visit brussels wandelingen

De perfecte wandeling door Brussel (5,4 km)

Ik kom niet vaak in Brussel. Hooguit een keer of 3 per jaar voor het werk. Als ik er dan toch eens moet zijn, probeer ik snel even wat highlights te spotten. Vandaar deze zelf samengestelde wandelroute van een dik uur: de perfecte wandeling door Brussel.

We beginnen onze wandeling bij een centraal punt. Het centraal station. De buurt rond het centraal station is niet meteen de aantrekkelijkste coté van Brussel, maar dat verandert snel. Slechts 300 meter verder komen we het eerste hoogtepunt al tegen.

Sint-Michiels en Sint-Goedelekathedraal (0,3 km)

Soms spottend de goedkope versie van de Notre Dame genoemd. Maar wel één van de belangrijkste kerken van België vanwege de koninklijke huwelijken en begrafenissen. Je kan de kathedraal, net zoals Napoleon in de 19 e eeuw, gratis bezoeken. Op een zonnige dag is het fijn zitten in het parkje voor de kathedraal.

We wandelen door de koninklijke Sint-Hubertusgalerijen naar de volgende halte.

Jeanneke Pis (0,8 km)

Ondertussen algemeen bekend: Manneken Pis heeft een zusje. Buitenechtelijk of niet? Geen idee… Jeanneke werd geboren in 1987 om meer toeristen naar de wijk te lokken. Je vindt haar recht tegenover de ingang van het Delirium Café , vlakbij de bekende Rue des Bouchers .

De Munt (1,1 km)

De bakermat van België. Enkel hierom een kleine omweg waard. De opera “De Stomme van Portici” werd gespeeld in de Muntschouwburg. In deze opera zat een scène die opriep tot opstand tegen de bezetter. Nederland dus. Dit leidde –via enkele omwegen- tot de onafhankelijkheid van België.

Via de Sint-Nikolaaskerk en de achterkant van het beursgebouw gaan we richting Grote Markt .

Grote Markt (1,5 km)

Je kan er over discussiëren. Maar dit zou wel eens het mooiste marktplein ter wereld kunnen zijn. De gevels met gouden accenten stralen iets sprookjesachtig uit. Sinds het ontstaan van Brussel is de huidige Grote Markt al het centrale punt van de stad. De meeste gebouwen dateren van het einde van de zeventiende eeuw (1695). Toen was er een oorlog met de Fransen waardoor een groot deel van Brussel verwoest werd. Het stadhuis was één van de enige gebouwen dat nog overeind stond.

Grote Markt van Brussel

Manneken pis (1,8 km)

Geen perfecte wandeling door Brussel zondere Manneken Pis. Het zowel bejubelde als bespotte symbool der Belgen. 58 centimeter groot en immer plassend. Lach zoveel je wilt. Volk trekken doet ie wel. Al was het maar om de quivraag ‘Met welke hand houdt Manneken Pis zijn flietertje vast?’ te kunnen beantwoorden.

Met een beetje geluk zie je hem met een speciaal pakje aan. Al sinds de 14 e eeuw is er op deze locatie een fontein. Minstens sinds de 17 e eeuw staat er een beeldje.

Onderweg naar Manneken Pis kom je iconische streetart met een afbeelding van Kuifje tegen.

Manneken Pis in Brussel

De kunstberg (2,7 km)

Mijn favoriete plaats in Brussel. De klim omhoog brengt je eerst langs een beeld van Koning Albert I en vervolgens langs de mooie gevel van het Muziekinstrumentenmuseum.  Uiteindelijk eindig je op het Koningsplein. Daar staat een standbeeld van Godfried van Bouillon.

In de andere richting zie je de toren van het stadhuis en de Basiliek van Koekelberg liggen. Er volgt later een nog mooier zicht op downtown Brussel, maar eerst gaan we op visite bij de koning.

De Kunstberg dankt de naam aan de vele kunstmusea op en rond het Koningsplein. Zoals bijvoorbeeld het René Magritte Museum .  ( Lees verder onder de foto. )

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Toon Voets (@gaateensvoets)

Koninklijk paleis en Warandepark (3,0 km)

Verwacht niet om hier de koning te zien. Het is enkel zijn kantoor, en telewerken is natuurlijk hip tegenwoordig. Tegenover het paleis ligt het Warandepark met daarachter het federaal parlement . Het warandepark stamt uit de tijd dat het zo hoorde om voor een paleis een groot plein aan te leggen.

We wandelen opnieuw over het Koningsplein, over de Regentschapstraat , langs de Kleine Zavel tot bij het Poelaertplein.

visit brussels wandelingen

Justitiepaleis en Poelaertplein (4,1 km)

Het justitiepaleis werd eind 19e eeuw gebouwd eind. Van op het Poelaertplein heb je een schitterend uitzicht over de stad. Het plein voor het paleis is genoemd naar de architect van het paleis. Jammer genoeg is het justitiepaleis de laatste decennia bijna uitsluitend verpakt in stellingen te zien.

3 fun facts om het gebouw toch wat leuker te maken:

  • Een kopie staat in Lima, Peru.
  • Adolf Hitler was een grote fan van de looks van het gebouw.
  • Het justitiepaleis is groter dan de Sint-Pietersbasiliek in Rome.

Eindpunt in De Marollen (5,4 km)

Aan de rechterzijde van het justitiepaleis staat een lift die je naar de Marollen brengt. We wandelen door de Marollen en eindigen aan het station Brussel-Kapellekerk. Met wat geluk zie je hier actie in het lokale skatepark.

Skatepark in Brussel

Ben je op zoek naar minder klassieke plekjes in Brussel? Lees dan mijn blog met 10 verrassende Brusselse tips .

Hoe kan je de perfecte wandeling door Brussel nog pimpen?

  • Neem een pauze en drink een Delirium. (Of zinnebier?)
  • Maak het plassende drietal compleet en ga ook op zoek naar Zinneke pis.
  • Ga lunchen bij Nuetnigenough .
  • Bezoek het Muziekinstrumentenmuseum en het René Magritte Museum .

Kunstberg Brussel


visit brussels wandelingen

Verrassend Brussel, 10 tips!

visit brussels wandelingen

Limburgse weekendtip: Voerense bossen

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De ultieme lijst voor een Belgische staycation (59 tips!)

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Limburgse weekendtip: Venusberg in Lummen

Zicht op Prizren

Citytrip Pristina & Prizren – 4 dagen in Kosovo

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Wel leuke site

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Bedankt Nicole!

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Hallo Ik bekeek net je wandeling in Brussel. Hoe lang zou die ongeveer duren ? Mvg Heidi

Een dik uur tot 2 uur (afhankelijk van het tempo) en je bent rond!

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Martijn Bekaert

Dag Toon, Het was een super leuke wandeling door Brussel. Merci om het te delen. Groetjes Martijn

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wijk dansaer!, rue dansaer met cafe beton en walvis, van station noord naar het atomium, de zavel, de glazen lift, de blaesstraat en hoogstraat, molenbeek over het kanaal en langs jet kanaal (veel plezier 😉 )

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Op de hoogte blijven?

Wandelen door Brussel

Wandel in brussel vanaf het station.

De gratis wandelroute door Brussel start bij het Centraal Station en brengt u direct langs een aantal beroemde bezienswaardigheden. Vanuit het Centraal Station wandelt u over de Kunstberg, een helling in het historische centrum van Brussel, waar u de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten kunt zien. Wandel door de bijzonder aangelegde tuinen en bewonder de schoonheid van de Sint Jacob op Koudenbergkerk.

Vervolgens loopt u langs het imposante Koninklijke Paleis en gaat de wandeling door in de groene oase van het Park van Brussel, oftewel het Warandepark, het oudste park van Brussel. Klaar om kennis te maken met het stadse leven van Brussel?

De route door Brussel wisselt regelmatig imposante architectuur af met groene parken. Geniet van de prachtige historische gebouwen en gezellige winkelstraatjes. Bezoek de Europese wijk of dompel uzelf onder in de culinaire wereld van Brussel. Neem plaats in een van de vele gezellige cafés voor een lokaal gebrouwen biertje of echte Belgische frieten.

Meer wandelingen door het centrum van Brussel

  • Bent u geïnteresseerd in architectuur? Dan is de wandeling in de buurt van het horta museum een aanrader. In de wijk Sint-Gillis kunt u genieten van veel art nouveau pareltjes. Bent u een liefhebber van beton? Dan kunt u wandelen langs 6 gebouwen die een voorbeeld zijn van de bouwstijl brutalisme, uit de jaren '60 en '70 van de vorige eeuw.
  • Veel stripfiguren sieren de gevels van Brusselse gebouwen. Als u er geen eentje wilt missen, dan kunt u met behulp van het kaartje op visit.brussel een overzicht vinden en zelf een vrolijke wandeling plannen.
  • Op de site van visit.brussel vindt u nog meer routes door de verschillende wijken van Brussel: - wandeling door Matongé , de Afrikaanse wijk van Brussel; - een wandeling door de buurt de Marollen . Het is een populaire wijk met veel antiekwinkeltjes en een grote vlooienmarkt. - loop de route langs streetart. U vindt op de site alle adressen en een overzichtskaartje .

Ga naar Brussel met de trein

Enthousiast geworden over deze wandelingen? In minder dan twee uur reist u vanaf Amsterdam Centraal rechtstreeks naar de Belgische hoofdstad met Eurostar . U stapt uit in het centraal gelegen Brussel Zuid-Midi. Vanuit dit station reist u binnen enkele minuten naar het Centraal Station, waar de eerste wandelroute begint. U kunt met Intercity Brussel ook rechtstreeks reizen naar Brussel Centraal. U hoeft geen zitplaats te reserveren en kunt elke Intercity nemen op de gekozen reisdag. Lekker flexibel! Hierdoor is reizen met de trein de ideale manier om Brussel te bezoeken. Hoe eerder u boekt, hoe lager de prijs.

Wandelroute Brussel

Ontdek brussel met de fiets.

Geniet onderweg van historisch erfgoed, groene landschappen en tal van musea en activiteiten.

Restaurants in Brussel

Wij kiezen de top vijf restaurants in Brussel, zodat u bij aankomst meteen kunt aanschuiven.

Tips Brussel

Dicht bij huis, een totaal andere wereld: in Brussel heb je unieke musea en leuke markten.

Wandelingen van station naar station

Weekendje brussel.

Stedentrip naar Brussel? Reis comfortabel met de trein en u komt uitgerust aan in hartje centrum. Klaar om deze heerlijke stad te gaan verkennen!

Trein naar Brussel

Zo dichtbij en er toch even helemaal tussenuit!

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Do you know the Art Nouveau walking map created and published by Explore.Brussels?

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visit brussels wandelingen

visit brussels wandelingen

Originele wandeling in Brussel: op wereldreis in onze hoofdstad

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Laatste update op 30 september door Bart

Wat dacht je van een toffe wandeling in Brussel ? Belgen die een citytrip of dagje uit plannen in eigen land kiezen meestal voor de usual suspects. Steden als Antwerpen, Brugge, Mechelen of Hasselt worden vaak als eerste gegoogeld bij de zoektocht naar tips en hotspots. Wij trokken echter met de trein naar onze hoofdstad: Bruxelles ma belle ! Brussel wordt maar al te vaak -volledig onterecht- een beetje met de nek aangekeken als het gaat om een volwaardige stedentrip bestemming, zeker bij de Belgen zelf.

