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Crafting product tours in Vue.js

v tour vue


Product tours are used to familiarize new and existing users with the interface of your application and guide them towards taking meaningful actions that will help them utilize your application to its full potential.

v tour vue

In this article, I’ll walk you through how you can craft product tours that will help convert new users of your application into long-term users or customers.

Why use product tours?

All software, especially new products that are the first of their kind, often have a bit of a learning curve. As the product owner, your goal is to help shorten that curve by showing users how to efficiently use your product and its features. This can be done with the help of product tours.

Product tours also help with user retention and conversion, as most users who can’t navigate through the UI of your application will get frustrated and go on to use your competitors’ product instead.

Please note that product tours are not a substitute for a great user interface design, so it’s important to consider investing in high quality designs as well.

While product tours are a great tool, if poorly executed, they can quickly frustrate new users, preventing them from discovering your product’s core value and making them more likely to abandon your product too soon. The key is to focus on your product’s value and user goals, instead of dragging users through every feature. In this article, we’ll cover tips for designing effective product tours.

Best practices for creating product tours

Creating awesome product tours isn’t rocket science, but it does apply scientific principles in that you have to test and iterate on your tour multiple times to find out what is best for your users while following basic design principles. Let’s take a look at some useful tips, shall we?

Make it optional

Not every user likes to be lectured on how to use a product. Some of them learn by playing around with your user interface and figuring things out themselves, and forcing a product tour on them could make them less interested. For this reason, think about adding a “skip” button to your tour. Do note that there are cases where adding a product tour might be crucial, but this depends on your product type.

KISS (Keep It Short and Simple)

When creating product tours, don’t try to overcomplicate things. Not every new user is eager to use your products, so try to respect their time by keeping it short and simple.

You can achieve this by streamlining your product tour to contain only key steps the user needs in order to get acquainted with your product and get the most out of it.

v tour vue

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v tour vue

Be sequential

Throwing around random highlights and tooltips isn’t the best way to show your users that you respect their time, and it can be confusing. Try your best to make your product tour follow a particular sequence instead. This will make your users eager to explore your product offerings.

Be suggestive

Most of the time, instead of showing your users all of your product’s features at once, you can simply suggest features they should try out or features they should know about after they’ve carried out a specific action or set. This encourages them to learn by self-discovery which is arguably one of the best methods of learning.

Provide value

Try to focus only on your product’s core offerings instead of boring your users with every little detail. The 80/20 principle can also be applied here in the sense that most of your users will only use 20 percent of your product’s features to achieve 80 percent of their needs. This means you should find out what that 20 percent of your product offering is and feature it in your tour.

Crafting product tours using vue-tour

There are tons of libraries we can use in crafting our product tours in Vue.js, but we’ll take a look at using the vue-tour library. vue-tour is the most widely used at 20,000 downloads weekly and 2,000 Github stars. It’s also easy to get it up and running and offers plenty of customizations.

To practice how we can craft product tours in Vue.js, we’ll take an existing dashboard application and add a product tour feature to it using the vue-tour library.

You can find the Github repository for crafting product tours with vue-tour here.

Please note that the repository has two branches: one is the main branch which is the initial, and the second is the product-tour branch, which is the final product.

Getting started

To get started, let’s fork the repository and clone it into our local machine.

Then we install node modules using the following command:

Next, we install the vue-tour library by running the command below:

Unfortunately, the vue-tour library isn’t yet compatible with Vue 3. This is being worked on and is going to be released by the project maintainers in an update coming soon, but for now, we’ll be using it with Vue 2.

In your main.js file add the following lines of code. This imports the vue-tour library, its default styling, and also specifies that we want to use the library globally in our application:

Working with vue-tour

First we have to add either a unique class name, ID name, or data property to the element we want our tour to target.

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Navigate to DashboardHome.vue through src > views > dashboard > DashboardHome :

Next, we define the steps as an array of objects in our component’s data property, our Vuex store, or anywhere else.

Each of the array of objects should contain at least the target element, and the content you want in it. There’s also room to make some other customizations such as the placement of tooltip or header:

Adding the product tour to your project

Next, to make our product tour show up on our page, we add the following line of code:

The final step is to add the following line of code in our mounted hook, or whenever we want the tour to begin:

In our case, we want the tour to start when our user loads the page, so we load it in the mounted hook as shown below:

There we have it, our product tour is up and running. Obviously it isn’t anything fancy, but we’ve learned how to build one.

