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Spanish for Camping – Vocabulary and Phrases

Going to a Spanish-speaking country, and planning to stay in a campsite ? Do you need some Spanish vocabulary and phrases ? You’ve come to the right place!

In this post we are going to learn the basic terms you need in the campground.

We will start with some phrases, and then provide a couple of vocabulary lists. Enjoy!

Vocabulary: Things

Vocabulary: actions.

Hola, quería reservar una parcela para el fin de semana. Hi, I’d like to book a pitch/plot for the weekend. Quería reservar un bungaló del 20 de julio al 2 de septiembre. I’d like to reserve a bungalow from July 20th to September 2nd. ¿Cuánto cuesta por noche? How much does it cost per night? Vamos a llegar a las 15:00. We’ll arrive at 15:00. ¿Me ayudas a empujar la caravana, por favor? Could you please help me push the mobile home? ¿Me ayudas a montar mi tienda de campaña? Could you help me set up my tent? ¿Me puedes prestar tu navaja? Can you lend me your pocket knife? ¿Dónde está la piscina? Where is the pool? ¿Se admiten perros? Are dogs allowed? ¿A qué hora abre el camping por la mañana? What time does the campsite open in the morning? ¿A qué hora cierra el camping por la noche? What time does the campsite close at night?

The pitch / plot

Things we find at the campground, things we bring to the campground.

Una mujer en la playa

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Spanish Vocabulary: Camping and the Outdoors

Posted by LEAF Architect on Wednesday, May 29, 2013 · Leave a Comment  

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Category: Spanish Vocabulary Lessons · Tags: acampar , camp , campamiento , camping , español , spanish , vocabulario , vocabulary

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Colloquial Spanish Course – Talking about Camping in Spanish Posted by Laura & Adam on Feb 23, 2021 in Learning , Spanish Culture , Spanish Grammar , Spanish Vocabulary

In this Spanish lesson we are going to practice talking about Camping in Spanish. First we will learn some relevant vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short audio conversation in Spanish. The transcript to the audio will be given at the end of the post but please try not to look at it until you have tried playing and understanding the audio a few times.

talking about camping in spanish

Image courtesy of Pixabay.com

Talking about Camping in Spanish:

el bicho : bug el bosque : forest las botas : boots la botella : bottle el botiquín : first aid kit la brújula : compass la caminata : hike el campamento : camp la canoa : canoe la caravana : camping van la cerilla : match el cuchillo : knife el fuego : fire el hacha : axe la hamaca : hammock la hoguera : campfire el lago : lake la leña : firewood la linterna : lantern/flashlight el malvavisco : marshmallow el mapa : map la mesa de picnic : picnic table la mochila : backpack el paseo : walk el saco de dormir : sleeping bag la salchicha : sausage el termo ; thermos la tienda de campaña : tent

Now play the audio to listen a conversation. Can you understand what is being said? Play the audio a few times before you look at the transcript. Don’t worry if you don’t understand every single thing the two people are saying. Try to catch whichever words you can and then try to piece things together to work out what is being said.

(Play the audio a few times before you scroll down and look at the transcript)



Carolina: Hola Joseph. ¿Estás listo para ir de camping mañana? Joseph: Sí, tengo muchas ganas. ¿Quién va a venir? Carolina: Isaac, Miguel Ángel, Alicia, Luisa, tú y yo. Joseph: ¡Genial! Va a ser divertido. ¿Dónde vamos a acampar, no me acuerdo? Carolina: En las montañas al norte de Madrid. Hay un lago muy bonito entre unas montañas increíbles y vamos a poner las tiendas de campaña junto al lago. Joseph: Suena maravilloso. Carolina: Lo es. Fui allí varias veces el año pasado. Si hace buen tiempo podemos nadar en el lago. Isaac va a traer dos canoas. Joseph: ¿Hay buenas rutas para caminar? Carolina: En todas direcciones. Es idílico. Joseph: Es un camping ¿no? Carolina: No, vamos acampar en la naturaleza. No hay restaurante ni bar ni electricidad. Cocinaremos sobre el fuego. Joseph: ¿Y baños? Carolina: No hay baños. Joseph: ¿Alguien va a traer un baño de camping? Carolina: No, solo usaremos el bosque. Joseph: Está bien. Creo que al menos traeré un poco de papel higiénico. Carolina: Trae cerillas, comida, bebida, linterna y saco de dormir también. Joseph: No tengo tienda de campaña. ¿Qué voy a hacer? Carolina: No te preocupes. Lo tenemos todo organizado. Puedes compartir tienda con Miguel y Alicia. Joseph: Vale, gracias. Carolina: ¿Tienes mochila y botas de montaña? Joseph: Tengo botas, pero solo una mochila pequeña. Carolina: No te preocupes. Yo te dejo una. Joseph: Gracias Carolina.