Wandeling in Brussel met Suivez-Moi BXL

kunstberg in brussel tijdens wandeling


Verschillende unieke tours

Wie op trot gaat met Suivez-Moi BXL kan momenteel kiezen uit een vijftal verschillende tours doorheen de stad. Wie Brussel voor het eerst bezoekt kan gaan voor de First Things First wandeling langs de mooiste plekjes in het centrum en wie van groen houdt kiest misschien best voor de Central Park tour. Die gaat niet alleen langs het Josaphatpark in Schaarbaak, maar passeert bijvoorbeeld ook de iconische Botanique. Met de tram naar het bos neemt je dan weer mee via spoorlijn 44 naar de rand van het Zoniënwoud en Watermaal-Bosvoorde. Je leest het, voor iedereen wat wils.

Reis rond de wereld

Wij kozen voor de populairste wandeling van het moment: Reis rond de wereld . Brussel is immers een melting pot van zo’n 180 nationaliteiten wat er voor zorgt dat je zintuigen maximaal geprikkeld worden tijdens deze tocht. Plaats van de afspraak is het Europakruispunt vlakbij het Centraal Station van Brussel. Het is hier dat ik met Annelies , de bezieler van Suivez-Moi BXL heb afgesproken voor een wandeling van ongeveer 3 uur. 

Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram Een bericht dat is gedeeld door @suivezmoibxl

Reis rond de wereld toont je in totaal 3 Brusselse gemeenten die elk hun kenmerkende diversiteit uitdragen. De wandeling is net als de andere tours zo’n 7 à 8 kilometer lang en passeert enkele toeristische highlights zoals de Kunstberg, het Koninklijk Paleis en het Jubelpark.

matonge wijk wandeling door brussel

Matongé- en Europese wijk

Onderweg krijg je dan weer een heleboel weetjes voorgeschoteld over de verschillende instellingen in de Europese wijk en kom je meer te weten over de Congolezen en hun Matongéwijk in Elsene, zeg maar het kloppende hart van de Afrikaanse gemeenschap in Brussel. Niet dat hier zo veel Afrikanen wonen, maar toch fungeert de buurt als ontmoetingsplek.

visit brussels wandelingen

Enkele hotspots tijdens de wandeling

  • Sabena Air Terminus gebouw aan het Centraal Station en het Europakruispunt
  • De Kunstberg en een stukje van de Koninklijke wijk met het Koninklijk paleis als blikvanger
  • De Matongéwijk met het troosteloze Patrice Lumumbaplein, de Elsenegalerij en het Sint-Bonifaasplein
  • Je maakt tijdens deze wandeling kennis met heel wat interessante musea die je achteraf in detail kan bezoeken als je dat wil. Met de museumpas kan je veel van  deze plaatsen gratis bezoeken .
  • Het Leopoldpark in de schaduw van het Europees Parlement, het Huis van de Europese geschiedenis en station Brussel-Luxemburg.
  • Het Jubelpark met het Horta-Lambeauxpaviljoen en de Grote Moskee van Brussel
  • Verschillende instellingen en kunstwerken in de Europese wijk .

Conclusie van de wandeling in Brussel?

Wie denk dat hij of zij Brussel al helemaal uit zijn of haar broekzak kent moet misschien na een wandeling met Annelies toch even van mening herzien. Sommige plekjes die ze je laat zien zijn immers helemaal niet zo voor de hand liggend . Ontdekte je de prachtige tuin van het Wiertz museum bijvoorbeeld al? Of struinde je al eens eerder door de galeries van de Matongéwijk? Ook de foto’s op de tablet zorgen er onderweg voor dat je een duidelijk beeld krijgt tussen het heden en het verleden van bepaalde plekken. Het drankje op een zonnig terras in de helft van de wandeling is welgekomen én goed getimed. Kortom; de wandelingen met Annelies zijn een ideale activiteit in Brussel en zijn niet zoals de standaard-tour-met-gids-zoals-13-in-een-dozijn .

Zoek je een leuk en betaalbaar hotel, kijk dan zeker even bij onze partners!

  • Momondo , vergelijk hier gemakkelijk de prijzen van alle hotels
  • , de grootste boekingswebsite voor hotelkamers
  • HotelSpecials , bekijk alle interessante hotel deals
  • Radisson , krijg de beste Radisson en Park Inn prijzen
  • VakantieVeilingen , bied zelf op je kamer!

Suivez-Moi BXL praktisch

De tours van Suivez-Moi BXL zijn altijd privé rondleidingen , wat wil zeggen dat je tijdens de wandeling niet gemengd wordt met een andere groep. Je kan zowel alleen wandelen als per groep van maximaal 6 vrienden, collega’s of familie. Je kan ook wandelingen op maat laten uitstippelen.

Heb je zin gekregen om Brussel al wandelend te ontdekken? Neem dan contact op met Annelies via de website van Suivez-Moi BXL .

suivez moi bxl jubelpark

Welke wijk tijdens een wandeling in Brussel zou jij graag ontdekken? Laat het weten via onze socials!

  • europese wijk
  • suivez moi bxl
  • wandelingen

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Your Self-Guided Brussels Art Nouveau Walking Tour

Let’s talk about the amazing Brussels Art Nouveau movement. Go to this city and you’re in for a real treat!

Art Nouveau in Brussels flourished in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the city is home to some of the most stunning examples of this architectural style in the world.

If you’re a fan of Art Nouveau like I am, Brussels is a must-visit destination.

In this article, I’ll take you on your very own walking tour through the city’s most amazing Art Nouveau Brussels buildings, from the iconic Hôtel Tassel to the lesser-known but equally enchanting Maison Saint-Cyr.

Table of Contents

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What is Art Nouveau Architecture?

desk, chair, bureau in art nouveau style

I really like Art Nouveau. It’s an architectural style that started in Europe in the late 1800s and became super popular in the early 1900s. What makes it special is the use of nature-inspired stuff like flowers and vines, and the curvy lines that make things look like they’re moving.

Art Nouveau buildings are known for being all fancy with lots of details. They use cool materials like iron, glass, and ceramics, and they’re into curves and lopsided shapes.

One cool thing about Art Nouveau is the “whiplash curve.” It’s like a wavy line that shows movement, and you can see it in decorations like balconies and window frames.

This style got its inspiration from the Arts and Crafts movement, which cared a lot about traditional craftsmanship. They didn’t like mass-produced stuff from machines, so Art Nouveau focused on handmade things like tiles, stained glass, and metalwork.

You can spot awesome Art Nouveau buildings in places like Brussels, Paris, and Barcelona . It left a mark on modern architecture, and you can still see its influence in today’s designs.

About the Art Nouveau in Brussels Movement

I loved spending time in Brussels, especially for its Art Nouveau architecture – some say it’s where it all started. Victor Horta, often called the father of Art Nouveau, played a big role. He designed cool buildings like his own house turned museum.

Other awesome architects in Brussels, like Paul Hankar, Henry Van de Velde, and Gustave Strauven, made an impact on the Belgium Art Nouveau scene. They made a unique style with lots of skill and attention to detail.

The peak of Art Nouveau in Brussels was around the early 1900s, but it kind of faded after World War I. There used to be over 1,000 Art Nouveau buildings, but only about half of them are still standing today.

Brussels Art Nouveau Walking Tour Map

Now it’s time for the Art Nouveau Belgium tour. There are two options for you.

  • Walking tour of Art Nouveau in Brussels with this article as your guide. Simply put the addresses into your phone and let the map app lead you to each beautiful house. It’s a free and simple self-guided walking tour.
  • Join a 3-hour guided group tour that takes you to the Bailli district to see several of the most important Art Nouveau houses and finishes at the Victor Horta Museum.

If you chose option 1, keep reading and let’s go!

Art Nouveau Tour Brussels: Loop #1

Plug into your phone the following addresses:

  • 224 Louise Avenue
  • 6 Rue Paul Emilie Janson
  • 83 Rue de Livourne
  • 48 Rue Defacqz
  • 71 Rue Faider
  • 83 Rue Faider
  • 92 Rue Africaine
  • 25 Rue Americaine

Now, let’s start the Brussels architecture tour!

brown wood doors and windows art nouveau brussels

1. Hotel Solvay (224 Louise Ave)

The Hotel Solvay is considered one of the most iconic examples of Art Nouveau architecture in Brussels.

Designed by the famous Belgian architect Victor Horta, the house is known for its intricate ironwork, sinuous lines, and decorative details inspired by nature.

It was completed in 1893 for Armand Solvay, a wealthy industrialist, and is now recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Belgium .

2. Hotel Tassel (6 Rue Paul Emilie Janson)

The Hotel Tassel is another iconic example of Art Nouveau architecture in Brussels and is considered one of the earliest examples of the movement.

It was designed by Victor Horta for Emile Tassel, a professor of geometry at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and was completed in 1893.

The house is known for its distinctive use of iron, glass, and natural materials, as well as its flowing lines and intricate decorative details. It is also recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

3. Octave Van Rysselberghe House (83 Rue de Livourne)

The Octave Van Rysselberghe House is a beautiful example of Art Nouveau architecture in Brussels.

Designed by Octave Van Rysselberghe, a prominent Belgian architect, the house was completed in 1912 and features elegant decorative details such as stained glass windows, ironwork, and intricate tilework.

It’s now a museum dedicated to the life and work of Van Rysselberghe and offers a fascinating glimpse into the Art Nouveau movement in Brussels.

rounded windows with details across top of house in Art Nouveau architecture, Brussels

4 Ciamberlani House (48 Rue Defacqz)

The Ciamberlani House is a stunning example of Art Nouveau architecture in Brussels.

It was designed by Paul Hankar for Albert Ciamberlani and was completed in 1897. The house is known for its intricate ironwork, decorative tiles, and use of natural motifs such as flowers and leaves.

It has been designated as a protected monument by the Brussels-Capital Region and is considered one of the city’s most beautiful examples of Art Nouveau architecture.

5. Hanker House (71 Rue Faider)

The Hankar House is a remarkable example of Art Nouveau architecture. It was designed by architect Paul Hankar in 1893 and is known for its distinctive use of curved lines, natural motifs, and intricate decorative details.

The house was designed as both a home and an artist’s studio and features a variety of innovative design elements, such as a double-height studio space with a skylight.

Today, the Hankar House is recognized as a protected monument by the Brussels-Capital Region and is open to the public for tours.

tall window on building

6. Unnamed House (83 Rue Faider)

The unnamed townhouse was designed in 1900 by Albert Roosenboom.

7. Unnamed House (92 Rue Africaine)

The unnamed townhouse was designed in 1905 by Benjamin de Lester-De.

8. Horta House (25 Rue Americaine)

tall curved windows with wood details brussels art nouveau

The Horta House is one of the most famous examples of Art Nouveau architecture in the world. It was designed by the Belgian architect Victor Horta in 1898 as his personal residence and studio and is considered a masterpiece of the Art Nouveau movement.

The house features a stunning array of Art Nouveau details, including intricate ironwork, stained glass, and decorative tiles.