From here you can tweak and customize this project or your own product tours to whatever works best for you and your users.

For more information how to use and customize vue-tour check out their documentation here .

In this tutorial, we’ve reviewed the definition and importance of product tours. We’ve also discussed some of the best practices for creating really good product tours that help increase user conversion and retention. We’ve also practiced adding a product tour feature to our Vue.js application.

Experience your Vue apps exactly how a user does

Debugging Vue.js applications can be difficult, especially when there are dozens, if not hundreds of mutations during a user session. If you’re interested in monitoring and tracking Vue mutations for all of your users in production, try LogRocket .

LogRocket Dashboard Free Trial Banner

LogRocket is like a DVR for web and mobile apps, recording literally everything that happens in your Vue apps, including network requests, JavaScript errors, performance problems, and much more. Instead of guessing why problems happen, you can aggregate and report on what state your application was in when an issue occurred.

The LogRocket Vuex plugin logs Vuex mutations to the LogRocket console, giving you context around what led to an error and what state the application was in when an issue occurred.

Modernize how you debug your Vue apps — start monitoring for free .

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A lightweight and customizable tour plugin for use with Vue.js

Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application.

Getting Started

You can install vue-tour using npm or by downloading the minified build on GitHub.

Then import the plugin in your application entry point (typically main.js if you used vue-cli to scaffold your project) and tell Vue to use it. Also don't forget to include the styles. You can add the styles provided by default or customize them to your own liking.

Finally put a v-tour component in your template anywhere in your app (usually in App.vue) and pass it an array of steps. The target property of each step can target a DOM element in any component of your app (as long as it exists in the DOM when the concerned step pops up).

For all individual elements you want to add a step on, make sure it can be retrieved with document.querySelector() . You can use any selector, an ID, a CSS class, data attributes, etc. Once this is done and your steps correctly target some DOM elements of your application, you can start the tour by calling the following method.

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Alemoh Rapheal Baja

Onboarding users using the vue-tour package in Nuxtjs

Onboarding users using the vue-tour package in Nuxtjs

Onboarding and aiding tour guide for users to ease website navigation in nuxtjs application.

Alemoh Rapheal Baja's photo

In this article, we'll be looking at how to onboard or guide users in Nuxtjs application using the vue-tour guide package by Pulsar .

vue-tour is a Lightweight, Simple and Customizable tour plugin for use with Vue.js

Vue Tour provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application. You can control the tour on this page by clicking the following buttons.

Go to our documentation if you want to use Vue Tour in a more advanced way.

The aim of the project is to add a tour guide for onboarding users to our website.

Let's start by creating a new Nuxtjs project.

To create a project in Nuxtjs


Follow the instructions to setup the application


change the directory and open the source code with your favourite editor.

Over here let's assume you use vscode... you could the command below to open the project on vscode editor
Serve the application using the command below on port 4500


We'll be using a Tailwindcss landing page template for the demo of this project from here before adding the vue-tour package

You can find more templates here

  • During the project creation, we picked Tailwindcss as the layout choice

Run this command to add the tailwindconfig


Copy the files from the tailwind.config.js in the landing web template to the Nuxtjs project and update the content section shown below

Visit this link for more information on how to setup Tailwindcss

We'll create an assets folder in the Nuxtjs project to keep the CSS and font files from the landing page template.


The js and assets/images files will be placed under the static folder


The files can be loaded through nuxt.config.js file and accessed in the vue component.

Next, Let's implement the vue-tour package

You can install vue-tour using yarn, npm or download the minified build on GitHub.


Next, create a plugin folder and a vue-tour plugin file inside the folder and tell Vue to use it. Also, don't forget to include the styles. You can add the styles provided by default or customize them to your own liking.


Next, register the plugin in the Nuxt config file


Next, we'll add a v-tour component in the Tutorial component displaying the landing page and pass it an array of steps. The target property of each step can target a DOM element in any component of your app (as long as it exists in the DOM when the concerned step pops up).
Next we'll add the id attribute to track the step in the HTML section (any element) of the Tutorial component

Simply wrap the section that needs guide within the

Update the script section to display the guide details
For this article we've created 10 steps to guide or onboard the user about the landing page
  • First Guide


  • Navigation guide


you can use the placement option to change the direction of the pop up.. either right, left, bottom or top.


