• Saint-Étienne
  • Le-Puy-en-Velay
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Bourg-en-Bresse

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Mercredi 13 Juillet - 20:00

radio scoop music tour feurs

Un concert gratuit, ouvert à tous, à l'Hippodrome de Feurs !

Rendez-vous mercredi 13 juillet à l'hippodrome de Feurs dès 20h

radio scoop music tour feurs


SCOOP Music Tour 2022 : rendez-vous mardi 12 juillet dès 20h30 à ValseRhône !

Juste avant les vacances, SCOOP Music Tour, la plus...

radio scoop music tour feurs


(Photos - Replay) SCOOP Music Tour 2019 : vous étiez plus de 30.000 à Feurs !

Le SCOOP Music Tour 2019 a de nouveau tenu sa promesse...

radio scoop music tour feurs

Philippe Lellouche "Stand alone"

radio scoop music tour feurs

Trail solidaire la Dragonix

radio scoop music tour feurs

Concerts de Marion Cousineau et Luciole aux Mots de Printemps

radio scoop music tour feurs

Les Jeux Métropolitains

radio scoop music tour feurs

Le Nouveau Cirque Zavatta présente Oz'Éclats

radio scoop music tour feurs

AS Lyon Caluire Handball vs U.S. Crauroise Handball

radio scoop music tour feurs

Newsletter Radio SCOOP

radio scoop music tour feurs

Expo Passion Japon

radio scoop music tour feurs

Marathon Bresse Dombes

radio scoop music tour feurs

ESPM vs Beaujolais Basket

radio scoop music tour feurs

Sainté Color

radio scoop music tour feurs

Course de caisses à savon

radio scoop music tour feurs

Trial Show à D'Griff Moto 42

radio scoop music tour feurs

Les Folies Godelonnes - Fête de la bière

radio scoop music tour feurs

Foire Expo du Puy-en-Velay

radio scoop music tour feurs

La Boum Géante

radio scoop music tour feurs

ASUL Vaulx-en-Velin Handball vs Lomme Lille Metropole HB


radio scoop music tour feurs



  • Saint-Étienne
  • Le-Puy-en-Velay
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Bourg-en-Bresse

radio scoop music tour feurs

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radio scoop music tour feurs


Jeudi 14 Juillet - 18:35

radio scoop music tour feurs

Il achète des bijoux 13 euros au lieu de 13.000 euros suite à un bug informatique

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Live : Eddy de Pretto, Santa, Julien Granel et Make Sense enflamment Foire...

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Live : Superbus, Grégoire, Jeck, Willy William... mettent le feu à Ekinox...

radio scoop music tour feurs

Sur un Vélo'V, ce cycliste fait du VTT dans les rues de Lyon !

radio scoop music tour feurs

[PHOTOS] Découvrez les photos de la séance de dédicaces d'Elsa Esnoult - On bûche...

radio scoop music tour feurs

[PHOTOS] Retrouvez vos photos avec Grégoire à l'occasion de "On bûche pour...

radio scoop music tour feurs

[VIDÉO] Le patron de l'OL John Textor fait le show en skate 

radio scoop music tour feurs

[PHOTOS] Interview, rencontre et showcase de Patrick Bruel dans nos studios

radio scoop music tour feurs

Montez à bord du SCOOP Live avec Jain, Christophe Willem, Eloïz et Joseph Kamel

radio scoop music tour feurs

Lyon : sous le soleil, il fait du paddle dans la fontaine des Jacobins

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Live : Vianney et Chiloo enflamment la scène du Théâtre à l'Ouest Lyon

radio scoop music tour feurs

Les réactions les plus drôles à la photo d'Emmanuel Macron en boxeur

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Music Tour 2023 à Valserhône : découvrez les photos du concert

radio scoop music tour feurs

Retrouvez l'interview de Sandra, maquilleuse professionnelle.

radio scoop music tour feurs

Une ligne de vêtements spéciale “Saint-Étienne” pour Timothée Chalamet

radio scoop music tour feurs

Le maire de Brassac-les-Mines menacé de mort 

radio scoop music tour feurs

ASSE - Rodez : Geoffroy-Guichard déjà à guichets fermés !

radio scoop music tour feurs

Panique en Angleterre après une photo en noir et blanc de Kate Middleton et du prince...

radio scoop music tour feurs

La braderie printanière d'Oullins aura lieu ce samedi 4 mai


radio scoop music tour feurs



  • Saint-Étienne
  • Le-Puy-en-Velay
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Bourg-en-Bresse

radio scoop music tour feurs

Cliquer pour télécharger l'application Radio Scoop

radio scoop music tour feurs


Jeudi 14 Juillet - 18:35

radio scoop music tour feurs

Il achète des bijoux 13 euros au lieu de 13.000 euros suite à un bug informatique

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Live : Eddy de Pretto, Santa, Julien Granel et Make Sense enflamment Foire...

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Live : Superbus, Grégoire, Jeck, Willy William... mettent le feu à Ekinox...

radio scoop music tour feurs

Sur un Vélo'V, ce cycliste fait du VTT dans les rues de Lyon !

radio scoop music tour feurs

[PHOTOS] Découvrez les photos de la séance de dédicaces d'Elsa Esnoult - On bûche...

radio scoop music tour feurs

[PHOTOS] Retrouvez vos photos avec Grégoire à l'occasion de "On bûche pour...

radio scoop music tour feurs

[VIDÉO] Le patron de l'OL John Textor fait le show en skate 

radio scoop music tour feurs

[PHOTOS] Interview, rencontre et showcase de Patrick Bruel dans nos studios

radio scoop music tour feurs

Montez à bord du SCOOP Live avec Jain, Christophe Willem, Eloïz et Joseph Kamel

radio scoop music tour feurs

Lyon : sous le soleil, il fait du paddle dans la fontaine des Jacobins

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Live : Vianney et Chiloo enflamment la scène du Théâtre à l'Ouest Lyon

radio scoop music tour feurs

Les réactions les plus drôles à la photo d'Emmanuel Macron en boxeur

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Music Tour 2023 à Valserhône : découvrez les photos du concert

radio scoop music tour feurs

Retrouvez l'interview de Sandra, maquilleuse professionnelle.

radio scoop music tour feurs

Une ligne de vêtements spéciale “Saint-Étienne” pour Timothée Chalamet

radio scoop music tour feurs

Le maire de Brassac-les-Mines menacé de mort 

radio scoop music tour feurs

ASSE - Rodez : Geoffroy-Guichard déjà à guichets fermés !

radio scoop music tour feurs

Panique en Angleterre après une photo en noir et blanc de Kate Middleton et du prince...

radio scoop music tour feurs

La braderie printanière d'Oullins aura lieu ce samedi 4 mai


radio scoop music tour feurs


Couleur Forez Mag, le magazine gratuit du Forez

Le 13 juillet, le concert Scoop Music Tour fait son retour à Feurs

Charlie Winston, Willy William, Eva Queen, Dorely, Soolking, Alliel, Tayc, Yanns, Lucenzo, Marghe, Mentissa, Céphaz, Lujipeka, La Petite Culotte et Léna Maire. Voici le plateau du concert, de retour après deux éditions annulées.

