Minicruise Til Oslo

  • Minicruise Til Oslo Fra København Med DFDS Seaways

Minicruise Til Oslo er den perfekte måde at få et lille afbræk fra hverdagens stress og jag. Man træder simpelthen ombord på et flydende hotel, der byder på alle de moderne bekvemmeligheder, som man forventer. Det er en unik oplevelse at tage på cruise og se, hvordan ens udsigt er ændret når man vågner om morgenen. Selvom turen blot går til Oslo, så er det stadig en herlig fornemmelse. 

Et Oslo Cruise er en perfekt måde at forkæle dig selv og en du holder af på. I får ro og tid til at nyde hinandens selskab og ikke mindste den friske luft, som man kun finder ude på det åbne hav. Selvom det blot er et minicruise, så behøver i ikke mangle noget og der er masser af muligheder for at shoppe, spise lækker mad og ikke mindst slappe af. Så hvorfor ikke prøve en tur til Oslo?

Så snart man når destinationen får man en hel dag i Norges hovedstad, hvor man kan få en masse herlige kulturelle og kulinariske oplevelser. Det er en by med en utroligt spændende historie, så der er noget for enhver. Er det shopping man elsker, så kan man naturligvis også få stillet den lyst. Kort sagt er Oslo altid et besøg værd, så kombineret med et mini cruise er det den perfekte oplevelse.

  • Minicruise Til Oslo For 2 Gavekort

Minicruise Til Oslo For 2

Minicruise Til Oslo For 2

Destination ikon

Priser Fra 995 DKK For 2 Personer

  • DFDS Oslo – København

Hvis en tur med skibet til Oslo lyder som noget for dig, så er du heldig, for lige nu kan du og en du holder af komme billigt afsted fra København. Det er en af den slags oplevelser, der overrasker en, for normalt tænker man måske: ”Hvor spændende kan det være at komme på cruise i Danmark og Norge?”. Svaret er at det kan være yderst spændende. Vi har nogle af verdens smukkeste farvande og man kan bestemt gøre dummere ting end, at tage på cruise i de nordiske have.

Selve turen foregår med afgang fra København . Man bliver indlogeret i sin egen kahyt og har derefter fri adgang rundt på skibet, der naturligvis er spækket med ting at lave. Nyd lækre middage i skibets restaurant, nyd livet på soldækket eller noget helt tredje. Man keder sig aldrig og finder hurtigt glæden ved den komfort, som man kun finder på et moderne cruise skib.

Om morgenen på dag 2 ankommer skibet til Oslo, hvor man kan tilbringe nogle dejlige timer, mens skibet gør sig klar til at sætte kursen hjemad. Efter at have nydt lidt af den norske hovedstad sættes kursen tilbage til Danmark, hvor man kan nyde den vidunderlige udsigt til fjeldene. Det er noget, som man ikke bør snyde sig selv for. På tredjedagen ankommer skibet til København og man kan gå i land med en dejlig oplevelse i bagagen. Sådan går turen altså, og det er ikke uden grund, at det er blevet så populær en oplevelse.

minicruise oslo

  • Romantisk Minicruise Oslo Med Skiftende Udsigt

Som nævnt før, så er det især den smukke udsigt nær Oslo , der er med til at trække oplevelsen op på et helt nyt niveau. Det er bjerge, som vi i det flade Danmark kun kan drømme om og det er en speciel oplevelse, at se sådan et landskab så tæt på vores eget land. Hvis man gerne vil opleve noget, der skiller sig helt ud fra vores grønne marker og lyse skove, så er de hårde fjelde og mørke granskove virkelig en spændende oplevelse. Selv på afstand fra skibets dæk.

Et minicruise til Norge er en af de oplevelser, der egner sig rigtigt godt til en kærestetur. Det romantisk med den fine kahyt, de lækre middage og der er bare noget specielt ved havet, der kan få kærlige følelser frem i en. Så hvis du gerne vil gøre noget specielt for en du holder af, så bør du straks bestille et gavekort til et romantisk minicruise.

Her bliver I forkælet med alt hvad man forventer sig og i kan lade jeres forhold få en ny gnist. De smukke udsigter, det bølgende hav og al den komfort, som man finder på et moderne skib. Hvad mere kan man bede om? Det skulle da lige være lidt wellness og forkælelse, hvilket man naturligvis også kan nyde ombord på skibet til Oslo. Der er med andre ord rigeligt at tage sig til. God mad i skibets restauranter, shopping og alt hvad I kunne drømme om.

oslo cruise

  • Minicruise Oslo Gavekort

Kender du fornemmelsen af at skulle købe en gave til en, der har alt og som aldrig rigtigt ønsker sig noget? Så er du ikke alene og det kan ganske rigtigt være en meget frustrerende oplevelse, som kan give en grå hår. Men du behøver ikke længere være frustreret, for nu kan du overraske manden eller kvinden der har alt med et Minicruise Oslo gavekort. Det er en virkelig herlig oplevelse, som alle vil kunne sætte pris på. Men hvad får man egentlig for pengene når man købet et gavekort til et minicruise Oslo? Det er meget enkelt for dette får du med gavekortet:

To overnatninger i en kahyt ombord på skibet til Oslo. Adgang til skibets faciliteter, såsom wellness, pool, shopping, restauranter og caféer. Der er med andre ord rigeligt at tage sig til, så man aldrig kommer til at kede sig ombord.  

Et minicruise Oslo gavekort er altså den perfekte gave til både venner og familie, for det er en af de oplevelser, som man ofte overvejer, men som ofte går i glemmebogen igen. Når man får det foræret, så er der ingen undskyldning for at lave være og det er virkelig en dejlig tur. Når man først har prøvet det, så er det stensikkert en oplevelse, som man vil ønske at gentage. Så hvorfor ikke overraske en eller flere som du holder af med et dejligt minicruise Oslo gavekort. Det er en gave, der altid bliver modtaget vel og ellers kan det naturligvis byttes til en anden oplevelse. Se blot vores store udvalg.

minicruise oslo gavekort

  • Oslo Minicruise – En Hyggelig Og Billig Oplevelse

Det er så utroligt hyggeligt at tage på en Oslo tur, for man fornemmer straks stemningen fra det øjeblik man går ombord til at man går fra igen. Skibet byder på en masse forskellige kulinariske og interessant oplevelser, så man kommer i hvert fald ikke til at kede sig. Der er en masse faciliteter for både børn og voksne, så uanset om det er en romantisk tur eller en familietur, vil man kunne finde noget alle kan lide. 

Nyd f.eks. den indbydende aftenbuffet på en af skibets restauranter, hvor man kan opleve en dejlige kombination af varme og kolde retter. Derudover er der rigeligt med desserter og meget mere. Det er lige noget for enhver, der sætter pris på lækker mad og prisen er yderst rimelig. Men hvis man er mere til et steakhouse eller måske en italiensk restaurant, så er det også muligt. Der er med andre ord masser af muligheder for at forkæle ens smagsløg. 

Der er naturligvis også et antal barer, hvor man kan gå hen og nyde en øl eller en kold drink. Dans er der også mulighed for, så hvis det trækker i en, så skal man endelig tage et smut forbi en af natklubberne. 

Skulle det dog være en anden form for forkælelse man er interesseret i, så skibet også udstyret med en velindrettet wellnessafdeling. Her finder du både swimmingpool og mange andre former for forkælelse. Tag et dyp i jacuzzien eller kom ud på soldækket og nyd vejret. Mulighederne er mange og hvis man har lyst, kan man mod et gebyr nyde alle de tilgængelige wellnessfaciliteter.

  • Lækre Kahytter For Hele Familien

Der er masser af lækre muligheder for at tilpasse et minicruise til Oslo som man gerne vil det, og det gælder naturligvis også når kommer til kahytter. Alle skibets kahytter er velindrettede og har eget badeværelse. Man skal altså ikke stå i kø på gangen for at komme på toilettet og man kan bade når det passer en. Hvis man gerne vil have en havudsigt, så skal man betale lidt ekstra, men det er ikke meget. Dog kan en kahyt uden vindue være en god læsning, hvis man har tendens til søsyge. 