The dialog has the previous, next and skip tour options.

The last dialog has the previous and finish options

If the content takes up the screen space you could add a height and scroll feature.

In order not to bug users with pop guides you could use cookies or localstorage to keep track of the display status.

Tutorial repository

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made with vue.js

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Customizable Tour Plugin


"Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable Vue.js tour plugin. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application."
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5 Best Vue.js Product Tour Libraries for User Onboarding

Got software built on Vue.js and you need to improve your user onboarding? Dig into the best open-source libraries for the job. In our “vue”, these are some mighty fine tools.

5 Best Vue.js Product Tour Libraries for User Onboarding

Are you using Vue.js for your web application? Do you need to create an onboarding tour (or more!) for your product? If you’ve answered yes to both of those questions, you’ve come to the right place. 

User onboarding tours are a must for SaaS organizations that need to drive product adoption in-app. These powerful flows increase trial conversion, user retention, and also reduce churn rates. 

But it can be tricky to find tools to effectively launch onboarding flows on apps built with JS-based frameworks like Vue.js or React due to technical specifications. One unique thing about Vue.js is that it uses virtual DOMs.

Web apps built with Vue.js use a virtual representation of the DOM to make changes instead of directly changing the actual DOM. This allows apps built with Vue.js to be much faster, but it means that the onboarding solution has to be compatible with such a framework. 

This is why third-party onboarding libraries that are built to accommodate for Vue.js product tours could be better.

Five open-source Vue.js onboarding libraries #

If you’re looking to make DIY solutions, you can start with open-source libraries that are built as Vue.js components, with which you can create your own onboarding tours. These five below will give you a great grounding to build customized onboarding flows for your Vue.js app.

1. Intro.js #

Intro.js is a JavaScript library that allows developers to create user onboarding tours for various JavaScript-based apps ; that includes Vue.js. The library provides an easy-to-use interface for highlighting and describing specific elements on a web page and guiding users through a series of steps to complete a task. 

The library is customizable and can be styled to match the look and feel of the application. It's also lightweight and fast, making it an ideal solution for creating user onboarding experiences in Vue.js applications.

One caveat here though is that it’s not completely free. If you want to use it for commercial purposes, you need to purchase a license starting at $9.99 for lifetime use.

To use Intro.js for Vue.js, get the Vue bindings . 

A screenshot of Intro.js in action

Intro.js in action

2. Shepherd.js #

Shepherd.js is another JavaScript library that provides a highly customizable, and flexible set of UX patterns for building user onboarding tours in web applications. It is designed to work with a variety of JavaScript front-end frameworks, including Vue.js, and can be used to guide users through the key features and functionality of an application. 

The library includes a variety of features and options, such as the ability to add custom CSS for styling, use different types of modal windows, and set up tour triggers based on specific events. If you’re looking for a robust DIY solution for your Vue.js onboarding tour, this could be it. 

In order to use Shepherd.js for Vue.js, get the Vue Wrapper . 

A screenshot of Shepherd.js in action

Shepherd.js in action

3. Vue Tour #

Vue Tour is a Vue.js plugin for creating user onboarding tours in web applications. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for highlighting specific elements on a web page, describing what they do, and guiding users through a series of steps to complete a task. 

Like any onboarding library should be, the plugin is highly customizable, allowing developers to set up tour steps, add custom styles, and define triggers for starting the tour. It is also lightweight and fast, which is always a plus. 

You can get started with Vue Tour by installing via npm or downloading the GitHub build.

v tour vue

Vue Tour in action

4. v-onboarding #

v-onboarding is another Vue.js plugin for creating onboarding tours. It provides a minimal yet flexible interface for highlighting specific elements on a web page and guiding users. The UI is fully customizable and it supports TypeScript. 

You can install v-onboarding through npm or Yarn.

An example of v-onboarding in action

v-onboarding in action

5. Vue Page Guide #

Vue Page Guide is a component that allows you to create a visual guide for users. It’s quite similar to other Vue.js onboarding components, but unlike other tools, Vue Page Guide’s specialty seems to be in highlighting all features at once, like below. If this is something you prefer to do, check it out. 

Installation is similar to v-onboarding, through npm or Yarn .