Le 13 juillet, le concert Scoop Music Tour fait son retour à Feurs

Déjà dix ans que le Scoop Music Tour se tient à Feurs. Cette année, l’événement musical inscrit dans l’ADN de la ville aura lieu, comme à son habitude, le 13 juillet à l’hippodrome. Dès 19  heures, venez écouter les artistes qui rythmeront la soirée jusqu’à minuit. Pour accéder au site, deux possibilités : l’entrée gratuite ou les speed pass, disponibles dans les boutiques de Feurs et l’office de tourisme, qui vous permettront de passer plus vite.

En 2020 et 2021, les éditions du Scoop Music Tour de Feurs n’ont pu avoir lieu en raison de la crise sanitaire. Une situation qui a eu des répercussions. «  Cela a cassé une dynamique , reconnaît Hervé Maître, directeur de cabinet du maire. Il nous a fallu plus d’énergie pour relancer l’organisation de ce concert. » Ces annulations n’ont en tous cas pas impacté l’intérêt du public, qui attend cette soirée avec impatience.

Par le passé, l’ouverture des portes signalait le début de la course pour se placer au plus près de la scène. Un endroit stratégique qui amène même certains spectateurs à patienter, devant les portiques, dès la veille : « A Feurs, la première édition avait réuni 7  000 personnes et en 2017, nous avons atteint une fréquentation record avec 42  000  spectateurs. »

« C’est le plus grand concert gratuit de l’été en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, nous accueillons plus de 25 000 personnes en une soirée » , précise Hervé Maître. Radio Scoop diffusant de la musique pour tous les goûts et tous les âges, le concert se veut familial et convivial. « On peut très facilement identifier trois ou quatre générations différentes parmi le public » , se réjouit-il.

Un plateau d’exception

Totalement gratuit, le Scoop Music Tour offre un avantage aux parents, qui peuvent accompagner leurs enfants voir leurs artistes préférés à moindres frais. Pour restaurer tout le monde, des stands de snacks et des buvettes se tiendront autour de la fosse. « Chacun vient comme il veut, si vous préférez faire vos sandwichs, vous avez le droit » , explique Hervé Maître. Pour faire fonctionner un tel événement, 250 bénévoles se mobilisent ainsi qu’une centaine d’agents de sécurité et de forces de l’ordre.

radio scoop music tour feurs

Comme chaque année, les artistes sélectionnés font partie des chanteurs et chanteuses diffusés sur les ondes de la radio régionale. À l’affiche du Scoop Music Tour de Feurs, « un plateau d’exception » : Charlie Winston, Willy William, Eva Queen, Dorely, Soolking, Alliel, Tayc, Yanns, Lucenzo, Marghe, Mentissa, Céphaz, Lujipeka, La Petite Culotte et Léna Maire. En plus du grand public, le Scoop Music Tour invite ses partenaires avec des accès privilèges et hyper VIP dans des zones assises. Elles se situeront devant la scène pour offrir une vue plus dégagée sur les différentes performances de la soirée.

Course colorée le 14 juillet

Rappelons que Radio Scoop émet au niveau régional : dans le Rhône, la Loire et Haute-Loire, Le Puy-de-Dôme et l’Allier, l’Ain et la Saône-et-Loire, mais aussi l’Ardèche. Fondée par Daniel Perez, elle fait partie des premières radios indépendantes françaises. Cette année, elle organise également son concert Scoop Music Tour à Valserhône, le 12 juillet. Mais l’évènement existe depuis plus de 25 ans et s’est déjà tenu au Lac des Sapins, dans le Rhône, ou encore au parc Walibi, en Isère.

Le 14 juillet, le comité des fêtes de Feurs organise pour la première fois une course colorée. « Feurs est connue pour être une ville dynamique, mais nous n’avions rien de prévu le jour de la fête nationale » , constate Hervé Maître. Quel est le principe ? Les participants empruntent un parcours ponctué de quelques obstacles et, en chemin, des bénévoles les attendront de pied ferme. Les coureurs se retrouveront ainsi couverts, de la tête aux pieds, de poudre rouge, bleue, jaune ou encore verte. A Feurs, les courses se termineront vers 13h30 avant que l’événement se clôture avec un lancer de poudre géant. Les curieux sont invités à admirer et encourager les participants.

Arthur Bonglet


  • Saint-Étienne
  • Le-Puy-en-Velay
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Bourg-en-Bresse

radio scoop music tour feurs

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Vendredi 14 Juillet - 07:45

radio scoop music tour feurs

Black M à l'hippodrome de Feurs

Keen'v et hatik au rendez-vous, 30.000 spectateurs.

radio scoop music tour feurs

Le maire de Brassac-les-Mines menacé de mort 

radio scoop music tour feurs

La braderie printanière d'Oullins aura lieu ce samedi 4 mai

radio scoop music tour feurs

La ZOA #2 : un chapiteau coloré place Bernard 

radio scoop music tour feurs

[VIDEO] Naissance exceptionnelle d'un bébé vautour au Parc des Oiseaux

radio scoop music tour feurs

Les futures rames du Clermont-Paris pas avant 2027 : "un gros grain de sable"...

radio scoop music tour feurs

Trévoux : vers une action dans les arbres sur le site de Dinopedia ?

radio scoop music tour feurs

[VIDEO] Lyon : une nacelle s'encastre dans une trémie à la Part-Dieu

radio scoop music tour feurs

Casino : plus de 120 magasins ferment leurs portes ce mardi

radio scoop music tour feurs

L'abattoir d'Issoire bientôt repris par le département du Puy-de-Dôme

radio scoop music tour feurs

150 mots font leur entrée dans le Petit Larousse

radio scoop music tour feurs

Orages en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes : plusieurs départements en vigilance jaune

radio scoop music tour feurs

Halles Paul Bocuse : la mairie lance une procédure de mise en concurrence

radio scoop music tour feurs

Rhône : un nouveau centre de santé et d'éducation sexuelle

radio scoop music tour feurs

Un défilé de voitures anciennes à Saint-Étienne dimanche 5 mai


radio scoop music tour feurs



  • Saint-Étienne
  • Le-Puy-en-Velay
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Bourg-en-Bresse

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Jeudi 13 Juillet - 20:00

radio scoop music tour feurs

Un concert gratuit, ouvert à tous, à l'Hippodrome de Feurs !

Retrouvez sur scène vos artistes préférés :.

Rendez-vous jeudi 13 juillet 2023 dès 20h à l'hippodrome de Feurs

radio scoop music tour feurs


SCOOP Music Tour 2023 : rendez-vous mercredi 12 juillet dès 20h à Valserhône !

