• Câmbio de moedas
  • Contas bancárias no exterior
  • Enviar dinheiro para o exterior
  • Seguro Viagem
  • Aluguel de carros
  • Passagens Aéreas

Euro Dicas

mysimtravel é bom? Veja a avaliação desse chip internacional

Casal viaja e usa chip da mysimtravel no celular.

Em um mundo tão conectado, uma coisa que não pode faltar em uma viagem é internet, certo? Existem diversas empresas que vendem o chip internacional e entregam ainda no Brasil e uma delas é a mysimtravel . Assim, você já desembarca no país de destino e conectado para utilizar mapas, redes sociais, aplicativos e até mesmo fazer ligações.

Neste artigo, vamos falar sobre a mysimtravel, como ela funciona, preços e planos disponíveis e se vale a pena contratar o chip internacional da empresa. Vamos lá?

Índice do artigo

O que é o mysimtravel?

O mysimtravel é um chip internacional de celular que pode ser utilizado em diferentes países ao redor do mundo e que oferece planos exclusivos para viajantes que desejam utilizar internet, aplicativos de mensagem como o WhatsApp e SMS, redes sociais e fazer ligações quando estiverem no exterior.

O chip é comercializado pela empresa SGMobile Serviços, Consultoria e Comércio de Produtos de TI LTD com sede em São Paulo e inscrita sob CNPJ 23.429.752/0001-78 .

Como funciona o mysimtravel?

O mysimtravel oferece conexão automática com mais de 300 operadoras de telefonia espalhadas por todos os continentes e funciona como um chip-pré pago. São mais de 200 países com cobertura de roaming internacional .

Ao adquirir um chip, que pode ser tanto físico — disponível nos formatos regular, micro e nano —, quanto eletrônico, chamado eSIM, você deve selecionar o plano conforme a quantidade de dados que deseja contratar e ao viajar para fora do Brasil, automaticamente terá conexão no celular.

Assim poderá fazer ligações, enviar SMS e redes sociais, aplicativos de mapas, bancos, seguro viagem e vários outros que necessitam de 4G para funcionar.

O mysimtravel tem validade de 30 dias contados a partir da data de ativação ou até consumir o limite de dados contratados. Após o vencimento, você pode fazer a recarga como qualquer outro chip pré-pago.

Airalo vale a pena? Conheça a reputação do chip virtual.

O mysimtravel é bom?

Para responder a essa pergunta, buscamos os relatos dos próprios viajantes que já tiveram a experiência de utilizar o chip internacional durante uma viagem. Para isso, buscamos relatos em três portais de reclamação e comunicação:

  • No Reclame Aqui , o maior portal de reclamações do Brasil;
  • No Google , que também permite que usuários enviem as suas avaliações e relatos sobre a empresa;
  • Nas redes sociais da mysimtravel , que apesar de ser um canal de comunicação e não reclamação, muitas pessoas utilizam os comentários das publicações para fazer elogios e críticas.

mysimtravel no Reclame Aqui

Em 2022, no Reclame Aqui , a mysimtravel não possui uma nota média , pois recebeu apenas três reclamações durante esse período.

Avaliação Reclame Aqui mysimtravel

No entanto, se observar a lista de reclamações da página é possível visualizar as queixas dos clientes de até 4 anos atrás e elas não são boas. Contudo, a empresa se mostra empenhada em responder cada uma delas.

mysimtravel no Google

No Google, a mysimtravel recebeu 76 comentários e foi avaliada com nota 4,6 em 5 até o dia 20 de janeiro de 2023, uma excelente nota!

print do mysimtravel no google

Os comentários no Google são muito bons e a empresa responde a cada uma das avaliações. De modo geral, considerando os comentários dos clientes nos últimos meses, podemos ver que a empresa presta um bom atendimento.

mysimtravel nas redes sociais

No Instagram , a mysimtravel tem mais de 2.500 seguidores e nos destaques apresenta alguns depoimentos de clientes satisfeitos. Já as publicações são ativas e constantes.

Observando os comentários nas publicações, há muitas pessoas tirando dúvidas sobre os planos e destinos atendidos, assim como muitos elogios . A empresa responde à maioria dos comentários.

A página no Facebook conta com mais de 7 mil curtidas e 18 avaliações, sendo a maioria delas positivas e algumas negativas. A nota final das avaliações é 4,2 em 5 .

Veja também a avaliação da Casa do Chip e veja se vale a pena contratar a operadora.

Preços e planos do mysimtravel

A mysimtravel oferece cobertura para mais de 200 países englobando as Américas, Europa, Ásia, África e Oceânia, conforme informação do site oficial. Os preços variam conforme a cobertura, o plano contratado e a quantidade de dias — sendo disponível para 10, 20 ou 30 dias.

Abaixo, listamos todos eles para você de acordo com uma consulta realizada no dia 20 de janeiro de 2023. Os preços podem sofrer alteração, por isso, recomendamos na hora da contratação, recomendamos verificar o site oficial da mysimtravel .

Plano MAX20GB

A cobertura deste plano da mysimtravel é para os Estados Unidos e Europa.

Plano Megapack

O Megapack oferece cobertura para os Estados Unidos e os países nórdicos  Dinamarca, Estônia, Finlândia, Grécia, Letônia, Lituânia, Noruega, Suécia e Rússia.

Plano Especial

O Plano Especial oferece cobertura para os Estados Unidos e Europa.

Plano Top Destino

A cobertura deste plano da mysimtravel é um dos mais completos, oferecedo cobertura para as Américas, Europa, África (apenas Egito), Ásia e Oceânia.

Plano Pacífico

Oferece cobertura para a Ásia, Austrália e Nova Zelândia.

Plano Global

O plano mais completo da mysimtravel em termos de cobertura, mas em termos de dados, eles são limitados, principalmente para quem utiliza muito redes sociais de fotografia e vídeo, que consomem muitos dados.

Alternativas ao mysimtravel

Além da mysimtravel existem outras alternativas de chip internacional que oferecem pacotes de dados e chamadas de voz e que podem ser uma alternativa. São elas:

  • America Chip : comercializa planos a partir de 56 dólares e envia o chip para a sua casa no Brasil em até 15 dias úteis. Nós do Euro Dicas já utilizamos e recomendamos a empresa!;
  • Best Buy Sim : comercializa planos a partir de 40 dólares e envia o chip para o seu endereço no prazo de 5 a 10 dias úteis, dependendo do tipo de frete;
  • Viaje Conectado : conta com planos a partir de 39 dólares e envia o chip internacional para a sua casa entre 2 a 15 dias úteis — a depender do frete escolhido;
  • EasySim4U : comercializa chip a partir de 36 dólares. No site não encontramos informação de quanto tempo leva a entrega no Brasil;
  • O Meu Chip : que comercializa chips entre 30 a 100 dólares e com prazo de entrega o Brasil entre 5 a 15 dias úteis.

Aproveite e confira também a nossa avaliação completa do Chip T Mobile .

Como comprar o mysimtravel?

Você pode comparar o mysimtravel online ou pessoalmente através de distribuidores autorizados presente em todo o país (com exceção do Tocantins, Rondônia e Amapá), ou nos aeroportos conveniados em Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco e Distrito Federal. A lista completa pode ser visualizada no site da empresa.

Além disso, a empresa tem sede na Avenida Domingos de Moraes, 2187, CJ 707, Torre Paris, na Vila Mariana, em São Paulo, onde é possível fazer a retirada pessoalmente ou enviar via motoboy.

Se optar pela compra do mysimtravel online, você vai adquirir o eSIM — um chip internacional eletrônico.

Utilizar as redes sociais com o chip mysimtravel

Saiba como usar e quanto custa o chip celular na Inglaterra .

Como ativar o mysimtravel?

Ao adquirir o mysimtravel, você deve seguir as instruções e passo a passo informado presente na embalagem do mesmo. Você deverá seguir o seguinte passo a passo:

  • Trocar o chip do seu celular pelo mysimtravel;
  • Fazer a configuração conforme o seu aparelho. Cada marca de telefone tem uma configuração diferente. Veja como fazer a configuração no site oficial .
  • Ativar a internet e pronto!

Atenção: para garantir que faça a ativação correta, certifique a configuração do seu celular. Caso contrário, o chip pode não funcionar. Se tiver dúvidas, entre em contato com o suporte técnico que funciona 24 horas através do chat online disponível no site ou pelo WhatsApp: +55 11 98734 1818.

Conheça o chip da Tim na Europa e saiba se vale a pena levá-lo na sua viagem.

Vale a pena comprar o mysimtravel?

Sim , vale a pena comprar o mysimtravel. Afinal, ficar sem internet durante uma temporada fora do Brasil não é legal.

Olhando para as avaliações no Google e os comentários das publicações do Instagram, há muito mais elogios do que críticas.

No entanto, é importante ressaltar que a internet não é ilimitada.  Por isso, caso precise utilizar um volume de dados superior ao contratado, pode ser que durante a viagem você tenha que fazer uma ou até várias recargas.

Se você quiser uma alternativa, nós indicamos a America Chip , pois a nossa equipe já utilizou e testou o serviço. Eles oferecem planos com internet ilimitada, o que é uma grande vantagem para os viajantes e os planos custam a partir de USD 56. Você só precisa se planejar com uma certa antecedência, pois o chip pode levar até 15 dias para chegar na sua casa no Brasil.

De maneira geral, tanto o mysimtravel quanto os demais citados nesse artigo, também funcionam bem dentro dos planos contratados. Com tantas opções, só não vale viajar sem garantir a sua conexão. Boa viagem!

my sim travel recarga

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Best E-Sim Cards for Traveling to the USA in 2024

my sim travel recarga

Are you planning your trip to the United States and looking for an e-sim card to stay connected? This is a complete guide with everything you need to know before ordering an e-sim card for traveling to the USA.

In this guide you can find a comparison of the best e-sim cards for the United States, up to date prices as per April 2024, all the USA e-sim card specifications, my recommendation and the advantages and disadvantages of e-sim cards. I will show you where and when to order an e-sim card, a comparison with local prepaid sim cards and of course links to directly order your e-sim card for the United States on the internet.

Already since 2012 I am a full time nomadic travel blogger traveling the world continuously and I constantly get to different countries. Pretty much every week I need to look for a new sim card. In 2022 I visited for example 62 different countries and in 2023 I traveled to 34 countries so imagine how many different prepaid and e-sim cards I used over the last two years.

In the past I used to buy a local prepaid sim card on arrival in every country, but nowadays I mostly use e-sim cards for staying connected when traveling abroad.

Helping fellow travelers to save money while traveling the world is one of the reasons I started this travel blog. Providing essential travel tips is how I started writing sim card guides from every country I visited and now on Traveltomtom you can already find more than 200 sim card guides from all over the world.

Of course I also wrote a complete guide for buying a tourist sim card for traveling to USA in 2024  and you can also find guides for buying a sim card on arrival at Miami Airport , Newark Airport , New York JFK Airport .

Traveltomtom also wrote specific guides for buying e-sim cards for: Canada ,  Turkey ,  France , Spain , Greece , Germany , Portugal , Italy ,  Europe , Turkey ,  Asia ,  Thailand , China , Australia , Hong Kong , Singapore ,  international e-sim cards  and many more.

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Buying a Sim Card at Los Angeles Airport in 2024

So next time you are planning your adventure abroad come check out Traveltomtom for the latest prepaid sim card and e-sim card advice for your holiday destination.

In this guide about the best e-sim cards for the United States I will tell you everything you need to know about staying connected with an e-sim card when traveling to the USA in 2024. 

First I will give you my recommendation, then a comparison of the best e-sim cards for the USA with up to date prices as per April 2024, explain you how e-sim cards work, more about the network coverage and 4G/5G network, some FAQ about e-sim cards and I will also explain the difference between e-sim cards and local prepaid sim cards.

My recommendation

Traveltomtom recommends the following e-sim cards for traveling to the USA in 2024:

my sim travel recarga

1. Change e-sim card for the USA from Airalo

  • 10 GB data-only e-sim
  • Valid in USA only
  • Valid for 30 days
  • $2.60 USD per Gigabyte

Airalo is the only e-sim card provider that offers USA e-sim cards that support 5G network. For $26 USD you get 10 GB data, for $16 USD you get 5 GB data and for $42 USD you get 20 GB data. Click on the link for all USA e-sim card plans from Airalo.

