Kombi prevoz.

Svakodnevno organizuje kombi prevoz putnika sa Vaše adrese do adrese na željenoj destinaciji.


Najam kombija sa vozačem za sve organizovane prevoze u Srbiji i zemljama EU.


Zakažite vožnju u željenom pravcu. Naš Vozač u dogovoreno vreme dolazi na Vašu adresu.

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Kombi prevoz do željenih destinacija u Hrvatskoj, Grčkoj, Sloveniji i Crnoj Gori

Svakodnevno organizuje kombi prevoz putnika sa Vaše adrese iz Beograda ili Novog Sada, do adrese na željenoj destinaciji u SARAJEVU, HRVATSKOJ, GRČKOJ, SLOVENIJI, CRNOJ GORI, BEČU, BUDIMPEŠTI...

profesionalno, bezbedno, komforno i efikasno

Kombi prevoz putnika.

Svakodnevno organizuje kombi prevoz putnika sa Vaše adrese do adrese na željenoj destinaciji

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Prevoz putnika Crna Gora

Crna Gora je država koja se nalazi na jugoistočnom delu Evrope, na istočnoj obali predivnog Jadranskog mora, čijim se primorjem smenjuju gradovi do kojih Vas bezbedno vozimo.

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Prevoz putnika Hrvatska

Rijeka, Opatija, Rovinj, Umag, Novigrad, Poreč su turistička vrata Istre, do kojih možete putovati sa nama u letnjoj sezoni.

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Prevoz putnika Grčka

Želite savršeno mesto za odmor iz snova? Izaberite Halkidiki, poluostrvo na severu Grčke, jedno od najlepših poluostrva na svetskim morima uopšte.

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Prevoz putnika Slovenija

Kada govorimo o tome šta videti u Sloveniji, treba imati u vidu da je ovo zapravo mala zemlja u centralnoj Evropi, koja spaja mediteransku obalu i Julijske Alpe.

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Prevoz putnika Zlatibor

Udobnim kombi prevozom za samo 3 sata od Beograda, pobegnite iz urbane gužve i provedite relaksirani vikend na svežem vazduhu...

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Prevoz putnika Sarajevo

Sarajevo je grad izuzetne istorije, prostor čiji svaki kutak nosi neko specifično obeležje, mesto čiji je centar najneobičniji ostatak nekih davnih vremena i događaja odigranih na ovom području.

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Designer Outlet Parndorf

Designer Outlet Parndorf je dom za preko 160 prodavnica dizajnerskih brendova. Tržni kompleks nudi do 70% popusta na Prada, Armani, Nike, Adidas, Tommi Hilfiger...

Prevoz putnika Zagreb

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Prevoz putnika Trst

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Prevoz putnika Budimpešta

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Prevoz putnika Beč

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Prevoz putnika Solun

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Prevoz putnika Sofija

+54 341 4298600

+54 341 4406127 / 4490981, +54 341 3 040 209.

Aeropuerto Internacional de Ezeiza

Aeropuerto Metropolitano Jorge Newbery

Puerto Madero

Terminal de Cruceros de Buenos Aires

Pago Reserva Confirmada


Equipaje permitido: Una maleta de hasta 32 kilos y 160 cm (sumados largo, alto y ancho) y el equipaje de cabina (hasta 56 x 45 x 25 cm).

Preguntas Frecuentes

Respuestas a una selección de las preguntas más frecuentes planteadas por nuestros pasajeros.

Equipaje Permitido

  • Una maleta de hasta 32 kilos y 160 cm (sumados largo, alto y ancho) y un equipaje de cabina (de hasta 56 x 45 x 25 cm).
  • Cada bulto adicional informado con al menos 48hs. de anticipación tendrá un costo extra (consultar).
  • Si al momento de bucar al pasajero el mismo tuviera equipaje adicional no declarado la empresa no se responsabiliza por no poder cumplir con el servicio contratado por falta de espacio para el traslado del mismo, y sin derecho a reembolso alguno.
  • En el caso de los arribos el pasajero con equipaje adicional no informado deberá aguardar al próximo servicio con espacio disponible y abonar el costo adicional del equipaje.
  • En caso de no aguardar, y optar regresar por otros medios, no corresponderá reintegro alguno.
  • Consulte telefónicamente por tarifa para equipaje especial (bicicletas, bolso de golf, tablas de snowboard, etc.)

Condiciones del Servicio

Reglamento y condiciones generales de contratación del traslado de personas.

  • El pasajero transportado por mediación de "Vantravel S.R.L." (en adelante "LA EMPRESA") contrata el servicio de plena conformidad con el horario y modalidad de traslado que ha sido previamente aceptado (ver "Horarios" y/o convenido entre él y la empresa (según sea servicio exclusivo o compartido).
  • El objeto de Contrato de Transporte consiste en el traslado de pasajeros desde el origen y hasta el destino por ellos señalado a "La Empresa". Las obligaciones de "La Empresa" respecto de los pasajeros transportados será cumplimiento del objeto citado guardando la integridad física y psíquica de los pasajeros. Ello en un todo de acuerdo a las condiciones grales. de contratación que se expresan en el presente.
  • Tanto "EL TRANSPORTADOR" como "LA EMPRESA" se exhimen de responsabilidad por cualquier accidente, daño físico y/o equipaje y/o psíquico, retrasos o irregularidades que puedan acaecer durante la ejecución del servicio a personas y/o efectos personales transportados motivados en malas condiciones climáticas, catástrofes naturales, cortes de rutas, decisiones gubernamentales y demás sucesos que puedan ocurrir durante la ejecución del servicio y que no estuvieran bajo su control exclusivo.
  • En todos los casos los vehículos se encuentran asegurados y en el supuesto de accidente, los pasajeros se someten a las leyes de la Nación Argentina. El equipaje y cualquier otro objeto de propiedad del pasajero o que éste llevare consigo, viaja siempre y en todo lugar bajo custodia del viajero y por su cuenta y riesgo, dado que no se encuentran incluidos en el contrato de transporte. El pasajero, en caso de creerlo necesario por el valor o naturaleza de los objetos transportados, a su criterio, bajo su responsabilidad y a su costa, podrá contratar un seguro para sus efectos personales y/o equipajes.
  • Equipaje: Cada pasajero podrá portar 1 bulto que no excedan de 32 kilogramos y 160 cm sumados largo, alto y ancho del mismo, más 1 bolso de mano de hasta 56 x 45 x 25 cm. Por cada bulto adicional se cobrará una suma en concepto de exceso de equipaje, debiendo los pasajeros avisar 48 hs. antes de su viaje o del traslado respectivo (ver "Equipaje permitido").
  • MODALIDAD DEL SERVICIO: a) En los SERVICIOS COMPARTIDOS los horarios de los EMBARQUES y ARRIBOS se regirán de acuerdo a lo especificado en el ítem "Horarios", pudiendo adelantarse o atrasarse dependiendo de las condiciones climáticas, tránsito, cantidad de pax a retirar por los domicilios y/o cualquier otra circunstancia que la empresa considere. En caso de que esto ocurra deberá informarse esa modificación al pasajero con la antelación suficiente. En los EMBARQUES la espera en cada domicilio será de 5´ (cinco minutos) luego de la cual si el pasajero no abordó el vehículo no podrá ser trasladado y sin que le asista derecho a reclamar reembolso del precio abonado. En los ARRIBOS de los servicios compartidos consideramos una espera máxima estipulada para cada destino en la sección "Horarios", a contar en todos los casos desde que el pasajero sale al hall de arribos luego de pasar por Migraciones y/o Aduana. DENTRO DE ESE LAPSO EL CHOFER SE HARA PRESENTE EN EL HALL DE ARRIBOS CON UN CARTEL QUE DICE "VANTRAVEL ROSARIO". Si por alguna circunstancia excepcional, una vez transcurrido dicho plazo de espera máxima y si el pasajero no está dispuesto a esperar algunos minutos más debido a la demora en la salida de los pasajeros o en la llegada del vehículo a Aeroparque, el pasajero podrá optar por cancelar su regreso en cuyo caso le será reembolsado a su regreso la totalidad del monto abonado por el servicio no realizado. Ante cualquier dificultad, el pasajero podrá consultar a nuestros TELEFONOS DE URGENCIAS 24 HS. (En horario de oficina, de lunes a viernes de 9 a 19:30 hs y sábados de 9 a 12:30 hs. Tel:0341-4406127. Fuera de horario de oficina al celular de guardia (0341) 153 040209). Para el caso de que el arribo del vuelo tenga un retraso no informado de más de 45 minutos, el pasajero podrá ser derivado a un servicio similar posterior al asignado originalmente sin que rijan los plazos de espera máxima. En el caso de que el retraso no informado supere las 3 hs. y no se pueda brindar el servicio por parte de "LA EMPRESA" el pasajero perderá todo derecho de reembolso del importe abonado. En los SERVICIOS COMPARTIDOS "LA EMPRESA" podrá disponer trasbordos de vehículos cuando lo considere oportuno. En los SERVICIOS COMPARTIDOS se dispone de una parada técnica en parador a mitad de camino. En los SERVICIOS COMPARTIDOS con destino final en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Ezeiza el recorrido podrá tener paradas previas en Aeroparque, Terminal de Cruceros Quinquela Martín (sólo en temporada de Cruceros) y/o Dársena de Buquebus. En los SERVICIOS COMPARTIDOS con destino final en la ciudad de Rosario o alrededores el recorrido con origen en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Ezeiza podrá tener paradas intermedias en Dársena de Buquebus, Terminal de Cruceros Quinquela Martin (sólo en temporada de cruceros) y/o Aeroparque. b) En los SERVICIOS EXCLUSIVOS el traslado se realizará en un vehículo en el que solamente viajarán el/los pasajeros que contraten el servicio bajo esta modalidad. Las SALIDAS se realizan con igual anticipación y modalidad que las del servicio compartido con excepción del tiempo de espera en domicilio el cual podrá ser como máximo de 15 minutos. siempre que no se afecte el horario de traslado previamente convenido. Para los arribos de los servicios exclusivos no existirá tiempo de espera para el pasajero. Es obligación del o de los pasajeros notificar cualquier retraso en origen mayor a 90 minutos. Si no lo hiciera perderá el carácter de regreso exclusivo pudiendo "LA EMPRESA" disponer del traslado en el siguiente servicio compartido con lugares disponibles. En todas las modalidades de prestación del servicio, sean embarques o arribos, en caso de que deba modificarse el día y hora del servicio por causas ajenas a "LA EMPRESA" o que existan cambios de Nº de vuelos (siempre teniendo en cuenta lo establecido en el punto 6) el pasajero deberá comunicar las modificaciones en el servicio con una antelación no inferior a 12 hs. en caso contrario perderá el derecho al traslado contratado y no le asistirá derecho a solicitar el reembolso del precio abonado. OBSERVACIONES: No está permitido fumar a bordo de los vehículos, ni consumir bebidas alcohólicas. No se trasladan animales en los servicios compartidos. Durante todo el traslado los pax deberán permanecer en sus butacas con los cinturones de seguridad colocados y guardar respeto en lo que compete a las normas vigentes de tránsito "LA EMPRESA" y "EL TRANSPORTISTA" se exhimen de responsabilidad por las consecuencias emanadas de la no colocación de cinturones de seguridad o por conductas antirreglamentarias por parte de los pasajeros transportados. Ser pasajero transportado por mediación de "LA EMPRESA" implica la aceptación lisa y llana por parte de los mismos de todas las condiciones y reglas expresadas en el presente, sin que luego pueda argumentarse error o desconocimiento de las mismas de su parte.

