porta road book e trip master per moto

Roadbook elettronico

porta road book e trip master per moto

COS’È o.M.o.

o.M.o. è sia un trip computer che un porta-roadbook di ultima generazione. Elettronico, estremamente rapido e preciso, è fornito di modalità automatica, connessione GPS e non teme né acqua, né polvere.


o.M.o. è pensato per il pilota di moto che vuole migliorare la sua performance: non richiede monitoring continuo e aiuta a restare concentrati sulla conduzione del mezzo.


Perfetto per le gare di rally in qualsiasi condizione esterna: vanta gli stessi pregi di un tablet o uno smartphone senza subire il deterioramento dovuto agli agenti atmosferici.

porta road book e trip master per moto

o.M.o. è il roadbook elettronico che stavi cercando.

I vantaggi di omo.

Facile da utilizzare come un semplice tablet, offre enormi vantaggi nelle condizioni più sfavorevoli.

porta road book e trip master per moto


Pioggia, neve, schizzi di fango : non sono un problema per o.M.o. poiché è del tutto impermeabile

porta road book e trip master per moto

Orienteering : con il suo GPS integrato, il sistema di O.M.O è in grado di funzionare anche in caso di guasto a entrambe le sonde ruota supportate.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Urti : o.M.o. ha una elevata resistenza agli urti dovuta alla costruzione in stampa 3D ad alta densità e al vetro touchscreen temprato da 3mm di spessore.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Guasto all'impianto elettrico : o.M.o. è fornito di batteria interna resistente fino a 4 ore (con il display al 50%).

porta road book e trip master per moto


Rottura del touchscreen : o.M.o. resta completamente utilizzabile anche con i soli due tasti del case. Dispone inoltre di due ingressi per sonda ruota indipendenti, con indicazione di guasto.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Rottura o avaria di una sonda : o.M.o. rimane funzionante utilizzando in automatico la sonda buona.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Perdita di entrambi i sensori ruota : o.M.o. resta utilizzabile grazie al trip controllato dal GPS.


o.M.o. è la scelta ideale sia rispetto a soluzioni carta + trip + GPS sia rispetto ad App per tablet e telefono. Offre ulteriori vantaggi a quelli già elencati, tanto per i piloti quanto per gli organizzatori dei rally.

Per i piloti:

  • È automatico: unico strumento al mondo in grado di avanzare automaticamente, integrando le informazioni sul chilometraggio del trip computer e quelle delle note del roadbook. Con un semplice click, offre operazioni di allineamento trip/roadbook. Fornisce feedback audio per le regolazioni del trip e consente di non spostare lo sguardo dalla strada.
  • È preciso : ideale per l'uso agonistico, offre medesima precisione di un classico trip computer, essendo dotato di due ingressi per sonde ruota; estremamente più preciso di un tablet e telefoni che si affidano al solo GPS.
  • Ottima visibilità : ha uno schermo brevettato per l'uso outdoor, con elevata tolleranza alle vibrazioni e agli urti. Molto più visibile di telefoni, tablet e carta in condizioni di scarsa luminosità.
  • È resiliente : funziona anche in caso di guasto all'impianto elettrico, con entrambe le sonde fuori uso, o in caso di perdita del magnete ruota. Il touchscreen, è utilizzabile anche in caso di rotture del vetro.
  • È resistente : a differenza di USB-C, USB Micro-B, Apple Lightning, utilizzando un connettore IP69K non ha connettori esposti inadatti agli agenti atmosferici. La pulsantiera è studiata per ridurre al minimo la superficie esposta agli urti grazie ai tasti incassati, eliminando così la levetta di avanzamento da azionare col pollice.

Per gli organizzatori:

  • o.M.o. è un’alternativa green ai rotoli di carta, evitando quindi anche i costi di stampa.
  • Può mantenere in memoria un numero indefinito di roadbook contemporaneamente, ciascuno protetto da un codice di sicurezza: è quindi possibile caricare in una sola volta tutti i roadbook di una gara da svolgere su più giornate.
  • È dotato di due livelli di crittografia: il primo codice di sicurezza consente l'apertura del roadbook, il secondo rende possibile bloccare l'accesso a note specifiche di quel dato roadbook.
  • Non consente l'esportazione: una volta caricati i roadbook dalla chiavetta USB non è possibile per il pilota estrarli, in questo modo previene la diffusione non autorizzata dei roadbook di gara.


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Navegación con Roadbook, todo lo que necesitas saber.

De un tiempo a esta parte se han puesto de moda las pruebas, eventos y concentraciones que optan por usar la navegación por RoadBook en lugar del ya clásico GPS o el clásico mapa de toda la vida (BMW Punta a Punta, RodiBook, March Moto Madness ).

Pero… ¿sabemos como funciona? ¿Que necesitamos para poder navegar un RoadBook?

No te preocupes, en TwinTrail somos especialistas en el uso de este tipo de aparatos y en esta entrada te lo vamos a contar todo.

¿Que es un roadbook o libro de ruta?

Un RoadBook no deja de ser una serie de instrucciones en papel (o en pdf) siguiendo una serie de convenciones y formato determinado para permitir la circulación desde un punto A a un punto B pasando por un recorrido concreto. Nada mejor que este vídeo de Isaac Feliu , nuestro piloto de rallies para entender la mecánica del asunto:

¿Que necesito para navegar un RoadBook en mi moto?

Básicamente dispones de 3 opciones distintas:

  • Fabricación de porta-RoadBooks casero: Usando un Tupper o similar, con un taladro, goma de pollo, algún tornillo, cinta americana y mucha paciencia… en internet se encuentran varios tutoriales para tal fin.
  • Adquirir un porta-RoadBook manual : en TwinTrail somos distribuidores de la marca portuguesa F2r , y el producto estrella es el porta-RoadBooks manual RB701. Con luz de led y varios accesorios, es ideal para iniciarse en el mundo de la navegación o si sólo vas a usar RoadBooks por asfalto.
  • Adquirir un porta-RoadBook eléctrico : Si buscas la máxima comodidad y seguridad, o si piensas navegar RoadBooks fuera del asfalto, incluso participar en alguna prueba de navegación competitiva, el modelo RB730 de F2r es sin duda el producto estrella. Sólo en caso de querer hacer un uso de competición en raids se recomienda el modelo RB750.

Porta-RoadBooks manual RB701

Porta-RoadBooks F2r RB701

Porta-RoadBooks F2r RB701

Fabricado en aluminio, estanco, con dos ejes de fácil accionamiento, preparado para ser instalado en barra de 10mm, barra de 12mm o soporte RAM. Es sin duda el producto estrella de F2r por su coste moderado y fiabilidad. Se puede complementar con una luz led interior (funciona con una toma a batería de 12v o con una pila de 9v no incluida), y con una placa de soporte de GPS/Móvil para poder ser usado a modo de TripMaster o navegador auxiliar. Modelo recomendable para ser usado en asfalto, tanto para iniciarse como para pilotos más experimentados que no tengan intención de hacer OffRoad con él.

Porta-RoadBooks eléctrico RB730

Porta-RoadBooks F2r RB730

Porta-RoadBooks F2r RB730

Una gran opción si tienes intenciones de navegar fuera del asfalto con RoadBook, o simplemente si quieres disfrutar de la comodidad de navegar sin tener que apartar las manos del manillar. La instalación es más compleja que en el modelo manual por el hecho de llevar el mando y la toma de 12v para la alimentación del motor eléctrico interior. Debido a su mayor tamaño y peso, no es aconsejable instalarlo usando el sistema de RAM, siendo necesario disponer de una barra de 12mm en el manillar o araña. En TwinTrail te podemos ofrecer tres opciones: una barra de manillar de 12mm para la BMW R 1200 GS LC , una barra soporte de H3D de 12mm compatible con cualquier manillar de 28 o 32mm o unas bielas RMS para manillar de 22 o 28mm. Como accesorios también está disponible una potente luz led , una placa de soporte de Móvil/GPS , una placa RMS de soporte para ser usado con TripMasters ICO , botonera separada F2r para Porta-RoadBook e ICO….