SCOOP Music Tour, la plus grande fête de la région,...

radio scoop music tour feurs


SCOOP Music Tour 2022 à Feurs : découvrez les photos

Après deux ans d'interruption, le SCOOP Music Tour...

radio scoop music tour feurs

Philippe Lellouche "Stand alone"

radio scoop music tour feurs

Trail solidaire la Dragonix

radio scoop music tour feurs

Concerts de Marion Cousineau et Luciole aux Mots de Printemps

radio scoop music tour feurs

Les Jeux Métropolitains

radio scoop music tour feurs

Le Nouveau Cirque Zavatta présente Oz'Éclats

radio scoop music tour feurs

AS Lyon Caluire Handball vs U.S. Crauroise Handball

radio scoop music tour feurs

Newsletter Radio SCOOP

radio scoop music tour feurs

Expo Passion Japon

radio scoop music tour feurs

Marathon Bresse Dombes

radio scoop music tour feurs

ESPM vs Beaujolais Basket

radio scoop music tour feurs

Sainté Color

radio scoop music tour feurs

Course de caisses à savon

radio scoop music tour feurs

Trial Show à D'Griff Moto 42

radio scoop music tour feurs

Les Folies Godelonnes - Fête de la bière

radio scoop music tour feurs

Foire Expo du Puy-en-Velay

radio scoop music tour feurs

La Boum Géante

radio scoop music tour feurs

ASUL Vaulx-en-Velin Handball vs Lomme Lille Metropole HB


radio scoop music tour feurs



  • Saint-Étienne
  • Le-Puy-en-Velay
  • Clermont-Ferrand
  • Bourg-en-Bresse

radio scoop music tour feurs

Cliquer pour télécharger l'application Radio Scoop

radio scoop music tour feurs


Jeudi 14 Juillet - 18:35

radio scoop music tour feurs

Il achète des bijoux 13 euros au lieu de 13.000 euros suite à un bug informatique

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Live : Eddy de Pretto, Santa, Julien Granel et Make Sense enflamment Foire...

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Live : Superbus, Grégoire, Jeck, Willy William... mettent le feu à Ekinox...

radio scoop music tour feurs

Sur un Vélo'V, ce cycliste fait du VTT dans les rues de Lyon !

radio scoop music tour feurs

[PHOTOS] Découvrez les photos de la séance de dédicaces d'Elsa Esnoult - On bûche...

radio scoop music tour feurs

[PHOTOS] Retrouvez vos photos avec Grégoire à l'occasion de "On bûche pour...

radio scoop music tour feurs

[VIDÉO] Le patron de l'OL John Textor fait le show en skate 

radio scoop music tour feurs

[PHOTOS] Interview, rencontre et showcase de Patrick Bruel dans nos studios

radio scoop music tour feurs

Montez à bord du SCOOP Live avec Jain, Christophe Willem, Eloïz et Joseph Kamel

radio scoop music tour feurs

Lyon : sous le soleil, il fait du paddle dans la fontaine des Jacobins

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Live : Vianney et Chiloo enflamment la scène du Théâtre à l'Ouest Lyon

radio scoop music tour feurs

Les réactions les plus drôles à la photo d'Emmanuel Macron en boxeur

radio scoop music tour feurs

SCOOP Music Tour 2023 à Valserhône : découvrez les photos du concert

radio scoop music tour feurs

Retrouvez l'interview de Sandra, maquilleuse professionnelle.

radio scoop music tour feurs

Une ligne de vêtements spéciale “Saint-Étienne” pour Timothée Chalamet

radio scoop music tour feurs

Le maire de Brassac-les-Mines menacé de mort 

radio scoop music tour feurs

ASSE - Rodez : Geoffroy-Guichard déjà à guichets fermés !

radio scoop music tour feurs

Panique en Angleterre après une photo en noir et blanc de Kate Middleton et du prince...

radio scoop music tour feurs

La braderie printanière d'Oullins aura lieu ce samedi 4 mai


radio scoop music tour feurs


john fowles center for creative writing

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John Fowles Center for Creative Writing

In the novel,  The French Lieutenant’s Woman , which inspired the movie with the same name, British author John Fowles writes, “We all write poems; it is simply that poets are the ones who write in words.”

This idea that we all harbor stories within us to tell and to share those stories is something for which we all yearn, lies at the core of Chapman University’s John Fowles Center for Creative Writing, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.

Created to give students and the public opportunities to gain greater appreciation of the written word and of writers, the Fowles Center highlights and celebrates all aspects of creative writing, including poetry, fiction, drama, creative nonfiction and screen and playwriting. To accomplish this goal, each spring the Center invites distinguished national and international writers to Chapman University to share their work with students and the Southern California community at large.

Literary Legends Come to Chapman

Celebrating its 20th Anniversary, the John Fowles Center has hosted such international and national writers as: Nobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka; Salman Rushdie; Maxine Hong Kingston; Edward Albee; Lawrence Ferlinghetti; Alain Robbe-Grillet; Gioconda Belli; Steve Katz; Pablo Neruda Prize winner, Raúl Zurita; Elias Khoury; II Bienal de Novela winner, Carlos Franz; Pulitzer Prize winner, John Ashbery; David Antin; Willis Barnstone; Nobel Nominees, Claudio Magris and Luisa Valenzuela; Giorgio Pressburger; Giuseppe Conte and Isabel Allende, among others.

Exposing students to the persity of writers in the world and their literature has been the intent of Fowles Center Founder and Director Mark Axelrod. An author and professor of Comparative Literature at Chapman, Axelrod has given students and interested members of the public the chance to hear from a wide variety of voices in creative writing.

“Earning my PhD in Comparative Literature, I had the wonderful opportunity to read many great writers. I’ve invited to Chapman a perse group of writers, both culturally and artistically, including international authors, who share their work in English and their own languages. Some of the writers are Nobel laureates. Several authors are coming this year to celebrate the 20th anniversary.” (See end of article for details)

Fowles Center History

The seeds for the Fowles Center were planted in the late 1970s when Axelrod, who shared the same birthday with Fowles, wrote to the author and asked questions about his writing and a correspondence ensued. Twenty years later, in 1996, while on a Leverhulme Fellowship to teach screenwriting at The University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, Axelrod met Christopher Bigsby, director of the Arthur Miller Centre for American Studies, and talked to him about his centre. Since Axelrod was in Norwich, Bigsby suggested he meet with Fowles at his home in Lyme Regis.

When they met, he asked the writer if he’d be willing to lend his name to a writing center much like Arthur Miller did with the center in Norwich, and Fowles enthusiastically agreed. The Center began in 1997, and the first writer to visit was the Argentine novelist, Luisa Valenzuela. In 2003, Axelrod invited Fowles and his wife, Sara, to Chapman and the University gave him an honorary degree. “We had a marvelous time, but John was not well,” says Axelrod. “Sadly, he died two years later.”

Young Writers’ Workshop

In 2011, in order to reach out to the community, the Center began the John Fowles Center for Creative Writing Young Writers’ Workshop in which Orange High School students participate in creative writing workshops mentored by Chapman graduate students. As part of the workshop, the students are invited to each of the distinguished author Literary Forum readings.

Jan Osborn, assistant professor of Rhetoric and Writing Studies in Chapman’s English Department, is director of the Chapman University/Orange High School Literacies Partnership and facilitates the Young Writers’ Workshop. Open to interested 9-12th graders, the workshop, held each spring, offers students the opportunity to focus on their own creative writing.

