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ZigZag Voyages

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7 excursions en Bateau à Madère (dauphins et plus)

Par Claire Robinson | février 20, 2023 | cet article contient des liens affiliés ( détails )

Si vous avez le temps pendant votre voyage, je vous suggère de faire au moins une excursion en bateau à Madère. C'est un excellent moyen d'admirer l'île de loin, d'apprécier la hauteur des falaises et peut-être de voir des dauphins et des baleines. Voici mon guide pour vous aider à choisir les meilleures excursions en bateau à Madère (la plupart au départ de Funchal).

Avant mes conseils + photos, voici mes bons plans pour Madère:

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Ma plateforme préférée pour louer une voiture à Madère: Discovercars


Mon tour en bateau préféré: Tour en catamaran pour observer les baleines


Mes endroits préférés où loger à Funchal: Les Suites at the Cliff Bay (Luxe) - Sé Boutique Hotel (4 étoiles) - Market Place by Storytellers (appartements)

Mes endroits préférés où séjourner hors de Funchal: Saccharum Resort près d'une plage (Luxe) - Estalagem da Ponta do Sol (4 étoiles) - Engho Velho Hotel (milieu de gamme).

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#1 - Observation des dauphins en catamaran - Excursion bateau de Madère classique

Commençons par mon excursion en bateau préférée... L'observation des dauphins en catamaran.

  • À propos du tour en bateau Pourquoi c'est mon préféré ? Parce qu'il a la bonne durée, ni trop court, ni trop long. Parce que tout le monde a assez d'espace pour voir les dauphins et baleines . Parce qu'il est combiné avec une baignade sous les falaises géantes de Cabo Girao . Je pense que c'est une excellente combinaison d'activités. Et c'est un des incontournables de Madère.

Dauphins à Madère - excursion bateau

  • Départ de - La marina de Funchal La plupart d'entre eux n'incluent pas le ramassage à l'hôtel, vous devez prendre un taxi ou votre voiture de location jusqu'à la marina.
  • Combien de temps cela prend-il - Environ 3 heures - excursion d'une demi-journée
  • Type de bateau - Catamaran Bon pour tout le monde pour avoir une belle vue. Facile à mettre à l'eau et à en sortir
  • Comment réserver ? Voir les options d'excursion (différentes tailles de catamaran / différents services) et réserver.

Catamaran Cabo Girao

Alternative - Nager avec les dauphins

Notez que quelques tours proposent une baignade avec les dauphins. Les règles sont très strictes, et il n'y a pas beaucoup de places libres. La nage avec les dauphins ne peut être garantie car elle n'est autorisée qu'avec 2 espèces. Et elle ne durera que quelques minutes. En savoir plus

#2 - Observation des dauphins en bateau rapide - Excursion bateau Funchal

  • À propos de l'excursion en bateau Une alternative pour voir les dauphins sont les tours en bateau rapide. Le programme est à peu près le même, bien que plus court. Je préfère la navigation en douceur du catamaran et les espaces qu'il offre pour se déplacer. Certains d'entre vous préfèreront peut-être bouger moins mais profiter de la vitesse du hors-bord.

dauphins à Madere

  • Départ de - Marina de Funchal
  • Durée de l'excursion - Les excursions durent de 2h à 2h30.
  • Type de bateau - Bateau rapide - 1à à 12 personnes
  • Comment réserver - Voir cette excursion ou cette excursion. ou celle-ci au départ de Calheta.

Tous mes endroits préférés (avec coordonnées GPS) sont inclus dans mon guide de voyage eBook qui vous aide à planifier facilement votre voyage à Madère :

Planifiez votre voyage inoubliable  à Madère !

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  • 7 cartes qui facilitent la planification
  • 120+ lieux pré-sélectionnés 
  • Conseils pratiques pour profiter au maximum
  • 260+ photos pour vous aider à choisir
  • Coordonnées GPS - directement au parking


#3 - Ferry de Porto Santo - Voyage en bateau à Madère

Ferry de Porto Santo - Voyage en bateau à Madère

Arriving in Porto Santo

  • À propos de l'excursion en bateau Pour une expérience complètement différente, vous pouvez également faire une excursion d'une journée sur l'île voisine, Porto Santo. Il y a un ferry le matin et un ferry de retour le soir. La traversée dure 2h30. J'ai été surprise par la qualité des aménagements sur le ferry. Il est très confortable. Porto Santo est une île très différente. Les montagnes sont plus basses et ne bloquent pas les nuages, elle est donc beaucoup plus aride. On y trouve une plage de sable de 9 km de long et des caractéristiques géologiques fantastiques (dunes de sable, tuyaux d'orgue, piscines naturelles...). J'ai adoré cette journée. Sur le chemin de Porto Santo, vous pouvez apprécier la côte de Madère avec la lumière du soleil du matin : vous voyez Funchal, Ponta do Garajau, la côte Est et la queue de Madère, Ponta de Sao Lourenço. La journée est longue, mais elle en vaut vraiment la peine.

Ferry de Porto Santo

Ferry à Porto Santo

  • Départ de - Port de Funchal, à l'ouest du musée CR7
  • Combien de temps cela prend-il - 2h30 dans chaque sens pour la traversée, mais vous devez embarquer au moins 30 minutes avant l'heure de départ.
  • Type de bateau - Grand ferry avec bars et restaurants. Y compris une salle de cinéma, des jeux pour enfants...
  • Comment réserver - Vous pouvez organiser votre journée vous-même en réservant votre ferry et en louant une voiture. Vous pouvez aussi réserver une excursion organisée d'une journée, comprenant une visite de l'île et du temps à la plage. En savoir plus et réserver.

#4 - Coucher de soleil en catamaran depuis Funchal

  • À propos de l'excursion en bateau Un classique sur toute destination côtière : profiter du coucher de soleil depuis un catamaran. Funchal est située sur la côte sud de Madère. Vous n'avez pas besoin de naviguer beaucoup pour profiter d'un coucher de soleil époustouflant. Lorsque le soleil se couche, il frappe les falaises de Cabo Girao, ce qui rend les couleurs encore plus intenses. De plus, vous pouvez également apercevoir des dauphins et des baleines en chemin !

Coucher de soleil en catamaran depuis Funchal

  • Départ de - Port de plaisance de Funchal
  • Durée de l'excursion - 3h de visite
  • Type de bateau - Catamaran pour une navigation en douceur. Si les conditions météorologiques sont bonnes, vous hisserez la voile.
  • Comment réserver - Voir les détails et réserver.

Besoin de louer une voiture à Madère?

Mes conseils :

  • Comparez les prix sur ma plateforme préférée :  DiscoverCars  - un des sites les mieux notés.
  • Choisissez une petite voiture (pour une conduite en ville)
  • Pensez à l’ assurance complète (les routes sont étroites !)
  • Il y a beaucoup de demande. Si un véhicule vous plaît, réservez-le tôt .

Voir tous mes conseils


#5 - Bateau pirate à Madère

  • À propos de l'excursion en bateau Pour les jeunes enfants et les adultes aussi, vous voudrez peut-être faire l'expérience de la vie d'un pirate. Vous pouvez réserver une visite sur le Santa Maria de Colombo. Il s'agit d'une réplique du navire amiral de Christophe Colomb (construit en 1998). C'est une aventure que de naviguer près de Madère comme ils la découvraient il y a 500 ans. Depuis le bateau, vous pourrez également apercevoir des dauphins et des baleines. Il comprend également un arrêt aux falaises de Cabo Girao pour une baignade.

Bateau pirate à Madère

  • Combien de temps cela prend-il - 3 heures
  • Type de bateau - Bateau "pirate".

#6 - Excursions en bateau  de Ponta de Sao Louranço  jusqu'au phare

Ponta de Sao Louranço phare

  • À propos de la visite en bateau C'est une excursion que j'aurais aimé faire mais que je n'ai pas faite, car le moment n'était pas propice. Elle vous emmène autour des magnifiques falaises de Ponta de Sao Lourenço et de l'île au bout avec son phare. Depuis le bateau, vous pouvez admirer les anciennes falaises volcaniques colorées et vous verrez peut-être des dauphins.

Ponta de Sao Louranço phare 2

  • Départ de - 2 options en fonction de l'excursion - depuis la marina Quinta do Lorde - ou de Cais da Sardinha, par la randonnée PR8 Ponta de Sao Lourenço (1h30 à 2h de marche aller - modéré)
  • Durée du tour - 1 à 2 heures
  • Type de bateau - Bateau rapide
  • Comment réserver - Voir les options d'excursion et réserver.

