En route vers votre prochaine aventure

Road trip au portugal, itinéraire pour un road trip de 15 jours au portugal.

Des stations balnéaires aux villages fortifiés en passant par les centaines de kilomètres de littoraux, un road trip au Portugal de Porto à Faro (du nord au sud) promet un séjour d'exception ! Niché entre l’océan Atlantique et l’Espagne, le territoire portugais abrite des paysages variés et un terroir unique !

L’avantage d'un road trip au Portugal 🇵🇹 est que le réseau routier est parfaitement bien ficelé. Peu de distance sépare les villes et les villages, donc vous passerez moins de temps sur la route. Par ailleurs, ce sera l’occasion d’explorer des terres secrètes et épargnées par l’affluence du tourisme de masse 😉

Organiser un road trip au Portugal

Sauf si vous aimez l’aventure et la spontanéité,  un road trip ne s’improvise pas . Outre la programmation de l’itinéraire, d’autres facteurs sont à prendre en compte. Parmi eux,  la réservation des hébergements, des billets d'avion et la location d’une voiture  👇

road trip portugal voiture

Pour des raisons économiques et évidentes, partir en voyage à plusieurs permet de partager les frais et alléger le portefeuille. N’oubliez pas qu’un road trip en voiture comprend aussi le carburant, une dépense récurrente tout au long de votre voyage. Si vous partez à deux,  un budget situé entre 800 et 1 000 euros par personne est plus ou moins suffisant pour couvrir toutes les dépenses. 

Quel itinéraire pour un road trip de 15 jours ?

Dans l'itinéraire de  15 jours au Portugal  que je vous propose, vous aurez l'occasion de découvrir énormément de paysages divers et variés du nord au sud du pays, plus particulièrement de Braga à Tavira, en passant par la capitale, Lisbonne. Si vous ne savez pas  que faire au Portugal , vous trouverez ici un voyage complet : des villes traditionnelles et leurs azulejos, les routes côtières de l'Algarve, les vignes de la vallée du Douro et j'en passe 🤩

Vous trouverez même des idées d'activités pour goûter aux spécialités portugaises et partager des moments privilégiés avec des locaux 🥰

Quel véhicule louer au Portugal ?

Libre à vous de partir avec votre propre véhicule depuis la France, mais le trajet peut s'avérer très long, surtout depuis le nord de la France. Alors je vous conseille de privilégier l'avion et faire appel à la location de voiture au Portugal  🚗

rouler au portugal

Une citadine de petit gabarit suffira amplement pour un road trip au Portugal à 2 , car les routes sont en très bon état et les places de parking dans les villes sont étroites. Pensez tout de même à vous renseigner sur la puissance du moteur, car vous passerez tout de même dans les montagnes portugaises ⛰️ Dans tous les cas,  évitez les 4x4  qui ne feront que vous faire dépenser de l'argent inutilement pour la location et pour le carburant 😉

Vous pourrez comparer les offres par vous-même sur un site comme RentalCars et choisissez des véhicules avec kilométrage illimité. Un autre conseil : si vous le pouvez, évitez les agences de location des aéroports , c'est certes pratique, mais généralement plus cher qu'au centre-ville. Enfin, pensez à réserver au minimum 2 mois en avance pour un road trip. 

Réserver des billets d'avion pour un road trip au Portugal 

Vous ne le savez peut-être pas, mais si vous planifiez un road trip par vous-même, vous pourrez choisir des billets multidestinations sur la majorité des sites de réservation de vols, c'est le cas notamment sur  Ulysse , juste au-dessus de la barre de recherche , après aller-retour et aller simple ✈️   Ce paramètre vous permettra de choisir un aéroport d'arrivée et de départ différents, par exemple un billet Paris-Porto pour l'allée et Faro-Paris  pour le retour 😉

Les vols durent environ 2h00 à 2h30 , ils sont quotidiens et très abordables puisqu'ils sont assurés par des compagnies low cost .

Réserver les hébergements

Seulement après avoir choisi votre itinéraire, vous pourrez vous pencher sur vos hébergements. Vous ne passerez parfois qu'une nuit par endroit ou plusieurs nuits dans des villes comme Porto ou Lisbonne, c'est pour cette raison que votre itinéraire doit être complètement bouclé à ce stade.

logement au portugal

Et si vous partez en pleine saison touristique, c'est-à-dire en été, il faudra s'y prendre très en avance, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, j'ai aussi prévu une sélection de logements où dormir au Portugal  pour l'itinéraire en 2 semaines que je vous propose 😉

👉 Pour faire des économies, privilégiez une auberge de jeunesse ou un Bed & Breakfast  dans les petites communes. 

En résumé, pensez à organiser votre  road trip  un minimum. N’oubliez pas de prévoir le coup en emportant une trousse à pharmacie et autres accessoires indispensables. L’obtention d’un visa n’est pas nécessaire, mais munissez-vous d’une  carte d’assurance maladie européenne , ainsi que d'une assurance voyage au cas où ! 

Aperçu du circuit de 15 jours au Portugal

road trip portugal map 15 jours

Voici donc les  étapes de ce road trip au Portugal de 15 jours  qui vous mènera du nord au sud du Portugal en passant par les  3 plus grandes villes , Lisbonne, Porto et Faro :

  • Vallée du Douro
  • Setúbal & Vila Nova de Milfontes
  • Cap Saint-Vincent & Sagres
  • Lagos & grotte de Benagil

votre road trip au Portugal en un clin d'œil  👀

🚗 Location de voitures

Mon site préféré pour comparer les offres de location de voiture : Rentalcars

🚤 Activités incontournables

🇵🇹  Découvrir le patrimoine historique et culturel : Visite du château des Maures à Sintra

🐬 Observer la vie sous-marine : Excursion d'observation des dauphins à Arrábida

🛶 Partir à l'aventure et profiter des paysages : Visite guidée en kayak aux grottes de Benagil

💤 Meilleurs hébergements

Un hôtel 4 ⭐️ dans le centre de Porto ( 90 € ) :  Pur Oporto Boutique Hotel

L'endroit parfait pour les couples ❤️   ( 97 € ) : Charming Residence & Guest House Dom Manuel I

À deux pas de la plage 🏖️ ( 68 € ) : Mareta Beach House - Boutique Residence

Détail de l'itinéraire de 15 jours au Portugal

Départ depuis braga.

Situé tout au nord du Portugal, votre road trip démarre à Braga. Cette municipalité est connue pour abriter un important patrimoine historique et architectural si bien qu’elle est également témoin de nombreux événements religieux. Nombreux sont les édifices religieux présents dans la ville, notamment l’église néo-classique Bom Jesus do Monte  et la  cathédrale médiévale de Braga . 

la cathedrale de braga

Le style gothique de  la chapelle des Rois  et  le musée d’Art sacré  sont des lieux que vous devriez visiter avant de prendre la route. Braga est une belle entrée en matière, abritant de nombreuses merveilles telles que  les jardins de Santa Barbara  et l’immense  palais de l’archevêque à proximité ! Braga est aussi une ville très fleurie 🌸 où il fait bon vivre. 

Lors de votre passage à Braga, ne manquez pas de visiter la  Capela dos Coimbras  ! Cette chapelle est un incontournable à faire dans le centre historique de Braga. C'est la plus ancienne chapelle privée que vous pouvez trouver dans la ville. À l'intérieur, vous pouvez admirer l'architecture du bâtiment, mais aussi siroter une boisson (incluse dans le billet d'entrée). Il est également possible d'y dîner ou d'assister à l'un des divers spectacles qui y sont régulièrement organisés. L'entrée est à  5 €  pour les adultes,  2,50 € pour les 7-16 ans et est gratuite pour les moins de 7 ans.

Après cette première étape du road trip au Portugal, dirigez-vous vers Porto . Vous mettrez environ 45 minutes pour rejoindre la ville en voiture et je vous conseille sans plus attendre de vous rendre dans votre logement pour les 3 prochaines nuits , vous avez bien mérité un peu de repos 😉

Visiter Porto en 2 jours

porto douro

Vous voici dans l'une des villes les plus importantes du Portugal, dont vous connaissez au moins la spécialité, le célèbre vin de Porto 🍷 La ville est séparée en 2 par le Douro et elle est donc très connue pour ses ponts imposants et ses maisons colorées .

Ne manquez surtout pas le quartier médiéval de la Ribeira, la Cathédrale de Sé et bien d'autres monuments incontournables comme le Palacio da Bolsa , la Torre dos Clérigos , les azulejos ou encore la librairie Lello & Irmão . En 2 jours, vous aurez également le temps de faire la  croisière des six ponts sur le Douro ⛴️

Ne manquez pas non plus de vous rendre aux  plus belles plages de Porto et au mercado do Bolhão  pour faire le plein de produits locaux, comme les pastéis de bacalhau 🤤


quand partir a porto activites

Vous cherchez d'autres activités à faire durant votre visite de Porto  au cours de votre road trip au Portugal ? Je vous ai déjà parlé des incontournables, mais peut-être que vous préférez les expériences plutôt insolites. Dans ce cas, vous pourriez assister à un spectacle traditionnel de fado , un chant populaire portugais accompagné de danse en costume typique. Quel que soit votre choix, vous pourriez avoir besoin de la Porto Card  pour faire des économies sur vos activités, surtout à partir de 2 jours sur place. Sinon, pensez aussi à réserver vos activités à l'avance pour ne pas risquer d'être déçus 😉

Où dormir à Porto ?

Vous passerez en tout 3 nuits et 2 jours à Porto , il vous faudra donc un logement ou un hôtel où dormir à Porto . Voici donc quelques bons plans pour vous aider dans votre recherche 👀

  • BF Suites & Apartments  est à 2 pas de toutes les attractions de la ville, la tour des Clercs, le palais de la Bourse et non loin des rives du Douro. Cet établissement est donc idéal pour de courts séjours et pour une étape de votre road trip. À partir de 55 €  par nuit, vous profiterez de chambres simples et confortables. 

pur oporto boutique hotel

  • Pur Oporto Boutique Hotel by actahotels est un hôtel 4 ⭐️ non loin de la cathédrale de Sé. Je suis vraiment tombé sous le charme de leur décoration moderne et simple. Une chambre double est disponible à partir de 90 €  par nuit. L'établissement sera aussi plus accessible en voiture. 

Explorer la vallée du Douro

En partant assez tôt pour votre prochaine étape, vous pourrez profiter de paysages splendides au lever du soleil dans la vallée de Douro . Des vignobles 🍇  classés au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO , des petits villages et des grandes maisons de viticulteurs sont au programme de cette journée. La vallée du Douro est un peu comme une route des vins, ce qui veut dire que quelques dégustations  s'imposent naturellement 😉 

douro portugal

Mon endroit préféré dans cette vallée est Quinta Do Tedo , une oasis entourée de vignes évidemment, mais aussi d'oliviers au cœur de la vallée du Douro. Mais vous devriez aussi faire un stop aux endroits suivants dans la vallée du Douro : 

  • La Baloiço da Boneca , une balançoire qui offre un point de vue époustouflant sur la vallée
  • Dégustation de vin dans le domaine  Quinta de Santa Eufémia
  • Le site d'art rupestre préhistorique de la vallée de Côa  
  • Estação Arqueológica do Rumansil I

Après cette journée plutôt chargée, vous pourrez prendre la route en direction de votre prochain point de chute, Aveiro  où vous passerez aussi une nuit 😉


Attention, les autorités portugaises sont aussi strictes qu'en France concernant la consommation d'alcool au volant , soit 0,5 g/L de sang, c'est-à-dire 2 verres  🍷

Visiter Aveiro, la Venise du Portugal

La petite ville d' Aveiro , au sud de Porto, est entourée de canaux , ce qui lui vaut le surnom de  Venise du Portugal . Ces canaux sont remplis de bateaux qui ressemblent comme 2 gouttes d'eau aux gondoles, qui sont appelés barcos moliceiros et destinés à la récolte d'algues dans le lagon. L'architecture de la ville, avec ses maisons colorées, offre un paysage unique qui nous rappelle que nous sommes bel et bien au Portugal. 

Vous pourrez bien sûr monter à bord de l'un de ces bateaux pour une croisière en moliceiro traditionnel autour du canal central de la lagune. En plus, celle-ci ne coûte qu'une dizaine d'euros  !

Une demi-journée vous suffira largement pour faire le tour des monuments de la ville, notamment la cathédrale et son clocher de style Art nouveau, ainsi que le Museu de Aveiro  situé dans un ancien couvent. Il abrite notamment le tombeau en marbre de la princesse Santa Joana  😉 

mon logement coup de ❤️ à Aveiro

veneza hotel aveiro

Pour passer la nuit à Aveiro et être en plein cœur de la ville, je vous recommande le Veneza Hotel   ! Le bâtiment est une maison traditionnelle des années 1930 en plein centre-ville, à proximité des centres commerciaux et du forum. Vous pourrez aussi très facilement rejoindre une plage à moins de 2 km. Il n'y a pas énormément de chambres alors il ne faudra pas trop tarder pour réserver, surtout qu'elles sont magnifiques et très confortables. Prévoyez à partir de 82 € par nuit et 12 € supplémentaires par personne pour le petit-déjeuner  🙂

La cité médiévale d'Óbidos

Pour la demi-journée qu'il vous reste, elle vous laisse tout juste le temps de vous rendre à Óbidos et de profiter de la fin de journée sur place, ce qui est à vrai dire le moment de la journée idéal pour se balader dans ce village blanc  vraiment magnifique 😍

obidos road trip portugal

Si la ville est si touristique, c'est grâce à ses remparts médiévaux très bien conservés. Au fil des ruelles fleuries , vous découvrirez de nombreuses places, très animées en fin de journée 🎉 Vous aurez sincèrement l'impression de vivre une autre époque.

Où dormir à Óbidos ?

Pour finir cette journée en beauté, vous pourrez passer la nuit dans l'une des demeures blanches que vous trouvez un peu partout dans le village, pour des prix très abordables qui comprennent le petit-déjeuner 😉

  • Casa Do Relogio est l'une de ces maisons d'hôtes en plein centre historique qui date du 18e siècle, elle a été rénovée assez récemment ce qui en fait aujourd'hui un hébergement idéal pour un séjour authentique à Óbidos. Prévoyez à partir de 72 €  par nuit. 

obidos patio house

  • Óbidos Pátio House est aussi une maison traditionnelle en plein centre historique, à quelques mètres des remparts et du château d'Óbidos. Ce Bed & Breakfast propose une ambiance vraiment chaleureuse dans laquelle vous n'aurez pas de mal à vous reposer à partir de 97 €  par nuit. 

Découvrir la capitale Lisbonne au cours d'un road trip

Sans surprise, ce road trip au Portugal en 15 jours nous mène dans la capitale du pays, Lisbonne . Elle profite d’un emplacement géographique avantageux entre vastes collines et littoral, l'océan Atlantique, mais aussi un fleuve, le Tage ! Dans une ville comme Lisbonne, on se déplace donc principalement en funiculaire, et avec un tram emblématique, la ligne 28E 🚃

visiter le monastere des hieronymites

La capitale est amplement dominée par le château São Jorge offrant une vue panoramique sur les environs. Les bâtiments aux nuances de couleur pastel et le caractère historique de la vieille ville forment un charme d’exception.

Si vous ne savez pas que faire à Lisbonne , vous pourrez découvrir la place du Commerce,   la tour de Bélem , le monastère des Hiéronymites  ou encore visiter le   quartier de l’Alfama à Lisbonne , des lieux incontournables ! Prendre part à la visite du musée national de l’azulejo  livre une expérience dans l’histoire de la céramique ! Pour un peu de farniente, allez vous prélasser sur les  plus belles plages de Lisbonne .

Pour ces 3 jours pleins de surprises à Lisbonne, vous ferez des économies grâce à la Lisboa Card , qui comprend vraiment tous les incontournables de la ville dont je viens de vous parler et elle sera même pour l'étape suivante de votre road trip 😏 À moins que vous ne préfériez seulement vous balader à Lisbonne, ce pass touristique sera forcément rentable, je vous explique 👇

Le bon plan pour visiter Lisbonne en 3 jours 🎫

Accédez à 38 attractions de Lisbonne, dont la tour de Bélem, le monastère des Jéronimos et l'ascenseur Santa Justa à un prix très attractif grâce à la Lisboa Card  😉

lisboa card pass

⏱️ Validité : 1, 2 ou 3 jours 🎠 Offre d'activités : 38 🚌 Aller-retour à Sintra

 📱 100 % numérique

À partir de 22 €

Où dormir à Lisbonne ?

Pour vos 4 prochaines nuits, mieux vaut trouver un logement sympathique où dormir à Lisbonne . Voici une petite sélection de bons plans si vous cherchez encore la perle rare :

  • New Style Lisbon Hotel se trouve en plein cœur du quartier Bairro Alto pour faciliter vos visites dans le quartier historique, il se trouve aussi non loin d'une station de métro permettant de rejoindre la tour de Bélem et le monastère des Hiéronymites qui sont un peu excentrés. Le petit-déjeuner est inclus  dans le prix d'une nuit à partir de 100 €  par nuit. 

empire marques hotel

  • Empire Marquês Hotel se trouve à mi-chemin entre le parque Eduardo V  et le château São Jorge. Il s'agit d'un établissement 3 ⭐️ avec terrasses qui propose des chambres toutes équipées, ainsi qu'un petit-déjeuner compris dans le prix de la nuit à partir de 103 € . 

Sintra, à proximité de Lisbonne

À l'ouest de la capitale, on retrouve l'un des endroits les plus célèbres du Portugal, je parle bien entendu de Sintra , que vous pourrez facilement rejoindre depuis Lisbonne  en voiture, comme avec un transfert inclus dans la Lisboa Card (au cas vous voudriez laisser le volant à quelqu'un d'autre juste le temps d'une journée pour reprendre des forces pour la suite et fin du road trip au Portugal 😉

palais de sintra

Une fois sur place, commencez tout de suite l'ascension vers le château des Maures à Sintra , un lieu stratégique essentiel de l'époque médiévale resté presque intact depuis le XIIe siècle. Je vous recommande de prendre un billet coupe-file pour le château des Maures , comme je vous le disais, c'est l'un des monuments emblématiques du Portugal, il est donc très fréquenté, surtout en été ☀️

À la fin de la visite, balade-vous aussi dans les ruelles du centre historique de la ville de Sintra. Vous pourrez par exemple boire un verre ou déjeuner en terrasse. Après ce moment convivial, ne manquez pas de visiter le   parc et le palais national de Pena qui se trouve aussi à Sintra, dans les hauteurs et dont le billet coûte 20 € par personne.

Vous profiterez d'une vue imprenable sur toute la région de Lisbonne, mais aussi sur l'océan si la vue est dégagée, je crois les doigts pour vous 🤞 Après vous pourrez retourner pour une dernière nuit dans votre hôtel de Lisbonne avant de repartir tôt le lendemain pour la prochaine étape de votre road trip au Portugal

👉 Au cas où vous vous posez la question, oui il vous faudra de bonnes chaussures ce jour-là ! 

Setúbal et Vila Nova de Milfontes

setubal road trip portugal

En vous dirigeant vers le sud du Portugal, ce road trip vous promet la découverte d’autres merveilles comme la ville de Setúbal , une cité portuaire pleine de charme. Entre la contemplation du Cap Espichel , la  péninsule de Tróia , ainsi que  ses nombreuses plages pour profiter aussi d'un peu de farniente sur les plus belles plages du Portugal , vous serez certainement conquis par tant de beauté naturelle ✨

Vous pouvez partir à la découverte du parc naturel de l'Arrábida  et de la faune qu'elle abrite, notamment au cours d'une excursion d'observation des dauphins à Arrábida  qui dure une demi-journée.

Après avoir longé la côte portugaise en voiture pendant  deux heures , vous arriverez à  Vila Nova de Milfontes . Située sur le littoral de l’ Alentejo , cette charmante ville côtière est une étape incontournable du sud du Portugal. La station balnéaire est idéale pour se reposer un peu après la journée ! Mais si vous avez encore un peu de temps avant le coucher du soleil, pensez à explorer le parc naturel du Sud-Ouest Alentejano et Costa Vicentina , une aire naturelle protégée de 17 500 hectares d'où vous pourrez aussi admirer un remarquable coucher de soleil sur l'océan 🌅

Où dormir à Vila Nova de Milfontes ?

La ville de Vila Nova de Milfontes est un point de chute idéal pour profiter de vues surprenantes, dans des logements haut de gamme à très bon prix 👇

  • Sol da Vila se trouve à seulement 300 mètres de la plage et possède une magnifique et grande terrasse pour admirer le coucher de soleil. Les chambres sont toutes équipées et très bien décorées. Une nuit coûte à partir de 40 € . 

villa eira road trip portugal

  • Villa Eira est une bâtisse située au cœur du parc naturel Costa Vicentina  et à proximité directe de la plage de Vila Nova de Milfontes. Les chambres sont toutes équipées et l'établissement propose une piscine extérieure  ainsi qu'une terrasse panoramique à partir de 70 €  par nuit.  

Algarve : cap Saint-Vincent et Sagres

Vous arrivez désormais dans l’une des plus belles régions du Portugal, l’ Algarve  et si vous ne savez pas  que faire en Algarve , sachez que le  cap Saint-Vincent est un bon commencement. Vous y trouverez un phare au bord de la falaise. C'est un excellent point de vue et vous pourrez prendre des photos exceptionnelles depuis les plages en contrebas 📸 Ce lieu est donc propice au farniente, mais aussi aux balades sur le littoral. À vous de choisir si vous allez chausser vos baskets ou enfiler votre maillot de bain 😉

cap saint vincent road trip portugal

Après cette journée au bord de l'océan, vous pourrez vous diriger vers une première ville en Algarve, je parle bien sûr de Sagres . Celle-ci se situe entre 2 falaises et fait donc partie des meilleurs spots où surfer au Portugal 🏄‍♂️ car la plage est vaste et l'océan bien souvent déchaîné. Vous y admirerez l'un des plus beaux couchers de soleil du monde selon moi 🌅

Où dormir à Sagres ?

Sagres est un lieu généralement calme, où vous trouverez majoritairement des hébergements haut de gamme en front de mer au prix très abordable. Ces 2 hôtels font vraiment partie de mes coups de ❤️ sur l'ensemble de ce road trip au Portugal en 2 semaines !

  • Mareta Beach House - Boutique Residence propose des chambres modernes toutes équipées à 2 pas de la plage de Mareta . Depuis la piscine à débordement, vous apprécierez donc une vue incomparable. De même depuis le bar et le restaurant de l'hôtel. Une nuit coûte à partir de 72 € avec petit-déjeuner  si vous choisissez bien votre période. 

memmo baleeira

  • Memmo Baleeira - Design Hotels  est encore plus paradisiaque. En bord de mer, mais aussi à une centaine de mètres du centre historique de Sagres, il met à disposition un spa, une piscine, un bar, un restaurant, mais aussi un coin feu de camp moderne où passer de belles soirées 🔥 Le petit-déjeuner est inclus  dans le prix de la chambre à partir de  110 € . 

Lagos et la grotte de Benagil

Ensuite, direction  Lagos  où vous découvrirez une  vieille ville fortifiée  aux maisons blanches et toits rouges, dominant  les falaises et les plages  au bord de l'océan Atlantique 🌊 En suivant des chemins boisés, vous trouverez des criques avec vue sur les  falaises de Ponta da Piedade  au sommet de laquelle se trouve l' église Santo António .

grottes de benagil

Mais si vous ne voulez pas vous aventurer à pied, une bonne alternative pour découvrir ces falaises est la croisière depuis Lagos à Ponta da Piedade . Au cours de cette journée, vous aurez aussi de nombreuses occasions de faire du snorkeling sur les plus belles plages de la région, comme Dona Ana.

Avant de partir, je vous propose de rester 1 ou 2 nuits à Lagos , pour profiter au mieux de l'ambiance en Algarve. Le deuxième jour sur place, vous pourrez par exemple partir à la découverte des nombreux trésors naturels qu'abrite la région, comme la grotte de Benagil ! Ces formations naturelles sont vraiment exceptionnelles et c'est l'une des attractions phares de la région, elle est donc très fréquentée par les touristes. Pour vous y rendre en bateau ou en kayak , je vous recommande donc de réserver en avance 😉

Où dormir à Lagos ?

Si vous cherchez où dormir en Algarve , sachez que je n'ai pas choisi Lagos que pour sa beauté, la ville propose aussi une belle offre d'hébergements à prix abordable 😉

  • Charming Residence & Guest House Dom Manuel I est un établissement réservé aux adultes, idéal pour un road trip en couple. Il se trouve au cœur d'un jardin luxuriant à environ 600 mètres de la plage. Il dispose d'une piscine extérieure et propose une formule avec petit-déjeuner inclus à partir de 103 €  par nuit. 

villas d dinis

  • Villas D. Dinis se trouve à quelques pas de Praia Do Camilo et Praia Dona Ana. Il met à disposition des villas entières très charmantes au cœur d'un jardin avec 3 piscines extérieures . Pour une nuit, prévoyez à partir de 81 € . 

Road trip au Portugal : la ville de Faro

Après avoir profité de Lagos durant quelques jours, reprenez la route en direction de Faro , capitale de la région pour la suite de ce road trip en Algarve . Cette citadelle au style à la fois néoclassique et arabe, notamment l’Arco da Vila  et  l’église Nossa Senhora do Carmo sont des activités incontournables 😉

Couplé au climat ensoleillé de la région, Faro est une ville étudiante très dynamique, animée par  diverses fêtes et célébrations locales , que vous pourrez découvrir dans mon article que faire à Faro ! Il y a également de nombreuses plages paradisiaques à découvrir du côté de Faro où vous pourrez pratiquer le snorkeling 🤿 parmi d'autres activités aquatiques. 

Où dormir à Faro ?

Faro est l'une des dernières étapes de ce road trip, alors vous pourriez aussi bien choisir de prolonger votre séjour en posant vos valises une ou 2 nuits de plus à Faro, et pour cela, voici où dormir à Faro 🙂

lemon tree stay

  • Lemon Tree Stay est un hôtel insolite puisque le thème de la décoration est le citronnier 🍋 et elle est merveilleusement réalisée. Les chambres sont toutes équipées et l'établissement dispose d'une terrasse vraiment très agréable. Avec  petit-déjeuner inclus , une nuit coûte à partir de 104 € . 
  • Roots Hotel est un appart'hôtel à la décoration moderne et aux chambres confortables à proximité du centre-ville, mais aussi très facile d'accès en voiture, une nécessité si vous souhaitez rejoindre la plage à Faro. Une nuit coûte à partir de 81 € . 

Dernière étape : Tavira

Nous arrivons à la dernière étape de ce road trip au Portugal, et pour cela, nous partons en direction de l'est de l'Algarve pour rejoindre Tavira , une ville pittoresque traversée par la rivière Gilão . Cette ville est particulièrement reconnaissable grâce à ses maisons blanches et son centre historique parfaitement conservé dans lequel il est très agréable de se balader le temps d'une demi-journée, juste avant votre retour en France 😉 

tavira gilao

Vous pourrez découvrir la ville de plusieurs façons, grâce à son train touristique ou ses tuk-tuk , et vous pourrez aussi découvrir la production d'huile d'olive en faisant la visite et la dégustation de l'usine Hélder Madeira  🫒

Vous pourrez ensuite retourner à Faro, soit pour passer une dernière nuit, soit pour vous diriger vers l'aéroport, car notre road trip du nord au sud du Portugal s'achève ici 😉

D'autres idées de road trip au Portugal

Parcourir le Portugal du nord au sud nécessite une certaine aisance sur les routes et prend forcément du temps. Je vous ai donc aussi préparé des circuits et itinéraires alternatifs plus courts avec moins de route , qui sont tout aussi exceptionnels 👇

Road trip d'une semaine en Algarve

La région de l'Algarve est si riche, que l'on pourrait uniquement se concentrer sur celle-ci pour un road trip plus court avec des arrêts supplémentaires, en plus de Sagres, Lagos et Faro et qui va d'est en ouest 😉

loger a faro

  • Étape 1 : Faro
  • Étape 2 : Loulé et ses vignobles  🍇
  • Étape 3 : Silves
  • Étape 4 : Albufeira , la station balnéaire par excellence
  • Étape 5 : Portimão et la grotte de Benagil
  • Étape 6 : Lagos
  • Étape 7 : Sagres

Avez-vous réservé vos activités à Albufeira ? ⛱️

albufeira activites

Si vous cherchez plus spécifiquement les activités à faire ou au départ d'Albufeira pour découvrir l'Algarve sans faire de road trip, vous trouverez tout ce qu'il vous faut ici ! Vous pourrez aussi bien partir en direction de la grotte de Benagil en bateau, parcourir les paysages de la région en quad , découvrir des villages pittoresques au cours d'excursions organisées et même partir à la rencontre des dauphins 🐬 Vous pourrez même réserver des activités aquatiques directement à Albufeira, mais je vous conseille de réserver en avance  pour ne pas être déçu 😉

Road trip de 7 jours avec peu de route

Si vous n'êtes pas des fous du volant, vous pourrez aussi faire un road trip avec peu de distances entre chaque étape, voici une idée d'itinéraire :

  • Étape 1 : Lisbonne en 3 jours
  • Étape 2 : Sintra
  • Étape 3 : Óbidos
  • Étape 4 :  monastères d'Alcobaça, Batalha et couvent du Christ de Tomar

Road trip d'une semaine au nord du Portugal

  • Étape 1 : Porto (2 jours)
  • Étape 2 : Braga
  • Étape 3 : villages du nord  (Valença, Monçao et Melgaço)
  • Étape 4 :  parc national de Penada Geres
  • Étape 5 : vallée du Douro  et dégustation de vins (2 jours)

Road trip au Portugal : 7 jours dans l'est

Voici un dernier itinéraire de road trip au Portugal, loin des moments de farniente, puisqu'il se focalise sur l'arrière-pays et les hauteurs. Je le conseille plutôt aux adeptes de la randonnée et des treks, ainsi qu'aux personnes qui savent rouler dans des chemins étroits avec des épingles 👇

  • Étape 1 : Tomar
  • Étape 2 : trek dans les montagnes de la Serra de Estrela  (2 jours)
  • Étape 3 : Castelo Branco et Monsanto 
  • Étape 4 : Marvao et le parc naturel de Mamede Sud
  • Étape 5 : Monsaraz
  • Étape 6 : Evora et ses vestiges romains

Je pense avoir fait le tour de ce guide pratique ! J’espère que cet itinéraire vous plaît et qu’il saura inspirer votre prochain  road trip au Portugal . Bien entendu, il est tout à fait possible de suivre cet itinéraire dans le sens inverse, au départ de Faro direction la ville de Porto ou de Braga et même d'ajouter ou de supprimer des étapes en fonction de la durée de votre séjour 😉

Quant à la durée, 15 jours de road trip seraient vraiment idéaux pour voir un maximum de choses sans se presser. Mais en optimisant le voyage, entre 7 et 10 jours est tout à fait possible suivant les lieux d’intérêts et villes qui vous intéressent. En tout cas si vous passez par Porto ou Lisbonne , n'hésitez pas à vous informer sur la meilleure période pour un séjour en consultant quand partir à Porto et quand partir à Lisbonne  !

auteur emmanuel voyageavecnous

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terraces of the douro valley portugal with a white building to the right, a beautiful view during a portugal road trip itinerary

10 Exciting Portugal Road Trip Itinerary Ideas (+ Tips!)

From the dramatic coastline of the Algarve to the stunning terraces of the Duoro Valley, and from the quaint charms of Obidos to the otherworldly palaces of Sintra, there is no shortage of amazing places to visit on a Portugal road trip.

Nestled in the southwest corner of mainland Europe, driving through Portugal offers a neverending supply of sublime views and hidden gems.

Long an overlooked corner of the continent (though that has changed dramatically in recent years!), road trips in Portugal are bound to leave you hoping for more.

When we moved to Lisbon as American expats, we knew we wanted to spend lots of time exploring by car–and we have!

Even still, there are many Portugal road trip itineraries still left on our long wish list, so we’ve teamed up with several other travel bloggers to show you a wide variety of the scenic drives that the country has to offer.

Here are the best road trips in Portugal–plus some essential tips to keep in mind as you plan your adventure!

kate storm and ranger storm sitting along the seven hanging valleys trail, one of the best things to do in algarve portugal

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Essential Tips for Your Road Trip in Portugal

Rent the smallest car you can..

Especially if you’re coming from the USA like us, you’ll likely find Portuguese roads–especially in small villages and in the countryside–are smaller than what you’re used to.

Save on gas, rental costs,  and  stress while driving in Portugal by renting the smallest car you can manage to fit yourselves and your belongings into.

We recommend searching for your (tiny) rental car through Discover Cars , which will allow you to sift through all your options and choose the right car for you based on price, the reputation of the company that is renting it, and the terms of the rental contract.

Shop rental cars for your Portugal road trip today!

white car driving portugal 2 lane road with hydrangeas on the side

Plan on renting a manual, or prepare to pay.

Like the rest of Europe, manual cars are the norm in Portugal.

If you only drive automatic, you’ll absolutely be able to find a car to rent for your road trip… but be prepared to plan ahead (especially if you’re traveling during the busy season when the cars get reserved quickly), and to pay extra fees for the privilege.

blooming pink flowers in obidos portugal

Prepare to pay lots of tolls.

Portugal is notorious for its number of toll rolls, especially on popular routes like driving from Lisbon to the Algarve.

The easiest way to pay the tolls is to get a “Via Verde” pass from your rental car company (they will almost certainly offer you one), which will keep a tally of your tolls and charge you automatically.

We generally get charged by the rental car company for the tolls we racked up using our “Via Verde” pass within a week or so of turning the car in.

kate storm in a red dress in front of the belem tower in sunny lisbon vs porto

Plan your parking in advance.

This especially applies overnight parking–ie, look for hotels that include parking or have a plan for parking listed–but also during day trips. 

Whether you’re visiting a small village, beach, trailhead, or city, knowing where to park before you arrive will save lots of time, stress, and often money.

For overnight parking, we use  Booking.com  and ideally look for places using the “free parking on-site” filter.

Depending on where you are going during your road trip in Portugal, though, free parking may not be possible–in that case, carefully check and see what hotels have reasonably-priced parking nearby.

A hotel that is an extra 10 Euros/night may end up being an excellent deal if there’s inexpensive parking nearby!

kate storm at ponta da piedade , one of the best lagos attractions

Your life will be much easier if you have a Portuguese SIM Card.

This assumes your phone is unlocked, of course, but seriously: getting a local SIM card before taking off on your road trip in Portugal will make your life so much easier!

Having access to everything from a GPS to restaurant reviews is a huge benefit of traveling in the modern age, and bringing those tools along with you as you explore Portugal by car is a fantastic idea.

You can absolutely purchase a local SIM card once you arrive, but if you want to get everything set up before you go, you can also purchase an EU SIM card for your trip  in advance.

village on a river in north portugal road trip

Know that you’ll need reflective jackets in the car.

This is a standard rule in Portugal, and the jackets must be worn during any breakdowns or accidents.

If you’re renting a car for your Portugal road trip itinerary, this will likely be included in your vehicle.

On the off-chance that you’re driving your own vehicle into the country, though, it’s important to keep in mind!

beach in nazare portugal from above road trip

The Best Portugal Road Trip Itinerary Ideas

The best of the algarve road trip.

From Campbell of Stingy Nomads

The spectacular Algarve coast in the south is one of the most picturesque places to road trip through Portugal.

The region is famous for little fishing villages with white-washed houses and cobbled stone streets, beautiful sandy beaches backed by jaw-dropping limestone cliffs, and delicious seafood.

A road trip is a perfect way to explore the charming towns and unique turquoise coastline.

With good roads and facilities and relatively short distances between towns, driving is easy in the area.

benagil cave in algarve portugal with a small boat entering by water

The capital of the Algarve, Faro, is a popular entry point to the region with an international airport.

Carvoeiro, about an hour’s drive from Faro, is a small town packed with attractions.

Spend a day on one of the most beautiful beaches in the Algarve, Marinha Beach with golden sand and crystal clear water.

praia da marinha from above, one of the most beautiful beaches algarve portugal

Visiting Benagil cave is a must-do activity from Carvoeiro and you can enter the famous cave by boat trip, paddleboard, or kayak.

If you enjoy hiking don’t miss the striking Seven Hanging Valleys Trail .

From Carvoeiro drive to Lagos, home to a beautiful marina, one of the nicest old towns to explore, and plenty of unreal beaches.

Don’t miss Praia do Camilo, Praia Dona Ana and Porto de Mos Beach.

praia do camilo from above, one of the best things to do in lagos portugal

Keep on driving to Sagres, the south-western tip of Europe with dramatic scenery the Romans used to call the end of the world. The wild ocean here is known for excellent surfing.

Make your way back to Albufeira, this once fishing village has some beautiful beaches to enjoy.

Driving Distance

Recommended road trip length.

This road trip can comfortably be driven in 7 days.

beautiful beach in sagres portugal at sunset as seen from above

Loop from Lisbon through Portugal’s Medieval Southern Interior

By Emily of Wander-Lush

Brimming with charming medieval towns, historic castles and majestic cathedrals, a road trip through Portugal’s southern interior is a dream for history and architecture buffs.

This loop route starts and ends in Lisbon, making it ideal for travelers who are flying in and out of the capital.

Ease into things with a short but scenic drive to Obidos .

Just over an hour from Lisbon, this picture-perfect town of whitewashed houses and red roofs is a popular day-trip destination; linger on after the tour buses have departed and wander the quiet streets, visiting the impressive aqueduct and Obidos Castle.

view of obidos portugal from castle ramparts, one of the best stops on a portugal road trip itinerary

Allow two nights to see the various monuments, and make sure you budget enough time for getting lost down the cobblestoned streets.

When it’s time to leave, duck inland to Santarem, a gorgeous Portuguese city on the edge of the Tagus River.

Catch the view from Santarem Castle and take in the gorgeous vernacular architecture before leaving the city behind to discover forests, wetlands, and river ecosystems in nearby Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park and beyond.

From there, it’s a short drive to Tomar, a former seat of the Order of the Knights Templar and home to one of the finest examples of Portuguese Renaissance architecture in the Convent of Christ.

architecture details of knights of the templar in tomar portugal

Set aside a full day to enjoy the longest leg of this drive as you take the scenic back-road into the Alentejo region, stopping at Arraiolos, Pavia, and any other picturesque village that catches your eye.

Finish up with a few days in medieval Évora , visiting the 12th-century Gothic cathedral and the mythical Chapel of Bones.

318 miles or 512 km.

The total driving time for this Portugal road trip is just over 6 hours, but you should take your time on this historic route and make the most of each town.

A full week to 10 days is ideal.

view from the top of evora gothic cathedral, one of the best road trip portugal itinerary ideas

Lisbon to Porto Road Trip

From Or of My Path in the World

With so many  beautiful places to visit between Lisbon and Porto , it’s no wonder why driving from the Portuguese capital to the country’s second city is such a popular road trip in Portugal.

From colorful palaces and castles to charming coastal towns to medieval villages and landmarks, there’s a lot to see and experience.

First, you can visit Cabo da Roca, Europe’s westernmost point.

After taking in the views of the Atlantic coastline, head to the UNESCO-listed Sintra, one of the best Portuguese cities for those who love fairytale palaces.

These include the Pena Palace, Quinta da Regaleira, and Monserrate Palace.

Pena Palace, Sintra, Portugal

Next, visit Obidos, one of the most enchanting medieval villages in Portugal.

Stroll through the cobbled streets, walk along the walls, or even book a night at the Obidos Castle.

Continue to the city of Tomar, where you’ll find the infamous Covent of Christ, and visit Coimbra, the home of one of the oldest universities in the world, and enjoy the local version of Fado music.

If that’s not enough, you can also hike through the enchanted Bussaco Forest, and before arriving in Porto, stop at Vila Nova de Gaia for a tour at some of the best Port wine cellars in the area.

About 351 miles or 565 km.

We recommend dedicating at least 5-7 days to this road trip, though it could easily be extended to 2 weeks.

view of porto portugal and duoro river from ponte luis I bridge

Vicentina Coast Road Trip Route

From Alya of The Algarve Family

A road trip along the wild and beautiful Vicentina Coast in southern Portugal is an incredible experience.

The coast stretches between Odeceixe in the north and Sagres in the south.

The Costa Vicentina is still to be discovered by international tourists. It’s very different from the popular southern Algarve.

The road trip can be done from Lisbon. The route follows the famous Fishermen’s Trail , one of the most beautiful coastal hiking routes in Europe.

You can combine a road trip with a beach holiday or a weekend filled with outdoor activities such as hiking or surfing.

view of coastline near porto covo, as seen during a road trip portugal drive

The Vicentina Coast road trip starts in the small town of Porto Covo, 170 km south of Lisbon, and finishes at Cabo de S.Vicente, the southwesternmost point of continental Europe.

From Porto Covo, drive about 45 km south towards Zambujeira do Mar. 

It is a quiet town with a couple of beautiful beaches and stunning views of the rugged coast from the cliffs.

On the way make stops in Vila Nova de Milfontes, Praia do Almograve, and Cabo Sardão. 

The next day continue driving along the coast from Zambujeira do Mar towards Sagres.

man hiking along fishermans trail portugal

This part of the route has many stunning beaches and breathtaking lookout points.

Places to stop on the route are Odeceixe Beach, Amoreira Beach, Arrifana, Bordeira Beach and viewpoint point, Cabo de S.Vicente, and Sagres. 

Driving Distance 

This Portugal driving route is perfect for a 3-day weekend trip.

aerial view of lighthouse in sagres portugal

An Azores Road Trip on Sao Miguel

From Megan of meganstarr.com

One of the best road trips in Portugal (and the rest of Europe ) is on the beautiful island of Sao Miguel in the Azores.

The island may be small (744 sq km / 290 sq mi), but it is jam-packed with incredible viewpoints, diverse landscapes, some of the best hikes in the Azores , and so much more.

The best way to see Sao Miguel is to rent a car and do a road trip!

On your first day, start off visiting the western side of the island.

Western Sao Miguel is brimming with lush greenery and volcanic lakes … which is a stark contrast to the eastern side of the island.

During this day, be sure to visit Miradouro da Boca do Inferno, Kings View (as well as the abandoned hotel called ʻMonte Palaceʻ there), Sete Cidades, and the sea stacks of Mosteiros.

hiking trail along a lush coast on azores road trip portugal

For the second day of the trip, you will be visiting the dramatic landscapes of central Sao Miguel.

Some of the best landmarks and places to visit are Pocos, the famous Pineapple Plantation, Lagoa, Estacao Emissora do Pico da Barrosa viewpoint, and Salto do Cabrito… one of the most  beautiful waterfalls on Sao Miguel .

Finally, for the third day, you will head east! The east is the ʻhotʻ spot with a lot of hot springs and volcanic activity.

You can start your day in Lagoa das Furnas (be sure to try a Cozido das Furnas!), Parque Terra Nostra, and Salto do Prego.

End your day at the mind-blowing Miradouro Ponta do Sossego before heading back to Ponta Delgada (where you will spend your last day on Sao Miguel).

view of ponta delgada with ocean on the right side

Taking a road trip of Sao Miguel will allow you to deeply connect with the island and never feel like youʻre spending more time driving than enjoying the scenery.

There are plenty of stops and the diversity of each will make you yearn for a second trip even before heading home from the first!

You will need a minimum of three days to travel the island (to get a good sense of it) and an additional day to spend in the capital city of Ponta Delgada.

Salto do Cabrito waterfalls on azores portugal

A Scenic Drive Up the Silver Coast

From Jenifer of The Evolista

A road trip from Lisbon to Nazare will give you an up-close look at why people love the stunning Silver Coast of Portugal. 

The first village is Ericeira, a cool surf town, 30 minutes north of Lisbon.

Surfers flock here for the best waves in Europe.

Wander through the white cobblestone streets for shopping, delicious restaurants, and charming Ericeira hotels with ocean views for an overnight stay.

Next, head to Peniche for a dose of history. You’ll find a well-preserved fort that dates back to the 17th century.

If you have time, take the 45-minute ferry to the Berlengas Islands. 

bridge leading to fort on berlengas islands portugal

The road heads inland to the walled, medieval city of Obidos. This picturesque town, filled with narrow streets lined with shops and cafes, is perfect to explore for a few hours.

Then you’ll head back to the beaches of Foz do Arelho.

It’s a beachy town overlooking a gorgeous lagoon where people enjoy a variety of water sports including SUP, kayaking, and windsurfing.

Last but not least is the town famous for big wave surfing, Nazaré.

So whether you’re looking to catch some waves or relax and rejuvenate, you’ll find plenty of things to do on a road trip from Lisbon to Nazare along the Silver Coast in Portugal.

114 miles or 183 km.

The drive time is only 3 hours in total but you should definitely plan at least 2-4 days for the trip so you have time to explore and take advantage of the charming towns and fun activities available.

view of people watching a surfer riding enormous wave in nazare portugal road trip itinerary

Offbeat Peneda-Gerês National Park Road Trip

From Coni of Experiencing the Globe

When a country has only one national park, and you love nature, you might consider a visit.

When it’s a perfect loop from one of the country’s top destinations, then you must add it to your itinerary.

Gerês is not on most people´s  travel bucket list , but it absolutely should be!

Located only 60 miles from Porto, in the northern corner of Portugal, if you’re into culture tourism, hiking, or sightseeing in nature, Gerês will make for the perfect road trip.

The park is huge, and everything you will want to see is spread out, so jump into your car early, maybe make a quick stop in Braga, and head to Rio Caldo, where you can find a few restaurants and hotels (and campsites), and where the day will fly by swimming or walking around the river.

view of waterfall in peneda geres national park portugal scenic drive

The next day, start by visiting the village of Gerês.

You’ll see shepherds leading their cattle to graze, and grannies selling homemade goodies.

Stop in Miradouro Pedra Bela for incredible views, in Cascatas de Fecha de Barjas if you want a bit of a trek with an amazing waterfall for a swim at the end, or in Cascata de Pincães if you want an easier hike.

Finish the day by going down an old Roman road to Ponte da Misarela, known as the Devil’s bridge, a beautiful man-made medieval building cohabiting with the stunning landscape.

You can find accommodation looping back to Gerês.

view of peneda geres national park from above with lima river in center

On the third day go towards Mata da Albergaria, a magnificent oak forest, and then to the small village with a top-of-a-hill castle of Lindoso.

Finish the day in Soajo, where you’ll see  Espigueiros , a collection of granite granaries built above the ground, where corn is still being kept.

From Porto to the village of Gerês lay only 60 miles, and your north Portugal road trip itinerary will determine how much driving you’ll do.

If you stick to the three days detailed above, you’re looking at around 230 miles.

Portugal Driving Tip : if you’re running out of petrol, from Lindoso cross into Spain. In a short 15-minute detour you’ll find a gas station.

There are many other waterfalls, viewpoints, small villages, and sanctuaries that you can visit if you have more time.

A minimum to take in the most important sites is 3 days, but if you have a week or more, the park will keep you entertained.

view of historic stone granaries in northern portugal road trip

Porto + Duoro Valley Road Trip Loop

From Moumita and Sankha of Chasing the Long Road

The road trip from Porto to Douro Valley is one of the most incredible road trips in Portugal and is one of the best  things to do from Porto .

This Portugal road trip is structured as a loop starting and ending in Porto.

Start your Portuguese road trip adventure by exploring the city of Porto, the second-largest city in Portugal.

The old Historic Centre of Porto, alongside the nearby Luiz I Bridge and Monastery of Serra do Pilar, are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

jeremy storm and ranger storm sitting along the douro river in ribiera porto portugal

From taking a short cruise over the Douro River to exploring the magnificent Livraria Lello (one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world), Porto offers a lot. 

Spend at least 2-3 days in Porto before exploring the Douro Valley.

The drive to Douro Valley is very scenic.

The entire valley is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is famous for its terraced vineyards.

You will be treated to stunning sceneries and some delicious wine and food. The road follows endless gorgeous vineyards over the lush green hills and the historic wine villages. 

two glasses of wine being held out in front of the douro valley portugal

There are numerous miradouros (viewpoints) on the way, where you can stop to take photos and admire the view.

Don’t miss the famous Double Viewpoint or Miradouro do Penedo Durao.

For wine lovers, many of the wineries here offer Port wine tasting and a tour of their cellar. 

Be sure to stop by the small village of Pinhao, with its famously charming train station, along the way.

About 127 miles each way.

It takes around 4 hours to drive between Porto and Vila Nova de Foz Coa.

We would suggest spending at least 4-5 days exploring Porto and the towns and villages of Douro Valley.

red staircase of livraria lello famous bookstore porto portugal

Island Road Trip on Madeira

From Marjut of The Smooth Escape

Madeira lies in the Atlantic Ocean, 700 miles off the coast of mainland Portugal.

Home to dramatic volcanic landscapes and lush vegetation, this sub-tropical island is known as the Hawaii of Europe.

The best way to witness the beauty of Madeira is by taking a road trip.

As the island is quite small, you can use the capital city Funchal as your base and take day trips via car to the different parts of the island.

Start your trip by spending a day in Funchal. With its tropical gardens, cobblestone streets, and endless ocean views, it’s a fantastic city to explore.

Next, drive to Madeira’s northwestern coast where you’ll find towering cliffs, natural pools, and picturesque villages.

Make sure to visit the black sand beach in Seixal which is considered one of the best beaches in Madeira . 

seixal beach on madeira island from above, an amazing road trip portugal route

The next stop is Pico do Arieiro, the island’s third-highest peak where you can enjoy striking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

If you’re up for an adventure, you can hike the challenging trail to Pico Ruivo.

Visit also the traditional thatched houses in the village of Santana and do the scenic ‘levada’ walk to Caldeirão Verde waterfall.

traditional thatched roof house madeira portugal

Round off your trip by exploring the moon-like landscapes of the Ponta de São Lourenço peninsula. 

Although you could cover this whole distance in a couple of days, I recommend spending at least 5 days on this Portuguese road trip because there’s so much to see and do along the way.

waterfall into the ocean on madeira portugal road trip view

Alternate Lisbon to Porto Driving Route

From De Wet of Museum of Wander

Yes, you can drive from Lisbon to Porto in about three hours, but do you really want to do that if you could slow down and see rural Portugal and a stunning surf town along the way?

This road trip takes you inland from Lisbon to the Alentejo region with whitewashed villages, cork forests and vineyards before heading back to the coast.

Stop in  Nazare  on the Costa da Prata for the freshest seafood,  long stretches of empty beach and enormous waves to surf before ending your trip in gorgeous Porto.

Leave Lisbon and head east towards Evora in Alentejo.

young woman on a whitewashed street in evora portugal

Evora is a stunning medieval town surrounded by a city wall.

In Evora, explore the cobblestoned old town, see the famous Bone Chapel and Roman Temple, dine on exquisite regional food, and do some wine tastings.

The countryside around Evora is peppered with vineyards, wineries, cork forests, and megalithic complexes to explore with your own wheels, too.

