Covering the performing, visual, cinematic and literary arts in Kansas City

baar art journey and residency

Arts News: International BAAR Art Journey and Residency makes American debut in Kansas City

“Love and Loyalty ll,” by BAAR Art Journey and Residency artist Atiye Afolabi is part of the “Berlin Files: Unapologetic” exhibition. (BAAR Art Journey and Residency)

Kansas City will be the first stop in the Americas for the Berlin-based international artist residency and exhibition, BAAR Art Journey and Residency, when the exhibit “Berlin Files: Unapologetic” stops at three Kansas City galleries this summer.

The residency was founded “to protect, foster, and amplify the talents of emerging and established African Diaspora and Latinx, and overlooked artists who have limited access to mainstream art markets, gallery representation, and/or integration into institutional collections,” according to its founder, Jewell Sparks, an investor, global business strategist and art collector.

At its core, BAAR provides artists of color with opportunities for wealth, growth and safety that often come easier to their white counterparts.

“Berlin Files: Unapologetic” took shape last year as a group of three Black artists from the Americas moved to Berlin to create work in an artistic cocoon of sorts, away from their country of residence and the pressures and prejudices that exist there.

“During BAAR Art Journey and Residency, artists created works of art over a six-week time period as they experienced European cultural immersion, freedom of creative expression, and tapped into their authentic selves outside of their countries,” Sparks explains. The visiting artists stayed and exhibited at the Berlin residential partner, Stiftung Starke. Additional artists from around the world, including Kansas City’s Harold Smith, joined in a hybrid format by participating online and adding work to the BAAR Art portfolio.

Owner and executive curator of Habitat Contemporary Gallery, Robert Gann, was instrumental in organizing BAAR’s tour in Kansas City. “I’m pretty excited to be a part of this process because Kansas City doesn’t get a lot of international attention,” Gann explained. “That’s why I tried to bring this program to KC because we need to be on the radar. We have so many great artists. We’re a cultural hub that often people consider to be a flyover state.”

Gann collaborated with fellow curators Kimi Kitada of Charlotte Street and Wolfe Brack of InterUrban Arthouse. Their three venues will host the exhibit.

“Berlin Files: Unapologetic” includes figure paintings, textiles, abstract multimedia and wall-length paintings with sweeping brushstrokes. The pieces show the individuality of the artists as well as the connections they made with each other in Berlin. Each work exemplifies the idea of being unapologetically true to oneself. The year-long tour following the residency is an opportunity for these artists to grow their audience and thus their financial stability.

Participating artists include Luli Okedoyin, A. Stoyke, Adana Tillman, Atiye Afolabi, Alphonce Odhiambo, Carolina Romillo Marin, Carl Hazlewood, Cory Ford, Dior Thiam, Djuneid Dulloo, Hamisi Mwangome, Francisco “Totem” Perez, Nanette Carter and Rafaella Braga.

“I’m always thrilled to be introduced to new BIPOC artists, some of whom are self-taught or exhibit more widely in Europe,” Kitada said. “I’m particularly excited to see the hand-dyed details of Adana Tillman’s textile works, as well as the masterful paintings of Alpha Odhiambo.”

As the exhibit tours, additional artists are added to increase opportunities for even more overlooked artists. Sparks says, “The goal is to have a portfolio of 20 artists per year over a five-year time period. Our ArtPreneur(c) program at the end of the journey is to help increase financial literacy amongst creatives in order to maintain sustainable careers as creators.”

Keeping in line with this mission, Kansas City-based artists Kwanza Humphrey , Miguel Rivera, Harold Smith and Sumire “Skye” Taniai were selected to exhibit alongside BAAR residents. Two of them will be chosen to continue the rest of the tour throughout the country and back in Europe.

“I think the premise of the BAAR Art Journey is a powerful and important one,” said Wolf Brack. “While things are improving, artists of color often have and still do face difficulties finding space, opportunities, and representation in mainstream institutions and art markets. By having these works tour and show in prominent spaces, this exhibition bolsters artists’ resumes with opportunities they might deserve but never have access to. It’s also a step towards ‘normalizing’ artists of color in all art spaces. It reminds the world that BIPOC art and art depicting people of color isn’t always just niche “Black art,” “Asian art,” or “Latino art” meant only for those who identify with these groups. It is also just ART, a part of the greater human experience and worthy of being enjoyed, supported, and consumed by everyone.”

“Berlin Files: Unapologetic” will be on view July 7 – Aug. 25 at Habitat Contemporary Gallery, 2012 Baltimore Ave.; Charlotte Street, 3333 Wyoming St.; and InterUrban ArtHouse, 8001 Newton St., Overland Park. Jewell Sparks and Nerman Museum director JoAnne Northrup will host an artist talk from 6 to 8 p.m. July 20 at the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, 12345 College Blvd., Overland Park.

