Image de profil de Dr Pereira Pedro

  • Dr Pereira Pedro

Chirurgien-dentiste Tours

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Docteur PEREIRA PEDRO est chirurgien-dentiste à Tours, SELARL DU DOCTEUR CERQUEIRA  est au 97 Rue RONSARD à Tours dans le 37100 - APPARTEMENT C001 .

Tarifs et remboursements

Conventionnement Non renseigné

Carte vitale Non renseigné

Informations pratiques

Adresse Dr Pereira Pedro 97 Rue RONSARD 37100 Tours

Langue parlée français

Accès handicapé Non renseigné

Praticiens au sein de la même structure

Image de profil de DR PEREIRA PEDRO

Informations administratives

  • Consultation au 97 Rue RONSARD à Tours dans le 37100
  • DR PEREIRA PEDRO, chirurgien-dentiste
  • DR LIMA FRANCISCO, chirurgien-dentiste
  • DR RIBEIRO ADRIANA, chirurgien-dentiste
  • DR CERQUEIRA JOANA, chirurgien-dentiste

docteur pereira tours

Si votre médecin traitant n'est pas disponible dans un délai compatible avec votre état de santé : Consultation remboursable si le médecin téléconsultant appartient à une organisation coordonnée de votre territoire.

Si vous n’avez pas de médecin traitant : Consultation remboursable si vous résidez dans une zone avec une offre de soins faible et dépourvue d'organisation territoriale coordonnée. Si, en tant que patient, votre cas ne correspond pas à une des 3 options citées ci-dessus, cela signifie que votre consultation ne sera pas prise en charge et ne donnera pas lieu à l'émission d'une feuille de soins. Pour bénéficier d’un remboursement, nous vous invitons à transmettre la note d’honoraire émise à l’issue de votre téléconsultation à votre mutuelle. En fonction de votre contrat, une prise en charge pourrait être prévue. LEMEDECIN.FR n’est pas un offreur de soins mais un opérateur de mise en relation entre un patient et un professionnel de santé. Aucun lien de subordination n’existe entre les médecins libéraux adhérents de la plateforme et LEMEDECIN.FR. L’émission d’ordonnances, d’arrêt de travail, de feuilles de soins ou de compte-rendus médicaux demeurent de la seule responsabilité du professionnel de santé et en aucun cas, LEMEDECIN.FR ne peut s’immiscer dans la relation entre un patient et son praticien, laquelle fait spécifiquement l’objet d’une protection par l’intermédiaire du secret médical. Un outil est mis à votre disposition pour tester votre éligibilité à une prise en charge par l’assurance maladie.

  • Je confirme que le praticien recherché n’est pas disponible dans un délai compatible avec mon état de santé
  • J'accepte une consultation vidéo avec un autre praticien
  • Le parcours de soins coordonnés avec votre praticien habituel reste à privilégier


Catégorie: Rhumatologue

Adresse : 11 bis Pl. Jean Jaurès, 37000 Tours, France

Téléphone : +33247057544

Dimanche: Fermé

Lundi: Fermé

Mardi: 09:00–18:30

Mercredi: 09:00–18:30

Jeudi: 09:00–18:30

Vendredi: 09:00–18:30

Samedi: Fermé

HUREAU Françoise

Un docteur à l'écoute de ses patients. Simple et très sympathique. Merci Docteur 🙏☺️

Taira Hasku

Il n'y avait pas de spécialistes dans ma région et j'ai décidé de chercher un spécialiste à Tours pour mon mari. J'ai trouvé Madame Pereira sur doctolib, et suite aux avis positifs, j'ai pris rendez-vous pour mon mari, ce dont je suis extrêmement contente. Grâce à ce médecin sensible et attentionné, la maladie de mon mari a été révélée et le traitement a commencé. Le Dr Pereira a abordé l'examen de manière très approfondie, mon mari et moi lui sommes très reconnaissants pour son humanité et son grand cœur. Si un médecin, alors seulement comme le Dr Pereira.


Arrivée en Touraine il y a 2ans, j'ai été suivi par une autre rhumato sur Tours nord qui faisait la consultation à la minute, moi j'avais l'impression que l'emmerdais + qu'autre chose!! Du coup j'ai cherché un autre spécialiste, en attendant je faisais des consultations visio avec le rhumato qui m'a suivi en Alsace. Et grâce aux avis sur google et le bouche à oreille, je m'oriente vers MME PEREIRA GILLION. Premier RDV en novembre 2022, et franchement, suis restée au moins 45 min avec elle et a decortiqué mon dossier, chose qui n'a pas été faite par l'autre. Docteur à l'écoute, douce et attentive. Explique les choses clairement. La secrétaire est trés agréable également. Je recommande fortement

Beatrice Stab

Mme Pereira est très a l'écoute, et explique parfaitement les détails. Je suis très contente d'être tombé sur une professionnelle très gentille et agreable

Merci! Votre avis est en attente de modération.

