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Kinofilme um Raumschiff Enterprise & Co.

"star trek": die richtige reihenfolge aller filme und serien.

  • Aktualisiert: 22.05.2023
  • Björn Krause

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

Bislang umfasst die "Star Trek"-Reihe 13 Kinofilme. Sie alle sind inhaltlich im Universum der TV-Kultserie "Raumschiff Enterprise" angesiedelt.

Durch Reboots, Prequels und Spin-offs ist es schwer, den Überblick über die Chronologie der Handlung zu behalten.

Hier erfährst du, wann welche "Star Trek"-Filme spielen und in welcher Reihenfolge du die Filme und Serien anschauen kannst und solltest.

Chronologie der "Star Trek"-Filme und Serien: Wann treffen Captain Kirk und Picard aufeinander? Zu welchem Zeitpunkt funktionieren die Holo-Decks? Und überhaupt: Wie hat das alles angefangen? Wir stellen dir hier drei Varianten vor, in welcher Reihenfolge du die "Star Trek"-Filme und Serien schauen kannst.

Variante 1: Die "Star Trek"-Filme und Serien in chronologischer Reihenfolge

Du kennst es von "Star Wars", "Der Herr der Ringe" und anderen Klassikern: Die einzelnen Filme und Serien sind nicht in der chronologischen Reihenfolge erschienen. Hier kommt die richtige Reihenfolge, was die Geschehnisse innerhalb des Star-Trek-Universums angeht.

"Star Trek: Enterprise" - 2151 bis 2155

Diese Serie ist ein Prequel - also eine Erzählung, die zwar als Fortsetzung erschienen ist, aber zeitlich vor allen "Star Trek"-Serien startet. "Star Trek: Enterprise", in den ersten beiden Staffeln noch als "Enterprise" bekannt, spielt in einer Zeit, in der es anfangs noch keine "Vereinigte Föderation der Planeten" gibt, von der "Obersten Direktive" wird noch nicht geredet und Techniken wie das Beamen stecken noch in den Kinderschuhen. Inhaltlich geht es in den ersten beiden Staffeln darum, den Weltraum zu erforschen. In der 3. Staffel wird die Erde angegriffen und der Täter wird gesucht. Die letzte Staffel erzählt die Geschichte, wie die Erde zwischen Tellariten, Vulkaniern und Andorianern vermittelt und somit die Föderation ihren Anfang nimmt.

"Star Trek: Discovery" - ab 2256

Im Mittelpunkt steht die Sternenflotten-Offizierin Michael Burnham, Spocks Adoptivschwester. Nach einem tödlichen Zwischenfall mit den Klingonen, die echt ziemlich cool aussehen, wird Burnham zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt. Später wird sie auf dem Raumschiff Discovery bei der Entwicklung neuer Technologien helfen. Bisher sind vier Staffeln erschienen: Zeitlich spielt die Handlung der ersten beiden Staffeln rund zehn Jahre bevor Captain James Tiberius Kirk auf der Enterprise stationiert ist. Staffel 3 und 4 erzählen dagegen von Ereignissen, die 900 Jahre danach angesiedelt sind. Die 5. und letzte Staffel wird voraussichtlich 2024 anlaufen.

"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" - ab 2259

In diesem Spin-off geht es um den jungen Spock, der gemeinsam mit Captain Pike und Number One an Bord der USS Enterprise seine Schichten schiebt. Die Crew ist bekannt aus der 2. Staffel von "Star Trek: Discovery", dort wurde sie zum ersten Mal vorgestellt und war so beliebt, dass sie mit "Strange New Worlds" sogar eine eigene Serie bekam. Die dreht sich darum, dass Captain Christopher Pike im Zuge einer Mission durch einen Zeitkristall auf seine eigene finstere Zukunft blicken kann: Demnach wird er bei einen Unfall schwer verletzt und muss den Rest seines Lebensvollständig gelähmt im Rollstuhl verbringen. Die Zeit bis dahin will er fortan als Captain der USS Enterprise genießen, indem er durch den Weltraum streift - auf der Suche nach fremden Planeten und unbekannten Zivilisationen.

"Raumschiff Enterprise" - 2265 bis 2269

Noch heute brechen sich Trekkies schier die Hand beim Versuch, den Vulkanier-Gruß zu imitieren. Seinen Ursprung findet dieser Fingerspreizer in der allerersten "Star Trek"-Serie: "Raumschiff Enterprise". Und die flackerte bereits ab 1966 (bis 1969) über die Bildschirme. Schöpfer Gene Roddenberry ließ Captain Kirk bis dahin unerforschte Gebiete der Galaxis und Pappmaché-Monster erkunden. Nach nur drei Staffeln wurde die Serie aufgrund schlechter Einschaltquoten eingestellt.

"Die Enterprise" - 2269 und 2270

Dieses Format spielt direkt im Anschluss an die ursprüngliche Serie. Allerdings ist es eine Zeichentrick-Fortsetzung von "Raumschiff Enterprise". Obwohl diese USS Enterprise eigentlich identisch ist mit dem Raumschiff aus der ursprünglichen Serie mit dem Kirk aus Fleisch und Blut, enthält dieser Weltraumkreuzer bereits das beliebte Holodeck. Zudem wurden unter anderem die Raumanzüge durch Sauerstoffgürtel ausgetauscht. Inzwischen gehört der Ausflug in die Zeichentrickwelt offiziell zum Kanon des "Star Trek"-Universums.

"Star Trek: Der Film" - 2273

In den 1970er-Jahren entwickelte sich die erste "Star Trek"-Serie zu einem echten Hit - also nachdem sie abgesetzt wurde. Sprüche wie "Beam me up, Scotty!" kannte plötzlich jede:r. Grund genug für Serien-Erfinder Gene Roddenberry, den allerersten "Star Trek"-Film zu produzieren. Inhalt: Eine gewaltige Energiewolke nähert sich der Erde und zerstört alles, was sich ihr in den Weg stellt. Admiral Kirk (William Shatner) übernimmt erneut das Kommando über die gerade generalüberholten Enterprise und stellt sich der Bedrohung mit seiner alten Crew entgegen.

50 Jahre Star Trek: Dieses Detail über die erste Folge haben viele bereits vergessen (

50 Jahre Star Trek: Dieses Detail über die erste Folge haben viele bereits vergessen

Mehr als 700 TV-Folgen und rund ein Dutzend Kinofilme: Millionen Fans lieben "Star Trek". Vor 50 Jahren lief die erste Folge der Science-Fiction-Serie im US-Fernsehen. Und die Reaktionen waren aus heutiger Sicht überraschend.

"Star Trek II: Der Zorn des Khan" - 2285

Willkommen im 23. Jahrhundert: Statt sich durchs Weltall zu kämpfen, feiern Captain Kirk, "Pille" McCoy und Spock auf der Erde den Geburtstag des Captains. Doch die große Sause wird zum Reinfall, weil Party-Crasher Erzfeind Nummer eins Khan Noonien Singh auf der Bildfläche erscheint. Der war vor Jahren von Kirk ausgesetzt worden und will jetzt vor allem eines: Rache! Und der fällt leider der Vulkanier Spock zum Opfer.

"Star Trek III: Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock" - 2285

Hier führte sogar Spock-Darsteller Leonard Nimoy Regie, was von vielen Fans im Vorfeld so gedeutet wurde, dass Spock von den Toten aufersteht. Und so kam es dann auch: Denn bevor er im zweiten Teil das Zeitliche segnete, übertrug Spock sein Katra, also seine Seele, auf Dr. McCoy. Beim Versuch, Spocks Seele zurück in seinen Körper zu verpflanzen, bekommt die Crew Ärger mit den Klingonen.

"Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart" - 2286

Im 23. Jahrhundert des vierten Kinofilms steht die Erde kurz vor dem Kollaps, weil die Ozeane verdunsten und die Atmosphäre kurz vor dem Zusammenbruch steht. Außerdem drohen Kirk und seiner Crew eine Anklage, weil sie gegen zahlreiche Regeln verstoßen hatten, als sie Spock zurück ins Leben holten. Und als wäre das noch nicht genug, wollen sie zwei Buckelwale fangen und mit ihnen zurück in ihre Gegenwart springen, um eine gefährliche Sonde aufzuhalten.

"Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums" - 2287

Ein Jahr später, im fünften Teil, soll die Enterprise zum Planeten Nimbus III fliegen, um dort den Botschaftern der Föderation, der Klingonen und der Romulaner zu helfen, die von Spocks Halbbruder Sybok gefangen gehalten werden. Das Ganze erweist sich aber als Falle und Sybok übernimmt das Schiff, um damit ins Zentrum der Galaxie zu fliegen, wo er hofft, Gott zu finden. Naja, dafür gab es dann leider auch die Goldene Himbeere für den schlechtesten Film.

"Star Trek VI: Das unentdeckte Land" - 2293

Erfolgreicher läuft dann der sechste Teil. Um es kurz zu machen: Captain Kirk und Dr. McCoy werden des Mordes am klingonischen Kanzler angeklagt. Mit am Start ist übrigens der Schauspieler Michael Dorn, der in der TV-Serie Lieutenant Worf verkörpert. Und auch René Auberjonois ist dabei, er wird später als der Gestaltwandler Odo eine Hauptrolle in "Deep Space Nine" übernehmen.

"Raumschiff Enterprise: Das nächste Jahrhundert" - 2364 bis 2370

Jetzt wird es Zeit für Captain Jean-Luc Picard, die charismatischste Glatze im Universum. Zusammen mit seiner Crew durchpflügt er mit der Enterprise-D die Galaxie, um fremde Planeten zu erkunden. Die Serie war überaus erfolgreich und gewann insgesamt 18 Emmys. Damit öffnete sie auch das Universum für Nachfolgeserien wie "Deep Space Nine", "Raumschiff Voyager" und "Star Trek: Enterprise". Zudem wurde die Geschichte der Enterprise-D auch im Kino weitererzählt.

"Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen" - 2371

In diesem Film treffen die beiden ganz großen Capitäne aufeinander: nämlich James T. Kirk und Jean-Luc Picard. Und das in einer Paralleldimension, die außerhalb des gewohnten Raum-Zeit-Kontinuums liegt. Mit diesem Film wird endgültig der Staffelstab von einem Helden an den anderen weitergegeben. Von nun an nehmen Picard und seine Crew die Hauptrollen an.

Sie war Lieutenant Uhura: "Star Trek"-Ikone Nichelle Nichols ist gestorben

Sie war Lieutenant Uhura: "Star Trek"-Ikone Nichelle Nichols ist gestorben

Als Nyota Uhura in der "Raumschiff Enterprise"-Reihe wurde sie zur Ikone. Nun ist Nichelle Nichols im Alter von 89 Jahren gestorben.

"Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt" - 2373

Im zweiten Kinoabenteuer von Captain Picard haben er, seine Crew und alles Leben in der Galaxie einen scheinbar unbezwingbaren Feind gegen sich: die Borg - ein gefährliches Kollektiv aus halborganischen Maschinenwesen. Die Borg begeben sich auf Zeitreise ins 21. Jahrhundert, kurz nach Beendigung des 3. Weltkriegs. Der Plan: Den ersten Kontakt der Menschen zu außerirdischem Leben unterbinden und den Verlauf der Geschichte ändern.

"Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" - 2369 bis 2375

In dieser Serie (7 Staffeln) spielen sich die Geschehnisse nicht auf einem Raumschiff ab, sondern auf einer Raumstation: Deep Space Nine. Hier hat Offizier Benjamin Sisko das Kommando. Als in der Nähe von Bajor ein stabiles Wurmloch entdeckt wird, das einen Zugang zu einem kaum erforschten Quadranten ermöglicht, wird die Raumstation direkt davor positioniert und entwickelt sich somit zu einem strategisch wichtigen Forschungs- und Handelsstützpunkt. "Deep Space Nine" transportiert eine deutlich düsterere Atmosphäre als andere "Star Trek"-Serien.

"Star Trek: Der Aufstand" - 2375

Commander Data attackiert einen Beobachterstützpunkt der Föderation. Captain Picard und seine Crew versuchen herauszufinden, was hinter dem Verhalten des Androiden steckt, und müssen schon bald in einem viel größeren Konflikt vermitteln. Es geht im wahrsten Sinne um Leben und Tod. Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte wurden die Spezialeffekte vollständig am Computer erstellt.

"Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager" - 2371 bis 2377

In dieser Serie übernimmt erstmals eine Frau die Brücke: Captain Kathryn Janeway. Die findet sich nur leider 70.000 Lichtjahre von ihrer Heimat entfernt im Delta-Quadranten wieder. Die Mission lautet also, mit der USS Voyager den Weg zurückzufinden. Währenddessen werden aber natürlich wieder fremde Spezies und Planeten entdeckt und erforscht. In einigen Szenen nutzen die Produzenten echte Weltraumbilder, die das Hubble-Teleskop der NASA aufgenommen hatte.

"Star Trek: Nemesis" - 2379

Im zehnten "Star Trek"-Film sowie dem vierten und letzte Streifen, der auf der Fernsehserie "Star Trek: The Next Generation" basiert, muss die Crew der Enterprise im Auftrag der Sternenflotte eine Mission im Weltraum erfüllen. Captain Picard und seine Crew haben schwierige Verhandlungen mit den Romulanern vor sich, die in Kriegslaune sind. Schlimmer macht das Ganze nur noch das Zusammentreffen mit der Nemesis: dem bisher gefährlichsten Gegner.

"Star Trek: Lower Decks" - ab 2380

Es wird mal wieder Zeit für eine Zeichentrickserie. Wer hier den Captain oder den ersten Offizier finden möchte, kann lange suchen. Das parodistische "Star Trek"-Abenteuer erzählt stattdessen von Crew-Mitgliedern, die unauffälligen Jobs auf der USS Cerritos nachgehen. Der was? Genau! Dem wohl unwichtigsten Schiff der Sternenflotte.