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Claire ZigZag

#7 - Les îles Desertas

Catamaran vers Les îles Desertas

  • À propos de l'excursion en bateau À l'est de Madère, se trouvent 3 autres îles. On les appelle les îles Desertas, car personne n'a jamais pu les coloniser. Aujourd'hui, c'est une réserve protégée. Certaines compagnies proposent une excursion d'une journée pour rejoindre le poste de garde sur l'île principale. Cependant, voici la réalité de l'excursion : Le marketing parle de la faune et de la flore, notamment des rares phoques. Vous ne les verrez pas. Ils vivent dans une partie de l'île qui est interdite d'accès. Les chances d'en voir un sont extrêmement minces. Le circuit comprend donc 3 heures de navigation jusqu'à l'île, un transfert à terre en petit bateau, une courte visite du poste de garde pour voir les panneaux explicatifs, le déjeuner sur le bateau et 3 heures de navigation de retour. Si vous n'aimez pas vraiment naviguer, je ne pense pas que le tour en vaille la peine (rapport temps bateau / visite).

Les îles Desertas

  • Départ de - Funchal Madère
  • Combien de temps cela prend-il - Excursion d'une journée - 8 à 9 heures
  • Type de bateau - Catamaran ou voilier

Planifiez votre voyage à Madère :

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  • Mes itinéraires : 3 jours , 4 jours , 5 jours , 1 semaine , 10 jours
  • Tous mes conseils pratiques réunis en un seul endroit
  • 36 conseils pour l ouer une voiture à Madère
  • Guide de la conduite à Madère
  • Où se loger à Madère
  • Où dormir à Funchal
  • Les meilleures excursions de Madère
  • Que faire à Madère

À propos des excursions en bateau à Madère

Conseils pour rendre l'expérience confortable.

Après vous avoir présenté les meilleures excursions en bateau de Madère, voici quelques conseils à prendre en compte pour chacune d'entre elles :

  • Ne réservez pas votre excursion le dernier jour du voyage. En cas de vent fort, les excursions peuvent être annulées. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez toujours réserver à nouveau un autre jour.
  • Le vent peut être froid sur un bateau. Veillez à apporter plusieurs épaisseurs de vêtements (chauds et coupe-vent).
  • Mais sachez aussi que le soleil sera également fort - n'oubliez pas de mettre de la crème solaire.
  • Enfilez votre maillot de bain à l'avance afin de pouvoir sauter dès que le bateau s'arrête.
  • Vous pouvez vous garer au parking du musée CR7 pour accéder facilement à la marina.

Dauphins et baleines autour de Madère

Madère est considérée comme l'un des meilleurs endroits pour observer les baleines en Europe du Sud. Selon la saison, il y a toujours 2 à 3 espèces de baleines et de nombreuses espèces de dauphins. Les chances de voir des dauphins sont plus élevées que celles de voir des baleines. La meilleure période est considérée comme étant d'avril à octobre, mais vous pouvez observer la faune sauvage toute l'année. Il n'y a pas une seule compagnie qui vous donne une meilleure chance de les voir. Elles communiquent toutes pour partager les localisations.

Où se loger à Madère ? Mes conseils :

  • Pour un choix de restaurants et si vous ne louez pas de voiture - Voir les hébergements à Funchal
  • Pour les hotels de luxe, allez voir le quartier du Lido à Funchal
  • Pour une plage de sable - Voir les hébergements les mieux notés à Machico
  • Pour un village tranquille dans un paysage magnifique - Voir les hébergements à Porto da Cruz
  • Pour un endroit pratique pour explorer l'île - Voir les hébergements les mieux notés à Ribeira Brava
  • Pour profiter des piscines naturelles - Voir les hébergements les mieux notés à Porto Moniz

Plus de conseils dans mon article sur où loger à Madère

Vous voulez en voir plus sur Madère ?

  • 18 meilleures excursions à Madère - voir l'article
  • 42 conseils pour planifier votre voyage à Madère - lire l'article
  • Guide pratique - où loger à Madère -  lire l'article
  • Que faire à Madère - 35 idées -  lire l'article
  • Les 40 plus beaux paysages de Madère en photos - voir l'article
  • Les 10 plus belles randonnées à Madère -  voir article
  • Comment conduire à Madère - voir l'article
  • Les 4 piscines naturelles de Madère - voir article
  • Les 18 plus belles plages de Madère - voir article

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Les plus belles plages de Madère


42 conseils pratiques pour votre voyage à Madère

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Par Claire Robinson Region Lovers SARL 76600 Le Havre VAT FR21845103191

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madere voyage pirate

Madeira Pirate Boat Trip

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The Madeira Pirate Boat is one of the most photographed boats or ship which is also known the Santa Maria de Colombo, which is the exact replica of Christopher Columbus’s boat, built in 1998.  This boat trip has an adventurous feeling about it, as one can almost feel how it was when the island was discovered 500 odd years ago.

The boat also goes out twice a day and covers the same route as the catamaran which also stops at the bottom of Cabo Girão (The highest sea cliff in Europe), for a swim. There is a good chance to see dolphins or whales on most trips. The Madeira Pirate Boat has indoor bar facilities as well as toilets. It is a lot of Madeira fun for young and old and the crew dressed in their pirate outfits are really entertaining. This tour also includes a Madeira wine together with some delicious Madeira honey cake.

Meeting Point

The meeting point for the VMT Madeira Catamaran Tours is at the new marina in the center of Funchal . You have to meet there 20 minutes before departure .

Marina do Funchal 09, 9000-055 Funchal.

Highlights Icon

  • Deals and Discounts
  • Dolphin & Whale Watching
  • Family-friendly
  • Snack Bar Onboard
  • Madeira Wine
  • Madeira Honey Cake
  • In search for dolphins & whales

From €19.00

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Madeira Boat Trips has been the number one boat tour booking platform in Madeira since 2010.

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Madeira Whale and Dolphin Watching

  • Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
  • +351 912 525 085
  • [email protected]
  • NO SALES OFFICE in Funchal. Please contact us by email, phone or whatsapp.

Copyright © 2023 Madeira Boat Tours

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Travel Guides

Your family’s gotta try this: the royal conquest pirate ship at madeira beach.

Your Family’s Gotta Try This: The Royal Conquest Pirate Ship at Madeira Beach

By Janet K. Keeler

Pirate legends run deep in the Tampa Bay Area. Or at least they go deep, if you’re referring to the athleticism of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

It’s not just the Bucs’ logo that celebrates rogues of the sea. A 103-foot schooner replica sits at one end of Raymond James Stadium with a cannon that blasts after every home-team touchdown or Bucs win.

And then there’s the 1800s pirate Jose Gaspar, whose legend inspires a celebration in Tampa every January into March. The events are kicked off by an invasion of the city’s waterfront led by rascals aboard the Jose Gasparilla . What follows are parades, music, film and art festivals, and even a distance classic foot race. Think Mardi Gras with eye patches and billowing breeches.

If football isn’t your thing and you’re not brave enough (or visiting at the right time) to do battle with the krewes of Gasparilla, head west to the Gulf of Mexico and board Sunshine Scenic Tours’ Royal Conquest at John’s Pass in Madeira Beach. During a 90-minute cruise, you’ll hear tales of nefarious raiders, watch young pirates duel with foam swords, scramble for doubloons and get menacing scars painted on their faces. Those on the lower deck might get a bit wet during the squirt gun fight, depending on the number of kids and their enthusiasm.

Sunshine Scenic Tours’ Royal Conquest, pirate cruise, kids and pirates

What You’ll Do

Make no mistake, this is an adventure built for kids but it’s a fun multigenerational outing, too. It’s perfectly fine to set sail on the Royal Conquest without children though you may be asked to play the mean pirate in a humorous skit. No one walks the plank if they decline.

You will be considered a spoilsport, though, if you don’t wear the paper pirate hat you get when you board. It’s all in good fun.

Though the Gulf of Mexico is visible beyond the John’s Pass Bridge, the captain never steers the ship under it into rougher waters. The excursion cruises around calm Boca Ciega Bay. This is good news for folks who get queasy on the water. About the only thing that might make you dizzy is the boogieing you’ll do when loudspeakers pump out KC and the Sunshine Band’s Shake Your Booty .

There are a few pirate guides on board besides the captain. One staffs the bar while the others entertain kids. Children aren’t allowed on the top deck, which holds fewer than 10 people. From that vantage point you’ll enjoy tropical breezes and views of spectacular waterfront homes and impressive boats.

You’ll likely hear someone ask more than once, “What do those people do for a living?”

The main deck has plenty of bench seating all around for parents, grandparents and others who don’t want their faces painted. You may see a jumping dolphin or two but the littlest scalawags won’t even notice; they have their own salty adventures. There is no narration about wildlife or land sightings.

The excursion is well-choreographed. You will be back at the boardwalk right on time. 

The Royal Conquest sets sail year-round, departing several times a day depending on the season and sometimes demand. The website has up-to-date information about changes, and a phone call can help too.

Weekends are more crowded than weekdays, and the days that schools are out are the busiest. The sweet spot for the Royal Conquest is spring when lovely weather and school holidays collide. Since spring breaks vary around the country that could be early March through April. January and February have great weather and fewer crowds. Usually.

If you go in the summer, book the earliest sailing time. Afternoon thunderstorms rumble in regularly from June through September and late-day trips could be canceled. Florida tropical storms are something to see, so go on the pirate ship in the late morning then find a restaurant with good views afterward. Watching the storm clouds build is a dramatic experience, too.

