their interest in these disciplines. The origin story should always stem from an applicant’s high school experience. Too often, students choose instead to share anecdotes from their middle or elementary school years.

For the second aspect of the essay question, applicants must capture genuine specifics about why USC is the ideal institution to pursue this course of study. So many applicants choose to list classes and name-drop professors in Why College essay prompts when they should instead capture the enduring specifics of a course of study at a school. These enduring specifics could focus on programs, institutes, lecture series, traditions, etc. And every sentence in this portion of the essay should be tailored to USC. If a sentence is generic, it should be stricken from the record.

2. Starting with the beginning of high school/secondary school, if you have had a gap where you were not enrolled in school during a fall or spring term, please address this gap in your educational history. You do not need to address a summer break.

This essay fits into the only if applicable category. So, if a student has no gap in their high school studies, the essay should be left blank. If, however, a student has a gap in their high school studies, they should articulate it here. And ideally, it will be filled with no excuses and only positivity.

Short Answers

With the exception of the first short answer, which should be addressed in three total words, the short answers should be addressed in 100 characters or less.

1. Describe yourself in three words. 

First Word:

Second Word:

Third Word:

USC truly wants three words for these answers. While applicants can theoretically include 100 characters, that would defy USC’s instructions. Hopefully a student’s answers will capture their love of learning and desire to leave a mark on the world in a meaningful way.

2. What is your favorite snack?

While this short answer prompt may seem silly, we encourage applicants to give thought to their answers so they don’t read as merely silly. It could be an opportunity for an applicant to teach admissions officers something they don’t know about food.

3. Best movie of all time:

Applicants shouldn’t just name the movie. They should explain why. And hopefully the movie showcases their passions and fits with how they think. Also, applicants should avoid movies that could rub USC admissions officers the wrong way.

4. Dream job:

An applicant’s answer should fit neatly with their hook that they’ve hopefully presented in their activities and their essays.

5. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

Applicants will ideally choose a song that shows some intellectual curiosity and, just like with the movie choice, applicants should avoid choosing a song that could rub USC admissions officers the wrong way.

6. Dream trip:

Don’t be afraid to keep it local! Traveling around the world can be perceived as privileged.

7. What TV show will you binge watch next?

Applicants should approach this short answer the same way they approach the movie choice — show how they think, avoid mindless TV, and don’t choose a show that will rub admissions officers the wrong way. If a student is an environmental activist,  Our Planet  could be a good choice — so long as the applicant explains why.

8. Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?

Applicants should dare to choose someone USC admissions officers haven’t heard of and teach them something. And don’t just name the person. Applicants should explain why they’ve chosen the roommate.

9. Favorite book:

Students should avoid choosing books that are required reading in classrooms across America, are intended for younger audiences, or have been adapted into films and television series. After all, that would not demonstrate that an applicant reads for pleasure — which is vitally important to express. And students shouldn’t only name the book. They should explain why it’s their favorite book.

10. If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?

The choice of topic should be consistent with the applicant’s hook as expressed in their activities section and, ideally, in their essays. Applicants should choose a pithy title for the course and, if there’s any room to explain what the course is about, by all means!

Ivy Coach’s Assistance with USC Essays

If you’d like to optimize your case for admission to the University of Southern California by submitting compelling essays, among other things, fill out Ivy Coach ’s free consultation form , and we’ll be in touch to outline our college admissions counseling services for applicants to the Class of 2028.

You are permitted to use (including the content of the Blog) for your personal, non-commercial use only. You must not copy, download, print, or otherwise distribute the content on our site without the prior written consent of Ivy Coach, Inc.

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How to Respond to the 2023/2024 University of Southern California Supplemental Essays

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Cece Gilmore is a Content Writer at Scholarships360. Cece earned her undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from Arizona State University. While at ASU, she was the education editor as well as a published staff reporter at Downtown Devil. Cece was also the co-host of her own radio show on Blaze Radio ASU.

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Bill Jack has over a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. Since 2008, he has worked at Colby College, Wesleyan University, University of Maine at Farmington, and Bates College.

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Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

How to Respond to the 2023/2024 University of Southern California Supplemental Essays

With the warm Cali weather and beautiful campus, it is no surprise that students are so eager to apply to USC in Los Angeles. The USC supplemental essays are a perfect way to stand out from the rest of the USC applicants. Keep reading this guide to learn more about how to make your responses to the USC supplemental essays the best they can be!

