past tense of travel in american english

Past Tense of Travel: Conjugations in Past and Present Participles

past tense for travel

What is the past tense of “travel?” Most commonly, the past tense of the word “travel” is “traveled.” Although the word form will change based on its participle. And the sentence where it’s used. For example, referencing “travel” in the present participle form will change it to “traveling,” but in the infinitive form, will be “travel.”

What is the past tense of the word "travel"

The past tense (past participle) form of “travel” is “traveled.” The infinitive of the word form is “travel.” The present participle form is “traveling.” The past tense form is “traveled” and past participle form is “traveled.”

Understanding verb tenses

The general grammar rules that govern past tenses are as follows. The simple past tense form is created by adding a -ed or -d affix to the root word of the verb. Some verbs use a -t variation where they end in a -t. For example, when "dream" turns into "dreamt."

The past perfect tense is formed for regular verbs (ending in -ed, -d, or -t) by adding "had" followed by the verb. For example, "I had finished ."

The past continuous tense is formed by the verb "be" followed by the affix or ending of -ing. For example, " we were having dinner."

Lastly, the past perfect continuous tense is formed by adding "had been" followed by the affix or ending of -ing. For example, "I had been building a castle with my sister."

For more information on forming all past tenses, visit our " understanding verb tenses " resource.

Sentence examples for the past tense of the word "travel"

  • Infinitive: I travel.
  • Present participle: She is traveling.
  • Past tense: I traveled.
  • Past particle: I have traveled.

Verb forms of the word "travel"

Example sentences in all verb forms:

Indefinite present tense

Present continuous tense.

She/he/it is traveling.

Present perfect continuous tense

She/he/it has/had traveled.

Present perfect tense

She/he/it has/had been traveling.

Simple past tense

She/he/it traveled.

Past continuous tense

She/he/it were traveling.

Past perfect tense

Perfect continuous tense.

She/he/it will/shall travel.

Simple future tense

She/he/it will/shall be traveling.

Future perfect tense

She/he/it will/shall have traveled.

Future perfect continuous tense

She/he/it will/shall have been traveling.

Sentence examples in all forms

Sentence examples in all participles and parts of speech :

past tense of travel in american english

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past tense of travel in american english

About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

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Past Tense of Travel: Traveling Back in Time

By: Author Oliver

Posted on Last updated: August 12, 2023

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Welcome to our article on the past tense of travel! If you’re learning English grammar, you know that understanding verb tenses is an essential part of the language. The past tense is particularly important, as it allows us to talk about events and experiences that have already happened. In this article, we’ll explore the basics of English tenses, give an overview of the past tense, and focus specifically on how to use the past tense when talking about travel.

Travel is one of the most common topics of conversation, and being able to talk about past trips is a great way to connect with others and share experiences. However, using the past tense correctly can be tricky, especially when it comes to irregular verbs and complex sentence structures. In this article, we’ll provide plenty of examples and exercises to help you master the past tense of travel. We’ll also cover some common mistakes to avoid and provide additional resources for further learning.

So whether you’re planning your next trip or just want to improve your English skills, read on to learn everything you need to know about the past tense of travel!

Key Takeaways

  • The past tense is essential for talking about past events and experiences, past tense of ‘travel’ is ‘traveled’
  • By practicing with examples and exercises, you can improve your use of the past tense of travel and avoid common mistakes.

Past Tense of Travel: Traveling Back in Time

Past Tense of Travel

Travel is a verb that is commonly used in the past tense. In this section, we will cover the formation and usage examples of the past tense of travel.

To form the past tense of travel, we add “-ed” to the base form of the verb. For example:

  • I traveled to Europe last summer.
  • She traveled to Asia for business.
  • We traveled to South America for vacation.

Simple Past

The simple past is used to describe a completed action in the past. Regular verbs like travel are formed by adding -ed to the base form. For example:

  • I traveled to Paris last year.

Past Continuous

The past continuous is used to describe an action that was in progress at a specific point in the past. It is formed by using the past tense of “to be” (was/were) and the present participle (-ing) of the main verb. Here are some examples:

  • I was traveling to Paris when I got a call from my boss.

Usage Examples

The past tense of travel is used to talk about a completed action in the past. Here are some examples:

  • I traveled to Japan last year and had an amazing time.
  • She traveled to Italy for her honeymoon and fell in love with the country.
  • We traveled to Mexico for our anniversary and enjoyed the beautiful beaches.

We can also use the past tense of travel to talk about a past habit or routine. For example:

  • When I was younger, I traveled to different countries every summer.
  • She traveled for work every week and got used to living out of a suitcase.
  • We traveled to visit our family every holiday season.