Then head back to the coast for some beach time and relaxation in Nazare.

surfer riding a giant wave in nazare as seen on a portugal road trip itinerary

In Nazare, head down to the lighthouse and Praia do Norte to see (or surf) the giant waves that Nazare is famous for.

After visiting Nazare, it’s about a two-hour drive to Porto, where your road trip ends.

357 miles or 576 km.

You enjoy this Portugal road trip in a weekend, but five days or more will be much more relaxing.

two photos of portugal, madeira and douro valley, black and red text reads "9 epic road trips portugal"

About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

7 thoughts on “10 Exciting Portugal Road Trip Itinerary Ideas (+ Tips!)”

Good morning!

My husband an I are planning a road trip in Portugal in mid-Sept. to mid-Oct. 2023. How difficult is it to find overnight accommodations on the fly? We’d like to take our time each day and then find a place to rest to maximize our time. We are thinking of leaving from Porto, continuing through Douro Valley, north through National Park and the coast on return.

Assuming you’re flexible with where you stay (and especially if you’re open to staying in more rural properties), it’s not a problem at all. Based on your route I think you guys will be just fine going on the fly.

If you want to stay at a winery in the Douro Valley, you might consider booking that in advance, but if you’re just hoping to stay in the general area, you should be able to find something.

Hi Kate and Jeremy, Thank you for your invaluable blog!

We are planning a trip to northern Portugal the last two weeks of September. We would like to do a walking tour in the Penada- Geres National Park. Do you have any personal recommendations for companies who organize such tours? We are keen to spend approximately a week there, and want to visit smaller villages. Our home base will be Porto.

Many thanks in advance for any advice you may have,

Unfortunately I don’t, as we haven’t had a chance to visit yet! I do know that Get Your Guide, one of our favorite aggregates to book tours through, has a few options leaving through Porto that are listed.

Thanks, Kate. We have gone ahead and booked with MACs Adventure. Really looking forward to it!

All the best, Anne

Very nice compilation. It would be even nicer if you put a caption under pictures telling where they are.

Thanks for the feedback, Jeff! We have started slowly adding location captions on some of our new posts, but it’s quite the job with 8+ years of archives to go through! 🙂

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Top 7 road trips in Portugal

Regis St. Louis

Dec 19, 2023 • 7 min read

Algarve, Portugal - August 2020: Lifestyle photo of a black Land Rover Discovery 4 driving along scenic Portuguese coastline.; Shutterstock ID 1912082461; your: Brian Healy; gl: 65050; netsuite: Lonely Planet Online Editorial; full: Best road trips in Portugal

Exploring Portugal’s natural beauty and enchanting cities is easy to do by car © FranciscoMarques / Shutterstock

Portugal is an ideal destination for a scenic road trip. The roads are generally in good shape, and the nation’s relatively small size allows you to see a diverse array of attractions, even if you have only a few days to spare. Throw together an Iberian soundtrack, and you're all set to hit the open road in Portugal .

Where you go will depend on your interests – you can plan a trip focussing on beach-hopping, seeing UNESCO World Heritage sites or drinking in the great views of the vineyard-covered Douro Valley. And backcountry lanes will take you to places you simply couldn’t reach without a car, including wild cliff-backed beaches, remote mountain villages and lone promontories perfect for watching the sunset over the sea.

Here are seven of the best road trips you can take in Portugal.

1. Coastline of the Alentejo and the Algarve

Best road trip for beach lovers

Vila Nova de Milfontes–Vila Real de Santo António, 320km (199 miles), 2-3 days 

Portugal’s southern coastline offers an almost Mediterranean idyll with scents of pine, rosemary, wine and grilling fish drifting over some absolutely stunning beaches. However, since this is the Atlantic rather than that sheltered sea, you can also count on seriously surfable waves, important maritime history and some great wildlife-watching opportunities. This drive takes in some of the finest beaches in the region as well as intriguing towns with tightly-knit, North African-inspired street plans. 

Highlights include the sandy paradise of Praia da Amoreira in Aljezur , the hulking and forbidding fortress of Fortaleza de Sagres and the vibrant, nightlife-loving town of Lagos . You can also ditch the car for the day and take a ferry ride to Ilha Deserta, a long, undeveloped island with a picture-perfect beachfront. The drive ends at the Portuguese border town of Vila Real de Santo António. If you’re not ready to quit, however, take a look around on the Spanish side. Seville is only 150km (93 miles) up the road.

Surfers on the beach at Praia Lagide, Portugal

2. The Central Coast

Best road trip for surfers and seafood fans 

Praia do Guincho–Aveiro, 330km (205 miles), 2-3 days

If endless crashing surf sounds like your idea of heaven, you’ve come to the right country. Get ready to ride the big ones on Portugal’s wild, wave-lashed west coast. This Atlantic strip is an alluring mix of first-rate (and inexpensive) surf camps, gleaming white towns and villages with authentic seafood restaurants, golden beaches fringed by dunes and pines, and memorable sunsets.

Surfers and kitesurfers of all levels will be in their element in the sparkling Atlantic surf, while the small towns along the coast make great stops for seafood feasts and après-beach cocktails. Highlights include the popular beach town and surfer hotspot of Peniche , the gorgeous swoop of sandy beach in Foz do Arelho and the big-wave town of Nazaré .

You can also take a boat ride through the sparkling canals of Aveiro – Portugal’s answer to Venice – and look for wildlife in the dune-backed coastal wilderness of the Reserva Natural das Dunas de São Jacinto .

Female motorcyclist rides on a serpentine road of the Douro Valley, Porto, Portugal

3. The Douro Valley

Best road trip for wine lovers

Porto–Miranda do Douro, 358km (222 miles), 3 days

The Douro is a little drop of heaven. This UNESCO World Heritage-listed region offers some of Portugal’s most evocative landscapes with mile after swoon-worthy mile of vineyards spooling along the contours of its namesake river and marching up its terraced hillsides. Along seemingly every road, fabulous food, sumptuous wines, medieval stone villages, palatial quintas (countryside villas) and postcard views beckon.

Stop by the picturesque terraced vineyards at Quinta do Crasto or sample the world’s best port wine amidst the rolling hills of Pinhão . Just 4.5km (2.8 miles) from Pinhão is the stunning Casal de Loivos and its fine miradouro (viewpoint). From here, the uplifting view presents the Douro in postcard format, taking in a full sweep of stone-walled terraced vineyards, stitched into the hillsides and fringing the sweeping contours of the valley, with the river scything through it all.

Pasteis de nata on sale in Belem, Portugal

4. North of Lisbon

Best road trip for UNESCO World Heritage sites

Lisbon–Tomar, 230km (143 miles), 1-2 days 

This drive takes you from Lisbon , Portugal’s romantic capital, through landscapes softened by cork oaks and pines. Before leaving the capital, stop at Belém , where you can see two architectural icons (and UNESCO listed sites) in one stop – the 16th-century Jéronimos Monastery and the equally majestic Tower of Belém , offering memorable views over the Tejo River. Be sure to pick up what could be the world’s best custard tart before leaving Belém.

Next up is Sintra , a village with palaces, whimsical mansions and enchanting woodlands, plus some enticing places to stay for the night.    

From here, you’ll head to a trio of stunning architectural monuments – all UNESCO World Heritage sites. At Alcobaça , you can wander the corridors of one of the finest monasteries in Iberia. About 30 minutes northeast, you can gape at the Gothic grandeur of Santa Maria da Vitória , yet another monastic masterpiece. The most mysterious site of all is in Tomar , home to the magnificent Convento de Cristo , built by the Knights Templar. 

5. The Minho

Best road trip for history lovers

Guimarães–Peneda, 217 km (135 miles), 1-2 days 

Portugal’s northwestern corner was made for road-tripping with splendid medieval cities, spirit-lifting pilgrimage sites and dune-flanked Atlantic beaches. Begin this road trip in Guimarães , where Afonso I, Portugal’s first king, was born in 1110. This UNESCO World Heritage site hides one of the most exquisitely preserved medieval centers in the country. Just north of Guimarães, you can explore the ruins of Citânia de Briteiros , a Celtic settlement founded more than 2,500 years ago.  

The Minho’s biggest town is Braga , an important center of Portuguese spirituality – home to the country’s oldest cathedral as well as Roman ruins and flower-trimmed plazas dotted with outdoor cafes. The Costa Verde’s biggest stunner, Viana do Castelo , offers a double shot for visitors in the form of medieval architecture and gorgeous beaches, while Ponte de Lima features the finest medieval bridge in all of Portugal – the 31-arched Ponte Romana . End the journey by taking walks amid the rocky hills and ancient stone villages of the Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês , Portugal’s most impressive wilderness reserve. 

Cloister of the Cathedral of Evora, Portugal

6. The Alentejo

Best road trip for soulful, off-the-beaten-path adventures

Évora–Monsaraz, 360km (224 miles), allow 3 days

If you’re looking for the heart and soul of Portugal, head to the Alentejo , a region of clifftop castle towns, traditional villages and rolling plains covered in vineyards and olive groves. Start off in the beautifully preserved town of Évora . Here you can feel the centuries wind back while visiting medieval monuments , a chilling bone chapel and Portugal’s finest Roman temple . A short drive beyond the city gates, you can search for ancient symbols on the Cromeleque dos Almendres , Portugal’s most important megalithic site. 

You’ll leave the crowds behind as you head to Estremoz and Vila Viçosa, two photogenic towns where everything seems to be made of marble (visit the quarry nearby to see why). Further north, you can explore Marvão, a clifftop village with sweeping views over the sun-baked countryside. You can go on some surprising adventures nearby, including taking a spin along an abandoned railway line with Rail Bike Marvão . Looping south, you’ll ascend to Monsaraz , yet another mesmerizing hilltop village with a medieval castle and more astonishing views.

Rocky mountain pass in Serra da Estrela with cars parked on road side

7. The Portuguese Highlands 

Best road trip for mountain adventures

Coimbra–Viseu, 390km (242 miles), 2-3 days 

This wide-ranging trip takes in many of Portugal's highlights, from a buzzing historic university town to stern borderland fortresses, intermingled with picturesque villages and the natural majesty of the Serra da Estrela mountains. The journey starts in Coimbra , a hilly city that’s home to one of Europe’s oldest universities. Grand views await in Monsanto, a stunning village that towers high above the surrounding plains. A stroll through its steep streets, lined with stone houses that seem to merge with the boulder-strewn landscape, is reason enough to make the drive.

Dramatic views come with every turn on the uphill drive into the Serra da Estrela, where you’ll find Portugal’s highest summit – 1,993m (6,539ft) Torre. Enjoying a spectacular natural setting cradled at the foot of the beautiful Vale do Zêzere, the lofty village of Manteigas is a great base for mountain walks. Here, craggy ridges and forest-draped slopes dominate the horizon in all directions. 

End the road trip in the well-preserved center of Viseu . This historic city is a delight to explore with its cobbled streets, meandering alleys, leafy public gardens, and its central square graced with flowers and fountains.

This article was first published August 2020 and updated December 2023

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ZigZag Voyages

Planifiez des road trips inoubliables !

Road Trip Portugal – Conseils et itinéraires (1 semaine, 10 jours…)

Par Claire Robinson | septembre 18, 2023 | cet article contient des liens affiliés ( détails )

Voici votre guide pratique pour planifier votre Road Trip au Portugal y compris :

  • quand partir,
  • où aller et pour combien de temps,
  • comment louer une voiture et conduire au Portugal, 
  • conseils pour établir votre Itinéraire au Portugal, que visiter,
  • suggestions de circuits au Portugal de 7 jours, 10 jours ou bien plus... 

Bonne planification !

Road Trip Portugal Itineraire 10 jours - Circuit Portugal Voyage

Cette page contient des liens affiliés. Si vous les utilisez, je reçois une commission sans coût supplémentaire pour vous ( en savoir plus )

Conseils de planification - Road trip au Portugal

Commençons par des informations générales pour commencer la planification de votre Road trip au Portugal:

Temps de route au Portugal

Pour vous aider à planifier votre road trip au Portugal, voici les temps de conduite entre les principales villes pour vous donner une idée de ce que vous pouvez faire en une journée. Notez que ces temps passent souvent par des autoroutes, donc les péages s'appliquent :

Temps de route Portugal carte

  • Lisbonne à Sintra - 30 min à 45min suivant le traffic
  • Lisbonne à Coimbra - 2h
  • Lisbonne à Porto - 3h
  • Lisbonne à Evora - 1h30
  • Lisbonne à Albufeira (Algarve) - 2h30
  • Lisbonne à Manteigas (Serra de Estrela) - 3h30
  • Porto à Manteigas (Serra de Estrela) - 2h30

Combien de temps pour faire le tour du Portugal en voiture ?

N'essayez pas de faire le tour complet du pays si vous disposez de moins de 2 semaines. Même avec 2 semaines, vous devrez vous appliquer à ne vous concentrer que sur quelques points forts de chaque région pour que cela fonctionne. 3 à 5 semaines sont beaucoup plus confortables.

Plage de Falesia

Plage de Falesia

Louer une voiture et conduire au Portugal

Besoin de louer une voiture au Portugal?

Mes conseils :

  • Comparez les prix sur ma plateforme préférée :  DiscoverCars  - un des sites les mieux notés.
  • Choisissez une petite voiture (pour une conduite en ville)
  • Pensez à l’ assurance complète (les routes sont étroites !)
  • Il y a beaucoup de demande. Si un véhicule vous plaît, réservez-le tôt .

Voir tous mes conseils

Route Portugal

Pour conduire :

  • C'est du côté droit de la route
  • Il faut avoir 18 ans pour conduire (mais 21 pour louer une voiture)
  • Conduire au Portugal est en fait assez facile. Il y a de nombreuses autoroutes de bonne qualité
  • Les panneaux routiers sont clairs
  • Faites juste attention aux péages dans le sud où vous ne pouvez pas payer en espèces.
  • Limites de vitesse : 50km/h en ville, 90 km/h sur les routes rurales, 120km/h sur les autoroutes
  • Apprenez-en davantage (avec des vidéos et des photos) dans mon article sur la Conduite au Portugal
  • Voici une video pour vous donner une idée :

Coucher de soleil en Algarve

Coucher de soleil en Algarve (Octobre)

Péages au Portugal

  • Les autoroutes au Portugal ne sont pas gratuits
  • Le plus facile est de prendre un badge VTag (Via Verde) qui vous permet de passez tous les péages du pays dans les voies avec un V dans un carré vert
  • Si vous n'avez pas de badge : dans le nord il y a souvent une voie pour payer cash mais dans le sud il n'y en a pratiquement pas - dans ce cas il faut aller payer à la poste dans les 2 jours qui suivent

Où aller au Portugal en voiture et pour combien de temps

Où aller au portugal - carte des régions.

Circuit au Portugal - road Trip Portugal Carte

Régions du Portugal - Carte


  • Capitale du Portugal depuis 1255
  • Située à l'embouchure du fleuve Tage
  • La ville construite autour de 7 collines fascine par son atmosphère cosmopolite
  • Les points forts sont le château, les rues pavées, le vieux quartier, l'ascenseur de Santa Justa, les monastères et les églises...
  • Voir mon article sur Lisbonne

L'activité que j'ai adorée à Lisbonne

tramway lisbonne


Palais de Pena

Palais de Pena

  • Tout près de Lisbonne
  • La région de Sintra-Cascais et son parc naturel abritent de magnifiques sites de l'Unesco et des côtes pittoresques.
  • Dans la ville historique de Sintra, vous pouvez visiter des merveilles architecturales : le coloré Palais Pena, le Château des Maures, le Palais National...
  • Le long de la côte, vous pouvez voir des falaises et des plages comme la plage de Magoito et Cabo da Roca.
  • Voir mon guide de Sintra Cascais

Ponta da Piedade

Ponta da Piedade

  • Le sud du pays,
  • le littoral de l'Algarve est aujourd'hui rempli de stations balnéaires.
  • Elle abrite des falaises abruptes, de nombreuses plages magnifiques et des grottes marines.
  • Les principales villes sont Lagos, Portimao, Albufeira et Porto.
  • Les points forts sont la grotte marine de Benagil , Ponta da Piedade, la plage de Marinha , la plage de Falesia ... et bien d'autres plages encore.
  • Voir mon guide de la région de l'Algarve
  • Voir mon article sur Comment louer une voiture à Faro et en Algarve


  • Une vaste région au cœur du Portugal
  • La principale ville est Coimbra
  • La région offre une grande variété de paysages avec des zones côtières, des villages historiques fortifiés et les montagnes d'Estrela
  • Les points forts comprennent des villages comme Obidos , des monastères comme Batahla , des côtes avec des vagues géantes comme Nazare et des montagnes à l'intérieur des terres.

Porto et le Nord


  • La partie nord est considérée comme le berceau du Portugal avec la capitale originale Guimaraes.
  • Elle est surtout célèbre pour les terres fertiles du fleuve Douro.
  • Elle abrite la célèbre ville de Porto avec son fleuve, ses ponts, ses monuments historiques...
  • Les points forts de la région sont les vignobles le long de la rivière Douro, les villes de Guimaraes et Braga, les zones plus naturelles au nord.
  • Voir mon article sur Porto

Mon top 3 des activités à Porto

Voici mes préférées : 

  • Découverte des vins de Porto (cave et dégustation) - Voir photos et disponibilités
  • Visite en Segway de Porto - Voir photos et disponibilités
  • Cours de cuisine pastel de nata - Voir photos et disponibilités

verre de vin portugal

  • Entre le fleuve Tage et l'Algarve, cette vaste plaine ensoleillée offre des paysages agricoles.
  • Elle est célèbre pour ses champs de chêne-liège.
  • Les points forts sont les sites préhistoriques et les vieux villages comme Monsaraz .

Les îles Portugaises

  • Le Portugal possède également de belles îles.
  • Elles sont volcaniques et célèbres pour leurs paysages : Madère, à l'ouest de l'Afrique du Nord et les Açores, plus à l'ouest dans l'océan Atlantique.
  • Cependant, elles méritent leur propre voyage. Voir mes articles sur Madère

Temps à consacrer à chaque région

Bien sûr, vous pouvez vous concentrer sur une seule région et la visiter en profondeur. Mais même chaque ville mérite un temps assez long pour être découverte. Voici mes estimations pour vous donner une idée générale de ce qu'il faut prévoir. Ces délais n'incluent pas le fait de passer de longues heures allongé sur les plages. J'aime les road trips et voir le plus de choses possibles. Les durées suivantes sont suffisantes pour voir les points forts et avoir un aperçu de chaque région

  • Lisbonne - 1 à 3 jours
  • Sintra-Cascais - 2 à 4 jours
  • Algarve - 4 à 10 jours
  • Centre - 4 à 10 jours
  • Porto et le Nord - 3 à 6 jours
  • Alentejo - 2 à 4 jours

Définir son itinéraire au Portugal et réserver

Définir votre itinéraire de road trip au portugal.

Dans les sections suivantes, je vous présente quelques-unes des plus belles routes au Portugal avec des exemples d'itinéraires, notamment différentes options si vous ne disposez que de 7 jours. Et vous pouvez les combiner si vous disposez de plus de temps. Cependant, si vous voulez créer le vôtre en choisissant les localisations qui vous inspirent le plus, voyez mes eBooks de guides de voyage :

Planifiez votre voyage de rêve  au Portugal !

EBook Guide road Trip Portugal couverture

  • 13 cartes qui facilitent la planification
  • 120+ lieux pré-sélectionnés 
  • Conseils pratiques
  • 200+ photos pour vous aider à choisir
  • Coordonnées GPS des parkings


eBook Guide road trip lisbonne sintra algarve couverture

  • 8 cartes qui facilitent la planification
  • 65+ lieux pré-sélectionnés 
  • 110+ photos pour vous aider à choisir

Hébergements au Portugal

Il existe une large offre d'hébergements au Portugal : hôtels, locations, maisons d'hôtes, campings... En été, vous devez réserver à l'avance car cela se remplit rapidement, surtout en Algarve. Pour Sintra, Lisbonne et Porto, vous devriez réserver à l'avance toute l'année.

Les villes où je vous recommande de séjourner pendant votre road trip :

  • À Lisbonne, pour explorer la ville animée -  voir les hébergements les mieux notés
  • À Sintra, pour visiter autant de palais que possible -  voir les hébergements les mieux notés
  • Porto, pour ressentir l'histoire -  voir les hébergements les mieux notés
  • À Obidos, pour marcher sur les murs médiévaux -  voir les hébergements les mieux notés
  • Dans la vallée du Douro, si vous aimez le vin -  voir les hébergements les mieux notés
  • En Algarve, ma ville préférée est Lagos -  voir les hébergements les mieux notés
  • En Algarve, Portimao est central pour toutes les plus belles plages -  voir les hébergements les mieux notés

Trouvez plus d'inspiration dans mon article sur  où dormir au Portugal .

Lagos Algarve hotels Portugal

Accommodation en Algarve :   Uma Casa A Beira Sol

LISBONNE A  PORTO - Road Trip Portugal 1 semaine

Commençons par un classic le Road Trip Lisbonne à Porto. Il ne vous emmènera pas hors des sentiers battus (surtout avec seulement 7 jours) mais il vous amènera à voir certains des plus beaux lieux architecturaux du pays.

Pour cette itinéraire, vous avez besoin de louer une voiture de location. Mes conseils: 

  • Comparez les prix sur ma plateforme préférée  Discovercars.com  - un des sites les mieux notés !
  • Choisissez la voiture et l'agence qui correspondent à vos besoins
  • Considérez l'option d'assurance complète - je la prends toujours pour avoir l'esprit tranquille !
  • Réservez tôt pour avoir un le choix de votre véhicule !
  • Voir mes 36 conseils pour louer un voiture au Portugal


Lisbonne a porto itinéraire Portugal Road Trip 7 jours - Jour 1

Prenez le temps d'explorer Lisbonne. Echappez vous à Belem pour visiter le Monastère des Hiéronymites ou la tour be Belem . Puis montez au château de Lisbonne pour admirer les vues imprenables sur la ville.

Nuit à Lisbonne - Choisissez parmi les hébergements de Lisbonne les mieux notés


Lisbonne a porto itineraire Portugal Road Trip 7 jours - Jour 2

Lisbonne à Sintra - 45min

Profitez de la matinée pour encore découvrir Lisbonne puis prenez la route pour la cité Unesco de Sintra - visitez le Palais de Pena , les ruines du château des Maures , le Palais national ou bien la Quinta da Regaleira... il y a bien le choix !

Nuit à Sintra - Choisissez parmi les hébergements de Sintra les mieux notés


Lisbonne a porto itineraire Portugal Road Trip 7 jours - Jour 3

Continuez à découvrir les palais de Sintra. ils sont tous si différents ! Et si vous voulez échapper à la ville, faites un peitt tout vers la côte avec la Cap Cabo da Roca et la magnifique plage de Magoito

Route de Sintra à Obidos - 1h

Nuit à Obidos - Choisissez parmi les hébergements d'Obidos les mieux notés


Lisbonne a porto itinéraire Portugal Road Trip 7 jours - Jour 4

Si vous êtes du matin, levez-vous pour admirer le lever du soleil depuis les remparts d' Obidos avec le soleil qui resplendit sur les maisons blanches.

Route Obidos à Batalha - 1h

Découvrez un des plus beaux monastères du Portugal et un Site classé Unesco. Le monastère de Batalha est impressionnant. Et ne manquez pas les chapelles inachevées à la fin !

Nuit à Batalha - Choisissez parmi les hébergements de Batalha les mieux notés


Lisbonne a porto itinéraire Portugal Road Trip 1 semaine - Jour 5

Route Batalha à Coimbra - 1h

Direction le nord vers la ville principale du centre du Portugal : Coimbra qui fut une capitale médiavale pendant plus d'un siècle.

Route Coimbra à Luso - 45min

Quittez le bruit de la ville pour un parc appréciez des locaux et hors des sentiers battus : la région thermale de Luso avec le parc et le palais de Bussaco. Profitez de l'air pur, des arbres, des fontaines et points de vue.

Nuit à Luso - Choisissez parmi les hébergements de Luso les mieux notés


Lisbonne a porto itineraire Portugal Road Trip 1 semaine - Jour 6

Route Luso à Aveiro - 45min

Continuez vers le Nord et arrêtez vous à Aveiro, le "Venise du Portugal". Peut-être apprécierez-vous un petit tour en bateau traditionnel ou une visite de la plage et du lagon avec les maison colorées traditionnelles.

Route Aveiro à Porto - 1h

Encore plus au nord vous pourrez rejoindre Porto , la fameuse capitale du Nord. Vous pouvez y visiter la Cathédrale, profiter des vues depuis le pont ou bien explorer les caves à Porto et y gouter.

Nuit à Porto - Choisissez parmi les hébergements de Porto les mieux notés


Lisbonne a porto itineraire Portugal Road Trip 1 semaine - Jour 7

Continuez à découvrir Porto avec ses nombreuse églises et magnifiques points de vue. Et si vous êtes en forme, vous monterez peut-être tout en haut de la Tour de Clérigos

Retour Porto à Lisbon - 3h

Suggestions pour en faire un itinéraire de 10 jours

  • Ajouter un journée entre 3 et 4 pour explorer la côte, avec entre autre Peniche. Une sortie en bateau vers les isles de Berlangas est à considérer.
  • Ajouter 2 jours avant Porto pour explorer la vallée du Douro

Itinéraire Portugal 1 Semaine - PEU DE ROUTE

Si vous n'aimez pas trop conduire, pas de souci, il y a déjà beaucoup à faire pas très loin de Lisbonne. Voici un itinéraire qui vous offre un peu de tout mais avec peu de route :

  • Réservez tôt  pour avoir un le choix de votre véhicule !
  • Voir mes  36 conseils pour louer un voiture au Portugal


Lisbonne a porto itineraire Portugal Road Trip 7 jours - Jour 1

Ne manquez pas le Monastère St Vincent avec ses tuiles Azulejos et le Couvent des Carmes, souvenir du tremblement de terre du 18ème siècle

Et vous pouvez aussi tout simplement vous promener, apprécier l'atmosphère et peut-être écouter du Fado dans le vieux quartier de l'Alfama

Nuit à Lisbonne - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Lisbonne


Lisbonne a porto itineraire Portugal Road Trip 7 jours - Jour 2

Route Lisbonne à Sintra - 45min

2 jours pour visiter tout ce que le parc de Sintra-Cascais  peut vous offrir: les nombreux palais à Sintra avec leurs parcs magnifiques, les falaises de Cabo da Roca, les plages de la côte Atlantique (y compris Magoito)  et la station balnéaire de Cascais.


Lisbonne itinéraire 7 jours - Jour 5

Route Sintra à Peniche - 1h15min

Montez à Péniche pour explorer cette petite péninsule rocailleuse. Faîtes une sortie bateau vers la réserve de Berlengas pour profiter d'une nature magnifique et d'un fort isolé.

Route Peniche à Obidos - 30min

Après peut-être un détour par le lagon d'Obidos, dirigez vous vers le village médiéval d'Obidos. Explorez ses petites rues, goutez la liqueur de cerise locale et marchez sur le mur de fortification jusqu'au coucher du soleil.


Lisbonne itineraire 7 jours - Jour 6

  • Obidos à Alcobaça - 1h
  • Alcobaça à Batalha - 30min
  • Batalha à Tomar - 45min

Appréciez la boucle des monastères avec les sites Unesco de Alcobaça, Batalha et le Couvent du Christ de Tomar. Tous les sites sont fascinants et vous apporte une expérience différente. Tomar fut peronnellement mon préféré pour son ambiance et sa plongée dans l'histoire du site.

Lors de votre tour, jetez un coup d'oeil à l'un des plus importants sites religieux du Portugal (mais moderne) : Fatima

retour à Lisbonne depuis Tomar - 1h40

Nuit à Batalha - Choisissez parmi les hébergements de Batalha les mieux notés  (ou bien à Tomar )

  • Ajoutez une journée depuis Lisbonne en allant vers le Sud pour découvrir les magnifiques baies du Parc Naturel d'Arrabida
  • Partie vers l'Est de Lisbonne pendant 2 jours pour visiter Evora et ses nombreux bâtiments historiques et un peu plus loin le village de  Monsaraz  perché sur sa colline

Nuit à Evora -  Choisissez parmi les hébergements à Evora les mieux notés

Road Trip Portugal 7 jours - SUD 

Et partons maintenant pour un Road Trip dans le Sud du Portugal avec la région de l'Algarve. 

Lisbonne a porto itineraire Portugal Road Trip 7 jours - Jour 1


Algarve Road Trip Portugal itinéraire 7 jours - Jour 3

Route Lisbonne à Lagos - 4h

Roulez vers le Sud sans prendre l'autoroute. Le parc naturel de l'Alentejo du Sud ouest est magnifique. Arrêtez vous pour admirer les plages de Porto Covo, Odeceixe et Arrifana

Nuit à Lagos - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Lagos


Algarve Road Trip Portugal Sud itinéraire 7 jours - Jour 4

Certaines des plus belles plages de l'Algarve se trouvent près de Lagos : Dona Ana, Camilo et le magnifique promontoire de Ponta da Piedade (qui par ailleurs est un très bon endroit pour regarder le coucher de soleil).

Lagos à Sagres - 40min

Direction l'ouest pour le Cap St Vincent le plus au Sud Ouest de l'Europe continentale et pour le Fort de Sagres et ses falaises à pic.

Sagres à Portimao - 1h

Nuit à Lagos encore ou bien à Portimao - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Portimao


Algarve Road Trip Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 5

Portimao est une plus grande cité balnéaire mais elle a quand même des plages magnifiques juste à côté. Par exemple Tres Castelos est dans la ville et Tres Irmaos pas très loin. Vous pouvez aussi explorer le petit village de pêcheurs de Ferrugado.

Depuis Portimao, prévoir un tour en Bateau pour admire la côte depuis la mer et pour entrer dans la fameuse grotte de Benagil - Voir programme et prix + Réserver

Portimao à Albufeira - 35min

Nuit à Lagos ou Portimao encore ou bien à Albufeira - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Albufeira


Algarve Road Trip Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 6

Autour d'Albufeira, vous pouvez découvrir une plages considérées comme une des plus belles du monde : Praia da Marinha - des falaises vertigineuses, des arches, des pitons rocheux... à explorer plutôt à marée basse. Ou bien vous pouvez visiter les nombreuses plages qui l'entourent.


Algarve Road Trip Portugal Sud itineraire 7 jours - Jour 7

Albufeira à Lisbon - 3h

Retour vers Lisbonne part l'intérieur des terres. Arrêtez vous au château de Silves et dans une des villes des montagnes telles que Monchique ou Bartholomeu.

  • Vous pouvez ajouter 2 jours pour explorer l'Algarve Est. Les paysages y sont très différents avec des plages de sables blanc ininterrompues sur des kilomètres. Vous pouvez aussi faire un tour en bateau pour voir la réserve marécageuse de Ria Formosa
  • En retournant vers le Nord, passez par l'est du Pays en visitant Mertola et le Parc Naturel de Guadiana. Puis visitez la ville historique d'Evora avant de rentrer sur Lisbonne.

Je ne bois pas de café... ☕️

Mais j'aime d'autres boissons et douceurs ! Vous appréciez le contenu gratuit que vous trouvez sur mon blog ?

Tous mes conseils et infos pratiques, sans publicité intrusive...

Claire ZigZag

Circuit PORTUGAL 1 semaine - PORTO & LE NORD

Pour ceux qui préfèrent une atmosphère historique et des vignobles, voici un itinéraire pour découvrir le Nord du Portugal.


Lisbonne a porto itineraire Portugal Road Trip 1 semaine - Jour 7

Explorez la fameuse cité du nord. Voir mon guide sur Porto

 Vous pouvez y visiter la Cathédrale, profiter des vues depuis le pont ou bien explorer les caves à Porto et y goûter 🙂

Nuit à Porto - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Porto


Nord Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 3

Enter your text here...

Découvrez le site iconique de Bom Jesus , près de la ville de Braga. Il est connu pour son énorme escalier avec une belle perspective. Ensuite rapprochez vous de la côte et visitez le Sanctuaire de Santa Luzia avec ses vues imprenables sur la mer et Viana do Castelo.

Nuit à Viana do Castelo - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés


Nord Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 4

Roulez le long de la frontière espagnole et découvrez les villages fortifiés protégeant le pays : Valença, Monçao, Melgaço...

Puis direction le Sud via le Parc National de Penada Geres. Si vous avez le temps visiter le petit château de Lindoso.

Nuit à Ponte da Barca - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Ponte da Barca


Nord Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 5

Explore le Sud du Parc de Penada Geres avec magnifiques vues à Adpropeixce et depuis le Miradouro Pedra Bela.

Descendez à Guimaraes, l'ancienne capitale du Portugal. Admirez le château et visitez le palais de Ducal.

Nuit à Guimaraes - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Guimaraes


Nord Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 6 DOURO

Explorer les vignobles de la vallée du Douro. les meilleurs points de vues sont souvent là ou le fleuve fait des boucles. Visitez un vignoble (ou plusieurs...)

Nuit dans la vallée du Douro - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés

  • Depuis la vallée du Douro ajouter 2 jours pour explorer les montagnes de Serra de Estrela atour de la ville de Manteigas. La vallée du Zezère est particulièrement belle
  • En revenant vers Porto, arrêtez vous à Aveiro - explorer la plage, le lagon et les canaux.

7 jours au Portugal Itinéraire - l'EST

Vous voulez aller un peu hors des sentiers battus ? Portugal est touristique un peu partout, mais les foules sont beaucoup moins denses dans l'Est du pays. Et pourtant on y trouve des lieux magnifiques. Voici une suggestion d'itinéraire :


Est Circuit Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 1 Tomar

Lisbon à Tomar - 1h40

Roulez vers le Nord et arrêter vous à Tomar pour en apprendre plus du les Templiers. Visitez la vielle ville et montez en haut de la colline pour explorer le Couvent du Christ. C'est un vrai labyrinthe, alors prenez votre temps !

Nuit à Tomar - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Tomar


Est Circuit Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 2 Serra de Estrela

Tomar à Manteigas - 2h30

Direction de Nord Est et les montagnes de la Serra de Estrela. Cette chaîne a le plus haut point du Portugal Continental. Manteigas est la ville principale mais il y a beaucoup à voir même sans faire de randonnée : le château de Linhares, la vallée du Zézère, les étranges formations de Senhora da Boa Estrela...

Nuit dans les montagnes Serra de Estrela - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés


Est Circuit Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 4 monsanto

Manteigas à Monsanto - 1h45

Direction le sud avec un premier arrêt à Castelo Branco et ses jolis jardins. Puis rendez-vous au village de Monsanto .

Bien qu'il est été nommé le plus Portuguai des villages du Portugal, il est unique et se ressemble à aucun autre. Ici pas de maisons blanches, les bâtiment sont construits autours des énormes rochers qui recouvrent la colline (et parfois au dessous !). Prenez bien le temps d'explorer.

Nuit à Monsanto - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Monsanto


Est Circuit au Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 5 Marvao

Monsanto à Marvao - 2h

Prochain arrêt : le parc naturel de Mamede Sud. On y trouve le magnifique village fortifié de Marvao d'où vous avez de superbes vues sur la région

Nuit à Marvao - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Marvao


Est Circuit au Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 6 Monsaraz

Marvao à Monsaraz - 2h

Un peu plus au Sud, vous pouvez faire un arrêt à Vica Vicosa et visiter le palais.

Puis continuez vers le Sud pour découvrir un autre village près de la frontière espagnol : Monsaraz . Perché sur une colline, son histoire fut agitée mais les vues sur l'Alentejo sont imprenabes !

Nuit à Monsaraz ou Evora - Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Monsaraz ou ceux à Evora


Est Circuit Portugal itineraire 7 jours - Jour 7 Evora

Monsaraz à Evora - 1h

Retour vers Lisbonne avec un arrêt à Evora. La Chapelle aux ossements y est un des sites les plus connus.

Si vous souhaitez voir de l'histoire encore plus ancienne et que cela ne vous gêne pas de conduire sur une route non goudronnée, allez voir les mégalithes d'Almendres, un des plus vieux d'Europe.

Evora à Lisbonne - 1h45

Itinéraire Road Trip au Portugal - 2 semaines ou plus

Il y a vraiment trop de possibilité pour que je puisse vous donner un itinéraire de 2 semaines. V Vous pouvez faire des combinaisons des itinéraires de 7 jours suggérés plus haut ou aller voir mon article avec une suggestion d'itinéraire pour 2 semaines . 

Pour info - pour bien couvrir toutes les régions (à part les iles), il faut compter 3 semaines. Si vous avez moins que cela, il va falloir faire des choix.

Mon eBook vous aide à organiser votre itinéraire en fonction de ce que vous aimez. j'ai fait une présélection avec les sites les plus beaux, et j'ai mis plein de photos pour vous aider à décider.


Planifiez votre voyage de rêve au Portugal !

EBook Guide road Trip Portugal couverture

  • 13 cartes pour planifier facilement un itinéraire
  • Conseils pratiques pour faciliter le voyage

En savoir plus

5 jours au Portugal itinéraire - SANS VOITURE

Si vous avez seulement 5 jours au Portugal et que vous n'avez jamais visiter Lisbonne, je vous conseille alors de ne pas louer de voiture car : 

  • Vous pouvez facilement explorer Lisbonne à pied et avec les transports en commun alors que s'y garer est un cauchemard
  • Il y a de nombreux tours organisés en petit groupe qui vous permettent de voir les principaux sites pas loin de Lisbonne
  • Vous pouvez alterner des jours à Lisbonne avec des jours sur la route
  • Vous pouvez appréciez vos soirées dans l'atmosphère vibrante de Lisbonne

Voici ma suggestion d'itinéraire avec une base à Lisbonne :


Sans voiture Lisbonne itinéraire - Jour 1 Sintra

Les tours organisés vous emmène à Sintra où vous pouvez explorer la ville et un des palais. Puis le guide vous emmène le long de la côte avec des arrêts à Cabo da Roca et certaines des plus belles plages su coin - Voir Programme et Prix - Réserver  (disponible en français)

L'autre option est de prendre le train pour Sintra par vous même et ensuite de visiter la les palais et la côte avec les 2 bus Hop on Hop Off


Sans voiture Lisbonne itinéraire - Jour 2 Obidos

Une belle journée vous attends avec un tour qui vous emmène au village médiéval d'Obidos et son mur de fortification que vous pouvez explorer. Puis vous irez sur le Monastère de Batalha, un site classé par l'Unesco avant de revenir par la côte. Une journée bien remplie avec différents visages du Portugal ! Voir programme et prix - Réserver   (disponible en français)


Explorer Lisbonne selon vos envies - Considérez l'achat de la  Lisbon card qui vous donne accès à de nombreuses attractions et aux transports en commun


Passez un peu de temps dans la nature avec un des ses 2 tours au choix : 

  • L'archipèle de Berlangas - une réserve pas loin des la péninsule de Peniche - Voir Programme, Prix et Réserver   (disponible en français)
  • Ou découvrez la réserve d'Arrabida et partez à la recherche des dauphins dans leur environnement naturel - Voir Programme, Prix et Réserver


Coninuer à explorer Lisbonne. Il y a tant de choses à voir !


Choisissez parmi les hébergements les mieux notés à Lisbonne

Autres conseils pour votre circuit au Portugal

  • Langue - Portugais Mais l'anglais est souvent parlée dans les coins touristiques et le frnaçais est assez répandu aussi
  • Monaie - Euros uniquement
  • Pourboires - pas obligatoire (souvent 10% dans les restaurants et taxis)
  • Les cartes de Credit sont acceptées presque partout - seuls quelques hébergements hors des sentiers battus vous demanderons du cash
  • Electricité  - 220V, Types C/F (Prise avec 2 trous rond comme en France)
  • Attention les portions de repas sont énormes !
  • En cas d'urgence - 112

Une paire de Jumelles de qualité est aussi une très bonne idée. Perso, je ne voyage jamais sans. Allez voir mon guide complet pour choisir des jumelles de voyage (avec comparatif)

Que mettre dans sa valise ?

Rien de très spécial à mettre dans sa valise pour le Portugal. Vous pouvez vous référez à ma Checklist Voyage pour préparer votre voyage et votre valise .

Réponses à vos questions fréquentes

Quand visiter le portugal .

Je pense que les meilleurs mois pour visiter le Portugal sont mai et octobre car le temps est généralement beau et il y a moins de monde. Notez toutefois que pendant ces périodes, l'eau n'est pas très chaude - c'est l'océan Atlantique après tout... Autres choses à faire concernant les périodes de voyage :

  • Il peut y avoir une grande différence de température entre la côte et l'intérieur des terres.
  • Il y a aussi une sacrée différence entre le Nord et le Sud.
  • Les mois de juillet et août sont très fréquentés par les touristes européens et les locaux en vacances.
  • Les petites attractions sont fermées en hiver.
  • Vous aurez de plus longues journées pour vous déplacer et voir les sites touristiques si vous visitez au printemps plutôt qu'en automne.

Visa pour le Portugal

Le Portugal fait partie du traité de Schengen . Les visiteurs Européens peuvent circuler librement et les voyageurs de la plus part des pays occidentaux peuvent rester pour 3 mois.

Est-il facile de conduire au Portugal ?

Oui, c'est facile. Les routes sont en très bon état en général. Les panneaux routiers sont clairs et il n'y a pas de conseils de conduite délicats. Pour en savoir plus, lisez mon article sur la conduite au Portugal

De combien de jours ai-je besoin pour le Portugal ?

Cela dépend de ce que vous voulez voir :

  • Pour voir les points forts entre Lisbonne et Porto et les villes - 7 à 10 jours suffisent
  • Pour parcourir le pays en voiture et voir les points forts de chaque région : 2 à 3 semaines
  • Pour explorer l'ensemble du pays et approfondir chaque région : 4 à 5 semaines.

10 jours au Portugal sont-ils suffisants ?

Là encore, cela dépend de ce que vous voulez voir. Avec 10 jours, vous pouvez déjà voir :

  • Lisbonne, Sintra, Porto et quelques villages et monastères entre les deux.
  • Ou bien Lisbonne et l'Algarve

Cependant, vous pouvez profiter de toutes les régions avec seulement 10 jours.

Comment se rendre au Portugal

  • En Avion - les principaux aéroports du Portugal sont à Lisbonne et Porto (2h de vol depuis Paris). Des compagnies bas coût ont parfois de très bon prix pour Porto donc n'allez pas par défaut à Lisbonne, juste parce que c'est la capitale. 
  • En Train ou bus  - Si vous venez d'Europe, les trains et bus peuvent être une bonne option si vous avez le temps et la patience. Mais le train peut revenir cher. Un vol est souvent la meilleur option. 
  • En voiture - Bien sûr le Portugal est accessible en voiture depuis le reste de l'Europe. Mais c'est en général un voyage assez long - Paris à Porto 15h de route - Bruxelles à Porto 18 h de Route - Genève à Porto 16h de route
  • En Croisières - les bateaux faisant une croisière sur l'Atlantique s'arrêtent souvent à Porto, Lisbon our Portimao (sur la côte sud de l'Algarve)

Les principaux aéroports sont :

  • Porto au nord
  • Lisbonne dans le centre
  • Faro dans la région de l'Algarve (Sud)

Comparer les prix des vols sur Skyscanner

Où aller au Portugal : Porto ou Lisbonne ?

Les deux villes sont très différentes

  • Si vous préférez le caractère et la gastronomie, allez à Porto.Mais si vous préférez l'architecture et les musées, allez à Lisbonne.
  • Si vous ne disposez que d'un week-end, choisissez Porto
  • Mais si vous voulez passer une semaine entière dans une région, préférez Lisbonne.

Pour en savoir plus, lisez mon article Porto vs Lisbonne.

Que peut-on voir au Portugal en 6 ou 7 jours ?

  • Si vous atterrissez à Lisbonne , avec 6 ou 7 jours, vous pouvez profiter de la ville de Lisbonne, vous diriger vers le parc naturel de Sintra-Cascais avec ses palais et ses plages, et vous diriger vers l'intérieur du pays pour découvrir des villages traditionnels et des monastères - en savoir plus
  • Si vous atterrissez à Porto, avec 6 ou 7 jours, vous pouvez profiter de la ville de Porto, des villes historiques de Guimaraes et Braga, de la Venise du Portugal et des vignobles de la vallée du Douro - en savoir plus
  • Si vous atterrissez à Faro , avec 6 ou 7 jours, vous pouvez exemple l'Algarve avec les magnifiques plages et falaises, les excursions en bateau pour entrer dans les grottes marines et les charmants villages de l'intérieur - en savoir plus

Découvrez les plus beaux lieux du Portugal :

  • Que visiter au Portugal - les 21 plus beaux lieux d'intérêt - lire l'article
  • Les plus beaux villages du Portugal - lire l'article
  • Les 12 plus belles plages du Portugal - lire l'article
  • Les plus beaux paysages du Portugal en 30 photos - lire l'article
  • Porto ou Lisbonne - où aller ? - lire l'article
  • Conduire au Portugal - lire l'article
  • La magnifique région de Sintra Cascais  - lire l'article
  • La magnifique région de l'Algarve - lire l'article
  • 21 plus belles villes au Portugal - lire l'article

Et gardez la trace de votre propre voyage !

Portugal Carnet de voyage


21 plus belles villes au Portugal



Guide Voyage Portugal

Vous aimez ? Partagez sur votre réseau préféré !

Itineraire Portugal Road Trip 1 semaine - Circuit Portugal Voyage

Interactions du lecteur


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août 16, 2018 à 7:18 AM


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août 16, 2018 à 5:32 PM

Bonjour Pour éviter les foules je recommande Mai et Octobre. Mais toute l’année il y a du monde à Lisbon, Porto et Sintra. En une semaine cela va être difficile de se faire une vue générale des différents paysages. Il va falloir faire des choix. Cependant je ne suis pas une agence de voyage et n’en organise pas. Je vous souhaite un merveilleux voyage! Claire

' src=

février 6, 2019 à 8:29 PM

Quelques mots pour vous remercier d’avoir pris de votre temps pour la création de votre site . Ce dernier est à la fois très détaillé et complet. Grâce à vous, je peux établir un road trip précis par rapport à mes attentes…

Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation !


février 7, 2019 à 4:44 AM

Merci d’avoir pris le temps de laisser un message 🙂 Ravie que ce vous soit utile. Je vous souhaite de merveilleux voyages !

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mars 5, 2019 à 10:33 AM

De loin le meilleur site à ce sujet que j’ai trouvé jusqu’à maintenant… Merci! Avez-vous éventuellement une idée de budget pour 2 personnes par jour (logement + repas)? Pensez-vous que 100 euros suffisent? Merci

mars 5, 2019 à 6:46 PM

Bonjour Ravie que vous trouviez le site utile. Je suis désolée, je n’ai pas les budgets. Cela peut varier tellement en fonction du niveau d’hébergement, du niveau gastronomique, des visites faites, des km conduits…Et la notion de moyenne gamme varie beaucoup suivant les personnes. Le mieux est que vous regardiez 2/3 hotels qui vous plaisent dans différentes villes pour vous faire une idée du prix. Le midi, il est facile de manger des toasts ou autres sandwich pour pas très cher. Je vous souhaite une merveilleux voyage!

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janvier 12, 2020 à 10:18 AM

Bonjour Nous envisageons de faire un circuit au Portugal cet été. Pour visiter la région de Lisbonne, j hésite entre 1 prendre un logement à lisbonne puis louer au centre ville une voiture lorsqu on ira visiter contra, cascais et la suite du séjour vers le nord 2 louer une voiture dès l aéroport et louer un parking à lisbonne 3 louer un hébergement en dehors de lisbonne et s y rendre en train ou bus

Qu en pensez vous?

janvier 13, 2020 à 5:51 PM

Bonjour Cela dépend vraiment de vos préférences. Personnellement je n’aime pas conduire dans les villes, je préfère tout faire à pied et avec les bus hop on hop off ou les transports publiques. Donc je prends la voiture après la ville (ou la rend avant la ville). Mais c’est vraiment une préférence perso. Vous pouvez prendre le métro ou la navette de l’aéroport et la ville. Ce n’est pas cher. Sinon un taxi sera entre 16 et 30 euros suivant l’heure et vos bagages. Je vous souhaite un merveilleux voyage! Claire

Par Claire Robinson Region Lovers SARL 76600 Le Havre VAT FR21845103191

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Plan unforgettable road trips!

Road Trip in Portugal – Tips + Itinerary for 7 days, 10 days…

Last updated on November 16, 2023 by Claire Robinson - this article contains affiliate links. If you purchase through them, I get a small commission ( more )

Time to plan your amazing Portugal Road trip!  There is so much to do, that planning can be overwhelming. Below is my guide to help you:

  • Decide when, how long and where to go,
  • Define your Portugal road trip itinerary for 7 days, 10 days or longer… 
  • Get inspired with Portugal itinerary examples with the South, North and more,
  • Book your rental car and accommodations,
  • Prepare for driving and the trip!

Before my tips + photos, here are my favorites for Portugal:

road trip portugal 8 jours

My favorite platform to rent a car in Portugal: DiscoverCars

The unmissable boat tour: Benagil sea cave from Portimao

My favorite excursion from Lisbon: Sintra Pena Palace and Cabo da Roca

My favorite places to stay:

  • Lisbon: see best rated hotels – e.g. Santiago de Alfama boutique hotel
  • Porto: see best rated hotels – e.g. Descobertas Boutique Hotel
  • Lagos: see best rated hotels – e.g. Uma Cas A Beira Sol

Map Road Trip Portugal Itinerary Map - Roadtrip Portugal Travel

Overall planning tips – Portugal Road Trip

Let’s start with some general information to start planning a Road Trip around Portugal.

Best time to visit Portugal

I think the best months to visit Portugal are May and October as the weather is mostly beautiful and it is less crowded. However note that during those periods, the water is not very warm – it is the Atlantic Ocean after all…

Other things to do about travel periods:

  • There can be quite a difference in temperature between the coast and inland
  • There is also quite a difference between North vs the South.
  • July and August are very busy with European tourists as well as locals on holidays
  •  Smaller attractions are closed in the Winter
  • You will have longer days to drive around and see the sights if you visit in Spring rather than in Autumn. 

October Sunset in the Algarve

How to get to Portugal

  • Flying – the main airports in Portugal are Lisbon and Porto – some low cost companies sometimes have really good prices to Porto, so don’t dismiss them just because Lisbon is the capital – 
  • Train or buses – if you are coming from Europe, trains and busses can also be good options although you need to have a lot of time and patience
  • Driving – of course, Portugal is reachable by car from mainland Europe, but from anywhere except Spain it is quite a long drive!
  • Cruises – Ships on the Atlantic can make port in Porto or Lisbon or Portimao (on the Algarve Coast)

The main airports are:

  • Porto in the North
  • Lisbon in the center
  • Faro in the Algarve region (South)

Compare flight prices on Skyscanner

Portugal is part of the Schengen treaty. There are no requirements for Europeans and most Western countries for up to 3 months – check with your embassy.