Man kan også være en kahyt hvor man må medbringe dyr. Hvis familiens hund skal med på turen. Der er også en række kahytter til hele familien, hvor der er flere senge og plads til alle. Naturligvis må man regne med at prisen stiger betydeligt, hvis man vil have en masse ekstra. Men når man alligevel har et lækkert skib til rådighed. Så er kahytten alligevel ikke det sted man bruger mest tid. Men det er rart. At man har muligheden for at få en komfortabel kahyt, hvis man har børn med på turen.


  • Giv En Oslotur I Gave

Et minicruise Oslo gavekort er en oplagt gaveide til en, der trænger til at komme lidt væk hjemmefra. Ikke alene får man den herlige sejltur. Men man får også en hel dag i Norges hovedstad, der byder på alt fra lækre restauranter til spændende museer. Det er altså det helt rette til enhver. Der nyder at sejle og som holder af udforske storbyer. 

Giv et gavekort til din kæreste og i kan sammen tage på det mest romantiske Minicruise fra København eller andre steder. Det er måde at komme lidt væk på, uden at det koster en mindre formue. Så tag på minicruise til Oslo og få en oplevelse, som i aldrig glemmer.

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  • Travel Destinations

Oslo Cruise Port Guide, Norway

Published: August 27, 2023

Modified: December 27, 2023

by Junina Harvey

  • Travel Essentials & Accessories
  • Travel Guide
  • Travel Tips



Welcome to Oslo, the capital city of Norway and home to one of the most picturesque cruise ports in Northern Europe. Nestled along the shores of the Oslofjord, Oslo Cruise Port offers a gateway to the natural beauty, rich history, and vibrant culture of this Scandinavian gem. With its combination of stunning landscapes, fascinating museums, and friendly locals, Oslo is a destination that promises to impress cruisers of all ages and interests.

As you step off your cruise ship and onto the dock at Oslo Cruise Port, you will immediately be captivated by the charming blend of modernity and tradition. The port is conveniently located just a short distance from the city center, allowing for easy exploration of Oslo’s top attractions. Whether you want to delve into the city’s Viking past, soak in the captivating beauty of its fjords, or indulge in world-class cuisine, Oslo has something for everyone.

Throughout your visit, you will experience the renowned Scandinavian hospitality and enjoy the seamless blend of urban sophistication and natural wonders. From the vibrant street art scene of the trendy Grünerløkka district to the serene beauty of the Vigeland Sculpture Park, every corner of Oslo offers a new and exciting experience.

With its efficient transportation system, you can effortlessly navigate your way from Oslo Cruise Port to the city’s must-see attractions. Whether you choose to explore on foot, take advantage of the extensive public transportation network, or opt for a guided tour, you will find it easy to immerse yourself in the beauty and culture that Oslo has to offer.

Whether you have just a few hours or a few days to spend in Oslo, you will have no trouble finding ways to make the most of your time. From historical landmarks like the imposing Akershus Fortress to the modern architectural marvels such as the Oslo Opera House, there is something to capture the interest and imagination of every visitor.

In this comprehensive Oslo Cruise Port Guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to maximize your time in Oslo. From transportation options and local attractions to shopping and dining recommendations, we have you covered. So, get ready to embark on a memorable journey through the wonders of Oslo, Norway.

Location of Oslo Cruise Port

Oslo Cruise Port is situated in the heart of Oslo, Norway’s capital city. It is conveniently located at the mouth of the Oslofjord, providing easy access to the city’s vibrant center and its many attractions.

The port is situated within walking distance of the city center, making it an ideal starting point for exploring Oslo. As you disembark your cruise ship, you will find yourself just steps away from a range of amenities, including shops, restaurants, and transportation options.

The location of Oslo Cruise Port offers stunning views of the Oslofjord, with its calm waters and surrounding green hills. The natural beauty of the area is a treat for the eyes, and you can spend leisurely moments admiring the picturesque scenery before setting off on your Oslo adventure.

In addition to its convenient proximity to the city center, Oslo Cruise Port is also well-connected to public transportation networks, making it easy to travel to and from the port. The port is easily accessible by bus, train, and taxi, ensuring that you can reach your desired destinations with ease and convenience.

Furthermore, Oslo Cruise Port is located near major highways, making it accessible by car for those arriving from other parts of Norway or neighboring countries. The port also offers ample parking facilities for those who choose to drive themselves.

Whether you plan to explore Oslo on foot, utilize public transportation, or rent a car, the central location of Oslo Cruise Port ensures that you can easily navigate the city and visit its top landmarks, museums, and cultural attractions.

In summary, Oslo Cruise Port’s prime location at the mouth of the Oslofjord provides cruisers with a convenient starting point to explore the vibrant city of Oslo. Its proximity to the city center, public transportation options, and easy access to major highways make it an ideal choice for cruise passengers looking to make the most of their visit to Oslo.

Transportation Options from Oslo Cruise Port

Oslo Cruise Port offers a variety of transportation options to help you navigate the city and its surrounding areas. Whether you prefer to explore on foot, use public transportation, or opt for a private transfer, there are several convenient and efficient ways to get around.

1. Walking: One of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to explore Oslo is by walking. As Oslo Cruise Port is located within walking distance of the city center, you can easily stroll along the waterfront promenade or explore the charming streets lined with shops, cafes, and historical sites. Walking not only allows you to take in the sights at your own pace but also gives you the opportunity to stumble upon hidden gems along the way.

2. Public Transportation: Oslo has a well-developed public transportation system, including buses, trams, and ferries. From the cruise port, you can take advantage of these modes of transport to reach various parts of the city. The Oslo City Card provides unlimited access to public transportation and discounts on attractions, making it a cost-effective option for tourists.

3. Taxis: Taxi services are readily available at the cruise port and throughout the city. Taxis in Oslo are known for their reliability and high standards. It is advisable to use licensed taxis and confirm the fare before starting your journey.

4. Hop-On Hop-Off Bus: For a convenient and comprehensive sightseeing experience, you can hop on one of Oslo’s Hop-On Hop-Off buses. These buses follow predefined routes that cover all major attractions, allowing you to explore at your own pace. With audio commentary available in multiple languages, you can learn about the city’s history and landmarks as you travel.

5. Private Transfers: If you prefer a more personalized and direct mode of transportation, you can arrange for a private transfer from the cruise port to your desired destinations. Many tour operators offer private car services, allowing you to customize your itinerary and travel in comfort.

Regardless of the transportation option you choose, navigating Oslo from the cruise port is convenient and straightforward. The city is well-connected, and its efficient transportation system ensures that you can easily reach popular attractions, museums, and neighborhoods.

With a variety of transportation options at your disposal, you can explore Oslo at your own pace and enjoy the convenience and flexibility of getting around the city with ease.

Attractions near Oslo Cruise Port

Oslo Cruise Port serves as an excellent starting point for exploring the rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty of Oslo. Within close proximity to the port, you will find a wide array of attractions that offer something for everyone. From historical landmarks to contemporary art spaces, here are some must-visit attractions near Oslo Cruise Port:

1. Akershus Fortress: Situated just a short walk from the cruise port, Akershus Fortress is a medieval castle and fortress that dates back to the 13th century. Explore the historic grounds, visit the Norwegian Armed Forces Museum, and enjoy panoramic views of the Oslofjord from the fortress walls.

2. Oslo Opera House: A striking piece of modern architecture, the Oslo Opera House is located nearby and is a must-see for art and design enthusiasts. Take a walk on the sloping roof, enjoy panoramic views of the city, and catch a world-class performance at the opera house.

3. Aker Brygge: Adjacent to Oslo Cruise Port, Aker Brygge is a bustling waterfront area with a lively atmosphere. Explore the trendy shops, dine at waterfront restaurants, and relax in one of the many outdoor seating areas overlooking the harbor. It is also a starting point for boat tours to the nearby islands.