In conclusion, the past tense of travel is formed by adding “-ed” to the base form of the verb and is used to talk about completed actions or past habits. Practice using the past tense of travel in your own sentences to improve your English grammar skills.

Common Mistakes with Past Tense of Travel

If you are learning English, you might be struggling with the past tense of the verb “travel.” Here are some common mistakes people make and how to avoid them.

Mixing Past and Present Tenses

One of the most common mistakes is mixing past and present tenses. For example, saying “I travel to Paris last year” instead of “I traveled to Paris last year.” To avoid this mistake, remember to use the past tense of “travel” when referring to something that happened in the past.

Using the Present Participle

Another mistake is using the present participle instead of the past tense. For example, saying “I am traveling to London last week” instead of “I traveled to London last week.” To avoid this mistake, remember to use the past tense of “travel” when referring to something that happened in the past.

Using the Wrong Auxiliary Verb

Using the wrong auxiliary verb is also a common mistake. For example, saying “I was travel to Rome” instead of “I traveled to Rome.” To avoid this mistake, remember to use the correct auxiliary verb (in this case, “did”) when forming the past tense.

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences to help you practice using the past tense of “travel” correctly:

  • I traveled to Japan last summer.
  • She visited her grandparents in Florida last month.
  • They took a road trip across the United States.
  • We flew to Paris for our honeymoon.
  • He backpacked through Europe after college.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep practicing using the past tense of “travel” correctly, and soon it will become second nature.

Exercises to Practice Past Tense of Travel

Learning English grammar can be challenging, especially when it comes to mastering the past tense of travel. To help you improve your skills, we have compiled a list of exercises that you can use to practice and perfect your past tense of travel.

Interactive Exercises

Interactive exercises are a great way to practice the past tense of travel. They allow you to engage with the material and receive immediate feedback on your progress. Here are a few interactive exercises you can try:

  • Fill in the Blank: In this exercise, you will be given a sentence with a blank space where the past tense verb should go. Your task is to fill in the blank with the correct past tense verb. For example, “I ___ to Paris last year.” The correct answer would be “went.”
  • Matching: In this exercise, you will be given a list of past tense verbs and a list of travel-related words. Your task is to match the past tense verb with the correct travel-related word. For example, “flew” would match with “airplane.”

Written Exercises

Written exercises are another great way to practice the past tense of travel. They allow you to focus on the material and practice at your own pace. Here are a few written exercises you can try:

  • Sentence Writing: In this exercise, you will be given a travel-related word, and your task is to write a sentence using the correct past tense verb. For example, “train” could be used in the sentence, “I ___ to New York on a train.”
  • Paragraph Writing: In this exercise, you will be given a prompt related to travel, and your task is to write a paragraph using the correct past tense verbs. For example, “Write a paragraph about your last vacation.” You could write, “Last summer, I ___ to Hawaii with my family. We ___ on the beach, ___ in the ocean, and ___ at some amazing restaurants.”

By practicing these exercises, you will improve your understanding and mastery of the past tense of travel. Keep practicing, and before you know it, you’ll be a pro at English grammar!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the past tense of travel?

The past tense of travel is “traveled” in American English and “travelled” in British English. Both spellings are correct, but American English tends to drop the second “l” in the past tense and past participle forms of the verb.

Is it spelled Travelled or traveled?

As mentioned above, both spellings are correct. The difference in spelling is due to the variation in American and British English.

Which is correct travel or travelling?

Both “travel” and “travelling” are correct, but “traveling” is the preferred spelling in American English, while “travelling” is the preferred spelling in British English.

What’s the difference between travel and Travelled?

“Travel” is the present tense of the verb, while “travelled” is the past tense. The difference between the two is the time frame in which the action occurs.

What is the V2 form of travel?

The V2 form of travel is “traveled” in American English and “travelled” in British English.

What is the V3 form of travel?

The V3 form of travel is “traveled” in American English and “travelled” in British English.

In summary, the past tense of travel is “traveled” in American English and “travelled” in British English. Both spellings are correct, and the difference in spelling is due to the variation in American and British English. Additionally, “traveling” is the preferred spelling in American English, while “travelling” is the preferred spelling in British English.

The past tense of travel is \"traveled\" in American English and \"travelled\" in British English. Both spellings are correct, but American English tends to drop the second \"l\" in the past tense and past participle forms of the verb.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is it spelled Travelled or traveled?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Which is correct travel or travelling?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Both \"travel\" and \"travelling\" are correct, but \"traveling\" is the preferred spelling in American English, while \"travelling\" is the preferred spelling in British English.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What's the difference between travel and Travelled?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

\"Travel\" is the present tense of the verb, while \"traveled\" is the past tense. The difference between the two is the time frame in which the action occurs.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the V2 form of travel?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The V2 form of travel is \"traveled\" in American English and \"travelled\" in British English.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the V3 form of travel?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The V3 form of travel is \"traveled\" in American English and \"travelled\" in British English.