Questions et Réponses

Serait il possible d'avoir un rendez vous assez rapidement car cela m'handicape énormément. Impossible d'avoir un rendez vous sur doctolib.merci d'avance

Il faut contacter mon secrétariat, mais je n'ai pas de place rapidement hormis sur demande d'urgence par votre médecin traitant. Bien cordialement

Bonjour, j'ai actuellement des douleurs aux niveaux cuisses, mollets quand je marche sur de courtes distances qui m'oblige à m'arrêter. Douleurs types crampes. j'ai passé une IRM mais rien d'anormal. Auriez vous une idée ?

Bonjour monsieur, cette question relève d'une consultation médicale, aucune discussion de ce type ne peut être effectuée en ligne pour des raisons de secret médical. Bien cordialement

bonjour, je dois pas un examen pour l osteoporose le faites vous??? Merci pour votre reponse.Bonne journée.

bonjour madame, non je ne suis pas équipée de densitomètre au cabinet mais vous pouvez vous adresser au centre de l'ostéoporose rue d'entraigue à tours. bien cordialement

Bonjour J'ai une sciatique j'ai un courrier de mon médecin pour éventuellement une infiltration a t'on un rendez vous rapidement?

Bonjour monsieur, mes délais hors urgence sont actuellement de 6 mois, en cas de besoin d'un rendez vous rapide, votre médecin peut contacter mon secrétariat ou m'adresser un mail via MSSanté. A savoir que les infiltrations du rachis se font souvent sous radio, donc en cabinet de radiologie. Cordialement

Merci! Votre réponse est en attente de modération.

Merci! Votre question est en attente de modération.

Endroits connexes

Médecin généraliste

3 Rue de Bordeaux, 37000 Tours, France

Chambre de commerce et d'industrie

36 Rte de Saint-Avertin, 37200 Tours, France

Concessionnaire de scooters

7 Av. de l'Europe, 37100 Tours, France

Centre aéré et de loisirs pour enfants

15 Rue Gutenberg, 37000 Tours, France

37 Pl. du Grand Marché, 37000 Tours, France

Restaurant français

17 Rue du Commerce, 37000 Tours, France

Av. du 19 Mars 1962, 18100 Vierzon, France

Magasin d'appareils auditifs

17 Rue des 3 Rois, 41200 Romorantin-Lanthenay, France

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Toutes les informations du Dr Pedro PEREIRA

Adresse du cabinet médical.

97 Rue Ronsard, 37000 Tours

Prise en charge

Horaires de consultation, présentation du docteur pedro pereira.

Le docteur Pedro PEREIRA qui exerce la profession de Chirurgien dentiste, pratique dans son cabinet situé au 97 Rue Ronsard à Tours. Le docteur prend en charge la carte vitale et pratique un tarif conventionné secteur 1.

Le chirurgien-dentiste couvre un large spectre de soins dentaires. Ce professionnel de santé intervient dans la prévention, le diagnostic et le traitement des maladies de la bouche et des dents. Il est important de trouver un dentiste avec lequel on se sent rassuré et en confiance car notre sourire est la première chose que les gens perçoivent. Il est conseillé de consulter un dentiste au moins une fois par an pour réaliser un examen approfondi de votre santé bucco-dentaire.

Prenez un rendez-vous en ligne dès à présent avec le Dr Pedro PEREIRA.

FAQ du Docteur Pedro PEREIRA

Derniers articles liés au métier de chirurgien dentiste.

Qu’est-ce que la carie du biberon ?

Nous avons connaissance des caries chez les adultes, mais savons-nous que les jeunes enfants peuvent avoir ce genre de problème ? Cela s’appelle la carie du biberon ou la carie de la petite enfance  et celle-ci peuvent avoir de grandes conséquences pour l’enfant.  Oui mais comment cela se produit ? Comment la traiter et comment éviter cela ? Déborah Schneider, assistante dentaire, vous explique tout.

Comment corriger l’alignement des dents ?

Notre société évolue de plus en plus vers le bien-être et l’esthétique, notamment dentaire. La plupart des patients ignorent que d’avoir qu’un bon alignement des dents, qui s’emboîtent  correctement ne règle pas uniquement le côté esthétique, visible.

Bruxisme : Tout savoir avant de consulter.

Le grincement des dents et le serrage de la mâchoire, aussi nommé bruxisme, sont généralement liés au stress ou à l’anxiété. Cela ne provoque pas toujours de symptômes, mais certaines personnes ressentent des douleurs au visage et des maux de tête. Le bruxisme peut aussi user vos dents avec le temps.

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Chirurgien-dentiste, selarl du docteur cerqueira appartement c001 97 rue ronsard 37100 tours.

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Home » Travel Guides » Colombia » 15 Best Things to Do in Pereira (Colombia)

15 Best Things to Do in Pereira (Colombia)

One of the capital cities of Colombia’s Coffee Triangle, Pereira is set amongst rolling hills and green valleys on the edge of the Andes. With warm weather year round and immense biodiversity in the surrounding landscapes, it’s the perfect city for exploring nature as well as the local coffee plantations. There are mountains to climb, nature reserves for wildlife watching, and plenty of camping, hiking, and biking within arm’s reach.