So, how did you get on? How much did you understand of the listening? Please let me know in the comments section below…

Don’t worry if you didn’t understand that much, keep reviewing the vocabulary and phrases and you will soon be up to speed and ready for the next lesson in this course. See you next time!

the camping trip in spanish

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About the Author: Laura & Adam

Laura & Adam have been blogging and creating online Spanish courses for Transparent Language since 2010. Laura is from Bilbao in northern Spain and Adam is from Devon in the south of England. They lived together in Spain for over 10 years, where their 2 daughters were born, and now they live in Scotland. Both Laura & Adam qualified as foreign language teachers in 2004 and since have been teaching Spanish in Spain, the UK, and online.

Outdoor -Expedition

the camping trip in spanish

how do you say camping in spanish

how do you say camping in spanish

Camping in Spanish

How to say camping in spanish.

Are you looking for an adventure in a new language? Camping in Spanish is a great way to learn a new language and explore a different culture. Camping in Spanish can be an exciting, immersive experience for anyone looking to make the most of their holiday. To start planning your camping trip, you`ll need to know the Spanish word for campground. In Spanish, the correct way to say "camping" is "acampar."

This is a great way to start your Spanish camping adventure. With just one word, you can begin to form sentences and create conversations about your camping trip. For example, ask your travel buddy "¿Quieres acampar por unos días?" This translates to "Do you want to camp for a few days?" You now have the knowledge to talk about camping and form simple conversations with ease.

Tips for Camping in Spanish

In order to get the most out of your camping trip, it is important to brush up on your Spanish before you arrive. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your Spanish camping adventure:

  • Learn the basics: The Spanish language is filled with tips and tricks to help make conversations smoother and more natural sounding. Take the time to learn basic words and phrases, such as "¿Cómo estás?", "¿Dónde está el baño?", and "¿Qué tal todo?" These will be invaluable when discussing camping-related topics and conversing with fellow campers.
  • Understand the culture: Dive into the culture of the place you are visiting before you arrive. Knowing the customs of the area where you will be camping is important for making the most of your trip and respecting the local culture.
  • Avoid Slang: When speaking Spanish, avoid slang as much as possible. You want to practice proper Spanish, so start with the basics and build your vocabulary from there.

Camping in a foreign language can be a great way to explore and immerse yourself in a new culture. Knowing the basics of the language before you go can make your experience that much better. So the next time you plan a camping trip, don`t forget to brush up on your Spanish! With the correct word and a few tips, you can easily join in on conversations about camping in Spanish.

the camping trip in spanish

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Hiking in Spanish: Essential vocab for hitting the trails


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Ah, the fresh air, the landscapes, and the adventure! Senderismo , which is hiking in Spanish, is a wonderful activity that everyone should enjoy from time to time. Luckily, Spanish-speaking countries have plenty of beautiful landscapes and hiking routes to discover!

From the Andes Mountains in South America to the deserts of Mexico to the Pyrénées Mountains in Spain, there are countless trails waiting to be explored. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a beginner, there are hiking routes for everyone, and with a little bit of preparation, you’ll be ready to hit the trails.

But besides the physical training, knowing the related Spanish hiking vocabulary is necessary if you’re planning a hiking trip in a Spanish-speaking country.

