Ofertas en viajes 2023

Free Tour Madrid – GuruWalk

free tour madrid guruwalk

¿Estás buscando una experiencia única en Madrid? ¿Te gustaría conocer la historia y los secretos de la ciudad de una manera divertida y gratuita? ¡El Free Tour Madrid – GuruWalk es la opción perfecta para ti! En este recorrido a pie, podrás conocer los lugares más emblemáticos de Madrid, guiado por expertos locales que te mostrarán la ciudad desde una perspectiva única e interesante. Descubre todo lo que el Free Tour Madrid – GuruWalk tiene para ofrecerte en este artículo.

¿Qué es GuruWalk? Una Experiencia Inolvidable en Madrid

GuruWalk es una plataforma en línea que conecta a guías turísticos locales con viajeros de todo el mundo. La idea detrás de GuruWalk es que la mejor manera de explorar una ciudad es a través de los ojos de alguien que la conoce bien, alguien que puede llevarte a lugares que no aparecen en las guías turísticas y que puede contarte historias y anécdotas que no encontrarías en ningún libro.

En Madrid, GuruWalk ofrece una amplia variedad de tours gratuitos, desde visitas guiadas por el centro histórico hasta rutas por los barrios más auténticos de la ciudad. Los guías de GuruWalk son locales apasionados por su ciudad, que ofrecen sus servicios de manera voluntaria y gratuita, ya que lo que les mueve es compartir su amor por Madrid con los visitantes.

Los tours de GuruWalk suelen durar entre 2 y 3 horas, y están diseñados para grupos pequeños (de hasta 10 personas) para que la experiencia sea más personal y auténtica. Los temas de los tours son muy variados, y van desde visitas a los monumentos más famosos hasta recorridos por los bares y tabernas más antiguos de la ciudad.

Además, es una forma genial de conocer a otros viajeros y hacer nuevos amigos durante tu estancia en la ciudad.

Descubre la Historia y Cultura de Madrid con un Free Tour

Madrid es una ciudad llena de historia y cultura, con una amplia variedad de museos, monumentos y lugares emblemáticos que la convierten en un destino turístico muy popular.

Una de las mejores formas de descubrir la ciudad es a través de un Free Tour, un recorrido guiado a pie por los lugares más importantes de Madrid, en el que cada persona paga lo que considera justo al guía al final del recorrido.

Estos tours son una excelente opción para aquellos que quieren conocer la ciudad de una manera económica y divertida, ya que los guías suelen ser muy animados y entusiastas, y conocen la historia y los secretos mejor guardados de la ciudad.

Además, los Free Tours se realizan en diferentes idiomas, por lo que es posible encontrar recorridos en español, inglés, francés, italiano, alemán y otros idiomas, lo que los hace accesibles a cualquier turista que visite Madrid.

Algunos de los lugares que se pueden visitar en un Free Tour por Madrid son la Plaza Mayor, el Palacio Real, la Puerta del Sol, el Mercado de San Miguel, el Barrio de las Letras, la Catedral de la Almudena y la Gran Vía, entre otros.

Descubre Madrid como un Local con un Free Tour de GuruWalk

Si estás planeando visitar Madrid y quieres conocer la ciudad como un local, te recomendamos hacer un Free Tour con GuruWalk. Esta plataforma ofrece tours gratuitos por la ciudad, guiados por locales que conocen los mejores lugares y secretos de Madrid.

Los Free Tours son una excelente manera de descubrir Madrid de una manera única, ya que no sólo te llevarán a los lugares más populares, sino que también visitarás barrios más auténticos y menos conocidos. Además, los guías locales te contarán historias interesantes y te darán recomendaciones de lugares para comer, tomar una copa y disfrutar la noche madrileña.

GuruWalk ofrece diferentes tours, para todos los gustos y edades. Puedes elegir entre el tour clásico por el centro histórico de Madrid, el tour alternativo por el barrio de Malasaña, el tour de tapas por los bares y restaurantes más emblemáticos, o incluso el tour de fantasmas por el Madrid más misterioso.

Lo mejor de los Free Tours de GuruWalk es que son totalmente gratuitos, aunque se espera una propina al final del tour si quedas satisfecho con la experiencia. Además, puedes reservar tu plaza en línea y asegurarte de tener un lugar en el tour que elijas.

¡No te arrepentirás!

Free Tour Madrid - GuruWalk

¿Por qué elijes GuruWalk para tu Free Tour?

GuruWalk es una plataforma en línea que ofrece tours gratis en diferentes ciudades alrededor del mundo. ¿Por qué deberías elegir GuruWalk para tu próxima excursión? Aquí te presentamos algunas razones.

En primer lugar, los tours ofrecidos en GuruWalk son completamente gratuitos. Esto significa que puedes disfrutar de una experiencia turística única sin tener que pagar nada. Además, los guías que ofrecen los tours trabajan a base de propinas, lo que significa que si estás contento con el tour, puedes ofrecer una gratificación al guía al final del recorrido.

Otra ventaja de elegir GuruWalk es que los tours son ofrecidos por guías locales. Esto significa que tendrás la oportunidad de conocer la ciudad a través de los ojos de alguien que conoce muy bien el lugar, su cultura y su historia. Los guías están muy informados y tendrán muchas curiosidades y anécdotas que compartir contigo.

Además, la plataforma de GuruWalk es muy fácil de usar. Puedes buscar tours en la ciudad que deseas visitar y reservar tu lugar en línea. También puedes leer las reseñas de otros viajeros para asegurarte de que el tour que deseas tomar es el adecuado para ti.

Por último, es importante destacar que GuruWalk se preocupa por la calidad de los tours que ofrece. Los guías deben cumplir con ciertos requisitos y pasar por una evaluación para poder ofrecer sus servicios a través de la plataforma. Esto garantiza que los tours sean de alta calidad y que los viajeros tengan una experiencia única e inolvidable.

Beneficios y Ventajas de Tomar un Free Tour con GuruWalk

Si estás pensando en hacer turismo en una ciudad, seguro que has oído hablar de los Free Tours. Estas visitas guiadas, en las que el guía cobra una propina al finalizar, son una forma económica y divertida de conocer la ciudad y su historia.

Una de las principales ventajas de tomar un Free Tour con GuruWalk es que puedes encontrar una gran variedad de rutas y temáticas en diferentes idiomas, adaptadas a tus gustos y necesidades. Además, al ser una plataforma online, puedes reservar con antelación y asegurarte un lugar en el tour que te interese.

Otra ventaja es que, al tratarse de una propina, el guía se esforzará más por ofrecer un servicio de calidad y hacer que la experiencia sea lo más agradable posible. Asimismo, los guías son locales, lo que significa que conocen a la perfección la ciudad y sus secretos, y pueden contarte historias y anécdotas que no encontrarás en las guías turísticas convencionales.

Además, los Free Tours con GuruWalk suelen tener grupos reducidos, lo que permite una experiencia más personalizada y la posibilidad de hacer preguntas e interactuar con el guía. También son ideales para conocer a otros viajeros y hacer nuevas amistades durante el tour.

Por último, pero no menos importante, los Free Tours con GuruWalk son una forma de apoyar al turismo sostenible y responsable. Al no estar asociados con empresas turísticas grandes, los guías independientes y locales tienen la oportunidad de promocionar su trabajo y obtener un salario justo por sus servicios.

La actividad de Free Tour Madrid con GuruWalk es una excelente opción para conocer la ciudad de Madrid y su historia de una manera diferente y entretenida. Este tour gratuito te permitirá recorrer los principales puntos turísticos de la ciudad acompañado por un guía local que te explicará todo acerca de ellos. Además, al ser un tour a pie, tendrás la oportunidad de disfrutar de las calles de Madrid, su arquitectura y su ambiente. Este tour es una buena opción para aquellos que quieren conocer más acerca de la ciudad, su cultura, su gastronomía y sus costumbres, todo esto de una manera amena y sin tener que gastar mucho dinero.

Contenidos en este artículo

Otras visitas guiadas gratis y free tours

  • Free tour Toledo GuruWalk
  • Free Tour Roma GuruWalk
  • Free tour: Mujeres olvidadas de Madrid
  • Free tour Barrio de las Letras Madrid
  • Free tour nocturno Madrid misterioso
  • Free Walking Tour Madrid TripAdvisor
  • Free Walking Tour Madrid en español
  • Sandemans Free Walking Tour Madrid
  • Free Walking Tour Madrid Italiano
  • Sandeman Madrid Free Walking Tour
  • Free Tour Madrid de los Austrias
  • Free Tour Madrid de los Borbones
  • Free Tour Madrid: Imprescindible

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Free Madrid Walking Tours

Which free tour is best.

This post covers free walking tours in Madrid, including outings that cover the historic district, the best-kept secrets of the city, and even a look at the city after dark.