While Pereira itself might not be that pretty of a city, it sits in one of the most beautiful regions of Colombia and makes a good base for exploring the nearby towns of Salento and Manizales. You’ll find a coffee-based amusement park, plenty of cafes where you can get your fill of the stuff, and tours to explore how the country’s major export is grown and produced.

Let’s have a look at the best things to do in Pereira :

1. Bike Tours


There’s no better way to explore Pereira and the surrounding coffee region than with a bike tour if you want to get outside and sneak in a little bit of exercise.

These tours are super popular because the guides give detailed insight into the destinations, culture, and wildlife.

RetroCiclas gets great reviews, and they’ll take you to some of the must-do sites around Pereira, whether you have one day or two weeks.

Using a combination of bikes and jeeps, you’ll visit nature reserves, coffee plantations, and visit smaller towns in the Colombian countryside that you might not see otherwise.

2. Parque del Café

Parque del Café, Quindio

An amusement park dedicated to coffee? Yep, located not too far away in the town of Quindio, you’ll find a whole theme park with rides, roller coasters, shows, games, and water attractions based on one of the country’s biggest crops.

Oh, and there are several cafes and restaurants where you can grab a cup of brew here too.

There’s an interactive coffee museum, trails through forested landscapes, and horseback rides, but the biggest attraction is the popular Coffee Show (Show del Café). It features talented performers showcasing local traditions, indigenous dances, and the music of the region with brilliant costumes, choreography, and stories.

3. Plaza Bolívar and the Catedral La Señora de Nuestra Pobreza

Plaza Bolívar and the Catedral La Señora de Nuestra Pobreza

Another Latin American square dedicated to “El Libertador,” this Plaza Bolívar is a place where people meet up to socialize, play chess, get their shoes shined, and grab something to eat from the street vendors.

One key difference in Pereira: the statue of Simon Bolivar, while still on horseback, is naked like a Greek god.

After you’ve had a glimpse, wander into the Catedral La Señora de Nuestra Pobreza to see its impressively high ceilings supported by intricate woodwork.

A feat of engineering, the interior is austere rather than ornate, making it a rarity among Catholic churches in this neck of the woods.

4. Lake Otún

Lake Otún

Located in the Parque Nacional Los Nevados, get out and visit Lake Otún, one of Pereira’s sources of freshwater.

Bring a fishing rod (or rent one) to try your hand at catching rainbow trout.

The lake is also an important habitat for many endangered Colombian species of birds, so you can try to spot them here.

You can camp around the lake if you want to spend the night, but remember the higher altitude makes it much cooler here! Take some hikes to viewpoints and check out all the interesting plants that make up the unique Páramo ecosystem.

There are many trails to attempt here – lots of visitors do a multi-day hike (staying in refugios) from El Cedral to La Pastora to El Jordan, with the arrival at Laguna del Otún as the final stop.

5. Buy Some Tailor-Made Clothing

Tailor-Made Clothing

There’s a huge clothing industry in Pereira, with big brands like Arturo Calle, Costa Azul, and Gino Pascalli all based here.

But even in the face of huge factories, this Colombian city retains the longtime tradition of making bespoke clothes.

If you’re not into shopping at the big stores, visit a mom and pop tailor shop for clothes made specifically to fit your body.

Check out Donnotto’s, where the owner has been in the business of clothing and dressmaking for many years.

He can measure and create pants, suits, and dresses within a few days, even adding in custom details like secret pockets.

6. Plaza de Mercado Minorista

Colorful Fruits

It’s weird, it’s interesting, and it’s filled with everything from exotic fruit to live animals.

Pereira’s biggest market (also known as Plaza Mercado de La 40) is the perfect place to see an authentic part of the city and take great photographs.

Go in the early morning when most stalls are open and prices are competitive.

Everyone shops here, from little old ladies to restaurant owners to old men in ponchos carrying machetes to young, hip Colombians.

It’s located near Calle 40 and Avenida 30 de Agosto, and there are lots of cheap places to try typical Colombian foods nearby.

7. Nevado Santa Isabel

Nevado Santa Isabel, Colombia

Another gorgeous site within Los Nevados National Park, go hiking up or around Santa Isabel, a shield volcano.

You can even reach the snowy summit if you love trekking and have a day to spare.

This hike is perfect if you’re interested in seeing the volcanic landscape, the páramo, and the interesting plant species like frailejones shrubs and cojines cushion plants.

These hikes aren’t for the faint of heart as the altitude is no joke, so be sure to acclimatize nearby for at least a day or two.

You can organize a tour – Ecosistemas is popular – if you want to do this 5 hour trek with a guide, transport, and meals all included.

8. Take a Coffee Tour

Pereira Plantantion

One of the main attractions of the coffee region is seeing how Colombia’s key export is made and then drinking some of the final product.

There are tons of fincas or farms where you can take tours to see how the owners grow, pick, dry, and process the coffee beans, and almost all of them culminate in a nice cup of Colombian brew.

You can DIY it by heading out to one of the farms like Don Manolo where they lead two tours per day to show you around their lush estate.