In summary, the past tense of travel is \"traveled\" in American English and \"travelled\" in British English. Both spellings are correct, and the difference in spelling is due to the variation in American and British English. Additionally, \"traveling\" is the preferred spelling in American English, while \"travelling\" is the preferred spelling in British English.

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Online Language Dictionaries

Perfect tenses, continuous (progressive) and emphatic tenses, compound continuous (progressive) tenses, conditional, subjunctive.

*Blue letters in conjugations are irregular forms. ( example ) *Red letters in conjugations are exceptions to the model. ( example )

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Is it ‘traveling’ or ‘travelling’?

What to Know When it comes to spelling the forms of the verb travel , traveled and traveling are more common in the U.S., and travelled and travelling are dominant everywhere else.

Spelling is typically clear-cut in modern English: forty unfailingly betrays four ; the sweet treat after dinner is spelled dessert , not desert .

But some words have two forms that appear often enough in edited text to make it clear that something else is going on. And so it is with forms of the verb travel : traveled and travelled , and traveling and travelling .

woman looking at departures board

It might have a different spelling wherever you're going.

One or Two L 's?

If you look at where the single l forms originate and where the double l forms originate a pattern emerges: in the United States, traveled and traveling predominate, and everywhere else travelled and travelling are preferred.

The reason mostly comes down to one man we at Merriam-Webster hold especially dear: Noah Webster. Our lexicographical father (brothers George and Charles Merriam bought the rights to Noah Webster’s 1841 dictionary after Webster died) was a great believer in spelling reform and wanted English spelling to make more sense—and if the English of his homeland had more logic to it than its British parent, so much the better. He decided that travel needed only one l in its past and present participle forms.

Webster’s logic is the reason behind the spelling of canceled and cancelled as well: in the U.S., they have just one l , but elsewhere two l ’s are the norm.

American English Words that Use 2 L 's

Webster didn’t think all double l ’s needed to be reduced to one, however: in cases in which the accent, or emphasis, is on the syllable with the l , two l ’s are preserved: expelled and expelling ; controlled and controlling ; patrolled and patrolling .

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Conjugation verb travel

Model : cancel

Auxiliary : have , be

Other forms: travel oneself / not travel


in the U.K. spelling we double up the 'l' in preterite and participle endings

The verb has several variants of conjugation, which may correspond to different meanings. Please use the menu to select one or all variants.

  • he/she/it travels
  • they travel
  • I travelled/traveled
  • you travelled/traveled
  • he/she/it travelled/traveled
  • we travelled/traveled
  • they travelled/traveled

Present continuous

  • I am travelling/traveling
  • you are travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it is travelling/traveling
  • we are travelling/traveling
  • they are travelling/traveling

Present perfect

  • I have travelled/traveled
  • you have travelled/traveled
  • he/she/it has travelled/traveled
  • we have travelled/traveled
  • they have travelled/traveled
  • I will travel
  • you will travel
  • he/she/it will travel
  • we will travel
  • they will travel

Future perfect

  • I will have travelled/traveled
  • you will have travelled/traveled
  • he/she/it will have travelled/traveled
  • we will have travelled/traveled
  • they will have travelled/traveled

Past continous

  • I was travelling/traveling
  • you were travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it was travelling/traveling
  • we were travelling/traveling
  • they were travelling/traveling

Past perfect

  • I had travelled/traveled
  • you had travelled/traveled
  • he/she/it had travelled/traveled
  • we had travelled/traveled
  • they had travelled/traveled

Future continuous

  • I will be travelling/traveling
  • you will be travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it will be travelling/traveling
  • we will be travelling/traveling
  • they will be travelling/traveling

Present perfect continuous

  • I have been travelling/traveling
  • you have been travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it has been travelling/traveling
  • we have been travelling/traveling
  • they have been travelling/traveling

Past perfect continuous

  • I had been travelling/traveling
  • you had been travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it had been travelling/traveling
  • we had been travelling/traveling
  • they had been travelling/traveling

Future perfect continuous

  • I will have been travelling/traveling
  • you will have been travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it will have been travelling/traveling
  • we will have been travelling/traveling
  • they will have been travelling/traveling
  • let's travel
  • travelling/traveling
  • travelled/traveled

Perfect participle

  • having travelled/traveled

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Past Tenses

Travel Past Tense

Commonwealth travelled, US traveled past tense of travel is Commonwealth travelled, US traveled.

Travel verb forms

Conjugation of travel.