“Because of the standardization of K-12 curriculum, students get little chance to be creative in their work,” says Osborn. “The workshop becomes a value-added part of their writing education. They also spend time on a university campus and see themselves as college students one day. And the graduate students who serve as small-group leaders are invaluable. They meet with the students 10 times and help them with their writing and answer questions about college.” At the culmination of the program, there’s an awards ceremony where students can read their work. The program, which began with only five students per workshop, is flourishing with more than 30 students to date.

• See renowned authors this winter and spring at Chapman. All readings are free and open to the public and are held in Beckman Hall 404 at 5 pm, except for the Vargas Llosa event, which will be held in Memorial Hall at 7 pm. February 13th, Karen Yamashita; March 13th, Giuseppe Conte; April 24th, Claudio Magris; May 1st, Charles Bernstein; May 8th, Luisa Valenzuela and May 18th, Mario Vargas Llosa. For more information:  www.chapman.edu/research-and-institutions/john-fowles-center

• The Fowles Center also produces the online journal, Mantissa. See the Spring 2016 edition:  https://goo.gl/H6sDe0

john fowles center for creative writing

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About: John Fowles Center for Creative Writing

The John Fowles Center for Creative Writing was created by Mark Axelrod at Chapman University in order to encourage and advance the art and craft of writing including fiction, poetry, drama, creative non-fiction and film. The Center invites students and as well as those in the Orange County community to engage in the literary community at large. Writers from around the world discuss their work in a global and literary context, including subjects such as historical romances and human rights abuse. Each year the Center invites a distinguished group of national and international writers to share their work with the Chapman community, and the Southern California community at large. The center's namesake is taken from the British writer John Fowles.

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A Literary Tour of Moscow

john fowles center for creative writing

It’s hard to count the exact number of great Russian writers who showed their love for Moscow. The city has attracted and prompted stories for a long time now, inspiring many to express their writing talent. Thus, Moscow’s literary sights are fully deserving of our attention, and this guide gladly presents you six of them, from museums to apartments.

1. nikolay gogol museum.

Library, Museum

House-museum of Gogol in Moscow

2. The State Museum of Mayakovsky


3. Turgenev's Family House

The portrait of Ivan Turgenev by Vasiliy Perov (1872)

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5. The Apartment of Dostoevsky

Building, Memorial, Museum


6. The Mikhail Bulgakov Museum

Mikhail Bulgakov Museum


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Culture Trips are deeply immersive 5 to 16 days itineraries, that combine authentic local experiences, exciting activities and 4-5* accommodation to look forward to at the end of each day. Our Rail Trips are our most planet-friendly itineraries that invite you to take the scenic route, relax whilst getting under the skin of a destination. Our Private Trips are fully tailored itineraries, curated by our Travel Experts specifically for you, your friends or your family.

We know that many of you worry about the environmental impact of travel and are looking for ways of expanding horizons in ways that do minimal harm - and may even bring benefits. We are committed to go as far as possible in curating our trips with care for the planet. That is why all of our trips are flightless in destination, fully carbon offset - and we have ambitious plans to be net zero in the very near future.

john fowles center for creative writing

A Guide to Cautionary Russian Proverbs and What They Mean

john fowles center for creative writing

The Soviet Union’s Best Heart-Throbs and Pinups

john fowles center for creative writing

Guides & Tips

A 48 hour guide to astrakhan, russia.

john fowles center for creative writing

Zhenotdel: The Soviet Union's Feminist Movement

john fowles center for creative writing

Unusual Facts About the Soviet Union

john fowles center for creative writing

A Soviet Pilot Went Missing in Afghanistan and Was Found 30 Years Later

john fowles center for creative writing

Food & Drink

The best halal restaurants in kazan.

john fowles center for creative writing

Russian Last Names and Their Meanings

john fowles center for creative writing

The Mystery Behind Russia's Buddhist "Miracle"

john fowles center for creative writing

Incredible Photos From the Longest Bike Race in the World

john fowles center for creative writing

See & Do

Russia's most remote holiday destinations.

john fowles center for creative writing


The best halal restaurants in kaliningrad, winter sale offers on our trips, incredible savings.

john fowles center for creative writing

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People bring flowers at the Crocus City Hall concert venue following a terrorist attack in Moscow, Russia.

Moscow attack explainer: why would Islamic State attack Russia and what will Putin’s response be?

After IS claimed responsibility for shooting in Moscow’s Crocus city hall, questions remain about how Russia will respond

  • Russia attack – latest updates

The attack on Moscow’s Crocus City concert hall is the deadliest attack claimed by the Islamic State (IS) on European soil, with 137 people confirmed to have been killed .

On Friday evening, attackers carrying assault rifles entered the concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, shooting for nearly an hour as panicked concertgoers scrambled to escape. Then the attackers set the venue on fire.

The death toll is slightly higher than the devastating Paris attacks of 2015 , which came at the height of the IS’s power.

Since Friday, events have moved quickly, with four suspects – identified as citizens of Tajikistan by a Russian news agency – appearing in court on Sunday, pleading guilty to being involved.

Questions remain, however: the shape that President Vladimir Putin’s response will take is unclear, while experts are seeking to explain the precise motive for the attack.

Why would IS attack Russia?

There are practical, historical and ideological reasons why IS would attack Russia.

IS leaders have long seen attacks against distant targets as an integral part of their extremist project. Such operations – when successful – terrorise their enemies but also mobilise existing supporters and attract new ones.

Often, targets are determined by what resources are available. Nine years ago, a cohort of French and Belgian recruits in Syria led to a wave of attacks in both countries. In the past 18 months, IS has made a concerted effort to recruit central Asian militants through its Afghan branch, known as Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP). Being Russian speaking, or even Russian nationals, these recruits can easily reach a target in Moscow, offering multiple new opportunities for attacks.

Russia has been in the cross-hairs of IS for many years. IS leaders, like many Islamic militants, are mindful of Russian support for the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria. A key point made by IS propaganda from Pakistan to Nigeria is that Moscow is part of the broader coalition of Christian or western forces engaged in an existential, 1,400-year-old battle against Islam.

IS statements claiming responsibility for the attack boasted of “killing Christians”.

Moscow concert hall attack: what we know so far  – video report

Leaders of ISKP may also see Russia as supportive of the continued rule of the Taliban, which has repressed them. They will also remember brutal Soviet military operations in Afghanistan in the 1980s and “the Jihad” waged by their fathers or grandfathers against Moscow’s forces. Russia’s bloody war in Chechnya in 1999 may be a factor too.

What will Russia’s response be?

Many terrorist attacks seek to provoke a powerful repressive response from authorities, with the aim of further escalating violence. If this was part of the IS plan for Moscow, they are unlikely to be disappointed.

Russian authorities’ interrogation of the suspects appears to have been particularly brutal.

A man suspected of taking part in the attack sits inside the defendant cage as he waits for his pre-trial detention hearing.