Or if you want to hit multiple producers and villages, you can book with a company like Viator that’ll provide transport out to Quindio, Pijao, or Santa Rosa de Cabal for tours and tastings.

9. Parque Regional Natural Ucumari

Parque Regional Natural Ucumari

A natural reserve that’s filled with waterfalls, lush greenery, and miles of walking trails, this is the place for you if you enjoy spending time in nature.

Just southeast of the city, it contains a range of rustic but comfortable accommodations, from cabins to hostel beds to camping spots, all set in the middle of the wilderness.

Entry to the actual reserve is free, but you’ll have to arrive on foot via a six-kilometer trail from El Cedral – it’s worth it though! You can purchase meals here and relax by the fire at night while drinking hot chocolate and listening to animal sounds.

10. Take a Day Trip to the Cocora Valley and Salento

Cocora Valley

Pereira’s smaller and seemingly more popular little cousin, the village of Salento receives a ton of tourists for its proximity to the Valle de Cocora.

Even if you’re not staying there, be sure to make your way out to Salento to see these giant wax palms in the middle of the bright green valley.

They’re the iconic postcard image of Colombia’s coffee region and a sight to behold, whether or not you do the five-hour hike through the valley and into the cloud forest.

Afterwards, swing by the village to see Salento’s charming and colorful main square and have a meal of fresh trout.

11. Cafe Culture


You’re in the coffee region, so what better place to immerse yourself in a city’s cafe culture? In the past, rumor has it so many beans were exported that Colombians weren’t actually drinking too much of the quality stuff.

But a new wave of millennials and younger coffee producers are changing that by sourcing the best beans for independently owned coffee shops around Pereira.

So after you’ve tried Juan Valdez (the Colombian version of Starbucks, but better), hit some of the cool cafes for a really nice cup of joe… or fancy coffee drink.

El Barista, Cafetalex, Veredal , and Toranj are all good bets.

Then be sure to check out the colorful coffee jeeps on the side of the road because they serve up the freshest beans straight from the farm.

12. Otun Quimbaya Flora and Fauna Sanctuary

Otun Quimbaya Flora and Fauna Sanctuary

To get a glimpse of Colombia’s incredible biodiversity, check out this 489-hectare nature reserve southeast of Pereira (accessible via chiva bus). Otun Quimbaya has more than 300 species of birds, as well as two kinds of monkeys and tons of butterflies.

There are lots of hiking trails in the forests here, and you can even hire a guide to take a night walk when the wildlife is at its most active.

If you want to stay here, rooms have balconies that open up to the forest – your days will be filled with birdsong and animal sounds.

13. Visit Manizales

Manizales, Colombia

Just over an hour away from Pereira, you’ll find Manizales – “The City of Open Doors” – which is full of friendly people, universities, and the rolling hills of the Coffee Triangle.

Stay in El Cable, the commercial and nightlife center of the city and explore the hip bars and restaurants from there.

The city also has several hot springs, plazas, cable cars, an enormous cathedral, and a local soccer team, the Once Caldas.

Be sure to walk through Chipre, the highest point of the city, where you’ll have a great view of five different Colombian departments from up near the Fundadores Monument.


While in Pereira, you’ll obviously be drinking lots of coffee, but you should also try the traditional foods of Antioquia.

This includes mondongo, a hearty stew of tripe and vegetables, as well as the ubiquitous arepas, corn flour discs that are often filled with cheese.

Bandeja paisa is perhaps the most famous dish of the region.

It’s a gut-busting platter of meats like sausage and chicharron, beans, an egg, and an avocado thrown in for good measure.

La Ruana serves up traditional Colombian fare and a great bandeja paisa, but for something a little more elevated, check out La Latina.

If you’re feeling like a big steak served alongside your arepas, visit Rio y Carbon

15. Pereira Art Museum

Pereira Art Museum

If you’re an art lover, make a stop at the Pereira Art Museum for a wander through its four exhibition halls, audiovisual room, and movie theater.

Entry is free, and there’s also a library where you can relax and read.

It’s mostly contemporary artwork, and they frequently show independent films and host lectures here too.

The museum serves as a cultural space for the center, so check their Facebook page to see what events are coming up.

15 Best Things to Do in Pereira (Colombia):

  • Parque del Café
  • Plaza Bolívar and the Catedral La Señora de Nuestra Pobreza
  • Buy Some Tailor-Made Clothing
  • Plaza de Mercado Minorista
  • Nevado Santa Isabel
  • Take a Coffee Tour
  • Parque Regional Natural Ucumari
  • Take a Day Trip to the Cocora Valley and Salento
  • Cafe Culture
  • Otun Quimbaya Flora and Fauna Sanctuary
  • Visit Manizales
  • Pereira Art Museum

Faria A. Pereira, MD

  • Emergency Medicine

Director of Sedation and Analgesia, Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Assistant Professor, Pediatrics - Emergency Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine

Phone: 832-824-5497   Fax: 832-825-5424  

Languages: English, Spanish

Departments: Emergency Center

Office locations:

6621 Fannin Street Houston, TX 77030

Get to know Faria A. Pereira, MD

Dr. Pereira's research interests are focused procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) and medical emergency preparedness in the pediatric office setting. In the area of PSA, Dr. Pereira is designing a research project to determine the efficacy of Zofran in decreasing vomiting associated with ketamine. In addition, as a member of the Sedation Oversight Committee, Dr. Pereira has worked on revising the minimal and moderate sedation policies. In the area of medical emergency preparedness in the pediatric office setting, Dr. Pereira has developed a training program for Texas Children's Pediatric Associates (TCPA) to improve preparedness for office emergencies.