In this post, we’ll cover some essential hiking vocab to help you prepare for your next adventure and make the most of your time on the trails. From the different types of terrain you’ll encounter to the essential gear you’ll need, having a good understanding of the Spanish vocabulary related to hiking can make your experience even more enjoyable and rewarding.

Let’s get started!

Spanish Trip Planning Vocabulary

Proper planning is crucial to ensure a successful hiking trip. Whether it’s a day trip or a multi-day trek, it’s essential to have a clear itinerary and understand the level of difficulty of the route you’ll be taking. Knowing the right vocabulary in Spanish can help you communicate with locals, ask for directions, and navigate through any unexpected situations.

On some mountain hikes, you may be able to stay in a "refugio"

On some mountain hikes, you may be able to stay in a “refugio”

Spanish Terrain Vocabulary

To fully enjoy hiking in Spanish-speaking countries, it’s essential to have a good understanding of the terrain you will encounter. The variety of landscapes you may encounter can range from mountains, valleys, hills, and deserts. Knowing the right vocabulary can help you describe the beauty of the environment you are exploring, and also help you navigate through it.

Will you be hiking in the "desierto," or maybe to a "lago"?

Will you be hiking in the “desierto,” or maybe to a “lago”?

Spanish Outdoor Gear Vocabulary

A successful and fulfilling hiking trip isn’t complete without the proper gear. If you bring what you need, your trip will be comfortable and safe, and you’ll also be able to make the most of your hiking adventure. From basic gear like hiking boots and a backpack, to camping equipment like sleeping bags or tents, knowing the right Spanish hiking gear vocabulary will help you prepare for your trip.

If your hike is overnight, you'll want "una carpa" with "un saco de dormir"

If your hike is overnight, you’ll want “una carpa” with “un saco de dormir”

Conclusion: Hiking in Spanish

That’s it, you’re ready to set out on a hike! But first, let’s do a quick review, shall we?

In today’s post, we covered some essential Spanish hiking vocabulary that can help you prepare for your next adventure and make the most of your time on the trails in Spanish-speaking countries. We gave you vocab tables with the different types of terrain you may encounter, the essential gear you’ll need, and the things to consider when planning your hiking trip. We also learned that the word for hiking in Spanish is senderismo .

Remember, having the right equipment and respecting the environment are crucial when it comes to hiking. Leave no trace, pack out all trash, and follow the trail markers. With a positive attitude and a sense of adventure, hiking in Spanish-speaking countries will be an experience you’ll never forget.

To close out this post on hiking in Spanish, we’ll leave you with a few links to our other posts with content that you may find useful when planning your next trip. We hope you found this one informative and helpful for your future hiking trips. ¡Buen viaje! – Have a good trip!

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Nationalities in Spanish

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Vocab for camping in Spanish

Camping in Spanish: Essential vocab for your outdoor adventure

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Hiking in Spanish: A Vocabulary and Conversation Guide

Senderismo, the word for hiking in Spanish, and is one of the most preferred activities by people who love nature.

But not only do they love it! Hiking has become a recurring activity in the last few decades for those who wish to disconnect from the world.

In addition, it has many other benefits you will be amazed to know and want to experience for yourself.

Let’s start the adventure!

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Hiking and Outdoor Activities: More Than Simple Sports

Initially, hiking was practiced only by those who belonged to mountaineering or rambling clubs, but over the years, it became more mainstream.

According to María Belén Gómez-Martín , hiking stopped being something focused on sports or even on culture and became an alternative form of tourism and leisure.

This is how hiking became a profitable option to develop and improve life in different cities and villages worldwide.

But what is hiking?

It’s nothing more than an activity that involves walking on trails and roads in natural environments such as mountains and valleys.

It’s a mix of non-competitive sports and tourist activity with a medium or low degree of difficulty, depending on the place chosen to practice.

In addition, it’s a simple activity that doesn’t require spending a lot of money on clothing or accessories, which makes it perfect for almost all segments of the population in the world.