Porta-RoadBooks eléctrico RB750 Rally

Pensado para los pilotos más exigentes que quieran participar en pruebas de Rally/Raid, parecido al RB730 pero con una fabricación más robusta y con capacidad para rollos de mayor diámetro.

TripMaster, ¿necesito uno?

TripMaster ICO Rallye Max

TripMaster ICO Rallye Max

La mayoría de pruebas populares que usan RoadBook no requieren de disponer de TripMaster, ya que se suele usar el propio “trip” de la moto. El inconveniente que tiene este trip es que no es “ recalable “, es decir… que no podemos poner nosotros los kms que nos apetezca. Sólo lo podemos resetear a 0 y nada más. Un TripMaster no deja de ser un cuenta-kms que ofrece la posibilidad de subir o bajar el kilometraje, cosa muy útil para navegar un RoadBook. Dicho esto, es un producto de precio elevado y si no lo vas a usar para competir no suele salir mucho a cuenta. Para ello existen dos aplicaciones, una para android ( F2r Rally Tripmeter ) otra para iPhone ( Rally Blitz ), que te permiten tener la misma funcionalidad pero usando el móvil que ya tienes.

Os dejamos con este vídeo tutorial en el que te contamos todo con detalle.

¿Te animas a probar? Let The Adventure Begin!

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Vertigo Pirineos 2018 – Cierre de inscripciones el 3 de Octubre!

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Roadbook navigation – a simple guide for beginners.

So you’ve bought yourself a bike and you’re keen to explore its full potential by entering a rally. And then you read the words – Roadbook Navigation and your brain goes straight into panic mode, imagining you’ve inadvertently sighed up to some Dakar style nightmare.

‘It’s too complicated’ – ‘I can’t manage all that’ – ‘I’ll get lost.’ These are all common reactions

But Hey relax! It’s not complicated, you will manage and if you follow the book correctly, you shouldn’t get lost! But to help out, here’s our handy guide to roadbook navigation to help you go from roadbook zero to roadbook hero.

Roadbook Navigation


OK so let’s start at the beginning. A roadbook is just a way of breaking down the intended route of a rally or route into bitesize pieces, each giving you specific information. To follow the route you need to read the roadbook from left to right as you ride, in the same way you would read a cartoon strip in a newspaper of magazine.  

For more complex routes like the Dakar itself, the principle is exactly the same, but there may be significantly more information such as compass directions and specific route notes. For this reason there will be just one image in the centre supported by information to the right and left. Other rallies and organisers may use the same layout, whereas  others use a two or three boxes for less competitive events.

porta road book e trip master per moto


So rather than start with a Dakar roadbook, let’s take it down a notch to a simpler roadbook that uses three images across, with a total of two rows of images visible at a time within the viewing window,

This is the set up used by Sport Adventure and as the company is run by Chris Evans, former manager to four-time Dakar winner Cyril Despres, we’re pretty confident he knows a thing or two about navigation.

Roadbook navigation

The roadbook needs to be held in a roadbook reader, so first off you are going to need a suitable frame or mounting plate to hold it in place in front of you without getting in the way of your speedo or more importantly trip meter. The ones Sport Adventure uses are made by Touratech , renowned off-road specialists, so you know they’re up to the job.

For trail bikes , mounting is relatively simple as there’s little to get in the way, but on adventure bikes , mounting may be a bit more involved.

In the image, there’s a simple frame shown that attaches to the fork legs with heavy duty locking cable ties. Once fitted you then attach the roadbook holder case and then you need to load up the actual roadbook inside it.

Roadbook Navigation

The roadbook itself will come as a roll of paper that will have been painstakingly prepared by the rally or tour organiser, and will contain everything you need to get you to the finish point. 

Hopefully the organiser will go through any points of note at an event briefing, highlighting difficult turns, busy intersections of anything else that you might need to know. This is the time to make additional notes onto your roadbook alongside the relevant instructions, so get your biro out and start scribbling!

Once done you’ll need to load up the book to your reader, so that means unrolling it to the end, attaching it to the roller and winding it back so that all of the book is on the bottom roller. When fully  wound on, the top of the scroll is attached to the top roller, making sure the slack is taken up. 

On a manual roadbook reader, loading the book takes a while, but this is clearly quicker on a reader with an electric motor! That said, as a novice it’s probably unwise to invest in a full on button-controlled electric road book reader until you’re sure that rallying is for you! Roadbook navigation is fun, but don’t blow the budget at your first event!

Roadbook Navigation

On a manual reader, the roll is moved on using the knurled winders on the side of the box. The controls need to be on the left side so you can wind on the book using your clutch hand as you ride. You can see from the image that the clear lid is now fitted and held in place with gaffer tape, allowing six images to be seen at any point. The STAY RIGHT reminder is a good idea if you normally ride on the left!


Roadbook Navigation

OK so although it might look like an undecipherable code, it’s actually a pretty simple system. The image represents everything you need to know, with the black dot being where you should be and the point at which the distances relate to. The arrow is the route you need to follow. All the illustrations or letters you see either side of the image and lines give you information as to what you will see around you or information about the upcoming trail, so the words ‘Moulin a Vent’ tell you there is a windmill just ahead of the turn you are should be taking.

Below the illustration, there are three figures. The first is the distance since the last instruction,  the second is the stage / instruction number and the final number is the total distance travelled in that stage.

The key to following the roadbook is keeping a clear eye on the distance you’ve travelled using the tripmeter, and when you are approaching the figure given, then looking for the geographical details given on the illustration.

Roadbook Navigation

Looking at the start of the roadbook above, it’s clear that the first box gives you the length of the route and the distance to the lunch stop. The second box starts the ride with an instruction to leave the parking to  the left of the start point and proceed between the accommodation – the bed symbol, and the church – the cross and circle.

Box three says that after 0.1 km or 100m there is a right turn to be taken, and to assist the orientation, the road on the opposite side is shown. Bear in mind that 0.1 km is the smallest distance that most tripmeters can show, so it might be a little less.

The forth box tell you that after another 0.1 km the trip meter will be at 0.2km at the black dot and the next turn is also a right, passing by a left turn.

Box 5 tells you that one your at 0.3 km, there is a bridge ahead and after crossing that you should take a left turn in front of a house, helpfully shown as a house! Another 1.4km on from this you will approach a T junction where you should turn left as on Box 6.

Are you following? Simple isn’t it

If you own a KTM or Husqvarna – roadbook navigation is made all the more simple by using the T2 setting on the speedo as this can be adjusted up and down to keep accuracy. You might need to adjust from time to time out on the trails in case there are slight differences between the distances recorded on the roadbook using the organisers vehicle when mapping the route and your own tripmeter.

If you don’t have this function on your tripmeter, things get a bit more complicated. You may need to download a suitable roadbook tripmeter app and run your phone in conjunction with the roadbook reader. This also means you’ll need a phone holder and a suitable power supply. Have a look at 3pMaster  or Trip Master as possible apps, or search the App store for the equivalent but they may not be free!

Roadbook Navigation

So, let’s look at another example. On the first image You should have travelled 0.3 km since the last instruction and you’ve reached 20.8 km on your tripmeter. Ahead of you there is a T junction where you need to turn left. The D! means that the road goes down fairly steeply, the D being short for the French word ‘descendre’, the steepness denotes by the exclamation point. Some roadbook terms are based on the French language – a throw back to the French origins of the Paris-Dakar event. Thus in our example we have D for downhill and M as uphill – short for ‘montee’, V for ‘ville’ etc

From here you can see that the next box tells you that you should proceed for 2.9 km, which will take your tripmeter to 23.7 km. Ahead of you there is a bridge on you left that you should follow, but before doing so you need to reset the tacho to zero as the stage has ended. Once done then you take the turning and the road will come back alongside your approach route.