* Texas Children’s Hospital physicians’ licenses and credentials are reviewed prior to practicing at any of our facilities. Sections titled From the Doctor, Professional Organizations and Publications were provided by the physician’s office and were not verified by Texas Children’s Hospital.


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Chirurgien dentiste, selarl du docteur cerqueira.

97 Rue RONSARD 37200 Tours

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St. Michael’s performs another world-first procedure

Dr. vitor pereira and international researchers give physicians ‘eyes on the inside’ of the brain for the first time..

In front of a dozen international observers, St. Michael’s Hospital’s neurovascular team carried out yet another world-first: advanced, intravascular imaging of a man previously treated for the narrowing of arteries inside the brain, which causes strokes. For months, Dr. Vitor Pereira, a neurosurgeon, global expert in minimally-invasive procedures involving brain and spinal cord blood vessels, and head of St. Michael’s RADIS lab, has been testing a new neuroimaging device on silicon models. The Vis-M probe is the latest in optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology, first used in the field of ophthalmology 25 years ago. It’s been adapted to get a better view of the brain vessel during an angiogram, for example. OCT systems use glass fibre optics to create extraordinarily high-resolution, cross-sectional images of tissues. When the Vis-M probe is placed at the end of a catheter, the resolution is 10 times current imaging technologies. That means clinicians can see micron-sized particles in ways they never could before. When Dr. Pereira and his team detected a narrowing of the blood vessel inside an 82-year-old patient’s brain several months after his last surgery, they wondered if he had atherosclerosis, a build-up of plaque on the artery walls, or even a blood clot. Using the Vis-M probe inside his brain vessel told the physicians how to adjust the patient’s treatment to prevent more procedures. Currently, St. Michael’s is the only hospital in the world to offer the OCT procedure. “This technology is not only revolutionizing medical imaging, but also transforming our understanding of strokes and other vascular diseases from brain vessels,” says Dr. Pereira, who holds the Schroeder Chair in Advanced Neurovascular Interventions at the Schroeder BRAIN&HEART Centre. “We can see the arterial wall better to assess complex brain aneurysms, examine the narrowing of arteries that leads to stroke and evaluate intracranial stenting surgeries. We can increase the precision and safety of our procedures, and improve patient outcomes.” Nicole Cancelliere, the neurovascular research program manager, radiographer and co-lead of the RADIS lab, says this application of the Vis-M probe represents another one of its ‘benchtop to bedside’ translations. The RADIS team is known for its world-firsts, including the first robotic-assisted neurovascular intervention in 2019. “We're committed to being at the forefront of innovation, partnering to develop intracranial devices, such as stents, remote robotic neurosurgery and now advanced intravascular brain imaging, which gives us eyes on the inside of patients’ brains,” Cancelliere says. It’s based on years of international research and development, Dr. Pereira acknowledges. “It was an honour to lead this worldwide effort,” he says. “Together with Gentuity, the Vis-M probe’s manufacturer, the University of Massachusetts, which performed the pre-clinical work, Buenos Aires’ ENERI Institute and global health centres, we were able to translate this technology for our patients.” Next up, St. Michael’s will train hospital centres in Argentina and other countries on how to use the Vis-M probe, so they can deliver treatments for cerebrovascular diseases to their own patients. Meet the team behind this exciting medical innovation.  Watch now .

docteur pereira tours

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THE 10 BEST Pereira Tours & Excursions

Pereira tours.

  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Private Tours
  • Coffee & Tea Tours
  • Historical & Heritage Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • Cultural Tours
  • Hop-On Hop-Off Tours
  • Multi-day Tours
  • Photography Tours
  • Shopping Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