4. Vigeland Sculpture Park: Located in the Frogner Park, Vigeland Sculpture Park is the world’s largest sculpture park dedicated to the works of a single artist, Gustav Vigeland. Stroll through the park and marvel at the collection of over 200 sculptures, including the iconic Monolith and the famous Angry Boy.

5. The Royal Palace: A short distance from the port, the Royal Palace is the official residence of the Norwegian monarch. Take a guided tour or simply wander the palace grounds and enjoy the beautiful gardens surrounding the palace.

6. The National Gallery: Art enthusiasts should not miss a visit to the National Gallery, which houses an impressive collection of Norwegian and international art. View works by renowned artists such as Edvard Munch, including his iconic painting “The Scream.”

These are just a few highlights of the many attractions near Oslo Cruise Port. With their close proximity to the port, these sites can be easily explored, allowing you to make the most of your time in Oslo and discover the beauty and cultural heritage this vibrant city has to offer.

Shopping Opportunities near Oslo Cruise Port

Exploring the shopping opportunities near Oslo Cruise Port is a delightful experience for both fashionistas and souvenir hunters. From high-end boutiques to unique local shops, Oslo offers a diverse range of shopping options. Here are some of the top spots to indulge in some retail therapy near the port:

1. Karl Johans Gate: As Oslo’s main street, Karl Johans Gate is a shopaholic’s paradise. This bustling pedestrian street stretches from the Royal Palace to the Central Station and is lined with a mix of international brands, trendy fashion boutiques, and department stores. It’s the perfect place to find the latest fashion trends, accessories, and souvenirs.

2. Aker Brygge: Situated right by the cruise port, Aker Brygge is a stylish shopping district with a stunning waterfront setting. Explore the modern shopping center and discover a wide range of designer stores, home decor shops, and specialty stores. After shopping, relax at one of the waterfront cafes or enjoy a meal with a scenic view.

3. Grünerløkka: Known for its vibrant and bohemian atmosphere, Grünerløkka is a trendy neighborhood that offers a unique shopping experience. Here you will find independent boutiques, vintage stores, and local designers showcasing their creative flair. Explore the narrow streets and discover one-of-a-kind clothing, accessories, and unique Scandinavian design items.

4. Bogstadveien: Located in the fashionable district of Majorstuen, Bogstadveien is one of Oslo’s premier shopping streets. Here you will find a mix of international brands, high-end boutiques, and specialty stores catering to every taste. Take your time exploring the charming side streets and discover hidden gems along the way.

5. Oslo City Shopping Center: Situated adjacent to Oslo Central Station, Oslo City Shopping Center is a large shopping mall offering a wide range of stores under one roof. From fashion and accessories to electronics and home goods, this mall has something for everyone. It’s a convenient option for those looking for variety in a single location.

These shopping destinations near Oslo Cruise Port provide a diverse array of options for visitors to indulge in some retail therapy. Whether you are looking for high-end fashion, unique local designs, or traditional Norwegian souvenirs, you are sure to find something to suit your taste and style in Oslo.

Dining Options near Oslo Cruise Port

When it comes to dining near Oslo Cruise Port, you will be spoiled for choice with the diverse range of culinary delights on offer. From traditional Norwegian cuisine to international flavors, Oslo offers an array of dining options that cater to every palate. Here are some top dining spots near the port:

1. Aker Brygge: Adjacent to the cruise port, Aker Brygge boasts a wide selection of waterfront restaurants and cafes. From seafood delicacies to international cuisine, you can enjoy a meal while overlooking the harbor. Indulge in freshly caught seafood, try traditional Norwegian dishes like fish soup or reindeer, or savor international flavors from Italian to Asian fusion.

2. Karl Johans Gate: As Oslo’s main street, Karl Johans Gate is not only a shopping hub but also home to numerous restaurants, cafes, and bars. Explore the side streets and discover an array of dining options, from casual eateries to fine dining establishments. Enjoy a mix of Norwegian specialties, international cuisine, and trendy fusion food.

3. Grünerløkka: The trendy neighborhood of Grünerløkka is known for its vibrant dining scene. Here, you can find a plethora of trendy cafes, cozy bistros, and hip restaurants offering a variety of cuisines. From artisanal burgers to creative vegetarian dishes, Grünerløkka has options to satisfy all tastes.

4. Barcode District: Located near the Oslo Opera House, the Barcode District is a modern architectural area with a selection of trendy restaurants and bars. Enjoy panoramic views of the city while savoring delicious Nordic cuisine made from fresh, locally sourced ingredients.

5. Mathallen Oslo: For food enthusiasts, Mathallen Oslo is a must-visit destination. Located in the Vulkan area, this indoor food market offers a diverse range of stalls selling everything from local cheeses and cured meats to artisan chocolates and international delicacies. It’s the perfect place to sample and explore different flavors.

Wherever you choose to dine near Oslo Cruise Port, you will be treated to a culinary experience that combines fresh ingredients, innovative flavors, and a touch of Norwegian charm. Whether you’re looking for traditional dishes, international fare, or trendy fusion cuisine, you’ll find a dining spot to suit your preferences in Oslo.

Excursion Ideas from Oslo Cruise Port

Oslo Cruise Port serves as a gateway to not only the vibrant city of Oslo but also to a multitude of stunning natural wonders and historical sites. Whether you have a few hours or a full day to spare, here are some exceptional excursion ideas to make the most of your time from Oslo Cruise Port:

1. Oslo Fjord Cruise: Embark on a scenic cruise along the breathtaking Oslo Fjord, which offers stunning views of the city’s coastline and surrounding islands. Enjoy the tranquility of the fjord and revel in the beauty of the landscapes as you sail past charming coastal villages and picturesque landscapes.

2. Norsk Folkemuseum: Immerse yourself in Norwegian history and culture with a visit to Norsk Folkemuseum. Located on the Bygdøy Peninsula, this open-air museum showcases traditional Norwegian buildings, including stave churches and farmhouses, giving you a glimpse into the country’s rich heritage.

3. Viking Ship Museum: Uncover Norway’s seafaring past at the Viking Ship Museum. Here, you can admire incredibly preserved Viking ships, including the Oseberg and Gokstad ships, which provide a fascinating insight into the Viking Age. Learn about the Viking culture through the artifacts on display.

4. Holmenkollen Ski Museum and Jump Tower: Experience the thrill of winter sports history at the Holmenkollen Ski Museum and Jump Tower. Tour the museum to learn about the history of skiing, witness the impressive ski jump, and even test your skills on a virtual ski jump simulator.

5. The Fram Museum: Dive into the world of polar exploration at the Fram Museum. Discover the incredible story of the Norwegian polar expeditions and step aboard the Fram, the ship used by renowned explorers such as Fridtjof Nansen and Roald Amundsen, as they made their journeys to the North and South Poles.

6. Vigelandsparken: Take a leisurely stroll through Vigelandsparken, a sprawling sculpture park located in Frogner Park. Admire the impressive collection of over 200 sculptures by Gustav Vigeland, including the iconic Monolith and the whimsical Angry Boy, set against beautifully landscaped gardens.

These excursion ideas near Oslo Cruise Port offer a range of experiences that cater to different interests and time constraints. Whether you choose to explore the natural beauty of the fjords, delve into Viking history, or delve into Norwegian culture, you are sure to create unforgettable memories during your visit to Oslo.

Cruise Port Facilities and Services

Oslo Cruise Port is equipped with a range of facilities and services to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for cruise passengers. From convenient amenities to helpful services, here’s what you can expect when arriving at Oslo Cruise Port:

1. Terminal Building: The cruise terminal at Oslo Cruise Port offers a modern and well-organized space with a range of facilities. It provides comfortable waiting areas, helpful staff, and clear signage to ensure ease of navigation for passengers.

2. Baggage Services: The port offers secure baggage handling services, allowing you to drop off your luggage upon arrival and pick it up before departure. This enables you to explore the city without the burden of carrying your bags.

3. Customs and Immigration: The customs and immigration process at Oslo Cruise Port is efficient and well-managed. Officials work diligently to ensure a smooth and swift process for passengers, allowing for a hassle-free entry and departure experience.