Click here for more info or to directly order an Airalo e-sim card for traveling in the USA .

2. Three HK e-sim from SimOptions

  • 20 GB data-only e-sim
  • Valid in USA, Canada, UK, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand
  • $1.75 USD per Gigabyte only

SimOptions sells USA e-sim cards that go down as much as $1.75 USD per Gigabyte. There are 2 e-sim cards from Three HK, but the other e-sim gives you only 10 GB data for $24.90 USD best e-sim deal you can find is the e-sim card for $24 USD and you get 20 GB data. These Three HK e-sims that you order via SimOptions are not 5G ready, only 4G/LTE is supported.

The above e-sim cards for the USA are data-only and do NOT support local calls and sms.

If you want an e-sim card for the USA including calls and texting then Traveltomtom recommends looking into buying an e-sim card on arrival in the USA in an official mobile internet store. For $65 USD you get unlimited data, calls & sms in the USA for 30 days. But you can only buy these e-sims in person in the store.

A bummer is that you can NOT buy an e-sim card at any international airport in the USA. You have to locate a phone store nearby your hotel, get in line, bring your passport for registration, etc.

Much more work then just ordering an e-sim card on the internet. It is up to you!

There are 2 very important things to check before ordering an e-sim card for the USA.

Unlocked phones only

Make sure your phone is unlocked. E-sim cards only work in unlocked phones. If you are not sure if your phone is unlocked then contact your mobile internet provider in your home country. 

In general phones from Europe, Asia and the Middle East tend to be unlocked. Phones from North America are often locked.

If your smartphone is locked that means it does not allow another prepaid sim card or e-sim card to operate in the device. You can easily unlock your phone, but depending on your mobile internet provider you will be charged a fee for unlocking your phone.

E-sim compatible phones only

Second, and equally important: a-sim cards only work if your smartphone supports e-sim cards, also called e-sim compatible. All newer smartphones support e-sim cards. If you are not sure if your phone is e-sim compatible then simply go to Google and type in your mobile phone model in the search bar and ask if it is e-sim compatible. You will get the answer instantly.

If your phone is NOT e-sim compatible then there is no other solution and you can NOT use an e-sim card for traveling to the USA. 

However, you can still order a sim card for the United States on the internet before your trip. Check out Traveltomtom’s complete guide for buying a sim card for the USA in 2024  or read my guide with everything you need to know before ordering an international sim card for traveling abroad in 2024 .

USA e-sim card comparison for 2024

There are multiple website on the internet that sell e-sim cards for the USA. Traveltomtom recommends ordering an e-sim card for traveling in the USA from one of the well-known e-sim card providers that have proven to be reliable operators.

These are the 3 big e-sim card providers and they sell great USA e-sim card plans: 

You can buy an e-sim card for pretty much every country around the world from the above trusted providers. Order directly from one of the above e-sim card providers and instantly receive your e-sim card in your email. But before you buy an e-sim card first read all my tips below.

SimOptions also offers international prepaid sim cards for USA . These are pre-activated physical prepaid sim cards and will be delivered to your home address before your trip to America and it is plug and play when you arrive in the US. 

Airalo and Nomad only sell e-sim cards for the USA. 

SimOptions is a very reliable e-sim card provider and Traveltomtom has used SimOptions uncountable times in more than 50 countries around the world. I can totally recommend using SimOptions for ordering your USA e-sim card.

Their best USA e-sim card gives you 20 GB data for $34.90 USD. That is $1.75 USD per Gigabyte. But SimOptions has several e-sim card plans for traveling in the USA in 2024.

Why does Traveltomtom recommend SimOptions? They often have a wide array of e-sim cards for sale, including international e-sim cards valid in multiple countries.

simoptions esim card plans for usa 2024

Here are the SimOptions e-sim card plans for use in the USA only:

  • 1 GB data for 30 days = $4.9 USD
  • 6 GB data for 10 days = $17.9 USD
  • 10 GB data for 15 days = $19.9 USD

Click here for more info or to  order a Simoptions e-sim card for the USA .

SimOptions does not specify which network they use in the USA on the above e-sims and they are also NOT 5G ready, only 4G/LTE network is supported. The SimOptions e-sim cards are data-only and they do not come with a phone number. Incoming and outgoing calls and sms are not supported.

three hk esim card plans for usa 2024

SimOptions also sells international e-sim cards that are valid in multiple countries. These e-sim cards are from Three Hong Kong and are valid in Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand and in the USA:

  • 10 GB data for 30 days = $24.90 USD
  • 20 GB data for 30 days = $34.90 USD

Click here to order an international e-sim card for USA from SimOptions . 

The best buy e-sim card for the United States from SimOptions is the Three (3) HK e-sim card. The Three HK international e-sim card with 20 GB data for $34.90 USD comes down to $1.75 USD per Gigabyte.

Also the Three e-sim cards for the United States are the only e-sim cards from all the USA e-sim cards available on the internet that come with a phone number from Hong Kong that starts with +852.

Which means you can receive calls and sms. Making calls and sending sms is not supported.

On the Three e-sim cards from Hong Kong, Traveltomtom readers have recently reported that TikTok is blocked, due to regulations in Hong Kong, as it is a Hong Kong based e-sim card.

The Three e-sim cards are valid for 1 year, meaning you have to install/activate the e-sim card within 1 year. Therefore it could be a perfect travel gift for someone traveling to the USA. Once activated the validity of 30 days start immediately, even if you are not yet in the USA.

Having any problems with a SimOptions e-sim card then contact their helpdesk. SimOptions has a live chat on their website during business hours. For more info check out the SimOptions website .

Airalo is another very reputable e-sim card provider that is very much recommended by Traveltomtom. Ordering your e-sim card for the USA through Airalo is done fast and easy. Traveltomtom has used Airalo uncountable times for staying connected when traveling abroad. Very reliable, never an issue and often some of the cheapest e-sim card deals.

Why using Airalo? I found out that Airalo has sometimes cheaper e-sim card deals compared to SimOptions. 

Especially if you only use a little bit of data while traveling and need just 1 or 2 GB data to stay in touch through WhatsApp, check your email sometimes and get directions from Google Maps, then Airalo is also great e-sim card for traveling in the USA.

airalo esim card plans for usa 2024

Here are the USA e-sim card plans for 2024 from Airalo:

  • 1 GB data for 7 days = $4.5 USD
  • 2 GB data for 15 days = $8 USD
  • 3 GB data for 30 days = $11 USD
  • 5 GB data for 30 days = $16 USD
  • 10 GB data for 30 days = $26 USD
  • 20 GB data for 30 days = $42 USD

Click here to order an e-sim card for USA from Airalo .

The above Change e-sim cards are only valid in the USA (and Puerto Rico) and they operate on the 4G/LTE/5G network of Verizon and T-Mobile. Big advantage of the Airalo e-sim cards compared to SimOptions and Nomad is that the Airalo e-sim cards for the USA are 5G ready.

The Airalo e-sim cards do NOT support calling and texting and they do NOT come with a phone number. You can not receive calls and text on these e-sim cards.

The USA e-sim cards from Airalo have to be installed/activated on your phone within 1 month after purchase otherwise they lose their validity. After installing, the e-sim cards starts its validity from the first moment when it connects to a supported network, basically the moment the plane lands. For more info check out the Airalo website .

Nomad has proven to be a reliable e-sim provider and ever since Traveltomtom started using them they have improved their service, products and very important their e-sim card deals.

Nomad has now some of the cheapest e-sim card plans for traveling to the United States in 2024.

nomad esim card plans for usa 2024

Here are the Nomad e-sim card plans for the USA:

  • 1 GB data for 7 days = $6 USD
  • 5 GB data for 30 days = $14 USD
  • 10 GB data for 30 days = $16 USD
  • 20 GB data for 30 days = $25 USD

Click here to order an e-sim card for USA from Nomad .

Nomad always has a lot of e-sim card deals and sales on their e-sim card plans. At the moment it looks great to buy an e-sim from Nomad for traveling to the USA in 2024.

However, Traveltomtom has also ran into some concerning issues with Nomad e-sim cards that has put me a bit off to be honest. In general you should not run into problems, but I was unfortunate already 3x and had to wait for about 24 hours until my issues were resolved.

All the Nomad e-sim card plans for the USA are from eSIM Go and they operate on the 4G/LTE network of AT&T and Verizon. These eSIM Go plans are NOT 5G ready and are data-only sim cards. Incoming and outgoing calls are not supported.

nomad usa esim card specifications

The Nomad USA e-sim cards have to be installed/activated on your phone within 1 month after purchase otherwise they are automatically activated. After installing, the e-sim cards starts its validity from the first moment when it connects to a supported network, basically the moment the plane lands in the USA. For more info check the Nomad website .

An e-sim card from T-Mobile can only be bought on arrival in the USA and only in an official store of T-Mobile. The activation fee for a new costumer is $10 USD and on top of that T-Mobile charges another $4.99 USD for an e-sim card and then you can choose from one of the following plans excluding tax:

  • 10 GB data = $40 USD
  • Unlimited data + 3G hotspot = $50 USD
  • Unlimited data + 10 GB 4G hotspot = $60 USD

The good thing about buying a T-Mobile e-sim card on arrival in the USA in a phone store is that it comes with unlimited calling and texting in the USA.

Again, a T-Mobile e-sim card is not available online, only in stores in the USA.

An e-sim card from AT&T can only be bought on arrival in the USA and only in an official store of AT&T. The activation fee for a new costumer is $14.99 USD and on top of that AT&T charges another $4.99 USD for an e-sim card and then you can choose from one of the following plans excluding tax:

  • 5 GB data = $30 USD
  • 15 GB data = $40 USD
  • Unlimited calls/sms and data = $65 USD

The good thing about buying an AT&T e-sim card on arrival in the USA in a phone store is that it comes with unlimited calling and texting in the USA.

Again, an AT&T e-sim card is not available online, only in stores in the USA.

An e-sim card from Verizon can only be bought on arrival in the USA and only in an official store of Verizon. Verizon offer 3 prepaid plans for tourists that are available as e-sim cards. These are the prices exclusive tax:

  • 15 GB data + unlimited calls/sms = $45 USD
  • Unlimited calls/sms and data + 5 GB hotspot = $60 USD
  • Unlimited calls/sms and data + 25 GB hotspot = $70 USD

The official registration fee for a Verizon prepaid plan is $25 USD, but is waived away often. A Verizon e-sim card is not available online, only in stores in the USA.

Why did Traveltomtom already use hundreds of e-sim cards? I travel the world full time and I am on the road constantly which seriously means I use about 40 to 50 different sim cards per year.

Traveltomtom is also on the road to 197, meaning I would like to travel to every country in the world . As of April 2024 I have visited more than 155 countries, still more than 40 to go and there is absolutely no rush!

Personally, traveling is not supposed to be a race or a competition. Enjoy life should be the spirit!

What is the cheapest e-sim card for the USA

The cheapest e-sim card plan for America is a USA e-sim card from Airalo . They have a sim card plan for just $4.5 USD. You only get 1 GB, but for some travelers that is enough. Especially if you only need it for directions and staying in touch through WhatsApp. Top Up is possible, may you run out.

Why ordering an e-sim card for traveling in the USA

E-sim cards are the easiest way to stay connected when traveling to USA in 2024. You arrange everything online in just a couple minutes. No more visiting a sim card shop and swapping physical sim cards in your phone. Order online, scan the QR code, follow the steps and you are connected in less than 2 minutes.

The most important reason is because we would like to stay connected on our trip to USA. Our smartphones are pretty useless without a working data connection. Think about ordering a taxi through an app (Uber is Grab in USA), finding nearby friends, restaurants, bars. Get directions from Google Maps or simply stay in touch with family back home, check out social media apps on long bus rides or check your banking apps when paying contactless.

One of the best things about arriving in the USA with an activated e-sim card is that you are online as soon as the plane lands and you connect to a network. More about when to instal your e-sim card later. 

There are so many reasons to stay connected when traveling to the USA, but the most important reason is that it makes your trip to USA so much more convenient and fun!

At the same time we don’t want to waste money on high roaming charges. Many mobile internet operators still charge $2 USD per MB for data roaming, that means just opening the Instagram app will already cost you 25 MB * $2 USD = $50 USD! Not kidding… it still is reality in 2024.

E-sim cards are the easiest way to avoid high roaming charges!