Today, the Horta House is open to the public as a museum and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s a must-see attraction for anyone interested in Art Nouveau architecture and design.

Art Nouveau Brussels Map – Loop #1 – Louise to Ixelles to St. Gilles

map of Art Nouveau Architecture in Brussels

Art Nouveau Brussels Tour: Loop #2

  • 5 rue des Francs
  • 11 Ambiorix Square
  • 24 Palmerston Avenue
  • 4 Palmerston Avenue
  • Gutenberg Square and Marie Louise Square

Now let’s go discover the art nouveau houses in walk tour Loop #2!

gold details on house brussels art nouveau

1. Cauchie House (5 Rue des Francs)

The Cauchie House is a beautiful example of Art Nouveau architecture and design. It was designed by Paul Cauchie, a Belgian architect, in 1905 as both a home and a studio.

The house features a stunning facade adorned with intricate Art Nouveau details, including a beautiful mural made of enamelled plates that depict the four seasons. Look closely for the personal inscription meant for his wife ‘Par nous, pour nous’ or ‘By us, for us.’

The interior of the house is equally impressive, with intricate woodwork, decorative tiles, and stained glass windows. Today, the Cauchie House is open to the public and offers a unique glimpse into the Art Nouveau movement in Brussels.

2. Saint-Cyr House (11 Ambiorix Square)

The Saint-Cyr House is a stunning example of Art Nouveau architecture. It was designed by Gustave Strauven, a Belgian architect who was a student of Victor Horta and was completed in 1903.

The house is known for its intricate ironwork, beautiful stained glass windows, and flowing organic lines. One of the most unique features of the Saint-Cyr House is its striking asymmetry, which was a departure from the more traditional, symmetrical designs of the time.

Today, the house is recognized as a protected monument by the Brussels-Capital Region and is considered one of the city’s most beautiful examples of Art Nouveau architecture.

3. Villa Germaine House (24 Palmerston Avenue)

The Villa Germaine House was designed by the Belgian architect Louis Hamaide in 1902 and is known for its distinctive use of curved lines, decorative tiles, and wrought ironwork.

The house is named after Germaine Van den Bossche, the wife of its original owner, and features a beautiful facade adorned with intricate Art Nouveau details.

Today, the Villa Germaine House is recognized as a protected monument by the Brussels-Capital Region and is a popular destination for architecture enthusiasts visiting Brussels.

green iron gate with round windows in art nouveau brussels

4. Hotel Van Eetvelde (4 Palmerston Avenue)

The Hotel Van Eetvelde was designed by Victor Horta and was completed in 1898. The house is known for its intricate ironwork, decorative tiles, and flowing organic lines.

One of the most unique features of the Hotel Van Eetvelde is its use of innovative design elements, such as a central light well that floods the interior with natural light.

Today, the house is recognized as a protected monument by the Brussels-Capital Region and is open to the public for tours. It is considered one of the most important examples of Art Nouveau architecture in Brussels, and a must-see for architecture enthusiasts.

5. Gutenberg Square and Marie Louise Square

Art Nouveau Door in Brussels from The Best Doors in Europe |

Gutenberg and Marie Louise Squares in Brussels are two public spaces that feature several beautiful examples of Art Nouveau architecture, although the specific buildings are not always named.

The area is known for its decorative ironwork, organic motifs, and use of natural materials such as stone and wood. Some notable examples include the buildings at 6 and 8 Rue Lebeau, which feature intricate ironwork and decorative stonework, as well as the buildings at 13-15 Rue Ducale, which showcase beautiful stained glass windows and carved wooden details.

The squares themselves are also worth a visit, as they are surrounded by a variety of beautiful trees and plants that create a serene atmosphere in the heart of the city.

Art Nouveau Brussels Map – Loop #2 – Cinquantenaire Park to the Squares Neighbourhood

map of the tour of Art Nouveau Architecture in Brussels

Art Nouveau in Brussels Tour: Loop #3

  • Louis Bertrand Avenue
  • 266 Chaussée de Haecht

This last walking tour is a bit unique, as many unnamed houses along Louise Bertrand Avenue have Art Nouveau architectural details you can admire. So slowly stroll this Avenue and watch out for houses at numbers 34, 36 and 43.

Let’s start the last Loop #3!

rounded doors and windows white door on art nouveau brussels house

1. Avenue Louis Bertrand (43 Louis Bertrand Avenue)

Many unnamed houses on the beautiful Avenue Louis Bertrand represent striking examples of Art Nouveau architecture in the city.

A stroll down this avenue is a must for anyone interested in experiencing the beauty and creativity of Art Nouveau.

2. Autrique House (266 Chaussée de Haecht)

The Autrique House is a masterpiece of Art Nouveau architecture that has been restored to its former glory. Designed by Victor Horta, one of the most prominent figures of the Art Nouveau movement, this was the first townhouse he built in 1893.

Visitors to the Autrique House can marvel at the building’s elegant facade, explore its interior, and learn about the fascinating history of Art Nouveau in Brussels.

Art Nouveau Brussels Map – Loop #3 – Avenue Louis Bertrand (Schaerbeek) Neighbourhood

map of a  Tour of Art Nouveau Architecture in Brussels

FAQ: Art Nouveau Belgium

What was art nouveau called in belgium.

Art Nouveau in Belgium was known as “Jugendstil”, which means “youth style” in German.

How Art Nouveau was invented in Brussels?

Art Nouveau was born in Brussels when artists and architects sought to break from traditional forms, drawing inspiration from nature’s organic shapes and motifs to create a new movement.

What are the characteristics of Belgian Art Nouveau?

Belgian Art Nouveau characteristics include asymmetrical facades, curved windows in organic shapes, nature-inspired motifs, ornate ironwork, stained glass, and mosaics.

When is the best time to visit Brussels?

The best time to visit Brussels is for the Brussels Art Nouveau and Art Deco (BANAD) festival where for three consecutive weekends in March select buildings are open to the public for tours.

What was the best Art Nouveau town in Europe?

The best Art Nouveau town in Europe is widely considered to be Brussels, Belgium with its numerous well-preserved buildings and influential architects.

As a Holidaymaker

Walking through the Art Nouveau architecture is an amazing experience that gives me a peek into Belgium’s cultural history. From the fancy Autrique House facades to the detailed Victor Horta Museum, I can soak in the beauty and creativity of this iconic style.

I too hope you enjoy doing this as a unique thing to do in Brussels.

Next, why don’t you consider taking a day trip from Brussels to these 5 amazing cities?

door with stained glass on brussels art nouveau walking tour

Creator, Founder of Dream Plan Experience

She specializes exclusively in European travel and crafting unforgettable day trips within her home province of Ontario, Canada.

She has been travelling to Europe for over 35 years and has lived abroad in Germany twice. Revisiting countries and exploring them extensively to create in depth travel itineraries, destination guides and helping travellers plan their trips to Europe through her customized services.

She also is a co-partner in a woman-led company that offers luxury retreats in Europe offering immersive cultural experiences.

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Top 10 Hikes and Walks in Brussels

Hiking in brussels.

Want to go hiking in Brussels to explore more of this corner of Belgium? In this guide, we’ve reviewed our full collection of hikes and walking routes in Brussels to bring you the best hiking routes in the region. To see which of our walks in Brussels is the right one for you, browse real tips and photos uploaded by other hikers—and see what they had to say about each walk.

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Vallei van de Vuilbeek – Beautiful part of the woods loop from Watermael-Boitsfort - Watermaal-Bosvoorde

Quelle – étang trois fountains loop from auderghem - oudergem.

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  • Ixelles - Elsene
  • Watermael-Boitsfort - Bosvoorde
  • Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
  • Auderghem - Oudergem
  • Saint-Gilles - Sint-Gillis
  • Bois du Laerbeek - Laarbeekbos
  • Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode
  • Ville De Bruxelles - Stad Brussel
  • Woluwe-Saint-Pierre
  • Berchem-Sainte-Agathe - Sint-Agatha-Berchem
  • Molenbeek-Saint-Jean - Sint-Jans-Molenbeek
  • Bois de la Cambre - Terkamerenbos

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The 15 Best Things to do in Brussels, Belgium

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Best Things to do in Brussels

Art aficionados, beer drinkers, comic book fans, and lovers of chocolate, moules-frites , and Belgian fries will find themselves right at home in the elegant and exciting Belgian capital. There are many incredible things to do in Brussels, and anyone planning a European vacation has to include the city on their itinerary. 

Brussels has a long history stretching back to medieval times, and you can start your journey at the Grand Place, where you’ll be surrounded by 17th-century guildhalls, the historic Hotel de Ville, and interesting museums where you can learn more about Belgian culture, history, and art. 

There’s Art Nouveau architecture to discover, historic churches to visit, and the futuristic Atomium building to explore. Then there are royal palaces, beer museums, fine Belgian restaurants, and who can forget the European Parliament, where you can see how Brussels became the European capital. 

With so many things to see, do, and eat, you might not know where to begin. So we’ve compiled our list of the absolute best things to do in Brussels for you. Tick off these fun and unique Brussels bucket list recommendations, and there’s no doubt you’re going to have an incredible time exploring the Belgian capital!

Don’t forget to check out our web story: The 15 Best Things to do in Brussels, Belgium

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15 Fun and Unique Things to do in Brussels

1. explore centuries of history and culture at grand place.

Best Things to do in Brussels: Grand Place

If it’s your first time in Brussels, there’s no better place to start your sightseeing itinerary than the iconic, UNESCO World Heritage-listed Grand Place . This is the historic center of the city’s Old Town, and you’ll love strolling through centuries of history and culture as you take in the sights, sounds, and attractions!

The Grand Place is home to a beautiful collection of buildings and architecture that’s spread around a large, central square. The square itself has been a marketplace since at least the 12th century (and likely much earlier), while much of the architecture you see dates back to the late 17th century. 

Unique Things to do in Brussels: Grand Place

You’ll enjoy the splendid Gothic and Baroque designs that surround the square. Delve a little deeper, and you’ll learn that the famous guildhalls and the Hotel de Ville (Town Hall) were all remarkably reconstructed in the wake of a French bombardment that reduced the city to rubble in 1695. The residents of Brussels rebuilt their city, and it rose from the ashes stronger, more vibrant, and eventually richer than ever before. 

The Hotel de Ville somehow survived the attack and is one of the few older buildings in the Grand Place. It dates back to the 15th century, and you can learn more about all this local history by visiting the Brussels City Museum , which is located in the King’s House, or by joining a walking tour of the city center. 

2. Search for the famed ‘Manneken Pis’ statue

Fun Things to do in Brussels: Manneken Pis

There’s no shortage of unique Brussels sightseeing attractions to visit, but one of the most popular is Manneken Pis , a tiny statue that’s somehow become one of the city’s most-visited spots.

Manneken Pis is a strange statue, and when you see it, you’ll wonder why it’s so popular. If you speak Dutch, you’ll know that the statue’s name literally means “Little Pissing Man” because it’s quite literally a statue placed on a fountain with a well-placed stream of water coming out of it!

Must do things in Brussels: Manneken Pis

The fountain where the statue is found was for a long time one of the city’s most important water sources, with references to it dating back to the 15th century. The statue was first built in 1618, although the one you see today is a replica. 