4. Tourist Information: Oslo Cruise Port has a dedicated tourist information center where knowledgeable staff members are available to provide assistance, maps, brochures, and recommendations for local attractions, transportation, and dining options. They can also help answer any questions you may have about your visit to Oslo.

5. Currency Exchange and ATMs: The cruise port provides currency exchange services and houses conveniently located ATMs, allowing passengers to access local currency easily. It is advisable to have some Norwegian Kroner on hand for small purchases and public transportation.

6. Wi-Fi Access: The port offers complimentary Wi-Fi access, allowing you to stay connected and share your Oslo experiences with friends and family. Take advantage of this service to quickly look up information, browse the web, or upload photos of your adventures.

7. Transportation Services: The port has excellent transportation connections, making it easy to explore Oslo and its surroundings. Public transportation, including buses, trams, and ferries, can be accessed conveniently from the cruise port. Taxis and private transfers are also readily available for those seeking more personalized transportation options.

Whether you need assistance with your luggage, want to gather information about Oslo attractions, or require currency exchange services, Oslo Cruise Port offers a range of facilities and services to ensure that your visit is comfortable and convenient. You can rest assured that your needs will be well taken care of as you embark on your Oslo adventure.

Safety and Security Information for Oslo Cruise Port

Oslo Cruise Port takes the safety and security of its passengers seriously, ensuring a safe and enjoyable visit to the city. Here are some important safety and security tips to keep in mind during your time at the port:

1. Personal Belongings: Always keep an eye on your personal belongings and valuables. While Oslo is generally a safe city, it is important to be cautious of pickpockets, especially in crowded areas or tourist hotspots. Keep your belongings secure and consider using a money belt or a secure bag to protect your valuables.

2. Emergency Contact Information: Keep important contact information readily available, including emergency numbers and the contact details of your embassy or consulate in Oslo. In case of any emergencies or unforeseen situations, you can quickly reach out for assistance.

3. Health and Safety Precautions: Oslo is a safe and clean city, but it is always advisable to take standard health and safety precautions. Ensure that you have travel insurance that covers any medical emergencies. It is also important to stay hydrated, dress appropriately for the weather, and apply sunscreen when exploring the city, especially during the summer months.

4. Transportation Safety: When using public transportation, be mindful of your surroundings and follow the safety guidelines provided. Pay attention to any announcements or instructions when using buses, trams, or ferries. If you choose to take a taxi, make sure it is a licensed one and confirm the fare before starting your journey.

5. Emergency Services: Oslo has a reliable emergency response system. In case of any emergencies, dial 112 for immediate assistance from police, fire, or medical services. The operators speak English and can provide necessary guidance and assistance.

6. Local Laws and Customs: Familiarize yourself with the local laws and customs of Oslo to ensure a respectful and trouble-free visit. Remember that smoking is prohibited in most public areas, and it is essential to follow any specific rules or regulations in museums, attractions, and religious sites.

By being vigilant, informed, and respectful of local customs, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable visit to Oslo Cruise Port. It is always beneficial to stay aware of your surroundings, take necessary precautions, and seek guidance from trusted sources to make the most of your time in this beautiful city.

Oslo Cruise Port serves as a gateway to the captivating city of Oslo, Norway, offering a wealth of attractions, cultural experiences, and natural wonders for cruise passengers to explore. With its convenient location, excellent transportation connectivity, and a wide range of facilities and services, the port ensures a seamless and enjoyable visit.

From the moment you step off your cruise ship, you will be greeted by the warmth of Norwegian hospitality and the charm of Oslo’s rich history and vibrant culture. Whether you choose to immerse yourself in the city’s Viking past at the historical Akershus Fortress, indulge in world-class dining options near the port, or embark on a scenic cruise along the Oslo Fjord, there is something to captivate every traveler’s interest.

With attractions like the Vigeland Sculpture Park, the Oslo Opera House, and the Viking Ship Museum, Oslo showcases a unique blend of modernity and tradition. The city’s well-developed public transportation system makes it easy to navigate your way from the port to the top attractions, ensuring you make the most of your time in Oslo.

As you explore Oslo, it is important to keep safety and security in mind. By taking simple precautions, such as being aware of your surroundings and following local laws and customs, you can ensure a smooth and trouble-free visit.

Whether you have just a few hours or a few days to spend in Oslo, the enchanting city is sure to leave a lasting impression. Take in the breathtaking beauty of the Oslofjord, delve into the rich history and cultural heritage, indulge in delicious Norwegian cuisine, and create unforgettable memories as you explore this Scandinavian gem.

In this comprehensive Oslo Cruise Port Guide, we have provided you with valuable information to help you navigate your visit. From transportation options and local attractions to shopping and dining recommendations, we hope this guide has equipped you with all the necessary knowledge to make the most of your time in Oslo Cruise Port and create memories that will last a lifetime.


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oslo cruise gavekort

Minicruise for 2

Par der er på et minicruise for 2

Danmark er omgivet af vand, og du kan nyde det  på et minicruise for 2  – både i Danmark og på et minicruise fra Danmark. Invitér en af dine nærmeste med, eller forær turen på gavekort til to, der fortjener det. Det er nemt at bestille online og booke, når kalenderen tillader det.

Kan du tage på krydstogt i Danmark?

Ja – sagtens! Der er flere forskellige former for  minicruises for 2  både fra Danmark og i Danmark.

Du kan vælge minicruise som en dagstur på én af Danmarks mange smukke indsøer, åer eller fjorde. Her oplever du på nogle timer området fra vandsiden, mens du nipper til en drink eller får en bid mad og hører interessante fortællinger om lokalområdet.

Tag på minicruise for 2 til udlandet

Der er også rig mulighed for at rejse ud fra Danmark på f.eks. et  minicruise til Oslo  eller andre ture på få dage.

Her overnatter og spiser I på skibet, mens naturen langsomt glider forbi, og havluften frisker jer op. Alt hvad I skal bruge af restauranter og faciliteter findes ombord, så krydstogtet føles som et flydende hotelophold.

De fleste krydstogter på flere dages varighed er planlagt, så I rejser om natten det meste af vejen og har tid om dagen i den by, I når frem til. Det giver anledning til at bruge turen som et skønt hotelophold eller en tur i byen.

Hvem skal med?

Det er oplagt at invitere den eneste ene med på et  romantisk minicruise for 2 , hvor I har et par timer eller et par dage til bare at nyde hinanden og udsigten.

Et minicruise på et par timer i et naturskønt område i Danmark er dog også velegnet til en hyggelig far-søn eftermiddag eller et roligt søskende-gensyn.

Til den mere aktive tur kan et minicruise til Oslo være den perfekte kombination af fest og fridage, hvor natten kan tilbringes på dansegulvet eller i baren og dagen i destinationsbyen. Valget er dit – og du bestemmer selv, hvem der skal med.

Forær et minicruise for 2 i gave

Kender du et kærestepar, et ægtepar eller et par venner, der fortjener at nyde et par fritimer eller fridage på vandet? Så overvej om et  minicruise for 2  ikke kunne være den ideelle gaveidé!

Det er nemt at bestille et oplevelsesgavekort til et minicruise fra Danmark eller i Danmark fra udvalget herunder og selv lade modtageren booke oplevelsen. Har du ikke selv mulighed for at overrække gavekortet, kan du ovenikøbet bestille det til direkte levering i postkassen eller indbakken hos modtageren. Nemmere bliver det ikke!

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oslo cruise gavekort


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  • Baltic - Norwegian Fjords - Russia Cruise Ports

Oslo (Norway)

Cruise port schedule, live map, terminals, news.

Oslo cruise port

Region Baltic - Norwegian Fjords - Russia

Local Time 2024-04-13 16:23

Port Oslo cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with cruises going to or leaving from Oslo, Norway. To see the full itineraries (ports of call dates and arrival / departure times) and their lowest rates – just follow the corresponding ship-link.

Oslo is Norway's largest seaport (located on Aker River / at Oslofjord ’s entrance) and also the country's capital and largest city with population around 670,000 (metro around 1,59 million).