Hiking promotes a healthy lifestyle since it can be practiced by anyone regardless of their age.

Each route can be classified according to the difficulty levels of the path type. If the path is narrow or irregular, has stones, is humid, etc.

But it’s also a tourist activity since you’re in contact with nature, the history and culture of the country or the place where you do it.

Also, through this practice, tourism is encouraged, and therefore the local development of rural areas is supported through guides or self-guided programs.

Read also: A Traveler’s Guide to Bogotá, Colombia

Benefits of Combining Language Learning With Outdoor Adventures

In 2014, research was carried out on Outdoor Adventure Education , which sought to demonstrate the benefits of this type of learning.

The results are divided into five categories: personal skills, social skills, technical skills, human-nature relationships, and cultural and global diversity/perspectives.

In the personal skills category, results were found, such as improved self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-awareness.

In social skills, development was found in skills such as leadership, learning to make decisions, and teamwork.

The development of technical skills varies according to the type of activity they choose to develop. Still, in general terms, the use of maps and compasses, outdoor cooking, and canoeing, among others, is shown.

In the category of human-nature relationships, it was found that people have a better appreciation and awareness of natural spaces and the protection of flora, fauna, and the environment.

Lastly, we have the benefits of cultural and global diversity/perspectives that shape points of view and allow students to interact with other cultures and people.

In her article, Jude McKerrecher, a teacher at Modern Languages in Edinburgh, tells us about the importance of taking language learning outside of the classroom.

One of her goals is to increase Learning for Sustainability, inspired by UNESCO’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

For her, students must develop core skills so that their actions and options positively impact the preservation and safety of the planet.

Combining learning a language with outdoor spaces allows teachers to take advantage of nature to give children stimulating and enriching learning.

In addition, the benefits are priceless since they also include stress release, improved mood, combat insomnia, and strengthened muscles.

And, of course, by learning a second language while hiking up a small mountain, students will appreciate the cultural exchange. While on a trail they can learn about the history of the community in which they find themselves in.

Essential Hiking Words for Your Vocabulary

Before planning your next adventure, it’s time to learn some hiking vocabulary to feed your Spanish repertoire.

We can start with hiking words related to utensils you should take during this activity.

We also have a vocabulary in Spanish to describe the landscape or characteristics of the place that surrounds us to guide us.

And finally, we want to share hiking in Spanish slang to sound like an expert on the subject and for other hikers to understand what you mean.

Useful Conversational Phrases and Expressions

Now that you’ve learned about vocabulary and slang in Spanish, it’s time to show you some phrases you can use to start conversations with fellow hikers.

Hago senderismo por lo menos una vez cada dos meses.

I hike at least once every two months.

Nunca hemos hecho senderismo en América del Sur, ¿cómo es?

We have never hiked in South America, what is it like?

Mi padre prefiere que haga senderismo en vez de excursionismo porque es un deporte menos intenso.

My father prefers me to go hiking instead of trekking because it’s a less intense sport.

Subir esa montaña me dejó sin aliento.

Climbing up that mountain left me breathless.

Estoy mareado, confundido y sediento.

I am dazed, confused, and thirsty.

Si no traes una brújula, al menos asegúrate de que el GPS de tu teléfono sirva.

If you’re not bringing a compass, at least make sure that the GPS on your phone works.

El cielo está nublado, es mejor que saquemos la cubierta para lluvia.

The sky is cloudy, so it would be a good idea to take out the rain cover.

Los bastones para caminar son muy útiles, no lo sabía.

I did not know it, but walking sticks are very useful.

Para terminar la travesía, tenemos que subir esa montaña.

To finish our adventure, we have to climb up that mountain.

Tenemos que cruzar el río para poder llegar al campamento base.

We need to cross the river to be able to get to the base camp.

¿Cuánto pesan tus grandes tres?

How much do your big three weigh?

Hiking Places in Latin America With Unique Landscapes

Nothing compares to being surrounded by nature while exercising and practicing your Spanish.