An example of Vue Page Guide in action

Vue Page Guide in action

Want to save time from building onboarding? Buy instead!  #

If you don’t want to build your own onboarding tour for your Vue.js app, the other option is to buy dedicated, user onboarding software . 

There are pros and cons to both approaches. On one hand, if you do have dev resources to spare, and you want to have a customized onboarding experience that you can own and control, then building one from scratch with one of these open-source libraries might be the way to go.

Here's a brief table that summarizes it.

v tour vue

But even aside from saving dev time, buying onboarding software has many benefits when it comes to ROI. 

For instance, just look at all the features that Chameleon comes with other than its robust onboarding tools: 

Native A/B testing 

Fully customizable styling  

Integration with best-in-class analytics tools e.g. Mixpanel, Heap, Amplitude

Ability to contextually trigger tours and target users

Create self-serve onboarding flows

And most importantly, Chameleon is fully compatible with Vue.js. Installation is super easy, with a step-by-step guide that shows you how to get Chameleon up and running with npm . 

v tour vue

Interested? Try Chameleon for free and see for yourself! 

v tour vue

Deploy Vue.js product tours in minutes

Save dev time and easily build onboarding tours that drive product adoption.

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Ron  Cartwright

Ron Cartwright

2 years ago

A Lightweight, Simple and Customizable Guided Tour Plugin for Vue.js

Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application.

Table of Contents

Getting started, something missing.

You can install vue-tour using npm or by downloading the minified build on GitHub.

Then import the plugin in your application entry point (typically main.js if you used vue-cli to scaffold your project) and tell Vue to use it. Also don’t forget to include the styles. You can add the styles provided by default or customize them to your own liking.

Finally put a v-tour component in your template anywhere in your app (usually in App.vue) and pass it an array of steps. The target property of each step can target a DOM element in any component of your app (as long as it exists in the DOM when the concerned step pops up).

For all individual elements you want to add a step on, make sure it can be retrieved with document.querySelector() . You can use any selector, an ID, a CSS class, data attributes, etc. Once this is done and your steps correctly target some DOM elements of your application, you can start the tour by calling the following method.

For a more detailed documentation, checkout the docs for vue-tour .

before() UI step functions

If you need to do UI setup work before a step, there’s a before function you may include in any/each of your steps. This function will get invoked before the start/next/previous step is rendered. The function must return a promise. The function is invoked when start , nextStep , and previousStep are triggered. When the promise is rejected, it will not move to the next or previous step. If the promise is resolved then it will move in the direction specified.

It’s used when you need to change what’s shown on the screen between steps. For example, you may want to hide one set of menus and open a screen or you want to perform an async operation. This is especially useful in single-page applications.

If you have a feature request or found a bug, let us know by submitting an issue.

Download Details:

Author: pulsardev The Demo/Documentation: View The Demo/Documentation Download Link: Download The Source Code Official Website: License: MIT

#vue #vuejs #javascript #web-development

A Lightweight, Simple and Customizable Guided Tour Plugin for  Vue.js

Create Customizable Guided Tours In Vue 3 – VueJS Tour

A lightweight yet fully customizable Vue 3 tour component that helps guide your visitors through new features or important sections in your applications.

How to use it:

1. Install and import the tour component.

2. Create steps for the tour.

3. Start the tour.

4. Available props.

5. API methods:

  • @onTourStart

v1.6.0 (03/27/2024)

  • VTour: Added prop ‘backdrop’ to enable a backdrop / disabling controls

v1.5.0 (01/04/2024)

  • VTour: Added goToStep function

v1.4.0 (12/28/2023)

  • VTour: Added saveToLocalStorage prop

v1.3.9 (10/22/2023)

v1.3.6 (10/16/2023)

v1.3.5 (05/22/2023)

v1.3.4 (04/19/2023)

  • component: Fixed error on first step / no highlight

Download Details:

Author : GlobalHive

Live Demo :

Download Link :

Official Website :

Install & Download:

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2024 Texas Open live stream, watch online, TV schedule, channel, tee times, golf coverage, radio

The pga tour stays in texas this week for one last tune up before the masters.


Just four rounds stand between players and the first major championship of the season. The 2024 Texas Open will serve as the final tune up for some of the world's best as they search for form ahead of the Masters. While many of the top names in the field have already booked their trips to Augusta National, the Texas Open will grant one final spot in the field should a winner without an invitation emerge.