Videos circulating of their interrogations suggest that the men were tortured; one of the videos appears to show members of the security forces cutting off the ear of a suspect and then stuffing it into his mouth.

In court, all of the suspects appeared heavily bruised with swollen faces. One of them was brought to court directly from hospital in a wheelchair. He was attended by medics and was seen with multiple cuts.

Putin has vowed to punish those behind the “barbaric terrorist attack” – and Muslim minorities in Russia are likely to face a wave of repression.

In the Russian ruler’s only public remarks on the massacre he made no reference to IS’s claims of responsibility.

Instead, despite IS claiming the attack and releasing footage to corroborate those claims, Russia has still sought to place some blame on Ukraine.

On Saturday, Putin claimed without evidence that the four arrested gunmen planned to flee to Ukraine. The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has said Putin and others close to him are seeking to divert the blame from Russian intelligence failings.

The US has said it received intelligence that ISKP acted alone.

Will the death toll rise?

As of the Monday after the attack, emergency workers said they were continuing to search for anyone who may be left wounded or dead inside the severely damaged concert hall. The death toll rose multiple times over the weekend as more bodies were found.

Many families were left not knowing if relatives present at the concert hall on Friday night were alive. Igor Pogadaev told the AP news agency that he was desperately seeking any details of his wife’s whereabouts after she went to the concert and stopped responding to his messages. Pogodaev said he scoured hospitals in the Russian capital and the broader Moscow region, looking for information on newly admitted patients. But his wife was not among those reported injured or on the list of victims identified so far, he said. Moscow’s health department said on Sunday it had begun using DNA testing to identify the bodies of those killed, a process that would take at least two weeks.

Reuters and the Associated Press contributed to this report

  • Moscow concert hall attack
  • Vladimir Putin
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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

Moscow International Business Center (Moscow City)

  • Guide to Russia

What can you do at Moscow City?

  • Dine in style: Moscow City is home to 100+ cafes and restaurants, including Europe’s highest restaurant and ice-cream shop
  • See Moscow like never before: Ascend to one of Moscow City’s observation decks for an unparalleled panorama of Moscow
  • Admire world-class architecture: Each of Moscow City’s skyscrapers has distinctive architecture and design
  • Learn something new: Visit the Museum of High-Rise Architecture in Moscow or the Metro Museum

Moscow City is a multifunctional complex in the west of Moscow, which has come to represent the booming business of Russia’s capital. Its skyscrapers enrich Moscow’s skyline, contrasting the medieval cupolas and Stalinist high-rises. Visitors to Moscow City can enjoy entertainment high in the sky, as the complex is home not just to offices, but to restaurants, cinemas, viewing platforms, and museums.

Moscow International Business Center (Moscow City)

Photo by Alex Zarubi on Unsplash

History of Moscow City

Moscow City was first conceived in 1991 by honoured Soviet architect Boris Tkhor, who proposed to construct a business center in Moscow. It would be complete with gleaming skyscrapers rivalling those of New York and London, to reflect the new life and growing ambitions of post-Soviet Russia.

The chosen site was a stone quarry and disused industrial zone in western Moscow, in between the Third Ring Road and Moskva River. Initially, the territory was divided into 20 sections arranged in a horseshoe shape around a central zone. The skyscrapers would increase in height as they spiralled around the central section, with shorter structures built on the waterfront to give the taller buildings behind a view of the river. 

Architect Gennady Sirota, who contributed to iconic projects such as the Olympic Sports Complex on Prospekt Mira, was selected as the chief architect, and many other world-famous architects were attracted to Moscow to realise their visions in Moscow City.

What can you see and do at Moscow City?

Where Moscow’s cityscape was once dominated by Stalin’s Seven Sisters skyscrapers , this is no more. Moscow City is home to eight of Russia’s ten tallest buildings, six of which exceed 300 metres in height. More buildings are still under construction there today, including the One Tower (which will be Europe’s second-tallest building). Once completed, Moscow City will comprise more than 20 innovative structures.

Each of Moscow City’s skyscrapers was designed by its own architect, lending the cluster of skyscrapers a unique appearance. Aside from being a site of architectural wonder, Moscow City is a place for leisure and entertainment with over 100 cafes and restaurants, exhibition spaces, cinemas, viewing platforms, and more.

Photo by Nikita Karimov on Unsplash

Federation Tower

  • East Tower: 374m, 97 floors; West Tower: 243m, 63 floors
  • Completed in 2017
  • Architects: Sergey Tchoban and Peter Schweger

The East Federation Tower is the tallest building in Moscow, and the second-tallest building in Europe after the Lakhta Centre in St Petersburg. Visitors can enjoy a luxurious meal of seafood, truffles or steak at restaurant ‘Sixty’ on the 62nd floor of the West Tower, or visit Europe’s highest observation deck, ‘Panorama 360’, on the 89th floor of the East Tower.

Did you know? The ice cream and chocolate shop on the 360 observation deck are the highest in the world!

  • South Tower: 354m, 85 floors; North Tower: 254m, 49 floors
  • Completed in 2015
  • Architect: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP

The South OKO Tower is the third-tallest building in Russia and Europe. Here, you can visit ‘Ruski’ to dine on hearty Russian cuisine cooked on a real Russian stove, and have a drink in the ice bar. Alternatively, visit restaurant, nightclub and performance space ‘Birds’; the restaurant is the highest in Europe, situated on the 86th floor roof terrace alongside an observation deck. The OKO Towers are also home to karaoke club ‘City Voice’.

Did you know? Underneath OKO Towers is the largest underground parking in Europe, with 16 levels and 3,400 parking spaces.

Mercury Tower

  • 339m tall, 75 floors
  • Architects : Mikhail Posokhin, Frank Williams, Gennady Sirota

Another multifunctional skyscraper, which was designed as the first truly ‘green’ building in Moscow. The Mercury Tower has a distinct geometric shape and copper-coloured glazing, and was the tallest building in Europe upon completion. Visit ‘More i myaso’ (Sea and meat) on the first floor of the tower to enjoy European and Mediterranean cuisine whilst surrounded by greenery. On the 2nd and 40th floors a modern art gallery, the ‘ILONA-K artspace’, has just opened.

City of Capitals

  • Moscow Tower: 302m, 76 floors; St Petersburg Tower: 257m, 65 floors
  • Completed in 2009
  • Architect: Bureau NBBJ

The unique geometric design of the City of Capitals towers resembles stacks of rotating blocks, and is rooted in Constructivism of the early Soviet period (many Soviet Constructivist buildings can be found in Moscow). Visitors to the Moscow Tower can enjoy a range of cuisines – traditional Italian dishes on the summer terrace of ‘Tutto Bene’, Panasian cuisine in the tropical luxury of the ‘Bamboo Bar’ on the 1st floor’, and poke or smoothie bowls at ‘Soul in the Bowl’ cafe on the 80th floor.