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baar art journey and residency

Emily Spradling is an adult English-language instructor, freelance writer and founding member of the arts/advocacy organization, No Divide KC. She is particularly interested in the intersections of art, culture and LGBTQ+ issues.

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Show: Berlin Files x BAAR Art Journey and Residency

Nanette Carter, Shifting Perspectives, 2022, Oil on mylar, 82.5 cm x 91.44 cm


10.11.2022 – 06.01.2023

Bode Projects

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Adresse: Stiftung Starke, Koenigsallee 30-32, 14193 Berlin

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Artist in Residence


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  • Schedule: 15 October 2022 - 06 November 2022
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Das ‚Herzstück‘ der Stiftungsarbeit bildet das Artist in Residence-Programm. Den Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten stehen Wohn - und Atelierräume für drei bis zwölf Monate zur Verfügung, Präsentationsmöglichkeiten für ihre Arbeiten in den stiftungseigenen Ausstellungsräumen, sie werden mit einem Aufenthaltsstipendium finanziell unterstützt und sind eingebunden in ein starkes Netzwerk.


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Antragsberechtigt sind alle Künstler bis zum 38. Lebensjahr. 

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Einen finanziellen Zuschuss gibt es nicht. Die Ateliers werden subventioniert, das heißt das für die Studios ein Energiekosenbeitrag bezahlt werden muss, der sich aus der jeweiligen Marktsituation ergibt.

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Die Aufenthaltsstipendien werden für drei bis zwölf Monate vergeben.

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Die Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten erhalten ein Aufenthaltsstipendium. Es umfasst kostenfreies Wohnen und Arbeiten in den Residenzräumen, die Möglichkeit zu einer eigenen Ausstellung (Solo- oder Gruppenausstellung) im Löwenpalais, falls die Arbeiten ausreichende Qualität aufweisen.

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Um sich für ein Stipendium zu bewerben, müssen folgende Unterlagen in Deutsch oder Englisch digital eingereicht werden.

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Die Aufenthaltsstipendien werden durch die Kunststiftung Starke auf Entscheid einer unabhängigen Jury vergeben. Die Bewerber erhalten schriftlich eine Mitteilung über die Entscheidung. Entscheidungen werden nicht begründet.


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Galeria Senda

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Lab36 and Yurbban Trafalgar host BAAR residency's art

Gallery , 15 February, 2023

baar art journey and residency


15.02.2022 – 30.03.2023 

BERLIN FILES – UNAPOLOGETIC is a traveling art exhibition of the BAAR Art Journey and Residency program which took place in Berlin, Germany from October – November 2022.  Works will be exhibited in the city of Barcelona February 15 – March 30, 2023 and available for public viewing at the following venues: The Cover, Senda’s Lab36 Gallery collaborating with Yurbban Trafalgar . 

baar art journey and residency

The works on view are inclusive of American artists who  resided at Stiftung Starke during their residency, and other visual artists who participated in the BAAR Art Journey and Residency program, in a hybrid manner from across Europe and Africa. Out of 180 applications from African Diaspora, LatinX, Asian, and German artists across the globe, BiTHOUSE GROUP, the creators of BAAR Art Journey and Residency selected seven residency (actual and hybrid)  participants and five BAAR+ Includes artists  (underrepresented and hidden treasures in hybrid format). Artists were asked to identify two works of art created both during and/or post pandemic and to create two works during a six to eight week time period.   

BAAR Art Journey and Residency was founded by Wilhelmina Jewell Sparks in order to  protect, foster, and amplify the talents of emerging and established underrepresented, African Diaspora and  LatinX artists who have traditionally had limited access to mainstream art markets, gallery representation, and / or integration into institutional collections. The program was created to  challenge traditional art market dynamics in order to increase creator equity, generational  wealth and redefine attitudes and mindsets pertaining to what is considered good art,  quality art and mainstream contemporary art. Studies show that psychological safety allows  for various degrees of risk – taking, creativity, and fearlessness, these elements have been  known to lead to market breakthroughs (Harvard Business Review) and this was the  motivation behind creating BAAR Art Journey and Residency.  

baar art journey and residency

The curator of this exhibit, Jewell Sparks, challenges viewers to look beyond what is seen with the naked eye and imagine the transformative state that each artist experienced during their stay in Berlin, their transformation during the pandemic, and their exploration of self and heritage as they create unapologetically. Artists were challenged to ask themselves the following questions as they created works over a six to eight week time period: What would you create if you reflected the impacts of the pandemic and the exploration of your personal journey as a creative? How much does one’s environment impact their creativity? These questions were answered  and embedded into the canvases of the artists who are part of the traveling art exhibition which is currently being exhibited in Barcelona at: The Cover, Lab36 , and Yurbban Trafalgar .