Not needing to worry about this is world No. 2 Rory McIlroy, who has experienced a somewhat tumultuous season up to this point. A bit more erratic with his long game than what we are used to, McIlroy is without a top-10 finish on the PGA Tour and has struggled to string four rounds together. McIlroy hopes to find whatever this missing link may be at TPC San Antonio, where he last played in 2022. McIlroy missed the cut that week, but it served as a good preparation; he finished runner-up at the Masters a week later. 

Also factoring in Masters past are champions such as Jordan Spieth and Hideki Matsuyama, who are heading in opposite directions in terms of form. Matsuyama, a winner at the Genesis Invitational, looks much like the man who donned the green jacket in 2021. Spieth, meanwhile, has struggled with consistency. Fresh off back-to-back missed cuts at the Players Championship and Valspar Championship, Spieth is in need of some strong play leading into the Masters. 

Collin Morikawa finds himself in a similar position with cold iron play, while players such as Max Homa, Matt FItzpatrick Ludvig Aberg, Tommy Fleetwood and Brian Harman appear keen on entering the winner's circle.

All times Eastern; streaming start times approximated   

Round 2 - Friday

Round starts:  8:15 a.m.

PGA Tour Live:  8:15 a.m. -  7 p.m. --  PGA Tour Live

Live TV coverage:  4-7 p.m. on Golf Channel,  fubo  (Try for free) Live streaming:  4-7 p.m. on Peacock

Radio:  1-7 p.m. --  PGA Tour Radio  

Round 3 - Saturday

Round starts:  10 a.m.

PGA Tour Live:  10 a.m. -  6 p.m. --  PGA Tour Live

Early TV coverage:  1 - 3:30 p.m. on Golf Channel,  fubo  (Try for free) Live streaming:  1 - 3:30 p.m. on Peacock

Live TV coverage:  3:30 - 6 p.m. on NBC Live streaming:  3:30 - 6 p.m. on Peacock

Radio:  3-6 p.m. --  PGA Tour Radio  

Round 4 - Sunday

Early TV coverage:  1 - 2:30 p.m. on Golf Channel,  fubo  (Try for free) Live streaming:  1 - 2:30 p.m. on Peacock

Live TV coverage:  2:30 - 6 p.m. on NBC Live streaming:  2:30 - 6 p.m. on Peacock

Radio:  1-6 p.m. --  PGA Tour Radio  

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2024 women's NCAA Tournament Final Four dates, game times, TV, location, teams and more

The stars will be out on Friday night in the women's Final Four.

Iowa's Caitlin Clark , South Carolina's Kamilla Cardoso, UConn's Paige Bueckers and NC State's Aziaha James will all take the court in Cleveland with a trip to the national championship game on the line, and each has their own calling card as they enter the championship rounds.

Clark's story is well-documented at this point , but endlessly impressive nonetheless: She put together a Her-culean effort in Iowa's win over LSU in the Elite Eight, with a 41-point game (and a bit of revenge). Cardoso has been a force in the paint for the Gamecocks, and she'll look to take her game to the next level at the conclusion of the women's tournament.

J ames has exploded in the tournament , capping off brilliant performance after brilliant performance with a 7-for-9 night from 3-point land in the Wolfpack's win over Texas in the Elite Eight. Last, and certainly not least, Bueckers wants to cap off this UConn run with that elusive championship – but she plans to run it back with the Huskies next season should things go south between now and then.

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FOLLOW THE MADNESS: NCAA basketball bracket, scores, schedules, teams and more.

However you cut it, the women's Final Four will be filled with excitement, drama and plenty of buckets. Here's what to know about the 2024 women's Final Four:

When is the women's Final Four?

  • Date: Friday, April 5
  • Start time: 7 p.m. ET (South Carolina vs. NC State); 9:30 p.m. ET (UConn vs. Iowa)

The women's Final Four is set for tip-off on Friday, April 5. The first game begins at 7 p.m. ET (6 p.m. CT), with the second matchup following at 9:30 p.m. ET, or after the conclusion of the first game.

What TV channel is the women's Final Four on?

ESPN will broadcast both games of the 2024 women's Final Four, with the doubleheader beginning at 7 p.m. ET on Friday night.

Where is the women's Final Four?