Students would frequently attempt to steal the statue, so the authorities decided it was best kept in the City Museum, just around the corner in Grand Place.

Manneken Pis is certainly an unusual attraction, but given its long history, it’s part of the quirkier soul of Brussels. If it weren’t for the tourists taking photos, you would struggle to even find it!

3. Sample Belgian beers in Brussels

What to do in Brussels: Belgian beers

If you love an excellent beer, you chose the right country for vacation because the bars and breweries of Brussels are overflowing with quality beverages. 

You’ll have endless beer choices in any bar, but to really learn more, we suggest either joining a craft brewery tour or visiting one of the many beer museums in the city (where tastings are a must!). 

Best Things to do in Brussels: Belgian beers

The most popular is the Cantillon Brewery and Museum , which was first established in 1900 and has since become a Brussels legend. 

The Schaerbeek Beer Museum offers a more intimate insight into Belgian brewing history. It’s a museum started off the back of one person’s personal collection of 300 different beers! After that, head over to the Museum of the Belgian Brewers for another look at all things beer. 

Book a Brussels Beer Tasting Tour

4. Explore the futuristic Atomium

Fun Things to do in Brussels: Atomium

The number one tourist attraction in Brussels isn’t an art gallery, a museum, or even a Belgian craft brewery; it’s a strangely futuristic building that was built for the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair. 

You’ll find Atomium in the northern suburb of Laeken, in the large public park where the fair was held over 60 years ago. At the time, Atomium’s unusually sleek design represented the future. And although it spent many years slowly falling apart in the park, it was renovated in the 2000s. After the renovation, it reopened to great fanfare, and today it’s been revitalized as an enduring symbol of the past, present, and future of Brussels.

Unique Things to do in Brussels: Atomium

Atomium consists of multiple spherical platforms (atom-like in shape) that stand over 100 meters tall. On the bottom floor (the bottom sphere, we should say) of this unique building, you can learn about the history of the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair. 

The second, third, fourth, and fifth spheres all hold ever-changing art galleries and exhibitions that provide a showcase for local and international projects. The sixth and final sphere is where you can find a restaurant and spectacular panoramic viewing gallery offering unbeatable vistas over the surrounding park and suburbs.  

Get your Atomium and Design Museum Ticket

5. Learn about the European Union at the Parlamentarium

Must do things in Brussels: European Union at the Parlamentarium

A visit to the fascinating Parlamentarium is one of the best things to do in Brussels. Because if you know even a little about European politics, you might know that Brussels is home to the European Parliament. 

The EU Parliament is one of Europe’s most important organizations, with members democratically voted in from each of the constituent EU member states. The EU parliament makes decisions, debates motions, and passes laws and legislations that have far-reaching effects – and you can learn all about it at the Parlamentarium visitors center! 

What to do in Brussels: European Union at the Parlamentarium

Parlamentarium is a unique exhibition that provides you with an in-depth but easy-to-understand breakdown of European history. You’ll learn the circumstances and events that brought about the desire and need for a unified Europe, particularly after the Second World War. And you’ll also learn how the union has expanded in recent decades.

The story of Europe is told through videos, galleries, and exhibitions. Along the way, you’ll learn about the work the EU does today and how it can make a difference to the lives of ordinary Europeans. Parlamentarium is located within the aptly named European Quarter, where you can also see many of the EU’s Brussels-based offices, ministries, and institutions. 

6. Explore Europe in miniature at Mini-Europe

Best Things to do in Brussels: Miniature at Mini-Europe

Head to Laeken in the north of Brussels, and you can visit one of the city’s quirkiest attractions. Mini-Europe offers visitors the chance to explore Europe in miniature, with a vast park dedicated to miniature versions of European landmarks. 

There are over 350 different mini attractions within the park. You’ll find the famous replicas of iconic sights like the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben, as well as explosive dioramas of Vesuvius. 

Cool Things to do in Brussels: Miniature at Mini-Europe

Everything is built to a scale of 1:25, and you’ll marvel at the detail of the dioramas and figurines found across Mini-Europe. Although it’s mini in character, the park is vast in ambition, and you’ll need at least two hours to truly explore. 

Get your Mini-Europe ticket

7. Explore the museums and monuments at Cinquantenaire Park

Unique Things to do in Brussels: Cinquantenaire Park

Escape the bustle of Brussels by visiting the pleasant surroundings of Cinquantenaire Park, a public park that first opened in 1880 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Belgian Revolution and the formation of the modern country. 

The park was designed to not only be a public space but to hold epic monuments and memorials. You can’t miss the lavish Cinqueantenaire Arch, which took decades to build and stands tall in the center of the park. Around the arch, you’ll find landscaped gardens and water features, making this a wonderful place for a morning or afternoon stroll. 

Brussels Bucket List: Cinquantenaire Park

Intriguingly, many of the public buildings built here for later expos and fairs are now home to some of the best museums in Brussels. If you’re interested in military history, head to the Military Museum. Here you’ll learn about Belgium ’s role in conflicts, with particular attention paid to the Great War of 1914-18, in which the nation was swept up. 

At the Art and History Museum , you’ll find a unique selection of historical exhibitions from prehistory to the modern era. There are art and history exhibitions here, and you can learn about the ancient world of the Egyptians and Romans, as well as medieval and contemporary art. 

The third museum in the park is Autoworld . This museum holds one of the largest collections of automobiles in the world, and you’ll be able to peruse classic cars dating back to the earliest years of motoring in the 19th century, as well as modern supercars and royal limousines.

8. Visit the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

Brussels Things to do: Royal Museums of Fine Arts

Visit Brussels, and art lovers will find themselves in one of the most art-loving cities in the world. There are galleries and art museums seemingly on every corner, but the most revered institution in the city is the Royal Museums of Fine Arts Belgium . 

Yes, that’s museums , plural – because this prestigious fine arts collection is so enormous, they need a total of six separate museums to even begin displaying all the art! The vast number of works in the collection numbers around some 20,000 pieces – ranging from medieval masterpieces to contemporary modern art. 

Must do things in Brussels: Royal Museums of Fine Arts

The focus, of course, is on fine arts, and if you have time to visit all six museums during your stay, you’ll see how the interpretation and impression of this genre have changed over the last 500 or so years. 

Start at the Old Masters Museum, where you’ll see the best Flemish paintings from the middle ages on display. The Modern Museum offers a more contemporary exhibition. You’ll love the contrasts between the two (if you can only visit two, as they are all in different locations, then we recommend these two first). 

The remaining four museums in the collection are devoted to more specific painters, sculptors, artists, and genres – including the Wiertz Museum, the Meunier Museum, the Magritte Museum, and the Fin-de-Siecle Museum. Each of these museums offers a targeted insight into the past, present, and future of Belgian fine arts. 

9. Join an Art Nouveau Walking Tour

Best Things to do in Brussels: Horta Museum

Exploring Brussels, you might start to realize that the city has a particularly unique architectural style in certain districts. This is Art Nouveau, of which there are hundreds of examples across the capital.

Art Nouveau rose to prominence as an extravagant style in the 1890s, and Brussels was one of the cities to fervently adopt the new designs. Art Nouveau was unique in that it went against previous, rigid forms of design that Europe had seen in centuries past. Instead of looking to religion and conformity, Art Nouveau instead looked to nature and the unusual. 

Cool Things to do in Brussels: Horta Museum

Today, you can learn more by visiting the Horta Museum , which is dedicated to Art Nouveau pioneer Victor Horta. To really understand more about the style and just how much of an effect it has had on the built environment of Brussels, we recommend joining an Art Nouveau walking tour of the city. These tend to focus on the Saint-Gilles area, where the highest concentration of Art Nouveau is waiting to be found. 

10. Take a chocolate tour of Brussels

Best Things to do in Brussels: Chocolate Tour

Belgium is a nation of chocoholics, and some of the world’s finest and most prestigious chocolate brands have a long history in the country. 

As the nation’s capital, much of the chocolatey action goes down in Brussels, where there are countless chocolate shops (both family-run businesses and internationally-known brands) serving up everything from milk chocolate to praline. 

Unique Things to do in Brussels: Chocolate Tour

With so much choice, you might not know where to begin your chocolate adventure. With that in mind, one of the most fun things to do in Brussels is a chocolate tour! You’ll learn the origins of chocolate, including how the Aztecs enjoyed brewing cacao into a hot drink long before Europeans began turning cacao into chocolate bars in the mid-19th century. 

Tours will vary in length, and the number of shops visited, but they are a great way to explore Brussels and enjoy lots of tasty treats. If you’d rather explore on your own, we recommend at the very least visiting the following chocolate shops: Neuhaus , Galler , and Mary . These are the oldest and best chocolate shops in Brussels, with Neuhaus dating back to 1857!

You can also visit Godiva , one of the biggest chocolate brands in Brussels. To learn how to actually make chocolate, then you’ll want to visit the Choco-Story . This is part museum and part kitchen, where you can book chocolate-making workshops run for small groups. 

Book a Guided Brussels Chocolate Tasting Tour

11. Nerd out at the Belgian Comic Strip Center

Fun Things to do in Brussels: Belgian Comic Strip Center

The Belgians have an affinity for comic books, and some of the world’s most timeless comic book characters originated here (or just over the border in France, too). You can delve into the fascinating world of comics and rediscover your inner child with a trip to the Belgian Comic Strip Center . 

Visiting this colorful, quirky, and fun museum is one of the most unique things to do in Brussels, and we know you’re going to love exploring tales of famous comics and characters like Tintin and the Smurfs. In fact, Belgium has at least 700 official comic book writers, so we expect you’ll be introduced to many more comics you might never have heard of. 

Brussels Bucket List: Belgian Comic Strip Center

The Belgian Comic Strip Center is located in a beautifully well-preserved Art Nouveau building just a short walk away from the Grand Place. Inside you’ll find exhibitions exploring different comics and their authors. The fun doesn’t end with the museum, either, because Brussels is a city that’s dedicated to its love of comic books. 

Across the city, you’ll find many famous comic strip locations that inspired authors, as well as a wonderful selection of murals depicting characters and scenes from comic books. You can find many of these by yourself. But the Belgian Comic Strip Center also runs guided tours along the Comic Book Route, which offer visitors an alternative way to experience Brussels. 

12. Feel like royalty with a visit to Belgium’s Royal Palace

Fun Things to do in Brussels: Belgium’s Royal Palace

One of the most regal and impressive places to visit in Brussels is the Royal Palace , a magnificent building you can find towering over Brussels Park. 

This is one of many royal palaces in Brussels, and despite being arguably the most impressive, the royal family spends very little time here. They prefer their residence in the north of Brussels, but if you do see the Royal Palace Guard outside, it means someone royal is at home. 

Must do things in Brussels: Belgium’s Royal Palace

The palace dates back to the late 18th century. It stands on the site of another palace that was destroyed previously, and once work commenced, successive kings and queens added their own touches to the residence. The palace is closed to the public for much of the year, although it’s well worth visiting the site and the adjacent Brussels Park anyway. 

If you’re in Belgium in the summer, it’s traditional for the King of Belgium to open the doors for public tours (he doesn’t lead the tours!) between July and August. 