"Star Trek: Picard" - 2399

Jean-Luc is back! Die Serie spielt 20 Jahre nach "Star Trek: Nemesis" und erzählt von neuen Abenteuern der Legende Picard. Nach einem Zerwürfnis hat dieser den Dienst bei der Sternenflotte quittiert und sich auf sein Weingut in Frankreich zurückgezogen. Nun ja, beim Keltern bleibt es nicht. Ingesamt schenken die Macher zweimal nach - es gibt also ingesamt 3 Staffeln, dann ist endgültig Schluss. Mit dabei: einfach alle! Darauf haben Trekkies lange gewartet.

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Chronologie aller "Star Wars"-Filme und "Star Wars"-Serien

"Star Wars": Die richtige Reihenfolge aller Filme und Serien

Chronologie der "Star Wars"-Filme: Wann spielt "Der Aufstieg Skywalkers"? Wann sind "Obi-Wan Kenobi" und "The Mandalorian" in die Timeline einzuordnen? Wir stellen drei Varianten vor, in welcher Reihenfolge sich die Filme am besten anschauen lassen, und sortieren auch die "Star Wars"-Serien in die Timeline ein.

"Star Trek": Die chronologische Reihenfolge der Kelvin-Timeline

Neben der Original-Timeline gibt es noch eine alternative Zeitlinie im "Star Trek"-Universum, die sogenannten Kelvin-Zeitline. Diese Zeitlinie ist eine Quantenrealität, die im Jahr 2233 entsteht, als der Romulaner Nero aus der Primären Realität in der Zeit durch ein Schwarzes Loch in die Vergangenheit reist und die USS Kelvin zerstört. Diese alternative Zeitlinie besteht bisher aus drei Kinofilmen:

  • "Star Trek Into Darkness" (2013) - 2259 bis 2260
  • "Star Trek Beyond" (2016) - 2263

Variante 2: Die Star Trek"-Filme und Serien sortiert nach dem Erscheinungsjahr

Kaum vorstellbar, aber das "Star Trek"-Universum gibt es bereits seit 1966. Hier findest du alle Filme und Serien, sortiert nach dem Erscheinungsjahr (Kinofilme sind gefettet).

  • "Raumschiff Enterprise" (1966 bis 1969)
  • "Die Enterprise" (1973 bis 1974)
  • "Star Trek: Der Film" (1979)
  • "Star Trek II: Der Zorn des Khan" (1982)
  • "Star Trek III: Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock" (1984)
  • "Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart" (1986)
  • "Raumschiff Enterprise - Das nächste Jahrhundert" (1987 bis 1994)
  • "Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums" (1989)
  • "Star Trek VI: Das unentdeckte Land" (1991)
  • "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" (1993 bis 1999)
  • "Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen" (1994)
  • "Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager" (1995 bis 2001)
  • "Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt" (1996)
  • "Star Trek: Der Aufstand" (1998)
  • "Star Trek: Enterprise" (2001 bis 2005)
  • "Star Trek: Nemesis" (2002)
  • "Star Trek" (2009)
  • "Star Trek Into Darkness" (2013)
  • "Star Trek Beyond" (2016)
  • "Star Trek: Discovery" (seit 2017)
  • "Star Trek: Short Treks" (2018 bis 2020)
  • "Star Trek: Picard" (seit 2020)
  • "Star Trek: Lower Decks" (seit 2020)
  • "Star Trek: Prodigy" (seit 2021)
  • "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" (seit 2022)

Variante 3: Die "Star Trek"-Filme und Serien - Das ist die empfohlene Reihenfolge

Und hier kommen alle Serien und Filme in einer Reihenfolge, in der du das beste "Star Trek"-Gefühl bekommst. Dafür musst du manche Serien oder Staffeln unterbrechen, um an einer anderen Stelle weiterzuschauen. Hier geht es also nicht um eine chronologische Reihenfolge. Und jetzt beam dich rein!

  • "Star Trek: Raumschiff Enterprise"
  • "Die Enterprise"
  • "Star Trek: Der Film"
  • "Star Trek II"
  • "Star Trek III"
  • "Star Trek IV"
  • "Star Trek V"
  • "Star Trek VI"
  • "Raumschiff Enterprise - Das nächste Jahrhundert" S1-7
  • "Star Trek VII"
  • "Deep Space Nine" S1-5
  • "Voyager" S1-2
  • "Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt"
  • "Deep Space Nine" S6-7
  • "Star Trek: Der Aufstand"
  • "Voyager" S3-7
  • "Star Trek: Nemesis"
  • "Enterprise"
  • "Star Trek Into Darkness"
  • "Star Trek Beyond"
  • "Star Trek: Discovery" S1-2
  • "Star Trek: Picard" S1
  • "Star Trek: Lower Decks" S1
  • "Star Trek: Discovery" 3
  • "Star Trek: Lower Decks" S2
  • "Star Trek: Prodigy"
  • "Star Trek: Discovery" S4
  • "Star Trek: Picard" S2
  • "Star Trek: Picard" S3
  • "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds"

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How to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation TV shows and movies in order

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Image: ©CBS

Star Trek: The Next Generation is an American science-fiction show, set in the 24 th Century. The series – created by Gene Roddenberry – follows the story of the crew of the USS Enterprise and its exploration of space.  

The series was created as a follow-up show to the popular Star Trek TV series of the 1960s, as well as the successful run of Star Trek movies of the late ‘70s onward. Unlike the original show and movies, which focused on the adventures of Captain James T. Kirk and his crew, The Next Generation focused on Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his team, including Riker, Data, Worf, Geordi La Forge, Deanna Troi, Tasha Yar, and Beverly and Wesley Crusher.

star trek next generation reihenfolge

Upon making its debut, Star Trek: The Next Generation built up a loyal fanbase, and became popular with audiences. Over time, it established itself as a fantastic piece of television, stepping out the shadow of its predecessor, and boasted excellent stories and well-written characters.

So, when it came time to end the show on television, not everybody was quite ready to say goodbye. Mere months after the television adventures wrapped, the Next Generation crew took to the big screen to appear in a series of movies.

And the Next Gen journey didn’t quite end with movies either. Almost two decades after the final film hit screens, Jean-Luc Picard, and a handful of his crew mates, returned for another television show.

In short: Between shows and movies, there’s a lot of Next Generation content out there. But if you’re a complete newcomer to The Next Generation , where do you begin?

With this post, of course!

Below, I am providing a run-through of Star Trek: The Next Generation , detailing the viewing order for the shows and the movies. So, if you’re not sure how best to watch the series, how many seasons there are, or when to begin watching the films, you simply need to follow the details below.  

Understanding Star Trek: The Next Generation

star trek next generation reihenfolge

Star Trek: The Next Generation hit television screens in 1987, with the two-part story: Encounter at Farpoint . This double-length episode, kicked off the show’s first season, which comprised a total of 26 episodes.

The following year, The Next Generation returned for its second season. This was then followed by seasons three, four, five, six, and seven, all popping up on an annual basis.

The seventh and final season of the show, aired between 1993 and 1994, concluding with the two-part story: All Good Things… . By the time the show reached the end of its run, Star Trek: The Next Generation had clocked up 178 episodes of television.

But this wasn’t the end for The Next Generation – the cast simply side-stepped from television into movies, beginning with Star Trek Generations (1994). The movie combined the cast of the original Star Trek television show, with the cast of The Next Generation , for a big screen adventure.

star trek next generation reihenfolge

Star Trek Generations proved to be a box office hit, and The Next Generation cast returned for further movies, including: Star Trek: First Contact (1996), Star Trek: Insurrection (1998), and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002).

Star Trek: Nemesis essentially ended the adventures of The Next Generation crew on the big screen, and bar the odd guest spot on television, the actors largely stepped away from the Star Trek universe. But this still wasn’t the end – in 2020, actor Patrick Stewart (aka Jean-Luc Picard) returned to the small screen for yet another television show.

The series was called Picard . It centred largely around the eponymous character, but also included various Next Gen cast members, who appeared in the series in guest roles.  

Due to the popularity of Picard ’s first season, as well as a positive reception from critics, the show returned for subsequent seasons.

Star Trek: The Next Generation in order

star trek next generation reihenfolge

If you wish to watch Star Trek: The Next Generation in order, begin with the original television show, taking it season by season, then move onto the four films followed by Picard .

The Star Trek: The Next Generation viewing order is as follows:

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season One (1987 – 1988) – TV series
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season Two (1988 – 1989) – TV series
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season Three (1989 – 1990) – TV series
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season Four (1990 – 1991) – TV series
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season Five (1991 – 1992) – TV series
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season Six (1992 – 1993) – TV series
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season Seven (1993 – 1994) – TV series
  • Star Trek Generations (1994) – Movie
  • Star Trek: First Contact (1996) – Movie
  • Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) – Movie
  • Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) – Movie
  • Picard – Season One (2020) – TV series
  • Picard – Season Two (2022) – TV series
  • Picard – Season Three (2023) – TV series

star trek next generation reihenfolge

If you’re a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation , you may be interested to know that all the episodes of the original showare currently available on Blu-ray in a neat little box set.

Star Trek: The Next Generation – The Complete Series Blu-ray Box Set includes all seven seasons of the show, covering 178 episodes.

Star Trek: The Next Generation – The Complete Series Blu-ray Box Set is available from all good entertainment stockists, including Amazon US and Amazon UK .

Thank you for taking the time to stop by It’s A Stampede! to read this post about the viewing order for Star Trek: The Next Generation – I hope it has proved useful. For more useful posts, be sure to check out the recommended reads below.

Disclaimer: I earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article.

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How to Watch Star Trek in Order: The Complete Series Timeline

The full star trek timeline, explained..

How to Watch Star Trek in Order: The Complete Series Timeline - IGN Image

Ever since 1966’s premiere of the first episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, the entertainment world has never been the same. This franchise that has boldly gone where no property has gone before has captured the hearts and minds of millions around the world and has grown into a space-faring empire of sorts filled with multiple shows, feature length films, comics, merchandise, and so much more. That being said, the amount of Star Trek out in the world can make it tough to know exactly how to watch everything it offers in either chronological or release order so you don’t miss a thing. To help make things easier for you, we’ve created this guide to break down everything you need to know about engaging with this Star Trek journey.

It used to be a bit trickier to track down all the Star Trek shows and movies you’d need to watch to catch up, but Paramount+ has made it a whole lot easier as it has become the home of nearly all the past, present and future Star Trek entries.

So, without further ado, come with us into the final frontier and learn how you can become all caught up with the adventures of Kirk, Picard, Janeway, Sisko, Spock, Pike, Archer, Burnham, and all the others that have made Star Trek so special over the past 56 years.

And, in case you're worried, everything below is a mostly spoiler-free chronological timeline that will not ruin any of any major plot points of anything further on in the timeline. So, you can use this guide as a handy way to catch up without ruining much of the surprise of what’s to come on your adventure! If you’d prefer to watch everything Star Trek as it was released, you’ll find that list below as well!

How to Watch Star Trek in Chronological Order

  • How to Watch Star Trek by Release Order

1. Star Trek: Enterprise (2151-2155)

Star Trek: Enterprise is the earliest entry on our list as it takes place a hundred years before the adventures of Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the crew of Star Trek: The Original Series. The show aired from 2001 to 2005 and starred Scott Bakula as Jonathan Archer, the captain of the Enterprise NX-01. This version of the Enterprise was actually Earth’s first starship that was able to reach warp five.

While the show had its ups and downs, it included a fascinating look at a crew without some of the advanced tech we see in other Star Trek shows, the first contact with various alien species we know and love from the Star Trek universe, and more.

2. Star Trek: Discovery: Seasons 1 and 2 (2256-2258)

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This is where things get a little bit tricky, as the first two seasons of Star Trek: Discovery take place before Star Trek: The Original Series but Seasons 3 and 4 take us boldly to a place we’ve not gone before. We won’t spoil why that’s the case here, but it’s important to note if you want to watch Star Trek in order, you’ll have to do a bit of jumping around from series to movie to series.

As for what Star Trek: Discovery is, it's set the decade before the original and stars Sonequa Martin-Green’s Michael Burnham, a Starfleet Commander who accidentally helps start a war between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. She gets court-martialed and stripped of her rank following these events and is reassigned to the U.S.S Discovery.

3. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2259-TBD)

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds also begins before the events of Star Trek: The Original Series and is set up by Star Trek: Discovery as its captain, Anson Mount’s Christopher Pike, makes an appearance in its second season. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because Pike first appeared in the original failed pilot episode “The Cage” of Star Trek: The Original Series and would later become James T. Kirk’s predecessor after the original actor, Jefferey Hunter, backed out of the show.

Fast forward all these years later and now we get to learn more about the story of Christopher Pike and many other familiar faces from The Original Series alongside new characters. It’s made even more special as the ship the crew uses is the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701, the very same that would soon call Kirk its captain.

4. Star Trek: The Original Series (2265-2269)

star trek next generation reihenfolge

The fourth Star Trek series or movie you should watch in the order is the one that started it all - Star Trek: The Original Series . Created by Gene Roddenberry, this first Star Trek entry would kick off a chain reaction that would end up creating one of the most beloved IPs of all time. However, it almost never made it to that legendary status as its low ratings led to a cancellation order after just three seasons that aired from 1966 to 1969. Luckily, it found great popularity after that and built the foundation for all the Star Trek stories we have today.

Star Trek: The Original Series starred William Shatner as James T. Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Spock, but the rest of the crew would go on to become nearly as iconic as they were. As for what the show was about? Well, we think Kirk said it best during each episode’s opening credits;

“Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise . Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.”

5. Star Trek: The Animated Series (2269-2270)

While Star Trek: The Original Series may have been canceled after just three seasons, its popularity only grew, especially with the help of syndication. Following this welcome development, Gene Roddenberry decided he wanted to continue the adventures of the crew of the Enterprise NCC-1701 in animated form, and he brought back many of the original characters and the actors behind them for another go.

Star Trek: The Animated Series lasted for two seasons from 1973 to 1974 and told even more stories of the Enterprise and its adventures throughout the Milky Way galaxy.

6. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (2270s)

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The first Star Trek film was a very big deal as it brought back the crew of Star Trek: The Original Series after the show was canceled in 1969 after just three seasons. However, even it had a rough road to theaters as Roddenberry initially failed to convince Paramount Pictures it was worth it in 1975. Luckily, the success of Close Encounters of the Third Kind and other factors helped finally convince those in power to make the movie and abandon the plans for a new television series called Star Trek: Phase II, which also would have continued the original story.

In Star Trek: The Motion Picture, James T. Kirk was now an Admiral in Starfleet, and certain events involving a mysterious alien cloud of energy called V’Ger cause him to retake control of a refitted version of the U.S.S. Enterprise with many familiar faces in tow.

7. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (2285)

Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry had a sequel to Star Trek: The Motion Picture written, but Paramount turned it down after the reception to that first film was not what the studio had hoped for. In turn, Paramount removed him from the production and brought in Harve Bennett and Jack B. Sowards to write the script and Nicholas Meyer to direct the film.

The studio’s decision proved to be a successful one as Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is considered by many, including IGN, to be the best Star Trek film. As for the story, it followed the battle between Admiral James T. Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise vs. Ricardo Montalban’ Khan Noonien Singh. Khan is a genetically engineered superhuman and he and his people were exiled by Kirk on a remote planet in the episode ‘Space Seed’ from the original series. In this second film, after being stranded for 15 years, Khan wants revenge.

8. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (2285)

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Star Trek III: The Search for Spock continues the story that began in Wrath of Khan and deals with the aftermath of Spock’s death. While many on the U.S.S. Enterprise thought that was the end for their science officer, Kirk learns that Spock’s spirit/katra is actually living inside the mind of DeForest Kelley’s Dr. McCoy, who has been acting strange ever since the death of his friend. What follows is an adventure that includes a stolen U.S.S. Enterprise, a visit from Spock’s father Sarek, a run-in with Klingons, and so much more.

9. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (2286 and 1986)

While it is undoubtedly great that Kirk and his crew saved Spock, it apparently wasn’t great enough to avoid the consequences that follow stealing and then losing the Enterprise. On their way to answer for their charges, the former crew of the Enterprise discover a threat to Earth that, without spoiling anything, causes them to go back in time to save everything they love. The Voyage Home is a big departure from the previous films as, instead of space, we spend most of our time in 1986’s San Francisco.

10. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (2287)

star trek next generation reihenfolge

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier once again brings back our favorite heroes from Star Trek: The Original Series, but it’s often regarded as one of the weakest films starring Kirk, Spock, McCoy, etc. In this adventure, our crew’s shore leave gets interrupted as they are tasked with going up against the Vulcan Sybok, who himself is on the hunt for God in the middle of the galaxy.

11. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (2293)

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is the final movie starring the entire cast of Star Trek: The Original Series, and it puts the Klingons front and center. After a mining catastrophe destroys the Klingon moon of Praxis and threatens the Klingon’s homeworld, Klingon Chancellor Gorkon is forced to abandon his species' love of war in an effort to seek peace with the Federation. What follows is an adventure that calls back to the fall of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall and serves as a wonderful send-off to characters we’ve come to know and love since 1966, even though some will thankfully appear in future installments.

12. Star Trek: The Next Generation (2364-2370)

star trek next generation reihenfolge

After you make it through all six of the Star Trek: The Original Series movies, it’s time to start what many consider the best Star Trek series of all time - Star Trek: The Next Generation . The series, which starred Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard, ran from 1987 through 1994 with 178 episodes over seven seasons.

There are so many iconic characters and moments in The Next Generation, including William Riker, Data, Worf, Geordi La Forge, Deanna Troi, and Dr. Beverly Crusher, and many of these beloved faces would return for Star Trek: Picard, which served as a continuation of this story.

While we are once again on the U.S.S. Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation, this story takes place a century after the events of Star Trek: The Original Series. However, there may just be a few familiar faces that pop up from time to time.

13. Star Trek Generations (2293)

While Star Trek Generations is the first film featuring the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew, it also features a team-up that many had dreamed of for years and years between Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Captain James T. Kirk.

Our heroes are facing off against an El-Aurian named Dr. Tolian Soran, who will do whatever is necessary to return to an extra-dimensional realm known as the Nexus. Without spoiling anything, these events lead to a meeting with these two legendary captains and a heartfelt-at-times send-off to The Original Series, even though not every character returned that we wished could have.

14. Star Trek: First Contact (2373)

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Star Trek: First Contact was not only the second film featuring the crew from Star Trek: The Next Generation, but it also served as the motion picture directorial debut for William Riker actor Jonathan Frakes. In this film, the terrifying Borg take center stage and force our heroes to travel back in time to stop them from conquering Earth and assimilating the entire human race.

This movie picks up on the continuing trauma caused by Jean-Luc Picard getting assimilated in the series and becoming Locutus of Borg, and we are also treated to the first warp flight in Star Trek’s history, a shout-out to Deep Space Nine, and more.

15. Star Trek: Insurrection (2375)

Star Trek: Insurrection, which unfortunately ranked last on our list of the best Star Trek movies, is the third film starring the Star Trek: The Next Generation crew and followed a story involving an alien race that lives on a planet with more-or-less makes them invincible due to its rejuvenating properties. This alien race, known as the Ba’Ku, are being threatened by not only another alien race called the Son’a, but also the Federation. Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew disobey Federation orders in hopes to save the peaceful Ba’Ku, and while it sounds like an interesting premise, many said it felt too much like an extended episode of the series instead of a big blockbuster film.

16. Star Trek: Nemesis (2379)

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The final Star Trek: The Next Generation movie is Star Trek: Nemesis , and it also isn’t looked at as one of the best. There are bright parts in the film, including Tom Hardy’s Shinzon who is first thought to be a Romulan praetor before it’s revealed he is a clone of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, but it also features a lot of retreaded ground. There are some great moments between our favorite TNG characters, but it’s not quite the goodbye many had hoped for. Luckily, this won’t be the last we’ll see of them.

17. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (2369-2375)

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is the fourth Star Trek series and it ran from 1993 to 1999 with 176 episodes over seven seasons. Deep Space Nine was also the first Star Trek series to be created without the direct involvement of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, but instead with Rick Berman and Michael Piller. Furthermore, it was the first series to begin when another Star Trek Series - The Next Generation - was still on the air.

The connections between The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine don’t end there, as there were a ton of callbacks to TNG in Deep Space Nine, and characters like Worf and Miles O’Brien played a big part in the series. Other TNG characters popped up from time to time, including Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and certain Deep Space Nine characters also showed their faces in TNG.

Deep Space Nine was a big departure from the Star Trek series that came before, as it not only took place mostly on a space station - the titular Deep Space Nine - but it was the first to star an African American as its central character in Avery Brooks’ Captain Benjamin Sisko.

Deep Space Nine was located in a very interesting part of the Milky Way Galaxy as it was right next to a wormhole, and the series was also filled with conflict between the Cardassians and Bajorans, the war between the Federation and the Dominion, and much more.

18. Star Trek: Voyager (2371-2378)

star trek next generation reihenfolge

Star Trek: Voyager is the fifth Star Trek series and it ran from 1995 to 2001 with 172 episodes over seven seasons. Star Trek: Voyager begins its journey at Deep Space Nine, and then it follows the tale of Kate Mulgrew’s Captain Kathryn Janeway (the first female leading character in Star Trek history!) and her crew getting lost and stranded in the faraway Delta Quadrant.

The episodes and adventures that follow all see the team fighting for one goal: getting home. Being so far away from the Alpha Quadrant we were so used to letting Star Trek be very creative in its storytelling and give us situations and alien races we’d never encountered before.

That doesn’t mean it was all unfamiliar, however, as the Borg became a huge threat in the later seasons. It’s a good thing too, as that led to the introduction of Jeri Ryan’s Seven of Nine, a character who would continue on to appear in Star Trek: Picard and become a fan favorite.

19. Star Trek: Lower Decks (2380-TBD)

Star Trek: Lower Decks debuted in 2020 and was the first animated series to make it to air since 1973’s Star Trek: The Animated Series. Alongside having that feather in its cap, it also sets itself apart by choosing to focus more on the lower lever crew instead of the captain and senior staff.

This leads to many fun adventures that may not be as high stakes as the other stories, but are no less entertaining. There have already been three seasons of Star Trek: Lower Decks, and the fourth season is set to arrive later this summer.

The series is also worth a watch as it is having a crossover with Star Trek: Strange New Worlds that will mix the worlds of live-action and animation.

20. Star Trek: Prodigy (2383-TBD)

Star Trek: Prodigy was the first fully 3D animated Star Trek series ever and told a story that began five years after the U.S.S. Voyager found its way back home to Earth. In this series, which was aimed for kids, a group of young aliens find an abandoned Starfleet ship called the U.S.S. Protostar and attempt to make it to Starfleet and the Alpha Quadrant from the Delta Quadrant.

Voyager fans will be delighted to know that Kate Mulgrew returns as Kathryn Janeway in this animated series, but not only as herself. She is also an Emergency Training Holographic Advisor that was based on the likeness of the former captain of the U.S.S. Voyager.

The second season of Star Trek: Prodigy was set to arrive later this year, but it was not only canceled in June, but also removed from Paramount+. There is still hope this show may find a second life on another streaming service or network.

21. Star Trek: Picard (2399-2402)

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Star Trek: Picard is the… well… next generation of Star Trek: The Next Generation as it brings back not only Partick Stewart’s Jean-Luc Picard, but also many of his former crew members from the beloved series. The story is set 20 years after the events of Star Trek Nemesis and we find Picard retired from Starfleet and living at his family’s vineyard in France.

Without spoiling anything, certain events get one of our favorite captains back to work and take him on an adventure through space and time over three seasons and 30 episodes.

The show had its ups and downs, but the third season, in our opinion, stuck the landing and gave us an “emotional, exciting, and ultimately fun journey for Jean-Luc and his family - both old and new - that gives the character the send-off that he has long deserved.”

22. Star Trek: Discovery: Seasons 3 and 4 (3188-TBD)

While Star Trek: Discovery begins around 10 years before Star Trek: The Original Series, the show jumps more than 900 years into the future into the 32nd Century following the events of the second season. The Federation is not in great shape and Captain Michael Burnham and her crew work to bring it back to what it once was.

Star Trek: Discovery is set to end after the upcoming fifth season, which will debut on Paramount+ in 2024.

How to Watch Star Trek by Order of Release

  • Star Trek: The Original Series (1966 - 1969)
  • Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973 - 1974)
  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
  • Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1984)
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987 - 1994)
  • Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993 - 1999)
  • Star Trek: Generations (1994)
  • Star Trek: Voyager (1995 - 2001)
  • Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
  • Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)
  • Star Trek: Enterprise (2001 - 2005)
  • Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
  • Star Trek (2009)
  • Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
  • Star Trek Beyond (2016)
  • Star Trek: Discovery (2017 - Present)
  • Star Trek: Picard (2020 - 2023)
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020 - Present)
  • Star Trek: Prodigy (2021 - TBA)
  • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022 - Present)

For more, check out our look at the hidden meaning behind Star Trek’s great captains, why Star Trek doesn’t get credit as the first shared universe, if this may be the end of Star Trek’s golden age of streaming, and our favorite classic Star Trek episodes and movies.

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Jean-Luc Picard, as seen in Star Trek: The Next Generation

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Star Trek: Alle Filme und Serien in der richtigen Reihenfolge

Von Raumschiff Enterprise bis Picard

10.10.2022 von The-Khoa Nguyen und  Laura Pippig

Von TOS bis Picard, von Star Trek - Der Film bis Star Trek Beyond - das Star-Trek-Universum hat inzwischen zahllose Serien und Kinofilme hervorgebracht. Wir bringen Licht ins Dunkel der unendlichen Weiten - eine Liste inklusive Streaming-Links zu Netflix und Co.

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"Der Weltraum. Unendliche Weiten." Diese Beschreibung aus dem Eröffnungstext der klassischen Raumschiff-Enterprise-Serie aus den 60er Jahren beschreibt auch das gesamte Star-Trek-Universum sehr gut.

Nach all den Jahren mit immer neuen Ablegern und Variationen kann die einst von Gene Roddenberry erdachte Science-Fiction-Welt auf Außenstehende durchaus verwirrend wirken. Schließlich haben sich für viele Elemente des Universums längst regelrechte Fachbegriffe etabliert und werden für einzelne Produktionen ganz offiziell Abkürzungen benutzt, die nur Kenner verstehen. So heißt die Originalserie zum Beispiel TOS ("The Original Series"), die Neuauflage aus den 1990er Jahren wird TNG ("The Next Generation") genannt und das Spin-Off um die Raumstation "Deep Space Nine" als DS9 bezeichnet.

Hinzu kommt die Tatsache, dass die einzelnen Serien und Filme die Star-Trek-Historie nicht immer chronologisch erzählen. Spätere TV-Produktionen haben die Vorgeschichte der Sternenflotte aufgegriffen, neuere Kinofilme gleich eine ganz neue Zeitlinie aufgebaut, wobei das Reboot einige Elemente der ursprünglichen Filme beibehielt.

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Alle Filme und Serien im Star-Trek-Universum

Im Folgenden finden Sie die Liste aller bisher verfilmten Star-Trek-Geschichten in chronologischer Reihenfolge der erzählten Zeit. Darüber hinaus gibt es noch zahllose Romane, Comics und Videospiele, deren Ereignisse sich im selben Universum zugetragen haben sollen, die an dieser Stelle aber ausgespart bleiben.

Ausschlaggebend für die unten genannte Sortierung ist bei Serien der Zeitpunkt, zu dem die Handlung in Folge 1 beginnt, und bei Filmen der Zeitpunkt, an dem der größte bzw. entscheidende Teil der Handlung spielt.