¿Con qué antelación se realizan las reservas?

¿cuál es el equipaje permitido, ¿tienen horarios fijos regulares de salida, ¿cuál es la demora máxima para regresar, ¿con qué vehículos se realizan los servicios compartidos.

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Our six favorite U.S. van routes

Looking back on our two and a half years of van travel, there are six stretches we especially enjoyed.

All of this is highly subjective, of course. But people often ask us, “What are your favorite places you’ve been?” And we find that the same answers pop up. So, without further ado, our favorite U.S. road trips:

1. Dark Skies and Red Rocks

Great Basin National Park > Moab, UT > Capitol Reef National Park > Bryce Canyon National Park > Zion National Park > Las Vegas, NV

Why We Loved It

Piety and sin, all against a backdrop of dramatic desert with red rocks you won’t see anywhere else—and far enough from city lights for views of the Milky Way

Best Times to Go

Spring and fall, since winters are freezing and summers are brutally hot (and crowded)

  • Great Basin National Park in NV, a newer and smaller park with excellent night-sky views
  • Dead Horse Point State Park in UT, sandwiched between Arches and Canyonlands national parks with fantastic hiking and a cart that has soft-serve ice cream
  • BLM campgrounds in Moab, UT , where you can stay for cheap along the winding Colorado River
  • Snow Canyon State Park in St. George, UT, where you can explore petrified dunes for hours
  • Kiva Coffeehouse in Escalante, UT, where you can sip coffee while looking out at the Escalante Grand Staircase National Monument
  • El Coyote Charro in Mesquite, NV and St. George, UT , with some of the most authentic tacos we’ve had north of the border
  • State-run liquor stores in Utah , that make you feel like a freak but are crucial if you want beer that’s more than 3.2% alcohol
  • Valley of Fire State Park in NV, with stunning red rock formations and sheep

2. Hipster Appalachia

Greenville, SC > Asheville, NC > Johnson City, TN > Great Smoky Mountains National Park > Chattanooga, TN

Vibrant towns filled with makers, artists and outdoor activities, all with a dash of Southern hospitality

Almost any time of year, although it can snow in winter at higher elevations

  • Falls Park in Greenville, SC, where you can cool off by the Reedy River’s waterfalls right through downtown
  • Swamp Rabbit Trail in Greenville, SC, with miles of paved bike path that take you through woods and towns—stop at the Swamp Rabbit Grocery or the town of Traveler’s Rest for tasty food and drinks
  • Table Rock State Park in SC, where you can see sweeping views south from hikes along the edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains
  • River Arts District in Asheville, NC, with open studios nearly every day featuring paintings, pottery, glass and more
  • Hole Doughnuts in Asheville, NC, with fried-to-order donuts in flavors you’ve never had, like orange cardamom and toasted almond sesame cinnamon
  • Johnson City, TN has newer microbreweries downtown that are worth a visit
  • The Downhome in Johnson City, TN, where you can see some bluegrass and Americana musical acts
  • The Appalachian Trail goes through Great Smoky Mountains National Park if you want to mingle with some thru-hikers and leave some trail magic
  • Southside Historic District in Chattanooga, TN, for craft cocktails and hip restaurants
  • Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN, where you can see seven states from the summit

3. Gentle Giants and Roaring Reptiles

Pretty much all of Florida—start in the panhandle, work your way down to the keys, then take a different way back!

It’s warm year-round, with plenty of campgrounds, water sports and subtropical scenery—plus some of the best state parks for wildlife

Fall, winter and spring, because it can be oppressively humid in the summer (and you probably want to avoid hurricane season)

  • Grayton Beach State Park , where you can walk along white sand beaches far away from the spring breakers in Destin
  • Tallahassee-St. Marks Trail , which offers 20 miles of paved bike path and ends in the coastal town of St. Marks where you can grab a meal
  • Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park’s La Chua Trail , which is littered with alligators that you can trip on if you’re not careful
  • Gainesville-Hawthorne Trail , with 16 miles of paved bike path through state park land
  • Ichetucknee Springs State Park , for tubing, kayaking or canoeing with turtles, manatees and beautiful birds
  • Cedar Key , for a taste of old Florida charm on the gulf coast
  • Blue Spring State Park , where you can see lots of manatees just relaxing in the St. Johns River from multiple viewing platforms
  • Everglades National Park , which we sadly didn’t make it to (we had our little dog and it was just too hot!) but is supposed to have amazing wildlife
  • The Florida Keys , for amazing views, boating, beaches and tourist traps
  • Miami’s art deco historic district , for excellent architecture and people-watching
  • Also, be sure to eat some Cuban food while in Miami and to have a blackened grouper sandwich somewhere on the coast

4. Reverse Lewis & Clark

Portland, OR > Eastward along the Columbia River > Pendleton, OR > Coeur d’Alene, ID > Highway 2 to Glacier National Park

Expansive forests, cooling lakes and rivers, and endless opportunities for hiking, biking and scenic drives

  • Late spring, summer and fall, because winter is too cold (unless you want to ski near Coeur d’Alene)
  • Portland, OR, for fancy coffee, craft beer, food carts, Powell’s Books and an all-around Portlandia experience
  • End of the Oregon Trail , a cheesy-yet-educational museum in Oregon City where you can learn more about the journey of westward settlers
  • Eagle Creek Trail , a spectacular hike with swimming holes, sheer cliffs and waterfalls
  • Hood River, OR, which is the home of many Columbia River Gorge-area breweries
  • Pendleton Underground Tours , to learn more about this western town’s history, including its brothels
  • Hells Canyon and the Snake River, for camping and water sports, like rafting, kayaking or canoeing
  • Coeur d’Alene and Sandpoint, ID, for biking and water sports
  • Kootenai Falls , MT, for a short hike with stunning views of sacred waterfalls and rope bridges
  • Flathead Lake , MT, for crystal clear water that’s perfect for lazing around or boating
  • Hike to Grinnell Glacier in Glacier National Park , MT, while there are still glaciers left

5. The Third Coast

Clockwise or counterclockwise around Lake Michigan, which takes you through Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan

Get a taste of large and small midwestern cities and enjoy incredible views of some of the Great Lakes, which look a lot like oceans