  • Location: Cleveland, Ohio
  • Venue: Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse

The semifinal games of the 2024 women's NCAA Tournament will take place at the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio. The arena is home of the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers and seats over 19,000 fans.

Women's Final Four bracket

Here's how the women's Final Four bracket shapes up entering the final weekend of the tourney:

  • (1) South Carolina vs. (3) North Carolina State
  • (1) Iowa vs. (3) UConn

Who is in the women's Final Four?

In one matchup, the South Carolina Gamecocks take on the North Carolina State Wolfpack in a battle of Carolina supremacy. South Carolina, led by 6-foot-7 senior Kamilla Cardoso, looks to keep its undefeated season rolling against the Wolfpack. Aziaha James has been on a tear in the tournament, last exploding for seven 3-pointers in NC State's win over the Longhorns.

In the other showdown, Caitlin Clark looks to keep her historic 2023-24 season alive when she and the Hawkeyes face off against Paige Bueckers and UConn in the semifinal. Clark put up a masterful performance in their regional final vs. LSU, scoring 41 points in 40 minutes and exacting revenge against the Tigers.

  • 4 Dependencies
  • 2 Dependents

Forked from vue-tour

Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable tour plugin for use with Vue.js 3. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application.

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Getting started, something missing.

You can install vue3-tour using npm or by downloading the minified build on GitHub.

Then import the plugin in your application entry point (typically main.js if you used vue-cli to scaffold your project) and tell Vue to use it. Also don't forget to include the styles. You can add the styles provided by default or customize them to your own liking.

Finally put a v-tour component in your template anywhere in your app (usually in App.vue) and pass it an array of steps. The target property of each step can target a DOM element in any component of your app (as long as it exists in the DOM when the concerned step pops up).

For all individual elements you want to add a step on, make sure it can be retrieved with document.querySelector() . You can use any selector, an ID, a CSS class, data attributes, etc. Once this is done and your steps correctly target some DOM elements of your application, you can start the tour by calling the following method.

For a more detailed documentation, checkout the docs for vue-tour .

before() UI step functions

If you need to do UI setup work before a step, there's a before function you may include in any/each of your steps. This function will get invoked before the start/next/previous step is rendered. The function must return a promise. The function is invoked when start , nextStep , and previousStep are triggered. When the promise is rejected, it will not move to the next or previous step. If the promise is resolved then it will move in the direction specified.

It's used when you need to change what's shown on the screen between steps. For example, you may want to hide one set of menus and open a screen or you want to perform an async operation. This is especially useful in single-page applications.

If you have a feature request or found a bug, let us know by submitting an issue.

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  1. Vue Tour

    Add an array of steps in your component and a 'v-tour' component in your template and you're good to go! ... Vue Tour provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application. You can control the tour on this page by clicking the following buttons. Start the tour Next step Show last step. Discover Vue Tour! Skip tour Next.

  2. GitHub

    Finally put a v-tour component in your template anywhere in your app (usually in App.vue) and pass it an array of steps. The target property of each step can target a DOM element in any component of your app (as long as it exists in the DOM when the concerned step pops up).

  3. Features · pulsardev/vue-tour Wiki · GitHub

    Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable guided tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application. - Features · pulsardev/vue-tour Wiki

  4. Guide Users Through Your Vue.js App with vue-tour

    $ vue create my-new-project and hitting enter a couple times should be sufficient. Then, you'll want to install vue-tour from npm: $ npm install vue-tour # or with Yarn: $ yarn add vue-tour Set Up. Enable the plugin and load the CSS…

  5. Vue Tour

    Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application. ... Finally put a v-tour component in your template anywhere in your app (usually in App.vue) and pass it an array of steps.

  6. vue-tour

    Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application.. Latest version: 2.0.0, last published: 3 years ago. Start using vue-tour in your project by running `npm i vue-tour`. There are 28 other projects in the npm registry using vue-tour.

  7. Crafting product tours in Vue.js

    Crafting product tours using vue-tour. There are tons of libraries we can use in crafting our product tours in Vue.js, but we'll take a look at using the vue-tour library. vue-tour is the most widely used at 20,000 downloads weekly and 2,000 Github stars. It's also easy to get it up and running and offers plenty of customizations.

  8. A lightweight and customizable tour plugin for use with Vue.js

    Finally put a v-tour component in your template anywhere in your app (usually in App.vue) and pass it an array of steps. The target property of each step can target a DOM element in any component of your app (as long as it exists in the DOM when the concerned step pops up).

