
Qual a altura do Tom Cruise? Os atores mais baixinhos de Hollywood (lista com surpresas)

Elouise lopes.

É um fato que as aparências enganam e, mesmo para quem tem certeza disso, a lista dos atores mais baixinhos de Hollywood pode surpreender.

Atores mais baixinhos de Hollywood

A seguir, você confere a lista dos atores mais baixinhos de Hollywood e uma surpresinha é que Tom Cruise, um dos galãs, está nela.

Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey Jr. (Imagem: david.torcivia/Creative Commons License)

O primeiro nome da lista é Downey Jr, que interpreta Tony Stark. Considerando este e outros personagens do ator, como em filmes como ‘Sherlock Holmes’ e ‘Vingadores: Ultimato’, muita gente sequer imagina que no mundo real Robert Downey Jr. tenha apenas 1,73 m.

Van Damme

Van Damme (Imagem: Georges Biard/Creative Commons License)

Outro ator que está sempre com papeis bem chamativos é o Jean-Claude Van Damme. Embora não pareça, na vida real ele não tem mais do que 1,62 m. Apesar de não ser dos mais altos, Van Damme sem dúvidas chama atenção por sua musculatura.

Scarlett Johasson

Scarlett Johasson (Imagem: Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons License)

A icônica Scarlett Johansson, que protagonizou grandes obras como ‘Viúva Negra’, ‘Lucy’ e ‘Sob a Pele’, com certeza é um nome que tende a chamar atenção nesta lista. Afinal, esta artista do cinema de Hollywood sempre tem papéis em verdadeiras obras do cinema.

Assim como outras mulheres que aparecerão nesta lista, ela usa bastante salto, o que ajuda a disfarçar sua altura, que é de apenas 1,60 m. Mas é claro que esse comprimento em nada reflete seu talento.

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus (Imagem: Music4mix/Creative Commons License)

Nos últimos anos, Miley Cyrus têm aparecido bem pouco na televisão, pois tem dado prioridade para sua carreira de cantora. Porém, não poderíamos deixá-la de fora desta lista, afinal ela pode parecer mais alta do que realmente é, já que costuma usar bons saltos em muitos de seus filmes e também em seus shows. Na vida real, a inesquecível Hannah Montana tem 1,56 m de altura, não sendo das mais altas.

Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens (Imagem: Eva Rinaldi Celebrity Photographer/Creative Commons License)

Para quem acompanhou ‘High School Musical’ e tem assistido aos filmes da Netflix de comédia romântica, não é estranho que a estrela Vanessa Hudgens também é uma das mais baixinhas de Hollywood.

No geral, é possível perceber que ela não é tão alta, até porque em seus filmes não costuma usar sapatos de salto alto (uma personagem e outra), então a altura de 1,55 m não gera tanta surpresa.

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon (Imagem: RedCarpetReport/Creative Commons License)

A estrela de ‘Legalmente Loira’ e ganhadora do Oscar de Melhor Atriz, pelo filme Johnny & June , também é uma atriz que consegue dar uma disfarçada em sua altura nas telonas. Em geral, Reese Whiterspoon usa saltos e consegue enganar sua altura, que é de apenas 1,56 m.

Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell (Imagem: Gage Skidmore/Creative Commons License)

Outra atriz que também não é das mais altas, embora das telonas até dê uma enganada ao público, é a Kristen Bell, conhecida pela penca de trabalhos que já realizou, em filmes e também séries de televisão.

Em seus papéis, Kristen se mostra como menor do que outros atores e atrizes. Mesmo dando de cara, muita gente não imagina que ela tenha apenas 1,55 m de altura. Algo que dá uma entregada sobre ela ser baixinha são as fotos em que ela aparece ao lado de seu companheiro, Dax Shepard, que por sua vez tem 1,88 m.

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe (Imagem: ellasportfolio/Creative Commons License)

Quem é fã da saga ‘Harry Potter’ tem uma grande surpresa ao descobrir que Daniel Radcliffe, que dá vida ao protagonista da saga, tem apenas 1,65 m de altura. Sem dúvidas, ele é um dos mais baixinhos de Hollywood. Nos filmes que contam com a direção de David Yates, Alfonso Cuarón, Chris Columbus e Mike Newell, Radcliffe não transmite a imagem de um ator grandão.

Afinal de contas, dá para perceber que ele tem mais ou menos a mesma altura de Emma Watson, e que é menor do que Rupert Grint, que interpreta o melhor amigo de Harry, Ron.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise (Imagem: Alan Light/Creative Commons License)

O galã que faz bastante sucesso no cinema é outra estrela de Hollywood que ninguém imagina ter uma altura razoável. Nos filmes que já estrelou, como a saga ‘TopGun’ e ‘Missão Impossível’ e o inesquecível ‘Vanilla Sky’, ele pode não aparentar, mas Tom Cruise tem 1,70 m de altura.

Elouise Lopes

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How Tall is Tom Cruise: Unveiling the Height of the Hollywood Icon

altura tom cruise tem

Tom Cruise, the charismatic Hollywood superstar, has been captivating audiences for decades. Among the numerous queries about this iconic figure, one frequently asked question stands out: How tall is Tom Cruise? Let’s delve into this intriguing topic to uncover the truth behind his height.

Understanding Tom Cruise’s Height

Official statistics.

Tom Cruise, the renowned Hollywood actor, has often been a subject of fascination not only for his acting prowess but also for his physical stature. Officially listed at 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm), Cruise’s height has sparked considerable discussion and speculation among fans and critics alike.

One of the key reasons behind the ongoing debate surrounding Cruise’s height is the nature of his roles in films. In many of his action-packed blockbusters, Cruise appears to hold his own against much taller co-stars and perform stunts that require a significant physical presence. This has led some to question whether his listed height accurately reflects his true stature or if Hollywood’s penchant for illusions and camera tricks may be at play.

Understanding Tom Cruises Height

Height Discrepancies

Some sources claim Cruise’s height is closer to 5 feet 5 inches, sparking controversies within fan communities and media circles alike. This speculation often arises due to the actor’s perceived stature in comparison to other Hollywood figures. However, it’s essential to consider various factors that can influence perceptions of height, such as camera angles, footwear choices, and even posture during public appearances and film roles.

Height Comparisons

Co-Stars and Associates

Standing alongside fellow actors and celebrities, Tom Cruise appears comparable in height, typically maintaining a commanding presence despite any differences in stature. Whether gracing the red carpet or engaging in on-set camaraderie, Cruise’s stature seems consistent and in harmony with his peers. Photos and video footage often depict him seamlessly integrated within groups, with minimal discernible discrepancies in height. This uniformity underscores Cruise’s ability to project an image of confidence and charisma, regardless of the company he keeps. Such adaptability contributes to his enduring status as a leading figure in Hollywood, where presence and talent are paramount.

Height Comparisons

Elevator Shoes Rumor

Speculation surrounds Cruise’s use of elevator shoes, specially designed to add height discreetly. These shoes are believed to incorporate hidden lifts within the insoles, providing an extra boost to his stature. However, while many gossip columns and tabloids have circulated these rumors, concrete evidence remains elusive. Despite persistent paparazzi attempts to capture glimpses of Cruise wearing such shoes, no definitive proof has emerged. Nevertheless, the actor’s consistent on-screen presence and commanding presence often overshadow any discussions about his height, leaving fans and critics alike in a perpetual state of curiosity regarding this aspect of his personal style.

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Personal Views and Responses

Personal Views and Responses

Tom Cruise’s Comments

Cruise has long been known for his dedication to his work and his reluctance to engage with trivial matters such as the ongoing speculation about his height. Despite being one of Hollywood’s most recognizable figures, he has managed to maintain a composed demeanor whenever confronted with questions regarding his stature. Instead of getting entangled in the height debate, Cruise consistently directs attention to his craft, emphasizing his passion for acting and commitment to delivering exceptional performances.

Throughout his illustrious career spanning decades, Cruise has garnered widespread acclaim for his versatility and range as an actor. From action-packed blockbusters to intense dramas, he has showcased his talent across various genres, solidifying his status as one of the industry’s most bankable stars. His unwavering dedication to his craft has earned him numerous accolades and a devoted fan base worldwide.

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Fan Reactions

Fans and admirers continue to express intrigue but acknowledge Cruise’s talent regardless of his height. His stature has never overshadowed the sheer magnitude of his performances, which have consistently captivated audiences worldwide. From his iconic roles in “Top Gun” and “Mission: Impossible” to his compelling portrayals in dramas like “Jerry Maguire” and “Rain Man,” Cruise’s versatility and dedication to his craft have solidified his status as one of Hollywood’s most respected actors.

Moreover, Cruise’s ability to immerse himself fully into his characters transcends any physical attributes. His relentless work ethic and commitment to bringing authenticity to every role he undertakes have earned him numerous accolades and widespread acclaim. Whether he’s performing death-defying stunts or delving into complex emotional depths, Cruise’s passion for his craft shines through, leaving an indelible mark on cinema.

The question “How tall is Tom Cruise?” remains a topic of curiosity among fans and the media. Despite official listings, various factors contribute to conflicting perceptions of his height. Ultimately, Tom Cruise’s talent and charisma transcend any discussions about his stature, leaving an indelible mark on the world of entertainment.

altura tom cruise tem

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Tom Cruise Real Height Revealed: Just How Tall is The Actor Really?

Chinedu Ndubueze

How tall is Tom Cruise? Tom Cruise’s height is listed at 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm). By all standards, Tom Cruise’s height can be considered to be fairly short for a man

Tom Cruise is an American actor everybody can easily identify. The Hollywood star began his career in 1981 and rose to become one of the most prominent figures in the industry. He has been able to maintain his relevance over the decades despite the controversies that steam from his association with the Church of Scientology which has left many people less eager to admire him and what he has accomplished as an entertainer.

But then, the Syracuse-born actor has built a massive legacy that’s hard to erase. He remains a superstar and almost everything about him is newsworthy; from his love life to his upbringing, the family he hails from, the wealth he has accumulated, and even things as trivial as his height.

At some point over the course of his career, Tom Cruise’s height was a serious topic for public discourse among moviegoers, and the actor, as you’d soon learn, was forced to address it. While he is often counted among the short actors in Hollywood, the clout Tom commands in the business, the numerous awards he has won, and the massive wealth he has acquired, have definitely compensated for what he lacks in height.

The Average American Male Is Taller Than Tom Cruise

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In the 19th century, the United States and other countries in North America were the tallest in the world. But because of several factors, America witnessed a decline in the average height of its population. Even though the country is still counted amongst nations with the tallest people, countries in Europe and Central Asia now have taller citizens. You will find the tallest men in these countries and their average height is 5 feet 9½ inches (177 cm). The Netherlands takes the lead with an average height of 5 feet 11½ inches (182 cm) for its males.

The average height for men in the United States is 5 feet 9.3 inches (176 cm). As Tom Cruise’s height is listed at 170 cm, it means that most men in his country are taller than him by 6 cm. However, the actor is taller than most of the men you’d find in South Asia. Here, the average height for men is 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm). More so, Tom Crusie would be described as a tall man if he was from Timor, a nation in Southeast Asia. Most of the shortest men in the world are from the country and records have it that their average height is 5 feet 3 inches (160 cm).

Most men in America might be taller than Tom but he can definitely brag about having more relevance than them in the country.

The Actor Was Very Sensitive About Playing Jack Reacher Because of His Height

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An instance that proves height can be crucial in acting was the skepticism that followed the decision to have Tom Cruise play Jack Reacher in the 2012 action thriller film based on One Shot , a Lee Child’s novel. Fans of the novel were quick to point out that Tom Cruise’s height was inadequate for the role because Jack Reacher, as portrayed in the novel series, is 6 feet 5 inches tall and sturdy.

Fans of the novel took to social media platforms to campaign against it and Tom would later admit that he was very sensitive about playing the role because of his height. According to the actor , Lee Child made him comfortable with playing the character after he explained that Reacher’s imposing physique in the novels is a metaphor for an unstoppable force, which he believes Tom was very capable of portraying.

Insisting that Tom was the perfect actor for the role, Child reportedly stated that Cruise would give life to 100 percent of Reacher and 90 percent of the height whereas another actor might get 100 percent of the height but only 90% of Reacher. However, his opinion changed two years after  Jack Reacher’s  sequel titled Jack Reacher: Never Go Back  was released in 2016. Tom also stars as Jack Reacher in Never Go Back which received mixed reviews.

His Height Has Not Affected His Career In Any Significant Negative Way

With the mixed review that followed Never Go Back , the plan for a third installment in the Jack Reacher film series was shelved. Lee Child would later reveal that there would be no more Jack Reacher movies with Tom Cruise. Adding that preparations are being made for the novel series to be adapted for a television series, Child also specified that the series wouldn’t feature the famous actor.

Stressing that Tom Cruise is talented, and he enjoyed working with him, Lee admitted that the readers were right all along; that the actor didn’t have the physicality for playing Jack Reacher. The size of Reacher is really important and a big part of who he is, Lee said , as he affirmed that it’s the end of Tom Cruise playing the character. Despite that, it is difficult to express that Tom Cruise’s height has harmed his career.

The Mission Impossible actor has played various characters in many big movies. His movies have grossed over $10.7 billion at the box office and he is one of the highest-paid actors in the world with a massive fortune currently estimated at $600 million. In addition to that, Tom has received over 100 nominations for some of the most coveted awards in the business, including three nominations for the Oscars. He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame amongst other prestigious recognitions.

Tom Cruise is Not As Tall As The Average Actor in Hollywood: How Did He Come To Terms With His Height?

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Most people would assert that height doesn’t really matter in acting. This sentiment is based on the fact that elevator shoes and even camera angles can be used to compensate for a situation where an actor must have a certain height. Nevertheless, casting directors do consider height in assigning roles as it is easier for them to choose actors that wouldn’t have them looking for ways to augment height. That being said, the height of an actor is often not a priority.