The third box tells you the length of the next stage – 57 km, but you focus should be on the next turn as it’s only 100m away, and there is a smaller road on your right ahead.

Taking this for 1.1km the road will approach a bridge on the right, but the route does not go over it. Be careful not to focus on the roads that don’t have an arrow on them!  Your next turn is another 0.2 km on from this point, in front of a house where you will have travelled 1.4 km from the reset point.

Roadbook Navigation


As we have said, different companies or rally organisers will use different formats and different abbreviations, but the basic principles will be the same – the dot says where you should be to interpret the image, the figures represent the distance from the last instruction, the stage number and the total distance since the start of the stage.

There may also be precise grid references, road numbers and in the case below, the distances given in both miles and kilometres. That said, kilometre based roadbooks tend to be more common and arguably easier to follow and most modern speedometers can switch between metric and imperial units.

Roadbook navigation

And once you’ve got the system dialled then every roadbook becomes simple. The final images is from the 2019 Dakar roadbook, showing how even the toughest race in the world uses the same basics logic and rules to allow riders to navigate massive distances and massive speeds.

porta road book e trip master per moto

The main difference with the Dakar roadbook is that in an area that does not have clearly defined trails, the turnings off the main track are backed up with bearings in degrees to ensure the route is followed correctly. Otherwise the stage number, distance since last information point, cumulative distance and image are all there, backed up by route notes and suitably highligted by the rider prior to setting out.

As you get the hang of the system, you’ll find you can increase your speed and keep flowing through each of the boxes on the book. As you ride you’ll need to keep rolling the book upwards to keep the correct boxes in front of you. Clearly this is easier if you’ve invested in an electric system,

The knack of using a roadbook is to keep scanning between the images, the tripmeter and the road or trail ahead and processing the information in all three. Spend too much time looking at the roadbook and you risk serious crashes, particularly on the road, but if you don’t keep track of your distance and where the next turn is, then you’ll lose your way pretty swiftly! 

Generally, is you have a long section between the instructions, you can relax a bit and take in your surroundings, but if turnings are coming up every 0.5 km, you need to keep a clear eye on the tripmeter and the roadbook.

If you wear glasses, roadbook reading may be an challenge as your focal length is constantly changing between near and distant objects and bifocals are not a great trail riding accessory! Time for varifocal contact lenses maybe?


As a roadbook reader is just a box to display the information between two rollers, then you can make passable readers from a Tupperware box or equivalent. For big rallies this is common to cut the cost of mountains of bespoke readers. For roadbikes, then the clocks may not show to 0.1 km so some riders will supplement their OEM clocks with a digital GPS based speedo / mileometer, or an app based version on their phones.


The standard symbols used on roadbooks are fairly simple and consistent across all roadbooks, although organisers may add in some of their own.  The full set of FIM symbols are shown below, the French origin showing in many abbreviations.

Roadbook Navigation

From the route planners side of things, a good roadbook will focus on the things that matter to make the navigation work correctly. If you have to travel on a straight road for 5km without turning off, then there is no point in showing every junction, so the roadbook will not. If however you are on a track with multiple options that could confuse, then clearly there may be more regular updates in the boxes.

Main roads are usually shown as thicker lines than side roads and trails, and routes going off the main track will be shown as a dotted line to indicate it’s not a definite track.

The organiser may also use abbreviations alongside the images, so LMT will mean ‘ Leave main track ‘  whereas VDS will mean ‘ Very difficult to see ‘ if the entrance to the required track could easily be missed. Generally if you just look at the picture and what’s been shown, it’s there to help you. If you don’t see what’s on the image, chances are you are not in the right place.

Which conveniently brings us to ..


So the biggest problem or challenge with roadbook navigation is that you won’t necessarly know where you are when on the route – it’s not Satnav!  So if the next junction does not come up when you expect at the stated distance / kilometres, then potentially you’ve gone wrong somewhere and taken an incorrect turn.

Yes, in non-competitive events you can pull out your phone and call up Google maps, but all that will tell you is where you are in the world, not whether you are on the correct road or track or not –  and chances are if the junction doesn’t look like the image in the box at the set kilometres, then you probably are not.

If you are riding with or leading a group, then the first port of call should be the man behind you. As the lead rider, if you’ve picked your ‘second in command’ correctly, then they are as good at roadbook reading as you, often holding back at junctions if they think you’ve got it wrong. Check where they think you are and whether the think you’ve have gone off the track. If your roadbook gives grid references, then clearly you can check these using a smart phone, but to be honest that’s a bit like cheating!

Roadbook Navigation

Either way, whether you are on your own or with a group, what you will probably need to do is retrace your route back to the last place you knew you were right, so that’s where the distances, the turnings and the picture was definitely correct. 

At this point, return your trip meter to where it should be at that point and set out again, looking more carefully at the instructions to ensure you follow the correct route second time, or even third time around. Don’ blindly set off and hope – this will not work, just be methodical and you’ll find the route.

Just a note here for groups – if you’ve all got a roadbook, you should all be following it so you know where you are! If you get lost or separated from the group, returning to the last known point may help you mates to know where to find you – you know who you are Bristol TRF slackers …

Roadbook navigation

So that’s as hard as it is. Clearly in remote landscapes like the Dakar the possibilities for getting things wrong are far more severe, and the pressure on riders to keep concentration on roadbook instructions while riding flat out on sand is astounding.

But for us letter mortals, taking on roadbook rallies and navigation events can be a great way pf going beyond just trail riding of taking on new challenges and making more of the bike you’ve got sat in the garage.

Go on – give it a go!

Roadbook Navigation


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porta road book e trip master per moto

Monit Rally Computers

Gps antennas, speed sensors, accessories, rally computer range.

Monit is the premium manufacturer of precision tripmaster and rally computer products for clubman and professional rally teams. Designed using the latest technology, they are light-weight, easy to use and packed with features. Proven on events from the punishing World Rally Championship (WRC) to the iconic Peking to Paris, they are the perfect addition to any modern, classic or historic vehicle.

porta road book e trip master per moto

A balance of performance and affordability, the Q-Series rally tripmeter is the Monit entry level range designed to meet the needs of club competitors on a budget. The range uses a traditional speed sensor for measurements.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Designed with powerful features that are easy-to-use, the Monit G-Series+ is the latest generation of tripmeter technology. With operation from its built in GPS/GNSS receiver, or a speed sensor, installation has never been easier.

Teams & Drivers who use Monit Rally Computers

Monit products are used by most leading teams and manufacturers around the World in events ranging from the World Rally Champion to regularity and oldtimer rallies. A small glimpse at some of our customers is below.

porta road book e trip master per moto

M-Sport use the Monit G-Series in their full range of customer cars, the Fiesta R5 MKII (Rally2), the new Rally3 4wd Fiesta and the popular Rally4 class Fiesta. The WRC team also use Monit G-100+ and G-200+ in the WRC recce cars for writing accurate rally pacenotes.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Hero Events

Proven reliability from many years of our customers competing in the 30+ day Peking to Paris Rally means that now the Endurance Rally Association and Hero Events recommend Monit products to all competitors competing in endurance rally events.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Peugeot Sport

The 212hp little Peugeot sits in the popular Rally4 2wd class with our custom T-100+ model (G-100+ with the GPS disabled) chosen by Peugeot Sport to be fitted to these OEM rally cars.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Citroen Racing

Winning 8 championships and competing in over 500 events, the C3 R5 is the top-level rally car designed and produced by OEM Citroen Racing who chose our Monit tripmeters for use with their cars.