Falls Sie die Filme und Serien rund um das Raumschiff Enterprise und die Sternenflotte lieber in der Reihenfolge ihrer ursprünglichen Veröffentlichung ansehen möchten, finden Sie weiter unten auch eine Liste sortiert nach den Release-Terminen der einzelnen Werke.

Star-Trek-Filme und -Serien im 22. Jahrhundert

  • 2151 - 2155: Star Trek: Enterprise (Serie, 2001-2005) - Netflix
  • 2256 - 2258: Star Trek: Discovery , Staffel 1-2 (Serie, seit 2017)
  • ab 2258: Star Trek: Sektion 31 (Serie, kein Startdatum)
  • ca. 2258 - 2266: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Serie, ab 2022)
  • 2266 - 2269: Raumschiff Enterprise (Serie, 1966-1969) - Netflix oder weiter mit der alternativen Kelvin-Timeline (siehe unten)
  • 2269 - 2270: Die Enterprise (Serie, 1973-1974) - Netflix
  • 2273: Star Trek - Der Film (Kinofilm, 1979)
  • 2285: Star Trek II - Der Zorn des Khan (Kinofilm, 1982) - MagentaTV
  • 2285: Star Trek III - Auf der Suche nach Mister Spock (Kinofilm, 1984) - MagentaTV
  • 2286: Star Trek IV - Zurück in die Gegenwart (Kinofilm, 1986) - MagentaTV
  • 2287: Star Trek V - Am Rande des Universums (Kinofilm, 1989)
  • 2293: Star Trek VI - Das unentdeckte Land (Kinofilm, 1991)

Star-Trek-Filme und -Serien im 23. Jahrhundert

  • 2364 - 2370: Raumschiff Enterprise: Das nächste Jahrhundert (Serie, 1987-1994) - Netflix
  • 2369 - 2375: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Serie, 1993-1999) - Netflix
  • 2371: Star Trek - Treffen der Generationen (Kinofilm, 1994)
  • 2371 - 2378: Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager (Serie, 1995-2001) - Netflix
  • 2373: Star Trek - Der erste Kontakt (Kinofilm, 1996)
  • 2375: Star Trek - Der Aufstand (Kinofilm, 1998)
  • 2379: Star Trek - Nemesis (Kinofilm, 2002)
  • 2380 - 2381: Star Trek: Lower Decks (Serie, seit 2020) - Prime Video
  • 2383: Star Trek: Prodigy (Serie, seit 2021)
  • 2387: einige Ereignisse aus: Star Trek (2009) *
  • 2399: Star Trek - Picard (Serie, seit 2020) - Prime Video

Star-Trek-Filme und -Serien nach dem 23. Jahrhundert

  • 3188 - 3189: Star Trek: Discovery, ab Staffel 3 (Serie, seit 2017)

Während "Raumschiff Enterprise" beginnt die alternative Zeitlinie der Prequel-Filme, die sogenannte "Kelvin-Timeline":

  • 2258 - 2259: Star Trek (Kinofilm, 2009) - Prime Video
  • 2259 - 2260: Star Trek Into Darkness (Kinofilm, 2013) - Prime Video , Joyn PLUS+ ​
  • 2262: Star Trek Beyond (Kinofilm, 2016) - Netflix​​

Danach endet die Reboot-Timeline und führt nicht mehr zu den anderen Ereignissen.

Star Trek Discovery S3

Alle Infos zu Release, Handlung und Cast

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Nach und nach erscheinen die neuen Folgen von Star Trek: Discovery. Wie geht es danach weiter? Alle Infos zum Start von Staffel 4 auf einen Blick.

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Ein vierter, bisher titelloser neuer Star-Trek-Film wurde am 9. Juni angekündigt. Aber nach einem Bericht von Deadline standen die Zeichen nicht gut. Der vorgesehene Regisseur Matt Shakman widmete sich einem anderen Projekt. Ende September 2022 hat Paramount den Titel dann von seiner Roadmap entfernt . Im Moment gilt der Titel als "auf unbekannte Zeit verschoben".

Bei dem Film sollte es sich erneut um einen Prequel-Film der Kelvin-Timeline handeln. Ausführender Produzent ist - wenn es doch noch ein Happy End geben sollte - erneut J.J. Abrams und auch der Cast würde wohl größtenteils erhalten bleiben: Chris Pine als Captain Kirk, Zachary Quinto als Mr. Spock, Zoe Saldana als Uhura und Karl Urban als Pille sind wieder mit an Bord. Bestätigt haben diese eine Mitarbeit jedoch noch nicht.

Außerdem kündigte Star-Trek-Chef Alex Kurtzman eine neue Serie an. Der Name Starfleet Academy verrät, dass es sich um junge Kadetten handeln könnte, die sich noch in der Ausbildung zu Offizieren der Sternenflotte befinden. Da sonst noch nichts über die Serie bekannt ist, gestaltet sich eine zeitlich Anordnung aktuell unmöglich.

*Achtung Spoiler zum Film "Star Trek" (2009): Einige Elemente aus dem ersten Reboot-Film gehören noch in die reguläre Zeitlinie, da sie sich vor dem Zeitsprung von Nero ereignen, der überhaupt erst die neue Timeline erzeugt. Das wichtigste Ereignis ist dabei die Supernova, die zur Zerstörung des Planeten Romulus führt. Bei der Rückblende, die der alte Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) im Film erzählt, handelt es sich im Grunde gleichzeitig um eine Fortsetzung zu den alten Star-Trek-Filmen und um ein Vorgeschichte zur neuesten Star-Trek-Serie "Picard". Spoiler-Ende!

Generell spielen innerhalb der TV-Serien, aber auch in einigen Filmen der Reihe, immer wieder Zeitreisen eine wichtige Rolle. Daher spielen einzelne Episoden zu früheren Zeitpunkten innerhalb der Timeline. Im Sinne der Übersichtlichkeit wurde dieser Umstand in der obigen Liste ignoriert und lediglich die erzählte Zeit berücksichtigt, die den größten Raum des jeweiligen Titels einnimmt.

Außerdem überschneiden sich die Handlungsstränge mancher Serienstaffeln und Filme, sodass sie eigentlich über kürzere oder längere Strecken parallel ablaufen (z.B. bei TNG, DS9 und Voyager).

Star Trek: Was kommt als nächstes?

Die nächsten beiden Veröffentlichungen aus dem "Star Trek"-Franchise sind zum einen die mittlerweile fünfte Staffel von Discovery sowie die dritte Staffel von Picard. Während letztere in Deutschland bei Prime Video zu sehen ist, hat es Star Trek Discovery immer noch nicht in die deutsche Streaminglandschaft geschafft.

Die Serie erscheint nämlich exklusiv bei Paramount+, das frühestens im Dezember nach Deutschland kommen wird. Wie viele Staffeln von Discovery dann zum Start verfügbar sein werden, ist noch nicht absehbar. Zumindest zeigte man aber bereits eine Vorschau auf die fünfte Staffel der Serie.

Star Trek: Discovery | Season 5 First Look (NYCC 2022) | Paramount+

Wann spielen die neuen star-trek-serien.

Schwierig gestaltet sich die Einordnung der neuesten Star-Trek-Produktionen "Star Trek Discovery" und "Star Trek: Picard" hinsichtlich der alten oder neuen Timeline.

Eigentlich sollen die beiden Serien in der ursprünglichen Original-Timeline angesiedelt sein. Aufgrund bestimmter Lizenzvorgaben dürfen die Set- und Kostümdesigns darin allerdings nicht komplett den alten Serien und Filmen entsprechen, sondern müssen sich von diesen klar unterscheiden. Dadurch wirkt gerade "Discovery" viel moderner als "Raumschiff Enterprise", obwohl "Discovery" eigentlich dessen Vorgeschichte erzählt. Die heutzutage deutlich besseren Spezialeffekte und die aufwendigeren Kulissen tun ihr Übriges, um ein stimmiges Bild zu verhindern.

Auch die Einführung wichtiger neuer Figuren, die in Geschichten, die danach spielen, aber zuvor erzählt wurden, keinerlei Erwähnung mehr finden (z.B. Mister Spocks Schwester), stören den Gesamteindruck.

So kommt es vor, dass "Star Trek: Discovery" oftmals fälschlicherweise der Kelvin-Timeline zugeordnet wird. Diese umfasst allerdings nur die vier Kinofilme von 2009 bis 2023.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Neue Star-Trek-Serie von den "Discovery-Machern…

Gute Nachricht für Trekkies: Eine neue Serie im Star-Trek-Universum steht an. "Strange New Worlds" soll bald in Produktion gehen.

Star Trek - Filme und Serien nach Erscheinungsdatum (Release-Reihenfolge)

Für uns ist klar: Wer sich in einem Star-Trek-Marathon alle Filme und Serien nacheinander vornehmen möchte, sollte dies in der chronologischen Reihenfolge der erzählten Zeit tun. Denn durch die Losgelöstheit der einzelnen Werke ist das Bingen nach Release-Reihenfolge ein permanentes Hin- und Herspringen durch die Zeit, dass keinen wirklichen Mehrwert bietet.

Gleichzeitig sind wir uns jedoch auch sicher, dass sich in den unendlichen Weiten des Internets mindestens eine Person findet, die das anders sieht. Der Vollständigkeit halber hier also alle Star-Trek-Filme und -Serien nach Release-Reihenfolge, also sortiert nach ihrem Erscheinungsdatum:

  • Raumschiff Enterprise (Serie, 1966-1969) - Netflix
  • Die Enterprise (Serie, 1973-1974) - Netflix
  • Star Trek - Der Film (Kinofilm, 1979)
  • Star Trek II - Der Zorn des Khan (Kinofilm, 1982) - MagentaTV
  • Star Trek III - Auf der Suche nach Mister Spock (Kinofilm, 1984) - MagentaTV
  • Star Trek IV - Zurück in die Gegenwart (Kinofilm, 1986) - MagentaTV
  • Raumschiff Enterprise: Das nächste Jahrhundert (Serie, 1987-1994) - Netflix
  • Star Trek V - Am Rande des Universums (Kinofilm, 1989)
  • Star Trek VI - Das unentdeckte Land (Kinofilm, 1991)
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Serie, 1993-1999) - Netflix
  • Star Trek - Treffen der Generationen (Kinofilm, 1994)
  • Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager (Serie, 1995-2001) - Netflix
  • Star Trek - Der erste Kontakt (Kinofilm, 1996)
  • Star Trek - Der Aufstand (Kinofilm, 1998)
  • Star Trek: Enterprise (Serie, 2001-2005) - Netflix
  • Star Trek - Nemesis (Kinofilm, 2002)
  • Star Trek (Kinofilm, 2009) - Prime Video ​
  • Star Trek Into Darkness (Kinofilm, 2013) - Prime Video , Joyn PLUS+ ​
  • Star Trek Beyond (Kinofilm, 2016) - Netflix​​
  • Star Trek: Discovery (Serie, seit 2017) - Paramount+
  • Star Trek - Picard (Serie, seit 2020) - Prime Video
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks (Serie, seit 2020) - Prime Video
  • Star Trek: Prodigy (Serie, seit 2021)
  • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Serie, seit 2022)
  • Star Trek 4 (Kinofilm, Start: 09. Juni 2023)
  • Star Trek: Sektion 31 (Serie, kein Startdatum)
  • Starfleet Academy (Serie, kein Startdatum)

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Star Trek: The Next Generation Books In Order

Publication order of star trek: invasion books, publication order of star trek: day of honor books, publication order of star trek: the captain's table books, publication order of star trek: the next generation: the q continuum books, publication order of star trek: the dominion war books, publication order of star trek: the next generation: double helix books, publication order of star trek: the next generation: gemworld books, publication order of star trek: the next generation: genesis wave books, publication order of star trek: the next generation: maximum warp books, publication order of star trek: section 31 books, publication order of star trek: gateways books, publication order of star trek: the lost era books, publication order of star trek: the next generation: a time to... books, publication order of star trek: the next generation: destiny books, publication order of star trek: the next generation: cold equations books, publication order of star trek: the next generation (numbered) books, publication order of star trek: the next generation - starfleet academy books, publication order of star trek: the next generation graphic novels, publication order of star trek: the next generation (original) books, publication order of star trek: the next generation episode novelizations books.

Star Trek: The Next Generation is a series of books written by various authors, based on the likewise named TV series created by Gene Roddenberry, who was also the executive producer of the original 1966 series, Star Trek: The Original Series. It is a sci-fi based adventure series with elements of drama. All the books in the series, which started in 1987, are based on the episodes of the TV series, and thus follow very similar story threads. The Star Trek series has inspired many a modern scientist with it’s depictions of (then) futuristic technology and equipment such as mobile phones and tablet devices. It is considered one of the classic sci-fi creations, and is a must for all fans of the genre. The series is renowned for it’s depth of content, with realistic characters and a vast galaxy populated by political groups and factions akin to the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov. Books based on Star Trek: The Next Generation are aimed at readers who are familiar with the original series, and it’s plot has various references to the original throughout the text. Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV debut: Sep 28, 1987), often abbreviated as TNG, depicts the adventures of Captain Jean-Luc Picard aboard the starship USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D. It is set in the year 2364, 100 years after the “five-year mission” (from the original series). The basic thread across the entire plot of the series is the exploration of outer space, with the captain and his crew of 1,012 seeking new life and civilization. The NCC-1701-D is unique in the sense that it was designed to accommodate families, rather than just individuals – thus, the crew consists of men, women and children. The plot begins when Picard is tasked by a godlike entity named ‘Q’ to prove that the human race is not made up of mere savages, failing which it would bring extinction to mankind. The first mission is to prove their aptitude for this task by solving a certain mystery, solving which the crew proceed to explore deep space, and encounter various villainous groups. They soldier through space, making difficult choices and facing new foes. The plot is intriguing all the way to the eventual final encounter with the mysterious entity that is ‘Q’, and Picard’s handling of his original task.