docteur pereira tours

1. Cocora Valley, Salento and Coffee Farm Day Tour

docteur pereira tours

2. Coffee Farm and Salento Walking Tour with Lunch

docteur pereira tours

3. Salento, Cocora and Filandia Private Tour from Pereira or Armenia

docteur pereira tours

4. Coffee Tour, Sighting Pereira

docteur pereira tours

5. Snowy Ruiz + Hot Springs from Pereira

docteur pereira tours

6. Cocora Valley and Salento Hike Tour

docteur pereira tours

7. Cocora Valley, Salento and Filandia Full-Day Private Tour

docteur pereira tours

8. Private Scary Adventure in the Pereira Escape Game

docteur pereira tours

9. Tour to hot springs of Santa Rosa from Pereira, Armenia or Salento

docteur pereira tours

10. Cocora Valley, Salento and Coffee Farm Day Tour

docteur pereira tours

11. Santa Rosa de Cabal and Hot Springs Day Trip

docteur pereira tours

12. Salento and Cócora Tour plus Coffee Farm from Pereira or Armenia

docteur pereira tours

13. One way transfer from Pereira to Salento AND/OR Salento to Pereira

docteur pereira tours

14. Cocora Valley and Salento Hike Tour

docteur pereira tours

15. Santa Rita Waterfall and Salento Hike Tour

docteur pereira tours

16. Full-Day Private Coffee Tour in Cocora Valley and Salento

docteur pereira tours

17. Cocora, Salento and Filandia (The daughter of the Andes) Walking Tour in Quindio

docteur pereira tours

18. Filandia and Salento Coffee Towns Tour

docteur pereira tours

19. Cocora, Salento and Coffee Experience

docteur pereira tours

20. Explore the Coffee Process_From Tree to Cup & Fun by Jeep

docteur pereira tours

21. Face to Face Spanish lessons in the city of Pereira

docteur pereira tours

22. Tour "Alto de Letras": The big challenge

docteur pereira tours

23. Coffee and Culture in Santa Rosa de Cabal

docteur pereira tours

24. Magical Views of the Coffee Region - Cittaslow Three Towns

docteur pereira tours

25. Tour Salento, Cócora + Horseback Riding from Pereira or Armenia

docteur pereira tours

26. Salento Valle del Cocora and Filandia

docteur pereira tours

27. Chocolate Tour and tropical Fruits

docteur pereira tours

28. Full Day Private Tour to Valle del Cócora and Salento

docteur pereira tours

29. Private Tropical Fruit Tasting

docteur pereira tours

30. Howler Monkey Tour - Filandia Views And Gastronomy

What travelers are saying.

Ambra G

  • Cocora Valley, Salento and Coffee Farm Day Tour
  • Cocora Valley and Salento Hike Tour
  • Salento, Cocora and Filandia Private Tour from Pereira or Armenia
  • Santa Rosa de Cabal and Hot Springs Day Trip
  • RetroCiclas MTB Tours Colombia
  • Transporte y Turismo del Eje S.A.S.
  • IBANA Colombia
  • Grandioso Journeys
  • Nature Trips Colombia
  • Don Manolo Cafe
  • Paisadventure
  • Takuara Travels
  • Montanas Colombianas
  • Somos Monos Travel

Dr. Lucio Malaco Pereira, MD

Dr. Lucio Malaco Pereira, MD

connect with DR. Pereira

Northwell Health

444 Lakeville Road, New Hyde Park, NY 11042

Medical Specialties and Areas of Expertise

Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose & Throat - ENT)

Plastic, Reconstructive, and Cosmetic Surgeon

Education & Training

Wayne State University / Detroit Medical Center ( Residency )

Wayne State University / Detroit Medical Center ( Fellowship )

Medical Degree - Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais

Medical Conditions Treated

conditions treated by an Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose & Throat - ENT), like Dr. Lucio Pereira, may include:

Please contact Dr. Pereira's office for more information or to schedule a consultation.

Medical Procedures Performed

procedures performed by an Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose & Throat - ENT), like Dr. Lucio Pereira, may include:

For detailed information, please contact Dr. Pereira's office.

Please contact Dr. Pereira 's office to confirm accepted insurance plans.

444 Lakeville Road

New Hyde Park , NY 11042

(516) 470-7550

Get Directions

Northwell Health Imbert Cancer Center

440 East Main Street

Bay Shore , NY 11706

(718) 470-7550

Northwell Health at Rego Park

95-25 Queens Boulevard

Rego Park , NY 11374

500 West Main Street

Babylon , NY 11702

(631) 539-3640

Frequently Asked Questions

Is dr. lucio pereira accepting new patients, does dr. lucio pereira offer online booking, does dr. lucio pereira offer telehealth appointments, which language(s) does dr. lucio pereira speak, other otolaryngologist (ear, nose & throat - ent) near new hyde park, ny.

Dr. Deborah Beth Gruber, MD

Dr. Deborah Beth Gruber, MD

Dr. Gerald Daniel Zahtz, MD

Dr. Gerald Daniel Zahtz, MD

Dr. Allan L Abramson, MD

Dr. Allan L Abramson, MD

Doctors by category.


Dr. Miguel Pereira

  • Lantzville Medical Clinic
  • 250-933-1100
  • 7175 Lantzville Road, --> P.O. Box 476, Lantzville, BC
  • Not currently accepting new patients for primary care


  • Call our office

Clinic Information

Not currently accepting new primary care patients. If you are looking for a family doctor or nurse practitioner please register online here .

  • Please review these GENERAL TIPS about how to prepare for a video or telephone appointment with your provider.


Closed for Lunch between 12:00pm - 1:00pm Telephone Hours: 9:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 3:00pm

Take a look at the  Nanaimo Pathways Community Service Directory  for general information about local services, useful handouts and videos.