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How to conjugate "to travel" in English?

English "to travel" conjugation.

  • traveled; travelled

Full conjugation of "to travel"

Translations for "to travel", present continuous, simple past, past continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous, conditional, conditional present, conditional present progressive, conditional perfect, conditional perfect progressive, subjunctive, present subjunctive, past subjunctive, past perfect subjunctive, present participle, past participle.

Translations for "to travel" in our English dictionaries

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  • To Travel Conjugation

In the US the spelling 'traveling' and 'traveled' are preferred.

Continuous Perfect


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Here are the past tense forms of the verb travel

👉 Forms of verb travel in future and past simple and past participle. ❓ What is the past tense of travel.

Travel: Past, Present, and Participle Forms

What are the 2nd and 3rd forms of the verb travel.

🎓 What are the past simple, future simple, present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect forms of the base form (infinitive) ' travel '? 👉 It's quite simple -->

Learn the three forms of the English verb 'travel'

  • the first form (V1) is 'travel' used in present simple and future simple tenses.
  • the second form (V2) is 'travelled (BrE)', 'traveled (AmE)' used in past simple tense.
  • the third form (V3) is 'travelled (BrE)', 'traveled (AmE)' used in present perfect and past perfect tenses.

What are the past tense and past participle of travel?

What is the past tense of travel.

The past tense of the verb "travel" is "travelled (BrE)", or "traveled (AmE)", and the past participle is "travelled (BrE)" or "traveled (AmE)".

Verb Tenses

Past simple — travel in past simple travelled (BrE), traveled (AmE) (V2) . Future simple — travel in future simple is travel (will + V1) . Present Perfect — travel in present perfect tense is travelled (BrE), traveled (AmE) (have/has + V3) . Past Perfect — travel in past perfect tense is travelled (BrE), traveled (AmE) (had + V3) .

travel regular or irregular verb?

👉 Is 'travel' a regular or irregular verb? The verb 'travel' is regular verb .

Examples of Verb travel in Sentences

  •   These days we travelled 1400 km (Past Simple)
  •   We didn't travel that long (Past Simple)
  •   She has travelled extensively in the Philippines (Present Perfect)
  •   I can't travel without you (Present Simple)
  •   We usually travel to work by bus (Present Simple)
  •   A plane travels faster than a train (Present Simple)
  •   They are travelling together since 2018 (Present Continuous)
  •   You can travel by foot, why not? (Present Simple)
  •   Unfortunately you can't travel without a ticket, so please proceed to the ticket office (Present Simple)
  •   How many countries have you travelled to? (Present Perfect)

Along with travel, words are popular give and tell .

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Travel Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate TRAVEL

past tense of travel in american english

  • commonwealth travelled, us traveled

The past tense of travel is commonwealth travelled, us traveled

The Forms of Travel

Conjugate travel, travel in present simple (indefinite) tense, travel in present continuous (progressive) tense, travel in present perfect tense, travel in present perfect continuous tense, travel in past simple (indefinite) tense, travel in past continuous (progressive) tense, travel in past perfect tense, travel in past perfect continuous tense, travel in future simple (indefinite) tense, travel in future continuous (progressive) tense, travel in future perfect tense, travel in future perfect continuous tense, leave a comment cancel reply.

Verb "travel"

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Simple tense.

Present Simple

  • he, she travels
  • they travel

Past Simple

  • I traveled ; travelled
  • you traveled ; travelled
  • he, she traveled ; travelled
  • we traveled ; travelled
  • they traveled ; travelled

Future Simple

  • I will travel
  • you will travel
  • he, she will travel
  • we will travel
  • they will travel

Continuous Tense

Present Simple Continuous

  • I am traveling ; travelling
  • you are traveling ; travelling
  • he, she is traveling ; travelling
  • we are traveling ; travelling
  • they are traveling ; travelling

Past Simple Continuous

  • I was traveling ; travelling
  • you were traveling ; travelling
  • he, she was traveling ; travelling
  • we were traveling ; travelling
  • they were traveling ; travelling

Future Simple Continuous

  • I will be traveling ; travelling
  • you will be traveling ; travelling
  • he, she will be traveling ; travelling
  • we will be traveling ; travelling
  • they will be traveling ; travelling

Perfect Tense

Present Perfect

  • I have traveled ; travelled
  • you have traveled ; travelled
  • he, she has traveled ; travelled
  • we have traveled ; travelled
  • they have traveled ; travelled

Past Perfect

  • I had traveled ; travelled
  • you had traveled ; travelled
  • he, she had traveled ; travelled
  • we had traveled ; travelled
  • they had traveled ; travelled