What Else to Do

John’s Pass is an easily walkable tangle of about 100 shops, restaurants and drinking establishments with icy blender drinks and live music. Among the shops are places to buy swimsuits, towels, regional home decor, spices and teas, and souvenirs including Gulf of Mexico sponges and cigars hand-rolled in the Cuban tradition. 

There are ice cream, yogurt and candy shops along with pizza parlors and well-known restaurants like Hooters and Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. That ramshackle-looking building across from Wild Seafood Market is Walt’z Fish Shak where you might have to fight the locals for one of the few tables. If you are lucky enough to snag one, order whatever local fish the cook prepares. When the food is gone, the restaurant closes.

If you strike out at Walt’z and are staying at a place with a kitchen, check out the fresh catch at Wild Seafood. Gulf shrimp, grouper and all sorts of snapper may entice you to cook at “home.” For sure try the prepared smoked mahi dip. A visit to the market is a reminder that John’s Pass houses working docks where gulf fishing boats launch and return with an entirely different sort of booty.

Besides food, drink and souvenirs, there are other excursions out of John’s Pass including sunset cruises, fishing trips, dolphin sightseeing and eco-tours. Watercraft rentals are available.

For someone who doesn’t want to join the pirate cruise, there is plenty to do at John’s Pass until the Royal Conquest returns. Benches along the boardwalk are good perches from which to watch the busy waterway. Yes, that is a floating tiki hut complete with daiquiris, margaritas and bar stools.

Not to be outdone by Tampa’s Jose Gaspar, John’s Pass has its own tall tale. A hurricane cut the pass through the barrier island in 1848, long before storms got names such as Mia, Brad and Conchita. A French peasant and cabin boy named John Levique was reportedly on the first ship to sail through the pass. He got naming rights but lost his treasure when the cut obliterated the land where it was buried. So the story goes.

Time Allowance

The excursion itself is 90 minutes but operators suggest arriving an hour before departure to find parking . Sunshine Scenic Cruises doesn’t have exclusive parking but there is a multistory parking garage and a municipal lot nearby. There is metered street parking but you have to get there early to snag that. If you park in the city lot, you’ll pay by the hour at a pay station with card only and punch in your license plate number. This will be cheaper than paying the parking ticket. The attendants watch like hawks.

The time you need for the excursion will depend on where you are traveling from and how much time you want to spend ambling around John’s Pass. The least amount you should budget is three hours; add more if you are going at a busier time of year.

Distance from Big Cities

As always and in many places around the country, traffic causes drive times to fluctuate. John’s Pass is a quick drive from St. Petersburg (10 miles, about 30 minutes) and Tampa (27 miles, about 45 minutes).

For travelers enjoying the lovely beaches of Sarasota, namely Siesta Key , it will take roughly an hour and a half to drive the 45 miles to John’s Pass. Coming from Orlando and the popular Florida theme parks, plan on three hours to travel 110 miles.

Sunshine Scenic Tours’ Royal Conquest, pirate cruise- view from ship overlooking the water

What to Bring

Bring sunscreen even if you’re boarding the ship in cooler temperatures under cloudy skies. Most of the ship is open to the elements. Sunglasses are a must, too.

Carry a light jacket that you can peel off when things warm up. That’s when the sunscreen comes in handy. Wear comfortable walking shoes unless you’re the type who can do anything in heels. No pirate wants to go unrewarded. Bring cash for a tip to stuff in the treasure chest.

Travelers with Disabilities

The elevated boardwalk at John’s Pass can be accessed from street level by both stairs and ramps. Access to the ship is by a wide ramp with handrails, and staff (friendly pirates) assist passengers on and off. Wheelchairs up to 28 inches can be accommodated.

There is a bathroom on board but it is recommended that passengers use facilities on land before boarding. Handicap accessible public bathrooms are available at John’s Pass as well as facilities at restaurants. There is handicap parking.

The upper deck of the ship is reached by steep, ladder-like steps so may not be accessible for those with mobility issues. The wide lower deck can accommodate wheelchairs or other assistive walking devices but movement from front to back is limited.

Parents of children on the autism spectrum should know there will be loud music and activities can be frenetic. There will be a lot of sensory input. The video accompanying this story plus other photos on the company’s website and elsewhere on the Internet, can help prepare a child for the experience.

If you or someone in your group needs specific accommodations or more information, call (727) 423-7824.

Sunshine Scenic Tours’ Royal Conquest pirate cruise, pirate telling stories

General Information

The Royal Conquest sets sail three to four times a day depending on the time of year and day of week. The earliest departure time is 11 a.m. and the last cruise may be 5:30 p.m. or later when it is light longer. For example, the schedule for Saturdays in June is 11 a.m.; 1:30 p.m.; 4:30 p.m., and 7 p.m. In February, Saturdays times are 11:30 a.m.; 2:30 p.m., and 5:30 p.m.

The online booking feature allows passengers to get tickets months in advance. The 46-passenger ship is also available for private parties and there are occasional adults-only cruises.

Tickets are $11, 2 and under; $32, 3-20; $38, 65 and older (ID required), and $40, 21-64. The ticket price includes non-alcoholic beverages, beer and wine; cocktails are extra. Your group can have a photo taken before embarking which you can purchase after the excursion. The crew accepts tips.

Leave time to find paid parking and check in at Sunshine Scenic’s small gift shop on the boardwalk across from the ship. You won’t miss the ship once you spy the skull-and-crossbones flags fluttering in the wind.

Once on board, you’ll receive safety information about life jackets and other procedures.

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Pati's Journey Within

Pati’s Weekly bite 5 – Story of Madeira Pirate Attacks

Madeira Pirate Attacks

  • Last Updated: April 7, 2021

Anywhere I went in Madeira, I heard endless stories about how vulnerable the Island used to be to pirate attacks. I found it fascinating, so I decided to do a little research. Here is what I found about the Madeira Pirate attacks.

The Madeira Islands suffered numerous violent attacks by pirates. Many solutions had to be put in place for Madeira and its people to defend themselves or hide from those charges. And many of those solutions survived to this day.

Most famous Madeira Pirate attacks

The cruellest of all Madeira Pirate attacks took place in August 1617 by an Algerian fleet of eight ships. Hundreds of residents were taken to Algiers, leaving behind only a handful of survivors who hid in caves in the hills and secret basements of their houses.

Another cruel attack took place in 1566 when the French pirate Bertrand de Montluc attacked Funchal with three galleons of thousand men. They plundered, killed and destroyed for 15 days.

The first true defensive bastion (Fort São José) wasn’t built until the eighteenth century. Therefore the residents of the island had to help themselves with the resources available to them. Often – unsuccessfully. 

Madeira’ vulnerability to pirate attacks was mostly caused by its geographical isolation and the length of the beach. This made landing with the ships easy but also challenging for inhabitants to defend themselves.

How Madeiran people defended themselves from those pirate attacks?

São Tiago Fortress was built to defend the city from future attacks. The Fort is still standing at the top of Old Town Funchal and can be visited as its been transformed into a museum. 

One of the most critical surveillance points was Pico do Facho – A mountain located on the edge of the seaside town of Machico.

Once pirates were spotted from the top of the mountain, it would be signalled by day through bundles of branches and at night by burning torches and bonfires. Succeeding fires were then set aflame on peaks all the way to Funchal, giving the capital a good few hours’ warning before the attack. Hence the name – Pico do Facho (‘Peak of the Torch’).

Story of Nuns Valley (Curral das Freitas)

Nuns Valley (Curral das Freitas) is a village sitting at the bottom of a huge cauldron nestled within almost vertical mountains in the heart of the Madeira island.

When the French pirates attacked Madeira in 1566, the nuns from the Santa Clara convent fled from their homes and found refuge here, where they also brought the convent treasures.

The village is very isolated; therefore, locals mainly live off what they grow. The local chestnuts are delicious and are used in everyday cooking. I was also told that chestnuts were used in cooking before the rice was introduced to the island.

These days, ‘Nuns Valley’ has a grand annual celebration. Every year locals celebrate the ‘Chestnut Festival’ – a festival that originated when the local parish had a remainder of chestnuts. The chestnuts were used in various dishes like soup, cakes, liqueur and many more. If you are in Madeira in November, make sure you attend this festival of food, music, dancing and wine.

For me, Nun’s Valley is one of the most spectacular sights of nature I have seen in Madeira. If you visit, make sure you start with Eira do Serrado viewpoint (at nearly 1100m above sea level) and then walk down to the Valley for some chestnut liquor and chestnut cheesecake!!!!

The Madeira Pirate attacks are now long gone, yet the history of those events is still alive, and you will find remnants of it all over the island. It is an essential part of Madeira’s history and greatly shaped it over the years.

2 thoughts on “Pati’s Weekly bite 5 – Story of Madeira Pirate Attacks”

' src=

That is correct. I am also descended from Thomas.

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My family research suggests a Thomas Mace was given a Legion of Honour medal from the Governor of Madeira for helping to ward off an attack by pirates some time in the 1800s. He lived in Madeira and was a lodging house keeper in Funchal. Can anyone help to verify this?