Falesia beach

How long to drive around Portugal?

Do not attempt to tour the entire country if you have less than 2 weeks. Even with 2 weeks, you would have to be diligent to only focus on some highlights of each regions in order to make it work. 3 to 5 weeks is way more comfortable.

Driving times in Portugal

To help you plan your road trip Portugal, below are driving times between main cities to get a feel for what you can do in a day. Note that these times are often via motorways, so tolls apply:

Portugal driving times

  • Lisbon to Sintra – 30min to 45min depending on traffic
  • Lisbon to Coimbra – 2h
  • Lisbon to Porto – 3h
  • Lisbon to Evora – 1h30
  • Lisbon to Albufeira (Algarve) – 2h30
  • Lisbon to Manteigas (Serra de Estrela) – 3h30
  • Porto to Manteigas (Serra de Estrela) – 2h30

Decide where to go in Portugal by car & for how long

Choosing your destinations – portugal map of regions.

Road Trip Portugal Map Portugal destinations

  • Capital of Portugal since 1255
  • Located at the mouth of the Tagus River
  • The city built around 7 hills fascinates with its cosmopolitan atmosphere
  • Highlights include the castle, the paved streets, the old neighborhood, the Santa Justa Lift, the monasteries and churches…
  • See my article about Lisbon


Pena Palace

  • Very close to Lisbon
  • The region of Sintra-Cascais and its Natural Park are home to magnificent Unesco sites and scenic coastlines
  • In the historical town of Sintra you can visit architectural wonders: the colorful Pena Palace, the Castle of the Moors, the National Palace…
  • Along the coast your can see cliffs and beaches such as Magoito beach and Cabo da Roca
  • See my guide to Sintra Cascais Natural Park

Ponta da Piedade

  • South of the country,
  • the Algarve Coastline is nowadays full of resorts.
  • It is home to precipitous cliffs, many stunning beaches and sea caves
  • The main towns are Lagos, Portimao, Albufeira and Porto
  • Highlights include the Benagil Sea  Cave, Ponta da Piedade, Marinha beach, Falesia beach… and many many other beaches
  • See my guide to the Algarve Region
  • See my article about renting a car in Faro & Algarve


  • A vast area in the heart of Portugal
  • The main city  is Coimbra
  • The region offers a wide variety of scenery with coastal areas, historical fortified villages and the mountains of Estrela
  • Highlights include villages such as Obidos , Monasteries such as Batahla , coast with giant waves such as Nazare and mountains inland

Porto and the North


  • The Northern part is considered the cradle of Portugal with the original Capital Guimaraes.
  • It is mostly famous for the Douro River fertile grounds
  • It is home to the famous city of Porto with its river, bridges, historical monuments…
  • Highlights of the region are the wineries along the Douro River, the towns of Guimaraes and Braga, the more Natural areas to the North
  • See my article about Porto


  • Between the Tagus River and the Algarve, this vast and sunny lowland offers agricultural landscapes.
  • It is famous for its fields of Oak Cork
  • Highlights include prehistoric sites and old villages such as Monsaraz

Portuguese islands

  • Portugal also has beautiful islands.
  • There volcanic and famous for their scenery: Madeira, west of North Africa and the Azores, further west into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • However they deserve their own trip. Check out my articles about Madeira

Time to dedicate to each region

Of course, you can focus on just one single region and visit it in depth. Even each cities deserves quite a long time to be discovered. Below are my estimations to give you a general idea of what to plan. These timeframes do not include spending long hours laying on beaches. I love road trips and seeing as much as possible The following times are sufficient to see the highlights and get an overview of each region

  • Lisbon – 1 to 3 days
  • Sintra-Cascais – 2 to 4 days
  • Algarve – 4 to 10 days
  • Center – 4 to 10 days
  • Porto and the North – 3 to 6 days
  • Alentejo – 2 to 4 days

Define your Portugal road trip itinerary and Book

Defining your portugal road trip itinerary.

In the next sections, I am sharing some fo the best road trips in Portugal with itinerary examples, especially different options if you only have 7 days. And you can combine them if you have longer. However, if you want to create your own by choosing the locations that inspire you the most, check out my travel guide eBooks:

Plan your dream trip to Portugal with my guides!

road trip portugal 8 jours

  • 13 easy-to-plan maps
  • 120+ pre-selected locations
  • GPS coordinates 
  • Useful planning tips
  • 200+ large photos 

road trip portugal 8 jours

  • 8 easy-to-plan maps
  • 65+ pre-selected locations
  • GPS coordinates 
  • 110+ large photos 

Renting a car and Driving in Portugal

To rent your car:

  • All major brands of car rental are available at the airports
  • Compare car rental prices on my favorite platform: Discovercars.com – one of the best rated sites!
  • Choose the car and company you prefer (remember the villages narrow streets)
  • Consider their full coverage option – I always take it for peace of mind! 
  • Book early to have a large choice of vehicles
  • See all my 36 tips in my Portugal car rental article.
  • It is on the right side of the road
  • Driving in Portugal is actually quite easy. There are many good quality motorways
  • Road signs are clear
  • Just be careful with the tolls in the South where you cannot pay cash
  • Learn more (with video and photos) in my Driving in Portugal article

Driving in Portugal road trip

Accommodations in Portugal

There is a large offering of accommodations in Portugal: hotels, rentals, guesthouses, campsites… In Summer, you should book ahead as it fills up quickly especially in the Algarve. For Sintra, Lisbon and Porto you should book ahead all year round.

My recommended towns to stay in during your road trip:

  • In Lisbon, to explore the vibrant city –  see best rated accommodations
  • In Sintra, to visit as many palaces as possible –  see best rated accommodations
  • In Porto, to feel the history –  see best rated accommodations
  • In Obidos, to walk on the medieval walls at sunset –  see best rated accommodations
  • In the Douro valley, if you love wine –  see best rated accommodations
  • In the Algarve, my favorite town is Lagos –  see best rated accommodations
  • In the Algarve, Portimao is practical to visit all the best beaches –  see best rated accommodations

Find more inspiration in my article about  where to stay in Portugal

Accomodation in the Algarve - Uma Casa A Beira Sol

I don’t drink coffee

But I also like other drinks and sweets! Do you like the free content you find on my blog? All my tips and practical information, without intrusive advertising…

road trip portugal 8 jours

LISBON TO PORTO Portugal road trip Itinerary 7 DAYS

Let’s start with a classic: Doing a Lisbon to Porto Road Trip won’t take you off the beaten track but you will see some of the best architecture the country has to offer.


Lisbon to porto itinerary 7 days

Take the time to explore Lisbon. Maybe get to the Belem area to visit the Jeronimos monastery and/or the Belem Tower . Climb up to the Lisbon Castle and enjoy magnificent views of the city

Night in Lisbon – Choose from the best rated Lisbon accommodations


Lisbon to porto itinerary 7 days - Day 2

Lisbon to Sintra – 45min

Then make your way to Sintra and visit one of the palaces – there are plenty to choose from: the colorful Pena palace , the ruins of the Castle of the Moors , the Sintra National palace, Quinta da Regaleira and its intriguing park…

Night in Sintra – Choose from the best rated Sintra accommodations


Lisbon to porto itinerary 7 days - Day 3

Visit another palace or 2 in Sintra and if you want to escape the city, head to the coast with the cliffs at Cabo da Roca or the Splendid Magoito Beach .

Drive Sintra to Obidos – 1h

Night in Obidos – Choose from the best rated Obidos accommodations


Lisbon to porto itinerary 7 days - Day 4

If you are up to it, wake up early an enjoy the atmosphere of Obidos at sunrise by walking on the wall. Admire the white houses as the sun starts hitting them.

Drive Obidos to Batalha – 1h

Enjoy one of the most beautiful buildings in Portugal and a Unesco classified heritage site. The Batalha Monastery is quite impressive. Don’t miss the unfinished chapels at the end!

Night in Batalha – Choose from the best rated Batalha accommodations


Lisbon to porto itinerary 7 days - Day 5

Batalha to Coimbra – 1h

Leave Batalha and head North to the Main town in the Central Portugal: Coimbra which used to be the medieval capital of Portugal for more than a century.

Coimbra to Luso – 45min

Then leave the husstle and head out of the beaten path to find a location appreciated by the locals: the thermal region of Luso and its Bussaco Park. Enjoy the air, the trees, the fountains around the beautiful Bussaco palace.

Night in Luso – Choose from the best rated Luso accommodations


Lisbon to porto itinerary 7 days - Day 6

Luso to Aveiro – 45min

Head North and stop at Aveiro, the Venice of Portugal. Maybe you can take a boat trip in the traditional boat or head to the beach and its colorful houses.

Aveiro to Porto – 1h

Continue North and reach Porto. Explore the famous city of Northern Portugal. You can maybe visit the Cathedral and enjoy the views from the Bridge. Or you could visit one of the Port wine caves and enjoy a tasting

Night in Porto – Choose from the best rated Porto accommodations


Lisbon to porto itinerary 7 days - Day 7

Continue discovering Porto with its many churches and amazing viewpoints. Maybe you feel good enough to climb the Clerigos Tower…

Drive back Porto to Lisbon – 3h

Extra Suggestions to make it a Portugal Itinerary 10 Days

If you want to turn this into a 10-day itinerary:

  • Add a day between 3 and 4 to explore the Coast with Cabo da Roca, Magoito Beach, the peninsula of Peniche. Maybe you can take a boat trip to the Berlangas Reserve islands
  • Add 2 days in the famous Douro Valley from Porto

1 WEEK IN PORTUGAL self-drive itinerary – Limited Driving

If you don’t like driving too much, this is not a problem. There is much to do not far from Lisbon. With this itinerary, you will get a taste of it all: city, nature, beaches, monasteries, palaces, medieval villages…

DAY 1 & 2 – LISBON

Lisbon itinerary 7 days - Day 1

Take the time to explore Lisbon. Maybe go to the Belem area to visit the Jeronimos monastery and/or the Belem Tower . Climb up to the Lisbon Castle and enjoy magnificent views of the city

Don’t miss the St Vincent monastery with its Azulejos tiles and the Carmo Convent , remnant of the 18th century earthquake.

You can also just walk around the Alfama district and listen to the typical Fado Music

Nights in Lisbon – Choose from the best rated Lisbon accommodations


Lisbon itinerary 7 days - Day 3

Visit the many palaces of Sintra: Pena Palace , National Palace, Quinta da Regaleira and the ruins of the Castle of the Moors . Admire the architecture and explore the beautiful hilly parks.

You can also drive towards the coast to admire the cliffs at the Westernmost point of Cabo da Roca and drive along the west coast to discover some of the beautiful beaches of the Nature Park.

And Don’t forget to bring binoculars to make the most of those views!!!!  Check out my guide to find the best travel binoculars for your needs.

Nights in Sintra – Choose from the best rated Sintra accommodations


Lisbon itinerary 7 days - Day 5

Sintra to Peniche – 1h15min

Drive to Peniche and explore the rocky peninsula. Maybe you can do a boat tour to the Berlengas islands, a beautiful nature reserve not far from the coast

Peniche to Obidos – 30min

Head to the medieval village of Obidos and explore its narrow streets, taste the local specialties and walk on the fortification walls all around


Lisbon itinerary 7 days - Day 6

  • Obidos to Alcobaça – 1h
  • Alcobaça to Batalha – 30min
  • Batalha to Tomar – 45min

Complete the loop of the 3 monasteries: Alcobaça, Batalha and Tomar Convent of Christ . All of them are fascinating in their own way and provide a different experience. Most websites talk a lot about Batalha but I really enjoyed the atmosphere in the Convent. In Tomar spend some time in the city as well. A lot of history there! On the way you can also stop at the famous modern religious site of Fatima.

Drive back to Lisbon from Tomar – 1h40

Night in Batalha – Choose from the best rated Batalha accommodations  (or in Tomar )

  • Add 1 day from Lisbon driving South to the Arrabida Natural Park to enjoy the beaches and scenic bays
  • Drive East for 2 days to explore the city of Evora with its many historical buildings and ruins as well as the beautiful village of  Monsar a z . Perched on a hill, the white houses have a premium view of the region

Night in Evora –  Choose from the best rated Evora accommodations

7 days in PORTUGAL itinerary – THE SOUTH

Heard that the Algarve region is magical? Yes, it is. So, below is a suggested itinerary to head down to South Portugal and complete a West Algarve Road Trip in 7 days.

Algarve Portugal Road Trip itinerary 7 days - Day 1

Don’t miss the St Vincent monastery with its Azulejos tiles and the Carmo Convent , remnant of the 18th century earthquake near the Santa Justa Lift .


Algarve Portugal Road Trip itinerary 7 days - Day 3

Lisbon to Lagos – 3h

Drive South along the coast (do not take the Motorway). The Nature park is amazing with beautiful beaches such as Porto Covo, Odeceixe or Praia da Arrifana. This is simply stunning and different from what you will see in the South coast of the Algarve.

Night in Lagos – Choose from the best rated Lagos accommodations


Algarve Portugal Road Trip itinerary 7 days - Day 4

Lagos to Sagres – 40min

Sagres to Portimao – 1h

Head to the Southwesternmost point of Portugal at Cape St Vincent and admire the cliffs at the nearby Sagres fort.

Some of the best beaches in the Algarve are located near Lagos: Dona Ana and Camilo Beach . It is also the home of Ponta da Piedade , a promontory with caves arches and beautiful rock formations. A great pace to watch sunset!

Night in Lagos again or Portimao –  Choose from the best rated Portimao accommodations


Algarve Portugal Road Trip itinerary 7 days - Day 5

Portimao to Albufeira – 35min

Portimao is a bigger city. But right there are some fantastic beaches such as Tres Castelos. Not far is also the double arch beach of Tres Irmaos and the adorable village of Ferrugado.

From Portimao you can take an amazing 2-hour boat trip to discover the coast and the sea caves from the water. Not to be missed! It normally includes the internationally renowned Benagil Sea Cave. Check program and price

Night in Lagos or Portimao again – or Albufeira – Choose from the best rated Albufeira accommodations


Algarve Portugal Road Trip itinerary 7 days - Day 6

Today you can discover what is known as one of the best beaches in the world: Praia da Marinha – vertiginous cliffs, arches and pinnacles. Better to visit at low tide. Other lesser known beaches around are also remarkable.


Algarve Portugal Road Trip itinerary 7 days - Day 7

Albufeira to Lisbon – 3h

Head inland to the Castle of Silves and the mountain town of Monchique or Bartholomeu before driving back to Lisbon

  • Add 2 days to explore  East Algarve  – the landscape is quite different with long flat white sand beaches – Take a boat trip to Ria Formosa and spend the night in Tavira
  • Come back via the off the beaten path village of Mertola in the Guadiana Nature Park and visit the city of Evora

7 days Portugal driving itinerary – PORTO & NORTH

Some people will prefer to historic feel and the vineyard landscapes of the North. So, here is an one-week itinerary for North Portugal:

DAY 1 & 2 – PORTO

North Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 1

Explore the famous city of Northern Portugal. You can maybe visit the Cathedral and its many churches or admire the city from the incredible viewpoints. Maybe you feel good enough to climb the Clerigos Tower…

Or you could visit one of the Port wine caves and enjoy a tasting.


North Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 3

Visit the iconic Bom Jesus church near the town of Braga. It is famous for its grand staircase with perfect perspectives. Then you can head to the coast where the Sanctuary of Santa Luzia offers splendid views of Viana do Castelo and the sea.

Night in Viana do Castelo – Choose from the best rated Viana do Castelo accommodations


North Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 4

Drive along the Northern border with Spain to discover the fortified villages protecting the country – stop at Valença, Monçao, Melgaço…

Head South through to the Northern Penada Geres National Park with the Lindoso castle.

Night in Ponte da Barca – Choose from the best rated Ponte da Barca accommodations


North Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 5

Explore the South part of the Penada Geres National Park with the river branches at Adpropeixe – Do not miss the Miradouro Pedra Bela

Night in Guimaraes – Choose from the best rated Guimaraes accommodations


North Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 6 DOURO

Explore the vineyards of the Douro Valley. Amazing views all along especially where the river is bending a lot. Spend the night at one of the vineyards and enjoy the local port wine.

Night in in the Douro Valley – Choose from the best rated Douro Valley accommodations

  • Add 2 days to explore the mountains of Serra De Estrela around the town of Manteigas. The Zezere Valley is particularly beautiful. Maybe you can hike or refresh at the river beach
  • Come back via the town of Aveiro – take a boat trip to discover the town and head to the beach to see its colorful typical houses

Need to rent a car in Portugal ?

  • Compare prices on my favorite platform:   Discovercars.com – one of the best rated comparison sites!
  • Prefer a  compact car  for the narrow streets in villages
  • Consider their full coverage option – it for peace of mind! 
  • Book early to have a large choice of vehicles!

See all my tips

road trip portugal 8 jours

Portugal Itinerary 7 DAYS – EAST PORTUGAL

Want to go off the beaten path. Everywhere in Portugal is popular, but the East is less visited than the rest but is has some real gems. Below is a suggested itinerary:


East Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 1 Tomar

Lisbon Tomar – 1h40

Drive North and stop at Tomar to learn about the knight templars. Visit the town and get uphill to explore the Convent of the Christ . This is quite a big place so take your time!

Night in Tomar – Choose from the best rated Tomar accommodations


East Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 2 Serra de Estrela

Tomar to Manteigas – 2h30

Head North East to Serra de Estrela. This mountainous park has the highest points in mainland Portugal. Manteigas is the main town but there is much to see such as the Linhares Castle, the Zezere Valley and the strange formations at Senhora da Boa Estrela.

This is also a hiking paradise if you are up to it.

Night in Serra de Estrela – Choose from the best rated Serra de Estrela accommodations


East Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 4 monsanto

Manteigas to Monsanto – 1h45

Head South to visit Castelo Branco and its beautiful gardens, before heading to the unique village of Monsanto .

It has been named the most Portuguese of the Portugal villages, and yet it does not look like any other village in the country. No white houses here. The hill is covered with huge boulders and the houses have been built around them, above and even under them. Plan enough time to really explore and admire the architecture as well as climb to what remains of the castle.

Night in Monsanto – Choose from the best rated Monsanto accommodations


East Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 5 Marvao

Monsanto to Marvao – 2h

Next stop: the nature park of South Mamede. It is home to beautiful hills and the Famous Mar v ao Village. Perched on a hill, its fortification walls offer magnificent views over the whole region. Some days you can see very far away!

Night in Marvao – Choose from the best rated Marvao accommodations


East Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 6 Monsaraz

Marvao to Monsaraz – 2h

A little bit more South you can visit the palace at Vica Vicosa.

And then you can head to another inspiring village near the Spanish Border: Monsaraz .

This one is also perched on top of a hill with fortification, a castle and white houses. Yet the atmosphere is completely different from the others. Plus, the views of the Barrage lake are mesmerizing.

Night in Monsaraz or Evora – Choose from the best rated Monsaraz accommodations  and Evora accommodations


East Portugal itinerary 7 days - Day 7 Evora

Monsaraz to Evora – 1h

Come back to Lisbon via the city of Evora – discover its many sites and maybe visit the Chapel of Bones.If you like ancient history and don’t mind driving on a dirt track for a few kilometers, nearby are the Menhir and the Megalithes of Almendres

Evora to Lisbon – 1h45

Portugal Itinerary 2 WEEKS or More

There are so many possibilities it is hard to give you a 2 weeks in Portugal itinerary. You can play with combination of the 7 and 10 days itinerary above.

To really get a good view of all regions (except the islands) you have to plan 3 weeks.

If you have less than that, you should make choices.

My eBook can help you organize a tour that really fits what you like. With the preselected scenic attractions in each region and the maps localizing them, you can choose where to stop and build your own perfect road trip itinerary.

Portugal Maps eBook Road Trip Guide Portugal

Plan your dream trip in Portugal thanks to my guide

Small Mainland Portugal Algarve ebook cover

  • 13 maps to easily plan your itinerary
  • GPS coordinates direct to the carparks
  • Tips to make the most of your time
  • 200+ original photos to help you choose

Portugal Itinerary 5 DAYS – NO CAR

If you have only 5 days in Portugal and have never been to Lisbon, then I recommend not renting a car because:

  • You can visit a lot in Lisbon and discover some of the best locations around thanks to small group tours
  • This will allow you to alternate quiet local days with days on the road
  • You will avoid the hustle of packing / unpacking
  • You can enjoy the vibrant Nightlife in Lisbon

Here is my recommended Lisbon-based itinerary:


No Car Portugal Itinerary 5 days - Day 1 Sintra

Organized excursions can take you to Sintra where you can discover one of the palaces before heading to the coast and discover Cabo da Roca, Cascais and some stunning beaches – Check Program and price

Or you can Take the train to Sintra and explore it by yourself with the hop on hop off bus


No Car Portugal Itinerary 5 days - Day 2 Obidos

A great day awaits you visiting the medieval village of Obidos (and maybe drinking the iconic cherry liqueur) before heading to the magnificent Unesco-classified Monastery of Batalha. The excursion will also take you to the coast. Quite a full day where you will see many faces of Portugal! – Check photos, program and price


Explore Lisbon at your own rate. Consider buying a Lisbon card with access to many attractions + transportation


Enjoy some time in nature and select one of the following tours:

  • Berlangas Archipelago – a nature reserve you can reach from the Peniche peninsula – Check photos, program and prices
  • Arrabida Nature Reserve and Dolphin watching tour – amazing landscapes, beaches and wildlife on this tour – Check photos, program and price


Continue exploring Lisbon. So much to see and experience!

Staying in Lisbon

OTHER TIPS – money, packing, emergency…

  • Language – Portuguese but English is widely spoken in touristic areas
  • Money – Euros only
  • Tips – not mandatory (often 10% at restaurant and taxi)
  • Credit card widely accepted – some off the beaten track small accommodations might request cash
  • Electricity – 220V, Types C/F (Plug with 2 round Pins)
  • Meals are really big portions!
  • Emergency – 112

Packing List

Nothing very specific to Portugal to pack. Head to my Travel Checklists article to get ready for your trip.

Answers to your FAQs

Is is easy to drive around portugal.

Yes, it is easy. Roads are in very good conditions in general. Road signs are clear and there is no tricky driving tips. Learn more in my article about driving in Portugal

Compare car rental prices on my favorite platform:  Discovercars.com – one of the best rated sites!

How many days do I need for Portugal?

It depends on what you want to see:

  • To see the highlights between Lisbon and Porto and the cities – 7 to 10 days are enough
  • To drive around the country and see the highlights of each region : 2 to 3 weeks 
  • To explore the entire country with more in depth of each region : 4 to 5 weeks

Is 10 days in Portugal enough?

Again it depends on what you want to see. With 10 days, you can already see:

  • Lisbon, Sintra,  Porto and some villages and monasteries in between
  • Or – Lisbon and the Algarve

However, you can enjoy all the regions with only 10 days.

Which is nicer: Porto or Lisbon?

Both cities are very different.

  • If you prefer character and gastronomy, head to Porto.
  • But if you prefer architecture and museums, head to Lisbon
  • If you have just a weekend, choose Porto
  • But if you want to spend a whole week in a region, prefer Lisbon.

Learn more in my article Porto vs Lisbon.

What can you see in Portugal in 6 or 7 days

  • If you land in Lisbon , with 6 or 7 days, you can enjoy the city of Lisbon, head to the Sintra-Cascais Natural Park with palaces and beaches, and head inland for traditional villages and monasteries – learn more
  • If you land in Porto , with 6 or 7 days, you can enjoy the city of Porto, the historical towns of Guimaraes and Braga, the Venice of Portugal and the wineries of the Douro Valley – learn more
  • If you land in Faro , with 6 or 7 days, you can example the Algarve with the magnificent beaches and cliffs, the boat tours to enter sea caves and the charming inland villages – learn more

Want to see more of the best Portugal has to offer?

  • 30 Most beautiful landscapes in Portugal – read article
  • Best things to do in Portugal – read article
  • 5 most charming villages in Portugal – read article
  • The best beaches in Portugal  – read article
  • Lisbon vs Porto – where to go? – read article

21 Best towns and cities in Portugal

And keep track of your own trip!

Portugal Travel journal




Portugal Travel Guide - Portugal destinations

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Portugal Itinerary 8 days (+ 7 to 10 days in Portugal Trip Planner)

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Are you planning a trip to Portugal? This detailed travel guide will be super handy in crafting your perfect Portugal itinerary 8 days, with options to extend the trip to 10 days. 

We have included everything from sightseeing ideas by day, where to stay, and what to eat, plus travel and packing tips. 

Portugal Itinerary 8 days + 7 to 10 days in Portugal Trip Planner

road trip portugal 8 jours

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click one of them, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

8 days in Portugal Itinerary plus ideas for 7 to 10 days in Portugal: A snapshot

  • Day 1: Lisbon. Stay in Lisbon for 4 days at Sofitel Lisbon or easyHotel
  • Day 2 : Lisbon/Belem 
  • Day 3 : Sintra day trip
  • Day 4 : Cascais + Cabo da Roca + Sintra Natural Park
  • Day 5: Porto. Stay in Porto for 3 days at the Mercure Porto Centro 
  • Day 6: Porto
  • Day 7 : Douro Valley day trip
  • Day 8 : Porto to Coimbra to Lisbon 
  • Day 9 to 10: Algarve Region. Stay in Lagos for a night at Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda

Here are additional 7 to 8 day Portugal itinerary ideas covering the best of the northern region as well as the national capital city,

8 days in Portugal Itinerary: Northern Portugal Vacation

  • Day 1 – 2: Porto
  • Day 3 : Douro Valley wine region
  • Day 4: Braga 
  • Day 5: Guimares 
  • Day 6 – 7 : Aviero and Costa Nova

8 days in Portugal Itinerary: National Capital City Region

  • Day 1 – 3: Lisbon and Belem
  • Day 4 : Sintra day trip
  • Day 5: Cascais and Cabo da Roca 
  • Day 6: Fatima
  • Day 7 : Beach day in Nazare 
  • Day 8 : Obidos day trip

7 days in Portugal Itinerary

  • Day 4: Porto. Stay in Porto for 3 days at the Mercure Porto Centro 
  • Day 5: Porto
  • Day 6 : Douro Valley day trip
  • Day 7 : Porto to Coimbra to Lisbon 

Access all of our Portugal Travel Guides here

Getting to Lisbon Portugal for your itinerary

Portugal Map Illustrated

Portugal Quick Facts:

  • Capital city: Lisbon
  • Currency: Euro
  • Tourist Visa : Schengen
  •  Language : Portuguese, but English is spoken

Lisbon is the capital city of Portugal. It is the perfect destination to kick-start your Portugal itinerary. Lisbon is served by the Humberto Delgado Airport, aka Portela Airport.

road trip portugal 8 jours

It is an international airport and is located about 7 km (4.34 miles) northeast of the city centre of Lisbon. There are many convenient ways to get to the centre from the airport. 

The Lisbon Airport has a Metro (subway) station with a direct line to the city centre. The ‘Aeroporto – Saldanha’ line takes you to downtown Lisbon in about 20 minutes. You can also hop on a bus, and get there in 45 minutes. And the tickets cost 4€.

If you prefer a taxi, it will be about 20€ and approximately 20 minutes to reach your destination. 

2 days in Lisbon at Chiado Square

There are 2 major bus stations in Lisbon. Sete Rios is located close to the old historic town and offers bus connections to other cities in Portugal as well as to Spain. 

Gare do Oriente or Lisbon Oriente Station is a stunning bus station located in the Parque das Nações municipality of Lisbon. It is located near the airport.

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You can use Lisbon Oriente Station to connect to Porto (high-speed trains) if you are using public transportation.

Note: This 8 days in Portugal itinerary can be used as a road trip itinerary as well.

Day 1 of Portugal Itinerary 8 days: Arrive in Lisbon & explore

Arrive in Lisbon Portugal, and check in to your hotel.

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We stayed at the easyHotel Lisbon . It is a straightforward hotel, with tons of restaurants nearby as well. 

Another great plus is that the hotel is very close to Marquis de Pombal Square and most of the tours can be redeemed here – aka tour starting point. You can book your stay here

Hotel Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade is a great option. It is located close to the Praça do Comércio and the Tagus river, and we saw their property and will be definitely staying here next time. 

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If you stay at the centre, you are minutes away from the tram station, and other modes of transportation. You can book your stay here

Where to stay in Lisbon : easyHotel Lisbon | Hotel Sofitel Lisbon Liberdade

After checking in, head to the Lisbon city centre. 

Chiado is a popular neighborhood to start your sightseeing in Lisbon. It is a very artistic area, filled with restaurants and centuries-old cafes and museums, and theatres. 

Known as the artists and creative people’s neighborhood, you will find statues of poets and writers sprinkled all across this neighborhood. You can stop at a cafe, and grab a bite to eat. If you arrived in Lisbon the day before, have breakfast at Café A Brasileira.

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There is a statue of poet António Ribeiro at Chiado Square and this is a good spot to people-watch or capture the famous Lisbon tram going through the quarters. 

Chiado is located between the neighborhoods of Bairro Alto and Baixa Pombalina. Bairro Alto is great for nightlife. Rua Garrett is the main street that runs from Baixa to Bairro Alto and is known for luxury shopping!

From Chiado, visit the Carmo Convent Ruins. Carmo Convent was the Convent of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. This Catholic convent was destroyed in the 1755 earthquake and later left as is.

At this site, you can check out an archaeological museum called Museu Arqueológico do Carmo. This is also a beautiful spot for photos as it overlooks

One of the coolest and oldest neighborhoods in Lisbon is Alfama. There are quite a few beautiful viewpoints or Miradouros. 

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Miradouro das Portas do Sol is an amazing viewpoint from where you can see the red roofs of Lisbon and the Tagus river. This is one of the most beautiful spots in Lisbon – it is just so pretty!

In the Alfama district, there is a Fado museum where you can see exhibitions and displays about fado. The entry fee for the museum is 5 euros. 

Alfama also houses 2 of the most iconic buildings in the city, one is the National Pantheon – a place where many prominent personalities are buried. 

Girl at the Lisbon Cathedral

The Lisbon Cathedral, also known as Sé is the oldest Roman Catholic Church in Lisbon. The church had undergone many renovations and survived numerous earthquakes.

Lastly, do explore the Sao Jorge Castle. It is a historic medieval castle dating back to the 8th century. São Jorge castle or Castelo de São Jorge is a must see attraction in Lisbon, and we recommend setting aside 1-2 hours to enjoy it at ease.

The castle is open every day from 09:00 am to 06:00 pm. The entry fee is 8.50 euros. 

Lisbon Portugal itinerary 8 days

Finish the night with dinner at the Praça do Comércio or the Comercio Square by the Tagus River/waterfront plaza. 

Day 2 of Portugal Itinerary 8 days: Lisbon/Belem sightseeing

On day 2 of your Portugal itinerary, start for the neighborhood of Belem after breakfast. You can take the train from Rossio or hop on a 24-hour sightseeing tour.  

The Belém area is home to the iconic Torre de Belém, Jerónimos Monastery, Jardim da Estrela, and the April 25 Bridge. 

Monument to the Discoveries - Lisbon photography spots

The Monument of Discoveries will catch your attention as you approach the heart of Belem. This landmark structure was built in the mid 20th century to commemorate Portuguese sea discoveries of the 15 and 16th centuries

From here the Torre de Belém is located nearby. To access the tower, you have to pay an entry fee. You can still capture the beautiful river, and the tower from outside the gate (without going in). 

Near the Belem tower, you will find cafes and souvenir shops. 

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The stunning 25 de April Bridge can be seen from the tower complex. 25 de Abril Bridge looks like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and is often compared to it. 

The date April 25 is to commemorate the date of the Portuguese revolution against dictatorship (Carnation Revolution).

On the other side of the bridge is the statue of the Sanctuary of Christ the King monument. Visiting Alamada is a half day trip in itself if you wish to head to the beach and discover cultural attractions. 

In the afternoon, head to the Jerónimos Monastery . The Jerónimos Monastery along with the Belem Tower is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This monastery was a former monastery of the Order of Saint Jerome. 

Maritime Museum Lisbon

Today it houses a Maritime Museum – Museu da Marinha dedicated to sea discoveries including tales of Vasco da Gama to India. Allot 1-2 hours at the complex. 

In the evening, explore the newer areas of Lisbon. Parque das Nações is one such area. Oceanário de Lisboa – the largest indoor oceanarium in Europe is located in the neighborhood. 

It was built on the site of the 1998 Expo and it is home to 8000 sea creatures. This is one of the most visited places in Lisbon. 

The tallest skyscraper of Lisbon is also located in the Parque das Nações. It is the Torre Vasco da Gama – a 145-metre tower. 

Torre Vasco da Gama - 3 days in Lisbon Itinerary

An alternate option is to watch a fado show. This 50 minute Fado in Chiado Show is a must in the city centre. Fado portrays Portuguese cultural nostalgia, pride, and hope in a unique colorful way. It is recognized as a UNESCO Cultural Experience of Humanity. 

Day 3 of Portugal Itinerary 8 days: Day trip to Sintra

As part of your 8 days in Portugal itinerary, you must visit the stunning Pena Palace in Sintra. Go on a relaxing day trip from Lisbon to Sintra , you can visit on a day tour (with options for multiple cities or nearby towns) or use the metro train system from Lisbon.

To reach Sintra via train, start from the Rossio Station in Lisbon city centre and take the train towards Belem. Sintra train station is 10 minutes away from the town center.

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Here are the prime attractions that you must explore.

The Pena Palace is the famed bright yellow and red fairy tale like castle towering from the Sintra hills. The palace dates back to the 19 th century, and many tourists travel to Sintra just to explore the Pena Palace. 

A visit to the palace interiors is a must – we enjoyed the different architectural styles and materials used at the Pena Palace. Prices for visiting the interiors versus the park entry and gardens are slightly different. You can read out entire guide here 

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Towering higher than the Pena Palace is the Moorish Castle of Sintra. From the castle, you can soak in views of the city of Sintra. Keep in mind that there is a lot of walking on the castle grounds. There is nothing of the “staterooms” left in the castle, just empty areas and easy to walk through.

Quinta da Regaleira is a beautiful complex set in stone work with romantic palaces and chapels and stunning initiation wells. It was home to wealthy businessmen in the 20 th century, and today is part of the UNESCO World heritage. 

quinta da regaleira well

After all the sightseeing don’t forget to settle in for a nice meal at the Sintra Town Center. Also, take the time to wander through the many pretty lanes of Sintra, whitewashed and some painted in yellow. 

Located in the town center is the Palace of Sintra . It is a well-preserved heritage house that was home to many different rulers and dynasties in the nearby Lisbon area. This is a designated UNESCO World Heritage site, and we are sure you will admire the beautiful staterooms. 

Sintra National Palace

Often ignored by most tourists as the park and Palace of Monserrate is located further away from the town center, it is worth a visit if you are staying in town for a day or two, or just love Indian style gardens. The staterooms and palaces are small but beautiful.  

READ : Detailed 3 day Lisbon Itinerary

Day 4 of Portugal Itinerary 8 days: Cascais and Sintra Cascais National Park 

If you add a day tour from Lisbon to Sintra, you can check off Cascais and the National Park on day 3, but it will be very rushed. So we recommend adding an extra day to explore these 2 areas (also helpful if you are using public transportation or driving). 

We have included more sightseeing options including day trips from Lisbon , so feel free to swap this recommendation for any other. 

Never heard of Cascais? Cascais is a beautiful coastal resort town near Lisbon. 

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From sandy beaches, a bustling marina to the historic old town, Cascais will melt your heart. During our visit, we loved relaxing at the beachside with a book and wandering the old town square.

There are lots of places to eat and stay in Cascais if you wish to extend your visit.

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In Cascais visit the Nossa Senhora da Luz Fort and the Citadel Palace – a former royal retreat. 

You can reach Cascais by regional railway. The train departs from Lisbon (Cais do Sodre train station), and takes 30 to 40 minutes. 

Located near Cascais is the Sintra – Cascais National Park. It is part of the stunning coastline of Portugal and is home to Cabo da Roca . 

Cabo da Raco - Lisbon to Sintra Day trip Itinerary

This is the westernmost tip of the European continent. The location is super stunning with the cliffs and the gushing waters with the lighthouse in the backdrop has been helping explorers over the centuries find their way!

Day 5 of Portugal Itinerary 8 days: Travel to Porto, and settle in for the next 4 days

To continue the next leg of your itinerary, head to Porto and stay there for 3 days. Porto is the second largest city in Portugal. 

Lisbon to Porto is about 272 km or 170 miles. It will take close to 3 hours to reach Porto by road. 

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Public transportation takes an average of 2 hours and 46 minutes for high speed trains. Or regular services with about 14 trains per day, take over 3 hours. Tickets start at $95. 

You will arrive at the Campanhã station (the national railway station) from Lisbon’s Oriente Train Station. For subsequent connections (for day trips), use the São Bento train station in Porto that connects suburban railway lines.

Blue tiles at the Sao Bento train station

This station is also one of the prettiest in the country, all decorated with beautiful Portuguese tiles – azulejos.

Porto is home to a UNESCO World Heritage centre, and with the charming views of the River Douro with its suspension bridge, you will have a gala time in this city. 

Where to stay in Porto? Mercure Porto Centro Santa Catarina

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Mercure Porto Centro Santa Catarina is a beautiful 4-star property located at the historic centre. There is a restaurant onsite (with views). Rooms are of decent size and are wonderfully decorated. You can check out more photos here.

For your first day in Porto, after checking in to your hotel visit the colorful riverside promenade in Ribeira. This is an amazing place with bars and restaurants – perfect to grab a bite to eat or dine depending on your arrival time in Porto. 

River promenade Porto

If you arrive early into Porto, you can add sightseeing at the Ponte de Dom Luis I bridge, whilst taking in the gorgeous views of the river, and then catch the cable car down into Gaia.

You can check out port cellars and also cellar tours and tastings if interested.

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Day 6 of Portugal Itinerary 8 days: Explore more of Porto

There are a lot of things to do in Porto . 

Visit the Sé do Porto Cathedral,  Episcopal Palace, Praça da Liberdade, and the Torre dos Clerigos Tower in the first half of the day. 

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Start the day by exploring the expansive complex of the Porto Cathedral (or Sé do Porto) . It is a National Monument, located in the upper part of the city in Porto. The cathedral grounds look like a medieval fortress from the exteriors. Its construction dates back to the 12th century. 

Located close to the Cathedral is the Paço Episcopal or the Episcopal Palace . This was a Bishop’s Palace (residence), and today it is part of the UNESCO Heritage Site in Porto.  

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The palace dominates the skyline of Porto, as it is located on an elevation. You can access both these sites with a combined ticket of the cathedral and the palace.

From the upper town, head to the lower town to the central square – Praça da Liberdade . You must have caught a glimpse of this site on day 5, but set aside a few hours in the afternoon to intimately explore the square, eat out and take photos. 

Praça da Liberdade has a central monument dedicated to King Peter IV. Along the square, there are banks, hotels, restaurants, and offices housed inside vintage/heritage buildings. The City Hall is also located here, and many of the free Porto walking tours also commence at the square. 

There are metro stations located nearby as well to connect to other areas.

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Up next is the Clérigos Church, which is a Baroque church. The church along with the bell tower is one of the tallest in the city. The Torre dos Clérigos (the tower) can be seen from most parts of the city and is one of the iconic symbols of Porto.

A few minutes from the Church is the stunning Livraria Lello bookshop . Harry Potter fans should definitely visit his neo-gothic bookshop which inspired JK Rowling as she penned her books. 

Don’t forget to capture the stunning staircase inside.

Day 7 of Portugal Itinerary 8 days: Douro Valley wine region

On the 7th day of the Portugal itinerary go on a Douro Valley day trip.

We recommend this Get Your Guide Originals Tour that starts from the Porto centre, and takes you to the wine valley (in a comfortable minivan). 

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As part of this day tour , round trip transportation is included, along with wine tastings and a traditional Portuguese lunch. You will be enjoying panoramic views of the vineyards as you travel through Northern Portugal.

Wine tasting at the Douro is the highlight of the tour, as you relish some of the finest Port wines. This tour is really good value for money, as it also includes a scenic 1-hour river cruise along the beautiful Douro River, and gives you free time to capture the beautiful UNESCO World Heritage site.

You can book a Douro Valley tour here

More ideas for day trips from Porto

If you wish to swap the wine valley tour, consider taking day trips to Aveiro (known as Portugal’s Venice), Guimaraes, or Braga, with its hilltop sanctuary Bom Jesus do Monte.

We have included a more detailed itinerary for the northern region below.

Day 8 of Portugal Itinerary 8 days: Porto to Coimbra to Lisbon

This is the final day of 8 days in Portugal. Use it as a travel day to reach Lisbon (to fly back) via Coimbra. 

Coimbra is a beautiful riverfront city , located in central Portugal. So it is a good stop between Porto and Lisbon (highly recommend it if you are on a Portugal road trip itinerary). 

Coimbra Best day trips from Lisbon

For trains, we recommend hopping on the Express train to Coimbra from Porto and arriving in the city in 1 hour or so. 

Coimbra was Portugal’s former capital, and on a quick day trip visit the medieval old town and the historic University of Coimbra, which is one of the oldest in Europe.

The 12th-century Romanesque cathedral Sé Velha is also located in the old town. You can easily find restaurants and souvenir shops at the centre before you make your way to Lisbon.

Arrive in Lisbon by evening. Coimbra to Lisbon is 2 hours by road, and 3+ hours by train. 

Don’t forget to book your hotel for the night. Stay at Sofitel Lisbon or easyHotel

Optional 9 to 10 days in Portugal Itinerary: Algarve Region

If you have additional time in the country, add an Algarve Portugal itinerary for 2 days. 

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Although Lisbon and Algarve are about 2.5 hours to 3.5 hours away (depending on the mode of transport), we recommend staying overnight for one day. Trains are the most efficient mode of transportation between these 2 Portuguese destinations, if you are not renting a car. 

Stay in Lagos for the night. Hotel Recommendation: Boutique Hotel Vivenda Miranda

This hotel is an oceanfront property and is perfect for the night (or two).

The Algarve region is known for its history with Moor-style buildings, sandy beaches, stunning harbors, and picturesque turquoise water. 

Spend a day visiting the popular Marinha Beach in the Algarve. Praia da Rocha and Armação de Pêra are also great options to consider.

If you wish to hike, head to the Seven Hanging Valleys trail for a full day or opt for a shorter route to accommodate beach and resort town wandering time!

Read : Detailed 10 days in Portugal Itinerary

8 days in Portugal Itinerary: Ultimate Northern Portugal Itinerary

With 8 days in Portugal, you can also focus on a particular region and explore charming cities and towns in the area. We will share an epic Portugal vacation for the north!

Day 1 to 2 : Start in Porto, and spend 2 days there. Explore all the iconic landmarks from the Porto Cathedral to Clerigos Tower, Ribeira, and beyond. 

6 Bridges Tour in Porto

Do include the 6 Bridges cruise to your Porto itinerary . 

Day 3: Thereafter proceed with a day trip to the Douro Valley from Porto.

Day 4 : Visit Braga on a day trip from Porto . The travel time between the two cities is 40 minutes by car. 

Girl in Braga Bom Jesus do Monte

Braga is one of the oldest cities in Portugal, and it has some beautiful architecture and interesting historical sites. In addition to its history, there are plenty of things to do in the area such as museums, galleries, shopping, and restaurants. 

There are also outdoor activities to enjoy, including hiking and cycling.

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The Bom Jesus Sanctuary in Braga is one of the most popular attractions, with its impressive Baroque-style architecture and incredible views overlooking the city. 

The summit of the hill features numerous caves, chapels, fountains, grottoes, lakes, lookout points, and hotels. You will also find many walking, biking, and hiking trails in the surrounding hills. 

Don’t forget to ride the Bom Jesus Funicular to get up there!

In the heart of Braga lies the charming Cathedral which dates back to the 16th century. It is a Roman Catholic church and is also the oldest cathedral in Portugal. 

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Other attractions in Braga include the gorgeous blue and white Casa do Raio (Palácio do Raio), Igreja Misericórdia, Jardim de Santa Barbara (garden), and more. 

Braga is also home to a historic city gate – Arco da Porta Nova , a Baroque and Neoclassical arch, dating back to the late 18th century. Don’t miss out on the gate on your way in or out of the city. 

Day 5 : Next day make your way to Guimares – a city in Northern Portugal with a history stretching back over centuries. It is thought to be the birthplace of the nation itself, and its ancient castle stands as a testament to this rich heritage. 

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Guimares offers visitors an array of activities that range from cultural attractions such as museums and churches to outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and sightseeing. 

You can surely visit Braga and Guimares on the same day, but having an extra day will be nice to enjoy the Old Town attractions, which is also a UNESCO world heritage site.

The old town is filled with winding cobblestone streets lined with traditional cafés, restaurants, and shops. Here you can find everything from handmade crafts to locally made wines. 

One of the most popular attractions in Guimares is the Castle of Guimarães . The castle was built in the 10th century, and it is a massive medieval military fortification. 

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There are exhibits that you can check out inside the castle, and the views from the castle walls are gorgeous!

The Palace of the Dukes of Braganza is another medieval landmark that is worth visiting in Guimares. It was the former residence of the first Dukes of Braganza. 

It dates back to the 15th century. Inside the palace are permanent exhibits and rooms that you can visit. 

In the heart of Old Town Guimares, admire the Largo da Oliveira located in the square. The area is very beautiful with a church –  Igreja da Oliveira , and lots of outdoor cafes and restaurants where you can hang out and enjoy a meal. 

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Another lovely square and route are the O Largo República do Brasil, with a beautiful garden view. 

There are lots of places to go hiking in and around Guimares. You can get on the Penha Cable Car from Guimares to get to the mountain top and enjoy lovely views of the city below. 

Day 6 – 7 : Spend the next 2 days in the city of Aveiro , and then take a trip to Costa Nova beach. 

Aveiro, known as the Venice of Portugal due to its network of canals, is a unique place with its beautiful architecture, cobbled streets lined with colorful homes, and charming bridges over canals. 

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From the city center you can take a Moliceiro boat tour through the canals and learn about the city’s history. 

Attractions in the centre include the Aveiro Forum, museums such as Averio Museum, City Museum, and the Museu de Arte Nova. Museu Histórico da Vista Alegre (ceramic factory) is also worth a visit. 

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One of the coolest things to experience near Aviero is the salt flats. You can book a tour to see them as well (Salinas de Aveiro)

The nearby Costa Nova beach is a great place to relax and take in the beautiful blue waters of the Atlantic ocean. Its golden sandy beaches make for sandcastle-building, sunbathing, and swimming. 

There are plenty of restaurants serving delicious seafood dishes where you can enjoy your lunch looking out onto the ocean. There is also a long pier where you can take a walk and watch the sun go down in the evening.

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Whether you’re looking for a relaxing getaway or an action-packed vacation, Aveiro and Costa Nova beach is the perfect place to go. Both these places can be explored on a day trip from Porto as well, but we recommend spending 2 days to intimately explore it!

Day 8 : On day 8, make the return journey to Lisbon to fly out. You can stop in Coimbra for sightseeing if you like. There is a luggage storage option near the Coimbra B Station where you can keep your bags while sightseeing, and then catch a train to Lisbon. 

8 days in Portugal Itinerary: Lisbon City and nearby towns

We will cover another 8 day Portugal itinerary with a focus on Lisbon, and nearby areas. 

  • Day 7 : Beach day in Nazaré

For a first time visitor, this is perfect as one can explore the capital city, iconic landmarks such as Pena national palace or Palacio Nacional da Pena and Cabo da Roca, and a mix of beaches, and cultural and religious sites!

Cafe and terrace near Santa Justa Lift and Carmo Convent

This itinerary can be done by keeping Lisbon as a base and doing on day trips using a mix of public transportation and tours. Or you can stay in the Belem area and then use a rental car to explore all the destinations listed. 

Day 1 – 3 : Spend 3 days in Lisbon, exploring the city’s historic sights and attractions. 

Set aside one day to explore Belem neighborhood. Visit Jerominos monastery, Belem tower, Monument of Discoveries, and the cool LX Factory . 

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Day 4: Visit Sintra , on a day trip from Lisbon. Explore the iconic Palacio Nacional da Pena, Quinta de Regaleira, Moorish Castle, town centre, and more. There are a lot of day tours that you can choose for your transportation and ease of sightseeing. 

Day 5 : Visiting Cascais and Cabo da Roca from Lisbon are easily done by car or train. The quickest option is to rent a car, but the train is also convenient and takes about 30 minutes to reach your destination.

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Located just 31 km (20 miles) away, Cascais, a small fishing village has become a popular day trip destination in Portugal. It is best known for its beautiful beaches, where you can relax and go swimming or sunbathing. 

There are also plenty of cafes and restaurants, as well as a lively market selling fresh produce and local handicrafts.

Cabo da Roca is located just outside of Cascais and is known for being the westernmost point in all of Europe. Here, you can take stunning photos from high cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.

Day 6 : The city of Fatima , located about 125 km (77 miles) north of Lisbon, is a great place to visit for those who are interested in religious history and pilgrimage.

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Reaching Fatima from Lisbon is relatively easy and can be done by car or public transport. The quickest option is to rent a car, which will take about one and a half hours. 

Fatima is most well-known for being home to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima , which attracts thousands of Catholic pilgrims each year. 

The Sanctuary complex includes several chapels, basilicas, and monuments, as well as a museum containing religious artifacts.

Day 7 : The coastal town of Nazaré is a great place to visit from Lisbon. 

Located about 122 km (76 miles) north of the capital, this fishing village is known for its stunning beaches and unique culture. 

Getting to Nazare from Lisbon is relatively easy and can be done by car (1 hour and 30 minutes) or bus (2+ hours). 

View of Nazare

Nazare’s two main attractions are its beachfront promenade and nearby cliffs with spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean like the North Beach (Praia do Norte) . 

You can enjoy a stroll along the promenade, watch the sunset over the horizon, or try one of Nazare’s famous seafood restaurants.

The town also offers plenty of opportunities for adventure, such as surfing and paragliding . 

Day 8 : The town of Obidos is a great place to visit from Lisbon. It is best known for its beautiful medieval castle and winding cobblestone streets.

road trip portugal 8 jours

Reaching Obidos from Lisbon is easy by bus or by car (about an hour). Buses are much cheaper to get there.

As soon as you enter the town, you will see the beautiful Porta da Vila (gate), then make your way into the narrow lanes – soak in the view of the charming brightly painted houses, colorful flower pots, shops, and cafes. 

road trip portugal 8 jours

Stop at a cherry liquor store (ginjha) and give it a try!

One of the main attractions in Obidos is the imposing 12th-century castle, and it is open to visitors. We recommend visiting the castle interiors. 

You must also walk through the castle walls for a lovely view of the town and the surroundings around it!

Extending your trip: 2 weeks in Portugal Itinerary

Want to see more of Portugal and you got 14 days? Here is a suggested 2 week in Portugal itinerary with or without a car.