Tower on the Embankment

  • Tower A: 84m; Tower B:127m; Tower C: 268m, 61 floors
  • Completed in 2007
  • Architects: Vehbi Inan and Olcay Erturk

After completion, the Tower on the Embankment was the tallest building in Europe, and is now the 13th tallest. It houses the headquarters of several large Russian and international  companies, including IBM and KPMG. There are two cafes located on the 1st floor of Tower C – self-service café ‘Obed Bufet’ (Lunch Buffet) and Bakery Chain ‘Khleb Nasushchny’ (Daily Bread).

Evolution Tower

  • 255m tall, 54 floors
  • Architects: Philip Nikandrov and RMJM Scotland Ltd

Evolution is Moscow City’s most recognisable tower, and the 11th tallest building in Russia. Its façade is a true architectural marvel, comprising continuous strips of curved glazing spiralling high into  the sky. According to the architect, Philip Nikandrov, the spiral shape of the tower honours centuries of architectural design in Russia, from the onion domes of St Basil's Cathedral to Vladimir Shukhov’s Tatlin Tower, a masterpiece of Constructivist design. Outside the Evolution tower is a landscaped terrace and pedestrian zone descending to the Presnenskaya Embankment, which was also designed by Nikandrov.

Did you know? Moscow’s largest wedding palace was supposed to be built on the site of the Evolution tower, though the project was abandoned.

  • 239m tall, 60 floors
  • Completed in 2011

Imperia’s interesting design has a curved roof and an arched glass façade. Inside the tower are various cafes including ‘City Friends’ for all-day breakfasts and light lunches, ‘Mama in the City’ for simple meals of Russian cuisine, and ‘abc kitchen’ for European and Indian-inspired dishes. Alternatively, visit ‘High Bar’ on the 56th floor for cocktails with a view. In Imperia you’ll also find the Museum of High-Rise Construction in Moscow (suitably located on the 56th floor), and the Camera Immersive Theatre.

Did you know? Inside Vystavochnaya metro station is the Metro Museum , dedicated to the history of the beautiful Moscow Metro!

  • 130m tall, 26 floors
  • Completed in 2001
  • Architect: Boris Tkhor

Tower 2000 was Moscow City’s first tower. It stands on the opposite bank of the Moskva River, and houses a viewing platform from which visitors can admire an unparalleled panorama of Moscow City. The Bagration Bridge reaches across the river from the tower to Moscow City, and underneath are piers from where you can take boat trips.

Photo by Alexander Popov on Unsplash

Afimall is Moscow’s largest entertainment and shopping complex, home to 450 shops, cafes and restaurants, a cinema, and a virtual-reality game park. The shopping centre is located in the central section of Moscow City, and a cinema and concert hall are currently under construction there.

What’s nearby?

Sechenov Botanical Gardens: The botanical gardens of the First Moscow State Medical University was created for students’ training and research in 1946. Today it is open for free visits, and is home to a large arboretum.

Park Krasnaya Presnya: This park belonged to the Studenets estate of the Gagarin princes. It is a monument of 18th and 19th century landscaping, with Dutch ponds, ornate bridges, and tree-lined alleys. There are also sports facilities, sports equipment rental, and cafes.

Botanical Gardens

Photo by Akkit  on Wikipedia

Essential information for visitors

Website: https://www.citymoscow.ru/

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +7 (495) 730-23-33

Nearest metro: Mezhdunarodnaya (closest to the skyscrapers), Delovoy Tsentr (underneath Afimall), Vystavochnaya (closest to Expocentre)

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wooden pavilion by narodnyi architector blends into historical center of moscow

project info:

name: wooden pavilion in bauman garden

architect: narodnyi architector (NRDN)

project team: anton ladygin, dmitriy selivokhin, alexei kurkov, ekaterina makarova, maria nugamanova

location: moscow, russia

designboom has received this project from our ‘ DIY submissions ‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.

edited by: christina petridou | designboom


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Top 10 Moscow Attractions – Things To Do In Moscow

1. all around the kremlin.

St. Basil’s Cathedral

Start from the Alexandrovsky Sad (Alexander Garden), a highlight of Moscow center. The garden is famous for its architectural monuments, incredibly beautiful flowerbeds and history. The Eternal Flame in the memory of the fallen heroes in the World War II glows in front of the Kremlin Kutafya Tower. Alexandrovsky Sad is a place that is impossible to miss, if you are going to the Kremlin , a symbol of the Russian State, one of the greatest architectural ensembles in the world, a treasury of amazing relics and monuments of art. The famous  Armory Chamber and the Diamond Fund are real treasure houses. The Kremlin is the official President’s residence and remains a gorgeous political landmark. On the way from the Kremlin to the Red Square , you will find the State History Muzeum , with a wonderful collection of artworks, depicting Russian history. Red Square remains, as it has been for centuries, the heart and soul of Russia. Few places in the world bear the weight of history to the extent that Moscow’s central square does. From the 16th Century St. Basil’s Cathedral – one of the most famous pieces of architecture in the world – to the constructivist pyramid of  Lenin’s Mausoleum , Red Square is rich in symbols of Russia’s turbulent and intriguing past. Right at the Square there is one of the oldest and most remarkable shopping centers in Moscow – the GUM . Just several trading passages in Russia were created over a century ago and successfully operate until nowadays. GUM always was, and remains the greatest country’s store. To have some rest you can go to recently opened Zaryadye Park and enjoy breathtaking views of The Moscow Kremlin from the floating bridge, listen to some classic concerts or try local food from different regions of Russia.


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-> Read our main article about Moscow theatres

Not far from the Kremlin and the main street of Moscow – Tverskaya street you will find the Theater Square. The square is situated over the river Neglinka that was enclosed in an underground pipe in 1819. Now it is a green square with two beautiful fountains. The area owes its name because of t three theaters located there: a world-famous Bolshoi Theatre , Maly Theatre and Russian Academic Youth Theatre (RAMT). The Bolshoi Theatre is a symbol of Russia for all time. It was awarded this honor due to the major contribution to the history of the Russian performing arts. This history is on-going and today Bolshoi Theatre artists continue to contribute to it many bright pages. Visit the theatre to watch the magnificent Russian operas and ballets. Despite high ticket’s price, you will never be disappointed; it is a real pearl of the world’s theatrical life. The TsUM is a luxurious shopping mall with recognizable designer labels and expensive goods is also located at the Theatre Square. A good place to visit in this area is a place called «Denis Simachev Bar», a two-story house in Stoleshnikov Lane. The music and menu are diverse, as well as the audience. A special drink of the bar is cider «Sidor Simachev».


Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Start from Ostozhenka St. , and lanes around it, to see the charming old Moscow. Despite that Ostozhenka became one of the most expensive streets in the world, with lots of new houses, it preserved unique examples of the 18 and 19 centuries architecture, which you may find in the numerous bystreets. Moreover, Multimedia Art Museum , one of the most interesting art spots in Moscow is located at Ostozhenka, 16. Follow the street to the city center and you will see the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour . It is one of the largest Orthodox church in the world. The building is magnificent, but not as old as it looks, it was rebuilt in 2000 (the original was demolished by the order of Stalin). One of the highlights of the Cathedral is the panoramic view from the 40-meter-high observation platform. Use the footbridge from Christ the Savior Cathedral to get to the former area of confectionary factory Krasniy Octyabr (the Red October) with lots of stores, bars and cultural spots. The Strelka Bar is a good place to have some rest. It is a comfortable urban space for informal and having a cocktail. In summertime, the bar opens a terrace overlooking the Moscow River.