  • Summer and maybe early fall—we made the mistake of going in late May and it was far too cold and rainy
  • Chicago’s Lakefront Trail , for gorgeous views of Lake Michigan and great people watching
  • Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore  in IN, where you can hike, bike or relax and enjoy the faraway Chicago skyline—it’s connected to a state park as well, and not far from a cute town called Chesterton
  • Small “coastal” towns in southwest Michigan, with nice downtown areas and pretty views—just hug the highway that follows the water
  • Traverse City, MI, with microbreweries, water sports and a walkable downtown, along with state park camping along the bay
  • Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore  in MI, an easy day trip from Traverse City with scenic drives, dune climbs and nearby wineries (who knew?)
  • Pasty and cudighi , two “ Yooper ” delights inspired by European immigrants
  • Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in MI, with great hiking and beautiful views of the stunningly clear water of Lake Superior (there are boat tours, too)
  • Marquette, MI, a lakeside college town on the upper peninsula (U.P.) with a lot of character
  • Madison, WI, an artsy city with biking, good food and lots to see

6. Prairies to “Fourteeners”

Badlands National Park > Rapid City, SD > Cheyenne, WY > Denver, CO > Durango, CO

Wide open grassland and curious prairie dogs, leading to spectacular Rocky Mountain scenery, 14,000-foot peaks and outdoor adventure

Late spring and early summer have warmer weather and more greenery; Badlands National Park is an inferno in late summer, although the rivers will be moving more slowly in late summer if you prefer mellow paddling

  • Sage Creek Rim Road in Badlands National Park in SD, a less-traveled dirt road with excellent scenery and wildlife viewing
  • Black Hills National Forest in SD, with beautiful campgrounds, stunning lakes and, of course, Mt. Rushmore (that, in our opinion, is worth a quick drive-by, but nothing more)
  • Cheyenne Depot Museum , with history of the Union Pacific Railroad since Cheyenne is a train town (and a brew pub next door)
  • Fort Collins, CO, the home of New Belgium Brewing and nearby Horsetooth Mountain
  • Chautauqua Park in Boulder, CO, with hiking trails leading to the Flatirons and nearby access to forest land
  • Red Rocks Amphitheater outside Denver, CO, where you can see a show, take a hike, or both, among giant red rocks with a view of Denver
  • Frisco and Breckenridge, CO, for mountain towns that feel like the right blend of lived in and touristy
  • Salida, CO, for a colorful western town right on the Arkansas River, which is popular for rafting
  • Great Sand Dunes National Park in CO, where you can sled down North America’s tallest sand dunes
  • Pagosa Springs, CO, for a soak in natural hot springs at different resorts along the San Juan River
  • Three Peaks Deli in Durango, CO, for a legitimately awesome sandwich and friendly service
  • Mesa Verde National Park in CO, where you can tour ancestral Pueblo cliff dwellings on paid tours or view them from afar on a scenic drive

There are still a lot of places we haven’t been, and a lot of places we enjoyed that didn’t make this list. We also didn’t include anything in our home state of California because, quite honestly, the whole damn state is beautiful and you’d spend all your time there!

What are your favorite road trip routes? Let us know in the comments. Happy travels!

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  9 comments for “ our six favorite u.s. van routes ”.

' src=

This is a great list and very well written. Keeping it for our future routes. Glad we’ve already done 2 out of 6 , yet so many things left to visit. I agree that Florida has amazing State Parks. Thanks for sharing!

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Glad you enjoyed it, Coralie! Hope you’re enjoying WWOOFing

Haha! We had to cancel the Minnessota Wwoofing because of really difficult climate conditions up there in the forest and lack of facilities offered from the host… but this is postponed at a sweet farm in Oregon,in August 🙂 (realistically easier conditions for a first,I guess). Take care, safe travers!

Sounds great! Let us know when you make it to California — we’ll be there starting September

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Love this list, thank you for taking the time to compile it! I can’t wait to explore some of your suggestions in a few months when my boyfriend and I begin our van life journey!

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Tamara and Chris, Starting my Nomad Journey in one week by myself. I’m a little scared actually but so excited. This is a great list. Thank you. I am in Bellingham Wa and will do the reverse Lewis and Clark to get my feet wet. I’m in a mini bus so will be learning how to navigate places to stay. Again, thanks for the advice. -Space Ghost and his Barn Dog

We are so excited for you! Have a wonderful journey wherever it takes you. Happy travels 😀

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My sister and I are planning to rent an RV Van and take a road trip in April of 2024. We love the Hipster Appalachia route….it’s just what we were thinking. We usually take 2 trips a year to go hiking but always fly to our destination and rent a car. I was wondering how many days you would suggest for this trip? We would be leaving from either Houston or Austin, Texas.

That sounds like a wonderful trip! Remember that it will likely take y’all two full days of driving to get from Texas to Tennessee. If you do the Hipster Appalachia route, you might consider finding a van/RV to rent in one of the cities along the route and flying there to save time. It’s also important to remember that, if you’re driving a good chunk of the day, there’s not much time for activities. I would give yourselves at least two nights in each destination so you have time for hikes and sightseeing. Don’t get me wrong — scenic drives are nice! But I imagine that you’d like to do more than sleep in these spots. If you stop at all the spots on the route, spending at least two nights in each spot and starting and ending in Texas, you’d probably want two weeks to not feel rushed. If you have less time, you could start closer by flying and/or cut some of the stops. Hope this helps!

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Home » Budget Travel » How to Live in a Van and Travel: Freedom, Vanlife, and the 21st Century Nomad

How to Live in a Van and Travel: Freedom, Vanlife, and the 21st Century Nomad

Excuse me, sir, ma’am, do you have a second to talk about freedom?

That’s why we travel, right? Sure, maybe it starts as an escape. Maybe your ex trashed you so you ran away from all those delicious problems (don’t feel bad; it’s a common story).

Maybe the looming threat of your tertiary education commitments was rearing its ugly head so you decided to delay.

Maybe you wanted to  ‘find yourself’ .

Whatever your reasons, the outcome was the same. You left… And then you caught the bug.

Now that I know how to be free, how can I choose to put myself back in the cage?

Excuse me, sir, ma’am do you have a second to talk about van life?

There’s something pure about van travel. You’ll have to peel back the layers first: the trashy Instagram hashtags. The ‘polyamorous’ douchebags competing for level-10 gipsy status to sleep with cute hippy chicks at psytrance festivals.

Peel that shit back first and what do you find? Freedom: a sincere desire to simply live freely. Travelling in a van, or any form of motorhome for that matter, is not a lifestyle: it’s an answer.

Less is more.

So let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about why you should live AND travel in a van.

Let’s talks about the ins and outs of travelling in a motorhome: a beginner’s tips and hacks guide for campervan travel. And let’s talk about travelling the world in a campervan: the best countries to go and how to acquire your new roots-less home.

We’re talking van life.

A girl smiling in front of a hippie van in California

Vanlife: Let’s Paint a Picture of the Van Travel Lifestyle

How to live in a van and travel, the best countries for rv and campervan travel, vanlife tips 101: your beginner’s rv and campervan travel guide, freedom, vanlife and the 21st century nomad.

Right, so that was soppy – sorry, folks! Here’s the deal: it’s a house on wheels. Let me reiterate that for you.

It’s a house on wheels.

Yeah sure, it may not be a very big house. But, look, if your biggest concern is not being able to take much stuff, then, mate… the traveller lifestyle might not be for you.

Let’s call it nomadic van living (just to separate it from actual nomadic living in which if you didn’t move, then winter came and you died). Living out of a van means living out of a home with wheels. Think about that for a sec.

If you run out of milk, you don’t have to leave the house to buy milk. You take the house WITH YOU to buy milk.

That’s fucking sick.

van parked up on a beach in New Zealand

There’s a new level of freedom that comes from travelling the country in an RV , campervan, or even one of the cars with the fold-out tents on the roof (they’re awesome; I’ve seen JUCY rentals in New Zealand and Australia do them). Do you know what a common thought for me is while staring out the window on a bus ride? “That’s a nice mountain; I wish I could go climb it.” 

Ta-dah! Traveller vans to the rescue.

And, to be a little bit real for a second, I do think it’s an answer. We’re in a time where we are – possibly, hopefully, maybe – starting to look at the traditional model of ‘How to Adult – 101’ and saying…

Maybe, there’s another way. Maybe we don’t need all the things we thought we did.

I’d say it’s an experiment. You travel in a van, living in a motorhome, and you have an adventure. One way or another, you come away with a new perspective. And, if you’re built for it, maybe you come away with a whole new model for life.

van travel horarios

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Why Travel and Live in a Van or RV

Let’s talk specifics, not quasi-philosophical ramblings. What are the benefits of travelling in a van or RV?