13. Be awed by Notre Dame du Sablon

Best Things to do in Brussels: Notre Dame du Sablon

Brussels has its own Notre Dame, a local church that’s bound to awe with its beautiful architecture and unique history. 

You’ll find Notre Dame du Sablon (a church dedicated to Our Blessed Lady of Sablon) on Rue de la Régence, and you’ll instantly fall in love with the magnificent Brabantine Gothic facade that the church is famed for. 

Brussels Things to do: Notre Dame du Sablon

The church can trace its origins back to the 13th century, making this one of the oldest buildings in Brussels. It was originally gifted to the Crossbowmen’s Guild by Henry I, who was the Duke of Brabant. 

It was extended over the years, with the main elements you see today being built in the 15th century and with Neo-Gothic elements then added several hundred years later in the 18th and 19th centuries. 

14. Revel in festive cheer at a Brussels Christmas market

Cool Things to do in Brussels: Christmas market

Christmas is one of the best times of year to visit Brussels, and you’ll love how the city’s streets and squares are filled with markets and Christmas cheer! 

Brussels isn’t as well known for its Christmas markets as other European cities (we’re looking at you, Germany) but trust us, these aren’t markets to miss. The markets open on the last Friday in November, and they’ll stay open until January 1, meaning you can ring in the New Year here too. 

Fun Things to do in Brussels: Christmas market

You’ll find small markets all over the city, but the center of the Christmas activity is always the Grand Place (where else in Brussels?), where you’ll find market stalls, carol singing, and lots of festive food and drink. 

Book a Private Christmas Market Guided Tour

15. Dine on moules-frites and Belgian fries

What to do in Brussels: Moules-frites and Belgian fries

When in Brussels, you have to try the local specialties (chocolate aside!), which include the two classic Belgian dishes moules-frites and Belgian fries. 

Moules-frites is best described as the Belgian national dish, and it consists of mussels served with frites (or fries). The mussels are often cooked in a broth or sauce and best washed down with a Belgian beer. For some of the best moules-frites in Brussels, head over to Chez Léon . This place is super popular, so be prepared for a wait! 

Brussels Bucket List: Moules-frites and Belgian fries

Belgian fries are exactly what you think they are. These are thickly-cut potatoes that are fried twice and served up as a snack or side and covered in liberal quantities of sauce (especially mayonnaise). 

There you have it! The 15 best things to do in Brussels. What’s your favorite thing to do in Brussels?

Planning a trip to Belgium? Check out our favorite books and travel guides!

Frequently Asked Questions

If it’s your first time in Brussels, there’s no better place to start your sightseeing itinerary than the iconic, UNESCO World Heritage-listed Grand Place. This is the historic center of the city’s Old Town, and you’ll love strolling through centuries of history and culture as you take in the sights, sounds, and attractions!

If you love an excellent beer, you chose the right country for vacation because the bars and breweries of Brussels are overflowing with quality beverages. You’ll have endless beer choices in any bar, but to really learn more, we suggest either joining a craft brewery tour or visiting one of the many beer museums in the city (where tastings are a must!). The most popular is the Cantillon Brewery and Museum, which was first established in 1900 and has since become a Brussels legend.

The number one tourist attraction in Brussels isn’t an art gallery, a museum, or even a Belgian craft brewery; it’s a strangely futuristic building that was built for the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair. You’ll find Atomium in the northern suburb of Laeken, in the large public park where the fair was held over 60 years ago. Atomium consists of multiple spherical platforms (atom-like in shape) that stand over 100 meters tall. On the bottom floor (the bottom sphere, we should say) of this unique building, you can learn about the history of the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair.

Visit Brussels, and art lovers will find themselves in one of the most art-loving cities in the world. There are galleries and art museums seemingly on every corner, but the most revered institution in the city is the Royal Museums of Fine Arts Belgium. Yes, that’s museums, plural – because this prestigious fine arts collection is so enormous, they need a total of six separate museums to even begin displaying all the art!

When in Brussels, you have to try the local specialties (chocolate aside!), which include the two classic Belgian dishes moules-frites and Belgian fries. Moules-frites is best described as the Belgian national dish, and it consists of mussels served with frites (or fries). Belgian fries are exactly what you think they are. These are thickly-cut potatoes that are fried twice and served up as a snack or side and covered in liberal quantities of sauce (especially mayonnaise).

One of the most regal and impressive places to visit in Brussels is the Royal Palace, a magnificent building you can find towering over Brussels Park. The palace dates back to the late 18th century. It stands on the site of another palace that was destroyed previously, and once work commenced, successive kings and queens added their own touches to the residence. The palace is closed to the public for much of the year, although it’s well worth visiting the site and the adjacent Brussels Park anyway.


Best Things to do in Brussels

About the Author:

Richard Collett

Richard is an award-winning travel writer based in Southwest England who’s addicted to traveling off the beaten track. He’s traveled to 75 countries and counting in search of intriguing stories, unusual destinations, and cultural curiosities. Richard loves traveling the long way round over land and sea, and you’ll find him visiting quirky micronations and breakaway territories as often as he’s found lounging on a beach (which is a lot). When he’s not writing for BBC Travel, National Geographic, or Lonely Planet, you can find Richard writing for the Wandering Wheatleys or updating his off-beat travel blog, Travel Tramp.

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Brussels   Travel Guide

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19 Best Things To Do in Brussels

Updated February 2, 2023

Discover your inner child at the Belgian Comic Strip Museum , take a whirlwind tour of the continent at Mini-Europe or tickle your taste buds at a chocolate shop ( Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert is a good place to start). The Grand-Place is another

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Grand-Place Grand-Place free

Whether you're just passing through Brussels or here for a week, you can't miss the Grand-Place. This square, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, sits in the heart of Brussels and is renowned for its many Gothic and Baroque-style buildings. The Grand-Place is close to many of the city's main attractions, including the St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral and the beloved Manneken Pis . At Christmas, enjoy the Winter Wonders light show at night along with a massive Christmas tree, and every August, admire an enormous carpet made of flowers inside the Grand-Place.

Travelers love the Grand-Place for its stunning architecture. Recent reviewers suggested visiting during the day and night; during the day to see the details of the architecture, and at night to witness the vibrant life that takes over the square. However, a common complaint among tourists was the constant crowds (and higher prices), but that's to be expected at such a big attraction. 

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St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral free

Built in the Brabantine Gothic style and so named for its chapel dedicated to St. Michael and for housing the relics of St. Gudula, this cathedral's current structure dates back to the 11th century and took some 300 years to build. Inside, you will find stained-glass windows, statues, paintings, a new Grenzing organ and a crypt that may contain the remains of St. Gudula with ancient Roman graffiti on it. Below the current church are the remains of a 10th-century Romanesque church. Outside the cathedral is a square where you can sit on benches under the shade of honey locust trees.

Past visitors appreciated the architecture of the church, with some noting the beauty of the stained-glass windows in particular and described it as "amazing" and "stunning."

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Musical Instruments Museum Musical Instruments Museum

A former Old England department store built in the 19th century, the Musical Instruments Museum, also known as the "MIM," is housed in an Art Nouveau building located about a half-mile from the Grand-Place . Inside you'll find more than 1,200 instruments from around the globe displayed across four galleries. The museum gives visitors the opportunity to hear what these instruments sound like, as well. Inside, a restaurant touts fantastic views of the city.

Recent visitors were impressed with the variety of instruments inside the museum, as well as with the building itself. Some advised that there are few signs in English, so it can be a bit confusing. Many suggested parting with a few more euros to take advantage of the audio guide. Travelers also recommend taking a trip to the cafe, which offers great views of Brussels.

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Popular Tours

Bruges and Ghent - Belgium's Fairytale Cities - from Brussels

Bruges and Ghent - Belgium's Fairytale Cities - from Brussels

(3740 reviews)

from $ 53.54

Luxembourg and Dinant Day Trip from Brussels

Luxembourg and Dinant Day Trip from Brussels

(1009 reviews)

from $ 71.02

Hungry Mary's Famous Beer and Chocolate Tour in Brussels

Hungry Mary's Famous Beer and Chocolate Tour in Brussels

(1404 reviews)

from $ 98.34

visit brussels wandelingen

Parc du Cinquantenaire Parc du Cinquantenaire free

Meaning "50th anniversary," Cinquantenaire Park was built in 1880 in honor of the 50th anniversary celebration of the independence of Belgium. It is a large French-style park inside the city surrounded by museums and filled with gardens with a large triumphal arch. The park also hosts a variety of festivities throughout the year, including concerts, fireworks and sporting events.

Past visitors said the park is a relaxing and peaceful place to get away from the hustle and bustle of Brussels. They also recommend checking out the car tunnel that runs underneath the park.

visit brussels wandelingen

Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert free

Want to get in a little shopping while visiting Brussels? Make time for a visit to Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert, a Renaissance-style arcade built in the mid-1800s. With a glass roof once known as the "umbrella of Brussels," the building is worth seeing whether or not you want to indulge in any retail therapy. Around 6 million visitors come to the Galeries every year to enjoy stores selling everything from clothing to chocolate to diamonds. The Galeries Royales also house restaurants, art galleries, a cinema and theaters. Victor Hugo even once enjoyed hanging out here.

Past visitors said it makes a great place to see on a rainy day and described the building as stunning. Many also recommended checking out the extensive chocolate shops.

visit brussels wandelingen

Horta Museum Horta Museum

Art lovers should not pass up the chance to see where Victor Horta – one of the founders of the art nouveau movement – lived and worked. The home, which was built between 1898 and 1901 features murals, stained glass and mosaics that are largely intact from its original construction. As you walk through, keep your eyes open for Horta's influences, from the wing-like skylights to the winding banisters to the overhead lights stemming down from the ceiling like vines.

Recent travelers said the museum is a must-see attraction for architecture aficionados, but warned that you cannot take photos inside the museum and that lines are sometimes long.

visit brussels wandelingen

Cantillon Brewery Cantillon Brewery

When it comes down to it, a trip to Brussels isn't complete unless you've sampled the beer. Cantillon has been brewing traditional Belgian beers, including lambic, gueuze, faro and kriek, since 1900. During your tour, you may learn about brewing, bottling or even how barrels are cleaned, and if you plan ahead, you can even attend a public brewing session to see the action first-hand.

Recent visitors said they enjoyed exploring the brewery and learning how the beer is made. Others enjoyed sampling the unique taste of lambic beer. Reviewers recommended signing up for a guided tour to make the most of your visit.

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Mini-Europe Mini-Europe

This theme park north of central Brussels features scale models of more than 350 of Europe's most famous landmarks, from Athens' Acropolis and the canals of Venice to London's Big Ben and Paris' Eiffel Tower. Each replica comes complete with visual and sound effects. Be sure to bring your kids: Many of the park's miniature attractions are interactive, such as Naples' Mount Vesuvius and the Berlin Wall. 

Many past visitors agreed that Mini-Europe is a great place to bring children. They described it as adorable, cute and informative and recommended adding it to your itinerary.