The city is Norway's governmental and economic center, and also serves as country's main hub of commerce, banking, shipping trade, maritime industries. Here are headquartered nearly 2000 large companies within the maritime sector. Some of these are the world's largest shipbrokers, insurance brokers, passenger and cargo shipping companies. The city also houses numerous cultural facilities, historical buildings, museums, art galleries, recreational parks (Frogner, Bygdoy, Ekebergparken, St Hanshaugen, Toyen), annual festivals.

The metro area contributes around 1/4 of Norway's GDP and generates over 1/4 of country's tax revenues. In 2018, Oslo City was ranked 5th in the list of world's top 10 most expensive cities - following Singapore , Paris , Zurich , Hong Kong , and followed by Geneva, Seoul (Port Incheon) , Copenhagen , Tel Aviv (Port Haifa) and Sydney NSW .

Oslo Airport is an international airport connecting the city to 26 domestic and 151 international airports. In 2017, the airport served over 27 million passengers, ranking it Scandinavia's 2nd-busiest (after Copenhagen) and Europe's 19th-busiest. The airport is located in Gardermoen - approx 35 km (22 mi) northeast from downtown. It is connected to downtown via Gardermoen Line (high-speed trains). The city is also served by Torp Airport (Sandefjord), located approx 119 km (74 mi) to the south of downtown.

The seaport is Norway's principal (and largest) cargo and ferry port, handling weekly between 50-70 ship calls. Around 1/2 of country's population lives less than 3-hour drive from the seaport, which is located at short distance to city's main railway and road connections.

Port Oslo is the main contributor to the city's economy, being ranked as Norway's largest general cargo and containership port, as well as the country's main passenger shipping (ferry) gateway. The seaport handles annually around 6000 vessels, with total cargo volume around 6 million tons and passenger shipping volume nearly 7 million. The port authority company is "Port of Oslo KF".

At its modern terminals, the port can handle all types of cargo ships with draft up to 11 m (36 ft) as max quay water depth. The seaport has total land area 1,26 km2 (0,5 mi2) and total quay length 9922 m (32550 ft). Pilotage (pilot assistance) is mandatory for all vessels.

Currently, the Port handles 3 daily ferry arrivals with all 21 weekly crossings between Norway and Denmark ( Copenhagen , Frederikshavn ) and Germany ( Kiel ). Regularly scheduled cruiseferries connect Oslo with Kiel ( Color Line , 7 weekly crossings, travel time 20 hours), with Copenhagen ( DFDS Seaways , 7 weekly crossings, time 17 hours) and with Frederikshavn ( Stena Line , 7 weekly crossings, time 9 hours).

For FY2018 (fiscal year), Port Oslo reported a record volume of TEU-containers (238,000, or 14% increase over 2017) handled at YILPort Oslo terminal - Norway's newest and most modern. Half of the country's population lives within a 3-hours drive from the seaport, and ~80% of all containerized goods enter Norway through Oslo.

Officially inaugurated on January 8, 2019, Port Oslo now offers  shoreside power supply  to berthed vessels. The first ship that received shore-to-ship power was  Stena Saga . The technology allows docked vessels to shut down their diesel engines and plug into city's electricity grid (via pierside electrical hookups), thus reducing bad emissions by up to 95%. The expected annual diesel fuel savings are 1400+ tons - the annual CO2 emissions equivalent of 1300 cars.

In May 2023, Zinus Power (supplier of shore power products and solutions) won a contract with powerCON (Neutrik-owned electrical connector) to supply Port Oslo's CRU500 (portable cable management system). When the project is completed, the Port will have the capacity to supply with electricity all berthed cruise vessels.

Oslo cruise port

Oslo is one of the Hurtigruten ports along the "Express Route" (Norwegian Coastal Express). This is a regularly scheduled ferry and cruise itinerary in Norway, between the turnaround ports Bergen (southmost) and Kirkenes (northmost).

In 2011 (port's record year) were handled 170 ship calls and 312,000 passengers. In 2013, the cruise port handled over 300,000 passengers from 146 different nations. Cruises to Oslo are divided in two main types of itineraries - Baltic Sea and Norwegian Fjords.

In 2017, the port had scheduled a total of 102 ship calls (compared to 81 calls in 2016) and handled around 155,000 passengers. In 2017, most berth bookings were made by AIDA Cruises (22 calls) and TUI Cruises (8 calls).

Oslo cruise terminal

In Port Oslo cruise ships dock on Akershus Fortress sides. There are 4 piers – Sondre Akershus (length 235 m), Vippetangen (230 m), Revierkaia (300 m) and Filipstad (350 m). In the cruise terminal area passenger amenities include coffee shop, tourist info office (city tours, free maps), souvenir shops, currency exchange, free Wi-Fi, Internet, taxi ranks.

Downtown is within easy walking distance. The airport is 50 km (30 mi) from the terminal. Most tourist attractions are close to the terminal. Public transportation system offers bus service. Buses depart from the terminal every 30 min.

To reach Bygdoy peninsula (home to Kon-Tiki, Fram museums and Viking Ships) take the ferry (at Pier 3) - travel time is 10-15 min.

  • Opera House: it was inaugurated in 2008. it is an architectural masterpiece. It is made of white marble and looks like a massive ice sheet. It has angular slabs resembling giant ski slopes. The construction cost was $700 millions. It is the home of the Norwegian Ballet and Norwegian National Opera.
  • Holmenkollen: famous ski jump area. It dates from the end of 19 century. The area was renovated for the Winter Olympic Games in 1952. It is 357 meter above sea level. The ski jump tower is 60 meter higher. Also you can visit the ski museum, which is the world’s oldest. Holmokollen is located in the Marka region. It is open for visitors through all the year.
  • Vigeland Sculpture Park: it is in the western part of Oslo, in the Fronger Park. Discover over 200 sculptures by Gustav Vigeland.
  • Oseberg Viking Ship Museum: on display are three of the world’s famous Viking ships. They are over 1,100 -year old.
  • National Museum of Art: collections of Norwegian and International art and 1893 paintings. It is located on Universtetsgaten, in adjacent to the Oslo University on Universtetsgaten.
  • Munch Museum: museum devoted to Edvard Munch, famous painter and pioneer of Expressionism.
  • Akershus Fortress: or Akershus Castle, built by King Hakon V in the 14th century to serve as a royal residence. It was rebuilt by King Christian IV in the 17th century.

Oslo tours, shore excursions, hotels

City tours and shore excursions.

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Oslo - user reviews and comments


Forside » Oplevelser » Minicruise til Oslo

Færge der sejler på vand

Minicruise til Oslo

Trænger du til at komme væk fra hverdagen, og bare få en velfortjent pause? Frygt ej, vi har den helt rigtige oplevelse til dig. Med et lækkert minicruise til Oslo, kan du komme afsted på en hyggelig sejltur fyldt med afslapning, smukke landskaber og masser af tid til hygge. Forkæl dig selv og en særlig person som du holder af med et minicruise, hvor I kan nyde hinanden.

Indeholder reklamelinks

Minicruise til Oslo

Nyd 3 dage sammen på et minicruise fra København til Oslo og tilbage igen. I får to overnatninger på Oslofærgen adskilt af ca. 7 timer i Oslo. Med barer, casino og lækre restauranter på færgen får I et par fantastiske dage sammen.

Pris: 995,00 kr.

Tag på minicruise til Oslo

Et minicruise er den perfekte anledning til at komme væk på en lille ferie uden at det kræver en masse plads i kalenderen. Turen er nemlig som navnet indikerer et mini-cruise. Dette betyder at det kun indeholder 2 overnatninger, men stadig rigeligt af tid til at opleve en masse spændende ting.

Et minicruise fungerer nemlig således, at du stiger ombord på skibet, og tilbringer en hyggelig dag sammen med din rejsekammerat. Når I ankommer til Oslo, har I et par timer, hvor I kan udforske byen inden skibet sejler mod Danmark igen. Oslo er blandt Europas hurtigst voksende byer. Så du vil få masser af muligheder for at opleve noget. Men byen er mere end blot madkultur, arkitektur, kunst og shopping. Med sin beliggenhed mellem Oslofjorden og skovbeklædte bakker fik Osloi 2019 prisen som Europas grønne hovedstad. Byens centrum kan udforskes både til fods, på cykel eller med offentlig transport.