  • Overview + Schedule
  • Historic District + Essentials
  • Majestic Madrid
  • Tapas Tours
  • Night Tours + Pub Crawls
  • Flamenco Tours

Museum Tours


Madrid has been one of the epicenters of Western art in Europe for centuries and is now home to world-class museums, culture, architecture, monuments, and other attractions.

While exploring the Spanish capital, you will navigate through the city’s fascinating history from its foundation as a Moorish town to its modern and vibrant current state.

Free Walking Tour of Madrid

Below is a calendar of some of the great free walking tours led by locals that are available in Madrid. Click on the entry below to expand the listing for more details.

The tours listed below are run through us. More tours are available in the following sections.

Searching Availability...

Here is a calendar with more of the best free walking tours in Madrid.

Take a walking tour and become a Madrileño for a day, because in the words of the great writer Calderón de la Barca: “Madrid is everyone’s homeland…”

This model of tours is pay-what-you-wish, meaning you can pay your local guides what you think the tour was worth, or what you could afford after your walk is over.

Free Walking Tours

According to online reviews, most tourists pay between €5 to €20 per person for free walking tours Madrid-style.

We offer tours globally . Here are just a few cities.

  • Palma de Mallorca


Several free walking tours take you through the most historic neighborhoods in Madrid, providing a closer look at notable landmarks and explaining what life was like during medieval times.

While you can expect to learn some history on these outings, you’ll also receive tips about the best places to visit, great restaurants in the area, and more.

Royal Palace of Madrid

Royal Palace of Madrid

In addition to discovering how the capital of Spain developed into the city we see today, you can also expect to visit some of the following locations:

  • Puerta del Sol
  • Plaza Mayor
  • The Royal Palace
  • Almudena Cathedral
  • Mercado de San Miguel

If you want to learn more about these sites, consider one of the pay-what-you-wish tours listed below.

Learn about the royal families of the past and how this city rose to prominence as you visit some of the most notable sites on this 2-hour free tour of Madrid.

This pay-what-you-wish tour is available in both English and Spanish twice a day at 10:00 am, 10:30 am, 11:00 am, 11:30 am and 17:00 (5 pm) on every day.

The tour will start at the Puerta del Sol also known as the Sun Gate.

Get more information or book this tour .

You may also want to consider a self-guided exploration game instead. This service puts you in the role of someone escaping the Spanish Inquisition.

Although the self-guided game is not free, at only €10, it's around what most people would consider tipping their guide for a pay-what-you-wish walking tour.

This tour game lasts 2 hours and runs daily from C. de San Bernardo, 1, 28013 Madrid, Spain


If you’re looking to take a more unique tour of the city, there are at least a couple of options you may want to consider.

While some cover the basic history of Madrid from a different perspective, others are more focused on the culture of the city, including details about famous writers and artists from the area.

Puerta de Alcalá

  • Puerta de Alcalá

At least one of these outings includes free food samples!

You can expect to see some of the following highlights on these tours:

  • Circle of Fine Arts
  • Plaza de la Armería
  • Fuente de Cibeles (Cibele Fountain)
  • The Royal Theatre (Opera House)
  • Monastery of the Royal Barefoot
  • Prado Museum

For more information about locations like these, consider taking one of the pay-what-you-wish walking tours listed below.

Xtreme Tours

Discover the other side of Madrid on a tour covering several notable sites you won't see on the typical tour of the city centre.

In addition to the unique take on history, you’ll also get some free drinks just for taking this 2 ½ hour tour.

The tour is available every day at 11:30 am and 17:30 (5:30 pm).

The tour starts at Puerta del Sol in front of the equestrian statue of Carlos III. Your tour guide will be waiting with a distinctive white umbrella with the Xtreme Tours Madrid logo.

Book the tour or learn more .

If you’re interested in learning about the most famous artists who ever lived in Madrid, Sandemans Majestic Madrid tour is an excellent choice.

Learn about the history of Miguel de Cervantes (Don Quixote), Ernest Hemingway (A Farewell to Arms), and many other literary geniuses who once walked the streets of this city.

Although this tour is free, it will only cost €3 for adults and €15 for groups (per guest) to get priority tickets. Many travelers tip between €10-€15 after a pay-what-you-wish tour, so this is a quite fairly priced outing.

This Madrid tour is available in both English and Spanish on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 15:00 (3:00 pm).

The Tour starts in front of the Tourist Information Centre in Plaza Mayor


There’s a lot of great food in Madrid, but tapas are one of the most popular dishes in all of Spain, so you can expect to find a wide variety of them at restaurants in this city.

These tasty treats are so prevalent that there are some free walking tours you can take which will help you find the best tapas in all of Madrid.

Tapas in the window of a Madrid restaurant

Most of the locations you will visit are known as tapas bars, which specialize in making several different styles of meals.

Each of these tapas tours will allow you to decide how much food you try, as you’ll be paying for your food along the way.

Leaf Madrid

This tour company offers a free tour that will take you to popular bars and restaurants which specialize in making a variety of different tapas.

Rather than paying one flat price upfront, you’ll pay for all the food you want to try along the way, giving you control over the cost of the tour.

Available in both English and Spanish, this 2 ½ hours free tapas tour is limited to groups of 10 or fewer and it’s offered on Thursday at 18:00 (6 pm).

Meeting point of the tour is Puerta del Sol at Carlos III on Horse Statue . Tour guide will be holding a Sky Blue Umbrella in his hands.

Book your tour or learn more .

Unseen Footprints

If you’d rather explore the city and try some of the best food in Madrid on your own, this self-guided tapas tour is an excellent choice.

This outing includes multiple different stops at tapas bars in the city, allowing you to try several different types of this popular dish.

The best part about this option is that you don’t have to pay anything for a tour guide and you can decide how much you want to spend on the actual food as you make your way to each location.

The tour starts around 9 pm and the first stop of the tour is El Oso y el Madroño .

Take this self-guided tapas tour or learn more .

Enmanuel Tours

Note: Tour is currently unavailable.

This expert local guide offers a tour called "Delicious Madrid," which covers some of the best foods to eat in the city.

Rather than focusing just on Tapas, this is both a gastronomy and historical tour, providing details about Spanish traditions, customs, and history.

Along the way, you'll have opportunities to taste some of the best dishes in Madrid at local, family-run businesses.

This tour is offered every Saturday and Sunday at 11 am and 16:30 (4:30 pm).

Find out more about the Delicious Madrid tour .


These are pretty much the same as a tour of the historic district, but they are offered after the sun goes down.

That said, some night tours offer additional tips and tricks to help guests find their way around the city.

Almudena Cathedral, Madrid

If you’re interested in seeing what Madrid looks like either as the sun is setting or after it goes down, these are excellent sightseeing opportunities.

It’s also worth noting that the free tapas tour from Leaf Madrid starts at 6 pm, so you could easily consider this a night tour as well.

We’ll also provide a few options for pub crawls in Madrid to help you find the best sangria, beer, wine, and vermouth in the city!

Here are a few of the sites you can expect to see after dark:

  • Plaza de la Villa

Discover what Madrid looks like at night on one of the following free walking tours.

Tours Tilla

This is the same historic district tour that we have listed above, but it should be noted that they offer their service after dark, and it’s one of the best free night tour options in Madrid.

Guests can take the tour every night in either English or Spanish at 17:00 (5 pm), and it’s approximately 2 hours in length, so you’ll have plenty of time to explore the city after dark.

Learn more about this option or book the tour now .

Madrid’s Origin

This outing provides information stretching back over 1200 years of history, and it includes stops at some of the most famous locations in the city.

Although this 2-hour tour is offered in both English and Spanish three times a day – once at 17:30 pm, 21:00 pm and again at 22:30 pm Daily!

Meeting point of the tour is Puerta del Sol and guide will be carrying a light blue umbrella.

Find out more or book this tour .

El Tigre, Madrid

GPS My City

If you’re looking for a free pub crawl, there is one self-guided option provided by GPS My City that you might want to consider.

This guide will use GPS to help you find your way from one bar to the next and it has a total of 18 stops.

You can download it to your smartphone using their app on either iTunes or Android.

Since you don’t have to pay for a tour guide, you can save all your money on trying out a variety of different drinks at the bars you’ll visit along the way.

Take this self-guided pub crawl or learn more .

Other Madrid Pub Crawls

Most pub crawls in this city are not free, but they do often include at least one free drink at each of the bars visited in addition to some drink specials to save you even more money.

Prices range from just €11 to €39, and these outings can last up to 6 hours depending on which one you choose.

If you want to learn more or see what’s available, please check this list of Madrid pub crawls .


Madrid is home to some wonderful artistic and cultural traditions, and it’s the origin of a popular form of music and dance known as Flamenco.

Flamenco dancers and singer on a dark stage

If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about this dance form, there is at least one free walking tour you may want to consider.

You can expect to visit some of the dance schools and Spanish bars where famous Flamenco dancers and musicians have performed throughout the years.