View of Porto from Dom Luis I bridge

Day 1 – 3: Explore the city of Lisbon along with Belem in 3 days 

Day 4 : Visit Sintra on a day trip

Day 5 –  6 : Start for Porto from Lisbon (by train or car rental). Once in Porto, spend 2 days exploring the city highlights and viewpoints. Don’t miss out on Gaia

Day 7: Join a Duoro Valley wine day tour

Day 8: Explore both Braga and Guimares on a day trip . Explore Bom Jesus, and Braga Cathedral, have lunch, and then travel to Guimares. Visit the Castle of Guimares and the Palace of Braganza. Hit the charming old town square and the Largo da república do Brasil (avenue). 

road trip portugal 8 jours

Day 9: On day 9, return to Lisbon with a stop in Coimbra 

Day 10: Travel to Lagos Algarve from Lisbon (set aside extra time if traveling by public transportation). Plan to stay at the centre to explore the town on your first day here

Day 11 – 13 : Explore more of Lagos including taking a day trip to the Benagil Caves in the Algarve

Day 14: Return to Lisbon (with an optional half-day tour of Fatima)

Best Portugal Tours and Experiences

Portugal has much to explore and discover. From natural landscapes to vibrant cities, there is something for everyone here. Whether you’re looking for a city break, beach holiday, or adventure trip – Portugal has it all!

road trip portugal 8 jours

If you’re looking for the best tours and experiences in Portugal, here are some of our top picks:

Lisbon City Tour : Explore the sights and sounds of Portugal’s vibrant capital. See iconic landmarks such as St George’s Castle, Belem Tower, and Jeronimos Monastery. You can join a Tuk Tuk tour such as this one , or an Essentials History tour covering the best sights on foot

road trip portugal 8 jours

Douro Valley Wine Tour : Enjoy a day trip to the famous Douro Valley from Porto, renowned for its stunning vineyards and wine production. Visit the local wineries and sample some of Portugal’s finest wines. This is a full day tour with round-trip transportation, samplings, a one-hour river cruise, and more.

Porto Tour: Explore the vibrant city of Porto and its surroundings on this guided tour . See iconic landmarks such as Clerigos Tower, Sao Bento train station, and the city’s many bridges over the Douro River. 

6 Bridges Cruise : One of the must-do activities in Porto is to join an hour of sightseeing cruise that takes on the Douro River to see the 6 bridges and learn about its history. It is also one of the cheapest tours to take in the city.

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Algarve Coast Tour: Explore some of the best beaches in Europe on a coastal tour . Enjoy views of dramatic cliffs juxtaposed with soft sandy bays, as well as amazing wildlife along the way.

Azores Island Tour : Take a multi-day tour of the beautiful Azores Islands and discover their unique culture, cuisine, and landscapes. Visit small fishing villages, lush forests, volcanic craters, and grassy hillsides. Don’t miss the gorgeous São Miguel Island!

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These are just some of the incredible tours available in Portugal – there are many more to explore! From cooking classes , sunset cruises, and food to fado tours, there is so much to see and do in this amazing country!

Transportation in Portugal 

When traveling to Portugal, there are various transportation options available. 

road trip portugal 8 jours

Trains are one of the most popular modes of transport in Portugal, with numerous routes connecting all major cities across the country. 

The train network is well-developed and efficient, allowing you to reach many places quickly and easily.

If you prefer more flexibility, consider renting a car. We will cover more details below. 

Trams are another great option for getting around in Portugal. They’re mainly concentrated in the major cities, with Lisbon and Porto having good tram networks. 

road trip portugal 8 jours

Buses are also a great option for reaching places that the train or tram network doesn’t reach, and they’re usually quite cost-effective.

Taxis are available in most cities and can be a convenient way to get around if you don’t want to use public transport. However, they can be more expensive than other forms of travel. 

If you want to explore Portugal by water, there are several river cruises available . These range from one hour sightseeing cruises and day trips to extended tours lasting multiple days, allowing you to explore Portugal in a unique way.

road trip portugal 8 jours

Overall, there is a range of transportation options available for traveling in Portugal. Which one you choose will depend on where you want to go, how much time you have, and your budget. 

Car Rental in Portugal: Road Trip Tips

When traveling in Portugal, renting a car is one of the best ways to explore the country. 

Although public transportation is available, it can be slow and limited and the ability to go where you want when you want is much more convenient with your own vehicle.

Portugal has good roads compared to many European countries and driving in the major cities is relatively easy. The highway system is well-developed, with highways connecting most of the major cities. 

road trip portugal 8 jours

In rural areas, roads are generally good but some may be winding and narrow in places so it’s important to drive carefully. Watch out for livestock on the roads.

Before going on a road trip to Portugal, there are a few things you should be aware of. The speed limit in Portugal is 50 km/h (31 mph) in urban areas, 90 km/h (56 mph), and 120km/h (74 mph) on motorways. Always remember to watch for signs and respect the speed limits.

It’s important to also be aware of parking regulations in urban areas as it can be difficult to find public parking spaces, so you may have to pay for a private space.

Reserve Car Rental: Prepare Ahead

If you need a car rental, we recommend comparing and checking prices on Discovercars.com to book yours.

Overall, renting a car in Portugal is a great way to explore the country and its beautiful landscapes. Just be sure to familiarize yourself with the speed limit, parking regulations, and other road rules before you set off on your journey.

Note: The emergency number in Portugal is 112.

Additional Portugal Travel Tips

Here are some useful tips to help plan your trip to Portugal (or Europe if this is your first ever visit to the continent), 

road trip portugal 8 jours

  • Travel Documents: Portugal is located in Europe, and is a European Union member. Travelers with US – United States or Canadian passports can travel visa-free for up to 90 days. Non-visa-exempt passport holders have to apply for a Schengen Visa prior to visiting Portugal. 
  • Travel Insurance: Don’t forget to insure your trip against medical emergencies, cancellations, and delays. Check out free insurance quotes here from Safety Wing
  • Budget for Portugal : Portugal is pretty affordable when it comes to meals, and transport and you can easily find accommodation or a hotel at a budget rate. Plan to spend around $85 to $100 USD per person per day (depending on the season, and hotel luxury level)
  • When is the best time to visit Portugal: Portugal is best explored during shoulder seasons – spring or autumn (September and October). During this time the weather is not super hot, and it is perfect for sightseeing. If you are planning to hit the Algarve region, plan to head there in the winter time. 
  • Pastéis de Nata (sweet) : Egg custard tart
  • Bifana: This is sautéed marinated pork inside a roll
  • Portuguese Francesinha Sandwich (bread and ham) 
  • Sardinhas (fish)
  • Piri Piri Chicken: This is an Algarvian specialty. Chicken cooked on a hot grill brushed with Piri Piri sauce
  • Ham (try ham roll or sandwich – so yummy)
  • Azeitão Cheese (made from raw sheep’s milk)
  • Ginjinha (liquor) 

At a minimum, one week in Portugal is enough to explore two of the main cities – Lisbon and Porto (2 days each, one day travel time), and then set aside 1 day each to venture on day trips. We have a suggested one week Portugal itinerary below,  Portugal Itinerary 7 days Day 1 & 2 : Arrive in Lisbon, explore Day 3: Day trip to Sintra Day 4 & 5 : Travel to Porto, explore Day 6: Day trip to the Douro Valley or Aveiro  Day 7 : Travel back to Lisbon from Porto with a stop in Coimbra

The best time to explore Portugal is in the months of early spring and autumn (September and October). During this time the temperature is perfect for being outdoors and going sightseeing minus large crowds. The weather is not hot at this time. Many prefer visiting beach towns in Portugal to beat the winter blues in Europe. Note that November is the rainy season in Portugal.

Here is a 10 day Portugal itinerary, Day 1: Lisbon. Stay in Lisbon for 4 days at Sofitel Lisbon or easyHotel Day 2 : Lisbon/Belem  Day 3 : Sintra day trip Day 4 : Cascais + Cabo da Roca + Sintra Natural Park Day 5: Porto. Stay in Porto for 3 days at the Mercure Porto Centro  Day 6: Porto Day 7 : Douro Valley day trip Day 8 : Porto to Coimbra to Lisbon  Day 9 to 10: Algarve Region (Stay in Lagos) and explore the popular beaches, go on hikes

5 days in Portugal can be well spent by staying in the capital city and going on day trips. Or just focusing on the two major cities. Here are two samples for Portugal itinerary 5 days  Portugal Itinerary 5 days – Lisbon and day trips Day 1: Arrive in Lisbon, and explore the old town area Day 2 : Lisbon/Belem  Day 3 : Sintra day trip Day 4 : Day trip to Cascais + Cabo da Roca + Sintra Natural Park Day 5: Day trip to Fatima or Obidos  Optional: You can also spend 2 days in the Algarve region instead of Cascais (day 4), and day 5 listed above. Portugal Itinerary 5 days – Lisbon and Porto combination Day 1: Arrive in Lisbon, explore the old town area Day 2 : Lisbon/Belem  Day 3 : Explore Sintra in the morning, and then travel to Porto in the evening Day 4 : Porto sightseeing  Day 5: Half-day Porto exploration, and leave/fly out 

As compared to countries like Iceland, Switzerland or France and the UK, Portugal is one of the cheapest destinations in Europe. It is also a complete package with amazing cities full of history, and architecture, and a stunning coastline and cuisine.  We recommend booking a trip in February or September/October to take advantage of lower hotel and Airbnb prices (starts at $30 USD per night). Food is affordable, and the weather is very pleasant at this time. 

You must not miss the fascinating cities in Portugal, particularly Lisbon which is a great spot to appreciate maritime history, soak amazing city views, and of course, don’t skip their beaches and delicious food!

We hope you found this post useful in planning your itinerary. You can also use this Portugal travel guide in the form of a road trip, and customize the sightseeing spots as per your personal taste. 

Portugal is one of our favorite countries in the world, and we are sure you will have an amazing time!

Pin: How to spend 8 days in Portugal: Portugal Itinerary Planner

road trip portugal 8 jours

Mayuri is the founder & editor of ToSomePlaceNew. An Indian-Canadian globetrotter, she has traveled to over 100 cities and 35+ countries. Mayuri has a graduate degree in History and is an MBA. She loves traveling the world, capturing historical nuances, and discussing that over a cup of coffee with her husband, Salil. She currently resides in Edmonton, Canada, and plots travel plans to Europe, the Americas, and beyond. 

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Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary

The Algarve coast is so scenic! - "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

I was surprised to find so many places I wanted to go in Portugal when I started researching my trip.  Everything looked so amazing I had a hard time deciding where I wanted to go.  In the end, I decided to do a Portugal road trip so that I would be able to see as much of the country as possible.  

It wasn’t easy to fit it all in the time that we had.  I thought it would be helpful if I shared some tips I learned along with our Portugal road trip itinerary .

Note: This post contains affiliate links.  Please see disclosure for more information.

For more tips on getting ready for your road trip, check out my Road Trip Packing List and Preparation Guide .

Porto - Portugal Road Trip - Two Traveling Texans

Driving in Portugal

Day 1 – 2 lisbon, day 3 sintra, day 4 drive from lisbon to porto, day 5 porto, day 6  drive from porto to the algarve, day 7 the algarve, day 8 the algarve to lisbon, douro valley, the algarve, other cities in portugal, portugal itinerary – 4 days, portugal itinerary – 7 days, portugal itinerary – 10 days, two weeks in portugal, do you need a car to explore portugal, portugal by car, expert tips for your portugal road trip.

I was slightly apprehensive about doing a road trip in a foreign country.  I just wasn’t sure what the roads would be like and if I would have issues understanding any Portuguese road signs , but driving in Portugal was much easier than I expected.  

In Portugal, you drive on the right side of the road.  Since I am used to that and being from England, Russell is not, I would be the driver and Russell would navigate. That arrangement worked out well.  We found plenty of places to stop along the way, so our Portugal travel itinerary would not include many long stretches of driving.

The roads in Portugal were much better than I expected. - "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

The Portugal roads were actually much better than in the US.  Most highways I drove on were two lanes each way.  The roads were smooth and never too crowded.  Slower drivers politely kept to the right.  

Some of the roads did charge a toll.  We got a Via Verde device in our rental car so we could go through the fast lane on the Portugal toll roads and it would get automatically billed to my credit card.  If you plan on driving, be sure to get the Via Verde pass as some of the toll roads in Portugal only accept electronic methods of payment.

In preparation for our Portugal road trip, I got my international drivers license.  It’s basically a translation of your US license for use in other countries.  You can get it through AAA, read more about it here .

If you don’t feel comfortable driving or think it might be too stressful for your vacation, consider taking an organized tour.  This 8-day tour from G Adventures takes you to Lisbon, Porto, Sinta, Evora, and Coimbra.  It’s includes lots of cultural sites, food and drink experiences, and even a Douro River boat ride.  If you have more time, there are longer tours that also go to Spain like this one .

Our Portugal Road Trip Itinerary

We had a total of 8 days to spend and we wanted to see as much of Portugal by car as possible.  Looking back, it was a good introduction to Portugal but was definitely not enough time.  I loved all the places that we visited and hope to make it back to Portugal to see some of the spots we missed.

Grab a free printable version of our itinerary here to help you plan your own trip.

I should also mention that, if you plan a trip to Portugal, you do not need a car for Lisbon or Sintra.  While driving in Lisbon was easy, I am not sure how easy it would be to park there.  We picked up the car after we visited Lisbon and Sintra. 

You don’t need a car in Porto either.  Driving in Porto was actually pretty stressful with the narrow roads, traffic, and lots of construction; however, you would miss the stops between Lisbon and Porto if you just took a bus or train.  

If you are planning a Portugal driving itinerary with the little ones, check out these ideas for visiting Portugal with kids .

Our flight was late landing in Lisbon so we lost a few precious hours there.  It’s a beautiful city with plenty to see.  The public transportation here is great so you won’t need your car.  

With limited time, we mostly explored Belem and Alfama .  My favorite spot in Lisbon was St. Jorge’s Castle.  I loved walking around the ruins, seeing the artifacts, and then taking in the sunset with a lovely view of the city.     

The iconic trams in Lisbon - "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

You could also spend some time in Cascais exploring the old town and relaxing on the beaches.  

Sintra is a resort town full of castles and palaces in the foothills of Portugal’s Sintra Mountains, about an hour train ride from Lisbon.  We did our own one day tour of Sintra .  

Pena Palace is one of the highlights in Sintra- "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

We picked up the rental car at the airport so that on the way back we could drop off the car and be ready for our flight home. The Lisbon to Porto drive should take about three hours.  

We wanted to take our time and make a few stops.  Our first stop was Obidos , a well-preserved medieval town with a castle not too far from Lisbon.  It is a picturesque place and we loved doing the city wall walk. 

A view over Obidos from the city wall walk. - "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

Then we stopped for lunch at a beach town called Nazare .  I was hoping to see the giant waves but it all went terribly wrong.  We saw a beautiful restaurant on the beach with floor to ceiling windows.  The views were lovely but after waiting an hour for sandwiches – with no explanation – we just gave up.  We decided to go to another place and grab some pizza.  

We didn’t see the huge waves either because I didn’t realize the season to see them between October and February and we were there in April. I could see the appeal though. It was a beautiful, wide sandy beach that would be wonderful in summer or during the big wave season.

The sandy beach of Nazare - "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

We made one more stop on our Lisbon to Porto road trip in Coimbra .  The city is located on the banks of the Mondego River and was much bigger than I expected.  Coimbra is known as home to one of Europe’s oldest universities, dating back to the 16th century, which is a key part of the town.  

We drove through the town and just made a quick bathroom stop and grabbed some natas.  Maybe next time, we can see the Joanine library at the University which is supposed to be a bibliophile’s paradise.

Sunset over Porto- "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

We arrived in Porto about rush hour. This was probably not the best time to arrive in a new city with narrow streets, a lot of construction, and bad traffic due to a bus crash in the center of the city! We missed a turn and then had to sit in traffic along the river for a while before I decided to do what was probably an ill-advised U-turn!  

I was happy to park the car for a day while we explored the city.  Given everything there is to see along the way to Porto and everything there is to see in Porto, I would not recommend just a Lisbon to Porto day trip. 

Porto has a reputation as a beautiful city and well worth a visit.  I’d say that doesn’t do it justice!   The old town area is gorgeous and atmospheric and the people were friendly. I had a great time.  It would have been nice to spend three days in Porto and see more of the city.

Evening in the Old Town in Porto - "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

Our first night we went for a dinner and fado show.  Fado is traditional Portuguese music known for being expressive and melancholic.  While the music was mostly in Portuguese, the lead singer took time to explain what each song was about in English and a few other languages as well.  

We also did a food tour , visited some port houses , and sought out the Harry Potter spots  while we were in Porto.  

Hanging out along the Douro River in Porto- "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

If you are looking for a hotel in Porto, we were guests of the Porto Grande Hotel and we enjoyed our stay there.  It is a beautiful, historic hotel that is conveniently located in the center of the Old Town area.

Click here to check price and availability for the Porto Grande Hotel  or Click here to read TripAdvisor reviews .

After a delicious breakfast at the Porto Grande Hotel, we headed south to the Algarve.  The total drive time was six hours and we wanted to make sure we made it in time to catch the sunset on the beach.  We stopped in Fatima, a fascinating town that has become a pilgrimage site thanks to three children who saw a vision of the Virgin Mary.

Pilgrims on their knees in Fatima - "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

There is a lot to see in Fatima , so you probably want to allocate a few hours. There are two basilicas and a shrine, built at the site of the Marian apparitions. You can also visit the houses the three children had lived.

When we were there, they were getting ready for a visit from the Pope to mark the 100th anniversary of the children’s visions. Whether you are religious or not, watching the pilgrims making their way to the main basilica on their knees in prayer is a humbling sight.

On Day 7, we did a mini Algarve road trip so that we could visit a few of the little fishing towns and beaches.  We were staying in Albufeira , so started the day by driving in the Algarve to Sagres , which is the most western point in Europe.  

After taking in the view, we went to Salema , another small town in the Algarve, walked on the beach and had a nice lunch.  After lunch, it was time to head to Lagos for our boat trip to see the Algarve caves .  Then we walked around Lagos for a little bit and headed back towards our hotel.  

The beach in Salema in the Algarve.- "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

We decided to have dinner at Restaurante Bar Praia Da Galé because it was supposed to be a nice place to watch the sunset.  It did not disappoint, the food was excellent and we enjoyed the views.  I think it was my favorite meal of our whole trip!

The drive back to Lisbon was a little more than two hours, but we wanted to make sure that we made it back in plenty of time for our flight.  We decided to take the scenic route and drive along the Southwest Alentejo and Vicentine Coast Natural Park.  We would stop to take a few pictures along the way but wouldn’t do much sightseeing.  

Most of this drive was one lane each way and I did get stuck behind a couple of slow trucks.  Still we made it back to the airport in enough time.

The Algarve coast is so scenic! - "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

Portugal Itinerary Regrets

Even with everything we jammed into our weeklong Portugal itinerary, there were still a few things that we didn’t have time for.  I don’t think there is anything that I would have skipped (well maybe the restaurant in Nazare) on our trip though, so I think the only option would have been to add a few more days.

I would have liked to see more of the sights in Sintra like Monserrate Palace , the Chalet and Garden of the Countess of Edla , and the Palace of Seteais .  We were only able to allocate one day there.  I could have easily done with another day.

The Douro Valley is the most famous wine region in Portugal and from the photos, I have seen, it is just stunning.  Since I enjoy the Portuguese wine (and wine in general!), I wanted to do a day tour of the Douro Valley.  

With the way our Portugal road trip itinerary worked out, I had to choose between the Douro Valley and Porto.   I decided we would come back to spend a weekend in Porto and see the Douro Valley.  If you are looking for a tour of the Douro Valley, check out these options on Viator .

The food in Portugal (and especially the Algarve) was delicious! I really love the sardines.- "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

I was impressed with the natural beauty and relaxed atmosphere in the Algarve.  Honestly, I could have spent a whole week just in this area exploring more of the best places in the Algarve and never been bored. 

We didn’t have time to visit any of the towns closer to Faro like Olhao .  Factor in the beautiful beaches and that would be a week well spent.  It might be even nicer to visit the Algarve in the winter when it is even quieter.

Update: We went back to the Algarve in January 2019 to explore more.  During our short visit, we went on a wine tour and did the Seven Hanging Valleys hike .  We stayed in Armacao de Pera at the Holiday Inn.  For more details on the property, check out my comprehensive review of the Holiday Inn Algarve or Tripadvisor .

There were several other cities that I read about that I would have liked to visit if I would have had more time:

Aveiro is also known as the Venice of Portugal because of its canals.  It’s a great place to explore by foot with its small bridges and beautiful beaches.  The Cathedral of Aveiro is also supposed to be beautiful.  Aveiro is located between Coimbra and Porto.

Évora is another well preserved medieval town located directly east of Lisbon.  In addition to the original city walls, you can see 14th – 17th century palaces and the remains of the Roman Temple of Evora from the 1st century.  The picturesque streets are lined with the traditional red roofs and white washed houses and lots of trees.  

Guimarães is a UNESCO World Heritage site located northeast of Porto.  It has a mix of architectural styles from the middle ages to modern.  You can also visit one of Portugal’s most impressive castles – Guimarães castle .

If you can only manage 4 days for your trip to Portugal, I would recommend 2 days in Lisbon and 2 days in Sintra.   You would not need to rent a car.  While you are in Lisbon, be sure to see the sites in Belem .  You will definitely want to come back and spend more time exploring the rest of Portugal.

There is a lot to see in Portugal and a lot of attractions to cover.  We weren’t able to fit it all in during our 8 days.  If you only have 7 days in Portugal and want to see the major sites, then consider flying into and out of different airports.  

You could fly into Porto and fly home from Faro in the Algarve or vice versa.  I was tempted to do our Portugal trip that way but it was significantly more expensive.  In addition to flight cost, you need to see if the rental car company will charge more for returning the car to a different location.

Porto really has some impressive buildings.- "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

You could also very easily just spend one week in Portugal based in either Lisbon, Porto, or the Algarve and do a few day trips.   (Check out this guide to help you decide between Lisbon or Porto ). Granted you wouldn’t be able to see as much of the country but it might be a more relaxed Portugal vacation itinerary .

I would have loved to have a few more days in Portugal.  If you have 10 days in Portugal , I would recommend taking the itinerary that we did and adding a day in Porto (to go to the Douro Valley) and a day in Sintra.  

You could also spend the morning exploring the Algarve fishing villages and beaches before heading back to Lisbon depending on your flight time.  Or maybe you would like to visit one of the Portuguese towns I mentioned above that I didn’t get to visit.  There are also some amazing hiking trails in Portugal for all fitness levels.

You have lots of possibilities to fill a two week Portugal itinerary.  If you are lucky enough to have two weeks in Portugal, I would follow my suggestions for the 10-day itinerary.  Then you could add two days in Lisbon (including one day trip to  Évora ), another day in Porto (maybe go to  Guimarães  or  Aveiro ), and then another day to relax at some of the gorgeous beaches in the Algarve. 

With 14 days, you can make good progress checking things off your Portugal bucket list.

Watching the sunset over dinner was a great way to spend our last night in Portugal. - "Our Amazing Portugal Road Trip Itinerary" - Two Traveling Texans

You can also find more ideas for road trips for couples here .

Well, no you don’t need a car to explore Portugal, but I do think it’s the best way.  Although they do have public transportation, it will take longer and does make some places harder to reach.  If you are not comfortable driving or don’t want to rent a car, consider taking an organized tour.  Check out the G Adventures Portugal tours here .

It was pretty easy to travel Portugal by car and we had a great time.  Would you like to do a road trip in Portugal?

What places would you include on your Portugal road trip itinerary?

– Anisa

Pin for Later

map of portugal with text overlay "Portugal Road Trip Itinerary"

  • Click here to get your printable one page Portugal road trip planner.
  • Driving in Portugal is similar to driving in the US, you just need to be prepared for the roundabouts and toll roads.
  • Obidos, Coimbra, Nazare, and Fatima are all great options to stop and explore when you are driving from Porto to Lisbon (or vice versa).
  • There is a lot to see in Portugal, you will need to prioritize to make the most of your time.  You may also want to consider flying into one city and out of another to save time.
  • You don’t need a car for Lisbon, Sintra, or Porto.  However, I would recommend driving between Lisbon and Porto because there are several interesting towns to explore.

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Last Updated on January 10, 2023

About the Author

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Anisa is an experienced international traveler with extra pages in her passport and stamps from 41 different countries across 5 continents (and counting). She was born and raised in Texas. After a 13 year stint in NYC, she moved to England to live with her husband.

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The Road Trip Guy

Find The Best Road Trips Around The world!

Your No.1 Portugal Road Trip Itinerary Guide [ An Expert Point Of View! ]

Portugal road trip

Table of Contents

Portugal is a beautiful country full of welcoming and passionate people. There are many places that are on the cannot miss list, but if you want to soak in the true spirit of this beautiful country, there is no better way than with a Portugal Road Trip Itinerary.

Traveling by car gives you the opportunity to be in control of your own destiny and go where you choose to. Spontaneity is great, but having some idea and direction to go in will help as well, therefore we go from Porto to Faro by car. The perfect route for you and all of your friends.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Portugal Coast Road Trip – What Route to Take?

A good map is a must-have for any Road Trip Portugal Itinerary . Without it you will miss all the hotspots, fun things to see and do, and of course not to mention the endless hours on Google trying to gather all information yourself.

Thankfully, we already did all the hard-work for you!

The below road map of your Portugal road trip has a distance of 810 km and starts in the beautiful city of Porto. From Porto you will make your first stop in Figueira da Foz, before checking the beaches and surf scene at Ericeira.

You will visit the capital of Portugal: Lisbon, before heading towards the south and explore the Algarve region.

If you want to do a shorter version you can also start do the: Lisbon to Porto Road Trip . This takes about half the time!

Make sure you print this road trip article and take it with you on your journey. You can also order the number one ranked Portugal Travel Guide on Amazon so you will never miss a unique and beautiful restaurant, landmark or attraction during your travels.

Time on the road: 8-9 hours Distance : 810 km Start : Porto (or reverse – Faro)

Portugal Road Trip Itinerary

Portugal by Car – How to Rent a Car?

driving in portugal

In this chapter I will show you how to make car rental in Portugal easy. Depending on your starting point, you can rent an affordable car at any airport and either return it at the same destination or pay an additional fee and drop it at one of their partner facilities at a different location.

Make sure you bring a valid EU driver’s license or international drivers license. You should be ok with an American and Canadian driver’s license as well.

The Road Trip Guy Golden Tip : Do you know the old saying;

Cheaper is not always better!

I am sure you do. Well – You would be surprised on how many tourists do not apply this knowledge when it comes to renting a car in Portugal. After traveling 30,000 km through every single European country, I have seen people make this classic mistake time and time again!

What is this mistake, you ask?

They always go for the cheapest option. It does not matter if the car dealer has only one red car, one blue car, a kids bike and a donkey for rent. If it is cheap, people will go for it.

And that’s where the problems will start. In a BIG way!

I get it! Nobody likes to pay a lot of money on renting a car and getting ripped off by sleazy salesmen at the frontdesk. They are all acting very friendly, but as soon as you decline all the additional “add-ons” (where they make the money) the service is G-O-N-E!

The will discover hidden “scratches” when you return, take forever to return your deposit and you can forget about any fast roadside assistance when you cars breaks down.

It bothered me for years. Was it too much to ask for a trustworthy company that you know will give you the best price possible combined with excellent service and roadside assistance?

No, it wasn’t – As Rentalcars is such a company!

Finally, I had the option to just simply check all the international car rental dealers on one single website. No more jumping around form Hertz to Europcar to Avis and back to Budgetcars again.

Right now I could compare all prices, types of cars, availability, special discounts and much more, in one clean overview. With the early bookings I could save up to 64% on the daily car rental fee!

Just by doing the early booking I earned back two hotel nights instantly. And as a cheap Dutch person, that is something that makes me very happy! 😉

Go check it out and see if your dream car is available !

Driving in Portugal

Driving in Portugal is not that different from other European countries, but the local Portuguese drivers do not seem to take the rules very seriously. Therefore, it is important to always double-check the traffic and other drivers as most of them like speeding and do unpredictable maneuvers.

I saw a few traffic-cops, but to be honest it was very minimal. Just enjoy the road, use common sense and you will be just fine!

Toll Roads in Portugal

Portugal can be a bit confusing when it comes to the toll roads. A part of them is electronic and a part of them is with a toll booth. Almost all of them accept a credit card, but just a few accept cash. I know, that does not make any sense, but unfortunate that’s the way it is.

The following roads of “Brisa” accept credit cards: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A9, A10, A12, A13 and A14.

If you missed a payment you can still make the payment within 5 days on  pagamentodeportagens.pt  to avoid a fine. Another option is buying a pre-paid card.

This card includes a deposit of € 5, €10, € 20 or € 40. It can be bought online at : http://www.tollcard.pt

Things to do in Porto

The journey begins in the town of Porto. This route will take your directly along the west coast of Portugal and gives you a chance to simply slow down and take in the scenery.

Portugal Road Trip Itinerary

Porto is one the most famous tourist destinations in Portugal and is the second-largest city of the country after Lisbon. The historical city center has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996. The city is well-known for its export business, including the famous Port wine, which was named after the city.

I highly recommend you check out the any of the wine tasting tours in Porto . It was so much fun and to be honest it was one of the best investments I ever made. You will find the tours descriptions below.

Food, wine, Portugal and 4×4 Jeeps. Yes, that makes The Road Trip Guy a very happy person! 

Wine Tasting in Porto

Thankfully, there are some amazing wine & food tour companies available. Some take you on a journey full of delicious local foods, whilst others choose the adventurous route by exploring the outback of Portugal and discover the delicious wine-culture of the locals.

Me and my friend did the Douro Tour and we get very lucky with the weather. Crystal clear blue skies, about 24 degrees and a great group of people ready to explore the country-side of Porto. Loved it!

Ribeira Square

The Ribeira Square is a historical square in Porto, Portugal. It is included in the historical centre of the city, designated World Heritage by  UNESCO . Here you will find the city market that sells local products including fish, bread, meat and other goods.

In the evening you can go visit one of the many cozy restaurants in the area that serve traditional Portuguese cuisine. Try the fish and seafood dishes as they are the most popular and of course in combination with a good bottle of Port wine. Bon Appétit!

Livraria Lello

Livraria Lello is a unique cultural icon that has been one of the most popular tourist attractions in Porto. This bookshop comes to live and brings you back in time with its traditional design and layout. Take a beautiful picture at its traditional curved stairways and make sure you do no forget to buy your new book.

Tip: Go as early as possible as it gets really busy during the day. It was so busy that there was a line of people standing outside!

Therefore, if you are looking for that perfect selfie (all alone) you should consider visiting the library very early in the morning and if possible in the low-season.

Price: 4 Euro per ticket. Can be used as a discount when you book something in the store.

Don’t miss this one!

The Best Walking Tours in Porto

Exploring Porto by foot is such a great experience. I had a blast with the “Secret Sites” tour and it was worth every single Euro. Checking out all the funny and unknown places of Porto is a great way to experience the city to its fullest. You will meet great people as well!

And the best part? It is not expensive at all and there is wine everywhere!

I know what you are thinking. Did he do two wine tours in Porto?

Well, yeah! Why not? Do you only eat one pizza when you are visiting Italy? 😉

Hotels, Hostels & Apartments in Porto with free, paid or private parking

road trip portugal 8 jours

Finding a cheap and practical accommodation in a big city like Porto can be quite the challenge. Thankfully, we already have the experience finding the perfect place and since you will be traveling by car we recommend the following locations:

HF Ipanema Park​ ​ – Luxury and beautiful views

HF Ipanema Park is a beautiful 5-star hotel that is located just outside of the city center. It offers a stunning view of Porto and the Douro river. Parking is no problem and you can easily walk , take the tram, or a bicycle and you will be in the city centre in a just a few minutes. There is gym and recreational area for the kids!

If you want a nice relaxing holiday, this is the place to be!

Peninsular ​ – Downtown with free Private Parking

Some travelers just want to experience a city to its fullest. Why not stay in a classic Portuguese hotel in the heart of Porto! That is right. With Peninsular accommodations you can stay right in the city center with your car.

The hotel comes with a private parking and elevator and is only 200 meters from the train station : São Bento. Within 3 minutes you will be at the famous shopping district Rua de Santa Catarina! – Perfect locations for families and couples!

Porto Lounge Hostel & Guesthouse​ ​ – Hostel with Paid Parking

Now this is one of the most popular hostels in Porto. It is beautiful, clean and right in the city centre. If you want to meet new people., this is the place to be. They organize all kinds of fun activities including pub-crawls , game nights and much more.

The only down-side was that I needed to park the car nearby costing me close to 20 Euro per day. But the hostel was also almost 40% cheaper compared to the other accommodations, therefore it is not a real problem if it fits your budget.

​​ Click here to check out the cheapest hotel prices in Porto today! ​ 

Paintshop Hostel – Figueira da Foz

Head south from Porto and slowly make your way down to Figueira da Foz. In this town, you can find many attractions to take up some of your time, but if you find yourself in need of rest, just check into Paintshop Hostel .

It may worry some people to stay in a hostel, but this one does have an option to purchase a private room, so there is little to worry about. It is also the perfect place as it is easy to park your car there.

An important aspect for when you travel with your car. Always make sure you double-check if your accommodation provides either free parking or parking nearby.

Portugal Road Trip Itinerary

Ericeira Beach

Once you feel well rested and ready for a new day, continue south toward Ericeira beach. This city is known for hosting the ASP World Tour Championship and being a mecca for those looking to ride the waves.

Take some time here to grab a bite to eat and enjoy the waves yourself. There is nothing more satisfying than owning the ocean from your surfboard and it is the perfect way to spend an afternoon or even most of the day.

If you have not caught all the waves you want or if you simply want a change of scenery, just down the road is Cascais. Another town known for surfing, Cascais is a quaint area to soak up the sun and enjoy a bit of shopping. Of course, you might also enjoy other activities on the water, so make sure to check out my colleagues at Dive Inn for more information about other  water sports .

Portugal Road Trip Itinerary

How to take surf-lessons in Ericeira?

Look no further. You have found the best surf school for group surf lessons. All you have to do is bring a towel and a swimsuit. Have the rest taken care of for you so you enjoy the waves of sunny Ericeira.

With this student to instructor ratio, you can feel confident that you will receive a safe, high quality lesson. Time and energy have been dedicated to finding the best surf instructors in Ericeira.

A staff of professional lifeguards and CPR certified instructors will educate you on the proper techniques. The lesson is 90 minutes to 120 minutes – depending on the sea conditions.

What Will You Learn?

– Standing up – Paddling – Wave timing and placement – Wave selection – Surfboard and wetsuit education – Wave physics – Surf etiquette and safety

*Pricing includes wetsuit and surfboard, return transfer from the store to the beach and insurance for accidents.

Click here for more information or book directly at:

Hotels & Apartments in Ericeira with free or private parking

Blue buddha beach house​ ​ .

This beautiful beach house is located right at the beach! Its beautiful panoramic view gives romantic sunsets every evening! There is free WiFi and within a few minutes you are right in the small city centre, which is full of fun little bars, beach clubs and restaurants. Great for couples or families with children!

Blue Buddha Surf Hostel ​ 

Party, surfing and meeting new people? The Blue Buddha Surf Hostel is the place to be! As with any hostel you will be sharing your room with other surf-fanatics and the owners will make sure you will have a wonderful time. If you want some privacy you can also book a private room and from the hostel to the beach is just a 2-minute walk. Cowabunga!

Quatro Sóis Guesthouse

This guesthouse is a short 5-minute drive from the city centre, but is definitely a luxury retreat! It has a big garden, swimming pool and all the privacy in the world so you and your friends/family can enjoy and relax. You can use their washing facilities and there is also a pool table and darts available.

​​ Click here to book the most affordable hotel prices in Ericeira! ​

Things to do in Lisbon

By this time, you will definitely be in need of some rest and just a short jaunt from Cascais is Lisbon. Lisbon is the beautiful capital of Portugal and they have many accommodations and activities for the weary traveler to choose from. If you are planning to stay for a long weekend, check out this two days in Lisbon guide !

But if you are staying for a longer period of time, I highly recommend that you read this blog post about the best day trips from Lisbon . You will not be disappointed! 🙂

Time-out Food Market

But first things first: Let’s eat! When you arrive in Lisbon you will face your first challenge, which is finding a parking spot! Thankfully, I did some research and found a perfect underground parking garage right next to the Time-Out food market!

It is located on the left-side of the food market with the entrance being on the right-side of Jardim Dom Luis.

The food-market is truly an amazing place for people who want to try the Portuguese cuisine and experience the local culture. Once you go inside you will see dozens of little shops offering a very broad selection of Portugal’s finest.

It does not matter if you like deserts, grill, bread or even if you are vegan, there is something for everybody!

Portugal Road Trip Itinerary

Meals are on average between 3-12 Euro’s depending on the size. There is also a selection of local wines. These start at 5 Euro per glass. Keep in mind that during lunch-time it will get very busy, therefore I advice you to go before 12, or after 3.

Food Tours in Lisbon

We all love to eat right? Why not enjoy the capital of Portugal with a romantic dinner for 2 or a fun day out with friends tasting the most amazing foods and drink fantastic wine! I have summed up the best food tours in Lisbon for you to enjoy. Book in advance as they can sell out very quickly in the high-season.

I did the 4-Hour Culinary Evening Walk with 8 other people. It took us almost 4.5 hours and the food was amazing! We explored a remote area close to the Tejo River and the food was something out of a movie. There were small snacks, seafood, meats, wines, cheeses, bread and more wines! After the tours, the guide, me and 6 other people decided to explore to nightlife of Lisbon. It was amazing! 🙂

Elevador de Santa Justa

The Elevador de Santa Justa is one of Lisbon’s most iconic monuments. The 19th century lift that transports passengers up the steep hill  to the Largo do Carmo and the Carmo church ruins.

The construction consists of an artistic wrought-iron and gothic styled arches. The inside is decorated with polished wood, therefore expect to go up in style!

At the top there is a new viewing platform which provides wonderful panoramic views over the beautiful city centre of Lisbon.

The Elevador de Santa Justa is open every day between 7:30 and 23:00h (7:30-21:00 winter)

The ride cost €6.00 per person. The viewing platform is an additional  €1.50 per person.

Hop on the tram 28

Traveling by tram is very popular in Lisbon. These old-timers were first introduced to the public in the early 1930s and are till this day still par of the public transport network. It connects Martim Moniz with Campo Ourique, and passes through the popular tourist districts of Graca, Alfama, Baixa and Estrela.

If you want to explore Lisbon by tram, this is the way to do it!

Some tips by Lisbon Guides :

• Ride the tram early (or late) in the day, to avoid the crowds. • Board at Martim Moniz (or Campo Ourique) as there is a better chance of getting a seat. • Always be wary of pickpockets (please see section later on). • Get the 24-hour public transport ticket from any metro station. • Ride the entire route as there is so much to see. (please see later section) • If standing, hang on very tight as the brakes are very sharp!

The number E28 tram follows a two-directional linear route:

Martim Moniz – Graca – Portas de Sol – Se Cathedral – Rua Conceição (southern Baixa) – Chiado – Sao Bento – Estrela – Campo Ourique

If you are interested to learn more – make sure to check out this amazing blog post about other amazing things to do in Lisbon . You won’t regret it. 😉

Algarve Road Trip

Surfing in sagres.

It is always a good idea to take in a little history on any road trip and the place to find history on your Portugal road trip is Sagres. It is the perfect region for doing a road trip with kids .

Who knew that driving the coast of Portugal can be so beautiful??

The road to Sagres will seem to take you away from your drive as you will have to turn back toward the coast to find it, but the side trip is well worth it. Here you will find more amazing views of the coast along with some more primo surfing spots.


Aways check the latest reports as you do not want to travel all the way to Portugal to find out the swell is going to be zero for the next week!

Renting a surfboard can be done at one of the many surfshops. It cost about  € 20 to € 30 per hour for a board and a suitable wetsuit.

Read more about Surfing in Sagres, Algarve!

Click here to book the most affordable hotel prices in Sagres!

Cabo de Sao Vincente

Another notable historic area in Sagres is Cabo de Sao Vincente. This Cliffside attraction maximizes the history of the area al while encompassing that remarkable coastal view that Portugal is famous for.

You don’t pay any entrance and there is a small souvenir market before the entrance.

Portugal Road Trip

Walk with the Donkeys at Happy Donkey Sanctuary

Walking With Donkeys is an animal sanctuary that is located in the mountains of the Algarve, nearby Monchique. It is run by Robert, a biologist from germany who has a big passion for animal welfare and of course.. Donkeys!

All the profits go directly into making the sanctuary a better place, therefore if you want to support a small and local business, this is the place!

Enjoy a unique donkey walk  in the most beautiful area of the Serra de Monchique in the Algarve, Portugal. For adults and young nature lovers alike!

Walk with a herd of five donkeys:  Two adults, Cameron & Lucia, one youngster, Josefina and two babies, Frederico & Luisa.

All of them are very friendly, well-trained and kind to children and adults.

Experience the mountains of Monchique  at the pace of a donkey, strolling the paths and walking along beautiful rivers or ascending to the top of Picota mountain, where you will be rewarded by a magnificent view over the Algarve.

Listen to the sounds of nature and catch a glimpse of bees, deers, wild boars, turtles and other wild animals

Lagos is located on the west-side of the Algarve and is one of the most vibrant and popular cities of the region. The charming city center and active nightlife make Lagos one of the top tourist destinations and once you have visited the area it is easy to see why.

road trip portugal

From Lagos there are several day trips available, including the Lagos Zoo, Zoomarine and many boat trips that explore its beautiful coastlines and provide romantic sunset cruises. It is also known for being the most famous spot to go dolphin watching in Algarve .

In the south of Lagos, the famous Ponta da Piedade can be found. This beautiful sight consists of a series of highly weathered cliffs that are lined with spectacular grottos, arches, sea caves, and are regarded as the finest natural feature of the Algarve.

Hotels, Hostels & Apartments in Lagos

Lagos marina guest house.

This beautiful family hostel is located at walking distance from the city centre and the beach. I stayed here for 5-days and it was such an amazing experience! The people are very kind and I booked a private room with a huge balcony. There is a big clean kitchen and if you are interested in following a few kite-surfing lessons, the owner will be more than happy to help you out!

There is free-parking everywhere!

Click here to book the most affordable hotel prices in Lagos!

Your final stop on your epic road trip in Portugal is the city of Faro . Within this city, you will find an airport should you require a flight back home, but you will also find some attractions that should not be missed.

The area is dotted with ancient cathedrals that date back centuries. One of the most notable is Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo.

The church is spectacularly well-preserved despite being originally built-in 1719, but scars are still visible from the 1755 earthquake that rocked the town.

This baroque style church was rebuilt and since has been lovingly maintained as a tourist attraction for those seeking historical attractions.

Before you leave Faro and head home from your road trip in Portugal, you may also want to see the Museu Municipal.

The Renaissance style structure was at one time a Jewish Quarter House and has since been converted into a museum that houses works of art as well as artifacts found in the area. History comes alive in this city and there is no place better than Faro.

Final Words

Your road trip in Portugal will take you to many places, but there is so much more to see in this vast country. Before considering hopping on a flight home or heading back the way you came, consider finding another route. There is so much to see and do, it would simply be a shame to not see it all.

If you liked this Portugal Road Trip Itinerary, please leave a comment below and let me know what you think.

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22 thoughts on “ Your No.1 Portugal Road Trip Itinerary Guide [ An Expert Point Of View! ] ”

I am seriously considering doing a road trip around Portugal and Spain very soon and can’t wait to do it. I have already been to porto, Lisboa and the Algarve but I want to get to the little known places and enjoy it! 🙂 Love this post and great tips here.

You are most welcome! 🙂

I love Portugal and I’ve travelled around most of the country – though strangely not the Algarve, which is most popular with Brits. I’d recommend inland Portugal too – such as it is – I particularly like Estramoz. And, the last time I was actually self driving there my partner was a rally driver…can you imagine! I suspect he was behaving more like a local !

haha, sounds awesome! Thank you for your message!

We’ve been to a few of these places but separately, not on a single road trip. We have driven in Portugal and you’re right, the local driving isn’t the best. The one place we haven’t been to which you mention is Porto, wouldn’t mind going there next time.

Great! Glad you guys had a great time! 🙂

This looks like a great route! I have wanted to do a coastal road trip from Galicia to Portugal – but this is a great itinerary for the Portugal part of the trip. I’ve been to both Lisbon & Porto but didn’t knkw about the Livreria Lello when I was in Porto- such a shame!

Good excuse to come back again! 🙂

This sounds so fun! A little bit of city time, a little bit of beach time. I’ve always wanted to learn to surf so Ericeira would be a highlight for me. I’d just be a little nervous about driving, especially if the drivers don’t follow the rules super closely!

All part of the adventure, Carrie! Thank you for your kind words! 🙂

I really want to go to Portugal this year, and was thinking about hiring a camper van to explore – this is a great road trip itinerary! The Livraria Lello looks amazing, and those cute donkeys!

Thank you! 🙂

Great article! I’ve done the road trip from Lagos to Ericeira but not all the way up to Porto. We loved the lighthouse at Sagres and the beaches & dramatic cliffs of Lagos. Sintra was amazing too with the utterly beautiful and boldly coloured palace – did you go? I would have LOVED to visit that amazing bookshop wow! And the Walking with Donkeys – my kids would have adored that. They still talk about their visit to Zoomarine – it’s one of the only things they can remember (!) – I took them as they’d all had chickenpox (in the van!) and then my other half got it in Portugal – he was so ill, and yet they were all recovered – we went back for a second day I remember!! 🙂 Thanks for this – some great places to note for another road trip there sometime.

Thank you very much! Unfortunate did not visit Sintra, but will def. check it out next time! Yes, the bookstore was even the inspiration for the harry potter books as the writer was staying in Porto when she was writing the first books. Zoomarine is great and glad the kids enjoyed it very much! 🙂

I love road-tripping! I would love to visit Portugal, so this is a very handy itinerary indeed. It would be great to do this in a camper, and wake up to views over Ericeira Beach – I’ll skip the surfing lesson and just walk my dog 😉 It’s your Walk with the Donkeys that really captures me – I used to have pet donkeys as a youngster, and they are just a joy – so funny and gentle. I MUST do this activity when in the Algarve!

Go for it Hannah. It really is a wonderful experience walking with these amazing animals through the mountains of the Algarve region.

I have a friend, who s a big road trip guy like you, and he was planning to do this route last year but he fell sick. He might do it this year. I am going to share this post with him. I had never been to Porto but i would love to explore this route. The Livraria Lello & Port wine are great reasons for me to think 😛

Thank you very much! 🙂

Planning a trip this September, but we’re thinking of staying in a campervan and driving that throughout the city. Def going to use your itinerary as it’s so damn detailed! Thanks!

Thank you much for the kind words! Have fun! 🙂

  • Pingback: The Historical Attractions of Lisbon, Portugal - C&C by Cedric Lizotte

Great article! I’m considering this route with a friend of mine. How much time did you spend on this route? We are considering a 2-week roadtrip, but are unsure if it will be rushed or not. Cheers

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The Ultimate guide to road trip in Portugal

Last Updated on July 28, 2023 by

Road Trip Portugal. Image used for pinterest purpose with title and picture of Laura and Sintra

Portugal, the ancient land of the explorers. A place full of beauty and breathtaking destinations. This ultimate guide to road trip Portugal is your what you need to plan your next adventurous on the road. Indeed, what’s better than spending your summer driving the Algarve’s winding coastal route or chasing the sunset from one of the Porto’s photogenic viewpoints? In this blog, I will take around the nation. From the steep hills of Lisbon, to the ancient roman ruins of Evora. You will visit the blue churches of Porto and sunbath in the sandy beaches of Albufeira.

Table of Contents

Portugal on the road useful info to know before you go

View of the hills of Lisbon and Sao Jorge Castle . Road trip Portugal

Portugal Toll roads 🛣️

I always been used to motorway tolls when I lived in Italy (in the UK are less popular) but Portuguese tolls are another level. You can find below all you need to know about tolls in Portugal.

  • Tolls are an essential part of the motorways in Portugal and there are tolls to pay at every significant length of the road (even in the very short way from Lisbon to Sintra).
  • If you have Google Maps, you can easily skip some tolls but do this only if you have extra time to spare. However, roads without tolls are usually not well maintained and you will need longer time to reach your destination. Conversely, toll roads are very well maintained, they have services (some of them are actually very good) and you can reduce the lengthy of your trip significantly.
  • Tolls are calculated according to the length of your trip and location. They can be as cheap as £ 0,20 or you can pay also £10.
  • There are two types of tolls. The electronic ones and the ones you can pay in cash. Tourists are strongly advised to use electronic tolls.
  • Electronic tolls are divided in Via Verde tolls and common electronic tolls. For both of them you will need an electronic transponder on your car (see below for more details)
  • Don’t try to be smart by taking a toll road without pay the toll. You will be fined 10 times more your toll price and the fine start from €25 (even if your toll was € 0,20).

Via Verde Transponder (recommended for tourists)

Road trip Portugal - Via verde transponder

The Via Verde transponder is a little device attached to the windscreen of your car. This allows visitors to Portugal to travel on all national motorways without having to stop for tolls. In fact, while driving in the proximity of the toll stations, you will see some lanes marked with the words “via verde”. You can take these lanes and pass the toll without stopping or paying.

However, beware that you should request your Via Verde transponder BEFORE starting your road trip. In fact, you should request it when you pick-up your rental car.

How do I pay Via Verde?

Via Verde transponder has a daily “rental” cost plus an initial fee established by your rental car provider. When you will return your car, the company will send you an invoice including all your tolls to pay. For about one month road trip in Portugal we paid around €100 of toll fees. These did not include the initial fee and transponder rent.

General Electronic Transponder

If you don’t want to pay for a Via Verde transponder, you can decide to rent a generic one. This can be rented from your rental car or from a post office. The difference is that with this generic transponder you can’t transit in the Via Verde lanes. If you, by mistake, will transit in those lanes, you will pay an additional fee. Another difference, is that you have to pay the tolls yourself at the Portugal Toll Payment Portal . So, you won’t be notified by your rental car company. If you fail to pay or you forget to, you will pay a fine.

Portugal toll roads map

Portugal toll roads map. Source: Infraectucturas de Portugal - Road trip Portugal

This Portugal toll roads map from Infraectucturas de Portugal shows you the roads where you can expect to pay a fee. Please don’t confuse the Easy Toll symbol (moving bus) with the Via Verde lanes. In fact, the Easy Toll is just a system that associate your license plate number to your credit card. The system will debit your card every time you have to pay a toll. Easy Toll is mainly used by Portuguese residents.