We want to share with you some hiking destinations in Latin America that you will love and want to know each of them.

1.   Ajusco Summit Trail (Cumbres del Ajusco National Park), Mexico

This is one of the most popular hikes in Mexico, located near Mexico City.

This hike is about 3,900 meters altitude and is not for the faint of heart. But it’s worth the effort and adventure if you want to enjoy some epic views.

Here you can have some beautiful panoramic views of the valley. You will hike through the forest and then enter a more challenging terrain. 

It’s a 10-kilometer trail in a loop path and a high-altitude trek, so you must acclimate before attempting the summit.

2. Peñalara Natural Feature, Hiking Trail, Spain

If you want a more relaxed hike that doesn’t leave you in pain the next day, this is your option!

This place is located north of Madrid, the capital of Spain. The highest part of the mountain is located at 2,400 meters high.

The trail takes approximately 3.5 hours to complete from the ascent to the descent.

On the way, you will pass through the Peñalara Natural Park, where you can meet many reptiles and amphibians. You can also run into vultures and eagles on the way.

3. The Quilotoa Loop, Ecuador

This is a beautiful place for hiking with moderate difficulty but full of views that will take your breath away.

The duration of the activity is approximately 2 to 3 days. You will start in the village of Sigchos and travel through the Toachi Canyon.

Then you will visit the village of Chugchilán, the Quilotoa Lake, a volcanic crater filled with turquoise water.

During the tour, in which you will reach an altitude between 2,895 to 3,960 meters, you will pass through small Andean villages, where you will find eco-lodges, hostels, and haciendas.

It’s also an excellent opportunity to learn more about the local culture and lifestyle.

We also recommend these other four options in other Latin American countries:

Copper Canyon’s Better Than the Grand Canyon: Here’s Why

Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary in Belize

Yoro, Honduras: The City Where it Rains Fish

Hike up and Reach Your Spanish Language Goals!

Now you’re ready to venture out and discover beautiful places full of nature.

We know that to handle hiking vocabulary like an expert, you first need to learn the basics of the Spanish language.

It’s important that you have all the equipment so that you can enjoy the sport 100%, including your clothes, tent, flashlight, etc.

But you must also prepare yourself and learn Spanish fluently to communicate with your adventure companions or the new friends you make.

At Homeschool Spanish Academy, we have first-rate, expert curriculum teachers ready to help you achieve your learning goals.

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the camping trip in spanish

Cambridge Dictionary

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Translation of camping – English–Spanish dictionary

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  • We took a calor gas stove for cooking on when we went camping.
  • It's a good job they didn't go camping last weekend - the weather was awful .
  • We were weighed down with all our camping equipment - sleeping bags , gas cookers and pans .
  • I'm not keen on camping - I'd rather stay in a bed-and-breakfast where you are warm and dry .
  • The shop in town sells everything you need for camping, and has tents for hire at £10 a week .

(Translation of camping from the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Translation of camping | GLOBAL English–Spanish Dictionary

(Translation of camping from the GLOBAL English-Spanish Dictionary © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

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How do you say camping trip in Spanish?

camping trip in Spanish it is said acampada .

Sentences containing camping trip in Spanish

I broke out in a rash after our camping trip

Other forms of sentences containing camping trip where this translation can be applied

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Ninja Camping

How Do You Say Camping in Spanish?

Last Updated on July 23, 2023 by admin

Camping is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy the great outdoors. If you’re planning a camping trip to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s important to know how to say camping in Spanish. In this article, we’ll provide you with the Spanish translation for camping, as well as some useful phrases related to camping in Spanish.

Table of Contents

Exploring the Spanish Language: How to Say Camping in Spanish

Camping is a popular activity for people of all ages, and it can be a great way to explore the outdoors and spend quality time with family and friends. If you are planning a camping trip in a Spanish-speaking country, it is important to know how to say camping in Spanish. The word for camping in Spanish is acampar.

Acampar is a verb that is used to describe the act of camping. It is derived from the Latin word campus, which means “field” or “open space.” Acampar can be used to describe both camping in a tent and camping in a recreational vehicle.