Future Perfect

  • I will have traveled ; travelled
  • you will have traveled ; travelled
  • he, she will have traveled ; travelled
  • we will have traveled ; travelled
  • they will have traveled ; travelled

Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous

  • I have been traveling ; travelling
  • you have been traveling ; travelling
  • he, she has been traveling ; travelling
  • we have been traveling ; travelling
  • they have been traveling ; travelling

Past Perfect Continuous

  • I had been traveling ; travelling
  • you had been traveling ; travelling
  • he, she had been traveling ; travelling
  • we had been traveling ; travelling
  • they had been traveling ; travelling

Future Perfect Continuous

  • I will have been traveling ; travelling
  • you will have been traveling ; travelling
  • he, she will have been traveling ; travelling
  • we will have been traveling ; travelling
  • they will have been traveling ; travelling


  • I would travel
  • you would travel
  • he, she would travel
  • we would travel
  • they would travel
  • I would have traveled ; travelled
  • you would have traveled ; travelled
  • he, she would have traveled ; travelled
  • we would have traveled ; travelled
  • they would have traveled ; travelled

Present Continuous

  • I would be traveling ; travelling
  • you would be traveling ; travelling
  • he, she would be traveling ; travelling
  • we would be traveling ; travelling
  • they would be traveling ; travelling

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been traveling ; travelling
  • you would have been traveling ; travelling
  • he, she would have been traveling ; travelling
  • we would have been traveling ; travelling
  • they would have been traveling ; travelling
  • we Let's travel

Other verbs

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past tense of travel in american english

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Travelling or Traveling – British vs. American English

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Consistency is crucial in academic writing , particularly when crafting a research paper , dissertation , or academic essay . This involves maintaining a consistent vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and punctuation to ensure a cohesive, clear, and easy-to-understand flow throughout the paper. Many students have difficulties differentiating between British English vs. American English such as whether to use “travelling” or “traveling”. Learn how to distinguish these two in this article.


  • 1 “Travelling” or “traveling”
  • 2 “Travelling” or “traveling” in the past tense
  • 3 “Travelling” or “traveling” as a noun

“Travelling” or “traveling”

“Travelling” and “traveling” both define the past tense of the verb “to travel.” To travel means to move or journey from one place to another, typically over a distance. It involves going to a different location, either domestically or internationally, for various purposes, such as leisure, business, exploration, or personal reasons. Traveling often involves transportation, such as by car, train, plane, or boat, to reach the desired destination. The spelling may differ depending on whether you’re using British or American English. In British English, it’s always spelled with a double “l”. However, in American English, both spellings are acceptable, though using a single “l” is more prevalent.

Travelling vs Traveling UK

British English

Travelling vs Traveling US

American English

travelling (not recommended)

In general, British English tends to use more doubled consonants in certain verb forms, such as adding an extra “l” in words like “travel.” This is because British English obeys the rule of doubling the consonant when adding suffixes like “-ing” or “-ed” to certain verbs. American English, on the other hand, often maintains the base spelling of the verb.

Examples of using “travelling” and “traveling”

The following examples will exemplify the difference in spelling of the word “travelling/traveling” in British and American English.


  • I enjoy travelling to new countries.
  • She is currently travelling through Europe.
  • Our family loves travelling during summer vacations.


  • I enjoy traveling /traveling to new countries.
  • She is currently traveling /traveling through Europe.
  • Our family loves traveling /traveling during summer vacations.

“Travelling” or “traveling” in the past tense

When using the verb “travel” in the past tense, the exact spelling applies to British English vs. American English, as with the “-ing” form. British English is written with a double “l” and in American English, both ways are possible but a single “l” is more common.

  • British English: “Travelled”
  • American English: “Traveled” or “travelled”

The following examples will explain the usage of the word “travelled/traveled” in both languages.

  • Last year, I travelled to Italy.
  • She travelled throughout Europe during her gap year.
  • We travelled by train to visit our relatives.


  • Last year, I traveled /travelled to Italy.
  • She traveled /travelled throughout Europe during her gap year.
  • We traveled /travelled by train to visit our relatives.


“Travelling” or “traveling” as a noun

The word “travel” refers to the noun form of the verb “to travel.” The word “travel” is spelled the same way in both British and American English, with only one “l”.

The following examples will show you the usage of the noun “travel”.


  • I love exploring places through travel.
  • Business travel can be exciting.
  • She has a passion for adventure travel .


How do you spell “travelling”?

The correct spelling differs between American English and British English:

  • The correct spelling in American English is: “traveling” with one “l”.
  • The correct spelling in British English is: “travelling” with a double “l”.

How do you spell “travelling” in British English?

In British English, the correct spelling is “travelling” .

How do you spell “traveling” in American English?