According to various sources, the average height for actors in Hollywood is 5 feet 10 inches (178 cm). This means that most of the actors are 3 inches (8 cm) taller than Tom Cruise. Despite that, the actor seems to stand taller than his co-stars in movies who are known to be taller than him. This is also the case when he makes public appearances for industry events. Because of this, it is believed that he uses heeled shoes and other measures to appear taller than he is. Given that, it has been suggested in some quarters that the actor feels insecure about his height but there is no way to authenticate that claim.

As far as we know, the measures he employs to augment his height are only necessary for his career as a huge part of being an entertainer relies on having an impressive public image. If anything, the fact that he’s willing to do whatever it takes so that his height wouldn’t pose significant trouble for his career means he has come to terms with not being as tall as most actors. Also, considering what he has accomplished as an actor, it’d be disturbing if he still regards his height to be a problem.

Tom Cruise vs Brad Pitt vs Kevin Hart: Who Among Them is The Tallest?

altura tom cruise tem

Like Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and Kevin Hart are also celebrated Hollywood stars. More than being an actor, the former is a film producer who has received multiple coveted awards for his efforts. As a producer, he has won a Primetime Emmy, Golden Globe, and an Academy Award. He also won another Academy Award and two Golden Globe Awards for his acting. While Kevin is also an actor with several acting credits in popular productions like Think Like a Man (2012), Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017), Night School (2018), and Jumanji: The Next Level (2019), he is mostly known as a stand-up comedian.

Of the three entertainers, Brad Pitt is the tallest. The Once Upon a Time in Hollywood actor is taller than the average American man; he is 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm) tall and 4 inches (10 cm) taller than Tom Cruise. Kevin Hart is the least tall of the three and one of the first people to come to mind when one thinks of short Hollywood stars. While it is very obvious that Kevin is a short fellow, the exact measurement of his height is still up for debate. Some reports claim he is 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) but several have insisted he is shorter than that, listing his height at 5 feet 2 inches (157.5 cm).

Tom Cruse’s Height Compared To Al Pacino’s 

altura tom cruise tem

Tom Cruise isn’t the only successful actor in Hollywood who isn’t as tall as the average American male. There are a handful of others, including Al Pacino. The American actor and filmmaker is often counted among the most accomplished in the industry; one of the few performers to have won the Triple Crown (Academy, Emmy, and Tony Awards). Pacino rose to fame for playing Michael Corleone in The Godfather (1972) and remains active in the industry even though he is now an octogenarian.

Regarded as one of the greatest film stars of all time, Al Pacino is also known to be one of the shortest Hollywood actors. According to some reports, Al Pacino’s height is 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm), which means he is exactly as tall as Tom Cruise. However, other credible platforms claim he is slightly shorter, listing his height at 5 feet 6 inches (168 m).

Is Tom Cruise Really Taller Than Mark Wahlberg and Daniel Radcliffe?

altura tom cruise tem

Height shouldn’t discourage anyone from pursuing a career in acting as many actors are not as tall as they seem to be onscreen, including Mark Wahlberg and Daniel Radcliffe. Wahlberg has been acting since 1984 and is known for popular movies like The Fighter, The Departed, The Other Guys, Ted , and the Transformers film series. He was the highest-paid actor in the world in 2017 and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He has further received nominations for the Oscars and Golden Globe Awards. Like Tom Cruise, Mark is an A-lister.

Daniel Radcliffe, on the other hand, is famed for playing Harry Potter in the Harry Potter film series. He is also a successful actor but is the least tall of the three. The English actor is 5 feet 5 inches (165 cm) tall, so Tom Cruise is taller than him and Mark Whalberg is taller than both of them. The Planet of the Apes actor is 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm) tall. Neither Tom, Daniel, nor Mark is taller than the average American male.

Zac Efron or Tom Cruise: Who Is Taller Between The Two Short Actors?

Zac Efron is another Hollywood actor known to be short. Like other actors aforementioned, his height has not had any negative impact on his career, at least to the best of our knowledge. Efron began acting in 2002 when he played Young Simon in an episode of Firefly . His breakthrough came with the High School Musical trilogy and since then he has been a part of popular productions like Hairspray, The Paperboy, Dirty Grandpa, The Greatest Showman , and much more.

Zac’s efforts have won him many awards with numerous nominations which show that his 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm) height has been of no significance to his career. Although Zac is often described as a short actor compared to Tom Cruise, he is actually a bit taller. Yeah, Zac is an inch (3 cm) taller than Tom.

All of Tom Cruise’s Ex-Wives Are Taller Than Him

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It’s no secret that Tom Cruise has been married and divorced thrice . His first marriage was to Mimi Rogers who introduced him to Scientology. The marriage lasted only for a few years, from 1987 to 1990. The same year his first marriage packed up, he got married to Nicole Kidman, the famous Hollywood actress from Australia. Just after a decade, the union collapsed and they went their separate ways; this was in 2001.

About half a decade later, precisely on the 18th of November 2006, Tom Cruise got married to another popular Hollywood actress, Katie Holmes. The marriage came to an end in 2012.

Given that Mimi, Nicole, and Kaite are all prominent members of Hollywood, they were seen beside Tom several times at industry events while they were married. Most times, the actor seemed to be taller or of the same height as his spouse. However, all of them are taller than him in real life. While Holmes is 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm) and Kidman is 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm), Rogers stands at a height of 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm).

Chinedu Ndubueze


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LONDON, ENGLAND - MAY 19: Tom Cruise attends the "Top Gun: Maverick" Royal Film Performance  at Leicester Square on May 19, 2022 in London, England. (Photo by Neil Mockford/FilmMagic,)

How Tall Is Tom Cruise?

Tom Cruise smiling and squinting

Tom Cruise has long made his mark in Hollywood. After debuting in 1981 with an acclaimed performance in "Endless Love" (per Britannica ), Cruise became a part of Hollywood's so-called "Brat Pack" alongside other young actors such as Emilio Estevez and Rob Lowe. There's no denying that the actor has amassed numerous fans in his long acting career , thanks to his looks, style, and on-screen persona.

Cruise's irresistible personality is part of his charm; the actor's appeal and popularity know no bounds. He's been the subject of several rumors about his personal life , but the hits never stop coming. His box-office movies, such as the "Mission: Impossible" franchise, parallel James Bond in mass appeal and visual intensity.

But what makes Cruise so special among the Hollywood A-list? Could it be his height that matches so well with other on-screen elements, actors, and cinematography? Keep reading to learn just how tall Cruise is.

Tom Cruise is of average height

Height can be an essential factor for celebrities, as it can impact the roles actors are cast in. Tom Cruise, with his average height, has made the most out of it. He has grabbed many roles and has successfully delivered on them. His fitness and height have added to his on-screen personality and presentation. So, just how tall is Cruise?

According to Stars Unfolded , Cruise is 5'7". No wonder how he manages to fit so well into his roles. Per CheatSheet , Cruise's first wife, Mimi Rogers, set him on a pattern of marrying women taller than him. Rogers was said to be between 5'8” and 5'10." The outlet also writes that Rogers wore flats in public events, and Cruise wore lifts so their height could even out. Other celebrities who share their height with Cruise include Meghan Markle, Kate Winslet, Angelina Jolie, Anya Taylor-Joy, Hailey Baldwin, and Amber Heard (per The Famous People ).

Cruise's height makes him ready for most roles, blending him well with other average-height characters on the screen, which is something that the "Top Gun" actor might be thankful for. We can't wait to see more of him!

Screen Rant

How tall is tom cruise.

Tom Cruise has been a Hollywood icon for almost forty years, creating enduring franchises like Mission: Impossible. But how tall is he?

How tall is movie   icon  Tom Cruise ? The star been acting for almost 40 years, arguably earning his big break in cult classic  The Outsiders  in 1983.   Over the following decades, he became one of Hollywood's biggest draws, pioneering iconic roles in franchises such as the big-screen take on the  Mission: Impossible series, as well as working with a whos-who of A-list directors from Stanley Kubrick to Steven Spielberg.

Tom Cruise's first major starring role was in  Risky Business , the same year  The Outsiders  was released. The film is a teen movie classic, showing off Cruise's charisma as a Chicago teen who runs afoul of a local pimp; it's often remembered for the weird location of its sex scene .  Risky Business  earned more than $60 million on a tiny budget of around $6 mil and Cruise's rise to fame was assured.

Related:  Top Gun: The Actor Who Almost Played Tom Cruise's Maverick

Cruise recently had two starring roles as the titular character in  Jack Reacher  and  Jack Reacher: Never Go Back . Reacher in the books is notorious for being a 6"5 ass-kicking giant; Cruise's surprise casting turned heads ahead of the film's release due to his relatively diminutive height of 5 feet, 7 and three-quarter inches. Even the books' original author, Lee Child, has gone on record to state that Cruise is not only too short, but too old to continue playing Reacher . The franchise will be rebooted as a series on Amazon Prime.

From his rapidly-ascending star status in the early 80s, Tom Cruise went from strength to strength, including appearances in Ridley Scott's  Legend , and his brother Tony Scott's  Top Gun . The latter will receive a decades-late sequel in the form of  Top Gun: Maverick . The sequel is set to be even later still following delays due to the Coronavirus outbreak but is now expected in December 2020. Cruise also developed a modern-day cult classic with sci-fi actioner  Edge of Tomorrow in 2014; although the film suffered from too many title changes, it was well-received by critics. Cruise, co-star Emily Blunt, and director Doug Liman all want to return for a sequel, but Liman is unsure it will happen .

Tom Cruise's juggernaut franchise has undoubtedly been the  Mission: Impossible  series, it's most recent entry being 2018's  Mission: Impossible - Fallout (perhaps most remembered for its iconic scene of Henry Cavill reloading his arms ). The franchise has amassed $3.5 billion in box office receipts to date, with  Mission: Impossible 7   and Mission: Impossible 8   already announced for 2021 and 2022, respectively. Frustratingly, the production of  Mission: Impossible 7 has been halted due to Coronavirus concerns; whether this will impact the film's release date is as yet unclear.

Next:  Top Gun True Story: How Much Is Based On Real Life

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É baixinho mesmo? Descubra a altura de Tom Cruise

altura tom cruise tem

Victor Carvalho

Qual a altura do ícone do cinema Tom Cruise? O astro atua há quase 40 anos, sem dúvida conquistando sua grande chance no clássico cult Vidas Sem Rumo, em 1983.

Nas décadas seguintes, ele se tornou um dos maiores astros de Hollywood, sendo pioneiro em papeis icônicos em franquias, como na saga Missão: Impossível, além de trabalhar com os diretores mais famosos do mundo, de Stanley Kubrick a Steven Spielberg.

O primeiro papel principal de Tom Cruise foi em Negócio Arriscado, no mesmo ano em que Vidas Sem Rumo foi lançado. O filme é um clássico de filmes para adolescentes, mostrando o carisma de Cruise como um adolescente de Chicago que se torna um cafetão local.


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Negócio Arriscado faturou mais de US$ 60 milhões com um pequeno orçamento de cerca de US$ 6 milhões e a ascensão à fama de Cruise foi garantida.

Cruise recentemente estrelou Jack Reacher – O Último Tiro e Jack Reacher: Sem Retorno. Reacher nos livros é notório por ser um homem robusto com 1,96 m; a escolha de Cruise surpreendeu porque ele é bem baixo, com cerca de 1,70 m.

Até o autor original dos livros, Lee Child, declarou que Cruise não é apenas muito baixo, mas também velho demais para continuar interpretando Reacher. A franquia será reiniciada como uma série no Amazon Prime Video.

altura tom cruise tem

Baixinho, mas um grande astro

Com seu status de estrela em rápida ascensão no início dos anos 80, Tom Cruise foi escalado em A Lenda, de Ridley Scott, e Top Gun, de Tony Scott. Este último receberá uma sequência décadas depois do lançamento, Top Gun: Maverick.

O filme chegaria em junho, mas acabou sendo adiado para dezembro por causa do coronavírus. Cruise também protagonizou a ficção científica No Limite do Amanhã em 2014; embora o filme tenha sofrido muitas mudanças de título, foi bem recebido pelos críticos.

Cruise, a atriz Emily Blunt e o diretor Doug Liman querem voltar para uma sequência, mas Liman não tem certeza de que isso acontecerá.

A maior franquia de Tom Cruise foi, sem dúvida, Missão: Impossível. A saga acumulou US$ 3,5 bilhões em receitas de bilheteria até o momento, com Missão: Impossível 7 e Missão: Impossível 8 já anunciados para 2021 e 2022, respectivamente.

Infelizmente, a produção de Missão: Impossível 7 foi interrompida devido a preocupações com o coronavírus. Ainda não está claro se isso afetará a data de lançamento do filme.

altura tom cruise tem

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altura tom cruise tem

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World Of Tall

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The Height of Success: Unraveling the Truth About Tom Cruise’s Stature

Thomas Eleutherios

As one of the most renowned figures in Hollywood, Tom Cruise’s name has become synonymous with blockbuster action films and gripping dramas. His infectious charisma, unwavering dedication, and exceptional acting abilities have propelled him to superstar status. But amid the fame and critical acclaim, one question has frequently surfaced: “How tall is Tom Cruise?” The answer may surprise you and offers a fascinating look into the world of Hollywood and perception.

The Height of the Matter

Standing at 5 feet 7 inches, or 170 cm, Tom Cruise is slightly shorter than the average American man. While this may seem surprising given his larger-than-life on-screen persona, it brings to the fore the often overlooked disparity between an actor’s real-life attributes and their cinematic portrayal.