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Hi, I’m Pati. A traveller, photographer (aspiring), dreamer and hopeless believer in magic. I caught the travel bug in my forties – and not planning to look back any time soon. I travel solo and on a budget and I try to spend as much time and effort as possible to truly immerse myself in the country I am visiting.

Whether you are like me and decided to change your life around a new dream or just wandering (because not all who wander are lost) – I am here to tell you that everything is possible. 

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Recherchez des locations de vacances dans cette région : Madère

Trouvez des locations de vacances qui correspondent à vos besoins, destinations recommandées pour les locations de vacances, idées inspirantes pour votre prochain voyage : trouvez une location de vacances, porto santo, paul do mar.

Porto Moniz

Ponta do Sol

São Vicente

Jardim do mar, caniço.

Ribeira Brava

Santo da Serra

Câmara de lobos, parcourez notre sélection de super locations de vacances dans la région madère, filtrer par :, note des commentaires.

Consultez les derniers tarifs et les dernières offres en sélectionnant des dates. Choisir mes dates

São Francisco Accommodation

Se, Funchal

Doté d'une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite, le São Francisco Accommodation occupe un bâtiment rénové de 6 étages avec ascenseur. clean, safe, modern and very friendly people.

Casa das Proteas

São Jorge

Surplombant l'océan Atlantique, l'hôtel Casa das Proteas est situé à Sítio da Felpa, S. Jorge, sur l'île de Madère. Teresa est une hôtesse extrêmement agréable et une excellente cuisinière !! Elle nous a régalés de ses petits-déjeuners et dîners copieux!! De plus, elle parle plusieurs langues, vous n’aurez pas de problème de communication avec elle. Nous avons eu droit à un upgrade, et les vues de la chambre sont exceptionnelles, on pourrait rester des heures à regarder par la fenêtre. Et que dire du silence, tellement agréable et reposant.

Atlântico Azul

Santa Luzia, Funchal

Situé à Funchal, à 1,9 km de la plage d'Almirante Reis, l'Atlântico Azul est un établissement récemment rénové proposant des chambres climatisées avec connexion Wi-Fi gratuite et parking privé. Nice new apartments, very clean, have opportunities for parking a car, the owner helped with transfer and answered all the questions.

Studios by Aqua Natura Hotels 4 étoiles

Situé à Porto Moniz, dans la région des îles de Madère, à proximité des piscines naturelles de Porto Moniz, le Studios by Aqua Natura Hotels propose des hébergements avec accès à un jacuzzi. Everything was very good. The personal were amazing and the room is beautiful, comfortable and fresh.

Fort Bay Suite Apartments

Situé à Machico, à moins de 200 mètres de la plage de Sao Roque et à 300 mètres de celle de Banda d'Alem, le Fort Bay Suite Apartments propose des chambres climatisées avec salle de bains privative. The property was very nice, with comfortable furniture and a lot of space. In reality it looks much better than on the pictures. The are is very silent and its just surrounded with a lot of restaurants. And the sea is just a 5 minutes walk. We loved to stay there and the staff were super friendly.

Doté d'une piscine sur le toit et offrant une vue sur la montagne, le Blue House est un appartement récemment rénové situé à Ponta do Sol, à 80 mètres de la plage de Lugar de Baixo. Emplacement proche de la mer, la proximité des levada, la gentillesse des propriétaires. La, chambre, la cuisine, le salon bien agencés. La tessasse extérieure toujours à l'ombre et vue sur des bananiers.

Social Lodge - Happiness

Situé à Funchal, à 1,3 km de la plage d'Almirante Reis et à 300 mètres du centre, le Social Lodge - Happiness propose un hébergement climatisé avec connexion Wi-Fi gratuite et terrasse. Le Check in a été très facile et nous avons eu énormément d’informations pratiques et touristiques très utiles avant l’arrivée sous forme de vidéo, très efficace !!! communication très facile pour tous renseignements. La propreté et l’équipement au top, deco super sympa, la localisation dans Funchal aussi !!!

Vi Naturae Glamping

Fajã da Ovelha

Situé à Fajã da Ovelha, à seulement 28 km des piscines naturelles de Porto Moniz, le Vi Naturae Glamping propose un hébergement avec vue sur la mer. L’endroit, magnifique piscine

Solar dos Reis by An Island Apart

Situé à Ribeira Brava, le Solar dos Reis by An Island Apart possède une piscine avec vue. Un parking privé est disponible sur place. This was our second stay and it was absolutely lovely once more. The hotel is beautiful, provides everything one might need and the entire staff is super friendly and helpful. The breakfast is nice and provides opportunities to chat with other guests. We appreciated the well equipped kitchen to make occasional lunches and dinners. Would stay again at any time!

Living Funchal Executive

Situé à Funchal, à moins de 2,7 km de la plage de Gorgulho-Gavinas et à 400 mètres du port de plaisance, le Living Funchal Executive propose des hébergements avec un coin salon. Very modern and clean studio with all the facilities Great welcome with a taste of local produces

Locations de vacances les plus réservé(e)s ce mois-ci dans la région : Madère

Residencial colombo.

Location de vacances à Funchal

Populaire auprès des clients qui réservent des locations de vacances dans cette région : Madère

Pestana Quinta do Arco Nature & Rose Garden Hotel

Location de vacances à Arco de São Jorge

GuestHouse Vila Lusitania

Santana in nature bed & breakfast.

Location de vacances à Santana

Location de vacances à Porto Moniz

Pestana Vila Lido Madeira Ocean Hotel 4 étoiles

Faq sur les locations de vacances de cette région : madère, pourquoi devrais-je réserver une location de vacances avec booking.com .

Nous vous accompagnons pour que réserver une location de vacances dans la région Madère soit simple et rapide, grâce aux services suivants :

• Annulation gratuite sur la plupart des hébergements • Promesse « Nous ajustons nos tarifs » • Service Clients disponible 24h/24 et 7j/7 dans plus de 40 langues

Quels établissements de ce type (locations de vacances) sont adaptés aux familles dans cette région (Madère) ?

De nombreuses familles ayant visité cette région (Madère) ont aimé séjourner dans les établissements Quinta do Bom Sucesso , Encanto do Sol et Vi Naturae Glamping .

Les établissements Quinta do Cabouco , Edificio Charles 202 et Quinta B. sont également populaires auprès des voyageurs partant en famille.

Combien coûte une nuit dans une location de vacances de cette région (Madère) pour ce week-end ?

Le tarif moyen par nuit pour une location de vacances dans cette région (Madère) ce week-end est de € 299,38 (d'après les tarifs actuellement affichés sur Booking.com).

Quels sont certains des meilleurs établissements de ce type (locations de vacances) dans la région (Madère) ?

Les établissements Casa das Proteas , São Francisco Accommodation et Encanto do Sol comptent parmi les locations de vacances les plus populaires de la région (Madère).

Les locations de vacances Quinta B. , Casas de Pedra et Vi Naturae Glamping sont également populaires dans cette région (Madère).

Booking.com propose-t-elle des locations de vacances avec l'annulation gratuite dans la région Madère ?

La plupart des locations de vacances sur Booking.com proposent l'annulation gratuite.

Combien de locations de vacances sont répertorié(e)s sur Booking.com dans cette région (Madère) ?

Booking.com propose 2 756 locations de vacances dans la région (Madère).

Quels établissements de ce type (locations de vacances) dans la région (Madère) sont parfaits pour les couples ?

Les couples ayant visité cette région (Madère) ont aimé séjourner dans les établissements Encanto do Sol , Funchal Downtown Flats 2 et Casas de Pedra .

Les locations de vacances Quinta B. , Costa Residence Funchal View et bluegreen sont également populaires auprès des voyageurs partant en couple dans cette région Madère).

Quels établissements de ce type (locations de vacances) offrent de belles vues dans la région (Madère) ?

Ces locations de vacances de la région (Madère) ont reçu de très bons commentaires concernant la vue offerte : Les Terrasses Suites , Dona I Apartments at Botanical Garden et Calheta Glamping Pods - Nature Retreat .

Les clients ayant visité la région (Madère) recommandent également la vue offerte par ces locations de vacances : Quinta do Cabouco , Villa SCIROCCO Madeira - Ocean View et ATTIC BAY .

Les voyageurs et voyageuses adorent ces locations de vacances dans la région Madère

Studio privado com vista mar e montanha, location de vacances dans ce quartier : ponta do sol.

9,8 Exceptionnel 50 expériences vécues

Superbe appartement pour deux,d'une propreté exceptionnelle, charmante hôte qui transmet sa bonne humeur . Petites attentions à notre arrivée.Parking, qui est un luxe dans cette région. Vue sur les pentes du village paisible et sur la mer. Super séjour.


Location de vacances dans ce quartier : ribeira brava.

9,2 Fabuleux  353 expériences vécues

Incroyable chambre avec une vue sublime sur la cote. Une piscine et des espaces extérieurs pour profiter de ce petit coin de paradis. Un personnel accueillant. De plus un super bar de village juste en face, parfait pour une Poncha en fin de journée !