I mean, there’s the ease of buying groceries, obviously, but there’s more to motorhome travel than just that:

Broken down van in New Zealand

  • There’s the obvious financial benefit. Your mileage (hah) will vary depending on your style. A family of four living and travelling in a full-power RV and staying at powered holiday parks are going to have a very different cost-footprint than two dirtbags travelling in a van and staying in the driveway of someone called Possum Joe. But, you can’t say rolling your transport and accommodation costs into one while cooking for yourself doesn’t help!
  • You can go anywhere! Unless the road ends in which case you get out and walk. Campervan travel changes the landscape of your adventure, but I’ll save that for when I talk about the best countries to campervan in further down.
  • You can pick up hitchhikers! Ahh, thank you, much appreciated! My people thank you in advance.
  • There is, of course, the art of minimalism. How low you go is up to you: packing for living in an RV vs. a van vs. a hatchback Prius all offer different lifestyles. But it’s a middle-point between having what fits in your house and having what fits on your back.
  • It offers freedom of movement. That’s why I call it nomadic van living. It’s like the next evolution up from nomadic horse living on the tech-tree-of-life. Stay, go, settle, cross the country; it’s all your choice. The only difference is that motorhomes break down. But, then, horses die…
  • And, of course, it allows you to shift to a more nomadic lifestyle . At a certain point, travelling in a van becomes synonymous with living in a van…

Living in a Van: From Part-Time to Full-Time

This is what I’m talking about: what starts as toes dipped in the water of motorhome travel turns into the full immersion of motorhome living. You start off travelling in an RV or campervan around Australia or New Zealand and suddenly you’re reexamining your whole model of life. Suddenly, living out of a van doesn’t seem like such an alien concept.

You start looking at your life. Maybe I don’t need so many possessions. Maybe I don’t need the weekly depression of rent day.

Suddenly, yes, van life is worth it.

Your career aspirations change; you’ve realised just how many jobs can be done while travelling and living in a campervan. How much freedom is open to you when your cost of living has drastically reduced and your office can be any old breathtaking view.

And, suddenly, you’ve become a digital nomad .

a girl standing on top of a white car turned campervan as she looks at the sunset and the ocean

Now, a deep-dive into the digital nomad lifestyle is a whole other can of worms and it’s not really my point either. My point is simply that these things tend to go way further and way deeper than we can often imagine. And that many people have created a sustainable (and fulfilling) life model around living in a van or RV full-time and earning money as they travel.

But that’s long term! Don’t get ahead of yourself, buddy. The digital nomad path changes your travel game , so take your time! Patience is good!

First, you need to get out there and experiment with motorhome travel! You need to see if it’s your holy grail. You need to dip your toes in and that means choosing and acquiring your traveller van.

Ok, so I’ve convinced you, yeah? On the awesomeness of van life? Not pressured, mind you; you’re still in control here. I don’t want to talk you into doing anything you don’t want to do…

But, you’re ready: ready for the adventure of travelling the world in a campervan – the full-time RV lifestyle! You’re ready to start thinking about buying your first campervan.

Whoa, Nelly! Slow down there, sexy-legs! I know you’re excited but even buying the cheapest of campervans is a big and expensive commitment for a lifestyle you don’t know if you’re ready for yet. Jumping in feet-first is commendable but jumping in head-first into an unknown body of water is just bloody stupid!

Group of travelers smiling with a Van and some trees behind them.

Let’s start small with finding the right van to travel in so you can decide if van life is worth it for you. Then, if it’s everything you’ve dreamed of (psst, it will be) , you can make the shift to living in a campervan permanently.

So, step 1: finding the right type of motorhome for you. I stress the word motorhome because, as you may have noticed, you have a wide range of options and the different terms get thrown around somewhat interchangeably.

Types of Motorhomes

Think of choosing your motorhome like choosing a travel buddy . If you choose well, the vibe is good and you’ll have a long grand adventure together with lifelong cherished memories. But choose poorly and you’ll end up ditching them on the side of the road and hitchhiking in the opposite direction.

A pimped out and painted motorhome (Type-C)

Choosing a Van for Travel: How to Find the Best Motorhome for You

Well, what are your needs? What are your likes and dislikes? How good are you at reversing?

These are the important questions you must ask yourself! (Especially that last one.) The number one tip for van living is that it’s gotta feel like home.

  • Travel camper trailers, for a start, have no appeal to me. Lugging a trailer around everywhere in my journeys is unwieldy. But for someone who doesn’t want to make a full-time lifestyle commitment to RV or campervan travel, a camper trailer means you get to still have a car and a home and you can just park the thing in your yard when you’re not off adventuring.
  • A converted travel van is the DIY option for the DIY mindset. Seriously, I’ve watched friends go to town on their DIY van conversion and it’s a marvel to behold – a power tool in one hand and WikiHow in the other. If full-time van life is something you ultimately commit to, I feel this the best option because you’re in control; who needs a loving committed relationship and a beautiful family to raise when you have a van! Backpackers in Australia and New Zealand often invest in buying a cheap van at the beginning of a year-long work visa, but for shorter trips, budget campervan hire tends to be a much smarter route.
  • Class C Motorhomes (RVs) provide more luxury; let’s call it the family meal deal. RV travel offers more creature comforts at the cost of higher living expenses making it the top choice with families and grey nomads. But, if your travelling with a big group or just have a soft spot for the luxury road trip experience, an RV rental might just be right up your alley.
  • Class B Motorhomes (campervans) are the bang-on choice for travellers fresh to the van travel game. Not too big; not too small: just right (just like a certain narcissistic little blonde girl’s porridge). For someone looking to dip their toes into van camping and see if this whole vanlife thing stacks up to the hype, this is the sweet spot!
  • Class A Motorhome (monstrosities) are reserved for when you’re 70-years-old, greying, and have nothing but time, disposable income, and a loving life partner you want to bang all over the continent.

But, that leaves one last question: how do you acquire your new transient home?

A backpacker new to the vanlife posing inside his new motorhome

Rent or Buy – Travel Van Rental: The Advantages of Campervan Hire

Ok, so let’s level with each other: buying a motorhome is expensive! The outright cost is enough to make any broke backpacker curl into the foetal position on the floor and that’s before you add in the insurance and registration costs plus the rising fuel prices in an ever-increasingly unstable global community. 

You’d be better of buying a station wagon and crashing at your mum’s house on laundry/shower day, though, I feel that sorta defeats the purpose of the fully independent, ‘fuck the man’ nomadic van-living lifestyle.

Here’s van living tip number two: don’t buy a motorhome until you know that it’s right for you. I’m talking about using campervan hire as your jumping-off point.

A JUCY van rental in the snow - premium choice for budget campervan hire in New Zealand and Australia

There are a lot of ways to travel a country, but I’d imagine we all have a soft spot for having our own vehicle. And, truthfully, a campervan is simply a better way to travel some countries (looking at you, New Zealand) .

Sometimes, public transport sucks; sometimes we want to go far out. And, sometimes, we don’t want to pay 50 bucks for what amounts to 12-hour bag storage and mattress rental (with complimentary white bread for breakfast).

The Great Australian Road Trip is a dream journey of many travellers I meet (I’m not sure why; I don’t think you realise how boring our roads are – long, straight, and filled with dead things). Plus, road trips are SICK! Talking shit with your mates, good tunes, smoking – ahem – “ciggies” at isolated lookouts (wink-wink): road trips are the best!

It doesn’t mean that one day you won’t have the holy grail converted traveller van, but the best way to start that big journey is with a little step. Hire a motorhome, have an adventure in any of the best countries to campervan in, and once you know how to actually live in a van and travel, you’ll know if the vanlife is right for you.

If you’re after my recommendation, for New Zealand and Australia road trips, JUCY rentals are the best. These iconic whips are the perfect home on the road to explore the roads of down under.

van travel horarios

Wanna know how to pack like a pro? Well for a start you need the right gear….

These are packing cubes for the globetrotters and compression sacks for the  real adventurers – these babies are a traveller’s best kept secret. They organise yo’ packing and minimise volume too so you can pack MORE.

Or, y’know… you can stick to just chucking it all in your backpack…

You’re going to notice a common theme with most of the countries on this van travel bucket list: they’re costly to travel with plenty of ground to cover.  

That’s why by choosing to travel in a cheap van or RV rental, you’re going to please the tight-fisted pantheon deities of Backpakistan. Now, don’t misunderstand – you’re not going to cut your travel expenses in Europe down to the level of Southeast Asia. But taking all our usual tricks-of-the-trade backpacker secrets and applying them while living out of a van certainly helps.

The other recurring theme? They have wicked roads to drive on! Picturesque and long and fast (and sometimes windy too).

A dirt track leading to mountains in Queenstown, New Zealand

You’re still on an adventure. Spend some money, live a little! You know that 2000-year-old tree in the middle of buttfuck-nowhere… you have a house with wheels now! Go see it!

Again, you’re driving a campervan. You’re in control.

We are freedom.

Australia RV and Campervan Travel: Whole Lotta Nothin’

Ok, so there is actually a lot to see in Australia. From travelling Australia’s east coast – tropics, beaches, and seagulls – to the rugged solitude of the west, it’s fair to say that you’ll find something you vibe with amongst Australia’s massive scope.

And if you get down to Tassie, that shit will blow your mind right open. Seriously – backpacking in Tasmania is an experience simply built for van travel.