Besøg f.eks. det nye Munchmuseum, og oplev Edvard Munch’ fantastiske og ikoniske malerier. Udover kunstudstillingerne, kan du også besøge et af museets kunstværksteder, hvor du kan lave din egen kunst. Slut besøget af med en tur i restauranten på 13. sal, som foruden dejlig mad også byder på lidt af en spektakulær udsigt over byen. Det nye museum åbnede i efteråret 2020.

Er du mere til sport og spænding, kan du besøge Holmenkollbakken, som er Norges største arena for skihop. Denne har været brugt ved flere store konkurrencer herunder Vinter-OL i 1952, samt flere omgange af VM senest i 2011.

Foretrækker du i stedet et par hyggelige timer, hvor du bare udforsker byen, så har Oslo meget at byde på. Uanset, hvad du vælger, så er vi sikre på, at du vil få en hyggelig dag inden du skal afsted tilbage.

En pause fra hverdagen

Det er ikke kun Oslo, der har noget at byde på. Skibet, som du sejler med indeholder både vinbar, caféer, pool, jacuzzi, sauna, mulighed for shopping, natklub samt utallige restauranter med alt lige fra pizza til steak. Kort sagt, du kan finde alt, hvad dit hjerte begærer ombord. Det bliver bestemt ikke kedeligt. Du skal blot læne dig tilbage, og slappe af. Måske er du afsted på en romantisk tur sammen med din kæreste eller ægtefælle. Her kan I få lidt alenetid og nyde hinandens selskab væk fra dagligdagens pligter og gøremål. Der er i hvert fald rig mulighed for at få et par hyggelige dage, hvor I sammen kan opleve den smukke sejltur og friske havluft undervejs.

En tur som denne er den perfekte mulighed, hvis I trænger til at trække stikket ud, og bare komme væk fra alting. I vil komme tilbage med en fornyet energi, og med en dejlig oplevelse fyldt med gode minder. Denne type gave er også en fin idé, hvis man ønsker at fejre årsdag eller bryllupsdag på en særlig måde. Uanset, hvor lang tid I har været sammen, så vil en tur som denne helt sikkert bringe glæde hos din partner.

Cruiset er også en fin oplevelse, hvis du har en god ven eller et nært familiemedlem, som du ønsker at tilbringe noget kvalitetstid med. Der er underholdning for alle undervejs på sejlturen. Og vi garanterer at det bliver en hyggelig oplevelse for jer alle sammen. Hvem trænger måske ikke til at par dage, hvor der er ro til at slappe af. Og hvor man bare kan hygge sig uden afbrydelser.

Hvad koster et minicruise?

Prisen for et minicruise til Oslo er ca. 1.000,00 kr., og man kan ofte være heldig at finde gode deals til turen. Her kan man enten finde tilbud på hele opholdet eller gode deals i form af f.eks. spisning i en af skibets mange restauranter.

Hvis du leder efter lignende ophold, kan du på dingaveguide finde oplevelsesgaver som f.eks. storbyferie , wellnessophold eller et romantisk weekendophold . Vi har samlet en lang række gaveidéer, så du blot skal finde den som, passer bedst til dig.

Giv et minicruise som gave

Her på dingaveguide er vi store fortalere for at give oplevelsesgaver. Vores erfaring viser, at oplevelsesgaver oftest bliver taget imod med ekstra glæde. Og vi mener, at et minicruise til Oslo vil være en fantastisk gaveide til en du holder meget af. I og med at et minicruise ofte er i den dyrere ende af prisskalaen, så er det ofte en gave, man giver til folk man holder meget af. En gave man giver til personer, man er tæt med. Gaven lægger også op til, at turen gives til en person, så I to sammen kan komme afsted på denne hyggelige sejltur, som vil give jer en pause fra hverdagen.

Et minicruise egner sig som en god gave til flere forskellige anledninger. Vi synes, at det kunne være en god gaveidé til:

  • Studenterfest
  • Konfirmation
  • Barselsgave

Uanset anledningen, så er fælles for dem, at det er en god gaveidé til personer, som du holder af at bruge tid med. Denne gaveide lægger nemlig op til, at I virkelig kan få lov at være sammen på en hyggelig tur uden forstyrrelser.

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Cruise Kiel-Oslo-Kiel - now with up to 30% discount!

Experience two days on board of our cruise ships and 4 hours in Norway's beautiful capital Oslo. Enjoy your cruise with one of our smart packages including delicious meals on board.

Book your package now

You can add additional extras in the booking steps “Meals” and “Extras on board and on land” (meals, show, sightseeing in Oslo, etc.).

  • standard cabin
  • 2x breakfast
  • Book: until 28.04.2024
  • Travel: May and June
  • valid for new bookings in the promotion period 12.04.-28.04.2024
  • 2x evening buffet
  • drinks with evening buffet

Cruise without meals

  • standard inside cabin

from 129 € p.p.

The route between Oslo and Kiel is operated by Color Magic and Color Fantasy. On board you can choose between 12 different restaurants and bars, stunning cabins and suites, fitness room and spa, a casino, duty free shopping and so much more.

We look forward to welcoming you on board!

Color Magic or Color Fantasy Kiel-Oslo. Color Line

Ship Details

Your holiday starts the moment you embark. On board you can enjoy a wide selection of activities, entertainment for the whole family and a range of dining options. We look forward to welcoming you on board!


Things to do


Food and drink

Suite blå

From 9 o'clock at the self-check-in inside the terminal

Check-In closes at 13:30

Travel documents

A valid ID card or passport is required to enter Norway and Denmark. A child passport is usually required for children up to 12 years of age.  

For travelers who are not traveling with a parent or guardian, the minimum age for an Oslo Mini-Cruise is 20 years.

oslocruise terminal.jpg

Oslo Cruise Terminal

Welcome to Oslo Cruise Terminal!

We are located in beautiful surroundings, next to the fortress, city hall and cruise ships.

Oslo Cruise Terminal is Oslo`s the largest sweater, gift and souvenir shop, with more than 500 sqm.

We accept all international currencies and credit cards.

Our Services

Norwegian products.

Sweaters, outdoor products, down jackets, rain coats and soft shell, Norwegian pewter, trolls and souvenirs from all major suppliers in Norway.


Information desk

All relevant information about public transportation, Hop-on Hop-off buses, museums and walking tours.

last ned.jpg

Multilingual staff

Our staff speaks English, 

Spanish, Portuguese, 

Russian, Lithuanian, 

Norwegian, Italian, 

French, German 


Starbucks coffee

We have the first self-service Starbucks coffee in Norway. 


Free WiFi and city maps

We have free city maps and our WiFi is free of charge.


Purchase over 315 NOK- receive your taxes back.

If you travel by sea, we  offer a complete refund.


Would you like to visit us?

We are open from Monday to Sunday

from 9 am to 6 pm!

If you want to do some shopping, need more information about Oslo and its public transport, drink a cup of coffee or tea, enjoy small talk with our staff,


Climate and environment

Cruise port oslo.

Viking Venus

Photo: Didrik Stenersen / Visit Oslo

Four terminals

Today, cruise traffic flows through four separete terminals: Filipstad, Søndre Akershuskai, Vippetangkaia and Revierkaia.

From 1 June 2023, Revierkaia will be Oslo's main cruise quay. The Port of Oslo is in the process of establishing shore power on the quay.

Søndre Akershuskai and Vippetangen will no longer receive cruise ships after 1 June, except for 8-9 calls that have been difficult to move.

Filipstad is used for cruises until future urban development. The Port of Oslo is working to make cruises more sustainable and is considering the possibilities for shore power here as well.

oslo cruise gavekort

Map: From 1. June 2023 Revierkaia will be Oslos main cruise quay.

Cruise routes to western Norway and the Baltic States

Cruise ships visiting Oslo also travel to other destinations, including regular routes to northern European ports such as Saint Petersburg and Tallinn in the Baltic Sea. Another popular route takes passengers along Norway’s coast, and the many spectacular fjords.