Renting a car in Portugal 🚗

There are many rental cars in Portugal. However, if you are embarking on a road trip, is better to choose a reputable one (e.g. EuropeCar, Avis, Budget etc). Prices change according to the type of car you chose, the length of the rent and the extras you will add. We found a very good offer with Budget associated to our British Airways flight. We paid around €500 for 4 weeks. The rent started from the Lisbon airport and ended in the same location. Price did not included the children car seats that costed €100 each for the whole journey. Before taking this car I did a little research. The prices for a rental car without the flight combo were 30 to 40% higher.

Car insurance in Portugal

Car insurance while travelling is always a sore point to cover. Nevertheless, when undertaking a road trip (especially if long) this is a necessary thing to have. You never know what could happen on the road! Because we travel quite often, we always opt for a third party insurance. We usually pay an annual fee ( £50 circa) and this covers our rents for unlimited damage.

In case of an accident the procedure expects that you pay the rental car company for the damage and make the claim via your private insurance. If you don’t want to do this, you can always opt for a full insurance from your car provider.

Portugal motorway service areas ⛽

I have to say that Portuguese service area surprised me for their excellent quality. As you will drive long stretch of motorway, having a nice place where to stop is something you should consider. Most of the services areas you will find are those branded as “Colibri – Via Verde”. These are open to all customers but Via Verde users will get a 10% back on their tolls.

If you are travelling with infants, you will be very pleased by Portuguese services areas! In fact, most of them, have big and clean changing rooms for babies. These include nursing chairs, changing station and food prep station. They even have IKEA changing mattress! I was really surprised. In fact, in the UK, most service areas are the worst places where you can take your babies. They are dirty and you have to change your children literally next to a WC. However, in Portugal they really cared about this. We loved to have some stop-overs to change the babies and have some food.

How to plan a road trip in Portugal

Museu Condes de Castro Guimarães, Cascais with people swimming at the beach - Road trip Portugal

I always plan my trips in every detail. I like to leave some “adventure time” without plans. However, at the same time, I need to know where I am going and have a plan B if everything goes wrong. Like any other place you might travel, also road tripping in Portugal needs a bit of planning in advance. Below you can find a list of 10 things you might want to consider when planning a roar trip to Portugal.

  • Rent a car with a trustworthy agency and don’t skip the insurance part!
  • Buy a personal travel insurance.
  • Establish your “base camps”. This means the places where you will sleep and explore nearby cities/attractions. We had 6 different base camps. Lisbon, Coimbra, Porto, Marvão, Evora and Albufeira.
  • Establish an itinerary for each step of your trip (e.g. what to see in Lisbon)
  • Don’t overload your itinerary with things to see. ( I always do it and never learn that I don’t have enough time).
  • If you travel with infants (like us), plan your days according their routine. Sleeping hours are the best for driving!
  • Travel light (if possible)! Moving all your stuff from one place to another is not the best if you have a lot of things.
  • Find a reliable parking for the night (or days) when you stay at your base camp. Parking on the street is OK but just for brief periods. I won’t leave my car unattended at night. Car parking named Empark are quite reliable and cheap. We used this in Lisbon and paid €12 for 24.
  • Because of Covid many attractions have online tickets only. Book these in advance.
  • Drone pilots have to book their permissions at least one month in advance through the Portoguese Aviation.

Portugal road trip map

This above is the itinerary I created for my 3-weeks Portugal road trip. We started and ended in Lisbon. We drove first towards the northern part of Portugal. Then, we moved to the Alentejo region to end in the Algarve (from there we drove back to Lisbon). We drove a total of 1,947 km, (probably a little more considering the stops), and visited all the best Portugal has to offer.

We had quite a lot of time to spend in Portugal thanks to our generous amount of annual leave. This allowed us to plan more stops and stretch our visits in the best way. However, it’s true that most itineraries are planned around 7, 10 or 15 days. For this reason you will find below some examples road trip itinerary suggestions to use according to your need. I will be more detailed in the 20- days road trip (that correspond to our visit). The other itineraries, will follow longer one but on a shorter version.

Portugal road trips itineraries

Portugal itinerary 3 weeks.

3 weeks is good amount of time to explore the best of what Portugal has to offer. You can spend your time in different regions, check all the main landmarks and have a sense of Portuguese culture. Moreover, you don’t feel that pressure of visiting all the possible visitable locations in a small amount of time. Ergo, if you really have three weeks to spend in Portugal, this itinerary (the one we did) is perfect for you!

The main highlight of this road trip will be: Lisbon, Sintra, Coimbra, Porto, Evora and Albufeira. Nevertheless, you will make also some visit to smaller towns like Óbidos and Piódão. Please consider that this itinerary reflects exactly our steps. You can copy it like it is or modify it according to your needs.

Day 1 to 4 Explore Lisbon 🚋

View of the Santa Justa Lift in Lisbon from a side road - Road trip Portugal

Lisbon is the colourful capital of Portugal. It has a very cosmopolitan vibe and we loved to stroll around its hilly and labyrinthine streets. We chose it as a base camp for 7 days but we explored it just for 4. Effectively, Lisbon is perfectly visitable also in 3 days. However, because of the babies we opted for a more relaxed itinerary. Lisbon is perfect also for taking some day trips as Sintra or Cascais.

What to see in Lisbon in 4 days

I was quite satisfied with my four days in Lisbon and I felt I explored all its best sites. Our itinerary was particularly relaxed and planned around the babies needs. You can certainly add more places to see. Among the things you can’t miss on your first day there are: the labyrinthine alleys of Alfama . This is the oldest neighbourhood of Lisbon. Here, the mission was getting lost in the hundreds of colourful alleys until we had enough. The Carmo Convent and the magnificent views from the Santa Justa Lift . A stop Manteigaria for a first taste of their famous Pastél de Nata. Last but not least, a beautiful sunset from São Jorge Castle .

On your second day, you can explore the historical neighbourhood of Belém . This is the area of Lisbon closest to the Tagus river. It is at 20 mins drive from Lisbon but you can reach it also with the public transport. Here you can visit the famous Belém Tower , Monument of the Discoveries and the Jerónimos Monastery . You can finish your day at the LxFactory that is located at 10 minuted drive from Belém .

Our third day was devoted to the “challenging hills”. In fact, going around with two strollers in Lisbon was not the best idea. So we reserved one day to put the babies on the backpacks and explore the panoramic terraces of the city. In this day we visited the Lisbon Cathedral (climbing up its towers), the neighbourhood of Bairro Alto and the Miradouro de Santa Luzia . I know, this is not much for a day. Indeed, you can certainly incorporate those things in the previous days. However, for us this was necessary to separate those attractions in order to leave the strollers at home.

We used the last day in Lisbon to hit the spots we couldn’t fit into the previous days. The highlight of this day was our lunch at Mercato da Ribeira . From there we visited the famous Pink Street and jumped aboard of the historical Ascensor da Bica . In the afternoon, we returned to Lisbon city centre to photograph some of the historical shops and landmarks like Luvaria Ulisses and the beautiful Rossio Station .

Day 5 – Explore Cascais ⛵

On our 5 day, we were still based in Lisbon but it was time to embark on a day trip. One of the best day trips you can take from Lisbon is the seaside city of Cascais.

view of cascais and the panoramic wheel - Road trip Portugal

Cascais is located at 31 km drive from Lisbon and you will reach it in about 35 mins (driving a total of 62 km A/R). This is the perfect day trip from Lisbon and also one of the locals’ favourite beach location near Lisbon. We wanted to take the babies to the beach so Cascais was the perfect destination! There are many free beaches in Cascais. Moreover, there are hybrid beaches where you can rent a sun bed if you want but the use of the beach is free.

The cost of a sun bed + umbrella is around € 30 for the whole day. You can’t rent it for half a day. In fact, we used it just for the morning and paid the whole price.

Things to do on a day trip to Cascais

Cascais is a relatively small town compared to Lisbon. Nevertheless, there are plenty of things to do. After our morning at the beach, we had a delicious vegan lunch at House of Wonder. Then, we walked the lovely colourful street of Cascais and its photogenic promenade. Here, you can find the Palácio Seixas and the Citadel. If you continue your walk, you will find the Museum Condes de Castro Guimarães . This is located inside a beautiful park by the sea. Here you can take the chance of have a relaxing afternoon or go for another swim by the castle.

Day 6-7 Get enchanted by Sintra 🏰

Sintra is one of the major and most spectacular destinations to visit in Portugal. The area is entirely surrounded by forests, castles and noble palaces. Is considered one of the most breathtaking places of Portugal for its peculiar geography and you will see why! Most people visit Sintra in just one day. However, I won’t recommend this. In fact, Sintra has many beautiful places to visit and you would not appreciate these in full with a rushed visit. Moreover, this is one of the most crowded places you will visit in Portugal.

In fact, it was quite crowded when we visited last June (in full pandemic), so I cannot imagine how it can be without restrictions! Unfortunately, we lost a half day visit because one of the babies was unwell (we skipped the Moorish Castle) but we had a lot of time to visit all the other attractions.

Sintra in 2 days – What to see

Monserrate Palace main Façade

Start your visit with the Palácio Nacional da Pena. This is located in the highest summit of Sintra and you will take a while to reach it. Especially because cars are forbidden in that area! (read below for more info about it). The visit will last 2-3 hours depending whether you visit also the adjacent Vale dos Lagos and the castle interiors (here you should add another hour). In the afternoon, you can visit the Castelo dos Mouros . This is located at just a few meters from the Pena Palace and you can reach it on foot.

On your second day in Sintra, start your visit at the Palácio de Monserrate . Here, you can get lost in its luscious gardens and hidden corners. The visit lasts around 2 hours (but it would take longer if you photograph every inch). Dedicate the rest of the afternoon to the mystic Quinta da Regaleira . You will need 2 to 3 hours to complete your visit as the park is quite large. If you still have time, you can visit also the nice city of Sintra. This is located at 10 minutes walk from Quinta da Regaleira.

Tips for your visit to Sintra

Sintra National Park is quite huge to visit. Two days are not enough to see everything this place has to offer. However, especially if it’s your first time. These are enough to visit the main highlights. Here are a few tips that can make your Sintra visit smoother!

  • Check the weather! Meteo conditions are quite variable in this area of Portugal. Indeed, even if it’s sunny in Lisbon you may find fog and rain in Sintra. This is due to the peculiar geography of this area.
  • You must use public transport! In fact, you can’t drive in most of the castle/palaces of the park because of the Limited traffic zone. This is particularly true for the Moorish Castle,Palacio da Pena and Quinta da Regaleira. The best thing to do is find a public parking in the city and take the Hop and Off Bus. A ticket cost €6 and it’s valid the whole day. The bus stops at the main attractions so you don’t have to take the car.
  • Arrive early because parking spaces are quite limited inside the city!
  • Book your tickets online! In fact, online you will have a little discount on the price and you will skip the huge queues at the entrance.

Day 8 – Explore Óbidos ⚔️

After a week in Lisbon is time to move base camp! Our next base camp was the university city of Coimbra. This is at 219 km from Lisbon (about 2 hours and a half drive) and you can choose to drive straight there or stopping at the lovely city of Óbidos. If you don’t want to visit Óbidos, you can opt for a different stop at Tomar, Nazaré or Fatima.

What to see on a day trip to Óbidos

Medieval city of Óbidos. View from the castle - Road trip Portugal

Óbidos is the perfect medieval city. Cobbled alleys, high (still walkable) city walls, low roofs. My best friend, practically! Óbidos is considered one of the best preserved medieval cities in Portugal and, if you are lucky, you may attend also its famous Medieval Festival (Mercado Medieval) during summer. If you want to have a better experience, 2 days would be the best. However, Óbidos is perfect also as a day trip from Lisbon or Coimbra.

A very good way to see the city is by walking its perfectly preserved medieval walls . These offer great views and a new perspective on the town. Beware that this walk is not good if you have small kids or babies because there is not a railing on the walls. Furthermore, something you can’t miss is finding all the 14 hidden bookshops of Óbidos . These are located in the most strangest of the places. I found one in a church and another one in a cured meats shop. A must stop is the colourful Porta da Vila made entirely of Azulejo tiles.

If you have time, you can lunch in one of Óbidos traditional restaurants. I warmly suggest you Petrarum Domus . We really loved the food and cheese selection here!

The drive from Óbidos to Coimbra will take around 1h and 27 mins via the toll road.

Day 9 – Visit the university city of Coimbra 🎓

University of Coimbra, main courtyard

To fully appreciate Coimbra , you should spend here at least 2 full days. Because we were based in Coimbra for 5 days, we decided to dedicate one full day to explore it and a few hours a day to visit certain places when we returned from our daily excursions.

People travelling with strollers and babies, beware this city is quite challenging to walk. In fact, most attractions are up in the hill and the streets are not stroller-friendly.

One of the best things to visit in Coimbra is its beautiful University (the oldest in Portugal!). Here you can visit the historical Joanina Library and The Palace of Schools. The city is famous also for its beautiful Igreja de Santa Cruz and the peculiar Manga Cloister.

Day 10 – Discover Portugal’s Hidden Gems Piódão and Foz de Égua ⛰️

If you want to visit the most authentic part of Portugal, you have to drive to the Arganil region! This is a mountainous region within the spectacular Serra do Açor . Here you can find picturesque villages such as Coja, Piódão and Foz de Égua .

View of Foz D'Egua

Piódão is a unique village built on the slope of a mountain. All its houses are built of schist stone and perched on steep hills crossed by picturesque streams. The village can be visited in a few hours and you should not miss the iconic Igreja Matriz and a taste of the traditional cajadas do Piódão .

Want to know more? Read here about all the best things to to on a day trip to Piódão

If you have some spare time, at just 10 minutes drive from Piódão, you can visit the photogenic village of Foz de Égua. This is a small fluvial village that looks straight out of the Hobbit!

If you want to know more, read this blog about all the best info about Foz de Égua!

Day 11 – Have a day trip to Costa Nova and Aveiro

If you are searching for a day trip that has a short driving time, Aveiro and Costa Nova are the perfect destinations. In fact they are located at about 151 km from Coimbra and it will take around 2 h to reach them.

Cooperativa Agrícola Building. View of Art Nouveau buildings in Aveiro

Aveiro is known as the “Venice of Portugal” because of its small canals and traditional boats. I frankly disagree with this nickname. The city is nice if you don’t expect “Venice”. Otherwise it can be a little disappointing. I found more interesting the coastal part of Aveiro called Costa Nova. This is just a short drive from Aveiro (10 mins by car). This place is famous for its photogenic striped beach houses. These were originally used by fishermen for storage purposes but now are used as restaurants or holiday homes.

Day 12 -14 Explore Porto 🍷

It’s time to change your base camp! In this section of your Portugal road trip you will move to Porto. The city of wine, colourful houses, Harry Potter and steeply hills. Porto is located at 1 hour and 16 minutes from Coimbra (and 3 h from Lisbon). It’s so far my favourite city in Portugal and despite we stayed 3 full days, I wished to have more time to fully immerse in its pleasant atmosphere.

View of Porto from Cais da Ribeira - Road trip Portugal

Porto in 3 days. What to see and do

Start your first day in Porto at Vila Nova de Gaia this is the small town facing Porto from the other side of the Douro river. Here is where the Porto wine is stored and where you can have a lovely wine tasting directly in one of Porto wine’s cellars. In this part of the city you can pop a visit also to the beautiful Jardim do Morro and the spectacular Teleferico de Gaia .

On your second day, take your best walking shoes because you will explore Porto on foot! Start at the colourful Cais da Ribeira and walk till the majestic Dom Luis I Bridge . Visit the scenic Sè de Porto (the Cathedral). Then don’t miss a stop at the beautiful Sao Bento Station . Nearby you can visit also the Igreja dos Congregados the Clerigos Tower and Largo da Pena Ventosa (a small hidden and colourful alley). We concluded our walking itinerary at Livraria Lello (we found out that closing time is actually the best time to visit). Nearby the bookshop you will see also the blue tiled Igreja do Carmo where you can stop for a nice insta-picture.

Blue tiled church Igreia de Santo Ildelfonso

On your last day in Porto, start your itinerary at Palazzo Bolsa. From here you can take a bit of free time to explore Porto hidden alleys. We decided to return to Cais da Ribeira for lunch. If you do the same, from here you can walk till the famous Rua de Santa Catarina and stop by the Majestic Café. Don’t forget a stop at the beautiful Chapel of Souls and the C hurch of Santo Ildelfonso. End your day with a one way trip on the Funicular dos Guindais to watch the sunset from Dom Luis I Bridge.

Day 15 – Get amazed by Marvão 🏰

Our fifteenth day in Portugal was our longest driving day. In fact, we decided to move our base and sleep in a very special place. In fact, near the border with Spain there is a perfectly preserved medieval city called Marvão. This is lying on the “raja” the ancient border between Spain and Portugal.

Marvão - Beira Train Station

Marvão is located at 311 km from Porto and it will take more than 3 hours drive to reach it (plus various stops). We arrived in the afternoon an we were completely amazed by the town’s stunning outlook. Indeed, Marvão is still enclosed withing its high medieval walls and to access it you have to cross its double entrance gate. The castle, stands on the highest point of a rocky slope and on a clear day you can see the Spanish border.

To complete our experience in this part of Portugal we slept in the historical Marvão – Beira Train Station located in the village of Beira (10 mins from Marvão).

Read here about our experience in sleeping at the historical Marvão – Beira Train Station

Day 16 Visiting Elvas 🏰

At a short drive from Marvão (1 hour and 17 mins) you can find the city of Elvas. This is a nice city where to stop for a day trip on your way to Evora (see below for this). Elvas is indeed known for its fortifications and colourful yellow architecture .

Elvas main square with the Our Lady of Assumption cathedral

Things to do on a day trip to Elvas

Elvas is a small city and you can easily visit it in one day. Among the best things to see check the Republic Square with the Cathedral, and the nice architecture of the Santa Clara archway. Here you can find also the famous Pelourinho de Elvas . A symbolic pillar dated to the XVI century. We found the Castelo the Elvas closed (but this was possibly due to the Covid restrictions). You may want to pop a visit before going away!

Road trip Portugal Aerial view of the Fortress of Nossa Senhora de Graça

If you get a little out from the city centre there are two unmissable stops you should check. The Fortress of Nossa Senhora de Graça and the imposing Amoreira Aqueduct.

Because this is just a stop on your way to Evora, after visiting the Aqueduct or Fortress you should get on the road again. Indeed, it will take another hour to reach Evora from Elvas. If you plan well your day, you can have also a good time to do a familiarisation walk in Evora.

Day 16-19 Explore Evora ☠️

Royal Palace of Évora

Evora is the capital of the Alentejo region of which origin dates back to the Roman and Celts. In fact, still greatly preserved the Roman ruins of the Temple of Diana are considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Evora is known as one of the “hottest” places in Portugal because of its inland geographical position. Indeed, we left Lisbon with 25° and we found 37° in Evora.

For a satisfying visit of the city you will need at least two days but you can make it also in one if you rush a bit. We chose Evora as a base for two nights so we started exploring as soon we arrived in the afternoon (this gave us officially one day and a half).

Two days in Evora. What to see

Temple of Diana, Evora

If you arrive, like us, in the afternoon you will have plenty of time to check out some of the nicest Evora attractions. In fact, we visited the worldwide famous Chapel of Bones and the adjacent St. Francis Monastery and took a relaxing sunset walk at the nearby public gardens. The public gardens of Evora are really nice because here you can find also the Royal Palace of Evora and the eerie Fingidas ruins.

On your second day in Evora you will fully embrace the city and start exploring from the iconic Giraldo Square . From here walk to the Evora Cathedral . I warmly suggest you to buy a ticket for the spectacular Gothic Tower . From here you can view Evora in all its beauty. Almost attached to the Cathedral you will find the Roman ruins of the Temple of Diana . This will be probably the busiest place of the city! Have a traditional Alentejan lunch and continue your walk towards the Muralhas and the Roman Arch of Dona Isabel . If you have time, you can pop a visit to the Evora University. This is the second oldest university in Portugal after Coimbra. The most prominent part is the wide courtyard of the Colégio do Espirito Santo.

At the end of your day explorations is time to get back in the car and drive to Faro or remain in Evora for another night (see below).

Day 20 Faro🌊

Faro is not near Evora. In fact, it’s at 272 km from the Alentejo capital and you should expect to drive no less than 3 hours. You have then two options. Stay another night in Evora (as we did) and depart at early morning, or drive in the late afternoon/evening after your day exploration of Evora.

We opted for the early morning drive. In fact we were pretty exhausted after the whole day out in Evora and the morning schedule worked better with the babies. We managed to be in Faro at 11. 30 and this was enough to explore the Old Town for a few hours.

Road trip Portugal view of Faro harbour

I have to say that Faro didn’t impress me much. Nevertheless, if you are visiting you should not miss the historical Arco da Vila , the Cathedral and the cobbled streets of Old Town . If you have some spare time don’t miss a visit to the Palacio Pousada just out of the town.

When you finish your Faro itinerary you can drive to your next base camp that will be Albufeira. You can choose also a different city but we chose Albufeira for its convenient position in the Algarve region. In fact, the drive from Faro to Albufeira is very short (just 30-40 mins) and the city is well connected also to other places in Algarve.

Day 21 relax at Albufeira 🏖️

Ascensor do Peneco view

Despite it’s fame of party city, Albufeira was quite different from what I expected. Nevertheless, probably “thanks” to the pandemic, I will remember Albufeira for its beautiful empty beaches, the spectacular views on the Atlantic Ocean and its very nice Old Town.

We didn’t have an established itinerary in the Algarve region. Our mission was that of relaxing after 20+ days on the road! So we spent great time of our day in Albufeira lying on the beach. At dusk we decided to explore a bit the Old Town , have an ice cream and check the amazing view of the beach from the Peneco Lift.

We ended up our day with a delicious take-away pizza we enjoyed from the terrace of our villa. The pizzeria is one of the best we tried in Portugal and it’s called Georgina.

Day 22 – Visit the charming village of Ferragudo 🌺

Located at just one hour from Albufeira, Ferragudo is the ideal place for a day trip. This little fishing village has many restaurants, a lovely beach and some nice viewpoints.

Road trip Portugal - View of Ferragudo

What to do on a day trip to Ferragudo

We started our visit with a lovely walk in the town and a light lunch at Bar Amigos. Then, we continued our walk in the lovely marina area where you will find some lovely photographic points (particularly in Rua Infante Santo and Rua Infante Dom Enrique ). Ferragudo has some of the most photogenic alleys I’ve seen in Portugal and you have to walk a bit up and down to find them all (I will leave you the pleasure of discover them alone!). Don’t skip a visit to the Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição . Even if you don’t enter the church, this has a beautiful panoramic terrace over the bay.

One of the alleys of Ferragudo with an azulejo tile work

When you finish your walk (or before, if you prefer), you can head to a lovely beach called Praia da Angrinha . This is located at 10 minutes from the centre of Ferragudo. The surprising thing of this beach is it’s lovely castle! In fact, you can literally bathe under the historical Castelo de São João do Arade . This may be also open for visitors but it’s better to check with locals if you can enter.

Our day trip ended with our afternoon at the beach. We returned to Albufeira for our last day in the Algarve.

Day 23 – Getting back to Lisbon

Our road trip to Portugal was at the end and on our last day we travelled back to Lisbon from Albufeira. This was a 2 hours drive (circa). Honestly, our original plan was to depart very early from Albufeira and spend another half a day in Lisbon. However, travelling with babies is quite unpredictable so we departed quite late in the morning and preferred to head back straight to the airport.

If you have more time, you can certainly spend a few hours in Lisbon. Maybe to grab a last Pastel de Nata. Another option is to remain in Algarve and depart from the Faro Airpor (you should plan this before, of course).

Portugal road trip 7 days 🚋

View of Porto from the Dom Luis I bridge

If you have read the above 20 days (ish) Portugal road trip itinerary you’ll immediately know that squeezing everything in 7 days is not recommended. If you have only 7 days, it still possible to undertake a road trip but I would recommend to focus on specific parts of Portugal to avoid rushing on the road and not enjoying your trip. Below, I will propose you two types of itineraries that may be suitable for a 7 days road trip in Portugal. For the details of each stop (e.g. what to do in Lisbon) you can still refer to the above guide.

7 Days Portugal highlights Lisbon to Porto

Total drive A/R 685 km (without Obidos). Total length of the trip A/R: 7 hours in 7 days.

If you would like to include Obidos on your itinerary you will drive a 695 km A/R. The total length of the trio will be 7 hours and 25 mins (circa).

The length does not include your personal stops (e.g. at the service area that might increase your trip duration)

Day 1-2 . Spend your first two days enjoying the hilly and labyrinthine streets of Lisbon. Have a taste of Pastel de Nata and jump on the historical Tram n. 28 for an overview of the best areas of the city.

Day 3-4 . get enchanted by the castles and palaces of Sintra . In two days you can visit all the most famous Sintra attractions (e.g. the Pena Palace, Moorish Castle etc) without rushing.

* if you don’t want to spend two full days in Sintra you can do one day and use the other one for Obidos or Cascais.

Day 5-6 . Spend your last two days in Porto . Enjoy a glass of delicious Porto wine, check off the most beautiful train station in Portugal and find magical Harry Potter inspired corners.

Day 7. Return to Lisbon for departure. You can choose also to return from Porto but be sure your chosen airline covers this destination.

7 Days Portugal highlights Lisbon to the Algarve

Total drive A/R 633 km . Total length of the trip A/R: 6 hours 26 mins in 7 days.

Day 1-2. Spend your first two days enjoying the hilly and labyrinthine streets of Lisbon . Have a taste of Pastel de Nata and jump on the historical Tram n. 28 for an overview of the best areas of the city.

Day 3. Enjoy the vibrant town of Albufeira. Have a nice meal in the lovely Old Town and relax in one of the beautiful Albufeira beaches.

Day 4 . Take a day trip to the lovely fishing village of Ferragudo. Find the most colourful allyes and have a sense of the true coastal life is in the Algarve region.

Day 5-6 . Spend the last two days of your trip in the sunny Lagos . Enjoy the polychrome sandstone cliffs of Ponta da Piedade or the scenic views of Praia do Camilo . Take an afternoon trip to the Moorish city of Silves or adventure in the Lagos part of the Seven Hanging Valleys Trail.

Day 7. Return to Lisbon for departure. You can choose also to return from Faro but be sure your chosen airline covers this destination.

Portugal road trip 10 days 🚗

View of Lisbon from the Miradouro of Santa Luzia

10 days around Portugal is a good amount of time for a mini road trip. In fact, this is the minimum amount of days suggested by Lonely Planet and allows you to cover some of the most important cities around the nation.

Below, I will propose two different types of itinerary that may be suitable for a 10 days road trip in Portugal. For the details of each stop (e.g. what to do in Lisbon) you can still refer to the above guide.

10 Days Portugal itinerary jewels of the North

Total drive A/R 893 km . Total length of the trip A/R: 10 hours circa in 10 days.

Day 3 . Spend a day in the lovely medieval city of Obidos while driving towards Coimbra. Walk its perfectly preserved walls, taste a glass of Ginja and explore all the 14 hidden bookshops of the city.

Day 4-5. Discover the university city of Coimbra. Get lost in the old alleys of the city while visiting the oldest university in Portugal. Get amazed by the Azulejo tiles of the Igreja de Santa Cruz and have a relaxing time in the peaceful streets of the city.

Óbidos village

Day 6. Take a day trip to Aveiro and Costa Nova . Have a taste of the traditional ovos moles , admire Aveiro’s lovely Art Nouveau architecture and enjoy a photographic tour of the striped beach houses of Costa Nova.

Day 7- 8 . Spend two days in Porto. Enjoy a glass of delicious Porto wine at Vila Nova de Gaia, check off the most beautiful train station in Portugal and find magical Harry Potter inspired corners.

Day 9. Enjoy a day trip to Braga , the third largest city in Portugal. Get lost in its elegant cobbled alleys, climb the steps of the famous Bom Jesus do Monte and relax in the beautiful Santa Barbara Gardens.

Day 10. Return to Lisbon for departure. You can choose also to return from Porto but be sure your chosen airline covers this destination.

10 Days Portugal itinerary rural castles and villages

Total drive A/R 904 km . Total length of the trip A/R: 11 hours circa in 10 days.

Day 3-4 Be amazed by the Alentejo capital, Evora . Explore the still well-preserved Roman Ruins, climb the scenic Gothic tower of Evora Cathedral and have a taste of the best traditional Alentejo cuisine.

Day 5. Take a day trip to the fortified city of Elvas . Explore the imposing Fortress of Nossa Senhora de Graça and be impressed by the complex architecture of the Amoreira Aqueduct .

Portugal road trip. The fortified city of Elvas

Day 6. While driving towards Castelo Branco, stop by the historical city of Marvão . Get lost in its perfectly preserved medieval alleys and enjoy the breathtaking view of the Portuguese border from it spectacular castle.

Day 7. Explore the Templar town of Castelo Branco and its Knights Templar Castle. Be amazed by the spectacular Baroque gardens of the Bishop’s Palace and enjoy a relaxing walk at the newly open Parque do Barrocal.

Day 8. Take a day trip to the rocky village of Monsanto while driving towards Obidos. Explore the little granite cottages built in amongst the giant boulders rocks. Climb up to the castle and enjoy the spectacular view of the Portoguese countryside. Drive to Obidos for the night.

Day 9. On your last full day of road trip you will explore the medieval village of Obidos . Walk its perfectly preserved walls, taste a glass of Ginja and explore all the 14 hidden bookshops of the city.

Day 10. Return to Lisbon for departure.

Plan your trip to Portugal

road trip portugal 8 jours

Happy Travels!

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The Complete Guide to Road trip in Portugal

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Thank you for sharing this! Portugal is definitely on my bucket list.

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Portugal was on my bucket list for ages and I am so glad I finally checked it off! I hope you can go soon!

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Amazing post! So much helpful information and a great road trip itinerary. I really want to visit Portugal this summer, so I’ll definitely be using this guide. I’m excited about all of the places you included, especially Porto!

Porto is amazing! From the architecture to the food and the views! I will definitely return for another round!

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Excellent post! Very informative. I think you have covered everything to make my next road trip around Portugal the best ever. Thank you.

Thanks for reading it! I hope you will enjoy Portugal!

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Thanks for the useful tips! I find particularly handy the information about the use of Via Verde Transponder! Sounds really convenient and budget-friendly for a long Portugal road trip.

Oh yeah! The Via Verde transponder is life tool changing for road trip travelling in Portugal!

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What a fantastic guide, this is so helpful! Saving for when I can finally get to Portugal on my next trip to Europe!

I hope you can go! Portugal is such a surprising destination!

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So very detailed. My husband and I are planners too. We liked to have the main logistics figured out and know we have a nice place to sleep each night.

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Wow, I used to live in Portugal and it took me 3 years to see most of these places haha. Your article really helps to put it all together – well done!

Ahaha thanks for reading it! I’ve planned the itinerary very carefully to be able to see all of this all together!

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Portugal Road Trip: Itinerary & Planning Tips for 2024

portugal road trip costa vicentina

This is a non-pretentious guide for a Portugal road trip along the coastline. This will allow you to drive along one of the wildest areas and most idyllic landscapes of Portugal. Information fully updated for 2024.

It’s funny how all the conversations I have about my home country with foreigners follow a trend.

  • Chit-chat about Cristiano Ronaldo. Yeah, he’s an awesome player, makes a lot of money and I don’t get his love life either, bla bla .
  • Random discussions about Portugal as a country. May or may not include clarifications that Portugal is NOT part of Spain.
  • Where do you recommend to go to in Portugal?

Now, #3 is where the conversation gets interesting. My answer is always: explore Costa Vicentina on a road trip!

This article is a full guide and itinerary to explore southwest Portugal on a road trip. Pumped up? Let’s start the engines!

portugal road trip Alentejo coastline

Why do a road trip in Portugal?

See, Portugal has million of tourists but the overwhelming majority is heading to Porto , Lisbon and Algarve, neglecting the rest of the country.

And trust me: despite being a small country, Portugal has a LOT to uncover. For starters, 500 km of Atlantic coastline home to a tremendous set of landscapes and experiences. There are dozens of other reasons why Portugal is worth visiting .

Plus, a road trip alone is something magic by itself. It’s all about the journey , not the destination, right? The adventure. Sticking your head out of the window and feel the wind ride your hair.

A road trip is one of the best ways to practice slow travel and budget travel . Not rushing things, enjoying the moment and investing deeply in getting to know a country.

portugal road trip itinerary travel blog trip portugal - Comporta

Costa Vicentina: Southwest Portugal’s coast

Costa Vicentina sits on the southwestern coast of the country, belonging to the Alentejo region.

It still retains the authenticity and wild feeling, but with the same delicious food, the friendly people and the stunning landscapes that you can find in the rest of Portugal.

It’s characterized by dramatic beaches separated by dramatic cliffs, untouched landscapes and a raw Atlantic ssence hard to find elsewhere. Apart from the kilometers of beaches, there are also quaint villages, blissful coastal cities and vast natural parks.

While it’s starting to get a lot of hype, it’s still overshadowed by Algarve and generally overlooked by foreign tourists.

portugal road trip road trip portugal - cows in Alentejo

Portugal road trip itinerary

After almost 10 years living in Lisbon, I had the chance to do a few road trips and several summer explorations. I’m now delighted to share with you my guide for a road trip in southwest coast of Portugal .

  • Starting Point : Lisboa
  • Ending Point : Faro
  • Recommended Duration : 10 Days
  • Journey : Going south from Lisbon, it includes beach paradises like Comporta and Odeceixe and the untouched natural landscapes of Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e da Costa Vicentina (70.000 ha of pure virgin landscapes in the west coast of Algarve ).
  • Transportation : I highly recommend renting a car for this trip.

Here are the stops I recommended on this road trip if your trip is 10-day long.

If you have more time, great, spend more time in each place of just take some of my extra suggestions .

Portugal road trip map

Nothing like a map to see where you’re going, right?

I’m about to mention several places in this guide, so I created this map to follow the journey easily.

Orange pins : Main road trip stops – preferred places to base yourself Yellow pins : Scenic landscape spots – don’t miss these if you’re a nature lover Blue pins : Beaches within route – places for a dive along the way Green pins : Extra & Add-Ons to this route – try to squeeze these in!

You can also open the map in a new window following this link . Find detailed descriptions of some of these places below.

LISBON: Starting off big!

You’ll need at least 3 days to get to know Portugal’s capital. To help you plan, I’ve put together a 3-day itinerary for Lisbon, with detailed tips on what to see and do .

Walking around the downtown is a must, but more than ticking off tourist attractions off the checklist, you might want to explore the most typical neighbourhoods of Alfama , Sé and Graça .

The awe-inspiring miradouros (viewpoints) and the narrow steep streets crowded with the moorish castle on top – Castelo de São Jorge -are the true essence of Lisboa .

Make sure you reserve some time to indulge in some experiences not to miss in Lisbon and to explore some of its secret places .

Lisboa portugal road trip itinerary

Before you’re gone, don’t forget to grab a stock of pastéis de nata and start your trip south, crossing either the Vasco da Gama or the 25 de Abril bridges.

road trip portugal 8 jours

Best hotels in Lisbon

I’ve made the hard work for you. This is a pre-filtered list of hotels in the safest areas of Lisbon.

road trip portugal 8 jours

My choice: Hotel Fenix Music

Charmingly music-themed hotel, super close to the center. Oh it comes with this stunning rooftop swimming pool.

ARRÁBIDA: Green and blue landscapes

portugal road trip arrabida

Stretching along the south coast of the peninsula of Setúbal , Arrábida natural park is rich in golden beaches edged by impressive green mountains. It’s home to some of my favorite beaches around Lisbon .

The ex-libris of this area is the stunning Portinho da Arrábida with azure waters and a 17th-century fort. Personally, I’d rather endure a 20-min hike and reach Praia dos Coelhos to a more off the beaten track experience in direct contact with nature.

Both options ensure an awesome beach day.

Getting around Arrábida

Arrábida is a special place to get around. First of all, the road along the coast is one-way which means you always need to start your journey in the city of Setúbal to get there.

Secondly, parking is a mess. Since 2018, parking can only be done until Praia da Figueirinha (paid). Especially in summer weekends, this can be a nightmare. I recommend you get there as early in the morning as possible.

★ Where to stay in Arrábida ★

road trip portugal arrabida - best place to stay arrabida

Casa da Adôa

Superbly located between the sea and the mountains, it’s a refreshing place to spend a day or two.

COMPORTA: The perfect beach getaway

When you arrive here, you’ll officially be in the Alentejo region. I’ve praised Comporta before and how this perfect beach getaway is still kept a semi-secret beach destination is beyond me turned into a luxury getaway for the European elite doesn’t surprise me.

Imagine a small village, stuck between the Atlantic, endless rice fields and the plain landscape (sort of an european savana) of Alentejo . Oh and 15km of the wildest beaches you’ll find in Europe.

It’s the perfect pitstop to disconnect and step into a new state of mind for the rest of your trip. The Royal family of Monaco, who comes here every summer, appears to agree.

💰 My value-for-money hotel recommendation in Comporta 💰

road trip in portugal comporta best hotel

Comporta Villa Suites

Comes with an outdoor pool, but the ocean is just 3km away.

PORTO COVO: Summertime charm

Title of a well-known and melancholic portuguese song, Porto Covo is also a little hidden gem close to the port city of Sines . Somewhere in the maze of bright blue, red and white houses you’ll find many family-run restaurants with delicious and inexpensive food.

Portugal road trip - Porto Covo colors architecture

A 5-min drive out of the town center takes you to beaches with golden sands and turquoise waters. Try Praia de São Torpes – popular amongst surfers – or Praia da Ilha – with a great view for the small Pessegueiro islet.

Where to stay in Porto Covo

Monte Cerro, Porto Covo

Peaceful country house, perfect to relax a few days in a rural setting.

ZAMBUJEIRA DO MAR: Music for your ears

Zambujeira do Mar is not particularly exciting as a town. Period.

Apart from the MEO Sudoeste summer festival happening each August (had a great time there partying my ass off at the sound of Calvin Harris!) there’s nothing much going on.

portugal road trip alentejo coast travel blog

However, it’s a VERY interesting strategic point to spend a few days. There are lots of great affordable accommodation available as it generally attracts younger crowds.

Zambujeira is close enough to explore some of the best spots like the western most point of the whole Alentejo’s coast,  Cabo Sardão , and some more striking beaches such as Praia do Tonel and Praia do Carvalhal . Great hiking trails available as well.

Find your place to stay in Zambujeira

Search amongst the places to stay in Zambujeira do Mar with WiFi and a minimum overall rating of “Very Good” . Hard to go wrong with these!

ODECEIXE: Atlantic bliss

Where the river Ceixe meets the Atlantic, lies Odeceixe , technically already in the Algarve region. But this is not the typical Algarve you are used to.

Odeceixe is well known for one of the largest and glorious beaches in Portugal, surrounded by giant tree-covered cliffs of a giant natural park. Little confession to make: this is my favourite place of them all.

road trip in Portugal coast - Odeceixe beach

Save 2 or 3 days to explore the surroundings of Odeceixe . I’ve been here several times, but never stayed more than one full day. I REALLY want to come back not only for the top-notch local beach, but also to hike some of the surrounding cliffs.

💰 Where to stay in Odeceixe: my value-for-money suggestions 💰

road trip in portugal alentejo southwest odeceixe monte do cardal hotel

Monte do Cardal, Odeceixe

A peaceful guesthouse surrounded by nature and the sound of the ocean in the morning. Breakfast with healthy homemade food.

road trip in portugal alentejo southwest odeceixe casa vicentina

Casa Vicentina, Odeceixe

Quiet, peaceful and charming, it’s the ultimate getaway spot. Just a short drive away from beaches.

Or… find your own!

Search amongst the places to stay in Odeceixe with WiFi and a minimum overall rating of “Very Good” . Hard to go wrong with these!

ARRIFANA: Cliff fantasy

Hidden at the bottom of a steep cliff, Praia da Arrifana is both a postcard landscape and a paradise for surfers. Down there,  Restaurante da Praia has great grilled fish, yummy salads and is also great for a relax drink at the evening at the sound of the waves.

portugal road trip alentejo coastline arrifana

Kayaking, windsurfing, SUP, surfing and water sports in general are HUGE in Portugal. If you haven’t tried these before, this is absolutely the time to do it. Arrifana in particular is a well-known destination for watersports lovers.

Where to stay next to Arrifana Beach

The Amazigh Bed & Breakfast is a great value place to stay next to the beach.

Utopia Guest House, Aljezur

Luminous rooms with private bathroom and breakfast included.

FARO/ALGARVE: The perfect farewell to Portugal

Although I prefer hands down the wild and vibe of Alentejo’s coastline, I got to say I’ve always enjoyed my time in Algarve .

Even though massive tourism threatens to take away some of its personality, it’s still home to some top-notch beaches in the world. There’s nothing wrong in saving 2 or 3 days to lay on them. It’s the perfect farewell to Portugal!

Faro is the only international airport in the region and it might be convenient to return back home. However there are much more beautiful places in Algarve, including some almost-deserted islands around – like the stunning Ilha do Farol . By all means don’t stick to Faro.

portugal roadtrip coastline alentejo beaches

No matter what you do, it’s advisable to avoid the booze hotspots of Algarve: Albufeira and Vilamoura . These are nothing but bland touristy places with meh beaches nearby.

A slightly better option is Portimão , where there are excellent beach options: Praia do Vau or Praia dos Três Irmãos .

Lagos is one of my favorite areas in the Algarve . It’s a very tranquil place, even though the top beach there has suffered a massive reengineering project which made it unrecognizable. Faro airport is no far and there are transfer companies doing the journey.

There are some other great options around Lagos town like Praia do Camilo , Praia dos Pinheiros or Praia da Luz – where they say some are still looking for Maddie McCann.

Check the road trip map for other suggestions for beaches in Algarve .

⚠ Beware of the cliffs!

I remember hearing on the news some fatal accident involving cliffs in Algarve every single year. DON’T be the one on the news!

When you’re standing on top of the cliffs, watch your steps when you’re trying to get a better view for your photos and don’t get too close of the edge. Also, there are not usually fences on the cliff line so don’t be tempted to lay your towel right next to it. As good as a shade may feel in a hot summer day, cliff rock falls can happen anytime.

Where to stay in Algarve

Lagos is a great place to base yourself in the Algarve , giving you access to a series of top-notch small beaches.

Extra stops to add to this road trip itinerary

This itinerary has got a minimum recommended duration of 10 days, but if you have more time, make sure you explore other highlights of Portugal .

It’s relatively small country after all and you can easily add more places to your route and enrich your holidays. There are many other places in Portugal worth discovering.

Here are some suggestions:

portugal road trip porto oporto se

Why not start your road trip route upper north in Portugal’s second largest city? Porto is very different from Lisbon – and of the rest of the country for that matter – in many ways.

But both are clearly national winners in two things: the sympathy of people and food. Read more about it in my Porto guide for dummies or in my weekend itinerary of the city.

porto travel guide and blog

The Essential Porto City Guide

Continue reading more about Porto on my complete city guide for dummies. Budget, itinerary and the best places to eat, it’s all in here!

Nazaré, Portugal

Nazaré is the most traditional fishing village in Portugal. Look around and notice the drying the fish and women with their typical set of seven-layered skirts.

While the main beach in the town is OK to get into the water, this is a place well-known for its GIGANTIC waves which has become a tourist attraction by itself. Praia do Norte is the location for the world record of the largest wave ever surfed – by Garret McNamara in 2013. The monster wave was 100ft or 30m high and can be seen in this video .

Sintra, Portugal

Located the northern-most extent of the protected Sintra-Cascais Natural Park, 30km from Lisbon, Sintra displays an alluring fairy-tale nature setting. This little town has been a summer retreat for the portuguese royal family for centuries and is lush with green forests, exotic flowers and exquisite architecture.

portugal road trip along the coast - sintra Pena Palace

Make sure you don’t miss Castelo dos Mouros -the moorish castle overlooking the village – and Palácio da Pena , a Romanticist palace on a hilltop with great views over the entire Lisbon metropolitan area. Also, since you’re already in the area get a look at continental Europe’s most western point: Cabo da Roca . Beware of the wind!

Évora, Portugal

Since you’re at Alentejo already, venture out to the interior, entirely different from the coast. Évora in particular is drenched in history, heritage and culture, making it a constrasting break from all the beach and ocean. Also, a chance to have a sneak peek at how’s life in the interior of Portugal.

Warning: it can get VERY hot in peak summer months.

Seville, Spain

I know this road trip is about Portugal, but why not take a detour and include one more country in your itinerary? Iberian power! Seville is less than 200km away from the portuguese border and is the cultural centre of the region of Andalucía .

There’s a lot to do and specially to eat here. Grab some hot churros con chocolate , jamón or a freshly-made sangria in between your visit to the city’s main sights. Don’t miss El Alcazar , a royal palace built for Moorish kings, and the magnificent Plaza de España .

Driving in Portugal

While you can technically do this road trip with a scooter or motorbike (heck, even with a bike if you’re in the right shape!), renting a car is definitely the most convenient option to do this road trip, giving you total freedom and independence.

Public transportation is NOT reliable and will not reach most beaches and other spots mentioned here.

Renting a car in Portugal

For some reason I can’t understand, renting a car in Portugal is slightly more expensive than in other countries of Southern Europe.

That said, you can still find some great deals, specially if you book early! I always use this Skyscanner or my new favorite RentalCars to compare prices.

How are the roads in Portugal?

Driving in Portugal is not anywhere near like a Gran Turismo game and roads are usually in good shape. That said, you’ll need to be careful, as we’re talking about a country with one of the highest accident rates in Europe.

Although there is a direct highway from Lisbon to Algarve (A2 motorway), the cheaper and more scenic route for this road trip is through the regional and national roads. These skip the expensive toll system and go very close to the coast so it’s a more enjoyable journey.

If you happen to pass by any of the main tolls, take care NOT to use the green lanes Via Verde (a giant green V). These are strictly reserved for vehicles subscribed to their automatic toll payment system, so you will get fined and charged for the entire stretch of motorway!

Important information for drivers in Portugal

Some other useful driving numbers to remember – updated to 2024:

  • Navigation: use Google Maps or Maze to drive around in Portugal.
  • Alcohol Limit: 0.5g per liter. Equivalent to 2-3 small beers.
  • Speed Limits: 50km/h in the built-up area, 90km/h outside of the built-up area and 120km/h on the motorways. Inside some limited residential areas and town historical centers the limit goes down to 30km/h.
  • Safety: All vehicles should carry a safety triangle and reflective jackets.

portugal road trip coast travel blog alentejo

Finding accommodation in Alentejo and Algarve

Having a lot of media attention lately, the accommodation in Alentejo has risen a lot in recent years, both in quantity and quality as resorts, rural houses and guest houses pop up like mushrooms.

My personal suggestion is Herdade do Amarelo , a stunning homestead next to Vila Nova de Milfontes , but there is a choice to all tastes and wallet sizes.

To make your life even easier, use this shortlist of the best-reviewed rural accommodation in the coast of Alentejo .

In the Algarve region, the offer accommodation is much higher but the best places can get fully booked with months in advance.

What is the best time of the year to do a road trip in Portugal?

Short answer: you should be fine to do this road trip anywhere between April and October, as warm weather in Portugal lasts for about half a year.

That said, along this route you’ll be driving along a wild Atlantic coastline, so weather can be chilly, rough and particularly windy very unpredictably.

If possible, avoid the month of August entirely. It will surely save you 20-30% of the overall budget, as everything since accommodation to a single bottle of water is inflated. Plus, it’s the default holiday month in Europe so all the towns I’ve mentioned turn into mini-Algarves .

In summary, if you can avoid peak months and at the same time maximize the probability of warm sunny weather, come to Portugal in May, June, July or September.

Should I visit Portugal in winter?

Between November and March it’s winter time and it can get especially cold next to the ocean. In Costa Vicentina, forget about beach weather it will be chilly and windy, although hiking is possible. It might be an interesting time for surfing enthusiasts.

Food in Portugal

portugal road trip food sardines

OK, almost dinner time at the time I’m writing this, so let’s talk about food. I know this is suspicious coming from me *a bold statement is coming* but food standards in Portugal are simply great.

I honestly can’t find a better combination of taste, price, and healthiness in Europe . If you are really to take this road trip, I bet my pinkie finger you will not have one mediocre meal. #highexpectations

Take advantage of your time in Portugal to eat food generally unavailable or expensive elsewhere: fish. Grilled fresh fish with a simple pinch of salt and herbs to season is one of my favorite summer pleasures. Luckily, that’s not hard to find at all in the entire Costa Vincentina, with equally delicious prices.

What to eat in Alentejo

And speaking of Alentejo in particular… oh dear. We’re talking about one of Portugal’s gastronomic edens! Don’t miss the big peppery olives ( azeitonas ) for starters and a glass of regional wine to drink. After all, half of the country’s wine is produced here.

portugal road trip travel blog roadtrip - Carne Porco Alentejana

Bacalhau  (codfish) dishes are frequent as well as porco (pork), but you can’t miss to try a local plate and my personal favorite:  Carne de Porco à Alentejana – a mouth-watering combination of pork, wine, potatoes and clams.


How to get to portugal.

Lisbon and Porto are very well served by airline connections from all over Europe and also from the U.S., South America and Africa.

If you’re coming from the United States , take a look at Azores Getaways . They have great flight + hotel + transfers deals for Portugal.

If you’re not into travel packages or you’re not coming from the US, I recommend Skyscanner or the new online sensation TravelPerk to find the cheapest flight prices.

Where to stay in Portugal

To make your life easier, start your search with my pre-selection of the best hostels/hotels/guesthouses/villas for each of these amazing spots:

  • Lisbon (heart of the city)
  • Porto (heart of the city)

These include only accommodations with great-to-excellent rating and a good free WiFi . You can’t go wrong with these!

Best time to go to Portugal

While summers are long in Portugal and you can expect good weather anywhere between May and October, make sure you avoid August. Unless you have a thing for packed beaches!

The Top Azores Hot Springs & Thermal Baths in Sao Miguel

Furnas, azores: unique things to do in the furnas valley, ponta delgada, azores: 12 things to do in my hometown.

  • The 13 Most Beautiful Azores Beaches
  • When Is The Best Time to Go To Azores?
  • 47 Reasons To Visit Portugal In 2024
  • The Best Hotels in São Miguel, Azores For All Kinds Of Travelers
  • Azores: 20 Travel Tips To Know Before You Go
  • How to Get Around Azores
  • The Ultimate Itinerary of São Miguel Island (Made By An Azorean)

portugal road trip Cabo Sao Vicente

Enjoy the ride and help me improve this guide!

You know I always love to put together a complex travel plan – just like I did with my Croatia road trip guide , my Japan itinerary or my island hopping guide in Thailand . This one is different though. Being my country, I did it with little or no research: it was written all from the heart 💖.

This guide will be updated regularly from now on, so after you use it and visit Portugal yourself, let me know of any additional suggestions or tips, I’d love to hear what I’ve missed!