Only, Australia is big. And the roads are really long and really straight (and really empty). Notice how you never meet anyone who says they circumnavigated Australia twice?

Australia is so big, and there’s such a campervan culture Down Under with backpackers and locals, that vans are being bought, sold, and traded for weed all the time; buying a van outright is perfectly a viable option. Of course, the thing about buying a backpacker van is that one minute everything is hunky-dory, and then the next your broken down in the middle of the Nullarbor Plain with black smoke spewing from both ends (of the van… not you… if you are too, see a doctor).

Travelling around Australia in a motorhome is THE way to go. Travelling and living in a campervan is a good antidote to the high prices of… everything… and, given the country’s lacklustre public transport services, is also the best way to see everything . 

approaching the barn bluff mountain in tasmania, australia

Of course, you can – and should for trips on a shorter itinerary – go for a budget campervan hire in Australia. Skip the bureaucracy, skip the queue, and, best of all, skip stamp duty <groans internally>. (Our insurance and rego costs are daylight robbery too – fair warning.) All this leaves a rental as the smoothest option for entry into Oz’s untold vastness.

So… what’s the best campervan hire in Australia? Easy, JUCY Campers .

JUCY Campers Australia have been around serving backpackers for a long-long time, so they know their clientele and they know them well . Even while growing up in Byron Bay almost twenty years ago, I remember seeing scores of JUCY campervans parked at the beach. Usually, with some happy-go-lucky, not-a-care-in-the-world bangin’ their lack-of-woes away in the backseat.

They do cheap campervan hire in Australia, and they’ve been around for more than two decades. They gotta be doing something right!

New Zealand RV and Campervan Travel: The Real Aotearoa

It’s fairly comparable to campervan travel in Australia but with less roadside drug testing. And you can cross the country in about eight fewer days. Oh, and petrol is more expensive!

Everything aside, road tripping in New Zealand – and road tripping on South Island in particular – is FUCKING MINDBLOWING. Like, ‘I’m having a transcendental moment just from watching a sunset’ mindblowing. There’s so much to explore in every tucked-away corner, and then you cross the ferry to South Island and New Zealand is all like:  Welcome to New Game Plus, Bi-yatch. 😉

Public transport is meh and hitchhiking is traditionally the gold standard for getting around, but to truly get lost in Aotearoa (The Land of the Long White Cloud), driving a campervan is the way to go. It’s kind of hard to put into words the true majesty of traversing New Zealand’s natural landscape. Can we just say that it did things to my soul and leave it at that?

A car crossing a river on a dirt track with mountains in the distance near Queenstown, New Zealand

So, what about cheap campervan hire in New Zealand? Well, you’ve got JUCY Campers New Zealand (yes, same guys obviously) who are also probably the best campervan hire in New Zealand. Seriously, I can’t stress JUCY Campers enough for budget campervans in New Zealand and Australia. RVs, mini-campers, minibuses too – they know they’re way around!

Be careful, though: if you start living in a campervan in New Zealand, you may just decide that it’s finally time to hang up your boots. New Zealand is where people stop travelling.

packable travel medical kit

Things go wrong on the road ALL THE TIME. Be prepared for what life throws at you.

Buy an AMK Travel Medical Kit before you head out on your next adventure – don’t be daft!

Japan RV and Campervan Travel: Ore No Daibouken!

Once upon a time, this may have been considered a weird entry on this list. Maybe, it still surprises you.

It’s not that your transport options for travelling around Japan aren’t excellent (because they are, albeit expensive), but a road trip in Japan by campervan is still an amazing way to see the country, and there’s loads to see! Once you’ve broken off the main roads into the mountains, forests, and villages, you’ll see why.

The downside to campervan travel in Japan is that petrol is pricey and the tolls on expressways (the country’s primary road infrastructure) are a nightmare. The upshot is living off home-cooked tofu stirfry is ridiculously cheap and the Japanese are some of the most patient and courteous drivers you will ever encounter.

Mount fuji standing proudly over Lake Kawaguchiko, Japan.

So what about campervan hire in Japan? I mean, you could buy one outright but somehow I imagine that could get confusing…

Well, guess what? For campervan rental in Japan, you’ve got Japan Campers . Easy name, easy game!

If you’re thinking you’d like to partake in a road trip somewhere other than the standard destinations, I would highly suggest going for a Japanese campervan journey. Japan is still fairly unused to nomadic van living so you can get away with a few more sneaky overnight parks than you would elsewhere and if you want to travel off the beaten track – Shikoku or most definitely Hokkaido is the place to go for vanning – then you’ll be a fan of a van in Japan… man.

USA RV and Campervan Travel: The Good, the Bad, and the Not-So-Ugly

I mean, there are fifty states all up so road tripping the USA by campervan is a pretty damn good way of seeing them all! (Although Alaska and Hawaii may take some tricky planning to reach.)

Look, here’s a picture of the American wilderness:

havasupai grand canyon day trip from las vegas

Now does a campervan road trip in the USA make sense? The American landscape is so majestic that even just seeing an old Spaghetti Western gives me them wanderlust vibes – and that is a term that I loathe and do not use lightly!

So, let’s talk campervan hire in the USA! I mean… you could buy one off of Craigslist, but you might get shot.

For cheap campervan and RV rental in the USA, check out Outdoorsy . It’s another takeoff in the sharing economy; you’re renting motorhomes of actual humans with actual thoughts and feelings and lives.

I gotta be honest: that’s seriously dope. Think Airbnb for the vanlife.

For budget campervan rental in the USA, Outdoorsy is the go. Then you can go and have your own 21st-century Spaghetti Western!

Oh, plus there’s all that legendary rock climbing in the States. You want a van for that shit.

  • Driving the West Coast (Road Trip Planner)
  • RV Renter’s Guide: Las Vegas
  • Driving the East Coast (Road Trip Planner)
  • RV Renter’s Guide: California

Canada RV and Campervan Travel: A Little Drive Aboot

To the north of the States is another big-ass country filled with gorgeous nature and lovely people who get weirdly offended whenever I drop the C-bomb. Cultural differences aside, Canada makes the list of the essential ‘Great Roadtrip’ countries.

The RV and campervan game in Canada is strong . It might have something to do with the expansive wilderness simply built for vanlife. Well, it would be fairer to say that vanlife was built for the expansive Canadian wilderness.

Anyway, forget the split hairs! A backpacking adventure in Canadian is supreme and by way of campervan is the best way to truly get lost there. But you’re getting quite far north. By which I mean, it’s getting cold. You’ll want to get the best travel van you can (with some damn proper insulation).

Bears on a road near a campervan and RV campsite in Jasper, Canada

Outdoorsy , once again, is the top pick for cheap campervan and RV rental in Canada. It’s all about that sharing economy! Cheap, good services, and you’re dealing with REAL people rather than a dealership with a salesperson with a 5-syllable last name that has way too many ‘K’s in it.

Find yourself a budget campervan to hire in Canada (ideally with good insulation) and go find a moose! Why a moose? I dunno, I’ve just always wanted to see a wild moose!

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan RV and Campervan Travel: Meet Stan

See, told you I’d give you some interesting choices! Have you heard of the Pamir Highway? Probably not… I hadn’t either until one of my fellow Broke Backpacker Adventure Experts told me it was the perfect place for a non-standard campervan road trip.

And he’s right! The Pamir Highway is gorgeous! Officially it’s called the M41 Highway (but nobody calls it that) and it runs from the city of Osh in Kyrgyzstan down into and through Tajikistan . Hell, if you’re feeling super adventurous, you can keep driving it into Uzbekistan and Afghanistan !

In all honesty, the scope of Central Asia is breathtaking. Exploring Kyrgyzstan alone is something out of a dream, and that’s just one of the Stans! It’s huge, there is so much space, and it is still vastly untouched by the hand of western tourism. If you’re looking for a van life adventure that really is ‘off the beaten track’, it’s the way to go.

The Pamir Highway - an unexpected dream destination for van travel

How do you acquire a campervan over that way? Well, you’re outside the scope of most of the standard budget campervan hire services but you still have options. One of the highly recommended options is Iron Horse Nomads in Kyrgyzstan. Owned and run by a couple of ex-pats, these guys can get you sorted for transport around the Stans.

Or you could just charge it: catch a flight over and hope for the best. Worst case scenario, you just buy a horse!

Europe RV and Campervan Travel: Home of the Autobahn

“Europe isn’t a country!”   Shut-up, dude; nobody cares. It still counts.

An RV or campervan in Europe goes a long way towards getting you around; there is a lot to see there. Backpacking around Europe is also expensive as all hell (on the west side), so travelling in a motorhome is also going to go a long way towards keeping your budget in check.

The cool thing about a campervan road trip in Europe is all the countries you’ll visit! By the time you’re done, you’re reasonably looking at 5 to 10 different countries (at least).

That’s a lot of unique cultures, languages, landscapes, and… food! All those accommodation cost savings? Yeah, just put them towards eating your way across Europe!

Looking down a valley with steep walking tracks on Mt Pilatus in Lucerne, Switzerland.