Access to cruise ship quays

Quays in central Oslo are usually open to the public except when cruise ships are in dock. In order to comply with ISPS security regulations access to quays is restricted when cruise ships are in port.  

Oslo Port Handbook

Færgeruter i Skandinavien

Færgeruter i Baltikum

Færgeruter til Storbritannien


Aktive ferier



Firmarejser & arrangementer

Private grupperejser & arrangementer

Inspiration & faciliteter

Om bord & Underholdning


Udforsk DFDS


Mere information

Early SeaBird

Early Seabird

Få fantastiske priser på dit minicruise i hele 2024.

I vores nye Early Seabird kalender kan du sikre dig store besparelser og udnytte friheden til at sejle, når det passer dig - hele året rundt. Du skal bare booke mindst 6 uger før afrejse.

Early Seabird er altså for dig, som gerne vil:

  • finde gode priser på dit MiniCruise og spare penge
  • planlægge dit næste eventyr i god tid
  • udnytte fleksibiliteten og friheden til at rejse til rabatpris stort set hele året

Book nu, og glæd dig til at opleve Oslo i vinter, forår, sommer og efterår! Byen har masser af eventyr at byde på i alle sæsoner.

Bemærk: Kan du slet ikke vente med at komme afsted? Du kan naturligvis altid booke et MiniCruise til en rejsedato indenfor 6 uger her .

Et dejligt ophold i Oslo

Private kahytter

To nætter om bord

Nyd lækker mad i restauranterne

Fra-prisen på 149,- gælder indvendig standardkahyt pr. pers. v/2 eller v/4

Fra-prisen gælder på udvalgte søndag-onsdag i lavsæsonen

Afgange til rabatpris i alle sæsoner

Opgradering af kahyt samt afrejse torsdag-lørdag mulig mod et tillæg

lørdag den 13. april 2024

Alle viste tider er lokal tid.

Tidsplanen kan ændre sig, alt efter vejrforholdene.

 Oslo Autumn

Oslo - En smuk hovedstad med mange seværdigheder

Oslo er en blomstrende by i bunden af den smukke Oslofjord. Byen er en spændende blanding af gammelt og nyt med den gamle bydels gader og pladser med omfattende grøn bevoksning som en kontrast til dristige nye byggeprojekter tegnet af førende internationale arkitekter.

Oslo er et byområde under hastig udvikling, men udkanten af byen er stadig primært dækket af skov. Her finder man utallige vandrestier og langrendsløjper med mulighed for at støde på elge og ulve. Denne kompakte, kulturelle og interessante by er den eneste hovedstad i Europa, hvor man kan tage på vandretur, ro i kajak, stå på ski og sejle uden at skulle ud af byen.

* Rejsebetingelser og information: Husk gyldigt pas eller fysisk kørekort ved indtjekning. Personer under 18 år kan ikke rejse på MiniCruise uden at være ledsaget af en person over 18 år. Tilbuddet gælder kun nye bestillinger og kan ikke kombineres med andre tilbud, events og rabatter. Tilbuddet gælder for private rejser med op til 9 personer på samme booking. Der er afsat et begrænset antal rabatterede kahytter til dette tilbud, og der tages forbehold for udsolgte dage og kahytter på tilbuddet. Ved ny bestilling på telefon eller personlig henvendelse i terminalen tilføjes et servicetillæg på DKK 150,- pr. bestilling. Se vores rejsebetingelser .

Oplevelser i Oslo

Oslo - Barcode

Oplev Oslo med enestående oplevelser og turistattraktioner!

Oslo cityguide

6 spændende udflugter i Oslo

Find inspiration til Oslo. Vi har lavet seks ruter, der tager dig gennem alt fra natur, kultur og kunst til shopping og mad.

Snowy Oslo building - Didrick-Stenersen

Vinter i Oslo

I vinterhalvåret byder Oslo nemlig både på hyggelige byrum, kulturelle oplevelser, gode shopping-muligheder og ikke mindst, en stor håndfuld sjove aktiviteter i sneen.

Couple taking selfie on deck Promo

Forår i fantastiske Oslo

Oplev Oslos skønne energi når forårssolen kigger frem og der åbner sig nye muligheder for udendørs aktiviteter. Nyd en is på havnepromenaden, tag på picnic udenfor slottet mens I holder øje med soldaterne, eller oplev vidensshow med flammer og røg!

Ombord oplevelser

Steak menu med et glas vin


Det alsidige udvalg af spisesteder er tilpasset selv de mest kræsne smagsløg, og du finder med garanti et sted, der falder i din smag.

Columbus Club Newcastle-Amsterdam

Uanset om du er i festhumør eller blot ønsker at slappe af, har du muligheden på færgen mellem København - Frederikshavn og Oslo.

Taxfree Online alkoholfri

Brug muligheden for lidt taxfree-shopping på sejlturen mellem Danmark og Norge.

Premium Commodore de Luxe kahyt på Oslobåden


Der er mulighed for at vælge mellem mange forskellige kahyttyper på vores skibe, der sejler mellem Danmark og Norge.

Explorer Restaurant

Restauranter på Oslobåden - bestil bord her

Med 3 restauranter og en café om bord er du sikker på ikke at gå sulten fra borde efter din sejltur mellem København - Frederikshavn og Oslo. Og de børnevenlige alternativer på alle restauranter imødekommer også de yngre gæsters ønsker. Har du bestilt rejsen og ønsker at reservere bord - kan du foretage din bordreservation her.

PROMO Low Currency - Stegastein

Lav kurs i Norge

Få mere for pengene

Den historisk lave kurs i Norge har åbnet op for en fantastisk mulighed for rejsende til landet. For turister betyder det, at pengene kan strække sig meget længere i Norge end tidligere. Sejl afsted med DFDS få oplevelser til en overkommelig pris.

World Travel Award - winner 2024

De bedste til søs!

Vi er glade for at kunne meddele, at DFDS igen er blevet udnævnt til Europas Førende Færgeoperatør 2024 ved det prestigefyldte World Travel Awards.

Denne udmærkelse havde ikke været mulig uden jer, vores kære passagerer. Tak for at anerkende det hårde arbejde leveret af vores fantastiske team, som dedikerer sig til, at hver rejse er lige så enestående som den forrige.

Jeres evige støtte er nøglen til vores succes.


  1. Egen konkurranse: Vinn gavekort på 2-døgns cruise Oslo-Kiel for inntil

    oslo cruise gavekort


    oslo cruise gavekort

  3. Mini Cruise til Oslo med DFDS

    oslo cruise gavekort

  4. Oslo Cruise Port Guide

    oslo cruise gavekort

  5. MiniCruise København-Oslo Gavekort

    oslo cruise gavekort

  6. Copenhagen

    oslo cruise gavekort


  1. Minicruise Til Oslo for 2

    Rejse & Ophold. MINICRUISE TIL OSLO FOR 2 - AFREJSE: SØNDAG, MANDAG, TIRSDAG ELLER ONSDAG. Oplevelsen indeholder : For 2 personer. MiniCruise med 2 overnatninger i 2-sengs standard kahyt med havudsigt. København - Oslo t/r. Se den detaljerede beskrivelse og indløsningssteder. Bestseller.

  2. Book MiniCruise til Oslo og nyd forkælelse til søs

    Fra. 288. /pers. v/2. MiniCruise til Oslo. Du behøver ikke at rejse langt væk for at få følelsen af at være på ferie. Giv dig selv en lille pause på et MiniCruise til Oslo, og nyd et par skønne dage på et flydende hotel. Om bord finder du alt fra shopping i taxfree-butikken til restauranter - der er masser af plads til forkælelse.

  3. Minicruise Til Oslo For 2 ⇒ Cruise Til Oslo • Pris 995 KR

    Minicruise Til Oslo For 2 Flydende Hotel Med Skiftende Udsig Hyggeligt Oslo Cruise Med To Overnatninger Priser Fra 995 KR. ... Et minicruise Oslo gavekort er en oplagt gaveide til en, der trænger til at komme lidt væk hjemmefra. Ikke alene får man den herlige sejltur. Men man får også en hel dag i Norges hovedstad, der byder på alt fra ...