Rally Computer Companions

A range of specifically designed accessories are available to enhance the functionality of your Monit rally computer. High quality Speed sensors and GPS/GNSS Antennas enable the operation of Monit Rally Computers.

porta road book e trip master per moto

GPS/GNSS Antennas

A range of external GPS/GNSS antennas that are tuned to the Monit G-Series GNSS system to ensure the highest signal strength is received from the GPS, GLONASS and Galileo satellites that are used. Required for operation of the GPS+ functions of a Monit G-100+ or G-200+ rally computer, if a speed sensor is being used then an antenna is not required.

Monit Motorsport produces a range of high-quality sensors to suit most types of vehicles. All Monit Q-Series rally computers require a speed sensor to measure distance and speed. G-Series+ products can operate on GPS+ alone, or on speed sensors, or a fusion of both.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Specifically designed accessories to enhance the installation and operation of our Monit tripmeter range. Hand reset switches, recce car quick-fit kits, additional wiring looms, mounting brackets, and more. Every Monit accessory is carefully manufactured from high quality materials.

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porta road book e trip master per moto

The best Tripmaster app for iPhone and iPad. Download it now!


Flic is here!!!

What is Flic!?! Flic is a bluetooth smart button that can be used to
 remotely control 3pMaster without touching your iPad/iPhone.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Follow your roadbook.

A professional tripmaster to follow your route, meter by meter (or yard by yard!) with maximum accuracy and reliability.


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No problem! There’s a “Night View” mode to improve the visibility of the Tripmaster...


Follow your off-road track on the map.

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Apps & Pricing Choose the right App for you...

porta road book e trip master per moto

The best iPhone App for off-road trails with Road-Books.

porta road book e trip master per moto

3pMaster Pro

The ultimate universal app for off-road trails with road-books..

porta road book e trip master per moto

3pRally Pro

The best universal app for time-speed-distance rally ( tsd ).

Rebel X Sports Srl

RNS Tripmaster XL Rally

€ 309.90

The new RNS tripmaster XL is CNC machined, waterproof and comes with sensor and cable. It works with most of the commands on the market but eventually you can purchase also the full handlebar command to manage both trip master and road book holder with just one hand.

Wheel Sensor Cable and Magnet Included


– Large and wide 18mm tall digits for perfect readability under heavy sunlight and dust

– Sun visor integrated into the casing, no more ugly duct-tape solutions!

– Trip A, resolution of 100m, counts up to 999.9km (with 1mm precision

– Trip B, selectable resolution of either 100m (up to 999.9km like trip A) or 10m accuracy (counts up to 99.99km)

– Current speed display

– Top speed display

– Wheel circumference adjustable with 1mm accuracy

– Clock with 24-hour display

– Selectable units: Metric (km and km/h) or Imperial (miles and mph)

– Light blue backlit LCD at night

– Operates on both 2x CR2032 battery “pills” (duration of several weeks, if not months) and external 12V (required for backlight)

– 2 large click-feedback membrane buttons on the side for easy pressing even when wearing gloves

– CNC machined aluminium casing, anodised dark “matte gunmetal” (not cheap and fragile plastic)

– 100% water- and dustproof!

– Includes front wheel sensor (M8 screw type), wheel magnet and necessary mounting parts (grommets, washers and nuts)

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Mercoledì 13 gennaio 2016, come realizzare un porta-roadbook semplice, leggero ed economico., how to assemble a roadbook-holder, simple, light and cheap..

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Ma veniamo ora al come fare. But now we come to the how.

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Trip master,RNS, ICO, & Roadbook tips and tricks

Discussion in ' Racing ' started by Mudguts , Oct 26, 2013 .


Mudguts when in doubt GAS IT

So we have the Nav tower thread but no dedicated Trip master thread Lucky for us we have our in house trip master Guru , Tony Schattat and Road book genius Mr 640 Armageddon So today I was replacing the battery's in my ICO when I noticed the I can Stash couple of spare battery's under the battery lid , I don't know if this is a Derry every one knows that or Hey that's a neat tip .


wrk2surf on the gas or brakes

carry or add a spare pick up sensor wire.. thats all I got for now! Good thread idea ! So now all the switch ideas came come to the surface !


HogWild Skott Whitknee

Get some 2032 button cell batteries for $3.43, qty 20, free shipping, no tax, very slow delivery: http://dx.com/p/2032-x-20-pcs-cell-batteries-751 While you're there, pick up some spare JST connectors that match Tony's Tripmaster and Heading Repeater power cables, $2.70 for qty 10. Tony, you really should use something a bit more rugged than JST connectors with tiny wires, since everything else about your devices is top notch! http://dx.com/p/jst-cables-10-pair-15234


schattat Long timer

Great thread idea! HogWold, I admit, they are a 'bit' fragile, but zip tie them properly to your nav-support plate plate and all is good. I haven't really found an alternative solution. Maybe you've got something to share that is easily available, pre-assembled, just solder on to the board and go? I'd be more than happy to use new power connectors on the new generation of TMs (coming soon )


Happe Adventure Bike Spanner Man

Well good timing for this thread I'm currently trying to connect a Trail Tech Remote with an old ICO. Trailtech has three knobs and four wires. The ICO Remote (which knobs I hate) has three knobs and three wires. I can't figure out what the third knob is doing. Actually I know what it is doing but not how. Does anyone know this? The Trailtech remote works fine with the top and bottom knob so distance up and down is possible as is switching modes. Stefan

Attached Files:


Happe said: ↑ Trailtech has three knobs and four wires. The ICO Remote (which knobs I hate) has three knobs and three wires. I can't figure out what the third knob is doing. Actually I know what it is doing but not how. Does anyone know this? Click to expand...
Yes, thanks. I was thinking of diodes but was hoping for a simpler solution. Two buttons will do the job for Nav Training over Christmas. After that I need a new Tripmaster anyway and yours are looking good Stefan

Baja Dad

Baja Dad Long timer

I would like someone to build a nice sturdy Speedo cable and pick up so I can run to Units off of one cable Anyone ????


Leeexc Been here awhile

My Close up (reading) eyesight is getting worse by the day, Is there anything available to magnify the road book to make it better to read. Thanks Lee.


Gany Been here awhile

There are guys that have roll charts with magnifiers: http://www.fourstrokesonly.com/RouteChartsPlus.html

Bicycle Phil

Bicycle Phil Been here awhile Supporter

Pro-Vue goggle inserts. They make a prescription insert that plugs right into your goggles. Mine work great: easy to insert into goggle frame, completely vibration proof(stays put), easy to remove and clean. Not cheap, and worth every penny. Leeexc said: ↑ My Close up (reading) eyesight is getting worse by the day, Is there anything available to magnify the road book to make it better to read. Thanks Lee. Click to expand...


beechum1 Dandole Gas al Burro

Baja Dad said: ↑ I would like someone to build a nice sturdy Speedo cable and pick up so I can run to Units off of one cable Anyone ???? Click to expand...