When using acampar in a sentence, it is important to conjugate the verb correctly. For example, if you are talking about camping in the present tense, you would say “estamos acampando” (we are camping). If you are talking about camping in the past tense, you would say “acampamos” (we camped).

In addition to acampar, there are other words and phrases related to camping that you should know. For example, the Spanish word for “tent” is carpa, and the word for “sleeping bag” is saco de dormir. You can also use the phrase “ir de acampada” (to go camping) when talking about a camping trip.

Knowing how to say camping in Spanish can be a great asset when planning a camping trip in a Spanish-speaking country. With a little practice, you can easily learn the words and phrases related to camping and be prepared for your next outdoor adventure.

A Guide to Spanish Vocabulary: Learn How to Say Camping in Spanish

El camping es una actividad muy popular entre los amantes de la naturaleza. Si desea aprender cómo decir “camping” en español, aquí hay algunas palabras y frases útiles para ayudarlo.

La palabra “camping” se traduce al español como “acampar”. Esta palabra se puede usar para describir la actividad de acampar en un lugar, como un parque nacional o un campamento. Por ejemplo, puede decir: “Vamos a acampar en el parque nacional de Yosemite”.

Otra palabra útil para describir el camping es “campamento”. Esta palabra se usa para describir un lugar donde se acampa, como un campamento de verano o un campamento de senderismo. Por ejemplo, puede decir: “Vamos a pasar el fin de semana en un campamento de senderismo”.

Otra palabra útil para describir el camping es “caravana”. Esta palabra se usa para describir un vehículo especialmente diseñado para acampar, como una caravana o una autocaravana. Por ejemplo, puede decir: “Vamos a alquilar una caravana para nuestro viaje de camping”.

Finalmente, la palabra “tienda de campaña” se usa para describir una pequeña estructura temporal que se usa para acampar. Por ejemplo, puede decir: “Vamos a montar nuestra tienda de campaña en el bosque”.

Ahora que sabe cómo decir “camping” en español, está listo para disfrutar de una aventura al aire libre. ¡Buen viaje!

Get Ready for Your Next Adventure: How to Say Camping in Spanish

Planning a camping trip in a Spanish-speaking country? Knowing how to say camping in Spanish is essential for a successful and enjoyable experience. Camping in Spanish is acampar. This verb is used to describe the act of camping, whether it is in a tent, a camper, or a cabin.

When talking about camping in Spanish, you may also hear the phrase acampar al aire libre, which literally translates to “camping in the open air.” This phrase is used to describe camping in a tent or other temporary shelter, as opposed to staying in a cabin or camper.

When talking about camping equipment, you may hear the phrase equipo de acampar, which translates to “camping equipment.” This phrase is used to describe the items you need for camping, such as a tent, sleeping bag, and cooking supplies.

Finally, when talking about camping activities, you may hear the phrase actividades de acampar, which translates to “camping activities.” This phrase is used to describe activities such as hiking, fishing, and swimming.

By learning how to say camping in Spanish, you can ensure that your next camping trip is a success. With the right words and phrases, you can communicate your needs and enjoy the great outdoors in a Spanish-speaking country.

Q: How do you say “camping” in Spanish? A: “Camping” in Spanish is “acampar”.

Q: How do you say “campground” in Spanish? A: “Campground” in Spanish is “área de acampar”.

Q: How do you say “campfire” in Spanish? A: “Campfire” in Spanish is “fogata”.

In conclusion, camping in Spanish is referred to as acampar. This is a useful phrase to know if you are planning a camping trip in a Spanish-speaking country or if you are simply trying to communicate with someone who speaks Spanish.