You’ll also visit some artisan shops which sell items such as Flamenco shoes and handmade guitars for artists who perform either the dance or the music that goes along with it.

Your tour guide will also provide information about Flamenco to help you understand its artistry of it and get the most out of any show you might choose to see after this outing.

This 1 ½ hour free walking tour is only available every Saturday at 11:45 am, so it’ll be important to sign up for the service well in advance to ensure you’re included in the group.

Book this tour or learn more .

See a Flamenco Show

If you want to see this music and dancing for yourself either before or after the tour, several venues offer tickets you can purchase well in advance.

Here are a few of the best Flamenco shows currently available in Madrid:

  • Corral de la Morería
  • La Taberna de Mister Pinkleton
  • Centro Cultural Flamenco
  • Torres Bermejas
  • Cafe de Chinitas

In addition to all of the other types of free walking tours, you can take in Madrid, there are also several companies offering pay-what-you-wish tours of notable museums.

While these services do not include admission to the museums in question, they are an excellent way to make sure that you're seeing all the best exhibits and sites at each museum.

The only issue with these museum tours is that they aren't always consistently offered on a regular basis, so availability really depends upon when you plan to visit and how far in advance you reserve your spot.

Here are a few of the best options currently available:

  • Best of the Prado Museum
  • Prado Museum Essentials Tour
  • Best of the Reina Sofia Museum
  • El Prado: A World Art Treasure
  • Free Tour of the Royal Palace of Madrid

And much, much more

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Madrid Traveling

Best 5 Free walking tours in Madrid

I love the free walking tours in Madrid. They are a wonderful, sustainable, and healthy way to discover the history, culture, and top-rated attractions of the capital of Spain.

Besides, are a great option if you want to visit Madrid on a budget !

Table of contents

How to book the best walking tours in Madrid for free

My 5 reasons to join the free walking tours in madrid, how walkable is madrid, 1. madrid free walking tour, 2. discover the heart of the old town of madrid and its wonders, 3. get your bearings in madrid: discover the old town, 4. free tour “millenary madrid” – madrid de los austrias (old town), 5. madrid highlights free walking tour, how much to tip a free walking tour guide, what is a free walking tour in madrid.

I would describe a free walking tour of Madrid as a type of tour usually lasting 2-3 hours with an expert local guide in a unique and fun experience while discovering the most popular tourist attractions in Madrid.

I want to highlight that you do not have to pay anything at all to book the tour. A tip is usually (fairly) expected though if you enjoyed the experience.


guru free tours madrid


Madrid Old Town

✔️ Duration: 2h and 15min

✔️ Language: English

After all, although tour guides are passionate about Madrid, they also have invoices to pay. It is logical to think that their work deserves some reward too.

There is a wide offer of experiences to choose from and it can be sometimes difficult to identify the best ones. This is why I have included in this post the best free walking tours of Madrid from my point of view.

It is not allowed to join the best walking tours in Madrid without booking.

Booking in advance a Madrid free tour is necessary to secure your place . Besides, you will be able to receive important information from your guide in case there are changes to the tour. Remember that children must also be counted at the time of booking.

guru free tours madrid

The booking process is really easy. Just click on the link of the tours you will find on this post , choose the date, and fill out a brief form.

You will receive a confirmation email of your booking. In case you don´t, check your spam folder and verify you have input the right email address.

There is usually a minimum and a maximum number of participants. If you go to the meeting point without booking, the group could be full and do not accept additional participants.

The 5 Best Madrid Segway Tours

In case you have booked one of the best Madrid free tours and something unexpected comes up, the cancellation is also free .

If so, remember to cancel the booking as soon as possible. This way, you will give the opportunity to others to join the tour.

The meeting point is usually an easily accessible place in Madrid´s city center. It is important to arrive about 10 minutes before the start time scheduled. This way, the guide will be able to begin the tour on time.

1. You will get an integral experience .

In my opinion, walking is by far the best way to explore Madrid.

Most tourist attractions are located in the historical city center within walking distance and the weather in Madrid is excellent to enjoy a stroll.

Public transport in Madrid is awesome and can be a faster way to get around in case your planning is quite tight.

I prefer slow traveling though, as you can always come across some hidden gems of the city and experience Madrid like a local.

Plaza de Oriente is a monumental space surrounded by some of the most famous buildings in Madrid

I have always believed that it is not just a way of getting to your final destination, but it is actually enjoying every single place you go through .

The free walking tours in Madrid are perfect to get a deeper involvement and discover the local culture and day-to-day Spanish life.

2. They are healthy and sustainable .

Walking is friendly to the environment.

According to the European Environment Agency, transport is responsible for a considerable part of the total greenhouse gas emissions.

Therefore, the free walking tours in Madrid result in fewer emissions released into the atmosphere, help to protect biodiversity and decrease noise pollution.

El Retiro is one of the largest parks and one of the most popular attractions in Madrid for locals and tourists alike

Besides, walking is beneficial for your health, reducing the risk of cardiac diseases and heart attack.

Research shows that regular walking actually modifies your nervous system, reduces the levels of stress and anxiety, and can significantly improve your mood.

Madrid´s nice weather is very convenient to enjoy a stroll. Rain is not usual, but in July and August a bottle of water will be much appreciated, especially at mid-day.

3. They are free .

The free walking tours in Madrid will allow you to save money on your trip to Spain. Being complimentary, you will have more budget available for other pleasures like tasting Spanish gastronomy.

Usually, the tour guides are young native freelancers with a deep knowledge of the city.

The Royal Theater, landmark is a major opera house located in Madrid, Spain

They will be always happy to offer you insider tips on places to visit, things to avoid, and the best restaurants. Therefore, a tip will be more than welcome in case you have enjoyed the experience.

4. Forget about planning .

One of the main benefits of the free-of-charge walking tours in Madrid is that you do not have to worry about planning.

All you have to do is turn up at the meeting point on time, ready to have a nice time.

Cibeles square landmark has become one of the symbols of the city and should be a must in the planning of your trip to Spain

The tour guides will take care of the rest. The whole route is thoroughly planned in advance and you will not miss any of the best landmarks in Madrid .

Moreover, the tour guides will show you Madrid´s secrets that only the locals know.

5. Engage with new people

The free Madrid walking tours are a great opportunity to meet people who probably share your interests . That is why they are especially interesting if you are traveling solo to Spain .

Perhaps it is just me, but when I travel, I am more outgoing to talking with strangers than in my daily life.

It could be just because of this feeling of sharing the passion for discovering new places, but I have done plenty of good friends when traveling around.

Mercado de San Miguel is the most popular market in Madrid

As a local, I would say that Madrid is easy to navigate on foot , especially at the city center which houses most of the must-see attractions.

The weather in Madrid is most of the time pretty appealing for walking, sunny days are usual. Madrid in Winter is beautiful too, and temperatures are not extreme.

Therefore, my list of the best costless walking tours in Madrid is an outstanding way to explore the capital of Spain, strolling along the streets and discovering the hidden gems of the city.

Flamenco show in Plaza Mayor while locals and tourists enjoy some Spanish beers and tapas

For me, walking in Madrid is a pleasure.

Pedestrian and green zones are common, especially in the city center, and they are clean and safe . Of all the ways to explore Madrid, nothing beats a walking tour.

In order to make Madrid a more walkable city, there is a continuous investment to increase the pedestrianized areas and improve the infrastructure for pedestrians.

The main objective is to improve the pedestrian experience and convert walking into the most enjoyable and attractive means of transport.

It is true, however, that there is still plenty of work to do, some areas of the city are much more walkable than others.

What are the best free walking tours in Madrid?

The 5 Best (and cheapest) Bike Tours in Madrid

Do you want to truly get to know Madrid?

Walking tours are a great way to get a comprehensive insight into the capital of Spain and make the most out of your visit to Madrid.

There are dozens of tour companies, mainly paid, so visitors find it difficult to choose one.

In this post, I want to share with you which are, in my opinion, the best free walking tours in Madrid to help you plan your trip to Spain.

Image of Plaza de España and the remarkable monument to Don Quijote de la Mancha

But it is not just me who believes these are the best free walking tours in Madrid. I have included just a couple out of hundreds of authentic excellent testimonials .

Please note that some free walking tours in Madrid are available in different languages, make sure to pick the right one before booking.

Here is my review of the 5 best free walking tours in Madrid:

My first option offers this free walking tour in Madrid which will allow you to discover the most emblematic areas and attractions of the capital of Spain.

You will learn all about Madrid´s history accompanied by a local bilingual guide.

This free walking tour in Madrid has a duration of 2 hours and you will stroll through El Madrid de los Austrias, the most historic neighborhood of the city.

The local guide will take you to the most iconic streets, squares, and landmarks, including the Royal Palace, Plaza Mayor, Plaza de la Villa, and much more.