640 Armageddon

640 Armageddon Xplorer Supporter

Excellent thread idea ! About RNS's cables, have seen a clear overcoat (if I may describe it this way) which protects the cables. The guy who used the Trips, never had problems with them. Although they look fragile, and I would also prefer a circular connector, it seems they are doing their job As far as the roadbook magnifier is concerned, we are working on something and have prototypes at hand. They work ok, the setup is ok and at the end these will be sold as replacement covers or accessories for Mk1 roadbook holder. It depends on the demand though BajaDad. Speedo cable and pick up. If you mean to have one cable to read the wheel magnet and then feed the Rally Computers with one plug and then feed the KTM (for example) speedo with another plug, I can't see why why this cannot be done now by splitting the signal from the pick up cable in to two (Tony? ). Unless the Speedo has a pulse multiplier or something which prevents the idea I thing it is doable. This idea of course, defies the redundancy approach. You loose one cable you loose two devices I have seen riders going mental and have two Trips and another two spare cables already on the bike. Swap connectors and they are good to go. Two cables on the left side two cables on the right side of the bike... Depends on what you wanna do I guess... Till later, D.
640 Armageddon said: ↑ BajaDad. Speedo cable and pick up. If you mean to have one cable to read the wheel magnet and then feed the Rally Computers with one plug and then feed the KTM (for example) speedo with another plug, I can't see why why this cannot be done now by splitting the signal from the pick up cable in to two (Tony? ). Unless the Speedo has a pulse multiplier or something which prevents the idea I thing it is doable. ... Click to expand...



DaveRMS 404 Not Found

A single sensor for multiple units could work, but not by directly connecting the individual units parallel to each other. The way the system work is you have 2 wires in those sensors, one is a high signal, e.g. 5V, the other is GND. The switch in the sensor does nothing but short circuit these two lines upon proximity of a magnet. The effect we saw on the Sigmas can occur when hooking up multiple units together that a high signal from unit A comes in contact with the GND signal of unit B. One would have to therefore measure which line is high and which is GND, couple them together with diodes (yes, those things yet again!) and then you could run a single sensor. But as already mentioned by Dave, you have no backup!!!
schattat said: ↑ couple them together with diodes (yes, those things yet again!) Click to expand...


hardenduro Adventurer

I was wondering how the cables for the various types of rally odometers are routed. I plan to run two,one tripmaster and one ICO and am most interested in how the cables are run to avoid damage at the bottom near the sensor. Thanks.
hardenduro said: ↑ I was wondering how the cables for the various types of rally odometers are routed. I plan to run two,one tripmaster and one ICO and am most interested in how the cables are run to avoid damage at the bottom near the sensor. Thanks. Click to expand...
beechum1 said: ↑ Dave has a good writeup on that particularly: http://www.rallymanagementservices.com/pages/support-manuals Click to expand...
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Roadbook Eléctrico RB850

Roadbook Eléctrico RB850

F2R RB850 Rally - Lector de roadbook eléctrico, ¡para la navegación más exigente!

  • Transmisión nueva e innovadora, capaz de llevar el roadbook sin esfuerzo de la primera a la última nota.
  • Soporta rollos de roadbook de hasta 55mm de espesura (más de 18 metros y 500 notas).
  • Construido en aluminio de elevada resistencia mecánica y ligero.
  • Operación de carga y descarga mucho más fácil.
  • Elevada resistencia al agua y al polvo para un buen funcionamiento en las condiciones más adversas.
  • Tapa de aluminio y policarbonato transparente con una ventana de 158x107mm y doble cierre.
  • Con iluminación interna incorporada.
  • Diseño atractivo.
  • Dimensiones: 195x124x75 mm (sin incluir manillas).
  • Peso: 780gr.

porta road book e trip master per moto

Garantía de devolución o cambio durante 30 días.

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Envíos en 24/48h con MRW (Peninsula)

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Atención al cliente personalizada

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Montaje en Taller Colaborador

  • Descripción
  • Detalles del producto

El Kit completo incluye:

  • Portaroadbook RB850
  • Mando remoto
  • Cable de alimentación
  • Kit de montaje sobre barra de 12mm

El Kit básico sólo incluye el Portaroadbooks RB850

Si no tienes claro que modelo necesitas, contacta con nosotros y te asesoraremos!

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El ICO MAX-G es la versión que funciona cómo receptor de GPS.


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ICO Rallye Max 2

ICO Rallye Max 2

El Tripmaster más famoso, robusto y fiable del mundo: ICO. El nuevo modelo Rallye Max 2 incorpora las mejoras pensadas y diseñadas tras décadas de competición.

El ICO MAX 2 es la versión que funciona con un sensor de rueda.


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Roadbook Eléctrico RB850

Portastrumenti Rally / Rally Instrument Holder

Pubblicati il 26 Giugno 2018 da marco


Realizzato in composito Carbonio/Kevlar + fibre antiurto consente di alloggiare un porta road book MD e 2 trip (ICO o RNS). Il piano ottico della strumentazione è unico ottenendo così una facile lettura dei 3 strumenti in tutte le condizioni. Una ulteriore ed importante caratteristica è costituita dallo smistamento delle connessioni elettriche. Basta collegare un solo cavo a 12v tramite il connettore frontale per alimentare tutta la strumentazione. I cavi dei sensori e delle pulsantiere escono dal portastrumenti attraverso le due feritoie inferiori vicine al cannotto di sterzo che oltretutto permettono il drenaggio dell’acqua. Viene fornito cablato per consentire il diretto collegamento delle alimentazioni mentre ovviamente sono esclusi i cavi dei sensori e delle pulsantiere. Tutti i cavi sono dotati di connettori M8 compatibili con ICO e RNS Viene prodotto su richiesta, anche per poterlo correttamente accoppiare con la staffa di ancoraggio del cliente, al momento non fornita. Sempre su richiesta è possibile valutare altre versioni per porta road book di altri modelli

Made of Carbon / Kevlar composite + shockproof fibers, it allows to house an MD road book holder and 2 trip computer (ICO or RNS). The optical plane of the instrumentation is unique, thus obtaining an easy reading of the 3 instruments in all conditions. A further important feature is the sorting of the electrical connections. Just connect a single 12v cable through the front connector to power all the equipments. The cables of the sensors and of the switches exit from the instrument holder through the two lower slots near the steering head which furthermore allow the water to drain. It is supplied wired to allow direct connection of the power supplies, while obviously the cables of the sensors and to / from the switches are excluded. All cables are equipped with M8 connectors compatible with ICO and RNS It is produced on request, also for matching with the customer’s anchoring bracket, currently not supplied. On request it is possible to evaluate other versions compatible with other road book holders.

Prezzo indicativo iva inclusa / Indicative Price VAT included: 180€ +Spedizione/Shipping Il prezzo può variare senza preavviso / Price may vary without notice

For non European Countries the VAT can be deducted, please ask for net price.

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porta road book e trip master per moto

  • strumentazioni rally

Porta Road Book Migtec

I PREZZI INDICATI SONO IVA ESCLUSA. (Al momento dell'inserimento nel carrello l'iva verrà aggiunta in automatico.)

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ICO Rally MAX 2

KTM 78012090000 Information

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KTM 78012090000 Information

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  • ENGLISH, page 5
  • FRANÇAIS, page 9
  • ESPAÑOL, página 11
  • DEUTSCH, seite 3
  • ITALIANO, pagina 7

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Summary of Contents for KTM 78012090000