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Belgian Chocolate Making Class and Tasting in Brussels

(247 reviews)

from $ 66.11

Bruges and Ghent Day Trip from Brussels

Bruges and Ghent Day Trip from Brussels

(457 reviews)

from $ 51.35

Brussels Walking and Tasting Tour

Brussels Walking and Tasting Tour

(622 reviews)

from $ 74.85

visit brussels wandelingen

Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, located in Brussels' historic center, is a group of six different art museums: the Oldmasters Museum, Modern Museum, Meunier Museum, Wiertz Museum, Magritte Museum and the Fin-de-Siècle Museum. Together, they offer a collection of 20,000 works, dating from the 15th century to modern day. Walking through the halls, travelers will be able to see works from Rubens, Rodin, Gauguin, Magritte and many more. There's also an impressive collection of works from the Flemish school, including Pieter Bruegel.

Past travelers were impressed with the museum's vast collection of art. Considering the size of the collection, many suggested allotting 2 1/2 or more hours to not just see the works, but to appreciate and enjoy them.

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Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History

For those interested in military history, this museum makes for a great afternoon. Located within Cinquantenaire Park , the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History traces the world's military history over the last 10 centuries, displaying weaponry, uniforms and airplanes from various points in time. Spend a fair amount of time in the airplane hangar, which features some 130 aircraft, including zeppelins, F-16s and more. 

Recent visitors said this museum is well worth a visit and recommend seeking out the view of the city atop the terrace of the triumphal arch. Some warned that no cash is accepted and advised allotting several hours to spend in the museum.

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Museum of Natural Sciences Museum of Natural Sciences

Set aside plenty of time to spend at this museum, which will delight the science and dinosaur lovers of all ages. With some 38 million specimens on hand (only a fraction of which are on display), this museum has the largest natural history collection in Europe behind those in Paris and London. Don't miss the dinosaur gallery, the largest room in Europe devoted to dinos, to see a replica of the largest and most complete male T. rex known today, along with 30 complete iguanodon skeletons that were discovered in Belgium 1878. 

Past visitors said the museum is a great activity for kids, with many praising the dinosaur collection. Some reviewers advised visiting a weekday to avoid crowds.

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Atomium Atomium

The most popular tourist attraction in Brussels, the Atomium is a depiction of an iron crystal magnified more than 100 billion times that was originally built for the 1958 World’s Fair in Brussels. Today, it houses multiple exhibitions, a panoramic view over the city and a restaurant with excellent views, and is considered to be a symbol of both Brussels and Belgium.

If there's one reason to head to the Atomium, it's the spectacular views of the city, according to many recent visitors. Travelers advised that it is far from other attractions, however, and that there can be long lines.

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Église Notre-Dame du Sablon Église Notre-Dame du Sablon free

Just south of the Grand-Place , the impressive  Église Notre-Dame du Sablon – which dates back to the 14th century – is worth a visit, according to recent travelers. The church's interior features two chapels dedicated to saints and decorated with marble statues. There are also statues of St. Paul and St. Augustine inside.

Past visitors said they were impressed by the statues and stained-glass windows in the church and used words like "stunning" and "magnificent" to describe the interior.

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Private Tour: Ghent and Bruges From Brussels Full Day

(10 reviews)

from $ 540.87

Brussels Private Custom Tour with a Local Guide, Kickstart your Trip

Brussels Private Custom Tour with a Local Guide, Kickstart your Trip

(69 reviews)

from $ 97.88

Brussels: Historical Walking Tour with Chocolate & Waffle Tasting

Brussels: Historical Walking Tour with Chocolate & Waffle Tasting

(571 reviews)

from $ 38.24

visit brussels wandelingen

Belgian Comic Strip Center Belgian Comic Strip Center

Belgium is the birthplace of many legendary comic characters, including Tintin and the Smurfs, and is also home to more than 700 comic strip artists. So it's no wonder the city pays tribute to the comic art in the form of a museum. The Belgian Comic Strip Center tells the story of European comics from their beginnings to modern day through a variety of permanent and temporary collections and a Comic Strip Library boasting more than 60,000 works.

Recent visitors enjoyed their experience at the Belgian Comic Strip Center with many feeling nostalgic to learn about comics they recall growing up. Past travelers were also impressed with the beauty of the art nouveau building, which was designed by architect Victor Horta (you can learn more about him at the Horta Museum).

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Manneken-Pis Manneken-Pis free

This little boy has become a renowned Brussels landmark. The Manneken Pis (which translates to "little man pee" in Dutch) is a bronze statue of a child relieving himself that also serves as a public fountain. Though the original statue dates back to the 17th century, the statue on display is actually a replica. Located just south of the Grand-Place , the statue has been the recipient of about 800 different costumes, many of which you can see at the Museum of the City of Brussels. He's even been kidnapped and returned multiple times. The statue's origin story is a bit disputed, but wherever it came from, its allure has endured.

Recent travelers were torn over Manneken Pis. Most agreed they were surprised by the boy's small size, and some maintain it's a must-see, while others say to skip it. Past visitors also warned that it is crowded at most times of the day.

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Train World Train World

Train enthusiasts will enjoy a stop at Train World, which sits about 3 miles north of the Grand-Place . Inside you can see restored train stations, dating to the late 1800s and early 1900s, learn about the history of Belgium's railway, see the oldest remaining steam engine in Europe, explore the reasons people use trains from travel to commuting and more.

Past visitors said they loved the interactive exhibits and that their kids did not want to leave. They also recommended a visit to the on-site restaurant.

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Parlamentarium Parlamentarium free

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Mont des Arts Mont des Arts free

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Brussels Discovery Tour: Belgian food, chocolate, waffles, beer, sightseeing

(198 reviews)

from $ 97.25

Brussels Chocolate Walking Tour and Workshop

Brussels Chocolate Walking Tour and Workshop

(728 reviews)

from $ 75.39

Bruges Day Trip from Brussels

Bruges Day Trip from Brussels

(294 reviews)

from $ 46.98

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BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts

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The 50 Most Beautiful White Sand Beaches in the World

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logo KO jul16 2.PNG

Kunstzinnige coronawandelingen in het Brussels gewest

Leven in bubbels en zonder Kunstontmoetingen. Er is veel dat we moeten missen. Maar dat biedt kansen om nieuwe dingen te ontdekken. Deze pagina kan je inspireren om met je eigen bubbel mooie plekken in de buurt te (her-)ontdekken. 

Uniek openluchtmuseum op de VUB Main Campus

Wist je dat er een uniek openluchtmuseum is op de VUB Main Campus? In het Humanistisch Sculpturenpark vind je veertien permanente sculpturen in de groene, open ruimtes van het universiteitsterrein. Via QR-codes en je smartphone word je meegevoerd door informatieve luisterfragmenten en persoonlijke getuigenissen uit de VUB-gemeenschap. 

De verzameling openluchtsculpturen met een humanistische insteek wordt tot op vandaag verder uitgebreid. De kunstenaars in het Humanistisch Sculpturenpark zijn niet enkel invloedrijke namen uit de Belgische kunst, maar ze worden ook beschouwd als vrijdenkers pur sang .

Van 2022 tot 2024 wordt de permanente verzameling aangevuld door tien tijdelijke openluchtsculpturen van een nieuwe generatie kunstenaars. De sculpturen zijn inhoudelijk aan elkaar verbonden door hun humanistische boodschap .

Humanistisch Sculpturenpark van de VUB Main Campus

VUB, Pleinlaan 2, Elsene, Belgium

Humanistisch Sculpturenpark van de VUB Main Campus

Van de Heizel naar Laken door het Ossegempark en over de Kattenberg

Parkeren aan de Heizel (betalende parking Brupark, of op de Eeuwfeestlaan),  dan langsheen Trade Mart/Design Museum door het park van Ossegem , een echte natuuroase midden in de stad. Dan terug naar het Atomium en verder zuidelijk, daarna terug naar boven (letterlijk, de Kattenberg , met het monument van Leopold I op de top) naar het gerenoveerde tramstation De Wand met fantastische graffiti over maar liefst 4.500 m², de grootste graffitimuur van België, een realisatie van de vzw Tarantino. Eindpunt is de Neptunusfontein en pal daarachter het prachtige Chinees Paviljoen (dichtgetimmerd en wachtend op restauratie - hoe lang nog?) met de Japanse Toren op de achtergrond. Wandeling van ongeveer 8 km, met mogelijke afkortingen. Hier enkele foto's. In de brochure is een 2e wandeling in Laken opgenomen.

Een brochure voor een kortere wandeling aan de Heizel is hier te vinden.

Van de Heizel naar Laken door het Ossegempark en over de Kattenberg

Eeuwfeestplein, 1020 Brussel, België

Van de Heizel naar Laken door het Ossegempark en over de Kattenberg

Stripwandeling in Brussel

Brussel, de hoofdstad van het stripverhaal. Hier is een uniek type Street Art te bewonderen, specifiek gewijd aan strips en hun helden, allen van Belgische stripauteurs en meestal met  Brusselse roots. Of hoe Brussel een manier gevonden heeft om van zijn soms wat verloederde plekken een toeristische topper te maken.

Klik hier op de site van  voor een overzicht van de mooiste stripmuren en  hier voor een brochure. Om te zien waar je stripmuren kan spotten, kijk op de kaart hieronder. En hier is een voorbeeld van een kortere wandelroute in de Marollen, of hier voor een tocht van 11 km.

Misschien is er nog tijd voor een bezoek aan het stripmuseum ?

Stripwandeling in Brussel

Marollen, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Stripwandeling in Brussel

Als Kunst de metro neemt...

Kunst maakt deel uit van het DNA van de Brusselse metro. Ruim 80 werken van Belgische artiesten kleuren de perrons, lokettenzalen en gangen van de 69 metrostations. een van de kunstzinnigste metros ter wereld. Namen als Rik Poot, Roger Raveel, Pol Mara, Vic Gentils, Jan Cox,  Roger Somvilles , Paul Delvaux, Hergé, Stephan Vanfleteren ... Teveel om ineens te bezoeken, maar nu en dan, toevallig of gepland, kom je hier tot mooie ontdekkingen. MIVB heeft een boek uitgegeven ' Kunst in Brussel begint bij de metro ', nog beschikbaar in het Frans of het Engels, of je kan  hier   een pdf  downloaden. Klik op het beeld hieronder voor een videoclip.


Brussels, Belgium


UCL Beeldentuin

Permanent en vrij toegankelijk. In de prachtige botanische tuin met ook de Tuin van Geneeskrachtige Planten, kan UCL-Brussel pronken met een collectie hedendaagse sculpturen van oa.:  Ph. Jacques, A. Eijberg, G. Dederen, B. Allison, L. Rocour, P. Culot, T. Cassamajor, A. Jones, Dodeigne en M. Smolders.

 UCL Beeldentuin

Avenue E. Mounier 87, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Belgium

 UCL Beeldentuin

Gare Maritime

Ideaal voor een regendag en vrij toegankelijk. Ontdek deze nieuwe overdekte stad. Een ontwerp van Neutelings-Riedijk, architecten van het MAS. Ook een nieuwe cultuursite in volle wording, met pixelmuseum en de expositieruimte voor tijdelijke tentoonstellingen, bv. Parade in 2020, met beelden van Koenraad Tinel (tot eind nov 2020).