Estalagem Da Ponta Do Sol

9,1 Fabuleux  1 101 expériences vécues

Le lieu magique en haut d’une falaise surplombant le village de ponta del sol , les installations, la décoration , le restaurant , le spa où nous avons pu bénéficier d’un excellent massage relaxant . Sans conteste le meilleur hôtel de tout notre séjour .

Location de vacances dans ce quartier : São Jorge

9,4 Fabuleux  1 184 expériences vécues

Accueil et gentillesse de Teresa magnifique endroit petit déjeuner copieux repas du soir possible et excellent nous nous sommes régalés merciiiiii gîte bien place levada a faire a proximité super jolie magnifique

Marques studio

Location de vacances dans ce quartier : porto da cruz.

8,0 Très bien 268 expériences vécues

Studio très calme au centre d’un village

The Jolie Apartments - by the Ocean

Location de vacances dans ce quartier : porto moniz.

8,6 Superbe 451 expériences vécues

L'emplacement top! Juste au dessus des piscines naturelles et du ptetit centre du village de Porto Moniz! Joli décoration. Machine à laver et sécher disponible :)

Casa da Tia Clementina

Location de vacances dans ce quartier : santana.

8,2 Très bien 485 expériences vécues

L'endroit est parfait pour profiter de l'île. Le village de Santana dispose de tout et le gîte est parfait. Nous avions accès à tout pour cuisiner le soir après de belles randonnées Petit déjeuner très bon et complet chaque matin. Très proche de Porto da Cruz avec un micro climat le soir pour une petite baignade et un Poncha au soleil

Quinta da Vila

9,0 Fabuleux  205 expériences vécues

Très bon emplacement dans Porto da Cruz, sur les hauteurs mais à quelques minutes à pied du centre et des terrasses du bord de mer. Gîte fonctionnel, très calme, avec une terrasse très agréable pour prendre ses repas à l'ombre des palmiers. Place de parking à l'intérieur de la propriété. Accueil cordial du propriétaire. Porto da Cruz est un petit village plein de charme, authentique, idéal pour découvrir la côte nord et faire la randonnée de la Punta de Sao Lourenco.

Valle Paraizo

Location de vacances dans ce quartier : camacha.

9,3 Fabuleux  277 expériences vécues

situation au calme et rapport qualité prix raisonnable pour ce très mignon gîte rustique, placé dans un écrin de verdure… on en oublie que ce site contient plusieurs cottages. que c’est agréable! idéalement situé pour visiter l’île avec un supermarché à moins de 3 minutes en voiture mais la voiture reste indispensable !


8,6 Superbe 48 expériences vécues

Le gîte est une petite maison confortable et très propre. Bon emplacement pour les randonnées du pico Ruivo et certaines Levadas. Par contre le village est peu animé. Le plus : un barbecue sur la terrasse, sur lequel nous avons fait des grillades. Nous avons passé un bon séjour 😊

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Vacances à Funchal à petit prix

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madere voyage pirate

How Do Pirates Say Goodbye, Matey? A Swashbuckler‘s Guide to Pirate Farewells

Ahoy matey!

Have ye ever wondered how pirates bid each other farewell when setting sail or parting ways after revelry in a seaside tavern? As a fellow pirate enthusiast, I bet you‘ve noticed how pop culture portrays pirates as speaking in the same stereotypical voice and vernacular. But in truth, the real seafaring pirates of the 18th-century Golden Age developed a rich lexicon of slang terms, greetings, and sayings all their own!

In this guide, I‘ll be your trusty first mate and explore the traditional pirate way to say goodbye. We‘ll hoist the mizzen and uncover the meanings behind common pirate farewells, greetings, and exclamations so you can sound like an authentic swashbuckler. I‘ll also share notable quotes and toasts pirates used to wish their mates well on voyages or adventures.

So batten down the hatches and prepare to learn proper pirate speak from a true aficionado of maritime history and scallywag culture!

The Pirate Goodbye – Farewells for Scoundrels

Here are some of the most popular ways that pirates bid each other goodbye before heading out to sea:

One of the most common pirate farewells was wishing someone "fair winds" before a journey. This is a reference to hoping that the winds would be optimal for smooth sailing without nasty storms or becalming.

The phrase "fair winds and following seas" was a blessing for safety, good speed, and an easy passage – everything a captain would want when navigating the perilous open ocean!

"Godspeed" was a very common farewell, not just among pirates but dating back centuries among English speakers in general. It expresses wishing someone well on their travels and literally translates to "may God cause you to succeed."

It‘s the root of the word goodbye, which originated from the old phrase "God be with ye." I find it interesting that even grizzled, heathen pirates used this religious term!

Safe Voyage

Pirates often wished each other a "safe voyage" or "safe passage", hoping their comrades would be protected from storms, shoals, enemy ships and other hazards at sea as they set out on the open ocean.

Of course, safety was a relative term for a pirate – any long journey on a rickety wooden ship was treacherous. But one could hope for the best fortune when saying farewell to shipmates.

Smooth Seas

Wishing someone "smooth seas" meant hoping they would have calm waters and an easy sailing experience without tumultuous waves or wind. This tied into bidding someone "fair winds and following seas."

Smooth seas definitely made life easier for pirates, especially if they were already suffering from too much grog the night before! Pitching decks weren‘t pleasant with a hangover.

Clear Skies

Pirates frequently wished each other "clear skies" before a journey, hoping for sunny, cloudless weather perfect for navigating by the stars and spotting potential prizes on the horizon from the crow‘s nest.

Foul weather could completely doom a voyage and leave the ship blown off course. So clear skies were truly vital for any pirate captain getting ready to set sail.

Fare Thee Well

The elegant phrase "fare thee well" was a polite, formal goodbye that pirates used just like other English speakers at the time. It wished the listener well as they journeyed forth into the unknown.

I always think of this as an uppercase goodbye – Fare Thee Well – since it has a poetic, almost regal ring to it. Not bad for a scurvy band of rogues!

May the Wind Be at Your Back

This poetic pirate blessing hoped that the winds would be in someone‘s favor as they sailed – specifically blowing from behind to fill the sails. Having the wind behind you provided the fastest and smoothest sailing experience, so pirates wished this fortune upon comrades preparing to set out. What a nice sentiment!

Pirate Greetings & Sayings to Splice the Mainbrace To

When pirates returned from long voyages or ran into each other while embroiled in port debauchery, what were some of the typical terms they exchanged?

Ahoy / Avast

"Ahoy" is one of the most iconic pirate words, used as a greeting or to get someone‘s attention. "Avast" means stop or pay attention – great for capturing a drinking buddy‘s focus.

"Aye aye" is used to acknowledge an order, conveying "yes, I understand." You‘d respond "aye aye, captain!" when your pirate captain gives a command.

Simple "aye" for yes or "nay" for no – these classic terms are still used today and seem to be universal verbal shortcuts.

To ask "savvy?" means "do you understand?" Pirates often said this after giving instructions or information to confirm that the message was clear.

Drink Up Me Hearties, Yo Ho!

This rowdy phrase encourages comrades to drink up before sailing out for adventure and plunder. It‘s a call for carousing, made famous by the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies and theme park ride. But I bet real pirates sang it like a sea shanty!

Scuttle Me Eyes / Shiver Me Timbers

These expressions convey surprise or emphasize a point, like saying "can you believe it?!" Scuttle me eyes relates to gouging out someone‘s eyeballs in shock. Violent, I know!

Ye Filthy Bilge Rat!

What a mean insult, accusing someone of laying about in the nastiest part of the ship. Bilge rats in scummy ship water = bad hygiene.

Me Hearty / Matey

Pirates affectionately called each other "me hearty" or "matey", with "mate" meaning friend or comrade. These seem like the most welcoming pirate terms.

"Lad" and "lass" acknowledged men and women aboard ships. Pirates did occasionally include women, contra popular belief. Anne Bonny and Mary Read both famously dressed as men for piracy.

Pirates cheered "hornpipe" to call for a lively sailor‘s dance, often accompanied by rum-fueled merriment. I‘d love to dance a jig to a pirate shanty!

Splice the Mainbrace!

This command meant to distribute an extra rum ration, generally to celebrate an accomplishment or special occasion. Pirates loved their grog, so any excuse to drink was met with glee!

Toasts for Grog – Wishes for the Voyage

When drinking together before setting off on some high seas hijinks, pirates made various toasts wishing each other fortune and success:

  • May our paths cross again soon, should fair winds blow and warm taverns call to port.
  • Here‘s to refilling our cups together when the tide turns round again!
  • To fair winds blowing and fine plunder flowing!
  • May your voyages be worthy of legend and song, and your stories be long retold over rum by all you meet!
  • Here‘s to the brotherhood of free men upon the waves, bonded in the pursuit of destiny!
  • To treasures beyond our wildest dreams and the cunning it takes to grasp them!
  • Good health to all who dare live unconquered, and good cheer until we meet again!

I think these well-wishes reflect the pirate community‘s spirit of optimism and faith in providence guiding the adventures set forth by crews of roguish misfits and outcasts. They dreamed big and dared mighty deeds.