  • Page 1 Information Power Parts 78012090000 08. 2008 3.211.425 *3211425*...
  • Page 2 KTM Power Parts are race proven to offer the ultimate in performance. KTM WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR IMPROPER INSTALLATION OR USE OF THIS PRODUCT. Please follow all instructions provided. If you are unsure of any installation procedure, please contact a certified KTM dealer.
  • Page 3 Lieferumfang: 1x Roadbookträger 2x ISK Schraube M6x14 2x Linsenkopfschrauben M6x20 4x Beilagscheiben M6 2x Kunststoffscheiben 4x Linsenkopfschraube M4x20 + 8Stk. Beilagscheiben 4x Mutter selbstsichernd M4 1x Bremsschlauchführung 59008019000 4x Distanzbüchse 7x10x7,5 50208020000 nicht im Lieferumfang: Roadbookhalter lose 60012073000 Kabelstrang 59012090060 Fernbedienung Roadbookhalter 60012073080 Montage...
  • Page 4 Fernbedienung am Roadbookhalter anstecken. Fernbedienung am Lenker montieren. Stecker lose Lieferumfang Kabelstrang) Kabelstrang anschließen braun auf GND (siehe Sticker Roadbook) rot/gelb auf +12V (siehe Sticker Roadbook Punkt 12). Roadbookhalterkabelstrang am Roadbookhalter lose anstecken. Roadbookhalterkabelstrang am Zugschalter anstecken (siehe Pfeil). Sitzbank demontieren. Tank demontieren.
  • Page 5 Scope of supply: 1x road book support 2x M6x14AH screws 2x M6x20 flat head screws 4x M6 shims 2x plastic washers 4x M4x20 flat head screws + 8 shims 4x M4 self-locking nuts 1x brake hose guide 59008019000 4x 7x10x7.5 distance bushings 7x10x7,5 50208020000 Not included in the scope of supply: Roadbookhalter lose...
  • Page 6 Connect the remote control to the road book holder. Mount the remote control on the handlebar. Loosely connect the plug (included with the wiring harness) to the wiring harness brown to GND (see road book sticker, item 12) red/yellow to +12V (see road book sticker, item 12). Loosely connect the road book holder wiring harness to the road book holder.
  • Page 7 Volume della fornitura: 1x supporto porta road-book 2x vite TCEI M6x14 2x vite a testa bombata M6x20 4x rondella M6 2x rondella in plastica 4x vite a testa bombata M4x20 + 8 x rondella 4x dado autobloccante M4 1x guida per tubo freno 59008019000 4x boccola distanziale 7x10x7,5 50208020000...
  • Page 8 Collegare il comando a manubrio al porta road-book. Montare il comando sul manubrio. Collegare il connettore sciolto (in dotazione al cablaggio) al cablaggio, marrone a GND (vedi adesivo sul porta road-book) e rosso/giallo a +12V (vedi adesivo sul porta road-book punto 12). Collegare il cablaggio al porta road-book.
  • Page 9 Kit de livraison: 1x support de roadbook 2x vis six pans creux M6x14 2x vis à tête bombée M6x20 4x rondelles M6 2x rondelles en plastique 4x vis à tête bombée M4x20 + 8 rondelles 4x écrous autoblocants M4 1x patte pour la durite de frein 59008019000 4x entretoises 7x10x7,5 50208020000...
  • Page 10 Brancher la commande à distance sur le dévideur. Monter la commande à distance sur le guidon. Relier le bouton (dans le kit de livraison faisceau) au faisceau, le marron sur GND (voir l'autocollant roadbook), rouge/jaune sur le 12 V (voir l'autocollant roadbook, point 12). Relier le faisceau sur le dévideur.
  • Page 11 Volumen de suministro: 1x soporte para el Roadbook 2x tornillos allen M6x14 2x tornillos alomados M6x20 4x arandelas suplementarias M6 2x arandelas de plástico 4x tornillos alomados M4x20 + 8 arandelas suplementarias 4x tuercas autofijadoras M4 1x guía de latiguillo de freno 59008019000 4x casquillos distanciadores 7x10x7,5 50208020000...
  • Page 12 Conectar el control a distancia en el sostén del Roadbook. Montar el control a distancia en el manillar. Conectar el enchufe libre (en el volumen de suministro tramo de cables) en el tramo de cables, marrón sobre GND (véase sticker Roadbook) rojo/amarillo sobre +12V (véase sticker Roadbook punto 12).

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motorcycle portugal

Motorcycle Travel Guide: Portugal

Welcome to the Portugal Motorcycle Travel Guide! This packed guide is full of all the info you need to plan an epic motorcycle tour through gorgeous Portugal including destinations, expert tips and loads more.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides epic view

By José Pedro Leão

José is a Portugal riding expert, motorcycle tour planner and professional guide.

Portugal Motorcycle Tour and Travel Guide

Portugal is one of the most beautiful and versatile countries in Europe. Nothing compares to my home country of Portugal. It’s the most western European country and small in comparison to its neighbours, but its history, heritage, diversity of stunning landscapes, delicious food and wine, wonderful culture, beautiful beaches and insane motorcycle riding mean it’s like no other.

This little pocket of beauty can be crossed in less than eight hours. In a day’s riding you can enjoy so many different types of roads, trails and discover hidden gems like breath-taking beaches that back onto mountain ranges, secret waterfalls, river crossings and a gorgeous wilderness. There are so many wonders in such a tiny territory and it’s absolutely perfect for motorcycle riding, whether you like off-road or tarmac, Portugal has got it all. And we hope this guide will help you discover the very best of it on your motorcycle trip!

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides twisty roads

All year long! The weather is always mild and it’s tremendously rare to catch severe conditions. But bear in mind that August can be hot in the south and is generally busier especially along the coast – the same goes for July.

We’d suggest that one of the best months to visit is September, most kids are back to school, it’s still hot, but not ridiculously hot and the sea is warm.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides village riding

You should take originals of your passport, driver’s licence, insurance certificate, MoT if required, your V5 (logbook) and insurance for your motorcycle. Make sure your insurance provider covers you to ride in Portugal and check how long you’re covered outside of the UK. While you’re at it, double check if you have EU breakdown cover too.

It’s also highly advisable to get personal travel insurance that covers you to ride a motorcycle abroad. Plenty of UK based travel insurance companies that say you’re covered to ride don’t actually cover you if it’s over 125cc and others won’t cover you if it’s your main form of transport on that holiday. 

Bear in mind that if you book a rental motorcycle or sign up to a bike tour, some companies offer motorcycle and travel insurance included in the price. 

International Driving Permits (IDP) are available from your local Post Office and will be required once the UK leaves the EU, probably from Jan 2021. Check the Gov website for more information.

For more info on personal travel insurance for motorcyclists, check out our comprehensive guide:

  • UK Motorcycle Travel Insurance Guide.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides

The type of motorcycle riding on offer

There are so many different road options to choose from in Portugal. There’s plenty of sweet, smooth black tarmac lacing its way around the country. And there’s thousands of miles of dirt tracks too.

The north of Portugal is known for its perfect off-roading because it offers a multitude of tracks including mountain, beach, river-crossings, mud, gravel and so on. It also as a lot of good tarmac roads with great views and dives deep into authentic Portugal if that is what you prefer! You can’t really go wrong wherever you go and you can find whatever type of riding you want everywhere.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides off road water

Portugal is one of the least expensive countries in Europe for motorcycle travel. You can really make the most out of your budget here. Moreover, the Portuguese are known for being a very welcoming and generous people that love to share the best of their hospitality, home-made food and wines – especially with foreigners! Here are some examples to give you an idea of costs:

  • Fuel is around £1.35 a per litre.
  • A good meal in a restaurant with all you can eat and drink will cost on average £22-£40 per person.
  • A very good craft beer is £4.52, but it can cost less than £1 for a standard pint.
  • A good hotel room with breakfast included starts at around £54 per night.
  • A top camping spot can cost around £18 per night.
  • Free and wild camping is possible dependent on location and time of year.
  • Watch out for motorway toll roads – the prices can rack up.

If you’re travelling on a budget, check out our motorcycle money saving and budget guide:

  • How to motorcycle travel on the cheap

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides city riding

All-inclusive motorcycle tours

Portugal is one of those countries that lends itself perfectly to all-inclusive motorcycle tours and here’s why… The country is an excellent holiday destination for Brits and Europeans because of its gorgeous weather, incredibly varied riding roads and amazing scenery. Plus, if you’re coming from the UK, it’s a long ride just to get there and you’ll spend the majority of your Portugal trip on French and Spanish motorways just getting there and back so if you’re strapped for time, it makes sense to let someone else do all the hard work for you.