Gare Maritime

Avenue du Port 86C, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

Gare Maritime

The best time to go to Brussels

Alex Reynolds

Aug 28, 2021 • 6 min read

Jardin Mont des Arts at dusk

Whether you arrive in the heat of July or the crisp cold of January, there's never really a bad time to visit Brussels © kavalenkava / Shutterstock

From convivial Christmas markets in winter to colorful blossoms come spring, Brussels changes through the seasons. Though many locals herald the coming of the (usually) warm summer months, when beer gardens are at their sunniest and the streets are bustling, there are plenty of pros for skipping the crowds and planning a visit outside of peak season. Here’s our guide to the best time to visit Brussels.

A group of people relax on the floor of the main square in Prague. Many other groups of people sit around them. The sun is shining and historic white buildings line the square.

High Season: June to August

Best time for festivals and events

Summer is many Bruxellois’ favorite season, and it’s clear why: festivals and events every week, 10pm sunsets, and the ability to eat, drink, and make merry on outdoor terraces without a blanket... most of the time.

The downside? Crowds. Though Brussels doesn’t see as many visitors as neighboring capital cities like Paris or Amsterdam , the comparatively small city can feel overwhelmed by tourists, and prices rise accordingly. Either be strategic when deciding which neighborhood to stay in or accept that you have to deal with queues (for attractions and to get to the bar) if you travel to Brussels in the summer.

Crowd gathered at the iconic Grand Place in the centre of Brussels during Christmas evening at dusk. A large Christmas tree stands in the middle of the square.

Winter Season: November to January

Best time for Christmas markets

Grey as winter in Belgium can be, the twinkling lights and spiced scents of Christmas markets in Brussels will brighten your spirits. The city hosts one of the biggest festive markets in the country, the Plaisirs d’Hiver (Winter Wonders). Every year from late November to the first week of January, millions of visitors roam among hundreds of stalls, shopping for trinkets as they sip steaming drinks.

Outside of Christmas and New Year, accommodation prices tend to be lower in the city too, making winter a good time for shoestring travelers to visit.

The arcade du Cinquantenaire in Brussels, Belgium, on a sunny day with flowers in the foreground.

Spring Season: April to May

Best time for photography

Spring weather in Belgium is so erratic, Flemish speakers have a name for it: aprilse grillen. But photographers willing to bear swinging temperatures and bursts of rain, heat, and/or snow will be rewarded: spring is one of the most beautiful times to visit Brussels.

Cherry trees blossom with pink, one million flowers color Groot-Bijgaarden castle for the annual Floralia event , and carpets of wild bluebells sprout in forests around the city . Aside from packs of nature photographers and locals on spring breaks, spring is a shoulder season, and a relatively quiet time to visit the city.

A pot of steaming mussels, with black shells and orange inners, stand on a table next to a plate of fries and a pint of beer.

Fall Season: September to November

Best time for foodies

Travel to Brussels in autumn, and you can literally taste the changing seasons. Wild boar and roast pheasant replace light summer menus, while farmers’ markets proffer baskets of fresh mushrooms picked from local forests. It’s also prime mussels season, making fall an ideal time to try the city’s most famous dish: moules-frites (mussels and fries).

September offers the best chance of good weather (and is generally an excellent time to be in the city), while at the very end of the season, Christmas markets start to stir into life.

The lowest of the low season: overcast days and too-long nights blanket muted streets, especially post-Christmas and New Year’s revelry. Key Events : River Jazz Festival , BRAFA Art Fair

Days are still dreary but a bit shorter. Shrove Tuesday (more commonly known as Mardi Gras) sometimes falls at the end of February. Carnival is a big – and UNESCO-listed – celebration in Belgium, but you’ll need to venture to smaller towns near Brussels such as Binche for the most fanatical festivities. Key Events : Anima: The Brussels International Animation Film Festival

Raincoats at the ready: March showers bring April flowers in Belgium, so expect wet conditions in Brussels. Room rates tend to be low before the Easter season kicks in. Key Events : Museum Night Fever

A person holds out a disposable plate containing a large Belgian waffle. The large sugary snack is smothered in chocolate sauce.

Brussels’ streets blossom with colors, with few foreign tourists to see them. Belgian families on Easter holidays are the only crowds to expect, who you’ll likely find engaging in an easter-egg hunt or two (a popular Easter tradition in this chocolate-fixated city). Key Events : Floralia , BIFFF Fantasy Film Festival

Warmth brings Brussels to life: the city goes unabashedly rainbow for Pride, thousands of residents march in the musical, car-less Zinneke Parade, and long weekends are the norm during Christian holidays Ascension and Pentecost. A great time to be in the city for those who like a lively city break. Key Events : Pride , Zinneke Parade , Iris Festival , Brussels Book Fair , Kunsten Festival des Arts

Tourists flood into Brussels, locals escape to the city’s best parks , and though it can feel crowded, it’s hard to stay frustrated when the sun finally shines. A number of music and art festivals roll into town, bringing a party atmosphere to the city. Key Events : Couleur Café , Fête de la Musique , Bruneaf , Guignolet Dans le Parc , Hopla!

A sticky start to Belgians’ summer holidays: Brussels’ buildings aren’t designed to handle warm weather, air conditioning is rare, and July is the peak tourist season. Hot food might seem unappetizing in the humidity, but don’t resist – July marks the start of mussels season! Key Events : Ommegang , Belgian National Day, Bruxelles les Bains , Brosella Festival , Midi Fair , PleinOPENAir

Still hot, still busy, and Belgians are out in force to squeeze one more holiday in before schools resume. Don’t miss locals’ favorite Brussels Summer Festival: ten days of live concerts all over the city. Key Events : Flower Carpet , Brussels Summer Festival , Bruxelles les Bains , Classissimo , Théâtres Nomades , Insifon

One of the best times to visit Brussels: tourist crowds are thinner, the weather is slightly cooler (but usually still sunny) and everyone seems a lot more relaxed. Beer takes centre stage in terms of festivals, with the Belgian Beer Weekend a calendar highlight for local hopheads. Key Events : Belgian Beer Weekend , Comic Strip Festival , Affordable Art Fair , Les Nuits Botanique , 20 km of Brussels , Brussels International Film Festival , Folklore Festival

The main hall of the Musees Royaux des Beaux-Arts. The white interiors are dotted with artworks, which people walk between and stand to admire.

The foliage and temperatures may start to change, but events and festivals carry on. Prices are much easier on the wallet in low season. However, the fear of chilly drizzle tempts few tourists, making this a good time for hardy culture vultures keen to enjoy the city's top sights, like the  Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts and the cheeky Manneken Pis , without the crowds. Key Events : Nuit Blanche , Comic Strip Festival , Culinaria , Nuits Sonores

Local travel picks up for a week during school breaks. Otherwise, November is cold and quiet as people prepare for the holiday season kicking off at the end of the month. Key Events : Bright Brussels Festival of Light

December marks the best time to visit Belgium in winter. Though the sun sets before 5pm and days are cold, the streets are alive with cockle-warming activity. Stalls specialising in Glühwein (hot spiced wine) pop up in the centre of the city, Place de Brouckere is taken over by an ice skating rink, and a towering tree lights up the Grand Place. Key Events : Plaisirs d’Hiver

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There's a walk for every occasion...

In Brussels, there are surprises big and small around every corner... Lose yourself and reconnect with the capital or let yourself be guided through some of its best-kept secrets! 

Neighbourhood walks

Neighbourhood walk: ixelles ponds, flagey and malibran.

From a green neighbourhood with striking architecture to densely populated areas

Statue Till l'Espiègle - Standbeeld Tijl Uilenspiegel

Neighbourhood Walk: Central Anderlecht

The fastest growing neighbourhood, home to football club RSC Anderlecht

Rue de la Porselein - Église Saint-Guidon

Neighbourhood Walk: Cureghem

The multicultural neighbourhood of Anderlecht and 'belly of Brussels'

Abattoirs d'Anderlecht - Slachthuizen van Anderlecht

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Brussels' African district, known far beyond our borders

Soleil d'Afrique

Neighbourhood walk: Bailli-Chatelain

A walk full of architectural highlights

Église de la Sainte-Trinité - Kerk van de Heilige Drievuldigheid

Neighbourhood Walk: Old Molenbeek

The neighbourhood is steadily building for the future and attracts new cultural players

Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste -  Sint-Jan-de-Doperkerk

Neighbourhood Walk: Saint-Gilles

Walking through an open-air Art Nouveau museum

Parvis de Saint-Gilles - Sint-Gillisvoorplein

Neighbourhood Walk: Saint-Josse and its squares

The smallest and most densely populated commune hosts 153 nationalities

Square Marie-Louise - Marie Louizasquare

Neighbourhood Walk: the European Quarter

It has much more to offer than just a monofunctional office district

Parlement européen - Europees Parlement - European Parliament

Sablon and Marolles

One neighbourhood chic and distinguished, the other folksy and authentic

Le Siffleur - De Fluiter

Go for a stroll in the Canal district

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La Cabosse

Louise: walls that tell a story

Get ready for a mix of experiences all around, covering everything from art to literature, war, science, industry and humour. Enjoy this feast for the senses at Avenue Louise!

Hôtel Tassel - Tasselhuis

A very trendy canal

The Brussels Canal, which was long neglected, is now enjoying a new lease of life thanks to a mix of social classes, a young population, once disused sites that have been given a makeover and trendy bistros.


Discover the communes

Forest: industrial revolution.

Forest has a lot of stories to tell, about its past and about our future. Can't see the forest for the trees? Take your time to discover this fascinating piece of Brussels.

Abbaye de Forest - Abdij van Vorst

Jette society

Jette may have a rustic vibe, but it is also strongly rooted in the capital’s urban fabric. This commune has rekindled the population’s passion for Magritte, the surrealist painter who called this place home.

Jette - Voormalig gemeenschapshuis / Ancienne maison communale

Laeken: royally popular

Laeken is known as the royal commune. But Laeken is also a bustling district home to another palace - albeit less royal in nature - Brussels Expo and a football temple, the King Baudouin Stadium…

Mémorial Reine Astrid - Memoriaal voor Koningin Astrid

Saint-Josse: a bubbly micro cosmos

Saint-Josse can be described with a lot of superlatives: the smallest of Brussels’ communes, the most densely populated, the youngest and the most multicultural too.

La Folle Chanson - Jef Lambeaux

Schaerbeek: What a hotspot!

Schaerbeek is a Mecca for architects and a Garden of Eden for hikers. From beautiful residences to elegant boulevards, art is all around here, in all its forms.

Schaerbeek - Maison communale / Gemeentehuis Van Ysendyck

Uccle: green elegance

Uccle is a commune of contrasts. It’s home to luxurious mansions and former workers' houses, meticulously designed parks and vegetable gardens and elegant restaurants and small, popular cafés...

Parc de Wolvendael - Wolvendaelpark

Unmissable architecture walks

Architecture walks in brussels.

Are you an architecture buff? These itineraries will transport you back to the periods that shaped Brussels into the city it is today.


Bike tour through Uccle: modernist architecture

A bike ride along the most beautiful modernist buildings of Uccle. An architectural trail along numerous dream homes with modernist linework.

architecture-moderniste-Louis Tenaerts-uccle

Brutalism: six gems for fans of architecture

Brussels has its fair share of impressive architecture. Here are some of the most beautiful brutalist spots in the capital, for those who are in need of a contemporary architecture fix.