In American English, the correct spellings are “traveling” and “travelling”, but the spelling with one “l” is far more common, while the one with the double “l” is not recommended .

How do you spell “travelled”?

The correct spelling in American English is “traveled” with one “l” and in British English “travelled” with a double “l”. While it is possible to use the British spelling for American English, it is not recommended .

How do you spell “travel”?

The standard spelling in British and American English is “travel”. A version with a double “l” is not possible .

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Table of irregular verbs

Note that be has several irregular forms:

Present: ( I ) am , ( she, he, it ) is , ( you , we , they ) are

Past: ( I, she, he, it ) was , ( you , we , they ) were

-ed form: been


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8 American English Grammar Rules to Sound Like You’re From the States

American English has its own style, characteristics, words and even grammar.

If you want to avoid being misunderstood or just want to sound more like a natural American English speaker , it’s important to learn these traits.

I’ve put together an easy, eight-step guide to understanding how American English grammar works , and what makes it different from British English .

Collective Nouns Are Singular

Present perfect isn’t used very often, transitive and intransitive verbs can differ, simple past tense verbs end with “-ed”, the use of “have got” isn’t very common, some modal verbs differ from british english, adverb placement varies, “well” has fewer uses, resources for practicing american english grammar, and one more thing....

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“Collective nouns” refer to groups of people, like team , family or band.

American English usually treats them as singular nouns :

American English: The staff is taking the day off. American English: The committee is making the decision today.

Meanwhile, in British English, collective nouns are treated as plural :

British English: The staff are taking the day off. British English: The committee are  making the decision today.

Talking about the past is simple in American English grammar. Americans typically stick to the simple past tense to describe recent, completed actions.

American English: He ate  his lunch. American English: I went to the store.

However, British speakers sometimes use the present perfect tense instead of the simple past in these cases. The present perfect is constructed from the auxiliary verb “to have” plus the past participle of the main verb.

British English: He has eaten his lunch. British English: I have gone to the store.

In both types of English, the present perfect tense is used to describe an action taking place in an ongoing or unspecified time frame. For example:

 British and American English: I have drawn a picture every day this week.

A “transitive verb” is a verb that takes a direct object. In other words, transitive verbs describe an action that’s happening to something else, like in these examples.

She will bring pasta to the party. (“Pasta” is the direct object.)

They named the baby Charlotte. (“The baby” is the direct object.)

An “intransitive verb” has no direct object. These include verbs like “to smile” or “to fall.” The key thing to notice is that intransitive verbs are often followed by prepositions and then indirect objects.

She smiled at me cheerfully. (“At” is a preposition and “me” is the indirect object.)

Help! I  fell off my bike! (“Off” is a preposition and “my bike” is the indirect object.)

Often, a transitive verb in American English will become intransitive in British English and vice-versa (the opposite).

American English: They agree to the treaty . (intransitive) British English: They agree the treaty . (transitive)

American English: He appealed the decision . (transitive) British English: He appealed against the decision . (intransitive)

The simple past tense is used to describe completed actions. While there are many irregular verbs that must be memorized, the majority of American English verbs simply need an “-ed” at the end in order to transform them into the past tense.

cook → cooked

However, British English often adds a “-t” at the end instead of the “-ed.”

American English: learn ed British English: learn t

American English: dream ed British English: dream t

American English: dwell ed British English: dwel t

While you’re likely to be understood no matter which way you construct the past tense, it’s necessary to keep this in mind if you really want to sound like a native American English speaker.

The use of “have” vs. “have got”   varies in American and British English.

American English uses “have got” less to show possession:

American English: I have a dog. British English: I have got a dog.

Also, American English is less likely to use “have got” to show obligation:

American English: I have to go home. British English: I have got to go home.

Don’t confuse these uses of “have got” with the present perfect tense of “got,” which is have/has gotten  in American English. 

This brings up one more key difference.

American English uses “gotten,” while British English uses “got” as the past participle.

American English: My job has gotten better. British English: My job has got better.

Modal verbs are a type of “helping verb” or “auxiliary verb” that help change the tense or mood of your sentence, such as should , would , will , could , might and must .

The usage of these modal verbs differs between American and British English. For example, both types of English use  will and  won’t , but British speakers also sometimes use  shall  and  shan’t (especially in very formal situations). Americans use will and  won’t at all times: 

American English: I will go. British English: I shall go.

American English: I won’t attend. British English: I shan’t attend.

Americans say “would like to” or “want to” to refer to something they plan or want to do. But British English speakers may also use the phrase “should like to.”

American English: I would like to go/want to go on a date with you. British English: I should like to  go on a date with you .

It may seem like a small difference, but native speakers can instantly tell whether someone is from the U.K. or the U.S. just by listening to this one modal verb.