Here are a list of the characters which appear at various points across the series:

Captain Jean-Luc Picard is the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise-D. He is the main protagonist of the story, and his character is a mainstay throughout it’s entirety. He is depicted as a master diplomat, with the ability and cunning to solve seemingly unsolvable conundrums. Ever the ideal hero, he often chooses what is just morally right, and willing to live with the consequences and sacrifices forced by such decisions. In the first book, “Encounter at Farpoint”, Picard’s qualities are finely illustrated – as the Enterprise-D takes off on it’s space quest, the ethereal ‘Q’ threatens to extinguish the humans race. It is Picard who convinces Q to allow him to show that humanity still exists, and is a cause worth saving.

William Riker is the first officer of the Enterprise-D. He is depicted as a young officer who becomes experienced and wise with time spent on aboard the ship. Initially portrayed as an arrogant rookie officer, with a disregard for his colleagues and the chain-of-command, Riker’s character gradually matures as the plot moves on. Eventually, he learns the key virtue of patience, and appreciates the company offered to him by the crew of the ship. At certain points in the plot, however, Riker display his original bold streak and acts against his superiors’ wishes.

Geordi La Forge is initially the Helmsman, and later the Chief Engineer of the ship. La Forge’s character is a tribute to a real-life quadriplegic fan of the original Star Trek series. He is visually impaired, but uses a device called the VISOR which allows him to see the world around him. He is depicted as a hard working, dedicated crew member. He impresses Picard by diligently working overnight to repair a minor problem, following which he is granted the post of helmsman of the Enterprise-D. As the plot progresses, he is given more important posts, with the rank of Lieutenant Commander being his highest post.

Natasha “Tasha” Yar is the chief security officer of the USS Enterprise-D. Her character is described as one coming from difficult, and sultry origins, as a result of which she relishes her experiences as a member of the crew. She is described as a bold woman – in the series, and even accompanies Captain Picard in a direct conflict situation. However, her character digresses early on from the main TNG story-line, but reappears at various points in the plot at different timelines. She is present in all the books upto season 1 of the series.

Worf is a non-human character, and the first Klingon main character in the series. Initially appointed as a lieutenant junior grade, he is promoted following the death of key characters in the series. A notable section of the plot deals with the Klingon, depicting Worf’s experiences as he encounters more beings of his race. Worf’s adventures provide for side-stories which further enhances the feeling of depth in the Star Trek world. Beverly Crusher is the chief medical officer aboard the ship. She is briefly replaced by the a character named Katherine Pulasky, when Crusher accepts a position as the head of the Starfleet Medical, but subsequently returns to the main storyline, and stays for the entire duration. Given the very nature of her work, Crusher’s role assumes importance throughout the story. Like all the other main characters, sufficient background information about her is provided at some point in the plot. However, her individual tales are mainly side-stories and do not directly influence the grand scheme of proceedings. She has a son aboard the ship, who goes by the name of Wesley Crusher.

Wesley Crusher is the son of Beverly Crusher. After spending his initial years aboard the ship, he receives a field commission to ensign. He then goes on to attend the Starfleet academy.

Lieutenant Commander Deanna Troi is a mixed race character, being half-human and half-Betazoid. She is portrayed as having the ability to sense emotions, and is thus apt for the role of counselor in the ship. Because of her unique mind, her character is often utilized as a bridge between aliens and the crew members. In several turnkey episodes, Troi’s special abilities enable her to play a key role in the events which unfold.

Lieutenant Commander Data is an Android, which is an artificially constructed being with self-awareness, sapience and sentience. Being non-human, his perspectives on the human situation offer valuable self-evaluative passages, akin to Spock in the original Star Trek series. Data assumes the role of Chief Operations Officer aboard the ship. He is depicted as a confused bot, initially unable to understand human emotions. The allows avenues for comic relief, but also forms a key plot element, when he is given an emotion chip. He has exceptional computational capabilities and a fully working anatomy.

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Star Trek The Next Generation cast, characters, and actors

It's time to boldly go and explore the Star Trek The Next Generation cast, home to some of the best and most memorable characters in the history of Starfleet.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast

James Osborne

Published: Aug 25, 2023

Here’s everything you need to know about the Star Trek The Next Generation cast. After first airing almost 40 years ago, Star Trek The Next Generation remains one of the most iconic sci-fi series of all time. The Star Trek The Next Generation cast brought the series to life, captivating audiences around the world with its memorable array of characters.

While the many Star Trek shows often have their own central conceits, it’s the Star Trek characters – rather than the premises – which define their respective Star Trek series . Here, we take a close look at the main Star Trek The Next Generation cast, as well as major recurring guest stars like Michelle Forbes as Ro Laren.

If you’ve already watched the Star Trek movies in order and want to head back to the small screen, here we go. From the Star Trek captain to the transporter chief, here’s everything you need to know about the Star Trek The Next Generation cast.  It’s a long list, so buckle up.

The complete Star Trek The Next Generation cast list:

Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Jonathan frakes as commander william riker, brent spiner as lieutenant commander data.

  • Gates McFadden as Dr. Crusher
  • LeVar Burton as Lieutenant Commander La Forge

Michael Dorn as Lieutenant Worf

  • Marina Sirtis as Counsellor Troi

Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan

Wil wheaton as wesley crusher.

  • Colm Meaney as Chief O’Brien
  • Diana Muldaur as Dr. Pulaski
  • Dwight Schultz as Lieutenant Barclay
  • Michelle Forbes as Ensign Ro
  • Denise Crosby as Lieutenant Yar
  • Patti Yasutake as Alyssa Ogawa

John de Lancie as Q

Majel barrett as lwaxana troi and the voice of the uss enterprise, carel struycken as mr homn, rosalind chao as keiko o’brien, suzie plakson as k’ehleyr, andreas katsulas as tomalak, jonathan del arco as hugh, daniel davis as professor moriarty, jennifer hetrick as vash, david warner as gul madred.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Patrick Stewart

We all know and love Patrick Stewart who made a name for himself on stage as a member of the Royal Shakespeare company before joining the cast of The Next Generation (TNG). He has since gone on to star in numerous movies and TV series, including the X-Men movie franchise as Professor Xavier. If you’re watching the X-Men movies in order , his last appearance is in Logan.

In TNG, Stewart played the role of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, a veteran Star Trek captain who commanded the Enterprise-D. Picard was known for his stern thoughtfulness, logic, and diplomatic skills. In his personal life he was quiet, reserved, and private.

Star Trek The Next Generation: Jonathan Frakes

On TNG, Frakes played the role of Commander William Riker, the Enterprise’s first officer and a trusted sounding board for Captain Picard. Riker was known for his charm and his bold willingness to take risks, reminiscent of Captain Kirk from the Original Series.

Since starring in TNG, Frakes worked as the host of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction and also did voice work for the animated series Gargoyles. However Frakes’ post-TNG career has been defined by his directing, and he’s worked on numerous TV shows and movies since his days on TNG. He has directed many episodes of several Star Trek series, including Discovery, Picard, and Strange New Worlds season 2 , as well as the Star Trek movies First Contact and Insurrection.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Brent Spiner

Brent Spiner is best known for his performance as Lieutenant Commander Data as part of the TNG cast. Data is an android who served as the Enterprise-D’s second officer. Data was famous across the Federation for his analytical mind and his quest to understand human emotions, making him a character that many audiences were able to connect to on a variety of levels. He was the focal point of some of the best TNG episodes, including the likes of The Measure of a Man.

Away from Star Trek, Spiner has appeared in shows like The Big Bang Theory and Outcast, and has lent his voice to several animated series, including Justice League and Young Justice. He also starred in one of the best disaster movies , Independence Day, and its 2016 sequel.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Gates McFadden

Gates McFadden as Doctor Beverly Crusher

Gates McFadden is an actor and choreographer who worked on the dance routines in major releases including Labyrinth and The Muppets Take Manhattan. On TNG, McFadden played the role of Doctor Beverly Crusher, the Enterprise’s chief medical officer and a close friend (and romantic interest) of Captain Picard.

Crusher was known for her compassion, keen scientific mind, and willingness to stand up for herself and others. Even if that put her up against Captain Picard.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : LeVar Burton

LeVar Burton as Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge

With his portrayal of Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge, LeVar Burton had one of the leading roles as the Enterprise-D’s chief engineer and Data’s closest friend. La Forge was highly technically capable, and was promoted to chief engineer after serving as the helmsman of the ship in season 1. Away from his work, Geordi found it easy to make friends and was likeable and warm, but he struggled to be himself and relax when interested in other people romantically.

Alongside TNG, Burton is best known for hosting the educational kids series Reading Rainbow, and he drew in a huge number of fans with his natural warmth and charisma.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Michael Dorn

Michael Dorn is Star Trek royalty, as he has the most Star Trek credits of any actor, with leading roles on both TNG and DS9.

On TNG, Dorn played the role of Lieutenant Worf, a Klingon Starfleet officer who served as the Enterprise’s tactical officer (replacing Tasha Yar after her death) and later as the chief of security on Deep Space Nine. Worf was known for his loyalty to his fellow officers, and for his fierce warrior spirit and devotion to Klingon culture.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Marina Sirtis

Marina Sirtis as Counselor Deanna Troi

Marina Sirtis is a British-American actress who has appeared in shows like NCIS and Grey’s Anatomy, while also providing voice work for several animated series, including Gargoyles and Young Justice. During her time on the TNG cast, Sirtis played the role of Counselor Deanna Troi, a Betazoid officer who served as the Enterprise’s psychologist.

Troi’s empathic abilities cemented her role as a sounding board for the crew’s emotional concerns, and she was one of Captain Picard’s closest confidants as well as the love interest (and eventual partner) to commander Riker.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg is a Hollywood legend as an actor, comedian, and television host. She has won an Academy Award, a Grammy, a Tony, and an Emmy, and is one of Star Trek’s most celebrated stars. She has appeared in numerous famous movies, including The Color Purple and one of the best drama movies , Ghost.

On TNG, Goldberg played the role of Guinan, the mysterious El-Aurian bartender of Ten Forward who shared a deep friendship with Captain Picard, acting as his unofficial adviser. Guinan was known for her experience and wisdom, and her ability to offer advice to the crew during times of crisis or moral complexity.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Wil Wheaton

Wil Wheaton is an actor and writer with major movie credits including coming of age movie Stand by Me. During his time on the TNG cast, Wheaton played the role of Wesley Crusher, the son of Doctor Crusher and a prodigious young aspiring-officer who often found himself in some of the most dangerous situations. Wesley was known for his intelligence, his determination to prove himself, and his frustration with adults.

Since starring in TNG he has appeared in shows like The Big Bang Theory and Eureka, and has also written several books, including Just a Geek and Dancing Barefoot.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast Colm Meaney as Miles O'Brien

Colm Meaney as Miles O’Brien

Colm Meaney starred in TNG from the first season onwards, with his character being fleshed out more and more as the seasons went on. Eventually, Miles O’Brien cemented himself as the transporter chief onboard the Enterprise-D, and a handful of episodes focussed on him and his backstory, as well as his relationship with his wife Keiko. Meaney joined the main cast of DS9 where his character was promoted to the role of chief of operations.

Meaney has had a varied career post-Star Trek, with major roles in one of TV’s  best Westerns  Hell on Wheels, the Tolkien biopic, and Unwelcome.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Diana Muldaur

Diana Muldaur as Doctor Pulaski

During her short stint in the TNG cast, Muldaur played the role of Doctor Pulaski, a physician who temporarily replaced Doctor Crusher as the Enterprise’s chief medical officer. Pulaski was known for her no-nonsense approach, her willingness to challenge the crew, and her initial distrust in Data. She left the show after its second season when Doctor Crusher returned. Muldaur joined TNG after previously having a role in TOS.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Dwight Schultz

Dwight Schultz as Lieutenant Reginald Barclay

Best known for his work on The A-Team, Dwight Schultz also starred in Star Trek The Next Generation where he played Lieutenant Reginald Barclay. Barclay stood out among the other TNG cast of characters, as he was a shy and socially awkward officer who struggled to fit in with the rest of the crew. Barclay was known for his creative thinking, though he also suffered from an addiction to the Holodeck which he used to play out his many fantasies.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Michelle Forbes

Michelle Forbes as Ro Laren

Michelle Forbes played the role of Ensign Ro Laren , a Bajoran officer who joined the Enterprise-D crew in season five of TNG. Ro was known for her determination, grit, and strong-willed rebellious nature. Forbes was offered the chance to join the main cast of DS9, however, she turned the opportunity down and that space was eventually filled by Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys. Forbes did return to the role of Ro Laren for the final time in Star Trek Picard season 3 episode 5 .

Away from Star Trek, Michelle Forbes is known for her work on shows like The Killing and Battlestar Galactica, as well as for doing voice work on the video game Half-Life 2.

Star trek The Next Generation cast : Denise Crosby

Denise Crosby as Lieutenant Tasha Yar

Denise Crosby is best known for her work on TNG where she played the role of the Enterprise-D’s chief tactical officer, Lieutenant Tasha Yar, during season 1. However, she was killed off in the first season during the TNG episode ‘Skin of Evil’. Crosby would go on to return to TNG as Tasha Yar from an alternate timeline, and Tasha Yar’s daughter Sela in later seasons.

After TNG Crosby would appear in a supporting role in Quentin Tarantino’s Jackie Brown, and as the lead in the Stephen King adaptation Pet Sematary.

Star Trek the Next Generation cast John de Lancie as Q

If TNG has an overarching villain, it’s not the Borg or the Romulans. It’s Q, and even then he’s not completely evil. Q is an intergalactic trickster, part of the god-like Q Continuum. He begins Picard’s trial in the first episode, and concludes it in the finale.

Q is a recurring presence throughout the series, appearing in a handful of TNG’s greatest adventures. These include Q Who, Deja Q, Tapestry, and (of course) All Good Things. Basically, when Q shows up, you know you’re in for a good time.