If you’re after a tour somewhere in Europe, then you can’t go wrong with Portugal. You can sit back, book your flights and let a professional company plan the best that Portugal has to offer. I organise and run tours for Freeride Spirit and we take care of everything from the best hotels and food to the bikes and awesome routes. And there’s always a wide variety of tours available for different skill levels and riding styles (from adventure bikes to road tours and enduro holidays –  and it’s all-year-round too thanks to the ideal weather conditions found in the north of Portugal.

So, if you do fancy a tour, then here’s some extra advice. The best thing to do before making a decision on letting an expert team take care of your ride is to check their reviews on TripAdvisor or other unbiased platforms. 

Next up is to use this list as it includes what the best all-inclusive riding tours should include: 

  • New and well maintained motorcycles
  • Petrol / tyres / mousses
  • Professional guides

If you’re riding off-road you will want to make sure you have excellent enduro equipment too including:

  • Full body armour
  • Hydration backpack

And your tour (on or off-road) should include these extras: 

  • 4×4 support car (mechanical backup)
  • Spare motorcycle
  • Accommodation
  • All meals (breakfast / lunch / dinner + drinks)
  • Transfers from and to airport

Motorcycle rentals 

You can always rent a motorcycle if you prefer. There are some fantastic companies out there, it takes the stress out of getting the ferry and is great if you have a short holiday. Check out these pages below for more info.

  • Recommended Portugal Motorcycle Rental and Tour Companies

Enduro tours

Portugal is one of the best places in Europe to go enduro riding thanks to its climate, terrain, beautiful towns and delicious food. It has it all. If you’re thinking of signing up for an enduro specific tour, have a read of this article next. 

READ MORE: 5 Reasons to go Enduro Riding in Portugal

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides off road

3 of the best places to visit in Portugal

Portugal is literally brimming with amazing routes. The Costa Verde is home to historic and pictureseque cities and is also where mountain ranges meet the sea. There’s also Caminha, Viana do Castelo and Praia do Cabedelo… too many to list! So instead, here are three of our absolute favourites.

Porto to Douro Valley: N222 the rode from Régua to Pinhão

The Douro Valley and the route N222 from Régua to Pinhão is classed as one of the best motorcycling roads in the world. It’s 27 kilometres of the most incredible twists, turns and landscapes on the planet.

If you’re coming in from Spain, then the ride isn’t too long to Porto – Portugal’s second largest city. Porto is an historic and old city filled with colourful buildings sprawled across hilly streets and set alongside a great river. The city shines with culture, gorgeous gardens, medieval palaces, cathedrals and is known for its fine cuisine (often classed as the best in the country). Porto is also known for its famous Port wine. You can literally feel the history behind the iconic drink and how it shaped the entire region. From Porto, head to the vineyards and then onto the nearby Douro Valley.

The roads from Porto along the Douro Valley are known for having millions of curves and splendid views to go with them. Make the most out of it and ride along the riverbanks of Douro River, taking advantage of the different riding roads and off-road tracks if you fancy a bit of the rough stuff too. Seriously, riding here is jaw-dropping. It’s considered one of the most beautiful wine regions in the world with a wonderful backdrop of terraces built over hundreds of years and the Douro river beautifully snaking between the mountains below. It’s a must for any Portugal motorcycle tour.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides mountain view

Lisbon to Alentejo

Portugal’s capital of Lisbon will always sit at the top of travel itineraries. You can explore this fascinating city on a budget as it’s one of the most tranquil and affordable capitals in Europe. Pottering around the city on a motorcycle is great fun thanks to the narrow winding roads and phenomenal lookout points.

After some city life, break away from the crowds and head from Lisbon to Alentejo. The biggest city in Alentejo, Evora, is also a living museum and a world heritage site. It’s a lovely spot with a rich history and a mysterious nature that makes it a perfect Halloween destination too, especially when considering the the Capela dos Ossos – the notorious attraction of the bones chapel. Inside (and on) the walls of this 16 th century church are approximately 5,000 human skeletons. Also visit Giraldo Square, the Vauban style walls, the typical whitewashed houses, the Cathedral, and the Roman temple. There’s plenty of delicious comfort food and wine here too and it’s all very different from what’s on offer in the rest of the country.

Évora and the nearby villages are ideal nature retreats where you can hide and ride some amazing off-road trails and locations. You can spend months exploring this region on two wheels and chasing rough tracks – it’s some of the most fun you can have on two wheels!

One of the most beautiful roads to ride is on Alentejo coast. Once you’re by the sea, you’ll pass some incredible and almost deserted beaches until you reach the Algarve. Melides, Porto Covo, Mil Fontes are paradises you should check out before you arrive at Odeceixe, which is another gorgeous spot that marks the separation from Alentejo and Algarve.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides off road by the sea

The Algarve

The Algarve is one of the most popular places in Portugal. It’s perfect for mixing warm weather, hiking expeditions, trendy beaches and even trendier social scenes. It’s also a great place to speak with people because there are so many Brits and Europeans living there.

It’s worth visiting each of the major cities: Albufeira, Lagos, Vilamoura and Portimão. They’re perfectly located for several day trips including riding to sandy beaches with turquoise waters.

The FIM ISDE 2019 enduro event took place in Portimão, so you know it is a good location for some enduro and more challenging tracks too. Along the way you’ll find tiny treasure troves of jewel-bright waters and mesmerizing cliffs (like Camilo Beach in Lagos) which are sprinkled across the region. Riding past all of these will take a lifetime because of all the stopping you’ll need to do for pictures and to just take it all iin.

If you find some areas crowded, head for more tranquil towns like Sagres, Tavira and Aljezur. A great suggestion is Carvoeiro, take a Benagil Cave tour and go to Marinha Beach. Don’t forget to take a walk a little on the Carvoeiro boardwalk too.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides beach

Portugal is full of wonders. There’s so much to see and do that it becomes easy to miss some of its best bits. Here’s a handy list of some beautiful stops that will make your Portugal motorcycle tour really special.

Mountains and smelly cheese

Check out the highest mountain peak in continental Portugal (the highest in all of Portugal is on Pico Island, Azores). Nature-lovers should take note because exploring and riding through the remote mountain range of Serra da Estrela is amazing. In winter it’s the only place you can go skiing in Portugal and is speckled with tiny villages. The mountain feels rather remote and nature is the main attraction, but foodies may enjoy tasting the homemade honey and creamy pungent cheeses that are truly unique delicacies only made there.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides off roading

Forests and Romans

Peneda-Gerês National Park offers oak forests, a winding Roman road with ancient markers, bridges and waterfalls. Camping is allowed in specific parts of the park and some natural pools allow swimming during the warmer months. It’s a really special place to ride and should be on your Portugal tour itinerary.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides mountain view

Natural beauty

Serra da Arrabida is one of the most beautiful natural spots in Portugal. It’s home to some of Portugal’s best beaches: Portinho da Arrabida, Sesimbra, and Galapos. The water isn’t as warm as in Algarve but in terms of beauty, they are as good as it gets.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel mountains

Nazare is a small, whitewashed beach town in the centre of Portugal. It’s famous for having the world’s biggest waves (only in winter) where Garrett McNamara broke the record of the biggest wave ever surfed. It’s also a beautiful beach destination with stunning sunsets.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides beach

Sintra is a lovely, picturesque and small town near Lisbon. It’s world famous for its palaces and castles that stand out over the sublime landscapes. The enchanted castles look like they’re straight out of a Disney movie. It makes for some great motorcycling touring too and awesome backdrops.