International data roaming plans

So what about overseas data roaming plans? Well, not recommended! Why? Did you read the small letters at what speed you can use data roaming? Pretty much all mobile internet operators limit the data speed for overseas data roaming plans, which means you end up with 3G data speed, but there is 5G in the USA everywhere!

Uncountable times (mostly American) travel friends asked me: “can I use your hotspot? My data roaming plan is so slow, it is barely working!” Trust me, get yourself an e-sim card or an international prepaid sim card for traveling abroad .

Where to buy an e-sim card for USA?

You can only buy an e-sim card for USA on the internet through an e-sim card provider. There are multiple e-sim card providers for the USA. Traveltomtom compared 6 e-sim card providers and determined that the above mentioned ones ( SimOptions ,  Airalo ,  Nomad ) are the best e-sim card providers for traveling to USA in 2024.

None of the mobile internet operators in the USA sell tourist e-sim cards on their own websites. 

When buying an e-sim card for the USA through one of the above recommended e-sim providers you only need your email address and the e-sim card is instantly ready to use after installation. There is no ID registration needed. 

On arrival in USA

When you arrive in the USA and you want to buy an e-sim card for tourists then you will have to find an official retail store of either T-Mobile or AT&T nearby and you will have to go in person to buy an e-sim card in the USA. In the store you can buy a tourist sim card and only in the official retail stores of AT&T and T-Mobile they are able to provide e-sim cards for tourists.

But keep in mind that this takes time and it is NOT cheaper at all! It is in fact even more expensive, hence why Traveltomtom recommends to order your e-sim card for traveling in the USA online.

For the best prepaid sim cards for tourists in the USA in 2024  click on the link to read my complete guide and comparison of all the mobile internet providers in USA, including a comparison of the 4G/5G network.

How to activate an e-sim card

Installing and activating an e-sim card is made as simple as possible. Everyone can activate an e-sim card and the instructions on how to are very detailed and will be send to you instantly by email.

When you order an e-sim card plan for the USA you instantly receive a summery of your order including a QR-code after the payment is processed.

You will see a summary of your e-sim card order including a QR code on your screen and at the same time you will also receive an email with the same QR code. The email contains instructions on how to instal and activate your USA e-sim card.

But installing an activating an e-sim card is as easy as scanning the QR code with the same phone where you want to activate the e-sim card on. The QR contains all the information about your USA e-sim card.

Once you scan the code you will be guided through a couple simple steps and within less than 1 minute your e-sim card is successfully installed. Very important is that you are connected to the internet when installing your e-sim card otherwise you will get an error and issues can occur.

Tip: if you order an e-sim card with the same phone where you want to instal the e-sim card on then ask a friend or someone nearby to take a photo of the QR code and then you scan the QR code from his/her phone and start the installation. 

When to order/install an e-sim card for the USA?

You can order an e-sim card for USA pretty much any time you want. Most e-sim cards have to be installed on a phone within 1-3 months after purchasing, so you have time.

More important therefore is when do you instal the e-sim card. The validity of some e-sims start straight after the installation, other e-sim cards only start their validity when they connect the first time to a supported network.

Traveltomtom advices to instal your e-sim card on the day departure to the USA at home. Or if you want to maximise your validity then activate your USA e-sim card on arrival after you connect to the free WiFi of the airport on arrival in the USA. All international airports in the USA have free public WiFi.

Things to know before ordering an e-sim card for USA

Here are some general tips for using e-sim cards when traveling abroad. These tips do not only apply for USA e-sim cards, but are things you have to know before buying an e-sim card in general. 

Make sure your phone is unlocked

To make sure you didn’t miss this, let me say this again: e-sim cards only work in UNLOCKED phones. If your phone is unlocked then you can use any e-sim card without any problems.

If your phone is locked then ask your mobile internet provider from your home country to unlock your phone before your trip to USA. It is likely that your mobile internet provider will charge you a fee for unlocking your smartphone. 

If you are unable to unlock your phone you can look into getting a pocket WiFi for staying connected when traveling to the USA or bring a second unlocked phone on your trip to the USA and use it as a portable WiFi device.

Which smartphones support e-sim cards?

Another very important thing you have to check before buying an e-sim card is if your smartphone supports e-sim cards. If you have any of the latest mobile phones then there is no need to worry, all new smartphones support e-sim cards. 

The fastest way to find out if your phone is e-sim compatible is by asking Google the question: is my (your phone model) e-sim compatible? Simple as that!

Can I trust these e-sim card providers?

All the e-sim card providers for USA recommended above ( SimOptions ,  Airalo ,  Nomad ) are reputable e-sim card providers reviewed and tested by Traveltomtom. All of them are licensed third party companies and resellers that partner or work directly with the mobile internet providers in the USA.

Traveltomtom has successfully partnered for several consecutive years with SimOptions and Airalo. Nomad is a fairly new partner of Traveltomtom, but has so far proven to be a reliable e-sim card provider. All e-sim card providers have their own Helpdesk which you can contact may you encounter any problems or in case you want to claim a refund. 

Traveltomtom does NOT sell USA e-sim cards, only recommends you to use e-sim cards for traveling to the USA.

Can I keep my phone number from home with a USA e-sim card?

Yes, you can and this is for many people a reason to order an e-sim card to stay connected when traveling to the USA. An e-sim card can be used next to your physical or e-sim card from your home country at the same time. You do not need a dual-sim phone for using an e-sim card.

So you can have multiple e-sim cards installed on your phone? Yes, no problem at all! 

For example: you can turn off the mobile data from your sim card from home but still use it for texting and calling. The USA e-sim card you can be used at the same time just for data to ensure you are not wasting money on high roaming costs.

If your USA e-sim card also allows you to make phone calls and you want to make a local call in USA, you simply switch between the sim cards and make a local phone call with your USA e-sim card.

Switching between sim cards is a matter of turning them on/off in the settings. 

Can I make phone calls with a USA e-sim card?

This depends on the type of USA e-sim card that you buy. The Traveltomtom recommended e-sim cards for the USA do NOT support calls and sms, see the above comparison for specifications of every e-sim card. There are few e-sim card providers on the internet that offer USA e-sim cards including calling and texting. Traveltomtom has never tried these specific e-sim cards.

As recommended before if you are looking for an e-sim card for the USA including unlimited calls and sms to local numbers then buy your e-sim card on arrival in the USA in an official phone store from either T-Mobile or AT&T. More hassle, more expensive, but calls and texting is included in these e-sims.

Does a USA e-sim card come with a phone number?

This also depends on the type of e-sim card that you buy. E-sims that support calls and sms they come with a phone number, but also some data-only sim cards that do not support calling and texting but still come with a phone number. These type of e-sim cards can only receive calls and sms, but not make phone calls/send sms.

The Three HK and the AIS Sim2FLY e-sim cards from SimOptions they come with a phone number and therefore these e-sim cards for the USA support incoming phone calls and sms, but unfortunately not outgoing phone calls and sms. In the above USA e-sim card comparison you can find all the specifications per e-sim card.

Can I use 5G on a USA e-sim card?

It completely depends on the type of e-sim card that you order. In my comparison of the best e-sim cards for the USA I specified per e-sim card if you can use 5G or only the 4G/LTE network. Sometimes e-sim operators even specify the max data speed.

Are there e-sim cards for the USA with unlimited data?

Traveltomtom is in general not a fan of data sim cards with unlimited data. Why? Well, there is always a restriction, mostly called FUP (Fair Use Policy). Sometimes that is already 2 GB data per day, which means that after 2 GB usage your internet will be slowed down. Other e-sim cards have a FUP of 30, 50, 80 GB data. It depends on the e-sim card specification.

In general, unlimited data is pretty much never unlimited data at max speed. And trust me the reduced data speed will creep you out as it barely works!

So yes, there are e-sim cards for the USA with unlimited data but always read the fine print for more details, terms & conditions. The recommended e-sim card providers by Traveltomtom do NOT offer e-sim cards for the USA with unlimited data. No hidden fees, no Fair Use Policy. Clear terms & conditions!

Holafly is an e-sim card provider that sells e-sim cards with unlimited data, but does NOT specify what is the exact so-called Fair Use Policy (FUP).

Traveltomtom does NOT recommend USA e-sim cards with unlimited data plans. There are always restrictions. And on Holafly sim cards I experienced a reduce in data speed after using more than 2 GB per day. When I contacted support they explained me that I had to wait for 24 hours until my data speed was restored to normal.

Those 24 hours were a nightmare as my data speed was barely enough to use WhatsApp. Social media apps were not even loading! 

Again, Traveltomtom does NOT recommend e-sim cards for USA with unlimited data. But if you think you will not use more than 2 GB per day, then this might be your favorite e-sim card. However, what is then the point of having an e-sim card with unlimited data, right?

For truly unlimited data on an USA e-sim card it is best to buy your e-sim card in person, in store in the USA. Go to a T-Mobile or AT&T retail store for these sim card deals or check out Traveltomtom's complete guide for buying a prepaid sim card for the USA in 2024 . 

There are a lot of different specifications per e-sim card. Another reason why I advice you to take a close at my comparison of the best e-sim cards for traveling to USA in 2024.

Best way to stay connected when traveling to USA

buying a sim card for the usa

E-sim cards are the easiest and fastest way to get data on your phone when traveling to USA, but are they also the best way to stay connected when traveling to the USA?

There are 3 ways to stay connected when traveling to USA: 

Local prepaid sim cards

International prepaid sim cards, e-sim cards.

Let’s compare e-sim cards, local prepaid sim cards and international prepaid sim cards for you to make understand what is your preferred way to stay connected. 

If you use a lot of data then local prepaid sim cards are probably the cheapest way to stay connected depending on the length of your trip. Local prepaid sim cards often offer bigger data plans than e-sim cards. However, local prepaid sim cards can only be purchased on arrival in the USA.

If this sounds like something you want then prepare to find a sim card store on arrival because buying a sim card for the USA on an international airport is very overpriced or often not even possible. 

On Traveltomtom you can also find sim card guides for: Miami Airport , Newark Airport , New York JFK Airport .

More info about the best USA sim cards for tourists can be found in my complete guide for buying a sim card for USA in 2024.

The advantage of local prepaid sim cards is that you buy them directly from the mobile internet provider. You get the cheapest prices, unlimited local calls & sms included, the biggest data packages and the fastest data speed. Local prepaid sim cards in USA all offer 5G. 

international prepaid sim cards for usa 2024

If your smartphone is not e-sim compatible there are many international prepaid sim cards for traveling abroad that you can use in the USA and you can easily order them online.

A pre-activated physical sim card will be delivered to your home address before your trip. You put this physical sim card in your phone and as soon as the plane touches the ground and the sim card connects to a supported network you are online. Plug and play! 

Click here to order an international prepaid sim card for USA directly online .

The advantage of an international prepaid sim card is that it often includes calling and texting. E-sim cards are mostly data-only sim cards. 

There are two different e-sim cards:

  • E-sim cards that you buy on the internet through a third party
  • E-sim cards that you buy in the USA in a mobile internet provider store 

The big difference is that e-sim cards provided by the mobile internet operators in the USA: T-Mobile and AT&T can only be purchased at one of their phone stores around the USA.

The e-sim cards that you buy in the United States include unlimited texting and sms in the USA and e-sim cards that you buy on the internet do NOT support calling and texting.

However, on arrival in the United States you will need to find a T-Mobile or AT&T phone store, wait in line, bring your passport for registration, buy a sim card, pay the registration fee and convert it into an e-sim. Precious holiday time will be lost, but on the other hand you get a great USA sim card deal for tourists with unlimited calling and texting included.

You can NOT buy an e-sim card for the USA on arrival at an international airport in the United States.

E-sim cards vs. local prepaid sim cards

Buying an e-sim card on the internet is the easiest way to stay connected when traveling to USA, no doubt! You arrange everything online within just a couple clicks. Right here, right now if you want and you are all set for your trip to the USA. You arrive prepared and there is no need to visit a sim card shop. As soon as the plane lands, you are online.

But what is cheaper? An e-sim card or a local prepaid sim card? When we compare USA e-sim card prices with local prepaid sim cards for USA Traveltomtom comes to the conclusion that in fact e-sim cards for the USA are better value for money.

On USA e-sim cards you get more data for the same price. However, if you want a sim card for traveling in the USA with unlimited data or you want a sim card that includes calling and texting in the USA then buying a local prepaid sim card in the USA is a better deal.