While you wander through Madrid’s historic center, the guide will tell you interesting anecdotes and traditions which will bring you much closer to our Spanish culture.

Pablo was a really fantastic guide. He provided a great deal of history and information and did it with a good sense of humor. I would highly recommend this tour. Crystal | United States

This tour will allow you to discover one of the most historic neighborhoods in the city, Madrid de los Austrias.

This is one of the best free walking tours in Madrid and lasts approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes. Click here to book this free tour now .

The Real Casa de Correos is one of the most famous buildings in Madrid as hundreds of people meet in front of its clock tower on new years’ eve

The tour starts at the iconic Puerta del Sol, which houses some of the most iconic landmarks in Madrid such as the Royal Post Office, with the famous clock marking the traditional eating of the Twelve Grapes and the beginning of a new year.

You will also find El Oso y el Madroño, a sculpture of a bear and strawberry tree which represent the coat of arms of the capital of Spain, the Kilometer 0, a mounted statue of King Charles III, the Mariblanca, and the Tio Pepe neon sign.

Melissa was an amazing guide, she provided a lot of information and made the tour super fun with her humor! Certainly recommended! Anastasia | Poland

After a short walk, you will get to the famous Plaza Mayor, an outstanding arcaded square with a rectangular shape and a total of 237 balconies.

The next stop will be a gastronomic icon temple. El Mercado de San Miguel, with a remarkable early-20th century iron structure, has more than 20 stands with the best quality products in the entire Iberian Peninsula.

Finally, you will discover the emblematic Royal Palace, the Almudena Cathedral, and the Royal Theater, very close to the starting point of the tour.

Here you will find the link to my third choice of the best walking tours in Madrid. Secure your place by booking now this free tour .

The tour has a duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes, and the guide will show you Madrid´s historical center.

Do not worry if you are not an expert in history, the guides will only go as in depth in history as participants want to, and they will do their best to make it fun and easy to understand.

The Puerta de Alcalá, one of the best landmarks in Madrid, is a neoclassical triumphal arch made of granite

Some of the tourist attractions you will discover on this free walking tour in Madrid are Plaza Mayor, Plaza de la Villa, the 9th-century Moorish wall, and the Plaza de Oriente.

Sebastian was an excellent tour guide! We learned so much and got to see so many interesting parts of Madrid. Highly recommend. Barbara | San Marino

Would you like to know the fascinating history of Madrid and visit its historic center, a legacy of the House of Los Austrias? Book now this tour for free.

This 2.5-hour tour is the next on my list of the top 5 free walking tours in Madrid.

The tour offers a route through Madrid de Los Austrias. You will walk through the historic center of Madrid, discovering and learning about its origins, history, and legends, which have given life to this majestic city.

Campo del Moro gardens offer a great view of the Madrid´s Royal Palace

On this tour, you will be able to enter some of the historical sites and an experienced local guide will help you to better understand customs, traditions, and local advice that will make you enjoy a better experience in Madrid.

Some of the tourist spots visited will be Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor, Plaza de la Villa, Royal Palace, Almudena Cathedral, and Plaza de Oriente.

Join this tour without charge to discover this exciting city that is waiting to tell you the secrets of more than a thousand years of history.

Luis, the guide, has been very attentive and entertaining, iproviding us with very detailed explanations. 5 stars! David | Nord de Palma

This 2-hour historical walk offers a unique experience to discover the must-see attractions of the capital of Spain.

You will cover the most historic neighborhood of the city inside and outside what was the Medieval wall.

Puente de Segovia offers astonishing views of the Royal Palace and the Almudena Cathedral

The local guide will carefully share valuable information about the attractions, Madrid´s history, and gastronomical advice that you cannot miss.

Some of the landmarks you will visit are the Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor, Plaza de la Villa, Royal Palace, Almudena Cathedral, and San Miguel Market.

Great tour as a first glance at the city. We visited the most important places and heard curious facts about them. The guide was very helpful and fun . Annalisa | Lisbon

As I said before, booking the best free walking tours in Madrid is free of charge.

However, in case you have enjoyed the experience you can reward the guide for his work with the amount you consider fair and appropriate .

After all, although tour guides are passionate about their job, it is logical to think that their effort deserves some reward too.

Best Free walking tours in Madrid

Besides, if we all do not collaborate with these guides, free tours will end up disappearing.

The amount to tip depends on everyone and it usually depends on the final satisfaction, duration of the tour, and the number of people in your party.

I would dare to say that the usual average is around 10 euros per adult for a 2-hour tour.

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Free Walking Tours Madrid

The best free tour of Madrid! Free Walking Tours Madrid promotes a tourism that fuses entertainment, culture and respect for the city 🙂 Join and discover Madrid with us!

  • Entertainment and culture , is the combination that defines our success formula.
  • Expert guides that are passionate about the city!
  • Free Tour concept, where you choose the price.

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free walking tours madrid

Tours & Activities in Madrid

  • Free Tour Madrid The best Free Tour of Madrid! Free Tour Madrid promotes tourism that blends entertainment, culture and respect for the city. Join and discover Madrid with us, discover the best side of the city !! Book & Info
  • Free Tour Madrid Monumental & Retiro Park Explore with us the most monumental and artistic Madrid, a tour of the great architectural works of the city. Book & Info
  • Flamenco Show in Madrid Live the passion of dance and flamenco in Madrid. Highly talented artists and a unique environment to discover this incredible Spanish dance. An experience for the senses! Book & Info
  • Full day Toledo Visiting Toledo is to get to know the history of our country. The so-called "city of the three cultures" , gathers artistic and architectural jewels of Christianity, Judaism and Muslim culture. Book & Info
  • Avila + Segovia, Full day Tour Free Walking Tours Madrid, together with our partner company VPT, propose a full day tour to Avila and Segovia. A magnificent full day tour in which you will get to know two World Heritage Cities. Book & Info
  • Escorial and Valle de los Caídos Visit San Lorenzo de El Escorial and enjoy the spectacular views from the Valle de los Caídos, all accompanied by our expert guide. Book & Info

Private tours in Madrid

Private Tours

With private tours we can adapt to your needs, with the duration and travel you prefer; a great option for groups of students, corporate events or simply to live a more personalized experience in Madrid.

We believe that everyone has the right to a quality tour regardless of their budget. At the end of the free tour you are the ones who can value the service.

We work with experienced guides, respectful with the city and passionate about transmitting the best stories and corners of the city.

With more than 5 years of experience and a thousand positive comments on the internet, we continue to strive to provide the best service to travelers from all over the world.

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Our Free Walking Tours Madrid Guides

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An absolutely amazing and fun experience

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Madrid Free Tour

Choose Your Madrid Free Tour

Rent a car or moto to move around Madrid and its surroundings more comfortably by dismissing predicament and avoiding traffic jams.

Searching for where to stay in Madrid or surrounding towns? Check these hotels and hostels in Madrid for all budgets and all tastes.

Madrid is known for its gastronomy, deliciously diverse cuisine. Check out these bars, cafes, and restaurants in Madrid and around.

Discover the best nightclubs and bars in Madrid. Here are some of the places for rambling around the town, letting loose, and dancing.

Find popular guided tours and excursions in Madrid and its surroundings. Book your transfer from the airport to Madrid or vice versa.

Language schools and other educational institutions and centers offering Spanish language courses and cultural programs in Madrid.

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Alternative Madrid Tour

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Contemporary Madrid Tour

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Historical Madrid Tour

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Madrid by Bike Tour

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Madrid Family Fun Tour

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Madrid Gastronomy Tour

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Madrid Nightlife Tour

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Madrid Parks Tour

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Old Madrid Tour

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Royal Palace and Gardens Tour

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Madrid of the Austrians Tour


See the city up close: When you’re walking, you’re right in the heart of the action. You can take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the city in a way that’s impossible from a car or bus. You can see the details of the buildings and streets that you might miss otherwise, and you can get a real sense of the city’s layout and character.

Explore off-the-beaten-path areas: Many places in Madrid are hidden gems which only accessible on foot. A walking tour can take you through narrow alleys and side streets that first-time visitors might not even notice otherwise, and you can discover local shops, cafes, and restaurants that you might not find in a guidebook.


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Alcalá de Henares

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El Escorial

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Guided Walking Tour vs Self-Tour: Which is the Best Way to Explore a City?

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Best Time to Visit Madrid: A Complete Guide

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Tips and Advice for a Walking Tour in Madrid

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Getting Around Madrid: Your Guide to Transportation Options


  • Destinations
  • Tours in Madrid

Madrid Old Town with local guides

Madrid Old Town with local guides Spain — #1

FREETOUR.com says

Our Secret Traveller joined this tour and enjoyed its "laid-back approach to exploring a substantial amount of interesting culture & history in Madrid from the local perspective". "With a nice, small-sized group we enjoyed an interactive experience covering the main attractions, secrets and legends, and even the Bourbon Dynasty, as well as visiting Bakery House, the oldest restaurant in the world, and San Miguel Market. A really enjoyable way to see, and learn about, Madrid!"