5 Reasons Every Camper Should Learn Spanish Before Traveling to Latin America

Make new friends, emergencies, more opportunities, avoid hassles, learn about a new culture.

the camping trip in spanish

Shelley Trupert Outdoorsy Content Team

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  • Story Scripts

Una aventura de camping Script

October 2, 2013

This is a modified version of one of the very first scripts that I used when I first began TPRS back in early 2010. The original version came from Ben Slavic's blog, back when it was open access. I have modified it to work with the structures that I want to target (so that it fits into my curriculum map), and it is always a big hit! This is also one of the very few scripts for which I have four structures instead of three, and that is only because 'durante la noche' is hardly a new structure for the kids (they should be familiar with it by the time we get to this story, but we have never officially learned it), and they should also know 'duerme'.

This is the PERFECT story to use if you teach a unit on reflexive verbs or on legends and scary stories! Even better, the unit plans that accompany this script are FREE.

  • Download a FREE four-day unit to teach this script here!


durante la noche - during the night oye algo - hears something se despierta - wakes up se duerme - goes to sleep


The main character goes camping in the woods with a friend or animal. They fall asleep at a certain time, and during the night they hear something and wake up. They look through the door of the tent and see something or someone that is doing something. They are afraid/sad/happy and go somewhere else, where they once again put up their tent and are awakened in the night by a noise.


The complete story script for this story is available in our Subscriber Library. Find it in the Story Scripts folder!



Turn this story into a unit with detailed lesson plans! The original version of Somos 1 Unit 21 is FREE, and the Flex version provides an even more complete version of the unit that is suitable for a variety of instructional contexts (in-person, virtual, hybrid, and more!):

Una aventura de camping script somos 1 unit 21 original cover

All story scripts shared on  http://www.comprehensibleclassroom.com  are licensed under a  CC-BY-SA-NC 3.0  license:

You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and remix, transform, and build upon the material under the following conditions: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. 

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Camping in Tenerife – All You Need to Know

  • April 26, 2023

the camping trip in spanish

Camping in Tenerife is such a splendid experience! The island has a breathtaking nature, astonishing coastlines, volcanic landscapes, black sanded beaches, green forests, and a clear night sky, giving a perfect opportunity to see the Milky Way.

Camping is a great way to soak up all the natural beauty this island has to offer. You can find many campsites on the island, and in this blog post , you can read all the precious information before your camping trip in Tenerife 🏕️ 

the camping trip in spanish

The island has few options for camping; accessible forest areas , paid campgrounds, or designed camp areas where you can pull over your camper overnight. Camping facilities vary from campground to campground. Some are in the middle of nowhere, some have simple facilities like a fire pit, and some have running water, toilets, and showers. You can choose the right campground that suits your needs, I am sure 🙂

Even though camping is legal on the island, you must obtain a permit to camp in free forest campgrounds and designed camping areas. You can get the camping permit by applying online here or going to the Department of Environment, Landscape, and Sports in La Laguna. Please request this permit beforehand since getting it takes a few days.

It is important to note that wild camping is not allowed in the nature reserves and on the beaches around the island, because of the forest fires, especially during the summer. Plus, the goal is to keep nature clean and not disturb animals.


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Camping Tips

Camping vocabulary in spanish, how to reserve a campground, paid campgrounds, designed camp areas.

the camping trip in spanish

⛺ The weather conditions can be unpredictable in Tenerife – ensure you have the right camping gear, such as a waterproof tent and appropriate clothing. 

⛺ Apply sunscreen repeatedly during the day, and don’t forget to wear a hat or cap.  

⛺ Remember to have plenty of water while hiking and camping.

⛺ Some places are located far away from supermarkets or any civilization, so bring the food with you.

⛺ Don’t leave any trash and waste behind – human waste included. If there is no toilet near your campsite, ensure you will bury any human waste.

⚠️ Camping at higher altitudes in winter isn’t recommended because it gets freezing at night.

As we are a Spanish school, we thought you should be prepared and know some camping vocabulary in Spanish. So you can ask fellow campers for equipment such as a knife or map.

the camping trip in spanish

Free Forest Camping

the camping trip in spanish

Many free forest campsites are located in the most beautiful parts of the island and are a great alternative to experience wild camping without breaking the law. Most are in wooden areas, so avoid starting bonfires as they can cause a disaster. 