American English changes the position of adverbs quite easily, sometimes placing them before the verb and sometimes after it.

American English: She  drank quickly ./She  quickly drank .

On the other hand, British speakers usually place the adverb after the verb.

British English: She  drank quickly .

While this is generally true, do keep in mind that adverb placement is a tricky concept to master because it really depends on the type of adverb. In other words, is the adverb revealing (showing) manner, duration, time or certainty?

For an in-depth explanation, take a look at this article on types of adverbs and how to use them .

In American English grammar, the word “well” is only used as an adverb to mean “good.”

However, in informal, conversational British English, the word “well” can also be used to mean “very.”

American English: I’m very sleepy. British English: I’m well sleepy.

There are a number of ways to practice American English grammar, including the fun and easy option to simply watch TV .

There are tons of American TV shows from which to choose , but I recommend “Modern Family” to get you started . The actors on the show have a variety of American accents, and the characters greatly differ in age. This means that you’ll be exposed to a lot of different grammatical structures and colloquial vocabulary.

Here’s a great video featuring the 10 best moments of the show:


If you want to practice your listening skills, try listening to some American podcasts like the famous “This American Life,”  a weekly program with diverse stories.

One of my personal favorites is “Serial,”  a podcast that tells one story each season and usually focuses on crime or big political news. The host, Sarah Koenig, has an American accent that’s easy to understand, and she uses impeccable (very good) grammar .

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Basic American Grammar and Usage: An ESL/EFL Handbook

It features loads of practical lessons on American English and includes quizzes, so you can track your progress.

You might also consider buying a practice book such as one of the “American English File” workbooks. They have several different levels available from beginner to advanced English , each with tons of exercises for you to practice American English grammar.

I hope you’ll practice these eight American English grammar rules if you want to sound more like you’re from the States. 

They’re small differences but they have a big effect.

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past tense of travel in american english


  1. Past Tense of Travel, Past Participle of Travel, V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Form of

    past tense of travel in american english

  2. Travel V1 V2 V3 V4 V5, Past Simple and Past Participle Form of Travel

    past tense of travel in american english

  3. Travel Past Simple, Simple Past Tense of Travel Past Participle, V1 V2

    past tense of travel in american english

  4. Travel Past Tense, V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Form Of Travel, Past Participle Of

    past tense of travel in american english

  5. Past Tense of Travel: Traveling Back in Time

    past tense of travel in american english

  6. Examples of Past Tenses

    past tense of travel in american english


  1. Past tense… so easy #standup #standupcomedy #jokes #shorts

  2. The Past Tense of 'Exit': Simple Guide and Explanation

  3. American English: Travel Vocabulary and Phrases A1/A2 Level

  4. Travel Vocabulary|English Speak Up|Vocabulary with pictures

  5. Best & Worst Holiday Experiences

  6. Simple past tense


  1. Past Tense of Travel: Conjugations in Past and Present Participles

    Most commonly, the past tense of the word "travel" is "traveled.". Although the word form will change based on its participle. And the sentence where it's used. For example, referencing "travel" in the present participle form will change it to "traveling," but in the infinitive form, will be "travel.".

  2. Past Tense of Travel: Traveling Back in Time

    The past tense of travel is "traveled" in American English and "travelled" in British English. Both spellings are correct, but American English tends to drop the second "l" in the past tense and past participle forms of the verb.

  3. Conjugation of travel

    travel. 'travel' is the model of its conjugation. In American English, the preferred spelling does not include a doubled final consonant before -ing or -ed. infinitive: present participle: past participle: (to) travel. traveling.

  4. Traveling vs Travelling: Which is it?

    A tale of two variants. What to Know. When it comes to spelling the forms of the verb travel, traveled and traveling are more common in the U.S., and travelled and travelling are dominant everywhere else. Spelling is typically clear-cut in modern English: forty unfailingly betrays four; the sweet treat after dinner is spelled dessert, not desert.

  5. Conjugation travel

    Conjugate the English verb travel: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs. Translate travel in context, with examples of use and definition. ... Models British vs. American English Auxiliaries, modals Irregular verbs. travel. Print. Model: cancel. Auxiliary ...

  6. Travel Past Tense: Conjugation in Present, Past & Past Participle Tense

    Conjugation of Travel. Simple / Indefinite Present Tense. He/She/It travels . I travel. You/We/They travel. Present Continuous Tense. He/She/It is Commonwealth travelling, US traveling. I am Commonwealth travelling, US traveling. You/We/They are Commonwealth travelling, US traveling.

  7. Conjugate "to travel"

    to do. to say. to love. to eat. to make. to like. to tell. to drive. 'to travel' conjugation - English verbs conjugated in all tenses with the verb conjugator.