Breaking down the USC supplemental essays

Be prepared to write, because USC asks for a lot of USC supplemental essays responses! However, this should not deter you from applying, rather, it should make you more excited! Essays offer you the opportunity to show who you are to the USC admissions officers. 

Here is a list of essays to respond to:

  • 1 250 word essay
  • 1 optional 250 word essay 
  • 10 quick short answers
  • 1 Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences essay (only for Dornsife students)
  • 1 Viterbi School of Engineering 250 word essay (with 2 options to choose from only for Viterbit students)

For the list of 10 short questions, they are almost rapid fire questions with a quick and easy response to a less open-ended question. For these, just be you and have fun! 

Now that you know what to expect from the USC supplemental essays, let’s take a look at them! 

“Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections. (250 word limit)”

Most college applications ask you to select a major, so take this question as an opportunity to explain and elaborate on the “why.” Why do you want to major in this topic? What do you hope to do with a degree in this major? How will this major help you pursue your dreams? 

Be specific

In addition to simply mentioning your major and reason behind selecting this major, you should also touch upon any courses or extracurriculars that will help you reach your future goals.

For example, if you want to major in biology, you can talk about how you are excited to be able to take the USC BISC 469L: Marine Biology course because you have always been fascinated by marine life. 

Being specific with the course names will prove to the USC admissions officers that you have done your research. They will recognize that you are truly passionate about furthering your education in this particular field. 

Still undecided?

If you are unsure about what you want to major in, do not worry! It is a big decision to make at this point in your life. Remember, a lot of applicants are feeling the same way. Therefore, you should not share a major and talk about a passion if you are not truly certain or interested in this major. 

Rather, you should be authentic and describe why you are unsure of what you want to major in. In addition, you should then detail what academic programs or clubs you hope to become involved in to find your true passion. The most important thing to do if you are taking the undecided major route is to detail how you will take advantage of USC to discover what you are truly interested in. 

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Essay #2 – optional.

Starting with the beginning of high school/secondary school, if you have had a gap where you were not enrolled in school during a fall or spring term, please address this gap in your educational history. You do not need to address a summer break (250 words). (250 words) 

Only answer this essay if you have a gap in your education. If this does not apply to you, you do not have to answer this question. However, if it does apply to you then you should answer this question as truthfully as possible. 

Questions to consider

  • Why did you choose to take a gap year or semester? 
  • Did you even choose to take off? 
  • What external factors affected your education? 

While this is a more serious and specific question, you can still be creative in your response. Meaning, rather than stating why, you can tell the personal  story that led you to make this decision. This can lead the USC admissions officers to empathize with your situation.

Essay 3 – short answer questions

The short answer questions ask you to answer in 100 characters or less, unless otherwise directed. This means these questions should be rapid fire responses. Do not overthink these! This is a fun section that allows the reader to get to know you and your opinions better! Just be sure to not answer a response in a way that has already been revealed in your application. 

1. Describe yourself in three words. (25 characters each)

Think about your most defining characteristics. If someone close to you had to choose 3 words to describe you, what would they say? 

2. What is your favorite snack?

Don’t think, just answer! What are you craving? Do you have a sweet tooth? If you were given the choice to pick one snack from the grocery store what would you pick? 

3. Best movie of all time

Try to think of a movie that is not typically picked to be the best movie of all time! You want your uniqueness to shine through! Be sure you are selecting a movie you have actually seen and enjoyed. 

4. Dream job

What are you working towards in college? What do you “want to be” when you graduate? You can choose to go the serious or silly route for this question. So, you could make up a job such as “Chocolate taste-tester because the decadence of creamy milk chocolate is my favorite thing on Earth.”

5. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

This is a creative question! Therefore, try to pick a creative answer. Find a song that has meaningful lyrics that can relate to your life. 

6. Dream trip

Try to avoid cliches with this answer such as Disneyworld – remember, you are trying to stand out from the rest of USC applicants. Think of somewhere you have always wanted to visit. Be specific! Do not just mention the city, state, or country, but rather, mention the specifics. 

7. What TV show will you binge watch next?

What TV show do you love? What TV show could you watch without getting sick of it? 

8. Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?

This question allows you to have a lot of fun, so dig deep into your imagination! Try to write a quick reason as to why they would make a good roommate. For example, maybe Harry Potter because you know he is used to sharing small quarters!

9. Favorite Book

What is your favorite book? Did a certain book change your life?