Overview of the tour in Madrid

Discover the great capital of Spain on our Madrid Free Walking Tour. Over the course of 2.5 hours, we’ll dive into the city’s culture, discover its secrets and explore the city’s main attractions. Madrid was for several centuries the capital of one of the largest empires in history, and therefore it offers a lot to see and discover! -No paper. It is not necessary to print your reservation. Your guide will complete the check-in process with your name.

This activity includes:

  • Plaza de Oriente
  • La Plaza de la Villa (Madrid)
  • San Miguel Market
  • Puerta del Sol
  • The Oldest Restaurant in the World
  • Attack against King Alfonso XIII
  • Remains of Santa Maria Church

Meeting point

Puerta del Sol Square (next to Orange store)

Metro: lines 1, 2 and 3 connect Puerta del Sol with almost every district of the city. Metro Station is called "Sol". Commuter Train (RENFE): lines C-3 and C-4 link Puerta del Sol with Atocha Train Station and metropolitan areas. The Station is called: "Sol". Urban Bus: lines 3, 5, 50, 51

Things to note

Look out for the OgoTours guides with green umbrellas!

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Puerta del Sol, 28013 Madrid Spain

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Information of interest

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The Origins of the City of Madrid

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The Great Women of Madrid’s History

Navidad Plaza Mayor

Christmas in Madrid: A Complete Guide for December

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¡Explora Madrid con los Free Tours Misteriosos de Guruwalk!

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¡Explora Madrid con los Free Tours Misteriosos de Guruwalk!

Guruwalk ofrece free tours misteriosos en Madrid , para que todos los amantes de la cultura puedan conocer y descubrir la capital de España. Estos tours son guiados por expertos locales, que te llevarán a conocer los secretos mejor guardados de Madrid.

Indice de Contenidos

¿Qué ofrece Guruwalk?

Guruwalk ofrece tours en los que los guías locales te llevarán a conocer los lugares más misteriosos de Madrid. Cada tour es único y exclusivo , ya que los guías cuentan con una amplia experiencia y conocimientos sobre la ciudad.

Además, cada tour tiene una duración de aproximadamente dos horas, en las que podrás conocer los secretos más escondidos de Madrid . Estos tours incluyen un recorrido por los sitios más importantes de la ciudad, como el Palacio Real, la Plaza Mayor, el Parque del Retiro, el Museo del Prado, etc.

¿Cómo funciona?

Guruwalk ofrece tours misteriosos en Madrid para todos los que deseen conocer la ciudad desde un punto de vista diferente. Estos tours se organizan con un mínimo de dos semanas de antelación.

Para participar, basta con reservar tu tour a través de la página web de Guruwalk. Una vez reservado, recibirás un correo electrónico con los detalles del tour.

¿Qué incluye el tour?

Los tours misteriosos de Guruwalk incluyen:

  • Una visita guiada por los lugares más misteriosos de Madrid.
  • Un recorrido por los principales monumentos de la ciudad.
  • Un recorrido por los barrios más antiguos de Madrid.
  • Una visita a los mejores museos de Madrid.
  • Una parada en los mejores bares de tapas de la ciudad.

Además, los guías de Guruwalk te contarán los secretos más escondidos de Madrid , para que puedas conocer la ciudad desde una perspectiva diferente.

¿Por qué elegir Guruwalk?

Guruwalk ofrece tours misteriosos en Madrid para todos aquellos que quieran conocer la ciudad desde un punto de vista diferente. Los guías son expertos locales, que te contarán los secretos mejor guardados de la ciudad.

Además, los tours son totalmente gratuitos , lo que significa que no tienes que pagar nada por participar. Esto es una gran ventaja para aquellos que quieren conocer Madrid sin gastar mucho dinero.

Guruwalk ofrece free tours misteriosos en Madrid , para que todos los amantes de la cultura puedan conocer y descubrir la capital de España. Estos tours son guiados por expertos locales, que te llevarán a conocer los secretos mejor guardados de Madrid. Los tours son totalmente gratuitos, lo que significa que no tienes que pagar nada por participar. Si estás buscando una forma divertida y diferente de conocer Madrid, entonces Guruwalk es una excelente opción.

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Madrid Walking Tours & Private Tours

Memorable walks of madrid with local guides, check out our tours.

Tours in Madrid


Free tour in madrid.

Expertise matters! We offer free walking tours in Madrid since 2013 , what make us one of the most experienced walking tour companies in Madrid. Join us and discover the Madrid you never knew.

Small-Group Walking Tours

We always offer small groups on our guided tours in Madrid. In this way, the experience is much more dynamic and we can offer an excellent service to our clients . Forget about being herded from one location to another with little time to ask questions or see anything in detail.

Local Tour Guides

Feel the tradition. Our team of hand-picked guides will make you discover Madrid and its history in a fun and entertaining manner. They love sharing with you the hidden gems not mentioned in guidebooks, secret spots and the local people you wouldn’t otherwise meet.

Award Winning Walking Tours

We have established customer centricity as the core philosophy of our company . Thanks to that, we are one of the best rated walking tour companies in Madrid: 1000+ 5 star reviews on TripAdvisor, Facebook and Google.

COVID-19 Safety Measures

Certificate from Spanish Ministry of industry, trade and tourism (Ref.: 005680-46890705F)

guru free tours madrid

The Best Walking Tours in Madrid with Expert Guides

Free Walking Tour in Madrid

Old Town Madrid Free Walking Tour

  • Puerta del Sol, Equestrian Statue of Carlos III
  • Free Price (you determine how much the tour was worth)

Madrid Private Tour

Private and Custom Tours in Madrid

  • upon request
  • Pick up at your hotel / apartment

Book Flamenco in Madrid

Flamenco Shows in Madrid

  • 1 hour (approximate duration)
  • Different locations

What our clients say about our Madrid Walking Tours

  • We are proud to have received seven consecutive Certificates of Excellence from TripAdvisor (based on more than 1,000 reviews. 95% of them are 5-star reviews)
  • Our walking tours in Madrid are recommended by independent travel blogs and prestigious publications such as “DK Eyewitness Travel Guides” or the German newspaper WELT

Happy clients - Happy us!

Estelle Feinberg (United States)

The Personal Touch of a Family-Run Business

Hola! We are Javier and Tatiana, a couple passionate about Madrid and its fascinating history. In 2013 we decided to start OgoTours, a walking tour company specialized in Madrid. This project would change our lives forever.

Time has flown by since OgoTours started but we are proud to continue being a 100% local business. This is the backbone of our company. Being a family-run business give us a special relationship with the city and community. A connection that extends far beyond business relationships. Unlike the big multinational tour operators, being a small local company allows us to keep the authentic essence of the city.

Nowadays, our small team of guides consists of historians, art historians and local experts who love sharing their favorite spots in the city and its history. We will make you feel Madrid like a local.

madrid free walking tour

What do we offer?

Madrid free walking tour, madrid private tours.

Our Private Tours in Madrid are the perfect option for: 


guru free tours madrid

Copyright © OgoTours Madrid 2013-2023 OgoTours is a 100% local company. And as such, we are proud to do our bit to preserve the traditions and spirit of the city. Our goal is to help you experience Madrid like a local. Tax Identification Number: 46890705F

  • Terms & Conditions

Got questions?

  • (+34) 660 59 49 52

If you need any additional information about our services, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer all your questions.

Walking Tours

Free Walking Tour in Madrid

Madrid Private Tours

Useful Links

Are you travelling around Spain? We are a proud member of Discover Our Cities . This network is made up of local tour opertators that share the same philosophy about tourism. All companies involved in this proyect have something in common;  we are focused on offering 100% local and genuine experiences. 

Our most popular posts: The best panoramic views in Madrid 

How to get to Segovia from Madrid

What to do in Madrid in two days

  • With love from Madrid , Spain
  • Copyright OgoTours 2013 - 2023

New measures to face COVID-19 and enjoy our tours with safety

Smaller groups (max. 10 people).

Our groups are now limited to 10 people, therefore it is required to book your spot in advance.


Mandatory use of face masks for guides and customers . Following the Spanish legislation, the wearing of face masks in all public spaces is obligatory.


When available, we highly recommend to maintain 2-meters social distancing between all the participants of the tour.


All our guides will be carrying hand sanitizer during the tour and it will be available during the whole route for you.


You will hear the explanations perfectly , as your guide will be carrying a voice amplifier.

You don´t need to print out your tour confirmation (just in case keep the email confirmation on your phone). Your name and last name will be enough for the guide to complete the check-in process.

guru free tours madrid

  • Santiago de Chile
  • Santiago de Compostela

madrid free tour about to start at plaza mayor

Free Tour of Madrid

Book the original Madrid free walking tour and visit many of the city's highlights with a local guide

ABOUT THE Free Tour of Madrid

Taking in many of Madrid’s major landmarks, you’ll see the Royal Palace, Teatro Real (the Royal Opera House) and even the world’s oldest restaurant on this 3-hour Free Tour of Madrid’s must-see sites.