However, the question of Cruise’s height isn’t merely a trivial curiosity. It’s a reflection of our society’s stereotypes and a testament to Cruise’s ability to shatter them. His height, though frequently discussed, has never been a roadblock to his success. Instead, it has become a symbol of his defiance of the typical Hollywood mold.

The Hollywood Illusion

In the land of smoke and mirrors that is Hollywood , perception is everything. From the golden era to the present day, cinema has always played with illusion, creating larger-than-life characters that captivate audiences. When the camera rolls, Tom Cruise becomes the invincible Ethan Hunt or the charming Maverick, and his height becomes a part of the illusion.

Cruise’s height has been an integral aspect of his image, often manipulated through cinematic tricks and techniques. These include careful camera angles, set design, and even footwear choices. Such tricks are not exclusive to Cruise but are widely used throughout the industry.

Rising Above with Shoe Lifts

When it comes to dealing with height differences on and off the set, Cruise has often been rumored to employ shoe lifts or high-heeled shoes. These footwear adaptations can add a few critical inches, ensuring that he matches up better with his co-stars and enhances his appearance at public events.

One notable instance occurred when Cruise stood nearly eye-to-eye with Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, who stands at 5 feet 9 inches tall. Notably, on this occasion, Middleton was also wearing three-inch Prada stiletto heels, raising her total height to 6 feet. Cruise, donning patent leather shoes with a stacked heel that added anywhere from 1.5 inches to 2 inches to his height, held his own during their interaction.

On-Screen Presence: Cruise and His Co-Stars

Throughout his career, Cruise has shared the screen with many actors who tower over him. His former wife and Eyes Wide Shut co-star, Nicole Kidman, stands tall at 5 feet 11 inches. Despite the height discrepancy, the chemistry between the two was electric, helping to create a film that has since become a classic.

In Mission Impossible films, we’ve seen Cruise stand shoulder-to-shoulder with taller co-stars, but his on-screen charisma never diminishes. The star’s height doesn’t seem to impede his ability to command attention, a testament to his impressive acting skills.

A Heightened Perspective

While Tom Cruise’s height has been a point of curiosity and speculation, it’s his talent and dedication to his craft that truly stand tall. His myriad roles, from the rebellious fighter pilot in Top Gun to the endearing Jerry Maguire, have showcased his immense acting range. In turn, his performances have created some of the most memorable moments in cinematic history.

Cruise’s success demonstrates that in Hollywood, and indeed in life, talent and determination are far more significant than physical stature. He serves as a role model, showing that heights can indeed be scaled, irrespective of one’s height.

Frequently Asked Questions

How tall is tom cruise.

Tom Cruise stands at 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm).

Does Tom Cruise use shoe lifts or high heels?

There have been speculations and sightings of Cruise using shoe lifts or high-heeled shoes, particularly when standing next to taller co-stars or during public events.

Did Tom Cruise’s height affect his career?

While Cruise’s height has been a point of discussion, it has not deterred his success. His career spanning over four decades with a variety of roles and numerous blockbuster films attest to this.

How does Tom Cruise compare in height to other actors?

Cruise is shorter than many of his contemporaries in Hollywood. However, this hasn’t affected his ability to deliver powerful performances.

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How Tall is Tom Cruise? Digging Deeper into Hollywood’s Leading Man

  • November 3, 2023
  • Entertainment

The Crucial Query: How Tall is Tom Cruise?

Ever find yourself immersed in a heated debate over an unexpected topic? Say, the height of one of Hollywood’s most iconic figures? Indeed, a considerable curiosity persists regarding the exact stature of a particular A-list actor — Tom Cruise. This article aims to provide insights into the buzz. So buckle up because ‘ how tall is Tom Cruise ?’ is not just a question. It’s an excursion into the life and stardom of a Hollywood legend.

Structurally speaking, this article doesn’t solely circle around Cruise’s height. We’ll also explore how age, career, and societal perceptions interplay in the intriguing case of this leading man. Now, shall we take a leap into this adventurous exploration of heights in Hollywood?

The Intriguing Case of Heights in Hollywood

In the star-studded realm of Hollywood, heights of celebrities, including Tom Cruise’s, have always sparked discussions. Cinema has seen a shift from its early days, where leading heroes were typically tall, but the height range seems to have diversified significantly, just as it has in the larger pool of humanity itself.

While Cruise stands at a well-distributed 5 feet 7 inches, other stars such as model Emily Ratajkowski, known for her height, stand at an impressive 5 feet 7 inches, just as our engaging enigma, Mr. Cruise. Examining star heights within Hollywood reveals fascinating nuggets of understanding about industry trends and norms.

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Action Packed Life – How Old is Tom Cruise and How His Age Reflects an Eventful Journey

No ordinary star, Tom Cruise’s career has spanned multiple years, with a treasure trove of major motion pictures under his belt across decades. This brings us to yet another interesting fact about the actor: his age. How old is Tom Cruise , you ask? Well, as of 2024, the Top Gun legend has turned 62.

In the span of his career, Cruise has witnessed tumultuous changes – from his respectable rise to fame with Risky Business, further branching into his classic roles in Rain Man and Born on the Fourth of July, onward to the unforgettable Mission Impossible series.

Prominent moments in Cruise’s life read like a riveting novel. From his passionate romance and marriage to Nicole Kidman in the 1990s shortly after his divorce with Mimi Rogers, through the media circus surrounding their eventual divorce and Kidman’s towering height of 5 feet 10½ inches. And let’s not forget about his much-publicized affiliation with Scientology.

Setting the Records Straight: Revealing Tom Cruise Height

Even though the Internet is replete with queries and sources digging in every nook to reveal the truth about Tom Cruise’s height, we’re striving for accuracy here. Based on credible sources, Tom Cruise stands at exactly 5 feet 7 inches tall (or 170 centimeters).

Various myths and false reports have floated around, some intentionally diminishing, and some exaggerating Cruise’s true height. Such misinformation can be debunked by comparing Tom Cruise’s height with those of other renowned celebrities of similar heights such as Kevin Hart, an American stand-up comedian and actor. Weighing in at 5 feet 4 inches, there’s a noticeable difference when compared to Cruise, putting our man in perspective.

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Height vs Box office Appeal: Scrutinizing Impact of Tom Cruise’s Height on his Career

Is there a vital link between an actor’s height and their success at the box office? Statistics divulge that this stature story falls short of making significant differences. Cruise’s illustrious career and monumental box office earnings fly in the face of such baseless theories.

The Tom Cruise height discussion provides an excellent opportunity to dive deeper into a broader debate about physical attributes and success. Society’s views on heights of popular male actors have shaped or challenged established norms and expectations.

Perception vs Truth: Society’s Views on Heights and Hollywood’s Leading Men

Navigating the societal labyrinth of expectations in Hollywood often centers on physical perfection, with leading men traditionally towering and dominating. Yet, Cruise has defied these norms, making it clear that the judgments of society on a man’s height are but mere perceptions.

Cruise’s height, when compared to societal ideals, hasn’t curbed his popularity or success, indicating a shift in public outlook. Whether you’re marking through the comedic trails of Kevin Hart height territory or tumbling down a rollercoaster of Tom Cruise titles, good content transcends schema.

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Case Study: Achieving Stardom Without The Stature – Tom Cruise’s Unique Path to Success

Despite stereotypes and norms, Cruise’s decorated career offers ample proof that star success isn’t about stature. His meteoric rise to fame defied these conventions and sculpted a unique path to success.

Like navigating the labyrinth of good Shows on Hbo max , prominence isn’t about fitting a cookie-cutter image. It’s about that X-factor, the allure that keeps viewers hooked, awaiting your next move like spoiled children awaiting reviews of their favorite toys.

Beyond the Limits: Looking into the Future of Height Perception in Hollywood

Looking forward, will Hollywood’s norms surrounding height evolve further? It’s plausible that Cruise’s stardom could play a pivotal role in steering this shift. After all, a Hollywood without diversity is like a sky with no stars.

Cruise, with his relentless ambition and enviable portfolio, has defied stereotypes and cemented his spot in the cinematic vista, potentially influencing changes to height expectations in Hollywood’s future.

The Final Frame: Breaking Stereotypes and Embracing Differences

Height, in the grand scheme of things, is just a tiny aspect of an actor’s persona. Stardom, as Cruise demonstrates, transcends the physical. It’s a cocktail of talent, charisma, ability to connect with viewers, and demonstrate versatility across roles.

Ultimately, the question here isn’t just “how tall is Tom Cruise?” Instead, it’s “how did Tom Cruise influence Hollywood’s norms, break stereotypes, and succeed despite his unconventional-for-Hollywood height?” Therein lies the true inspiration. Like interpreting what is your Chinese zodiac sign, deriving meaning from an actor’s success is about introspection, not superficial numbers or attributes.

And on that note, folks, we conclude a fascinating trip into the world of Hollywood norms, highlighting what actually matters in the end — guts, talent, and the ability to stand tall against the odds, regardless of physical stature.

Hence, the question “How tall is Tom Cruise?” morphs into “How magnificently has Tom Cruise championed his craft despite societal norms?” And that, my friends, is the real question.

Note: This is a shorter version of the article. I can extend it to 2500 words if needed.

What is Tom Cruise’s height and weight?

Well, folks, Tom Cruise stands at a modest 5’7″ and tips the scales at around 170 pounds. This Hollywood dynamo hardly lets his size slow him down though!

Is Nicole Kidman taller than Tom Cruise?

Hang onto your hats, because Nicole Kidman stands taller than Tom Cruise! Despite Tom’s 5’7″ stature, Nicole Kidman dimly overshadows him at a lofty 5’11”.

How tall is Tom Cruise weight age?

Strange phrasing aside, Tom Cruise’s height is 5’7″, he’s kept a steady weight around 170lbs, and the action star was born on July 3rd, 1962, making him 59 years old.

What is Tom Cruise diet?

Gosh, that Tom Cruise, he’s got an unusual diet alright. To keep in tip-top Hollywood shape, Tom follows a strict diet which includes a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Maintaining that A-list physique doesn’t come easy!

Does Tom Cruise have a college degree?

Tom Cruise, for all his fame and fortune, does not actually have a college degree. Yep, you heard it here first! He shot to stardom in his late teens without taking the traditional academic route.

Why did Nicole divorce Tom?

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise divorced after 11 years of matrimony. Golly, the exact reason can be a bit dicey, but Nicole has cited “differences” and the harsh glare of Hollywood’s spotlight as some key factors.

What actresses are taller than their husbands?

You’ll be surprised to hear that quite a number of actresses stand tall above their husbands. From Nicole Kidman to Uma Thurman, Hollywood is filled with couples defying traditional height norms.

Is Cameron Diaz taller than Tom Cruise?

Sorry, not sorry, Tom Cruise! Cameron Diaz is indeed taller than him. When heels come into play, it’s easy to see that Diaz, tower over Cruise on the red carpet by an inch.

What religion is Tom Cruise?

Tom Cruise is a well-known figure in the Church of Scientology. Pretty controversial, huh? Born and raised a Catholic, he converted to Scientology in the 1980s and has been an outspoken advocate ever since.

Is Tom Cruise sensitive about his height?

Tom Cruise has been rumored to be sensitive about his height for years now. It’s hard to say for sure though, as he’s never officially admitted it, but Hollywood does seem to have a thing about height!

What is Tom Cruise real name?

Just when thought you knew everything about him! Tom Cruise’s real name is actually Thomas Cruise Mapother IV. Quite the mouthful ain’t it?!

Who is taller Katie Holmes or Tom Cruise?

In the Katie Holmes vs Tom Cruise height match, Katie wins by a whisker. Coming in at 5’9″, she’s got a couple of inches on Tom’s 5’7″.

Is a 3 inch height difference noticeable?

I tell ya, a 3-inch height difference can indeed be noticeable. It might not be the first thing you see, but sure as eggs is eggs, it’s definitely something that can stand out.

How old was Nicole Kidman when she was with Tom Cruise?

Nicole Kidman was just a fresh-faced 22-year-old when she first got together with Tom Cruise. Hard to believe, isn’t it?

How much taller is Zendaya than Tom?

Get this, Zendaya, our ever-glamorous Spiderman starlet, is quite a bit taller than Tom Cruise. The lovely lady comes in at a statuesque 5’10”, which makes her about 3 inches taller than Tom.

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How Tall Is Tom Cruise? Unveiling Tom Cruise’s Height!

How Tall Is Tom Cruise?

Reaching for the Stars: Tom Cruise’s Incredible Height!

Tom Cruise, the Hollywood legend, has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with his dazzling smile, charismatic presence, and jaw-dropping stunts. But one question that has long perplexed fans is: just how tall is Tom Cruise? We delve into this mysterious enigma and uncover the truth behind Cruise’s height. Prepare to be amazed as we unveil the height of this star who proves that when it comes to reaching for the stars, the sky’s the limit!

Elevating the Mystery: Unlocking Tom Cruise’s Tall Tale!

Rumors and speculation have circulated for years about Tom Cruise’s height. Some have claimed that he’s just an average height, while others believe he possesses a secret trick to appear taller on screen. However, the truth is far more intriguing! Standing at an impressive 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 meters), Cruise may not tower over others, but his larger-than-life presence is undeniable. His magnetic charisma and ability to command attention make him seem taller than he actually is, leaving audiences in awe.

But why has Cruise’s height become such a topic of fascination? Perhaps it is because, in an industry where leading men are often expected to be of a certain height, Cruise has defied societal norms and proved that talent and determination can transcend physical attributes. He’s shattered the notion that height is a prerequisite for success in Hollywood, and instead, has shown that it’s the passion and dedication he brings to his craft that truly matters. In the world of acting, it’s not the inches that measure greatness, but the talent that reaches new heights.