After a long flight you just want to go to your hotel and it is often a big task to go to a sim card store and get connected. Especially since in the USA there are no sim card stores at the international airports.

Therefore a lot of travelers simply get an e-sim card for the USA. Faster, easier and less stress!

Another difference between a local prepaid sim card and an e-sim card is that e-sim cards are often through a third party, a so called MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator). These MVNO’s operate on the network of one of the main mobile internet operators and basically buy bandwidth.

This may sound a little bit too technical, but what it means is that e-sim cards through an MVNO are the last ones in line when the line is busy. Especially during peak times, the performance of an e-sim cards is less compared to a local prepaid sim card from a mobile internet operator.

Bottomline: the data speed of e-sim cards can be less compared to a local prepaid sim card. 

I am sure some of the above tips for finding an e-sim card for your trip to the USA were helpful. I hope that after reading through my comparison of the best e-sim cards for America it was easier to make a decision and order your e-sim card right away. 

If you still have any questions then please leave me a comment below or reach out to me on social media and I am more than happy to help you out.

Curious what the life of a full time nomadic traveler looks like? Go check out my 610K Instagram account or 1.2 Million TikTok account both called @traveltomtom. Follow along with daily updates from around the world about the good, the bad and the ugly about traveling.

Traveltomtom is on the road to 197, meaning I would like to travel to every country in the world . As of April 2024 I have visited more than 155 countries, still about 40 to go, but no rush.

Enjoy your trip to USA!

Some links in this article about the best e-sim cards for the USA are affiliate links. If you buy any product after clicking on an affiliate link I will earn a small commission. Don’t worry this is at absolutely no extra cost to you!

  • usa sim card
  • los angeles
  • united states
  • north america

Spanish and Go

Mexico SIM Cards: The Best Options For Travelers

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We often receive this question from our Spanish Immersion Retreat members: “Where can I buy a SIM card in Mexico?” As a Mexican/gringo couple living in Mexico for the past ten years, we have tried multiple service providers in Mexico as well as eSIM options. In this article, we will provide everything you need to know about how to get a SIM card in Mexico, including where to buy one and the best options available to ensure you stay connected during your travels.

Why do you need a Mexico SIM card for your trip?

A local SIM card in Mexico offers numerous benefits for tourists, including reliable connectivity, affordable rates, and ease of use. With a local SIM card, you can easily navigate your way around, make reservations at restaurants, post updates on social media, and keep in touch with your loved ones back home (the majority of plans discussed in this article offer both domestic and international outgoing calls to the U.S. and Canada).

Avoid international roaming charges

International roaming charges can be exorbitant, and using a prepaid Mexico SIM card can help you avoid these unnecessary costs. With a prepaid SIM card for Mexico, you’ll have access to affordable data and call packages that ensure you don’t need to worry about costly roaming fees during your trip.

Stay connected with unlimited data and calls, and stay safe

Many Mexico SIM card providers offer unlimited data and calls within the country, ensuring you’re always reachable and have access to vital information throughout your trip. Having a SIM card is also useful in emergencies, helping you stay safe while you explore the beautiful sights of Mexico. 

To learn more about safety in Mexico, check out our article Is Mexico Safe? For a trip of up to 30 days, this perk can be invaluable for staying connected and protected as you travel. Don’t forget to consider travel insurance as well; we recommend SafetyWing for comprehensive coverage.

Locked Phones: What You Need to Know

my sim travel recarga

Before purchasing a SIM card, ensure your phone is unlocked. A locked phone means it’s restricted to a specific provider and won’t work with another company’s SIM card. If you’re leasing your phone, it’s likely locked, but you can have it unlocked at a specialized shop or by paying off the device in full.

There are shops in Mexico that specialize in unlocking phones; however, this approach demands additional effort on your part and results may vary.

Bypassing Locked Devices with a Mobile Hotspot

my sim travel recarga

One solution for locked phones is using a mobile hotspot. These devices allow you to insert a SIM card and create a Wi-Fi network for your other devices. Consider purchasing a SIM card-compatible hotspot, like the GlocalMe , to stay connected while in Mexico.

Where can you buy a Mexican SIM card?

Purchasing a sim card at the airport.

One convenient option to buy a Mexico SIM card is at the airport upon arrival. In cities like Mexico City and Cancun, you’ll find kiosks and stores selling SIM cards from providers such as Telcel, Movistar Mexico, and AT&T Mexico. While this option offers immediate connectivity, prices may be double or more vs purchasing outside the airport. That could mean a 50-100 peso difference (~$3-6 USD).

Buying a SIM card at a local store

my sim travel recarga

Another option is to buy a Mexico SIM card at a local store such as Soriana, Chedraui or an OXXO convenience store, which are ubiquitous throughout the country. Here, you’ll find a range of prepaid SIM cards at competitive prices. Just ensure you have an unlocked phone first.

If you’ve already decided which provider you’d like to use, you can also search for an AT&T, Movistar, or Telcel store near you. These providers tend to have multiple branches in cities throughout Mexico.

Ordering a Mexico SIM card online

You can also buy your SIM card online before your trip, with providers often shipping the cards to your home country. This way, you can arrive prepared and have your phone set up and ready to go as soon as you land. However, this option usually entails extra shipping fees and may require longer waiting periods.

A more convenient alternative to purchasing a physical SIM card online is opting for an eSIM using Airalo . This way, you don’t need to wait for a physical SIM to arrive in the mail or plan much in advance. eSIMs can be set up in minutes and are ready to use as soon as you land in Mexico. By choosing an eSIM with Airalo , you can avoid extra shipping fees and eliminate the waiting period associated with ordering a physical SIM card. However, expect to pay a bit more for the convenience, as a 15-day 2 GB data plan with Airalo costs $15 USD, whereas a comparable plan with Telcel costs just over $11 USD.

Where to Buy an eSIM 

Purchasing an eSIM online is an easy and convenient option for those looking to stay connected during their travels. Major Mexican providers such as Telcel , Movistar , and AT&T now offer eSIM options on their websites. To buy an eSIM from these providers, visit their respective websites and follow the instructions to purchase and activate your eSIM plan.

Warning : While these carriers advertise eSIM options, it’s important to note that eSIMs are generally not available on prepaid plans. Always check the fine print or consult with customer service to ensure that the eSIM option is available for the type of plan you are interested in.

my sim travel recarga

However, for frequent travelers, third-party apps like Airalo , DENT , and Nomad might be a more convenient choice. These apps streamline the process of purchasing eSIMs for multiple countries, making it a breeze for travelers on-the-go. Once you set up your account with one of these apps, getting an eSIM for your next destination is as simple as selecting your desired plan and completing the purchase.

To use Airalo , DENT , or Nomad , download the app from your device’s app store, create an account, and browse the available eSIM plans for Mexico or any other country you plan to visit. These apps offer a range of plans catering to different needs and durations, ensuring you find the perfect plan for your trip. 

Once you’ve made your purchase, you’ll receive a QR code or activation details to install the eSIM on your smartphone, and you’ll be ready to stay connected throughout your travels.

my sim travel recarga

What are the best SIM card options for Mexico?

When considering a SIM card for your trip to Mexico, you’ll likely come across several providers, including Telcel, Movistar, AT&T, and Bait. We’ll evaluate each of them here.

Important Note:

  • TELCEL does not offer an eSIM option for prepaid plans.
  • BAIT currently does not offer an eSIM option.

Telcel: Best coverage and plans

my sim travel recarga

Telcel is the largest provider in Mexico, offering the best coverage throughout the country. A Telcel SIM card ensures that you’ll have a reliable connection in most regions while enjoying various data and call packages. Telcel also offers tourist-specific plans tailored to short-term travel needs.

Telcel offers a range of Amigo Sin Límite plans, which include data, unlimited minutes and SMS, and access to popular social media platforms. Plans range from 1 day (50 MB data for $10 MXN) to 30 days (6 GB data for $500 MXN). Some plans also include roaming in the United States and Canada. 

When we were with Telcel, we usually opted for the $200 MXN Amigo Sin Límite plan, which is good for 30 days and includes 3 GB of data and unlimited calls and texts within Mexico and to the U.S. and Canada.

We would be remiss not to mention that although Telcel is known for having the best coverage within Mexico, our experience and anecdotes from others suggest that prepaid plan data may deplete more quickly than one might anticipate. [Wags finger] Sneaky, sneaky, Telcel. 

Movistar Mexico: More data and app benefits

my sim travel recarga

Movistar Mexico is another popular choice for travelers, offering a range of prepaid SIM cards and data plans that provide more data and app benefits compared to Telcel. Their GigaMove plans range from 6 GB to 22 GB of data, with additional perks like unlimited minutes and SMS, access to social media, music, gaming, and mobility apps such as Waze, Google Maps, and Uber that don’t count against your data usage. Prices start at $235 MXN/month for the 6 GB plan and go up to $419 MXN/month for the 22 GB plan. Some plans also include international roaming with 8 GB of data. 

While Movistar’s coverage may not be as extensive as Telcel, it still caters to most tourist hotspots, making it an attractive option for those seeking more data and app benefits during their stay in Mexico.

AT&T Mexico: Unlimited social and data packages

my sim travel recarga

AT&T Mexico offers competitive plans with unlimited social media, unlimited calls and texts, and attractive data packages ranging from 500 MB to 3 GB, along with additional data for video streaming on platforms like YouTube and Netflix. While coverage might be less extensive compared to Telcel, AT&T Mexico is a viable option for travelers who prioritize staying connected on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, and enjoy streaming videos on the go.

Bait: Prepaid Cell Phone Service with Great Coverage and Speed

my sim travel recarga

Another option for travelers in Mexico is Bait, a prepaid cell phone service with excellent coverage and speed using 4G LTE technology. Bait is available exclusively through Walmart and Sam’s Club in Mexico, providing an alternative for those who prefer to shop at these establishments.

Bait offers recharge options ranging from 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, to 200 pesos, catering to various budgets and usage needs. They also provide significantly more data for each peso spent compared to the competition. For instance, with Telcel, 200 pesos will grant you 3.5 GBs of data, whereas with Bait, the same 200 pesos will provide 20 GBs. This equates to nearly six times the amount of data for the same price!

However, it’s essential to note that Bait only works on devices compatible with band 28. Before purchasing the service, check your device’s compatibility by visiting https://bit.ly/checkImei.

Verify that your device is compatible with Bait by following these steps:

  • Visit btz.mx/check or scan the QR code.
  • Enter your device’s IMEI number. You can obtain your IMEI by dialing *#06# on your device.
  • If your device is compatible, congratulations! You can now use Bait. However, if you receive a response indicating “Voz app,” you’ll need to download the free app from the Play Store to make calls.

How much does a Mexico SIM card cost?

The cost of prepaid SIM cards in Mexico varies depending on the provider, the plan chosen, and the amount of data and call minutes desired. Generally, you can expect to spend around $10-30 USD for a SIM card with data, call services, and a 30-day validity.

Understanding data and call package pricing

Data and call packages for prepaid SIM cards vary across providers, with Telcel and AT&T Mexico tending to be slightly more expensive than Movistar Mexico. For our needs, an unlimited plan like Telcel Amigo Sin Límite, costing $200-300 MXN per line, typically provides ample calls and data for an entire month. Carefully review the specific plan details and pricing structure to determine the best option for your travel needs.

my sim travel recarga

Unsure about how to understand Mexican pesos? Check out our article, All About Mexican Pesos .

Telcel Package Costs

Telcel offers a variety of packages for different budgets and usage preferences ranging from 10 to 500 pesos. These packages are part of the “Paquete Amigo Sin Límite” line, which provides data, minutes, and messaging across Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

  • Basic Plan – Amigo Sin Límite 10: For $10 MXN, this 1-day package includes 50 MB of data, unlimited calls and SMS, and unlimited WhatsApp messaging in Mexico, the United States, and Canada.
  • Middle Plan – Amigo Sin Límite 100: For $100 MXN, this 15-day plan provides 1.3 GB of data, unlimited calls and texts, unlimited WhatsApp messaging, and access to national social networks in Mexico, the United States, and Canada.
  • Most Data – Amigo Sin Límite 500: This 30-day plan costs $500 MXN and offers 6 GB of data, unlimited calls and texts, unlimited WhatsApp messaging, and access to national social networks, plus 500 MB for the Claro Música app (a music streaming app) in Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

These Telcel packages ensure that you can find a plan that fits your budget and usage needs during your stay in Mexico.