Gorky Park

-> Read our main article about Moscow Parks

After visiting the previous attraction, you can follow the footbridge and enter the long pedestrian zone at the borders of the Moskva River. At first, the Krimskaya embankment will lead you to the Museon Art Park , that has a unique collection of 700 sculptures. Nowadays Museon, together with the Gorky Park and Neskuchniy Sad are much reconstructed. The space of the Museon Park of Arts is perfectly landscaped for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Follow the River Bank and you will come to the main leisure and cultural spot of nowadays Moscow – the  Gorky Park . It opened in 1928. In 2011, Gorky Park underwent a major restructuring and now has a fresh, vibrant appearance. The park’s recently upgraded design makes it one of the most interesting places to spend your leisure time. About 20,000 visitors visit the 109-hectare park each day. The park features bike rental stations, a comfortable business area with Wi-Fi, an outdoor movie theatre and a greenhouse where you can buy fresh greens such as basil and lettuce, numerous open-air cafes, yoga classes, film festivals in the summer cinema and classical music concerts. To contemplate the sky and the stars, you can go to the observatory and look through the telescope while listening to fascinating stories from astronomers. You can enjoy many sports in the park such as volleyball, handball, football or a peaceful jog around the beautiful surroundings If you go further by the riverbank you will reach Neskuchniy Sad , a wonderful place in the Moscow center, one of Moscow’s oldest parks, highly renovated for the past few years. Once an area filled with the summer palaces of Moscow’s wealthiest nobles, it is now a charming slice of wildlife with many activities and places of rest.


Komsomolskaya Metro Station

-> Read our main article about The Moscow Metro

-> We also have great  MOSCOW METRO TOUR , available for you

The Moscow Metro has its own unforgettable charm. It was opened in 1935 and became one of the USSR’s most extravagant architectural projects. That is why most of the central underground stations look like a museum. Every station has its own mood, different decorations and fascinating story. Take a journey in Moscow underground to get an unforgettable impression of the city.


The Novodevichy Convent

The Novodevichy Convent , built in the 16th and 17th centuries in the so-called Moscow Baroque style, was part of a chain of monastic ensembles that were integrated into the defence system of the city. The convent was directly associated with the political, cultural and religious history of Russia, and closely linked to the Moscow Kremlin. It was used by women of the Tsar’s family and the aristocracy. Members of the Tsar’s family and entourage were also buried in its cemetery. The convent provides an example of the highest accomplishments of Russian architecture with rich interiors and an important collection of paintings and artefacts. The convent was closed in 1917, and in 1926, it became a branch of the State Historical Museum. The museum`s collection now consist of about 12,000 items, including old Russian paintings, fabrics from the 16th—20th centuries, items from precious metals and stones, liturgical items, and vestments, made by the best artists, jewelers and embroiderers. The necropolis is one of the convent`s special attractions. The Novodevichy cemetery is divided into «new» and «old» sections. The old cemetery lies within the convent’s walls, and since the early 18th century it was the burial place for eminent and rich people, above all, the tsar’s family. In the 19th century, many prominent Russians were laid to rest here. The new cemetery was had been used from 1898 to 1904. During the Soviet era, the Novodevichy cemetery was second in prestige only to the Kremlin wall necropolis.


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The Moscow Zoo is one of the oldest zoos in Europe. Its first name has been Zoological Park and it was opened in 1864. Through 140 years of its history, during times of peace, war, revolution the Zoo was open. Nowadays it is located right in the middle of the big city. The main entrance to the zoo, built in 1997, stands opposite Krasnopresnenskaya metro station. It looks like a fairytale castle with towers and a waterfall. This enter leads to the old part of the zoo, where the highlights include the big cats, a neat underground viewing space below the penguin pool, a dolphinarium, as well as the sea lion enclosure that lets you watch them swim from below. A pedestrian bridge takes you across the street to the New Territory, the most interesting parts of which are probably the primate house and fun children’s zoo. Near the second enter to the Zoo at the Garden ring The Moscow Planetarium is located. It was first opened on November 5, 1929. After a global reconstruction, it was reopened in 2011. Now it is a multifunctional complex that combines scientific and educational resources: the interactive museum «Lunarium», the Museum of Urania, the Big Star Hall and the Sky Park, family recreation center that is focused on different age groups. The Moscow Planetarium is one of the biggest planetariums in the world.


Rotonda near Uzbekistan Pavillon at VDNKh

-> We also have great  SOVIET MOSCOW TOUR , available for you

The VDNKh – the Exhibition of National Economic Achievements – and it remains a fascinating monument to Russia’s transitional period, a mixture of faded Soviet pomp and unregulated capitalism. Its story began in 1939 as the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, a monumental paean to the achievements of collectivization. Nowadays the VDNKh is a bizarre juxtaposition: part agricultural fair, part trade expo, part shopping center and part street market, with amusements as diverse as paint-balling and camel rides. The park itself is an intriguing example of 20th century landscaping. The VDNKh buildings, still preposterously magnificent are wonderful example of Soviet architecture. The VDNKh is truly unique, and worth visiting, especially as there is much more to be seen nearby, including the wonderful Cosmonautics Museum . It was opened in 1981, to the 20th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin space flight. The idea of creating this museum belongs to famous Russian scientist S.P. Korolev, one of the major figures in rocketry and space ship building of the XX century. Nowadays a large exposition demonstrates a full-size rocket and space technology. You can try interactive exhibits, such as the one, identical to the Cosmonaut Training Center simulator, virtual international space station and more.


Kolomenskoe Museum-Reserve

A unique historic place – Kolomenskoe – is situated in the picturesque surrounding over the Moscow River banks. These lands are full of legends. Archeological discoveries state that the first settlements appeared here in the 8th century. It is an ancient and uniquely formed place. Today this is an exceptional complex of cultural monuments of a great historical value. The chief attraction of the park is undoubtedly the stone Church of the Ascension of the Lord . It was constructed in 1529-1532 by order of Tsar Vasily III to commemorate the birth of his son and heir, Ivan the Terrible. However, there is a lot more to see in the park: the pretty Church of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan – with its bright azure domes and plenty of gold. Further into the park there is a charming Church of the Beheading of St John the Baptist , built by Ivan the Terrible to mark his coronation. If you visit this place, you can fully enjoy nature, picturesque views over the Moskva River and learn about Russian medieval architecture. Moreover, many cultural events are held here.


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Happy to help you with everything, from general plan of your visit to plane tickets or hotel stay. We may also support your Russian Visa request with a letter of invitation if you need so.


Tverskaya Street in Moscow

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  5. Le SCOOP Music Tour 2016 arrive !

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  6. (Photos

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  1. SCOOP Music Tour 2023 : rendez-vous jeudi 13 juillet dès 20h à Feurs

    SCOOP Music Tour, la plus grande fête de la région, est de retour jeudi 13 juillet 2023 dès 20h, à l'hippodrome de Feurs !