Wise Words From Legendary Pirates

Real pirates sure had a way with words when it came to expressing their ideals and wisdom gained from life at sea. Here are some rousing quotes:

"A merry life and a short one shall be my motto." – Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts

"Better to die young and strong than old and sick." – Edward "Ned" Low

“Money can‘t buy happiness, but it‘s much more comfortable to cry in a Porsche than on a bicycle” – Modern "pirate" Captain Eduardo Neira Silva

“Drink up me hearties, Yo Ho!” – Fictional pirate song in Pirates of the Caribbean

"In an honest service there is thin commons, low wages, and hard labour. In piracy, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease, liberty and power. Who would not balance creditor on this side when all the hazard that is run for it at worst is only a sour look or two at choking? No, a merry life and a short one shall be my motto." – Bartholomew "Black Bart" Roberts

Such quotes truly encapsulate the pirate spirit – thirst for riches and rebellion against the status quo, with loyalty to comrades but little care for the rules of prudish society on shore.

For adventurous men trapped in rigid cultures or institutions in the 18th century, piracy represented the ultimate freedom and self-determination. Who could resist the call of treasure, infamy, and a boundless horizon!

The Pirate Life Lingers On

Though the Golden Age of Piracy ended over 300 years ago, pirates continue capturing the public imagination in books and movies. Certain phrases have become ingrained in everyday language:

Arrr! – The stereotypical pirate growl to emphasize a point.

X marks the spot – Where pirate treasure is buried on a map.

Shiver me timbers! – An exclamation of surprise.

Ye be walking the plank! – Forcing someone to fall into the sea (a myth mostly created by fiction writes).

Davy Jones‘ locker – Sailing lingo for death at sea or the bottom of the ocean.

Pieces of eight – Eighteenth century Spanish coins prized as pirate plunder.

Dead men tell no tales – If you kill a pirate, the secret of their hidden riches dies too.

So even landlubbers can talk like Long John Silver! Just throw some "Ayees", "Avasts" and "Mateys" into your vocabulary for International Talk Like a Pirate Day. And if questioned, remember the pirate code demands that you respond "Arrrrgh!" before carrying on.

Statistics on Pirate History & Culture

To give you a better picture of the fascinating reality of piracy throughout history, here are some key statistics:

Pirates came from all walks of life – ex-sailors, captives, craftsmen, runaway slaves, clergymen, and noblemen alike turned to piracy as a way to get ahead. [2]

The most popular pirates flags featured imagery like hourglasses, bleeding hearts, skeletons, and speared hearts – all symbolizing limited time and mortality. [6]

So while pop culture does exaggerate some pirate tropes, the real history is just as thrilling and fascinating! Piracy was obviously a huge enterprise during its peak eras. And major ports essentially embraced pirates for the money they brought in, despite official condemnation.

Parting Words for Fellow Pirate Enthusiasts

Whether you‘re a historian of maritime mischief or just an amateur pirate linguist enchanted by the unique culture, I hope this guide has shed light on how pirates bid each other farewell and wished safe journeys.

From blessings of fair winds to foreboding oaths of buried riches, the salty vernacular and words of wisdom passed between pirates reflected the singular life they chose at sea amid danger and uncertainty. While often cutthroat in discipline, they developed an unspoken code of loyalty and community.

If we meet again one foggy night in a dockside tavern, be sure to wish me well in true pirate fashion before I sail with the morning tide. I‘ll be looking forward to hoisting a mug and saying "yo ho!" once more!

May your voyages lead you to warm sands, clear skies, and friendships true as ballast against the storms we all sail through. Take what bearings you can by the stars and chart your own course toward horizons unknown. There will always be ports aplenty for those with wild hearts and open eyes.

Farewell and adieu, my friend, until we meet again!

Your fellow pirate enthusiast,

Captain W.J. Hendricks

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  • Payware Airports and Scenery Reviews

Scenery Review : Moscow City XP by Drzewiecki Design

  • drzewiecki design


By Stephen September 24, 2016 in Payware Airports and Scenery Reviews

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You fly for hours, anticipating your arrival, wanting to take in the area and the views of another country far away from your departure airport. The airport and the area you leave from is detailed and visually full, and you know you have a great airport scenery waiting for you at the other end of the flight, then when you arrive...

...  Nothing, but flat plain emptiness and the same boring standard X-Plane basic scenery, worse there is no OSM (Open Street Map) data in the tile either, so there is no road or autogen detailing in there as well, just well nothing.

When Drzewiecki Design released their UUEE Sheremetyevo Airport XP , I loved it because it was like a visitor from the Cold War past, the Soviet era, and it was also great scenery and great choice of a destination to fly to from any of the capitals of Europe...  but that was it, just this great airport in the middle of nothingness, bland....   zero ville.

Moscow old.jpg

Now Drzewiecki Design has released "Moscow City"  a scenery package to compliment their UUEE Sheremetyevo, and boy how much a difference this release has done to this totally boring area.

To get the full first impression effect I flew JARDesign's A320neo from EFHK Vatnaa, Helsinki to UUEE Sheremetyevo which is flight Finnair AY153 which is a daily 9.25am service.

Moscow City_ Dep Vatnaa 1.jpg

First Impressions

I was surprised to start picking up scenery still quite away out from central Moscow, as I approached my 6000ft transition altitude. Here there was buildings and houses and the physical visual notes you were arriving somewhere.

Moscow City_ Dep arrival 1.jpg

Looking hard at the horizon through the A320's windows and you could see the iconic silhouette of Moscow city.

Moscow City_ Dep arrival 5.jpg

The scenery provides lite versions of all Moscow's Airports, this is UUWW Vnukovo, which was easily recognisable as you flew over. As you fly closer to the centre of the city the density of the objects below becomes quite heavy as the landscape fills in. You have all kinds of infrastructure including, blocks of flats, tower blocks, factories, housing, skyscrapers and almost everything that makes up an urban landscape, in all there is 2000 custom-made buildings that makes up this impressive scenery.

A note here in that you don't get that rolling as you move feeling effect where as it just suddenly appears in front of you and then quickly disappears behind as soon as you have flown out over the area. There is a slight effect of that as there has to be, but only in the far distance and as you can see from the images the views in every direction are widespread and visually it is very good to excellent.

The "Seven Sisters" or "Stalinist skyscrapers" built from 1947 to 1953 are all in the scenery with their "Wedding Cake" architecture or officially  Russian Baroque               - Gothic style. Most famous is the Moscow State University, front and centre of the image below.

Moscow City_ Dep arrival LG 16.jpg

Central Moscow is excellent and extremely realistic, and you really need a travel guide to pick out the landmarks and detail, but it is hard to miss the Red Kremlin complex  and St Peter's square from the air.  Both sides of the aircraft is visually full until you have crossed right over the city.

Moscow City_ Dep arrival 7.jpg

I am not a fan of the generated 3d OSM scenery, but this is very good in blending in perfectly with the X-Plane default scenery and giving you a smooth transition from country to urban and back again with great realism.

Moscow City_ Dep arrival 14.jpg

Over the city and turning north towards Sheremetyevo, another Moscow airport UUMU Chkalovsky is represented on the turn.

Moscow City_ Dep arrival 17.jpg

The city skyline is now easily visible on landing at Sheremetyevo, and that really helps in the arrival factor, more so in that the cities building infrastructure spread now comes up and around the airport to fill the gaps to the city itself, and making the original  Sheremetyevo scenery that was so open and lonely in the old X-Plane view is now a big part of the whole in this combination. No doubt it really brings this always good scenery now alive and very usable.

Moscow City_ Dep arrival 19.jpg

Sheremetyevo Airport

Before we move on to the city itself. It is important to note the area around UUEE Sheremetyevo itself.

Moscow Sheremetyevo 1.jpg

Compare the large image above to the earlier image at the start of this review to see the amount of change there is around UUEE Sheremetyevo with the addition of this Moscow City package. The two sceneries are of course meant to be used together, and in reality it would look odd if you had Moscow City scenery installed without the Sheremetyevo scenery included to fill out the northern areas. A highlight is that both sceneries together form a single whole, as the areas between the airport and the central city area are well filled in and that gives you a huge area of coverage and the full visual aspect.

To get a closer lower look at the Moscow Center I commandeered Dreamfoil's lovely Bell 407.

Moscow Buildings 1.jpg

There is a 4.000km² total area covered with this scenery here, and you have expect some sort of building replication to cover all that ground. There is of course but as well in the fact there is also enough variations as to not keep it all interesting and not obviously visually obvious.

Moscow Buildings 2.jpg

The closer you go to the central area, the variations in the buildings change there in style and density as well. And then more of the iconic buildings start to appear as you get closer in again to the middle. The business district is excellent, with a lot of business towers and the more modern futuristic skyscraper architecture that stands out in every view point in eye scans across the city.

Moscow Buildings 5.jpg

The more recent is in tune with the more older Stalinist era that makes up the Moscow skyline.