Movistar Package Costs

Movistar offers a variety of GigaMove packages for different budgets and usage preferences, with prices ranging from $235 to $419 MXN per month. These packages provide data, minutes, and messaging in Mexico, as well as access to various apps that don’t count against your data usage.

  • Basic Plan – GigaMove 6 GB: For $235 MXN per month, this plan includes 6 GB of data (8 GB for an 18-month commitment), unlimited calls and SMS, and unlimited access to social networks, music, gaming, and mobility apps such as Waze, Google Maps, and Uber in Mexico.
  • Middle Plan – GigaMove 14 GB: For $309 MXN per month, this plan provides 14 GB of data (16 GB for an 18-month commitment), unlimited calls and texts, and the same unlimited access to social networks, music, gaming, and mobility apps as the Basic Plan in Mexico.
  • Most Data – Plan ilimiDatos: This plan costs $419 MXN per month and offers unlimited data for browsing, social networks, music and video apps, gaming, and mobility apps, as well as unlimited calls and SMS in Mexico. Additionally, it includes 8 GB of international roaming data and unlimited minutes and SMS while roaming.

Like Telcel, all the plans are 5G compatible, ensuring faster internet speeds where 5G is available.

AT&T Package Costs

AT&T offers a variety of packages for different budgets and usage preferences, with prices ranging from $50 to $200 MXN. These packages provide data, minutes, and messaging in Mexico and the United States, as well as access to social networks and video streaming platforms.

  • Basic Plan – $50: For $50 MXN, this 5-day package includes 500 MB of data, unlimited social media, and unlimited calls and SMS in Mexico and the United States.
  • Middle Plan – $100: For $100 MXN, this 14-day plan provides 1.5 GB of data, 0.75 GB for video, unlimited social media, and unlimited calls and SMS in Mexico and the United States.
  • Most Data – $200: For $200 MXN, this 30-day plan offers 3 GB of data, 1.5 GB for video, unlimited social media, and unlimited calls and SMS in Mexico and the United States.

All “para video (for video)” data refers to data used to consume video on the following platforms:

  • Facebook Watch
  • Prime Video

All “unlimited social media” includes:

All plans include unlimited calls and SMS in Mexico and the United States.

Bait Package Costs

Bait offers a variety of Mi Bait packages for different budgets and usage preferences, with prices ranging from $10 to $300 MXN. These packages provide data, minutes, and messaging in Mexico, the United States, and Canada, as well as access to social networks.

  • Basic Plan – Mi Bait $10: For $10 MXN, this 1-day package includes 100 MB of data, 200 MB for social networks, and unlimited calls and SMS in Mexico, the United States, and Canada.
  • Middle Plan – Mi Bait $100: For $100 MXN, this 15-day plan provides 20 GB of data (10GB at max speed and 10 GB at reduced speed) and includes unlimited calls, SMS, and navigation on social networks in Mexico, the United States, and Canada.
  • Most Data – Mi Bait $300: This 30-day plan costs $300 MXN and offers 20 GB internet access (you can even tether your phone to any of your other devices with this plan), including unlimited calls, SMS, and navigation on social networks in Mexico, the United States, and Canada.

Bait’s Mi Bait packages cater to a range of preferences and provide ample data and access to social networks, making it a convenient option for travelers who want to stay connected while visiting Mexico, the United States, or Canada. Plans and pricing occasionally change. Click here to see the most up to date options.

Choosing the best plan for your trip duration

Consider the duration of your trip when choosing a Mexico SIM card, as packages usually include a validity period. Opt for a plan that meets your connectivity requirements and matches your trip’s length to avoid additional top-ups or hidden costs.

Topping Up Your SIM Card

my sim travel recarga

To top up your SIM card with more data, talk, and text, regardless of the provider (Telcel, Movistar, AT&T, etc.), visit any OXXO convenience store and ask, “¿Tienes recargas de…?” or “Quiero hacer una recarga de…” followed by your chosen provider’s name. 

After this, the cashier will ask how much money you want to add to your card by asking “¿de cuánto?” or simply “¿cuánto?” Choose from the available packages for a mix of data, talk, and text. If you only need data, ask for “solo internet.” 

We usually just say “200 (doscientos) pesos” when purchasing a Telcel plan, referring to the “Amigo Sin Límite 200” plan.

The cashier will typically ask you to pay first, and then they’ll request your phone number twice to ensure that they’re crediting the correct account. By familiarizing yourself with these simple Spanish phrases, you’ll find it easy to add minutes and data to your phone plan in Mexico, regardless of the service provider you choose.

Topping up your eSIM is a simple and convenient process, ensuring that you always have sufficient data and calling credit during your travels. While the process may vary slightly between eSIM providers, here’s a general outline of how to top up your eSIM using an app like Airalo :

  • Check eSIM Rechargeability: Before you purchase an eSIM, ensure it’s rechargeable by checking the “Additional Information” tab. This is important because not all eSIMs can be topped up.
  • Log into Your Account: Access your eSIM provider’s app or website and sign in to the account you used to purchase your eSIM.
  • Navigate to ‘My eSIMs’: Locate the “My eSIMs” section or a similar tab to view all your active eSIMs.
  • Select ‘Top Up’: Tap on the “Top Up” option for the eSIM you wish to add more credit or data to, and choose the desired top-up package.

If there is no “Top Up” button or it doesn’t work, this may indicate that the eSIM is non-rechargeable or that the network carrier has changed. In such cases, you’ll need to purchase a new eSIM.

Note: If the top-up doesn’t activate automatically, try restarting your phone and toggling airplane mode on and off to re-establish the connection. If you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to contact your eSIM provider’s support team for assistance.

Can I use my US SIM card or eSIM card in Mexico?

Roaming with a us sim card.

Using a US SIM card in Mexico is possible through international roaming, but the roaming fees can quickly add up if your carrier doesn’t include it in their plans. While an increasing number of US companies, such as T-Mobile, offer “unlimited” phone and data service for travelers visiting Mexico, catering specifically to those staying for less than a month at a time, not all providers have the same policy.

For example, Verizon doesn’t include international roaming for Mexico in their standard plans. Instead, they offer a “TravelPass” for $5 USD/day, or you can choose to pay as you go with voice calls at $0.99/min and data at $2.05/MB. Make sure to contact your provider before you travel to Mexico to find out if they offer any roaming packages at a reasonable price or if additional fees will apply.

Using an eSIM card while traveling in Mexico

If your phone supports eSIM cards, you can use an eSIM for your trip to Mexico. Many Mexican providers now offer eSIM cards, which can save you from carrying a physical SIM card. However, be aware of fees and activation processes associated with using eSIM cards in Mexico.

Alternatives to using a traditional SIM card

If you’d prefer not to use a traditional SIM card or eSIM card, alternative options include renting a portable Wi-Fi device or relying on public Wi-Fi spots in your travel destinations. While these methods may not provide the convenience of a local SIM card, they are worth considering depending on your travel preferences.

How to Install an eSIM

To install an eSIM on your Android or iOS device, follow these general steps:

  • Open the “Settings” app on your phone. 
  • Select “Network & internet” or “Connections.” 
  • Tap on “Mobile network” or “SIM card manager.” 
  • Choose “Add” or “Add eSIM” and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone. 
  • Tap on “Mobile Data” or “Cellular.” 
  • Select “Add Data Plan” or “Add Cellular Plan.” 
  • Scan the QR code provided by your eSIM provider or manually enter the details.

my sim travel recarga

Please note that these are general guidelines, and the process may vary slightly depending on your device model and software version. For more in-depth and up-to-date instructions, we recommend visiting the Airalo website or consulting the support documentation from your eSIM provider.

Using eSIMs in Mexico

In this section, we’ll explore eSIMs as an alternative to physical SIM cards for travelers heading to Mexico. eSIMs are digital SIM cards that you can quickly activate with various carriers. They are built into modern iPhones and Android phones, making it easier for travelers to access cellular services without hunting for a physical SIM card upon arrival.

Pros of eSIMs:

my sim travel recarga

  • Instant activation: With eSIMs, you don’t need to search for a cell phone store to buy a physical SIM card. You can activate your eSIM when connected to Wi-Fi and have cellular service immediately after leaving the airport.
  • Potentially cheaper and faster: eSIM providers may offer lower prices per gigabyte and better speeds compared to your home carrier’s international roaming plans.
  • No need to swap SIM cards: eSIMs eliminate the hassle of removing and keeping track of physical SIM cards while traveling.

Cons of eSIMs:

  • Limited device compatibility: eSIM technology is only available in newer smartphones made on or after 2018.
  • Coverage limitations: Some eSIM providers may not support all countries or regions, so you might need to research your destination beforehand.
  • Limited Availability: Not all local telecommunication companies fully support eSIM technology

Here are three eSIM providers to consider for your trip to Mexico: Airalo, Dent, and Nomad.

  • Airalo : This provider supports a wide range of countries, including Mexico, and offers competitive prices. However, prices can increase when purchasing regional or global plans instead of single-country plans.
  • Dent : Based on blockchain technology and its own cryptocurrency, Dent supports 71 countries and offers data plans that can last up to 365 days. You can buy and sell unused data in their marketplace, potentially getting lower prices per gigabyte.
  • Nomad : While not as affordable as Airalo or Dent, Nomad provides coverage in Mexico and can be a viable option for some travelers. It’s worth considering if you’re looking for specific regional support or plan features.

eSIMs offer a convenient and affordable alternative to physical SIM cards for travelers visiting Mexico. By exploring providers like Airalo, Dent, and Nomad, you can find a suitable eSIM plan to stay connected during your trip.

What We Recommend

my sim travel recarga

Based on our experience, research, and analysis of various options available to travelers visiting Mexico, we recommend the following solutions based on individual needs and the length of stay:

Short-term travelers (1-2 weeks) – Airalo eSIM

For those planning a short trip to Mexico and primarily needing data for work, social media, or navigation, an eSIM with Airalo is the most convenient option. The app is user-friendly, rates are reasonable, and the convenience is unparalleled. However, keep in mind that only modern smartphones support eSIM technology, such as iPhones from the iPhone XS onwards.

If you’re already using an eSIM, don’t worry! iPhones can accommodate eight or more eSIMs and support the use of two phone numbers simultaneously. For those with Samsung, Google, Huawei, or other Android devices, the number of eSIMs you can install and activate at once may vary. Generally, most Android phones allow for five to seven eSIMs, with one being active at a time.

Longer-term travelers (more than 2 weeks) – Telcel

If you’re planning to stay in Mexico for an extended period and require the ability to make phone calls within the country or to the US or Canada, Telcel is the best choice. Their plans are easy to recharge, offering better rates than eSIMs. However, you’ll need to locate a Telcel or authorized vendor to purchase a SIM chip. 

Important Note: Telcel does not offer an eSIM option for prepaid plans.

Keep in mind that Telcel SIMs require plan activity to remain active. As long as you maintain a valid prepaid plan, your SIM will stay active. However, if your plan expires, you’ll have a 180-day grace period to purchase a new prepaid plan. Failing to do so within this time frame will result in your SIM expiring.

Temporary or Permanent Residents – BAIT

For those with temporary or permanent residency in Mexico , Bait offers the most value. With Bait, you’ll receive more data than Telcel for the same price, and they offer discounts for purchasing 3, 6, or 12-month packages. This option is ideal for residents looking for a more long-term and cost-effective solution.

Important Note: Bait currently does not offer an eSIM option.

Useful Tips and Tricks

Keep your mexican phone number handy.

When you purchase a SIM card in Mexico, it will come with a Mexican phone number. Keep this number safe, as you’ll need it every time you recharge your SIM card. Remember that Mexico’s country code is +52. This means that if you use your Mexican number with friends outside of Mexico, you’ll need to make sure they enter “+52” before your ten digit phone number.

Tip For Techy iPhone Users

I like to use keyboard shortcuts on my phone to help me recall my Mexico number quickly on the fly. If you use Apple products, you can program this on MacOS by going to System > Keyboard > Text and add your “Replace” text with the shortcut you want to use (I use “;mx”) and enter your new phone number in the “With” column. 

Now, when you type your shortcut (Ex: “;mx”), on your phone, your Mexican phone number will automatically pop up.

A Simple Solution

For a more basic solution, send an email to yourself with the number or write it down in a “notes” app on your phone so you can access it easily. Just be sure to tag the email or note with something descriptive and memorable.