Your Madrid Free Tour starts in front of the Tourist Information Centre in Plaza Mayor and finishes by Plaza de Isabel II (Metro Ópera).  We never cancel; tours run rain, hail or shine.

One of Europe’s most beautiful cities…

You’ll fall in love with Madrid and see it as the locals do – as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe! As well as the stunning San Miguel Market (one of Madrid’s gastronomic highlights) and the Plaza de la Villa (one of Madrid’s prettiest squares), your expert local guide will also introduce you to some of Madrid’s most iconic royal sites. See the famous Royal Opera House and marvel at the gorgeous Madrid Royal Palace.

…with some of the darkest days of Spanish history

Sadly though, it hasn’t all been happy royal families and majestic squares for Madrid. The city has seen its share of dark times, which your expert local guide will explain to you on this walking tour. The Madrid free tour starts in Plaza Mayor, where public torture and executions took place during the Spanish Inquisition, before taking you to the monument for the victims of the assassination attempt on King Alfonso III, when a homemade bomb disguised as a bouquet of flowers went off on his wedding day. You’ll also see the Almudena Cathedral, and hear about how the Spanish Civil War halted its construction.

Image for meeting point

The Madrid Free Tour starts in front of the Tourist Information Centre in Plaza Mayor

  • Visit the famous royal sites such as the Madrid Royal Palace and the Teatro Real Royal Opera House
  • Discover Madrid gastronomy with the origin of tapas, the San Miguel Market and the world’s oldest restaurant
  • Hear the tragic stories of the Spanish Inquisition
  • Find out about the assassination attempt on King Alfonso III on his wedding day
  • Learn about the impact of the Spanish Civil War on Madrid


Click on 'See more dates' to check availability

Guests about to start the Madrid Free Tour in Plaza Mayor

  • Local English-speaking guide
  • Gratuities for the guide (optional)
  • Our business is connecting great guides and smart travelers, and we're proud that so many local guides employ us to welcome travelers like you on their journey through some of the world's best cities. No two tours are alike, and the sites, stories, and length of the tour will vary depending on what your freelance guide decides is best. That's why the tours we promote never get stale or feel scripted, and why both independent guides and savvy travelers prefer SANDEMANs
  • Wheelchair accessible

madrid free tour meeting point in Plaza Mayor

Customer reviews

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Went on the free walking tour of Madrid early July and LOVED IT! I was a solo on the tour & from start to finish everything was so welcoming & fantastic. I did the tour with tour guide Ramon & he was GREAT! He was so so much fun, very entertaining and so funny! Besides the guide, the actual tour was awesome & I learnt so much about the history of Madrid from the rulers to the origin of the word Tapas and so much in between, and never once felt like I was in a boring history class! I loved it so much, I booked in for the Spanish Inquisition tour only a couple of hours after which was just as amazing, and very fascinating! Would do it again 100% & recommend! Thank you Ramon!!

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Madrid Free Tour Made My Trip!

I only had 2 days in Madrid and this free tour with guide Sebastian was amazing! We had such a fun time, learned a lot about the city and saw so many wonderful sites. Highly recommend, especially if you only have a few days!

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We went for the free walking tour and it was excellent. Our guide, Ramon, was engaging, funny and knowledgeable. Whether you’re in Madrid for a short trip or a long one, this tour is a great way to see the beautiful city and learn about the history. Would recommend!

Great free tour with Lexi

Me and my sister did the free tour with Lexi which was really interesting and entertaining! Lexi is a funny guide and knows a lot about the city and Spain in general. We would really recommend it!

Free tour but way good!!!!

We happened across the red 'free tour' umbrellas on the Plaza Mayor and checked it out. Sign ups on-site. So glad we did. We took the free 3 hour tour today with Sebastian and were very impressed by the knowledge shared in such an entertaining way. He knows the history inside and out, and made what could be a very dry subject for many, a very engaging and informative time. An optional payment at the end is so easy to give. Highly recommended! We'll probably be doing another tour of theirs because this one was so good!

FREE TOUR with Sebastian

We took the free tour in English and it was really awesome, Sebastian presented the history of the city in a very engaging way, getting everybody involved and making jokes. He made sure to find us a place in the shade for all stops and was eager to answer all questions. Would 100% recommend to everyone.

We did the free walking tour with Lexi and it was amazing. She was super enthusiastic, fun and helpful with all the suggestions. Definitely recommend it. We liked it so much that we went on Spanish Inquisition tour with Ramón and that was equally interesting and fun!

We did the Madrid tour with Lexi. This was a great way to see the city and learn the history. Lexi was amazing! Very informative, professional and friendly. She took the time to give us tips and we even found out about the secret nun cookies! Definitely recommend going on a tour with her!

What is a Free Tour?

The Free Tour is the best introduction to the city! A general overview tour including many of the highlights of the city, the Free Tour usually lasts around 2.5 hours and is provided by a local freelance guide in partnership with SANDEMANs NEW Europe, so tour content can vary depending on your guide’s particular area of interest and expertise.

The Free Tour is a walking tour with no need for public transport and is designed for independent travellers, not groups. You can book your spot in advance online or simply show up at the start point on the day. There is no payment necessary at the start of the tour but you are welcome to tip your guide at the end!

We believe in supporting local communities and are committed to giving a voice to some of Madrid's best local freelance tour guides, who passionately share the city's history and culture with their own unique and always-entertaining style. They'll never pressure you to tip; we believe that, if money is given, it should be voluntary and in direct proportion to the quality of the tour and the budget of the traveller.

Why join a SANDEMANs FREE Tour?

  • The route covers many of Madrid's major landmarks
  • The meeting point is centrally located in Plaza Mayor
  • The Free Tour is guaranteed to fit within your budget
  • The guides performing tips-based Free Tours are incentivized to perform every time


  • Select Tour
  • Third Party Activity
  • Private Tour

Spanish Inquisition Tour about to start in Plaza Mayor

Spanish Inquisition Free Walking Tour

Discover the darkest and bloodiest days of Madrid’s history with the Spanish Inquisition tour

Majestic Madrid Tour Guide

Majestic Madrid Free Walking Tour

Take in some of the most vibrant parts of Madrid on this 2.5-hour walking tour

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Toledo: Day & Half-Day Tours from Madrid

Discover the stunning city of Toledo, with two different tour options departing and returning to Mad ...

Walls of Avila

Avila with Walls Access and Segovia Day Tour from Madrid

Explore the historic cities of Avila and Segovia on this 8-hour day trip with transportation from Ma ...

guru free tours madrid

Madrid Flamenco Show

Enjoy a typical Spanish evening with one of Madrid's best flamenco shows

the madrid pub crawl with the pubcrawl company

Madrid Pub Crawl by The PubCrawl Company

Discover the best nightlife Madrid has to offer!

Traditional Spanish Tapas on the Madrid Tapas Tour

Madrid Evening Tapas Experience

Taste some of Madrid’s best local tapas on this great food experience!

Las Carboneras tablao Flamenco in Madrid

Madrid Spanish Experience

Have an authentic Spanish evening as you take in two of Madrid's most popular pastimes - eating tapa ...

guru free tours madrid

2-hour Madrid Highlights Private Tour

Make the most out of your visit and discover Madrid's main attractions with your private tour guide

guru free tours madrid

3-hour Madrid Private City Tour

Enjoy a comprehensive overview of Madrid's fascinating history and must-see sites with your private ...

guru free tours madrid

Tell us the landmarks, stories or parts of the city you want to see, how long you have to see them and when you want to go, and we’ll build an itinerary that suits you.

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Participation in tours promoted by SANDEMANs NEW Europe is strictly on a voluntary basis. Neither SANDEMANs NEW Europe, nor the self-employed freelance guides who are the providers of the tours promoted by SANDEMANs NEW Europe, will be held responsible in any way for injuries to body or property incurred during tours. The tour guides reserve the right to deny participation in any tour, to any person, for any reason. Thank you for your understanding.

free tour guide showing barcelona's gothic quarter to the guests

Free Tour of Barcelona

Seville Free Tour guide smiling at the guests

Free Tour of Seville

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Free Walking Tour in Madrid

guru free tours madrid

The best way to discover a city is wandering down its streets. In this three hours walking tour we will walk around the oldest part of Madrid and discover its fascinating history.

guru free tours madrid

Hear all about the evolution of the city since its inception as a Moorish military fortress until it became the capital of an empire, furthermore learn about the complicated but fascinating nineteenth and twentieth century. All this has made Madrid one of the most interesting cities in the world.