The Kremlin Complex and the Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed (St Basil's) is excellently represented and so is "Red Square"

Moscow Buildings 10.jpg

There are Orthodox churches everywhere and all the big icons in the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Grand Arena of the Central Lenin Stadium, Otkrytive Arena and department stores, museums and power stations and more....

I did have issues with many buildings floating, including the Kremlin. I tried both "Runways follow terrain contours" on and off with no flattening of the objects and there is no information in the manual either on how to fix the problem.

Night lighting is very good, yes there is again a repeatable pattern to the majority of the hundreds of the apartment blocks that does stand out, but the more individual buildings do all have that personal touch and some buildings look really very good.

Moscow Buildings Night 1.jpg

The highlight here is the business district which looks magnificent and is very realistic from any direction at night as is the lit Stadium.

Moscow Buildings Night 3.jpg

Although away from the central area the Ostankino Tower that stands 540.1 metres (1,772 ft) tall, and is the tallest freestanding structure in Europe and it looks great at night and is a very good position indicator from the air from any direction.

Included Moscow Airports

As noted also included in the scenery are seven airports and several helipads.

UUWW Vnukovo

Moscow UUWW Vnukovo 1.jpg

The futuristic Vnukovo International is very good for a lite version, with great terminals and lots of small detailing. Only thing missing is the static aircraft and a bit more ramp equipment, but otherwise it is highly usable.

UUDD Domodedovo

Moscow UUDD Domodedovo 1.jpg

The oldest of Moscow's International airports is Domodedovo. Again it is quite devoid of static aircraft and I am not crazy about the blue terminal glass work, but it is still a very workable scenery to use and has a lot of well made objects.

UUBW Zhukovsky

Moscow UUBW Zhukovsky 1.jpg

Zhukovsky was a major aircraft testing facility since the  cold war years, with most of the major Russian Experimental Design Bureau's having facilities here. It is also now used by the Ministry of Emergency Situations! and cargo carriers. It was also used as a test site for the Soviet Buran  reusable Spacecraft because it has the world's second longest pubic runway at at 5,402 m (17,723 ft). Mostly it is a collection of very large hangars but has a lot of static aircraft in storage.

UUMO Ostafyevo International Business Airport

Moscow UUMo Ostafyevo 1.jpg

A former military airbase. Ostafyevo features a new modern glass terminal, and caters primarily to business aviation.

UUMU Chkalovsky

Moscow UUMU Chkalovsky 1.jpg

Chkalovsky is a military logistics airport that is famous for it's support for the Russian Space program and transport to Star City and the Yuri A. Gagarin State Scientific Research-and-Testing Cosmonaut Training Center. Yuri Gagarin left here on his final flight before crashing by the town of Kirzhach.

UUBM Myachkovo Airport

Moscow UUBM Myachkovo 1.jpg

Myachkovo is a small General Aviation Airport that is owned by the Finpromko company. Cargo aircraft up to the size of the Ilyushin ll-76 freighter can also use the airport.

UUMB Kubinka

Moscow UUMB Kubinka 1.jpg

Kubinka has been a significant Russian military airbase and large airshows are held here to show off the Russian military might.

There is also provided UUU1 Kremlin Airport, within the Kremlin walls, but I couldn't get it to work? There are two pads in H1 and H2.

Your first thoughts after reviewing this excellent Moscow scenery is not with this actual package. You then wish that you could have this extensive scenery at London, Rome, Madrid, Berlin and the list could go on with any of your favorite European Cities, and don't count a load in the Middle East and Asia. But a London scenery like this would certainly be a godsend in our X-Plane world. Drzewiecki Design has already done Warsaw and Manhattan, so there is always hope.

It is not cheap either and you need to add in their UUEE Sheremetyevo scenery package on top of that as well. But you get an awful lot of ground covered here for your money, with the area covered here that is extensive...  huge and flying into Moscow will never be the same again.

A few areas to note in one that in my case a few of the buildings floated, the download is huge load at 1.4gb and this Russian area is not the best for navigation aids and programming FMS units as most waypoints are not recognised. Most of the airports ILS coordinates also have to checked and recalibrated (Drzewiecki Design do provide all the correct coordinates) so there is a little work to do to set up repeat services but the work is worth the results.

Not only is the actual Moscow city and all it's buildings supported, you also get seven (if lite versions) of Moscow's other airports included as well, but the framerate processing of all this huge amount of objects and scale is pretty good to excellent. Framerate does hurt more on a lower (helicopter) level and certainly you need a computer with a little extra power is in no doubt required, but overall for the size of the area the scenery is extremely efficient.

Yes I was impressed by this Moscow City Scenery, as this once very barren area of X-Plane is now a very attractive repeat destination as nothing can give you a greater fulfilment than seeing your destination appear in the distance and then give you a huge visual experience as you fly over and approach your destination.

Moscow City certainly delivers that and more...  Just more sceneries like this please!

X-Plane Store logo sm.jpg

Moscow City XP by Drzewiecki Design is NOW available! from the X-Plane.Org Store here :

  • Extremely detailed model of Moscow metropolitan area in Russia
  • Almost 2000 custom-made buildings and other objects, all high quality, FPS-friendly and with night textures
  • Whole Moscow center done in 3D as well as all other important landmarks - museums, palaces, skyscrapers, towers, bridges, railway stations, Zara stores...
  • Trains, ships, 3D people, cars, airport vehicles, static aircraft - anything you can imagine
  • About 4000 sq.km of photoreal 0,5-1m/pix terrain with autogen
  • Sceneries of all surrounding airports including UUWW Vnukovo, UUDD Domodedovo, UUBW Zhukovski, UUMO Ostafyevo, UUBM Myachkovo and UUMB Kubinka, with all airport buildings, detailed layouts, people, airport vehicles and more
  • Very detailed Kremlin model with newly constructed heliport



Installation and documents:

Download for the Moscow City XP is 1.47gb and the unzipped file is deposited in the "Custom Scenery" as four files:

DDZ Moscow City XP (3.99gb) - Yes GIGABYTES!

DDZ Moscow City XP Layer 2 (30.20mb)

DDZ Moscow City XP Documents (1.0 mb)

ZZZ_DDZ Moscow City XP Terrain (20.10mb)

Installation for Windows comes with an .exe installer that deposits the files in the correct order required (however I still moved the ZZZ- folder to the bottom via the INI text install list.

Installation Instructions are provided for Mac and Linux

You need to check all airports ILS coordinates are correct, instructions are provided.

Documents: Two documents include

Moscow City XP MacLinuxinstall

Moscow City XP Manual (seven pages)

Review System Specifications:

Computer System : Windows  - Intel Core i7 6700K CPU 4.00GHz / 64bit - 16 Gb single 1067 Mhz DDR4 2133 - GeForce GTX 980/SSE2 - Samsung Evo 512gb SSD 

Software :   - Windows 10 - X-Plane 10 Global ver 10.50

Addons : Saitek x52 Pro system Joystick and Throttle : Sound - Bose  Soundlink Mini

Plugins: JARDesign Ground Handling Deluxe US$14.95 : WorldTraffic US$29.95

Scenery or Aircraft

- Airbus A320neo by JARDesign ( X-Plane.OrgStore ) - US$59.95 : A320neo Sound Packs by Blue Sky Star Simulations ( X-Plane.OrgStore ) - US$19.95

- Bell 407 by Dreamfoil Creations ( X-Plane.OrgStore ) - US$34.95

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  • 7 months later...


Thank you for this very thorough (as always) review. I just bought it (it's on sale) and have only one disappointment so far: Red Square has no ILS or any landing aids at all for that matter. And what a nightmare of an approach! Also I was hoping the package would include an add-on that gives my c172 a big cup holder for my Stoli. Otherwise the scenery is gorgeous. What a country!

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Kings of Russia

The Comprehensive Guide to Moscow Nightlife

  • Posted on April 14, 2018 July 26, 2018
  • by Kings of Russia
  • 8 minute read

madere voyage pirate

Moscow’s nightlife scene is thriving, and arguably one of the best the world has to offer – top-notch Russian women, coupled with a never-ending list of venues, Moscow has a little bit of something for everyone’s taste. Moscow nightlife is not for the faint of heart – and if you’re coming, you better be ready to go Friday and Saturday night into the early morning.

This comprehensive guide to Moscow nightlife will run you through the nuts and bolts of all you need to know about Moscow’s nightclubs and give you a solid blueprint to operate with during your time in Moscow.

What you need to know before hitting Moscow nightclubs

Prices in moscow nightlife.

Before you head out and start gaming all the sexy Moscow girls , we have to talk money first. Bring plenty because in Moscow you can never bring a big enough bankroll. Remember, you’re the man so making a fuzz of not paying a drink here or there will not go down well.

Luckily most Moscow clubs don’t do cover fees. Some electro clubs will charge 15-20$, depending on their lineup. There’s the odd club with a minimum spend of 20-30$, which you’ll drop on drinks easily. By and large, you can scope out the venues for free, which is a big plus.

Bottle service is a great deal in Moscow. At top-tier clubs, it starts at 1,000$. That’ll go a long way with premium vodka at 250$, especially if you have three or four guys chipping in. Not to mention that it’s a massive status boost for getting girls, especially at high-end clubs.