See the map below:

As mentioned, most campsites are in the middle of nowhere, so you should bring all the necessary camping equipment, enough water, and food. However, some are relatively close to civilization, with restaurants, bars, and supermarkets in nearby towns.

Don’t forget to take care of your belongings and make sure your car is locked. 

1. Go to this website . You will see a map with campsites below the list. Choose the one you want to camp at.

the camping trip in spanish

2. Click on the desired campground in the list. On the new page, you will see a calendar. Choose a date , fill out how many people would come , and the date when you leave . If you need a place for a caravan or car , you also need to specify that. When all are filled in, click on “ Siguiente paso ” and there you need to fill out personal information.

the camping trip in spanish

3. That’s it! Now you can start preparing for our camping trip!

As you will see on the calendar, all reservations can be made for the next 15 days – booking the camping place later is impossible.

the camping trip in spanish

The benefit of paid campsites is having a wild range of facilities such as hot showers, running water, toilets, mini kitchens, and food options.

*note that all the prices may change depending on a campsite

Camping Montaña Roja

This camping site is located in the southern part of the island near the beautiful beach of La Tejita. You can find a great view over the Montaña Roja, a big mountain near the campsite. Many kite and windsurfers go camping at this campsite as it is close to El Médano – the most famous kitesurfing place on the island. Moreover, the camping site has pitch spaces and cabins, a restaurant and bar, wifi, a parking lot, an outdoor pool, a terrace, and a beachfront. 

Tent – 17€ per night Cabin – 55€ – 120€ per night

Camping Nauta

This campsite is very suitable for families and very well equipped. The camping is located in the south of the island, close to the most favorite places in the area – Playa de la Américas, Los Gigantes, Los Cristianos, and Costa Adeje. It has a tennis court, a playground for children, pools, a bar, barbeque areas, kitchen and dining areas for groups, a mini-market, washing machine and dryer, showers, toilets, wifi, cabins, places for caravans and mobile homes. The bus stop is only 100 meters away.

Tent – 6,50€ per night Moto – 5,15€ per night Car – 6,50€ per night Caravan – 8,70€ per night Motocaravan – 9€ per night Van – 8,70€ per night Electricity – 5,15€ per night Cabin – 42€ per night

Camping Punta del Hidalgo

The camp is located in Punta del Hidalgo, about 20 meters from the beach. It provides electricity, running water, barbeque, showers, and toilets. 

Caravan – 3€ – 6€ per night Autocaravan – 5,10€ per night Car – 3€ per night Moto – 1,50€ per night Electricity – 1,50€ per night Tent – 5€ – 6€ per night

Camping El Castillo de Himeche

This place provides a great view of the volcano Teide and the island next to Tenerife, La Gomera. It offers places for tents and caravans, showers, toilets, and a swimming pool. It is located in the island’s Southwest, and you only need 15 minutes to get to Playa San Juan. Overall, it is a perfect campground to relax with nature around. 

the camping trip in spanish

These areas are specially created for your campers, where you can pull over the night. The conditions and amenities vary from spot to spot. Some areas offer solely electricity; however, some offer toilets.

You can find more campgrounds in Tenerife, but I’ve listed the most popular ones here. All you have to do now is get your gear and go camping! Have fun and good luck 🌳🥾🏕

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  22. Camping in Tenerife

    The camp is located in Punta del Hidalgo, about 20 meters from the beach. It provides electricity, running water, barbeque, showers, and toilets. Prices: Caravan - 3€ - 6€ per night. Autocaravan - 5,10€ per night. Car - 3€ per night. Moto - 1,50€ per night. Electricity - 1,50€ per night. Tent - 5€ - 6€ per night.

  23. Trip in Spanish

    4. (act of tripping someone) a. la zancadilla. (F) The player brought an opponent down with a trip and the referee called a foul.El jugador le hizo una zancadilla a un contrario y el árbitro le señaló la falta. 5. (stumble) a. el tropezón. (M) Many accidents in the workplace are the result of trips and falls.