Remember that Madrid has been untouched for centuries, and some areas will give you an almost ancient feel. We’ll walk and learn about its rich history while enjoying some of the most iconic buildings, plazas and streets.

guru free tours madrid

Plaza Mayor (next to the equestrian statue of King Philip III). A Guide with a blue umbrella will be waiting for you

What you will see in this Free Walking Tour?

guru free tours madrid

Plaza Mayor

guru free tours madrid

Puerta cerrada

guru free tours madrid

Oldest restaurant

in the world

guru free tours madrid

Basílica de San

guru free tours madrid

Moorish Wall

guru free tours madrid

San Miguel Market

guru free tours madrid

Royal Palace

guru free tours madrid

Plaza de la Villa

guru free tours madrid

Monasterio de

corpus Christi

Plaza de Pontejos. El guía estará esperando junto a la fuente con el paraguas azul

guru free tours madrid

Duration: 2 hours

guru free tours madrid

Pets are allowed

guru free tours madrid

Accesible tour

guru free tours madrid

Monday, Thusday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 11:00 a.m.

guru free tours madrid

How early do I have to arrive at the meeting point?

To facilitate the organization of the groups, we ask you to be at the meeting point 10 minutes before the starting time.

How does a Free Tour work?

Free tours are free access, which means you set the price according to your satisfaction.

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GuruWalk Review [2024]: Are The Free Walking Tours Legit?

GuruWalk Review [2024]: Are The Free Walking Tours Legit?

Looking for a tour that offers the best of both worlds in terms of budget and local expertise? GuruWalk, an online platform that connects travelers with local guides, might be the solution to your needs! Find out in this review if GuruWalk is the right platform for you!

guru free tours madrid

If you're a passionate traveler like me, you know that every city has its own unique personality. Sometimes, scripted tours stop you from having the real experience!. 

Here's where Guruwalk switches the game by allowing locals to give you the real deal. With passionate locals leading your way, see the city like the locals do!

Without any further ado, let me walk you through what GuruWalk is all about. With this honest and unbiased review, you can decide whether it's worth your time and money.

red logo of guru talk

What Is GuruWalk? 

GuruWalk  is an online platform that connects travelers with local guides who offer free walking tours in cities across the globe. With an interactive user interface, GuruWalks helps you book walking tours with ease. 

There's no hassle of booking weeks in advance or sticking to any stiff commitments if your plans change!

These tours are designed to give travelers an immersive experience of the local culture and history. But, why is it better than other walking tours? Well, it's being led by passionate locals who can show you just how to have fun the local way!

Is It Free?

Yes, GuruWalk is technically free. However, it's not uncommon for travelers to pay as they please at the end of the tour to show their appreciation for the wonderful guides. Basically, GuruWalk can be considered a pay-as-you-please service!

A man explaining something to two people

How Does It Work?

Using GuruWalk is super easy! Just create an account through their website or mobile app and browse the different tours available. Choose a tour that suits you for your preferred location and book without a hassle!

The tour usually lasts between 2 to 3 hours and is usually on foot. If you're a couch potato like me and dread the thought of walking, I have good news! You can opt for a bike tour and pedal your way through the sights. 

Where Is GuruWalk Operational? 

GuruWalk offers tours in over  100 cities  across Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, and Australia. Some of the most popular cities where GuruWalk operates include: 

Pricing Plan 

Let's face it, traveling is expensive, which is why GuruWalk is such a game-changer. Their tours are as free as a sample at Costco, so you can save some bucks for a fancy dinner or a pair of those hilarious touristy socks. However, it's customary to tip your guide at the end of the tour as a way of thanking them for their time and expertise. 

How much you tip is totally up to you, so you can pay whatever you think is justifiable! 

Map of the world with red pins on different countries

How to Book a Tour?

  • Create an account  - Like any app, you'll create a simple account through their  website  or mobile app to find an ideal tour for you. 
  • Browse tours  - Scroll through the variety of tours available. You can filter your search by location, date, and tour type.
  • Choose a tour  - When you fall in love with a tour that meets all your requirements, click on it to read up on all the details. Be sure to check out the tour's duration, distance of the meeting point from your hotel, and the guide's profile.
  • Book the tour  -Once you book your tour, you'll receive a confirmation email with all the necessary details, including the meeting point and time. Make sure you don't stand your guide up!
  • Attend the tour  - Put on your walking shoes and get ready to meet your guru! You'll find them waiting for you at the designated meeting point. 
  • Leave a review  - Congrats, you've completed your journey! Before you move on to your next adventure, make sure to leave a review of your guide and the tour on the GuruWalk platform. It's your chance to share your thoughts, spread the love, and help fellow travelers find their perfect tour.

Here are some of the most prominent features of the platform:

Pay-As-You-Please Tours

All of GuruWalk's tours are pay-as-you-please for travelers. Local guides offer their services for free, and travelers can choose how much they want to tip their guide, meaning you won't have to spend too much to tour!

Wide Network

GuruWalk has a large network of local guides who offer tours in cities all over the world. Chances are you can point anywhere on the map blindfolded and find a Guruwalk tour waiting for you wherever your finger lands. Tour almost anywhere in the world without fretting over expenses!

Customized Tours 

GuruWalk gurus are all locals who have a knack for exploring and helping people see a city in a non-traditional way. All tour guides, therefore, have something unique to offer, and walkers can tour with the guide whose personality and tour itinerary sound the most exciting to them. 

Tours can also be customized on the spot to suit the interests of travelers. Want to focus on street art? Done. Need to find the best food spots? Why not! Our gurus won't judge you if you find the city's best gelato truck and decide to stop for a scoop… or two... or four. 

The flexibility GuruWalk provides is not something you'd get with traditional tours. 

Ratings and Reviews 

GuruWalk has a rating and review system for each tour and guide, which allows travelers to read about the experiences of others while making informed decisions when choosing a guide.

Whether you're looking for a guide who can show you the best sunset view in the city or just a travel companion with a great sense of humor, the reviews on GuruWalk will help you find the perfect match.

A man with glasses pointing somewhere while explaining to other people

What Can Go Wrong With GuruWalk? 

Like any other touring platform, GuruWalk has its downsides. Since GuruWalk enables locals to sign up as guides without any strict prerequisites, it can be challenging to predict the quality of your tour. 

Not all guides are true experts who can give you the trip of a lifetime. 

Because the tours are not standardized, your experience depends on your tour guide. Even if you book the same tour with a different guide, your ideal tour may also be disrupted if your desired tour guide isn't available. 

One big problem I can think of is that since these tour guides are all local people, they may or may not have the expertise to deal with foreigners. 

Although the guides are accredited and professionally verified according to the local law, they might not speak your language or understand your culture and requirements.

The tour guides also depend on tips as their income, which is usually higher than a fixed-fee tour. This may still be well below the country's average income. This discourages guides and may result in some leaving the platform. 

A big group of people posing in front of yellow buildings

Is GuruWalk Worth It?

All things considered, GuruWalk is still a great way to tour a city. It's affordable, flexible, and much more convenient than traditional tours. While the quality of the tours can vary depending on the guide, GuruWalk provides a unique and valuable opportunity to discover hidden gems and gain a deeper understanding of a destination. 

If you're tired of walking around with a guidebook in hand, squinting at maps, and trying to decipher foreign street signs, let GuruWalk be your saviour!

Our Rating: 4.5/5

  • Local expertise
  • Flexible and customizable tours
  • Ratings and review system
  • Helpful customer support team
  • Unpredictable quality of the tour
  • Tours subject to the guide's preference 
  • Language barriers

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guru free tours madrid

Best things to do and see in Barcelona

Barcelona is located in the northeast of Spain and it is the capital of the Catalonian province. It is the second-largest city in the country, coming in behind only Madrid and it is considered to be one of the most frequented tourist destinations in the world because of everything it has to offer, from its vibrant culture and history, reflected in its unique architecture, to its exquisite Mediterranean cuisine. 

There are options available to do your free walking tour in Barcelona in the morning, afternoon and evening with tour guides who are locals. You can also find a variety of different tours that are centered on topics ranging from Anton Gaudí and Modernism, (the avant-garde architect of The Sagrada Familia) and walks through the Gothic Sector of the old town including The Born and Gracía Neighborhoods. Other areas of interest that you should check out when you visit include: The Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, Batlló House, Casa Milá-or the Pedrera, (stone-quarry house) The Rambla Avenue, the prominent hill that overlooks the harbor-Montjuic, also the amazing Magic Fountain of Montjuic, the Boqueria Market, The Catalonian Square, the Picasso Museum, the Cathedral, Ciudadela Park, Barcelona’s football stadium-Camp Nou, the Tibidabo-the tallest mountain in the area, the harbor district- the Barceloneta, The Christopher Colombus Monument, The City Aquarium and The Arc de Triomf. Learn more about best things to do in Barcelona, Spain. 