  4. Minicruise København-Oslo med DFDS

    Giv en gave, der helt sikkert vil skabe glæde. Et minicruise København-Oslo t/r med DFDS for 2 personer byder på smukke udsigter og et væld af oplevelser. ... Gavekort Smartbox / Gavekort til Weekendophold; Minicruise København-Oslo t/r for 2 med 2 overnatninger med DFDS. 3 anmeldelser. 995,00 kr. Læg i indkøbskurv.

  5. Sejl med på MiniCruise eller ferierejse

    Rejs med DFDS fra København til Oslo. Start bilferien på DFDS færgerne til Norge, England eller Baltikum. At sejle er den mest komfortable rejseform. Med DFDS kan du rejse på MiniCruise, storbyferie eller konference med skib fra København til Oslo, eller rejse på en af vores andre ruter: Amsterdam - Newcastle, Karlshamn - Klaipeda ...


    Gave. Rejse & Ophold. MINICRUISE INKL. HALVPENSION - AFREJSE: TORSDAG, FREDAG ELLER LØRDAG. Oplevelsen indeholder : For 2 personer. Minicruise til Oslo t/r med 2 overnatninger i 2-køjes standardkahyt med havudsigt, 5 timers sightseeing i Oslo samt aftenbuffet og morgenmad. Se den detaljerede beskrivelse og indløsningssteder.

  7. Oslo Cruise Port Guide, Norway

    Oslo Cruise Port is situated in the heart of Oslo, Norway's capital city. It is conveniently located at the mouth of the Oslofjord, providing easy access to the city's vibrant center and its many attractions. The port is situated within walking distance of the city center, making it an ideal starting point for exploring Oslo.

  8. Oplevelsesgaver Godream DK

    Gavekort til oplevelser | GO DREAM Oplevelsesgaver . 3 år og 3 måneders gyldighed 1 ... Cruise med DFDS. Mad & Gastronomi. Se alle vores mad & gastronomi oplevelser. ... MINICRUISE TIL OSLO FOR 2 - AFREJSE: SØNDAG, MANDAG, TIRSDAG ELLER ONSDAG. For 2 personer;

  9. DFDS Gavekort

    Giv et DFDS-gavekort fra GoGift, og lad rejsen begynde. Giver adgang til minicruise eller en hotelovernatning i Oslo. Læs mere her.

  10. Minicruise for 2 personer i eller fra Danmark

    Minicruise for 2. Sejl ud på den rolige sø eller å i Danmark med en drink i hånden, eller nyd luksuslivet ombord på en stor færge til Oslo - et minicruise for 2 kan vare et par timer eller et par dage, men oplevelsen er fantastisk uanset! Overvej et gavekort til et minicruise fra Danmark til to, du holder af.

  11. Gavekort

    Et elektronisk gavekort er den perfekte gaven til den som har alt og er glad i å reise! Gavekortet kan benyttes som betaling: På alle Color Lines reiser, både båt og hotellpakker. I alle skipenes butikker og serveringssteder. I serveringsstedene på Color Hotel Skagen. Du bestemmer selv beløpet på kortet, med et minstebeløp på 200 ...

  12. Se tilbud fra Oslobåden

    Tilbud med Oslobåden. Her kan du se vores specialtilbud og aktuelle priser på et udvalg af vores mange forskellige MiniCruises og afbudsrejser. Vi har ofte fantastiske "her og nu"-tilbud på hverdags- og weekendophold i Oslo. Læs mere om rejserne ved at klikke på billederne herunder, og få et velfortjent pusterum med rabat!

  13. Oslo (Norway) cruise port schedule

    Oslo cruise port. Oslo is one of the Hurtigruten ports along the "Express Route" (Norwegian Coastal Express). This is a regularly scheduled ferry and cruise itinerary in Norway, between the turnaround ports Bergen (southmost) and Kirkenes (northmost). In 2011 (port's record year) were handled 170 ship calls and 312,000 passengers.

  14. Minicruise til Oslo

    Minicruise til Oslo. Nyd 3 dage sammen på et minicruise fra København til Oslo og tilbage igen. I får to overnatninger på Oslofærgen adskilt af ca. 7 timer i Oslo. Med barer, casino og lækre restauranter på færgen får I et par fantastiske dage sammen. Pris: 995,00 kr.

  15. DFDS Family Get-a-way afg. fra DK for 4 pers

    Gaven består af: DFDS - Oslo-minicruise for 4 personer i indvendig kahyt - 2 overnatninger. DFDS information: Gavekortet er gyldigt frem til 20. december 2025 og kan benyttes til afrejse fra København søndag-onsdag i hele 2024 og 2025. (dog med undtagelse af helligdage samt udvalgte uger).

  16. Cruise from Kiel to Oslo

    standard inside cabin. from 129 € p.p. Book now. The route between Oslo and Kiel is operated by Color Magic and Color Fantasy. On board you can choose between 12 different restaurants and bars, stunning cabins and suites, fitness room and spa, a casino, duty free shopping and so much more. We look forward to welcoming you on board!

  17. Cruise med DFDS

    kr. 2.795,00. MINICRUISE INKL. HALVPENSION - AFREJSE: SØNDAG, MANDAG, TIRSDAG ELLER ONSDAG. For 2 personer. Minicruise til Oslo t/r med 2 overnatninger i 2-køjes standardkahyt... kr. 2.595,00. Se vores udvalg af gaveæsker Cruise med DFDS Fri fragt ved køb over 499 DKK, samt gratis og ubegrænset ombytning inden for gyldighedsperioden!

  18. Oslo Cruise Terminal

    We are open from Monday to Sunday. from 9 am to 6 pm! If you want to do some shopping, need more information about Oslo and its public transport, drink a cup of coffee or tea, enjoy small talk with our staff, YOU ARE WELCOME! International Cruise Terminal: souvenir shop in Oslo with Norwegian brands, tax free, starbucks coffee, tourist information.

  19. Tag afsted på LuksusCruise til Oslo

    Miljøinitiativer Tilmeld dig vores nyhedsbrev Gavekort. Søg. Kontakt. Kontakt os DFDS-afdelinger. MiniCruise. LuksusCruise til Oslo. Fra. Fra. 1288 /pers. v/2. Tag på LuksusCruise til Oslo. Rejs på en romantisk tur og få en bid af Oslo med. På et LuksusCruise til Oslo kan du forkæle din kære med det lille ekstra over to dage. Sov ekstra ...

  20. Oslo Havn

    Cruise Port Oslo. Oslo is Norway's sixth largest cruise port by passenger volume. Four terminals. Today, cruise traffic flows through four separete terminals: Filipstad, Søndre Akershuskai, Vippetangkaia and Revierkaia. From 1 June 2023, Revierkaia will be Oslo's main cruise quay. The Port of Oslo is in the process of establishing shore power ...

  21. Køb gavekort her, og giv en tur ombord på f.eks. Oslobåden

    Gavekort på beløb: Med et gavekort på beløb, kan modtageren anvende gavekortet som betaling ved booking af eksempelvis et romantisk MiniCruise eller CityCruise med hotelovernatning i Oslo. Har modtageren allerede bestilt en rejse med Oslobåden, kan gavekortet benyttes ved køb om bord på skibet.

  22. App

    OPENING HOURS APRIL. Monday-Friday: 9-16 Saturday-Sunday: 10-15. The tourist information's call centre +47 23 10 62 00 Mon-Fri 10am-12pm; 12:45pm-15.00pm

  23. Tilbud på MiniCruise til Oslo

    Få fantastiske priser på dit MiniCruise i hele 2024. I vores nye Early Seabird kalender kan du sikre dig store besparelser og udnytte friheden til at sejle, når det passer dig - hele året rundt. Du skal bare booke mindst 6 uger før afrejse. Early Seabird er altså for dig, som gerne vil: finde gode priser på dit MiniCruise og spare penge.