10. If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?

What are you passionate about? Do you nerd out about something? What would you love to speak to people about? You can also be creative with this answer and choose a course that does not exist! For example, the “psychology of aliens” which requires a trip to outer space! 

Also see: How to respond to the Common App prompts

Essay 4: Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences applicants only – 

Many of us have at least one issue or passion that we care deeply about — a topic on which we would love to share our opinions and insights in hopes of sparking intense interest and continued conversation. If you had ten minutes and the attention of a million people, what would your talk be about? (250 words)

The first thing that came to your mind when reading this essay- that’s what you should write about! You’ll want to select a topic that really fascinates you. You should be able to talk about this for hours and hours – not just 10 minutes. 

This is an extremely open-ended essay, so there are an infinite number of topics you could choose to write about. When deciding what to choose, remember to select something that has not already been shared on your application. 

Some ideas of things to write about for this essay: 

  • A social issue 
  • A lesson you have learned 
  • Other cultures
  • A controversial take (do not select something too controversial!) 

These are just a few examples to get your mind turning. Remember, there is a lot of freedom here, so you can pick any topic you want! Just be sure to use narratives and anecdotes to make your story shine through. After all, you want the USC admissions officers to learn why you are passionate about a topic, not just what the topic is. 

Essay 5: Viterbi School of Engineering applicants only – option 1

“ The student body at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering is a diverse group of unique engineers and computer scientists who work together to engineer a better world for all humanity. Describe how your contributions to the USC Viterbi student body may be distinct from others. Please feel free to touch on any part of your background, traits, skills, experiences, challenges, and/or personality in helping us better understand you. * (250 word limit)”

To answer this essay, you need to select a personal characteristic that distinguishes you from the other engineering students. Therefore, this trait or aspect of yourself should connect back to Viterbi and how you will make a difference in the school. Start out by brainstorming and asking yourself some questions.

  • What aspect of yourself have you not mentioned so far in your USC application? 
  • What are you passionate about? 
  • When you have free time, what are you doing? 
  • How have you prepared yourself to become an engineer? 
  • Why does engineering interest you? 
  • Why USC? Why USC engineering? 

Essentially, you want to write to USC detailing how you are a stand-out applicant who is different from the rest. So, narrow in on what makes you special. However, it is important for the Viterbi supplemental essay that you are also acknowledging how you will thrive in this environment because of your uniqueness. 

Essay 5: Viterbi School of Engineering applicants only – option 2

“ The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and their 14 Grand Challenges go hand-in-hand with our vision to engineer a better world for all humanity. Engineers and computer scientists are challenged to solve these problems in order to improve life on the planet. Learn more about the NAE Grand Challenges at and tell us which challenge is most important to you, and why.* (250 word limit)” 

For this response, you should be sure to read through the NAE Grand Challenges. This will provide you with valuable background information. Once you have read through all of the NAE Grand Challenges, think about the challenge you find to be the most important. The most important thing about this response is not what challenge you choose to write about. Rather, it is the way you justify your response. 

For example, you can choose “provide access to clean water,” however, you need to be creative in your justification. Start out by making a quick list of questions to ask yourself. 

  • Everyone wants clean water – so how will accessing clean water affect you? 
  • What would you do if you could create an invention that gives everyone access to clean water?
  • Why is clean water important? 

It is critical that you are creative in your justification, no matter which challenge you deem the most important. 

Final thoughts on responding to the USC supplemental essays

We understand that the USC supplemental essays can be quite overwhelming. Therefore, just take it one essay at a time and space out writing your responses. Figure out which options most interest you and select those. 

After you write your USC supplemental essay responses, ask a trusted individual to read over your responses before you submit your application. Ask them to check for any spelling errors and also  that you have not repeated yourself at all. Remember, each USC essay is the opportunity to reveal more about yourself. 

Take a deep breath! You got this. Remember to have fun in your responses and remind yourself of what you are working towards
 a great education located in sunny California! 

Next steps after applying to USC

Congratulations! It is time to submit your flawless USC application! Now that your application is submitted, be sure to check the following for any updates to your application status: 

  • Your Email 
  • Any USC social media accounts

Additional resources

Scholarships360 is here to help you navigate the challenging terrain of the college admissions process. Are you curious about what looks good to submit to colleges ? We have a guide for that. Wondering if you should send your SAT/ACT scores ? We have a guide for that. Confused on how many schools to apply to ? We have a guide for that too! 

Also see : How to choose a college

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