International Plans: Double-Check Coverage

If you already have an international plan with your home country provider, check the specifics of the coverage. Some plans may only include limited data, talk, and text, making a local SIM card a more convenient option.

Travel Tip: Bring a SIM Card Ejector Tool

When traveling to Mexico, bring a SIM card ejector tool , such as a safety pin, paper clip, or earring, to easily swap out your SIM cards.

In conclusion, the best option for staying connected while in Mexico depends on your travel duration, connectivity needs, and the type of device you have. By considering these factors and choosing the appropriate solution from the options above, you can ensure a seamless and stress-free communication experience during your stay.

Frequently Asked Questions

To buy a SIM card in Mexico, visit a telco store such as Telcel, Movistar, or AT&T, or go to a kiosk at an airport in Mexico or an Oxxo store. You can also buy them online before traveling. Be sure to bring your passport and always buy from an authorized seller.

Yes, you can buy a prepaid SIM card for Mexico, such as Telcel or Movistar Mexico, through authorized online sellers before your travel. This way, you can receive your SIM card in the USA, Canada, or your home country and start using it as soon as you arrive in Mexico.

The cost of a SIM card in Mexico varies depending on the carrier, plan, and data inclusions. In general, the price range for a prepaid sim card starts from around $2.50 to $5 USD for the sim card itself, and $10 to $50 USD for a bundle including calls, texts, and data.

Telcel, AT&T, and Movistar are the most popular carriers in Mexico, offering prepaid SIM cards with different plans and coverage. The best prepaid card depends on your usage requirements and the area you will be visiting. However, Telcel is widely recognized for its extensive coverage in Mexico.

Yes, you can use an international SIM card while traveling in Mexico. However, international SIM cards usually have higher costs compared to buying a local Mexican SIM card. Make sure to check the rates and coverage offered by your international SIM provider before traveling.

To activate your Mexico SIM card, follow the instructions provided by the carrier. This may involve inserting the card into your phone, restarting the phone, and dialing a specific number or sending an SMS to register your account. Ensure your phone is unlocked to accept a Mexico SIM card.

Many phones from the USA and Canada will work in Mexico, provided they are unlocked and compatible with Mexican mobile network standards. Check with your phone manufacturer or your local carrier to ensure your phone is unlocked and ready for use in Mexico with a Mexico SIM card.

Yes, many carriers offer prepaid sim cards with unlimited data plans. Check the offers from the main mobile carriers (Telcel, AT&T, and Movistar) in Mexico for the latest information on unlimited data packages.

Yes, you can buy a sim card at the Cancun airport directly after arrival. There are kiosks and shops for Telcel, AT&T, and Movistar carriers where you can purchase your prepaid sim card. Be prepared to show your passport for registration purposes.

Yes, all major carriers in Mexico support eSIM technology, including AT&T Mexico , Movistar , and Telcel Mexico . Check with your eSIM-compatible phone manufacturer and the Mexican carrier to ensure compatibility and available plans for eSIM use in Mexico.

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Home » Gear » How to Find the Best Sim For Travel in 2024

How to Find the Best Sim For Travel in 2024

The other day, I was at a semi-local music festival, and you couldn’t even buy a water bottle without downloading an app. Things are getting downright ridiculous, but until we can pull ourselves together and organize a good ole fashioned revolution, we’ll have to embrace this new truth: you can’t do shit without a cell phone.

Until relatively recently, it was a pretty sweet deal to head abroad and be hooked up to Wi-Fi only. Every time you left the hostel, it was just you and your downloaded maps exploring a new city without interruption. Nowadays, you’ll need to scan a QR code to see the menu, hop on local transport, or accept defeat and order a ride once you’ve gotten good and lost.

All that, plus the massive increase in freedom allowed by remote work, means a travel SIM card is starting to pop up on more and more packing lists. Being a digital nomad may mean stretching your trip a month or two, but it also requires high-speed internet at every stop. The good news is that international travelers have more options than ever.

We all don’t have to rely on Google voice, keep track of a few different SIM cards and pray that the next village will have a Recargas stand or face draconian data surcharges from our home cell phone provider anymore. An entire world of international SIM and e-SIM specialists will keep you connected through border crossings and around the globe.

You won’t find many international service providers with data plans as cheap as local options, nor will you come across affordable unlimited plans that you may have gotten used to at home. Still, every year the entry price for these products comes down a few dollars, and I’m officially paying attention.

The convenience of having a constant phone number is worth a few extra dollars, especially when your bank needs to send a confirmation code through text to a recognized number. So, to help you weigh the pros and cons of the best SIMs for travel vs any local provider, we’re going to break down the industry and see what kinds of coverage you can really count on.

my sim travel recarga

Quick Answers – These Are The Best SIMs For Travel

Best sim for backpackers –  onesim worldwide, best esim for travel –  gigsky, best sim for europe –  holafly europe, best sim for digital nomads –  onesim esim, best sim for southeast asia –  holafly, best sim for travel –  orange holiday pre-paid, choosing the right sim for travel, have you considered esim, these are the best sims for travel, final thoughts on choosing the best sim cards for travel.

onesim card for travellers

GigSky Global

  • Package Price > $15 – $90
  • Package Data > 500MB – 5 GB
  • Package Duration > 30 days
  • Allows Local Calls? > Yes

my sim travel recarga

  • Package Price > $69.99
  • Package Data > 5 GB
  • Package Duration > 30 Days
  • Allows Local Calls? > No


HolaFly Europe

  • Package Price > $99
  • Package Data > Unlimited
  • Package Duration > 90 days

OneSim eSim World

OneSim eSim

Orange Holiday Sim

Orange Holiday Pre-Paid

  • Package Price > 28-47
  • Package Data > 8-20 GB
  • Package Duration > 14
  • Allows Local Calls? > Yes (Within Europe)

It doesn’t matter which high-tech smartphone you’ve got your hands on, they won’t be much more than mp3 playing digital cameras without the correct microchip. Before we show you the candidates, let’s understand the ranking system.

Every international travel SIM we looked at would greatly benefit a different adventure. New options are popping up each year, and they all have to compete with local SIM cards from airports and corner stores. 

SIM cards may be small, but loads of thought have gone into the industry-leading options. Here are a few factors that will help build a road map to the correct SIM for your next mission. 

So, should you go for an eSim, an internationa l or local SIM ?


It all starts and ends here. Without a budget, it’s incredibly easy to find worldwide cell phone coverage. You just might end up paying $50 a gigabyte! Unfortunately, if you go with the wrong provider, you’ll get slapped with extreme roaming charges and can quickly rack up data bills bigger than most plane tickets. 

Most national providers take advantage of travellers by charging extreme rates for every MB of international data. The international SIMs on this list bring prices down a few notches, but there is still no such thing as a free lunch and no free cell phone coverage. 

At the low end, you’ll find pay-as-you-go plans that will charge you rates as low as 5 cents an MB plus a few dollars for the actual SIM card. This may seem like a no-brainer, but remember that 1 GB is 1000 MB, which means your plan is a whooping 50$ a gigabyte, which is more than even Google FI would dare charge you. 

On the other side are unlimited plans, which will run you back anywhere from $50 to $100. Anyone who expects to run through a few podcasts and make a few video calls on the road would be better off paying extra upfront to avoid surprises down the line. 

The best international SIMs for travel are getting cheaper each year, but they still have to drop by a few dollars before they can compete with local SIMs in many countries. If you plan to stick around in one country for more than a month or two, you should absolutely still look into what sorts of local SIMs are available. 

However, there is loads of fluctuation from country to country, even when the same provider covers them. There is a Claro Ecuador and a Claro Peru, but your current Claro chip will be useless as soon as you cross that imaginary line. 

So, depending on where you go, an international SIM could be an absolute waste of money, but it could also be the only way to stay connected. Plus, no matter where you go, it’s always nice to know before heading off that you’ll still have access to everything that requires a phone number, and that knowledge alone is definitely worth a few bucks. 

my sim travel recarga

It’s pretty straightforward. The more data you want, the more you’ll have to pay. High-speed data has become the only thing that matters in cell phone coverage and is the only thing that several international e-SIM providers offer. And nowadays, you can get loads of it, even in Israel !

Data may sound like something that only business-oriented travellers will need large swathes of, but remember that most modern text messaging is actually through Whatsapp, Facebook Messaging, Instagram, Signal, or some other sort of untraceable application, all of which isn’t included in any text messaging plan.

Leisure travellers on the road to get away from it all certainly won’t need the same mega-packages as someone relying on their data to build websites from the bus station. Still, it’s not a bad idea to have easy, affordable access to a few gigabytes at the ready. 

Data will come in handy for communicating with your Airbnb host, understanding the bus schedule, and lining up that next sweet volunteer gig. Everyone you meet on the road romanticises getting away from it all, but it’s damn handy to have the world at your fingertips when you’re trying to see it. 

Data also generally includes access to a mobile hotspot, which is a fucking beauty if you’re trying to get some work done when the power suddenly quits on you. It’s bound to happen if you travel long enough, and a data plan is your only backup. 

While it’s true that your SIM card search will start with price, the second thing you should confirm is your SIM’s coverage map. Each provider on our list offers a wide range of international coverage, so once you’ve narrowed down your trip and know (generally) where you plan on stopping, you can build your SIM search from there. 

It doesn’t matter how cheap your unlimited plan is if it doesn’t work in the country you’re heading towards. No cell phone company is pumping out a 5G connection to the deep desert, but it’s essential to know your chip will work wherever you are. 

my sim travel recarga

As you’ll see from our list, the more modern your SIM card is, the more trouble you may have nailing down local calling. Not long ago, calls were all your cell phone was good for, but nowadays, they are an afterthought on most contracts.

E-SIMs, in particular, are dreadful for local calling plans, as that physical splash of silicone is ultra important when operating dial-up. However, if you’re shopping specifically for an international SIM card solely for making calls, you’re liable to save some serious cash. 

You can find pay-as-you-go plans that won’t set you back more than a quarter a minute no matter where you are. Also, remember that there are a few ways to get around the relative lack of calling. Most local businesses will have WhatsApp or Facebook messaging accounts that let you call or text without buying any local minutes. 

Set a budget, nail down your country list, and shop for packages based on your trip’s itinerary. The travel SIMs we’ll explore today cover a wide range of timelines, with everything from 24 hours to 90 days of coverage in one purchase. 

Most of the SIM cards on our list specialise in short-term travel, which means around one month or less in one country. Several e-SIM providers have discounted packages up to the 90 days range, and they can all be infinitely re-upped, but the longer you stay in one place, the more they lose value. 

These SIMs are built around country hopping. They make tremendous sense for people planning on crossing borders every few weeks, but if you’re spending much more than a month or two in one country, you should look into your specific country’s local SIM plans.

So, as you can see, there’s a lot to think about when it comes to the best travel eSIM for your trip.

Hailed by many as the  future of travel communications , our list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning a few major Electronic SIM cards. E-SIMs are SIM cards without the physical plastic, presenting both a sustainable and super convenient way to get connected. 

Through a cell phone app, you can select your plan, download more minutes, and get your SIM ready to go before you even get to a new country. Most modern cell phones already have an embedded SIM card inside the hardware, and downloading an e-SIM can activate this SIM card without a trip to the shop. 

That means using your cell phone with multiple SIM cards, and keeping your usual SIM card on hand for emergency access to 2-factor authentication schemes, while avoiding your carrier’s exorbitant roaming charges. 

my sim travel recarga

It can sound a bit far-fetched at first. If a SIM card is already built-in, why do we use physical SIMs in the first place? While e-SIMs are incredibly convenient, the technology isn’t quite perfect yet. Most e-SIMs won’t offer local calling features and are generally a bit more expensive to get going than old-fashioned SIM cards. 

But the honest answer is that this technology is so new not all phones are e-SIM ready. Also, for no real reason other than blatant capitalism, many phones purchased under a contract from a particular network can be ‘locked’, which blocks your embedded SIM from communicating with any other service provider. 

So make sure you understand what your cell phone is capable of before you take the leap. If your phone is unlocked and meets all requirements, I highly recommend taking a serious look at e-SIM options, especially if your travel dates are coming up fast. The ability to activate, recharge, and monitor your cell phone data plans from anywhere is worth a few extra bucks. 

If your travel plans go anywhere like mine, by the time you’ve come around to figuring out your SIM card, you’re about halfway to the airport, so let’s look at the best SIMs for travel before it’s too late to take advantage of these lifesavers. 