Creating this guide made me want to do this road trip it all over again. It’s cheap, it’s still unspoiled by tourism and comes with a getaway feeling to it which is harder and harder to find nowadays.

I really hope you can have the same experience. Because contrarily to the immense coastline of awe-inspiring beaches of Alentejo , Cristiano Ronaldo does not need any more hype!

reasons visit Portugal travel guide reasons to go

Reasons to Visit Portugal

Continue reading more about Portugal with these 40+ reasons why it should be on your immediate travel plans.

My travel tips valid anywhere

  • 🏨 To find the best deals and book your stay with free cancellation, I recommend Booking.com (from my experience, often cheaper than Airbnb)
  • 🚗 Always compare car rental prices before you book anything (and if possible use local rental shops!)
  • ☑️ Travel insurance is a must these days – don’t overlook it! I recommend Allianz or Safety Wing if you’re always on the go
  • 💰 Use Revolut to save in exchange rates and payments abroad; it’s a game-changer!
  • ⚙️ Amazon has the largest offer in travel gear, clothing, and accessories – check out my Travel Store !
  • ✈️ Are you dealing with a delayed or cancelled flight? Airhelp may help you get a compensation for it!
Did this help plan out your vacation? What have I missed for a memorable Portugal road trip? Leave a comment in the comments below 👇

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road trip portugal 8 jours


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Efficient 7 Day Portugal Road Trip Itinerary With Map

Author Carina Klein

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You want to road trip through Portugal and are looking for the best Portugal itinerary? With our efficient 7 days in Portugal itinerary, you’ll see Porto, Lisbon, the Algarve, Monsanto, Tomar, Coimbra, the west coast, and much more!

Road trips in Portugal are amazing! We have gone on a road trip to Portugal to show you how you can explore the country on a fast paced Portugal travel itinerary yourself.

In this blogpost, we teach you:

  • How to plan a trip to Portugal in an efficient way.
  • Our 1 week Portugal itinerary.

Is 7 days in Portugal Enough?

Best airports for a one week in portugal itinerary, highlights for your one week itinerary portugal, portugal road trip map, portugal itinerary 7 days: day 1 – porto, portugal itinerary 7 days: day 2 – aveiro, coimbra, monsanto, portugal itinerary 7 days: day 3 – tomar, nazare, obidos, peniche, portugal itinerary 7 days: day 4 – sintra and cascais, portugal itinerary 7 days: day 5 – lisbon, portugal itinerary 7 days: day 6 – portugal coast road trip lisbon to algarve, portugal itinerary 7 days: day 7 – roadtrip algarve, planning a trip in portugal.

Yes, but a Portugal 7 day itinerary requires:

  • A lot of driving.
  • Moving most nights.
  • Efficient planing.

Start your driving tour of Portugal in Porto .

End your driving tour of Portugal in Faro .

This way you save the time circling back. The one way fees for rental cars are super low in Portugal!

On a 7 day itinerary Portugal you can see:

  • The West Coast of Portugal

Northern Portugal Itinerary

Our itinerary for Portugal starts in the capital of the north, Porto.

1 day is enough to explore the highlights of Porto:

  • Climb the Clerics Tower and enjoy the view.
  • Buy a book in the Harry Potter bookstore Livraria Lello .
  • Find some beautiful Azulejos like in the São Bento Station.
  • Visit some of the amazing churches like the Cathedral.
  • Let yourself drift through the cute alleyways of Ribeira .
  • Make your way over the Ponte Luís I Bridge.
  • Try port wine in one of the many port wine cellars.
  • Take a boat tour on the Douro River .
  • Try a francesinha . This combination of cheese, meat and tomato sauce is the perfect food for pre-drinks, post-drinks or a hangover.
  • Don't miss a night out in the hip university area.

Picture of Duoro River in Porto

Check out our complete one day in Porto itinerary:

road trip portugal 8 jours

One Day in Porto Itinerary With Map 2023

How to see Porto in a day? Here are some Porto tips + an efficient itinerary for Porto including a map.

On the first driving day of your north Portugal itinerary, you’ll encounter the three beautiful cities Aveiro, Coimbra, and Monsanto.

Aveiro is known as the “Venice of Portugal”. Of course, the highlight is cruising the canals on a traditional Moliceiros boat.

Additionally, Aveiro is famous for its Art Nouveau architecture.

Coimbra’s claim to fame is the UNESCO Word Heritage university where you can find the baroque Joanine Library.

Coimbra University expanded along Rua Sofia. Don’t miss the 12th-century Sé Velha Cathedral, the elegant 16th-century Sub Ripas Palace, and the historical 12th-century Santa Cruz church on the way.

Monsanto is hands down one of the most picturesque places we have ever been. Huge granite boulders are nestled in the cutest little village full of stone buildings you'll ever see. And everything is topped off with a castle, which gives you amazing views all over the area, perhaps even all the way to Spain.

Picture of Monsanto, Portugal

On day 3 of your 7 day Portugal itinerary, you’ll drive from Monsanto to Peniche.

When road tripping Portugal, don't miss Tomar with the famous monastery. The Convento de Cristo was founded in 1162 by Templar knights and is really worth the hype. Do not only check out the inside with the castle, church, and cloisters, also walk along the outside wall for some great views over the Convento, the city of Tomar, and the surrounding area.

Nazare  is famous for some of the biggest waves in the world. You’ll have a chance to see them in winter. In the lighthouse you can learn more about how the big waves are surfed.

Of course, you can always just choose to hit the beach with its its golden sand and crystal-clear waters.

Obidos is famous for its medieval city wall on which you can walk around the entire city. The historic city centre is filled with cobblestone streets dotted with white houses.

Of course, there’s also a castle.

Peniche is a seaside fishing village with stunning beaches with calm waters.

The main reason to come here is the Berlengas Nature Reserve . It is located on the Berlengas Islands which means you need to budget at least four hours for the round trip by boat if you want to visit.

Picture of Tomar

Today is a rather short driving day from Peniche to Lisbon via Sintra, Cabo da Roca, and Cascais.

On your way from Tomar to Lisbon check out Sintra . Don't try to see all sights in one day but you'll get a taste. If you ask us, the Pena Palace is a must-see. Other noteworthy places include the Quinta da Regaleira with its Instagram famous well and the Castle of the Moors . We found the town centre itself to be rather touristy and did not spend too much time exploring.

Cabo da Roca

If you have a lot of stamina or you're not too much into castles, the westernmost point of mainland Europe, the Cabo da Roca , is close.

Additionally, Cascais with its hell-mouth or Boca do Inferno is worth a visit. Of course, you can also spend some time relaxing at the beach.

Picture of Pena Palace from afar

Your car can have a rest day today.

If you want to see the highlights of Lisbon in one day, you have to be efficient:

  • Start your day by getting an overview of the city from the Castelo de São Jorge .
  • Get lost in the many alleys of the old town Alfama .
  • Make your way back to the central square Praça do Comércio.
  • Wander along the Tejo River and enjoy the lively local atmosphere with loads of street music on the promenade.
  • Explore Downtown ( Baixa ).
  • Take one of the famous elevadores or lifts to get to the Barrio Alto .
  • Head to street food heaven Time Out Market .
  • Take the tram to Belem and visit the Belem Tower . While in this area, don't miss the Jerónimos Monastery , one of our unexpected Lisbon favourites. And of course, eat some (or all) Pasteis de Belem at the place they originated from.
  • In our experience, the perfect end for the day is cocktails at a rooftop bar (we can recommend PARK ) – who doesn't love drinks with a view?

Picture of Lisbon from the castle

Check out our complete one day in Lisbon itinerary:

road trip portugal 8 jours

One Day in Lisbon Itinerary With Map 2023

Efficient Lisbon itinerary if you have 24 hours in Lisbon or less!

Southern Portugal Itinerary

Start your south Portugal itinerary at all the beaches on the West Coast of Portugal until you reach your final destination, Lagos.

West Coast of Portugal

When you head to the Algarve make sure to drive the coastal road and stop along the way for some of the amazing beaches on the west coast like:

  • Praia do Cavalo
  • Praia do Cavaleiro
  • Praia de Odeceixe-Mar

Cape St. Vincent

Also don't miss Cape St. Vincent , the southwesternmost point of the European mainland. Maybe this is notoriously German but we quite enjoyed eating the Letzte Bratwurst vor Amerika (the last sausage before America).

Picture of Praia da Amália beach

Today, you decide your own schedule. Relax on the beach or explore the Algarve.

Lagos is a great base to explore the Algarve. You find a cute town centre with loads of restaurants and bars and some amazing beaches. Go on a short hike along the coast to explore some of them or take a boat.

Rocky Algarve

Of the many outstanding beaches of the Algarve, the cave beach of Benagil is our favourite. The nearby Carvalho Beach also has a lot of nooks and crannies to explore.

Sandy Algarve

We advise you to also check out the eastern Algarve coast where the beaches feature less dramatic cliffs but are much flatter and hence more accessible. Taking a boat from Tavira to Santa Luzia was one of our all-time favourite holiday experiences. Santa Luzia is called the octopus capital of Portugal for a reason. Go and try some!

Algarve Hinterland

If you have a limited capacity for beaches, the hinterland of the Algarve with its many cork trees is well worth a visit as well. The small town Monchique with its hot and cold springs is charming and the bone chapel in Alcantarilha is a true hidden gem.

Picture of Lagos beach

Check out our complete Algarve itinerary:

road trip portugal 8 jours

Roadtrip Algarve Itinerary: 1-5 Days with Map (2023)

Algarve blog post for your perfect Algarve road trip. Including an Algarve 1-5 day itinerary with map.

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The ultimate 10 day portugal road trip itinerary.

Cazzy Magennis

As part of our round-the-world trip , Bradley and I visited Portugal for around 10 days, and we had the most amazing time.

Our road trip in Portugal took us from the north of the country, the whole way to the south and we got to see so many amazing Portugal attractions. 

We started in Porto and finished in the Algarve and our route includes the epic Douro Valley, which is regarded as one of the most beautiful road trip drives in the world - and I confirm it is!

So if you want to see the highlights of what Portugal has to offer then this 10 day Portugal road trip itinerary is the perfect one for you.


Have you got your vehicle sorted?

road trip portugal 8 jours

You can’t road trip Portugal without your own set of wheels and whether you opt for a car or a campervan, you’ll be spoilt for choice. 

We recommend you opt for a campervan as there are some really unique campsites and places to park in Portugal. 

For help finding and booking yours, here's a guide we put together on the best campervan and motorhome rentals in Portugal .

However, if you'd prefer to drive something smaller then check out our guide to the best car rentals in Portugal .

Ultimate 10 Day Portugal Road Trip Itinerary

Below we take you through our ultimate Portugal road trip itinerary! Remember you can do this route back to front too, and it’ll be just as awesome. 

Stop 1: Porto (1 night)

road trip portugal 8 jours

Straddling the river Duorro, Porto is a charming and beautiful city with plenty to keep you occupied.

You could easily take an extra day here before you continue road trip Portugal.

Think quaint cobblestone streets, bright colourful buildings, great views and beautiful churches.

And follow in the footsteps of famous chefs like Anthony Bourdain by experiencing the many culinary delights Porto has to offer.

Porto really does have something for everyone.

Explore the historic centre (a UNESCO World Heritage site) with its narrow lanes and old buildings, wander along the Ribiera (waterfront quarter) lined with bars and restaurants and don’t forget to climb the Torre dos Clérigos for awesome views of the city.

road trip portugal 8 jours

If you’re a Harry Potter fan you can even see the cafe that J K Rowling supposedly wrote the famous books in and visit some sites that many think inspired aspects of the books.

We did a six bridges boat tour and it was such a beautiful way to see the city.

Porto is a city that should be seen from the water.

Our tour was excellent and great value, you can book the exact one here .

Book your 6 Rivers Bridge Cruise right here!

Where to stay in Porto

  • ‍ Stay in Apartments Ribeira 24 is a convenient hotel that offers comfortable but affordable accommodation that’s close to some great sites. ‍
  • Parque de Campismo Orbitur Angeiras is a campsite just 8km north of Porto, opposite the beach in a lovely fishing village.

Stop 2: Douro Valley (2 nights)

road trip portugal 8 jours

  • Drive time from Porto: 55 mins
  • Miles from Porto : 46

Honestly, I would put driving through the Douro Valley as the absolute best thing to do in Portugal !

The Douro Valley isn’t just some beautiful countryside, it’s also the most famous wine region in Portugal and easily one of the most beautiful road trips Portugal has on offer!

The biggest draw for most is the chance to stay at one of the many wineries in the area and enjoy a wine tour.

Think endless rolling vineyards, a plentiful supply of excellent wines and delicious food to match. What’s not to love!

Even if wine isn’t your thing or you’re travelling as a family, the area is well worth a visit for the beautiful scenery.

Take a drive through the rolling green mountains and capture some beautiful shots.

Don’t forget to take a leisurely cruise down the Douro river to really appreciate the scenery.

Pssst, want another great European country with a brilliant wine region? Check out Montenegro!

If you just want a day-trip to the Douro Valley, then this is a fantastic, highly rated tour option from Porto.

road trip portugal 8 jours

Where to stay in the Douro Valley

  • ‍ Vila Gale Douro Valley is a truly special place to stay with amazing views over a tributary of the river Douro. It’s hidden amongst the vineyards and well worth a visit. The view from the restaurant is particularly impressive. ‍
  • Quinta da Padrela is where we stayed and we highly recommend it! It’s free, has a swimming pool and even wifi!

Stop 3: Serra da Estrela Natural Park (1 night)

road trip portugal 8 jours

  • Drive time from Douro Valley: 2 hours 30 mins
  • Miles from Douro Valley : 120

This beautiful park is home to Portugal's highest mountain range and the countries only ski resort (although there is only snow during winter). Don’t worry though there is plenty to see and do all year round!

If skiing isn’t your thing, it’s still well worth a visit to take in the scenery and swim in one of the chilly natural pools (or just sunbathe if you’re not game for the icy water).

road trip portugal 8 jours

You can drive or hike to the top of Torre Mountain for some great views and on a really clear day, you might even be able to see all the way to the Atlantic.

All in all, it’s a beautiful spot and the scenery is constantly changing from green wooded valleys to rocky mountain terrain and crystal clear lakes. Well worth a look!

Where to stay ‍

  • ‍ Luna Hotel Serra da Estrela is conveniently located in the National Park making it easy to explore the area. It has an indoor and outdoor pool and even a ski school during the winter months. ‍
  • Camping Piao offers basic facilities inside the national park that are affordable and convenient.

Stop 4: Nazaré (1 night)

road trip portugal 8 jours

  • Drive time from Serra da Estrela Natural Park: 2 hours 45 mins
  • Miles from Serra da Estrela Natural Park : 139

Think white sand, picturesque seaside village and seafood and you’ve got Nazaré.

The really unique thing about this town though is the giant waves that pound the shore between October and February.

The giant waves attract serious big wave surfers and it’s even a stop on the world surf competition.

Whether it’s surfing season or not, definitely head up to the Farol da Nazaré lighthouse for a great view of the beach, waves and surfers.

The annual Our Lady Of Nazaré Festival begins on the 8th of September and is a 10 day spectacular that includes music, parades and bullfighting.

Even if you’re not around at these times, Nazaré is still well worth a visit for the picturesque fishing village vibes and some excellent seafood with a view of the beautiful beach and ocean.

Where to stay in Nazare

  • ‍ Nazaré Hostel offers affordable accommodation right next to the beach. They have double rooms, family rooms or mixed dormitories and there are shared bathrooms and kitchen facilities. It’s a no fuss place to stay that’s clean, comfortable and won’t break the bank. ‍
  • Ohai Nazaré is a great spot for campers but it’s more than just a campsite. Located 3km from Nazaré beach, it’s actually a full on resort that also offers bungalows, apartments and glamping. There’s swimming pools, playgrounds, a restaurant and more.

Stop 5: Óbidos (1 night)

road trip portugal 8 jours

  • Drive time from Nazare: 35 mins
  • Miles from Nazare : 26

Óbidos is a unique medieval village, filled with traditional whitewashed houses, that’s loaded with culture and history.

Óbidos Castle is a must see. The interior is now a hotel so the only way to see inside is to book a room. Anyone can still walk the exterior wall that was built to defend the city. 

There are many more churches and historical buildings to explore too.

Don’t miss the chapel lLagoa de Óbidos located at the southern gate and the Igreja de Santa Maria in the town square.

road trip portugal 8 jours

From mid-March to early April the International Chocolate Festival takes over the streets of Obidos.

There’s tasting events, live entertainment, demonstrations, market stalls and more.

If chocolate isn’t really you’re thing, there’s also the Mercado Medieval de Óbidos taking place in July and August.

There are market stalls, re-enactments, jousting and an abundance of atmosphere.

Where to stay in Óbidos

  • ‍ Casa de S. Thiago do Castelo is a quaint little family run guesthouse that’s full of charm and located right in the historical centre of Obidos. Guests can make use of the free wifi throughout and enjoy a freshly prepared breakfast on the outdoor terrace. ‍
  • The Obidos Aquaduct is the most convenient place to camp if you want to explore the town which is just a 10 minute walk away. It’s a basic site just on a concrete car park/block but it has facilities to empty waste and fill your water.

Stop 6: Sintra (1 night)

road trip portugal 8 jours

  • Drive time from Obidos: 1 hour 5 mins
  • Miles from Obidos : 59

Itineraries for Portugal wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the historical town of Sintra. It has it all.

Medieval buildings, awe-inspiring palaces, beautiful walks, delicious food and even pristine beaches.

Get there early to avoid the crowds. ( Get skip-the-line tickets cheap online here and skip the queues ) 

Make sure to visit Pena Palace with its quirky colourful towers, named one of Portugal’s seven wonders.

There’s also the Palace of Sintra which is the oldest building in Sintra but impressively well preserved.

Don’t miss the ​​Castle of the Moors either which is set into the cliff face and impressive from below but also offers great views out to the Atlantic.

road trip portugal 8 jours

If you want some exercise, hike up to the scenic lookout at Cruz Alta. It’s the highest point of Serra de Sintra, the trail winds through the forested landscape and you’ll be rewarded with amazing views.

You’ll also find some of the best beaches in Portugal at Sintra.

Praia da Ursa is sheltered and safe to swim thanks to the lack of big waves. It is down a cliffside trail but you’ll be rewarded with some great rocky scenery.

There’s also Praia da Adraga that you can drive down to.

There is a bit more surf but there’s also a lifeguard all year.

Book your entry tickets for Sintra ahead of time (cheap) right here and skip-the-line!

Where to stay in Sintra

  • ‍ Sintra Boutique Hotel is in an excellent location right in the heart of the historical centre of Sintra with plenty of great things to do and see within easy walking distance. Rooms are clean, modern and comfortable and you even get an excellent breakfast included. ORBITUR Guincho is about 30 minutes drive from Sintra
  • but there are very few camping spots closer than this. It’s still a great place to spend the night though amidst pine trees and overlooking Guincho Beach.

Stop 7: Algarve: Lagos, Portimao, Albufeira (Seven Hanging Valleys Trail) 3 nights

road trip portugal 8 jours

  • Drive time from Sintra to Lagos: 3 hours 10 mins
  • Miles from Sintra to Lagos : 200

The Algarve is best known for its pristine beaches and stunning rocky coastline. Road trips in Portugal wouldn’t be complete without a visit and it’s a great place to spend a few days exploring outside.

Many of the best beaches in the Algarve are near Lagos so it’s a great place to base yourself in the area.

Make sure to take a boat trip or kayak tour out to see the coast and visit the famous Bengali Sea Cave.

The town of Portimao is worth a visit so you can see the double arch beach of Tres Irmaos and take in some more rocky scenery.

The Seven Hanging Valleys Trail is a must do when you’re in the area.

It’s an easy 11.5km return hike along some stunning coastline that is well worth it.

There are a couple of steep sections and stairs but nothing too strenuous and it’s very well signposted.

Albufeira is just as filled with rugged coastline and pristine beaches as any other town in the Algarve region. It’s also a great spot for a night out though. Whether you want a good seafood restaurant where you can sip on great wine or a full-on night with nightclubs and bars - there is an area in Albufeira to suit your needs.

Book a cave tour from Portimao right here.

Where to stay in the Algarve

  • ‍ Hotel Marina Rio is a great little hotel overlooking the marina right in the middle of Lagos and it even has a rooftop heated pool. If you like the idea of enjoying a bit of nightlife a stay at Hotel Sol e Mar Albufeira will put you close enough to the old town to explore but still right on the beach. ‍
  • Camping Alvor is a quiet little campsite that’s got great facilities and is close to the town of Portimao. It would make a great base to explore the Algarve from or just an easy spot to pull up for the night.

14 day Portugal Road Trip itinerary 

Portugal road trips can definitely last longer than 10 days. If you have more time, you can add these extra stops to your itinerary.

road trip portugal 8 jours

Lisbon is the capital of Portugal and is right next door to the historical town of Sintra so it would be super easy to slot a day or two into your itinerary for Portugal.

There are so many great things to do in Lisbon and you'll need to start early if you want to do everything.

The Lisbon trams make it super easy to get around and riding for a few stops is a bit of a novelty and a great way to take in some of the quirky narrow streets.

The iconic tram 28 in particular is a lovely ride up through the cobbled streets in a vintage tram.

Be sure to head over to the Alfama District for a wander around and to check out St. Jorge’s Castle.

Walk around exploring the ruins and looking at the historical artefacts and there’s also a lovely view of the city.

Take a 30 minute tram ride from the city centre and you’ll reach the Belem area.

Here you can visit the famous Belem Tower and Jeronimo Monastery, which together have been named a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Where to stay in Lisbon

  • The Madalena by The Beautique Hotels is close to the Alfama District and St Jorge’s Castle. It’s quirky, stylish, comfortable and the service is excellent.
  • If you want to camp, Lisboa Camping and Bungalows has all the facilities you’ll need and the city is easy to reach by bus so you can leave the van parked up.

road trip portugal 8 jours

This well preserved medieval town lies to the east of Lisbon that is filled with traditional whitewashed houses with red roofs and beautiful azulejos tiles.

At the highest point of the city lie the ruins of a Roman temple that was built in the 1st century and is surprisingly well preserved.

Close by you’ll find the Evora Cathedral that is open to the public and you can get a view of the town from the rooftop.

The Evora University and the town’s museum are also worth a look and the town square is an adorable cobbled area that makes a great starting place to explore the maze like streets.

If you’re not particularly squeamish and want to do something a little bit different, take a trip to Capella dos Ossos (the Chapel of Bones). Here you’ll find a beautiful old building where the walls and pillars are covered with the bones of dead monks!

Where to stay in Evora

  • ‍ ADC - Albergaria Do Calvário is a bright and modern hotel within a 16th century olive mill with thin the city walls of Evora. There are some great attractions within a 5 minute walk so it’s a great base to explore the city from. ‍
  • Orbitur Evora is a campsite that’s just 2km from the city and has everything you need for a comfortable stay as well as a swimming pool if you fancy a dip.

road trip portugal 8 jours

Monsanto is probably the most unique town in all of Portugal.

It’s perched on a small mountain top and all the houses are built into, squashed between and underneath huge boulders.

Spend the day wandering through the quirky cobbled lined streets and try to spot the quirkiest possible houses.

There is also a signposted 4.5km hike that will take you higher up the mountain to enjoy even more spectacular views.

Make sure to make a visit to the Castle of Monsanto to check out the castle walls and ruins of the old Roman chapel.

Where to stay in Mosanto

  • ‍ Casa Pires Mateus is a beautiful traditional guest house with a small terrace and shared kitchen for guests. It’s only 400m from Monsanto Castle and you’ll get a comfortable night sleep and be close enough to the action to get an early start.
  • There aren’t any camping spots actually within Monsanto but Parque Campismo Monsanto is just a 25 minute drive away. It’s a quiet, rural area that’s perfect if you just need somewhere to pull up for the night.

Portugal road trip FAQ

road trip portugal 8 jours

When is the best time to road trip Portugal?

Travelling Portugal is enjoyable at pretty much any time of the year but which month you should visit might be affected by what you want to do the most.

If you want a large part of your Portugal trip to involve sunbathing and enjoying some hot weather, you’ll want to visit during the summer months (June to August).

If the idea of really hot weather fills you with dread but you still want it to be nice then September would be a great time to tour Portugal. The hottest of the summer months are over but it’s still nice and warm.

How do you get to Portugal?

Depending on how you are travelling you will probably either be driving or flying into Portugal.

If you’re driving, there are plenty of spots you can cross the border from Spain into Portugal up and down the country.

Flights land in Lisbon but you won’t need to hire a car on the first day as Lisbon itself is very easy to explore using public transport.

Should I drive north to south or vice versa?

This Portugal 10 day itinerary just like any road trip could be driven either North or South and both will be a really enjoyable trip.

Which direction you should drive Portugal will largely depend on how you plan on actually getting there in the first place.

If you plan on flying in and out of Lisbon, you’ll need to do a loop and could really go in either direction first. Either way, at some point you will end up backtracking a little but just enjoy the experience!

Is a Portugal Road trip expensive?

road trip portugal 8 jours

As with most things, the cost of a road trip in Portugal is dependent on many different factors.

If you are travelling by motorhome and staying at cheap campsites or ASAs, the cost will be very minimal as food, fuel and other basics are pretty affordable in comparison to some other European countries.

However, if you really want to splash out, there are plenty of fantastic hotels and wonderful restaurants to cater to all budgets.

Wild Camping in Portugal: Explained

road trip portugal 8 jours

There used to be very few restrictions on wild camping in Portugal. Then at the beginning of 2021, there was a ban placed on wild camping all together and motorhomes had to be parked up on an “approved site” after 7pm.

The rules then changed slightly once again on 25th August 2021.

You can now wild camp in Portugal but with very strict rules around where and for how long.

The law now states:

“...the overnight stay and parking of motorhomes or similar are prohibited in areas of the Natura 2000 Network, protected areas and areas covered by the Coastal Plans, except in the places expressly authorised for this purpose...”

For the rest of the country the law states:

“...motorhomes approved by the IMT - Institute of Mobility and Transport are allowed to stay overnight for a maximum period of 48 hours in the same municipality…”

What this means is that, for most international visitors to Portugal, wild camping is now not allowed unless you get your motorhome approved by the IMT first.

Luckily there are a lot of ASAs (Service Areas for Motorhomes) that have facilities to fill water and dump waste. Many of these are very basic but they are also legal overnight stays and only cost a few euros per night.

So there we have it, I hope you've enjoyed this Portugal road trip itinerary and hopefully it will help you plan your next Portugal road trip!

If you've got any questions, let me know below.

Other posts to check out:

  • The Best Things To Do In Portugal
  • Best Campervan Rentals In Portugal
  • Best Car Rentals in Portugal

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Many Other Roads

The Ultimate Portugal Road Trip Guide 2024

Do you want a destination that has it all?

…well with Breathtaking Beaches, Captivating Cities and the best food on the planet, Portugal is the place for you!

Portugal is one of the few destinations that has something for everyone . Not only does it offer lovely weather all year round but it is so diverse. You can travel 20 Minutes up the road and feel like you are in a totally different Country.

the buildings in portugal are so amazing, make sure you take your camera on a trip to lisbon

With so many things to do, the best way to explore this Stunning Country is by Road!

So Pour yourself a Glass Of Port, Sit back and explore the Ultimate Portugal Road Trip Guide to help you plan the ultimate getaway 🍷

Is Portugal good for a road trip?

Portugal is one of the best places in Europe for a road trip!

With its fantastic roads, amazing service stations and plenty to see, driving around Portugal is a great way to explore.

No matter if you visit Portugal for 2 or 10 days, a car is the best way to see and enjoy a lot of the sites.

When is the best time to Visit Portugal?

☀️ If you are a Sun Worshiper, August is the Hottest time of year in Portugal .

But if you want slightly cooler temperatures to explore, Spring(February- May) or Autumn( September-October) is the perfect time to book your visit.

During these seasons you will still have the Warm Sea Waters and Warm Climate but there will be fewer Tourists.

If you want to escape the Cold winter, December is a great time to visit too.

Warm Red Sangria at Lisbon Christmas Markets

Portugal is a great destination All Year Round.

The only decision you need to make for planning when you want your Portugal Road Trip is Simply, How Hot you want the Weather

Tip: Traveling Outside of the Summer Season is great for those travelling on a Budget. Hotels are usually Cheaper and the queues at tourist attractions are non-existent!

Don’t forget to grab your Free Europe Language Guide Below ⬇️

road trip portugal 8 jours

How to get to Portugal

The Easiest way to get to Portugal is by Air. The 3 Main Airports are Lisbon, Faro and Porto .

You can fly to these Airports easily and for a pretty good price.

Book your seats to fly away to Portugal

To Check out Flight options and the best prices for your Portugal Road Trip, SkyScanner is one of the best flight comparison tools out there.

You can even see the Cheapest Months to Fly to Portugal from your Chosen Airport (How Great is That?)

If you want to do a Portugal Road Trip on a Budget, Saving money on flights is a great way to start!

What is the best way to travel in Portugal?

Portugal is very easy to navigate around.

For those who can’t drive but want to explore like you can with a Road Trip, the Train System is Awesome.

But for exploring everything Portugal has to offer, a Road Trip is the best way!

Road trips are the best way to see everything Portugal has to offer no matter how long your stay is.

Driving in Portugal

Is it easy to drive around portugal.

If you are thinking about doing a Portugal Road Trip, the first thing you will want to know is “Is it easy to drive around Portugal?”

The Cristo Rei Statue looks amazing from the Road driving into Lisbon, even on a Rainy Day

You will be happy to hear that Driving in Portugal is fairly easy!

The Roads are well maintained and the signs are easy to follow if your Sat Nav loses connection. This makes exploring Portugal’s roads so much easier!

Warning: In some of the more rural areas and small towns the roads are a lot more narrow and unkempt, so drive carefully. Also, some streets also don’t have pavements so make sure you keep your eyes out for pedestrians.

👉 But if you are worried about driving on your trip, Check out these simple driving tips

Renting a car in Portugal

In Portugal, there are a few options out there for Car Rentals.

To look at the type of vehicle you want for your road trip the best place to start is with a comparison site , this will help you explore your options from rental prices to the number of seats.

Important information everyone who is driving in portugal needs to know

Tip: If you are planning to drive into Spain or any other Country you will probably be charged a Cross Border Fee by the Rental Company (on Average it costs 30 Euros ) so just be aware of this extra charge.

Tips for Picking up your Car Rental in Portugal

Portugal is not only incredibly safe for Tourists but pretty easy to drive around.

Here are a few tips to make your road trip go as smoothly as possible.

Roads in Lisbon City Portugal are really easy to drivel

🇵🇹 Use a device to Film around the car when you do the vehicle check. This is the best way to show any damage on the car before you received it.

🇵🇹 If you spot any damage when receiving your car, don’t be polite and point it out. It is so important to make sure it is pointed out and the company makes a note of it.

🇵🇹 Before you set off, take a photo of car miles. This helps avoid any additional millage charges.

🇵🇹 Know your insurance options. Many people sort out their own car insurance before their trip because they know exactly what is covered and any additional costs.

Your ready to use Map of the Best places for city lovers in Portugal

This Map shows the must visit locations for Urban Explores.

Just click on the Orange Buildings to Explore the amazing things to do in these Cities.

Your ready to use map of the best Portugal driving route for beach lovers

Click on the Yellow Umbrellas on the Map below to explore some of Portugal’s most stunning areas for Beach Lovers.

These Sea-Side destinations are a must for any road trip through Portugal.

Tip: Download a Playlist and Navigation APP just in case the signal cuts out.

Our Top Portugal Road Trip Stops

Praça do Comércio

Belém Tower

Sanctuary of Christ the King

Lisboa is Portugal’s Coastal capital that is a must stop location no matter how long your stay is!

When stopping here you can expect amazing food, wonderful city views and fantastic places to shop.

visit lisbon for the ultimate portugal road trip

For a few hours or a few days, you will find so much to do in Lisbon. It is one of them very few places where you can just keep walking and not want to stop.

Lisbon is the perfect place to explore and has so many things to do, make sure you add lisbon to your portugal road trip

When visiting Lisbon stop by Praça do Comércio, the buildings in this area are amazing.

This Square is one of the best across Europe due to it’s amazing views. It faces the harbour so no matter the weather, it is worth a visit!

Praça do Comércio is a stop everyone should make when visiting Portugal

Exploring here is done best by picking up some Pastel de nata from the shops nearby.

There are lots of places to grab a drink and a bite to eat but it’s not the cheapest place in Lisbon.

If there is one spot you have to visit on your Portugal driving itinerary, it’s Belem Tower.

This Historic site 6 KM for Lisbon can’t come recommended enough.

Many Other Roads on there Road Trip Around Portugal exploring the best sites

The ancient tower sits in such a pretty area it’s worth visiting just for a walk. You can stroll around the area for free (for many this is more than enough) but if you want to have a tour of inside the tower, there is a charge.

The average price for a visit here is € 6 (the tower is closed on Mondays)

Opening Times:

October – April : 10 am to 5:30 pm. May – September : 10 am to 6.30 pm.

As you look over the bridge as you are driving into Lisbon you may think you are in Rio de Janeiro.

driving across the bridge into lisbon you would think you are in rio de janeiro, make a stop here to see the best lisbon views

This is because of the Statue that watches of the city of Lisbon, The National Sanctuary of Christ the King.

Just driving past this statue will wow You. For the most impressive views of Lisbon, stopping here is definitely worth it (even in the rain!)

The Sanctuary of Christ the King offers the best views over lisbon, make sure you stop here on a trip to portugal

Entry to the Sanctuary of Christ the King is free, but tickets are needed to use the lift to the viewing platform. Tickets are €6 for adults and €3 for children .

There is also a free car park here so is an easy stop on your Portugal itinerary!

Every drive through Portugal should include a stop at the Algave. There is so much to do in this region, including exploring the Algave’s charming Capital, Faro.

a visit to faro is so worth it and is a great way to see local life and try some of the amazing food

Faro is often overlooked by tourists, so make sure you don’t do the same. Faro is one of the few places that just oozes Portuguese vibes. From the Medieval old town to the vibrant Harbour, Faro has so much to offer.

If your Portugal Road Trip itinerary doesn’t give you much time to stop you can explore the delights of Faro in just few hours.

Faro is such an underrated location in the Algave and somewhere everyone should visited, especially for the mediveal old town

But if you are looking for a break from driving the roads of Portugal, somewhere to relax and enjoy the best local dishes, Faro is the place for you!

A Portugal Road Trip in 5 days

It’s surprising how much of Portugal you can see in 5 days.

It only takes a few hours to drive between the Cities and you can stop of at a few Beaches and sites on the Way!

However, with only 5 days you may want to plan some days where you can relax and enjoy the sun.

Portugal has so much to do no matter how long your visit is

Tip: Try not to fit everything and anything into your 5 days if you want a relaxing trip as you will spend most of your trip driving.

A Portugal Road Trip in 10 days

Exploring Portugal in 10 days by road will give you a chance to take it as slow as you like and still see a lot.

Make the most of having so much time here (We are Not at all Jealous) and enjoy a beer or two!

This amount of time will give you so many chances to eat your way around Portugal and get a pretty decent tan.

Top Spots to stay on your visit to Portugal

The Land of Port and Sunshine is a dream for whatever type of traveller you are.

For Foodies to History lovers, there are gems for everyone to find. So here are a few Top Spots to Stay in Portugal and our Must Stay Hotel.

Best Spots for Wine Lovers

🍷Douro Valley

Best Spots for Foodies

Best Spots for Sun Seekers


Best Spots for History Lovers

To find the best spots to stay during your trip, Booking.Com is the perfect tool.

It will help you explore the different Room Rates, Facilities and best places to stop for a break from driving.

Must Stay Hotel: The Eva Sense Hotel i n Faro is a favorite Hotel for many when visiting Portugal. The Hotel has an amazing view of the harbor. It also has a spa and a Roof Top Pool. The most relaxing setting to appreciate the Portuguese Sun!

Things you need to try on your trip

Portugal is full of wonderful local products.

Portugal is full of amazing food, make sure you try their famous tarts when you are there

Here are just a few things you don’t want to miss sampling:

✔️Pastel de nata (Custard Tart)

✔️Vinho Verde (Green Wine)

✔️Sardinhas (sardines)

✔️Bifanas (pork sandwiches)

☀️ Portugal Road Trip Sign Off: Portugal is the Perfect Holiday Destination for anyone and everyone. So What are you waiting for? Use this Guide to Plan the Best Portugal Road Trip ever!

Lowri Thomas

Lowri Thomas is the founder of Many Other Roads. She lives and travels in Europe and has explored more than 40 countries. She is joined on her travels with her dog Scout and they explore Europe mostly by road. Born in Wales, she also shares the best things to do in Wales, UK and beyond. She helps over 50,000 people per month plan epic Europe adventures and road trips.

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Pink Caddy Travelogue

Ultimate 8-Day Portugal Itinerary

by Maggie McKneely | Nov 8, 2019 | Portugal | 24 comments


Last Updated on February 20, 2024 by Maggie McKneely

To ease your trip planning, check out this one week Portugal itinerary to make sure you hit the country’s highlights!

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One Week in Portugal Itinerary

For such a tiny country, Portugal is jam-packed with beautiful places to see, mouth-watering food to eat, and blue-tiled towns to visit. It’s a tiny slice of the Iberian Peninsula and dwarfed by its neighbor Spain. But Portugal’s year-round good weather, friendly people, and unique culture make it one of the best destinations in the world.

While 8 days isn’t enough time to explore the country in-depth ( 2 weeks in Portugal is even better!), it is enough to give you a taste. Because it is so small, you can cover a lot of ground in just a week! But choosing just what to see and how long to spend where can be daunting. To help you out, here’s a perfect one week in Portugal itinerary.

Getting Around Portugal

Portugal has pretty great public transportation. You can get to almost any main town via train, and many more obscure places via bus. Taxis and Uber/Lyft are also very common. We rented a car because we prefer to have the flexibility that comes with having your own car, and Portugal has one of the most amazing highway systems I’ve seen. For a complete guide, visit this guide to transportation in Portugal.

This itinerary will assume you’ve rented a car and are taking a road trip through Portugal , but it’s doable via other transportation methods.

Table of Contents

Day 1: The Douro Valley

The first stop of this Portugal itinerary is the birthplace of Portugal’s most famous export: port. For wine aficionados, it’s a must-visit as its the world’s oldest demarcated wine region. Hundreds of “quintas” are spread throughout the region, some of which have been producing wine for centuries.

But even if you’re not a port drinker, the Douro Valley is absolutely stunning. For miles, rolling hillsides are covered in carefully planted grapevines, with the Douro River winding its way between them. It’s a place where time moves slowly, and where old-time traditions, like barefoot grape stomping, meld harmoniously with modernity.

douro valley portugal itinerary

My mom and I flew into Lisbon, picked up our rental car and headed north. From Lisbon, the Douro Valley is about 3 hours by car. You could also fly into Porto, which is only about 1.5 hours from the Douro region.

Wherever you come from, the drive to and through the Douro Valley is breathtaking. The N-222 between Peso de Regua and Pinhao has been named one of the most scenic roads in Europe. Take the afternoon to enjoy it! When you arrive at your hotel, rest up from traveling and get ready for Day 2 of your Portugal itinerary.

Douro Valley: Portugal itinerary

Sunset in the Douro Valley

Where to Stay in the Douro Valley

For travelers with larger budgets, many of the wineries also operate as high-end inns or “ wine hotels .” But there are also great options if you’re trying to be more economical. My mom and I stayed at an amazing family-owned bed and breakfast, Casa Cimeira. I can’t recommend it enough!

portugal itinerary

Casa Cimeira

Day 2: Douro Valley

Spending a full day in the Douro Valley is well worth your time. There are hundreds of wineries to explore and a plethora of historic villages to visit. Spend your time exploring towns like Pinhao, famous for its beautiful train station, or Lamego, with its instagrammable hillside staircase. And of course, be sure to take a tour of a vineyard or two. If you have time, don’t miss out on a boat trip on the Douro River itself!


Steps of Nossa Senhora dos Remedios in Lamego

If you want to make planning your day easier, there’s an alternative to picking what to do and see on your own. My mom and I typically prefer to do things on our own, but to make the most of our day, we actually hired a private tour guide to show us around. I definitely recommend doing that (especially if you want to do any amount of port tasting – those mountain roads are nerve-wracking when completely sober!).

This Douro Valley tour was excellent. For one flat fee, we got to do everything in the Douro Valley we wanted to without having to navigate its tiny, curving roads. And because our tour guides were locals, we got to learn so much that we never would have if we’d just explored on our own. They took us to several different wineries, a divine lunch of gourmet Portuguese cuisine, and a relaxing boat cruise down the river. You should definitely consider adding a Douro Valley tour to your Portugal itinerary!

Portugal itinerary

Chocolate on chocolate on chocolate dessert at Quinta da Pacheca in the Douro Valley

Day 3: Douro to Porto

On to day 3 of your Portugal itinerary – it’s time to travel to the incredible city of Porto. Porto is Portugal’s 2nd largest city. Its eclectic personality is infectious, its old-world architecture and colorful alleyways charming, and its multitude of port wine cellars delectable. It’s a city that will grab hold of you and make you not want to leave.

one week in portugal itinerary

Being a relatively small city, it’s easy to hit the highlights in two days (though you’ll wish you had more time to explore everything it has to offer.) The first part of the day will be spent traveling from the Douro Valley and checking into your Porto hotel. Then you’ll have the rest of the day to explore.

Things you should check out on day one in Porto are things that don’t require an early start in the day and are close to each other.

Things to do in Porto:

  • Sao Bento train station and its beautiful blue-tiled (“azulejos”) walls
  • Chapel of Souls – An internet-famous church covered in azulejos
  • Carmo and Carmelitas churches – These are two beautiful churches with, yes, more blue tiles. But they are perhaps even better known for having the country’s tiniest home wedged between them!
  • Francisco Cathedral – It’s said that when it was first built, the interior was considered to be too extravagantly decorated with gold to be used as a church, so it was closed for many years.
  • Porto Cathedral – The Porto Cathedral is built on the highest point in the city. Of all the churches in Porto, this one is considered the most important.


Day 4: Porto

Day 4 of this Portugal itinerary is dedicated to everything else you need to see in Porto that you missed on day 3. To beat the crowds, start your day early!

More things to do in Porto:

  • Livraria Lello – also known as the Harry Potter bookshop, this beautiful place is famous for its curving wooden staircase, said to be the inspiration for the moving ones at Hogwarts. While it’s definitely worth visiting, it’s a top tourist attraction. Get tickets ahead of time online, and be in line no later than 9 AM.
  • Clerigos Church and Tower – the baroque-style church sits in the heart of the city, and its tower looms can be seen from almost any part of Porto. For a small fee, visitors can climb the 240 steps to the top for an amazing view of the city.
  • Cais de Riberia – this is Porto’s picturesque, if touristy, waterfront district. It’s packed with restaurants and gift shops. You may not want to spend too much time here, but it’s certainly worth visiting.
  • Port cellar tour – you can’t really visit Porto without taking a Porto wine tour ! Some cellars require reservations ahead of time, so just do some research before you go (or check out my guide on Porto wine tours ).

road trip portugal 8 jours

Croft port cellars

Where to Stay in Porto

Porto has tons of amazing lodging options, from gorgeous, high-end hotels to adorable boutique B&Bs and apartments. My mom and I stayed in a chic and modern apartment called Douro Riverside Apartments . Located on the banks of the river with amazing views of Porto, it was affordable and absolutely perfect.

Getting Around Porto

Porto is a very walkable city because of its small size, but it’s also extremely hilly. Every street is either straight up or straight down. Fortunately, if you’re not up to that kind of walking, Porto has great public transportation.

Metro : Porto has a pretty nice metro system with 6 lines that’ll get you anywhere you want to go. One ticket is €1.20 (unless you get a Porto card; more on that below).

Bus : Like most cities, Porto does have public buses. They’re most useful if you’re headed to the wine cellars in Vila Nova de Gaia since they drop off much closer than the metro does. They cost €1.85 per ride without a Porto card.

Taxis : Porto also has official city taxis, which charge between €4-6 per ride. However, there’s also an abundance of Uber drivers if you prefer that.

Porto Card: The  Porto Card  is a great option if you’re planning on using public transport, or visiting several qualifying museums and attractions. For one base price, the  Porto Card lets you ride the metro and buses for free, gives free admission to a number of museums, discounts on various other admission prices, and a 15% discount in participating restaurants.

Don’t have two days to explore? Check out this article if you only have one day in Porto !


Porto’s azulejos

Day 5: Porto to Lagos

Portugal’s Algarve region is blessed with natural beauty, with its rugged coastline, exquisite sea caves, and pristine beaches. You could easily spend 7 days in the Algarve and not get bored! So although it’s not exactly close to Porto, I squeezed it into my Portugal itinerary. You may not think the long drive is worth it for a day, but I certainly did!

From Porto, the town of Lagos is a 5 hours drive. This road trip is a great way to see more of Portugal’s countryside, particularly its Alentejo region, with its groves of cork trees and rolling fields of wheat and grapevines. You can even add a few stops along the way, such as Aveiro, the “Venice of Portugal,” and Nazare, home to the largest waves ever surfed. (If you’re an avid surfer, make sure to add nearby Ericeira to your list too!

Nazare: Portugal itinerary

Overlooking Nazare

Why is Lagos on this Portugal itinerary as opposed to any of the other cities on Portugal’s southern coast? Unlike Faro or Albufeira, Lagos doesn’t have many beach resorts and has relatively fewer crowds. And it’s closer to some of the well-known natural wonders that I was interested in seeing.

After a long day on the road, treat yourself to dinner at one of Lagos’ amazing seafood restaurants, such as beachside Campimar .

Lagos: Portugal itinerary

View from Campimar in Lagos

Where to stay in Lagos

Lodging in Lagos is limited, but it does have several centrally located hotels and apartments. We spent our one night there at Casamar, a spacious and comfortable multi-room apartment set-up.

Day 6: Lagos to Lisbon

Day 5 of this Portugal itinerary was spent mostly on the road, so take day 6 to actually explore Lagos.

When I originally planned our Portugal trip, I booked a sea cave kayak tour – just off the coast from Lagos are several stunning sea caves, and several companies offer boat and kayak tours to see them. Being kayak lovers, I jumped all over that opportunity. Unfortunately, on the day of our tour, strong winds blew into the area and it was canceled. BUT – if you go to Lagos, definitely sign up for one of those tours (and tell me if it’s as amazing as it sounds!)

Other things to do in Lagos:

  • Visit Ponta da Piedade – Just a few miles south of downtown Lagos is a natural wonder of red cliffs, outcroppings, and towering stacks of sandstone jutting out from the ocean. A visit here is one of the best things to do in Lagos . There are several trails leading from the parking down into the cliff and to the ocean. While the view from the top is lovely, definitely make the trek to the bottom to get up close and personal with those amazing rock arches!
  • Old Lagos – The 16th-century architecture is still mostly in place, with streets paved with granite and houses built of white-smooth stone. Take some time to wander down its streets, explore the shops, and grab lunch at one of its authentic Portuguese cafes.
  • Forte da Ponta da Bandeira – When you drive through the old town, you can’t miss this stone fort guarding the city. You have to cross a drawbridge to enter the 17th-century structure, built during the Portuguese Restoration War.
  • If you have extra time, explore some of the best beaches in the Algarve region along the Costa Vicentina .

Ponta da Piedade

Ponta da Piedade

After you’re done exploring Lagos, start the 2.5-hour drive back north to Lisbon. If you rented a car, I suggest dropping off your car at the rental place and using public transport for the rest of your time in Lisbon. Lisbon is NOT car-friendly, and very easy to get around using other means.

Where to Stay in Lisbon

Being Portugal’s capital and largest city, there is no shortage of lodging options for travelers with every size budget. However, I recommend staying in Lisbon’s historic Alfama district. It’s very centrally located, and the only part of the city not destroyed by the 1755 earthquake. Its quiet, narrow alleyways are Lisbon at its most authentic.

My mom and I opted for Cosy Alfama , an adorable apartment in Alfama. We loved our room so much that we ended up coming back earlier in the evening than we had planned just so we could enjoy it!

Day 7: Lisbon

This day on your Portugal itinerary is dedicated to exploring the delightful capital city of Portugal, Lisbon. With buildings decked out in canary yellow, cobalt blue, and every shade of pastel, and with more sunshine year-round than any other European city, Lisbon is guaranteed to charm. One day really isn’t enough, but it’s enough time to check out the must-sees and realize that you’ll just want to plan another future trip to Lisbon.

Lisbon: Portugal itinerary

Colorful Lisbon

Things to do in Lisbon:

  • Pasteis de Belem – Portuguese egg tarts, “pastel de nata,” are light, gooey, delectable treats created by angels (or so I’m convinced). And the best place to eat one is at the only bakery that has the original recipe, Pasteis de Belem. Get here early though, since every other Lisbon tourist also wants a taste of this Portuguese delicacy.
  • Jeronimos Monastery – This was the home of the monks who invented egg tarts, but it’s more famous for being arguably the most stunning piece of architecture in all of Portugal.
  • Belem Tower – This 16th-century tower was built as part of Lisbon’s defense system, but is now Instagram-famous for the way it rises conspicuously out of the waters of the Tagus River.
  • Discoveries Monument – This impressive sculpture on the banks of the river was built in the 1960s to commemorate Portugal’s history of exploration and discovery.
  • Miradouro do Senhora do Monte – For the best view of Lisbon, head to this amazing vista. This small romantic park is perched on top of one of Lisbon’s many hills and offers a full panoramic view of the city.
  • Alfama – This is the oldest neighborhood in all of Europe. When most of Lisbon was damaged in the 1755 earthquake, Alfama remained intact. Its labyrinth of tiny streets and alleyways and collection of authentic restaurants and shops are worth exploring!

Pasteis de Belem

Sweet-tooth loving breakfast at Pasteis de Belem

Getting Around Lisbon

Metro : Lisbon’s  metro is clean, safe, reliable, easy to use, and convenient – it can get you close to almost anywhere you’d want to go. It was the method of transport we used the most while we were in Lisbon. The metro operates from 6:30 AM-1 AM; a single ride ticket costs €1.45 (or free with a Lisboa Card).

Bus : The bus system is the next best mode of transportation after the metro. If there’s somewhere the metro can’t get you to, the bus can. We used the bus system a couple of times and found it to be safe and convenient for where we needed to go. And again, with the Lisboa Card, the fare is free. Go  here  for more info on routes and timetables.

Tram : The tram may be Lisbon’s most famous transportation system, but it’s also the least recommended by experts and locals. The trams are a notorious haven for pickpockets (since it’s mostly tourists who ride them). They’re also very slow and don’t go to many places. Many visitors to Lisbon think they have to ride the famous No. 28, the yellow tram, to have a full Lisbon experience.  But you’re better off just taking a picture instead.

belem tower portugal itinerary

Belem Tower

Lisboa Card

If you’re spending at least one day in Lisbon , get the Lisboa Card. For just €20, the  Lisboa Card  gets you free unlimited travel on all public transportation in the city, free train tickets to Sintra and Cascais, free admission into most main attractions, and steep discounts in many restaurants and stores. Buying a Lisboa Card is the smartest investment you’ll make in Lisbon.