BERLIN FILES includes works by BAAR Art Journey and Residency participants: A. Stoyke (Berlin), Adana Tillman (Atlanta), Alphonce Odhiambo (Nairobi), Carolina Romillo Marin (Berlin), Carl Hazlewood (Brooklyn), Cory Ford (New Jersey), Hamisi Mwangome (Berlin), Francisco “Totem” Perez (Berlin), Nanette Carter (New York), Rafaella Braga (Berlin). BAAR+ Includes artists: Alfred Mueller ( Pforzheim), Rebekka Macht (Berlin), Doriana Diaz (Philadelphia), Josephine Sagna (Bayonne), and Marina Rayzuki (Berlin). 


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Lab36 and yurbban trafalgar are hosting the baar art journey & residency.

BERLIN FILES – UNAPOLOGETIC is a traveling art exhibition by the  BAAR Art Journey and Residency  program that took place in Berlin, Germany, from October to November 2022. The works will be exhibited in the city of Barcelona from February 15 to March 30, 2023, at The Cover club, and at  Yurbban Trafalgar  in collaboration with the  Lab36  gallery.

Mrs. Julyssa Reynoso, a mbassador of the United States, visits LAB 36

Within the BAAR Art Journey - Unapologetic exhibition, we were delighted to receive the visit of the Ambassador of the United States, Mrs. Julyssa Reynoso, with whom we shared some of the works of this programme whose main objective is to create a more inclusive and not so Euro-centric artistic context. Ambassador Reynoso also visited the exhibition Paraíso Artificial (Artificial Paradise) with the artist Jordi Gispert Pi.

baar art journey and residency

About BAAR Art Journey and Residency

Among the exhibited works are those of American artists who resided in Stiftung Starke during their residency, as well as other visual artists who participated in the BAAR Art Journey and Residency program. The exhibition presents a hybrid showcase of artists from across Europe and Africa.

Out of 180 applications received from artists of African, Latin, Asian, and German diaspora from around the world, BiTHOUSE GROUP, the creators of BAAR Art Journey and Residency, selected seven participants for the in-person and hybrid residency, and five for BAAR+. Artists were asked to identify two artworks they had created during and/or after the pandemic and to create two more works over a period of six to eight weeks.

BAAR Art Journey and Residency was founded by Wilhelmina Jewell Sparks with the aim of protecting, fostering, and amplifying the talent of underrepresented emerging and established artists of African and Latin diaspora, who have traditionally had limited access to major art markets, gallery representation, and/or integration into institutional collections.

The program was created to challenge the dynamics of the traditional art market, with the purpose of increasing equity for creators, generating wealth, and redefining attitudes and mindsets related to what is considered good art, quality art, and conventional contemporary art. According to studies, psychological safety allows for varying degrees of risk-taking, creativity, and courage. These elements lead to advances in the market (Harvard Business Review), and this was the motivation behind the creation of BAAR Art Journey and Residency.

About "Unapologetic", the exhibition

The curator of this exhibition, Jewell Sparks, challenges viewers to look beyond what meets the eye and imagine the transformative state that each artist experienced during their stay in Berlin, their transformation during the pandemic, their exploration of themselves, and their heritage as unapologetic creators. Artists were challenged to ask themselves the following questions while creating works over a period of six to eight weeks: What would you create if you reflected the impacts of the pandemic and the exploration of your personal journey as a creative? How much does one’s environment affect their creativity?

These questions were answered and embedded in the artists’ canvases that are part of the traveling art exhibition currently on display in Barcelona: The Cover club,  Lab36 , and  Yurbban Trafalgar .

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Crossroads Arts District

Kansas city's creative neighborhood, artist talk: harold smith with baar art journey (jewell sparks), kwanza humphrey and wolfe brack.

baar art journey and residency

Join us at the Studios on August 16th, for an Artist Talk with Harold Smith in accordance with the BAAR Art Journey and Residency Program. Kwanza Humphrey and Wolfe Brack will also participate in the artist talk and artwork from other KC artists who are a part of the international BAAR Art Journey will be on display.

The BAAR Art Journey makes art created by underrepresented, female, African Diaspora, LatinX and culturally diverse artists more accessible and visible to mainstream art constituents and communities. Learn more:  https://www.baargallery.com/

5:30 – 6:30pm: Artist Talk with Harold Smith. Harold will discuss his journey from educator to artist and take us through a progression of his works.

5 – 8pm: Open Studio visits with Harold and other resident artists

The Studios Inc Exhibition Hall and Gallery will remain open throughout the event to feature our for-sale selections for the Studios’ Summer Fundraiser.