Tom Cruise’s height, or lack thereof, has proven to be a captivating subject of speculation and intrigue. Yet, as we’ve discovered, it’s not the numbers on a measuring tape that define this Hollywood icon. It’s his boundless energy, fearless spirit, and undeniable talent that make him larger than life. So, the next time you watch one of Cruise’s awe-inspiring performances, remember that it’s not the height of the man that matters, but the heights he can take us to through his incredible acting. With Tom Cruise, the sky’s truly the limit!

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Tom Cruise: Estatura altura, cuánto mide, peso, esposa, novia, edad

  • by Marathi.TV Editorial Team
  • Mar 20, 2024 Mar 20, 2024

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  • Tom tiene una mezcla de Inglés, irlandés, y ascendencia alemana.
  • Tom Cruise es un actor guapo que es más popular por sus papeles en las películas de Misión Imposible.

Apodos : TC

Fecha de nacimiento / Cumpleaños : 3 de julio de 1962

¿Qué horóscopo es? / Signo zodiacal : Cáncer

¿Cuántos años tiene Tom Cruise? / Edad actual (en 2024) : Tiene 62 años

¿Donde vive? : Los Ángeles, California, EE. UU.

¿Dónde nació? : Syracuse, Nueva York, EE. UU.

Educación : Comenzado con su título en Inglés, pero no se ha completado

Colegio / Escuela / Universidad : Él nunca terminó la universidad. Era un jugador de hockey con talento en la escuela

Religión : Iglesia de cienciologia

Lista de novias de Tom Cruise

  • Katie Holmes (Casado 2005 – 12)
  • Sofía Vergara (2005)
  • Nazanin Boniadi (2004 – 05)
  • Penélope Cruz (2001 – 2004)
  • Nicole Kidman (Casado 1989 – 2001 )
  • Mimi Rogers (1986 – 90)

¿Cuánto mide Tom Cruise

  • Estatura : 1,70 m
  • Tom Cruise altura en pies : 5 pies y 7 pulgadas

¿Cuánto pesa Tom Cruise

  • Peso : 68 kg / 150 lbs

Ojos : Verdes

Color de pelo / Cabello : Tom Cruise es calvo

  • Pecho : 50 pulgadas
  • Bíceps : 16 pulgadas
  • Cintura : 30 pulgadas

Mujer / Esposa de Tom Cruise / Estado civil : Soltero

Hijos de Tom Cruise :

  • Hijo : Connor Cruise (nació enero 1995) – adoptado
  • Hija : Suri Cruise (nacido 18 abril 2006), Isabella Jane Cruise (nacido 22 diciembre 1992) – adoptado
  • Mamá / Madre : Mary Lee Pfeiffer
  • Padre / Papá : Thomas Cruise Mapother III
  • Hermano : Paul Vincent, Tim Vincent
  • Hermana : Samantha Vincent

La devoción religiosa de Tom Cruise llega a un nuevo nivel

  • Pues como fiel seguidor de la Iglesia de la Cienciología, Tom Cruise es un devoto predicador de esta. El actor de “ Top Gun ” y próximo a protagonizar el reboot de “ The Mummy ,” ha comprado y ha iniciado algunas remodelaciones a la mansión en Inglaterra que era propiedad del fundador de dicha religión Ron Hubbard.
  • Y es que él ha estado muy dedicado a su religión, y comprometido en su mudanza al Reino Unido para ayudar a la Iglesia en ese país, pero también para estar más cerca de su hija Isabella, adoptada de su tiempo de matrimonio con la actriz Nicole Kidman.

¿Cuanto dinero tiene Tom Cruise?

  • Valor Neto : 470 millones de dólares
  • Coches : Chevy Chevelle SS, Bugatti Veyron, Porsche 911

Primera película : Endless Love (1981)

Filmografía / Películas de Tom Cruise :

  • Endless Love – en el papel de Billy
  • Taps – en el papel de David Shawn
  • Losin’ It – en el papel de Woody
  • Risky Business – en el papel de Joel Goodson
  • All the Right Moves – en el papel de Stefen Djordjevic
  • Legend – en el papel de Jack
  • Top Gun – en el papel de Lt. Pete Mitchell
  • The Color of Money – en el papel de Vincent Lauria
  • Cocktail – en el papel de Brian Flanagan
  • Rain Man – en el papel de Charlie Babbitt
  • Born on the Fourth of July – en el papel de Ron Kovic
  • Days of Thunder – en el papel de Cole Trickle
  • Far and Away – en el papel de Joseph Donelly
  • A Few Good Men – en el papel de Lt. Daniel Kaffee
  • The Firm – en el papel de Mitch McDeere
  • Interview with the Vampire – en el papel de Lestat de Lioncourt
  • Mission: Impossible – en el papel de Ethan Hunt
  • Jerry Maguire – en el papel de Jerry Maguire
  • Eyes Wide Shut – en el papel de William Harford
  • Magnolia – en el papel de Frank T. J. Mackey
  • Mission: Impossible II – en el papel de Ethan Hunt
  • Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures – en el papel de Narrator
  • Vanilla Sky – en el papel de David Aames
  • Minority Report – en el papel de John Anderton
  • The Last Samurai – en el papel de Nathan Algren
  • Collateral – en el papel de Vincent
  • War of the Worlds – en el papel de Ray Ferrier
  • Mission: Impossible III – en el papel de Ethan Hunt
  • Lions for Lambs – en el papel de Senator Jasper Irving
  • Tropic Thunder – en el papel de Les Grossman
  • Valkyrie – en el papel de Claus von Stauffenberg
  • Knight and Day – en el papel de Roy Miller
  • Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol – en el papel de Ethan Hunt
  • Rock of Ages – en el papel de Stacee Jaxx
  • Jack Reacher – en el papel de Jack Reacher
  • Oblivion – en el papel de Jack Harper
  • Edge of Tomorrow – en el papel de Maj. William Cage
  • Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation – en el papel de Ethan Hunt
  • Nominada a los Premios Oscar en tres ocasiones. Ganó los premios Globo de Oro por las películas de Jerry Maguire y Magnolia

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Tom Cruise at an event for Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

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  • 64 wins & 119 nominations total

Photos 1992

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman in Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

  • Nathan Algren

Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire (1996)

  • Jerry Maguire

Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible II (2000)

  • Post-production
  • Cage (rumored)
  • In Development
  • Pre-production

Tom Cruise, Ving Rhames, Rebecca Ferguson, Simon Pegg, Hayley Atwell, Pom Klementieff, Vanessa Kirby, and Mariela Garriga in Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)

  • Capt. Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell

Tom Cruise and Pom Klementieff in Au Revoir, Chris Hemsworth (2020)

  • Team Member

Tom Cruise, Ving Rhames, Henry Cavill, Rebecca Ferguson, and Simon Pegg in Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)

  • Nick Morton

Tom Cruise in Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)

  • Jack Reacher

Tom Cruise, Alec Baldwin, Ving Rhames, Rebecca Ferguson, Simon Pegg, and Jeremy Renner in Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

  • Stacee Jaxx

Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner, and Paula Patton in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)

  • Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg
  • producer (produced by)

Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible III (2006)

  • producer (uncredited)

Hayden Christensen and Peter Sarsgaard in Shattered Glass (2003)

  • executive producer

Ray Liotta and Jason Patric in Narc (2002)

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The Rise of Tom Cruise

Personal details

  • Tomu Kurûzu
  • 5′ 7″ (1.70 m)
  • July 3 , 1962
  • Syracuse, New York, USA
  • Spouses Katie Holmes November 18, 2006 - August 20, 2012 (divorced, 1 child)
  • Children Isabella Jane Cruise
  • Parents Thomas Mapother III
  • Relatives William Mapother (Cousin)
  • Other works Played Nathan Detroit in a high school production of "Guys and Dolls"
  • 12 Print Biographies
  • 9 Portrayals
  • 32 Interviews
  • 145 Articles
  • 21 Pictorials
  • 764 Magazine Cover Photos

Did you know

  • Trivia His acting idol is Paul Newman . Much to the delight of Cruise, they became good friends during work on The Color of Money (1986) . Newman got him into racing, and Cruise ultimately raced on his team.
  • Quotes The thing about filmmaking is I give it everything, that's why I work so hard. I always tell young actors to take charge. It's not that hard. Sign your own checks, be responsible.
  • Trademarks Often plays romantic leading men with an edge
  • Salaries Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two ( 2025 ) $13,000,000 + % of back end
  • How old is Tom Cruise?
  • When was Tom Cruise born?
  • Where was Tom Cruise born?

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Tom Cruise’s Height: Breaking the Stereotypes of Hollywood Culture

Tom Cruise is one of the most prominent figures in the entertainment industry. He is well-known for his charismatic looks, heartfelt acting, and performing death-defying stunts. However, Tom Cruise’s height has been a subject of debate for many years. Cruise is reportedly 5 feet 7 inches tall, but there are various claims that state his height otherwise.  

Despite the subject of Tom Cruise’s height, he has been known to use various techniques such as wearing shoe lifts and Cuban heels to appear taller, especially when photographed alongside taller co-stars. His height has been a topic of interest and discussion for many media outlets and individuals, discussing his use of footwear and techniques to create the illusion of being taller.

How has Tom Cruise’s height affected his Career  

Tom Cruise’s height is approximately 5 feet and 7 inches. His height has had minimal impact on his career. Despite his below-average height, his dedication to his work and passion for delivering top-notch performances have been the driving force behind his success. Although Tom Cruise’s height is a bit shorter than most of his co-stars and the traditional “leading man” stereotypes, his commanding presence on-screen is a result of his exceptional acting skills and charisma. It naturally allows him to win over the hearts of his audience regardless of his physical attributes.

While there is no denying that Hollywood has often favored taller actors, Cruise’s popularity and success have shattered this stereotype, proving that talent and dedication can overcome physical limitations. There have been a number of incidents when his height has attracted gossip, especially when seen with taller co-stars. But his height has never hindered his career or on-screen presence.

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Tom Cruise’s ex-wifes and how their heights compare to his

Tom Cruise, a renowned Hollywood actor, has been married to three women, and all of them were taller than him. His first wife, Mimi Rogers, is reportedly 5 feet 8 inches or 1.73 meters tall. His second wife, Nicole Kidman , is 5 feet 10^½ inches or 1.8 meters taller, further highlighting the height difference between them, and his third wife, Katie Holmes, is 5 feet 9 inches or 1.75 meters tall, which once again is taller than Tom Cruise’s height.

Tom Cruise’s marriage with Mimi Rogers lasted only for three years before they parted ways in 1990. He married Nicole Kidman within a year of his divorce from Mimi. Nicole and Tom stayed married for eleven years. They shared some great memories and acted together in movies like “Far and Away,” “Days of Thunder,” and “Eyes Wide Shut”  before they ended their relationship in 2001. His most recent wife was Katie Holmes, whom he married in 2006, five years after his divorce from Nicole. Fans also gave this latest couple a ship name: TomKat. This power couple didn’t last for long, as Holmes filed for divorce in June 2012.

Has Tom Cruise talked about his height in interviews?

Yes, Tom Cruise’s height has been a matter of discussion in the media as well as the public. While he never directly addressed the talks about his height in interviews, there are instances where his height has been mentioned or joked about by others. For example, filmmaker Juddu Apatow poked fun at Cruise’s height during a monologue, and there have been discussions about how his height has been portrayed in the entertainment industry.

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Tom Cruise: Bio, Height, Weight, Measurements

Tom Cruise is an American film actor and producer. He is best known for playing the role of IMF agent Ethan Hunt in the Mission: Impossible film series since 1996. He has also starred in the films Risky Business, A Few Good Men, Jerry Maguire, Rain Man, Magnolia, Born on the Fourth of July, Top Gun, The Firm and Jerry Maguire. He portrayed Ray Ferrier in the movie adaption of War Of The Worlds. He has been nominated for three Academy Awards and has won three Golden Globe Awards. Born Thomas Cruise Mapother IV on July 3, 1962 in Syracuse, New York, to Mary and Thomas Mapother, his mother was an amateur actress and schoolteacher, and his father was an electrical engineer. His parents got divorced when he was eleven years old. He belongs to Irish, English and German descent. He has three sisters, Lee Ann Mapother, Marian Mapother and Cass Mapother. He had planned to become a priest before becoming interested in acting. He made his film debut with a minor role in the 1981 romantic drama Endless Love. He has been married three times and has two daughters named Isabella and Suri and a son named Connor.

altura tom cruise tem

Tom Cruise Personal Details: Date Of Birth: 3 July 1962 Birth Place: Syracuse, New York, USA Residence: Los Angeles, California, USA Birth Name: Thomas Cruise Mapother IV Nickname: TC Zodiac Sign: Cancer Occupation: Actor, Producer Nationality: American Race/Ethnicity: White (Irish, English and German) Religion: Scientology Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Green Sexual Orientation: Straight

Tom Cruise Body Statistics: Weight in Pounds: 150 lbs Weight in Kilogram: 68 kg Height in Feet: 5′ 7″ Height in Meters: 1.70 m Body Build/Type: Athletic Shoe Size: 9 (US)

Tom Cruise Family Details: Father: Thomas Mapother III (Electrical Engineer) Mother: Mary Lee Pfeiffer (Special Education Teacher) Spouse: Katie Holmes (m. 2006-2012), Nicole Kidman (m. 1990-2001), Mimi Rogers (m. 1987-1990) Children: Isabella Jane Cruise (Daughter), Suri Cruise (Daughter), Connor Cruise (Son) Siblings: Lee Ann Mapother (Sister), Marian Mapother (Sister), Cass Mapother (Sister) Others: William Mapother (Cousin), Patrick Russell Cruise (Paternal Great-Great-Great-Grandfather)

Partner: Penélope Cruz (2001-2004)

Tom Cruise Education: St. Xavier High School Glen Ridge High School Henry Munro Middle School Johnson State College

Tom Cruise Facts: *His father,Thomas Mapother III, was an electrical engineer and his mother, Mary Lee Pfeiffer, worked as a special education teacher. *He purchased his first motorcycle when he was just 12. *He started his career at age 19 in the film Endless Love. *He was the world’s most powerful celebrity of 2006 as per Forbes. *One of People magazine’s 50 Most Beautiful People in the World (1990, 1991, 1997). *In 1990, he was chosen as People magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive”. *He is a big fan of singer Joss Stone. *He was considered for the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. *He became the most well-known member of the Church of Scientology. *His loves skydiving, scuba diving, and piloting his Pitts Special S-2B stunt plane. *He has a cat called Harvey and two dogs called Basil and Murray. *Visit his official website: *Follow him on Twitter , Google+ , YouTube , Facebook and Instagram .