Check out my full guide to spending one day in Lisbon !

Jeronimos Monastery

Jeronimos Monastery

Day 8: Sintra

The grand finale of this Portugal itinerary is the country’s city of castles. Yes, you read that right;  Portugal has a town filled with castles. Located just outside of Lisbon is Sintra, a real-life fairytale village. For centuries, Portugal’s wealthy have been building homes in the heavily forested hills of Sintra. Today, many of them are open to the public. Since it’s just an hour via train from Lisbon, a day trip to Sintra is a must-do part of any Portugal itinerary.


Pena Palace in Sintra

Sintra Highlights:

  • Pena Palace – This castle looks like it has come straight out of a fairytale. Its many hues of red, yellow, and purple, and its cartoonish spires and accents make Pena Palace one of the most visited sites in all of Portugal. Don’t miss it!
  • Castle of the Moors – Built in the 8th century, this is Sintra’s oldest castle, and the only one built for defensive purposes. Climb atop its stone walls for epic views of Sintra, Lisbon, and the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Quinta da Regaleira – This estate was commissioned by a 19th-century millionaire. While the house is certainly impressive, it’s the gardens that will amaze you. It’s an outdoor playground with hidden caves, grottoes, and fountains.

Castle of the Moors

Castle of the Moors

Getting to Sintra from Lisbon:

The easiest way to get to Sintra from Lisbon is via train. Starting at 7 am, trains leave for Sintra from the Rossio station around every 30 minutes. The trip takes about 40 minutes. Roundtrip tickets are €4.50 (as of April 2019).

Check out my full guide on avoiding the crowds during Sintra day trip from Lisbon !

portugal itinerary

Spiral well at Quinta da Regaleira

Day 9: Home

One week in Portugal is a whirlwind trip, jam-packed with amazing architecture, mouthwatering food, and gorgeous countryside. One week isn’t long enough, so maybe spend your flight home planning your next trip Portugal road trip itinerary!


Goodnight from Porto!

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Portugal may be small, but it's jam-packed with amazing things to do! With this epic one week Portugal itineary, see beautiful Lisbon, electic Porto, taste wine in the Douro Valley, at explore the wild coastline in the Algarve #portugal #travel #vacation #lisbon #porto # dourovalley #algarve

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road trip portugal 8 jours


Great guide! Bookmarked it for my trip there in a few weeks!

This is a great itinerary for Portugal! I’m considering a trip to Portugal next year so this is great inspiration as you visited all of the spots I’m interested in. The food looks so yummy.

What a lovely trip you must have had! Portugal looks so beautiful, I’m in love with the buildings and architecture. Your post is making me want to go even more. Thanks for all the tips and it’s great to know that public transportation is good even though I love road trips too!

Portugal is top of my travel list, it looks like such a gorgeous place!

I love Portugal! Such great recommendations. 🙂

What a beautiful country to explore. I see great things about Portugal so good to hear you talk about some of the fun things to see and do. The colors in the country are incredible. So photogenic

I agree, I like to travel with my own car as well so that we can come and go as we please. It saves wasting time waiting around for public transport or an Uber. I’ve never considered hiring a tour guide, but sounds like it was worth your while. I want to visit the Harry Potter bookshop – it sounds glorious!

This is perfect and give you what do you need in portugal. Amazing place!

Portugal is one of the best countries in Europe! I love that you have included Porto and Sintra on your itinerary as these are must-sees in Portugal.

Such a wonderful itinerary for Portugal! I’m saving this for future reference. The country seems to have everything – beautiful buildings, gorgeous landscapes, and awesome food. I am inspired to consider planning a trip now!

I spent 2 weeks in Portugal a few years ago, but only in Lisbon and Porto (with a trip to Sintra) I am DYING to go back and spend more time, there are some great spots on your list! I love this country!

So many things to do in Portugal! I’m planning a week in Lisbon next year but I think I should add Sintra as it’s not too far. I would love to see Porto too but I don’t think we’ll have enough time…

I love the colors (and flavors) of Portugal. It’s such a vibrant country and I mean that in every sense of the word. There’s just so much to love about Portugal.

Portugal is a beautiful country – great job!

Portugal is such an amazing country, and not just because of all the amazing food options and wine (port too). I think I could spend the entire week just in Lisbon, though your itinerary is an invitation to experience more.

I hope I will manage to use your itinerary, I will just try to stay in each place at least two or three days

Perfect timing! Am just finalising our european itinerary for next year and there is a ‘chance’ portugal may be on it. I especially want to get to Cintra. Pinned.

I loved exploring more of Portugal with you. While I didn’t get to do and see much during my one visit (a business trip to Lisbon), I did get to eat some AMAZING food. Yum!

I was only in Portugal for a couple of days and sounds like I missed out on a TON! I definitely want to check out the Azores next time.

Driving in a foreign country is super scary for me but the scenery I’m sure makes up for any fears. Great for you and your mom to do so!

I am glad to know that one can cover so many places to visit in Portugal in 9 days. I am bookmarking this guide so that I can follow this itinerary of yours whenever I get to visit Portugal.

I’m heading to Portugal this week so this post was very helpful! Thank you so much!

Love this! So helpful. I’ve been hearing amazing things about Sintra lately, so this will be great to plan my trip!

Absolutely stunning! Thank you on a detailed impressive guide!

I’m so glad to see Lagos on this list! It’s the best kept secret in Portugal, which is the best kept secret in Europe! From Lagos you can easily get to the western most point in Europe. And even though Lagos lacks beaches, you can do cliff-walking, which is stunning. Great article – thanks!


  • Things to do in Tavira, Portugal - the Cutest Town In The Algarve - […] Located in the most southern part of Portugal is the Algarve region. This area is one of the most…

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road trip portugal 8 jours

I’m Maggie, a 30-something politico from Washington, DC, who always has one foot off the ground, looking for adventure. I work full-time in the Swamp, but use travel as a way to stay sane! Read on for my crazy stories from the road, and tips to help you in your own travels! Learn more about me

road trip portugal 8 jours

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See Nic Wander

Ultimate 10 Day Portugal Itinerary and Road Trip

Updated: October 1, 2022

Lagos portugal best beaches

See Nic Wander contains affiliate links and is a member of the Amazon Associates Program. I may earn a commission on purchases made through these links. Read my  disclaimer  to learn more.

If Portugal were a color, it would be the brightest, happiest shade of sunshine yellow. It’s one of those places that just leaves you feeling warm and energized, and after my recent road trip around Portugal, I totally fell in love.

This guide to spending 10 days in Portugal will cover some amazing things to see and do in one of my new favorite countries.

We decided to make the most of our time in Portugal by renting a car and taking a road trip. Having a car gave us more flexibility, and trust me, once you see all the amazing little villages and epic-looking castles, you’ll want all the freedom you can get.

This Portugal 10 day itinerary will guide you through some of the best places to visit in Portugal. If you’re looking for a Portugal road trip itinerary that covers a wide range of history, sea, surf, and city, you’ve come to the right place!

View of Lisbon, Portugal

Best Time to Spend 10 days in Portugal

Because of its location and climate, there really isn’t a bad time to visit Portugal. The summer months from June to September are typically dry and can bring intense heat. November to March are usually milder and wetter, with winter temperatures in the 40s and 50s.

I visited Portugal in October and the weather each day was fantastic. It wasn’t so hot that exploring outside was uncomfortable, but it was warm enough to go out for the day in a tee-shirt and shorts.

I was comfortable spending a day on the beach – I even got a bit of sun – but remember that if you want to swim in the ocean you’ll likely need a wetsuit. Even in the hottest summer months, the water of the Atlantic is nice and chilly.

For me, this made October the best time to go to Portugal since it wasn’t as crowded as the summer months but still had great weather.

Read more about the climate in Portugal here.

How Many Days Will The Road Trip Take?

The more time you have for your road trip, the better! There is so much to see and do in Portugal! I’d say make sure to give yourself at least 2 nights in each location you want to see.

Especially when you’re driving through Portugal, you don’t want to exhaust yourself by switching locations every day. You’ll end up losing time repacking, checking into and out of accommodations, and getting into and out of each city.

For us, 10 days was a good amount of time to visit three different cities without feeling rushed. We were able to take lots of little day trips too!

portugal travel blog Lagos Portugal

Renting a car for your 10 day trip to Portugal

We decided to road trip through Portugal so we would have more flexibility and freedom with our limited time. We weren’t 100% sure what to see in Portugal so we wanted to have the ability to change plans at short notice.

Portugal is a great country for road tripping because

  • It is small enough to cover a lot of ground quickly
  • With the exception of the quintessentially winding streets in the actual city centers, most roads are wide and well maintained.
  • People drive on the right-hand side of the road just like in North America and the rest of mainland Europe.
  • Renting a car was inexpensive and we were conveniently able to pick ours up and drop it off at the airport to save on additional transportation time.

We booked our rental car online with Sixt before arriving in Portugal. We were flying in and out of the Faro Airport so we made sure our car would be available for pick up there.

Our experience with Sixt was very smooth. The car was clean and ready to go as soon as we got to the airport pick-up location. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to make sure you don’t get any unpleasant surprises.

  • You’ll save money if you pick up and drop off your rental car at the same location. Choosing a different return location could almost double the price of your rental. For us, that meant the inconvenience of driving from Lisbon to Faro the morning before our flight, but it ended up saving us a ton of money.
  • Consider getting a full coverage car rental insurance plan. There was one available through Sixt that was pretty pricy, but you can look into third-party coverage options as well.
  • I n Portugal, be prepared for lots of toll roads. This is part of the reason why the roads are so nice to drive on, but if you aren’t careful you could end up with a huge bill at the end of your trip. When you book your rental car, opt for the e-Toll service. This means that you can drive right through the tolls and they will be directly charged to your credit card.

If you don’t want to rent a car, no worries at all. In addition to an inexpensive bus system, there are trains available that will take you around most of Portugal. Train tickets are inexpensive and trains run often.

You can read more about the Portuguese train system here .

Days 1-3 Lagos, Algarve Portugal

Ahhh, Algarve. Known for its white-sand beaches and cliff views, the Algarve region is a great place to start your southern Portugal itinerary. And Lagos, Portugal is a charming small town in this region that you won’t want to miss.

In Lagos, you can enjoy meals among the mosaic tiles of the old town, endless fresh pasteis de nata, and hidden beaches with amazing views. Here are the best things to do in Lagos Portugal on your road trip.

For a more in-depth look at what to do in Lagos, head to this post !

Lagos portugal best beaches

Where to Stay in Lagos, Portugal

Lacus Town Guesthouse – We loved the Lacus Town Guesthouse for our stay in Lagos because it was affordable and in a quiet, but still central, location. The Lacus Town Guesthouse had the following convenient touches

  • Easy any time entry
  • A shared kitchen and shared bathrooms for each floor (note: our room didn’t have a private bathroom)
  • Comfortable beds
  • Quiet location walking distance to the city center

Our Guesthouse in Lagos Portugal

Carvi Beach Hotel – If you’re traveling during the warmer months and want a place with an awesome rooftop pool, Carvi Beach Hotel is your best bet! Pick this beautiful spot if you want

  • Ocean views and a rooftop pool (click here to see the amazing pool!)
  • Hotel Rooms with private bathrooms
  • Breakfast included
  • Walking distance to Praia Dona Ana

Best Places to Eat in Lagos, Portugal 

  • Pastelaria Gomba – No trip to Portugal is complete without trying the famous pastel de nata, a buttery, creamy pastry that melts in your mouth and fills you with bliss. Of the few dozens of pasteis de nata I tried in Lagos, the one from Pastelaria Gomba was my favorite.
  • Beats and Burritos – If you need a Mexican fix, this quirky lunch spot will fit the bill. I loved their “build your own” burrito and bowl options for a tasty mid-day pick-me-up. 
  • Goji Lounge Cafe – This colorful spot will make any brunch-fan swoon. You might have to wait for a table since this cafe is very popular, but it’s in a nice part of town and I thought the food was definitely worth it. 
  • Casa do Prego – Our favorite dinner spot in Lagos with a stylish space and varied menu. If we found out about this place sooner we would have eaten here every night!

Lagos portugal restaurants

What to do in Lagos, Portugal

Lagos, Portugal has beautiful things to do during your stay.

Explore some of the best beaches in Lagos, Portugal : Lagos is located right along a spectacularly beautiful coastline featuring some of the best beaches in Algarve and it’s easy to explore on foot. You can walk from the Old Town to the sea in a matter of minutes, then head toward Praia da Batata to get started.

Starting at Praia de Batata, you can walk along the beach if it’s low tide or along the maintained paths on the cliffs. If you continue around the coastline, you’ll pass

  • Praia dos Estudantes
  • The Lagos Roman Bridge
  • Praia do Pinhao
  • Praia Dona Ana

And honestly, you could probably keep going all day. The beaches, lookout points, and trails continue down around the coastline, so bring some water, good walking shoes, and your camera because each place is more beautiful than the next. 

portugal vacation itinerary

Water Sports to Explore the Sea : If you walk to the beaches along the coast, you’ll probably see dozens of people on the water kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, and participating in other watersports.

You can sign up for these activities in advance or rent equipment at the stands beside the Fort and at Praia de Batata. This is a great way to see some hidden spots and take in the Lagos scenery from a new perspective. 

Visit the Forte da Ponta da Bandeira: Located just outside of the old town next to Praia de Batata, this looming fort used to be used to protect the town of Lagos from pirates and invaders.

Now, the fort houses a little maritime museum and chapel and you can visit for a small fee. Check their schedule here before you go since the museum is closed mid-day and on Mondays.

Portugal travel itinerary 10 days

Watch the Sunset at Mar : I love a good sunset spot. There’s a restaurant up on the cliffs between Praia de Batata and Praia dos Estudantes called Mar that offers great sea views. The food and drinks are a bit pricy so this is a good option for a fancier night out with a view.

Swing by the Bon Vivant Rooftop Bar : If you’re looking for a bit of nightlife, the Bon Vivant Bar downtown is a great place to start. The bar itself is five levels tall but I’d recommend heading straight for the rooftop terrace overlooking the city.

Day trip to Sagres, Portugal

The coastal town of Sagres is just a 30 – 45-minute drive from Lagos. Sagres is known for surfing and for being the westernmost tip of mainland Europe. 

Stop by the historical fortress (called the Fortaleza de Sagres), drive out to the Cabo de Sao Vicente lighthouse to see the “end of the world,” or relax on the beach and watch the surfers brave the chilly Atlantic waters. 

If you enjoy surfing, it’s worth spending some time in Sagres on your 10-day Portugal road trip. Here are some of the best places to stay.

where to go portugal beach

Day 4 – 7 Ericeira, Portugal

The drive from Lagos to Ericeira takes about 3 hours. I enjoyed seeing the scenery change from the arid south to the warm and temperate coast.

Ericeira is a fishing and resort town just outside of Lisbon known for world famous-surf. The surf is so famous here, in fact, that the coast of Ericeira has been designated a World Surfing Reserve.

This means two things. First, the waves and coastline here can’t be altered or destroyed since they’re protected.

Second, when you visit, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to take surf lessons or, if you’re like me, watch in awe as surfers from around the world perform impossible tricks on very scary-looking waves.

Ericeira, in general, is a very laid-back town. The days slip by here, filled with delicious food and long afternoons by the beach.

The chilled-out vibes and beautiful surroundings make Ericeira one of my top Portugal places to visit.

best places to go in portugal

Where to stay in Ericeira

Surfers Den Ericeira – This clean, popular hostel is a great option for budget travelers or solo travelers looking to find friends. We spent a night here in a private room when we first arrived in Ericeira and the central location is tough to beat. The owner is extremely helpful and surf lessons are also available. 

  • Private and Dorm rooms
  • Community activities and socializing
  • Surf lessons and surfboard storage
  • Good location next to the bus station, walking distance to downtown and the beach

What to do in ericeira

Beachouse Surf, Bed & Breakfast – This Bed and Breakfast was an amazing pick for an upscale Ericeira Portugal accommodation. Located a little out of town in a quiet valley, we felt like kings in this luxury villa with a sweet pool and homey touches. 

  • Delicious full breakfast included
  • Pool and plenty of outdoor spaces with views of the valley and ocean (click here to see the dreamy pool and terrace!)
  • 10-minute walk to Praia de Ribeira d’Ilhas and a 5-minute drive to down
  • Highlights include luxurious rooms, a welcome bottle of wine, housekeeping, and an attentive host

Portugal travel itinerary 10 days

Best Ericeira, Portugal Restaurants and Bars

  • Pao da Vila – This cafe was one of our favorite spots for a quick, inexpensive meal. Unlike many of the restaurants in town, this spot was open all day and it was hard to beat those prices. 
  • Calavera – I mean, I had to include a Mexican food recommendation right? This spot was delicious for dinner and drinks. The queso was top notch and we were sad we didn’t have more nights to come here a second time. 
  • Brunch Me – For a tasty and affordable brunch downtown, look no farther than Brunch me. This was another top recommendation from our B&B host and with a cute atmosphere and high-quality dishes, Brunch me will help you start your day of surfing or beach-chilling off right. 
  • Green is Good – Vegans and veggies, Green is Good is the place for you. With drool-worthy set menus and a la cart choices, everyone will leave this healthy spot happy. 
  • Tik Tak – Another top dinner spot in downtown Ericeira, Tik Tak has a cozy, family-style ambiance. The traditional cuisine served here is popular so if you want to go for dinner, stop by early and make a reservation, then go have an appetizer or drink somewhere else until it’s time to dine. 

portugal coast road trip

Things to do in Ericeira

In Ericeira, it’s all about the surf! Ericeira is one of the most beautiful places in Portugal and the perfect place for a relaxing surf-filled getaway on the Atlantic ocean.

Watch the surfers at Ribeira d’Ilhas : Known for good surf and cliff views, Ribeira d’Ilhas is a great place to spend the day while visiting Ericeira. You can watch the advanced surfers from the outdoor bar and restaurant, sunbathe on the sandy beach, or take a hike around the surrounding hills for unique lookout points. 

Beach day at Foz do Lizandro: This was one of my favorite beaches for relaxing and one of the top Ericeira Portugal things to do. Since Foz do Lizandro is a beach break, the surfing here is usually good for beginners.

There is also a boardwalk where you can rent surfboards, beach gear, or enjoy a restaurant with a view. Like Ribeira d’Ilhas, there were trails on the surrounding cliffs for those who enjoy a scenic hike. 

Sunbathe at Pescadores Beach : This little sheltered beach in central Ericeira usually doesn’t have good surfing waves, but it’s still a great spot to soak up the sun just a few steps from downtown.

Shop and Socialize at Boardriders : In the evenings, Boardriders Quiksilver comes to life. This huge surf and clothing shop has an outdoor patio overlooking the famous Praia do Matadouro surf break and it’s a popular evening chill spot.

With affordable drinks and views for days, there’s a good reason everyone flocks to Boardriders for sunset and hanging out.

Stop by Adegabar for drinks : Adegabar was our favorite spot for drinks in Ericeira. This cozy pub often had live music, a welcoming atmosphere, and it was a great place to grab a quick drink before a later dinner reservation.

(Check out this guide for more fun things to do in Ericeira, Portugal .)

Day trips from Ericeira Portugal

The following day trips are easy and quick to get to from Ericeira.

Day Trip to Mafra : Mafra is a 15-minute drive from Ericeira. Here, you can visit the Palacio national de Mafra , one of the largest palaces in Europe with a basilica, monastery, and library.

Day Trip to Sintra: Sintra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that’s about 30 minutes away from Ericeira. There are several palaces and castles in Sintra , the most famous of which is the Palácio Nacional da Pena, a colorful mansion you have to see to believe. 

You can also check out the Palácio Nacional de Sintra, a Gothic-style palace with elaborate paintings inside, and Quinta da Regaleira, a Gothic mansion and gardens.

Portugal tour itinerary

Day 8 – 10 Lisbon, Portugal 

Now that you’re sunkissed from the beaches of Ericeira, it’s time to do some city exploring. Lisbon is the place to do it, and luckily Lisbon is only a 45-minute drive from Ericeira.

Lisbon was one of my favorite cities to visit in Portugal. It’s a foodie city. It’s a livable city for history buffs. Nightlife-seekers, outdoor enthusiasts, and mosaic-tile-fanatics will all take one look at Lisbon and say, “yep, I’m home.”

We only spent a little time here on our 10 days in Portugal and I think we both wished we had stayed longer in this special place. Here are some of the top things to do in Lisbon, Portugal.

Best Accommodations in Lisbon Portugal

Hub Lisbon Patio Hostel – This highly rated hostel is a great pick if you want a budget-friendly space with other travelers to connect with.

  • About a 30-minute walk to the city center
  • Dorms and Private Rooms included
  • Beautiful outdoor spaces and terrace

Lux Lisboa Park – For those looking for a more high-end experience, the Lux Lisboa Park hotel was an amazing spot to enjoy the city.

We chose to stay here for two nights to celebrate a special occasion. My favorite part of this top accommodation in Portugal was the massive breakfast and the rooftop bar area. Click here to see why I never wanted to leave the rooftop terrace!

  • Luxurious rooms
  • Walking distance to downtown
  • Breakfast buffet included
  • Rooftop terrace, bar, live music, and pool amenities

accommodations in portugal

Best Places to Eat in Lisbon

With so many great places to eat in Lisbon, it would take a lifetime to try them all. Here are a few of my favorite Lisbon restaurants to try.

  • Time Out Market – I love a good market, and this one in Lisbon was top-notch. This fully indoor market in the heart of the city will make any food-lover drool. With cuisines from around the world as well as local favorites, everyone will find something they love here. 
  • Manteigaria – Come here to try the best pastel de nata in Lisbon! They also have a location in the Time Out Market
  • Vicente Restaurant – After a long day of exploring, we wandered around the old town looking for a place to eat. We passed this spot and poked our heads in and immediately decided we needed to eat here. There was a waiting list, but we happily put our names down and came back later. This place was worth it. The stone cave-like ambiance was romantic and we still look back on that meal as one of the highlights of our trip.
  • The Bairro Alto Area – If you end up stumped on where to go for dinner, head to the Barrio Alto neighborhood and start walking. Walk up and down the small streets, and take a look at every menu you pass. Put your name on a list, grab a drink somewhere with good music (there will be many options), and enjoy the carefree vibes of downtown Lisbon after dark.  

lisbon portugal itinerary

What to do in Lisbon 

Visit the Miradouro da Graça Viewpoint: This outdoor terrace viewpoint high on the hill was one of my favorite places to visit in Lisbon Portugal. You’ll have to walk through what feels like miles of narrow, steep cobblestone streets to get here, but when you do you’ll see why this spot is definitely a Portugal must-see.

what to see in lisbon portugal

Explore the Castle of Sao Jorge: From all around the city, you can see this impressive castle which dates back to 200 BC . For ten euros, you’ll get even more amazing city views and a solid dose of history when you visit this top tourist attraction.

Take a stroll through Terreido do Paco : This plaza is known for being the site of The Ribeira Palace before it was destroyed by an earthquake in the 1700s. Make sure to pass through this bright historical square, preferably while eating a pastel de nata.

Ride the Funicular : Lisbon is a hilly city, and as a result, the city has a cool system of historical funiculars. Catch a ride on the popular Ascensor da Glória or on the less known oldest funicular in Lisbon, the Ascensor do Lavra .

Visit the Santa Justa Lift: Located in the Lisbon historic center, the Santa Justa Lift is an elevator that opened in 1902. It has stunning wrought iron and visitors can still ride the lift to this day. There’s also a lookout tower offering amazing views of the city.

If you have more time, this 3 day Lisbon Itinerary has some great suggestions for other things to do!

Day trips from Lisbon

If you have more time in Lisbon, do a half-day trip from the city to the lively beach town of Cascais . Cascais has nightlife, surfing beaches, restaurants, museums, and swimming beaches where you can relax by the sea. 

Cascais is just a 20-30 minute drive from Lisbon but you can also get there by taking the train from the city center train station.

Sintra is also an excellent day trip from Lisbon. Get ideas for your one day in Sintra itinerary here.

what to see in lisbon portugal

If you have more time, head to Porto

If you have more days in your Portugal travel itinerary, that’s awesome! Consider heading to the north to explore Porto . Porto is the second-largest Portuguese city after Lisbon and the region is known for producing Port wine.

You can wander the charming narrow streets, enjoy lively evening entertainment, experience authentic port wine tastings throughout the city, and even take a boat tour on the Douro River.

Portugal 10 day Itinerary Conclusions

This 10 day Portugal itinerary will take you from the southern Algarve region to the busy capital city with lots of special places in between.

For us, touring Portugal by car gave us the flexibility to do more day trips and go exactly where we wanted, when we wanted.

While ten days in Portugal definitely wasn’t enough to see all of this amazing country, it was enough to give a very satisfying taste.

Have you been to Portugal? What do you think are the best places to see in Portugal? Let me know in the comments below!

Heading to Portugal soon? Save this post for later on Pinterest.

The Ultimate Portugal Itinerary, 10 days in Portugal, Portugal Road Trip

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About the Author

Hi! I'm Nic. Let's chat about remote work and ways to incorporate more travel into your life. Whether you're here to find an online job or need some tips for planning your next trip, I've got you covered! More about me

12 thoughts on “Ultimate 10 Day Portugal Itinerary and Road Trip”

this is amazing post thanks for sharing information with us

You really make me want to travel again. I love this whole Portugal itinerary. Beautiful places and such luxury. I need luxury.

Such a great itinerary! I have only been to Lisbon and now I want to go back and explore all the other spots.

Thank you! There are so many wonderful spots to see 🙂

I’ve only been to Porto before and it was just incredible. Pena Castle looks amazing. I’d love to check out these other places too!!

I would love to go to Porto! That’s definitely on our list for next time. Thanks so much! 🙂

This is such great information. We’re planning to head to Portugal & Spain as soon as COVID fades away and I’ve been contemplating the various ways we’d get around. This was extremely helpful! Thanks for being so detailed with your information, it’s helped a ton.

So happy to help! I hope you have a great time when you go! 🙂

I was going to ask you if you were going to pick one place that you might want to live where would it be…but it looks like as I kept reading that would be Lisbon. I’ve heard so much about Portugal and how wonderful it is – I’m researching a place in Europe to move to with my digital business. (currently in the U.S.) Lisbon definitely sounds like a contender!

Ahhh It’s so hard to choose! There was so much that I loved about Lisbon, Lagos, and Ericeira for long-term spots. I’ve heard that Lisbon has a great community of online business owners, which is a plus! 🙂

I LOVED reading this! I cannot wait until Americans can travel to Europe again and I can go see Portugal!

I can’t wait to go back to Portugal too!! So many amazing spots to explore!

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Road trip au Portugal

Road trip au Portugal : 8 jours de Porto à Lisbonne

Le portugal de porto à lisbonne..

Du 7 au 15 avril 2017, nous partons à la découverte du Portugal avec Denis, le père de Marie-Catherine pour un road trip d’une semaine en famille de Porto dans le nord du pays, à Lisbonne sa capitale.

Nous n’avions aucune idée de ce que nous verrions au Portugal, nous avons été surpris à chaque kilomètre de notre route. Soleil, gastronomie, culture et sourires des locaux : cette escapade nous a charmé.

De Porto et les vignobles de la vallée du Douro à Lisbonne et son tramway jaune, en passant par les petits villages pittoresques de l’est du pays, ou encore en longeant les paysages de la côte Atlantique : le Portugal est un pays fascinant.

Jour 1 :   Porto

La ville de Porto sera la première destination de notre voyage. Une ville vivante et accueillante à l’embouchure et sur les deux rives du fleuve, le Douro.

Vue sur Porto depuis le Douro

De l’aéroport de Porto (Francisco sa Carneiro), le plus simple est de prendre la ligne E du métro qui dessert le centre-ville en 30 minutes. Nous nous arrêtons à Trindade pour rejoindre notre logement Airbnb pour deux nuits. Magnifique soleil sur Porto. Nous rejoignons le Douro pour faire une balade le long du fleuve.

Vue sur le Douro, Porto

Porto est escarpée, ça grimpe, puis ça descend, il faut avoir préparé ses mollets (Lisbonne sera bien pire d’ailleurs…). Nous marchons à travers le dédales de ruelles, à la découverte de cette ville agréable. A l’heure de l’apéritif, nous sommes chez Armazem un bar/brocante ambiance vintage pour notre première sangria/tapas du séjour. Un régal !

Entrée d'un bar vintage, Porto

Nous prenons notre premier Uber d’une longue série pour admirer un premier coucher de soleil portugais de l’autre côté de la rive dans le quartier São Pedro da Afurada.

Mouette sur un panneau devant des bâteaux

Dîner dans un petit restaurant au bord du port : la  Taberna do são Pedro. G rillades de sardines, crevettes et autres poissons frais sur un barbecue de rue géant. Ambiance simple et typique.

Façade d'un restaurant de grillades de poisson à Porto

Jour 2 :  Porto  • Caves de Porto

Réveil matinal pour un petit déjeuner au Mercado do Bolhão et la première dégustation d’un Pastéis de Nata, le traditionnel et très connu flan portugais. Ce marché est l’un des principaux de la ville de Porto. Très touristique mais tout autant traditionnel, ici ce sont les femmes qui vendent le poisson.

Etales du marché de Porto, Portugal

Visite des ruelles du quartier de Bolhão et de la cathédrale de Porto, église du XIIème siècle dans le centre historique de la ville.

Vue sur les toits de Porto

La ville de Porto est mondialement connue pour… le Porto ! Un vin muté, c’est à dire coupé avec un alcool, produit dans la vallée du Douro dans le nord du pays. Nous nous offrons une dégustation chez Vinologia , un bar à vins proposant une sélection de plus de 200 références de Porto. 8 références : Porto blanc, Ruby, Vintage, Crusted. Accueil très sympathique en Français avec des explications pertinentes et formatrices.

Devant une cave de Porto

Déjeuner coup de coeur chez  A Grade , simple, intimiste et délicieux, personnel familial et attentionné, localisé juste derrière la Ribeira et ses restaurants pour « touristes ».

L’après-midi pour poursuivre dans le thème liée à la ville, nous visitons la cave de la maison Taylor’s (12€, audio-guide et 2 verres de dégustation compris) sur l’autre rive dans le quartier Vila Nova de Gaia.

Fûts de cave de Porto

Avec plus de trois siècles d’existence depuis sa création en 1692, la cave compte parmi les plus anciennes maisons fondatrices du Porto. Visite des chais avec audio-guide, explications détaillées de fabrication, histoire de la famille et dégustation de 2 millésimes. Un incontournable !

Nous dégustons une glace en se baladant à pied sur le magnifique Pont Dom-Luís et poursuivons dans les ruelles de Porto.

Mur street art, Porto

Dîner au Museu d’Avo , un bar tapas ambiance feutrée (voire nocturne) et vintage (vélo, poussettes, théières et autres objets inattendus décorent les murs). La carte est en français, le choix de tapas est important, le tout dans un rapport qualité prix très intéressant. C’est déjà notre dernière soirée à Porto mais nous reviendrons très vite.

Restaurant de tapas à Porto

Jour 3 : Vallée du Douro   • Amarante • Peso da Rega • Pinhão

De bon matin, direction le loueur de voiture pour récupérer notre bolide des prochains jours. En route vers notre première étape le long du Douro : Amarante.

Vue sur l'Eglise du village d'Amarante, Portugal

Cette petite bourgade très jolie vaut le détour pour sa jolie église (de San Gonzalo), de styles différents renaissance et baroque. A noter, la très chouette boutique de produits locaux au 91 de l’avenue Silveira (de l’autre coté du Pont).

On continue notre route le long des paysages magnifiques de la vallée du Douro, direction Peso Da Rega où nous déjeunons dans un tout petit restaurant familial, juste à côté d’Europcar, Avenue João Franco.

Panneau de la route de la vallée du Douro, Portugal

Nous rejoignons ensuite notre logement, la  Quinta da Pitarrela . Énorme coup de cœur pour cette quinta (nom des fermes traditionnelles portugaises) perdue sur les hauteurs des vignobles en terrasse, entre vignes et orangers, en arrière du Douro. Hôtes charmants et accueillants, suites bien équipées et de haut standing (120€ pour 2 chambres dans une dépendance de la maison principale).

Sous une chaleur écrasante, nous avons profité de l’après-midi à la piscine avec une vue sublime sur le vignoble (je vous laisse juger par vous-même).

Vue sur les vignes de la vallée du Douro, Portugal

En fin d’après-midi, nous reprenons la route pour profiter des paysages et du coucher de soleil sur le vignoble en direction de Pinhão où nous allons dîner. Fuyez cette ville morte et tristoune.

Orangers de la vallée du Douro, Portugal

Jour 4 : Vallée du Douro   • Trancoso • Guarda • Belmonte • Tortozendo

Petit-déjeuner avec vue sur la terrasse de notre quinta que nous quittons tristement avec la promesse d’y revenir. Nous prenons la route direction la ville de Trancoso en empruntant des routes sinueuses, passant par de petits villages pittoresques et des paysages tous plus magnifiques les uns que les autres.

Magnifique vue sur les vignes de la vallée du Douro, Portugal

Déjeuner à Trancoso au Retiro Do Castiço , planche de charcuteries et de fromages portugais avec vin local. Nous visitons ensuite le château avant de reprendre la route à la poursuite de notre itinéraire.

Place de village de Belmonte, Portugal

Arrêt minute à Guarda, ville la plus haute du Portugal perchée à 1050m d’altitude, que nous ne trouvons pas très jolie. Nous poursuivons vers Belmonte, pour une visite à pied de ce petit village historique charmant. Dîner et nuit dans une maison d’hôte à Tortozendo.

Jour 5 : Tomar • Nazaré

De bon matin, nous partons pour 2h d’autoroute direction Tomar, ancien siège de l’Ordre des Templiers. Nous buvons un verre sur la place principale de la ville (il fait chaud !) avant de monter visiter le Covento de Cristo (couvent de l’ordre du Christ).

Couvent de l'ordre du Christ, Tomar, Portugal

Situé à l’intérieur des fortifications d’un château fort érigé par les Templiers au XIIe siècle, le couvent du Christ de Tomar est l’un des monuments historiques et artistiques les plus importants du Portugal, inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO. La visite vaut le détour : le château et ses remparts, l’église du Couvent et sa rotonde impressionnante réplique de l’église du Saint-Sépulcre à Jérusalem- les cloîtres, cuisines, dortoirs et dépendances liées aux rituels des Templiers. Un bond dans le passé.

Déjeuner en terrasse sur la place principale de la ville. Nous partons ensuite à la recherche de l’aqueduc des Pegões, construit pour alimenter le Covento de Cristo en eau. Vieux de 4 siècles, constitué de 180 arcs sur plus de 6km, c’est un monument peu connu, et par conséquent peu visité et libre d’accès. Très impressionnant !

Vue sur l'aqueduc de Tomar, Portugal

C’est parti pour notre dernière escale du jour : Nazaré. Ville de bord de mer installée face à une grande plage de sable fin. En revanche, nous sommes déçus par le manque de charme de la ville qui fait très « tourisme de masse ». Le folklore de Nazaré réside dans sa tradition de la pêche. Des femmes habillées en tenues traditionnelles portugaises noires marchandent pour vendre du bacalhau (la fameuse morue séchée).

Femmes de pêcheurs à Nazaré, Portugal

Nous assistons au spectacle du coucher de soleil en buvant un pichet de Sangria les pieds dans le sable. Un petit paradis.

Coucher de soleil sur la plage de Nazaré, Portugal

Nuit dans un lieu chargé d’Histoire, la Quinta do Campo,  ferme rénovée datant du XIIe siècle.

Jour 6 : Óbidos • Peniche • Sintra

Balade à Óbidos, ville médiévale pittoresque au charme fou. Vieille ville aux rues pavées bordées de petites boutiques.

Vue sur les toits de la ville d'Obidos, Portugal

Célèbre pour sa liqueur de cerises griottes qui se déguste dans du chocolat noir : la Ginja. Nous prenons un verre en terrasse au pied de l’Aqueduc de la ville chez Jamón Jamón . Très sympa !

Place d'Obidos tonneaux d'oranges, Portugal

En fin de matinée, direction Peniche et son port de pêche. Repas divin au restaurant Popular . Des poissons on ne peut plus frais et cuits à la perfection. Visite de la Forteresse de Peniche, une prison politique haute sécurité, sous la dictature de Salazar.

Olivier à Peniche, Portugal

Nous contournons l’archipel en voiture avant de reprendre la route direction Sintra.

Jusqu’ici nous étions quasiment seuls au monde pendant notre road trip, les touristes étaient donc ici à Sintra. Ville charmante du Portugal inscrite à l’UNESCO. Les touristes sont nombreux à y faire une excursion d’une journée en raison de sa proximité avec Lisbonne. Mais la région mérite plus qu’une journée !

Vue sur les toits de Sintra, Portugal

Nous flânons dans les ruelles colorées (mais bondées) de la ville. Puis reprenons la voiture pour traverser le parc naturel. La région de Sintra est un endroit plein de magie et de mystère. Si joli que tous les intellectuels et rois du Portugal y sont passés. Un lieu gorgé d’histoires où se sont construits châteaux, palais, belles demeures et jardins fleuris. Nous posons nos bagages pour une nuit à l’hôtel Sarrazola, bien situé mais sans trop d’intérêt. Dîner hors du temps au restaurante da Adraga.  Ne vous fiez pas aux apparences, ce resto de plage ne paye pas de mine mais c’est un des meilleurs que nous ayons fait au Portugal.

Poissons frais à l'entrée d'un restaurant de Sintra, Portugal

Ici les poissons et fruits de mer sont vendus au kilo. Ils nous sont présentés frais et entiers avant de passer en cuisine, puis découpés sous nos yeux. Cuisson à la perfection, vin blanc local et pour finir un dessert meringué de fraises. Humm… Une soirée d’exception !

Jour 7 : Palácio da Pena • Lisbonne

De bon matin nous partons à la découverte du Palais de Pena. L’entrée du Palais est à 14€ pour les adultes (+3€ si vous prenez la navette pour monter). Au sommet du massif de Sintra, surplombant un parc à la végétation luxuriante, ce palais coloré semble tout droit sorti d’un monde imaginaire.

Vue sur le Palacio Da Pena, Sintra, Portugal

Il règne ici une ambiance enfantine, comme un palais de sucre de toutes les couleurs. Un délire architectural qui n’est pas sans rappeler le château de Neuschwanstein en Allemagne. Logique quand on apprend que son propriétaire, le prince Ferdinand de Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, époux de la reine du Portugal Marie II, n’est autre que le cousin de Louis II de Bavière.

✈  Découvrez ici notre escapade allemande sur les traces de Louis II de Bavière .

Après cette visite féerique hors du temps, nous partons pour notre dernière étape portugaise : Lisbonne.

Gare de tramway taguée de street-art, Lisbonne

40 minutes de route : nous déposons la voiture dans le centre, nos valises dans nos chambres AirBnB chez Joana et André. Super accueil par des hôtes charmants dans cet appartement « auberge de jeunesse ».

Carte, sac à dos et appareil photo à la main, nous partons à l’assaut de la capitale portugaise en commençant par déjeuner en terrasse dans une petite ruelle du quartier du Bairro Alto. Grande balade dans les quartiers du Bairro Alto et du Chiado en direction du fleuve de la ville, le Tage. Il fait chaud et la vue est très sympa !

Vue sur le Tage depuis Belem, Lisbonne

Dégustation de glaces en se baladant le long du fleuve animé par les vendeurs ambulants et artistes de rues. Traversée de la Praça do Comércio, impressionnante de grandeur. Nous croisons le traditionnel tramway jaune : le n°28.

Portugal Lisbonne

Nous cherchons à monter à bord pour se laisser porter mais le trafic est saturé. Nous partons donc à la recherche d’un « Tuk-Tuk », institution lisboète ! Mission délicate car nous cherchons un chauffeur francophone pour que la visite soit plus agréable à Denis. Après de longues minutes, nous nous retrouvons dans le Tuk-Tuk de Tiago, portugais ayant vécu un an à Paris. Pour 50€ (après négociation), nous passons 1h30 d’exception à la découverte des plus belles vues et coins de la ville commentée des riches anecdotes de notre guide.

Vue sur les toits de Lisbonne, Portugal

Nous voilà dans le cœur chaleureux et historique de Lisbonne : l’Alfama. Tiago nous emmène pour une balade à pieds dans ses petites ruelles. Dégustation de la fameuse Ginja d’Obidos dans un shooter de chocolat dans un minuscule bar visiblement bien connu des locaux. Il nous dépose ensuite dans un restaurant très typique, à l’écart des touristes. Fin de soirée à flâner dans l’Alfama pour écouter le fado, chants populaires aux thèmes mélancoliques accompagné d’une guitare acoustique : envoûtant !

Rue de l'Alfama, Lisbonne

Jour 8 : Lisbonne

De bon matin, nous partons direction le Mercado da Ribeira / Time Out Market,  un vrai bonheur pour les amateurs de gastronomie. Construit en 1882, c’est le plus vieux marché de Lisbonne, reconnaissable par la structure en fer typique de ses halles.

Architecture du marché de Lisbonne, Portugal

Complètement réhabilité, il se compose de 2 parties distinctes : une où sont vendus une grande variété de produits alimentaires : fruits, légumes, poisson frais mais aussi un magnifique marché aux fleurs. L’autre partie est devenue un lieu pour gourmets avec plus de 40 stands de restauration de chefs de la gastronomie lisboète. Nous petit-déjeunons dans ce lieu insolite.

Architecture du marché de Lisbonne, Portugal

Nous attendons ensuite le tram 15E en direction de Belém. Quartier mondialement connu pour ses Pastéis qui se dégustent encore tièdes. Fabriquées ici depuis 1837, plus de 20 000 Pastéis de Belém sortent des ateliers de fabrication chaque jour. Le fameux gâteau est vendu uniquement dans cette boutique et le secret de fabrication est bien gardé. Soyez patient car ici la queue est continue.

Intérieur de la boutique originale des Pasteis de Belem, Lisbonne, Portugal

Non loin de la boutique, l’imposant et impressionnant monastère des Hiéronymites datant du XVIème siècle. Nous marchons le long du Tage à la recherche de la Tour de Belém construite elle aussi au XVIème siècle pour garder l’entrée du port de Lisbonne, le tout inscrit à l’UNESCO. Nous tombons par hasard sur le très beau Monument aux Découvertes ( le Padrão dos Descobrimentos ), érigé à la mémoire des navigateurs portugais et du prince Henri le Navigateur.

Tour de Belem, Lisbonne, Portugal

Fatigués de marcher, nous sautons dans un Tuk-Tuk pour retourner en centre-ville.

Pour remonter sur les hauteurs de la ville, nous prenons place à bord d’un des trois funiculaires centenaires de la ville, classé monument historique: l’ Ascensor da Bica . Une montée typique sur 300 mètres.

Elevador da bica : célèbre funiculaire jaune de Lisbonne

Déjeuner de poisson dans un petit restaurant en terrasse du Bairro Alto. Après-midi de marche dans les quartiers commerçants de Baixa et Rossi. Arrêt sur la jolie Praça di Pedro IV  et Praça da Figueira . Il est 16h, nous décidons de finir la journée en se laissant porter à bord du fameux tram n°28. Nous nous rendons au terminus pour tenter de monter à bord. La queue est immense… Mais nous ne nous résignons pas. Après plus d’1h30 de queue, nous voilà enfin installés dans le tram typique. On se laisse porter pendant 1h pour une balade rock’n’roll : entre manœuvres et accidents évités.

Le fameux tramway jaune de Lisbonne : le tram n°28

Dernière soirée portugaise sur la place Largo do Carmo pour boire un verre puis dîner dans un restaurant local du quartier.

Une belle surprise. Nous n’avions pas imaginé la beauté des paysages, la générosité et la bienveillance des habitants du Portugal. Un pays à découvrir bien au-delà de sa capitale.

Bon à savoir : 

  • Echange avec les locaux :  les portugais sont très sympathiques et beaucoup parlent français.
  • Circuler : les taxis et Uber sont vraiment à des prix dérisoires ! Pour vous donner une idée, traverser Porto d’un bout à l’autre coûte entre 3 et 5€.
  • Boire un verre : une sangria chère n’est pas forcément voire jamais une bonne sangria… (entre 8 et 10€ le pichet d’1L environ)
  • Valise : embarquez de bonnes chaussures. Porto et Lisbonne sont des villes physiques (ça monte, ça descend), peu adapté à des personnes à mobilités réduites.

Encore une petite étape... Vérifiez vos emails ou spams pour confirmer votre abonnement !

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Portugal in 10 days by car or van – Circuit, itinerary and map

Are you planning to visit Portugal in 10 days by car, van or motorhome? So here is an idea of ​​a circuit that allows you to discover the most beautiful sites in Portugal. Indeed, I share with you my 10-day road trip in Portugal, its detailed itinerary with its Google Maps map that you can follow in GPS mode.


From Porto to the Algarve, via Lisbon and the superb beaches of the ocean coast, find out below how to organize your road trip in Portugal and optimize it with a 10-day circuit.

And as a bonus, I give you some addresses and tips for nice places to spend the night throughout this road trip by car or motorhome.

Road trip in Portugal by car, van or motorhome

Just like the Morocco , Greece or Sardaigne , Portugal is a wonderful destination to explore on a road trip. Indeed, whether by car or motorhome, the road trip is a way to travel in complete freedom, enjoying the landscapes that pass before your eyes and stopping where you want, when you want and the time you want.

10-day road trip in Portugal in a motorhome

Unlike organized trips, taking a road trip in Portugal by car or motorhome allows you to land as close as possible to the most beautiful beaches and tourist sites. Not only do we save time, but above all we take advantage of simply sublime places where we can feel alone in the world!

Road trip in Portugal – What to see in 10 days?

After reading many travel stories, I understood that 10 days are not enough to visit all of Portugal. This is why it is essential to organize in advance a 10-day circuit that allows you to visit the most emblematic sites of Portugal.

Indeed, in just 10 days, it is possible to discover the best of Portugal, its lively cities, its typical villages, the beauty of its natural landscapes and its dream beaches!

Algarve beach in my 10 days tour in Portugal

Which circuit to do in Portugal?

When deciding to go on a road trip in Portugal, the question that many travelers ask themselves is that of choosing the right circuit: Should you start in the north and go down to the south, or do you go the other way?

Well, I advise you to make a circuit from the North to the South of Portugal. Indeed, it is the best choice to start by visiting the main cities, discovering the diversity and beauty of the landscapes and to finish by relaxing on the most beautiful beaches in Portugal!

Discover below the itinerary of my circuit to visit Portugal in 10 days from north to south.

Portugal itinerary in 10 days

Here is the itinerary that allows you to visit Portugal in 10 days with these main stages from North to South:

Day 1: Porto and the Douro Valley

Day 2: coimbra and tomar, day 3: the silver sea coast, day 4: lisbon and sintra, day 5: evora and alentejo natural park, day 6: sagres and cape saint-vincent.

  • Days 7 and 8: The Algarve (beaches and villages)

Day 9: Faro and Olhão

  • Day 10: Return trip

Portugal itinerary map in 10 days

Here is the Google Maps map that you can put in GPS mode to follow the itinerary for visiting Portugal in 10 days:

Visit Portugal in 10 days by car, van or motorhome

For each stage of my tourist circuit, I tell you:

  • my hotel recommendation for those visiting Portugal by car,
  • but also my overnight parking recommendation for those traveling by van or motorhome.

Moreover, to help those who visit Portugal by van or motorhome, the CampingCar Portugal site displays an interactive map with the complete list of  all motorhome areas in Portugal .

First of all, whether you are traveling by car, van or motorhome, I recommend that you spend your first night in Porto to be there and be able to visit the city the next morning.

Portugal in 10 days – Where to stay in Porto?

For those who are going to visit Portugal by car, here is a hotel very well located in the heart of the most beautiful district of Porto and 5 minutes from the Gaia cable car:

Ribeira do Porto Hotel

1st hotel of my 10 day tour to visit Portugal by car

Where to spend the night in Porto by motorhome?

For vans and motorhomes, there are several parking possibilities. One of the best places is the Prelada Campismo Park ( 00 351 228312616), located just outside the city centre. Here you will find all the amenities you need, including electrical hook-ups, water facilities and even a swimming pool!

What to visit in Portugal in 10 days?

Here are the main visits you can do in 10 days in Portugal following the itinerary of my road trip:

My sightseeing tour starts in Porto, a charming, colorful and lively city located in the north of Portugal.

Visit Porto

Here are some ideas for visiting Porto:

  • Explore the historic and colorful neighborhood of Ribeira, with its picturesque waterfront and charming streets,
  • visit the Livraria Lello, one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world
  • discover the magnificent azulejos of São Bento station,
  • Sao Francisco Church
  • the stock exchange palace
  • visit one of the many Port wine cellars for a tasting
  • take a walk along the banks of the Douro.

After visiting the magnificent churches and enjoying a glass of Port wine, it's time to hit the road to the Douro Valley. This picturesque landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers breathtaking views of terraced vineyards.

Visit Portugal by car with the Douro Valley

After having made all your visits, I recommend that you drive to Coimbra to be there and be able to visit the city the next morning.

Portugal in 10 days – Where to stay in Coimbra?

Here is a good place to stay in Coimbra, in the historic center very close to the university: Solar Antigo Luxury Coimbra

Where to spend the night in Coimbra in a motorhome?

Le Coimbra campsite is a great choice for overnight van or RV parking. Located close to the city, this campsite offers spacious pitches for motorhomes and has all the necessary equipment.

On the second day, you will visit Coimbra, a historic city that is home to one of the oldest universities in Europe. Explore the historic university buildings and libraries, wander the charming streets of the Baixa district and soak up the vibrant atmosphere of this bustling city.

Visit of Coimbra during my 10 days road trip in Portugal

You can also enjoy the panoramic view from the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha.

Then head to Tomar, a city steeped in history and known for its impressive Templar castle. Explore the gardens and halls of the castle, then visit the famous Convent of Christ. Next, head to the Serra de Aire e Candeeiros Natural Park, where you can hike and discover spectacular karst landscapes.

Or go to the Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima which is an emblematic site of Portugal (only 35 km from Tomar).

Portugal in 10 days – Where to stay in Tomar?

To spend a night in the historic center of Tomar, I recommend a very nice hotel with a lot of charm:

Casa dos Oficios Hotel

Well located hotel in Tomar

Where to spend the night in Tomar in a motorhome?

To spend the night in Tomar, look no further than the Municipal Autocaravan Park of Tomar .

To continue my 10-day road trip in Portugal, head to the Silver Sea coast.

Step in Nazareth

You will find stunning white and golden sand beaches and impressive cliffs. Stop at Nazaré famous for being one of the best European surf spots.