  9. Onboarding users using the vue-tour package in Nuxtjs

    vue-tour is a Lightweight, Simple and Customizable tour plugin for use with Vue.js. Vue Tour provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application. You can control the tour on this page by clicking the following buttons. ... Next, we'll add a v-tour component in the Tutorial component displaying the landing page and pass it ...

  10. Vue Tour

    Vue application monitoring by Sentry provides actionable insights to resolve performance bottlenecks and errors Learn more ThemeSelection offers high-quality and easy-to-use Vue & Vue+Laravel admin templates to create your apps faster Learn more Bryntum offers a modern web component suite including a grid, scheduler, calendar & more - all integrating with Vue.js Learn more Placid is a ...

  11. 5 Best Vue.js Product Tour Libraries for User Onboarding

    1. Intro.js. Intro.js is a JavaScript library that allows developers to create user onboarding tours for various JavaScript-based apps; that includes Vue.js. The library provides an easy-to-use interface for highlighting and describing specific elements on a web page and guiding users through a series of steps to complete a task.

  12. Getting Started · pulsardev/vue-tour Wiki · GitHub

    Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable guided tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application. - Getting Started · pulsardev/vue-tour Wiki

  13. vue.js

    Dynamic offset in v-tour. We implemented the vue-tour on our project but having a problem in making it dynamic for the other devices. For example in my current setup, it is okay but if it is another device, you need to scroll up. target: '.v-step-purchase-orders-2', header: {. title: 'Create a Purchase Order - Purchase Order Details',

  14. A Lightweight, Simple and Customizable Guided Tour Plugin for Vue.js

    Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable guided tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application. ... Finally put a v-tour component in your template anywhere in your app (usually in App.vue) and pass it an array of steps.

  15. Fast Guided Tour Plugin For Vue

    A simple, lightweight, and customizable guided tour plugin for Vue.js.

  16. Create Customizable Guided Tours In Vue 3

    A lightweight yet fully customizable Vue 3 tour component that helps guide your visitors through new features or important sections in your applications. How to use it: 1. Install and import the tour component.

  17. GitHub

    Finally put a v-tour component in your template anywhere in your app (usually in App.vue) and pass it an array of steps. The target property of each step can target a DOM element in any component of your app (as long as it exists in the DOM when the concerned step pops up).

  18. vue-tour examples

    Use this online vue-tour playground to view and fork vue-tour example apps and templates on CodeSandbox. Click any example below to run it instantly or find templates that can be used as a pre-built solution! vuexy-vuejs-react-html-laravel-admin-dashboard-template. vuexy-vuejs-html-laravel-dashboard-admin-template. scratch-for-discord.

  19. Tour Configuration · pulsardev/vue-tour Wiki · GitHub

    Your custom configuration object doesn't need to (re)declare every values, you only need to define what you want to change. This prop currently support the following properties: Option. Default. Description. useKeyboardNavigation. true. If set to true you may use the ←, → and ESC keys to navigate through your tour. startTimeout.

  20. Valero Texas Open 2024 Golf Leaderboard

    Field. FedExCup. Course Stats. TOURCAST. Past Results. Overview. Signature Events. PGA TOUR Tournament Field 2024 Valero Texas Open, San Antonio - Golf Scores and Results.

  21. 2024 Texas Open live stream, watch online, TV schedule, channel, tee

    2024 Texas Open live stream, watch online, TV schedule, channel, tee times, golf coverage, radio The PGA Tour stays in Texas this week for one last tune up before the Masters

  22. GitHub

    Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable guided tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application. - Sitronik/v3-tour

  23. When is Final Four? Dates, times, TV, teams, bracket in women's March

    When is the women's Final Four? Date: Friday, April 5. Start time: 7 p.m. ET (South Carolina vs. NC State); 9:30 p.m. ET (UConn vs. Iowa) The women's Final Four is set for tip-off on Friday, April ...

  24. vue3-tour

    Vue Tour. Forked from vue-tour. Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable tour plugin for use with Vue.js 3. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application.

  25. vue-tour/src/components/VTour.vue at master

    Vue Tour is a lightweight, simple and customizable guided tour plugin for use with Vue.js. It provides a quick and easy way to guide your users through your application. - pulsardev/vue-tour