Q is brought to life played by John de Lancie. Aside from TNG, de Lancie has starred in Stargate SG-1 and Breaking Bad, in which he played the father of Krysten Ritter’s Jane. He also showed up once again in the latter seasons of Picard.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast Patti Yasutake as Nurse Ogawa

Patti Yasutake as Nurse Alyssa Ogawa

Patti Yasutale joined the TNG cast in season 4 as Nurse Alyssa Ogawa. Ogawa was one of the head nurses in sickbay, and would step up as the senior staff member in Dr. Crusher’s absence. As TNG continued on, Ogawa (who also appears in two TNG movies) is promoted by Crusher, eventually becoming a Lieutenant.

Prior to TNG, Yasutake began her TV career on the William Shatner crime series TJ Hooker, and later appeared in an episode of Boston Legal, another Shatner series. Away from Star Trek entirely Yasutake starred in Netflix’s recent drama series Beef as Fumi, the mother of George, in what might be her biggest role since TNG.

Majel Barrett as Lwaxana Troi in Star Trek The Next Generation cast

Sometimes referred to as ‘the First Lady of Star Trek’ Majel Barrett is an icon within the franchise. She starred in the first pilot (The Cage) as Number One – a role which has subsequently been taken over by Rebecca Romijn – before taking on a regular role in TOS as Nurse Christine Chapel.

In the TNG cast, Barrett has a guest role as the mother of Deanna Troi, Lwaxana Troi, Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed. She’s larger than life, the bane of Picard’s life, and has a complicated relationship with her daughter. She’s great. More than that, you’ll recognize her voice instantly as the voice of the ship’s computer. Legend.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast Carel Struycken as Mr Homn

… And wherever Lwaxana Troi goes, Mr. Homn follows. Her silent assistant and literal bag carrier, Mr Homn allowed the spotlight to land firmly on Lwaxana. He loves hitting his little gong, and has some serious alcohol stamina.

Homn was played in TNG by Dutch actor Carel Struycken. Even if you’ve forgotten all about Mr Homn, you’re bound to recognize Struycken from his roles in Twin Peaks, The Addams Family, as well as recent horror movies like Gerald’s Game and Doctor Sleep. It’s perhaps Gerald’s Game in which he’s most effective as a genuinely terrifying villain.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast Roslaind Chao as Keiko O'Brien

Not a member of Starfleet, Keiko was a botany expert who lived on the Enterprise-D alongside her partner and, following on from the episode Data’s Day, husband Miles O’Brien. Like Colm Meaney, Chao joined the DS9 cast in a recurring role when their characters made the jump to the space station. She played a bigger part in DS9, as the spin-off show dedicated more time to exploring her and Miles’ family life.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast Rosalind Chao as Keiko O'Brien getting married to Miles

Since Star Trek, Chao has become a familiar face in Hollywood, popping up new movies and TV shows seemingly every week. One of her biggest roles has been as Hua Li, the mother or Mulan in the Disney live-action remake. Chao is set to return to science fiction with her starring role in Netflix’s upcoming series The Three Body Problem.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast Suzie Plakson as K'Ehleyr

Suzie Plakson is an actor who’s best known for her recurring roles in American sitcoms Love and War, Mad About You, and How I Met Your Mother. Before all this success though, Plakson made her debut as a guest star in the Star Trek TNG cast.

Her first role was in the season 2 episode Schizoid Man as Lieutenant Selar; a Vulcan member of the medical staff about the Enterprise-D. However, it’s for her role as K’Ehleyr that she’s best remembered. With a human mother and Klingon father, K’Ehleyer is the half-Klingon ambassador and special emissary to the Federation. She’s also Worf’s former partner, and becomes the mother of his child Alexander.

K’Ehleyer dies in the season 4 episode Reunion; assassinated by Duras. Despite only two episodes in the role, Plakson brought an intelligence, charm, and mischief to K’Ehleyer that made her an instant fan-favorite. The actor would return to Star Trek in Voyager, as a Q, and in Enterprise.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast Andreas Katsulas as Tomalak

“What if Picard was a Romulan?” is probably the question TNG’s writers asked themselves when creating Commander Tomalak. The Romulan is the perfect opponent for the Starfleet captain: considered, calculated, and careful. But underneath his cool façade lies a hidden arrogance, and a temper that can bubble to the surface when pushed. He plays a major role in the events of season 3 as the Romulans begin to gear up for war, appearing in the episodes The Enemy and The Defector – both excellent.

Aside from his time as a Romulan war leader, Andreas Katsulas’ career was defined by his time in the role of G’Kar in Babylon 5, and he also starred in the Kurt Russell movie Executive Decision. Katsulas died in 2006 at 59.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast Jonathan Del Arco as Hugh

Aside from Jeri Ryan’s Seven of Nine, and the Borg Queen, Jonathan Del Arco’s Hugh is probably the most famous Borg character in Star Trek. To a certain extent, that’s not saying a lot (they are mostly mindless drones, after all), but Hugh’s role in I, Borg and the two-parter Descent is still remarkable.

I, Borg is an episode about understanding your enemy, and gaining sympathy for them along the way. Del Arco’s performance as the innocent, vulnerable Hugh is brilliant. Del Arco returned to play Hugh in Picard season 1. Since Hugh, Del Arco has become best known for his LGBTQ+ activism work, as Dr. Fernando Morales in the procedural The Closer, and its sequel series Major Crimes.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast Daniel Davis as Moriarty

Notable for his leading roles in two of TNG’s best Holodeck episodes, Daniel Davis joined the Star Trek The Next Generation cast as Professor Moriarty: arch-nemesis of Sherlock Holmes. Moriarty was created as a sentient and self-aware program when Geordi commanded the computer to create a villain capable of defeating Data in the episode Elementary, Dear Data.

Not unlike Roy Batty in Blade Runner, Davis’ Moriarty then fights for his existence, and wants to leave the Holodeck and live his life among mortals. He returns in Ship in a Bottle to cause havoc once again, angry that Picard did not keep his word. Like so many of his co-stars, Davis returned to Star Trek in Picard season 3. Away from Star Trek, Davis had significant roles in Texas and The Nanny, and also appeared in The Hunt for the Red October, and Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast Jennifer Hetrick as Vash

The first word that comes to mind when we think of Captain Jean-Luc Picard isn’t, “romantic,“ but if anyone can bring that side out of him, it’s Vash. A fellow archaeologist, Vash first appears in the episode Captain’s Holiday (TNG meets Indiana Jones) and slowly manages to ignite Picard’s adventurous side as they begin a hunt for an ancient Uhtat. She then returns in the episode Qpid, alongside Q, and Picard is forced to become Robin Hood and save her from Sir Guy of Gisbourne (it’s a misconception that TNG took itself too seriously).

Jennifer Hetrick reprised her role as Vash in the DS9 episode Q-less, but away from Star Trek she’s best known for her performance as Bonnie Carroll in Bodies of Evidence. Before that, she starred in TV series such as LA Law and Unsub.

Star Trek The Next Generation cast David Warner as Gul Madred

Gul Madred is one of TNG’s greatest villains, starring in one of TNG’s two-parters: Chain of Command. In Chain of Command part 2, after Picard is captured by Cardassians, he meets Madred who becomes his captor and torturer. Cruel and intelligent, he dominates Picard and gets so close to breaking him.

If you recognize the face of Gul Madred, or more likely his voice, that’s because he’s a Star Trek legend. David Warner, who plays the evil Cardassian, also starred in Star Trek V as John Talbot and (much more famously) in Star Trek VI as Klingon Chancellor Gorkon. Warner died in 2022, and his final film role was in Mary Poppins Returns.

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That’s it on the Star Trek The Next Generation cast. For more on Star Trek, check out our picks for the best Star Trek captains , best Star Trek characters , and best Star Trek starships . And if your head is truly scrambled, we can guide you through the Star Trek timeline .

Or, keep up with what’s going on in the franchise with our Star Trek Strange New Worlds season 2 review  and our interview with Anson Mount and Rebecca Romijn . We’ve also explained why Patrick Stewart doesn’t care about sci-fi , despite his Star Trek legend status.

We’ve also got guides to some of the new movies and best TV series coming for Trek fans, including the Star Trek Discovery season 5 release date , Lower Decks season 4 release date , and Star Trek 4 release date . And finally, if you fancy something completely different, we worked out which Star Trek captains would survive a zombie movie . Look, it could happen.

James Osborne After graduating from the University of York with a degree in archaeology (inspired by Captain Picard), James worked with the news team at Screen Rant while contributing features to Vulture, The AV Club, Digital Spy, FANDOM, and the official Star Trek website. Now, he writes about all things sci-fi and fantasy at The Digital Fix with an 'Enterprise-D ambiance' playlist on loop. He's a seasoned expert on all things Star Trek , Lord of the Rings , Star Wars , and Yellowstone , and is more than willing to share his hot takes on TNG which he believes is the greatest series ever made.

  • Entertainment

Star Trek Reihenfolge: So seht ihr alle Filme und Serien korrekt - chronologische Zeitlinie

13 Filme, 11 Serien! Das "Star Trek"-Universum kann für Neueinsteiger verwirrend sein. Wir liefern euch die richtige Reihenfolge nach Erstveröffentlichung sowie chronologisch.

  • Star Trek Discovery: Ende von "Jinaal" erklärt - wie geht es in Folge 4 weiter? gestern
  • Star Trek: Wonach genau sucht die USS Discovery in Staffel 5 eigentlich? 10.04.2024
  • Star Trek: Die Logikfrage - wie kann Michael auf einem Raumschiff stehen, das sich mit Warp bewegt? 09.04.2024
  • Star Trek Discovery: So sind Book und Schurkin Moll miteinander verwandt 09.04.2024
  • Star Trek: 3 Mal wurde Captain Picard bereits in "Discovery" erwähnt - das sind die Momente! 09.04.2024
  • Star Trek Discovery Staffel 5: Wann starten die neuen Folgen immer? Alle Infos zur finalen Staffel 08.04.2024
  • Star Trek Discovery: Welche Spezies ist Captain Rayner? 08.04.2024

Regelmäßig können wir uns über "Star Trek"-Neuerscheinungen freuen, die das Franchise immer größer und größer werden lassen. Mittlerweile gibt es 13 "Star Trek"-Kinofilme und 11 Serien. Für Neueinsteiger kann das ein wenig erschlagend wirken, aber wir helfen aus und liefern euch die richtige Reihenfolge, sowohl chronologisch als auch nach Erstveröffentlichung!

In unserer Übersicht werden auch neue Serien " Star Trek: Strange New Worlds " und " Star Trek: Discovery " berücksichtigt. Durch die stetigen Neuerscheinungen wie beispielsweise "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" Staffel 3 wird diese Übersicht regelmäßig angepasst.

  • Sortiert nach Erscheinungsjahr
  • Das ist die chronologisch richtige Reihenfolge
  • Diese Reihenfolge empfehlen die Fans!
  • Raumschiff Enterprise (TOS)
  • Raumschiff Enterprise - Das nächste Jahrhundert (TNG)
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9)
  • Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager (VOY)
  • Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT)
  • Star Trek: Discovery (DIS)
  • Star Trek: Picard
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks
  • Star Trek: Prodigy
  • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Star Trek: Reihenfolge nach Erscheinungsjahr

Erstmals konnten Fans "Star Trek" 1966 bestaunen, als die Serie "Raumschiff Enterprise" ihre Premiere feierte. Seitdem sind insgesamt 13 Filme und 11 Serien erschienen. Wir listen euch alle "Star Trek"-Filme und -Serien nach Erscheinungsdatum.

  • Raumschiff Enterprise (Serie, 1966-1969)
  • Star Trek: The Animated Series (Serie, 1973-1974)
  • Star Trek: Der Film (Film, 1979)
  • Star Trek II: Der Zorn des Khan (Film, 1982)
  • Star Trek III: Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock (Film, 1984)
  • Star Trek IV: Zurück in die Gegenwart (Film, 1986)
  • Raumschiff Enterprise: Das nächste Jahrhundert (Serie, 1987-1994)
  • Star Trek V: Am Rande des Universums (Film, 1989)
  • Star Trek VI: Das unentdeckte Land (Film, 1991)
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Serie, 1993-1999)
  • Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen (Film, 1994)
  • Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager (Serie, 1995-2001)
  • Star Trek: Der erste Kontakt (Film, 1996)
  • Star Trek: Der Aufstand (Film, 1998)
  • Star Trek: Enterprise (Serie, 2001-2005)
  • Star Trek: Nemesis (Film, 2002)
  • Star Trek (Film, 2009)
  • Star Trek Into Darkness (Film, 2013)
  • Star Trek Beyond (Film, 2016)
  • Star Trek: Discovery (Serie, 2017-2024)
  • Star Trek: Short Treks (Serie, 2018-)
  • Star Trek: Picard (Serie, 2020-2023)
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks (Serie, 2020-)
  • Star Trek: Prodigy (Serie, 2021-2023)
  • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (Serie, 2022-)

Die Liste geht noch weiter! Für die Jahre 2024 und 2025 wurden noch weitere "Star Trek"-Filme und -Serien angekündigt. Wir listen euch alle "Star Trek"-Neuerscheinungen in der Übersicht !

Star Trek: Das ist die chronologisch richtige Reihenfolge

Wie schon bei "Star Wars", " Der Herr der Ringe " und anderen Film- und Serienuniversen sind die Filme nicht in chronologischer Reihenfolge erschienen. Einige Filme und Serien sind Prequels, andere spielen parallel zu anderen Geschichten.

Die neue Zeitlinie, auch Kelvin-Zeitlinie genannt, hat zwar, wie auch "Star Trek" bis "Star Trek VI", Captain Kirk, Spock und Pille als Besatzung der Enterprise, doch da die neuen drei Filme (Star Trek 2009, Into Darkness, Beyond) knapp 40 Jahre nach der ersten Serie mit denselben Rollen erschienen sind, mussten neue Darsteller her.

So beerbt Chris Pine William Shatner als Captain Kirk und statt Leonard Nimoy, der als gealterter Spock dennoch einen Gastauftritt hat, ist Zachary Quinto als Mr. Spock zu sehen. " The Boys "-Star Karl Urban spielt Dr. "Pille" McCoy, welcher in den alten Filmen und Serien von DeForest Kelley gespielt wurde.