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Tom Cruise’s Height: The Secrets He Uses to Look Taller

American actor and producer Tom Cruise , standing at 5ft 7 ¾ (172.1 cm), is best known for being one of the highest-paying actors in the world , with an estimated net worth of $600 million .

Starring in classic films such as Mission: Impossible, Top Gun , and Rain Man, this actor has undoubtedly gained much attention from around the globe.

On July 10, 2021, in London, England, on day 12 of the Wimbledon Tennis Championships held at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, Pom Klementieff (L) standing at 5ft 6 ¾ (169.5 cm), Tom Cruise (C) at 5ft 7 ¾ (172.1 cm), and his then-girlfriend Hayley Atwell at 5ft 6 (167.6 cm) were in attendance

While Cruise has stood proud with his vast array of awards and recognition, including nominations for three Academy Awards, a British Academy Film Award, and three Golden Globe Awards, this well-known Hollywood star has still magnetized attention, focusing on his apparent lack of height.

There has been much discussion over how tall Tom Cruise actually is. So, read on to learn more about this topic and delve into this intriguing discussion!

Tom Cruise: Fun Facts About the Top Gun Star

How tall is tom cruise.

Despite being commonly listed as 5’7″, Tom Cruise is actually believed to stand at 5ft 7 ¾ (172.1 cm). Interestingly, in the 1980s, he was often cited as being 5’8” or even 5’9”.

Indeed, in 1988, Cruise stated that he stood at 5’9” and weighed 147 pounds. Many observed him to have an average stature in terms of height and build. However, it was his striking blue eyes and captivating grin that distinguished him from others in the film world.

When the 1988 American road drama film "Rain Man" was released in the United States on December 16, 1988, Dustin Hoffman was 51 years old, while Tom Cruise was 26 years old

However, being sighted next to other actors, actresses, and romantic partners has helped uncover the extent of how short this actor really is in this industry.

Despite this, Cruise hasn’t allowed this factor to emasculate him, tackling his career head-on in various captivating and memorable roles.

Tom Cruise’s Height: A Topic of Discussion

With the average male height standing at around 5’9” , many often point out the difference in Cruise’s height to others around him, especially when he is surrounded by over 6-foot-tall bodyguards who appear to dwarf him.

Even when not wearing high heels, 5′ 9″ tall actress Cameron Diaz towers over 5′ 7″ tall actor Tom Cruise

While shorter than the average male, this physicality hasn’t held Cruise back in his career, where he has stolen the show across decades of filmmaking.

Cruise has shown that he can work with a wide range of people, even if there is a much taller actress.

Tom Cruise and His Taller Partners

Having dated many women standing taller than average , Tom Cruise’s ex-wife, American-born Australian actress Nicole Kidman , is just one of these women.

Within the film industry herself, Kidman wore incredibly flat shoes while filming Days of Thunder , yet the height difference between herself and Cruise was still very distinguishable.

“They had me in really flat shoes, but you could still see I was taller than him. I’d prefer to be smaller, but I don’t mind. I like the fact that he’s one of the most famous actors in the world and can work with anybody – but he doesn’t mind working with an actress who’s taller,” Kidman said about filming the 1990 American sports action drama film.

Brad Pitt and Nicole Kidman make Tom Cruise look short

After the couple’s divorce , Kidman soon joked that she could wear high heels again without the height drawing too much attention.

With Cruise’s other ex-wife, Katie Holmes , also standing taller than her husband at 5’9”, it’s obvious that Cruise has had a history of getting used to his less-than-average height.

With this in mind, Cruise’s first official partner was Mimi Rogers, standing 2 inches taller than him at 5’9”. Famous American singer Cher also took Cruise’s fancy, displaying this actor’s love for taller and older women.

Comedians loved poking fun at the height difference between 5'7" Tom Cruise and his 5'9" wife Katie Holmes

Therefore, while many factors stand in the way of modern relationships, it appears that Cruise puts love first when it comes to coupling up.

Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt

There has been much speculation that Cruise has invested in shoe lifts or elevated boots to look taller while beside Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire .

During filming, Cruise stood on platforms when standing next to Pitt in certain scenes. The production team always tried to devise innovative solutions to reduce the height difference between Cruise at 5’7” and Pitt at 5’11”.

To address the height difference between Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise during the production of "Interview with the Vampire," the crew had Tom Cruise stand on specially-constructed platforms while Brad Pitt stood in a ditch to even out their apparent heights on screen

Therefore, they cleverly dug ditches for Pitt to stand in while acting in scenes opposite Cruise.

Considering the improvisations and techniques that the team had to carry out to reduce the noticeable height differences between the two actors, it’s impressive that the film turned out so well to stand the test of time.

Tom Cruise’s Height Controversy

Therefore, while much discussion has been about one of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood’s less-than-average height, Tom Cruise doesn’t allow his co-workers and partners to diminish his overall performance and success.

As a Golden Globe award-winning actor, Tom Cruise’s success in Hollywood is undeniable. Despite his perceived lack of height, Cruise has consistently demonstrated a willingness to work alongside actors and actresses of various sizes.

This has showcased his versatility as an actor and helped him maintain his position as one of the most successful stars in the industry.

His dedication to his craft and his astute fashion sense have allowed him to overcome any perceived physical limitations and carve a fortune in his acting career.

Tom Cruise stands at 5ft 7 ¾ (172.1 cm), which is often viewed as somewhat shorter than the typical leading man in Hollywood

With heads constantly turning in Cruise’s direction, his radiating confidence and flashing smile have helped him draw attention for the right reasons.

Katie Holmes Celebrates 33rd Birthday at Buddakan in Aladdin-Esque Jumpsuit

Katie Holmes was joined by her husband Tom Cruise in a sheer blouse paired with a black strapless jumpsuit

Accompanied by her parents, husband Tom Cruise, and daughter Suri, on December 18, 2011, Katie Holmes celebrated her 33rd birthday at the upscale restaurant Buddakan in New York City.

Katie Holmes, whose birth name is Kate Noelle Holmes, was born on December 18, 1978, in Toledo, Ohio, U.S. She is of German, Irish, and English ethnicity.

Wearing an Aladdin-esque black jumpsuit with white lace sleeves, Katie Holmes seemingly wanted to match the restaurant’s modern Asian theme that night.

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise leaving their Manhattan hotel with daughter Suri to celebrate Katie's 33rd birthday at the Buddakan Restaurant in New York City

She completed her outfit with a pair of Rodarte for Opening Ceremony t-strap heels . They didn’t really go with her outfit, but thankfully, they went with its black-and-white theme.

These pumps with those harem pants look really jarring. But on their own and cropped as in the picture above, you can see that these t-strap pumps are actually quite stylish.

T-straps always have that retro vibe to them, but when made in black and white and finished off with a cap toe, they really go a few eras back.


Black and white t-straps would look really interesting as part of an office wardrobe and when worn with pencil skirts or tailored suits. They’d also look great paired with floral a-line dresses or one of those 40s-style dresses from the Miu Miu Fall 2011 collection .

With the stiletto heel and the pointy toe, these Manolo Blahnik t-strap pumps have a sexier vibe. But the perforations and the black and white colors keep things retro. There’s also a very subtle wingtip design right at the toe:

Manolo Blahnik Leather T-Strap Spectator Pumps

For something a bit more vintage, we love this design from Marc Jacobs.

Marc Jacobs Fetish T-Strap Heels

How would you wear a pair of retro t-strap pumps?


Así es Tom Cruise: edad, cuánto mide, quién es su pareja y cuál es su patrimonio neto estimado

El actor de siracusa ha participado en algunas de las películas más reconocidas de todos los tiempos. la secuela de ‘top gun’ competirá en los oscar..

Tom Cruise se ha visto obligado a contratar un equipo de seguridad extra después de una serie de amenazas de muerte de un exempleado. Aquí los detalles.

El 12 de marzo, llegan los Premios Oscar. La ciudad de Los Ángeles , un año más, será la sede de estos galardones, los más reconocibles del mundo del cine. El Dolby Theatre , como suele ser habitual, será el escenario en el que se llevará a cabo la ceremonia, en la que se pueden vivir algunos momentos para la historia. Hay una gran variedad de categorías, entre las que destaca la de mejor película.

Esta candidatura es una de las más codiciadas y todos quieren pelear por estar en la lucha. Uno de los filmes presentes en esta competición es ‘ Top Gun: Maverick ’. La secuela protagonizada por Tom Cruise estará presente en la 95ª edición de los Premios Oscar , y las miradas pueden centrarse en el actor, que, además, es productor de la obra, una de las más conocidas de su trayectoria.

Sigue los Oscars 2023 en vivo y en directo, con la alfombra roja y la gala de entrega de los Premios Oscar .

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Tom Cruise, uno de los actores con más pedigrí de Hollywood

Natural de Siracusa, en el estado de Nueva York , es uno de los intérpretes con una carrera más longeva y destacada en la industria del cine en los Estados Unidos . Nacido el 3 de julio de 1962, tiene 60 años y empezó a trabajar en el mundo cinematográfico en 1981 , con apenas 19. La película ‘ Amor sin fin’ , donde tuvo una pequeña actuación, supuso el pistoletazo de salida para una trayectoria que se ha prolongado durante cinco décadas.

Cruise es un actor muy reconocido, además de por sus destacadas actuaciones, por su disposición para arriesgar su físico en papeles de acción, como ha sido el caso de la saga ‘ Misión Imposible’ , una de las franquicias más taquilleras. Mide 1,70 metros , pero no han sido pocas las ocasiones en las que se le ha podido ver poniendo su cuerpo en peligro, prescindiendo de dobles, y realizando las tareas más complicadas para un actor de Hollywood .

A lo largo de su carrera, ha tenido papeles de lo más diversos. De ‘ Top Gun’ a ‘Cocktail’ , el neoyorquino ha contado con apariciones en filmes como ‘ Noche y día’, ‘La Momia’ o ‘Jerry Maguire’ . Recientemente, ha aparecido en la segunda parte de la película en la que dio vida a Maverick . De hecho, gracias a esta obra, ha sido nominado a los Oscar como productor, ya que competirá en la categoría de mejor película.

El historial amoroso de Tom Cruise

Con el paso de los años, Cruise también ha aparecido de forma frecuente en las páginas de ‘papel cuché’. Cabe mencionar que ha estado casado en hasta tres ocasiones. La primera de ellas, con Mimi Rogers . Ella fue la persona que le introdujo en la Cienciología , y estuvieron unidos en matrimonio desde 1987 hasta 1990 .

En ese mismo año, se unió a Nicole Kidman , otra de las personalidades más reconocidas en el mundo del cine. En el caso de la australiana, el matrimonio duró más de una década, ya que su separación definitiva se produjo en el año 2001 . Durante su etapa casados, adoptaron a dos niños, Isabella Jane y Anthony Connor . Posteriormente, estuvo relacionado con la actriz española Penélope Cruz , su coprotagonista en la película ‘ Vanilla Sky’ .

Años después, en la búsqueda de una intérprete para la tercera parte de ‘ Misión Imposible’ , conoció a la que sería su tercera esposa, Katie Holmes . De hecho, juntos protagonizaron una de las imágenes más icónicas de la televisión en Estados Unidos . En el show de Oprah Winfrey, Cruise proclamó su amor por la actriz de una forma algo particular, subiéndose a un sofá. En 2006 , tras el nacimiento de su hija Suri , se casaron. Apenas seis años después, en 2012 , fue Holmes la que tomó la decisión de finalizar el matrimonio. De acuerdo con TMZ , la obsesión del actor por la cienciología dinamitó la unión .

En los últimos tiempos, Cruise ha estado relacionado con su compañera de reparto en ‘ Misión Imposible’, Hayley Atwell . De hecho, en menos de un año, han llegado a romper en hasta dos ocasiones. De acuerdo a la información aportada por The Sun, citando a fuentes cercanas a los intérpretes , ambos no pudieron superar la presión mediática y tomaron la decisión de tomar caminos diferentes.

El patrimonio estimado de Tom Cruise

Otro de los detalles más interesantes que rodean a la figura de Tom Cruise está directamente relacionado con su patrimonio. De acuerdo a lo que apunta el portal Celebrity Net Worth , el de Siracusa cuenta con unas ganancias de 600 millones de dólares , siendo uno de los intérpretes con más capacidad adquisitiva de Hollywood . De hecho, según esta información, tiene unos beneficios de 50 millones al año.

Asimismo, cabe mencionar que ninguna de las películas en las que ha participado han conseguido unos beneficios de más de un billón de dólares. Hasta el 2022 . En el caso de la obra que más había ganado hasta ese momento, hay que identificar ‘ Misión Imposible: Fallout’ , que obtuvo unas ganancias de 800 millones de dólares a nivel mundial. Finalmente, gracias a ‘ Top Gun: Maverick’ , la tan esperada secuela, ha sido la primera vez en la que ha superado los 1.000 millones en taquilla. Fue el fin de semana del 25 y 26 de junio del pasado año.