Neighborhood Tourist Development Fund

Site design & development by

Lagom Design

thumbnail image


© 2023 BAAR Art LLC and BiTHOUSE PROJECTS are a subsidiary of

BiTHOUSE Venture Group - UNITED17 Inc New York . Berlin . San Francisco . Austin . Basel

BiTHOUSE Projects Fund (ArtPreneur workshops and Residency Fellowships)

a fiscally sponsored 501c3

Philanthropic Ventures Foundation

Tax ID number 94-3136771



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    BAAR ART JOURNEY. Over the next 12 months, works from the BAAR ART Residency and BAAR+ Includes. (underrepresented artists with their own studios whose works we feel are representative. of who they are unapologetically) travel across the globe. BAAR ART partners with local traliblazers in order to bring. artworks to spaces and places who are ...

  2. BAAResidency

    BAAResidency provides art residency and resource services for artists of colour, collectors, institutions, and VIP preview events during art fairs and openings. We have a transatlantic residency program for Black artists to provide reflection and exposure of their work to Europe. We focus on art and artists of the African Diaspora. BAAR (Black Art Access and Residency) was founded by Jewell ...

  3. Arts News: International BAAR Art Journey and Residency makes American

    (BAAR Art Journey and Residency) Kansas City will be the first stop in the Americas for the Berlin-based international artist residency and exhibition, BAAR Art Journey and Residency, when the exhibit "Berlin Files: Unapologetic" stops at three Kansas City galleries this summer.

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  5. UNAPOLOGETIC Art Journey + Residency (@baarartjourney)

    There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. Reload page. 2,190 Followers, 7,501 Following, 257 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from UNAPOLOGETIC Art Journey + Residency (@baarartjourney)

  6. BAAR- Art Journey and Residency

    We focus on art of the African Diaspora and art created by underrepresented groups. Our artist residency program starts in 2022. Sign in to see who you already know at BAAR- Art Journey and Residency

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    BAAR Art Journey and Residency, based primarily out of Berlin, Germany, was created for African, African Diaspora and LatinX artists and/or those whose life and work has been influenced by African Diaspora or Latin cultures. Due to the recent success of ultra-contemporary art, the program is primarily intended for emerging artists. ...

  8. "Raising the BAAR" in Art, Culture, and Society

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  12. BAAR Art Journey and Residency

    BAAR Art Journey and Residency. 21 likes. We are a traveling art journey and exhibition for emerging artists who participate in our residency.

  13. Unapologetic

    BAAR Art Journey and Residency is the brainchild of Jewell Sparks who currently lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Unapologetic is organized by BiTHOUSE Projects Fund c/o Philanthropic Ventures Foundation / United17 Ventures in collaboration with Stiftung Starke. Curated by Wilhelmina Jewell Sparks, BAAR Art Journey and Residency, the ...

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  15. LAB36 and Yurbban Trafalgar are hosting the BAAR Art Journey & Residency

    BERLIN FILES - UNAPOLOGETIC is a traveling art exhibition by the BAAR Art Journey and Residency program that took place in Berlin, Germany, from October to November 2022. The works will be exhibited in the city of Barcelona from February 15 to March 30, 2023, at The Cover club, and at Yurbban Trafalgar in collaboration

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    In 2019 we started to build our artist portfolio to make an impact and increase diversity, equity and inclusion in the arts. BAAR Art Journey is a traveling art exhibition of the residency program which takes place in a hybrid manner. We "bridge the gap" by introducing 20th century artists of colour and women to the market as the taste in the ...

  17. Artist talk: Harold Smith with BAAR Art Journey (Jewell Sparks), Kwanza

    Join us at the Studios on August 16th, for an Artist Talk with Harold Smith in accordance with the BAAR Art Journey and Residency Program. Kwanza Humphrey and Wolfe Brack will also participate in the artist talk and artwork from other KC artists who are a part of the international BAAR Art Journey will be on display.

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    ART JOURNEY. WHO. PORTFOLIO. DIVESITY IN ART. HOW. FOUNDER. COMMUNITY. ABOUT. BASEL. SUPPORT A RESIDENT. ... A Few Featured Works from our BAAR Journey Portfolio . Danielle Scott. Give Him Flowers, 2023. Adana Tillman Sorglos, 2022. ... (ArtPreneur workshops and Residency Fellowships) a fiscally sponsored 501c3. Philanthropic Ventures Foundation.


    Stiftung Starke alongside BAAR Art Journey and Residency present Berlin Files: Beyond the Naked Eye from April 28 - June 10, 2023. The intimate preview takes place on Friday, April 28 from 6 - 8 pm. Works exhibited are from three emerging artists who participate in the BAAR - BiTHOUSE Projects art journey and residency program.

  20. WHO

    support a resident. art journey. who