Without bottle service, you should estimate a budget of 100-150$ per night. That is if you drink a lot and hit the top clubs with the hottest girls. Scale down for less alcohol and more basic places.

Dress code & Face control

Door policy in Moscow is called “face control” and it’s always the guy behind the two gorillas that gives the green light if you’re in or out.

In Moscow nightlife there’s only one rule when it comes to dress codes:

You can never be underdressed.

People dress A LOT sharper than, say, in the US and that goes for both sexes. For high-end clubs, you definitely want to roll with a sharp blazer and a pocket square, not to mention dress shoes in tip-top condition. Those are the minimum requirements to level the playing field vis a vis with other sharply dressed guys that have a lot more money than you do. Unless you plan to hit explicit electro or underground clubs, which have their own dress code, you are always on the money with that style.

Getting in a Moscow club isn’t as hard as it seems: dress sharp, speak English at the door and look like you’re in the mood to spend all that money that you supposedly have (even if you don’t). That will open almost any door in Moscow’s nightlife for you.

Types of Moscow Nightclubs

In Moscow there are four types of clubs with the accompanying female clientele:

High-end clubs:

These are often crossovers between restaurants and clubs with lots of tables and very little space to dance. Heavy accent on bottle service most of the time but you can work the room from the bar as well. The hottest and most expensive girls in Moscow go there. Bring deep pockets and lots of self-confidence and you have a shot at swooping them.

Regular Mid-level clubs:

They probably resemble more what you’re used to in a nightclub: big dancefloors, stages and more space to roam around. Bottle service will make you stand out more but you can also do well without. You can find all types of girls but most will be in the 6-8 range. Your targets should always be the girls drinking and ideally in pairs. It’s impossible not to swoop if your game is at least half-decent.

Basic clubs/dive bars:

Usually spots with very cheap booze and lax face control. If you’re dressed too sharp and speak no Russian, you might attract the wrong type of attention so be vigilant. If you know the local scene you can swoop 6s and 7s almost at will. Usually students and girls from the suburbs.

Electro/underground clubs:

Home of the hipsters and creatives. Parties there don’t mean meeting girls and getting drunk but doing pills and spacing out to the music. Lots of attractive hipster girls if that is your niche. That is its own scene with a different dress code as well.

madere voyage pirate

What time to go out in Moscow

Moscow nightlife starts late. Don’t show up at bars and preparty spots before 11pm because you’ll feel fairly alone. Peak time is between 1am and 3am. That is also the time of Moscow nightlife’s biggest nuisance: concerts by artists you won’t know and who only distract your girls from drinking and being gamed. From 4am to 6am the regular clubs are emptying out but plenty of people, women included, still hit up one of the many afterparty clubs. Those last till well past 10am.

As far as days go: Fridays and Saturdays are peak days. Thursday is an OK day, all other days are fairly weak and you have to know the right venues.

The Ultimate Moscow Nightclub List

Short disclaimer: I didn’t add basic and electro clubs since you’re coming for the girls, not for the music. This list will give you more options than you’ll be able to handle on a weekend.

Preparty – start here at 11PM

Classic restaurant club with lots of tables and a smallish bar and dancefloor. Come here between 11pm and 12am when the concert is over and they start with the actual party. Even early in the night tons of sexy women here, who lean slightly older (25 and up).

The second floor of the Ugolek restaurant is an extra bar with dim lights and house music tunes. Very small and cozy with a slight hipster vibe but generally draws plenty of attractive women too. A bit slower vibe than Valenok.

Very cool, spread-out venue that has a modern library theme. Not always full with people but when it is, it’s brimming with top-tier women. Slow vibe here and better for grabbing contacts and moving on.

madere voyage pirate

High-end: err on the side of being too early rather than too late because of face control.

Secret Room

Probably the top venue at the moment in Moscow . Very small but wildly popular club, which is crammed with tables but always packed. They do parties on Thursdays and Sundays as well. This club has a hip-hop/high-end theme, meaning most girls are gold diggers, IG models, and tattooed hip hop chicks. Very unfavorable logistics because there is almost no room no move inside the club but the party vibe makes it worth it. Strict face control.

Close to Secret Room and with a much more favorable and spacious three-part layout. This place attracts very hot women but also lots of ball busters and fakes that will leave you blue-balled. Come early because after 4am it starts getting empty fast. Electronic music.

A slightly kitsch restaurant club that plays Russian pop and is full of gold diggers, semi-pros, and men from the Caucasus republics. Thursday is the strongest night but that dynamic might be changing since Secret Room opened its doors. You can swoop here but it will be a struggle.

madere voyage pirate

Mid-level: your sweet spot in terms of ease and attractiveness of girls for an average budget.

Started going downwards in 2018 due to lax face control and this might get even worse with the World Cup. In terms of layout one of the best Moscow nightclubs because it’s very big and bottle service gives you a good edge here. Still attracts lots of cute girls with loose morals but plenty of provincial girls (and guys) as well. Swooping is fairly easy here.

I haven’t been at this place in over a year, ever since it started becoming ground zero for drunken teenagers. Similar clientele to Icon but less chic, younger and drunker. Decent mainstream music that attracts plenty of tourists. Girls are easy here as well.

Sort of a Coyote Ugly (the real one in Moscow sucks) with party music and lots of drunken people licking each others’ faces. Very entertaining with the right amount of alcohol and very easy to pull in there. Don’t think about staying sober in here, you’ll hate it.

Artel Bessonitsa/Shakti Terrace

Electronic music club that is sort of a high-end place with an underground clientele and located between the teenager clubs Icon and Gipsy. Very good music but a bit all over the place with their vibe and their branding. You can swoop almost any type of girl here from high-heeled beauty to coked-up hipsters, provided they’re not too sober.

madere voyage pirate

Afterparty: if by 5AM  you haven’t pulled, it’s time to move here.

Best afterparty spot in terms of trying to get girls. Pretty much no one is sober in there and savage gorilla game goes a long way. Lots of very hot and slutty-looking girls but it can be hard to tell apart who is looking for dick and who is just on drugs but not interested. If by 9-10am you haven’t pulled, it is probably better to surrender.

The hipster alternative for afterparties, where even more drugs are in play. Plenty of attractive girls there but you have to know how to work this type of club. A nicer atmosphere and better music but if you’re desperate to pull, you’ll probably go to Miks.

Weekday jokers: if you’re on the hunt for some sexy Russian girls during the week, here are two tips to make your life easier.


Ladies night on Wednesdays means this place gets pretty packed with smashed teenagers and 6s and 7s. Don’t pull out the three-piece suit in here because it’s a “simpler” crowd. Definitely your best shot on Wednesdays.

If you haven’t pulled at Chesterfield, you can throw a Hail Mary and hit up Garage’s Black Music Wednesdays. Fills up really late but there are some cute Black Music groupies in here. Very small club. Thursday through Saturday they do afterparties and you have an excellent shot and swooping girls that are probably high.

Shishas Sferum

This is pretty much your only shot on Mondays and Tuesdays because they offer free or almost free drinks for women. A fairly low-class club where you should watch your drinks. As always the case in Moscow, there will be cute girls here on any day of the week but it’s nowhere near as good as on the weekend.

madere voyage pirate

In a nutshell, that is all you need to know about where to meet Moscow girls in nightlife. There are tons of options, and it all depends on what best fits your style, based on the type of girls that you’re looking for.

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The Pirates of Penzance

Spring 2025

Tickets will go on sale to the general public at a later date.  Subscribers  and  donors  get first access to tickets and other special benefits.

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Ramin Karimloo and David Hyde Pierce lead the crew in this must-see Roundabout reimagining of  The Pirates of Penzance . Scott Ellis ( Doubt ; Kiss Me, Kate ) directs and Warren Carlyle ( Harmony ; Kiss Me, Kate ) choreographs with a hilarious new adaptation by Rupert Holmes ( The Mystery of Edwin Drood ), musical direction by Joseph Joubert ( Caroline, or Change ), and orchestrations by Joubert and Daryl Waters ( Memphis ).  

Gilbert & Sullivan’s pirate ship docks in New Orleans in this jazzy-bluesy vision of the crowd-pleasing classic, in an outrageously clever romp sizzling with Caribbean rhythms and French Quarter flair. With the tongue-twisting Major-General, the rabble-rousing Pirate King, newly-imagined young lovers, daring daughters, footloose pirates and fleet-footed police, there's a shipload of musical comedy delights on board to dazzle first-timers and G&S aficionados alike.  

The Pirates of Penzance Cast

The pirates of penzance creative.

Additional cast and creative team members will be announced at a later date.

Underwriting support for The Pirates of Penzance is generously provided by Salman and Vienn Al-Rashid.

The Pirates of Penzance  benefits from Roundabout’s Musical Production Fund with lead gifts from the Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, Michael Kors and Lance Le Pere, Diane and Tom Tuft, and Cynthia C. Wainwright and Stephen Berger.



Presented at

227 West 42nd Street, New York, NY

between 7th and 8th Avenues

Venue information

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