Visit Sagres and Cape S. Vicente. It’s Europe’s southwestern-most point. The region is wild, barren and full of dramatic cliffs. While there, visit the Sagres Fort, which was built to control and defend the Portuguese coast. This west region of Algarve also has plenty of stunning hidden beaches that are far more relaxing because they’re less touristy.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides bike and goat


Finding accommoadtion in Portugal is simple and straightforward. Hotels are standard prices and usually less than many parts of mainland Europe.

Camping is possible, straight forward and there are plenty of campsites. Wild camping is trickier as there are many places you can’t camp dependent on the time of year. But you will find loads of places to pitch your tent. You’ll find plenty of spots on the iOverlander app.

  • Top 5 Travel Apps for Overlanders  
  • The 10 Best Motorcycle Camping Tents
  • The Ultimate Motorcycle Camping Gear List

Our 5 favourite hotels in Portugal

Hotel FeelViana is a great choice in the north and Viana do Castelo area, since it is a unique, sustainable, clean and safe resort that sits between a stunning beach and an equally beautiful pine forest. Ask for a room with a sea view and go through all the offers in their outdoor activities range like water sports and yoga.

The Wine House – Quinta da Pacheca   is a gorgeous hotel for wine lovers. You get to sleep in a giant wine barrel transformed into a lovely room in the middle of the vineyards. 

S ix Senses may just be one of the top luxury hotel resorts in the country. Exquisite rooms and villas, stunning views over Douro and perfect for those who want to splash out for the night. 

Pousada Barão de Forrester in Alijó has a deep connection to the Douro and the history of the oldest demarcated wine region in the world. If you love good wine and want to explore the Douro Valley, then this is the place for you.

Mountain whisper in Lousã is a wonderful resort in an authentic schist village in the heart of the mountains. It has a great pool, plenty of charming river beaches and loads of tracks in the surrounding area.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides

Watch out for

Speeding in Portugal can land you in serious trouble. Fines can easily hit £2,000 and a seized motorbike.

Speed camera detectors on your sat-nav must be switched off as they’re considered illegal. Caught with one and it’s another heavy fine.

You also need to display a GB sticker on your plate or bike otherwise more heavy, and often on-the-spot, fines.

There are plenty of toll roads in Portugal. You can buy passes, but it’s easier as a tourist to just pay at the booths in cash or via card. Make sure you do pay though as those fines will catch up to you.

Getting there and away

If you’re coming from the UK, the easiest and quickest way to get to Portugal with your motorcycle is by using a ferry to Bilbao or Santander in Spain and then riding down to Portugal. Check Brittany Ferries for services and running times.

Portugal only land borders Spain, so if you’re coming in via road then you will be entering from and exiting to Spain first.

If you’re coming from further afield and want to ship your motorcycle to Portugal, then check out our shipping guide below.

  • How to Transport Your Motorcycle from the UK to Europe

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides boast

Gear and packing

Portugal is renowned for its sublimely hot weather. For your Portugal motorcycle tour you will want ventilated and breathable gear. There’s no point opting for heavy and expensive Gore-Tex pro-laminate as it will be too hot. Gore-Tex waterproof jackets are fine, so long as they’re not pro-laminate (which means the fixed outer layer is waterproof). If you do take a waterproof motorcycle jacket, then make sure the waterproof lining is removable.

A better option would be to go for mesh lined kit and pack a thermal top for cold nights and a pair of cheap waterproof throw-overs in case you get caught out. Be sure to take a pair of summer gloves too.

For more info on riding gear, luggage and packing, check out these handy guides:

  • How to choose your adventure riding gear
  • The motorcycle luggage guide
  • Hard vs soft luggage
  • The complete motorcycle trip packing list

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tours KTM

Don’t leave Portugal without trying the local wine and delicacies whenever you go. Particularly pastel de nata in Lisbon Belem and francesinha in Porto. Try one of the many bacalhau dishes too. You won’t regret it!

Try Portuguese craft beer. There is a rising movement of extraordinary brewers, particularly in Porto, Braga, Coimbra and Lisbon.

Make sure you visit Lisbon’s traditional neighbourhoods like Alfama and Mouraria – two of the oldest neighbourhoods in the city. These neighbourhoods are filled with mouth-watering aromas and wistful melodies (known locally as fado) drifting from cosy bars and restaurants that line the narrow, cobblestone streets.

Portugal Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guides wine

About the author

José Pedro Leão is a professional motorcycle rider, tour guide and adventure travel route planner. José is passionate about riding in Portugal and runs tours for Freeride Spirit – a Portuguese motorcycle rental and tour company (and one of our recommended favourites).

  • Freeride is one of our recommended Motorcycle Tour and Rental Companies
  • Check out their page here www.freeridespirit.pt

Freeride Spirit Portugal Motorcycle rental and tours

Read more on motorcycle travel in Europe

We hope you enjoyed this Motorcycle Travel and Tour Guide for Portugal. Here’s some more articles on riding in Europe and travel guides that you may find useful.

  • Portugal Guides
  • All Europe Destination Guides
  • All Destination Guides
  • UK Motorcycle Travel Insurance Guide 

Try these next…

What to Pack for a Europe Motorcycle Tour

What to Pack for a Europe Motorcycle Tour

Motorcycle Travel Guide Europe

Motorcycle Travel Guide: Europe

Motorcycle Sat Nav GPS Banner

The 5 Best Motorcycle Sat Navs

Suzuki V-Strom DL650A Review

Motorcycle Touring for Beginners

The Motorcycle Luggage Guide

The Motorcycle Luggage Guide

The 10 Best Motorcycle Touring Jackets

The BEST Motorcycle Touring Jackets

Are you planning a motorcycle trip to Portugal or do you have any questions or tips to share? Let us know in the comments below. 

11 thoughts on “Motorcycle Travel Guide: Portugal”

Cracking article thanks very much. This is going to come in very useful for when we can actually tour again (hopefully not too long now). Can’t wait to ride down to the sun!

Hey Oliver, Just a heads up that we are already riding again full force here in Portugal!

Well done on this one, very detailed and full of information. Exactly what i was after cheers

Thanks for the great guide, me and a bunch of mates are looking at our annual tour options and have finally settled on Portugal. Going to give freeride a call at some point to get this all booked in. Only decission now is mainly on or offroad. Portugal 2022 here we come

Hi Choka, dunno if you made any decisions already, and reached out to us? We have an ongoing special tour that happens yearly throughout the entire portuguese coastline, off-road if you want to make it epic 😀 It will happen this October! Feel free to contact us 😉

Great article and hugely informative – I have visited most of these places by coach/car and have dreamt of taking the motorcycle across the stunning terrains.

One thing that would be great to know is the writer’s suggestion on motorcycle type to bring. Given the short distances and tempting off road terrains, would an enduro be better than a big, heavy touring bike (e.g. a RT1200…)?

Hi Liam, that is a great question! For these tours, you actually don’t bring any motorcycle as we provide everything from head to toe! For the enduro tours, we’re changing our KTM 2022 now for the new models of 2023, from 150cc to 450cc, we have all models, two stroke and four stroke. If it’s an adventure tour, they all have off-road optionals you can take, which are amazing btw, and we’ll be getting brand new 890 and 1290 KTM motorcycles this month as well. Just give us a ring if you want more information 🙂

Hello I have a question want to tour Portugal last week October or early November.What do think weather ok and what area best. Thanks Bill

Hi Bill, thanks for your comment, The best month to visit Portugal is September and October is pretty good too because the temperature drops and the beaches clear out. You’ll find the Algarve area is still pretty warm at around 23C and the winery areas are really good at that time of year too. Enjoy your trip! Andy

Great read and lots to think about when booking foreign bike rides. This is something to consider over the next year as I end a big project and zest after something different to experience…

Hi Robert, Thanks for your comment, I’m glad to hear you found this article helpful. Good luck with finishing your project and getting out there riding! Cheers, Andy

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