Languages spoken in addition to English

School of Health Sciences Touro University

  • Academic Calendar
  • Transcripts
  • Alumni Network

Doctor of Psychology

Lila Pereira, PhD

New York Medical College

Lila Pereira

Within the Division of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, and Stem Cell Transplantation Maria Fareri Children's Hospital (WMCHealth Network), Dr. Pereira conducts research focused on quality of life and adjustment to a medical diagnosis. Research is often interdisciplinary and involves collaboration with the medical partners in our division as well as at other institutions across the country.

Current research projects include utilizing digital storytelling in adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients and their families for trauma processing and patient education, long-term outcomes of AYA oncology patients, and quality of life of sibling donors in stem cell transplant. Additional opportunities are available to support the work of colleagues focusing on neuropsychological outcomes of our patient population. Students will have the opportunity to grow with the research, participating in all aspects of design, data collection, administrative duties, and analysis.

  • PhD, Clinical Psychology, Palo Alto University
  • MA, Psychology, The New School
  • BA, Psychology, SUNY Binghamton

Adjustment and quality of life after a medical diagnosis, the role of digital storytelling in trauma processing for young adults, and the quality of life of sibling donors in stem cell transplant.

docteur pereira tours


  1. Recherche et formation au Service de pneumologie: une excellence

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  2. Docteur Daniel PEREIRA

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  3. VIDEO. Coronavirus : le CHU de Tours prêt à faire face à une épidémie

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  4. Dr Renata PEREIRA

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  5. "On ne sait pas totalement expliquer le recul de l'épidémie de la Covid

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  6. CHRU de Tours : le centre du sommeil explore les nuits de quinze

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  1. Ruta Ingruma


  1. Dr Céline PEREIRA-GILLION, Rhumatologue à Tours, Chambray-lès-Tours

    Rhumatologue. Tours. Prenez RDV en ligne avec Dr Céline PEREIRA-GILLION: Rhumatologue, Conventionné secteur 2. Adresse : 11b Place Jean Jaurès, 37000 Tours.


    Docteur PEREIRA-GILLION CELINE est rhumatologue à Tours, CABINET DU DR CELINE PEREIRA-GILLION est au 11 BIS PLACE JEAN JAURES à Tours dans le 37000. Docteur PEREIRA-GILLION CELINE est aussi disponible à d'autres adresses. Vous souhaitez remercier votre praticien Cliquez ici pour lui laisser un avis.

  3. Mme PEREIRA GILLION CELINE, Médecin rhumatologue, TOURS (37000)

    CELINE PEREIRA GILLION, Médecin rhumatologue situé à l'adresse suivante : 11B PLACE JEAN JAURES a TOURS. ... CABINET DU DR CELINE PEREIRA GILLION 11B PLACE JEAN JAURES 37000 TOURS L'utilisation du service offert sur ce site est soumise au respect des conditions d'utilisation. Toute reproduction intégrale ou partielle des contenus, données ...

  4. Dr Pedro Pereira, Chirurgien-dentiste à Tours

    Prenez RDV en ligne avec Dr Pedro Pereira: Chirurgien-dentiste. Adresse : 97 Rue Ronsard, 37100 Tours.

  5. PRENDRE RENDEZ-VOUS: DR PEREIRA PEDRO chirurgien-dentiste à Tours

    Présentation. Docteur PEREIRA PEDRO est chirurgien-dentiste à Tours, SELARL DU DOCTEUR CERQUEIRA est au 97 Rue RONSARD à Tours dans le 37100 - APPARTEMENT C001 . Vous souhaitez remercier votre praticien Cliquez ici pour lui laisser un avis.

  6. Rhumatologue Dr CELINE PEREIRA-GILLION à 37200, Tours

    CABINET DU DR CELINE PEREIRA-GILLION. 11 BIS PLACE JEAN JAURES 37200 Tours. Voir l'itinéraire avec Maps. + −.

  7. Celine PEREIRA-GILLION Rhumatologue à Tours 37000

    Le docteur Celine PEREIRA-GILLION qui exerce la profession de Rhumatologue, pratique dans son cabinet situé au 11B Place Jean Jaures à Tours. Le docteur prend en charge la carte vitale et pratique un tarif conventionné secteur 2. Le rhumatologue est un médecin spécialisé dans les maladies qui affectent les dysfonctionnements des ...


    Et grâce aux avis sur google et le bouche à oreille, je m'oriente vers MME PEREIRA GILLION. Premier RDV en novembre 2022, et franchement, suis restée au moins 45 min avec elle et a decortiqué mon dossier, chose qui n'a pas été faite par l'autre. Docteur à l'écoute, douce et attentive. Explique les choses clairement.

  9. Pedro PEREIRA Chirurgien dentiste à Tours 37000

    Présentation du Docteur Pedro PEREIRA Le docteur Pedro PEREIRA qui exerce la profession de Chirurgien dentiste, pratique dans son cabinet situé au 97 Rue Ronsard à Tours. Le docteur prend en charge la carte vitale et pratique un tarif conventionné secteur 1. Le chirurgien-dentiste couvre un large spectre de soins dentaires.