Our SIM options range from old-fashioned SIM cards with physical recharge requirements to the latest and greatest in e-SIM technology that pumps out unlimited data anywhere. They all specialise in different regions and will better suit various adventures. 

While we went to great lengths to give our package snapshots full coverage, it’s important to remember that the specifics of your data package will vary wildly depending on your location. Whether you’re wanting a sim card for the USA or traveling around Europe for the summer, there will be some major differences.

These SIM cards are all international, but they still have to play by the rules. So don’t forget to check the data prices for every single country on your itinerary to prepare yourself for the bills to come. 

my sim travel recarga

REI is one of America’s biggest and most-loved outdoor gear retailers.

Now, for just $30, get a lifetime membership that entitles you to 10% OFF on most items, access to their trade-in scheme and discount rentals .

onesim card for travellers

  • Package Price: $15 – $90
  • Package Data: 500MB – 5 GB
  • Package Duration: 30 days
  • Allows Local Calls? Yes

We love this SIM card provider because of its flexibility. You can browse through all sorts of data bundles and plans that change depending on which country you’re heading towards next. OneSim grouped all their plans into different zones, so sort through the choices until you find a bundle that includes every stop on your next trip. 

The worldwide SIM costs $9.95 and comes with $10 of data credit. After that’s down the drain, you can take your pick of packages and get on your way. Every OneSim comes with two numbers, one from Estonia and one from your choice of the US, UK, Australia or Canada. Incoming calls on the European number are often free or as low as $.25 per minute. 

While the OneSim isn’t the cheapest SIM card on the market, the worldwide service is incredibly reliable, and the sheer number of different options guarantees you’ll find a tailor-made plan for your itinerary. 

Best eSim for Travel –  GigSky


  • Package Price: $69.95
  • Package Data: 5 GB
  • Package Duration: 30 Days
  • Allows Local Calls? No

Thanks to services like GigSky, you can get your phone hooked up to the world wide web today; no address or plastic necessary. Anyone rocking a modern smartphone has everything they need to get connected already. Simply download the Nomad app and cycle through packages to hook up data to your phone today. 

Nomad knows how convenient their international 4G SIM-free system is and has bumped up the rates compared to some plastic SIM providers. Sometimes though, being able to take care of the entire process from the couch is priceless. 

The price we listed is for their worldwide package, but they also offer country and region-specific plans that can save a few bucks. Besides the price, there’s one significant factor working against GigSky SIMs; These plans don’t come with a local cell phone number, so the service is solely digital. 

Don’t let that scare you off. There are plenty of ways to make international calls without a cell phone, and all your local delivery guys will use WhatsApp. 

Most of the other SIM options on our list require a bit of foresight and waiting for a package. Whether you’ve just landed and your current provider has sent you a friendly text alerting you that you’ll be paying 10$ an MB, or you just can’t be bothered to find a thin pokey thingamajig, this potent package is the fastest way to get online. 


  • Package Price: $99
  • Package Data: Unlimited
  • Package Duration: 90 days

Born in Valencia, this SIM service is custom crafted to provide borderless connection within the European Economic Areas. HolaFly offers both traditional SIM cards and e-SIM services, so you can connect in whichever way works with your setup. 

No matter how you get online, you’ll be online in minutes with access to 24/7 customer service. These guys have long focused on providing full European coverage, but they have recently expanded to work worldwide.

The e-SIM version of HolaFly will not include voice calls, so travellers needing an old-fashioned phone number need to plan ahead. Once it’s all said and done, you’ll have unlimited data, which few companies are willing to offer. Another huge perk of HolaFly’s setup is its commitment to providing access to your usual WhatsApp account.

It all adds up to the European continent’s best international SIM card provider, and these guys are slowly spreading their wings worldwide, offering e-SIMs all over the place, including a VPN-ready option in China!  

my sim travel recarga

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OneSim eSim World

  • Package Duration:  30 days

We’ve already looked closely at OneSim’s physical SIM card package as our favourite SIM card for backpackers, but the company has also proven ready for the new era of work. This could be the One SIM to rule them all, although instead of binding us into a world of darkness, it is shining a big, fat green light towards our dreams of working from the beach. 

OneSim’s e-SIM is one of the market’s few electronic SIM cards that can still receive phone calls. The system provides an EU number that receives free incoming calls from over 120 countries (outgoing calls will set you back 25 cents a minute.)

Most of the plans available for their physical SIM service are also applicable on this e-SIM, so you can narrow down your zone, calculate your data needs, and find the perfect setup for your work. Plus, if you take a call or two from the boss weekly, you can write it all off as a business expense. 

Their system’s ability to sort between week and month-long packages or simply paying by the mill bite makes the company one of the best choices for those who want a pay-as-you-go SIM to take a few calls and check the email every now and then. You can find a package for as low as 5 cents an MB, all with free incoming calls. 

  • Package Price: 57

HolaFly now offers Asia-Pacific Packages for 9, 14, or 17 countries that will help you navigate the Asian and Oceania continents like the locals. This region features a few countries with many rules concerning the Digital Airspace and a relative lack of international cooperation, especially compared to the European Union. 

Luckily a few intrepid entrepreneurs figured out there is some really good money in making things easier to manage, and this prepaid beauty was born. Boasting truly unlimited 4G data at a cost not much higher than most plans at home, you can take one piece of the stress out of the occasion and slip in this SIM for unlimited connection from over 50 regions. 

The SIM card is Asia-Pacific focused but can also get you around several European countries and the United States. If you don’t need all that much data, HolaFly also offers pay-as-you-go plans to get you going with 200 MB of data for less than a dollar. 

Their top-up system will allow you to refill the coffers from anywhere with a network connection, and they provide data plans that match all sorts of price points. You can even purchase unlimited data for 24 hours for less than 5$ if you’re about to spend a day on the bus without much else going on. 

my sim travel recarga

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Orange Holiday Sim

  • Package Price: 28-47
  • Package Data: 8-20 GB
  • Package Duration:  14
  • Allows Local Calls? Yes (Within Europe)

This short trip specialist used to be one of the best deals in the business. New competition like HolaFly’s unlimited packages and OneSim’s e-SIM local calling features have knocked the Orange Holiday down a few pegs. However, they’re still one of the most reliable names in international SIM cards. 

Let’s get this out of the way early: Orange’s prepaid SIMs only cover European markets, so while it’s still an international SIM, it doesn’t come close to the coverage of some of our other options. 

The good news is, they’ve more than proven themselves on the continent. They are France’s largest mobile network provider in terms of subscriber base, so there is no safer bet in the business when travelling to the European continent.

All of Orange’s travel cards ship prepaid, meaning there is no dealing with apps, although they can be topped up online. You can choose the ‘Zen’ option with 8 GB of data, 30 minutes of worldwide calling, and 200 texts over two weeks. Data-heavy trips should opt for the ‘Europe’ model that provides 20 GB of data, 120 minutes, and 1000 texts for an extra 20 bucks. 

This SIM option simply doesn’t have the freedom or flexibility to truly compete with the other cards on our list. Still, anyone looking for a quick and easy option for a Eurotrip can order this SIM card online and receive international coverage in the mail without any further installations. 

my sim travel recarga

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Our list comprises the best and cheapest ways to stay connected globally. Travelling is all about living in the moment and disconnecting from the stresses of day-to-day life, but the modern world is all but inaccessible offline. These SIM cards are here to help; you can always throw your phone on Airplane mode when it’s time to unplug. 

Between e-SIMs and physical cards with local calling capabilities, you’re bound to find a travel partner as tech-savvy as your personal needs. No SIM card dominates the global industry. Each choice on our list has serious pros and cons that mainly involve different price points, different coverage maps, and a lack of local calling. 

And finally, remember that none of these SIM cards will give your phone super powers. No ordinary SIM card or cell phone combination will keep you connected if you’re heading off a few hundred kilometres from the nearest plug-in. Look into  Satellite phones  if you plan on travelling off the beaten path. 

Besides that, find the right SIM for your itinerary and get out there! Give us a shout in the comments below once you’ve gotten on the bus, so we know your SIM card is good to go. 

my sim travel recarga

And for transparency’s sake, please know that some of the links in our content are affiliate links . That means that if you book your accommodation, buy your gear, or sort your insurance through our link, we earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). That said, we only link to the gear we trust and never recommend services we don’t believe are up to scratch. Again, thank you!

Aiden Freeborn

Aiden Freeborn

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A beginner’s guide to travel eSIMs: How to use eSIMs for travel

Table of contents, what is a travel esim, and why do i need one.

One of the latest innovations in travel tech, eSIMs are digital SIM cards embedded directly into the processors of mobile devices. Compatible devices come pre-equipped with an eSIM, so there’s no need to buy and install a card manually.

While eSIMs can be used at home, there are notable advantages to using eSIMs for travel. It’s super easy to switch between carriers and plans, which minimizes service interruptions while you’re globetrotting.

Additionally, there’s no need to visit a store in person to get a new SIM card or buy online and wait for it to be shipped to your home. eSIM cards can be purchased online and activated immediately using a QR from your carrier. Plus, there’s a huge range of plans offered by many different providers, giving you plenty of control over how much you pay based on the travel data you think you’ll need.

Are there any drawbacks to using an eSIM for travel?

Not all carriers support eSIMs, and not all devices are eSIM compatible. However, eSIM usage is growing dramatically, so mobile users can expect to see these limitations decline in the coming years.

Where can I buy a travel eSIM?

  • Airalo (200+ countries, regional plans available)
  • Flexiroam (200+ countries and territories, regional plans available)
  • Nomad (165+ countries, regional plans available)
  • GlobaleSIM (150+ countries, regional plans available)
  • Ubigi (200+ countries)
  • Maya Mobile (190+ countries, regional plans available)
  • BNESIM (200+ countries, regional plans available)
  • eSIM2Fly (100+ countries, regional plans available)
  • GigSky (190+ countries, regional plans available)
  • RedteaGO (100+ countries, regional plans available)

How to deactivate your regular SIM and activate your eSIM for travel

Before activating your new eSIM card, deactivate your regular SIM card. This will protect your personal data and help you avoid getting hit with unnecessary roaming charges.

Deactivating a SIM card is pretty easy. Here’s how it works:

  • Back up your phone, including contacts, messages, and any other data.
  • Notify your mobile carrier about your travel plans and ask that your SIM card be temporarily deactivated. Your carrier will guide you through the process.
  • Once deactivated, remove your SIM card from your phone and store it in a safe place.

Activating an eSIM for travel is even easier than activating/deactivating a physical SIM card. Usually, you’ll need to contact your travel plan carrier and get a QR code. Scan this into your phone to activate the eSIM.

The following tips may help if you’re having trouble knowing how to use an eSIM when traveling:

  • Make sure your device is eSIM compatible
  • Check your wireless connection. Restart your phone if necessary.
  • Re-scan your carrier’s QR code
  • Contacting your carrier for help

Check your network coverage and device compatibility

With travel eSIMs, you can stay connected almost anywhere in the world. Many new cell phone models are eSIM compatible. If you have an old phone, you may need to upgrade to a newer model to begin using eSIMs for travel. Check out a list of eSIM-compatible devices here .

eSIM plans piggyback on domestic carriers’ networks. To find out where you can get service in a given country, visit the network provider’s website or contact the network provider directly. If you’ve already landed, apps like OpenSignal (Android and iOS), LTE Discovery (Android), and Network Cell Info Lite (Android) provide info on network strength in your area and surrounding areas.

How much travel data do I need?

To get the most out of your travel eSIM, you’ll want to strategically plan your data usage. Up to 5GB of data is good if you don’t use your device often, while moderate users might want to be safe and go for a 10GB travel data plan. Look for higher data plans if you’re an active online gamer or stream a lot of high-quality videos.

Here are a few tips for minimizing your data usage while traveling:

  • Connect to Wi-Fi whenever possible (airports, hotels, cafes, etc.). But consider using a VPN to prevent unauthorized access to your device and data.
  • Disable automatic device updates and limit the number of apps that run in the background. Many phones make it easy to do this with data-saving mode.
  • Don’t stream much music or video, or download files in advance to avoid streaming while you travel.
  • Use data compression apps to reduce the size of web pages and images.
  • Disable data roaming to avoid automatically using foreign networks.
  • Go on airplane mode when you’re not using your device.