Portugal in 10 days – Where to stay in Nazaré?

Here is a very good hotel located opposite the large beach of Nazaré and close to shops, bars and restaurants:

Hotel Mar Bravo

Hotel facing the beach in Nazaré Portugal

Where to spend the night in Nazareth in a motorhome?

For motorhome parking in Nazareth, I recommend the Park of Campismo Vale Paraiso or campsite Orbitur valado .

My 10-day road trip in Portugal takes you on this 4th day towards Lisbon!

Stopover in Lisbon in a 10-day tour in Portugal

Stroll through the picturesque streets of the Alfama district, visit the famous Jerónimos Monastery and soak up the lively atmosphere of the city. Visit the iconic Belém Tower and savor a delicious pastel de nata or pasteis de Belém. Don't forget to take a tram ride through the colorful neighborhoods of Bairro Alto and Chiado.

See my articles: Itineraries of Lisbon's must-see sites , Where to shop in Lisbon et best neighborhoods to stay in Lisbon .

Next, take a detour to Sintra, a magical town known for its fortifications, colorful palace and lush gardens. Do not miss to visit the Pena National Palace, a true architectural jewel, worthy of a fairy tale:

Castle of Sintra

Explore the beautiful gardens of Quinta da Regaleira and enjoy the panoramic view from the Castle of the Moors. Don't miss trying the travesseiros, a delicious local pastry.

Portugal in 10 days – Where to stay in Sintra?

For those visiting Portugal by car, here is a good place to stay for a night in Sintra:

Valley House (600 meters from the National Palace).

Hotel in Sintra near the center

Where to spend the night in Sintra by motorhome?

For overnight parking in Sintra, go to Cascais Campismo Park . Located in the nearby town of Cascais, this campsite offers convenient access to Sintra.

Otherwise, you can spend the night at   Lisbon Campsite in Mosento Park. This option is nice to visit Lisbon by taking the 715 bus which drops you off in downtown Lisbon.

On the fifth day, discover the city and the Alentejo region, whose landscapes are sublime with olive groves and vineyards as far as the eye can see.

Alentejo to visit in 10 days in Portugal

Make a stop in Evora, a historic city listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Evora stage of my tour to visit Portugal in 10 days by car

Known for its well-preserved Roman ruins and medieval architecture, you can also stroll the cobbled streets of Evora, visit the cathedral and the Roman ruins.

Portugal in 10 days – Where to stay in Evora?

For a night in the historic center of the city, here is my recommendation for a well-located hotel in Evora:

M'AR De AR Walls

Recommended hotel for my 10 day tour in Portugal

Where to spend the night in Evora by motorhome?

For parking motorhomes in Evora, I recommend the Orbitur Evora Camping Park (+351) 266 705 190 . This campsite is located just 2 km from the historic area of ​​Évora and offers all the necessary facilities.

The sixth stop on my 10-day tour of Portugal is in Sagres, a small town in the far south-west of Portugal. Visit Fort de Sagres, which offers stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, then head to Cape St. Vincent, the westernmost point of mainland Europe.

Cape Saint Vincent Portugal

Contemplate the steep cliffs and wild landscapes of this preserved region.

Then you can hit the road again to spend several nights in the Algarve.

Portugal in 10 days – Where to stay in the Algarve ?

To spend 2 or 3 nights in the Algarve, I recommend a charming little hotel on a pretty beach in Lagos:

Emerald Town

Hotel for the last stage of my tour to visit Portugal by car

Where to spend the night in the Algarve in a motorhome?

To spend one or two nights in a van or motorhome in the Algarve, you have the Largo de São Francisco car park in Faro which is free.

Otherwise, nicer because located opposite the splendid beach Falesia Beach , you can park at Algarve Motorhome Park Falesia .

Otherwise, you will find other incredible seaside campsites in the Algarve. From Lagos to Albufeira, you will be spoiled for choice!

Days 7 and 8: The Beaches of the Algarve

Days 7 and 8 of my 10 day Portugal tour are all about relaxation. Indeed, you will want to land to enjoy the magnificent region of the Algarve, renowned for its heavenly beaches and crystal clear waters.

Algarve Beach Tour

You can explore the coast by visiting cities like Portimão, Tavira or Lagos. Admire the impressive cliffs, take a boat trip to discover hidden caves, go scuba diving or simply relax on the golden sand beaches.

road trip portugal 8 jours

The ninth day of my road trip takes you to Faro, the capital of the Algarve region. One of the must-see places in Faro is the historic old town, known as Cidade Velha. You can also visit Faro Cathedral, an amazing piece of architecture that offers stunning views of the city from its tower.

Then head to Olhão, a charming fishing town located a short distance from Faro. One of Olhão's main attractions is its bustling fish market, the Mercado Municipal de Olhão:

Last stop of my 10 day road trip in Portugal: Olhao

You can also stroll along the seafront on Avenida 5 de Outubro and admire the traditional whitewashed houses with colorful roofs.

Don't miss (if you have time) a boat trip to the nearby islands of Armona, Culatra and Farol, where you can explore pristine beaches and sample delicious seafood at seaside restaurants.

Day 10: Return road

For your last day, you will have to leave very early in the morning to travel in the opposite direction through this magnificent country and return home with lots of beautiful memories and beautiful photos!

Visit Portugal in 10 days

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Best Portugal Road Trip Itinerary – 4 days in Portugal (or more)

Over 800 km driven through different landscapes, exploring places in the south, west and centre of the country, passing golden sand beaches, cork trees forests, orange plantations, colourful tiled buildings and historic towns. Portugal road trip is an amazing experience! What can you see in 4 days in Portugal? Here is the example Portugal itinerary for your next trip.

Portugal road trip itinerary – where can you go in 4 days in Portugal?

4 days in Portugal or any other country, doesn’t seem like much. It’s like two weekends, but not even with Friday nights. However, if you look at it from another side – it’s almost the whole week of work. And you can see a lot in a week in Portugal! 96 hours that you can use for anything you want. We did have limited time in Portugal, but we decided to use it in the best way we could. And we managed to do it on a wonderful road trip.

I highly recommend renting a car when you plan your trip to Portugal. The rentals are quite cheap, we paid €20 for the whole time and give you a lot of flexibility. I usually use car broker websites like Rentalcars to find the cheapest car rental prices.

We arrived in Faro on Saturday evening and we had our return flight on Wednesday afternoon. It’s always good to be prepared for your trip, especially if you travel in a limited time . Renting a car for the duration of our stay gave us a lot of flexibility. Using a   Portugal travel guide to plan the route and knowing what to pack for Portugal , can also be a massive help. I did my research before (I am definitely a planner!) , but we still had some questions.

Is it worth to drive further north to Lisbon? Should we just stay in the south and only visit Algarve?

We didn’t want to spend too much time in the car, but we also didn’t want to miss out – you never know if you would be able to come back to the country.

After the first full day in Algarve, visiting and chilling on the beaches, we decided, that we want more. We planned to head to Lisbon the next day, exploring the places on the way.

NOTE: This Portugal itinerary is for people arriving from/to Faro or focusing on visiting the southern part of the country in a short time. We made the trip in March, out of high season – turned out to be a perfect time for a visit.

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Portugal tiles - Best Portugal road trip itinerary - 4 days in Portugal

Traditional Portuguese tiles

Our portugal road trip itinerary.

And so we did. It was really worth it! You can see our road trip route below with the places, that we saw on the way.

We haven’t managed to see all of the ones, that we wanted to – some were dependent on the weather (Benagil cave – too high waves every single day), or after all we didn’t have enough time (Sintra), but we tried to see as much as we could, and also still enjoy and get to know every visited place.

Here is the map covering our Portugal itinerary.

Arrival – Faro

We arrived in Faro in the late evening. We picked up the car at the airport (rented from Guerin) and we headed to town to check-in to our apartment.

The night went quickly on trying new local dishes in small bars, admiring the reflection of the boats in the smooth water surface in the harbour, getting lost in the narrow streets and drinking wine on the rooftop. It was Saturday, so the city was one big party with young people drinking on the streets and laughing in the bars. The warm spring air was gently touching our faces, Portuguese wine was flowing in our veins and local delicacies filled our stomachs – what else do you want for the perfect holiday start?

Where to stay in Faro?

There are many accommodation options in Faro:

$ Budget:    Hostellicious   for a very cheap price, great central accommodation, well-equipped kitchen.

$$ Mid-range : Backyard Hotel with an amazing rooftop! Very reasonably priced, great location and this rooftop (did I mention there is a cool rooftop? ;-)). Check the availability and the best prices here.

$$$ Luxury: Casa Beco Sao Luis   – luxurious apartments in the centre of Faro.

Faro sign - Best Portugal road trip itinerary - 4 days in Portugal

#Day 1 – Algarve

After breakfast, consisting of pastel de nata, cinnamon bun and coffee while watching the sunrise on the rooftop, we moved in the direction of  golden beaches and towns of Algarve

Initially we wanted to do a boat tour to Benagil cave (if you have a chance it’s a must!), unfortunately for the whole length of our stay, the sea was too rough for the boats to come to the caves and all the tours were cancelled. We have a reason to come back, though.

Instead, we visited other stunning places ( “Praia” means beach in Portuguese ):

  • Praia da Rocha
  • Praia dos Tres Irmaos
  • Lagos town with Praia Dona Ana, Praia do Camilo, and Ponta de Piedade (even though they are the most popular and located close to town, they are worth visiting – so pretty! When we were there it was quite quiet, so we could enjoy them by ourselves)
  • Cape Saint Vincent – the most southwestern corner of Europe, where the famous expeditions were leaving from. Now, it has one of the most powerful lighthouses in Europe
  • Sagres – small surfers town with chic cafes and fresh seafood restaurants

Where to stay close to Algarve beaches?

$ B&B do Paço  – private, comfortable rooms just 8 minutes walking from the beach. Check the availability here.

$ The 17 Hostel – even cheaper, cheerful hostel, located in the centre of Lagos, with a rooftop and great atmosphere. Check the availability here.

$$ Resort Room – You can chill by the barbecue or swim in the pool (after coming back from the beach, which is 15 minutes walk away). Check the availability here.

$ Casa do Cabo de Santa Maria  – pretty guesthouse located just 4 minutes from the beach, nestled among mountains and at very reasonable prices. Check availability here.

Algarve beach - Best Portugal road trip itinerary - how to spend 4 days in Portugal

#Day 2 – west coast and on the way to Lisbon

  • Praia Castelejo
  • Praia da Cordoama (there are many more, but we couldn’t stop on all of them. Some other ones worth considering a visit are Arrifana and Praia de Odeceixe).
  • Porto Covo – one of the cutest towns, that I’ve seen. Tiny white houses with blue and red elements, contrasting with bright blue sky – so pretty! And the food was amazing (but the standards were high everywhere)
  • Lisbon – we arrived there in the late afternoon but managed to walk in Alfama and Baixa districts in the city centre, having dinner listening to traditional live Fado music.

Where to stay in Lisbon?

$ The Independente Hostel & Suites  – great central location, close to great viewing point Miradouro De São Pedro De Alcântara –   check latest prices and availability.

$$  Alfama by Lisbon Inside Out  – very nice and clean, located in the heart of the most picturesque historic Alfama district of Lisbon –  check latest prices and availability.

$$+ Casas da Baixa Lighthouse Apartments  – beautiful apartments in Baixa, located directly in the city center, great for old town walks and strolling by the Tagus river –   check latest prices and availability.

Portugal west coast - Best Portugal road trip itinerary - how to spend 4 days in Portugal

#Day 3 – Lisbon, cork trees, Monchique hills and back to Algarve

  • Lisbon – we walked in the Alfama district with its narrows streets and steep stairs, stopping for a coffee and pastel de nata overlooking orange roofs, and watching the famous tram 28 passing by
  • Drive through the cork trees and oranges plantations
  • Visiting Monchique hills, where the road was very windy and the views were brilliant
  • Coming back to Lagos and touring the town little streets with bars and seaside in the night

Miradouro Lisbon Portugal Alfama - Best Portugal road trip itinerary - how to spend 4 days in Portugal

#Day 4 – Lagos, Silves and departure from Faro

  • We visited a few more places in Lagos, coming back to our favourite beaches that we’ve seen a few days before
  • Silves – a small old town with a beautiful castle and great views from it
  • Faro – we came back there for the departure flight

Silves castle

What to add to the Portugal road trip itinerary if the weather/time allows:

  • Benagil cave
  • Sintra – famous town on the north from Lisbon with a beautiful castle
  • More beaches on the west coast – Arrifana and Praia de Odeceixe
  • Comporta – town on the west coast close to Lisbon
  • Praia da Faresia – beach with red cliffs, close to Faro

Would that itinerary help you to plan your Portugal road trip? Do you have any other ideas on what to do in 4 days in Portugal? Let me know in the comments!

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22 thoughts on “ Best Portugal Road Trip Itinerary – 4 days in Portugal (or more) ”

Tak kolorowo i pięknie! Imponujące są te skały (Praia da Rocha, wow!) i położenie Lizbony. <3 No i chętnie przywiozłabym sobie tonę azulejos i wyściełała wszystkie podłogi w mieszkaniu. 🙂

Bardzo kolorowo, spodobaloby Ci sie 🙂 Bylas? O, nawet nie wiedzialam, ze te przepiekne plytki to azulejos sie nazywaja – mi sie marzy jakas jedna sciana w lazience, najlepiej z roznymi, nawet myslalam o przywiezieniu jakichs, ale nie mialam czasu szukac sklepow, nastepnym razem 😉

Moi rodzice zrobili sobie w łazience takie z castoramy, bo ich namówiłam, żeby mieć choć namiastkę. 🙂 ale kilka na pewno przywiozę i gdzieś wetknę ku pamięci. 🙂

Wow, Wizzair has just announced cheap flights from my country to Lisbon… so I save it for my trip 🙂

That’s great! It’s a perfect excuse for going to Portugal 🙂

Woah! The place looks peaceful and perfect for relaxing. I like place where there are only few tourists. It calms me.

Yeah, you can find places like this in Portugal, for example Porto Covo , but better make sure to not to go in the high season 😉

Amazing photos! Will definitely visit (and do road trips, my preferred mode of travel) with friends. Looks beautiful! I haven’t even heard of some of the places you mentioned.

Thank you , Jen! You should go if you have a chance 🙂

Wow, interesting places!

Thanks, they really are 🙂

Love, love, love Portugal! Really beautiful country and people! Thank you for bringing back some happy memories for me!

I love it too! And happy to share it with you 🙂

So much detail – great itinerary! I just got back from Portugal – I only visited Lisbon and Sintra but would love to see more and I think the best way to travel is by car. Thank you for this, will bear it in mind for my next trip!

Thank you! I hope it’s helpful, Portugal is truly beautiful and there is so much to explore! I need to go back as well 🙂

Love it! Thanks for all the tips and wonderful photos. I haven;t been to Portugal and if I visi tI hope it is during the low season (I do not do well with crowds).

Thanks, Ruth! Yeah, I’m the same, I don’t really like crowds, so that’s why I loved it when we were there out of high season!

A nice way to hit up a few spots in Portugal that are on my to do list! Thanks!

Glad you like it!

I love your pics! This is a great itinerary, have myself only recently visited the northern parts, really hope to go to southern parts soon as well!

Thanks, Taru! South of Portugal is very beautiful!

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Notre dossier complet

Road trip au portugal : itinéraire en 7, 10 ou 15 jours, le portugal en voiture ou en van : nos itinéraires pour un road trip à partir de lisbonne..

Vous avez choisi le Portugal pour partir à l’aventure en couple, en famille ou encore entre amis ? Le frisson de prendre la route , de se diriger où le vent vous mène… Un voyage spontané qui vous offre plein de souvenirs inoubliables . Entre improvisation et planification, nous allons vous aider à trouver le parfait compromis.

Des stations balnéaires en bord de mer aux villages fortifiés en pleine montagne, le Portugal vous réserve bien des surprises ! Avec des paysages plus beaux les uns que les autres, ce petit pays coincé entre l’Atlantique et l’Espagne offre une diversité de terroirs unique en Europe .

Grâce à son bon réseau routie r , vous allez pouvoir explorer à votre guise les endroits les plus secrets du pays . Les petites distances entre les villes vous permettent d’optimiser votre programme de séjour. Vous allez être émerveillés par la beauté et la richesse du Portugal sans être pour autant étouffé par la masse des touristes .

En toute saison, le Portugal, avec son climat tempéré et son ambiance chaleureuse, est une destination des plus agréables à visiter. Attention, prévoyez tout de même une polaire et un coupe-vent pour l’hiver 😉.

Pour le surf, le Portugal est la destination idéale ! Elle est d’ailleurs devenue la plus célèbre pour les amateurs de vagues. Ce n’est pas pour rien qu’aujourd’hui, l’Algarve figure en tête des destinations recherchées par les nomades en Europe !

Afin de planifier au mieux votre road trip au Portugal, MonLisbonne.com vous propose différents circuits permettant de satisfaire les envies de chacun. Que vous souhaitez flâner en bord de mer, de connaître l’histoire de ce beau pays ou encore de surfer sur les impressionnantes vagues de la côte atlantique, nous avons les itinéraires qu’il vous faut.

Partir en surf trip pendant 7 jours : surfer dans le Nord vs surfer en Algarve !

On peut difficilement parler du Portugal sans parler de surf. Dans ce pays bordant l’Atlantique, le surf à sa place entière dans la culture littorale. Reconnu pour ses nombreux bons spots de surf, le Portugal est un vrai paradis pour prendre les vagues . Plages isolées, vagues pour débutant ou confirmés, tout le monde y trouvera son bonheur.

Soyez tenté par l’un de ces 2 itinéraires qui vous permettra de découvrir les meilleures plages du pays, tout en laissant votre esprit s’évader face à un splendide coucher de soleil. En tant que passionnée de surf, il me tenait à cœur de vous proposer ces deux circuits exclusivement consacrés à la discipline du surf et pour tous les niveaux. Préparez-vous au grand frisson de la vague ! 

Commencer un road-trip surf à partir de Lisbonne avec les plages de Caparica et Carcavelos (2 jours).

Lisbonne est la ville la plus intense du Portugal. Elle est à découvrir ou re-découvrir ! Si vous avez un peu de temps pour rester dans la capitale, venez faire une visite guidée privée avec nous ! Elles sont fun et entièrement sur mesure.

La plage la plus proche de Lisbonne est la plage de Carcavelos. Par conséquent, elle est très fréquentée par la population lisboète. Elle est idéale pour les débutants, mais les confirmés y trouveront leur bonheur. Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les plages de surf de Lisbonne et pourquoi pas prendre vos premiers cours (ou vous perfectionner), nous avons un dossier spécial sur les spots de surf à Lisbonne ! 

La région de Lisbonne est agréable et a des secrets difficiles à dévoiler sur internet. Notamment en ce qui concerne les nombreuses plages sauvages de la région de Sésimbra .

  • Découvrez nos recommandations de logements à Lisbonne

A partir du 3e jour, road trip surf au nord de Lisbonne :

Jour 3 : ericeira.

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Selina Boavista Ericeira

Jour 4 : Peniche

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Selina Peniche

Jour 5 : Nazaré

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Zulla Nazaré`s Surf Village

Jour 6 : Figueira da Foz

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : We surf House

Jour 7 : Porto

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Selina Porto

Liens utiles pour finaliser votre organisation du road-trip :

1- Les solutions pour louer une voiture à Lisbonne .

2- Ou bien pourquoi pas louer un van combi VW .

3- Prendre des cours de surf dans la région de Lisbonne .

4- Le site VisitPortugal qui propose plein d’autres idées de sorties pendant votre road trip au Portugal.

L'alternative avec un road trip surf au sud du Portugal, en Algarve :

Jour 3 : bienvenue en algarve .

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Endless Summer Surf House

Jour 4 : Praia do Amado & Sagres

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Sagres Sun Stay

Jour 5 : les grottes de Benagil

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Montinho Boutique

Jour 6 : Albufeira et sa côte

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : 3 villas

Jour 7 : Ria Formosa

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Lemon Tree Stay

Rappel des liens utiles pour finaliser votre organisation du road-trip :

Pourquoi louer une voiture pour visiter le Portugal :

Si, pour des raisons budgétaires, vous imaginez qu’ un road trip en bus ou en train est la meilleure des manières de découvrir le pays , nous pensons le contraire. Pour un trajet en voiture de 2h30 entre Lisbonne et Castelo de Vide, cela m’a pris 5h en bus ! D’autant que pour découvrir le pays, vous serez limités dans les déplacements . Pour visiter les sites reculés, cela vous coûtera sans doute plus cher en taxi ou Uber. Enfin, si vous aimez improviser, planifier les transports ne sera pas chose aisée. Certaines villes ne sont desservies qu’une fois par semaine !

C’est pour ces multiples raisons (entre autres) que nous pensons qu’ une voiture de location est une bonne alternative . En hors saison, on peut trouver des deals à 5 euros par jour !

Dans notre page sur les locations de voiture à Lisbonne , vous trouverez les nombreux avantages d’opter pour cette solution lorsque vous explorez la région autour de la capitale . On peut dès lors aisément en déduire ce que rouler en voiture peut apporter comme confort pendant un road-trip dans tout le pays…

Monuments et villes incontournables : visiter les plus beaux endroits du Portugal du nord au sud pendant un road trip de 7, 10 ou 15 jours. 

Jours 1 & 2 : lisbonne.

Commencer par Lisbonne, c’est d’emblée être happé par les richesses du Portugal qui se concentrent dans la capitale portugaise . Il faut au minimum deux jours complets pour bien découvrir la ville : 1 journée pour le centre historique, 1 demi-journée pour Belem et une autre demi-journée aux alentours.

Si vous souhaitez maximiser votre passage à Lisbonne, nous proposons des visites sur mesure et entièrement privées . A pied et en français, nos tours représenteront un gain de temps précieux . Nos conseils de voyage vous éviteront les attrape-touristes. Nous pouvons également vous accompagner pour Sintra pendant la troisième journée !

  • Nos recommandations d'hôtel pour Lisbonne

Jour 3 : Sintra

On ne peut pas envisager un road trip au Portugal sans passer par Sintra. C’est à mon avis un incontournable du Portugal. Prévoyez une journée complète pour pouvoir profiter pleinement des nombreux sites de cette montagne mystique. Mon préféré ? le palais national de Pena. Avec ces couleurs vives, il est d’une beauté à couper le souffle autant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur, c’est incroyable ! Les amateurs de rando adoreront également son magnifique parc avec son sommet panoramique.

A ne pas manque également : la quinta da Regaleira. Ce palais possède une magnifique architecture éclectique unique au  monde. Le point phare de ce palais : le puits initiatique franc-maçon, profond de 27 mètres et qui vous offre une expérience unique souterraine. 

Si vous souhaitez découvrir ces palais avec un guide spécialiste de Sintra, contactez-nous !

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Marmoris Palace

Jour 4 : Evora

A l’est de Lisbonne, se trouve la charmante ville d’Evora. Antique cité romaine, la capitale de l’Alentejo fut un important centre religieux et une place forte commerciale.

On compte parmi les universités les plus anciennes du pays, celle d’Evora.  Bien que reculée dans le pays, la ville est donc jeune et vivante.

Les principaux monuments à ne pas louper à Evora sont :    – Le T emple de Diane : c’est un des temples romais les mieux conservés du Portugal, voir même de la péninsule ibérique.    – La Sé d’Evora : la cathédrale est connue pour la particularité d’avoir deux tours dépareillées, ce qui est assez atypique pour du gothique.    – Le meilleur pour la fin : la Capela dos Ossos. Cette chapelle atypique est célèbre pour ses milliers d’os et de crânes qui soutiennent les piliers de cet édifice hors du commun. On est saisi par cette ambiance lugubre mais on en ressort avec une certaine admiration. 

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Evora Olive Hotel

Jour 5 : Serra de São Mamede (circuit de 10 jours)

Cela représente un détour par le nord est de l’Alentejo mais ça vaut le coup. La Serra de São Mamede est un magnifique massif où l’on cultive les plus hauts vignobles du pays. Sur place, deux magnifiques villages fortifiés sont à visiter : Castelo de Vide et Marvão . 

Les paysages et l’ambiance sur place sont délectables. Pour déjeuner, nous vous recommandons le bourg de Portagem, au pied de Marvão, et notamment le restaurant Sever (pour ses champignons sauvages !).  Pour le soir, plutôt Castelo de Vide qui est un gros bourg beaucoup plus vivant pour dîner et sortir.

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Inatel Castelo de Vide

Jour 6 : Alcobaça et Obidos

Direction le nord de Lisbonne, à Obidos. Cette ville vêtue de chaux et de pastel est entièrement fortifiée. Elle offre des maisons traditionnelles, des petites ruelles typiques ou encore une bibliothèque au sein d’une église, cette ville en somme a un superbe cachet !

Après cette promenade matinale, direction Alcobaça pour visiter le monastère . Ce lieu sacré est réputé comme étant l’une des 7 merveilles du Portugal. A mi-chemin entre Porto et Lisbonne, ce monastère est classé au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité .

L’église gothique avec ses dimensions démesurées est impressionnante à voir. Le temps d’une visite, vous allez vous immerger dans la vie monacale, où calme et respect inspirent.

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : The Literary Man

Jour 7 : Coimbra et le village de Piódão

Direction le centre du pays à Coimbra avec son incroyable bibliothèque et ses rues chargées d’histoire.  Si vous êtes en quête du Portugal sauvage, nous vous recommandons de rouler un peu pour rejoindre le village de Piódão .

Ce charmant bourg à flanc de montagne est une carte postale du Portugal. Si vous souhaitez du typique, ne cherchez plus, vous êtes au bon endroit ! Amoureux de la nature, ces maisons en pierre sont en harmonie avec les montagnes qui les entourent. Baladez-vous dans ses ruelles et ne loupez pas la magnifique église paroissiale aux murs de chaux qui contraste avec la ville.

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : CoimbraAmeias

Jour 8 : la vallée du Douro (circuit de 10 jours)

La vallée du Douro fait partie de mes coups de coeur du Portugal ! A moins de 2h de Porto,  la vallée do Douro va vous faire voyager dans un autre pays voir même un autre continent. J’ai l’habitude de dire à mes amis que c’est le Vietnam du Portugal. Vous allez être ébloui par la beauté de l’horizon.

Il y a une harmonie incroyable entre les collines, le fleuve et les vignobles . Vous n’allez pas savoir où en donner de la tête ! Laissez-vous guider sur les lacets de la route panoramique, un vrai road trip au Portugal c’est avant tout des paysages sublimes qui défilent devant vous !

Pour en profiter un maximum, empruntez la route nationale N222 , considérée comme étant la plus belle au monde !

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Quintinha de Mirão

Jour 9 : Parc national de Peneda-Gerês et la cascade Tahiti (circuit de 10 jours)

Le parc national de Peneda-Gerês est le seul situé dans le Portugal continental. Il y règne une harmonie entre la nature et les villages aux traditions séculaires. Si vous êtes chanceux vous pourrez apercevoir au gré de vos randonnées des garranos (des petits chevaux sauvages) ou encore, pour les plus chanceux, le loup ibérique.

La cascada Tahiti est la plus célèbre de la région. Située à Gerês, c’est un endroit sublime, principalement fréquenté par les jeunes de Porto l’été. Avec son eau transparente, c’est un lieu idyllique en dehors de la période estivale. Cliquez ici pour avoir les coordonnées GPS exactes pour accéder au lieu. 

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Casa dos Cinco

Jour 10 : Porto

Porto est la capitale officieuse du Portugal, mais c’est surtout une ville incontournable pour faire bonne chère . Profitez de votre passage pour y déguster les fameux vins de Porto. En face, à Vila Nova de Gaia, vous y rencontrerez les plus grandes maisons. Notre recommandation : la Maison Graham’s . Vous serez impressionnés par son immensité et ses 40 tonneaux géants ! Si les vignobles et l’histoire du vin au Portugal vous intéressent, nous avons écrit une page complète sur ce sujet .

En dehors du vin, ne loupez pas la fameuse librairie Lello . Cette librairie est à couper le souffle. Son architecture néogothique, ses escaliers rouges et son ambiance vous feront voyager à Poudlard ! 

  • Notre recommandation d'hôtel : Torel Avantgarde

Vous souhaitez planifier votre road trip au Portugal pendant 15 jours ? Nous vous conseillons dès lors de parcourir le sud du Portugal en suivant les étapes du surf trip. Cliquez ici pour remonter la page 🙂

Un road-trip au Portugal en van : une autre manière de découvrir le pays.

Un road trip atypique au Portugal  ? Notre solution : rouler avec un van combi VW ! Les véhicules vintage sont très tendance chez les voyageurs nomades. Bien plus qu’une mode, le van c’est avant tout une autre approche du voyage .

Plus besoin de chercher de logement, vous pourrez aller et dormir où bon vous semble (la discrétion est recommandée).  A l’écart des foules touristiques, vous découvrirez un Portugal sous un nouvel angle. Surfer, explorer, dîner devant un coucher de soleil sans vis à vis. Pour vivre des moments inoubliables en famille ou entre amis, avec une large gamme de combis VW, vous trouverez LE van de vos rêves.  A partir de 50 € par nuit seulement !

Road trip au Portugal en passant par la fameuse route nationale N2

Vous souhaitez traverser le Portugal du nord au sud et vous ne savez pas quelles destinations choisir ? La route 66 du Portugal, la N2 , est sans aucun doute une idée d’itinéraire sans aucune comparaison. Avec ses 739 km, c’est la route la plus longue du pays . Depuis Chaves, elle rejoint Faro en Algarve en passant par des contrées aux paysages à couper le souffle . 

Des montagnes de Tras-Os-Montes aux plages idylliques de Faro, ce voyage se fait à votre rythme et à votre goût . Une expérience sensorielle sans aucune mesure qui vous permettra de découvrir les traditions séculaires qui font vivre l’arrière-pays et qui sont très diverses si vous êtes au nord ou au sud . Ne serait-ce que par la langue…

Dans cet itinéraire complet et dense, ne loupez pas quelques incontournables :

1- A commencer par Chaves (numéro 1 sur la carte ci-contre), qui est le début de l’itinéraire. Cette très ancienne cité, aux portes de l’Espagne, est marquée par des vestiges romains et de par sa localisation a un patrimoine historique et culturel impressionnant .

2- Les villes thermales de Vidago et Pedras Salgadas situées entre Chaves et Vila Pouca de Aguiar (numéro 2 sur la carte).

3- L’impressionnante ville de Vila Real (numéro 3 sur la carte) blottie entre les montagnes d’Alvão et de Marão fait partie des plus belles cités d’altitude.

4- La ville de Santa Marta de Penaguião (numéro 4 sur la carte) qui marque l’entrée de la très célèbre vallée du Douro, patrimoine mondial de l’humanité.

5- Avant Viseu , arrêtez-vous à Lamego   (numéro 6) dont le patrimoine est d’envergure national. Mais également Castro Daire (numéro 7) dont les plages fluviales sont particulièrement recherchées l’été.

6- Góis et la région d’ Algarnil (numéro 16) qui est sans doute l’une des provinces les plus sauvages du pays.

7- Au coeur de l’Alentejo, dans la contrée de Viana do Alentejo (numéro 27), arrêtez-vous dans le petit village pittoresque d’ Alcáçovas où l’héritage maure est omniprésent.

8- Le village d’ Almodôvar (numéro 32) est situé quand à lui au coeur de l’Alentejo gastronome. Vous pourrez vous délecter de leurs fromages ainsi que de la fameuse charcuterie de porc noir ( porco preto ).

9- Fin du périple les pieds dans l’eau. Faro est la meilleure destination en Algarve où tout autour vous avez de magnifiques réserves naturelles comme Ria Formosa ou bien encore Tavira. 

Découvrez nos autres articles sur les voyages à Lisbonne :

Louer une voiture à lisbonne, se garer à lisbonne, louer un van à lisbonne, les visites guidées de lisbonne, les meilleures plages de lisbonne.

Mots clé ayant permis de trouver cette recherche :

Road trip Portugal 1 semaine  

Road trip Portugal 10 jours 

Road trip Portugal 15 jours 

Road trip Portugal 2 semaines

Road trip Portugal en van 

Circuit portugal voiture

que voir au Portugal

Itinéraire Portugal 

Incontournables au Portugal 

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The Mindful Traveller

The Mindful Traveller

Eco Travel Blog & Photography

Algarve Portugal Road Trip: Epic 5-Day Itinerary

24 May 2023 · In: Algarve , Portugal , Road Trip

road trip portugal 8 jours

What could be better than a 5-day road trip through the Algarve? Here is a complete guide to the south of Portugal, including how to get around, when to visit and a fantastic  5-day itinerary   that ensures you see the top attractions and experience the best outdoor and water activities Portugal offers. From stunning sandy beaches to impressive golden cliffs and traditional fishing villages, this travel guide is  perfect for first-timers  and will allow you to get to know this region and its locals on a deeper level. 

The Algarve is one of the most beautiful regions of Portugal, with its own culture, heritage and way of life. It offers plenty of opportunities for a perfect holiday, whether you travel alone, with friends or for families with children – especially in spring and summer, when you can go to the beach, surf the waves or enjoy water sports. 

I had the chance to visit Portugal in spring when the weather was warm and sunny but without too many crowds – and it was perfect! I loved the peaceful atmosphere of the region, it felt like time was slowing down, and I could truly relax (which does not happen often). I even spend time each day on the beach, listening to the waves and watching the stunning scenery. 

This road trip through the Algarve was also my first “real” solo trip ! I was very nervous and almost cancelled at the last minute, but I decided to be courageous and try it once. I rented a car, travelled to a new location each day and stayed at a hostel for the night. I can now say that I do NOT regret going alone and had a fantastic time! Portugal is perfectly safe for solo (female) travellers – I even met and connected with many people on the road, which was great.

In this article, I share the perfect 5-day itinerary that will allow you to see the best of the region with  planning tips and tricks  you need to create a memorable vacation. Plus, do not forget to check out the  sustainable tips  at the end. Enjoy!

Disclosure : Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, we will receive a commission if you click through and make a purchase. For more information, read our full affiliate disclosure  here .

My Faro experience

My lagos experience, overview: 5 days in the algarve, portugal.

  • Day 1: Faro 
  • Day 2: Faro to Carvoeiro
  • Day 3: Carvoeiro to Lagos
  • Day 4: Lagos to Albufeira
  • Day 5: Albufeira to Faro

Route alternative

  • Day 1: Faro to Carvoeiro
  • Day 2: Carvoeiro to Lagos
  • Day 3: Lagos to Sagres
  • Day 4: Sagres to Ferragudo
  • Day 5: Ferragudo to Faro

This itinerary might be a bit more tiring, with more driving distances. I opted for the first one as I wanted to take my time and enjoy the beaches.

Where is the Algarve?

The Algarve is located in the southernmost area of Portugal. It is a beautiful region full of sandy beaches, golden cliffs and quaint fishing towns. It also enjoys year-round sunny weather, making it a perfect holiday destination – for solo travellers like me or families with children.

READ MORE: 10 Most Beautiful Beaches in the Algarve, Portugal

road trip portugal 8 jours

Algarve road trip itinerary – Map

Click on the top left of the map to display the list of stops and locations.

Detailed itinerary: Algarve 5-day road trip

Please note that this self-drive  road trip  itinerary in the Algarve is only a guide with recommendations. You are welcome to spend more days in one area or add other stops on your journey. You can also continue your road trip to Lisbon or Porto.

READ MORE: Where to Stay in the Algarve: 8 Best Areas

road trip portugal 8 jours

Day 1 – Faro

Your Portugal road trip begins with the bustling city of Faro, the capital of the Algarve.

Faro will be the best place to start your road trip, as it offers many direct (and cheap) flights from European cities. You can also easily rent your car from there, or take the bus or train. 

On your first day in Portugal, take the time to wander through the Old Town of the city. It will be the perfect way to discover Portuguese culture and its colourful houses and stop to taste delicious cuisine. 

Faro is also not a big city, so you will have enough time on this first day to see its main attractions and highlights.

algarve 5 day road trip

Things to do & see in Faro

  • Admire the Arco da Vila
  • Stroll through the Old Town
  • Enjoy the view from Igreja de Santa Maria
  • Visit Igreja do Carmo
  • Relax at one of the beaches
  • Explore the Ria Formosa Natural Park
  • Do some shopping

Click on the top left of the map to display the list of locations.

Top experiences from Faro

Faro was the start of my road trip across the Algarve, and even though the city was not big, I enjoyed walking through the Old Town. It was a perfect way to get familiar with the local culture, and I was excited to discover more. 

However, now that I am back home, I can say Faro is not the most interesting or beautiful town in the Algarve. Before doing this trip, I read different blog posts advising us to ignore it and focus on smaller fishing towns. I am glad I did not skip it, but I am also glad I did not spend a lot of time there.

I spent the night in Faro, in a lovely hostel (girls only!), and picked up my car the next morning to drive to Carvoeiro. But if you prefer, you can start your road trip earlier and head there on your first day – it is up to you! I did not want to rush.

Travel Tips

It is easy to access the town centre from the airport. You can take Bus 16 and head to the terminal. The journey costs 2,50€ and cash only on the bus, or you have a machine at the airport next to the bus stop. Also check out the timetable in advance, as the bus only runs every hour. 

The other option is to use a taxi. I used an Uber on my last day as I did not have enough cash. The journey cost me 7€ and was super easy (I had to get to the airport at 6:30am).

road trip portugal 8 jours

Day 2 – Faro to Carvoeiro

Praia da marinha.

🚗 Faro to Praia da Marinha 45min / 59km (this route has tolls)

It is finally time to hit the road and head to the stunning golden beaches! Your first stop will be  Praia da Marinha , one of the most beautiful beaches in the Algarve. 

algarve 5 day road trip

Parking tips – you can easily park at the free parking lot next to the beach. There is also a dirt overflow space.

From this gorgeous beach, you will start your first scenic hike, the  Seven Hanging Valleys Trail . The entire trail takes you on a 12km journey through some of the most beautiful cliffs and caves in the Algarve but can be a long walk for some, especially in the summer when the temperatures are high (even for me in May, it was 30°c).

If the trail is too long (it takes around 6 hours to complete), you can split it in half and retrace your steps from  Praia do Carvalho  – that is what I did, and it was perfect!

The coastline path is easy to follow, with some rocky parts (wear comfortable shoes!). On your way, you will encounter some fascinating holes and caves, such as the famous  Benagil Cave , which is only accessible by sea. You can see the top from the land, but I am guessing it is not as impressive as the inside. If you want to visit it, you can join a boat tour from Benagil town or  rent a kayak  to explore it with a small group or on your own. 

algarve 5 day road trip

You can also stop in the town of Benagil for a quick break and a cold drink before continuing your walk to  Praia do Carvalho . And if you want to relax or swim, I advise you to wait until you are on this beach as Benagil gets busy with boats. 

PS – the water was freezing! It took me a while to get in, but it was so refreshing and felt so good once in.

From there, you can continue your hike to Praia do Vale de Centeanes or retrace your steps to Praia da Marinha – the choice is yours!

Once back in your car, drive to  Carvoeiro , one of my favourite towns in the Algarve – and where you will spend the night.

🚗 Praia da Marinha to Carvoeiro 15min / 7km

Carvoeiro is a traditional seaside resort located on golden cliffs. I loved walking along the coastal path and admiring the scenery at sunset – it was gorgeous! You can also take the time to explore its Old Town and narrow cobbled streets or relax by the beach and watch the sun go down.

algarve 5 day road trip

Parking tips – you will find plenty of free car parking lots around the town. I parked near Forte de Nossa Senhora da Encarnação, which was easy and convenient (check out the map below).

🏨 Where I stayed near Carvoeiro: Colina Village .

road trip portugal 8 jours

Day 3 – Carvoeiro to Lagos

🚗 Carvoeiro to Lagos 40min / 42km (this route has tolls)

On your third day of road-tripping across the Algarve, you will head to  Lagos , one of the most famous and picturesque towns. 

Parking tips – once again, you will find plenty of free parking spaces near the Old Town. 

There are many exciting things to do and scenic beaches to explore in Lagos. I loved the buzzing atmosphere of the town, which was a bit busier than Carvoeiro.

algarve 5 day road trip

Things to do & see in Lagos

  • Explore the historic centre
  • Join a Lagos food tour
  • Go on a dolphin-watching tour
  • Head to the beach
  • Hike along the coast
  • Take a surf lesson
  • Stop by Praia do Camilo
  • Visit Ponta da Piedade & its caves

Top experiences in Lagos

I arrived in Lagos early morning and explored the Old Town. I loved the cobbled streets and colourful houses. I also walked to the church and the harbour before stopping in a lovely café called Odeon for lunch.

Notes – many places only accept cash, but fortunately, ATMs are everywhere.

road trip portugal 8 jours

After my lunch, I headed to the coast and the beaches. I walked to  Praia dos Estudantes  for a beautiful view of  Ponte Romana . But since the tide was high, I could not walk on the beach to get a closer look. I continued my walk to Praia do Pinhão and Praia da Dona Ana, both beautiful! As the last one was a bit busy, I retraced my steps and stopped at Praia do Pinhão to relax. I wanted to swim, but the waves were a bit too strong. However, the beach was lovely and quiet – it felt very nice and peaceful. 

algarve 5 day road trip

I then returned to the car and checked into my hostel – which I recommend if you plan to stay a few days in Lagos! For sunset, I decided to go to  Ponta da Piedale . As the road was closed, I parked at Praia do Camilo and walked along the coast to the impressive caves (you can only access them through narrow stairs). 

I wandered around and finished the day by watching the sunset from the picturesque  Praia do Camilo  – the colours were incredible! 

🏨 Where I stayed near Lagos: Bura Surfhouse .

road trip portugal 8 jours

Day 4 – Lagos to Albufeira 

On this fourth day in the Algarve, you will slowly make your way back to Faro, stopping beforehand at some quaint fishing villages. 

But if you prefer, instead of returning to Faro, you can visit  Sagres  and its impressive lighthouse and stop by  Salema  on the way.

🚗 Lagos to Ferragudo 40min / 38km (this route has tolls)

Your first stop will be the charming  Ferragudo , a traditional fishing village on a hill. I loved the atmosphere of this town (it was one of my favourites), with its narrow cobbled streets full of colourful flowers – a perfect place for photo lovers! 

algarve 5 day road trip

Things to do & see in Ferragudo

  • Get lost in its narrow streets
  • Walk up to Igreja de Ferragudo
  • Admire Castelo de São João do Arade
  • Relax on one of its beaches
  • Hike along the coastline

My Ferragudo experience

I arrived in Ferragudo early morning, and the town was so peaceful. I first walked to the other side to have a beautiful view of the entire town and its fishing boats. I then explored the Old Town and its colourful streets and stopped for lunch at a café bistro called Benjamim.

I continued my exploration by walking along the coast to the medieval castle on the beach before getting back in the car and heading to  Praia dos Caneiros  for a relaxing afternoon. The beach was slightly busy, but there was enough space, and the scenery was beautiful. 

road trip portugal 8 jours

🚗 Ferragudo to Albufeira 35min / 36km (this route has tolls)

Your second (and last) stop of the day will be another charming town called  Albufeira . This former fishing village has become a major holiday destination, with sandy beaches and lively nightlife. 

I did not have the chance to visit Albufeira as I was short on time, but it looked like a lovely place to stop for the night. Let me know in the comment if you have any other suggestions for things to do. 

Things to do & see in Albufeira

  • Walk under the Albufeira Tunnel
  • Admire the view from Miradouro do Pau da Bandeira
  • Enjoy the night at The Strip

Top experiences from Albufeira

Day 5 – albufeira to faro .

Your last day in Portugal ☀️

For this last day on your road trip through the Algarve, you will head back to Faro. But first, I recommend visiting the nearby town of  Olhão  (if you have time).

🚗 Albufeira to Olhão 45min / 53km (this route has tolls)

Olhão is a lovely fishing town and the perfect place to end your Portugal road trip. Take the time to wander through the Old Town and walk along the marina, or join a boat tour to explore the Ria Formosa Natural Park.

I did not have the chance to visit the town as I was short on time on my last day, so let me know in the comment if you have any other suggestions for things to do. 

🚗 Olhão to Faro 15min / 10km

It is time to go back to  Faro  and say goodbye. I hope you enjoyed your road trip across the Algarve as much as I did! 

🏨 Where I stayed in Faro: Faroway Hostel .

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How to get to the Algarve

The best way to get to the Algarve in Portugal is by  plane , landing in Faro or Lagos – or Lisbon if it is easier for you!

I landed in Faro as the direct flights from Manchester were cheap and frequent, and it was a perfect place to start the road trip.

If you live in Europe, the other option would be to reach the Portuguese region by  train  or  coach  (which will also be more ecological). 

algarve 5 day road trip

How to get around the Algarve

The best way to get around the Algarve in Portugal is by  car . It will allow you to move freely and reach remote areas and beaches. 

You can easily rent one at the aiport, and I recommend using  rentalcar.com  to search and compare which car is best for you. From affordable to luxury, they make it easy to choose and have a great selection of rental agents.

I had a Fiat 500 for this trip, which was ideal for getting around and parking. Plus, all the car parks were free, which was a bonus.

NOTES – Motorways in Portugal are NOT free! You can either skip them or rent a Via Verde box through your car rental agent – I used Klass Wagen and paid 5€ for the box. You can then drive freely on any motorway, and the car rental company will send you an invoice a few weeks later. I received mine within 30 days, and it cost me 6€.

Another option would be to use  public transport , such as the train or bus. It is an excellent eco-friendly way to travel around if you are on a budget, but on the other hand, getting to remote places or some beaches might be more challenging. 

But the transportation network seemed quite reliable. I met several people on my journey who only travelled by bus or train. Many beaches were also accessible by local buses.

Finally, if you feel adventurous, rent and explore by  bike ! It is an ideal way to explore the Algarve region from a different perspective, reach remote beaches and travel slowly – it is also great for the environment. 

road trip portugal 8 jours

Best time to visit the Algarve

The best time to visit the Algarve is in  spring and autumn  when the weather is sunny and warm, but the places are not too busy and crowded. These are ideal seasons for exploring the fishing towns, hiking along the coast and enjoying watersports.

I visited the region at the beginning of May, and it was perfect! The weather was sunny every day with temperatures around 25-30°c (which was very hot, especially when you live in a cold country – I had to put on a lot of sunscreens). The roads were mostly empty, and the towns and beaches were not too busy, which was ideal for relaxing. This holiday felt incredibly peaceful. 

I would try to avoid visiting the Algarve in the summer (June, July and August). The area becomes extremely busy during this season, with high temperatures, many crowds and rising prices.

algarve 5 day road trip

What to pack for your Algarve road trip

Each suitcase will look different to everyone, depending on when you are going and for how long, but here are some essentials for your road trip in Portugal: 

  • Comfortable walking shoes  (to keep up with your itinerary)
  • Sunglasses  (to protect your eyes) ⇢ check out my favourite sunglasses
  • A reef-safe sunscreen  (to protect your skin)
  • A good  backpack  (to keep your belongings safe) ⇢ check out my  favourite backpack
  • A beach towel  (to relax on the beach) ⇢ check out my favourite towels
  • A pair of flip-flops  (to walk on the beach) ⇢ check out my favourite flip-flops
  • A  reusable water bottle   (to stay hydrated on the go) ⇢ check out my  favourite bottle
  • Phone and tablet  (to listen to music or use as GPS)
  • Camera  (to capture your incredible vacation) 
  • All chargers  (indispensable) ⇢ check out these  portable chargers
  • Passport , driving licence, and any necessary visas
  • Credit card and cash  (to bring home souvenirs)
  • Travel books  and guides  (to discover the best of the region)
  • Notebook or travel diary  (to record your memories) ⇢ check out my  favourite notebook

Check out  this page  for more inspiration on eco-friendly products & gear.

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How to reduce your eco-impact on the road

Sustainable travel  means exploring the world whilst being aware of your surroundings and having a positive social, environmental and economic impact on the places you visit. And this applies to road trips too!

Road trips are a fantastic way of travelling as they allow us to move easily and discover many incredible places at our own pace. However, they can also have negative impacts. That is why considering our carbon footprint and adopting  eco-responsible habits  is essential.

Here are some simple tips for creating an unforgettable adventure in the Algarve with less impact:

  • Prepare your route in advance
  • Plan your meals
  • Make your trip plastic-free
  • Bring a reusable filtered water bottle and lunch boxes
  • Check your car and drive smoothly
  • Avoid idling your engine
  • Leave a place better than you found it
  • Treat locals and their surroundings with respect
  • Adopt a responsible attitude towards wildlife
  • Stay on marked trails when hiking

Want to know more?

  • How to Plan an Epic (Eco-Friendly) Road Trip
  • 10 Best Travel Apps for Exploring Sustainably
  • Best Ecotourism Activities Around the World
  • Sustainable Beach Guide: 10 Easy Eco-Tips
  • Carbon Offset Your Flight: What, Why & How

road trip portugal 8 jours

Portugal travel planning guide

Yes, buying insurance is always valuable when travelling abroad. Enjoy your road trip across the Algarve stress-free with one of my favourite providers,  Nomad Insurance .

Yes, tap water is safe to drink all over Portugal, including the Algarve. However, I also recommend travelling with the  UltraPress Purifier Bottle , a lightweight filtered water bottle perfect for reducing plastic and staying hydrated.

Yes, renting a car in Portugal is easy and is a great way to explore the country freely. I recommend booking yours with  Rentalcars.com  – they offer a variety of operators for all budgets.

The best way to book your accommodation in Portugal is with  Booking.com  – my favourite platform to compare and reserve places to stay each night, from affordable hostels to luxury resorts.

I recommend booking your plane with  Skyscanner . It has been my favourite platform for years, as it allows me to book the cheapest flights whilst lowering my carbon emissions.

Algarve road trip – FAQ

I recommend spending at least 3 days or more in the Algarve, as there is so much to do and see. 5 days was perfect for me, although I would have liked to stay longer, as I would have loved doing more water sports and surfing. I advise you to spend as much time as possible discovering the region and its hidden natural treasures whilst taking the time to relax and enjoy the sunny Portuguese weather.

You will find the most scenic part of the Algarve in Lagos, which includes Ponta da Piedade, Praia do Camilo and Praia de Dona Ana – two of the most beautiful beaches in Portugal.

Yes, driving around the Algarve is super easy! You can rent a car at the airport and explore the region. The roads are in good condition, the distances are not huge, and the villages are well connected by the motorway (not free, but not expensive!). You might have to drive on dirt roads to reach some secluded beaches, but nothing complicated.

The best area to stay in the Algarve for first-timers is Lagos, one of the liveliest beach resorts offering plenty of activities and things to do. Other popular destinations and great places to stay are Faro, Albufeira and Carvoeiro.

road trip portugal 8 jours

Have you ever experienced a road trip in the Algarve or would you like to try one day?  Let me know in the comments below!

With love ♡ Lucie

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