Von "Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen" bis "Star Trek: Nemesis" übernimmt die Crew unter Captain Picard aus " Raumschiff Enterprise - Das nächste Jahrhundert ". Hier könnt ihr euch noch einmal die Chronologie in einem Video anschauen:

An dieser Stelle findet ihr ein Video von Youtube , das den Artikel ergänzt. Mit einem Klick könnt ihr euch dieses anzeigen lassen.

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Nun kennt ihr die Reihenfolge aller "Star Trek"-Filme und -Serien, allerdings unabhängig voneinander. Sicherlich ist euch dabei aufgefallen, dass einige Serien im selben Zeitraum spielen wie einige Filme oder andere Serien. Wie erhält man nun ein möglichst rundes und inhaltlich lückenloses "Star Trek"-Erlebnis? Das verraten wir euch auf der nächsten Seite!

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Screen Rant

Every star trek movie in chronological order.

With 13 entries in the Star Trek movie series from 1979-2006, there are a couple of ways to watch the films chronologically.

  • Learn how to watch all 13 Star Trek movies in chronological order by following their theatrical release timeline.
  • Dive deeper into the Star Trek universe by watching the films in their in-universe timeline order instead.
  • Keep an eye out for new Star Trek movies - one on Paramount+ focusing on Section 31 and potential future theatrical releases.

Here's how to watch the 13 Star Trek movies in chronological order in a couple of ways. Starring William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk and Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock, Star Trek: The Original Series ' 3 seasons aired on NBC from 1966-1969, but the show exploded in popularity in syndication. After the blockbuster success of Star Wars in 1977, Paramount refashioned a planned TV series revival titled Star Trek: Phase II into a feature film: 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture . Star Trek officially became a movie franchise.

Since the 1970s, every decade up to the 2020s thus far has seen a Star Trek movie produced. Star Trek: The Original Series ' cast starred in 6 films from 1979-1991. The torch was then passed to the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation , who starred in 4 films from 1994-2002. Producer and director J.J. Abrams then rebooted Star Trek: The Original Series , casting stars such as Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and Karl Urban to play younger, alternate reality versions of Captain James T. Kirk, Mr. Spock, and Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy in a trilogy of Star Trek movies from 2009-2016. Whether you want to watch them in order of theatrical release or in order of when the films stand in the Star Trek timeline , here's how to watch the 13 Star Trek movies.

Star Trek 2009 Cast & Character Guide

How to watch the star trek movies chronologically in theatrical release order, the first 6 star trek movies are helpfully numbered.

Watching the Star Trek movies in their theatrical release order is the simplest way to go . The 13 films are broken up into easy-to-digest blocks: the 6 Star Trek: The Original Series films, the 4 Star Trek: The Next Generation films, and the three Star Trek movies produced by J.J. Abrams that are set in the alternate Kelvin timeline. Here are the 13 Star Trek movies in theatrical release order:

How To Watch The Star Trek Movies By In-Universe Timeline Order

From 1986 to 2379 in two different star trek timelines.

A more interesting, and challenging, way to watch the Star Trek movies is by in-universe timeline order. Although the 'present day' of the Star Trek movies is either The Original Series ' 23rd century or The Next Generation 's 24th century, some of the Star Trek movies involve time travel and flashbacks, while the J.J. Abrams films are actually before the events of Star Trek: The Original Series.

In J.J. Abrams' Star Trek 2009 , the destruction of the USS Kelvin in 2033 by time-traveling Romulans, which led to the death of James T. Kirk's father, Lt. George Kirk (Chris Hemsworth), spawned an alternate reality where numerous major events happened in an accelerated pace. Factoring in time travel and alternate universes, here's how to watch the Star Trek movies by in-universe timeline order.

What Is The Next Star Trek Movie?

The next star trek movie won't be released in theaters.

The next Star Trek movie won't be a theatrical release, but it will be a made-for-streaming film on Paramount+. Star Trek: Section 31 starring Academy Award-winner Michelle Yeoh is the first Star Trek movie made for Paramount+ . Section 31 is written by Craig Sweeney and directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi. A spinoff of Star Trek: Discovery , Section 31 will detail what happened to Yeoh's popular anti-heroine, Emperor Phillippa Georgiou after she left Discovery in season 3, and the film will purportedly explore Georgiou's ties to and the history of Section 31, Starfleet's infamous black ops organization.

Star Trek: Section 31 introduces a new cast of characters joining Michelle Yeoh's Emperor Georgiou. Section 31 began filming in January 2024 in Toronto and is expected to wrap in March. Although no release date has been announced yet, Star Trek: Section 31 could be released on the streamer in late 2024 if not in 2025.

Depending on Star Trek: Section 31 's success, a new Star Trek movie could be released on Paramount+ every 2 years.

Will There Be A Star Trek 4 From J.J. Abrams?

Two star trek theatrical movies are reportedly in development.

8 years after Star Trek Beyond hit movie theaters, there is still no Star Trek 4 produced by J.J. Abrams . Star Trek 4 (AKA Star Trek 14 ) was scheduled for a December 2023 release date after audience polling by Paramount Pictures determined there was audience interest in seeing another Star Trek movie starring Chris Pine and the cast Abrams assembled. However, high-profile filmmakers like Quentin Tarantino, Noah Hawley, S.J. Clarkson, and Matt Shakman were unable to overcome the "creative differences" to get Star Trek 4 in front of cameras.

Star Trek 4 is said to be the "final chapter" of the voyages of the USS Enterprise commanded by Chris Pine's Captain James T. Kirk and his crew.

Following the resolution of the WGA writers' strike, a new report indicated two Star Trek movies are in development at Paramount. Star Trek 4 is said to be the "final chapter" of the voyages of the USS Enterprise commanded by Chris Pine's Captain James T. Kirk and his crew. Meanwhile, a Star Trek origin film set "decades before" Star Trek (2009) is being developed by director Toby Haynes ( Star Wars: Andor ) and writer Seth Grahame-Smith ( Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunte r). While it seems inevitable that a new Star Trek movie will return to the big screen one day, it looks like the long wait will continue into the foreseeable future.

Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation movies are available to stream on Max.

Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness , and Star Trek Generations are available to stream on Paramount+.

star trek next generation reihenfolge

Star Trek: Discovery’s TNG Connection Explained - "The Chase" & Who Are The Progenitors?

WARNING: This article contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episodes 1 & 2!

  • Star Trek: Discovery season 5 continues the story of the Progenitors discovered by Captain Picard 800 years ago.
  • Captain Burnham embarks on a treasure hunt to uncover the Progenitors' technology with potential for peace or conflict.
  • The legacy of the Progenitors in Star Trek: Discovery raises questions of power, unity, and morality in the 32nd century.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5 is a surprising sequel to the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Chase", continuing the story of the enigmatic Progenitors 800 years after they were discovered by Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). As Discovery is set 800 years after the TNG era, it can often feel forced when the show tries to marry up these two ends of the Star Trek timeline . However, the magnitude of Picard's discovery about the Progenitors justifies the secret being hidden for centuries, and it could have fascinating implications for the future of Star Trek 's 32nd century.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 1, "Red Directive" opens with Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) exploring an 800-year-old Romulan scout ship at the behest of Dr. Kovich (David Cronenberg). Kovich was less forthcoming than usual with information about the USS Discovery's "Red Directive" mission , forcing Burnham to seek help from Lt. Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman) in learning more. Tilly uncovered recordings left by the Romulan scientist Dr. Vellek (Michael Copeman), revealing Discovery 's links to Star Trek: The Next Generation 's original Progenitor treasure hunt, led by Captain Picard.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Returning Cast & New Character Guide

Picard’s original progenitor treasure hunt in tng explained.

In Star Trek: The Next Generation season 6, episode 20, "The Chase", Picard's former archeology teacher, Professor Galen (Norman Lloyd) asked the Enterprise captain to join him in solving a 4.5 billion-year-old mystery. Picard initially declined Galen's offer, but circumstances forced him to reconsider when his mentor's shuttle was attacked. Galen left behind files that contained huge blocks of numbers that were indecipherable without further information . Picard had the Enterprise retrace Galen's journey in the hope of finding out more about the archeology professor's strange code.

"The Chase" was directed by Jonathan Frakes, who returned to direct the penultimate episode of Star Trek: Discovery season 5.

Eventually, Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) discovered that the numbers refer to DNA strands of multiple different alien species. The combined strands form a shape that resembles an algorithm, a program implanted in the DNA of multiple species, for reasons unknown . It quickly became clear that Picard was not the only person seeking answers about Galen's mystery, as the Cardassians and Klingons also sought to understand what this ancient program could be. Negotiating a truce between the two factions, Picard and Crusher gained enough information to lead the Enterprise, Cardassians, Klingons, and Romulans to the planet Vilmor II, where they make a monumental discovery.

TNG’s Progenitors Created All Humanoid Life In The Star Trek Universe

The treasure on Vilmor II was knowledge about life itself, delivered via a holographic message left behind by an ancient humanoid species. The sole humanoid species in the universe, these aliens wanted to leave a lasting legacy after their own extinction. And so, 4.5 billion years earlier, the ancient humanoids seeded their DNA across multiple planets in the Star Trek universe , influencing the evolution of countless species. Star Trek: Discovery reveals that since Picard revealed his findings, Starfleet have been calling the ancient humanoid species The Progenitors.

The Ancient Humanoid in Star Trek: The Next Generation was played by Salome Jens, who would go on to play the Female Changeling in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .

Not unlike the broken treasure map from Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 2, "Under the Twin Moons" , the Progenitors' message was broken into fragments and contained within multiple alien species' DNA. The Progenitors' intention was that, upon coming together to piece the fragments together, the disparate alien races would unite under their common origins. Sadly, this wasn't the case in Star Trek: The Next Generation , as the Klingons and Cardassians refused to believe that they could possibly originate from the same species . However, the Romulans were more thoughtful, setting up Discovery 's season 5 premiere.

Star Trek: Discovery's Huge Season 5 TNG Connection Explained By Showrunner

Discovery’s romulan scientist and his tng link explained.

At the end of Star Trek: The Next Generation 's "The Chase", Captain Picard discusses the Progenitors' message with a surprisingly open-minded Romulan commander. The message has had an effect on the Romulan, who tells Picard that he hopes to one day stand alongside humanity as friends. Star Trek: Discovery reveals that one of the members of TNG 's Romulan landing party, Dr. Vellek, continued to research the Progenitors and eventually found where their ancient technology was hidden. However, Vellek was very aware that such technology could be as deadly as it is profound, and went to extraordinary lengths to hide his findings .

Both the crew of the USS Discovery and intergalactic outlaws Moll (Eve Harlow) and L'ak (Elias Toufexis) have access to Vellek's journals. However, both parties have very different intentions for the Romulan scientist's life's work. Captain Burnham hopes that recovering the Progenitors' technology will provide a sense of meaning, while Moll and L'ak are attracted by the price tag . Vellek remained hidden for 800 years, until his corpse was discovered in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, which proves just how desperate he was to keep the location of the Progenitors' technology a secret.

What Does Star Trek: Discovery’s Progenitor Link Mean For Its Final Season?

In Star Trek: The Next Generation , the Progenitors had hoped the truth about humanoid life in the galaxy would bring a new era of peace and understanding . However, rather than become inspired by their commonality, the Klingons and Cardassians instead feud with each other, disgusted that they could be somehow genetically related. 800 years later, and in the wake of the hostilities caused by The Burn, the Progenitors' message could be the very thing that finally unites the galaxy in Star Trek: Discovery 's finale . However, it may not be that simple.

For one thing, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy will continue the story of the 32nd century, and the Progenitors' message of commonality will dramatically reduce any sense of conflict in the universe. More interestingly, Dr. Kovich seems to want to get his hands on the technology, not the message. The Progenitors' technology would allow Starfleet to influence the evolution of other species , power that would set them up among the gods. This feels like too much power for a shifty character like Kovich to possess.

Whoever possesses the Progenitors' tech in Star Trek: Discovery season 5 has the very building blocks of life itself. In the right hands, that could lead to profound discoveries that lead to renewed peace and prosperity for the Federation in the 32nd century. In the wrong hands, enemies of the Federation could use those building blocks for their own nefarious purposes. That's a huge concern as Burnham and the crew of the USS Discovery continue their treasure hunt. Sooner or later, Captain Burnham will have to make a choice about how she deals with the legacy of Star Trek: The Next Generation 's Progenitors.

Star Trek: Discovery streams Thursdays on Paramount+

Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery is an entry in the legendary Sci-Fi franchise, set ten years before the original Star Trek series events. The show centers around Commander Michael Burnham, assigned to the USS Discovery, where the crew attempts to prevent a Klingon war while traveling through the vast reaches of space.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation is the third installment in the sci-fi franchise and follows the adventures of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew members of the USS Enterprise. Set around one hundred years after the original series, Picard and his crew travel through the galaxy in largely self-contained episodes exploring the crew dynamics and their own political discourse. The series also had several overarching plots that would develop over the course of the isolated episodes, with four films released in tandem with the series to further some of these story elements.

Star Trek: Discovery’s TNG Connection Explained - "The Chase" & Who Are The Progenitors?

  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews
  • Episode aired Oct 27, 1990

Gates McFadden, Brent Spiner, and Beth Toussaint in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

The crew of the Enterprise enters into orbit around the home planet of their former crewmate, Tasha Yar, where they encounter her sister. The crew of the Enterprise enters into orbit around the home planet of their former crewmate, Tasha Yar, where they encounter her sister. The crew of the Enterprise enters into orbit around the home planet of their former crewmate, Tasha Yar, where they encounter her sister.