  8. To Travel Conjugation

    English verb TO TRAVEL conjugated in all forms, with full audio, irregular highlighting, negative forms and contractions. Toggle navigation. English ... to travel Gerund: travelling Past participle: travelled Simple past: travelled. Note. In the US the spelling 'traveling' and 'traveled' are preferred. Irregular forms Auxilliary verb Spelling ...

  9. Travel Past Tense and Past Participle Verb Forms in English

    Learn the three forms of the English verb 'travel'. the first form (V1) is 'travel' used in present simple and future simple tenses. the second form (V2) is 'travelled (BrE)', 'traveled (AmE)' used in past simple tense. the third form (V3) is 'travelled (BrE)', 'traveled (AmE)' used in present perfect and past perfect tenses.

  10. Conjugation of travel

    Conjugate the verb travel in all tenses: present, past, participle, present perfect, gerund, etc. English Deutsch български Ελληνικά English ... English trapse trash traumatise traumatize travail travel traverse travesty trawl tread treadle Look up "travel" in other languages ...

  11. Travel Past Tense: Verb Forms, Conjugate TRAVEL

    Travel in Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense. Singular. Plural. I was commonwealth travelling, us traveling. We were commonwealth travelling, us traveling. You were commonwealth travelling, us traveling. You were commonwealth travelling, us traveling. He/She/It was commonwealth travelling, us traveling. They were commonwealth travelling, us ...

  12. Traveled vs. Travelled: Unraveling the Spelling Mystery • 7ESL

    In American English, "traveled" is the accepted convention. It's spelled with one 'l'. We use this form not only in the past tense of the verb "travel" ( He traveled last summer) but also in the adjective form ( She is a well-traveled person ). British English, on the other hand, favors the double 'l' - "travelled.".

  13. Conjugation Travel Verb in all tenses and forms

    Future Simple. I will travel. you will travel. he, she will travel. we will travel. you will travel. they will travel.

  14. Travelling or Traveling

    Travelling and traveling are both correct spellings of the present participle and gerund of the verb "travel," which means "go from one place to another." The spelling depends on whether you use British English or American English. In British English, "travelling" with a double "l" is the most common.; In American English, "traveling" with one "l" is standard.

  15. What is the past tense of travel?

    Similar to the past simple form, the past participle form of 'travel' is 'traveled' in American English and 'travelled' in British English. It is used in perfect tenses to talk about actions that have a connection to the present or were completed at an unspecified time in the past. For example, 'I have traveled/travelled to over 10 countries.'.

  16. Travelling or Traveling ~ British vs. American English

    "Travelling" or "traveling" in the past tense. When using the verb "travel" in the past tense, the exact spelling applies to British English vs. American English, as with the "-ing" form. British English is written with a double "l" and in American English, both ways are possible but a single "l" is more common.

  17. Travelled vs Traveled: Unraveling Commonly Confused Terms

    In American English, the correct spelling is "traveled" with one L. If you use "travelled" in American English, it will be considered incorrect and unprofessional. Using The Wrong Form Of The Word. Another common mistake is using the wrong form of the word. "Travelled" is the past tense and past participle form of the verb "travel ...

  18. Table of irregular verbs

    Table of irregular verbs - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary

  19. Traveled vs Traveld: Fundamental Differences Of These Terms

    In some regions, such as British English, the past tense of "travel" is spelled "travelled" with double L's, while in American English, it is spelled "traveled" with a single L. Therefore, it is important to consider the audience and the intended purpose of the writing before deciding which spelling to use.

  20. What is the past tense of travel?

    Answer. The past tense of travel is travelled UK or traveled US (US) . The third-person singular simple present indicative form of travel is travels . The present participle of travel is travelling UK or traveling US .

  21. American vs. British English: Verbs

    2) British English incorporates the auxiliary "shall" to indicate future tense, whereas American English uses the auxiliary "will.". Examples. (U.S.) I will complete my first year in college next year. (U.K.) I shall complete my first year at university next year. (Also note the use of "in college" and "at university" in these ...

  22. TRAVEL definition in American English

    travel in American English. (ˈtrævəl ) verb intransitive Word forms: ˈtraveled or ˈtravelled, ˈtraveling or ˈtravelling. 1. to go from one place to another; make a journey or journeys. 2. to go from place to place as a traveling salesman. 3. to walk or run.

  23. 8 American English Grammar Rules to Sound Like You're From ...

    The simple past tense is used to describe completed actions. While there are many irregular verbs that must be memorized, the majority of American English verbs simply need an "-ed" at the end in order to transform them into the past tense. cook → cooked. However, British English often adds a "-t" at the end instead of the "-ed."