So, what are your options for cheap campervan and RV hire in Europe? Well, there’s CamperTravel Bookings . They have great coverage right across Europe (in case you forgot, there are a lot of different places in Europe) and they’re cheap with lots of different rental options.

Europe is a bit of a funny one for van travel. When it comes to the idealised road trip, it often gets left behind. But with such great options for budget campervan and RV rental in Europe, it’s becoming a more sought-after destination.

Plus, the roads, man! So big, so fast, so furious, and so damn pretty! Arrgghh, vanlife, YES!

van travel horarios

Sort out your rental before you’re living the vanlife DREAM. To get the best price, simplifies the process at a lower cost and can match you with the right vehicle for your adventure.

So, it’s as simple as finding the best van for your new van life and you’re away, right? With that sort of simplicity, you could be living and sleeping in a campervan within a week. Nay, good sir! Campervan life requires more finesse than that.

Do you remember how the first time you left on a backpacking adventure you packed like a dickhead? But then, you repeated the process and, every time, you got better. The question of what to take on a road trip and even how to live and travel in a van is the same.

It’s all about practice.

Freedom camping at a DOC site in New Zealand

You’re starting out – be it your first budget RV rental or your first converted traveller van purchase – and that makes you a beginner. That’s fine though, that means you’re only going to get better: it’s all practice!

And besides, you’ve nabbed yourself a campervan and RV travel guide 101 filled with tips for beginners. Let’s talk finesse!

The RV Travel Lifestyle: What to Expect from Travelling in a Motorhome

Before I give you the bullet point list of deliciously digestible tips, let’s talk about the actual ins and outs of the campervan and RV lifestyle. Whether you’re going on your first great campervan road trip or experimenting with living in an RV full-time, it’s not all just about freedom and good shots for your socials.

First up, there’s adulting. There’s always adulting. Just because you’re living out of a van doesn’t mean you’re not an adult!

Chores are a big part of van life. You know how when you live in a really small flat even not washing the dishes kills those rocking feng-shui vibes? Well, it’s the same deal in a van only multiplied by fifty: it’s a small space.

Kitchen cleanup, sweeping out the dirt, changing the greywater, making your bed… don’t forget to brush your teeth too! Living in a campervan permanently still means being a good homemaker. And if it’s travelling and living in an RV, you’ve just doubled up on your chores and maintenance schedule.

man brushing teeth in the mountains whilst on a van trip

That’s another important point to touch on – maintenance and breakdowns. If you’re not a gear-headed person, prepare to learn. Rolling into the mechanic’s every time you hear an odd noise is going to severely hurt your budget. I’ve watched mates brand new to the van living game teach themselves welding, change windows, and play with their vehicle’s electronics all with the assistance of our benevolent overseer Google: that shows a good mind for it.

It’s also worth mentioning cops. Mileage varies depending on how many laws you’re breaking (aim for less than five) but you will always be in closer proximity to the coppers. And – I think it goes without saying – losing your licence is a death sentence to the lifestyle of a vanner.

The idea of pulling over anywhere anytime is super appealing, but it’s also far from always being that easy, especially in urban environments. Overnight parking and sleeping in a campervan is something cracked-down on, especially in our good ol’ friend, the affluent West, though the ferocity of revenue-raising tactics varies by area. It’s sorta case by case and depends on where you are in the world, your type of van, and how smartly you’ve chosen your park-up.

Stealth van living is an acquired art form and something you will gradually get better at over time. Again, it’s about finesse: a bountiful boondock takes a deft approach.

RV and Campervan Hacks for Travelling

Everyone likes a good hack! Here are some practical tips for beginner RV and campervan travel. A few bits to keep you travelling smooth until you’re a vanlife pro!

a colorfully painted volkswagen van in costa rica

  • Bring tools – Have a solid supply of tools to work with stored somewhere inside your campervan – everything that’s good for an emergency. A well-stocked toolbox , duct tape (definitely), spare fuses – put some effort into your motorhome inventory checklist!
  • Van and RV camping apps – There are actually tonnes of these and many that are region-specific. They’ll help you suss out good camping spots to set up your van at from the free park-ups to the ‘ Why am I paying $35 for cold shower and shit-pit usage?’ variety. There are also some wicked RV trip planner apps out there and even apps for budgeting on gas. App up! It helps.
  • Utilise 24-hour stores and petrol stations – They can be a really good place for staying overnight in a campervan. Buy some supplies and then ask the attendant if they mind if you hang around until the sun is up. Or don’t ask and just look scary and unapproachable and they’ll probably leave you alone. Face tats help with that.
  • And boondock beautifully – Like I said, sneaky parking takes a bit of practice. However, generally, if you’re rocking up somewhere after dark and not planning a lengthy loiter the following morning, she’ll be right. Worst case scenario, just play the “I was falling asleep at the wheel and really needed to pull over for the night,” card: it’s bulletproof
  • For the ladies – Get yourself a GoGirl – it makes girls pee like boys! I won’t give you a how-to, but I reckon you can figure it out. Jokes aside, it’s honestly a really important safety tip. The reason animals are so cautious when and where they do their thang is because they’re vulnerable while they do, and it’s the same for people… unless you have face tats.
  • Clear storage bins – And for any other containers you use for storage, clear plastic is the way to go. Not having to unpack everything to find what you’re looking for goes a long way when you’re van living.
  • Anti-moisture packs – The desiccant ones (of the ‘DO NOT EAT’ variety) that come in just about any sorta packaging and fresh packets of burrito wraps. Use them for keeping away the damp in your campervan’s storage. But, yeah, don’t eat them.
  • Grippy rubber mats – Yeah, look, I have no idea what these are called. These ones! Stick them under your plates, cups, condiments, and whatever else so they don’t slide around on the road.
  • Always have a headtorch on hand – Hell, have two. Why stop there? Have six! Every traveller needs a headtorch.

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RV and Campervan Travel Tips for Staying Sane and Not Killing Each Other

Practical tips are good but what about mindset tips for van life? If you’re travelling with someone, there’s always the off-chance that you’ll get sick of them off and drive off the next time they’re using a petrol station toilet.

If you’re travelling alone, well, sometimes the hermit’s path can send us a bit loopy:

  • Keep structure – The most important part about freedom is not having too much of it; constraints are good. Set an alarm, have a morning routine, write a to-do list; these things go a long way for keeping you focused.
  • And don’t sweat the mistakes – You’ll make them, and you’ll make a lot of them. Getting lost, puncturing a tyre, nearly bogging yourself in an ancient forest deep in the primordial wilderness of Tasmania: these things happen.
  • Exercise – Similarly, keeping a routine of steady exercise is equally important. Many people like to join a 24-hour gym chain which has the added bonus of shower usage (that’s a van life hack!). That said, if you’ve ever watched a Youtube video on callisthenics, you know that any old park or tree can be a gym!
  • Keep a tight ship – A more-or-less no-brainer but take control of your space, keep it clean, and keep the feng shui on-point. I cannot stress JUST HOW MUCH keeping your space organised is necessary. And when you lose things in a van, just assume it’ll show up by itself in six hours times.
  • Meet ‘n’ greet – Use the nights you stay at campsites, backpackers, or wherever else to make friends. Socialising is good! It can’t all be a stoic monk-living in a van.
  • Take space – For travel buddies and partners, take some damn space from each other sometimes. It’s basic relationshipping 101. It’s totally ok to have days where everything they say and do makes you want to kick them in the shins, but the healthy response is to go for a long walk (up a mountain).
  • Bang it out – For every great fight, there must be a great catharsis. For couples on the road , I’m not the best person to give advice. But if we’re talking a platonic travel buddy, maybe just roll a joint on it instead.
  • Take the traveller mindset – Always remember to don your traveller hat. “What’s a ‘problem’ ? I only know of  ‘fun challenges’ . That person looks friendly, I’ll ask for help .”

Get Insured Before Embarking on Your Van Travelling Adventure

Oh, so you got some legally mandated vehicular insurance? Well, that’s a good start, but what about some optional insurance for your anatomical features? Your face, your spine, your favourite bits…

You’re going travelling in a van and that means getting travel insurance before you do because, like it or not, things go wrong. And when they do, someone has to pick up the tab. Personally, I’d prefer that someone be a faceless insurance corporation with the cash to spare rather than my mum.

Make sure to get your backpacker insurance sorted before you head off on an adventure! I highly recommend World Nomads, as they’re one of the best travel insurance providers out there.

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

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SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

History is a funny thing: it works in cycles. Once upon a time, our ancestors walked great distances shepherding their livestock and foraging for food. They followed the sun.

And then, we discovered how nice it is to have a home. You mean I can have a mattress, a flushing toilet, and a kitty-cat? Sign me up!

And now, reality is settling in. Faced with the reality of crushing debt, overwhelming mortgage payments, and storage spaces full of stuff we never use, we once again yearn for the romance of the nomadic life. But things are different now.