  10. Dr Helder PEREIRA, Chirurgien urologue à

    Prenez RDV en ligne avec Dr Helder PEREIRA: Chirurgien urologue. Adresse : . Aller au contenu principal . Doctolib. Vous êtes praticien ? Se connecter. Gérer mes RDV. Voir la galerie d'images ... Ancien interne des hôpitaux de Tours. Ancien externe de la faculté de Necker Enfants Malades Paris 15. Ancien chef de clinique de la faculté de ...

  11. M. PEREIRA PEDRO, Chirurgien-dentiste, TOURS (37100)

    PEREIRA PEDRO. Chirurgien-dentiste. SELARL DU DOCTEUR CERQUEIRA APPARTEMENT C001 97 RUE RONSARD 37100 TOURS L'utilisation du service offert sur ce site est soumise au respect des conditions d'utilisation. Toute reproduction intégrale ou partielle des contenus, données et informations disponibles est illicite et peut donner lieu à des sanctions.

  12. 15 Best Things to Do in Pereira (Colombia)

    A feat of engineering, the interior is austere rather than ornate, making it a rarity among Catholic churches in this neck of the woods. 4. Lake Otún. Source: Pipealcuadrado / shutterstock. Lake Otún. Located in the Parque Nacional Los Nevados, get out and visit Lake Otún, one of Pereira's sources of freshwater.

  13. Faria A. Pereira, MD

    Dr. Pereira's research interests are focused procedural sedation and analgesia (PSA) and medical emergency preparedness in the pediatric office setting. In the area of PSA, Dr. Pereira is designing a research project to determine the efficacy of Zofran in decreasing vomiting associated with ketamine. In addition, as a member of the Sedation ...

  14. Pereira

    per adult. St Kitts Scenic Island Tour For Private Groups. 14. Bus Tours. from. $325.00. per group (up to 13) Sunny Blue Rentals in St Kitts for ATV and Dune Buggy Combo Tours. 58.

  15. THE TOP 10 Pereira Tours & Excursions (UPDATED 2024)

    A: The best tours in Pereira according to Viator travelers are: Salento, Cocora and Filandia Private Tour from Pereira or Armenia. Cocora Valley, Salento and Filandia Full-Day Private Tour. Santa Rosa de Cabal and Hot Springs Day Trip. Cocora Valley, Salento and Coffee Farm Day Tour. Snowy Ruiz + Hot Springs from Pereira.

  16. Chirurgien dentiste Dr PEDRO PEREIRA à 37200, Tours

    Prenez RDV en ligne avec Dr PEDRO PEREIRA, Chirurgien dentiste au 97 Rue RONSARD pour vous ou vos proches à son cabinet. ... SELARL DU DOCTEUR CERQUEIRA. 97 Rue RONSARD 37200 Tours. Voir l'itinéraire avec Maps. Vous êtes Dr PEDRO PEREIRA ? Modifier vos informations. Vous êtes professionnel de santé ? Découvrez l'agenda en ligne et la ...

  17. F.R TOURS

    F.R TOURS, Pereira. 2.2K likes · 460 talking about this. ¿Tienes mucha ganas de descubrir el mundo? Somos una agencia de viajes Dedicada a brindar experie

  18. St. Michael's performs another world-first procedure

    In front of a dozen international observers, St. Michael's Hospital's neurovascular team carried out yet another world-first: advanced, intravascular imaging of a man previously treated for the narrowing of arteries inside the brain, which causes strokes. For months, Dr. Vitor Pereira, a neurosurgeon, global expert in minimally-invasive ...

  19. Edward Pereira, MD

    Pereira, MD Locations. Baker & Gilmour Cardiovascular 3550 University Blvd., South, Suite 302 Jacksonville, FL 32216 904-733-4444 Get Directions; Edward S. Pereira, MD. NPI Number: 1013922749; Primary Specialty: Cardiology (Board Certified) *Privileges to practice. Not a hospital employee;

  20. THE 10 BEST Pereira Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    Salento, Cocora Valley and Filandia are some destinations in the Coffee Axis considered to be one of the most beautiful …. 26. Magical Views of the Coffee Region - Cittaslow Three Towns. Experience today the joyful views of the Coffee Region by visiting the three little hidden towns of Cordoba, Pijao, and …. 27.

  21. Dr. Lucio Malaco Pereira, MD

    Dr. Lucio Pereira, MD is an Otolaryngologist (Ear, Nose & Throat - ENT), who primarily practices in New Hyde Park, NY with 3 additional practice locations. He is board certified. Dr. Pereira graduated from Universidade Federal De Minas Gerais and completed his residency at Wayne State University / Detroit Medical Center.

  22. Lantzville Medical Clinic

    Lantzville Medical Clinic. 250-933-1100. 7175 Lantzville Road , P.O. Box 476, Lantzville, BC. Not currently accepting new patients for primary care.

  23. Lila Pereira, PhD

    Contact. @lila-pereira-ph-d-80276788. Within the Division of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, and Stem Cell Transplantation Maria Fareri Children's Hospital (WMCHealth Network), Dr. Pereira conducts research focused on quality of life and adjustment to a medical diagnosis. Research is often interdisciplinary and involves collaboration with the ...