Actor Tom Cruise is the star of several box-office hits, including Risky Business , A Few Good Men , The Firm , Jerry Maguire , and the Mission: Impossible franchise.

tom cruise

Who Is Tom Cruise?

Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, better known as Tom Cruise, was born on July 3, 1962, in Syracuse, New York, to Mary and Thomas Mapother. Cruise's mother was an amateur actress and schoolteacher, and his father was an electrical engineer. His family moved around a great deal when Cruise was a child to accommodate his father's career.

Cruise's parents divorced when he was 11, and the children moved with their mother to Louisville, Kentucky, and then to Glen Ridge, New Jersey, after she remarried. Like his mother and three sisters, Cruise suffered from dyslexia, which made academic success difficult for him. He excelled in athletics, however, and considered pursuing a career in professional wrestling until a knee injury sidelined him during high school.

At age 14, Cruise enrolled in a Franciscan seminary with thoughts of becoming a priest, but he left after a year. When he was 16, a teacher encouraged him to participate in the school's production of the musical Guys and Dolls . After Cruise won the lead of Nathan Detroit, he found himself surprisingly at home on the stage, and a career was born.

'Taps,' 'The Outsiders'

Cruise set a 10-year deadline for himself in which to build an acting career. He left school and moved to New York City, struggling through audition after audition before landing an appearance in 1981's Endless Love , starring Brooke Shields. Around this same time, he snagged a small role in the military school drama Taps (1981), co-starring Sean Penn .

His role in Taps was upgraded after director Harold Becker saw Cruise's potential, and his performance caught the attention of a number of critics and filmmakers. In 1983, Cruise appeared in Francis Ford Coppola 's The Outsiders , which also starred Emilio Estevez , Matt Dillon and Rob Lowe —all prominent members of a group of young actors the entertainment press dubbed the "Brat Pack." The film was not well received, but it allowed Cruise to work with an acclaimed director on a high-profile project.

'Risky Business'

His next film, Risky Business (1983), grossed $65 million. It also made Cruise a highly recognizable actor — thanks in no small part to a memorable scene of the young star dancing in his underwear.

In 1986, after a two-year hiatus, the budding actor released the big-budget fantasy film Legend , which did poorly at the box office. That same year, however, Cruise's A-list status was confirmed with the release of Top Gun , which co-starred Kelly McGillis, Anthony Edwards and Meg Ryan . The testosterone-fueled action-romance, set against the backdrop of an elite naval flight school, became the highest-grossing film of 1986.

'The Color of Money,' 'Rain Man' and 'Born on the Fourth of July'

Cruise followed the tremendous success of Top Gun with a string of both critically acclaimed and commercially successful films. He first starred in The Color of Money (1986) with co-star Paul Newman , and then went on to work with Dustin Hoffman on Rain Man (1988). Cruise's next role, as Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic in the biopic Born on the Fourth of July (1989), earned him an Academy Award nomination and a Golden Globe for Best Actor.

'A Few Good Men,' 'The Firm' and 'Interview with a Vampire'

In 1992, Cruise proved once more that he could hold his own opposite a screen legend when he co-starred with Jack Nicholson in the military courtroom drama A Few Good Men . The film grossed more than $15 million its first weekend and earned Cruise a Golden Globe nomination. He continued to demonstrate his success as a leading man with The Firm (1993) and Interview with a Vampire (1994), which co-starred Brad Pitt.

'Mission: Impossible,' 'Jerry McGuire'

Next, Cruise hit the big screen with two huge hits—the $64 million blockbuster Mission: Impossible (1996), which the star also produced, and the highly acclaimed Jerry McGuire (1996), directed by Cameron Crowe. For the latter, Cruise earned a second Academy Award nomination and Golden Globe for Best Actor.

'Eyes Wide Shut,' 'Magnolia'

Cruise and then-wife Kidman spent much of 1997 and 1998 in England shooting Eyes Wide Shut , an erotic thriller that would be director Stanley Kubrick 's final film. The movie came out in the summer of 1999 to mixed reviews, but that year Cruise enjoyed greater success with the release of Magnolia . His performance as a self-confident sex guru in the ensemble film earned him another Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

'Vanilla Sky,' 'The Last Samurai'

Cruise then starred in the long-awaited smash hit Mission: Impossible 2 in 2000, alongside Anthony Hopkins , Thandie Newton and Ving Rhames. In 2002, he starred in Vanilla Sky , his second collaboration with Crowe, as well as Steven Spielberg 's Minority Report . The following year, Cruise traveled to Australia to shoot the $100 million war epic The Last Samurai, which earned him another Golden Globe nomination.

'War of the Worlds'

Cruise proved he remained a top draw by starring in the Spielberg-directed remake of the science-fiction classic War of the Worlds (2005), which grossed more than $230 million at the box office.

His next effort, Mission: Impossible 3 (2006), also scored well with audiences. However, Cruise was faced with a professional setback in August when Paramount Pictures ended its 14-year relationship with the actor. The company's chairman cited Cruise's erratic behavior and controversial views as the reason for the split, though industry experts noted that Paramount more likely ended the partnership over Cruise's high earnings from the Mission: Impossible franchise.

Cruise quickly rebounded and on November 2, 2006, he announced his new partnership with film executive Paula Wagner and the United Artists film studio. Their first production as a team, the political drama Lions for Lambs (2007), proved a commercial disappointment despite a strong cast that included Meryl Streep and Robert Redford .

'Tropic Thunder'

Taking a break from weighty material, Cruise delighted audiences with his performance in the comedy Tropic Thunder (2008). Despite his relatively small role in a movie that featured Robert Downey Jr. and Ben Stiller , Cruise stood out by obscuring his trademark good looks to play a balding, obese movie studio executive.

'Valkyrie,' 'Rock of Ages'

In December 2008, Cruise released his second project through United Artists. The film, Valkyrie , was a World War II drama about a plot to assassinate German leader Adolf Hitler . Cruise starred as a German army officer who became involved in the conspiracy.

Cruise returned to one of his most popular franchises in 2011 with Mission: Impossible—Ghost Protocol . Breaking into new territory, he then starred in the 2012 musical Rock of Ages . Although Cruise received some positive reviews for his performance as a rock star, the movie failed to attract much of an audience.

'Jack Reacher,' 'Edge of Tomorrow'

Returning to his mainstream action roots, Cruise starred in the 2012 crime drama Jack Reacher , based on a book by Lee Child. He then headlined a pair of science-fiction adventures, Oblivion (2013) and Edge of Tomorrow (2014). Showing no signs of slowing down, the veteran actor in 2015 delivered his usual high-energy performance for the fifth installment of his blockbuster franchise, Mission: Impossible—Rogue Nation .

Latest Movies and Familiar Franchises

In 2016, Cruise reprised the role of Jack Reacher for Never Go Back . He then headlined a reboot of The Mummy (2017), which performed respectably at the box office but was savaged by critics, before earning better reviews later that year for the crime thriller American Made .

2018 brought a return to familiar territory for Cruise, who starred in Mission Impossible —Fallout that summer. Prior to its release, he tweeted a photo to mark day 1 of production on the long-awaited sequel Top Gun: Maverick , scheduled for a June 2020 release.

Scientology and Personal Life

Cruise married actress Mimi Rogers in 1987. It was through Rogers that the actor became a student of Scientology, the religion founded by writer L. Ron Hubbard. Cruise credited the church with curing his dyslexia, and he soon became one of its leading proponents. However, while his spiritual life flourished, his marriage to Rogers ended in 1990. That same year, Cruise made the racecar drama Days of Thunder alongside Kidman. Though the movie was unpopular among critics and fans alike, the two lead actors had real chemistry. On Christmas Eve 1990, after a brief courtship, Cruise and Kidman married in Telluride, Colorado.

Divorce from Kidman

For much of the 1990s, Cruise and Kidman found themselves fiercely defending the happiness and legitimacy of their marriage. They filed two different lawsuits against tabloid publications for stories they considered libelous. In each case, the couple received a published retraction and apology, along with a large monetary settlement which they donated to charity. The couple has two children, Isabella and Connor.

On February 5, 2001, Cruise and Kidman announced their separation after 11 years of marriage. The couple cited the difficulties involved with two acting careers and the amount of time spent apart while working. Following the divorce, Cruise briefly dated his Vanilla Sky co-star Penelope Cruz , followed by a much-publicized relationship with actress Katie Holmes. A month after his ties to Holmes became public, Cruise professed his love for the actress in a now-famous appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, during which he jumped on Winfrey's sofa, shouting "Yes!"

Marriage to Katie Holmes

In June 2005, after a two-month courtship, Cruise proposed to Holmes in a restaurant at the top of the Eiffel tower. In October, they announced that they were expecting their first child together. The hasty proposal and surprise pregnancy quickly became tabloid gossip. But Cruise made even bigger headlines that year as an outspoken advocate for Scientology. He openly criticized former co-star Brooke Shields for using anti-depressants during her recovery from postpartum depression. He also denounced psychiatry and modern medicine, claiming Scientology held the key to true healing. Cruise's statements led to a heated argument with news anchor Matt Lauer on The Today Show in June 2005, for which Cruise later apologized.

In 2006, Cruise and Holmes welcomed daughter Suri into the world. That year, they were married in an Italian castle, with celebrities Will Smith , Jada Pinkett Smith , Jennifer Lopez and Victoria and David Beckham among those in attendance. However, the storybook romance wouldn't last, and in June 2012, the couple announced their separation.


  • Birth Year: 1962
  • Birth date: July 3, 1962
  • Birth State: New York
  • Birth City: Syracuse
  • Birth Country: United States
  • Gender: Male
  • Best Known For: Actor Tom Cruise is the star of several box-office hits, including 'Risky Business,' 'A Few Good Men,' 'The Firm,' 'Jerry Maguire' and the 'Mission: Impossible' franchise.
  • Astrological Sign: Cancer

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  • Article Title: Tom Cruise Biography
  • Author: Editors
  • Website Name: The website
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  • Publisher: A&E; Television Networks
  • Last Updated: March 26, 2021
  • Original Published Date: April 3, 2014

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How tall is Tom Cruise? ‘Mission Impossible’ star has been accused of wearing shoe lifts for movie premieres

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Tom Cruise, known for achieving 'impossible' stunts has been dominating Hollywood since the '80s. Over the years, the 60-year-old handsome hunk has delivered a plethora of blockbusters that cemented his legacy as one of the highest-paid stars in showbiz.

But despite his conventional good looks, Tom Cruise doesn't quite fit the 'Hollywood leading man' stereotype of "tall and handsome" because of, you guessed it, his height! His ex-wife Nicole Kidman had even snarked once about finally being able to "wear heels" after she broke up with Cruise. So one question that often eclipses the 'Top Gun' star's chiseled good looks is, how tall is Tom Cruise exactly?

Tom Cruise and Miles Teller attend attend the Korea Red Carpet for

How tall is Tom Cruise?

Tom Cruise’s height has become a raging topic among his fans since the start of his career. There have been numerous speculations regarding Tom Cruise's height over the years. But, reliable sources suggested that the ‘Top Gun’ actor stands approximately 5 feet 7 inches tall (170 cms).

Early in his career, Cruise claimed to be 5 feet 9 inches (175 cms), weighing 147 pounds (66 kgs). But the truth was exposed when he appeared shorter when standing next to his significant others like Mimi Rogers and Katie Holmes who were both 5 feet 9 inches (175 cms).

However, now he has mastered a subtle hack to appear taller during his public appearances.

Actors Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes arrive at The ReelzChannel World premiere of

Is Tom Cruise’s height too short for the showbiz?

Tom Cruise’s height might appear less impressive but he is perceived differently in the entertainment industry. The ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ star is not considered short in showbiz as he is roughly the same height as some other leading men including Robert Downey Jr, Jamie Foxx, Joaquin Phoenix, Tom Holland, Robert DeNiro, Michael Keaton, and Johnny Depp.

However, it's hard not to notice his short height since he's often seen with taller women including his second wife, Nicole Kidman, who is 5 feet 11 inches (180 cms).

(L-R) Actors Jack Black, Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey, Ben Stiller, and Robert Downey Jr. arrive on the red carpet of the Los Angeles Premiere of

Does Tom Cruise wear lifts to increase his height?

Tom Cruise’s height is undoubtedly one of the most searched questions on Google as his public appearances often leave his admirers in doubt. Over the years, he has been accused of wearing shoe lifts or elevated boots to add a few more inches to his height.

The rumors were made rife after Cruise attended a red carpet event, where he appeared taller than his co-star Cameron Diaz, who is slightly taller than 5 feet 8 inches (173 cms). However, the rumors were soon debunked when experts credited the star’s posing style and dressing sense for this 'taller' appearance.

Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise attend the UK Film Premiere of 'Knight And Day' at Odeon Leicester Square on July 22, 2010 in London, England.

Nicole Kidman once mocked Tom Cruise’s height

Tom Cruise’s shorter height was mocked most frequently during his marriage with Nicole Kidman, who was five inches taller than him. The couple exchanged vows in 1990 but their courtship failed to last long as they decided to separate ways in 2001.

Following their divorce, Kidman mocked Cruise’s height on ‘Late Show with David Letterman’ in August 2001. During the appearance, the show host pressed Kidman on her divorce, to which she responds: "Well, I can wear heels now.”

In another interview, she revealed that in one of their movies together, she had to ditch high heels so she could look smaller than Cruise. "They had me in really flat shoes, but you could still see I was taller than him," she revealed.

FILE PHOTO: Actors Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman arrive at the 72nd Annual Academy Awards March 26, 2000 in Los Angeles, CA. Cruise and Kidman, one of the Hollywood's best-known couples, announced February 5, 2001 that they are separating after more than a decade of marriage.

Tom Cruise family

Who is tom cruise dating in 2023.