Our horses have been replaced with vans, our cooking fires with gas stoves, and our deep-seated fear of the night’s terrors with deep-cycle solar-powered batteries. It’s a new kind of romance, but it’s still an adventure.

To live the minimalist lifestyle and see the world with no roots save the one you’re driving. To do something kick-ass! That’s an adventure.

You know that feeling you get when you’re doing something awesome and ballsy and you’re going your own way? That’s van travel.

Give it a shot. Hire a campervan, or an RV, or a converted ice-cream truck… Hell, build one from scratch! But just give it a damn shot.

Take that first little dip in the water of van life. Then, see if you can go back in the cage.

A campervan covered in cool graffiti in a palm treelined campsite

And for transparency’s sake, please know that some of the links in our content are affiliate links . That means that if you book your accommodation, buy your gear, or sort your insurance through our link, we earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). That said, we only link to the gear we trust and never recommend services we don’t believe are up to scratch. Again, thank you!

Ziggy Samuels

Ziggy Samuels

How to live in a van and travel Pinterest Image

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I had been traveling around America with my husband for over 10 years, but now it seems impossible, not just because of the pandemic but because we bought a horse farm in Irvine, CA, and have been spending most of our time here ever since. I literally can’t wait to start traveling again!

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Daily shared shuttles and private service all around Costa Rica

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We used this service multiple times during our month long journey all around Costa Rica. We felt it was a safer way to travel .. ....Highly recommend Interbus..

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....On both trips the van showed up right on time. The drivers were professional and dropped us off at our hotels. The vans were clean and air conditioned. Our route also included a 20 minute break.......

Danny Hajek Showed up on time. Very friendly very safe drivers. Reservations department gets back to you fairly quickly using email. Agents do speak English so you can call them. Door to door service. Would use them again. Cheri W

I had 6 shuttles to different destinations during 3 weeks in Costa Rica…... Drivers are great friendly and very organised. Vans in good condition and clean. ...... If I'm back to Costa Rica I would definitely use their service again!

We used this service multiple times during our month long journey all around Costa Rica. We felt it was a safer way to travel .........Highly recommend Interbus........

Danny Hajek

Showed up on time. Very friendly very safe drivers. Reservations department gets back to you fairly quickly using email. Agents do speak English so you can call them. Door to door service. Would use them again.

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Our transportation service is offered in comfortable and modern vans, with full insurance coverage and all of htem are air conditioned and non-smoking.

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Where do you want to shuttle?

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Aeropuerto Metropolitano Jorge Newbery

  • Jan 1, 2020

El servicio compartido puerta a puerta es la modalidad de transfer pre y post aéreo más utilizada por su comodidad, practicidad y economía. Unidades equipadas con monitoreo satelital. Servicio de asistencia en ruta.

Tarifa por tramo: $

Tarifa ida y vuelta: $.

Et vero doloremque tempore voluptatem ratione vel aut. Deleniti sunt animi aut. Aut eos aliquam doloribus minus autem quos.

Origen o Destino Adicional

Las localidades de procedencia y/o destinos por fuera de la ciudad de Rosario tienen un costo adicional por pasajero de acuerdo al siguiente detalle:

Pérez, Funes, Granadero Baigorria, Capitán Bermúdez por tramo: $

Roldán, Fray Luis Beltrán, San Lorenzo y Puerto San Martín por tramo: $

IMPORTANTE: Servicios en base doble (mínimo 2 pasajeros). Consulte telefónicamente por otras localidades.

Embarques: En los servicios compartidos las SALIDAS desde los domicilios ubicados dentro de la ciudad de Rosario se realizarán entre 7 (siete) y 8 (ocho) horas antes del horario de salida del vuelo.


Arribos: En los servicios compartidos aguardamos pasajeros con reservas de vuelos que arriban con un máximo de 75 min. de diferencia entre el primero y el último vuelo de esa franja horaria. Por eso consideramos una espera máxima de 120 minutos desde que el pasajero sale al hall de arribos.

DENTRO DE ESE LAPSO EL CHOFER SE HARA PRESENTE EN EL HALL DE ARRIBOS CON UN CARTEL QUE DICE "VANTRAVEL ROSARIO". También puede consultar a nuestro TEL. URGENCIAS 24 HS. 0341-4406127. Ver "Condiciones del servicio", pto. 6).

Equipaje Permitido

Una maleta de hasta 32 kilos y 160 cm (sumados largo, alto y ancho) y un equipaje de cabina (de hasta 56 x 45 x 25 cm). Cada bulto adicional informado con al menos 48hs. de anticipación tendrá un costo de $ por tramo. Si al momento de bucar al pasajero el mismo tuviera equipaje adicional no declarado la empresa no se responsabiza por no poder cumplir con el servicio contratado por falta de espacio para el traslado del mismo, y sin derecho a reembolso alguno. En el caso de los arribos el pasajero con equipaje adicional no informado deberá aguradar al próximo servicio con espacio disponible y abonar el costo adicional del equipaje. En caso de no aguardar, y optar regresar por otros medios, no corresponderá reintegro alguno. Consulte telefónicamente por tarifa para equipaje especial (bicicletas, bolso de golf, tablas de snowboard, etc.)

Ut repellat blanditiis est dolore sunt dolorum quae.

Rerum ea est assumenda pariatur quasi et quam. Facilis nam porro amet nostrum. In assumenda quia quae a id praesentium. Quos deleniti libero sed occaecati aut porro autem. Consectetur sed excepturi sint non placeat quia repellat incidunt labore. Autem facilis hic dolorum dolores vel. Consectetur quasi id et optio praesentium aut asperiores eaque aut. Explicabo omnis quibusdam esse. Ex libero illum iusto totam et ut aut blanditiis. Veritatis numquam ut illum ut a quam vitae.

Alias quia non aliquid. Eos et ea velit. Voluptatem maxime enim omnis ipsa voluptas incidunt. Nulla sit eaque mollitia nisi asperiores est veniam.

Itaque quidem optio quia voluptatibus dolorem dolor. Modi eum sed possimus accusantium. Quas repellat voluptatem officia numquam sint aspernatur voluptas. Esse et accusantium ut unde voluptas.

Georgia Reader Reply

Et rerum totam nisi. Molestiae vel quam dolorum vel voluptatem et et. Est ad aut sapiente quis molestiae est qui cum soluta. Vero aut rerum vel. Rerum quos laboriosam placeat ex qui. Sint qui facilis et.

Aron Alvarado Reply

Ipsam tempora sequi voluptatem quis sapiente non. Autem itaque eveniet saepe. Officiis illo ut beatae.

Lynda Small Reply

Enim ipsa eum fugiat fuga repellat. Commodi quo quo dicta. Est ullam aspernatur ut vitae quia mollitia id non. Qui ad quas nostrum rerum sed necessitatibus aut est. Eum officiis sed repellat maxime vero nisi natus. Amet nesciunt nesciunt qui illum omnis est et dolor recusandae. Recusandae sit ad aut impedit et. Ipsa labore dolor impedit et natus in porro aut. Magnam qui cum. Illo similique occaecati nihil modi eligendi. Pariatur distinctio labore omnis incidunt et illum. Expedita et dignissimos distinctio laborum minima fugiat. Libero corporis qui. Nam illo odio beatae enim ducimus. Harum reiciendis error dolorum non autem quisquam vero rerum neque.

Sianna Ramsay Reply

Et dignissimos impedit nulla et quo distinctio ex nemo. Omnis quia dolores cupiditate et. Ut unde qui eligendi sapiente omnis ullam. Placeat porro est commodi est officiis voluptas repellat quisquam possimus. Perferendis id consectetur necessitatibus.

Nolan Davidson Reply

Distinctio nesciunt rerum reprehenderit sed. Iste omnis eius repellendus quia nihil ut accusantium tempore. Nesciunt expedita id dolor exercitationem aspernatur aut quam ut. Voluptatem est accusamus iste at. Non aut et et esse qui sit modi neque. Exercitationem et eos aspernatur. Ea est consequuntur officia beatae ea aut eos soluta. Non qui dolorum voluptatibus et optio veniam. Quam officia sit nostrum dolorem.

Kay Duggan Reply

Dolorem atque aut. Omnis doloremque blanditiis quia eum porro quis ut velit tempore. Cumque sed quia ut maxime. Est ad aut cum. Ut exercitationem non in fugiat.

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Official Cancun airport line

We are an official transportation line operating at the three terminals of the Cancun International Airport.

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Number of passengers. Include infants & children

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  • 2 Get around

Mytishchi is a mid-sized industrial city in North Moscow Oblast , which borders Moscow to the southwest. It is perhaps Moscow Oblast 's principal industrial center, particularly for machinery and armaments.

Get in [ edit ]

A convenient elektrichka route (in fact, the first elektrichka route in Russia) runs frequently all day between Mytishchi and Moscow's Yaroslavsky Train Station. Rapid trains (Sputniks) bound to Pushkino and Bolshevo also stop here.

You can also get here pretty easily by taking the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya metro line to the end at Medvedkovo and there catch a bus or marshrutka to the Mytishchi center from the metro station.