To make sure you get the best experience, you can read the opinions and ratings of other walkers who have already had the chance to do one of the free city tours in Barcelona . As you will see, many of the walkers there often repeat and do other tours of the same city, or do a guruwalk in their next destination, like Valencia, Alicante or Pamplona. Make your reservation for free and enjoy the company of one of our local guides who will help you to get to know the most interesting parts of the Barcelonan culture. 

Free walking tour near Barcelona

Others cities to visit after barcelona, find other guruwalks in barcelona, where are you traveling to.


  1. GuruWalk, free tours para redescubrir tu propia ciudad, Madrid

    guru free tours madrid

  2. GuruWalk, free tours para redescubrir tu propia ciudad, Madrid

    guru free tours madrid


    guru free tours madrid

  4. Los 8 mejores Free Tours en Madrid. Visitas guiadas gratuitas

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  5. 'GuruWalk', free tours para descubrir todas las caras de Madrid

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  6. 'GuruWalk', free tours para descubrir todas las caras de Madrid

    guru free tours madrid


  1. Civitatis Tour Gratis por Madrid / Free Tour en Madrid

  2. Gurupuja Sri Sri Lakkar Baba

  3. Teatros Icónicos de Madrid 🎭 #Madrid #secretosdemadrid #lugaresmadrid #teatrosmadrid #historiamadrid


  1. Free walking Tour Madrid: Free booking without credit card.

    Guru: Asociación Cultural Free Tour Madrid PRO Free tour (1418) 4.8 Free Tour "The Other Side of Madrid" - Madrid de Los Borbones 2h and 30min Guru: Xtreme Tours Madrid PRO Free tour (705) 5.0 🏅Madrid Essential Free Tour - Local Guides 2h and 30min Guru: OgoTours PRO See all

  2. 233 en Free Tours Madrid: Reserva gratis sin tarjeta de crédito

    Guru: Free Walking Tours Madrid PRO Free tour (88) 5.0 Con un Gato 🐱 conocerás mas MADRID, "inolvidable" 2 horas Guru: Miguel PRO Free tour (705) 5.0 🏅Madrid Imprescindible Free Tour - Guías Locales 2 horas y 30 minutos Guru: OgoTours PRO Free tour (10) 4.8

  3. GuruWalk

    GuruWalk is a community of local guides who offer free walking tours in their cities. Feel free to try, you will love it! × ... MADRID ESSENTIAL TOUR guided by a local. 5.0 (136 ... Our intention is for them to understand the concept better and then give a fair remuneration to their Guru, so that we can all keep enjoying this type of tour all ...

  4. Free Tour Madrid

    ¡El Free Tour Madrid - GuruWalk es la opción perfecta para ti! En este recorrido a pie, podrás conocer los lugares más emblemáticos de Madrid, guiado por expertos locales que te mostrarán la ciudad desde una perspectiva única e interesante. Descubre todo lo que el Free Tour Madrid - GuruWalk tiene para ofrecerte en este artículo.

  5. Free Walking Tours Madrid

    Learn about the royal families of the past and how this city rose to prominence as you visit some of the most notable sites on this 2-hour free tour of Madrid. This pay-what-you-wish tour is available in both English and Spanish twice a day at 10:00 am, 10:30 am, 11:00 am, 11:30 am and 17:00 (5 pm) on every day.

  6. Best 5 Free walking tours in Madrid

    Crystal | United States. 2. Discover the heart of the old town of Madrid and its wonders. This tour will allow you to discover one of the most historic neighborhoods in the city, Madrid de los Austrias. This is one of the best free walking tours in Madrid and lasts approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes.

  7. Free Tours in Madrid, Spain

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  8. Tours

    Tours Top Tours The classical walking tour Free Tour Explore the historical centre of Madrid, make friends, learn history, and get local tips. View Details The Modern walking tour Free Tour Visit some of the city's most recognisable landmarks and learn about Madrid's modernisation. View Details Street art tour Free Tour Explore Madrid's urban art scene in […]

  9. Free Walking Tours Madrid

    The so-called "city of the three cultures", gathers artistic and architectural jewels of Christianity, Judaism and Muslim culture. Free Walking Tours Madrid, together with our partner company VPT, propose a full day tour to Avila and Segovia. A magnificent full day tour in which you will get to know two World Heritage Cities.

  10. Madrid Free Tour

    Welcome to Madrid Free Tour, the ultimate way to experience the best of Madrid without breaking the bank. Our free walking tours take you on a journey through the city's rich history, culture, and architecture while providing insider knowledge and fascinating stories. Explore Madrid's iconic landmarks and hidden gems, and immerse yourself in ...

  11. Free Walking Tour: Madrid Essentials and Old Town (Austrias)

    Discover Barrio de las Letras: Free Tour through the Heart of Madrid. from €0 (Tip based) 9.3 (Reviews: 1398) Spanish 2h 15min 11:00 AM Discover Madrid: From Medieval to Modern. from €0 (Tip based) 9.7 (Reviews: 1194) English 2h 30min 11:00 AM, 4:30 PM More tours near Madrid

  12. Free Individual Walking Tour Madrid

    Madrid: Great Minds and the Enlightenments Times (Private Tour) €180. Tour hasn't received enough ratings English, Spanish 2h 30min 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM +8 More. Book a Free Individual Walking Tour Madrid and discover memorable sights and rich culture of Madrid, Spain.

  13. Madrid Old Town with local guides

    Overview of the tour in Madrid. Discover the great capital of Spain on our Madrid Free Walking Tour. Over the course of 2.5 hours, we'll dive into the city's culture, discover its secrets and explore the city's main attractions. ... 3rd Best Free Tour Worldwide. 2018. 3rd Best Free Tour in Europe. Tours Organized by Ogotours. Madrid Old ...

  14. Free Walking Tours Madrid Explore & Enjoy Madrid

    3. 4. 5. RECIBIR BOLETÍN DE NOTICIAS . Embark on our dynamic Free Walking Tours in Madrid and discover the city's rich tapestry of history, culture, and iconic landmarks.

  15. GuruWalk

    Search, compare and book between more than 2300 free walking tours in English, Spanish, German, Italian and other languages in more than 800 cities around the world. Get to know the culture, curiosities and lifestyle of the city you visit with free tours conducted by professional turist guides and local turist guides who love to show the culture of their city to travelers through tours guided ...

  16. Madrid Free Walking Tour- Old Town by OgoTours

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  17. Free Walking Tour Madrid

    Most Madrid Free Walking Tours will take you for a walk around the so-called Hapsburg Quarter, in the east of the city. Here you will find The Royal Palace, Plaza de Oriente Square, the Almudena Cathedral, the remains of the centuries-old Arab wall, Sabatini Gardens, the Plaza Mayor, the Opera, Cava Baja Street and the many charming bars around ...

  18. ¡Explora Madrid con los Free Tours Misteriosos de Guruwalk!

    Guruwalk ofrece free tours misteriosos en Madrid, para que todos los amantes de la cultura puedan conocer y descubrir la capital de España. Estos tours son guiados por expertos locales, que te llevarán a conocer los secretos mejor guardados de Madrid. Los tours son totalmente gratuitos, lo que significa que no tienes que pagar nada por ...

  19. Free Tour Madrid: Prenotazione gratuita senza carta di credito

    Tour letterario gratuito nel centro di Madrid. 1 ora e 30 minuti. Guru: Hugo PRO. Free tour. (24) 4.4. Il Barrio de las Letras. The Golden Golden Age (Afternoons) 1 ora e 30 minuti. Guru: Asociación Cultural Free Tour Madrid PRO.

  20. OgoTours

    We are Javier and Tatiana, a couple passionate about Madrid and its fascinating history. In 2013 we decided to start OgoTours, a walking tour company specialized in Madrid. This project would change our lives forever. Time has flown by since OgoTours started but we are proud to continue being a 100% local business.

  21. Free Tour of Madrid

    The Free Tour is the best introduction to the city! A general overview tour including many of the highlights of the city, the Free Tour usually lasts around 2.5 hours and is provided by a local freelance guide in partnership with SANDEMANs NEW Europe, so tour content can vary depending on your guide's particular area of interest and expertise.

  22. Free tour in Madrid

    In this three hours walking tour we will walk around the oldest part of Madrid and discover its fascinating history. Hear all about the evolution of the city since its inception as a Moorish military fortress until it became the capital of an empire, furthermore learn about the complicated but fascinating nineteenth and twentieth century.

  23. GuruWalk Review [2024]: Are The Free Walking Tours Legit?

    GuruWalk is an online platform that connects travelers with local guides who offer free walking tours in cities across the globe. With an interactive user interface, GuruWalks helps you book walking tours with ease. There's no hassle of booking weeks in advance or sticking to any stiff commitments if your plans change!

  24. Free walking tour Barcelona: Expert Guides and Authentic Tours

    Barcelona 2-in-1: Old Town + Gaudi Street Free Walking Tour. 2h and 15min. Guru: Nostos Tours PRO. Free tour. (2670) 4.9.