  • Robert Scheerer
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Joe Menosky
  • Ronald D. Moore
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Jonathan Frakes
  • LeVar Burton
  • 17 User reviews
  • 9 Critic reviews

Marina Sirtis, Patrick Stewart, and Beth Toussaint in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Jonathan Frakes

  • Commander William Thomas 'Will' Riker

LeVar Burton

  • Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge

Michael Dorn

  • Lieutenant Worf

Gates McFadden

  • Doctor Beverly Crusher

Marina Sirtis

  • Counselor Deanna Troi

Brent Spiner

  • Lieutenant Commander Data

Wil Wheaton

  • Ensign Wesley Crusher
  • (credit only)

Beth Toussaint

  • Chief Miles O'Brien

Vladimir Velasco

  • Coalition Man #1
  • Crewman Martinez
  • (uncredited)

Cullen G. Chambers

  • Arcos pilot

Debbie David

  • Ensign Russell

BJ Davis

  • Alliance Member

Christopher Doyle

  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

Did you know

  • Trivia Captain Picard's log entry states that they are bypassing their scheduled archaeological survey of Camus II. Camus II is the planet visited by Enterprise in the 79th (and final) episode of Star Trek (1966) , " Turnabout Intruder (1969) ." "Legacy" is Star Trek: The Next Generation's 80th episode.
  • Goofs When Dr. Crusher takes a DNA sample from Ishara, she says the test to see if Ishara is related to Tasha will take a few hours. However, other instances of DNA being analysed had nearly instantaneous results.

[last lines]

Commander William T. Riker : In all trust, there is the possibility of betrayal. I'm not sure you were... prepared for that.

Lt. Commander Data : Were you prepared, sir?

Commander William T. Riker : I don't think anybody ever is.

Lt. Commander Data : Hm... Then it is better not to trust?

Commander William T. Riker : Without trust, there's no friendship, no closeness. None of the emotional bonds that make us who we are.

Lt. Commander Data : And yet you put yourself at risk.

Commander William T. Riker : Every single time.

Lt. Commander Data : Perhaps I am fortunate, sir, to be spared the emotional consequences.

Commander William T. Riker : Perhaps.

  • Connections References Battleship Potemkin (1925)
  • Soundtracks Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title Composed by Jerry Goldsmith and Alexander Courage

User reviews 17

  • evilcartman01
  • Aug 8, 2018
  • October 27, 1990 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official site
  • Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (Studio)
  • Paramount Television
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Why ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Built Season 5 Around a Classic Episode From a Legacy Series

By Adam B. Vary

Adam B. Vary

Senior Entertainment Writer

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Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. TM & © 2022 CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.    **BEST POSSIBLE SCREENGRAB**

SPOILER ALERT: This story discusses major plot developments in Season 5, Episode 1 of “ Star Trek : Discovery,” now streaming on Paramount+.

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Kovich’s explanation evokes the classic “ Star Trek: The Next Generation ” episode “The Chase” from 1993 in which Capt. Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) — along with teams of Romulans, Klingons and Cardassians — learn that all humanoid life in the galaxy was created by a single species that existed billions of years earlier, and seeded thousands of planets with the DNA to pass along their legacy. (Along with presenting a profound vision of the origins of life, the episode also provided an imaginative explanation for why almost all the aliens in “Star Trek” basically look like humans with different kinds of forehead ridges.)

Kovich tells Burnham that the Romulan scientist was part of a team sent to discover exactly how these aliens — whom they call the Progenitors — made this happen; the object they’re seeking winds up being one part of a brand new “chase,” this time in the 32nd century, to find the Progenitors’ technology before it can fall into the wrong hands. 

“I remember watching that episode and at the end of it just being blown away that there was this huge idea where we all come from,” Paradise says. “And then they’re going to have another mission the next week. I found myself wondering, ‘Well, then what? What happened? What do we do with this information? What does it mean?’”

Originally, Paradise says the “Discovery” writers’ room discussed evoking the Progenitors in Season 4, when the Discovery meets an alien species, the 10-C, who live outside of the galaxy and are as radically different from humans as one could imagine. “As we dug deeper into the season itself, we realized that it was too much to try and get in,” Paradise says.

Instead, they made the Progenitors the engine for Season 5. “Burnham and some of our other characters are on this quest for personal meaning,” Paradise says. Searching for the origins of life itself, she adds, “feels like a big thematic idea that fits right in with what we’re exploring over the course of the season, and what our characters are going through.”

That meant that Paradise finally got to help come up with the answers to the questions about “The Chase” that had preoccupied her when she was younger. “We had a lot of fun talking about what might’ve happened when [Picard] called back to headquarters and had to say, ‘Here’s what happened today,’” she says. “We just built the story out from there.”

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‘Star Trek’ Origin Story Movie Will Be Set Decades Before 2009 Film

CinemaCon 2024: The new project will be produced by longtime “Star Trek” steward J.J. Abrams


Paramount Pictures is ready to boldly go (again).

After rumors circulated earlier this year, Paramount officially announced a new “Star Trek” prequel film on Thursday, this time taking place decades before the original 2009 “Star Trek” feature.

“Andor” director Toby Haynes will direct from a script by Seth Grahame-Smith (who is also writing another hotly touted CinemaCon title, the third “Now You See Me” film). J.J. Abrams is returning to produce.

But then again, we’ve heard about a new “Star Trek” movie before.

star trek next generation reihenfolge

During the run-up to “Star Trek Beyond” in 2016, it was revealed that a fourth film would reunite Chris Pine’s Captain Kirk with his deceased father (played, once again, by Chris Hemsworth). A year later, Quentin Tarantino approached Paramount about doing a “Star Trek” movie – this time as an R-rated gangster movie (based, in part, on the 1968 episode of the original series “A Piece of the Action”). In 2018 S.J. Clarkson, a TV vet who would eventually direct “Madame Web,” was hired to direct the fourth film in the Abrams-verse, but salary disputes led to Pine and Hemsworth leaving the project. That version was canceled in 2019 and Tarantino stated in 2020 that he wouldn’t be making his “Star Trek” either.

In November 2019 “Fargo” creator Noah Hawley was hired to write and direct a new “Star Trek” film based on his version of the series. A year later, this movie was canceled by new Paramount Pictures president Emma Watts. In 2021 “Star Trek: Discovery” writer Kalinda Vazquez was hired to write a version based on her original pitch, but a separate script was being developed by Lindsey Beer and Geneva Robertson-Dworet. The studio even set a summer 2023 release date for a new “Trek” (which “Trek” was the question).

In 2021 that release date was pushed to Christmas 2023, under the direction of “WandaVision” director Matt Shakman. Josh Friedman and Cameron Squires were brought on to retool the script. In early 2022 it was announced that the stars of the three previous “Star Trek” installments in the Abrams-verse would all be returning, although it was later reported that the actors had not entered negotiations to return.

In 2022 Shakman left “Star Trek” to join Marvel Studios’ “The Fantastic Four.” But just last month Steve Yockey was hired to write a fourth “Star Trek” movie.

Now, we are finally getting word of another film in development, with another writer/director team. But it’s not the first time that a “Star Trek” prequel script has been floated, as Erik Jendresen, cowriter of “Mission: Impossible: Dead Reckoning,” had submitted a script for “Star Trek: The Beginning” before J.J. had taken over and pitched his 2009 version. It depicted the Earth-Romulan War.

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‘Star Trek: Discovery’s Connection to ‘The Next Generation’ Explained

...And it involves a new crew.

The Big Picture

  • The USS Discovery embarks on a red directive mission with ties to Star Trek lore, focusing on the Progenitors' technology.
  • New faces join the crew on a mission to uncover an artifact related to the Progenitors in the Next Generation era.
  • The technology to create life poses a powerful threat if misused, as Moll and L'ak aim to sell the artifact to the highest bidder.

The first two episodes of Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 are finally available on Paramount+, putting Captain Michael Burnham ( Sonequa Martin-Green ) and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery back on the boldly going business. This time, they're not going another 800 years into the future, but instead, their mission has a connection to another time: the Star Trek: The Next Generation era. Back then, Captain Jean-Luc Picard ( Patrick Stewart ) once led the U.S.S. Enterprise-D on a mission that uncovered the secrets of life itself as we know it . It may have been a one-episode story, but it's now getting the proper arc it deserves; the time has finally come to learn the secrets of the Progenitors.

Star Trek: Discovery

Taking place almost a decade before Captain Kirk's Enterprise, the USS Discovery charts a course to uncover new worlds and life forms.

The Discovery Is Given a Red Directive Mission by Dr. Kovich

The final season of Discovery starts off with its foot on the door, with ties to past Star Trek lore and the return of Dr. Kovich ( David Cronenberg ), which always means business for the Discovery crew. This time, his mission is so important that it interrupts a Starfleet event, but can't be disclosed because it's a red directive (a mission of a highly classified and dangerous nature that takes precedence over all other tasks) . Captain Burnham doesn't like the idea of keeping secrets from her crew, but since the Discovery is the only ship that can take this mission thanks to its spore drive, she accepts it.

The secretive mission introduces some new faces to Discovery , including couriers, Moll ( Eve Harlow ) and L'ak ( Elias Toufexis ), as well as U.S.S. Antares Captain Rayner ( Callum Keith Rennie ). The mission was to retrieve an artifact from a Romulan science ship that had been adrift for 800 years, but Moll and L'ak beat them to it, then take the artifact to the planet, Q'mau, where the synthetic antique dealer, Fred ( J. Adam Brown ), opens it up and reveals a diary written by the Romulan scientist, Vellek ( Michael Copeman ). Even though Moll and L'ak have escaped Starfleet in Q'mau, Admiral Charles Vance ( Oded Fehr ) helps officer Sylvia Tilly ( Mary Wiseman ) obtain information on Vellek.

As it turns out, Vellek was once part of a group that—under the leadership of Captain Jean-Luc Picard —attempted to solve the mystery of the planet Vilmor II. There, they found out about a race of humanoid aliens known only as the Progenitors , who have created life in its humanoid form and are the common link between all present humanoid species in the galaxy. The Discovery's mission, however, isn't about the Progenitors themselves, but rather about the technology they used to do what they did.

The Progenitors’ Story Comes From a Single Episode in ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’

Season 6, Episode 20 of The Next Generation , "The Chase," is one of the wildest in the entire series. For the first time ever, a Star Trek episode shows Humans, Klingons, Romulans, and more together in the same scene. That's all thanks to one of the most interesting plots in the franchise, which sees these races coming together to discover the secret of their common origin. Unfortunately, The Next Generation didn't carry on with this plotline, but Discovery is finally giving it the sequence it deserves.

"The Chase" starts off with Captain Picard meeting his old mentor, Professor Galen ( Norman Lloyd ), aboard the Enterprise-D. The scholar is there to recruit Picard for a long-term mission that will result in the most important scientific discovery of their time, but Picard can't give up his post on Starfleet. Picard decides to take the Enterprise-D and finish what Galen started. He begins by analyzing the data his mentor had gathered (large blocks of numbers laid out in a sort of sequence). Following this trail, he eventually discovers that the numbers are actually a DNA sequence. On the planet, Loren III, Picard intervenes and mediates their conflict upon learning that both of them are there for the same reason the Enterpreise-D is, calling for them to analyze the combined DNA strands they have. They learn that those are all part of a puzzle, with each sequence complementing one another, but that there are still missing pieces.

The Enterprise-D follows the Cardassians to Vilmor II with the Klingon emissary on board, and they find out the planet has lichen growing on the dried-up ocean floor. Discreetly, Dr. Beverly Crusher ( Gates McFadden ) inserts all the DNA samples they now have onto her tricorder, which then projects the recording of a humanoid woman ( Salome Jens ). Thankfully, everyone stops arguing to listen to the projection, as the woman explains that she belonged to a race of ancient aliens from 4.5 billion years earlier. Her species eventually came to terms with their extinction, but they sowed pieces of their own DNA on many planets where life could grow across the galaxy as a way of ensuring a lasting legacy . Their intention was for all those future species to come together upon discovering their shared ancestry . Cardassians and Klingons immediately resume their bickering, unable to accept that they have anything in common. Later, Picard ponders with the Romulans that one day, in the future, perhaps all species will learn to coexist for the sake of their shared ancestry.

Where Does This Leave Captain Burnham and the Discovery Crew?

The race of ancient humanoids is never named onscreen, but they are referred to as the Progenitors from then on. With Discovery finally finishing this loose thread in Star Trek lore, it's important to ponder that the Progenitors must have used powerful tech to sow their DNA across the galaxy, which is what the overall plot of the season is going to be. The technology to create life is powerful by definition , and can be used for terrible things if it falls in the wrong hands. Right now, Moll and L'ak have the diary, but they're unwilling to cooperate with the Federation after a failed negotiation attempt by Cleveland "Book" Booker ( David Ajala ). However, they're looking to sell the diary to the highest bidder.

After the events of the first part of the season premiere , "Red Directive," Captain Rayner has been discharged from his command of the U.S.S. Antares. As sad as it is to see an officer of 30-plus years being discharged, it's also very serendipitous, as Captain Burnham is in need of a new number one for the Discovery as Saru ( Doug Jones ) is about to take a new diplomatic post for the Federation. During their chase on Q'mau, Rayner mentions that he has history chasing Moll and L'ak, which will surely come in handy . Also, Book finds out he has a past connection to Moll that makes them all but family, which is another potential lead to finding her.

Star Trek: Discovery is available to watch on Paramount+ in the U.S.

Watch on Paramount+


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  4. Star Trek: The Next Generation

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    In Star Trek: The Next Generation season 6, episode 20, "The Chase", Picard's former archeology teacher, Professor Galen (Norman Lloyd) asked the Enterprise captain to join him in solving a 4.5 ...

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    The seventh film, Star Trek Generations (1994), was designed to serve as a transition from the original cast to that of the next series, Star Trek: The Next Generation. The next three films just starred the cast of The Next Generation, and ended with Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) which disappointed at the box office.

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    During the run-up to "Star Trek Beyond" in 2016, it was revealed that a fourth film would reunite Chris Pine's Captain Kirk with his deceased father (played, once again, by Chris Hemsworth).

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    The first two episodes of Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 are finally available on Paramount+, putting Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery back on the ...