    (Photos - Replay) SCOOP Music Tour 2019 : vous étiez plus de 30.000 à Feurs ! Le SCOOP Music Tour 2019 a de nouveau tenu sa promesse... Suivez-nous aussi sur notre page Facebook Radio SCOOP Lyon .

  3. Scoop Music Tour 2023 : une ambiance des grands soirs à Feurs

    Le Scoop Music Tour s'est fini sur la scène de Feurs, dans la Loire, jeudi 13 juillet 2023 au soir. Le show a commencé à 19 heures et s'est étendu jusqu'au bout de la nuit.


    Ne manquez pas le SCOOP Music Tour en direct de Feurs, le plus grand événement musical de la région ! Retrouvez les meilleurs artistes, les photos et les vidéos du show sur Radio Scoop.


    Event in Feurs, France by Radio SCOOP Loire - Haute Loire on Thursday, July 13 2023 with 184 people interested and 92 people going. ... 🌼 SCOOP MUSIC TOUR 2023 À FEURS 🌼 . Invite. Details. 276 people responded. Event by Radio SCOOP Loire - Haute Loire. Hippodrome de Feurs.

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    Keen'V, Black M, Hatik, Marina Kaye, Lujipeka, Philippine Lavrey, Nuit Incolore, Maëlle... tous ces artistes étaient réunis au SCOOP Music Tour 2023 à l'Hippodrome de Feurs, le jeudi 13 juillet.


    Event in Feurs, France by Radio SCOOP Lyon on Thursday, July 13 2023 with 307 people interested and 146 people going.

  8. SCOOP Music Tour 2022 : rendez-vous mercredi 13 juillet dès 20h à Feurs

    Juste avant les vacances, SCOOP Music Tour, la plus grande fête de la région, est de retour mercredi 13 juillet dès 20h à l'Hippodrome de Feurs ! ... Cliquer pour télécharger l'application Radio Scoop. SCOOP MUSIC TOUR 2022 : RENDEZ-VOUS MERCREDI 13 JUILLET DÈS 20H À FEURS ! Mercredi 13 Juillet - 20:00. SCOOP Music Tour 2022 : Feurs.


    Radio SCOOP vous propose de revivre le plus gros concert de la région en photos ! Après deux ans d'interruption, le SCOOP Music Tour a fait son grand retour à l'Hippodrome de Feurs ce mercredi ...

  10. SCOOP Music Tour 2022 à Feurs : découvrez les photos

    Radio SCOOP vous propose de revivre le plus gros concert de la région en photos ! Après deux ans d'interruption, le SCOOP Music Tour a fait son grand retour à l'Hippodrome de Feurs ce mercredi 13 juillet 2022 ! Pour l'occasion, 30 000 personnes ont fait le déplacement. Au programme ? Une ambiance de folie et des artistes exceptionnels sur ...

  11. Le 13 juillet, le concert Scoop Music Tour fait son retour à Feurs

    En 2020 et 2021, les éditions du Scoop Music Tour de Feurs n'ont pu avoir lieu en raison de la crise sanitaire. Une situation qui a eu des répercussions. ... Rappelons que Radio Scoop émet au niveau régional : dans le Rhône, la Loire et Haute-Loire, Le Puy-de-Dôme et l'Allier, l'Ain et la Saône-et-Loire, mais aussi l'Ardèche. ...


    Radio SCOOP Lyon · July 18, 2023 · Follow. Prenez le temps de revivre en images le SCOOP Music Tour de Feurs ! Vous y étiez ? Rendez-vous l'année prochaine, le 13 juillet 2024 . See less. Comments ...

  13. Scoop Music Tour : une ambiance des grands soirs à Feurs

    Pour le deuxième round du Scoop Music Tour, ce sont Hatik, Keen'V, Black M, Nuits Incolores et d'autres artistes qui sont montés sur scène. Le public était au rendez-vous, l'hippodrome de Feurs (Loire) était rempli : 30.000 spectateurs.

  14. SCOOP Music Tour 2023 : rendez-vous jeudi 13 juillet dès 20h à Feurs

    SCOOP Music Tour, la plus grande fête de la région, est de retour jeudi 13 juillet 2023 dès 20h, à l'hippodrome de Feurs ! ÉCOUTER RADIO SCOOP . INFOS Actualité ; Buzz - People ... SCOOP Music Tour 2023 Feurs.


    Le SCOOP MUSIC TOUR à Feurs le 13 juillet 2023 Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne et ne ratez rien de l'actualité de ... sur Radio SCOOP !REJOIGNEZ LA SCOOP FAMILY...

  16. SCOOP Music Tour 2022, à Feurs : vos réactions à l ...

    Radio SCOOP Lyon · June 11, 2022 · Follow. Arriverez-vous à deviner les artistes présents au SCOOP Music Tour, le 13/07 à Feurs ? On attend vos propositions en commentaire . See less. Comments. Most relevant  Laet Meu. Moi je vient si ya yanns ...

  17. Radio SCOOP on Twitter: " SCOOP Music Tour 2023 C'est parti pour le

    Radio SCOOP @RadioSCOOPOff. 🌼 SCOOP Music Tour 2023 🌼 C'est parti pour le #SMT2023 à l'Hippodrome de Feurs ...

  18. SCOOP Music Tour 2022 à Feurs : découvrez les photos

    Après deux ans d'interruption, le SCOOP Music Tour a fait son grand retour à l'Hippodrome de Feurs ce mercredi 13 juillet 2022 ! Pour l'occasion, 30 000 personnes ont fait le déplacement. Au programme ? Une ambiance de folie et des artistes exceptionnels sur scène. Retour sur le plus gros concert de la région en photos.

  19. Nuit Incolore

    Le passage de Nuit Incolore au SCOOP Music Tour 2023 à Feurs 🤩 Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne et ne ratez rien de l'actualité de ... sur Radio SCOOP !REJOIGN...

  20. Scoop Music Tour 2016 Radio SCOOP

    Rejoignez nous sur :- Facebook : https://fr-fr.facebook.com/RadioScoopOff- Twitter : https://twitter.com/radioscoopoff- https://www.radioscoop.com- Snapchat ...

  21. Radio SCOOP on Twitter: " SCOOP MUSIC TOUR 2023 Plus de 30 000

    Radio SCOOP @RadioSCOOPOff 🌼 SCOOP MUSIC TOUR 2023 🌼 Plus de 30 000 personnes présentes au SCOOP Music Tour 2023 à l'Hippodrome de Feurs le 13 juillet ☀️ C'était fou, merci 🧡 #RadioSCOOP #SMT2023 #smt #scoopmusictour #scoopmusictour2023 #Feurs #concert #merci

  22. scoop music tour 2023 feurs programme

    [Scoop Music Tour] : Voici la liste complète des artistes qui se produiront le 13 Juillet à l'hippodrome de Feurs : SHY'M - Matt Houston - Keen' V - Leslie -... En 2023, Radio Scoop donne de nouveau rendez-vous à ses auditeurs le ...