10,000 steps in Schaerbeek

This time we're heading to Schaerbeek. The commune is teeming with sites with rich histories. You'll discover countless architectural gems, iconic spots, remarkable churches and oases of greenery, along with committed and innovative initiatives!

église Saint-Servais - Sint-Servaaskerk - © - Jean-Paul Remy, église Saint-Servais - Sint-Servaaskerk - © - J

Arty walk from Flagey to Villa Empain

From the Belle Epoque to the 1930s, and from the remains of an old abbey to contemporary sculpture and street art, we offer you a walk that will shake up your everyday and give you a warm and welcome boost.

visit brussels wandelingen

A poetic walk that criss-crosses through Brussels

You cannot argue with the power of words. Our city is a bearer of many messages; the poetry of words is everywhere.

J'existe - © - Jean-Paul Remy

Strolling through the centre of Brussels

This route is dotted with historical monuments to the city centre's rich history. It may not be the greenest part of the capital - for that you need to head to Brussels Park and the gardens of the Mont des Arts - but there is plenty of public space for an invigorating stroll. Street art and historical architecture coexists beautifully in the city centre, and you'll find plenty of welcome doses of culture, literature and anecdotes!

Marché aux Poissons - Vismet - Fontaine Anspach - fresque Bozko - © Jean-Paul Remy, Marché aux Poissons - Vismet - Fontaine Anspach - fresque Bozko

Sunday strolls

A sunday in the dansaert – sainte catherine neighbourhood.

A neighbourhood full of design, culture and coffee bars.

Rue du Rouleau - Rolstraat - © - Jean-Paul Remy

Sunday in Flagey

A cosmopolitan crossroads in the heart of Ixelles.


Sunday in the Marolles

The most authentic neighbourhood in Brussels.


Sunday in the Châtelain-Bailli neighbourhood

Trendy concept stores and Art Nouveau facades.

Église de la Sainte-Trinité - Kerk van de Heilige Drievuldigheid - © - Jean-Paul Remy

Historical walks

Historical stroll: in the footsteps of charles v in brussels.

In Brussels, the reign and presence of Charles V have left many traces that are still visible today..

Palais du Coudenberg - Paleis op de Koudenberg

Historical stroll: the Solvay family

The Solvay family and how they left their mark on Brussels

Hôtel Solvay - Solvayhuis - Solvay House

In the European Quarter

The european quarter.

Brussels's cosmopolitan (and cultural!) district

Maison de l'histoire européenne - Huis van de Europese geschiedenis - House of European history

Brussels, 24 hours in the European Quarter

Discover our 5-step itinerary and immerse yourself, for a day, in the authentic and diverse European Quarter where languages and cultures coexist beautifully. Are you ready to burst the "European bubble" and shatter any preconceptions you might have had about this neighbourhood?


Brussels by bike

Want to get off the beaten track? Discover Brussels’ many facets by bike and enjoy its countless different atmospheres in total freedom.


  1. 11 Very Best Things To Do In Brussels

    visit brussels wandelingen

  2. 10 Top Things to do in Brussels Attractions and Much More!

    visit brussels wandelingen

  3. Visit Brussels on a trip to Belgium

    visit brussels wandelingen

  4. 15 best places to visit in Brussels

    visit brussels wandelingen

  5. 10 Awesome Things to Do in Brussels, Belgium in a Day @VisitBrussels

    visit brussels wandelingen

  6. Top Tourist Attractions in Brussels

    visit brussels wandelingen


  1. Wandelingen

    Wandelingen. De beste manier om Brussel te ontdekken? Dat doe je al wandelend. Gewoon je neus achterna of met onze doe-het-zelf-wandelingen, want zo leer je enorm veel bij. Over de diversiteit aan wijken, de geschiedenis, architectuur en noem maar op. Er zijn zoveel manieren om de stad te lezen. En het is bovendien nog goed voor je gezondheid.

  2. Wandeling 2

    Een onvoorstelbaar art- nouveaupand uit 1905 met in het midden een van de mooiste ramen van Brussel (samen met dat van het Saint-Cyrhuis van Gustave Strauven, op het Ambiorixplein). We lopen de Marconistraat in om een aantal sociale woningen in art nouveau en eclectische stijl op nummer 32 te bewonderen, ontworpen door Léon Govaerts.

  3. Wandelen

    Wandelingen en fietstochten. ONTDEK DE STAD IN BEWEGING. Verken Brussel op eigen houtje met de stadstochten van UiTinBrussel: wandel- en fietsroutes in alle wijken en windrichtingen, samengesteld door straffe gidsenorganisaties. Geen roze bril, maar een enthousiaste kijk op de geschiedenis en het dagelijkse leven, de troeven en uitdagingen van ...

  4. De 10 mooiste wandelroutes in Brussel

    Wil je wandelen in Brussel en meer van dit gebied in België ontdekken? Voor deze gids zijn we onze volledige verzameling van wandelingen en routes in Brussel nagegaan om jou de beste wandelroutes in de regio te presenteren. Bekijk echte tips en foto's die zijn geüpload door andere gebruikers, om jouw ideale hike in Brussel te vinden. Klik op de wandeling om alle info te zien en vind de ...

  5. De perfecte wandeling door Brussel (5,4 km)

    Vandaar deze zelf samengestelde wandelroute van een dik uur: de perfecte wandeling door Brussel. We beginnen onze wandeling bij een centraal punt. Het centraal station. De buurt rond het centraal station is niet meteen de aantrekkelijkste coté van Brussel, maar dat verandert snel. Slechts 300 meter verder komen we het eerste hoogtepunt al tegen.

  6. Wandelen door Brussel

    Wandel in Brussel vanaf het station. De gratis wandelroute door Brussel start bij het Centraal Station en brengt u direct langs een aantal beroemde bezienswaardigheden. Vanuit het Centraal Station wandelt u over de Kunstberg, een helling in het historische centrum van Brussel, waar u de Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten kunt zien.

  7. Do you know the Art Nouveau walking map created and ...

    It offers you the possibility to do 5 Art Nouveau walks in Brussels on your own! You will find information on emblematic buildings, on known or less known architects and on the various materials of Art Nouveau construction! ... - At (Rue Royale 2, 1000 Brussels) - At the bureau and hotel van Eetvelde (Av. Palmerstonlaan 2, 1000 ...

  8. Originele wandeling in Brussel: op wereldreis in onze hoofdstad

    Reis rond de wereld. Wij kozen voor de populairste wandeling van het moment: Reis rond de wereld. Brussel is immers een melting pot van zo'n 180 nationaliteiten wat er voor zorgt dat je zintuigen maximaal geprikkeld worden tijdens deze tocht. Plaats van de afspraak is het Europakruispunt vlakbij het Centraal Station van Brussel.

  9. Top 16 Hikes and Walks around Ville De Bruxelles

    Browse the best walks around Ville De Bruxelles - Stad Brussel and see interactive maps of the top 16 hiking trails and routes. Hiking around Ville De Bruxelles - Stad Brussel is one of the best ways to experience more of the landscape, although finding the right route is not always easy.

  10. Your Self-Guided Brussels Art Nouveau Walking Tour

    Now let's go discover the art nouveau houses in walk tour Loop #2! Brussels Art Nouveau tour houses #1, 3. 1. Cauchie House (5 Rue des Francs) The Cauchie House is a beautiful example of Art Nouveau architecture and design. It was designed by Paul Cauchie, a Belgian architect, in 1905 as both a home and a studio.

  11. Reisroutes

    Het noordwesten Brussels: heilig hart van de stad. Rond de prachtige basiliek ligt een lappendeken aan wijken. En in dat lappendeken komen alle paradoxen van onze hoofdstad tot leven. Het noordwesten Brussels: heilig hart van de stad Louiza: als de muren konden praten

  12. Top 10 Hikes and Walks in Brussels

    Quelle - Jachtdreef loop from Wezembeek-Oppem. Intermediate Hiking Tour. Good fitness required. Easily-accessible paths. Suitable for all skill levels. to see even more hikes in Brussels. : Browse the best Hikes in other regions. Browse the best walks in Brussels and see interactive maps of the top 10 hiking trails and routes.

  13. The 15 Best Things to do in Brussels, Belgium

    15. Dine on moules-frites and Belgian fries. When in Brussels, you have to try the local specialties (chocolate aside!), which include the two classic Belgian dishes moules-frites and Belgian fries. Moules-frites is best described as the Belgian national dish, and it consists of mussels served with frites (or fries).

  14. 11 things to know before going to Brussels

    4. Use the metro, trams and buses to explore the city. The STIB/MIVB runs almost all of the public transport in Brussels and it's easy to get across the city, although the further from the center you go, the more difficult it gets. You'll find ticket vending machines in the metro and main tram or bus stations.

  15. 19 Best Things to Do in Brussels

    Holly Johnson December 1, 2023. Ranking of the top 19 things to do in Brussels. Travelers favorites include #1 Grand-Place, #2 St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral and more.

  16. Wijkwandeling: Zavelwijk en Marollen

    Het is ook een smaakwandeling die je langs patissiers en chocolatiers zoals Wittamer en Pierre Marcolini voert. Alle info over deze wandelroute vind je op onderstaande kaart! Ontdek onze wandeling. Duur van de wandeling: 2,5 uur. Startpunt: tram 92 en 93, halte Kleine Zavel.

  17. The Best Hiking Trails in Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (Belgium)

    Distance. 37.34mi. Elevation +. 1575f. TrailRank. 51 | 4.33. View more photos. 'Green walk' around the perimeter of Brussels. Difficulty rating only due to distance and the amount of road walking, otherwise the trail is almost completely flat, well marked and easy.

  18. Brussel

    Ook een nieuwe cultuursite in volle wording, met pixelmuseum en de expositieruimte voor tijdelijke tentoonstellingen, bv. Parade in 2020, met beelden van Koenraad Tinel (tot eind nov 2020). Avenue du Port 86C, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium. Kunstzinnige wandelingen in Brussel.

  19. 13 best things to do in Brussels

    Drink a beer in a brown cafe. Cramped seating, smoke-darkened wooden panels, and an extensive (but tasteful) beer list are defining features of classic Belgian "brown cafes.". Tables packed with friends laughing into the early hours are proof: having a beer in a brown cafe is one of the best things to do in Brussels at night.

  20. Visitors

    Once again, the collaboration between the Brussels-Capital Region,, and RTBF via its Tipik media has resulted in an impressive lineup featuring Ofenbach, one of the most popular French electro duo's worldwide, social media stars TRINIX and local heroes such as Alex Germys, Emjie, and Raql! The following day, the Brussels Park ...

  21. Best time to visit Brussels

    Fall Season: September to November. Best time for foodies. Travel to Brussels in autumn, and you can literally taste the changing seasons. Wild boar and roast pheasant replace light summer menus, while farmers' markets proffer baskets of fresh mushrooms picked from local forests. It's also prime mussels season, making fall an ideal time to ...

  22. Walks

    Brussels, 24 hours in the European Quarter. Discover our 5-step itinerary and immerse yourself, for a day, in the authentic and diverse European Quarter where languages and cultures coexist beautifully. Are you ready to burst the "European bubble" and shatter any preconceptions you might have had about this neighbourhood?