How to stay safe when using a travel eSIM

Compared to physical SIM cards, eSIM cards are much harder to hack because you can’t simply remove the card from a device.

Even though eSIMs reduce the risk of your SIM card getting lost or stolen, it’s still important to safeguard your personal data while abroad. One of the best ways to protect your personal data while using Wi-Fi is with a virtual private network (VPN). VPNs create a tunnel of sorts through which you can access the internet without your personal data being visible to others using the same Wi-Fi network.

Another great way to stay safe while using public Wi-Fi is to disable file sharing and AirDrop. Doing so makes it harder for nearby devices to access your files. Also, avoid accessing non-secured websites. Look for “https://” in the URL, which indicates that data is encrypted when being transferred between your device and the server.

Can I use an eSIM internationally?

Yes. Some eSIM plans offer service in multiple countries or regions (USA & Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific, etc.). Others are country specific. Before you buy an eSIM, make sure it supports your destination country.

Can I get a global eSIM?

You can’t buy an eSIM card that works in every country, but you can buy an eSIM that offers service in multiple countries or regions. If you’re planning a trip around the world (sounds exciting!), you might need to get multiple eSIM plans and activate them separately as you travel.

Can I get a travel data plan on an eSIM card?

Yes, it’s possible to buy and activate a data-only eSIM travel plan on your phone. Although, if you want to do more than just access the internet on your device, you’ll need a full-service eSIM plan that also lets you text and make calls.

Why settle with a physical SIM card, when you can get a digital SIM card that you don’t have to stand in line at a store to buy and that you can activate and manage remotely? Use an eSIM to avoid the hassle of interrupted mobile service when traveling internationally.

You can’t yet use a travel eSIM with all phones and providers. But more and more eSIM options are popping up on the market, so stay ahead of the trends and start riding the wave.

CubacelTur: The Definitive Guide to SIM Cards & Internet Plans in Cuba

  • Turista SIM CARD
  • Modem Etecsa
  • Nauta Plus
  • Recarga Turista
  • Internacional
  • Cubacel SIM CARD

CubacelTur: Your Ultimate Guide to SIM Card and Internet Data Plans in Cuba

internet in cuba


When traveling to Cuba, having a temporary mobile line and internet access can greatly enhance your experience. One popular service that caters to tourists is CubacelTur, offered by ETECSA, the only mobile operator in Cuba. CubacelTur provides a convenient solution for visitors to stay connected during their stay on the island. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of the CubacelTur service and provide useful information on how to purchase and use it.

CubacelTur offers a temporary mobile line with a validity period of 30 days, providing tourists with the opportunity to have a local phone number while in Cuba. This allows travelers to make local calls and receive calls from friends and family on the island without incurring expensive international roaming charges. Additionally, the service includes data, talk time, and SMS allowances, ensuring that tourists can stay connected and communicate efficiently during their stay in Cuba. This is particularly useful for accessing maps, translation apps, and other travel-related applications that require internet connectivity.

Purchasing CubacelTur

To purchase the CubacelTur service, you can register on the suenacuba.com website using your foreign passport. The online registration process is straightforward and user-friendly. Once registered, you can select the CubacelTur service package that suits your needs. Payment options available include credit cards, debit cards, or PayPal. It is recommended to purchase the CubacelTur service before arriving in Cuba to ensure a seamless experience upon arrival.

By purchasing the CubacelTur service in advance, you can have your SIM card ready for pickup upon your arrival in Cuba. This eliminates the need to search for a SIM card provider once you reach the island, saving you time and allowing you to start using the service immediately. Additionally, purchasing the service online gives you the opportunity to compare different package options and choose the one that best fits your communication needs while in Cuba.

Features and Limitations of CubacelTur

The CubacelTur service package offers a temporary mobile line with a validity period of 30 days. It includes 6GB of data, 100 minutes of talk time, and 100 SMS messages. These allowances provide sufficient connectivity for most tourist needs during their stay in Cuba.

For example, if you are a tourist who enjoys sharing your travel experiences on social media, the 6GB of data included in the CubacelTur package allows you to upload photos, videos, and updates without worrying about running out of data. Additionally, the 100 minutes of talk time and 100 SMS messages provide ample communication options for making local calls and sending messages to other CubacelTur users or local contacts.

It is important to note that phones used with the CubacelTur service must be unlocked and compatible with the networks, bands, and frequencies used in Cuba. This ensures that your device can connect to the Cubacel network and enjoy uninterrupted service.

While the CubacelTur service cannot be extended beyond the initial 30-day period, additional data packages can be purchased if you require more data during your stay. However, it is worth mentioning that the minutes and SMS messages included in the CubacelTur package cannot be purchased separately.

For example, if you find that you are running out of data before the end of your 30-day period, you can easily purchase an additional data package to meet your needs. This flexibility allows you to customize your usage based on your specific requirements without having to purchase a new line or service package.

Collecting the CubacelTur SIM Card

The CubacelTur SIM card can be collected at various locations, including airports and ETECSA Commercial Offices. If you are arriving at Havana Jose Marti Airport, you have the option to collect the SIM card at the CubaTur counter, which offers convenient and hassle-free pickup [2].If you are arriving at a different airport in Cuba, you can collect the SIM card at the nearest ETECSA Commercial Office . It is recommended to check the specific pickup locations and procedures for your chosen airport before your arrival.

By collecting the CubacelTur SIM card at the airport, you can immediately insert it into your unlocked and compatible phone and start using the service right away. This saves you the hassle of searching for a SIM card provider outside of the airport and ensures that you have a reliable means of communication as soon as you arrive in Cuba. Additionally, the CubaTur counter at Havana Jose Marti Airport offers a convenient pickup location, allowing you to quickly and easily collect your SIM card before continuing your journey.

Additional Data Packages

If you finish the data included in your CubacelTur package and require more, you can purchase additional data packages. The price range for these packages varies, from $20 USD for 10GB to $70 USD for 50GB. These additional data packages can be easily purchased and activated through the suenacuba.com website.

For example, if you are an avid video streamer and find that the 6GB of data included in the CubacelTur package is not sufficient, you can purchase an additional data package to ensure uninterrupted streaming throughout your stay in Cuba. The availability of different data package options allows you to tailor your usage to your specific needs, whether it's for streaming, downloading large files, or any other data-intensive activities.

Customer Support and Other Considerations

If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the CubacelTur service, customer support is available to assist you. You can reach out to them through the provided customer service numbers. In case you lose or damage your CubacelTur SIM card, you can visit an ETECSA Commercial Unit for a replacement.

It is important to note that you cannot transfer the remaining data, minutes, and SMS from your CubacelTur line to a new line. Additionally, the phone number associated with your CubacelTur line cannot be changed or transferred to another person. To check the available data, minutes, and SMS on your line, you can dial 222 887#. Reports of your calls can be obtained at ETECSA Commercial Units for a fee.

Having an unlocked and compatible phone is crucial to using the CubacelTur service effectively. Ensure that your phone meets these requirements before purchasing the service to avoid any compatibility issues.

The CubacelTur service offered by ETECSA is a convenient and reliable option for tourists visiting Cuba. With its temporary mobile line and data package, you can stay connected and enjoy internet access throughout your stay on the island. We encourage all tourists visiting Cuba to consider purchasing the CubacelTur service for a seamless communication experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily purchase and use the CubacelTur service, ensuring that you have a reliable means of communication and internet access during your visit to Cuba.

¿Cómo funciona?

Envía recargas de forma rápida y sencilla. Somos líderes en recargas a Cuba.

Entre el número telefónico

Seleccione su destino de la lista de paises. Luego, entre el número telefónico al cual desea recargar.

Seleccione el monto

Verifique los montos disponibles y seleccione el monto que desea enviar a su familiar o amigo.

Confirme su pago

Realice su pago en línea de forma segura y rápida.

¿Qué están diciendo las personas sobre nosotros?

Envía una recarga y recibe un gran servicio de nuestra parte.

“Excelente servicio con muy buena rapidez, calidad y confiabilidad, con un soporte increíble después de buscar tanto logré encontrar esta web que cumple todas mis expectativas, sinceramente son los mejores en el mercado.”

“Hola, soy cliente de esta web hace 1 año recargo con mucha frecuencia, nunca he tenido problemas, siempre están dispuestos a ayudar, el servicio es instantáneo. No creo que exista una mejor en precio y facilidad de la interfaz.”

“Muy buena aplicación con un excelente servicio al cliente. Puede realizar un seguimiento de sus recargas y sus contactos. Siempre recomiendo SuenaCuba!!”

“El servicio es realmente excelente, rápido y seguro, lo uso todo el tiempo. La aplicación es fácil de usar, sin problemas. Buen trabajo, sigan así amigos.”


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  4. Recarga Virtual

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  6. Orange Holiday SIM Registration

    Customer service. Our customer service is available 7/7 to assist you in finding the best offer and activating and using your travel SIM card. Register for Orange Holiday and get prepaid ...

  7. ¿Cómo recargo una SIM/eSIM?

    hace 2 meses Actualización. Puedes recargar tu SIM/eSIM a través de nuestro sitio web (recibirás mensajes de texto con el enlace al sitio web para recargar tu SIM/eSIM). ¿Fue útil este artículo? Usuarios a los que les pareció útil: 8 de 20.

  8. Gigago eSIM

    Having online international travel eSIM and save roaming. No SIM cards switching. Get unlimited high-speed 4G & 5G mobile data in 200 countries with Gigago eSIM. Skip to content. WhatsApps 24/7: +1 657-571-1199; ... Just choose your SIM card as the line for phone calls and SMS, and the Gigago eSIM for cellular data. Please make sure that you do ...

  9. How to buy a SIM card in Mexico

    Point to your phone and say both 'SIM' and 'CHIP', they will know what you want. Now say "Telcel" so they know to sell you a Telcel brand SIM card. This should be M$50, so you might hear them say "cincuenta pesos". Paying M$50 for this SIM equals $3.43 CAD or $2.62 USD.

  10. Surfroam

    user experience and much more on our Surfroam blog. Surfroam is a roaming Internet access service for frequent travellers in 200+ destinations from Є0.01 per MB. Pay as you go global data plans for regular SIM and digital eSIM profiles. Worldwide coverage on all continents for consumers, professionals and IoT.

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    Coverage-wise, Telcel is still the best sim card that works best in Mexico. Telcel works even in the smallest villages, mountainous regions, and remote Mexican beach towns.. If you are planning to travel around Mexico (i.e. road trips) and will be constantly in different places in the country, Telcel is your best bet - it will work in many areas!

  12. Local and regional eSIMs for travellers

    Extremely useful app for travelers! This app is incredibly useful for when you are going to travel. They have eSIM cards for seemingly every country on earth and offer a lot of flexibility regarding pricing and duration. I have used it a few times now and am very satisfied. I have even used it a few times at the end of the month, where I used ...

  13. Best E-Sim Cards for Traveling to the USA in 2024

    Nomad has now some of the cheapest e-sim card plans for traveling to the United States in 2024. Here are the Nomad e-sim card plans for the USA: 1 GB data for 7 days = $6 USD. 3 GB data for 30 days = $11 USD. 5 GB data for 30 days = $14 USD. 10 GB data for 30 days = $16 USD. 20 GB data for 30 days = $25 USD.

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    Travel Tip: Bring a SIM Card Ejector Tool. When traveling to Mexico, bring a SIM card ejector tool, such as a safety pin, paper clip, or earring, to easily swap out your SIM cards. *** In conclusion, the best option for staying connected while in Mexico depends on your travel duration, connectivity needs, and the type of device you have.

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    SIM card registration. In accordance with French legislation, every SIM card bought from Orange must be registered within the first 30 days of use. Your SIM card will be deactivated if ...

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    Scan this into your phone to activate the eSIM. The following tips may help if you're having trouble knowing how to use an eSIM when traveling: Make sure your device is eSIM compatible. Check your wireless connection. Restart your phone if necessary. Re-scan your carrier's QR code. Contacting your carrier for help.

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  20. CubacelTur: Your Ultimate Guide to SIM Card and Internet Data Plans in Cuba

    The CubacelTur service package offers a temporary mobile line with a validity period of 30 days. It includes 6GB of data, 100 minutes of talk time, and 100 SMS messages. These allowances provide sufficient connectivity for most tourist needs during their stay in Cuba. For example, if you are a tourist who enjoys sharing your travel experiences ...

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