Do [ edit ]

There is one of the biggest ice Arenas in Region (appr. 8 500 visitors) for ice hockey.

At summer: several pay beaches at Pirogovo water reservoir. Malibu pay resort (yachts, cafes etc)

Sleep [ edit ]

Go next [ edit ].

  • Pushkino is just a little farther along the rail and elektrichka lines running from Moscow through Mytishchi.

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Top 14 things to do and attractions in Mytishchi

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1 St. Basil's Cathedral

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2 All-Russian Exhibition Center

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3 Kva-Kva Park

4 fest mytishchi drama and comedy theatre, 5 mytishchi arena.

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Track your travel spending and split costs with friends

Plan your trip. Keep your budget organized. Split the cost between tripmates. Wanderlog does it all.

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6 Mytishchi Park Of Culture And Leisure

7 monument to the hero of the soviet union raspopova nina maksimovna, 8 teatr kukol ognivo, 9 mytishchi history and art museum, 10 mytishchinskaya kartinnaya galereya, 11 perlovskiy park, 12 xl outlet, 13 interactive einstein museum, 14 zamaniya, family adventure park, what's the weather like in mytishchi.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Mytishchi for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Mytishchi in January
  • Weather in Mytishchi in February
  • Weather in Mytishchi in March
  • Weather in Mytishchi in April
  • Weather in Mytishchi in May
  • Weather in Mytishchi in June
  • Weather in Mytishchi in July
  • Weather in Mytishchi in August
  • Weather in Mytishchi in September
  • Weather in Mytishchi in October
  • Weather in Mytishchi in November
  • Weather in Mytishchi in December

Explore nearby places

  • Lesnyye Polyany
  • Dolgoprudny
  • Zagoryanskiy
  • Ptitsefabriki
  • Pekhra-Pokrovskoye
  • Ivanovskoye
  • Bratovshhina
  • Likino-Dulevo

All related maps of Mytishchi

  • Map of Mytishchi
  • Map of Korolev
  • Map of Zdravnitsa
  • Map of Nagornoye
  • Map of Yubileyny
  • Map of Cherkizovo
  • Map of Boltino
  • Map of Pirogovo
  • Map of Pogorelki
  • Map of Tarasovka
  • Map of Sorokino
  • Map of Lesnyye Polyany
  • Map of Povedniki
  • Map of Ostashkovo
  • Map of Oboldino
  • Map of Zhostovo
  • Map of Suponevo
  • Map of Dolgoprudny
  • Map of Zagoryanskiy
  • Map of Izmaylovo
  • Map of Moskovsky
  • Map of Ptitsefabriki
  • Map of Pekhra-Pokrovskoye
  • Map of Ivanovskoye
  • Map of Komyagino
  • Map of Yuryevo
  • Map of Bratovshhina
  • Map of Fedoskino
  • Map of Danki
  • Map of Shatura
  • Map of Likino-Dulevo

Mytishchi throughout the year

  • Mytishchi in January
  • Mytishchi in February
  • Mytishchi in March
  • Mytishchi in April
  • Mytishchi in May
  • Mytishchi in June
  • Mytishchi in July
  • Mytishchi in August
  • Mytishchi in September
  • Mytishchi in October
  • Mytishchi in November
  • Mytishchi in December

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Mytishchi?

Get inspired for your trip to Mytishchi with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

  • 1-Day Mytishchi Itinerary
  • 2-Day Mytishchi Itinerary
  • 3-Day Mytishchi Itinerary

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    Viajes especiales a otros destinos. Para otros destinos, sean viajes grupales o individuales, consulte telefónicamente o por mail. A los efectos de poder presupuestar su necesidad de servicio se requiere la siguiente información: origen, destino, fechas de salida y regreso, cantidad de pasajeros y dato del contacto (nombre, teléfono, celular y correo electrónico).

  2. Vantravel

    Vantravel, Rosario, Santa Fe. 522 likes · 1 was here. Empresa de traslados de pasajeros puerta a puerta: - Rosario / Ezeiza - Rosario / Aeroparque - Rosario / Dársena Buquebús (Puerto Madero) -...

  3. Početna

    VAN TRAVEL. Svakodnevno organizuje kombi prevoz putnika sa Vaše adrese do adrese na željenoj destinaciji u HRVATSKOJ, GRČKOJ, SLOVENIJI I CRNOJ GORI. Pozivanjem na raspoložive brojeve telefona, zakazujete vožnju u željenom pravcu. Naš Vozač u dogovoreno vreme dolazi na Vašu adresu. VAN TRAVEL profesionalno, bezbedno, komforno i efikasno!!!

  4. Vantravel

    Fuera de horario de oficina al celular de guardia (0341) 153 040209). Para el caso de que el arribo del vuelo tenga un retraso no informado de más de 45 minutos, el pasajero podrá ser derivado a un servicio similar posterior al asignado originalmente sin que rijan los plazos de espera máxima. En el caso de que el retraso no informado supere ...

  5. Vantravel

    Vantravel, Rosario. 522 Me gusta · 1 persona estuvo aquí. Empresa de traslados de pasajeros puerta a puerta: - Rosario / Ezeiza - Rosario / Aeroparque -...

  6. Van

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    Búsquedas relacionadas. Ver Vantravel en Rosario, 3 de Febrero 279 en Cylex y encuentre ☎ 0341 429-8..., datos de contacto, ⌚ horario de apertura.

  8. Our six favorite U.S. van routes

    Van Travel Tips & Gear; Travel Abroad by Van; Nomads With a Van. Traveling Full Time in North America (and Beyond) See More. Our six favorite U.S. van routes. 2017-06-29 in Photo Tours, Van Travel Tips & Gear • 9 Comments. Looking back on our two and a half years of van travel, there are six stretches we especially enjoyed.

  9. Urbvan Travel

    Urbvan Travel: Nueva experiencia de viajar y conocer México. Van cómodas y equipadas. Reserva en línea o descarga la app ... Descubre los mejores horarios de ida y vuelta para ti. Reserva tu viaje. Completa tu reserva y prepárate para la mejor experiencia de viaje. Descarga la app. Pasos para abordar.

  10. VAN TRAVEL! The Beginner's Guide to Vanlife in 2024

    Photo: @sebagvivas. Let's start small with finding the right van to travel in so you can decide if van life is worth it for you. Then, if it's everything you've dreamed of (psst, it will be), you can make the shift to living in a campervan permanently. So, step 1: finding the right type of motorhome for you.

  11. Interbus

    comfortable and modern vans, with full. insurance coverage and all of htem are air. conditioned and non-smoking. The vans have been adapted to carry fewer. passengers than their original capacity, thereby. offering more space between seats. Our passengers will enjoy a comfortable, quality. and efficient service. Where do you.

  12. VanTravel

    Las localidades de procedencia y/o destinos por fuera de la ciudad de Rosario tienen un costo adicional por pasajero de acuerdo al siguiente detalle: Pérez, Funes, Granadero Baigorria, Capitán Bermúdez por tramo: $ ... Horarios. Embarques: En los servicios compartidos las SALIDAS desde los domicilios ubicados dentro de la ciudad de Rosario ...

  13. Ezeiza

    Disponibilidad Limitada en horario regular preestablecido. Equipaje incluído: 1 pieza de mano (max.10 Kgs). Equipaje adicional opcional (bultos de hasta 23 Kgs.) Servicio puerta a puerta a domicilio (ver zona de cobertura). 🏠 Disponibilidad HACIA Aeropuerto 🛫 ...

  14. Vantravel and Discover

    VANTRAVEL AND DISCOVER , os traerá vídeos de nuestros viajes y algun que otro consejo.Os enseñaremos todo y cada uno de los rincones que hemos visitado y tod...

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  16. Un modelo Safe & Clean

    Grupos reducidosUn modelo Safe & Clean. Nuestro modelo de viaje en grupo reducido con automóviles y furgonetas de hasta 8 pasajeros máximo, permite al usuario la tranquilidad de disfrutar de una experiencia más cómoda, limpia y segura a la hora de seleccionar sus destinos. Minimizar el contacto con más usuarios, aeropuertos, terminales y ...

  17. Mytishchi

    Rapid trains (Sputniks) bound to Pushkino and Bolshevo also stop here. You can also get here pretty easily by taking the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya metro line to the end at Medvedkovo and there catch a bus or marshrutka to the Mytishchi center from the metro station. 55.91449 37.76223.

  18. Top 14 things to do and attractions in Mytishchi

    Nidhi Bisht — Google review. St. Basil's Cathedral is a landmark and iconic symbol of Moscow, Russia. Located on Red Square, it is one of the most recognizable and visited cathedrals in the world. The cathedral was built in the 16th century during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, and it is known for its colorful onion domes and unique ...

  19. 5 ways to travel via train, line 388 bus, and subway

    Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Mytishchi to Moscow right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make ...

  20. 6 ways to travel via train, subway, and line 388 bus

    Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Moscow to Mytishchi right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make ...