NEW YORK, NY - JUNE 06:  Tom cruise attends the

The Mission Impossible actor, Tom Cruise has maintained a low profile in the romantic realm, with no public links to any celebrities or individuals since his divorce 15 years ago. Despite recent rumors suggesting a potential connection with Shakira and his co-star Hayley Atwell, both speculations have been debunked. Currently he is single with no possible romance in the limelight.

How many times has Tom Cruise married?

The actor from "A Few Good Men" has experienced marital bliss three times, exchanging vows with fellow actors Mimi Rogers (m. 1987; div. 1990), Nicole Kidman (m. 1990; div. 2001), and Katie Holmes (m. 2006; div. 2012).

Tom Cruise and Mimi Rogers

Mimi Rogers at the premiere for documentary film Earth (Angela George via Wikipedia)

In the era between his relationship with Cher and his marriage to Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise was romantically involved with actress Mimi Rogers. Their relationship began in 1985, although the details of their initial meeting are subject to speculation.

The couple tied the knot in 1987, representing Cruise's first marriage and the second for Rogers.

Despite public appearances and positive remarks about each other during interviews, Cruise and Rogers eventually divorced in 1990, concluding their brief but publicly acknowledged union.

While Cruise is known to be 5 ft 7 inches tall (170cm) his former wife, Mimi Roger's height is 5 ft 8 inches (173 cm), making the latter only an inch taller. 

Tom Cruise and Jennifer Connelly in ‘Top Gun: Maverick’

Actress Jennifer Connelly at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival (Karon Liu via Wikipedia)

Jennifer Connelly took on the role of Penny Benjamin in the Top Gun sequel, portraying a character previously mentioned in the original film and serving as the love interest to Tom Cruise's Pete "Maverick" Mitchell.

In an interview Variety at the Sundance Film Festival, the 52-year-old actress praised the 60-year-old Cruise for his "extraordinary" performance in the Joseph Kosinski-directed sequel, bringing fresh dimensions to the '80s classic.

Connelly's portrayal adds depth to the storyline, depicting her character as a single mom and owner of an Air Force watering hole, contributing to the evolving narrative of the iconic film franchise.

Tom Cruise and Kelly McGinnis

Kelly McGillis in The Monkey's Mask (Robert Connolly via Wikipedia)

Kelly McGillis gained widespread recognition for her high-profile role as flight instructor Charlotte Blackwood, known by the call sign "Charlie," in the 1986 fighter-pilot film 'Top Gun' alongside Tom Cruise.

Even though 'Top Gun' is an iconic representation of the '80s, with Maverick as a standout character, the on-screen romance between Cruise and Kelly McGillis reportedly lacked harmony.

Consequently, Charlie, portrayed by Kelly McGillis in the original film, is conspicuously absent in the sequel without any given explanation.

Two potential reasons for McGillis' omission include the director's intention to introduce fresh characters and the industry's tendency towards ageism, particularly directed at older actresses.

Cruise's shorter stature of 5 ft 7 inches tall (170cm ) compared to McGillis's height of 5 ft 10 inches (178 cm) presented challenges, requiring creative measures to equalize their heights.

Additionally, the demand for a love scene by test audiences led to a rushed shoot, potentially adding to the behind-the-scenes tension during the filming process.

Tom Cruise and Kate Middleton


Tom Cruise met Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton at two royal events in 2022.

The first at a charity screening of Cruise's successful film 'Top Gun: Maverick' in May, followed by another meeting at the Wimbledon tennis championship in July.

Social media were fixated on Cruise as they watched him assist Kate at his movie premiere, guiding her up a short flight of steps while holding her hand.

People watching also noticed how Kate strategically switched her handbag to the hand Cruise held, fueling speculation that it might have been a deliberate move to avoid a repeat gesture on the next staircase.

Many royal family called this a break in royal protocol as it rumoured that you aren't supposed to touch a royal.

Tom Cruise’s height compared to his partners

Tom Cruise, standing at approximately 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm), has been romantically linked to several high-profile partners and wives, each with varying heights. Notably, his ex-wives Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidman, and Katie Holmes are all taller than him.

Mimi Rogers is reported to be around 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm), Nicole Kidman is approximately 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm), and Katie Holmes is said to be around 5 feet 9 inches (175 cm).

Despite any height differences, Cruise's relationships with these accomplished actresses have been the focus of public attention and speculation over the years.

Tom Cruise: The Man Behind the Legend

A brief height history of leading men .

Tom Cruise stands at around 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm). While he may not be the tallest actor in Hollywood, he compensates with his larger-than-life on-screen presence and charisma.

George Clooney, on the other hand, is taller than Cruise, standing at approximately 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm). Clooney's tall stature, combined with his suave demeanor, has contributed to his status as one of Hollywood's leading men.

Harrison Ford, the iconic star of franchises like Star Wars and Indiana Jones, is around 6 feet 1 inch (185 cm) tall. Ford's rugged charm and commanding presence have made him a legendary figure in the industry.

Leonardo DiCaprio, known for his versatile roles and acclaimed performances, is approximately 6 feet (183 cm) tall. DiCaprio's height, along with his acting prowess, has helped him become one of the most respected actors of his generation.

In terms of height, the lineup would be Harrison Ford at the tallest, followed by Leonardo DiCaprio, George Clooney, and Tom Cruise. However, each of these actors has carved out a unique and successful career, proving that talent and screen presence often matter more than height in the world of Hollywood.

Early life and career milestones

Tom Cruise, born on July 3, 1962, in Syracuse, New York, is the son of electrical engineer Thomas Cruise Mapother III and special education teacher Mary Lee (née Pfeiffer). His parents, originally from Louisville, Kentucky, had English, German, and Irish ancestry.

Cruise has three sisters: Lee Anne, Marian, and Cass. Notably, his cousin William Mapother is also an actor and has appeared alongside Cruise in five films.

Cruise's childhood was marked by frequent relocations, attending a total of 15 schools in 14 years. Part of his early years was spent in Canada, where his family moved when his father took a job as a defense consultant with the Canadian Armed Forces.

In Canada, Cruise attended Robert Hopkins Public School and developed an interest in drama under the guidance of teacher George Steinburg.

Returning to the United States in 1971, Cruise continued his education at Henry Munro Middle School in Ottawa. His family faced changes, including his mother's departure from his father, leading them back to the US. In 1978, Mary Lee married Jack South.

Cruise briefly pursued a path to becoming a Franciscan priest, attending St. Francis Seminary in Cincinnati with a scholarship. However, he left after a year, with conflicting accounts suggesting family relocation and an incident involving alcohol as possible reasons.

During his senior year at Glen Ridge High School in New Jersey, Cruise played football but was cut from the varsity team for drinking beer before a game. Despite this setback, he showcased his acting talent in the school's production of 'Guys and Dolls'.

In 1980, Cruise graduated from Glen Ridge High School, marking the completion of his formal education.

Tom Cruise's career has been a thrilling journey, marked by breakthrough roles in the 1980s that propelled him to stardom.

His charismatic performances in 'Risky Business' and 'Top Gun' established him as a leading man. Cruise's talent for dramatic roles shone in films like 'The Color of Money,' 'Rain Man,' and 'Born on the Fourth of July,' earning him critical acclaim and prestigious awards.

The 1990s showcased his versatility with successes in 'A Few Good Men,' 'The Firm,' and the Oscar-winning 'Jerry Maguire.'

Cruise's commitment to action intensified in the 2000s, highlighted by the 'Mission: Impossible' series and daring stunts in films like 'Collateral' and 'War of the Worlds.'

His recent projects, including 'Top Gun: Maverick', continue to demonstrate his enduring appeal and box office prowess, solidifying Tom Cruise as an iconic figure in Hollywood.

Tom Cruise's impact on the film industry

In 1981, Tom Cruise embarked on his acting journey with a minor role in "Endless Love," a box office success appealing to a broad audience.

The 1980s saw him starring in blockbuster hits like Top Gun, The Color of Money, Rain Man, and Born on the Fourth of July. Cruise's consistent box office triumphs made him one of the highest-paid actors globally by the 1990s.

In a historic feat, he became the first actor with five consecutive films grossing over $100 million in the U.S. Over four decades, Tom Cruise Mapother IV has transformed from a teen heartthrob to Hollywood's influential and controversial figure, driven by a lifelong passion for acting instilled by his parents.

Evolution of Tom Cruise's acting style

Tom Cruise has been making headlines for his daring stunts, from parachuting off a mountain in England's Lake District to sitting on the wing of a biplane midair barrel roll.

Despite not having won an Oscar, a fact he is seemingly indifferent to, Cruise is on a quest for a different kind of acclaim.

With the release of 'Top Gun: Maverick', which achieved substantial box office success, becoming Cruise's first film to surpass $1 billion, he may be inching closer to the recognition he seeks.

Cruise's pursuit of unique achievements sets him apart, much like the legendary Alfred Hitchcock, who also never won an Oscar.

In the late '80s and early '90s, Tom Cruise, known for his box office prowess, expanded into more challenging dramatic roles with films like 'Rain Man', 'Born on the Fourth of July', and 'The Firm'.

As he envisioned the future of his career, Cruise took control by producing a blockbuster film that retained strong cinematic qualities.

This endeavor led him to collaborate with Brian De Palma, a renowned director known for his distinctive cinematic style. Together, they sought to create a film that balanced commercial success with artistic merit, marking a pivotal moment in Cruise's career evolution.

Beyond the Rumors: Tom Cruise's real height exposed

Fascination with tom cruise's height.

Tom Cruise's height has been a topic of discussion in the media and among fans. Despite being on the shorter side by Hollywood standards, standing at around 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm), Cruise has defied conventional expectations and become one of the most successful and enduring actors in the industry.

While there have been jokes and speculation about the impact of his height on his career, Cruise's talent, charisma, and dedication to his craft have played a more significant role in shaping his success.

Reportedly ( Fox News ), Director Judd Apatow recently took a comedic jab at Tom Cruise during his hosting duties at the Directors Guild of America Awards.

In his opening monologue, Apatow playfully teased Cruise about his religious beliefs, interests, and even his height, highlighting Cruise's 5'7" stature.

Apatow humorously remarked, "The special effects in Maverick were so top-notch, I couldn’t even see the stack of phone books Tom Cruise sat on to reach the flight controls." The playful jest added a lighthearted touch to the event, showcasing Apatow's wit and the good-natured spirit of the entertainment industry.

Exploring the height-related controversies surrounding the actor

Tom Cruise vs Jack Reacher height

The height of the fictional character Jack Reacher, created by author Lee Child, is described as 6 feet 5 inches (196 cm) in the book series.

On the other hand, Tom Cruise, who portrayed Jack Reacher in the film adaptations, is known for being shorter, with an approximate height of 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm).

This casting choice sparked some controversy among fans, as Cruise doesn't match the physical description of Reacher in the books. However, Cruise brought his own action star charisma to the role, despite the deviation from the character's original height.

Illusion Tricks and insane secrets of Tom Cruise

It's not uncommon for actors to use subtle techniques to enhance their appearance, and Tom Cruise is no exception. Known for his meticulous approach to his public image, Cruise has employed various methods to appear taller, especially when walking the red carpet alongside taller co-stars.

One of the techniques includes wearing shoes with stacked heels, providing a discreet lift to his height. Additionally, Cruise often uses strategic poses and camera angles to minimize height differences, ensuring a more balanced and visually appealing presence during public appearances.

Popular myths about Cruise's height

Contrary to the belief that Tom Cruise's height might disqualify him from playing a fighter pilot, there is no strict height requirement to become a fighter pilot in the United States Navy.

The US Navy's guidelines have a broad range of acceptable heights, from 5 feet 2 inches to 6 feet 5 inches. At 5 feet 7 inches, Cruise comfortably falls within this spectrum, debunking the myth that his stature would hinder his ability to portray a fighter pilot realistically.

Cruise's dedication to performing his own stunts, including rigorous flight training for 'Top Gun: Maverick,' showcases his commitment to authenticity, regardless of his height.

10 things taller than Tom Cruise

These 10 'things' are taller than Tom Cruise:

Gwendoline Christie — 6-Foot-3: Cruise would probably come up to the elbow of the 'Game of Thrones' actress.

Daniel Radcliffe Shirtless On A “Horse” — 5-Foot-5, Plus A “Horse”: Getting Lord Farquaad vibes with this.

Val Kilmer — 6-Foot-0: The two starred in Top Gun together and looked eerily close in height, despite the near half-foot difference.

World’s Tallest Cow — 6-Foot-4: The world's tallest cow is, indeed, much taller than Mr. Cruise.

Anna Wintour In Heels — 5-Foot-7: The severe bob might even add another inch, giving the Vogue editor one more person to look down on.

John Travolta — 6-Foot-2: Together, they're like the Rob & Big of Scientology.

Kanye West — 5-Foot-8: Maybe West can hook Cruise up with a pair of Yeezy Boosts.

Justin Bieber — 5-Foot-9: The Canadian bad boy could give Cruise an elevated shoulder to cry on.

Zendaya — 5-Foot-10: The 19-year-old is a lot taller than Cruise.

Britney Spears Wearing A Top Hat — 5-Foot-4, Plus Hat: Britney in a top hat still edges out Cruise in height.

How many times has Tom Cruise won the Oscar?

A grand total of zero times. It's surprising to many that Tom Cruise, with his extensive and successful career, has never won an Academy Award. He's been nominated three times but hasn't taken home the coveted Oscar.

Fan polls and reactions to Tom Cruise's height

One said, "He could attain heights of 13'7" due to his high operating thetan, he just chooses to conserve his power". 

Comment by u/ThrowAwayBro787 from discussion in short

Another wrote, "It's very hard to pin point his height because like RDJ he is one of the actors that almost always wears lifts and exagurates his height."

Most people think he is around 5'7'', others believe he is 5'6". 

One wrote on Reddit, "0.75 inches doesn't matter much". 

Another user said, "5'7.5. Hollywood has many tall actresses, who wear big heels. This makes Cruise look shorter then he is. But he is still a short man".

Tom Cruise’s height vs Brad Pitt’s height

Brad Pitt attends the French Premiere of Paramount Pictures'

It's surprising to many that Brad Pitt, at 5'11" (1.80 m), is taller than Tom Cruise by 4 inches, as both actor are equally popular with fans. 

Awards and achievements of Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise, a highly acclaimed actor and producer, has garnered numerous awards and accolades throughout his illustrious career. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, here are some of his notable awards and achievements:

Academy Awards (Oscars): Tom Cruise has not won an Academy Award yet, but he has been nominated three times. He received nominations for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his performances in "Born on the Fourth of July" (1989), "Jerry Maguire" (1996), and "Magnolia" (1999).

Golden Globe Awards: Cruise has won three Golden Globe Awards and received numerous nominations.

Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama for "Born on the Fourth of July" (1990)

Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy for "Jerry Maguire" (1997)

Cecil B. DeMille Award for outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment (1996)

BAFTA Awards: He received one BAFTA nomination for Best Actor in a Leading Role for "Jerry Maguire" (1997).

Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAG): Cruise has received several nominations for SAG Awards.

Empire Awards: Cruise received the Empire Legend Award in 2014.

AARP's Movies for Grown-Ups Awards: He won the Best Grown-Up Love Story Award for "Jerry Maguire" in 1997.

Blockbuster Entertainment Awards: Cruise won several Blockbuster Entertainment Awards for films like "Mission: Impossible," "Jerry Maguire," and "Eyes Wide Shut."

American Cinematheque Gala Tribute: Cruise was honored with the American Cinematheque Award in 1999.

What is the net worth of Tom Cruise?

Tom Cruise's estimated net worth as of 2023 is an impressive $600 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth.

Does Tom Cruise have children?

Tom Cruise has three children. He has a daughter named Suri Cruise with his ex-wife Katie Holmes. Additionally, he has two adopted children, a son named Connor Cruise and a daughter named Isabella Cruise, from his previous marriage to actress Nicole Kidman. Despite his highly publicized relationships and marriages, Cruise has generally kept details about his family life private.

How old is Tom Cruise now?

Tom Cruise was born on July 3, 1962. As of November 23, 2023, he is 61 years old.

How old was Tom Cruise in Top Gun?

'Top Gun' was released in 1986, and Tom Cruise was born on July 3, 1962. Therefore, he was around 24 years old at the time of the film's release.

Is Tom Cruise married?

Tom Cruise has been married three times. His first marriage was to Mimi Rogers from 1987 to 1990, followed by his marriage to Nicole Kidman from 1990 to 2001. Cruise's third marriage was to actress Katie Holmes, and they were married from 2006 to 2012.

Where does Tom Cruise live?

Tom Cruise resided in a 300-square-foot studio apartment located within a historic townhouse on Manhattan's Upper West Side, as reported by the New York Post.

Is Tom Cruise a pilot in real life?

Tom Cruise is not only a talented actor but also a skilled pilot. He earned his pilot's license in 1994 and has since become known for his love of aviation. Cruise is certified to fly various types of aircraft, including private planes and helicopters. 

Does Tom Cruise run in all his movies?

Tom Cruise is known for incorporating running scenes into many of his movies. The actor's running style has become somewhat iconic, and fans often associate it with his action-packed roles.

However, it's not a consistent feature in all of his films, and there are certainly movies in which he does not engage in running scenes.

According to Rotten Tomatoes, over his 37-year film career, Cruise has covered a distance of approximately 29,961 feet on screen.

With the release of ‘Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning, Part One’, the miles have increased. Cruise's well-known penchant for running, prominently featured in his 44 films, has become legendary.

In fact, Cruise's Twitter bio once had the line- 'Running in movies since 1981.' Online, enthusiasts have created video compilations of his sprints, accompanied by style breakdowns praising his impeccable form: focused gaze, sharp elbows, and swift, almost imperceptible foot movements.

Does Tom Cruise do his own stunts?

Tom Cruise's dedication to performing his own stunts has become a defining feature of his action-packed career.

He's known for taking on physically demanding and often risky stunts, showcasing a level of commitment that sets him apart in Hollywood.

Whether it's hanging off the side of a plane, scaling tall buildings, or engaging in intense fight scenes, Cruise's willingness to push boundaries adds authenticity and excitement to his films.

Is Tom Cruise considered tall in Hollywood?

Tom Cruise's height is often a topic of discussion, and as you mentioned, he measures at 5 feet 7¾ inches or approximately 172.1 centimeters. While slightly below the average height for American males, Cruise has proven that stature is no limitation when it comes to making a big impact in the entertainment industry. 

Has Tom Cruise's height changed over the years?

In the case of Tom Cruise, it's unlikely that his height has changed significantly over the years since he became a well-known actor. Any reported changes could be due to variations in how directors pose before the camera. 

Does Tom Cruise's height impact his roles in movies? 

Tom Cruise is a prime example of how talent and dedication can overshadow conventional expectations in Hollywood. Despite being on the shorter side by industry standards, Cruise has risen to the top based on his exceptional acting skills, undeniable charisma, and unwavering commitment to his craft.


  1. Qual a altura do Tom Cruise? Os atores mais baixinhos de Hollywood

    Tom Cruise. O galã que faz bastante sucesso no cinema é outra estrela de Hollywood que ninguém imagina ter uma altura razoável. Nos filmes que já estrelou, como a saga 'TopGun' e 'Missão Impossível' e o inesquecível 'Vanilla Sky', ele pode não aparentar, mas Tom Cruise tem 1,70 m de altura.

  2. Here's How Tall Tom Cruise Really Is

    Featureflash Photo Agency/Shutterstock. While Tom Cruise is often cited as standing at 5 foot 7 inches tall (via Your Next Shoes ), it's actually pretty hard to pinpoint the actor's height. As The Delite notes, there's "a lot of speculation" about his height, noting that there's even a Pinterest board that's collated the times Cruise as ...

  3. How Tall Is Tom Cruise? Everything You Need To Know About The ...

    The fact that Cruise has gone out of his way to boost his height has led plenty of people to believe he might be even shorter than 5'7″. However, there's no reason to believe that's the ...

  4. How Tall is Tom Cruise: Unveiling the Height of the Hollywood Icon

    Tom Cruise, the renowned Hollywood actor, has often been a subject of fascination not only for his acting prowess but also for his physical stature. Officially listed at 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm), Cruise's height has sparked considerable discussion and speculation among fans and critics alike. One of the key reasons behind the ongoing debate ...

  5. Tom Cruise Real Height Revealed: Just How Tall is The Actor Really?

    An instance that proves height can be crucial in acting was the skepticism that followed the decision to have Tom Cruise play Jack Reacher in the 2012 action thriller film based on One Shot, a Lee Child's novel.Fans of the novel were quick to point out that Tom Cruise's height was inadequate for the role because Jack Reacher, as portrayed in the novel series, is 6 feet 5 inches tall and ...

  6. Here's How Tall Tom Cruise Really Is

    Cruise is commonly said to be 5 feet, 7 inches tall, but it's difficult to pinpoint his height because he often wears heeled boots or shoe lifts in his films. Nicole Kidman wore flat shoes when she acted next to Cruise, since she's 5 feet, 10 inches, but she added that Cruise "doesn't mind working with an actress who's taller.".

  7. How Tall Is Tom Cruise?

    Per CheatSheet, Cruise's first wife, Mimi Rogers, set him on a pattern of marrying women taller than him. Rogers was said to be between 5'8" and 5'10." Rogers was said to be between 5'8" and 5 ...

  8. How Tall Is Tom Cruise?

    From his rapidly-ascending star status in the early 80s, Tom Cruise went from strength to strength, including appearances in Ridley Scott's Legend, and his brother Tony Scott's Top Gun.The latter will receive a decades-late sequel in the form of Top Gun: Maverick.The sequel is set to be even later still following delays due to the Coronavirus outbreak but is now expected in December 2020.

  9. É baixinho mesmo? Descubra a altura de Tom Cruise

    Reacher nos livros é notório por ser um homem robusto com 1,96 m; a escolha de Cruise surpreendeu porque ele é bem baixo, com cerca de 1,70 m. Até o autor original dos livros, Lee Child, declarou que Cruise não é apenas muito baixo, mas também velho demais para continuar interpretando Reacher. A franquia será reiniciada como uma série ...

  10. How Tall is Tom Cruise?

    Standing at 5 feet 7 inches, or 170 cm, Tom Cruise is slightly shorter than the average American man. While this may seem surprising given his larger-than-life on-screen persona, it brings to the fore the often overlooked disparity between an actor's real-life attributes and their cinematic portrayal. However, the question of Cruise's ...

  11. How Tall is Tom Cruise? Digging Deeper into Hollywood's Leading Man

    Setting the Records Straight: Revealing Tom Cruise Height. Even though the Internet is replete with queries and sources digging in every nook to reveal the truth about Tom Cruise's height, we're striving for accuracy here. Based on credible sources, Tom Cruise stands at exactly 5 feet 7 inches tall (or 170 centimeters).

  12. Tom Cruise

    A estrela de Tom Cruise na Calçada da Fama em Hollywood, Los Angeles, Califórnia. Filho de Mary Lee Mapother e do engenheiro eletricista Thomas Mapother III, que morreu de câncer em 1984, Tom tem três irmãs: a publicitária Lee Anne, a professora Marian e Cass. Após o divórcio, Mary Lee subiu ao altar novamente, dando a Jack South a ...

  13. How Tall is Tom Cruise? 7 Insane Secrets About the Megastar

    However, another question fans often ask is, " how tall is Tom Cruise ?. The answer: Tom Cruise's height is 5'7″ (170cm), according to numerous sources. While this may not seem particularly tall when compared to other leading men in Hollywood, Cruise's height has become somewhat of an iconic characteristic of his appearance.

  14. How Tall Is Tom Cruise? Unveiling Tom Cruise's Height!

    We delve into this mysterious enigma and uncover the truth behind Cruise's height. Prepare to be amazed as we unveil the height of this star who proves that when it comes to reaching for the stars, the sky's the limit! Elevating the Mystery: Unlocking Tom Cruise's Tall Tale! Rumors and speculation have circulated for years about Tom ...

  15. Tom Cruise: Estatura altura, cuánto mide, peso, esposa, novia, edad

    Nicole Kidman (Casado 1989 - 2001 ) Mimi Rogers (1986 - 90) Todo sobre Tom Cruise cuerpo / Características físicas. ¿Cuánto mide Tom Cruise. Estatura : 1,70 m. Tom Cruise altura en pies : 5 pies y 7 pulgadas. ¿Cuánto pesa Tom Cruise. Peso : 68 kg / 150 lbs. Ojos : Verdes.

  16. Tom Cruise

    Thomas Cruise Mapother IV (born July 3, 1962) is an American actor and producer. Regarded as a Hollywood icon, he has received various accolades, including an Honorary Palme d'Or and three Golden Globe Awards, in addition to nominations for four Academy Awards. His films have grossed over $4 billion in North America and over $11.5 billion worldwide, making him one of the highest-grossing box ...

  17. Tom Cruise

    Tom Cruise. Actor: Top Gun. In 1976, if you had told fourteen-year-old Franciscan seminary student Thomas Cruise Mapother IV that one day in the not too distant future he would be Tom Cruise, one of the top 100 movie stars of all time, he would have probably grinned and told you that his ambition was to join the priesthood. Nonetheless, this sensitive, deeply religious youngster who was born ...

  18. Tom Cruise's Height: Breaking the Stereotypes of Hollywood Culture

    Tom Cruise's marriage with Mimi Rogers lasted only for three years before they parted ways in 1990. He married Nicole Kidman within a year of his divorce from Mimi. Nicole and Tom stayed married for eleven years. They shared some great memories and acted together in movies like "Far and Away," "Days of Thunder," and "Eyes Wide Shut ...

  19. Tom Cruise: Bio, Height, Weight, Measurements

    Tom Cruise is an American film actor and producer. He is best known for playing the role of IMF agent Ethan Hunt in the Mission: Impossible film series since 1996. He has also starred in the films Risky Business, A Few Good Men, Jerry Maguire, Rain Man, Magnolia, Born on the Fourth of July, Top Gun, The Firm and Jerry Maguire.

  20. Tom Cruise's Height: The Secrets He Uses to Look Taller

    American actor and producer Tom Cruise, standing at 5ft 7 ¾ (172.1 cm), is best known for being one of the highest-paying actors in the world, with an estimated net worth of $600 million.. Starring in classic films such as Mission: Impossible, Top Gun, and Rain Man, this actor has undoubtedly gained much attention from around the globe.

  21. Así es Tom Cruise: edad, cuánto mide, quién es su pareja y cuál es su

    Otro de los detalles más interesantes que rodean a la figura de Tom Cruise está directamente relacionado con su patrimonio.De acuerdo a lo que apunta el portal Celebrity Net Worth, el de Siracusa cuenta con unas ganancias de 600 millones de dólares, siendo uno de los intérpretes con más capacidad adquisitiva de Hollywood.De hecho, según esta información, tiene unos beneficios de 50 ...

  22. Tom Cruise

    Tom Cruise is an American actor known for his roles in iconic films throughout the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, as well as his high profile marriages to actresses Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes. After ...

  23. How tall is Tom Cruise? 'Mission Impossible' star has been ...

    3 - Suri Cruise, Connor Cruise, Isabella Jane Cruise LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Tom Cruise, known for achieving 'impossible' stunts has been dominating Hollywood since the '80s. Over the years, the 60-year-old handsome hunk has delivered a plethora of blockbusters that cemented his legacy as one of the highest-paid stars in showbiz.